The author formerly known as ************ and now known as DePat is still being held away from this refuge of refuges by a combination of reluctant hardware and persnickety account software, but she is COMING SOON.
In the meanwhile, you may have to put up with “strange camel days”!!!

To quote DePat, “Back to camels next week” – and she was right!
Two-legged and four-legged wolves do seem to get along!
Are you getting ready for the holidays?

Well, there’s ANOTHER ONE before that, but before we get to it, you need your MID-WEEK MESSAGE of a religious nature.

Just in case anybody has any confusion about which side is “safer” to be on.
“Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.” Mark 13:31
And now, a message from……

OK. Let’s cover some news.
“Colorado was able to flip nine school boards this year. We were able to get one of our leftists to resign and we also flipped our school board in the election,” Bishop said. “And people like me are considered domestic terrorists now, because we don’t stand for the policies that have been forced upon our children.”

This was that woman who was “storm-troopered” by PERNICIOUS FIB.

For some great coverage of the OUTRAGEOUS story…..
But as we watch the Bidenazis [featuring Pavement Princess Pelosi, KAPO and FIB] going after parents, don’t forget what they continue to do to Trump’s supporters…..
Including Steve Bannon…..
This lady says that LISA MONACO is the OBAMA STOOGE who is really running these political partisan outrages out of Dodge and FIB.
I say we FRISK HER DIAPER for COMMUNIST BACKGROUND. Bet she’s double diaper of some sort.
Had enough?
And did you know that LOOTING is a bad word? Hat Tip SUNDANCE for this one.
And now for a word from this site’s long-term scientific credibility sponsor, the CLOT SHOT.
A Shocking Study on Vaccine Rates and COVID-19 That You May Have Missed
……and if you still aren’t shocked by MY interpretation of the results – “the vaccines are a total failure as a public health mitigation of the virus” – then just look at the title of the study.
Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States
European Journal of Epidemiology (2021)
Does that not compute?
Try this one on for size…..
It makes that one LOOK GOOD.

Yes, The Vaccines Double the Overall Death Rate of Teens, Young Adults, and the Middle-Aged
I mean, they can try to explain this away, but until they do, which they won’t, because they can’t, you may want to think twice about vaccinating your kids.
Still not convinced?
Let’s roll out our friend (or at least acquaintance) Karl Denninger!

Want 11% -> 25% Heart Attack Risk?
Here is Denninger’s “killer quote” from the research paper on COVID vaccination effects on cardiac risk scoring.
A total of 566 pts, aged 28 to 97, M:F ratio 1:1 seen in a preventive cardiology practice had a new PULS test drawn from 2 to 10 weeks following the 2nd COVID shot and was compared to the previous PULS score drawn 3 to 5 months previously pre- shot. Baseline IL-16 increased from 35=/-20 above the norm to 82 =/- 75 above the norm post-vac; sFas increased from 22+/- 15 above the norm to 46=/-24 above the norm post-vac; HGF increased from 42+/-12 above the norm to 86+/-31 above the norm post-vac. These changes resulted in an increase of the PULS score from 11% 5 yr ACS risk to 25% 5 yr ACS risk. At the time of this report, these changes persist for at least 2.5 months post second dose of vac.
Let’s just add the title of the “sciencey” paper so that you really believe me.
Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning
Originally published
8 Nov 2021
Circulation. 2021;144:A10712
Seriously – read enough of this stuff, and Pseudo DePat here starts thinking that Reality DePat was BEYOND CORRECT in wanting to stay away from those Maskies and Vaxxies, otherwise known as the Traveling Clotberries, otherwise known as carriers of THE SHEDDING VACCINE.

Are you finally starting to see what’s going on?
Well, it’s time for some……
…….on the people who criticized President Trump for “suggesting that people inject themselves with bleach“, because it turns out that…….

……does some VERY COOL STUFF which I’m going to explain.
Yeah – chlorine dioxide is that “Jordan Sather BLEACH” that Jordan actually explains rather nicely.
From there, go to this great scientific explanation of ClO2.
Now – once you remove some of that fear, you can deal with THIS reality.
Doctors in several countries in Latin America TESTED the consumption of drinking water containing “medicinal levels” of chlorine dioxide against COVID-19.
Not only did these doctors do some science to see what happened – they used placebo controls. This was not double-blind due to ethical regulations – the doctors allowed people to pick pure water or ClO2 water.
Personally, I trust random Latinos over Fauci, but that’s just me.

Anyway, the doctors scientists in a Mexican study found that almost all symptoms of COVID were significantly reduced at days 7 and 14 by statistically valid amounts in the treated group.
And THIS most of all.

Remember how the CLOT SHOT, thanks to the SPIKE SNAKE PROTEIN, produces strong evidence of disseminated vascular MICRO-CLOTTING in the “D Dimer” test?
This was the crucial fact discovered by Dr. Charles Hoffe, in British Columbia. He found both the increase in a cardiovascular disease associated with vaccination, AND a likely mechanism for that disease increase.
Dr. Charles Hoffe’s Observation of Spike Protein mRNA Vaccine-Induced Pulmonary Hypertension
Well, COVID-19 itself does the exact same thing. Micro-clotting from the spike protein shows up in the D Dimer test as well.
And sure enough, chlorine dioxide SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCED the D Dimer values of the group that took it.
NEATLY EXPLAINING the reduction in symptoms.
And WHY would it do that? If you watched the video with the German guy, he explained it – oxidative denaturing of the spike protein. But if you didn’t, then this OLD pre-COVID (2016) meme explains it, too.

Neutralizes proteins. Including, apparently, the spike protein.
Science. Its awesome. Even when it says that bleach works, and remdesivir doesn’t.
Very seriously, I’m not saying that I’m going to use chlorine dioxide if I get COVID-19, or whatever the next Chinese-Democrat bioweapon happens to be.
If my current disease immunity doesn’t work, but if ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine DO work, which they WILL if the Chinese-Democrat bioweapon happens to be a coronavirus, then I will likely use one of THOSE drugs.
Still, I can tell you in no uncertain terms, I would take chlorine dioxide long before I would take remdesivir, and probably before molnupiravir or paxlovid, as well.
Because I trust random doctors in Latin America over Fauci, Walensky, and Thalidomide Janet Woodcock.
And now I turn things back over to DePat.
Have a good day y’all.
(I don’t remember who brought this to a daily in the comments, but thanks.)

And, of course, the obligatory George Carlin:

Per the Boss (THAT BE ME!!!)

Let’s try one of Wolf’s favorite tunes, done a bit differently.
And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:
Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone
Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.
Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.
Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there. The “Rescue Thread” is also over there. In the event a rendezvous of the tree is needed, please check it out, as well as the newest rescue venue.
Auntie DePat’s requests:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
One other vital note:
Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.

MATTHEW 25:31-40
31“When the Son of man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne. 32Before him will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate them one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, 33and he will place the sheep at his right hand, but the goats at the left. 34Then the King will say to those at his right hand, `Come, O blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; 35for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, 36I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ 37Then the righteous will answer him, `Lord, when did we see thee hungry and feed thee, or thirsty and give thee drink? 38And when did we see thee a stranger and welcome thee, or naked and clothe thee? 39And when did we see thee sick or in prison and visit thee?’ 40And the King will answer them, `Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.’
“Do not be afraid to take a chance on peace, to teach peace, to live peace. Peace will be the last word of history” – St. Pope John Paul II
Holiness is this profound contact with God, becoming a friend of God: it is letting the Other work, the Only One who can really make the world both good and happy. — Benedict XVI
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.
Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, first responders and those working behind the scenes…and any and all people with family members in the hospital, COVID or not.

And this is me again, too! And it has NOT BEEN RESCINDED (although I should give you all an update at some point soon).
Wolf Moon
July 6, 2021 17:07
Thanking everybody for your patience. Whether happenstance, coincidence, or enemy action, I’m dealing with some technical issues. In addition to those, and the obvious spiritual attacks, I am dealing with the obvious site stuff in what are best maintained as unobvious ways.
I suspect we struck a nerve.
A combined technical / spiritual / strategic response by all of us will prevent this attack from succeeding. Hold the line – bite the bullet – gird the loins – bite the lip – pray for guidance, discernment, and strength – whatever YOU believe keeps the ship aright for the moment. Everything else is lower priority.
In that spirit, the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel from Tuesday’s threads, and the Breastplate of St. Patrick, not to mention the Litany of Humility are favorites recommended by exorcists in spiritual warfare.
Does this DePat wear a goatee?
You just wanna see my letter opener!

The sexiest Spock AND Uhura ain’t bad either
“Let’s try one of Wolf’s favorite tunes…”
Also one of mine, as well as the ending for Cast Away. Grand emotion…
Ah, yes! Loved that one, too!
That is a packed post. I haven’t been able to watch the videos about chlorine dioxide and am wondering if they tell what a medicinal dose would be. I would have to be desperate to try it,
but it would be good to know.
There is a really good page in there somewhere in those links that talks about how to tailor doses for individuals – it’s a real art and science which is well understood. I may try to find that page later.
Thank you!
Is this the article you were going to do that we discussed the other day?
The day I found out about chlorine dioxide and asked for your opinion?
Yes! I decided to (ab)use my posting privileges when DePat asked me to fill in for her!!!
I got some Chlorine Dioxide, the Activated Mineral Solution a couple of months ago. Tried one of the protocols. Its like drinking swimming pool water. Got nauseated after the first day, so went to Plan B.
Made a solution of Chlorine Dioxide mixed with DMSO as it then can be applied transdermally, a much better way to take it, you eventually get that great Chlorine taste.
They recommend not taking Vit C at the same time, so take Vit C an hour or so before or after.
As Chlorine is a Halogen, it might interfere and compete with Iodine. It might be a good idea to either take some Lugol’s Iodine solution orally or applied directly to the skin which works quite well. Iodoral Iodine tabs are more gentle on the stomach.
Expect some serious detox.
The Chlorine Dioxide bottles have been put aside in the fridge, to the just incase nothing else worked category.
Iodoral Iodine tabs have never given me a problem and my stomach is finicky.
And where would you actually buy it?
Good question.
There are a LOT of places to buy the makings of it. It is a fantastic household disinfectant. And it’s widely used in professional settings, too. I know that normies can get kits to make it easily.
A good friend says the (mouthwash product) named CloSYS contains chlorine dioxide.
I searched, and it’s readily available.
Have not researched it yet.
Check this out!
I’ve just now checked and it’s available on ebay, several sellers so I imagine it’s easily available anywhere.Apparently needs to be stored in the dark, tightly stoppered and refrigerated to keep its goodness. Just need to explore how to use it.
Yes. Read up CAREFULLY, and do NOT rely on a single source.
This stuff is NOT for the faint-hearted. IMO one needs to be a real kitchen chemist to mess with this stuff. Thankfully, MANY people on our side ARE of such a nature.
Thus, I would NOT recommend this, as a COVID therapy, to somebody who has ZERO experience with making and taking it, and who has just come down with COVID. This is a much more difficult and involved treatment than taking ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine, nicely dosed out in pills.
People need to be very careful with the solutions used to GENERATE chlorine dioxide, including the commercially available stuff, because they contain sodium chlorite, which disproportionates to hypochlorite (bleach) and chlorate (stronger oxidizer). Both chlorite and chlorate are toxic in strong enough doses, as is chlorine dioxide.
Important to read, IMO.
As I said if you don’t know exactly what you’re doing with this stuff, you CAN poison yourself, just like with fish tank cleaner. But at the same time, we have to be SMART about relative risks and not fooled by a pretend-to-know-nothing media.
Overdosing and dosing are TWO DIFFERENT THINGS.
As we’ve seen with remdesivir, the most allegedly competent authorities CAN and WILL overdose you with a poison, and never admit it, much less that they KNEW it could not work when administered – that it was POLITICAL MURDER.
In the face of a disease that killed millions of people, one “fish tank cleaner overdose that may have been spouse murder”, and a dozen terminal COVID patients intentionally finished off by hydroxychloroquine overdoses in medical sham experiments designed to take down HCQ (still horrified by this abuse of medicine), are relatively microscopic potatoes.
It may be an acceptable risk as treatment if one caught the chicom flu, and was unable to get hold of Ivermectin or HCQ.
The stuff I was looking at was ready made up at 3000ppm, advertised for water purification.
That protocol C says 10ml of that in 1000ml water drunk spread out over a day seems pretty dilute. Or not I don’t know.
It is fairly dilute.
I think his protocols are good. This guy has worked with health officials in poor countries – thousands if not millions of patients. I would trust his numbers and procedures.
The problem I see is somebody going out, buying a bottle of “some pre-made concentrated solution on the internet”, and chugging it down. WRONG.
Indeed, I’ve seen some solutions on the web that I just don’t trust. This is why Jordan Sather was so adamant about calling it chlorine dioxide and not falling to euphemistic names.
We have to be free scientists and doctors, not quacks. Quacks are one end of the problem spectrum. Authoritarian liars and Nazis are the other.
The stuff I was looking at is marked…
0.3% CL02 in distilled water
I’d probably try it, but I’d have to be feeling desperately ill first.
I think I will stick with ‘Sheep Dip’. … errr drench. (It goes down the animals throat and all over my hands.)

