The Pub is OPEN!
Yeah, we still have staffing problems, but who doesn’t under China Joe?
While off to a rocky start, we are staying open as many days of the week as possible, just like some of the small businesses that I patronize.
Keep up that LOCAL PRESSURE on the Biden cabal by going to school board meetings and supporting TRUE non-monopoly capitalism – it SKEERS Kapo and Little Red Jen somethin’ FIERCE.
Likewise, patronize those SMALL BLOGS that provide new viewpoints and ideas!
We Serve Whiskey And Guns To Indians Here!
Yup! FREEDOM is GOOD TROUBLE, and we’re in favor of it, for everybody, much to the consternation of our local maskies and vaxxies.
I had the special pleasure of being “refused service” by a maskie recently – he simply walked away from the cash register and went into the back. Some of it was due to race. Having been “not served” because of race before, I can spot that fairly easily, and this person was not exactly “hard to read”.
Three other staffers (all forced to wear masks, sadly) came to my assistance and took my order.
I maintained a pleasant demeanor, as part of one of several psychological warfare tactics that I have adopted recently, in fighting against the VAXZIS and MASKZIS.
While our beloved REAL bartender takes a needed break of unknown duration, we continue to ENDEAVOR TO PERSEVERE.
So what’s on the ODD BAR’S CRAZY MENU this week?
We’ve served alcohols our first week, including menthol, ivermectin, and hydroxychloroquine.
Next, we served amines , including second generation antihistamines.
Today, we’ll toast each other with an element that we’ll borrow from Steve…..
…..and some very special natural alcohols and derivatives, including among the 4 of them, 3 terpenoids, 2 phenols, 1 ester, and 1 ether.
More on these wonderful “liqueurs” later!
Christmas Spirit
There’s still time to spread omicron! GET BUSY!!!
While we do have some members out with Omicron now, including Brave and Free, the real question is whether we’re going to see a big peak in March and April, like we did in 2020.
And if you’re gonna get sick, you might at least consider having some willing cohort, looking for that natural immunity, to get sick with you!
![thank you thank you](
thank you pictures
Ah, thanks to SMILEY for reminding me of the goofy fun of these wonderful but stupid GIFs called “Blingees”!
And now, the rules of the pub.
God bless us, every one! Tiny Tim had such a beautiful soul. He hadn’t a mean bone in his body…unlike most of us. But in keeping with Christmas, we promise to honor Wolf’s rules and keep Scrooge at bay. The Utree is where the Ghost of Christmas Present will conduct you should you need to rattle some chains. Another option, should all hell break loose is here.
Now, back to business.
Current Art On The Wall
Now for something a bit different…..
…..and something a bit more familiar.
TES Special Edition
As one of the early “discoverers” of The Ethical Skeptic on Twitter, I was happy that I was able to get a few people interested in his precise and well-considered thoughts on things – especially regarding the phony scamdemic. TES was always utterly perturbed by the bad science of the “pandemic”, and worked on a daily basis to “correct the fact checkers” – which was all of hilarious, sad, and joyful.
After I was kicked off Twitter, I rarely saw him, due to my own laziness, really, but in 2021, some GREAT links to The Ethical Skeptic’s work popped up here. THANK YOU, to all who follow him and keep us informed.
THIS was a classic.
This work really helped me to GRASP and understand the leftist tactic of “pretending not to know”, and – more importantly – how to spot it.
So let’s look at some of his even more recent stuff.
Pimp Your Coof Kit
This one got us all thinking about “coof kits”, and GA/FL suggested some of us putting up our own versions. I initially thought that this might not be a good idea, because people’s needs and medical situations really VARY – one of the main reasons that “practicing medicine without a license” is actually a bad idea in normal times. I thought it better to have a broader discussion.
However, I just realized that I did put up a kind of “minimal” kit last week, and it’s worth looking at it.
This kit was designed for people who DON’T have a smart plan already figured out, and don’t want to investigate “hard to find” things like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.
Here is what I had, followed by my earlier reasoning. The main change is adding Vitamin C, as discussed below.
Wolf’s COVID Care Package
- Thermometer (thermal digital is easiest)
- Antigen test kit(s) (yeah, good luck finding one, although they are coming back after New Years)
- Antihistamine of your choice (Claritin, Zyrtec, and Allegra are the easiest – 1-2 a day)
- Aspirin (regular, or low-dose if your stomach doesn’t like it – 1 a day)
- Listerine or Betadine mouthwash/gargle for mouth and throat
- Vitamins C and D, Zinc, Calcium, Magnesium, Multivitamin including Selenium.
- Quercetin (including natural sources) or Green Tea
- Saline or other nasal spray, rinse, or wash of your choice
The thermometer tells you when to use your precious test kit – when you suddenly have a fever and a sore or tingly throat.
The test kit gets you a positive diagnosis that opens doors for things like antibodies, or an official test.
A positive test means you can BEGIN TREATMENT at THERAPEUTIC DOSES.
The antihistamine insures that YOU WILL ALMOST CERTAINLY NOT DIE, because it stops the second, allergic, inflammatory stage of COVID in its tracks.
The aspirin makes doubly sure you won’t get clots, but be careful – don’t take it if you’ve had trouble with aspirin. Talk to your doctor if unsure.
The gargles (Listerine or Betadine) massively reduce viral load and speed time to recovery.
The saline and nasal washes lower viral load, and maintain nasal breathing.
The quercetin and green tea help zinc’s antiviral action by increasing cellular zinc levels.
The vitamins and mineral supplements keep you at antiviral levels of these things. In particular, zinc and vitamin D3 need to be at non-deficient levels.
Please consult authoritative sources from TRUE medical doctors like the ones at
Cthulhu noted that I hadn’t mentioned Vitamin C – I have now added that, because it’s likely to help and can’t hurt (“First, do no harm”) and also follows the McCullough Principle (“Signals of Benefit, Acceptable Safety”). I don’t think it’s nearly as important as the antihistamine and “clot-blocker”, but I do have to admit that Vitamin C was certainly far better than nothing when I survived Wuhan with only mild lung damage.
What I’m going to do now is to encourage all of YOU to talk about your “war chests” and “coof kits”, and explain your reasonings about things.
This will help people who are deciding what THEY might want to add to their kits – OR REMOVE, if there is something better for their particular situation.
Remember – everybody has their own unique medical needs.
I will put my thoughts in the comments, just like everybody else.
NOW – about those natural “essential oils” in Listerine.
Let’s look at them.
Eucalyptol (2 views)
Methyl salicylate
These are all natural substances of roughly the same molecular size and composition (mostly carbon and hydrogen with 1-3 oxygen atoms), all of them being either pungent oily liquids or smelly, vaporous crystalline solids.
There are some relations between these things.
Thymol is basically menthol where the 6-membered ring has been made benzenoid – meaning like benzene – with 3 double bonds.
Notice that methyl salicylate is also benzenoid. Methyl salicylate is related to aspirin, and has similar activities. Don’t drink Listerine, even though the amounts are (believe it or not) rather small.
Eucalyptol is also structurally related to menthol, although it’s harder to see. Try to see it.
All of these natural substances, when isolated from their sources, were very early pharmaceuticals. They ALL have pharmacological activities, which many would regard as “primitive” by today’s standards, and yet, gargling Listerine is PROVEN to be extremely effective in reducing viral load of COVID-19 variants – about 80% as effective as iodine solutions.
Why might this be? Here is just ONE small line of immunological evidence.
To be honest, we’re a bit late to the game here. Native Australians from the first wave of immigration, roughly 65,000 years ago, discovered the utility of eucalyptol by their own investigations.
Here is some additional information about early Australian medicine using natural products.
There is a great picture of what is essentially a native doctor’s medical bag in the second link. When it freaks you out a bit, let it. This is a way of getting you to appreciate human intelligence outside your modern experience.
Lastly – IODINE.
I have not tried this, and I am not sure I would like it, but it’s a viable option, IMO. I actually like Listerine, and it worked for me on delta, so I’m happy with that. I did NOT try Listerine in the nasal cavity. Not sure that I’d like that. I stuck to saline.
I did find a paper that showed Listerine to be roughly 80% as effective as povidone-iodine.
Here is link to a review which states something similar, and a summary of the review.
Executive summary
- A review of literature was conducted regarding the use of commercially available antiseptics and SARS-CoV-2.
- Povidone-iodine (betadine), ethanol and essential oils (Listerine) and a combination of xylitol and iota-carrageenan (purified from red marine algae) were shown to reduce viral load of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro by 3–4 log10 in 30 s.
- Chlorhexidine, a widely used oral rinse, does not act as quickly in reducing viral load in 30 s as povidone-iodineI, but binds to cell proteins, extending protection.
- Hydrogen peroxide is not as effective as other oral rinses in vitro and cell toxicity is a concern.
- Hypertonic saline is not directly virucidal, but halts replication by increasing hypochlorous acid inside the cell.
- Several commonly used nasal antiseptics and gargles have shown efficacy against SARS-CoV-2 in vitro and clinical trials are currently underway to study their impact on disease course and transmission.
Future perspective
- These commercially available products should be further evaluated due to their potential ability to reduce the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and other viruses that are yet to emerge.
You can also make your own povidone-iodine gargles and nasal rinses – Dr. McCullough has retweeted a nice recipe for this. Click through to Twitter for more information.
Here is a great long post on all of these methods, including hydrogen peroxide – an alternative to iodine.
Do beware that some people need to be careful with iodine, including people with hypothyroid.
Dealing With Uncertainty
This is another GREAT article, talking about one of my FAVORITE complaints about modern science, which has resulted from a really SICK and UNHEALTHY compartmentalization, as well as insulation of scientists from internal criticism (lack of “herd review”). This condition has allowed all sorts of pathological science to gain ascendancy without check, balance, or proper community criticism.
For example, CLIMATE CHANGE gets more input from FINANCIERS than it does from the many scientists like me who think we are acting irrationally and presumptuously on ERRORS. These errors have been induced by the WRONG forces – beneficiaries not committed to truth – within a small pathologically influenced community – much like what’s going on with improperly influenced government science and the “clot shot”.
This piece by The Ethical Skeptic contains a graphic using a BULLSEYE which you really need to see. It makes a very important point about science – which I can apply DIRECTLY to Anthony Fauci.
Fauci’s extreme focus on antibodies to the spike protein as a nearly sole measure of “success” of the “clot shot”, is a perfect example of what TES is talking about.
I have referred to Fauci’s over-focus as “antibody hypnosis”. In fact, I see this kind of obsession and compulsion repeatedly throughout his career, and would wager that:
- it’s why he always “wins” against the Judy Mikovitses and the Kary Mullises
- it’s why he’s so highly paid
- it’s why he’s tied to so many “grim reaper” experiments
- it’s why corrupt industry loves him, and is in bed with him
TES makes a general point about the kinds of information which actually provide STRONGER PROOF – and this set includes something I love – INDEPENDENT CONFIRMATION BY ALTERNATE LINES OF REASONING – not just “duplication of results” and “confirmation of results” – which are both sadly lacking as well, but not nearly as important.
I have powerful, direct experiences in science with the need for RESOLVED DIVERSE INPUTS and AVOIDANCE OF HYPNOTIC REASONING as safeguards against pathological science.
However, THEY (and I mean “they”) are using various forms of hypnosis, including MASS, COMMUNITY, PEER, and INDIVIDUAL to advance science in ways that THEY want.
Human science is far more controlled than we either admit or understand.
Anyway, back to the article.
There is a quote from Elon Musk therein which is really worth your while, and which TES puts in the context of what he is talking about.
Bluntly, it feels wonderful to know that SOMEBODY GETS IT.
What Musk is talking about here is basically the “bullseye” metaphor that TES uses. And THAT is related to the following item.
While Fauci is very committed to the LEVELS of his antibodies, he has not properly processed feedback that would indicate he’s OPTIMIZING THE WRONG THING.
Here is a link to Steve Kirsch’s interpretation of Sucharit Bhakdi’s and Arne Burkhardt’s analysis of people who died after vaccination, showing that these deaths were ALMOST ALL related to the “clot shot”.
Kirsch REALLY explains this well. Malone takes note of this, too.
IMO, it would appear that Fauci is optimizing the WRONG ANTIBODIES in the WRONG WAY, because the vaccines are CREATING the WRONG ANTIBODIES in the WRONG PLACES.
Please read Kirsch’s article and then the Bhakdi-Burkhardt paper to understand this.
Now, Fauci may be optimizing the wrong antibodies in the wrong places for a variety of reasons. Those exact reasons are not nearly as important as the fact that they are simply WRONG.
I believe Bhakdi, Burkhardt, and Kirsch – this is a risky vaccine, and now we begin to understand WHY.
Based on this knowledge, I personally will not be taking these vaccines.
In my opinion, these results CLEARLY show that vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 should not be effected by IM injections of a full SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, and even more emphatically so, NOT by genetic vaccines delivered by IM injections. In my very early opinion, this is going to be a CLASSIC case for using RBD antigen (protein) and/or nasal delivery as a concession to the virus – with nasal delivery being used as a SAFETY feature and NOT merely a convenience.
To have SAFER vaccines for DISCRIMINATING SHOPPERS like me, we’re going to have to compromise with the virus. That’s just the way it is.
There may be SOME who thought that we could arrive at a compromise that would reduce human populations, but frankly I don’t like that deal.
In my opinion, ANYBODY with vascular, cardiac, clotting, or other issues like WANTING TO HAVE KIDS SOMEDAY, or NOT RISKING CANCER, should absolutely avoid the current clot shots.
In my opinion, the clot shot is stupidity advanced by greedy people who are controlled and manipulated by really evil people. In other words, it’s not stupid, greedy, or evil – it’s ALL OF THE ABOVE.
The DISEASE is no picnic, and I can see some people making the risk-benefit calculation in favor of the vaccine – particularly newer RBD antigen vaccines like Corbevax (Hotez/Baylor/India/open-source). But if people are dying in 5 years from experimental mRNA vaccines with the full spike protein – well, that is exactly like the RISK that one takes with SMOKING SOMETHING YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND.
Seriously, most Americans would refuse to take a novel “legal” or illegal designer drug, given stories like the “bath salts” and “Parkinson’s heroin” experiences which shocked the public in horror headlines.
Parkinson’s from Designer Heroin (Ironically related to Paraquat)
VIDEOS: (warning – they’re really sad)
Effects of “Bath Salts” (Euphemism for CCP Designer Drugs)
The CLOT SHOT is a RISK, and not all of us will want to take that risk.
Mandating that risk is EVIL, IMO, and Democrats deserve to DIE AT THE POLLS in November for it.
They have BLOOD on their hands.
ThEthSkep’s Big Fix of All Things Coof
This is what I really wanted to show you, right here.
The Ethical Skeptic, or TES, or “ThEthSkep“, as I sometimes call him, has proven to my satisfaction that CCP lied even MORE than we previously thought possible.
Is this hard to believe? That we got CHUMPED by CHINA yet again?
Yeah. Getting chumped by China YET AGAIN is a thing.
I am tempted to try to construct an “elevator pitch” of ThEthSkep’s argument, and have even asked him (in a moderated comment) if he could provide such a short explanation that I could pitch to others.
If he DOES provide one, I will do an entire post on it.
For the moment, I will just give you my “two paragraph description” of his very long and elegant post, which post I can guarantee most here will have trouble following.
TES argues that setting an earlier date for the actual initial Chinese release of an ancestral pathogen to current SARS-CoV-2, provides a far better explanation of the facts at hand, as well as some facts which he generated through analysis of the genetics of SARS-CoV-2 variants, than does the “standard model” of a late 2019 release, whether that late release is taken from the early Chinese LIES about a zoonotic outbreak in December 2019, or from the October 2019 Wuhan lab activities which have always struck me as potential disinformation.
In particular, an early 2018 release of a less pathogenic ancestor explains the omicron variant’s surprisingly early 2020 appearance and low pathogenicity so well, and China’s population resistance to the more pathogenic Wuhan variant, whether that was a descendant or (my thinking) a new release, that IMO it is the duty of the “standard model” to explain all of the facts better than the TES theory.
Now, like I said, this post by TES is not an easy read, even for those with some knowledge of the field, and even for those experienced in reading the scientific literature. He moves at “review speed” through a lot of reasoning and even his own work, which is not all shown, but which is all fully described and referenced.
I am actually WAITING for my first reading to fully sink in, but I can tell you this. As soon as I “freed myself” from the necessity of a late 2019 release, everything “coof” just started falling into place.
