Dear KMAG: 20211213 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

Yes, it’s Monday…again.

But it’s okay! We’ll get through it.

Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. But please keep it civil. We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.

If you find yourself in a slap fight, we ask that you take it outside to The U Tree…which is also a good place to report any technical difficulties, if you’re unable to report them here.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.

Please pray for our real President, the one who actually won the election:

For your listening enjoyment, I offer ‘Carol of the Bells’ performed by Libera:

And this Epic Version, by Samuel Kim Music:

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

It sucks and there are new outrages each day in this horror show of epic phuckery.

We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.

Joe Biden didn’t win.

I will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Wheatie’s Word of the Day:


Tosh is a noun which means…foolish nonsense; drivel; rubbish; malarky.

Used in a sentence:

It’s ironic that Joe Biden ran as the “no malarky” candidate since the unmitigated, senseless tosh that spews from his mouth is undecipherable.

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Elizabeth Carter

Welcome Back Wheatie,
We missed you.
Stay well.


Howya doin’ today, Wheatie?


I had previously thought “tosh” was a reggae musician.


Peter Tosh was actually born Winston Huber McIntosh, and he may have been thinking of your definition when he adopted the name by which he is generally known.

I can feel for this, being that I prefer to go by “cthulhu”.


Just to be clear, my birth name (and name on documents) is not Winston Huber McIncthulhu.

Last edited 3 years ago by cthulhu

he was actually named after Winston Churchill.

he dropped the “McIn” from his last name, and was known for awhile as Peter Touch because he liked to touch things…and probably also bc the Jamaican dialect pronounces Tosh like “touch”.

in fact, Jamaicans still pronounce his last name as Touch.

Pee-tuh Touch

Gail Combs




Jesus Saves

Moses Invests

Cthilhu squanders
…OR Cthulhu saves Sinners… In case he gets hungry later.
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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Jesus Saves, Moses Invests, Genghis Khan Hordes.


And the Hordes have broken through the border. FGB/CCP/Mr Global.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


Except they didn’t have to “break” through.


LOL 😂👍😎



see below 🎶 


FauXi, Made In China. Traitor, FauXi is.

So glad you are back Wheatie. Hope you are feeling well. Fever(s) gone.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It was amazing how much I slept after the poo flu (not to be confused with Xi’s Pooh Flu).


I need cat naps and i snore. I never snore unless im exhausted. Didnt have one today though. Still, i take melatonin anyway. How are you? Fully recovered?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Long ago. Weight still not where it was but that is a good thing, I hope it never gets there.


Lol. Good!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I almost dropped a full 10 pounds! I was shocked.


I have a weird theory about the weight loss from Covid.

It has been shown that Covid harms fat people more because it attacks fat cells specifically.

What does the body do when a virus attacks? You puke, poop, sweat, etc., to get rid of the virus. How do you get rid of a virus in fat cells? Hmmmm….


You have cv now or is it allergy flu?


Well you know when its “different ” than usual.
Im not using 02 at all, but have it. Cxr shows scarring in my lungs so having 2 tests to show i can go without it so that then i can have my cancer surgery, likely at end of jan beginning of feb.


If you’re coughing-up glorp, particularly in the mornings, this is probably your lungs trying to slough scar tissue to be replaced by pink new tissue that will function as lungs. Drink plenty of water, and think “in with the good air, out with the glorp”.


Ok. But no not productive at all, just coughing. Throat scratchy bc of it but not severe. Havent switched back to my single cup of daily coffee yet. Been drinking strong green tea each am.


Thankfully, progress. One step, day at a time.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

WHAT CANCER?!?!?!!!!??


I was dx w endometrial cancer 2 days b4 i almost died from that covid pneumonia. Thats why ive got to get better asap. Hysterectomy is done if early andif early no chemo, then later add in resection pkus chemo, then if bad its spread and who knows.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Oh No!! I had endo really bad. Hopefully they caught it early. Will be praying for you. 🙏 🤗😘💖💖


They said early. I see the surgeon 1st time on wed.


Careful with the fevers if they keep coming and going. That was what i was doing. Esp if they are high. You take care of yourself.


I want one of those blue vehicles!
The Libera carol was lovely.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

OK, so what you just went through was probably worse than reading all 30 of my physics posts.

Glad to have you back!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Obviously Wolf didn’t survive reading them, since he never posted the last one in the sidebar.

He almost made it…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah, but I gotta find some way to tease him.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ve gotta do it quick before my wife makes me go to sleep. I stayed up all night to do one of my own biggies!


Heading over to see it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Here’s a link!

This actually includes a rather stunning revelation by Karen Kingston.

I had dismissed a lot of this “VAIDS” stuff, but she has a very convincing argument that this is exactly what we’re seeing – that it’s happening because of the HIV inserts in the spike protein, AND that the gang of Fauci grifters were fully conscious of this, as proven by Fauci’s own patents.

And somebody else used a DIFFERENT line of evidence of “VAIDS” to explain why Pfizer’s new BINARY Covid drug includes the AIDS drug ritonavir – but under the plausible cover of being a liver enzyme inhibitor to inhibit metabolism of the actual anti-COVID drug (i.e., a “likely story”).

In other words, Pfizer is selling us the cover-up of Fauci’s airborne HIV crime and their stupid retention of the HIV inserts in the spike protein vaccines under a credible excuse.

It’s all just shocking.


Such evil.


All too often, late posts on a daily don’t get too much attention, but they are fascinating and deserve more.

Reposting this one from the 10th (h/t Sadie)….



Brian Williams gave a cryptic warning yesterday on his last broadcast before retiring:

Grown men and women who swore an oath to our Constitution, elected by their constituents, possessing the kinds of college degrees I could only dream of, have decided to join the mob and become something they are not while hoping we somehow forget who they were.

They’ve decided to burn it all down with us inside. That should scare you to no end as much as it scares an aging volunteer fireman.







This was, indeed, a Sadie post worth more attention — as well as Sadie’s further comment: “It did kind of have a “Useful Idiot finally realizes that the Communists have no use [for] him or their other useful idiots in their big end game” feel to it.”


And, as a further thought…..

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(Note that these were short-drop hangings. The kind you use when you really, really, really hate the people being hanged. The kind where their loved ones would pull down on their legs to get it over with more rapidly.)


Buyers remorse.

Brian Williams stating the truth, knowing he (propaganda news) overtly supported the narrative.

As he, Brian Williams slinks away with his millions.

Deplorable Patriot

I didn’t think much of it at the time, but with Chris Wallace moving over to CNN, there’s so much in the background we don’t know.

I wonder if Williams was one of the good guys who got sucked into serving the not good guys.


Brian Williams may have been a “classic liberal” who got suckered. We assume these people are smarter than they are. He is a “face,” a pretty one they put on the air, but he really might not be much more than that.


In plumbing news, we have declared the master toilet replacement project over. It had been rocking a bit, so I went out and got plastic shims (for obvious reasons, you don’t want to use wooden ones). I then hugged the toilet with an exploratory dead credit card (which I never throw away. I have a punch for making them into guitar picks). There were a couple of places I could get the corner of the credit card underneath, but not the tip of the shim. So, yeah, it rocks a bit — but not too much. I proposed, and the Fiancee agreed, that the project should be ended.

The hall bath sink project is also officially over. Previously, we had a problem with the drain’s connection to the trap, so we tightened it — and, then, the Fiancee thought it was leaking from above that. So we completely disassembled the drain and Saturday put the drain stem back in with goo. On Sunday, when the goo had dried, we put the stopper back on in, with the lever arm through the hole, and reinstalled the trap. I made sure that the Fiancee participated in all parts of this, so when she next went looking for a leak she’d be able to precisely identify its source. Its source was the giant stopper on the bottom of the sink, so I tightened that until it left red marks on my fingers, and she said there were no further leaks. We’re calling it done while leaving a drip basin in place for a week and not filling the cabinet with garbage until we can see it stays dry.

