This is the most shocking and horrifying thing I have ever researched and written about. I’m putting that up front, mostly to explain my lapse in pursuing it far enough when I first found it. I have had an atavistic and instinctive revulsion to this story which clouded my normally curious mind, that I will now attempt to make up for. This feels like brushing up against the Devil, himself. Please forgive my cowardice.
A couple of weeks ago, a video with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. was posted here on the Q Tree. In it, he mentions that a researcher for his book saw hundreds of children’s coffins under astroturf in a cemetery in New York. He stated that the children died as a result of experiments with AIDS drugs conducted by Anthony Fauci and crew. Of course, the video, which was in a Tweet, has been removed by Twitter. But our wonderful Gail Combs posted a full video from Rumble:
Here is the link to Gail’s comment, which also contains a transcript of the BBC video, Guinea Pig Kids. I highly recommend reading it. It is shocking and chilling.
In the Tweet video, as Kennedy talked about the graves, the name of the cemetery was mentioned. I immediately wondered if it would be possible to find the gravesite. God help me, I did.
I went looking at Here is the first link I found:
For the record here, the person at Findagrave who posted these photos asked that they not be posted and claimed by others as their work. I am not doing that; all photos here are available at Findagrave, and the links lead to them.
There is a photo of a mass headstone within this child’s listing:
The first year date on this headstone was 1988. This grave contains children who died from 1988 through 1992. Here is a photo of the other side of the monument:
Wolf Moon suggested I send this information and the photos to The Gateway Pundit, which I did. The following day, they broke the story!
After some discussion of this the following day, I returned to Findagrave to look again. I found this photograph:
I noted the dates on this headstone at the time as being different from the dates I remembered from the first photo I found. Sadly, this is when my “denial” kicked in, and I did not pursue what this might mean. Not just another river in Egypt, denial. I did NOT want to see what was in front of me. I convinced myself I had seen it wrong the first time; I didn’t even go back to check. I convinced myself that the reference to “hundreds” of coffins in the RFK, Jr. video was hyperbole.
Please forgive me.
Skipping ahead to yesterday…
Wolfmoon posted the original headstone photo I found in response to a question from GA/FL. She had missed the original discussion of the RFK, Jr. video and the subsequent discussion and photos from the cemetery:
Looking at the photo, I realized that the dates that I had seen in the two different photos really were from two different time periods; were in fact, two different sets of deaths. I knew I had work to do. I went back to, and resumed searching. Sadly, there was much to find.
The following are photos of mass headstones for children spanning the time period from 1988 though 2012. Many of the children on these stones do not have given names, they are known only as “Baby Boy” or “Baby Girl.” These photos speak for themselves, of unimaginable suffering:
[NOTE by Wolf – these additional pictures are obviously not the complete list of names from 1988-2012, as they do not cover the complete faces of the headstones, nor all the years in evidence. These pictures are merely enough to demonstrate the veracity of Aubergine’s research. Researchers are encouraged to use the original genealogical resources.]
What killed these children?
The dates on the headstones end in 2012.
No sane person could look at these headstones and claim these were natural deaths. There are too many. These are orphaned or abandoned children, many with no given name. We deserve to know what happened to all of these innocents. I DEMAND TO KNOW.
I write this in tears for all of these babies. I write this so that others will SEE.
God, please help people to SEE. We MUST avenge the deaths of these children. They cannot have died in vain.
I leave you with this, which was written for a beloved lost child:
Reply to Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
January 4, 2022 09:45
Wolf, Incarnation Children’s Center is still operating. But the graves stop in 2012. Are no children dying there anymore? I doubt that. So where are they being buried?
I don’t even want to show you this. I really don’t. But look at this link, and scroll down. Look at the dates, and at the section where they are buried, over on the right. I think it’s another one. There is no marker for these:
Reply to Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
January 4, 2022 10:31
Compare and contrast.
After finding the over 900 children in the St. Vincent de Paul Section of St. Charles Cemetery, link in comment below, I thought I would check another big state, to see what I would find. What if this is common, and there are orphan babies buried like this all over, no medical experimentation, just normal death.
Well, here’s Texas, same time frame. NOTE that there are only 983 matching records for “Baby” who died post-1988. NOTE that the birth dates as you scroll down are KNOWN, where they are NOT in New York. NOTE that there are individual markers for these children. NOTE that if you click on a listing, it will NOT say “death date may be internment date,” which most of the Baby graves listed at St. Charles read.
I also searched California, and found similar results to Texas.
This appears to be confined to NEW YORK. New York is a NIGHTMARE.
Reply to Gail Combs
January 4, 2022 10:55
In ALL of California for the same time period, post-1988, there are only 784 graves with the first name “Baby.”
The above was written by Aubergine. I have not changed, deleted, or added anything beyond “The” to “Gateway Pundit”. I added the header image, categories, and keywords. I tidied up the images and videos as well. That’s it. The barest of edits – because I want these to be Aubergine’s own words.
The following are my words.
Under any circumstances, even the most benign – even the most benevolent – mass graves deserve the strongest of accounting for. These are not normal circumstances.
The facts are that ONE mass grave – of children – at this cemetery – has been linked by professional journalists to US government research conducted under the auspices of Dr. Anthony Fauci. Whether that research was ethical or not is open for discussion, but as far as I know, the most basic facts are not in contention.
When Aubergine first found the 1988-1992 gravestone, I knew this was an important proof of the reality of the prior journalism. I encouraged her to take this proof to The Gateway Pundit, and am very happy that she did, for I did not want to pressure her. Aubergine is a professional genealogist, as was my dear mother, and I appreciate that evaluating the strength of evidence in genealogy is difficult, and as much an art as a science. Judgment of such things can only be made by a dedicated genealogist, not by an editor with only limited experience in the field.
When the headstone of a mass grave with a different date was posted some time after that, I was not sure what to make of it. I believe that at the time, some of us speculated it might have been more “Fauci children”, but – like Aubergine – I felt it necessary to be skeptical of BOTH mass graves. Perhaps the modern “pauper’s grave” is handled this way. Perhaps the original journalism cited by RFK, Jr. had been faulty or misinterpreting evidence in some way. Perhaps most of these were NOT “Fauci children”.
Perhaps these mass graves were – to proffer a really bad excuse – normal.
I agree with Aubergine – that choice was likely a product of some denial, although as a scientist, I am VERY used to denial of my own thinking. A strong and earnest “testing denial” is de rigueur in the scientific mindset. Falsifying and exonerating evidence must not just be acknowledged and kept secret – it must be championed. At that point, I didn’t feel like we had enough to go beyond mere speculation, for or against the prior journalism, and thus I did not feel any need to “escalate” the evidence. I decided to wait for more evidence – so often a good move in this business.
In contrast, when Aubergine discovered that there were many times the number of mass graves at this cemetery, I felt it was both of our duties to quickly prepare a report which could be linked, cited, and forwarded by others, and then either validated or explained by others. We needed to bring this to people’s attention.
I have no proof that these additional mass graves are in any way connected to the first, which is alleged to be connected to US government medical research, but based upon the prior journalism, the question ABSOLUTELY must be asked.
In different times, with a different government – one not routinely referred to as a “regime” – I could see letting go of the question. But this is not the case.
We are under a federal government which has LIED to us – which has TRICKED us – which has quite literally killed my fellow Americans without apology or reparation. It is a government which seeks only power and money, taking both by any means necessary or at hand. Even now, it artfully constructs “dilemmas” like a phony 50:50 Senate, using shared electoral deceits, in order to create false dramas of calibrated theft and calculated usurpation.
The fact that Anthony Fauci – protected by rules which mean NOBODY can remove him – helped construct the “communist cold” used to usurp our government – says it all. Neither Fauci nor the rest of the government can be trusted. And yet Fauci is alleged to be connected to the deaths of these children.
It falls on We The People – including free and honest scientists and journalists – to investigate this matter.
Thus, we pose a question to the world.
Are ANY, SOME, or ALL of these children in mass graves – from 1988 to 2012 – connected in ANY WAY to government research?
We do not need to answer this immediately. We just need to answer it FULLY and TRUTHFULLY.

Addendum by Gail Combs
Wolf here. I am adding some relevant information submitted by Gail Combs, whose mother died as the result of medical experimentation. [ She is referred to as “Mom” in the text. ]
Again, I have not edited this beyond simple clarifying corrections, such as spelling, capitalization, the proper editing of links, etc.
I had asked Gail if we had discussed the testing of remdesivir on children, which I definitely recall discussing with SOMEBODY. I think we may have been thinking of two different discussions, and perhaps I’m thinking of somebody other than Gail. It doesn’t matter – the following discussion by Gail is still relevant.
Gail Combs
I think it is important to put Fauci in context with the longer history of the US government.
