Dear KMAG: 20211227 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic / Didier Raoult vs. SARS-CoV-2 Variant Mutation, Gain of Function, and Spread

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

AND our amazing REALFLOTUS.

There are days that I’m DAMN GLAD our beautiful FLOTUS Melania is finally getting a break, but still – the ILLEGITIMACY of the Biden administration BURNS LIKE A TORCH.

If we have a second Trump Administration, I hope the Deep State gets put down like a RABID DOG in the process, if they try ANYTHING that even remotely resembles what they did the first time.

Like “fortifying” the election. GAWD, how cynical.

HA! FU, commies. WE’RE WISE.

I think they’re nervous they won’t be able to pull off an even half-way believable electoral coup this time. CREEPS.

From what I understand, the military traitors who assisted the coup are now nervous, and this is responsible for those 3 Democrat generals making the weird noises of worry about another “insurrection”.


GOOD. They should be nervous. They’re partially responsible for all this crap we’re going through, including the Afghanistan exit debacle. SHAME!


The Business At Hand

This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

And indeed, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it, and we will get through it STRONGLY.

The Rules

Boilerplate, more or less, but worth reading a second or third time.

The bottom line is Free Speech. Theories and ideas you don’t agree with must be WELCOME here, and you must be part of that welcoming. But you do NOT need to be part of any agreement.


Flatards and spherecucks are both welcome here. The spherecucks make it difficult to question our deep respect and love for modern science, despite our rabid love of God. The flatards not only demonstrate our willingness to be singly, doubly, and triply skeptical – they provide cover to our friends, who can easily say “But those people actually discuss FLAT EARTH on that site.”

Keeping this site easily but incorrectly discredited is part of our strategy.

We don’t want credit. We want the TRUTH to WIN. All we need is for the HIDDEN TRUTH to “get out”. People with greater credibility and reach need never mention us.

Anyway, our approach requires civility. You may disagree in a civil fashion.

Those who do not adhere to this minimal standard – this minimal but sadly requisite infringement of Free Speech – will be placed in moderation. This regrettable state will continue until we have such software that allows members to individually take responsibility for their own moderation.

In Wheatie’s words, “We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”

We do have a site – The U Tree – where civility is not a requirement. Interestingly, people don’t really go there much. Nevertheless, if you find yourself in an “argument” that can’t really stay civil, please feel free to “take it to the U Tree”. The U Tree is also a good place to report any technical difficulties, if you’re unable to report them here. Please post your comment there on one of Wolf’s posts, or in reply to one of Wolf’s comments, to make sure he sees it (though it may take a few hours).

We also have a backup site, called The Q Tree as well, which is really The Q Tree 579486807. You might call it “Second Tree”. The URL for that site is If this site ( ever goes down, please reassemble at the Second Tree.

If the Second Tree goes down, please go to The U Tree, or to our Gab Group, which is located at

We also have some “old rules” and important guidelines, outlined here, in a very early post, on our first New Year’s Day, in 2019. The main point is not to make violent threats against people, which then have to be taken seriously by law enforcement, and which can be used as a PRETEXT by enemies of this site.

In the words of Wheatie, “Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”

A Moment of Prayer

Our policy on extreme religious freedom on this site is discussed HERE. Please feel free to pray and praise God anytime and anywhere.

Thus, please pray for our real President, the one who actually won the election.

You may even pray for our enemies, the Demonic Communist Democrats, as well, per the advice of the most popular rabbi around here. Letting them know about antihistamines for COVID is one of my new strategies. Feel free to save a few Democrat lives with generic loratadine, or brand names if they insist.


For your listening enjoyment, and general encouragement, we continue Wheatie’s tradition of fine music videos, brought up in nets from the seas of information by our intrepid authors.

It’s still Christmas, as far as I’m concerned. Doubts about the actual birthday of Christ are a perfect excuse to keep Christmas going until spring, whether the doubts are founded or unfounded.

Christ is opportunity!

OK – let’s try ANOTHER country Christmas song with a little more TOE-TAPPIN’ for y’all.

And while we remember that great Patty Loveless and friends singing about the amazing faith of Daniel of the Bible……

…..let’s enjoy another trio effort with a more Christian-era spin on forgiveness, and a timeless spin on sin.

Call To Battle

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.

We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.

Joe Biden didn’t win.

And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.


Featured Story – Didier Raoult

Didier Raoult, who was critical in getting antiviral therapeutics for SARS-CoV-2 launched with hydroxychloroquine, has not been sleeping.

The FAIL MEDIA has apparently been ignoring critical work that Raoult has been part of, including a very powerful paper which shows that SARS-CoV-2 moves in and out of animal populations, where it can mutate and gain function.

The reasoning presented in the paper is really convincing.

Here are two links to this critical and fairly understandable paper.

Emergence and outcomes of the SARS-CoV-2 ‘Marseille-4’ variant



To show you how much of a CHAMP this guy Raoult is, just check out this “update” paragraph added after acceptance for publication.

Since the final acceptance of this article, the sequence of the SARS-CoV-2 genome obtained from a farm mink sampled the 15th of November, 2020 in Eure-et-Loire was eventually released the 29th of March, 2021 (EPI_ISL_1392906). As we suspected and stated in the present article, this genome is strictly identical to the genome of a Marseille-4 variant confirming our hypothesis of a common source of this variant between French minks and humans.

The “gain of function” of the variant was increased hypoxia. This is the OPPOSITE of what we see with Omicron, which spreads faster with reduced hospitalization.

Did China use minks, ferrets, or similar animals to make Original Wuhan more deadly? SHAME!!!


Raoult and his buddies looked at the bigger spread of variants as part of the “waves” of disease.

THIS amazing article by Raoult and his French buddies shows why CONTROLLED BORDERS are one of the best ways to stop the disease, by stopping the spread of variants.

Yeah, you’re not gonna hear THAT on Fake News.

Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 variants from 24,181 patients exemplifies the role of globalisation and zoonosis in pandemics



But… yeah. More.

There is a VERY FRESH review and analysis (different authors) of the long mutational history of the virus, and it’s quite interesting.

Mutational analysis of SARS-CoV-2. ORF8 and the evolution of the Delta and Omicron variants



Geek out on the ABSTRACT, or go straight to the HIGHLIGHTS for the WOW signal!


SARS-CoV-2 the virus responsible for the current pandemic. This virus is continually evolving, adapting to both innate and acquired immune responses and therapeutic drugs. Therefore, it is important to understand how the virus evolving to design the appropriate therapeutic and vaccine in preparation for future variants. Here, we used the online SARS-CoV-2 databases, Nextstrain and Ourworld, to map the evolution and epidemiology of the virus. We identified 30 high entropy residues which underwent a progressive evolution to arrive at the current dominant variant – Delta variant. The virus underwent mutational waves with the first wave made up of structural proteins important in its infectivity and the second wave made up of the ORFs important for its contagion. The most important driver of the second wave is ORF8 mutations at residue 119 and 120. Further mutations of these two residues are creating new clades that are offshoots from the Delta backbone. More importantly the further expansion of the S protein in the Omicron variant is now followed with the acquisition of ORF8 mutations 119 and 120. These findings demonstrate how SARS-CoV-2 mutates and points to two evolutionary paths; 1) Mutational expansion on the Delta backbone among the ORFs and 2) Mutational expansion of the S protein on other backbone follow with mutational wave among the ORFs. Both are happening at the same time right now with the Omicron variant early in the first wave to follow with a more aggressive second wave of mutations.

HIGHLIGHTS Mutational waves in the evolution of SARS-CoV-2. S protein as the driver of the first wave improving the minimum inhaled viral load required to cause infection and ORF8 mutations 119 and 120 as the driver of the second mutational wave to improve the Contagion Airborne Transmission value.

Wolf here – so it clearly “wants” to be “more airborne”. Did masks help to create mask-bypassing, more airborne variants, in the same way that vaccines helped it generate vaccine-bypassing variants?

Fascinating fact from this paper – the original Wuhan strain was GONE by June of 2020.

Wolfie’s Wheatie’s Word of the Day:



The formation of a new group of organisms or higher taxon by evolutionary divergence from an ancestral form.

An evolutionary splitting of a parent species into two or more distinct species, forming a clade.

Used in a sentence, a paragraph, and an analogy:

“Scientists of evolution use the term ‘cladogenesis’ to describe the division of an existing species into multiple lines–thus creating new species–often in response to radical change in the environment,” explained Dick Patton, global marketing officer at EgonZehnder, in an Ad Age article. “Marketing appears to be going through a process much like this, right before our eyes. The 21st-century CMO faces an explosively expanding range of options from which to branch out in new directions.”

Used in a picture:

Look closely, with TIME on the X axis, to see the DELTA and OMICRON waves.



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That, too, but I was referring to the way people on this site have been pulling all the strings and unraveling things on this Covid fiasco faster than any five big-name university microbiology departments ever could.




The hesitancy is already so bad, I caught a full blown case of vaccine nevereverancy.


May you be a superspreader, friend!


As the vaxxed fly to never never land … just south of the Majik Kingdom ….



Brave and Free

Absolutely agree with ya. Was saying the same thing last night when discussing the last two years of this s*** show. We here definitely have the advantage over others with the GREAT minds that research and post here. H/T to “all” who contribute. The leader of the pack, definitely leads and protects the pack…..
Great stuff as always Wolf! You forever keep me up to date and consequently everyone I speak to also.
God Bless

Gail Combs

I am hopeful.

Steve Bannon has been almost giddy lately on the War Room.

More info on the Plannedemic Genocide is becoming common knowledge. The Nuremberg II Court case has hit the International Court.

Poland and Hungary are giving the EU the middle finger.

Aljazeera: Poland refers EU rule of law issue to Constitutional Court

The court will decide whether a mechanism linking EU funds to rule of law is compatible with Poland’s constitution.

Could Hungary break the EU?

The EU is facing a democracy crisis, and there is nothing it can do about it.


wheatietoo better be enjoying herself, ’cause we sure miss her.


Maybe she’s growing-up some trees for her return.


Works for me.  😉 


Yes, I miss her, but her health is of primary importance!

Valerie Curren

I erroneously thought F the world before For The Win–oops.

I agree w/ Cthulhu. Great job boss. Hit the ground running, wolf pack at tank speed!

Valerie Curren

Yes, thanks for the clarification 🙂


Apropos of nothing in particular, I’m getting my Pi400 up to speed on ‘bullseye’. It had a DNS problem to start with, so apt wasn’t working properly. Then I kludged the sources so that it would look at bullseye instead of buster, and it’s now chugging along.


‘Chugging along’ refers to cold starting a diesel engine. Meaning huge clouds of black smoke until it warms up.

You should expect a visit from a couple of CARB agents shortly.


I’ve been on their list since forever — they keep offering to take my 1994 horrid polluter vehicle off my hands.


I’ve heard that Oregon is going to start charging much higher registration fees if your car is older than 20 years. I still drive a 1998 Toyota Forerunner, so I guess they’ll be after me, even though I bought it in California. So it has all the California smog garbage on it.


They might as well send you a letter asking you to leave.


Yeah. But I’m not leaving and I’m not giving up my Forerunner!  😎 


Try registering it as a “historic vehicle”.


I actually wasn’t kidding. We had a neighbor a while back, down the street a tad — a renter. After a time, this nondescript VW beetle shows up in front of his house with Colorado “historic vehicle” plates, and I catch the guy out walking a dog. Turns out it was his son’s dog and his son’s bug — and the son got the “historic vehicle” plates because it saved him about 2/3 on registration.


And you don’t even have to produce evidence of being in car shows!

Gail Combs

We slapped farm vehicle tags on our ancient beasts. I just wish guy would quit trying to buy my truck all the time.


Most cars have the CA smog garbage.


Actually, that’s probably a good metaphor for what the Pi is doing.


It’s upgrading over 1600 packages. I’m going to need to purge the apt cache after this. I’m running stock Raspbian on a stock Pi chip, in order to more effectively talk to Robert Baker….but that’s getting messier and messier. I’d like for him to be using Ubuntu MATE and Kali on freshly purchased >=32G chips….


As long as the magic smoke stays inside the machine it remains good 🙂


Well, you surely know that technology is all smoke and mirrors…..if you let the smoke out, what’s left is shiny and useless.


Excellent effort. You get an extra dessert for that one.

Gail Combs

I hate to hear there is an animal reservoir. That means it just gets tossed back and forth and never dies out.

For the omicron variant they seem to think it might be mice.


Nope – Swing is the correct response. Firing is reserved for participants who were unaware of their complicity in the evil. JMO.


Banned forever from praktising medicine/sarc, and tattooed with a BIG red X on their chin and fine print below .. MURDERER .. 🤨


Better get some more snakes to shove under your sheds.

Gail Combs

Or tell the cat (and foxes and the hawk and owl) to keep up the good work. That owl is a BIG sucker! I drove by him and he just stared at me. Given his hooting I think he is a great horned owl.


Put out HCQ, NAC, Quercetin-laced Mouse Bait.

Valerie Curren



“From what I understand, the military traitors who assisted the coup are now nervous, and this is responsible for those 3 Democrat generals making the weird noises of worry about another “insurrection”.”


It was very thoughtful of them to positively identify themselves, saying “Hey, take a good look at me and don’t forget my name, and I’m guilty of High Treason.”


I’ve got to say, their heads would look really nice on pikes.

Gail Combs

At the rate THEY are going we are going to have a mountain and won’t have to worry about ‘over population’ for a few hundred years. 🤓


The “Tamerlane Landscaping Service”?


Timur works too!  🤓 

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Lesson from history…don’t piss off Genghis Khan. It will only go worse for you.

Ask the Khwarezmians.

Valerie Curren

This scene from Return of the King comes to mind.
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Well, I guess we could all go down to the river and beat them with rocks.


The World Economic Forum guys? — sure, I’m ok with that.

Brave and Free

The guys who’ve probably never worn a pair of jeans and actually do any work……


If they do wear them it’s only one time … 😳👍


You can buy jeans that are already dirty and have holes and they are very expensive. Those are for the 1% so they look like a worker.


Great investment. Pays you back the purchase price for a new pair right about the time that you need a new pair.

Real close to a perpetual motion machine.

Last edited 3 years ago by pgroup2

Love it “perpetual motion machine”.


“Well, I guess we could all go down to the river and beat them with rocks.”


Schwabby and the WEF Choir?

Sounds like a plan. 👍


Get your wash board out 🙂 I still have two one from glass and another. I think one can buy them at Lehman’s. Amish wash machines they are cool. I would buy one no electricity needed. Good exercise out in fresh air  😅 
Love hanging wash out did it for years.

Last edited 3 years ago by singingsoul1

I have a glass washboard, too! And a big washpan. You never know when you might need it.


Yes that is true. I have big sinks in the basement. Many years ago I bought an old washstand with two wash pans in it. I used them for Oktoberfest but ice in and beer. Now they hold art and ends out there under the roof of the garage.


Someday, these things might come in handy.

Gail Combs

A more modern alternative to the galvanized tubs are the livestock tubs.

We use a lot of the 40 gal. Heavy-Duty Oval Stock Tanks ($53) from tractor supply.

Ace hardware has washboards from $15 to $35. Actually Ace is a very good place to wander around. I found the little tabletop Hibachi with movable racks that I was looking for at Ace.

It is small (good for two people), uses very little charcoal and is adjustable. I had one years ago but it was stolen. 😫

Agri-Supply is another good resource. However check out the old family-owned hardware and farm stores in your area. It is amazing the useful stuff you can find.


Yes I love old hardware stores.
My in laws had one of those little Hibachi do not know what happened to it ?


What kind of lowlife steals a mini Hibachi?

Gail Combs

A drug addict who has also stolen my sheep and goats and killed my ponies. She set fire to a friends house and shot up another with a toddler inside.

But hey, she is well protected by the local law enforcement.

Gail Combs

She is low level but the bits and piece I have heard indicates a MAJOR drug dealing group, including politicians in the local area. That is from five different people who do not know each other.