This is one of those things that starts generating RESETS in my mind, on everything I had thought before. Once you see what TES is getting at, it’s almost impossible to unsee it.
I talk to a LOT of people, and listen carefully to their thinking about COVID. One of my sources is somebody who has a lot of contacts in Europe and Asia, especially India, due to working for an international firm.
That person strongly believes, based on illnesses within the corporation as well as associated entities, that something like COVID-19 was already circulating worldwide during ALL of 2019.
I had set this aside, unable to fit it into everything else I knew. NOW, however, it makes easy sense. In fact, the details which I don’t want to give, fit his model of spread EXACTLY.
And THIS explains much better why Fauci, Baric, Dazsak, and all the others were ready to cover up – because a virus related to their research had already gotten out in 2018. Going along with the Chinese story was a RELIEF to them – and they grabbed on tightly.
In other words, a conspiracy of aligning interests, not something discussed on paper or by phone. It’s a brilliant Chinese move, actually. Proffer a lie and see if our own scientists will join them in it.
The USEFUL IDIOT American media? NO PROBLEM.
And not just THAT stuff, but now we have much more evidence that these bugs could have been “in the wild” EVERYWHERE – including possibly just outside the Baric lab, near where Gail Combs picked up a “coofy” bug much earlier than would have been possible with a late 2019 release. (I will let her address the time-frames.)
Consider that China could even have been trying to FRAME or intimidate Baric with a stateside release in the vicinity of his lab. Why? Because NOW we have MOTIVE.
Does it make sense NOW that these highly contagious bugs could have been getting out willy-nilly from these laboratories? Or that China has been playing fast and loose with biological releases?
What does this mean?
It means that the whole NIH-Fauci-Wuhan complex has been in cover-up mode, trying to SAVE THEIR DANGEROUS RESEARCH which they know is VERY likely to be SHUT DOWN BY A CONGRESS RUN BY THE PEOPLE – no matter WHAT THE CAUSE OF THIS RELEASE.
Remember how I said the President Wolf Moon would send a cruise missile into every BSL level 4 that didn’t shut down immediately upon his inauguration? Those missiles armed with whatever insured that all viruses were FRIED?
See the motive to get rid of Trump now? WE THE PEOPLE cannot be allowed to interfere with their “holy” research.
And wait – there’s MOAR.
Somewhere in the years between 2005 and 2010, around the time I got an extremely SARS-CoV-2-like infection, complete with anosmia, exhaustion, and “sore lung”, I took note of the fact that all of my Asian colleagues in the “anti-CCP” camp became very religious about taking COVID-like precautions in our CCP-Chinese-infested workplace. These precautions included isolation, surface and aerosol measures, like wipes, air filters, and even clothing choices.
Most of us dismissed it as an “Asian thing” like masks, even though it was a sudden and new social phenomenon, but because I had contacts in that community who were sometimes sources of insight on CCP skulduggery, I noticed that ONLY the “antis” were engaging in the protective behaviors – the mainlanders and pro-CCP Hong Kongers/Taiwanese were not.
Interestingly, I was not getting any good information on the trend – unlike other scuttlebutt at the time.
Was it real or disinformation? Was it an op to flush out the antis? Was it “anti” paranoia?
I have no idea. But I personally think that China has been up to “bio-tricks” for a LONG time – as in back BEFORE SARS (2003).
If 2018 is the first time China released any biologicals, I would be VERY surprised.
SO – see what you think. Read this sucker, and then think about it.
I think TES is onto something.
A Note About January 6 – and More
I have been avoiding all things January 6, largely because I don’t want to give Nancy Gambino any “lift” as far as her phony “investigation” into HER OWN CRIME.
I understand her game plan, and I’m not going to play along.
I would have loved to have recounted that amazing day in another long, glowing, “all about me and my experiences” post, but no.
In my opinion, we can bring down these horrible communists faster by focusing on whatever WE want to focus on.
Nancy says “the fight is over here”.
NOPE. Go to hell, Mafia Bitch. We know what you did. With Kapo’s dirty FBI. And the backing of Mitch McConnell and SCOFFLAW SCOTUS.
Some may want to join the fight against Pelosi right now, and please feel free to “follow Darren Beattie into Pelosi’s breach”, but I think that MANDATES are going to kill these bastards at the polls, if we just help them commit electoral suicide.
Expose the “clot shot” risks more fully, and show that the mandates are MORE EVIL.
We need to make Democrats – destroying America for GREED under the cover of virtue signals – absolutely unelectable, and I think we can.
Thank you all for being here. Have a great weekend.
I love this Post Wolfie!!! Happy New year Love!! We FIGHT!!! And we still together!! Phoenix has some family Member struggles! Erbody please Pray for them!!!
Still together!!! YES!! And Wolfie… My Grandson is almost 7!! Wth!! He’s telling new jokes now…LOL!! Not Knock Knock jokes!! You start!! Smuchas to you and Mrs. Wolfie!!!
Thank you, Marica! Good to see you! Will pray for Phoenix!!! Seven years old – that’s RASCAL age! 😉 BEWARE!!!
Kam-Kam The Corrupt! Jail To The Queen!
She can’t claim she’s the first African-American VP either.
Her father is Jamaican and her mother is from India.
And according to current maps, neither country is located in Africa.
AND she can’t claim American either because neither parent was American at the time of her birth. Foreign Students, like ambassadors are loyal to THEIR Countries and therefore their kids do not qualify any more than an ambassador’s baby.
She isn’t qualified to be the POTUS, so she should not be the VP.
Yes. When will that problem be solved? Natural Born Citizen means born here of two citizen parents. Period.
hildabeast is relieved
Hoe eclipsed hildabeast as THE MOST UNLIKABLE politician.
A racist component to not serving our Wolf? What, they don’t serve gray wolves — only red wolves? Or is it more basic than that…..they don’t serve wolves, only coyotes?
I think it was a 2-layer thing. “No mask” was the entitling act (my fault) allowing said person to “in moral righteousness, dispense social justice”. The social justice was then motivated by politically permissible bigotry.
Fun times for all species in Biden’s ChiCom America.
I lived in Hawaii for a while. I actually had Hawaiian servers in fast food and convenience stores look PAST me to the Hawaiian behind me at the counter, and serve them INSTEAD of me. Happened many times.
God, how I hated living there.
Back in 2020, my SIL and I went to lunch together at a local Mexican restaurant. Wore no masks. We came to eat on Taco Tuesday – why wear a mask into the place just to take it off to eat?. The masked hispanic hostess left her station and had the manager/owner escort us to the table. Some time later a hispanic family walked in without masks. She seated them – no problem. So it was nationalism or racism, not lack of masking. The later was just an excuse.
She’s did not last long working there. Our county stopped the masking BS fairly early into the process when the Gov backed off. People don’t last long around here if they are racists or foreign nationalists.
“Now, Fauci may be optimizing the wrong antibodies in the wrong places for a variety of reasons. Those exact reasons are not nearly as important as the fact that they are simply WRONG.”
Unless Fauxi’s reasons are nefarious, i.e., his reason for being wrong is intentional and wilful and malicious, in which case such a reason becomes of paramount importance, because it means that he is purposely evading the truth by focusing on the wrong thing, as opposed to just being stupid or ignorant.
And considering that Fauxi is a pathological liar with a trail of dead bodies related to his ‘work’ that stretches back nearly half a century, is there not every reason to suspect that his reasons are nefarious and malicious?
IMO, “reasons” motivating people are complex, multi-layered, rarely singular, and can include subconscious and unconscious motivations – particularly in Fauci’s case, because I believe he’s been “MKed” by somebody to do what he does.
I think the paramount thing is to stop the damage and get him out, which may require the help of Democrats who can NEVER be brought to believe that Fauci could be anything worse than “honestly mistaken”.
That’s why I say it’s simply more important to get him out because of a larger agreement that he is “in error” (remember that “error” often equals “sin”), than it is to come to agreement as to HOW or WHY he’s “in error”.
Save the kids now. Worry about punishment later. That’s my vote.
“Save the kids now. Worry about punishment later.”
I was thinking AND logic, i.e., save the kids AND punish Fauxi now 👍 😁
Always worth a try, but not a fail! 😉
Leave him right where he is. His public credibility is shot.
At this point, he is causing the DS way more damage than help.
The large majority of people HATE Fauci. Only the irredeemable and lost worship him.
And when it ALL comes out, that SOB is TOAST.
Yep – spot on. Leave him there dangling in the wind for all to see as a symbol of their genocidal evil. The Hitler of modern medicine.
From one of your Australian links, there’s the line: “Australia has more than 1,000 wattle species. The gum of some species (golden, silver and black wattles) was an important food as well as a useful cement.”
Which leads to….it’s a floor wax AND a dessert topping…
LOL!!! Wow.
Great article, Wolf, with lots of interesting reading ahead. I’ve long thought COVID was here earlier than they claim, since I had it in early December 2019. Also, there was an article here in a local paper sometime in early 2020 that they had discovered it was already in Oregon by October by examining blood in the blood bank. That article has now been memory holed, so I can’t give a link.
You’re in luck! I found it.
This is REALLY COOL, because IMO it shows “Nelsonian knowledge” and “Nelsonian inference”.
“Let’s dig back to HERE.”
“OMG! Look what we found! A nothingburger! And it’s in perfect condition!”
They knew they would find the wave you were caught in. But they didn’t dig back further, and find the shockers even earlier. Or if they did, they figured out how to exclude that data.
See? EVERYTHING is explained better by assuming that CCP lied MOAR.
Ah – wait – this only goes back to December! So somebody ELSE busted THIS Potemkin study!!!
OMG – figures – Red Cross was helping them build the NARRATIVE.
Yeah, that Red Cross article says “The findings of this study indicate that that it is possible the virus that causes COVID-19 may have been present in California, Oregon, and Washington as early as Dec. 13-16, 2019, and in Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, Michigan, Rhode Island, and Wisconsin as early as Dec. 30, 2019 – Jan. 17, 2020.” I had it way before December 13th. By that time, I was well on the way to being over it.
People would never catch this stuff were it not for “Q tips”. “Those who you trust the most.”
Oh, wow. Yup. Helping cover up.
Texas late De 2019.
I had it the last week of November, 2019.
I believe I caught it in Chapel Hill, NC, in mid-February 2020.
OK – here you go! They found it in Italy in September of 2019, already “prevalent”!!!
And THIS could have been a different variant, less lethal.
I had it late Nov early Dec 2019 in OH.
Me, too, Singing, last week of Nov. through the first week of Dec., in Montana.
About same time here. I had an eye doctor appointment I moved to first week in January. The cough was still there and hung on to March. Cough drops were my friend. I had no idea until later that I had covid.
The University students had it also in November and some were real sick and dropped classes.
It was the first time ever in my LIFE that I had a chest cold. Really. Every time I get sick, it goes UP into my sinuses and ears.
But that time, I had a racking chest cough, so bad that I coughed out all my breath and panicked, because I couldn’t breath in for a minute. Scared me so bad I went to the doctor for codeine cough syrup.
And I knew other people who had it then, too.
h/t Insty
LOL! OMG – sad!
Mocking ridicule is the perfect response to the seriousness which they NEED to use in this situation.
Reposting this late (and vital) post from yesterday by kalbokalbs…
So….let’s recap….
Quercetin + Vit C
Vit D
Chelated Zinc
One may substitute HCQ or Ivermectin for the Quercetin + Vit C. Any of these three will work as the “gun” to deliver the zinc into the cells. It is the zinc which kills COVID. The Vit D acts to optimize the immune system and keep things from getting out of hand while the zinc does it’s thing.
By the way, for anyone interested…..
Ivermectin, in pill form, is available OTC in Mexico. Cheap. No prescription required. And did I mention….? It’s CHEAP.
And can I just say….?
I’m delighted to make this post today, a day after the Jan. 6 protest anniversary and (for all intents and purposes) the 2 year anniversary of the PLANNED-EMIC.
Again, h/t to kalkobalbs…
….and a MASSIVE THANK YOU to a true American hero and patriot…
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko
By the way, in looking up Dr. Zelenko on his wiki page I found this tidbit…'s_FDA_approval_claim
Here is the whole thing…
Zelenko talks to FDA boss Hahn, then gives a lecture that was attended by Jerome Corsi. Corsi then “inadvertently” sent an email to corrupt democrat Aaron Zelinsky, former member of the Mueller SC, which sparked an investigation into Zelenko.
Funny how that happened.
Corsi’s disgusting rat fink status confirmed! 😡
Btw, Hahn’s wiki page is a fascinating read, too.
Amazing what one can find online.
Moves and countermoves.
Can’t tell who is who without a program.
Corsi. WOW.
Amazing what is online. Just a matter of putting it all together.
But that Corsi thing…. I think we all knew. He had a hand in taking down Alex Jones, didn’t he? I forget the history there.
But I don’t want to derail from kalkokalb’s post.
Important to keep THAT in focus.
Quercetin + Vit C
Chelated Zinc
Vit D
You can buy capers, too, as a tasty way to consume quercetin.
For those unfamiliar with capers, they are the flower buds of the caper bush — picked while still swelling, and pickled. They are famously used in dishes like veal piccata, where they are delightful little squinches amongst the veal and the sauce. My preference is to do a brief rinse to get rid of most of the vinegar on the outside, but not a wash to get it out of the inside.
Caper bushes grow in various places around the Mediterranean Sea. I’ve grown them here in Silicon Valley, but put ’em in greenhouses over the winter.
I was at a company dinner one time and the idea of “capers in your fridge” came up, and I pointed out that it was quite unlikely that any of our staff know what they were — so we took a quick poll. It was zero for six.
You can get really tiny jars in your supermarket for really substantial prices, but you can get giant jars cheap as dirt at a restaurant supply outlet. The common size is “nonpareils”, which are about the size of a BB. You can get them much larger.
I knew capers from Europe . My mother put them in Chicken Fricassee.
Yes! Mmmmmm!
Yes it is good with rice and used to be a Sunday dish in my parents house.
We add them to our homemade (Albacore tuna) fish dip.
Your choice of cracker at happy hour. 😆
That sound good also 🙂
Except I hate capers. blech.
De gustibus non est disputandum….
I, myself, cannot enjoy oranges. I like lemons and limes. But my dad gave me an orange when I was a child and told me I could not put it down until I ate it. It got pretty grungy over the next 30 hours before he threw it away, and I have not eaten an orange since.
OMG! How about OJ?
Nope. How do you think I got scurvy?
Not a caper fan, either. I have to watch what ingredients are in various things as intolerances keep popping up. The one that bites is cinnamon. My mom and I both have symptoms after eating cinnamon.
I have seen Zinc picolinate as a stand-alone supplement.
Zinc oxide (as listed in a daily multivitamin).
“Zinc (as Zinc Citrate, Zinc Picolinate, Zinc Amino Acid Chelate Complex)” as a Zinc stand-alone supplement.
And “Zinc Mono Methionine Chelate Complex” as part of a Zinc + Quercetin capsule supplement (Sandhus brand).
Are any / all Zinc forms interchangeable for our purposes, i.e., the Zelenko protocol?
Zinc oxide is the one most prone to “uptake failure”, although that is a very individual thing. However, all the other forms are basically “chelated zinc” of one kind or another, and they are guaranteed highly available in your digestive tract. I don’t find much difference between different chelated forms, but YMMV.
Zinc absorption is a kind of individual thing. Some people experience major facial flushing when they take zinc. Others less so. Also the amounts where this happens vary.
I don’t take as much zinc as most of the folks here. I experience a lot of physiological stuff from just 10 mg of zinc. You can moderate zinc “overdose” by taking some magnesium or magnesium plus calcium.
Spring Valley has a Calcium (1000mg), Magnesium (400 mg) & Zinc (15 mg) with D3 (600IU)
That is what I normally take. If I feel a virus coming on I take the 50 mg.
In winter I also take 5,000 IU of D3
I think I just bought that exact Spring Valley thing last night!
I find it easy to take my Zelenco Z-Pack. Other days I take my eye meds and green tea or Nettle or red onions.
I should buy separate quercetin.
Thank you! 👍
The usual two-capsule or two-chewable tablets daily dose of the PreserVision AREDS2 eye supplement has 80 mg pf Zinc — 727% of the daily value (DV) amount.
The 4-chewable tablets daily dose of Airborne has 8 mg of Zinc — 73% of the daily value (DV) amount.
Just a couple of examples of how Zinc is incorporated into the ingredients of OTC supplements.
I have on Areds for 20 years . I should have enough zinc in my body 🙂
On days when I take Areds2 I do not take Zelenco’s Z stack. I am concerned I overdose on it.
