Dear KMAG: 20211206 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

Yes, it’s Monday…again.

But it’s okay! We’ll get through it.


Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. But please keep it civil. We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.

If you find yourself in a slap fight, we ask that you take it outside to The U Tree…which is also a good place to report any technical difficulties, if you’re unable to report them here.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.

Please pray for our real President, the one who actually won the election:

For your listening enjoyment, while we pray for the return of our Dear Wheatietoo, Fake Wheatie offers a fresh mix of tracks from Fearless Motivation:

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

It sucks and there are new outrages each day in this horror show of epic phuckery.

We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.


Joe Biden didn’t win.

And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Wolfie’s Wheatie’s Word of the Day:

vermiform (ˈvərməˌfôrm)

“vermiform” describes something shaped like a worm. The expression is often employed in biology and anatomy to describe usually soft body parts or animals that are more or less tubular or cylindrical. The word root is Latinvermes (worms) and formes (shaped).[1] 

Used in a sentence:

Nancy Pelosi’s vermiform minions may slither and slide, but they will not escape justice, as promised in scripture.

Used in an image:

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Very nicely done, Wolf!

If the actual Wheatie should happen by — “sign in, Please!” We’re a bit worried about your well-being.


Dittos! Nice, Wheatie-like post that makes me wonder how she is.


Praying. 🙏

Father in heaven, please keep Wheatie and her family safe and healthy. Come to their assistance, if needed. Make haste to help them!





Amen, Wolf. It’s not like Wheatie to not at least let you know if there is a problem, like when she had computer issues. Prayers up for Wheatie and family.


Up until October 2021 we didn’t personally know anyone who had gotten the Chinese virus. Since then friends and family in multiple locations and states have come down with it. Why would it start spreading so fast and hard? I’m suspicious the BOOSTERS are shedding.

Prayers for Wheatie. I hope you and your wife are feeling better today!

Gail Combs

Don’t miss my CALCIUM dig on Delta Wolf. It needs more digging though.


Has she been on Gab chat?


Have you done a search of comments to see when she last posted here? I would swear it’s in the last few days. Maybe I am wishful thinking, though.

Praying she is ok. I love Wheatie.


Well, thank goodness she checked in! I hope she gets a Covid test, just in case, even though she thinks that’s not it.




In the spirit of missing wheatie I am going to Like you all!
yeah she is and has been a treasure chest of likes and of course memes…
Like this one ( of many that I stole, uh borrowed)comment image

Sadie Slays

Wheatie, if you’re out there, please let us know you’re safe. I know it can be intimidating coming back after an absence but we just want to make sure you and the family are okay, no questions asked. 


I will have lots of questions! None rude or snarky, of course.


Hmmm… Think she’s trying to tell us something?


Playing Jeopardy?


Sounds like Vaccine AIDS to me.


Saw this earlier..maybe true ?


It’s certainly not a surprise. We’ve been calling it ADE. Antibody Dependent Enhancement, for the way it comes about. AIDS is the better term if only because people understand what AIDS is (no train up needed when you say AIDS). And yes, ADE and AIDS equal the same thing in that the body can no longer defend it self from a whole host of problems because the immune system has been compromised.

Gail Combs

Sorry  ADE =/= AIDS

Antibody-Dependent Enhancement

After a person is infected with dengue, they develop an immune response to that dengue subtype. The immune response produced specific antibodies to that subtype specific surface proteins that prevents the virus from binding to macrophage cells (the target cell that dengue viruses infect) and gaining entry. However, if another subtype of dengue virus infects the individual, the virus will activate the immune system to attack it as if it was the first subtype. The immune system is tricked because the four subtypes have very similar surface antigens. The antibodies bind to the surface proteins but do not inactivate the virus. The immune response attracts numerous macrophages, which the virus proceeds to infect because it has not been inactivated. This situation is referred to as Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE) of a viral infection. This makes the viral infection much more acute. The body releases cytokines that cause the endothelial tissue to become permeable which results in Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF) and fluid loss from the blood vessels.

There are several possibilities to explain the phenomenon: ….

SO the immune system STILL works BUT the virus FOOLS THE SYSTEM.


….What is HIV?

HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. It harms your immune system by destroying a type of white blood cell that helps your body fight infection. This puts you at risk for serious infections and certain cancers.

What is AIDS?

AIDS stands for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. It is the final stage of infection with HIV. It happens when the body’s immune system is badly damaged because of the virus…..

The HIV virus actually permanently harms your immune system.


What is confusing is the BIo-weapon (aka Covid -19) contains parts of the HIV virus.

The important feature of Covid-19 is *multiple* *separated* HIV features showing up in a SARS-Related Virus. 

This information was first mentioned in a paper from India:

Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag


…..We found 4 insertions in the spike glycoprotein (S) which are unique to the 2019-nCoV and are not present in other coronaviruses. Importantly, amino acid residues in all the 4 inserts have identity or similarity to those in the HIV-1 gp120 or HIV-1 Gag. Interestingly, despite the inserts being discontinuous on the primary amino acid sequence, 3D-modelling of the 2019-nCoV suggests that they converge to constitute the receptor binding site. The finding of 4 unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV, all of which have identity similarity to amino acid residues in key structural proteins of HIV-1 is unlikely to be fortuitous in nature. This work provides yet unknown insights on 2019-nCoV and sheds light on the evolution and pathogenicity of this virus with important implications for diagnosis of this virus.

 The authors were viciously harassed and it is now labeled as “Withdrawn.”


But truth has a way of making itself known. Another set of researchers, this time in France confirmed the results.

The spike glycoprotein of the new coronavirus 2019-nCoV contains a furin-like cleavage site absent in CoV of the same clade


In 2019, a new coronavirus (2019-nCoV) infecting Humans has emerged in Wuhan, China. Its genome has been sequenced and the genomic information promptly released. Despite a high similarity with the genome sequence of SARS-CoV and SARS-like CoVs, we identified a peculiar furin-like cleavage site in the Spike protein of the 2019-nCoV, lacking in the other SARS-like CoVs. In this article, we discuss the possible functional consequences of this cleavage site in the viral cycle, pathogenicity and its potential implication in the development of antivirals.

”…. we identified a peculiar furin-like cleavage site in the Spike protein of the 2019-nCoV, lacking in the other SARS-like CoVs.….”

That is as close as scientists are going to get to saying this virus does not look natural. They are aware of what happen to the Indians and are not about to step over the politically correct line.

From FG&C

Don’t forget about French virologist Luc Montagnier, who won the Nobel prize in Medicine in 2008 for his discovery of the HIV virus as cause of the Aids epidemic…

….who has publicly stated this about the WuFlu Chinese virus…

It was produced by a laboratory. It is what is known as a recombinant, perhaps produced by a Chinese laboratory. It was a job for molecular biologists. It’s a very meticulous job. You could say a clockwork of sequences. There is enormous pressure for everything that is at the origin of the virus to be hidden’.


Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, bought a couple of the full paper and discusses it HERE:
CONFIRMED: CoVid-19 coronavirus found to contain unique “gain-of-function” property “for efficient spreading in the human population” … exact quote from science paper just published in Antiviral Research


Czech Microbiologist Says #Covid_19 Virus Was Created In A Laboratory

Apr 6, 2020

Dr. Sona Pek is one of the top molecular biologists in the world. She was the first to develop a test to identify the presence of Coronavirus in the human body. It is called the simple test. She has also analyzed the virus at the molecular level.

Her finding is that the virus is man-made, in a laboratory. That is, that its genetic code has been modified by human intervention…..


Saved, ty Gail 🙂🙏🏼

Gail Combs

You are welcome.

Remember that Wolfie reminds us that we have to be very very scrupulous with the truth.

It is OK to bring information but we need to differentiate between ‘Gossip” (The Flynn vs Lin Wood mess) and truth.

The ‘magnetic vaccine’ is an excellent example of a trap laid for Freedom Fighters to smear them and discount them.

Gail Combs

OH and VAIDS is different than the Covid-19 ADE problem.


You. Gail. Are. A. Wonder.


Gail Combs
Thank you so much! Great that the India paper results were confirmed. It’s ** interesting ** that the paper states that the research was supported in part by the Chan Zuckerberg Foundation (bottom of the last page).


Thank you, Gail. Great research.

The actual evidence is adding up to what we have suspected from the beginning.


Dr. Simone Gold, one of the Front Line Doctors asks – <b>What is VAIDS?</b>

Here is the answer:

Remember pathologist, Dr. Ryan Cole warned us about lowered immune systems that he saw in post-vaccine patients. He spoke of the increase of cancers and other diseases, and the loss of disease-fighting cells, that he is seeing in CV19 vaccinated patients.

Full length video –
Transcript of shorter video – “But what we are seeing in the laboratory, after people get these shots, we are seeing a very concerning, locked in, low profile, of these important killer T cells that we want in the body, it’s almost a reverse HIV. In HIV you lose your healthy T cells, but what we are seeing in this vaccine is a drop in the killer T cells the CD8 cells ( and they keep all the other viruses in check. What am I seeing in the laboratory – I’m seeing an uptick of herpes family viruses – I’m seeing herpes, shingles, mono, I’m seeing a huge uptick in Human Papilloma Virus, in the cervical biopsies and cervical pap smears in women. In addition to that, there’s a little infectious bump that kids get called mulloscum contagiosum. What do you need to keep that in check? You need CD8 killer T cells. I am seeing a 20 times increase in individuals over the age of 50 with this little bump and rash. It’s innocuous, but what it tells me is that the immune status of these individuals who got the shot were literally weakening the immune system of these individuals. 
Now most concerning of all is that the pattern of these types of immune cells in the body are those that keep cancer in check. Well, since January 1, in the laboratory, I’ve seen a 20x increase of endometrial cancers over what I see on an annual basis….a 20 times increase – I’m not exaggerating at all…cause I wrote my numbers, year after year, and thought gosh, I’ve never seen this many endometiral cancers before. I’m seeing basic melanomas in younger patients, and we usually catch those early and they are thin melanomas. I’m seeing thick melanomas skyrocketing in the last month or two. I’m already seeing the early signals. They are modifying the immune system to a weakened state. There’s a study out of Germany, that look at these profiles on young individuals after the Pfizer, showing this locked-in, and we don’t know how long – maybe the immune system is going to regenerate and those ratios will go back up – but who’s studying it and where are the longterm trials – 2 months, 4 months, how long is this (low T cell) profile locked in – we don’t know.”

Dr. Cole is a board-certified dermatopathologist (AP & CP) and the CEO/Medical Director of Cole Diagnostics. He has worked as an independent pathologist since 2004. Some highlights from his CV: Ackerman Academy of Dermatopathology (July 2002-June 2003): Dermatopathology Fellowship (Chief Fellow). Mayo Clinic (July 1997-June 2002): Resident in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology. Chief Fellow, Surgical Pathology Fellowship. Medical College of Virginia (1993-1997): Researched immunology. Served as President of Student Family Practice organization. Coordinated activities and seminars on the practice of family medicine and rural medicine. Earned MD in 1997.

Written article HERE (

Last edited 3 years ago by GA/FL

Remember what I have been saying, Fauci IS Frankenstein, Covid IS his monster. I speculated, looks like correctly, that he used what he learned from AIDS, applied it in SARS, and now it is in Covid 19. Recall Fauci has had over 40 years to study (read manipulate) AIDS. There are only THREE know viruses in nature with this spike protein AIDS, SARS, and Covid 19. Fauci has been there through all three, and FAILED to stop any of them.

Recall his first try at a “vaccine” called AZT, and what it did to AIDS patients, and healthy “immunized” in Africa. My bet AIDS, SARS, and Covid 19 are ALL Fauci creations.


Wow – I agree 100% – makes perfect sense.


My guess is Fauci has been “experimenting” on gain of function, using AIDS as the “backbone” for quite some time, like since the late 80’s. Covid is his “masterpiece”, even though he had to farm it out to China to implement.

I saw an article the other day where Chinese scientists had developed THE antibody for Covid and all “variants”. LOL of COURSE they did, you NEVER release a bioweapon without FIRST having the antidote. They have had it ALL ALONG.

Gail Combs

AND I would not be at all surprised if they released the variants too.


Of course, just like there were TWO initial strains of Covid. One came from China directly, to Seattle and LA, the other through Italy to NY.


Fauci IS Frankenstein

A guy speaking Covid truths, got banned from a NV gun forum. He likened the injection to, Fauci-Frankenshot.

Slow guy was banned a few weeks later, for speaking Covid / Covid injection truths.

