DEAR MAGA: Open Thread 20211216

Happy fifteenth birthday a day late to our beloved Ying, the rotten dog who got the whole house up at four thirty in the morning.

How are we all holding up?

Yeah, me too.

Okay, so, two different QTreepers posted this video on Wednesday, so, the third time being the charm, here it is again just in case you missed it:

In the rush to question the thirty percent principle, the larger picture was kind of sidelined: the conservative ecosystem. The other side calls it an echo chamber, but the truth is starting with Rush Limbaugh on radio, and then the development of the first conservative chat site Free Republic (still going strong after twenty-five years), conservatives were finally able to find each other in the age of the internet. Prior to that, you could be sitting next to one on a trans-Atlantic flight and not know it.

There are far more of us than not, and as more and more websites and social media platforms run by patriots, not the alphabet soup agencies, popped up and continue to pop up, a much larger network, an ecosystem, is solidifying in the space that the legacy media used to occupy.

That has the other side scared to death.

No longer is the truth buried in the periodicals in a library with stacks of hard bound journal volumes. Nope. Now it is online, and can go from a hush hush secret to a full blown viral meme in far less time than a news cycle would occupy.

The truth can no longer be truly censored even if they’re still trying to do so.

Not sure where he landed.

Is it just me, or does this look like Uncle Joe is in front of a green screen?

Don’t forget.

There’s a lot of reasons to give J.K. Rowling the side eye, but this is not one of them.

And belittling real men while they are at it.

The phrase “for the greater good” is so being misused.

Because “for the greater good” is going to end up here:

And more of this is going to happen:

Although, in Paris, the enforcers of the mandates bring their own camera booms.

Score another for the conspiracy crowd:

Wanna know how the Rockefellers got into the propaganda business? This thread walks the reader through the history without the mind-numbing rhetoric I read in college.

LANGUAGE WARNING! But, still, Make-a-Wish Foundation is on the naughty list after watching this.

And the question of the day:

It always boils down to that.

And, finally, I meant to put this in yesterday’s daily. On Tuesday, MonkeyWerx did a breaking SitRep that’s worth considering since things are heating up with Russia and Ukraine. He goes into it on his Wednesday SitRep as well.



One of the obstacles to full understanding of just what the enemy is all about revolves around the concept of symbolism.

We will return to symbolism at a later date.


And now for the business portion.

Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list or the closest rescue thread.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.


All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information. Correcting the record on any one topic is appreciated.

Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights
  2. No running with scissors
  3. If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon

Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and don’t just play them on TV like the body doubles pretending to be the squatter in chief:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


ISAIAH 54:1-10

1“Sing, O barren one, who did not bear; break forth into singing and cry aloud, you who have not been in travail! For the children of the desolate one will be more than the children of her that is married, says the LORD. 2Enlarge the place of your tent, and let the curtains of your habitations be stretched out; hold not back, lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes. 3For you will spread abroad to the right and to the left, and your descendants will possess the nations and will people the desolate cities. 4“Fear not, for you will not be ashamed; be not confounded, for you will not be put to shame; for you will forget the shame of your youth, and the reproach of your widowhood you will remember no more. 5For your Maker is your husband, the LORD of hosts is his name; and the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer, the God of the whole earth he is called. 6For the LORD has called you like a wife forsaken and grieved in spirit, like a wife of youth when she is cast off, says your God. 7For a brief moment I forsook you, but with great compassion I will gather you. 8In overflowing wrath for a moment I hid my face from you, but with everlasting love I will have compassion on you, says the LORD, your Redeemer. 9“For this is like the days of Noah to me: as I swore that the waters of Noah should no more go over the earth, so I have sworn that I will not be angry with you and will not rebuke you. 10For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you, and my covenant of peace shall not be removed, says the LORD, who has compassion on you.


Um, JP, some of do give a $#!+ about swimming. And, yeah, those times are outrageous for the women’s side.

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Another very fine post, although it did leave me with a question — what did Ying do to wake everyone up, and did it just wake the house or did it do anything?


Probably those annoying little yaps they make when they are compensating for their dwarf status. Like the super-annoying screeches my cat makes when he thinks he can go out at night (he ends up in the garage where nobody can hear him).


I was not specifically referring to Ying; was thinking about all those other tyrants I see every time I park in the Cripple Car space at the supermarket. Invariably, they furiously bark at me as I’m exiting my car even though I have done nothing unusual toward them. So I figure they’re just doing a dog version of short man syndrome.


And she woke everyone up for this?

Barb Meier

My cat Brad Purrsley wants me to stand by him and watch him eat kibble. When he finishes, he likes to cover up the bowl with the tablecloth. I accidentally started this by initially buying a big bag of salmon cat food when he preferred chicken/turkey. Who knew? He ate the salmon kibble but was so thrilled when I figured out he liked chicken/turkey best. Now every day he lets me know I’ve corrected my error. 😅


How sweet 🙂

Gail Combs

My cat let’s me know she is hungry by trying to eat the horse feed pellets. The ponies are NOT amused.

And Yes she gets enough to eat. I had to put her on a diet because she was getting very cubby. (She is fixed) She gets the max amount of kibble a day per the package instructions plus all the mice and rabbits she can catch.


My cats have an automatic feeder and can eat whenever they like. In the evening they get a half can each of cat food.
They are not fat and really do not eat so much.


Awwwww … 🥺❤️ ..

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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For Ying 😁
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Everyone else gets sticks 😋
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Or fries 😋 😋
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Or KETO friendly 😉 ☺

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Last edited 3 years ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

 😍  😋 

*wheatie paws at screen*

Gail Combs


And I can not have SALT….
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Gail Combs

I just went out and bought a 12 pound pork roast as compensation. It is now slow roasting with lots of herbs and spices.

What was interesting is the store had hams on sale for $0.99/lb and the butcher was telling a vendor he just can not sell them. On the other hand I just bought the last pork shoulder that were also on sale at a dollar more per pound as well as the last two chuck roasts… AT 6:00 AM!


I love ham! I buy the big spiral-sliced ones on sale, pull it all off the bone, and freeze it in smaller packages for sandwiches, omelets, and stuff. Then I use the bone to make a huge batch of beans, and I freeze them, too. A ham goes a long way. The weirdest use I have found is in pasta with pesto. It is fantastic.

Gail Combs

When I could eat ham I did that too. Now I am stuck with pork I season myself. — 🍾 — I just poured a 1/2 cup of wine over that pork roast. 😊


Yum. Sounds awesome!

Gail Combs

Well it sure smells good!


You’re teasing me. Now I’m hungry, and it’s not even 10 am! And yes, breakfast was an hour ago.

Gail Combs

I just poured more wine and seasoning on it. It should be ready to eat in about a 1/2 hour to an hour. (I am slow cooking it.)


I played Bother Lorenz of the Kitchen 🙂
I made two German Stollen prepping for Christmas. I did not buy almonds that were peeled and chopped I did my ritual of soaking hand chopping. Prayer interwoven all calm and intentionally slow. How I enjoy prepping for holidays planning and executing for two people 🙂
The joy of little things. I am so much more aware and enjoy the gratefulness of the season. Not going out much being more in the house and around the house has such blessings 🙂 I am grateful for a warm house enough food to prep for festivity. I am even looking forward to Lent and enjoying fasting more seclusion.
For myself I a new way of being.
Love you guys here you make life even better.
This is the season to forgive begin anew.
Everyday is a blessing and a gift from God.

Last edited 3 years ago by singingsoul1

Beautiful sweet 🎶singing🎶❤️
beautiful ..


 🌲   ❤  🙂


When can I come for dinner?

Gail Combs

Missed it.

The ‘left-overs’ are now carved off the bone, bagged and in the freezer. I freeze the bone too and add it to the beans when I am simmering the bean soup.

And yes it was yummy.


🙂 Maybe next time!


I bet it was yummy 🙂

I still have ham in the freezer . I am going to use it for my canned peas soup. I had made broth from the bone then added vegetables and peas. Is nice to have already finished soup just open the glass.

Gail Combs

I have some turkey soup still in the freezer I need to use up.

So far it has been WARM so not ‘soup weather’. Highs in the 70s for the next few days although there was frost on the windshield this morning.


We had some really cold damp weather. I made an Onion soup the other day with bone broth. Even made a french bread for it. Was so good and clears the sinuses 🙂
Lucky you still warm weather.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

I love ham also. This is the only time of year I can ever find boneless. Went to multiple stores only to find 2 small Smithfield 😡 pre-thinly-sliced boneless hunks. I like the big hunks where I slice myself, how else ya gonna make cubes?? Maybe they’ll get more in. 🤞 Still mad that they add brown sugar to every last ham on the planet.🤬 Totally unnecessary.


I agree 100% about the sugar!

Barb Meier

I get the little ham steaks. They’re thick enough one could cube them and I can avoid Smithfield since China bought them. sigh… There are still other pork producers in the US, thank God.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah but who wants congressional pork?


Anyone who employs a lobbyist.

Gail Combs


I still have my carving board and knife out.


just 4 U
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 💞  💟  💥 
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Last edited 3 years ago by smiley2

The way I cook bacon depends on the big bubbles. The one in front is ready to harvest, the one in the middle is cooking, the one in back needs flipped.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Aww, TYSM Sweet SmilesALot!! 😍😍🤗😘🥰❤❤❤


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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Actually it was said in Roswell NM in 1947 by someone with a very strange accent, which is how they discovered the aliens.


🤨👍❤️‼️ .. 😜


…yum … 😋🤤👍❤️


I hope this is the beginning of an avalanche of stuff coming out about the elitist pedophiles!


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Project Veritas


Source Shows Video and Texts of CNN Producer Fantasizing About Sex Acts with Fiancé’s Young Daughter


O’Keefe has also been posting this:
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Hrmmm seems like something is in the works already and some final touches need to be made. We don’t even have to look close to see the rats scurrying for their holes.

Gail Combs

Given some of the stuff I was aware of around here, I have ZERO doubt some in Child Protective Services were colluding with child predators.

No hard evidence except a pair of KNOWN lesbian drug dealers trying to get custody of children from several different families.


I think we’ve suspected/ran stories on CPS in certain States like California that allow perps to run their own stables given changes in their laws there. Can’t remember exactly what it was but it jiggled the ages much lower so prostitution was harder to detect when minors were involved.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r
Gail Combs

I was trying to find the older interview by Jan Jekielek and found this:
Six Articles About Pedophilia and Pornography and Related
includes: Cannibalism: A “Business Plan” Being Taught To Kids In Georgia Schools (Video)

Looked in my notes and found it

Out of the Shadows:
(Seems UBoob Tube doesn’t like it)

You can find it here:

Jan Jekielek@JanJekielek

“The youngest child we’ve rescued…was 2 years old. 34 men raped that 2-year-old over a 36-day period…. “When it comes to sex trafficking, you’ve got backroom deals, you’ve got plea deals, you’ve got misdemeanors.”

says sex #Trafficking laws are not being enforced in the US

breaks down the alarming realities of child sex trafficking in America on American Thought Leaders

Jaco Booyen from S.Africa on Child Sex Trafficking in the USA.

Breaking Down the Alarming Realities of Child Sex Trafficking in America—Jaco Booyens

Tim Ballard on World human Trafficking (USA is the main customer)


Taking Down the Kingpin of Child Porn

Disney grooming kids

Children as young as 5 are getting hooked on porn
“Expansion of sex industry has meant kids get access to pornography at a very young age.”

Section 287 and Section 235 of the Immigration and Nationality Act authorizes U.S. Border Patrol agents to board and search vehicles and conveyances for aliens within a reasonable distance from the U.S. border…


No doubt they will continue taking us down the slippery side of decadence.

To what I referred to earlier about child prostitution. A 2016 Article that we covered at the time it was happening.

Beginning on Jan. 1, prostitution by minors will be legal in California. Yes, you read that right.

SB 1322 bars law enforcement from arresting sex workers who are under the age of 18 for soliciting or engaging in prostitution, or loitering with the intent to do so. So teenage girls (and boys) in California will soon be free to have sex in exchange for money without fear of arrest or prosecution.

This terribly destructive legislation was written and passed by the progressive Democrats who control California’s state government with a two-thirds “supermajority.” To their credit, they are sincere in their belief that decriminalizing underage prostitution is good public policy that will help victims of sex trafficking. Unfortunately, the reality is that the legalization of underage prostitution suffers from the fatal defect endemic to progressive-left policymaking: it ignores experience, common sense and most of all human nature — especially its darker side.

The unintended but predictable consequence of how the real villains — pimps and other traffickers in human misery — will respond to this new law isn’t difficult to foresee. Pimping and pandering will still be against the law whether it involves running adult women or young girls. But legalizing child prostitution will only incentivize the increased exploitation of underage girls. Immunity from arrest means law enforcement can’t interfere with minors engaging in prostitution — which translates into bigger and better cash flow for the pimps. Simply put, more time on the street and less time in jail means more money for pimps, and more victims for them to exploit.

