Dear KAG: 20211117 Open Thread

Unfortunately, in cropping that image, the artist was cut out.

Back to camels next week.

It’s like listening to Ying and Yang critique me warming up. She likes to sing along. He would just bark. I miss that dog.

Somebody actually went there when it comes to AIDS and vaccine researchers.

Man, he said it. I actually looked up how to stay sane during a war. Seriously. The mental toll is not just on the people living in fear, but on the rest of us watching what the people who live in fear are willing to do not to live in fear, and suffering the consequences.

This has been posted before, but needs a replay. Um, Merrick Garland, can you say “discovery?”

In field competition, does this mean points are taken off? (Watch to the end.)

Have a good day y’all.

(I don’t remember who brought this to a daily in the comments, but thanks.)

And, of course, the obligatory George Carlin:

Per the Boss:

And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:

Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone

Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.

Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.

Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there. The “Rescue Thread” is also over there. In the event a rendezvous of the tree is needed, please check it out, as well as the newest rescue venue.

Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.

One other vital note:

Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.


MATTHEW 25:31-40

31“When the Son of man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne. 32Before him will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate them one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, 33and he will place the sheep at his right hand, but the goats at the left. 34Then the King will say to those at his right hand, `Come, O blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; 35for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, 36I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ 37Then the righteous will answer him, `Lord, when did we see thee hungry and feed thee, or thirsty and give thee drink? 38And when did we see thee a stranger and welcome thee, or naked and clothe thee? 39And when did we see thee sick or in prison and visit thee?’ 40And the King will answer them, `Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.’

Do not be afraid to take a chance on peace, to teach peace, to live peace. Peace will be the last word of history” – St. Pope John Paul II

Holiness is this profound contact with God, becoming a friend of God: it is letting the Other work, the Only One who can really make the world both good and happy. — Benedict XVI

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.

Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, first responders and those working behind the scenes…and any and all people with family members in the hospital, COVID or not.

Wolf Moon

July 6, 2021 17:07
Thanking everybody for your patience. Whether happenstance, coincidence, or enemy action, I’m dealing with some technical issues. In addition to those, and the obvious spiritual attacks, I am dealing with the obvious site stuff in what are best maintained as unobvious ways.

I suspect we struck a nerve.

A combined technical / spiritual / strategic response by all of us will prevent this attack from succeeding. Hold the line – bite the bullet – gird the loins – bite the lip – pray for guidance, discernment, and strength – whatever YOU believe keeps the ship aright for the moment. Everything else is lower priority.

In that spirit, the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel from Tuesday’s threads, and the Breastplate of St. Patrick, not to mention the Litany of Humility are favorites recommended by exorcists in spiritual warfare.

And I thought the music situation in my Church was bad. The text isn’t the issue here.

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hey it’s me again! 1st?


You can’t be first unless you know the password or have a super wolfm00n decoder ring.

Last edited 3 years ago by pgroup2

Ha! don’t interrupt this important message or you’ll the leftist gestapo at your door.


I wonder if DePat could comment on it while it was still in draft….

Deplorable Patriot



(🤫 The password this week is vaniloquent.)


  :wpds_arrow:   :wpds_wink: 


Cropping out the artist is better than running through a paper shredder.

Cuppa Covfefe

Or an HP Shrinter [ultra high-security printer 🙂 ] (H/T
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I’m going to bed. Y’all behave yerselfs, m’kay?



*fingers crossed behind back*


Hi! part II
I was a stellar citizen all day Monday, but THEN around 8 🙅  sugar went through the ceiling again for apparently no reason. Back to ER after a 3-/12 hr working over by the brave staff, who put up with me 😩 
Monday morning got to the GP and got a script for new tech wear on your arm blood glucose thing that tests every time you want it to and sends a signal to another portable led screen that goes with you!
So currently doing all right.
oh, on another note to Wolf thinking about changing my name to TOGM ( the old grumpy man)


This sounds most unpleasant — and confusing, ’cause I can’t seem to work out the timeline here. Was it 8pm Monday, 8am Tuesday, or 8pm Tuesday that your sugar went through the roof? And I suspect you had to go to the ER first before the staff could get to you.

Do you now have one of these gizmos in your possession? Does it have a memory? Can it be hacked (in a good way) and your data copied to another device you own and control?


Does the gizmo stick you, or does it just read through the skin?


It has been well known for decades that J&J makes a TON of money from selling diabetes test strips — and it’s been an open secret within J&J that there is a way to test blood sugar with no puncture and no consumables and that someday these test strips will be thoroughly obsolete.


Right again, tech has advanced considerately in the last 30yrs or so. J&J has some other competitors these days, but I’m willing to say the shareholders probably own about them all


It sticks, but in your upper arm. lot less painful than piecing all your fingertips
when your testing in as much as 5 times within an hour, torture!


Yeah I butchered this comment, lack of editor skills. Timeline was start Sunday night,
start Monday night and then:
To the ER: Sunday night, then again Monday night.
Finally home as of now, around the first minutes of Tuesday AM.
You got the first sentence in your reply correct!
Relish your sanity 😁 


So glad you’re getting some things to help you stabilize. Thanks for the reports!


Thanks 😀 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Glad you’re OK! Take it easy and get better.

I’ll deal with that validation job – consider that done!


Wise Wolf and Thanks!

Sadie Slays

Thanks for the update!


Doing my best to live a little longer 😁 


Good plan!


So currently doing all right.

Oh thank goodness! And thanks for letting us know.
 😍  😊 


Thanks and top o’ the morning wheatie!


Wow. Glad you are ok.


What fresh hell is this ?


That’s going to be their next pandemic. They’ve been talking about smallpox for months now. And from what I understand, the only smallpox left in existence is in government labs. So if it happens, we’ll know exactly where it came from.

I don’t suppose those smallpox shots we got when we were kids will still work, will they? I’ll be damned if I take the new variety they probably already have up their sleeves. Well, at least this time my mother should be immune. She actually had smallpox when she was a kid.

Last edited 3 years ago by Linda

I’m dreading this. How many times can they show us how evil they are ? The new smallpox vax going to be manufactured at the Gates/Soros company labs ?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There is NO NEED for any modernization of the smallpox vaccine. Anybody that comes up with some new mRNA or viral vector DNA shot changes to it needs to be thrown into a dungeon under Fort Detrick.


go ahead…

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Cuppa Covfefe

Trash compactor and then compost heap, aided by lime…


Lime kills the composting. Add more rich organic material.


I’m not sure they will actually cause a smallpox outbreak for this reason. We WILL KNOW exactly where it came from.

What the WILL do, is scare the shit out of people all the time, because fearful people are CONTROLLABLE.


Folks like me are bored with all of the Coviot stuff. AND, they promote “what if” Small Pox as a diversion. Look squirrel.

What are the bastids really up to?


There is quite a bit of history involving smallpox vaccines.

The usual story is that Jenner noted that milkmaids who had been exposed to cowpox, which barely makes people sick, were extremely resistant to smallpox, which kills about 30% of the people who get it. So he found some particularly weak cowpox and intentionally infected a boy with it, after which the boy proved to be immune to smallpox (which only infects people).

