Today’s rally is being billed as a kick-off to 2024, but really, it seems to be more of a keep the troops motivated sort of thing given the moves happening on the world stage right now.
The area where the current town of Florence is located was once inhabited by the Hohokam, ancestors of the O’odham people.[4] Prior to the establishment of the town, the Gila River served as a part of the border between the United States and Mexico. In 1853, the Gadsden Purchase extended American territory well south of the Gila.[5]
Levi Ruggles, a veteran of the American Civil War, founded the town of Florence on the south bank of the Gila River. He came to Arizona Territory in 1866 as a U.S. Indian Agent. Recognizing the agricultural potential of the valley, he found an easily fordable crossing on the Gila River and surveyed a townsite there. With the aid of Governor R.C. McCormick, he secured a post office in August of the same year. Ruggles held numerous public offices including that of Territorial Legislator.[6] Florence became the county seat in the newly formed Pinal County. Silver was discovered in 1875 in the nearby mountains which led to the creation of the famous Silver King Mine.[7]
In 1870, Fred Adams founded a farming community two miles west of the original Florence townsite. The farming town had stores, homes, a post office, a flour mill, and water tanks, It was named Adamsville. In the 1900s (decade), the Gila River overflowed after a storm and ran over its banks. Most of the small town was wiped out and the residents moved to Florence. The area where the town was established is now a ghost town and is currently within the boundaries of Florence. At the junction of Highway 79 and 287 there is a historical marker about Adamsville.[8]
A canal was built in the 1880s which enabled water from the Gila River to be diverted for irrigation. Farming and ranching then played a major role in Florence’s economy. All of the federal land transactions for Southern Arizona were conducted in Florence until 1881, when the Federal Land Office was moved to Tucson.
Tunnel Saloon Gabriel-Phy shootout of 1888
One of the most notable gunfights in the Old Southwest occurred in Florence. Sheriff Pete Gabriel hired thirty-nine year old Joseph (Joe) Phy as his deputy in 1883. Gabriel decided to not run for sheriff in 1886 and supported his deputy Phy for the job. Later Gabriel withdrew his support because of personal differences with Phy. The two friends became bitter enemies and had a confrontation on May 31, 1888 in the Tunnel Saloon. A gunfight ensued and spread to the street. Both men received gunshot wounds. Phy died a few hours after the gunfight, but Gabriel survived the encounter and died 10 years later.[9]
Second Pinal County Courthouse
The second Pinal County Courthouse was built in 1891. It was the site where the trials of three notorious women were presented. They were Pearl Heart, Eva Dugan and Winnie Ruth Judd, known as the “Trunk Murderess”. Pearl Heart (birth surname: Hart) was an outlaw of the American Old West. She committed one of the last recorded stagecoach robberies in the United States; her crime gained notoriety primarily because of her gender. She was tried in 1899 and was acquitted, however the judge ordered a second trial and she was found guilty and sentenced to five years in prison.[10]
In the 1930s Eva Dugan was convicted of murder. She was sentenced to be executed by hanging. However, it resulted in her decapitation and influenced the State of Arizona to replace hanging with the gas chamber as a method of execution.[11]
Winnie Ruth Judd was a Phoenix medical secretary who was found guilty of murdering and dismembering her friends Agnes Anne LeRoi and Hedvig Samuelson over the alleged affections of her lover Jack Halloran. The jury found her guilty of first-degree murder on February 8, 1932. An appeal was unsuccessful. Her trial was marked by sensationalized newspaper coverage and suspicious circumstances. Judd was sentenced to be hanged February 17, 1933, and sent to the Arizona State Prison in Florence. The sentence she received raised debate about capital punishment.[12] Her death sentence was overturned after a ten-day hearing found her mentally incompetent; she was then sent to Arizona State Asylum for the Insane on April 24, 1933.[13]
Tom Mix Monument
In 1940, the cowboy movie star Tom Mix was killed when he lost control of his speeding Cord Phaeton convertible and rolled into a dry wash (now called the Tom Mix Wash) in Florence, Arizona. Mix, who was a regular tenant in the Ross/Fryer–Cushman House, was returning to Florence from Tucson. There is a 2-foot–tall iron statue of a riderless horse with a plaque on the site of the accident.[14]
Colorful to say the least.

