Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:
This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).
Yes, it’s Monday…again.
But it’s okay! We’ll get through it.
Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. But please keep it civil. We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.
If you find yourself in a slap fight, we ask that you take it outside to The U Tree…which is also a good place to report any technical difficulties, if you’re unable to report them here.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.
Please pray for our real President, the one who actually won the election:
For your listening enjoyment, I offer this mix of tracks from Fearless Motivation:
And how about a classic Blind Faith song, performed by Clapton and Winwood:
Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.
It sucks and there are new outrages each day in this horror show of epic phuckery.
We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.
Joe Biden didn’t win.
I will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.
Wheatie’s Word of the Day:
paedarchy or pedarchy
Paedarchy/pedarchy is a noun which means…government by children; rule by children.
Used in a sentence:
The Biden regime is showing us what a paedarchy nation would be like.
“horror show of epic phuckery” deserves to be put on a space probe, to apologize for the Biden puppet regime.
Well it’s like they’re trying to provoke us and poke us…make us crazy.
Like being stuck in a moving vehicle with an obnoxious little kid who is constantly doing things to get a rise out of you.
Like being stuck in a moving vehicle with an obnoxious little kid who is constantly doing things to get a rise out of you…behind the wheel.
Ah the multiverse let you time-travel to my child-rearing days!
<iframe width=”689″ height=”388″ src=”” title=”YouTube video player” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen></iframe>
hopefully one of those shows
Let’s see if this works:
Thanks Wheatie. I see it in the notifier, if not on the page, hmmm…
Yeah, me too…that’s weird, isn’t it.

I guess Dewey is too frosty for the Deep State
Josiah used to kick & scream his way across 3/4 the length of the Michigan mitten, before we discovered noise dampening headphones, which reduced but didn’t eliminate that level of chaos–sigh. We’d arrive at our “vacation” destination Massively Stressed Out–good times–not. None of us turned into murderers, by God’s Grace! temptation abounded!
The reason kids are cute is so we don’t kill them.
No doubt. Screaming, diapers, AND puke are a pretty brutal induction into the joys of parenthood!
Two of my kids subjected me to “torture by poop.” It was brutal. One sprayed me during a diaper change. The other one…I went in after his nap and he had spread it EVERYWHERE. He had a canopy crib, and there was poop ON TOP of the canopy. I have still got no idea how he did it. I literally had to walk out of the room for a minute just to calm down.
Oh my, the stories we could tell–they are Only fun in the rearview mirror, Not in the living. Thankfully we AND our kids survived!!!!
You guys are making me glad Hubby and I decided not to have kids and rather decided to enjoy OTHER PEOPLE’s KIDS AT BIRTHDAY PARTIES.
(We were both too old and as a chemist I had been playing with mutagens for years…)
Children are a blessing and a trial. I had my first early and by accident, so I just decided to go ahead and have some more. If I hadn’t had the first one, who knows?
Was with the extended family yesterday for a belated Thanksgiving dinner. (Schedules rarely allow us to do these things on the normal days.)
One of the kids wanted to know what “element” best described someone or other. I guess he had tripped over something-or-other on his phone.
The available choices included the classic Greek Four (earth, water, air, fire) plus a bunch of other things like light and darkness…and here I was trying to suggest protactinium.
Mom’s solution was to threaten to pull over and give us a reason…. She did it once so we knew she meant it.
Mom and Dad had a … STRAP … shudder ..
Mom also preferred.. a .. switch, she made you go outside and get it too.
My mom broke many a hairbrush and wooden spoon on our backsides.
Que to 18 seconds ..
Let me guess…an additional penalty for having to break the item?
There was an internet sensation a few years ago; a guy who took his daughter’s laptop (after she had trash-talked him on social media), put a few rounds of .45 into it, and informed her she not only had to buy her OWN laptop next time, but she owed him for the ammo.
I would not ALLOW her a laptop or computer or calculator PERIOD!
You get a slide rule and an old fashioned type writer AND YOU HAVE TO BUY THEM.
Some schools probably *require* an online presence now.
Hopefully they’d accept a PDF scan of something typewritten…
And unfortunately I’d bet many math/science classes *assume* the student has an eight-decimal-digits precision calculator available. So a slide rule (which is good for about three digits as I recall, and that in very well trained hands) wouldn’t actually be acceptable.
I *do* think people should know how to crank math by hand…or a slide rule…but I think once they’ve demonstrated proficiency a calculator is desirable. Much of my engineering school homework wouldn’t have been feasible at all without one. As in it’d take ten times longer and the answer wouldn’t have been as accurate. Nonetheless, I’d throw in an occasional “simpler” problem and require it be done by slide rule just to keep people on their toes.
And even NASA in the good old days shoved stuff through a computer to refine the answers after the boys with the slide rules were done.
I am archaic.
If she is going to college, then she can get out of the house!
Also if such precision was needed in class room work, then she is old enough for homeschooling via the Robinson Method where you teach yourself.
In the particular case of the viral web video I was thinking of, she was some high school kid who trash talked daddy on social media. The way many teenagers will do among themselves, but of course this was not as private as they thought it was.
College and STEM was not the issue.
Yes, you’re a bit “archaic.” I still remember seeing a BIG slide rule hanging in a science classroom in high school (so that the teacher could demo how to use it to do problems) but the teacher never actually touched it. We were mostly expected to do things longhand for exams in high school but I think toward the end the idea of getting across what the problem meant was more important than (re)proving proficiency at arithmetic. By college it was *expected* that you’d have a calculator with you; programmable ones usually had to be master-cleared before an exam (so you’d have to know the formulas). I’d never have made it without an HP-41 calculator. There was just too doggone much computation to be done even though I *could* do it longhand if necessary (and struggle with a slide rule).
Any STEM student should know their way around a slide rule, better than I do, frankly (I can multiply and divide on one, but for anything fancier than that using the other scales, I would need the manual.)
Half the fun of using a slipstick is knowing how many digits of precision you have coming out of the process….
My college physics *lab* had a textbook, whose sole subject matter was determining how much precision you could claim given different sorts of formulae and inputs.
Highly engaging reading it was NOT.
Yeah, my college analitical chemistry course had the same emphasis.
They pounded it in so hard it is STILL stuck in my brain.
An essential skill for a practicing scientist, actually–unless he’s a pure theoretician who shouldn’t be allowed to touch a screwdriver lest he put out his own eyes.
I do remember reading a science article on Fox a few years ago. The subject was a star “326 light years away” (I don’t recall what was special about it). I was thinking that was an awfully precisely measured distance until I realized that it’s 100 parsecs (and astronomers think and work in parsecs, not light years). So the “science journalist” probably interviewed some actual scientist, who said the thing was a hundred parsecs away (and that probably has a +/- ten parsec error bar, or maybe even more), and the “science journalist” simply multiplied by 3.26 and didn’t toss the non-significant digits and write “three hundred light years away.”
I actually got fired over a ‘significant figure’ problem.
I did ten samples from the batch and then ten samples using measured amounts of the raw materials placed directly into each test sample.
This proved the test method was ACCURATE to the required significant figure and could determine if a sample was within spec while the MIXING was pure crap.
It was mixing dry ingredients and differing particle size plus static charge made uniformity close to impossible.
My boss, the mix room manager did not want to hear that.
Aaah, yes.
You can evade reality (which is what he was trying to do), but you cannot evade the *consequences* of evading reality.
(Paraphrase of something Ayn Rand said.)
She got fired as soon as the VP got back from vacation and found out she had fired me.
Too bad he wasn’t willing to hire me back. I really like the company although like most of the companies I have worked for it no longer exists.
Even aside from that, ignoring that sort of thing WILL bite someone in the ass someday.
She would go ballistic if the spoon broke.

Ah, the “good” old days
more like .. ahhhhhhh
… the “good” old days .. 

And we all survived that and were better for it. IMHO
It only had to happen once, at least in my case.
My brother two years older than me was a drama kid, before the parents could lay a hand on him he’d hit the floor on his back screaming “ahhhhhhh
don’t hit me “ … it fell on deaf ears though
I would pull over when they fought in the back of the car and say nothing and after 5 minutes one realized we were no longer driving. then “mom why are we not driving? because kids you are fighting and I am not driving with kids in the car who are fighting ! But mom our favored TV show is going to be on soon ! When you all stop fighting we continue towards home “.
No more fights in the car. I then used to hear in whispers “no fighting mom will pull over.”
The best thing about a station wagon is the younger siblings always were seated in the back seat as the older siblings had squatters rights to the second row seats but it backfired on them a because when my Dad got mad about the ruckus in the car he’d reach over and smack them .. heh heh
The Biden administration has been compared to being tied up in a room with a toddler who’s playing with a loaded gun.
About the size of it!!!

In my family the kids always “took care of the obnoxious little kid” they would get secretly thumped.

Especially in the car … it was literally WestleRama on a sibling went rouge.
.. when .. a sibling went rogue ..

Letting a sibling go rouge is way worse than letting one go rogue!
LOL … I’d of dropped the little bugger off, ..
Can you tuck and roll?
I used to call that “being pecked to death by ducks.”
Loved my kids, but geez they can be persistent.
the demoncrap party nominees :
(Hillary) Clinton/(Moose) Obama 2024
WWF is alive and … well/
Well, that ** may ** be what the DNC is discussing behind closed doors after getting “hints” from HRC and MO. However, what the Republic would be looking at would be TWO “co-equal Presidents”, since both HRC and MO believe they’re “entitled” to the top spot.
Let the cat fight begin!
Reminds me of the vaudeville joke .. Moose and a
were walking down Pennsylvania Avenue …
Super glued to the OUTSIDE … of the space probe …
… happy trails to you ..
till we “meet aaaaaaaaagggggggainnnn” 
A question is answered…although it’s a question that I didn’t even know was being asked.
Matthew McConaughey Announces He Will Not Run For Texas Governor (VIDEO) (
Hollywood actor Matthew McConaughey on Sunday announced he will not run for Texas governor.
“As a simple kid born in the little town of Uvalde, Texas, it never occurred to me that I would one day be considered for political leadership. It’s a humbling and inspiring path to ponder. It is also a path that I’m choosing not to take at this moment,” McConaughey said in a 3-minute clip posted to Twitter.
McConaughey said he would “continue to work and invest the bounty I have by supporting entrepreneurs, businesses and foundations that I believe are leaders, establishments that I believe are creating pathways for people to succeed in life, organizations that have a mission to serve and build trust while also generating prosperity. That’s the American dream.”
A recent Dallas Morning News poll said McConaughey would beat incumbent Greg Abbott by 8 points and would crush Democrat Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke.
He must have been under some pressure to run, which led him to make this statement.
Pressure from Democrats?
I dunno.
I thought there was already a MAGA candidate running against Abbott.
If McConaughey comes in he’ll come in as Democrat pushing a no label ticket and FGC is correct, the 8 point lead thing is the media attempting to manipulate weak minded voters.
Leftists are devout believers in the theory that if you tell a lie long enough it will come true. So they just keep lying. And this is why they are so concerned with “narratives”.
Joe Biden’s approval rating is at 36%…..36%!!…..and falling. “Let’s go Brandon” and it’s original version CONTINUE to grow with no signs of slowing.
Nov. ‘22 is going to be a referendum on the Biden administration. Hell, at the rate things are going, people are going to be trying to get into polling locations next Nov. like Walmart shoppers on a Black Friday!
And yet, in the face of these truths, the Dallas Morning Propaganda says that dopey pothead MM would beat Abbott by 8?!
Reread the first sentence.
“Like Walmart shoppers on Black Friday!”
Great description that I believe will be completely accurate. It’s gonna be hard to cheat when NOBODY voted Democrat!
Remember Trump and the 17 contenders that were used to put in place JEB! as the Uni-party’s pick.
Divide and Conquer has multiple uses and the Cabal uses them all.
And with all this narrative pushing, Abbott is guaranteed to get reelected. Is that not the goal for the D’s anyway? Controlled opposition is better than total opposition.
THIS. Abbott is one of Them. As is Cornyn.
It makes me sick and tired of all these miserable scummy
It might even be true. For the moment.
What we see here is a known quantity that apparently excites no one versus a celebrity that everything THINKS they know because he’s a celebrity (and as a celebrity, has a likeable image), but they’re really just filling in all the political blanks to suit their own hopes.
As time goes on and people learn who McConaughey actually is and many decide he’s a custardhead (even if he turns out to be down-the-line Deplorable [unlikely!!], many others who once liked him will realize they don’t) the numbers WILL shift and (if they’re not already lying) they will have to start lying.
Posted on Gab, with the text:
“Australian Journalism at its best.”

