Dear KAG: 20211130 Open Thread

Ciao, Jack.

Now, here’s the thing, aside from this week being the beginning of the Ghislaine Maxwell trial, and more, details are resurfacing about some other mysterious business maneuvers.

What that has to do with the price of tea in China, who knows, but it was bound to come up. The big banks are always fair game in this mess.

From American Thinker:

Where can we go for the truth anymore?
By Sandra Friedemann

In this messed up, mixed up world, the formerly respected Fourth Estate has devolved into a collection of flat-out liars, brain-dead ideologues, and unmitigated ignoramuses.  Turn on any of the mainstream media channels or go to any one of hundreds of online outlets, and you’ll be swamped in effluent.

The horrific, murderous tragedy in Waukesha, Wisconsin, in which a man deliberately and determinedly drove his SUV at a high rate of speed through a parade last week, is being called a “parade crash” by the most liberal media outlets.

According to 95% of the media talking heads and their cohorts, Kyle Rittenhouse is a “murdering white supremacist.”  Laughably, Snopes calls the three convicted felons who attacked Rittenhouse — one a domestic abuser and rapist, another a pedophile, and the third a burglar — “victims.”  Snopes goes farther, saying those three felons were there to “peacefully protest.”  Never mind the fires, the looting, and the property destruction.  None of this was discussed in the vast majority of the media during Rittenhouse’s trial or after his acquittal.

Now we have a new variant of COVID-19, which the physician who first encountered and reported it says is “mild.”  In a report in the Telegraph, Dr. Angelique Coetzee, a general practitioner for thirty-three years who also chairs the South African Medical Association, says, “Their symptoms were so different and so mild from those I had treated before.”

Mild illness.  Zero hospitalizations.  No deaths.  Yet with this report, we have yet another round of wholesale fear-mongering from the press and governments.

All the waking up from the fake news is a beautiful thing. The talking heads must be ready to explode.

This one is ticked he can’t meme.

In COVID conversation:

Who knew that song would actually come in handy. On the other hand:

Because, you know, psy-ops.

That’s beside the point, of course. THE NARRATIVE MUST BE MAINTAINED even if the people are nowhere close to asleep enough for it to work.

Anonymous Conservative gives another perspective on the patriot infighting which is threatening to divide the movement in ways that will make it unrecoverable if we let Satan’s side accomplish that goal.

Lots more drama going on with Lin Wood at his telegram. Notice, just as Ghislaine’s trial is about to risk exposing real damaging intelligence about whatever this thing infecting our country is, somehow, someone has created a situation where key players of the Q-movement are suddenly embarking on a clownshow which is occupying the attention of the very Q-followers who would otherwise be prone to take a small nugget of data that leaked from the trial and extrapolate it out into a whole panoply of details about a conspiracy, and then spread those details globally. Lin is now saying he taped a phone conversation with Mike Flynn where Flynn told Lin he thought Q was nonsense, a CIA disinformation psyop designed to distract patriots from what is going on and make them look like Kooks. Which would be strange given Flynn made a big production out of him and his family doing the Q-oath together, as an obvious tacit Q-endorsement. So if Flynn did believe this, then Flynn was helping to distract patriots. Or maybe Lin was probing Flynn while taping him for a setup, and Flynn was parrying. Lin even accuses Flynn of conspiring to sabotage the Arizona Audits. Lin proceeded to point out the Flynn Group used an address attached to apparent Deep State operative Stanley McChrystal, both have ties to a CIA guy who worked as Brennan’s hatchet man at the Agency while they were attacking Trump, and some are alleging Flynn was behind the effort to take down Trump.  Again, they could all be reading lines in a script, and it could even be that the script was written by patriots to bring us back to freedom. Or Flynn might have made it into the head DIA position because he was an asset of Cabal, and not an infiltrator. Or Lynn is the agent and Flynn was lying to him. But whatever the real situation, at this point I would assume there is no plan, and proceed accordingly. Which here means, focus on spreading any gems which come out of the Maxwell trial.

Patrick Byrne attacks Lin Wood as well, meaning now Flynn, Powell, and Byrne have all opened up lines of conflict with Lin. Byrne called investor Warren Buffet his rabbi, which will always make you suspicious, and as I related, his story with Maria Butina was always lacking, in that it pretended you could out-maneuver and fool FBI counterintelligence surveillance into thinking you had slept with a woman you never touched – something I would think Bryne, as a high-level CEO of a major company, and maybe even a CIA spook in Asia for a bit himself, would have been schooled on. I liked Flynn and Powell, but in this world, that is no guarantee, and Trump did entertain them, before doing a little shuffle and jive while keeping them at arm’s length and moving them on without addressing anything they presented in that surprise White House meeting. Trump is sharp and a step ahead, and when it matters most, intel would send in the people you trust most to sabotage what you were going to do. And then there is Lin, who never talks about the surveillance, despite that obviously being the Achilles heel of this whole thing, and the one truth which could tangibly help all of his listeners right away. At this point, it is possible they are all assets playing out a skit written for them by Management, just to distract the Q-community from the Ghislaine trial’s revelations (like an entirely unconfirmed rumor she might have held almost $19 billion in the XRP crypto) but there is no way for us to know for sure. As always, my one test of who is definitely genuine is who openly talks about the surveillance, and the technology it leverages against the people. Everybody else knows and is playing the game.

Moving on.

More on this in the coming days.

For your listening pleasure.

What will tomorrow bring?

Something to remember, always.

Per the boss’s instruction:

I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.

And now for some mood music:

Your weekly reminder to take the pledge, and if the non-mainstream people are to be believed, including Lin Wood, we will need to take this seriously very soon:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


PSALMS 19:8-11

7The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple; 8the precepts of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes; 9the fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever; the ordinances of the LORD are true, and righteous altogether. 10More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb.

I try not to recommend homilies, but Father Meeks hits this one out of the park. From Sunday:

For some reason this is going through my head on a Monday. Marty Haugen? Well, all composers get one that’s halfway decent.


Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632 
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)

Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518 
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)


St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Amen brother.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.

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I’ll be the first. Here’s the actual STFU kid. I’ll keep what I think to myself so I don’t get banned.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Why would you get banned? I would be the one who would have to do it.


Just eye-rolling to myself. The video is hideous, but not at all surprising.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, I hear you!


Well, I for one, likely many, would be interested in your thought. My understanding is, Free Speech reigns, short of threats, illegal stuff…

I was hoping the little guy would say Let’s Go Brandon.


I just sent you a Gab chat.


This is not Facebook or Twitter


??? Somebody posted it at


It was sarcasm. Sheesh.


Parents must be proud…


The little guy got the bum’s rush from the teacher .. lol .. the parents may have been mortified … the “wait till I get you home” op probably happened


Well, as naturally as that was shouted out, plus the “no, bitch” at the end – I doubt he hears much of anything as restrained as “wait ’til I get you home”.


Reminds me of the “Bad Uncle Treatment” possibly being needed here.

Used for when parents have failed to establish their authority. If any of you ever read Carlos Castaneda who wrote “The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge and several other such books, there was a story related about a child allowed to grow up so much out of control that the parents no matter what could not control him. Don Juan told Castaneda how they fixed that. Essentially they paid the dirtiest, scariest bum they could find to beat their child. The rebellious brat who they’d refused to discipline was driven by the parents to a very seedy part of town and the child was told to get out of the car and go see that man in the alleyway who promptly lit into the kid. By that the parents authority was reestablished as now the parents who never wanted to lay a hand on their kid could then level the same threat over the child any time he started to not give an F.

An uncle could obviously do the same work. “If you don’t shut your mouth your going to see Uncle X!” Thus the name Bad Uncle Treatment all the Bum would likely work better.


The concept is a bit similar to the “scared straight thing” they put on TV over thirty or forty years ago where they took young juvenile defenders to tour maximum penalty prisons. Only problem with that program is they televised it and the kids were then wise to it. Should of never televised it. Should of just used it with out the publicity. Kids resist tricks that they are ready for.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r

My SIL was a teacher in the Memphis school system. The early years were what she expected. By the time she left… sounded like many of the kids were out of control, parents worse and admin couldn’t or wouldn’t intervene or support the teachers.


Looks like a Kindergarten “graduation ceremony” — I heard a couple bars of a recording of “The Academic Overture” playing.
IMO, if the teacher talked to the children like that every day, the STFU reaction might be understandable. (Not that she needs to sound like a drill sergeant.)


Yup, Elgar in the background. High western civilization – followed by STFU from a 4 year old. (Too small to be a public school K graduation.) Did you notice at the end, when the kid is asked if he needs to leave, he responds with “no, bitch”.

Another oddity, the audio does not match what the girl in front of the kids was saying. So the over-the-top voice on the PA was someone else.

As I said, I’ll keep my feelings to myself. Suffice to say, I taught public school for 25 years and I have former students that are in prison for all manner of things, including murder.


A lot of damage needs to be undone, if it can be undone.


These are the same folks that taught their toddlers how to say f*** the police last summer. The anger in that child is palpable.


Can’t get therefrom here. It’s like bonsai or trellis training.
pit is bent a certain way and very quickly becomes “set”


Looks that daddy got the kid out?