Remember NC is on Rt 95, a major N/S drug running route going from FL to NYC. There is also Rt 40 and 85 plus Research Triangle Park and a lot of Universities.

Valerie Curren

Hanging wash on the line is something I really enjoy at my parents’ Northern Michigan cottage. I love how rough the washcloths & towels are after air drying. Finding ant or spider carcasses within the clean laundry Ew & not so good 😉


The wash smells so clean hanging it out.
I want to hang my wash out but my husband really does not want me too he is overprotective. He is fearful I would hurt myself schlepping wash basket around 🙂

Valerie Curren

Maybe He could schlep that wash basket for you 😉


He is almost 80 and he does if I do not from the basement but often I bead him doing so.
If I have others do for me then what will happen when I am 80? No I do for myself as much as I can . 🙂 That is what keeps me alive.

Valerie Curren

Amen, Singing. My mom has your attitude too! Me, I got spoiled w/ my 4 kids & hubby. I was very glad that my kids helped carry Christmas stuff down for me on Christmas Eve!!!


We only bring down some selected items for Christmas and hope kids relieve us from the rest 🙂

Valerie Curren

Well, I was referring to gifts & stocking stuffers that I’d stored in our daughter’s room upstairs. We’re not Yet at the place where we’re handing off all our Christmas stuff. However we’ve accumulated so much stuff over the years that it Never All gets aired in any given year…sigh…


I understand that 🙂

Valerie Curren



[snort out loud]

Valerie Curren

husband of an independent woman there? 😉

Gail Combs

If you use a clothes line MAKE SURE IT IS POLYESTER!!!!!
It will last a lot longer than the crap they now sell as clothesline.

Tractor supply carries it.

7/16 in. x 100 ft. Braided Polyester Rope is a flexible, abrasion and UV resistant rope. This rope can be stored wet or dry and is resistant to oils, most chemicals, rot and mildew.

White with Red

Diamond braid. Flexible, abrasion resistant, some stretch, UV resistant

Can be stored wet or dry. Resistant to oils, most chemicals, rot & mildew

To cut the rope, I use a wood-burning tool, but just cut it and then melt the ends using a lighter or a candle.

Tractor Supply also has reels of rope so you can buy the specific number of feet you need.

Valerie Curren

That’s great info–thanks.

We had the same clothesline for Many Years Up North. It was some type of multi-strand cord w/ a white outer coating that looked like some type of rubberized plastic. It had broken & been retied multiple times. It also had a section where all but a few of the strands had frayed through, where I was convinced that the next break would happen Eventually, for it looked like that for some years.

Well this past Summer I was hanging a decent load of laundry when the line decided to snap. However it was Not at that extremely narrowed place but around one of the 2 tree trunks the triangular line wrapped around.

I set up a temporary “re-hang” of the existing line using clothespins & knots & winding the loose ends through our seasonal “roof” tent structure adjacent to the clothesline area.

Before I could get the owner’s approval of a new clothesline system my brother had already managed to put up another, hopefully better, clothesline, using the same aerial “footprint” as the existing line.

Hopefully this fix will also last for many years to come. It only gets used May-September but remains outside year-round & that is in the snowbelt of the Lower Peninsula so gets lots of snow/ice & bitter cold…

When we used to live there (my husband & I & eventually our first child) during the Winter we’d hang our laundry inside the Cottage. There was a wood stove in the kitchen/dining area then. That very dry heat would quickly dry the clothing & the extra humidity was beneficial to all who lived there. Plus the fresh laundry smell enhanced the ambiance for some hours. Good Times!

Gail Combs

Given what Bye-Done plans for us, this not a bad idea to at least have the minimum tools on hand.
LEHMAN’S OWN LAUNDRY HAND WASHER WITH LAUNDRY WRINGERONLY $1,099.00 (A friend wants one, actually she wants the two tub system.)
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Too much money?


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LEHMAN’S BEST HAND WRINGER — $269.00comment image




This is what my friend wants and has used before. She says it gets the clothes nice and clean.
comment image?v=8D6264AFC581410


I have the buckets and the stand but not the wringer 🙂 I paid $18 at a flea market.


I have been at Lehman’s is a super place. So many gadgets I love gadgets have more than any sane person should have 🙂

Gail Combs

Yeah! Hubby has to drag me out of hardware stores and feed stores. You can not GET me into a dress shop… Well he dragged me in one time 30 years ago. 😋


My husband drags me into dress stores and buys me more than I can wear. He partly color blind and forever picks out clothe I should wear. Normally I buy one of the thinks he likes.
Never let him shop on his own. That is the only time I am not telling the whole truth how he put himself together 🙂

Gail Combs

Thank goodness, between working in a lab and now on a farm, I have not needed much in the way of dresses. I have gone with some VERY GOOD CLASSIC suits and fancy blouses.

I really dislike most of the styles I have seen in the last decades and I really do not care what others think. So I go with what looks good on me and not the latest ‘style’


I agree with one finds seldom appealing clothe.
I go back what I have in my closet from years ago 🙂
In my house I wear leggings so comfortable . Going out mostly pants and tops and sweaters.
Less dresses since most are tolerable. Covid is a blessing do not shop in store if I need something to to Internet like sales 🙂


I still have the antique doll clothes wringer my mom got once for my oldest daughter. Couldn’t get a pair of jeans through it, but it would work for some things.


Oh, I don”t know, could be a good thing. Some actual hard work might do a few millennials I know some good!

Gail Combs

Klaus Schwab???

Suposedly the ‘mother’ of his philosophy is Barbara Marx Hubbard (born Barbara Marx; December 22, 1929 – April 10, 2019) this according to one of the videos I watched or Hubby’s comment…

From WIKI:

Her name was placed in nomination for the vice-presidency of the United States on the Democratic ticket in 1984, and at which convention she gave a speech upon being nominated…

Hubbard’s views on human population, specifically depopulation, are morally repulsive to many, but are widely held in academia as the solution to climate change, global poverty, etc. She succinctly explains the philosophy of those that want to enslave and destroy certain human populations.

“One-fourth of humanity must be eliminated from the social body. We are in charge of God’s selection process for planet Earth. He selects, we destroy. We are the riders of the pale horse, Death.” ~ Barbara Marx Hubbard

“This act is as horrible as killing a cancer cell. It must be done for the sake of the future of the whole. So be it: be prepared for the selection process which is now beginning. We, the elders, have been patiently waiting until the very last moment before the quantum transformation, to take action to cut out this corrupted and corrupting element in the body of humanity. It is like watching a cancer grow; something must be done before the whole body is destroyed… The destructive one fourth must be eliminated from the social body.” ~ Barbara Marx Hubbard

Barbara Marx Hubbard –

…. In the 1970s she started speaking at futurist conferences about her findings and soon became a sought-after contributor in the movement. This resulted in her greater involvement in speaking at, and then creating, her own conferences. As her passion grew, Barbara dedicated her life to the consciousness movement that believed in the potential today’s humans had for achieving a better society and came up with the concept of “birthing” a new humanity. In 1998, Barbara Marx Hubbard wrote and published a successful book entitled Conscious Evolution: Awakening the Power of Our Social Potential, which expounded on her futurist ideas about creating a better society and what the conscious mind could accomplish with an awareness of its power. Barbara went on to create several organizations, including the Committee for the Future, Women of Vision in Action, The Alliance for the Advancement of Conscious Evolution, as well as 7 others….

During her life, Barbara Marx Hubbard helped accelerate the momentum of modern futurism with a body of work that ensured her ideas continued long after she was gone…

She later co-chaired a number of Soviet-American Citizen Summits and introduced a new concept called “SYNCON” to foster synergistic convergence with opposing groups. In addition to her Foundation for Conscious Evolution, Barbara Marx Hubbard co-founded the World Future Society, and the Association for Global New Thought. 

Hubbard was greatly respected by her peers. Deepak Chopra called her, “the voice for conscious evolution.” And spiritual author Neale Donald Walsch, lauded her in a biography entitled, The Mother of Invention: The Legacy of Barbara Marx Hubbard and the Future of YOU. 

In addition to writing a wealth of well-received books and being a sought-after speaker in symposiums around the world, Barbara Marx Hubbard’s ideas were also featured in three documentary films (see below). In conjunction with the Shift Network, Hubbard co-produced the worldwide “Birth 2012” multimedia event.

Sweetheart isn’t she?

And more info from an old friend @ Farm Wars
The New World Order – Doing God’s Work by Killing the Bad Seed


What a vile creature this woman sounds like! I can’t call her a human – just pure evil.

Gail Combs


Deplorable Patriot

God said be fruitful and multiply, not limit yourselves to just the number you feel you can handle and that would be convenient to you.


It’s a good thing that God didn’t limit the number of humans that were ‘convenient’ to Him.

Last edited 3 years ago by pgroup2

Wow, that second BMH quote!

She is thinking she is describing us as a cancer that must be removed, yet she is describing her own tribe, the cabal/elitists who must be removed as the cancer they are on this earth.



Well .. if she’s such a hoity toity purist then she would have committed suicide!!
You know the old Roman upper class, take a potion relax/move the blood through the veins then with a sharp knife (like the song from The Wizard of Oz) OPEN OPEN OPEN


Hubbard fell ill with knee swelling on April 3, 2019, and was taken to Medical Center of the Rockies in Loveland, Colorado to receive treatment. She was later sent to the hospital emergency room. 
On April 6, a doctor reported that she hadn’t woken from treatment easily and her condition continued to worsen. 
On April 8, Hubbard expressed that she was preparing … to leave.[15]

Her daughter Alexandra Morton is a marine biologist and her sister Patricia Ellsberg is the wife of Pentagon Paperswhistleblower Daniel Ellsberg.[16]

…. Nope didn’t die Roman style … nope




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toss him in !
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Last edited 3 years ago by smiley2

He looks like he just stepped out of a James Bond movie.

What a creepy man!


Scary Spice … 😫


Bet the jerk dry-cleans his suits – and those chemicals are more dangerous than phosphates in laundry detergent.

I don’t use the dryer, except for towels, socks, underwear. I hang and air dry most of my clothes to cut down on wear, tear, electricity.


Lol, me, too!

My “dryer” for most of the year is the rails on my canopy bed!

Deplorable Patriot

Uh, no. Then we’d all end up smelling like Europeans. In Europe. Talk about ripe, some of them.


I am biting my tong and my lips  🙄 


Good choice 🙂


You’re not just kidding. Bidets everywhere you go. How about you just take a 2-minute shower for God’s sake. 🙄


Still have one of those wash boards can do my wash in 🙂 Or maybe cook white wash the way they do in Europe 🙂

Last edited 3 years ago by singingsoul1

A washboard is one of the last few things on my list to get for whatever emergency (blackout) may be coming 😁 


You can likely still find wood ones (the way they are supposed to be) in Asian food stores.




I inherited mine from husband’s mother and I liked them and kept them just in case 🙂


I have heard that you will never get a whiter shirt than from a European.


That is right and sheets and underwear 🙂
Also never a cleaner house and side walk.
People wash kitchen floor and bathroom every day. They are very clean people.


We have this thing in America about body odor. We cover up natural human scents with deodorants and perfumes, and wash our clothes every time they’re worn. Europeans generally don’t, and Americans think they smell. It’s a cultural difference.

Also, people’s diets make them smell different, too.

I always laugh at the American women swooning over the show “Outlander.” They wouldn’t last ten seconds in a romantic embrace with an eighteenth century Highlander without running away from the smell of him!


Yes to much deodorant one does not need. Soap and water takes care of that and the more people perfume the more they have to cover with more they have to perfume.
Also using cloth dryer sheets and all the stuff people put in rinse water creates skin problems.
People always ask me why my skin is so good simple never used make up do not wash all the oils out of my skin use rose water as astringent use herbal oils and sometimes moisturizer. Never to much to sag the skin.
Use for towels and underwear non deodorant soap in the wash machine and rinse all wash twice. Sometimes I use vinegar in rinse water to get all soap out.
I have clothe for 30-40 years looking like new.
I grew up in Germany have been in Scotland and people do not smell different than most American people.
My mother used to douse herself with perfume lost total sense what healthy human being smells like.


The only people I have ever smelled who seemed very different were Italians, and I honestly think that was because of diet.

I make my own face cream using flowers and herbs I grow, with grapeseed oil and beeswax. It’s very nice, and moisturizing. I don’t wear makeup, either. The other day, I was taken to be my fourteen-year-old granddaughter’s Mom!

I keep my clothes forever, too.


The Italians seems to be the garlic that sweats through the skin. I know some people they consume gobs of garlic and yes they smell garlicky.
Good for you to me taken as your grand daughters mom 🙂



Gail Combs

“…they smell garlicky….” Which helps to keep mosquitoes away. That is thought to be the origin of the garlic keeps away vampires myth.


Yes 🙂

Gail Combs

Germany, when I lived there was much, much cleaner than the USA. NO LITER and as you say, the sidewalks were washed in front of each house.


I know people scrub their sidewalk. I am sure when I work 8 hours in summer in my garden on the hill and schlep big bags around at the end I am smelly 🙂
That is what the shower or bathtub are for. Also clean cloth 🙂

Gail Combs

I have a shower a few steps from the back door. The architect could not figure out why I wanted a shower DOWN STAIRS next to the washer and dryer. 🤓


What a good idea .
We looked at a house it was a builder who had his shower by the back door before one comes into the house. I like that idea. Smart women you are 🙂


I guess the guys have to wear Lederhosen . Maybe they have knee high for winter  😎  😋 


My husband grew up wearing Lederhosen (East Germany). He says they weren’t really “broken in” yet until they could stand by themselves! 😂 


So they say 🙂

Gail Combs

My leather work gloves are like that. You have to wear them A LOT before the leather softens enough to be comfortable. Same with saddles. New ones are a real pain in the rump. 🤓🙃😜

Last edited 3 years ago by Gail Combs

Sigh, 😞🤚😑 … tsk tsk tsk … 🙄😑😣


Guess I’m going to have to wash a few more loads of clothes today to make up for the sheeple. May even wash some that have already been washed to make sure.


Happy Monday

Merry Christmas (continued, today is the 3rd day). It is still on.

There are some variations as to when it is supposed to end. At least until the 13th day, there is also tradition for the 20th day. Another indicator would be when the church nearby removes their Nativity display. Or when most of the lights on the houses go off — these usually stay on throughout January. Finally there’s this old song text implying that Christmas lasts all the way to Easter.


Thank you Wolfie—–my goodness, all that talent put to use to keep us all of us Treepers informed and up to date— I am eternally grateful for you and this site.

Christmas blessings everyone! L

Gail Combs

Dr Steven Hatfill has a website. His latest article:

The Facts for Parents Concerned with Vaccinating Their Young Children for Covid-19

If you need a one stop shop to convince someone I would recommend this article & Bio.

Gail Combs

Thank Steve Bannon at the War Room. He had Dr Hatfill on and they gave the site so I had to check it out.


I’m going out on a limb here to guess that she has never heard of the “Streisand Effect”….

Gail Combs


Nothing like keeping the story up front and center.

Cuppa Covfefe

I always wondered why Macaroons came in rainbow colors 😆
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take a swig…
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and watch what happens…

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shall I go on ?

Gail Combs

FauXi looks like 1/2 his lower jaw is filled with gold.


Uh, oh. He accidentally showed us what he really is:

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NEVER FORGET – DIDIER RAOULT IS RATED #1 in Communicable Diseases –  (Fauci is #38)

Gail Combs

We have some REAL HEROES in this undeclared war and Didier Raoult is one of them.


no comment


The enemy was clearly defined then. Not so much today, for some people.

Gail Combs

You just can’t make this stuff up!

CNBC: Jack Dorsey blocked by Marc Andreessen on Twitter after …

4 days ago: Jack Dorsey has been blocked on Twitter, the social media platform he co-founded, by renowned venture capitalist Marc Andreessen….



*deep breath*


FU @Jack!

Gail Combs

Now you have me laughing again. 🙃


Thanks for posting it. I’ll giggle all day.

Cuppa Covfefe

One bad apple (or traitor) deserves a great tune.
Hit the road, Jack!…




the crypto Metaverse !

