SPECIAL SECTION: Message For Our “Friends” In The Middle Kingdom
You knuckle-dragging barbarians are still trying to muck with this site, so I’ll just repeat what I said last time.
Up your shit-kicking barbarian asses. Yes, barbarian! It took a bunch of sailors in Western Asia to invent a real alphabet instead of badly drawn cartoons to write with. So much for your “civilization.”
Yeah, the WORLD noticed you had to borrow the Latin alphabet to make Pinyin. Like with every other idea you had to steal from us “Foreign Devils” since you rammed your heads up your asses five centuries ago, you sure managed to bastardize it badly in the process.
Have you stopped eating bats yet? Are you shit-kickers still sleeping with farm animals?
Or maybe even just had the slightest inkling of treating lives as something you don’t just casually dispose of?
中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!
And here’s my response to barbarian “asshoes” like you:
OK, with that rant out of my system…
Loop it if you like; I will wait.
Richly deserved.
Justice Must Be Done
The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system.
Nothing else matters at this point. Talking about trying again in 2022 or 2024 is hopeless otherwise. Which is not to say one must never talk about this, but rather that one must account for this in ones planning; if fixing the fraud is not part of the plan, you have no plan.
Lawyer Appeasement Section
OK now for the fine print.
This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines, here, with an addendum on 20191110.
We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.
And remember Wheatie’s Rules:
1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.
(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)
Spot (i.e., paper) Prices
Last week:
Gold $1831.80
Silver $24.31
Platinum $1043.00
Palladium $2194.00
Rhodium $17,650.00
This week, 3PM Mountain Time, markets have closed for the weekend.
Gold $1791.20
Silver $22.56
Platinum $1019.00
Palladium $2466.00
Rhodium $17,750.00
A major hammering for gold, silver and platinum. Conversely, palladium is going nuts again. I guess people are buying catalytic converters (with minor propulsive attachments so they can move around) again. Supposedly, everybody but everybody expects the Fed (I am fed up with the Fed) to raise interest rates. That suddenly makes dollars more attractive than they were last week, even though the rate of inflation hasn’t changed. Hence gold going down when you would think the dollar should be spiraling around the drain (of the toilet).
James Webb Space Telescope Update
OK, it’s all deployed, it’s in its orbit…so what comes next? What’s going to occupy the next five months?
Well, the telescope has to cool down. Yes, 348 degrees below zero F is not cold enough for those infrared sensors. It’s going to take a while. Heat can only be carried away three ways…conduction, convection, and radiation, and two of those are unavailable in space. The spacecraft isn’t touching anything else, so conduction won’t work, and it’s not fluid, so convection can’t work either. (Convection is the process that causes water near or at the boiling point to roil; heated water from the bottom of the pot rises, carrying the heat to the surface; cooler water at the top descends where it will get heated.) So what’s left is radiation, losing the heat by electromagnetic black body radiation. This is what causes an incandescent light bulb filament to cool off and stop glowing (in visible light) the moment you flip the light switch. Sometimes you can see it take a perceptible amount of time to dim. But that’s the heat in the filament being turned into light and radiating away.
A light bulb filament cools off fast, but that’s because it’s very hot. JWST is a mere 112 degrees (F) above absolute zero, so it will radiate much more slowly.
In fact, how much an object radiates is proportional to the fourth power of its temperature. An object at 100 degrees above absolute zero radiates sixteen times as much as one at 50 degrees above absolute zero. JWST, as it gets closer and closer to absolute zero, radiates less and less.
Besides just cooling JWST off, the instruments behind the mirror must be turned on and calibrated, but this can’t be done until the instruments cool down some more…though I believe at least some of them are close to their maximum operating temperature.
So, what can be done right now? The third thing: Mirror alignment. Here’s the last paragraph of the latest entry on the NASA JWST blog.
Next up: HD 84406! That is the first star Webb will point at to gather engineering data to start the mirror alignment process. The team chose a bright star (magnitude 6.7 at a distance of about 260 light-years, as measured by Gaia). The star is a sun-like G star in the Ursa Major constellation, which can be seen by Webb at this time of the year. This is just the first step; HD 84406 will be too bright to study with Webb once the telescope starts to come into focus. But for now, it is the perfect target to begin our search for photons, a search that will lead us to the distant universe.
NASA Blog: https://blogs.nasa.gov/webb/2022/01/27/the-webb-team-looks-back-on-successful-deployments/
It’s in astronomese. Fortunately I speak it well enough to translate. (It’s not just for professional astronomers; there are probably millions of amateur astronomers or just general geeky types who will have no problem reading that paragraph. But most here are not among them.)
Short translation: They’re basically going to point Webb at a particular star that’s fairly bright, and fiddle with the individual mirror segments to get them aligned with each other. The eighteen hexagons were all made to look as if they were cut from a parabolic mirror; they must be lined up to within nanometers of that parabolic shape. This is expected to take about three months
Longer translation: As above, but I’m going to do a deep dive on some of the specifics that will seem cryptic.
Let’s start with “HD 84406.” That’s a catalog number, the Henry Draper catalog. This catalog contains over 225,300 stars and was published between 1918 and 1924. (If you thought these posts were boring, go read the catalog. This is part of an index to it, and No, I have no idea why the numbers aren’t sequential: Henry Draper Catalogue – SKY-MAP)
[Annie Jump Cannon, who you might remember from one of my physics posts, was very heavily involved in the publication of this catalog and a couple of extensions to it that have come out since.]
Of course only about 6000 stars are bright enough to be visible to the unaided (naked) eye even far away from city lights, so clearly most of these Henry Draper stars are very, very dim.
“The team chose a bright star (magnitude 6.7…” OK they’re calling HD 84406 a “bright star” because it’s at “magnitude 6.7.” What does “magnitude 6.7” mean?
It’s a historical artifact. The brightness of astronomical objects is given in this funky magnitude scale. The lower the number, the brighter the star, so yes that seems backwards! This is because they would say something like “Spica is a first-magnitude star.” A “second-magnitude” star is clearly a lesser star than a “first magnitude” star. A “sixth magnitude” star was one that was just barely visible under ideal conditions.
Astronomers came up with instruments to objectively measure this sort of thing, however, and the magnitude scale got modified. In 1856 the modern scale was adopted, it was suggested by Norman Pogson at Oxford. Under his system, the scale is logarithmic and a star of magnitude X is 2.512 times as bright as a star of magnitude X+1. OK, so where did they pull that number from? Someone’s rectal database?
