No, the camel is not getting a clot shot. Apparently, she flunked out of a beauty contest.
Let’s see where to start….
How about with Doctor Zelenko.
Funny he should talk about that.

And from another man of faith (he’s one of the good guys).
CORONA CONSPIRACY: German Cardinal Warns of “Surveillance State” with “Total Control” (reports)
German Cardinal and high Vatican Judge Gerhard Müller has warned against an allegedly planned synchronization of people and a surveillance state – claiming in an interview, there is a financially strong elite behind the measures against the corona pandemic. (German Press Agency – DPA)According to Müller, people sitting on the throne of their wealth now see an opportunity to enforce their agenda, noting there is a certain chaos, “also born from the will to take the opportunity to equalize people now, to subject them to total control, to establish a surveillance state.”
Critics accused Müller of spreading conspiracy theories and anti-Semitic messages after he also compared the Catholic Church in Germany to national Socialists.

Well, as an American….

From the “you can’t make this up” department:
Where does she get this stuff? Seriously. Beef ranchers are going broke due to government regulations. So, now, it’s the fault of “big beef?”

It’s a thing.
Yes, or as we used to say, “Never tell Grandma anything you don’t want announced on Good Morning America.” True story.

Seriously, who did this? Whoever did, needs their own late night show.
Stray memes:

And for those who think the whole he’s really running the country in the background is implausible, don’t forget we were all in on one of the biggest secrets and conspiracies ever at one time or another.

And somebody out there is having firing range withdrawal.
Have a good day y’all.
(I don’t remember who brought this to a daily in the comments, but thanks.)

And, of course, the obligatory George Carlin:

Per the Boss:

Follow the white rabbit.
When in the chorus for that one in a live to projection run, it was two hours of waiting (some people actually brought their Kindles) and five minutes of terror.
And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:
Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone
Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.
Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.
Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there. The “Rescue Thread” is also over there. In the event a rendezvous of the tree is needed, please check it out, as well as the newest rescue venue.
Auntie DePat’s requests:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
One other vital note:
Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.

ISAIAH 45:6-8, 18, 21-25
6that men may know, from the rising of the sun and from the west, that there is none besides me; I am the LORD, and there is no other. 7I form light and create darkness, I make weal and create woe, I am the LORD, who do all these things. 8“Shower, O heavens, from above, and let the skies rain down righteousness; let the earth open, that salvation may sprout forth, and let it cause righteousness to spring up also; I the LORD have created it. 18For thus says the LORD, who created the heavens (he is God!), who formed the earth and made it (he established it; he did not create it a chaos, he formed it to be inhabited!): “I am the LORD, and there is no other. 21Declare and present your case; let them take counsel together! Who told this long ago? Who declared it of old? Was it not I, the LORD? And there is no other god besides me, a righteous God and a Savior; there is none besides me. 22“Turn to me and be saved, all the ends of the earth! For I am God, and there is no other. 23By myself I have sworn, from my mouth has gone forth in righteousness a word that shall not return: `To me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear.’ 24“Only in the LORD, it shall be said of me, are righteousness and strength; to him shall come and be ashamed, all who were incensed against him. 25In the LORD all the offspring of Israel shall triumph and glory.”
“Do not be afraid to take a chance on peace, to teach peace, to live peace. Peace will be the last word of history” – St. Pope John Paul II
Holiness is this profound contact with God, becoming a friend of God: it is letting the Other work, the Only One who can really make the world both good and happy. — Benedict XVI
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.
Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, first responders and those working behind the scenes…and any and all people with family members in the hospital, COVID or not.

It is quite clear, as per Wolf’s message from July, that we are under spiritual attack. Building up a robust arsenal of prayer and discipline is a must in fighting the enemy and his minions.
In that spirit, the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel from Tuesday’s threads, and the Breastplate of St. Patrick, not to mention the Litany of Humility are favorites recommended by exorcists in spiritual warfare.
Mark Rober outdoes himself in the Glitter Bomb 4.0.
All that glitters does not ‘splode.
— Mark Rober.
… where’s the kaboom 
Allow me….
.. PERFECT .. thank you FG&C … 

New Political Moonshine article:
War, Oil and Omicron – Then, Now and Trump: Part I – War
By Political Moonshine on December 14, 2021
14 Dec 21
Intro: “During the astonishingly dystopian and ominous 2020 election cycle; the one that saw then candidate Joe Biden forego an actual campaign in lieu of a hula hoop operation to manage his tens of supporters and simultaneously steal the vote, Biden promised Americans a Dark Winter.
Relative to the enterprise fraud construct of COVID-19, this promise was entirely foreseeable and predictable because these people play inside of a box. For anyone not blinded by ones own conventions or swayed by ones own political dogma, seeing what Biden meant by that was easy as pie – just take him at his word because it’s going to be dark.
Look around. Dark is exactly right.
It’s going to get darker, too. Taiwan bears down on the post-holiday timeline and we’ll talk about that in Part II.
Given that most of America has missed the most critical angles on COVID and primarily that it is entirely a fraudulent construct, it’s not likely that Americans know and understand the role of oil relative to it all. This is a hallmark indicator of two things: 1-many Americans don’t know their history and civics and 2-they are repeating history to everyone’s demise.
Unequivocally, Proxy Joe kept his promise while a defeated and impotent Donald J. Trump, who seemingly abandoned America on inauguration day after earlier rallying Americans to the nation’s Capitol on 06 Jan 21, bailed on us writ large. It left all of us with no champion who mattered in the fight.
It now comes as no surprise that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s committee investigating the Capitol false flag construct of her own design and operation; and spearheaded by a functionary in Liz Cheney, is lining up to pursue criminal charges against Trump.
Here’s why I say good.
Aside from Trump continuing to experience the same retribution and targeting that conservatives the nation over now endure as a result of his policy decisions and abandonment of office in the face of a blatantly stolen election; and where Trump himself stated directly , “We caught ’em all; we’ve got it all on tape,” I say good for this reason. Perhaps this new direct attack on Trump will elicit a response from him that will broadly and effectively serve us all.
Who knows, maybe this is the thing for which he has been waiting if he is waiting for anything at all.”
[continued at title link above]
The US employed biological warfare in the Korean War? I hope he has some sauce for that.
It looks like this is the link, I haven’t had a chance to read it yet:
“With the course to oil set through war we ask if COVID-19 was out of China’s revenge respective to U.S. biowarfare waged against it during the Korean War.”
Pretty thin sauce. Notes that Japan had done biomedical “research” on China in places like Nanking, and that Japanese scientists had been pulled out by the US after WWII — similar to the way Nazi rocket scientists all ended-up in the US.
Similar to the story of a young woman who’d take a boat out, toss an anchor, and read on a lake. One day, she’s drowsily reading, when a ranger pulls up in a powerboat. A short conversation ensues, and the ranger starts writing her a ticket for fishing without a license.
“What?” she asks — “I’m lounging there reading my book. I’ve done no fishing.” The ranger counters by noting that the boat has fishing gear aboard and she could have been fishing up to ten minutes before he showed up. “After all,” he states, “you have all the requisite equipment.”
“I see,” quoth the maid. “Well, let me be sure to get your name and badge number so I can go into town and file a police report for rape.”
“Rape?!?!?” stutters the ranger…. “I’ve done nothing of the sort. Every action I am taking is fully within the bounds of my professional capacity.”
The young lady smiled and said, “it doesn’t matter what you thought you were doing or actually did — you have all the requisite equipment.”
Great point.
” ‘Rape?!?!?’ stutters the ranger…. “I’ve done nothing of the sort. Every action I am taking is fully within the bounds of my professional capacity.”
The young lady smiled and said, “it doesn’t matter what you thought you were doing or actually did — you have all the requisite equipment.””
In the modern telling, that’s when the Nazi cop wraps the anchor chain around her neck and sends her to the bottom of the lake.
The end.
You’ll never get a job writing for Disney/lol, …
… wait … never mind the “magic kingdom “ is dark ..
It was a dark and stormy night …
miserable rat nazi .. how’d he get a ranger job ..
Great young lady .. strong presence of mind, awesome
Awesome Scot

Thanks for your Saturday open post they are top drawer consistently ..

… you’re really really smart …
God bless you ..
You have Scott confused with me, apparently.
That’s not the extent of the confusion, either.
Hey, Gracie Allen is my role model ..


… oh no …

… please forgive my mixup Steve .. I’m really a lot like Gracie Allen of burns & Allen … sorry .. (she could sing an dance and got paid for it)
This would be utter bull.
RINO’s and a timid Congress abandoned Trump in the face of a massive plan to steal the election.
More of the same here.
At this point we are very lucky that Trump has not given up the fight. Trump didn’t get into office alone just as he didn’t get out of office on his own either and he’s not getting back in with out full unabashed support. Too many Americans waited for someone to do something and then not enough was done. If one must find fault beyond the theives then it lies with American people and our elected leaders. As you can see even to this day by looking at the Jan 6 group’s antics, if Trump had tried to do more to stop the steal he’d be sitting in Jail right now.
MS should sober up. This does not work.
Yup. This MS was upchucked and flushed part way through it.
Exactly. Moonshine is not on my must read list anymore. Too much of his/her stuff is just wrong to bother.
Which part is wrong?
MORE people spreading doom and gloom.
WE the people have to learn how to take care of our election/government and not look to a strong man to do it for us.
David Clement had this good news for North Carolina.
The Professor’s Record
Forwarded from Seth Keshel
Revival in Courage has a brilliant idea – replace them all in North Carolina!
“This would be utter bull.
Is utter bull, or is it utter truth that we just don’t like?
Let’s break it down:
1) “Unequivocally, Proxy Joe kept his promise”
JB is keeping his promises to wreck our country and destroy our economy, so that’s “true”
2) “while a defeated and impotent Donald J. Trump,”
According to the corrupt Senate, and according to the corrupt CJ of the (not)SC, DJT was defeated, so that’s “true“.
‘Impotent’ is a characterization we can agree or disagree with, but he certainly didn’t appear strong as he left the Capitol with all of the declass unpublished.
Many of us believed for all the world that he was going to DO something before JB was sworn in.
He didn’t.
3) “who seemingly abandoned America on inauguration day after earlier rallying Americans to the nation’s Capitol on 06 Jan 21, bailed on us writ large.”
It certainly APPEARED that he abandoned America on inauguration day. He didn’t stop the steal when he was in a position of lawful authority to do so, and that’s just a fact.
That doesn’t mean he DID abandon America, and I don’t think he did, and I don’t think PM does either, which is why he used the word “seemingly” as a qualifier.
So that’s “true” (seemingly).
4) “It left all of us with no champion who mattered in the fight.”
Who has mattered since Trump left office?
Who has moved the needle?
Who has made ANY actual impact since January 20th?
If the answer to that question is “nobody”, then once again, PM’s comment is “true“.
I don’t like any of these things, but that doesn’t make them untrue.
“RINO’s and a timid Congress abandoned Trump in the face of a massive plan to steal the election. ”
Which DJT knew years in advance.
He knew all about the RINOs, he knew all about the corrupt Congress, he knew all about the corrupt media, and he knew all about the swamp.
He knew Hussein the Usurper did everything possible to destroy our military.
He had four years to rebuild the military (not just equipment, but more importantly, personnel), four years to expose the RINOs, four years to publish ‘declass’ and expose Congress, four years to expose the MSM, and four years to drain the swamp.
He didn’t.
Not yet.
That doesn’t mean he won’t, just that he hasn’t.
If he’s going to, it’s hard to see how he does that from the outside, with the enemy in control of the government and the military.
And the enemy has already survived one near-death experience, so they’re not likely to leave their guard down and make it easy (comparatively), like 2016.
So unless he’s going to pull a rabbit out of a hat, or invoke some Deus Ex Machina, the task before him — if he intends to do something — is bigger than any challenge in history, of which I am aware.
So, that’s not nothing.
Good grief this guy took pompous writing lessons from Sundance. Even favoring the word “construct” as a noun, which is a Sundance-ism almost as characteristic as “granular”
I gotta be honest, I’m not a fan of Moonshine. His writing IS like SD, and just irritating to me.
He even used construct twice that I spotted. I had to scroll back up to make sure he was quoting someone other than Sundance.
We’ll he’s certainly wordy. Perhaps that’s a construct to hide an agenda? IDK. Just knows he needs to be sifted as some of his insights are interesting. Where he’s plain wrong, turning corners in his maze, trying to leave a subtle imprint in my mind, is where he needs to be called out.
“Good grief this guy took pompous writing lessons from Sundance.”
But that is a criticism of style, not substance.
One has to be able to tolerate reading it to get the substance. I start woolgathering and reaching for the mouse by paragraph 3.
His background is insurance fraud investigation, which is why he was able to spot the RICO aspects so clearly, so I would guess he is accustomed to writing for lawyers.
Does he look victorious to you?
Does he look strong in exile?
Nice Remake just in time for Christmas.
This guy claims a study saying the Elites have been allowing us to win only 30% of the time. If we weren’t allowed 30% we’d no longer play. Similar to battered wife thing. When we get above 30% they start to do all they can to stop us. It’s smart yet short talk advocating we pull out and stop playing altogether.
The Thirty Percent Rule.
Very interesting. Makes so much sense.
I think that 30% is merely a rule of thumb and not a hard number. I’ve long suspected that various annoying laws are merely a way of identifying and quantifying the level of annoyance the People have with their Elites. And if the Elites are getting what they want but the People get too close to bubbling over, they can do things like “repeal the 55 mph national speed limit” to let off the pressure. It means that the 30% “wins” we get may be partially synthetic — merely the unwinding of the intolerable.
And if the Elites are getting what they want but the People get too close to bubbling over, they can do things like “repeal the 55 mph national speed limit” to let off the pressure.
There was a national speed limit of 55mph?
Guess I was going too fast to read the sign…
I’ve got someone who can tell you all about it….
Huh… I didn’t even know you could go 55mph without lugging the engine, unless you were in first gear.
That was my 1970s Cutlass. It HATED 55 MPH. My current truck HATES 45 MPH.
The trannys on both toss complete hissy fits at those posted speed limits.
I had a 1971 Dodge Challenger, electric blue body, white vinyl top and interior. It was WONDERFUL .. until .. sniff

.. it broke my heart, it was towed away by the city of Dearborn .. never saw again .. 

the transmission went and I didn’t have the money to fix it
She wa a beauty .. indeed
I am good friends with the guy who rebuilds my trannys.
Actually he is a great mechanic and I wish I had discovered he did other things besides tranny rebuilds A LOT SOONER. It would have saved us a lot of head aches.
I had 2 Challengers and 2 Chargers from that era…
(My 1st car was a ’71 Charger Super Bee).
I miss them all
… the vinyl seats were modern winter/summer though .. ouch
Murder, vinyl seats
I have a nice sheepskin I put grommet holes in so I could tie it to my bucket seat. — WARM!

