Dear KAG: 20220104 Open Thread

Cover image: Ice Fishing by Jiuhl on DeviantArt:

Are ya ready kids? I’m just going to plop all this in here in no particular order.

Liz Cheney wishes she could have Frank Oz’s hand up…never mind.

Shocking, isn’t it, that tires would be required?

Heck, half the old hippies I know drive Audis.

Looks like it’s time to re-read the classics.

Oh, really? This was hard to miss.

I’d say the Napolese are sending a message.

Something to remember, always.

Per the boss’s instruction:

I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.

And now for some mood music:

Your weekly reminder to take the pledge:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


MARK 6:34-44

34As he went ashore he saw a great throng, and he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd; and he began to teach them many things. 35And when it grew late, his disciples came to him and said, “This is a lonely place, and the hour is now late; 36send them away, to go into the country and villages round about and buy themselves something to eat.” 37But he answered them, “You give them something to eat.” And they said to him, “Shall we go and buy two hundred denarii worth of bread, and give it to them to eat?” 38And he said to them, “How many loaves have you? Go and see.” And when they had found out, they said, “Five, and two fish.” 39Then he commanded them all to sit down by companies upon the green grass. 40So they sat down in groups, by hundreds and by fifties. 41And taking the five loaves and the two fish he looked up to heaven, and blessed, and broke the loaves, and gave them to the disciples to set before the people; and he divided the two fish among them all. 42And they all ate and were satisfied. 43And they took up twelve baskets full of broken pieces and of the fish. 44And those who ate the loaves were five thousand men.


Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632 
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)

Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518 
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)


St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Amen brother.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.

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I’m hanging in there. Barely.

Puget Sound roads got black ice and the natives can’t drive it. Lots of cars off the road and one overturned, thanks to an unmarked ditch.



I hope you don’t have to go anywhere until the mess gets sorted.

Valerie Curren

Reminds me of the Christmas we went to my aunt’s in Chicago area (from Detroit area) & I-94 was insane as you approached Lake Michigan. There were cars off the road on both sides, jackknifed semis, & driving at crawl speeds but still having the wheels spin out & fishtailing and watching other vehicles go off the road in front of us. Oh & seeing multi-car pile-ups when they couldn’t stop on the ice!

The temps dropped to like 60 below w/ 100 below wind chill, iirc during our Chicago stay too. It was a crazy time & it looked like we were bringing the Griswold family Christmas tree on a similar “wood” paneled station wagon for their 2 story living room.

Stay safe AND inside if you can!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

60 below? In Chicago?

I think your memory fails you here.

The coldest temperature ever recorded, anywhere in Illinois, is -36. (Colorado comes in at -61, way up in the mountains somewhere no doubt; Montana contributes a -70 to the party, and Alaska comes in at -80 though I wouldn’t be surprised if it gets even colder someplace where there are no thermometers.)

Valerie Curren

Thanks for calling me on it Steve. My memory is of it being -60 & -100, but perhaps even back then in the late ’70’s or early ’80’s the weather people hyped stuff up. Our dog had to stay in their garage & they kept a fire going in the woodstove next to her “box” but the adjacent water dish always had a film of ice on it even w/ the woodstove going gangbusters. They had a passive solar home & we were comfortably warm inside thankfully, unlike our dog 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It’s also just barely possible you heard a wind chill report and remembered it as the raw temperature. That happens here a lot.

Valerie Curren

Well I was either a teen or early ’20’s science major, so anything is possible!


Poor dog 🙁
In St Louis when it was real cold and people left their dogs out I called the humane society. Some pets were in bad condition. Persons best friend out in the cold. Some poor dogs died. I wish I could save them all also cats.My dogs snuggle up next to the radiators. The cats love the covers that are on radiators.
I am happy your dog survived.

Valerie Curren

She was curled up in a cardboard box w/ some blankets & right next to that woodstove. She was a Northern Girl & did OK. I do love your heart of compassion Singing. You are fearfully AND wonderfully made!!! God Bless


Good to hear puppy was warm 🙂
I had a dog he loved to lay on snow when the sun was out and I was out. He was in house when I was in. My two dogs are the same they are out when I am out but want to be in house when I am in house. They fallow me where ever I am . I have to agree they are spoiled 🙂

Valerie Curren

Our first dog we got as a puppy when we still lived in OK. She was pure bred German Shepherd from a line of police dogs but had some defects in her feet. When we moved to Northern Michigan & she discovered snow she was in heaven. I can still see her leaping through snow, kind of like foxes pouncing on hidden rodents–she absolutely Loved It. She’d always come in w/ a little puff of snow on her muzzle because she Had to poke her nose under the crust of snow. She absolutely Loved living Up North!!! AND Winter <3 🙂 <3


My Woodford Coonhound -Staff mix hates snow and rain. Peri the Cattle dog loves snow but since she is older not so much.
Peri would have had fun when she was young herding Gail’s sheep. She is a natural . She would never hurt them . All our dogs have been rescue.

Valerie Curren

They sound Very Special!



Gail Combs


It really depends on the dog or other animal

IFFFfff they are ALWAYS kept outside
Have shelter from the wind

They will do just fine.

I have lived in upstate New York and in New Hampshire. I have seen temps as low as –40F

We have kept or cats dogs and horses and ponies OUTSIDE!

BUT they were ALWAYS outside, THEY WERE FAT and well fed (extra feed esp hay for the equines since it generates heat)

COLD is not the problem if they have a nice winter coat and a layer of fat. WIND is a problem,..



That is when I start shoving animals into shelters.


Hubby corresponds wit a Russian scientist in Siberia. He has horses outside ALL WINTER. Sergey Zimov is reintroducing wild horses to Siberia.

I can not find his website anymore so here are some articles:
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I think it all depends why one has animals. Mine are companionship . I realize some people have animals to be outside.
The happiest outside dogs were the one that had companionship another dog. Dogs are herd animals.
I am sure your dog is fine good for you to have a dog 🙂

Gail Combs

We do not have any more. My last one was stolen. (Pure bred Pyrenees sheep guard dog.)

They do not need shelter. Heat in the summer is more of a problem.

My boy looked just like this.
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Your dog had companionship he was not out there on its own 🙂 Beautiful dog 🙂

I feel for dogs who are out in a back yard nothing else but their dog house. Often they are chained. Here was a group they would go out and take those dogs offer owners money and then find a good home for them. One owner had a Weimaraner on a three foot chain no dog house nothing. Someone offered $60 for the dog and they took the dog home.
People would steel dogs out of backyards sell them for bait in dog fights. That is why my dogs go out when I am out. I never leave them in the yard and go away.
We had one just like that his name was Max. Someone put him out in my neighborhood.
He was a wonderful dog . He was 10 weeks old. If a cat got out he would fetch them bring them back. He also broke up fights if they had them. He was the kindest loving dog.
Now we have the Cattle dog and I am the one she watches 24/7.


Wisdom, Montana, routinely the coldest place in the country. Cute little town in the summer, wisdom keeps me out of Wisdom in the winter!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah, it’s good to chill once in a while…but not that literally.



If that would do it, I’d be there right now!


To be fair, those tank treads tear up the mountain passes something fierce…..

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I suspect it was the second screen from a sentence that had “chains or snow tires required” at the end.

Since that’s what they do on the Donner pass whenever it snows–which it does every afternoon there in springtime.

If you have neither, you can buy a set of chains and even get them installed, by licensed people who work off a fixed price list.

I went to Sacramento one spring, and opted to come back via Bakersfield/Tehachapi (a couple of hundred extra miles–not as bad as one would expect because I-5/Ca-99 run diagonally to the southeast) to avoid that goat rope.

Last edited 2 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

On 58 approaching Tehacapi is the Tehachapi Loop. The train tracks make a full 360 in an incredibly short distance. Toss in another 180 or two. Such a sight.

I’ve spent hours at the Loop. An engineering marvel AND brings out the little kid in some of us. 🙂


Have also diverted to 58/Tehachapi when I-80, US 50 and NV/CA are a goat rope.

Valerie Curren

What’s a goat rope?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Sorry, my personal slang for ridiculous wastes of time and effort.

Gail Combs

Then YOU can come and help me rope goats so I can worm and medicate them..
  :wpds_wink:    :wpds_lol:    :wpds_chuckle: 

The billies really stink this time of year. However thanks to Covid I can no longer smell them.🤓


Do goats do anything like a dog’s water-shaking, or are they strictly drip-dry?

Gail Combs

Goats HATE WATER they are like cats. They even lick to clean themselves.

The bucks on the other hand are errr, ummm… let’s just say their habits are NOT NICE.


My joining you rope goats would add humor AND I’d likely hurt myself. 🙂

Valerie Curren

Like how hard it is to pull on a goat (or a Jackass) w/ a rope?

Gail Combs

You have not met my BIG Buck billy goat or my neighbors Jack….

My buck is 1/2 boer. A mature Boer buck weighs between 240 and 300 pounds,

This is a milk goat breed. (Alpine)
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Valerie Curren


Gail Combs

Thank goodness my bucks have all been sweeties.

The Rams are the ones who are very very dangerous.

Valerie Curren

Are bucks neutered or just young? Assuming Rams are breeding capable “stallions”…


Bucks are goats; Rams are sheep.

Valerie Curren

OK thanks–blush emoji 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Goat rope was originally work slang for some sort of briefing that was being put on for a group of people who were basically there to shoot at us and discredit our group so they could get the work themselves. Or for any ritualistic regular briefing we’d have to do, especially if we had to wear suits for it.

I started using it for other purposes (in particular friends’ gatherings that caused them to do an entire day of quite redundant housekeeping beforehand–they’d invite me over to hang out early, and then it’d be impossible to actually socialize with them while they vacuumed). A ton of pointless effort and a waste of my time. I stopped going over early for those things.

Valerie Curren

At least they didn’t try to Rope you into cleaning too 😉

Gail Combs


Valerie Curren



I believe the expression started as a kids’ event at rodeos involving total unproductive chaos.