Actually that number is the fifth root of 100. Basically, a first magnitude star is 100 times as bright as a sixth magnitude star. That’s five “magnitudes” and it’s a logarithmic scale, so a single magnitude is going to be whatever number you can multiply by itself five times to get 100, i.e., the fifth root of 100, or about 2.512. (Remember, some people take an astronomy class in college because they are severely math challenged and have to take a science class to graduate and figure astronomy won’t have any math in it. But you can’t even describe stars’ brightnesses without logarithms-base-fifth-root-of-100. Bwahahaha!)
With a logarithmic scale, you can have fractional/decimal magnitudes, and more fun ensues. As it turns out many ancient “first magnitude” stars are actually considerably brighter than others. On the modern scale Sirius is -1.46 (a negative number), Arcturus is -0.04 (basically 0 on a 1-6 scale), Aldebaran is 0.85 and Spica is 1.04. Nor do you need to confine it to those little point-like stars in the night sky; nebulae, planets, the Sun and the Moon are on the scale too. The sun is magnitude -27. Sometimes, if you catch it just right the International Space Station is at -6. By the way, if it’s not a pointlike object, the magnitude is totaled up over the entire span of the object, so imagine the sun’s brightness in a single point (much more intense!), and that point is over ten billion times brighter than the point-source we call Sirius. When they describe the brightness of a nebula, it can seem misleadingly bright because the light from the nebula is smeared out over some patch of sky, rather than being gathered together in a point like a star is. So a nebula of a certain magnitude will always look fainter than a star of the same magnitude.
OK, so now when we see that HD 84406 is magnitude 6.7, we can judge that it’s actually not even visible to the unaided human eye! Yet they called it “bright” and even “too bright to study with Webb.”
[Note: some people (authors of books for amateur astronomers in particular) in very dark places (e.g., on the eastern slope of the “Big Island” of Hawaii) claim to be able to see clear down to magnitude 8. I’m not sure I believe them, to be honest.]
But if your eye’s pupil is 22 feet across, that actually will seem to be pretty damned bright! And that’s basically what JWST has going for it. So once they’re done using this blazingly bright star to align the mirrors, they won’t spend time looking at it any longer.
Next, “at a distance of about 260 light-years…” That’s the distance to the star, and a light year is the distance light travels in one year…about six trillion miles. 260×6 = 1560 trillion miles, that’s how far away HD 88406 is.
Next there’s this: “…The star is a sun-like G star in the Ursa Major constellation,” A “G star” is a reference to the star’s spectral class, which is to say the pattern of absorption lines in the spectrum; it so happens that G is the class the Sun is in. It’s mainly a rough shorthand for how hot the star is, and hence what color it is. Yellowish-white is the G type color. “In the Ursa Major constellation” means if you look at the Big Bear constellation, HD 88406 appears to be in it. Ursa Major includes the Big Dipper (but that’s not the whole constellation by any means). Astronomers actually drew boundaries between the 88 recognized constellations quite some time ago so every bit of sky (even apparently empty places) are part of a constellation; a star doesn’t have to be on the line drawings to be considered part of the constellation.

Incidentally, a pattern like that that isn’t a complete constellation (or consists of pieces of different constellations) is called an “asterism” so the Big Dipper or Wagon is an asterism, not a constellation.
Also note in the lower right the magnitude scale; the smaller the dot the fainter the star and the higher the magnitude number.
Nor must you be a star to be “in” a constellation. Galaxies, too are in constellations, it’s just a way to indicate where they appear as seen from earth. (For instance “the” Andromeda Galaxy, M31 is in the constellation of Andromeda. And, to expand on things I said earlier, M is for the Messier Catalog which has about 110 objects in it; it’s also cataloged in the New General Catalog as NGC 224. The magnitude of M31 is 3.44 but remember it’s smeared out over a certain part of the sky so it looks very faint. I can barely see it; in fact I’m never quite sure I really am seeing it. It shows up well even in tiny binoculars, though.)
Wow, there’s an awful lot behind that paragraph from NASA, ain’t there?
No Science Post This Week
Having beaten exoplanets into the ground, I’m not sure what I want to take up next. Of course you might be protesting that you just read one, but it’s largely stuff covered earlier, and it’s in what would otherwise seem a totally random order, dictated by the phrasing of a NASA blog post.
Fuck Joe Biden
Biden, you don’t even get ONE scoop of ice cream today.
(Please post this somewhere permanent, as it will continue to be true; the SOB will never deserve a scoop.)
Incidentally, I’m writing this on Friday. This morning I saw a full-sized pickup truck in the oncoming left turn lane with a forest of flags in the bed. Once he turned and drove left-to-right in front of me, I could see two American flags near the cab, and SIX “Let’s Go Brandon” flags near the tailgate. That was unusual; usually there’s a mix of FJB (only not abbreviated) and “Trump Won” and “Trump 2024” flags when someone does this.
I haven’t seen such a display in a few weeks, by the way. Even the guy at the office complex where I work with the FJB flag on his pickup seems to have removed it (or doesn’t work there any more–trucks all look alike to me from the back, and all crossovers look like cockroaches).
Obligatory PSAs and Reminders
China is Lower than Whale Shit
Remember Hong Kong!!!
中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!
China is in the White House
Since Wednesday, January 20 at Noon EST, the bought-and-paid for His Fraudulency Joseph Biden has been in the White House. It’s as good as having China in the Oval Office.
Joe Biden is Asshoe
China is in the White House, because Joe Biden is in the White House, and Joe Biden is identically equal to China. China is Asshoe. Therefore, Joe Biden is Asshoe.
But of course the much more important thing to realize:
Joe Biden Didn’t Win
乔*拜登没赢 !!!
Qiáo Bài dēng méi yíng !!!
Joe Biden didn’t win !!!
Ummmm….what about the price of metals on Christmas Eve?
Wow. I’m impressed. 🤔
I was just about to ask where you were….
Holding steady at 210 pounds.
See, that’s the reason you can hide behind poles and I can’t.
The chemotherapy diet works!
Yes, even better than stomach flu!
The “stress of living in California” diet sucks.
Easily cured. Permanently.
What’s really bad is I remember thinking to myself that I’d have to edit that paragraph in five weeks…and I forgot.
Heh. It’s like putting something someplace clever because you know you’ll need it….
Yes I’ve done that every now and then. Problem with such clever places is that for the concept to work, one has to stay at a consistent high level of cleverness oneself. So when I had put away an electric drill somewhere clever prior to going on a trip, it took a while before I found it again. As the stress of travelling takes its toll, when I returned I wasn’t immediately quite as clever as when I left.
