Hey China!
Or rather, “Hey Chinese Communist Party and your entire array of servitors, ass-wipers, and fellators!”
You’re not even worth my time this week. When you decide to act like civilized people, maybe I’ll give you a lesson or two in how non-barbarians behave.
Hey BiteMe!
(Or, Whoever Has Their Hand Rammed Up That Putrefying Meat Puppet’s Ass)
[Language warning]
You and yours have caused a lot of injury. Literal injury with your war on people who don’t want to take an untested vaccine. When people die in an emergency room because a hospital won’t admit them because they haven’t had their clot shot, that’s a crime.
I’m going to address here the insult on top of the injury, because I am among the insulted. I still have my health but apparently you want me to live under the 8th Street Bridge (which actually isn’t on 8th Street, but whatever, that’s what the I-25 overpass over Cimarron is called), so maybe if you have your way that won’t be true for long. Dreadful time of year to become homeless.
No, you’re just trying to make me unemployed, because I won’t take your fucking shots.
Well, that threat is NOT going to work. I. Won’t. Take. Your. Fucking. Shots.
And it looks like enough people agree, that you’re having to back down, you worthless asswipe.
You’re LOSING.
You Chinese-bought ratfucking traitor.
I would love to see you die an agonizing, humiliating death. (This isn’t a threat, because I am not threatening to cause that death. I am just announcing my intention to party if it happens.) It would be just recompense for the way you’re killing America…and millions of Americans.
His Fraudulency
Joe Biteme, properly styled His Fraudulency, continues to infest the White House, we haven’t heard much from the person who should have been declared the victor, and hopium is still being dispensed even as our military appears to have joined the political establishment in knuckling under to the fraud.
One can hope that all is not as it seems.
I’d love to feast on that crow.
(I’d like to add, I find it entirely plausible, even likely, that His Fraudulency is also His Figureheadedness. (Apparently that wasn’t a word; it got a red underline. Well it is now.) Where I differ with the hopium addicts is on the subject of who is really in charge. It ain’t anyone we like.)
Justice Must Be Done.
The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system.
Nothing else matters at this point. Talking about trying again in 2022 or 2024 is hopeless otherwise. Which is not to say one must never talk about this, but rather that one must account for this in ones planning; if fixing the fraud is not part of the plan, you have no plan.
Lawyer Appeasement Section
OK now for the fine print.
This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines, here, with an addendum on 20191110.
We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.
And remember Wheatie’s Rules:
1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.
(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)
Spot Prices.
Kitco Ask. Last week:
Gold $1830.80
Silver $23.40
Platinum $973.00
Palladium $1995
Rhodium $15,300
This week, markets closed as of 3PM MT.
Gold $1798.00
Silver $22.45
Platinum $969.00
Palladium $2025.00
Rhodium $18,500.00
Yep, the manipulators are trying, once again, to push gold and silver down. But inflation is real, and they won’t be able to keep that going forever.
Palladium and rhodium are up–rhodium is WAY up. I wonder what that’s about?
James Webb Space Telescope Update
As I write this Friday afternoon, JWST has unfolded the main mirror, on the port side. A lot of holds had be released, then the mirrors swung into place, then two hours to latch it into place.

The other half should be done today, and indeed nasa.gov/live will stream the process.
Once this is done the telescope is fully deployed. It will then be a matter of getting 18 mirrors to work as one; a very meticulous multi-day process.
Mirror temperature as of 1:30 ET on Friday is -264 F.
Our Solar System as Archetype
I wrote a few articles on physics and astrophysics culminating in the latest cosmological discoveries, and my timing was very good on those, because the spacecraft that will almost certainly move the frontiers of knowledge forward in that area was about to be launched.
But there is another “hot topic” in astronomy these days, one that, at least to my way of thinking, is more “astronomy” than “physics,” whereas cosmology is about 50-50. Of course your opinion on what belongs in what bucket can certainly differ from mine.
That is the topic of “extrasolar planets.” In other words, planets orbiting around other stars, rather than our Sun.
In fact planetary science in general has become a lot more of a hot field of study now. Before we could send space probes to other planets, almost no astronomer paid any attention to the planets. The big telescopes that astronomers had to beg, borrow or steal time on were devoted to studying galaxies and stars.
It’s very different nowadays. We have now found indications of planets orbiting other stars, and in some few cases have even managed to image them. They’re featureless dots, of course…but they are dots in a picture.
But then, that’s because of our perspective.

The Cassini space probe, which orbited Saturn for many years, would occasionally pass “behind” Saturn as seen from the sun. This of course is a vantage point unavailable from here, so it would take pictures, many of them showing bright halos of dust…they’re worth checking out. Some of them show, as an incidental, a thing that is also shown here in this picture. Upper left is the “night side” of Saturn, upper center and right are a bit of the rings. The one dot, conspicuous because it’s the only bright spot in the rest of the picture…is Earth.
Just a dot.
Keep that in mind as we discuss the “just a dot” planets orbiting other stars.
One way we might manage more than “just a dot” is with (wait for it…) the James Webb Space Telescope.
So it’s useful over here in this branch of knowledge as well.
A Preliminary Gripe or Two
First, a minor pet peeve of mine. Our sun’s system of planets is called “The Solar System.” Solar comes from Sol, a Latin name for the sun. So the “Solar System” is named after the star.
What do we call systems of planets orbiting other stars? Do we call them “Stellar Systems” from the Latin word for “Star”?
Oh, Hell no. That would make too much sense. We call them planetary systems. A “stellar system” is a grouping of stars, maybe two stars orbiting each other in a binary, maybe a globular cluster of up to a million stars, maybe even a whole galaxy.
So that brings us to Gripe Number Two. When what looks like a star is observed to really be a binary star, the two individual stars get lettered A and B. Alpha Centauri (the nearest naked-eye visible star to our sun) is a binary; the two stars are Alpha Centauri A and Alpha Centauri B. There is a third star, much fainter and further away; it’s actually closer than the other two, and is itself the nearest star other than the sun, period (though we might someday look at some other faint star and discover it’s even closer–in fact we might even discover that we are a binary star; the Sun and some faint red star out there somewhere). That faint star is called Proxima Centauri, or Alpha Centauri C.
So what did they do when they started discovering exoplanets? Star Trek episodes used the custom of simply numbering the planets, and using Roman numerals, for example “Rigel VI,” presumably the sixth planet out from Rigel. (Incidentally, there were a LOT of habitable planets orbiting Rigel in the original Star Trek.) I’ve seen this convention in a lot of other science fiction that I’ve read.
The astronomers didn’t do this with real extrasolar planets. They decided to go with lower case letters, as a sort of “extension” of their convention for labeling stars. The lower case letters would be applied in the order of discovery…and the first such letter is ‘b,’ not ‘a.’ Why? Because the star itself is ‘a.’ Why on earth they should have decided to designate the star itself as if it were a planet, is totally beyond me. SMH.
OK, on to the main meat of this week’s post.
Our Solar System
Until thirty years ago (1992), this planetary system, the Solar System, was the only one known. We didn’t know if, perhaps, this was an unusual, freak occurrence and planetary systems were rare, or common. One old theory of formation (discounted for other reasons) was that at some time in the past another star had passed very close to the sun, pulling a bunch of material out which condensed to form the planets. This would be a very rare occurence, and it would have been entirely possible that there’d only be two planetary systems in the galaxy–ours, and the one belonging to the other star that sideswiped the sun way back when.
Most astronomers who gave it any thought suspected that planetary systems were a lot more common than that. But what would they be like? Well, we only had one example. And we had pretty good arguments for supposing a lot of the characteristics of this planetary system weren’t random, but there for reasons coming straight out of physics and chemistry.
So in order to understand other planetary systems, we need to understand ours. Because it was likely an archetype of what we would find out there when we finally did find things out there.
Imagine someone on the outside looking at the solar system.
They’d only be 14 hundredths of a percent off if they were to conclude that all that was there was a star. The Sun is 99.86 percent of the entire mass of the system. (Sadie can have fun with the fact that that is the same as the percentage of Congress that is worthless. Quite a coincidence!)
The sun is almost entirely hydrogen and helium, in a 3:1 ratio by mass–that’s what came out of the Big Bang. It also contains a lot of other elements in much smaller, almost trace percentages–those mostly came from prior stars that brewed them up and then either shed them as planetary nebulae (that name is a bit of misnomer; nothing to do with planets), or blew them out into space in a supernova.
Of course an observer from the outside won’t stop there. He/she/it probably belongs to a species that calls a planet home, so he/she/it is probably looking for planets. Those are good real estate. (Though it should be noted that many speculate we will be able someday to build a thriving civilization in space, particularly in the asteroid belt.)
A closer look will reveal Jupiter, orbiting a bit less than a billion kilometers out. When we look even closer, we’ll see other planets, but Jupiter is 2.5 times the mass of everything else (that isn’t Sun) put together. So a good second approximation is that the solar system consists of the Sun, Jupiter…and miscellaneous debris.
We are, of course, most interested in that debris because we live on the fourth largest piece of it.
An even closer look reveals the following pattern. There are essentially five “zones” in the solar system. Going outward from the sun, we have four large bodies that are mostly rocks, with very few volatiles.(“Volatiles” are simply substances with a relatively low boiling point, like water and carbon dioxide, as opposed to silicon dioxide, which when found in nature is called “quartz” and is probably the most common constituent of rocks.)

(If you are about to object that Earth is mostly water, you should realize that Earth is mostly water at the surface. The ocean is a few miles deep on average, below that it’s mostly rock for a couple of thousand miles, with a core in the center made almost entirely of iron. By volume the Earth has almost no volatiles, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t contain a lot of oxygen–it’s part of most mineral molecules and in that form is not volatile.)
Then there is a belt of stuff even we would call debris: the asteroids. Some of them are large enough that their gravity pulls them into a spherical shape; others are quite irregular.
The books I read as a kid (mostly ten to twenty years old at the time) claimed there were about 1500 known asteroids (I’m going from memory); today we know of hundreds of thousands.
The asteroid belt actually covers a wide span of distances. Nearer asteroids are mostly rocky, outer ones have some “ices” on them.
I need to stop and explain that when planetary scientists talk about ices, they don’t just mean water ice, they also mean methane, ammonia, and carbon dioxide. All these things we on Earth think of as gases or liquids, at least under the conditions prevalent here on the surface.
In fact there is a line called the “frost line” where ices will form, even in places that get direct sunlight. Closer than that to the sun, it’s too warm for that. The frost line is about 5 times as far from the sun as Earth is, (defined to be 1 Astronomical Unit; the frost line is at 5 AU).
Beyond the asteroid belt, we find Jupiter, and then the largest piece of “miscellaneous debris” in the solar system, Saturn.