Oh my yes indeed .. lovely hack Gail
We came REALLY close to getting a Dodge (Charger) Daytona… with the REAL spoiler on the back, and the huge engine, also Electric Blue.
The dealership was really looking to sell the car (in a buyer’s market), but my Mom was a wee bit skeptical about the tail (versus the trunk) so they decided to “think about it”.
The car insurance fellow thought about it too, and that ended it (DRAT!)…
They ended up getting a Dodge Monaco instead (also with the big engine), like the ones in Dukes of Hazzard and Blues Brothers… interior was green plaid, sort of like someone’s golf outfit exploded in it
(Just realized it might have been a Pontiac Superbird, the sister car of the Daytona… but I remember Dodge… maybe that was what people had to do when the car was around
I remember Dodge… maybe that was what people had to do when the car was around
love it

My Integra hated 15 MPH which was the speed limit on the access road to the parking lot at the air force base I used to work at.
Oh, wait, it was a manual, and it was ME who hated it.
My Cutlass was a five on the floor. Lugged at 55 if I hit a hill in 5th and screamed at 55 in 4th. ARGH!
I was constantly shifting every time I came to a hill.
Cutless … nice

It was my FIRST brand new car and very very nice.
26 MPG with an 8 cylinder.
My 1969 Corvette (350/350, close ratio Muncie 4-spd, purchased in 1996) was just fast, at any speed
Fast going uphill, fast going downhill, fast on corners, fast on straights.
It even looked fast when it was sitting still.
… I want that car … 
The fact that that percentage came up in multiple studies makes it a bit static. I mean, the EXACT same thing happens in studies on breast cancer rates among women who wear foundation garments. EVERY study demonstrated that twelve straight hours without one, the chances of developing the disease drops from one in eight to one in a hundred and twenty-five or twenty-six, which is statistically negligible.
That kind of repetition in numbers does come up…and explains a lot in my life.
Then there is Pareto’s 80/20 rule…

80-20 Rule Definition & Example (Pareto Principle)
And the speed limit thing was probably imposed with the influence of the insurance industry.
I read that the group that picked the number was looking at 65, 55 and 45 as options and literally picked 55 because it was the middle of the three (I almost wrote ‘middle of the road’).
President Nixon signed that law. Egads…
Yep, along with blessing us with the EPA and trade relations with China.
Certainly explains the Rittenhouse ‘WIN’ which was IMMEDIATELY TURNED INTO A LOSE via the Tucker Carlson/ Rittenhouse ATTACK on Lin Wood…
In the above instance, Rittenhouse only a loss if we allow it to be. In the short term, slow folks like me duped. Recovered relatively quickly. Live and learn.
Truth has a way of showing the fraud(s).
Folks ideally rise above the pissing and moaning. Keep things in perspective. Throttle personal feelings, which is not always easy. Employ our logic more.
IMO, of course.
The other side being afraid of the creation of a conservative ecosystem that they cannot control is a great concept. Rush, and Free Republic were the beginning. Look how far we have come.
And that’s just “news.” Entertainment is a completely different animal.
Excellent message.
Disengage from Pravda Propaganda, TW, FB….
New Columbia University “Vaccine” Study Drops Bombshell: VAERS Deaths Undercounted by Factor of 20
The last study like this was from I believe UMASS or Harvard and had deaths under counted by a factor of 10 but they were not adjusting for mischief in the numbers. I’m guessing this one does.
Seems to support what Dr Zelenko was saying in his video above.
Last VAERS report had us at 20,000 deaths. This then would mean its really 400,000 deaths.
This is good news. This is Columbia University. We are swiftly approaching the end. Fauci and Co. should be TERRIFIED.
All we need to do is spread this far and wide.
Things are reaching the point where pushing the vax looks like pushing fentanyl.
No doubt! Doctors who are still pushing it are either ignorant (bad), insane (worse), or outright evil (the worst).
Any doctor who tells you to take the vaxx at this point should be dropped like a hot rock.
That is stunning. Just stunning.
…but not unexpected.
Would be
nicea surprise IF Propaganda News looked into and reported on this.Had no idea we were being so oppressive.
Satanic Temple Lawsuits in Texas Claim Laws Violate Their ‘Religious Freedom’ to ‘Abortion Rituals’
I suspect Islamists will want to bring suit for those of us not willing to have our heads cut off for being infidels.
That’s like a Babylon Bee headline.
But seriously, I’ve been saying for years that satanists view abortions as sacrificing babies to their evil lord.
I brought that up a while ago.
September 8, 2021 Satanists claim Texas heartbeat abortion law restricts their religious freedom
They are feeding their depravity nothing else.They are miserable human beings.
I do not think they actually make it to human status.
You are right
Spiritual battle of good vs. evil.
We are free to exercise our faith so long as it does not violate the rights of others. Abortion violates the rights of the baby. That is why the personhood of the baby, or fetus in Latin, is a concept the other side wants to kill.
They may have done us all a favor here.
Normally religious exemptions are written into the law only for those cases where violating the law actually harms no one else.
The statute against murder contains no religious exemption–for instance–but other laws like vaccine mandates, etc. do.
They’re going to force some clarity on this issue. Either a fetus has rights or does not. If the Texas law actually contains a religious exemption then the authors were tacitly conceding it does not.
We have been to easy going and did not stamp these depraved people out when they first surfaced. We are to tolerant until it is to late. Me included somehow waiting for someone else to speak up to fight Good over evil. We have a role to play and somehow we wait sit back and hope someone else takes that fight. When it began to be tolerant in churches I needed to speak up. Pier pressure is a tactic evil uses to silence.
What sick people destroying innocent life to feel good because they are such miserable
SOBs ? The strongest words and sentiment are to good for people like that.
I’m now fully convinced that the vaccines are driving variants, and we have a duty to not only reject them personally, but to stop others from driving the bad outcome.
So we can finally staunch the flow of blood by cauterizing the wound at the source?
Can and should are two different things, but should is going to meet can very soon.
President Wolf Moon would order vaccination stopped immediately, and would send cruise missiles to finish the job if stopping wasn’t fast enough.
Not sure if President Pfizer would do anything other than increase mandates and production of vaccines. He is being advised by Bill Gates, effectively. My guess is that he won’t stop.
Things are just gonna get spicier. The vaccines will harm us all, one way or another. At some point, sane and good people are going to act. But the first action is to not take the vaccine, and to help others understand why.
“But the first action is to not take the vaccine, and to help others understand why.”
Well, nobody has tried throwing a bloody ear at Jen Psaki yet!
Nobody that we know of….
Very hard to cover it up, but our “press” could do it!
Then we’re not trying hard enough…
Why don’t YOU start practicing what you seem to want others to do?
And, from that song (beautiful and tragic song btw.)
“They would not listen,
They’re not listening still,
Perhaps they never will”…….
Same as in Jeremiah 7:24 (indeed the whole chapter):
24 But they hearkened not, nor inclined their ear, but walked in the counsels and in the imagination of their evil heart, and went backward, and not forward.
Simple explanation.
Real Vaccines introduce a MEASURED quanity of a dead or weaken virus or bacteria into the body so the body will generate immunity to that pathogen.
The HaXXines introduce messenger RNA into the body to cause the cells in your body to produce AN UNKNOWN QUANTITY OF A POISONOUS SUBSTANCE.
mRNA CAN INVADE your cells nucleus where your DNA resides.
Science Paper November 22, 2005: Mechanism of mRNA transport in the nucleus
December 7, 2021 STUDY: Spike Proteins Found In The Nucleus Of Cells
October 13, 2021: NIH(dot) gov science paper:
SARS–CoV–2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination In Vitro
this is the video:
That could certainly explain the cancers we are hearing about.
But does this happen in the sperm and egg cells?
The Japanese biodistribution study, data shows the spike heads straight for the ovaries and we are seeing a MAJOR number of Stillbirths.
Japanese Regulatory Agency study – VAX SPIKE PROTEIN concentrates in spleen, liver, adrenals, and ovaries in high concentrations –2nd Study shows breast milk contamination, “infants encountering bleeding disorders in the gastrointestinal tract” LINK
It was discussed here a while back.
Tragic. Especially to see that the pro-abortion, i.e. pro-death bunch are going to get all the abortions they dreamed of, and even more, with these clot shots…
Who ever thought that it would be a human race to jump off the cliff first…….
They’re ratcheting up the pressure to get everyone “vaxxed” over here yet again… The NaZI shopping news (bunch of ads and propaganda) had a full-page ad, the top portion of which was a plea, BEGGING for people to apply for caring jobs (nurses, first-responders, “Pflegepersonal”, etc.) as there is a tremendous shortage at the moment. “Well-trained specialists are in demand”, says the ad…
The bottom half of the page was screaming out “get the clot shot now vax centers and busses all over Baden-Württemberg” listing all the locations. “We’re vaxxing The LAND – 48-hour vaccination marathon” says the ad… [The LAND is the marketing name for the state of Baden-Württemberg]. (Reminds me of how San Francisco calls itself “The City”…)….
Seems they haven’t made the connection yet (or, rather, they refuse to)…
Here’s the ad:

Hmmm. How woke. Just realized there’s no whites in that ad; a Black male, a Moslem male, an Asian woman, but neither a male nor a female white… Maybe they ARE targeting…
Great to see the «sauce» on this. I’ve seen the argument before that the leaky vaccination would be likely to cause certain variants to become dominant, and voilà, there is the timeline. Delta, then omicron. Just as the theory predicted. For once, it is nice that theory and practice aren’t so different. But that is because the theory is on resonable solid foundation.
There’s enough junk floating about under the flag of «theory» elsewhere, founded on contradictions or sweet dreams…
Meanwhile the omicron is running wild around here now with TPTB playing the role of the super-Grinch. More cases despite the already wide-spread double-jabbings… and thus there is a push for more jabbs, and it will be just about as effective as firing another shot with a misaligned gun will be on improving the hit score. For the jabbs targeted the original and mostly extinct variant.
Doesn’t stop the mainstream media from running a plain old FUD campaign. Get the jabb lest you be stuck in hospital on ventilator or get sick and die horribly.
Meanwhile the side-effects pile on, and interestingly, some of the early news is appearing in the alternate media now. Such how toxic the spike proteins actually are and all the bad things they make happen in the body. Yeah, I knew this, but nice to see the reminder.
It does look like some kind of competition though: who can put up the scariest news? The actual omicron variant turns out to be less scary than all the rest of it. It is a nuisance though made more of one by TPTB, but still just that. And then, some simple logic indicates that the risk of dying from that omicron is far less than the risk of dying from the transfection (as the techical term is; it is also satisfactorily scary-sounding), so whoever for whom logic hasn’t left the building yet, should have an easy task of deciding.
Yes – nice to see that we’re making progress in understanding – even up to predictive levels.
Novel Defense. Eat that Cuomos’.
Mob Boss Sammy “The Bull” Gravano Says He Never Would Have Done What New York Governor Cuomo Did to the Elderly with COVID
Do we miss the Mafia yet?
YES! At least they had smarts and some scruples AND WERE NOT INTENT IN EXTERMINATING HUMANITY!
As NYC residents in the 1920s… my family had a lot of contact with the Mafia and not all of it was bad.
Heck, I’ve had quite a bit of “contact” with the Mafia (don’t ask!), and they weren’t generally bad or scary for “normies” at all!
If you avoid going up against “their industries,” the Mafia has no interest in you. Actually, they are protective of normies and leave them scrupulously alone, because they don’t want exposure.
The Nazis in medicine and our current government are WAY scarier than the Mafia to me.
AMEN to that. I have a good friend I caved with from a Mafia family and Dad was offered help by a Mafia type who was livid at his abuse at the hands of the state cops.
Heck we even lived next door to a Mafia kingpin.
From what I remember, kids and women were strictly off limits back then unlike with the current bunch of Satanic Crooks.
Yep. There’s “honor among thieves”, but there’s no honor among DEMONRATS…..
It’s true. They had respect for the fact that there was such a thing as “innocents” that were hands off.
My husband went to school with some mafia kids.
Fauci Family and Pelosi-d’Alesandro are enough for me!
I hope he’s been to Confession after turning on the mob.
Whose Next?
WOW – they ain’t kidding – go to the JP link and it’s exactly what they say.
This is how the United States falls behind! Japan is showing moral, scientific, and ethical leadership.
Biden is a disgrace!!!
“Biden is a disgrace!!!”
I don’t know how you can speak so kindly of him…

Yeah, he deserves a whipping with TWO NOODLES – not just ONE!!!
Yes that will do nicely ..
The uncooked one .. large ones, or a ….
Sometimes, you have to show the people.
The Japanese, once they got “world war” out of their system, developed their millennia-old culture into something worth emulating in many ways, in my opinion.
I’m on my 4th Toyota and my 4th Sony TV, 2 Sony laptops – would’ve been 3 but Sony stopped making them. Japan makes good stuff!!
Yeah they do. I have a Nissan pickup I just love.
Well, that’s a relief!
Looks like BOTOX to me!
The camel doesn’t feel very good about it…
It was hoping for a butt-lift.
Put it on your Christmas list, there’s still time!I misread your post as “I was hoping for a butt-lift”… it would have been perfect!