Some guy, yes.


Sadly, if Jack starts spending more time at Square, that puts him closer to my house.

Another reason to move!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Makes me wonder if he can do more damage at Square.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Looks like a strong way to monitor and control small businesses.


It would be if their stuff weren’t cheap gizmos and thrown-together software.

Square’s target market is people who do weekends at craft fairs and sell hand-dipped candles. They can run all the credit-card stuff through their smartphones using a little dongle Square sells. And, BTW, the majority of people I’ve met who use them is either apologetic or frustrated.

Gail Combs


Checks from Churches and corporations are the exception. I am NOT going to give banks  1.3% to 3.5% of my fee for each credit card transaction. A transaction that makes digital bits out of thin air thereby aiding inflation.


Nailed it. Square sucks.


Ban 2A related purchases?

Last edited 3 years ago by kalbokalbs
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. For sure.


“Customer Service? I have a complaint. I ordered three Donald Trump commemorative mugs last week, and today I received five Joe Biden juice mugs.”

“I’m sorry for the glitch, sir. Square just bought Dominion Voting Systems, and we’re in the process of merging our codebases….”


Sippy-cups, dammit!

Cuppa Covfefe

If it had been Bernie Sanders, they could have been Hippy-Dippy-Sippy cups… (with a pic of “Al Sleet” on them)…


How are you doing, Wolf? Improving, I hope.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Definitely improving, although that gets complicated. I’ll do a health update later with more details.


It’s a slow climb back from the brink


Good to hear it. I’m looking forward to the update. Take care of yourself! 🙏


So not too far to walk the dog to take a dump on his lawn then?


Square is in the NE cloverleaf of the intersection of Central Expressway and San Tomas Expressway. It’s not exactly a dog walking area, nor is it well known for lawns.


Here’s the area. the NE cloverleaf is Squareland. The peculiar large building to the SW is NVIDIA — it’s also pictured in at 2020.




Don’t think potus. The real Potus should go back to twit. Let them crash and burn.…..we should probably poked the charred remains with a pitchfork or two to be sure


We NEED alternatives to TW, FB, YT, Insty or whatever it is.

Gail Combs

Gab, GETTR, Telegram, Bitchute, Rumble….


Yes. Admittedly, I don’t frequent much of this stuff. Hopefully those can dominate. Wonder what Trump is rolling out, early next year.


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The Pinocchio Effect….


Noses and ears never stop growing [until death].


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Listening to FauXi, Is A Really Bad Idea.

FauXi is another POS I never listen to. Move on.


There’s actually some truth about noses growing when one tells a lie. I’d let you search for it “does the nose grow when you tell a lie?”.

Now I’m left wondering if there’s a lasting effect after many many lies told for a very long time.


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Gail Combs

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dip shit
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and don’t shake anybody’s hands.

Last edited 3 years ago by smiley2
Gail Combs

The shape of the ear is completely different…

The line from under the nose to the end of the chin changes angle…


The entire lower jaw looks different — shape, length. Dimple near the mouth and the mouth itself, also.


Maybe someone slugged him.


But, there’s no such thing as body doubles, you know.

There’s no such thing as a body double who can interact in close quarters with people who know the original person well, without those people suspecting something.

Does anyone here think they would be fooled by a “double” of a family member or work associate or friend of theirs? Do they believe themselves to be that unobservant? Then, do they think other people are completely clueless?

And, do they believe every pic any random person posts on the internet is the original with no photoshopping or tampering? 🙂


Plastic surgery?
he’s certainly a vain narcissistic little prick


It’s always possible. It’s also possible that one or both of the photos have been altered, or that the lighting is different, etc.


New article at Political Moonshine:

Why Kids Are Smarter Than Adults – Joe Biden Is Your Sub Today!
29 Nov 21

Intro: “We just got the anticipated sales pitch for the constructed perpetuity that is built into the enterprise fraud construct that most Americans naively call the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s lifetime boosters and it’s delivered directly from a conspirator within the Criminal Enterprise [RICO] – Pfizer. This occurs just as we predicted and have evidenced; the latter applying to the entire pandemic; all of the way back to its beginning. If you think that was sometime later than 20-plus years ago, there’s catching up to do – click that link.

Here’s the snake oil sales pitch from TGP.

Pfizer CEO Says “Most Likely Scenario” is “Annual Revaccination” Against Covid (VIDEO)

Americans have been subjected to psychological warfare and propaganda techniques for decades. They have been literally programmed to fear for their “safety” as if there is a “boogeyman” around every corner.

The boogeymen are real, though, otherwise the programming goes to waste. Anything tied to “terrorism,” “pandemics,” “mass shootings,” “systemic racism” and a whole bunch more bullshit [you know the list] is just that. Kabui theater. Fodder for the feeble minded.
“Keeping you safe” and your “safety” are responsible for much death and destruction and the evisceration of rights. They exist to justify the boogeyman. Period. How is it that Americans haven’t figured that out yet?

These injected people have been defrauded out of their personal liberty and individual rights, held prisoner in their own homes [along with the rest of us] and then were forced to bargain to regain a fraction of those rights by agreeing to participate in human genetic experimentation.

These people will require lifetime annual boosters and likely injections for each newly emerged variant. There are no fewer than 40,000 SARS-CoV-2 variants on file. These folks are likely immune-compromised forever and this will become compounded exponentially when factoring in how “variants” are used.

They’re using “variants” to change the narrative or support positions. It occurs when they circumvent the seasonal die-off of harvested comorbidities [primarily flu/pneumo] to bridge peak flu/pneumo season [primary data reservoir] of one year to peak flu of the next. This dynamic creates the perpetual cycle for the fraud construct. It will literally never end. I warned of that almost two years ago. Now look around you.”

[continued at title link above]

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, it’s a scam. Democrats successfully weaponized “non-influenza flu”.


it’s mind control.

Gail Combs

LOOK at how they scare mongered.

First the videos from China of people dropping unconscious on the street… ON TWITTER
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This is from early spring of 2020 (ChiefIO):

“Here is what we know of mortality by age as of today associated with such. Pay attention as this evolves.”

COVID-19 Fatality Rate by AGE:

80+ years old – 14.8%
70-79 years old – 8.0%
60-69 years old – 3.6%
50-59 years old – 1.3%
40-49 years old – 0.4%
30-39 years old – 0.2%
20-29 years old – 0.2%
10-19 years old – 0.2%
0-9 years old – no fatalities

Add on predisposition complications and it would be nice to have age based data, but we don’t yet that I can find.

COVID-19 Fatality Rate by COMORBIDITY:

Cardiovascular disease – 10.5%
Diabetes – 7.3%
Chronic respiratory disease – 6.3%
Hypertension – 6.0%
Cancer –5.6%
no pre-existing conditions –0.9%


California data from Reddit for June 2020.
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To get these high numbers they had to use a test with a high degree of false positives, BRIBE hospitals and count ANY DEATH WITH COVID as caused BY COVID.

And then we have this:
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Hospitals have been incentivized to mark deaths as COVID deaths, even in cases where it may not be the primary cause of death. Hospitals were paid $13,000 per person who was admitted as a COVID case, and another $39,000 for every patient put on a ventilator.

Minnesota state senator and family physician, Scott Jenson, has critiqued the CDC’s prevention guidelines on how doctors are certifying COVID-19 deaths on death certificates. He pointed out that the current system could easily cause the disease to appear deadlier than it actually is…

USA TODAY, Bafflegabs the truth about ventitators and hides this in the middle of the article. NOTE they do not link to the actual study, just trash it instead.

May 6th 2020 COVID-19 patients wrong to think breathing tubes ‘synonymous with death,’ doctors warn

…In the JAMA study, the mortality rate for 18 to 65-year-olds on ventilators was more than 76%, while more than 97% of patients older than 65 on ventilators died. That’s where the combined death rate of 88% came from. Death rates for those in these age categories who weren’t intubated and placed on ventilators were nearly 20% and nearly 27% respectively. … 

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. Illumi signature there on the “incentives”….
$13K for admission as COVID, and $13*3K for ventilator use…

Show from whence the command originated…..


Imagine the huge raises and bonuses hospital administrators received in 2020 and will receive this year.

Gail Combs

I rather imagine the look on their faces as they are tried and found guilty of genocide.


WE can only hope Justice will prevail.

Can’t happen soon enough.


When old spark comes into view

Gail Combs

This graph tells the tale. Look at the 2020 – 2021 red triangles (Sadie would have lots of fun with that symbolism.)
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I found this on yesterdays’ Market Ticker
From commenter Kareninca:

“These were posted on naked capitalism today by a biologist who often posts there and also by the internal medicine doctor who posts there. They are about omicron and possible similarities with chicken coronaviruses. I don’t know how to evaluate these concerns:

“GM also mentioned a troubling parallel from veterinary medicine:

It will be at least two weeks before there is neutralization data.

They need to order the DNA, make pseudovirus, then validate it, then run the actual assays. Even working full time, that will take a while. Although the people in South Africa might have started on this quite some time ago.

The words serotype and strain will be avoided at all costs.

If you start talking about serotypes, you immediately concede that the mass infection policy is foolish, and, given the consequences, outright criminal.