In reality, inoculation (taking material from smallpox scabs and introducing it to the skin of another) was known and used in the 1500s. Since smallpox was generally spread in the air, with people inhaling large quantities of virus into all corners of their lungs, its victims would be slammed by massive infection and replication right at the core of their circulatory system. Inoculation made for a slower and more localized infection that produced a durable sterilizing immunity with far less (though non-zero) chance of death.

It is true that Edward Jenner published his paper on cowpox/smallpox in 1798, calling cowpox “Variolae vaccinae” (smallpox of the cow — from the Latin “vacca”, cow). He’d been working on using cowpox to protect from smallpox since at least 1796.

But, such being the style of the times, there were itinerant “doctors” rolling around their “medicine wagons” doing inoculations and selling medications before Jenner’s paper came out. After his paper came out, they got a sign painter to add a line to the offerings written on the side — “vaccinations”. There being no way of ordering cowpox samples for overnight delivery in those days, they’d stop by various farms along their routes to see what they could collect…..and sometimes they weren’t too picky.

After these early years, public health officials worked out who had the best materials for these “vaccines” and standardized on one, which went into mass production and was used throughout the world until the 1970’s.

It was only in the last decade or so that anyone ever sat down with a full DNA analysis of this miracle cure that had eradicated an ancient plague…..and discovered that it should not have been named after a cow, because the protective virus was actually horsepox. We should never have been vaccinated, we should have been equinated. The jackleg “doctors” in their wagons had discovered that horsepox worked better and was safer, but kept it as a trade secret.

That being said, any biowarfare release of “smallpox” will likely have been modified so that 1970 vaccinations won’t work.


True. They’ll come out with another horrible mRna vaccine. What do you want to bet that all vaccines will be mRna in the future?


There are better odds that both the CDC and FDA will be reduced to smoking holes-in-the-ground after all their leaders are rounded-up and hung.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s my solution, too. Wuhan has to go, too.


Don’t forget the Euro crowd — the French guy that yanked HCQ off the OTC shelves should get something special.


I imagine the elites have all been protected from a weaponized smallpox outbreak. The rest of us will be their victims.

Dear God, please stop them! Have mercy on us. Amen.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



They may think they are immune, but history has plenty of counterexamples.


As a BTW — the reason that you have that “smallpox ring” if you got “vaccinated” way back when is that you actually had a case of horsepox in the skin of your arm and got a “pox” there. It never went very far because you aren’t a horse (unless ivermectin is involved) and your immune system had enough time to jump ugly all over it before it became a systemic or circulatory infection.

Barb Meier

I have a question about those little rings on our arms. Mine healed as a bump that gradually leveled after years. Other people I know had the circles but theirs were sunk in and I suppose eventually became level with the surrounding skin. Other than knowing I was always a little different, I wondered why.


Luck of the draw.


Yep. They are priming us for smallpox vaxxes.

God only knows what will be in them.


That RFK Jr. clip is pure gold, and the one about the deaths of the AIDS researchers is both interesting and disturbing. I’m so glad people are looking into those things. Too many people have gotten away with too much, and continue to do so.


Here is more about RFK Jr.:
He wrote a book:
The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health
More from JoNova:
Anthony Fauci and a trillion dollars worth of power and corruption… « JoNova (

Anthony Fauci and a trillion dollars worth of power and corruption…

He’s the highest paid public servant in the US, and has been in the job for decades, and he’s been able to direct nearly a trillion dollars worth of funding. Last year, he helped infect America when it could have been stopped, and this year he’s keeping life saving cheap safe drugs away from patients and their doctors.

Robert F Kennedy Jnr has just launched a sizzling new book called “The Real Anthony Fauci”. I haven’t got a copy yet, but the launch interviews are radioactive. Even worse than the Beagle experiments reported just two weeks ago, are the allegations of experiments on Dominican Orphans, and on sick Americans.

Will The Real Anthony Fauci be able to keep his job?

The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health

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The notes below are from a transcript from an interview of Joseph Mercola and Robert Kennedy.

Here’s what I would say to people. We have to stop this. This is the hill that we all have to die on. 

Kennedy claims the patterns repeat decade after decade. Cheap drugs are blocked, while expensive profitable drugs are promoted. Everyone in the chain gets rewarded, except the patients and heretic doctors who get stonewalled and sacked, or potentially very sick.

Fauci is the highest-paid federal employee in the U.S., and 68% of his $437,000 a year salary comes from bioweapons research

Instead of safeguarding public health, Dr. Anthony Fauci turned the National Institutes of Health into an incubator for pharmaceutical products, and essentially sold the entire country to the drug industry

Fauci has had a hand in creating the vaccine gold rush. In 2000, he met with Bill Gates, who asked to partner with the NIH in an agreement to vaccinate the world with a battery of new vaccines. In 2009, this agreement was rebranded as “The Decade of Vaccines,” the objective of which was to implement mandatory vaccinations for every adult and child on the planet by the year 2020.

Philanthropy Capitalism sounds like a cross between the Bankers and the Greens:  Too Big To Fail, and too sacred to criticize.

The cloak of charity is a shield against serious investigation.

“Gates calls what he does philanthropy capitalism, [the idea that] you can use philanthropy to make money. He had a foundation where he has sheltered $50 billion in tax-free money. And, he continues to have absolute control over it. He uses that money to gain control of public health agencies in our country and the World Health Organization.

He’s created a lot of his own [organizations] with Dr. Fauci and a lot of these quasi-governmental agencies that people think are governmental. They’re actually front groups of the pharmaceutical industry like GAVI and SEPI …

He uses this battery and this control of the WHO to set pharmaceutical or medical policy, public health policy around the globe, in a way that maximizes the profits from his stakeholding in these big pharmaceutical companies.

The US government takes most of the risk, does a lot of the advertising, and guarantees the profits:

U.S. taxpayers funded the research while drug companies have made an estimated $100 billion in profits from the shots in a single year, all while having zero liability for injuries and deaths even as people are being coerced into taking them.

It can’t be good to put any one man in charge of such a huge pot of gold:

…between Fauci, Gates and the U.K. Wellcome Trust, they control 63% of the biomedical research on earth through their funding. Over his career, Fauci alone has distributed more than $930 billion in research grants through the NIAID. You could say they control all of it, really, because they also have the capacity to dry up funding to projects they don’t want done.


Fauci should be more worried about losing his head than losing his job.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think he figures that keeping the job is what will keep his head.

Interesting times.


I just got RFK’s book yesterday. Can’t wait to get started on it.

He is a true American hero and he is almost singlehandedly rehabbing the Kennedy name.


Great info, thanks!


Yet another lie from him. Probably one of those racist bridges too.
Something is really wrong with him, not just dementia.

Last edited 3 years ago by mollypitcher5

People of the Lie lose the ability to tell the truth. The Father of Lies is their master. Their end state is what you are seeing with Joe. They simply spew. They cannot help themselves.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Why do you feel bad for me? We’re journalists.”


Thank you for all these great nuggets tonight!


the spaghetti of insanity..