Zero Trust for CPS in California and as I remember there were other states that were mysteriously loosing children at the time under the watch of their respective CPSs.

This like so many other things have never gotten a strong second look in the national media given the continuous onslaught of high impact news. The left has indeed flooded the zone with their depravity in all aspects of America.

Happy Hunting Project Veritas!

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r
Gail Combs

Why should the media report on it when they are BUYING it?


Two CNN producers now.

At the time SNOPES, may they rot in hell, labeled the stories Mostly false. Saying they provided victim status to those caught. But the argument back is they also put child prostitution under the secretive umbrella of CPS. So its they that know the children who have engaged in such and now provide them anonymity while putting them in what homes, to be used, is anyone’s guess. It has all the markings of organized crime, but instead of the mob, the state controls it.


Copied this ..

Diveinordie (@diveinordie) Tweeted:
15) END. i will leave you with this video and hope that you consider looking into whats really going on, not only at Disney, but all throughout H’wood, music, fashion, art and beyond. reality may not be what it seems. theres no harm in questioning that.

from the comments in the tweet.

We brought our sons to WDW .. aka Wally Word .. a lot. It was an easy drive and they had good accommodations. However one time I took the younger son/toddler to their kids station some I could change and feed him. I noticed a lot of kids in there and it struck me, what if these kids were dropped off so the parents were going through the park w/o their kids, then a darker thought was what if this was a place people could pick up kids. Makes me sick … kids would be there all day

stuff Disney and the rat he rode in on ..

Disney knows now doesn’t he … 🔥


absolutely revolting, depraved….and alarming.

can’t get much lower than that.

smh in utter disgust.

kids are endangered, no doubt about it.

a very squeamish topic…so difficult to wrap our minds around something so perverse…and so prevalent, these days.

Gail Combs


With 6 under-aged girls you can make a million tax free a year (Epoch Times video interview)

The average age of entry into child prostitution is 13, and some girls have been subjected to multiple abortions. An encounter with any health care worker should be an opportunity for trafficking victims to get help to escape from slavery. Live Action went undercover to find out how Planned Parenthood would respond to sex traffickers seeking services, including abortions, for their underage sex slaves.


💔 💔 💔 💔 💔 💔 💔 💔


So this is the second producer at CNN. Not a one off after all.

Gail Combs

Suggests there is a culture of depravity at CNN.


If there were a wager, I’d bet it goes all the way to, Zucker.

Gail Combs

From what we have seen of Hollywood, I would think that is a VERY SURE BET.

The ‘Elite’ in this country are NOTHING BUT FILTH!

….Stem cell expert Dr. Theresa Deisher testified September 18, the last day of the hearing, that in order to be used in research and on a Langendorff apparatus, a human fetal heart “has to be beating” when harvested from the baby. The heart must then “be arrested in a relaxed position” by perfusing it with a potassium solution to be transported to the research site, where it is started again electrically, she said…..

So what did our JUST-US system do about this horror?

….CMP’s Daleiden and Merritt are charged with 15 felony counts of illegal taping of confidential information in connection with undercover videos they released in 2015 after a three-year covert investigation into the buying and selling of baby body parts, which is a felony…

That is correct, those who uncovered this felony are the ones headed for prison!!!


…Last week, legal accountability group Judicial Watch dropped a bombshell: a nearly 600-page report proving the U.S. government has been buying and trafficking “fresh” aborted baby body parts. These body parts, purchased by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to “humanize” mice and test biologic drugs in scientific experiments, came from babies up to 24-weeks-old gestation, just weeks from being born….

Normal Pregnancy is 40 weeks. However 6, 7 and 8 month old preemies can easily survive. (Brother was a 7 month preemie during WWII)

𝗝𝘂𝗱𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝗪𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵: 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗛𝗛𝗦 𝗗𝗼𝗰𝘂𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀 𝗥𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗮𝗹 𝗠𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗶𝗻 𝗙𝗲𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗹 𝗙𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗨𝗻𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗶𝘁𝘆 𝗼𝗳 𝗣𝗶𝘁𝘁𝘀𝗯𝘂𝗿𝗴𝗵 𝗛𝘂𝗺𝗮𝗻 𝗙𝗲𝘁𝗮𝗹 𝗢𝗿𝗴𝗮𝗻 𝗛𝗮𝗿𝘃𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗷𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝗜𝗻𝗰𝗹𝘂𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗩𝗶𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗙𝘂𝗹𝗹-𝗧𝗲𝗿𝗺 𝗕𝗮𝗯𝗶𝗲𝘀

Judicial Watch and The Center for Medical Progress (CMP) announced today that they received 252 pages of new documents from the US Department of Health and Human Services that reveal nearly $3 million in federal funds were spent on the University of Pittsburgh’s quest to become a “Tissue Hub” for human fetal tissue ranging from 6 to 42 weeks gestation….


Horrific ..

Gail Combs

Yeah, and we BELIEVE the SAME FDA cares about the health of our children???


They’re scum ..


It just may be a requirement to “work” in that cess pool .. ☹️🥺😔

Gail Combs


It is how they keep the vicious fucks under control via blackmail.


And since when referring to the MSM we call it the mocking bird media, we can be fairly well assured pockets of this kind of behavior is prevalent through out the entire industry. In fact it shouldn’t surprise us if FOX gets outed in some sort of get even scheme.


This one is rough. Disgusting. I had a hard time listening to it.

Gail Combs

That one is mild compared to what Jaco Booyens reports. His sister as a teen was lured (She was a singer) and then trafficked. He rescued her and has now dedicated his life in hunting these predators down.

He said: “The youngest child we’ve rescued…was 2 years old. 34 men raped that 2-year-old over a 36-day period.”

That is bad enough but what is MUCH WORSE is our JUST-US let this filth off very lightly. In some cases the new laws say the victim must SAY they were raped, but the predator does such a ‘mind fuck’ on these kids, that they think they DESERVE the treatment they get and therefore do not think of it as rape.

“76,000 kids [are] trafficked per day in Texas…We’re talking about slavery at proportions like we’ve never seen in history.”

says over ½ a million children are victims of #Trafficking every single day in the US.
“When it comes to sex trafficking, you’ve got backroom deals, you’ve got plea deals, you’ve got misdemeanors.”

says sex #Trafficking laws are not being enforced in the US

“If that woman, at 24…was coerced as a 12-year-old? She’s not a prostitute. She’s a victim.” He explains that many prostitutes are really victims of child sex . [Just as that lady said]


Jan Jekielek
Jan 16, 2020

It makes me a bit ill even posting this, but I believe that the horrors of child sex trafficking are reality we have to face as a society in order to actually stop this.


Yes, I have read so much about it.

I am myself a survivor of childhood sexual abuse. After much therapy, I have mostly healed. But these stories pick open old wounds.

Gail Combs

I think a lot of women are. A lot more than the statistics acknowledge.
BTDT & have the scars.






The punishment for these heinous crimes against babies/children should be “gelding” and cutting off any and all appendages.

Alll together now .. 🎶

Hands, fingers, ?knees? and toes … (nose will do)

Gail Combs

Gelding for sure. Anyone who has handled farm animals will tell you gelding will calm a male right down….




What animals go after kids? That is so primitive so vile.


Life’s quandaries, #62,647 —

Does JP have his own lingerie stash, or does he just raid his wife’s collection?


Corollary #12 — regardless of which method he uses, does he actually understand the black art of bra sizes? From what I can tell, retailers stamp random numbers and designations onto packages that have nothing whatsoever to do with actual female anatomy.


You’d think that the really expensive ones would at least be more comfortable.

They’re not.

And underwires are a torture, imho.


I know this much, at least. Honestly, I see something like “38D, lift and support, athletic, underwire” and I think, “W. T. F. are they even talking about?”

Mind you, if I wanted to get seriously injured and scientific about this, I could haunt bra stores and pop-up with a microphone when someone touched one of these packages, asking the potential customer just what they were thinking…..

Mind you, there are probably parts of it that are just as sensible as shoe sizes being measured in barleycorns….no, really: “The barleycorn is an old English unit that equates to 1⁄3 inch (8.47 mm). This is the basis for current UK and North American shoe sizes, with the largest shoe size taken as twelve inches (a size 12) i.e. 30.5 cm, and then counting backwards in barleycorn units, so a size 11 is 11.67 inches or 29.6 cm.” []


I ken a trifling bit of this art, but so far as I know it has nothing to do with what is written on packages. If you can further enlighten me, please do.

And I’m really kind o’ groovin’ on “Build-A-Bra-Workshops” in upscale malls where they’d be assembled to fit properly.

Last edited 3 years ago by cthulhu

To start with — to me, the most erotic part of a woman is a mischievous happy grin. Bra parameters are technical bits that (hopefully) contribute to that goal.

Everyone knows that band size is the measurement around the chest under the boobs. Already, this is significantly imprecise — is it below any breast tissue? is it below any significant breast tissue? is it below any observable breast tissue? Should it be be measured standing, lying down, or suspended upside down?

Frankly, your description of “letter” makes no sense to me. I’d always understood it to mean “cup size” — AKA “volume” — a 3D measurement which is difficult to map to any single parameter. I had no idea that “heft” and “differential” had anything to do with it.

What gets me is that we have he technology available to do much better with this. Bra fitting should measure outlines and spacing, preferred shaping and density, weights and flexures, and deliver engineered solutions far superior to what bra shops deliver today — for a wide variety of use cases, including jumping horses.

You shouldn’t have to purchase a bundle of bras when one “just happens” to work for you. You should have parameters to specify a bra and expect every one that meets those parameters to work.

And then, maybe, us guys can concentrate on those other female secrets that lead to a mischievous grin.

Gail Combs

NJ women created first sports bra in 1977

In 1977, after joining the jogging craze but finding it painful without a supportive bra, she hit on the idea of sewing two jockstraps together to create the world’s first sports bra….


One should go to a bra store and properly fitted. Some of the more upscale store do that and specially the person helping is an experienced person . Some stores even want you to try on the bra to make sure it fits properly.


Do it and go national .. you’ll be a hero .. 😉👍


“And I’m really kind o’ groovin’ on “Build-A-Bra-Workshops” in upscale malls where they’d be assembled to fit properly.”


Check out the Seinfeld episodes where Kramer and George’s dad were working on the “Bro” and the “Mansier” 😂

Gail Combs


I do surgery on mine to add more (and broader) elastic shoulder straps since the darn things are NOT built for a woman with shoulder muscles.

I am probably going to be hefting around ten fifty pound feed sacks again today. I have been lifting hay bales and feed sacks since jr high and could easily beat the guys in arm wrestling until we hit high school.


Yeah I can imagine how uncomfortable those thin straps would be for you, cutting into your shoulder muscles.
 😬  😟 

Those straps are uncomfortable even if you don’t have much in the way of shoulder muscles.

Gail Combs

I am not exactly ‘small’ up front and those thin straps are quite painful.

I even broke one of the darn things while going over a 5 ft jump on my thoroughbred. The strap did not survive the landing — OUCH!!



the terrible bullet (torpedo) bra of yesteryear…

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a film noir essential !

Gail Combs

I always figured they stuffed them with cotton.😋

Gail Combs


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Not even an attractive look.

From the other comments here, it’s a unanimous “good riddance.”

Last edited 3 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m surprised they aren’t just sold by the piece, to be assembled. I have never heard a woman say, “oh, this bra is just right.”

Gail Combs


And then you carefully wash them by hand so they do not wear out.


women should design/manufacture jock straps … level the playing field


Leaving that filed under questions I don’t want the answer too.  🙃 


Stolen from Marica’s —

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Twenty years later —

Gail Combs

I LOVE HER!! Such New York Chutzpah.

POTUS Trump shows some of this but has tempered it so as not to offend non New Yorkers…. At least not TOO much.


I love that scene, too — someone who only knows the game trying to intimidate someone who knows her shit, and getting pounded by reality.

Gail Combs

It was so funny when he thought he had won and then she not only pulls the rug out from under him, she kicks him in the gonads while he is laying on the floor.


Bwahahahahaha .. outstanding ‼️ … I love that scene .. ‼️

Gail Combs


When I got an F in Home Ec in jr high, I had to speak to the Vice Principal who was also my history teacher. Instead of me getting chewed out, the poor guy got a lecture on how instead of Home Ec for girls and Shop for boys the school should be teaching the guys how to cook, wash and iron clothes and the girls how to change a flat, change the oil, replace a spark plug, use a screw driver and a hammer… And EVERYONE should be taught how to balance a checkbook.

I wanted to take shop and drafting (No girls allowed) but instead I was made to take Home Ec so I deliberately flunked it. Since I was straight As otherwise he knew it was deliberate. 🤓

He changed the F to a D and gave up. 😆


I rather enjoyed Home Ec and hated wood shop (metal shop wasn’t available) when I took both as a young lad. It’s not like I could learn to cook from my mom, the *World’s Worst Cook*. And, although I learned quite a bit about shop tools in class, a lot of my carpentry skills were learned while 2nd assistant carpenter with my dad building houses. As it turns out, it’s good to know about scroll saws, band saws, and table saws…..but you use Skilsaws and miter saws when building houses.

