SPECIAL SECTION: Message For Our “Friends” In The Middle Kingdom
I normally save this for near the end, but…basically…up your shit-kicking barbarian asses. Yes, barbarian! It took a bunch of sailors in Western Asia to invent a real alphabet instead of badly drawn cartoons to write with. So much for your “civilization.”
Yeah, the WORLD noticed you had to borrow the Latin alphabet to make Pinyin. Like with every other idea you had to steal from us “Foreign Devils” since you rammed your heads up your asses five centuries ago, you sure managed to bastardize it badly in the process.
Have you stopped eating bats yet? Are you shit-kickers still sleeping with farm animals?
Or maybe even just had the slightest inkling of treating lives as something you don’t just casually dispose of?
中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!
And here’s my response to barbarian “asshoes” like you:
OK, with that rant out of my system…
Biden Gives Us Too Much Credit
…we can move on to the next one.
Apparently Biden (or his puppeteer) has decided we’re to blame for all of the fail in the United States today.
Sorry to disappoint you Joe (or whoever), but you managed to do that all on your own; not only that, you wouldn’t let us NOT give you the chance because you insisted on cheating your way into power.
Yep, you-all are incompetent, and so proud of it you expect our applause for your sincerity. Fuck that!!
It wouldn’t be so bad, but you insist that everyone else have to share in your misery. Nope, can’t have anyone get out from under it. Somehow your grand vision only works if every single other person on earth is forced to go along. So much as ONE PERSON not going along is enough to make it all fail, apparently.
In engineering school we’re taught that a design that has seven to eight billion single points of failure…sucks.
Actually, we weren’t taught that. Because it would never have occurred to the professors to use such a ridiculous example.
The So-Called Vax
I think I can actually make sense of the Vaxers now. (And I’m going to call it the “treatment” from here forward.)
Everything they do makes sense (from their point of view, that is), if you assume that they believe the purpose of the treatment is to prevent the recipient from infecting others. It’s not to protect the recipient from others, it’s to protect others from the recipient.
(Now it is true that an actual vax helps slow the spread of the disease. I know you can sometimes transmit a disease if vaxed, but it’s more difficult if you don’t actually don’t catch it. But I am not talking about the side-benefit of a real vax; I’m talking about what they think of THIS treatment, where, apparently the only benefit it confers is to prevent people from transmitting it.)
Under those circumstances, they can consider you selfish for not wanting to protect others. After all you refuse to take a treatment that will prevent others from catching the disease from you. And, indeed, they do consider you “selfish” and not in the positive way that Ayn Rand used the term.
But it’s yet another one of those things where ONE non-compliant individual ruins it for everyone else–at least, that’s what they think it is. ONE untreated person could infect the entire human race, because they aren’t protected from him.
Never mind that this is not what a vaccine is supposed to be doing. If you assume that the motherf*cking toilet licker in front of you shrieking about how you’re Satan Incarnate for not being jabbed believes that the sole purpose of the treatment is to prevent the recipient from spreading the disease–not to prevent the recipient from catching it–suddenly his behavior makes sense, at least based on what he believes (and you can’t expect anyone to behave in accordance with things they don’t believe).
So perhaps the best way to argue with these people is to simply point out calmly that a vaccine (their word) is supposed to protect the recipient from those with the disease [which of course we say] not prevent them from giving it to other people [identify their false premise and face it head on] they might actually feel like they’re being argued with, rather than talked past.
If you don’t confront their actual premise, arguing with them can accomplish nothing.
Justice Must Be Done.
The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system.
Lawyer Appeasement Section
OK now for the fine print.
This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines, here, with an addendum on 20191110.
We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.
And remember Wheatie’s Rules:
1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.
(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)
Spot Prices
All prices are Kitco Ask, 3PM MT Friday (at that time the markets close for the weekend).
Last week:
Gold $1,783.20
Silver $22.27
Platinum $950.00
Palladium $1,852.00
Rhodium $14,800.00
This week, markets closed for the weekend at 3:00 PM Mountain Time
Gold $1799.70
Silver $22.45
Platinum $947.00
Palladium $1868.00
Rhodium $14,900.00
Gold tried to break out yet again; apparently it got to $1810 yesterday. But it’s being smacked down again.
The James Webb Space Telescope
The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is a likely source of future developments in astrophysics. That thirty part series just concluded was historical developments in physics (with a healthy dollop of chemistry and astronomy to go along with it), but this column is about how we are going to do future developments.
JWST will be a big part of it.
That is, of course, if things go well. They’ve already gone over budget and longer than scheduled. But a LOT of things can still go wrong.
A couple of weeks ago I read that it was finally supposed to launch today, the 18th of December. Then I checked again as I wrote last week’s post and the launch date had been slipped to the 22nd, this time because of issues with the booster. (Thursday the 16th: It has now slipped to the 24th and it says “not earlier than” so clearly they expect to slip it again.)
That must be the 1,432,491,315th schedule slip for this project, though someone will no doubt tell me I miscounted slightly. I probably forgot one from back in 2015.
In any case once it launches, the telescope is not out of the woods!!! It must move to a location well beyond any ability to send people to repair it, and then literally hundreds of mechanical devices have to work perfectly as the telescope deploys. They ground team that has to manage this process (to the extent that it can, rather than watching helplessly if something goes wrong) is sweating bullets.
They remember Hubble, whose mirror didn’t have the right curve, which was made useful–gloriously so–by Space Shuttle astronauts retrofitting it with “glasses.” If that, or some similar thing requiring “on the spot” repair happens to JWST, they are Shit Out of Luck because we can’t send people to where JWST will be.
And they remember the Galileo spacecraft sent to Jupiter, whose main antenna didn’t deploy because some widget stuck in place. The spacecraft could collect data…but sending it back to Earth was very difficult because the backup antenna was much smaller, with lower gain.
About a month after launch, we’ll know if it all deployed. Until then, reloaders might just want to hang around the ground crew to catch some of those bullets.
What Is It, And Why Does It Matter?
OK, so what IS the James Webb Space Telescope?

This thing looks like a radio dish antenna on some sort of weird four-deck toboggan, but it’s actually an infrared telescope. It will be sensitive to light from a wavelength of 600 nm all the way to 28,300 nm. (A nm is a nanometer, one billionth of a meter.) This is basically the lower half of the visible range (600nm to about 800nm), and then way down into the infrared.
This is exactly the sort of thing we will need to see further back in time, looking at galaxies and the first stars, the sorts of phenomena we think happened more than 13 billion years ago. Those things are simply redshifted too far for Hubble (which is quoted as only going to 1000 nm wavelength, but I’ve seen other things that indicate it can see further into the infrared) to even see.
Being able to see very early galaxies will shed some light on the question of how they develop into the shapes we’re used to seeing today (spirals, ellipticals, and so on.)
It will also be helpful looking for colder objects much closer to us, like extrasolar planets, debris disks, and Kuiper belt objects similar to Pluto, only much further out. Those debris disks will help answer the nagging questions about planetary system formation.
And it’s quite likely that JWST will be able to look at existing planetary systems and provide a lot of data there as well. If it’s able to detect oxygen atmospheres, that could even be a sign of life Out There.
I haven’t done a post on extrasolar planets, largely because when they were seen it wasn’t really a surprise. (It’d have been much more surprising if no extrasolar planetary systems had been found.) Except that some things we saw were indeed surprising. Perhaps some future Saturday.
OK, so let me describe the telescope itself.
The mirror is 6.5 meters–about 21 feet–across, and it’s made of those gold-colored hexagons. They’re actually gold-plated beryllium (and beryllium was chosen in large part because it is extremely light). Compare to Hubble’s single 7 foot mirror. This thing is designed to capture a lot of light. Or actually, it’s designed to capture as much very faint light as possible, to make up for it being faint. (That’s the ultimate reason to make telescopes larger. Their main purpose isn’t magnification, it’s capturing as much light from faint objects as possible.)
Any spacecraft has to fit inside the “fairing” (the cylindrical or conical compartment at the nose of the rocket), and 21 feet is wider than any fairing out there. Thus the three hexagons on the left, and the three on the right, are actually going to be folded back and will unfold in space. That’s just one of the many mechanical elements that has to work perfectly, Out There.

Since this telescope is designed to work in the infrared, there are a couple of important considerations that mean we can’t just stick the thing into low earth orbit (LEO) like the Hubble Space Telescope is. The first is that the sun, moon, and earth all glow in the infrared range. I don’t just mean that the earth and moon reflect infrared light like they do visible light from the sun, I mean that they themselves glow in infrared. Black body radiation means everything glows at some frequency. You glow in infrared, too. Night vision goggles work because they can see people (literally) glow in the dark.
So we do not want the moon and earth in the field of view; compared to the faint objects this telescope is designed to see, those will be zillion candlepower searchlights. So the idea is to put the telescope at the Earth Sun L2 point.
This is a point about four times as far away as the moon, but directly opposite of the sun (as seen from the earth). So the Sun, Earth, and JWST will all be on a straight line. JWST will actually orbit the sun, not the Earth, a bit further out from the sun than Earth is.
If it’s further out, won’t it orbit more slowly?
Under normal circumstances, that would be true, but if the spacecraft has both the earth and the sun in the same direction, it feels the gravitation from both at the same time, and in the same direction, so it will behave as if it were orbiting a slightly more massive body than the sun is, and that will speed it up. At a certain precise distance from the earth, it works out that the satellite will also orbit in one year, even though its orbit is larger. This only works, though, if it’s right on the extended line from the sun to the earth.
Here’s a GIF (not to scale) showing the sun and earth, and objects at all five Lagrange points. L2 is the one of interest here.

Note that at L2, the three obnoxious sources of infrared interference are always on the same side of the spacecraft (the moon will be fairly close to the earth, closer than L2 is). So it always has most of the sky to look at.
It will actually orbit about L2, in a ring perpendicular to the plane of Earth’s orbit (as shown in the video below).
But it will be four times further away than any astronaut has ever gone, and that was back in 1972 as part of Apollo. We are not going to be sending astronauts up to fix this thing if it goes FUBAR, like we could with Hubble.
It’s bad enough that we have to hope those mirrors unfold, and that then we can get them all aligned precisely to behave as one big mirror. (We have telescopes on earth that work like that–no more big, one-piece mirrors like at Palomar.) But then we have to deploy the heat shield. That’s the four layer toboggan in the diagram above.