Looks like Australian media is as bad as it is here.
Notice how they’re saying that those are “Christmas shoppers”.
They’re getting awfully blatant in their lies.
They’re desperate to keep the truth hidden.
The pathology of lying in so blatant a manner presages their downfall. It alienates even those who want to believe.
That is just fucking pitiful. Do these so-called “journalists” really think anyone believes that?
THE very same School of Journalism, that trained Baghdad Bob. OR CNNs goofs, “Mostly Peaceful” with fires raging in view.
Sylvia just posted this at Marica’s and I thought everyone should see it. This doctor is really telling it like it is.
“The leading doctor credited with improving early treatment of COVID-19 said in a conference that the goal of vaccine transmission campaigns is to “control and kill off a large proportion of our population without anyone suspecting that we were poisoned.”
“The deaths that are meant to follow the vaccinations will never be able to be pinned on the poison. They will be too diverse, there will be too many, and they will be in too broad a timeframe for us to understand that we have been poisoned,” claims Dr. Shankara Chetty………

“The deaths that are meant to follow the vaccinations will never be able to be pinned on the poison. They will be too diverse, there will be too many, and they will be in too broad a timeframe for us to understand that we have been poisoned…”
Except for US. WE KNOW.
Which is probably why they try to periodically shut this site down.
“Keep a magic marker with you at all times.”

Blue fists, or blue balls…..
I suspect that there are a lot incels within the ranks of BLM/Antifuh.
incel = involuntary celibate
Hence the blue cough/cough …
One of the peculiarities of working in a startup is that the configuration of your workspace is always changing as things expand. At first, there are three people crammed in a closet. Then you get your first round of funding, and get new facilities (often in the same building) with “Administration” and “Engineering” spaces. You start making things, so you cram “Inventory” into your original closet. You need a loading dock, so you start out sharing one with a burnt-out startup that shows up on Wednesdays…..
Anyway, at one point at one place I worked, we had a vacuum research group headed by a guy named “Dick Phister” that was only accessible by going through my accounting department. At one point, in the tense lead-up to a trade show, one of the partners came bursting in looking for the vacuum group. “Where is Dick Phister, what the hell is he doing when we have a truck ready?”
I could see in everyone’s eyes that we were all thinking, “Probably Dick Phisting” — but we all pantomimed ignorance, knowing better than to antagonize already-stressed executives….
As an aside…
Dick Phister is the perfect nickname for the total jackoff that is Joe Biden.
Or a James Bond parody flick.
Sung to the tune of “Goldfinger” bwahahahahaha

I meant the villain in a James Bond parody flick.
I shouldn’t comment before tea.
I have Glen Livet and Glen Fiddich, … come on over to my house
it’s a
very very fine house

LOL, literally–thanks!
My dad was just telling us some college days tales including the unfortunately named “Dick Willy”
and there’s this…

OMG, I will HAVE to do this now!
Of course, I am in Montana, so I’ll probably never see one!
The Salvation Army responded to the backlash against their racist materials. Their response is quoted below. Apologies if this was already posted and I missed it.
tl;dr: The Salvation Army claims “no one is being told how to think,” they complain that about people who “ignore their efforts to provide accurate information,” and generally defend their CRT position. They pulled the racist book claiming, “certain aspects of the guide may need to be clarified.”
Conveniently missing is any explanation regarding why The Salvation Army was using donor money to produce racist books instead of helping the needy. That’s the part that pisses me off the most about this. The Salvation Army apparently has enough money lying around that they can afford to pay Communists to bully White people, and yet they still have the audacity to beg for our pocket change outside of the supermarket. They still want us to believe that the money in the red kettles is going toward feeding a hungry person or to the local homeless shelter, and not toward funding social justice indoctrination programs.
Also missing from this response is any kind of assurance that they were treating their White clients fairly. If the official stance of The Salvation Army is that all White people are racists who need to “repent and apologize,” then I have to wonder how much of this hateful rhetoric filters down toward the treatment of their clients.
The marxists have infiltrated every organization that was worth a damn, right on down to the Boy Scouts.
What they’re trying to do with the SA is nothing compared to what they did to the BSA.
They are vile, rancid filth. (spit)
Not to mention what they did to the Girl Scouts.
starting so long ago too!
Translation: We were getting exposed, so we have gone into hiding. For now.
Hint — if you have an “International Social Justice Commission”, you have abandoned your fundamental precepts and are damned.
Or those were your precepts from the start.
Either way, bad.
Translation: “We’re pulling it for the holiday donation season and hoping people forget by next week.”
Not going to happen, Commies. I’m ready to print these up and deploy at the local supermarket.

Those should come in handy.
Love it!!!
I’d like to print a slew of those off to put in their dadblasted POTS … dang it
Miserable evil scum
Their criminal money-laundering scam should go out of business yesterday.
That leaves Samaritan’s Purse.
ELCA Synod [Evangelical Lutheran Church] Goes After Samaritan’s Purse
And lest we forget:
U.S. Lutherans Make Entire Denomination an Illegal Alien “Sanctuary”
Pontificating bullschiff. I used to help write this sort of thing.
The Salvation Army’s programs are good, I hear, but there is no follow-up and their clients end up back in the habits that put them there in the first place. I worked with a social worker who was blunt about that.
The nice thing about these vaunted organizations going woke is that we can voluntarily withdraw our support, give to worthy causes, form our own worthy orgs, and kick the dust from our heels as we abandon them in their wokeness.
Let the dead bury the dead.
Don’t throw your pearls before swine. Many more worthwhile organizations to give our change to.
Amen, Grandma. Amen.
I know someone personally who was turned away from the Salvation Army here because they didn’t like her “lifestyle.” She is not Christian.
It is of course just my personal feeling about it, but I don’t think Jesus made those distinctions when offering help. How likely is is that a non-Christian would become Christian given that kind of treatment?
Two trials start today…
Ghislaine Maxwell, and….the french actor….
Jussie Smolette (aka Juicy Smolyea)
Kam-Kam and Cor-Cor (Booker) were involved with the hoax. The only question is whether they hid their tracks well enough.
Ah, yes “Spartacus”
[Not to be confused with Fartacus a/k/a Fartwell who apparently tries to go by the name of Swalwell.]
Sez the NON-United States CITIZEN ..
I’m sharing this

Justice for Juicy
Which would involve prison. Where a nickname like “Juicy” is gonna be fun!
It’s amazing that Googtube hasn’t deleted this video.
I posted that the other day. Hilarious.
Looters get robbed of their loot.
“All Bad: Looters Break Into Department Stores Just To Get Robbed For What They Just Stole!”

No Honor Among THIEVES and Marxists are THIEVES!
Marxism is at its core simply a big-worded pseudo-philosophical justification for thievery.
Got it in one!
Symbolism regarding the Moronic variant. I think it was Cuppa who originally posted the bottom meme, but I’m re-posting for completeness.

They’re really trying too hard with the demonic stuff. Well, somebody is, because if this is the white hats playing the black hats, at this point the over the top demonic symbolism is mockery.
Not that that is a bad thing.
Those people DO believe that. I worked with some, went to Uni with others. A few names would be recognizable, others not. And there are MANY in the silicon valley, far more than the average person would expect. Asilomar, Esalen, Aptos, and the various “Harmonic Junction Points” are all near the SF Bay Area. It’s no accident that it’s so strange and perverted there…
Hidden knowledge, gnoticism is big with them. It feeds their pathetic egos.
And Satan’s, as well…
Boy oh boy are THEY in for a surprise
Gonna be a hot time in the old town for them…
wouldn’t it be ironic to have a Sodom and Gomorrah moment for LA and SF, knowing they teeter on the appropriately named faultline.
God Bless those who can see and LET’S GO BRANDON!
Trouble is, it’s a strike-slip fault, and not a subduction fault (like Cascadia) which would solve the problem pretty quickly (in geological time)…
Of course that area sucks so badly that who knows what might happen???
This fence used to be straight

From 1830 earthquake
Yep, but with subduction, the fence would be headed down, down, DOWN into the Earth’s mantle…
Sort of where Kalifornistan (OK, just the DEMONRATS) belongs…
Almost NOTHING is straight in Kalifornistan anymore
Santa Cruz County also…all that harmonic junctions stuff. Lots and lots of scary things that I ran into there as a 18 yr old and then through the many years following.
Sedona AZ also.
Yep. Also the home of car stereo freaks… can’t figure out why…
My dh said he wants to move to Sedona … he can “follow his bliss” (Joseph Campbell)
“Bliss” has a special meaning… Look at “Foundation’s Edge” and “Foundation and Earth” and “Bliss” (GAIA) by Isaac Asimov, where he ruined both the Foundation Trilogy and the “I, Robot” novels by merging them and corrupting them with the GAIA nonsense…

Interesting article here:
In that he mentions Paramanasha Yogananda, who wrote “Autobiography Of A Yogi”, and who, essentially, popularized Yoga in the west. I knew the son of one of his “disciples” back in the day… his name was “Anand”… he roomed with a (backsliding, as it were) $cientologist friend of mine, as well as his girlfriend.
“Three’s Company” doesn’t even come close. Weirdistan, perhaps. He was a good guy, but wayyyyyy off base…
My dh read Campbell, he liked it very much.
Yep. I used to drive from the Bay Area to Socal about every three weeks or so when I was in Uni (and it wasn’t just LAUNDRY RUNS
) and that part of Kali really spooked me. I’d drive Highway 1, 101, 5, 99, and that part always gave me the heebie-jeebies. (I wanted to go via 395 for a change, but it was only really open in summer, when I was home in the Bay Area… drat)…..
There’s a book about the New Age called “Blinded By The Light” which details a lot of stuff that that area contains… crystals, chanting, spells, etc. ….
These people are playing games with forces they do not understand. I truly believe that.
I know quite a few people in this category. They have no real understanding of any of it. They are like children trying on what they think is “naughty” behavior. They don’t comprehend the danger in it at all.
The people at the very top may have some understanding of what they are doing. But even they don’t know the TRUE danger, not really, or they would never risk it.
Right. When I first landed in Santa Cruz, all wide eyed and wannabe flower child, my wanderings led me into wild circles of people all high and calling out into the cosmos for “spiritual” guidance. Thank the Lord, my innate cynicism and healthy fear of things that looked to be demonic that eventually proved to be so saved me from being lost in that world forever.
I bet so many of them had no clue what they were asking for or dealing with, I know I sure didn’t.
Thank GOD that you escaped that trap! Berrit Kjos’s site, has a lot of interesting and informative posts on that and other dangers of the “New Age”…
thanks, looks like a nice site
Glad you came out of it clear-eyed and intact. too! has a number of articles about it. Berrit’s encounter with a ReiKi practitioner is really telling:
(an excerpt; the whole article is really good, and sobering):
Wow. That’s a freaky story. Yikes.
Another sobering story, related to Berrit’s article, is from Jennifer Pekich, who had a great blog, “Ponderings from Patmos” which appears to have been shut down by the “pied piper of purpose” or his CFR friends. She had just posted a few articles (three, IIRC) about the “diet and health plan” pushed by Rick Warren and a few new-Age “colleagues”. Shortly afterwards, her blog (was) disappeared…

Here’s another Christian commentator’s coverage of that:
(lighthousetrails is great, btw)…..
Thanks! I’ll check it out.
Wow, that’s amazing.
When I lived up in Felton, it was a 3 rental spread. The one next to me was an older alcoholic. He cried to me all the time about spirits bothering him. Everybody else chalked it up to him being a drunk.
It definitely was not his imagination.
The day I saw it for my own eyes I hitchhiked down the mountain and wouldn’t return even for my things.
This is a wonderful story, God bless this awesome Christian lady .. and He most certainly did .. so so wonderful
There’s literally a White Rabbit in the last image too
The Rabbit died…..
LOL this is entertaining ! The 2021 Lord of the Flies..blm version
oops, sorry I see Wheatie already shared this one!
S’all good, Molly.
This one is better anyway…the video plays and has ‘enhancements’.
Um huh…white power hand signal.
Well knowing the racist history of her husband, I am not surprised if she used that sign in that context.
By the way the media is trying it’s outmost best to hide the racism of the Occupier in Chief.
racists, thieves, perverts, elitists, drug abusers, habitual liars ..Joe and Jill Biden are horrible people and raised some messed up kids and yet there are people that still cling to the out of context Trump (pussy) quote as ironclad proof of bad character, smh
Yep. Aside from the current trend with Greta-the-Green(back)hearted and her ilk, children are being used and abused everywhere.
Today’s word really fits this well, worldwide: Pedarchy, via Pederasts…
So, we can’t use the classic A-OK anymore? I mean, I know in Italian it’s an obscene gesture, but over here it’s been adopted by the commies?
In Germany also.
The Mozzies don’t like it: means, erm, icehole (to paraphrase Michael Keaton in “This Is The Life”)…..
I like to use it in combination with a sarcastic response to leftists, such as in response to some lie they spew. Drives ‘em nuts!
”Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. O’tay.”