ASS’t DA Thomas Binger, the main clown…

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Kyle Rittenhouse Prosecutor Might Have Broken The Law {Felony !} With AR-15 Demonstration

read more, at the link..



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He absolutely broke the law. As I mentioned in a prior thread, the bailiff should have shot his happy ass as soon as he pointed the rifle at a person in the courtroom with his finger on the trigger.

If Binger were only wounded, a great follow-on would be “Kyle, if you would, please make the rifle safe.”

Last edited 3 years ago by cthulhu

An innocent Rittenhouse still faces the prospect of life in prison because a jury that knows he did nothing wrong is terrified their lives could be ruined for finding him not guilty.

This is the America that the Left wanted to create, and it’s here.
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Cuppa Covfefe

Doesn’t need to be there. He’s living in all of them.

And will welcome them to their eternal fiery home in hell, unless they learn and turn.

Deplorable Patriot

Once this is all over, they’re going to have to bring in the exorcists. All of them at once.


Andy Ngo is one damned fine journalist.


I wonder if ‘Jump Kick Man’ realizes that he was the one who was supposed to get shot….

Deplorable Patriot

And this from yesterday’s thread looks more realistic.

H/T Tona

Two interesting tidbits directly from Kyle’s defense attorney in his closing argument. One, Joseph Rosenbaum, who was carrying his belongings in a hospital bag, as if he had just been released from a mental health facility, and who was said to have just been released from a mental health facility, and who himself said on video he had just been released, “and wasn’t afraid to go back,” has no record of having been at any mental health facility or detention center, and neither the defense or the prosecution can account for his whereabouts prior to the riot. So the defense tried to locate where this guy came from, or where he was in the weeks prior to the riot, to show he was a mental headcase, but they couldn’t locate any info, despite him clearly having been under a hold somewhere, dealing with therapists of some sort and believing himself he was locked up. Make of that what you will.

Two, Gaige Grosskreutz was brought into the hospital amblulatory and conscious, but in shock with his bicep blown off, and somehow he ended up admitted as an anonymous patient with no name, so his best friend couldn’t find him when he went to be with him. I doubt Gaige was thinking clearly enough in those frantic moments to request he be listed as a John Doe. I doubt the hospital, getting a rush patient in from the riots with his arm blown off, thought to hide his identity as they were trying to wheel him into emergency surgery. So how did he end up anonymized, even days later?

Now suppose the riot was a complex intel operation, being run from an underground command center many miles away, by intel professionals watching events live on their TV screens, like feeds from numerous “streamers” like Gaige who were running around with their phones, streaming the riot. Suppose that command center was giving orders to their operatives on the ground in the riot through hidden earpieces, using bounced signals from locally positioned repeaters brought in by “Antifa” commanders. Imagine the plan for that night was to make an example out of some patriot who was armed, to counter the images of armed patriots in body armor protesting the Cabal, and make those guys look less scary. Suppose that command center picked Kyle out of the video streams during the early moments of the riot, because he was clearly young, out of shape, naive to how things worked, and looked like a Cherry these seasoned Cabal assets could roll over.

In the trial we learned, that at just the wrong moment, whoever was protecting the CarSource suddenly bailed with no explanation as the crowd moved in (the defense said it in closing). Then, one of the “leaders” of the armed patriots asked 17 year old Kyle to go down there to take the position, and at the same moment, Kyle’s “buddy” in the buddy system the patriots were using, who had been assigned to him earlier (a forty something Army vet), suddenly disappeared inexplicably from the side of the 17 year old kid he should have felt responsible for. So Kyle was suddenly alone and could not find him, just as the order to head to CarSource came in. So Kyle went toward the CarSource alone on orders, where Joseph Rosenbaum was hiding behind a car waiting, and where the FBI had just moved its overhead drone and aviation units to that location to record everything that was about to happen.

They brought in the pros for Kenosha.


What. The. Actual. Fuck.

In Shock Closing-Statement, Rittenhouse Prosecutor Claims Teen “Lost The Right To Self-Defense” By Carrying Gun

a lot more, here…

 👉  The Second Amendment ? anyone ??

Binger : You lost the right to self-defense when you’re the one who brought the gun.

YES…we’re paying attention, asshat.

surely, so is that jury ?


the judge dismissed the only firearm-related charge… Count 6…”unlawfully carrying a weapon”, under 18…that’s out..

but Kyle still faces 5 other charges.


YouTube has stopped streaming the trial…over “policy violations”…

more + videos, twitter…at the link.

what a fucking charade of incompetence..

Last edited 3 years ago by smiley2
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Thank you!



FBI Investigating Vials Labeled “Smallpox” Found In Lab In Philadelphia

article link…


 👉  at the Merck facility outside Philly.

FBI & CDC are investigating “questionable vials” labeled “smallpox” found in a freezer last night, according to an “alert” sent to DHS on Tuesday night.

 👉  15 vials

5 labeled “smallpox”

10 labeled “vaccinia”

story is developing.

FBI, CDC making no comments

 👉  who found them and sent that “alert” ?

 👉  and…where’s Fauci ? Gates ? in Philly ??


it only takes one person to hang a jury

Kyle Rittenhouse Asked To Step Outside And Defend the Courthouse While Verdict Is Being Read

(satire) link…


…because, regardless of the verdict, there will be riots.

Sadie Slays

Calling GAIL and WOLFMOON:

This screenshot making the rounds claims that the injections suspiciously similar to a horse sterilizer called porcine zona pellucida (PZP). CEO of Pfizer happens to be a veterinarian. Figured you both might be interested.

Here’s another link to the screenshot in case it doesn’t post properly:
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks. Very interesting.

This would really explain a LOT at all levels – at both a very high level and a a low and granular level.

It even explains things I never thought would be explained, like why Fauci doesn’t give a damn about natural immunity and recoverees. He would have to figure out some way to ignore that – like just brazening it out. And it explains Pfizer covering up data and burning the control group on the virus.

This matches up with McCullough’s suspicions. Yeadon’s suspicions. And Biden’s insane mandate policy.

Also the “bad lots” that target red states. And Cuomo sending the disease into nursing homes – pure depopper desperation – take the old out first.

And Cankles talking about nooses if Trump got elected.

And China going to the wall on letting the virus out.

Pfizer hiding the distribution data.

If there was a global secret agreement to lower population, THIS would be the most obvious means they would use to try to do it.

That’s why it was all so preplanned, too. Oh, this makes so much sense. They had to have a “good” reason for it.

I think they were adulterating lots with some kind of analogous human contraceptive vaccine.

Oh, man, these people are evil.


Could this be proven? Can someone test the vaccines for this?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This explains why Gavin Newsom’s wife won’t vaccinate his kids.


I read the whole thing including comments. Hirsch replies to a lot of them.

Excellent read and when you compare the videos you can see that Gavin was injured by the shot.

Also, Bell’s Palsy can take weeks to fully resolve and sometimes people never get full recovery…their eyes don’t match, lopsided smiles , etc.


