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New Year . . . New Life
Last week’s open was about the new covenant we have in Christ … a covenant that leads to permanent change. God has made this change possible for us by the work of his Holy Spirit in our hearts. “. . . so that we may serve in the new way of the Spirit . . .”. Rom 7:6
But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you. John 16:7 I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; that is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you and will be in you. John 14:16-17 “When the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, that is the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify about Me. John 15:26 But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you. John 14:26 Therefore having been exalted to the right hand of God, and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, He has poured forth this which you both see and hear. Acts 2:33
The Holy Spirit does many things in the lives of believers. He is the believers’ Helper (John 14:26). He indwells believers and seals them until the day of redemption—this indicates that the Holy Spirit’s presence in the believer is irreversible. He guards and guarantees the salvation of the ones He indwells (Ephesians 1:13; 4:30). The Holy Spirit assists believers in prayer (Jude 1:20) and “intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God” (Romans 8:26–27).
The Holy Spirit regenerates and renews the believer (Titus 3:5). At the moment of salvation, the Spirit baptizes the believer into the Body of Christ (Romans 6:3). Believers receive the new birth by the power of the Spirit (John 3:5–8). The Spirit comforts believers with fellowship and joy as they go through a hostile world (1 Thessalonians 1:6; 2 Corinthians 13:14). The Spirit, in His mighty power, fills believers with “all joy and peace” as they trust the Lord, causing believers to “overflow with hope” (Romans 15:13).
Sanctification is another work of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer. The Spirit sets Himself against the desires of the flesh and leads the believer into righteousness (Galatians 5:16–18). The works of the flesh become less evident, and the fruit of the Spirit becomes more evident (Galatians 5:19–26). Believers are commanded to “be filled with the Spirit” (Ephesians 5:18), which means they are to yield themselves to the Spirit’s full control.
The Holy Spirit is also a gift-giver. “There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them” (1 Corinthians 12:4). The spiritual gifts that believers possess are given by the Holy Spirit as He determines in His wisdom (verse 11)
The Holy Spirit also does work among unbelievers. Jesus promised that He would send the Holy Spirit to “convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment” (John 16:8, ESV). The Spirit testifies of Christ (John 15:26), pointing people to the Lord. Currently, the Holy Spirit is also restraining sin and combatting “the secret power of lawlessness” in the world. This action keeps the rise of the Antichrist at bay (2 Thessalonians 2:6–10).
The Holy Spirit has one other important role, and that is to give believers wisdom by which we can understand God. “The Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God. For who knows a person’s thoughts except the spirit of that person, which is in him? So also no one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God” (1 Corinthians 2:10–11). Since we have been given the amazing gift of God’s Spirit inside ourselves, we can comprehend the thoughts of God, as revealed in the Scripture. The Spirit helps us understand. This is wisdom from God, rather than wisdom from man. No amount of human knowledge can ever replace the Holy Spirit’s teaching (1 Corinthians 2:12–13).
Here are a few more verses on the work of the Holy Spirit in every believer…
The Holy Spirit draws the believer… No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him and I will raise him up at the last day. John 6:44
The Holy Spirit regenerates… Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” Nicodemus said to Him, “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born?” Jesus answered, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.” John 3:3-6
The Holy Spirit baptizes… For as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of that one body, being many are one body, so also is Christ. For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free—and have all been made to drink into one spirit. I Corinthians 12: 12,13
The Holy Spirit indwells… Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take the members of Christ and make them members of a harlot? Certainly not! Or do you not know that he who is joined to a harlot is one body with her? For “the two,” He says, “shall become one flesh.” But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him. Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body. Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? I Corinthians 6:15-19
The Holy Spirit seals… In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, Who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory. Ephesians 1:13-14
The Holy Spirit assures… For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God. Romans 8:14,16
The Holy Spirit strengthens… that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man Ephesians 3:16
The Holy Spirit infills… And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit, Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, Giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ Ephesians 5:18-20
The Holy Spirit liberates… For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. Romans 8:2
The Holy Spirit directs… For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. Romans 8:14
The Holy Spirit calls to special service… As they ministered to the Lord and fasted, the Holy Spirit said, “Now separate to Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” Then, having fasted and prayed, and laid hands on them, they sent them away. So being sent out by the Holy Spirit, they went down to Seleucia and from there they sailed to Cyprus. Acts 13:2-4
The Holy Spirit guides… So he [Philip] arose and went. And behold, a man of Ethiopia, a eunuch of great authority under Candace the queen of the Ethiopians, who had charge of all her treasury, and had come to Jerusalem to worship, was returning. And sitting in his chariot, he was reading Isaiah the prophet. Then the Spirit said to Philip, “Go near and over take this chariot.” Acts 8:27-29
The Holy Spirit illumines… Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God. But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. I Corinthians 2:12, 14
The Holy Spirit instructs… [Jesus speaking] “However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. “He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you. John 16:13, 14
The Holy Spirit recalls… [Jesus speaking] “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.” John 14:26
The Holy Spirit empowers… For our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Spirit and in much assurance, as you know what kind of men we are among you for your sake. I Thessalonians 1:5
The Holy Spirit produces fruit of the Spirit (Christ-like graces)… But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control. Against such there is no law. Galatians 5:22, 23
The Holy Spirit makes possible prayer… But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit Jude 20
The Holy Spirit makes possible worship and praise… For we are the circumcision, who worship God in the Spirit, rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh, Philippians 3:3
The Holy Spirit makes possible thanksgiving… And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit, Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, Giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ Ephesians 5:18-20
The Holy Spirit will quicken the believer’s body… But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you. Romans 8:11, 25
May we all be fully aware of the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
On this day and every day –
God is in Control
. . . and His Grace is Sufficient, so . . .
Keep Looking Up

Hopefully, every Sunday, we can find something here that will build us up a little . . . give us a smile . . . and add some joy or peace, very much needed in all our lives.
“This day is holy to the Lord your God;
do not mourn nor weep.” . . .
“Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet,
and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared;
for this day is holy to our Lord.
Do not sorrow,
for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

And in that stark moment, would there not be many thousands that cried, “moo!”?
A great first day of 2022. “Mass formation psychosis” broke Google.
An auspicious start, to be sure. Let’s hope they get broken plenty more times as the year continues.
Happy New Year to you and Publius!!!!
Broke twitter too. Trending last I looked but that was a couple hours ago. Libs are putting a big stink up about it of course, but there getting better than they give.
I think I missed this! Sounds GREAT!!!
Found it!!!
Fantastic! Thanks for that link!
IIRC, Gail posted a string of reactions from someone knowledgeable. There are a bunch of links to the interview, but it’s three hours. But the fun stuff is where everyone on the OTHER side is freaking out. “By their squeals, you shall know them….”
Here’s the summary from GA/FL — Gail had the THANK YOU
Another great article – I’m catching up!
New Polling May Be the Death Knell for Biden’s MandatesAs Bannon and Boris say, LOOK AT THE INDEPENDENTS
“….All the polls indicate they are going to lose the House and the large number of Democratic retirements in the House are likely to add to that wave.
So, they have to be desperate for how to improve their polling and their chances.
A new Zogby poll is going to make their chances look even worse. It shows that likely voters have turned overwhelmingly against government mandates: 53 percent prefer personal choice over 37 percent who prefer government mandates.”
I see that glass as half-empty. The fact that the ChiComs through China Joe, have 2/3 of America’s Democrats favoring a stance that will launch a real, live, SHOOTING civil war – that has to have the champagne flowing in Beijing. They are very close to making that chess-piece trade. America goes into a weakening civil war, while they take Taiwan and then play for the West coast by offering to “help” the traitor states.
Missed what? There’s no link in what you replied to.
Steve I provided the link. It went viral on Twatter.
What is “Mass Formation Psychosis?” – The Post & Email
Your Welcome. I saw it last night and thought it was hilarious.
So much for BANNING Dr Malone. I guess they never heard of the Streisand Effect.
He thinks he’s been multi dimensionally red pilled. Wait till he realizes Bill Gates’s 15-20 percent reduction in the human race is a real planning number but that, that’s just a starting point and the 500 million on the GGSs is the real goal.
ALL nicely genetically engineered slaves.
It also broke Twatter!
What is “Mass Formation Psychosis?” – The Post & Email
What is “Mass Formation Psychosis?”. (Jan. 1, 2022) — As of 1:46 p.m. EST on “….Saturday, a relatively new term of art, ” Mass Formation Psychosis ,” trended in second place on Twitter, a position it continued to hold for more than 90 minutes as of this writing. The phrase came to prominence in some circles in recent months after Belgian psychologist and statistician Dr. Mattias Desmet proffered a theory for what he sees as a global behavioral phenomenon stemming from the coronavirus pandemic declared in March 2020.