She probably wants to give her grandkids the shot.
Oh, wait. Wrong kind of shot. Never Mind. Carry on.
Looks like she just came in after her last trick of the evening…
What a pompous condescending asshat. Who does he think he is ?
I can’t read the original twitter thing, but there is a potentially valid observation being made.
There are (were?) “high-trust” and “low-trust” societies. In a high-trust society, individuals can relax about justice being done because institutions will assure outcomes that the society can accept. In a low-trust society, individuals must create their own justice because institutions are too corrupt to do so.
Historically, “high-trust” societies are more prosperous because the populace can spend their time making an honest dollar by pleasing customers. Low-trust societies spend too much time avoiding catastrophes, “lobbying” lawmakers, and paying-off the local constabulary.
COVID has been a trust test in this regard, and most of our institutions have earned a failing grade. Any institution that has issued a mask mandate should have such power stripped from it, any executives in the organization banned from public service (and pensions revoked) and, in 90% of the cases, the institution dissolved. I have no doubt in my mind that virtually all our “public health” authorities have done more harm than good and should be liquidated.
The FDA should no longer “authorize” drugs or treatments — everything should be available….and if an “FDA recommendation” is worth more than a scoop from a Porta-Pottie on a warm day, the public can follow it or not as they judge to be wise. The CDC needs to have its wings clipped, as well.
We have been attacked in our position as a high-trust society by corrupting our institutions. We need to strip trust from these institutions as a counter, or participate in our own demise.
“In a high-trust society, individuals can relax about justice being done because institutions will assure outcomes that the society can accept. In a low-trust society, individuals must create their own justice because institutions are too corrupt to do so.”
And then there are the ZERO TRUST societies.
But that’s not ours.
Ours is the next one down, the inverse or negative trust society.
Where people believe the OPPOSITE of whatever criminal institutions or mafia government say.
AMEN. You nailed it.
Yep. Doubleplus Ungood…..
“People are not as dumbed down as we thought,” is exactly correct.
They made their move too late.
Or maybe…too soon.
I don’t think so.
Five years ago, there was more trust in the systems. One Trump term and the beautiful wake-up psy-op of XVII and the little people began to see the light. It’s taking time, but it is happening. The sixteen year plan was disrupted.
Ah…that’s true.
Even those of us who were semi-awake got a rude wake-up thanks to Trump & Q.
And too FAST.
They were supposed to ease into it, but they couldn’t.
I am not a body language expert (I would love a real read of this)
However I did pick up the crossed arms throughout the entire video.
Body language: Crossing the arms meaning
As he says:
“…I’m cited as some mastermind of some evil plot in many, many cases. So no I din’t expect any of that…”
You get hand gestures and smirking BUT NO UNCROSSING OF ARMS…
And yeah, I bet he didn’t expect people to connect the dots between him, de-population of humans and the Clot Shot.
Well …. He is an evil idiot with lots and of money, Daddy bought the Microsoft platform for his widdle “prodigies” boy …

“Daddy” didn’t like too many of the “wrong kind of people” out there eating all the food………..
Yes … if daddy has passed away he knows the truth now
The artist is pretty amazing for being left-handed and drawing left-to-right.
Kind of like Kenny Stabler scrambling right and throwing left…
For a touchdown RAIDERS (to quote Bill King)
This video is well worth watching and sharing.
Has anyone had Enes Kanter on their radar? The NBA basketball player that’s been ticking off Erdogan and the CCP by showing actual human decency?
He did a two-fer over Thanksgiving (probably earning bonus points for timing). He became an American citizen the real way. Congratulations to him and I’m glad he’s on board.
And he changed his name… “Enes Kanter Freedom” — so, now, all his NBA jerseys will read FREEDOM across the back. Did I say I was glad he’s on board? — let me correct that….I’m proud and happy that he’s on board — he fits right in.
Yes, he’s the guy that wore the shoes picturing Lebron bootlicking for China, while his Celtics beat the Lakers. Sweet.
Enes Kanter is on Gettr and yes he’s posted some serious call outs on the CCP.
Worth a look over there, lots going on.
Forwarded from
Call to Action NOW:
It’s time to DEMAND Ronna McDaniel, the Chair of the Republican National Committee Resign for telling State Attorney Generals not to sign petition to Supreme Court to decertify Election. You can contact the Republican Nation Committee at You can also call the Republican National Committee but it may be busy, at (202) 863-8500. Mike Lindell has called for her recall, as he has said now trying to persuade Attorney Generals not to sign the petition to Supreme Court to decertify Election. It’ disgusting and you must contact them now.
Should’ve canned her 2yrs ago
Should’ve killed her place in GOP politics when Mittens folded to the Obamanation.
If they did, there wouldn’t be exposure of the uniparty.
That was part of the point of this entire exercise.
Her maiden name is Romney. That says it all.
But not for pond scum …
I’m no where near the last post and I need a shot, .. or two

A couple of centuries ago, when I was in Uni, we had a fellow on my dorm floor we nicknamed “machine” because he was somewhat spastic, and had a bit of trouble walking. He was a great and funny guy, nevertheless.
One night (probably finals, midterms, or yet another ‘SC victory) there was some celebration and many, MANY straight shots ot Tequila going down. (Sadly, I was away up north at the time, sniff). Anyway, word is that he managed to down 17 (YES, 2³ + 3²) shots before they downed him (and the Student health center dried him out
Seems that he walked perfectly normally(!) i.e. no “machine” awkwardness at all…..
Ahhh, those were the days… Shot glass, Jose Cuervo, some salt, a lime, and bottoms up… until the room does that too…..
Yes, enjoy but don’t over do it, the floor has a nasty/sneaky way of coming up and smacking you down. Don’t drink in a room with hardwood floors ..
Probably a computer virus…
Gotta uninstall McAfee AntiVirus
(moderately NSFW, but hilarious, especially for Mozart fans)
That’s one of the most overused pieces of music of all time…right after Pachelbel’s Canon in D and Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring.
Yep. And I can play the “TacoBell Canon’s” (dis)continuo line in my sleep…
The biggest technical challenge is keeping it interesting, despite having played it thousands (OK, hundreds) of times…
To think of all the OTHER wonderful music out there that never gets played… sometimes YouTube is even useful, every now and then popping up little gems in its “suggestions”…
Even in the 20th century there were Vaughn-Williams, Kabalevsky, Miaskovsky, and even some of Prokovieff, Stravinsky, and Rachmaninoff that were TONAL as opposed to all the 12-tone garbage that was being floated by “Peter and the Komissar” (apologies to Allan Sherman)…
Still wonder where McAfee REALLY is… the man who knew too much, as it were… especially in the islands…
LOL ..

I had to share this with my 2 sons .. one works in tech and both use it more than they should
Perfect. It should be a tee shirt .. and accessoried with full body armor ..
a bridge too far, this time…
Just tossing this into the mix….
…. Nice …

hand-in-glove with The Great Reset
Woke, Climate Activist Royals Want To Rule The World
vid : Daisy Cousens (Australia) 11/21
Oh barf

The rOyals. NOT. CAN’T even click on those blithering idjits.
Apologies to our Brit friends. BUT, The green preaching rOyals are on par with BiteMe. Scum. IMO.
They’re on the same team ..
Global Reset, Support Team.
New Political Moonshine article:
Oregon, Kate Brown and China
28 Nov 21
Intro: “As the chickens have come home to roost and real consequences are at hand, the interest in elected officials closer by requires a little due diligence. Actually, this is old work by over a year it’s just that I never bothered to write it up until now.
It’s simple. I’ve evidenced COVID-19 as a construct of enterprise fraud under RICO; it is deeply enmeshed with and derives from China; and I’m implying that Oregon Governor Kate Brown is a witting conspirator. Here’s but one example of available evidence in direct support of this beyond the connections to China that follow it.
It’s the 74-day rolling window as I’ve already evidenced in one two prior articles, but just not specific to Oregon. The 4 images that follow relate as indicated.”
[continued at title link above]
A doctor in either Oregon or Washington very early on came up with a test for Covid. The governor and CDC SHUT HER DOWN. (I can not find my reference)
The darn CDC Obama holdovers ALLOWED flights from China for a FULL MONTH AFTER THEY KNEW THERE WAS A PROBLEM! They used ‘temperature’ to ‘screen’ passengers knowing it was a really lousy screening tool for those infected but not yet sick. (Remember all the news on asymptomatic carriers?)
60,000 flights left Wuhan prior to lock down or about 8 million people world wide. There are over 50 non-stop flights a month to San Francisco and over 50 non-stop flights to NYC or AT LEAST 14,000 people arrived in the USA from Wuhan before any type of screening was in place.
On top of that the ONLY numbers we saw for a full month or more are Laboratory Confirmed numbers from a half arse test that only picks up 1/2 of the cases AT BEST.
Then there are the Fricken Obama holdovers like Nancy Messonnier who are busy HIDING the real numbers by playing games with the test kits. Even going to the extreme of sending out DEFECTIVE KITS to all but THREE STATES!
This is the data on Covid deaths were were being fed in the early spring of 2020 that lead to the ECONOMIC LOCK DOWNS.
From my old notes:
This is what we know of mortality by age as of today associated with such. Pay attention as this evolves.
COVID-19 Fatality Rate by AGE:
80+ years old – 14.8%
70-79 years old – 8.0%
60-69 years old – 3.6%
50-59 years old – 1.3%
40-49 years old – 0.4%
30-39 years old – 0.2%
20-29 years old – 0.2%
10-19 years old – 0.2%
0-9 years old – no fatalities
Add on predisposition complications and it would be nice to have age based data, but we don’t yet that I can find.
COVID-19 Fatality Rate by COMORBIDITY:
Cardiovascular disease – 10.5%
Diabetes – 7.3%
Chronic respiratory disease – 6.3%
Hypertension – 6.0%
Cancer –5.6%
no pre-existing conditions –0.9%
There’s a pic of her with a bunch of other turdlet DEMONRAT commies at a RED Chinese conference of some sort floating about.
She’s über-useless, and, IIRC, yet another red-diaper RED Commie…..
CMZ Running for Congress.
rumors ? or…
BREAKING : {includes TRANSCRIPT} Israel PM Said Israel Preparing For War With Iran
Amar Tsarfati…
Israel and Iran are getting ready for a major confrontation.
Same with China and Taiwan.
Same with Russia and Ukraine.
The makings for spiraling down into a world-wide war.
And the Banksters and Military Industrial Complex is SALIVATING at the thought. Wars are BIG money makers and are great for deflecting the peons from thoughts of WHO is oppressing them.
Wars are also great for killing off the up and comming Alpha males.
Testosterone levels in males have been in free fall for quite some time, partly due to the effects of war and also what the Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex has been pushing.
By design?
They’re screwing the pooch on this one with vax and the woke miltary they’re trying to organize. Less Alphas going to be signing up.
the Israeli Defense Minister announced “preparing for war” to the public.
EZEKIEL 38 ?? (destruction of Damascus…Turkey & Russia could join in)
and..Iran’s proxies in the area are moving their military into civilian areas.
And winter arrives in ~3 weeks.
Good time to use water cannon on the Antifa types when they riot.
It WOULD be laugh out loud funny:-)
U.S. should be prepared to do “anything,” including lockdowns, to fight Omicron – Fauci
“U.S. should be prepared to do “anything,” including lockdowns”
Or do lock-ups, for the criminal political-class and the criminal medical establishment, and the criminal propaganda media.
That would end the plannedemic overnight.
I go with door #2
Door #2 (Turkmenistan):