About Save America
Over the past four years, President Donald Trump’s administration delivered for Americans of all backgrounds like never before. Save America is about building on those accomplishments, supporting the brave conservatives who will define the future of the America First Movement, the future of our party, and the future of our beloved country. Save America is also about ensuring that we always keep America First, in our foreign and domestic policy. We take pride in our country, we teach the truth about our history, we celebrate our rich heritage and national traditions, and of course, we respect our great American Flag.
- We are committed to defending innocent life and to upholding the Judeo-Christian values of our founding.
- We believe in the promise of the Declaration of Independence, that we are all made EQUAL by our Creator, and that must all be TREATED equal under the law.
- We know that our rights do not come from government, they come from God, and no earthly force can ever take those rights away. That includes the right to religious liberty and the right to Keep and Bear Arms.
- We believe in rebuilding our previously depleted military and ending the endless wars our failed politicians of the past got us into for decades.
- We embrace free thought, we welcome robust debate, and we are not afraid to stand up to the oppressive dictates of political correctness.
- We know that the rule of law is the ultimate safeguard of our freedoms, and we affirm that the Constitution means exactly what it says AS WRITTEN.
- We support fair trade, low taxes, and fewer job-killing regulations, and we know that America must always have the most powerful military on the face of the Earth.
- We believe in Law and Order, and we believe that the men and women of law enforcement are HEROES who deserve our absolute support.
- We believe in FREE SPEECH and Fair Elections. We must ensure fair, honest, transparent, and secure elections going forward – where every LEGAL VOTE counts.
Me, first!? Cool!
Thanks for the thread and info DP!
Well, this means a light day for me (thank you) as everyone will be over here!
Maybe not.
Isn’t that 1/365.25 of something?
Thanks so much for the Rally Thread De Pat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and for all that you do…………….
Watching Glenn Youngkin being sworn in as the 74th Virginia Governor. EXCITED!!
We Winsome, they Losesome.
What a shame she wasn’t the top of that ticket. He used her big time.
Eh, it’s politics. I just hope they can run Youngkin until he’s termed, then run Sears until she’s termed.
I hear you! But she has a great future! Could it be 16 years of Red Virginia?
Here comes our dear Winsome Sears and her husband. Crowd goes wild. Now here comes Glenn Youngkin and his wife. More wildness from the crowd.
Psyched, as they once said!
Change of plans for me. I’ll be late to the party here this evening. Should have known.
I should be here!!!
Great. One of the brats bailed on us.
Love it!!!
She always reminds me of a hawk, or a peregrine falcon, some tiny, fierce bird of prey.
But she’s also a bird of Pray(er)…
Not like the fake before, and the fake after…
Interesting that on que a muslim is holding jews hostage on the day POTUS has a rally. Just you know convenient.
That’s like saying “interesting that the weather was dry at Death Valley on the day that…” or “Earth’s atmosphere had oxygen in it on the day that…”
I mean find a day when there ISN’T something like this going on.
Ah i know…but its closer to home, not uk or france.
And a Paki, another group who are itching to push Bye,Dung around…
The religion of pieces. Like their father the devil; they cannot create, they can only destroy…
Prayers for the hostages, the Synagogue, and that community… May G_D guard, guide, and protect them.
Clay Travis (@ClayTravis) Tweeted:
This is fantastic.
Oh, lololol! I’m dying.
The very end tho.
Mike Lindell was great. Short, but great!
LOL! “Shamestream media”!!!
OAN lost its feed to AZ but it is back and Debbie Lesko is speaking.
I enjoyed the Lindell interview. POTUS’s helicopter flew over at the end!
Wendy Rogers says she has submitted 50 bills since the session started on Monday. Some would abolish voting machines, get rid of regular mail in voting, and declare election day a holiday.
Rogers: “We must DECERTIFY!”
Call your legislators to decertify. Audit all 50 states to check the vote, canvass all 50 states to clean up the voter rolls. We need audits after every election at no notice, with spot checks.
Grace does that for the people who have it.
Kari Lake is GREAT. My wife is clapping! This woman is brilliant.
Man, this woman is getting cheers like crazy!
“Lock up that Liar, Dr. Fauci!”
OMG, that was amazing.
“Common sense – not communism.”
OMG, this woman is inspiring as all Heaven!!!
I wonder fiery or measured? So many jokes he can tell.
I expect not necessarily angry, but fiery.
So much better than angry confused dementia guy.
What other “former” president ever had this kind of security?
When he said 25 miles, he wasn’t exaggerating. WOW!!!!!!!
171,000 people are watching on Rumble.
132,000 on YouTube.
I lost what she said about other venues.
300,000+ concurrent viewers right now.
OAN here!!!
Hey My Beautiful QTree Peeps!!!
Let’s take this Country back!!
It’s time to Make America America Again!!!
So excited to hear from our REAL PRESIDENT!!!