Something here, I think it’s protocol “C”.
Thanks! THIS is one of the pages I was thinking of.
Seriously, I would be more interested in this stuff as a fruit and vegetable wash, and as a general antiseptic, than as a medicine, but what can I say – it kills the spike protein, and can be taken after a Nazi-forced clot shot to help neutralize it.
This is a very nice page by Jordan Sather on how badly this stuff is suppressed.
Aha! Sather mentions that the tablets you buy to purify drinking water usually have chlorine dioxide as the main ingredient. That may be the best way to get it. I think I have some of those tablets. I’ll have to check the ingredient list.
Yeah, that’s somewhat misleading. Tablets have some kind of salt – probably sodium chlorite. They definitely don’t have ClO2 in them. They generate it in situ.
Here you go!
Just as a side note about information leakage, I believe that the “FREE PREVIEW” link from Amazon is disclosing part of your browsing history there. You may want to keep those Amazon links shortened.
Interesting. The link in the embed is short. All the junk is being picked up from, by, and about the viewer, presumably.
So, if it’s available just like this, why not “purify” some water once a week and drink it?
Am I misunderstanding something basic here?
Any more, I am thinking we have a myriad of low cost Covid preventives and solution sets for those infected with Covid.
Problem REMAINS, Global Reset assisted by our corrupt communist government, corrupt medical establishment, including doctors AND Pravda Propaganda News.
Time for me to replenish, refresh water purification tablets. They have a shelf life. Dunno if I can ignore the dates. Mine are in a low humidity temperature controlled environment.
Sadly, the CALL to increase preps AND readiness has increased.
Agreed! We gotta be ready.
The medicinal concentrations are considerably more than the drinking water purification concentrations.
Likewise, the medicinal form is considerably purer (mostly being free of salts) than the stronger disinfecting solutions for household use.
I see. Thanks!
This is a GREAT video on chlorine dioxide from INDUSTRY, bragging about it!
Wolf Moon
There’s a mouth rinse that has stabilized chlorine dioxide in it — CloSYS. Comes in various flavors. Rinse or gargle, then spit out.
CloSYS also comes in a spray version that also has chlorine dioxide in it. Spray it once or twice into the mouth.
It’s available on Amazon, among other places.
^^^ Good info.
Have used CloSys. Purchased from Wally World AND Amazon.
Presently using a Crest mouthwash that includes same general purpose.
Hey, I’ve come across a water slide gif that I think wheatietoo would approve of.
I love it!
Don’t try this
at homeEVER!Yep. I’m just thinking about all the variables that could make it Darwin-Award material… Wind resistance, mass of the object (person?) flying through the air, wetness (or lack thereof) of the slide, angle of the slide, depth of the dip, alignment of the slide, etc. etc. etc….
Then again, ski jumpers do something similar, but their target area is substantially larger…
And possible birdstrike
You just have to work your way up to it.
We can have fun with this one!

Have fun!!!
Thank you!
Bookmarked that one!

Yep – just sayin’…
If that sets Kamala loose upon an unwary world, it won’t be pretty.
Actually I might just make one and post it on my road side fence.
30 miles north of Houston. I

I am stealing this from:Catturd (@Catturd) / Gab Social

This is dog version of the suspicious cat.
LMAO!!! Side-eye Dog!!!
Did the owner take that pic just before discovering his lunch sandwiches had disappeared.
I have to wonder if this photo of Brooks at his court appearance where he is wearing a large white mask is an attempt to psychologically distract from his race.
I think it’s a sympathy ploy to potential jurors. “White over his mouth” – super-big. Sick.
I’d like to see the fucker in the Hannibal Lector mask.
I’d imagine this type of attitude is why I’ve never had jury duty. I’m probably on some list!
Yup. SOROS controls the jury rosters. Count on it!!!
Oh, I’d imagine. I don’t even get jury summons. Not one, not ever. I’ve been registered to vote since I was 18, almost 40 years.
With everyone on ‘social media’ and AI scooping up the data it now will be ridiculously EASY to pick the jury you want.
Sad but true.
They are definitely trying to make him a white guy.
See CNN version vs reality:
Desireé S Keller
It’s just WEIRD.
He’s evil enough to intentionally harm and kill innocent people .. spit
.. not worth the powder ..
no gonads, using the pity me poor poor me ..

You know who would hate that ? HE would.
This is a marker for the propaganda ministry..we’re used to them manipulating events and lying about conservatives, protecting the corrupt elite but actually suppressing facts about a mass murder of completely innocent people is a first.
In the past it’s usually been the govt ( FIB usually) obscuring and omitting facts about the perpetrators but this is all on the news networks.
I don’t even think they require the 4 AM directive anymore
Another post allegedly taken from Darrell Brookes Facebook page showing his support for BLM.
Soviet Union Patch (for sale on EBAY)

From Reddit:
“Making socialism fliers to spread across town. What symbol should I use?”
The answer:
The raised fist (also known as the clenched fist) is a symbol of solidarity and support. It is also used as a salute to express unity, strength, defiance, or resistance. The salute dates back to ancient Assyria as a symbol of resistance
A black power WATERMELON?!?!?!
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! *deep breath* HAHAHAHAH!!!!!!
The laughs just keep rolling post, after post.
Zeig Heil … & get stuffed
… nikkichico7 …
To hide the real muzzle over his mouth that will keep him from spouting off in the court house? Anyone know if he was audible in the court room?
I watched the complete bail hearing over at OT.
I didn’t hear a word . no out bursts
There were hushed communications between him and his counsel ..largely inaudible .
99% of the hearing was between the prosecution reading his criminal history and the judge explaining why he would agree to the 5 mill bail request
“….the judge explaining why he would agree to the 5 mill bail request”
Yet people with NO RECORD who HURT NO ONE on MISDEMEANOR CHARGES (5 months max sentence) have been held in a horrible jail for almost a YEAR!!
I agree.
..and other than a couple in congress ? ..
*crickits* !!
I keep going back to look at the Ben Garrison drawing. It just grabs me. Part of that reason is I have been thinking more often of the FBI as being the American Stasi.
Yes, very much like them.
” It just grabs me. Part of that reason is I have been thinking more often of the FBI as being the American Stasi “.
That is because FBI transformed itself into Stasi,
The SCOTUS election complaint:
states-v-us-and-states-compl-2021-11-23.pdf (
Analysis: Official Telegram Channel
509.3 KB
Here’s Lindell’s SCOTUS complaint.
It’s addressed in a way that allows any state AG to sign on.
It includes complaints against machine fraud, vote flipping, unconstitutional voting procedures, and includes exhibits from Dr. Shiva, Cyber Ninjas and others.
To be clear this is just the complaint so it will be HIGHLY fascinating to see the exhibits once they become available but all in all, this is a very solid complaint with great detail and documentation.
@ElectionEvidence Official Telegram Channel!
Pat Byrne just announced there are 15 AGs looking at the Lindell lawsuit but nobody wants to pull the trigger first.
This website is an easy way to give them encouragement.
Simply click the link, select your state, and hit the “Send Email” button.
@ElectionEvidence Official Telegram Channel
Quick clarification above:
While Jovan is cited in the complaint, it’s unclear that he will have a full exhibit in the lawsuit.
Page 38, 107 of the Lindell complaint states: “The Subcommittee unanimously
approved the Report in a subsequent hearing on
election fraud held on December 30, 2020. During that hearing investigating fraud, an expert on Dominion
voting systems, Jovan Hutton Pulitzer, demonstrated
in real-time that a Dominion poll pad could be hacked
due to the fact that it was connected to the internet.”
I’ve since changed the post to read cyber ninjas instead of Jovan after re-reading the complaint.
To be clear, the complaint doesn’t mention any exhibits about PCAPS with but Doug Frank is insisting they will b a part of the evidence.
I suspect the same will be said about Jovan Pullitzer’s work as well but in all fairness that’s just my hunch. Official Telegram Channel
Also, a lot of you have questions about the PCAPS.
Check out this post from Dr. Doug Frank.
Sounds like they have the PCAPS but they’re not going to include them as an exhibit, but rather it will be a piece of evidence in court.
Telegram Official Telegram Channel
We have made this clear in multiple settings… the PCAPs contain national security information and cannot be released to the public in their raw form.
However, the cyber security act of 2015 allows them to be brought into evidence in a secure way…
To get the AG’s of the states on board go to:
Home –
You can select your state and use the E-Mail builder to fill in the relevant information.
This site also has the link to complaint pdf:
states-v-us-and-states-compl-2021-11-23.pdf (
Done! It was very easy.
More from Dr. Frank:
Kayleigh was the best, followed closely by Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Kayleigh is such a slight little thing, and you’d think she’d be so vulnerable to that slathering pack of rabid hacks in the White House Press Corps, but she put on the Armor of God, waded right in, and wielded her Binder of Truth — calm and unafraid.
Sarah, by contrast, was more of a brawler. She knew she was on the right path, was going to get through it by personal effort.
On the way to reminding me of all of those who served, I hit this:
I’m sure he’s saving that for his second term.
Just as a reminder….
Can’t stop laughing!
W T H ?? what is he ? The ‘austere rapper with deeply held beliefs’ ? I always truly think things won’t get worse but..they do, every time. Donate to this killer ? I hope he stays really safe in jail so that each and every video can be played on a loop.
Bet a kajillion dollars that this gal couldn’t get a GoFund Me
Wouldn’t be surprised if the FIB, etc., staged that to make MAGA folks look stupid… Guilt by association, or, in this case, guilt by fakery…
They (TLAs, DEMONRATS, etc.) worship Satan, so they’re unafraid, indeed proud, to use his tools…..
Wait until she sees the fine. I believe it is about $10,000.
Short of employment, and even that is questionable, WTF would anyone get on an aircraft in this cluster fuck environment.
I gave up flying as soon as Grope-N-Fly came into being. I will DRIVE thank you very much!
Me, too, Gail.
People who only have a short time off from work who want to visit relatives for the holidays, for one. People traveling to funerals with a limited amount ot time. I read the other day about someone whose elderly parents lived several states away. One parent had dementia and then the other had a bad fall. That man had to fly in and try to take care of things on weekends (besides other time he took off from work). Unfortunately, there are enough situaitons of need that people will probably not boycott flying altogether. But i hope a lot of them will.
Agree. There ARE difficult situations for folks to make a personal decision. Some have no work around AND truly MUST be dealt with.
MANY of those personal decisions are NOT difficult to simply say, not only NO. HELL NO.
But folks are welcome to capitulate if that is where their “values” reside.
Freedom to decide. For now.
For now.
It is called a pay check. I have been flying every couple of weeks for work. Most of my flights are 1-2 hours so wearing a mask for that duration is no big deal.
Once through TSA my mask is mostly off as I walk the terminal until my flight is ready to board. I’m exercising. What most people do not realize is there is no one in the terminal area that is going to enforce any mask crap. Once in a while, and I mean a long while you may see a cop or TSA that is doing a gate check. But in 18 months of masks at airports I have only been questioned once about my mask.
As to flying, the airlines play by the rules set, and if you need to fly, you wear the face diaper on the plane.
My values reside in taking care of my wife and paying my bills up until the point of getting a medical experiment forced on me. Me potentially dying early sort of negates my ability to take care of the wife.
Some folks have the benefit of avoiding all the bullshit because of the type of work they do or are retired and no longer need to worry about it. Some of us deal with it as best we can, others hide away and think they are winning.
Yep. THIS part applies. Some have no work around AND truly MUST be dealt with.
I was lucky and no longer had to fly for work so I was free to choose.
Great opener, Wolf! So much to digest. Love the chant.
Thanks so much for the info on chlorine dioxide. Interesting aside about that. Many in the clean food movement regard the spraying of chickens during processing as something bad. They are conflating bleach with chlorine dioxide.
We are awash in misinformation and misunderstanding.
ALL veggies for sale even those at your local farm stand get treated with chlorine dioxide or sodium hypochlorite formula NaClO (Chlorox) or other chemicals.
Post-harvest Treatment for Fruits & Vegetables aka Postharvest treatments of fresh produce
To store winter squash, it is important to wash them first in a mild solution of bleach, then rinse and dry them.
There are enzymes in soil, and on the blossom-ends of some veggies, that will cause them to rot in storage.
I always do this, and I eat stored butternut, buttercup, and spaghetti squash into April every year.
WOW. That’s excellent!
Yeah, they are a staple.
The schools and the general populace have been dumbed-down for so long, it’s amazing the kids still know how to breathe, let alone do their studies…
Charlotte Iserbyt has a book (actually a few, now, also online) “The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America” which studies this. There’s also “Brave New Schools” by Berrit Kjos…
A good friend told me a nurse had suggested these types of liquid minerals for those suffering side effects of the clot shot. Any thoughts?
Caveat Emptor
I do not see the type of listing I want to see giving the actual chemical formula and the actual amount. Therefore I would want to do a LOT MORE RESEARCH on each product.
Thank you. Never go wrong here.
HA! I’ve been taking Trace minerals Endure for well over a year now for muscle cramps!!
Ya’ll keep finding stuff I already take!