There is a phenomenon when you think of something, walk into the kitchen or workshop to go pick it up and realize you have forgot what it was, and the way to re-remember this is to go right back to the place you were, and not stand there in the kitchen and try to remember.
Now leaving things in clever places breaks, from a similar version of this, though it is temporal rather than spatial. With the big difference that you can’t go back in time and re-collect why you (I) hid the tool in that particular clever place. Eventually it might be found when looking for, and finding something else nearby. Somehow this is speeded up by buying a replacement tool in the meantime, often that happens because the tool was needed.
Then there are two. Or three. Or N+1 where N is the number of them that you had before.
I guess it is kind of a Murphy’s Law-like thing.
And then the spouse found it and moved it….
Yeah, those folks taking astronomy to avoid math aren’t half as surprised as the music majors who suddenly discern a need for the 12th root of 2.
Damn! That’s useful stuff!
It all goes back to Pythagoras, who related string length and string tension to pitch — which we currently measure in Hertz. He realized that a string of length x had the same note as the string at 1/2x and 2x — just different octaves. Further, there were some ratios that were more pleasant than others — like 3/2x, which is a perfect fifth — The same as C and G on a piano.
Pythagoras mapped out a bunch of this stuff using ratios of integers, because he had some mystical beliefs that such made the world go ’round. And, truth be told, they are awfully handy for first approximations. Slowly, instruments started leading toward 12 pitches to the octave.
The problem is that doing intervals from intervals soon leads you into the weeds. For instance, a perfect fifth from an A(440) would be E(660), and a perfect fifth from E(660) would be B(990), but as you worked your way through X to Y and Y to X, you’d encounter places that wouldn’t match AT ALL. These were known as “wolf tones” and generally avoided in earlier music, and used for tension in later classical music.
This is, BTW, why you have classical pieces such as Bach’s “Little Fugue in G minor”. Even with the same nominal intervals, it wouldn’t sound right on an instrument tuned to F sharp.
This was all bashed around by all the smarter folk around during Bach’s day, when he put out a propaganda piece in the form of a collection known as “The Well-Tempered Clavier”. The idea was that you could “temper” a tuning by approximating the twelfth root of two between semitones — and, while nothing would be as pure and perfect as the integer ratios of Pythagoras, you wouldn’t have to retune entire orchestras between pieces. Of the various types of temperment (gets technical fast….), Bach was advocating for “well-tempered”.
So he put out this collection. For every pitch (12), he had a prelude and fugue (2) (as sets), in both major and minor keys (2). So, he had 48 pieces of music (12x2x2) to show that compositions could sound nice with well-tempered instruments. Then he did it again. And he dropped those 96 compositions onto his contemporaries saying, “whining is for losers.”
So, yes…..you really can’t get past Bach in music without developing a keen appreciation for the twelfth root of two.
Incidentally, Wendy Carlos (“Switched-On Bach”) did some later albums where she explored various synthesizer microtunings.
And, y’know, the saddest of all keys….
So great!
This spun off some worthy music via YouTube algorithms….
Erm, Walter, but I digress…
String players often play “ill-tempered” tuning, in particular
to wind up pianistswhen playing chamber music. I watched a master class of Casals explaining how a scale would be different going down from going up… His recordings of the Bach Cello Suites show this (and caused quite a stir when he was first performing them, going against the grain of the “establishment”)…(I have a feeling he did some jazz on the side when no-one else was looking or listening, blue notes and all). Casals, like many musicians, was an excellent pianist, and started his days off with a half-hour or so of Bach…
The works of Mersenne are quite interesting, both in terms of music, and math. Oh, and he was a Priest and theologian… in his prime, one might say…
As for the 12 tones, Charles Ives’s Psalm 24 explores all of those differences. And is one of the most
punishingdifficult pieces for most choirs to perform.(BTDTGTTS as one of the “perfect pitch plants” in a choir to help with the pitch… hard to do when you don’t like the piece…)…
Then again, Frank Zappa wrote a 12-tone fugue, IIRC The Simpson’s have snippets of 12-tone in their theme(s), and the “Rocky” theme from Rocky and Bullwinkle is 12-tone… so that math came to good use, anyway 🙂
In reading about Mozart I would often see such phrases as “The dark key of” or “the light key of.”
That didn’t make sense to me. It should just be transposed to start on a different note and have a different tonic.
When I learned about all these different ways of tuning instruments (intonations), then it made more sense. Perhaps the key in question with the “dark” evaluation (I cannot remember which one) was a bit discordant because the notes didn’t line up as well.
I never could confirm that.
Generally the minor keys are darker, as are those with more flats (all the way up to seven flats, unless you want to venture into the strange tonalities of double flats. A good example would be from Bernstein’s West Side Story, “A Boy Like That/I Have A Love”. The first (ABLT) has IIRC five flats, while the second is enharmonically similar, but with only one sharp, then three, YET, due to the change in key signature (and then rotating around the circle of fifths), the chord intervals change, and are brighter. And for synaesthetes, the colors change (browns, blues, and blacks to yellows, oranges, and golds)…
Interesting analysis here (though he gets hung up on tritones, the idea really being the tension getting resolved to the dominant – the leading tones for non-fixed instruments being sharp(er)…
(Actually WSS is an extreme example of modulation and enharmonics (similar keys with different key signatures) – probably not a good example to start with 🙂 That paper has some good references in the footnotes)…
So it has little to do with just intonation versus whatever they call the current all-semitone-intervals-the-same-ratio intonation?
With 99-44/100% of the poseurs and nutcases out there who never did anything memorable, I would agree wholeheartedly.
But W. Carlos has managed to become the “Grande Dame” of synthesis — collaborating with Robert Moog on the big rack synths in the early days and exploring the odd limits of various generations of synthesis since. All this while being helpful, humble, and very, very technical.
Unlike so many clowns who have changed their name and appearance, I have a great deal of respect for one of the best of the best…..who has been Wendy for over half her life.
That creature is still a HE.
And an abomination to how he was created.
To be sure that’s deep in the bowels of music theory and once you know it, you can probably forget it. No one’s going to obsess over the precise frequency of a note once you get A set to 440 Hz.
Yeah, A=440 has shifted over time. The point I was trying to make was, an instrument when tuned incorporates all those ratios and everything else shifts with it. Instrument builders, perhaps, have to sweat the exact numerical values–the guy playing the clarinet does not.