In Desmet’s words:”
Drs. Robert W. Malone and Peter A. McCullough, among many others, have expounded on Desmet’s findings as a means by which to explain what they see as the abandoning of scientific principles, an adoption of lockstep decision-making and censorship by world governments and social-media platforms, and a mass vaccination program now encompassing young children, who statistics show are at very low risk of complications from the virus….”
It REALLY explains a lot of what Obama did. They REALLY WORKED to create that anxiety over time.
All anxiety like that does is wreck the adrenal glands.
Meaning, Anxiety, and Discontent = MAD
Thanks, Carl!
THIS explained something I didn’t understand….
At the moment of salvation, the Spirit baptizes the believer into the Body of Christ (Romans 6:3).
That moment then is not necessarily what one might think!
Brown University now. New study. Nice that these are beginning. A bit late. If they’d have listened to the President and Professor Scott Atlas (sees Wikipedia is not calling him a Professor. A political commentator instead. You have to read deeper to see that, that there is more. Shameful. ) then they wouldn’t have to be writing these kind of stories.
Studies Show COVID Lockdowns Are Hurting Children
“Severe…” does that mean like damaged? Like will be wanting pay back for the damages? Bet it does. Liberals own this. Them and all the milk toast Mr Global supporters. Might be good idea to be constantly pointing out who those milk toast supporters of great reset are so the kids know who to go to when they grow up and want there comeuppance. Might not be all that act that way, but likely many enough.
Notices Brown is a private institution. Can’t see govt schools being given grant monies for such studies.
It appears that Scott Atlas is NOT addressed as MD, which he IS (Radiology) in Wikipoo. That he is a Radiologist is mentioned “only in passing”. Not surprising.
That is why Wikipedia is useless for truthful information. In research papers my husband discourages students to use the site . Some Professors will not accept papers that have Wickipedia as resource.
Anyone can go into the site and change things.
Right now any scientist , MD or Professor who is a public figure and speaks up what is going on in science, medicine or University research the opponents diminish their credentials.
I discourage wiki as a source too and normally point the author to the View History tab and point out some of the silly nicknames used by those editing the page they cite. I searched for Mass Formation Psychosis and it does not yet exist. However, wiki suggested Robert W. Malone. If you go to that page and click View History, the revisions are added by people including Deep State Patriot [a contradiction in terms], MrOllie, Animalparty, AnomieBOT…
Not sure if this has been posted, but IMO this is critical work.
Based on autopsy work by Sucharit Bhakdi and Arne Burkhardt, I believe that we absolutely must NOT take the clot shot.
There is a fundamental design flaw to the current injected vaccines – even antigen vaccines like Novavax and US Army – which Bhakdi and Burkhardt have postulated from the autopsies.
The flaw is twofold due to injection rather than mucosal confrontation, resulting in the wrong type of antibodies. Thus, firstly, immunity is non-mucosal, leading to the wrong types of antibodies, and secondly, it is leading to targeting of internal organs due to the nature of the genetic vaccines delivered to the vascular system (in actual practice, now undeniable, despite supposedly being locally processed in muscle tissue in theory).
I myself had speculated earlier that nasal vaccines might be much safer for this virus, and these results have confirmed this massively, IMO.
Novavax and Army can likely be rescued by moving to a nasal format. mRNA and viral vector should be ditched, IMO, to guarantee a higher risk/benefit relative to natural immunity, which IMO cannot be offered EVEN by a mucosal genetic vaccine.
I used to get FluMist nasal flu vaccines, even though I generally didn’t get the flu, because I wanted to advance the technology. After this horrific COVID exercise, I’m thinking that there are quite a lot of people who should not be anywhere near vaccine technology.
The priorities of both industry and its captive government partners are VERY wrong!
One way to look at the Theranos story is that EVERYONE HATES the way that MODERN MEDICINE is done, and is willing to pour billions of dollars into a story about changing it. TPTB are prosecuting Elizabeth Holmes — as obvious an MKULTRA target as Zuckerschmuck and Psaki — in hopes that a guilty verdict will “prove” that everyone loves MODERN MEDICINE the way it is.
Everyone wants Dr. McCoy to wave a salt-shaker over them and get useful results; everyone gets being treated as a pincushion for dubious results that are entered into an insecure national database and “interpreted” by goofball idiots with MD’s who are indentured to corporations who want us dead.
That’s an epic comment which I just had to share on Gab!!!
The Elizabeth Holmes story from start to finish glows. I mean glows. That trial is CYA more than anything else.
I must be slow and didn’t keep up. So I went and found two stories from trusted sources to help explain. The first is more detailed. The second more on the status.
Yeah, the whole thing is an interesting story.
Agreed. THIS is key:
“Employees were not allowed to discuss their work with others inside the company,…..”
That is pure IC takeover. Same thing happened in shallow state. We felt like French Resistance talking to each other, which they monitored with their damn hall cameras.
It’s SOVIET – it’s a flawed model in science, destined to make huge mistakes DAILY.
Ironically, if she had reversed that policy, and encouraged people to network on the inside, then the tech may well have resolved. AND – I will bet – all of the compartmentalized work was “air-lifted” to some place where the bugs WERE worked out.
Then the chump head is closed out, as we see here.
This is a nice puzzle piece.
When I read who was on the board of directors, that was my clue. You don’t get people of that caliber on a board of a startup without it being a government project.
Honestly, scanning the story, it looks like her technology was faulty/fallible and not yet perfected enough to warrant big bucks.
It is the same thing Maurice Strong (and Al Gore) pulled with Molten Metal. It was nothing but a pilot plant that was sucking down government money. when that money dried up (Al Gore lost) the company went belly up.
by Dyan Machan, Forbes Magazine, January 12, 1998
[referenced in WORLD OF RADIO 1193]
Getting mixed up with the married Pakistani was a really big wrong turn.
A veritable HERD of Solyndras.
EXACTLY they went from Lab Bench to full scale WITHOUT PILOT PLANT TESTING!!!
Exactly my thinking based on earlier stories (I read about it a long time ago). She kept the money flowing with promises, while “try” was failing behind the curtain.
I’ve had certain much smaller experiences in science – things that looked really promising that just took a wrong turn near the goalposts and almost certainly COULD NOT WORK.
Tech bets can be RISKY.
“….I myself had speculated earlier that nasal vaccines might be much safer for this virus, and these results have confirmed this massively, IMO…..”
Gee Wolfie, do you mean like Dr Steven Hatfill’s ‘Moving Omicron Vaccine”
He-he-he! I almost said something about that! ALMOST. But I wanted that warning to retain a bit more credibility with the “unseeing” when quoted in context.
I will NEVER take another vaccine. No flu shot, no covid. NONE.
I will not trust these globalist money-whores with my health, and I highly recommend that you not, either.
Injection or mist, can’t see it either.
The CDC, NIH, Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, AZ…all them corrupt assholes are gonna have to be taken down. Totally. Rebuilt with the likes of McCullough, Malone, Kory, Merritt…
Exactly. I would need Suspicious Cat, purring on my shoulder, looking over everything.
This is the first year I skipped the flu vaccine. My wife made the mistake of taking it – she was alone and let the doctor talk her into it – and she’s got unexplained pains on that side of the body now, looking like nerve damage.
Yea. First year I’ve skipped the flu shot / mist in decades. It may be interesting when the quack asks about my skipping the flu shot.
The pains from a flu shot seem pretty odd. Hope they fade soon.
Weren’t they doing a COMBINED flu& Covid shot this year???
I would make DARN SURE they didn’t slip her one of these vaccines!
September 16, 2021
Moderna Is Developing a Combination COVID-19 and Flu Booster Shot
That is another point. Besides not trusting vaccine creators and manufacturers and what they put in vaccines, I don’t trust those in the supply chain leading to the health practitioners who administer the vaccines. And, in an office or hospital, all it takes is one fanatic who thinks everyone “needs” to get vaccinated to give you the wrong one on purpose, without your knowledge. Or even by mistake. People are too fanatical (see mass psychosis).
Exactly. Some of the “maskier” nurses are undoubtedly “vaxxier”, too. They can’t be trusted, IMO. They are “policy first”, not “patient first”.
Pure SOVIET / NAZI mind-frack.
Sarah Hoyt is not a fan of AOC, and considers AOC’s dating protestations to be cross-species icky —
The DONKEY is an ASS!!!
They jumped on the vax craze early on. Lots of Gabs boasting of it. It was a matter of national pride for a lot of the sheeple there.
Do you think the UAE wants to keep unvaccinated citizens in the country because of the possibility all the vaccinated citizens may get incapacitated by upcoming variant bioweapons?
OR they just figured out the vaccine is a vaccine AGAINST FERTILITY.
That’s what the Hassidic community has figured out, according to Dr. Malone.
I think their health people are drinking the Koolaid. The thinking would be that unvaccinated are at risk of BRINGING BACK VARIANTS, but the “safely vaccinated” would not be as much of a risk. Which is totally wrong, because the virus is not genetically static. That is elementary thinking.
