Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS:

Get your rest NOW, Trumpy Bear! You’re going back to the White House!!!

The Business At Hand
This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).
And indeed, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it!!!


And we’ll have a good time doing it!

About Today

Equal rights. Yes. It’s STILL a noble struggle.
Only the STRUGGLE is NOW with those who make sure things remain unequal between “Let’s You All And Them All Fight” groups.
Just sayin’.

It’s also the Qth of January.
Speaking of people who are actually fighting for equal rights.
ThanQ, wherever you are!

The Rules

Boilerplate, more or less, but worth reading again and again, if only for the minor changes, and to stay out of moderation.
The bottom line is Free Speech. Theories and ideas you don’t agree with must be WELCOME here, and you must be part of that welcoming. But you do NOT need to be part of any agreement.

If we err, we’re going to err in the direction of FREE SPEECH and PAINFUL TRUTH.
This is a feisty show, a lot like GAB. You can say what you want, but others can and will correct you, disagree with you, or oppose you – as long as they do so in a civil manner.
And you get to DISAGREE BACK.
You may be FRIENDLY, but you don’t have to be SILENT.
So DO try to be civil, but DON’T stay silent when something needs to be said, and YOU are the person who needs to say it.

Civility makes us FIT to inherit the MORAL SYSTEM passed down to us by the Founders.
We must endeavor to persevere to love our frenemies – even here.
So OPPOSE EACH OTHER RESOLUTELY BUT WITH KINDNESS, in the manner of a guy named Paul.
Those who cannot deal with this easy requirement will be forced to jump the hoops of moderation, so that specific comments impugning other posters and violating the minimal rules can be sorted out and tossed in the trash.
In Wheatie’s words, “We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”
That includes the life skill of just ignoring certain other posters.
We do have a site – The U Tree – where civility is not a requirement. Interestingly, people don’t really go there much. Nevertheless, if you find yourself in an “argument” that can’t really stay civil, please feel free to “take it to the U Tree”. The U Tree is also a good place to report any technical difficulties, if you’re unable to report them here. Please post your comment there on one of Wolf’s posts, or in reply to one of Wolf’s comments, to make sure he sees it (though it may take a few hours).
We also have a backup site, called The Q Tree as well, which is really The Q Tree 579486807. You might call it “Second Tree”. The URL for that site is If this site ( ever goes down, please reassemble at the Second Tree.
If the Second Tree goes down, please go to The U Tree, or to our Gab Group, which is located at
We also have some “old rules” and important guidelines, outlined here, in a very early post, on our first New Year’s Day, in 2019. The main point is not to make violent threats against people, which then have to be taken seriously by law enforcement, and which can be used as a PRETEXT by enemies of this site.
In the words of Wheatie, “Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”
A Moment of Prayer
Our policy on extreme religious freedom on this site is discussed HERE. Please feel free to pray and praise God anytime and anywhere.
Thus, please pray for our real President, the one who actually won the election.

You may also pray for our enemies, whose numbers diminish daily, as they flee to our camp in alliance, from the jabby and murderous designs of ROBBER JOE, WINNIE THE POOH, and the KISSINGER KABAL.

For your listening enjoyment, and general encouragement, we continue Wheatie’s tradition of fine music videos, shipped fresh from the seas of information by our intrepid authors.
Let’s finish near where we left off last time…..
So where does that lead?
To a fascinating node in the web of all things Q Tree…..
AUUURRRGGGHHH!!!! I need something with a little more PEP – and maybe a bit less CSNY CHOOMER SOY and BEELZEBUBBA STDs.
But still some estrogen, it would appear.
OK – that does it. Whether plant estrogens or the regular ones, it always leads to the dreaded condition of WAXY SOY FACE, and that is best exemplified by…..

So as an antidote, I think I need THE OTHER GRETCHEN.
And now that we’re cured of all this stuff, let’s see if we can find…..
Some actual WHEATIE MUSIC. You know – epic soundtrack stuff!
How about this?
OK – not quite. Sorry – it’s everything wrong with Hollywood. Epic but not inspiring.
Let’s try THIS.
“Epic Victorian Steampunk” or something like that!
Ah – that’s more like it! THAT is what we need……
Call To Battle

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.

We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.

Joe Biden didn’t win.
And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

A Declaration of Independence from Immoral and Unconstitutional Vaccine Mandates
by Dr. Robert Malone & Peter Navarro
in Washington, DC – January 12, 2022
In this declaration of independence from a “Forced Universal Vaccination Policy,” we hold these truths to be evident:
SARS-CoV-2 appears to be a bioweapon genetically engineered at the Wuhan Institute of Virology using gain-of-function technologies transferred to China by Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institutes of Health bureaucracy and funded in part by both NIH and the threat mitigation branch of the Department of Defense’s Defense Threat Reduction Agency.
China’s virus has killed millions, undermined the economies of China’s rivals and destabilized Western-style democracies through panicky authoritarian measures such as vaccine passports, economic lockdowns and mask/vaccination mandates.
No vaccine exists capable of eradicating the virus comparable to vaccines for diseases like polio and smallpox, and COVID-19 has entered a variety of animal reservoirs. At this point, it cannot be eradicated by any human vaccine.
Furthermore, the public health threat of the omicron variant is minuscule while our national medicine cabinet contains only a very mixed bag of highly leaky and nondurable quasi-vaccines. For example, the Pfizer and Moderna jabs are based on an experimental mRNA technology originally developed by one of this piece’s authors (Malone), are of primitive construction and are associated with the development of vaccine and monoclonal antibody-resistant viral mutations.
With leakiness, vaccinated individuals are becoming infected at increasing rates. With nondurability, the Pied Pipers of forced vaccinations are demanding ever more “booster” jabs.
America’s quasi-vaccines are significantly riskier than public health officials have disclosed. They can trigger serious cardiac and thrombotic conditions, menstrual cycle disruptions, Bell’s palsy, Guillain-Barre syndrome and anaphylaxis. Male children appear particularly prone to myocarditis, while, post-vaccination, individuals may have suppressed immunities that make them vulnerable to other diseases.
Government officials like Dr. Fauci and Big Pharma executives like Pfizer’s CEO Albert Bourla and Scott Gottlieb have fed us a steady diet of “noble lie” assurances to encourage universal vaccination. This propaganda has been disseminated by outlets such as CNN and MSNBC and reinforced by systematic Big Tech censors like Facebook and Google determined to hide reality from the public — even as drug company lawyers work to avoid data disclosure that would inform us otherwise.
The virus is now so thoroughly embedded in global populations that, like the common cold and flu, it will be with us for the foreseeable future. It is long past time to substitute Dr. Fauci’s increasingly frantic “vaccine” as a silver bullet fantasy for this reality: The genetic vaccines and overall Fauci/Biden policies have utterly failed to meet their public health objectives — even as life insurance executives such as OneAmerica CEO J. Scott Davison are on fire concerning the overall high mortality rates they are observing in their data.
Alternatively, we must pragmatically build “herd immunity” against the virus, and the quickest and safest way to do this is to reserve vaccination for the most vulnerable (who are already highly vaccinated) while flooding our communities with cheap, safe and efficacious therapeutics freely prescribed in early treatment by personal physicians.
In this fundamentally conservative strategy, no healthy person below the age of 60 should be enticed — or coerced! — to get vaccinated. This is especially true for healthy children, who are at little risk from the prior higher-risk virus strains and develop more robust, diverse and durable immunity than the quasi-vaccinated.
It should go without saying that healthy normal children should not be treated with experimental medical products. This is particularly true given that over half the nation’s children have already developed the enhanced natural immunity engendered by infection, and the risk of side effects of the Pfizer/BioNTech product is higher in those that have developed natural immunity.
Regarding therapeutics, abundant research now shows hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, in particular, can significantly moderate symptoms, reduce hospital stays, eliminate the need for a ventilator, and take death off the table when administered in “early treatment” after symptoms begin. Both are not just far cheaper than the new antiviral pills approved by the FDA and pimped by Merck and Pfizer. They are safer and likely more effective.
The biggest health risk from the Biden/Fauci universal vaccination strategy is this doomsday scenario: The more you vaccinate, the more likely you will spawn vaccine-resistant mutations; and the more likely those vaccinated will fall prey to the mutations. A particularly lethal vaccine-resistant mutation in a universally vaccinated world may well wipe out the human race.
This is not science fiction. It is Virology 101 — Black Swan event though it may be. Furthermore, troubling data is emerging from Denmark and the UK that vaccination may increase the risk of omicron infection.
The biggest political risk as America’s mass formation hypnotized bureaucrats ratchet up the universal vaccination pressure are the threats to our jobs and access to schools, shopping, restaurants and sports arenas. Mr. Fauci is now even discussing banning airline travel for the unvaccinated. He seeks to herd us like sheep (or lemmings) towards a vaccine nation ruled by the same kind of overbearing authoritarian apparatchiks epitomized by the very country from which the virus originated.
That Australia, Canada and Europe have already reached a disturbing state of forced vaccination disgrace should be a warning sign to every American still concerned about freedom and the future of American democracy.
If the Biden/Fauci doctrine were based on sound science and a workable strategy, and if omicron were causing severe disease and death, trading freedom for reduced risk might be barely tolerable. But this current frantic madness cuts against the grain of both current data and every scientific principle we know.
The Biden/Fauci administration has become consumed by a mass formation fantasy of safe and effective gene vaccines that can save us from a nonexistent omicron danger.
Accordingly, today we declare our independence from these fools and urge all of our fellow citizens — vaccinated or not — to do the same. This is based on current scientific data, not on a hypnotized fantasy.
• Dr. Robert Malone is the discoverer of in-vitro and in-vivo RNA transfection and the original inventor of the core mRNA vaccine technology. Peter Navarro served in the Trump White House, assisted in rapid development of the gene vaccines and is the author of “In Trump Time: A Journal of America’s Plague Year” (All Seasons Press).
Peter Navarro SCORCHES Anthony Fauci
In this video, J.D. Rucker interviews Peter Navarro on Anthony Fauci.
Just listen to the FIRST TWO MINUTES of this shocking video, which shows that Fauci KNEW from the beginning that this was his virus, and he withheld that information.
Take note – a picture of the WUHAN INSTITUTE OF VIROLOGY is behind Navarro as he speaks.