Haul out the trolley…
(for we need a little Botox)…
Gotta pump up the hump.
Money walks…
Oh, wait…..
AOC and Omar must not have shown up…
(or that HUGE de Block from Belgium)…
(I can just see Tattoo running along on the beach screaming “de Block, de Block”…)….
Meanwhile…a new Matrix movie has been made.
Released on 12/22/21.
It looks pretty good…not sure what to make of it, though.
I hope it’s good…
Me too. Too soon to tell, though.
Suspicious Cat keeps appearing by the Christmas tree, rubbing the ornaments, and making me wonder what bogus messages might be embedded in it.
Yep, I know what you mean.
The Wachowski brothers went trans a few years back…and this is written & directed by ‘Lana’ Wachowski.
We don’t know if he/she is a koolaid-drinking leftist or not.
There actually are some Libertarian/Conservative trans people.
Good question. Who owns the franchise now?
Oh they’re subtle .. (sneaky) … lol
Subtle like a brick through a window.
Keanu Reeves Didn’t Know The Matrix Was a Trans Allegory
Directed by the brothers who both decided they are girls. If they think I’ll ever watch any movie they make, they’re REALLY nuts.
“Hi, I’ll put you in my movie if you’ll live in my lie.”
No thanks, I’ve got dumber things I could be doing that don’t involve me lying.
They’ve also gone into Orthodontics…
So they could be specialists in trans and dental medication…
Bwahahahahaha …

Matrix I was OK. At least you could follow the “brain in a vat” theme. It made you think.
The second Matrix movie turned the philosophizing into incoherent babble and was full of over the top fight scenes that were completely avoidable, given that Neo could just leave any time he wanted to. (I suspect they had focus groups filled with pre-driving age teenagers who told them what they thought was cool about the first movie, and simply multiplied by three). If I recall it left a dangling hook at the end that could have been taken up in the third movie in a way that would have made all the nonsense make sense…but from what people told me about the third movie, it didn’t.
Even some people I know who were big fans at the time came to realize the second (and third) movie just made no damn sense a couple of years later.
I’m going to pass on this.
There was another movie out roughly the same time called (IIRC) The Thirteenth Floor that dealt with a similar thing (is this real or is it a simulation) much, much more intelligently.
One thing about Matrix I which was idiotic from the get go was the stated motivation for people being kept in those pods and being fed a fake reality…and that was the claim we were being harvested for energy.
It’d be far more efficient for the system to simply get the energy from whatever it was the people were being fed intravenously, directly. We waste (in a thermodynamic sense) much of the calories we consume.
Of course an intelligent Matrix sequel would have made it clear that the Red Pill reality was ITSELF also fake, so nonsense like that would have been fake, too. Basically a good last movie would have fixed all of the stupidities of the previous movies (which would have been, in hindsight, *clues*).
I loved the 1st Matrix & we own the trilogy. I’ve seen the 2nd & 3rd ones a couple of times but can Never hold the plots in my head for some reason. The first one could definitely stand alone & it’s a household staple. It was epic & revolutionary.
Given that Neo ended up blind & Trinity dead in the 3rd, iirc, it’s hard to understand how they’re going to pull off this Resurrections film & maintain the existing plotlines (that many of us can never remember). We still want to see it, Red Pills AND All!!!
Palindromic number… and then some…
That’s a great video of Dr. Vladimir Zelenko.
He called it “the poison death-shot”…and not a ‘vaccine’.
In case you didn’t know…
Dr. Zelenko was born in Kiev, Ukraine, in 1973.
This was when the Ukraine was part of the Soviet Bloc and under USSR rule.
His parents fled Ukraine and came to the US when he was 3 years old.
So he grew up here and was educated here.
He is one of us.
Yes – he’s definitely not diaper!!!
Truly a great listen as I scroll here.
Dr Z always delivers a solid inspiring message.
Zelenko truly is a man of God.
So, just a weird funny….
Peeps around here may understand that I am a great fan of Lake Tanganyika. It’s the sixth largest and second deepest lake in the world, and it is oooollllllddddd (60+ million years). It has its own crabs, eels, sponges, jellyfish, and shellfish — found nowhere else.
As usual, you get historical artifacts from the Age of Exploration. Not as bad as its neighbor, Lake Malawi, that appeared in European atlases as “Lake Nyassa” for decades [Nyassa being the local word for “lake”].
One of the earliest accounts of Lake T came from Sir Richard Francis Burton — a man whose personal history is so unbelievable it sounds like pulp fiction — and particularly overblown pulp fiction, at that. [ ]
He described it as “a vast inland sea ….. oddly devoid of fish.”
There are a great many modern fanciers of these supposedly nonexistent fish, and everyone knows that quote and laughs about it. The fact is that Lake T is positively swarming with fish, most of which are quite intelligent (as fish go) and are VERY adept at hiding in the various rockscapes that define the lake’s shores. (I should also note that the sandy beaches around the lake tend to be infested with hippos, crocs, and water cobras, making long-term observations there problematic.)
Anyway, here’s video from a friend of mine. She doesn’t actually SCUBA, she snorkels. In her video, you can see them all disappear, then get some taste of how many fish there actually are.
We kept cichlids for awhile.
I had to read up on them, in order to learn how to keep them.
Didn’t really know what we were getting ourselves into.
My favorites were the blue cichlids.

The mouth breeders were amazing to watch…the way the babies would all swim back into mom’s mouth.

We kept upgrading main tank, eventually getting a 320 gallon.
But also had to have a nursery tank and a hospital tank.
I built quite a rock complex for them hang out in, in the main tank.
They seemed to really like it.
Finally, we got tired of all the work and gave all of our cichlids to the pet store where we got the originals.
Still have the tanks, though.
Maybe you can use the tanks as part of a hydroponic garden project.
Heheh…I’ve actually thought about doing something like that with them.
If they’re acrylic, they’d be a bloody fortune to replace. I’ve heard of places quoting $1300 for a 200 gallon acrylic tank.
Nope, not acrylic…they’re all glass.
The glass in the 320 is nearly an inch thick.
It sits on a heavy wooden stand/cabinet — because that thing weighs a lot.
Oh, man….once upon a time, my roommate and I unloaded a 200g glass tank from his pickup. He was over seven feet and could easily lift me. I had the dolly end, and it destroyed the dolly — he was lifting the other end, and sweat was popping out of him in droplets. The 320 must be just nuts.
It looks like you were keeping Malawian cichlids.
One of the joys of cichlids over the last 40 years has been the constant change in nomenclature. According to the locals, there are two large groups of cichlids from Lake M — the mbuna and the utaka. Mbuna are rock-dwelling cichlids that generally graze on rocks. They are frequently labeled “Pseudotropheus zebra [color morph]”. This was almost always wrong, even before renaming really kicked-in.
Mbuna of note include the Labeotropheus genus — e.g. — which all have a pronounced overbite or “schnozz”. Also, the genus Melanochromis — e.g. [note that it was once called Pseudotropheus] — all of which are rat bastards in an aquarium and known for killing other fish.
And, then, there are Pseudotropheus. The original type species was — which is very different from what is generally known in the hobby today. You get a bit of a hint how things are heading with . In any case, you have a nice picture of a cobalt blue of whatever its name is this week.
Mouthbrooding is an amazing and weird phenomenon that you can observe in a reasonably sized fish tank.
A substantial portion of the utaka are “Peacock cichlids” — .
These photograph best as males in breeding coloration — males at other times show just hints of color, and females are solid silver nondescript fish 99% of the time.
More peacock — same shape, different color —
It should be noted that “Pseudotropheus” (almost tropheus) and “Labeotropheus” (lippy tropheus) refer back to the genus Tropheus in the other lake….which are featured in Pam’s video.
Narrative change, the swamp is trying to get ahead of the massive election/voter fraud evidence, that is being presented.
From: ‘There is NO evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 election’
to: ‘Evidence of voter fraud is not wide spread and it was not coordinated’
Liz Harrington
The AP is a propaganda nozzle for the commie Left.
They are shameless about it, too.
.. tools ..

I’ve seen some of the accounts I follow claim that this was coming. The old narratives are kaput.
We need more of this:
Hopefully these guys are not only found ‘In Contempt of Court’, but also ‘Accessory to potential murder’
Until the operating license is threatened, TPTB will just bill it to the insurance companies and/or Uncle Sam. BTW, $10K per day is chump change to a hospital.
And if I were a DA or US Atty, I would drop the “Accessory to”.
A little bit of fun with Bannon running Bannons War Room:
Don’t know if you saw it, but further down there was this, I’ve no idea when the vid was made but it brazenly admits they’ve no idea and the whole thing is an experiment.
Great find.
Verse of the Day for Wednesday, December 15, 2021
“Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.”
Ephesians 6:1 (KJV)
For as long as God’s breath remains in the body he created for me.
CNN Proposes 11 Candidates Who Could Replace Joe Biden amid Concerns About Age, Lack of Popularity
I stopped at “CNN proposes”.
I could care less what those clowns propose.
“…And somebody out there is having firing range withdrawal…..”
Absolutely no need!
Laser training cartridges bullets for shooting practice …
10 Best Dry Fire Laser Training Systems
Santa is placing an iTarget under the tree for oldest. (I have no idea which system is good, better, best)
Looking forward to his assessment after he fiddles with iTarget.
BUT, I gotta say. We have set Ground Rules for this. Two teenage boys in the house.
What I can say about iTarget is, there customer service seems very proactive. Ordered. received email thanking. Shipped, received email with tracking number. Delivered, received email notifying me it was delivered. Did I receive it, good condition and if I have any questions, please reach out to them. Packaging superb.
Nice to hear about a QUALITY company.
My two older brothers back home from Vietnam just before Christmas bought the baby brother a toy gun/rifle ?
Well one of them had a round used in the guns they used in Vietnam and just out of curiosity he went and got it, he took the round and the toy gun and the round was an exact fit in the gun. Both of my brothers faces turned white with shock then red with anger. The one brother got up took the toy outside and smashed it to smithereens.
Baby brother didn’t get that “toy” for Christmas.
Even with something like iTarget, the rule with guns is never point one at something you don’t want to destroy. Like people.
Of course. ALL gun safety applies. Which was the crux of our discussion. NEVER, EVER lose focus on S A F E T Y.
And remember Rule 0 of gun safety: Don’t let the government take your guns.
Recoil control is a major factor in accurate shooting.
Try shooting a .357 as accurately as you can shoot a .22
It can be done, but ONLY by actually practicing with the real thing.
FG&C the name of the game is to NOT waste ammo. That means you use a combination of dry fire — laser and range firing.
THAT depends upon how one defines “wasting ammo”.
Legit practice is not a waste of ammo.
“Laser firing” is not legit practice for experienced shooters, but that is not to say it doesn’t have a place. It IS a good tool for teaching proper trigger squeeze to novices or people who are learning how to shoot, and in this sense it is a great way to SAVE (vs. “waste”) ammo.
NOTHING can replace actually firing a weapon to build and maintain skills. And nothing ever will. As such, one cannot “waste” ammo if one is truly practicing to build or maintain their skills.
According to Dan Bongino, people have told him the laser bullet has really helped their aim esp if their ability to get to a range to actually live practice is limited.
The Election Wizard
We have HCA in TN. It owns a regional in east TN. a few weeks back I posted on here that when a SIL was admitted for treatment in one of their local hospitals for a COPD attack, all of the staff in the hospital on duty that evening except in the ICU and a few Emergency Room nurses/doc walked out. This happened throughout their chain at various points over the next couple of weeks. Message sent, message received. All retained their jobs.
The jab stat needle is not moving in TN. The media lies (shocker). They do not utilize the new CDC revised unvaccinated definition in making their news reports. They rephrase it that 56% of the people have taken at least one jab. In our local experience, about 1 in 5 of the vaccinated are getting boosters and very few children are being vaccinated. Home and private schooling is exploding. So all the rest of the jabbed are allowing their fake immunity to expire. They all ask when they have blood tests if they have any antibodies from the jabs and none do. It’s like having cold water splashed in their faces. They know, they do not try to rationalize it anymore, they just stop talking about it. Most are trying to rebuild their immunity. Some doctors and dentists are starting to come out of the closet about it as well.
Another observation – I am amazed by the number (and the who) of the “good Christians” church members, teachers, leaders and even pastors who sold their brains and hearts out to the COVID god. Many were formerly devout members of churches who have not darkened the doors for going on 2 years. Fully jabbed at all times and isolated in their cocoons. Victims of their own lack of real faith and intelligence while rationalizing their decisions and lives with a degree of disdain and distrust for those who soldier on.
What say you, Jesus and disciples – who walked, taught, fed and healed among the hurting, the lepers and the lost? What about you, Mother Teresa? smh…
Traditional Catholics Sound Alarm As Rome Suppresses Most Old Rite Sacraments
They contend the Oct. 7 pastoral instruction forbidding six of the seven sacraments celebrated according to the extraordinary form is a violation of canon law and will cause spiritual harm.
^^^^ Article dated 14 December, references a 7 October letter.
Looking forward to insights and thoughts of many here.
Something seems way off here.
Things go slowly in the Church.
The modernists are using the letter to stamp out the Traditional Latin Mass movement, which has been gaining steam of late, especially with young people. It’s being noticed and the out of the closet hard core traditionalists are alarmed.
This is a legit issue, actually, as the younger priests are far more conservative than their bishops and are attracting large congregations for far more transcendent Liturgies than guitars and folk music could ever offer.
The Church did, at least, not adopt “The Vatican Rag” by Lehrer.
Not for liturgical purposes, no. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t come up at parties.
Are those parties church functions?
Could be.
This December Marks 33 Years Since My Older Brother Died After Taking Anthony Fauci’s ‘Miracle Drug’ AZT That Was Nothing But Pure Poison.
Within days after beginning his AZT treatment promoted endlessly by Anthony Fauci, Bob grew very tired, after a week he was unable to get out of bed. By the end of two weeks he would be in the hospital with pneumonia, that’s how fast his health deteriorated. The sicker he got, the higher his AZT prescription dosage was increased. In just a few months he was a skeleton, always cold even when it wasn’t cold out, eyes sunken into his face, coughing constantly and growing worse by the day. We were told this is what AIDS does to the human body, but as it turns out they were wrong, That’s what AZT does to the human body.
I’m so sorry for your loss Dora. It’s unforgivable what was done to your beloved brother, it’s heartbreaking ..