The real situation is REVERSED for multiple reasons, including the fact that “out-of-date vaccinees are MORE at risk of infection than the unvaccinated. This is from the Danish data for Omicron. And it gets worse than that, because the variants that the VACCINATED will bring back will be WORSE and MORE OF A RISK TO THE VACCINATED than the ones the unvaccinated will bring back. So actually they should be easier on the unvaccinated for travel.
However, to see that, one has to get past the basic level of understanding of the virus, and most health authorities are not capable of independent thought.
If I can correct these assholes, which is easy, they just need to monitor temperatures DAILY for all travelers, while abroad and for a week after returning. UAE is rich as sin – they can GIVE OUT digital forehead thermometers to their travelers, and measure them as they come back.
Be modern and advanced like you claim to be, UAE! LEAD – don’t follow the global idiots.
Seriously – THERMOMETERS are the greatest fighter of COVID-19 – NOT vaccines.
So this may give credence to something in Wolf’s link posted above earlier.
I mean why else care if there vaccinated or not unless you need to reach out and touch them at a future date? Okay, admittingly they’ll say they might bring something back, but the virus doesn’t work and the kids aren’t infected and this is awfully rushed.
The 5G stuff doesn’t float my boat AT ALL (yeah, 5G is essentially microwaves, and yeah, they’re a risk, but so is driving) – but the risks of downstream immunological events is ALWAYS true with viruses and vaccines, and we have no idea of what will be released in the future or by whom – to say nothing of future bad vaccines causing problems with old vaccinees and recoverees.
Best to play a conservative hand when vaccines and viruses are in the hands of crazy people.
It’s everywhere….
The UN-OIE instructions also include burning farm buildings to the ground and I am sure in this case it also includes quarantine for the farmers.
She points to this 2005 homeland Security REPORT.
Doing away with alt food sources for the soon to be starved to death?
Also maybe looks like a great start up program ripe for expansion for when the scheme evolves to hunting humans?
It is Depopulation of ALL ANIMALS that could possibly carry the disease.
I read someplace cats and dogs can carry covid 19. How convenient ?
These people are JERKS.
Deer have colds. DEAL.
Personally, I’ll take venison over masks.
Today, in her weekly column at American Thinker, Clarice features Sharyl Attkisson’s 57-count indictment of our public health officials’ conduct, concluding that they depended completely on vaccination which has proven a “total failure” as a record number of people were vaccinated, a “record number have gotten Covid.”
Here is Attkisson’s “damning list in its entirety” to remind us of how substantially they abused our trust:
1. Funded dangerous Gain of Function research with our adversary, China, using US taxpayer money, in order to create vaccines and other medicine
2. Denied such funding had occurred
3. Claimed the lab theory was debunked when it hadn’t been investigated
4. Allowed China not to cooperate with the pandemic investigation; never imposed serious sanctions or repercussions for the non-cooperation
5. Failed to disclose their own role in Gain of Function research while publicly “debunking” U.S. involvement in it
6. Conspired to have public officials make statements and publish papers claiming the lab theory had been debunked, when it hadn’t been
7. Encouraged the censorship of factual information on the news and the Internet
8. Claimed would take years for a the first Covid-19 vaccine to be released
9. Conspired to controversialize scientists, researchers, and journalists who tell the truth about various aspects of Covid and the vaccines
10. Falsely claimed certain gatherings, such as the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, were “super spreader” events, when they were not
11. Distorted and exaggerated statistics to make it appear as though people were infected at events when they were not
12. Sent Covid-infected elderly from hospitals to nursing homes where they mass-infected other vulnerable residents
13. Said masks don’t work
14. Said masks do work
15. Required wearing of masks
16. Recommended wearing of more than one mask
17. Failed to wear masks themselves, when required
18. Said kids don’t need masks
19. Said kids must mask
20. Said kids don’t need to get vaccinated because their risk is so small
21. Said kids must be vaccinated because their risk is so great
22. Told people to isolate at home, even though that’s how most Covid cases are spread
23. Closed parks, beaches and outdoor venues even though Covid is rarely, if ever, transmitted outside
24. Arrested people for being outside, unmasked, even though they were among the safest population
25. Falsely claimed that early vaccine studies showed that those with natural immunity from prior infection benefit from vaccination
26. Covered up estimate of number of naturally-immune for many months
27. Closed schools, against the advice of many scientists, distorting education for a generation of students
28. Conspired to censor scientists, reporters and others who report factually on Covid therapeutics, vaccine issues.
29. Overcounted Covid cases and deaths by counting people “with” Covid but who were not sick from Covid
30. Shut down and destroyed the economy without improving Covid situation
31. Caused the firing of people who cannot get or choose not to get vaccinated, even though they may have natural immunity or medical conditions that prevent them from taking vaccine risks
32. Blanket-recommended vaccination for people who are at high risk of adverse events such as heart inflammation and blood clots
33. Falsely claimed vaccines prevent Covid infection
34. Falsely claimed vaccines prevent Covid spread
35. Falsely claimed vaccinated do not get sick with Covid
36. Falsely claimed vaccinated do not get hospitalized or die of Covid
37. Claimed that the vaccinated who get ill with Covid would be sicker if not vaccinated, when there is no evidence that is the case with any individual
38. Failed to provide informed consent and warn of Covid-19 vaccine side effects prior to administration
39. Claimed vaccines are highly effective
40. Claimed vaccines worked well against variants
41. Recommended up to 4 shots in one year because of vaccine ineffectiveness, while claiming vaccines are highly effective
42. Ignored the power of natural immunity, and the hundreds of studies supporting it
43. Punished medical doctors who prescribe therapeutics
44. Punished scientists who researched therapeutics
45. Use the power and size of the federal government to bully and threaten companies into requiring vaccination despite their ineffectiveness in preventing Covid infection or spread
46. Failed to promote effective therapeutics, which can save lives
47. Withheld and prevented treatment and resources, based on political calculations
48. Downplayed vaccine adverse events
49. Ignored pleas from vaccine-injured to investigate and publicize their cases to prevent other injuries
50. Exaggerated serious risks from Covid-19
51. Impacted military readiness by firing those who cannot or choose not to get Covid-19 vaccine, even if naturally immune
52. Impacted health care system capacity by firing those who cannot or choose not to get Covid-19 vaccine, even if naturally immune
53. Impacted first responder industry by firing those who cannot or choose not to get Covid-19 vaccine, even if naturally immune
54. Impacted education system by firing educators who cannot or choose not to get Covid-19 vaccine, even if naturally immune
55. Recommended vaccination for healthy children and others at near zero risk of serious impact from Covid-19 illness
56. Failed to discuss potential role of vitamins, sunshine, exercise, weight control, and healthy diet
57. Mislabeled Covid-19 a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” in a failed propaganda campaign
Reading through the list is a harsh reminder of how we have been deceived, disrespected, gaslighted, propagandized, jerked around by health authorities, agencies, politicians, and our fellow citizens over the past two years (or longer) for their purposes, power and profit.
58.Impacted pilot readiness by firing those who cannot or choose not to get Covid-19 vaccine, even if naturally immune
Good one!
Okay, seems more than enough to empanel some citizen grand juries and start locking people up Jan 6 style till we get some answers. Just need some sympathetic judges and prosecutors who want to get to the bottom of what the heck they are doing.
Would love to see the left get their money sucked away Cloward and Piven style as they tried to defend themselves from such an onslaught.
Once a Grand Jury is empaneled can they look at stuff outside what they had been originally empaneled for?
From what I have read they seem to have a lot of power that is not connected to the judge or prosecutor.
I would assume they would not be allowed to ignore possible crimes being committed but I’d also think they would have to go back in and get new permissions. But it could of course be open ended.
A good first step before a grand jury would be to empanel a fact finding commission to identify problem areas/crimes that directly impact the citizens of what ever municipality is being effected.
A judge and prosecutor can advise on how to gather information legally and what kind of information would be needed to go onto the next step. At this point the judge and prosecutor would be a courtesy. Politician interest would help grease the skids on this.
Starting with your own lawyers would alleviate the early involvement of a Judge and Prosecutor I’d think but it would not hurt to get good working relationship going to establish trust and credibility.
Then present their findings and ask for the grand jury.
Much of these 58 above have some impact on any municipality. The Government is ignoring it all. Up to the citizens to use what powers they have to rectify IMO.
Thank you!
Airline mechanics, ramp workers…
Pregnant women…
AND nursing mothers!
Verse of the Day for Sunday, January 2, 2022
“For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.”
Romans 8:2 (KJV)
What could go wrong?
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
Chris brought this up late last night. 2022 22:02 (Interesting numbers…)
“… Patel and Clif High interview that was passed my direction…”
1 hour and no I will not… transcribe or interpret.
He also has another video — Q / uack-up Woo… HMMMmmm
He says of POTUS Trump that he is VERY precise in what he says BUT we have to remember he is also speaking to the enemy so we have to listen closely to understand the underlying message.