These two planets are largely made up of hydrogen and helium, just like the sun. However, we know there was some rocky stuff made out of the other elements, because Jupiter and Saturn have large moons (larger than the smallest planet, Mercury) made out of both rocks and volatiles. In fact some of these moons probably contain more water than Earth does; a frozen layer on the outside, a liquid layer underneath, kept so by the moons’ internal heat, which in turn is generated by tidal forces acting relentlessly on the moons.
Planetary scientists actually find those outer planet moons to be the most interesting objects of study right now, more so than the planets they orbit. There’s speculation there could be life in those oceans.
Moving further out, there are Uranus and Neptune. These are both about 30,000 miles across (compared with Earth’s ~8000 miles and Jupiter’s 88,000 miles), and they are largely composed of ices. Their atmospheres contain a lot of methane and ammonia. These were once lumped into the same group as Jupiter and Saturn, but now astronomers have decided the differences are significant and there is a new class of object called “ice giants.” They too have moons made up of rock and ice.
Beyond Neptune are a large number of other bodies, much like asteroids but largely made up of ice. At the prevailing temperatures out there, in face, water ice is essentially just another rock…at those temperatures it’s hard stuff. Pluto is one of these bodies, actually, which is why it got “demoted” from being a planet. Once we found more objects like it–many of them larger than Pluto–we realized it was something different. This region of the Solar System is called the Kuiper Belt, after Gerard Kuiper (1905-1973) who did a lot of planetary science even when it wasn’t fashionable, but ironically did not predict the Kuiper Belt.
The best estimates are that there’s 200 times as much stuff in the Kuiper Belt as there is in the “regular” asteroid belt.
And by no means are small objects confined to these belts!
So that’s our overall picture. Close to the sun, bodies are rocky. Further away, smaller bodies are ice and rock–more ice, proportionately, the further out you go. Big bodies tend to be BIG bodies, though, and they are largely made out of gas.
All of this is plausibly explained by the best models of the formation of the solar system (and other planetary systems); the nebula, mostly gas but some dust as well, that forms the system begins to contract, favors a disk-like shape with most of the mass at the center, then out in the disk, solid objects (rocks, and if far enough away, ices too) start consolidating into “planetesimals” and those consolidate into planets.
We don’t understand all of the dynamics of this process. Parts of it are still a mystery. But we can watch stars and planetary systems in the act of forming right now in the Orion Nebula. (And the James Webb Space Telescope will hopefully show us more than we can see at present. Infrared light can cut through nebular dust easily.)
As the star at the center contracts, it gets hot, and eventually starts fusing hydrogen into helium. All that energy pouring out of the star basically blasts all the light gases out of the inner solar system. And any that were in the atmosphere of planets like Earth heats up.
The temperature of an object is directly related to the average kinetic energy of the molecules or atoms is made of. But what that means is that a sample of hydrogen at (say) 0 C has H2 molecules in it that are moving faster than a sample of oxygen at the same temperature. That’s because although the hydrogen molecules have the same kinetic energy as the oxygen molecules, they are lighter…which means they must move faster than the oxygen molecules do at the same temperature.
It’s an average velocity; some molecules move slower, some faster. The faster hydrogen molecules actually move at escape velocity, and if at the upper, very thin layers of the atmosphere, they “bleed off” because they don’t run into anything they might bounce off off, and lose some momentum to, until it’s too late. (Even water vapor will do this to some extent, but much more slowly than hydrogen or helium.)
[This is why, every time you let helium escape party balloons and the like, it’s gone for good. It will dilute in the atmosphere to the point it’s not worth trying to purify, and will eventually work its way upward and diffuse away. Helium is probably the ultimate limited resource. At least until we can get into space and scoop it out of Jupiter’s and Saturn’s atmospheres. Meanwhile, helium is becoming harder and harder to get for party balloons, because it has other uses, like in MRI machines, and people are starting to refuse to sell it to people who will just let it get away.]
So Earth kept none of its stock of hydrogen…it probably never accumulated that much to begin with. (I think it’s still an open question where all our water came from–there are two plausible possibilities and it might be both of them.)
Jupiter and Saturn though? They had no problem hanging on to their hydrogen and helium. And in fact, that increased the mass of the planets, which caused them to attract more gas, which increased the mass further…a sort of runaway effect. (And Jupiter is so massive that now, it could orbit at Earth’s distance and still keep its hydrogen, simply because it’s so much more massive and its escape velocity much higher than Earth’s.)
We knew all of this, certainly, by 1992. And it colored our expectations of what we’d find out there if we ever did manage to detect extrasolar planets. Small, light bodies close to the star, big massive ones further away. Those, of course have the most effect on their parent star (which is the only thing we can observe), but they move slowly.
Next week, I go into how astronomers look for exoplanets.
Obligatory PSAs and Reminders
China is Lower than Whale Shit
Remember Hong Kong!!!
中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!
China is in the White House
Since Wednesday, January 20 at Noon EST, the bought-and-paid for His Fraudulency Joseph Biden has been in the White House. It’s as good as having China in the Oval Office.
Joe Biden is Asshoe
China is in the White House, because Joe Biden is in the White House, and Joe Biden is identically equal to China. China is Asshoe. Therefore, Joe Biden is Asshoe.
But of course the much more important thing to realize:
Joe Biden Didn’t Win
乔*拜登没赢 !!!
Qiáo Bài dēng méi yíng !!!
Joe Biden didn’t win !!!
Interesting read, Steve. What do you think of the theory that the asteroid belt was once a planet?
I think it’s more likely that it was a planet that never formed in the first place.
I suspect it will be fairly easy to tell once we’ve had more asteroids in our grubby little paws — if some of them look more like planet pieces, it might be (an) exploded or collided planet(s). If they look more like agglomerations of cosmic dust, meteorites, and comets, it’ll be a planet that never completely came together.
Update: On further checking, astronomers in general are pretty sure the asteroid belt was never a planet; it failed to coalesce because of gravitational interference from Jupiter.
Once we get the first JWST up-and-running, do we just cookie-cutter them and install ’em on the backside of Mars or amongst the asteroids? And is that before or after a bunch of British wanks name them “Tele McTele-face”?
This shows what’s at Lagrange Point 2 and the next three planned (Elucid, Nancy Grace and it appears TBD Athena). Certainly would not rule out a McTele phase though.
Spacecraft at Sun–Earth L2[edit]Spacecraft at the Sun–Earth L2 point are in a Lissajous orbit until decommissioned, when they are sent into a heliocentric graveyard orbit.
Nice rants, and an interesting article. I hope the JWST will discover some fascinating new info.
I did not know that helium was a limited resource. A year or so ago I had a little trouble finding a place that had helium for birthday balloons. I’m not sure if that was just a local supply issue, but now I’m more cognizant of its relative rarity. Maybe a helium run to Jupiter will be in our future…
On the subject of leaking helium…..how much of the helium leaking from earth would be captured by Jupiter?
Maybe none?
But Jupiter has its own supply. The inhabitants there
talk like Alvin’s Chipmunks.
The reason I was curious is that it would diffuse away into space, but it would still have the momentum of having been in Earth’s orbit, so a goodly part of the diffusion might end up in the plane of the solar system (or spun off at Earth’s inclination).
Mind you, I wouldn’t expect any meaningful amount to end up on Mars….but would Jupiter manage to catch some?
“Mind you, I wouldn’t expect any meaningful amount to end up on Mars….but would Jupiter manage to catch some?”
Hang on, let me check.
Concentrate and ask again.
Whoops, that didn’t work.
Signs point to yes.
That’s more like it. Best two out of three?
Very doubtful.
Okay, not helpful, trying for two out of four:
It is decidedly so.
There you have it. Two Magic 8-ball confirmations for the win.
If I’d had to guess, if I didn’t have access to a high tech device like the 8-ball, I would have said No

Some tiny, minuscule fraction of it would be captured by Jupiter, eventually.
I couldn’t say how long it would take, and I couldn’t say what percentage.
But i’d be surprised if it was more than an ounce or two. That’s just a gut feel, though, and it’s worth almost as much as you paid for it.
There is, of course, a US Federal SNAFU involved.
Time was, with Nazi War Zeppelins, it looked like American Freedom Zeppelins were going to be a thing. At what is now the NASA/Ames Center, at Moffett Field, right smack dab in the middle of Silicon Valley, there was Hangar One — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hangar_One_(Mountain_View,_California) — built in 1933.
In order to ensure that our war balloons were going to be ready for action, Congress decided we needed a Strategic Helium Reserve and made rules for sequestration of the helium found in combination with natural gas at the point of extraction. We had plenty of helium available for https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Macon_(ZRS-5) . Unfortunately, it crashed in about 1500 feet of water near Big Sur in 1935.
In 1937, the Hindenburg pretty much guaranteed that hydrogen-filled airships would never be used for war.
But the dream of airships filled with US helium carried on….as government programs often do….until Congress kissed it off in 1996. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Helium_Reserve
Look Frank, it’s the blimp! I remember seeing one flying around Silicon Valley once in awhile. A tech friend has ridden in one and took video of the experience.
The goodyear blimp used to fly around Los Angeles a lot…for no particular reason.
BTW, when I was traveling to Aurora back in 2019, I was doing work on the ground systems for JWST. It’s very satisfying to see the bird is flying, and that the tensioning was successful.
How ya doin’, bud? I understand that things have been busy.
Yeah it’s been a roller coaster ride, between classes, my father’s brain bleed, work getting crazy, sorting out the drama w/ vax mandates, family thanksgiving drama, “do we have clearance Clarence?” meaning pivoting from required WFH to required work on site, to getting sick with the “both COVID and flu tests came back negative” over the whole Christmas break. The real problem right now isn’t that I’m busy so much as that I’m exhausted!
Yeah, I’ve been sick three times this season, none of them Covid. One was the stomach “flu” which of course isn’t really influenza, but it was good for a ten pound weight loss.
Take good care of yourself Michael.
It must be a real hoot to see something you worked on in space.
I really, really don’t want to jinx it, but it does look as if JWST is going to pull off that hugely complex deployment. THAT is no doubt a relief to everyone involved.
It’s great to see you when you can make it to the party. I hope things sort out and get better for you!
Michael – just want to check in with you and re-verify that you are not interested in my changing your username (cough) to something like “michaelh”. Usernames will become increasingly visible as we add new plugins.
Let me know if you want me to give you a new account. All your comments and posts will transfer to the new name, which does not have to be the same as what you’re using on WordPress. The accounts will sync up anyway.
Let’s do the needful; remind me what’s the best way to follow up out of band…
Just watch here for any direct contacts and your email for any password resets (which don’t need to change). I hope to finish shortly.
OK – your new username is michaelh and your avatar and account are already syncing with WordPress. Your posts are now under your new username.
You have both a new account email and a password reset email. I encourage you not to add your name to the first and last fields of the account here.
Please note that WordPress can force data from your WP account to appear here when you “Log In With WordPress”, so if your name appears publicly in your WP.com account, it can show here, so you may want to edit that account, too.
“The libs on the court have an almost childlike understanding of the realities of covid right now.”