Not my loss. That comes from NTEB.
Thank you anyway.
So sorry Dora
Good morning DePat
.. wonderful open thank you very much. With so much darkness trying to discourage God’s loved ones it’s so good to have warriors for Christ as you to lift us up in this dark hour.
God bless you and your loved ones abundantly ..
6that men may know, from the rising of the sun and from the west, that there is none besides me; I am the LORD, and there is no other.
.. wow and sorry, … ?blew? …

.. sorry the word s/b BLESS ..
I should learn how to type in Romanian …
W0LF ..

Transylvania rocks ..
Wake-up music!
Yep, only
after midnight
To our beautiful Qtree warriors .. God bless you and your loved ones abundantly ..
in Jesus name amen
I am so appreciative that our courageous warrior W0lfm00n built this fortress for God fearing, freedom people fighting their way through the darkness that knows but defies their defeat in Jesus resurrection .. to God be the Glory, forever
We have not yet begun to fight ..

… In God we trust, period
Psalm 63:1-11
O God, You are my God; I shall seek You earnestly; My soul thirsts for You, my flesh yearns for You, In a dry and weary land where there is no water.
Thus I have seen You in the sanctuary, To see Your power and Your glory.
Because Your lovingkindness is better than life, My lips will praise You.
So I will bless You as long as I live; I will lift up my hands in Your name.
My soul is satisfied as with marrow and fatness, And my mouth offers praises with joyful lips.
When I remember You on my bed, I meditate on You in the night watches,
For You have been my help, And in the shadow of Your wings I sing for joy.
My soul clings to You; Your right hand upholds me.
But those who seek my life to destroy it, Will go into the depths of the earth.
They will be delivered over to the power of the sword; They will be a prey for foxes.
But the king will rejoice in God; Everyone who swears by Him will glory, For the mouths of those who speak lies will be stopped.
1 John 4:19
We love, because He first loved us.
… 8 I repeat eight day till Christmas Eve and 9! till we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior, King of King and Lord of Lords. Alleluia
.. and it’s a wonderful day for children
The tree still has to be decorated … and the Grand Marnier sits on the counter .. waiting
.. nice

.. Don’t know how I did that .. it’s early maybe that’s it .. 
This is Qtree ..
Great message.
Glad you like it Kal … kindness is taking a beating nowadays but it is biblical
Matthew chapter 5 ..

“Humble And Kind”
You know there’s a light that glows by the front door
Don’t forget the key’s under the mat
When childhood stars shine
Always stay humble and kind
Go to church ’cause your mamma says to
Visit grandpa every chance that you can
It won’t be wasted time
Always stay humble and kind
Hold the door, say “please”, say “thank you”
Don’t steal, don’t cheat, and don’t lie
I know you got mountains to climb
But always stay humble and kind
When the dreams you’re dreamin’ come to you
When the work you put in is realized
Let yourself feel the pride
But always stay humble and kind
Don’t expect a free ride from no one
Don’t hold a grudge or a chip and here’s why
Bitterness keeps you from flyin’
Always stay humble and kind
Know the difference between sleeping with someone
And sleeping with someone you love
“I love you” ain’t no pick-up line
So always stay humble and kind
Hold the door, say “please”, say “thank you”
Don’t steal, don’t cheat, and don’t lie
I know you got mountains to climb
But always stay humble and kind
When those dreams you’re dreamin’ come to you
When the work you put in is realized
Let yourself feel the pride
But always stay humble and kind
When it’s hot, eat a root beer popsicle
Shut off the AC and roll the windows down
Let that summer sun shine
Always stay humble and kind
Don’t take for granted the love this life gives you
When you get where you’re going don’t forget turn back around
And help the next one in line
Always stay humble and kind
Be proud when you are humble and kind? Humility is the virtue to invoke against the sin of pride.
It is not a sin to feel pride, only to act upon it in some way, such as boasting.
It is entirely unreasonable to expect one not to feel a sense of satisfaction in a job well done. In fact, it would be unhealthy not to do so.
Satisfaction is fine. Pride…that’s a little something different.
No, it isn’t.
Learn to pronounce
Difference in background and upbringing, I think. Pride goeth before the fall.
It’s really just a difference of semantics. You were taught another meaning of the word.
I like to be ‘unselfaware,’ if that’s a word, and stay focused on whatever I’m working on. I think my parents would not want me to be prideful.
Good girl
sing it 

It’s starting to wear me down.
89 Africans Killed By Mysterious New Illness Emerging In South Sudan
Just as the latest delta-driven wave of SARS-CoV-2 washes over parts of the US that already benefit from some of the country’s highest vaccination rates, the WHO has dispatched an advance team of researchers and doctors to South Sudan, situated in Northern Africa, where 89 people have been killed already by some strange new virus, according to the Daily Mail.
AND we have them coming over our Southern Border thanks to the UN and Soros.
This is feeling like the Tolkien story of the Ring
… orcs everywhere .. 
They get no health screeing and are send all over the US in the night.
As I have documented before. They bring 3ed world diseases with them AND THE CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL KNOWS IT AND THREATENS DOCTORS TO HIDE IT!
Media buries the truth about illegal immigrants bringing wave of hepatitis, tuberculosis and HIV to America
Disease Tsunami Washing Across Our Border
This is one of those diseases with no known cure infecting American Children.
Obama’s illegals bring disease to America’s children
These are all OLD ARTICLES BTW.
I did not know that they bring this many diseases with them. I knew some. They already infected each other some might be carriers ready to spread to unsuspecting people. Biden and his team and the lazy Congress are responsible for it and the churches who support human trafficking . This really makes me angry specially when the kids wind up in schools with Americans.
The refauxgee invaders streaming up (and over) into Germany (for we have the best benefits for the Mozzies) are bringing diseases, parasites, and other plagues with them that we haven’t seen here for three or four HUNDRED years. Medical personnel are confounded by what they see, and often medications, equipment, facilities, not to mention diagnostic and treatment skills are not to be found anywhere.
The RKI (Robert Koch Institute), our CDC/NIH, which SHOULD be dealing with these problems is too busy hyping COVID and pushing the clot shot, as well as fueling the flaming propaganda surrounding COVID.
So, those suffering from REAL problems get to suffer even MORE “thanks” to the fake problem(s) fomented by Big Pharma and the Derp State…..
Time to pump up Satan Sauros, Fauci, Drosten, Gates, et. al. with a liter or two EACH of the clot shot serum and see how they do…..
This morning was a rough one for me on all of this. Trying to escape it is next to impossible.
I went to a local park where there are water features to walk this morning, and the parks people were there mulching flower bed and trees. If life could just be that simple sometimes.
…. hug .. hug .. hug ..
Just try to always remember that just about everything you hear or read in the press is fear-porn, designed to terrify you.
And if it turns out to be real, in the end it’s all up to God anyway. He wins.
As Steve so eloquently and elaborately pointed out, in his last physics chapter, reading between the lines, God has plenty else to do in this universe. Having more of us giving him reason to act here in a beneficial way might actually help.
You are a Warrior Dora.
Recognize the Media is your enemy.
Their task is to demoralize you.
Gaslighting, flooding the zone with bad/worrisome news is their proven technique.
Recognize it, put it where it belongs.
Count the blessings,
They are WINS!
They are accumulating,WE ARE WINNING
Stay Vigilant
Stay Safe
Back to reading David Clements (The Professor’s Record)
December 14 Ron Watkins Joins Live to Discuss AZ Congressional Run and Fraud(1 hour I am watching now)
@ 13 minutes Ron says:
“after he delivered the data showing WHO deleted the Maricopa logs….”
That is the start of the bomb drops.
The death has not been announced.
Ron ALSO has the video…. He has had close calls too.
I think CMZ ia a good guy and genuine, he doesn’t get mentioned much in the news, hope he wins office.
They didn’t show this on the news. I wonder why. (Sarc)
Thousands Honor Our Lady of Guadalupe in NYC Street Procession, Walking Miles to Parishes.
Anything having to do with Our Lady is verboten.
The bad guys are in the lockstep to hell …
I just wish they would hurry up and get there!
Bwahahahahaha .. yessssssss

I realize this is satire, but this is WRONG on an epic scale.
Sigh .. when will it end ..
I think that one is a real joke. Hard to tell now a days as in this piece.
Not The Bee: Former Danish Minister to Be Sent to Prison for 60 Days for Opposing Child MarriagesBy Richard Abelson
Published December 15, 2021 at 10:40am
Støjberg has now been sentenced by a special court set up by the new “Social Democratic” majority in parliament, which consists of one-half politicians and one-half judges. It is only the second time that this questionable instrument – a blatant politicization of the justice system – has been used in the past 100 years.
Kangaroo Courts, political prisoners Oh My! I wonder where they get this stuff from?
AND do not forget that Denmark NOW SANCTIONS CHILD RAPE!
Way to go Denmark.
I am sure the USA under Bye-Done is ALSO SANCTIONING CHILD RAPE by the Taliban vetted Jihadists we imported from Half-goat-a-stan.
It was reported that the Afghans flown in had child brides with them.
Sept 3 — NY Post: Growing fears child brides brought to US in Afghan evacuation
Sept 29 — The Biden Administration is Stonewalling Information on Afghan Child Brides
Yep. That’s true (sad to say). It was on the news here, alternate media (of course)…
Any beer drinkers care to comment?
IPAs are very hoppy beers, which means they are very bitter. The ongoing trend is for IPA makers to try and out-hops each other, meaning the IPAs are getting more and more bitter. In fact, most are undrinkable, but the fad is to pretend one likes it…that only wimps drink non-IPA beers.
How do I know it’s a fad?
A: Because beer has been around for thousands of years, and in that time mankind has judged hoppy beer and left it behind. IPAs will fail in due time once the fad has run it’s course.
At least 4.500 years if one is to trust the Sumerian Kings List.
However Third Dynasty of Kish didn’t come about till circa 2500–2330 BC and as best we know Kubaba was it’s sole ruler before another city/ruler took over just before Sargon the Great.
Hey, if it was hard to make, it should be hard to drink.
Reminds me of most “modern classical” (a misnomer, it’s modern orchestral) music: If it was hard to write, or hard to play, it should be hard to listen to.
Yeah, but putting it through a shredder would be so satisfying.
Also, older school composers could actually manage the feat of writing something that was difficult to write, and difficult to play, but easy to listen to.
Mozart, of course was usually an exception. It simply wasn’t hard for him to compose, 99% of the time.
Same is true for Mendelssohn and Schubert. Though, oddly enough, all three of them died at a young age.
Tom Lehrer once noted that “it’s humbling to note that by the time Mozart was my age, he’d been dead ten years”…
(Of course he had to change that as he aged)…
That’s why I enjoy John Cage’s 4′ 33″ so much
(and John Adams’s music not so much… nice fellow, not-so-nice music)…
They have to be wrong then. Because everyone in Hell, by definition, will be unhoppy…
On the good side of hops is the fact that they make a wonderful sedative. That’s why beer makes you sleepy.
I hate IPA. I drink stouts and porters.
We have the city, Hell Michigan ..
… I worked with a woman who grew up there .. 
When she got older, did she drive like a bat out of Hell???
Probably Bud Light, Coors, and those fruity “beers” from Belgium will be on tap in Hell…
ugh those fruit beers the Belgium monks make.
Putting the trap back in Trappist…
Thank you for reminding me to go to Confession.
Somehow the thought of “the angel of Bud Light” comes to mind, what with all the “near beers” out there…
In Uni we tended to buy Lucky Lager 24-packs (OK, I know…). We’d say it was lucky if it was lager, basically a really green beer, so to speak.
Sad to see what AB-InBev has done to the world of beer. Then again, globalism has put its cloven hooves in just about every industry, institution, and field of endeavour…
I’m sure that most of us know how Bud Light and Coors are like making love in a canoe….
They’re all f***ing close to water.
Mark Rober outdoes himself in the Glitter Bomb 4.0.
That was just way cool
.. sent to one son/he orders a lot .. heh heh heh
‘At least you can buy the t-shirt
I love that Fat Gus makes an appearance… :0)
Hi litenmouse missed you good to see you
hey singingsoul….Mornin!