In the meantime, the kitchen sink has gotten incredibly slow. This is another repair that I’ve done before — I need to twist its head off, find the little cartridge piece (which, IIRC, is yellow or orange) and get a replacement.


This is one of the sinks with the pull-out showerhead thingie. The most common FAIL — and it’s not the worst thing in the world, but it’s a potential “this sucks” moment, is to lose your grip on the faucet hose and have it all fall down into the cabinet. Typically, you pull enough hose out to do an overhand loop to have it stay put while you’re dealing with the cartridge.


The new normal?
Maybe Climate Change?
Maybe Boosters can fix it?

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r




Not only is it the same guy doing photo publicity, but your proof that they administer fake vaccines.


“5 ?????????”


He’s going for a record… 😂


He’s certainly trying, but he’s got ways to go. The guy down here 🤯 took real vaccines.  😵

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r

Notice she does not refute the facts. But yet she says its safe.

Nice to see a MMP in Ontario’s Parliament step up to the plate.

On several occasions we’ve heard the same information before.


Heh. One of the Fiancee’s ex-bosses (a reasonably nice guy) actually lives in a house like this overlooking Stevens Creek.

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I’ve been to a Christmas party at his house — the people were warm and celebratory, the house was cold and stiff. That said, it’s very architectural.


Not sure if Assange’s father is saying a definite yes, or making an assumption. He seems to contradict himself, going from choices are recorded to “because all of the prisoners are vaccinated”.

Deplorable Patriot

The more I read up on this from various sources, the more I think Julian Assange is part of the show we’re supposed to be watching.


Yes, one of the shows they don’t want us to watch is the continuing invasion down one the southern border.

The Border Is Completely Overrun and It’s About to Get … › tipsheet › katiepavlich › 2021 › 09 › 17 › the-border-is-completely-overrun-10000-more-illegals-are-on-the-way-n2596065
Sep 17, 2021The Border Is Completely Overrun and It’s About to Get Much Worse. President Joe Biden is scheduled to be at the beach this weekend as the crisis on the southern border rages out of control. Bruno …
Pictures Finally Emerge from Overrun Border Facilities … › pictures-finally-emerge-from-overrun-border-facilities
Pictures Finally Emerge from Overrun Border Facilities. By. G. McConway. on. March 27, 2021. Even though Joe Biden was doing his best to downplay the situation at the border, the truth is finally starting to get out. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) led a delegation of Senators to the border on Friday to get a first-hand look, and it was quite disturbing.
Graham warns border will be ‘overrun’ unless Biden sends … › politics › graham-warns-border-overrun-unless-biden-sends-signal-migrant-caravans
Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., on Tuesday warned that the U.S. border will be “overrun” unless the incoming Biden administration sends a message to the incoming migrant caravans that they …
VP Harris on the Overrun Border: ‘It’s a Huge Problem … › article › washington › susan-jones › vp-harris-overrun-border-its-huge-problem-sen-graham-tell-everybody
“It’s a huge problem,” Vice President Kamala Harris told CBS News on Wednesday morning when she was asked about the tens of thousands of people, many of them children, pouring across the U.S. border, apparently believing that President Joe Biden has welcomed them in. Certainly the Biden administration has done nothing to discourage the influx.
Mayorkas is watching the border be overrun and he’s proud … › en-us › news › us › mayorkas-is-watching-the-border-be-overrun-and-hes-proud-of-it-former-ice-official › vi-AAPc8ME
Mayorkas is watching the border be overrun and he’s proud of it: Former ICE official. Thomas Feeley, former director of NY ICE removals, says the border crisis needs to stop being a partisan issue.
‘We’re Being Overrun,’ Arizona Lawmaker Says of Border Crisis › 2021 › 04 › 28 › were-being-overrun-arizona-lawmaker-says-of-border-crisis
They have run out of resources,” the Arizona Republican adds. A “coyote” is a slang term for a person who smuggles illegal immigrants across the U.S.-Mexico border.


Whoops… those were older stories, not that we had a correction of any of it.
heres a tiny handful of recent articles from the last week.

Border Crisis Leading to Human Trafficking and Other Disasters › federal › border-crisis-leading-to-human-trafficking-and-other-disasters
The crisis along the US-Mexican border continues with little effort from the Biden administration to stop the flood. In September, Del Rio, Texas, was nearly overrun when 30,000 illegal immigrants poured over the border into the town. This action meant illegal immigrants almost outnumbered actual citizens and, as a result, Del Rio’s public areas and living conditions deteriorated noticeably.
Arizona to deploy National Guard after hundreds of … › hot-topics › immigration › arizona-to-deploy-national-guard-after-hundreds-of-migrants-rush-border-at-yuma-surrender-to-border-patrol
EL PASO, Texas (Border Report) – Several hundred migrants have entered the U.S. illegally in the past day in Yuma, Ariz., overwhelming law enforcement capacity in the region, local news reports say.. More than 1,500 migrants came across from Sonora, Mexico, on Monday and other groups were spotted near Morelos Dam across the border, the Yuma Sun reported.
Key officials raised alarm about care of migrant children … › 2021 › 12 › 10 › politics › us-mexico-border-migrant-children › index.html
3 days agoBy July, when officials sent the memo to leadership, more than 79,000 unaccompanied migrant children had crossed the US-Mexico border in the year, surpassing previous records and overwhelming …
Former National Deputy Chief of the U.S. Border Patrol Ron … › press-release › 487176 › former-national-deputy-chief-of-the-us-border-patrol-ron-colburn-endorses-sam-peters-for-congress
“Four thousand Border Patrol agents are facing firing due to exercising their medical choice to not get the Covid vaccine,” said Ronald S. Coburn, former National Deputy Chief of the U.S. Border Patrol. “At a time when the border is being overrun. In fact, last month there was a 5 day stretch where no agents were sent to patrol a 200 mile …
With Border Wide Open, Biden Admin Puts Border Agents … › 2021 › 12 › 10 › biden-admin-border-agents-unconscious-bias-training
The current border crisis has also exacerbated human smuggling and trafficking. In response, Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott initiated “Operation Lone Star” to combat human drug trafficking in the state, as previously reported.. Illegal immigrants “would run into our fences and they would run into our gates, just crash the gates trying to get away from DPS chases, from county chases …


Of course there’s more stories… the list goes on and on.
Haitians Run The Gauntlet For Work Across The Border › haitians-run-gauntlet-work-across-border-3355625
At the border town of Comendador, the migrants are given a Covid-19 test and food, … When the guards turn their backs, some of the migrants jump over the fence and make a run for it.
Yuma Becomes Latest Border Town to Be Hit with Surge of … › tipsheet › juliorosas › 2021 › 12 › 08 › yuma-arizona-becomes-latest-town-to-be-hit-with-surge-of-illegal-immigrants-n2600302
5 days agoYuma Becomes Latest Border Town to Be Hit with Surge of Illegal Immigrants. YUMA, Ariz. — “Don’t worry about it. We’ve been out here 50 times this past week,” one EMT told us after calling 9-1-1 …
Helicopters and High-Speed Chases: Inside Texas’ Push to … › 2021 › 12 › 11 › us › texas-migrant-arrests-police.html
2 days agoTexas is using state law enforcement in an unusual way in an attempt to stem illegal border crossings. The tactic is raising constitutional concerns and transforming life in one small town.
U.S. Senate confirms Biden’s border chief amid record … › 2021 › 12 › 07 › u-s-senate-confirms-bidens-border-chief-amid-record-migrant-arrests
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. Senate on Tuesday approved an Arizona police chief as the top border official in a near party-line vote, as President Joe Biden deals with record migrant arrests at the U.S.-Mexico border and criticism from both the right and left over his immigration policies. Tucson Police Chief Chris Magnus, 61, will become …
At least 650 migrants died crossing the US-Mexico border … › news › 2021 › 12 › 09 › at-least-650-migrants-died-crossing-the-us-mexico-border-the-most-since-2014-international-agency-says
At least 650 people died attempting to cross the US-Mexico border this year, more than any other year since an international agency began documenting deaths in 2014. The International Organization …
More Results

Deplorable Patriot

I don’t think that’s all of it. There’s more.

