And the real DePat is not even warming up or singing or anything. I mean, my little bred down wolf Ying likes to sing along when I’m in the Queen of the Night range. I do have a video…. Somewhere.
Okay, on to some serious stuff.
I had a writing instructor in college who told us that once you see a topic come up three times it was a trend, and go ahead and write about it because someone was bound to buy a story from a freelancer. (This was before the Internet really took off. It was a novelty then.)
Well…guess what.
So, y’all know how China pretty much bought up a whole lot of Africa to exploit the place for minerals and they’re trying to do the same with Afghanistan?
Well, a little closer to home, they’re up to the same thing, and I’m not talking about just the Panama Canal.
MonkeyWerx, actually, noticed it last week in the Caribbean, and followed up Monday night with this. (I have it cued to where he starts talking about just the Caribbean.)
And then General Flynn highlighted this article from the UK Daily Mail on his Telegram channel:
China’s plot to ‘take over’ Latin America: Beijing inks new deal to share nuclear tech, build 5G networks, develop space programmes, and pump cheap loans into America’s back yard in ‘growing threat’ to US
- China has put pen to paper on a new deal to deepen ties with countries in Latin America and the Caribbean
- New deal will see Beijing share nuclear technology, build 5G and communications networks, help develop space programmes and pump cheap infrastructure loans into the region in attempt to buy influence
- Comes off the back of years of Chinese investment and trade in the region, which has diminished US power
- Beijing plans to ‘take over’ America’s back yard and is a ‘growing threat’ to the US, analysts have warned
PUBLISHED: 09:02 EST, 3 January 2022 | UPDATED: 09:29 EST, 3 January 2022
China has inked a new deal with leaders in Latin America and the Caribbean to deepen ties across almost all areas of society in what one analyst likened to a plot to ‘take over’ the region.
As part of the deal, Beijing has committed to supplying the region with ‘civilian’ nuclear technology, helping to develop ‘peaceful’ space programmes, building 5G networks of the kind Washington warns will be used to spy on people, and to pumping in cheap loans and financing for ‘elaborate development plans.’
China has even pledged to build schools and fund classes teaching Chinese language and ‘culture’, though such institutions have been criticised elsewhere for pushing state propaganda and limiting academic freedom.
It comes off the back of decades of Chinese investment and development in Latin America and the Caribbean which has seen hundreds of billions of dollars poured into the region to build critical infrastructure such as ports, roads, and power plants in what many believe is an attempt to buy power and influence in America’s back yard.
‘There are absolutely ambitions for China to become the dominant influence in Latin America,’ Mateo Haydar, a researcher at the Heritage Foundation said off the back of the latest deal.
(The image won’t copy, but is worth a click. Seriously.)
‘The challenge is comprehensive, and there’s absolutely a security and military interest there. … That threat is growing, and it’s a different kind of threat than what we saw with the Soviets,’ he told the Washington Examiner.
Professor Evan Ellis, of the U.S. Army War College, added: ‘The Chinese don’t say, “We want to take over Latin America,” but they clearly set out a multidimensional engagement strategy, which, if successful, would significantly expand their leverage and produce enormous intelligence concerns for the United States.’
The deal, officially the ‘Joint Action Plan for Cooperation in Key Areas’, was signed last month between China and CELAC, an alliance of Latin American and Caribbean States that encompasses almost all the countries in the region including major players such as Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela, Uruguay and Chile.
While light on specifics, it sets out a broad roadmap for relations between China and countries in the region up to 2024 – committing them to deepening ties between governments, banks, companies and educational institutions.
Most of the commitments appear routine – such as pledges to preserve the environment, develop green tech, and promote equality and sustainability – but some will certainly give minds in the Pentagon pause for thought.
The first is a commitment to exchange nuclear technology and promote ‘relevant practical projects’ including the training of nuclear scientists to ‘bring into play advantages offered by nuclear technology and nuclear energy.’
The deal specifies that this will be ‘peaceful’ and elsewhere commits the parties to pursuing ‘nuclear disarmament’, but will almost certainly cause concern because the technology used to enrich nuclear fuel can be repurposed to make weapons-grade material for use in bombs.
In the parlance of the Church Lady, isn’t that special.
Or in the immortal words of my sainted grandmother who invented the spiritual happy hour when she sat down in the afternoon to say the Rosary with a gin and tonic… “Oh, $#!+.”
While we have been distracted with the pandemic that isn’t, China has been actively violating the Monroe Doctrine, not that we follow that anymore.
As part of the agreement, the two sides commit to cooperation in the ‘construction of ground infrastructure’ to support space programmes, raising the possibility that such technology could soon be launched, controlled or monitored from America’s doorstep.
And that is not the only area where Chinese and South American technology is likely to combine. The deal also pledges greater cooperation on ‘digital infrastructure, telecommunications equipment, [and] 5G.’
The US has been locked in a proxy-war with China for years over the roll-out of 5G technology, ever since it emerged that Beijing was pulling ahead in the race to build the world’s new information networks.
Mike Pompeo, former US secretary of state, pushed hard in the later years of the Trump administration to persuade western nations and US allies to ditch the technology, warning it would be used to spy on users.
South American countries have been at the epicentre of the battle, trying to appease both Beijing and DC. Jair Bolsonaro, Brazilian president and close ally of Trump, at first pledged to exclude Huawei – one of China’s biggest technology firms – from running part of its network, only to reverse that stance when Trump left office.
According to the text of the deal, it is a fight that look set to continue for some time longer.
China and Latin American states have also agreed to cooperate directly between their militaries, ostensibly for the purpose of fighting terrorism and taking down organised criminal networks.
The two sides said they will ‘share knowledge, policies, technologies and experiences’ in tackling the threats, suggesting some level of cooperation and intelligence sharing between their militaries and police forces.
Other pledges appear to be a continuation of infrastructure projects already underway in region, many of built as part of China’s trillion-dollar Belt and Road initiative.
These include the deepening of ties in trade and financial markets, including investment and loans for ‘elaborate development plans’, and helping with the ‘transition towards green energy’ by building new power plants.
China has also pledged to help with oil, gas a mining exploration, though claims green projects will be given priority over fossil fuels.
I wish I had better and more entertaining news to impart, but guess what…with only two mentions, we have a trend.

Have a good day y’all.
(I don’t remember who brought this to a daily in the comments, but thanks.)

And, of course, the obligatory George Carlin:

Per the Boss:

Yeah, I know it’s a Tom Hanks flick, but he didn’t score the music.
And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:
Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone
Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.
Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.
Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there. The “Rescue Thread” is also over there. In the event a rendezvous of the tree is needed, please check it out, as well as the newest rescue venue.
Auntie DePat’s requests:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
One other vital note:
Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.

MARK 6:45-52
45Immediately he made his disciples get into the boat and go before him to the other side, to Beth-sa’ida, while he dismissed the crowd. 46And after he had taken leave of them, he went up on the mountain to pray. 47And when evening came, the boat was out on the sea, and he was alone on the land. 48And he saw that they were making headway painfully, for the wind was against them. And about the fourth watch of the night he came to them, walking on the sea. He meant to pass by them, 49but when they saw him walking on the sea they thought it was a ghost, and cried out; 50for they all saw him, and were terrified. But immediately he spoke to them and said, “Take heart, it is I; have no fear.” 51And he got into the boat with them and the wind ceased. And they were utterly astounded, 52for they did not understand about the loaves, but their hearts were hardened.
“Do not be afraid to take a chance on peace, to teach peace, to live peace. Peace will be the last word of history” – St. Pope John Paul II
Holiness is this profound contact with God, becoming a friend of God: it is letting the Other work, the Only One who can really make the world both good and happy. — Benedict XVI
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.
Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, first responders and those working behind the scenes…and any and all people with family members in the hospital, COVID or not.
And…members of the QTree who no longer participate for one reason or another.