But my interest in food really exploded with the original Iron Chef (English subtitles). My interest in wood is based in the Maker movement, luthiery (Brian May of Queen made his own guitars), craft shows, and love of Arts & Crafts and Art Deco (particularly Greene & Greene). My interest in metalworking has been largely informed by my membership with

So I can truthfully say that all attempts to teach shop or home ec to me were bound to be difficult because I’d only begin to appreciate the subjects some years (decades?) later.


One of the things that shop class in my teens really impressed upon me was that all tools were dangerous…..but some were much, much, much, much, much more dangerous than others. This was reinforced in my 20’s when a girlfriend’s grandmother’s live-in boyfriend lost two fingers to a table saw while in his 70’s. He had obviously been thoughtful and cautious for decades, but it got him in the end. SteveinCO knows how dangerous table saws are — he was in the room when one got a friend of his.

Compare this to a scrollsaw. Quite a few people get nicked by a scrollsaw, but almost never does someone get completely amputated.

Gail Combs

I learned my wood working skills from an old Army Sargent at the Fort’s woodworking shop when my ex was in the Army.


One of our more treasured members at BAEMclub is Dwight Giles. He learned his skills at Mare Island Naval, and knows a mind-boggling amount about materials and making them behave — everything from watch gears to 16″ propulsion screws..

A running joke in the club is describing how they set out to do something and had it fail. Then they set out to do something a slightly different way and it also failed. Then they went to plan C — go over to Dwight’s and learn how it really should be done.


Sixteen FOOT, not 16″.

He talked about how there was a balancing group where they’d take submarine screws (that are supposed to be ultra quiet) and spin’ em….and the balance guys would go in and grind-off slivers on the fore-and-aft of each prop….and they’d be pissed if the prop wasn’t completely silent after one treatment.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

To this day I have a large pile of scrap lumber that needs to be cut into kindling…and I can’t bring myself to actually do it.

That’s what my friend was doing. Fortunately, his fingers didn’t come off but recovery was hell.

Gail Combs

My Mom was badly hurt when I was nine, big brother was in college and Dad wasn’t home much of the time so I did EVERYTHING, sew, embroider, knit, cook, clean, paint, wallpaper, lay tile, fix the vacuum cleaner, solder, change the oil, spark plugs….

I did not flunk because I could not do the stuff, I flunked as a PROTEST against being forced to take a class I considered useless and being denied the chance to take Shop and Drafting. This was about the same time I was not allowed on the track team although I was the fastest long distance runner in the school by far. (The coach was practically crying over that.)

I have been quietly ornery for most of my life. I just choose my battles carefully.


This is true empowerment.


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Gail Combs

That looks like it was painted using stencils. That means ease of duplication by non artists 😉


it was painted with stencils….and real artists use stencil.

graffitti artists use stencil freely & extensively…

an article…


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Stencil Art : A Short History….

article link…

and activist graffitti artists use it a lot.

Last edited 3 years ago by smiley2
Gail Combs

.and real artists use stencil….

Of course they do. Heck I MADE stencils and did lino-block carving to do printing in art class.

Somewhere I have something similar to this. 🙃

HOWEVER Stencils (and lino-blocks) also mean the work can be duplicated and you do not have to be a really good artist to do the duplication.


In season two of HGTV’s Home Town episode has Erin take a design to an artist to make a stencil, then wallpaper for a backsplash
Season 2 Episode 3. There’s an episode where this artist bought a home, and the last episode of season 5 this artist designed the wallpaper for the entryway in the house his aunt purchased.
it was fascinating watching him cut the design into the block and then mixing colors till the right one


this scene plays  nikkichico7 minutes 30 seconds …

Gail Combs

I have ZERO wallpaper, but many of the walls are stenciled so it looks like I wall papered them.


Drag queen story hour is like:

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a very good essay…




 👉  the desire for conformity

What have you done to us, bringing us out of Egypt ? Did we not tell you this in Egypt when we said, ‘leave us alone that we may serve the Egyptians’ ?
Far better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the wilderness.” – Exodus 14:11-12


All forms of slavery are dehumanizing but not all forms of slavery are involuntary. The Israelites lost their identity as a free nation under the oppression of the Egyptians…they became slaves to a distrustful ruling class. Yet they complained and hesitated every step of the way on their journey to freedom in The Promised Land.

 👉  we are still capable of making that same mistake now : the pandemic of the past 21 months.

read the complete essay, at the link.

brain food.

highly recommended.

Gail Combs

Do not over look these paragraphs:

each time they chose conformity they made it harder to break out at the next opportunity. Each successive decision weakened their will and, therefore, their ability to choose differently. Moreover, they further clouded their minds….




…They don’t care because the truth is not their priority. The summum bonum of our emasculated society is comfort—this is why people are deathly afraid of illness, why “stay safe” is our new national motto, why everyone is so conflict-averse, why nobody wants to question the official narrative in public or in private conversation….


The question then becomes, WHEN did the elite start conditioning us to ACCEPT the Federal Government’s intrusion upon our freedom, especially our bodily freedom???


1909 — Smoking Opium Exclusion Act in 1909 banned the possession, importation and use of opium for smoking
1913 — Federal Reserve Act & the 16th Amendment.
1915 — JP Morgan & friends buy up the influential newspapers.
1919 — Prohibition (1920 — 1930) gave rise to the FBI
1937 — “Marihuana Tax Act” passed.
1942 — Wickard v. Filburn (1942) FDR & the Commerce Clause. The Supreme Court after being threatened gave the Federal Government the rights hither to for reserved to the States and the People.

However it was in the 1970s we saw restrictions really take off.
1970 — Controlled Substances Act (CSA) passed.
 1971 — Nixon officially declared a “War on Drugs,” 
1973 –The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) created
MORE about the War on Drugs

However drugs were not the only target.
1970 —  The Williams-Steiger occupational safety and health act passed
1970 — EPA was established after Nixon signed an executive order Also see the Clean Air Act of 1963 and amended -1970/1977 link
1971 —  OSHA was officially established.


“The first universal motorcycle helmet law was enacted in 1966”…


As a way to increase helmet use, the federal government offered an incentive—certain federal safety programs and highway construction funds—for states that enacted helmet use laws…

Universal laws were in effect in 47 States and the District of Columbia by 1975. After Federal penalties were eliminated in 1975 for States failing to have a universal law, about half the States repealed their laws.

Bike Helmets
There are currently 21 states (+ DC) with state-wide helmet laws in place for [underaged] cyclists.

And horse back riding... Including Western
In the 1980’s, recognition spread among equestrian sports advocates that protective helmets were needed that were tailored to the unique hazards of their sport. — LINK

In 2013, New York’s Governor signed into law an amended helmet law [Bill No. S 2007] (amending prior helmet legislation passed in 2000), that requires minors under 18 to wear a helmet while riding a horse. The 2013 law increases the maximum fine for violators to $250 and imposes the fines on parents or guardians.



1964 Study proves tobacco smoking is bad for your health.
Restrictions on smoking in public places, government buildings, and airplanes were implemented in the 1970s, most of which limited but did not ban smoking. In 1973, Arizona became the first state to have some smoke-free public places, and the Civil Aeronautics Board requested no-smoking sections on all commercial airline flights (Koop, 1986).

81.3% of the US population lives under a ban on smoking in “workplaces, and/or restaurants, and/or bars, by either a state, commonwealth, or local law…

And that does not even get into the vaccination requirements.


^^^ That’s eye opening.

A few more would be all of the ignorant gun related laws, that should not exist.

Government IS the problem.

Gail Combs

I am sure there are a lot more. However you can see the stealth encroachment on our liberties ALWAYS with ‘It is for your own good’ as an excuse. And yet weren’t we actually much SAFER in the 1950s when you could leave the keys in the car while shopping and leave the house door unlocked? When little kids didn’t KNOW what sex was or words like F…ck?

Heck you could hitch hike, cave climb ride someone else’s horse, all without lawyers or criminals (is there any difference now?) getting involved.

There were vagrancy laws and county homes and CHURCH CHARITIES and you didn’t have drug deals going down on the school playground and human feces on the side walks and people were taken care of.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m sure the kids DID know the F word, but they also knew what would happen to them if they used it.

Gail Combs

Not the little kids. Jr high and up sure but toddlers to 2nd & 3rd grade? Not usually depending on the parents.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

True, about the young ones.


Like the frog in the pot on the burner just sitting there slowly getting cooked ..

Weekly Lesson for Living: Parable of the Boiled Frog › wmaz_week200.htm
The parable of the boiled frog helps us to understand the key challenge in coping with rapid change. Suppose you want to boil a frog. How do you do it? So, what can you do? a pot of cool water on the stove and then add the frog. Not sensing danger the frog will Next, turn the burner on low to slowly heat the water. The warmth feels good….


More insanity of the VAXOIDs.
This in Germany.
Unvaccinated may not buy from one isle, but can from the one next to it.

Millions Of Unvaccinated Germans Relegated To Bare Essentials As Leadership Descends Into Lunacy (

Dystopia: underway in Germany is an aggressive government and media-led campaign that aims to hound and marginalize unvaccinated persons until they submit to vaccination against their will. 

Dogs and unvaccinated stay outside

Though I had known unvaccinated people were being banned from entering “non-essential” shops in Germany, it was still quite a shock to me yesterday to pass by a Danish furniture shop and finding signs outside declaring “unvaccinated” people were not allowed to enter.

Just beyond the sliding glass doors was another sign, this one with an employee next to it checking for proof of vaccination. The shop was almost empty of customers.

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Gail Combs

I hope they go BANKRUPT and I would say that to their face too!


They are morally, and spiritually bankrupt .. already

Gail Combs

Now it is time for them to lose what the value most $$$$

Cuppa Covfefe

Note that it’s a Danish store. Store owners are given the discretion as to how restrictive they wish to be… If they want to do 2G (vaxxed, recovered), that’s their choice, but not mandated. If they want to do 1G (vaxxed), same thing. Either way, by being so restrictive, they’ll not be in business much longer. Though the globalists who own them can use COVID as the justification for the shutdown, and write off the expenses of the bankruptcy due to that, and the taxpayers get to pay for it, and the workers get to pay for it with their jobs (and their unemployment comes from the taxpayers too)…..

Depending on the number of ICU beds filled, the requirements for various flavors of lockdowns kick in (or off). This varies by state, and almost seems to vary by day. Same as with Gore-Bull warming, they’re pulling numbers from where the sun don’t shine…..

The only winners in all of this are the discount stores which happen to carry non-foods as well as foods (e.g. Kaufland, ALDI, Lidl, and some others), and of course mail-order houses and Amazon, where Jeff Bezos can add to his $177 BILLION or so…

The beatings will continue until morale improves…


I’d much rather be outside with the DOGS than inside with the NAZIS!


I am with you 🙂 I prefer company of my dogs more than some people 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Even a hostile large monitor is better company than some people.


That is funny 🙂




Germany has sunken to low human depravity. They forgot Nazi Germany and are repeating. Where are the voices crying out “Nerer Again”?

Cuppa Covfefe

It’s not just Germany, it’s all of Europe, driven by the EU, the WHO, and the UN…

The fact that most of the “leaders” of the EU are chldless is neither a coincidence nor an accident…


.Yes that is strange one would think they have children ?

Cuppa Covfefe

No children means no (easy) close family threats (think of Charles Lindbergh). It also explains their lack of care about future generations (despite all their yapping), and interest in quick profits (and power and prestige) now…

There could also be darker reasons for their being childless (think rituals and dark “religions”) but I’ll leave it at that… Hitler’s inner circle would be a good example…


Seems you are right. Sad though 🙁

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I always pair “Never Again!” with “Never Forget!”

The problem is, they forgot. And if you forget, you cannot say “Never Again!” because you don’t know that there is something you want never to happen again.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Actually, the voices crying out Never Again?

They’re probably convinced that the *essence* of dictatorship is white supremacism.

And that can be reinforced by the fact that the Nazis actually were white supremacists.

So non-white-supremacists aren’t a threat, and Never Again cannot possibly apply to them.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. The equating of nazism with racism and antisemitism is why half the current crop of nazis are jazis and blazis.



Cuppa Covfefe

Bayern is next to Austria, and tends to follow some of their idiocy, sad to say. Markus Söder, Ministerpräsident of Bayern (Bavaria) is just as unhinged as some of the greens and the folks who pushed Kurz (of Austria) out.

Baden-Württemberg, the other major “producing” state and co-victim on the attack on the automotive industry is now also run by the greens (with the CDU), despite having a conservative population (similar to Bayern). Seems the deceptions run high and wide anymore. Have to say, I don’t trust the voting results, even though we don’t use voting machines here…

(Seems NTZs resident “bonny” troll has taken to firing away on that thread. Seems he wants gene modifications for everyone and everything.)