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BARBADOS : First Diplomatic Embassy To Open In METAVERSE



When Barbados (pop. 287, 370) opens its next embassy anyone (almost) on the planet can knock on its door !

the diplomatic compound is being built in…

 👉  Decentraland

…an on-line world.



accessible through a computer…and…a virtual reality headset..

 👉  a “plot” of virtual real estate in Decentraland recently sold for $2.45 million.

 👉  3D virtual clothing is being sold by Gucci, Dior and Ralph Lauren.

 👉  this is a crypto asset …a trillion dollar opportunity !

watch the video.

I really don’t get it.

but it’s happening.

this so-called Decentraland is, apparently, a crypto community concept….



it has a marketplace…



Last edited 3 years ago by smiley2
Gail Combs

It is part of the Transhumanism movement that Joe Allen has been documenting.

The Transhuman Roots of the Metaverse – by Joe Allen
Joe is part of Bannon’s War Room.


yes I am well aware of the transhumanism movement, thank you.

technocracy news…the link I posted…comes into my inbox, daily.

what I don’t get is the crypto metaverse …and virtual reality.

plse don’t try to explain it.

my mind just doesn’t work that way.

I am too reality-based.

and really don’t even give a shit about trying to understand it except to the extent of its agenda.

I highly recommend this site to you…

link…with article…

Last edited 3 years ago by smiley2
Gail Combs

A BIGGER TRAP for people who are already psychologically dependent on their Ipads.


I’m an old school luddite, and proud of it.

I’d rather do this…
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…than drive a car, any day, anywhere, any time.

I detest most machinery.

and I’m getting more so with time.

crypto metaverse ? LOLOL  😴  👎  😩 

 👉  admittedly, a lot of my animosity towards cars might also be due to having lived in southwest Florida for 20 years of Winter Season traffic..
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I do appreciate vintage cars, however.

Last edited 3 years ago by smiley2

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sweet  👍 


That’s a beauty! Love the color.


butter yellow vintage cars are also nice.


3D virtual clothing is being sold by Gucci, Dior and Ralph Lauren.

I don’t understand this. It’s not real, right? So what is the point? It seems like madness to me.



Gail Combs



I have some tulip bulbs for sale. Make me an offer.

Cuppa Covfefe

Anyone remember IBM’s “Second Life”?

Here’s a pdf about the history of that. Seems IBM has been ahead of this curve (Infotainment, etc.), but not really noticed in the MSM, with them thinking that IBM only made room-sized computers of tubes, relays, core memory, and hundreds, if not thousands, of miles of wire…

Cuppa Covfefe

Isn’t Barbados near Epstein Island???

Virtual trafficking apparently will be the first business set up…

Probably NXIVM will be there too…


Does anybody remember Second Life? Great idea except it doesn’t work. Well, it works but it’s much more rude and tasteless than 4chan or reddit.

I asked my son why. His answer? Flying penises. Apparently, there’s no grownups in that life and there likely won’t be any in cryptoland.


OK, so….why was I mucking around with bringing the Pi 400 up-to-date when I have plenty of other problems?

As it turns out, I found something online that sounded so weird I needed to see it to believe it.

So, here you go…..

There is a well-known program called “DOSbox” which allows you to run old DOS programs [ ]. Microsoft ended their compatibility modes back in 2006, so DOSbox could intially run older MSDOS programs under Windows. Like every other odd widget, it soon became readily available under Linux — and also made it to macOS.

I happen to have an old copy of Railroad Tycoon that I use for various purposes on various systems (including wasting copious amounts of time). It’s an MSDOS game written for the IBMPC, but (of course) it could run on IBM AT’s and compatibles and 80386’s running Windows 95……

But I kept seeing hints that DOSbox could emulate an MSDOS environment on non-Intelesque hardware.

And I can now attest that you can run Railroad Tycoon in DOSbox on a Pi 400 — which uses a quad-core ARM system with no Intel at all. And that’s DOSbox out of the Raspbian [bullseye] repo. I’ve only POC’d it, so I haven’t checked for any corner cases where it might blow up, but the documentation that initially engaged my curiosity seemed to indicate that it should be pretty solid — and it appears to be.

So old skul software like the original Myst, or “You Don’t Know Jack”, previously thought to be bound to 8088/8086 hardware and system modes long forgotten…..can live again on ARM.


But can it do my laundry?


Bergoglio unmasks himself, by denying Pensions to no-Vaxx Vatican employess

Deplorable Patriot

Bergoglio unmasked himself a long time ago, it’s just taking time for some of the faithful to wake to the reality of what he is.


Mark of the Beast is here: Microchip implants that track your vaccination status are now being used in Sweden


definitely the forerunner…taking shape.

Deplorable Patriot

I differ on the mark of the beast thing. Not when it is taken willingly.


This would definitely seem to imply to me that taking the Mark will be a choice:

Revelation 20:4 ESV Then I saw thrones, and seated on them were those to whom the authority to judge was committed. Also I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus and for the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.


This is correct. It is a choice. However, we have to be honest and pure of heart when it comes to choosing. Example – If we have good reason to suspect that a nanoparticle chip may be involved in taking a “vaccine”, our choice is to not take the vaccine. There’s more to this that will be left for another day.

Stand firm.


You bet I will.

Cuppa Covfefe

Sweden intends to move to a completely cashless society. In order to do that, they have to be able to have a GUID (Globally Unique IDentifier) for every person participating in that. This is not new, as they’ve been working on this for around five years now, and the “chipping” thing has been used on animals (dogs, cats, other pets) throughout Europe. There’s been a huge marketing campaign for this stuff for quite some time now…

This isn’t “The Mark”, but just another dry run by the Gore-Bullists, and more psychoterror being exercised against the proletariat…

Sometimes have to wonder what is going on with the Nordic countries: are “the midnight sun” and the looooooonnnng winters (not to mention the Saunas, etc. and their libertine culture) addling their collective brains…

Gail Combs

Yeah, it started with the World Trade Organization pushing Livestock ID INSTEAD OF QUARANTINE AND TESTING FOR DISEASE.

Hey, we just had 100 people die so lets use the NAIS (National Animal Identification System) to track it back NOT TO Con-Agri’s sloppy slaugher practices but to the farmers. Can’t have the international corporations ‘inconvenienced’ by quarantine of CHEAP low quality South American cattle or USDA inspectors now can we?

Cuppa Covfefe


Wonder if that WTO pushing started after RED China came on board to the WTO?????

(Being a *cough* developing nation and all, doncha know…)…..

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

As Brother Nicely tells it….


Did someone beat him up?

Francis: Swollen Lips


from the Comment section…

“,,,kissing too many feet…”


…or rear ends.


He could have gotten a booster and developed blisters in his mouth. ? I think I read that for some people that can happen like Herpes.


Yes very strange. Most tyrants are angry people.

Deplorable Patriot

The jaw isn’t the same, either.

I don’t think that’s him or the actor who has been playing him.


You’re right, that doesn’t look like him at all.


Verse of the Day for Monday, December 27, 2021

“And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them.” 

Luke 2:20  (KJV)

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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.


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Happy Monday everyone 🙂

Wolf great ,good read and lots to think about. Thank you !


Fascinating fact from this paper – the original Wuhan strain was GONE by June of 2020.”

Absolutely proving what I have said before; you CAN NOT prove that the quack-zine reduces the severity of Covid, because the ORIGINAL virus, however virulent it actually was, is NO LONGER infecting anyone.


If I had seen this when my kids were young…

Vaccines/Schmaccines. I wouldn’t have done it.

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Deplorable Patriot

They were all dying out.


I know. But muh-vaccines saved us all! /SARC

Gail Combs

Also part of NEVER VACCINATE WHOLESALE IN THE MIDDLE OF A PANDEMIC. Unless it is a sterilizing vaccine.

Cuppa Covfefe

The derp state (Faux-Xi, BillyGhoul Gates, Drosten, RKI, CDC, NIH, etc. have created sterilizing vaccines….

But not the sterilizing that we were looking for…


True story.


Fantastic article. Confirmation of the evil in our country. As I have been saying for going on two years, leaders in some other nations actually care about their citizens and want them to be healthy and live productive lives.

Not applicable to American leadership at present.

Which goes back to my questions about PDT. Why does he continue to push experimental gene therapy vaccinations that don’t work and are killing people when the Wuhan was over in mid 2020? Why not focus on killing the virus and its variants with inexpensive, existing therapeutics first and foremost? Why not focus researchers on studies like what came out of UF a week or so ago and tell everybody to take antihistamines daily and drink milk? That works better than the clot shots by far. Why not focus on a mass delivery system of labs who test our citizens, who voluntarily want it done, for the virus/variants in their T cells and such to determine if and what they have relating to COVID? All of that costs a minuscule amount of money compared to what they have spent and continue to spend.

Yeah, I already know where the answer to that one lies as well. Dope or rope-a-dope? To be determined. But by all appearances I keep coming back to he was duped, boxed in by the swamp in the process, and if he admits it now it might kill his chances for being elected in 2024.

Will see.

Last edited 3 years ago by TradeBait2
Gail Combs

Konrad, who has proved himself to be very intelligent over the years says:
December 27, 2021 at 10:04 am 

The Merck pill has far lower efficacy than Ivermectin, and costs far more. But even worse, it stops viral replication by causing the virus to mutate so severely most virons cannot successfully replicate. Mass use of millions of doses virtually guarantees dangerous mutations that can replicate will be created. Mass use of the Merck pill is insanity.

The Pfizer offering is an expensive knock off of Ivermectin. It looks far safer than Merck’s dangerous mutagenic, but it’s use cannot be justified while cheaper off-patent Ivermectin is an alternative with broader functionality.

I wish he had also included ‘sauce’



Japan, Indonesia, India, even the Philippines is kicking Covid’s ass.


UFB to me, the media doesn’t pick this up and raise hell. Ask, WTF?

Or why the media in Japan, India, Indonesia, doesn’t make fun of the US Covid debacle.


I believe I could have made an honest woman out of Patty Loveless if she would have given me a second look before I found my partner for life. 😂. Saw her a couple of times in concert back in the day. My wife said it was OK, she had a thing for Keith Urban. 😉

OK – back to the subject at hand. Why do I get this feeling there is going to be MOAR from Wolf and others on this as we traverse our way through the COVID wilderness? And yes, I do mean showing off for the public to see if they choose to watch.

Many of us knew Wuhan was basically over in mid-2020 because, well you know; data, logic and herd immunity. So it has always been about finding the missing links in the chain to understand better why the variants continue the scamdemic. Wolf and others here have provided a few key links in that chain today. Moar to come.

My goodness I love this place.

Thank you, our friend. Your taste in music is exquisite as well.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Patty and Rickey (there’s a vid out there with him pickin’ and singin’ “Ruby” when he was all of seven years old!).

And on “Daniel Prayed”, about a minute in, someone does a Rebel Yell, and Ricky looks up, laughs, and does a virtual hat tip to him, while Patty looks on laughing…
Great music, Wolfm00n! Bluegrass Rules!

Here’s Ricky Skaggs With Travis Tritt, Vince Gill, Earl Scruggs, Patty Loveless And Friends (gosh, what talent there, and great toe-tappin’ music):..

And young Ricky Skaggs (seven years old, said “I wanna pick”, with Lester Flatt; “Ruby” is at 2:40):

The way he ends up the notes as blue notes (falling off) is like the train whistles in the coal fields… very musical, and at only SEVEN YEARS OLD!

Finally, here’s Vince Gill and Patty Loveless Performing “Go Rest High On That Mountain” at George Jones’s Funeral. Vince Gill wrote that song for the passing of his brother (how he made it through that tune is amazing; note how Patty supported him – great person and great performer)

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Cuppa Covfefe

And another great one from Patty Loveless, “You’ll Never Leave Harlan Alive,” which details the life and trials of folks working and basically trapped in the cola mining industry. Conditions have improved greatly in the last 50 years or so, but still are difficult. You can tell she’s a native by the way she says Lou-uh-vul…

This one has wonderful pictures, probably many from coal country. I had a crew leader at O-I who was from West Virginia who would tell of his father coming up from the mines on those little trains where they could only ride on their stomachs, it was so cramped.

And considering how the Black Forest area is similar to Appalachia, some pictures we have of my wife’s family are extremely similar to the onw at 3:36 with the horses, carts, and people on the farm. Crazy how we are spread out all over the world, yet share many things in common…

This one’s the actual live performance. The black-haired violinist who also sings is from West Virginia, and her hubby is a noted musician too (no pun intended)…

Patty Loveless: “You’ll Never Leave Harlan Alive” (Live)


There is something I have been wondering about since all these soccer players have been dying after being vaccinated. There was some discussion on this yesterday, with Gingersmom and Gail Combs, IIRC, both mentioning the fact that soccer players, as opposed to football players, for example, were constantly running throughout the game. But we were still juggling kids and grandkids here, so I couldn’t join the conversation and I wanted to ask my husband again to be sure I remembered correctly.

In his youth and young adult years, DH played LOTS of soccer, would have been up for professional soccer except his political leanings were not what the East German government expected of a good soccer player….

Anyway, shortly after we got married, a doctor told him he had what he called an “athlete’s heart” (Sportlerherz). That is, his heart was enlarged due to all the intensive athletics (plus, he was as hyperactive as they come!). At that time, he measured a resting pulse in the 40’s. He hasn’t been able to play at all for many years, though, and his heart is now back to normal size.

So I have been wondering if/how that might tie in with all these soccer players reacting to the vax.

Last edited 3 years ago by GrammyInD
Gail Combs

“…So I have been wondering if/how that might tie in with all these soccer players reacting to the vax.”

I would say probably:

Endurance exercise is associated with a transient increase in serum concentrations of biomarkers of cardiac damage and ventricular dysfunction which improves within 72 h.

HMMMMMmmmm Seems NIH & EU is getting AHEAD of the mysterious deaths of athletes.

Published online 2021 Mar 22

The heart of the ageing endurance athlete: the role of chronic coronary stress


Moderate physical exercise is associated with an irrefutable reduction in cardiac morbidity and mortality. The current guidelines recommend at least 150 min of moderate exercise or 75 min of vigorous exercise per week. Endurance athletes perform exercise at a level that is 10- to 20-fold greater than these recommendations.

These athletes reveal several structural and functional cardiac adaptations including increased cardiac size, enhanced ventricular filling, and augmentation of stroke volume even at the highest heart rates. The long-term effects of endurance exercise on the heart are unknown. Endurance exercise is associated with a transient increase in serum concentrations of biomarkers of cardiac damage and ventricular dysfunction which improves within 72 h.

Over the past decade, there have been emerging studies reporting attenuated mortality benefit amongst individuals who perform the highest volume of exercise. Studies in lifelong male athletes aged above 40 years old show a higher prevalence of high coronary artery calcium scores (>300 Agatston units), a higher coronary plaque burden, and myocardial fibrosis compatible with subclinical myocardial infarction compared with relatively sedentary healthy controls, raising speculation that lifelong intense exercise imposes chronic coronary stress on the heart. This review article will provide a critical analysis of the existing data.



Funded fully by a British Heart foundation Clinical research fellowship.

Funds washed?

One author of the three is  Sabiha Gati,
National Heart and Lung Institute, 👉 Imperial College London 👈 & Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, London SW3 6LY, UK

….It is worth noting that Bill and Melinda Gates began funding Imperial College in 2006, four years before the Gates Foundation launched the Global Health Leaders Launch Decade of Vaccines Collaboration (GHLLDVC) and one year after Ferguson had demonstrated his partiality for exaggerated projections on mortality numbers from H5N1. Up to the end of 2018, the Gates Foundation has sponsored Imperial College with a massive $185 million, which made Gates their second largest sponsor….


People are getting curious and Following the money.

BMJ Global Health: Who funded the research behind the Oxford–AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine?

….Data extraction from funding acknowledgement statements in the academic literature

….Meanwhile, using the award numbers, we searched the following publicly available databases to identify grants towards the development of the ChAdOx technology; UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), European Commission, Wellcome Trust, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) and World Report, the latter of which includes all grants administered by the US NIH.