Wolfie’s Wheatie’s Word of the Day:
violating convention or propriety; bizarre
synonyms: bizarre, cranky, crazy, curious, eccentric, erratic, far-out, funky, funny, kinky, kooky, odd, off-kilter, off-the-wall, offbeat, out-of-the-way, outlandish, peculiar, quaint, queer, quirky, remarkable, screwy, spaced-out, strange, wacky, way-out, weird, wild
Used in a sentence:
Democrat-favored fashion choices, like their lifestyle preferences, tend toward the outré.
Used in a picture:

Used in a video:
Wishing you all a great week.
And don’t forget to…..

That last one cuts off the ending where the police roll up and everyone points at the little girl, going “she started it!”
These highly beautiful random events need to be investigated! I think there’s a conspiracy! And it’s not the little girl at the top, either!
I understand that “wavy-hands guy” was on the “most-wanted list” until citizen journalists figured out his likely identity, whereupon he mysteriously disappeared from that webpage.
Sure it isn’t some kind of subtle propaganda?
Took place in an eu country.
All the musicians gradually “joining together” into one group.
The children melt peoples hearts.
Everyone says how beautiful it is.
Ode to joy is the eu anthem.
Message implanted without them knowing it.
Take away all the staged players, crowd participants included, and all one would be left with would be a flock of sheep.
Good catch!!!
Hey Wolfie, I tried to reply to JWinGermany about WuFlu evidence. I pasted Steve Kirsch’s substack article. I went back to edit and clean up the links and any reference to my email addy, but Apparently, it’s too big and awaiting approval. Can you please check for me? and make sure no email info is showing? TYSM!! 🤗 🥰 ❤
P.S. That substack article could either be a separate Post or side Reference for our site. It’s a good one!
Approved now!
Project BQ took a day off, being that I’d already carbed at dinner.
New Schlichter —
What horrible, horrible people….
“Pregnant People” in the actual title. Interesting. A “woke correction” most likely. via Arse Technocratica! Shilling for Stalin’s Kiss of Jabby State Love!
The riff about pregnant people being worried about things, so let’s redouble our efforts to convince them that their only path to safety is getting jabbed (even when all the data is coming in 180 degrees from that)….
These people get up in the morning and look at themselves in the mirror…..
Ha ha! I love this headline:
Otsego County Judge Rules in Favor of Iron Pig Smokehouse over Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and the MDHHS
So the wicked witch gets melted by an Iron Pig.
I would have figured the headline might go, “Evil Witch Smoked by Iron Pig”, and be accompanied by Whitmer as a cigar in the jaws of a metal pig with rivets.
(< a cartoon of)
Something like a Garrison….
That “map” outfit…can’t believe MichelleO left the house in that thing. Did anyone actually look at the placement of the items on the page, so to speak? 😳
The fabric is a print of some allegorical map….can’t recall an actual place called “Great Services” from any work I’ve ever read…..
Yes, I saw that. But those water tributaries….
Maybe it’s just unfortunate pleating [trying really hard not to think about the entire situation]….
I was thinking that the neckline was a call-back to Tar Valon from Wheel of Time, but I really don’t know that much about the series.
“The fabric is a print of some allegorical map….”
It’s a map to Wookie Wonderland…
In remembrance of our current situation….
Thats what i saw too. I like my crazy prints but too much on that wookie.
I love my share of outré clothes as well, but I’m in recovery!
I used to have this jumper dress in high school, pink with a fish print all over. The cut was fantastic and decent fabric. The wacky print was just a bonus. I understand recovery!
Bruce CAMPbell will always be my hero for bringing back Hawaiian shirts. The wife DESPISES – BWAHAHAHAHA.
Hawaiian shirts are great for all occasions. :AND, about as dressed up as I like to be.
Yea, I am sure some or many wouldn’t understand or agree. All is good though, in my mind.
Have never been big on getting “dressed up”. Parents tried when I was a kid. Never took.
My husbands mother brought for me a Mu-Mu back from Hawaii .That was about 45 years ago. I wore that thing in the house until it fell apart. Garish color’s no one could miss me with that thing. It was not one of those wide dresses more form fitting.
I thought it was so cool but then I was young 😂
Underrated actor. Lots of fun. This is my boom stick!
And this guy 😁
My husband still has the shirt that his mother brought back from Hawaii. I washed it carefully and iron it. He wears it maybe the most 1-2 times a year for something special like a pool party or some special dress up what ever. I do not care he has en excuse he is partly color blind 😂
My one son wore open Hawaiian shirts over T-shirts. His clasmates, at least 3 other guys, sometimes honored him with a “dress like Brandon day”…but he still had to supply the H shirts. I once saw a pack of them when on a library run. They were all on bikes & I did like a triple take because I thought they were my kid–though I guess they were wearing his clothes!
Burn Notice AND Bruce Campbell fans here too 🙂
I’m not inta outré 🙂 , but here’s a great Outra Vez, with Bola Sete and the Vince Guaraldi Trio… (Vince Guaraldi, another great talent and person gone far too soon… 🙁 )…..
For those who may be unfamiliar with Vince Guaraldi, he’s the piano player 😁
For the youngsters here, this little ditty of his may be more familiar:
Thanks we play this album practically every Christmas but I never actually looked at who the artists were…blush emoji…
More from Awesome Emerald.
SHOCKER! Dr. Robert Malone reveals that his second Moderna jab – the one that almost killed him (cardiovascular, hypertension), was one of the BAD BATCHES.
There’s a certain poetry to this post —
What a great blog!!!
Hi everybody…sorry that I have not posted much recently. I hope that everyone here and all of yours had a wonderful Christmas and New Year.
So what brought me out of lurking and winter blues? I need help. 😳 😊 😎 A bit of our crowd-sourcing talents could help me and others.
Let me explain:
At my work, if you are unvaccinated, or if the last vaccination/booster is older than 270 days…you have to show a ‘negative’ test or you will be sent home on leave without pay. Accepted tests are a PCR test result not older than 48 hours or an antigen test result not older than 24 hours.
Besides being a cost and time burden, I believe it becomes an equal opportunity/equal treatment case as well. The above mentioned policy is not based on any science that I can find…but instead based on political agenda that creates an unfair burden for those that actually are following the science.
I have downloaded the amicus brief from the America’s Frontline Doctors to SCOTUS which provides several statements from assorted medical experts from around the world stating that the vaccines do not prevent transmissibility.
I am looking to support those statements with science. I am beginning to build a case and need as much support as I can get going in. Even science that may counter my argument is welcome because this helps me in weighing my argument.
I think it is unfair to those that have to test because vaccinated can transmit as well. It looks to me to be punishment for those that refuse vaccines/boosters…punishment based on politics…not policy based on science.
I dearly appreciate any articles, studies, cases, etc…that my fellow Wolf-pack can provide or point me to. Advice is also welcome.
Many thanks!
I’m very sorry to say this, but my understanding is that your work is in Germany — and Germany, like Austria, New Zealand, Israel, or Australia — is much farther along the mass formation psychosis highway than the United States (which, itself, is much farther along than I’d prefer).
There comes a time when you need to stop thinking of obedience training for a rabid dog, and start focusing on increasing your distance from it. And, note, this is significantly unfair and unpleasant……but those who fled Germany in 1935 did better than those who left in 1937; and those who fled in 1937 did better than those who fled in 1939; and those who hadn’t left by 1939 were systematically stripped of assets and safety, culminating in industrial liquidation.
I particularly note that I am not there. You, on the ground, know far more about conditions in Germany than I do. And I hope you get some good advice and things work out in a reasonable fashion.
But I think that it’s only common sense to preface every plan, every day, every reaction to the next diktat with, “should I grab my bugout bag and GTFO?” — and I would urge you to do so.
And I would certainly not expect that arguments useful in US courts — or even UK courts — would be effective on the Continent.
Thanks for your thoughtful comments and great points about what history shows us.
As an American civilian living in Germany, I am in an unusual position…especially because (I do not know if I should even say this), I work for USGOV that has adopted the German C19 procedures.
Believe me, Florida and Texas are looking very attractive to me now…but life, my age, and situation make those options very difficult to execute right at this moment…but still remain an option if all else fails.
Since he follows me on Twitter, my wife even suggested that I try to reach out to former Ambassador Richard Grenell. However, I think that might be jumping from the frying pan into the fire.
You are very welcome. I hate to sound like a Debbie Downer, but I sincerely believe that your survival may depend on the order in which you evaluate your situation.
Get your go-bag in order, pre-position your assets, and evaluate “do I stay?” before every meaningful event. This should lead you to the optimal way forward.
There are probably 37 states that are “better than average”, being that the other 13 states are so bad (CA, HI, OR, WA, NY, NJ, MA, CT, RI, IL….). I’d avoid TX and FL — not because they aren’t great examples of what a state can do, but because there is a stampede of people going there (who might not be very cognizant of why they are such attractive places). In addition, having previously lived as an ex-pat, there are numerous opportunities for you outside of states. If you have a USGOV connection, there may even be US territories that work for you, in addition to the rest of the wide, wonderful world.
And, BTW, if you can private-message Ric Grenell, I would think this is important enough to ask about — but spend the time necessary to terse it up and make it a clean question. If you could do three paragraphs that ended up with: “do you feel that the trend toward oppressing non-vaccinated people will fail before I personally suffer serious consequences?”…..then you could get EXTREMELY VALUABLE FEEDBACK in response. Like any other oracle back to Delphi, however, it’s all about leading into the question and its exact phrasing to find out what you need.
Excellent advice. Thanks!
N FL is not experiencing the same mass migration, as the more southern parts.
It is still a fight, but Virginia is also an option since Saturday.
From what I heard, he came in full throttle. Great start!
If I considered Florida, I’d definitely go for the panhandle. I love the Gulf Coast.
I have family in Tampa and near Jacksonville.
But I know the panhandle is what put Trump over the top in ’16.
Prayers for you and your family, JW. <3
Much appreciated Barb!
Yes, Big Time Prayers, JW!!
Stay Frosty, but the Bug-Out option looks very real to me.
Excerpt of the argument with sources:
JW in Germany
I understand that only you and your family know exactly what your situation is.
However, to me, it seems the very fact that you’re writing to ask for help regarding research, studies, etc., can be your innermost being telling you that staying where you are is approaching “critical mass.”
cthulhu is correct — people who got out of Nazi Germany in 1935 were in better shape than those who got out a couple of years later. IMO, sometimes you just have to go with what your “gut instincts” are telling you.
Sending Good Energy and Clarity to you on this situation. i understand it isn’t and won’t be easy. But, I believe, neither is the feeling of “woulda – coulda – shoulda.“
It occurs to me that, if the AFLDS amicus brief is simply stating bald facts about the “vaccines”, why would Dr. Malone and Peter Navarro — in their own manifesto — appear to be advocating the “vaccination” of people 60 and older? Why would ANYONE get “vaccinated” with these dangerous experimental injections?
