Lara Logan said nothing wrong. Fox News is simply too STUPID to understand why she is RIGHT.
Let’s listen.
In fact, Logan WENT EASY on America’s FRANKENSTEIN, Anthony Fauci.
Lara Logan said NOTHING – absolutely nothing – about the GREATEST SCANDAL IN MEDICAL HISTORY, which is happening RIGHT NOW under Fauci’s complete control and direction. Indeed, by all appearances, Anthony Fauci is helping to cover up one of the most murderous medical scandals in HISTORY.
And it may be even worse. It may be that Anthony Fauci is PART OF THAT SCANDAL.
Yet – ironically – Lara Logan let Anthony Fauci COMPLETELY off the hook.
Well, not me.
I’m not letting Anthony Fauci off.
I’m going to explain why Anthony Fauci is very likely a monster 1000 to 2000 times WORSE than Josef Mengele.
And I have the DATA TO PROVE IT.
Fox News – why don’t you ask some smart guy like Jesse Watters to explain it to you?
Or are YOU protecting America’s Mengele?
The Toxic Vaccine Batch Problem
The toxic vaccine batch problem is absolutely extraordinary. Science has never seen anything quite like this.
Bluntly, it was discovered in three stages, that something was VERY WRONG with CERTAIN BATCHES of the COVID vaccines distributed in America. Each stage of understanding showed, progressively, that the problem was WORSE than what we had thought before.
Stage 1 – There was a Small Group of Highly Toxic Batches
STAGE 1: The Daily Expose finds that almost all of the deaths and bad reactions to the COVID vaccines came from about 5% of the batches. If you got one of the “killer batches”, you were in serious trouble.

So what was the approach of NIH, CDC and FDA to this information?
CRICKETS. Say nothing and hope that it goes away.
Stage 2 – The Toxic Batches Are Not Random
STAGE 2: Karl Denninger runs the numbers himself. This is SCIENCE. Is the observation reproducible? YES, IT IS. Not only does Denninger confirm the toxic vaccine batch problem – he finds that the toxic batches were NOT RANDOM. Something was SYSTEMATICALLY WRONG with those very particular batches.
If you want a quick and understandable explanation of the toxic batch problem, just watch this video, or click on any of the three links below it.
Stage 3 – There are Clear Patterns to the Toxic Batches
STAGE 3: A chronological analysis of the bad batches shows strong clustering which indicates some kind of INTENT. The clustering affects one company at a time, alternating between companies, between levels of toxicity, and between “toxic / non-toxic”. Everything about the clustering looks like what one would expect for human dosage experimentation on the recipients.
It is HIGHLY recommended that you listen to the following TWO video analyses.
Certain batches (roughly 5%) of the three COVID-19 vaccines used in America were very clearly HIGHLY TOXIC relative to normal batches.
Further analysis shows that the poisoning was NOT random – there was some kind of systematic reason behind certain batches being really, really dangerous.
Chronological clustering analysis shows TIMING and OWNERSHIP of the bad batches. It shows a relationship of coordination between companies. It shows both DOSE RANGING and BASELINING. In other words, it appears that the toxicity was intentional, and vaccine recipients were being EXPERIMENTED UPON.
Even further analysis shows that there is a LOT NUMBER RELATIONSHIP between bad batches in the bad batch clusters.

I think at this point it is VERY, VERY, VERY clear that Anthony Fauci MUST know something about this.
And yet, nobody in FAKE NEWS questions him about it.
Let’s be clear. We have EVIDENCE of human experimentation with certain batches of these horrible vaccines. But Fauci – the man who would be responsible for such experimentation – or for doing something ABOUT IT – can only COMPLAIN about comparisons to Mengele?
Well, WHY NOT?
Josef Mengele seemed to be very “OK” with involuntary human experimentation.
Anthony Fauci seems to be very “OK” with involuntary human experimentation.

So I’m going to make this VERY CLEAR.
Until Anthony Fauci has told us WHO IS RESPONSIBLE for the toxic vaccine batch problem, and has ELIMINATED THE PROBLEM, I will NEVER – EVER – take another vaccine.
I mean, why can’t the same people poison any OTHER vaccine – including the flu vaccine?
Answer – they CAN poison any vaccine they want to poison. And they will get away with it, as long as Anthony Fauci is protecting them.
Whoever poisoned those vaccines is still out there.
And every bit of evidence tells me that Anthony Fauci knows exactly who these Mengeles are, and is protecting them from scrutiny.

Well, it’s time for Anthony “Maybe Mengele” Fauci to answer our questions – or turn over his job to somebody who will.
Because otherwise, he is single-handedly DESTROYING our trust in medicine and science.
(H/T RF121 for tipping me off to the latest information on toxic batches.)
“….he is single-handedly DESTROYING our trust in medicine and science.”
I would not give the runt bastard THAT satisfaction.
What is destroying my trust in medicine and science are all the rat bastard doctors, nurses, and scientists who are SELLING OUT their professions for their own gain and/or job protection.
Fauci, alone, cannot destroy my trust in either good, logical medicine OR science with high, provable efficacy.
After Obamacare and the Liverpool Pathway, we had to wait for Fauci to figure out that healthcare isn’t trustworthy???
