I had heard scuttlebutt of a “French Trump”, but the moment I actually HEARD this guy talking – even having to read the meaning through Google auto-translate – I knew he was the REAL DEAL.
I’m going to give you an introduction to this great patriot of France, Éric Zemmour – a slow and steady introduction – so that you can appreciate his wonderful mind, first in American English, but then in French with subtitles.
It is actually WICKEDLY HARD to find this guy’s videos online. Even searching in French on French search engines will only have limited success.
The communists, the globonazis, the Islamists, and all the other forces of “woke” who destroy this planet in the name of their cynical Satanic masters, are all absolutely TORMENTED by Zemmour. They will do EVERYTHING to stop you from hearing him.
They will do ANYTHING to prevent his FRENCH SANITY from presiding over France again.
So let’s get started.
First, let us begin with a GREAT translation of a slightly older speech, read by a blogger.
It really helps to hear this translation FIRST.
From there, go on to hear the same speech in French, with AMAZING VIDEO – and English subtitles.
AH YES – the globonazi SCUM at YouTube are already trying to hide him!
Too bad, globonazis – we have Rumble!!!
Alas, the Rumble video is only a fraction of the YouTube video, but it will get you started.
It is still worth going to that YouTube link, because the Zemmour campaign has a good two dozen links there to their complete media and social media presence.
YouTube Link:
Rumble Link:
Now try this BitChute ad – much more forceful!
And here is a great one – a brilliant but BITTER red-pill speech to a meeting of the right.
Yes, but HERE, HERE, HERE is the great speech! This is the one to listen to – to hear the TRUMP resonating with the crowd.
If it doesn’t come up with autotranslate and English captions, please adjust it yourself, and you can read exactly what he is saying, and what the crowd is cheering.
If you must, go to the YouTube page itself:
Please – if you find more links and videos, add them in the comments. I’d like to create a full resource for people looking for information about Zemmour.
FRANCE isn’t the only country that needs Zemmour.

Another very useful link:
From the link:
“It’s wrong to describe Zemmour as hating Islam obsessively. He also hates the EU. He hates everything that’s contributed to the decline of France. It’s moving to read a Frenchman who loves his country so passionately. He describes himself as having grown up as an admirer of DeGaulle, a giant, but as having spent his adulthood in a France run by dwarves.”
Zemmour is very very intelligent.
His platform calls for expelling foreigners if they have not found a job after six months. That’s a heck of an accommodation considering the people never had a say in allowing them in to the country in the first place considering the incredible devastating impact they’ve had.
It’s the thin edge. Methinks
Very nice.
Sort of the “my cousin Vinny” method of political campaigning….
Of course, Macron will win the Fake Election, but the French people will finally realize that it’s all rigged against them, and that they can never win against rigged machines and processes.
And that’s when THEY do what WE need to do.
If history repeats, we’ll do it first — and with elegance and intellect. Then, they’ll do it more thoroughly and with more passion.
As long as Macron gets an absolutely historic wedgie, I’m good.
AND his Mommy-Wife too.
And for sure, some karma for Agnes Buzyn, the commie who took HCQ out of OTC status just in time to kill thousands.
Her act was overt and wicked….but was part of a covert plan of monumental EVIL. Should she give evidence to hang those above her, she should not be hanged, herself.
Sounds fair to me. We want Mr. Global and his top tier.
There is a Top Tier and I do not think it is the people who attend the World Economic Forum, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg or any other visible meetings. Those people are trusted lieutenants nothing more.
been around for a long long time…
reading material…link…
Exactly. These people are just in TRAINING at their little Swiss confabs. They strut around like “world leaders” but they are nothing of the kind.
You have to offer the little fishies something to give up the big fishies.
with luck she will become a total pariah
She’s his beard … yuk …
You’re too kind … gelding, no wait
.. too late
The wedgie before or after the swirlie?
Madame Lafayette can get out her knitting needles
La Farge?
Most prob.
the first was autoincorrect

Moi aussi!!
… huge ty W00lf, Comfort, Comfort hymn so lovely and needed so very much. Thank you for today’s post, read it all must go back and dig in to the awesome banquet you set for in our lovely gracious Qtree, you’re a God sent blessing and blessing to you and your loved ones 