This is the mineral profile of the salt I use every day, Redmond Sea Salt, mined in Utah:
It’s got pretty much every trace mineral in it. I love it.
Granted it’s less than 0.05 percent iridium which could be anything including zero, but if it has anywhere NEAR that much iridium in it, wherever this salt comes from ought to be a dang motherlode of the stuff.
Iridium is usually one of those “less than a part per billion” things and even ores can be hundreds of tons per troy ounce. It’s generally extracted as a by product of platinum mining (or perhaps even nickel mining). Otherwise, it would simply not be worth the bother since it’s so thinly spread.
Iridium, last I looked (and info is hard to find) was about five thousand dollars a troy ounce.
According to some graphics I see (in particular the one Wikipoo likes to use), iridium is *the rarest* primordial element in the Earth’s crust (i.e., besides the ones that are here-today-gone-tomorrow because they’re part of a radioactive decay chain).
And this stuff might be as high as a twentieth of a percent? Get out of town!!!
Such stats are suspect because it’s so hard to figure those sorts of things accurately for rare elements. But no matter who does the tabulation, iridium is high on the “rare as all hell” list.
I personally met the staff and owners of the Redmond Salt mine a few years ago, in a business capacity. They have had the salt tested extensively by big-name labs. I trust they are as accurate as it is possible to be, however accurate that is.
Of course they have an out.
1 part per billion is “<0.05%" after all, so they are NOT actually saying there's a shitload of iridium in their salt. They've put a ridiculously high upper bound on it…maybe because they never ran that particular test.
Yeah, it looks like they used an insensitive test for a whole group of things.
Steve – I’m wondering about some kind of impact-related or post-impact-related sedimentary history.
Here is the origin…..
Where does Real Salt come from?
In prehistoric times, there was an inland sea covering what is now Redmond, Utah, known as Sundance Sea. That sea is gone, but it left behind a large, pristine, underground salt deposit—which is where we mine Real Salt. That’s why even though our salt lives deep in the earth, it’s actually sea salt.
From Wikipedia…..
The Sundance Sea was an epeiric sea that existed in North America during the mid-to-late Jurassic Period of the Mesozoic Era.[1] It was an arm of what is now the Arctic Ocean, and extended through what is now western Canada into the central western United States. The sea receded when highlands to the west began to rise.
The Sundance Sea did not occur at a single time; geological evidence suggests that the Sea was actually a series of five successive marine transgressions—each separated by an erosional hiatus—which advanced and receded from the middle Jurassic onward.[1] The terrestrial sediments of the Morrison Formation—eroded from rising highlands to the west—were deposited on top of the marine Sundance sediments as the sea regressed for the last time late in the Jurassic.[2][3]
The sedimentary rocks which formed in and around the Sundance Sea are often rich in fossils.
I use it too, thanks to y’all mentioning it.
I started using Redmond salt exclusively years ago and realized almost immediately that I just felt better.
military kidnapping & relocation
Australia Begins Covid ETHNIC CLEANSING With Military Round-Up of Indigenous People…Junk Science “Sewage” Testing Used To Imprison Entire Communities At Gunpoint
the Australia Government of the Northern Territories is using the military to forcibly round-up all who have even merely been near anyone else who has “tested positive” for covid.
families are being separated at gunpoint.
…and forcibly relocated to the Howard Springs quarantine camp in Darwin (!), Australia.
read more details + tweets/vids, at the link..
Australia is also using fraudulent PCR testing of wastewater (sewage samples) to make bogus claims that entire communities are “infested” with covid…then targeting those communities, rounding them up, kidnapping them and relocating them to the camp.
here’s the link to the Howard Springs...quarantine facility...gulag…whatever..
happy village, right ?
if you navigate around at that site,like to other locations globally, and choose USA, you’ll go to this link…
The Future of Infrastructure…The Future Is Now…yadda yadda yadda….Sustainability…yadda yadda yadda….
see where all this is headed ?
“…and you’ll be happy…”
doesn’t really look like they’re gonna get one, either.
I would not take that bet.
Yes they do.
We won’t put up with that shit here.
They may there, but not here. NO. SIR.
Government Down Under, may have a serious wake up call. Past due, it is. Guessing, “Down Under Fly Over Country” WILL rebel.
More locally, USA wise, that shit will NOT be tolerated.
Heck the Blacks in NYC are saying HELL NO! to the clot shot. And Ralph Baric is now reporting the approval rating for Biden in the Northeast is starting to dive bomb.
The push back on mandatory injections is prolly more wide spread than we know.
Sorta like the inverse of “reported” injections is BS.
It really does look like governments are pushing the people into making the first forceful/physical move against them.
Probably thinking it would legitimize what they have done already and what is their planned next move.
Exactly. I think the Aussie Fascists are desperate to bring out guns against the civilians now. Cops are saying “no mas”, so they need to get their Chinese military imports into play.
here is another article about this same alarming development in Australia…
heads up America.
these camp facilities exist on a global scale….see the Howard Springs link I posted above, check it out…click your way thru that nightmare.
I think there would be “issues” and “remedies” if they tried that here.
I saw a tweet yesterday from a tribal elder in one of those indigenous communities who said they are holding people down and giving them the jab also.
That’s the end of the line for me. You do that, you deserve to die.
absolute reduction vs relative risk reduction
” One of the most commonly used tricks to make a drug look more effective than it is in a real-world setting is to conflate absolute and relative risk reduction…
For the Pfizer shot, the relative risk reduction was initially 95% but the absolute reduction was only 0.84 %.“
Mercola : Fully Vaxxed 9 Times More Likely To Be Hospitalized
by Dr Joseph Mercola
must-read about this, in much more detail, at the link.
EXCELLENT example of how to LIE with statistics and WHY a good grounding in math and science is so important.
Since I am not grounded in either, I rely on you and the Qtreepers to help out.
A Million thanks. God bless you.
good opinion piece..
Tucker Carslon : Media Not Investigating Waukesha Massacre ~ Here’s Why
link to article + segment clip (vid)…
This is true. Exposed, they are.
Funny what you see when the masks drop.
So to speak.
Just a bunch of maskholes…
That could be very, very interesting….slide Barron Trump (born March 20, 2006) into the mix.
My new computer has been shipped. It should be here today. I can’t wait, to be honest. This little notebook’s keyboard is driving me crazy.
OK, just let this comment out of moderation!
Would you like me to do another post tonight? Just holler. I will probably start soon unless you tell me you want to do the Thursday post.
Are You Done Yet? in [Market-Ticker-Nad]
9 mpg looked really high to me so I went looking. The first bolded sentence is what I remember.
April 2015, 10:55 Eighteen wheels and ten miles per gallon
Better design to reduce wind resistance has helped some but an AVERAGE of 9 mpg for the US fleet does not make sense UNLESS you are including all the small box trucks. Heck my 6 cylinder Diesel pick-up when hauling a trailer only gets about 10 to 11 mpg and maybe on a good day 12 mpg (level traveling and no stop lights).
Mercedes-Benz spent 2,600 hours fine-tuning the aerodynamics of its New Actros tractor unit in its full-size wind tunnel – equivalent to more than 100 days. Creating a cab demonstrably more wind-cheating than its predecessor was
When you think about the sheer mass of a tractor-trailer fully loaded, even 8 MPG is a miracle of modern technology. Cars struggle to get over 30 MPG it seems.
Yes it is. Esp when the older models got 3 to 5 MPG
I wish the picture of that Mercedes-Benz showed
Here is another photo of an aerodynamic 18 wheeler. NOTE the wind skirts on the trailer.

This is A 2016 ‘Long Nosed Pete’ (Peterbilt)

This one?

When I refreshed your image showed but mine still did not. And yes that is the truck.
I think the sausage squisher parser choked on all the special characters in the URL of your pic, no idea why. I looked up the truck in DDG in German (aerodynamischer man LKW) and it found that and a bunch of others… Just have to wonder how those curved windows affect vision, etc. And if it’s a “drive-by-wire” truck…
MB is also testing three-trailer trucks here, which have got a lot of people upset, and up north in Hessen, they’re testing overhead power delivery to trucks in the right lane of the autobahns, which is also an experiment in futility…
Wonder if some bright spark will get the idea “hey, the tops of those trucks are really big: how about we put solar panels on them?”. Of course that will go over really well when rain and snow and darkness throw shade on that idea
Solar panels??? IN Germany???
Maybe it was where I lived but all I remember is:
Rain & Fog
Snow & Fog
Fog & Fog
Yep. ALL of the interesting astronomical events, eclipses, conjunctions, spectacular full moons, etc. happen under, erm, over cloud cover…
If someone could invent cloud panels, we’d be really cooking…
Here’s the article that goes with the truck picture, as a .pdf. The web article is at
They sure did a lot of work to increase the mileage on that beauty!
Yep. They said in the article that they’ve gone about as far as they can go with streamlining it. The CW is amazingly low…
Next add a thorium nuclear power plant
What’s really cool is that out back of old coal power plants is an artificial lake full of coal ash sludge… which, you can find….thorium.
Mr. Fusion comes to mind here