I spent ten years watching the formation of doctors and nurses in a big name medical school. My trust in ANY of the “maintenance” side of it was destroyed long ago. There are some big things that can be fixed no other way, but day to day maintenance is a personal responsibility.
Amen!. $$ not patient care nor medicine.
Random thoughts.
First I’ve seen of that Lara video clip. Lara was SPOT ON. Wonder if she has a future at OAN or Trump Media.
With ya on no vaxes. Damn sure NEVER, mRNA anything. My trust in our government at ALL levels, Big Pharma, health care systems, doctors…has EVAPORATED, back in 2020.
Convenient they are talking Moronic AND flu in the same breath. I smell a new and improved flu injection in 3, 2, 1…
Back to the topic, FauXi-Menegele MUST answer questions from honest journalists. Wonder if Rand Paul will have the opportunity to question FauXi-Menegele. NOt that Rand or the Senate will do anything. They are toothless.
Maybe, FL can file a law suit of sorts against FauXi-Menegele, NIH…
Lara said that “people are saying” those things about Fauci, not that she thinks it. She was reporting factually on what is being said. I’m not surprised that Fauci called foul, but FOX should have stood by Lara.
She is correct in the statement. I posted he was acting like Mengele well before she did the story. That makes me one of those nasty people who call it like they see it as she did from her public perch.
Karl proved the evil plan statistically, which is in my lane and along the lines of my past business banking career. Observation of past events and projecting future events are also in my lane. I’ve lived a reasonably long time. Wolf/Gail/others bringing key scientific observations built the related scienceknowledge. Add in the human nature aspect as understood from the Holy Bible, related writings and theologian views – and I was able to yell “Bingo” loud and clear as some of you have.
Sort of like Rupert Murdoch (and many, many others including PDT/family) being in Epstein’s Black Book. When you observe the multiple connections, the picture comes into focus. Viewed through a singular sense it is no big deal – a slimy investment banker/counselor knowing elites is normal. But when the assets of the subject begin being used to undermine what is MAGA, culturally good, transparent, etc. – then you know what you have.
It is intentional and coordinated evil disguised as good. All of it. Reference their “commissions”, DAVOS, the UN, etc. as to their plans for humanity. How much more apparent can it be with them being Godless Chi-com whores? Just knowing that alone should make the hair on your skin stand straight up.
“Back to the topic, FauXi-Menegele MUST answer questions from honest journalists.”
He never will.
It wouldn’t matter if you had him on videotape admitting that Mengele was his hero and the whole Covid scam was his personal plot to cause a mass-extinction event — he’s never, ever going to admit it.
Not to the media, not at trial, and not in his last words before execution.
“Maybe, FL can file a law suit of sorts against FauXi-Menegele, NIH…”
The judicial system is compromised.
The people who have done this already ‘solved’ for every possibility of stopping them, except for the one possibility that can never be 100% eliminated.
They have been planning this for decades.
They didn’t make their move until after they had closed off all possible ways of stopping them.
Except for the one that cannot be completely accounted for or defended against.
And that’s the one nobody wants to do.
Which is why we keep grasping at the same old straws over and over again.
We know what needs to be done, we just don’t want to do it.
And so it will continue, until things get bad enough that enough people decide they have to do it, even though they don’t want to.
And then it will have to get still worse, until enough people want to do it.
Then it will get done.
Ever since I read the Denninger analysis of the bad batches, I have been convinced that the reason for them was to use us as guinea pigs for something.
I am just not 100% convinced that the something has anything whatsoever to do with Covid. I think it may be them trying to introduce some sort of “tracker” or behavior-monitoring device into our DNA, and it is failing and killing people. The Covid vaccine is the cover for the experiment. I think if it comes out that there are “bad batches,” they will claim there was some sort of manufacturing defect, and the majority of normies will buy it.
Maybe I am just being paranoid. But they never let a crisis go to waste, they have wanted to monitor our every move for years, and they have no qualms whatsoever about killing people to try it out.
Yes – I think there are many reasons to think that these “hot” batches could have been up to all sorts of things.
I’m pretty sure that Karen Kingston nailed them on graphene oxides. There are excellent reasons to use graphene oxides that have nothing to do with anything weird or flakey – just better mRNA delivery without refrigeration.
But these things have GOT to be toxic as hell – and I think that’s what we found out.
IF the nanolipid delivery components from CHINA are actually why these batches are “hot”, I can see Fauci hiding that truth.
Makes sense.
I agree and think they’re probably trying all sorts of things. They have wanted to get their hands on all of humanity for a long time, and they came up with COVID to enable experimentation. It is unimaginable evil.
Yes, it is. Makes Mengele and the Nazis look like pikers.
All of this about the bad batches is very interesting and very revealing. But I hope no one thinks the other batches are “good” batches. There is already too much out there of the bad consequences of these jabs. We’ve seen stories about it raising the number of cancers, strokes, and heart attacks. And a few weeks ago there was the story that people who have been jabbed lose a certain amount of their immune system every week after. Maybe this is what Simone Gold is referring to when she talks about VAIDS. And just today, here is another story about what these vaccines do to people:
Spike Protein Induced By COVID Vaccines Inhibits DNA Repair & Is Linked To Cancer Finds Major Swedish Study
But I hope no one thinks the other batches are “good” batches.