Think of you often with what is going on in UK but then it’s going on everywhere
I GUARANTEE you will want to watch this.
Additional discussion on this video on this thread here.
Thank you. Just saw that. Glad it was seen.
Now, this is funny. The entire thought that she ever learned to type.
… duuuhhhhhhh ..
Nanzi can NOT speak coherently. Zero chance Nanzi can type coherent thoughts.
Headline from OANN:
“Kamala Harris Announces ‘Root Causes’ Plan To Curb Migration””
My commentary: The ‘root cause’ is the quality of life in the USA being better than anywhere in the world. The plan to remedy this is called ‘Build Back Better” where the Brandon Admin destroys the US economy and turns the USA into such a $#!thole that no one will want to come…. /s
This woman is a xxxxing joke.
She should have announced a “Root Canal Plan to Curb Migration”…
That would’ve kept them away in droves…
Stay Away from Hospitals If You Have COVID!!!.
Raheem Kasim on Bannons War Room, just now, predicts:
The Biden Facists and other Leftist will use “Vax to Vote” for the next elections as a condition for participation.
Yeah, that will spark somethin in the patriots.
The article’s title left out the “try to” in between the “will use”.
Be warned!!
They will try and the media will join the chorus.
Republicans have been ineffective to stop anything with McConnell as leader in the Senate.
I want to retract my earlier post.
Doubtful they will try this.
After all, C19 was the justification for “mail in ballots”.
Kasim didn’t think this through (and neither did I, at first).
Rumble — Vax To Vote Is Coming
Time to start shopping the real estate ads for caves …

Well forget North Carolina we do not have any limestone caves.
You want to be SOUTH of the glaciation line or otherwise the caves are filled with glacial silt. New York, Vermont, Pennsylvania have caves but they are mainly small and nasty.
There are 6,400 caves of Missouri. Kentucky is home to the longest cave, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Indiana, New Mexico, Texas, Virginia, West Virgina… All have nice ‘wild’ caves that I have visited.
The reboot of the Democrat Poll Tax.
Translocation is one rare gift from God, too. Usually, only the Blessed Mother and honest to God Saints are given it.
Actually, it came to me pulling into the grocery store parking lot, that the gift or talent is bi-location. There’s only a handful of cases ever.
Worth mocking in it’s own post…
Yes, this was actually posted on these pages.
Now ask me how I know this comes from paid oppo
It seems not all main stream news outlets are pulling on the same string now:
Wuhan lab leak ‘now the most likely origin of Covid’, MPs told (
That’s nice and all, except this is media SPIN.
It wasn’t a “leak”.
It was intentionally released.
Actually they suggest it was intentionally leaked.
How was this missed? Or was it one of those deluges of information and not given its due?
NOTE the smirk on FauXi’s face.
He’s smiling, foul-cheese/mengele is smiling .. disgusting .. evil ..
The line of progression of the F5 that hit KY…
The sooner we successfully tie C19 & vaccines to leftist political agenda, the sooner this part of the nightmare ends.
Reread that.
Here is an “early” Christmas present for all you QTreeper knowledge seekers…(pun intended)….
This is the finest, most delicious pan sausage money can buy. Period. Full stop.
Pro tip:
Buy it in Nov., and only use it for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s breakfasts. Also makes the BEST holiday gift for breakfast lovers who want something almost as delicious as bacon.
Freezes great. In fact, I leave it in the freezer and cut what I need from a poke while frozen. Comes vacuum sealed. And I can personally testify it is still great after 6 years in the freezer. Been enjoying this since the ‘60’s.
I guarantee you will love this breakfast sausage. Bon appetit!!

What is the sausage name? From the picture seems to be Earlips.
Is that the name or what’s in it? lol
Hah. Really, if I wanted to try some, what would I look for? Can’t quite make out the brand name.
Think this is it. Ears and lips. lolz.
Even has the same picture! Thanks!
Early’s Honey Stand
Here you go:
Pete Santilli was interviewed by David Clement.
I posted it yesterday and I will now repeat it since it dovetails with this show on January 6th. NOTICE that Stuart Rhodes head of the Oathkeepers WAS USED AT LEAST TWICE BY THE FBI to set-up PATRIOTIC Americans.
9/11 => Patriot Act of 2001 => Muslim Jihadists no longer target => Oathkeepers started March 2009 => a month later Napolitano/DHS designates American Vets as possible Home Grown Terrorists
To back up what Phil Haney said: Homeland Security Records Reveal Officials Ordered [Muslim] Terrorist Watch List Scrubbed
Pete Santilli: Imprisoned 619 Days for Reporting the TRUTH. (1 hour & 7,859 Views)
Pete was a whistleblower AGAINST Coca-Cola and won a major lawsuit against them. He then became a whistleblower advocate.
What is NOT said in the above blurb is the OATH KEEPERS, Steward Rhodes WAS THE FBI SET-UP MAN!!!
It is worth listening from 38:30 about the Bundy Ranch Set-up. The “Stand-off” was actually a PROTEST, @ 4100 (Sound familiar?)
Parahrased transcript.
See Darren Beatties Revolver piece for more on Rhodes:
Federal Protection of “Oath Keepers” Kingpin Stewart Rhodes Breaks The Entire Capitol “Insurrection” Lie Wide Open
@ 30 minutes Santilli talks of Benghazi and the information he has gotten from friends who were on the ground.
That was pretty much the understanding I had as a six year old.
“They just keep raising prices.” Inflation was quite noticeable in the early 70s, even for a kid. The 39 cent toy, by the time I saved up for it, had gone up to 49 cents.
The fact that the minimum pricing increment, then as now, is ten cents (since all prices must end in 9) didn’t help when the item only cost four times that much to begin with.
Maybe she means little Demons like Faux-Xi…….
Nice collection of snippets on what happening in Biden’s crime infected America.
It’s Like “The Purge”: Murder Records Are Being Shattered All Over America, and Next Year Could Be Even Worse
Italian Police Barracks burning down in Italy. Seems very peaceful.
Mussolini Press reports that dozens upon dozens of fine leather jack-boots may have been lost in the blaze.
But a great BBQ was had by all…
Gotta have that 800°C to get that good Pizza crust
Wonder if disgruntled Carabinieri torched the building.
We can only hope!
No sirens ?
No one in a hurry to try to put it out ?
(just watching it burn !)

Full Text of Malone StatementMy name is Robert Malone, and I am speaking to you as a parent, grandparent, physician and scientist. I don’t usually read from a prepared speech, but this is so important that I wanted to make sure that I get every single word and scientific fact correct.
I stand by this statement with a career dedicated to vaccine research and development. I’m vaccinated for COVID and I’m generally pro-vaccination. I have devoted my entire career to developing safe and effective ways to prevent and treat infectious diseases.
After this, I will be posting the text of this statement so you can share it with your friends and family.
Before you inject your child – a decision that is irreversible – I wanted to let you know the scientific facts about this genetic vaccine, which is based on the mRNA vaccine technology I created:
There are three issues parents need to understand:
The first is that a viral gene will be injected into your children’s cells. This gene forces your child’s body to make toxic spike proteins. These proteins often cause permanent damage in children’s critical organs, including
The most alarming point about this is that once these damages have occurred, they are irreparable
The second thing you need to know about is the fact that this novel technology has not been adequately tested.
Ask yourself if you want your own child to be part of the most radical medical experiment in human history
One final point: the reason they’re giving you to vaccinate your child is a lie.
In summary: there is no benefit for your children or your family to be vaccinating your children against the small risks of the virus, given the known health risks of the vaccine that as a parent, you and your children may have to live with for the rest of their lives.
The risk/benefit analysis isn’t even close.
As a parent and grandparent, my recommendation to you is to resist and fight to protect your children.
“There are three issues parents need to understand:
The most alarming point about this is that once these damages have occurred, they are irreparable
Seems like all of this would likewise apply to young adults, middle aged adults and older adults as well as children.
Absolutely, but we as adults can make our own choices.
“Absolutely, but we as adults can make our own choices.”
Assuming the government and the medical establishment provide us with truthful information required to make such choices. That seems to be the sticking point
Yes al the college kids who without the jab were rejected.
One notices that Dr. Malone makes it clear that HE HIMSELF is “VACCINATED.”
With the SAME mRNA technology that HE INVENTED.
Which means that HE HIMSELF will have, if not already HAS, irreparable damage to HIS OWN —:
Immune System;
Brain and Nervous System;
Heart and Circulation (Blood);
Reproductive System (even if one assumes that he himself is done with procreation);
Aside from leaving him wide open to “Vaccine”-induced MUTATIONS and VARIANTS.
Which ALSO means that MOST, if not ALL, people who are “vaccinated”, OF ANY AGE, ALSO have the above issues.
I believe that Dr. Malone, realizing the Pandora’s Box that’s been opened, is trying to spread the truth. However, he doesn’t go FAR enough. NOBODY should be getting these “vaccines.” NOBODY.
While stating that the the mRNA “vaccine technology” hasn’t been completely tested, Dr. Malone leaves out the fact that his mRNA technology WAS HIJACKED to create these “vaccines” in an unholy rush by Big Pharma to see which drug company could win the “race” to make TRILLIONS of $Dollars.
As a side note: The old family friend with whom I spoke a couple of months ago — and hearing the complete change in her mental acuity and memory SINCE SHE GOT “FULLY VACCINATED” in the spring of this year — a woman who, up till then, was sharp as a tack (I’d spoken with her BEFORE she got the shots) — is now in a “memory care facility.”
I will remember her as I when I spoke with her early this year — when her mental faculties were great.
Dr. Malone has stated he has vaccine injuries.
He is being VERY CAREFUL in what he says and ONLY states what he can back-up with solid facts.
He wants to remain someone the fact checkers CAN NOT DISCOUNT.
If we can’t believe the inventor of the mRNA technology, who himself says he has been harmed by his own invention…
..then we certainly cannot believe anyone else who claims it is safe and effective.
This appears to be second study, working with the same data set coming out of Columbia University claiming VAERS is under reporting by a factor 40. Perhaps a bit more detailed.
Steve Kirsh narrows it down to 388,000 deaths in America in this fairly detailed release.
His full 63 page study.
Meanwhile some interesting information on the Panic Mongers.
May the monger perish on thei own petard ,..
This begs the question – WHAT are they doing to the African people?
Jab (many times with many drugs) – Blame – Isolate (country lockdown)
Just a thought
The winds are crazy across the plains today. Tons of vids but this one is hilarious
We’re under a wind advisory until the middle of the night. This is why I ran errands early today.
Stay safe sweetheart ..
Looks at those weeds, they’re… they’re tumbling…
QUICK! Where are the Sons of the Pioneers???
Oh, shoot. nikkichico beat me to it
I cannot tell you how excited I was when I first moved to Montana years ago and saw my first tumbleweed blowing down the road! It was HUGE, like the size of a VW Bug!
….and then you learned that it was originally “Russian thistle”, it was accidentally imported in wheat, and those tumbling tumbleweeds leave a track of fallen seeds miles long….aside from being extremely flammable wherever they end up.
Yeah, now they’re just a pain. But then, I was like a kid at Christmas!
That deserves this ..

and the song, oh by gosh by golly it’s time for Kukla, Fran and Ollie … aka Mistletoe and Holly .. snicker

This is for Steve’s post … are you glad I don’t route people .. why yes .. yes indeedy
Oh oh
.. I hope that’s Gorilla duct tape, it rocks .. 