Gail Combs

It did. I was twitting him.
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Valerie Curren

Reminds me of a lyric from one of my husband’s old bands, which he came up with based on our insane family life, “Spinning in chaoticness!”


Steve nailed it. In this case apply the Goat Rope to I-80 with impatient stoopid CA drivers NOT heeding the hazards of driving in heavy snow and ice.

Valerie Curren

Every town/region has it’s share of Stoopid people on the road. I HATE driving within the City of Detroit–especially on the surface streets; people don’t give a Crap about their car Or yours. Going into East Dearborn is like a Middle Eastern mine field, w/ accompanying driving “skills” abounding!


Agree. but it is so easy to poke CA.

Valerie Curren

For So MANY things too!!!

Sadie Slays

Ground report. Local schools have moved to remote learning due to staff shortages. Public transportation is reducing some routes due to staff shortages. I mentioned a few days ago that many local restaurants were closed or takeout only over the holidays due to COVID/shortages. As I mentioned in a previous comment, I wonder if one reason the CDC quarantine guidelines were quickly and quietly revised over the Christmas break was because of a genuine possibility of breakdown in public services.

Weirdly enough, local media and local government are not using this prime opportunity to fearmonger or push for masks/lockdowns/the usual COVID BS. I suspect the reasons why are: 

1) Big election year.

2) Don’t want to admit that vaccine mandates may have contributed to the staff shortages. 

3) Don’t want to risk looking impotent if they do a mask mandate and too many people refuse to comply.

4) Don’t want to cause a panic that is not manufactured or beyond their control. 

Is anyone else experiencing similar in their areas? 


Kids are going to grow up mean. Many won’t even know how to read and write, especially in the Blue States. Although there will be pockets of sanity and peace I think generally it won’t be a place you want to grow old in.


I spent a bit of this afternoon wandering around Excess Solutions in San Jose.

One of the things that used to make Silicon Valley great was the giant junk houses. There was Halted Specialties and Halteq and Weird Stuff Warehouse and probably another few I can’t remember offhand.

These actually pre-dated the BIG tech boom…..they got rolling more around the time that Hewlett and Packard started in their garage. A lot of the early surplus was from military and aerospace.

If you had a brilliant idea, you could find someone around who would toss some money at you in return for part of your “company”. These could be friends and family, or “angel investors”. Note that this is not ancient history — Theranos sucked-up some family money to get started.

You’d then need some tech workbenches, office chairs, work chairs, maybe power supplies and oscilloscopes, adding machines, tape dispensers, file cabinets…..and you could get this stuff on the cheap because they were about 6th-hand and sold-off to salvage companies right before the owners’ flight to Paraguay. All sorts of things were dumped in — the basic computer systems for running accounting, tech show swag, marketing gimmicks and trade show booths….Weird Stuff famously had people guessing for something like eight months before an object they had for sale was identified as the nose-cone for a Polaris missile. I was in Halteq one time when they had this ginormous laser (looked like the one intended to bisect Bond in Goldfinger) — wasn’t that expensive, either, but they had this big sign that said that they would assume whoever bought it had the requisite FDA permits to light it up. [Yes, laser products are regulated by the FDA…..why do you ask?] Once, I almost bought a VAX 11/780 for about $200 at WS.

In the Golden Age of Silicon Valley, people used to cruise WeirdStuff for intelligence on the competition — InterActive Networks was going big, but all their trade show swag ended-up at WeirdStuff, they were giving up on sales and were about to implode. I remember when a bunch of Sun stuff started showing up…..and when a bunch of SGI (Silicon Graphics, Inc.) workstations got dropped.

But now it’s down to Excess Solutions. I strolled up-and-down the aisles, saying “hello” to old friends long gone. I could recognize and identify about 85% of the stuff there, and some had incredible craftsmanship — particularly that for vacuum process systems.

It’s sad that youngsters won’t have places like that around… much just ends up in a landfill. How can they be inspired? How can they practice solving the puzzles that old gear presents? How will they learn “people used to do it this way, but nobody does that any more”?


Shouldn’t be long before Mr Global takes everything worth a damn away, so hey, maybe kids aren’t going to have the choice about prowling around and practicing puzzle solving. Forced fun in everyone’s future?


Problem is, some folks are just too clever….

Barb Meier

Once upon a time, I was bequeathed an SGI light-up front-cover panel, presumably off an SGI 7-ft rack that an agency no longer possessed. It was about 6- to 8-inches tall, slightly curved and mostly thick translucent blue lucite with silver connector bars on both ends. It still had 2 connector wires but I couldn’t convince any of the engineers to figure out how to add a battery so I could hang it on the wall and light it up. Therein lies the problem. I was not smart enough to solve that by myself to add a historical reminder. Plus the engineers (one who had worked for Intel) had no curiosity about it. A string of Christmas tree lights would have been too bright, visible, and bulky. I could not find a manual or photos online to get me to specifications. Perhaps you have seen one…


Your best bet would probably be to try to dig into it enough to identify the light source(s).

If LED’s, you have to figure out polarity and voltage. If you’re lucky, you’ll find a little driver board with labels.


Not where I am. Everything seems normal has been like that since covid began. Store are filled Kroger has plenty and when I order items from other place like UPS come within 3-5 days. I think it is just where I live.

Last edited 2 years ago by singingsoul1
Valerie Curren

We’ve been out to eat several places & things seem back to nearly normal, though sometimes they have some table sectioned off to enforce “social distancing”. Some staff w/ masks & some not. All of these perspectives are for areas w/in an hour of Detroit.

The hospital remains a near ghost town. The local lab workers, for blood draws, have turned into hardcore mask nazis. I wouldn’t put one on & they refused me service but my son was able to independently handle his paperwork, w/ my prompting from the “airlock” entrance. He wants us to try another lab this month!

A few local Oriental restaurants only have carry out still. One of our favorites has missed out on our business a couple times because of this–they have great Thai food too. A local Italian family owned business no longer had their live musician on the weekend, like they’d had for Years. The service AND the food were a bit diminished, sadly.

The local resale store won’t let customers use their restroom anymore. Our son really needed a bathroom on a recent shopping trip & we stopped at several gas stations & they wouldn’t allow bathroom use either!

We never watch TV news but were passing by the station & they were talking about masking &/or distance learning again–spit! During a kitchen run while watching football I heard another genocide commercial (we almost always mute commercials) promoted by the State of Michigan, aimed at pregnant & nursing mothers & telling them how safe the “vaxs” are–Overt EVIL!!!

It’s like the psychos are conspiring to keep us in our homes AND afraid! Whatever


Bathrooms are mostly open here. Thats just insane excuses. They were shut at some places in the beginning. We were out in the desert needing to go and jack in the bix had everything taped off so you could only go to the counter. The employees were just screwing around and it had zero customers. McDonald’s across the st, fully open and a line up of customers.

Valerie Curren

Crimes against humanity, the result of tyranny crossed with stupidity!


The reason that stores started having bathrooms open to all was that they were tired of people pissing against their walls.

I guess common sense is out of style.

Gail Combs

Not to mention 💩 in the aisles…




Florence, Italy, is one of the most delightful places on the planet. It’s very prone to “the Disneyland Effect”, where you have so many people having fun amongst detailed scenery that you get a weird feeling that it’s fake and being run behind the scenes for tourists.

And, then, you wander around to the back side of Il Duomo and discover that the cathedral itself is a giant pissoir…..


I went. The 1 chance in Europe i had. The graffiti and dog poop and rude people didnt add to the magic but i liked Italy anyway.


“As I mentioned in a previous comment, I wonder if one reason the CDC quarantine guidelines were quickly and quietly revised over the Christmas break was because of a genuine possibility of breakdown in public services.”

That’s EXACTLY why they changed the guidelines. We are on the brink of a complete and total failure of basic functions. Not just public transport, but food supply, medical care, etc. Complete breakdown. Think like “One Second After” without the EMP.

That’s just my read on it, anyway.


To nit think, One Second After, without the EMP, IS FOOLISH.

Things are NOT getting better.

We are NOT even holding our own.


It will be interesting to see how this gets handled.
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Fast answers, long delays, or just dismissal of he case? Money’s on the last two. But hey, got to start somewhere and it will be fun to watch the toadies squirm.



This had to be anticipated by Team Cabal, but it’s ballsy to bring it up so near Jan6 — when Team Cabal expects to be in full-throated offense.

Incidentally, was tooling around running errands and an interview came on NPR with Sicknick’s “widow” (they weren’t married). She now wants “Trump in prison” but can’t articulate a reason why that might be appropriate.

I get the feeling that the Jan6 show may not have very long. The ratings suck, and the designated victims seem to be less involved than other people involved…..

Valerie Curren

interview came on NPR–oppo research or masochism?


Mostly the former. Some traffic.

Valerie Curren



To my mind this f’ng stinks.
They know that the fedsurrection is being outed and they’re trying to make excuses and blame PDJT for the undercover feds and antifa leading the buffalo jump on the 6th.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, no – this is great news. They had to cough this up to control the release of the information.

Check this out!

“Ex-Acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen, who ran Donald Trump’s Justice Department at the time of the Capitol riot, reportedly acted alone in deciding to activate the elite units.”

This is DOJ and FBI sending in people to make sure and escalate the situation to the bullshit “shelter in place” crap that Nanzi was going to do.

That’s also why they used two MK bots (Ashli and her shooter) to create an incident with a gun.

They used this as cover, because they had their own people break windows, etc. – it wasn’t organic enough – they had to create the violence.

This was ALL such a scam to pin it on Trump.

No, this is the TRUTH coming out, about how they made sure to INFLUENCE the congressional proceedings.

Such a scam!!!


I read the whole article, lopsided as it was. The only reason to watch the DM is it gives a glimp into what’s going to be pushed in the future, they do this all the time, every time.
First shit sticks for the sheep, headline…
Secret commandos with the authority to ‘shoot-to-kill’ were at the Capitol on January 6 *under Trump’s orders* over fears of a terrorist attack or a plot to attack Pence or a member of Congress, report claims”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup! It’s coming down the tracks! Right on time!