I did not have Remdesivir experiments on children, what I had is the history of the US government’s ILLEGAL RESEARCH ON HUMANS.
Fauci would have been in the US government for most of this time. He obtained his M.D. from Cornell University Medical College in 1966 and and began his 53-year career at NIH in 1968.
He became Director of NIH in 1984.
Remember his wife is head of BIO-ETHICS.
….According to Christine Grady’s profile on the NIH website, she is a nurse-bioethicist and senior investigator serving as the Chief of the Department of Bioethics. Her research focuses on the “ethics of clinical research, including informed consent, vulnerability, study design, recruitment, and international research ethics, as well as ethical issues faced by nurses and other health care providers.” [Bio has been removed…]
This would have been from the decade between 1969 (?) to 1978 (?)
Mom had breast cancer and they did a radical mastectomy @ Strong Memorial Hospital. It is connected to Rochester University. She was about 50 years of age. The doctor, known to other doctors as ‘The Butcher’, prescribed radiation treatments. Her skin turned black and sloughed and peeled like that of an over-cooked chicken. The hospital gave my parents an OOPS sorry we had the dosage too high. After those treatments she went from a smart bold woman with perfect recall to childlike & timid with trouble remembering.
A few years later she fell and a lump popped out. The Butcher immediately put her on chemo (I think it was in trials). After the crappy job the student did closing her breast cancer surgery, my parents opted to go to the Mayo Clinic to have that lump removed. Mayo Clinic said the cancer in the lump was DEAD but when they heard that The Butcher was giving Mom chemo, they refused to give a second opinion. Mom then started having heart attacks. I had read in Chemical & Engineering News that ‘Chemo therapy affected the heart’ however the Heart doctor CLAIMED to know nothing about chemo and The Butcher CLAIMED to know nothing about the heart. So Mom kept taking the DAMNED POISON. I finally convinced her to stop but she died of a heart attack a couple days later. I am sure The Butcher wrote it up as a success for the chemo therapy.
And yeah I was correct all those years ago:
“Chemotherapy side effects may increase the risk of heart disease, including weakening of the heart muscle (cardiomyopathy) and rhythm disturbances (arrhythmias). Certain types of chemotherapy also may increase the risk of heart attack.”
Washington, DC, October 24, 1986.
The recent acknowledgement by federal officials that the government conducted radiation experiments with human guinea pigs has grabbed the attention of all U.S. citizens, and the reason is that most people assumed that our country would not engage in this kind of activity. I think the fact that the federal government — our government – funded or engaged in this kind of activity is the most disturbing Act of this whole story. Most Americans thought that our country would not take that kind of action…..
A review of these documents reveals the frequent and systematic use of human subjects as guinea pigs for radiation experiments. Some of these experiments were conducted in the 1940’s and 1950’s, and others were performed during the supposedly more enlightened 1960’s and 1970’s. The report describes in detail 31 experiments during which about 695 persons were exposed to radiation which provided little or no medical benefit to the subjects. The report notes that it seems appropriate to urge the Department of Energy to make every practicable effort to identify the persons who served as experimental subjects, to examine the long-term histories of subjects or an increased incidence of radiation associated diseases, and to compensate these unfortunate victims for damages….
These experiments were carried out at the Manhattan District Hospital at Oak Ridge, Tennessee; Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester, New York; the University of Chicago; and the University of California. San Francisco….
The overall conclusion from the folders for polonium and uranium injections among the DOE plutonium papers is that these additional experiments were carried out at the University of Rochester by some of the same investigators involved with the plutonium injection experiments. Although staff of the Atomic Energy Commission clearly knew of these additional experiments in 1974, the Commission investigation was truncated with the plutonium injection experiments….
….also the expectation that radioactive material would be administered on for the benefit of a patient. Yet your 1986 report described experiments in the 5Os, 60s, and into the 70s, where subjects received ionizing radiation that provided little or no benefit to the subject. The fact that the later experiments occurred indicates that the 1947 guidance was either violated or overturned in the interim….
experiments,” defined in part as, “experiments on individuals involving intentional exposure to ionizing radiation. This category does not include common and routine clinical practices, such as established diagnosis and treatment methods, involving incidental exposure to ionizing radiation.” (Executive Order, President Clinton, 1/18/94)….
It therefore seems appropriate that as the Interagency Working Group moves forward, some effort should be devoted to determining precisely what standards were in effect in April 1947, and how they deteriorated over time. The matter of what standards were in effect after 1947 and whether they might have been violated is also related to the question of what compensation would be appropriate for experimental subjects.
…Considering the history on the lack of informed consent with these experiments….
Getting caught in 1986 did not stop the US Government from using humans as lab rats. Aside from the use of foster kids and orphans as lab rats in AIDS research, we have these experiments by the EPA. AGAIN, Strong Memorial was implicated. Steve
2003 and 2010
The EPA had children down to 10 years, BREATHING DIESEL EXHAUST!
EPA used children to test diesel exhaust
And that wasn’t the end of it.
Lawsuit: EPA Conducted Gas Chamber-like Experiments on Elderly, Infirm at University of North Carolina
EPA sued in federal court over illegal human testing
There is also this: Dr. Fauci and the NIH’s History in Experimenting on Foster Children and Using Aborted Fetal Tissue to Develop an HIV Vaccine
Vaccines, Fauci, and medical tyranny with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 49 minutes:
I cannot find the original video I saw, but there is a BBC DOCUMENTARY!!! (This is the one I saw.)
BBC documentary that exposes how the city of New York has been forcing HIV-Positive children under its supervision to be used as human guinea pigs in tests for experimental AIDS drug trials.
Transcript for the BBC documentary Guinea Pig Kids
This is a slightly edited version of the complete documentary broadcast on Tuesday, 30 November, 2004, at 1930 GMT on BBC Two in the UK.
However we are not done yet
Updated April 29, 2020, 5:40 PM EDT
By Erika Edwards
An experimental drug for the coronavirus has a proven benefit, according to Dr. Anthony Fauci, the head of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
“The data shows that remdesivir has a clear-cut, significant, positive effect in diminishing the time to recovery,” Fauci said at the White House on Wednesday. The data he referred to is from a large study of more than 1,000 patients from multiple sites around the world. Patients either received the drug, called remdesivir, or a placebo….”
So Remdesivir was rolled out INSTEAD OF HCQ or chloroquine, KNOWINGLY POISONING PATIENTS.
JULY 15, 2021
Remdesivir offers no clinical benefit for COVID-19, extends hospital stay for many
Most recently, a study led by the World Health Organization found that the drug failed to improve outcomes in patients hospitalized with the virus.
Because of these and other study results, the WHO recommended against its use in COVID-19 patients in November.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, however, already had approved remdesivir for use in people hospitalized due to severe COVID-19 only a month earlier. Former President Donald Trump, who had COVID-19 in October, is one of the U.S. patients who has been treated with the drug.
(I think this is the same as in this site below.)
@ 8:00 (2018) Ebola trial of four drugs tested Remdesivir safety board found it had THE HIGHEST DEATH RATE and PULLED it before the end of the one year study. Fauci’s SECOND DRUG was the SECOND MOST DEADLY…. Goes into second test.
Listen from 8:20 onwards on how Remdesivir was effectively chosen by Fauci himself for it’s sheer lethality to be given to COVID patients. Fauci stated that all hospitals in America were only to give Remdesivir to COVID patients and nothing else, and also criminally ordered that Hydroxychloroquine was not to be used to treat COVID as Fauci dishonestly stated it is very dangerous for COVID patients.
Fauci knew 2 years before he mandated Remdesivir as the only drug to be used how deadly it’s effects would certainly be, this being clear evidence that he deliberately mass-murdered all those American people who died allegedly from COVID whose symptoms were actually those of fatal Remdesivir poisoning.
….For the first 10 months in 2020, America was the only country using Remdesivir as the drug to treat COVID and bought up all the stocks it could from all over the world to be able to do that, and as a direct result, America had the most deaths, allegedly from COVID, in reality from Remdesivir poisoning (and having their lungs popped on ventilators).
Remdesivir is very expensive indeed in comparison with Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine.
Remdesivir was found in one study of 4 drugs looking for a potential treatment for Ebola to have the most lethal side-effects.
In a second study by the Israeli company Gilead, 22% out of 53 COVID patients in 23 countries who were given Remdesivir were found after just 28 days to have suffered 4 major effects, multiple organ failure, acute kidney failure, septic shock and hypotension. 8% of these patients had to be taken off Remdesivir by day 5 or 10 because they were dying. 30% experienced 4 life-threatening effects.
Doctors in American hospitals who had been ordered to use Remdesivir on COVID patients were mistaking effects of Remdesivir for those of COVID, thinking COVID was causing the kidney failure now being seen in their patients. These patients were not dying from any COVID, they were dying very clearly from Remdesivir poisoning….