1 “Comfort, comfort all my people;
speak of peace,” so says our God.
“Comfort those who sit in darkness,
groaning from their sorrows’ load.
Speak to all Jerusalem
of the peace that waits for them;
tell them that their sins I cover,
that their warfare now is over.”
2 All their sins our God will pardon,
blotting out each dark misdeed;
all that well deserved his anger
he no more will see or heed.
They have suffered many a day;
now their griefs have passed away.
God will change their aching sadness
into ever-springing gladness.
3 John the Baptist’s voice is crying
in the desert far and near,
calling people to repentance
for the kingdom now is here.
O that warning cry obey!
Now prepare for God a way;
let the Valleys rise to meet him
and the hills bow down to greet him.
4 Then make straight the crooked highway;
make the rougher places plain.
Let your hearts be true and humble,
ready for his holy reign.
For the glory of the Lord
now o’er earth is spread abroad,
and all flesh shall see the token
that his word is never broken.
Source: Christian Worship: Hymnal #312
The lyrics have been changed. All of my hymnals, etc., for this line:
“tell of all the sins I cover,”
I was getting confused with the two versions I found when I searched, I love this hymn
Pardon me, I believe I copied different lyrics, I think/hope this is true with the hymn.…
1. Comfort, comfort ye My people,
Speak ye peace, thus saith our God;
Comfort those who sit in darkness,
Mourning ‘neath their sorrow’s load;
Speak ye to Jerusalem
Of the peace that waits for them;
Tell her that her sins I cover,
And her warfare now is over.
2. For the herald’s voice is crying
In the desert far and near,
Bidding all men to repentance,
Since the kingdom now is here.
O that warning cry obey!
Now prepare for God a way!
Let the valleys rise to meet Him,
And the hills bow down to greet Him.
3. Yea, her sins our God will pardon,
Blotting out each dark misdeed;
All that well deserved His anger
He will no more see nor heed.
She has suffered many a day,
Now her griefs have passed away,
God will change her pining sadness
Into ever springing gladness.
4. Make ye straight what long was crooked,
Make the rougher places plain:
Let your hearts be true and humble,
As befits His holy reign,
For the glory of the Lord
Now o’er the earth is shed abroad,
And all flesh shall see the token
That His Word is never broken.
DePat ..
You posted one version. We sing a different one. It’s the way that line is worded. It’s a difference in the theology.
Ah, it would be wonderful to see the lyrics you use in church when you sing it ..
Oh that guy. ANTIFA has already expressed an interest in him. But it’s not a healthy interest.
“Everyone hates Antifa!” – this strategy obeys the Norwegian prescription for getting rid of them! Public mockery and scorn.
What bothers me about the first speech is the lack of talking about returning to God. Yes, France has greatly contributed to western culture, but it was done while the country was faithful.
That always seems to be overlooked.
So the U.S. Embassy is warning Americans in Paris to avoid the rally by M. Zemmour?
Ma foi!
What, is Blinken sending over a cohort of C_A types dressed as “average Jacques Frenchman” to take photos of any Americans who show up? The same Blinken who oversaw the disastrous “run-away” from Afghanistan?
Yep. Bunch of glowing “average Jacques Frenchmen” wearing sunglasses and khakis.
Shorts and over muscled arms – which highlight that they skip leg day
Can’t describe how awful this makes yours truly feel:
The Charlottesville “city council” just voted to OK the melting down of the statue of Gen. Robert E. Lee (the statue that was removed from Lee Park in the city after a local high school girl said that “it made her feel afraid”) — the same statue that was the focus and locus of the August, 2017, “Unite the Right” that had such dreadful results — and to have it turned into “a piece of public art.”
The statue has been sitting at a storage location on Avon St., Charlottesville, after it was removed from Lee Park, along with the equestrian statue of Gen. “Stonewall” Jackson, which was also removed from the city park where it had been for decades.
The Lee Statue will be “donated” by the “city council” to the Jefferson School African American Heritage Center in town.
Of course they will probably want to make a statue of GEORGE FLOYD who is the epitome of ‘Heroic Black’
I wish I could add /sarc.
Just realized my comment should have been on the general thread today. Sorry!
VIDEO: Antifa Marxists Attack and Interrupt Massive Nationalist Rally in France – Are Beaten and Chased from Building by Crowd Chanting, “Everyone Hates Antifa!”
Here is the ANTIFA scumbag who attacked Zemmour – ARRESTED!!!