Getting wild in Canada.

Soviet Canada: Doctor Locked in Psych Ward Who Exposed Stillbirths Explosion in ‘Vaccinated’ Moms (Interview)

Interesting interview inside. Certainly appears they are shutting this Doctor up and possibly trying to kill him with meds while in custody.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WHOA. Hey – these are Soviet spawn. They’re gonna act Soviet.

Are we going to make it to the election? Not so sure. New York should start doing this shit pretty soon.


California jury on Monday found Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes guilty in a case in which she was accused of covering up lies about her company’s blood-testing technology to dupe investors out of hundreds of millions of dollars…

The Biden Connection


As long as “The Big Guy” got his 10%…..


After depositing this on the other thread, realized that was the wrong place.

New Ashley Babbitt information courtesy Judicial Watch Subpoenas.

Link to video and multiple audio files.

This vid is new. Shows a bit more happening in the stair well. This time you can see the cops coming up the stair well get stopped by an authority and waved back down the steps about ten seconds before Ashely is shot. Most turned back, a couple held position until she was shot.

To me it demonstrates that authorities had control of the situation on crowd/Babbitt side of the door. Makes it harder to explain why she was shot IMO.
Haven’t listened to the audio files.


The rotten sniveling government bastards have had all the video, all the audio, for twelve solid months — and have spent all that time trying to edit it into an indictment of Trump.

How ’bout tasting truth? Ashli Babbitt was murdered by US Government personnel. Roseanne Boyland was beaten to death by Capitol Police.

Last edited 2 years ago by cthulhu

Maybe they get a special badge for murdering US citizens, and those who committed suicide would not wear it proudly.


Cas bonus on the dide.


Valerie Curren

Covidiocy theater of the absurd

Cuppa Covfefe



Such an embarrassment on th US.




The Mainstream Media Is Losing The Fight Of Its Life…All Thanks To Joe Rogan (

The Mainstream Media Is Losing The Fight Of Its Life…All Thanks To Joe Rogan

I’m expecting one of the largest mainstream media pivots in history in 2022, catalyzed by capitalism and common sense.

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Quoth the Raven

Jan 2



A couple of things all happened together over the last 48 hours.

First, I came up with the idea of writing 100 predictions for the year 2022 – a blog post that I might still wind up finishing at some point. And second, I listened to the Joe Rogan Experience podcast interview of mRNA inventor Dr. Robert Malone, M.D., hours after the doctor was banned from Twitter for having opinions on Covid that stood at odds with the mainstream narrative.

The opinions that Malone echoed during his Rogan appearance included, but were not limited to:

Calling the government “out of control” and “lawless” in their Covid response

Stating mandates of “experimental” vaccines are “explicitly illegal”

Noting that India had success in treating Covid early with drugs like ivermectin

Saying “half a million” excess deaths have occurred due to government actions

Arguing those with natural immunity have higher risk of vaccine adverse events

Alleging that people are living through a mass formation psychosis



In two hundred years, Rogan will be spoken of the way we speak today of Paul Revere.


Rogan needs to continue exposing the blatant criminal behavior of the USG.


I believe he will.

Valerie Curren

Insights from CS Lewis, from Bible Gateway:

There are times when we can do all that a fellow creature needs if only he will trust us. In getting a dog out of a trap, in extracting a thorn from a child’s finger, in teaching a boy to swim or rescuing one who can’t, in getting a frightened beginner over a nasty place on a mountain, the one fatal obstacle may be their distrust. We are asking them to trust us in the teeth of their sense, their imagination, and their intelligence. We ask them to believe that what is painful will relieve their pain and that what looks dangerous is their only safety. We ask them to accept apparent impossibilities: that moving the paw farther back into the trap is the way to get it out – that hurting the finger very much more will stop the finger hurting – that water which is obviously permeable will resist and support the body – that holding onto the only support within reach is not the way to avoid sinking – that to go higher and onto a more exposed ledge is the way not to fall. To support all these incredibilia we can rely only on the other party’s confidence in us – a confidence certainly not based on demonstration, admittedly shot through with emotion, and perhaps, if we are strangers, resting on nothing but such assurance as the look of our face and the tone of our voice can supply, or even, for the dog, on our smell. Sometimes, because of their unbelief, we can do no mighty works. But if we succeed, we do so because they have maintained their faith in us against apparently contrary evidence. No one blames us for demanding such faith. No one blames them for giving it.

From The World’s Last Night
The World’s Night. Copyright © 1952, 1955, 1958, 1959, 1960 by C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. “Screwtape Proposes a Toast” copyright © 1959 by Helen Joy Lewis. All rights reserved. Used with permission of HarperCollins Publishers.



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.


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Valerie Curren

Hey Q-Tree family. We’re back on the Covid train chez moi.

Over Christmas our oldest son tested positive & out of an abundance of caution we didn’t spend Christmas Eve/Day or New Years together because hubby’s work no longer pays for mandatory covid time off. We are NOT at all scared of the disease.

Last week my husband used his last personal day of the year to accompany Josiah & I to U of M hospital for J’s Liver Transplant clinic visit. He’s been out to work, including yesterday, out to eat w/ a friend on Saturday, to various stores, & w/ J & I to my parents on Friday to see Michigan get clobbered in the Orange Bowl…

Anyway Monday morning he woke up feeling a bit funny & thought he had a headache coming on, so he took an Excedrin. As his work day was winding down he felt a chill coming on so picked up a thermometer (we’ve moved stuff in our house & couldn’t find the several we have). Initially it was in the mid 97’s but as the evening went on it went up & down on either side of 101.

He started taking Zicam at work & I started working on him w/ different fluids, including a cold care tea that is supposed to be immune boosting. He’s barely a drink sipper as it is so it’s a real pain to get him to up his intake Plus he didn’t want to have to wake up even more frequently to pee–sigh. I got him to eat maybe half a cup of homemade beef soup made from a bone broth.

I’m keeping track of the various meds being used & dove into our stockpile to assist him.

I’ve been trying to get him on a bit of a regimen, w/ partial success for the last 2 weeks+. Here’s the daily thus far:
AM: Vitamin D, Omega-3 fatty acid, Men’s 50+ multivitamin
PM: Vitamin C, Glucosamine Chondroitin, every other day Magnesium

Today he took all of the above Plus:

Zicam X3
off brand Benadryl X2
Baby Aspirin
Immune Complex chewable w/ Vitamin C, Zinc, & Elderberry
off brand Nyquil to sleep

He’s been sleeping for more than 7 hours on the couch pretty soundly w/out getting up for the bathroom & w/ no coughing.

He said he felt like he had a bit of a cold but he’s had way worse.

Because of his work requirements he tried to scare up a Covid test. He made an appointment at the local Rite Aide (where we often get family scripts) but it wasn’t until Thursday morning. He ordered a couple of different tests through Amazon, I believe.

I think he told our son, who was back to work today after his extremely mild Covid case. Anyway our son’s neighbor actually had A Bunch of Covid tests so he walked over to our porch & did a 2 nasal swab of my husband then took it back to his house to complete. He texted back a positive result like 5 minutes later.

I tried to get my hubby to get the test details from this neighbor but he doesn’t want to dig into things too deeply, just in case…He wanted to replace the test w/ one he ordered in the mail but the neighbor claims to have like 100 tests so didn’t want it. Hubby cancelled his ordered tests & the one at Rite Aide then.

I believe his work will Make him take the rest of the week off, regardless of how he feels, or if he gets a negative test later. So his “positive” could be a false positive but I’m guessing it’s likely that he’s got a mild case of Omicron (probably similar to what happened with our son). Hubby & I & our 2 kids that lived w/ us last year also had “Covid” & lost our senses of smell, etc. The 2 middle aged people were sicker than the kids but we all were messed up for more than a week plus hubby & I both have some forms of Long-haulers, presumably.

Well I let my parents know of the illness & encouraged them to up their own immune boosting stuff (mentioning aspirin, anti-histamines, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc, & Quercetin–or zinc ionophores like green tea & tonic water). We didn’t directly mention the Covid Positive test because they chose to bow out of holiday gatherings (before letting us visit for the football game–sigh–when we all seemed healthy) because of concerns w/ how many people were sick around them, including in their neighborhood. They prayed w/ Michael, which was a bonus.

Well, I’ll keep you apprised of any developments, for the record…

For Josiah & myself we both took that Immune boosting chewable (Vitamin C, Zinc, & Elderberry). I also had extra Vitamin C & chai tea.

We spoke w/ the transplant doc about potentially adding some supplements to Josiah’s regimen (he already takes like 25 pills a day) but that will be a rather slow change, after getting input from the transplant pharmacist at least. He already takes Vitamin C 2X per day, Omega-3, & Vitamin D, plus a multi-vitamin. I figured one immune boosting chewable was not too risky to add to his day. Oh I’ll be encouraging him to eat some of our oranges too, just as an assist.

This looks to be another year where my husband’s sick days (usually they only have 3 for the year) get used up in January–c’est la vie.

Well blessings to all. Hope everyone is enjoying the New Year & God’s Grace being poured out on each of us in the measure that we need!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks for all the news! Will comment later – gotta run now!

Valerie Curren

Hubby’s still sleeping, though I’ve heard him cough a few times. He’s been out about 8 hours & the med, fake Nyquil, can be retaken every 4 hours. This makes it seem, to me, that he’s not feeling too bad as the med should be completely worn off now.

Well he woke up before I finished writing this & feels like he’s been “hit by a truck”. He took some fluids, ate some beef!, & I got him to down more meds. Fever 100.5 now.