In principle, for some individuals, the benefits may exceed the risks. It’s the exact same argument we make for catch-and-treat.
That is an excellent question. Perhaps there is possible benefit for some…but considering the efficacy issues requiring ever more boosters with possible compounding risks and decreasing benefit per shot…I do not see it.
I have not seen research to counter some of Dr. Malone’s (or was it Dr. McCollough?) own previous warnings about the shots. If memory serves, he stated on Joe Rogan’s show that it takes 12 to 15 months for the spike proteins to leave the body…so boostering every 6 months…the spike proteins will accumulate multiplying the risks they cause.
I have not looked at the manifesto…if they are advocating that, it seems to fly in the face of previous comments.
Don’t be such a stranger, write more often! We love to hear from you!
Yeah, this entire situation combined with a grey cloudy summer and even darker winter have really worked on me lately. I tend to get reclusive when this happens…but more so now.
Time to suck it up and drive on.
Germany has always been dark and dreary in the winter. Easy to get depressed – but now – with the insanity – exponentially worse!
Try to get some bright, happy music, sun lamp time, rejoicing and praising the Lord time.
Know we love you, JW!
I never thought Germany dark and dreary but then I was born into it . Frankfurt can fit the dreary picture in late fall early winter. In Hannover it does rain often but I always liked the landscapes of fog and drizzle and late fall emptiness of the fields . I can see that someone can feel melancholy if one is not used to it.
I see beauty in all of that.
The Brits – or is it the Irish or Scots, who call their foggy dreary days ‘a soft day’ It’s all how you perceive and think about it.
That is true and there is such beauty in those days. Writers love those days and poets. The creative mind works in those days.
When I was in Iona Scotland I loved walking early in the morning when the dew was still around. The ruins on the Island looked mystical and I used to walk among them sit on some stones and contemplate. I imagined how the Nuns lived and what their workday was like. Wonderful memories 🙂
Robert Frost, for example.
My November Guest
My Sorrow, when she’s here with me,
Thinks these dark days of autumn rain
Are beautiful as days can be;
She loves the bare, the withered tree;
She walks the sodden pasture lane.
Her pleasure will not let me stay.
She talks and I am fain to list:
She’s glad the birds are gone away,
She’s glad her simple worsted grey
Is silver now with clinging mist.
The desolate, deserted trees,
The faded earth, the heavy sky,
The beauties she so truly sees,
She thinks I have no eye for these,
And vexes me for reason why.
Not yesterday I learned to know
The love of bare November days
Before the coming of the snow,
But it were vain to tell her so,
And they are better for her praise
Thank you is beautiful !
My only advice is pray on it, listen HARD for God to tell you what to do, and then, regardless of the difficulties you perceive, do what you are told. God will handle the rest.
Prayers up for you and your family, JW.
Over here in fBDD (formerly Beautiful Downtown Deutschland) it’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad world, flying in the face of all evidence which is mounting up increasingly quickly.
I thought no-one could be worse than Spahn-ferkel, but Lauterbach (bock?) has proved me wrong on that count. Just as soon as it seems that one Land is walking back their mandates or other measures, another one steps up to fill the Karen gap… and the bafflegab issuing from the various Ämter is stifling…
This might be “way out there”, but have you maybe thought of contacting Reiner Fuellmich? Maybe there’s some possible help available there, though it sounds like you’re caught between the Bye,Done and the Deep Blue (OK Green) “C”… Though Fuellmich would know both sides of the issue, as he’s qualified to practice in both the US and Germany…
[We’re also looking at options, though it would be next to impossible to move for us… sigh]…
Here’s hoping and praying that the TRUTH prevails, and the COVIDIOCY is ended SOON!!!
I cannot even tolerate watching the weather on RTL…let alone 30 seconds of their propaganda. It is incredible the amount of lies that can be told in half an hour…and they do it well. VERY WELL. None of this crazy stuff called news stateside. All with a serious and professional demeanor…of course those people never lie…right??? All those experts, their white jackets, and titles…no need to present evidence…THEY ARE THE SCIENCE. LOL!!!
AMAZING how well it works on so many millions.
I have indeed thought about contacting Dr. Fuellmich. I just need to be sure about that step before I take it…point of no return possibility. Same with Grenell.
I do not want to make a decision while I am still POed…not always practicing my best judgement. 🙂
Good point. Sleep on it, and, most important, PRAY on it.
I just look at alternate media anymore,, epoch times,,, and occasionally who are the only relatively balanced sort-of-mainstream media. OK, and Bild, now and then.
Pierre Gosselin’s has an increasing number of COVID article and statistics, including longer ones with analyses, as well as a sidebar of other REAL SCIENCE sites.
Even my mail (dis)service,, forces me to look at (and then click away from), their poisonous news feed… talk about brainwashing info and fearporn… Have to get outlook (lookout?) up and running again so I can avoid the cr@p and just read/write mails… Sometimes I think it is “the deception at the end of the age”…
My extended family here (the outlaws 🙂 ) lap that news up as if it were the gospel truth, and even though my wife, son, and I are working to red-pill them, it’s like trying to melt a rock… and some of them are very well-educated (doctors and engineers and such) and very bright. But brainwashed, just the same.
We’re “the great unvaxxed” in the middle of an ocean of sheep. But, there’s still hope. There are the demos, and we’re doing everything we can to inform and persuade people. And I think the deception is starting to crumble, which is why Laschet and Kretschmann are so desperate…
In any case, I hope and pray that you and yours are able to get help and resolve your situation to YOUR benefit, and without much (or any! ) trouble or expense…
I think it was Professor Desmet talking about mass formation when he said that the very-well educated and bright…are often the hardest to snap out of the hypnotic psychosis.
Courts are NOT the place for science fact resolution. Whether vaxxed or unvaxxed is not relevant – what is relevant is whether your employment conditions [from date of hire] included authority for the company to unilaterally add burdens [financially or otherwise] without your agreement.
Are you in Germany? If so, then German law is likely to be the standard and that means find a German lawyer.
The highest court here, the Bundesverfassungsgericht, is basically pwned by the derp state, having been filled with leftist judges over the last 20 or so years, by the likes of Merde-Kuh and Schröder. And they appear to be of the opinion that “the science is settled”, perhaps because Angie told them so at dinner (there was a bit of a scandal…)…. JW’s case also involves US entities, so to speak, so that’s why I brought up Fuellmich, who is licensed at law in both jurisdictions…
And Fuellmich’s organization is likely to include many German lawyers, perhaps a few of whom are dually-based…
The tide of public opinion is starting to turn here, but TPTB are sometimes as slow as molASSes in winter… unless it comes to raising their own paychecks…
Praying for your successful victory against this crap.
Thanks Sadie!
Hi James, I think this is a good resource for you. Hope the links work(and my copy/paste job), but if not, source is Steve Kirsch’s substack. Easy to subscribe.
Don’t be a stranger! 🤗😍🥰💖
Incriminating evidencePlease ask your doctor to explain to us how we got it wrong. We’d love to be shown we are wrong. But none of the health authorities want to talk to us for some reason. Not even for $1M.
Steve Kirsch
Jan 18–~D–~D–~D
Here is a collection of evidence that highlights the glaring errors in our pandemic response.
It is very important to educate doctors because most people rely on their doctors for advice. You can help by bringing this document to your doctor’s attention. Ask her if she will help to correct this “misinformation” by meeting with us in a recorded video. We will be happy to compensate her generously for her time. So far, nobody wants to talk to us on the record.
Since nobody inside the CDC, NIH, or FDA will talk to me or any members of my team of experts, I have tried to discuss the evidence summarized in this document with the members of the outside committee members of the CDC and FDA. I offered them $1M to take a meeting. They all refused. I have no idea why. They won’t tell me. I didn’t even get a counter offer. It’s so hard to give away a million dollars nowadays.
I’m extending my $1M offer to members of the VRBPAC and ACIP committees until the end of January 2022In the hope of resolving these issues, I’m extending my offer until the end of January 2022. $1M to have a recorded discussion with the committee members on each item in this article. Why not clear the air so that the American people can decide for themselves who is telling the truth?
Those who refuse to consider this evidence put the entire future of medicine and health care in jeopardy, including their own careers.
Why would a committee member refuse $1M just to have a discussion on the science? As far as I know, you’d only refuse if you had something big that you wanted to hide, e.g., that you are incompetent to make decisions about the safety of these vaccines.
The most convincing evidence: seeing family or friends disabled or dead after vaccinationFor many people, the most convincing argument is not the scientific data presented here, but seeing what happened to a formerly perfectly healthy friend or family member (or famous public figure) after they took the vaccine.
In my case, I lost confidence in the COVID vaccines when a friend told me that three of her relatives died shortly after being vaccinated (and they were all perfectly healthy before the shot). A week later, another friend had a heart attack 2 minutes after getting the vaccine and his wife developed Parkinson’s symptoms after she got her vaccine.
Today, my wife just told me that one of her friends recently got boosted and now her four kids don’t have a mother anymore. It’s tragic, but for most people, it takes many events like this before people wake up and realize they’ve been lied to.
In most cases, the victims remain silent because they don’t want to be ostracized or receive death threats. So you rarely hear of the incidents. Also, the press will never cover the reactions because the media cannot prove the vaccine was the cause of the event.
People will eventually start to make the link between vaccination and the sudden, unexpected onset of neurological, cardiovascular, or immunological symptoms such as:
Tragically, when all these events happen, the news reports never mention that the person was recently vaccinated. Many never realize it was due to the vaccine because the vaccine is supposed to be completely safe.
For example, Celine Dion’s career ended shortly after she got vaccinated. Did anyone ever notice that the singer never announced the cause of her sudden uncontrolled muscle spasms? Did her agent ever tell the public why the vaccine was ruled out as a possible cause? Nope.
Uncontrolled muscle spasms post-vaccination is a very common side effect of the vaccine, especially in women. Is it possible that her injury was just bad luck? Of course, but statistically, it is far more likely that her injury was caused by the COVID vaccines. If she isn’t being treated by a specialist in vaccine injury, she may never return to the stage.
As these “unexpected” events happen more and more to your friends and famous people right after taking the vaccine, it will start to wake people up.
For example, President Biden developed peripheral neuropathy after his booster. His physicians ruled out every other possible cause.