Yep. There was a huge gust of wind, but I managed to get out of the way…
Hmmm. Why am I thinking of the ARRL symbol/handbook when I see that pic…
And all the greens are thinking (OK, first time for them) “Gee, all this wind, we could put up some (more) bird-choppers”… Only thing is, with that strong of a wind, the bird-choppers must be shut down…
Having said that, stay safe everyone, and watch your roofs and everywhere else for flying objects… folks with tile roofs have a real problem (at least we do over here)…
Actually, all this wind is going to go straight through some pretty big wind farms.
Something like this?
Or this?
(That last one looks like Altamont, above Livermore (livenomore?) where I lived for a while…)….
And some data from a site that’s keeping track of all this windy madness:
And a tragic story from the Netherlands:
I was thinking about the REAL pollution, the fake pollution (CO²), cost, and energy usage for the base, tower, generator, rotor(s), construction, maintenance, and eventual demolition and removal of the bird-choppers versus the energy they “provide” (NOT what the nameplate says)…. talk about a massively negative ROI…
Then, comparing that to a well-designed, MODERN nuke plant… where the greens haven’t forced used fuel to be stored onsite (as was at Fukushima)…..
The talk is that the greens want a bird chopper for EACH SQUARE KILOMETER OF LAND IN GERMANY…
So much for the black forest, the Odenwald, and all the other wonderful nature areas… All killed off by the Satanic Greens, who pretend to be conservationists of nature, while pursuing unnatural couplings and relationships and killing unborn babies, animals, trees, and all of GOD’S Creation instead…….
Beat me to it. And yeah the ROE really sucks.
Charles S. Opalek, Professional Engineer (Mechanical) wrote a book, “WIND POWER FRAUD:Why Wind Won’t Work”
He lists the points in this article:
Here are a few:
The utilitites here have to pay for the so-called energy generation (EEG feed-in) WHETHER OR NOT energy is being generated, or being used…
And in times of excess (bright, sunny, windy days, rare though they be), the excess energy has to be sold to neighboring countries BELOW MARKET PRICE, IF NOT AT A NEGATIVE PRICE.
And guess who gets to pay for that
or rather
My husband thinks wind turbines are a scam.
He’s right.
He is an engineer
Yep. They are. And the elite, wealthy landowners (e.g. Cameron in the UK) make TONS of money off of the turbines, renting the land and other facilities to the utilities (talk about a conflict of interest), often tax free, and fill their troughs with other streams of iniquity which they have devised and facilitated themselves. A bunch of bloody rotters indeed.
Anyone running the numbers can see that it’s a HUGE negative money sink, and a blight on the environment, killing birds (including those which WE would go to jail for killing), bees (colony collapse is also a lie), other insects, bats, etc. Someone did an analysis of the turbine blades from one failed turbine, and it had TRILLIONS of particles from these critters… Of course these add to the weight of the rotors, making them even less efficient… The nameplate rating (how much ‘leccy comes from them) is an even bigger lie… Beyond a certain “desity” of turbines, they steal each others’ wind and cause other problems…
The website has a lot of information about this, but will be shutting down due to the retirement of the webmaster in 02,2022 (hmmm). Fortunately, the project continues over at the Scotland Against Spin website
Here’s the statement about that:
Caithness Windfarm Information Forum – CWIF –
Caithness Windfarm Information Forum website is no longer being updated due to the retirement of the webmaster but will remain available until February 2022 when it will be taken down.
The live feed of Scotland News from National Wind Watch will continue to update automatically as it always has but again will disappear from our site in February; however their very useful news will continue to be available on the National Wind Watch website.
The Accident data is now hosted on the Scotland Against Spin website . Accidents and incidents should be sent to as indicated at the bottom of that page.
And here’s another great site:
I have seen them in Scotland. I wish they put them in the 1% backyard.
Today offers up yet another excellent example of Aubergine’s Razor, to wit…
Was the actual intent to destroy the Salvation Army and avenues of charity?
You be the judge.
Stunning Stupidity – The Salvation Army Discovers Meaning of Get Woke, Go Broke
From a communist’s perspective, this is a win/win.
Either we keep donating to the SA, and they use the funds to promote “social justice”, or the organization is destroyed.
Either way, the slimy rat fuck commie bastards win.
Hubby mentioned that the Salvation Army’s overhead has skyrocketed —> They have hired too many USELESS COMMIES.
They use to have 3% overhead…
Exposing The $alvation Army
What Percent Of Salvation Army Donations Go To Charity?
Both start with an 18% overhead cost.
Having been in fundraising, and having dealt with overhead, etc., this is what I experienced as normal in the non-profit world.
Interestingly, Charity Navigator does not track SA, but Guidestar, the more reliable of the charity trackers, does. Audit findings and financials are available on those pages, but they are behind a paywall. An annual report would have financials as well. No roll-up or budget would be published, just the line items.
That’s because it is part of a program, and, thus, usually separated out for grant reporting. This would include salaries and compensation packages for PROGRAM STAFF, not administrative staff. Administrative staff, rent, plant maintenance, routers, electricity (or a percentage of it when there are a lot of programs) is overhead. Any expenses directly incurred by the programs, including assets, are considered program expenses.
If said officers were working strictly in the programs, this would be true.
This would be on a case by case basis. The head of the organization, and any head of a branch office, yes, would spend significant time fundraising. There would be a grant writer and department, a major gifts officer, events, and more. The head of the organization would be expected to make personal calls, in person or on the phone, to major donors and grant-making companies and foundations. The Tree of Lights campaign and the bell ringers is just one campaign. I’ve worked in orgs where fundraisers included galas, walks, golf tournaments, huge involved auctions, private dinners with the executive in charge, and more. In a 501c3, no more than a third of revenue can come from one source, so fundraising is part of the job.
When it comes to this aspect of the SA, as someone who has worked in non-profit, and had to provide all financial records to an auditing team, this is a non-issue.
The part that bothers me is that Charity Navigator does not evaluate the org.
Although, in checking other religious orgs, that seems to be standard practice for them. The “corporate partner” page is more enlightening than any 990 would be anyway.
And, as it was/is with the Scouts, those “corporate partners” are the root of the problem (wokeness), and the beginning of the end…
I Timothy 6:10:
10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
The whole overhead thing is overblown. 10-20 percent is acceptable. Anything more or less, give it the side eye.
My problem with the SA is that their programs have no follow up, so the treated patient or client will fall back on old habits, and end up back there sooner or later.
What they probably did, in reaction to falling contributions, is hire a “consultant” to drive up contributions.
Same thing happens in the business world, and is killing historic, family-owned businesses here in Germany left and right (cf 175+ year-old Spielwaren Kurtz, which I mentioned here the other day).
Locusts (Heuschrecken) all…
There’s a reason we call one of them “Do Little”…..
We say HAAAAaaaavard Business Schooled.
Those MBAs are really really good at killing a business. I have seen it first hand more than once.
Did you look at their “corporate partners” page?
Google, WalMart, NFL, etc.
Yep. That’s why I said what I did about the Scouts…
I have to forgive Rex Tillerson, but it’s difficult. I almost sent my Eagle Scout badge and papers back to BSA… But then again, I earned my ranks and honors and Merit Badges in another time, when it was MUCH more difficult to achieve them, and being an Eagle Scout actually was a rare accomplishment…..
You mean when hard work, good values and exceptionalism was admired. It still is by many but the prevailing narrative condemns individual triumph…unless it’s a hairy dude winning women’s competitions .
Meanwhile people are seeing CRT for what it is and they know its a Dem thing. Not liking one leads to not liking the other.
This is another place where we have to develop parallel economies. There have to be good safe causes for us to donate to.
Funny you should ask this question.
I was just reading an article regarding the doubts being sown in relation to Christian holidays, whether or not they were originally pagan and what was adopted, and how celebration of some of it is not really Christian, etc. The premise of the piece is the idea that there are subtle efforts to weaken Christianity in order to turn it into something else.
Could the same thing be happening in the USA? Absolutely. I believe it has been going on for over a century in various ways, including what the big publishing houses chose to publish in the way of fiction. A lot of it was intended to influence social change. And I really don’t get the appeal.
American ruggedness, individualism, and the now all but lost self-sufficiency were all barriers to any sort of take-over. They still are. And they haven’t been completely destroyed yet.
Worked so well with the Scouts, why not try it with the Salvation Army?
Just think of Wormwood in “The Screwtape Letters”, or Wormtongue in LOTR…
Destroy from within, or hide the true problem(s)…..
Well DUH ..
That duh is for Cornell U Holly, not you sweetheart
No worries wowohwow. They were the first college in NY to impose the vax mandate for all students. That earns them a Double DUH.
And they used to have a very good Vet School. You would think they would understand things like Marek’s disease and the chicken vaccine that makes its virus more dangerous aka LEAKY VACCINES
Cornell’s vet school isn’t what it used to be. There’s a vet shortage in Upstate. Told it’s because Cornell’s students aren’t passing their exams and also that fewer students are enrolling.
My vet said a degree from Cornell costs around $300,000 and vets don’t make enough to pay those loans off. She said many students are specializing to make more money, leaving shortages of general vets.
Thanks for the info. I used to live in upstate decades ago when Cornell was a decent school.
Cornell is half private (endowed) and half part of the SUNY system. The vet school is part of the state system.
They imposed a travel ban on China the day before the US did.
Hochule holds a seat on the board of trustees.
Fauci’s alma mater.
900 cases and no one is sick. No hospitalizations. No deaths. Just positive test results.
Coincides with SD’s theories
4 new deaths within the community, not on campus.
The county formerly had less than 40 deaths.
Hospitalizations remain low…about 10.
The local hospital provides treatment with monoclonal antibodies on an outpatient basis.
pmBREAKING: BANNON GOES OFF — After News Breaks that Dems will Shelve Build Back Better Bill – Will Move to Federalize Elections – Their Permanent Power Play
This is Breaking News–
The Senate Democrats are expected to shelve their Build Back Better bill and move forward with their national elections bill that gives them permanent power.
EU Vaccine Passport Passed – Becomes Mandatory
NYC — 5 year olds have to have vaccine passports.
Here’s their roadmap for this… it goes back a ways, this is nothing new.
The digital “Impfpass” was passed in July; unfortunately (ha!) those of us still using ancient candybar phones don’t have the “privilege” of reading/writing QR codes or having apps to do so…
Then again, we “Impfverweigerers” or “Impfgegners” (or right-wing-conspiracy-theorists) who aren’t getting the clot-shot have nothing to worry about, as there are no clot-shots to document…
As I’ve said elsewhere (WUWT, etc.) 100,000 lemmings can’t be wrong…..
Ooops, forgot the link:
Seems Uncle Adolf got one too… a few years too late
1st day of the newest mask mandate. At wally world, the resistance is strong. Telling people at the door but people are jusy not wearing them. About 50/50. No mask Karen atound either.
Hiya Gil…I went to Sees candy store. Tiny place full of masks. I went in with my freak flag (no mask ) flying, looked people straight in the eye, asked questions…they didn’t ask me to put one on. There was a few others that were bare faced who came in by the time I left.
The real test was USPS. They did not tell me to mask and I had one on one help doing a pile of packages.
It always amazes me to see the grown men who bow so easily…with their cutesey patterned masks. Like they missed wearing them. Sheesh, be a man. Say no and walk on.
They learned it from their simpering “massah” Øbløwhøle…
Who bowed to everyone but GOD…
But he will, one day…
I doubt OH!Bummer sees anything but Dante’s ninth circle.
He and his malignant wife must get perverse pleasure seeing the masses being so willing and compliant.
We have to at least try and resist or it will get worse and worse. It’s now or never.
Somehow I can imagine a huge construction site in Hell: “Coming Soon, Tenth Circle for Gore-Bullists, COVIDIOTS, and NewGreenDealers… Selling Out Soon”…..
I know there’s a legion of the black hats but him…despise is too soft a word how I feel about him
Good for you. Most people are over it. Notice it wasnt gruesome himself that did it? The health director he appointed who isnt a doctor…..
49 minutes ago
Cornell University has shut down its campus due to a large number of COVID-19 cases, even though there is a “vaccine mandate” at the school. It appears that most of the 930 cases are related to the “omicron” variant.
Didn’t use this in tomorrow’s daily, so BONUS!
I know this is The bee, but Elon’s interview the other day, the one where he says ‘delete the budget” he also said that he paid 53% tax rate. Where is Liawatha’s source for EM paying no taxes. I might guess SHE paid zero taxes!
Musk and Husk…
can’t make this up..
they better watch out doing that. Some bum may set up his new digs in the back of the car. Clean and dry, off the ground, cup holder for the 40….nightlights…simply fabulous
Time to get the Trunk Monkey involved (or a bunch of them)
And a few more
hahahha I love those !

A bearded dragon at 4:12?!?! Well they do live in deserts…just not American ones.
SC looks better and better, EVERY DAY!
It does !
The stoopid IS universal for all parties in this stuff.
I smell an opportunity. Someone needs to invent a device that shocks the crap out of anyone touching the car. OR, a device that when the glass is broken, sprays something like skunk odor all over the person.
I think the Glitter-Bomb guy would be great for that
Sad but it should be
flaming hot mad. Those we entrusted to uphold are unworthy
cold anger > hot anger
For one thing, it last a LOT longer.
“Today, I’m glad that we have yet to see the quartering of troops in our homes.”
They would have to sleep with both eyes open.
Soeaking of quartering, perhaps drawing and quartering could be employed against actors, funders, and controllers of the deeps state…
Two bits for them…
Erm, speaking…
Political Moonshine is pure trash.
100% controlled opposition.
How do we know this?
Simple. Proof.
This was posted here earlier this AM….
See that use of the word “seemingly”?
Read that statement without it. Take it out altogether.
That word, “seemingly”, was inserted by the author to keep Trump supporters reading this dreck. To soften it some while trying to make you despair and angry.
See this last sentence…..?
We’re all SUPPOSED to believe the author….Political Moonshine….is smart, right?? That he’s on our side “in this fight”, right?
And we’re all supposed to believe that the person who posts this vile garbage is smart and on our side too, right??
Funny how they want you to believe “It left all of us with no champion who mattered in the fight.”….
…and nevermind FL Gov. Ron DeSantis….!!!
…to cite just one example.
….Political Moonshine is so savvy….so WORTHY of being read….yet this anonymous piece of trash says Ron DeSantis is “no champion who matters” and that PDJT is “defeated and impotent”.
Pure trash.
100% controlled opposition….hoping to suck(er) you in.
According to this moron, PDJT “abandoned America on Inauguration Day” and “bailed on us”.
Anyone here buy this stinking pile of flaming horseshit??
Sure as hell is hot, that’s what they WANT….
…to get PDJT’s supporters to abandon him.
What better way than to try and convince them that HE abandoned them??
“Anyone here buy this stinking pile of flaming horseshit??”
Have you ever questioned anything that you believe?
That’s one of the things PM does. He provokes (or triggers, in your case) people to challenge their beliefs.
Like playing Devil’s Advocate, to provoke people to consider all sides of an argument, especially the side we’re either blind to, or don’t WANT to see.
I don’t think DJT abandoned us on Inauguration Day, and I don’t think PM does either, but based on the OBSERVABLE FACTS, it certainly APPEARS that way.
That is the point he’s making.
The only reason ANY of us believe otherwise, is based on intangibles, (faith, trust, hope, refusal to believe he would leave us hanging, etc.), because we certainly don’t have any EVIDENCE to believe otherwise.
Unless you have some evidence.
If you have some evidence, won’t you share it with us?
I don’t think DJT abandoned us on Inauguration Day, and I don’t think PM does either, but based on the OBSERVABLE FACTS, it certainly APPEARS that way.
With the basic understanding that appearances can…and in DC often are…misleading….
…..what “facts” are those, exactly? Be specific.
If I come across as being a little put off by this vile, slimy pile of rancid filth, it’s because the only thing I loath on par with child molesting pedophiles are communists and traitors…
…someone who pretends to be a patriot, but isn’t.
“If I come across as being a little put off by this vile, slimy pile of rancid filth, it’s because the only thing I loath on par with a child molesting pedophile is a traitor…”
Not at all, you come across no different than usual…