Work knows he’s not coming in & boss asked him directly if he’s “vax’d”. He said No & is concerned about possible implications. Work has gone back to mask crap recently, but mostly if you walk into someone else’s area. If you’re alone in your own space they don’t make a big deal about the mask being up. He usually wears one of those stretchable fabric types around his neck & pulls it up when needed…

For the record everybody really liked that chewable immune boost pill:

Nature’s Truth
Black Elderberry
Immune Complex
60 tablets

I think I found this at a local Meijer’s, it has:
250mg Vitamin C
20mg Zinc (as Zinc Gluconate & Zinc Citrate)
Sambucus Black Elderberry 1000mg
comment image*All%20Brands&gclid=9eaddfdfe3e7163224bebe0bd9213071&gclsrc=3p.ds

That above website has the exact thing our guys liked for under 8 1/2 bucks 🙂


I pray your family gets well soon.

Let nothing disturb three
Nothing affright thee,
All things are passing,
God never changeth.
Patience endurance
Attaineth to all things.
Who God posesseth
In nothing is wanting;
Alone God sufficess.
(St.Teresa of Avila)

Valerie Curren

Beautiful. Thanks Singing & God Bless YOU!


Valerie Curren
I’m sorry to hear of this news. Sounds like you’re throwing everything at the “virus” that you have. Hang in there!
Sending Good Energy and Deep Healing to you and yours.

Valerie Curren

Thanks RDS. Blessings! I’ve really barely scratched my stockpile of goodies 🙂


Keep up the TLC and meds!

All of us here, myself included, are sick. The covid mind control campaign has been a success. Every headache or sniffle is followed by ‘ I wonder if this is Cv, should I be tested’…
I’m so trying to show the kids and their mom to not immediately go into the Rona spin..use the common sense that we always used BEFORE this bullshit corona scam.
The bad thing is that most all school absence due to illness must be followed with negative cv test.

Valerie Curren

Hang in there! Hope you all feel better quickly. Illness is a “normal” part of life, at least after The Fall. We need to restore common sense about this at some point. Being terrified of a “cold” is bat-crap Crazy!!!


Exactly. It sets my teeth on edge every time people yap about testing. We don’t even ask what kind of testing. For an illness with almost 100% recovery rates.
They’ve managed to make people petrified of being sick, under-the-weather, sniffles !!!

Valerie Curren

Yes, psychotic hypochondriasis! Massive Pass 😉


Spare me a sick man!

I saw a hilarious candle the other day. It’s call “Covid-19; It’s Like Man-Flu, But Worse!”

I hope you and your whole family get better quickly.

Valerie Curren

LOL! We’re doing relatively well. Hubby’s awake for a bit now & shuffling between TV & phone. I can’t remember the last time he spent the Entire Night on the couch 🙂



Valerie Curren

Mental midget handicapped parking 😉
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A surprising post from RCP – The Big Lie and the Elastic Truth – How to Invent a Coup.

Starts off: “I’ve taken a guilty pleasure recently in watching the faux intellectuals on MSNBC and CNN pass judgment on not just Donald Trump, but also on everyone who shares his disdain for authoritarian pronouncements on COVID-19, election integrity, climate change and a host of other issues.
From what I can tell after studying Rachel Maddow, Joy Reid, Jake Tapper and the late, lamented Chris Cuomo, liberalism today is characterized by a low regard for the intelligence of average Americans and a very high regard for the elastic nature of language.”

and it gets better…a lot better.

H/T –

Last edited 2 years ago by GA/FL
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Hi Wolf! Replying to a comment so you’ll see it.

Now that we have the information about the cemeteries and baby graves, not only in the post but in the comments, what do you think we should do with it?

I thought about sending it to TGP again, but I really would like to do something more.

What if we could get it to RFK, Jr.? And maybe to President Trump?

There is contact info for Kennedy here:


Gail Combs

“…What if we could get it to RFK, Jr.?…”

Even if you just send him a link to the article. His staff is likely to look at it. They will probably be happy that all their hard work paid dividends.

Also they have the staff to do FOIAs.


Right! If I had resources, I would go start knocking on doors and asking questions. But I don’t. We need someone who does.


I hope there are people already looking into it. But we need to let them know we’re out here and paying attention and willing to get to the bottom of it.


Yes, we do.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think the RFKJ direction is good, because it may get back to the people who worked the first story, or people who are more familiar with it. But I suspect that by now, some of the GWP people are familiar enough with things, that they may be able to get more done, too.

RFKJ for sure, IMO. After that, maybe GWP, NOQ, and a few others.

Did you find any pictures of the 2012 names? I think that might be helpful for me to add in if they’re out there.

Gail Combs

I wish I still lived in the area or knew someone who was still there.


So, the graves at the other cemetery in New York didn’t have photos with the listings. That doesn’t mean there isn’t any marker; it just means no one has photographed it and posted it to Findagrave. I can put in a request for a photo, but that often takes a while, since it is all done by volunteers.

I was hoping that someone, whether RFKJ or GWP or somebody with some resources could put someone on the ground to investigate. If I had a way, I would go and do it myself.

Gail Combs

Where in NY is the second site, near NYC or further upstate.


It is in Farmington, on Long Island. Not far from Incarnation, about thirty miles east.

Gail Combs


May have some contacts in LI but I do not know if they are able to get around. (Getting old is a real PAIN)


Sorry, not Farmington, FARMINGDALE. On Long Island.

I am in the process of composing an email to RFKJ with a link to this post. Hope he sees it.

Gail Combs

The problem is the people we know are late 70s and early 80s with no children so I hate to ask them to traipse around in the cold.


Yeah, that’s a lot to ask.

I just sent Kennedy an email. I hope he will do something. He has money, prestige and power.

Gail Combs

AND also knows people in that area.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, I hear you! This all bears immediate investigation.


I emailed this to RFKJ last night. I hope someone will pick it up and run with it. I wish I could investigate on the ground. The internet is handy, but no substitute in this instance.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good! At least you got that information to the right place.

Nothing may happen immediately, but if, 6 months from now, the past catches up with Fauci, we’ll know why!


I also sent it to GWP this morning. I hope they assign someone to actually research all of this on the ground.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good move!!!




Good advice
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Bravo, Mr President!

Valerie Curren

Straight talking Chuck Norris meme–I have No Idea if he Actually said any of this…

Valerie Curren

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Cuppa Covfefe

Have to wonder what the (ex)Husbands ever saw in those skanks…

More Penny Dreadful than Pennie[sic] Pro-vax…

Valerie Curren

LOL, no doubt. I was wanting to link her name to another pen– word too 😉

Valerie Curren

OR the rest of us become the saving grace for the guys who escape the clutches of such types! AND our guys (sometimes) know how good they have it too!

Hubby told me about a meme he’d seen about the women who actually like guns, fast cars, AND sex! Hmmm 😉

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Guns definitely add +2 “Bo Derek 1-10” units (or two thirds of the distance to 10, whichever is less).

Valerie Curren

That’s an equation that would be fun to see illustrated!!! 😉 Someone might even have to break out those storied WGTT’s!


With pictures to entertain slow folk like me.

Valerie Curren

Nothing slow about you KBK!!!


Heck, gals can gain a point with just a happy smile (or lose a point for RBF)….

Valerie Curren

Love it. Just even Seeing someone’s smiling mouth is practically a privilege in these insane times!


How dumb are they? God help us !

Valerie Curren

Senator Ron Johnson stepping up

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Senator Ron Johnson


Sadly, we passed two milestones on VAERS. Over 1 million adverse events and over 21,000 deaths. 30% of those deaths occurred on day 0, 1, or 2 following vaccination. When will federal agencies start being transparent with Americans? Why do they continue to ignore early treatment?
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Valerie Curren

Poso points out pain!

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Jack Posobiec


When they say unite they mean comply

Valerie Curren

Fau-Xi fail

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Jack Posobiec


Quote Tweetcomment image
Jamie Dlux
· Dec 30, 2021
“We had a collaboration with some Chinese Commu…uh..Chinese Scientists”


And was anyone surprised?


I doubt it.

Valerie Curren

Very nice Tuesday post, DP–Thanks!!!

Glad your sister is choosing the red vs the blue pill!


Respect Rand Paul for this.  Mark Levin did it right after Trump was banned.


Good for him. But I see this as a way to transition to Trump Social without having an obvious cut-off from social media when TS is launched, which is also good.

Valerie Curren

Into the “permanent” collection, it seems…

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Congressman Troy Nehls


Today, I submitted the transcript from the @joerogan
experience podcast episode #1757 with Dr. Robert Malone to the Congressional Record.

Big tech wants to restrict your access to this information- but they cannot censor the Congressional Record.




Valerie Curren

On my comment–Wow. Didn’t know we were getting into fractional affection here 😉

Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

chief priest…


Valerie Curren

man-ipulating “Michelle”

AND seen in the replies…
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Though there is that very telling Ellen show Michelle dance video…

Last edited 2 years ago by Valerie Curren

And there’s another wrinkle to this situation, too —
My own Long-Term Care Insurance policy premium JUST INCREASED BY 30%.
The “reason” given by John Hancock was that, after a “careful review”, it was “discovered” that apparently a LOT more Long-Term Care policyholders were making claims. So, “in order to maintain the quality of our product offerings”, the premiums of ALL Long-Term Care policyholders went sky-high.
I strongly suspect that the increase in claims was, and is, being driven by “people of a certain age” who get “vaccinated”, then get complications from the vaxx severe enough to have to go into long-term care.
And here’s the real kicker: John Hancock offers a couple of “options” to LTC policyholders who can’t afford to pay the new insurance premiums — A, keep the same payment amount from last year BUT have a “benefit cap” with no “bonus payout” rider; or, B, lower the payment amount AND ALSO drastically lower the monthly benefit amount plus the “no bonus”.
The company now states that LTC insurance policy premiums “may rise from year to year, depending on company review of claims.”

Last edited 2 years ago by RDS

We needed to see this so we know One America insurance report was NOT a one off.

We also should see a spike in deaths, year over year. Regardless if the dead were insured or not.

Valerie Curren

This guy is admitting to “euthanizing” patients, like in the Auschwitz gas chambers. I think they sped up his speech, perhaps to fit it into a twit world video time limit, so he sounds a bit Alvin & the Chipmunks, unfortunately…

Republican Muse

Look up the Pulmonary Nurse from SC that begged our state to stop testing so high. He was close to retiring, was paid 80/hr, was offered 100/hr to travel but instead he quit his job. The man was in tears. He felt like he was complicit in murders and their facility is high ranked.