The same can be said of Clif, unlike Scott Adams (a Psyops?). Clif confirms several things that I have been thinking. Note at the very end he says Xi is part of a century old CRIME family. (Think East India company partnering with the Triads in moving Opium and the Federal Reserve/City of London help in putting China under the control of the Communists.) And that Putin is for Russia but not necessarily our enemy.
Here is his BIO.
Keep it in mind as you listen to him.
Sort of sounds a bit like the stuff Qanons were discussing.
Interesting you should mention Scott Adams. Anonymous Conservative wrote a stand alone post about him yesterday that really is worth reading, IMO. It’s below today’s updates.
Scott Adams always calling POTUS a MASTER MANIPULATOR always struck me as a sneaky Psy-ops. It puts into people’s head that Trump was MANIPULATING THEM.
Something interresting further down:
Calling him a master manipulator could itself be a manipulation.
Excellent information – thanks!
Patel / Clif interview IS fascinating. Refreshing.
A minor aspect of the interview, his take on White Hats is enlightening. Explains a lot.
Crypto was also news, quite positive. Would not have guessed it. Confirms my slow nature.
Q, Trump, Covid, Covid origins in Wuhan mid 2019, fogging in Wuhan intentionally spread Covid, plan was Chinese military allowed into Canada to invade USA, US was supposed to have 100Million Covid deaths……
Just over half way through the interview.
Note that Bannon and Melania are now offering Cripto.
More on the economics here (NOT for the faint of heart):
Also I am of the opinion Clif DELIBERATELY tosses out chaff to hide the wheat.
Wow! This is my line of thinking! This is IT! Thank you Gail – Fantastic!
Watch this video!!!!!
First thing that came to mind was Hari Seldon, of Asimov’s Foundation Trilogy, and his Psychohistory (predicting the actions of large groups of people and the development of history thereby)… Only thing that gives me pause is the “aliens” angle, but that could just be diversion; the Gore-Bullists are certain alien to normal humans (i.e., they’re inhuman, cold and evil) in any case…..
Best hour I’ve spent in quite a while. He also notes that this mess has been a long time coming, and will be a long (but not so long) time being cleaned up.
Now, if only I’d invested in bitcoin many years ago when I had the money to do so…
Somewhere here up north one of the states seized a bitcoin account, but didn’t have the password(s?) so couldn’t do anything with it.
Seems hackers were able to make off with the funds, anyway…. One wonders if it perhaps was an inside job rather than a hack….. throwing shade on cryptocurrencies…
Yeah, I get the feeling Clif tosses out chaff during the first few minutes and then gets down to the real stuff.
Can’t recall the exact location. I believe it was in Texas or New Mexico. Truck stop / gas station convenience store.
Much like an ATM, but it was a BIT COIN machine of sorts. long days driving, so I didn’t feel like looking into it at the time.
Was the first time I recollect seeing a Bit Coin machine. Hell, they may be quite commn AND I am oblivious to Bit Coin machines.
Coinstar has been putting them out. Guess the coin counting business peaked.×600.png
Good catch!
Programming. LITERALLY.
EARTH CONTROL programming, more specifically.
What year was planet of the apes? Uh oh.
No way. The ad was for 2022? And they want us to eat bugs as the monopolize meat processing to drive prices up!
COVID outbreak at Antarctic station among fully vaccinated researchers like a horror movie | National Post
The BBC originally did the full story and this was my take on it yesterday:
All of the staff stationed at the Belgian Antarctic research station are fully vaccinated and living and working in one of the world’s most remote regions. Since Dec 14, 2021 16 of the 25 workers have caught the SARS-2-COV virus.
The narrative is in the (BBC)headline:
Coronavirus pandemic: Antarctic outpost hit by Covid-19 outbreak
The reality is in the body of the article:
“The situation isn’t dramatic,” Joseph Cheek, a project manager for the International Polar Foundation, told the BBC.
“While it has been an inconvenience to have to quarantine certain members of the staff who caught the virus, it hasn’t significantly affected our work at the station overall,” Mr Cheek said.
But hey, it’s a horror movie and we’re all gonna die…:0)
Looks like the Traveling Vaccine traveled to the ends of the earth.

I read an article about this yesterday. Despite the over-the-top precautions they took on their way to the research station (constant testing / quarantining for days in two places, and everyone vaccinated) they still got sick. But go get your 10th booster.
Twelfth booster. Catch up.
I went to the Antarctic article at the National Post and see the number 1 trending article there is “ From COVID symptoms to treatment: How to recover from Omicron at home “. The scam is done.
Does “Mass formation psychosis” end with lots of interventions or mass suicides (like in the Jonestown massacre)? This is all so horrible and needless. Prayers for us all.
“…Does “Mass formation psychosis” end with lots of interventions or mass suicides…”
With luck it does not end like Nazi Germany.
I would say we are about 50-50 on the interventions vs mass suicides (taking the clot shot)
Several people here have written of how they have tried to intervene with family and gotten no where.
People are dying and are going to die and that SUCKS But at this point the goal is to save ‘Wild’ humans as a species and our civilization.
I have been saying for years we were on the brink of 1000 years of slavery (Totalitarian World Government) but only recently have I realized EXACTLY how far along they are in their goal of TOTALLY DESTROYING HUMANITY AS WE KNOW IT.
China Quietly Confirms a Third CRISPR-Edited Baby Has Been Born
The Human Genome Project also looked at PERSONALITY TRAITS
April 2002:
Genotype–phenotype correlations with personality traits of healthcare professionals: a new use for the Human Genome Project
July 27, 2021
Device allows paralyzed man to communicate with words
Just a hunch, I do not think mass psychosis can happen if one has a daily prayer life and reads the Bible.
I have known people who lived isolated never were stricken with mass psychosis. Where does the fear come in. Fear of dying? I can see having small children one does not want to leave behind. Sure I pray that my husband or I are there for our pets for their life before we die. However a strong faith and prayer life and leading a balanced life, prayer, work , nature gardening or walking in the forest , tending to animals pets and having at least one other person in once life. Of course one cannot forget leisure time of fun that is different for all people. Is community nice ? Yes this community is nice it is nice if one has also community outside Internet some of us are not so blessed.
Yes prayers is always needed not just for others also for the one who prays.
The Bible is VERY grounding, and is more important than a Maskie or Vaxxie church right now. In fact, I think that Maskie Church is actually a negative on succumbing to the psychosis.
Yes I think so too.
I wouldn’t call it done quite yet. Here is the title plus subtitle:
From COVID symptoms to treatment: How to recover from Omicron at home
First off: There are no secret at-home cures for COVID-19. There is no evidence that taking vitamin C supplements, for example, is of any use
Author of the article:
Tyler Dawson
Publishing date:
Dec 30, 2021 • 2 days ago • 4 minute read • 245 Comments
Total deflection from the TWO THINGS that actually help.
ASPIRIN – strongly proven by University of Maryland study and more, to prevent hospitalization and death by about half.
ANTIHISTAMINES – posts past and upcoming.
There IS a secret at-home cure, it has been right in front of everybody, and FAKE NEWS has now been tasked with suppressing it.
I have missed the significance of aspirin. Is it that it stops clot formation, or are there other benefits of taking it, like anti-inflammatory properties?
Yes, it does have antiinflammatory activity, although probably not as good as ibuprofen, IMO.
Most important for COVID, it is antypyretic, and can keep temperatures down in the 99-100 region.
But yes – the main point is that it fights the clotting and thrombotic disease outcomes from that.
The lefties are trying to redefine words – again.
Now they say Election Reform – is – Insurrection.
In other words, stopping brazen rampant Democrap election fraud is criminal violent insurrection – a coup!
The Woke Mob’s Destruction of the English Language
We are learning that the left’s sound bites are veils/mirrors/smoke screens and usually the opposite of truth.
That usage, of course, implies the commies have taken over already. Otherwise one couldn’t insurrect against them (and insurrect apparently isn’t a word, but you get my point, I hope).
Remember THEY LIE. So of course they WANT us to think they are now solidly in control and only by our messing with ‘Democracy’ (preventing voter fraud) can we get back into power.
They ALWAYS use the term “our democracy”. Check it out, you won’t be able to un-hear it.
GREAT catch – thank you!
THAT is part of Bezmenov’s point about NORMALIZATION.
It’s a strong part of normalizing the FAKE ELECTION.
Obama is like a TICK – a blood-sucking, Soviet TICK – literally EMBEDDED in the US government.
Yes, and I hate that.
Maybe people should show them what true inserection looks like? All they have to do is study history
How dumb do they think we are?
Needed this today, bakocarl. The weather and local flooding is preventing us from going to church, so this will serve us well in our time with the Lord this AM. Thank you!
Good! You’re getting needed time with God HERE, as intended!
JWST sunshield tensioning should start today.
Here’s a thirteen second video showing the process looking at one of the “corners” that deployed day before yesterday.
[video src="" /]
I found reference to this quote in the comments at CTH, and went and checked it out.