^^^ Unless I missed something, there is NOTHING GOOD about the Covid injections.
Sadly, most of the “normies” – especially the vaxxies – think that the less toxic batches ARE indeed “good batches”.
First steps first. Can those people be brought to believe that ANY batches are “bad”?
This is key. If any batch was bad, then TONS of questions are raised about why it happened, who is responsible, whether it was done on purpose, why it isn’t being addressed and wasn’t from the beginning if it was an “honest” mistake, and many more.
I lost my trust in the 3-letter medical agencies a long time ago, and that’s why I have been refusing all vaccines. This bad batch evidence is confirmation that someone not only does not have our best interest at heart, but they are experimenting on us without our knowledge. It’s bigger in scope than Mengele. And none of those 3-letter agencies protected us or are holding anyone accountable.
And now some want to do away with the Nuremberg Code. Interesting timing, since evidence of their experimenting on humans without consent is coming to light (if only people will see it).
I think about all the people who have died from the vax, those whose health has been permanently altered, and those who are maimed with severe neurological disabilities now, and wonder what else will come to light. Cold anger doesn’t begin to describe what I feel. People need to be held accountable, but we’re not even at the first step of someone investigating, let alone having grand juries and indictments, then trials. Somehow, these criminals have to be stopped.
OMG, I think you just spotted the “BIG LINK”!!!
That’s why they’re talking about getting rid of the Nuremberg Code.
(1) They’ve been violating it.
(2) People are talking about Nuremberg 2.0
They’re caught. So they were literally experimenting on people at the WEF / GAVI / CEPI / Gates Foundation / WHO / EU / Nations That Signed With Pfizer level.
This is so freaking incredible, but it’s also SO BELIEVABLE. Because of that megalomaniac Gates.
There is already a large group of doctors and lawyers setting up Nuremberg II trials, so maybe they are trying to nip it in the bud.
They’re definitely trying to DEFLATE IT.
The Nuremberg “trials” took place from November 20, 1945 to October 1, 1946 under “International Law” and the “Laws of War” — with a second round of the “Doctors’ Trial” (December 9, 1946 to August 20, 1947) and third round of the “Judges’ Trial” (March 5, 1947 to December 4, 1947. In all, there was one Nuremberg Trial under International sponsorship, and twelve more under US sponsorship. There were also war crimes trials for several of the more prominent concentration camps not done in Nuremberg for logistical reasons.
It was explicitly manifest that these trials would not be bound by laws in force before the end of the war. In fact, Nuremberg Principle II reads, “The fact that internal law does not impose a penalty for an act which constitutes a crime under international law does not relieve the person who committed the act from responsibility under international law.”
Other principles were that you could be held personally responsible, even if “just following orders”, and that being a government official was not a defense. Mind you, all these high and lofty principles were made up immediately before the trial by those who would act as its judges.
The Nuremberg Code frequently cited was part of the VERDICT in one of the Nuremberg trials. It is, essentially, dicta — and dicta after the fact, to boot.
Not having a Nuremberg Code in advance of the trials had no bearing on any of the proceedings. They had a bunch of Nazis in their control, and wanted to sort them out into those to hang, those to imprison, and those to release — and broadcast to a wider world why each disposition was appropriate.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: scientific evidence that covid is crime against humanity
From FG&C and para59r
European Union Debates Reconstituting Nazi Medical Policy With Mandatory Medical Procedures and Abolishing Nuremberg CodeDecember 4, 2021 | Sundance
In the USA:
The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) has been ratified by Congress and Article 7 of the ICCPR reflects the full faith and spirit of all that the Nuremberg Code laid out.
BINGO. I am telling you it all lays on Fauci, and his financier Gates. Like hive minded. Covid 19 is the culmination of their life’s work, a means to get universal “vaccination” which is the END goal. Depopulation? Tracking? dependency? NONE of that happens without a highly transmissible “unknown” “killer” virus, propagated by the chief mole (Fauci) nurtured and protected by him and hypoed to the nth by the MSM.
This is the vehicle used to GET to Gates agenda. The public would NOT agree to open human trials on these mRNA “vaccines”, whatever they do or contain (hell they themselves may be just another step to the REAL agenda) they had to be SCARED into it by a “killer pandemic”
In essence, Covid 19 is the trojan horse used to get to the “vaccine” mass mandates. for Fauci, it is the culmination of his life’s work on AIDS, his Monster. For Gates it was the means to get to his Agenda of max vaccination, and likely Agenda 21 goals.
For the Dems, it was a means to get POWER and force out Trump. It is their means to get absolute power by FEAR to circumvent individual rights and freedoms guaranteed to us in the Constitution.
For big pharma, hospitals, healthcare, Covid 19 was a lifeline, a cash COW that now will be mass produced and “mandated” guaranteeing sales, profit, and a hostage clientele. New grants, new monies, and an ENDLESS supply of patients needing EXPENSIVE care.