Verse of the Day for Wednesday, November 24, 2021
“I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.”
Psalms 34:4 (KJV)
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
So – if all of this is a movie, then we knew bleach in its right form would work because PDT brought it up during a COVID team presser that the media skewered him about. Right? They absolutely trashed him. But now we know the science and it is confirmed? What was the delta for this one from that presser to this coming out? Rhetorical question – don’t bother.
Then why warp speed the gene therapy jabs using Chi-com compromised medical/scientific authorities, which created far worse effects of the disease? Why intentionally allow and actually promote, killing and injuring large numbers of innocent, unwitting people worldwide? We know with certainty now what the jabs do to people, and it is not to prevent them from getting the disease as vaccines did for over 200 years. In fact, we know the CDC has changed the definition of “vaccination” two times since 2010 to make it fit what they are actually doing/promoting.
Asking for a friend. Probably going to keep asking until a more likely or proven correct answer appears at some point, so, scroll right on by if you choose not to participate in the thought process and questioning.
This isn’t the story of Job with the happy ending of everything being restored to him after his trials. This story is about human suffering and depravity never seen to this level before.
it’s not a “movie”.
that’s magical thinking bunk, imo.
the Rubicon has been crossed, hate to say it…
darkness has descended.
but keep looking up…Redemption draweth nigh.
The Day of The Lord.
watch & be ready
If it’s a movie it’s a horror movie. And I don’t care for them…….
It’s a movie in the sense that all we’re doing is watching this play out before us.
We know the plot, the story line, the bad actors, and haven’t quite figured out the good guy’s yet. The ending is looking dismal for over half of the audience. I got up and walked out at the beginning of this shit show.
Standing on the Rock till the end.
The entire “movie” stuff is a worthless pacifier of sorts.
I think we make the mistake of thinking of POTUS Trump as a ‘King’ As Peter Navarro has made clear, POTUS was stabbed in the back, lied to and hand-cuffed from the get-go. Heck Peter as the President’s rep WAS EXCLUDED FROM THE COVID TEAM MEETINGS!
We also have to remember that Potus was being IMPEACHED as the Covid Plandemic was initiated. Since POTUS was NOT A DOCTOR, he HAD NO AUTHORITY. Doctors like Fauci within the Deep State HAD ALL THE AUTHORITY BY LAW. (If you wish I could go back and look that up.)
Also as a lay person POTUS HAD to go along with ‘The Science’ as presented to him by experts. He had a country to run so he could not personally do the research we have done. Again as Peter Navarro stated, POTUS WAS ISOLATED. Despite being a presidential adviser even PETER was NOT ALLOWED TO SEE POTUS!!!
Pg 10 & 11 from In Trump Time by Peter Navarro:
Also remember that Sundance, at the beginning of Trump’s term, brought up the fact that people APPLYING FOR JOBS GOT NOWHERE because the Deep State Staff would not give them clearances!
“….I found my self stripped of the rank of assistant to the president… that demotion meant no walking privileges to the Oval Office and therefore a de facto isolation from the president. I would also be banned from senior staff meetings….”
Then there is Mick Mulvaney.
pg 29 — 33
As a result Peter was SPECIFICALLY tackled at the door and BANNED from the situation room and even the overflow room.
I reproduced part of Peter’s book so you can see the actual situation POTUS was dealing with. POTUS was surrounded with TRAITORS who kept anyone they wanted from POTUS or OUT of his administration. Unlike during a corporate hostile takeover, laws made it IMPOSSIBLE for POTUS to FIRE THESE TRAITORS and he was left with people like Reince Priebus, Mick Mulvaney, Fauci…. ALL working FOR the Globalists agenda and against the American people.
At this point I am not sure what type of access people now have to POTUS Trump. He may STILL be isolated.
Great info. Reinforces how Trump was stabbed in the back from the git go. This includes huge attempts to sideline Peter.
What I think we need is to move forward. Exactly how that is, I do not know. But I believe it includes Trump, as the LEAD.
At a MINIMUM, 50% of America IS in Trump’s corner. More likely 80%.
ResistREFUSE injections.At this point, there is no one else with the National stature AND integrity to LEAD America. DeSantis has the integrity, but NOT the national or the active following.
The other thing, A General Strike IS the Starting Point. Trucker’s cannot be the focal point. Truckers WILL support a general strike. But the General Strike MUST be broad based across the spectrum.
We can’t allow trucker’s to be vilified. This would play into the Communist D-Rats play book. In fighting amongst good guys.
It may be 50%. But at this point people really don’t know what to think, and have circled their personal wagons to ride out the unknown. If something major happened, it would immediately jump to 90% again. As it stands now I believe people would be just as content with DeSantis. DeSantis and Clay Higgins.
But we will never have normalcy, ANY hope of normalcy, without decertification and handcuffs. That is the step that cannot be skipped.
But we will never have normalcy, ANY hope of normalcy, without decertification and handcuffs. That is the step that cannot be skipped.
^^^ THIS. ^^^
The entire situation can be summed up as follows: “TRUMP” does not work, at all, from a position of weakness. The rallies don’t work because the promises cannot be made. The statements and photos are glanced over and shoulders shrugged.
The only real way to win, and regain the strength, is decertification and handcuffs. And how that comes about is beyond my understanding. End of story.
So are we gonna pretend President Trump doesn’t have access to the internet?
I mean, he could read HERE and know all of the above. He could read Sundance, and/or any number of others who know what you just wrote.
I am not buying that he doesn’t know, unless he doesn’t want to.
I am fairly sure he knows NOW, but he would not have known THEN.
Also the Globalists would very very much like to wrap up and tie with a bow the Covid Jab fiasco and hang it around Trump’s neck just before the 2024 election.
I do not know what Trump’s strategy is. He has to walk a fine line between promoting the Jab and being called an Anti-Vaxer
Peter Navarro said that POTUS NEVER intended a Vaccine Mandate and only wanted it available for adults @ risk.
I am not sure when the last time POTUS actually addressed the issue of the Jab. The last I recall was this summer.
This is an interesting tidbit I just found.
Dr. Moncef Slaoui… (I did not find him in Peter Navarro’s In Trump Time index.)
Who is Dr Moncef Slaoui?
…on many issues. The Left is now attacking him for his COVID response. I got this in a fund-raising email:
He has lawsuits against him, he is in danger of being impeached for jaywalking, and they will do ANYTHING to keep him out of power. The fact that he is still so influential after leaving the WH is remarkable. He obviously wants to be, and the people want him to be. The Left and the RINOs can’t stand it and see him (and us) as the enemy.
It’s one hell of a conundrum of sorts.
I can rationalize AND believe Trump achieved GREAT accomplishments AND was massively deceived from day one. Including the Covid, Covid injection ruse.
What I can NOT rationalize is ANY justification THESE DAYS for getting injected, defending the clot shots.
THIS IS where I am stuck. Reality as I see it. It gives me no satisfaction to think it. Let alone share these thoughts.
Me, either. Makes me kind of sick, actually.
People in our group don’t know enough of the really deep blue maskies and vaxxies. These people WANT the shot. They WANTED IT FROM THE BEGINNING. They DEMANDED IT. They’re BEGGING for it. They will LIE, CHEAT, and engage in FRAUD to get boosters.
Seriously, I’ve been in discussions where they ADMIT (with varying degrees of shame or pride) how they LIED, signed false statements, misrepresented who they were, or even used fake documents to get boosters they were not eligible for.
To a vaxxie, getting an unapproved booster is as “savvy” as getting ivermectin is for us.
Their information stream is completely different from ours. From where they are viewing the world, they “get sickened” thinking of us “poisoning ourselves” with ivermectin and believing in primitive natural immunity from the disease.
I’ve talked to these people, and noticed a very interesting phenomenon. They will sometimes “not hear” things they COULD understand, which are simple and clear contradictions of the media narrative.
One lady I know wants to vaxx her grandkids – desperately. She’s had great experience with the shots, and wants to feel safe, like she did after she got the shots. It’s ALL perception – psychology – mind control. When I gave her simple facts about the negative cost-benefit outcome of vaxxing kids, she basically went into “DOES NOT COMPUTE” mode. It was the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen. Her mind could not go there. It SKIPPED LIKE A RECORD. She blotted it out of her mind. It was almost like STOP, BACK UP, ERASE, WHERE WERE WE?
This is much more like dealing with the Eloi and the Morlocks.
I have run into the same thing. Of course with the Fake News, Fauci AND their Doctors ALL PUSHING vaccination, they are not about to listen to some random NON-authority.
The Cabal started with FREON and the Ozone hole trial balloon. (Which was another crock since they took measurements down wind of a volcano…)
Then they went for the Global Warming shlick.
Last year they soften people up with MASKS, ISOLATION and 24/7 FEAR PORN. It is actually amazing that as many people are against mandatory vaccination in the USA as there are.
From People’s Pundit Richard Baris
Even the majority of Dems do not strongly support a vax mandate.
^^^ ALL questions worth pursuing. Yet they are NOT. ^^^
One look at Worldometers, and one WILL conclude America, allegedly advanced medically, IS intentionally NOT managing Covid wisely.
OR WILLFULLY IGNORANT of other Country success against Covid.
Go ahead, take a stroll down the list of countries. Check populations Vs Active Covid.
Covid treatment wise, America’s Covid numbers reflect America LEADS ALL Countries in Covid treatment MALPRACTICE AND IGNORING Covid prevention.
WE KNOW Covid injections FACTUALLY
By the way, THERE IS NO RATIONAL WAY TO VALIDATE the injections, INCLUDING Warp Speed.
What The Fuck IS Wrong With ALL Levels in America?
Personal Rights ARE TOTALLY TRAMPLED. Lives destroyed.
In parallel with Covid, Covid injections, toss in the spectrum of ignorance INFECTING America.
Actually we do. They are just not on the Fake News.
World Doctors Alliance:
We just had a video of Reiner Fuellmich interviewing an Indian Lawyer who has had success in law cases against Covid shots and treatments. These verdicts are transferable to other British Commonwealth countries like Canada and Australia.
?Maybe the USA?
Here in the USA you have not only several doctors but also Steve Bannon & his War Room Posse.
They have gotten a Republican elected as gov in Virginia, MANY MANY people in as poll watchers and as Republican precinct committee members.
Precinct Strategy
Another WIN was flipping SCHOOL BOARDS and JUDGESHIPS.
JUDGESHIPS are VERY IMPORTANT because until we clean out the legal system we have our hands tied. (REMEMBER the Globalist WANT A BLOODY REVOLUTION! Think Canadian and UN troops <– aka CHINESE TROOPS in the USA.)
It took over a century for the Globalists to almost complete the takeover of the USA and the world. We have only been fighting it for five years or a decade+ if you include the Tea Party.
IMO, the original cabal plan was to keep us locked down for years as we waited for a vaccine, the economy completely collapsed, and people forgot what pre-COVID normalcy looked like. President Trump himself told us this many times that they were going to make us wait years. A cold calculation was made that releasing the injections early would throw off the entire cabal timetable and possibly thwart it for good. Or at least buy America enough time to save the country.
Remember, it’s a worldwide problem. The cabal spent decades planning this all out. I’d like to sit here and believe that President Trump could have stopped it all single-handedly by invoking martial law and all of those dictatorial emergency Presidential laws on the books to throw these bastards in jail, but I don’t have access to the same information he does. Maybe it’s better to watch your loved ones slowly kill themselves and gamble away our future generation with the injections than a hot nuclear WWIII with America unable to recover, although I’d really prefer a shooting war at this point to the psychological warfare because that might actually wake some people up (Legal disclaimer: I’m referring to military warfare and not vigilantes).
Anyways, that what I used to tell myself, but I’m having a difficult time seeing “the greater good” when we’ve moved to killing children with the injections and nobody in a position of power on any side seems to give a shit.
“…when we’ve moved to killing children with the injections and nobody in a position of power on any side seems to give a shit….”
On Jabbing Kids…
Acting Chief Of Staff Of Trump Administration Stopped Firing Of Fauci (2:46 minutes)
Fauci Guilty By Error Of Omission Causing Half A Million Excess Deaths In The US (10:00)
Peter Navarro and Dr Malone (he has modified his support of the vaccine and is very much ANTI-JAB for kids.)
Joe Mobley Takes Action After Administration Declares They Can Do Anything To Keep You Safe — BARF! (5 min)
This is about the OSHA crap.
Younger You Are, The More Severe The Side Effects Of Covid Vax
Richard Baris polling on Covid Jab. 56% OPPOSE the employer mandate. the lowest number so far FOR the Jab.
Trust in the vaccine fell this month
He has been polling ADVERSE EFFECTS in VOTERS that took the jab AND HAS MONTHS OF DATA.
Top Two Priorities Among Americans Right Now
Jobs and the economy and Cost of living. People can not afford groc. It was #1 by a lot. (Sorry not the Jab) Richard Baris again
The deceitful dwarf hoodwinked PDJT.
He’s been murdering people for decades. We just ordered RFK Jr’s book.
GOOD! glad to hear you ordered the book. I got Peter Navarro’s as an early Christmas present.
We listened to a podcast of his last evening. He knows it all, from the 1970s through covid.
Yes he does. I have listened to him a few times also.
I’m just passed the intro and it is devastating.
Peter Navarro tried to get him fired but was stopped by Mulvaney. He said if he had read Robert F Kennedy’s book then he would have DEFINITELY gotten the POS FIRED!
What the heck happened to James Woods and his twatter account? He was an epic digital warrior, now reduced to playing poker??
Latest devastating news on the vaccine – The Burning Platform
and more
Prion diseases are no joke – by Jessica Rose – The unforgivable sins of 2021 (
sorry, the above is a pay for, but this is free
Twitter disabled me. Please ask all your friends to follow me on Substack and gab – The Burning Platform
Years ago, I watched a friend die of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease. You never forget it once you see what it does to the victim.
Personal covid update
Whew, has been a rough couple of days. We were actually doing not so bad, only extremely exhausted. On Saturday or Sunday I was so tired I just couldn’t do the nebulizer and the next day the cough was back with a vengeance. Has now calmed back down quite a bit, nebulizing 3-5 times a day.
We had debated taking our horse paste, finally decided to go for it, and oh boy…..the next day we both had light stomach aches and diarrhea. Nothing we couldn’t handle but wasn’t nice to have added symptoms. After the second dose 48 hours later it really hit. I could only take tiny sips of water or carrot juice and eat the occasional pretzel stick for 3 days. Even the thought of swallowing pills gave me nausea. DH did better, but the color of his urine has me thinking he is a bit dehydrated. We definitely did NOT overdose. We have decided not to take a third dose. No way!
DH has been taking the CDS protocol since the beginning. We have used it before for other things, There are books about it on the kalcker website–I think also on Amazon– and also covid protocols in different languages. They are pretty simple to follow. For anything else you will definitely need a book.The research is in spanish but you can find the protocols in english. I have used it before but had the impression it caused my histamine intolerance to act up and didn’t want to add anything else to the mix right now. Have started taking it in smaller portions after today’s post.
We have been getting the “activized CDS” which needs to be kept refrigerated and keeps anywhere from 3-6 months. It has a yellow color and smells like a chlorinated swimming pool. If it loses its color and smell, it is past its due date.
The other kind is MMS + activator. That is too much for me at this point, although I might get some to have on hand for later emergencies. It keeps indefinitely, IIRC.
Both are liquid. I would not get the tablets for this purpose.
Two things I learned the last few days:
-Should have tried out the ivermectin while we had no symptoms to see if we got any of the side effects.
-Should have made a check list for myself as well as DH. It took me several days to realize I hadn’t upped my zink like I should have, and a couple more days before I remembered to even take any D3 at all.
All things considered, we are now not doing too bad, just hoping it is all over soon. DH is on day 10 and I am on day 8 since symptoms started.
Many thanks for all your prayers and support!
Too bad about the Ivermectin. I know it can cause some mild stomach symptoms. I think Covid can, too.
The timing is supicious. Then again, i never take those drastic side effects very seriously, or we wouldn’t take any medicine at all….
Exactly. Could be either drug or COVID – could be BOTH.
I tend to think of the digestive issues as something different (perhaps caused by reaction to a treatment but not Covid)
Almost everyone I know that had it, or that I believe to have had it, describe the symptoms which included loss of taste and smell, fever, and severe dry persistent cough (followed by aches from coughing so much..
ALL also used a descriptor such as “odd” or “the strangest”.
NO runny or congested sinus; NO constipation or diarrhea.
(Remember the “Mad-Run” on toilet paper ? That was for naught…)
There are some types of Ivermectin which have additional additives which are fine for horses, but not for humans. IIRC someone said there should only be two or at maximum three active ingredients on the label…
I’m starting to look (OK, late to the party, I know) for Ivermectin or an analogue over here in BDD (Beautiful Downtown Deutschland) so I’m curious as to what could actually be used. A member of the extended family used to have horses, but no more….drat…
Heard lately from friends that there is actually a hospital in Munich that works as an FLCCC affiliate. Barmherzige Brüder. Wonder if they might prescribe it?
Another clinic in Munich offers Regeneron: Klinik Rechts der Isar.
Thanks. We’re in B-W (to the west) so they might require the clot shot in order to get into the hospital to talk to them (Söder, the Ministerpräsident of Bayern, is REALLY off his rocker about the clot shots)…
Kind of off that the two most conservative states, Bayern and Baden-Württemberg, who have the most to lose with the green/COVIDIOT de-industrialization, are the ones pushing it the most… sigh…
I’ll look those up… thanks again…
“I’m starting to look (OK, late to the party, I know) for Ivermectin or an analogue over here in BDD (Beautiful Downtown Deutschland) so I’m curious as to what could actually be used.”
Can you order from India, or will the Gestapo intercept when it goes through customs?
Wow, thanks for the update. Sorry you guys are suffering so much, but hopefully the worst is over now. God be with you & your family. Hang in there!
I think it is. Thanks. Could be much worse!
Be sure to hydrate heavily! That is one of the things that helped limit my case – lots of water and gatorade, plus some vitamin C.
AND vitamin D!!!
Don’t forget the steak and green tea too!
“Don’t forget the steak and green tea too!”
Steak is always good, sick or not