This is the wet dream of people like Fauci / De Blasio / Newscum / Bourla (Pfizer-BioNTech CEO) for the United States.


the camel’s in the tent

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Traitorous Democrats Unanimously Vote With IS, Al Qaeda and MB

article link…


Last night, 219 democrats voted to advance the strategic objectives of the Global Islamic Movement – which includes Al Qaeda, IS, Iran, Hizbollah, Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood, and the entire Islamic world at the Head of State level – to impose the barbaric Islam Law called “sharia” on American citizens.

they passed H.R. 5665 (link provided) by a vote of 219-212.

 👉  this “bill” was initially submitted and advocated by jihadi Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN).

more about this, at the link.



I will not comply.


🇺🇸 ❤️ 🇺🇸


Jihad Watch did another extensive piece on this.

From here you can go in and read the text of the Bill.



good links.


This is old, but seems useful….


Saved, ty Cthulhu .. 🙂🤚


Dunno if available in the States. Some cell phones have two slots for sim cards. Effectively a second number when useful.


Good to know. Love that the name of the app is “Burner,” so I can remember it!



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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.

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Democrats murdered one of their own, along with Bobby, Martin, and Malcolm X.

Gail Combs

Johnson wanted the Presidency. I am firmly convinced he was part of the plot.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Johnson was unspeakably crooked and perverse, and only the passage of many years has dulled people’s memories of it. He was probably almost as bad as Øbøzø, and certainly did a lot of damage, e.g. Hart-Celler and the 501(C) madness, throttling the Churches, among other things.

Then there was that little thing called the Vietnam war… reminds me of that quote where someone was raked over the coals by their CO who said “I DON’T WANT TO YOU WIN, I WANT YOU TO NOT LOSE!!!!” i.e. a never-ending war…

The DEMONRATS have a long and dark history which people keep forgetting…

Gail Combs

It is amazing how many really nast corrupt presidents we have had in the last 100 years. Even Reagan added to the ‘managed decline’ of the USA by not going after the leveraged buyouts that transferred the wealth built up in out AMERICAN corporations to the International Banksters.

January 29, 1989 New York Times New York Times

 …Of mergers and acquisitions each costing $1 million or more, there were just 10 in 1970; in 1980, there were 94; in 1986, there were 346. A third of such deals in the 1980’s were hostile. The 1980’s also saw a wave of giant leveraged buyouts. Mergers, acquisitions and L.B.O.’s, which had accounted for less than 5 percent of the profits of Wall Street brokerage houses in 1978, ballooned into an estimated 50 percent of profits by 1988…

THROUGH ALL THIS, THE HISTORIC RELATIONSHIP between product and paper has been turned upside down. Investment bankers no longer think of themselves as working for the corporations with which they do business. These days, corporations seem to exist for the investment bankers….

In fact, investment banks are replacing the publicly held industrial corporations as the largest and most powerful economic institutions in America….

THERE ARE SIGNS THAT A VICIOUS spiral has begun, as each corporate player seeks to improve its standard of living at the expense of another’s.

Corporate raiders transfer to themselves, and other shareholders, part of the income of employees by forcing the latter to agree to lower wages.

The second major mess was thanks to Clinton signing the World Trade Organization Act. Now the WTO writes many of our laws under the guise of “harmonization” with the threat of trade sanctions if we do not comply. It encouraged the export of US jobs overseas while opening our borders to substandard and dangerous food, medicine and other products.

The birds Clinton let loose are now coming home to roost. Clinton was President from 1993 to 2001. Statistics showed in 1990, before WTO was ratified by Clinton, Foreign ownership of U.S. assets amounted to 33% of U.S. GDP. By 2002, just after he left office this had increased to over 70% of U.S. GDP. source:

Given those statistics one could state that Clinton sold the USA to foreigners…. “no man’s life, liberty, or property are safe while the Legislature is in session.” — Judge Gideon J. Tucker, Final Accounting in the Estate of A.B. (1866)


the Deep State.

and their…friends.


If you didn’t follow the Arizona Pima County election fraud hearing on Monday, this is a good summary:

I found this link at Mike Lindell’s new site ‘News – Cause of America
The site aims to be aggregator site to facilitate grassroots efforts:

Cause of America

Cause of America is an independent, non-partisan, non-profit organization focused on election integrity. The organization exists to enable and facilitate grassroots citizen action to conduct, control, manage, monitor, and verify their elections on local, state

Last edited 3 years ago by eilert

May they be interrupted .. by God’s Amighty Hand ..


McConnell is not dumb he knows what he is doing he is doing this on purpose. People of KY voted for a snake.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Shanghai Mitch.

Gail Combs

With his China Spy Wife.


… the son of a ….


Whoa Sweet DePat … Awesome Thursday open .. kudos ❤️🌟🌟🌟❤️

Thank you for everything I appreciate it very much

God bless you sweetheart


Like a box of chocolates I keep going back for more .. we’ll skip any Forrest Gump stuff, the Rockefeller dude is dud ..a dark dud


Matthew 18:6-14But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!

Babies Don’t Keep

Mother, O Mother, come shake out your cloth,

Empty the dustpan, poison the moth,

Hang out the washing, make up the bed,

Sew on a button and butter the bread.

Where is the mother whose house is so shocking?

She’s up in the nursery, blissfully rocking.

Oh, I’ve grown as shiftless as Little Boy Blue,

Lullabye, rockabye, lullabye loo.

Dishes are waiting and bills are past due

Pat-a-cake, darling, and peek, peekaboo

The shopping’s not done and there’s nothing for stew

And out in the yard there’s a hullabaloo

But I’m playing Kanga and this is my Roo

Look! Aren’t his eyes the most wonderful hue?

Lullabye, rockaby lullabye loo.

The cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow

But children grow up as I’ve learned to my sorrow.

So quiet down cobwebs; Dust go to sleep!

I’m rocking my baby and babies don’t keep.

 Author: Ruth Hulburt Hamilton

Gail Combs

Boy, ain’t that the truth!


🙂❤️ … yes, in the blink of an eye they’re grown up … but they are your babies always. You just can’t baby them .. anymore (sometimes you can quietly do it though 🤫) ..

Cuppa Covfefe

“Turn Around” (Kodak Ad from 1960, sung by Ed Ames) comes to mind:

and ABBA, “Slipping Through My Fingers”, from a couple of decades later:

How quickly they grow up… bittersweet, as on the one hand, you treasure their youth and innocence, yet on the other, you love to help them, guide them, and watch them grow.

Seems the deep state and the DEMONRATS want to steal all that innocence and youth from our young, and us as well…

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe


Watch, Fiddler On The Roof every few months. Great messaging. Love the music.

Gail Combs

I had the 8-track and wore it out.


I love the movie, so much heart felt music. I like “Sunrise, Sunset” it tugs the heartstrings .. when your kids grow up .. ❤️

Cuppa Covfefe

“Sabbath Prayer” is also great…

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Could be exciting. As was the Bottle Dance… We also had a Fruma Sarah trip during rehearsals.. fortunately no-one was hurt…


Yea, it is inspiring.


This is beautiful Gail .. 🙂❤️☺️❤️

Gail Combs

OUCH!!! That one aims very close.


Christmas tree is UP .. crackly garland and scattered jingle bells UNDER the tree .. all done with a wee bit of help from gran Marnier … in a coffee mug .. 🤫 .. 😜 .. all this so the two fur balls .. don’t bring down the Christmas tree 🎄 .. below is one of the perps 🔽





The file is too big .. 🙄😑

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hey – I’m releasing about a dozen posts with misspelled emails from the bin!

Cuppa Covfefe

That Marnier must have been really Grand 😀

(haul out the EggNog…)…


BEWARE the Christmas office party

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 👉  know when to stop !


I’ve been to those .. heh heh 😏 .. one year the holding company I worked for had their Christmas party on the top floor of the Buhl Building in downtown Detroit .. the company’s law firm attended also/cough ..
A co-worker and I were curious about the Southern Comfort Perfect Manhattan .. so-we ordered them (spouses will drive) .. wow 😮👍 .. the party got exponentially better!

Also when we came up to the top floor there was two tables with the Company’s Christmas Ham/Turkey’s for employees to take home. The Computer Room had two Managers and two ladies who were the ones to to key-punch all the information the company needed processed. They were they most fun ones there. The head Manager/boss went to one of the tables to pick up the holiday ham/turkey and he was quickly advised he took from the wrong table … awkward .. so he basically bowled the frozen ball ham/turkey down the table and walked away. They never took any guff ..

Those were the day’s my friend 🎶 🥴🤚


Also, wearing platform shoes and getting tipsy/tipped isn’t a wise thing to due. (I heard that from someone) winter in downtown Detroit was especially hazardous in stupid shoes, although when the platform is tall enough your feet don’t get wet when you slog through the puddles making your way to the building.
Platform shoes are for the young and nimble

Gail Combs

I went to a Thanksgiving type party in Smithers British Columbia. All the ladies were all decked out but wearing knee high hiking boots. They didn’t bother trying to actually plow the streets they just packed them down.
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Boots 👢 .. awesome, AND stylish .. 😌👍❤️

Gail Combs

WELLLLllllll maybe
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LOL .. but waterproof .. 😃👍 .. which is important .. 😉

Cuppa Covfefe

I’ve heard of a pitcher of Margaritas (or Martinis), but this looks like a racket to me 🙂 Brings to mind a few gems from Dorothy Parker (who apparently knew this subject well):

“I’d rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.”

and, regardling limits:

“I like to have a martini, Two at the very most. After three I’m under the table, after four I’m under my host.”

“A hangover is the wrath of grapes.

Probably led to these:

“The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue.”


“Don’t look at me in that tone of voice.”


Hugs 🤗‼️ .. libations, later


Well nuts 🥜 the file is too big to post .. ☹️


It appears the NFL is okay with China claiming Taiwan as their own, in fact they appear to be smoothing such out for them.

The NFL has already received plenty of feed back on this and yet there it still remains.

At this point it’s fair to assume with a great deal of certitude that the NFL is on board with the CCP and Tyranny.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r

^^^ Yet, ANOTHER reason to NOT watch NFL. ^^^

It’s ALL about the Benjamin’s.

Cuppa Covfefe

N o
F ans
L eft


Between the Forceps and the Stone – The Burning Platform

“Never in human history have old people required young people to take risks, make sacrifices and die to preserve older people. We have a fiduciary duty to our children. Old people sacrifice themselves for children in a moral society, in a robust society, in a society that we are proud of. We do not tell children to take risks to preserve old people. We need to stand up and take a moral choice and an ethical choice for our children.”

Last edited 3 years ago by barkerjim
Gail Combs

That article on the Burning Platform is a Guest Post by Dr. Robert Malone

So copy it and HAND IT OUT!


Over the last few years, we have repeatedly witnessed the media, and many politicians pushing a far-left agenda, twisting their speech into knots in order to not quite be lying when they present an untruthful picture of events.

TOC Ready Room 15 Dec 2021: Contra-indicative speech; Trump’s F-bomb; military notes – The Optimistic Conservative (

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Last edited 3 years ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

comment image

Gail Combs

1 min video: It is something of a relief to find the VIRUS produces only mild symptoms/damage compared to the vaccine.

Dr. Peter McCullough: Myocarditis From Vaccines Is Nothing Like What We See From Natural Infection

Gail Combs

Another Dr. Peter McCullough video dealing with the vaccine and children (23 minutes)

Dr. Peter McCullough sues medical journal for refusing to publish study showing COVID shot risks for children


Scott (I think) nailed this the other day. A certain demographic does this. Period.


Not trying to be funny but it is acceptable behavior..for them most of the time.
Literally authorities excuse it for various reasons. Lawmakers allow for infractions and bigger crimes to be excused. Neighborhoods are shot up to hell and it’s described by the DA as “mutual combat” so no charges even though there was a fatality. ( Chicago, Oct 2021 IIRC )
Rarely on any of these many caught-on-vid brawls and property destruction do we see officers of any stripe ( TSA, security guards, police ) swooping in and hauling them away in cuffs.

Last edited 3 years ago by mollypitcher5
Sadie Slays

I’ve suspected for awhile now that some of these airport fights are staged. Why would rival gangs be hanging around an airport terminal in the first place?

Sadie Slays

Upon further thought, it appears that this fight is happening in a mostly empty terminal. Why are rival gangs hanging around an empty airport terminal?


gang rivals or staff anywhere … from last week


The push to require proof of vax to eat in a restaurant (NYC, Philly 1/3) has nothing to do with grabbing a burger. If it were some big emergency they wouldn’t wait until after the holidays. It’s about keeping you out of a polling place unless you’re vaccinated.


Yes, were going to have to hammer that one home everywhere. If they keep you out of store, they keep you out of anything. Vax only will extend to polling places.