Truth BANNED on a 2A forum. Stoopid IS strong on that forum owner. A Mesquite, NV city council douche.

Last edited 3 years ago by kalbokalbs

I call em like I see em. Fauci more than fits the mold of Victor Frankenstein. He was obsessed with his “work” dabbled in forces of nature he should not have; trying to play God. He created a monster and unleashed in on the world, and then defended his monster until their death, despite knowing he was wrong and his creation was a killer and flawed. He thought he could “save” his creation, and make it better,

Sound familiar?

Gail Combs

FauXi  Mengele

FauXi was NEVER as ‘benign’ as Victor Frankenstein. Remember FauXi’s WIFE is in charge of BIO-ETHICS @ NIH

CHRISTINE Grady, who heads bioethics at the National Institute of Health Clinical Center, married Dr Anthony Fauci in 1985.”
comment image

From the FDA’s own website, check out this page talking about the “Joint Leadership Charter” between the FDA and NIH to conduct biomedical research for new treatments and therapies:


The need for enhanced collaboration between NIH and FDA has never been more pressing, given new scientific opportunities in translational research, new public health challenges, far-reaching economic changes at the national and global level, and fundamental changes to the U.S. health care system. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) share a common goal of advancing public health by promoting the translation of basic and clinical research findings into medical products and therapies. The agencies are complementary in their roles and functions—NIH supports and conducts biomedical and behavioral research and FDA ensures the safety and effectiveness of medical and other products.


The Joint Leadership Council works together to help ensure that regulatory considerations form an integral component of biomedical research planning, and that the latest science is integrated into the regulatory review process. Such collaboration and integration advances the development of new products for the treatment, diagnosis, and prevention of common and rare diseases and enhances the safety, quality, and efficiency of the clinical research and medical product approval enterprise. The formation of the Leadership Council represents a commitment on the part of both agencies to forge a new partnership and to leverage the strengths of each agency toward this common goal.

And then look at this one from the NIH’s own website explaining how drugs get approval in the United States…..and just take a look at who actually does the testing (just like we told you!):

How are drugs approved for use in the United States?

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is the federal agency responsible for labeling medications and supplements. However, the approval process is different for prescription and for over-the-counter medications.

Prescription Drugs

The FDA must regulate and approve new prescription drugs before they can be sold to the public. In 2011, the last year for which information is available, the FDA approved 35 new drugs for use by the general public.1 Although this number may seem small, the approval process for drugs is extensive.

The manufacturer or sponsor follows a series of important steps, through animal studies and clinical trials in humans, to ensure that the medication is safe, does what it claims to do, and will provide a health benefit. Testing is performed first in laboratories and on animals to determine that the drug is safe and try to understand how the drug might work in humans.

“Clinical trial” is the scientific term for a test or study of a drug or medical device in people. These tests are done to see if the product is safe and effective for people to use.

Sometimes, multiple trials are completed to measure the effectiveness of a particular medication. Participants in the studies are often followed over a period of time. For comparison purposes, some are given a placebo, an inactive or “dummy” medication, while others are given the actual drug. The NICHD and other institutes of the NIH help conduct and support the research but are not involved in the approval or labeling process.

The clinical trial phase can take years to complete. However, once research has shown that the drug is safe and useful, the FDA typically reviews and either approves or denies an application for a new drug within 6 months.

So despite the “fact checkers” it’s actually true that the NIH does all the clinical research for the FDA and then the FDA just rubber-stamps it in the end.

And it’s true that Fauci’s wife has a very high up position in the NIH.

“… it’s actually true that the NIH does all the clinical research for the FDA and then the FDA just rubber-stamps it in the end….”

ERRRRrrrrr not exactly.

👉CORPORATIONS or independent testing labs do the actual testing. (I have been involved in both) The NIH provides FUNDING to research that generated patents.


The US governments concern for the health of Americans does not play given the FDA has routinely over looked “…significant departures from good clinical practice, such as underreporting of adverse events, violations of protocol, violations of recruitment guidelines, and various forms of scientific misconduct…. or submission of false information… The FDA does not typically notify journals …nor make any announcement intended to alert the public about the research misconduct that it finds. The documents the agency discloses [FOIA] tend to be heavily redacted. As a result, it is usually very difficult, or even impossible, to determine which published clinical trials are implicated by the FDA’s allegations of research misconduct.”Research Misconduct by the US Food and Drug Administration

In an article for Slate, study author Charles Seife said the FDA repeatedly hides evidence of fraud from both the public and trusted scientific advisers. In at least one case, falsified data in a trial comparing chemotherapies led to a patient’s death.

Nor does concern for public health play given the USDA recent conduct. The Government Accountability Project – “Shielding the Giant, USDA’s ‘Don’t Look, Don’t Know’ Policy” report shows the USDA routinely hid the fact they KNEW Con-agra was shipping E. coli O157:H7 laced meats. It wasn’t until John Munsell forced the issue that the extent of the problem was finally disclosed to the public. Unfortunately the damage was already done to the reputation of farmers and the Ag Cartel dominated USDA/FDA and World Trade Organization got their much wanted Food Safety Modernization Act past Congress.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gail Combs

Yes, I work for a place that gets both NIH and FDA grants, and where drugs are routinely submitted for clinical trials, and FDA approval. Fauci was appointed to NIH (NAID) in 1984 to begin the quest for an AIDS “vaccine” still waiting.


Also, Dr. Nathan Thomspon’s video report of the immune-system panel blood test results from a healthy patient of his, a man who got “fully vaccinated.” Dr. Thompson ran the panels both before and after his patient got the shots. The test results show that there was a collapse of key indicators of immune system function after shot #1, and a further decrease after shot #2.


OMG! That’s horrible.


Have been hoping Thompson would post more of this happening to the injected. Not wishing bad of the injected. But we need more truth published.


Joe Manchin usually backs out of these pronouncements when he gets a big enough bribe.


Or maybe another family member will get a perk promotion. I forget what his wife got last time but it was something


Yeah. He has a special role, doesn’t he?


Late night checking on and see our friend Wheatie missing. So hoping she’s alright.
 🙏   🙏 

Thanks Wolf for the post.
Glad you’re feeling better.


I will do that. She’s true north around here so it’s worrisome.

The packing up around here is I was in denial about what a packrat I am!
Now I know! Shooting for actually leaving after Christmas sometime.

Last edited 3 years ago by mollypitcher5

Right ?! I’m an emotional wreck though. I really will be glad to dust this messed up State off my boots but I’m going to miss the kids. It’s funny. They don’t probably actually need me but I need them ! We’ll make it work somehow.


Completely understand the situation. Yours truly is “downsizing” as rapidly as possible so a move to a different area / state can be accomplished with the “mess” reduced to a minimum. Yes, one will miss family that live close to the current residence, but it is what it is.


The bad economy is on full display out here in Ca. Between myself and others talking about getting rid of stuff, nice things, not junky junk…no takers. People are not into buying cute things for projects or “just to have” because it was a great deal.

So many neighborhoods have a Grapes of Wrath look to them, furniture on corners and sidewalks. People are leaving.

I’m at the point now of listing things for free. Having someone coming to get items saves us at least having to take it somewhere and I’ll be damned if I use Salvation Army which was my preferred donation place !


( lolol… from my own lips I can see how I became the packrat. I was the gal to buy things for projects or just to have cause it was such a good deal. lolol DOH!


I’m at the point now of listing things for free.

Many out this way simply put stuff in from of their property with a “FREE” sign on it.

  • Not talking junk. Good stuff. Folks are simply unloading. Plenty of folk in need.
  • I’ve done this at a vacant lot. Stuff always gone in 30 minutes to a few hours. IF it were still there at nightfall, I’d pick it up.

Good idea


I read an account of someone wanting to get rid of a good couch and just put it out at the curb with a free sign on it, no one took it and a friend said, put a 50$ sign on it. it was gone almost immediately. No one came to the door. 😀 


hahahah oh my gosh, people!


Find a small local place, like a cancer suport charity.

Brave and Free

That’s one of the hardest thing’s to do. I did it a few years ago. I look at it as now the kids have somewhere to go for vacation. Good luck, and praying for wheatie’s well being.


Aw, I feel ya so much. That’s what we talk about too…the fun visits we’ll have.


Watch hoarders while you pack….thatll make you get rid of it faster. Lol.


I just love me some soaking wet walls, see through floors, and mounds of unknown garbage. Haha.


Sgt Stephen Kelly is a police investigator for the coroners office of South East Wales.
It’s a long statement, but he has some very serious things to say, much that we would know about, but good to hear more professionals stepping forward. Ohhh! and he’s turned in his badge rather than accept the vaxxx.


This one is fairly short. Strong statement from Christine Anderson, a member of the EU Parliament, standing in solidarity against the tyrants in AUS.


She said it all. For once the words stunning and brave aren’t a joke. That did take guts. We need hundreds more prominent figures to step up to the plate and say the same.


That was wonderful.


Her words are profound and because of it twitter is suppressing it. It had 557 likes. When I clicked the button it went to 558 and instantly rolled back to 557.


I put a lot of hope in Trump Social. I know that even people who hate PDJT will read there just to find things to criticize him/the site for. People will be able to disseminate and read the truth (and I’m assuming that will be world-wide). I can’t wait!

Barb Meier

I just applied with TMTG, the parent company. Prayers please.

Barb Meier

Yes, that’s the one. The CEO news must mean Nunes & family will move from CA to FL. The game is afoot.




EVERY politician AND person in a high position (national, state, county and city) SHOULD be making LIKE statements.


“The welfare of humanity has always been the alibi of tyrants.”

What a truth!


Amazing statement.




Juggernaught has his normal long line of vids of vaxxx protests, marches and riots from around the world. Leaves you with one and you can follow his time line to see the many more.

Sadie Slays

More narrative building to hide the vaccine-induced heart attacks.

Media: “The Amish don’t get heart attacks because of rare genes. It’s totally not because they’re refusing the injections along with all of the other poison modern society has to offer. Nope, it’s definitely the rare genes.”

Last edited 3 years ago by Sadie Slays

Thanks to Donald Trump, he “broke” them once and for all, the “emperors truly have no clothes now!


In just the past week or so my trust in Q has been reviving.

I will not allow myself to fully believe again at this point, but much of what Q said seems to be coming true, including a global awakening, which could very well lead to many evil doers not being able to walk down the street.


That’s a novel attempt to discredit a control group. These guys are slick.


Not slick enough. It was a really, stupid, stupid attempt.


That is what is so delightful in a perverse way. They are not only proving how evil they are, they are proving how arrogantly and despicably stupid they are, by assuming people cannot see through their evil, absurd garbage.

We see them for who they are, and more do every day. But they do not know who we are, a distinct advantage.

My wife was coming home from a visit last night, and her seatmate on the plane (a stranger) was expressing how everything has become a lie, and how they lie to us constantly. Naturally, my wife heartily agreed.

Just an anecdote, but it gave me a wonderful feeling.


Folks waking IS a great thing. When in public, usually a line for a script or supermarket, these conversations come up. I ensure I speak just a bit louder, NOT LOUD, but enough for others to hear. Some chime in.

Gotta spread the word and help folks wake up.


Absolutely! I do the speaking a little louder thing, not too loud, but loud enough.

My wife is a cashier in a grocery store. She has to be very careful there. But she says every day customers volunteer their anger and frustration at the government. My wife is smart enough not to be too explicit on the job, but she always gives a supportive response.

This is the type of stuff all of us can do.


100%. I actually seek out these opportunities. 🙂


This is exactly what they fear! People talking!

Gail Combs

Saw something similar yesterday.

A customer wanted to know if I would take some sort of card in payment and I said NO!!! I am not going to help the Banksters print more counterfeit money to cheat us with. I got grins and claps and cheers from the crowd. (Mainly Hispanic)

Gail Combs

I was surprised by the positive response given the crowd. Many are illegals BTW.

Gail Combs

“A rare gene” that provides the BACK BONE to RESIST Mr Global’s machinations.


Liars ARE gonna lie, and lie and lie…

Gail Combs

AND LIE some more to cover up the first lies….

Sadie Slays

The Salvation Army made a response video to the racism scandal. They claim that the only ideology they’re following is The Bible, and that they’re totally not promoting CRT. The Youtube comment section isn’t having it.

  1. Fire everyone involved with making the booklet. Confess the evil inherent in it.
  2. Sever all ties with the “International Social Justice Commission”.
  3. All executives and board members who ever sought association with “International Social Justice” should resign or be fired.
  4. Any remaining executives and board members should spend the next year without remuneration, rooting out any remaining hint of this evil stench. This may include exorcism.
  5. NEXT YEAR, show that the Salvation Army is purified and returned to its roots. Repent, and ask forgiveness.