When the pandemic emerged, this ChAdOx1 MERS-CoV vaccine had already undergone its first clinical trials in non-human primates and humans (phase I) and was rapidly adapted to induce an immune response to SARS-CoV-2.10 The resultant ChAdOx nCoV-19 vaccine was undergoing phase I/II clinical trials in NHS Trusts across the UK when a deal with biopharmaceutical company AstraZeneca was announced in late April 2020.11–14 Shortly after this, the UK government committed £65.5 million towards the commercialisation and manufacturing of the Oxford–AstraZeneca vaccine.15 However, it is not known who funded the early stages of R&D into the ChAdOx technology at the University of Oxford.

Previous studies have shown that public funding has played a significant role in the medical innovation system for many decades, particularly in early-phase R&D and notably in vaccine research.16–18 Between 2000 and 2019, the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded over $17.2 billion in published research on vaccine technologies, providing the foundation for the COVID-19 vaccines currently entering the market.19 

Despite a number of public statements involving funding pledges for the development of the Oxford–AstraZeneca vaccine,6 it remains largely unknown which funding bodies have contributed to the ChAdOx technology. In this study, we aimed to identify the funding to the University of Oxford for the R&D of the ChAdOx technology with a specific focus on the research into the adenovirus-vectored vaccine technology conducted at the Jenner Institute and its subsequent application to the Oxford–AstraZeneca vaccine…


Mention an enlarged heart in combination with running and all I can picture is Secretariat. 😊

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Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009
Gail Combs

He was 19 at his death. I have & had ponies and horses live into their late 20s, 30s and even 40s so that is relatively young for a horse that would have gotten the best of care. Heck 3/4 of my ponies are older than 20.

Deplorable Patriot

Secretariat and Affirmed, both, were put down due to laminitis. What I read was that the big horses like those two were are really susceptible to it.

Gail Combs

Not really. It is more often seen in draft horses or ponies. Laminitis is sometimes called ‘road founder’ -due to concussion damage to the feet or ‘Grass founder’ due to too much lush grass in the spring.

Ponies are very subject to founder but it can be prevented by good management. I introduce feed changes very, very slowly and do not fertilize my fields much at all.

Secretariat was 16 hands 2 inches the same size as my Thoroughbred and my 6 Saddlebreds. I would think his problem was either the pounding his feet took while racing or to rich feed.


Laminitis as I recall. We’ve visited Claiborne Farm. 😊

Deplorable Patriot

I knew someone years ago whose husband was diagnosed with an enlarged heart. IIRC, he was a triathlete, and the orders were cease the extreme training. Walking and not so intense swimming were about all he could do at that point. Literally, he was told eventually his heart would explode if he kept it up.

Cuppa Covfefe

What a flaming load of hooey from BigPharma… And why are the death rates different now, as opposed to previous years?

My sister and my son both have had WPW (Wolff-Parkinson-White) Syndrome, which is an electrical problem in the heart (Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia which can be either antegrade or retrograde). Pulse rates up to 300 bpm can occur, and, should the tachycardia not stop, either by Vagus maneuver, cardioversion, or other means, death can result (rare, but it does happen). And, like a-fib, repeated occurrences can stress the heart to the point it enlarges to compensate.
Both my sister and my son had hypertrophy from that; my son has been fortunate to have “reverse remodeling” due to medication (beta blockers, ACE inhibitors, and, early on, Digoxin, potassium-sparing and loop diuretics, and other meds [up to 25 “infusion automats” at one point]. For younger people, the reverse remodeling is probably simpler, and the ventricular size, Fractional Shortning, and Ejection Fraction return to normal sooner, though this is pretty much new study territory (read: they’re probably searching for funding).

My uncle was a, erm, noted goalie (won’t say who he was, but some would know the name), and he had an enlarged heart. After he retired (after more than 500 matches, so he played a looong time), he kept in shape, yet he basically keeled over and passed away in his mid-sixties, possibly (probably?) due to the enlarged heart. (Being uncle by marriage, he’s not connected to our WPW “island”).Great man, nonetheless…

I still think that fellow (in Canada???) who was speaking of the d-Diner test as the only reliable marker of vax-spike versus other issues was on the mark…

Gail Combs

Yeah, I just posted him.

Canadian cardiologist Dr. Charles Hoffe explains the blood clotting threat these vaccines pose:

“The blood clots we hear about which the media claim are very rare are the big blood clots which are the ones that cause strokes and show up on CT scans, MRI, etc. The clots I’m talking about are microscopic and too small to find on any scan. They can thus only be detected using the D-dimer test.”

Cuppa Covfefe

The Deutsche Herzstiftung e.V. [ ] has a TON of intormation on the heart and pulmonary system, both downloadable and as books. Unfortunately, they’re “all in” on the “vax”, so I don’t like that. On the other hand, they do have a wealth of information and programs, etc., from before the COVIDIOCY madness started…

Athletes, due to the increased blood flow to and through their hearts, have enlarged hearts (as do folks with afib and WPW which stress the heart and cause hypertrophy [enlargement]). Due to the low resting pulse (40s is not unusual), bradycardia can be a problem, which my son’s cardiologist said explains the occasional (and rare) cases of former athletes keeling over due to this.

The trouble is (for big pharma trying to explain this away) is that the number of deaths with the (non)Vax is FAR higher than in previous years. The constant running (I think something like 16 miles per match for championship-level players) and the volume of blood flow would only serve to propagate the spikes throughout the system all that much faster, and any obstructions (said spikes) would also cause problems more quickly and severely. There’s a doctor (in Canada IIRC, he’s been mentioned a few times here) who spoke to this, and the need for a d-Dimer test to isolate the problem. He also said that pericarditis and cardiomyopathy due to the clot shot presents differently than non “vax” disorders…


Adds to the fray with this. The athlete heart thing is good for comparing athletes to society as a whole, it is also be good for comparing athletes in different sports, but the stats everyone is concerned with is soccer players and just soccer players year to year. Their heart problems have certainly risen dramatically.

Juggernaught who tends to latch on to exaggerations, reports on a 278% increase and is on the high side of what many are claiming at minimum is a doubling.

Meanwhile we are stuck with a media that will not investigate. This unofficial report below was cobbled together with the best data available and is showing a 1 out of 600 chance a soccer player will develop a heart condition after being vaccinated. (Also has other useful information on other parts of the apocalyptic event that is unfolding.)


I have had exactly these thoughts, that it had to be because of their constant exertion levels.

Unlike something like say, baseball, where you don’t run all the time, it’s in bursts.

I have read about the heart issue with marathoners, too.

Cuppa Covfefe

I have a feeling it’s something simpler: total blood flow. Run more cr@p through the system over a period of time, and the problems associated with that cr@p will go up proportionally.

When my son spent the better (worse) part of six months in a Pediatric Cardio ICU with WPW and complications thereof, we learned a lot of things about cardio myopathy, hypertrophy, inherited versus idiopathic diseases and disorders, and the limitations of current knowledge on these subjects. For one thing, they didn’t want to believe that WPW was the problem until they saw it go by on their monitor (it was concealed WPW, which is why no-one had ever looked at/for it)…

There was the Chief Pediatric Cardiologe, three lead Ped-Cardiologen, another three specialist Cardiologen, a few other personnel, and my wife and I looking at it. I had even told them a few times that my sister had the same thing.

The med industry (at least here) likes to fit everything into syndromes or the like, and have them in nice, tightly-wrapped boxes where everything fits. Sometimes it doesn’t.

Also, sports teams and schools often don’t have the budget or will to test all athletes with EKGs (egcs) and stress tests. And, as with my son, not all defects, in particular conduction problems, show up on normal monitoring…


The cardinal debugging question is: WHAT CHANGED?????

And the answer which they will neither consider, nor give is: The Clot Shot.

Testing of athletes, at whatever level, is a good idea. Also of people in stressful occupations or those where lives may be at stake (e.g. transportation). Maybe some of that bounty of free-flowing cash (read: OUR MONEY) should be headed toward creating new tests (hopefully non-invasive). Even Sonos can be a great help. And CRP (and other hormone levels) can be a good indicator of heart stress…

Gail Combs

One of the doctors…. AHHHHhhh found it!


“….Canadian cardiologist Dr. Charles Hoffe explains the blood clotting threat these vaccines pose:

“The blood clots we hear about which the media claim are very rare are the big blood clots which are the ones that cause strokes and show up on CT scans, MRI, etc. The clots I’m talking about are microscopic and too small to find on any scan. They can thus only be detected using the D-dimer test.”

More than half of Dr. Hoffe’s patients had abnormal D-dimer tests after an COVID-19 RNA shot. A D-dimer test measures the amount of degraded fibrin in the blood, that along with blood platelets, seals wounds.

Dr. Hoffe warns these micro-clots harm tissues in the brain, lungs, spinal cord and heart, tissues and organs that cannot not regenerate. Permanent damage results…..”


Essentially athletes are at the most risk because the RATE their blood has to circulate, speeds up the damage done by these micro-clots. (Again from some doctor)


Agreed on the testing, and thank you for all the information!

We’d better get a handle on it, fast.


Everything was fine until after the first 1500km the error lights came on … €20,000 to replace the battery … no warrantee or anything.


Valerie Curren

Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas!

Here’s a nice thought seen on Gab. Blessings to All!
comment image

Cuppa Covfefe

Hope you and yours had a great Christmas, Valerie. And be sure to keep every printed book that you can (because derp state is trying to kill history as well as us)(OK, if they kill us off, history won’t matter…)…..

Øbløwhøle and his cronies tried to kill off all children’s books published before 1985 due to fake concerns about lead poisoning due to lead leaching off the type plates onto books’ pages… (!!!)….. The effort was stopped, but not before a lot of wonderful books were either destroyed or removed from many libraries and schools…

Convenient way to erase history under false pretenses…..

Here’s an article about it (but it doesn’t mention the recission of the law):

Here’s one comment from that article:

I just came back from my local thrift store with tears in my eyes! I watched as boxes and boxes of children’s books were thrown into the garbage! Today was the deadline and I just can’t believe it! Every book they had on the shelves prior to 1985 was destroyed! I managed to grab a 1967 edition of “The Outsiders” from the top of the box, but so many!

And an article with very informative comments; apparently the first wave of book-burnings (as it were) was unnecessary:


Finally, a FOX news article on the idiocy (and once case where the CDC actually made sense).

An interesting side note: on the CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Comission) website, the first language choice is “Simplified Chinese”, so you can see who’s pulling their strings: the same RED Chinese Communists whose lead-laden products led to the CPSC recommendation and related law restricting (and possibly eliminating) childrens’ books published before 1986.

To wit:

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – Could a vintage, dog-eared copy of “The Cat in the Hat” or “Where the Wild Things Are” be hazardous to your children?

The Consumer Product Safety Commission has raised that possibility in urging the nation’s libraries to take children’s books printed before 1986 off their shelves while the federal agency investigates whether the ink contains unsafe levels of lead.

Few, if any, libraries are complying, and many librarians are ridiculing the recommendation as alarmist. Even the nation’s premier medical sleuths, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, say any danger from lead in children’s books is slight.

“We’re talking about tens of millions of copies of children’s books that are perfectly safe. I wish a reasonable, rational person would just say, ‘This is stupid. What are we doing?'” said Emily Sheketoff, executive director of the American Library Association’s Washington office.

Lead poisoning has been linked to irreversible learning disabilities and behavioral problems.

A federal law passed last summer and effective Feb. 10 bans lead beyond minute levels in most products intended for children 12 or younger. It was passed after a string of toy recalls. The CPSC is interpreting the law to include books.

CPSC spokesman Scott Wolfson said libraries can safely lend any children’s book printed in 1986 or later, by which time a growing body of regulations had removed lead from printer’s ink. But the commission still must study the lead content in books printed before 1986. The CPSC delayed until next year the lead testing required as part of the law.

Until the testing is done, the nation’s more than 116,000 public and school libraries “should take steps to ensure that the children aren’t accessing those books,” Wolfson said. “Steps can be taken to put them in an area on hold until the Consumer Product Safety Commission can give further guidance.”

But Jay Dempsey, a health communications specialist at the CDC, said lead-based ink in children’s books poses little danger.

“If that child were to actually start mouthing the book — as some children put everything in their mouths — that’s where the concern would be,” Dempsey said. “But on a scale of one to 10, this is like a 0.5 level of concern.”

Conflating poisonous RED Chinese paint with ink in childrens’ books is idiotic; they’re more likely to get brain poisoning from all the liberal cr@p they’re forced to swallow each and every day in school…

Valerie Curren

Amazing & pathetic.

Ironically I gave some resale books out at Christmas, one from the 1860’s to my husband & one from the early 1900’s to my daughter-in-law, carrying our first grandchild–it’s a Bobbsey Twins book that I hope she’ll read to her children some day 🙂 I used to love BT’s when I was a kid! <3

Cuppa Covfefe

Bert and Nan and Freddie and Flossie 🙂

Not to mention the Hardy Boys (especially the originals before they were watered down), Nancy Drew, Tom Swift, Dave Porter, all of the Horatio Alger series… There are articles out there about the Edward Stratemeyer empire/writer’s factory (as it were)… seems Franklin Dixon, Laura Lee Hope, Victor Appleton, and a host of others might all have been “related” to Edward Stratemeyer…

Still, they’re all great books. And many of the earlier Stratemeyer series are great historical books of wars and times (pre-1900s) that have been all but forgotten…

Valerie Curren

Yes I also used to read the old Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, AND Encyclopedia Brown books–much fun. Sadly I’m not much familiar w/ the others you mentioned. My literary education was Very Sorely lacking 🙁

Cuppa Covfefe

The “Dave Porter” (at Oak Hall, etc.) books I mention were published in the early 1900s. What a different picture of life they paint as opposed to to-day 🙂

Valerie Curren

I’ll have to look for those too–thanks!

Gail Combs

I think the American public is catching on…

Gail Combs

I was scrolling thru #17 to find the drop where he state X% would never awaken (somewhere less than 10%)

I still have not found it but I did find this goody


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6…..

Jun 17 2020 13:30:05 (EST)




Old playbook[s] still used today?

Then v Now

Compare & Contrast

THEN: image

“The Associated Press news agency entered a formal cooperation with the Hitler regime in the 1930s, supplying American newspapers with material directly produced and selected by the Nazi propaganda ministry, archive material unearthed by a German historian has revealed.”

“To that extent it is fair to say that these pictures played their part in disguising the true character of the war led by the Germans.”



Global economic depression?


Huge rise in unemployment?

“Germans began to lose faith in democracy and looked to extreme parties on the both the Left (the communists) and the Right (the Nazis) for quick and simple solutions.”

“When people are unemployed, hungry and desperate, as millions were in Germany between 1930 and 1933, they often turn to extreme political parties offering simple solutions to their problems. Between 1930 and 1933 support for the extreme right-wing Nazis and the extreme left-wing communists soared.”


MSDNC “peaceful protests”

MSDNC propaganda campaign?

MSDNC information warfare campaign?

MSDNC “POTUS MUST BE REMOVED” push years 1-now?

comment image

COVID-19 > global economic depression?

[D]party > BLM race push_reparations?

COVID-19 > huge rise in unemployment [40mm]?

Insurrection [riots, city takeover(s), remove police (weaken), property destroy, assault(s), murder, release by [D] Gov/Mayor(s) back-to-streets (safezone(s)), division, hostility, race war, etc.?



Understanding the past helps to understand the present.


Deplorable Patriot


Gail Combs

Chihuahuas — Good for land mine detection and detention.

Cuppa Covfefe

Have to be careful, though, some of them will want to make a “Run for the Border” for Taco Bell 😀
comment image

Then again, Taco Bell’s crunch wrap is NOTHING like a Cowboy Crunchwrap, as created by Cowboy Kent Rollins 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

Digging a little deeper on Kent Rollins’s videos, I find that he’s very patriotic, supports our troops and country, and is a Christian. He and his wife have a couple of cookbooks out (both very good, and accented with scripture verses and stories of live on the range, and in general). They also have a YouTube channel, and do a lot of good, both for ranchers and cowboys, and the rest of us MAGA folk.