Why does it need a heat shield?
In order to function properly, the telescope must be cold. 50K or 370 below zero Fahrenheit. That’s because if it’s any warmer than that the telescope itself will emit infrared radiation that would interfere with its observations.
This might confuse you. After all, it’s beneficial when walking around outside at night to have a headlamp on. Why not have the telescope illuminate what it’s looking at? Well, in the first place, what it’s looking at will be billions of light years away, so the illumination won’t reach it in our lifetimes and won’t matter a bit even if it did. (In fact, the illumination will probably never reach those distant galaxies; they’ve moved further away since they emitted the light we’re hoping to see, and are probably unreachable now even in principle.)
And in the second place, we’re not talking about a headlamp glowing, we are talking about the sensor itself glowing. Imagine if your eyelids, your corneas, your irises, and the very fluid inside your eyeballs was glowing brightly. And on top of this your retina were glowing brightly. In reality. the eye prevents most light from hitting the retina, just admitting enough to create the focused image–it cannot work, otherwise. But if light is coming from inside the eyeball, well, you’d be blind.
That four-layered toboggan is a heat shield; it’s made up of four layers of very thin reflectorized plastic that should act to prevent sunlight from heating the spacecraft. But it has to unroll and deploy into tight sheets that aren’t touching each other. And in certain ground-based tests, that thin film tore, which caused years of delay as they worked to fix that problem.
So those sheets will face the sun. On the underside of the sheets, not very visible in the picture, are solar panels, the downlink antenna, and so on. The solar panels will use the sunlight to power the JWST, and of course the antenna is there so we can download data and upload commands.
So here’s another picture of JWST showing the underside. This is the side that will face the sun, and Earth.

This picture is apparently at least twelve years old, which gives you an idea of how long this thing has been in the pipeline.
All of this has to deploy perfectly a million miles away…and that’s on top of the spacecraft actually having to reach its destination without the (comparatively simple, but still literally rocket science) rocketry going haywire.
I took a couple of classes on engineering things for space, not nearly enough to be qualified to work on something like this, but I do remember having them beat it into our heads to make the mission as simple as possible. The simpler it is the fewer things that can go wrong, and a mistake is very expensive.
Hundreds of things must go right once the spacecraft has launched. The complete unpacking and deployment should take about three weeks. Then the telescope has to cool.
This video claims a total of six months from launch, to doing work. Most of that time will be taken up with calibration and mirror alignment after the spacecraft “unfolds” in space. But as you watch this video keep in mind that all of the mechanical motions you see have to happen flawlessly, with nothing getting “stuck.”
It has been tested in labs on Earth, but those laboratories can’t duplicate everything in the space environment, and there’s always the chance that the last lab test of some part was the last time it’s going to work before it breaks.
That is why they are sweating bullets. Successfully launching the thing will only be the beginning of operational worries, and it’s the last time we will have full physical control of it.
A Long Road
The James Webb Space Telescope is actually a collaboration between NASA, the Canadian Space Agency, and the European Space Agency. In fact, it will be launched from Kourou, in South America, which is the ESA’s launch facility. (It was shipped there recently under high security and secrecy.)
This telescope was first conceived in 1996. Twelve years later it passed its preliminary design review. In 2010 it passed another review indicating that as designed, it would achieve its mission. Launch was tentatively scheduled for 2015.
By 2010 it was suffering cost overruns (insert surprised face here) that were forcing cuts in other programs. (This is a high-priority item!) Add a lot of NASA-typical scheduling delays, and the JWST finally left California on a boat bound for French Guiana in late September of this year. The US share of the cost of building the thing was almost nine billion dollars.
And now we get to see if that money will pay off, or whether we’ll be looking at a very expensive failure.
If it does work well, it will advance our understanding of the universe by leaps and bounds. This must be an exciting (and nervewracking) time to be an astronomer or astrophysicist.
So Who Was James Webb?
Personally, I think a better name for this telescope would be for William Herschel who, after all, discovered infrared light. However, he also discovered Uranus (and tried to name it for a historic-level asshole, George III), so perhaps they’ll name a Uranus orbiter (not, so far as I know, even in planning stages right now) after him instead. That would work.
James Webb was the administrator of NASA from 1961-1968; in other words he oversaw the agency during the days of Mercury and Gemini, and the start of the Apollo program. He left shortly before the first manned Apollo flight…but had already had to deal with the aftermath of the tragic Apollo 1 fire. (Remember the names Gus Grissom, Ed White, and Roger B. Chaffee, the three astronauts who died in that fire on January 27, 1967.)
Before he was at NASA, he served as Undersecretary of State from 1949-1952.
The “Next Generation Space Telescope” was renamed for James Webb in 2002.
Webb is an attempted target of “cancel culture.” Apparently while at State, he was active in an attempt to purge homosexuals from the department, so there have been a recent barrage of suggestions to rename the JWST, even including Harriet Tubman as a suggestion. A less ridiculous suggestion would be to name it after Sally Ride, who at least had something (quite a bit in fact) to do with space exploration.
With that current meat puppet in the White House, strings being pulled by every brand of leftist turd there is, who knows if anything will come of it. The other countries who are involved would probably have to approve a name change since they are footing part of the bill. I could see them maybe approving changing it to another NASA pioneer or scientist, but not Harriet Tubman.
Bonus Section: How Big Is the Universe?
The short answer is: Who knows?
We literally cannot know the answer to this question, because we simply cannot see anything further than 13.8 billion light years away; the light hasn’t had time to reach us. And you can subtract a few hundred thousand years from that as the Cosmic Microwave Background was generated that many years after the big bang.
Scientists talk of the “observable universe” for that reason. The entire universe is at least as big as the observable universe, but we don’t know if it’s one inch larger…or trillions of light years, or perhaps even infinitely large.
But it’s a mistake to figure the observable universe has a radius of 13.8 billion light years. Because since the light from the CMB and early stars and galaxies was created, they have continued to move away from us. By the time you account for this, the things we can (in principle) see today are now located within a sphere 92 billion light years across. And the items furthest away are already receding at a speed higher than that of light, which means that even though we can, today, see the light they emitted in the past, the light they are emitting today won’t reach us, ever.
If light speed is the speed limit, how is it that these things can be receding from us faster than light?
It’s true that you cannot move through space faster than the speed of light in a vacuum, but space itself can certainly stretch faster than that. Since it’s uniformly stretching, objects far enough apart will see the distance between them rise faster than light speed.
There are suggestions that the (total) universe must be at least 250 times the size of the observable universe; if I recall correctly this is from the error margins on the measurements that show space is flat. If it’s not quite flat but in fact is very slightly curved, our measurement method wouldn’t detect it; this comes from considering how curved it could be and still not be detected to be curved.)
My personal suspicion is that it’s infinite, but it’s very possible that we won’t ever know for certain.
Obligatory PSAs and Reminders
China is Lower than Whale Shit
Remember Hong Kong!!!
中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!
China is in the White House
Since Wednesday, January 20 at Noon EST, the bought-and-paid for His Fraudulency Joseph Biden has been in the White House. It’s as good as having China in the Oval Office.
Joe Biden is Asshoe
China is in the White House, because Joe Biden is in the White House, and Joe Biden is identically equal to China. China is Asshoe. Therefore, Joe Biden is Asshoe.
But of course the much more important thing to realize:
Joe Biden Didn’t Win
乔*拜登没赢 !!!
Qiáo Bài dēng méi yíng !!!
Joe Biden didn’t win !!!
Wow, this is the first time I’ve ever been first!
Very interesting post, Steve. I hope they get this thing launched and everything works. It will be fascinating to see what they find.
Yeah, I’m not sure where everyone went, but they let you in!
It did post on time.
Very interesting info about the telescope. I wasn’t aware of the launch date(s). I hope it is successful.
I can’t imagine! But the potential to gain new insights is exciting even to me.
Fascinating info about the size of the universe, which is amazing to contemplate!
I wonder if the Space Force has anything to do with the telescope.
96 billion light years is roughly 570,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 or 570 sextillion miles.
I don’t know about anyone else, but I was sacked-out. Been having sleep difficulties last few days (and note that I’m up now).
At Wolf’s request, I am bringing this over from yesterday’s thread:
GWP: NEW EMAILS Show Dr. Fauci and Dr. Francis Scheming Against Top Doctor’s Group that Challenged Their Failed and Deadly Policies
Thank you!
In my opinion, this is huge. This is the politicization of science, in neon lights. And it’s worse than that, actually, because I am CERTAIN at this point that the problem with science in the medical arena is none other than Bill Gates.
The CEO of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is advising Biden. Fauci and Walensky, at this point, are essentially puppets of Gates. Walensky was mentored by Fauci, and Fauci is essentially owned by Gates.
This is ALL making sense now. Beyond what is public. The things that happened in Shallow State are now crystal clear as being related to Gates and Big Pharma corruption.
It’s MONSTROUS what these people are doing.
On a very basic level, it is appalling to me that one man (Gates) not only has that much power, but that he is directing things that he has no expertise in. It is changing entire cultures and maiming and killing people worldwide, for the globalist goals of a relatively few people. They must be stopped, but first the populace has to be aware of their evil and that we are at war.
And he is directing things without ever being elected to do so, as is Fauxi and the tools at the FDA and CDC. This is not how America was supposed to work. It has to be stopped and these people need to be taken away in cuffs to their tribunals.
Yeah, that is maddening. Bad science and now bad medicine from a guy who attained money and power through a monopoly on bad software.
And soon!
Gates is really, really good at FORCED TRANSFORMATIONS using platforms snuck into universality under false pretenses.
The man is a SNAKE of the highest order, and he has never been anything else.
“I’m going to cure malaria” was a LIE.
“I’m going to install global-elite-driven fascism using vaccines and engineered disease” was the REALITY.
Bill Gates is the Demon the word “megalomaniac” was coined to describe.
Follow the money – always.
1 Timothy 6:10.
Power to control others comes from the power money provides. Add in evil forethought and design with this bunch.
Gates has power because of the great access and use of money. Fauci has power because he pushed money he could control and influence toward evil doing; Godless communists and unethical scientists under the guise of science and research. Collins – I feel sorry for this guy. He has deluded himself into believing he is a Christian. Depart from me…
All for money, power, fame and social standing in a fallen world. smh…
Yours truly has posited the opinion that Gates believes himself to be a “god” — a “god” that’s a combination of a person richer than Croesus + has a control complex + shows traits of narcissism.