For China, it was the removal of Trump and his crushing tariffs, the installation of a owned puppet they could control that would go SOFT on them and allow them to again pursue their one belt one road initiative that Trump had stopped. China is now free to pursue Taiwan, and expand globally. They can once again dominate their neighbors. They can again be financially propped up by a weakened US dollar, no restrictive climate, or financial regulations, no accountability for intellectual theft, copyright infringement, or tariffs for free equal trade. China has NO counterweight or watch dog now.
win, win, win, win for all those who collaborated on this. The ONLY thing that can stop them and their evil agenda is the light of TRUTH. The truth on Fauci and Gates involvement. The truth on the MSM hype. The truth on the dems “never letting a crisis go to waste utilization of Covid to get and abuse power. The truth on hospitals, doctors, healthcare, universities, media, research entities IGNORING common protocol, and practiced medical science centuries old, all for MOEY. The truth of China’s involvement in gain of function (illegal bioweapon research), and the nature of the virus origination AND release, not to mention hiding facts to help it get a foothold WW.
Truth and exposure are the only things that can stop this. It will take more than just Trump or any Republican President. The system is too deeply corrupted, it needs FLUSHED. We the people must DEMAND transparency, AND accountability or ELSE, and we MUST follow through. Any half measure will only allow the same evil people to reset with new names, new faces, new plans, and new measures.
They have NEVER been this close to total domination, we must take a stand now and beat them back. Political, financial, legal, or judicial remedies must be DEMANDED and nothing less than 100 % capitulation to our demands should be accepted. Nuremberg 2.0 is the ONLY way, a total flush of the evil with the harshest penalties possible.
That is why they now after nearly 75 years want to suddenly change or do away with the Nuremberg code. Not because they have yet been caught, but because they FEAR they will be caught soon, and they FEAR what WE will demand be done to THEM. There is something brewing, everyone feels it, it only takes ONE well informed whistleblower who gets religion, or develops a conscience to END all their evil plans. They went TOO far, and once the people of the WORLD realize the truth, they will not want excuses, they will want BLOOD.
That is why they are RUSHING to implement even on children, they are AFRAID they will be caught, revealed, stopped, and then PUNISHED. The feel a rush to finish while they can. They feel or KNOW time is short for them. When they are “winning” they push the envelope. when it looks like they are about to lose they push to change the rules of the game. When they lose they whine and burn stuff, ruining all they touch. True Communism destroys ALL, even the initiators in the end. This is the culmination of decades of plotting, subverting, infiltration, and deceit. They are ALL in.
But they are not ALL in with a royal flush, they are in with jack high, bluffing. We are holding aces, the question is will we call their bluff or fold.
Excellent comments!
Golden comment.
Dear God, let there be a gush of people who will expose the inner workings. Your word says there is nothing that can remain hidden. LORD, let Your Light shine and expose this great evil. Let justice be done upon the evil perpetrators.
“This is key. If any batch was bad, then TONS of questions are raised about why it happened, who is responsible, whether it was done on purpose, why it isn’t being addressed and wasn’t from the beginning if it was an “honest” mistake, and many more.”
But those kinds of questions are only raised in the mind of the intellectually curious.
The intellectually curious are those who already grasp at least some of what is really going on.
It’s the intellectually incurious who are the problem.
You can show them all the facts and reason with them until the cows come home, but if they’re not intellectually curious enough to CARE, to take what you show them and dive in, and initiate the learning process, then it doesn’t matter.
Mass psychosis.
Or just simple apathy.
AND logic for the win–again!
The incurious will accept anything told to them UNTIL they realize they are being played or lied to. These same “easily manipulated” “weak minded” people will demand BLOOD when they figure out what was done and WHO lied to them. They will be late to the party, but once aware, they will definitely upset the applecart. THAT is what the elite who perpetrated this are afraid of, awareness by all of who did what, and who knew and did nothing.
Right now, Biden is set up to be the “fall guy” but that will not be enough. Biden will try to blame it all on Trump, but it is HE that “mandated” this. Then once Biden is dealt with, these same incurious will begin to ask ‘hey, wasn’t it Fauci who lied to us, and what about the media, they lied to us, as did Pelosi and the politicians. THEN the fun begins as they eat their own to avoid being accountable
“The incurious will accept anything told to them UNTIL they realize they are being played or lied to. These same “easily manipulated” “weak minded” people will demand BLOOD when they figure out what was done and WHO lied to them. They will be late to the party, but once aware, they will definitely upset the applecart. THAT is what the elite who perpetrated this are afraid of, awareness by all of who did what, and who knew and did nothing.”
I hope you’re right, I just don’t know how they ever get to the point of awareness, so long as the legacy media exists.
It’s like an abusive and enabling relationship.
Example: Danny cheats on Sarah all the time. But Sarah loves Danny. Danny tells Sarah he didn’t do it, and even though Sarah knows Danny is lying, she wants to believe him.
And besides that, if Sarah believes the awful truth, she’s going to feel terrible about herself for having stayed with Danny. She will have to admit that she has allowed herself to be fooled, willfully, for decades, because it has always been out in the open, she just didn’t want to see it.
Oh the drama… like a 1950s MELODRAMA.
But I’ve finally decided to accept that’s just how people are. I never wanted to believe it — I always wanted to believe that most people were rational, logical, critical thinkers — even though the truth was always right there in the open, and I feel terrible about myself, for allowing myself to be fooled into thinking otherwise.
Answer to your scenario. Sarah comes home and finds Danny in the ACT of cheating, she sees it. It hits HOME. Then Sarah acts, probably at first by clobbering Danny and whomever he is cheating with, later by divorce or breakup. Point being Danny loses ALL credibility with Sarah, and Sarah wants REVENGE and to rid her self of Danny.