This is the quote of the year for 2021 just past:
“It is not famine, not earthquakes, not microbes, not cancer, but man himself that is man’s greatest danger to man, for the simple reason that there is no adequate protection against psychic epidemics, which are infinitely more devastating than the worst of natural catastrophes.” – Carl Jung
I totally just stole this comment under this CTH article about Dr. Malone’s exposition about mass psychosis.
THIS needs to be understood by all and sundry. Dutchman just nails it:
January 1, 2022 6:49 pm
I view it more BROADLY, and in terms of MANIPULATION.
Manipulation, quite simply is getting another person to do something you WANT them to do, or thinking or BELIEVING something you WANT them to, and which they WOULDN’T do, “on their own, or if you just asked /suggested it.
Example, if even a stranger asks you to “pass the salt” most would.
If they ask for $5, MANY might.
If they ask you for $1000, few would.
So, HOW does the manipulator get someone to give them $1000?
Con artists have known about a curious aspect of nuerology (how our minds work) for ever, and which scientists have documented using PET brain scans.
Some parts of our brain are (NORMALLY) constantly active, and engaged in “critical thinking”; QUESTIONING everything. Every thought, or sensory input, is questioned, “IS this REAL, is it VALID?”
A hunter/gatherer awakens in the night, hearing a sound. “IS it a predator, approaching the H/G’ s shelter?” they listen for additional sounds, but are also “listening” for the critical thinking part of the brain to “weigh in” on whether its “just the wind” or a predator.
If not reassured, they get up and go to the entrance and peer out, scanning the surroundings. As their eyes scan past a shadow, the CT brain says “Hold it, is that JUST a shadow, or is there a predator, lurking in the shadow?”
There eyes dart back to the shadow, ascertaining it IS just a shadow, and they move on.
Note the sequence; the eyes initially scan past the shadow, THEN the CT brain “SAYS something, questioning if the initial dismissal was correct, and the H/G responds.
No “raising questions” and the H/G ASSUMES (because they heard no questioning of the initial dismissal) that the shadow isn’t a threat.
THIS is crucial, because (as scientists have confirmed) IF someone experiences a STRONG emotional responce, ANY emotion, the CT parts of the brain go dormant and MUTE; they DO NOT “speak up” and question sensory inputs, OR thoughts, ideas or beliefs.
So, to “con” someone (manipulate them) into giving you $1000, evoke a STRONG emotional responce, and simultaneously weave an outrageous story, the end pointvof which is them giving you the $, such as the “Nigerian Bank teller scam”, the “Bent bank teller scam”, etc.
It doesn’t matter WHICH emotion is triggered, its the STRENGTH of the responce thats important; Love, Hate, Greed, Sympathy, Outrage at Injustice, Resentment, even humor.
And, ANYONE, be it Con artist, Politician, Advertiser or neighbor, co-worker or spouse, who wants to manipulate you into doing something you wouldn’t otherwise do, or thinking/believing something you orherwise wouldn’t, will inevitable use this method, because it WORKS.
Some emotions are easier to trigger, particularly when you are manipulating “wholesale” as is discussed in the article above.
Sure, HATE is a “good” one, very effective. So is resentment, jelousy, a feeling of oppression, or of injustice.
If you truly understand HOW manipulation occurs, you CAN somewhat protect yourself from it.
Yes, liberals TEND to be those who are EASILY Emotionally triggered, but to believe conservatives are invulnerable to such manipulation is naive and dangerous.
TAMP you emotional responces, down enough that you WILL be able to hear from the Critical thinking partscif your brain, and remain cautious in ASSUMING that just because you don’t “hear” from them, that an idea or belief is “valid”.
Someone would have their work cut out trying to manipulate me. They get mad at me when they realize I did not bite.
I catch on pretty quick. And then I sometimes manipulate the manipulator right back!
Yes that is good if it is worth it
Marjorie Taylor Greene’s personal Twitter account is permanently suspended for sharing COVID misinformation – her ‘fifth strike’
Not a surprise. She was also seting up a PAC to support vetted MAGA candidates since the GOPe will not support anyone except those approved by the Chamber of CCP Commerce.
There should be a law that, if you are an ELECTED government official, for as long as you are in that position no account on ANY MEDIA can be suspended. PERIOD.
I like it!
I think that the people in office now would like that, so maybe it has a chance.
HOWEVER, that then kicks up the critical thinking, that says “INCUMBENTS! Yeah, that is the path to permanent power!”
So maybe adding declared candidates, too!
RATHER IRONIC, isn’t it that Twitter’s standard of correct information IS DISINFORMATION/MISINFORMATION/FALSE INFORMATION?!?!!!!
That is the whole point . Twitter is misinformation and that is why they ban anyone who writes with truth. They are trying to destroy truth for government propaganda.
The problem is to many people know what is true therefore they fail and continue to fail. Just wish people would not enable Twitters propaganda .
Wish people find a different platform and let Twitter die a slow death. I can wish but people control their own reasoning for the why they do what they do ?
Truth. Social.
HT Chris & Gail.
Patel does an excellent job NOT interrupting Cliff, except for clarification or direction of interview.
Cliff High’s stream of disparate thoughts, TIE together many seemingly disjointed TRUTHS we’ve witnessed or otherwise posted here QTree.
Starts off slowly. LISTEN CLOSELY. Gains steam throughout the slightly over one hour interview.
Just as I listened to the following interviews multiple times, I’ll listen to THIS Patel / Cliff interview a second time later today.
(Beck – Crimes or Cover Up Exposing the World’s Most Dangerous Lie)
I’m not twenty minutes into it, and already there’s places where I am quite certain Clif is wrong. I have ZERO doubt that President Trump has been in on the plans unfolding now for at least thirty years. AT LEAST. Too many things point to it. He didn’t just sign on in 2006 or 2007.
I do agree that the Q team is at least four people, and one of them is not military.
As for devolution happening for quite a while…IDK.
“… I have ZERO doubt that President Trump has been in on the plans unfolding now for at least thirty years….”
I think Trump was probably one of the ones selected as a possible in the 1960s. However I doubt that Clif would mention that. I also think he know more than he is saying.
Back when there was such a thing on Reddit known as “The Great Awakening,” it came up that there was a group of active and retired high brass, and NYC police, etc., that used to meet in New York back in the 1980s. Trump, apparently, was invited to some of the meetings. I get the feeling that’s where he was approached, and naming his second daughter Tiffany was a signal that he accepted the role.
I was thinking of his Uncle and his attending Military High School. He may have been earmarked as someone to watch and mentor at that time.
One of his books mentions he had a military mentor at that time who had a major impact on his life.
Trump gave an excellent speech to a Christian group recently – I don’t remember the details, but people who question him on vaccines would do well to listen to it. He talks about the necessity of taking risks, and in the context of Operation Warp Speed, it makes all kinds of sense.
Thus, IMO, blame falls on OBOLA for the mandates (they’re his doing, I am certain).
I am sure they are. OR on who ever controls OH!Bummer.
Remember Warp Speed ALSO included the monoclonal antibodies and they came out first. HECK POTUS even made a big deal of HIM getting Covid getting the MA and returning to work ASAP.
If it hadn’t been for the conniving Canklebot Rick Bright, OWS could have even sent HCQ to us at “warp speed”!!!
The SABOTAGE of President Trump will NOT BE FORGOTTEN.
Team effort for the WIN Kal !
Seek to understand is a carry-over trait from OT we all recognize here.
If it looks like a fit to the conversation at hand,,, add it .
The whole scheme from Covid to the Jan 6 set up was planned and executed by our own govt. with help from outside.
Didn’t go to the link. (Time issues) Slightly different top down thoughts.
Covid, IMO IS A GLOBAL issue. The USG had, has a MAJOR facilitator role supporting the ruse. Governments and folks listened to USG, CDC, FDA, Big Pharma… FauXi and his fellow shit heads funded AND supported Gain of Function, blocking therapeutics, aggressive treatment…on and on…
J6 MeThinks is USG (three letter agencies, DOJ, FIB, DoD) facilitated J6, with Uniparty in MAJOR supporting role. Media is wholly “lap dog” role supporting the smear.
Actually, just like the Bolshevik Revolution, the US citizens FUNDED the treason.
More rant!
The ‘Find Your Balls’ Challenge in [Market-Ticker-Nad]
I wholly agree with him about the change of laws.
Shocking – Horrifying to read the Sevier County Hospital stats – however – I’d be willing to bet this is the same across the country and world – depending on political environment.
The CV19 wards were places to go to die.
Actually live in Sevier County. The hospital is a beautiful facility with absolute crap care. The one thing it is good for is the birthing wing that Dolly Parton funded. Nobody should ever consider going there for COVID issues with the University of Tennessee Medical Center in nearby Knoxville.
Thanks for giving us a ground report, Tradebait.
Happy New Year. My phone died yesterday and I had to get a new one. Trying to get it setup the same is a total nightmare. Uggg.