And the border situation is more known than not. Even the liberals around me know about it, and are not happy.


Sure but what do they know. Recent story pushed was that Biden was forced to accept Trumps Remain Policy but what did Biden really do after being ordered by a Federal Judge?

He put huge loop holes into the law. If they don’t speak spanish they can’t be returned. If they express any sort of fear from being returned they can’t be returned… and more.

Result is a small fraction are actually being returned.


Our Overlords don’t want us FOCUSING ON any one crisis. So they inundated us with a crisis seemingly everywhere.

The border, is but one of MANY ongoing shows.


OPEN Border.

Smash N Grab LOOTING.

Everything IS Racist.

The entire LGXYZ narrative.

Moronic Mask Mandates.

Poisonous Ineffective Injections, paraded as “vaccines”.

Mandatory Injections.

Injection Passports.

Faux Global Warming.

Covid Treatments INTENTIONALLY Ineffective. ORDERED by Corrupt Health Establishment, Hospitals AND DOCTORS.

Effective, Affordable, Safe drugs MALICIOUSLY BANNED for treating Covid.

MANUFACTURED Supply Chain Crisis.

Manufactured Inflation.

Induced Energy Shortages.

First Amendment Infringements.

Stolen Elections

Legislating Socialism…

Destruction of Capitalism.


Back to the BORDER, OR ANYONE of theses Imposed Shit Shows.


  • BiteMe AND his HANDLERS.
  • Shitheads in the Senator and Congress should be SCREAMING 24/7. They don’t. They seek a headline or two at best.
  • Governors and state politicos. The same.


Yea. Likely I have over generalized. BUT, the basic thoughts are sound. IMO.

Monday rant ends.


I think you have it right. They generate chaos to keep us off balance and unable to act.


Absolutely this is what is happening.


I’ll pass thanks, Juicy Fruit is not bad though .. 😜

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Big Red might be antiviral…



Cuppa Covfefe

Careful you don’t end up doing the Teaberry Shuffle 😀

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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That is actually profound.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Yep. The infection/death rate has generally been higher for men, Juss Sayin.😲


Has me wondering what sort of “mining” operation they may have….


I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.


“Let’s go! French Police getting handled by anti-vaccine mandate protesters.”



Barb Meier

I suppose this means the French will be a bit too busy to concern themselves with Ukraine or Taiwan.




when I see TOSH , I immediately think of Jamaican roots reggae superstar Peter Tosh , the very controversial co-founder of Bob Marley & The Wailers…with Bob M. and Bunny Wailer..

here’s a little ditty from the 70s…just TOSH


yeah mon.


TOSH didn’t always sing about ganga…

he also sang about Jamaican kultcha …

which can be brutal…

big gun kultcha in Jamaica..

which, ironically, got him killed…during a home invasion in the 80s in treacherous Kingston.

he also liked unicycles…

Last edited 3 years ago by smiley2
Sadie Slays

Good to see you back, Wheatie 🙂


That’s an awesome cardio just tearin up the stairs to the door … 🧐🤚🤨👍❤️

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The heating bill on that place must be monstrous. Even the floor must be ice cold.


Come back next year and see it will walk…


Baba Yaga


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Cuppa Covfefe

Enough wind and it’ll jump…


I dont get that design at all.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

IKR, why do they wanna freeze their booty’s off from the stairs to the front door?


Right? So much wasnt space.



Cuppa Covfefe

Ridgerunnerville, somewhere in the Appalachians 😀
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Pennsyltucky treestand  😉 



 😃  🐘 

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Last edited 3 years ago by smiley2

You’re on a roll! That’s beautiful!

On another note, glad to see you!





don’t moan !

laugh a little or a lot
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^^^ That should leave a mark.


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Hi Wheatie sweetheart glad you’re back and God bless you abundantly in every way especially with healing … you’re loved very much .. 🙂🤚❤️
Both Carol of the Bells are wonderful, listened to both.
Take care and keep fighting the good fight 🤨👍 … it is biblical ..


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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Good job.

That one’s from Greece. (Look at the sign upper right.)

Cuppa Covfefe

It must’ve been a real PITA to stack all that up 😀



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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.

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Okay who has the “let’s blow everything up” button?!

Dear God in Heaven .. send a whirlwind and suck the idiot slow Joe into oblivion along with all the minions .. please

… the idjit is too close to the bang bang stuff ..


See God is making the stumbling thingy …


Fist Lady Melania Trump did that flawlessly, in three in heels … bwahahahahaha


.. again, and again and ..


Baby/puppy wonderfulness …🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😜

..happy Monday .. 🙂😎


At one point the baby has a Zorro mask on … lol …it’s on top of her head but I bet when it was on her face she looked like her Huskie companion …😍


FDA and CDC and WHO are corrupt as *&^%$#@ – !!!


Now 300 – last month it was 183


NY Post article within the 5clot shot guy

…. ? … opions? … Oz GOP? ..


Glanced at the article. Not an Oz follower. Never watched the Oz show.

Wonder IF Oz called out FauXi’s lunatic pronouncements the past ~two years. Or even the past couple months, before announcing a run for Senate.

IF this is a new Oz position, then Oz IS both correct AND has no credibility. Should have been using his platform to call out the FauXi lunacy.

Regardless, Oz IS now correct. FauXi should be trashed from his position and held accountable.

No idea IF Oz is GOP. Quite possibly. Would be nice IF Oz was a solid conservative. Being Oz played a quack on TV, and survived, wouldn’t bet on Oz being a conservative.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

I remember watching him at the beginning of WuFlu. He was making sense, but then he changed and joined the Govt/pharma/msm propaganda. Him turning on Fauxi is a ploy. For the Win, Oz is going to be saying everything he thinks Conservatives want to hear.

Another Doc who did similar was Siegel on Fox. Early on his elderly dad even took HCQ for gosh sakes! and beat WuFlu. To hear him push vaccines and not therapeutics is EVIL CRINGE. Fox also has Doc Jeanette Nieshiwa(sp), she tries real hard to straddle the middle at all times. You can tell she knows, but won’t say.

We need to be wary of any Docs that suddenly go from dark to light, especially those running for political office. To bash Fauxi is good, let’s see him join Frontline Doctors or push therapeutics. Repentance is provable in this case and takes courage. I’ll even wager there’s a ton of Cowardly docs eager to repent if/when it becomes ‘safe’ to do so.


Thanks for the background AND refresher.

“…let’s see him join Frontline Doctors or push therapeutics.”

^^^ THIS.. IF Oz did something like this, he’d start establishing credibility.


For the Win, Oz is going to be saying everything he thinks Conservatives want to hear.



TY ❤️🙂🤚


Oz is in a pic at an event with marina ambrovic, looks within the past couple years. Juss sayin.


That’s not good. I generally don’t think we should make judgments just from pics (depending on the circumstance, of course) because well-known people get photographed with lots of people whom they don’t associate with. But Abramovic is in a different category. What she does *should* be known by everyone.

Cuppa Covfefe

Oz is a NewAger and a fraud. He was in on Rick Warren’s NewAge “health” plan which resulted in Jennifer Pekich’s site (Ponderings from Patmos) being taken down and basically disappeared. Lighthouse Trails and Apprising Ministries have preserved her observations (boths sites well worth a read as discernting ministries)…

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Try October 2021!!




For those unfamiliar, would be ‘spirit cooker’ marina ambrovic .
Great to see you getting back in the swing of things giloo !




TY Kal … I figured it’s a “stink-eye” situation. I can’t watch the guy, the undercurrent feels deep and swift ..


I’m not a fan either, his bell 🛎 doesn’t ring true.

Deplorable Patriot

The tables look to be turning. Some account I follow or pundit I read this morning said that it was happening. The cabal sorts will start to buck the narrative.


Oz will be RINO.
He is NOT who the MSM narrative makes him out to be.
If Trump and MAGA does not endorse him, he’s out !!
Anyone who endorses the quack tv dr.oz is very highly suspect.
Get them OUT !