Gorge Soros even said he sees himself as a god.
George Soros: ‘I Am A God, I Created Everything’ – News Punch
Keystone ?
I think Gates has been directed a long time . He was allowed to become who he is for a purpose just my inkling.
The spider web has been moved from my brain
I see something so clearly but then who knows
What was his entanglement with Epstein?
I cannot get the keystone out of my head that is the key to unravel what is going on.
Was Epstein really working for Gates or in Gates a useful idiot of the CIA and the dark forces around the globe?
OK. That’s making sense.
I keep thinking of keystone in the context that (3²+2³) kept mentioning it as “key”….
Is that the beginning of setting the keystone ?
I probably missed it, but assume the knowledge this link has been shared here already.
Bill gates indicted in India-
If true why is he allowed to walk freely anywhere?
World’s First Vaccine Murder case against Bill Gates, Adar Poonawalla filed in India’s High Court – Indian Bar Association
Because nobody extradites to India.
Thanks Chris, I must have missed this too. It is an interesting report. I need to confirm that the FDA has its own CIA for criminal investigations as the article states. That seems weird. What, did the FDA run out of acronyms to use? hehe
I think that’s probably supposed to be the OCI. https://www.fda.gov/inspections-compliance-enforcement-and-criminal-investigations/criminal-investigations
Smoking gun, meet shell casing.
I wish I had seen this video earlier.
Thank You for your work Steve !
I got more from this video, than the one in your post.
Fascinating project, with 344 single point potential failures on set-up, reminds me of Murphys law. Sweating bullets..the size of quarters .LOL
He hope all goes well, and watch with anticipation.
Our resident Eggplant will note I did bring a telescope.
Lol! And it was cool!
Although, weirdo that I am, I saw the word “beryllium,” and had a flashback to this:
This is my favorite clip from “Galaxy Quest.” I identify as the blond.
Finds this funny. DW has comms issues. I often have to repeat again exactly like this as DW is accustomed to my voice.
Lol! I do it when we’re working on something I can only do a dumb part of.
*Hands DH a screwdriver*
“I have ONE JOB on this chore, and it’s stupid, but I’m going to do it!”
I’ll give them this, they didn’t just invent some phony element name like “tritanium” or something like that.
Delusional views exposed on Gab

Too much freedom triggers heart attacks in kids.
We are all in danger of lunatic thinking like this. Lunatics should be eliminated.
COVID-1984 Vaccine Side Effects
This is the psychosis that Dr. McCullough is talking about!
This is people who have maimed and/or killed their own children, desperately trying to rationalize their way out of it.
Screw them. I only feel sympathy for the poor children whose parents are idiots. The same way I don’t feel sorry for molesters who say they did it because the had a “bad childhood” themselves.
No excuses. The information that the vaccines are dangerous is TOO AVAILABLE to let people off the hook for ignorance.
I went back to Gail’s index on that talk and she doesn’t have a pointer to where he mentioned mass psychosis.
Do you, perchance?
Soon. I have some admin crap to take care of first.
Ah, yes, I imagine you do.
32 minutes he talks of the collusion.
48 minutes he talks of mass psychosis.
Related. School District is hiring heart specialists. I don’t think this is the first we’ve seen this happening.
School District in New York Sends out Email Warning Parents of Sudden Cardiac Arrest in Students Grades K-12
Wow Para. What will it take for people’s eyes to be opened???
“Eastport-South Manor Central School District (ESM) in Suffolk County, New York sent out an email to all parents informing them about the new physician in their district. The new hiring was part of the new regulations regarding Sudden Cardiac Arrest of students Grades K- 12.”
I am SO MAD about this that I can barely verbalize it. Here I can write it, which is easier. I can collect my thoughts a bit first.
Yes, A, we are watching the march of genocide. It’s incomprehensible & abhorrent!
I am overcome with sadness and then anger. Unbelievable we could have told them . This forum is so far ahead of things that is besides good company I like it here.
We have the best of both worlds!
I am both angry and sad, too.
Straight talk
[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/093/473/056/original/c5501bee56a24b43.mp4" /]
The Authority https://gab.com/emoji/2b50.svg️https://gab.com/emoji/2b50.svg️https://gab.com/emoji/2b50.svg️, [12/18/2021 1:41 AM]
[In reply to Midnight Rider Channel https://gab.com/emoji/2b50.svg️https://gab.com/emoji/2b50.svg️https://gab.com/emoji/2b50.svg️]
I can’t enlist because I have hand tattoos but Jack can become Jackie cut his penis off and serve. Fucked.
Reclaiming property from the Catholic church for international crimes? Is this legit? Supposedly starting today…Vancouver focus…
MurderByDecree.com is a site he cites
Why are Catholic churches being trashed? A reply to the Vancouver Police by Kevin Annett (MIRRORED)Why are Catholic churches being trashed? A reply to the Vancouver Police by Kevin Annett (MIRRORED)
Mirrored from You Tube channel Kevin A at:-
I had to quit listening as this guy has some sort of ax to grind. He’s off the charts buying into every story that’s out there. Some have merit, some don’t, and reality is there’s a group of bishops that are complicit in the cover-ups that most of us would like to see prosecuted. With them gone, maybe some progress can be made in actually restoring what the modernists sought to destroy.
The unrecognized truth is that the Catholic Church is more of a confederation than anything trans-national. Each bishop is the head of his diocese, and as such, is usually the name on the deeds of property. At least that’s the way it used to be. In the US, I don’t know so much about Canada, property is now held in trust rather than held by any one person. It is still held at the diocese level, though. It could be the same other places, I am not sure, but the Vatican does not own property outside of its own walls. It’s all assets of the diocese. And that’s just the buildings.
Actual property is only valuable due to market forces. The vast majority was purchased thanks to the largesse of generous donors who allowed for transcendence to be made manifest for the Greater Glory of God via the work of human hands having developed the gifts freely given to them by the Almighty. These collected works are held in trust for the inspiration of humanity via the senses of sight, sound, smell, etc. Artists, architects, and more were paid to create, yes, and that is part of the teaching of the Church that just wages are a human right.
That concept has been lost in the Judas like money mentality that crept into critics.
Add to that the ambulance chasing that has gone on in the wake of the abuse scandal, and this is what you get. All the money in the world cannot undo the damage done to the victims. Depriving the faithful who were not complicit in any way – including clergy – of all the transcendent beauty of God’s work through humans is not going to change that.
Raiding the churches (and, before that, the temples) has a long, long history. Pretty much every time an aristocracy goes of the rails and discounts religion, it’s about step 3.
It’s more like when the treasury is empty.
If some of the things I know about the stuff that’s easy to pick up and carry would be published, they’d leave the actual buildings alone.
The problem requires a scalpel…maybe a hatchet…but not a sledge hammer and dust pan.
Thank you for sharing these thoughts, DP. I had wondered if what this man was talking about was potentially some form of “GESARA”, taking back global wealth from evil doers….
Other than that I know Zero about that “pastor” nor his movement. He seemed to be focusing on crimes against indigenous people. He also pronounced Canada as KUN-ah-dah which seemed extremely strange to me…
GESARA has nothing to do with it.
It’s not our side that wants to take the Church to the cleaners.
Talk about a Merry Christmas!

Caterday capers?
[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/093/472/907/original/f2daf83d65c47147.mp4" /]
political prisoners stuck in DC Gitmo, slandered, silenced and mistreated !
Do you want to know the truth about January 6th that the government is hiding from you ?
please visit that link….important videos and ways you can help , plus org allies.
and this article…
outrageous !
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW : J6 Political Prisoner JAKE LANG Rescued PHILIP ANDERSON From Death On Jan 6 — Now Government Offers Him 9 Years In Prison “Plea Deal”
videos, and more.
Jewish Trump supporter saves the life of Black Trump supporter.
mistreated with no due process.
Very good thing I hung back from the conflict areas on January 6. But they did try hard to bait us in.
yes !
this is horrific.
it’s outrageous what’s happening.
the conditions are like something in Siberia under Stalin !!
fuck pelosi !!
Our capital is occupied by CRIMINALS who have sold out to foreign powers, greedy corporations, and maniacal eugenicists.
and nothing says criminal like fire flash grenades by the police into the crowd !
They tried to anger people, it’s clear.
anger ??
this was a set-up…
an ambush.
a false flag “insurrection”.
create the “crisis”
the commie way !
the District of Communists
The point was to make us angry and draw us in close. That was something THEY had to do, to make the plan work.
Enemies of the State …. Clowns to the left of US jokers to the right ..
Enemy of the State
Enemy of the State is a 1998 American action thriller film directed by Tony Scott, produced by Jerry Bruckheimer and written by David Marconi.
That tech is 23years old
This is horrific what transpired. I listened to the interview with Jake and Phillip and unbeknownst to me was what transpired in the tunnel at the capitol people being attacked brutally. It disgusts me what was done to the Trump supporters that day and since.
Concerning January 6th theres a movie out that Nick Searcy did that came out on Thanksgiving that can be purchased for $9.99 called: Capitol Punishment. the website is:
Make sure you use an O in the word capitol. It was very good. Nick was there on the 6th so please consider purchasing it.
Its been awhile since I’ve commented but I’ve been a lurker since almost the beginning. This is my home everynight.
Thank you Wolf for all you do and Thank you to all the Authors also. Last but not least to all the commenters too. I’ve learned so much from all of you.
God Bless all of you.
thanks !
yr link didn’t post…so I am reposting it here…
when doing any searches for this, be sure to spell it C-a-p-i-t-o-l
referring to D.C...
not as “capital” punishment.
Actually, “capitol” refers to just the building (which is what you want) but “capital” refers to DC as a whole (not just punishment).
in this case, capitol refers to DC and not another movie/doc called Capital Punishment.
plse don’t be unnecessarily nit picky
Thank you smiley2
I’m still watching this interview of Dr. Peter McCullough by Joe Rogan. This thing is amazing.
It is is it not?
Here is my comments from yesterday:
around 24.30, Joe Rogan ASKS THE RIGHT QUESTION, and Dr. McCullough ANSWERS THE RIGHT ANSWER.
30 minutes. He even says the major churches were involved!
Another point of interest @ 52 minutes.