^^^ 100%.

But, they knowingly live a lie, COLLECTING great pay checks, benefits…


Completely agree.


Sickening phoniness which only makes matters worse.

This man is either very brainwashed or very converged and pretending not to be. And in either case not too bright.


The “still pic” of that douche in the video immediately reminded me of the German SS. His mug. His uniform. Vile.

Gail Combs

All he needs is the Cross instead of the tie.
comment image

Cuppa Covfefe

First thought that came to mind was “Smiley Cat”… from an old Garfield cartoon…

It will take a long time and a lot of work for the Salvation Army to recover from this; and I imagine that GOD will take them to the woodshed for a bit of correction, too…..

Gail Combs


Daniel McDowell

1 day ago

just spoke to the plaza owner that has salvation bell ringers outside the door every christmas here in macon, georgia..told him about the anti white racism displayed by the salvation army…he promised me that the salvation army will not be ringing their bells on any of his properties anymore


Winning. One step at a time.


We must allow for repentance. It is possible and we should emulate our King.


A Salvation Army bell ringer was just inside the doors at my local Kroger, everyone gave the Hi or donated as they walked past and she was busy saying Merry Christmas. I walked past w/o greeting or donation .. as I walked away I heard her say “Humph!” and murmur …

Gail Combs

You are nicer than I am. I chewed out the bell ringers and told them it is up to them to straighten out the higher ups.

My next salvo will be the FDA payments for beating heart of fetuses and Salvation Arming supporting this.


Damage control that will not work. Another globalist shill.


I didn’t want to, but I watched it so I will continue to have data. It didn’t address any of my concerns. I have written to them twice. I told them that I needed an acknowledgment that CRT is wrong and that the people who introduced it into the organization (even on a voluntary basis) had had this addressed with them, or they had been fired. Here, he said they don’t support CRT, but didn’t say they were wrong to have it in their organization. Not good enough.

I told them I need a public apology because it was insulting to people I know who supported the SA with the best of intentions — people who didn’t have a racist bone in their bodies. I told them that the idea that a certain race of people has privileges they’re not even aware of, and that they need to think about that and make changes, is POISONOUS.

Yet, all we get are smiling, “we’re all about love” statements. It makes it much worse for me. 😡 They’re not hearing me (us). Sayonara, SA.

Gail Combs

I got the same shit from a BLACK bell ringer who tried to out shout me. She was saying it was about Jesus and LOVE — BULL SHIT!!! It is about stealth takeover by Communism and Satanism PERIOD.

Sadie Slays

UPDATE: They turned the Youtube comments off on this video since I last posted this. The Salvation Army loves to bully White people about racism, but they can’t take the heat themselves! Losers.


I keep going through the same cycle with the guy getting tomahawked.

First, if you’re that accurate, you should go for the neck.

Second, the target has more forehead than neck.




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Last edited 3 years ago by smiley2

^^^ Great billboard.


 💖  Wheatie !  💖 

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I tried looking for news in Oklahoma, but all I got was football games…..

Last edited 3 years ago by cthulhu

Could be the front that passed through that area knocked out her power….




I wuz wrong – she was sick – she checked in – see below!




Yes, saw that too up above.  🤗 


she must be ok-ish ?

I see she’s able to “like” our posts.

hi Wheatie !  🖐 


Malwarebytes is telling me that this GIF (miss you) is malware.

Website blocked due to trojanWebsite blocked:
Malwarebytes Browser Guard blocked this website because it may contain malware activity.We strongly recommend you do not continue.
was able to get to this site using Dissenter, not Edge.


thank you…I just now “blocked” it…

I did not get any malware alerts when I found it before posting.

but taking yr alert srsly, I blocked that image.


Still being blocked in Edge, maybe Wolf can remove the image?


it’s not showing up anymore on my screen, on this page (Chrome).


Refreshed page in Dissenter and it still shows.




 💖  WOLFIE MAN ! 💖 
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who’s a good boy !  👍 

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Last edited 3 years ago by smiley2

I love that last one!

Last edited 3 years ago by GA/FL

Sick SCUM. You know, there have been many movies detailing dystopian “futures” just like these fools wet dream. I guess these idiots never make it to the END of the picture where the people rebel, and do away with the dystopian overlords that enacted this. Life imitating art?

1984 once again was NOT a training manual, and I suggest those that think it was…Soros, Gates, Fauci, etc, had better read Animal farm.


Thanks for the pep talk.




Hi guys.
 👋  😔 

Sorry I’ve been absent and haven’t checked in.

Thank you all so much for your well wishes and prayers!
 💖 I love you all! 💖 
And I’m sorry for giving you the worry.
 😕  😔 

My brain is so foggy…I’ve lost a few days.
The past week in fact has been foggy for me.

Not the ‘rona though, I don’t think, although I haven’t been tested.

The past week has been like one long asthma attack…coupled with head ache, eye pain, ear aches and chest congestion.
So I think it’s my allergies kicking me.

Thank you so much, Wolfie, for stepping in a putting up this thread for me!
 😍  😘  💖 

My brain is so fogged…I actually thought I had another day before Monday.


YAY!!!! Wheatie’s OK!!!!


Is there anything we can help you with to make you stronger and more “with it” [besides reminding you what day it is]???


Thanks, Coothie.

I think mainly just some rest and actual sleep will help the most.
Been having trouble with getting some consecutive hours of sleep, TBH.

Been taking Melatonin…one 10mg dose per day…and that helps a little.
I’m wondering at this point if it’s okay to take more of it.

Sleeping in 1 to 2 hour snatches, then up for hours, is leaving me dizzy and sleep deprived.


I well know how serious sleep deprivation can be and how it can sneak up on you. Are people around you saying you snore when you do sleep? For me, OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnea) was what got me. I was waking-up after having driven places, and I was zonking for hours with no warning. Sadly, many MD’s have no clue and wouldn’t recognize it if it hit ’em between the eyes with a pool cue. Are you having Restless Leg Syndrome?

This can be a serious and debilitating issue. Start seeking out competent help while you see if you can shake off this “temporary” issue, because it doesn’t take long to start feeding upon itself and growing.


My mr. wheatie has been keeping an eye on me.

He fusses at me when he catches me sitting up on the edge of the bed, dozing off.
He’s caught me from falling off on my noggin a couple of times.


Does he know signs and symptoms of OSA? And, BTW, that’s not the only sleep thingie that is big and bad — it’s just a common one.

And, like I said, these things are not as well known as they should be — you may have to travel to find someone competent.

By the time I got treated, my life was close to a walking hallucination even when I was “awake”, and I could easily have “sleepwalked” my car over some kid on my way home from work without realizing it at all. I was scared in a way that I couldn’t really talk about, even to the Fiancee. And I managed to find a competent MD, who sent me to a competent sleep specialist, and got things back on track. I’m lucky I wasn’t fired — they hired me on when I was about 30% disabled and watched me totally hit bottom.


If it continues, you should find a Sleep Center and have a sleep study. Ours here is like a luxury hotel! You spend a night or two while they monitor you for apnea or other stuff.


Our kind of hero! 😉

Gail Combs

I found two benedryl tablets + the Melatonin helps when my Allergies kick up a major fuss.

Also do not forget Licorice Root and Nettle Leaf. I found those have been a major help with the allergy/asthma attacks.


I’m relieved but happy that you’re okay. Keep getting better!

Can the melatonin be the problem ? Every time I have taken any sleep aid…I conk out right away and then a couple hours later..get up and EAT for some reason. Very weird.


I had some silly news queued up for your post — remember when T3 put together the collage of Wheatietoo’s Trees? I used software to dice it into a virtual jigsaw puzzle and have been using it to while away the time while my fridge needs to react to things (e.g. a defrost). I’m getting good enough with it that I don’t even have to do edges first.


How’s the fridge battle going?

I’m afraid I’m hopelessly behind on reading all the postings in the past week.
I will prolly be zombie wheatie for awhile yet.


A couple of days ago, it had oscillated to -22 (freezer) and 38 (fresh) at one point. Yesterday I decided on overnight reset, which means everything in the freezer got stuffed in a cooler with dry ice. Things are looking close to nominal now (0/37), so I’ve been putting it back.

There are two main problems, and they both have to do with moisture, and they both attack after the Fiancee goes to the local Farmer’s Market and puts a bunch of wet stuff in the fridge.

Problem #1 is that the lower air damper has had some sticky stuff poured over it in the past and will start to stick whenever the humidity and/or temperature starts increasing. A typical temp from this is -6/42 — it’s trying to cool the fresh food compartment by running the coil and blowing it from freezer to fresh, but the gate is stuck and the cool gets stuck in the freezer. This can be fixed by taking the “instant chill” drawer out and running the “instant chill” cycle — that opens a different bottom damper and the air can circulate. Once the air circulates, the warm stuck damper gets cold and un-stuck.

Problem #2 is that chilling moist air on the coil can cause it to get frosty and eventually freeze solid, passing no air. A certain amount of this is dealt with by the automatic defrost cycle, and I can run a manual defrost cycle, but it’s not healthy. I should note that with either defrost cycle, the fridge’s master control board will start lying about temperatures, so as not to freak people out.

In the current circumstance, I suspect one of the temperature sensors got encased in ice because everything was hippity-hoppiting down the freaky-deaky trail, and showing temperature readings that clearly had nothing to do with reality. Doing the overnight shutdown, I collected about three cups of water out of the freezer. The thing is designed for more like ZERO.

[While I was loading the dishwasher last night, I heard an off-key rendition of the Winchester chimes — “bing, bong, blang, boing” — coming from that area. When I got to a good stopping point, I looked in the freezer and a 1/4 cup sized ice chunk had fallen down the back, hitting the metal racks and coming to rest on the last one.]

Anyway, it looks like this fridge emergency is coming to a close, and I’ll go through another hopeless “if you’re buying fruit at room temperature, avoid refrigerating it” cycle.

Gail Combs

Put it in a cooler to cool it down, dry it off and THEN pop it into the frig.


Buy a “dorm fridge” exclusively for her produce, and let her maintain it herself.


Surely miss those trees. The recent drill Wolf had us do screening all of the articles, daily and special topic, was a trip down “memory lane”.

So many of the cool tree houses to stop a bit and enjoy again. Almost magical they are.


a virtual jigsaw puzzle

Cool! Can we see it (or play)?


The program is called palapeli (which means “jigsaw” in Finnish, IIRC). It may be in your repository if you’re on Linux. There’s a reference in the manual about playing on Apple. Here’s more info — .

We don’t have much of file-sharing around here, so I can’t upload the trees — you’ll have to go find the original image and d/l it, then use palapeli to dice it appropriately. I did mine in 100 standard jigsaw pieces.

Valerie Curren

I think you can also upload an image of your choosing at & then create a puzzle choosing one of their many options.


She’s back!  :wpds_smile: 
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well YAY, girl !

 👇 eat more breakfast ! 👇 

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 😍  💪 


Thanks, Smiley!


Aww Dear Wheatie………………………

So glad you checked in… but do go back to bed, get some sleep. We are praying for you at Marica’s. You are so loved Dear Lady. God bless you.


Thank you so much, PhoenixR!
Love you back!

Yeah, my eyes can’t take much staring at a lighted screen right now.


Pat F. sends her love and prayers… she is unable to post here for some reason.


Pat F IS a treasure.


Glad you are feeling better, allergies can be the worst, and lead to nastier things. Take care.


Take good care of yourself. Prayers. Always look for your posts as I did at the other site. Drink lots of fluids and you might need to get checked out by a doc.


Yippee. THRILLED to see ya. Hope ya get well quickly. Best wishes and ongoing prayers.


Oh thank God, there you are!

Thanks for checking in, prayers are answered.

Take good care and get well! You really should take a Covid test. You could be having weird symptoms.


Well … now you’ve got a whole week before Monday.

[giggle]  😂 


Time to get some different testing i think. Perhaps some cholesterol and arterial tests? Make sure you dont have some blockage going on. Your allery and brain fogging seems to be more frequent than before.
Get better.


It’s great to hear from you, Wheatie! We were really worried. Hope you are feeling a little bit better.