Now that we can objectively measure pitch though, I suspect A above middle C won’t drift much any more.
Yeah, but can the builder competently play the instrument, or the aerospace engineer fly the plane?
I can answer the latter one…
…engineers are, by a wide margin, the absolute WORST pilots.
Take it from a former flight instructor.
My worst students were always engineers.
I believe it. (I would hope, though, that they would at least do well with the ground school.)
That was never a problem.
It was always the actual flying part.
Some of the best stick & rudder pilots I’ve ever known were horrible in the classroom.
Do you think it is a left-brain/right-brain kind of thing? Seems like it might be.
I am fantastic at geometry, but can’t do algebra to save my life, for example. Artist, right-brained as I am.
A lot of truth in that statement IMO, Aubergine.
I see it in almost every endeavor. For example I used to teach golf to young people when my daughter was learning to play and into high school. I am not a pro, but play to a 0-4 handicap level and understand the swing concepts taught and used by the best. The first thing I wanted to observe was their reaction to the math and analytics of the game. The second was whether they were committed to process and fundamentals, or, more fluid and naturally athletic in their approach.
Left brain/right brain.
I used it in my former business banking career with staffing and clients. It would tell me the best approach, the right hires, the likelihood for success, etc.
It is very real, at least for me. And I have observed it in other people like you have. It’s a fundamental difference in how people think.
Thats a great way to evaluate students.
There are also those who learn best via sight/hands on vs those who learn best by listening.
I am much more a visual learner.
One of my brother’s life-long frustrations was the person who’d show him how to do something by doing it himself, never explain what exact thing he was doing and why (so you had to follow motions you couldn’t really see well) then call him stupid for being unable to replicate it.
It’d be like watching someone navigate a computer menu at blinding speed, and being unable to quite make out the text of the options being selected. Then expected to understand what had happened.
If you are teaching someone to do something (I do it a lot) You first do it slowly and use words to describe what you are doing. Then you have the person do it, correcting as they do it.
If needed, break the whole thing down into sections and have the person master each section before attempting the entire exercise.
Think saddling a horse correctly. It is NOT as easy as it would seem to do so correctly and in such a way that the animal is comfortable.
When you are teaching animals you have to break it down into even smaller bite size pieces.
If I had my way, NO ONE would be allowed to teach children until they had demonstrated an ability to train a dog. 🤓
Not a bad thought, and as I was writing my comment I was thinking the same thing about proper procedure.
Just in case I ever have to demonstrate to my brother how to do ANYTHING.
Amongst mathematicians, about 50% are analysts, 45% are algebraists, and 5% are geometricians.
I was awful at geometry. Did better at algebra. Hoping kiddo is like his dad at math or better.
I was the opposite and believe my dad teaching me to shoot pool helped me later with geometry. Loved my dear ‘ole dad so much.
Well thats an interesting way to think equations!
Lol, as usual, I am a minority!
We can’t all be eggplants.
I seem to be one of those geometricians. I didn’t realize how rare that was until a couple of years ago.
My linear algebra prof didn’t ever show a geometric interpretation and I never really did “grok” the more advanced concepts.
I never had any problems with either geometry or algebra or calculus.
I HATE GPS and have loved maps since I was very little. I always have a picture of the map in my head when I travel to gigs.
On the other hand I am artistic and scientific. Just don’t ask me to play music or sing.😜
When looking at a navigation system on a cross country drive, I want to zoom out and get the big picture. I’m in the fricking middle of Kansas and want to know how far to the next burg with more than 1000 people in it.
The damn things always want to show you the nearest 500 feet as if you’re in Manhattan and need to be told to turn right at the next crack in the sidewalk.
As for math, you and I seem to be in the same boat. However my linear algebra prof taught at such an abstract level he might as well have just been playing word games. I have to visualize it.
Numerization is so hugely biased against so many elegant solutions, I almost regard the premature demand for numbers as one of the ways we humans are kept down on the farm. You have to do the numbers at some point, but at the wrong times and in the wrong amounts, numbers are just toxic to understanding.
You sound like my husband 🙂
I cannot go anyplace without GPS and get lost where ever I go. GPS saves my life 🙂 I can read a map though but without one I am totally lost. Also have an compass in the car helps also 🙂
But Gail, we all know you are our rare genius!
NOT when it comes to music or foreign languages!
I will leave that to the rest of you.
Stradivarius was never known as a composer of violin concertos.
He probably could play the violin and the cello to the extent that he could verify that his instruments were functioning as they should before he sent them out.
So there are different areas of expertise, with only minor overlap.
In the case of string instruments, the violinmaker (or luthier, the snazzier term) most often can play the instrument, indeed has to, in order to tell if there are problems, and to gauge the quality of his work. Same thing goes for bow makers.
Having said that, the crap that comes out of the RED Chinese factories claiming to be “instruments” isn’t worthy of being firewood, let alone an instrument for a musician or student…..
(The “Kay” brand comes to mind, although that wasn’t Chinese. That was around 60 years ago, though…)…..
Actually, the tension is between instrument builders and composers.
Non-fretted strings, voice, trombone, pennywhistle, and other similar instruments don’t have to worry about temperament, since they only play approximations anyway.
Pianos, pipe organs, valved and fingered instruments have more of a concern — and that’s where instrument-builders and composers can be in tension.
On another subject, I don’t think there’s anything particularly sacred about A440. I would expect it to be manipulated whenever any benefit may be gained by such manipulation.
A over a century ago we were at A432. For some reason, “brightness” was all the rage in the twentieth century.
And they’re looking to stretch it further… 😡
Not a problem for me, as I don’t have a Strad 🙂 but I could see it being a problem for Sopranos 😀 (OK, I know, 5Hz isn’t much)…
(Bass-Baritones, not so much 🙂 )…..
As far as brightness goes, it seems that over here, they LOOOOVE really bright speakers, equalizers, and mixes. Might as well chop off the lower four octaves or so, and smash glass to get that extra tinkle… On top of that, they compare speakers in terms of “watts” (not even RMS!), PMPO (Peak Music Power Output, sounds like pimple). Nary a word about frequency response or how flat that is or rolloff, etc… sigh…..
Yeah, that puts the Queen of the Night a full tone and a half over where Josepha Weber sang it for sure.
One of the things I hate to see in an orchestra is an oboist with a Strobocon Tuner under his chair. Same thing for piano tuners; if they can’t tune with a pitchfork at concert A and go on from there, they can take their “business” elsewhere.