So where are the people tossing politicians into the volcano to appease the Climate gods?
Great idea… The Manniacs, UEA, State Penn, and all the rest of the Climastrologists (Connolly, Gavin whatshisname, etc., etc., etc.)…..
The climate police threw them in jail for …. polluting … bwahahahahaha
Verse of the Day for Monday, November 29, 2021
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:”
Ephesians 1:3 (KJV)
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
Yesterday, TheseTruths said he was not familiar with Clay Clark.
Before I get into that I want to add a couple of my own observations first.
I really like David Clement (Professor’s Record) and listened to his rumble pod casts when I stopped for a break during the day. Because, as a prosecutor, he is an EXCELLENT INTERVIEWER he wrung a lot of information out of the people he interviewed. He got as many as 150,000 views but I noticed all of a sudden there were NO MORE INTERVIEWS (3 in sept, & 3 in Oct with a major fall off in views as a result….)
8/2016 How We Killed the Tea Party – POLITICO Magazine
This is Clay Clark:
Picture from ‘The Morning Drive with Casey & Elliott’ radio show:

Picture from Myle Agency

Clay Clark leadership of Myle Agency
Picture from the Thrive Time Show:

So what is he up to now??
Clay Clark’s ReAwaken America Tour
When The Show Wobbles…
By Dianne Marshall
[I always wondered WHY Flynn HIRED A SWAMP LAWYER as his first lawyer… HMmm
And then there are all those nice anonymous Swiss Bank Accounts…]
This is a very long post that gathers together all the information on the Lin Wood vs General Flynn fiasco. She also adds her information as an insider to the movement. Below I quote a bit of that info that she writes at the end.
Thanks for this. I came to the same conclusion through connecting other dots.
Let me just say this: grifters and evil people are working in your locale to infiltrate, spy, and destroy the MAGA movement.
Thanks, Gail, for connecting more dots.
Followed another path of dots, with the similar conclusion. Can’t speak to locality, but nationally, it IS clear to me.
Have become jaded is an understatement. Nearing a year now, I pay little attention to all the perceived big names that are going to save America.
Their hallmark is, listen to me, AND donate. LOOK squirrel. MISSING attribute IS, ZERO TANGIBLE RESULTS. But they do spout so many appealing words.
Did not list any names. I don’t trust ANY of them. NONE. Did I suggest I’m jaded these days.
Amen. Right with ya.
Very useful insights.
Very good observation. I am funny do not like some of these fakes who infiltrate they give off a vibe I cannot explain but they are obvious.
That is why I do not listen to many of those you named. I like Clemons a lot he is burned out I think. He is close to Woods do not know about Powell.
Thank you for posting this.
Unfortunately, I fear this is correct.
The “sensational” facts and evidence that have now been blocked by the judge in the Ghislaine Maxwell trial are precisely the pieces of evidence that need to be exposed the most.
This is the real two-tiered justice system in the United States.
9:29 PM · Nov 28, 2021
They have to protect their child trafficking and their well-heeled (well, they’re heels of the lowest order) customers…
And I rather expect that Robert Maxwell’s powerful friends (fiends?) and their organizations are not taking this sitting down…
Constantly praying that GOD steps in and puts an end to this… Fire and Brimstone, millstones about the neck, whatever is needed… along with the Haman treatment for all the deep state and the DEMONRATS…
I’m wondering just how much of a clown show it is going to be.
At this point, Divine Intervention would be welcome on any number of levels of this fight. The Almighty is really testing us at this point.
Satire at it’s finest.
John Cleese
I must report a microaggression
Since I first visited the United States in 1964, most Americans pronounce my name as though it rhymes with ‘fleece’
The correct pronunciation is to rhyme it with ‘cheese’
I have suffered this microaggression for 57 years
I demand compensation
2:42 PM · Nov 28, 2021
Reminds me of the pronunciation of Ralph Vaughn-Williams: it’s pronounced “Rafe”, not “Rowlf”…
Btw., the name is from the old Norse, and means “as wise as a wolf”
My first and last name is being mispronounced all the time. My first name they stumble.
How can someone mispronounce ‘singing’?
Singing – rhymes with whinging (as the Brits say)…
Wait until K-k-k-Ken finds out about this.
He’s going to be so g-g-g-g… upset.
“Omicron Hits the Mutation Jackpot”
Omicron Hits the Mutation Jackpot – Swiss Policy Research (

Published: November 28, 2021 (upd.)
The South African Omicron variant is the first coronavirus variant to achieve immune escape from all three major antibody classes. Is it finally time to panic?
The new Omicron variant, detected just a week ago in South Africa, now has become the first variant to achieve such an immune escape from all three major antibody classes, including a double mutation in the important class 2 region of the receptor binding domain (see table above).
In conclusion, Omicron certainly has the potential to establish itself, although it may face continued competition from some Delta subvariants. Based on current evidence, Omicron does not seem to make much of a difference in terms of disease severity, transmission or covid risk groups, but it appears likely that vaccines will have to be updated to maintain high effectiveness.
………………..Much more at link, including graphs & charts.
But the doctors who discovered this ‘new variant’ were quick to say that the symptoms of it are far “less severe” than the original covid.
Bottom line…we’re going to need an ‘updated vaccine’.
Leftist propaganda is like:

ooooo, scary scary.
what if….

it’s a scam
How was it isolated so fast, and how was this level of research done in less than a week?
Just asking.
I was wondering the same thing!
Scientifically isolated last year,or before, in Wuhan. FUNDED by FauXi-Mengele.
This “new variant” has likely been in development at the Wuhan lab, at Baric’s lab (UNC), and at other NIH / NIAID / EcoHealth Alliance funded research facilities, FOR YEARS. Along with ALL the other previous “variants”, AND the “variants” that will be unleashed in the coming months.
The Big Pharma “vaccine” producers — Pfizer-BioNTech / Moderna / J&J / now, Novavax — ALL were, and are, in on it. Especially Pfizer-BioNTech — they have a huge R&D facility AT WUHAN.
One can bet dollars to doughnuts that Big Pharma, with Pfizer-BioNTech in the lead, have been “developing new vaccines” against ALL these “variants”, including “omicron”, BEFORE the release of each of them — mostly by performing “vaccine studies” WITHIN THEIR OWN COMPANIES, then submitting the “results” to the FDA. IMO, the “clinical studies” that Big Pharma IS STILL DOING for their “vaccines” listed at are actually “POTEMKIN” studies, meant to assuage the anxieties of the peons.
lookin like Pfizer’s gonna get another yacht !
cha-ching !
From our money. They say the jab is free to us they are lying our taxes pay for it.
This based on what data.?
Meanwhile in South-Africa this ‘variant’, is actual not much worse then the common cold, for those that got it.
UPDATE: South African Doctor Who Discovered “Omicron” Variant Says There’s Nothing to Worry About – Only Mild Symptoms (VIDEO) (
Panic for what? Or is the panic just the excuse for more fascists’ controls.
And yeah…more fascist controls…AND a ‘reason’ for an “updated vaccine”.
Coming soon.
As doctors nurses and staff are FIRED or QUIT for NOT being injected.
Pravda Propaganda Newz:
ONLY vaccinated will be treated.
INCREASING push for injection passports.
So the UNVAXED health care professionals SET UP CASH ONLY CLINICS and we go to them instead!!!
YUP. Another reason to PREPare…including CASH.
We have been warned.
Africa has Ivermectin
AND, HCQ. Sunday candy?
And probably no TRUE cases of FaKorona…
And, IT’S SUMMER DOWN THERE… FaKorona can’t survive in the heat…
Neither can their LIES!!!
Bottom line…we’re going to need an ‘updated vaccine’.
VaccineS that has NEVER worked as advertised. NEVER. None of the vaccines.
W T F ? It’s ALL so over-the-top ignorant to slow guy.
(Deleted the rest)
You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.
Or are we past that now and verging on the the jackboot stage.
SCARY!!!! Huh?
What they do not tell you is there are FIVE TYPES! — Typical dis-info fear porn.
Antibody- Structure, Classes and Functions
Wheatie – The Bible warns about and predicts a pedarchy. The way minds have been trained (or not trained to think logically) in our schools and colleges – pedarchy – being of a childish mind – isn’t chronologically determined.
Thanks, GA/FL…yes, you’re right.
Being smart used to be revered.
What we need now is a movement which declares:
“It’s Okay To Be Smart.”
AND, “It’s Okay to THINK Critically”.
Yep. Greta-the-Greenhearted, et. al. The total inversion of societal structure, in particular the family, One might say perversion, as well as inversion…
And don’t forget I Timothy 4:1-5:
4 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.
4 For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving:
5 For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.
Good morning and God bless everyone here and their loved ones.
Helloooooo sweet Wheatie! Thank you for our Monday open, awesome as always.

I appreciate what you do very much, God bless you and your loved ones abundantly
Thanks, Nikki.

May God bless you and yours, as well.
The Lord knows we need His blessing and He is gracious … thank God
Happy Monday, everyone, in spite of everything
Now for some more Covfefe…
H/T another ian over at chiefios:

eeffoc biden
That’s funny. As I get up for a second cup of, eeffoc.

… love it
Interesting comment at chiefio’s re Rittenhouse verdict:
10 OMICRON “variant” Predictions for 2022 and Beyond…Global Authoritarian Playbook Stripped Naked
it’s a PSY-OP
stay scared shitless while they kill us !
and the best part….there’s no evidence…
no one can actually see a “variant” !
read more, at the link.
Especially the PCR test, which can’t “see” anything worthwhile, and even its inventor said that (and was probably offed for it)…
Yet, the PCR test IS still accepted in the US for 32 more days.
Goes very well with that Mass Pyschosis video above.
This is the new “delta/barf
weird shit sherlock
Wow…that’s a monster catfish!
[video src="" /]
There are legends about giant catfish in deep lakes all over the South. A catfish will grow as big as their environment allows. They scare the crap out of me, no joke.
And cute country girls hand-fish them.
And hope they do not come up with a water moccasin instead. They are under the undercut banks of rivers which the snakes like too.
Not me!
… cut the line … 

Good boy!
[video src="" /]
Goldens are the bestest !

Who did this…this is good:
[video src="" /]
Is a link for this possible?

… please 

For the Golden park assist video .. ? ..
Omicron — Probably has been circulating and developing in Africa for months « JoNova (
“Slow Disaster Playing Out” As Germany Moves To Shut Down 8.5 GW Of Baseload Nuclear Capacity – Watts Up With That?
There’s a few articles about that over at NoTricksZone… Probably four or five in the last month or so, with some deep dives by Kenneth Richard about Climate Propaganda (and various studies) interspersed. I think the Cabal used (and are using) Gore-Bull warming as a testbed and panic platform to keep us all under their collective
thumbscloven hooves…
Scares the daylights out of me, so to speak. The EU themselves (EC/EP) have decided that nukes are indeed necessary, so it will be interesting to see how all this plays out in this day and age of pedarchy malarky…
From Jo Nova’s Hubby, Dr David Evans
[From Jo Nova]
July 10th, 2021
NOAA puts up a “La Niña” Watch: “The Global Cooling Accelerator” cometh?“Is this the start of a cooler shift? Cap Allon of Electroverse notes that we may be in for another La Nina:”
Climate (Plant Weather Tolerance) boundries change in American midwest. The difference between the 1930s and the 1970s is about a 1/2 state or 200 miles. For grain growing in Russia, China and Canada this is devastating.