THey’re the BIG LIE.
The Big Lie is a lotta BULLSHIT!
And we’ll do much better the third time and WIN that too!!
People are hungry for the truth.
They want their country back!
Do nothing Mark Kelly.
Crazy Nancy.
Come here KARI LAKE.
He’s the Greatest President we’ve ever known.
Our Founding Fathers would be Trump Republicans….wearing MAGA hats.
When I’m elected, we will finish your Big Beautiful Wall.
KARI is VERY popular!!!
THe grocery shelves are empty.
Darling I’d love to buy you a big beautiful ring but there’s no merchandise.
Mimicing Creepy w/ hand gestures, ‘I’m gonna get rid of Cooovid.’
Look at that crowd, as far as the eye can see.
When we SURRENDERED Afghanistan
13 dead soldiers, 28 wounded and maimed
85 Billion in equipment left
Biden approval in the 20s. The only one lower is Kamala.
We trounced them on Nov. 3.
Yeah, they might be evil. They’re either Evil or they’re Incompetent.
He is praising SCOTUS and judges. I think encouraging is part of his leadership style.
Definitely. He always talks well of people and tries to encourage people to step up and be all they can be. Some do and some don’t.
Biden has made Fauxi the King.
I didn’t listen to him.
This is a big deal.
America is fed up with Fauxi.
“Tell Joe Biden the Americans’ health choices are none of his business. We can make our own choices.”
Leave our immune systems alone.
Leave our children alone. No more masks
Leave us the hell alone.
We can make our own medical choices. It’s none of your damn business.
Therapeutics! And testing is such a disaster.
our Veterans!
Saluted a veteran.
Wow – TRUMP is raining righteous FURY on all the bad guys!!!
The Evildoers deserve it, let it Rain!
“We are done having our lies controlled by politicians and Washington bureaucrats.” Done with mandates, including for frontline healthcare workers.
Corrupt Power Hungry Lunatics
We are DONE having our lives controlled by Politicians and Government Bureaucrats
We are Done with Mandates
“The radical Democrats want to turn the United States into a communist country.”
It needs to be said, and he went there.
After the rallies here and TX, time to see how much whst he says convinces people to not vote or support dimms.
“We can’t let them get away with it” – stealing the elections.
I said it and I didn’t mean it, well maybe a little bit and now
we’re becoming a large scale Venezuela
“The toughest country to deal with is the United States.”
“We don’t talk about greatness anymore.” We talk about the environment, race, etc.
“The Left is now rationing life-saving therapeutics based on race!” Denigrating white people. Unbelievable. Nobody wants this.
“SCOTUS should intervene immediately.”
The toughest country to deal with was the United States
We never talk about Greatness anymore….all about China virus, race, other
A country has to talk about Greatness and the future
Nobody wants the VAX, it doesn’t do any good, even black people don’t want it
You can only get treatment based on your race….whites are discriminated against
I’ve gone through so many Witch Hunts, I’m a Professional Witch Hunt Beater
“I’m a professional witch-hunter beater.” Impeachment 1 & 2, etc.
“Nancy Pelosi has turned the US House of Representatives into a Stalinist show trial.”
Nancy has turned the House into a Stalinist Show Trial
the UNSelect Committee….treating people horribly
Great statement!!!
Jan. 6 prisoners! Appalling. Why aren’t they doing it to Antifa, BLM, etc.? Blatant abuse of power to harrass political opponents. Has never happened to this extent.
Dems know politics and they know cheating
Republicans won’t do it. Sir, we’d never vote 10 times.
What’s happening to the people in jail. Disgraceful. Political persecutions.
Why aren’t they doing it to Antifa??????
Let’s watch a little video about New York.
Little Ol Tish’s campaign, running on and threatening to sue and ruin 45.
(all those clips are evidence in his lawsuit against her)
Democrat-run cities are crime-ridden. We had a decision to make whether to intervene, but we let Dems handle it. We would do it differently next time.