Deplorable Patriot

Crooked judiciary. This effectively neuters the case.

Judge limits Steve Bannon from releasing certain case material to the public

U.S. District Court Judge Carl Nichols has issued a protective order in Steve Bannon’s criminal contempt of Congress case, effectively barring him or his lawyers from releasing to the public case material given to them by prosecutors.

However, any evidence related to the case that is already in the public sphere or obtained by Bannon outside of the evidentiary discovery process is not subject the judge’s ruling.  

“All materials provided by the United States in preparation for, or in connection with, any stage of this case (“the Materials”) are subject to this protective order,” Nichols ordered Friday. “The defendant and defense counsel shall not disclose the Materials or their contents directly or indirectly to any person or entity other than persons employed to assist in the defense, persons who are interviewed as potential witnesses, counsel for potential witnesses, and other person to whom the Court may authorize disclosure.”


Bannon could turn the tables on the Feds.

Release the documents. Show whatever is in the public domain and redact what is not public. Allow the public to hypothesize what is missing. Could be fun and feel good taunting the Feds.

Bannon will make the best of the situation.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well, I’ll say this. These corruptoids are rapidly proving that they are completely worthy of being all thrown in front of tribunals.

Presumably will never happen, but it SHOULD.

Deplorable Patriot

According to the theory of devolution and several of the “insiders” the entire government has to fail. I believe we are seeing that play out.

It’s maddening, yes, but proof that emotional distancing from all of it is necessary to maintain sanity and cohesion.


According to the theory of devolution and several of the “insiders” the entire government has to fail. I believe we are seeing that play out.

I would tend to agree with this. But I’m having a hard time defining “fail” in this sense. Specifically, what that looks like and/or how it manifests itself.

Deplorable Patriot

Yeah, I know. It’s a mess. At this point, clinging to just about any explanation to make sense of it all is a temptation.


We will NOT lose hope. I REFUSE to accept defeat. At some point, things WILL turn around.


You spelled “firing squads” incorrectly.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Both. You need the tribunals to enable the firing squads. (Or pick some other method of getting those turds out of our misery.)


I’m no lawyer, but his may be standard operating procedure in order to protect/prevent doxing individuals involved.
This link may provide more info.


So happy to see you back Wheatie…

Hope you are feeling much better. (((Wheatie))))

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

First we got ‘Stoned’ as in Roger+SWAT+CNN. Maybe next our team will get a Meadowed or a Bannoned? 🤞 In the meantime, there’s…
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DATA: Trust in Presidency, Congress, Military and Media in Free Fall as Americans Say China is ‘Enemy’ and COVID Came from Wuhan Lab.


^^^ TRUE. Americans have been and ARE being, Betrayed.

Last edited 3 years ago by kalbokalbs
Deplorable Patriot

Ahh, good. It’s sinking in. Progress.


To continue with my post just above re: failed gov’t….


America is governed with the consent of the people.

Consent = trust

So what does it look like when the people stop trusting the fed gov’t?

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, I think we will find out.


Liz Harrington
Hearing on Pima County election fraud in Arizona just started. Watch here!

Live Now:
LIVE: RSBN 24 Hour LIVE Stream (


Doctor takes hospital patients off kidney killer, prescribes ivermectin…..disinvited to return.

Deplorable Patriot

Set up by Obamacare that drove so many physicians out of private practice and into systems.


I (we?) need a greater understanding of this exact thing….

Were doctors forced out of private practice in order to coerce them at a later date into pushing vaccines on the people instead of speaking out against the jab??

Deplorable Patriot

Were they forced? No. What I understand happened was many gave up private practice after Obamacare was upheld because the new regulations having to do with the digital charts and coding all that nonsense was a headache to deal with, so they went to work for systems rather than for themselves.

Was this done on purpose with the inoculations on the horizon unbeknownst to them? I wouldn’t put it past the people doing to the planning to have that very thing in mind.


I worked in a hospital in the Obamanation years. What happened in coding is it went from 5000-6000 medical codes to over 20,000. The coders who stayed had to completely retrain. The entire system had to be overhauled. Now imagine you are a private practice with one person who knew the coding, and then this nightmare. And if you screw up the coding, you don’t get paid. Many doctors just gave up.


Our two docs/one practice made their move and sold during the implementation of OC. They were in their 50’s and did not want to invest in the systems necessary to comply along with the lower charges they were forced to accept. It was happening with Medicare, Medicaid, etc. as well. It went this way nationwide and became a PCP industry consolidation. The office we use now is part of a regional chain of PCP offices. Once the docs hit their retirement plan numbers they bolt permanently for the golf course.

The chains hire NP and PA’s who pick up the bulk of the case load. The docs manage the broader patient base, review patient files and only see patients when demanded or in the more serious cases. In return they work better hours and work weeks. The chains strike lower cost lab/imaging/etc. deals to get a cut due to higher volumes. They send in floaters for nurses, staff, and NP’s to assist with vacations, resignations, etc. The new arrangement does better on scheduling and wait times. The lobby is never overcrowded anymore.

But the personal touch and caring is much reduced. Professional, but a bit less personality. It’s business.


Very informative post.

Deplorable Patriot

Providing a much needed laugh today.


Smarmy runt bastard. Has a lot in common with Fauci.


Some news about Lin Wood’s Fight Back for Freedom organization.

It has three new board members: Joe Oltmann (fund-raising), Jarrin Jackson (Live Local efforts), and Professor David Clements (fix 2020). 

“How about that for assembling a Board of Patriots who have demonstrated the courage to fight back against tyranny, illegal elections, and child sex trafficking, among many other issues threatening our Constitution and Bill of Rights?”

“Co-Founding Board Member Lawson Pedigo, a tax lawyer in Dallas, Texas, will be handing the efforts to obtain the return of the $2M bail paid by #FightBack to free Kyle Rittenhouse. Upon the return of the bail, #FightBack has offered to pay the $90K unpaid attorney’s bill of Kyle’s criminal defense lawyer, Mark Richards. #FightBack intends to follow ALL rules applicable to 501(c)(4) non-profit foundations as #FightBack has done since its inception. 

“Upon the return of the bail monies, Actor Rick Schroder will be repaid his $150K loan on which I signed a personal guaranty in late November of 2020 to get Kyle out of jail as soon as possible consistent with his criminal lawyers’ legal strategy. 

#FightBack intends to revise and update its main website page and also renew its efforts on the StrikeBack for Freedom website. The company previously in charge of fundraising and the websites has been terminated for reasons I will not publicly discuss at this time.”

Herschel Walker was going to join the Fight Back board but will not because he is running for the Senate from Georgia.

#FightBack was timely audited for 2020 by an independent CPA firm and its tax return was filed on time. #FightBack will again undergo an independent audit as soon as the 2021 books are closed at the end of December.”


Big things have small beginnings.

Audit the Federal Gov’t.


“Amazing images show ‘singing’ lions, gallivanting rhinos and a jaw-dropping tiger”


Those are beautiful.

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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Purr-fect Hair Day! ☺


It looks like he brushed it!


He didn’t – he got the girls in his pride to do it.


Awesome 😎👍‼️


GWP: Mainstream Media Downplays Crowd Size at Trump Rally in Sunrise, Florida – Event Was Larger Than All Biden Rallies in 2020 Combined

On Saturday President Trump and Bill O’Reilly held an event in Sunrise, Florida. The History tour was a great success. But you wouldn’t know it from the Mainstream ‘fake news’ media.

What the media will never report is the size of Biden events in the 2020 Presidential race. In the two months leading up to the 2020 Election, Joe Biden couldn’t get more than 2,000 people at all his events. At the same time, President Trump had 1.1 million at his events.

I haven’t seen any video of this event and don’t know if it’s available.


Thank you!


I just started watching, and I think that’s a campaign rally. PDJT talks in the beginning about the “great job VP Mike Pence is doing.”