President Trump DELAYED The Global Warmists by FOUR YEARS, this could be critical as we head into ‘global cooling’ and hopefully people WAKE THE F…K UP!
Yep. Watching the “prime growth zones” moving south is scary. Makes me think of the “Western Garden Book” with its wealth of information about plants, climate zones, and how to grow/maintain things…
One bright note, when all the Mozzies and illegals have moved up here, the only places worth living with arable soil and good climate will be the places they’ve left (for us)
Unfortunately the Chinese have already MOVED IN FIRST Think Latin America, Australia and Africa….
Even if I were to assume, for the sake of argument, that the entire “Anthropogenic Global Warming” hypothesis were true and that we need to cut CO2 emissions Right F*cking Now…
What in the blazing FUCK does nuclear power have to do with it??
Nuclear power is CLEAN CHEAP ENERGY but the Cabal DOES NOT WANT the serfs to have access to energy.
If it does not show:
“Giving society cheap,abundant energy would be the equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun.” — Paul Ehrlich, author of Population Bomb along with Obama’s Science Czar John Holden
Two words: Die Grüne … (the Greens).

But, I say:

And quit killing trees, you FAKE Green conservationistas:

(They’re clear-cutting forests to put up their damned bird- (and bee- and insect-) choppers
It’s insane ..

Have been wondering if that pipeline in the news a week or two ago was or will be shutdown. Pipeline 5. Mid-west perhaps feeds IL, MI, Oh area.
Another intentional BiteMe cluster f.
Talk about censorship and a chilling effect.
“Judge Blocks “Sensational and Impure” Information from Media in Ghislaine Maxwell’s Case – Same Judge Was Nominated by Schumer and Biden Last Week to US Court of Appeals”
“Judge Nathan has granted Ghislaine Maxwell’s request that evidence in the trial be redacted to hide ‘sensational and impure’ information
One week before the trial began, Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden nominated Judge Nathan to higher office in the US 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals”
Is it getting too close to home for his, or his string pullers, liking?
The FIX is in.
Two tier justice on full display.
OK there’s a no camera rule, but I saw yesterday on (think it was telegram) phone numbers where one could listen to the trial, so why can’t they just live stream the audio.
Quick ground report from over the weekend.
I sang three Masses in total. The last one was a lesson in humility given the number of little issues, but that’s neither here nor there. It was the congregations that were interesting.
Saturday evening, it was the usual crowd at Mass. They were obedient people, all masked up and not making waves. That’s par for the course in that part of town. MANY are of the more seasoned generations.
Sunday morning, I was at the Mother Ship again (that sub gig is finished for now), and the 1500 seat Church was…I would say…about two thirds full. What’s interesting about the people that attend Mass in that parish – and this goes for the noon Masses I attend when I’m off on a Sunday morning – is that there are a lot of younger women adopting traditional modes of dress. They are wearing mantillas and head coverings, long skirts (okay, I do this as well), and at least elbow length sleeves. This is what St. Augustine and St. Padre Pio insisted women wear (and the vast majority don’t). There are a lot of young men around, and the lines for Confession are dominated by them. It could be that the rector has really emphasized Tradition, and the music is dominated by chant and such, but something is happening and it seems to be an embrace of Tradition. Masks…yeah, they are VERY lax about it. I mean LAX. The rector and two other priests were walking around without them. Half the congregation as well.
So, then, back to the upper middle class parish loaded with physicians and lawyers for last minute Mass, and the place was two thirds to three quarters full. That Mass is usually rather casual. But, what was interesting is that there was a not insignificant number of people maskless. Maybe a quarter of the people, but in that parish that’s a dent. Again, the congregation was about half young adults.
Just interesting stuff going on right now.
Good news ..

It was so nice to sit in front of my television and be entertained rather than aggravated, annoyed and practically scared to death!
Wheatie I LOVE the Eric Clapton song

… and, …
I want one of these:
I could have made good use of it when I drove to work, … heh heh

… it’s the Hummer(?) with the cow catcher .. lol .. very useful 
And the snowflakes are fleeeeeee-ing
… awesome 

Nationally, the void for leadership, courage and common sense could fill the Grand Canyon.
Was going to invoke the Marianas Trench, but it is already filled, with water.
Yep. In the Marianas Trench, though, there’s plenty of room for the collective intellect of Gore-Bull
leadersleeches…What has happened to our military is catastrophic and I don’t mean the leadership. I mean the clot shot for all those soldiers.
Where has our former military been? Why was there so little outcry?
FOCUSED on retirement CHECKS AND DoD Contractor CHECKS.
VERY, lucrative. Until the system implodes and they are THEN on the losing end.
The ONCE vaunted John Kelly and LapDog Mattis. S P I T.
Actually we just do not hear about it because of the FAKE NEWS.
Lawsuit: 220,000 Military Service Members Say ‘No’ to Biden’s Forced Covid Injections
Catholic Troops CAN Refuse Biden’s Mandatory Covid Injection, Military Archbishop Declares
Navy Commander Warns of National Security Threat from Mandatory Vaccination
Joachim Hagopian, a West Point graduate and former US Army officer has written a scathing article on the Elite, US Military and Bite-me.
Arming US Enemies: Disastrous Defeat in Afghanistan, US Military’s Death Jab Demise, the Empire Burns
It is worth the read.
The Collapse of The US Military ContinuesBy David Lifschultz
‘Negligence in Performing Their Duties,’ Almost 90 Retired Generals and Admirals Demand Resignations from Gen. Mark Milley, Lloyd Austin
That IS good news.
One thing that just struck me (coming in like a slow wave on the seashore, to paraphrase Douglas Adams – now that I’ve had enough covfefe and eeffoc
) is that all the hue and cry about “OMG Omicron and then you’re gone” coming from Africa makes no sense… it’s THE MIDDLE OF SUMMER DOWN THERE… not exactly the cold and flu season… especially since “myKorona” is supposed to die off at 22°C or thereabouts…
Seems the derp state thinks we in the “nothun hemis-fear” don’t realize or know that…
I thought I read someplace the latest Omicron did not come from Africa insted 4 vaccinated people flew into Africa who had that variant.
Yep. Still, they’re blaming it on the (South) Africans…..
The temps down there should have killed it…
Kind of suspicious, I was going into ALDI tonight, and a Chinese fellow tried to enter the “out” gate (ha) of the store… makes me wonder if “seeders” are being sent out again…
The door was clearly marked with “DO NOT ENTER” in international symbols…
Saw the same sort of thing back in 2019. And Göppingen, where the “influx” into Germany began, is only eight or ten miles from here….

You are very observing. I think we all need to be these are times to be aware.
I was standing in line at the DMV in early 2020 and had a young Chinese woman sidling up to me repeatedly DESPITE the 6 foot restrictions. I finally GLARED at her and emphatically pointed back the way she had come. She gave up.
She was the only one in the long line to do that and I am an over weight gray haired lady a PRIME candidate for covid death to her way of thinking.
Also at that time (end of January) I tried to buy gloves and was told by CVS that the Chinese came in and vacuumed up all the personal protection equipment. Masks, Gloves EVERYTHING. There are ONLY around 500 Asians (not just Chinese) in our area. BTW.
They did that here, too.
Bought up all the PPE, then they turned around and sold it all back to us at two to three times the price…
I think some of the “health ministers” got caught up in that; seems they were following a false profit, so to speak…
And although there are asians around here, they tend to blend in. The ones that I think are “seeders” don’t; they very obviously have no clue of how things work here… then again, they’re not paid by the RED Chinese regime to know…
REALLY grinds my grits, as that company, Webasto, that got hit at the very beginning makes REALLY GOOD equipment, and was almost ruined by that episode.
I still think “Rods of God” meeting that dam, in conjunction with a typhoon or two would go a long way in evening the score…
Good idea. Yes no one said where they came from except the came by plane to Kenya.
Biomedical tyranny across the globe
Good word!
Pedarchy leads to “Lord of the Flies.”
And thanks for the Clapton. That is one of my favorite songs.
And Hell-the-BEAST and BeezleBubba, Lord of the Files…
(as in all the FBI, CIA, and NSA files they hoovered up back in 1992)…
Love it! Good pun.
Give Leftist Thugs All the Due Process They Can Handle (
“Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American people.”
THAT is what we signed up for in 2016. When in the course of human events . .
As political moonshine says, these people will never stop until they are made to stop.
“Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American people.”
AND that will not happen until you BANN Lobbyists aka K street.
PASS the Read the Bill Act
OVER TURN the 10 Supreme Court Rulings That Turned Corporations Into People
And yes that is Mother Jones, but some times they are correct.
1809 (Bank of the United States v. Deveaux): In the early days of the republic, when state and federal courts were still working out their jurisdictions, the Bank of the United States—a precursor to the US Treasury—sued a Georgia tax collector named Peter Deveaux for property he had seized when the bank failed to pay state taxes. Deveaux argued that, because corporations weren’t people, they couldn’t sue in federal court. Chief Justice John Marshall agreed…..
1844 (Louisville, Cincinnati, and Charleston Railroad v. Letson):
….Marshall’s decision in Bank of the United States was unworkable because it put corporations outside the reach of the federal courts. Thirty-five years later, after hearing the Louisville, Cincinnati, and Charleston Railroad case, the Supreme Court shifted course, ruling that corporations were “citizens” of the states where they incorporated….
1853 (Marshall v. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad): The Supreme Court later upheld the notion that corporations were citizens, but only for the purposes of court jurisdiction; they did not have the same constitutional rights as actual people…..
1886 (County of Santa Clara v. Southern Pacific Railroad): Now that corporations were legally citizens, corporate attorneys worked to expand their rights….
1898 (Smyth v. Ames): Building on the Santa Clara decision, the court voided a Nebraska railroad tax, ruling that it was akin to the government taking a corporation’s property without due process….
1906 (Hale v. Henkel): Having blocked unlawful seizures of corporate property, the court went on to shield companies from other kinds of intrusion. Writing for the majority, Justice Henry Billings Brown found that corporations, like people, are protected from unreasonable searches and seizures…
1931 (Russian Volunteer Fleet v. United States): A Russian shipbuilder, Russian Volunteer Fleet, sued the US government, claiming that government officials had unlawfully seized property worth more than $4 million. The high court sided with the company, ruling that even foreign corporations are protected from unlawful government seizures under the Fifth Amendment…
2010 (Citizens United v. FEC): In the run up to the 2008 election, the Federal Elections Commission blocked the conservative nonprofit Citizens United from airing a film about Hillary Clinton based on a law barring companies from using their funds for “electioneering communications” within 30 days of a primary or 60 days of a general election. The organization sued, arguing that, because people’s campaign donations are a protected form of speech (see Buckley v. Valeo) and corporations and people enjoy the same legal rights, the government can’t limit a corporation’s independent political donations. The Supreme Court agreed. The Citizens United ruling may be the most sweeping expansion of corporate personhood to date….
What The Founding Fathers Thought About Corporations
.…Corporations like the East India Trading Company were despised by the founding fathers and they were just one reason why they chose to revolt against England.
Corporations represented the moneyed interests much like they do today and they often wielded political power, sometimes to the point of governing a colony all by themselves like the Massachusetts Bay Company did.
But there is more evidence that the Revolutionary generation despised corporations. The East India Company was the largest corporation of its day and its dominance of trade angered the colonists so much, that they dumped the tea products it had on a ship into Boston Harbor which today is universally known as the Boston Tea Party. At the time, in Britain, large corporations funded elections generously and its stock was owned by nearly everyone in parliament. The founding fathers did not think much of these corporations that had great wealth and great influence in government. And that is precisely why they put restrictions upon them after the government was organized under the Constitution.
Back in the days of the Founding Fathers, corporations could only exist for 20-30 years and could only deal in one commodity.
After the nation’s founding, corporations were granted charters by the state as they are today. Unlike today, however, corporations were only permitted to exist 20 or 30 years and could only deal in one commodity, could not hold stock in other companies, and their property holdings were limited to what they needed to accomplish their business goals. And perhaps the most important facet of all this is that most states in the early days of the nation had laws on the books that made any political contribution by corporations a criminal offense….
In an 1802 letter to Secretary of State Albert Gallatin, Jefferson said,”
States also had the right to yank a corporate charter. So if States had kept their power over corporations then the Supreme Court could have KEPT THEIR NOSE OUT OF THE DISCUSSION!
I understand. But these are Trump’s words — and THAT’S what we voted for. Twice. At this juncture people no longer see a light. Last night I watched 5 minutes of a Levin interview (repeat of recent sit-down I imagine) where he is literally STILL talking about building Cuomo hospitals and bringing the ship.
I really am about over it. And there was no bigger supporter than me. I want to see some fight, I want to hear a statement like the one I quoted. Our government is looking to kill us – you don’t patch that up.
Out of balance was it?
On Spin Cycle
The new guy is the same or even worse then @Jack:
Not to be bound by the First Amendment? What fresh hell is this?
Sounds like he and Twitter need to have their asses KICKED OUT OF THE USA.
They need to head to CHYNA where they BELONG!
They will toe the fucking line there or become spare parts
“Agrawal”… good American name. Didn’t he work for AOC a while back?????
H-1B or not H-1B, that is the question…..
IMO this makes Paul Singer a “GOP anti-donor”. He’s a Bolshevik operating from RINO cover.
Singer, Stinger, and (K)Clinger…
His candidate in the 2016 Presidential Sweepstakes was Marco Rubio?
The plot thickens.
Wonder if there’s a convenient divorce in store for him???
(He’s probably already paying alimony to reality…. being divorced therefrom)…
Day one of the Maxwell trial. Expect more bombshells this week.
Ron Watkins [CodeMonkeyZ]
Jack is expected to resign as CEO from Twitter.
Does the Ghislaine Maxwell case have something to do with his (expected) abrupt resignation?
The Minions have arrived…
… bwahahahahaha bwahahahahaha bwahahahahaha … 