Anyway, the battle continues. A good twitter thread on the gubmints lack of interest in doing studies on theraputics. But did fund studies on vax hesitant veterans. For the record, I am not hesitant, I am a firm hell no.
Okay. Unleash the dogs?
Does PETA know about this overcrowded dog prison?
From how dirty the door is, it looks like a pretty nasty place although the dogs look OK. They are hunting dogs, mostly labs so the wrong breed for dog fights.
Interesting! Are they at a hunt club?
I don’t know. They are in a high-walled outdoor compound.
Maybe a breed rescue?
Dog comms, hmm…
Good mix of Labs and Retrievers .They all look ready to run.
That photogenic wet one hogging the camera lens upfront looks just like our new one..
80 lbs. in 8 months, a little pushy and FULL of energy.. Nonstop.
Nothing escapes that nose.
10 Catholics who restored our faith in humanity in 2021
No Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano on the list. He did more than the others combined.
That’s true.
PART 3: WE CAUGHT THEM: Deep State Operative Don Berlin Presented Bogus Election Dossier to President Trump Before 1-6, Now Jan 6 Committee is Using This to Claim Insurrection and Take Down President Trump
(Gateway Pundit)
There is a lot more info at the site.
Yeah, it is ALL starting to unravel BIG LEAGUE.
So, my mother informed me that a relative, of sorts, did not go to a New Year’s party, but her boyfriend did. One of the guys at the party has now “tested positive” for COVID. The relative has had the original bug, but apparently the boyfriend hasn’t. I said, “It’s a cold.” And Mom came back with, “[DePat], shut-up.”
All these people around me are really making it hard to just leave the whole lie and its components behind.
As of a few days ago, Delta was still strong in the central states. Omicron would be a good catch, but Delta is bringing home a troublemaker. Both your relative and the BF are at risk for both Delta and Omicron.
Just make sure they take antihistamines and low-dose aspirin (if they’re OK with aspirin) if they show symptoms.
You know, like if it was just a cold!
She’s actually in her last semester of med school, so they will follow CDC guidelines no matter what I have to say.
It’s driving me insane with how indoctrinated my circles are.
If you ever get a chance to make the point, the best doctors and scientists LEAD the CDC, rather than following it, and are most likely to be in a state of multiple major and minor disagreements with it at all times.
Examples – Malone, McCullough, Vanden Bossche, Risch, Atlas, many more who the media hides and denigrates.
One has to UNDERSTAND the other party’s position to disagree with it in science. Far too many scientists are really lab workers of the funders. They don’t understand anything afield of their own microscopic expertise, and even there, are (IMO) less than fully competent – thus making a psychological trade-off.
“I won’t question your science if you don’t question mine.”
THAT is a bad deal for all of us.
Not to mention they check their morals at the door.
Yup. Everybody mistakenly thinks that ethics in science is decided at the TOP. NOPE. It’s decided by the totality of individuals.
Fauci has no shame – it’s all political with him.
Good GRIEF!!!
He just goes on TV and says stuff – none of it true – no connection to scientific evidence whatsoever. Yet the MSM just eats it up.
He doesn’t want them to get the Omicron cure! BASTARD! Wicked, murderous BASTARD.
…and that’s not hyperbole.
AMEN! TRUTH! Sadly, NOT hyperbole!
Where and what is this?
It was discussed here and then sent to Gateway pundit.
RFK Jr.: Reporter Found Monument to Dead Orphans Tortured and Killed by Monster Fauci (VIDEO)
Our favorite Eggplant found the grave marker and sent it to Gateway Pundit. She posted better pictures.
Horrors. He really has no conscience. He should be prosecuted and given the max sentence.
Here is the other good picture:
From “An Epitaph for Sara and Roland Cotton
By John Cotton (1585–1652)”
I posted about the whole poem and the circumstances around it (and Halsey Stevens’s setting of it) a while ago. Losing a child, a loved one, a relative, or a friend is tragic.
Losing someone because of something like Fraud-Xi is doing, is all but unforgiveable, and the perpetraitors deserve an eternity in Hell…..
(Here’s a performance of it, somehow at half-tempo
[when we performed it at USC Halsey Stevens was at the rehearsals giving advice to Dr. Somerville, including tempi]) – replace dashes with dots… )
IMO no child should be involved in any trial who is not PERSONALLY monitored by their own INDEPENDENT pediatrician, who can pull them from the trial if they don’t like the results.
The EPA had children down to 10 years, some asthmatics BREATHING DIESEL EXHAUST!
Exactly. And the personal pediatrician and the parents (or guardians) of the child should be informed of ALL potential problems, side-effects, drug interactions, etc.
And if any of these are worthy of a black-box warning, the “study” shouldn’t take place at all…
Same cemetery. Look at the DATES:
I just figured this out. The other day I thought the dates I originally stated were wrong, because when I went back and looked, they were different.
But the were NOT. There are TWO of these stones, the same shape and size, with two sets of dates.
Oh my God, how many did they really kill?
These people – or whatever in the fuck they are – are absolutely ruthless.
I know. Monsters.
Do we know where the cemetery is?
Yes. It is Gate of Heaven in Westchester County, New York. Full post incoming.
Great work, Aubergine!
Would be good to get infos and pictures archived. If there was someone who had access who could actually take pictures there, that would be really good.
No wonder the deep state is so interested in having open borders. Gives them unfettered access to “test subjects” and a continuous “revenue stream”…
Then again, they’re quite happy using us as test victims…
They’ll find out, in this world or the next, what Matthew 18 is all about. And they’ll be longing for that millstone…..
I have a post done that collects the information. Wolf is looking it over and will then post it. It is worse than I originally realized, as you will see. This is terrible, horrible stuff.
Oh lord. Wolfmoon, there’s another one:
Same cemetery.
Do a post! We need something with a link.
Here is the deal. I don’t remember where, maybe on my earlier post where you found this stuff, but Gail, I think, wondered if Fauci experimented on kids with remdesivir.
Remdesivir was allegedly discovered in something like 2009, but these dates are not firm, because substances can exist in labs for years before there is any public record.
I think Gail may have been right.
2009 means he was “getting to work” as soon as Obama took office – and probably preparing for it in 2006 when Nanzi took over the house and began preparing for Obama.
This is all making sense.
The AIDS connection is very strong, and leads back to some stuff that we may need to dig on. Be sure that your Gab chat is functional.
Ok. I will get something up tomorrow. I have to make sure I have it all in order, with links. The way I have had to find this is a bit weird, not the usual way I use Findagrave.
This is nightmarish.
Take your time. I’ll try to find those earlier comments from Gail. We have to straighten this out.
Agreed. Whatever this is is bad. All those babies and children did NOT just die naturally. Something KILLED THEM.
Here is where you first notified me (look at the whole subthread).
Thank you, Wolf. Saved me some work. Working on a post now.
Here is another place where we talked about it a day later.
There are multiple headstones spanning the years from 1988 to 2012, as far as I can see. No deaths for “Baby” after 2012 listed at findagrave, anyway.
My God. The source for RFK, Jr. said she saw “hundreds” of coffins. I thought it was an exaggeration. Clearly, it was NOT.
That’s WEIRD. 12 years BEFORE the millennium, and 12 years after.
Now this is all making sense.
Aubergine found it. It’s a mass grave of foster children and orphans who died from AIDS experimentation under Fauci. It’s located in a Catholic cemetery. A reporter investigating the story long ago had seen the coffins before they were buried. RFKJr. revived the story in his book on Fauci. Aubergine looked and found the actual grave. She tipped GWP and here is the story.
There is much more online.
This gives me chills….anger, grief….
There was even a BBC story on it.
That picture sends a chill of rage right down my back every time I see it.
Fucking murdering bastard.
Can we add in that he’s a megalomaniac, a narcissist who loves to hear his own pronouncements.
I’m sick of him and the whole thing.
I’ve got a cold today. It’s a cold dammit not the grim reaper
He’s one of those gargoyle-ish lawn ornaments brought to life by a Demon…
All of the dogs in the universe should be let loose on him…
Gail turned me on to a great Telegram account.
Nashville doctor dies from Pfizer vaccine
“The 57-year-old was admitted to St. Thomas Midtown in Nashville a short time after he received his first dose of the Pfizer vaccine.
‘Sometime after his first vaccine and he somewhat brushed it off, usually when he gets sick he gets better the next day and then he was hospitalized on December 7th,’ Alexis said.
Following a 12-day stint in the hospital, Dimitri passed away on December 20 from complications.”
Here is another one on myocarditis – it appears to be BIGGER than we thought!
In new preprint, researchers from Kaiser Permanente in Oregon show how rates of post-vaccine myocarditis may be underestimated by just using ICD10 diagnosis codes currently used by VSD (the official surveillance network).
“We identified that the encounter text description methodology identified approximately twice as many cases of myopericarditis following COVID-19 mRNA vaccination.”