It is quite clear, as per Wolf’s message from July, that we are under spiritual attack. Building up a robust arsenal of prayer and discipline is a must in fighting the enemy and his minions.
In that spirit, the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel from Tuesday’s threads, and the Breastplate of St. Patrick, not to mention the Litany of Humility are favorites recommended by exorcists in spiritual warfare.
JP, it seems, is off coming up with new, brilliant satire ideas, and this blast from the past popped into my feed from when comedy was actually funny. I honestly don’t remember this one from my childhood.
And…you want a musical duel? As an adult with 30+ years Classical music experience – NOT Country by any means – this was impressive…and I didn’t see it until a couple years ago. The finger work and improv is just so cool.
I’d bet that you and Ying doing a duet would be quite impressive. Which one of you has the greater range? Being that Ying’s hearing is probably a couple of octaves further than yours, is it possible that there are peculiar harmonics involved?
My range is actually bigger than hers, and really, I usually think she’s critiquing.
The dueling banjos segment was very well done, but reminded me especially of actually going to Nashville, and The Ryman, and discovering how much time I’d spent there — never knowing.
So, here’s a nice video of Alan Jackson singing a great hymn “How Great Thou Art” at The Ryman Auditorium [“The Mother Church of Country Music”]. Feel free to listen to the song and appreciate the performance, but I’m going to be coming back to the staging.
Let’s start out with the basics — the building was built to hold revivals — like tent revivals, but warmer and dryer. The back of the stage runs out to an alley beside the building. The stage faces out across the audience to a side street. Singing from the stage to the audience, the front of the building is to your left.
There are a number of windows, mostly using colored glass, behind the audience. The top ones are multi-segmented pseudo-Gothic (pointed) in reference to their religious function. In back of the stage, there are decorations that echo this motif.
The stage is spread out and sparse, allowing each performer an optimal space in which to perform. The individual miking is tight and intimate, but everything is projected into the Ryman proper — which has long been held to have some of the best natural acoustics of any performance space. Interestingly, this was held to be true before there was a stage, before there was a balcony, and after the balcony was installed. This may have something to do with the audience having no “seats” — the audience space is filled with heavy wooden church pews.
Incidentally, there’s another thing about the balcony. When the Civil War broke out, the North effectively seized Tennessee and held it as occupied territory throughout the conflict. It became the “Volunteer State” because hanging out in an occupied territory is a drag and many of its people volunteered to be elsewhere. At the end of hostilities, most of these people wanted to get back to building a future in Tennessee, despite having been on different sides of the conflict. So when a group wanted to have a big to-do at the Ryman, and fund the balcony that had been planned along with the original building but laid aside due to lack of funds, it was welcomed. And that’s why at 2:03, you can see a hanging commemoration over the performer’s B-3 that says “Confederate Gallery”. It’s somewhat symbolic that the Union Hall plus the Confederate Gallery sound better going forward TOGETHER.
So much of what I grew up with used imagery and settings from the Ryman — and from the Grand Ol’ Opry on the same stage (essentially everything in “Hee-Haw”) — and I just thought it was this-and-that from somewhere-or-the-other. And then, I walked in, and was amazed by how familiar this space was….when I had never before set foot in Nashville.
Mind you, you can have the same song in the same venue, and…..
Empty pews, soulless delivery, airbrushed history.
Compared to…..
Recorded from the audience, with the audience, revival-mode ENGAGED.
But how can you deny the influence of The Ryman on this performance?
She was an amazing singer. Gone too soon.
Oh my. Carrie Underwood has had so much work done, she looks like Ciara. Or maybe trying for Salma Hayek? I do know she had an injury, but what is with all these women and the overdone lips?
Have to weigh in on the music. It’s obviously a congregational hymn, meant to be lead by a strong organist or an organist and a choir. It isn’t a “song”. The rhythmic formula and tune don’t lend themselves to personal interpretation. (Think of Jerusalem or Thaxted (I Vow to Thee, My Country) in the UK. Same thing.) So the desperate effort to “interpret” just comes off contrived and empty.
Tried to edit but ran out of time. 🙄
Same performer, same venue, GOO….
I did not know that about the auditorium.
Yeah, How Great Thou Art…I’ve sung it at a lot of funerals.
Nice. I’m in a good mood from all that banjo. Makes me wish I’d learned to play.
Not to worry — just get one….you’ll fit right in!
What an array of talent! I wanted to hear more Johnny Cash, though. 🎤🎶
Ask & ye shall receive 😉
partway through they switch to the live audio from the San Quentin Prison concert so a bit out of sync w/ his lips…
There’s some of that one eye stuff in this video below…hmmm
Nice! Thank you!
YW 🙂
Very Nice!
Wolfie, see my comment on B12
I’ll go look! Thanks!
Thanks – very helpful. It seems to me that B12 has a huge impact on immunity, and in many cases people are fighting the immune improvement battle on other fronts, not realizing that B12 is where they’re suffering the greatest losses.
yeah, the stuff looks very very useful and not just for allergies.
Maybe you could explore it a bit more. I do not have the biology background to get that far into the weeds.
You reminded me that I have B12 so I took some this morning. The B12 does dissolve. I also took saline solution up my nose . Ha ha avoided stuff like that it does clear the nose. I bought it all ready to go.
For the last few years, if I get a runny nose, I make my own warm salt water and then dip each finger into the salt water and stick my finger up my nose. 5 fingers for each nostril. Nope, I don’t ‘double dip.’ I also gargle with a cup of warm salt water. It stops the runny nose right off and I like how simple it is. It works for me. 🙂
I heard a doctor Mandell explain how salt helps with mucus specially the chest. I hope you use filtered water and has been boiled? Maybe I am to cautious?
No not cautious. I used to change the De-Ionized water filters at the plant I worked in. THERE IS NO WAY I WILL DRINK CITY WATER!!!
If it is not going down the throat to the stomach, use DISTILLED WATER. At less than a dollar a gallon it is well worth it.
Not cautious is right. Dr. Mercola and the nebulizer protocol (saline/H2O2/Lugol’s) stresses no tap water when making your saline.
Yes it is. My husband uses if for the humidifier.
Depends on the city. Some water is cleaner than others. It kind of depends on the source. When your water comes out of the Mississippi River south of the confluence, it is cleaned to the molecular level. I’m serious.
That being said, NetiPot nasal irrigation has kept chronic sinus infections at bay for me.
You asked about B12. Yes I take it for allergy attacks. AND for DNA synthesis.
Vitamin B-12 Battles Allergies Dr. Newton’s Naturals
From NIH: Vitamin B12 Fact Sheet for Health Professionals
Funny how all of the first Duck-Duck-Go articles are ALL about ALLERGIES TO vitamin B12….
Anti-nociceptive and Anti-inflammatory Effects of Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12) Against Acute and Chronic Pain and Inflammation in Mice
Vitamin B12 Benefits That You’re Probably Missing….
Harvard Health: Vitamin B12 deficiency can be sneaky, harmful
Metabolic vitamin B12 deficiency: a missed opportunity to prevent dementia and stroke
Vitamin B12 is not well absorbed by older folks esp if they are taking something like Tagamet® (Cimetidine) for heartburn or acid reflux (gastroesophageal reflux disease.) Therefore the sublingual (under the tongue) works the best.
Is there an upper limit on taking B12?
Your body will expel what you don’t need.
Injected B12 seems to be the major problem.
This has the warnings, uses and dosage by age
So long as no one tries to sing with one, I’m good.
Somewhere, I have a CD of bagpipe + banjo.
It works better than you’d expect.
A prominent cog in the local Democrat machine recently died in his 50s of “blood clots related to COVID.” He was on a ventilator shortly before dying. I think we can all make an accurate estimate of what happened here. The only reason I’m mentioning this is to point out that even being a Useful Idiot + prominent Democrat won’t save you from the Enemy’s genocidal agenda. He still got the same (presumed) injections + Remdesivir + ventilator murder just like the rest of the tax cattle.
I see the question come up often in truth communities: “Why would they kill the obedient sheep lining up for injections?” Well, here’s your answer and proof. They don’t care who they kill, including their Useful Idiot puppets. The goal is to seize power and install a vaccine passport > social credit control system. They are willing and prepared to accept as many sacrifices as it takes to achieve their goal.
Prepare accordingly.
Stalin knew that Beria was killing off many of his loyal supporters, innocent of the crimes of which they were accused.
The innocent individual does not matter in communism.
Loyalty alone does not matter in communism.
Betrayal of the stated goal does not matter in communism.
The MONSTERS in Washington will do as they please, because their own hypocrisy DOES NOT MATTER to them.
Cartel mindset. CRIMINAL mindset.
You forgot:
Think the Human Genome Project and the Chinese CRISPR babies.
The USA will be re-filled with DUMB (Afghans IQ averages 85 as does Africans) Third worlder slave labor who NEVER had a high tech western civilization.
These people will be the peasants who grow the food for the technocrats (Chinese) and Mr Global.
I didn’t forget – I simply didn’t mention it!
I often don’t mention “big picture” causes and factors for a very specific reason. Such things are DISTRACTING TO TACTICS and DECREASING TO THE WILL TO FIGHT. Beyond that they tend to be SELF-DISCREDITING.
It’s all about SCALE – a very important factor in fighting.
You are welcome to add these “big picture” things that I very well understand, but please be careful not to imply that I “forgot” or am “unaware”.
I am extremely aware, and am leaving them out of the picture for a reason.
People may want to ask themselves – what are my reasons?
Those reasons are TACTICAL.
Will do Wolfie. I am more the connect the dots big picture type.
It’s OK! Not a problem. I’m more of a ground fighter!
Why concern yourself with Stalingrad when you’re fighting Nazis near Leningrad?
Some people have that attitude and others really are happier knowing the big picture. Just so long as they don’t lose sight of the parts they deal with directly, that’s OK (as long as OPSEC isn’t violated).
I disagree on the big picture decreasing the will to fight. That’s what is keeping me going. The weeds choke out any will for me. They are data points in the larger scheme.
Actually the big picture tells me we are… if not wining… at least doing a LOT better than Mr Global expected us to do.
To each their own!
Lavrentiy Beria was the mastermind behind the murder of the Katyn Forest massacre, among many other mass-killing incidents. Beria believed he was such a good and loyal lieutenant to Stalin that he (Beria) would take over after Stalin’s death.
However, Khrushchev was already positioned to take over and had Beria (with Beria’s supporters) arrested and tried for treason. Of course, they were all convicted. Beria was executed by a shot to his forehead.
This rapid increase of Chinese Communist control-via-agreement WOULD NOT be going on under POTUS45. And Dictator XI knows it.
Yup. CHINA is securing the world for itself now.
Well noted.
When my mother told me about her friend’s death this morning, I went on a mini-rant and said, I need to write down that I do not consent to being put on a ventilator, or getting Remedisivir or whatever it is because it ruins the kidneys, and more. And she was like, Okay. And then I told her about Benadryl, and she didn’t exactly believe me.
Things just have to change.
Yours truly carries a signed statement in her wallet — NO Remdesivir, NO ventilator, NO COVID “vaccine” of any type — along with a list of what IS DEMANDED in the event of hospitalization: HCQ / Ivermectin, vitamin C and vitamin D, Doxycycline, Regeneron, Budesonide.
A copy of this statement is on the door of the refrigerator, with “EMS: Take With Me” written on it.
Great idea.
Also in the local news (syndicated AP article):
Why are so many vaccinated people getting COVID-19 lately?
(tl;dr: It’s an advertisement for booster shots.)
🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄
HA! Thanks for the warning!
The buried lead in all this:
Omicron is mild for virtually every one, but the overwhelming majority who get it, are vaxed.
The local paper did the same trick today.
They are talking about a larger percentage of new infection getting Omicron, then with reinfection. But they don’t say how many of the new infections were vaxed.
Here we are trying to catch it…and it only goes after people who are vaxed?
Gates vaccines = more harm than good.
Yeah, maybe there’s something kinda wrong here.
We need to appoint a blue ribbon panel to spend the next six years studying this.
They can wrap things up with no conclusion if people stop paying attention sooner.
Trying to climb onwards a bit…..
With a guest star better known for “What I Am”…..
Ah! Now that’s an interesting crew!
I wonder if “Don’t let me get too deep” is what Halyna Hutchins said before Alec Baldwin shot her.
Um…those lyrics…😳
El Salvador video promotes healthy lifestyle to combat CV19
FL hospital promotes Quercetin for at home care – decries Ivermectin and HCQ. Does not mention Benedryl, Claritin or Zertec.
See at-home guide – It’s a Pdf so I didn’t want to post it.
They also rejected my “contact us”. They don’t want the truth.
Good morning, Coothie.
From the beginning, TMH has run with the propaganda narrative hard and heavy and still promote vaccines.
For a while they had a twitter feed series on admissions for covid listed unvaccinated and vaccinated alleged data. Of course, the unvaccinated admissions always out-numbered the vaccinated. But we learned what the hospitals used to determine who was ‘vaccinated’ and who was ‘unvaccinated’ and how the numbers were fudged. They finally quit that, a while back, I think.
Good morning everyone! Last night, I enjoyed American Thought Leaders. Jan interviewed Liel Leibovitz. It is very encouraging. Liel encourages us to ‘go slow, build things.’ At about the 50 minute mark Lief suggests we “Live not by lies.” (book by Rod Dreher) Liel said ‘if you are in an arrangement in which you are forced to lie, simply to be accepted, there is no growth, there is no light, there is no hope.’ He has walked away from the leftist ideology and explains that if you have to lie, then you have already paid a price.
Incidentally, I’m fully on board with this being a glowing operation. The question is, such operations don’t exist to just glow to each other…..what was the intended effect upon the outside world?
What was the intended effect?
Not sure, but let’s be glad it failed.
Verse of the Day for Wednesday, January 5, 2022
“O sing unto the LORD a new song: sing unto the LORD, all the earth.”
Psalms 96:1 (KJV)
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
Seven Hours in January Was Not Seven Days in May – American Thinker
By Thomas Buckley
I am bring this up because what I am anticipating is what we should expect to see with other food stocks. A shift in buying habits as choices narrow. If you can not get steak, you will buy hamburger, if you can not buy beef you will buy pork, if no pork and beef, you buy chicken and very last more eggs. (I am freezing packets of sausage,onion & pepper to make omelets.🤓 )
RF121 brought this up yesterday:
I am assuming that RF121 is talking about too much sugar. AKA SWEET FEED which I refuse to have on my property. Not only is all that molasses bad for the animal it also contains whole grains and cracked corn. The molasses makes them bolt their feed and you will find all you have done is plant a nice crop of mixed oats & wheat since the horse did not crush the grains. You are also courting diabetes later on in life too.
Up to 20% distillers dried grains is an ingredient in pelleted feed. This is the leftover from brewing alcohol and means the sugar has been fermented out. The rule of thumb is NO MORE than 5% of a horse’s feed should be grain. With ponies it should be A LOT LESS. Actually I feed NO GRAIN (high in starch) except as a treat when I catch my ponies. They get 1 to 2 tablespoons & the vitamin and mineral mix depending on size. My vet has been very surprised that in 30 years with up to 25 ponies, I have never had a pony founder. (Caused by too much sugar too fast)
The grinding teeth (molars) continue to grow on horses until age 25. These means some where after that age they start losing teeth. The more hay (dried grass) they eat the faster the teeth wear out. Northern ponies/horses lose the teeth quicker and horses that are always stabled lose them the fastest. <— Personal observation.
I have five ponies in this category, the oldest being 46. If I had been a smart business person I would have sold off these ponies when they reached their late teens but I am too soft hearted and these guys are very very good with children so they earn the extra care.
FEEDING aged animals.
Equine Senior ($25/50lb) is very expensive CRAP! What I feed is a mix of 1/2 beet pulp for fiber bulk (dried shredded & pelleted after the sugar is removed) and pelleted hay — a mix of bremuda, timothy & alfalfa. The amount of alfalfa (very rich) is dependent on the pony. To this I add a vitamin & mineral mix. In the summer they get grass and just enough of this to keep their weight up. This could also be used on pet sheep & goats since they also run into the no teeth problem as they get older.
What I am afraid of is a shift in buying habits. As the grain supply dries up, I expect ranchers & horsemen to start buying the alfalfa or alfalfa mix to substitute for grain.
I did plant a lot of grazing rye but it will not really be ready for a major amount of grazing until early spring.
The drying up of the grain supply is also going to have a cascading effect. CAFOs (confined animal feeding operations) have become the predominant method of raising livestock in the USA. For Cattle Sheep and goats that means a LOT of hay and grain. For chickens and pigs it means a LOT of grain.
As farmers find they can not feed their animals, expect a glut on the market and then a drying up of the supplies of meat. The small grass-fed beef operations will be OK but the dairy industry is also going to take a hit. Dairy cows (and goats) are fed a high calcium grain to increase milk production even if they are on grass.
Unfortunately we in the USA have bred animals DEPENDENT on grain supplementation. Lets hope there are enough people with hardy heritage breeds to help us get through this mess.
Native birds might restock poultry industry’s genetic stock
My goats and sheep are MUTTS, I have been breeding for hardiness as well as size (meat) and wool/cashmere. I do not want purebreds they are just not as hardy.
As things progress, it is worth noting what dishes go well with ground meat. Pretty much any casserole or convenience food, which can be made from scratch. I made a really good dirty rice the other day. It doesn’t all have to be hamburgers.
Spaghetti, Lasagna, Moussaka, Hamburger Beef Stroganoff, rice dishes…
You can cut raw bulk sausage 50/50 with hamburger to cut back on the salt, saute it and use that in bean soup (along with onions, celery, bell peppers, mushrooms…) or the same mix can be frozen in small packets for later use in omelets — just add the shredded cheese of your choice.
It just occurred to me that our grain supply IS BEING SHIPPED TO CHINA!!!!
It would not be the first time the USA PROPPED UP A COMMUNIST COUNTRY.
Remember on TWATTER (don’t trust) there were stories of the USDA paying farmers plowing under fields of grain? PLANTED???
St Louis Fed: The Russian Wheat DealHindsight vs. Foresight
The really interesting document is the 1974 CIA report:
“A Study of Climatological Research as it Pertains to Intelligence Problems”
And then there is PRIVATELY OWNED CARGILL who was doing secret deals with the Soviets DESPITE THE EMBARGO. This is wiped from the internet of course but there is this:
And this:
Soros and His CIA Friends Targeted USSR/Russia in 1987 …
And when we checkout Cargill and Chyna?
Apr 30, 2020 Feed & Grain News
Cargill Expands Plant-Based Protein Food for ChinaCompany plans to introduce consumer brand called PlantEver
And also at Feed & Grain News:
Jan 01, 2022
Will China’s Imports of Corn Remain High in 2022?
Yup. EVERYTHING is going to China, and CHINA FAKE NEWS is helping to hide it from us with CHINA JOE and CHINA HOE and the BIDENFLATION.
I’m starting to wonder if all this COVIDIOCY has been launched and foisted upon us to cover something MUCH bigger, and MUCH WORSE…
Say, like, leaving the proverbial barn (OK, lab/bank) door open, telling everyone (via COVID) “heyyy, look over there”, and letting the RED Chinese waltz in and take everything unimpeded… indeed, encouraged by Bye, Dung…..
“China Joe”. Just remember that, and you’ll never lose sight of what is really happening.
Yep. He’s been a scammer and on the take ever since he entered Congress back in the 1970s… sickening… speaks of Washington D.C. being laid out as a Pentagram… that theory used to seem way over the top… now I’m not so sure… the Congress critters, the bounteous bureaucrats, and the misAdministration seem to bear out that theory…
Did you read the body of the post today?
5 CONSPIRACY THEORIES that came true in 2021
Stew Peters is on fire. Asks hard questions. Malone, through parsed words he needs to use, confirms much. Very near the end, Stew asked about reversing the spike injections. It appears there is research using Monoclonal Antibody ongoing. No details that I picked up. ~40 minutes.
Stew Peters Interviews Dr Robert Malone About Current Data and Vaccine Protocols
Stew Peters interviews Dr. Robert Malone about the latest data and vaccine protocols. It’s a lengthy interview, but overall good discussion to add to your reference points.
Rumble & CTH links follow.
If nothing else listen from 29 minutes. There is a real zinger at tge very end BTW.
Let’s Make This Simple in [Market-Ticker-Nad]
Agreed. WHY WOULD YOU FORGIVE A SERIAL KILLER? Just because he is a politician?