Meanwhile you’d think people would understand that the vax is not working and I believe many are there with that belief, but the Nazis in charge have yet to recognize such. They just keep walking away from it all. Time to hem these jerks in. No escape!

Cuppa Covfefe

OR, to justify mail-in voting…..

Sadie Slays

RAC left a comment under Grandmaintexas’s last post saying that they’re leaving us, too. I’m posting this here for visibility since I missed GMiT’s goodbye post until last night.


RAC has a point.


FGC has always been the sites ogre. It would be a yawn accept it has driven others away which is very unfortunate.


Always as in since when he arrived years ago. Demands and insinuations. Not always but often enough to see the pattern. When he gets in his decompression mode, having an opinion and say don’t seem to satisfy. His authoritarian stances can exceed the normal range and he can carry the same angst days and sometimes weeks at a time. When he’s making cogent points he’s fine, when he’s not it’s a scroll by event as many have pointed out.

In this particular event I agree he was not much involved, and he largely stayed away from the Flynn issue, but for that one post. But there it was, demands and insinuations. Was that the cause of Grandmaintexas leaving? I don’t know, I don’t think she said, but it fits the pattern with enough people who recognize the same thing so we assume it to be so. May not be, IDK. Just talking about the pattern.

Oh and btw, I don’t mind having a site ogre, and ours often brings interesting insights, but there are times I wonder if new people need to be warned before hand.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r

Is it enough for one person to offend then to leave many they like?
Maybe I was under an illusion that those who left liked the rest of us.
This all makes no sense to me but then I am dense.

In free speech one has to be tolerant to another persons right to free speech even if a person irritates us otherwise we are no better than communist democrats.

As an immigrant I value free speech and because of that i value the speech that is irritating and deal with it.
I now begin to understand more and more how communist get strong hold in the country. This is not a right left thing this is a human thing of feeling hurt and angry because someone has a different point.
Anyone can win I do not have too.
By the way loosing sometimes can be winning. When one understand that then it is easy giving another person the verbal win 🙂

Last edited 3 years ago by singingsoul1

Now I am going to say something that will everyone get ticket off at me.
Are we all snow flakes?
Who carers what FGC says?
Why do we clothe ourselves with him instead the Armor of the Holy Spirit?
I am having problems understanding this letting one person push us out unless people looked for an excuse.
I am not happy with some of the post that are arrogant and condescending .
Everyone here was in the work world not hidden at home to be protected.

Life is not fair it is not always easy but caving and giving another person my power so I leave in a huff is not happening. Unless I am locking to leave?

There are all of us who are not FGC who value those who are here and those who left but those leaving do not value us. They do not care about us and the friendship we fosters means nothing because one person got under their skin.
If someone says something that is not proper I think to myself they have a problem not I and move on.
Can anyone imaging if every time we offend God he turns on us and abandon us?The way I feel people who leave because of one person do not think enough of the rest of us that is why I did not join another forum. Actually it is a slap at our face because one person cannot behave. Ignore does wonders for the soul until the person straitens out.
Sorry for my rant I speak truth the way I see it.
Blessing to all Peace and Joy.

I do pray that those who left have it in their heart to come back.


Thank you for saying it. I am in 100% agreement.

Not gonna lie, FG&C pisses me off sometimes, too. Arrogance can do that. But what the heck, he’s one person here, other people like him, and he doesn’t piss me off all the time, just sometimes. I can be arrogant, too, which may be why it rings my bell when he is. That is often the case.

I value this place so dearly that Wolf would have to run me off to make me leave. There is so MUCH more GOOD than than bad. You are my friend, singingsoul, even though I’ve never met you. And I consider that to be true of anyone here. I would dearly love to have an in-person conversation with everyone here, FG&C included.

I am a bit “different” and always have been a bit of a social outcast, so I don’t really expect most people to like me. Maybe that’s why I don’t get too upset if they don’t. I just accept that I am not everyone’s cup of tea. I’m more like a shot of tequila!

Also, politics and religion are deeply personal and individual pursuits. As long as we mostly agree on the bigger things, I am okay when we disagree about single issues. I just argue the point and then move on.

I hope the ones who left think it through and realize the value of the wonderful people here. They may not like some of us; but there are many others who they do like. At least I sure hope so.


Thank you for being you 🙂
Sometimes we need to speak up.
I feel that we others here are chop li
ver to those who left because of one person.




I seem to have a computer problem .
I am happy you are here and all the other people.
Wonder who takes tomorrow?


I wonder that myself. Probably our long-suffering host, Wolf Moon.


Yes he needs our prayers I do not know how he does it. Has to be God’s Grace 🙂

Sadie Slays

Yes, and it’s worth noting that TheseTruths and several others in that thread sincerely asked Grandmaintexas (and RAC) to stay. It’s not on FG&C that they chose to ignore the nice people here who specifically asked them to stay. It’s not Wolfmoon’s job to babysit us.


Yes we are mature people I hope and we do not need Wolf to babysit. He gives so much and ask little in return.
True we ask for GrandmaTX to stay but they left so quick.


I am very disappointed in those who leave because of one person. Does that person mean so much to them and the rest of us are nothing?
Ignoring a person who irritates and sometimes I work within me out why the person annoys me.
Every person here means more than one person who irritates unless we are irritants to those who left ?
I remember how grateful we were that Wolf opened the forum and is so kind to put up with us 🙂
Gratefulness goes both ways but it seems being grateful to a community of like minded people who love the country is not enough?
Wolf I am grateful to you and everyone who puts up with me 🙂
Thank you I do not say it often enough. Thank you Wolf and also thank you to your lovely wife. 🙂


Wise words from you and everyone else. This isn’t a hive or a borg. The Trump appeal that brought most of us together as an audience was great because he spoke to the average person. It doesn’t mean that we all think alike. It means we all love our country and we don’t necessarily ‘love’ each and every person .

We sometimes get so picky. Parsing words and perceived beliefs from tv personalities, authors and forum members that we cut the circle of correct-thinkers down too much. There’s room for personalities unlike our own, don’t engage if it becomes obvious that opinion isn’t going to be swayed.

Lastly, if somebody is being a jackass why are we all so polite ? We, too, have freedom of speech here. Call it out if need be instead of leaving ? Sometimes just saying it to the person makes the offended one feel better !


I agree with you . “If someone is a Jackass” I choose to engage or not. I had a kid who did all kind of stuff for attention and was disturbing the whole family.
One day I took him aside told him what he was doing he locked at me and said ” how did you know”. 😉
I then told him “he had a choice to come and say that he need attention or if he continues being a pain we will ignore him until he can be civil”.
We spend much extra time with him and he outgrew it.
Unless someone is civil no need to engage.

Gail Combs

“…Unless someone is civil no need to engage….”




Gail Combs

“…Lastly, if somebody is being a jackass why are we all so polite ?…”

Because Wolfie has requested it (being polite) and that we take fights to the UTree.

Also, when someone is being a jackass, or bully, I have found the best course is to completely ignore them. It is really tough to continue to fight when you get no response. That does not mean you do what they want BTW. It means IGNORE!

As far as the Flynn Fiasco goes, I think it is a LOT MORE IMPORTANT than the Ghislaine Maxwell Dog & Pony show. The Ghislaine Maxwell trial was never ever going to go anywhere important. A few pieces of meat would be tossed to the wolves and that would be it.

I think the Flynn Fiasco is more important because it is ACTUALLY ABOUT THE 2020 ELECTION AND VOTER FRAUD!!! So yeah, losing Grandmaintexas, who was digging into the mess WAS A MAJOR LOSS from my point of view.

I hope she re-thinks the situation and comes back.

Barb Meier

I love reading your comments, singingsoul1. I am better for your perceptions and am glad you are here as we work our way through these challenging times. God bless you and your family.


Thank you Barb 🙂 I wish I could write better but it is what it is.
God Bless you and your family also and my wish for you is to find a new job.

Gail Combs

You write well enough to communicate your ideas and that is all that matters.


Ha ha my husband tells me I write better than his students that does not say much of the school they attendet.
You are sweet or should I say a good egg 🙂

Gail Combs

I just remember the absolute mess I made of French and German so there is no way I would judge someone with the courage to tackle English as their second language.




Wolf Moon – Louisiana Senator John Kennedy is talking your language!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


barkerjim BuhBye Brandon — Again

About the military firing the troops.

Gail Combs

OOOOooooh, Very very nice. I hope it passes.

Karl does a short and sweet explanation of the bill.

Valerie Curren

Hubby just came back from Sam’s in SE Michigan

King Crab is $45.98/lb

He has a pic to prove it!



Valerie, I checked on Tuesday in Central Montana – Albertson’s – King Crab $62.95/lb

Valerie Curren

That’s completely insane! Just Wow


2023 . Not very far off. They never are asked nor answer these questions


They voted for that as Bannon says ” voting has consequences”.


Unfortunately, no one knows if they really voted for something or not, considering all the election theft that has been going on for a very long time.


So true never thought of that.


Cuppa Covfefe

Pudding Brain…. rhymes with Puddintane… great moniker…


“What’s your name?”– Puddintane 
Ask me again and I’ll tell you the same.”

It’s when someone can’t remember your name.
UPS Driver asks your name on Monday. Same UPS Driver asks your name on Tuesday. When the same UPS Driver asks your name on Wednesday 
You say, “Puddintane” and walk away.

(had to look that up…)

Cuppa Covfefe

That was my point – every morning, when Bye, Done looks in the mirror, he finds a new friend (remember those old deodorant commercials)…

He is an embarrassment to all Americans, and everything that America stands (and ever stood) for…



Psychological abuse taking root.

Sadie Slays

The Enemy fights so hard for masks in schools because their end goal is traumatizing the younger generation.

Weird how both children in these cases chose black ink.
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Those kids are going grow up some day and many are not going to act like their parents might be expecting which is likely part of Mr Global’s evil plan.

Gail Combs

Those masks & O2 deprivation are going to lower their IQ and mess with their schooling.

Oxygen Deprivation Mask Syndrome Sweeps The World

Research reveals that prolonged use of Covid masks, homemade or N95, can cause anywhere from five percent on up to 20 percent loss of oxygen, leading to hypercapnia (excessive carbon dioxide in the bloodstream typically caused by inadequate respiration), panic attacks, vertigo, double vision, tinnitus, concentration issues, headaches, slowed reactions, seizures, alterations in blood chemistry and suffocation due to air displacement.

Senior Scholar At Johns Hopkins Centerfor Health Security Says Wearing A Mask For Prolonged Period Of Time Can Alter Blood Chemistry

Breathing in too much exhaled carbon dioxide (CO2) may be life-threatening, according to experts at the National Institutes of Health (NIH)…..

She states in her research,

“The re-breathing of our exhaled air will without a doubt create oxygen deficiency and a flooding of carbon dioxide. We know that the human brain is very sensitive to oxygen deprivation. There are nerve cells for example in the hippocampus, that can’t be longer than 3 minutes without oxygen – they cannot survive. The acute warning symptoms are headaches, drowsiness, dizziness, issues in concentration, slowing down of the reaction time – reactions of the cognitive system.”

The reason so many mask wearers have NO CLUE this chronic damage is happening to them is because once a person has chronic oxygen deprivation, all of those symptoms disappear, because the person gets accustomed to the deprived state; however, their efficiency remains impaired and the lack of appropriate oxygen delivery to the brain continues to dangerously progress.

Sadie Slays

Maybe that’s why these children depict the masks as black clouds—unconscious association with suffocating smoke or pollution. Some unconscious part of their brain trying to warn them in the only symbolic language a young child might understand, e.g. black “smoke”.

Gail Combs

Could very well be. I really hate seeing these masks on children. Esp outside where the sun will kill a virus ASAP!

Cuppa Covfefe

Ironic and maddening that they’re so worried about the “excess” CO² in the atmosphere, but couldn’t care LESS about the extreme excess of CO² trapped by these masks, especially for children….. not to mention the other crud exhaled…

Cuppa Covfefe

More disturbing: the teacher does too 😡


I know right ?!!

I’m grateful that my grands still detest them.


From Anonymous Conservative:

“A Russian virologist says the Omicron variant appears to him to be designed in a lab to be super-weakened, so it will spread immunity instead of disease. If there is a shadow war, and Cabal needed the virus for one of its plans, this is how it might look if a counter-force was trying to thwart them covertly.”


One likely does not even need the Ivermectin treatment with it. Over the counter should work fine unless it’s being left untreated. But no advice from the authorities. Nope, can’t have that. Bastards need to be hung for all the needless deaths they’ve allowed. But they keep taking the vaccine we’ll get the same result and eventually people will turn on Mr Global and all his minions.


I recovered from COVID without any treatment other than extra vitamin C. As did many others. That was before we even knew about HCQ or Ivermectin. Just think, I could have bought some horse dewormer.  😎  But seriously, for most people, COVID is not a big scary disease that is going to kill you.