Sadie Slays
Thanks for bringing this. It confirms that Dr. Albert Bourla is a veterinarian, which some of us here have been posting for weeks, and the (very likely) connection to the use of a sterilization agent (for population control) in the “vaccines”.
Here’s an interesting little thing going on right now:
“COVID-19 Vaccine and Ovarian Reserve”
Being conducted at Sheba Medical Center, Ramat-Gan, Israel
Study Began: February, 2021
Estimated Study End: February, 2022
No Results Published yet

This is a study of women in Israel who were “vaccinated” to see what effects the “vaccine” has on their ovaries.

Last edited 3 years ago by RDS
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Over night update:
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This is why they need the $Trillion here and $Trillion program there. They need to pay off all the the billionaire supported/created ‘Non-Profits’:

Welcome packet reveals concierge travel service for Biden illegals, courtesy of nonprofits | Just The News

Welcome packet reveals concierge travel service for Biden illegals, courtesy of nonprofits

Hotels, free plane tickets, an airport escort and a plea for TSA to skip normal ID check. 

Like travel agents preparing customers for a cruise, nonprofits working with the Biden administration have created detailed itineraries and information packets to help illegal aliens travel to wherever they want to go in the U.S., according to documents obtained by a Texas congressman. 

Often courtesy of American taxpayers struggling to pay their bills during surging inflation, illegals are given free quality hotel rooms, plane tickets and transportation to the airport, travel maps, and instructions to TSA to bypass photo ID requirements, according to the documents shared with Just the News.

The prototype packet, which was provided by a whistleblower to Rep. Lance Gooden (R-Texas), undermines Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ claim that the southern border is closed. Instead, it highlights an extensive network of nonprofits, corporations and family foundations working together to circumvent immigration laws passed by Congress.

The packet provided by Gooden to Just the News details a travel itinerary of a 46-year-old Honduran who entered the U.S. illegally in California, one of thousands assisted by the San Diego Rapid Response Network, which identifies itself as a “coalition of human rights and service organizations, attorneys and community leaders dedicated to aiding immigrants and their families in the San Diego border region of the U.S.” 

One of its partners, Jewish Family Services, which did not immediately return request for comment, appears to have arranged the Honduran’s travel, according to the documents.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Not a good look.

Cuppa Covfefe

From that San Diego Task Force’s website, it’s no wonder we’re getting invaded – just have a look at all the groups in on it. These are some of the organizations helping and encouraging illegals, and, by extension, coyotes: 😡 😡 😡

2-1-1 San Diego

ABA Immigration Justice Project

American Civil Liberties Union of San Diego & Imperial Counties


AFT – Immigration Committee City College

California Western Community Law Project

Casa Cornelia Law Center

Casa Familiar

Catholic Charities of San Diego

Center of Community Solutions

City Heights CDC

CSA San Diego County

Employee Rights Center (ERC)

International Rescue Committee – San Diego

Jewish Family Service of San Diego

Legal Aid Society of San Diego

Linda Vista Community Center

MAAC Project

North County Immigration Task Force

Parent Institute for Quality Education (PIQE)

Price Philanthropies

San Diego City College

San Diego Unified School District

San Diego Organizing Project

SEIU Local 221

SEIU USWW – San Diego

South Bay Community Services

Survivors of Torture International

Vista Community Clinic

And this is their activity for just the week of November 1-7 2021… just think of 52 times that!
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And here is their letter to Bye,Done, Newscum, Piglosi, and all the rest of the libturds from The California Welcoming Task Force;

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Cuppa Covfefe

And here are the signatories to that letter (in the pdf). So all those non-profits are indeed profiting others, with OUR money, for THEIR gain… which will eventually be used against US (and the USA)…

ACLU of San Diego & Imperial Counties
Albergue Mana
Albergue Temporal Casa Arcoíris, A.C.
Al Otro Lado
Alliance San Diego
American Friends Service Committee
American Immigration Lawyers Association – San Diego Chapter
Arts no borders ARTIVISMO
Asylum Access México (AAMX), A.C.
Asylum-Seekers Sponsorship Project
Bay Area Asylum Support Coalition (BAASC)
Binacional Migrante Aztlan
Border Kindness
Border Line Crisis Center
Borderlands for Equity
Buen Vecino
CA Collaborative for Immigrant Justice
Calexico Methodist Church/ Asylum Seekers Program
Calexico Union Against Corruption
California Latinas for Reproductive Justice
CARECEN SF – Central American Resource Center of Northern California
Carnaval Morelense USA
Casa Cornelia Law Center
Casa de Luz
Casa del Migrante – Tijuana
Casa Familiar
Catholic Charities Diocese of San Diego
Center for Justice & Reconciliation, Point Loma Nazarene University
CETYS Universidad
Chicano Federation
CLUE- Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice
Coalicion Binacional vs Trump
Coalición SOS Migrantes
Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA)
Cobina Albergue la Posada del Migrante Mexicali
Confederación Internacional de Mexicanos en el Extranjero
Congregation Sherith Israel Social Action Team
Contra Viento Y Marea, El Comedor Comunitario
Courage California
Desayunador Salesiano Padre Chava
Desert Support for Asylum Seekers
Efecto Violeta- Migración Afectiva
Employee Rights Center
Embajada Migrante
Environmental Health Coalition
Espacio Migrante
Federación Jalisco Sur de Calif.
Fuerza, Amigos de Aztlan
Fundación Centro para Migrantes A.C.
Fundación Regalando Amor
Galilee Center
Georgina y sus Ángeles que Ayudan A.C.
Grupo de Ayuda para el Migrante de Mexicali A.C.
Haitian Bridge Alliance
Hand in Hand: The Domestic Employers Network
Immigrant Defenders Law Center
Immigrant Family Legal Clinic, UCLA School of Law
Imperial Valley Equity & Justice Coalition
Inland Coalition for Immigrant Justice
Inland Empire Immigrant Youth Collective
Innovation Law Lab
International Activist Youth
Jewish Action San Diego
Jewish Family Service of San Diego
Justice Overcoming Boundaries in San Diego County (JOB)
La tía, gestora cultural
Madres y Familias Deportadas en Acción
Maternal and Child Health Access
Metropolitan Area Advisory Committee
Ministerios Cristianos La Nueva Jerusalem AC
Mujeres Unidas y Activas
National Lawyers Guild of Los Angeles
Neighborhood House of Calexico, Inc.
Organización México Americana para el Desarrollo, A.C.
Public Counsel
Pueblo Sin Fronteras
Refugee Health Alliance
Safe Harbors Network
San Diego Immigrant Rights Consortium
San Diego Organizing Project
SEIU Local 221
SEIU-United Service Workers West
Services, Immigrant Rights & Education Network (SIREN)
South Bay People Power
Southern California Immigration Project
Survivors of Torture, International
TU casa Sanctuary
University of San Diego Mulvaney Center
Volviendo a la Patria A.C.



Cuppa Covfefe

And a few of those organizations have Aztlan in their names. Aztlan, which is the dream of “La Raza” and “Reconquista”, to retake the mythical land of Aztlan which they (the Mexicans and their invaders) claim was stolen from them.