Everything about Covid, has been a known fraud by all levels of government and the health care assholes.
Forgive OR Forget is NOT going to happen by me.
Accountability IS MANDATORY. Leniency, UNACCEPTABLE.
But first, WE MUST STOP the destruction of our Country. Then,
pay backaccountability will be a bitch.I’m with him.
And it applies not just to politicians and public figures, but to EVERYONE I know.
Today, I ask for prayers for the repose of the soul of an old friend of my mother’s. They went to grade school and high school together. The friend passed away Monday, with an illness called COVID. She had several co-morbidities, and one of them was a leaky heart valve. She had had pneumonia within the last five years, diabetes, and more. She was a good woman who raised six kids. Thanks.
Absolutely. May she Rest in Peace. Sending Deep Comfort to your mother and to the family of the deceased.
I’m sure she is in a better place, and is at rest. And she left a lot in the world, having six children to carry on.
Blessings to your mom.
Six kids and I don’t know how many grandkids including a grand-daughter who was given up for adoption about forty years ago, and found the family at the age of thirty-seven. My mother’s friend, and her daughter as well as the rest of the family, were DELIGHTED to have the grandchild in their lives.
At any rate, this woman who passed away was one of ten, and one of her younger brothers is a member of my parents’ parish, and his wife’s sister was my first babysitter. For a big city, this is one heck of a small town.
Good story.
SD knows food distribution….deeply.
The collapsing food chain tsunami quite real AND spreading quickly.
…and intentionally.
if it gets bad, we have acorns, dandelions, fat squirrels…fresh and salt water fish.
And all the nuts are in Washington, D.C. ….. 🐿 🐿 🐿
They have to run things before Sysco not a bad thing.
Yes, BUT…
No “turn key” solution AND likely expensive (labor, food and supporting stuff).
MeThinks this IS a huge problem. Sysco, PFG, US Foods, and other companies support hospitals, restaurants, and nearly EVERY business or institution with a cafeteria.
Personally, I lost interest in eating in restaurants before Covid. Do it out of necessity. DW cooks better and at a better price point.
Much of the country likely doesn’t know how much they rely, DAILY, on Sysco, PFG, US Foods, and other companies.
Bottom line: When the country IS OPEN, we NEED Sysco, PFG, US Foods…
I did not know that! Yes that is a problem even universities need Sysco and other food suppliers.
Sysco’s been around a long, LONG time. I worked at a place in the early 1970s that had Sysco as a major supplier, and they’d been using Sysco for years even back then… and not just foods…
I learn something every day 🙂
A couple of summaries from different angles for those interested in our state in light of the posts today. It is widely known that there are three states within the one state of TN. I have lived in two and worked out of the other one.
However, I belong to the “scrappy” Scots-Irish of east TN and will live my remaining days on this planet here. My wife and I both come from the early settlers to the region. About 75% of the people here sided with the Union during the war. This was one area that the phrase “brother against brother” was the truth. Overall, slavery was not prevalent at all in east TN. Rick Holmes’ article gives a short answer why. The major answer is because the rowdy poor people who came here from being oppressed primarily in Britain, did not take well to making slaves out of anybody else, nor did they need any on the smaller tracts they settled in the mountains/hills. They saw people as people and dependent on each other. There was marriage with Cherokees as well. Not all of them were on the Trail of Tears to Oklahoma as the history books suggest. I know first hand, there is Cherokee blood in me from my maternal side. Some married whites to avoid it, others relocated to safer areas, and others simply were protected by locals or hid out in the mountains.
Actually the North Carolina locals also refused to drive out the Cheokee. Remember the Cherokee were farmers just like them. Instead the federal government had to send in federal troops.
I notice that history ‘lesson’ has ALSO been scrubbed from the internet.🙄
There is a small Cherokee reservation east of Great Smoky National Park (which for anyone who doesn’t know, puts the reservation in North Carolina).
The irony is, it’s not far from I-40. But if you take I-40 west you eventually end up in the Cherokee part of Oklahoma.
That is true about our neighbors to the east, Gail. Similar backgrounds, mindsets and values. One of many scrubs by the narrative building evil doers.
Yeah, it is all about the “White Man BAD” narrative building instead of the Robber Baron/Government BAD – TRUTH!
Progress? New NY Governor will seek hospital # stays because of CV vs with CV.
hospital # stays because of CV vs with CV.
^^^ Insert suspicious cat. Almost, “as if”, they are trying to act thoughtful, apply
sciencecommon sense. They get no credit by this fool.FauXi speaking of young people mouthed much the same on Sunday talk shows. Video clips posted here, SD or both.
The bastards are finally saying what many or most of us have been saying for ~eighteen months.
Yeah, and this is the same Gov. Hochul who made a diktat that the supply of MONOCLONAL ANTIBODIES in New York State will go first to “African-Americans, Latinos, and other persons of color who have borne the brunt of COVID infection due to white supremacy.” I heard the audio clip of Hochul announcing this a couple of days ago on 77WABC, New York.
The same radio station also broadcast a statement by a DemCommunist U.S. House member from New York City that COVID testing kits will be given out first to “minorities and other persons of color” since they were “discriminated against during the pandemic.” That’s what he was told by the city’s Health Department.
Yup. They’re trying to create a phony “testing crisis”.
The ChiCom toadie surgeon general is in on it.
election year theatrics by another psychopath…
They Said They Would Slow the Spread – The Burning Platform
Good read. Confirms what we know. EVERYTHING Covid has been a farce, a LIE, that has damaged the country greatly AND killing hundreds of thousands. Covid lunacy is unraveling for all to see.
Would be good for Burning Platform to extend the narrative to exposing AND stopping Global Reset.
How humiliating. A lion carried around by it’s food. (<—from comment)
Its a baby! Gotta wonder if its an illegal pet.
From the story where the twee was poached:
Poor thing.
Who the lion or the woman 😂
I’ll go with both (AND logic)…
Kuwait not, want not…
They learned well from Nazis.
Oh, that’s extremely OLD tech.
The only innovation of the Nazis was the use of assembly lines in mass murder.
Yes dictators do that. With mandating the jab we will reach mass murder if if they keep going with it.
Some dictators never pursued mass murder, just lots of single murders. And other sorts of thuggery.
Yes some do.
They’re also unleashing unmuzzled attack (police) dogs on crowds of “demonstrators”…
Have to wonder if those “Dutch” police are from somewhere else; either East Europe, or some of the Moslem countries (e.g. Syria) where they look “white”…
World wide Omicron cases at 25million yesterday alone, but death at 6000 only, similar to last year lower count between the first and second wave, but Big Media pushing the case numbers. Fortunately nobody is buying this any more.
Here we go again…..moving the goal post…
“Up-to-Date Shots”…. sounds like what’s required for a dog (oops, maybe a Beagle, eh Faux-Xi????? 😡 😡 😡 )…
Next I supposed we’ll have to get distemper shots too…
Nothing but God is going to remedy dis-temper!
GEE, and here I thought a large quantity of hemp, suitably applied would do the trick.
LOL rope tricks for the win 🙂
My grandparents used to make me watch Hee-Haw all the time. I hated it at the time.
I didn’t know how lucky I was.
Every Sunday. Back in the day with one TV in the home. 🙂
Lol! Right!
Yep, Hee Haw was classic, funny, and clean, with a ton of talent.
Anymore it’s just gloom and despair:
Gloom, Despair… well-reared
But they had many talented stars and guest artists, such as their Gospel Quartet,
Tenneessee Ernie Ford, Grandpa Jones, Stringbean, and Roy Clark
here singing “I’ll Fly Away”
And who could forget “… and pfft you were gone” ? 😀
Hee Haw Roadhouse Diner – Because Sometimes You Just Got To Pfffft
Hee – Haw had a PSY-OP built in.
It was specifically DESIGNED TO MAKE FUN OF FARMERS and to convince people that farmers were ignorant low IQ hicks not worth listening to. This was all part of the plan to drive Americans off the Land and make us DEPENDENT ON THE INTERNATIONAL CORPORATE FOOD CARTEL.
Urban elites have been openly contemptuous of rural people for at least a century. Even in the 1930s you’d see pictures of rural people which made them look retarded (as in look literally retarded) in the mass media, with the implication that these were typical country folk.
Correct and it was a deliberate policy. One of my old references, i don’t feel like diging up documented that.
OMG!!! You are such a cynic!!!
Thanks for the compliment. 😜
As has been said here, ONCE you SEE it, you can not UNSEE it.
Yep, as did Hootenanny, an imitation show by another network (I forget which).
CBS cancelled a large number of shows aimed at the “great flyover unwashed” back in the day, although looking at the likes of “Green Acres”, “The Beverly Hillbillies”, and other shows of that *cough* genre, it was obvious that Hollyweird held us normies in comtempt.
That didn’t keep Hee Haw from being funny, entertaining, and a showcase for talent. Which was my point.
The pit of Hellywood holds all that is good and true in contempt, be it fathers, men, boys, REAL women and girls, intact families, Christians, conservatives, MAGA folk, and now, Purebloods (for lack of a better term; the show “Underdog” is now bouncing around my head).
Farmers are being pushed down all over the world, not just the USA. And that is yet another effect of big Chem/Pharma/etc. “Knockout” seeds didn’t exist when I was really young…
I agree that it had psy-ops involved, but I don’t think they were all that one-sided. As with “Deplorables”, there was a certain amount of “shuckin’ and jivin’ by ‘country folk'” that actually mocked the infamous “urban elites”.
This was shut down in the infamous “rural purge” of the airwaves —
Incidentally, when we went to Saint Petersburg, we noted that there were certain conventions involved regarding anything Ukrainian… short, it was Hee-Haw dubbed into Russian. All the girls were pretty ditzes; all the men were lazy and unsophisticated; the music was happy and popular; the outfits were colorful….all they needed were a hound dog and animated dancing pigs.
Those exist in almost every country and culture. Seems everyone needs a dog to kick… Ask a Canadian for some “Newfie” jokes… Or an Englishman for a “Pat and Mike” joke…
CBS has a nasty habit of getting cheap and killing shows at their peak… probably because the stars were getting too expensive…
The likes of Jackie Gleason, Ernie Kovacs, Red Skelton, Carol Burnett, Steve Allen, Jack Benny, and those of the “Golden Age” of television will probably never been seen again. Happy that YouTube and DVDs (albeit often expensive) exist to preserve their genius. That, probably, is one of the few things about YouTube that I like…
I think they were mocking “elites,” as you say. Also that they were having fun with the “country” image by exaggerating it, which is one facet of comedy.
We pretty much Never watched Hee Haw, but even I know the chorus to that last song 😉
We watched it. As a kid, it didn’t make as much sense as it does now, and some of it is downright hilarious.
Not a country music fan, by any means, but the musicianship demonstrated with the instruments was quite fine. Singing…well…going on forty years of classical training here. Not my thing.
Lol. Some country voices are wonderful, some not so much.
Pow! 💥 Pow! 💥 Pow! 💥 🇺🇲
Demmunist / RINO school boards are EVIL.
Hey DPat, I’ve been following China’s Belt and Road Initiative since they proposed it in 2013 and the Belt and Road agreements are everywhere. The following agreement signed on December 26 should give us all pause…..
Cuba and China have signed a cooperation plan to push forward construction projects under Beijing’s controversial overseas infrastructure program, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), which has saddled many participating countries with heavy debt loads.
The Chinese Embassy in Cuba announced the agreement on its website on Dec. 26, saying that the deal was inked two days earlier by He Lifeng, head of China’s top economic planning agency, the National Development and Reform Commission, and Cuban Vice Prime Minister Ricardo Cabrisas.
It appears that China has its eyes set on Cuba’s natural resources, as a Chinese researcher told China’s state-run media outlet Global Times on Dec. 26: “Cuba is rich in mineral and oil resources, and is a major source of nickel ore for China.”
China has been Cuba’s important energy partner. Chinese companies have supplied wind turbines to Cuba’s wind farms and overseen the construction of Cuba’s first biomass-fired power plant at Ciro Redondo.
The U.S.-based organization American Security Project, in an article published in March, warned about Cuba’s energy dependency on China and Venezuela as having “serious implications for hemispheric security.”
In addition, the Chinese paramilitary has also provided “counter-terrorism” training to the Cuban military and police forces responsible for suppressing anti-government protesters.
And the guys say:
Peter Navarro just now on Bannons War Room:
“There are still too many persons around Trump, which are Never-Trumpers”
WarRoom – Live (
I hear that also. I wish he would listen to his own instincts not those who have not his best interest. Where is his discernment or is the political class so rotten that he has no choice of people to surround himself with?
Interesting and I believe it.
As if President Trump doesn’t know that and can’t discern for himself.
Jeez. The man navigated New York for decades, and suddenly he can’t tell who is hosing him and who isn’t? Get real.
What exactly is laughable about it? I think it is disgraceful that there would be any doubts that President Trump is a big boy and he can take care of himself.
I liked your witty way of expressing yourself 🙂
I wonder about that why he allows people to play him?
Give them enough rope…
He’s no rookie. Not by a LONG shot.
Sometimes it seems that if GOD Himself were President or some local position, people would complain.
(And complain they did, in ancient Israel… cf- KINGS and JUDGES…)…..
You are right. I am just suspicious when
Miss Graham is involved he is a sly fellow.
Emerald Robinson tells why in this post –
Answer – MGT a tweet with this VAERS CDC chart – !
There’s a close-up of the chart at the first link.
Emerald Robinson quote: “Earlier this year, I predicted on Twitter that 2022 would be the year that the vaccinated would get sick and die — and that the government would blame the unvaccinated for the failure of the new vaccines so that new lockdowns (and new mandates and new restrictions) could be imposed on the free nations of the West to destroy our remaining civil liberties. I’ve seen nothing yet to temper those dire predictions. The Great Reset is still going according to plan.
Prepare accordingly.”
The Great Reset is still going according to plan. Prepare accordingly.
^^^ THIS. ^^^
This is a good article about whether comparing Covid lockdowns and mandates to the Nazis is acceptable. The writer is Jewish, and makes some excellent points:
“Is behavior only Nazi-like when it is dividing a society along racial or religious lines? I would suggest that dividing citizens along political lines is equally dangerous. Minorities don’t always have to be race-based. For many tyrannies, political distinctions are more convenient precisely because they are fluid and their definition is up to whomever is in charge.
Is behavior only Nazi-like if you’re actually murdering a disfavored class (as they are today in China)? Or is it bad enough just to create separate rules for these people, limit their freedom of movement, and restrict their right to patronize certain establishments?
The Nazis didn’t get around to the full-scale Holocaust until World War II was near its end. They’d already been Nazis for a long time. And before the yellow stars were mandated, they’d already confiscated Jewish property, kicked Jews out of businesses, and barred them from entering public parks and nice restaurants. Is that Nazi-like behavior or not? And, if it is, is it fair to draw comparisons, or not?
Good! Jews are waking up. NAZISM was not all about the Jews, but BOLSHEVIK DECEPTION made it look that way, starting in the 1970s, because “antisemitism” was great cover to defend Jewish BOLSHEVIKS, and was used as a group divider to keep Jews in their assigned leftist lane.
Many Jews left their faith and Jews only by name some are already 2 generation not practicing. I was taught Judaism is a religion not a race. Those who left their faith are in essence no longer Jews they are atheists. Am I wrong did I learn wrong?
Should be that way in Christianity also.
It’s an odd case.
There’s a lot of other cultural baggage involved, not just the actual religion of Judaism; including in many cases, Yiddishisms. And a tendency to hang out with other people of that culture even if not practicing/observant.
So in some respects it’s an ethnic group (certainly not a race, whatever that actually means) because those tend to be defined by culture.
True same with foods traditions without religious involvement. Mostly I was around practicing Jews from Europe. I enjoyed my time in NYC because of my friendships. My temperament seems to be so much the same.
A friend I used to have where I live now she was a Jew from Persia, She said “you are so much like me”.
There are also major differences between Sephardic and Ashkenazi groups — although the focus on Torah unites them.
Less literate religions have frequently splintered on such differences in practice.
I believe most Jews in the USA are Ashkenazi (they had settled in Eastern Europe before coming here). The Ashkenazi are the Yiddish speakers (it’s basically an offshoot or variant of German, but written with Hebrew letters).
Agreed. You’re not wrong – it’s just complicated like everything else. It’s subject to argument and social viewpoint, exactly who is what and even what is what. It’s odd that we have to invent what sound like redundancies – “religious Jews” and “evangelical Christians” – and yet those distinctions work in a world where false normalcy is defined by a corrupt media.
My advice is simple – be as explanatory as needed, and explain further upon questioning or misinterpretation.
Allow me to point out that the formation of political parties is itself a form of self segregation along political/ideology lines. IOW they don’t have to be forced; they simply choose to align with people resembling what they see in the mirror and hear during pillow talk.
And usually that mirror is like the FunHouse on the Santa Cruz Boardwalk…
The Holocaust itself was a difference in degree, not in kind. You’re basically asking the question of whether the degree is what makes something Nazi-like.
It shouldn’t make a difference–an oppressed group is an oppressed group–but some people associate Nazi-ism with death camps so thoroughly you’ll never convince them that the less severe behavior is Nazi-like.
Yeah. Like NAZI Pelosi…
Strange, isn’t it (not) that all of the people left that would remember or understand that era are being killed off, either by the Cuomovens (as it were) or the Faux-Xian bargain…
I understand.
New CV19 variant – IHU variant – found in France. First case was in a vaccinated individual. Of course. We were warned that mass vaccination would create mutations and variants.
The translation of IHU from French to English should result in the ACHU variant.
As in A-choo! – a sneeze?
And if it were a (le) Chat, it would be a catastrophe…
(ducks and runs from flying [used] kittly litter, stuffed Morrises, and old Garfield collections)…
“…. (le) Chat….”
Well it looks like you just named the stray that showed up for dinner a 1/2 hour ago. My cat is afraid of him and he is not afraid of us so he is probably a ‘drop-off’