[WARNING: It gets antisemitic from that point on]
…However, methotrexate achieved only short-term ALL remission, until combination chemotherapy was attempted in 1970. [That would be the trial Mom was in. The timing is exactly right.]
Roy Hertz, M.D., began his career at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) studying the effect of folic acid on the female urogenital tract, the organ system of the reproductive organs and the urinary system. In 1946, Dr. Hertz became chair of the Endocrinology Section at the National Cancer Institute (NCI)….
Alan Rabson, M.D., Deputy Director of NCI, described Dr. Hertz as having had “a major impact on cancer therapy. Showing that it wasn’t only leukemia that was curable with chemotherapy was a pivotal step. It opened up the rest of the field.” In 1972, Drs. Hertz and Li were awarded the prestigious Lasker Award—often considered to be the “American Nobel prize”— for their groundbreaking work.
With the first significant success against solid cancer tumors, the medical field was turned on its head. Previous assumptions that cancer was nearly always fatal were revised, and the field of medical oncology (treatment of cancer with chemotherapy), which had not previously existed, was formally established in 1971…..
The 1960s and 1970s brought significant advances in chemotherapy as researchers addressed the ongoing challenges of cancer treatment. The Clinical Center at NIH was central to many of the early breakthroughs in chemotherapy….
Wolf again.
I want to thank Aubergine and Gail Combs for so quickly putting something together.
It is my hope that other Truth Seekers and Patriots will investigate this matter more deeply, and see if, in fact, these mass graves for 24 years are in fact connected to US government research.

I am speechless and sick to my stomach. Thanks to all of you for going there.
We have work to do.
May the Lord guide our paths in search of the truth.
Very important — and horrific — information.
Thanks to Aubergine and Gail.
AND Wolf!
Heartbreaking. All of it. Disgusted, with out government is an understatement.
Fauci appears to be Jesuit, connected to the false religion, cabal and mob. Do we go there yet? How deep do we want to go with this in light of who else is probably reading it?
Honestly, I think it’s time to stop being afraid.
Ok. So what about all the missing children, trafficked kids, ad reno chrm theories? Autoimmune diseases, blood disorders, mass death, all “circles back” to abuse of kids by one boogeyman or another.
Fauxi has dead eyes. There seems to be plenty of evil by out govt.
A sad fact is that people who have gone missing and have died could be buried with no markers, and their graves would never be found or would be discovered many years later. These mass graves of children are marked and have names on them. That shows they were in someone’s custody and died at around the same time while in that custody. There is no law that allows experimentation on human beings so that, when they die, you can preserve their bodies until you can bury them all together, complete with a headstone engraved with names. I’ve never heard of such. It’s sickening.
Its like a band aid. They put it on display to gloss over whats underneath.
YES! That is exactly it!
And add “feel good” Bible verses & sayings…beyond comprehension!
Yes, that struck me as well. How they are buried all together. Is this a plot where they were buried as they died, and after a while a marker was made? Or were they held and buried en masse periodically?
It is sickening, and heartbreaking, and enraging.
The cemetery must know many of these answers. Which would, I think provide leads.
Doubtful they’d answer queries from the public.
Wonder if those gravestones are a “look here” because there’s something much, MUCH bigger “over there”…..
Or perhaps someone actually donated them, either out of sorrow, compassion, or shame. Then again, those kinds of gravestones aren’t cheap, especially considering the amount of engraving and care taken to make and place them….
Wonderful post, Aubergine, Gail, and Wolf, despite the tragic and unconscionable nature of the content and situation. Sometimes we cannot look away, despite our wish to do so.
I hope and pray that this and the work of RFK Jr. shed light on this and other atrocities, and put an end to the Faux-Xian and Gatesian butcherings, murders, and other crimes.
Matthew 10:24-28:
24 The disciple is not above his master, nor the servant above his lord.
25 It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master, and the servant as his lord. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more shall they call them of his household?
26 Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.
27 What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops.
28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
Thanks, Cuppa. Needed that verse.
Fauci also appears to be connected to highest levels of Freemasonry/Illuminati. They seem to have no qualms about experienting on and taking human and animal life.
yes, we need to go there.
not a lot of time remains.
its 2022.
and the clock is ticking.
there’s a mad rush…
dead ppl can’t protest.
dead ppl can’t sue.
cause & effect : genetic mutants.
they can’t cover it up forever.
take the vaccines, ignore the risks !!
the whole nghtmare is demonic.
false prophets, false gods, hidden agendas.
they are legion.
Please, quit calling people who are educated by the Jesuits, Jesuits. They have NOT gone through the rigorous training that the priests do. There are no third orders, which is the lay arm, of the Jesuits. Yes, there were and still are many who are not worthy of the collar, but there are just as many who are.
Not all have been co-opted. No good Jesuit would condone this behavior. Not even.
Sometimes I really do not like the conspiracy circles even if that’s where the truth lies if you know how to find it.
“… the conspiracy circles…” also like to blame the Jews or the Masons. Heck I like to blame ‘The Banksters’ but at least I can point to the connecting lines.
Well… the Masons are actually the primary guilty party, and they seduced any number of the others.
by their fruits, you will know them.
And there it is. 100%, smiley2. One thing all should be able to agree upon.
If I as a Christian do things that are evil per The Word, am I reflecting the love of Christ and God’s will for His creation? Of course not. I bring disgrace and negatively effect whatever and to whomever I am associated by doing so. I become the rotten apple in the barrel of ordinarily good apples that spoil all of it.
The enemy infiltrates. We know them by their fruit. We are the QTree. 17 told us that. It was actually a confirmation of what many of us already knew.
IMO DePat is correct about the Masons. You will find them at the root of all sorts of evil. I have living and dead family members and friends who were/are involved. Nothing pained me more than to see my father’s pastor conduct a traditional Christian funeral service for him, then exit the building, only to have a Masonic funeral ritual conducted at the request of my Eastern Star mother. My father had turned from the evil and rededicated himself solely to the Lord, but she had not and had control of his estate and remains.
The story gets far worse for the many years before and after the event in that story, but I will stop. I will just say that many pastors do not exit the building when the Masons conduct their ritual and much, much more. Some are afraid to do so and some just are one.
I would hope you will share more of your personal & familial insights as you are able. So sorry for your heartache & suffering…
No good Jesuit – agree. Not trying to imply that the co-opted are one and the same, DePat. They are Jesuit school educated per their bios. But so are communists that go to all Christian schools. I used the phrase, “connected to the false religion” for the purpose of showing the difference.
Could have worded it better. No offense intended.
Just because they are Jesuit educated means nothing. The teaching didn’t take. It happens.
Sometimes it feels like every day we find out another horrible thing that the supposed “elites” have done. And I think it couldn’t possibly get worse. But I was wrong and am truly sickened. I don’t know how much more I can take.
I hear you. I don’t think any of us wanted to confront the idea that it was still going on, but I’m starting to think that it is.
Wolfie, YOU KNOW it has to be still going on. They have been doing this type of stuff for over 100 years, mostly without ANYONE KNOWING!
The Tuskegee experiment began in 1932 AND NO ONE BLEW THE WHISTLE UNTIL the MID SIXTIES!
The Radiation Experiments were just as bad. HECK we had not one but THREE DOCTORS as neighbors, who I babysat for, who KNEW what ‘The Butcher’ was doing to Mom AND SAID NOTHING!!! I got the name, ‘The Butcher’ from them BTW.
I would bet most of the children in these mass graves are minorities, too.
I would guess so too… the center is in Harlem… and apparently New York’s version of CPS (Child “Protective” Services) is all-powerful and unconstrained, either by laws or ethics…
From the transcript fo the BBC documentatry:
This unfettered, immoral, Satanic control of people, institutions, and government has to end.
“… In New York, you don’t need a court order to take a child from its parents. …”
States/Cities where children can be taken WITHOUT the courts being involved.
Something else, A woman placed in jail or prison can have her children taken. Her FAMILY will then have a fight on their hands to get temporary custody.
There seems to be a lot of nuggets here:
Child Support enters the digital age:
That should NOT be legal.
That needs to be exposed and stopped. We need a list of those cities and states.
It is very difficult to find the information. Just like with the anti-hoarding laws, the laws, regulations are hidden in places you would never think to look.
I agree.
Wolf, Incarnation Children’s Center is still operating. But the graves stop in 2012. Are no children dying there anymore? I doubt that. So where are they being buried?
I don’t even want to show you this. I really don’t. But look at this link, and scroll down. Look at the dates, and at the section where they are buried, over on the right. I think it’s another one. There is no marker for these:
I wonder what, “Saint Vincent de Paul” KNOWS.
I do, too.
Compare and contrast.