Sadie Slays

Thank you for checking in! Hope you recover quickly!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

So glad you checked in. We don’t do well when one of our beloved goes missing, especially you!!!💞💞💞

I recently found a lifetime supply, ok one year ☺, of generic zyrtec on Amazon for $10.
ValuMeds 24-Hour Allergy Medicine (300-Count) Antihistamine for Pollen, Hay Fever, Dry, Itchy Eyes, Allergies | Cetirizine HCl 10mg Caplets. One daily does it, must have anti-histamine.
I take that and my holy grail, SERRAPEPTASE. I’ve only taken Sudafed once in the past 3 weeks! The Spep dries you up, it concentrates the mucous to where you may need to spit it out once a day and you’re done. I’ve been taking over a year now, it’s a game changer. Before that I was like you, eyes/nose water nonstop, pain, pressure, misery. No mas!! Nattokinase is supposed to do similar for sinuses, but I’m sticking with my original dance partner. 😁

As for sleep, I’m the same as you too. We 👯‍♀️ ! 😍 This stuff is pretty good – Alteril – Sleep Aid All Natural – 60 Tablets. It has melatonin, l-tryptophan, valerian, and other sleep herbs. I used to get it at Wallyworld, Amazon also has. Only 4mg of melatonin, so you can add your 10mg to it if need be.
I finally went and got generic Ambien CR too. If I don’t get sleep I literally cannot function. I’ll lose several days trying to get back right, and can’t afford that.

Hope you feel better soon. 🤗🤗😘😘🥰😍💖💖


Love the new word – vermiform (ˈvərməˌfôrm).


From the same root as vermin, Latin vermis: “worm”…too many vermin enter politics.🪱


Leftists NEVER consider the unintended consequences of their “good intentions” This time it WILL bite them.


About that lab leak theory….

I do not for one minute, believe it was a leak.

I believe it was an intentional release – a biological attack – by the communists – – designed to mess up the Trump economy, create chaos and to gain global control.

Today – Italy is going to deny the unvaccinated access to public life. Obviously, Mussolini’s Fascism still lives in Italy.

And Germany is acting like Hitler’s Nazis on steroids.

Same with every other leftist country*.

All over a bad flu.

Has the world not learned or made any progress since WWII?

*(Except for the few that are finally having to acknowledge the dreadful results of the vaccines on their populations – such as the UK and Japan.)


EXACTLY, this was INTENTIONAL to destroy the US, and remove Trump.

As for Italy and Germany, gentle reminder, it did NOT end well for the Fascists Mussolini or Hitler.


Well no – it did not.


History has a funny way of repeating itself, especially when people do not study and learn from it.

Cuppa Covfefe

It’s Austria that’s gone all Nazi on enforcing the jab. And, btw, Hitler was an Austrian, not a German…


True, but Hitler ruled Germany from 1933 to 1945. He was also a Corporal in the German Army in WW1. Germany annexed Austria in 1938.


Following this thought to an end:

We are one year in to a disaster of a Presidency. Beginning about March of 2022, in an attempt to appease the people and win elections, Covid vanishes. It doesn’t work; we take the House and Senate. Gridlock of D.C. ensues. Nothing is accomplished.

Three years of Covid insanity (from today) continues in Europe and Australia. More lockdowns, more camps, more police brutality. By 2024, the few images from around the world that manage to get past the censors are shocking. Staring eyes from behind chain-link fencing enrages the people in free America.

Americans elect the most Conservative President ever. Donald Trump is back, or Ron DeSantis has won. America declares sanctions on countries with camps and extreme Covid rules. At some point there is a flashpoint. It could be China, who knows? But then we have to go to war, AGAIN, to liberate the innocent people of Europe, and this time, Australia, too.

World War IV (not III; that’s the last thirty years of Cold War with China).

At least, I fear it could happen that way.

Last edited 3 years ago by Aubergine

WHEN Chinee take Taiwan, Chairman Kim WILL be raising hell with South Korea.

Truth is I do NOT believe we should “rescue” Taiwan.




You Can Stick Your Vaccine Mandates Up Your Ass.

^^^ Absolutely love this. ^^^

Needs to go viral, LIVE viral. Sorta like, Go Brandon. Fuck Joe Biden.

Simple. Easy. PUSH BACK…REFUSE to play along to get along.


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You can put lipstick 💄 on a pig, .. it’s still a pig 💋💋💋

Cuppa Covfefe

Or a vermiform 🙂


Ilhan, the NERVE of this POS. PSSST honey, YOU were not stripped of YOUR committee seats when YOU said FAR worse about Israel, not once, but on MULTIPLE occasions. Plus, “some people did something” REALLY. Pot meet kettle.

Oh, and I am 100% sure that Rep Boebert did NOT marry her brother to “obtain” citizenship, and they pay her LOVER, while she was married to yet ANOTHER man, to run her campaign.

ILL HAN, purposefully misspelled, you should not only NOT be on ANY committee, let alone Foreign relations, but you should not even BE in this country, let alone “representing” her in OUR Congress.

At ANY other point in our history you would be REMOVED from your seat, and either JAILED, deported or facing execution for being a FOREIGN agent in OUR country.

Pelosi will cement the last nail in her coffin if she does this. Remember, Nancy, despite dominion, YOU and your ILK will NOT always be in power, and WHEN the shoe is on the other foot, and soon Nancy, soon, We the People will DEMAND the same kinds of “political retribution” you and hour sham Caucus have foisted on US, and I severely doubt there will enough, if ANY, RINOS left to help you.

You will be weighed, you will be measured, and you and your ilk will most definitely be found WANTING. You will go down just as the Reichstag did in Germany, hint it did NOT end well for them, and it will NOT end well for YOU and your merry band of Anti American subverts called Congress.


FOX News Sidelines Lara Logan After Dr. Fauci Complains About Her Nazi Doctor Comparison


… perfect … idiots …


PhoenixRising asked me to post a prayer for our dear Miss Wheatie.

Please pray with me and add any prayers along with it.

Dear Heavenly Father,
We come to You on behalf of our friend,
Your daughter, Wheatie.
Please comfort her
and give her Your peace and rest.
Help her breathing to return to normal,
and restore her oxygen levels,
Touch her lungs and every cell of her body
with your healing power.
Give her wisdom and help her
to find remedies and therapies,
that would soothe her discomfort
and make her quickly well and whole.
Thank You, O Great Physician,
The True Healer of our spirit, soul and body.
In Jesus’ Name,


Amen 🙏🏼

Valerie Curren

Beautiful, thank you, & Amen!



IMO, Dr. Oa is an RNC MOLE.
Wonder if he spoke with Mike Pence before making the PA run announcement?

Gail Combs

WIKI tells you all you need to know about Oz.

….an American television personality, cardiothoracic surgeon, university professor, and author.In 2003, Oprah Winfrey was the first guest on the Discovery Channel series Second Opinion with Dr. Oz, and Oz was a regular guest on The Oprah Winfrey Show, making more than sixty appearances….

Remember that another Oprah protege was ‘John of God’ of the Sex trafficker and baby farm scandal.

Cuppa Covfefe

Oz was one of the triumvirate of telegenic new-agers put together by the Pied Piper of Purpose and his so-called health initiative (more than just forty days of “blinded by the light” or a course in miracles, etc.)…..

Cuppa Covfefe

The wizard of ODD…


Just saw this. Prayers for Wheatie2and family.


I found this about the omicron variant, aka “WHAT THE -ELL!?”

Good morning and God bless everyone .. and Wheatie God bless you 2x extra

Cuppa Covfefe

And ringing throughout the San Fernando Valley, “OMG Omicron, Gag Me With A Spoon”… Where’s Moon Unit Zappa when we need her?????  🙃 



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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.

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In case you were missing them…..

1- JE Dyer – isn’t posting at Liberty Unyeilding – but on her own WordPress website and on twitter @OptimisticCon

Here’s her latest – and she has some interesting things to add about DeSantis new FL State Guard.

2 – Emerald Robinson – was suspended from Twitter and from Newsmax for daring to point out the Luciferase in the vaccines.

Is she going to go with Trump’s new media adventure?

Last edited 3 years ago by GA/FL

That is good news. Will check out Dyer. Like her stuff.

Have great hopes for Trump Media. Would be great if they land some true stalwarts for Truth, America First…

Trump Media WILL have solid following when they launch. Likely a whole lot of middle of the road types will tune in.


I suspect that the Twitterverse will become a black hole within six months of Truth launching.

The independent media is in place and has been building for several years.

Mr. Global will be speaking to himself and spending millions to do it.

I love it.


So here is this guys theory on adverse reactions based off of VAERS data. Goes in to the only 5% of lots are bad theory.

The article. Below is the presentation. There were some other links listed also.

The presentation.

Probably something to this. The puzzle for me still remains why some have reactions and others don’t. Beyond saline shots. So are they playing with the dosage or is there a genetic component where some people respond worse then others. Still not convinced these folks are that smart.

EDIT: Link added by Wolf: https(colon)//www.bitchute(dot)com/video/keoCmPh3vuiG/

Last edited 3 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

My theory on why some react so badly and some don’t to both Covid and to the clot-shot is inflammation. Somehow, the spike protein uses inflammation in the body to make itself worse. The comorbidities associated with Covid deaths mostly involve inflammation, as far as I can tell. Even being “super-fit” high-level athletes. Years ago, I read a study about how marathoners have a higher rate of heart disease. Constant, sustained exertion of muscles causes inflammation.

This would explain the deaths by Covid and the shots in many cases.

Gail Combs

PDF: Balancing Exercise Induced Inflammation –

Acute inflammation is a normal response to high-intensity exercise, but prolonged (chronic) inflammation is a sustained response that affects the entire body.

Prolonged Inflammation:

1. Causes fatigue, muscle damage and soreness.

2. Limits muscle growth and training progression and increases muscle loss.

2012: Mayo Clinic proceedings
Potential Adverse Cardiovascular Effects From Excessive Endurance Exercise


A routine of regular exercise is highly effective for prevention and treatment of many common chronic diseases and improves cardiovascular (CV) health and longevity. However, long-term excessive endurance exercise may induce pathologic structural remodeling of the heart and large arteries. Emerging data suggest that chronic training for and competing in extreme endurance events such as marathons, ultramarathons, ironman distance triathlons, and very long distance bicycle races, can cause transient acute volume overload of the atria and right ventricle, with transient reductions in right ventricular ejection fraction and elevations of cardiac biomarkers, all of which return to normal within 1 week. Over months to years of repetitive injury, this process, in some individuals, may lead to patchy myocardial fibrosis, particularly in the atria, interventricular septum, and right ventricle, creating a substrate for atrial and ventricular arrhythmias. Additionally, long-term excessive sustained exercise may be associated with coronary artery calcification, diastolic dysfunction, and large-artery wall stiffening. However, this concept is still hypothetical and there is some inconsistency in the reported findings. Furthermore, lifelong vigorous exercisers generally have low mortality rates and excellent functional capacity. Notwithstanding, the hypothesis that long-term excessive endurance exercise may induce adverse CV remodeling warrants further investigation to identify at-risk individuals and formulate physical fitness regimens for conferring optimal CV health and longevity.


You always bring the sauce, Gail! That’s awesome information.


Yes she does.

Gail Combs


I have not gone back to commenting at Tony Heller’s or ChiefIO’s because I figure my ‘contributions’ are more needed here. If I can help provide more people with ammo against the ‘Darkness & Evil’ by being here then here I stay.

Tony & EM Smith have plenty of very good scientific and engineering types to do the digging.


We are blessed to have you here.


I second pgroup.

Cuppa Covfefe

People with WPW or Atrial Fibrillation also have hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (enlarged hearts) and remodeling of the heart of compenstate for that. There are medications, and courses of treatment to encourage “reverse remodeling” and bring the heart back into normal size and ejection fraction, but this has only just become an area of study/interest. Seems no-one thought that the road to cardiomyopathy went both directions… Beta blockers and ACE inhibitors, sometimes aided by diuretics and (rarely) digoxin have shown promise…

The other thing is that athletes, pretty much at all levels, are rarely tested for structural heart problems, and in some cases, as in concealed WPW, a “provoking” test is needed, which sometimes brings its own issues…

The growing presence of DeFi’s (defibrillators) at sports stadiums and other venues is proving to be a very good thing… 10 or 20 years ago it was a much different picture…

Gail Combs

“….So are they playing with the dosage or is there a genetic component where some people respond worse then others. Still not convinced these folks are that smart.”


Ex-Pfizer VP and Chief Scientific Officer Michael Yeadon, PhD answered that for you.

Dose range finding for lethal outcomes

There are 4-5 different sets of lots … in the US showing this DRF [dose range finding] effect.

Worse, there is a quiet period between each of the lethal batches, the purpose of which is clearly baseline establishment.