You also risk opening a serious discussion of the one thing that for some mysterious reason has not been touched on at all since the start of the pandemic the IBV literature. IBV is a chicken coronavirus, quite similar to COVID in many of its manifestations. They have vaccines against it, but its a never ending Red Queen game of whac-a-mole against new serotypes and variants, against which previous vaccines dont work at all. And apparently there are some examples of really drastic evolutionary jumps there that we are yet to see with COVID, but may well do in the future. One can speculate why that has never been discussed its either because nobody cares about veterinary medicine so few know about it (true) or because nobody wanted to talk about it due to the implications. But the people who study coronaviruses do know about it. Which is why none of big names has said anything about vaccines solving this, it attenuating to a common cold, herd immunity, or anything of the sort.

IM Docs mafia, which heretofore had largely been vaccine enthusiasts, with a few old codgers having reservations about their limited efficacy v. transmissions with Delta, is in a newly sober mood:

My virologist friend in [major city] not a corona expert reported to me on Friday that the pants are officially being shat in virology departments all over the country.

And yes the IBV did come up in a conference I attended on Friday. MIND YOU not from the speaker but someone in the audience that I did not know. And all the speaker could say is that he was not very familiar with it but that there were some very disturbing parallels. He went on to add that the corona virus experts he knew were all deeply concerned about this development and that it could be a game changer. When the inevitable vaccine question came up the speaker certainly was no longer RAH RAH RAH like he had been in the past. In fact, he became rather forlorn. I got the idea it is already clear to the smart kids in the room that we have a severe problem.

Cuppa Covfefe

I believe Gail (or Wolf, or both) has written a few times about a chicken virus that must be immunized or else there will be a mass die-off… wonder if that’s related…

Gail Combs

No, it is in a different family.
Vaccinal Control of Marek’s Disease: Current Challenges …
“Marek’s disease is an economically important lymphoid neoplasm of chickens, caused by oncogenic strains of Marek’s disease herpesvirus.”

The key is as Karl said, a LEAKY vaccine vs a STERILIZING vaccine.

Well, Duh. This Is Why It Was Stupid*

…To be sterilizing a vaccine must prevent infection. Since you never get infected you never replicate the virus and thus do not shed it. If you do not shed it the potential path of the viral life-cycle for that particular infection ends with you and thus you cannot pass on or cause a mutation. You are sterile against that disease; from the point of view of the virus you are a lifeless rock….

A vaccine that is not sterilizing permits the virus to infect you and replicate and as a result you can infect others.  Technically it is not a vaccine at all (which by definition prevents infection); it is a prophylactic therapy. Such a “vaccine” instead acts to reduce or eliminate symptomatic disease. You don’t know you’re sick and you don’t get sick. You don’t go to the hospital and you don’t die. Unfortunately since you don’t know you’re sick but are infected and the virus is both replicating in you and shedding you are more-likely to spread the infection to others. All of the current Covid jabs are in this category and so is, for that matter IPV (injected polio vaccine — the original Salk discovery.)

During the original vaccine trials in the summer and fall of 2020 they deliberately did not test any of the recipients for asymptomatic infections. Only a person who developed a significant illness was tested. This has continued post roll-out with the CDC specifying that a close contact of a known case who was vaccinated did not need to quarantine or be tested until and unless they became symptomatic.  They knew damn well, in other words, that the jabs were not sterilizing but did not want that data up for public debate because then those who have read history would be likely to make the connection to the present day and thus they did their level best to hide it.  That has now blown up in their face with it being conclusively known that jabbed people in fact not only get infected but spread the virus to others.

The problem with non-sterilizing vaccines is simply this: There is no safe means of mass-use of non-sterilizing vaccines so long as transmission within the community does or is likely to exist.


There are no exceptions….

Last edited 3 years ago by Gail Combs
Cuppa Covfefe

Thanks! I knew it was something with an “M” (dial “M” for FauXi Murder…)…. but didn’t remember the details.

Just ran into an article in PNAS that gives me the willies… wondering what they have planned next:

Kinematic self-replication in reconfigurable organisms”


Thanks for this Gail, I’d read it before and just dragged it to my desktop.

Gail Combs

This chicken vaccine makes its virus more dangerousPBS — Jul 27, 2015 

The deadliest strains of viruses often take care of themselves — they flare up and then die out. This is because they are so good at destroying cells and causing illness that they ultimately kill their host before they have time to spread.

But a chicken virus that represents one of the deadliest germs in history breaks from this conventional wisdom, thanks to an inadvertent effect from a vaccine. Chickens vaccinated against Marek’s disease rarely get sick. But the vaccine does not prevent them from spreading Marek’s to unvaccinated birds.

“With the hottest strains, every unvaccinated bird dies within 10 days. There is no human virus that is that hot. Ebola, for example, doesn’t kill everything in 10 days.”In fact, rather than stop fowl from spreading the virus, the vaccine allows the disease to spread faster and longer than it normally would, a new study finds. The scientists now believe that this vaccine has helped this chicken virus become uniquely virulent…. 

A tip of the hat to Karl:
Well, Duh. This Is Why It Was Stupid


And of course Penn State to the RESCUE!!! 😋

Author of 2015 vaccine study ‘terrified’ his work is being misinterpreted

Penn State study examining the dangers of chicken vaccines has gone viral, fueling misconceptions about COVID-19 vaccines.

The toxicologist said her theory is backed by science, due to the “classic” example of Marek’s disease in chickens from a 2015 study from Pennsylvania State University Professor of Biology and Entomology Andrew Read.

“I’m actually quite terrified that people could die because my work has been misinterpreted,” Read told KARE-11.

Some people, like this toxicologist, wrongly applied the logic of Read’s study to the current COVID-19 pandemic, coming up with the vaccines-equal-deadlier-variants conclusion.

“I guess what I found irresponsible about the way that Rogan covered it was the implication that it’s bound to make things worse and the implication that the only solution is to stop the vaccination,” said Read.

He said vaccines don’t cause viruses to mutate, replication does. [Well DUH!] The more a virus spreads, the more chances it gets to randomly improve.

Here’s an important difference between the vaccine given to the chickens and the SARS-CoV-2 vaccines given to humans right now.

“All chickens with that vaccine were able to transmit the virus on,” said Read.

This is much different than the current understanding of COVID vaccines, which research has shown [From CDC] do “substantially reduce” transmission.   :wpds_lol: 

This is key, because again, less spread means less mutation.

“The conclusion is not, therefore, don’t vaccinate. That’s not the conclusion at all….

  :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol: 
Microsoft news July 30 2021

The newly released [CDC] report showing that vaccinated people can still be superspreaders drove the recent decision by the CDC to once again recommend masks for vaccinated people indoors where case counts are high or substantial.

The viral load of vaccinated people with breakthrough cases is the same as in unvaccinated people, the CDC said Friday.

“High viral loads suggest an increased risk of transmission and raised concern that, unlike with other variants, vaccinated people infected with Delta can transmit the virus,” CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said in a statement. “This finding is concerning and was a pivotal discovery leading to CDC’s updated mask recommendation….


When You’ve Been Fully Vaccinated | CDC

If you’ve been fully vaccinated: You can resume activities that you did prior to the pandemic…..




There is a virus of the brain. Half of the world cought it and the other half has common sense.


They came out pro-abortion some years back. That’s when I abandoned their bucket.


Yikes! I didn’t hear about that. I’m glad I haven’t donated to them in years.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


Gail Combs



They’re done.

Good. That statement was blaming and accusatory, not apologetic. They think they have nothing to apologize for, so we are on different planets. If it comes handy, I will tell bell-ringers why I’m not donating.

This is the archive link to “Let’s Talk About Racism.” The accompanying study guide was still on their website yesterday. On page 6, it talks about how people in the majority enjoy privileges, not being aware of their privilege, and needing to make things equal.



MASS FORMATION….mass psychosis
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article & video (excellent)….

“Mass Formation” : The Applied Science of Social Engineering


“The Science of Social Engineering”

Mattias Desmet, professor of clinical psychology at Ghent University in Belgium, reveals the four key elements of “mass formation”.

 👉  causing people to disconnect from reality.

“The Great Panic of 2020-2022 shows that all four have been realized with predictable outcomes.”

 👉  a psychological condition of society known as “mass formation” is a condition for totalitarianism.

 👉  under mass formation, a population willingly sacrifices their freedom.

lack of bonding

social isolation (lockdowns)

life is meaningless, life is purposeless

free-floating anxiety, discontent, frustration and aggression

 👉  once mass formation occurs, totalitarianism will rise…and thrive.

plus….video…with Mattias Desmet who also has a Master’s Degree in statistics..

 👉  Are We Being Hypnotized ?

more + vid, at the link….

Last edited 3 years ago by smiley2
JW in Germany

Very interesting discussion on mass formation in this video…in case you want to jump to video:

Mattias Desmet is a professor of clinical psychology at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences at the University of Gent, Belgium. His testimony is part of a simulation game event, “BasisCamp – A Global Pandemic Exit Exercise”, which has been organized by members of the German Corona Investigative Committee. You’ll see Reiner Fuellmich in the role of Chancellor of the Federal Republic. The facts mentioned are real, though.