In point of fact, we WON that land from them, and then (stupidly) paid for it as well. No wonder the USA has the rep as an easy mark, as described in “The Mouse That Roared” and “The Mouse On The Moon”. Simply declare war on the USA, lose, and your country will be completely rebuilt, indeed, improved by the generous gringos…

Gail has written extensively on Aztlan, maybe she’ll add more (and correct me 🙂 )…

A (super-liberal) family member works for an organization that helps “immigrants”. I haven’t asked if they’re legal or not, but my suspicion is that they aren’t. Supposedly it’s family services and a school, but it seems that no-one there (of the students,etc.) speaks Ingles, erm, English…
😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, that 1954 non-profit code needs to be blown sky high. It’s money laundering under the guise of philanthropy.


Thanks Wolf Moon, this mirror image sure is a lot better than me looking into the mirror this morning!  :wpds_shock: 


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Dr. Zelenko is looking to develop an OTC treatment for smallpox. God bless this man! He knows what they are up to.


The audio on the clip is bad — lots of “echo”.
IMO, Dr. Zelenko looks and sounds tired. Clearing his throat a lot.
Please continue to pray for him.


Kenosha Residents Paint Their Doorposts With ‘Black Lives Matter’ In Preparation For Verdict

Kenosha Residents Paint Their Doorposts With ‘Black Lives Matter’ In Preparation For Verdict | The Babylon Bee
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KENOSHA, WI—In order to protect their lives and homes, Kenosha residents are painting “Black Lives Matter” over their doorposts just in case local Antifa communist rioters don’t like the Rittenhouse verdict and decide to burn the city down again. 

“We hope this small gesture of fealty to the Antifa enforcers will keep us safe,” said Dale Cheesehead, local husband and father of 4. “Perhaps they will see the graffiti on my doorposts and spare my firstborn son, as well as my three other kids, my wife, my dog, my cars and my house. Please don’t burn down our house Antifa!” 

Experts are warning that unless Kyle Rittenhouse is found guilty, Antifa will torch the whole place to protest the self-defense killing of 2 white attackers, in order to demonstrate that black lives matter.

CNN is even warning that protests could be even worse than last year, when they were mostly peaceful. “If Rittenhouse isn’t found guilty, we may even see partially non-peaceful protests this year,” said one anchor. 

Other residents have opted out of painting their doorposts, and will instead hire Kyle Rittenhouse to protect them. 


<sarc Yes this will definitely help them /sarc>

What makes these people think they will not be targeted.

The point of this Soros funded goon squad, BLM, is not black lives (they have proven this in many cases) it is to create chaos and riots to divide people, so that the Facist / Globalist like Soros can come in later to present themselves as the saviors.

Cuppa Covfefe

Dale Cheesehead…

Typical BB 🙂

Hard to tell if it’s satire anymore…


Is Ron DeSantis Copying Trump?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I know that Jim Renacci is promising to be another DeSantis! Somebody should be copying DeSantis!!!


If you haven’t watched yet, here is Mike Lindell’s interview with RealPOTUS:
Mike Lindell’s Historic Interview With President Donald J. Trump | Frank Speech the Home of Free Speech


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A horse-zebra mix.
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What would you call it…a horbra?
A zorse?


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Cuppa Covfefe

He’s speaking of the eye of Sauros…

And he’s absolutely correct.

Amazing how we’re being schooled by the former East Europe. Seems we can’t tell the commies from the normies anymore; and they, having suffered through it for decades, can just about smell it without having to even look…

Poland is hanging tough, too. GOD Bless, help, and strengthen them and Hungary (and Orban and Bolsonaro on the other side of the planet) too…



Cuppa Covfefe

A zorse is a zorse,
Of course, of course… 🙂


Unless, of course, it’s Norse.


Of course, of course ..


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Amen. Gorgeous picture Itswoot .. ❤️



^^^ The irony, “Protected”. ^^^

Yet they can still catch Covid, give Covid, croak from Covid AND have Covid injection injuries.

Cuppa Covfefe

More like “Defected”, or maybe “Defective”… 😡 😡 😡 😡


And every single “booster shot” will further degrade whatever immune systems they have left. Leaving them wide open to any opportunistic infection, viral or bacterial.
Dr. Rochelle Walensky knows how “vaccine-induced” immune-system degradation works. One can only assume that she’s OK with it.


Maybe the next step is to hook the vaxxers up to IV drips with a vest set-up so they can go out and about.


𝕁𝕠𝕖 𝔹𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝕕𝕚𝕕𝕟’𝕥 𝕨𝕚𝕟.
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Phuck Joe Biden…and all the Bidenistas who are trying to destroy our country!


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very cool !

creative minds

caveat : do not try this in Alec Baldwin’s yard

Cuppa Covfefe

Now I’ve got the ewok theme going through my head, and I can’t get rid of it!

Thanks, Wheatie!!!!! 🙂

Here ya go…

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

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Please remember Poland in your prayers.


Escalating Attacks on Poland
WARSAW, Poland ( – Poland’s prime minister is calling on the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to help stay the influx of tens of thousands of migrants gathering at Poland’s eastern frontier.



[video src="" /]


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Gibraltar has cancelled official Christmas events and urged people to avoid gatherings to combat an “exponential” spike in COVID cases despite its entire adult population being fully vaccinated.


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Barb Meier

Let’s see. I would say we are at number 8 but then there were the five democrat governors sending covid patients into nursing homes, so we’re at number 10. Number 9 will get worse though probably.


Verse of the Day for Wednesday, November 17, 2021

“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” 

Matthew 7:15 (KJV)

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The lady behind Biden. More bad fakery.


another uplifting episode of The Clap

The Le Clap

Last edited 3 years ago by smiley2

Update on DH: doing a bit better. Temperature down to almost normal, oxygen back to 99 (was 98, sometimes dipped a bit below that), still coughing a bit.

Interesting visit to doc for PCR test.

-Negative: People had to stand in line outside in the cold to wait their turn for the test. I came back feeling sick and I am the healthy one! A couple hours in front of the wood stove and I feel better.

-Positive: DH asked doc about Ivermectin and mentioned the success in Uttar Pradesh and also the hospital near us that is affiliated with FLCCC. Doc wrote everything down and said he will find out about it! He was a young one I didn’t recognize, could be just an intern. He said it looks like DH is on the mend. Won’t get the test results until tomorrow, but doc said with 2 positive self-tests, it is pretty much a given that he is positive.

Sent all the info to our kids, who are worried, including the treatments I am using and the websites I got them from (FLCCC, Zelenko and others). Hoping this will turn out extremely positive and help convince them they have no need of a vax/booster, as there are treatments that work! One daughter wrote back and asked what strength H2O2 we are using in the nebulizer. I don’t know if she is curious or afraid I am blasting her dad’s lungs with something dangerous. Sent her the website. Problem is, all my daughters are in the medical field. Still, they should know by now that I always do my research before trying anything “crazy”.


Here is an excerpt from Dr Levy on H202 real world experience with 20 patients:

As she already had some experience with treating colds and flu among friends and family with the HP nebulization, along with what had worked well in her own personal experience, she began all of her “COVID patients” on the following protocol of HP nebulization:

  1. Several milliliters of undiluted 3% hydrogen peroxide was placed in the nebulization chamber that was connected to a tabletop air compressor/pump-style nebulization machine.
  2. Nebulization was initiated with a mask covering the nose and mouth to deliver the nebulized HP into the nose, sinuses, throat, and airways.
  3. Each nebulization was continued for a full 30 minutes. Three treatments a day were given for a full five days.