Apparently the media says Trump had a hard time selling tickets as demonstrated here.  😆 


The “yeah right” comment was in response to all the lefties saying the closed the upper seats down. You’ll note that no one is on the stage when this picture was taken.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r

Whoot !


Whoot !


I’ve been to swap meets that had more people than all of Slow Joe’s campaign funerals.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Hard for me to get excited about O’Reilly. He is a vax fanatic. He needs to be slapped, he sounds like Geraldo and Dershowitz. ‘You have no right coming into my space unjabbed and putting me and mine at risk (for a disease we have a 99% rate of surviving)!! Smart pathetic grown-ass men(except Jerry), SMDH.


Seems like today’s DJT ain’t the DJT we had before. His sharp edge seems dull.


Yeah, something. I don’t get it. But I see it.


Here is a report on one of the January 6 prisoners and how to help with his legal fees. I want to shrink from the terrible situation they are in, but we have to look. It’s hard to believe this is happening in America. I feel helpless to do anything. I guess helping with legal fees is something.

GWP: January 6 Political Prisoner and Follower of Christ Speaks Out From The DC Gitmo — Please Help Him Out Here
Donations (link in the article):


Was so hoping Nancy Gambino was retiring to Florida. Nope. Running in 2022.


I bet Dems are wishing she would retire too.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Yeah and Red Jen said Creepy was running again from the podium today.🤣🤣 Coordinated messaging, to distract from reality and give hope to their ever hopeless base.

Sadie Slays

More backtracking on the tornados.

Kentucky governor: It may be weeks before full death toll is known

The confirmed death toll in Kentucky was 64, Gov. Any Beshear said at a press conference on Monday, with another 105 unaccounted for throughout the state. Beshear said the figure was “the most accurate count we have” and acknowledged “it may be weeks until we have final counts on both deaths and levels of destruction.”


Gov. Andy Beshear – KY



.. tool ..


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Liz Cheney destroyed herself. But, yea, the D-Rats will help flush the bitch. As will conservatives.

Deplorable Patriot


.. sigh .. 😞🙄😑🤚 ..


Something tells me that this could be fake news. See


How does a plot like that even work?
You may of been triggered in the wrong direction.
I ended up here.comment image
With Lia Thomas, the UPenn trans swimmer who has his female team mates (which is all of them except him) breaking down in tears.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r

A new sick version of down-the-rabbit-hole.


Sorry, the team should walk in protest or just quit. What was that Tom Hanks line. “There’s no crying in baseball”.


Yup. IF the gals walk out, the non sense will stop.


True, the coach is apparently trying to tell them all to be quiet as he likes his wins, but this is stacking the deck. If they all didn’t show up for meets he’d figure it out.

Other teams should do the same thing. Don’t show up if this guy is going to be swimming against them. It damages everyone but the some dude that has no self respect for himself or anyone else. This kind of behavior should not be tolerated. Fans too should be turning their backs on this.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r

They need to stand up for themselves. We can’t do it for them.

If they won’t, then they can piss and moan all the way back to not having the vote.

We are having a real reversal in America. Color-blind society is gone, women’s sports is overtaken by men in drag. It’s insane. They stuff we all fought so hard to gain is just being pissed away.


Yup. The gals must stand up for themselves. IF and WHEN they do, the gals WILL have lots of support.


Mine included. I will stand with them, but not FOR them.


It needs a shave.


Linking together comment by DP, a post by Dora, and a new article by SD….


According to the theory of devolution and several of the “insiders” the entire government has to fail. I believe we are seeing that play out.




From Dora…..

DATA: Trust in Presidency, Congress, Military and Media in Free Fall as Americans Say China is ‘Enemy’ and COVID Came from Wuhan Lab.



SD’s article….

Panic Hits Meet The Press as They Contemplate Collective Media’s Inability to Destroy Donald Trump and Manipulate Public Opinion

The NBC media panel for Meet the Press is absolutely apoplectic about their inability to destroy President Donald Trump and his supportive base of pragmatic, awakened Americans.  The pearl-clutching and fear are palpable, as the leftist roundtable contemplates future elections that may deconstruct decades of election control, manipulation, fraud and falsehood.


Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry
Deplorable Patriot

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That National Pulse article is really interesting.

It accidentally let me to an interesting bit of knowledge.

This woman:

She links, at the highest levels:

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
U.C. San. Fran.
U.C. Berkeley
AIDS research in Uganda
Rockefeller Foundation
Bristol-Myers Squibb
Federal Reserve Bank of San Fran
Global Health 2030

She’s behind a data initiative that basically reports individual patient data back to researchers to “accelerate research and learning blah-blah-blah”.

From Wikippedia:

Precision medicine based on Google Maps

In 2011, Desmond-Hellmann co-chaired a National Academy of Sciences committee that recommended creating a Google Maps-like data network aimed at developing more diagnostics and treatments tailored to individual patients — a concept known as “precision medicine”.[12] The so-called “knowledge network” would integrate the wealth of data emerging on the molecular basis of disease with information on environmental factors and patients’ electronic medical records and would allow scientists to share emerging research findings faster, thereby accelerating the development of tailored treatments. It also would allow clinicians to make more informed decisions about treatments, reduce health care costs and ultimately improve care.[13] The NAS report, titled “Toward Precision Medicine: Building a Knowledge Network for Biomedical Research and a New Taxonomy of Disease”, was described by Keith Yamamoto, Vice Chancellor for Research at UCSF, as “the most important National Academy of Sciences Framework Analysis since that advisory body recommended that the United States go forward with the Human Genome Project”.[14]

In 2021, Desmond-Hellmann was appointed by President Joe Biden to the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST), co-chaired by Frances Arnold, Eric Lander and Maria Zuber.


So notice that she has moved through this system making everything more totalitarian in the name of helping individuals.

YOU cannot get ivermectin, but THEY get all your data.


Repeating you back to you….

Nice find!

Please do not let us lose sight of this person.


I was musing with the DH over lunch about this very thing today. What happens when Americans have no more faith in our government? What happens when even the Dems are desperate, starving, and begging for Trump to come back? Because as stupid as they are, they mostly can tell the difference between $2.50 and $6.00 a gallon gas, $200 a month for groceries-for-one versus $600, and being able to buy stuff because it was on the shelf versus no toys for Christmas.

The last time there was a Great Depression in America, we had the same President for four terms. Will people say “Trump’s first term was stolen by lies, he gets a do-over?” Then elect him again in another four? Don’t laugh, it could happen if people miss the “good old days” badly enough.

Heck if I know. But I know enough to know I am living through history. And it is fascinating to contemplate.

“JUST IN – Russia vetoes UN resolution to recognize “climate change” as a threat to global security.”




Refreshing Surprise. In THIS instance Russia has more common sense than America’s rep at the UN.


Do we get the money back Biden gave for climate change?


Apparently Russia is the last sane country.

Or more likely, Putin’s Russian Mafia doesn’t always get along with the Hussein/Soros/Schwab & Co. Mafia.


If Putin could run for US president, he would win in a landslide and the donkey party wouldn’t dare cheat [think polonium tea].


The dims would still cheat, because they don’t have any other frame of reference.

Even if they wanted to participate in a fair election, it would be completely uncharted territory.


Then they can all drink polonium tea, like that ex-Russian spy in London did.


Putin v. Biden, I’m votin’ for Vlad.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Poor, Poor Rashida. 🤣🤣


Yeah, the voted for it, didn’t they?


Last edited 3 years ago by trumpismine
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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What friends?

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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That’s funny.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

I think it more likely Karen spent his card on a midnight snack. Have you seen her lately?
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Jabba the __ut!!!


Bwahahahahaha bwahahahahaha bwahahahahaha … heavy is the …


Deplorable Patriot

Oh, my.


She sounds just like the girlfriend in that Chris Rock video about how not to get your a__ kicked by the police. “He got weed! He got weed!”


She’s got an extensive vocabulary. ~1 minute of, What’s Up”. Or was WusUp.