Last edited 3 years ago by JW in Germany

I found this channel on YouSchmoob. It’s a professional dog groomer with her own shop.

Her grooms can be quite different, and the narration is informative, amusing, and snarky — with just a hint of “hippy-dippy” when it gets into some of the “product” she is using.

The vids are quite short and can cheer you up between vids of “real news”.


They should be watched on YouSchmoob because the snark continues into the comments.

Gail Combs

I want that  Sav-Ur-Fur Undercoat nozzle for undercoat removal ($60) for shedding out ponies in the spring! We use a shedding blade normally. ($5 – $10)
comment image


She’s quite engaging, even if it’s something of an infomercial at times.

If you go to her website, she used to be a people hairdresser until deciding to go full-time on the critters about 10 years ago.

If you view some more undercoat videos, you’ll also see some sort of “undercoat rake” she frequently uses. Here’s a really good one:

Commentary in video: “I’m loving every minute of it. My shop looks like a dog exploded.”

Last edited 3 years ago by cthulhu
Gail Combs

Looks like what I get off a Shetland pony in the spring!


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Their coats go from under 1/2 inch in summer to over 2 inches in winter and ALL the hair sheds out in spring and fall.


She lists a phone number on her website. Perhaps you could do a consultation.

Gail Combs

I just get the neighborhood kids in who love to brush ponies. 🤓

Cuppa Covfefe

From “My Little Pony” to “My Great Big Furball” 🙂

Gail Combs

YUP!   :wpds_grin: 


She’s trying to sell a shedding blade for $60? I have to see this. 😂

Gail Combs

No, that was the water nozzle for stripping out the undercoat. I use a shedding blade AFTER washing the pony instead. Shedding them out wet removes the winter coat WITHOUT having my allergies go nutz.


Oh, ok. That nozzle thing was interesting in the video.


I used to have a stray he was 1/2 husky half golden retriever a wonderful dog but had a thick undercoat. I used that fur decoder on him.
Took me years to figure out he could be shaved. They left about 2″ of fur on him. When he came home he looked like a sheep. For days his sad brown eyes would look at me until he got used to it. The summer was more enjoyable for both of us 🙂

Gail Combs

For horses and ponies you can clip them BUT it has to be done in the winter before the summer coat starts to grow and then you must blanket them from then on.

With my Thoroughbred up north, I just blanketed to keep the winter coat shorter.
comment image


I can see that so they do not burn in Summer?
Max was an indoor dog and I walked him in the morning and evening. He did not like to be out during the day in Summer when it was very hot.

Gail Combs

You clip in the winter so the short summer coat is not clipped too. Remember horses have two completely different coats that last about 6 months each depending on the amount of blue wave-length light they receive during the day.

Timing of Lighting: A Critical Factor Influencing Coat Growth


Thank you I id not know that. Know nothing about hoses.
My dog was clipped in beginning of March and if it got cold he had a coat.. 🙂 Yes I know .

Gail Combs

We often warn parents that ponies ARE NOT DOGS and the care is completely different. You have to be very, very careful about feeding horses and ponies (and cows, sheep & goats) because they can not vomit so a change in diet or eating the wrong thing can kill them unlike with a dog or cat. Heck even putting ponies on to new grass in spring can be hazardous if done too fast!

Preventing Spring Grass Laminitis – Horse Network
We recommend riding lessons and either pony club or 4-H so the child learns the correct care BEFORE they get the animal.


Interesting. I have seen horses bloating and vet had to be called. I did not realize however that they are so sensitive.
My Peri is sensitive Woodford the mud can eat anything. Seems animals are just as different as people 🙂

Gail Combs

Very sensitive.

And as I said so are sheep, cows and goats.

For anyone thinking of getting a pony I would recommend a goat (or sheep) first. Actually I would recommend a de-horned goat for anyone with little kids since they are much less apt to scratch or bite than a dog or cat.


I love goats 🙂 De horned one is good for kids. I think people should have been exposed to farm animals before getting a pony or any animal.

Gail Combs

Goats are such characters. People miss out not having interaction with them.


I do when I go to Pleasant Hill KY, they have a farm, horses , cows ducks ,pigs. I love there big organic garden and the ducks running in it and picks grubbing around after harvest.


I love it 😃👍‼️❤️


Link here for audio of Flynn saying Q is a CIA psyops:

Anonymous Conservative’s assertion that the Flynn/Wood thing is to distract from the Maxwell trial is silly, I think.

First, there are enough eyes on that regardless of the other “distractions.”

Second, who believes, at this point, that anything meaningful is gonna be revealed at Ghislaine’s trial?

Will salacious details be released? Of course. Will anyone, even Maxwell herself, really pay for their crimes? Two-tier justice system…

Last edited 3 years ago by grandmaintexas
Gail Combs

The dividing tactic only works if there are enemies WITHIN the movement. At least two have been IDed so far. The one at Lindell’s cyber symposium, Josh Merritt and Dave Hancock, handler of Kyle Rittenhouse.

Cuppa Covfefe

Wonder if Josh is related to James (father?) and Jonathan (brother?) Merritt, who have been embroiled in a big controversy in SBC-land…

Cuppa Covfefe

N.B. This is the article that brought those thoughts to mind… Evangelical Dark Web has some good articles, even if they might be a tad too picky from time to time…


That’s assuming some of these people were ever really with us.


I hope folks will get this, Grandma. Spot on and its bigger than just individuals poisoning the wells.

Folks – please get this. Whether you are Christian or not, doesn’t matter. The coordinator of the evil is usually very quiet about it and committed to long term destruction.

SA blows itself up. How did it happen? Infiltration over a long time. The principles it was founded on that caused it to be successful were eroded and replaced with evil doing and thinking in positions of authority. That it is dying is a good thing, not bad. It can now be replaced by good.

Q – same deal. Good came from the Q operation – we learned greatly and the principles are now deeply rooted. To continue to divide people by their belief or not in Q is no longer productive in helping to achieve the destruction of evil. Stop looking at the players and stay focused on the principles and fruit.

Everything has a life cycle. Seed, growth, maturity, decline, death, seed. Nothing and nobody is exempt. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. We Christians know this from The Word. Non-believers sometimes learn it from observation. Regardless of faith – read and think about the seed parable in Matthew 13:1-23. What happens to each seed under each circumstance. Think about each seed and plant along with its life cycle under each situation. Apply it to anything and everything in life.

America is not exempt from the truth of the life cycle. To go from decline back to growth takes a return to Godly principles and righteous patriotism that spawned the America we perceive it to have once been. That seed was planted in good soil and grew to produce much fruit at its maturity. However, it is no longer doing so – that means we are now in decline. America will eventually die without being pruned (John 15:1-8) by the vinedresser – God. Let’s hope that is all that is going on, so that we can produce good fruit again or else we will be chopped down and thrown in the fire as a nation.

Gail Combs

“…or else we will be chopped down and thrown in the fire as a nation.”

Unfortunately that includes the rest of the world along with us. Covid vaccination passports => Social Credit Scores ==> Transhumanism and SLAVERY/death of the human race as we know it.


You have nailed it. This is a spiritual war. Spiritual wickedness in high places.

The life cycle happens. We have a RESURRECTED GOD. Our nation can experience that if we return to Him.


Anonymous Conservative’s assertion that the Flynn/Wood thing is to distract from the Maxwell trial is silly, I think.

Yes. We can focus on not just two, but multiple things at once.


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Massachusetts Governor Mulling Vaccine Passports For Residents

article link…


Gov Charlie Baker (R) is floating the idea of implementing vaccine passports….soon.

he and “officials from other states ” have been working to create a QR code that would be scanned to show a person’s vaccination status.

more about this heinous tyrannical crap, at the link.


Sigh. He’s gonna spark the second revolution.


Uniparty strikes again.


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Broke Butts Back Better

Gail Combs
Cuppa Covfefe

Is that chiefio’s new tow vehicle 😆 ?

[ ]

Gail Combs

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Cuppa Covfefe

And, the future of the DEMONRAT party under AOC (note the family resemblance, except this donkey is actually trying to work 🙂 ):
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new VARIANT defeats vaccine !
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Demoncrap 2024 hopefuls ! 👇  👇  👇 

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Last edited 3 years ago by smiley2

OT appears to be down.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

email error fixed


TY 🙂

Last edited 3 years ago by eilert

Classic tactics to discredit. And, it is not crooked to record people as long as the law allows…which it does in many states.

What is bothering these guys is that their own tactics have been used against them.

I think they’ve been caught in their own traps and are scrambling to figure out what to do.

I have a little personal experience with how bad actors operate. This is just classic tactics.


And, it is not crooked to record people as long as the law allows…which it does in many states.”

Do we know for a fact that Lin Wood has an authentic recording of Michael Flynn saying certain controversial things? The answer: No, we don’t.

Take a look at the subject of deep fake voice technology. Besides articles, there are some videos out there with examples of what can be done.

In these days of AI fakery, caution is needed in taking anything of a political nature at face value. The enemy is cunning.


They all have a problem. Mature adults work things out the civilized way.
There is much more going on and it not good do not know what but is not good.