Doctor Sounds Alarm: Stillbirths Explode in Canada (Video)
Absolutely shocking.
But not surprising. It has been in the conservative news for a while. (Stew Peters)
Of course the Fake News has: Covid vaccine does not raise risk of stillbirths
On International Travel: DON’T DO IT
I agree. STAY PUT or look around for LOCAL places to visit on vacation. From state forests to local ‘attractions’ to flea markets and farmer’s markets. You would be surprised at what is available .
ALL states have websites like this: Things to Do in North Carolina – NC Attractions |
People who grow up in touristy areas (and my area is one of those) have often never been to the local tourist attractions.
I made a deliberate effort one summer to do things entirely within Colorado but off the beaten paths (which for me are I-70, US 50 and US 160). I was visiting corners of the state I had never been to before even though I had lived here for 30 years. (The one “cheat” was Dinosaur National Monument, which straddles the Utah-Colorado border.)
the only time I go out on the water to view the harbour or to other touristy places is when we have visitors.
True. I used to live in Santa Barbara. Never went to Lotusland, the zoo, the mission, or many other sites…..until after I’d left.
Same here. Went to ‘SC, NEVER went to Disneyland or many other attractions nearby.
Next few years, back up in silly valley, drove down probably five or ten times… (OK, a young lady was, erm, involved
who lived in SoCal)…
I live 15 minutes from Shawnee Forest State park and only have been their a handful. Mosley with a group. People come from all over to spend vacation there. I would love to go more often but never motivate myself. When I had my Weimaraner I was out and about everywhere. He loved the forest and he loved going to nursing homes visiting people.
We sometimes take our tamest ponies to nursing homes. That stopped with Coof.
Those people really enjoy animals specially a loving one. ponies are so cute and it is good training for them. My Woodford would like it Peri would decide who could pet her and who cannot. Woodford loves anyone. Wegman I could let loose and he would visit the people he could schmooze with most.
I have a few small Shetlands (less than 40 inches) I let small children brush and pet and braid and put bows in the mane.
They are so cute love them. I am sure they like that kids brush them
Niagara Falls is 20 miles from Buffalo. The local joke is how people never went to the Falls, or went there for the first time when some outsider came to visit.
Yep. Same here (Colorado Springs area).
We hit Dinosaur National Monument when I was a kid too. We, of course, brought home fossilized dino-poop–coprolite–Ha!
Joe Biden wants his brains back.
I could not possibly like or agree with this more!
New. This kind of information has ceased being anecdotal long ago. We need to take back our news rooms.
Wonder how long that will remain on TW.
We are back to the future circa 1930’s
Shaking my head !!!
62% Of Swiss Citizens Vote To Keep Covid Vaccine Passports | ZeroHedge
Also on Bannons War Room today:
Reporter asks middel class citizen in Austria if they agree with the coming mandatory vaccine, lockdowns of the unvaccinated or even lockdowns of all others and most of them agreed with that.
If they stole the 2020 election to install a brain dead clown, why ever would you think they are telling the truth about this?
The Communists have been LYING about being the ‘Majortiy’ ever since they called themselves the Bolsheviks.
Bolshevik is Russian for “One of the Majority” although they were NOT the majority.
Majority in 1922????
Don’t trust all the “surveys”, etc.
The “results” are always twisted to get the results (read: mind and behaviour control) that the deep state want.
Just take a look at the Gore-Bull “warming” “crisis”… The “John-Cooked” books purportedly show that 97 percent of all “scientists” blah, blah, blah…..
Might just as well have said 97 percent of all $cientologists….
How to lie with statistics v2.0…..
Austria is DEEPLY under control from the deep state. Kurz (the previous PM) was ousted due to a fake “crisis”; Haider was KILLED in a Fast-And-Furious kind of automobile “accident” (unexplained acceleration to 150mph in a RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOOD), etc., etc.
There have been other, similar deaths in politics over here over the last 40 years or so…
And Schäuble, who was very conservative, was paralyzed in an assassination attempt, and turned sharply left afterwards… As did Merde-Kuh… I rather expect that TPTB (read: Sauros and Rothschilds, Payseurs, etc.) said “Next time, WE WON’T MISS)…..
Uwe Barschel in Germany was another… “died under suspicious circumstances”….
Seems they all do….. a couple of years back, lots of Banking executives had problems with falling out of high-rise windows…. fancy that…..
European class system.
Maybe she couldn’t get her real children to pose, so she masked the stand-ins?
No vax can eliminate the corona sham boll weevils infested in their brains.
They’re insane at this point
Like that video said. Mass Psychosis.
Virtue signalling? Apparently the kids wear masks at all times and are never in the same room together.
It’s a ‘Have a Merry Zombie Christmas’ card.
Children of the Corn and their parents… and they are only half recognizable.
Don we now our fey apparel….
Diaper masks, diaper masks
COVID’s on its way
Gotta keep the virus out
Like Joe and Fauci say, hey
Jingle bells these masks they smells,
Been choking the whole day
Gotta get the hot clot shot
All then we can do is pray…
It looks like a hostage “proof-of-life” photo. Good grief.
Especially with the BLACK masks. If you HAD to do it, at least get red and green or other pretty color masks.
Salena Zito: 2 Ohio counties combat population losses | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
“Nobody opens hospitals anymore,” said Bernie Albertini, the administrator and chief operating officer at East Ohio. The Wheeling native, who has been running hospitals most of his professional career, came out of early retirement when Dayton native Dr. John Johnson decided to invest in the community and reopen the facility this spring.
This can’t be happening!
Religious relics to be turned into NFTs for first time ever
The theme of the first drop will be St. Francis Xavier, whose relic will be digitized into a non-fungible token.
“monetize their heritage”
Money is the key to all evil.
That dude is refreshing.
Swaine on the right, swine on the left…
As light-bringers and adherents of Truth, we must be doubly careful with all we share and claim as truth to others. I include myself in that, of course.
Case in point….let’s do a little math.
365 + 11 + 28 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 25 = 674
From Jan. 20, 2020 to Nov. 25, 2021 is 674 days.
Not 666.
So….if we are trying to discredit everything having to do with COVID and vaccines, much less the demonic, then this kind of meme greatly harms our cause.
How does this happen?
Because we are LAZY! We see something and take it at face value, instead of being CAUTIOUS and putting in the effort to make sure it is accurate.
And I am just as guilty of this as anyone else. Reread that last sentence.
When I saw this meme below I instantly wanted to share it with others, but something whispered in my ear “do the math first”, so I did.
Our enemies are very skilled, very clever liars. We must have our guard up AT ALL TIMES…..which is both exhausting and frustrating….which is one reason why they love lies so much.
Imagine the laughs they are having over this one. Bastards.