Governor Newsom developed Guillain-Barré within days after his booster. Because I had so many credible sources for this hypothesis (including several doctors), I was willing to risk $5M to prove I was right. I offered Gavin Newsom $5M to prove to the world he was not vaccine injured by just giving me a list of the doctors who treated him post-vaccination and he refused. If he didn’t see any doctors after the vaccine, I would have paid $5M for a blank piece of paper. Newsom had nothing to lose if he wasn’t vaccine injured. It’s pretty obvious to everyone that he was vaccine injured… you don’t just miss the biggest climate conference of your career for no good reason.
Although Gavin didn’t take my bet, I’m willing to bet anyone else in the world $5M that Gavin got GBS right after his booster. Does anyone want to take my bet? So you have the governor of California who is vaccine injured and nobody is talking. This is so typical. What’s worse is he wants to mandate that all kids in California get the same vaccine that injured him (and he will not vaccinate his own kids). That’s really evil in my opinion.
Viral spreadAFAIK, there is no solid evidence of:
This is important because testing asymptomatic people is ludicrous. And having mandates that don’t exclude recovered patients is also ludicrous.
Nurses I’ve talked to say you can basically treat based on symptoms; tests aren’t needed at all.
Lipid nanoparticle toxicityThe lipid nanoparticles (these particles deliver the mRNA into your cells) alone have killed mice in studies. “We found that ~80% of mice treated with 10 μg of LNP died in less than 24 hours.” The vaccine manufacturers have no interest in testing this further as they have no liability for any deaths.
Lipid Nanoparticles kill 80 percent of mice in PubMed Study
Spike proteinAs of Jan 16, 2022, the CDC says the spike protein that is produced by the COVID vaccines is “harmless.” The scientific literature clearly shows that they are lying to the American public. What is their proof it is harmless? How do they respond to the papers cited below? If we can’t trust them on something this basic, how can we trust anything they tell us?
These papers in peer-reviewed medical literature show very clearly that the spike protein isn’t harmless. How does the CDC explain the discrepancy?
Vaccine safetyIf the CDC is correct and the vaccine is safe, how do they explain over 20,000 deaths reported in VAERS worldwide in a year? That is unprecedented. It is more deaths in one year than for all 70 vaccines combined over the past 30 years since VAERS was created.
The CDC is supposed to investigate each one of these deaths to determine whether or not it could be caused by the vaccine. Why are they not making these investigations public?!? This should be troubling to every American. Not a single death investigation has been made public. 0 for 20,000. That’s stunning. And the mainstream media, they aren’t asking any questions about this. How can there not be a single news story or op-ed about this?
As far as anyone knows, the CDC has not done an autopsy on any patient who died after vaccination. Not a single one. Why not?
How did Pfizer know that none of the deaths in the vaccine group were caused by the vaccine? Why can’t we see the in-depth analysis of those deaths? Why is it important that that analysis be kept private? We don’t know because they won’t tell us.
One of the world’s top pathologists, Dr. Peter Schirmacher, one of the world’s most respected pathologists, found that 30% to 40% of the deaths after vaccination were due to the vaccine. That is a bare minimum. It could be 100%. His results were independently confirmed by other German researchers who showed numbers as high as 93% of the deaths within 6 months after vaccination were caused by the vaccine itself (here and here).
Overall, the safety evidence is very troubling. All of these references show that the vaccines are unsafe.
Vaccine safety: the new normalAfter the vaccines rolled out, odd events started happening on a regular basis that never happened before. How do they explain “the new normal”?
VAERS shows cardiac arrest is elevated by 93X normal after taking the vaccines, and myocarditis is 131X more likely after taking the vaccine. So deaths from these causes happening shortly after vaccination are much more likely to have happened due to the vaccine than from natural causes.
Vaccine safety: brain hemorrhagesLet’s deep dive into one category of unusual events. How does the CDC explain all the reports of brain hemorrhages in young people with no head trauma? All of these cases have one thing in common: they happened shortly after the child took the jab. If these kids didn’t die from the vaccine, then what is the more likely cause?
Vaccine safety: Deaths have been determined to be caused by the vaccine yet the CDC claims to be still “studying” these casesAll of these deaths were determined by autopsy to be caused by the vaccine. The CDC obviously doesn’t agree, but won’t reveal the cause of death in any of these cases.
There are many more of course. This is just a few of the most high profile cases in which it was clearly determined that the vaccine caused the death and the CDC looked the other way when asked to confirm the death. They always claim to be “studying” these cases, but never produce any evidence of this.
Vaccine safety: Excess deaths in VAERSThere were over 20,000 deaths reported in VAERS worldwide in the first year. Virtually all those were “excess deaths” which means they were in excess to the expected number of deaths that would normally be reported to the VAERS system due to background death rates.
If the vaccine didn’t cause all these deaths, then what intervention did?
Vaccine efficacyThese studies all show that the more you vaccinate, the worse the outcomes. Overall, the nations who vaccinate the most have the highest infection and death rates. That’s the opposite of what was promised. And the funny thing is that nobody can show an error in any of these studies. Do you think they are all wrong? Can you find the error in all of them?
Pfizer’s own study showed that for 220M fully vaccinated people, we save at most 10,000 lives. Thus, we kill at least 15 people (all-cause mortality) for every person we save, which makes the vaccines nonsensical. See the previous section.
Here’s the kicker. The Denmark study was confirmed in an Israeli trial which concluded that a 4th dose is not enough. So basically they think that if you double vax and then triple boost someone that will do it. Five doses. That is unbelievable. There is no precedent for that. The Denmark study basically showed that the more you vaccinate, the easier it is for the virus to infect you. It’s crystal clear. They can give you infinite doses and it will not matter. Things will get worse and worse on each dose and the officials will still think that the solution is more doses. They’ll never figure out that early treatment is the better path. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. This is actually worse than that: they are doing the same thing over and over again, each time getting a reduced result, and hoping it will just magically go the other way. Why are they doing these mass experiments on people? How is that ethical?
Mask effectivenessThe CDC knows damn well that randomized trials are much more reliable than non-randomized trials. So when the randomized trials for cloth and surgical masks showed that they didn’t work, the CDC simply ignored those trials and focused on confounded studies that supported their belief system. This is deceptive and unethical and not a single member of the mainstream medical community has called them out on this.
Yikes! Jackpot! That will keep me busy for a while! Hahaha!
Thanks Butterfly!
This was so big that Wolf had to approve. It also got cut off at the end so you will need to goto original to get the rest of the info. Sorry. Happy Reading!
Excellent sources…pretty much a one-stop-shop! I could read for weeks and not be through the site.
Early morning ground report about a good friend and coworker of one of my family members. “Blood transfusions save local man’s life as health officials beg for more people to donate” I wonder if blood typing needs to include vax status including mfg and lot number?
That would be a very good idea to research but people are hesitant to donate more now. I used to get called nonstop to donate but it was too often and i had to tell them take me off their list. The reallly really wanted my blood type.
Yep. Dilbert had a really hard time with that 😀
I think(pray) they have a way of stripping out all the junk. The blood center questionaire’s main concerns are aids, hepatitis, cancer, syphilis, promiscuous sex, mad cow, and a finite list of meds. Other than that, anyone with other diseases and drugs in their system can donate. SCARY.
Trust me – if you need a transfusion it’s a question of life or death. Chemo caused me to need a transfusion and my lifetime aversion to BT went out the window because people that I cared about wanted me to live.
What noxious substances were in it? Didn’t matter, at that point. I agreed and haven’t looked back. God loves me, and He protected me.
Amen to that PGROUP! Praise and Thank GOD for saving you! 🤸♀️🤸♀️🤸♀️🤩🙏🙏💖🥓🥓🥓😍🚀🚀🚀🥳🥳🥳🥂🥂🍾🎉🎆🎆🎆💕💕🤸♀️🤸♀️🤸♀️
And if its a possibility you know ahead of time, you can auto donate or get family to type and donate also.
I would like to report a case of attempted Stolen Thunder.
“Two vaccine doses and a previous infection provides 90% protection against Covid for more than a YEAR, new study suggests”
B to the s.
Tell that to my SIL and niece who are sitting home with it right now. And what they’ve got is not a “cold”.
“We are continuing to work to find motive.” – Small Dead Animals
That guy had a past that should have put him on some sort of a list.
So far there has been no information on precisly where and when he took off from or where he landed, that information should be easily available.
One report said he’d lived for a time in a homeless camp.
They’re saying now he landed at JFK New York.
“Since jetting in from Britain, Akram had been living in various homeless shelters in the Dallas-Fort Worth area and bought his guns ‘on the street’ just before the attack”
FBI = Feds Burying Information
Not suspicious at all. Liars and thieves and killers in tan n blue.
I’m still of the opinion that the prime objective was to steal peoples attention from the Trump Rally. Secondary, noise from Biden failures and promotion of the FBI’s image.
Terrorist twerp got a plan on the 29th. Trump Rally announced on the 30th. How much prep time goes into a Rally before the announcement is made.
Twerp was not real sister of terrorist girl in prison.
After 10yrs why now? Why that day?
Why is it that all Muslims who commit crimes and kill people or they too that the family says “they have mental problems”?
If they all are mental then they are easy patsies for some entity to use them so they commit crimes?
Same thing over here. They beat, steal, stab, rape, kill, and all manner of other crimes, and they always get sent to the “Psychiatrie”. Eventually they break out, only to repeat the whole process.
Merde-Kuh created another “protected class”. In truth, WE are the ones who should be protected from the riff-raff pouring in across our borders…
Merde Kuh had no sense what so ever.
We are supposed to get a whole bunch of Africans they are in Mexico at this time. All young fighting age men. Where are they going what jobs will they do? They all have iPhones and are connected to the Internet. Who is paying for this?
The taxpayers, wie immer… 😡
Yes sad 🙁
Hi QTreepers 🙂
We have about 3″ of snow and it looks beautiful. The air is so nice and fresh nature did some winter cleaning.
Hope everyone is safe and warm?
Sounds just not too much snow and nice.Supposed to be mid 70s end of the week. Wish we had some rain.
Mid 70? Sometime in May we will have 70 🙂
Enjoy and prayers for rain.
May the Fourth be with you 😀
[Way cold here in “Die Wilden Süden” but it refuses to snow ⛄ (Frosty’s on strike; if only we could have a general strike to end the madness!) ]
Yes the madness has to stop but it seems to slow.
Snow is nice except it does not stay to long where I live.
Snow cleans everything. One would think the virus could not live in the cold and through snow?
Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill area:
Overnight last night, no snow or freezing rain. The winds calmed down.
Today is partly sunny with forecast temperatures in the 40s. However, the winds are expected to be back by Noon with gusts to 35 mph and they will last into the overnight tonight. This could be a problem given that trees are pretty much covered in a thin layer of ice; also, that any snow / ice that melts today will likely re-freeze tonight.