He posted his texts from Flynn (September 2021) talking about Trump quitting, among other things.


Thanks for pointing that out.


He posted his texts from Flynn (September 2021) talking about Trump quitting, among other things.”

I’ve just now watched the three Rumble videos in the above links. Nowhere in the videos is there mention of Lin Wood and Michael Flynn exchanging texts. There is, however, in the first video a mention at @ the 3:52 mark of Lin Wood secretly recording conversations.

Why in the world would you bring up the subject of texts when it is not in the subject matter of the videos? Where is your source for that allegation?

I’m pissed that you would do that. I retract my thanks.


I follow Lin Wood’s telegram channel. The texts have been posted there more than once. EVERYTHING is there. Byrne’s entire phone call, in three segments. All the financials of the money raised for Rittenhouse by Fightback. There was also audio of a phone conversation with Flynn, but that may have been from a few months ago. I cannot recall the exact date.

Lin Wood’s body of work is a decades-long open book. He is not a lying, sack of shit lawyer – never has been. He took on the FBI for Richard Jewell for God’s sake. The other people in this saga are either under the radar or seriously sketchy.

You’re welcome to piss away. I got out of high school a long time ago.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009

It’s worth noting that when President Trump asked voters in Georgia to get out and vote, both during the November 2020 general election and the senate runoff, Lin Wood followed up shortly after Trump’s appeal by telling Republicans in Georgia not to vote.

Very shady. I distrust him.

One example:

“You’re welcome to piss away.”

Part of the reason that I am pissed off is that I allowed myself to be taken in by your bullshit post. I’ve noticed a pattern where you only respond to one of my posts to throw shade on it, as you have done here in your first response. I’ve formed the opinion that your motivation for being a part of the Q tree is as a disrupter. Also, having “mom” in your blog name, as did magamom, throws up a caution flag for me.

“I got out of high school a long time ago.”

That is so very low of you.


Look, you’re the one who used the term pissed and that you retracted your “thanks”. I thought it was juvenile and I said so.

I told you where all the information posted by Lin Wood is. I’m hardly the only person here who finds him truthful. I didn’t post any videos, I directed you to the telegram page. And that’s pretty much the end of the story. It certainly is from my end.

Oh, I forgot I’m the disrupter. The disrupter who regularly posts covid protocol information that perhaps someone else hasn’t yet come across. It’s not even worth a roll of my tired eyes.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009

Oh, I forgot I’m the disrupter. The disrupter who regularly posts…”

Why take it so personal? I expressed my opinion. It should go without saying that I’m not claiming it as fact.

You still haven’t answered my question as to why you introduced the subject of text messages when I was responding specifically to Grandmaintexas post of, “…to record people as long as the law allows…”, which was on topic. Your response to my post was not.

“I didn’t post any videos, I directed you to the telegram page.” No, you did not. I’m not a mind reader, nor do I have access to read Telegram posts anyway. If you were genuine in your claim, you would have at least posted a link.

“I thought it was juvenile and I said so.”

**deep sigh**

You are a vexation to my spirit.


If you’re actually interested you’ll find the telegram page. It’s way too much material, often on an hourly basis, to be posting here as links.

I won’t be replying to you further. They gave out the Oscars already this year.


Uh, they’ve been posted on Telegram.




Yes, South Carolina is a single party consent state.

Gail Combs

I really do not KNOW who is a white hat and who is not in this….

HOWEVER I keep remembering that Lin Wood is a DEFAMATION Lawyer….


That last video was pathetic. Sophomoric, really.


I got through two minutes of the first one and stopped.

The big issue that I see is that some people are untouchable in patriots’ eyes. Kyle Rittenhouse said bad things about Lin Wood, so therefore we must believe Kyle because he’s a hero now. It doesn’t matter how much evidence Lin Wood has to the contrary.

Same with Flynn: he holds military hero status with the public, and no matter how much evidence is presented that there might be things to investigate, people absolutely refuse to look at it with an open mind. And this is how countries get toppled. It is how things never change and movements can be infiltrated. Not only does no one bat an eye; they invite the trouble in.

I’m not saying bad things about Gen. Flynn; I’m saying that I’m going to look at what is being presented. I don’t like quite a bit of what I see. The same with Byrne.

It’s similar to what I’ve seen with vaccines. Some people are so threatened at the idea that the powers-that-be might not be trustworthy that they lash out at anyone who is looking at evidence. (Fauci must be a saint and a sprightly faun 😅; Scarf-lady Birx was a mother figure and a scientist; vaccine makers are doing everything in our best interest, etc.) This is extremely dangerous to us all.



If we seek Truth above all we will follow where it goes.


“I don’t work at the America Project anymore.”


It would be nice if anyone, anyone would refute what Lin Wood says about Flynn and company and not simply give ad hominem attacks against Wood.

Gail Combs

The America Project is a nonprofit group founded by Patrick Byrne.




I have not followed what Lin Wood has said very closely, I admit. I just don’t have enough hours in the day. I am trying to keep up mainly by reading what is said here. I would like to research a couple of specific things. I hope you will help me.

What charges has LW made against Flynn that are proven facts? I know about the St. Michael prayer, and while it is disturbing to many, it is not really an issue for me. How people choose to pray is their business, and they can explain it to God when they have to.

The two things I would like to look into are the Rittenhouse fundraising/bail fund and David Hancock and Kyle’s mother’s relationship.

I know LW says there are financial irregularities, and he wants Flynn and others to post documents that have not been made public, I think? But I don’t think the absence of evidence is really evidence, so if documents haven’t been made public, I don’t think that is enough to say there are irregularities. If LW has posted documents, then we can see there are no irregularities in his.

Is there actual proof that the Rittenhouse rep guy Hancock is living with/in a relationship with Kyle’s mother? Have they said so? Or is there other evidence of that?

I still haven’t been able to get the recording of Flynn saying Q was a psy-op to play. I don’t know why, but it just spins. Is there context, as in minutes before it was said, and after? I wish there was a transcript of the whole thing. I do believe that if Flynn was one of the “Q Group” he would disavow it to anyone asking about it, up to and including discrediting it.

I saw on LW’s Telegram the other day that he posted that Flynn as POA for Soros. I backed up far enough to see the context, and I’m confident LW originally believed it. I don’t think he initially saw it as fake.

I am an all-around skeptic of the “well-known” people. I admit it. Any person who seeks the spotlight for any reason makes me very cautious. I have been burned and seen others burned too many times in my life. I really am seeking info. I just don’t have much time. I did go and read, just now, LW’s Telegram from the POA stuff forward.


I did get that part. Thanks for reminding me.


I have not listened to the tape recordings either, but from what I have read, Gen. Flynn disavowed “Qanon”. There is no Qanon. There is Q and there are Anons. He responded the same about Qanon months ago, when asked about it by the news media.


Yes, the word-parsing is interesting. I do it myself. If a liberal brings up “Q-anon,” I say there is no such thing. Because there’s not.


There is too much evidence that Flynn is onboard with Q to believe that he would truly disavow it. He and his family took the oath wearing Q gear WWG1WGA. His dear friend Veronica always wore a Q hat in their pictures together, etc.


Yeah, I tend to think this is some kind of a scripted distraction aimed at the other side, to make it look like our side it divided, disorganized and disgruntled. “Appear weak when you are strong.”

Gail Combs

Interesting take on the issue. I sure hope you are correct.


I hear you, and I wish that were so, but IMO it’s not a successful plan. It is dividing OUR side. What it should be doing is getting people to look at the truth, however unpleasant it turns out to be.

The truth about Lin Wood and Kyle Rittenhouse is out there, but how many people blame Wood without even looking at it? (Too many.)


If it’s dividing our side, it’s a damn good op.

Gail Combs

Actually I do not think it is dividing our side because so many “good guys’ turn out to have AT THE VERY LEAST feet of clay.

In passing I thought I saw that Ratcliffe appear with or praised Mice Pence just recently. (Pence is making the rounds probably seeking the tap for a presidential run.)

I noted it because Ratcliffe was the DNI who was SUPPOSED to report on election fraud and NEVER DID.




There is too much evidence that Flynn is onboard with Q to believe…

That’s the public side of things. It’s what he wants patriots to believe. What he says in private conversations is the real Flynn.


Did you listen to the audio?

He outright disavows Q as a CIA psyops.

Now, I have always been skeptical but positive toward Q. I hardly followed the posts because they were terribly obtuse to me. When I got kicked off the CTH, my opinion was that Q was a larp that encouraged young people to get involved.

That the general would, at this point, disavow what he obviously supported previously, is very concerning.


Why haven’t you listened to the audio?


They realized almost immediately that the Soros thing was fake, the same message was sent to Wood, David Clements, Jarrin Jackson (I believe) and one other person. Sent simultaneously.

Byrne and Flynn ARE the America Project. I donated to it myself. Byrne said in his phone call to Wood that he never thought Doug Logan/Cyber Ninjas was up to the Maricopa task. So you then handed out 5 million dollars? Don’t you think there needs to be some financial disclosure, and accounting for that money at this juncture? Wood has open books. And as I said in another comment, Wood has posted his text messages from Flynn (September, after the audit was done) saying that Trump quit – among other things.