Why would their understanding of the realities of anything else be any different?
They’re ideological automatons.
Their ideology is literal nonsense, and in the real world, nonsense manifests as destruction.
Ideological Automatons – brilliant – I’m stealin’ that one!
First we had political correctness, political ‘science’, political medicine, now we have political law enforcement and courts.
I wonder if I am seeing all this in some job posts too. Perhaps they are not real companies but are just posts designed to demoralize normies. I saw one at LinkedIn this morning that listed that their company provides “unconscious bias” training like that’s a good thing. It was a real clown car of irrelevancy to real work.
In a way all this PC convolutions of reason are a fad – one that I hope will pass soon!
All branches of government have to fail.
I say that path is pretty well set in stone at this point.
I don’t believe these people are child-like, ignorant, or stupid.
I believe they are LIARS, who pretend not to know things. They spew garbage from their lofty perch and their leftard followers, also pretending ignorance or stupidity, lap it up and spew it again.
The pronouncements of these people are the literal equivalent of puke a dog eats outside and then ejects onto your kitchen floor.
AMEN! Commie SNEAKERS – just like the OSATAN who added them to the court.
Very interesting AND understandable post. My aging brain thanks you
Hope you are continuing on in relatively good health & Darwin is behaving & being good company. Do lizards hibernate or just really slow down when it gets colder?
“So Earth kept none of its stock of hydrogen…it probably never accumulated that much to begin with. (I think it’s still an open question where all our water came from–there are two plausible possibilities and it might be both of them.)”
Will you expand on these theories in another post perhaps?
I wasn’t planning on it. But, in short:
For the most part the thought is we got our water after the earth formed, from cometary impacts.
I personally suspect at least some got trapped in the interior as the planet formed, before the Sun began to heat up.
Thanks Steve. Seems like A Lot of cometary activity would be needed to have the 3/4 surface water we have…
It does, doesn’t it?
But you’d expect more activity in the past than in the present. Every comet that crashed into a planet is one less comet for the future.
And we *have* seen a comet crash into a planet. Shoemaker Levy, in the 1990s, and the planet was Jupiter.
That was incredible.
I should have put “hibernate” in quotation marks…
I did forget about answering your question about Darwin.
He’s a hot desert species, so doesn’t hibernate, but he does slow down in cold weather and “brumates.” Suddenly he doesn’t want to eat for days at a time. It can drive newbie owners nuts with worry.
So brumates keep you bro-mates in a complex relationship
Extreme psychopathic tyranny Down Under!
Donald Trump Jr.
WTF is wrong with these people? This is clearly the track Democrats will take America drown if we let them.
Don let them Australia our America!
Quote Tweet
· Jan 6
Australia’s Northern Territory chief minister Michael Gunner says unvaccinated people may not go to work or exercise outdoors.
You can only leave home for 3 reasons:
– Medical treatment, vaccine
– Groceries
– Care for disabled loved one
“Work is not a reason to leave the home.”
“Work is not a reason to leave the home.”
If the government prohibits you from working, then the government assumes full liability and responsibility for your bills.
When this is over, the lawsuits alone are going to collapse governments around the world.
GESARA/NESARA? In the hopium pipe presumably
“When this is over, the lawsuits alone are going to collapse governments around the world.”
Whoops, forgot that would require a functioning legal and justice system.
It’s so easy to forget that nothing works like it’s supposed to anymore.
If it ever has.
You need the government’s permission to sue the government, even here.
Much less in a place like Oz that doesn’t have our constitutional protections, just “custom.”
Well, I’m certainly not for collapsing governments except down to a practical level. Easy solution to this is put away our individual lawsuits until we can total them all up to determine the damage and then just settle on hanging the bastards.
Sharia Law meets Covietism.
Inflicting circles of Hell on humanity!
Ok, I don’t want to get all ‘Q’ on y’all, but that is the second time in two days I have seen a missing letter in a Trump’s post.
Trump’s Jan. 6 speech published yesterday had the ‘L’ missing from “quickly.” Today, Don, Jr. is missing the apostrophe and the ‘T.’
Thoughts, anyone?
noticed that.
Also “drown” instead of “down”.
Maybe he’s trying to sucker YSM into quoting his tweet.
They used to do that just so they could point to the “moron” who couldn’t spell.
That’s a good thought.
Interesting. In Post 150 that I posted, there is an R in brackets.
Yes! I read right past that.
Dave of X22 Report mentioned the missing “L” yesterday.at about 43:20 of his presentation.
He points out that Q said misspellings are important. He found Q posts that have brackets around Ls.
Post 150:
Distress cal[L]s to others will [d]o you/family no good at this stage. We know whe[R]e you/the family are at all times and can hear you breathing. Q
Post 2478:
Let the unsealing begin.
Let the DEC[L]AS begin.
Let the WORLD witness the TRUTH. We, the PEOPLE.
Dave thinks PDJT and the patriots “are prepared for a major offensive.” We’ll see.
There was also a Trump announcement shared by TIM recently that had a near duplicated word (I forget which one) that also stood out to me. The first word was longer & the second was a smaller word contained w/in the first word. The kind of mistake mere mortals make but seemed like Potential Comms to me.
Some of the kids are gonna be all right!!!
Jack Posobiec https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f1fa-1f1f8.svg
Had a follower just tell me their son is planning to play Tucker Carlson’s Jan 6 doc in his high school class
It posted. I’m still a bit drained from my cold Wednesday and Thursday. See you sometime after sunrise.
G’night, Steve! Sleep well!
I didn’t want to bring this up when he might still be awake, but I was thinking of the Dread Pirate Darwin: “Good night, Stevely. Good work. Sleep well. I’ll most likely kill you in the morning.”
pssst…..can you say INSURRECTION…

got a real one going on over there.
read about it…
Mayhem In Kazakhstan….
here…live footage….
oil + gas + uranium = Putin
AND Biden & Hillary & Kerry & whoever else Wolf mentioned in that Energy post some time back…
Interesting what can surface in the Q-Tree archives
more on this utter chaos, here…
video….watch it (click on the forward arrow)…Islamic terrorists are involved…
[video src="https://southfront.org/wp-content/uploads/video/07.01.2022_IMR_Kazakhstan.mp4" /]
video narrative in print, here..
Goldfish enjoy cruisin’….
And yet some people can’t drive.
I’m waiting for the driver assist tech that pushes people out of the left damn lane when they’re impeding traffic.
I hope that’s not the same Driver Assist Tech that will ask you where you want to go and what it is you think you want and then won’t take you past the first big box store after you refuse all the on line shopping choices it presented you with?
Yesterdat I wrote a comment:
BarkerJim posted Claim: FBI assembled response team with counter-terrorism and WMD mission before 1/6 – The Optimistic Conservative (wordpress.com)
From that article you get:
I concluded:
Once a decent size crowd (~1000 inside) had been maneuvered into place, the murder of Babbitt WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE TRIGGER FOR A REALLY VIOLENT RIOT. THIS WOULD ALLOW AN INSURRECTION CHARGE AGAINST TRUMP TO HAVE POWER.
However as Congressman Biggs said, NO ONE has been charged with conspiracy or insurrection charges because as Wray said he has to deal with LEGAL Terms (3 minutes) LINK MAGA did not take the bait and remained mostly peaceful.
I thought that was the end of it but I MISSED THE REAL MOTIVE. As POTUS said WE are the target and he was just in the way.
The Left Is Looking For Warfare On MAGA (8 min)https://rumble.com/vs4p33-the-left-is-looking-for-warfare-on-maga.html
Jack Posobiec points out the Circus on January 6th was ALL ABOUT DECLARING WAR ON MAGA. THAT IS WHY THEY COMPARED IT TO PEARL HARBOR (start of WWII) and 9-11 (WAR in IRAN & AFGHANISTAN)
That was nasty enough but it gets worse!
Jeff Bezos (Amazon) and the algorithim (AI) that will HUNT DOWN MAGA — ‘Unvaccinated’ 3:30
The battle to prevent another Jan. 6 features a new weapon …
So the FBI GESTAPO will use what we say on the internet to hunt us down…
Darren Beattie On The Gestapo (6 min)
Washington is now the Enemy of the People.
Rasmussen actually had a poll using the word GESTAPO.
Forgot to add
I think this is part of why we’re seeing less of Wray and more of Kapo (Merrick Garland). Wray is a really loyal Feeb – very big on institutional preservation, IMO. He knows that the reputation is being damaged externally in ways that will take years to fix. Thus, the fronting shifting so strongly to DOJ.
IMO, it cannot be fixed like a rebrand with different policies and procedures manual and “training”. It will take the US Marshals taking its functions over and dismantling it. It’s rotten in its core now, not just on the 7th floor. The Clown interaction along with the Department of Injustice have combined to produce a terminal disease.
Wray can never fix the disgraced FBI they will have to break the organization down just as Germany did after WWII and rebuild and rename it.
I just dug out my notes on the Anti-hoarding laws/regs/EOs
(about ten pages)
To you want it as a regular set of comments or as a private message to Wolf that you can use to make into a daily article?
I want you to stick it into an actual post that I can edit!!!
The swamp always was the enemy of the people, it’s just now becoming obvious. Read up on John Quincy Adams sometime. It’s been going on a lo-o-o-o-ong time.
Still pizzes me off at the number of sheeple in our country who have not understood that very simple fact.
Predicting political violence with an algorithm sounds like a bad movie script, which we were ‘predicatively programmed’ to accept via the movie ‘Minority Report’ (which I haven’t seen).
If they were serious about predicting political violence, all they need is 1940s technology to tap the phones of democrat leadership.
I would guess 99% of all political violence in America is (and always has been) committed by the Left (and by government agencies acting on behalf of the Left), and nearly all of it is coordinated for political effect by professional democrats.
So, Scott — somewhat off track here (although it follows something previous)….
Do you have a toaster-oven?
Yes you are on it !
…or deny us a gun or medical care or food.
Well, at least the Compost got this right
“the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security — two agencies central to domestic terrorism”
Yes that is how gestapo works. Nothing has changed over almost 80 years just different players. Never thought this would happen in America but has.
Like I said, this is Old Tech. Predates Hitler. Predates Lenin. Predates Marx.
That seems in the human DNA and every so often it creeps out. That defect needs to be kept under control.
As I’ve said: Some people just aren’t happy unless they have power over others.
That is those people who do not believe in a higher power.
Believe me, plenty of people who DO believe in a higher power are this way too.
And they’ll justify their urge by appealing to that higher power.
This isn’t an atheism/theism thing. NOT AT ALL.
I believe you
If we could find a way to screen those people out of the political process (and also out of managerial jobs) we’d have a happier world.
Of course it wouldn’t be a fully happy world, because THEY wouldn’t be happy not having people to control…but FUCK their happiness, if it must come at that price.
How unhappy life it must be always seeking a way to dominate others.