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Republican Muse

Oh they did. Bc they can’t openly hear an adult taking responsibility for his actions even though he didn’t mean to, he trusted the wrong folks.

Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Saw this on twit world reading comments to the guy who read the Rogan Malone transcript into the Congressional Record. Dr. Malone is one of the signatories!

Q-Tree doctors & scientists should read, & potentially sign, this document, imo.

They provide supporting links to their statements too!

Here’s the link regarding natural immunity, for example:

Thank God–Literally…here’s one from the University of Michigan!!!

Dr. James Geiger, surgical critical care and pediatric surgery, University of Michigan Health System; Director of Pediatric Trauma and Associate Director for Surgical Services, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at St. Vincent Medical Center

Looking at listed signatories could also be a way to find like-minded providers!!!

Last edited 2 years ago by Valerie Curren

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550000 users joined Gettr since Joe Rogan joined.

If Gab wasn’t so arrogant, they could have gotten those users.


Life insurance companies sound DEATH ALERT warnings over nearly 100,000 excess deaths per month happening right now in the USA

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

JWST: The sunshield is in progress. Apparently they’ve done layer 4 and are working layer 5.

Next step, likely on Thursday, is the secondary mirror, which sits at the end of a now-folded tripod. This will reflect the light gathered by the main (big) mirror(s) back into the black tower in the center of the main mirror(s) and into the instrument packages.

Mirror temperature is now -205 F, other parts on the shady side are down to -318 F.

Last edited 2 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Did they ever deploy the rest of the main mirror?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Nope, that’s the LAST big step.

Basically–four steps to go. 1) secondary mirror 2) radiator panel for the instruments
3) Left side of the main mirror, 4) Right side of the main mirror.

At which point it’s deployed, but then they spend a LONG time (several days at least) getting the 18 pieces of the main mirror aligned.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

From NASA:

Temperatures on the Sun/hot side of the sunshield will reach a maximum of approximately 383K or approximately 230 degrees F and on the cold mirror/instruments side of the sunshield, a minimum of approximately 36K or around -394 degrees F. Due to the engineering of the sunshield, this incredible transition takes place across a distance of approximately six feet.

Note that a temperature difference of over 600 F will be maintained by five large sheets of reflectorized plastic spaced a total of six feet across. No air conditioning, no heat pumps.

Last edited 2 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Cuppa Covfefe

Would be interesting, though, if they could use that temperature differential for power (OK, asking a bit much there)… thinking of Isaac Asimov’s Trantor…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Some sort of Peltier system might manage something there.

But usually they run that the other way, using power to create a differential.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep, I have a portable fridge/cooler for the car that has a Peltier element. Not too cold, but a great cheaper than one with a compressor.

(Having said that, the glovebox in my Touran has an A/C duct going to it which can get quite cold if it’s opened – but that’s compressor-driven cooling)…

Barb Meier

Thanks for the update, Steve! Every success makes me smile.

gil00 (@disclosetv) Tweeted:
NEW – El Salvador’s president promotes healthy lifestyle choices in the fight against Covid and other diseases.


I wonder what caused a 25 yo to have an MI? Hmmm… (@disclosetv) Tweeted:
NEW – Football star Marcos Menaldo has tragically passed away at the age of 25 after suffering a heart attack in training.


ITBrah💻 (@MihneaTarziman) Tweeted:
@TheJuggernaut88 They rlly havent learned anything from ww2 did they?


It’s beginning to be irrelevant what “they” haven’t learned…..Soon it’s WE who need to remember what WE learned was the result of letting these things happen

Cuppa Covfefe

Somehow I’m more inclined to believe that this is from Austria, where they have draconian rules in place. First off, nowhere in Germany is it required to wear masks on the open street, in particular the FFP2 masks (the white ones). Second, the only reason (in Germany) that the woman would be in a position to be arrested would be if she forced her way in to a business which requires a mask (non-foods, basically). That tailor shop looks to be closed.

Something else is going on. Juggernaut is OTT again…

And it’s not just Germany and Austria who are requiring masking. This WWII (and even WWI, from the comments) stuff is just BS and distraction, putting up a convenient target to get folks to look away from the real problem.

Looking at the number of police and all the filming, it could even be some sort of FF. Doesn’t “smell right”…

Last edited 2 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Hmm. Can you clearly see the address on the business door?

Cuppa Covfefe

No, just looking at the style of the buildings, the crowd, and the fact that they’re wearing FFP2 masks – only FFP1 masks (the blue surgical masks) are required over here.

Having said that, Bayern and one of the northern states have started to clamp down more. And in Holland, they set loose unmuzzled police dogs against demonstrators (and there are MANY of them up there)…

Just checked the “Wipper Conditorei” (backery), looks like they’re in Allgäu, which is in Bayer (Bavaria). The Ministerpräsident there (Governor) Markus Söder, is looking to become the second coming of Uncle Adolf… they have three sites, Salzstraße 33, Am Schlößle 1, and Kronenstraße 27 in 87435 Kempten, Allgäu. I think Kempten has already had a few dustups and associated police brutality…. 😡

Digging deeper on the local media there, they are all in on the jackboots, so it’s YSM/MCM to their rescue, as it were. There are more and more and more demos, which are called Spaziergang (basically walkabout), sometimes hundreds of people. In the Catholic areas, they also do Rosary Walks, which winds TPTB up even more. Kempten has a booming counterfeit-impf-certificate industry, which doesn’t make things any better.

Nonetheless, most of the other demos are peaceful, and not with this jackbooted police action. Something more must be going on… (We know of some high-ranking police officials (not in Bayern) and they’re not happy with all this, and some of them haven’t had the clot shot (indeed more than TPTB would like, by a long shot).

Last edited 2 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Ty for the insider info. Seems to be spreading from Belgium maybe? Epicenter of 😈 for the political side over there. Seems to be getting more aggressive while the people arent.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Belgium and Luxembourg (everybody’s unmentioned tax haven) seem to be the tails wagging the European dog. Jean-Claude Drunkard, erm, Juncker, is from Luxembourg, and Brussels (Belgium) is the “Kapital” of the EU. Further to that, Belgium is an artificial country, pasted together with bits of the French, the Dutch, and the Flemish (not unlike Switzerland, which has three major populations). Belgium has had many problems over the years due to ethnic unrest/differences, and the massive influx of refauxgees only serves to pour gasoline on the fires (including the various no-go zones)…

Interesting side note, the freeways there are illuminated with yellow streetlights (probably banks of LEDs now), alternating on and off for a mile or two at a stretch. My Dutch colleague told me that that is for military reasons, ostensibly for crippled planes to be able to land. Kind of weird to drive through, though, especially at the *cough* speeds I used to go through back then 😀  😵  (I’ll just say substantially over 55mph 🙂 )….

Gail Combs

If you ran 55 you would get run over and that was in the ‘slow lane’ (Memories from 1975.)

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. There was one time I was driving back from Holland on the A3 down toward Köln in a prehistoric Volvo that could maybe do 80 if it was falling down a cliff…

So I was driving downhill, proud that I could coax Volvosaurus up to around 75 or so when I noticed the overhead sign gantries, which also had little signs saying 100 (circle with red circle around the edge, and 100 in black letters on a white background… serious speed limit).
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Anyway I kept going, trying to slow down (but not too hard). Then a second gantry, then a third, then a fourth. The fourth, of course, being just at the bottom of the long hill, when everyone was used to ignoring the signs, and not looking for the little opening in the 100s, which happened to have radar cameras…


I wondered what that was, not knowing about radar cameras (Kalifornistan didn’t have them back then).

A couple of weeks later I got a call from the fellow who managed our fleet cars in our German office… Hey Cuppa, I have this really nice picture of you-would you like a copy?

Fortunately it didn’t go on my driving record.. then again, it was only a little over the limit, as that’s all that car could do 😀

[The ones that always flashed by me were the big Mercedeses, the big BMWs, Porsches (of course), and VW Passat Wagons (WHAT!!!??? A station wagon???)… They could really haul, and they could really HAUL… So I bought one, complete with a VR-6 and a stick. It was a ball to drive, drove it 200K miles, gave it to a friend (when I was afraid it wouldn’t get through the TÜV and/or it wouldn’t run anymore) and he drove it the better part of another 100K… great car, fantastic engine.]…

Gail Combs

I was driving a Chevy Vega…. Yeah, get run over..


Autobahn driver!


DeplorableVix (@viperwest16) Tweeted:
I had to, it’s funny!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And far more socially useful.


And a bunch have died. That 40% increase reported by the life insurance company is pretty telling.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I guarantee you that will be blamed on Covid, and not the vaxxes.

We’ll be beaten over the head with this, because we didn’t take it seriously.


The insurance company itself stated that the deaths were NOT Covid. When you file a life insurance claim, you must provide a death certificate.

TPTB can claim anything they want, but the FACTS deny it.


What I mean is, the death certificates they are getting for claims list something OTHER than Covid as cause of death. Not the shot, either, but heart attack stroke, blood clot, whatever.


It all feeds the offixial narrative.


Ironically we did take it seriously.

Plussed up vitamins and minerals.

Said NO to the clit shot.

But that won’t get reported.


The truth IS emerging!

Gail Combs

SHADOWSTAT: November 2021 he has the real unemployment number at ~ 25%

Gail Combs

The government statistics are:
official resident population…………….. 331,449,281 (as of April 1, 2020 Census)
Civilian noninstitutional population…  262,029,000
Civilian labor force……………………… 162,052,000
Military Personnel………………………… 2,233,050
prison………………………………………….. 1,380,000 

So we have 67,816,976 not in any of those categories.


I actually have GOOD NEWS to report! Thank God, I needed some.

So, most of y’all know I am an herbalist. Well, herbalists need to study and learn, so I have a teacher/mentor. Nice man, western Canadian in his late sixties/early seventies. He ran an herbal shop for thirty years, and now he teaches.