Gail Combs

I had Covid before we knew about covid with co-morbidities @ age 70. I did go into what we thought at the time was ‘Asthma’ & pneumonia aka ‘cytokine storm — respiratory distress’ It was treated with Albuterol & O2 in the clinic & then I was sent home with an antibiotic, azithromycin and prednisone.

Now I would be put on a ventalator and killed.


It’s been put into real time practice worldwide now


No there is not. Some people lost parenting skills.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That woman is such a fraud.

Cuppa Covfefe

She has that Gretched Witchermer look about her… evil…

Cuppa Covfefe

It’s the look in her eyes… soulless…

Sadie Slays

It reminds me of this shrieking harpy.
comment image

Barb Meier

Agree, Cuppa. A debriefing of her would surely turn up interesting data.


Took me while to figure out who she is. She’s the one that claims the FB did not go far enough with its totalitarianism. She is a crock pot.

Brave and Free

And the payoff is set in motion…….. well done good and faithful SHEEPLE.


Shifting to vax passports instead?


Well, I wish it would hurry up!  😀 


Biden’s Bounty on Your Life: Hospitals’ Incentive Payments for COVID-19

The CARES Act provides incentives for hospitals to use treatments dictated solely by the federal government under the auspices of the NIH. These “bounties” must paid back if not “earned” by making the COVID-19 diagnosis and following the COVID-19 protocol.The hospital payments include:

  • A “free” required PCR test in the Emergency Room or upon admission for every patient, with government-paid fee to hospital.
  • Added bonus payment for each positive COVID-19 diagnosis.
  • Another bonus for a COVID-19 admission to the hospital.
  • A 20 percent “boost” bonus payment from Medicare on the entire hospital bill for use of remdesivir instead of medicines such as Ivermectin.
  • Another and larger bonus payment to the hospital if a COVID-19 patient is mechanically ventilated.
  • More money to the hospital if cause of death is listed as COVID-19, even if patient did not die directly of COVID-19.
  • A COVID-19 diagnosis also provides extra payments to coroners.

CMS implemented “value-based” payment programs that track data such as how many workers at a healthcare facility receive a COVID-19 vaccine. Now we see why many hospitals implemented COVID-19 vaccine mandates. They are paid more.

 Outside hospitals, physician MIPS quality metrics link doctors’ income to performance-based pay for treating patients with COVID-19 EUA drugs. Failure to report information to CMS can cost the physician 4% of reimbursement.

Because of obfuscation with medical coding and legal jargon, we cannot be certain of the actual amount each hospital receives per COVID-19 patient. But Attorney Thomas Renz and CMS whistleblowers have calculated a total payment of at least $100,000 per patient.

Rest of article:

Last edited 3 years ago by Linda
Gail Combs

AAPS (Assoc. of American Physicians and Surgeons) are a really good group.  They write some very good articles. I just wish it was easier to FIND doctors locally who belong to that group.


What a sad sick narrative Wray and DOJ perpetuate about white supremacy when the real terror and anarchy coast to coast is not that at all

Gail Combs

GEE, I guess they Identified as White while committing the crimes.


Not sure what the NFT thing is all about (digital tokens), but we would be a miss if we didn’t post this picture. There’s more inside and below.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r
Gail Combs

Reply to Linda on
Biden’s Bounty on Your Life: Hospitals’ Incentive Payments for COVID-19

AAPS (Assoc. of American Physicians and Surgeons) are a really good group. I stumbled across them during the fight against OH!Bummercare.

Then there are deaths from restrictions on effective treatments for hospitalized patients. Renz and a team of data analysts have estimated that more than 800,000 deaths in America’s hospitals, in COVID-19 and other patients, have been caused by approaches restricting fluids, nutrition, antibiotics, effective antivirals, anti-inflammatories, and therapeutic doses of anti-coagulants.

THAT looks like the American version of the Liverpool Care DEATH Pathway.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gail Combs

I think sometimes these measures are done subtly so the nursing staff is not completely aware of the agenda. Hospital bureaucracies are huge, and orders get published and obeyed without considering the effect on individual patients.

I once accompanied someone to the ER and they ended up being admitted to the hospital. Hours went by, up to 8, and I had to tell someone he had not had food or water since getting to the hospital, and he hadn’t eaten for several hours before that. He was already in a weakened condition. If I hadn’t been there, I don’t know how long it would have been before they gave him nourishment. And this was not a fluke. It also happened another time, for fewer hours.

From what I see, the nurses are doing what they’re told to do: wait until a room is ready upstairs, be sure people are properly masked, etc. The focus on each patient’s basic welfare is missing.


You are correct.

So much so, in fact, that the term “patient advocate” has become part of hospital lexicon. A significant percentage of people become nurses and doctors for the prestige and pay of the job, not because they really care about people, and the rise of this term within medical facilities is the result.


The two times my husband was in the hospital was at OSU and got excellent care. The last time I opted to stay with him instead hotel I had before.
They had a bed couch in the room the nurse fixed up for me with sheets.They brought me water and it was a good experience. My husband did better with me there and the doctors were happy how quick he recovered. I do not know if this was always good care or because I was there.
The doctor sees my husband as friend and told him he will now be his doctor. They hid it off .

Valerie Curren

I’ve always stayed bedside with Each of my kids who were hospitalized. It is KEY to getting better care. When Josiah was in-patient last summer for liver transplant rejection the hospital forced me to leave after 1 night due to covid rules & then they took advantage of a vulnerable adult. When I came to take him home the last day he was pacing, sobbing, & in acute distress.

No vulnerable person should be left alone in a hospital, imo. Honestly it looks like No One should be left alone. We are many times the first AND last line of defense for our loved ones!


Yes I believe so too. In my husband’s case he responded better having me there.

Valerie Curren

Yes. You are a Blessing!!!


Thank you sweet lady 🙂
I think we all are one way or another 🙂
Is that not the purpose for us to be and pass on God’s Blessing to us to others and to be “the salt of the earth ” ?

Valerie Curren

Yes & Amen!




What a SOB

Gail Combs

The unvacinated have a MUCH better chance of surviving. It will be the vaccinated (who will be called unvaxxed because they did not get the 3rd, 4th, 5th…. jab) who will die thanks to the hospitals and the clot shot killing them.


You know the truth and figured it out some time ago. So did wolf and others here. Still sadly there are people who believe him

Gail Combs

However the number who believe him are getting less and less. And the more they push, with no results except death, the more people are waking up.


I noticed that also


So I did what I often do. I set my computer so that the speech would read from the toop to the bottom of the page, and I went and sat in my living room to listen. Dog near computer is Not amused. Well, of course, eventually after the opener and many fascinating comments from you all, I fell asleep somewhere in the middle, and when I awoke I found talk of several having vacated the Tree. At first I was clueless, but after reading a little farther I realized that one of the vacaters was grandma. I don’t know who else. I’m sorrry when anyone wants to leave. I no longer let people online pull my chain like that, we can agree to disagree, and personalities rub up against one another, and some people kind of enjoy shooting darts they know will hit their mark, and other people may imagine a personal insult when it was just someone else’s cantankerousness getting a bit out of hand. And I’ll just mention another possibility, Not aiming my conjecture at anyone in particular, but I’ve seen it happen on another blog where I was personally attacked more than once. The attacker, a female, was sweet as pie part of the time, but once in a while, often not long after an apology, would suddenly attack again. She and her husband were very Irish and proud of it. I have good reason to think they drank. A lot. Well, I let it get to me, and because the attacks were very personal, I reported her aned got her banned. But only because it was so personal, and also I felt this very intelligent woman knew too much about me. When you see volatility like that, drastic changes in behavior like that, drinking Could enter into things, again not aiming that at anyone in particular. It could be more than one. Just my thoughts. Love to you all.

Gail Combs

We all hate to see attacks that result in the attackee leaving. I am hoping Grandma decides to come back.

I hope you have enjoyed today’s blog.


As far as I know everyone here wants those who are leaving to stay. So — my personal opinion — I wish people would stay and fight. Not get into fights, but stand up for their right to be here and to speak.

IMO, not enough people stand up to bullying behavior, but I understand why. People politely and correctly refrain from getting into other people’s disputes. But when bad behavior or a dispute results in someone who has done nothing wrong leaving, that IS our business. So I think someone who is acting out needs to hear from us to cut it out or to be shown the error of what they’re saying.

I liken this to the bigger picture of the political fight we’re in. Each individual has to have the strength to stand and fight, even when they feel the attacks on them are unjustified. These kinds of attacks happen to prominent conservatives all the time. They are happening to people like us when we get called Deplorables, Bitter Clingers, Anti-vaxxers, and the like. And IMO the policies that are being put into place to force mask wearing and try to force vaccination are direct attacks on us. We just don’t feel them all that keenly — yet.

All of that to say this: We need to exhibit fighting strength in all the battles, whether great or small. In fact, I think we need to flex our muscles by resisting tyranny in whatever form it takes.

Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths

I think some of us are more apt to fight than others. And I think sometimes it is the subject matter that gets to people.

In this case, I think religion plays a bigger part in the disagreement than we think. The Lin Wood/Mike Flynn argument brought that to the table, for good or bad. And religion is a sensitive subject for many.

I am a born fighter. I was brought up in the Appalachians by a bunch of hillbillies who have been in those hollars since white people got there. Most of them are Scots or Scots-Irish, and there is even a book about them called “Born Fighting,” which I really want to read but haven’t yet. But it makes perfect sense to me. I grew up in this sprawling, brawling, shouting family. When the arguing starts, I feel right at home, and maybe too comfortable shouting my opinion into the fray. When I was a kid that’s just the atmosphere. Family reunions were NUTS. But we all went home still loving each other, even if we were mad. Sometimes people didn’t speak for a while, but they always came around.

I hope that the ones who left us will, too, when things calm back down.


I cannot stay angry and forgive easily. Have always been like that. My husband is the same or even more so. We hold no grudges.
I might avoid a person not seek them out but never hate them.

I live in Appalachia and know the hallows well. My daughter in law is from West Virginia family homes a wood cabin is in a hallow. She tells me about extended family sounds like yours 🙂

Gail Combs

We used to go caving in W Va on weekends and just hoped we didn’t stumble onto a still and get shot. And yeah we lost three cavers that way.

Otherwise I really enjoyed the people.


Yes they are good with the shot gun.
Glad you were safe in those parts. Tight families there.

Cuppa Covfefe

My father’s family in “West-by-God” goes back there move than 300 years… and they were Scots who had tired of trying to make rocks grow during the Little Ice Ages 🙂

Having said that, my Dad could probably make a brick take root; me, I basically have a brown thumb. Even radishes and peppers fail before my very eyes 🙂

There’s a reason they call them “hollers” 😀

It’s beautiful back there, but the elite have used it as their chemical supply and waste dump for a long, long time (think Union Carbide and Greenbrier). Then again, Green Bank and Cass Mountain and all the Glass Blowing places are one of a kind, almost…


Yes my daughter in law’s father lost two dogs to cancer always wondered. Toxins everywhere.


Yeah, I get mad but it never lasts long. It takes too much energy.


You sound like my daughter she blows up and then looks at me when I take a day to digest her blow up. 🙂 I need recoup time and withdraw but then I am back .


It actually takes quite a bit to make me really mad. My daughter, on the other hand, has a really hot temper. She is like yours; she just expects me to be over it because she is. It takes me a little time, but then I forget about it.


I have to digest her outburst when she does.
She was an easy kid and making up for it.
I assume she has stresses in her life I do not know.

Valerie Curren

You sound a bit like me 🙂


One needs to choose the battle wisely

Valerie Curren

Yes & count the cost…



Gail Combs

I absolutely agree and wish I had seen the mess early enough to step in with support.

(I leave the tab up and wander in and out throughout the day.)

Last edited 3 years ago by Gail Combs

Yes. I missed yesterday’s discussion altogether.


I have been busy the last couple of days so I just skipped reading a lot of posts. I just saw the “I am leaving” and she was gone. I did not even know what it was about.
If I care about people and a community I am not allowing someone to bully me out of the community . I might take a small breather for a couple of days if it got to me. I am not giving the person that power over me.

What surprised me though that there were two leaving that is strange. I did not see that until Sadie pointed it out.
I guess we are chop liver and do not count.


Here’s a summary:

● Scott467 posts in a persuasive style, sometimes even contrarian 😊. He has been posting Political Moonshine articles, some of which say things that are critical of PDJT. (I haven’t read all the articles.) But some of that criticism is multi-dimensional, to make people think — not to turn people against Trump, iMO.

FG&C made a cryptic post, not naming Scott or anyone, using the Lin Wood situation vs. the Ghislaine Maxwell trial. He said that “someone” here was posting much more about the Wood/Flynn troubles within the patriot ranks than about the Maxwell trial. He indicated that that means that person is suspicious.

(My take: There is almost nothing to say about Maxwell. We know all of the publicly available facts, and even news organizations aren’t reporting much about the trial. FG&C himself has not been posting about it. The Lin Wood situation, on the other hand, is fluid and bears watching for too many reasons to go into here.)