Steve Kirsch’s newsletter
Another 13-year-old bites the dust from cardiac arrest after vaccination
This is the stuff that is so maddening. Parents want to do right by their kids, and they are being fed lies, which leads to the kids being damaged or dying. THIS is what will put the population in the hospital when the whole truth comes out. The guilt alone is going to be debilitating for parents.
I was discussing this with a therapist yesterday. We both believe there will likely be suicides when people realize what they have done to their progeny.
And some will just never believe it, because psychologically, they won’t be able to accept it.
So much for this being an exercise to wake people up.
I think the murder rate will go WAY UP before the suicide rate does.
Seems to be the current trajectory.
Q Quotes Following:
Jun 17 2020 …………………………………………4476
Old playbook[s] still used today?
Then v Now
Compare & Contrast
Global economic depression?
Huge rise in unemployment?
MSDNC “peaceful protests”
MSDNC propaganda campaign?
MSDNC information warfare campaign?
MSDNC “POTUS MUST BE REMOVED” push years 1-now?
COVID-19 > global economic depression?
[D]party > BLM race push_reparations?
COVID-19 > huge rise in unemployment [40mm]?
Insurrection [riots, city takeover(s), remove police (weaken), property destroy, assault(s), murder, release by [D]
Gov/Mayor(s) back-to-streets (safezone(s)), division, hostility, race war, etc.?
Understanding the past helps to understand the present.
Jun 20 2018 …………………………………. 1574
They want you DIVIDED!
They call us names.
They make threats.
They censor.
They lie.
They project.
They cheat.
They steal.
They harm.
They are sick.
They are evil.
At some point the streets (for them) will not be safe.
Nov 12 2020 ……………………………….. 4951
Shall we play a game?
[N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming
Who stepped down today [forced]?
More coming?
Why is this relevant?
How do you ‘show’ the public the truth?
How do you ‘safeguard’ US elections post-POTUS?
How do you ‘remove’ foreign interference and corruption and install US-owned voter ID law(s) and other safeguards?
It had to be this way.
Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light.
WHAT is the difference between THEN and NOW?
In Germany the people DID NOT KNOW WHO THE ENEMY WAS. TODAY we KNOW WHO THE ENEMY IS thanks to Q and the Anons and everyone else who has been digging and spreading truth.
Today we ARE NOT ISOLATED thinking we are the ONLY ONES who can SEE.
December 03, 2021 ……. Rasmussen Reports:
COVID-19: Voters Worry About Vaccine Side Effects, Oppose Federal Mandates
Questions were:
January 7 2022
COVID-19: Nearly Half of Adults Have Already Gotten Vaccine Boosters
Another problem was that the NAZIs presented themselves as being on “the right”, when in point of fact, as socialists (NAsiZIalismus), they were also on the left…
Door #1, Door #2, and Door #3 all led to the same pit…
The Commies are the ones who always push the idea that the NATIONAL SOCIALISTS are’Far Right’
Socialist lies about the Nazi party being right-wing are demonstrably false . The Nazi party’s full name is NAtional soZIalistische deutsche arbeiter partei – which literally translates from German as the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. LINK
I know what they’re called – NSDAP. And they’re still around, but not of that name (of course). I just wanted to spell out where NA ZI came from…
My wife’s family suffered severly from the NAZIs, and what the German gubmint did in WWI…
The polite word for it now is “Enteignung”…
That, too.
I would hope most of those murders choose their targets well instead of being random rage against innocents.
I suspect the person/people/location that administered the poison would be a number one target.
I am SO GRATEFUL I no longer work in a health care setting.
Remove CDC and APPLY to EVERY branch / agency of the Federal government.
Feds ARE Corrupt To The Core.
And another one.
One shot but it was enough.
Every shot is a Russian Roulette play.
AND the odds get worse each time you ‘Play’
From a Market Ticket commenter Clay3482
Mr. Steve – My ire is directed to the Bastids Behind Biden (B3 – immediately behind) and those are Øbastard and Pelosi and company and the globalist big money manipulators – who manipulate the stock market, gold prices, energy prices, and now food and medicine prices!!!!
Yes I despise Biden, but I see race-mongering, Islamo-nazi-commie-fascist Øbastard’s petty, punitive, lawlessness, thuggery, anti-constitutional, anti-citizen-rights, anti-American agenda at every nasty politicalpolicy and play Biden attempts.
Verse of the Day for Saturday, January 8, 2022
“For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.”
Luke 19:10 (KJV)
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
I’m glad it’s still on. I wish I could be there (Sigh)
Annual March for Life still on this year in Washington
WASHINGTON (CNS) — The 49th annual national March for Life — with a rally on the National Mall and march to the Supreme Court Jan. 21 — will go on as scheduled this year amid a surge in the omicron variant in the nation’s capital.
Outdoor events are not affected by the District of Columbia’s vaccine mandate for indoor gatherings, but participants should expect to wear face masks. Indoor events associated with the annual march will have to comply with city COVID-19 restrictions
AND – the next day is the March Against Mandates
THAT is a GREAT graphic! I really admire good advertising.
That typeface takes me back to the 1970s…. Keep On Truckin’
Love this man!
DeSantis slams January 6 anniversary as a “politicized Charlie foxtrot”
The Florida governor’s remarks show why he “is so beloved by normal, sane people,” said one commentator.
Watched that yesterday. He gets it and has the courage to get things done. If he runs for POTUS at some point, he has my vote.
Long discussion …
From today’s Anonymous Conservative:
I am not pushing the author’s work at all, just to emphasize the point that the big publishing houses are tools of the other side. What they publish is what the other side WANTS published, which would explain how most of John Steinbeck and Ernest Hemingway got into print.
Well it’s been a week since my first symptoms of the crud today. This morning I feel good, I slept well last night too no waking up with a coughing attack at night. Going to do the Ivermectin possibly one more day. No sinus issues or head fog just a cough no and them.
Praise God! Thanks to the prayers and support to everyone here.
Without the knowledge from everyone here I am not sure how this may have went.
Good hear! Just keep following the recommendations Wolf and others have posted and all should go well. The cough eventually goes away, just takes awhile. Prayers will continue.
Wonderful news.
Stay on those antihistamines. This is about the time the cytokine storm will hit.
EXACTLY! You can even double the dose if you have to but switching to a different type is better if the efficacy is wearing off. (A known problem with antihistamines used daily by allergy sufferers)
Wolfies POST talks of the different brands/types
I just switched–earlier than usual–to the next type in my rotation Just In Case my 36 hour cold was really Covid–despite a negative antigen test.
(If it was Covid and I stomped it flat in 36 hours the daughters of everyone here will probably want to have my kids, but that’s beside the point.)
sperm bankster!
They were also STRONGLY resistant to Ayn Rand. One editor who did like her stuff had to threaten to quit to get her book published, and then of course they simply didn’t advertise them.
Funny thing about Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged” is that the elite’s read it, inverted it, and then incorporated into their depop plans.
I doubt it, if only because tyranny and manipulation of populations is Very Old “Tech”.
What Ayn Rand did was make it comprehensible to the non-psychopathic, normal people.
Yes, but not talking about what Ayn Rand did, talking about what the elites are doing with Depop. They have every intent and purpose of getting along with out the rest of humanity. Maybe inversion is the wrong word. How about perversion?
Ah, OK.
You made it sound like they learned everything they know from reading her books as a guide to what not to do (then did it anyway).
Yes, she looks like a prophetess, but only because she grew up in Russia and escaped in 1926.
She had seen it all before, and it’s a standard playbook.
Her unique contribution is getting behind the actions to the philosophy behind it.
Hubby just handed this link to me. He went to many of her lectures.
Ayn Rand’s Ford Hall Forum Lectures (Recordings)
He was very fortunate.
With globalist puppets in control of every Western nation, brace yourself for their next diabolical move: The weaponization of food
Sundance has also been issuing warnings – dire warnings.
thanks for posting…
good article from leo hohmann.
depressing as hell tho.
I’m wrestling with the idea of prepping. Wondering how much fire power it would take to defend a stockpile from roving gangs or gov. confiscation?
According to Gail and others, the monsters are already designing algorithms to institute social credit scoring in order to either imprison or kill us or deny us any rights.
My only prepping, so far, has been deciding that my last words will be Jesus is Lord.
if the Supreme Ct does us in, the important take-away in this hellscape is that we…the Unjabbed…will be the scapegoats.
the Juden….so to speak.
yep…and that insidious “social credit” crap is the next wave…
malignant sociopath psychopath narcissists are going full Court press.
only The Holy Spirit right now is holding the beast at bay.
but the demons have been unleashed.
and they are setting the table.
if the Supreme Ct does us in…
^^^ The ULTIMATE RED FLARE warning of our future.
The Feds and Blue State Guvs will BE unleashed in the following days, weeks. They’ll dictate the crap we’ve seen in Australia, Austria… Knowing they can dictate ANYTHING THEY WISH.
Lawless American government fully exposed.
This is a situation that has many different aspects. Each individual / family will need to make their own decisions. Here’s a possible train of thought:
Figure out the “bare bones” of what one would need to eat for, say, 3 – 4 months. Figure out where to put the items. Get what one can from local grocery stores. This includes drinking water.
Figure out the “bare bones” of what one would need for vitamins / supplements / medical supplies (including OTC) for the time period. Figure out where to put the items. Get what one can from local sources (CVS, etc.). These can help fill in any nutritional slack in the “beans and rice” area.
Figure out the “bare bones” of what one would need to take care of any pets / animals one has. Figure out where to put the items. Get what one can from local sources.
Figuring out what to do for elderly loved ones and/or any loved ones who are health-compromised is a special challenge. If they are living at a care facility / assisted living, etc., it’s important to know from the facility what their “preparedness protocols” are, such as emergency food / medical supplies; under what conditions would residents / patients be evacuated and where, etc. (next-of-kin should have these, in writing from the facility, in any case).
Have a plan in case the power goes out.
Keep a Bible handy. Pray.
Use a “private” search engine / VPN to purchase items online.
Have some cash — how much is up to the individual.
“Loose Lips Sink Ships”
Vaccine Control Group (international):
One thing we don’t talk about much is your “network.”
Who do you know? Who can you call if the shit hits the fan? Are they prepped? Can you share with them? Not just food, but knowledge, care-giving, protection, etc.?
Get in contact with the people around you whom you TRUST. Gauge where they are. Have some plans for what you can do to survive.
I think COMMUNITY is the greatest tool in our survival arsenal. We shouldn’t ignore that.
Community needs to be established before things go wrong. Once things happen one cannot trust anyone outside the circle. Spies will infiltrate also those without spine promise of goods will snitch.
Do not let anyone know outside your circle how much food you have stashed. Desperate people do desperate things.
Government snitches will be in every neighborhood. Every school, every church and every job.
My grandmother could not trust her nice because the husband was a snitch. They will be in your family and they will use your kids.
One cannot speak freely with children around. Whispering will be a thing and knowing how to subvert listening devices.