My understanding — and any corrections are very welcome — is that the “measured amount” in a zinc supplement is the amount of zinc. So 50 mg of zinc in zinc citrate, zinc picolinate, zinc or gluconate will each deliver the same amount of zinc to your system.
That said, my personal experience is that zinc citrate will turn my guts to hamburger, while zinc gluconate is well-tolerated.
So I believe that all zinc forms are interchangeable for the Zelenko protocol, but may be vastly different in other ways.
Excellent, thank you! 👍
Elderberries are delicious, too. You can buy dried ones. Some people hate capers. I love them.
Ah! Dried elderberries may be a thing!
The best thing about anything dried is it lasts forever if kept properly.
Here’s what little I know. Corsi was somehow affiliated with AJ (in what capacity, I’m not sure). Corsi started doing Q interpretations which were far inferior to those of some others. Then at one point Corsi started to cast doubt on Q and to denounce him. But AJ did plenty to discredit himself. There is a video where he says he talked to Q. AJ was trying to make people believe he is the ultimate insider, when Q said there are no outside communications. As Gail noted, Q had warned about those trying to profit off of Q. He was talking about Corsi, and I thought maybe AJ too.
Corsi’s disgusting rat fink status confirmed! 😡
YUP! As soon as I saw his name that is what I thought.
He was also trying to take down Q.
When Q warned of those profiting he was talking about Corsi.
I remember that. There always has been something strange with that guy.
Yeah, Corsi has been outed a number of times. What a slime.
Corsi was always suspect (rat fink) and now confirmed.
FLCCC IVM source list includes a few in Mexico.
Back when I was evaluating IVM sources, one in Mexico offered “insurance” if the off chance a shipment was intercepted by USPS.
My guess. Quite likely, order to delivery time from Mexico less than typical India ~fifteen days.
Would have pursued Mexico based on proximity AND insurance, had I not already had success with India.
FLCCC provider list:
Dr. Zelenko makes a very important argument about keeping one’s IMMUNE SYSTEM running as well as possible.
I believe I got COVID-19 in mid-February, 2020, after being exposed to it in a crowded restaurant (people coughing, etc.) in Chapel Hill.
I believe there’s a good chance that my own immune system was not at par at that time, as I had just spent the entirety of 2019 in intense therapy for PTSD. I can testify that a tough case of PTSD can compromise the immune system, no matter how many vitamins and supplements one takes. I believe my immune system was down far enough for the virus to breach it.
I believe people need to do whatever they can do keep their immune systems in top form. And if they’re in treatment for something (cancer, heart disease, PTSD, auto-immune condition, etc.), perhaps also to be careful about being in a crowd situation. NOT advocating masks, social distancing, etc. — just to be aware and listen to your body.
First we show how the “science” under Fauci, the CDC, the FDA, and the HHS was corrupt…
…a process well underway.
Then we tie that same scientific corruption, graft, and malfeasance to the “science” of “climate change”, and all THAT entails.
We successfully do this, we bury the political left for a generation, possibly three.
Climate change is the graftiest graft of all.
The fastest way people start to use common sense again is to turn OFF the MSM. Completely. It’s like something straight out of “They Live”. Cutting the Cable and then turning down all offers of Netflix and all the other phony cultural Marxism. It just frees the mind from all the crap.
Yep. It’s a constant reinforcement of garbage. Like a computer……garbage in, garbage out.
Gotta shut off the flow of garbage in order to have any chance at grasping reality.
Cutting the cable is like John Nada putting on the sunglasses in “They Live”…
Much easier said than done with certain age groups. I couldn’t get my parents unhooked from cable if I tried.
Nothing to do with age group. I am in your parents age group. Bordom not having an hobby or not using Internet as we do? Even if I did not have internet I have lots to do or find things to do.
One has to be careful with Internet also. Sometimes people find themselves on forums or places that are as bad as TV. I enjoy not hearing TV the quiet is nice.
The fastest way people start to use common sense again is to turn OFF the MSM.
^^^ THIS IS what set me FREE, from the 24/7, orchestrated narrative. Dumbing me down.
Absolutely LIBERATING.
Asking again…
What is a reasonable supply of food for the coming shortages?
I’m thinking 3 months. What am I missing?
(thank you to kalkobalks for the response in yesterday’s post)
Two of my smartest preppin’ friends – no – make that three – all have over a year’s supply of food. One showed me how little space it took for 1.5 years. And it’s all constantly rotated.
IMO, 3 months is minimal. It just depends on how sideways things go. I think there is some possibility that they’ll use certain tactics that will stress 3 months.
That would seem to represent a BIG change in habit and a significant time investment.
To say nothing of the cost.
One way you can compromise is to add 3 months of emergency food using GMIT’s method – rice, beans, flour, sugar, oil, etc. – you can buy $100 bucks worth and pack it into lid-sealed 5-gallon utility buckets (will fill 3 or 4 or them). It only has to last 3 years, then celebrate Trump or DeSantis with a bunch of rice tacos and a big party! 😉
Well, maybe it’s just me, but I’m beginning to suspect the current administration is not going to last that long.
The damage it is causing is a different story, although I read here in yesterday’s Open that PDJT says the damage can be easily and quickly reversed.
I’m with you.
I have been pretty pessimistic over the past six months or so about getting this bunch of usurpers out, but something has changed in the wind in the last two weeks.
I don’t know exactly what it is, and I can’t put a finger on it. But that comment by Trump solidified the feeling.
Maybe a sudden uprising by so many people that it overthrows the current government? Something else? I just don’t know.
It was a great statement by Trump. Would be nice if that interview with OAN/ Bobb went viral.
It was. Hopeful.
Absolutely agree, current administration won’t last three years. Who replaces a huge concern.
Not losing sight of fixing 2020, 2022 COULD totally throttle BiteMe, Hoe and all them socialists.
I was relieved when Trump said damage is easily fixed. I also believe it.
You can go to something like My Patriot Supply but I rather do my own pick and choose.
You can get the big bags at Sams Club or BJs or Coscos.
Don’t buy anything you would not be willing to eat. I figure it is a SAVINGS because if I buy cases of the stuff I use NOW, then when the prices go up, I have saved. I also rotate stock.
If you want to talk cost and time investment, THINK FEED for my livestock. My back (and bank account) still has not forgiven me.
Peace of Mind. Potentially a huge dividend.
Change in habit easily accommodated. Time minimal, mostly an initial outlay.
Cost also mostly an initial outlay. Beyond that, electricity for the freezer and a place to put the stuff.
Black marker dates on cases or individual containers as appropriate.
Rotating stock is simple. Given the discipline, required organized mindset of pilots, simple. (It’s a compliment. 🙂
Nothing goes to waste. Net positive.
I collected over a year. I kept ordering 26 lb bucket grains , rice, oatmeal.
Every time I was at Cosco bought Tuna and sardines, beans, Ghee. Ordered extra dog and cat food. Ordered cans of chicken and beef. Have extra olive oil. I can make meals out of all of the items I have.
Get organic meat through Internet every 6 weeks. Also get fish 3 times a year.
I have canned some vegetables, some soups and bone broth to make more soups. Each need of family is different I believe. For two people it is easy.
Still have greens and carrots in the garden.
“One showed me how little space it took for 1.5 years.”
If he showed you, he probably showed others, so chances are his stash will be the first to get raided.
You might as well do it, that way you’ll have something to share with him.
If anybody else takes his stash, he won’t get any at all 👍😁
I have a closed front porch I have heat in it but turnend it off. I keep my grains in buckets there and my flowers fig tree to overwinter. It is the coldest part of my home. I have maybe 7 buckets of grains all different type.
As lawyers are fond of saying, “circumstances alter cases.” Don’t tell us, but think about where you will likely be and what you will likely be doing. If, for instance, you think the crisis will ground all civilian air traffic, you’re going to come to a very different set of parameters than if you think that civilian (possibly cargo) air traffic will be protected — or if it will be militarized.
You can already thank your lucky stars that your homebase is not in NYC, Chicago, DC, LA, SF, Portland, or SeaTac. If you were there, I’d advise a positively insane amount of storage because things are going to get very weird and dangerous.
And it’s never a bad idea to stockpile metals — precision-shaped steel, brass, and lead.
Shoot. (pun intended)
I stopped buying that stuff a long time ago.
If SHTF, my family and friends have more than enough to supply me. Many, many times over.
Can you walk there and back?
Fwiw….I don’t think food shortages will affect air travel unless it be to specific destinations which people avoid by not going there. And I don’t think air travel will be militarized. That would be akin to marshal law, and this administration does NOT have the public credibility or political capital to afford that.
My thoughts IF I still lived in the heart of the Bay Area, San Jose.
You prolly know all of this.
Can’t imaging hunkering down in the Bay Area. I know the shit hole it was, AND IS likely far worse than I know.
Egress with nominal supplies AND ARMED, including CASH, would be the priority. Full tank of gas. Slink on over to rural highways such as CA/NV88. Open year round. Conservative solidly Red towns along the way. Given the low population, lots of gas and small IGA supermarkets. Auto parts stores and repair shops.
Zero chance I’d be found on I-5, 80, US 99, 50… CA 49 gives great tentacles in the Sierras. CA 4 closes in the winter. Even CA 120 through Yosemite drops onto US 395, Lee Vining. ~25 miles to NV. Very few will consider this route. CA 120 also closes for the winter. Downside of 120 through Yosemite is gas.
Get into NV, skipping Vegas and Reno easy. Rest of NV solidly Red. Easy access to ID, UT, western OR, WA and beyond.
I did not see his response, but I have:
Quick Oatmeal
….dried cranberries
…..Dried banana chips
…..cinnamon, allspice, clove & nutmeg + splenda as sweetner
20 lb bag basmati rice (10 minute)
15 bean soup — I am lazy and decided against getting individual beans
Canned Chicken
dried mushrooms
Canned water chestnuts
onions, garlic, spices like turmeric, thyme, sage, rosemary…
You can get either canned ham or country ham that does not need refrigeration. There are also hard salamis
Other canned protein
Sardines IN OIL
Salmon IN OIL
tuna fish IN OIL
Peanut butter
Almond butter….
Wasa crispbread aka Hardtack😄 Crackers
canned (or dried) veggies, fruits, tomato paste,sauce,diced…
egg noodles & variety of pasta
Jars of Bertolli Alfredo Pasta Sauce and other sauces.Dried & canned milk
Olive oil. It will keep for a year or more and packs calories in a small space.
sugar (BARTER)
salt (BARTER)
flour (BARTER)
Distilled vinegar (Emergency food preservative)
regular Clorox for disinfecting water.
And if you can get them box matches.
All of the above are room temp storage.
You want barter? Stockpile hooch. Be prepared to defend it.
Good thinking!
Well I do have a decent quantity of wine in my stock pile….
If it comes to barter, nobody will assign a premium for fine wines or fine liquors. It’s best to have a case of hooch than a bottle of single-malt; it’ll be better to have a case of plonk than a particularly nice vintage.
![comment image](
Better barter? Be able to MAKE IT.
I come from a long line of bootleggers, all the way back to the Original Thirteen Colonies.
Good selection. I have almonds and walnuts and raisins. Lots of spices. No peanut butter but need to buy almond butter or make my own. I could my own Almond butter.
I do not store noodles or items I can make myself but the items to make them. Have plenty of Kosher , sea salt, and pink salt. I also have lots of coconut oil vinegar all type and soap for washing clothe.
I could barter baking bread 🙂
Canned milk is also good to have beside dry milk. I have a pizza oven on my patio if we ever loose electricity or gas. I can bake bread in it or cook one pot meals or steak , chicken. I can convert it to wood or gas .
“What is a reasonable supply of food for the coming shortages?”
Too little, and you’ll be hungry. Too much, and you’re just wasting space and resources.
What you want is enough, plus a little extra, for a margin of safety.
“I’m thinking 3 months. What am I missing?”
That our government would even try to solve a food shortage? Which they created? Much less do it in 3 months?
If the government was even competent to solve a food shortage — which it isn’t.
Have you seen the people running our government?
Do they seem like problem-solvers?
It’s easy to break stuff, including supply chains.
That’s why Hussein and now [JB] are so successful, because it doesn’t take any talent or skill to destroy from within — not when people in government have to do whatever you say, no matter how stupid or dangerous it is to our country.
But fixing stuff, making stuff work, that’s hard.
And it’s not consistent with their objectives, declared or inferred.
They’re not here to fix things and make stuff work… that’s not their wheelhouse… 😉
In hard times what works for people is knowing how to do things yourself. Know how to cook make healthy meals out of little. Get just the most basic is the best like grains. Have dried beans, lintels barley is basic and wheat berries , rye and oat. That is how I am stocked. Cans tomatoes, fish , meats, canned vegetables and a garden and have seeds. Dry milk can milk. different oils ghee and frozen butter. I am sure I missed things.
I have noticed that we have many here who are accomplished cooks and bakers, from scratch, using all of the most basic ingredients. Both of my grandmothers had those skills. A little of that was transmitted to my Mom, and that’s as far as it went.
I may be the only one, but if I had sacks of flour, or sacks of grains, etc., unless I was cooking for an army (or a really big family), it doesn’t seem very practical.
And many of the foods frequently mentioned as being good for storage are things I have either never eaten, or wouldn’t normally eat, unless of course I was starving.
For example, I don’t like beans. I wouldn’t know a lintel from a yard weed. I’ve never heard of a wheat berry.
I like fresh tomatoes, but not enough to eat canned tomatoes. Frozen fish is fine (as long as the freezer works), but I would probably have to lose half my body weight before I’d eat canned fish. 😁
For those of us who are not Grizzly Adams or Julia Child, there has to be a different approach.
Going by what I regularly read that people stock up on here, what follows might be spartan by comparison, but hopefully, good enough to survive.
Something like the following:
Bottled water (several cases)
Water filter for tap water (something like a Brita, minimum)
Campbell’s Chunky Steak and Potato Soup, canned (or similar)
Beef Jerky (Slim Jim or other)
Frozen steak
Frozen hamburger patties
Frozen chicken
Frozen fish
Pepperoni (fresh sliced seems to last at least a couple months, refrigerated)
Salami (fresh sliced seems to last at least a couple months, refrigerated)
Eggs (good for maybe a month, might be good for a week or two past expiration date)
Hot Dogs (can be frozen)
Onions (bag of onions seems to last about 3 months before going bad)
Serrano Peppers (can be frozen) (Jalapenos don’t seem hot anymore)
Corn (canned or frozen ears)
Potatoes (fresh or boxed mashed potatoes or boxed cheese scalloped potatoes, etc.)
Peanuts (dry roasted, salted, canned or jarred)
Pickles (jarred)
Peppers (Jalapeno slices, Banana pepper rings, jarred)
Soups (canned or dry/add water)
Butter (several pounds, can be frozen)
Cheese (Swiss, Cheddar, etc., sliced or block) should be good for at least several months refrigerated
Parmesan (e.g., Kraft, grated, for spaghetti) should last many months refrigerated
Other (starches? Home-Ec was a long time ago!):
Bread, any kind (refrigerated lasts at least two months past expiration date, or can be frozen)
Spaghetti sauce (jarred)
Minute Rice – boxes (and boxes)
Boxes of Mac ‘N Cheese
Pizza (frozen)
Crackers (Triscuit, Saltines, whatever)
Seasonings / Condiments
Red Hot Sauce
Soy Sauce (for rice)
Frozen Lemon Juice
I managed to survive on a whole lot less than the above when I was in college… if I’d had all that, I’d have been living like a king… 😁
If you are only needing to feed one or two people, it seems like the above should be sufficient to survive for a good while, at least 3 to 6 months or longer, depending on the quantity of canned/jarred/dry goods.
One standard refrigerator/freezer should do for the rest, if you pack the freezer section tightly.
Dry goods, canned goods and jarred goods should only take up two or three kitchen cabinets.
In the event of some kind of national emergency where ‘shelter in place’ is a good option, eat the stuff that will go bad first, save the rest for last, and look for opportunities to resupply anything with shorter expiration dates (milk, eggs, cheese, lunch meats, etc.).
Two meals a day should be plenty, unless you have growing kids. Adults could survive on one meal a day if necessary. Figure out how much you need per day, and in the event of an emergency, ration what you have to make it last as long as possible.
If the situation turns Mad Max, most homes (city or suburban) will be targeted by roving mobs anyway, in which case, prepping is moot. If civil order is minimally maintained, if the government is functioning at all, then opportunities to resupply basic necessities should emerge at least periodically, until the emergency passes.