Yep. Watching that more closely now.
Water to thin the mucus is very important.
Wolfie and I discussed Robitussin (DM) vs Robitussin and how DM or DMX aka Dextromethorphan, a medication most often used as a cough suppressant IS BAD NEWS!!!
If you take an OTC cough medicine make it Robitussin or tussin aka Guaifenesin, also sold under the brand name Mucinex It is supposed to thin mucus and make it easier to expel. (I use a cup of hot tea and the steam from the kettle too.)
Role of guaifenesin in the management of chronic bronchitis and upper respiratory tract infections
Prayers for you both.
Really good advice on trying out the ivermectin beforehand.
Two doses early on is likely to be enough anyway – that is what the doctors recommend. You hit the virus early in the peak – you can’t give the medicine a better shot than that.
Glad to hear that your husband has some experience with the chlorine dioxide already. That’s trickier stuff, IMO.
You definitely had COVID. That exhaustion is a key symptom.
If you can not walk up the stairs with out pausing every step, you have/had covid!
I am happy to say I can now go up the stairs two at a time if I wish, like I used to.
Glad you are feeling better and pray that your recovery continues swiftly! Also sorry to hear you had stomach issues. I am posting the following from Ann Barnhardt’s site:
“How does one take the Horse Paste form of Ivermectin?The tube that the horse paste comes in has a built in measuring “clicker”. For reference, one tube is a single dose for a 1250 pound horse, so you know an adult human dose will be roughly one-sixth of a tube. The dosage is exactly the same as described above: As a prophylactic, the convention is now pretty much to take it monthly. If a person is already feeling sick, the treatment dose is THREE doses, but spaced 48 hours apart. So one dose on Monday, the next on Wednesday, the next on Friday, for example. The 48 hour spacing has to do with the liver’s speed at metabolizing Ivermectin. The 48 hour spacing MAXIMIZES the efficacy of the drug in the body.”
Grammy, shouldn’t there be some Quercetin to work with the Zinc?
Sorry the paste isn’t working out, I wonder of the liquid or tablet form would eliminate the negative side effects?
Quercetin + vitamin C or green tea to act as a zinc Ionophore
I remember Dr. Zelenko saying one is the ‘gun’ and the other is the ‘bullet’ (i.e., Zinc and Quercetin).
I never remember which is which, just that they go together

Zinc is the bullet. Quercetin is the vehicle for getting it into the cell.
Yep, have been taking quercetin for quite awhile.
Glad to hear that you are on the mend!
Sorry to hear about your unpleasant experience with ivermectin.
Can I ask what brand you used ?
(I specifically remember the recommendation for Durvet, most likely from this site,because of its limited ingredients)
We used Ivermax.
I can find zero information on the inactive ingredients in that product.
There should be a paper insert inside that talks about active and inactive ingredients. It should be reviewed carefully.
TY !
CEO of Trucking Org: I’m Already Short 80,000 Drivers …
So I decided to do a bit of looking around. (Never forget that Truckers are very well aware of the POWER of strikes and walk-outs)
Truck Drivers in the USA: Statistics
1,500,000 X .37 = 555,000 HELL NO!
How many are enlisted in the us military
Military Driver Programs
Given some of these 26,000 are VETERANS, then there are less than 26,000 service members QUALIFIED to fill in for US truck drivers.
555,000 HELL NO! vs 26,000 service members
or even 10 % of that…
55,500 HELL NO! vs 26,000 service members
I think the Truckers have a winning hand esp with a shortage of 80,000 Drivers going into a walkout.
Good research! Totally backs up my opinion that the truckers have the power to save America!
Can’t wait to hear “looks like we got us a convoy.”
I used to travel with the truckers when I would go caving. Since they knew the roads it was the safest way to travel long distance.
I used to “draft” off of trucks to save on gas!
Yup, did the same thing back many years ago.
I ‘draft’ off of trucks just before I pass them.
As as I pass them (side draft).
Learned it from Dale Earnhardt Sr.