Over the years, concert A has risen. Word is, some young pups would like it to be 445. Problem is, for older instruments (and not just strads), the additional tension can be too much for the instrument. Downward pressure via the bridge, lateral tension over the nut and the saddle, and even the pegbox feels the pain. Add to that modern strings of steel, perlon, or wrapped steel (silver or other) and it just gets worse. Just a musical version of clickbait, adding (mechanical) tension to create tension…
Would be interesting to see what that would have done to Robert Schumann, who had an odd form of tinnitus where he constantly heard concert A 440 in his head (should’ve been an oboist 🙂 )… Probably REALLY hard for him to deal with brass instruments (or vice-versa, as he was the composer, and brass and winds HATE the sharp keys)…
My voice teacher’s piano was an antique, and someone tried to tune it too high, and broke the cast iron.
Oh, man — what a shame! And, besides, I bet your voice teacher had some choice utterances.
The harp being one of the few parts of a piano that truly cannot be repaired… Depending on the type of piano, that could be a couple of hundred strings, each one exerting more pressure, probably disproportionately more as they’re designed for a particular pitch… And IIRC, the strings can’t be tightened in one go from bottom to top or top to bottom, but must be done in groups…
What a shame… I’ve heard of people “rolling their own” and trying to tune using a socket wrench, not knowing that the pegs are adjustable in a few directions, not just by turning (in a sense like string instrument pegs) thereby ruining the peg(s) and possibly the peg hole(s)…
They will only want to be sure that the intervals sound right. And if it is an orchestra, everyone’s A4 (440 Hz) must be the same as everyone else’s. It is also notable that many of those instruments that can be tuned are optimized for their standard tuning, and sound better when tuned at the correct pitch.
Yes, thank you that’s what I was trying to say.
So, which of the little dots in the asterism is HD 84406 (which, BTW, you called 88406 once)???
Also note that the Home Depot page gives you https://www.homedepot.com/p/KOHLER-Float-Service-Kit-30652/203782561 if you ask it for an 84406.
It doesn’t show in the chart and it’s not in the asterism.
I can’t help thinking that an asterism sounds like a spasming medical affliction of the lower bowel…..
The chart has references on it — any idea of where the star is against those references?
It’s actually listed in Wikipedia (probably because JWST will use it for its first (test) images, which likely won’t be released). RA is 9h 47m 30.55s, declination 63 d 14m 52.09s.
So, if you take the star between Dubhe and Muscida, it’s in that blank spot between that and M81?
Good GRIEF, that kit is overpriced!
FluidMaster stuff is great, IMO.
Democrat owned?
Our little neck of the woods gets its dander up over vax mandates:
Cannot comprehend 1560 trillion miles. It doesn’t compute. It’s also hard to imagine the creators of the JWST being able to plan for all the things that have to happen and to make them occur in just the right order and at the right time. I appreciate it, even though I don’t understand it, because it’s an amazing feat of real science.
Actually, this part is engineering. This whole process is being overseen by engineers; the handoff to the scientists is once the whole thing is working. Admittedly the distinction probably isn’t clear to those who are neither engineers or scientists.
“Admittedly the distinction probably isn’t clear to those who are neither engineers or scientists.”
I understand.
The engineer drives the train, the scientists ride in the caboose 👍 😁
While the Engineer may drive the train, the highest ranking individual on board….
…..is the Conductor (think orchestra).
The Conductor on a train may seem to be counting heads and checking manifests and taking tickets, but his responsibility is the business-end of the operation of the train. As such, he is the chief representative of the (likely corporate) owners of the train and is the final arbiter of all decisions.
Trains, like so much else, operate according to the Golden Rule — he who has the Gold, makes the Rules.
“While the Engineer may drive the train, the highest ranking individual on board….
…..is the Conductor (think orchestra).”
Sometimes it’s the monkey. 👍 😁
That may often be true if you don’t have a full complement of personnel on board. If you’re train’s current staffing is a monkey, you are entirely correct.
“That may often be true…”
Not very often, I suspect.
Only had to happen once to write a song about it 😂
No, I flubbed it. There’s no Conductor in this video, for instance:
And I’ll let you in on something. No one can comprehend 1560 trillion miles.
No one really has a grip on a million miles. It’s totally outside our experience.
I’ve had to try to explain to someone who is trying to write science fiction just how damn BIG this galaxy is. Somewhere between 100 billion and a trillion stars. And you’re just going to settle that in a couple of centuries? Nope, not even with a faster-than-light drive.
Much like trying to comprehend “eternity”, much less 1,000,000 years, when living to 100 is an extraordinary accomplishment.
Shawn Faresh: Trump the Weatherman, Blizzard Forecast!
Thursday, Jan. 27, was Holocaust Memorial Day.
This evening I learned, for the first time, of the story Nicolas Winton.
From Wiki:
It turns out that…
This set into motion a chain of events, beginning with the BBC reaching out to contact as many of the children (now adults) as it could. These efforts culminated in a special episode of the show “That’s Life!”, wherein Winton had been invited as a special guest, but he did not know what the show was about.
He was seated in the middle of the front row. Lo and behold, the show was about him and the work he had done to save hundreds of mostly jewish children from the Nazis.
Notable people saved by Winton:
Nicolas Winton, 19 May 1909 – 1 July 2015
And the King will answer, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these, you did it to me.’
Matthew 25:40
Good find!
Oh, my.
Thank you for posting this.
Most welcome.
Thank you for appreciating it
….the contents, that is…..not my having posted it! 🙂
Lol, BOTH!
Wow, must be dusty.
I loved it when the women sitting next to him turned to him. Glorious!
I’ve seen this a number of times now over a period of years. Always special.
Same here! A great real-life story.
One of the most important lessons from this, is that Winton and his associates acted in the moment where they could NOT know the future, but were suspicious enough to FIRST PREPARE, THEN SEE THE SIGNS, and THEN ACT.
NEVER AGAIN only happens if people (1) remember, (2) prepare, (3) spot the signs in time, and (4) act when the time is right.
And NEVER AGAIN will happen FIRST to people who are NOT JEWS, in my opinion. It will be somebody else.
I repeat. The next attempted genocide will NOT be Jews, unless it’s the clot shot in Israel. I don’t know who it will be, but I’m watching like crazy.
I hear crying. Why is my face wet? Oh….right… 😪
Well now….
6 New Revelations From The John Durham Spygate Probe
Hmmmm. 🤔
Hey Sundance –
If Durham’s job is to provide cover for the DS and muddy the waters, why is he exposing the DS (like the corrupt OIG) and deposing folks under Grand Jury subpoenas, such as Perkins Coie atty and Clinton sleazebag Marc Elias, Jim Baker, and the FBI’s Bill Priestap?