After finding the over 900 children in the St. Vincent de Paul Section of St. Charles Cemetery, link in comment below, I thought I would check another big state, to see what I would find. What if this is common, and there are orphan babies buried like this all over, no medical experimentation, just normal death.
Well, here’s Texas, same time frame. NOTE that there are only 983 matching records for “Baby” who died post-1988. NOTE that the birth dates as you scroll down are KNOWN, where they are NOT in New York. NOTE that there are individual markers for these children. NOTE that if you click on a listing, it will NOT say “death date may be internment date,” which most of the Baby graves listed at St. Charles read.
I also searched California, and found similar results to Texas.
This appears to be confined to NEW YORK. New York is a NIGHTMARE.
Thanks for the further confirmation that something is ‘NOT RIGHT’
In ALL of California for the same time period, post-1988, there are only 784 graves with the first name “Baby.”
Commonly in the same cemtary, or several, across the state? The latter two perhaps likely innocent. A single cemetery, no so much. Or so I guess.
They are in cemeteries all over. That is what I was looking for. More mass burials. I think I found one in Illinois, but that one is weird. I put the info in a comment to Wolf. All the “Baby” graves are Hispanic.
And/or “processed”???
Who knows? I just found it strange.
Just to be clear on St. Vincent de Paul, he is the patron of charities, and any graves in a section named for him would be of charitable origin.
Yes, I get that. These are orphan’s graves. They were wards of the state or in some orphanage.
Good work! BIG difference.
Thanks. I am working hard to get past my reluctance, and do my job for those babies.
I believe it is. The dates on some of what I am finding now are later. And WHAT the HELL is this?
Found at Findagrave. Palatine, Illinois. St. Michael the Archangel Cemetery, children who died post-1988, first name “Baby.” But almost ALL of the last names are Hispanic:
Of 245 “Baby” graves, there are 32 named Garcia, and 25 named Gonzalez. There are 28 “Baby Hernandez” graves.
What the hell is going on here?
Outside of Chicago is where this is. There is a large presence of people of Mexican origin in the Chicago area. One of my cousins is married to one. Mexicans tend to still confine themselves to colonies, of sorts.
I agree. It’s just odd that none of the children have given names. That’s what struck me.
They may have been still born. Or born early. I have relatives who buried their still born children.
It is across the street from Harper College, a Jr College
And there is a medical center but no large hospital connected to a university.
That’s why I am leaning toward still born or born early babies.
With birth dates all listed as “Unknown?”
Their parents would have known their date of birth.
The other thing about these graves, the date of birth is listed as “Unknown.” Surely if their parents had buried them, they would have a birth date.
Palatine is COOK COUNTY.
Yes, I know.
This was predicted by Q, who said some of us would have to look away.
You’re right. Wow.
We thought he was talking about child sex trafficking but it was a LOT WORSE.
In 2019, 421,394 children in the US were reported missing.
In the US, a child goes missing every 90 seconds.
Of the nearly 26,300 runaways reported to NCMEC in 2019, 1 in 6 were likely victims of child sex trafficking.
In 2019, NCMEC responded to more than 10,700 reports regarding possible child sex trafficking.
This does not include the children taken by the government — Orphans & Foster kids.
That is another 423,997.
Jaco Booyen from S.Africa on Child Sex Trafficking in the USA.
Tim Ballard on World human Trafficking (USA is the customer)
Me too Linda.
It shakes me to my soul.
The way the prisoners in the DC gulag are treated right out in front of the nation and our “leaders” is proof that they have no fear anymore. It’s not voiceless children, it’s adults.
There’s a lot more. I’ve seen some things of late that really make me sick. One of them connects to the diamonds must be returned. Stay away from anything made by Heinz as much as possible and cubic zirconia. I don’t want to elaborate.
IF it needs to come to light, please share.
This article is touching on Evil.
This WILL fester until exposed AND action is taken to stop it AND punish participants.
I’ve seen it phrased as “ways to dispose of dead bodies.” Beyond that, I don’t want to know.
I’ve seen fake stones, like a Zirconia, made from dead loved ones for sentimental purposes. But I can’t remember if that was “real world” or “just” movie fiction.
Oh, it’s real:
Thanks, A
The company PurePet stands out as a, erm, possibility.
Seems the chemical companies (seeds, fertilizer, pesticides, processing, additives, flavorings, colorings, drugs, cosmetics, etc,) want to control us from the cradle to the grave.
And often want to shorten the distance between the two…..
If the full truth were to come out, would Heinz really be in a pickle (so to speak)…
Old man Heinz was an original Bildeberger.
It must be stopped, and the general public has to wake up.
Philadelphia Cream Cheese is on that list.
Yes. I know. So is A-1 Steak Sauce. This house has access to local dairies that produce quality products, so cream cheese is not an issue. Steak sauce, OTOH, as well as Worcestershire Sauce is another story.
That’s how I feel. Close to breaking. It’s almost too much.
Great work, Aubergine and Gail!
I have never known of mass graves with people’s names on them, let alone children. I did a search and found headlines about a potter’s field on New York Island and mass graves in NYC as a result of COVID. (I don’t know if that report is true or not.)
I found the story about unmarked graves of over 1,000 indigenous children at former residential schools in British Columbia. Unmarked.
The GWP article says:
They were orphans at the Incarnation Children’s Center in New York City.
Why does Fauci, the NIH, or any person or government agency have the authority to experiment on human beings? Talk about violations of the Nuremberg Code, not to mention our Constitution, all moral laws, and human decency and compassion. And if they were “caught,” why weren’t they prosecuted and the practice stopped?
The cemetery is Gate of Heaven Cemetery in Hawthorne, NY. The graves are not a secret, since they are marked and accessible and people have placed memorials on them. We need answers, NOW.
I’d like to know why Fauci or any person gets to tell doctors and hospitals what they can and can’t prescribe.
It’s not clear to me whether each child has their own coffin and was buried at the time of their death, or whether the children whose names appear on each tombstone are all buried in one mass grave. The answer to that doesn’t change the major questions about how the children came to be buried there.
Yeah, the exact facts are likely in the original reporting.
Many of the grave listings at the other one I just found (see comment to Wolf above) state “death date may be internment date.” That suggests they were buried at some time distant from their death, to me.
Also the investigator found a hole filled with little coffins covered in astro-turf so they EXPECTED MORE DEAD BABIES AS A RESULT OF THE EXPERIMENTS!
Oh, I’m sure. And they were burying them in batches, not when they died. It’s disgusting.
After you finish looking at the other states, you might send a link to this to the Gateway Pundit. RFK jr and Judicial Watch are the only people I can think of who can do the FOIs needed to uncover what was going on.
What is horrifying is realizing these are JUST the cases we KNOW. We have zero idea of what other experiments were being run by the Rockefeller/Big Pharma/ US Government. Think of all the other drugs brought to market over the last 70 years.
I know. I can’t look anymore for a bit. But I will look more later. I need a mental health break.
I certainly don’t blame you. I have had fifty years to come to grips with this crap and I STILL see RED when ever I think of it.
I am just having a hard time with the fact that it’s babies and children.
That looks like they were hiding something. If everything was respectable and legal, why store coffins under astroturf?
“…. why store coffins under astroturf?”
Yes, it appears from all evidence that they were burying these children in batches. Disgusting.
And what is really sick is that the waiting lists out there for people wanting to adopt children are years long. These babies would have found families somewhere.
I was just about to say the same thing.
Remember that nurse had adopted one of the children and the ‘state’ came in AND TOOK IT AWAY when she refused to keep giving the poor thing FAUXI’s POISON!
Anymore, the optimal way to adopt is privately. Yes, essentially adoptive parents are buying babies from birth parents, but the state has made it impossible for the agencies to operate honestly.
Such atrocities in a so called civil society reveals the amoral leanings of the elite. Even the ones that had no hand in it but secured funding or the ones that eagerly financed. The doctors and researchers who say nothing. The lawmakers that turn their heads.
Humans are truly their guinea pigs whether by abortion, drug addiction, psychological experiments, planned pandemics, State/Govt run medical practice… People watch documentaries about early human sacrifice or grave robbing by medieval medics trying to learn of anatomy and shake their heads in disgust. These practices are far more heinous.
Psychopaths like Fauxi must delight in the work and with the added bonus of being lauded as brilliant has to be exhilarating.
The fact that these tombstones have names, even if they only record male/female baby Does, wouldn’t that indicate that there was some oversight? Some record must exist of who had access, who and where they were procured from ?
I know my mother had a stillborn (9mo) that somehow in the grief and mental trauma was allowed to be handed over for medical research. This time frame was much earlier than these children, probably around 1967. To her dying day she wouldn’t speak of it. She was so wounded by it all. I think my father probably made the decision.