All of the patients reported significant improvement after the completion of the first 30 minutes of nebulization, including near-immediate improvement in the ease of breathing by those who had the most advanced infections. Some noted nasal and throat irritation with increased mucus production, but all declined the option to dilute the 3% solution as they expressed the desire to resolve their infections as rapidly as possible. After the first two days of nebulization (6 treatments for a total of 180 minutes) all patients felt much better, well on the path to complete resolution of their viral symptoms. At that time some opted to take a 50% dilution (1.5% HP) for the remaining nine treatments over the last three days. At the end of five days, all 20 patients appeared to have achieved complete clinical cures.
Of note, very little to no vitamin or mineral supplementation was taken by this group of patients. And the few who supplemented took substantially lower doses than taken by many in the United States. For example, a typical maximal supplemental dose of vitamin C in Colombia is 500 mg, and even the cost of this makes meaningful supplementation simply not a realistic possibility for most Colombians.


Thank you. We have been doing much less concentration and duration. And still it has been helping already. I will save this information in case we or others need it! I think I looked at Levy’s book online, “Rapid Virus Recovery”, but I find this short summary more helpful.


Randomly reassigned my ass!

Not only was Judge James Boasberg the judge that signed off on the third extension of the search warrant that contained the fraudulent Steele dossier as its primary evidence to support it….. James Boasberg was also the “randomly selected” presiding judge in the criminal case against Kevin Clinesmith, the FBI lawyer who doctored emails to deny that Carter Page was a CIA asset in order to justify the warrant.

Judge James Boasberg was also the presiding judge in the media lawsuit seeking the James Comey memos the FBI and DOJ refused to release. It was Judge Boasberg who ruled the DOJ could keep the Comey memos hidden from the public (link) to protect the integrity of the Robert Mueller special counsel investigation. Robert Mueller was also put in place to cover up the illegal political surveillance (ie. “Spygate”) that was also the primary purpose of the fraudulent search warrant.

But wait, it gets worse… Robert Mueller filed the final renewal of the fraudulent warrant (June 29, 2017), and it was Judge James Boasberg signed it.


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Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

Outside the courthouse a mob of pre-staged Black Lives Matter (BLM) and FBI-supported ANTIFA agitators are shouting “no justice, no peace” – “if Kenosha don’t get it, burn it down,” and threatening to destroy the city if the jury does not adhere to their demands and convict Kyle Rittenhouse of murder.

While the FBI is supporting the activity of Antifa, according to local media, 500 national guard members are on standby to protect the city from them and the Black Lives Matter mobs.  The Rittenhouse trial sets the stage for an interesting conflict between the FBI jackboots and the Wisconsin National Guard.

It is interesting how the city of Kenosha did not form a perimeter around the courthouse keeping the mob away from the steps. There is a park across the street which was previously used for protests as the police guarded the building. However, today, for some seemingly curious reason, the local authorities are allowing the protesting mob and their bullhorns to conduct their agitation activity on the steps to the courthouse.



Funny how they are allowing the mob onto the steps of the courthouse.

We need to be watching thise case very closely now,

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Breaking News- OSHA has suspended vaccine mandate

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OSHA has suspended the vaccine mandate
Alex Berenson33 min ago 185

In the wake of the Fifth Circuit stay that found it likely to be struck down as unconstitutional.
This means that if your employer tells you the Dec. 4 deadline is a federal requirement, your employer is lying.

Epoch Times covered it:

Deplorable Patriot

Like someone on Twitter said, sad that the government obeying a court order is breaking news.


Deplorable Patriot
Deplorable Patriot


The FBI-GESTAPO raided Tina Pieters, the elected official from Colorado, the one who took the before and after image of the election machines to preserve the election data (show nat Mike Lindell’a Cyber Symposium), house yesterday.
They showed in full tactical gear and even had a battering ram to break the door.
They actually used it at one off the other houses of other individuals who are also involved with with election fraud investigations.

The worst thing Tina Pieters is actually a Gold Star mom. Her son died in the line of duty at 27 years.

Tina was interviewed on Bannons War Room today.

This is the episode drom yesterday (will post todays episode with Tina herself once it it is posted on Rumble)
Episode 1,418 – Garland Counterterrorism Team Targets America’s Moms; Raid Election Whistleblowers (


I thought the state already did search warrants. Either way these are clearly intimidation tactics. They even used the a battering ram on one home’s the front doors.
Print version with some depth.


Here is the War Room video with Tina Pieters:
Whistleblower On Raw Use Of State Power Speaks Out (


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We’ve seen lots of photos of the Capitol Hill Police being in the chambers with him when taking his selfies. Apparently it was not so egregious then as they did absolutely nothing. In fact they left after seeing he was not a threat. What changed? Did they find out he left chewing gum under the desk?


An outbreak of smallpox or anything similar, whether real or faked, would make good cover for the jab die off when/if it starts in great numbers.


This really is where I am at. Surprised that it was written and published. The whole article is excellent.

“Call me a softy, but I’ve always tried to avoid the word “hate.” Lately though, the revulsion and anger I feel every time I see a video featuring ANTIFA borders on that very thing. I feel a physical tightening of the muscles and an immense desire to be in the scene at that very moment. When I see one of those chumps taking a swing at whoever they’re targeting, the zealot in me comes out and I want to see justice done right now, by my own hand. No doubt the exact same zealot has come out in the ANTIFA scumbag at that precise moment; our respective zealots simply carry an entirely different worldview.

Such is the nature of war, and I believe wholeheartedly that the United States is currently in a war between good and evil within our own shores. Like everyone else involved in this war (and we all are), I’m certain that my side is the “good” side. For this reason, I simply have no tolerance whatsoever for anyone on the other side. I don’t want to hear from them. I don’t care what they have to say. I share no relation to them in any way and refuse to entertain any thought that I might. And they feel exactly the same way about me.”

I know many people who feel the same, sadly. But this is real. It is the same sentiment that was across the country for the Civil War. Families divided over States Rights, and to some degree, slavery.

We are here. And it’s not going away.

Deplorable Patriot

It’s funny, this year both sides of my mother’s family got together. One was an actual reunion, the other a memorial thing. We sat and visited. No politics, no clot shot talk, nothing along those lines. The French/Swiss/Bavarian side talked food, travel, memories of the farm and such. The Spanish side talked cars, retirement and various other things.

In my circles, these are the only groups that don’t talk politics and COVID.


I’m glad you have that. It’s important.


Totally and without any doubt agree with all of this.






Barb Meier

This reminds me of years ago when a young girl was murdered and buried in a black trash bag by some reprobate. I remember the girl’s dad was shown during the trial and I was so impressed at how straight and steady he remained. It must have been so difficult not to lose composure and harm the murderer right there in the courtroom. I had so much respect and compassion for the parents of that little girl. Then we had to survive the insulting and evil Obama+ doings and I would tell myself to stay straight and steady.