For males following the 2nd dose the rate was found to be 537.1 per million or 1-in-1,862.
Jan 2 at 13:53
Also on GETTR –
Hail to the chief!!!
Chief needs an MP3 player…
But making old things last – this is the red way! It’s the only thing I can thank President Brandon for. He has helped me return to the ways of my ancestors. I have endeavored to persevere with my broken things that can be fixed! –O
GOOD, when you finish, you can start in on all of mine!
(I even sew up rips in tee shirts!)
My grandma(s) used to braid together old rags & coil the braids into colorful, artistic, & very durable rugs. Amazing old school resourcefulness!
Joe Rogan is also on GETTR – and it’s GOOD!
G’day Wolf,
Referencing the need for nasal mist vaccines for cold-like illnesses, Sorrento Therapeutics company (symbol SRNE) announced over a year ago that it has antibodies to knock Covid19 dead in the lab. These could make a vaccine but it wouldn’t be fully helpful in the real world. Instead the company focused on antibody therapy using a nasal mist. Nasal mists would give healing therapy plus immunity to cells where viral illness first strikes. Injection in muscle, even with ‘good’ protein vaccines, does not back-provide immunity to the nasal mucosa, so it does not prevent infection, though it may diminish severity of illness in the body. In naivete` I thought, “Hey let’s buy some of this stock!”
In appreciation of Sorrento’s public fight against covid, its stock price is hammered relentlessly. Each time the company announces sales or income the price goes down more. Pharma Cabal has its enforcers. I believe my siblings are suffering now because spike proteins are in the hands of evil men.
WallStreetBets does not appear to know or care about SRNE.
Question Mr Wolf: What is the proper way to log in so that my likes are named Zorro instead of Guest?
Try logging out and back in with the link at the bottom of the right-hand sidebar, which is:
There are two ways to log back in. One is to use WordPress (top option), the other is to use the site’s own login credentials (bottom option). I don’t know your site password, but I can give you a new one, or send you a password reset email. However, I think the first thing to try is logging out and then logging in with WordPress.
Evidently now locked out for trying it wrong five times – possible I don’t know my password. I used lcm… yahoo address as listed below at this reply. WordPress says it doesn’t like my Safari.
Could be I need the password reset email.
And Wolfs, you don’t have to this for me right away. I’m on the 24-hour detention list.
You should have a password reset email now!!!
Wait 24 hours and try it!
Well looks like I caught the crud
. 102 temp, chills, sore throat . Folling the drill from Wolf’s post the other day. Zertec and supplement regime. Finally took ivm. This afternoon and will follow up tomorrow.
Feels like the flu no body aches just really tired from not sleeping last night.
So lay on all the suggestions.
GOOD! You spotted it and reacted promptly! Give us the rundown on what you’re taking and how often.
If the Zyrtec is working, stick with it, but if you don’t like the drowsiness or other side effects, consider Claritin / loratadine or even the old standard Benadryl / diphenhydramine, which can help you get to sleep.
Melatonin is also good and helps with sleep.
Great that you started IVM.
If you can get somebody to get you a test kit, get one. Even better, see if your doctor can get you a drive-through test, because that POSITIVE TEST RESULT is as good as a vaccine card for a lot of things. I’ve already had to use mine.
How are you with aspirin? If you can take it no problem, consider it, per FLCCC protocol.
Zink, Selenium, qucertine in morning. HAC , magnesium and melatonin at night and
I have to get some C and aspirin. Not sure about the aspirin though I have a blood condition and I’ll bleed if I take ibuprofen or blood thinners. Took zertec yesterday afternoon and again this morning.
OK – then NIX on the aspirin!!!
Yes – don’t take aspirin unless your doctor approves. You can mention that both blood thinners and aspirin were shown by Univ. of MD studies to lead to positive outcomes in COVID by about 40%, but I suspect that aspirin is strongly contraindicated for you.
Ibuprofen the same. Blood thinner. Ask doctor!!!
Thankfully, that’s not as important as the antihistamine, IMO.
My wife and I had something similar with the chills and without the fever that started about 4 weeks ago. Tested several times with the Abbott antigen self test and negative every time. We ended up going tele-med with our doc about a week into it, who prescribed prednisone and Z-Pak. That opened up the breathing, cut the coughing/drainage, and helped the sore throat. Over it now. Used most of the COVID Care list supplements Wolf posted recently. My antihistamine is Xyzal (levocetirizine), which I take every day anyway. Made by Zyrtec’s maker – reduces drowsiness.
If it is like ours and others around here, it gets a little better each day, but hangs on for a few weeks with the sore throat, cough and drainage off and on… and then it is gone.
Z-pack can be a REAL help! I took that, too!
DO NOT TAKE ASPIRIN. Hubby is on blood thinners so he can not take anything but tylenol for pain.
The aspirin is mainly to prevent blood clotting so it seems like that is not a problem for you.
Make sure you are staying well hydrated, too! Lots of fluids.
You may have Delta, but the chills sound very Omicron.
Again, aspirin will lower your temperature.
Keep track of your temperatures – it’s one of the best indications of viral load.
My son, who was told a fully vaxxed coworker had tested positive, was told to stay home for 5 days and get tested before returning to work. He scheduled the test for last Friday and started feeling sick that morning. He tested negative. He has a fever of !00 and a sore throat, but still has his taste and smell. He called into work and was told another employee had same symptoms and also tested negative. It must be a good old fashioned cold. He is taking all the supplements, so hope he gets better quicker even if just a cold.
This is exactly why I think testing is so important. If you know it’s not COVID, you can save your IVM!!!
BUT remember the green tea or Quercetin plus Zinc since works on most viruses so do take that.
Tonight try benadryl. it was sold as both a sleep aid and an antihistamine.
Yes – but be careful about combining benadryl and Zyrtec. I would make sure the 24 hours of Zyrtec are done before taking Benadryl. Benadryl is fairly sedative.
BTW, which kind of IVM do you have? They’re all roughly the same, at the same oral dosage, IMO, but I do want to track people’s EXPERIENCES because ease of use matters once people get this crap.
I have both and took the past. Throat is scratchy and cough seems to be picking up
Can taste and smell as normal. Ivm. everyday for five days?
Is your IVM dosage weight-based?
Good! You’re early in it. You will still test positive for at least 2 more days, IMO. Your sense of smell, if it goes, will likely got tomorrow or the next day.
Yes – IVM for 5 days is my recommendation. Don’t stop until the virus is beat down. My wife also completed 5 days. Both of us were feeling good on day 5. I got antibodies on day 6.
What rate are you using? 0.2, 0.4, or 0.6 mg/kg? Just want to make sure you’re using enough.
Hydrate. Hydrate. Even if you don’t feel like it. Even if your appetite is low.
Doesn’t mean you chug 10 ounces of water every 30 minutes! Just keep sipping water, hot tea, clear broth. This can help to break a fever.
Sending Good Energy and Healing Energy to you.
Hang in there!
Crenshaw is at it again, and MTG – thank goodness – is calling him out.
So many traitors and seditionists, so little time.
Talking about the Uni-party outing themselves. Never seen it quite so easy to spot as the times we live in today.
It always has been, people just weren’t looking.
They’d excuse a republican for squishing sometimes, simply because “the democrat would be worse.” Never realizing that they (collectively) always end up folding even if their own congresscritter stood firm this last time–and if they did realize, never realized it worked out that way by plan.
Now we don’t let them cop out.
Good point.
I had the repeated head-banging-on-a-wall experience of trying to convince Republicans their party would always let them down, about 20 years ago.
Yep – the old lesser of two evils discussion for many decades. Remember my dad saying that when I was kid. Now we realize you have to nip it in the bud as Barney Fife would say.
With “Mass Formation Psychosis” trending, what is intellectually fascinating is that Dr. Mattias Desmet’s hypotheses are being validated in real time by big tech and legacy media.
And they have so little self-awareness, they are so deep into the mass formation, that they have no idea that they are proving his hypothesis through their actions.
Paul Joseph Watson: “What have they done to us?”
OMG, this is GREAT!!!
This is absolutely hilarious! Thanks for posting. I needed a good laugh this evening.
There are no words!
Gail – do you remember what date or thread it was, that you commented on the idea that Fauci might have been testing remdesivir on children? I remember having a link from Wikipedia on when it was supposedly first disclosed, which I think was 2009.
Aubergine has found more pictures of more graves, and we’re trying to assemble a full picture.
Al Sharpton is hooking up with Oprah? Heck – she lost some weight – I can see that old skirt-chaser going for it!
Does he habitually not wear his wedding ring?
He’s a bisexual.
Another slip for JWST.
They’re essentially taking today to learn the spacecraft in a space environment. They have the luxury of a flexible schedule and they’re going to use it. They did plenty of “rehearsals” on the ground, but no matter what, it doesn’t match how it behaves in the space environment.
The tensioning involves a lot of pulleys and cable…so they want to be sure it goes right and if this day helps that out I’m all for it.