Seems like the food list above could be made to last 6 months, or stretched close to a year, if you have enough canned / jarred / dry goods, and you can tolerate a lack of greater variety.
Seems like vegetables and dairy are the (or at least my) weakest links.
Plenty of vitamins / supplements available to cover for nutrients missing or insufficient from food sources.
I would guess that most people in America could survive for at least a month or two without prepping at all, based on what they normally have in their home, if they:
A) don’t panic
B) ration what they have / cut back on daily consumption to make what they have last
Maybe we’ll find out, hopefully we won’t need to.
You are funny concerning lintels. I never knew what corn was and dislike corn bread and do not eat corn 🙂
I grew up on Herring and sardines and smoked fish. Yes it is all cultural. I kike cabbage soup my husband does not 🙂
Grains is easy and my husband goes through a bucket of oatmeal easy within a year only eating for breakfast. I can make flour out of oatmeal or lintels and barley and even some type of beans to make high protein bread. We do not eat much beans at all and I do not buy snacks like corn chips. I canned a lot of peppers I use in cooking or in salad. Not crazy about pickles but have some. I will eat almost anything and not picky so all is good hear.
I could make breads for neighbors if needed and my stash of rye and wheat would go fast…:) Good to make noodles .
Fresh corn on the cob, when cooked right, is great with melted butter, and holds salt really well 😁
I wouldn’t normally eat canned corn, but I would in a food shortage scenario.
I’m not crazy about pickles either, but my vegetable list was pretty short and missing very much green. I like salad, but the lettuce won’t keep for long. Pickle spears are often served with lunch meat sandwiches at restaurants, which is how I developed a taste for them, and about the only time I eat them.
All this talk about food is making me hungry 😂
I know I have to smell my husbands baking now that he has a toy. Funny thing is I do not eat bread or very seldom and it has to be European strong bread hard crust.
Corn is chicken food 🙂
Lentils are legumes (like peas and beans, but smaller) that are shaped like tiny flying saucers and can be various colors. Lintels are horizontal beams often found over doors and windows and famously decorated in Exodus 12:22-23.
The traditional way of preserving meats is cured hams, smoked turkey, and the like. If you’re going to freeze all your meat items, then your entire freezer will need to be protein. If you go with smoked/cured meats (and sausages, including such as salami), you can invest in a meat slicer and be your own deli. And don’t forget BACON!!!!
The last time we were in Florence, some years back, we went to a well-known restaurant named “Il Latini” [IL LATINI]. It’s first-come, first-served and fills up fast. The staff eat in the restaurant before it opens and you get to watch them through the windows as they smoke cigarettes, drink wine, and eat.
Although it has an international following, it is decorated very simply. The walls are light-colored, and there is white lattice from which hangs a bunch of cheesy Italian restaurant decorations…..
Until we’d actually gone in, gotten seated, began eating, and watched one of the staff casually walk out and cut a link of sausage off one of the “decorations” before walking back into the kitchen.
The Old Ways are very robust.
You can freeze most cheezes (or freese most cheeses, if you prefer). The reason Kraft Parmesan keeps so long is that it’s barely cheese. If you’re going to end-up baking, nonfat dry milk is quite useful.
You can stash a variety of dry pasta and rice, and eliminate a bunch of the stuff you have in boxes [“minute rice”, “mac’n’cheese”, etc.]. You might also start playing with Bisquick [ ] — it can be used to make things like pizza crusts, pancakes, biscuits and such in astonishingly low portions (for one or two), many of which come out nicely in a toaster oven.
Good question.
And here’s the follow-up:
How do you convince the people who consider having extra food around “hoarding” and buying non-perishables to keep as a stock that this is in their long-term best interest? Just fighting for freezer space is an issue.
Not trying to be the smart ass, I typically am..
Find a space AND buy another freezer. Space argument evaporates.
SO long as food, (frozen, canned, dry goods, etc.) do NOT go to waste, NO loss. Reality a hedge against inflation.
I never toss my prep stuff. IF shelf life becomes an issue, I either box it up and send to family in the Philippines OR donate locally.
Even OTC are kept beyond date on the packaging. Controlled environment, so not a huge concern by me.
“How do you convince the people who consider having extra food around “hoarding” and buying non-perishables to keep as a stock that this is in their long-term best interest?”
You don’t. It’s a waste of time, unless you just enjoy the exercise.
It does not appear that we can convince people of anything they don’t want to believe. Not here, and not offline.
For example, nothing I say in this reply will convince you of anything, if you don’t want to believe it — unless you do it just to be contrary, just to prove me wrong. That’s not very rational, but it is very human 😁
Assuming you were referring to convincing family members, if you have tried more than three times, and it hasn’t worked, is there any reason to think it is going to work on the 3,000th time?
Either get new family members, or if that is not practical (which it almost never is), the other option is to work around the obstacle presented.
That’s it. If there’s a ‘third way’, I don’t know what it is.
You could try bargaining, but that’s not convincing, that’s an exchange for value.
You could try bribery or other manipulation, but such things are often ethically questionable at best, and /or require more maintenance / ongoing effort than it is worth.
“Just fighting for freezer space is an issue.”
It seems like you have two basic choices.
1) take control with regard to this specific thing and stop arguing (or trying to convince). This will work better if you are doing most of the work anyway (i.e., shopping, cooking, cleaning). They don’t want to do it, so ceding control to you in this limited area would be a reasonable trade-off, in order to remain disengaged while you do most of the work
2) if #1 won’t work, then segmentation / compartmentalization may be the next best option. You do your thing and take care of you, and let them do their thing and take care of themselves.
With regard to the food issue, you might try a second refrigerator / freezer, with a LOCK on it. Or just a second freezer, if space is an issue.
And a chest of some sort for dry goods, with a LOCK on it. The chest could go in your bedroom.
Having your own separate freezer and dry goods storage chest, LOCKED, which you fill with items you believe should be hoarded, and which only you have access to, solves the problem unilaterally.
No more convincing required. 👍 😁
Yours truly has 4+ months’ supplies, with rotations.
Say what one will about the Mormons, here are what I think are some good reference ideas about their food storage requirements, calculators, etc. —
“….In particular, an early 2018 release of a less pathogenic ancestor…”
Well that explains my friend and I getting the Coof in the fall of 2018.
YUP. And there are multiple possible reasons for an isolate around Baric’s lab.
Wasn’t Baric zipping back and forth to Wuhan to help set up their lab? I think it was Glen Beck who documented that.
Pass a law that makes it a federal felony, with HARSH penalties, to “doctor” or otherwise fraudulently alter any data re: “climate change”. Make this law retroactive.
Open congressional investigations, specifically following the $$.
Tie it all to the democrat party, it’s major donors and leadership….past and present.
Send the bastards to prison.
IMO, the retroactive part won’t survive constitutionality, but I think that there WERE existing fraud laws at the time that might work.
RICO laws?
I *dream* of RICO, but frankly we need an attitude change before people start using it properly.
First place to use it on – DOJ.
Pass a law that makes it a federal felony, with HARSH penalties, to “doctor” or otherwise fraudulently alter any data re: “climate change”. Make this law retroactive.
“No bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts shall be passed.” —Utah Constitution, Article 1, Section 18 (see also Article 1, Section 10 of the U.S. Constitution)
A fundamental principle of law in our country is that of prospective application—that laws should apply to individuals and actions in the future as opposed to retroactively in the past.
For this reason, both the United States and Utah Constitutions expressly prohibit “ex post facto” laws—laws that apply after the fact. This principle was so obvious to the Constitution’s framers that some even opposed its inclusion, arguing that it was unnecessary.”
Open congressional investigations, specifically following the $$.
This thing called a ‘congressional investigation’, has anyone actually seen one of these things in action?
When was the last time any ‘congressional investigation’ ever accomplished anything remotely related to holding anyone accountable, for anything?
“STEP 3:
Tie it all to the democrat party, it’s major donors and leadership….past and present.”
“STEP 4:
Send the bastards to prison.”
Who will send them to prison?
Why would they go?
When they get there, who’s going to let them in, without a conviction?
Who is going to convict them, without a trial?
Why would they show up for trial, without being charged?
Who would charge them, without evidence?
Who would gather evidence, without a criminal investigation?
Who would criminally investigate, without cause?
What cause is sufficient to require an investigation?
Which agency or department of government is both lawfully authorized to conduct such an investigation and sufficiently uncorrupted to actually do it?
If any such agency or department exists, why would the head of that department or agency allow such an investigation to go forward?
If such an investigation did somehow go forward, why would the institution not protect itself, and by extension, the targets of any such investigation?
If any such investigation succeeded, and someone worth prosecuting somehow managed to be convicted, why would the institution not again protect itself, by issuing a pardon?
If the convicted party is pardoned, who will hold the pardoner, the WH occupant, accountable?
Will that require another investigation?
Who will investigate?
When was the last time any ‘congressional investigation’ ever accomplished anything remotely related to holding anyone accountable, for anything?
And everybody sing… the wheels on the bus go ’round and ’round…
😂 🤣 😂
Advise not holding one’s breath here 😉
Anyone here have any experience with a Zojirushi Bread Maker (or a “Zo”, as I understand the are called)?
They are pricy but the claims are they are worth the cost.
(1) This is the sort of thing that Consumer Reports is made for.
(2) That said, once you start fiddling with bread machines that have detailed “modes”, the more you realize that you could do the same yourself with a kitchen timer. Further, you start thinking about how you could buy a budget bread machine and a grain mill attachment for your KitchenAid and be in a better place — or even skip the bread machine and get some bread pans.
Whatever you do, leave yourself room for experimentation — and if things start getting out of control, like dumplings attempting to take over your kitchen, don’t hesitate to just dump the batch…….trying to pretend it’s still edible may end up with unpleasant consequences.
Yeah, but I’m as lazy in the kitchen as I can be. The bread maker would be part of my prep supplies. 😉
You’ll have electricity???
The more you learn about baking bread, you get knowledge about brewing beer as a bonus. There’s even a step in brewing called “dough-in”.
Making bread is very easy, but requires hours. Fortunately, most of those hours are waiting for the yeastie-beasties to get to the next stage. It’s like five minutes, then wait 50, then five minutes, then wait 50, then five minutes and cook for 30 minutes. If you concentrate on your “committed time”, you’ll include the waits and think it’s a pain. If you concentrate on the “active time” and let a timer wait for you, it’s not bad and even lazy people could do it.
The only advantage to bread machines is that they do the waiting and processing in one box without human intervention.
Yes, I will have electricity, and that only advantage is exactly why I’m getting one!
I’ve got one (now antique) and have had a bunch of fun with it. It was a Consumer Reports top rated way back when.
Look into getting a grain mill (KitchenAid has one as an attachment to their stand mixers). You can vary the “tooth” of a bread by varying how fine its flour is milled — like having a fine wheat/barley bread with toothsome bits of oats. You can throw in odd grains like heirloom rice, rye, spelt, teff, einkorn, millet, amaranth, buckwheat (actually not a cereal), maize, and others. When your loaf comes out and you toast a slice, you can pretend it’s costing you $10 a slice at some Michelin-rated restaurant….
I’ve had a KitchenAid grain mill for many years and love it. It is fun to grind various dry grains and make my own multi-grain mix.
There are a ton of accessories….the grain mill is one of the most fun.
“When your loaf comes out and you toast a slice, you can pretend it’s costing you $10 a slice at some Michelin-rated restaurant….”
You mean some place where they serve fancy food while they change your tires?
If you’re gonna pretend, you could just pretend like you have bread… save yourself a lot of hassle… 👍😁
Actually, the Michelin restaurant rating system is kind of a hoot. They started out with road guides, like AAA, but then got caught up in the restaurant reviews.
A one-star restaurant is worth a day trip to eat there.
A two-star is worth significant travel.
A three-star is worth intercontinental travel.
I’m cheap, I go for bread pans…. And let Hubby do the baking. 😋
Along with back up plans when simple fails.
PAN BREAD — Can be made on a Coleman stove or a charcoal grill in an emergency
Skillet Flatbreads
Skillet Corn Bread
Swedish Pancakes
![comment image](
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Thanks. Captured the links. Plan B and C, IF we lose power or NG is, use Coleman and charcoal..
NOW yer talkin !
I love a fresh bread, but a hot corn bread baked in a cast iron skillet is hard to beat. 😀
Consumer Reports IS, itself over rated, over BELIEVED in… CR also has an agenda. Quit reading them, subscribing to them. Stepped off that Merry go round, ~20 years ago.
Me too, and great description of what was wrong – “an agenda”. I stopped trusting them.
You do have to be careful. My favorite anecdote in this regard was when they were doing comparisons of shower heads. One of them was totally over-the-top better than all the rest….so they checked, and it was clearly in violation of Federal water flow limits.
So they ratted-out the manufacturer to the Feds.
“Informer Reports”!
I am with you. I do not even mind making bread without a machine all by hand. I have a Swedish bread mixer. I have a Kitchen Aid also and now my husband had to have a bread maker. He just wants to play in the kitchen and it is for him.
No. When I did make bread, part of the fun was kneading and getting an upper body workout.
I don’t do that anymore. Gluten.
Same with me. I used to make all kinds of yeast breads and cakes, then we found out the whole family had to go gluten-free.That was before there was so many options at the grocery stores, so I learned to bake everything for a family of 8 with gluten-free flours. I enjoyed that, too, but still miss kneading the wheat dough. Gluten-free dough is just not the same.
IIRC, we have had a Zojirushi bread maker. Mid 90s. Easy to use. Great bread. We didn’t properly care for the teflon aspect of the pan, OR it was poorly manufactured. Few bells and whistles, but had a timer. We woke to the aroma of fresh baked bread in the morning. 🙂
One NorEaster or whatever east caost DC folks call them. 96 while living in Waldorf, MD, huge snow storm. Roads closed, government shut down of course, many businesses not able to open. We baked loaves of bread for several neighbors.
Very early Covid, we purchased another bread maker. Don’t recall the brand. This IS part of our prep. Along with yeast, flour, powder milk…
My husband bought one this Christmas I think for himself 🙂 He used to have a bread maker before and loved tinkering around with it. So this big box came trying to use it today first time. I do not care as much except easy if I have little time and need to produce something quick.
The You Tube has lots of videos on the use of it. I let you know tomorrow after he make the bread or later this afternoon.
BTW. Zojirushi rice cookers work great, for many years. Decades of experience here. 🙂
Is the rice pot worth it?
Well, it is a bit of sticker shock. Which I got used to. DW makes rice everyday.
If we didn’t make rice constantly, I’d suggest no, not worth it.
I do not eat rice often neither my husband. My daughter has one to make oatmeal in it. My husband uses the microwave.
No I do not need one. Thank you 🙂
If you spent a couple of weeks at the Kalbs household, eating the delicious meals that Mrs. Kalbs was using the daily rice for, you might start thinking about it…. 🙂
I am sure. I used to make dishes with rice but when one gets older one cannot eat those things without gaining weight.
I have to be careful with starches.
Ghislaine Maxwell now linked to a MURDER.
I dunno. Seems kinda thin. Almost like clickbait.
The woman is missing and even the article does not say “presumed dead”, although she might be. But how her disappearance is linked to Maxwell doesn’t seem to be explained by the article.
Speaking of murder and Maxwell, though….
…Epstein didn’t kill himself…
…on Bill Barr’s watch.
I’ve got $100 says he isn’t dead and another $100 says Maxwell’s conviction gets overturned on appeal a year or two from now.
The fact that the DoJ dropped it’s slam dunk charges against the prison guards is my ante.
Those are two sucker’s bets.
Lots of things to think of. On reading about Fauci’s optimization of antibodies, to the exclusion of most anything else, I was reminded of the aphorism from software development: «Premature optimization is the root of all evil.» The idea there is that optimizing some part of the code before knowing if it needed optimization, and causing the resulting code to be hard to understand or hard to maintain, is a net loss. It is also similar in sense to «If it ain’t broke don’t fix it», except in this case, it is fixing before even knowing if it is broke or not.
I’ve also noticed that the «official» story of the Jan-6 event is a massive strawman-production, with exaggerations, conflations and false accusations piled on top of lies in a fabrication of a completely false narrative. Since it has managed to fool so many for so long, it has stuck by now. And really — if a journalist or a media outlet has bought this, the question comes up: What else of this kind of junk have they bought? Can I expect any of their output to not be suspect from now on? This can be a useful filter, though it won’t be perfectly reliable. And what other such narratives are there, where the pile of lies are harder to identify as such?