And he has a great video on a subject near and dear to my heart… Covfefe:
(at 6:40 or so there are some pictures of REAL AMERICA, aka flyover country, and the people who made America, and make america GREAT).

“How to Make Cowboy Coffee”Apr 3, 2019

(bonus points for figuring out what “Smooth As A Safeway Chicken” is all about 🙂 )


Chihuahuas are fearlessly protective…


Jared Schmeck is on Bannon right now. What a GREAT, Christian man. We need THESE people in government.

Valerie Curren
comment image

During an interview with Paul Egan of the Detroit Free Press, Governor Whitmer, with no evidence of her unproven accusation, attempted to tie the group of men accused of plotting to kidnap her to President Trump and white supremacy.

The truth is, the more the public discovers about the men involved in the plot to kidnap Governor Whitmer, the more it’s clear the anti-police, anti-government, anti-Trump radicals were more aligned with the Marxist BLM movement and violent domestic terrorist group, Antifa.

When the story first broke about the alleged kidnapping plot, the alleged target of the plot, Michigan’s tyrannical governor, was auditioning to become Biden’s vice president but was losing support from Michigan residents of every political party over her handling of the COVID pandemic that included tyrannical lockdowns and the intentional placing of COVID positive patients into nursing homes.

In July, a 39-year-old FBI agent involved in the so-called kidnapping plot of the unpopular Democrat governor was arrested for a violent domestic incident involving his wife and charged with assault.
FBI special agent Richard Trask was charged Monday with assault with intent to do great bodily harm less than murder following a domestic incident with his wife.

Post Millennial reports – Trask’s arrest comes at a critical juncture in the criminal case against the five men charged in federal court with plotting to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

Trask has worked for the FBI since 2011 and served as the law enforcement agency’s public face in the Whitmer case, testifying in federal court about the investigation and providing context about multiple undercover recordings.

A lawyer for an alleged bombmaker charged in the Whitmer case raised questions last Sunday about whether the FBI is trying to sabotage the defense ahead of trial. Delaware resident Barry Croft’s attorney filed excerpts revealing the existence of a recording in which lead investigator FBI special agent Henrik Impola discussed creating “utter disarray and chaos” for defense lawyers, whom he labeled as “paid liars” whose jobs are to “take the truth and portray it in a different sense.”

Trask’s legal issues weren’t the first to affect participants in the kidnapping investigation: One of the lead prosecutors handling a parallel state case, Gregory Townsend, was reassigned in May as the state’s attorney general audited his work in past cases. And Stephen Robeson, an FBI informant considered an important witness in the federal case, was indicted in March on charges of being a felon in possession of a firearm. Robeson was one of several confidential informants, in addition to undercover FBI agents, who were involved in the case as the kidnapping plot came together. A lengthy report from BuzzFeed News Tuesday found that “some of those informants, acting under the direction of the FBI, played a far larger role than has previously been reported,” raising questions — as defense attorneys for several of the accused have done in court — “as to whether there would have even been a conspiracy without them.”One of the six men charged federally for the kidnapping plot, Ty Garbin, pleaded guilty to conspiracy in January.

The 14 total arrests, which came three months before the Jan. 6 riot, over the conspiracy plot to kidnap Whitmer and overthrow the state’s government, also involved the storming of the state’s Capitol building. Of the arrestees, at least five were undercover agents and federal informants, Revolver News reported.


Move along, nothing to see here/s

There is a one hour Dinesh D’Souza video at GP about the feds instigating events including January 6, fyi.

Gail Combs

Buzz Feed The FBI Allegedly Used At Least 12 Informants In The Michigan Kidnapping Case
July 12, 2021

….The government employed at least a dozen confidential informants to infiltrate groups of armed extremists who allegedly plotted to kidnap the governor of Michigan, according to a new filing in federal court on Monday.

The filing, made by one of the five defendants in the federal case, asked that prosecutors be ordered to share more information about those informants, their relationship with the FBI, and the specific roles they played in building the case. It came among a blizzard of 15 new defense motions in the high-profile case, including requests to move it to a different district, to suppress evidence from a search warrant, and to try at least one defendant separately from the others…..

Five of the defendants — Barry Croft, Adam Fox, Daniel Harris, Kaleb Franks, and Brandon Caserta — have all pleaded not guilty and have been held without bail since their arrests. A sixth, Ty Garbin, pleaded guilty and agreed to cooperate in the case in January….

Eight other men were charged under Michigan’s anti-terrorism statutes for providing material support to the plotters. Half of the defendants in the combined cases were members of a militant group known as the Wolverine Watchmen, which was associated with the Three Percenters extremist movement. All but two are from the state of Michigan.

I guess the ratio of 14 dupes to 12 Feds was way too high so the number had to be toned down.

Valerie Curren

Excellent dig! Figures 😉

Gail Combs

Bannon’s War Room and Darren Beattie again. I knew the info was out there so I just went looking for it.

Valerie Curren

Seek & Ye shall find–Especially YOU!!!

Gail Combs

So I am ‘nosy’   :wpds_cool: 

Valerie Curren

Nose for News Not Skews!

Valerie Curren

Red Meat for the Wolf (his terminology)…saw this on Gab, based on “Gematria”. Not a believer in this info, but I am a Believer in Jesus! Any thoughts?

comment imagewoodpikker

@Liz68 @Mark_Whitfield @Punnishe


My unsolicited opinion: The Scriptures forbid the very thing he is using the Scriptures for. Not good.

Valerie Curren

Interesting. I was thinking that there Might be some type of math tricks involved where you choose certain numbers, that you can arrive at in many different ways, to guarantee certain outcomes. Steve might be able to speak to that.

There was a scene in the Netflix series Pine Gap (joint US Australian 5 Eyes spy satellite oversight–very interesting info on possible capabilities here, like turning on Any cellphone’s mic in the world to get access to private conversations between world leaders) where the Math genius techie encounters a streetwise kid using a math trick to scam people out of money. He’s intrigued by her math skills but proves the trick aspect that was obvious to him but not to her marks (marx) 😉

There was a book some years back, The Bible Code, that purported to show how numerous “coded messages”, based on some type of numerology, I believe, could be discovered within the scripture. It seems like something akin to astrology to me, based, in part, on something real, but then taken off in a tangent that is unsupportable.

I have no problem thinking that God encoded numerous mathematical hints of His existence in the Music of the Spheres…but this just seemed not quite right to me, but this is not even close to my area of expertise, so just a gut sense of something “off” here…

Valerie Curren

Thanks Wolf.

Gail Combs


The Scripture is not in English. Dad had to learn Latin, Greek and Hebrew to study it. So I would think you would have to use the original language for ‘hocus pocus’

In third-century B.C.E. Alexandria, Egypt, one of the last of the pharaonic rulers—Ptolemy Philadelphus II—wanted his Jewish subjects to have access to their own holy books. Because of the far-reaching conquests of Alexander the Great, Greek had become the language of the eastern Mediterranean, and Egypt was no exception. Those who identified themselves as Jewish could no longer read their own Scriptures, and Philadelphus was keen to help. More importantly, he wished to collect a compilation of these writings, in Greek, for Alexandria’s famous library, which boasted a copy of every book in the known world……

Most of the Hebrew Bible was written in Hebrew, including all of the Torah, the first five books of the Bible. But around 250 Bible verses (of a total of 23,000)—primarily portions of the Book of Daniel (Dan 2:4-7:28) and fifth-century B.C.E. official court documents embedded in Ezra (Ezra 4:8-6:18Ezra 7:12-26)—are in a related language, Aramaic. At different times in history, Aramaic transformed from an international language that united people living in different parts of the Assyrian Empire, to the dominant language of Jews living in the Babylonian captivity, to the official language of the western half of the Persian Empire (500 B.C.E.).

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yep. The whole gematria enterprise is stupidity (or at most charitable, ignorance), layered on lower layers of stupidity/ignorance.

Last edited 3 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Cuppa Covfefe

There are places where the “numbers game” is actually there on purpose. One example would be “early music”, where puzzles were actually incorporated into the music, the harmonies, or the juxtaposition of melodies and counter-melodies.

Another would be what the British term “catch”, a seemingly innocuous song where the addition of other parts (also seemingly innocuous) lend a rather different, often ribald meaning to the piece. “PDQ Bach’s” “The Art Of The Ground Round” has a few examples of this.

Indeed, a lot of Fugues were more Feud than Fugue back in the day…

Seems they had more time on their hands then. I can remember being able to hand in a (large) card deck or compile file and get a coffee or even lunch waiting for it to come back… those days are (sadly) long gone…

(One IBM’ler over here said to me the reason why it’s called batch processing is that’s the sound it makes when your card deck falls on the floor… usually unsorted)…

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

One of the interesting things about other languages is the way they spell certain sound effects.

tires screeching spelled as “tsiiiiiiiii” (that might be French/Walloon), “ah-tschoo” (which is actually the German transliteration of ah-choo) for sneezing, etc.


The Bible Code was straightforward – they removed all the spaces between words. The Hebrew Tanack (sp) in its original written form did not have verses and I think it didn’t have chapters either. Thus, removing the spaces didn’t change the words – just ran them together.

From wiki (not a fan of the theory):

The primary method by which purportedly meaningful messages have been extracted is the Equidistant Letter Sequence (ELS). Letters are selected based on a starting point and counting every nth letter based on a given ‘skip number’ in a given direction. For example, taking every fourth letter in the phrase this sentence fits an ELS, read backwards and ignoring spaces derives the word ‘safest’.

In some cases, multiple terms may be derived from an ‘ELS letter array’ (text in a grid, with the same number of letters in each line). In the example provided, part of the King James Version‘s rendering of Genesis (26:5–10) is shown with 21 letters per line, showing ELSs for “Bible” and “code”.[4]

Although the example shown uses English texts, Bible codes proponents usually use a Hebrew Bible text. Most Jewish proponents use only the Torah (Genesis–Deuteronomy), as it is believed to have been revealed directly to Moses.

Once a specific word has been found using the ELS method, other words are sought based on the same letter spacing.[5] Code proponents Haralick and Rips have published an example of a longer, extended ELS, which reads, “Destruction I will call you; cursed is Bin Laden and revenge is to the Messiah”.

Proponents claim that such ELS extensions that form phrases or sentences have statistical significance, maintaining that the longer the extended ELS, the less likely it is to be the result of chance. Critics reply, as in the Skeptical Inquirer deconstruction of 1997, that the longer ELS is in fact effectively nothing more than further increased number of permutations, employing a massive application of the Look-elsewhere effect.

Valerie Curren

Thanks for this expansive explanation. Iirc the Bible Code book discussed using that ELS method on another text from antiquity but not finding the same level of messaging. It wouldn’t surprise me that God found multiple ways to intrigue us with practically any part of His Creation that we choose to delve deeply into, & most particularly His Word!

Deplorable Patriot

There are those who get Gematria. There are those who don’t.

I wouldn’t put too much stock into it as it doesn’t make much sense. Some of the more simple explanations are more likely, IMO.


They’re trying to say that JFK is alive? Just no. “Trying” is the operative word. (Not ranting at you, but the person behind that. 😊) Those kinds of things really get my goat. 😤 The Zapruder film has been out since 1975. This kind of reality denial, throwing common sense to the wind, is what the Left is asking us to do re: mask mandates, lockdowns, CRT, transgenderism, etc.

Valerie Curren

Yes EYE wasn’t saying that I thought JFK (jr Or sr) was still alive. Just sharing the stuff that got the side eye. That was perhaps a Very Enthusiastic but Misguided (to my way of thinking) Q Enthusiast or perhaps a Deep State plant who put such memes together…no clue here…


Yes, I realize that wasn’t your point of view. As for a “misguided Q enthusiast,” Q has never intimated that JFK could still be alive, so this has nothing to do with Q. A Deep State plant might be the case, but (IMO) the scenario is so preposterous that it would be a colossal waste of their time to do something like that.

Valerie Curren

Well, I was referring to the “Q” in at least one of the images not the “actual Q”, what/whoever that might be. Implying JFK was still alive is obviously ridiculous!

Deplorable Patriot

This is attempt to discredit the movement. JFK’s public execution made the current teams’ intellectual ancestors determined to finish the job.

Valerie Curren

“finish the job” being “execute” Trump AND his presidency AND how he was carrying out part of JFK’s ideological legacy?

Deplorable Patriot

No. Quite the opposite. I meant that the people who were helping JFK behind the scenes are now using President Trump to finish what was started.

Those who seek to stop that effort, are the ones coming up with the conspiracy propaganda to discredit the movement.

Valerie Curren

OK, thanks for clarifying your thoughts here–appreciated!


Anybody who helped JFK would be getting real long in the tooth nowadays.

Gail Combs

Yeah, he would be 104.

Gail Combs

Horse doodoo.

Q was asked outright if JFK jr was still alive and stated NO!

I have never seen anything like this in the original Q.

starter returns:

…. but, more importantly, aid in the construction of a vehicle (a ‘ship’) that provides the scattered (‘free thinkers’) with a ‘starter’ new social-networking platform which allows for freedom of thought, expression, and patriotism or national pride (the feeling of love, devotion and sense of attachment to a homeland and alliance with other citizens who share the same sentiment).
When ‘non-dogmatic’ information becomes FREE & TRANSPARENT it becomes a threat to those who attempt to control the narrative and/or the stable.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It’s worse than that.

This meme is about JFK senior still being alive. That’s a first for anyone to try to hang around Q’s neck.

(Edit: Actually, that IS what you are saying…never mind.)

Last edited 3 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Gail Combs

Yeah, I was alive when he was shot.

Valerie Curren

Great insights, thanks Gail 🙂

Valerie Curren

I got the Usurpation Blues 😉
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Is that an “accidental” Q? Hmmm

Last edited 3 years ago by Valerie Curren

That one is very weird. Everyone knows there are no container ships outside the WH, So why do that?

Valerie Curren

No clue. They’re just mocking people now or something. Or they are trying to sink Pedo Joe themselves?

Valerie Curren

School of Hard Knocks grad here 🙂
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Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

DuPont depravity, seen on Gab

comment imageBrad Fitzgerald +++

Did you know that a member of the du Pont family was CONVICTED of raping his own toddlers but was never sent to prison & the children were never removed from the home? He wasn’t sent to prison because it may have been too problematic for him.

Then AG, Beau Biden facilitated the plea deal …

Du Pont Heir Gets No Prison Time for Raping 3-Year-Old Daughter | Vanity Fair

His last name appears repeatedly in “The Bloodlines Of The Illuminati”. That book is currently hosted on the CIA’s official website …

His family, along with the 3M Corporation, have been intentionally poisoning our families, for decades, every time we prepare them a meal …

‘The Devil We Know:’ How DuPont Poisoned the World with Teflon
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Deplorable Patriot

There’s a gene in the DuPont line that surfaces every now and then. This isn’t the only DuPont into this stuff. There was another case early in the twentieth century, and teflon is just their latest poison. There have been others.

Valerie Curren

Very interesting. It’s sick that these type of people hold so much sway in society!

Gail Combs

Dupont was behind the banning of HEMP because it was in direct competition with NYLON.


The cotton people didn’t like it either. Military uniform competition.


I’m hoping for a run on neckties….

Gail Combs

scratchy itchy ones at that.   :wpds_cool: 

Valerie Curren

Info Finally getting out to Normies?
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Gail Combs


And guess what?

Gates, Fauci, and Daszak charged with Genocide in Court Filing20 Dec 21

In a stunning 46-page legal filing to the International Criminal Court on December 6, an intrepid attorney and seven applicants accused Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak, Melinda Gates, William Gates III, and twelve others of numerous violations of the Nuremberg Code. These included various crimes against humanity and war crimes as defined by the Rome Statutes, Articles 6, 7, 8, 15, 21, and 53…..

Ralph Baric should also be included and the other authors of the Gain-of-function paper co-authored with the Wuhan Bat Lady.