Asking for a “Trust the plan”er.
The Wheels of Justice Grind Slowly…..
Especially when you are trying to catch a Hilderbeast in the gears.
It ties into Ukraine, corruption, NABU, the FBI server in Ukraine, Ciaramella, and quid pro Joe firing the prosecutor and 10,000 Ukraine judges, imo.
Horowitz was at the Jan. 19-21, 2016 meeting with the Ukraine delegation, organized by Ciaramella. His name appears as a keynote on the agenda that I posted long ago. (Anyone know how to find the link?)
One result of the meeting:
It’s a giant web of corruption.
Woo…..Sarah Hoyt just dropped a hot Denninger onto the front page of Insty.
This one? It’s scorching. 🔥 🔥 🔥
“Are these crimes worthy of Nuremberg trials? How many people have they killed and treated like penned animals?”
The killing doesn’t stop until someone stops the killers.
The thing about the Nuremberg trials is they didn’t happen until after the war was won.
And if the war wasn’t won, the Nuremberg trials never happen, at all.
True. However…
Please stop pretending that nothing is being done to stop the killers and win the war.
And while you’re at it, please stop pretending that violence and armed resistance is the only alternative left to do so. It’s not. THAT is a measure of last resort, lest we prove ourselves no better and no different than the evil we fight against.
Christian America, which is to say, the overwhelming majority of MAGA conservatives, understand this all too well.
Are you a christian, Scott?
“Please stop pretending that nothing is being done to stop the killers and win the war.”
What is being done to stop the killers and win the war?
I don’t mean narratives that make us feel better, or symbolic protests which don’t dislodge a single tyrant from power… I mean real evidence and provable things that are actually stopping the killers and winning the war.
“And while you’re at it, please stop pretending that violence and armed resistance is the only alternative left to do so. It’s not.”
That’s good news, because so far, I haven’t found a single example in all of human history where force was not ultimately necessary to remove tyranny.
What did you find?
“THAT is a measure of last resort, lest we prove ourselves no better and no different than the evil we fight against.”
How many more hundreds of thousands of innocent Americans have to die, before you are satisfied that our virtue is sufficient?
“Christian America, which is to say, the overwhelming majority of MAGA conservatives, understand this all too well.”
Or they’re just like most everybody else throughout time, in that “all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.”
You don’t need to be a Christian to do that, just human.
“Are you a christian, Scott?”
Are you?
That would be an interesting conversation, wouldn’t it?
Just you and me and a Bible, to see whose beliefs and practices are in accordance with God’s Word, and whose aren’t?
Were many of our Founding Fathers Christians, and most Americans
at that time?
Did they fight for their freedom from tyranny, and did God bless their efforts?
Or did they concoct narratives to make themselves feel better, and virtue signal over their shoulder as they ran away?
I think this is a disingenuous question, given you read and participate here.
Indeed it is.
That you conveniently overlook the example of MLK Jr. and the civil rights movement, for starters. But then, that’s intentional and representative of your dishonest debate…assuming of course you are as well acquainted with history as you claim.
Oh, is there a magic number? And why must I be satisfied?
Yup. All are sinners. We do indeed have our own selves to blame. That doesn’t mean we stop trying to live up to the ideals enshrined in both the Constitution and the bible.
Another disingenuous and intellectually dishonest question. Moreover, one that seeks to deflect and not answer the question put to you directly….which, in my life experience, gives us the answer.
“I think this is a disingenuous question, given you read and participate here.”
In other words, you can’t answer the question, so you dodge.
“That you conveniently overlook the example of MLK Jr. and the civil rights movement, for starters.”
MLK provoked violence as a tactic, and when that didn’t achieve the desired sympathy from the American public, he used children as human shields and provoked violence against them:
“Today, King is remembered for “I have a dream” and “the content of their character.” For our purposes, he’s about nonviolence, turning the other cheek and loving thy enemy. In contemporary textbooks and collective memory, his was a non-confrontational, even passive approach.
But the civil rights movement wasn’t seen as nonviolent in its day — and for good reason. The most jarring evidence of this came just a month after King’s Birmingham jail letter. In May 1963, movement organizers assembled black children , some still in pigtails, to march through the streets of Birmingham and confront Bull Connor’s violent police force.
It was a controversial tactic within the movement, but organizers must have known that images of jailed, beaten and cowering children would affect hearts, force a response from officials and move the movement toward its goals.
“They couldn’t have been ignorant of the terrible response,” says King biographer and New York University historian David Levering Lewis. “King and his inner circle appreciated the probable certainty of violence on the part of the establishment to trigger responses that they wanted, in terms of legislation and policies.” The children called it “D-Day.”
Connor didn’t disappoint. He attacked the marchers with German shepherds and baton-wielding policemen. Connor’s army funneled hundreds of children and teenagers into overcrowded jail cells. Still, the kids returned to the streets the next day.
And the day after that. Malcolm X, whom history treats as the movement’s violent alter ego, criticized King for the event, saying that “real men don’t put their children on the firing line.” King, on the other hand, called it “one of the wisest moves we made.”
The Children’s Crusade changed the way the movement was covered by the press. Where the crushing effects of segregated schools hadn’t won hearts, where brutal, state-sanctioned beatings of hymn-singing black men and women hadn’t gained sympathy, the nation couldn’t ignore the images of children recoiling from the raised batons of sneering police officers. Only the most distressing type of violence worked.
This was King’s strategy. “Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed,” he said — an aggressive and confrontational stance that Americans rejected at the time and have forgotten today.”
And besides all that, did MLK overthrow tyranny?
Have the lives of black people been improved, or made worse?
What do the statistics say?
Education, poverty, broken homes, children out of wedlock, abortions, crime, violence?
“But then, that’s intentional and representative of your dishonest debate…”
You always seek to attack the motives and intents of those with whom you disagree, calling them ‘dishonest’, because you can’t win on the merits.
If you could, you wouldn’t have to resort to that weak-sauce 😂
You frequently appear to live in a world of unreality — and that’s fine — but when you attempt to force your unreality onto others, I’m always going to point out when the emperor wears no clothes, every single time, until or unless you can ever produce the garments 😁
“…assuming of course you are as well acquainted with history as you claim.”
Where did I claim that — and why would I need to?
How much history does one have to know, to understand that if tyrannical regimes could be removed by peaceful means, there would be no tyrannical regimes in the world — today, or ever?