Breaker, breaker 1, 9!
Truckers absolutely have the power to stop Covid hysteria in its tracks.
MeThinks the communists KNOW this. Hence yesterday’s headline BiteMe’s handlers are looking to enforce injections across state lines… PICKING a show down. Feds AND Pravda Propaganda News WILL vilify truckers.
Truckers CAN spark the way ahead. WE need to join the truckers in any way we can. A General Strike supporting Truckers and against Covid madness is a good formula.
“Truckers absolutely have the power to stop Covid hysteria in its tracks.”
Then they should do it.
What are they waiting for?
What are they waiting for?
The courts to fail. So far the courts have told OSHA to pound sand.
I kept my mouth shut over the last couple of days re: Lin Wood and Rittenhouse, and Sidney Powell. But I read some stuff this morning that requires comment.
Lin Wood is lashing out at Sidney Powell now. This is from Telegram:
Lin Wood
“I turned around slowly over the past few months and I documented who was holding the knife, Sidney.
You played me and you played the Patriots. I love you and as I said to you in a recent text, the TRUTH breaks my heart. But it had to be told for the long-term good of our nation.
I pray for you, Sidney.”
Do any of you feel played? I do, but not by Sidney Powell.
My take on Lin Wood since about January has been that he reminds me of an old-time traveling preacher man, who used the collection plate to finance his fancy clothes. Sorry, but that’s my opinion. I do believe he used the Kyle Rittenhouse situation to his benefit, and to Kyle’s detriment. I think Mr. Wood is a grifter.
I’m sure there are different opinions here, but if we love Sidney Powell and think she is the real deal (and I do), then Lin Wood is defaming her.
Remember, when people are caught, they accuse others of what they are doing.
The DemonRats are so very very good at presenting a very solid front to the public.
The one thing the Reboobs are really good at, is stabbing each other in the back and presenting a chaotic front to the public.
True that.
Republicans , conservatives and Patriots need not shoot arrows in each other. We only save this country united not divided. No wonder the communist democrats take over they are single minded. Just my opinion what counts at this time is not what prayer Flynn prayed or the bickering between Woods and Sidney but how we can unite to take the country back.
I pray for unity of purpose of all Patriots that we can save our Country, our freedom of speech and our freedom religion . In Jesus name Amen.
Very much agreed! Amen!
I get the feeling he is also gunning for General Flynn, just because he and Sydney are seemingly not in full support of:
This is what General Flynn wrote in response to the recording of Lin Wood with the reporter from the Daily Beast and which Lin Wood seems to be p..ed off about:
(The link to the Lin Wood’s Telegram post about this is here: Telegram: Contact @linwoodspeakstruth)
This is the problem that Lin Wood is pointing out. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it. Flynn a professing Christian who invokes God and prayer, just led an entire audience of people in the same occult prayer that Elizabeth Clare Prophet prayed in the ’80s (I think) that involves ascended masters. She used occult symbols and wrote a book whose premise is that Jesus taught reincarnation.
Wood is sounding an alarm. We can either heed that and learn, or put our heads back in the sand as we’ve done politically, thinking Republicans would save us, for years. There is something terribly wrong if Flynn will not acknowledge that darkness has no fellowship with light.
“…just led an entire audience of people in the same occult prayer that Elizabeth Clare Prophet prayed in the ’80s….”
Which Rick Wiles and Doc Burkhart ADMITTED @ 19 minutes they were TOLD by Catholic viewers IS A CATHOLIC PRAYER!
I am not Catholic so I will let the Catholics on this board inform us if that is true.
I’m not Catholic either, but I can say with 99.9% certainty that that isn’t a Catholic prayer, at least not in the traditional sense. If new-age Catholics use it, that tells us all we need to know. It is an occult prayer. Flynn might have been fooled, but he needs to look at it and address it.
Given the YEARS of Globalist infiltration of the Catholic Church and that travesty now masquerading as a Pope, that is certainly a possibility.
I should add, that when my Mom was babysitting the neighbor girls who went to a Catholic grade school, She and I were appalled by what was in their religious homework. This was in the early 1960s.
Mom had also attended a Catholic school so she would know what changes had been made.
NOT A CATHOLIC PRAYER!!! Gen. Flynn lied his ass off.
Thanks for the confirmation.
This is from DP’s regular Wednesday post (& still here today, per Wolf): “In that spirit, the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel from Tuesday’s threads, and the Breastplate of St. Patrick, not to mention the Litany of Humility are favorites recommended by exorcists in spiritual warfare.”
This is what DP shares nearly every Tuesday: “St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.”
This strikes me, a non Catholic, as a prayer To Michael the Archangel & per DP’s Wednesday statement in regular use, one of the ” favorites recommended by exorcists in spiritual warfare.” fwiw
Honestly, I’m not an expert in Christian prayer, and when I read that one that Flynn was reading, I would have no idea if it was Catholic, Protestant, Mormon, or “something else”, although it seemed more mystical than most. I suspect that Flynn is not one of the more theologically practiced Christians. He’s likely “inexperienced” enough to not spot the “seven rays” stuff as being odd.
See my comment somewhere else – this looks like an IC hit job on Flynn.
Yes, I saw your IC comment & that seems spot on. I was pointing out what Appears to be a Catholic prayer To Michael the Archangel, per both of DP’s regular statements. It’s possible people are mixing up MF’s (rip off of Ms Prophet’s) prayer to Michael AA with the one with which they are more familiar. As someone else pointed out if MF’s version is Also a common Catholic prayer then there are bigger issues (beyond praying to anyone other than God, which I don’t think was the point of the discussion, Scott’s fair points made not withstanding).
The St. Michael prayer is one of the most common Catholic prayers. It is said every day by millions of Catholics, often in conjunction with the rosary. It’s history is well known.
To say this development is troubling is an understatement.
Thanks GMa for that helpful perspective.
I am not troubled until I hear the prayer and context . All I know Flynn might have spiritually matured where he is thinking out of the box. I need to see what Flynn prayed.
Disregarding what Flynn knew or didn’t know about the origins of the prayer, he was clearly pushing the FREEDOM aspects.
And this forces us to all face the Illuminati origins of America. There were Masons on BOTH SIDES in the War of Independence – including George Washington. People have to come to grips with that. Do we denounce the founding of America, and its basic principles, because many of the founders were involved in Masonry?
I don’t have a simple answer. Even a robust “No! Never!” is not simple.
We have to face facts, to have any hope to understand.
I always look at the person his/ her history and that they are human.
People make mistakes without realizing it.
Look at me waffling around to find an explanation. I think I found it flowed humanity including myself. As a wise monk said ” I accept and love my humanity with all imperfections and because of that I am able to love the humanity and imperfections in in others”. Made good sense to me.
I have entertained that notion, too. Haven’t fully discounted it, but Gen. Flynn comes from a large Catholic family. Someone would’ve known that prayer, which he blatantly says is a prayer to St. Michael, is not a Catholic prayer.
I defy anyone to show me a Catholic prayer card with that prayer on it, which is how he characterized it himself.
He was given a month to fix the situation. His answer was to lie about it when pushed.
Freemasonry. The military has been awash in it for a long while.
E.C.P. was an FM product for sure.
But what that means is up for a lot of different theories. More thoughts later!
Well I looked her up heard her read and can say she would not be anyone I fallow.
Ha ha I realized I am to conservative for that.
Still I am open to Christian Spirituality . I need to examen myself if I am to ridged
Over my life I have been exposed to many different Christian denominations.
I have seen in denominations ( not Catholic) people so absorbed by rules and man made tradition to the point of being Pharisaical they totally overlooks the spiritual aspect of faith.
Only glad I am not found of prescriptive prayers I rather pray from the heart my thoughts my words.
That is just me.
I am not getting into it either. I have been hammered before from different denomination what real faith is. I spend 26 years in the Lutheran church my husband was Lutheran. When we moved where we did we became Presbyterians because Lutherans were dying out here. I most likely have someplace St Michael prayer but cannot find it right now as reference. I also do not know specifically what Flynn prayed. First amendment is for everyone so my opinion is he can pray what he wants I have a choice to reject it or embrace it. God knows what he prays and that is good enough for me.
There seems to be more going on than we’re aware of. Lin Wood seems to be complaining because Sidney Powell didn’t support him when Rittenhouse accused him. Other friends did write in support, but she didn’t. There might be more to it.
This is a big deal, spiritually. This video from that he linked explains exactly what that prayer was that Flynn said.
When the hubbub began, Flynn said he carries the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel in his wallet. But the prayer he said was not the traditional one; it was an occult prayer. So why is a professing Christian doing that? And misleading all those people in the audience who went along with what he was saying? It is serious business.
A lot of the problems would be resolved if people were willing to learn and admit mistakes, or at least acknowledge the other side but continue in what they were doing. In other words, own up to what we all can see. Marjorie Taylor Greene could have had a conversation with Wood about the 2020 election and started doing at least some work on it. Flynn could say, “I didn’t realize what that prayer was,” or he could say he disagrees that it is occult, or something. Just address the actual issue, and then everyone knows where everyone stands and can move on.
Instead, we have MTG calling Wood a horrible person and Flynn pretending that we can’t see exactly what that prayer was. And we have Sidney Powell not addressing what Lin Wood is saying. Instead, it’a all a bunch of veiled communications that only make things worse.
Let’s pray for all of them.
Satan is sowing seeds of division, treachery, doubt, and hate.
Pray that GOD sorts this out, corrects those who are wrong, and helps and heals those who are/were wronged, as well as the rest of us.
As Gail noted above, the DEMONRATS have historically been unparalleled at hiding their differences and circling their proverbial wagons; the Republicans (RINO and not) have always descended into nitpicking.
Time to kick Alinsky tactics off the board, and move forward in prayer, discernment, and MAGA…
“Satan is sowing seeds of division, treachery, doubt, and hate.”
And the Globalists are his Hand Maidens!
We have to be extra careful what information we accept.
@ 19 minutes they say they were TOLD IT IS A CATHOLIC PRAYER by Catholic viewers.
I am not Catholic so I do not know the truth of the matter but I find it interesting that was slipped in AFTER 20 minutes of General Flynn bashing.
It is a new-age, occult prayer by a woman who prays to the “7 angels of light” or some such, who uses occult symbolism, who thinks Jesus taught reincarnation, who says that prayer was dictated to her by the angel, etc. If Catholics want to claim it, that’s to their peril.
Did you listen starting at 19 minutes?
If General Flynn says it is TO HIM a Catholic Prayer (specifically to his name sake) and their Catholic Listeners say it is a Catholic prayer…
And the Catholic Church has been around for a couple thousand years while Elizabeth Clare Prophet (April 8, 1939 – October 15, 2009) was around for less than a century….
I would surmise it IS a Catholic prayer that Elizabeth Clare Prophet plagiarized especially since ‘they’ are not know for creativity.
“…Flynn ended his speech with a strangely distinctive prayer, which was repeated verbatim by those in attendance and in all likelihood by many of those watching the videostream:
This has been identified as a
modified version
of a prayer that appears in the work of Elizabeth Clare Prophet…”
Modified Version?? Or was it THE ORIGINAL CATHOLIC VERSION?
Again I would want to hear from Catholics who might be familiar with the Catholic version the Catholic listeners mentioned.
I do not KNOW but until I hear from our Catholic Treepers, I consider that the Jury is still out.
I watched the whole thing.
No Gail. Gen. Flynn claimed it was a prayer to St. Michael.
This is a bold-faced lie.
Tragic. But the truth makes us free.
Again, thank you for straightening the matter out.
This is not an area I have any knowledge in.
I wonder where those ‘Catholic listeners’ came from???
When you add that into the mix, deep state connected Spook all of a sudden looks more likely.
Not a Catholic prayer. Never heard of it until Tru News exposed it.
The only hope Gen. Flynn has is to admit his utter ignorance of that prayer’s origin.
He’s had more than enough time. I call him on it.
I stand with Lin Wood.
See my response to Grandma. This is a weird lefty hit job seems to have spun out of somebody sourcing Flynn’s prayer and finding it was from somebody “culty enough” to cause problems. I seriously doubt that Flynn is a CUT member.
Flynn probably Googled it and assumed it was solid Christianity.
This appears to be an IC hit job. Let me explain.
I went to Wikipedia to find more about this woman and her “church/cult”, and on the page for the latter, at the end, there was very recent editing which the Wikipedia goons actually noted with a warning at the top of the section. This was part of the hit job.
The section was about Flynn, but dated from EARLY OCTOBER.
General (Ret.) Mike Flynn
In October 2021, OSI researchers Jim Stewartson and Karen Piper revealed that Flynn has been plagiarizing CUT sermons word for word during his speeches. Stewartson did a video comparison of Elizabeth Prophet in 1984 and Mike Flynn in 2021, and in his words, “It’s verbatim the same. He just changed “I AM” to “WE WILL”.[41] Piper noted that the passages in question were from Prophet’s The Flame of Freedom Speaks, published in The Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 27.[42]
I went to the Twitter link to find out who the heck OSI was.
Follow the tweets and see how they play him using a “dubious origin Christian prayer” all the way to “Satanists”, “QAnon”, etc.
Absolute hit job.
This account is a CLASSIC Twitter cut-out for IC playing up some “gotcha” to try to get buzz. Just read the thread.
First Tweet:
It looks to me like weaponization of “dirt” in the form of Flynn being his usual dopey doufus and picking up some prayer that LOOKED attractive (Saint Michael, fighting, liberty, whatever) but had “baggage”. IC spotted it and nailed him.
Just read this guy’s tweets. He’s out to GET FLYNN.
I seriously doubt that Flynn ascribes to CUT doctrine, even though some of their thoughts are not all that radical (many ARE way outside of Christianity, IMO).
Very unfortunate. But this is our side taking the bait, IMO.
That certainly sounds reasonable.
There is still the ‘Catholic Friends’ who contacted Trunews and said it was a Catholic prayer.
19 minutes 15 seconds:
That makes things a bit more complicated.
Yeah, that sounds funky. Something going on.
The event in question happened in early October, where Flynn led the churchgoers in that prayer.
Now, I don’t rule out a IC hit, but Flynn’s response has been to LIE about it and claim it is a rendition of the St. Michael prayer.
Could it be someone gave him the prayer? He does lots of appearances and someone might write a speech for him and put that in?
I am not as upset as many because I really cannot relate to the upset. People make mistake. I am glad God does not hold my feet to the firer for every thought for everything thing I do..
God is Mercy full and Love. I am grateful for his patience with me.
DP often includes a prayer seeming to Michael the Archangel in one of her dailies. I’ve always assumed this is some form of a Catholic prayer & outside my understanding of scripture as we are only to pray TO God. See Scott’s note above for insight.
So it would Appear that there is some form of a Catholic “prayer” to Michael the Archangel & viewers may be admitting that but not necessarily saying that the version that Michael Flynn used is the “usual” version of such a “prayer” (common to Catholics saying?)…
I do remember that Catholics will pray to others to intercede with God on their behalf. It was a matter of fierce debate among some of my friends.
Yes, from my view this is outside the bounds of scripture. Jesus is the Only mediator needed between God & man, the High Priest after the order of Melchizadek, from before the Law was given…I don’t make a big deal of it around here because of many Catholics & knowing that we can Agree to Disagree & remain in the fellowship of the Faith, imo.
There is a St. Michael chaplet. Nothing to do with that heinous “prayer” Flynn read.
Thx GMa, not sure what a chaplet is but will dig in after we get back home
MTG posted some rant about Lin Wood needing to be arrested, like arrested right now. That’s the kind of crap you expect from Adam Schiff. Something is off with her.
“When the hubbub began, Flynn said he carries the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel in his wallet.”
Is there any example or command in God’s Word, for anyone to pray to angels?
In the NT, when encountering an angel and falling down at his feet, the angel tells the person NOT to do it (e.g., Revelation 19:10, 22:9), that the angel is his FELLOW SERVANT.
If there is no example in God’s Word to pray to angels, then from whence does this practice come?
“But the prayer he said was not the traditional one; it was an occult prayer.”
How did it become a ‘tradition’? Where or when did this “tradition” start?
Is it of men, or is it of God?
At 20:09 in the video: “This is the Catholic prayer to St. Michael, and this was instituted by Pope Leo XIII in 1886.”
Practically yesterday in historical terms. My Great Grandparents were still young in 1886, and I’m old enough to remember them.
Was Pope Leo a man?
If he was, and if he instituted this practice, this tradition, then is it not a tradition of men, by definition?
What does God’s Word say about doctrines, commandments and traditions of men?
“Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. [8] For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do. [9] And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition.” (Mark 7:7-9, KJV)
Wood is saying his name was used without his permission, and that is under investigation regarding its finances. No doubt he wants no part of it since he didn’t consent to have his name used in the first place.
“Hey, Sidney, are you in a multi-million dollar dispute with General Flynn?”
It’s not clear if this is between Sidney and Flynn, or if the two of them have been embroiled in a multi-million dollar dispute. But it looks as if Wood does not want to be pulled into it.
Lin Wood
People might not like what they’re reading, but it does look as if Wood has some good points, IMO. For his name to appear on corporate filings of a foundation that he has no part of, and when he didn’t consent to that, is a big deal.
It certainly is. I believe Lin Wood, on all of it. He’s accustomed to winning, and winning through truth. Being throttled by the overwhelming evil is wearing on him. He has been too trusting of people during these times, in his zeal to get at the truth and WIN for this country. But I’ve seen nothing at all, ever, that I’d give the side eye.
They are all adults and should manage their grievance in private. They are very selfish.
They are childish. I really do not care much of any of the three one way or another but please they need stop for the sake of the country.
Money seems to divide people. My take for what it is worth does Trump endorse any of them or has he distant himself?