“How do we know this?
Simple. Proof.
This was posted here earlier this AM….
See that use of the word “seemingly”?
Read that statement without it. Take it out altogether.”
Don’t be so dainty.
If you want my attention, just hit the “like” button on my post. Don’t worry, you can “unlike” it immediately, and it will be our little secret
As for your observation, it’s not proof of anything, you’re just butt-hurt whenever anyone questions Trump’s actions (or lack thereof), like you’re a virgin whose honor has just been impugned.
Relax for a minute, take a deep breath, and concentrate.
WHAT PART of anything he said is NOT TRUE?
Do you have a problem with TRUTH, or do you have a problem with butt-hurt?
Because the truth is, DJT left us with a lot of butt-hurt, and maybe you got more than your share. And if that’s so, I’m sorry about that.
But it doesn’t invalidate any of PM’s points.
As for the word “seemingly”, it’s IN there for a reason, which you would know, if you were a regular PM reader.
He builds what amounts to parallel hypotheses. The first is based on the available facts, which means no hopium BS or Internet Guru blather. Just the facts, ma’am.
Then he acknowledges the known unknowns, which would affect our understanding of the facts, if the unknowns become known.
That’s where “seemingly” comes in.
He’s referring to the fact set, and allowing for the possibility that things may not be as they seem.
He’s not holding out a lot of hope, but the door is open.
It’s a realists point of view, vs. a fantasist’s.
See this last sentence…..?
Yep, I see that.
What part of that is NOT true?
Since Trump left, he certainly hasn’t been leading the fight, at least not in any way that matters are far as the public can see.
And who has taken his place, to unite patriots and actual FIGHT the insanity?
That would be nobody.
Unless maybe you’re thinking of Scooby and the Gang.
As if any of them were ever going to be anything more than a speed bump to the Global Deep State.
So PM is speaking plain truth, and you don’t like the plain truth, that’s all that’s happening here.
Answered already.
Ron DeSantis.
Which you ignore to carry on your argument.
But certain types must feign ignorance in order to carry on their agenda.
“Answered already.
Ron DeSantis.”
And that answer would be wrong.
DeSantis is not on the national stage, he is the Governor of Florida, taking care of Florida’s business.
Which one might have thought you would know.
Even SD has pointed out the same thing, and so has PM.
So try again.
No, SD has not pointed that out. In fact, just the opposite.
You are wrong.
And it is humorous that you think DeSantis is not a national figure.
Comical, in fact,
“No, SD has not pointed that out. In fact, just the opposite.
You are wrong.”
One of us is…
Why do you make it so easy for me?
People are going to start thinking that I’m paying you to make me look good

Do you think I say things without being able to back them up because that’s how you operate?
Can it be that simple, that you just think everyone else operates like you do?
I wouldn’t have said it if I hadn’t read it, and the fact that I read it means that I can find it again at CTH.
And it took about 30 seconds.
Here it is, read it and weep
DeSantis: “People Are Moving to States That Value Freedom”
November 5, 2021
SD: “Governor DeSantis is doing well on a state level, with the issues of freedom, liberty and constitutional constraints of government. He is doing a lot correctly.
However, there is no indication -yet- that he would be willing or able to confront the issue of toxic globalism on a national scale with strength to advance the issues of economic nationalism that underpin the biggest freedom issue for Making America Great Again.
On the big picture issue of Wall Street -vs- Main Street, the direct confrontation of multinational corporations to support the American middle-class, DeSantis has yet to take a public position.”
“Which you ignore to carry on your argument.”
Not ignored, but ruled out, as I try to do with incorrect answers.
“But certain types must feign ignorance…”
Which types would those be?
Oh, wait… are you insinuating again?
Have you considered talking to a shrink about your passive/aggressive habits?
“…in order to carry on their agenda.”
And besides seeking the truth, wherever it leads, what agenda might you be insinuating now?
Spit it out, man!
“Now…..We’re all SUPPOSED to believe the author….Political Moonshine….is smart, right??”
It doesn’t matter whether he’s smart, what matters is whether is arguments are coherent and can withstand critical scrutiny.
If he’s smart, that’s a bonus.
“That he’s on our side “in this fight”, right?”
He smoked out the Covid scam before anybody else did, in greater detail and depth than anyone else has, to my knowledge.
Seems unlikely he would do that, if he was against us.
But beyond that, where has he been factually wrong? He may be wrong in some of his conclusions, which he acknowledges, but where has he been factually wrong?
“And we’re all supposed to believe that the person who posts this vile garbage is smart and on our side too, right??”
It’s always hard to tell who you’re talking about, because you like to hide in suggestion and insinuation.
If you are referring to me, just say so.
It won’t hurt.
Either of us.
At least not me…
In case you are referring to me, who said you’re supposed to believe I’m smart? And if you don’t believe I’m smart, why would you care if anyone else did? Are you a follower, or a leader?
As I often say, it’s not about me. You have a habit of making everything personal, as if the things people say are either “true” or “untrue” depending on you like them (or think they’re smart).
It doesn’t matter whether we like someone, or whether we think they’re smart, or any other thing, which is a lot like having “respect toward persons”.
What matters is whether people can back up what they say, either with facts or with a coherent argument that can withstand scrutiny.
Does their point or position stand, or doesn’t it?
You can’t figure that out based on whether you ‘like’ somebody or think they’re ‘smart’. You have to test what they say, and find out if it stands up to scrutiny.
“Funny how they want you to believe “It left all of us with no champion who mattered in the fight.”….”
Two things here.
1) you seem convinced that when DJT left, either he has been acting as a champion in the fight, or that someone else stepped in.
PM has made the observation for at least several weeks now that at best, DJT is conducting himself like a backseat driver, using his message service (Telegram or whatever he uses now) to shoot spitballs at Biden from the peanut gallery.
If you think that is not a legitimate observation, then make your case already.
Take PM on, and defeat his position, if you can.
2) Does it never occur to you that people on our side challenge Trump and those who claim to be part of his circle to provoke them to DO something, and that doing so doesn’t mean they are against Trump, but FOR him?
Does it never occur to you that we SHOULD be provoking them to DO something?
Does it never occur to you that Trump is almost certainly COUNTING ON US to provoke him to DO something?
Does it never occur to you that by provoking him to DO something, we provide him a narrative and a necessary cause of action to actually DO something, i.e., he can say “the American People are demanding I get involved”?
If we never do, if we just sit in silent adoration, he can never say that, can he?
You glow so bright it hurts my eyes, fibbie.

“You glow so bright it hurts my eyes, fibbie.”
You know a lot about glowies, don’t you?
It’s interesting how you’re always accusing others who question the narrative of being a glowie, and never taking on the arguments.
It’s hard to be sure whether you just don’t have the courage to challenge the arguments, so you default to ad-hominem attack because that’s the best you can do, or whether you’re just not smart enough to challenge the arguments.
Which is it?
Or are you in fact the glowie, and your job here, from the beginning, has been to attack anyone who questions the narrative?
Because that’s all you do, you just attack people.
You don’t even attempt to defeat the arguments of those you disagree with, you just attack the people.
Is it because you’re not smart enough to defeat their arguments, or because you don’t have the courage to defeat their arguments, or is it because you’re a glowie and your job is to attack anyone who questions the narrative?
Inquiring minds want to know… this is your big chance!
Don’t run away, like usual
Pointing out the fallacy of the arguments you make is what I have done.
I didn’t name you because that would make you….not the rancid arguments you promote….the issue.
And I’m not paid to write lengthy posts requiring exhausting responses, unlike you.
“Pointing out the fallacy of the arguments you make is what I have done.”
But you didn’t, and you haven’t.
It’s becoming clearer with each exchange that you literally don’t understand that basic fundamentals of argumentation.
I haven’t pointed it out before because it’s almost impossible to believe, and yet I’m not sure how else to explain it.
I don’t think you’re doing something wrong on purpose, I think you just don’t understand the concept.
Here is one example, but we could go through them from start to finish, in most of your replies, because it’s the same pattern all the time:
FG&C wrote: “How do we know this?
Simple. Proof.
This was posted here earlier this AM….
See that use of the word “seemingly”?
Read that statement without it. Take it out altogether.”
That’s not actually ‘proof’ of anything.
You keep using that word… I do not think it means what you think it means…
“I didn’t name you because that would make you….not the rancid arguments you promote….the issue.”
I’m not sure you’re aware of this, but Political Moonshine has contributed a lot of valuable research over the past nearly two years.
Many people here like to read his articles.
At some point I signed up for notifications when new articles are posted at PM’s website.
So when I receive an email notification for a new article, I just post here, so people can check it out. Most of the time I haven’t had a chance to read it, I get to it later.
Like ‘Burning Platform’, ‘Market-ticker’ and others, it’s a regular source of information that people here read.
Lately, a few people have decided they don’t like PM’s articles for various reasons, which seems to have coincided with PM’s recent articles on the pillow fight between Flynn/Powell and Wood.
I don’t recall any complaints against PM before that.
It appears to be some kind of psychological thing. As if people decided that Flynn and Powell are “our team”, and anyone who points out facts or evidence that portrays them in anything less than a good light is “bad” and dismissed out of hand.
And then attacked.
Is that rational?
How many times do we have to be deceived by players in this game before we realize that NOBODY can be trusted, NOBODY gets a free pass, and EVERYBODY gets fair scrutiny?
If Flynn is really a good guy, then the truth will reveal it.
And if he isn’t, the truth will reveal that too.
Is it better to declare your undying love for Flynn, or is it better to seek the truth?
If it turns out that Flynn is compromised, can your worldview adjust to that reality, or will you insist that the reality (and everyone in your sphere of influence) warp reality to match your worldview?
When you disagree with something, instead of spewing vitriol at people, why not dismantle whatever point or argument you disagree with instead?
And by dismantle, I don’t mean vent your spleen and call that proof, I mean plainly state what you disagree with (preferably in quotes), and say why you disagree with it, and then present evidence to support your belief or a plausible hypothesis that reaches a different and rational conclusion.
And then see if that hypothesis can withstand scrutiny, here on the forum.
That’s what we do here.
If we see something we disagree with, we don’t just scream at it and call it rancid traitor slime and whoever posted it or thinks it could be correct is a glowie, I mean, it’s ludicrous… it’s not even juvenile, it’s infantile…
It makes YOU look like the glowie…

I think people are going to start seeing through your facade.
“I disagree.”
“And I think people are going to start seeing through your facade.”
Well everyone has already seen through yours, that’s for sure…
I’ll help you out, let’s practice.
In order for anyone to start seeing through a facade, there has to actually be a facade, right?
Because if something isn’t actually there, then there isn’t anything to see through.
So the first thing to do is to establish your premise that I actually have any facade.
If I do, no one will be more surprised than me, but certainly don’t let that influence your hypothesis.
By what rationale do propose to do establish the aforementioned facade?
It’s probably a good idea to establish the definition of ‘facade’ first:
1) Architecture.
a) the front of a building, especially an imposing or decorative one.
b) any side of a building facing a public way or space and finished accordingly.
2) a superficial appearance or illusion of something: They managed somehow to maintain a facade of wealth.
I’m going to guess definition #2 is the applicable one for your hypothesis.
So the first question is, to what superficial appearance or illusion of something do you refer, with regard to myself?
“And I’m not paid to write lengthy posts requiring exhausting responses, unlike you.”
Again, no argument, no rational basis for your accusation, just another personal attack.
I have never been paid to write any post, here or elsewhere.
As for exhausting, truth and understanding requires effort. If a particular subject or post is too hard for you, you don’t have go all berzerker at the person who posted it.
You don’t have to say anything at all.
But if you choose to engage, and not come across as unhinged, you will have to put some effort into examining and exposing holes in someone else’s argument, or presenting your own in a rational and defensible way, or both.
And if you don’t know HOW to do that, then you’ll need to put some effort into learning the basic principles of argumentation first.
Or you can just claim it’s too exhausting for you to do anything more than engage in personal attacks.
But what’s the point of that?
If the point is simply to silence opposing views, then to what end?
What agenda is that?
I want Grandmaintexas.
Me too.
She had no good reason to leave other than her own incorrect assumptions, and she let her emotions do her thinking for her.
There is much stress and one never knows what triggers a person. I believe she may just need a little break.
I have been there before where things were overwhelming
I hope she knows she is loved
I have always agreed with your wise insights and beautiful words.
Now I disagree.
I am glad we can disagree to agree
I love you singingsoul1, and always will!
“Expand your thinking” hasn’t exactly sunk in, has it.
“She had no good reason to leave other than her own incorrect assumptions, and she let her emotions do her thinking for her.”
Other than those two “good” reasons you mention, which you characteristically don’t prove or explain?
So you attack her again, when she’s not here to defend herself.
You talk about others sowing division, but conveniently overlook your own overt actions to drive people away.
If she has left, aren’t you the one who provoked her to leave, because you always feel the need to attack people here personally, instead of challenging their arguments?
She has every reason to come back, starting with using you as a rhetorical punching bag. The moment she realizes you’re all bark and no bite, your personal attacks won’t matter anymore.
They won’t even slow her down.
She’ll just blast right through them and redirect your personal attack to whatever question you refuse to answer or argument you can’t defend.
And then you will either have to call her more names, or run away.
Either way, she wins