Bugs Bunny’s her uncle on her baby’s daddy’s side …


*&^%ing white supremacists!

Nice tans though, must be on their way home from Florida vacation.

But the dialect definitely sounded like a certain protected class, which is confusing, because white supremacists are definitely not a protected class, and I’ve never heard a white supremacist speak like that.

Come to think of it, I’ve never actually heard a white supremacist speak, but I have to guess that a white supremacist would sound white, unless they were dressed up in blackvoice.

But the most confusing part of all is the actions. If any white supremacist acted like these tan Florida vacationers did, they would be shot on sight. Any who survived would be prosecuted as domestic terrorists and charged with a hundred different crimes.

But these white supremacists walked around like they owned the place, and acted like the airport security and federal airport employees are their hired servants, to be abused and attacked at will.

And I have never, NEVER seen a white supremacist, or any non-supremacist white person, verbally abuse and physically assault federal employees and then just walk away, while the security guard just stands there and watches.

In fact, the only people I ever see such conduct and behavior from like that is BLACK people.

I never see Asian people act like that.

I never see Hispanic people act like that.

I never see Eskimos act like that.

I never see American Samoans act like that.

I never see Puerto Ricans act like that.

I never see American Indians act like that.

I never see Indian Indians act like that.

I never see Vulcans act like that, or Romulans, or even Klingons.

I never even see muzzies act like that.

Just black people.

And I see black people act like that ALL THE TIME.

So now that I think about it, I’m not so sure those were actually white supremacists after all.


Back up, Back up… your examination left a stone unturned and or you didn’t look between the lines of Steve’s latest physics chapter. Reavers!

Here’s what we know so far…
“Reavers live on the edge of the human-controlled systems”.
“Reavers are savage, brutal, and primal, though they engage in some form of social behavior and cooperation within their own group.”.
“they presumably communicate on some level as they are still able to cooperate and act purposefully enough to” do some shit.
“Reavers are readily recognized in any situation by both appearance and behavior”
“Reavers growl and snarl like beasts”
“they are guided solely by their impulse to capture and consume any humans they come in contact with”


If they are chasing you, they can be defeated by using the barn-swallow maneuver.

Last edited 3 years ago by pgroup2
Cuppa Covfefe

Have to wonder where airport security was on all of that…

Seems the one standing there was just looking on… looney lardball…


A protected class which is exempted from law is naturally exempt from law enforcement.

Sometimes — very rarely, under extraordinary circumstances — law enforcement mistakenly takes members of the protected class into custody.

But they are quickly released, and whoever detained them is demoted or fired.


Here is the big secret. There is very little security in the check in area. Once you get to TSA there will be an armed police officer or two on the other side of TSA. Once you are passed them, again there is very little security. The police may go for a stroll in the terminal once in awhile but I rarely see them.

Which is why my mask is off most of the time in the terminal. No one there is enforce anything.


Gosh .. 😮🤭


Bwahahahahaha … spit 💦


Scott, I can always trust you will say exactly what I am thinking, in a better funnier way than I am thinking it!

That was great. Thanks for the laugh.


You’re very welcome 😁




On behalf of airline employees everywhere, I’d like to take a moment to welcome these fine, upstanding travelers to the US “no fly” list.

Greyhound thanks you.

Deplorable Patriot

Greyhound is too good for them.


I trust your judgment.


Do they have to ride ON the bus or would they baggage compartment be better?


UFB. Must have been a pleasant flight those HOES boarded.

ANOTHER reason to NOT FLY.

Deplorable Patriot

I like to fly, but it really isn’t any fun anymore. The people are so much more uncivilized than they were thirty years ago.



A couple decades ago I enjoyed flying. Mainly international.

Right about 9-11 and the creation of TSA, Grope and Fly (ht Gail), it quit being fun or even remotely OK.

If I can’t drive where I want to go, staying home. And, yea, I know some must fly for work.


Sigh …😣🤚 … stun gun

Deplorable Patriot
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Gotta be a trained bear.


Gotta hope so! 👍 😂 🤣 😂


Might be, but still a bear at heart.


That’s terrifyingly cool … 😂😳

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Deplorable Patriot

Midterm variant. Ha. (Takes my mind off of having run into one of the blades of the rocking chair while hanging ornaments. OWWWWW)

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Feet/toes are SUPER sensitive. OWWWWW!!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

comment image


The ceiling fans always get me. Sorry.


We are past this false security bs. And i cant wear it.

California to re-institute statewide mask mandate amid rise in COVID cases.

California will impose a statewide mask mandate in all indoor public spaces as COVID-19 case rates soar, state Secretary of Health and Human Services Mark Ghaly said on Monday, as state officials take precautions against a surge in cases due to the Omicron variant of the virus.

The mandate, which will take effect on Wednesday and last one month, is one of several measures the state is taking to slow a wave of infections that is already straining hospitals in areas where vaccination rates are low.

The rate of COVID-19 infections in California has jumped 47% since Thanksgiving, to more than 14 cases per 100,000 people, Ghaly said in a call with reporters.

If You Get A 7/10 On This Basic Science…AdQuizGriz

In addition to requiring masks, the state is tightening its testing requirements for unvaccinated people who want to attend large events such as music festivals and professional ball games where more than 1,000 people are in attendance.

When the tighter requirements are in effect, people wishing to enter such venues must either prove they are vaccinated or show they tested negative to a COVID-19 antigen test within one day of the event, or a PCR test within two days.

The state is also recommending that all travelers to the state be tested for COVID-19 within three to five days of arrival, Ghaly said.


I think anyone who wants to go to these games or concerts should tailgate and not buy tickets.


Yup. Refuse to play along.

Foray into Central Valley a couple weeks ago, few wearing masks. Some workers not wearing a mask. Seemingly no one cared either way.


Last edited 3 years ago by kalbokalbs

Certain types of people care. The karens will be gleeful at this.


Taunt the Karen’s.

^^^ It’s fun. Although it has been several months since a Karen gave me any shit over the mask drama.


Ive gotten the look thats it.


I’m near sighted so ‘meh’ 😑🤚 to those buggers ..


Just looked at CDPH website, influenza is nonexistent, for last month and this month. RSV is high, but its been going around since September when kids started to go to school again. Now with this “mandate” again, fresh rounds of illness across the board will start


Caught the crud from the wife two weeks ago. Just finished clearing this weekend. Something is going around.


So sorry but 2 weeks and youre clearing sounds great! Seasonal stuff plus the modified garbage. Hopefully the virus is weakening. Not so great on the shot side from what i see lately. 😕


It was just some heavy nasal congestion with the mucus to clear. Had a cough for a while so I had to covid antigen test to make sure in case I was asked when I was visiting sites for work.


With the way you fast and your other habits you have an advantage at least.


I am on a long business trip and have fasted all of it and it did help clear things up. Don’t normally supplement when fasting but I did this time. Through the kitchen sink at it.

I win.


Sometimes you win because you play to win.




This will end well:

Turkish lira tumbles to fresh record low near 15 per dollar
Dec. 13, 2021

“The Turkish lira plunged as much as 7% overnight to a new record low near 15 to the dollar, as concerns snowball over President Erdogan’s risky monetary policy.

He believes in an unorthodox approach that higher rates cause inflation, rather than prevent it, but despite the beliefs the annual figure reached 21.3% alone in November.

Soaring inflation has had devastating impacts on Turkey’s emerging economy reliant on imports, while sharply eroding Turks’ earnings and savings.”


‘Unorthodox belief’, meet reality.

This has to be a shocking and scary development for Leftists.

Up until now, their “beliefs”, no matter how insane, have been ‘manifested’ into reality, while coercing everyone else to observe their insane beliefs, like King Nebuchadnezzar requiring everyone to bow down to the golden image.

But the financial markets, despite being massively manipulated, just can’t go along with Erdogan’s fantasy “unorthodox” belief.

They’re calling BS on his BS…

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

Methinks the “vaccines” got another one:
Mr. Ingalls was 25 years old.