Or put another way, sometimes you just have to SHOW the people and not tell them. Sarah had to see with her own eyes in a very personal way despite what her friends and instincts told her, she had to SEE IT to believe it.
Hell hath no fury like a woman or incurious true believer scorned.
Thomas Jefferson once said “You can count on the American people getting it wrong, but then they will correct it.”
“Answer to your scenario. Sarah comes home and finds Danny in the ACT of cheating, she sees it. It hits HOME.”
Like dozens of times before. Danny even keeps several of his girls in the house next door, a house that he bought with Sarah’s money.
Danny had to do some pretty fast talking to explain that withdrawal from Sarah’s bank account, but Sarah wanted to believe… and that always makes Danny’s job a lot easier
“Then Sarah acts, probably at first by clobbering Danny and whomever he is cheating with, later by divorce or breakup.”
In all the history of Sarah and Danny’s relationship, is there a single example where Sarah broke the cycle of abuse and saw it through to separation?
If not, then why should this time be different?
“Point being Danny loses ALL credibility with Sarah, and Sarah wants REVENGE and to rid her self of Danny.”
This is parody, but the reason it’s funny is because it’s based on exaggerated but underlying truth.
“Or put another way, sometimes you just have to SHOW the people and not tell them.”
How is that different from Danny slapping Sarah around, knocking her front teeth out, to SHOW her who’s boss?
While the police sit outside with cameras and microphones, gathering evidence of the 78th time Danny has beat her up?
Trump said plenty of times “We have it all!”, it’s all recorded.
So instead of dragging the entire country through nearly a DECADE of tyranny (between the start of Trump’s term and the end of Biden’s), if people need to be SHOWN anything, why not SHOW the People the EVIDENCE?
Nobody ever answers that question.
If Trump has it all, then he could show plenty to prove it, and still have an entire galaxy worth of evidence to win at trial.
I’m all for “SHOWING” the people.
Show the evidence.
Because until you do, the ‘good’ People are never going to gain the upper hand over the vast criminal element of society who has been elevated and enabled over the law-abiding.
“Sarah had to see with her own eyes in a very personal way despite what her friends and instincts told her, she had to SEE IT to believe it.”
She has been seeing it her whole life.
She knows.
That’s the NATURE of abusive relationships.
People choose to stay in them anyway, because they convince themselves that living in denial is less painful than separation.
I don’t know what the statistics are, but I would guess less than one in ten people in long-term abusive relationships EVER breaks free.
And even for those who eventually do, it often takes decades — along with a near-death experience.
We have at least 150+ million people who LIKE their abusive relationship.
How long is it going to take to pry 150+ million people out of their abusive relationship?
We’ve already wasted HALF a DECADE on this social engineering experiment gone wrong.
Should we double-down?
“Right now, Biden is set up to be the “fall guy” but that will not be enough.”
Not for those of us who are conscious, but it will be plenty for the walking dead. They’ve been programmed their entire lives to accept such ‘fall guys’, and they always have.
So why would this time be different?
There has to be a good answer to that question.
The mass-psychology psy-op people in government figured this stuff out decades ago, and while it’s obviously not perfect or we wouldn’t be having this discussion, it’s good enough for government work.
“Biden will try to blame it all on Trump, but it is HE that “mandated” this.”
And their choir, to whom they will be preaching, will naturally believe it. Just like they always do.
The democrat sheep will never blame Team Biden no matter what, and they will always blame Trump, no matter what. To do otherwise would be to admit they’ve been wrong, about almost everything — and sadly, tragically, most human beings want nothing to do with that sort of epiphany.
The RINO sheep will play the dupes like they always do, and side with the dims, because there are lots of dims in their social circles, and RINOs worship peer-pressure. They desperately need to be accepted by their democrat ‘friends’. So going along with “orange man bad” is easy for RINOs.
Again, they will be SHOWN when it hits home, IE themselves, then they will behave differently. Biden et all can lie, until they are finally, mercifully, no longer believed by their own, and trust me there are many sheep waking up. 5-10% will NEVER be reached, but they are not enough to go against the rest of us
“Then once Biden is dealt with, these same incurious will begin to ask ‘hey, wasn’t it Fauci who lied to us, and what about the media, they lied to us, as did Pelosi and the politicians. THEN the fun begins as they eat their own to avoid being accountable”
Why would incurious people suddenly and spontaneously develop critical thinking skills, and start asking questions that would reveal their own part in going along with deception — both media deception and self-deception?
And how many decades is this process going to take?
Why go through any of it?
I mean, just consider what a lame, safe-space loving, soft, cowardly and intellectually dishonest people we must be, such that putting the nation (and the world) through this experience was deemed the least-bad option.
Can you imagine if we had approached WWII that way?
We would still be fighting it. No, scratch that. We would have lost by December 8th, 1941.
Can you imagine if we had entered WWII believing that we needed to win over the hearts and minds of the German People before we could even thinking about confronting Hitler?
How is what we’re doing now — this whole narrative (excuse) that people have to be ‘awakened’ before the bad guys are ever confronted — even the slightest bit less ludicrous?