I am doing alright. I just don’t want anything to do with any liberal person whatsoever.

I want a national divorce.


I feel very similar. It will take a generation or two before letting bygones be bygones.


other nationalities keep their grudges for millennia!


Rumble — Clay Clark’s ReAwaken America Tour in San Antonio.
“The Professor” David Clements talks about the need to Fix 2020 or Bust.
You can find the Professor at
Official telegram channel:
Official Rumble Channel:
The Professor’s Record with David K. Clements

Ex-Professor Promotes Forensic Audits … and an Election Fraud Board-game? (

Deplorable Patriot

Yep. The professional protesting riot mob is just as organized as ever.


This right here should be the justification to disperse all crowds now, not later. The intent is obvious. If they don’t do that then the city or NG should be removing them ( bricks) NOW.

Last edited 3 years ago by mollypitcher5

How about somebody taking the bricks away so the thugs can’t get to them? How about preventing as much damage as possible? Just a crazy idea.

Deplorable Patriot

Just about anyone with a forklift can manage this.


two hands and a pickup truck is all I’d need. Nice walkway or patio… plus I guess the supply chain issues didn’t affect antifa


Yup, here’s hoping this happens ..




Yes, how about some real MEN with their heads screwed on straight go out onto the street and DO SOMETHING for Christ’s sake.


Why is that not illegal placing bricks for demonstrators unless the powers in charge of government are ok for damage to happen?
If I was a Major those bricks would be taken away as quick as they got there.

Cuppa Covfefe

Would be funny if a few trucks of Ready-Mix showed up with some quick set concrete or mortar, and cemented them all together 😀


… 🤨👍‼️😉😜

Deplorable Patriot

I like this idea.


  :wpds_twisted:   :wpds_twisted: 

Barb Meier

hahaha! Or build little brick outhouses along the thoroughfare.


Quicker and easier than picking them up by hand!


Prediction: Kyle walks, they riot, more Kyles show up.



Barb Meier

Free bricks. Perhaps list them on Craigslist?

Cuppa Covfefe

Put a sign on them, $200.00 per ton.

They’ll be gone inside of 10 minutes.

With no money put down 😀

(That’s not far from what a friend of mine did. He was moving, and trying to rid of some things that he didn’t want, and couldn’t transport. He had a grey sofa that he put on his driveway to get rid of. He put a sign on it, “Free for you to take away”.

No one took it. It just sat there. And sat there. And sat there.

I suggested to him that he change the sign to say, “This couch can be yours for $50.00”. So he did.

The couch was gone the next day…

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Deplorable Patriot

This is going to go for a while, methinks. This “trial” is not all as advertised. Something else is in the wind, IMO.

Sadie Slays

I’m of the extreme opinion that the original shooting video and subsequent trial are both fake. The entire thing has felt like a carefully produced movie script since 2020.

Miles Mathis has a new paper up (.pdf warning) looking into the genealogy of the people involved in the trial. I tend to be skeptical of his genealogy work, but I’ll give him credit for possible connecting the Rittenhouse prosecutor to a Air Force Major General specializing in irregular warfare.

Prosecutor Thomas Binger of the Bingers of Sioux Falls is related to Hirsch, Sell, Gustafson, Buckner,Covert, Chaplin, Huether, Gordon, Kolda, Weisbeck, Cass, Bonin, Eberle, Stroud, Visser, Schick, Wood, Price, Wagan, Rogers, Burton, and Brady. His aunt or cousin Michelle Binger has lived at Holloman AFB in New Mexico. Also see Air Force Maj. Gen. William Binger, who now works at the Pentagon. He specializes in . . . irregular warfare, counter proliferation, homeland security, and cyber operations. Wow. Which of those categories does the fake trial fit into? 

Last edited 3 years ago by Sadie Slays
Valerie Curren

Very interesting. Hope Aubergine sees this AND weighs in, given her genealogical expertise!


Idk what to think anymore

Valerie Curren

I say that almost every day. Along with I don’t Really know who to believe either!

Well I wanted to find the clip with the Romulan Ambassador uttering the previous line above, but this will have to do…

Last edited 3 years ago by Valerie Curren



Good news from AUS. There rolling out the gallows for Dan and the other slime balls.


Is this a bad thing ?


Looks good to me.

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed. “
– the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution

“A militia when properly formed are in fact the people themselves… and include all men capable of bearing arms. . . To preserve liberty it is essential that the whole body of people always possess arms. “
– Richard Henry Lee

“We have reason to be thankful to God for the success of the arms of the U.S. the last year of the war (of 1812), both at sea and land…[the enemy] sustained a most signal defeat at New-Orleans by a still less proportion of combatants, the great majority of whom were Militia, brave but undisciplined. By these events our Independence is strengthened and the American character exalted.”
– Thomas McKeon in a letter to John Adams, July 1, 1815


Great news by me.


Rittenhouse trial


Deplorable Patriot

You are watching a movie.

Now that I’m paying attention, I’m getting that vibe.


I watched the whole trial and it was very very strange.

Cuppa Covfefe

Trouble is, the popcorn is too salty, the candy bars are stale and too expensive, the nachos are soggy, and the drinks are too watery…

Oh, and who left all that bubble gum on the seats and the floor… .  🙃 


Sounds like you hang out in Skid Row grindhouses.


Valerie Curren

What is the significance. Should defense have gotten the file first or simultaneously, like a CC on an email?


Defense should have gotten the 11M HD version instead of the 3M lo-fi copy created 21 minutes later.

Valerie Curren

Thx CT 🙂


A baby’s laugh is a gift from God and pure unadulterated joy ❤️


I could just weep watching this.

Valerie Curren

Mr. Sandmann, bring me a dream team… 😉


Rittenhouse lawyer says they will ask for a mistrial.




It seems that they shouldn’t risk another trial. I don’t think the prosecution could do a worse job than they did in this one. On the other hand, maybe new evidence would make it a slam dunk for Rittenhouse.


Seems nutty to put their client back in limbo for possibly years before they retry. Nutty is too nice , seems stupid


Especially when this case is already a slam dunk and the only worry now is how the jury is responding to threats.


They trying to beggar the Rittenhouse family?


Just when you think you’ve seen it all….

Ivermectin only works because it kills COVID-carrying worms. Saying that ivermectin helped you with your COVID also admits that you’re worm-infested.

Last edited 3 years ago by cthulhu

You’re the tech guy what do you think about this, mix up or lies…


You’ll have to watch the fat guy from the start

Cuppa Covfefe

Actually there IS a COVID-carrying worm.

His name is Anthony Fauci…

And he needs to be drenched with THE TRUTH and THE JUDGEMENT and THE CORRECTION of ALMIGHTY GOD!!!



I have no idea what that is, but it must be significant.


Same !




According to twits, youtube censoring the vids of this. Pure political propaganda arm of the DemComs


sorry…repeat. deleted.

Last edited 3 years ago by holly

Don’t be sorry. I’m kind of robo posting too.


Essentially can change any video format to any other video format.