Then GrandmainTX seemed to think FG&C was criticizing her because she has posted a lot about the Lin Wood situation. She said she would no longer author the Friday posts.

● RAC then said he would also leave over this dispute.

● FG&C now says that Scott (whom he still won’t name) is posting things from a “garbage site” (Political Moonshine) that criticizes PDJT. FG&C seems to think Scott is an undercover FIB agent who is being paid to post here.

That’s the gist of it. It’s very unfortunate.

Gail Combs

I will add that  Scott  posted a QUOTE from Political Moonshine and did not make it obvious it was a quote.

Also Scott said nothing ABOUT his feelings in regard to that quote.

I took at as, ‘here is a point for discussion’ and not that it was a position that Scott agreed with.

I have posted stuff in a similar manner especially when I don’t know what to think about it.


My husband teaches in his class also computer ethics says people pretend to be other than what they are. One never knows who is unless one meets them or knows them personally. Having said that one can be careful but I do not like to live in fear or mistrust.
To bad for misunderstandings . Sadly there is no perfect world where people see always the same things.
Yes i skipped over those issues because I was busy and went early to bed. My bad. Thank you for clearing things up.






If you know FGC from the Tree House to here you will know one thing. He can be an ass and goes after posters he disagrees with. That is the history. And of course he pleads innocence. Been around long enough to know who’s posts to ignore and I recommend others do the same.


All of above. Consistently so.


Yes. And there is only so much “a__iness” I am willing to ignore, especially when facts are being manipulated to turn us against another poster here.


Absolutely. And with the unspoken expectation of deference due to occupation. Or something.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009
Valerie Curren

great summation–thanks!


Except no one attacked Grandmaintexas.


Good to see you 🙂 Insightful post.
I guess we will never know.
Sorry to hear people were purposely going after you. Yes best to skip over except when it is personally.


Brought this over from GAB. Interesting reading provided by PatelPatriot.

Gail Combs

Given my feeling that China is … ‘Controled’ I found this part very interesting.

….Just so we’re clear, David Rubenstein chairs an advisory board for Tsinghua University in China. This is the university that Xi Jinping graduated from and is the premier training university for future leaders of the CCP. This connection is massive….

Also the English Monarchy is actually German via George the First of Hanover (1714 – 1727). George’s House of Hanover is followed by the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gothe when Queen Victoria’s male-line descendants took the name of her husband Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-GothaOn June 19, 1917, during the third year of World War I, Britain’s King George V ordered the British royal family to dispense with the use of German titles and surnames, changing the surname of his own family, the decidedly Germanic Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, to Windsor.


Interesting, Gail. I’m getting a bit lost in the history, interconnections and genealogy. There appears to be a huge demarcation line that is blurred by all of the intermarriage through the centuries.

Just like PDT’s visit with the Queen. Would love to know what that visit was really about. The only thing I know for sure is that nothing is as it appears. In my own small world of experience I learned that to be a great truth.

Gail Combs

The European aristocracy are all intermarried and were all, at one point part of the Holy Roman Empire that ruled for a thousand years.

The Holy Roman Empire ran from 25 December 800, when  Pope Leo III crowned the Frankish king Charlemagne as Emperor until its dissolution in 1806 during the Napoleonic Wars.

What is interesting is looking at the Roman Empire. (from WIKI)

The Roman Empire.. was the post-Republican period of ancient Rome. As a polity it included large territorial holdings around the Mediterranean Sea in EuropeNorthern Africa, and Western Asia ruled by emperors.

From the accession of Caesar Augustus to the military anarchy of the 3rd century, it was a principate with Italy as metropole of the provinces and the city of Rome as sole capital (27 BC – AD 286). After the military crisis, the empire was ruled by multiple emperors who shared rule over the Western Roman Empire and over the Eastern Roman Empire.

Rome remained the nominal capital of both parts until AD 476, when the imperial insignia were sent to Constantinople, following the capture of Ravenna by the barbarians of Odoacer and the subsequent deposition of Romulus Augustulus. The adoption of Christianity as the state church of the Roman Empire in AD 380 and the fall of the Western Roman Empire to Germanic kings conventionally marks the end of Classical antiquity and the beginning of the Middle Ages. Because of those events, along with the gradual hellenization of the Eastern Roman Empire, historians distinguish the medieval Roman Empire that remained in the Eastern provinces as the Byzantine Empire….

“…. The adoption of Christianity as the state church of the Roman Empire in AD 380 and the fall of the Western Roman Empire to Germanic kings conventionally marks the end of Classical antiquity and the beginning of the Middle Ages. Because of those events, along with the gradual hellenization of the Eastern Roman Empire, historians distinguish the medieval Roman Empire that remained in the Eastern provinces as the Byzantine Empire….”


Thank you for bringing this interesting article. It is all possible.

Sadie Slays

SD weighs in the Kentucky tornado situation. To recap, we at the Q Tree started questioning the phony narrative and death toll shortly after it was announced. Less than 24 hours later after calling out their phony narrative, the government was forced to drastically revise the death toll and the narrative about the “candle factory” disaster. The Governor of KY (D) then claimed it would take “weeks” to know how many were dead and how much damage there was, i.e. they needed more time to get their story straight.

Anyways, back to SD. SD is claiming that this was all a show to boost Biden’s low approval rating. That’s certainly a plausible motive for lying and exaggerating the scale of a natural disaster.

In my extreme opinion, however, I suspect they have shadier reasons for lying. I suspect that they’re using the tornados as cover for some shady activity in Mayfield, KY, possibly involving that dead judge and the former gun manufacturing plant (“candle factory”). I don’t have enough information to speculate beyond that. The Enemy that owns Biden and the rigged voting machines clearly does not care what the plebs think about the puppet in the White House, so I don’t know why they’d go to this much trouble lying and narrative manufacturing unless they were hiding something more important than Joe’s approval rating.

From SD:

White House Hoping Kentucky Tornado Crisis Will Provide Biden Team the Platform to Rebrand Collapsing Image

That said, it is obvious the White House political communications team are not planning to let a crisis go to waste. The opportunity provided by the devastating tornadoes that tore through Kentucky, is an opportunity for Biden to rebrand himself and attempt to get his collapsed polling numbers to reverse.

That’s the reason for the heavily engineered presser yesterday, and that’s the reason for the federal response. On the positive side, the flood of help is good for Kentucky; however, cynically that benefit is mostly possible because the Biden White House is desperate and needs positive PR.


I disagree with SD. Any handler of His Fraudulency who thought a natural disaster would provide him an opportunity to show leadership and strength — and that he would actually deliver on those — is inept or utterly desperate (which would also be inept).

A natural disaster won’t help people being given an ultimatum about vaccinations. It won’t help those who are losing their jobs. It won’t help parents whose children are dealing with transgender teachings and critical race theory in school. And it won’t help people feel better about supply chain issues.


Agreed. The only thing that will help Biden’s poll numbers is to fix the mess he caused. But that’s the one thing they won’t do.


I hadn’t seen this post by SD, but my 1st impression is….wut?

Who knows? Maybe they do hope it “will provide the platform to rebrand their collapsing image”, but they are desperate right now, and this is surely a sign of it.


It would be a low for Biden’s team to exploit peoples suffering and loss for political purposes. People will not forgive that when they become aware what is going on.

Gail Combs

People who have woken up and seen what a disaster Biden is, are not going to be placated by him FINALLY showing at a disaster for once while he IGNORED the Americans stranded in Afghanistan and the communities on the border being flooded by violent illegals.


He lost the public and he has no way to recover. Going fascist on us is not endearing him. With the jab not our kids the future. He went to far with his jab madness.


BiteMe has been an steady stream of cluster Fs. The jabs, open borders, Afghanistan, ENDING energy independence, supporting socialism…

BiteMe HAS been AND IS a disaster for America, Freedom…



Yes he is a disaster and it is purposely. We will remember into the next generation and beyond.


True, true, and true, but the very last…IMO it’s not his jab madness. Most all the leaders in the world are under the thumb of the consortium known as Mr Global, Until Mr Global decides to stop the madness it continues. That’s not to say Biden could not stop the jab madness, but like many of the others he is bought and paid for and will continue to do as he’s told.

The good news is all these world leaders acting as Mr Global’s hatchet men are becoming more and more exposed as their science, their justification for doing what they are doing, is being shredded, leaving more and more of their minions exposed. More Resist is the answer. Give them nothing as we claw back what we’ve lost.


Yes it is a global madness and Mr Global is in the driver seat until he is not.
I am waiting for these criminals to be outed and ousted.
People are fighting for their freedom.


I have, indeed, enjoyed today’s blog very much, including your superb contributions, Gail, and Singing Soul and Aubergine are always so wise and sensible. I even enjoyed the parts I slept through, ha ha.


Thanks, Zoe. “Wise and sensible.” That is a great compliment. I will have to try to live up to it!


Sleep is good for the soul 🙂
Thank you for your compliment coming from a wise woman is special.

True Gail and Aubergine are wise and sensible. I am sometimes 🙂

Last edited 3 years ago by singingsoul1

This thread, right here, should answer most of your questions.


I believe the idea that PDJT is anything like or resembling what is promoted here to be false and untrue.

I also believe that true, patriotic Americans…such as most here in Qtree…DO have authentic, genuine leaders who have stepped into the gap since PDJT was forced out of office….

…..folks like Ron DeSantis, just to name a MAJOR MAGA leader who is doing yeoman’s work in very effectively pushing back against the enemy.

And we have others who have never left or recently joined and are still in the fight…

….like Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz, MTG and many others…

…to say nothing of folks like Steve Bannon, Mark Levin, and a host of other patriots like Catturd….some of whom are running for office in ‘22 to join the fight more visibly and directly.


To say that I made my posts personal against another poster is an outright lie, because I never named anyone.

Reread that. Now reread it again.

I directly attacked what was said, not the person…..not until today….and THAT wasn’t an “attack”. It was and is my sincere belief, based upon the dreck being promoted (and long has been promoted) by this individual.

And he revealed himself, because he knew I was speaking about him.


Who is he? You all know who I am and what I do to earn a living. What about him? What do we know about him by way of comparison? Can you tell me??

This poster is attacking PDJT and claims we are leaderless.

And no one here said a word. Several even “liked” this horseshit.

Grandmaintexas should never have left.

At no time was I ever alluding to or pointing at her. She ASSUMED I was speaking of her many days ago, got emotional, and stormed out in huff of misunderstanding that was of her own making. I loved her posts the same as the rest of you. That said…

I make no effort towards the popularity game so many here indulge in. You’ll never see me tell someone I’ve never met “I love you forever” or any of the other over-the-top, faux “I need you to like me” games some people here play. Mostly you women-folk, but there are some men here who engage in that crap too. I use the “like” button VERY sparingly, not because there aren’t a LOT of posts that deserve them, but because when I like a post I want my like to mean something.


There are people here who do not like me. That is fine.

What is not fine is for someone to make ME….rather than the arguments I make….the issue.


I’ll say it again…

To say that I made my posts personal against another poster is a lie, because I never named anyone.

Until now.



You will never see me attack PDJT as having abandoned us or our Republic, and you will never see me claiming we are leaderless, either. Nor have you ever seen me say that.

What is amazing, to me, is that none of you are questioning the guy who IS….

…or calling out his horseshit.



One last thing.

The poster in question loves to use the strategy of exhaustive response. He writes LOOOONG responses that require lengthy responses in return to engage with him. I go back to my occupation. I don’t have the time to play his exhaustive reply game which, of course, is his strategy and game.

I contend he is paid opposition, so not only does he have the time, he gets paid to do it.

The website/author he promotes….Political Moonshine….is crap. As DP has said, “proven wrong on too many occasions to bother reading anymore”. His latest claims are that PDJT “abandoned America” and that “we are leaderless”.

And he contends we “must provoke” PDJT “into action”. His words. “Provoke”.

I am sorry, but that dreck did trigger me. Bigly.

Just the kind of words FBI informants love to use, and exactly the kind of thing they are using to entrap patriots…

…something discussed here at great length.


LOOK at what I am saying. LOOK at what the other poster says. FORGET how you feel about me, personally.



Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

This poster is attacking PDJT and claims we are leaderless.

I just read that thread. Scott467 (whom you won’t name for some reason) explained the multi-dimensional aspect of Moonshine’s posts as well as his own. It is not as you say. You are missing key points.

I make no effort towards the popularity game so many here indulge in. You’ll never see me tell someone I’ve never met “I love you forever” or any of the other over-the-top, faux “I need you to like me” games some people here play. 

I observed the other day that you have a low opinion of people here, and this is more evidence. You are judging people’s motives. You frequently express disdain for the way some people — especially women — express themselves and relate. If you don’t like it, fine. But you are judging when you say they are indulging in a popularity game, that they are being fake (“faux”), or that the things they say are for the purpose of being liked. Some people are kissy-huggy (in a non-Biden way). They’re like that with everyone. In the same way that you judge them, you are judging Scott’s motives.