When someone commits murder, and the police know who did it, do the police WAIT to arrest the perpetrator, and put together a years-long plan to gently coerce the People into understanding the crime, so that the entire community is ‘awakened’ and reaches consensus, before arresting the murderer and putting him on trial?
Never in the history of the world. Not in ancient times, not in modern times, and not at any time in between.
Because what the community ‘understands’ is irrelevant. Law has been broken, the perpetrator is arrested and put on trial, and the JURY decides his fate.
AFTERWARDS — not before — the People, if they are interested, can find out all the gory details.
Or they can be marched through the concentration camps after the war is over, and forced to see what they refused to see so long as they could look the other way.
We’re doing the whole thing BASSACKWARDS.
We have inverted the entire process.
And it will never work.
How do I know?
Because it’s a brand new thing under the sun, like every disastrous social engineering experiment before it. Imagined by arrogant and foolish people who think they’re smarter than the entire history of humankind before them.
And if that is actually the plan, then it will fail, like every such plan before it.
We are dragging the entire planet through an insane asylum, in order to spare the sensitivity and feelings of infantilized people who don’t want to know the truth and have no intention of ever learning it.
If that’s Trump’s plan, then we’re doomed.
I don’t really think that’s his plan, but it appears to be the narrative distraction he planned to keep us preoccupied, while he does whatever the real plan is.
If there is one!
Hence why PT would repeat things ad nauseum.
Stockholm Syndrome meet cognitive dissonance meets today’s upside-down chaotic world.
“First steps first. Can those people be brought to believe that ANY batches are “bad”?”
They can, but not through reason.
Clearly they can be brought to believe just about anything, that’s how they got to be the way they are today. But they didn’t get to where they are today by reason, so talking them “down from the ledge” won’t happen by using reason either.
I suspect the only way to bring them to believe anything is the way that already worked on them, i.e., via emotional manipulation / fear, which would essentially be a counter psy-op, using similar methodology.
But in order to do that, even if you wanted to, you would need control of at least some legacy media and social media, and unfortunately, we don’t have it.
What is sadly needed is one or two high profile athletes, politicians, or celebrities to suddenly drop, young too, THEN the incurious become CURIOUS. The apathetic become sympathetic AND wonder hey “if it happened to so and so, what about ME” THAT is the awareness key, bringing it HOME.
A report shows nearly 300 athletes worldwide collapsed or suffered cardiac arrests after taking the COVID vaccine this year and most died.
TY DP I know of that article, I was thinking more US centric and someone on the level of fame of an NBA, NFL, or MLB baseball star.
while you and I and others at sites like this know of the athlete deaths and heart issues WW, no normie here will care. unless it is someone they follow.
It’s mostly been European soccer players which is why it’s not reported here.
BINGO. Soccer is huge in Europe, I bet that is fueling some of the protests there.
One of those unintended consequences that has hit Mr. Global hard.
“What is sadly needed is one or two high profile athletes, politicians, or celebrities to suddenly drop, young too, THEN the incurious become CURIOUS.”
That could work… if only this was Cabal’s first rodeo.
But sadly, it is not.
Suppose LeBron keels over and croaks on the basketball court tomorrow, for no apparent reason.
Is the news media going to ask questions about whether the vaccine caused it, or is the news media going to do their usual shiny squirrel routine, and provide excuses, misdirection and cover for their masters?
How many big name athletes would have to die from the clot-shot, on live TV, before the media programming narrative begins to fail with the Faithful?
If the narrative ever does begin to unravel, if the sheep ever actually begin to get suspicious, their Media Masters will blame the Faithful for lack of faith, to get them back on the reservation.
That’s how the con works.
If it didn’t work that way, reliably, decade in and decade out, we wouldn’t be in this mess.
Beyond all that, imagine how ridiculous our situation is, that our best chance is for famous American athletes to begin dropping like flies on live TV.
I mean, surely we can come up with a better plan than that…
“The apathetic become sympathetic AND wonder hey “if it happened to so and so, what about ME” THAT is the awareness key, bringing it HOME.”
But doesn’t this sound like another narrative that we want to believe?
You are connecting a lot of dots in order to outline a picture, but what’s to keep the public from connecting the dots some other way… or not bother to connect them at all?
What would compel the majority of the public to connect the dots in exactly the same manner as you predict?
Why would the apathetic suddenly become sympathetic?
That’s a pretty profound change, one which requires an intellect that is capable (and willing) to contemplate and process the various elements in such a way that provokes fundamental change.
Take a look at the jungle of every blue state big city. Are they going to pause their smash-n-grabs and riots and looting long enough to have a Deep Thoughts with Jack Handy moment of self-reflection?
Ima guess ‘No’ on that one.
So who does that leave, who isn’t already more or less convinced?
Democrat suburban soccer Moms, academia, illegal aliens and woke corporate America?
Which one of those is a soft target?
Which one is not a hardened target?
The point I’m getting at is, where could we realistically expect to make inroads or pick up gains?
“The apathetic become sympathetic AND wonder hey “if it happened to so and so, what about ME” THAT is the awareness key, bringing it HOME.”
In a vacuum, maybe a few would spontaneously develop critical thinking skills and reach your hoped-for conclusion.
But Trump left legacy/propaganda media completely intact, so instead of a vacuum, the people we hope to persuade or convince are bombarded 24/7/365 with programming that only reinforces the enemy’s chosen narrative.