Grandma IS a TREASURE in so many, many ways.
Yes she is
I hope she reads and sees our post.
She was. Then she tried to be reasonable while sober.
Then she had good reason to leave.
Everyone had good reason to leave.
I hope she comes back.
Me too, but I think this is an excellent form of protest, and I will help by not putting up a replacement thread that papers over the loss.
I will probably put up a statement instead.
I had a huge response, which explained the worldly facts, but I deleted it, because it serves the other side. They WANT to make US dig on Flynn.
We REALLY have to understand that SATAN is pushing accusations right now. And he’s pushing them through OUR SIDE.
I am with you. I miss her. I hope she is well ?
The last few days have felt “off” in general with the spiritual attacks, so I am not surprised that we lost a long-time member of the community during all of this weirdness. This community has been under attack for a long time, and I’m not convinced that attack is coming from anything human. I hope Grandmaintexas considers coming back. We’ve all had disagreements here, but we’re all still a community despite that.
Could not agree more.
When I am attacked it does seem not affect me. I reject attacks and it works for me.
Of course if I am tired I need to get off the Internet .
Grandma left?!
I have been missing her, but I thought I just missed something, or didn’t see her posts.
What happened!?
You’re not the only one missing something, Aubergine. I generally read the entire thread every day and don’t remember anything like this.
Me, either. I know there was quite a bit of back and forth about Lin Wood, but nothing I thought would cause this.
I did not see what happened but something did. I could not figure it out.
It’s the Lin Wood stuff. Sadie posted a link to Grandma’s last post. Sad. I hate crap like this.
I know . I hope she reconsiders.
Yep. The pot is being stirred, from outside, and affecting (infecting, afflicting) those of us inside.
The derp state are desparate, as despite all their efforts and controlled press and other media, people, normies, and even some abby normies are seeing through their massive demonic deception. And RED China and their puppet Bye, Done are Hell Bent on inflicting as much damage as they can to obfuscate the truth. Some of this could also be what I term, “friendly fog”, where things are being obscured to keep some things hidden, indeed some things that may have been guessed or revealed too early (or even at all…)…..
Having said that, the flack is reaching other sites as well. And, being near Christmas, the Devil is working overtime to trash our Holy Days (just like around Easter). He’s attacking around Jewish holidays too, e.g. Yom Kippur…
I think a lot of earnest prayer is needed; even more than usual. And prayer that GOD guides and CORRECTS our leaders (and yes, that includes the election processes, etc.)…..
I miss GMiT, and not just her Friday pub… also EmStar…
This has been a long, odd, sad war, and we all have our own battles on top of that. May ALMIGHTY GOD Guide, Strengthen, Protect, Bless, and Help us all.
Agreed. Prayer and reflection needed.
I asked Grandma a lot of hard questions in all of this. I hope I didn’t contribute to the problem in any way. I just really don’t have a side in the Wood/Powell/Flynn thing. I have an innate distrust of any person in the national spotlight. That includes even Trump, until he proved himself to be real. I was FOR him long before I was emotionally INVESTED in him, if you know what I mean. I don’t give trust lightly, having been burned too many times.
Amen & very well said Cuppa–thank you! AND God Bless!!!
“I miss GMiT, and not just her Friday pub… also EmStar…”
I never saw what caused EmeraldStar to leave.
Was that thanks to FG&C too?
I can’t speak for Emerald Star, but my impression was that it was a reaction to what someone else said. I am not sure.
I believe this is grandmaintexas’s last comment (re-posting this link here for visibility):
I truly hope we all agree to run off any vile, slimy pile of rancid filth who runs off a genuine compatriot of ours, like Grandmaintexas. I remember how PR and others were run off by vile, slimy and DIVISIVE attacks. Attacks which used language of violent sadistic torture.
Drunkeness is up to any given individual to deal with, until it results in vile, slimy and rancid attacks on completely innocent and well meaning people on our side.
It is particularly disturbing how vile and slimy attacks are rewarded by approbation. That sort of thing is noticed.
No one ran off Grandmaintexas.
No one accused her of anything.
You are wrong, and not just on that account, either.
It’s useless. Not going into details, but not stomping my foot and flouncing off.
There he goes again… he practically defeats himself at this point…

“No one accused her of anything.”
Who did you accuse, then?
You accuse so many, it’s hard to keep track sometimes.
Do you have a program you could hand out?
Agree !
Singingsoul, what happened to Grandma? How did I miss this? I knew I hadn’t seen a post in a few days, but I didn’t think too much about it.
Yeah, it caught me by surprise, too. Figured she was busy given the time of the year. So I went back and looked through the comments. I believe this was her last comment here.
Well, damn it all.
I loved Grandma’s Fridays.
Me too.
Thank you Sadie.
I do not know what happened I only saw her post before leaving. She seemed upset and gone she was.
It’s too bad. Makes me mad and sad, too.
Vile and slimy?
Lack of cold thinking?
It’s a matter of perspective.
The other side WANTS this sort of infighting.
Why people on our side can’t see that to me is an anathema.
He was parroting FG&C’s terminology.
You know, the one who attacks everyone here personally all the time, and then accuses anyone he doesn’t like as being a glowie.
It’s about the slimiest, vilest accusation his little mind could make, and he treats people here like that all the time.
From CTH:
Within the post, some VERY IMPORTANT points (emphasis mine):
“Let’s cut through some politically correct corporate speech and media spin, and instead focus on a few key aspects:
First, the cause of the operational change, a frequency change in Amtrak service, was specifically admitted to be due to the vaccine mandate. This is EXACTLY the opposite of the White House claim earlier today (see below). The vaccine mandate was the cause of the operational change. Amtrak admits this – the White House refutes this.
Second, a reduction of 500 non-vaccinated people amid a company payroll exceeding 17,000, to the extent that the reduction actually changes the operational service of the company, tells us the unvaccinated people were specifically critical to the service the company provides.
This second point gets to the heart of a thesis we have proposed before. It’s not an issue of how manypeople, or what percentage, quit over a vaccine requirement. It’s a more specific issue of WHO those people are and what they do.
In any organization, there are people critical to the operation and people not so critical.
In a cumbersome top-heavy organization, that relies upon government largess and subsidy to operate, employment is bloated beyond what is efficient. I have long stated that the key group of most productive people, the very critical group for efficient operation, are a small subset of the total company employment.
I would bet, and it is essentially admitted by the statement from Amtrak, that a much higher percentage of the critical workers are refusing the vaccine than exist in the total employment ranks. The most productive and critical employees within any organization are independent minded, dependable and capable of a much larger influence than the average person. It is inside that core group of highly critical employees where effects from a vaccine mandate refusal makes the biggest impact.
As a result, the issue for any mandate is not the percentage of compliance overall, but rather how those very critical employees respond to the mandate.
There can be a specific skillset or duty needed in an organization, even a massive organization, that is only being done by a handful of specifically skilled people. If those people stop working, the effect on the entire organization is far beyond scale. In some instances, even in large organizations, that handful of people can shut down the entire operation if they do not perform their job(s).
500 out of 17,000 is only 3%,… yet that 3% were obviously critical enough to the operation of Amtrak in such a scale as the organization was planning to modify it’s entire operation due to their absence. This fact points as evidence to the theory that the most critical blue-collar people inside every organization carry a tremendous amount of clout when it comes to this vaccine mandate.
It’s not a matter of HOW MANY refuse the mandate, it’s an issue of WHO THEY ARE.”…
(From the “Comments”):
December 14, 2021 8:07 pm
Reply to R F Burns
Spring 2020 Carr Center for Human Rights Policy
The first line of the Summary:
The “3.5% rule” refers to the claim that no government has withstood a challenge of 3.5%of their population mobilized against it during a peak event….
“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.”
― Robert A. Heinlein
“As a result, the issue for any mandate is not the percentage of compliance overall, but rather how those very critical employees respond to the mandate.”
Must have been the train drivers that were the difference.
I’d like to know “WHO” it was.
Not just drivers.
Conductors, dispatchers, other planners, signal specialists, maintenance personnel, etc.
The closer the job is to “the track”, the more critical (and sometimes harder to replace) it is…
Good on them.
The bureaucrats and manglers can WAH (work at home). The essential/critical workers can’t…..
Follow the spouses.
Wait, What? Jake Sullivan’s Wife is AG Merrick Garland’s Legal Counsel at DOJ
Jake Sullivan’s wife is overseeing the investigation of her husband’s role “in the construct of the fabricated Trump-Russia conspiracy, the use of the FBI as a political tool, and Sullivan’s lies in testimony to congress.”
Pretty nifty, eh?
Compare this to Gen. Flynn. The left would be going berserk if this shoe were on the other foot.
And btw…
The practice of females not taking their husbands last name began in Washington DC for precisely this kind of motive…
…to hide marital associations.
Salvation Army update. Someone found an entire section of their website dedicated to UN Agenda 2030. The Salvation Army wrote a few guides instructing their organization and church on what they can do personally to follow the Agenda 2030 goals.
EDIT: This link was auto-embedding, so I intentionally broke it. -break- /salvationarmyihq/docs/goanddosomething
Hah! The CRT training was a mere blip on the grand plan.
They’re done.
They’ve strayed far off the path.
Yes, sadly, this has removed all doubt about who they truly serve.
Unlike, say….the law firm of Perkins Coie….the demise of the SA would be no laughing matter or cause for joy.
The question is…
How can true, God-fearing patriots take back control of the SA??
God fearing Patriots are facing more hurdles vital to life and liberty than reclaiming Salvation Army, imho
How do we take back the country ?
This is another distraction, in my opinion. It’s just a charity. Blow it off and donate your money somewhere local.
My favorite donation is to a school lunch program. I go in and give them money to feed kids when they forget their lunch money. Lots of schools will only give them a PB&J if their account is in the hole, poor little guys.
That is a worthy cause.
That’s a wonderful idea, Aubergine. However, if I were a kid, I’d probably prefer the PB&J sandwich if the school is feeding them the stuff Michelle Obama dictated.
Lol! Our school lunch program here is pretty good. The middle schoolers even have a salad bar.
You’re right—there are more important things to focus on and The SA doesn’t deserve the energy. I understand the logic, but I’m still emotionally invested in this. Somehow even after betrayal after betrayal after betrayal we’ve experienced over the years, including a stolen Presidential election stolen and a genocidal government trying to force masks and injections on us, this one manages to sting. It’s like, “Really? Even The Salvation Army has succumbed to The Enemy? Is there really no bottom to this?” It’s like they’ve become a symbol of everything Wrong right now.
I grew up donating money and household stuff to The Salvation Army. My uncle’s family was hardcore involved in their church activities, and they definitely weren’t Leftists or anything resembling what The Salvation Army is promoting these days. Maybe it’s the fact that I had financial and familial ties, maybe it’s fatigue over the constant march toward the NWO, I don’t know, but I can’t let it go (despite knowing full well that I should).
It’s good to have the complete picture, as hard as it is.
Some human resource dweed’s idea of wokeism is one thing but head first into the UN cesspool, that’s another level. Corrupt to the core.
Right there with you, Sadie.
Mourn the loss. Give it its due, and then you can move on. Clearly it means something deeply personal to you, so honor that. There’s nothing wrong with that.
Wise advice. Thank you.
Can’t be done in the current configuration.
Id like to know WHO implemented it instead of just the organization. Its like blaming the gun for a murder.
I still think their donations went down, one (or more) of the corporate sponsors said, “hey, I’ve got a good funds/donations consultant, how about getting some help from them…I’ll set you up”…
And set up they did…
The same as the Devil insinuates himself into everyone and everything he can, like a slow-growing yet stubborn weed that returns over and over again, unbidden and unwanted…
BREAKING: New York City Council votes to ban natural gas hookups in new buildings in effort to fight climate change; Mayor Bill de Blasio has said he’ll sign the legislation “enthusiastically.”
Several of our blue cities have already stepped right up and are prohibiting new construction from having natural gas hook ups. I can’t tell you how thrilled I am that we beat NYC and Comrade de Blasio on this important climate change restriction.

My city, Salem, is talking about that right now, Sylvia. People are up in arms about it.
It’s just infuriating, Linda. It hasn’t come to my town…..YET……but you know it’s a matter of time.
It’s pretty scary how fast they’re taking over. Soon using a personal vehicle is going to be a luxury. How the holy F can we stop this juggernaut. We’re so busy dealing with the scamdemic that all of this other stuff is happening right under our noses
Exactly……..our eyes are on what they have been doing to us in the name of Covid and meanwhile over here they are doing some other atrocious thing.
Cue propane, LPG, and other tank exposions in 3-2-1…..
Indeed, the stupid, it burns…
Sometimes I think the whole point of COVIDiocy is to install the Green New Deal (Green RAW Deal) without us noticing or complaining…..
They said that is one of their New Green Deal goals..on track.
“Now we’re cooking’ with… SOLAR ??!”
That’ll be tough since Bill Ghoul Gates is planning on blocking out the sun to combat climate heat
That’s going to limit new restaurant openings for sure. No chef wants a cook top over a natural gas range.
(they won’t need it… for VEGAN FOOD !)

Won’t have enough customers anyway. The serf class won’t be able to afford eating out . The dystopian state by then will be like living in a sci_fi movie.
That is ok we stay healthy
Even fewer customers with the NYC Injection Passport.
bet by then..the govt will decide who can open another eatery, what type of food, location, etc
the big picture to NGD or UN2030 or whatever they’re setting us up for is going to be a nightmare. It’s not crazy ideas anymore. They’re beginning to implement it
Yes… it’s coming !
Doesn’t matter what sort of food it is. I want natural gas. Electric cook tops don’t give you enough precision.
….and bugs.
Marica just posted this over at her place and I think it’s important. The CDC is realizing that they won’t be able to cover up all the vaccine deaths much longer, so they are rolling out their story that it’s the Omicron variant. Even though we know that variant is barely a cold. They must be feeling justice bearing down on them like a freight train about now.
I’ve been expecting far more deaths than I am seeing in my circle. Could it be that the theory of the less deadly shots going to blue areas is true? I mean, I’ve been living behind enemy lines for so long, I wouldn’t know what to do in a red zone.
It might be early yet, DP. The CDC is saying this is going to start happening by Christmas. I haven’t yet seen a lot of deaths yet either – just one woman in my church. But I’m sure she was killed by a ventilator and remdesivir.
THe CDC is complicit . Why would we believe anything they say ? It’s in their best interest to push the panic button. They must get the population back under their thumb like before..
I’ve also learned to be wary of accounts that have info like that about the deaths
Yeah, I mainly wanted to point out what the CDC is trying to sell us and what really must be going on. I just linked to the whole thing like Marica did.
Much appreciated Linda…my comment came off pushy, sorry didn’t mean it like that.
It’s gotten so tricky trying to figure why the message, if the tweets are real.
I marvel at the depth and consistency of Wolfie’s role and the contributions of all those who do so at some costs to their time and well being. Thank you for Q Tree.