At this point this is either has to be a show, or some folks are actually very dirty. JMO

Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009

I adore you, Aubergine, but you need to do your own research. Join Telegram.

Regarding the St. Michael prayer, it is a HUGE deal to Catholics. It is an egregious lie. That prayer he said is outright satanic. That he connected it with THE St. Michael prayer is beyond the pale.

No one has refuted the assertion that Wendy and Hancock are shacking up.

Sorry you can’t get the recording to play.


Grandma, I appreciate you, too. My time is pretty severely limited, so I ask questions when I just don’t have the time to spend. Sorry if that is not ok. I have joined Telegram, but I find it difficult to navigate. I don’t think I really understand how it works.

I guess I am just going to let this go. I don’t think no one “refuting” something said proves it. I did try to find a source for the info that those two are a couple, but I don’t find anything concrete.

I get the prayer thing is a big deal to Catholics. But I also get that Lin may have issues with Mike Flynn BECAUSE Flynn is Catholic. I know a lot of Baptists and Evangelicals who think Catholicism is idolatry. I don’t subscribe to such a view, and have actually left a church with my children because of it. Experiences like that have made me question the animosity Lin Wood has towards Flynn, too.


Well, I suppose that Lin could be anti-Catholic but I haven’t seen that. He was always 100% supportive of Flynn while acknowledging religious differences.

Have you seen the picture with Doug Billings and Gen. Flynn? There’s a masonic picture behind them with Thrive Time info in it.

Last edited 3 years ago by grandmaintexas

I did see that. And a few other things.

Here’s my current take, and then I think I’m going back to hiding and watching.

I went and looked up Thrive Time, which until this moment I knew nothing about. An “event” I found included Lin Wood, Sidney Powell, Michael Flynn, Patrick Byrne, Greg Locke, and Ann Vandersteel. Even Jim Caviezel, who I think is fantastic.

I think all of these people were and are caught up in the nightmare we have been experiencing for the last year. All of them. I believe they mostly have good hearts, including Flynn, Powell, and Wood. But evil takes advantage of chaos, and that is where we currently exist. Absolute chaos. Q came and exposed a whole lot of horrible shit, and then left us here to deal. Pisses me off, to be honest. It’s like being pulled out of the Matrix, informed of where you came from, and then left. We can research and learn all we want, but the Matrix is still there, most people are still in it, and the bad guys are in control. The USURPER is in the White House. Here we are, with lots of knowledge and very little ammo.

My take on Flynn and the St. Michael prayer is he likely had no idea where it originated and thought it sounded good. Honestly, one of the evil forces might have handed it to him as a trap. But who knows? I also think that most low-level Masons don’t understand the first thing about what we’re talking about when we discuss the occult aspects of Freemasonry. I think as a whole, Masons are decent people. But they are gradually conditioned (believe me, I have seen some stuff I shouldn’t have, and know) by “innocent” material to accept ever more occult practice. The Masons are a psy-op at a level the best manipulator would envy. And they have been doing it for CENTURIES. Masonry is ingrained in the fabric of everything.

So, thanks for the information. I will go back into my hole, and wait awhile to see what happens.


They all need to be anointed with oil. I think one or more was spiritually attacked.
Something is not right and they need prayer.


Very possible.


Ya think?


excellent read/opinion…with essay excerpts from Paul Kingsworth, commentaries by Rod Dreher..

technocracy is “hemming us all in, without consent, no debate, no opt out..”

Paul Kingsworth Hits Vaccine Tipping Point

article link…


 👍  👍  👍 

discusses very good points about what the hell is going on.


The summary States AG SCOTUS complaint:

Follow the Data with Dr Frank
10-minute summary on the complaint, and how it’s different from the one filed last year.

Summary of The U.S. Supreme Court Complaint

To get the AG’ in your state sign up please send email.
See here:
Home –


Gail Combs

Love that song. And SOOOooo appropriate.   :wpds_lol: 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That picture with “Wilson” is a scream!!!


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Brave and Free

Good morning all, so was checking OT……
And can’t access site……..
Says browser working, cloudfare working, host error…..



Gail Combs

Karl was a cave diver??? YIKES!!! That guy really does like to take risks…. (I only dove in caves without scuba gear.)


That was good!

Barb Meier

Rudy, Rudy, Rudy!!!

Gail Combs

He is absolutely great isn’t he?

I showed against a little Shetland when I was a kid. The owner would enter that little guy into the knock down and out jumping classes. He was competing against animals twice his height (68 inches to his 36 inches) jumping 6 foot plus fences (72+ inches) He would literally throw himself over those fences and almost always won. The judge was BOOED when he faulted the pony so he could give the first to the big horse (that paid the $100 bribe)

I can find nothing showing a Shetland jumping like that pony did!

Barb Meier

Yes, Rudy sure is great. I loved his spunk and giddy-up-go so much that I watched it again this afternoon. I better save it for later. hehe


I played the Sousa music while Rudy was performing. It worked very well!



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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.

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Thank you sweet DePat for our Tuesday open, … awesome love it and appreciate very much. LOVE Rudy, what a face. At the end the look on his face was complete happiness .. 😍👍 … Reading Luke 21 🥺 .. x marks the spot, when the towers fell in New York killing so many people you just knew evil was coming out in the open, but God is in control the earth is His and everything in it we trust Him not man.

Thanks again, God bless you all you family may He keep,them safe from harm and protect you all.


… 🤗😉🤚❤️ …


“Democrats Don’t Deserve Christmas Gifts!” What a find! I love it.

And thanks for the bulldog video. They are are my favorite. I love any pet with a smooshed face, I have no idea why!


God bless you and your family W00lfmoon, may He keep you all safe from harm & healthy and protect you all from evil .. in Jesus name amen

I don’t say it enough .. I appreciate everything you do. You are a blessing to all 0f us here.

Thank you

We’re very fortunate and blessed indeed.




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‘Partner In Crime’ : Maxwell Prosecution Opens With Sordid Details Of Epstein Sexual Predation



updateslots of details + tweets

Sternheim, Maxwell’s lawyer opened with : ” Ever since Eve, women have been blamed for the evil deeds of men…”

can see where that’s going….Maxwell, the victim here.

12 jurors…6 women, 6 evil men.

Cuppa Covfefe

Next up, Eve sues for reparations, with Sternheim as her lawyer…


Sue and settle, most likely. The threat is she walks or the real dirt comes out.


Excellent theme. It’s the best shot to prevail.

Gail Combs

I agree with this Zero Hedge comment.


They’re setting her up for an acquittal, which is likely why she practically turned herself in. It’s not like the FBI doesn’t have many hours of video footage, implicating her, but instead we’re going to hear from a handful of unreliable witnesses.

When the FBI is not in framing-innocent-people mode, they’re in cover-up mode to protect the worst of the worst. And the notion that she was anything less than Epstein’s handler, is laughable. She was in charge of the whole blackmail side of that operation. If anything, he was the first one they entrapped and then used him to ensnare others.


When the FBI is not in framing-innocent-people mode, they’re in cover-up mode to protect the worst of the worst.

^^^ Straight out of the KGB Training Manual. ^^^


Good, now fill in the blanks with destinations and flight manifests.

Gail Combs

“Accidentally’ or a parent with access who was revolted by Epstein’s activities and the cover up.


I should have checked it more closely first.

Commenters say the Chief Financial Officer CFO of Walmart resigned.

I have found no word on CNBC, MSNBC or any other branch of NBC.


Here’s one more….

TRG CEO Resigns From Roles Amid Sexual Assault Allegations – Bloomberg


…and earlier this month, the CEO of Barclay’s resigned over allegations of ties to Epstein.


This is the guy from Walmart that resigned. Long time employee Brett Biggs, CFO for Walmart who is pulling in 8.8 million a year.

The estimated Net Worth of M. Brett Biggs is at least  $62.1 Million dollars as of 18 August 2021. Mr. Biggs owns over 32,377 units of Walmart Inc stock worth over $44,792,362 and over the last 6 years he sold WMT stock worth over $8,466,018. In addition, he makes $8,798,490 as Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President at Walmart Inc.

Apparently he will leave after a replacement is found and trained. Anticipated to happen by the end of the year.

Barb Meier

I ran a search for “CNBC resign” (without quotes) in the last month and found another at FB:

  • David Marcus, the head of Facebook parent company Meta’s cryptocurrency efforts, announced on Tuesday he will be leaving the company at the end of the year.
  • Marcus’s departure comes after the company tried and failed to launch a cryptocurrency that could be used by online users to send money to anyone in the world via Facebook products.

Well now….the tweet was right after all.


You are right. I misread the tweet.


I was just reminded of this….




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So many things..what about vids of looters, vids of police interactions, any TikTok etc


They must be losing pretty badly to move like this.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Twitter is in commie self-destruct mode, thanks to FAKE GOP Bolshevik “Donor” Singer!

What a laughingstock Twitter has become. And they use a “cigar-store Indian” instead of an obvious ChiCom like “Chairman Pao” who was used to bring down reddit.