This is typical drug testing but usually they use it ON RATS NOT HUMANS!!!

What does LD50 mean?

LD stands for “Lethal Dose”. LD50 is the amount of a material, given all at once, which causes the death of 50% (one half) of a group of test animals. The LD50 is one way to measure the short-term poisoning potential (acute toxicity) of a material.

Toxicologists can use many kinds of animals but most often testing is done with rats and mice. It is usually expressed as the amount of chemical administered (e.g., milligrams) per 100 grams (for smaller animals) or per kilogram (for bigger test subjects) of the body weight of the test animal. The LD50 can be found for any route of entry or administration but dermal (applied to the skin) and oral (given by mouth) administration methods are the most common.


That makes a lot of sense. This is much more an aha thing for me. Dosing done in batches so they can get free research and no one knows what theyre doing. Although clinical truals are followed extremely close with an RN, labs, xr, and necessary check ups to eliminate variables and out of study medicines and care.

Gail Combs

Remember they would probably have access to your medical records including YOUR WEIGHT.

That was one of the reasons for OH!Bummercare.

 August 10, 2014 
Hospitals to begin monitoring your credit card purchases to flag ‘unhealthy’ habits

What you buy at the grocery store, where you live, and even your membership status at the local gym are all subject to a new data collection scheme by the American medical system. Reports indicate that hospitals and doctors’ offices all across the country are now collecting this and other personal information in order to target individuals deemed to have “unhealthy” lifestyle habits that put them at high risk of disease.

Bloomberg reports that hospital systems in both North and South Carolina as well as Pennsylvania have already begun tracking people’s food-purchasing habits by spying on them through public records and credit card transactions. Carolinas HealthCare System (CHS), which operates some 900 care centers throughout the Carolinas, has teamed up with a data-mining company to compile and track this information for the later purpose of calling “high-risk” folks and urging them to make a change.

“What we are looking to find are people before they end up in trouble,” stated Michael Dulin, chief clinical officer for analytics and outcomes at CHS, to Bloomberg. “The idea is to use big data and predictive models to think about population health and drill down to the individual levels to find someone running into trouble that we can reach out to and try to help out.”….

Then there is this:
February 20, 2015 

……The report is open for public comment for 45 days, and will be used as the basis by the government agencies to develop the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. The guidelines are used as the basis for government food assistance programs, nutrition education efforts, and for making “decisions about national health objectives.

DGAC proposed a variety of solutions to address obesity, and its promotion of what it calls the “culture of health.”

DGAC called for diet and weight management interventions by “trained interventionists” in healthcare settings, community locations, and worksites.

“Government at local, state, and national levels, the health care system, schools, worksites, community organizations, businesses, and the food industry all have critical roles in developing creative and effective solutions,”

…policy interventions to “reduce unhealthy options,” limit access to high calorie foods in public buildings, “limit the exposure” of advertisements for junk food, a soda tax, and taxing high sugar and salt items and dessert.

“Align nutritional and agricultural policies with Dietary Guidelines recommendations and make broad policy changes to transform the food system so as to promote population health, including the use of economic and taxing policies to encourage the production and consumption of healthy foods and to reduce unhealthy foods,”

The amount of sedentary time Americans spend in front of computers and TV sets is also a concern to the federal panel…

port,” and “electronic tracking and monitoring of the use of screen-based technologies” as a way to limit screen time….

“The major findings regarding sustainable diets were that a diet higher in plant-based foods, such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds, and lower in calories and animal-based foods is more health promoting and is associated with less environmental impact than is the current U.S. diet,


find someone running into trouble that we can reach out to and try to help out.

We don’t need no stinkin’ gubmint help, thank you very much. Government spying is unconstitutional. Their agenda shows in the last paragraph: “less environmental impact.” It’s not about people’s health.

Gail Combs


They just wrap it up in a new dress and lipstick but it is STILL a Commie PIG.

Cuppa Covfefe

No wonder they want to get rid of cash….. 😡 😡 😡


BINGO. My theory is that some people are more susceptible to the “vaccine” in its initial dosage, (think allergic reaction) they are the hyperreactive. Others are not. This is INTENTIONAL. Can’t have everyone drop dead all at once, that would be too obvious.

BUT, and here is the insidious part. I believe the “boosters” are in reality CUMULATIVE. Each successive “booster” will cause more and more people to drop as their systems become saturated with this “vaccine”

Look at it like CO poisoning. Your body can absorb so much CO, and if in time and oxygenated, you can survive. But, once it reaches the right % in your blood stream, death. Each successive “dosage” of CO is cumulative, meaning more and more CO stays in the blood longer and longer, making “saturation” inevitable if continued exposures happen.

The same for radiation, you can only safely get so many “rads” in a set period. Low doses “pass” sometimes without ill effect. However continued exposures “build up” and then REAL issues start. That is why people in radiology depts are strictly monitored for doses and wear film badges.

If I am right, and we simply don’t know yet, People are being gradually upped to critical levels with each booster…until…DEATH. Some are more robust and will last longer, others will succumb much faster. This is built in to their plot.

Think the put a frog in a pot of cold water, it will sit there, even as you gradually turn up the heat to boiling. By the time the frog “realizes” it is in dire straights, it is too late.

Gail Combs


Where does it say the mRNA from the vaccine or the ‘spikes’ disappear?



It doesn’t.

Cuppa Covfefe

Allergies are “additive” reactions, and they are also autoimmune reactions.

The clot-shots, and the other vaxxs are known to cause autoimmune reactions, and thus are likely additive as well…

Add to that the fact that BillyGhoul Gates has always used his customers as beta- and even alpha-testers… Nowhere close to unplowed ground for him…..


Yep Africa comes to mind on Gates.

Cuppa Covfefe

Makes you wonder if they’re using the clot-shot to make “knock-out humans” instead of knockout mice…

Gail Combs


“…. in its ionic form, calcium plays an important role in fortifying the cell membrane against unwanted intruders like viruses.

This is even the first line of defense, even before antibody production….”

See my long comment at DELTA WOLF for the rest of the information.

This may be why D3 is so important “...the hormonally active form of vitamin D, through its genomic actions, is the major stimulator of active intestinal calcium absorption which involves calcium influx, translocation of calcium through the interior of the enterocyte and basolateral extrusion of calcium by the intestinal plasma membrane pump…”

That is in my second comment at Delta Wolf.


“stay indoors” part of the initial covid protocols. Too dangerous to go outside, might spread the virus…OUTDOORS. Sunlight provides Vitamin D, E, B12, etc ALL Covid fighters.

Straight from Google

“Our body creates vitamin D from direct sunlight on our skin when we’re outdoors. From about late March/early April to the end of September, most people should be able to get all the vitamin D we need from sunlight.”

“Regular sun exposure is the most natural way to get enough vitamin D. To maintain healthy blood levels, aim to get 10–30 minutes of midday sunlight, several times per week. People with darker skin may need a little more than this. Your exposure time should depend on how sensitive your skin is to sunlight”

There is this

  • “The sun’s light kills bacteria. Surprisingly enough, sunlight does kill bacteria! …
  • Sunlight reduces your blood pressure. …
  • Sun exposure reduces cancer risk. …
  • The sun strengthens your bones. …
  • Sunlight improves your sleep quality. “

“Without enough sun exposure, your serotonin levels can dip. Low levels of serotonin are associated with a higher risk of major depression with seasonal pattern (formerly known as seasonal affective disorder or SAD). This is a form of depression triggered by the changing seasons”.

Why it was almost like they planned this, cause they DID. Is it also “coincidence” that darker skinned individuals need MORE sunlight to absorb vitamin D? Are darker skinned individuals MORE susceptible to Covid 19? Vitamin D deficiency?

Cuppa Covfefe

Remember early on all the talk about UV-C killing off Corona, to the point that there were efforts being made to “light up” the lungs from inside with UV-C to kill off COVID…


And the throat!


Yep, gee was Trump right AGAIN ( as in most things he said, ridiculed by the dems and MSM at the time, later PROVEN true.) UV light is even recommended to raise vitamin D levels. Was Trump telling us something, without actually saying it?


English translation of a campaign speech by the man being referred to as the French Trump:
Naturally he will be called a r*cist, although I think the people doing the name


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Gail Combs




bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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ISRAEL and the Iranian threat

The Israeli MOSSAD Is On Its Way To Wreaking Havoc Inside Iran


so says Brit journalist Jake Wallis Simmons, according to “senior Jerusalem sources”.

Iran’s about to be hit with a highly destructive, deadly wave of Mossad operations.

not by airstrikes, missiles, UAVs or fighter jets…

 👉 but, instead, by precise surgical ops within the heart of Iran.



^^^ THAT IS great news.

Hopefully zero heads up to BiteMe and his traitors.


BREAKING : Netanyahu Speaks To The World About Iran

link to Twitter video…



Not Okay.
Mayor de Blasio Announces Forced Vaccines for All Private Companies and Forced Vaccines for All Children Ages 5-11 if They Want to Eat Out

Mayor Bill de Blasio will require ALL private sector employees to be vaccinated starting in three weeks on December 27th. The Marxist New York City Mayor will also force children age 5 and older to take the vaccine if they want to eat at restaurants or participate in extracurricular activities.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) on Monday announced a new COVID vaccine mandate for all private companies.
Why it matters: De Blasio, speaking on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” said the “first-in-the-nation measure” will go into effect starting Dec. 27. It will apply to approximately 184,000 businesses.

  • There is no weekly testing option.
  • The city had already imposed a vaccine mandate for city workers.

Details: De Blasio also said children between the ages of 5 and 11 will be required to show proof of vaccination to access indoor dining, as well as fitness and entertainment venues starting Dec. 14. Proof of at least one vaccine dose will be enough to allow kids to participate in those activities.

  • Kids in this age group will also need to get vaccinated to participate in extracurricular activities, such as sports, band, orchestra and dance.
  • New Yorkers aged 12 and older must now show they have had two doses of the vaccine, except for those who have received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

Gail Combs

Time to GET OUT!!!


If they left it in ashes as they retreated I would not blame them.

Gail Combs

Kim Jung-un

And the District of Criminals… Comes to mind, even if I am a bit close. I have my supply of  Potassium Iodide.😊


Real estate prices will plummet.


That’s the plan.


It’s not Constitutional. People need to continue challenging on that ground, and others.

The mayor of NYC takes an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution. Challenge him and get him out!

When you file an Oath of Office, you swear to support and uphold the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of New York, and the Charter of the City of New York. 

Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths

Just wanted to post an observation while watching the latest Intellectual Froglegs.

Our side has been using the words communist and communism a LOT lately. This is a good thing.

Those words are used both accurately in the historic sense, and simultaneously in a Bayesian sense (if that makes sense). Plutocrats, globalists, Deep State, Cabal, “environmentalists,” covidians, all come under the Bayesian sense, and are intertwined with the actual CCP communists, academic marxists, etc etc who are apparatchiki in the historic sense. (Who exactly the nomcultura are, we do not know; we only see the outer party, IMO).

Anyway, using communist and communism in the way we mean it has been an organic development, one where we use language to our advantage. This is aggressive, clever and powerful.

Anyway2, here is what I wanted to say. Wolf was WAY out front in this development, and the whole site understood and contributed almost intuitively.

IMO, Wolf and this site tacitly made an important and significant cultural change for the better, helping our side tremendously.

Last edited 3 years ago by Tonawanda

Do you know those “flash” occasions where 100 people show up at a busy mall, and sing the Hallelujah chorus? They filter in, and filter out.

Why can’t we use our own Alinsky tactics based on the flash mob?

At least a hundred people show up at a busy mall. They blend in.

Then a brave soul gets on a bench and takes off his mask, holding it up. He (or she) says: “I am sick and tired of this stupid government tyranny! I am taking off my mask!”

Or words to that effect.

And then the fellow patriots take off their masks, demonstrating their agreement.

This is just an outline of a suggestion. With brainstorming, creative ways of doing this can be thought up.

And NO, this would not be a false flag or fake. It would be coordinated, heartfelt patriotism, with safety in numbers.


Start a nationwide movement doing this.

Call it The Great Unmasking, meant in both senses of the word.


Actually a good idea. To make it interesting have someone oppose the unmasking right away in a theatrical manner and thus begin a great debate. If taken to the extreme, eventually recognizable characters show up from Biden vs the Founding Fathers to Fauci vs members from the Front Line Covid 19 Critical Care Alliance. Let all the questions Fauci and the MSM don’t allow to be asked be demanded to be answered as a spontaneous staged production.