If you had Covid YOU CAN NOT GET IT AGAIN!!!! he got CDC to admit that. (Wolfie disagrees think Dungue fever)
1 hr 7 min
He discusses WHY the obese are the target of Covid. Triggers inter-lucan 6 (found in fat cells) causing cytokine storm
Before that vaccine efficacy.
1 hr 19 min
CDC 146 million people have had Covid. that data is in arrears so probably closer to 2 million (or about 60%. 70% is generally considered herd immunity.)
1 hour 27 minutes
50% within 48 hours
80% within a week
This confirms my thoughts:
1 hr 30 minutes
FDA Whistle-blower lawsuit for deaths after the vaccine.
1 hr 32 minutes
what is difference in body response to natural spike protein vs Vaxx spike protein.
Complicated so worth listening to Found with natural takes ~15 months to clear!
1 hour 50 minutes
With Vax conservative estimate is it takes a YEAR to clear therefore vax in 6 months ADDS MORE SPIKE PROTEIN!
2 hours 11 minutes
2 Million dollar Offer on the table to DOCTORS or ACADEMICS to DEBATE FOR the safety and effectiveness of THE VACCINE.
2 hours 18 min
January 23 in Washington DC there is a March to defeat the mandates.
2 hours 22 min.
Diana Harshburger (R) introducing legislation to recognize natural immunity
2 hr 22min
Lab corp T-detect test — t-detect.com get approval then go to Lab corp for blood draw. Looks for next generation sequencing in the T cells to see if you have actually had covid.
With vax get antibodies against one protein with natural infection get antibodies against 27 proteins
15% IN HOSPITAL sick, will not show antibodies.
2 hours 42 minutes
Heart problems likely from lipid nano particles. Muscles use sugar for fuel Heart 80% fatty acids 20% sugars. Know lipid nano particles preferentially taken up in the heart, adrenals, brain and the ovaries. lipid nano particles thus deliver more spike protein to the heart with the vaccine.
Censorship has suppressed for 2 years information on safe & effective early treatment and censorship on the safety of the Vax has lead to large numbers of deaths, hospitalizations and permanent disabilities. THERE IS NO BIGGER HEALTH CRISIS THAN THE IMPACT OF CENSORSHIP ON COVID -19
If I understand Wolf correctly, he thinks Delta (in particular) is different enough it’s actually a different disease. All of the other variants he calls “Wuhan” (i.e., the original Covid 19). So it’s not quite like dengue fever (I do like it better the way you spelled it: dungue).
I think Delta was released and I believe they keep releasing new variants . They are smart they release them in different parts of the world.
They cannot hide what they are doing for ever.
It’s entirely possible. The important point is to realize that it doesn’t matter whether it’s natural evolution or synthetic evolution. The vaccines are almost certainly worse than the disease, and the wrong approach. Why? Why would they WANT to keep blundering?
Contraception, depopulation, and control.
They want decline in birthrates. They are as bad as Chinese maybe even worse.
Someone needs to stop them but with everyone in bed with them nothing will happen. Sad really.
What you’re saying is close – but I’m very hesitant to call it a different disease, as opposed to an evolving disease. Omicron may have crossed the boundary of actual speciation – THAT is fascinating.
It’s a beautiful continuum, just like speciation, or space itself as a physical reality or a mathematical idea.
I’m typically using Wuhan for 19A and 19B lineages – basically what left China and began evolving. Alpha, Beta & Gamma are really variant groups that are pretty close to Wuhan – almost like subspecies. Delta is amazing – on the border of a new species, but different enough that vaccination fails. Omicron – outright failure.
Based on what I’m seeing, even an OPTIMAL vaccination program is not predictably superior to simply “catching a sequence of the colds”, and IMO may be significantly worse, requiring more and more spike protein at more and more frequent levels.
The fact that they’re not seeing this, means they want it, IMO. They’re not “not seeing it” – they’re IGNORING IT.
I warned you I can’t spell.
Dr McC seems to think, based on his own experience and that of others, that Delta is not that different.
Joe Quized him on it a couple times since he had a friend, Like myself & Wolfie that think they got China cov-2 and then Delta.
You asked for this:
32 minutes he talks of the collusion.
48 minutes he talks of mass psychosis
You know, Gail, I think that this all explains why Radium Rod Rosenstein’s sister, Neutron Nancy Messonnier of CDC (who Walensky helped escape from stage left), messed up the release of testing in early 2020, stonewalled it based on “needing it to be perfect”, and also covered up the still-mysterious sabotage of the tests at CDC.
They did NOT want testing to reveal the fact that a SARS1-derived virus was already floating around in the United States during the Trump impeachment distraction.
Wolfie, It certainly was floating around, at least around Ralph Baric’s UNC lab because I had the cytokine storm, December 18, 2018 — A FULL YEAR before the Wuhan Civd showed up.
They were testing this stuff. If it was planned, which we know it was, then they had to have tested this stuff. And IMO they were testing it from even BEFORE SARS1, in 2003.
Your case is located near Baric, and roughly 1 year ahead of the planned release. It makes all kinds of sense that they did a test of some kind. But IMO it would have had to have been WEAKENED (or more likely NOT STRENGTHENED) in some way that they knew it would be limited. They wanted a small burn, not a pandemic. So presumably it had the SARS1 nucleocapsid, but NOT the SARS1 spike, and definitely it did NOT have the SARS2 spike with the GP120 inserts from HIV.
So what I think you had, was a chimeric virus with SARS1 nucleocapsid and SARS2 spike MINUS the 4 GP120 inserts. And it flamed out just as they expected. They would be testing to see what kind of contagion they could get, and from that REAL DATA IN AMERICA, they could extrapolate the SARS-CoV-2 spike with the 4 inserts.
Note that I’m not thinking that Baric or is people did it – VERY likely NOT. IMO it would have been done by an intelligence agency with access to the lab, or who got samples from an insider.
Why would they do it close to the lab?
LAB LEAK PRETEXT if they got caught.
Same as the 2007 Pirbright lab Foot & Mouth disease release in England. LINK
Pirbright lab is connected to Bill Gates…
I wonder if that fiasco was a trial run?
I had followed the Foot & Mouth fiasco in the UK esp since it wiped out herds of endangered breeds FOR NO REASON — there is a vaccine for goodness sake. It was only this year I found out about the Gates connection and the light bulb went on.
Good grief, that man is a PESTILENCE.
FauXi and Gates make Stalin and Ho Chi Min look like pikers.
Don’t miss my comments about Fauxi and Jan 6th on page 2. (I really despise our government!)
The old data I found showed Baric training Medical students so the possibility of students being in the Emergency ward as well as in Baric’s Classes and lab is rather great.
When I looked this time I found:
Ralph Baric, PhDProfessor
Department of Epidemiology
Lots and lots of intrigue possible. These big labs are always FULL of extremely sketchy post-docs and graduate students, IMO.
Never forget that Baric worked with the Wuhan Bat Lady a few years earlier.
By using the UNC hospital emergency room they would get people with symptoms to come BACK to that hospital for treatment. This would allow BLOOD SAMPLES and documentation.
I went back with the Asthma/pneumonia.
My friend went back with the onset of epileptic seizures and temporary blindness.
And don’t forget Nanzi Pelosi’s “inexplicable” hurry-up-and-wait on the leadup to the impeachment….
Oh, yeah. There you go. “Timing is everything.”
The parents are monsters for doing this to their children.
Pfizer said Friday it’s going to test three doses of its COVID vaccine in young children under five years old, after two jabs failed to produce the expected immunity in babies and preschoolers.
Yup. It’s very clear to me at this point that these vaccines are for a contraceptive purpose.
This explains why Fauci and Walensky studiously ignore disease-conferred immunity.
EVERYTHING they’re doing, fits a theory that it’s all about spike protein injections in the potentially fertile.
Dr. Robert Malone talked about the issues related to the “vaccines” and the ovaries when he was on Hannity’s radio show yesterday (guest host, Rep. Louie Gohmert).
Dr Malone said that the SPIKE PROTEIN in the “vaccines” can have a negative impact on the eggs in the ovaries. Females are born with all the eggs they will ever have.
A friend just sent this short Dr. Malone video. [video src="https://www.barbmeier.com/videos/yt1s-com-RobertMaloneMD.mp4" /]
How can I send this to someone? Is there a link?
Usually if you right-click on it you are offered a menu, one option of which is to copy the link.
You can then right mouse in your e-mail to paste it.
Thank you Steve!
Well I trie, but it didn’t work. I did the right click and there was no copy the link, just “copy”, which I did. All that copied was 00:00
Ugh. Not sure what to do then.
probably because I hava a Mac.
I have been talking to you through the notifier; finally I just went and looked to see if it would work on my system.
It doesn’t. And even looking at the source code for this page didn’t give me anything useful.
I’ve never been able to use the notifier . I’ve tried to check notices, but all I get is the buffer circle. Thanks for trying to help!
this is it:
(h) ttps://www.barbmeier.com/videos/yt1s-com-RobertMaloneMD.mp4?_=1
Yes, that’s my site where I stored the video. Thanks Gail!
You are very welcome. I just used Steve’s instructions to save it to my notes and then saw Ellie was not able to get a copy.
The video is downloaded at my website and you should be able to right-click and choose to download it to your computer. I think that would be wonderful to have this mp4 video file saved in lots of places so it isn’t lost or corrupted.
Oh sorry… while the video is playing, right-click in the video and choose the Download Video or Download Video As command. I’m on a Mac too!
These spike protein maniacs are MONSTERS.
Epstein was expendable once Gates and the evil minions had the covid plan released. They had the blackmail from every country person arround the world. They pimped young girls to men/women draw them in for blackmail.
Keystone Epstein and blackmail without that covid throughout the world was not possible. They needet something greater than money to real people in and that is fulfilling sex fantasies.
You missed the other ‘irresistible bait’ — Readily available WELL MATCHED ORGANS FROM LIVING DONORS!
More than 600,000 of Americans go missing every year. In 2012, there were approximately 661,000 reports of missing persons in the United States. In 2020, there were 321,859 cases filed by the NCIC where the race of the reported missing was white.
David Rockefeller had 6 heart transplants enabling him to live to 102.
CCP Enforcing Live Organ Harvesting
I was not aware of that Chinese are so barbaric ?
I am shocked to the core.
You think we are there too?