Disclaimer: I have $100 says this one just slipped through the proverbial crack….an outlier vs. a frequent occurrence here.
Just goes to show how easy it is to let one slip through.
$100 to your favorite charity?
Just kiddin. Crap happens. It’s all in fun. We got bigger stuff to fret over.
Other than my comon crappy grammar and spilling mistakes here, mistakes are outliers. Good AND intelligent folks here, QTree.
Hillsdale College…
Actually, it would be 675, I think. Last year was a leap year, so 365 would actually be 366.
Q: What was happening (or what happened) on Thurs Nov. 18, which actually was 666 days from Nov. 20, 2020?
Note that the meme is 30th, not 20th. Including the ends, it is 666. Just checked. FWIW.
Days Calculator: Days Between Two Dates
How many days, months, and years are there between two dates?
From and including: Thursday, January 30, 2020
To and including: Thursday, November 25, 2021
Result: 666 days
It is 666 days from the start date to the end date, end date included.
Or 1 year, 9 months, 27 days including the end date.
Or 21 months, 27 days including the end date.
Alternative time units
666 days can be converted to one of these units:
One shouldn’t count both the start and end dates.
After all if it were from January 30 to January 30, would you say that’s two days or one? And even that presumes it’s from the start of January 30 through the end of January 30.
Hey, I don’t write the rules (cough) of numerology!
So much for numerology, then.
Yup, any particular time of day to start, end… Rounding?
Brings back memories of grammar school math word problems. Between, inclusive, unit of measure, metric, standard… Warped guy here actually enjoyed them.
Well now…
See there?
Let me be a lesson to y’all about being careful!!
Point still taken!!! SCIENCE means CHECKING!!!
I love these days between two dates calculators! This one includes the start date, but not the end date.
From and including: Monday, January 20, 2020
To, but not including Thursday, November 25, 2021
Result: 675 daysIt is 675 days from the start date to the end date, but not including the end date.
Or 1 year, 10 months, 5 days excluding the end date.
Or 22 months, 5 days excluding the end date.
Alternative time units675 days can be converted to one of these units:
But the meme says January 30.
Eagle eyes.
Quick approval for the pill?
“The Omicron Variant” – Magic pills, or solving the Africa problem? – The Burning Platform
Africa, who are (and have been) taking anti-Malarials for years, have an EXTREMELY low infection rate, let alone death rate, from FaKorona. And yet, THEY are the ones BillyGhoul Gates and his ilk (and his father and Sanger, et. al. [the wrong kind of people]) wish to eliminate.
Hence the blamestorming on Africa.
As I said before, it’s SUMMER in the southern hemisphere, and mostly over 22° (72°F ish) down there. Temps that KILL FaKorona…
Satanists gotta Satan…….
If there’s fake estrogen and progesterone in it, everyone should avoid it like the plague.
A global treaty for treating Covid now.
How very Tower of Babel of them.
I just have a feeling it will be toppling soon. God will not stand for this.
And neither will people. The push back is getting stronger and stronger.
Bannon and company should be followed for keeping up with transhumanism and how technocrats are melding Paganism with technology.
The wand of the magician represents the phallic male creative force, fire. The cup stands for the female receptive force, and, obviously enough, is associated with water. The sword is the incisive intellect, moving and severing the air, the abstraction in which it moves. Finally, the pantacle (disk) is the grounding in earth (magnetic material), the stored algorithms. …”
Joe Allen is the guy Bannon hired to keep track of Transhumanism.
You can search for “Joe Allen” “Transhumanism” and come up with a variety of articles he wrote that are published by various sites.
“melding Paganism with technology” has been happening in SillyCone Valley since the 1950s… I had to listen to a Wiccan “Knowledge Engineer” at HP rail and bitch about Christians and their “misguided beliefs” for around 30 minutes, yet, due to company policies, I couldn’t debate her or reply in kind as she was vomiting out “protected speech” (n.b. this was after Dave was dead, and Bill had left active management of the company – I know some of the children of Bill and Dave, and they wouldn’t have stood for this BS either, but they were pushed aside, too, by the “foundations”)…
Many, MANY, tradition-rich and/or historical companies have been taken over by the “politically-correct”, greedy, avaricious, pagan, indeed Satanic New Age “younglings”.
And they will drive tradition, integity, faith, family, and all that’s good and true into the ground…
Mammon. Will be their (the “New Wave’s”) eternal death…..
The Salvation Army has posted a statement about the presence of critical race theory documents in their organization. I find it completely inadequate and wrote to tell them so. They cast blame on groups “serving their own agenda.” Well, yeah. It’s the agenda of not spreading Communist division. Kind of important. There is no acknowledgment that such ideas are destructive and no apology to their loyal patrons, just “Christian” rhetoric pointing to their public statements on race and their mission. I needed to see that they know they messed up, that they’re righting it immediately by addressing it with the people responsible, and that they apologize. Nada, so no more donations from me.
“Consequently, for both reasons, the International Social Justice Commission has now withdrawn the guide for appropriate review.” They have a Social Justice Commission. That says it all.
Their statement:
My wise mother always told me never to write anything on paper (or now electronically) that could be used as a weapon by anyone against me. People or spouses or whoever that are your friends or sympathetic at the time could become vindictive at another time.
SA wrote their own death knell as to donations. Walking it back doesn’t work for me. No more donations ever from me.
Very wise. The SA had a golden opportunity to exhibit humility and make things right, and they failed. It’s a shame.
Wise mother. My worst mistakes, which I still make, are from not shutting up.
Is ANY organization or institution on our side?
It seems impossible that there could be so many stupid, clueless people who have been deluded in so short of a time, yet that seems to be the reality.
This message has the same ring of phoniness we hear every day from Fake News and Phony Narratives. Every sentence reeks of illogical garbage.
But that is why, I suppose, it seems like the last days are here. Maybe they are, and so many are stupid and deluded because they no longer believe in Truth.
They sold out. The lure of money organizations fall into.
Hillsdale College
We get Imprimis, the free monthly speech digest of Hillsdale College. It is very good.
Take a peek at the Imprimis link.
The SA has removed the “Let’s Talk about Racism” material, but the “Study Guide on Racism” is still there.
On page 6, it says:
Blame-casting broad swaths of people by their race, the very definition of racism.
So here’s what they think of those in the “dominant ethnicity”: They…
Equality of opportunity, which I believe we have now, or are close to having, is not enough. No, communities must be equal, which would seem to mean taking from some and giving to others to make things “equal” among ethnicities.
They want people who are living exemplary lives, loving their neighbors no matter their ethnicity, to feel they must do something to make things “equal.” They’re placing false guilt. They don’t address personal responsibility or the origins of these ideas.
I can’t believe they left this study guide up.
I can’t believe they have an International Social Justice Commission.
Given that they do, it’s more-or-less inevitable that they’d eventually issue this sort of bilge. But how they’d allow this sort of ivory-tower Marxist rot into their original “roll-up-the-sleeves” “go where the sinners are” church is beyond me.
“Social Justice’ IS PURE MARXISM.
Yes, same here.
The reason people don’t make distinctions between muzzies and extremists is because the FOUNDER of their blood-soaked religion was an extremist, a rapist and a mass-murderer who taught the same, which is why muzzies all over the world do both, all the time, and feel righteous about it.
And the muzzies who personally choose to ignore the teachings of their religion of blood (the apostates of islam) won’t ever say anything negative to the murder-rapers, because if they did, the murder-rapers would just murder-rape them next.
But Parag knows all this, everyone does, most especially the scumbags like Parag who promote the racial and religious division for advantage.
islam is a religion of hate and murder and rape. It’s in the authorized texts of their belief system, and it is taught by the adherents who have (and will always have) power and control in their belief system. Because the only way for so-called ‘peaceful’ muzzies to take control of islam is to become violent muzzies. Because just like our own problem with tyranny, the tyrants NEVER go away until they are forcefully removed.
So-called ‘peaceful’ muzzies can never do that, without becoming exactly what they claim to oppose. It’s a Catch-22.
Which works out very conveniently for everyone involved. Like the militant arm and the political arm of the same entity, each providing the other cover, while claiming to be distinct.
And in YEARS of speaking the plain truth about islam, I have not encountered a single muzzie who even made a credible attempt at a rational counterargument.
Not once.
You forgot paedophile… and zoophile…
He liked them young, whether they had two or four legs…
His ‘equipment’ must have been really SMALL.
Guess the guy never heard of Migration as Jihad
OR Political Islam.
“Political Islam is Islam’s ideology about unbelievers, kafirs. A rough estimate is that 270 million people have been killed by jihad.”— Bill Warner
Of Course if you are in FAVOR of Totalitarian Government, Islam is the ‘religion’ for you!
“Guess the guy never heard of Migration as Jihad”
He knows.
He uses division as a weapon of jihad, while pretending not to know what he’s doing.
Sort of like taqiyya.
Everything about islam is based on fundamental dishonesty in the furtherance of exerting dominance and control over anything or anyone that is not islam.
“…Indian- born Parag Agarwal…” Oh yeah he knows.
Parag (Hindi: पराग) is a Sanskrit word, meaning pollen, and an Indian name.
Meaning: Pollen grains, Origin: Hindi
Reminds me of the name of one of the characters that Arthur Dent encounters REPEATEDLY in HHGTTG (Hitchhikers’ Guide To The Galaxy and the rest of the “increasingly inaccurately entitled trilogy”)…
Seems Douglas Adams was aware of that too…..
Holy taqiyyah,
Gee, it’s good to see ya’
Doin’ the Mo-Ham-Head Rag…
This admin has the absolute worst people working for them. This isn’t cute at all , imo
It is absolutely awful! They could have at least put a few splashes of other colors in there.
It’s like they don’t even try, no imagination or whimsy at all
What did you expect out of a bunch of Satanists?
lol…they’ve met my extremely low expectations.
I’m afraid to even think about Pervy Joe in a Santa suit asking kids to sit on his lap. That’ll be a doozy
Maybe have kids dressed up in outfits with spikes (e.g. like a crocodile or alligator) or something like those “shocking” handshake buzzers that were popular 50-60 years ago… one grope by “he touched me” and zing, set phasers on stun…
Alberto 5000V, as it were….
Exactly. Satanic Red and Soros Purple.
Nah. Hunter will feel at home. A hooker house.
Commie RED with a PRICE TAG at the top on the bow!!!
You just can’t make this stuff up!
hahahah that’s what I thought too..looks like a price tag !
The Plice Is Light…
That’s a Hell Mouth.
Good catch!!!
We’re doing our Christmas shopping at Rober Hall this year
… lol .. yuk
Doll numbel Won, numbel Two, ol numbel thlee…..
The RED CHINESE COMMUNIST Dragon told them what to put up.
That has NOTHING to do with Christmas.
Gift boxes piled up to resemble brutalist architecture. Just like their eyes that radiate nothing.
SD says Jill was inspired by TJ Maxx…