Thank you Aubergine, Gail, Wolf and anyone else that I may have missed. As human beings we need to try and fight hard against the heartless, Godless, soulless forces that are pushing society to division, violence and death harder than ever. Bcak in long ago eras when there was periodic genocide and routine torture …it was almost always in the advancement of territorial rule. What’s happening now seems totally demonic
Blabbing on….with the GROPUS sitting in the WH following whose ever’s orders with the open border has 100% filthy dirty hands for many thousands of children/teens that will be sexually abused and many in the process drug addicted on purpose and many will die either from the abuse, neglect, sadism or narcotics.
If us nobodies understand how it works ( paid for by cartels, pimped and sold by cartels all over this country) the Congressmen, the President, the VP, the military…they ALL know it.
I am really now convinced that the open border is designed to funnel “kids who are ready to disappear” to these people.
POTUS 4 years of closed borders crimped their style.
This may be already plowed territory. How plowed would require a more extensive look as Congress seemed to have smoothed things over so you can’t find out. A search for the Rochester Strong Hospital turns up this.
This seems to end with Congress in 97 taking some kind of actions on human experimentation. But was it? Was it just hushed and buried deeper?
Not sure if this is just a subset or a larger body of information.
Both links will take you to human experiments happening all around country during the Manhattan Project as well as during the Cold War all the way up to the mid 90’s it seems, but primarily at the sites Gail laid out.
Can’t say a search would account for the likely mass graves depicted above especially given the dates on those graves. Seems more needs to be done in this arena for sure as this appears to be evidence of more recent activity.
Could guess that the local temperament and established set up and infrastructure if you’d call it for those that do this kind human experimentation is likely still there and available along with custom to be hushed about what really happens in places like these.
Notices too that Rochester is in the semi notorious 5 Finger Lakes region. Perhaps the area breeds a certain amount of callousness that earns its name in the roster of conspiracy stories. Don’t know? Given the dates on those graves though some answers need to be found.
There is a graveyard directly across the street from Strong Memorial. We used to say the Doctors buried their mistakes there, not knowing how true that likely was.
And they continue to do it even after Congress got more involved. Just pushed it further underground. Any wonder why so many in Congress are compromised.
And no wonder how easily for them to slide from these kinds of programs toward mass genocide where they blindly look the other way.
New Ashley Babbitt information courtesy Judicial Watch Subpoenas.
Link to video and multiple audio files.
This vid is new. Shows a bit more happening in the stair well. This time you can see the cops coming up the stair well get stopped by an authority and waved back down the steps about ten seconds before Ashely is shot. Most turned back, a couple held position until she was shot.
To me it demonstrates that authorities had control of the situation on crowd/Babbitt side of the door. Makes it harder to explain why she was shot IMO.
Haven’t listened to the audio files.
Whoops wrong place.
Not really. We are talking about the US government DELIBERATELY KILLING AMERICANS so it fits right in.
Weeping. I have no words……
I have found some words, but they are not my own:
Job 4:8-9 “Even as I have seen,
Those who plow iniquity
And sow trouble reap the same.
By the blast of God they perish,
And by the breath of His anger
they are consumed.”
Galater 6:7 “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that
he will also reap.”
My husband read me those verses after I told him about the article. His comment to the second passage: “Don’t forget, the harvest is greater that that which is sown!”
I don’t think it is fitting to put a music video here, but I did think of these lyrics:
Wolf, you are living your life now as a love-letter to future historians, and leaving Truth behind. My honest thought is that you are no longer afraid.
I wonder at how I respond to life, living in this fog of mine, and then remember how anger burns me daily. They are killing us and they aim to kill America. How do I tell my people the poison already is inside them? It’s not just for elections anymore. My hands burn to pray to save his life, her life. Oh, the children!
Indeed, it’s time now for me and you, and all of us, to stop being afraid.
Amen, ZR! Amen!
there’s one word to describe this atrocity…and the atrocities prepetrated by the globalist Big Pharma gene therapy depopulation human experiments and transhuman technocrats…
I did not have time to do much of a search yesterday. Most of the information has been buried. I did find my old comment at Tony Heller’s that show Strong Memorial Hospital/ University of Rochester was involved in the diesel studies just as I thought.
Here is my comment from 2015 in full:
Why ever would anyone actually believe what a government bureaucrat says in this age of government lying?
SHIELDING THE GIANTS: USDA’s “Don’t Look, Don’t Know” Policy
[The USDA & FDA DELIBERATELY allowed ConAgra Food Corporation, to sell over 19 million pounds of tainted ground beef yet “…USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) announced in a press release that no contaminated meat entered commerce, but the Centers for Disease Control linked a food poisoning death and at least 35 illnesses to the tainted beef during the first month after the recall…”
WHY??? To convince Americans we needed the Food Safety Modernization Act. And act that DOES NOT IMPROVE FOOD SAFETY but instead drives small businesses into bankruptcy, passes liability to the farmer instead of the corporation for their poor hygiene and allows the WTO to write US regulations. <– Added explanation. It is the same playbook that is used with the CCP virus to convince us we need the Clot Shot and eventually vaccine passports.]
A Rochester University/Strong Memorial Hospital doctor who was part of this** killed my mother. She and my father had ZERO idea she was being used by ‘The Butcher’ in any type of experimental studies and all of her medical was fully paid for. ** AMERICAN NUCLEAR GUINEA PIGS: THREE DECADES OF RADIATION EXPERIMENTS ON U.S. CITIZENS
The EPA and Rochester University is STILL using humans as experimental animals!
Teenager died in 1996 government-funded air pollution experiment at Univ. Rochester; University now using diabetics as air pollution guinea pigs
OH, and it was an overdose with lidocaine not the pollution that killed her. Given Strong Memorial’s very high mortality rate I am not surprise. Strong’s mortality rate was so high it was ‘featured’ on 60 Minutes Now I know why. (That hospital killed my best friend’s Mom and my boy friend’s Mom that same year too. All three had not reached retirement age.)
EPA’s illegal human experiments could break Nuremberg Code
Human testing lawsuit dismissed; Court lacks jurisdiction to hear case against EPA
Every time you dig, you find the US government fudging data and showing utter contempt for citizens. The list is too long to post and is found through out the FDA, USDA, EPA, IRS….
I think at this point we are looking at the tip of a MASSIVE ICEBURG and the US government and university hospitals have been using Americans as lab rats CONTINUOUSLY since 1947 and before. What better test subjects than orphams and foster kids?
I forgot a couple more:
𝕋𝕆𝕋𝔸𝕃 ℕ𝕌𝕄𝔹𝔼ℝ 𝕆𝔽 𝔸𝔹𝕆ℝ𝕋𝕀𝕆ℕ𝕊 𝕚𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕌.𝕊. 𝟙𝟡𝟟𝟛-𝟚𝟘𝟙𝟠: 𝟞𝟙.𝟠 𝕞𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕠𝕟+
….Wicked Silence: The North Carolina Forced Sterilization …
Herbert Hoover was president at the time.
(International Communist League article) Racist Eugenics Exposed: Forced Sterilization in North Carolina
(I picked out the few facts they put in their inflammatory article.)
Hillary Clinton’s Heroine: MARGARET SANGER, IN HER OWN WORDS
Sanger was, shall we say intimately acquainted with the Fabians.
Tuskegee Experiment: The Infamous 40 year Syphilis Study
Those ‘new guidelines’ sure didn’t protect those kids from the diesel exhaust studies!
Apparently they argue that the Nuremberg Code doesn’t apply in America unless Congress passes laws to that effect. Evil, right in our faces.
I haven’t researched it, but it appears that no one has done anything to stop this. I don’t know of any laws passed by Congress. All we see today regarding vaccine experimentation are references to the Nuremberg Code, not American laws. I see no investigations resulting in censure or new legislation. And yet, if this kind of evil were exposed, it would show the public exactly what kind of people they keep putting into office. This is the underbelly of politics: the knowledge of who those people are and what their goals really are.
This is part of the Great Awakening.
To add more context and history.
Interesting that this passage has now been REMOVED from the internet
From the archives: Congressman McFadden on the Federal Reserve Corporation
Remarks in Congress, 1934 AN ASTOUNDING EXPOSURE
This website completely misses this important part of McFadden’s 1934 speeches.
Then we have IBM HELPING Hitler track Jews….
But what is very curious is this new video:
The Story of Benjamin Ferencz, the last living prosecutor of the Nuremberg trials.
@ 2:30 He went to Harvard law and WHILE THERE enlisted as a BUCK PRIVATE (lowest rank)
@ 4:50 tap on shoulder General Patton wanted to see him. Told by Washington DC to set up war crime branch. His name was forwarded … description of camps.
@ 7:30 He preserved the records. included name of person and officer in charge
@ 8:50 Germany surrendered Conference, USA wanted trials.
@ 10:00 gets called by Pentagon want to send him back. Enticed by making him a full Colonel…. He became the Chief Prosecutor of the largest murder trial. It was his first case. HE HAD NEVER BEEN IN A COURT ROOM IN HIS LIFE!!!