Highlighting the prisoners’ horrible conditions.
“Dope” who shot Ashli Babbitt is a disgrace.
Crime in big cities, Chicago, 83 people shot, 7 dead on a weekend
Afghanistan, 18 months, zero deaths
Jan6 prisoners, conditions are disgusting and horrible
We should help them defend themselves
They are being persecuted
The guy who shot Ashli Babbit, went on tv immediately
If it was the other way around, they’d be calling for the electric chair
“Pelosi wants to move to Florida. I don’t want her in Florida.”
Nancy wants to move to Florida
I don’t want her in Florida
Why did Pelosi and the Capitol Police reject the more than 10,000 guard troops or soldiers that PDJT authorized?
They never talk about the size of the crowd, the largest one PDJT thinks he’s ever spoken before.
How many in the crowd were FBI informants? How about Epps? Nothing happens.
“Why aren’t they investigating Nov. 3rd, a rigged and stolen election?”
How many Jan6’rs were FIB informants
Why didn’t Nasty allow National Guard
Why aren’t they investigating rigged and stolen election????????
J6 commentary and more. Bout time. Im ready for another inauguration smackdown.
Excellent stuff. HE GETS IT ALL!!!
The REAL Insurrection took place on November 3rd
“The real insurrection took place on election day, Nov. 3rd.”
Witch hunts happen because they know the American people are not with them, but against them.
“Never let a Republican ever get elected again” bill. That’s what it really is. Flood the system with illegal votes.
It’s not a Voting Rights Bill, it’s a Voting Fraud Bill, a Never get another Republican Elected Bill
I’m watching on OAN, the only cable network airing the rally, DAMN ATT to HELL for canceling them!!
It’s not even on CSPAN.
I know.
Going forward, OAN has a ROKU app.
Or watch online (thanks to GA/FL
One America News Network Live –
I have Uverse, which they’re trying to get rid of and switch me to Direct TV, NO WAY!
Gotta make a decision this month. I HATE COMCAST, which is my only other option for net/cable package. But I’m ready to tell ATT off.
He was not going to wear the hat, but did because it’s so windy.
He thinks AG Brnovich will do his job. (More encouragement.)
He’s Bashing the AZ election stealers
Why did they DELETE Data under subpoena?
We’re waiting on AG Bronovich. All we want is him to do is his job.
Georgia investigation should be a bombshell. Illegal ballot harvesting, far more than necessary to win the state.
Never forger video of Ruby and her daughter…suitcases under the table, sneaker netting USB drive, scanning same ballots multiple times
Must return to the historical norm of voting in person on election day unless you’re in the military or very sick.
Same day voting, paper ballots. A lot of countries use them and don’t have the problems we have.
Trump is proving that he’s the man to beat, and it’s almost impossible for somebody to GET IT like Trump. Nobody gets IT ALL like Trump!!!
Must have a forensic audit into Zuckerberg’s $417m donated to election offices.
“We’re going to stage a comeback the likes of which nobody has ever seen.”
Defeat Sen. Mark Kelly. He is a disaster. Voted repeatedly for open borders in AZ. “How the hell did you elect this guy?”
Mark Kelly – LOSER!!!
They’re treating illegal immigrants better than Veterans!
Teleprompter problems.
Can’t use “Keep America Great” because America is not great right now. Afghanistan, open borders. Afghan withdrawal might be the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country.
He’s acknowledging politicians and others. I had wondered if Melania would be there, but I guess not.
Mike Lindell…
Boris Epshteyn…
Rick Grenell…
Thanking Supporters……A BUNCH OF GOOD ONES!!!
Andy Biggs!
Paul Gosar!
Debbie Lesko!
Kelly Townsend
Blake Masters!
WENDY ROGERS! She’s so great.
Sonny Borrelli! Tough, smart, I love Italians
Karen Fann
Anthony Kern
Kelli Ward! Great job
Sheriff Mark Lamb!, From Central Casting, he’s popular
Ken Paxton!!! From TEXAS, fighter like you’ve never seen
Alveda King!!!