Virtual no limit to this. List of caricatures could be long speaking up one at time from the fringes, the whistle blowing nurse and docs, the forced out of work mom, the forced to take the vax guy who’s not voting for Dems come election time, the kids from school who have to put up with the mandates.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r


Valerie Curren

Great Wheatie fill-in post Wolf! Glad that Cthulu noted on yesterday’s concerning conversation on her absence that she checked in somewhere on this post. Looking forward to further catch-up reading to see what’s been happening in the only Tree that Really Counts!


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most likely in Richland County, Wisconsin

Last edited 3 years ago by smiley2

From Emerald Robinson – “Merry Christmas! Here’s Looking Forward to Big News In the New Year….”

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“There has never been a time in America when independent journalists were needed more. People who will tell the truth regardless of fear or favor. People who will expose our corrupt government and our equally corrupt corporate oligarchy.

Most of the important journalists in America have already decamped to Substack. Twitter has now failed as a free-speech platform and has become become a left-wing echo chamber. Facebook is a similar failure. Parler has never recovered from being deplatformed itself. The list goes on and on.

Substack is one of the last places on the Internet where I can still break stories. Thank you for joining me here.

Merry Christmas!”


Hope she dumps the lipstick so she can be a total fox.  😎 


Check this out…

[I can’t get the video to embed]


Think they could do it today?

Would a more modern building be strong enough?

Would the construction workers have the know-how?

Would the office workers have the trust and confidence to stay in the building while it was moved? (not me, not today! 🤣 😂 🤣 )

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467
Gail Combs

My Husband’s family home had been moved with horses and rollers.

And then there is ASA SHELDON.

Pemberton hill survived until 1835 when the Boston & Lowell railroad company cut it down to fill in tidal flats to build tracks just north of Causeway Street, where North Station now sits. Asa Sheldon is the one hired, who picked up Pemberton hill and dumped it in to the harbor using oxen.

Yankee Drover: Being The Unpretending Life Of Asa Sheldon, Farmer, Trader, And Working Man, 1788 — 1870 

….In the spring of 1835, I received a letter from Jackson, desiring me to come to Boston, stating that he had a week’s work for me to do. When there, he informed me that he wished me to ascertain what it would cost to move Pemberton Hill into salt water, north side of Causeway street.

After probing the hill in several places and walking over the ground as fast as an ox team would walk, to ascertain how many times they could go in a day, the result of my investigations was that it could be done for 25 cents per yard. He then told me he was agent for a company and expected to buy the Hill, but the bargain was not concluded upon, but it would be in a few days; and further, said he,

“I shall want you to do it by the day, for I don’t expect to get any body to do it by the job quick enough, for it must be done in six months. If you should do the work, would you do it with oxen or with horses?”

“I shall do it with oxen.”

“Give me your reasons why you should do it with oxen?”

“The job is short, and when done the oxen can be driven to,Brighton and sold at a fair price, while horses would eat out half their bodies before we could make sale of them. And another reason, it does not cost so much to harness twelve oxen as it does one horse.”

“Your reasons are good,” said he.




As the work was a novel job, many spectators were attracted to the scene of operations. They were of all grades, from the highest to the lowest, among them many country teamsters, whip in hand. To hear the observations, I one day ascended with the throng on the back side of the hill, in my usual disguise, and took my stand by the smartest looking man in the foremost rank, which was then several courses deep, when he thus addressed me,

“This is a tremendous piece of work.”

“It looks to me to be so,” I answered.

“I understand that the man who has taken this job, has agreed to do it in six months; do you know if it is so ?”

“I understand he has,” was my answer.

“Then he is a fool, let him be who he will. He can’t do it in three years, if he employs all the men and teams he can work on it.”

In this connection it may not be uninteresting to give a description of Pemberton Hill. The whole area, including Streets adjoining, was upwards of four acres, and it made in the water, eight acres, fourteen feet deep. Depth of hill, from the highest point, was sixty-five feet and ten inches. This was the point where Gardner Green’s green house stood. Six dwelling houses and other out-buildings, besides immense shrubbery, together with several English elms that were carried to the navy-yard, were sold from the ground. One gingo tree, an exotic, and I expect the only tree of the kind in this country, I was offered $300 to move and warrant to live one year. I thought at that time, that it contained about two feet of cord wood, and it being in the month of June, I dared not undertake it.

However it was moved, and now stands on the Common, near the State House and is thriving.




“Sheldon, if you could have something extra, could you do this work in five months instead of six.”

“Yes, I think I could.”

“Remember,” said he, “you are trading for me and yourself, while I am trading for the company. How much extra shall I give you to do it in five months?”

“Let me think till morning and I will tell you.”

In the morning he said, “Have you made up your mind?”

“Yes, give me an extra $1000 and it shall be done in five months.”

“At noon I will give my answer,” said he.

At noon he told me he would comply with my terms and give $1000.

“Now Sheldon,” said he, “you may work as hard as you please, but don’t kill yourself. This job has been the least trouble to me of any job of such magnitude I ever had any thing to do with.”

The commencement of this monster job was in May. The first shovel full of dirt was thrown out on the morning of May 5, between 7 and 8 o’clock; and the last shovel full on Oct. 5, between 7 and 8 o’clock in the morning. 

Valerie Curren

My great-grandparents had the First Cottage in Arbutus Beach, near Otsego Lake in Gaylord, MI. They purchased the former lumberman’s office from the other side of the lake. In the winter, with the lake frozen quite solid, this building was moved by a team of horses over logs, probably about 3 miles & then a “tenth” of a mile up a steep hill to its current setting. It’s remained in my family continuously & is now the home of one of their grandchildren, a former Californian.

When she took possession of this quaint home she winterized it & experienced many things that remained of her grandparents (her father was a many decade absent owner who was also a serious packrat). There were still great-grandma’s preserves on the shelves (she gave me a couple jars–my ggparents died when I was quite young but I still have misty memories of them both!). There was a hand-painted mural on one wall, depicting Northern Michigan woodlands. Also there was an amazing wood burning stove in the kitchen that was in pristine condition. Beautiful!

This pic gives a loose vibe of that stove, which was in much better shape than below:
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Here’s an old pic of that cottage, in white, & one of their rentals…
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& how moving that building may have been done:
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from my blog post:


I love it!

Just plain, simple and direct.




Why what?

Why did they move it?

I don’t know! 😂

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467
Valerie Curren
Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

The above is copied from Twitter. I don’t use Twitter, so I’m not sure how to make stuff format properly here.

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467
Valerie Curren

You can potentially get a tweet to post here by right clicking on the date/time stamp of the tweet & copying the link address to paste here. Left click & dragging through the text of a tweet for a copy/paste can work here too. If there is an internal video if you right click on it & choose “copy video address” & post it here then the video can play at the Q-Tree. You can right click twitter images to get the image address to post but you have to modify it, remove everything after the “?” & add DOT & whatever suffix was in the gobbledy gook, like jpg, png, etc.

Hope that is somewhat helpful.


Thank you Valerie. That’s what I tried (right click on the video or image) and ‘copy address’, but for some reason it didn’t post here, at least not at first.

It just posted the html link.

But then later it fixed itself, or maybe Wolf fixed it 👍

Valerie Curren

Twit World is a PITA ubiquitously!


I tried something, but it didn’t work. Noemally, you can click on a tweet to make it the main (top) one on someone’s Twitter page, then copy the URL and paste it here. But the Babylon Bee tweets seem to take you to an article instead of to the tweet.

Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths

I thought what you described should work, and that’s what I did, but it didn’t work for me either 😂


With the tweet open, go to just above the Reply button and click the open topped rectangle with the arrow pointing up. That gives you the three choices below. Pick the bottom choice “Copy link to Tweet” and paste it here. You only need to click on it and it will put it on a clip board.

Send via Direct Message


Copy link to Tweet

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r

Aha! 😁

Now I’m dangerous… 😂

Thank you para!




Which hand?


Looks like the right – unless the photo is reversed – which does happen.
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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Apparently rings, etc. are worn on the right hand in Europe; that would be consistent with the photo.

On the other hand whoever is administering the chip, appears to be using their left hand…not impossible by any means, but less likely.

Deplorable Patriot

Rings are worn on both hands all over the world. I rarely wear rings on my left hand. My right, oh yes. In fact, I have a sterling silver rose ring not quite like the one in the photo.

WEDDING rings are worn on the right hand from what is today Germany and east.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah, that’s what I was thinking of, wedding bands. Which that isn’t.

Thanks for catching this.


How long before muggers start chopping peoples hands off?


Wait until these goofs start putting the chips in their foreheads…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

As long as the chip looks like a big letter “L” it will be truth in advertising.




Whoa…you’re right ! No need to raid a mailbox for credit cards or checks. Just take the hand off


Yes but I will bet all the information is held at one central point elsewhere, and what those people have implanted is just a password that will allow a local access point to read it.
No matter what safeguards there are some smart crim will eventually turn their lives upside down, that’s if their government doesn’t do it first.
My view is they deserve every thing they get, because it’s trendy woke like that who are leading to the demise of cash money.


No matter what safeguards there are some smart crim will eventually turn their lives upside down, that’s if their government doesn’t do it first.

This. I am constantly amazed at how trusting people are.


Do they have any Bibles in Sweden?

Or anyone who self-identifies as Christian?

Is it possible they just don’t know?

Sort of like DJT apparently not having access to the Interwebs, so there was all kinds of stuff he pretended not to know… 😂

Or like the military pretending they don’t know [JB] stole the election, and the country is being run by the Usurper Hussein and his handlers.

Who would have ever guessed that the Mamet Principle would become the fastest growing global institutional religion.

Cuppa Covfefe

Sweden’s been pushing REALLY hard to go cashless for the last four or five years. This is just a “natural progression” from that.

The yuppies up there (the IKEA-for-lunch-bunch) couldn’t care less about any theological implications about their mark. Then again, not all of Sweden (or the Nordic countries in general) are as depraved as the “woke lot” getting the chip.

Their departed ancestors, on the other hand, are probably spinning in their graves over it. Next thing you know, Greta-the-greenhearted will claim that as a new, “sustainable” power source. Just stick some magnets on them, put coils around the cemetaries, and watch the power flow… (and she’s probably do it, too – her parents are Satanists…)…..


“The yuppies up there (the IKEA-for-lunch-bunch) couldn’t care less about any theological implications about their mark.”


It’s not the theological implications they need to worry about, so much as the burning lake of fire.

For eternity.

Of course they don’t have to believe, but they can’t be sure.

Even if they think there’s only a 0.001% chance that the Scriptures are true, the upside of doing this thing is very small if they are correct, and the downside risk is eternal if they are wrong.

Cuppa Covfefe

I know that; you know that.

But they don’t care. They are of the “eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die” frame of mind…

But, as I said, there are also many who DO believe, and will NOT take the “Swedemark”, as it were…


This is, BTW, also known as “Pascal’s Wager”.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And it suffers from the false dilemma fallacy.


Sort of, I guess, though that’s not how I meant it.


Pascal’s wager is a philosophical argument presented by the seventeenth-century French philosopher, theologian, mathematician, and physicist, Blaise Pascal (1623–1662).

It posits that human beings wager with their lives that God either exists or does not.

Pascal argues that a rational person should live as though God exists and seek to believe in God. If God does not exist, such a person will have only a finite loss (some pleasures, luxury, etc.), whereas if God does exist, he stands to receive infinite gains (as represented by eternity in Heaven) and avoid infinite losses (an eternity in Hell).

I wasn’t suggesting that the Swedes in question would live their lives as though God exists. Though I think that would be good for them and for everyone around them.

I was approaching it from the standpoint that even from a non-believer’s perspective, it is rational to allow for the possibility that they could be wrong.

And since that possibility always exists, it seems foolish to go out of one’s way to very intentionally and knowingly do something that is so specifically called out in a negative way.

It’s pointlessly provocative, no real upside and unlimited downside, like challenging a tidal wave or an avalanche.

There’s no good that can come from it.

You’d be better off just going the other direction.

Quickly… 😁


People need to affirmatively believe in Jesus, or not. This makes Pascal irrelevant.

Although in many other respects Pascal said many insightful and beautiful things.


I always suspect that 90% or more of the Leftist lunatics in the replies are China bots or people paid by the CCP / Globalists as part of the narrative control psy-op.

There’s no way for participants to tell whether an account is real or not (I’m sure Twitter can tell, but they’re working with the Chi-coms / Globalists).

So one person, controlling a bot-farm, could magnify his presence exponentially, on any social media platform, and thereby sway public opinion.