Many streets and roads are still not safe to drive on. “Black ice” everywhere. Over 100 places closed / delayed open, from medical clinics to daycare to private businesses.
That you for your report.
We seem to get what you have. Has begun to snow again just lightly supposed to have rain sometime and if we get rain or sleet the streets will be ice again.
Two young guys came to shuffle snow. We have a corner house lots to shuffle. $30 well spent 🙂
Wait until they find out how bad inflation is!
$75 is just ahead!
Regardless it is money well spend keeping my husband away from the snow shovel 🙂 If it is $75 so be it.
Just think it was 2 guys they only had each $15. I felt it is worth more but that is me.
Verse of the Day for Monday, January 17, 2022
14 Do all things without murmurings and disputings:
15 That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world;
16 Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain.
Philippians 2:14-16 (KJV)
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
Intracranial infection cases up 60-fold since vaccines rolled out – The Burning Platform
Lot of leftist brains being infected. Who thought there were so many such targets out there?
I went to the JWST site late yesterday (about 23:30 EST), figuring the mirrors would be about 8 mm from fully deployed.
They were FIVE mm from fully deployed. They seem to have picked up the pace. I decided to hold off until the new daily to report.
Then my internet was completely down (not just this site, but the JWST site as well) so I waited til now.
The mirrors are 3mm from being deployed from launch position now. (Again, A6 and A3 are going to be done later. Perhaps they are the reason they expect to take five more days (including today) to do this.)
L2 insertion burn on the 23rd! It’s no 91.3 percent of the way there, moving at .1619 miles/260.6 meters per second. I believe that’s actually less than the speed of sound (here on Earth’s surface, 343 m/sec).
Also for the first time the mirror seems to be cooler than the instrument radiator, now at -206 C (-338 F)
As far as I can tell, this entire operation is running at 100% perfection.
The Hand of God is guiding every move in the process. 😍
Back before Christmas, I heard something from a source I would consider unassailable about tensions with Russia. What I heard was, our military was “packing its bags” in anticipation of going to Ukraine after the holidays. This was during the period when Russia/Ukraine was all over news sources.
Then, I noticed a drop-off in reporting about tensions in Russia. I noted it was more of a “simmer” than the full boil of a few weeks ago.
Now, it is boiling over again. I think the word went out in late December to news agencies to downplay things, and now they are reporting again, because the shit is about to hit the fan.
I read this article this morning, and I found it fascinating. The writer was a “child refusnik” in the U.S.S.R. It backed up and meshed perfectly with what I was told just before Christmas:
“On Christmas Eve eve, the stylist cutting my hair asked what I was doing for Christmas.“Oh,” I said, “I’m trying to write something that’ll talk us out of war with Russia. I feel like as soon as these holidays are over, we’re going to war.”
“Hmm,” she replied, not caught as off-guard as I’d have thought. “You’re not the first person today to talk about that.”
“Really?” Now I was caught off-guard. After all, most folks (especially at Christmas) tend to have other things on their minds besides foreign policy. “Was it someone from another country?” I asked. She shook her head.
“An American?” I was puzzled. She nodded.
“Oh,” I epiphanized. “Military?” Another nod. “What did they say?” I asked.
“That there’s gonna be a war. Early in the year. He’s high up in the Air Force and told me he’s been traveling, selling/transferring weapons to the Marines; said they need it the most.”
“And this is for a war with Russia?” I double-checked.
“Yep. Don’t quote me or anything. I mean, I just met the guy, but my boyfriend has known him for 35 years and he basically said the military is preparing for war, and it’s going to be a world war.”
My blood ran cold. Everything I’ve been working to avoid, particularly these last two years through a monthly Washington Times column, was about to be actualized.”
Wonder if that is part of or separate from the WEF plan.
IF it is true, WEF.
The virus,lock downs, injections are setting the playing field.
Have held back from posting, or perhaps I did post, WHAT IS NEXT?
Covidiocy AND Covidiot injections ARE exposed as frauds AND will fade soon.
Global reset Managers are NOT done with us. NOR are they done tinkering with the highest echelons of the USG.
Well if all the top globo’s are huddled underground somewhere (NZ?) be as well for them to take the first nuke.
Before he jumped on to the food shortage thing, SD was warning about the possibility of the puppet administration starting a war as a distraction.
Certainly. War equals population control, foid supply, remaking millionaires, consolidation, after the destruction “build back better”…even new borders.
God help us 🙁
The evil cabal they do not know what they are doing. The result will be devastating and if these people think that they survive they will not.
That explains the wall around the W H.
I think you may be right about that wall.
We have a paranoid commander and chief !
Allow me to point out that ski masks are an informal part of Russian special forces uniforms. Putting it mildly, our troops will be unable to easily identify specific Russian soldiers. More to the point, are our troops going to wear N95 masks? And what happens if a bunch of our guys (in tip-top shape) start having heart attacks and/or other heart issues?
I have no idea if this article is accurate intel or not but OPSEC is nowhere to be seen.
Yep. And the red high heels will really slow down Thilley Milley’s “boys”…..
I think the reports are a big red shiny thing to distract from the other WEF malfeasance and evil…
When asked by Fox News host Maria Bartiromo if he was going to “investigate Anthony Fauci should you take the control in the majority of the House,” Jordan responded, “Yes. Yes, we definitely are.”
I do believe Jordan’s intentions AND he’d try.
BUT, what about Swamp Angel McCarthy?
Lest we forget… Not so long ago our Good Guys were trying to pursue shit heads…ONLY TO BE STONEWALLED by Eddie Munster RYAN.
We gotta bottom blow Swamp Scum…McCarthy, McConnell…
If I were TX State AG Ken Paxton, I would have already convened a grand jury and indicted Fauci.
Just because the Fed DoJ refuses to act doesn’t mean the state AGs can’t.
The Tongan eruption sent shockwaves around the world « JoNova (
Remember Giloo has an outpatient procedure for cancer tomorrow. Prayers up.
I do PR. Thank you for remembering. Full hysterectomy with potential resection and even appendectomy if those are needed. First surgery of the day too. My recovery from cv has been consistent and all I can hope for tomorrow is a good anesthesiologist and a smoth uncomplicated surgery. Recovery will also be an “it depends ” situation.
I will update after when I am alert and oriented! Hope you are well. 😊
Ty 😺
I’ll be praying for you, Gil00!
Always welcome! Ty.
I am well Gil… will be thinking of you, praying…
Sending Good Energy to you and all best wishes for an uncomplicated procedure and recovery.
Thx bunchly.
Thank you for the update. Praying for a swift recovery.
Yep. And no inpatient stay!
Amazing what they can do now! Prayer warriors at your six. Hugs and best wishes for a good op and speedy recovery!
Laparascopic. 3 abdominal cuts removal without incision into cavity. All suturing done inside, even the exterior cuts. Top closed with glue and tape that protects the deep cut and sutures. That comes off in 2 weeks. I am grateful its outpatient. Bc of newsome you have to have the shot or a neg covid test within 72 hrs to visit and no kids ever.
I can’t believe they do all that and send you home! That’s great; the less time in a hospital, the better. 🙏👍🏼😊
Ikr???? Used to be 3 day minimum inpatient.
Ty. Me too. Little scared since i had such bad covid and the way “professionals ” have become but hoping that i have no issues. So far at least the surgeon is on my team.
Ah, the 3-cut thing. Very modern! Good deal. I think you’re in good hands!!! Including the BIGGEST HANDS! 💕
Indeed sir!
Prayers up, gil00! And for a speedy recovery!
Quick ground report.
I went to Church for my Holy Hour, and found out that a son of the parish, a young man in his twenties, had a stroke three weeks ago. He was in the car with his girlfriend, and BOOM. This young man’s parents are the nicest people you would ever want to meet, and well-meaning, but flakey liberals. I mean flakey liberals. The one thing that the person who told me about this and I lamented as we were talking is that the parents will never make the association with the shots. It simply would not penetrate without a lot of help.
Anyway, these people are the ones who do the landscaping around the parish grounds, and it is just lovely. Sooner or later I knew something was going to happen, but wasn’t expecting this.
China Joe. Killed that boy for the ChiNazis as surely as pulling a gun.
Oh, he’s alive, but in rehab. His parents are VERY devout, and his mother made a novena for his healing.
Good. Robber Joe didn’t get that one! Praise God!
Robber Joe did get 10 percent for the big guy. That stroke will affect the rest of his life.
Lotta people have to PAY.
Oh no. Did he survive?
EDIT: Just saw your post about that. Will pray for his healing and for his parents’ enlightenment. I wish some tests/labs could be done to prove what caused it.
Apparently, it was a blood clot. Like I said, his parents are not going to entertain the idea that the shots, which I’m sure he had working for the government at Yellowstone, were involved.
A blood clot for a 20-something is very rare. There must be some cause…
Wonder if he could get a D-Dimer test done. IIRC that’s the only one that has the sensitivity (selectivity?) to distinguish the cause, be it spike proteins or something else…
Ground report.
Grocery store this morning was better stocked than I’ve seen it in weeks. This may have something to do with the fact that it was in the morning; usually I go during evenings. I don’t recall how many recent visits were in the morning.
We had the same that store was stacked well. Maybe stores found a different way dealing supply problems. Americans are very inventive 🙂
Or maybe something up the chain has become unstuck.
Kfc is selling fake meat now. Gross.
Bacon’s gone though…
I got 2 packs on sale plus coupons @ $4.29/ea on Saturday. 🦋 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🦋
I meant from the picture.
However, I am down to one pack left. Forgot to look this morning.
If your bacon comes from Canada or California, You best RUN to the store NOW!!!😲
Yeah, I should probably get some eggs too.
You need to scramble to the store…
Crisis postponed; I bought four packs today, two different brands.
Store looked like Genghis Khan had pillaged it. But, bacon is bacon.
My husband makes a soup with Tofu thankfully only once or twice a year.
No meat? Is that a message?
We get meat from Moink I notices for the money we get one meat less. I know their cost go up and shipping has gone up also. Still it seems enough for us order every 6 weeks. I buy whole chicken at Whole Foods and Lamb .
Over here it’s “VEGANUARY”… and ALL of the stores are pushing it; a meatless month from the malfeasant Malthusian misanthropes known as the UN and the WEF.
They can take their TOFU and VEGANISM and go to Hell…
Really, ALDI, LIDL, REWE, Penny, EDEKA, Kaufland, what’s-left-of-REAL, etc., just sell groceries, not politics, and STFU…
(my favorite college, STFU, with my favorite radio station, RTFM 🙂 )…
They should end up with lots of excess merchandise.
Then we’ll find out if the Mozzies like Tofu…
Even though the refauxgees get free housing, medical, clothing, insurance, etc., etc., etc. and food, they go to the food banks and basically take everything away from the TRULY NEEDY, even though they have plenty of food already… Just more jizrah, I guess, from we fools over here [thanks, not, Merde-Kuh]. Or else they’ll write it off, in which case we normal customers will have to pay for it anyway, subsidizing the Green Agenda with which we don’t agree 😡 😡 😡
Soylent White!
They’re just a bunch of Tofools… (or Tofuuls)…
That processed imitation meat frankenfood is an insult to tofu.
This might be having an effect:
OSHA clarified vaccine mandate’s non-application for most truck drivers | Canada relaxes border vax mandate