That is a gorgeous cat!
He really is. That is not him but a good look-a-like.
I love black cats.
The “patient zero” who was the first to present with this “variant”, B.1.640.2, had just come back from a visit to CAMEROON in Africa. “Patient zero” was “fully vaccinated.” The new “variant” apparently has 46 mutations.
One now wonders how quickly Pfizer-BioNTech will announce a “vaccine” for the new “variant”.
JWST: Secondary mirror is deploying Right Now. stream.
It’ll be basically over in about eight minutes.
Hard stop–the folding leg is now straight, and they are latching it in place.
Also where’s the lone black guy that cut the fences ?
People need to understand that voting for Democrats or RINOs is like voting in NAZIS.
This is going to be very ugly for everyone but criminals
Soros DAs are an extremely effective tactic that benefits CHINA most of all.
Those DAs should be visited FREQUENTLY by some of those ‘misdemeanor” criminals…
Yep. Some 400-pound ultra-violent criminal Trannys who call themselves “Miss De-Meaner”…
That is too true to be funny.
I probably could have written “Misty Meaner”. 👠
Seems that in NRW (Nordrhein Westphalen) a fellow (normie) calls his ex-neighbor (and, apparently, ex-male) “Rudiger” rather than its “felt” name “Sophie Vivien”… If he continues with that, the Nazi, erm, NRW tribunal will charge him the princely, erm, princessly sum of €250,000 for his “transphobic sin”…..
First-world problems. These idjots should be struggling, and worrying about where their next meal is coming from. Then, just maybe then, they’d grow a pair (and a brain) and deal with LIFE and not fantasy…
I can visualize political candidates in New York City’s other 4 boroughs running their campaigns on “Build that wall” around Manhattan. Someone needs to start the paperwork to get Snake Plissken out of federal detention.
So you can read it (I hope)