Others say the inspiration was 1980s night clubs. It’s a close race. (Okay…I was underage at the time, but still.)
More like T.J. Min…..
Or Ho Ho Ho Chi Min(h)….
All I can say is, I miss Melania. Sigh….
I was just watching a LIVE interview between one of the well-known Bitcoin analysts (Anthony Pompliano) and the CEO of MicroStrategy, Inc., Michael Saylor, the foremost Bitcoin proponent in the world, as far as I know.
Michael Saylor on Live Prediction When BTC Will Reach 110K$ ! MicroStrategy CEO Price Prediction MicroStrategy ENG
4K watching
And in mid sentence, the sound stopped, and the screen went to this:
Video unavailable
This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated.
But it hasn’t been terminated, his youtube account is still up:
Michael Saylor knows all of the tech tyrants (Jack, Pishar, Jeff, Marky, etc.) personally.
Youtube shutting down one of Michael Saylor’s live interviews IN PROGRESS would be like the FCC shutting down a CBS Sunday interview of Warren Buffett… who probably just had dinner with their families the week before…
Very strange times…
Winning a war
Conservatives have NO REAL LEADERSHIP!!! Without real leadership there can not be plans and logistics and tactics.
This is what did in the Tea Party and why the Lin Wood — General Flynn fiasco is so disheartening. I had really hoped Conservatives FINALLY had some good HONEST leaders.
Bannon seems to be the closest we get.
Bannon IS the gift that keeps on giving to Conservatives, Americans, Patriots.
He looks tired and his energy level is low. He also has calmed down not as aggressive. I wonder what happened between him and Raheem? Raheem used to be part of the operation War Room.
Raheem Kassam is Editor-in-Chief of The National Pulse, and is often the Co-Host of Bannon’s War Room. Natalie Winters is his Senior Investigative Reporter and a journalism student. She has done a great job of digging up stuff on FauXi.
Darren Beatie is another vrequent guest. He is part of Revolver News and Jack Pesobiec is Senior Editor of Human Events.
(Yeah I watch it a lot.)
I watch Bannon also but miss Raheem. I know he has his own Podcast.
Love Natalie Winders what a bright young women
Natalie is super!
I think Raheem was doing a tour of the USA and getting ‘the pulse’ of the people.
That makes sense
Raheem is on there all the time.
Really I must miss him then
He used to be on more often, but National Pulse takes his time now. He just subbed for Bannon last week though I think. My husband watches 3 hours a day.
Yea. legal issues likely causing some loss of sleep. Stress.
We have no leadership, and that is a critical emptiness.
I love the actual President, but there is zero evidence he is providing the NECESSARY leadership. He operates within the political realm, which is rigged against us (and against him). He was categorically stopped from fulfilling the essential things he needed to do, even when he was President. Those things are summarized and exemplified by the promise to put someone in jail, the most necessary thing he needed to do.
I do NOT blame him for that. Who knew that was not possible?
We need a Reagan, Thatcher, JPII and a Lech Walesa. Our President is not any of those, although he could be one of those if there were the others.
Flynn and Powell are ersatz, at best. (IMO ersatz is the most charitable adjective). So is Lin Wood, as honorable and truthful as he is. These are not leaders. None of these people have that stature. Thrashing and floundering, is all it is.
How tens of millions have been left so utterly leaderless is an historical puzzle. IMO we have been Sun Tzu’d perfectly.
Maybe a miracle will happen. But we cannot even mention the sole possibility which could save us, not that the possibility seems very possible.
“…How tens of millions have been left so utterly leaderless is an historical puzzle….”
Not when you look at the ‘heart attacks’, ‘accidents’ and ‘suicides’. Not to mention the ‘convenient wars’ were it is SO easy to send a ‘promising PATRIOT’ in to certain death.
The Cabal has been offing Patriots since Abe Lincoln and before. So many I can not even start listing them.
We have been Sun Tzu’d perfectly. And the “offing” starts with the communist teachers unions, which have been identifying potentials when the potentials are in grammar school or high school.
Yes! up the kids by giving them too many vaccines too early and then put them on Ritalin and other drugs.
School Shootings Linked to
Psychotropic Drugs Such as Prozac, Ritalin, Luvox, and Paxil
How is it that people are not thinking of Ron DeSantis?
That is a GIANT miss.
Ron DeSantis is a great guy and a good example but he is LOCAL. Ken Paxton, the Attorney General of Texas, is another good example. He has appeared on the War Room occasionally.
I disagree with your distinction, especially if you are attempting to claim that Gen. Flynn (for ex.) is a national leader compared to DeSantis.
What would that look like, from a former president? PDJT puts out statements about current events, candidates, and the stolen election. He is more vocal than any “former” president I’ve ever seen. There are rumors of his holding his own “cabinet” meetins and reports of his having his own envoys to some countries. He holds rallies for candidates he supports. He has founded a new social media platform, Truth Social, which will launch next year. I’m not sure what people think he’s supposed to be doing right now.
Also he has to be careful since they would Dearly love to HANG HIM for the Jan 6th ‘Insurrection’ (That is why there are political prisoners in the DC jail)
I think he is working THROUGH others such as Bannon and Peter Navorro and Darren Beattie all of whom worked for him at the White House.
I agree.
…and anything else they can find. People inexplicably forget about this.
Something beyond debates or political contention. More is needed, and apparently missing totally.
But what? What do you think he could be doing?
First, More people have to wake up to how EVIL the democrat party and the Fake News have become….
Propaganda News will NEVER debate Trump on live TV/cable/Internet. BUT, I wish they would debate Trump.
Don’t even need a moderator. Set some basic rules and let them debate unfettered.
Standing, as in Courts NOT hearing cases?
Understand, “standing” can stop frivolous lawsuits.
BUT, the Courts simply caved AND dodged their Oaths by denying cases over No Standing, before the election and after the election.
Courts CAN’T have it both ways. Absolutely spineless, the Courts are.
As far as I am concerned, If you voted in an election, and your vote was CANCELED by FRAUD, then you have standing. And given what has happened in the last ten months, we have CERTAINLY sustained damages. Inflation from restricting drilling is one example, clot shot is another.
Yup. When Governors changed voting procedures, withOUT legislature OK, EVERY voter had standing. When voting officials / registrars changed procedures without approval, EVERY voter had standing.
Courts failed America.
I do not believe he can do anything under the circumstances, except what he is doing, which is not giving up. I do NOT blame him for that.
Our entire culture has been poisoned and debased, and our side controls nothing which compares to what the destroyers control. None of us should give up, but we should all live within the truth. And the truth is, the other side controls everything which affects AND effects the ongoing destruction of America.
There are tens of millions who see the ongoing destruction with varying degrees of understanding, but those tens of millions are powerless to deter even the most blatantly absurd aspects of the destruction.
Our President is doing all he can do, and the school board people are fighting nobly and honorably. But these are strictly rear-guard actions.
The destruction started many years ago and has persisted with no deviation. There were many things which could have been done along the way, but were not (for example, getting government out of the schools, and banning government unions of any type).
In retrospect, I see 1994 as a critical turning point. The American people gave Congress a massively popular mandate, and Gingrich threw it away, starting the day after the election. I used to think he was merely a narcissistic boob by the way he was throwing it away, and have come to believe he did so deliberately.
I was skeptical of our President at first, but when he said “we will bring back Merry Christmas” I realized that this man understood exactly what was needed, and what the problem was. And his pure invocation of American patriotism IMO reflects the same thing.
But what we think and believe, the way we live our lives (or try to, at least), is just for us now. It has no larger connection to this country’s destiny now, and maybe forever. Screw the tax cuts which are always the sop thrown to us, and which we stupidly accept as enough. We need Merry Christmas.
Alas, Merry Christmas has been swamped under a government sponsored tsunami of hatred for Christmas, for Christians, for white people, and for basic common sense. It doesn’t matter how many are brainwashed or indifferent to the brainwashing because whatever the number happens to be, it is enough.
To answer your question, not specifically wrt to our President, we need a leader who can destroy the ongoing destruction. Someone who can destroy the tsunami. Someone who can connect the tens of millions with actual power.
Bearing in mind the lesson of Canute, I have no idea how this is done, or who does it. And I do not see anyone who does have an idea how to do it. But IMO any necessary thing begins with acknowledging the truth.
On November29, 1775, Congress established the Commiiee of Correspondence, which soon became known as the Committee of Secret Correspondence.
If we only had people of integrity conducting our spying and foreign correspondence operations today.
If you’ve had COVID, your risk of severe reinfection is about 1% of that of a previously uninfected person.
The New England Journal of Medicine published this study on November 24, 2021
(h/t Citizen Free Press):
Severity of SARS-CoV-2 Reinfections as Compared with Primary Infections
Absolutely no comparison.
Was just at Walgreen’s looking for red ribbon and there was nothing Christmas anywhere. Finally found some rolls of wrapping paper standing in boxes over near the photo area.
No bows, name tags, ribbon, nothing. Seems like Christmas is being marginalized in the retail sector as well.
I usually find ribbon at the dollar store(s). You might try there.
Also try Hobby Lobby.
You used to be able to find decent Nativity scenes. Nothing now.
They don’t even try to hide their hatred of Christianity.
Don’t worry. They’ll get their eternal reward…..
One of the most effective things the real President did was to bring back “Merry Christmas.” That was noticed and is being dealt with.
Hurts me to say this, but Satan is walking the halls of the White House now, just like he did during the Klintoon years (the “Billary” (mis)Administration). has many articles about the “Clinton White House”, and there is a book by Gary Aldrich, “Unlimited Access” which details many of the Satanic things which occurred then, by someone who HAD NO CLUE about what Satanists do, worship, or believe. So he could not have been biased at all…..
The current Resident of the White House is almost as bad… and has the same Satanic master(s)…..
Actually, Satan was a permanent resident in the WH from at least 1992 right up to Jan. 2017.
It only looks that way because they don’t.
Our AG is pretty solid.
Great news.
watch & listen to this…
This Pivotal Moment, Vaccine Passports
video…about 17 minutes…from 11/18..
a fundamental civilization change
the vaccine passports
the fundamental inversion of freedom
“a fundamental civilization change”
I don’t want any part of such incivilization.
I do not consent.
And I won’t be a part of it
In fact, I enjoy not being part of it.
Scott we have notice you are an ornery cuss.
Ornery cuss of a good sort.
Consistently cracks me up.
Superb video.
Worthy of spamming out.
He can’t help himself from compulsive lying and molesting …and he’s the supposed leader of the free world ???? What a joke it all is.
I thought he claimed his house in Delaware burned down.
With Jill in it.
[NBA player] Enes Kanter changes name to show his love for America
Quite the contrast with the obnoxious, self-absorbed, third rate whiner Ben Simmons. I hope the Celtics kick Philly’s ass.
I’d put this on tomorrow’s daily, but I just scheduled it. This guy is something else.
Sounds like he just made the jump from the doghouse to the outhouse
Hell Hath No Fury Like a Woman Scorned…. They even made a play about that
From Virus to Virago…
That account is a hoot.
^^^ NOW, That IS Funny. ^^^
ROTFLMAO!!!!! That’s good!
The “vicious life sucking b—-” line comes from the movie Armageddon where an ex-Navy guy, Carl, witnesses the planet-killing asteroid from his huge telescope. He wants to name it after his wife, Dottie, & then gives that description…Enjoy
Well, at least it’s not the Papal Tiara, although I’m not sure that exists anymore.
If he’d put it the other way ’round (upside-down), that would be great (covering his Faux-Face…
Small ray of sunshine.
Trump replaced about a third on the 9th Circuit. Not enough to take it over, but smart enough to change minds and shred stupid arguments.
You know for being a “myth” they sure are violent minded.
Remember way back when “throat punch a nazi ” was so in vogue with them ? They’ve devolved in psychotic freaks.
The ONLY folks that deny Antifa exists, IS Antifa’s partner, in crime, FIB.
The Algerian thugs of FIB.
Channeling Thomas Wictor?
The Algerian Strategy
July 15, 2020 by RedMoonJournal
“Carlos Osweda argues that it’s all hands on deck for the Antifa Democrats who are in take-no-prisoners mode. They will do anything and everything to get their power back, so hold on to your seatbelts.”
The Thread reader is now dead but Free Republic saved and posted it.
FOUR THOUSAND PAGES????????!!!!!!!!
WHERE, OH WHERE, are all the Tree-Huggers?????
And, doubtless none of the congress-critters have read it. No, not even their soy-sucking buttercup snowflake gender-bent diseased staphers (yes, no f’s for them)…..
Kids say the darndest things.
That IS also, FUNNY!
The afternoon is getting better.
Holy crap, is this REAL? Tourettes?
And who’s her son? Neither of those boys are hers. You would think she would at least be sharp enough to use our son – being a doctor and all.
Wow! and it’s likely not even a political thing.
Won’t be long before those kids are in charge. Thanks Democrats!
The dress and the shoes are mistakes. Who plans her wardrobe??
I believe that I read that the token handicapped aide plans it. He/she/it is vision impaired. Really I think that I did read it………………………………………………kiddin
Fits with her.
She’s a mistake, as well…
What a grating voice… and the personality of a chainsaw…
But at least a chainsaw is useful…
I see she’s wearing the drapes again too……….
The Drapes of Graft…
Wow… from the mouths of babes…
I have had those moments with my own children. Honestly, I didn’t know whether to laugh, beat the crap out of them, or congratulate them for their perspicacity.
Kids see through people and their b.s. pretty readily. And once in a while, they just shout it right out.
Well, it’s fake — but still first rate. And here’s the real video, I’d better keep my mouth shut.
Gov. Ron DeSantis
Yup, DeSantis delivers Fantastic State leadership. National exposure for those paying attention.
After DeSantis wins in 22, maybe he’ll go Big Time in 24. (Anyway, I think he is up for reelection in 22.)
I really don’t see Trump running in 24. My guess IS Trump will clear the rift raft R-Cons in the 24 field, as it emerges.
DeSantis IS the Premier Conservative. IMO. We don’t need the destructive R-Con infighting. Conservative solidarity would be refreshing.
That Ronna wench needs to be bottom blown.
Not going to be pushed around in FL
ALWAYS enjo watching and reading DeSantis telling BiteMe and Feds to FO. Great governor and leader.
As I need to relocate, AND WILL. FL is very inviting. However, likely northern TX, perhaps AR. Southern OK.
The four o’clock thunderstorm, heat, humidity and SAND FLEAS convinced me I did not want Florida. Also I really dislike swimming…
Yea. I’d likely head north. Sorta like GA/FL. We lived in Orlando 79-82. My better half gives me the eye whenever I suggest FL.
So, I move on to other locations. With a daughter in TX, she is OK looking at TX, OK, AR.
I believe that TN has no property tax AND no income tax!
Thanks Valerie. Those are huge pluses. Plus, TN is a beautiful state, which I could be happy. Likely I’d head to central or eastern TN.
Granted all I know about western TN is I-40 and Memphis.
All of that aside, my better half will assuredly vector me a bit more west. I’ve been conditioned over the decades.
Well, it never hurts to weigh all the options.
How awesome that you guys have that many possible destinations!!!
Yes. many options to sort out. Some luxury of time to do so.
Removing the time pressure can be a real key to a relaxed, thorough, & comfortable decision-making process. Dream big AND enjoy the fruits of your labors!
TN has a property tax of 1%, but if you live on the property its tax basis is lowered by half (e.g. $1000 tax for $200,000 property). It also has income tax on dividends and interest, but not on “earned income”.
Wouldn’t those be capitol gains taxes? Thanks for the correction–hope KBK sees your info too!
Not to mention Palmettos as big as a dog…
Or the pythons falling out of the trees…

get out ! In Florida??! I never knew that!
That sucker was in Orlando.
I can not remember if it was pythons or iguanas, but they had a big freeze and reptiles were literally falling out of trees.
It was Iguanas:

Frozen iguanas falling from trees in South Florida cold snap
Gulp !
What’s really funny is that some people collected a bunch and tried to take a box full to the dump….they’re not dead, and as soon as they thawed out, they started wondering why they were in a box.
Good reason to use the BACK of the pick-up for dump runs!
I came, I thawed, I conquered…
Golden’s going, “heyyy, a chew toy”
(The full Monty, as it were
Reading over at Market Ticker, that’s what his latest article is about – our side having no leader. We are standing up for ourselves, seeing the reality for what it is. But that doesn’t suffice without the leader. It’s time for when in the course of human events and I’m still looking for the Tiffany blue box.
Actually I was thinking of people more like Daniel Schultz and the Precinct Strategy.
We need to take back MORE than the Presidency as POTUS Trump showed us during his four years.
We do, but it’s not all that public right now.
Besides, We the People need to be inspired to stand up for ourselves. A centralized leader will inspire sheep like behavior.
Nice phrase from Insty’s comments: “Munchausen Syndrome by Fauci”.
By PoxXi…
Of course, none of them will ever give those grieving townspeople the time of day. They will never “say their names” or visit the broken ones in the hospital.
They’re callous shameful awful people
If they were black victims of a white perpetrator, there would be 24/7 coverage and you can bet Old Joe would go. There would be documentaries about “Racism in America.”
The sad “systemic racism” of UniParty politics.
Something about that picture gives me the creeps.
Breaking — Biden suspends Vaccine Mandate for federal workers for 6 more weeks…