Jeez, singingsoul. I PRAY it doesn’t come to this.
Around here, what little I have stored is nothing. We are in Mormon territory. They store TWO YEARS of food, at minimum. And they expect to feed their neighbors. I have been told who to go to if I need anything. The Mormons are dead serious about the food prep.
I have heard about Mormons and food prep.
That is what it is all about.
Good to hear you have someone who is willing to share
I have many. We are a pretty close community. We will be ok. I am more worried about the ones like my oldest son, living in the cities. It’s gonna be bad there.
Yes cities are always hit when times are bad.
My husband has gotten the lets horde food, cat food , dog food and cat litter. I do not know how it happened he got red pilled someplace. Now we can work together
He even ordered more oatmeal 26 lb bucket more Einkorn and I assume shop for can goods.
Oh, good! It’s nice to have him on board.
Yes we are so different he is lay back kind of a guy and I am it has to be don now
He has good instincts and seems to know when it is time to act. I in my mind already have the list what needs to be bought the planner kicks in. This makes an interesting life together who does not know gets confused.
I always say it is like a dance and we get along great 
I love it!
Venezuela is their model. Economic collapse followed by goons taking control. So they sell gun control here because the second amendment is the great equalizer. You know the number of people who will give into the gun control by the people who rushed to get their jabs and honor their mandates. Fortunately, many of them now know that they messed up.
Current events are trial runs by the enemy IMO. They are testing and probing. So prep for 3-12 months depending on your state politics, climate, home location, family needs, financial situation, etc. Red states shorter periods, blue states longer.
Resistance is by state here in America. States have rights to secede the union. The scum seek a soft coup here because they will be met with violent resistance if they try a frontal assault. The old frog in boiling water type thing. Which is why Garland wants control of the NG. Texas and Florida have set the stage for secession if necessary. Others will join in.
Resistance from every corner of the country with anything and everything they want or say is the key to stopping the madness along with a deep, abiding faith in the Lord.
this is all about ending Capitalism & FREE Enterprise, as we’ve known it and pursued it, as Americans.
and this is our Last Stand, to preserve it bc the enemies are within the gates….and this is their last stand, as well.
How reasonable people cannot see this is amazing to me. It’s all out in the open. NWO march to global control. Right here, right now.
Many people CAN see it…but they consider that a GOOD thing.
(Note I did not say “reasonable people.”)
That is because they do not realize that THEY TOO ARE SLATED FOR ELIMINATION.
Well, that’s the definition of a useful idiot.
They want to make us our children grand children into the permanent serve class. I loved it that we have no class system but we will and they created it with the Top Universities. They control who gets in does not matter what your class standing is in High school. They dumb down other universities and high schools.
Actually they want to make us, our children and grandchildren DEAD!!!!
They have point blank TOLD US they want no more than a 1/2 million SLAVES.
How do all those people get to the US Border from AFRICA? — the UN uses AMERICAN TAX PAYER MONEY TO SHIP THEM HERE!
United Nations Handing Out $800 Debit Cards To Migrants Headed Towards U.S. Border
Biden won’t order illegal immigrants to get COVID vaccine
CDC: “….COVID vaccines are *recommended for newly arrived [Afghan] refugees, but not *required.”
CDC , FDA Post employee do not need to take the shot also Congress. That is discrimination . Yes they want us dead.
I already see it. They push then they release the tension people relax think we are winning. Then the push again and the repeat push release. That is wearing people down and one does not realize how much is being lost. They chip away little by little. That is how they take over. One needs to be psychologically strong not relax when they stop pushing but push back peacefully. The method they use two steps forward one step back two step forward one step back. See what is happening?
Faith in God keeps us strong that can never be taken that is why no matter what we will not give up.
This is how communist democrats got into power. Republicans do not operate like that but we have too.
it’s like prepping for a hurricane…kinda.
BTW…this is an excellent product…survived on it during many a power outage…
very low sugar…no icing or any of that…nutritious and surprisingly filling when you’re hungry…
here in Florida, Publix carries them…in the International aisle…got some this morning…
it’s wheat…a digestive biscuit.
tastey, too.
Thanks, I’ll look for them!
There are some similar American wheat biscuits that I like and our son in law recommended. I can’t remember the name.
Sylvia..I have an internationally raised friend who introduced me to these “biscuits”.
They are not only good, they are addictive.
Christmas and birthday presents always include these.
They also come chocolate covered, but I prefer the originals.
Terrific they are!
you meant smiley, right ?
no prob.
yes, the dark chocolate-covered McVitie’s are also really good, and not that high in sugar.
great w/ coffee or tea or milk.
surprisingly satisfying.
Smiley…of Course I meant you, and thanks for reminding us of these yummies!
Oh, that doesn’t happen to me and Scott, then?
Lol! Guilty as charged, Sco…I mean Steve!
I DO try my hardest. Names are hard for me, faces I never ever forget. But I can’t see either one of you!
I’m the lizard, he’s the…well, whoever that is.
Lol! I generally identify you as our “science guy.” Scott is our “argue-er in Chief!”
You’re not the only one who mixes us up, not by a long shot.
Good GETTR post
Also a test to see if a GETTR opens on WP…
Answer – nope.
She’s not aging well.
Has always looked like hell to me.
Sotomayor, has been a diabetic since childhood aka a TYPE I diabetic. Looks like she is morbidly obese too. WORSE she is ‘apple shape’ and not ‘pear shape’ that is she is carrying the excess fat around vital organs. — I have the same problem which is why I shed 30 lbs and hope to shed another 20 to 25.
She is not in a good place health wise and she is 67 yrs. Tight glucose control was almost unimaginable in the 60s & 70s. It wasn’t until the late 1980s, that diabetes authorities reached a consensus on recommending the tight glucose control. LINK
She was born in 1954 so the damage from the high/low blood sugar levels would have been done well before she was a Supreme. Her weight seems to indicate she still is having problems.
THANKS GAIL! I appreciate the links and resources. Our daughter who has Friedreich’s Ataxia recently developed diabetes, which is part of the disease syndrome, along with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy which she developed a couple of years ago. She presented with ketoacidosis, the most common way this stage of the disease begins. Spent 5 days in the hospital in early November. She’s doing well right now on 24 hour insulin, but anything could tip the applecart nowadays.
She spent a month in the hospital in 2019 with an unknown cytokine storm sepsis – and that was the beginning of atrial fibrillation/heart problems. In 2017, she had ovarian cancer, caught early, followed by hysterectomy and oophorectomy. It’s been 37 years since the initial diagnosis of FA at age 13 – a long haul for all of us. She’s a fighter and works hard to take care of herself.
God Bless YOU & your family. Sorry for that difficult journey. We special needs parents have a whole different set of “long haulers” challenges…& blessings!
Bless you too, dear Valerie.
My goodness, you did raise a fighter! And a survivor.
Additional comment:
“…Pancreas and kidney transplantation seems to be the treatment of choice for most type 1 diabetic….”
CCP Enforcing Live Organ Harvesting (13:33 minutes)
Start at 1 min
She just looks dumb as a post, doesn’t she?
She might be correct on the last one, but not from covid.
no doubt!
Stupor Spreader…
Houston Teacher Locks COVID-Positive Son in Car Trunk so He Wouldn’t Expose Her to Virus: Report
Let me guess…she’s vaxxed so she dare not be exposed?
That’s funny! AND, ironically true.
Extreme Mass Formation Psychosis?
Placed on administrative leave?
After reading that I would organize parents to get that BITCH FIRED. She does not belong near children.
Child abuse gone ramped. How can anyone do that to their child?
biden’sutter mandate crap before the Supreme Court…LIVE updates here…
link….lots of info here…
Despite Sotamayor’s Absurd Lack of Knowledge About Covid-19, The USSC Seems Skeptical of
Biden’sVaccine Mandates1/07
the “wise Latina”, my ass…what an imbecile !!!
“the “wise Latina”, my ass…what an imbecile !!!”
Yes, AND…
In my mind, Sotomeyer, is an ignorant commie bitch.
Several of the justices are willfully ignorant, in denial of truth AND OR simply don’t give a flying fuck about the Constitution, American Rights, Human Rights.
BTW, what is is, scientifically speaking, injection mandates for companies with 100 employees. (Yea, just a frikin number. Science NOT in the decision matrix.)
Thanks again for the science lessons, Steve. IT has been good to absorb and gain a better understanding.
JWST starboard side mirror deploying right now nasa.gov/live
The last of four restaints has “fired”. ALL 178 releases have succeeded.
Now checking the motor that will rotate the mirror segments into place.
Small motor move (to verify the motor works) is successful.
Analyzing; then they’ll do the big move to a “hard stop.”
THen they’ll fire latches and back the motor off to ensure the latches work.
At which point they will finish latching. That will take a couple of hours.
Mere minutes before the move itself starts.
Mirror is in place.
Jubilation in the control room, but they are not done since it must be latched into place.
That will take about two hours.
Exponents Are A BITCH in [Market-Ticker-Nad]
“Rest in piss”
Israel News backs up Karl @ Market Ticker
Heart inflammation risk rises dramatically for young with booster shots
New research suggests heart inflammation may be more common than initially believed, becomes more likely among young with booster shots.
RARE until a couple years from now when people start dropping like flies.
That’s what it would look like…if you could take your camera with you over 600,000 miles away (farther than anyone has ever been from Earth, completely outstripping Apollo astronauts).
Mirror temperature -278 F. Speed .2479 miles per second (just under 900 mph), Distance 665,000 miles, 234,000 miles to go to L2 which will still take a couple of weeks.
Thank you for keeping us enlightened on this mammoth, costly, audacious project.
Watching some of the interviews while waiting for the latching to complete.
Apparently the 18 mirror segments are all, themselves, not even remotely in final position. They all need to come forward about half an inch. That’s going to take a few days to accomplish.
Then, once the sensors are cold enough, we take pictures. We’ll see eighteen images of one star. The mirrors must then be very carefully aligned with each other, with six actuators on the back of each mirror controlling tilt, and one actuator that can flex that mirror. It’s going to take months to not only get the 18 images on top of each other, but also to get them in phase (If they are half a light wavelength off, they’ll cancel out at that frequency, but not at other frequencies–very confusing!)
They’re going to be at this until June, probably. Then the scientists get their power tool.
That looks more like Holland than France, but VIVA LA FRANCE!
The flags are all French, not Dutch (the Dutch flag does have the same three colors but the stripes are horizontal).
Yes, I see that. BUT, that square looks a lot like a town in Holland called Haarlem.
Who knows how many similar squares there are in France?
Of course I’m not a globetrotter like some people here. (Ducking for cover.)
The DC Generals will get you for that…
The Police was not Dutch. Yes the town square looks a lot like Grote Holland.
They spoke French not Dutch.
Trust in humanity.
Trust in God!!!
Looks kind of like Normandy.
We’ve truly lost our minds.