Time to ESCAPE from NEW YORK!
(But do not bring your crappy politics with you.)
Get out of the cities!
…..that handy little graphic from a Ralph Baric Publication

Listening to that little c*nt speak makes my flesh crawl. He is an evil, baby-murdering, soul-less monster.
I hope he has nightmares, sleepless nights, hives, athletes crotch, lice, crabs, sciatica, migraines, severe food allergies, and constant post-nasal drip.
Note that I did NOT say I want him to have anything fatal. Just as misery-inducing as possible.
Rheumatoid arthritis and Gout….
Good ones!
So I gather he won’t be at your next birthday party?
Only if he can be a piñata!
The truth is out…
I know it’s probably here already, but the Market Ticker from today is stunning.
His point is that the vaccines do not meet the efficacy requirement to have been approved under an EUA in the first place. And that they dosed them to not be effective.
There is also this: Reality vis-a-vis Energy And The Economy
AND I LOVE IT because it explains what I always thought. Electric cars are LOSERS
Behind every unit of GDP there is a unit of energy.
It has always been thus and always will be thus. It is akin to the laws of thermodynamics, which you cannot do anything about and it does not matter if you like them or not. Attempting to go “beyond them” will not only always fail it will hurt in some regard since it will at best be a less-than-optimal experience and at worst will be a death-causing one….
Electric wins, right?
Every transfer or transformation of energy involves loss.
The best combined-cycle natural gas generating plant has roughly 60% energy efficiency. These are the most-modern; everything else is worse. Nuclear is a lot worse, typically, about half that (that is, for every watt that comes out of a nuclear plant as electricity about two more wind up dumped, typically into a body of water.) So we’ll use the best.
The natural gas plant is 60% efficient making the electricity.
The transmission of the power from the generating plant to your house is 95% efficient (5% is lost, roughly.)
The charging of the EV battery is about 75% efficient during normal (slow) charging but this drops wildly when “superchargers” or similar are used. Such charging is unlikely to exceed 50% efficient due to the requirement to keep the batteries cool. In short charging at more than “1C” for a lithium cell results in much lower charge efficiency because you are attempting to “overdrive” the chemical process that charges the cell, and doing so radically increases loss. We’ll use 75%.
Assuming you do not let the EV sit (all batteries self-discharge over time) and drive it the next day the loss from self-discharge is very small. We’ll ignore it, and give you the entire 90% “best of breed” efficiency between the battery and the wheels (the withdrawal of said energy, control electronics and motor turning the stored battery power into movement.)
So where are we thus far?
0.6 * 0.95 * 0.75 * 0.9 = 38.5% efficient for the EV assuming the best case, which of course is bull****, but even if you assume such it is still nearly identical to that of the gas-powered car that cost far less money to buy! Never mind that there is no economically-viable means to recycle a lithium battery pack in an EV; it is toxic waste when it wears out and inevitably, as with all such things, it does. Nearly every part of a traditional car is recyclable; the metal the vehicle, including its engine and transmission all is, much of the plastic is, and the starting battery is almost 100% recyclable into a new starting battery…
I was referring to his “what they don’t want you to know” ticker. 👍🏻
The above seems to be his newest and answers a discussion Hubby and I was having a few days ago.
That is why it caught my eye.
I know, that’s the front page article. I click on the right (what the media does not want published) for the others.
Some car makers have the goal of going completely electric. I can’t imagine that being feasible. Unless I am ill-informed, it is too inconvenient, and sometimes even dangerous, to charge the vehicle. It takes time, and then you are limited re: how far you can travel on a charge, and you have to make sure you can charge it at every step of your journey.
I can see it for short trips into cities to keep the pollution under control but that is about it. Also I would want to see Nuclear as power.
peak parody
play to win

Babylon Bee!
This could be useful information for those taking the clot shot and boosters:
Oct 6, 2021Brief video illustrates dramatic spikes in COVID-19 deaths after jabs in 40 nations
got game?