There appears to be a mini exodus of people heading to gettr…it gives me goose bumps to think about the bots and real live mentally deranged Leftards having to split their time harassing people in two places.
Twitter is really failing, and I love it!
Why. Is . She. Still. There ???? The people say get rid of her but yet she’s still there
Because President Obola wants her right where she is!
She’s already bought and paid for. One year and she’s gone.
Ruh rho…
Got this from a link on Dr. Malone’s most recent email.
We may want to watch this with all insurers going forward.
Waiting for more life insurance companies to report death trends, pre-Covid, 2020, 2021… Jabbed Vs Not Jabbed.
Detailed analysis will be revealing AND entertaining.
I just read that. Here is some of the article:
“The head of Indianapolis-based insurance company OneAmerica said the death rate is up a stunning 40% from pre-pandemic levels among working-age people.
“We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business – not just at OneAmerica,” the company’s CEO Scott Davison said during an online news conference this week. “The data is consistent across every player in that business.”
“OneAmerica is a $100 billion insurance company that has had its headquarters in Indianapolis since 1877. The company has approximately 2,400 employees and sells life insurance, including group life insurance to employers in the state.
“Davison said the increase in deaths represents “huge, huge numbers,” and that’s it’s not elderly people who are dying, but “primarily working-age people 18 to 64” who are the employees of companies that have group life insurance plans through OneAmerica.”
Very critical to get REAL data like this out of China. Beware of disinfo. “Jussie deaths” to make us think China’s in the same boat.
ChiComs put out some science that I think may be “real” chaff:
This would be double-barreled disinformation, if I’m right. The tested vaccine is NOT a widely used vaccine, old standard inactivated virus type, but same type as the one more widely used in China (Sinovac); the information would be used to make America feel comfy with their mRNA genocide vaxxes, because China is using the old standard inactivated virus types, and this study makes them look like China is suffering vaccine damage, too.
Real bodies – to generate a misleading impression that our ChiCom mRNA vaccines (see Pfizer) are relatively OK.
I don’t trust any of these players.
Still fighting the phone. From Dr Malone’s gettr. Story regarding 40% increase in deaths reported by life insurance company.
FTA at the link above.
Malone, “It is starting to look to me like the largest experiment on human beings in recorded history has failed.”
Malone parses his words very carefully. Rightfully so I spose.
MeThinks. Covid injections have NEVER been an experiment AND NOT created with the best of intentions.
Just as FauXi KNEW he was funding Gain Of Function.
Just as Chinee intentionally released Covid.
At some point life insurance companies will start asking hard questions and analyzing the data. How many were injected? How many dies with fourteen days of injection? On and on.
OR life insurance companies will go belly up. All part of the reset plan I suppose.
This is very wild.
Humanity taken down from the inside by insiders.
Awesome article!
I archived the story that might get taken down.
(actually archived by somebody else, but it was there – people are getting smart!)
Look at this crap which appeared on the same page as this story on the Hoosier site:
Indiana governor accuses AG of fanning the flames of confusion of COVID-19
(The Center Square) – Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb doubled down on the drive to get everyone in the state vaccinated and decried what he called “misinformation,” saying he was blindsided by Attorney General Todd Rokita claim earlier this month no longer trusts the numbers on COVID-19.
Governor CHAFF is panicking about A.G. WHEAT telling the truth.
I opened up my office tonight, as I can only now use one machine to post.
I normally have a cocktail convo with a friend who has the opposite background and knowledge I have. We somehow click!
I have had the most amazing day without really leaving my 18c reproduction English wingback chair. OK, I made dinner.
I have collected dots today…not connected them, just collected them. Posting, because I need help from you fabulous crowd sources!! Would love feedback.
Maybe all will play!
One. My convo with said friend is fascinating.
He tells me he just closed a book he has had on his shelf for years. Read it in two days. By Stephen Ambrose. The book is from 2001. Now, I read a lot, but not books. He does the opposite. We converse.
Here is the book…
Small and short. If you have read this…skip. I have many other links…all wild.
A little known lawyer, Abraham Lincoln, seems to be involved in a US Pacific train construction scam with members of the US Congress. Bonds. General Grant and Sherman, The NY Sun, leaks, you name it. Sound familiar? This includes several others. Lincoln gets elected. WOW!!!
The crime is committed. Fake company and fake bond worth sold to unsuspecting buyers. A special US Congress committee is thrown together years later to investigate, and everyone gets off.
Lincoln, as we all know was assassinated in a multi-country conspiracy. Millions of dollars are still missing to this day. Many more involved. Look up Credit Mobilier!!!!!
OMG. Now, I now question the civil war. Maybe I am crazy.
Then tonight, Taller Half asks if I want to watch 60 Minutes. I normally answer “No.” Because that is just the way to answer that. But tonight, I am intrigued by the Ritchie Brothers segment. Fort Ritchie Army base in Maryland. Have no idea why I decided to watch.
I proceeded to watch this. Not certain if this is a repeat or not, but if anyone can find the segment, please post the entire segment. It is remarkable!!!!!
The last 10 minutes explode the OSS, Harvard, Yale, Jewish members of the Ritchie base, David Rockefeller and others.
I said to Taller Half, I do not understand what I am watching. Why is 60 Minutes releasing this now, and if Guy Stern (one of the Ritchie Brothers) has such a Jewish looking profile, why was my grandfather not selected for German infiltration until the day the war ended? He was American and spoke fluent German. No known inherited facial profile and no foreign accent. Guy Stern looks Jewish, and would have been a suspect in my mind. How did he get away with his story?
My grandfather was a 5th generation American, had an impeccable German and American voice, but two small children. Maybe this is why he was not utilized.
I may not be making sense but found two very amazing tidbits of an awkward puzzle today. All input would be welcome!
Guy was chosen because he was a better fit for spy service, and particularly what he was tasked with – interrogation. Fresh out of Germany, young, guaranteed loyalty to America over Germany, etc., but would understand the people he was talking to like a buddy. He was culturally akin to the people he would be getting to talk – he could tell if they were trustworthy or lying.
Your grandfather would likely have been better for something else.
And you should question the Civil War. It was one of the first attempts by the European elite and their bankster boys to fracture America. Not mincing words there.
Indeed, Wolf. My eyes are now so open. You are 100% correct about my grandfather. Even though he traveled there extensively, he would never be able to ‘fit in’.
The amount of people we lost in the Civil War is telling, and I never knew about the US Pacific train construction…rather phenomenal!!!!
Never knew about this. Is it all connected dots?
The War of 1812 being the second.
Wolf, would love to understand your thoughts on the other tidbits!
Looking up the brothers….
Overall, it looks like everything from the colonial period onward has been grabbing hands competing with grabbing hands – treating independence as a kind of “native delusion”, with the only reprieve being when Europe turns inward in self-destructive ways that relieve America of manipulations to some extent.
Then look how the corruption of the late 1800s is basically Euro-American corruption as opposed to BOTH Euro-American and Sino-American corruption now.
Certain things make sense now…..
Money is a problem. Period.
“The metal that makes men crazy is now the numbers that make men crazy.”
Sephardic Portuguese! Were they white hats? I have a door knocker form from a Spanish Sephardic mold in NY. Crazily!
Wolf, I am a very simple person. Was Credit Mobilier a white hat or black hat? Have been to Portugal but not certain of their poise with humanity…
I feel as though WE, the American experiment, never got off the ground because we only had mafia gangs fighting with our money…we are pawns with taxes.
And it seems Abraham Lincoln was also a fake.
Tell me! Independence is a delusion with understanding who are ‘representing us…’ mafia.
White hats – black hats – I think that whole concept may be skew to the factions fighting in Washington.
Meanwhile, the ChiComs get a fusion reaction to run for 1000 seconds.
It’s all BULLSHIT.
The Democrats have grabbed the controls of the plane, chained themselves to them, and are slitting their own throats. It’s MADNESS.
The leaders are more MAD than their voters.
The ChiComs have destroyed Washington. From the inside.
Both sides of the coin! Yes!
PS Wolf Kept re-reading your post.
It sounds as though the Rothschilds took out the brothers, so here we are.
Now we know.
Wolf, we have never had a chance!!!
The names in your link of The America First Committee are EXTRAORDINARY!!!!!!!
They don’t teach this shit in school!!!
Ben Franklin knew. Not sure how long he thought we would have a republic…
Yes, indeed!
I will have to sign off now. Need to close the office. But suffice it to say…Oh my! You have taught me to…SEE!
Bless you and all Qtreepers who allow mw to see the light!
TTYL, and “Let’s go, Brandon!”
Can’t trust nothing now.
This is likely old footage, but seems timely.
Nice lady from NY State I assume.
And Aaron Rodgers is the #1 seed.
Love it.
Crazy knows no bounds.
He/She was prosecuted for murdering three woman, but claims to have killed nine. Classified as a serial killer now confined to a woman’s prison.
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