The cost to do it would be practically nothing compared to the globalist’s / CCP’s other subversion efforts.

Deplorable Patriot

Science fiction comes to life.

Valerie Curren

Seen below that tweet in Twit World!

Nick Adams


SNL should really consider bringing in Donald Trump to play Alec Baldwin.

Ratings would be off the charts!


That would be the funniest thing ever broadcast. Seriously.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Alas…they will never do it.

Because the irony would be too rich.


Sad but true.


Exactly. Too petty to be grand.

Valerie Curren

No Doubt!!!




That is a funny idea!


December 6, 1776

Margaret Morris begins journaling the war in New Jersey

On this day in history, December 6, 1776, Margaret Morris begins journaling about the war in New Jersey, a diary she would keep for the next seven months. Her diary is one of the best sources for information about the early part of the American Revolution and how the war affected women, families and daily life.

Margaret Morris was a widow with four children who had moved to Burlington, New Jersey, after the death of her husband, Philadelphia merchant William Morris, Jr. She purchased the former home of New Jersey’s Royal Governor William Franklin, son of Benjamin Franklin, on Burlington’s “Green Bank,” a wealthy neighborhood surrounding a large green park area…

As a Quaker and a pacifist, Margaret didn’t favor either side in the war, but she was an amateur doctor and helped those in need on both sides… 

Margaret wrote of hearing of Washington capturing the Hessians at the Battle of Trenton and speculating that their drunkenness was their downfall. She also writes of hearing the cannonfire from the Second Battle of Trenton a few days into the New Year. The soldiers staying next door turned out to be young Americans who had deserted because of the terrific battle.


One excerpt from her journal, from December 16, 1776:

About noon this day, a very terrible account of thousands coming into town, and now actually to be seen off Gallows Hill – my incautious son caught up the spy-glass, and was running towards the mill to look at them. I told him it would be liable to misconstruction, but he prevailed on me to allow him to gratify his curiosity. He went, but returned much dissatisfied, for no troops could he see. As he came back, poor Dick took the glass, and resting it against a tree, took a view of the fleet. Both were observed by the people on board, who suspected it was an enemy who was watching their motions. They manned a boat and sent her on shore.

A loud knocking at my door brought me to it. I was a little fluttered, and kept locking and unlocking that I might get my ruffled face a little composed. At last I opened it, and half a dozen men, all armed, demanded the key of the empty house. I asked what they wanted there; they replied – ‘To search for a d-d tory who had been spying at them from the mill.’

The name of a tory, so near my own door, seriously alarmed me; for a poor refugee, dignified by that name, had claimed the shelter of my roof, and was at that very time concealed, like a thief in an augerhole. I rang the bell violently – the signal agreed upon if they came to search; and when I thought he had crept into the hole, I put on a very simple look and exclaimed –

Bless me! I hope you are not Hessians !

Do we look like Hessians ?’ asked one rudely.

Indeed, I don’t know.

Did you never see a Hessian ?

No – never in my life; but they are men; and you are men; and may be Hessians for aught I know! But I’ll go with you into Colonel Cox’s house; though indeed it was my son at the mill; he is but a boy, and meant no harm; he wanted to see the troops.

So I marched at the head of them, opened the door, and searched every place; but we could not find the tory. Strange where he could be! We returned, they greatly disappointed; I pleased to think my house was not suspected. The Captain, a smart little fellow named Shippen, said he wished they could see the spy-glass. So Dick produced it, and very civilly desired his acceptance of it; which I was sorry for, as I often amused myself looking through it.

They left us and searched James Verree’s and the two next houses; but no tory could they find. This transaction reached the town, and Colonel Cox was very angry and ordered the men on board. In the evening I went to town with my refugee, and placed him in other lodgings. I was told to-day of a design to seize upon a young man in town, as he was esteemed a tory. I thought a hint would be kindly received; and as I came back, called upon a friend of his, and told him. Next day he was out of reach of the gondolas.

Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths

Pretty exciting day!



We come to you before the Throne of Grace on our knees to ask You to lay Your Healing Hands on our Beloved Sister, Wheatie.

We give You all Honor and Glory and Praise as we put our trust in You to hear our prayer.

You know only too well the trials and tribulations our Sister Wheatie suffers daily physically, mentally, and spiritually.

By the Power of the Holy Spirit in Us, we send Angels to pour Healing Oils over Wheatie.

By the Power of the Holy Spirit in Us, we send Angels to support her bronchial passages and free her from distress.

By the Power of the Holy Spirit in Us, we send Comfort Angels to hold her steady and upright in her faith.

As our Heavenly Physician, we ask You to strengthen her lungs and breathe new life into them.

As our Heavenly Physician, we ask You to provide the right therapies to aid in healing her broken body.

As our Heavenly Physician, we ask You to provide her with refreshing and restorative sleep. 

We ask You to cleanse her environment of all bacteria and germs to aid in her breathing, Father God.

We ask You to protect her relationships and invigorate her caretakers, Father God.

We ask You to remove all concern for her biological family, Father God.

We ask You to increase her patience with herself and others, Father God.

We ask You to help her to rely on the Holy Spirit within her to assist in her healing, Father God.

We ask You to increase her stamina daily to fight the good fight, Father God.

We thank You for all You are doing on her behalf to ease her suffering.

We thank You for our patience and perseverance in prayer.

We thank You for loving Wheatie unconditionally now and before she was born.

We thank You for guiding Wheatie through this trial and for the blessing that will follow.

We thank You for hearing and answering our prayer.

We acknowledge and ask it all in the Precious and Holy Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ.







Dr. Zelenko On COVID And How He Developed His Z-Stack Approach — “A Gift From God”

“I was approached several times that I should make it easier for people by putting everything in one bottle. In the right dosing. So that’s exactly what I did. And it was consistent with my protocol – the one I had designed and felt that the dosing was appropriate…the price is comparable if you were to buy each ingredient separately. And people loved it because of the convenient, the access. And I think they felt better because it had my name on it…

“…It’s become a real successful approach in mitigating the severity of illness – viral illness.”

Z-Stack ingredients (in two capsules):
Vitamin C 800 mg
Vitamin D3 15 mcg
Zinc 30 mg
Quercetin 500 mg

Plus, use code “TGP” at checkout for an additional discount!

Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths

h/t Citizen Free Press: Devin Nunes is retiring and will probably be working with the new Trump media startup. His current term ends on January 3, 2023. If he leaves the Senate early, there’d better be someone good to replace him!

Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths
Cuppa Covfefe

I wouldn’t be surprised if he wanted to get out of Kalifornistan before it totally collapses… add that to working with and for VSGPDJT and that’s a great deal…


Yes! And we know PDJT can trust him.


Like him a lot. He did what he could with what limited power he had.

Deplorable Patriot

“Well done, good and faithful servant.”

Question of the day.


Isn’t that what they said at the cannibal cookout?

Deplorable Patriot

Well, actually, usually, it’s people who get rewarded for doing a good job. I.e., Mother Angelica who founded EWTN had been in leg braces and in pain for decades. Not long before she had the stroke that put her in a wheelchair, she was healed. Sad how it ended, but….


Another CA refuge in the making.


Nunes is not a senator, but I think you knew that and simply wrote “leaves the senate” by mistake.


Exactly right! Thank you.

Deplorable Patriot

The playbook has most definitely not been updated.


Stupid move.

Deplorable Patriot

This is an expensive day for the owners.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Covid vaccine instead of horse medicine?

Deplorable Patriot

I thought about that, but my guess is performance enhancing drugs. That horse had a history of failing drug tests/

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I just found it ironic that a horse (i.e., the species ivermectin is supposedly “for” according to the stupid narrative) would die of something that (in people) would immediately raise red flags of covid vaccine suspicion.

Valerie Curren

Epic (& apropos) snark!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Man, too bad I already have tomorrow’s daily scheduled. HA!


They’re all cops! 🤣😂🤣

People should be chanting “Glowie! Glowie! Glowie!”

Nice false flag attempt, you Nazi pigs.


As the asshoes left the District of Criminals, they climbed in the back of UHaul and Penske cargo trucks. WITH LE guarding their climbing in the back of trucks.

WTF, passengers in the back of cargo trucks? Law and Order IS dead.


Devin Nunes to resign from Congress and step into CEO position of President Trump’s new media enterprise.


Good pick!


Might I say, let’s tread lightly until the smoke clears?? Askin’ for a friend … 😉


comment image


The end of 2021? That’s not a lot of time to find someone else who is MAGA.

Gail Combs

Isn’t it the GOVERNOR who appoints the Rep to fill out the term?



For Senators, yes.

Congress critters, I believe they leave the seat vacant until the next election. regular or special.


True, but I can imagine he is relieved to be gone from that snake pit called the 117th Congress 😡 


Nunes for the Hat Trick…

  1. Relieved to be gone from that snake pit called the 117th Congress
  2. Escape Californicatorland.
  3. F L O R I D A…Freedom
Last edited 3 years ago by kalbokalbs

cuttin’ and runnin’ … not passing the foxhole test … just sayin’ …




No… Just heading up the Flanking Operation 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

I can’t stand more than 5 seconds of the sound of his voice.

Four seconds, actually. That’s how long it took me to click the pause button.

Deplorable Patriot

So, then you missed the punch line?


Yes, I could feel the rage instantly, I won’t make it 31 seconds without ruining the rest of my evening.

I don’t have that reaction to Hitler, it’s not personal, because I didn’t know Hitler.

This monster I know.

Gail Combs

Watch with sound muted to 1/2 way. It will be worth it. Caturd at his best.😜


Okay, I saw it 😁

Thank you!

Deplorable Patriot

Well, then skip ahead to :24. You’ll love it.


I did, thank you 👍😁


Per 710WOR, New York, Gateway Pundit, and other outlets:

New York City mayor Bill De Blasio announced this afternoon that, beginning on December 27, 2021, all private businesses in New York City will be “covered” by his “vaccine mandate.” Every “in-person” employee will be required to be “fully vaccinated.”
And there’s more — De Blasio is requiring that all children ages 5 and up be “vaccinated” in order to eat indoors at New York City restaurants, AND to “be permitted” to enter entertainment venues.


Will there be a massive uprising, or a massive exodus?

Or will the sheep simply go to the massive slaughterhouse?


I have a NY friend who is thinking of buying a small apartment in NYC.

Notoriously frugal, I figure prices are plummeting as we speak. 😁


And 12 and up are required to have the second dose by that day unless they used J & J. .


This is what I don’t understand. Why do people think it’s okay to show government employees their private health records? It’s none of their business if you are vaccinated or how many vaccines you’ve had. They have made it their business because of an “emergency health crisis,” but we need to take things back down to basics.


Methinks that, unless thousands of private business owners raise H3LL over this, De Blasio has pretty much destroyed NYC.


Time to buy real estate. The billionaires are, I bet.


And it would have to be billionaires who are buying.
“Small” rental real estate owners can’t make a profit due to the nightmare web of taxes and regulations that are imposed on property owners in New York.


Not to mention the outright bribes. I have heard stories.

It isn’t just Texas where we have la Familia running towns and counties.


Couple more items of information regarding the “private business vaccine mandate” — per 710WOR, New York, 8PM news report:

There is NO “testing exemption” for De Blasio’s diktat. Apparently, it’s either “get vaxxed” or “close up.”
Also, that awful person, Gov. Hochul, just signed off on the De Blasio diktat.


And of course their new liberal cop mayor will toss in some enforcement and just allow it all to happen.

Brave and Free

comment image

So, what exactly has Purdue done in GA to fix 2020? I pulled this from gab — the comments are off the hook, NOBODY wants Purdue. And I saw Kandiss Taylor posted on telegram that she was just at Mar-a-Lago. So what’s up with that?

I’m sorry — I cannot be more over this. I mean, OVER IT. People literally don’t know what to think.

He should just go run the social media thing and recoup his losses.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009

Hard to see the justification. 😲


New article from Political Moonshine:

Proxy Joe Is Sealing Obama’s Deal: Reaching Back in Time to Better Understand Biden, Iran, China and Obama in the Present
By Political Moonshine on December 6, 2021

06 Dec 21

Intro: “The American attention span is an extremely short one and Americans aren’t necessarily to blame for it other than being remiss in their onus to be dutiful civic-minded citizens who pay situational attention to what is occurring around them and what is being done to them. It’s why I so often write and post about the brands of psychological warfare that have been whitewashed over the populace for decades.

The net effect has been devastating. Look around you.