What the actual f*ck?
Yeah. Exactly.
I would yank my kid out of that school so fast it would make your head spin!
That is the OUTWARD sign of COMMUNISM being spread.
I was going to ask “what about the poor tuba player”, then I spotted him there on the end, with fabric spanning the bell… what an idiotic waste…
Maybe they should play the theme song to “Ship Of Fools” (if there is one)…
Let me see….they’re called “pews” when the theology stinks?
Quite the opposite, actually.
This woman is getting on my nerves!
Health Care Workers Will Be Required To Get Boosted: Hochul
Gov. Kathy Hochul is “cautiously optimistic” that hospital admissions are starting to plateau, but says health care workers must be boosted.
I want to ‘Boost’ her and the rest of the Demon-Rats into the same orbit as the telescope!
Yeah, this is one thing that REALLY Irritates the living urea out of me.
“Booster” used to mean a rocket.
Now it means another damn death jab.
Hence my play on
wordsDemon-Rat language confiscation.It also meant crook, as in the BLM smash and grab gangs….
Yo man, I boosted a TV set and a coupla 40s…
I’d rather send Hochfool and her DEMONRAT f(r)iends to somewhere far away, say L1, keep the scope and stuff safe… don’t want any slime to get on it…
“Boosted” was used as slang for “to steal” on Firefly, too. Very logical there for a space faring culture.
You sussed that one out.
Oh, please, no. Send them to L1, not L2.
Their putrefactive selves will only contaminate the mirrors and/or instruments.
I’m assuming that L1 is low earth orbit and you have hopes that they will burn up upon re-entry?
Opps… didn’t see the next comment. I was right!
Suggests heads on pikes as a more economical method.
Well, L1 is actually a balance point between the Earth and Sun…rather than on the other side of Earth from the Sun. But in my next response to Gail, I did change my suggestion to something not even low earth orbit, but rather, suborbital (Like the very first Mercury mission, or an ICBM). Don’t even put them in orbit, just shoot them up and let them burn up on re-entry.
Maybe send them on a Long March
so to speak…
And on second thought…let’s be frugal, like they aren’t.
Just a suborbital shot. ten minutes in space.
Without sealing the cabin. Let them burn up on reentry.
Suborbital. No cabin. Cardboard box, instead…..allowed one roll of duct tape to seal from inside.
Ah, so we can entertain ourselves watching them frantically try to patch the thing!
I’m thinking more like a fairing that looks like a collander.
Or like a grater, with the grates facing inwards…
Deleted..not sure if it was verified
Doubtful sostomeyer has ever ruled impartially.
On commemoration of RealPOTUS Twitter ban today a year ago we have:
Also on Gettr:
MacPepper https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.1.0/svg/1f34a.svg
Replying to @JackPosobiec
Where’s Ray Epps?!
Woj Pawelczykhttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.1.0/svg/1f34a.svg
Orange Man Good
Orange you glad?
Looks yummy!
Love Orange Man
The leftist get their on CRT equivalent:
Pepe Lives Matter
Teacher of the year
[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/095/214/400/original/96aa963c59075d47.mp4" /]
They cannot handle the truth.
Hilarious! Yup. Give ’em their own medicine until they come up with the bright idea of taking politics out of the classroom.
I was impressed until the kid claimed Trump was still president.
Just a quick Covid prayer request from my phone since my laptop battery gave up on me earlier today.
Daughter, pregnant with her 3rd child, has Covid AGAIN. Was double jabbed with Moderna about July, came down with Covid within 2 weeks of the 2nd jab-as well as unvaxxed husband and 2 sons. Seems to be Omicron, as she and the boys have mostly sniffles and a scratchy throat. She is worried about the baby.
On the plus side, when I said she would probably be immune to all forms of Covid if she has omicron, she answered, “I don’t believe anything they are saying about it any more!”, meaning mostly main stream stuff. And she LISTENED this time when I told her what could be helpful and then she checked it with her doctor’s list of meds allowed during the pregnancy.
Prayer offered. Glad to see her rethink her position and take good advice.
That’s great news that your daughter might be emerging from the mental stranglehold…every little glimmer is worth being happy about !
Prayer offered to God for your daughter the baby and the rest of the family. May God protect them and keep them.
My niece delivered a healthy baby girl this week & we are so thankful. Son & daughter-in-law & another niece are due in June…
TY, Valerie, and so glad to hear the good news! We have 2 grandbabies due in April and May. Looking forward to that!
Both my brothers & I are becoming grandparents for the first time this year. Well my 2 years younger bro is technically already a step-grandpa w/ his 2nd wife’s kids. His daughter, my parents’ first grandchild, is expecting her first this year! Hope we all see trouble free deliveries AND very healthy babies!!!
Eight days. Must be a record.
Balder and fatter than ever before.
You forgot and more repulsive.
The streets?
Looks like a tunnel?
Yes. The Alps and all that.
Or perhaps the Appenines.
Yeah, the sidewalks were all clogged up with cars
When they actually did it…the newspapers refused to publish the story. The flight was too short to be significant.
What utter balderdash.
And there are people to this day who don’t consider them the first, because their flyer needed rails or some such. They want to give the credit to some guy in France.
Less than 70 years later we had put men on the Moon.
Written in the narrative style of a Ken Burns documentary, imho this is THE book on the story of the Wright Bros.
It is nothing short of superb, and that is an gross understatement.
This book, accurately and intimately detailing all these two did in accomplishing and actually mastering powered flight, is simply jaw dropping.
Example: it was the Wright Bros who invented the use of wind tunnels to study the aerodynamic effects and performance of wing shapes. And that is just one of hundreds of their own inventions and ideas they created in order to overcome and solve the problems in achieving powered flight.
Most well-read folks will recognize the author, but for any who aren’t familiar with him McCullough is a recognized historian and world-class writer.
It’s also a wonderful look back on how America once used to be.
Anyone who reads this book will have taken a master class in why powered flight was so important to mankind and how it was achieved by two of America’s greatest inventors.

To amplify:
In many cases a major invention is a pulling together of other peoples’ developments in a new way.
The Wright Brothers actually *contributed* a lot of those ancillary (but vital) developments *themselves*. I didn’t really realize this until I took flying lessons; it turns out my instructor knew a lot of the history.
The legendary accuracy of the NY Slimes.
This is but one example of that publication’s TRUE and actual history.
I think Fred Brooks covered that in “The Mythical Pan Month”
(while at International Bacon Machines)…
What is that?
It was a “planet-eating” monster in Star Trek!!!
Doomsday machine from ST:TOS.
That was probably one of the three or four best episodes of the original series. Titled “The Doomsday Machine” from the second season.
Yes that is what they say
Thanks Steve 
Stacy Abrams as she really looks…
You are bad

Kirk: Fire Photon torpedo into it.
Spock: Fascinating…
Quercetin — A Natural Alternative to Hydroxychloroquine (onedaymd.com)
Quercetin Against SARS-CoV-2
In Part 24 of the anthology, Modern Discontent reviews the evidence behind the recommendation to use quercetin against COVID-19 specifically. As mentioned, zinc has antiviral activity, and quercetin helps shuttle the zinc into the cell. But quercetin also has other mechanisms of action that make it useful in the fight against COVID-19.
Antioxidant activity — Antioxidants help prevent oxidative damage from harmful reactive oxygen species (ROS). Quercetin acts as a free radical scavenger, and its activity can be further enhanced by vitamin C
Anti-inflammatory activity — This is in part responsible for quercetin’s cardiovascular benefits
Inhibition of platelet aggregation
Anti-allergy activities (inhibits release of histamine and other allergic substances)
Anticancer activity
Antiviral activity — It’s been found to reduce replication of many viruses, including HIV, hepatitis C, enterovirus 71, porcine epidemic diarrhea virus and SARS-CoV-2, by targeting the proteases in these viruses
Zinc ionophore — Quercetin helps zinc enter your cells. Zinc, in turn, has potent antiviral activity
One of the problems with quercetin is that its half-life is only about four hours, whereas stuff like HCQ sticks around.
I also have seen a bunch of commenters here talk about IVM as an ionophore, but I can’t recall having seen it actually identified as such.
In that case, taking it as a mix with vitamin C is worse than useless…because you cannot take zinc with vitamin C.
In other words, by the time you DO take the zinc, the quercitin is gone.
On the other hand…what is Zinc’s half life? If you take some, will some still be around by the time the quercitin goes down the hatch?
Steve, I’ve never heard that about Vit C and Zinc.
There’s a product called EmergenC with zinc.
This study doesn’t mention anything about that.
see my reply to Steve above & the WM comment from yesterday, link here:
Thanks so much – I went there and copied some of the comments. Really appreciate your help!
YW Blessings!
That is a good thing to be wrong about.
I had heard it from several locations and until right now, I thought even Gail had confirmed it.
I saw your question about the supplement that had the two in combination yesterday; I never saw Wolf’s response.
The answer to your question COULD have been “because the supplement makers are ignorant, or hope that their customers are,” after all.
Thanks again.
I can rearrange my supplements to take zinc WITH the Quercitin/C pills.
(I take one bunch in the morning and one in the evening, and the major decision for what to take when (when it wasn’t just a matter of making the number of pills in morning or evening close to the same) was to avoid this incompatibility–I was taking C, C+Quercitin, and a couple of other things in the evening, and zinc in the morning. Now I can move the C+Quercitin to the morning right next to the zinc.)
Actually I was taking it from Z-cam who states their product should not be taking for 1/2 hr before or after OJ and such.
Here are their directions: LINK
HOWEVER from Wolfie
….Now – THIS STUFF is really interesting. These compounds are part of what we need from citrus – NOT just vitamin C.
Can take with Zinc https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC3901420/
This flat out says that THREE STUDIES show that vitamin C has no effect on zinc absorption, as compared to iron where vitamin C actually HELPS (because of reduction of iron(III).
It also goes further and says that citric acid HELPS zinc absorption – direct conflict with the zinc/C naysayers.
A study combined zinc and C with good results: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22429343/
Half an hour could actually be worked with…if it’s real. Pop your zinc, half an hour later take that Quercitin/C combo.
That is pretty much what I have been doing. I also try to separate my Zinc, Selenium, Iodine, Calcium and Magnesium if I can.
You can try reading this and hopefully won’t go cross eyed after the first few paragraphs!
Vitamin and Mineral Interactions: The Complex Relationship of Essential Nutrients
Gaaack. I’m only doing two pill-feasts a day!
The Zinc, Calcium and Magnesium are in one pill so I just separate the iodine and selenium. I do not take the iodine every day.
Selenium I take with dinner.
I just added Mg. Not doing Ca.
Go to the section on selenium. Vitamin C is listed as both a synergistic and antagonistic nutrient, and for opposite reasons.
Hope this actually helps your super powers increase. Blessings!
Thanks! I should have read further down before responding!
No prob–glad it was helpful. Blessings!
And back to you!