People handle stress different. Dr. Clemons as I remember mentioned he and Weeds were tired. Clemons spoke for a log time one day. They all have been on the firing line for a long time now. I think they are worn out.
Correction not weeds
The whole thing is weird.
Yes it is. I am reframing from judgement until more evidence is in.
When it was just Lin Wood vs the bodyguard/spokesperson David Hancock, I was willing to give Lin Wood the benefit of the doubt. Now with Sidney and General Flynn involved…..
Peter Navarro’s book has shocked me with how many people we thought were White Hats, were actually back-stabbers….
At this point I am inclined to trust Peter, only one of three people to be with POTUS the entire 4 years, and General Flynn and that is about it.
Gen. Flynn led an audience in an occult prayer and won’t admit it when called out by Lin Wood.
I don’t know anything about this site but am posting this because it tells the story:
This is not overthinking. And we are listening — to what Flynn himself said. Instead of addressing the real issues, he made excuses.
AND Rick Wiles and Doc Burkhart at TRUNEWS who made the accusation against General Flynn said ~19 minutes that their Catholic Viewers SAID IT WAS A CATHOLIC PRAYER!
Interesting that they waited so long to drop that sound bite.
I think you are mistaken. I’ve listened twice and did not hear that.
I just checked again it is at 19 minutes and 20 to 24 seconds.
I will have to listen again but I think they are saying there is a prayer to St. Michael but the Flynn one is not that prayer?
I just listened to it for the 3rd time. What Doc B. is saying is that FRIENDS OF THE SHOW called in and said it was a Catholic prayer. Not Flynn’s friends – friends of Tru News – “OUR friends” in Doc B’s words.
Obviously very mistaken.
I cannot imagine any Catholic saying that was a Catholic prayer. It is UNHEARD OF in Catholic circles.
A “St. Michael” prayer is considered the one promulgated by Pope Leo XIII or the shortened version.
Folks need to really think through the Gen. Flynn issue from its beginning, including his theology. I’m not comfortable with the man’ views personally.
He’s a spook.
So we will never know with any certainty what his personal views are, about anything.
“This is not overthinking. And we are listening — to what Flynn himself said. Instead of addressing the real issues, he made excuses.”
He also was obviously stalling to think of a proper answer when the question was put to him.
He rambled about a bunch of nothing for at least 10-15 seconds while he formulated his answer.
It doesn’t mean anything in and of itself, except to demonstrate that his eventual reply was not spontaneous and forthcoming, as the tendency would be for someone who had nothing to hide.
But he’s a former (and therefore always) spook, so he has more stuff to hide than any regular thousand people combined…
Flynn has never been a good speaker IMHO
They aren’t evangelicals, they are Charismatics. Big difference.
I used to know the difference – I think a lot of us could stand to hear it again, because I’ve forgotten.
Charismatics insist that speaking in tongues is almost a prerequisite for being a fully-formed believer.
Evangelicals do not emphasize tongues.
Grandma – check this out – this is a hymn in that church.
Get a feel from that about where this goes – the politics of the time – etc.
I am really starting to see where this is going.
I think Rick Wiles is absolutely right – this is related to Freemasonry, but “FM” is up to things. The politics of both sides is being manipulated by FM.
This goes back to the founding and the FM origins of America.
This is very wild stuff.
It sure is.
Just thinking outside the box, what if flynn was a plant or ‘monkey wrench’ from the beginning.
If he was a super-spy, well-versed in DS and IC spy techniques, how did he fall for the old ‘send a few guys over’ Corney trick?
What if he was paid well to take the fall, besmirch RealPOTUS for several years, but never really get convicted? If everyone was against PT, why not MF too?
Anyways, I just get to thinking about all these characters that were the lead on draining the swamp and I gave $$$ before but no more. I will watch when info of them surfaces, but I no longer pursue them nor believe blindly what they have to say … wood, flynn, sidney
I really hope that I am wrong and they are all attacking DS from different directions and that we can’t see what is going on. I am just done with expending energy on the drama.
Maybe we are the hero we’ve been waiting for … LET’S GO BRANDON!
There have always been several issues with Gen. Flynn, and there is no way for us to know for sure what to make of them.
1) he is (or was) a registered Democrat. No matter who you are, that’s a red flag.
2) he is (or was) a spook, and once a spook always a spook, so everything he says or does comes with that context
3) he remained silent for FOUR YEARS while DJT (and by extension, our country) twisted in the wind, and ultimately the Coup succeeded. People can argue that he had a court gag-order from corrupt Judge Sullivan.
Whether that is true or not, which is the higher moral principle and duty, saving the Republic or following a corrupt judge’s gag-order?
4) someone in the audience at one of his townhall type meetings asked if we should have something like what happened in Myanmar, and Gen. Flynn said “yes”, and then backtracked all over himself the following day
5) we are frequently admonished by Gen. Flynn to stand up and fight back, while he was silent for four years and backtracked on the one opportunity to rally and unite the People in a just cause
What does any of it mean?
No idea.
There’s no way for us to know. He could be a white hat. He could be a black hat playing a white hat. He could be a white hat playing a black hat who is really a secret white hat (double agent).
He’s a professional spook, so we’ll never know for sure until it’s over, if it ever is over.
I’m with you. I don’t know enough to know WHAT the hell is going on! I just know that it’s not possible to believe all sides.
I agree.
Just wondering: Have you heard any of Wood’s interviews where he explains what happened?
I have not. But I heard Kyle. And he really was in jail longer than he had to be, I think. I wondered about it at the time.
“…he really was in jail longer than he had to be…”
According to Lin Wood that was the decision of Kyle’s defense attorney.
John Pierce (who was fired) decided on moving Kyle from the juvenile detention facility in Illinois to the jail in Wisconsin.
I don’t think I understand half of what is going on here, honestly. It’s weird.
VERY WEIRD esp with Mike Lindell trying to get the case before the Supreme Court. All the financial, economic and Green New Deal stuff in Congress and the Clot Shot headed for little children.
It is enough to make your head spin WITHOUT all the Drama Queen crap tossed in.
I listen to everything he puts out, and I absolutely believe it all. He posts correspondence and spreadsheets. The other side posts trash talk. Kyle has been run off the rails by David Hancock. It wouldn’t surprise me if Hancock was living in their house all these months.
Where is Kyle’s FATHER hiding out in all this?
Michael Rittenhouse, Kyle Rittenhouse’s Father
So he could very well have had very good training in gun handling. Here where I live I have seen 8 year olds who handle guns much more safely than that idiot prosecutor.
Oh I wasn’t questioning anything about his firearms skill/training — I was just thinking out loud as to how Hancock (who’s the “spokesperson”, not legal team) might have moved in on the family and come to have such influence.
Kyle’s a glowie, Sidney lost me when the Kraken never showed up, Lin Wood has said a lot of salacious stuff on Telegram for a year with no tangible results, and I don’t really have any opinion on Flynn. I’m done caring about all of these people. We’ve reached the point where babies are dying from the injections, they’re injecting the children, and there’s zero leadership anywhere outside of DeSantis as the country purposefully collapses. If any of the above people are in any position to stop this, then it’s time to STFU and get to work. Until then, I’ve got no energy in me to follow their stupid drama.
Perfectly acceptable.
Just curious….why do you think Rittenhouse is a glowie?
I find it far more plausible that Kyle is a special agent with military training than the official narrative that an untrained 17 year-old kid turned into Rambo at the perfect camera angle. There’s a whole lot of smoke in that direction.
Black Rifle threw him to the curb long ago, and went broke.
That is what I recall. Black Rifle was NOT what we thought it was but I can not remember the details. They were posted here.
Run by former C-I-A
I would also add to that how well-spoken he is….right on down to specific word choices.
Highly unusual in a person of his age in the present society.
And he says he supports BLM movement, which I have discounted.
It definitely looked like he had spend more than time at the range just engaging silhouettes.
So he had training outside the range. At 17 with interest in law enforcement he may have had fairly good training depending on the instructor.
Yeah, I had amazing reflexes at that age. I was able to do things back then that seem miraculous now.
We forget that at 14, 15, 16 & 17 a lot of our ancestors were serving in the military.
One of mine joined the Revolution at 13!
From what I remember of the various videos of that event, it’s a miracle that he survived.
He did his part for sure, kept his wits about him, etc. It was incredible.
But any time the enemy is THAT close to you, that they can literally touch you (and therefore potentially disarm you), multiple times, there would seem to be a sizeable amount of good luck or good fortune involved, no matter how good you are.
Spot on ^ IMO.
I feel you, a lot. I’m right there with you on the original gang. Kyle being a glowie, I have not heard or thought about. Now I will think about it.
The clot-shot is the absolute end for me. It is pure murder, and anyone in on it, or promoting it, is dead to me. If Trump doesn’t disavow soon, I won’t know what to think.
I think he needs to wait just a bit – days to low weeks. We are almost at the point where the narrative collapses.
The fall of the vaccine can’t be about TRUMP – that will breathe new life into the jabs, and distract from them. We’ve learned that lesson.
We’re close, but IMO WE are the ones who have to bring it down.
“We’re close, but IMO WE are the ones who have to bring it down.”
Are we the ones we’ve been waiting for?
Asking for the Hussein
“Are we the ones we’ve been waiting for?”
It is up to US to put on our big boy pants and TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY instead of waiting for a ‘Strong Man’
AND the planet began to heal
I agree with you Wolfie. Look at how they trashed HCQ and anything else POTUS Trump mentioned.
Maybe his support of the vax is reverse psychology.
Peter Nevaro said someplace Bannon or Tim Pool that paraphrased ” the jab was only for the very sick or old and that HCQ was supposed to be the other weapon against the Covid. Fauci and others fell Trump in the back and ordered Ivermectin and HCQ only to be given in the hospital instead as home cure . Trump never meant the jab for everyone”.
“I’m done caring about all of these people. We’ve reached the point where babies are dying from the injections, they’re injecting the children, and there’s zero leadership anywhere outside of DeSantis as the country purposefully collapses.”
Lin Wood has made public the receipts, correspondence and spreadsheets to prove everything he has stated about the monies raised and donated to Kyle Rittenhouse. He has stated in writing and in numerous interviews and podcasts the entire story of his dealings both with Rittenhouse and with David Hancock. He was not a part of the “legal” team – being a defamation lawyer – but did state that he felt it would be safer for Kyle to remain in the juvenile detention facility in Illinois (where he turned himself in) while the monies were raised, than to be moved into the general population of the jail in Kenosha. John Pierce (attorney/laster fired) did the move to Kenosha, not Lin Wood. Evidently in Wisconsin cash bail means the entire amount — not a percentage.
So the monies were raised as fast as humanly possible, plus fightback threw in the $600K that they had on hand – all of their assets, adding that to the 1.2+ million raised, $50K from Lindell and the $150K LOAN from Schroder.
I think Kyle has been pushed off the rails and is being used. And at this point he seems quite happy with it all. That won’t last.
I have not seen the Sidney Powell SPECIFICS anywhere. Until I do I can’t weigh in on it. But we’ve learned over the past 5 years that the smartest people certainly can be BS’ed by other smart people. And that so very few people in public life actually ARE their persona. Lin Wood can be bullshitted just as easily as Donald Trump.
A fricking men.
I love it.
The bullshit has gotten so deep I am surprised the mushrooms haven’t sprouted all over the USA…
OH that’s right they HAVE! We just call them liberal/socialist/commie Sheeple.
Just today I was driving and went to the store, and the word I could not get out of my mouth – every 5 seconds – as all these zombified maskies stumbled around in the street, almost getting run down by traffic, half-awake, was “SHEEPLE!!!”
Were they planted knee deep in bullshit?
I’ve read Sidney’s books. My take has always been that she is naive. She seems to honor the judiciary and process way beyond its merits; sort of caught up in the trappings of it all. She has been disillusioned by all that has happened since the writing of those books. So have many of us by her brags to get things done that never got done. But I trust her far more than Wood or Flynn.
There’s no way Flynn fell for a FBI setup. No. Stinking. Way. Reverse sting of Trump IMO. Totally kneecapped PDT’s planned attack on the DS. JMO, he continues as controlled opposition today. Nothing of substance has he provided to MAGA, to undo The Steal, etc. Wood is a charlatan of sorts IMO. Cannot get a handle on it exactly, but can tell he’s a player. If you are sincere in your faith with the Lord, you don’t even need to talk about it unless you are witnessing. You don’t do what he does. You don’t air dirty laundry in public about others, you counsel them in private.
Yeah, I agree with you on Wood. Flynn, I can’t get any handle on. Which is, I’m sure, intentional.
I couldn’t disagree more.
^^^ LITERALLY. It IS my wish for Piglosi and her ilk.
Darrel Brooks Jr
Him being a low life street thug ho’in and pimpin pales in comparison to him being a true radical extremist with ideology that promotes killing white people and Jews.
Biomedical tyranny across the globe
In one year’s time, governments around the world abandoned democracy and embraced the tyranny established by a cabal of media talking heads, unhinged science bureaucrats and greedy pharmaceutical executives. But humanity is fighting back — and not a minute too soon. This could be the final battle.
One of the comments @ Church Militant:
Bannon has representatives of Children’s Health Defense/Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on the War Room sometimes.
Children’s Health Defense:
I heard on Bannon’s war room, Robert Kennedy’s book is #1 best seller on Amazon.
Trying to check if the video embedding code from works here.
Direct link to video below:
Mike Lindell Unveils The People’s U.S. Supreme Court Complaint | Frank Speech the Home of Free Speech
Arberry verdicts being read now. Lots of guiltys being read.
Interesting timing.
They gotta have their white-kills-black narrative no matter what the cost, and no matter how many FFs they have to create…
And nary a word about the Nation-of-Islam terrorist… or so it seems…
Jack Posobiec expects the FBI to swoop down and shut down ALL press like they did in Fergusion and Vegas.
Even tho the “(knife) fight” narrative appears at the beginning, the play-by-play clearly indicates intent to harm
Note that 10 years ago, arms could have been used to stop the vehicle and prevent the deaths, but the “special exclusion of black people from law enforcement” by “BLM” propaganda and conditioning, meant that 6 people had to die, and dozens more injured.
Nobody will fault the officer for what he didn’t do, but I say we should fault the politically correct system, for what he was not truly allowed to do.
I’m reading that attorneys general have gotten cold feet and Mike Lindell’s complaint hasn’t been filed with SCOTUS. Lindell is partly blaming Ronna McDaniel’s recent statement that JB won the election. This is not good.
Lindell should have kept his MOUTH SHUT!
I am sorry to say that because I like Mike, but all the hype just made those AGs targets.
Wish I had thought of this. Glad someone else did!
I like this A LOT.
I never expected to see this.
I have relatives who started a tradition of giving to the SA, but the SA will not get one more dime, now. I’ll be sure to write and tell them why. I’m sorry that the people who need help the most will suffer, but we can’t let these people impose their sick and flawed ideology on all of us.
Have every year for decades made it a point to drops a few bucks and change in Salvation Army bucket.
Every yer since they could walk and talk, gave my twin 14 yo Grand Sons some money to drop in the Salvation Army bucket. Wishing the bell ringer a Merry Christmas.
AND, they each picked a small toy, that they handed to the Marine, manning the Marine Corps Toys For Tots collection point.
THIS year, Toys For Tots gets a couple more toys.
Salvation Army can go fuck themselves. Harsh? Nope. My Christmas spirit focuses on the goodness in people.
From now on, every bucket I pass, will politely tell them I’m not donating and why. Let that serve as enlightenment to the bell ringers and hopefully send a message back up the chain.
You should see the comments on their FB page. People are done with them, period.
What is wrong with people? Good grief. That’s beyond stupid. The SA is defending racism as long as the racists are not white Christians as identified by them and their commission?
Buh bye, kettles.
DARN! and I just stuffed the kettle a day ago…
It is beyond belief, to me.
The Commies have managed to infiltrate them too.
A more in-depth article. Appears this has been brewing for some time. To the extent that it permeates the whole body is questionable. It may be a top down initiative that’s still stuck largely at the top and local at the street level in only a few areas as its resisted or given lip service elsewhere. I’m not sure the red bucket volunteers out in front of stores are ready to push such nonsense. I’d wonder if they’ve even heard of it. Ha… we should ask them and include it ground reports
Anyway… promised article.
I just sent them a
strongly wordedscathing letter. Here are their addresses, if anyone wants to use them.Salvation Army Headquarters Corporate Office Email Address:
The Salvation Army National Headquarters
615 Slaters Lane
Alexandria, VA 22314
EDIT: My email was returned. I sent it to the address above, but got this back:
The following addresses had permanent fatal errors
The “usn” was not part of the address I used. This happened twice. They are either not accepting emails, or they have the wrong email address on their site.
WOW. Something weird going on there.
The SA has local divisions. I strongly recommend Googling and contacting your local SA. More likely to be read by a human over there. I contacted my local SA and told them that if they can afford to pay people to write racist trash, then they obviously don’t need my evil racist donations anymore.
When I go here:
I find TWO email addresses for different things:
And website questions:
One has the “usn” and the other doesn’t. That is strange.
“Along with coins this Christmas, Salvation Army wants white donors to offer a “sincere apology” for their racism”
How about apologies IN LIEU OF money from white donors?
How about NOTHING at all from white donors, EVER again?
See how they like that.
Take your racist money laundering operation and shove it.
Thank you for sharing this. I had no idea. This is so disappointing. SA used to be one of the “better” charities in terms of money spent toward helping actual clients and not executive salaries, but obviously not anymore if they can afford to pay people to write racist garbage.
Most of the institutions are controlled by communist democrats and maybe the Salvation Army should look there for racism.
I find it insulting to assume because I am white that I am a racist.
HA! A Wolf quartet … soooooooo awesome