And another one dies,
And another one dies,
And another one buys a plot

Hey, it’s gonna get you too
Another one takes the shot…


Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

Poor Charles… 25 and always liked to be photo’d in nature settings.
Should of stuck with that. comment image


And, meanwhile, the Supreme Court issued another 6-3 refusal today, this time denying religious exemptions for New York State healthcare workers who don’t want to get “vaccinated” —


So they are denying an exemption for something which cannot be lawfully imposed or required in the first place…

Courtesy of the clowns at the Supreme Slapstick Court.


The reason the Supreme Court won’t touch this is because it is a State’s Rights issue.

I am a believer in state’s rights. The United States is just that, a conglomeration of states. If you don’t like the way New York runs, you can move to Tennessee, or wherever.

That is how it is supposed to work. And states can mandate vaccines. They have had mandates for school children to have them for years.

That said, I still think the “Supreme” Court is a bunch of cowards. When the ONE CASE in the world they should have taken, Texas’s election case, they turned down. Worthless bunch of lily-livered chickenshits.


“The reason the Supreme Court won’t touch this is because it is a State’s Rights issue.

I am a believer in state’s rights.”


Me too, but no one has a right to forcefully inject anything into our body against our will.


Not the state, not the feds, not even Dr. Joseph Mengele himself.


I don’t disagree with that sentiment at all! But it is an issue to be fought at the state level.


I was thinking of it from the personal rights perspective, which applies federally and to the states individually.

And since no state (individually) has the right to forcibly inject anyone with anything, the crooks at the (not)SC ought to have the guts to say it.

If we go the state-route, it will end up at the (not)Supreme Court anyway, but I don’t care anymore what they say, they have lost their credibility.

Every court in the land can decide they can inject me with some poison, and I don’t care what they think, because they’re wrong.

But worse than that, they are compromised, so their ‘errors’ are not even made in good faith, they are made with malice and intent to pervert the Law.

Going along with ‘wrong’ because criminals and traitors in the judicial branch decreed some thing or another is a big part of how we got in this mess to begin with.

We the People are the highest Authority in this Republic, not the criminals who have overrun our institutions.


“They have had mandates for school children to have them for years.”


Mandate is not Law.

What happens if you refuse to vaccinate?


Depends on the state. Here in Montana there are medical and religious exemptions. The forms are basic, just a couple of pages.


This is what is so sneaky and cunning and perverse about their tactics.

The only reason they ever declare a ‘mandate’ (either for children’s vaccines, or currently with regard to Covid, etc.) is because they can’t pass a LAW — or they would.

So whenever we see or hear the word “mandate”, that should be translated as “a suggestion that we really want you to do, but we can’t make you, or we already would have, by making it a Law”.

In which case they can stuff it, because their motives are beyond criminal, and everybody knows it.

So with regard to the children’s vaccines issue, if there are medical and religious exemptions, of course it’s not because they’re being nice.

Those exemptions had to be included for a reason, and that reason, ultimately, is our God-given rights, guaranteed by the Constitution.

So whenever we see ‘exemptions’, that is a further clue that they have no power in Law to require anything, because the religious exemption is a loophole which anyone can avail themselves of, if they really want to.

These kinds of things are social control mechanisms, i.e., the State (or Feds) decide how they want to control the herd, and does whatever they can get away with through the force of Law.

And all the things they CANNOT get away with through force of Law, they attempt to control the herd through every other means at their disposal:

1) licenses

2) taxes

3) benefits and privileges for compliance

4) mandates

and now

5) shaming

6) coercion

7) extortion

8) intimidation

10) multi-tiered justice system, which is antithetical to the very concept of ‘justice’

10) jack-boot brute force attacks

And it’s all falling apart, and it can’t happen fast enough.

Valerie Curren

our God-given rights, guaranteed Acknowledged by the Constitution.” I Really wish our Rights were Guaranteed!!!


“I Really wish our Rights were Guaranteed!!!”


They were supposed to be, but we have wicked, evil servants 👍

Valerie Curren

“servants” are only serving themselves & their overlords; certainly not us nor our Lord!


But there IS a law, at least in Montana:

Montana Code Annotated 2021
Part 4. Health
Immunization Required — Release And Acceptance Of Immunization Records

20-5-403. Immunization required — release and acceptance of immunization records. (1) The governing authority of any school other than a postsecondary school may not allow a person to attend as a pupil unless the person:

(a) has been immunized against varicella, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, poliomyelitis, rubella, mumps, and measles (rubeola) in the manner and with immunizing agents approved by the department;

(b) has been immunized against Haemophilus influenza type “b” before enrolling in a preschool if under 5 years of age;

(c) qualifies for conditional attendance; or

(d) files for an exemption as provided in 20-5-405.

(2) (a) The governing authority of a postsecondary school may not allow a person to attend as a pupil unless the person:

(i) has been immunized against rubella and measles (rubeola) in the manner and with immunizing agents approved by the department; or

(ii) files for an exemption as provided in 20-5-405.

(b) The governing authority of a postsecondary school may, as a condition of attendance, impose immunization requirements that are more stringent than those required by this part, subject to the exemptions provided for in 20-5-405.

(3) A pupil who transfers from one school district to another may photocopy immunization records in the possession of the school of origin. The school district to which a pupil transfers shall accept the photocopy as evidence of immunization. Within 30 days after a transferring pupil ceases attendance at the school of origin, the school shall retain a certified copy for the permanent record and send the original immunization records for the pupil to the school district to which the pupil transfers.


Their (state, public) school, their rules.

We can choose to comply (take a shot) in exchange for the benefit (going to their public school).

Or we choose not to comply, and forgo the public school system for either a private school (which may have its own requirements for entry), or home school.

But they cannot force us to be injected.

They can hold out benefits and privileges to coerce or extort compliance, but they cannot compel.

It does not say “thou shalt be immunized”, and it does not say TPTB can hold you down and inject you. Because they can’t. Not without violating your (our) God-given rights.

It says the school cannot accept you (unless you have been immunized), which is very different than saying the school (or anyone else) can inject you.

As a practical matter, most people never think twice about it and have their children immunized, but the distinction (force vs. choice) is still a critically important one 👍

[and I know you know it, I’m just trying to articulate it!]


I agree. Here in Montana, exemptions are simply given. You basically just say “no.” The schools don’t hold them up. Kids are enrolled. I know many people with unvaccinated kids in public school. My own daughter will never give her children another vaccine after this Covid fiasco. She has gone completely against it, where before she was not.

The assholes who tried to pull this on the American people are getting the exact opposite of what they wanted. Just watch over the next few years as more and more people refuse ALL vaccines.

And holding someone down and inserting ANYTHING into them is assault akin to rape. Period. If that actually started to happen, the country would explode.


Yep, TPTB are going to have to try something completely foreign and freakishly horrifying to ever hope to regain public trust.

They’re going to have to try truth.

Personally, I don’t believe they can do it.


Lol. I don’t hold out much hope for that, either!


Supreme Court Declines to Block New York Vaccine Mandate for Healthcare Workers
December 13, 2021 | Sundance | 60 Comments

“When New York’s original vaccine mandate for healthcare workers was announced, it included an exemption for religious reasons. However, when the administration changed hands, Governor Hochul removed the religious exemption. A lawsuit was filed. A federal appeals court loss brought the plaintiffs to the Supreme Court requesting an injunction.

Today, the request from the 20 plaintiffs was rejected by the Supreme Court as referred by Justice Sotomayor who covers the New York region. Justices Alito, Gorsuch, and Thomas dissented and would have provide the injunctive relief. 

However, Chief Justice John Roberts, Amy Coney-Barrett, and Brett Kavanaugh sided with the liberal wing and denied the request.”

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Scofflaw SCOTUS is a disgrace!


Yeah, Thomas and Alito are really the only conservatives there who respect the Constitution. The 3 newbies seem to go whichever way the wind blows.


“The 3 newbies seem to go whichever way the wind blows.”