Oh, we have been hoodwinked so many times by Washington…..
We were sleeping. And the mice played.
If you start optimizing before you can throw a profiler on it, you’re already into malpractice.
I got an “elevator pitch” from The Ethical Skeptic!!!
The Ethical Skeptic(@theethicalskeptic)
Reply to Wolf Moon
2 days ago
Elevator pitch
“When one examines the complete 144-slot genetic profile of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant, it becomes clear that its lineage is a full two years older than even the first Covid virus in Wuhan, China. Not only did this ancestor of Omicron cause an outbreak across the world in 2018 and 2019, that was mistaken as an 8-fold higher rate of flu across the Asia-Pacific-Africa for those years, but its genetics reveal a robust history of lab mouse serial passes and lab-edited alleles. This proving that its 2018 release as a less-deadly immunity-builder prophylactic virus, and the subsequent release of the more-deadly Wuhan variant two years later, both originated from a weapons-grade bio-lab in China.
China set up a red herring for the world to ‘discover’ at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and its local seafood wet market, suggesting an unfortunate but understandable accident was being thinly concealed. Now, the problem for China is, that unlike all the other variants, Omicron stuck around for some reason, and is now spilling the beans on the whole sordid affair.”
“China set up a red herring for the world to ‘discover’ at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and its local seafood wet market, suggesting an unfortunate but understandable accident was being thinly concealed.”
I don’t know…
Liability still attaches to ‘accident’, and ‘losing’ a deadly bio-engineered virus is gross negligence at very best.
And no country in the history of the world could bear the liability of restitution for destruction of the global economy and compensation for however many hundreds of millions have been (and will be) injured, and compensation for the families of those who have been killed.
So it seems like setting up any such red-herring, even if it worked, would be self-defeating.
Don’t forget that Fauxi and his pals and minions share responsibility for COVID. That could very well mean US taxpayers could end up paying for a lot of that. I wish we could blame every bit of this on China, but that’s not reality.
“Don’t forget that Fauxi and his pals and minions share responsibility for COVID.”
Yes, but Fauxi and his pals, as part of a much larger criminal enterprise, are also covered by Trump’s Executive Orders covering corruption of all kinds. Which for some reason, [JB] has been prevented from undoing.
Those Executive Orders extend to all of the higher ups, the deepest pockets.
If those Executive Orders are ever actually enforced, the asset forfeitures and seizures (fiat currency, personal property, real estate, art, gold, equities, crypto, businesses, patents, etc.) would be nearly inconceivable.
Potentially hundreds of trillions of dollars.
Don’t you just LOVE IT when someone cares enough to respond to a question?
That’s awesome!
It’s GREAT! 😀
So glad you asked the question.
Wow, what a post, Wolf! Thank you for all that information, which I’m going to have to come back and read later, and save.
(GrandmainTexas, we miss you.)
Amen on the latter!
Check out the comments. I got an “elevator pitch” version from TES, and IT ROCKS!!!
So impressive!
For those not familiar with it (as I wasn’t), click on “Wolf Moon” in Wolf’s comment here about the elevator pitch. It will take you to the comments and you can TES’s reply to Wolf. 👍🏼
Thanks for the tip!
All good thoughts toward GMIT. Here’s hoping her every joy. May she tell us about ’em soon.
And now for something completely enjoyable!
[video src="" /]
Our neighbors with the Bengals just decamped.
Verse of the Day for Friday, January 7, 2022
“O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.”
Psalms 34:8 (KJV)
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
😉 💋
Thank you, Wolf Moon – for this and all the rest of your informative, analytical, detailed, reasoned posts – which are a comfort to all of us.
Without the help of our fellow truth-tellers, digging, crowd-sourcing knowledge together, we would be up a creek without a paddle.
When I need to know something, I can be sure you, Gail, Steve or some other mensch hanging here will have an answer.
OMG – Ethical Skeptic has a breadth and depth of knowledge – elevator pitches are a must for my brain-level – !
Gov Ron DeSantis !
watch & listen to him tear into
kamala harrisfor her bullshit idiot remarks about Jan 6 and 9/11…video clip…
[video src="" /]
from yesterday.
It just cuts off too soon – I’ve got to find the WHOLE press conference.
This one starts later – goes further – and ends with a super-zinger!
Sometimes when I listen to DeSantis, I am reminded od the way Kailey McNerney dropped one liners of the WH presstitutes.
I surely miss Kailey.
Good morning all,
Yeah day 6 or 7 of the crud has arrived. I don’t feel to terrible, I do have I cough that mostly shows up at night so dealing with the interruption of sleep.
So this will be of interest to Wolf and others. I contacted this on either Wed/Thu last week while away for the holidays. I returned home on Thursday.
Symptoms started on Saturday with just a slight scratchy throat by Sunday I knew something was wrong chills 102 temperature. Monday all out felt terrible.
The point I want to make is when I returned Thursday night, well you know what happens when your away from your soul mate…………
She shows no symptoms at all even today. On a side note to that she currently works in one of the big box essentially business. From the start of this she’s been out there in it and has never come down with anything. So we’re thinking she’s got supper immunity going on. So yeah out there spreading the natural immunity.
Has your beloved had a prior case of the virus?
Nope, she’s never had the flu that she can remember or taken a flu shot…..
Ever seen one of these?
YES, it was in the local pet store.
So weird. But cool.
Band of Traitors: Ex-Trump Staffers and Officials Are Drafting a Plan to Stop Him
Psalm 35
1 Plead my cause, O Lord, with them that strive with me: fight against them that fight against me.
2 Take hold of shield and buckler, and stand up for mine help.
3 Draw out also the spear, and stop the way against them that persecute me: say unto my soul, I am thy salvation.
4 Let them be confounded and put to shame that seek after my soul: let them be turned back and brought to confusion that devise my hurt.
5 Let them be as chaff before the wind: and let the angel of the Lord chase them.
6 Let their way be dark and slippery: and let the angel of the Lord persecute them.
7 For without cause have they hid for me their net in a pit, which without cause they have digged for my soul.
It would be great if someone infiltrated, James O’Keefe style, and reported on their plans.
I love the picture of the aboriginal medical kit!
Here’s what I would buy if I had tons of money:
Aren’t they just gorgeous!
yes !
I 💖 old bottles & Apothecary bottles…
I especially like the old cobalt blue bottles.
with an air bubble still trapped inside the glass.
I do collect old medicine bottles, which can be had for a few dollars. I use them for flowers, and rooting plants.
I managed to pick up a pan balance in a wood box from India.
It is something like this
![comment image](
That’s cool!
Aussie govt is collecting political prisoners.
This isnt cute.
Caldron Pool (@CaldronPool) Tweeted:
Now let’s see if the UN’s (in)Human(e) Rights Commission gets involved…
Suspect the victims are the wrong color for any justice to occur…
Wolf, I can say with 99% certainty that I had some weird “covid variant” the last week of November, 2019.
I have never had any illness with the kinds of symptoms I had then. It was something NEW.
I can’t tell you exactly how without doxxing myself to a degree, but trust me when I tell you that I could EASILY have come into contact with “Chinese science” at any time.
Makes all kinds of sense.
And this all ties in with WHY the ChiComs would have scientific REASONS to try to accelerate the “arrival” in the US at that time (fall to early spring).
I have to put my standard warning about mouthwash here.
Not to dis Listerine for short-term use when you are ill. That is cool, and good for you.
But in the long-term, people need to not try to keep your mouth “too clean.”
There are lots of good, necessary bacteria that live in your mouth, that are important for digestion and healthy IMMUNITY. Mouthwash kills them off. And we need them.
If you worry about your breath, chew parsley or a clove. Save the mouthwash for when you are sick.
Same goes for your skin. There are a lot of beneficial bacteria that live on our skin.
True. Detergents and harsh soaps are bad for you.
Detergents literally CREATE dermatological immune problems.I learned that the hard way, but once I figured it out – GONE.
And with regard to the ChiCom Virus, bacteriacidal soaps,etc., are unnecessary. Plain soap and water will do, even oil (5W-30, anyone, or olive) as long as it disrupts the double lipid ring holding that whole mess together…
I really worry about resistance building up because of the absolutely ridiculous level of bacteriacides being used…
Sheeple who heed sheeple.
Are the easiest people
To mislead…….
Yes. I like to shower and bathe, too, but I won’t use harsh soaps, ever.
On the up side, this will boost ratings. Glad no one got hurt.
They dont need one in this instance. Threat of violence and they were already LET IN. You do NOT open the door.
This is typical “pantifa bravery” to swat people.
JWST Update from NASA’s blog:
For all that cost it needs to go well.
Some of your best work, Wolf. This one will be read and reread. Complete agreement.
Your COVID cheat sheet was handed out to interested family members the next day. Leads to additional discussions. It’s making a difference in our sphere of influence.
We have a wayward daughter who was coached up by my wife last night. She is positive for Omicron and was not previously jabbed. Her first bout with COVID. Works in the hospitality industry and exposed to people from everywhere everyday.
The TES/Nelsonian discussion had been previously bookmarked to my favorites for awhile.
For contrarians (like me), TES is a must read as is Karl to balance out critical thinking and analysis. Stats are stats. Data is data. Interpretation is the key. Correct interpretation leads to truth and then facts on which to build understanding and actions you take. As you stated earlier we need to make sure we do not have confirmation bias by using alternate lines of reasoning. We can get emotional about it and rationalize what should and should not be, it’s a natural human reaction. However, it will not change what the facts are as confirmed by alternate lines of reasoning.
Which is why I LOVE this place. We gain so much and learn from each other when it is clicking on here. Other different, valuable perspectives of seeing things. Just need to make sure we leave our feelings outside the front door and be respectful in the process.
AMEN to all of that! AMEN!
This place is also my church.
Quick look back.
We got a winner. They have woke the sleeping giant.
I ❤ this.
thank GOD they are clapping for him.
weak miniscule men
go do some yoga
Yes, I loved the fact that he called them weak miniscule beta males! And they looked at him like deer in the headlights. That really left a mark!
OMG, this is one of the greatest speeches EVER!!!
The virus being around before Oct-Dec 2019 only makes sense. We’ve seen evidence AND there are related patents out there IIRC.
Nice this IS all coming out.
Today’s treadmill video (it’s ten degrees here).
JP interviews Tim Ballard of Operation Underground Railroad, one group helping local law enforcement take down human trafficking rings. JP does wax poetic quite a bit, but he lets Ballard talk and some of the things said are really rather shocking. Essentially, Ballard claims that the wall on the southern border is vital to stopping the whole criminal enterprise. It’s not just about drugs.
Worth a listen, IMO.
Goal, $50,000 Current 108,868.00 🙂
He he he
Man, can he just boil it down to the main point or what.
Yes, that’s one of the things I love about him. He just sweeps away all the BS and gets right down to it.
When That Ol’ Mojo Stops Workin’ – The Burning Platform
FTA: What you’re actually seeing in the rhetorical hoo-ha over the January Sixth capitol riot is the main cattle-prod driving mob madness — fear of Covid-19 — losing its power to terrorize the public. The Party-of-Chaos put on a grand opera of lamentation Thursday to celebrate its unity in victim-hood — we wuz so traumatized by the riot! — but in the background, they can see their dearer dream of total vaccination — and total control of the population — fade in the winter mists.
Welcome to the new normal: 13-year-olds dying from cardiac arrest – The Burning Platform
Claim: FBI assembled response team with counter-terrorism and WMD mission before 1/6 – The Optimistic Conservative (
Think about this:
It explains the withdrawal of the cops just before the murder and why the killer was never tried.
Now look at it in the grand scheme. The Deep State WANTED to HANG INSURRECTION around POTUS neck and this gave them a golden opportunity.
Rosen deploys agents instructed to USE LETHAL FORCE.
A Van, FULL OF WEAPONS, is ‘Captured’ near the justice building on January 5th.
Ray Epps (on 5th & 6th) & Mega Phone guy (6th) and the other assets herd ANTIFA members and Trump supporters into the Buffalo Jump.
ANTIFA (and FIB Agents Provocateur) break windows, removes fencing and thus allows the UNKNOWING CROWD to enter building.
👉As the Crowd is pushed forward, agents who had been instructed they could USE LETHAL FORCE, deal unexpectedly harshly with the crowd. (They had been told the crowd contained VIOLENT TERRORISTS remember.)
👉 A flare goes off & the pre-planed & orchestrated shooting of Babbitt happens.
👉 Agent Provocateur outside starts yelling ‘THEY KILLED A WOMAN’
Once a decent size crowd (~1000 inside) had been maneuvered into place, the murder of Babbitt WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE TRIGGER FOR A REALLY VIOLENT RIOT. THIS WOULD ALLOW AN INSURRECTION CHARGE AGAINST TRUMP TO HAVE POWER.
However as Congressman Biggs said, NO ONE has been charged with conspiracy or insurrection charges because as Wray said he has to deal with LEGAL Terms (3 minutes) LINK
So what happened to Mr Global’s elaborate trap?
The planners were BASING THEIR PLAN ON THE EASILY INCITED ANTIFA or Brain-Washed College Students and not on MAGA!
Liz Wheeler on Twitter: “THREAD: The MSM is obsessed with painting Jan. 6th as an “ongoing” threat to our Democracy (ie. NYT’s “every day is jan 6th now”) because most Americans don’t want Schumer to abolish the filibuster. 1/” / Twitter
john jackson (@pvtjokerus) Tweeted:
The Wise Latina.
I would impeach her, but that’s just me. Anyone who has the weighty decisions of this country before her who either doesn’t know any better than that, or who is deliberately spreading disinformation that could harm people, is not qualified for the job, IMO.
Obummers political activists.
It’s NUTS. She must be surrounded with real commie influencers, who will lie to her without batting an eye, if she really believes any of that crap.
Election Wizard (@ElectionWiz) Tweeted:
Thomas: The law you point to, has it been used to mandate vaccines in the past?
Fed got’v lawyer: No, but this is a unique situation.
Mag Landrace (@paidandfull2) Tweeted:
@disclosetv Pharma stocks moving the market. Biden is a drug dealer.
BIDEN IS A DRUG DEALER. And he stole the wife of a DRUG HOUSE DUDE who helped fund his rise to the Senate.
My mother received a letter from Medicare urging her to get the booster. From the letter…
A booster shot increases the strength of your antibody response, so when the virus mutates, a booster makes it more likely that your antibodies can protect you against new variants.
I get creepy automated calls for kiddo to go in.
It’s not a LIE, but they didn’t mention the downside now being observed – that when your booster ages a few months, you become MORE susceptible to the NEXT variant.
Nearly daily, I get email or text from one of VA, BCBS, or Medicare telling me to get injected. BONUS, BCBS will give me $25.
Another damned cold, started Wednesday, over now.
This after being exposed to someone who tested positive for covid.
Negative result from a home test. I went to one of the testing stations to confirm it, but refused the test when I realized it was a two day PCR test. “That’s the one with the false positives” I said, and the guy lied to me and said it was the quick (antigen) tests that have the false positives. Since I was already looking at a NEGATIVE from that test, I wasn’t too concerned. Even if he’s right, I have a negative not a positive.
Why are pcr tests still being done if the cdc says dont use them?
(a) it’s what most places have set up, thanks to the liars at CDC. (b) IF you have a “better” one, and it’s being used by “House”, it’s still useful, even if imperfect. They have to be used very rigorously. They’re being used MORE rigorously now by a lot of people. The number of cycles is being limited, and also used as a quantitative test of how strong the infection is.
IMO, I would not trust a PCR that wasn’t confirmed by an antigen. For both me and my wife, the results matched.
So, I was wrong when I understood, the PCR tests were to go away 31 December.
AND, CDC, FDA (one of them lying dog breath organizations) admitted PCR tests were NOT accurate. Couldn’t tell the difference between the flu and Covid.
Am I all mixed up again?
I read that too. They said stop using.
I had to investigate. Only the CDC’s *OWN* PCR test (i.e., their specific design) was being withdrawn.
I think you made the right decision.
Yes! Antigen tests tend to have false NEGATIVES, from people not looking closely for WEAK BANDS, which are fully positive.
When I had delta, and first caught it, the test band was so strong in every test, it was more intense than the control band. But roughly a week later, when symptoms cleared, it was absolutely invisible.
PCR is still untrustworthy, IMO. It’s like catching something that looks like a dead locust in your radiator grille and declaring that you’ve got a plague of locusts.
Abbott, right? Same thing with mine – strong positive in less than 30 seconds.