Not on any such industrial scale as the CCP….
Not yet!
That we know of….
At a certain point, they’ll run out of “sources” in the US — theCCP’s got almost a billion more than we have here.
More likely to find a close DNA match in the USA or EU.
I certainly would not put it passed the Oligarchs to have a secret program, using DNA testing like 23andMe. It was founded in 2006 by Anne Wojcicki, who married Google co-founder Sergey Brin.
Also the DNA of virtually every newborn in the United States is collected and tested soon after birth. Genetic testing for newborns started in the 1960s
We have already seen a lot of ‘staged’ accidents and as I showed above, people go missing.
We buy their stuff. We need Trump to come back and straiten things out
Eternity will be Hell for this heinous pos ..
And I sure hope he heads there very very soon!
They will stand before God for sure.
Wonder how they entangled Fauci?
What is his weakness Money?
Or other weaknesses they entrapped him.
They got something on this guy unless he has a Napoleon complex and it is being fulfilled by doing the dirty work.
He was grabbed right out of Med school. IIRC ?Dpat? said he was Jesuit trained.
Fauci, Von Papen and Jesuits – News that matters
This is explaining a LOT.
I am glad I have a decent memory… And take notes.
gail…gee, that’s interesting,
The muslims have a word for that: Taqiyya.
The young adults who have these babies were indoctrinated from K-12 through college, they’re completely programmed,
.. so the have no clue or free will .. it’s group think, that is ALL they KNOW
God help us …

There is an enormous amount of gaslighting going on.
The whole January-6 debacle, where a reasonably peaceful rally somehow after the fact was remade into an «insurrection» (which must have been the most peaceful of its kind ever — which just means it wasn’t one), then add on characters such as AOC feeling threatened though being far away in a different building. Exaggeration and arbitrary redefinitions of terms. And draconian and ongoing reactions.
The exaggerations and hard reactions remind me of some of the worst experiences from school days — maybe this is whence the sensitivity to this came; that I can see the crazy without being swept away in it?
Then there is this whole covid lockdowns cycle, like a violent relationship with a psychopath that changes between violent and semi-reasonable. A couple rounds of this and enter the Stockholm syndrome.
And then there is the related drive towards jabbing. Redefinitions abound there as well: transfection sold as «vaccine», and who is categorized as «unvaccinated» changes with time since the last jab.
Exaggerations: the infamous Neil Ferguson of Britain has been out again describing omicron as being as bad as anything… he’s been caught before with dire predictions that didn’t come to pass. And if two jabbs didn’t work then three should work, the unjabbed somehow can pass on a disease they don’t have to the jabbed who despite being jabbed can both become infected, be sick, and pass it on. «VACINE MACHT FREI» and echoes of 1930s German politics in this.
No-one in the mainstream is advertising the facts that the compound being injected by jabbs is lethal over time; that it is the reason for the increase in heart condition in younger people; nor that two common observances of practice are being ignored: 1. Don’t vaccinate into a pandemic. 2. Don’t vaccinate pregnant or nursing mothers (of any animal species). Complete non-sense or anti-sense, yet various authorities are completely tied to the mast of their ship of fools.
There is evil at large.
Evil is all over the place.
Since the beginning of time, all civilizations have had deities that they prayed to for guidance. The Western world has been primarily Christian but it seems that people’s faith is fractured so they believe in government to ‘save’ them, fix things.. like now, even the caring govt supposedly really cares about your health, even your mental well being. They hire the glitterati to tell us what we should do……………….. all of these demons are trying to show that they can be gods too.
Someone said that earlier today. I totally agree
Once the 16th Amendment passed and the Federal government took more and more wealth from people….
Once the Fed gov’t used regulations and Johnson’s 501C3 to muzzle and castrate the churches…
Once the oligarchy used the Committee on Economic development, sister committee to the Council on Foreign Relations, to DESTROY independent Farmers and rural American communities to drive people to cities factory jobs, you broke the family & community bonds people used to rely on.
THEN the oligarchy got rid of long term employment in the 70s and 80s so we ended as a nation of itinerant workers with no close family or long term friends. Thus we HAD to rely on the government during lay-off and other hard times.
Don’t forget that an INCOME tax also means disclosing all INCOME and EXPENSES to the government. Even back then, there was data mining.
Thanks for that insight. It makes it easier to target ‘trouble makers’ AKA independent thinkers.
On the thing with vaxxers — yes, it is obvious that they are looking for the unvaxxed to play the role of Typhoid Mary…..even if we never actually get the disease. You’d think that would be too ridiculous….but, then, Faux-Xi is still inhabiting the planet…..
It really is psychosis. Common sense and reality don’t matter!
3 articles at Breitbart:
Report: Biden to Push Biweekly COVID Tests for Children…
…Fauci: COVID Guidelines ‘May Need to Be More Restrictive’…
…‘Virtually No Degree of Neutralization Protection’ Against Omicron Without Booster
This is all political agenda driven – not science driven.
Hows mask compliance up there? Karens giddy?
Still way too high. All the larger places still doing it. Cracking around the edges in small shops, homes, etc. The big thing is people warily eying each other wondering if the other will go full Karen.
The bit on the karen thing, i can agree. I ran errands this am sans face diaper and no one said boo. I did see far more people wearing them OUTSIDE, which is baffling.
One darned shame about the Webb having started its design so long ago is that it missed a couple of decades of fun in robotics. I’d imagine that the stress level at mission control might be less if they had a trusty R2-D2 that could run out and give one of those panels a nudge if needed.
Good morning Steve, awesome butt kicking open. Ride herd on the dogs from hell

Thank you very much always excellent and first class information seasoned with galactic portions of science and let’s not forget .. $$$ …
Take care there in Colorado .. warm salutations to your pet … rock on in those Rockies ..


smiley, my mother used to do that to Dad,,,quite cute!
We call it cow-kicking in horses.
Verse of the Day for Saturday, December 18, 2021
“Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.”
Psalms 34:19 (KJV)
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
Really enjoyed the read, Steve. Learned a lot. The JWTS is really interesting. So much more to learn in the future.
Attacking the premise of the “treatment” – multiple approaches required IMO.
Non-jabbed – Us. White Hats. Preaching to the choir with them and they are faithful to the cause. We do it the way you have been educating us on science here – teach. Present facts/stats/data in an interesting, non-intimidating way. Reinforce their decision so they can do the same with others.
Jabbed – Regretters. Wolf is an example and I have several friends who are in this category. They have already jumped the shark and accepted they were misled. This group did nothing wrong except trust “experts” who lied to them. We all fit in this category at various times and events in life. Many become strong influencers and teachers of others as they know what they now know and are on the attack to right wrongs.
Jabbed – Suspicious Cats. Have experienced issues since being jabbed personally or within their circles. Are noticing that sumthin’ ain’t right. Some are willing to reconsider other viewpoints or the anti-jabbed facts and statistics. However, most rationalize and are skeptical that they may have been duped. This group must be addressed in small doses of truth with their involvement in the discussion. Use a little humor whenever possible. Use a scalpel instead of a meat cleaver and allow them to recover from the first incision before doing another. They still get most of their information from fake media – enough said.
Jabbed – Doomers. They are lost. Accept it and move on. Mitigate the damage by helping those who are in communication or relationship with them who may be unduly influenced by them. If a miracle happens it will come through these folks, not you. As in the Last Days in the Word, there will be a small number who endure to the end who will be saved who missed the first boat off the island. That group will have long since gone on its (our) merry way.
The interesting thing is that you would think patriot conservatives would nearly always be in the first two categories. Not true in my experience. I know a good number of sell out, patriotic conservatives in many other areas of their lives who are Suspicious Cats and Doomers with this issue. It’s a shame.
I don’t know if Wolf has ever been jabbed.
He said he did initially IIRC.
If I am in error I will edit it out.
I do not believe Wolf has ever had the C-Jab.
He used to get the flu jab past years as I remember.
I might be wrong only Wolf can clear this up
Never had the jab, but was hopeful for them at the beginning.
My first Suspicious Cat was that the jabs were never tested for safety on recoverees. Since I was SURE that my first, CLINICALLY CERTAIN CASE (where I actually lost lung function) in January 2020 was Wuhan, I suspected that I had whatever immunity is afforded by disease and recovery. But since I then had a recent, multiply confirmed case, two years later, there is REALLY no need for me to take the vaccine.
McCullough is right, that I can’t prove for certain that the first case was SARS-CoV-2, but I’m certain that it was.
I don’t think we’re going to find that there is lifetime immunity to descendants of Wuhan. Unlike SARS1, SARS2 has much greater infectivity and therefore mutation, and therefore evolution, and therefore immune escape.
I *WISH* there was lifetime immunity, but I am one of the absolute TOUGHEST scientific skeptics out there. I’m skeptical of Fauci, but I’m skeptical of McCullough, too. I think that my scientific view MAY be more rigorously realistic than his.
Everything he said in the video is correct, and I applaud him for it. He may be absolutely correct that, if my two cases both WERE in fact SARS-CoV-2, then reinfection is still “rare as hen’s teeth”. But at the moment, I think that the scientific community at large is not viewing “mutation space” correctly. I think it’s very close to relativistic and “inflative”, for lack of a better term. I think that real mutation creates DISTANCE and that the distance scale is completely analogous to speciation in evolution, where things essentially “get out of a communicable distance”, jokingly using the disease term in a physics sense.
IF I am correct, that my putative Early Wuhan (19A or 19B) infection did NOT protect me from getting LATE Delta, then it’s likely IMO that we will begin to see generic Wuhan recoverees getting infected by and “boosted” by Omicron.
But maybe I’m wrong. We’ll see.
Thank you
Lots of things will be discovered.
I pray you are right you seem to be in the Spiritual stream
You’re in error, but it’s preferable to leave it so that the conversation makes sense.
No, I’ve never been jabbed. I kept my options open, however, after suffering what I was sure was COVID, and watched the jabs under development and testing. I’ve gotten to the point now where there is no way I’ll ever take one of these jabs, because my CONFIRMED case – probably Delta – and recovery – grants me anywhere from 2 years to lifetime immunity, depending upon how much genetic drift is required for reinfection IN MY CASE.
My apologies, my friend. I will be more careful next time.
No problem. Easy mistake! Early on, I talked about which jabs I liked! It sure looked like I might consider getting one.