It is the use of force by which tyranny takes power, and it is the use of force by which tyranny maintains power.
How are you going to overcome that, ultimately, without meeting their force with greater force? Why would tyrants relinquish power otherwise?
In the real world, how many examples in all of human history can you think of, where force was not ultimately required to remove a tyrannical regime?
Where has it ever happened in human history?
It’s such a simple and direct and revealing question.
This time you tried to throw MLK under the bus to cover your retreat, but what tyrannical regime did MLK ever overthrow?
How’d that work out for MLK?
Why don’t we just ask him?
Oh, wait…
In the real world, did MLK remove any regime, tyrannical or otherwise?
Or did the tyrannical regime remove MLK?
“Oh, is there a magic number? And why must I be satisfied?”
You tell me dodge-boy, aren’t you the one who keeps arguing for the narrative, while children, the elderly, women and men are being murdered by the thousands, every day of the week?
Aren’t you the one who needs to prove and demonstrate his virtue, that we are ‘better’ and “different than the evil we fight against” — which in reality, means allowing the enemy to riot in our blood?
How many more Americans need to be murdered, before you feel we have demonstrated that we are ‘better’ and ‘different’ than our murderers?
How long do you intend to pay that price with other peoples’ blood?
And how morally superior does that really make you?
“Yup. All are sinners.”
Except in this case, the sin is allowing psychopaths and monsters to murder women and children, and concocting convenient narratives that somebody else is taking care of it, so we can just sit back and eat popcorn while the enemy riots in our blood.
“We do indeed have our own selves to blame.”
Speak for yourself, I’m not deluding anyone that we can wish ourselves out of this.
“That doesn’t mean we stop trying to live up to the ideals enshrined in both the Constitution and the bible.”
Which ideal in the Bible upholds shirking our duty to protect and provide for our families, and to be our brother’s keeper also — and instead, supports standing down to allow vicious criminals to slaughter innocent women, children and elderly — by the millions?
Thomas Jefferson on the Constitution: “A strict observance of the written law is doubtless one of the high duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest.
The laws of necessity, of self-preservation, of saving our country when in danger, are of higher obligation.
To lose our country by a scrupulous adherence to the written law, would be to lose the law itself, with life, liberty, property and all those who are enjoying them with us; thus absurdly sacrificing the ends to the means.” — The Constitution is not a suicide pact
“Another disingenuous and intellectually dishonest question.
Moreover, one that seeks to deflect and not answer the question put to you directly…”
You mean exactly as you just did?
How does the rank hypocrisy escape your notice?
“…which, in my life experience, gives us the answer.”
Did I not invite you to have a conversation, with me and with an open Bible, to examine and see whose beliefs and practices are according to God’s Word, and whose are not?
Is that not about as far from ‘deflecting’ your question as a person could get?
Do you not regularly trumpet your Christian virtue before all?
And now seek to entice others to follow your ways?
Why not compare our beliefs and practices to what God’s Word actually says?
Wouldn’t an intellectually honest person want to know?
So, you can’t list all the ways and means being undertaken despite your reading here. I think you can. And as such, IMHO, you engage in dishonest debate.
Well, I tried. You’ll please forgive me for not reading and responding to the rest of your post. I have better things to do with my time.
Go ahead and advocate for violence. I will do the opposite.
I did what I shouldn’t have done and read a little further. I find it amusing, and twisted, that you choose to call “D-Day” a use of violence on Dr. King’s part. Controversial? Sure. Violent? Only on the part of Conner and his racists…not the protestors.
Nice try, though. A clever rhetorical attempt. But more evidence it is a waste of time to hope for honest debate with you.
“So, you can’t list all the ways and means being undertaken despite your reading here. I think you can. And as such, IMHO, you engage in dishonest debate.”
Wow, that is breathtakingly juvenile…
This will apparently come as a surprise, but it’s not my place in the debate to make your argument for you… 😂 🤣 😂
“Go ahead and advocate for violence.”
Where did I advocate for violence, Captain Strawman?
In your mind, is pointing out reality equivalent to advocating for violence?
And if so, then by rejecting violence, how do you not necessarily reject reality also?
“I did what I shouldn’t have done and read a little further.”
You always do! 😂
“I find it amusing, and twisted, that you choose to call “D-Day” a use of violence on Dr. King’s part.”
But I didn’t say that, it’s just your own Straw Man, you lyin’ sack of buffoonery… 😂 🤣 😂
Here’s what I actually said: “MLK provoked violence as a tactic, and when that didn’t achieve the desired sympathy from the American public, he used children as human shields and provoked violence against them:”
“Controversial? Sure. Violent? Only on the part of Conner and his racists…not the protestors.”
Sure, like telling your kids to go play in traffic. Not your fault if anything happens to them, right?
Violent? Only on the part of the motorists, right?
You are so terrible at this, I don’t know why you even play… 😂 🤣 😂
It was all very “clean.” A hot war was fought and many people could see who was on which side. Japan’s surrender documents were signed on September 2, 1945. The Allies were the clear victors. The Nuremberg trial of the major war criminals was planned and started almost immediately, on November 20, 1945.
I’m not saying that for the purpose of arguing any point. I just notice the differences.
Yes, it’s very convenient that the black hats acknowledge no war is taking place, and if there are any white hats, they don’t acknowledge that any war is taking place either.
If there are no white hats actually fighting the black hats, then there is no war, just submission and surrender, hiding behind a narrative that pretends otherwise.
We see visible evidence of the black hats advancing and taking ground, every single day.
What we do not see, is visible evidence of any white hats causing any damage to the black hats. And one cannot defeat an enemy without causing him damage.
And since no ‘war’ is ever declared, no ‘terms of victory’ are ever set, either.
So like the ‘war on terror’, it can never be won, because there can be no universally accepted definition of ‘terror’, and there is no definition of ‘victory’ over it, as an objective to be sought.
So the ‘war on terror’ is an endless war, by definition.
Even more so, a ‘war’ that is never even acknowledged to actually be taking place is similarly endless, because a war that has never officially started, obviously cannot ever be ended.
So we just live in a parallel universe with all the destruction of war, but without acknowledging the war, so the war can never be won or ended.
So if the war is never acknowledged, the war can never end.
And if the war can never end (much less be won), the Nuremberg trials never happen, at all.
It is maddening that so many people simply refuse to see reality as a linear progression of reason and logic.
No less maddening than taking with Branch Covidians about basic logic regarding all of the facts and evidence around the vaccine mafia, and the obvious implications and consequences of same. 👍
SCOTUS decision against mandates?