Valerie Curren

Excellent. Hope that has some Real Teeth! Not holding my breath though…

Gail Combs

If nothing else you can hand the indictment to friends and family.


Valerie Curren

Thanks Gail!!!

Valerie Curren

Also seen on Gab, in the same vein
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Valerie Curren

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Years ago I looked into United Way & some %age of your donation went into the collective pot that funded Planned Parenthood & other objectionable entities. Better to give to Your preferred charities directly, imo.

When looking into March of Dimes years ago it seems that one of the ways to reduce “birth defects” was to promote the abortion of the disabled–sick & evil!


I’m not sure what is true, but there is this:

Several variations of an email called Think before you donate claim Mark Curran as the CEO and Owner of Goodwill Industries (he isn’t). One surfaced recently claiming Goodwill is a for-profit store and the owner, Mark Curran, makes an annual salary of 2.3 million (he doesn’t, because he doesn’t exist). Mark Curran has never owned Goodwill or worked for Goodwill Industries.

Goodwill Industries of Northern New England is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit that operates in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont providing a variety of services that connect people to market place employment, reaching nearly 50,000 people annually.

I no longer trust “conservative” memes that claim to give information like this because either the people behind them are corrupt, they have been duped themselves, or they are trying to make us look bad. It has gotten to the point where one has to research everything independently.

Valerie Curren

Thanks TT. Sorry for the bum steer 🙁

There isn’t enough time & energy to research Every piece of info we encounter. Buyer Beware is Always on the table now!


There isn’t enough time & energy to research Every piece of info we encounter. 

Yes, and that’s part of their plan. Overwhelm us with work, taxes, stress and problems (like plandemics and lockdowns) and a million political issues to fight for and against, making it hard for us to determine what is true due to time constraints just trying to survive and thrive.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And this is why I give the hairy eyeball to “people on the internet” who’ve been caught posting faked crap over and over again (*cough* Marshal Report *cough*).



Valerie Curren

Not to mention actually having a real life! Isn’t that Cloward Piven or Alinski or something. Overwhelm the system to break then rebuild it?


Yes, Cloward-Piven.

Gail Combs

Best bet is to give LOCALLY like FOOD not $$$ to the local food bank. If I give something to a beggar it is ALWAYS FOOD not $$$.

Deplorable Patriot

“Local food bank”

So long as they are not a Feeding America affiliate, as that is a national corporate system. The corporate people do not want independent food banks.

Gail Combs

Thanks. I do not think the one I like is. It is backwoods country.


Quarterly local sheriff has a food drive for poor in the county. Usually coincides with “case lot” sale. Sheriff has a patrol pick up near the store entrance. 🙂

100% of the food stays local.


There are many charity watchdogs. Here is one.
Charity Navigator – Your Guide To Intelligent Giving | Home

Valerie Curren

Great Info–thanks!

Valerie Curren

Truth Serum 😉

comment imageDr. Jane Ruby


Dr. Jane’s Truth Serum:

“Omicron“ is rapidly being used to create a false situation to justify prolongation of tyranny.

There is no diagnostic test to verify SARS Cov2 or any supposed variants

All PCR tests are fraudulent

“Case” numbers are fictitious and the rates at which they are increasing are scientifically IMPOSSIBLE

You are being set up for repeated shots.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A demi-charlatan, in other words?


Yeah, but here’s MY question; are people getting diagnosed with a specific variant actually getting deeper testing?

Because I really, REALLY, doubt they are.


Betting VERY, VERY FEW are tested for Moronic Omicron.

FAKE data released to media AND CONFIRMED in further reporting.

The S M E A R is effective. ZERO critical thinking.




I’m sure you had Delta because of how sick you were. Omicron is not that illness.

Valerie Curren

Thanks for that clarification Wolf 🙂


Dayam! She can check my vitals any time she wants.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

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YEAH! Great meme!

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren
Gail Combs

So it is not an attack on POTUS Trump’s Exec Privilege

“The Honorable Justice Sandy Batt of the 71st District US Court of Appeals and Patents ruled that the order to seal the documents under executive privilege was unlawful, because Barack Obama, not Hillary Clinton, was the President at the time:”

“Hillary Clinton had no authority in 2011 to seal the Benghazi documents. Therefore, they shall be unsealed and handed over to the Senate Select Committee on Benghazi, which was disbanded 5 years ago, so they may continue their important work.”


I’m pretty sure there is no 71st District.

Gail Combs

The judge does not exist either. Looks like it is a riffed off the old Judicial Watch lawsuit on Benghazi and private e-mail server.

Valerie Curren



That site looks a bit sketchy. Check the other links on that page….

Gail Combs

It is also here:

And A case exists:

Hillary Clinton asks appeals court to help her dodge Judicial Watch deposition on emails and Benghazi

A three-judge appeals court panel heard arguments this week from Hillary Clinton’s lawyer and Judicial Watch as the former secretary of state seeks to avoid a deposition about her private email server and the Benghazi attack talking points….

Given how the Fake News buried Hunter’s Laptop….

Who knows.

HMMMmmmm  Justice Sandy Batt does not seem to exist.

Gail Combs

BTW, thanks for doing the double check. The amount of chaff incoming is getting greater and greater!


“Hey, Cap’n — isn’t that the target right below us?”

Gail Combs

Yeah, they must be getting REALLY WORRIED!

You can only pull a con this big for just so long and they have over played their hand. People are getting their backs up and shouting HELL TO THE NO!!!

It remains to be seen what happens in Austria and Australia.

Valerie Curren

hmmm, thx

Valerie Curren

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Cuppa Covfefe

Somehow I’d like to see this meme combined with the other guy-girlfriend-other gal meme that’s been floating around the last couple of years…
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or (Sorry gal, I’m a Canon fan):
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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Nikon’s market share is collapsing. Now the threat to Canon is S*ny.

Cuppa Covfefe

Sony can go get a canal for their root kits… still haven’t forgotten their deal there… nor Mark Minasi’s detective work on it…

Nikon makes good kit (or made, at least; have a family member who swears by them)…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah, I can respect Nikon even though I use Canon cameras.

I loathe S*ny for multiple reasons. What’s worse is they either hire or encourage trolls to go all over the internet and talk their crappy products up and others down.

Gail Combs

Love my old Nikons. Of course they take 35 mm film.


Used to be Nikon had the best Japanese glass.

Cuppa Covfefe

Just realized I had the wrong Mark up there (was reading some Minasi stuff, sorry). Missed the Mark, so to speak… (which in some contexts is a good thing)…

Mark Russinovich (of Winternals, now part of MS, great toolset) is the fellow who did the detective work and ran down the root kit (after which he wrote “Rootkit Revealer”)…

We’ve had an intra-familial debate for decades about Nikon versus Canon… and i never did get my Dad’s large-format Rollei (from back when they were good, and not RED Chinese)… sigh…

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Valerie Curren

I LOVE how your mind works!!! <3

Valerie Curren

Naked Emperor alert!
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Valerie Curren

Antrim antics
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💕 this!


I love this! Animals are not dumb.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

JWST update:

It is almost as far away as the moon now, still traveling at just over 3/4 of a mile per second (~2700 mph).

At some point today it’s supposed to do its second Mid Course Correction burn (officially MCC 1b).

So it’s about a quarter of the way to its destination but took only 8 percent of the time to do this. This is expected; it’s slowing down as it travels further and further from Earth because Earth’s gravity is pulling it. So more distance is covered in less time, early on when it’s traveling fastest.

Tomorrow marks the beginning of the sunshield deployment phase, though when they actually do any of the steps is up to them. There could be delays OR speedups to the process. (Although we can’t go out there and fix things, we do command the telescope when we decide it’s time to try to take the next step.)

Last edited 3 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And there’s that pesky little detail about a sunshield working as a solar sail….

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

There’s a “trim tab” that gets deployed partway through the process that (apparently) is supposed to mitigate that.

The scope is massive enough compared to the sail area that it won’t be much acceleration…but it won’t be zero either and when it’s continuous, it does add up.


Rumble — ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Dad Speaks Out on Bannons War Room
‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Dad Speaks Out (


it was interesting … side eye at that last part where he says “Trump is done in 2022…”


Yes, what’s up with that?

…the Democrats have literally stolen their wallets with inflation.   They’re done, even though Trump caused half of it [inflation] or more they’re going to eat the blame for it, just as Carter did. 

Trump is done, and so are those who cling to him. 

Gail Combs

Karl doesn’t like POTUS Trump because of the Clot Shot and his continued support of it.

On both the inflation and the Clot Shot, POTUS was maneuvered into traps. Potus was going to POWER THROUGH the inflation by onshoring business, closing the border and cutting China’s trade deficit off using tariffs and thus raising wages. I think he may have had other plans for inflation too.

Once the pandemic hit, therapeutics were taken off the table by FauXi, and the DemonRat governors were busy killing off the elderly and small business and the middle class therefore the vaccines were his only choice. Since governors have COMPLETE POWER during a pandemic, there really wasn’t much else he could do. At least officially.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

In other words, he think’s Trump’s endorsement of the clot shot is going to come back to bite him in the ass.

I fear he may be right.

(And honestly, it won’t matter whether he “had to do it” or not.)

I see two different aspects to the argument over this: Some claim he had to do it. Others claim that, having done so, he’s going to get a lot of the blame for the “vax.” Those are claims about two different propositions (the first is about the speaker’s evaluation of the endorsement, the second is about other people’s evaluation of the endorsement); so both could be right, or both could be wrong.

Gail Combs

As I said, we will have to see how the mess plays out. I do not think it is anywhere NEAR finished.

January 27, 2021

President Joe Biden announced several changes to the country’s COVID-19 vaccine supply and distribution plans late Tuesday, in an effort to streamline and increase vaccinations in states, tribal areas and territories.

Biden also stated that the U.S. vaccine distribution policy would become more regular and predictable. To-date, governors have bemoaned the irregularity of deliveries of unknown quantities, which made scheduling appointments nearly impossible week-to-week in most states.

“Until now we’ve had to guess how much vaccine to expect for the next week. From this week forward … we will ensure states tribes and territories will always have a reliable three-week forecast,” Biden said.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has now tracked more than 44 million doses shipped, with more than half administered in first and second doses. The numbers represent a significant acceleration in vaccinations, which were lagging doses shipped in the first few weeks of the national rollout.

Biden also announced that the U.S. would be purchase an additional 100 million doses from both Pfizer (PFE)/BioNTech (BNTX) and Moderna (MRNA), pushing the total commitment to 600 million doses — or enough to vaccinate 300 million Americans.


President-elect Joe Biden called out the Trump administration Tuesday over the slower-than-expected pace of vaccinations while laying out his own approach for speeding up the vaccine process through greater involvement from the federal government.

“As I have long feared and warned, the effort to distribute and administer the vaccine is not progressing as it should,” Biden said in remarks in Wilmington, Delaware. “If it continues moving as it is now, it will take years, not months to vaccinate the American people.”

Speaking on CNN on Monday, Dr. Celine Gounder, a Covid-19 adviser to Biden, lamented the pace at which people were being vaccinated, saying the country needed to be vaccinating 1 million people every day, not every week.

“It would take us over a decade to vaccinate all Americans with the Pfizer and Moderna vaccine, so that’s clearly not an acceptable pace,” said Gounder…

The Rollout was VERY SLOW, you could even call it a large CLINICAL TRIAL… This means lock-downs go away but less people are at risk.

The current US population (est) is  331,002,651. The 2000 population age 0-19 was 80,473,265 That means roughly 250,000,000 over the age of 20.

“..Biden also announced that the U.S. would be purchase an additional 100 million doses to vaccinate a total of 300 million…”

Therefore POTUS Trump bought enough for only 250 million people. In other words he NEVER MEANT TO VACCINATE THE YOUNG OR UNWILLING!

Last edited 3 years ago by Gail Combs

I feel that I like to be respected not wanting the shot I therefore extent the cutesy to those who took the shots,
I would be hypocritical if I do not. Sure at first I was arrogant wanted others to think and do as I, I have grown and realize I cannot expect others my way if I do not see theirs, I can disagree and still respect choices that are different than mine.
This applies also to POTUS 45. I support him !

Last edited 3 years ago by singingsoul1
Gail Combs

I think he and everyone else underestimate POTUS Trump. The Clot Shot is a major problem for him, but we will have to let that mess ‘age’ a bit before we know what is what.

Remember One of his Advisers, Dr Hatfill called Omicron a ‘Moving Vaccine’ And Wolfie mentioned a ‘Back Burn’

CNBC — so you have to wade through the bullschiff.
Omicron could burn through the U.S. — and potentially hasten the Covid pandemic’s end, says expert

Just weeks ago, 💩the U.S. was on track to end the pandemic in 2022.💩 Then, omicron hit — throwing scientists’ projections into disarray.

The rapidly spreading Covid variant is now responsible for 73% of U.S. cases, a rate which White House chief medical advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci called “unprecedented” during a Good Morning America appearance on Tuesday.

Now, some researchers say omicron could actually hasten the virus’ transition from pandemic to endemic, albeit with large numbers of illnesses and

💩 potential deaths along the way. 💩

The theory: Due to omicron’s high rate of transmission and 💩 danger to unvaccinated and non-boosted people, 💩 hospitalizations and

💩 deaths could rise significantly 💩 in the coming weeks and months — but survivors could emerge with

💩a degree of so-called “natural immunity” 💩 that could help protect against Covid’s next variant of concern.

“As all the public health folks have been saying, it’s going to rip right through the population,” says Dr. David Ho, a world-renowned virologist and Columbia University professor. “Sometimes a rapid-fire could burn through very quickly but then put itself out.”

Notably,💩 natural immunity isn’t nearly as reliable 💩 as vaccine-enabled immunity. Roughly 62% of the U.S. population is fully vaccinated as of Wednesday, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention….

Now I need eye bleach.

 Wuhan Flu virus spread with no ‘herd immunity’ vs with ‘75% herd immunity’
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Deplorable Patriot

This came up this morning on an account I follow:

Forwarded from 

Praying Medic

 (Dave Hayes)

If Trump openly opposed vaccines, the media would paint him as another Alex Jones and he would lose all credibility with normies. His public opposition to vaccines would not stop the deep state’s plan to roll out multiple variants and vaccines while locking down the country and destroying business over the span of many years.

In supporting vaccines publicly, Trump maintains credibility with normies.

Forcing drug companies to develop their vaccines in record time, set them up for failure. They must forego clinical testing and bring to market untested vaccines. Data showing adverse side effects must be concealed. In doing so, drug companies violate the law, removing their financial immunity for damages.

The Omicron variant is released. It’s incredibly contagious but extremely mild and provides herd immunity in a matter of weeks. Some believe it was engineered for that purpose.

All the while, the Defense Department was working on a vaccine that cures all past and future covid variants.

It’s not about us. But, still, I wish the whole truth would come out.

Trump loudly.png
Gail Combs

Yeah, Dave reached the same conclusion… Well theory I did. Dr Hatfill’s sudden appearance on Steve Bannon’s War Room is something of a BIG CLUE.


Dr. Steven Hatfill is a specialist physician and a virologist with a military background and separate master’s degrees in microbial genetics, radiation biochemistry, and experimental pathology. His medical fellowships include Oxford University, the NIH in Bethesda, and the NRC where he studied the Ebola Virus at the US Army Institute for Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick.

From 1986-87 he served as the overwinter medical officer for the South African 27th National Antarctic Expedition. From 1987-1990 he served as a part-time casualty officer (Emergency Medicine) at a major hospital in South Africa. He became board eligible in Hematological Pathology in 1994. Since 2005 he has been involved with teaching the emergency medical response to blast / ballistic injury, and has worked tirelessly to modify these techniques for use in civilian active shooter applications.

This is the guy the FBI under Mueller tried to hang for the Anthrax letters so he has ZERO love for the ‘Deep State’

Where DR. SHANKARA CHETTY  made such headway on the Coof.
Also notice there is a BIO-Level 4 lab

Also notice South Africa is the country Biden FauXi targeted for a travel shutdown. I can not find much about that lab.
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Last edited 3 years ago by Gail Combs

IF Omicron is indeed a “manufactured” moving “vaccine,” and IF Trump can prove to the public he had anything to do with it, even making a law or a rule of something that allowed it before he left office, and IF Omicron puts an end to all this, THEN he can come out on top of the vaccine nightmare.