… You’re “DePat” open is outstanding .. very nice most appreciated W00lf ..
… and God Bless you and your loved ones, abundantly .. may He keep you safe from harm, protect and bless you with good health. 
.. forgot .. 

HAPPY THANKSGIVING everyone … God bless you and your loved ones abundantly with health, wealth and wisdom …
You all bless me every day ..

Happy Thanksgiving and God bless you as well!

Found in the bin! You have a typo in your email address!
Right back at ya Sweet Nikki!!

Aw .. ty sweetheart ..

Deaths among Children are 44% higher than the 5-year-average since they were offered the Covid-19 Vaccine according to ONS data
This is how the depopulation works. Incremental “gains”.
Election Officials Raided By FBI Fight
sBack (7 minutes)Another group is forming to delve into the 2020 elections and corrupt officials, this time in Colorado. They will be sharing ideas and methods.
Videos on that terrorist that ran over grandmas and kids at the Waukesha Christmas parade.
(Bannon is ticked off)
2 minutes
Jack Posobiec had interviewed people and reports. He also says he expects the DOJ/FBI to get involved and SHUT DOWN ALL INFO.
4 minutes
The Unity Project –
Global Covid Alliance –
— Dr Malone Also recommends the Brownstone Institute writings.
All three are lead by top academics from all over the world.
‘Hunting Down Of Physicians’ Underway Right Now (8.17)
Alaska is drafting legislation to STOP medical boards from Hunting doctors!!!
Dr Malone’s groups have done interventions in a number of states tp testify to legislators. Florida already has legislation and Texas is looking at it.
^^^ Copied and emailed. Thank you!
In the video, it appears Malone is showing lots of stress, a cold…something.
“Hunting down physicians” providing early treatment. I ASSUME this includes preventive scripts.
Dr Malone took two of the clot shots and says he has had an adverse reaction as a result. I hope his immune system is OK.
Why in the world would he take those shots when he knows they are poison???? /smh
He took them earlier.
Our knowledge has grown. I still remember when I thought the Pfizer jab was probably good.
He took them very early on and at the time was advocating shots for those in the older age brackets which he occupies.
Big Three U.S. Automakers Agree to Not Mandate Vaccines for UAW Union Members
A big win for medical privacy and the principles of freedom. Ford, General Motors and Stellantis have agreed the United Auto Workers union members will not be forced to take the mandatory vaccine as a condition of employment. [UAW Announcement] Additionally the vaccine status of the workers will remain private with a policy of private and voluntary disclosure.
Please Make It Stop !!!!!!!!! I don’t believe we’ve had gay Jesus yet…will steel myself for that one
F—-ing commies…
I wish they would keep their PRIVATE LIFE PRIVATE!!!
Their sexuality is their complete identity. It’s a problem.
Santa looks like a homeless bum. Last year he was a dying rona patient
Time to post this classic.

Happy Thanksgiving to one and all!
U2 CV !

THANK YOU! I’ve been wondering who RDS is and where CV has been.
Happy Thanksgiving Everybody!!

YW “Cartwheels” !

Happy Thanksgiving!

The First Thanksgiving, reproduction of an oil painting by Jean Leon Gerome Ferris, early 20th century.
From Gab :
Black Scorpion Nationalists commented on this gab
Olga Smith
Sort by
Black Scorpion Nationalists
@OlgaSmith We don’t care about this fake virus anymore.
No virus has ever been proven to be contagious. EVER. You cannot transfer a virus from one person to the other. It doesn’t work like that. In fact I would pay you 100 000 € if you found ANYONE on earth who could transfer this “virus” (or any other “virus”) to me.
In short: A virus is a cellular response to overexposure to toxins like chemicals, electricity, bad food etc. How do you define “overexposure” you might ask? Admittedly, that is a subjective term but that’s because – it depends. It depends on the susceptibility and the susceptibility has to do with how much metal you have in your body and the quality of the water in your cells. These people, of course, know this too therefore they use mercury compounds in the “vaccines”. Water + mercury compounds = ++ susceptibility. When your cells are poisoned their response is to purify themselves by creating a solvent, called viruses, to fight the toxic intrusion. Viruses are NOT the cause of anything and they CANNOT be transferred.
During the Spanish flu of 1918 they tried injecting voluntary prisoners with the “virus” and they even tried with horses. Not one single person got sick, and not one single horse got sick. Not even by injection. Yet, you can breathe on me and make me sick? Haha
Viruses are basically RNA/DNA and proteins. They are DEAD microbes and they have no digestive system. For this reason it would be impossible for your DEAD microbes (or micro organisms) to somehow kidnap or capture other people’s RNA and replicate themselves. That’s ridiculous.
This is also why you will never see them try to isolate the virus and transfer it to a rat in order to prove contagion. It would be so easy to prove by isolating and purifying the virus and then transfer it to an animal. Ask them to do this, and get back to me. Because I promise you, it cannot be done.
Well, I know I just recovered from a situation that might well have killed me had I not been prepared with the meds. I certainly caught something.
Yes… Doesn’t make much difference HOW you got it…

When you got it… You got it !
UGH!!! Even worse than the “there is no virus” crowd, the “there are no viruses” crowd.
(Know anything about this guy ?)
(near as I can tell, this “thing” is HIGHLY “contagious”, but NOT highly LETHAL.. IF TREATED EARLY AND PROPERLY!)
Have not dug into him – no time right now, but I really can’t waste time on every crank viewpoint. Some people are still stuck on “Koch is absolute”, and can’t accept the idea of viruses. It’s a bit like flat earth. There are only so many hours in the day to fight people who WON’T try to understand key ideas, so I have to be selective sometimes.
Yeah… I’ve met a few (new) “Flat-Earthers”…
They’ve only just discovered that they’ve been lied to about almost everything their entire lives (THAT’S TRUE!)… so WHY NOT “THAT” (FE) ?
So I ask them: “Suppose it’s TRUE… HOW does it affect you NOW?”
(They have NO ANSWERS !)
That being said, the guy IS a doctor so he’s got me beat… but then again, so is FAUCI !

LOL! So is Fauci! YUP.
But what is he a doctor OF? Jill Biden is a doctor, too, but not of medicine.
Medical doctor. Surrendered his licence to practice in California.
So he is a California Fruitloop.
Good question !
Supposedly, Dr. Cowan is an “anthroposophical doctor”.
From wiki:
“Anthroposophic medicine (or anthroposophical medicine) is a form of alternative medicine.[1] Devised in the 1920s by Rudolf Steiner (1861–1925) in conjunction with Ita Wegman (1876–1943), anthroposophical medicine is based on occult notions and draws on Steiner’s spiritual philosophy, which he called anthroposophy. Practitioners employ a variety of treatment techniques based upon anthroposophic precepts, including massage, exercise, counselling, and substances.[2]”
Sophic as in Sophistry
Define sophistry. sophistry synonyms, sophistry pronunciation, sophistry translation, English dictionary definition of sophistry. n. pl. soph·is·tries 1. Plausible but fallacious argumentation. 2. A plausible but misleading or fallacious argument. American Heritage® Dictionary
(yeah… I shoulda checked first… my bad !)

Steiner was the one behind Demeter (bio-dynamic farming and ranching) where they bury ground animal horns, crystals, and other “objects” in the soil to promote spiritually correct growth. He was a Satanist, having deep ties with Madame Blavatsky, who influenced quite a few kooks, including Crowley. Steiner also founded the Waldorf Schools, who promote similar gibberish.
He and his ilk are the roots of the Vegan, vegetarian, and green madness spreading like wildfire all over the world. And the roots of that go straight back to hell, worshipping the creatures rather than the CREATOR…
Thanks for this !
Ho hum…nothing to see here.
Good GRIEF. Next thing we know, he was a buddy of Paddock.
LOL…somehow I can’t see that but maybe a pal of some FIBBER infiltrated into the extremist group who “encouraged” him to start the revolution..Now that I could easily see. OR he’s a down deep psycho and has been for years.
Such a good candidate for the relaxed judicial system
Soros needs to pay for every one of these.
Don’t forget the Assholes in Davos, the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds….
My vote is dirt nap for all that have earned it. Done. No more next new outrage. BuhBye 4ever
That too.
And just because I’m mean that way I want someone to take scissors to those nasty looking dreads. Pretty sure they reek.
Actually I was thinking my hedge trimmers….
Oh goody ! That’s the ticket !
Brush hog…
Hmmmm very excellent choice .
We have the tractor hitched to the bush hog and ready to go…
A match.
Added entertainment value
And a bunch of fire ants to give that extra special crackle…
Well..a man who gets it and hasn’t been forced to bow down to blm.
Nope, not falling for it. He said some pretty rank stuff in the beginning. Standing next to Brother Grifter Al and look, is that Brother Grifter Crump?? Only because they ‘won’ and they’re on camera.
Thanks for the added perspective. I’m only half keeping up with current events in between packing up and real life stuff.
JJ Watt consistently helps folks in need..
He has a good heart.
Here’s Gavin McInnes being seriously funny by being extremely serious. (appox 4 mins)
Compiled all of our Vax Mandate resources including religious exemption documents, job boards, and more on this page of our blog:
GOOD Video — Jack Posobiec on the Waukesha Massacre (7 minutes)
I mentioned this earlier. Here’s one of the tweets I’ve seen about them forcibly vaccinating children.
It’s so unbelievable that we hear about it, Australians confirm it, the pictures of the camp look legit…how is this happening ?
No guns.
German Health Official Announces All Germans Will Be Vaccinated, Cured, Or Dead!
Protests are going on all over Europe. (3 minutes)
The Nazis are back, and this time, they’re EVERYWHERE.
44% uptick in the deaths of children after vaccination in the UK and they STILL want to force the Clot Shot?
I think the EU is about to implode. The lady in the video said the police are siding with the Anti-Vaxers.
That’s not what he said. He’s saying effectively if you’re not vaxxed, and not recovered (i.e. immune) then Corona will kill you…
Only Austria and, it appears, Australia have forced vaccinations…
Geez, it took them long enough!
Biden Communist Banking Nominee Saule Omarova to be rejected… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS
GP is reporting that 5 democrats told Biden they wouldn’t support her.
It was the TJMaxx shoplifting arrest that sunk her.

Texas Funds ‘Comprehensive Forensic Audit’ of Four Largest Counties… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS
kalbokalbs, was worried about truckers being vilified. However if they try to force vaccination and the truckers just up and quit, THERE IS NO SOLID TARGET!
This is the pivot from Wausheka massacre ? Remind everyone that the deplorables need to be controlled ?
At first glance, she’s her usual repulsive self but her message is pretty sharply pointed toward any of the forward movement we’ve made…she’s setting the next narrative that any criticism of the regime is tantamount to armed revolt.
She’s totally with the FBI going after parents. WICKED COMMIE WHORE.
Fuck you, Cankles. You’re as evil as ever.
Hi everybody. Are you coming out of your turkey induced comas yet?
LOL! We shall be in 24 hours!!!