Brain fade on my part – I remembered those discussions.
FWIW I am very happy you did not.
Sundance stated he did not today in his most recent thread.
Cannot edit out – I am in error.
How does a new generation of mosquitofish ihherit such a primal terror?
Antihistamines and the remarkable story of the freakishly good treatment plan in Spain that no one mentions
And the people zoom past the best thought plans of Mr Global’s evil minions with just a tiny spark of ingenuity!
We got this! (leave the sound off… it’s distracting)
,, shared ty 

To funny to dog like
Yes seems accessible for most of us? I have two different antihistamines collected.
I wonder if antihistamine and Kefir work I know it works with cheese ?
I am still hanging on the hope Israel scientists discovered concerning Kefir.
Excellent! Thank you! It’s going to get a lot of visibility on that blog.
Now we have to ask the McCullough question.
WHY did HARVARD and BLOOMBERG SCHOOL and CORNELL and JOHNS-HOPKINS and BERKELEY and MAYO INSTITUTE and all those other organizations NOT have antihistamines promoted as part of the “Harvard Protocol” and the “Bloomberg Protocol” and the “Mayo Protocol” – etc. – WHY NOT?
Because they’re part of the VACCINE MASS PSYCHOSIS.
Correction to what yours truly posted yesterday:
It’s the CDC, not the FDA, which recommended that the J&J “vaccine” be avoided.
J&J issued a statement saying that the company is “confident that the benefits of its vaccine outweigh the risks…we appreciate (Thursday’s) discussion and look forward to working with the CDC on next steps.”
Since they can’t get a maintenance team up there if something goes wrong, hopefully one of those boxes on the Web Space Telescope thing has a few pairs of robot monkeys. Something similar to what was used in first part of “Seven Eves” already preprogramed to range about the orbital craft to check and fix stuff should a feed back sensor say this and that are not working.
I seriously doubt it, or they’d be touting it as a major tech advance.
Ty for that lesson on the telescope. Far better than anything on tv i have seen, which isnt much. I have a dumb question. Really, why does it cost so much? Esp just on our end.
The people watching TV haven’t had the benefit of my attempts to discuss physics.
There was an awful lot of stuff in what I wrote that relies on stuff I had in those 30 posts.
I could just mention blackbody radiation; they’d have to segue off for five minutes to explain it and on TV airtime is blood. Similarly for the cosmic redshift.
Re: cost so much —
Now make it an international project.
Argh. Ok.
Bannon now live with Robert Kennedy about his book “The Real Anthony Fauci”
WarRoom – Live (rumble.com)
I watched it and its breathtaking concerning the corruption. The CIA turnend against the American people and the world. Gates Fauci need to be prosecuted but who will do it since they are protected ? Evil lack for God’s creation and humanity as a whole is mind blowing one barely can comprehend this what is allowed to happen.
I cannot imagine if trump had power he would allow this. What is the endgame for military and congress and white hat if there is such thing standing aside? Something better break before the 5-12 year old get jabbed. They are ready for babies what evil —-words fail me.
Yeah. This is madness.
I am thinking Epstein the keystone to entrap politicians from around the globe.
This to me is missing in DP good presentation.
What does trump know ? Keystone
Epstein was a bagman. He’s no keystone. That’s higher up than him.
Thinking about it since he lured people into the trap he could be the bagman then Gates is the Keystone?
I was wondering key player is the criminal organization?
I think they were “programming” people on Epstein Island. That would make him a bit more than a bagman, but not a lot. He was a gopher for people much higher.
Thanks Steve!! Love the space talk.
I dunno about this one.
The Left is adamant that the things they want to do will improve our lives.
And I loathe them, because I think they’re disastrously wrong and they are seizing power to try anyway.
I tend to think the Left’s motives are not really to improve things; that is just their marketing theme to get people to buy in. I believe their goal is to take down America as part of their globalism scheme. That, by definition, means making our lives worse.
Sane people do not believe these things will improve our lives: weakening the military; having transgenders in the military, transgender story times for kids; taxes so high that people spend all their time working; mask mandates that interfere with social interaction, shopping, and daily life; taking people’s means of personal protection; imprisoning people unjustly; denying life-saving therapeutics because some bureaucrat has an agenda; denying people’s ability to visit loved ones in nursing homes and hospitals; etc. Too many people are brainwashed or under mass psychosis and buy in to this, but some are being shown the truth.
Actually, you don’t quite understand.
Yes, they want to take America down. You’re absolutely right about that. But they don’t see that as bad.
They believe the world will be a better place without the America we know.
They’re utopians, and America doesn’t fit the utopia they (think they) are building. In their mind, America is in the way of the better world they seek. So it’s got to go, and we’ll be better off without it.
Smart mom. Agrees. Meanwhile, I believe the critical information that needs to be acted upon has already been released in the first few batches. The rest of the information coming out in drips and drabs is what would be needed to lock them up and disband their company.
This is a great statement.
Control Group.
I’m going to state this RIGHT HERE for BOTH SIDES.
Until you have vaccines that MATCH the CURRENT spike protein, you will not have decent immunity from the vaccine. But here’s the catch. NOTHING can stop – AT THIS POINT OR BEYOND – this LIBERATED virus from successfully mutating in humans or other animals, to continue its self-modification of its spike protein, at a RATE which makes the vaccines require continuous boosters for life.
I repeat. They KNEW THIS. And those assholes made and released a virus to FILL THAT BILL.
Which means that everybody takes the baby-killer continuously, forcing humans to evolve against it, but in the meanwhile, they just come up with a different modification of the strategy to increase contraception.
The vaccine strategy is a LIE that magnifies the contraceptive and depopulation aspects of the spike protein, by forcing humanity into continuous higher exposure. It’s evil genius. The other side KNOWS that the vaccine offers contraception and population reduction. This is a “Catch-22” that they UNDERSTOOD and they are forcing us into.
I’m gonna be blunt here. This is a WAR between smart people who can understand the lie.
Slow path forward is catching the disease. This is the bargain that honest nature has made with honest mankind in the past.
Vaccines are designed to increase exposure to the spike protein.
I mean, if I was a dishonest depopper like these fuckers, I’d be gonzo on these vaccines. But I’m not. I’m an HONEST depopper. I think it would be wonderful if we had fewer people on this planet, so all of humanity could live lives of joy, whether poor or rich (because Christ was correct, there will always be poor people – it’s MATH). But the true path to fewer people is individual responsibility – NOT forced contraception by dishonest means.
And certainly not by ‘terminating’ those already alive.
I think the question is then, which Covidians – moving up the food chain – actually take the vaccine as a “virtue signal”, and which more elite ones say “to hell with that idea, I ain’t taking this, and neither is my family – give me the saline, Dirty Doc – MY kids are too important.”
“… the true path to fewer people is…”
Is increased wealth, standard of living and education!
If you do not have some of your kids dying before adulthood….
If you do not NEED your kids as slave labor on a subsistence farm but instead find them a FINANCIAL BURDEN in a first world city…
Then you are going to have fewer kids.
In Africa the life expectancy has gone from:
36 in 1950
53 in 2000
63 in 2020.
Life expectancy can be considered an indicator of standard of living.
1950 — 48 births per 1000 people
1990 — 42 births per 1000 people, a 1.12% decline
2000 — 38 births per 1000 people a 0.58% decline
2021 is 32 births per 1000 people, a 1.23% decline from 2020.
Today I read that Dr. Malone says the Moronic variant is the end of Covid. He said if you believe in God this is a Christmas gift.
I think it is possible the White Hats made it and released it. Or it was God. Either way, I think Malone is on the target.
If it was man made with God’s inspiration maybe Melone had something to do with it
Just maybe God works through people
I believe that He does, yes. All the time.
Yes true
November 3 – January 20 were the real insurrection – it was a slow-coup.
Pence, McConnell, Pelosi, Capitol Police, DC Police, the military, Congress, the courts all the way to SCOTUS, and the media were all in on it.
Since we’re talking about space….
Take a look at the photos I just posted in response to the video.
FauXi and Gates need to be tarred, feathered, drawn and quartered.
Fire ants, hot poker to his privates.
A copperhead or two.
I could go on.
Good grief – I would just settle for getting him out of controlling our government.
YOU are not female Wolfie.
You want to get rid of FauXi, Turn him over to the Moms whose children he killed or maimed.
When the Himalayan peasant meets the he-bear in his pride,
He shouts to scare the monster who will often turn aside.
But the she-bear thus accosted rends the peasant tooth and nail,
For the female of the species is more deadly than the male.
When Nag, the wayside cobra, hears the careless foot of man,
He will sometimes wriggle sideways and avoid it if he can,
But his mate makes no such motion where she camps beside the trail –
For the female of the species is more deadly than the male.
When the early Jesuit fathers preached to Hurons and Choctaws,
They prayed to be delivered from the vengeance of the squaws –
‘Twas the women, not the warriors, turned those stark enthusiasts pale –
For the female of the species is more deadly than the male.
Man’s timid heart is bursting with the things he must not say,
For the Woman that God gave him isn’t his to give away;
But when hunter meets with husband, each confirms the others tale –
The female of the species is more deadly than the male.
Man, a bear in most relations, worm and savage otherwise,
Man propounds negotiations, Man accepts the compromise;
Very rarely will he squarely push the logic of a fact
To its ultimate conclusion in unmitigated act.
Fear, or foolishness, impels him, ere he lay the wicked low,
To concede some form of trial even to his fiercest foe.
Mirth obscene diverts his anger; Doubt and Pity oft perplex
Him in dealing with an issue – to the scandal of the Sex!
But the Woman that God gave him, every fibre of her frame
Proves her launched for one sole issue, armed and engined for the same,
And to serve that single issue, lest the generations fail,
The female of the species must be deadlier than the male.
She who faces Death by torture for each life beneath her breast
May not deal in doubt or pity – must not swerve for fact or jest.
These be purely male diversions – not in these her honor dwells –
She, the Other Law we live by, is that Law and nothing else!
She can bring no more to living than the powers that make her great
As the Mother of the Infant and the Mistress of the Mate;
And when Babe and Man are lacking and she strides unclaimed to claim
Her right as femme (and baron), her equipment is the same.
She is wedded to convictions – in default of grosser ties;
Her contentions are her children, Heaven help him, who denies!
He will meet no cool discussion, but the instant, white-hot wild
Wakened female of the species warring as for spouse and child.