And this is the real craziness. We have more than enough tests stored up, so this morning when I had that stuffy nose/dull headache/post nasal thing happening I used one. Not that I’m freaked out if I came down with it again — I just need to know, so I can switch into heavy meds mode. Luckily, invisible.
But my husband was listening to Rogan/McCullough this morning, and he claims it’s one and done. 🤔
I would love to have a sit-down with McCullough, who is sharp as a tack on the totality of the literature, but not “on the edge” enough to see where it’s going.
The “SARS-1 perpetual immunity against SARS-2” work is all of the following, IMO:
McCullough isn’t viewing genetic distances correctly, IMO. He needs a stiff dose of TES to understand that the problem of post-release variants is now made more complicated by the likelihood of multiple ChiCom releases. Hence why the CCP is encouraging backward thinking here.
Granted, that interview is aging, and Dr. McCullough may be catching up with things.
Wuhan does NOT confer immunity to Delta, WITHIN the Wuhan lineage. Omicron is freed to operate by being a separate lineage.
All the evidence is moving AWAY from his position.
I thought so. Too many people with multiples.
Exactly. The SAME REASON the Wuhan original vaccines are only partially effective against Delta has to be operating against disease-conferred immunity from Wuhan. Spike antibodies from Wuhan disease are stronger than they are from the Wuhan vaccines, but not by 3-4 orders of magnitude, which is what would be indicative of strong and permanent immunity, IMO. Looks more like 1-2. That’s still good, and both Rand Paul and McCullough are correct to beat down on Fauci for ignoring natural immunity, but no miracles are awaiting those who catch the disease.
TES has had Wuhan, Delta and Omicron – the latter 3 months after Delta. Frankly, I hope to get Omicron, or a benign descendant.
The lab leak scenario never took with me, at all. It’s purposeful, collaborative and ongoing. Not changing my mind on that.
Agreed. We have to face up to the horrible truth. An enemy that lies on a massive scale and has utter disregard for truth as a rightful possession of humanity. They will tell any lie to gain power.
CCP AND O’Biden regime!
O’Biden is a sick ChiCom puppet.
Can’t imagine who’d volunteer to shove their hand up his rear to make his mouth move!
And yet someone did.
(Tomorrow’s post has that rant in it.)
Can’t Wait!!!
Some places in the Castro, you pay extra for that….
Ew 🙁
It would be great if TES could sit down with McCullough and Malone.
There you go! Even an anonymous call-in discussion on Joe Rogan would be great.
I just finished listening to the full 3 hour Rogan/Malone interview on Rumble. Wow, talk about a far reaching red pill for the huge Rogan audience. It was interesting to hear that Malone was exposed by a colleague who’d been in China and got the Wuhan in the very beginning but yet he caught Delta too and thought he might die from it. After having Delta he was convinced to double jab with Moderna. The 2nd shot gave him a severe hypertensive reaction from the 2nd shot. That must’ve been his wake up call.
He mentioned he had burning in his lungs and not the sore throat/runny nose of the Omicron variant. This confirms to me that I definitely had Delta in early December. It was the severe burning in my lungs on day 5 that convinced me to get the monoclonal antibodies and the burning was gone that very same evening (thank you Jesus and Ron DeSantis).
At the time of that interview, which must’ve been a couple weeks ago, he said that Delta was still the predominant variant here in the US but that inaccurate data modeling about Omicron from the UK was used by the CDC. I believe this was to give Biden the “Winter of Death” message just before Christmas. Funny that immediately afterwards was the proclamation that monoclonal antibodies DIDN’T WORK for the Omicron and the supply was suddenly shut down yet I know people who are sick right now with Delta symptoms yet now they can’t get the life saving monoclonals. Monoclonals COMPETE with the damn jabs and the power hungry depopulating Covidians can’t have that.
These people need to hang.
Correction – I got Delta in early November not December.
Exactly – you had it before I did (Thanksgiving).
The Obama commies are evil incarnate.
One of the most important reasons to test, for me, is just KNOWLEDGE. We’re not getting reliable information through the Fake News. But I’m happy to learn first-hand.
Yes, as I said it’s just checking to see if I need to do the real meds. 👍🏻
I bought two pair of abbot tests.
I found some other brand (yellow box) a few days later, and bought the only box on display.
I’ve used two of the abbots, so I have four total in stock right now.
Can’t get Abbott anymore at all — I keep looking. I bought some of these, and have more on the way. Big difference with these and Abbott is the exp. date. Abbott has a 6-month shelf life – iHealth is mid-2023.
These look interesting!
well my hubby tested positive late 2020 AND was quite sick (as were everyone in our household, including loss of smell) & he tested positive again last week, but using many of the home remedies discussed here hasn’t been nearly as sick as last time…
Could be Delta, but more likely Omicron!
Yes not sure but I was thinking that O was more likely based on the decreased severity, but then he should have Some natural immunity from his prior CV encounter AND those OTC remedies are being deployed way more around here this time, thanks significantly to YOU & the Q-Team! Thanks for ALL you do & yet another Great Post!
Here’s the nagging uncertainty in my mind.
Just running the swabs through my schnozz, I gave myself a bloody nose. The test strip therefore was pink EVERYWHERE after 15 minutes. I could see the control band as a darker stripe, but absolutely no trace of a darker strip where the “OH CRAP YOU HAZ THE COVID!!!” stripe should have been. And I looked with my 7x coin collecting loupe, too.
So if it was exactly the same shade as the rest of the strip, I could conceivably have been positive but not been able to see it.
I had concerns about blood contamination, so I ran a separate antigen test with the “clear” nostril alone, and got a positive of the same strength.
Bear this in mind – even if the band was the exact same shade as the background, the band would concentrate absorption in that spot, and would still appear as a band – IF there was a band. Thus, I think I agree with the NP who triaged me on COVID, and seemed to be very knowledgeable about the antigen tests – she was confident – nasal blood does NOT interfere with antigen tests.
I sort of feel like that scene in Star Wars, at the beginning, where the two droids cross the hallway and never managed to get hit by all the blaster fire.
Omicron doesn’t seem to think I’m appetizing.
I suspect that when you do get it, it will be mild – because of your use of antihistamines!
I did switch to claritin a week early…and with a stronger dose. I’m going to stick with that through next Saturday…just in case.
I also popped two doses of Vitamin I yesterday.
Sounds good!
You know, there are so many “things” out there that are supposedly beneficial I’m actually wondering how much of it is actually true, versus people blinded by a hopium high.
My husband has blood type 0 and all kind of morbidity he gets a cold or whatever only for 3-4 days and then is well. I do not have 0 and nothing of significant health wise and seem to pick up what eve goes around and affects me more.
My two boys are 0 and they get over any kind of flu or cold like their father. My daughter catches everything even worse than I.
Interesting. That implies Type O is beneficial for fighting off the crud. I do have type O as well.
On the other side of the coin, type O seems to be especially attractive to mosquitos.
Yes my husband has problems with mosquitos also and I can sit next to him nothing.
They tested that by surgically removing the probosces from a bunch of mosquitos (so they couldn’t actually drill for blood), then letting them out in a room full of people. They preferentially went for type O.
Bees like him also. I can stand among bees nothing. They do not like my blood 🙂
My blood type is not O. And when I had the flu, I was SICK, and it took months to recover. That’s the bug that made the rounds in the fall of 2020, months after I had it, and it was labeled “COVID” then.
So, last week, my uber-liberal friend from HS who is thrice vaxxed (she won’t accept that she’s been duped) went to give blood as her type is O negative, which is hard to come by. She came up anemic.
Here’s the thing, I need to lose a few pounds (working on that), but this friend, I saw her a few weeks ago, and she put on another twenty pounds since I last saw her. Her giving blood should be a slam dunk.
I just find it interesting.
Yes 🙂
I’m O pos and very rarely get sick. When I do, it is usually over in half the normal time. This was before I started the vitamin regimen to ward off the kung flu.
You make the point with others that people who have 0 seem have natural protection.
OR if he gets it…honestly he may have antibodies from asymptomatic exposure
So I have a question for you.
I DO NOT want to put that thing in my nose, so I have a plan. If I go outside and get cold, and come back into the warm, my nose will run.
If I think I have Covid, can I clean the back of my hand with alcohol, blow my snot onto my hand, and use the swab on that?
Gross I know, but no swab in my nose.
That MAY work. The problem is that you need the mucosa right next to the skin. THAT is where the infection would be.
One possibility is to buy similar swabs or even Q tips and use those. Then you can do a kind of “rolling transfer” between them, to get the material onto the “real” swab, or just use the substitute swab.
There IS precedent for that. Read on.
It’s funny, but right now in Libtardville, the big deal is substituting THROAT SWABS, which can reach the sore throat, for the nasal swabs in the kits, and those throat swabs are getting positive antigen tests. The science is with the substitution, but FDA is hemming and hawing about “it could mess up the test”, but IMO the “messing up” would be in a direction toward improved accuracy. Hilariously, even one expert that they interviewed, who defended the FDA position, admitted that HE USES THROAT SWABS. LOL!
The way the tests work, you circle the inside of your outer nose about 5 times with the swab. It’s pretty tear-inducing by the time you get to the fifth circling. Then you do it in the other nostril – same swab.
The guy’s main defense of the FDA position is that people don’t know how to do a throat swab properly, and if they’re sensitive and don’t press enough, they may get negative results, or hurt themselves if they don’t know what they’re doing.
I think #ThroatSwab is trending now!
Lol, ok! I just REALLY don’t like things in my nose! Thanks for looking into it for me. I HOPE my immunity from 2019 holds, and I don’t ever need to test. So far, so good.
A Q-tip circling around the inside of the end of your nose (not jammed up into your nose) would probably be okay.
First, there’s no reason for the Q-tip to have any monkey business going on with it, unlike the ‘official’ swabs, with who knows what kind of foreign substance on it.
Second, it’s not going deep into the nose. Not sure why circling the inside of the nostril with a Q-tip, near the tip of your nose, would be uncomfortable by the 5th circling, but no biggie.
If the Q-tip could then be used to complete the test, as if it was the swab that came in the kit, all the better.
I think that would overcome all of my objections to the at-home antigen tests 👍
You might consider getting a test kit, running a negative with a Q-tip, and then passing the second test on to any friend or acquaintance who gets the coof, and see if they get a positive with a Q-tip instead of the supplied swab.
As far as not being uncomfortable – yeah – that’s what I thought, but there seems to be a kind of reflex dripping, itching, sneezing and crying reaction. that happens after about the 3rd circle, when you pass by certain nerves in the nose. And you do have to get fully inside, about a half inch in, which still feels “near the end”.
If you do this, the thinner, cheaper, less fluffy, plastic-stick Q-tips are closer to the size and shape of the supplied swabs, than the paper-core regular Q-tips. That matters for the BinaxNOW kits, where the swab fits into a hole, more than for the QuickVue, where you just soak the swab in a solution. QuickVue would probably work great with any Q-tip.
Thank you for the info and ideas, I’ll try to find a QuickVue test first, or whichever test becomes available first. 👍
Yup. Grab what you can find!
My son just getting over his. Went through my house over the past month. Mostly building up crud, loss of voice for a couple of days, cough. No fever. We both tested negative on a home test. Sweeping through Colorado no doubt.
My chiropractor had a two day head cold. However, I saw him last Thursday when he was getting over it, so if that’s where I got it, it has a LOOOOOOONG incubation period.
“Build Back Better [FOR CHINA]”
Coronavirus: Scientists Uncover Why Some People Lose Their Sense of Smell (
Vexxine batch number info.
How Bad is my Batch ?
KUSI News (@KUSINews) Tweeted:
The State of California has SHUT DOWN Foothills Christian Preschool because the young students were not wearing masks.
The school was shutdown December 10, leaving over 80 families with more than 100 children had no notice and scrambling for childcare.
May there be justice.
People need to start suing these Nazis. Give them a huge dose of the lawfare they’ve been using on us for years.
Deaths from 1 degree of warming nothing compared to an Electricity Grid collapse for a year « JoNova (
Not sure if this has been here or not.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich – Update on Nuremberg 2.0 (
barker, thanks for posting this, it’s packed w all manner of detail re how info is being collected against the evil ones.
v informative.
More ammunition for the TES 2-release, 2-lineage theory!!!
Could Omicron be even LESS deadly than seasonal flu? Scientists believe ultra-infectious strain may kill 100 TIMES fewer people than Delta (and mortality rates were ALREADY similar to influenza before the variant emerged)
PUBLISHED: 11:13 EST, 7 January 2022 | UPDATED: 13:30 EST, 7 January 2022
I’ve got $1k says Omicron is a White Hat release designed to be HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS but non-lethal, conferring a natural immunity against most (if not all) coronavirus variants…
…while, at the same time…
…. it undermines and destroys the politically motivated fear-mongering and narratives that “justify” and excuse the unprecedented, wildly excessive lockdown measures and vax mandates that are destroying the economy and shredding our Constitutional rights and freedoms.
As suspected by the Qtree collective as early as Jan. 2020, it is absolutely, positively intentional biological warfare perpetrated a very powerful….but economically vulnerable….communist China, in cahoots with the “globalist” collective.
This was, and is, all about $$, power, and control.
PDJT was undoing decades of economic damage that was transferring US wealth straight into communist coffers…..there were, and are, hundreds of trillions of dollars on the line…..decades of FUTURE national wealth at stake….
….and nothing less than the future of the US Constitutional Republic and the democratic west vs. the future of totalitarian communism.
The cold war never ended, it just mutated like a virus.
The end of WWII was only an end to open global kinetic warfare, but the war itself went on as the “cold war”. It went on because, even as the totalitarian powers controlling Germany and Japan were defeated, communism was not. Communism was allowed to continue to take root and grow.
Just as we can state, unequivocally, with the benefit of hindsight that Joe McCarthy was 100% correct, we also know that Gen. George S. Patton was exactly right, too…we should have rearmed the German and Japanese armies in 1945 and gone to Moscow and Beijing, eliminating communist government altogether. Moreover, THAT victory would have taken less than 2 years, as Russia and China did not have any allies apart from the allied powers…
…vs. the decades and innumerable ways we have now suffered from FAILING to destroy communism when we had the perfect and unprecedented historical opportunity to do so.
Consider this….
The military industrial complex would have shriveled to nothing if the world had been rid of national totalitarian powers. There would have been no “cold war” and no “arms race” had we gone to Moscow and Beijing in 1945-1946 and deposed the ruling communist govts. Hell, the Russians themselves would have executed Stalin and his corrupt gang of murderers.
There is no profit in peace compared to the profits of war. The entire world long has and continues to suffer for the greed that drives strife and conflict.
And THIS is why the US military has not been allowed to bring any conflict to an unconditional surrender since WWII, and has always been undermined by the DC establishment and it’s Wall Street patrons.
That is why the world is now suffering high-tech-driven biological warfare….
….because…hust look at the profits being made as a direct result of it!
The saying “The love of money is the root of all evil” absolutely goes hand-in-hand with “he who has all the gold makes all the rules”.
Never have these truths been more clear in our lifetimes.
So clear, in fact, that even the lofos are starting to see it….which is a truly remarkable thing.
THIS is the power and significance of the Trump administration.
Hillary wasn’t supposed to lose.
Which reminds me….
I have another $1k that the electoral fix had been “in” for a long time and that the White Hats ensured Donald Trump won in 2016.
Trump’s role was to show the world what genuine representative gov’t that was FOR the people looked like….
….to expose the shadow powers and shine the disinfecting light of transparency into and onto the hidden strings of power and control…
…to force their hand and disrupt long implemented plans and processes that would cause the whole house of cards to collapse.
And it both has and IS working. Brilliantly.
What I thought was a big mistake was that when the Berlin wall fell East Germans even the communists were able to flood Europe without consequences. What I mean by that the Communists of East Germany brought their ideology into west Germany from there around the world.
After WWII Nazis were held responsible but not East German communist no matter the crimes they committed under the DDR regime. We are seeing the fruit of that and with Merkel.
When Russia fell Russians came to US and Germany not all but many where communists. They came into our Universities into the labs I know my son worked with some. They picked the brains never contributed.
We did it to ourselves not realizing not everyone was happy to be freed from communism. We are now reaping the results out kindness caring and naivete has been taken advantage off.
Very good and important points!
Zojirushi breadmaker
Made Pumpernickel bread with Bread flour, Home ground Einkorn flour and home ground Rye. Cut the sugar. Bread came out good.
I have to say my bread made with my Swedish made Arkesum mixer is better the bread machine made good bread better than bought bread.