Or whichever way the bribery and blackmail blows.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Why are so many airline pilots dying… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS

Airline Pilot Magazine APLA for December shows one pilot died in 2019, six in 2020, and 111 in the first nine months of 2021.  So many coincidences, if we could only find the cause…


Hmm… a 11,100% increase in pilot deaths over two years.

It seems at least mildly suspicious.

I wonder if there could be any correlation or common cause?


Nooooo. You can’t prove that. There’s no correlation to ANYTHING. It’s perfectly natural.


Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. Just struck me…

Complete the pattern.

1, 6, 111, ___

(the last number “completing” 2021)

(Just a comment on the real master of the deep state and the DEMONRATS and the green movement)… the greens and goddess (GAIA) worship… and then there’s the movie of that name (Green Goddess). And a million cannabis dispensaries, and, and, and.)….


More out rage. Apparently the old man was not wearing his mask properly. Neither were the police by the end of this vid.


If somebody shot that Nazi in the back of the head, I wouldn’t convict them.


Well, he wasn’t wearing a mask, so he certainly didn’t take the jab, which was supposed to stop his heart, so the Nazi had to try to do it.

Poor old man. Fuck these bastards. I’d like a front-row seat at Nuremburg 2.0.


IF the people ever REALLY PUSH BACK, LE is in a world of shit.


“IF the people ever REALLY PUSH BACK, LE is in a world of shit.”


There is a very simple way to push back.

The Nazis can only get away with being Nazis because they believe the Law protects them, i.e., if anyone defends themselves with lethal force against the Nazis, that person will be made an example of in the court system.

So take that security away from them.

Make it known to all Nazis that anyone using lethal force to defend themselves or others against Nazis will not be convicted.

It only takes ONE juror to refuse to convict, and the citizen goes free.

That’s where all of this is going anyway, by design.

TPTB have filled the ranks with the worst kind of people, the kind of people who should NEVER have a gun or a badge, and now they have turned the Jack-boots loose on the population.

Sooner or later people are going to start defending themselves. TPTB must be incredulous that people haven’t done so already, so they keep pushing harder and harder to provoke it.

It will happen, and when it does, TPTB will use it as an excuse to clamp down harder.

Which will force more people to defend themselves against the Nazi jack-boots.

The most viable way to interrupt this intentional spiral of violence and control is to make it clear to the Nazis that We the People will not be convicting anyone who uses lethal force to defend themselves against Nazis.

Once the threat of conviction is removed from We the People, the Nazis will be naked before their enemies.

And since bullies are cowards by nature, no matter who big they are physically, that’s when the Nazis will leave the police force, once they know the People no longer fear being prosecuted for defending themselves against Nazis.


“If somebody shot that Nazi in the back of the head, I wouldn’t convict them.”

If that gets repeated millions of times, eventually it becomes reality.

It only takes one juror to set someone free.

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

Hook that POS Nazi’s balls up to an electrode and fry them until they fall off.

See how he likes the treatment.

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

Hopefully this comes out as two vids. First should be the woman alone with her two children being harassed by thugs.


Nice to see some evidence. Aren’t there any laws against this? Oh wait, the same people you report it too are the same ones dong this.


Alrighty then…



That looks like a headline from the Babylon Bee.


Who knew that HHS wench, dude, “IT” has a sister, brother, “IT” relation in Belgium.

Cuppa Covfefe

I could just see her U.S. counterpart, or maybe Jens Spahn (former German HM) sidling up to her(?) to hit on her, asking,

“Hey babe, what’s your sign?”

to which she replies,

“Wide Load”….


Wait… “of persons 3 or greater” meaning 3 years old or three persons?
“non-essential”? How does one prove they are essential?


Unfortunately given who these people are, those kind of questions, funny as they seem, deserve some level of scrutiny. Wouldn’t trust them with the ten foot pole and have no idea why they are given positions of trust when none should exist.

Cuppa Covfefe

Maggie de Block, or Maggie de Hut??? Or maybe Maggie de 2 M³ concrete block…

Why, oh why is it that the so-called “Health” Ministers WORLDWIDE are a bunch of unhealthy, socialist/NAZI/fascist, misanthropic PERVERTS?????

Maybe they should call her Ms. Creosote and give her one thin “waffer”… (and run like he!! to get out of the way of the impending mess)…..

Belgium has a dark history, too; that’s probably coming into play here as well. The EC/EP/EU seems to be ginning up for the end times and then some…

And then, “THREE of greater” (probably meant older; if she’s speaking of numbers of participants, then she can go to her corner and shut up – either way she’s acknowledging immoral and unnatural acts/groupings). Maybe she’s so, erm, desperate that she wants everyone else to suffer. Seems Brussels has been doing that to everyone lately (and I realize she’s a National “health” minister, NOT the EU one, who will likely vomit out a similar declaration)…

What is it with these people? It seems that they must be possessed, and all of this madness is the deception at the end of the age…

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Taking it any way you wish. Either we need to lock our doors tonight or the “Aboriginal communities ae currently being targeted by vaccine imperialists.”

Cuppa Covfefe

I have to say, I wonder why “The Juggernaut” is still up. Seems that most, if not all voices questioning the deep state line are silenced quickly nowadays…

I’m wondering if that tweeter is a bit of a troll, as at least a few of the tweets about Germany and a couple of others have either been out of context, or inaccurate (e.g. a demo supposedly about COVID when in point of fact it was the greens/antifa protesting a new factory going up)…

I’m also a little skeptical about Poland beating its citizens. They are pretty much anti deep state…


Just from reading that URL, he should be stripped of his office because he swore to uphold the Constitution of the United States and communism is the polar opposite of what the U.S. stands for.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He’s a card-carrier. Bet on it!


Totalitarians and dictators who become mini anti-Christs for a season.


D-Rat. Oh, that IS repetitive.

Robert Baker

Just remember, in some alternate universe Sen Blumenthal went to Viet Nam and fought and died for his country – probably.


Danang Dick never fails to stoop to new lows.


“In this video I document the numerous connections Tucker Carlson has to the CIA, an agency which allegedly rejected his application when he applied right out of college. We are supposed to believe that and also simultaneously believe he somehow made it to the top of conservative media in a climate infiltrated to the brim with CIA. Follow me as I take you through this incestuous pit of nonsense and try and make sense of it.”


Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths

Man did his homework.

Nothing is as it seems.


I have posted a little on this in the past. I came this —– close to being mixed up in the Arkansas globalist scum’s web as a young man fresh out of college and building a career/life after marrying a major Dem donor’s daughter in that area of the country. They groom their targets somewhat like pedos do theirs. They play the long game and use the trappings of success when they spot the right players with the right for their games. They tried to do it with me. It took me over a half dozen years to work out of it and a second attempt was made through a different employer when they put me on the Board of a large energy PAC to throw money at their owned politicians. Eventually I worked free with a divorce and 500 mile move to a different area.

Just enough contrary in me to not give a shiz. I learned early in life when to fight and when to bail out. Then I learned later on to let the Lord direct your paths. Don’t let anybody dicatate the way you are gonna go except Him.


Yes, he’s has, but he makes a lot of loose suppositions and gives weight to left wing sources, while belittling right wing sources. Is Tucker CIA, sure. Is he trying to control what we think, sure, the question is what side of the fence he’s on and how often he crosses it. He’s tried a few time but makes self corrections when challenged and has largely stayed on the right side of the fence and helped push many of our causes with gusto. He’s useful for now, but not inexpendable and people will toss him should he not be. Just needs watching. We know what we want and when we are not getting it.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Is that real?

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

I dunno, I thought it was a joke. Looks like it could be. Haven’t heard much out of Canada lately, maybe Sparkle Sox locked them out of the net.


That would be a good idea, get people really angry and the right kind of woke. Feck MS, feck windows and feck google.


I think this was posted before, but I’m not sure it had all this footage.
GWP posted a short piece on it, but for some reason posted the link to the vid in plain text so it had to be copied and pasted into the a new tab/window.

Apparently this was the protest march earlier in the day.


[…] Here is SOME of what I said to FG&C: […]