Maybe that is the plan.

Gail Combs

The timing is about right. Remember it would take a lot of time to manipulate the virus and then prove it has the characteristics you want.

  1. Omicron branched off in the March-June time period. That would be when FauXi sidelined and stomped HCQ into the ground.
  2. Dr Hatfill was on Steve Bannon’s War Room when the CCP virus first hit and then disappeared until just now as Omicron makes its debut.
  3. Dr Hatfill HATES the Deep State and Mueller/FBI after they hounded him on the anthrax letters.
  4. Dr Hatfill had strong military and medical connections in South Africa.
  5. There is a bio-level 4 lab in South Africa
  6. AFRICANS HATE GATES because they were the subjects of his nasty genocidal programs.
  7. 7. POTUS can grant anyone any type of security clearance he wishes.

Well, isn’t that interesting. Thanks for all the info. VERY interesting.

Especially since the Omicron seems to prefer to infect the vaccinated. Does it “fix” what the vaccine did to them? Gotta wonder.


These kinds of rationalizations never make any sense to me. There’s so many plot holes it’s like writing a movie script on swiss cheese.

It comes across like PM is a shill for whoever wants to keep people like us going along with the narrative.


“If Trump openly opposed vaccines, the media would paint him as another Alex Jones and he would lose all credibility with normies.”


A) who cares what the media would do, they hate Trump and paint him however they want to all the time. If Trump lived his life in such a way that the media wouldn’t attack him, we wouldn’t even know his name

B) DJT has no particular credibility with ‘normies’ anyway. But you know what would cause him to have credibility with the ‘normies’ who weren’t already predisposed to hate him?

Telling ‘normies’ the truth, and proving it.

But we never ever do that. Dave (PM) and the other gurus never EVER recommend truth. No truth shall EVER be spoken by people in a position to actually have a real impact. SD is exactly the same way. Sundance can come up with a thousand reasons why Trump can never tell the truth about anything, and all his followers rub their chins and dutifully cheer him on.

It’s sad.

As in literally demoralizing.


“His public opposition to vaccines would not stop the deep state’s plan to roll out multiple variants and vaccines while locking down the country and destroying business over the span of many years.”


Is that according to Dave’s crystal ball, or the Oracle at Delphi, or what?

This is what our side does, all the day long, explain to us (rationalize, justify) why we can never do anything that would be effective, so it’s useless to ever try.

Get back in your box people‘.

Almost as if it’s Dave’s and the other guru’s job to always steer us toward doing nothing and rationalizing demoralization. And then everybody sits back and nods and says how wise it is, to never do anything, to never try anything, to never speak the truth plainly.

And that’s exactly how we got into this entire mess.

But by all means, don’t change the recipe now!

It’s workin’ PERFECT… almost destroyed the entire planet and civilization… just a little longer, and we’ll destroy everything so completely that it can never be salvaged… 👍😂🤣😂


“In supporting vaccines publicly, Trump maintains credibility with normies.
Forcing drug companies to develop their vaccines in record time, set them up for failure.”


This is called taking an event that has already happened, then reverse-engineering it to fit a narrative that makes a disaster appear to have been the only wise course of action.

It’s also completely bogus and dishonest.

If PM is right, then DJT purposely set up everyone who was injured or killed by vaccines to be injured or killed.

But we’re not supposed to recognize that inconvenient truth, we’re just supposed to follow the Pied Piper’s rationalizations and not think too much about the consequences of said rationalizations.

The next rationalization, if anyone points out the “that makes Trump a monster” problem, is “it hadda be that way” 🙄😂🤣😂

As if the most powerful man on the planet had no better option than to flood the global population with an untested experimental gene-therapy shot cooked up by Mr. Global.

And somehow, people go along with this.

I don’t know how, any more than I understand why people wear masks or take the shot in the first place.


“They must forego clinical testing and bring to market untested vaccines.”



Where does this word “must” come from, as if the drug companies were powerless to take any other course of action?

All of these bogus theories rely on all of the main actors to be hostages to circumstances and powerless to make any other decision than the one they made.

That’s BS, and it’s always BS, and we can know it’s BS because the people promoting these narratives never even try to defend that BS, they just assert it as if it’s gospel, and for some reason, people just accept it.

I don’t know why, and no one can explain why.

If the drug companies were legitimate, they would have simply refused, on the grounds that the only possible outcome of such a course of action, based on all prior experience, is wiping out the human species.


“Data showing adverse side effects must be concealed. In doing so, drug companies violate the law, removing their financial immunity for damages.”


Ah, so we’re back to ye olden plot contrivance that murdering 2/3rds of the human population is an unfortunate but necessary collateral damage in order to arrest the CEOs of the drug companies.

They’re building a case, see, and 5.25 billion people have to die in order to put these guys in jail, but that’s the price of justice.

It’s ridiculous.


“The Omicron variant is released. It’s incredibly contagious but extremely mild and provides herd immunity in a matter of weeks. Some believe it was engineered for that purpose.”


More backseat narrative driving, working backwards to rationalize and justify all of Trump’s actions into a neat whole that explains everything and also justifies not doing anything going forward that might interrupt this great plan.


“All the while, the Defense Department was working on a vaccine that cures all past and future covid variants.”


It’s just sad.

I’m sad for Dave, that he says these things, like his thinker just doesn’t work anymore.

No vaccine like that has ever been created in the history of mankind. Fauxi has been trying since before AIDS.

But supposedly the Defense Department can whip one up in a few months, and this justifies Trump pushing the drug companies to vaccinate the entire planet, the whole human species, with clot shots… 🙄

Dream on,
Dream on,
Dream on,
Dream until your dreams come true…


People on our side are not mesmerized by the MSM or the government, as the Left is, or like most of the ‘normies’ are on some subjects, like China virus.

But our side often seems hypnotized by gurus on our own side.

Why is that?

By what reason of logic should we trust anybody in the midst of an information / propaganda war?

Why shouldn’t we be equal opportunity distrusters, not believe anybody without substantiation?

Why shouldn’t we question the people claiming to be on our side just as vigorously as those we know are against us?

If people feel the need to trust gurus on our side, fine. Why not “trust but verify” then?

Why does the ‘verify’ get left out when it comes to gurus on our side, but not when it comes to the government or the MSM?


“We want somebody to trust who is not God.”


I can understand that, I just have a very hard time doing it.

From a 20,000 foot level, the problem seems to be this.

We know who enough of the bad guys are, that we have a general idea of who and what the enemy is (e.g., gov’t leaders, Big Tech CEOs, WEF people, Big Pharma, U.N., etc.)

We know who the bad guys are because of their own words and because of their actions, and long history of both.

The problem we face, is that we don’t have ANY IDEA who the good guys are, with the (hopeful) exception of DJT and DeSantis, Navarro and…?

The problem with not knowing WHO the good guys are, is that it raises the realistic prospect that there may not BE any good guys, at least not enough to make any difference.

We see the enemy legions, we hear their words, and we experience their evil deeds, every day of the week.

Where is the counterbalance to that?


There isn’t one.

There is lots of hopium and guru narrative, but there is precious little in the way of evidence.

Maybe that lack of evidence is by design (i.e., total and perfect operational secrecy), or maybe the lack of evidence is because there isn’t any (i.e., no one is opposing the bad guys).

The appearance — to us, to impartial observers and to legions of Dims — is that no one is opposing the bad guys, at least not openly. Every day looks like the enemy charges ahead, gobbling up more territory by the day, without resistance.

It’s not like our ‘forces’ are falling back, it’s as if we don’t HAVE any forces. That’s how it looks.

How can we deal with that, psychologically, in the absence of any evidence to the contrary?

We can pretend, we can hope, we can latch onto narratives that provide an explanation for the complete and total lack of opposition to the enemy’s daily advancement.

That is one psychological possibility, and clearly it is a very attractive one.

And there are plenty of people willing to contribute exactly such a narrative, which is received like water to a man dying of thirst in the desert.

It’s powerful.

But what if that water is a mirage?

Try questioning the mirage, and you find out very quickly that people dying of thirst don’t like those questions.

This of course has a suppressive effect on questioning the mirage narrative, because people don’t want to say something that will be unpopular or demoralizing, especially if the mirage is sustaining some who might otherwise falter.

At the same time, by not pointing out the possibility of the narrative being a mirage, and it turns out to have been a mirage all along, the people drinking the mirage water are not actually benefiting from it physically. They’re still dying from thirst, but a pleasant hallucination has mitigated their pain, for a time.

I have not personally ever heard or read of any ‘war’ that was fought openly by one side, and covertly by the other.

It sounds ridiculous, but that’s only because it is.

A ‘war’ requires opposing sides, otherwise there is no ‘war’, there is just unopposed aggression.

If this is a new kind of ‘war’, where the bad guys are more or less open about their motives and actions (to anyone who looks past the MSM smokescreen), while the good guys maintain 100% operational secrecy for years on end (a feat never achieved before in human history…), then how does that work?

In a global war, there are nation-states controlled and operated by the bad guys. Professional militaries and intelligence agencies, etc.

It would be really helpful to have a nation-state opposition to such an otherwise overwhelming force. Something roughly the size and power of the United States, as opposed to Lichtenstein, for example.

Sadly, the United States government is owned and operated by the bad guys — and all the other governments are, too.

Except apparently Myanmar, and Guinea (or New Guinea, I forget which). Inspirational giants without peer though they be, as a practical matter, they are not large or powerful enough to take on the other 118+ nation-states.

Individually or collectively.

So a global war requires opposing sides.

Only one side is visible, and it ain’t the good guys.

We have to deal with that reality, somehow.

One way, apparently the only way, is to look for narratives that make it seem like we’re in the thick of the fight, presumably winning (at least winning more than losing), despite zero external or internal evidence that any actual opposition exists.

Professional black hat forces would clearly be aware of this dynamic, and would exploit it for maximum effect.

How would that exploitation look, how would it be manifested?

It would be awfully easy to cook up fantastic narratives that suggest and imply that good things are happening behind the scenes, things which are never visible on the surface, but happening deep below.

And the news is all good, of course, but unfortunately, none of that good news is verifiable, because that would help the enemy. The real and verifiable enemy, who is making real and verifiable gains day by day.

As a practical matter, it would be an obvious propaganda move for the enemy to demoralize We the People via MSM channels, while giving us false hope through back channels, like the guru network.

Some of the gurus would be compromised (actively working for the enemy), but some could be honest dupes, mirroring the positive underground ‘news’ (narrative) on their own, believing they are doing their part to help the ‘resistance’.

All the while, the actual ‘resistance’, the actual opposing force to the tyranny, maintains complete and total radio silence.

They have never once surfaced.

Their periscope has never once broken the surface of the waves.

Run silent, run deep.

Really deep.

So deep, that if they have ever actually engaged the enemy, there is no record or evidence of it.

And that is a problem.

Because in a ‘war’, which by definition requires opposing sides, one side cannot take all of the damage, while the other side takes none.

That’s not a war.

That’s just unopposed aggression.

If the super secret ‘good guy’ opposition exists, I am not sure how to rationalize the strategy to exclude We the People (of America and of the world) from the battle.

We the People are the greatest possible resource. We are decentralized, there are billions of us (worldwide), and if the ‘good guys’ would just let us know there was an actual war going on instead of a global surrender, nobody would be more motivated than We the People.

It also seems the height of arrogance that any such ‘good guys’ would even try to win a global war ‘on behalf of the people’ instead of “with the help of the people”.

For one thing, if they don’t need any help from “We the People” in this war, if they’re so great and powerful that they can ‘handle this’ without us, then why are we in any ‘war’ to begin with?

And supposing for sake of argument that the ‘good guys’ are real and are fighting (and winning), what lesson do they suppose We the People will learn, if the ‘good guys’ succeed in saving the day, without us?

What will We the People learn from that?

Will we appreciate a victory in which we have not (at least not knowingly) fought?

Or would it just encourage everyone to be even less engaged in civics and personal responsibility, because after all, the ‘good guys’ managed to win WWIII, and We the People (for the most part) didn’t even know a war was taking place?

If there are any good answers, to any of the points raised, I would gladly hear them.

If there were any, it seems like I would have spotted at least one, but so far, I haven’t.

The water in the glass looks pure and even feels nice and cold.

But somehow I’m still parched after drinking it, and I just… I’m not really sure why.

It’s probably nothing.

On the other hand, it might be a good idea to check that glass of water, just to be sure it’s not an empty glass.

Because that would be bad.

But not as bad as continuing to walk further into the desert, with imaginary water… 🙂


They actually shaped this place like a pentagram. /smh

comment image


Wolf or DPat. my email accidentally posted on D.Pat’s wonderful post. I was trying to fill out all the fields after I wrote a very long response in agreement with what D.Pat posted, and somehow my email got posted. Please remove if possible. I am unable to post there, apapparently. It tells me to fill out all fields and has my user name but my actual post will not post. Thank you.

Deplorable Patriot

I’ll get it.


I’m sorry, DPat, I don’t know why that is happing. I’ll stop osting for now to save you trouble. Weird, isn’t it?

Deplorable Patriot

I unapproved the comment. Wolf can take any other action.


DPat, it was accidental,what other action would be necessary? the post I intended did not post. Loved your post and I wrote a long response, which is lost.


Zoe, she’s just keeping it from posting so your email won’t be out there. I don’t think she can change the content. Only Wolf can do that.

Deplorable Patriot

Um…I can, but don’t. Unpublishing it was the easiest course.

Deplorable Patriot

It was just that one post. A second one came through. It’s fine.

I’m sorry your response was lost. That is, for sure, most annoying.


Thank youvery kind. Just embarrassing and don’t like to cause a problem.

Deplorable Patriot

No problem, Zoe.


Zoe, DP did what needed to be done immediately. There is no hurry for any second phase, so it can be handled after due consideration.

This is sort of a standard way of dealing with issues — make it “not an emergency” first, then look into the best fix.

No worries.


“Massive Tragedy” – Brazilian Dams Break, Ten More At Risk Of Collapse Amid Heavy Rain


The scope of that is huge. Those poor people! Lots of videos at that site. One man was up to his shoulders in water and was being rescued . It looked like he was keeping his wallet above water. I guess many are going to lose everything they have.


Hospital Death Camps Exposed

“You can check-in, but you can never leave” is becoming the slogan of US hospitals treating COVID-19.

Deplorable Patriot

Who knew this would be prophetic.


Ha! I just watched that video the other day.

Or watched somebody watch it.

It’s surprisingly fun to watch other people hear songs YOU grew up with, but somehow, they’re just hearing it for the first time.

I guess I shouldn’t be surprised though, my friends and I did that a lot in high school, and college, and after college. Have people over to let them experience great music on a quality sound system, sit in the stereo chair (the stereo ‘sweet spot’, the location where the sound from the speakers creates the 3D sonic image), with the lights out and the volume turned up to LOUD 👍😁


This is horrific.

For those who must enter the hospital, Dr. Vliet advised getting a durable power of attorney for healthcare in place. You must have an advocate, one who can monitor what the hospital is doing to you when you are perhaps sedated or otherwise incapacitated while hospitalized.

I’ve been shouting this for months. I’ve seen firsthand the control they have. Family can’t come in because of COVID, so the patient is at the mercy of whoever runs the hospital. They sneak in things like “palliative care” — which is a euphemism for one tiny step before hospice — unbeknownst to the patient or their loved ones. And I can’t state this strongly enough: If they are not letting patient supporters in, they have to force the issue in whatever way they can. Patients have rights, and so do their care givers.

In addition, she advised that a patient write out a statement of what they want and do not want while in the hospital.

This could be as simple as, “I do not want Remdesivir,” or “I want the medications that I have been taking at home to be continued, including Vitamin D3, Zinc, Quercetin, and Ivermectin.”