Cuppa Covfefe

For instance a “standard quality” format to a “low quality” format… compress lots of useful (indeed, needed) information right out of every frame…

To complete THEIR frame…

(Or else he’s ripping DVDs when he should be working)…..

Brave and Free

Gil001, or whatever that number is, lol, I hope and pray you are still getting better and get well soon.



Last edited 3 years ago by mollypitcher5

You left out “dumb as a stump” between up and race. 😂


hahaha…good call



Well, this is a first


POTUS 45 Statements


ICYMI: Did You Know…
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Barb Meier

hahaha… -gasp- hahaha!!


That’s a low estimate, IMO.



My vote — one of the body doubles

Last edited 3 years ago by RDS

Do you think putting on the mask hides his most distinct discrepancy with the original Brandon?


Not a double; it’s His Fraudulency.


Why are his doubles as goofy as he is ? Seems like they should try to act normal


Right. It’s because they’re not doubles.


Forget the mask..why the hell is she hitting up a swinger’s bar ? Have they run out of other weird sex groups to pander to ?


Just free booze and pr


LOL… right because this appears to be the latest in Dem PR…her at a swinger bar, kids at a gay bar, wish they would’ve gone to a ghetto rap dive bar

You sound chipper, feeling a bit better I hope ?


Feeling it little by little. RT said hes hearing a lot of air clearance in me. That crap is getting flushed out. Im eating better and at least get up on my own at bedside to go pee. I feel pretty icky needing at shower but the give me a fresh gown and these think warm wipes routinely. Plus i brush my teeth like crazy. Little freshening helps.
Watched Alladin on my phone. Cartoons, videos. Something easy.


Ongoing 🙏🙏🙏


Ty Bill.


She may be 90 but i hear she has the body of a 75 year old …


^^^ WOW! That’s a ringing endorsement. (Sarc)

AND, as LOONY as BiteMe. Neither can coherently string two complete sentences.

Barb Meier

now now, she is only 80… lol


She does have a nice figure but looks like she’d break in two if a strong wind blew. All the alcohol and pandoras box of fillers, hair dye and plastic surgery keep her together


I’d have though her only chance of getting laid was to reside at an allmale penitentiary


Not to intrude here, but you typed “penitentiary” when you clearly meant “asylum”.


Won’t let me like that but I do


Lucky duck.


Hoping that’s good news gil… if so please tell.
Oh wait.. that might be Depat’s lucky duck way up above…

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r
Deplorable Patriot

I think it can be read either way.


I like that duck! “I’m getting the duck out of here!”


Yes, lol, that lucky duck.


Apparently Minnesota can no longer wait for the Booster to be approved. They are prepared to approve it themselves according to this. Besides the rise in CV cases they site the waning of the vaxxx. As clear an admission that we’re likely to get that the vaxxx does not work, that the vaxxxed can catch it, transmit it, be hospitalized by it as well as die from it. Minnesota is not alone and democrats are getting scared.

Health Commissioner Jan Malcolm says Minnesota officials are so alarmed about the continued surge in COVID-19 cases that they’re ready to start allowing vaccine booster shots for all adults by the end of the week if the federal government doesn’t approve them first.

Buried in the middle of the story six paragraphs later the truthful admission.

Malcolm said she “would love to have more insight” into why Minnesota has turned into one of the county’s worst hot spots. One theory is that Minnesota’s rate growth has been slow and steady since mid-July and is high now because people have headed indoors as temperatures have cooled. She also cited the phenomenon of “waning immunity,” noting that the new surge has happened more than six months after many people were vaccinated.

That after all the other ways they use to hide the multiplicity of problems with the vaxxx.

There are way too many stories from so called reputable sources to hide from the public that are like this:

And now stories like this one from CNN. The vaxxx starts to wane after just two months.

(CNN)Two real-world studies published Wednesday confirm that the immune protection offered by two doses of Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine drops off after two months or so, although protection against severe disease, hospitalization and death remains strong.

The studies, from Israel and from Qatar and published in the New England Journal of Medicine, support arguments that even fully vaccinated people need to maintain precautions against infection.


I don’t recall any stats on the muslim population here in US getting the shot. Wonder if they’re big takers?


Interesting you should ask. Seems American Muslims are big hesitators, have been reminded about the Tuskegee Experiments and some one put pork in the vaxxx (animal products in the gelatin) so they don’t have to take it, because its not halal. Interesting article.

Similar info here (though article seems slanted against religious exemptions when it comes to Christian based faiths):

Meanwhile I’m not finding any charts by religion or for Muslims in particular or even rates in stories. A few that are reporting were from many months ago, reporting only for ages 70 and above and showed Muslims to be lagging well behind others.

All charts easily found are using ethnicity/race and not religion with Asians leading but it’s doubtful Muslims have allowed themselves to be classified as such and likely choose a variety of classifications as a tactic so as avoid being pigeon holed by statistics.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r

It seems like they would not be interested in “our” health mandates and it also stands that nobody anywhere is going to broach the subject with them or about them. Special status people


No. The most refusenik population. They worry about pork


Warms the cockles of my heart that the true believers are experiencing cognitive dissonance as they watch CNN.


Never hurts to see these clips again. Keeps the anger ice cold.


I was immune to smallpox as a baby, would I still be immune now? Since evidently (right on cue) some vials just happened to turn up in PA.


How do you know?
smallpox is pretty serious but goats have been weoponising it for years


but I wouldn’t put it past goats. Clever devilish critters


I never developed the big sore at the vaccination site. I have no scar. My mother and grandmother always said that doctors told them that meant I was immune.


I can’t even read stories like that. 😡 Where is the compassionate Left? Where is PETA?


The strange diseases and ailments are going to increase with all of the border crashers. Once they settle in and more family comes to stay or visit we’ll see things that are rare here.

Deplorable Patriot

First rehearsal in over ten years with fellow pro level people. And it felt so good.

Unfortunately, we were all masked up. The St. Louis Board of Alderman are a$$hole.


Steve Bannon did a short interview with Kane of Citizen Free Press on War Room today. CFP now has more page views than Breitbart. They monitor the news 18 hours a day, 365 days a year. It’s a good patriot site.


CFP does breaking news well, a great multitude of stories and allows comments.


Yes, I think the commenting capability is a real plus.


Depends on your commenting community, IYKWIMAITYD.


Yeah, IYKWIMAITYD they don’t do that.  🤓 


I just saw this posted on Next Door. It’s the propaganda the Oregon Health people are now trying to push. Grrrr. /smh

Visit Oregon Vaccine News to read how:

The risk of myocarditis is greater from COVID-19 than from being vaccinated.

Vaccine side effects are mostly mild when compared to the effects of COVID-19.

Getting vaccinated after having COVID-19 is beneficial. 

COVID-19 vaccines are unable to change DNA and do not cause infertility.

Every one of those points are a lie. Hopefully, they posted this because people aren’t falling for the BS.

Last edited 3 years ago by Linda
Deplorable Patriot

HOLY SCHNIKIES! This is REAL?????????


That’s a glaring admission that they’re trying to hide something.




Not Guilty. The Kenosha Hat Trick.