The same delusional folks slurping state-sponsored and propagandized legacy media Kool-Aid and marching in lockstep to Anthony Fauci’s fraudulently constructed and predicated “mitigation” orders that have them chasing an ever-moving goal post, wearing masks and participating in human genetic experimentation with catastrophic side-effects this same legacy media and Fauci refuse to report or acknowledge, are the exact same people who would have insisted on your insanity and that you be locked up for having accurately described the status quo of today some time before 31 Dec 19; otherwise known as the day COVID-19 was unfolded on us.

That’s how the sheep cleave themselves from the rest of us who know better. They refuse to see it coming and upon arrival; they accept it on its face; blindly and obediently complying, while insisting you do the same. Orwell is blushing and so is Huxley.

For those of us with things sorted out and a firmer grasp on reality, we are well-served by routinely reaching back in time to drag back to the surface critical matters that inform our understanding of the broader landscape and no matter if they have been forgotten or neglected by the induced short attention span. It’s an attention span that rests on the news cycle’s continual and rapid change of topics and reporting priorities. Here today and gone tomorrow.

Obama’s internally controlled demolition of the military; his application of the U.S. Counterinsurgency Manual to the U.S. for the purpose of overthrow; Iran’s position as a Deep State proxy state with a rogue nuclear arsenal; and Joe Biden’s position as a Chinese proxy are all on the table as existing work and they are important to accurately assess our present and future.

Let’s begin with some contextual backdrop from a deep stack of existing work by remembering that we’ve already extensively reported the existing and direct evidence of China and Iran directly interfering in the 2020 election; on election night; and remotely [Dominion voting applies as do a number of other foreign hostile nations that were engaged similarly.]

This images is extracted from our 26 Nov 20 piece,

Let’s begin with one long-standing notion – that we are on a war footing with China and I have document how and why for months now and drawing back on the genesis of the fraudulent and politically constructed COVID-19 pandemic – and one new development further extending this war footing notion – that China and Iran were found to have directly interfered in the 2020 presidential election.”

[continued at title link above]

Brave and Free

Steve Kirsch says:

Newsom got GBS shortly after his booster shot. I have indirect confirmation of this from two of the doctors treating him.

I don’t know what his definition of “indirect confirmation” is.

Right after his shot was a 12-day stretch where Newsom held no public events. His office would not say where he was or what he was doing for most of that time.

Wasn’t Newsom seen at the wedding of Ivy Getty? Kirsch doesn’t know this?

The Cabo connection to stem cell treatment is interesting, but Kirsch is speculating a lot. 🙂


A Getty wedding is hardly a public event. A mask at a Getty wedding? A pic or two of Grewsome wearing a mask. Them rich bastards don’t wear a mask, unless they want to for some PR BS.

Grewsome totally skipping out on the greenie event to do anything Halloween with family, is more, BS.

Until it is debunked, Grewsome has GBS. IMO.

But yea, Cabo for treatment is speculation. Wouldn’t bet against it though.


I’m going with wedding. The Getty wedding wasn’t a mere mortal afternoon ceremony…this was THE social extravaganza for only the tippy top elite. He wouldn’t miss that for anything. It was a 3 day affair

Last edited 3 years ago by mollypitcher5

Could be the wedding a must do for the filthy rich snob class. But, that does nothing to cancel out GBS suspicions.

Wearing a mask, adds to GBS narrative. IMO.

Suspicious Grewsome did not cancel out on the greenie thing much sooner. As opposed to last minute cancellation. Suspicious.


He went to new york yesterday or today for 3 days to promote a book he supposedly wrote…i think he’s too lazy and stupid to write a book but whatevs.


I’ve always assumed that big name politicians and celebrities, have ghost writers, write books. Then they claim as their creation.


Most likely. I bet many use a small circle of ghost writers who keep it quiet. Interesting that we NEVER hear of a ghost writer spilling the beans.


“Indirect confirmation” would be a sort of ass-covering move whereby you gave me the info without giving it to me. Like I say “if it was Epstein Barre Syndrome, just don’t say a word.” You don’t speak, giving me the answer.


Yes, I understand that. I just don’t know if I can believe that the winks and nods are being interpreted and reported correctly. They might be, but I’ve been (almost) burned too many times by the media and even conservatives who get things wrong and sometimes knowingly promote false pics and reports to serve a pet narrative.


You are right to be cautious and suspicious.

[…] RF121 for tipping me off to the latest information on toxic […]

WTF is this post, and who posted it??


What is a “trackback”?

Pardon my ignorance.



Sadie Slays

Salvation Army update. They’ve added big bold red lettering to their original statement, LOL.
This looks like desperate scrambling and it fixes nothing.
comment image

Last edited 3 years ago by Sadie Slays

  :wpds_twisted: Yup it sure does.


No kidding!

Sadie Slays

One more thing. Note The Salvation Army’s repeated use of the phrase “color of their skin” as a lawyerly way of avoiding the word “race.” It’s trueThe Salvation Army did not ask their White supporters to apologize for having white skin. What they did was ask their White supporters to apologize for is everything else that comes with the word “race”history, culture, alleged privilege. That’s why these scumbags refuse to use the word “race” in all of their non-apologies.


Word games are a classic sign of dishonesty (ie. deceit, obfuscation, misdirection, etc).

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

Exactly. Exactly why this man is an evil man, not a mistaken man.

But the implications.

Even the Salvation Army?

The blackmail is comprehensive.


They can try that now, but the entire guidebook that they removed from the internet talks about nothing but “race.”

Page 2:

Please also keep in mind that this was written within the context of the United States of America (USA), and in particular the African American experience. It is recognized that subsequent conversations and development tools will be needed in fostering a global racism dialogue.

Oh, swell. They want to develop booklets for every race, color, ethnicity, etc.

I read a little of Appendix D, which is about “whiteness.” It’s the story of a man who grew up in the era of “Father Knows Best” on TV. All about how his perceptions changed over time, how he married a black woman and experienced racism as a result, etc. “Father Knows Best” aired from 1954 to 1960. Things have changed a LOT in 65 years or so. Those who are using race as a weapon to tear us down are doing evil.


Profoundly dishonest.


F’m, Salvation Army, that is Never another donation to a kettle. WILL continue approaching bell ringers when I see them.

DAV – Disabled American Veterans is the ONLY do gooder I donate money to these days. Have sent an annual donation check, every December, for prolly a decade or more.

Toys for Tots used to get two small toys via Grand Sons. This year and future years, Grand Sons will hand over four small toys to the Marine or ROTC person manning the donations.


We do the DAV a few times a year as well. They always sent those great mailing labels. 😄


Yep. The annual calendar IS always superb!


They keep dancing around the real issues and raising straw man arguments.

How long does it take to review a guidebook? It took me about 3 minutes to see problem statements within the guide. The SA either agrees with the philosophy in it, or it doesn’t. The fact that they’re dragging this out when it should be so simple tells me they don’t share my principles.

Sadie Slays

How long does it take to review a guidebook?

Until the first business day of January after the end-of-year donation season is over.


He totally gets wrong what the objections are. He is totally clueless.

He is totally brainwashed, or totally converged.

This is the Salvation Army.

And the Christians who do get it are at absurd war with each other, thinking their dogmatic points are what really count.

Losing the military was shocking.

Losing the Salvation Army is a hilarious lesson in human frailty.


Interesting shots at Trump, Trump Media… IIRC, Kushner stuff we read earlier in the year. Dunno if that is piling on by bringing it up again. Or, legitimate refresher.

Regardless of platform, 100% Free Speech MUST reign.


I can agree on the free speech. But a lot of what Torba says about Trump (and not just in this article) seems like sour grapes because Trump didn’t join Gab. He never misses an opportunity to bash Trump. It gets old. Maybe he should work more on the usability of Gab instead. He always seems to have other things he’s working on than Gab itself.


Bashing Trump is the common theme from all sides, including Torba. His butt hurt by being shunned or ignored by Trump lingers. It is old AND I largely ignore it.

Trump Media will either wildly succeed OR Crash and Burn. IF Trump Media is NOT 100% Free Speech, my interest fizzles. Just as I have NOTHING to do with FB, TW… But I am very interested in giving some, or all of Trump Media a go.

Trump and DeSantis remain the gold standard by me. Perfect, NO. But head and shoulders above the rest.


Sour grapes was my thought too.

The SEC investigation was initiated by Pocohantas Warren 🙄.

The SEC stated in its request that its investigation does not mean the regulator has concluded that anyone violated the law, Digital World added.

U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren had asked the SEC to investigate TMTG’s proposed merger with Digital World (DWAC.O) over potential violations of securities laws, including whether they had sufficiently disclosed when deal talks began.

Funny how Torba doesn’t mention those details.


Gab Is Not For Sale

Has someone offered to buy it, or is this a jab at Trump Media’s being publicly traded?

It’s being reported that the gang of grifters around former President Trump raised $1 billion dollars from a bunch of satanic hedge funds for a project that failed to even launch into beta testing as promised in November and was hacked within hours of being announced.

I need a translation in plain English regarding that whole paragraph, including “grifters” and “satanic hedge funds.”

I truly hope and pray that the Wall Street short sellers and hedge funds don’t screw these good people over like they always do, but it appears that Trump Media itself is already doing so with this new billion dollar deal which is reportedly going to massively dilute existing investors. The SEC is now investigating all of this. 

Torba sees it as a threat or he wouldn’t be keeping such close tabs on it and reveling in negative press.

We are building technology that powers a parallel Christian economy and defends free speech online for all people at all costs. We don’t need Wall Street Hedge funds to make that happen. We don’t need a billion dollars to make that happen. We have The People and our faith in God to make that happen.

I have seen no signs of a “parallel Christian economy,” and I’m not sure that’s a good thing. We need a free economy for all Americans.


Well said, sir.




So if there was some entity named Johnson Saxby that had antithetical politics, largely driven by rural Christian values, then great – you have somebody to finance what Goldman Sachs will not. 

Absolutely. I have no qualms with that, and I agree with your statement below. My problem is when Christians start labeling things “Christian,” which excludes other people of like mind (MAGA, for example). We can make all sorts of free parallel economies, and they can even have Christian principles; but I (a Christian) want to run the other direction when people start talking about doing a “Christian” this or that, that pertains to the country as a whole. It smacks of dominionist thinking that some were promoting during the 2016 election, that all public offices have to be filled by Christians. (That would have excluded DJT from the running, in their eyes.)

What particular “stripe” of Christian? Theirs, of course. So is that the solution to a corrupt government? Of course not. Christians, like all people, are fallible and sinners. And some who profess to be Christians are not. God can use anyone He pleases to accomplish good. (Climbing off my soapbox now. Don’t get me started…😆)

We HAVE a balkanized economy, and – IMO – we neither want to get rid of it, nor SHOULD get rid of it. We just need more options.


Even a parallel one!


Goes with the Safari Rules as explained at Conservativetreehouse
I love that term Safari Rule ………..Welcome to the Jungle !



For the heck of it!  🙂 



Are you having a lingering cough? I am and dont feel congestion but just still seem to have one.


When I had what I am sure was Covid early on, I had a cough that lingered for weeks. Just a dry, hacking cough, no production. I took codeine cough syrup, and I never like to take drugs if I can avoid it, but the cough was killing me.


Weeks…oh boy. Well i had my cxr on friday so if theres anything bad ill get a call tomorrow.


Hope you get no calls!


Just set my pulmonary follow up so ill know this week. I was originally told by the cancer surgeon office i cant get in for just a consult until next month. I became a loud squeaky wheel, and now thats next week. So, after that is seeing if the surgeon will put me on her schedule and i dont have to wait long.


Good for you for being a squeaky wheel! We have to be our own best advocate for our health these days. Proud of you!


I had some of that. My smell and taste is coming back and the covid ick is pretty bad. But this is really bugging me.


When i noticed it coming back is when the drainage smell and TASTE kicked in, with a lot of nighttime nausea. Take pepcid at night and i had to eat a lot of no salt saltines, plus keep something no sugar but flavored to drink on my nightstand.


Ive had reflux a long time and take it frequently. I think my routine cocktail and will are what kept me on this side of alive and healthier as bad as it was.


I know Lady Gaga has a decent instrument, but it’s all posing with no taste. And the Tony Bennett of recent years is just off the rails. So now he’s 95 and very ill, but man he’s still got it. It seems that music can remain to the bitter end with Alzheimers.

My husband’s dear friend of 40 years, from grad school at Eastman, is Tony’s longtime pianist/music director Lee Musiker. What a talent, and nerves of steel. 😄

Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009