What is not fine is for someone to make ME….rather than the arguments I make….the issue.

Yet you frequently criticize people for their personal style of relating, rather than looking at the words they’re saying and their intended meaning. See below.

I contend he is paid opposition, so not only does he have the time, he gets paid to do it.

Another assumption about someone and judging their motives. You are saying that Scott is on the other side and is being paid to post here. Those are extremely serious charges.

The website/author he promotes….Political Moonshine….is crap. As DP has said, “proven wrong on too many occasions to bother reading anymore”. 

SD has also been wrong about a number of things. So have other authors.

And he contends we “must provoke” PDJT “into action”. His words. “Provoke”.

He said a number of things which you’re not addressing, including this:
Does it never occur to you that people on our side challenge Trump and those who claim to be part of his circle to provoke them to DO something, and that doing so doesn’t mean they are against Trump, but FOR him?

Does it never occur to you that by provoking him to DO something, we provide him a narrative and a necessary cause of action to actually DO something, i.e., he can say ‘the American People are demanding I get involved’?”

That not only makes perfect sense, but is the way politics works. PDJT needs to know we are behind him and that he has a mandate. It’s not like he’s golfing all day and will finally act if we get loud enough; it’s that he needs the people to rise up with him.

Just the kind of words FBI informants love to use, and exactly the kind of thing they are using to entrap patriots…

Reread the section above. Then reread it again.

LOOK at what I am saying. LOOK at what the other poster says.

I’ve been doing that all along. I see Scott’s posts. He writes in a style that is used in marketing to convince people to take certain actions or to buy products. It is a persuasive style. Some people enjoy the challenges of those kinds of discussions (just as some people are touchy-feely in their communication style). That doesn’t make him an FIB informant. I don’t agree with everything he says. I also don’t agree with everything you say, especially your judgments about people’s motives here.

If you think you have outed an FIB agent, then by all means puruse it with Wolf in whatever way possible. But also please consider the effect your comments are having on people, and don’t blame them for that.


Ok….let’s stick to the contentions rather than the personalities. I see these as two separate issues.

“Does it never occur to you that by provoking him to DO something, we provide him a narrative and a necessary cause of action to actually DO something, i.e., he can say ‘the American People are demanding I get involved’?” 

That not only makes perfect sense, but is the way politics works. PDJT needs to know we are behind him and that he has a mandate.

In what way does this make sense?

Mainstream media regularly points out the strength of his popular and political support, lamenting that they have been unable to even effectively chip away at it….much less cause any real damage to it…and has for years now. Yet another example is the amazing strength of his political endorsement.

Still another is that whenever he holds a rally it is attended with overflowing numbers.

How does he NOT know we are still behind him?? Quite obviously he still carries the mandate of 80M+ people (and rising).

he needs the people to rise up with him.

Really? Rise up how, exactly? Neither you nor Scott nor PM don’t (or can’t, or won’t) say.


SD has also been wrong about a number of things. So have other authors.


But none of them….not one….has said PDJT is “impotent” and “abandoned America” and that our movement “is leaderless”.

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

In what way does this make sense?

It’s the difference between PDJT knowing we are behind him (voting for him, attending rallies, donating), vs. demanding he get involved in ways that he isn’t at present — or at least that we can’t see (“the American People are demanding I get involved”).

Of course I don’t know everything that is going on, but I know he is in a very difficult situation. He has multiple lawsuits against him and the threat of impeachment, still. Dems would arrest him if they thought they could get away with it. They’re trying to make the case that he and his aides incited Jan. 6. Anything and everything he does is turned against him. Dems aren’t always successful in that, but they keep trouble brewing to hamstring him. So in that sense, he can’t be as involved as everyone would like him to be, even though he is already more involved in politics than any president who has left office, to my knowledge.

Rise up how, exactly?

As we are doing now. Standing up to school boards. Refusing to comply with mask and vaccine mandates. Stopping incremental assaults on our culture and way of life. But most importantly, by demanding proper investigations into Nov. 3. If ever-increasing numbers of people contend that we have an illegitimate administration and demand that voting laws be changed, that we have audits and canvassing, and that people be prosecuted for treason, that is rising up. It’s happening, but we need more. Steve Bannon and his guests are leaders in this respect. I also think that people’s support of Truth Social will be an indicator of a grassroots uprising.


I’m sorry, but….for me…none of that answers the charge that PDJT “abandoned America”, that he is “defeated and impotent”, and that our movement “is leaderless”.

It’s the difference between PDJT knowing we are behind him (voting for him, attending rallies, donating), vs. demanding he get involved in ways that he isn’t at present.

Demand how? In what ways should he that he isn’t?

First you say we should demand he get involved, then point out very reasonably how he can be and likely is constrained from being more involved. So like an answer without any kind of answer.

As for “rise up how”, you say we already are. But that is not how I read PM/Scott’s posts. I take him to mean we need to take up arms, and he has implied such indirectly many times in the past.

The FIB would LOVE to see us take up arms, wouldn’t you agree?

Understand….I am pissed off that anyone would say he “abandoned America”, is “defeated and impotent”, and that our movement “is leaderless”…

…when NONE of that is true.

I am amazed that no one else is, either, but I made the critical mistake of being angry about it rather than pointing out how absurd these contentions are, and thereby made ME the issue rather than these absurd notions.

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

Understand….I am pissed off that anyone would say he “abandoned America”, is “defeated and impotent”, and that our movement “is leaderless”…

I do understand that. I don’t agree with those statements, either. And so….? What do we do when we disagree with something? Sometimes we ignore it. Sometimes we state our opinion, possibly with evidence for our beliefs, maybe have a little back-and-forth discussion, and go on our way.

Using the Wood/Flynn vs. Maxwell comparison to indirectly accuse a commenter here only makes people wonder what the heck you’re talking about, then wonder if you’re referring to them, then be on edge because now there’s trouble and stress within the ranks. What are you hoping to accomplish?

I made the critical mistake of being angry about it rather than pointing out how absurd these contentions are, and thereby made ME the issue rather than these absurd notions.

That’s probably accurate.

Sadie Slays


I’ll tackle this one because, to me at least, it often feels like we are leaderless. Our loved ones are being injected and deteriorating before our eyes, our families are being torn apart—literally in some cases by vax-related death, an entire young generation is being traumatized with injections, masks, and CRT, and nobody in a position of power sans DeSantis appears to give a shit. Even SD made the point that the Republicans fought the recent VA election on terms of CRT culture war issues than the giant elephant of injection and COVID mandates. 

Kudos to DeSantis for doing what he can in his role as a state Governor, but he is largely alone among his colleagues. Kudos for President Trump for continuing to put out press releases when he could easily quietly retire. But none of this much practical or tangible relief (unless you live in Florida, I guess) from the dystopic hell we have to live with on a daily basis. It’s maddening and patience is being worn thin.

President Trump has more than earned the benefit of the doubt. I’m sure he has good reasons for why the fight against the stolen election fizzled out or for why he continues to half-heartedly support the injections. But I don’t know those reasons and we are long overdue for answers. I’m not going to turn against President Trump—I’m more confused than angry—but I’m also not going to sit here and judge Scott467 for asking a lot of tough questions that I’ve already asked myself on occasion.

Valerie Curren

Excellently stated–thanks!


Nice post TT.

Personally I like Scott’s posts, style, wit…


Thanks. I learn from him and from you and everyone here!


^^^ THAT IS the beauty of QTree.


TheseTruths, I enjoy your comments so much, and normally I agree with “stand and fight” and I don’t want people to leave, either, but someone I knew online used to always say, “Don’t feed the lion” or whatever you want to call the agressor by responding, it’s what they want. Just something to think about. Another friend, who is an off-line and an online friend, used to get irritated with me because I would come to her defense and say I wanted to stop arguments and protect people. Well, I plead guilty. I was the rescuer in my family who patched up quarrels and made everyone make up. I have a well-known history of this, for whatever it’s worth.


I bet that you have a cute smile, which you use to convince everyone to be nice.  😍 


Thank you for your comment.

I agree with “don’t feed the lion.” I also have seen time after time when the aggressor is allowed to control situations because no one will address him or her. My intentions are not to rescue or stand up for anyone, but to state the truth as I see it, especially when I can see that someone is using a false comparison to make an extremely serious accusation.


My accusation is actually a counter-accusation to that which says PDJT “abandoned America”, is “defeated and impotent”, our movement is “leaderless”…

…and we need “to provoke” PDJT into action (though what that provocation, or resultant action would be, is never stated).

I believe you and others are missing these things because of your focus on me rather than what I have been reacting to.

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

The dog coming late to the fight. ( me)
I see us in a an analogy to the phoney war.
Both sides are in an invisible, vicious quiet war. People are dying and being taken off the table. BUT there is not the whole sale slaughter of open warfare.
someone, somewhere has done the actuary thing and the death and destruction is less via this route.
ugly, painful but it shall sharpen our desire for vengeance.
the reason they won’t be able to walk the streets is because they with have been kneecapped, tarred, feathered and burnt at the stake. Even then we will be poking the charred remains with pitchforks. Just to be sure


I, for one, will never….ever…..forget a billionaire named Donald J. Trump who decided…

….for the sake of his nation and his fellow citizens…

…to step down out of his ivory tower to take on a grossly corrupt and evil establishment on behalf of people who did not have the influence, power, and means to do so.

In doing that, he put his life and the lives of his family at great risk, and he has suffered in ways I don’t like to think about.

To suggest he abandoned us…..or is weak…..impotent….is one of the most heinous thoughts I can contenplate.

Worse, it goes against all that is known.

What I DO know is that THAT is a divisive thing to suggest, THAT causes division, and is exactly what our enemies would want us to think.

That our leader abandoned us, and that….in his absence,,,,we have no effective leadership in his place (and forget about Ron DeSantis, etc).

It is not I who am making those claims.

Someone else is.

Why aren’t you questioning this individual and his motives???



Maybe because that individual didn’t make those claims?


I disagree. He most certainly defends them.

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

Important up date from Chris Whitty, Chief Medical Officer, UK.


If you are not strong-minded, Alinsky trained leftists can convince you of alternate realities.


…PDJT abandoned America and the WH…

….and that our movement is leaderless…

…and we “must provoke PDJT to do something” (though what that is is never suggested or outlined).


Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

TheseTruths, your response to ForGodandCountry expressed my thoughts exactly. I might have written it, except that I don’t write as well as you do. Scott comes across as cynical, but I think he is just challenging us all to fight to save the country. Just remember, ForGodand Country, iron sharpens iron. I think we all appreciate the sacrifices Pres. Trump has made, but we are frustrated. We need to stick together even with disagreements.


Thank you. I always appreciate your thoughts and comments!

We need to stick together even with disagreements.

I agree!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

‘Tis a shame there is, by her own statement in her name, only one of her.

Last edited 3 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yes. “Doublezoe” would be much better!


Thanks for getting out the Crayola’s. Slow guy just caught up. 🙂


It took me a minute, as well!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Why not? It finally hit me a month ago, you’re T2. It’s always irked me to type, TT, I don’t like it a bit. So from now on, you’ll be seeing T2 from me.😍 We have T3 (who’s been MIA too long, IMO😪) and Miss Wheatie is W2. Nothing wrong with numbers, some of our best have them. 😀💖💖


I like it!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎



“Iron sharpens iron”. Sounds like someone has read Kayleigh McEenany’s book, “For Such Times as This”. If you haven’t I think you would much appreciate her bringing that up.


Zoe, disagreements are one thing. This isn’t a disagreement.

I trust you know I cannot sit idly by while PDJT is accused of “abandoning America”, that he is “defeated and impotent”, and our movement “is leaderless”.

I made the mistake of reacting angrily to these things rather than mocking them, as they deserved. In doing so I made my reaction the issue rather than what was posted.

Scott loves to provoke and is very good at it. I took his bait when I should not have.


Thank you, DePat, for these great threads that you give us.
 💖  😊  😘  👏 

I really appreciate all the work you put into them.
Thanks again!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A post will appear shortly.

I want to make sure the wording is very clear. I won’t be discussing it.


Thanks, boss!


Can’t stop cracking up. Thank you Wheatie! 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That’s not the same arrangement I remember from the original show.

That’s what I get for not watching TV since the 1990s.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Definitely needs the drum at the end.


Of course your version would come with rare earth mineral stocks being advertised. 🙃

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Naah. Wrong nerdiness. I’d do the platinum group metals instead. 😀


We’ll it’s certainly nothing I’ve been looking at lately. Any, can’t get it to do it again. Plays clean on successive runs. You win!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Wait a minute…did you actually see an ad for that? I seriously did not.


Yes… actually did, “rare earth minerals ad”. the first time I ran it. Second time no adds play.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Okay, that explains it. Your joke came out of left field (I thought), now it makes sense.

Valerie Curren

AND the ability to Still think for yourself!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA



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