Yes it is very sad  😥 


Wow! I loved this little dig at the CDC/Fauxi/et al: “The good news of course is that this only appears to be happening in areas of the world where they release data to the public on what is going on.”


DePat ~ Thanks for the tip about Dollar Store for ribbon. I shop very little and had never been in there before. Wow! All kinds of stuff and lots of ribbon and Christmas things.

Barb Meier

OAN has at least one reporter and crew there and they talk to her periodically during the day.


There are no doubt countless news organizations covering the trial as much as they are allowed to. I’m sure there are reporters here from other countries, too. Every one of them, with their accompanying crews, would have to be in on the secret if the trial were being held somewhere else. I don’t buy into the notion that the normal traffic and hubbub surrounding a trial could be faked well enough for them to believe it was happening in a place where it really wasn’t.



Long Island Explosion Investigated By Cops, FBI Over Concerns It Could Be Prelude To Something Else

article link…


incident occurred around 11:40 this morning in Suffolk Co., off the coast of west Babylon…

the blast left a crater in the sand on the north side of the island measuring 4′ wide x 2′ deep.

under investigation amid concerns it could be a prelude to “something else.”

this boat…
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…was seen leaving that area around the time of the blast.

more, at the link.


Boat looks to be travelling pretty fast, does that indicate they used a rather unsophisticated fuse.

Cuppa Covfefe

West Babylon…

More messaging, but to whom…..


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LMAO!!! Ah, nobody tells it like it is, like TRUMP!!!


This one is comparable to shaving Mr. McMahon’s head. 😄


Trump-endorsed Sean Parnell is out and Oprah’s fren Dr. Oz steps in.

Oz registered to vote in Pennsylvania’s Montgomery County as a Republican last December, according to election records.

Cuppa Covfefe

And Pennsy gets the New Age for a RINO wage…

Cuppa Covfefe

First, there was “To Kill A Mockingbird”…

Now, there’s “To Shield A Predator”…


Wow, BB is the news. I’ll put up the link on the next page! But POS’s brother, the other POS has been canned!


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Gail Combs

You have to link to the actual article and not the image.




BREAKING: 3 students dead, 6 injured at Oxford High School in Michigan; 15-year-old gunman gave himself up when police arrived:


Heartbreaking … 💔😔🥺😢 ….


I feel so satisfied right now. Got an email from Salvation Army asking for a donation. Yall can only guess my reply.
Don’t tread on me had another meaning for me today.


Speaking of Salvation Army. Another bell ringer. Young gal, energetically ringing her bell and greeting folks.

Greeting her as I approached. Let her know I appreciated her energy, and not intending to harrass or be rude.
Just as I did a couple days ago. I pointed to the Salvation Army emblem, saying, Salvation Army wants both you and I to apologize for being White. Did she know this?“”

Blank look on her face. She said, No. I told her it IS true.

She appeared to be the very definition of low information person. Bid her good day


Too bad you didn’t have one of those “I’m Sorry I’m White” tokens to hand her while saying “don’t let them spend it all in the same place”.


Too bad you didn’t have one of those “I’m Sorry I’m White” tokens to hand her while saying “don’t let them spend it all in the same place”.



I got the wrong tokens!

I got the “I’m sorry you’re NOT white” tokens!

I hope I can find my receipt…


So many are low info. How can they not be? MSM doesn’t report and unless they have lots of time for internet snooping they don’t know very much except what the Hollyweirds are up to and some 10 second clips of Biden that don’t show him as the tapioca brain that he is………..
The day after the tragedy in Wausheka I said something to my daughter…she hadn’t even heard about it.


Was out with a friend today. No clue about what is happening in Australia or Austria or MA or FRICKING ANYTHING!!!

It is infuriating how ignorant people are.


That’s the result of propaganda outlets instead of actual news.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Soviet America.


I have pretty much given up trying to converse with most people about anything real. They don’t know anything about anything. Really. It’s just sad. Depresses me. From politics to vaxx injuries, from sex trafficking to government spending, the supply chain, the lock downs around the world; people live in some kind of Matrix that I have somehow escaped. They’re like looking at another species.

Gail Combs

We were at a party this last weekend and one of the guys was floored that I did not watch TV, listen to the radio or read news papers BUT was up on all the news and very knowledgeable about the Coof.

THANKS QTreepers! (And Bannon’s War Room)


I have probably learned more from YOU and my fellow Treepers than any other source !



… 🤗 … ❤️ …

You post so much good good information too Gail! TY❤️


Ha ha ha!


This must be how secret agents are made.


LOL … Mom better not see that … 😳🤨

Barb Meier

If the builders get $15B, how much should the American people get?

Keystone XL Pipeline Owners Seek $15 Billion in Compensation From US for Cancelation of Project


… 😞☹️👍 … ❤️


When will it be enough for them ?


They always are a staircase ahead of us…when they instituted the Real ID I knew in my heart it was mainly for facial recognition

ForGodandCountry ????

This is nothing but leftwing, communist hacks….aka ANTIFA and Lawfare.ord….funded by Soros

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry
Gail Combs





The guy is a regular, everyday American granddad. OBVIOUS.

The FIB is cutting their own throats.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


And I’m being nice to the Democrat KGB.


… 🤬 … butt wipes, used butt wipes 🧻 … 🤬 …

Barb Meier

Looks like James Carville.

Gail Combs

Wouldn’t that be absolutely wonderful!
(But I do not think the ears match)
Doesn’t mean we can not turn Carville in though. 🤓🙃


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Last edited 3 years ago by Gail Combs
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, such a threat to this country! Look at him going up against storm troopers in blue jeans and a jacket. With a BALL CAP! Oh lordy! Prepared to rain death and destruction on poor defenseless storm troopers.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Everything about KGB-FIB is now a complete joke.

This is what THEY did to America.


When do these bad guys lose


Uh, wipe that sarcasm off your chin.  😂 



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



not sure so i deleted

Last edited 3 years ago by mollypitcher5

School shooter in Michigan. Three dead, 8 injured. Will be interesting to watch this play out. Mostly white school.

Black mother shows up at the scene to talk about how her son heard something was going to happen and asked to stay home that day. She said, “Kids just, like they´re just mad at each other at this school”.

FIB on the way. Whitmer speaking out against guns.

Last edited 3 years ago by holly
Cuppa Covfefe

Whitmer speaking out against guns.”

And that was the whole point of this FF.
Except for being a bright shiny object to distract from the Maxwell trial…

RIP to the dead, and GOD’S blessings and comfort to the families and to the injured.

And may GOD correct and mete justice upon the perpetrators (traitors) who are doing or coordinating these demonic, dastardly deeds…

Gretched Witchmer. Probably belongs to Hell-the-BEAST’s coven…


I’d tell her to go to hell … but, you know .. 😑🤚🤬🤨

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“The Three Mitches of Witchigan”.


Yeah that useless POS is crapping up MY state, the miserable God forsaken harridan …

… 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 …


I’m trying to remember if the last school shooter drew the FIB’s attention. The one that was let go basically and the family had a party for him when he was released.

Suspected Texas high school gunman released on bail — one day after teacher and students shot
Civil rights attorney Kim T. Cole, who spoke on behalf of the family, blasted reporters outside the jail for portraying the dangerous incident as a “standard-issue school shooting.”


Liz Mason

they knew he wasn’t a cop because he said bro. they didn’t know he was the shooter and that was pretty fucking clear. the word bro made them think twice, watch the video. its not that hard


The kid who said we’re not taking that risk right now. 👋👍


For sure.


“The kid who said we’re not taking that risk right now.”


But maybe later…?


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sure sounded like a man’s voice to me.


Reports are a 15 yr old white kid. Lots of previous trouble at school, vandalism and stuff. Took his dad’s new gun and did the shooting.
Sounds like from his social media that people are referencing he’s been off kilter awhile.
That’s all from twitterville so no confirmed 100%


A friend sent me the following this evening. Posting it here in case any Qtreepers want to register and watch for free:

Revealed Films will be releasing a documentary series called COVID Revealed. Based on the video on the website, it may be worthwhile watching. 

As long as you register in advance at the email link below, you can watch the entire series for free.  (Tom Woods is an interviewee promoting the series)

I have registered with no problem.

Gail Combs

Matt Gaetz on the Jan 6th Detainees:
CONGRESS NORMALLY CAN SEE PEOPLE IN JAIL/PRISON but not the detainees. (MTG & Louie Gohmert had a real fight to get in to see the detainees.)

Propagandizing [BY OTHER COUNTRIES] Of Treatment Of Jan.6 Detainees [AND IS BEING USED TO TARGET POLITICAL OPPOSITION IN OTHER COUNTRIES. <== DemonRat Commies green lighted this.]

This is dangerous. Listen as he explains why. He says the Fake News & Demon-Rats are equating political speech with violence. The National Security state is then using that to target MAGA and Republicans, not as political opposition but as terrorist organizations so they can use National Security tools against Conservatives. He says most Republican Congress critters are scared that if they stand up for Jan 6th detainees DUE PROCESS RIGHTS, the Fake News will tar them as insurrectionists so it is up to us to light a fire under their asses.

Remember Congress critters whine all the time about illegals and how they are treated. It is about time they do the same for OUR CITIZENS.