Dr. Vliet noted, “They have to continue the medications you were already taking at home.” In the case of Ivermectin, knowing this tidbit could save you the cost of a lawyer and having to get a court order. Then there is always the option of checking out of the hospital or getting a transfer- provided you are medically stable.


Mr gil told me that there was a group of people wirking an assignment another room over from him before he got sick and a couple days after he was symptomatic he found out a guy who was a cubicle opposite him was sick*I think those guys brought it in). That guy was put on a vent while i was in the hospital or just after. He died today. 61 y/o. Supposedly no comorbidities but he doesnt know what questions to ask and wont intrude.
If I had be put on a vent id be dead.
People need to use their big kid voice and say no. Be assertive but decisive.


My family has been informed that they are NOT to take me to a hospital unless I am clearly dying of a heart attack or stroke, or I am bleeding to death.

For anything else, I will be at HOME.


That is my rule about going to a doctor. If I walk in with a broken arm, we both can tell there is a problem and what needs fixing.


Good rule!


Stick with me on this ground report – it’s worth it. Some of you know where I live – east TN. Think Dolly. The wife and I took a little visit into the tourist Mecca area today, which includes the Tanger Mall. Now if you know or have heard about Tanger Factory Outlets, you know what it is about. The Tanger family sold out to Simon Properties in the past couple of years, but they still operate in a similar way.

Our local Tanger is historically the #2 in sales per square foot of all of them. I know because their recently retired regional property manager has been a long term personal friend. I cannot imagine how #1 surpasses this one. Since Black Friday up to now, two days after Christmas – there have been zero parking spaces vacant for more than a minute with people crushing each other to get in. Most days have been just like Black Friday. Car tags from everywhere – even Alaska (several from there).

A friend of ours has owned operated a lodging facility in the same community for decades. Occupancy has been at 90+% everyday with overall county daily rental occupancy at 80+% when including all rental property types.

Nary a mask in sight with customers within our view, just store employees (not all). Saw a handful of customers with them on at other non-Tanger establishments – all women. Social distancing is not even physically possible.

So what is the COVID daily positive case count for all county citizens, the people who work in all the places where this mass of humanity is located going everyday; who then go home to their families, school, other businesses, church, etc.? Keep in mind less than 50% of county residents have been jabbed at least one time.

We are averaging less than 40 positive cases per day since Black Friday in a county with a population of 120,000 people who are exposed to the entire nation and 20+ million tourists per year. The data comes straight from the state/county reported positive cases if you are wondering.

So let’s lose our shiz over Omicron, right? 😂 😂 😂

FWIW, this variant along with remaining older variants have already peaked in TN per the state website’s reporting.

Last edited 3 years ago by TradeBait2
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

But if we don’t lose our shiz, we can’t continue to tyrannize the people!

Come on, man!



I am reduced to LMAO at the kabuki theater I see now. If you want to have a little fun at a sheeple’s expense, make sure you walk as close to them as they will allow when passing by while giving them a smile and a “have a nice day.”

Watching a female tourist zip lining down toward the parkway with a mask on is always a treat. Seriously.

Extreme doofusness.

Gail Combs

Don’t forget to then sniffle or cough… 😋


I do that! In the grocery store. So mean, but I am so fed up. My only exception is the really old people. I feel sorry for them. So scared from watching mainstream news.

Only a few people around here wear masks anymore.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

😀 I believe the correct term is “doofosity” (doo-FOSS-it-ee) though it does change the pronunciation of the second vowel a bit.



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

2 1/2 days almost precisely since JWST launch. Still waiting for the second midcourse correction burn.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

As it happens, the burn started one minute after I posted this.


Starting tomorrow and running for six days…the sunshield!

Last edited 3 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Gail Combs


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The sunshield seems to be to be the trickiest part.

The two “arms” which in all the illustrations are covered with pink stuff, have to swing down. Those should both happen on Day 3. i.e., any time after 0720 tomorrow (EST)

Then the mirrors, which are still on the central “post”, have to lift away from the shield, like those big hydraulic jacks you used to see at repair garages (but I doubt it’s hydraulic here).

A trim tab has to hinge off the end of one of the arms. It’s there to reduce torque from the light pressure on the sail; without it the spacecraft will have to use its maneuvering thrusters (and its totally fixed supply of fuel) more often.

That part is all relatively easy.

Then the pink stuff has to roll away to release the actual sun shield reflective plastic. I’m not sure how it works, the videos just show it rolling up like magic.

Then the two cross arms have to extend and pull the plastic sheets with them. THAT seems to me to be the trickiest single step…if that plastic should tear instead of extend…and it did do so in the lab once…we’re sunk.

Once fully extended the sheets have to be separated and tensioned (and maybe that’s when the lab rip happened).

Six days of extreme nailbiting!

Last edited 3 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Lee Harvey Oswald’s Last Phone Call

Emerald Robinson reporting on “the unpublished book The Oswald Letter by Thomas Lipscomb with Jerome Kroth.”

A good friend of mine, the renowned journalist Thomas Lipscomb, has just completed a new manuscript (with Jerome Kroth) titled The Oswald Letter and it contains a number of staggering claims based on these federally released documents as well as fresh accounts from new eyewitnesses who have never before been interviewed. The following excerpt is just one of the many important revelations contained in The Oswald Letter.

comment image

This call slip, written about 11:00PM, came from the 10 position telephone operators’ switchboard room on the fifth floor of the Dallas Municipal Building. It was filled out by one of the two operators on duty that night, Mrs. Louise Swinney and Mrs. Alveeta Treon. Telephone calls from the Dallas Jail where Lee Harvey Oswald was being held were routed through this switchboard.

The call slip is an integral element of the new material that has emerged since the Warren Report, that makes possible a more clear understanding of just who the “lone nut assassin” Lee Harvey Oswald really was. (This story was initially developed by a remarkable North Carolina academic named Grover Proctor.)

Operator #1 Louise Swinney (who had been on duty) informed her arriving colleague, Alveeta Treon, that Lee Harvey Oswald would be making a phone call and that two men would be entering the switchboard room while it was underway. The men arrived and sat down. It was Mrs. Treon’s impression that they were law enforcement, or Secret Service, or the like. 

Lee Harvey Oswald called the switchboard about 10:45 PM, gave the numbers, and asked to make a collect call to a John Hurt in Raleigh, NC. Both Mrs. Swinney and Mrs. Treon were hooked up to the feed and both could hear the call. Mrs. Swinney took the call and was poised to send it over to Long Distance to route the call to Raleigh.

“I listened and watched very carefully for Mrs. Swinney to place the call with the long distance operator. She appeared very nervous and visibly shaken. For a few minutes she just sat there trembling.” Mrs. Treon would later comment that she understood Mrs. Swinney’s nerves. “I continued watching and listening but she did not place the call.” Because Mrs. Swinney’s key was closed, it was not possible for Oswald or the men in the equipment room to know what was happening, nor whether she had placed the call that Oswald had requested. But Mrs. Treon did.

“I was dumbfounded at what happened next. Mrs. Swinney opened the key to Oswald and told him, ‘I am sorry the number doesn’t answer.’ I am pretty certain she said number and not numbers. She then unplugged and disconnected Oswald. Immediately, the two men in the equipment room came out, thanked us for our cooperation and left.” Mrs. Treon would later say that her “lasting impression of the events that night is that Mrs. Swinney had been instructed by someone to not put the call through to Oswald.”

Earlier that day, Oswald had tried to put a call through to a prominent left-wing lawyer in New York named John Abt (also during Louise Swinney’s shift) and that call had also failed to get through. Had that phone call been sabotaged as well? Abt said that he never heard from Oswald.

Mrs. Swinney left about 15 minutes later at 11:00PM and Mrs. Treon decided to fill out a call slip of the information on the call as a souvenir for her daughter. She had listened in and had taken it all down. She signed it with Louise Swinney’s name, since she had been the operator on the call. The call slip did not emerge again until it was presented as evidence before the House Select Committee on Assassinations hearings in 1978. The Committee’s Executive Director, G. Robert Blakey, found it “very troublesome” and “deeply disturbing.” 

The man Oswald was trying to call, John David Hurt, was someone whose name had never been mentioned in connection to the JFK assassination in any of the voluminous records — and John David Hurt was an experienced former Special Agent of U.S. Army Counter Intelligence.

As Senator Richard Schweiker had said during the Church Committee Investigations, “”We don’t know what happened, but we do know Oswald had intelligence connections. Everywhere you look with him, there are the fingerprints of intelligence.”

COMING NEXT: Oswald’s history-changing intelligence connection with John David Hurt.

Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths

Think back to that fateful day and the years leading up to it. I was 9 years old in elementary school when the JFK announcement was made over the loudspeaker. This was after practicing atomic bomb reaction drills periodically for years and the Bay of Pigs debacle.

Like hiding under a little desk was going to help. 😂

It changed our view of everything about our country. It made us all more vulnerable for what was to come after it. None of the adults I knew believed it was a one man job. Most of the adult men had served in the military – they knew better.


Yes, here’s another one being rolled out, Mr Global has hired on the likes Mr Abgail Thorne, the transgender youtube philosophy guy formally known as Oliver. Seems ObbyAbby is going to make people question the pure blood crowd by asking questions of what it is they think they know and then planting doubts in the mind. Sorta like his/her life story?

Story is a bit deep as it follows the money trail, but interesting.

For background information on ObbyAbby there’s this.

Can’t get it’s sex right but you can trust it when it comes to all things China Virus?

Gail Combs

ESPECIALLY another idiotic talking head who wouldn’t understand the first two sentences of any of the scientific papers we post here.


We suspected back then. We know now.

God knew all along and before they did it. They never seem to realize that later point.

Last edited 3 years ago by TradeBait2
Gail Combs

OH MY, I am listening to the War Room and laughing my head off. It is Steve Bannon, Jack Posobiec and Raheem Kassam.

LOTS of important news and interesting tidbits. (Yeah we are headed to vaccine passports….changing the definition of ‘immune’….) @ 25 minutes they then started discussing Omicron the ‘Moving Vaccine’ and Raheem says,

“I am going to bail Jack out on that Media Matters headline, the Capitol police on January 6th killed more Americans than Omicron has.”

If you have the time, it is worth listening to. (48 minutes)

Gail Combs

 grandmaintexas minutes Jack dropped a BOMB! Cameltoes the Hoe has been having private talks with HITLARY since November — Buried lead 36 paragraphs down in NYT fluff piece on the Hoe. Hiltlary to be the Hoe’s VP????

Gail Combs

@42 minutes they talk of the soccer players dying the NYT editor dying and how the Biden admin is gearing up to hang it all on POTUS. Also a comment that POTUS should rescind the vaccine manufacturer immunity from liability.

I think this is important and may signal where POTUS makes the turn,


If there is a plan to turn the ship around, this would be that time. It takes a lot of effort, coordination and time to get a big ship headed the right direction

Gail Combs

Remember Bannon was POTUS Chief Strategist. It was also interesting that it was just Steve Bannon, Jack Posobiec and Raheem Kassam — NO SPECIAL GUESTS.


I can’t believe the Hoe would pick Hitlary as VP. She would have to watch her back forever. Surely she knows about the long string of dead bodies behind her.


As we are discussing Hoe, I believe it.

Hoe is also reportedly getting guidance from hildabeast to improve her, Hoe’s likeability.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Keen grasp of the obvious.

Of COURSE she wants in. That’s all she does, that’s all she wants…is the damned Oval Office.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And she absolutely will not stop…ever…until we are dead.


She can’t — at least until all the various statute of limitations have run completely out.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Perhaps it’s Harris’ intent to simply resign. If the job is truly too much for her she probably just wants OUT.


Came in late today.

Listening in. A nugget just went by…

“…Pete Buttedge and the entire Adam’s Family Cabinets…”

Gail Combs

The zingers in that piece were really flying. It was serious news but I was laughing through most of it.


These guys are on a roll. 🙂

I really like the subtle way the jabs, are inserted with the news.


“(Yeah we are headed to vaccine passports…”


Not me.

Not sure a ‘passport’ can even exist as currently used without a mobile phone.

No phone, no passport.

And they can’t make you buy a phone and pay a monthly phone bill.


The mobile phone appears to be the key, the lynchpin, to the New World Order’s entire global slavery plan.

I’m not sure how just about any of their plan works unless everyone VOLUNTARILY pays for and carries a personal tracker (cell phone).

Cuppa Covfefe

Could be what the Øbløwhølephøne was for… give everyone a “free” phone which insures that they’ll never be free again…

Then again, there’s those pesky carrier charges…

Over here anymore it’s all but impossible to get anything done, or any discounts, without an “app”… And, of course, most apps install with maximum privileges, so Big Bother can put a tracking app in there and follow you everywhere…

And all of the “Smart Home” cr@p. Smart homes for stupid (and lazy) people. If no-one’s at home, there shouldn’t be appliances running (outside of fridge, freezer, and HVAC (within reason)… I don’t have to worry about being notified by my smart phone that a flood is raging down the stairs because the washer doesn’t want to stop filling… Or to find out my food’s all spoiled because my fridge lost its power budget in a poker match with the oven….

We have a bunch of radiators (hot-water heating) for which “smart” thermostats with DECT contact to our Fritz!Box(en) are €50,00 per. Recovering that expense from “energy savings”, along with the additional wear-and-tear on the thermo mechanism would never happen… even with all of the Greens’ planned price increases.

Just more “cute” gadgetry to relieve sheeple of their money…

If something is free, then YOU are what’s being SOLD…..


Some good data on omicron if true.


A link to the pre print.

Gail Combs

  :wpds_cool:   :toldyaso: 



Gail Combs

I think Q said it would be around 6% but I haven’t found that drop yet.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

6 percent who wake up, or 6 percent who never do?




This may be what has saved me from having the truly bad Covid experience. I take Claritin and Flonase every day, with occasional Sudafed when my allergies are bad.

I also use anti-allergy herbs. I am tanked up on the good stuff.


Same type thing for me. Xyzal and Flonase every day with the supplements to help with allergies.

Never stopped going, doing things, seeing people, etc.


Yes, me either. Just acted normal.



You really don’t get this fear porn thing well, Wolf. Just think of how you could have trolled this board had you wanted to…



Cuppa Covfefe

Plop, plop,
Fizz, fizz,
Oh, what a relief
it is…

Amazing how often the simpler, or even low-tech solutions work the best… thank GOD.



Gail Combs

Dr Zelanko in August had a long zoom call with the Israeli Rabbinic Court warning them NOT to continue with the vaccination policy.

Dr. Zelenko schools Israeli Rabbinic court


Just read a good point. Omicron in South Africa is hitting mostly jabbed. But SA has a low jabbed rate. So when it hits a high jabbed place, like Israel, you will probably get way high cases. Hopefully deaths stay low. But, 4 jabs?


Forgot about this interview. SA guy has omicron numbers and estimates on how virulent, how long it will last etc. Host is a little panicky and irritating.


My county. Look at the trend line and stabilized number of cases over the past 28 days in an extremely high volume tourism county with lower than 50% jabbed rate.

State. Look at current trend line compared to August. State is 50% vaccinated per CDC definition of the moment, 56% had at least one jab. If you believe it.

Anecdotal observation. Less vaxxed state experiences fast acting Omicron. Current rate of reported infection is roughly half what it was when Delta hit hard. Unvaxxed people don’t notice or think it is just sniffles, allergies acting up, or a cold. They don’t run to the testing centers and doctors to be COVID tested.

Last edited 3 years ago by TradeBait2

Wife just informed me that Southwest lost two Captains around Christmas. Heart conditions. Both deceased.


How often are those flight physicals, annual? Two SW Captains that developed heart conditions in the last 12 months?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

For Air Transport Pilots, they’re every six months. Unless something has changed in the last 15 years.


….and they’re particularly looking for heart conditions where someone might just drop dead. And somehow, two pilots “slipped through the cracks”….

How awful for their families, friends, and coworkers.


“They’re coming for you.”
I hope so!


Ivermectin can’t lie to us.

[…] Well, count this as good news. Hat tip to RF121 for tipping us to this one. […]