No kidding. Par tho!
The avatar known as “Joe Biden” is beyond help.
Oh Crikey, Bye,Done will probably create a “George Floyd Day” as a new holiday…
If the IQ scale ran negative, Bye,Dung would be right there… at the bottom…
Jacek Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) Tweeted:
If you think that is bad wait til you hear about Covid lockdowns
Dear Jen, “growing up in the northeast” is precisely why you don’t understand. Parts of the country that don’t regularly experience snow and ice are not equipped to handle it. It’s not just that the (“dumb”) people don’t know what to do; it’s that municipalities don’t have the same amount of equipment and the manpower to clear the streets and make them safer. It’s that vehicles are not equipped with all-wheel drive, snow chains, etc.
It’s that people are more cautious in dealing with unfamiliar conditions — just as you, growing up in the northeast, are unfamiliar with their situations. It’s a big country. Try to keep up.
And then, if you don’t know how to drive on the stuff, it compounds the problem.
One always have to be mindful of other drivers. I find often specially young adults with jacked up cars have a led foot gunning the car and slide around. I drive a Subaru 4 wheel and the wheels adjust if I hit an ice spot. I never slip or slide the car is reliable. Just do not stomp on the breaks when snowy roads bad idea 😂
Another thing that catches the leadfoots (and modders) by surprise, especially ones who’ve never been in snow before, is that taller narrower tires are better in snow than lower wider (racing) tires, especially slicks…
My wife was telling me about driving on spiked tires on a ski trip to Austria (longer ago than she’d care to admit 😀 )… those kind of tires are illegal now (really hard on the roads) but they worked in ANY condition, snow, ice, or both…
Of course here, most people have one set of “summers” and another set of “winters”, so it’s easer (albeit twice as expensive, plus the cost of mounting and balancing all the time 🙁 )…..
My Integra, which lives on in memory (and with the guy who bought it and rebuilt it), came with tires that must have been made of teflon. Worthless in snow. Much better with all season tires.
I did, for a while, have a complete separate set of rims. Not very glamorous looking but it made the snow-to-summer transition a lot easier. Simply bolt the other wheels on. Already mounted and balanced
Have you had a chance to get your suddenly subcompact (impacted trunk?) car repaired? Was just thinking about that, especially with rain, snow, and cold not being very helpful…
Two sets of rims are great if you drive a lot. Anymore I drive about as much in a year as I used to in a week (!), being part of the geritol-for-lunch-bunch 🙂 So now the big problem is the tires being too old… I’m going to get a set of snows this year and hope they last 5-10 years… Maybe Michelin, as they seem to use a mix of rubber and pre-stressed concrete… they last forever, but they ride like brickwork… right now have Contis, and they’re pretty nice but oooolllllddddd… surprised the TÜV let them through last time, but they did hint rather strongly this time…
I remember those tires 🙂
Chains seem the easy way to go. Do not know if they still have them. I have all weather tires on the my 4 wheel. I like them but on long trips they can be noise,
Actually, she hasn’t grown up yet, so she lied about that, too.
Circleback Jen is a lousy RED commie hen…
In a comment OT she was referred to as Ginger Goebbels. 😆
That fits her to a “T”…
Ginger, snapped… she’s just a crumb…
(Speaking of oh, snap, a couple of turkeys in the admin… Goebbels and Gobbles…)…