How do you compete against that, and overcome it, so that the programmed could have at least one moment of blessed silence, download a critical thinking app, and reach a best-case conclusion?
I certainly sympathize with your hopes.
I just don’t see any structure or means of conveyance that would ever take us from point ‘A’ (where we are) to point ‘B’ (where we hope to go).
That is a very good article
saved to wayback:
Notice they are talking SPIKE PROTEIN and not just from the Jab but also from the blasted China Virus if I interpret this correctly.
Naomi Wolf on Fauci under pressure…..
“LINK 1:”
I never saw that article before… wow…
It was published back on November 2nd.
Facts don’t matter.
There are no brakes on the train.
It’s like trying to explain / convince friends and family, only worse, because:
A) bureacracy
B) if you ever do get to someone who knows and is guilty, they can bury your report / complaint, etc.
Yeah, this is amazing – just a THROW-AWAY by Denninger, but IMO it’s one of the biggest finds yet. The fact that he CONFIRMED what the other people found – this is actually a really big deal, IMO.
And yet the FAKE NEWS MEDIA will just ignore it all.
Sundance has a great piece featuring the latest VERY POWERFUL trailer for the “Plandemic” series.
Notice Naomi Wolf said @ 1:20 Dr???’s Peer reviewed paper shows TWENTY STATES ARE NOT REPORTING VACCINE RELATED DEATHS AND ADVERSE EVENTS!
Pretty sick.
Great catch!
It’s Dr. Henry Ealy….
See this website:
…and you can download a pdf containing his 444 page paper….
One more thing I just found. It looks like the old anti-Nazi group White Rose has been reactivated, and they are doing what White Rose did during the ’40’s – subversive postings. Back then it was leaflets – today it’s stickers.
When in doubt, just resort to the old playbook.
Propaganda stickers for our side! I like it!
Something else to think about:
How Fauci Fooled America
Adding on late.
When talking about the Nuremberg Code its important to understand that the Code is something we did not ratify per say. What was ratified which incorporates the things we talk about when we talk Nuremberg Code is the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and article 7 of that document. That is the enforcement mechanism the US did ratify, and along with the documents listed below which implement them here in the US. Its all of these we have to make sure don’t get changed, altered or abolished.
Code of Federal Regulations TITLE 45 PUBLIC WELFARE Department of Health and Human Services PART 46 PROTECTION OF HUMAN SUBJECTS * * * Revised January 15, 2009 Effective July 14, 2009
Last changed in 2009. Maybe we should read it since they may have already monkeyed with it. I think they were planning this medical coup epidemic before 2009 according to various sources, one being chalk talk by Cheeto Face guy saying 2005 is when things started to happen. Okay.. Glen Beck as Cheeto Face guy. Took a moment for it to come to me.
Anyway, I’ll save this for later as it will likely come up again and again. We can look at it then or the next then down the road…
The real lesson of Nuremberg is (1) Win. (2) Try the “guilty”. (3) Hang the “guilty”. (4) Promulgate the “rules”.
The reason it has to be in that order is that we are going to be deluged with a bunch of legalistic horsepuckey. “Vaccine Manufacturers got immunity.” “We’re corporate executives.” “We have clean hands because we outsourced the icky bits.” “We’re immune because we’re government employees.” And so on, and on, and on, and on….
At the original Nuremberg, they (1) Won. Achievement unlocked.
They then hauled a bunch of the worst Nazis to Nuremberg. They spelled out the ground rules: laws don’t matter; bureaucracies don’t matter; job titles don’t matter. We’re going to put a bunch of Nazis on film and uncover what they did. Some, we will release; some we will imprison for years; some we will hang.
As promised, we hanged a bunch and let some go to go tell their hidden friends about how pissed-off we were at Nazis.
And, as an aside, we tossed off a list of things that seemed particularly loathsome.
Nuremberg II will start by flinging horsepuckey aside (and probably hitting some thronesniffing journolists).
If it looks like a duck, quacks like duck, walks like a duck..
They can spray paint it fluorescent orange, it’s still a frickin duck
Intent cannot be ignored. They are supposed to be drs after all…
I agree. This has been in the overall plans for the takeover of the world for decades. It was too well coordinated. The thing is, Trump – or whoever is controlling him from the white hat military side – knew what the plan was and countered time after time.
These people are stupid…or just sloppy with communications that can be intercepted, and/or don’t watch their mouths at cocktail parties.
Cracks in the dam?
Interesting, because such public placements could be part of groundwork for the hinted Moonshine work appearing as part of some kind of legal front.
Oh Fauci knows FULL WELL who is doing it, just like with gain of function, no doubt he authorized and funded this too, Covid 19 is HIS monster. That is why I compare him more to Frankenstein than Mengele, though he has traits of both.
I still maintain that Fauci is defending Covid 19 so hard by his propaganda and downplaying known to work therapeutics, because it is the culmination of his “life’s work. It started with AIDS in 1983. He was a researcher BEFORE he was put in charge of AIDS research by Reagan.
I think he (sickly) admires the way AIDS works. I have little doubt that since ONLY 3 viruses in nature contain the same spike protein that AIDS does, (AIDS, SARS, and Covid 19) That Fauci is behind at LEAST 2 of the three.