While actively in his classes I interacted with many students. It won’t surprise you that MOST herbalists are hippie-dippie liberal types. Very liberal types.

This morning, my mentor emailed us the DR. MALONE interview with Joe Rogan! He wrote “this is long but worth every minute, and vital to our freedom.”

Friends, we are WINNING!!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

This IS good!!

Thank you for passing it on.



Valerie Curren

Great News!!!




SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Other good news:

I’ve been watching the sunshield tensioning on a live feed.

They just finished. Jubilation in the control room!!!!

Team being congratulated as I write this.


What a relief! What’s next?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Secondary mirror deployment, on Thursday.

That’s the mirror at the focus of the main mirror, that will bounce the light back into the body of the telescope where the instruments are. It should be relatively uncomplicated (it’s rigid parts instead of five bigass tarps), but NOTHING is being taken for granted.

Without that secondary mirror in place, the JWST won’t be anything more than a hood ornament for some future starship.

The web site shows *nothing* tomorrow, but that doesn’t mean they won’t be busy with something or other.


Good time while no one is looking for the little secret robot critters to climb out of their hidden compartments, climb over every inch of the telescope and fine comb that stage of the project before they skedaddle back into seclusion and receive new updates that will help them to reconfigure for after the next phase of the op goes dark.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


More seriously, if we could do THAT, none of this would even be a worry.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Note…that’s the first piece of the actual *telescope*. The rest has been about the systems that keep it cooled to proper operating temperature.

Cuppa Covfefe

There should be a Case Badge on it somewhere that says “Powered By Kelvinator” 🙂

Valerie Curren

brutal border brainlessness
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Valerie Curren

So we’ve talked about much of this stuff…but poison pills here too?
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comment imageMilo Morai

Red Wave Riders
I actually think this is very sound advice! Pinned!

Last edited 2 years ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Ashli Babbit, I believe. Seen on Gab w/out comment but not sure why. Any thoughts?
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Last edited 2 years ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

glad to see some questioning of the narrative on AB here:

comment imagerobert tugwood
Straight Talking Patriots
1 like
1 repost
@TheSheilaG2020 watch the video on site”wooz news”that basically (and plausibly)shows that the entire video sequence was a staged crisis actor event.i am sure the vid is somewhere that it can be shared but i can’t share from the site.
comment imagegoshgolly
Straight Talking Patriots
1 like
1 repost
@TheSheilaG2020 The horror of this Soviet style twisting and lying about events is something I never thought I would see in America. But here it is, and it won’t stand. Tucker Carlson is the most watched show on television. Maybe people are beginning to be suspicious of the obvious lies told by MSM.
comment imageBallroomBlitz1957
Straight Talking Patriots
1 like
1 repost

Why was anyone climbing through a broken window when the so called FBI were ushering everyone in the front door??

Seems like an FF to me

All were comments to this Gab post:

Valerie Curren

In the Good News dept 🙂

[video src="" /]

Valerie Curren

Sounds like something Gail might like to dig into…if true…

comment imageJim Cameron
Red Wave Riders
@MovingMike c/p …. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services actually holds the patent on cannabis oil for medical use.
The patent, US6630507, is titled “Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants” and was awarded to the Department of Health and Human Services in October 2003. It was filed four years earlier, in 1999.
[WATCH: Truth in Media: Feds Say Cannabis Is Not Medicine While Holding The Patent on Cannabis as Medicine]
What you need to know is that the patent gives the federal government exclusive rights on the use of cannabinoids for treating neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and stroke, and diseases caused by oxidative stress such as heart attack, Crohn’s disease, diabetes and arthritis.
Which means that while the DEA, the FDA and HHS claim that there is no evidence of any medical value for cannabis and while tens of thousands of families struggle to get life-saving oil for their kids, the feds know enough about the value of cannabis to hold a patent on it as medicine.

Shades of the Covid patents & scandals hmmm…


Now, think about this one.

This has Big Pharma’s fingerprints all over it.

Think about the meds that Big Pharma sells for all the conditions listed above ($$ made).

Now think….

….anyone can grow weed, and anyone can extract CBD oil from same. See:

This is Big Pharma using gov’t proxies to protect it’s profits AT THE EXPENSE OF PEOPLE’S HEALTH AND SAVINGS.

This is literally no different than selling people’s lives and health…for profit.


Valerie Curren

Nice connecting of the dots FG&C…

Valerie Curren
Gail Combs

There are several PubMed papers on hemp extracts and such.

Valerie Curren



Pelosi Is Blocking Access To House January 6 Records. What Is She Hiding?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Satie will love this one.


We already have a patent-free vaccine. It’s called Omicron.


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Cuppa Covfefe


“Gift” means poison in German… just sayin’


Teach your kids about MLK in a couple weeks since theres a national holiday for his birthday, but discriminate against anyone who isnt obsessed with having the shot.. bc sy-ince er sumthin.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Anti-Trust The Science.


Why always on the sound stage? There has to be a reason.


Yea. Makes no sense. Pravda News NEVER ASKS, WTF?


I wish the thread didn’t paginate so quickly. I try to read the “new” yellow comments, but the color disappears when you move to the other page(s).

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Keep one tab open on each page.

Gail Combs

That is what I do. Or just never refresh the page.


Ahhh! Solutions, thanks


Holmes guilty of 4 counts in the Theranos mess.

Watched an interview of her. Ever notice the evil globalists rarely blink their eyes? Hypnotic, wide open eyes like Schitt 4 brains,

Last edited 2 years ago by TradeBait2

Very likely.

All the big power names behind her should be investigated….including the pathetic little weasel named Mathis.

Cuppa Covfefe

Maybe they’ve been through the $cientology “Comms Courses”… That “Scieno Stare” is a dead giveaway that someone’s been through them…

(Heyyyy, [scieno], ya haven’t got yer TRs in…..)…


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Lol…if theres any workers left alive to make one.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



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This is my favorite picture of

President of the United States of America Donald J. Trump.

He made himself a target and put his family at risk for me and mine. And for you and your’s.

He didn’t have to, but he did it anyway.

And he worked himself to the very marrow each and every day.

For FREE! For 4 YEARS (and counting).

Best wartime President since Lincoln, right here…

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@CTH – “Another 370,000 Workers Quit in November, Total Quits Rate Now 4.5 Million”

This comment is chilling:
“Spent 20 days on the road in December … 5,158 miles across 16 states. My global view is that the hotel and restaurant industries are in deep trouble. In hotel after hotel, we saw a lot of deferred maintenance, with key components such as elevators and heated pools/hot tubs down and out. Staffing issues, especially in housekeeping, are ubiquitous. A dramatic feature of this landscape is the increasing age of the housekeeping staff. In several hotels, we saw no one in the hallways less than 50 years +.

The restaurant industry is equally grim. We encountered staff shortages everywhere, and the workers that we observed were also much older than just a couple of years ago. The pattern was pretty much the same in every restaurant: fewer staff running their tails off to meet peak hour demand. As bad as the situation is now, therefore, I expect it to get worse as exhausted and demoralized employees quit their jobs, and supply chain disruptions continue to bite more and more deeply.”  


Last edited 2 years ago by GA/FL

Even more chilling is the reply:

“AntiWork is a growing movement. This one thread has 1.5 million members”


My daughter is part of the hiring panel in their office. She is a girl that scraped and clawed up the ladder, night school with all the hard knocks. She doesn’t put the same value on Ivy league grads as the attys in the office so the last 3 hires were ones she wasn’t all gaga about.
Long story short……………these rich allegedly smart grads are lazy and think they’re owed every perk in the book. Menial tasks (in the job description) are beneath them and they’re not the least bit intimidated to say so.

Several candidates were proud of the long covid hiatus when they did nothing more than “improve” themselves. No work ethic. Extremely judgmental. Feel it’s their right to leave early, come in late, call in sick frequently. Not team players

The office is on the 4th go round to find someone after firing the others

Last edited 2 years ago by mollypitcher5

All the comments are worth reading….

Gail Combs


BiteMe is on a roll.

Smith’s (Kroger’s) yesterday. Normal chill case products out of stock in two areas. Multple shelves spanning 8′-10′. Every spot filled with eggs. In addition to normal eggs area.

A couple were simply looking at all the eggs AND normal product out of stock.

Pointing at the eggs, I looked at them and said, “BIDEN DID THAT“. They agreed.


One thing though. Retail, hospitality companies have been getting away with paying low wages for years. Those that want to compete will have to start paying some wages to keep employees.

My company is small and plays amongst the big boys of our industry. We have lost a few employees recently due to competitive pressures. So they recently added some more bonuses, better vacation, and improved 401K match. Sometimes you got to pay more to keep and get employees. While it sucks some of this is due to gubmint incompetence, businesses need to respond.


Very good points, RF121


Oh boy….

The real Insurrection was the stolen election, the false flag on Jan 6 – and – the betrayal of the American voter and election system by VP, McConnell and Congress on January 20.

….and the courts, the media and the military were also in on it.


They continually double down

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Pelosi – a MAFIA BITCH running Congress.



True dat but this is the entire Obammaroid glowbot extravaganza now..To actually imagine the faux reverence they’re going to give to this stupid stunt…lol, it slays me.

They hate monuments. They hate the Constitution. They hate the USA but going to put up some joke plaque or something .

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Nanzi is in denial that SHE HOAXED AMERICA worse than “Go Directly To Jail” Jussie.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

No one of consequence ever calls them on it, so why not double down?

When I say “of consequence” I am minding the fact that unless something gets into the Yellow Stream Media, it simply doesn’t matter in DC. (Which means the owners of YSM get to control what happens.)

Alternate media could have ironclad proof they eat babies for breakfast, and nothing would happen because YSM won’t cover it. But if YSM makes an issue of the way a good guy’s bacon-and-egg belches sound after breakfast, they have to resign.