Its the narcissistic commie way dont ya know?
Triple Vaccinated General Milley tests positive… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS
I’ve seen reports that “tests positive” is code words for “taken in for questioning.” Taken where and by who is anyone’s guess.
On a related note, I’ve wondered how much of President Trump’s pro-vaccine talk is actually code for something else. If “tests positive” is code for “interrogation, under surveillance, legal trouble,” then does “vaccine” mean “neutralize, punished, getting rid of bad actors”? Worth noting that President Trump was talking about his “booster” almost immediately before the COVID narrative started collapsing/Biden’s bad week.
Eye bleach, stat!
Rising serpent 🇺🇸 (@rising_serpent) Tweeted:
This is Eleanor Holmes Norton, Pelosi’s pick for transportation committee chairman. She repeatedly rams into a parked car and walks away as if nothing happened not even bothering to leave a note
Her parking is a perfect metaphor for Biden’s presidency, the dented car is all of us
Isn’t this the same person who keeps pushing for “DC statehood”?
Im unsure.
She’s 84 years old and probably shouldn’t be driving. Some 84-year-olds are pretty fit, but she doesn’t look it, from the way she walks (and drives!).
I didnt know her age, but thats just what i thought. She could barely balance or walk.
Great and fitting pic.
Funny (not) how they consider the CCP virus to be so horribly contagious and harmful, yet they don’t consider used masks to be hazardous medical waste, nor do they require any training or special procedures to wear them……
The tests will get there one month later. 🙄
OMG, the dump has WuFlu, it’s gonna die!!! 😲
Thread on TX terrorist.
Rising serpent 🇺🇸 (@rising_serpent) Tweeted:
1. The Texas synagogue terrorist was a known member of the pan-Islamic Tablighi Jamaat and had travelled abroad for works related to the organisation.
His family had was originally from Pakistan.
Wanna ruin his life?
Tell him he looks Jewish.
And gay…
Wonder if he has any connection to the Awan brothers…
Ah awans….everything seems to be 1 way or another.
Yep. Even Lawrence Welk… He was way ahead of his, erm, time:
“And Awan and Atoo and Athree” 😆
January 17, 1781: General Daniel Morgan won the Battle of Cowpens in what military strategists often call the single most brilliant victory of the Revolution.
I love these posts.
Thanks for posting! I had ancestors at Cowpens, King’s Mountain, and Guilford Courthouse. I love reading and connecting to their history.
YW! I wonder if any of your forebears fought at Cowpens.
I have seen one that did. I have several who were taken in the Reduction of Charleston. One I know was on the prison ship Jersey. The story of that thing is enough to give me nightmares.
It’s interesting. You find them in groups. Like this one family that had three sons, all in the War, and each of them had a son in the War. The fire was in the whole family.
Surely the makings of a genealogical post that would delight the Wolf Pack!!!
Lol. I could do that. Maybe someday.
Can’t wait!!!
I always have the best of intentions, and then something pulls me in another direction.
Yep. I Absolutely get that! No pressure. Whenever the mood & muse strikes it will be a mega MAGA treat for sure! Blessings!!!
Not only is it the Qth of January, it’s also a WOLF MOON! (cf, To wit:
Here’s to a howling good time (or a good time howling 🙂 ) despite it being Monday 🙂
Hey, thanks for that! 😀
Our country!
Communicating with other patriots…
Winning strategies!
Every day, in every way, I am more glad that I did NOT put that shit in my body!
Hence the awful name.
AT&T owns DirecTV
AT&T is actually selling or sold a significant interest of DirecTV. It’s the new owners that are dropping OANN, I understand.
This story is from August.
Fauci warns that Omicron may NOT be the ‘end’ of the pandemic and there is a ‘high probability’ another variant could emerge’ that would evade immunity
“Fauci warns that Omicron may NOT be the ‘end’ of the pandemic and there is a ‘high probability’ another variant could emerge’ that would evade immunity”
Very high indeed, considering it’s his hand on the variant production & release button.
From the comments….
FAUCI: “I’m using the Microsoft / Apple Versioning Model where the Wuhan Lab rolls out a new variant every 6 months forcing everyone to upgrade their vaccine to 2.0, 3.0, 4.0
That guy just needs to leave and be retired. He is dangerous and a psychopath drunk on power.
Publish ANY and EVERY email / phone call transcript or notes / Fax between Anthony Fauci and ALBERT BOURLA;
the same between Anthony Fauci and STEPHANE BANCEL;
the same between Anthony Fauci and PETER DASZAK;
the same between Anthony Fauci and RALPH BARIC.
Obviously. They need an excuse to push the mail-in ballots for mid-terms (maybe primaries, too).
The Mid Term Variant.
Fauci warns that Omicron may NOT be the ‘end’ of the pandemic and there is a ‘high probability’ another variant could emerge’ that would evade immunity
^^^ Yawn. Any more I am absolutely bored with FauXi. But, I am ready for FauXi to be arrested AND prosecuted.
I am bored with the whole damned Covid crap. It’s a COLD. Let’s take a collective DayQuil, and get on with our lives!
Let’s see some evidence. Is this it?
Could be the right guy to take care of Fauxi.
holly…I saw a poll (fwiw) this morning which said only 38% of Americans believe fauci.
prolly at least a bit high, huh?
That sounds like the “fake 40%” that the MSM always used for Ocommie when he was at his worst approval on any issue. They know that we will tolerate 38%, so they fake the number there.
Was the Terrorist Attack in Colleyville a Replay of the Terrorist Attack in Garland in 2015?
January 17, 2022 | sundance | 22 Comments
SD: “I have intentionally not written about the terrorist attack in Colleyville, Texas, because my initial review saw significant parallels to the first ISIS attack on U.S. soil which took place in 2015 at Garland Texas, carried out by Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi.
In the Garland attack the FBI organized, facilitated and coordinated the attack. The FBI even drove the terrorists to the attack venue and then left once the shooting began. Yes, you read that correctly, the first ISIS attack on U.S. soil was organized by the FBI. {Go Deep} CTH dug deep on the 2015 Garland attack, so it wasn’t too difficult to spot the similarities between Garland 2015 and Colleyville 2022.
♦ Colleyville, Texas – Malik Faisal Akram, who was known as Faisal Akram, had a well known Islamic extremist history to British and American intelligence. Akram ranted, prior to his travel to the U.S, that he wished he had died in the 9/11 terror attacks. He was a regular visitor to Pakistan, and reportedly a member of the Tablighi Jamaat group set up to ‘purify’ Islam. To say the U.S. intelligence system knew Faisal Akram would be an understatement.
The FBI knowledge of Akram has now been confirmed by The Daily Mail.”
[continued at title link above]
I wish he had died then too, preferably on Flight 93, with some patriotic American’s spit on his face, and the words “Mohammed was a dirty faggot pedophile pig fucker” ringing in his ears.
Great spot by S.D.!
J.D. Rucker has a great article on Trump’s pivot on the vaccines. He thinks Trump is once again surrounded by liars – who this time said there were no problems with them.
Not saying that I agree but it’s a good theory.
It is, at least a theory consistent with Trump’s character as we understand it.
Which is why we MUST guard against confirmation bias.
And it totally fits with how I figure the RINOs and GOPe would try to get past his 90:10 ownership of the Save America bucks. They agree to the deal, but then send in the Decepticon advisors to sweet-talk money to middlemen candidates who game it back to Mitch and Romney’s controlled fakes. Likewise, sabotage position advice.
From the article: “This tells me the conspiracy theories that crept into my mind were likely wrong and he really was just being lied to by his own people.”
I wonder how many times he has to have the rug pulled out from under him by his own people, before he fires all of those rug pullers, and nails that rug to the floor.
It may never end, if it’s a cost of staying in the game.
Certain types of hunting are like that.
Am I supposed to believe that, with ALL of the information you and I and everyone here has been able to uncover using only the INTERNET, with no money to hire other people to research, no Top Secret Clearance, no access to ANY scientist, doctor, or researcher, that TRUMP was LIED TO and that’s IT? Seriously?
I’d believe that aliens are holding him hostage in a bunker on the Dark Side of the Moon, and the guy we see here on Earth is a clone, before I would believe that.
Whatever the explanation, it simply can’t be that Trump can be duped into believing a lie that easily proven with an hour online. NO WAY.
Personally, I think it’s a bit more complicated than that – BUT I think that Trump may have people close to him who have shifted his view on things.
In particular, I think many of his advisors were pumping the easy recommendation of “keep credit for Warp Speed”. Going totally negative on vaccines is also not just dangerous, but foolish, and against Trump’s nature (he’s not anti-vax by any means).
Not all vaccines are bad. Even the best are not as GREAT as the idiot Democrats sell them, but many vaccines are positive in terms of risk/benefit. The PROBLEM is that many are NOT great, and some are not even acceptable, and yet they’ve been psy-opped onto us for DECADES, becoming more and more protected by MFP (mass formation psychosis).
For another thing, Trump has taken a COVID vaccine at least TWICE, apparently with no side effects – just like MANY of my neighbors, many of whom voted for Trump. THAT WILL COLOR PERCEPTIONS. It makes the vaccine seem plausible and salvageable.
The murder by these jabs is STATISTICAL – that’s how they were going to sneak it past everybody. I go down my block and I talk to all the jabbies and get the full story – more than their doctor’s get. I’ve only got one person who MIGHT have damage – everybody else is fine – at least for now. If they’re getting long-term damage, it will likely not be provable as due to the vaccine.
This is not decimation, it’s centimation (1%) or maybe hemidecimation (5% long-term) if there is 5% to 50% mild cardiovascular damage. Otherwise, it’s just like we’re seeing in the insurance stats – increasing the death rate in a non-attributable way.