So WHY was a GREEN LAW STUDENT given such an important task???
A bit more: How media ‘fluff’ helped Hitler rise to power
Sounds like OH!Bummer….
My head is spinning with all this…facts, truth in black and white, no talking head interpreting.. The “modern age” sure did usher in curious malevolent ways for the elites to deal with the masses.
In some ways in was like a bad relationship. They say they want to do something nice for us but in order to do that they create a class of undesirables to choose from to test out the ‘nice thing’
The worst kind of co-dependency of all…
An entire country held as co-dependent…
Yes – when Hitler was an ally of the Bolsheviks, the American communists were his “wingmen”. When Hitler invaded Russia, however, they reversed that overnight.
The BOLSHEVIK FAKE NEWS followed suit, just more carefully, so as not to give up the game.
Beezlebubba’s, Biden’s, and Bøzø’s Build Back Bolshevism…
First, thank you Wolf, for expounding for me. I didn’t have the heart or the presence of mind to deeply question what I found. I only knew it needed to be seen. It will be for others to determine what exactly caused the deaths of all those children. I only know the question MUST be answered.
Second, thank you Gail, for ALL you do here. You are a boundless font of important information. And I am very, very sorry about your Mom.
I have so many questions and so few answers. How many of those children were minorities? Just like Tuskeegee. Is there “institutional racism” in American scientific research? Are all of these children from Incarnation Home? If so, it is still in operation, so are no children dying there since 2012? A search of first name “Baby” before 2012 in Gate of Heaven Cemetery reveals 127 results. The same search post-2012 reveals NONE. Are no more dying? Or are they buried elsewhere, or not buried at all?
This story haunts me.
Sadly. Without accountability for whatever was going on, it continues in the shadows.
IF all of these babies dying were innocent, it would be known publicly. Something IS terribly wrong.
Some of it may be, quite likely innocent. Surely NOT all of it. Turning our heads is not the solution. Which I do not have a decent way ahead.
The “authorities” are worthless in this matter. I think.
Without the media, at least an investigator (journalist or not), no idea how this can gain the regional and national spotlight. All with a goal of verifying wrong doing AND accountability.
See my comments up above. Whatever is happening, it is mostly in New York. It isn’t happening elsewhere that I have found so far.
New York…
Destination of IMMIGRANTS who would be EASY PREY.
New York…
Home of the UN
New York…
Home of David Rockefeller Pocantico Hills Westchester near Hillary.
Yeah, immigrants. I found another weird one in Illinois, see my comment to Wolf.
Home of the Dewey’s Laboratory School.
“…In 1894, Dewey was appointed head of the department of philosophy, psychology and education at the University of Chicago which had been established two years earlier by a gift from John D. Rockefeller. In 1896, 𝔻𝕖𝕨𝕖𝕪 𝕔𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕗𝕒𝕞𝕠𝕦𝕤 𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕒𝕝 𝕃𝕒𝕓𝕠𝕣𝕒𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕪 𝕊𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕠𝕝 𝕨𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕙𝕖
𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕 𝕥𝕖𝕤𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕖𝕗𝕗𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕟𝕖𝕨 𝕡𝕤𝕪𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕘𝕪 𝕠𝕟 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕝 𝕝𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕔𝕙𝕚𝕝𝕕𝕣𝕖𝕟.
…To Dewey, the greatest obstacle to socialism was the private mind that seeks knowledge in order to exercise its own private judgment and intellectual authority. High literacy gave the individual the means to seek knowledge independently. It gave individuals the means to stand on their own two feet and think for themselves. This was detrimental to the “social spirit” needed to bring about a collectivist society….
….It was the progressives’ rejection of God which made them yearn for a utopia created in their own depraved human image. And so, high literacy had to go. Dewey wrote in 1896, after the Laboratory School had been in operation for nine months:”
Good lord.
ba boom! 2021 brings in the new improved diversity equifier …no grades, no merit based scales…the dumbest are the most evolved..the answer to any question is what you want it to be.
And “Soylent Green” was/is based in 2022…
Erm, food for thought…
When my husband was driving from Michigan to Vermont he said that he felt a tremendous heaviness (spiritually?), dark & weighty, when passing through New York. “Perhaps” there are very dark spiritual strongholds of “demonic” oppression there, being fed on the glut of perpetual human sacrifice…
I have had that experience in couple of places where there was a lot of death and sadness. It is very disconcerting.
Strongholds, principalities & powers, & spiritual wickedness in high places!
That’s exactly what Ephesians 6:10-18 and many other passages in the Bible are talking about…
Amen Cuppa!
Have seen that and felt that first hand in NY.
Palmyra NY, the Mormon birth place so to speak is a very depressing area.
Wow, fascinating. The birthplace of an overt deception & perversion of Truth. Amazing & so sad…
Those three doctors that did not warn Mom lived near there.
Cemetery is just a couple of miles from Chappaqua.
I think that even the work of a well-known, respected journalist — even a mainstream one — would not be given the attention needed to expose crimes like this and their perpetrators. I have high hopes for Truth Social. We’ve seen how stories go viral even with all the Twitter and Facebook censorship. Having a platform that will not censor, and that people will be watching because it is “Trump,” will go a long way toward getting word out about a lot of things, I believe. We have some “conservative” social media, but there has never been one with PDJT involved. All eyes are on him and everything he touches, and he has the ability to make things happen.
I noticed that there are quite a few Hispanic names on those gravestones.
It IS ALL an Inconvenient Truth.
The country started discussing what I’d call a horrifying tangent of this article.
~ Over the past several years. PP exposed for selling body parts. NY & VA openly admitted killing babies as they are born, or after. Or that was there plan to do so.
We have no idea what happens when an abortion doesn’t work as planned.
AS mentioned somewhere in these posts,
Covid created by Gain Of Function. USG funded.
The Global Reset Continues largely Unabated.
Yea. I went off on a few tangents. Not intending to detract from Aubergine and Gail’s efforts. Beyond heartbreaking, the personal pain Gail suffered then, and over the years. Rage and tears when I think of it. How can these things happen, without accountability.
It IS ALL CONNECTED somehow. Or so I guess.
BACK to the focus of this article.
Actually it is NOT going off on a tangent.
Lincoln and Alexander II – the two liberators
However it went further than that. Russian Tsar Alexander II’s entire family was ASSASSINATED BY THE BOLSHEVIKS, PEOPLE FINANCED BY THE FEDERAL RESERVE! (Congressman McFaddan was assassinated too.)
Now the Cabal is assassinating not only the family of Lincoln & Washington & Jefferson & Hamilton, BUT THE ENTIRE POPULATION of the USA WHO ARE THE DESCENDANTS OF THOSE WHO REVOLTED IN 1776!!!!
Census: Minority youth over take whites in 2020, 50% under 18
What about those flown in from Afghanistan and flooding over our borders? PEOPLE NOT REQUIRED TO BE VACCINATED….
This thought bubble is from my own collection of WTF thoughts……..isn’t it something that allegedly by the 20th century ‘we’ were evolving into stewards of the globe, less tribal warfare, consideration of the group not the individual, etc etc, blah blah……………………………..buttt by the time 21st century rolls in..the ideal young adult is so rigid mentally to almost lack reasoning and logic. The cool ones, icons if you will, are violent bums cleaned up to play pro sports or rappers.
The new uniters are orgs such as BLM who are violent racists. The new victim refugees are people steeped in religious bigotry and raised in 24/7 violence.
They’ve got mankind going backwards.
Dumbing Down America
by Dr. Samuel Blumenfeld

That explains it all.
The thinking man must be culled. Between selective groups and AI they really don’t need the intellectuals so much anymore.
They certainly don’t need Westerners with their continuing education, history and spiritual life.
A nice pandemic or plague can fix the problem. Noted that if the plague doesn’t accomplish the goal, use faulty treatment methods to accumulate fatalities
What they really don’t want is alpha males. And they especially don’t want alpha males producing more alpha males. Hence all the unnecessary wars.
Good point. ^^
POTUS Trump escaped ONLY because he had heel spurs.
I KNOW that during the Vietnam War they were picking and choosing who go sent to certain death and who got save places. I saw it first hand.
Question for you or anyone…………………………………. if what we can see is happening and we agree that it’s NeoFeudalism……………………
can this phenomenon explain other mysteries in history when advanced civilizations somehow inexplicably vanished from historical record ???
That is a freaky question because if the answer is…hmmm maybe so. That would imply that humankind might be sort of a game. When we rise to higher and higher achievements that’s when we get knocked back down to start over ?..