Last edited 2 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

JWST “where’s Webb” site shows no deployment activity tomorrow, with the secondary mirror being deployed the day after. (It has always shown a one day gap between the sun shield tensioning and the secondary mirror.)

Recent blog post indicates they’re going to do the secondary mirror tomorrow, so that recoups one day of the 2 days of slip that happened over the weekend.


Eventually JWST will be the coolest thing in space…on one side at least.


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Smart bear.

Last edited 2 years ago by RF121
Cuppa Covfefe

Bear-en 😀

(or maybe Bär-en )…

Last edited 2 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Gail Combs



Spring 2020 WE called bullshit on all of this crap. Steadfast pursuit of normal.


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Joe Rogan leads move to GETTR after Twitter bans Dr. Robert Malone, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene

“Just in case sh-t over at Twitter gets even dumber, I’m here now as well,” Rogan wrote on GETTR.



So this afternoon, I heard on 77WABC, New York, an audio clip of “President” Biden from his “speech” today on COVID. He said the following:

“So, there is no excuse — no excuse for anyone being unvaccinated. This continues to be a pandemic of the unvaccinated. So we got to make more progress.”

He said a lot of other things, too, in the transcript below, like “the booster shots are safe”, and that THE MILITARY (doctors and RN’s) AND FEMA is getting involved in hospitals. He said the use of the military was due to the “unvaccinated” who are “overrunning” the hospitals.

Notice that sentence above from “President” Biden: “So, we got to make more progress.” THAT”S A VEILED THREAT.
His voice, in the audio clip I heard above, sounded DOWNRIGHT NASTY.

Last edited 2 years ago by RDS

His voice, in the audio clip I heard above, sounded DOWNRIGHT NASTY.

Everything about BiteMe IS NASTY. His “Look” is NASTY, MEAN and CRANKY as hell. Actions are NASTY as he paws at children. Voice sounds NASTY.

Just as Kamel-Hoe IS unlikable, BiteMe IS also, wholly unlikable.


Agreed. It would not surprise one to find out that Biden’s “So we got to make more progress” threat means FEMA and/or military medical personnel are going to be spotted knocking on the doors of the “unvaxxed.” How will they know which doors to knock on? — the “vaccine database” created from the “compliance records” submitted to the CDC / CMS from employers and from the providers administering the “vaccines” and the “booster shots.”

Gail Combs

Time to make sure the gates are locked and the NO Trespassing signs are up dated and LEGAL.


How will the Compliance Nazi’s know that I’m not injected? A few overt clues…

3 X 5 Impeach Biden flag in yard.

Trucks stickers – FJB & Calvin pissing on BiteMe & da Hoe..

Yea, those don’t really address injections. Just my loathing Joe & Hoe.

IF dumb asses really start trolling the hood pushing injection, I’ll post No Trespassing signs and these on the doors.

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Gail Combs

I would also post:
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Yes. Have downloaded the Nuremberg Code. Thanks.

IF they really do come into the hood, there will be plenty of signage. Folks around here are, as pissed off, as QTree folks.

Still plenty of Trump signs/bumper stickers, Don’t Blame Me I Voted for Trump, Impeach Biden, Flag flying upside down…

Gail Combs

Time to pass around copies of that Nuremberg Code.




When he says that, it means to me pandemic of those still alive and uncontrollable.

Brave and Free

Just received my PCR test results, yeah came back positive.
Symptoms started on Saturday with slight scratchy throat. Sunday felt bad with temperature 99-100. and cold sweats at night. Monday coughing started to increase with terrible sore throat that felt like I drank gasoline and then had a match for desert. Temperature peaked at 102. Tuesday am feeling much better ate breakfast, lunch and dinner. As today progressed I am feeling much better, and temperature is back to normal too.
I believe am tired from the dbl dosage of Zyrtec and Benadryl. Thinking the ivermectin kicked it early too.
Well now I’ll have that thing TPTB dread, natural immunity……..
God Bless Everyone

Last edited 2 years ago by Brave and Free

Hang in there! It may be that double hit with the antihistamines made you tired. IMO, the Ivermectin was right in there fighting the infection.
Is the sore throat gone? Please try to stay well-hydrated and get lots of rest.

Last edited 2 years ago by RDS
Brave and Free

Sore throat is hanging on, I have some zinc lozenges I’ll take at bedtime they help. And keep up on the Ivm. and antihistamines for probably four more days. We’ll see how it goes.

Gail Combs

Lots of hot tea helps especially in the morning. There are herbal teas you can drink in the evening.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good plan. I found that the Listerine gargle really helped get rid of the sore throat. The period of relief after each gargle got longer and longer.

You need to keep up the Zyrtec for at least two weeks, because if you have a spike allergic reaction, it will be on day 8, after you’re feeling over it. But you won’t need the benadryl or ivermectin at that point. I think you’ve got a good reading on how long you need the ivermectin. Trust your gut!


I used sea salt for gargle

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I have used salt, baking soda, and Listerine, and all are helpful! I have not tried iodine – yet!


I am not trying iodine have thyroid issues not major but enough not to use it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m also leery of internal iodine for many reasons!!! Besides – Listerine worked GREAT for me!


I bought some just in case. Normally I used mouthwash from Whole Foods. Fir the virus I can see using strong stuff.


Glad that you’re on the mend.


Benedryl knocks me slap out! I mean, down for the count. So that might be the “tired” part.

Glad you are getting better.

Gail Combs

Me too, I do not dare take benedryl unless I am not headed for bed.


I use Claritin for a couple more days until weekend to make sure the crud does not reinvent itself. That makes it 14 days. The longest I have taken stuff like this.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, definitely be careful with both Benadryl and Zyrtec. Don’t think taking both is necessary OR a good idea.


Very bad idea. There is no reason to take both at the same time.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Why is anyone taking benadryl when there are three vastly better alternatives?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

IMO it depends on which prior science one trusts to be more important, and why.

Benadryl has a long history as a reliable standard for preventing anaphylaxis and other acute reactions. I’ve used it myself in emergency kits, for all kinds of stings, bites, and unknown allergic reactions.

In contrast, Claritin’s generation were all designed for treating chronic allergic conditions. I have no experience using them for acute allergic problems. They may well be just as good or better for acute treatments, but I’m not sure.

HOWEVER, ZCAX is PROVEN to work for this use case in a CLINICAL setting.

Alternatively, Benadryl has good laboratory results that seem absent for ZCAX. There is some chance, IMO, that Benadryl will outperform the more modern ones, just like a “kiddie dose” of even older drug promethazine worked clinically against acute spike protein reactions and hypoxia.

Personally, I would go with Claritin, but keep the Benadryl handy in case of acute hypoxia.

Gail Combs

“…They may well be just as good or better for acute treatments, but I’m not sure….”

Benedryl in my experience is better for acute although I found B12 sublingual has the fastest relief.

The others work better for chronic if only because they are 12 hour instead of four.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Just want to get this correct – are you saying that you’re using B12 for allergy relief? Or do you mean Claritin sublingual or analogous?
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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Fair enough.

But certainly, no reason to take two of them the WHOLE time.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Agreed. IMO that’s a bit too much of a shotgun approach!


I have three different antihistamine in my medical chest that includes benadryl. Right now I prefer claritin .


Benedryl is excellent for some things! For an acute allergic reaction, like to a sting or bite, it is the best. Also, it helps you sleep if you need it occasionally.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I mean for this application…but, well, I responded to Wolf as well.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – I think that you may be taking too much antihistamine, there. IMO you should drop one or the other – and probably the Benadryl.

Also, if the double dose of Zyrtec is tiring, then just take one. I was only using about 1.5 Claratin per day. Two of them was too much. At one, it was almost unnoticeable. Two, I could sense I was taking something.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Make sure and make an “official” copy (screenshot, print, export, whatever) of your positive test. That will be as good as a vaccination card in the medical world.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Not sure if your doctor sends you copies, or if you have access to your medical records, but the fancier-looking and more “original-looking”, the better.



Sadie Slays

Glad you’re feeling better!


Pro tip for the 20th plus time. When you are sick. Do not eat. Your body needs to focus on healing, not digesting whatever you just ate which is not needed. You body has plenty of nutrition and energy in storage. When your pets are sick do they eat? No.


What the hell now?

President Trump canceled his press briefing at his Mar-a-Lago home on January 6th.”


Just saw that.

Things that make you say, hmmm…




I think it is a wise decision.


Aubergine…it’s been announced that on January 6, Mitch McConnell will be taking a delegation to Atlanta, Georgia, for the funeral of former Senator Johnny Isakson.
The House is in recess and it sounds like there won’t be any Republican leaders anywhere near the January 6 ‘festivities’.

That may or may not have something to do with Trump’s schedule change, just throwing it out there…:0)


Could be.

Who knows anymore what the heck is going on.


Media lapdogs schedule focuses on Nanzi, Chuckie and their J6 theatrics.

Sadie Slays

It’s possible that the Deep State had a false flag or something horrible planned and ready to blame on President Trump’s speech.

But, yeah, I’m disappointed. As if we haven’t had to endure enough indignities since the stolen election, now the Regime’s stupid theatrics will go unopposed. I’m strongly considering just staying off the internet entirely that day.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sadie Slays

I might do that, too! Good idea.




President Trump Cancels January 6th Mar-a-Lago PresserJanuary 4, 2022 | Sundance | 46 Comments

SD: “Smart move, following his instincts. President Trump was scheduled to deliver press remarks on January 6th, earlier today he cancelled them.

Given the continued effort by the DC political establishment, the intelligence branch, corrupt officials, Lawfare aides and the media stenographers writ large, to exploit the J6 events for mid-term political interests, it makes sense to allow them to suck their own oxygen.”


Sounds about right.

Gail Combs

I think POTUS just played Rope-A-Dope with Nasty the Pig louse and the Post Turtle. (They are dopier than goats)

Valerie Curren

Handy Nuremburg Code meme (hope it’s accurate)
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copied from twit world wouldn’t show but from Gab would…hmmm

Last edited 2 years ago by Valerie Curren
Gail Combs

You used capital JPG
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Valerie Curren

I wondered if that might matter 🙂

Valerie Curren

Georgia fraud Finally being investigated???