Pam Bondi, AG of FL
Charlie Kirk! Can’t believe how young you are
MIKE LINDELL! The Pillow Man, hates advertising
Boris Epstheyn!
Rick Grenell! Germany Ambassador, Merkel hated him, DNI
Mark Finchem! He’ll get to the bottom of everything
AZ Life Coalition
What a GREAT statement on OAN!!!
Maybe what we should do is NOT use ATT!

They want to cancel for purely political reasons.
I WILL NOT SAY BOYCOTT ATT, because I promised Robert I wouldn’t do it.

“I will not say boycott AT&T.” LOL
He’s hilarious !
When Repubs take Congress, a top priority will be to secure the border.
PDJT respects the president of Mexico. “Yes, he may be a socialist, but I like him.” He supported our border efforts.
All Biden had to do is just go to the beach.

P.S. Dis-heartened to see ads here in TX about Border Patrol endorsing Abbott for Governor. What about Allen West? Even Don Huffines looks like a MAGA Maniac! Why BP, Why?
Tens of millions of people have crossed the border. Not necessarily people we want in our country. Record number of migrant children being pushed into the arms of traffickers, smugglers, and criminal cartels.
Godspeed to the hostages in Texas, right now.
We need to find and detail all illegals Creepy let in….We have no idea where they come from, what their ideology is
Make law prosecuting Sanctuary Cities for violating laws (HOW CRAZY IS THAT?!?)
BTW, we have a hostage situation in TX, I think I know who it is

Hope Wheatie has time to lurk a bit.
Grandma also.
Both dearly MISSED.

We said W2 could stop her Monday posts, NOT leave us altogether! May have to take a Road Trip. I’ll swing by and get GMA on the way.
Just FYI everybody – Deplorable Patriot is LOCKED OUT by WokePress. Cannot get into the site.
It’s a “bug” in JetPack code. We’ve shut it down before, but WokePress keeps moving it to where we can’t shut it down.
She was here earlier…the Commies didn’t want her commenting on the Rally.
Could that happen to anyone? And if it did, would you know it? I’m wondering if someone got locked out if there would be a way to make it known.
Do like DePat did and make a comment to me on the backup site!

Saw her on the daily awhile ago. Things that make us go, hmmm.
fyi, My Notifications are not working on this thread. STRANGE.
It’s tied to the problem of her not being able to post.
thats what I figured. U should demand a pro-rated refund for every outage that ever happens. U keeping a log? Let me at em, I love to chew on Vendors
Honestly, I don’t have time for keeping records I’ll never need or use. We are in the middle of a war. Things are going to break.
We keep a site together, more or less, and we keep fighting! RULE #1.
The backup site (plus some of Utree) to report outages IS THE LOG.
Weirder yet, they are coming through about 6 hours later for me – like this one came through at about 3:18 AM EST Sunday – but I saw it on the site much earlier.
There is something wrong with the timing, and also with WordPress notifications.
Yay, they’re working! Also when I came looking for the Rally thread last night around 8pC, I noticed Sunday’s thread was already out there for selection too. So yeah, timing was def off.
OH, NOEZ!!!!!
Thanks for this. And here I thought I was just this little fish who could fly under the radar.

“A great red wave will start right here in AZ.”
2022 We are going to take back the House, Take back America
2024 We are going take back the Whitehouse!
People who come here have to love our country and love our people.
We will hold China accountable.
We will break up Big Tech…much more.
Ban CRT.
Restore patriotic education. Teach children to respect our country and flag.
Ban men from participating in women’s sports.
“Our MAGA movement is the biggest political movement in the history of our country.”
Think about it: we are part of that.
Ban MEN from participating in Women’s Sports.
I donated blood today, They had a new question. “The FDA wants to know what gender you are” ,,,WUT TF, WHY?!?

I replied FEMALE, there’s only TWO GENDERS! WOKE little lady was displeased.
You could’ve said feline

That’s sick. The child is being encouraged to have mental illness.
This is a way to instill and increase mass formation psychosis susceptibility at the individual level.
And apparently they are allowing entire classrooms of children to be exposed to that behavior and to be told they have to sanction it. Parents need to rise up!
To think that only afew years ago we tittered about Furries…weirdo adults dressing like animals….like how stupid is that…fast forward to 2022…the psychosis masters are demanding that they be treated as if they’re actually furry creatures.
We’ve come a loooong way into the matrix
Feed it kibble and make it sit in a box of USED kitty litter.
That’ll cure things right quick…
First world problems….
We will make America
and great again!
apparently left out FREE… hmmm
I thought he was going to announce something tonight. That’s okay, though.
There is NO hurry to announce. Trump is perfectly positioned, to play it to his benefit. “Escalator ride” at a time and place of his choosing. IMO.
New song: “Hold on, I’m coming.”
Excellent song choice.
HOLD ON, I’M COMING (Excellent Choice!)
Been in and out all evening.
Appreciate the posts so I could try to keep up.
Looked like fun.
Hoping for a rally within ~500 miles of my place.
Slow guy is always up for a drive, TO ATTEND A TRUMP RALLY.
Thank you bflyjesusgrl & TheseTruths for the commentary !!!!
You’re welcome!
And TYSM to Wolfie!!

I’m thrilled that he finally discussed the travesty of the J6 committee and the DC gulag…. AND he didn’t tout the jab, finally
Agree on both counts. This speech was a winner all the way around.
Even TORBA said the same thing. Torba of all people.
Torba’s Butthurt that 45 won’t get on GAB.
Me too.