Steve yesterday Wolfmoon Debunked that no zinc w/ Vitamin C claim. Gail made a copy. WM was replying to me, iirc. This was in the vicinity of where I posted a picture of an immune complex chewable we’ve been using w/ elderberry, zinc, AND vitamin C.
I copied this link from my “notifier” so hope it works
Actually, Wolf Moon and I debunked the “can’t take zinc with vitamin C” on yesterday’s thread. Yes, you can, and it doesn’t affect absorption.
Ivermectin dosage has to be measured by body weight. HCQ doesn’t. Quercetin needs to be taken every 4 hours, so they say.
Do not forget you also get Quercetin from food (It is supposedly a red pigment too) So red onions, apples, blueberries ….
“…onions, apples, grapes, berries, broccoli, citrus fruits, cherries, green tea, coffee, red wine, and capers…”
How long does quercetin stay in your body?
Human subjects can absorb significant amounts of quercetin from food or supplements, and elimination is quite slow, with a reported half-life ranging from 11 to 28 h [38]. The average terminal half-life of quercetin is 3.5 h [39].
??? So, which is it, footnote 38 or footnote 39?
I’m assuming it’s Wikipoo….
Well, quercetin on Wikipoo only has 35 footnotes….
Both, half life is different from ‘terminal’ half life.
That doesn’t mean that both are responsive to the question at hand.
Here you go. Some research on IVM as an ionophore, and how that might work:
“However, ivermectin could prove to be a powerful antiviral, therefore also useful for a possible treatment of the new coronavirus associated syndrome, even from a new perspective. This could happen assuming its role as an ionophore agent, only hinted in the recent past but never fully described (Juarez et al. 2018). Ionophores are molecules that typically have a hydrophilic pocket which constitutes a specific binding site for one or more ions (usually cations), while its external surface is hydrophobic, allowing the complex thus formed to cross the cell membranes, affecting the hydro-electrolyte balance (Freedman 2012). These chemical species have historically been used to study the mitochondrial respiratory chain and ATP synthesis in eukaryotes (in this case also known as decoupling agents, such as 2, 4-dinitrophenol), and their antibiotic activity has long been appreciated (Bakker 1979). It is also hypothesized their role as antiviral drugs (Krenn et al. 2009; Sandler et al. 2020) and anticancer chemotherapeutic agents (Kaushik et al. 2018). Thinking of the structure of two of the most important ionophores, monensin A and valinomycin, respectively a polyether and a depsipeptide antibiotic, it is clear that they internally present many oxygen atoms (with related free electron doublets), indispensable for binding cations and transporting them through phospholipidic bilayers.
At a first glance, the two structures that make up the ivermectin formula do not have these chemical properties, nor those mentioned above, essential for a compound to be defined as ionophore. However, it can be hypothesized that two ivermectin molecules, reacting with each other in a “head-tail” mode, can create a complex suitable to be considered such (Fig. (Fig.2).2). This interaction could occur spontaneously or be mediated by the binding of the same molecules to some plasma transport proteins, in particular albumin (Klotz et al. 1990), which would have the role of positioning them in the correct way to obtain the proposed configuration.”
So, as of May 2020 it might be, if you double it up and squint at it just right.
That’s kind of the vibe I was getting from it. Nobody really knows how it works, but it might be doing ionophore stuff. As a practical matter, this means DON’T QUIT YOUR QUERCETIN if you’re doing vitamin I.
I am a “if it won’t hurt, do it” kind of thinker when it comes to these things. So, a source of quercetin in my diet all the time is a good thing, and I recommend it.
Yes, all very interesting, but we know it’s only for horses.
Neigh…. ;8->
heart problems? we can help
Pfizer to Acquire Arena Pharmaceuticals | Pfizer
Wow! Cashing in on all the adverse effects of their own vax. How coinvent for them.
Saw that! As sick as this sounds, I cannot stop laughing. It was like, duh, what did you expect them to do?! Sit on all that cash and not capitalize on the huge market they created? Got to hand it to them, they are brazen and bold Satanists.
Follow the money…
How many others are never going to be able to physically excel?
And with that economies around the world will begin to crumble?
If enough athletes get the vax, I may finally win that Olympic gold medal that I never even bothered to dream of.
I feel like shit about it, but LOLOLOLOL!!!
Maybe Eddie the Eagle could get a medal now.
Being a golfer and fan of the PGA Tour, I was totally unaware.
I would bet big money he was vaxxed. Virtually all of the tour players are as a condition of participating at each tournament around the country and in other countries.
This sounds exactly like the multitude of vax injuries we know about. He was playing well, winning Champions Tour events as well as making cuts on the main tour at 54 years of age. He may never fully recover. One of the finest Christian family men you would ever want to meet. Loved and respected by all on tour as well as fans. Have never read or heard a bad word about Steve Stricker.
Yet, here he is as another notch on the belt of the Satanists. I wish so much that more people would use their brains and stop doing what those evil people tell them to do.
Another one down. Definitely not normal.
Very sad.
I want those who mandate vaccines to be held accountable.
It’s not just Steve….
From the comments:
Also from the comments:
I suppose we could give them the CDC’s budget.
And every damned penny paid to Fauxi and his ilk.
Along with DOJ, FIB, HLS, TSA, CONgress,
And this might even be in the pipeline:
Wolf, apropos our conversation about test results:
If I am wrong, please correct me.
ht GWP
It’s Coming: Biden’s Latest Irrational Moves Obliterate the US Economy About 2 Weeks Out
Of course, this is not making headlines but in the next two weeks Joe Biden is planning on shutting down a significant portion of the trade pipeline with Canada.
According to government figures U.S. goods and services trade with Canada totaled an estimated $718.4 billion in 2019. Exports were $360.4 billion; imports were $358.0 billion.
Canada was the largest goods export market in 2019. Canada was the United States’ 3rd largest supplier of goods imports in 2019. U.S. goods imports from Canada totaled $319.4 billion. 70% of that trade is moved by truck.
In about a week the Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate will mean around 30,000 cross-border truckers will be forced to shut down. Starting January 15, truckers will be forced to show proof of vaccine.
And you can bet that Bye, Dung’s staffers looked at the two numbers and said, it’s a wash, not thinking that we import DIFFERENT GOODS than we export, so we will be hurting ourselves (and Trudopeland, too).
The rampant stupidity, greed, and evil in Washington, D.C. is apparently trying to exceed Sodom, Gomorrah, and every other Satanic place in history…
Maybe God will help with a strike on DC. One giant salt lick.
Sweet Meteor of Death.
I would settle for truckers refusing to deliver to the DC and surrounding areas. Heck give the recent road conditions, they can easily get away with it.
That would just get blamed on the incoming governor, by those with chemical-deficient craniums.
A whole lot of our bath priducts come from canada.
You know, they probably really ARE that damned stupid.
“Ex-Kazakh security chief arrested on suspicion of ‘high treason”
“The son of former US Vice President Biden received money not only in Ukraine but also in Kazakhstan”
“Now the Burisma Group corporate website is unavailable, but we know that it was Karim Massimov, being the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan, who received the leaders of Burisma in Astana and instructed KazMunaiGaz to create a joint venture with it. What for? Is it not so that you can legally pay American politicians? This is the money that Kazakh oil workers and their families did not receive … “
ht Chiefio
L.A. & Long Beach Port Status
Posted on 8 January 2022 by E.M.Smith
Just a quick peek at the ports of Los Angeles & Long Beach and how that whole Logistics FUBAR is working out (given that about 2 weeks from now drivers to Canada will be mandated the Vexxine and that’s likely to put a big FUBAR in Canada / US logistics as well…)
So 23 are Anchored out in the California expensive special Diesel mandated zone. 27 are actually in the terminal being unloaded / loaded.
Then there’s that 77 of them loitering, drifting, or just steaming around outside of the anchorage. (Plus God Only Knows how many have decided to cross the ocean on Dead Slow to save a bit of fuel costs, or diverted to other ports, or just not taking on cargo destined to LB or LA.) I make that about 127 in / near California (and more out to sea or loading in China?).
All the threatened “penalty for containers that sit on the dock too long” has done is have more ships holding off unloading, near as I can tell. The “backup” is being pushed more toward the At Sea and China side.
Maybe this will let the port get the inventory of containers down to where they can more efficiently load them on trucks, but it still doesn’t fix the shortage of trucks caused by the mandate by the State that only “2010 or newer” engines are allowed into the State.
More at the link…
Keep this twit handy to quick monitor.
Marine Exchange (@MXSOCAL) Tweeted:
Ship Report as of 1/7: 99 total ships inport LA/LB including 39 at anchor or loitering & 60 at berths. Of the 99, 41 are container ships including 12 at anchor or loitering & 29 at berth. 13 vessels loitering; 5 container ships, 4 tankers, 4 bulk. https://t.co/NGvyBEM9cg
Word is the containers are all actually being searched where as before only a small percentage were. The good guys are looking for the portable missile systems called “Club K.”
Orange is mine too…depending on the shade.
“SHOCKER: President Trump’s Former CIA Director Gina Haspel Joins Attorneys Rod Rosenstein and Sally Yates at International Law Firm”
I think that should have been SHOCKER /s
So a career clown leader joins up with two seditionist former Injustice criminals in a NWO law firm.Who da thunk it?
Wow. And at 1 point somevthought she may have been a decent person.
CIA decent ??????
People were hopeful during qew posts with her in the hat print dress.
Those were the days. So much hope.
Why would she not divert be the oppose what she precedence to be? She is a spy after all,
Wasn’t it the white hats on black shirt or something ? The secret ‘comms’ meant she was a white hat
Ohm that shirt that reminded Wolf of EM field lines. (Those lines would be impossible, BTW.)
There would be a reluctance to the force, as it were…..
A disturbance in the farce would have been helpful then. Wasn’t she in FFM (Frankfurt) when the little TLA shoot-em-up happened???
I think people started to doubt her “shade” then… from FFFFFF to 000000…
I think Chris Wray is associated with this one, too……
OH, WAIT. That would be a “yes”.
Is that law firm not in Atlanta? If yes that explains the problem and stealing of election in GA.
YUP!!! That’s the one that GA/FL knows about, too.
So “international law firms” that can pay millions of dollars are basically running this country.
I guess they had to show us.
She’s out of GITMO? WT-?
San diego.
Matt Prichard (@MattPrichardTV) Tweeted:
Those protesting vaccine and mask mandates are now marching away from Waterfront Park. Traffic completely stopped, police are here keeping things orderly. @KUSINews https://t.co/1VI7NsMtSA
Glad they’re protesting, but I’m
% against traffic being blocked, no matter who it is.
Yup. That’s a way to piss people off, too, fast as lightning. Very stupid.
Easy way to spot infiltrators, if they suggest such crap.
Wanna see some of the shiz floating around in people’s blood?
If true, which we know it probably is, it explains a lot of what is happening to folks.