AIDS supposedly came from people in Africa in 1981 digesting Simian Immune Deficiency Syndrome (SIDS) infected monkey meat.
SARS started in 2002 in Asia, supposedly as zoonotic, though they list no “source”
Covid 19 started in China in 2020. Supposedly from Bats and bat soup ingested at the Wuhan wet market (we know better).
What I find “curious” is that these all contain the exact same spike protein that is key to human transmission.
What is strange is they are ALL @18- 20 years apart in “outbreak”
What in nature do monkeys in Africa, unknown in Aisa, and bats in china have to produce this exact common spike protein? NOTHING.
Monkeys in Africa nor bats in China “migrate”. Nor do they intermingle populations or food sources. They are physically isolated on different continents (Africa and Asia) How did these vastly different species thousands of miles apart, isolated by water, come to have the EXACT spike protein, juuussst right to make human transmission possible?
I think we KNOW the answer. These were ALL experiments on the same set of coronaviruses using the AIDS backbone spike protein as the starting point.
There were other viruses, like MERS, H1N1, Haunta, that spread from animals (zoonotic) , And they have occurred regularly since 2008 (gee who came to power then) Haunta twice in 2012 and 2017, MERS in 2012, H1N1 in 2009. Yet none of these rose to the level of Covid 19, though H1N1 was close, and not labeled a “pandemic” till AFTER it was over.
Corona viruses have been around for an estimated 55 MILLION years. How did we EVER survive without “vaccines” and people like Fauci. Answer, herd immunity. Fauci is doing EVERYTHING he can to “protect” his monster, to the detriment of mankind, ala Frankenstein. Normal herd immunity would have already ENDED the Covid 19 “pandemic” but Fauci’s policies have done NOTHING but extend it and make it worse, it takes EFFORT to screw up that badly, ergo INTENTIONAL.
Read this. check the open VAERS data. They are pushing this on CHILDREN for ZERO reason.
Here are the money quotes for me
“As of Nov. 26, 19,943 people have died from receiving the experimental mRNA vaccine in 2021, while 605 people died of vaccines prior to the administration of the gene-modifying Covid inoculation”
“More people have died or suffered from Covid 19 vaccines than any other vaccine in recorded history, according to the CDC’s own data”
Yet there were “authorized” and “approved” and “mandated” Something is VERY wrong here. The head of this snake is Fauci. No more stalling, no more lies, time for him to GO and to be held to account of what he knows and when he knew it. He does NOT just need fired, he needs INDICTED.
Off topic sorta…..anyone know How to get around FDA checking the pkgs coming from India for HCQ or Ivermectin? If this is too sensitive to discuss here…..wolf moon has my email and my permission to share.
My recommendation would be to give the Indian pharmacy literal dosage instructions to include in the shipment. Tell them that the FDA is now requiring such information in the shipment to prove that it’s individual use.
Let’s say the shipment includes IVM and AZM. Even though it’s two boxes of 100 each.
“Ivermoto 12 – Take 1-3 tablets daily as needed with meals for active infection. Take 1-3 tablets once weekly for prevention of infection during peak exposure. Take 1 tablet once weekly for maintenance.”
“Zithro 250 – Take 1-2 tablets daily for 5 days.”
You just have to ask them to include the “Take” statements in the shipment to answer the FDA concerns.
This may not work, depending upon how cynical these inspections actually are.
I’m not sure anyone is going to have that information as For G & C I think was the only one who had an order in when he said his package was stopped.
Only suggestion and you might get better from someone else is to discuss it with the vendor and see what they suggest. I think For G & C mentioned that the prescription was not filled out completely as the excuse for seizing the package, but others had gotten it w/o prescription.
Best thing is to put this message up on the daily board preferably when you know For G & C is posting.
Meantime Zelenko is now selling his Z stack thing. 2 capsules a day, sixty days at about fifty dollars. Made in the USA, says quality ingredients and you wouldn’t have to fuss.
And Amazon is still selling horse paste 47 dollars for the 3 pack now (figures one tube should easily treat two with two treatments since one tube does a 1250Ibs horse and expiration date goes out to 2023). Used to be about twenty dollars. Any way Ivermectin is Ivermectin.
My current plan is the Z stack for a couple weeks then go back to my regular supplements which are minimal and save the rest of the Z stack for the real thing. That and the horse paste for the real thing and also hit it up with the extra recommended supplements (selenium 200mc day, Melatonin 6mg, aspirin. .
Tractor Supply sells the paste for $6.99 a tube here in East TN. They keep good amount of inventory on hand. Works well
For those considering the Zelenko pkg, from what I’m seeing the Zelenko pkg utilizes Quercetin
Z-Stack ingredients (in two capsules):
Vitamin C 800 mg
Vitamin D3 15 mcg
Zinc 30 mg
Quercetin 500 mg
Plus, use code “TGP” at checkout for an additional discount!
I tried that TGP at check out and it didn’t work. I think the discount they are providing must of canceled it out.
That link is a few days old,I’m always a few days behind too.
I hope you got what you were looking for,
We’re currently taking the Duramectin. Thank you to all giving advice and info. I have also rec’d a shipment from India without problems approx one month ago. I have a friend that rec’d a pkg from India about a week before the report here of confiscation. Just nice to be prepared. Nice to have an informed group here!