con job

Here’s the official Democrap January 6 narrative: ‘Carnage’ no less.
They know that another grand steal, especially with more vigilant watch on them, is most probably not do-able.
Their second best option is to invent some phony charges with the Jan 6 lie fest, with which to attempt to impeach PDJT yet again.
If they succeed in taking PDJT out of the running the deep state pretenders will jump into the breech.
She makes me so ill.
and I really really really hate those people!
Amen. The EVIL is palpable.
toasted flies
Just in: Democrat Rep. Brenda Lawrence of Michigan will NOT seek reelection to Congress.
Their toast. Their flipping toast.
Democrat Rep. Bobby Rush from Illinois will not seek another term.
This is bloody epic. They’re dropping like flies.
The world has gone so crazy that I think in the event of a zombie apocalypse, there will be zombie rights activists.
They made deals. Bank on it.
So is the expected electoral bloodbath for the Dems to be beyond what their fraud machine could overcome? Seems no way that Any GOP could get higher favorability than Trump…
More likely, to me, is that the Dems want the GOP to control Congress so Joe & Hoe’s disasters can get blame-shifted to RePubes!
Whatever are we going to do with all those books 😀 ???
(To paraphrase Dorothy Parker: “These are not just books to be tossed aside lightly. They should be thrown with great force.” )
Not all deals involve books. Supposedly, a senator from my state took probation and not running this year in exchange for a guilty plea.
Lots of ways to do pay-offs.
‘Consulting Fees’ for a privately owned company by a relative.
High dollar job at a ‘Think Tank’ where you never have to show up…
Hence the smiley…
If you get more scuttlebutt about that (because “facts” and “information” will be minimal) it would be interesting.
Anonymous ID: grTMpzrL No.147448408
Nov 1 2017 00:27:03 (EST)
Any person making statements they will not be seeking re-election was put in submission. For the betterment of the country not all will be prosecuted and all will do as told. You will see more of this occur (not normal yet disregarded) and even on the D side.
Very interesting…
Of course even if that was true in 2017…that doesn’t mean it’s true in 2021/22
I maintain skepticism on this, TBH. Souring swing districts and “heat” on sketchy ballot schemes are excellent explanations to me. Nonetheless, I’m keeping open other possibilities, the more I learn about China’s biowarfare stuff. If anybody has “cause de guerre”, it’s us.
Why suppress early safe treatments for Covid? Here’s $24 billion reasons « JoNova (
The blog finally caught up.
The secondary mirror is deployed and latched.
JWST is now a telescope, instead of a hood ornament for some future starship (human or alien?).
I do NOT know the ins and outs of the whole process, but it looks to me as if, even if future steps fail, as long as the mirrors can be aligned the telescope could be used in some sort of degraded mode. For example, even if the side mirrors don’t deploy, the 12 that are in place already give the telescope 2/3rds of the light gathering power it was supposed to have. If that radiator doesn’t work, well, the telescope will lose some or even a lot of its infrared capability, but might still work in visible light (orange and red).
Mind you we don’t want any of that stuff to fail!
Radiator is supposed to be tomorrow/thursday, then the two side mirror sections (three hexagons each) on Friday and Saturday, respectively. At that point it’s deemed “deployed” but still has over two weeks of travel to L2, and that time will be used adjusting the alignment of the individual mirror segments, and waiting for the telescope to cool down. The whole cooling process will actually take months, because the cooler it gets, the slower it cools down further. I don’t even vaguely understand what else they’ll be doing in those months, but it’s called “calibration.”
Hey, quick question. What’s up by L2, other satellites near and farther out?
Oh wait, seems I found the answer with this second link.
So then there at least 3 more missions in the works for L2?
Looks like it.
I know when I wrote about JSWT in a Saturday post I suggested it should have been named after Herschel. He, after all, discovered infrared.
I didn’t realize there was an ESA infrared telescope already that had that name.
That article is a good find!
Georgia opens investigation into possible illegal ballot harvesting in 2020 election | Just The News
The commentators don’t see a lot of trust in this process. If Raffensperger can’t ignore it, he’s likely to delay and water down.
Raffensperger is up for re-election this year…
Can he still be primaried?
Vitamin D, Magnesium, and Vitamin B12 – A Cohort Study from Singapore
It is a small study with a good outcome.
Should of called it, “Things to Smuggle Into the Hospital”
At this point I don’t think I ever want to go NEAR a hospital again.
Right there with you, Gail. I’m at the point where I don’t ever want to go near a DOCTOR at all.
Me three. All they want to do is give you pills. The last time that happened to me, I ended up on steroids to clear up a drug reaction rash.
Honestly, if we are lucky, the vaccine-pushing physicians will be the ones to die off. Then we can have the ones who didn’t take it, and didn’t push it on others take over medicine, along with the people like me, hedge witches and granny doctors.
We’d all be better off with fewer so-called “medical doctors.”
Sadly, CDC is NOT required to get injected. Stuck with the bastids.
I wonder if Atlanta GA will pass any of those pro-criminal laws like NYC….
BTW, NOW we know why Juicy smell-it & company were so much in a hurry to get that anti-Lynch bill passed. IT WAS NOT TO SAVE THE NECKS OF BLACKS!
I mean ALL doctors, all over America.
If those patients had been taking their vitamins, they probably wouldn’t have needed to go to the hospital at all. Also, those are pretty small doses.
Smuggle HCQ & IVM.
Several people have been looking for ways to treat so called “long covid” and/or vax reactions. This is an interesting video from a wholistic doctor describing three general types of reactions people have and that the treatment is different for each type. He sells products but invites you to look at the ingredients and put together your own equivalents.
Also on Gab:
St. John Chrysostom’s sermons are legendary. And he was a sixth century bishop in Constantinople.
GETTR Repeatedly Bans America First Streamer for No Reason, Refuses to Explain
Expecting any of these sites to be the solution is a pipe dream. At best we may get 90% there but I would not hold my breath.
The thing is, we NEED multiple sites. Relying on just one is just as bad a tactic as a company single-sourcing a critical component.
Data General almost went under for doing that (back in the 70s, when they were quite successful). Tracy Kidder’s excellent book “Soul Of A New Machine” has a lot of good info on that, from the times when ASICs were more than just tennis shoes…
Give the derp state heartburn by forcing them to play whack-a-mole with multiple media…
” ….gettr financing being from China…” Where did that come from?
AHHHHhhh Just as I thought:
Who is funding Gettr? Trump’s new app backed by fugitive Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui
So it is the SAME CRAP they tossed at Steve Bannon. Connection to a Chinese person here in the USA is translated into a connection with CHINA.
Bannon ALWAYS makes a distinction between the CCP and the ‘Old Hundred Names’ the ordinary people of China.
The fact they did not do the two minute check I just did, makes me…
National File gets the side eye AGAIN!
Last one, was the attempt to muddy GWP in favor of Stew Peters.
Two separate authors also. I doubt it is all of them but they are earning themselves a caution statement.
Here’s one I liked.
Stupid DA should expect stuff like this then.
Perp jumped in guys BMW and started to drive away, but guy came out of the gas station real quick and blasted several shots into his car sending the perp to the hospital. Currently police say perp will be charged with grand larceny auto theft and no charges to be filed against the owner/shooter guy according to the police (warning though it is San Antonio and that’s a lib town with a lib mayor and DA. So that could be reversed when no one’s looking)
“… So that could be reversed when no one’s looking….”
However FIRST they will look to see what his donation record is.
Mafia Queen, Nasty Pig Louse, taught the DemoRats the Mafia shakedown racket.
Donate to the Demon-Rats ESP the locals and you SKATE….
I had an up close & personal experience with how that works.
Here are excerpts from a long article from 2019 that clearly explains Texas law about the use of deadly force to protect property (but it can be somewhat subjective).
This crime was not robbery (of someone’s person). Was it burglary (breaking and entering someone’s property with intent to commit a crime inside)? It definitely was theft, and theft is supposed to occur during nighttime to meet the provisions of #2. It was in the daytime in this case, so I’m not sure that qualificaiton was met.
I think 3(A) was met.
The statues use the term “reasonable” several times. The difficulty comes in how the pertinent people (the jury) define that term.
How did Gettr become Trump’s app?
It is NOT.
POTUS is not even ON GETRR.
There were negotiations at one point but POTUS took a pass and decided on his own app.
(That is THEIR headline, I just did a copy and past)
Gettr is LAME!!!
I am not interested in free speech “light.”
I am an adult, and I am perfectly capable of hearing, seeing, or knowing ANY information and deciding what to do with it without interference of any kind. Period.
Actually I have zero interest in being on any of them.
A blog like this suits me much better.
I like Gab for when I am on the run and need distraction. I hate lines, so when I am waiting in one, I look at Gab on my phone. Otherwise, I am here or reading headlines at
I bring a book. 🤓
Lol! That’s what I used to do, until “politics.”
Here it comes. The BS fabrications begin at the 25 min mark.
This is the dem strategy for November, make the truth false and the false truth. Full blown bloviating on how patriotic the Bidenese are and how anti American the real patriots are. These evil spawn need to be sent back from where they’ve come.
Yes I saw on Waroom this morning. Communist Democrats stop at nothing. Power is all they are after very typical of those kind of people.
I made myself a promise, and I’m going to keep it; I will not read or listen or watch anything about Jan. 6 for the next couple of days.
I am ignoring their bullshit entirely. They do not exist to me.
I am enraged by what is happening to our political prisoners, but there is not one thing I can see in the next two days that will change their situation at all.
Almost never click on J6 stuff.
Exception, I selectively read J6 Political Prisoner stuff.
The remainder is Pure Pravda BS.
Except for Revolver. Darren Beattie is SHREDDING the cover story and exposing the FBI as the Jan 6th Insurrectionist Leaders. AND THIS TIME the word Insurrectionist fits LIKE A GLOVE.
Good to know. Thanks.
The pit bull’s jaws are clamped on that story.
He was on Bannon this morning.
All I am interested in is that Jan 6 people who are locked up get an honest fair trail.
I have no interest in dems spinning lying and propagandizing their fascist communist spiel. No interest in the so called Republicans like Cruz who is twisted because he wants President or some of those other two faced rep.
So I am with you why clod my mind with junk.
Me, too, for all of this.
The man is evil not honest a communist puppet. These are not democrats.
More on supply chain of food and other goods…
I’ll say this for Sundance; he is at war and on FIRE about the supply chain and coming collapse.
And I believe him.
It IS in folks BEST INTEREST to pay attention to the coming supply chain collapse.
It IS in folks BEST INTEREST to PREP. Develop contingency plans.
It IS more than simply bare store shelves, for days or a few weeks.
Yes. There will be rioting in cities. If you live in a city, you’d better have bug-out plans. And you’d better keep your car full of gas.
That goes for EVERYONE.
We have a long distance possibility but its in your state. Dunno if we’d be able to get gas on the way. Mr gil feels we are safer here atm.
Just keep a very close eye on the situation. I really wish you could leave that place permanently.
I hope Coothie can leave really SOON.
Agree w/ you. We need to keep our Q-Treepers in prayer!
I do too. Now with my surgery in less than 2 weeks and unknown health consequences (hopefully minor) he has to work for the medical insurance.
We are in a better burb so the nastiness wouldnt hit us immediately.
If our economy collapses though, the whole world will be on fire.
Just have a contingency plan. Even if it’s “shelter in place.”
I swear im busting at the seams with food.
The scary thing is my surgery is when this is supposed to go down.
Well, I pray nothing at all happens to disrupt that in any way.
You and me both. Complication free during and after.
Praying Gil…
Hesitate to post this.
Quite possibly, out of line. I do that. Below can apply to many, with a tweak or two.
Unsolicited thoughts for consideration, modification, OR totally dismiss. 🙂
Smiling, “busting at the seams with food.” A nice feeling.
“…when this is supposed to go down.” Truth is, it MAY NEVER GO DOWN.
One day at a time. Increasing time from Covid. Surgery, primary focus.
Truth is, I am just starting my bug out plan. Have never seriously considered it a likely necessity. If nothing else, it is a good mental exercise. With today’s environment, I will make a plan.
Out of sequence. If bug-out is a consideration, if the day arrives… Sounds like you have a likely destination. Major step ahead of me.
Already have a plan. Yes, great. No, consider the following. Make reasonable assumptions, within capabilities and limitations. Make it functional. Talk it out. Document the plan. Even informal notes work. Load out planned, but not executed. Until, IF necessary.
Routing? Sort of like Chiefio planning his CA getaway to FL. He has numerous routes. Everything from major highways, secondary, lesser roads, including BLM. Latter I take as a bit melodramatic, but potentially smart as hell.
BTW, having made MANY cross the states and international moves, with little kids, please allow Kiddo to be part of the solution, the plan. Reassuring. Fun if possible. Comforting, in a less than ideal reality.
Whether bug-out happens or not, CASH IS KING. CASH needs to be on-hand. Always.
IF Bug Out happens, carry, loaded. Mindful kiddo is along for the ride. IF no CCW, at least carry unloaded in a lock box. Magazine loaded, NOT in the gun, IN lock box IS legal in CA. Lock box at the READY to be opened AND loaded.
For now, distance from Covid AND surgery primary focus. All this other stuff IS manageable, What If Stuff. At the most, discussion and light research for now.
My husband is a big train nut he told me he sees more trains now with boxcars and containers. The trains are a mile long. We used to see them filled with coal but now box cars and containers.
He told this is America there is always a solution people find a way they always do that makes America so special. He does not think much will be missing from shelves in stores. The cost might be a problem for many people specially those who rely only on SS.
Yes, we will find our way forward. We always do.
The degree of difficulty, pain, is the unknown.
Those with SS, limited income will certainly have tough times. IMO.
Unless the injection mandates get wholesale tossed, inflation will TRULY SKYROCKET.
Health insurance. Within a month or two, I DO expect unvaxed will have levies on their health insurance. Private insurance will levy first. Then Medicare a few weeks later.
Trains. Last week.
You are a train nut also 🙂
You sound like my husband who has all the train routs memorized. He watches trains on his computer endlessly. There are people out there uploading videos of train crossings 🙂
He took over half the basement with his train set. I do not mind keeps him busy 🙂
Trains ARE cool. 🙂
I used to ride in steam pulled trains and later electric in Germany. I never thought a thing about it since it was a common transportation in Germany and still is.
Not out of line, its thoughtful. Planning those various routes is a good idea.
“…Our administration did what they said could not be done — vaccineS in record time…”
Now go and listen to the of the Stew Peters interview with Dr Malone. Is Dr Malone saying what I think he was saying??? He was working with the military on a vaccine under Trump but the FDA tossed up road blocks? (Sorry I can not find the spot he says that)
~ 24 minutes he talks about DARPA and it gets VERY interesting at that point.
FOUND IT: it is at 11 minutes.
“….Remember I work closely with the Defense mumble Agency but it is a different branch I work with Chem-Bio Defense group those are the ones that are the ones sponsoring the high dose mumble ?silicoxcin? (11:52) that are now in clinical trials FINALLY. It took 2 years with all the FDA barriers…”
Can anyone figure out what he is saying?
“I worked closely with the Defense Threat Reduction Agency”
“…high dose curmonity (comirnaty???) & silocoxin trials that are now enrolling Finally. It took 2 years…”
“I worked closely with the Defense Threat Reduction Agency”
That’s what it sounds like to me too.
great minds 😉
Thanks guys!
Does make you wonder exactly what they have been up to.
Always! Those of us in The Light are not really capable of fully comprehending the Darkness–Thank God!!!
“…sponsoring famatodine and celecoxib trials that are now enrolling…”
That’s what I hear. Here is a reference:
Great work!
Thanks! I only had to listen about twenty times, and do an internet search on famatodine covid studies to find the word celecoxib!
I love Dr. Malone, but dayum, I wish he’d enunciate!
You and me BOTH, having the audio glitch didn’t help either.
Should work though.
“…were chosen for anti-histamine and anti-inflammatory effects….”
Makes you wonder if the trials were intentionally buggered. Also those were complete in September and Dr Malone is talking now.
I do think many of the studies of things that “should” work for covid were sabotaged.
These statements are getting better everyday. 🇺🇲 🇺🇸
h/t Marica
Interesting that Clif High predicted the dollar would fail within the next few months.
Kazakhstan capital Nur-Sultan declares state of emergency
2013 Conspiracy website
The Illuminati Capital ASTANA Kazakhstan
January 19, 2022.
11 9 222 or
11 11 22
NOT a random date.
The government of Kazakhstan fell. I was saving that for the daily tomorrow.
If you need them, action vids at TheJuggernaut88 🙃 . Will gladly wait for your open.
And won’t mention anything about Russian Troops being committed nor the Fed announcement at 2pm that has sent everything Financial over a cliff from that point. Not sure if that’s tied. But as Gail says below… Clif High….
Asatana–Could it be Satan-a?
Would anyone like to parse this one out? To me, it smells to high heaven —
The page is gone ?
Found it on Politico —
“Money Quote” from the article:
“Still, the GOP leader said in a brief interview that he would be open to entertaining changes to the 1887 law, which allows members of Congress to dispute election results.”
Looks like THUNE and ROMNEY are also involved with the McConnell TURNCOAT movement.
YW !
What a creep. He is a turn coat if I ever saw one.
I just found where I will be getting my next dog! It may be a while, but this is the place.
They are laboratory dogs that have been rescued/retired. Beagles.
Fuck you, Fauxi.
Beegos! They didnt post the adoption fee though. Rescues here are bringing in sick dogs from mexico.
Yeah so cant find beegos down here. Found a very nice breeder in TX who will deliver a pup…..their babies though are 2k-3k. Paying that for a dog, even a nice dog, is beyond unaffordable.
Oh, heck no! Animal shelter mutt for me, unless it is a rescue, and not a fortune.
Heck, check you local vets. We got a dog that was left because the bill was too high. The vet asked if we would take him off his hands so we took him. (He worked on my ponies and horses and had been to my farm.)
What a good idea!
Veterinarians are good places have one dog through them and two cats. All left there.
It is sad to me that people lose pets over money.
Mine were dumped one mother with puppies the cats were found in a business section of Town. Some people want to go to Nursing home and leave their pet at the vet because they have no other place to leave them. I am sure some people have money problems. My vet is good some people pay off $25 a month. They charge more people who can pay 🙂
It’s nice your vet will allow payments. Many won’t.
These are country doctors. They know a lot of people and their circumstances. Those who can pay feel it like me but I am grateful I can pay my bill. One dog never gets sick. Peri has always had problems. My cats are very healthy rarely go to the vet just yearly look over. I just had them at the groomer since I am spring cleaning have to begin early 🙂 One room at a time . It is snowing if we get more than 3 ” I will take out my rugs . I made another appointment for March for them to be groomed and bathed. They like it. The vet has a spa routine for them. They were so tired 🙂 I need to get Woodford more often there he has lots of energy.
You have lucky pets!
We have about a foot of snow in the last two days, but I am not ready to take anything outside, because it is still snowing!
The plus side is we may lose a lot of Californians, Oregonians, and Washington Staters, who thought Montana would be a GREAT place to move to!
Maybe you loose the right kind of people 🙂
I like cold but I can see people who are not used to it can have a problem.
Stay warm 🙂
You, too!
I bookmarked that rescue. You never know…😊
I did, too.
I have a dog, but they sadly don’t live as long as we do. And I’m used to having a “good boy” around.
That is why I like ponies. I have had my first one for thirty-five years and at the rate we are going he could out last me. Heck MOST of my ponies will, with good care, out last me!