Election Wizard

BREAKING: Georgia officials confirm that they have launched an investigation into a ballot harvesting scheme during the 2020 presidential election.

The allegation is corroborated by video evidence and testimony from a witness who claims he was paid for ballots.

Gail Combs

240 traffickers X 23 drops = 5520 drops
@ 10 ballots per drop = 55,200 ILLEGAL BALLOTS
@ 100 ballots per drop = 552,000 ILLEGAL BALLOTS

“…Biden narrowly won Georgia by a margin of 0.23% and 11,779 votes…”

20-30 Liters is the size of a typical day pack. Or 1500 to 2000 cubic inches.(24″ x 12″ x 5″ = 1440)
Envelopes are 5″ X 10″ with 10 envelopes per inch of thickness
So that is 3 stacks of ~ 50 ballots or 150 max per drop.

So somewhere between 200,000 and 500,000 illegal ballots were dropped by those 240 traffickers AT MINIMUM.

Valerie Curren

Amazing analysis–Thanks!!!

Valerie Curren

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Would look great on those LED billboards.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

moar from Dallas
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Valerie Curren

In related news 😉
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Valerie Curren

Gab’s big tent 😉

comment imageCritical Meme Theory


Memes, memes, and more memes.
Anybody afraid to join Gab is admitting they are too soft for the 1st Amendment.

I have seen more diversity of opinions on Gab than I have seen on any other website. When I used to post on other websites all my comments were either typical Republicans or Democrats. Now I hear from Socialists, Fascists, Anarchists, Catholic Monarchists, Communists, Democrats, Timocrats, Republicans, Libertarians, individualists, traditionalists, and a whole lot of different political beliefs I didn’t even know existed before Gab.

If you can’t handle Gab, quite frankly you can’t handle being an American or the 1st amendment.
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Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Some of our veteran Q-Treepers could likely verify this…
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Gail Combs

Another word for the ‘nice people’ is COWARDS!

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

I still love football!
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Sadie Slays

SD estimates that shortages will start in about two weeks. 

This coincides with my earlier observation up thread about schools, public transportation, and restaurants in my area shutting down due to staff shortages. It’s really, really suspicious how the local media is downplaying this after spending two years with the non-stop COVID fearmongering. They have a genuine opportunity to turn the COVID panic up to max, and…nothing. Dry reports about school closures and public transportation problems carefully interspersed among the sportsball news. It’s weird.

Anyways, from SD:

If you remember the shortages of products and services in 2020, you have a baseline for what is about to happen in two weeks.  This next round is going to be worse. Last year’s grain harvest is already almost gone. Most of the next round of harvests cannot start for months. The food storage our supply chain depends upon to smooth out seasonality is nearly exhausted, and the inbound prices show the scarcity.

It’s not one thing; it’s a multitude of things. However, add on top of that a major employment disruption with quarantines and tests, and, well, you can see where this is heading.  The service sectors like hospitality, hotels, restaurants and home services will be stretched very thin.

Prepare for your family accordingly.

Secure yourselves for coming shortages. Don’t forget your pets. The window to be ahead of the zombie swarm is now down to around 15 days.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sadie Slays
Gail Combs

NOT happy to hear that with all my grain eating livestock…


Coincidence? Learned of this yesterday.

Philippines. Fish cages (in the bay) and fish ponds. They have always been able to go down to the local feed store, to buy feed on demand. Be it few kilos, 25 kilo sack, or a dozen sacks. Always available.

These days there is NO fish feed stock. It must be ordered a day or two in advance. Of course prices have also jumped.



Food shortages in stores ARE INCREASING.

Hope folks are preparing wisely…ACROSS ALL COMMODITIES we REQUIRE daily.


The only commodity food wise we need is protein. Most of us have plenty of fat in storage. So don’t panic. This is the one time being obese may turn out to be a benefit.

Gail Combs

It is my animals I worry about. Especially my old ponies with dental problems.


Animals and humans that eat the proper diet do not have dental problems. Weston Price did a study 100 years or so ago and showed that hunter gatherer societies had no dental carries and perfectly aligned teeth.


My kids never had dental problems. They never drank soda as kids little sugar. I have a juicer and juiced fruits and vegetables like carrot celery juice. Now they are mid fifties have no cavities and beautiful teeth.


We had to switch dog food. Not a big deal . I can always cook my own if need bee.


Yea. Agree. NOT panicking here. 🙂 Would be good to lose my Dunlap. (Where have we read that. 🙂

BEING ready IS the call.

My preps have been completed for quite awhile.

This is NO time for procrastinators to sit on their thumbs.

Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs

Truth. As they say, shit is about to get real.

Gail Combs

My problem is Hubby raiding my stores. He has used up more than 1/2 the livestock grain I had stocked for emergencies and NOT REPLACED IT. GRRRrrr. Lifting 50 pounds above shoulder height is NOT something I want to do again.

Valerie Curren

fat, dumb, & happy dance here 😉


It’s already started around here with the grocery stores. Breads, meats, some dairy, etc.

Tons of toilet paper available tho. Actually lowering the prices on that.



THIS is what I’ve seen. FOOD IS THE issue. General stuff is available.


Organic chop meat is not available for a week not. This is for my dogs I ad some to their dry food or chicken. They say chopped lamb is good need to look for it.
I have enough meat and get every six weeks a shipment from Illinois farms. Not to concerned at the moment.
I red the other day making fasting bread can used ground beans lintels rice and some grains. Good to know to make high protein bread. I read in my Jesuit bread making book that some Jesuits ate only bread during lent and it was high protein. One puts also nuts and seeds into it. I am going to try to make a loaf and see what it taste like. I assume it is dense and does not raise much like true German pumpernickel bread I like much.


It’s really, really suspicious how the local media is downplaying this after spending two years with the non-stop COVID fearmongering.

It’s almost as if they don’t want to face the consequences of their propagandizing. For them, it’s all about getting vaxxed. I haven’t seen reporting on coming shortages or both food and workers being in short supply because of their failed policies. Facing hunger is when it gets real, and I think they realize that people could turn on them.


Turn on them? How ’bout collecting recipes for “long pig” now to avoid the rush?


Good enough place to leave this as any.
Update on Wheat shortage.
We had done an extensive talk on shortage of Wheat about 2 closer to 3 months ago.
At the time I hadn’t seen it take effect, but then I only shop for a french loaf of Wheat which has stayed at 1 dollar per loaf, though they baked very few where I shopped.
I had bought some as recently as 3 weeks ago, the last few trips it wasn’t available.
Hey Today it’s available for 2.97 a loaf! and yeah, it stayed on the shelf. I purchased the white instead for the normal 1 dollar.

Sadie Slays

I noticed the wheat shortage months ago when one local supermarket had a completely bare pasta aisle for over a month. Durum wheat shortage = pasta shortage. It got better around Thanksgiving, and I suspect it’s because they were hoarding the pasta for the holiday shopping season. Now that we’re past New Year’s, though? I’m expecting it to return to bare.


We already knew this, but I’m glad it’s getting out there.


How sick is that? Gates is demented should not be allowed close to vaccines.


By the way, all the leaders of the major churches, every single one of them, the major religious branches, are under the spell. Every major global international leader is under the spell. We’re in what’s called a mass formation psychosis.”


Yes they are that is why I am not going to church. I have my home church to practice. My husband is a certified lay pastor in Presbyterian church so we have communion at home.


I’m at the 1:40:00 point of the Rogan-Malone interview.

At the time referenced above, they’re talking about the spike protein and how it is having similar adverse effects whether from viral infection or from the clot shot.

Avoiding the clot-shot may be better than getting the clot-shot, but we’re going to get poisoned by the spike protein either way, naturally through infection or artificially through the vaxx.

We all read about the Indiana insurance company saying deaths among those aged 18-64 are up 40%, which is exponential. Even a 10% increase would only be a once every 200 years event. And Karl Denninger’s observations about all the missing people from the “non-institutional” population, back in October, and referenced again today in relation to the Indiana insurance company story.

And then, as it has before, it occurred to me that we may all be dead already.

Just time delayed.

If you wanted to commit genocide on a global scale — or even a national scale — you don’t want everyone to die at the same time. It creates a problem that is mentioned or alluded to more than once in Scripture.

In the Old Testament, large numbers of people were periodically wiped out all at once. The problem is that if everybody dies at once, there is no one (or not enough people) left to bury the dead.

Even if the globalist psychopaths let the animals and insects eat the bodies, or let the corpses rot for a year, 7+ billion skeletons is still a lot of clean up work.

And if you’re the globalist mafia who set all of this in motion, and who are either immunized or have the cure, you certainly don’t want to have to bury 7+ billion corpses, or even just their bones. It’s a lot of work, and it’s not the kind of work the wealthiest 0.000001% would ever consider doing.

But if you essentially poison everyone in a way that causes the deaths to occur over three or four years, you get the dying to do all the work for you.

You let the dying (dead men walking, i.e., us) bury the dead.

By the time the population figures out that we’re all on borrowed time that expires in a year or two (or less, depending on when people figure it out), there would be a lot fewer people left in the world to bury.

And a lot fewer people left to hunt down our murderers before the last of us expires.


I’ve thought about this, too, Scott. That those of us who had COVID could be irrevocably damaged. This may be the work of the Fourth Horseman – Death and Hades – the one that kills up to a quarter of the population, which would be around 2 billion people.


Do you think *they* poisoned some within their own ranks? Because I think some of them have gotten sick, and i don’t think they all got saline shots.


“Do you think *they* poisoned some within their own ranks?”


I would expect that in such a scenario *they* would poison a lot within their own ranks, it’s a perfect opportunity to purge the excess baggage and hangers on.

It’s not like it would bother their conscience…


Dictators will eliminate those from their ranks who are seen as dangerous to their power.


They think they can replace us with robots and they will do the work. Who is fixing the robots ? they do not think ? Maybe they will have robots who fix robots.