One possible answer to your questions is to go back and reread the Tower of Babel story in Genesis 11. Who led the people to the conclusion they could be as gods and not need the one true God? Sort of like Adam/Eve in the Garden. Or even before the Babel event who mated with human women in Genesis 6:1-4 creating the Nephilim? What was their effect on humanity? That may explain who the writer of Psalm 82 was referencing.
Great societies have been built and destroyed for thousands of years since that time. But not as a game, IMO. As a spiritual war that is being waged every minute of every day.
So many forces of evil rabbit holes to jump down, so little time on this planet. Here’s a few. Feel free to add to the list.
Black Nobility
I’m happy that you had a reply because frankly the question gives me the creeps. The empires that have fallen due to hubris or sin..I get that.
It’s the ones that were inventing things, erected seemingly impossible monuments,etc and then nothing. No clue as to where they went, no records of how to recreate the engineering feats. Their knowledge appears to have died.
Centuries later different peoples again make huge’s like a merry-go-round.
Nice of them to let the “little people” live in the sewers of their “betters”–spit!
My heart is broken for these children and adults. I now question my country and has the government operated as a facade all these years for Evil? This could only be the answer for allowing these atrocities. Have all these wars been fought and lives lost to serve as a distraction when the true enemy operated under the guise of “America”?.
I am angry.
They are now openly murdering people all over the world because the have become empowered by our silence.
Those who bring the truth to light are here on these pages. God go with you because this is a battle of true evil. I can only spread your word and my audience is small but as God is my witness I will do it.
Unspeakable suffering for these children. May justice be serves no matter how long it takes.
You really want to listen to the video of DR. BRYAN ARDIS, DR. REINER FUELLMICH AND DR. WOLFGANG WODARG (above.)
They are talking about the reporting of death and side effects before this and the fact the reporting systems are crap.
@ 43:50 Dr Ardis talks about a NEW DISEASE IN CHILDREN!!!
On the FDA slide #16 in October 2020 (before clot shot roll out) there is a side effect listed on there it is called: MULTISYSTEM INFLAMATORY SYNDROME IN CHILDREN
IT IS A KNOW SIDE-EFFECT OF THE VACCINE and the FDA KNEW IT Nasty nasty swelling of eyes, brain, organs….
There is none reported to VAERS but if you go to CDC.Gov it is already reported since the shots have started. Already 4200 reported to the CDC and already 40 deaths OF CHILDREN! (12 and under) THIS IS FROM THE TRIALS… And SHEDDING FROM ADULTS…
The conversation gets worse from there.
Realize this is from this summer.
This is a big deal. This is why the kids don’t need the vaccine.
ALL Parents should listen to that 15 minutes BEFORE vaX with the Clot Shot.
This also goes back to Dr Chetty and the ALLERGIC REACTION…
If you or your husband or your kid has allergies RUN do not walk from this DAMNABLE CRAP!
Thanks for this. I will listen.
OMG. I am listening to this now. This is horrifying. They caused it. And they made a code for it BEFORE they caused it. So they KNEW they were going to cause it in children.
We are dealing with pure EVIL.
I’m wondering if they are using some of those missing children or orphaned children in their trials.
I wonder, too.
Names begin in 1988. Same year that the Incarnation Children’s Center was founded – part of Catholic Charities. Pulled from
The site for the center itself has been pulled.
The Incarnation Children’s Center was founded in a former convent in 1988 when the deadly HIV/AIDS epidemic flared in New York City and had no known cure. It provides a safe home for children with HIV/AIDS whose parents abandoned, neglected or abused them.
Sponsored by the Catholic Charities Alliance, it remains New York City’s only skilled nursing facility to offer specialized care in a nurturing environment exclusively for children and adolescents with HIV/AIDS.
I’m late to the discussion. Catholic Charities intricately involved at the border as well.
IMO most of the church entered unknowingly and charitably, but there may well have been come embedded Bergoglibub commies who helped Fauci land his project under their cover.
The other cemetery I found with even more children, to later dates (2016), is also associated with the Catholic church.
Where was that 2nd location? The difference between the two locations may be relevant. If the first diocese got suspicious of Fauci, or creeped out by the results, he may have had to find new minions.
So, the first cemetery, Gate of Heaven, is about twenty miles northeast of the Incarnation Children’s Center. The second, Saint Charles, is about thirty miles due east.
Yeah, they are close.
Both the BushieBoys and Øbløwhøle pushed “faith-based charities”…
Now it’s becoming apparent that they did that to have them do all the dirty work (thinking they were doing good) and taking all the blame, as well.
All that government money (probably tax-free) there for the taking…
“For the love of money”……..
Yes, they are still open, but the dates end in 2012. Maybe they ran out of space in the cemetery, and are burying children elsewhere. I did find another cemetery in New York with over 900 “Baby” graves with unknown birth dates, from 1988 to 2016, when they end.
1988 again. Great work by the way, horrific task but must be done.
Thank you.
I saw this somewhere in the last few days, and I loved it. Can’t remember where I saw it, but they are words to live by:
I am only one,
but still I am one.
I can not do everything,
but I can do something.
And the something I ought to do, I can do.
And by the grace of God, I will.
– E.E. Hale
Fauci was doing AIDS research.
He sure was.
Thank you Aubergine, Gail, Wolf, and all who contributed.
Gate of Heaven and St. Charles cemeteries are Catholic cemeteries.
Another cemetery (which TheseTruths alluded to but was NOT mentioned by name) is Hart Island (sometimes called “Harts Island”), which contains New York Citys “Potters Field” (public cemetery).
From wiki:
“The potter’s field on Hart Island was run by the New York City Department of Correctionuntil 2019, when the New York City Council voted to transfer jurisdiction to the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation.
The remains of more than one million people are buried on Hart Island, though since the first decade of the 21st century, there are fewer than 1,500 burials a year. Burials on Hart Island include individuals who were not claimed by their families or did not have private funerals; the homeless and the indigent; and mass burials of disease victims.
Access to the island was restricted by the Department of Correction, which operated an infrequent ferryboat service and imposed strict visitation quotas. Burials were conducted by inmates from the nearby Rikers Islandjail. The Hart Island Project, a public charity founded by visual artist Melinda Hunt, worked to improve access to the island and make burial records more easily available. Transfer to the Parks Department in 2019, had been sought for over twenty years, and was hoped to ease public access to the Island. Burials in the island’s Potters’ Field continued after the transfer…
In 1985, sixteen bodies of people who died from AIDS were buried in deep graves on a remote section of the southern tip the island because at the time it was feared that their remains may be contagious.[43]The first pediatric AIDS victim to die in New York City is buried in the only single grave on Hart Island with a concrete marker that reads SC (special child) B1 (Baby 1) 1985.[6]: 83 [43] Since then, thousands of AIDS victims have been buried on Hart Island, but the precise number of AIDS victims buried on the island is unknown…
Burials[edit]The dead are buried in trenches. Babies are placed in coffins, which are stacked in groups of 100, measuring five coffins deep and usually in twenty rows…
… Approximately half of the burials are of children under five who are identified and died in New York City’s hospitals, where the mothers signed papers authorizing a “City Burial.” The mothers were generally unaware of what the phrase meant. Many other interred have families who live abroad or out of state and whose relatives search extensively; these searches are made more difficult because burial records are currently kept within the prison system. An investigation into the handling of the infant burials was opened in response to a criminal complaint made to the New York State Attorney General’s Office in 2009…
…Disease victims’ burials[edit]Hart Island has also been used for burials of disease victims during epidemics and pandemics.[59] During the 1980s AIDS epidemic, those who had died from AIDSwere the only people to be buried in separate graves. The first AIDS victims’ bodies were delivered in body bags and buried by inmate workers wearing protective jumpsuits. When it was later discovered that the corpses could not spread HIV, the city started burying AIDS victims in the mass graves.[43] In 2008, the island was selected as a site for mass burials during a particularly extreme flu pandemic, available for up to 20,000 bodies.[74]
COVID-19 burials on Hart Island
During the COVID-19 pandemic in New York City, Hart Island was designated as the temporary burial site for victims of COVID-19 if deaths overwhelmed the capacity of mortuaries.[75][76][77] At the time, deaths at home within the city had increased significantly, though the corpses were not tested for COVID-19.[78] Preparations for mass graves began at the end of March 2020,[74] and private contractors were hired to replace inmate labor for mass grave burials.[79] Although several media sources reported in April 2020 that burials had begun,[59][80][81] New York City mayor Bill de Blasio clarified that Hart Island was only being used to bury unclaimed corpses, as well as the bodies of those who chose it as a burial place.[82] In 2021, the website The City published an analysis that found there was a sharp increase in the number of interments between 2019, when 846 corpses were buried on the island, and 2020, when 2,334 corpses were buried…”
NOTE: Following “Super-storm Sandy” (October 29, 2012), it was discovered that several coffins had become unearthed. This, of course, was followed by large amounts of tax payer money being dumped into the bloated bureaucracies of New York Citys agencies, while covering up decades of gross mismanagement and gross malfeasance.