My husband will play with the machine and am sure improve the bread. I grind the rye flour coarse. I have a KoMo milling machine love the thing.
Hi Singing! When I use my zojirushi, I use the “dough” setting and then shape it and bake it in the oven. I just don’t like the loaf the machine makes, but it does save a lot of mess and time.
Good idea. I guess when I have little time that is a solution.
Thank you.
My husband used to make a Lenten loaf in our old machine. I think that is why he bought this new one. He really wants to make it but he would not know how to mix from scratch. The Lenten loaf is heavy dense loaf and high protein. Very good for fasting during Lent. Bone broth and bread and one can sustain one self for 6 weeks 🙂
This is extremely well said–Thank you for this articulation & distillation of machinations!!!
I shared this at Gab here:
Thank you, Valarie, but honestly I think you already knew all that or at least suspected it is true.
This is all SO complex…so wide and deep….that distilling it down to a chewable soundbite has been a challenge….to say nothing of the learning curve involved (and that’s AFTER dispelling one’s self of long-held beliefs vs. reality).
10 years ago I thought the Bush family and folks like Mitch McConnell were good people. Trump helped me see the truth.
Well FG&C I Am learning A Lot here at the Q-Tree but these topics were not at all in my background nor upbringing. I really only started paying attention to the national & international scene more widely post 9/11.
Perhaps I do “know” much of this Now, after reading here & CTH for some years, but there’s no way that I could encapsulate it so concisely. Encapsulation is NOT my strong suit at all, just ask my hubby… <3 🙂 <3
Twitter did me favors by its character limits that forced me to streamline things to fit as much distilled punch 😉 into a tweet as possible. My natural inclination is to expand on nuances & qualifiers because the world is really filled with so many shades of gray…
I used to think Bushes were relatively decent too. W was way better than Gore but then we've had horrible choices forced on us for so long–Uniparty Crap Sandwiches!
Trump was such a breath of fresh air since he proved that The People want pro-American Patriot leaders, NOT professional politicians!!!
G.Edward Griffin on the Central Bank and WAR
This is the most clear and simple explanation I have ever run across. I had an agent of the Banksters chased me all over the internet, from blog to blog because I used it. I know this because at one point his gravitar said he was a freelancer working for the banking industry.
No surprise to find out that the Federal Reserve took OUR MONEY and used it to fund the Bolsheviks and Japan as Congressman McFadden pointed out in 1934 (he was driven out of Congress and assassinated for saying this.). Japan’s attack on China allowed the Communists to take over China.
China’s Communist Party and Japan: A Forgotten History
So much of what we call “History” these days is just hogwash. I realized this early on, when my High School textbooks were blathering on about “The French and Indian War” — which made (and makes) no sense whatsoever unless you can see it within the full context of a world war between colonial powers.
Liz Churchill (@liz_churchill_) Tweeted:
The World Economic Forum is directing their chosen Leaders from around the world to cause civil war within their own countries. The WEF’s goal is to dissolve all sovereign nations so they can appoint themselves as the new, unelected Global Government.
This makes a LOT of sense!!!
This is why I keep saying – a few nukes in Switzerland, and all this crap ENDS.
Supposedly, the underground base that opened in Switzerland, and two other countries (I think one is Lichtenstein) has been neutralized. I would prefer a MOAB to a nuke, though. Switzerland is awfully pretty, and it would be a shame to contaminate it to the point that the rest of us couldn’t enjoy it once the [CB] is a thing of the past.
To say nothing of the fact that anyone downwind of the detonation gets contaminated too, by the fallout.
As much as they like to hype MOABs…they’re puny compared to nukes. Their yield is about ten tons of TNT. Versus Hiroshima and Nagasaki’s fission bombs, 10-20 thousand tons TNT equivalent. And those were in turn puny compared to the 1-50 million ton fusion warheads that have been built since then.
I can’t imagine how much of the earth would be destroyed if someone detonated one of those.
The USSR actually DID detonate a 50 MT bomb, the Tsar Bomba.
It left a sizeable crater, I’m sure, but overall? Earth is BIG.
It probably didn’t even make a dent in the Arctic island it was detonated on.
If wikipoo is to be believed, that bomb would have destroyed everything within 35 KM of where it was detonated. Which compared to the size of the Earth, isn’t much.
Hmmm. Where would a “neutron bomb”, erm, fall in there…
(keep “the green” happy while ending “the greens”)…
Those tend to be smaller blast, more radioactivity. Which the greens really ought to hate. (Neutron activation makes things a bit dicey.)
Rods from God!!!
Yep and they gloat on it bc theyre promised to be protected.
That might be the long-term goal…
..but the short-term goal is to bring the public protests in said countries to a halt and use war as a public distraction from all that is really going on…and being revealed….behind the scenes.
I agree there too. Ww2 made a lot of people wealthy.
Somebody probably put this here already, but no harm in watching it twice. 😁
I’ve read that Lindsey has a wicked sense of humor. He might laugh at that.
I’ve suspected Lindsey was a tranny for a long time and this is a key part of how he is controlled.
Someone has pics/video of him in lingerie and lipstick….his “real” self.
This meme is funny because it touches on a hidden truth.
And…port primary mirror is deployed and latched.
Tomorrow comes the last major deployment
![comment image](
Alien craft!!!
If that secondary mirror hadn’t deployed, all it would be good for is as a hood ornament for someone’s starship. Ours or an aliens? Only time would tell.
Yeah, but it would be less tacky looking than that. 😀
Or Takei looking…
Which for some reason brings to mind some comment I read years ago about Shirtless Kirk cologne smelling like “George Takei’s nut musk”. Years in a male dominated household has “warped” 😉 my brain!
Of course I can’t find that original comment that’s been burned on my unconventional mind!
One of the live streams I watched was being (for lack of a better term) emceed by an astronomer who would often appear on the history channel’s “Universe” series. And she was wearing a necklace that looked like the main mirror.
That was brutal, from both Paul and Cruz.
Regardless of the question. regardless of the facts presented to the witnessses.
The official narrative WILL be regurgitated again, and again, and again…
Ye Godz. Dick Turban is still in office.
Just heard from one of the organists I work for. Her significant other has “COVID.” So far just a mild head and chest cold.
Methinks cold and flu season has been hijacked, and with the tests being unreliable, who the heck knows what the guy has.
Yeah. I just went through a week long head cold around Christmastime, and I just now got over a 36 hour cold.
That makes three times I’ve been sick this season, which is unusually high for me.
Since getting over the flu in March 2020, a bug later renamed, umm…not going to jinx myself. BUT, I made sure the last two summers I was outside at midday as many days as possible. I supplement and cut out the sugar, and have been vigilant about walking as many days as I can, but that’s always the difference for me.
When I realized I was coming down with something I bought some magnesium and some B-12 (I already had a “B complex”), so add one more each to the elements and alphabet I am taking every day.
Since I had “covid” in late 2020 I’ve basically not really been sick at all. A few times I felt like my system was fighting something, sore throat, body aches, temp Maybe in the low 99’s but it never really became what I call sickness. However, morning & night Ever since the CV I cough & still can cough up colored junk–my version of longhaulers it seems. I have co-morbidities too 🙂
My mom used to put me down for a nap Outside in a Michigan Winter (she’d heard it was good & she was an RN) as a baby/toddler (I’m a February baby). She’d bundle me up in a snowsuit & tuck me into a bassinet w/ blankets then lay me down on the 3-season screened in back porch. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!!!
Time tested through the ages by moms from customs that go back several thousand years. 🤓
If it’s an antigen test, my belief is 99%. If it’s a PCR test, it’s 75%. If it’s both, it’s basically 100%. If it’s neither, then a longer clinical diagnosis is needed.
All of this based on personal experience now.
All of it with the caveat that the “it’s not COVID” stuff can STILL kill you or do nothing, just like it always could.
Well, if we treat them all with the same regimen, does it matter what he has?
Probably only if it’s influenza vs. corona. I suspect that spike coronas are all somewhat treatable with antihistamines, and ivermectin at antiviral doses is probably broadly effective.
If the virus is susceptible to the zinc stuff, then that, too, should work.
With him, I’m kinda worried about co-morbidities. He’s a bit overweight, although not obese. I’m sure there’s hypertension there. Multiple times shot up. He was one of the first in line.
Excellent question!!
FWIW – Just ordered more Abbott BINAX Antigen tests from Walgreens. Wally World still shows out of stock.
Our other daughter who caught the Omicron initially used the Abbott to confirm hers. Her employer made her do the off-site PCR and it was also confirmed. She most likely got it at work from other employees that caught it the week prior. She is some better today. Head cold type symptoms with light fever.
Good that she’s doing better. Is she taking anything?
We got her to start using Benadryl, baby aspirin, D, C and zinc. Told her to drink green tea. Don’t know if she did or will.
She’s feeling well enough this evening to want to go running around. The 5 days is not up until tomorrow. We told her to stay home at least one more night to make sure the symptoms were gone. Hope she will.
President Dumbass is in Denver. Just seen the helo and osprey’s fly by from the airport. Going to look at the fire damage. Global warming, I mean climate change speech incoming.
These people are monsters.
Directed Energy Weapons??? Peasants (pissants) will be punished 😡
Sharing links fyi from a duckduckgo search, haven’t reviewed all thoroughly…
Some of the visual evidence in the videos, explained in the audio, is pretty compelling.
And visual is the problem.
The snow was not there at the time.
The DRY WINDS don’t show on film now.
UGH. These folks have no idea how fires spread.
I was referring to unburned adjacent wood fences, unburned combustible material in the collapsed houses, & unburned trees well & melted metal & glass from vehicles. The snow is a seeming red herring.
1) that 99.8% of all people who have gotten COVID have survived, and
2) the proven veracity and efficacy of the Zalenko/FLCCC protocols
…and assuming…
3) that under no circumstance is one going to accept the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines
4) if one does get sick one will immediately implement the Zelenko protocol…
….why is it so important to know whether or not one has had COVID or not?
Given the efficacy, low risk, and low cost of the Zelenko protocol, why does it matter??
In my case I have a VERY limited supply of HCQ and a somewhat larger supply of Vitamin I. I might not want to use that stuff unless I have some confidence it’s COVID–I’d hate to be out when I really DO get COVID.
Good news.
Quercetin is OTC and, combined with Vit C, is equal to either HCQ and Ivermectin.
Quercetin + Vit C = HCQ = Ivermectin
See my repost of kalkokalb’s post earlier today of Dr. Zelenko talking about this very important fact.
I do have quercitin–and as it happens, it includes vitamin C. (I had to go to a boutique vitamin shop for that, and it wasn’t cheap.)
Of course that means it should not be taken WITH zinc (zinc+vitamin C=bad idea for some reason I can’t recall), so I take zinc in the morning and quercitin at night.
Don’t know anything about this site – but this is what they say.
Best to take most vitamins and supplements at different times of the day to allow for better absorption, IMO.
Thank you both (Steve included).
Very important point here.
Quercetin + Vit C
Do take them in the same day, but NOT at the same time.
Dr. Zelenko would do well to include this messaging.
He probably doesn’t include that info because his Z-Stack product has Vit D, Vit C, Zinc and Quercetin all together in capsule form. Although spacing out the dosing might be OPTIMAL it is more important to get all the products every day. If you think about it most multi-vitamin/minerals have zinc, iron, & calcium which should also be spaced out.
I wonder why the elderberry Immune Complex contains Zinc AND Vitamin C as well…hmmm
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All three useful for immune health!
Obviously. But if Zinc & Vitamin C is bad to take together why would this product have them combined Unless Elderberry mitigates whatever Zinc & Vitamin C issues crop up?
OK – I will only do this investigation once, so if anybody wants this remembered, make sure Gail sees it. I have too many tabs open – this stuff dies after I make this comment.
The Vitamin C / zinc alleged problem is BULLSHIT, it turns out!
I tracked this down. The only source I found quickly that says it’s bad, is this:
This may be the ONLY source, but more likely it is one of many, simply reporting an “urban legend”.
I read this. It smells of clickbait, guesswork, urban legends, and illogic. I don’t smell science. The pseudo-scientific reasoning is flawed and self-contradicting.
So I went to the literature, and found these sources.
Start here:
Zinc Absorption by Young Adults from Supplemental Zinc Citrate Is Comparable with That from Zinc Gluconate and Higher than from Zinc Oxide
This DIRECTLY contradicts that clickbait about “don’t take C with zinc”. That one WARNS about citric acid and zinc, but SORRY – even when forming a complex salt with zinc, citrate is as good as gluconate, one of the preferred forms of zinc.
But it gets worse.
A Guide to Human Zinc Absorption: General Overview and Recent Advances of In Vitro Intestinal Models
This flat out says that THREE STUDIES show that vitamin C has no effect on zinc absorption, as compared to iron where vitamin C actually HELPS (because of reduction of iron(III).
It also goes further and says that citric acid HELPS zinc absorption – direct conflict with the zinc/C naysayers.
So IMO this is debunked directly.
AND – in my opinion – the professionals at all of these companies making supplements are aware of this, and that is why they have no problem mixing zinc and C in supplements.
Bottom line: Zinc and C are OK together.
This is Awesome! Thank you for the clarification! Please God, let Gail see & save this tasty tidbit. Alpha Wolf rules 🙂 Blessings
I saved it.
It certainly makes my taking supplements a LOT easier.
Awesome–AND you know how to find it when needed (unlike my packrat self) 🙂 Thanks for all you do here Gail!!!
And vitamin C *HELPS* iron absorption!
Thanks!!! And same to you!
I investigated as well, since I take my zinc and C at the same time, with breakfast. A study combined zinc and C with good results:
This kind of thing is why I rarely change what works for me based on a website.
YUP! There is so much “dire clickbait” out there!
“Dire clickbait.”
The description for 99% of the internet!
Fake News Bites Man!!!
Good thing we had our Dire Wolf to go after the Dire Clickbait.
Thank you for weighing in.
THANK you for clearing this up.
Zelenoc’s Z-Ztack has C and Zinc together all in one pill and more.
They want to fool us.
This is what I have:
Click the bottle to buy from Amazon
Looks like good stuff!
Thats easier to get too.
So Democrats can stay in power?
😂 😉
That’s my question. If those protocols work on all viruses, what difference does it make if it’s “COVID” or a cold.
(1) Most antiviral drugs don’t work equally well on all viruses, but some like ivermectin and HCQ which have more general mechanisms of action, should have baseline activity against all viruses.
(2) Supplies are generally limited on some items, and it’s best to save them for the more potentially dangerous infections, IMO.
(3) Early treatment is always best, so selective treatment of COVID is made more efficient by identifying it is the target – IF one wants to spare the ammo for that fight only.
Even if the graphs here are only *somewhat* accurate, the reasoning holds, IMO.
The huge decline in COVID deaths is changing perceptions!!!
This is by White Hat design, IMHO.
Saw them play way back when I was in middle school in our small town gym! They were amazing! And, of course, I loved the music.
Reason #101 to go back to the ‘70’s… Meadowlark Lemon, Curly Neal and the rest do their thing!
RIP gents. Thanks for the laughs and memories!
They still have a franchise – I watched on YouTube a little while ago – and they have a white guy playing!
representation matters 😉
As a little kid, watched the Harlem Globetrotters. A couple times. GREAT memories.
From Anonymous Conservative:
Mike Pence’s team helping the Jan. 6th committee.
Trump played VERY smart. He REFUSED TO OWN the Antifa/FBI violence. By allowing it to move forward without interference, the TRUTH became clear.
Donald Trump put Chris Wray and Nancy Pelosi in check by letting their game proceed.
“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.”
-Napoleon Bonaparte
Ethical Skeptic theorizes that sewage sludge sprayed in woods in the mid west has spread the coronavirus to deer.
Some twitter discussion here:
TES is going to stir up a hornet’s nest of ChiBots and DemTrolls.
Bat (whoops Bot, freudian slip there) farm-ers vs Real farmers!
The broad-brush statement that poop virus is all fragments is simply not true.
Who sprayed human sewage into the woods….where…when….and not least of all, what was the justification and who paid for it??
Bizarrely, it’s TRUE! It’s used in fields AND forests!!!
But it’s not sewage. It’s “post-sewage” solids. More like pond scum.
So there must be a lot of politicians in it, or?
Less like pond scum and more like “hot composted” organics.
The idea is that you start out with this thick “soup” of organics and organisms, and you let the organisms run wild as circumstances change until fewer and fewer types of organisms can survive. Once you end up with just a few organisms that depend on hot, wet environments, you cool things off, dry them up, and ship ’em off.