Unprovoked and awful charges – even so the she-bear fights;
Speech that drips, corrodes and poisons – even so the cobra bites;
Scientific vivisection of one nerve till it is raw,
And the victim writhes with anguish – like the Jesuit with the squaw!
So it comes that Man, the coward, when he gathers to confer
With his fellow-braves in council, dare not leave a place for her
Where, at war with Life and Conscience, he uplifts his erring hands
To some God of abstract justice – which no woman understands.
And Man knows it! Knows, moreover, that the Woman that God gave him
Must command but may not govern; shall enthrall but not enslave him.
And She knows, because She warns him and Her instincts never fail,
That the female of Her species is more deadly than the male!
Kipling had it right!
Q: Do you like Kipling?
A: I don’t know — I’ve never Kippled.
It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
the SaxonPatriots began to hate.They were not easily moved,
They were icy — willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
the SaxonPatriots began to hate.Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
the SaxonPatriots began to hate.It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
the SaxonPatriots began to hate.It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
the SaxonPatriots began to hate.One good Kipple deserves another…
cthulhu, although neither have I ever Kippled, do like Kipling.
Thanks for this.
Love this & passed it on! Thanks
Sounds brutal……….I am with you
Rhen head on a pike mounted in front of the steps leading to Congress AS A REMINDER.
If this is true and can be proven, then it is time for our fearless leader President Trump, to unleash.
These are from Findagrave. This is in the cemetery he mentions in the video.
It’s really something when you hear a thing, think “really?” and are able to find the photographic evidence in MOMENTS.
Did you notice the dates on the names? 1989, 90, 91. The height of AIDS drug testing.
Fauci did it. It’s real.
I keep saying he should have been hanged for what he did with AIDS/AZT, with the added benefit that he couldn’t have been the spokesdemon for Corona…..
Yes. Tried, convicted, and hanged.
It would not be bad if somebody like Gateway Pundit or The Liberty Daily or NOQ Report got a tip.
OR Revolver or The National Pulse which would get it onto Bannon’s war room
Seventeen of them in 1988, too. ALL of the dates.
Yep. It’s all in the photos. I notified GP. I gave them the links. I hope they follow up.
My Mom’s original birth certificate has “Baby Girl” (birth mom’s surname). They may have given her an actual name but it was blacked out…so this is quite moving to me…
Precious, Priceless, babes–the horror & shame!
Oh my. I’ll bet. I’m sorry.
No it’s good. All these nearly anonymous, forgotten children. My mom was cared for & loved AND her birth mom was Forced to give her up too, so we kind of had the best of all possible worlds. Just so sad for those neglected & discarded, abused, & Murdered little ones!
The ones without names are terribly sad. But they live with God. I’m sure He has their names.
Not to mention their New Names!
Pope of Mercy Restricts Traditional Sacraments, Bans Traditional Confirmations & Ordinations Without Exception
The strife online among the trads is pretty palpable.
OTOH, my Jesuit forever, liberal social justice warrior Catholic high school classmate posted something from the apostate National Catholic Reporter about the move being sure Vatican II was completed and followed.
That’s a new low for them, and that’s saying something.
This is an even keeled explanation.
IMO, it’s window dressing to an extent that nothing has really changed here other than priests new to the TLM must get permission from the Vatican (which they won’t get) rather than just the local bishop, and that the regular parishes are not supposed to have them. It’s not been suppressed, just squeezed.
That’s still not right, but all the hyperbole about going back to the catacombs is over the top. And there is no reason in everyday life for Catholics not to lead a traditional life however they want. No one is saying we can’t.
Oh boy….here we go
What Do They Know? The Biden-Regime Is Setting Up the Unvaxxed to Take the Blame for the Coming Carnage
JD Rucker – NOQ – https://noqreport.com/2021/12/17/what-do-they-know-the-biden-regime-is-setting-up-the-unvaxxed-to-take-the-blame-for-the-coming-carnage/
Let’s Go Brandon!
He can’t demonstrate they work… can even debate it or send his people out to debate it. Nope, not happening.
G F Y Brandon.
If Biden managed to imprison all unvaxxed people, who would he blame next since all the villified are no longer around to be falsely blamed. I suppose he could scream in the mirror once all others are gone and he is the last one standing. Alinsky has its limits.
Well, I am looking forward to my vaccine-free winter. By spring, I sincerely hope these evil pieces of shit have succumbed to what they want to do to me.
Fuck Joe Biden.
Do you all see the narrative being set up here? It’s just another way they’re going to hide the injection-related maladies. “Oh it turns out that there are way more unvaccinated than we counted and they’re the ones who are getting sick and dying!”
I wondered when that would surface.
At this point, that’s the only COVID information I’m really interested in knowing. It’s good news.
The vindication is satisfying, even if I suspect ulterior motives with this narrative.
GWP has a followup to the article about Fauci, et al., plotting against doctors.
WOW! Dr. Collins’ Successor, Lawrence Tabak, Is Only Person CC’d on “Takedown” Collusion Memo Against Great Barrington Dissenting Doctors
Dr. Tabak, the man who is taking over the NIH from Dr. Collins, was cc’d in that email.
Good grief. Francis Collins is a NASTY PIECE OF SHIT.
Whoops! Same link!
This is how they keep Fauci in control.
I just caught the news that author, Doug Wead, died yesterday after suffering a massive stoke a week ago. I have his historical non-fiction book about President Trump and it is a good read. As crazy as these times are, each time someone dies, I wonder what really happened. RIP Doug and my sympathies to his family and friends. https://www.newsmax.com/politics/doug-wead-presidential-historian-obit/2021/12/13/id/1048472/
We need to know about his vaccination status! Bet he got his third shot.
I know a somewhat younger person – breezed through their first two shots – took a strong hit on number 3. No bad stuff yet that I know of, but had a rough day of flu-like symptoms.
Many of my 84-year-old mother’s friends were in bed for several days to a week following boosters. Several were unable to stand. A group from her church coordinated care for those with no family nearby to help them.
Here’s the deal. If these little old ladies have been triply vaccinated with WUHAN SPIKE, and that spike is a VEI or ADE miss on Omicron, then Omicron could KILL THEM due to massive Wuhan antibody response.
They are early vaxxed and boosted, so most likely Wuhan. Have told my mother to prepare for a rough winter. Funerals.
Shhhh. Lets keep this one a secret. Bidenese heads might roll if Mr Global finds out Joe’s been lying and others know about it.
Here it comes… they are inching right up to the line here.
New York Legislation Provides for Indefinite Detention of Unvaccinated at Governor’s Whim
Notice how they have the delegation of responsibility spread around.
The Governor will sign it. No laws broken yet. Then bit by bit they will start to put it into action. Each infraction a separate legal drama. New version of flooding the system. Pure evil.
Dear God. Telling my kids to get out of this state.
They learned nothing from WWII what they did to the American Japanese now they do to vaccinated.
Oh, they learned. This is intentional. They’re just looking for a way to hold onto power, and they’re following the Japanese militarists and the German socialists and Nazis.
This is all a plan, clearly.
Hochul is continuing Cuomo’s part of the plan.
Does anyone else wonder if Hochul is a robot?
I think she’s a witch! One of Hillary’s coven, along with Witchin’ Regretmore.
They are sick.
They’re preparing for the election.
These people are evil assholes beyond description.
They’re setting up the Taiwan invasion for 2022.
“indefinite detention”
“the right to remove and detain any individuals or groups of people”
“can decide to hold a person or group of people in a medical facility or any other they deem appropriate”
It’s unconstitutional. Someone needs to stand up for the Constitution. There should be a citizen outcry immediately when something like this happens, regarding the Constitution. Measures like this should never get off the ground, and those proposing them should be shamed and ridiculed.
‘The double-Vaccinated are a threat to the triple-Vaccinated’… (actually pretty much anything anything in nature is likely a threat to triple jabbed. Must such having weak immune system).
These people are just evil.
Democrat Congress Releases Document Claiming President Trump “Deliberately Undermined Response to Coronavirus”
December 18, 2021, 3:10 pm
by Joe Hoft
This is a political move to hurt Trump. The Democrats need to keep Trump closer to their position on the vaccines, etc. There are multiple reasons to force Trump to defend vaccines and overreach right now.
Trump will swat this down by action or inaction or both – keep an eye on it and learn.
Democrats try to make President Trump a martyr but with each mindless strike against him, thousands more Americans speak up and push back. I just know there’s a snappy quote about such things but I cannot remember enough to run a good search.
Pehaps before this time is done, the U.S. will become the land of a million Trumps.
“Projection” will work just fine for now. As Q would say, “They are stupid”. This doesn’t even get out of the starting gate.
If you look at the report there’s no signature page. Wonder why that is? Is it because no sane Republican could stand to be in the same room with these idiots?
Oh no, please spare us the agony of her being in the spotlight every day.
Was in the other room, but heard commercial of her starting to read her speech, then crying. Don’t know if a special is looming or not. Lord please spare us!
Which side of the mouth is telling the truth? —
I did read that closing some (or all?) laptops with the camera covered could damage them.

Thank you for the story of the James Webb telescope. I don’t know why I keep thinking it looks something like the spacecraft out of the original “Star Trek” series, but there you are.
Many years ago, I took younger son to the old Buhl Planetarium in Pittsburgh while on a visit to my parents. At that time, the old Zeiss-Nikon Star Projector was still in use. I remember that the “star show” in the round theater where the machine was kept was a magical experience. I also remember that there were a couple of very large fans going — the star projector used huge and hot light bulbs.
Here’s a photo of that Zeiss-Nikon machine. It has since been replaced, and I think the old one is in storage somewhere.
And, in Virginia, the University of Virginia had a telescope up on Observatory Hill, literally a wooded hill near the the University main grounds. Once a month, this observatory would be open to the public. One could either walk there from UVA; or drive there and park in the small parking area. Even 40 years ago, the telescope could really only be used on nights when there wasn’t much going on either in town or at the university — to much interference from lights. The driveway to the observatory crossed the Norfolk Southern railroad tracks — and there was NO gate or flashing lights! — just a “Railroad Crossing” sign. I don’t know if the UVA observatory is still in use.
Mom took me to the Fels Planetarium in Philly and that machine was what made the magic. Went there more than once in the early 50s.