Is vaccination for coronaviruses, at the highest level of generality, actually salvageable? That is likely a mainstream opinion by even people like Malone – e.g., by going to stuff like the Hotez approach.
OTOH, mRNA is very likely doomed for vaccination, IMO – I will never take it.
I think some of the recent sanity – some of the WRITING ON THE WALL – some of what we’ve been talking about – GOT PAST WHOEVER, and Trump pushed for more expert opinions.
These people had a plot and they screwed Trump, but IMO the ChiCom plot was to FRAME any American POTUS via the disease and then the mRNA vaccines, and then BLACKMAIL them on it (this is that anon post from a day or two ago).
You go down your block and the jabbies are “fine.” But are they really fine? My observation of people who have had the shot is they think they are fine, but they are different.
I notice brain fog, indifference, mood swings, anger, malaise, and indolence where they were NOT before. Questioned, these people say they are fine. They are NOT the same as they were before.
This vaccine causes MANY subtle side effects. That is outside of whatever damage will come over the next few years, which I suspect will be cancers as the immune system doesn’t fight back properly. Also, heart attack and stroke will take out many. The d-dimer test will become the most dreaded result in medicine.
As far as Trump goes, his main failing, and it’s a big one, is seeing through people to their bullshit. It’s how they manipulate him. His appointments have not been stellar. And, if I were him, I would wonder if I was even given the actual vaxx. An experimental treatment, under development for only months, given to the leader of the free world? Gotta wonder.
I have not said that Trump should “go negative” on the vaccines. I HAVE said he should shut the fuck up about them altogether while this plays out. THAT is the only strategy that makes any sense at all. And he knows how to do that, if he wanted to. But he hasn’t, which is why I question whether it all comes down to ego.
I totally agree that info is being kept from him. I can confidently say I know 45’s heart when it comes to his love for America and ALL her citizens. If he actuallly knew that the vax was hurting and killing people, I truly believe he would come out completely against it. He would NOT be ok with the injuries and deaths as a price to pay for supposedly helping the masses, he’d say STOP, we gotta find another way.
Ask who would want OWS to fail, destroying Trump, his movement, and the American side of the global pharmaceutical industry. While accomplishing depopper goals against the West.
It’s massive.
Win. Small in total, but ill take it.
Paul M. Jonna (@PaulJonna) Tweeted:
BREAKING – we reached a settlement with the State of CA, and they will be PERMANENTLY REMOVING the Aztec chants from the Ethnic Studies Model Cirriculum and paying $100,000 towards our attorneys’ fees. My statement is in the thread below:
Thread Reader App (@threadreaderapp) Tweeted:
@LAURIEANDERSE23 Salam, here is your unroll: BREAKING – we reached a settlement with the State of CA, and they… See you soon. 🤖
New song added to the rally play list.,_I%27m_Comin%27_(song)
Everything is lies.
And it will not stop, until those who manipulate us, are no more.
Politicized science. And the commies knew it didn’t matter if there were any bodies there. They got their media grift accomplished.
And another black eye on the Church, only this time it wasn’t deserved.
Yup. They knew that, too. They knew they would get away with it, no matter what.
More Ukraine drama. Crook is back.
Listen carefully…..sound up…
This man is constantly FOS
That mask hanging off his ear! How undignified. And ridiculous.
Pitiful. And FOS, as you say.
Fauci is America’s Lysenko for sure.
More Dan Scavino
Nice comparison.
Note also that Hitler used gays and pedophiles to ascend, and then threw them under the bus when he needed to “move on up” in the world.
Just sayin’, LGBTXYZ.
She’s good.
Hope this gal is out there daily speaking these TRUTHS.
Damn! I wanna hang out with HER!
Glad she’s on our side! YIKES!!!
Did you hear the crowd ROAR about Fauci? Wow.
Is this a real thing? OMG – WTH?
On Androids….
Go to: Settings…
Then Privacy (Permission manager)….
Then uncheck:
Send Diagnostic Data and
Android Personalization Service and
Google Location HISTORY
Check Activity Controls and Ads
Just check ALL areas and decide what is best for you.
Thanks! I just fixed it. But it says if you clear cache, it will revert, so you have to do it again.
That’s tricky!
Excellent! Thank you.
New media spin:
Omicron deaths lower because of vaccine mandates.
In other news, media declares Biden is really awesome and just misunderstood. /SARC
LOL! The billionaire shill fake news will try anything.
Since there was not much interest in the video… (which I think is Awesome)…
Here are the lyrics for those inclined to hear (me):
Welcome to the Grand illusion
Come on in and see what’s happening
Pay the price, get your tickets for the show
The stage is set, the band starts playing
Suddenly your heart is pounding
Wishing secretly you were a star
But don’t be fooled by the radio
The TV or the magazines
They show you photographs of how your life should be
But they’re just someone else’s fantasy
So if you think your life is complete confusion
Because you never win the game
Just remember that it’s a grand illusion
And deep inside we’re all the same
We’re all the same
So if you think your life is complete confusion
Because your neighbors got it made
Just remember that it’s a grand illusion
And deep inside we’re all the same
America spells competition, join us in our blind ambition
Get yourself a brand new motor car
Someday soon we’ll stop to ponder what on earth’s this spell we’re under
We made the grade and still we wonder who the hell we are……
JWST mirrors are shown at 2.0 mm to go now, again with the exceptions of A3 and A6.
I’m thinking A3 and A6 might “keystone in” and somehow hold everyone in place.
Nah. They’re the same as the rest of the A mirrors, except for some reason the control mechanism is “special” and they get done later.
There’s no keystoning, because these locations aren’t final by any means. This is just pulling them away from their stowed locations. After they get some of the instruments on line, they will spend *THREE MONTHS* getting the mirrors lined up with each other to produce ONE image on the sensor. You absolutely don’t want to keystone the mirrors into place even after that happens, because it may become necessary to re-align them for some reason or other (they plan to check alignment periodically over the course of the mission, and fix if necessary).
Special Request…
Please no BO nor BM (big mike) photos. Eye bleach, booze nor continuous prayer makes them go away.
I heat ya, but no guarantees. Free speech site and all that. And sometimes we need a new dart board pic.
LOL! Now I know how to crowd-test the eye-bleach! 😉 😜
🤣 😂 🤣
Post of the New Year contender, right here.
I thought BM stood for Bowel Movement…….oh, wait……
Back in the old days, computer centers used to have a poem:
We all BM
For IBM.
Citizen Free Press: Babykillers lose again in Texas…
Here’s a video of someone asking four doctors about what’s in the vaccines, etc. I’ve only begun to watch the response of one doctor, and it’s amazing. Worth watching/listening, IMO.
Citizen Free Press: Conspiracy theorist asks 4 doctors about the Clotshot…
1/2 way in and I just sent this to my entire email list.
THIS IS a superb information QTreeper’s likely will appreciate listening in.
Can you post again early on Monday’s daily? Thanks.
Will do!
Thank you!
Yea. 🙂
Here is another URL – I want to find as many sources as possible!
This one can also be downloaded.
Right click on the video and SAVE AS, then give it a better name as a .mp4 file, and it will save. 72.7 MB.
That one doesn’t play for me. The video controls show, but not the video itself.
Me neither. Here is the page it plays on:
The BQ Project —
Tonight, as previously advertised, the “Scarborough Faire”…..
As usual, 1/3c BQ + 1 heaping tsp NDM.
Leaf Parsley, cupped in hand about halfway, crumbled to smaller dimension
Ground Sage, 1/2 tsp
Ground Rosemary 1/2 tsp
Leaf thyme 1/4 tsp.
Result — boy, does the rosemary dominate (NTTAWWT)!
Came out a little dry, because the herbs weren’t fresh, they were dried — and sucked a bunch of moisture out of the dough when cooking.
Not bad for a recipe that you sing.
Yep. Rosemary’s a strong-willed
womanspice 😀 Estragon is, too (but of course, if you forget it in your Bernaise sauce, people will ask “Where’s Estra gone?” )…That receipe deserves a song, especially one with an almost magical ostinato… and it certainly rises (rose) to the occasion 🙂
I’ve lost track. Can you please state again what NDM is? (I don’t think it’s the Notre Dame of Maryland university or the National Democratic Movement. 😱😂)
Also, do you have a comparable recipe that doesn’t use Bisquick (that lists the necessary ingredients that BQ provides)?
NDM is nonfat dry milk. Supposedly, there is WDM — whole dry milk — but I’ve never seen it. You don’t taste it, it just effects cohesion — if you make the recipes with just water, the biscuits blow apart into crumbs as soon as you try to break/cut one (you will note that I did that a while back in this series). The BQ recipes on the box use milk, like you get out of a carton, but I’ve been doing NDM out of a weird kind of prepper chic.
There was an analysis of Bisquick at the start of the series where making your own was discussed. You have options (if you make your own), so there’s no single solution.
Thank you!
“Tonight, as previously advertised, the “Scarborough Faire”…..”
Check this out. I always liked the studio version of Scarborough Fair best, because it includes the counter-lyircs (for lack of the proper term), or the lyrics that follow the main lyrics like an echo, but are not the same words as the main lyrics.
When S&G sing it live, there are not enough voices to include the counter-lyrics, so they usually have to drop that part, and just sing the main lyrics, without the counter-lyrics (which are included in the studio version).
But while searching for the song just now, I found this live version, from the Andy Williams show, and he (Andy) sings it with S&G, so they have enough voices to do it right, live. 👍🙂
It is a classic tune in its full version.