Think I will send this to my vaxxed family and friends.
The blonde lady with the hair clip looks like the colleague of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich (Nuremberg II)
She is the colleague of Dr Fuellmich.
There are a couple of sites/groups mentioned on that post which are very good alt-media and pro-truth. Also good are:
and the aforementioned
There are more and more and more alt-media outlets popping up over here, which is good to see, especially since Lauterbach and Söder have gone seriously off the rails…
Pierre Gosselin over at NoTricksZone has another great post about the CCP deception (along with the usual research debunking the other Demonic scandal of our time, GoreBull “warming”):
(Erlich is NOT the one who wrote “The Population Bomb”, btw… non-Germans might not know that)…
(n.b. the “bonbon” spreading pro-BigPharma bs is a troll, or perhaps an orc)…
That “population bomb” Ehrlich is still alive and kicking, last I checked, with leftists hanging on his every dire prediction even though h4e’s 0-8 at best.
Speaking of “Campingesque” prediction rates, I though you might like this pic
Take a look at the guy on the left:
(I liked his stations KEAR/KFMR, but his predictions were a very unwise, not to mention unbiblical thing to do… had no idea he was a big-time land developer back in the day… and that shopping center was/is pretty good-spent a lot of time (and money) there)…..
Chiefio nails it using Worldometers data.
I have posted a couple times, the stark difference between Covid successes in the likes of India, Indonesia and Japan Vs the miserable Covid effort in the USA. USA truly sucks at fighting Covid.
Corrupt News should show how poorly USA is doing compared to India, Japan… South Africa and South Korea highlighted.
Can It Be More Clear? Jabs vs Lockdowns vs Freedom vs Ivermectin
Posted on 9 January 2022 by E.M.Smith
The data / graphs here come from World-O-Meters
For a nation that skipped the whole “lockdown” stuff, we’ll use Sweden. Most folks there ought to have immunity to Chinese Wuhan Covid one way or another. Near as I can tell, Ivermectin is not in use there.
For a nation that has extremely high “Jabs & Boosters” along with masks, lockdowns, etc. I’m using Israel. Ought to be the Poster Child for doing it the “officially approved” way.
For nations using Ivermectin, we will look at Japan (also highly vaccinated) and India (relatively low vaccination rate but lots of Ivermectin). Just to see if there is a geographic issue or an Asians vs not, I’m tossing in South Korea as a “Japan Analog” but without Ivermectin use, near as I can tell.
Then, for “first out the gate” South Africa, which ought to give the longest time profile of Omicron.
Finally, just as a “How are ‘we’ doing”, the USA for comparison.
At the link with graphics.
Muzzle and paper bag in hand.
Disgusting. How much of any of this is pure theater ?
At a crucial moment during 2020’s racial justice protests, Seattle police exchanged a detailed series of fake radio transmissions about a nonexistent group of menacing right-wing extremists.
The radio chatter about members of the Proud Boys marching around downtown Seattle, some possibly carrying guns, and then heading to confront protesters on Capitol Hill was an improper “ruse,” or dishonest ploy, that exacerbated a volatile situation, according to findings released Wednesday by the city’s Office of Police Accountability.
They delivered reports such as, “It looks like a few of them might be open carrying,” and: “Hearing from the Proud Boys group. … They may be looking for somewhere else for confrontation.”
The June 8 chatter about Proud Boys was part of an approved “misinformation effort” via radio that multiple police leaders knew about, according to Wednesday’s closed-case summary by Myerberg, which will be reviewed by interim police Chief Adrian Diaz for disciplinary rulings. Fabricating the group of Proud Boys as part of the effort violated department policies, Myerberg determined.
But it appears unlikely that anyone will lose their jobs or pay over the incident. The two employees who ordered and supervised the misinformation effort and who Myerberg sustained allegations of policy violations against have already left the department, according to the case summary.
That’s a good way to get innocent people killed…if they “look” like MAGA types
Well, well, well:
Ghislaine Maxwell juror who could upend her conviction works for the Carlyle Group.
Like clockwork.
Oh, what a tangled web they weave,
When wickedly they practice to deceive…
(to paraphrase Sir Walter Scott)
From Anonymous Conservative:
Speaking to radio host Stew Peters, Dr. Robert Malone exposed what he described as a “handshake agreement” psychological operation “managed” by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency and their international colleagues in the UK against the American and British populations with regards to the COVID-19 vaccines. He doesn’t say why CIA and MI-6 want everyone vaccinated, but obviously it can’t be anything good.
PAGING Sylvia. Insights?
Isn’t THIS special…
ht GWP
Bill Filed In Washington Would Authorize ‘Strike Force’ To ‘Involuntarily Detain’ Unvaccinated Families: ‘They Have Already Set Up The Internment Camps’
The Washington State Legislature is slated to vote on a measure that will authorize the involuntary detainment of residents as young as 5 years old in “Covid-19 concentration camps, for failing to comply with the state’s experimental vaccine mandate.
If passed, WAC 246-100 will allow local health officers at “his other sole discretion” to “issue an emergency detention order causing a person or group of persons to be immediately detained for purposes of isolation or quarantine.”
More at the link.
Just today, chatting with Wifey. IF, the Not SC upholds mandatory injections for companies with 100 employees, what next?
citizensresidents. By BiteMe?We have revived our efforts to leave NV. Pissant Sisolak, a follower with zero leadership instincts, will assuredly follow Grewsome, Kate and Jay’s lead in CA, OR and WA.
We gotta get to a Red state.
I was thinking….is the coming shortage intentionally a part of the “winter of death” for the unvaxxed going to be attempted starvation? Cut the supplies then hand out food only with shot record but gee youve got to have a chip for more kinda thing?
I am quite sure, it’s ALL part of some master plan.
They’re evil enough to use it that way. More psychological torment to add more scared people to the growing mass hysterical population.
That we would see real rioting over food very quickly and they really wouldnt care. People die either way.
Yep. Can you believe that the country has been torn to shreds in a year ?
In every sector..education, medical/health, financial, commerce, mental health, peace, security……………..and now impending food shortage.
Can’t wait to see GROPUS standing there telling us that we’re all nuts and we live in a land of plenty
Some people will have plenty.
In the DDR they had stores the communist loyalist could shop western goods and they had plenty.
I am waiting when people who are not jabbed can only shop in some store and those who have all jabs can shop in stores that have plenty. Two tier system even in communist countries two tier in future US ?
It does sound like they’re using vaccines to “ease in socialism” that way.
Yes very evil
It blows my mind that the tipping point for the Revolution in America was taxation without representation.
In this USA in 2021…we are so beyond that and yet..we wait for things to somehow work out.
Yes I know we wait for someone to save us.
Of course violence would be even worse and a clear excuse to disarm people. To many people are still unaware because a large group is not affected. They have good paying jobs nothing lacking. I have a son planning to travel with his family on a two week safari. I feel for those who are barely scrape by. My husband woke up on his own is now prepping. Better now than never
Too many squishy, ignorant, or evil people in the world and no leaders here. Need real regional leaders on fire right away.
I absolutely believe this and they have it set up. Bribes, blackmail, money and power. Same shtick different generation.
Yes the tactics never change what stays also the same no one realizing what is happening until to late. I do not know why the congress believes it will not affect them? yes it will the brick will fall on them when the take over is complete. There only can be one leader and it cannot be them.
Congress may be filled with people who will reliably rubberstamp what the dictator wants.
So it can pretend to be a well-set-up republic with checks and balances.
Yes they all do. The pretenders.
Each group has been deluded that their cause is protected. None of them will be in the end.
Let us hope so.
Several months ago, Washington state was looking to hire guards for its detainment camps, and we know there is one already to go in the Western Central Wash. area.
Inslee is such a boob I cannot believe he is capable of accomplishing this, but the Commies have great support and infrastructure. It doesn’t matter that Inslee is a perfect idiot, they provide him with someone to tell him what to do.
Things look a little grim here.
On a National scale…
It doesn’t matter that
InsleeBiteMe is a perfect idiot, they provide him with someone to tell him what to do.Thanks for the insights.
If it is Indian land then Inslee could be by-past and Federal Government can deal with Indians directly? He might not have had a say?
That’s clearly a very ominous progression. Bad bad things can only come with all that in place.
It makes me uneasy.
Apparantly WA has an internment Camp or two already established. Several months ago we read about one on Indian Land.
WA has also hired guards.
Looks like WA will start rounding up Americans for no GOOD reason.
On Indian land ? Does Indian lond come under US district and laws or do Indians have their own law?
If they do not fall under US law then people can rot there because US law does not apply? Wonder how much they were paid?
Am I wrong ?
Florida’s gonna get awful crowded.
(@edwardrussl) Tweeted:
. Patriot Front #PatriotFront https://t.co/7nABNhw3U5
Speaking of Sylvia. My recent post, paging Sylvia.
Here is a HILARIOUS Sylvia post I copied from Marica’s place.
“Sherwin-Williams Paint has unveiled the perfect new color options for the hard-core progressive DIYer in your life.
In recent years, The City by the Bay has become famous for the rich and diverse shades of browns splattered across the town. Thus, the “San Francisco Streets” series was born and will hit stores later this month.
“Browns have always been one of our worst-selling colors,” Sherwin-Williams CEO, John Morikis told The Glorious American. “But the Bay Area must just adore this color. It’s as if someone already painted the city brown. Personally, I find it disgusting what they’ve done to the place but San Francisco has always been on the cutting edge of fashion, so we trust they know what they’re doing.”
“We really wanted to capture that unique brown that is often caked on the bottom of San Franciscans’ shoes as they return home from work,” Sherwin-Williams said in a press release. “Our color experts even made ‘BART Brown’ come with a nice yellow piece of corn as an accent.”
The “San Francisco Streets” series will include the following colors:
BART Brown
SoMa Soft Stool
Dogpatch Diarrhea
Stockton St. Mud-Butt
Coit Colon Brown
Divisadero Dookie
Tenderloin Turd
Potrero Poo
Wet Shart Warfield
They forgot “Castro Compacted”.
Candlestick Crapola.
Golden Gate Gunk
Ha, Kalbo, glad you liked it! Things are kinda grim. We have to remember to laugh a little.
Not to forget:
Willie Brown
Kamel-Hoe Brown
Jerry Brown
Downtown Brown
North Beach Brown
Burnt Hombre Brown
Twin Peaks Turdeau
Candlestick Fart
Clown Alley Crud
Poo 39
Alcatraz Auburn
Ariana notso Grande
Jack Posobiec
(@JackPosobiec) Tweeted:
BREAKING: Kazakhstan has arrested their former head of intelligence for treason
For reference, here is a photo of him with Joe and Hunter Biden https://t.co/CfdfMux4MB
And that’s how it should be: trans vs. trans, in their own category.
Being a true suspicious cat – I’d like to see statistics of both swimmers to be sure the male to female trannie didn’t throw the race for the cause of transgenders in sports.