I fondly remember the planetarium at the Griffith Observatory in LA. It was the third planetarium in the US (after Chicago and Philly) and one of the largest (75 diameter dome) in the world. The version I knew was the Zeiss Mark IV planetarium projector, installed in 1964, as were some of the most uncomfortable chairs in the universe — wooden headrests, and coil-springs “for your comfort”, plus metal backs to the seats in front of you. Some of the late-70’s shows would do a “pre-show” of just putting the Zeiss through its paces — beautiful German engineering [In the 80s, some ‘genius’ decided that a planetarium dome needed a laser light show to go with its stars].
So, we had a little Kipling going on upthread a bit, but I wanted to share a personal connection I had with one of his more famous poems.
To begin with, I should digress into a quick explanation of what a copybook is. Simply speaking, like most places with public education, the UK didn’t have nearly enough money to entertain the grand schemes beloved of educators. Accordingly, especially at lower grades, “copybooks” were used to teach penmanship and spelling. These were single blank pages with model text at the top, with the instruction to copy that text a certain number of times. This would be graded, then the pages would undergo a bulk process of erasure so as to be available to the next student.
The model text tended to be short, pithy aphorisms to provide a touch of moral instruction during such penmanship lessons. “A penny saved is a penny earned” or “Idle hands are the devil’s playground” might be copybook headings.
And, now, the weird personal connection. On my one-and-only trip to Washington, DC, I managed to arrange a personal tour of the Capitol building for the Fiancee and I. Being in one of the many legislative lulls of the year, we had plenty of time. Now, it is obviously no surprise that the many rooms have room numbers. Many have designated functions, like “Office of the Majority Whip” — and these would also have a little plaque showing the current occupant. But what I didn’t expect at all is that high above the doors of most of the rooms, there were pithy aphorisms up next to the ceiling. Could have knocked me over with a feather, considering the average level of intelligence in most legislation. It’s not like they’re not told or reminded every day….they’re just willfully blind to it.
As I pass through my incarnations in every age and race,
I make my proper prostrations to the Gods of the Market-Place.
Peering through reverent fingers I watch them flourish and fall.
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings, I notice, outlast them all.
We were living in trees when they met us. They showed us each in turn.
That water would certainly wet us, as Fire would certainly burn:
But we found them lacking in Uplift, Vision, and Breadth of Mind,
So we left them to teach the Gorilas while we followed the March of Mankind.
We moved as the Spirit listed. They never altered their pace,
Being neither clud nor wind-borne like the Gods of the Market-Place;
But they always caught up with our progress, and presently word would come
That a tribe had been wiped off its icefield, or the lights had gone out in Rome.
With the Hopes that our World is built on they were utterly out of touch.
They denied that the Moon was Stilton; they denied she was even Dutch.
They denied that Wishes were Horses; they denied that a Pig had Wings.
So we worshiped the Gods of the Market Who promiced these beautiful things.
When the Cambrian measures were forming, They promiced perpetual peace.
They swore, if we gave them our weapons, that the wars of the tribes would cease.
But when we disarmed They sold us and delivered us bound to our foe,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: ‘Stick to the Devil you know.’
On the first Feminian Sandstones we were promiced the Fuller Life
(Which started by loving our neighbor and ended by loving his wife)
Till our women had no more children and the men lost reason and faith,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: ‘The Wages of Sin is Death/’
In the Carboniferous Epoch we were promised abundance for all,
By robbing selective Peter to pay for collective Paul;
But, though we had plenty of money, there was nothing our money could buy,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: ‘If you don’t work you die.’
The the Gods of the Market tumbled, and their smooth-tounged wizards withdrew,
And the hearts of the meanest were humbled and began to belive it was true
That All is not Gold that Glitters, and Two and Two make Four—
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings limped up to explain it once more
As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man—
There are only four things certain since Social Progress began:—
That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her mire,
And the burnt Fool’s bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire;
And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!
Bannon’s War Room

Darren Beattie: The Ray Epps Breach 49 mins It is the first 14 minutes
October 25 2021: Meet Ray Epps: The Fed-Protected Provocateur – Revolver
Ray Epps, was ‘disappeared from the FBI most wanted list…
….Revolver also determined, and will prove below, that the the FBI stealthily removed Ray Epps from its Capitol Violence Most Wanted List on July 1, just one day after Revolver exposed the inexplicable and puzzlesome FBI protection of known Epps associate and Oath Keepers leader Stewart Rhodes. July 1 was also just one day after separate New York Times report amplified a glaring, falsifiable lie about Epps’s role in the events of January 6…..
December 18, 2021: Meet Ray Epps, Part 2: Damning New Details Emerge Exposing Massive Web Of Unindicted Operators At The Heart Of January 6
This report is very long and detailed with photos and video clips.
Peter Navarro
The first part of the clip is about January 6th, The second part is about Peter’s confrontation with FauXi
5:45 — “We do not have the genome of the Wuhan virus to this day”
MORE on HCQ from 23:30 to 25 min in the full video
Peter had Pence hold meeting on HCQ There was a lot of support, until it comes to FauXi and FauXi says ANECDOTAL EVIDENCE says it does not work. Peter walks over with a stack of scientific studies (over a foot high) and slams it on the table right in front of FauXi points to it and says, Tony, that’s not anecdotal, that’s science! You need to read that and quit saying that crap that your saying. And it shut him up for about two days. And then as I talk about in the book, CNN and Zucker weighed in with all this Hydroxy hysteria and he (FauXi) gained control of the whole situation.
Excellent. Great stuff.
Fucking Fauci, that lying piece of shit.
I thought you would be interested in that bit of info. He truly is another Josef Mengele just a lot sneakier.
Naomi Wolf
All The Vaccines Cause Blood Clots — 4 minutes
CDC says there WERE NO spontaneous abortions when 100s have been documented.
Naomi says (paraphrased)
These lying rat bastards are ONLY protected by having the zombie Biden as doormat POTUS, and a FAKE PRESS.
Call from karen to the police in 5…4…3…2…
Figen (@TheFigen) Tweeted:

Ah men
Skeery moronic Omicron in UK.
Dunno the scope – city, hospital, area / region.
The contrasting number of S.K.E.E.R.Y. moronic. PANIC NOW!
If I heard it right. 774 hospitalized with Covid.
Video prompted to 05:42 just watch for around 45 seconds. No commentary from me needed.
I’m repeating an announcement which is a update HERE:
I’m relieving all DAILY OPEN THREAD AUTHORS of duty, so that they can honestly reconsider whether they have the time and energy for doing these daily opens.
Current authors and new authors are welcome to volunteer for dailies. I’m also considering going to weekly or possibly multi-day open threads. That would allow authors to ONLY work on pieces of their own liking.
Lots of possibilities. But you authors are all free. Please let me know by 6 PM Sunday what you’re thinking, because Bakocarl is the last currently scheduled daily. I am perfectly happy going on with a new format, etc.
Wolf, I’m honestly impressed that the authors we have doing dailies have gone on so long as they have! Especially DP, with so many.
I really don’t have time to do a daily. I don’t care what the format here is, just that here IS, if you know what I mean.
I’m grateful to DP, Grandma, Steve, Bako, you, and also anybody who comments. I can’t name all of the people who are fantastic, because they all are fantastic.
Whatever you decide to do is cool with me. I will just be here in the comments section, and occasionally find the time and energy to do a post on something needed. I have been asked to do something on useful Covid herbs. It is in the works.
Excellent! Looking forward to that post!
I am very grateful to those authors, too. And this is for them.
Yes – the daily opens were a good thing for a while, but I’m observing them harming the health and mental well-being of authors who need to attend to themselves.
We did not always have the daily opens here. THAT is something I re-learned by the analysis of old posts. We implemented them after the comments got HUGE here, and we needed more space for commentary than my periodic topical posts could provide.
We’ll come up with a good fix. I want to find how many people want to do dailies, and work from there. If they’re all gone, and we don’t have any volunteers, then I have carte blanche on redesign – and don’t think I wouldn’t LOVE that option. But if any authors are fond of continuing, that’s OK, too.
That is huge. It’s in direct contradiction to all the actions here to force people to comply.
It is ALL about killing off 90% of the human population PERIOD. Maybe we should actually LISTEN to what the Cabal have been saying all this time.

Rough Planning Numbers.
Estimated 7.7 Billion on earth now.
10% = 770 million (already 220 million over what’s written in stone)
We understand that half of that goes to Asian races which would include India, Pakistan, parts off Russia, and Pacific Islands, Indonesia.
Leaves us 385 million for non Asian races. This would include Africa, South America, Central America and Western Powers which would include Australia, New Zealand, Russia, Eastern and Western Europe, Canada and the United States.
Current Population of the United States 331 Million. 10% = 33.1 Million.
33.1 Million for the United States seems close to the divide for non Asian peoples.
Assume all of the 1% are allowed to survive. In the West from appox 7.5 Billion that = 35 million. Assume 9 million for the United States share of the 1%.
Leaves 24 million in the United States. Assume 10% for security. Leaves 21.6 million. 21 million is the approximate population of Florida. Of this 21 million assume a servant class of 2/3rds with no freedoms and 1/3rd with some freedoms. So that is 15 million servants to 6 million tech/admin/professional. The 15 million servants would be caring for the 9 million 1%ers. Seems like a low number. I think the 1% are going to have some angst with this as the vast majority of servants would be involved in critical tasks.
There should be millions of dystopian tales being written this minute. This is crazy.
I don’t agree completely with this Twitter user’s interpretation of the data – in my opinion the data does not say that.
What it DOES say is that natural, disease-conferred immunity is HANDS-DOWN SUPERIOR, even in terms of spike protein antibodies.
Ann of Barnhardt blog has a post up where an operating room nurse told her that an organ donor positive for COVID was allowed to come in and donate an organ. Whoa! Would you want to be the recipient of an organ full of spike protein?
Yup. People are starting to admit the truth. Relative risks matter.
Only if the recipient of the organ was FauXI, Nasty the Pig-Louse, Garland, Hitlary or Billy Clinton, Gates….
That practice seems counter productive on its face. My understanding is that the recipients of transplanted organs must be immunosuppressed to allow the body to accept the new organ. The use of Covid positive organs would compromise the entire reason to do a transplant. I must be missing something.
[…] take a look at these two figures below. Hat Tip to Linda, HERE, who posted a TWEET that led me to […]