POLITIAL PRISONERS . The treatment is the same as Julian Assange.

My friend who watches early am tv, Bannon mostly, said that he heard that the guards are primarily Sudanese. IF true, bolsters my argument that they’re replacing some LE units with non Americans so that emotions won’t interfere with treating us like dirt


I think that happen in Australia also. I have no proof just gut feelings. Something is really wrong with people of God to treat fellow countrymen violently.
Maybe that is the idea behind suspending police and to usher in people from other countries maybe UN?


My gut feeling also. It’s one of those things that we won’t find out for sure until the boot is on our own throat I fear


Yes I think so also. I cannot imagine the brutality against own US citizens.


Just remember, the lack of “feelings” for non-fellow countrymen works both ways if the SHTF.


lol..sort of..when/if SHTF people like us need some secret handshake or something. Especially J6 has shown us that we can’t trust anybody. They may look like us, they may wear a Trump hat or a USA flag but they ain’t us. They’re turncoats

Gail Combs


Head of the Oath Keepers and the Proud Boys BOTH being FIB agents/informants.

Not that I am surprised since DHS sec Janet Napolitano says the real threat is ‘Homegrown Terrorists’ like VETERANS and low and behold, the Oathkeepers starts up a couple months later…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Obama and Holder. TRASH. Evil, anti-American, communist trash.

Gail Combs

Yeah, the same evil trash that is again occupying the District of Criminals.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Otreason’s Third Term. Don’t let him get away with it.



No joke.


He says most Republican Congress critters are scared that if they stand up for Jan 6th detainees DUE PROCESS RIGHTS,….

Them asshoes in Congress unwilling to speak up for J6 Political Prisoners should resign.

Gail Combs

By the time they get to Congress most of them are bought and paid for by the Oligarchy that OWNS this country. THANK YOU SUPREME COURT — NOT


Yep and that’s why these men and women have been forgotten. WE the People elect them to at the very least follow the law. That’s how it was supposed to work. Now they do nothing. We have no power while they suit up every single damn day to canoodle with the DemCommunists.


Conservative Momma as Fauci…😂


POS’s brother, the POS has finally been canned!

Now maybe CNN will just close the doors and shut out the lights having nothing relevant to the truth to say.


That would be nice buuut their mission IS to be on air 24/7 saying nothing relevant to the truth. Then they dispense their 2minute tweets with select disinfo so that the people who never watch can tweet and retweet it until it’s assumed that the mighty cnn still has the world news niche.
Quite the scam. Now we know that the govt will be paying them to carry on and the evidence ( few viewers) makes me think they’ve been paid all along by the DS, now it’ll be out in the open.

Gail Combs

No doubt they STILL have the airport franchise too.


Good! CNN is reorganizing. I wonder if he was going to be gone anyway. Anyway, someone is finally being held accountable (somewhat).


Fredo will be financially rewarded.

Gail Combs

Book Deal in 3…2…1.


He’ll be Toobined. A nice break from work and then right back in the saddle as if nothing happened

Gail Combs

Three short War Room segments by Peter Navarro on Biden &China & Fauci. The last is a must watch.


Biden Is About To Do The Inexplicable [Remove China tariffs] (7 minutes)


Peter Navarro — He says Coof WAS a bio-weapon. (I did not realize he is an expert on gaming out China’s moves.)

 Pence Was The Puppet (6:00)

Peter Navarro does history of the sellout of USA to China from Clinton on.

“China was coming into Youngstown Ohio and buying up factories enmass and shipping them back to China”

He then says that KISSENGER and wall street titans were front and center at the signing of the ‘skinny’ China deal… HMmmmm

Seven Deadly Sins Of China (5:30)

Gail Combs

I forgot to add, in one of those three Peter mentions that BANNON and others had GAMED OUT the plans to have Pence send the electors back to the states (as the states requested) to VERIFY the election was correct in that state AND that the Koch brothers puppet Marc Short, Pence’s Chief of staff AND HANDLER is the one WHO SCOTCHED THAT PLAN!!!

When I am not tired I will quote some of the sections in the book on Short and Pence.


^^^^ It’s in the second video clip above.

Gail Combs

Thanks for IDing that. I had already listened to the clips 2 or three times tonight and they were running together in my head.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Traitors of the worst kind.

Gail Combs


And as I mentioned below they have been SETTING UP CONSERVATIVES since the 9/11 Patriot act was put in place. (And well before)

First they REMOVED muslimes as the target (see Phil Haney on that)

Then Janet Napolitano IDs VETERANS, retired LEOs, Secret Service… as ‘Homegrown Terrorist Threats’

Shortly there after the FIB sets up the ‘Honey Trap’ called the ‘Oath Keepers’

On Jan 6th they snapped the trap shut and as Congressman Matt Gaetz said in the video clip, They are now USING the Jan 6th detainees to turn political opposition by Conservatives into VIOLENCE/ INSSURECTION/TERRORISM so that the National Surveillance state can be used on the Demon-Rat Commies political enemies.


Fr. Ripperger… haven’t had a chance to listen to this yet, but will tonight. Posting it as I will probably fall alseep if I don’t do it now…

Valerie Curren

Hey GC, son Brandon’s (Josiah’s twin) Canadian girlfriend is coming to the US (here) today so they can finally meet in person. Lots of activities crammed into a few days. Hope it’s a really special time.  😍 

By the way, Josiah’s Brain MRI seemed to go well yesterday. Thanks for your prayers!


so glad, about Josiah’s Brain MRI. God bless you all!

Valerie Curren

Thanks GC. I’ll let the Q-Tree know what the results are whenever they become available. God Bless You & All freedom loving Canadians!!!


This interview of the guy who did VAERS analysis and identified that most adverse reactions were due to a handful of bad lots. Interesting info.


The British and other European athletes must’ve gotten the super hot shots…so many documented deaths or career ending diseases


Lots of factors to the adverse reactions. The lot thing is interesting. The athletes most likely related to heavy blood circulation, especially with soccer players. With the micro clotting just accelerates the heart failure, injury. But why some are more prone to it then others is the mystery. As the guy said, Russian roulette time.

Gail Combs

Good interview with Karl of Market Ticker.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What do you think about ChiCom saboteurs? Here’s how it would work.

The ChiComs court these companies as “partners” [meaning CHUMPS] and then hamstring the tech by messing up lots in specific ways that they know their “partners” are not wise to.

All part of destroying American big pharma and sucking it into China.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Here’s the video on Rumble!



Dystopian nightmare in real time.

Here comes the insanity to our door

Last edited 3 years ago by mollypitcher5

Doocy missed the most important question.

By WHAT LAWFUL AUTHORITY do you do ANY of this.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


This is straight-up reverso.

Omicron (“Moronic”) is a highly mutated milder version that can give broad natural immunity to the whole bunch. So to STOP that, the liars have to make Moronic look like a bad guy to be avoided.

We’ve been down this road before.

Everything these assholes do is BACKWARDS from what SHOULD be done.


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AND, Moronic did NOT just arrive from Africa last weekend.

Moronic HAS BEEN IN EUROPE for a couple weeks. Moronic WAS ALREADY KNOWN.



haha this is the tip of the iceberg. Wait until they begin the ‘equity hires’ in the marines and special forces. All those hormones colliding..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Diaper, driver, shooter, creep
Driller, skater, vandal out deep
Hormones X and hormones Y
“Lookie, Ma! It weren’t a guy!”


Apparently the same people who vetted DJT’s nominees are doing the NASA psych-evaluations.

Nice work, NASA. 👍


“because she’d broken up with crew member and wanted to go home”


So she was gonna squeeze through that hole?


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Twitter is on the commie side. Make Singer pay for what he did! Reject the Menshevik RINO enablers of Democrat Bolshevism.


Did this get posted yet? Another Trump judge just blocked the health care worker jab mandate nationwide. The first ruling by the Missouri judge only applied to 10 state. This ruling expands the block nationwide.


A survey of state income tax rates.


Thanks. State income tax rates a biggie. A couple more in the mix, property tax, sales tax.

The weather info Gail posts are hugely helpful also.

Whatever state we move onto, WILL be conservative.


I grew up in a California with Reagan as Governor.


As did I. Good states can and do go Bat Shit Crazy..

Thankfully, CA, IS one of the states I left, for good. List also includes HI, MD and and VA. Beautiful states with suck ass politics. NV will be included when I can get my act together.

FL is the only state that I have lived, AND WOULD enjoy residing in again.


Just imagine if DeSantis hadn’t been clear of the Margin of Fraud for Crackhead McHardgay….


Yes, I have pondered that also. Quite easily, FL could have gone to the dark side. Pun NOT intended.


Of those states, it is relatively difficult to get out of HI and CA. If you’re in TN, you can easily get to something like seven states using a “local rent” U-Haul (return to original rental location).


Certainly takes more resources, initiative and determination to for the longer hauls.


Might be a valid point.


Followed that thread down. Lots of MD’s there speaking the truth.
Here’s one I see you retweeted but didn’t bring over.
Pretty good also.

Valerie Curren

Doing catch up reading the blue-green ball had been over 600 comments, but when I went to another page it said less than 400. someone messing w/ us again???