I should note that my experience with sewage treatment plants has always been where wastewater was dumped into the ocean, so I don’t know as much about the “wet injection” stuff in the EPA PDF.
Wondering if the land they’re spraying is watershed… THAT could be a problem… or not…
Good point – I read that a place called Deer Island had a problem with treatment plant run off.
I know there are waste water treatment plants that take the dried solid waste and sell it to big ag where it is used as fertilizer. Not exactly soylent green but close. Could definitely be a source.
Taliban threatens to send 2000 suicide bombers to DC…..
Guess they didn’t appreciate the 85 billion in top US weapons, planes, helos that ol’ Milley left them.
Here we go!
FF incoming
Been expecting “news” just like this!
If the democrat Jan. 6th sham-show fails to gain traction….and it looks like a dud….
….expect the DS/CIA/FBI to initiate a FF to distract from and obfuscate from the rapidly failing and increasingly unpopular Biden admin.
….interesting to note that Sara Carter is the “vector” for this “news”.
Have we come to the point where the public will yawn at news like this from CNN & Co., so the DS is now forced to expose their deep inbeds in order to perpetrate a FF?
Just wondering out loud.
I remember when we all thought Jerome Corsi was a good guy (he’s not).
One other observation…
5 years ago I was not thinking like this….along these lines. Very few, if any of us, were.
Well, Sadie probably was, but I sure wasn’t!
So the benevolent Taliban wants to save & free America from her shackles 😉
You are so funny! 🙂
I have my moments 🙂
Now the theme song from “Unshackled” (Pacific Garden Mission), on an ancient electronic organ, is playing through my mind 🙂
Right now, the Biden admin needs a war like a drowning man needs air.
Funny how this “news” comes right at the same moment as….
Grrrrr…… globalists need to be…. stopped.
Breaking News: The Absurd News Network has just learned that Attorney General Garland and FBI chief Whatshisname have, within the hour, designated the Taliban as a White Supremist Group. Legislators and staffers have been instructed to shelter in place. Details to follow. 🤓
I read that and thought, hmm.
Another warning from SD about shortages:
Yeah, we have to think about this.
Yeah, only so much money and space.
I’m not prepared. I was semi prepared for maybe a couple of months but with the move I’m seriously having to consider space in the truck.
Renting UHaul anything…truck, vans, even trailers is outrageously expensive now. So many people moving that they can up the price to whatever they want.
Bottom line. I’m not prepared
Be encouraged, God’s got you & your family in the palm of His hand.
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Thought for you:
If you have a dresser, TV cabinet, bedside table, or other going into your truck empty, put fifty pounds of rice, fifty pounds of beans, and a gallon can of olive oil in the drawers. It’s not gourmet food, but you can live a long time on rice and beans with some decent oil. Also, if you have a breadmaker you are taking, put a jar of yeast inside it, and add a fifty pound sack of flour to your drawer storage.
Look for any “empty space” inside anything that takes up room, and fill that space with food.
Great ideas!
Thanks! I’ve packed up more than a few moving trucks in my day!
Me too, but it’s been a couple decades since our last serious move, thankfully 🙂
Been a while for me, too. Thank goodness. I hate moving.
Yeah i feel like no matter what ive got im not buying the right things. You can only store so much in the freezer.
We couldnt move with a uhaul if everyone wanted one.
I personally think it will depend VERY much on where you are in the country, at least for a little while.
Today, the “weekly specials” at our local meat packer included top sirloin for $5.99/lb. and 80/20 ground beef for $2.99. That’s not much more than it has been for months. But I live in farm and ranch country.
One of our local groceries carries local produce, from a BIG greenhouse operation right here.
IF you are in a city, things will get bad faster than out in the hinterlands, I am convinced.
Now gas and manufactured food, medicine and vitamins, paper goods, flour, sugar, oil and stuff like that? Stock up wherever you are.
Is Biden trying to get HIS BASE to riot?
There’s potential for that. Chaos in the cities as an excuse to do all kinds of things. Declare martial law. Mail in voting only. A takeover of services.
These are communists, with communist wet dreams of power.
YUP. I think so. It’s a great path to holding the House. I’ll bet that’s the plan.
It’s all they’ve got. No matter what, we HAVE TO take back the House and Senate in 2022.
The main point right now is that on January 15, truckers from both Canada and the U.S. will have to show proof of vaccination to cross the borders. If thousands of truckers quit working, supply chain issues will become serious.
And you know what? I will suspect there are plans to quit “en masse” for greatest effect. And somebody knows.
Orange Man Bad-A?
Following schedule a coincidence? Related?
Saturday, January 15th. Truckers gotta have injection passports. Canada and US.
Monday, January 17. Cry’n Chuckie put a deadline on passing Federalizing elections before MLK Day. Or he’d lead killing the Fillibuster. IIRC.
Toss in, days away from BiteMe injection mandates for companies with 100+ employees effective.
As an aside. Guessing the NOT Supreme court may actually side with Rights as opposed to supporting a dictator. (Taking an optimistic view)
what’s the thinking about those (myself included ) that aren’t sufficiently prepped for months ? If anarchy inevitably opens up what do we expect from the regime?
I mean if we can anticipate the situation…surely they have also.
Is this part of their depopulate plan ? The civil war version of citizens fighting to death over goods ?
No idea if any of this is what you may be looking for.
Multiple parallel thoughts.
Not civil war. Survival for some, many or most. Location dependent. Big cities more so.
No idea your situation. NOT asking.
IF the Supreme Court stands up for American’s Rights, TRASHES the injection mandates, we can largely RELAX. I think. IF not, the following is worth considering, tailoring to your reality or trashing.
IMO, within a few weeks, we’ll have a definite trend For The Better, or NOT.
SD area. Your neighborhood, no guess. .Hope you are in SC, before, IF, SHTF..
IIRC, you’ll be situated with or near family in SC.
My expectation from the Feds is pessimistic. Feds will be no help to Law Abiding Americans. After all, THE FEDS CREATED THIS SITUATION. FEDS are ALLOWING THIS TO FESTER.
BiteMe has no clue. His handlers hate us. Hoe is just another Air Head Valley Girl.
In general. IF the FOOD supply chain breaks significantly. As in food NOT available OR food is GROSSLY over priced – UN-AFFORDABLE. Folks gotta eat. Survival.
First to go will be Big cities, cities with tough gun control. Looting for food. This includes stores (supermarkets, WalMart and convenience stores), hotels/business cafeterias, and restaurants. Also food warehouses. Then it gets more personal for everyone in the area. Neighborhoods will have roaming criminals/folks looking for food.
This will vary by region and rarely statewide. For example. Eastern CA above Lancaster will largely be fine. Sheriff’s with citizens can keep trouble out. Very rural. Limited access roads. Conservative. 2A strongly supported.
Eastern OR and Eastern WA largely fine for same reasons above. Their big cities are screwed. Hell, most all big cities are screwed. IMO
Wonder where FEMA stores EMERGENCY FOOD? Likely Southeastern states. DOD food warehouses?
My area and rural NV. I’d guess Sheriff’s will stand with citizens – Law and Order. My hood, folks are armed. Many retired military and LE. Some active LE. Folks won’t tolerate outsiders looting.
Worthless guv Sisolak, will deploy NG and State Police to Vegas, Henderson, Reno, Sparks and Carson. ALL his voting base.
The rest of NV will fend for themselves and largely be just fine. MeThinks the desert is a great barrier between cities…Keeping shit heads out.
IF fuel, power grid, water plants and sewage are effected…I don’t want to go there.
Here’s some Nevada desert action 🙂
Thanks a lot for your thoughts.
Good ideas and I feel the same way about the family situation. If TSHTF there’s the SC safe haven. We’ll get them there somehow.
I think ( hope) there will be time to scrap together supplies when we get there. I’m going to leave the stash I have here. IF it goes sideways at least I know they’ll have some things to fall back on.
You’re most likely right about the looting. We’ve already seen the looting gangs in action recently.
Leaving the stash you have, makes sense. They’ll either need it, or can use it.
Interesting read.
Supplies 40% of the world’s uranium along with having OPEC participation as an oil/gas supplier. What could possibly go wrong?
A little subterfuge to sidetrack Putin?
CIA getting Kazakh deplorables killed? Sounds familiar.
That spider web is always there..
Fucking ANTIFA taking over our military.
The “long march” is nearly complete.
I call them brown shirts that is who they are.
History is a good teacher if we only internalize it and know what comes next.
Short local update.
Whole family has been sick. Neighbors sick. Some testing positive for cv, other negative but virtually the same symptoms. Bad cold. Everybody better
I never bothered wit test because I would’ve treated myself the same either way.
Daughter ran into the 4th grade teacher and she said only 9 students were in school that day but they both agreed that it’s winter and people are getting sick and the news makes everybody think they’re going to die but somehow going to get tested makes them “safe” even if they test positive. It’s insane
Yup. People want “knowledge” because it’s a powerful tool in a tyranny. My mother had Swiss papers. Stupid, but THEY WORKED – just like a positive test or a record of vaccination.
None of my business. Wondering. Is SC on the horizon, or further out there?
Lordy…the place looks like a bomb hit..boxes to go, boxes to get rid of. One load has already been taken so we’re on the final load.
Almost out of here!
WOW! Exciting!!!
University students are sick here in town. The University faculty and administration are going crazy. Blaming the students for not wearing masks. We know cloth mask do not work administrations makes not difference. There is a call by faculty to distant learning.
I am so glad my husband only agree to distant learning. He only teaches one or two hours a semester. Keeps him sharp and busy 🙂
Per 7PM news report, 1340WRAW-AM:
The Supreme Court appears to be leaning in the direction of giving the green light for “vaccine” mandates for all healthcare workers, but not for mandating the “vaccine” for businesses with more than 100 employees.
Jesse Kelly has her number!
And what will happen if they do that…
For Joe.
Oh, he so reminds me of the old guys I grew up around! Makes me homesick listening to his accent.
RF…Man, that’s one salty ol’ sob…I’d love to have a beer w him!
Thanks for this!!!
I am dying on this one. You gotta look. 😂 😂 😂
Is this some kind of comms? Didn’t they discuss something about WH window coverings or something?
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Jack Posobiec
Jan 6
Biden doesn’t even have the White House flag at half mast
That would be for Harry Reid?
Did he finally die?
In body, yes. His soul died decades ago.
No doubt–thx.
Nah, my flag is flying full staff. Same as when McStain kicked it… Papa Bush…
We have seen the recent push towards wearing better masks because obviously the problem is everyone wearing cloth masks. 🙄 So lets require N95’s. For work, I have to visit different businesses and each have their own enforcement. So I just follow their policy as I am on the job. Most have gotten away from the questionnaires and some still do temp checks.
Requiring N95’s is a new can of worms for them. Some of my work requires me to crawl into confined spaces that have dust and ash so I used to wear a full respirator. But OSHA came out with requirements to wear one of these. Medical exam, training in the use and also to be properly fitted. So of course companies have Health and Safety folks to help with this. But the end result was my last couple of employers would not allow us to wear them because they did not want to deal with all the certification issues.
N95’s fall under the same guidelines. So if you are in one of the crazy States that may go there you may want to throw some info in their face if you want to give them a hard time. I will be doing this to any business that wants me to wear an N95 even for work. They are very restrictive and I do not consider them healthy at all.
My tweet has a slide attached quoting the OSHA standard.
Wait, they still had you crawling in confined, contaminated spaces — but wouldn’t allow you to wear protective gear because they were afraid of the paperwork???
Had more to do with getting physicals.
Youth views, Left vs Right
Lynz Piper-Loomis
CNN lost interest in Greta Thunberg as soon as she turned 18.
Take that any way you want.
6:28 AM · Jan 7, 2022·Twitter for iPhone
Mini AOC
I had the best birthday yesterday and thank you all for the kind birthday wishes.
She’s growing up!
This isn’t Greta – she’s MINI-AOC – the little girl who mocked AOC.
Yes Left was Greta & Right was Mini AOC…she’s a lovely, funny, & witty chick!
SORRY – I misread your comment. Mini-AOC is a doll!
no prob we keep each other on our toes in the Wolf Pack! Blessings 🙂
Tweet by one of our courageous front line doctors….
and he’s 1000% right. Our SCOTUS is thoroughly politicized – except for Thomas and Alito.
Good GRIEF! Which Obama girl said THAT???
Probably Sotomayor
Ding, Ding, Ding. Sotomeyer is the correct answer.
(^^^ Emphasis added ^^^)
Since Abortion – the left has been steadily becoming inhumane and dehumanizing people – first we were not created in the image of GOD, then we were merely animals, now we are machines that they can dispose of when not desired, like old people in nursing homes, or with Ghouls Gates’ and Fauci’s toxic deadly vaccines.
Lots more –
A great reference on zinc, which was MOVED from its former location as soon as there was talk about using zinc for COVID.
Kinda funny, but they have another page saying that supplements do absolutely nothing to stop COVID-19.
Yeah, right, Khrushchev! Have some “Vitamin Democrat”!
I was topping off meds/supplements at Meijer yesterday & noticed that they had Diphenhydramine HCl 25mg for a sleep aid “not for treating cold or flu”, (Compare to Vicks ZzQuil LiquiCaps) AND the exact same med/dosage listed as multi-symptom allergy tablets for “relief of: sneezing; itchy, watery eyes; runny nose & itchy throat” (Compare to Benadryl). Well the first were softgels & the other were tablets. The “nighttime sleep-aid” was made in India & the other doesn’t tell maker location only distribution by Meijer in Grand Rapids, MI (for both). Seems like a bit of misdirection, at a minimum.
LOL! That’s some drug bureaucracy right there!!!
Benadryl is Benadryl!
Reading more on the packaging the tablets (allergy) each contain 20mg calcium & you can take up to 6 doses a day (1-2 tablets), maxing out at 12 tablets/day. No calcium in the softgels but only One dose a day, 2 softgels is recommended.
Yes & in the Coof repoof hubby can usually only tolerate one “benadryl” rather than 2 🙂
I am going to dox myself as a white guy. Got some photos recently and here is one with me with the killer mumps being cured with a scarf.
I think I used to have the same shirt.
Never heard of the scarf cure. That’s cute.
My mother put bacon around my neck and then a scarf. I ate the bacon and a spanking fallowed 🙁
I got “diagnosed” with the mumps on our only Michigan to Florida road trip by my reaction to eating a pickle by a waitress in some restaurant in Georgia. Then the first time I Ever saw the ocean I wasn’t allowed to swim in it & got those chubby cheeks shown by behind the ears ponytails while wearing a “stylish” a homemade halter top 2 piece swimsuit. I was so jealous of my little brothers who got to swim in that salt water.
You were darling, by the way! Did the scarf help?
I wonder what year Steve’s post is in…..
AND what planet 😉
You said “Do beware that some people need to be careful with iodine, including people with hypothyroid.” Actually that should be HYPERthyroid. People with low thyroid sometimes might benefit if they absorbed a little iodine from the betadine.
Also check out this article discussing gender issues with covid, that men tend to have a stronger inflammatory response:
OK – This is interesting. Allow me to explain.
When I first saw this on WebMD, I thought to myself “Hmmmm, shouldn’t that be HYPER and not HYPO thyroidism?
HERE is exactly what they say:
They don’t say HYPER – they very specifically say HYPO.
Go to the “Side Effects” tab on this page:
Now just to make a point, goiter is a problem of HYPOthyroid – and that is listed as one to be careful about taking iodine, so they are being consistent, even if possibly wrong.
NEXT, look at what the Mayo Clinic says, here:
Hypothyroidism: Should I take iodine supplements?
Here is the relevant part:
Now – I do not necessarily believe the Mayo Clinic. They will parrot CDC and Fauci lies with gusto. HOWEVER, there is something that may make what they say TRUE.
One of the weirder but very common-sense aspects of nutrient absorption and particularly for minerals is the body’s ability to conserve them when there’s not much, and spill them when there is too much. Zinc is a great example. If you take a lot, your body starts cranking it out of your system at a much faster rate. Thus, even serum levels don’t correlate immediately to body cellular levels.
Therefore, I can imagine cases where hypothyroidism is caused by excessive spillage of iodide, and taking too much iodine in any form could shift the spillage into overdrive and just make things worse.
So – until I know better, I’m going to believe the Mayo Clinic, but I’ll keep them under suspicion nonetheless, because they could be supporting pharmaceuticals over nutrients, and Big Medicine / Big Pharma has lost my trust.
[…] believes that the Omicron mildness is by White Hat design, and I almost have to […]