Now don’t you want one?
They are soo cute 🙂
They are super cute! I grew up in the county where the first “famous” miniature horses lived. They were so tiny and adorable. I think the guy went on the Carson Show with them one time.
A Shetland pony, stifling a cough, walks into a bar.
Bartender says, “Howdy there; can I get you something for that cough?”
Pony replies, “Thanks, but no… I’m just a little horse”….
(ducks and runs from flying horseshoes and nails, stale oats, carrots and sugar cubes 🙂 )…..
P.S. Those little horses looks really cool!
Lying Ted Cruz… S P I T !. I did NOT listen to the video.
FTA SD (Emphasis added below)
Senator Ted Cruz Calls J6 Protestors “Violent Terrorists Who Should Go to Jail for a Long, Long Time”
Oh dear, this statement by Senator Ted Cruz is going to put Ms. Julie Kelly in quite a pickle. Earlier today, Senator Cruz called the J6 protesting groups a bunch of “violent terrorists … who should go to jail for a long, long time.”
If the 2016 RNC convention speech didn’t shake off his supporters, perhaps this latest revelation will. Wolfman Cruz is one small nudge to the right of the one-eyed Cheney from Texas.
Thanks. Just about to post this.
Just showing his “true colors”.
I thought he was an excessively SLEAZY CREEP when he ran against POTUS.
#MeToo !
I was SO THANKFUL when PDJT came down the escalator…
Until then, I was worried that I was probably going to have to “hold my nose and vote” for that whiny, self-righteous, condescending (and INELIGIBLE) POS who probably would have lost to Jeb Bush, and almost certainly would have lost to Hillary.
I swear, he is so creepy he’s like the flasher in the park in a raincoat! The guy just weirds me out!
Ha ha ha! I get that vibe off him, too.
Love how you think 😂
Lol! I’m glad somebody does!
I’m not defending Cruz. I don’t understand why he’s phrasing things like he is in that video.
He is clearly standing up for law enforcement, which is usually a winning issue with conservatives, especially since the defund-the-police movement. But he’s a brilliant lawyer and should know that J6 goes way beyond “the men and women in blue.” He should know that some of them were acting at the behest of Pelosi, and one of them murdered Ashli Babbitt. And wasn’t there another woman beaten within an inch of her life by police? Surely Cruz isn’t calling those women “terrorists”?
Cruz said there was a violent terrorist attack on the Capitol on January 6. He does not say the people who were protesting the election certification were violent terrorists, but that is the logical take-away from his statements. So was there a terrorist attack by any group (not talking about MAGA people) at the Capitol that day? I’ve never thought about J6 in terms of terrorism, and of course not on the part of those who were there to peacefully protest. So what I’m getting at is, could he be talking about some other group that infiltrated the protests, were violent, and were there to do terrorist acts? Is he being cagey? I don’t think this is likely, but I’m just wondering what his justification for his statements will be when he learns that the entire MAGA movement is going to turn on him.
No matter how you slice it, he called Jan 6 a terrorist attack and he’d being rightfully taken to the wood shed for it and it doesn’t come out better in longer clips. He just carried Pelosi’s water, Garland’s water and paved the way for Biden tomorrow.
The only we he gets out of this is open an office at the J6 Gulag and remains there until everyone of them is out free and clear and then works to clear everyone of their names who have already been railroaded, while making space for Ray Epps and company. Something he and all the other republicans should of been doing from the beginning.
First Amendment:
I am hoping the result of Jan 6th is that Trespass law gets TOSSED!
Bravo! 👏
^^^ I dunno know. ^^^
I do believe…
Cruz has done NOTHING to highlight the J6 Political Prisoner plight.
Cruz is just another shithead Uniparty politician.
Right. I certainly haven’t seen it. But IMO, all of this is a smokescreen for the bigger issue of the stolen election. I don’t see Cruz calling for correcting that or for audits and the like. I think he wants to be president and would like nothing better than for PDJT to be out of the way.
Yes. Last week, Cruz said he was interested in running in 24.
IMO, Cruz IS Swamp, Uniparty, Certified POS.
We’ll Cruz certainly F’d that up. He must of been asleep when Trump refused to make a blanket condemnation of those at Charlottesville. That one act alone solidified Trumps base like never before.
He’s being a creepy sleazy RINO politician.
I will never vote for that clown. He showed who he was when he run for President in 2016 and I was not impressed.
One thing I agree on all the FBI and special forces that insight the riot should be locked up.
HA ! ..Ted Chaney?? or Liz Cruz? I guess it really dosen’t matter as they both work the same RINO position
..pass the eye bleach please.
At least they removed Cruz’s beard. 😂
😂 😂
but not aka BHO’s 😉
From ChiefNerd
Watch this one all the way through…
Wow, same one as Gails..
The 1986 Act that shields manufacturers from liability also requires them to keep VAERS accurate. So if VAERS is not accurate, the manufacturers are violating the law. If they say VAERS is not accurate, they are admitting to violating the law.
And as a reminder we already have a UMASS study that determined VAERS is under counted by a factor of 10 and a U of Columbia study that was a bit more stringent that says it is under counted by a factor of 41.
Good point. I wonder what can be done about this. It would be great if their immunity from liability could be forfeited because they have violated the Act.
They ARE LIABLE because they violated that law up the ying yang.
“…Provides that a manufacturer may be held liable where: (1) such manufacturer engaged in the fraudulent or intentional withholding of information; or (2) such manufacturer failed to exercise due care. Permits punitive damages in such civil actions under certain circumstances….”
“….Sets forth recordkeeping and reporting requirements for vaccine manufacturers. Imposes civil and criminal penalties for destroying, altering, or concealing any such report or record….”
Actually there is a lawyer working on this.
BOMBSHELL from attorney Thomas Renz:
Here it is as a BILL
I think Mr Bow-tie (who I do not trust) is referring to this:
Uh-Oh… HEADS UP ! :
JUST IN – Russian-led CSTO alliance has decided to deploy “peacekeeping forces” to #Kazakhstan.
CSTO alliance is the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) It is a Russia-led military alliance of seven former Soviet states that was created in 2002. The CSTO alliance Russia, Armenia, Belarus and Kazakhstan’s two neighbors, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.
Well it is NOT China which is the other neighbor so I would count it as a net positive.
(“Let’s see what happens…”)
Russia does not trust China never has. They pretend with each other but when it comes down to it they do not trust. Interesting alliance they all do not trust China I assume ?
AFAIK, all Russian space launches originate at the Baikonur Cosmodrome….in Kazakhstan (but leased to Russia).
If their lease were to be broken, they’d be shut out of space.
And you thought WE had it bad with no more shuttle.
Yeah, we never lost Canaveral or Vandenberg.
^^^ Things that make me go, Hmmmm.
Contrasts a “national divorce” with “relationship abuse”….
THE OTHER JANUARY 6 ANNIVERSARY that nobody talks about.
Here’s a link to an archived tweet quoted by Sundance in the twitter thread above
& the interesting pinned tweet at that account
Oct 21, 2021
Foia news!!! (Drumroll …) The DOJ just directed the FBI to expedite my foia request for Trump’s “declassified binder” of Crossfire documents!! Here’s the DOJ response and the underlying appeal. Doesn’t mean I’ll actually get the documents though. That is yet to be seen.
Apparently Senators Chuck Grassley & Ron Johnson are trying to help the info come out too…