Oh, my! Yes, forensic audit and full accountability.
Just to be clear: all Catholic cemeteries have space set aside for the poor. Not everyone can afford a plot. And up until recently, we didn’t cremate and RARELY was a body given to science. That has changed.
These graves are not that.
I get what you are saying. But the details of these graves don’t match that scenario.
A poor family with a stillborn child knows the date the child was born. In the cemeteries I checked in other places, there were lots of those kinds of grave sites, with dates of birth and death dates, and also with individual markers. Most of the markers were very small and plain.
In the case of the two in New York, and the one in Illinois, there were specific details that point another way. One is the lack of a date of birth. The other is the phrase “date of death may be date of internment.”
The fact that these are Catholic cemeteries seems to be a trigger point for you. I don’t think it means that the Catholic church itself necessarily has anything to do with the deaths of the children, just so we’re clear. I’m fairly sure that they were just providing a place for burial.
Incarnation Children’s Center is definitely run by the Catholic church, but how much the church is involved in the medicine is questionable.
Here is a story from March 3, 2017, about mass graves of children in Ireland. The circumstances were different.
Death certificates are another avenue of research. Practices in New York State:
Then it tells who is eligible to get a certificate and how to obtain one.
To get someone’s death certificate, you have to show you have a right to do so.
I bet orphaned children used for medical experimentation do not have death certificates. I bet they are discarded like medical waste.
This world…yes, I would bet your last sentence is correct.
A GWP article from 12/20/21 covers some of the same info from Robert Kennedy Jr.
So “at least” 85 children died as a result of the experiments. Are those the names on that one tombstone? The tombstone in the header of this article appears to have a lot more than 85 names. Then what about all the other tombstones that Aubergine found? And if there were “hundreds of coffins,” then a lot more than 85 children died.
And “Fauci got control of foster homes in 7 states.” That needs some investigation.
They are on one stone I believe. And the reporting on that is my fault, as I sent the information to them incomplete. They didn’t send someone out to look around. They reported what they knew.
I will know better next time.
So you think there is only one tombstone? There are a lot more than 85 names on it.
No. There are several tombstones, look at the photos.
I sent GWP the original information I had. In it was only the one tombstone photo. They ran with it, but apparently didn’t investigate further. If they had sent someone to the cemetery, they would have found all the other headstones. I was searching online. Unfortunately, the way the information at is searchable, the fact that there were several headstones was not obvious.
But I didn’t search as hard as I should have. I’m not kidding about my denial; my mind just didn’t want to accept the information. I didn’t go back to look again until a few days ago, when the original photo was posted here again.
I don’t blame you and have no expectations for you to research, though I appreciate what you’re doing.
Valerie Curren put this up at the daily but it really belong here too.

Also note that the “aids epidemic” coincided with the “crack epidemic”.
This led to the election of Rudy Giuliani as New York City mayor (1994-2001).
Followed by the opioid epidemic.
These things are all related.
I’m sure they are.
“New York’s Incarnation Children’s Center – Guinea Pig Kids”
“An interview with Liam Scheff and Mimi Pascual, hosted by Lizz Brown, detailing the atrocities that occurred at the Incarnation Children’s House in New York City, where mostly poor and black orphans were used as guinea pigs for highly toxic antiretroviral drug experiments. The interview was recorded on August 6, 2005.”
This is almost 42 minutes long. I have not watched it. I think it would be very difficult to hear details of the suffering the children were forced to endure. I don’t know who all is mentioned in the interview.
Wiki’s clean-up job:
But what about the graves? Tell us about those.
Yeah, screw Wikipedia. Asshats.
I will have to watch this when I am up to it.
If you’re never up to it, that’s okay.
I’ll get there.
“An investigation found no evidence that deaths of HIV-positive foster children enrolled in AIDS drug trials were caused by trial medication, contrary to recent claims”
From 10/27/21, after Fauci’s coronation as the king-god and guardian of our health.
Whatever happened to “the buck stops here”?
Much detail about how the claims came about and were investigated, then:
But that wasn’t medical information related to the clinical trials, so it’s irrelevant to the issue at hand.
What about the 81.3% that were NIH trials? Why don’t we know by now if Fauci approved funding for those? (And why doesn’t the author of this article care?)
But tell me about the graves.
So there were 532 children in the trials. Apparently they were not all orphans since this paragraph talks about parents:
So some parents consented to their children being part of clinical trials. Any of those children who died during the study should have death certificates and graves with their own grave markers.
So who are the children whose names are on the tombstone?
Good question.
“The allegations prompted an investigation by the Vera Institute of Justice, which concluded that no children had died as a result of the trials, but that the Center had kept poor records and sometimes failed to follow its own enrollment policies.”
NOTE: in re: Vera, The New York City Department of Correction, and Hart Island:
The Vera Institute is LOADED with (mostly former) administrators from the New York City Department of Correction.
Fun Fact: “Vera” means “True” in Latin.
Another Fun Fact: Communists LOVE to USE words, while MEANING THE OPPOSITE.
EXAMPLE: “Affordable Care Act”.
“Nuthin’ to see here…”
IMO, there is a MUCH larger problem at Hart Island (and the OCME- “Office of the Chief Medical Examiner”) than at Gate of Heaven and St. Charles cemeteries, as the latter two are privately owned and open to the public; whereas Hart Island is government run, only accessible by ferry boat, and visitation has been extremely limited, and under “extreme” conditions, courtesy of the New York City Department of Correction, who operate under the cloak of an extreme lack of transparency, and a record rife with corruption, for what little the public can find out.
(I am not aware of any changes that have actually taken place since being turned over to the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation in 2019; I believe the COVID-19 pandemic is being used to maintain the status quo, and in any event, both are city agencies)
Visiting Hart Island has been described akin to visiting Auschwitz now, while it is staffed by Nazi guards.
“Hart Island is open to members of the public on a limited basis. The Department strives to provide loved ones with access to Hart Island where there is an area set aside for reflection. DOC also facilitates visits throughout…”
(Allow me to translate:”limited” means “extremely limited”; “area set aside for reflection.” means “only where we TELL you to go”; “facilitates” means “intimidatingly watchful supervision”; etc.)
(this popped up while I was searching; from the New York times, July 16, 2021; the rest is hidden by a pay-wall; “Destroying evidence”?):
Hart Island’s Last StandAfter years of study, the city has declared an emergency to bulldoze most of the buildings on the city’s potter’s field, without following the usual environmental review process.
In fact, I propose that they change their name to “The New York City Department of ‘Corruption’“.
(sorry guys… bear with me… this is really pissing me off.)
(from the pdf linked above, FAQs on visiting Hart Island):
Q. Why is Hart Island only open on a limited basis?
Unfortunately, greater access on a regular basis is not possible at this time. There is no public transportation; the only access to Hart Island is by a boat from City Island that is operated on a limited schedule by the NYC Department of Transportation. The boat is not a passenger ferry; its primary purpose is to transport vehicles used by the OCME to carry the deceased to Hart Island for burial. On Hart Island, there are no utilities; therefore, amenities such as restrooms and water fountains are not available.
Q. How long should it take for the DOC to arrange a visit?
The DOC will try to arrange at least one visit a month to Hart Island, weather permitting, most likely on the morning of the third Thursday of each month. Space is limited and is reserved on a first-come, first-serve basis.
The ferry boat is the F/B Michael J Cosgrove, operated by the New York City Department of Transportation; this actually part of the Staten Island ferry operations.
A few questions/comments are in order:
-What utilities/amenities do the staff use ?
-Why not put BUSSES on the vessel ?
-Why not acquire a passenger vessel ?
-Why not make frequent trips ?
-Why not on a weekend day ?
I’m sure they have excuses, but no answers.
The answer is because they don’t want visitors.
The question is “why” ?
ALSO: The OCME is who did the “Jeffrey Epstein autopsy”
What a nightmarish place.
They get a lot of federal money. I only checked recently.
I would bet, since they are associated with the second cemetery, that there was experimentation there, too.
government $$$
2014…. $12,207,405
2015…. $13,615,573
2016…. $11,292,307
2017…. $18,394,467
4 years increased 6 million
2018…. $17,479,408
2019…. $22,003,427
2020…. $30,440,552
2021…. $37,948,359
4 years increased by 20 million and in the last two years jumped 8.4 million and another 7.5 million.
Were they doing Covid Clot Shot experiments????
Good lord!
I would bet they were.
These people will NEVER willingly give up helpless children guinea pigs. Never.
That jump in money just spells RESEARCH to me and the first jump was right after covid hit and BEFORE the border was open.
I agree.
Oh, that makes sense! Good catch! I knew there was a story in that data!
Yep. Vaxx research. Fuckers.