Dec 14, 2021
The good senators sent this letter two months ago. We’re all still waiting for a response. My foia request for the same material was ordered “expedited” in late October. That was a good sign, but no documents released yet.
Seen on Gab…possible Q “proof”…
Now PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE fire Brian Stelter. I can not stand LOOKING at that THING.
What do you have against potatoes?
Or beluga whales?
LOL but the MAGA memester world would suffer on that diet 😉
Thread on violent attacks on the Capitol building.
Another skunk in the woodpile.
Jonathan Turley: Could the Maxwell Conviction Be Thrown Out Over Juror Misconduct?
The gist of it:
If her conviction were overturned, would there be a new trial?
This FOX headline answers that question:
Ghislaine Maxwell lawyers seek new trial after juror discloses he was sex abuse victim
Today was another January Anniversary – of Susan Rice’s ‘by the book’ story – and now we know what book.
or maybe it was the Communist Manifesto.
Exposing Hildabeast’s pedo group
Russian Revolutionary from early 20th Century…not sure if this is more of an anti-semitic or anti-commie thing. Just sharing fyi…
Genrikh Yagoda

Genrikh Yagoda was born into a Jewish family in Rybinsk, on 7th November, 1891. After leaving school he worked as an apprentice engraver. His employer was the father of Yakov Sverdlov. Yagoda came under the political influence of Sverdlov and in 1907 he was encouraged to join the Bolsheviks. Yagoda also married Sverdlov’s niece Ida Averbach.
After the successful October Revolution in 1917 Yagoda joined the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage (Cheka). Felix Dzerzhinsky was head of the organization. Dzerzhinsky later commented: “In the October Revolution, I was a member of the Military Revolutionary Committee, and then I was entrusted with the task of organizing the Extraordinary Commission for the Struggle against Sabotage and Counterrevolution I was appointed its Chairman, holding at the same time the post of Commissar for Internal Affairs.”
Dzerzhinsky explained in July 1918: “We stand for organized terror – this should be frankly admitted. Terror is an absolute necessity during times of revolution. Our aim is to fight against the enemies of the Soviet Government and of the new order of life. We judge quickly. In most cases only a day passes between the apprehension of the criminal and his sentence. When confronted with evidence criminals in almost every case confess; and what argument can have greater weight than a criminal’s own confession.”

It’s a nice idea, but not exactly accurate. (Definitions from
-ment is a suffix that derives from a noun-forming Latin suffix.
It is not the same root as the one for the mind:
Yes, not Latin. Mentis also known as Metis is Greek for the intelligence and resourcefulness. Pre-Socratic Philosophers used the term Mentis. Early Greek Mythology named Metis as the early wife of Zeus before Hera. He impregnated her and swallowed her. From there Athena, the goddess of wisdom was born out of his head.
dark “history”
Yep and after I turned the page, or I’d of updated that. Greek to govern is to steer. So it’s to steer with the mind. Which equates fine with your post.
Good information, but neither the Latin ment- (“mind”) — which is the beginning of words, not a suffix — nor the Greek mentis (also a word, not a suffix) applies to the English suffix -ment, which comes from the Latin suffix -mentum. They have the same spelling but are two entirely different word forms.
If the suffix -ment meant “mind,” then all English words would have that meaning: empanelment, encumberment, parchment, assignment, etc.
“true” in spirit if not in fact 😉
Alex Jones
Interesting find on Gab
Hunter Biden
The Big Guy
Saudi Arabia
Iran/pallets of cash
Clinton Foundation/Clinton Global Initiative/Biden Foundation
Pandora papers
Muslim Brotherhood
The Vatican Bank
CCP banning BTC
Bitcoin mining moved to Kazakhstan
Energy crisis
Interent shut down
Government toppled
Something big is going down.
Article below from 2017
Iran plans to buy Kazakh uranium ore, seek Russia help to make nuclear fuelIran plans to buy 950 tonnes of uranium ore from Kazakhstan over three years and expects to get Russian help in producing nuclear fuel, its top nuclear official…
“Something big is going down.”
One Belt, One Road Initiative –
In 2013 when China introduced its new ‘Silk Road Economic Belt, aka Belt & Road Initiative, President Nursultan Nazarbayev made it clear that Kazakhstan would be participating.
In July 2021, The Turgusun Hydropower Station began full operation. The Turgusun Hydropower Station in Kazakhstan, was constructed by China Water Resources and Electric Power External Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of China Three Gorges Group Co., Ltd.
This is the first of three Stations planned.
Kazakhstan’s first and currently only electrolytic aluminum plant-Pavlodar Electrolytic Aluminum plant was designed and constructed by China Nonferrous Metals Construction Co., Ltd. Most of the equipment of the plant is purchased from China, with a total investment of nearly 1 billion U.S. dollars and an annual output of 250,000 tons of electrolytic aluminum.
The largest asphalt plant in Kazakhstan-Aktau Asphalt Plant was jointly invested by China CITIC Group and the Kazakhstan National Petroleum and Natural Gas Company
China is also currently building roadways & rail lines that connect to the Aktau Seaport in Kazakhstan, with the goal of at least doubling their shipping volume on the Caspian Sea.
At present, Kazakhstan has proven oil reserves of nearly 5 billion tons, ranking 9th in the world, and its oil production has gradually increased, or will reach 81 million tons. The petroleum industry is the pillar industry of Kazakhstan, and oil revenue accounts for half of its fiscal revenue.
And Kazakhstan is the world’s top supplier of uranium.
Thanks Para. Very Interesting times we are living in for sure!
In the replies to that Gab post

@Sevenof9 @Lebronsonroids I believe kazakhstan used to be khazar. The Russians and the khazarian have been enemies for hundreds of years since Russia defeated them long ago. Makes you wonder about Russian forces moving into kazakhstan now
The above video smacks of hopium to me…& refers to GESARA/NESARA…
“7th-17th to be the 10 Days of Darkness”
“gold-backed USN” United States Note
Putin to offer “simplified Russian citizenship” to Ukraine etc.
Clicking on PIP lets one see the document the guy is reading from…
I believe this is the doc in the video…