VA (blue state) Gov election?
Biden getting crushed in the polls?
Voter enthusiasm…us vs. them?
Companies like GE, Boeing, Starbucks, and many others dropping vax mandates?
Other countries dropping vax mandates and vax passport schemes…right when Biden regime is doubling down?
The Ukrainian embarrassment Biden has now gotten himself into?
It’s all bad news….nothing good? All hope is lost?
What did any supposed ‘white hats’ have to do with a single thing you listed, and if you believe supposed ‘white hats’ did have direct involvement to cause a single one of those things to come about, what is your evidence?
Furthermore, how does ANY of it end up with the desired result of removing the tyrants from power?
It’s not that you never connect those dots, it’s as if you never see that the dots need to be connected in the first place.
“SCOTUS decision against mandates?”
How does that ever result in the removal of a tyrannical government, either singularly or cumulatively with your other hopium?
I don’t know if you’re keeping score, but the the 2020 election was stolen and the United States government was taken over by a hostile foreign adversary.
We have already lost nearly a million Americans on our own soil.
The hostile foreign leadership is offshore, so there is no reason for them to ever back down, no reason to not fight until the last pawn or puppet is sacrificed, because they’re safe on the other side of the world.
Presumably (and it’s a big presumption at this point) you understand that a vicious criminal and their willing puppets are not ever going to simply vacate the positions of power and authority they have stolen.
Not unless someone FORCES them to leave.
You can call that ‘force’ whatever you like, I know you have an obsession with ‘violence’, so to you ‘force’ means ‘violence’.
I don’t care what you call it, but at the end of the day, unless the tyrants have no other choice, they won’t ever just give up and leave on their own volition.
So at some point, at some time, some ONE is going to have to apply FORCE of some KIND.
Even if every person on the planet showed up for a protest, so long as none of those people stormed the building where the tyrants were located, why would the tyrants ever leave?
The fact that you refuse to grasp this basic, simple concept indicates that you don’t want to grasp it.
It’s hard to imagine what the enemy would want in our camp more, than an agent of irrationality, who continually appealed to actions that have no basis in reality for achieving the desired objective.
” VA (blue state) Gov election?”
How does that ever result in the removal of the tyrannical regime?
Suppose Republicans win EVERY SINGLE STATE governorship in the Union. How does that force [JB] to surrender for trial?
How are those two things connected in your mind?
” Biden getting crushed in the polls?”
How many tyrannical regimes have ever been vanquished based on unpopularity?
It would he hilarious, if it wasn’t so sad…
“Voter enthusiasm…us vs. them?”
Suppose every person in America, all 350+ million, voted against [JB].
Why would that matter, if the machines are rigged and the regime counts the votes?
What will it take for you to connect those dots?
Why would they ever leave at this point, having been fully exposed, unless SOMEONE grabbed them by the pants and jacket and FORCEFULLY removed them?
“Companies like GE, Boeing, Starbucks, and many others dropping vax mandates?”
Great victory… how does that remove a tyrannical regime?
What’s the connective tissue between dropping vax mandates, and removing the tyrannical regime?
How does the one cause the other to happen?
“Other countries dropping vax mandates and vax passport schemes…right when Biden regime is doubling down?”
How does that make [JB] and the Chicago mafia, and Soros, and Scwabby, and Xi-Jin-pooh, and all the other tyrants, surrender themselves for trial?
Ultimately someone will need to FORCE them to vacate their positions of power, they’re not going to just give up, certainly not when they know they will be held accountable for their crimes and atrocities against humanity.
“The Ukrainian embarrassment Biden has now gotten himself into?”
Is that supposed to cause globally united tyrannical regimes around the world to suddenly give up and surrender?
Should we expect [JB] to surrender for trial tomorrow, due to embarrassment over Ukraine?
“It’s all bad news….nothing good?”
Sure, they’re all good, the problem is none of them are materially connected to the necessary objective, i.e., none of them, individually or combined, is going to result in the removal of the criminal regime.
There is no “cause and effect” relationship between the things you cited and the desired objective.
It’s like I’m talking to a hippy flower child who’s stoned out of her mind 😂🤣😂
“All hope is lost?”
Not at all.
Can it even be said that ‘hope’ has begun?
How can it, when the things we’re doing have no logical connection with the desired objective?
It’s like being in California and saying you want to go to Florida.
If you go north, that’s great, lots of good things you could cite about going north, but none of them result in reaching the desired destination in Florida.
If you go south, same problem.
If you go west, with enough fuel you could make it around the globe and get there, but why would anybody do that?
Until or unless you start going EAST, why should you have any hope at all, in reaching the desired destination?
Doesn’t ‘hope’ reasonably begin after (or if) you actually start doing something with a legitimate chance to realize whatever the ‘hope’ may be?
The Denninger she dropped was https://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=244982 .
https://accordingtohoyt.com/2022/01/28/level-setting/ is from her own blog.
Temperature is rising.
Yes, and with the coming inflation and food shortages We, the People are going to be seriously tested here in America.
After all…
Said inflation and shortages are being intentionally driven to make people mad and become violent, precisely so the fascists can excuse their use of state powers to go after their political opposition while grabbing even more unCostitutional powers for themselves.
Think about it.
Biden wants a war so he can claim war powers. At the same time, he causes hyper-inflation and food shortages.
Hey presto! Then he will claim anyone opposing his regime is insurrectionist, unpatriotic, and aiding America’s “enemy” (Russians)…”justifying” the use of gov’t force to take away our guns and round us up.
They NEED us to turn violent, and they are counting on it.
Read this….
Alt. title:
Inside The DS Plan For ‘22 and ‘24
This is a good warning.
This is a point which needs to be taken very seriously.
They will steal it again, if possible, and if they can’t, the fake news media will project a steal to their supporters.
Interesting times will ensue.
We have been discussing the likelihood of all this for a long time now, even if the picture was not as clear a year ago as it is today.
Hence my oft-repeated hopes that MAGA will follow the successful paths shown to us by MLK Jr.
The DS wants and needs folks arguing that “I haven’t found a single example in all of human history where force was not ultimately necessary to remove tyranny”.
They are counting on that…
…which is one reason why they murdered MLK at age 39…to stop his peace movement….and the example it provided.
Then they make the argument we want them to make. By all means, let us investigate the elections…not just 2024 but also 2020!! 😎
“Damned if they do, damned if they don’t.”
These continued drive-by swipes at Scott get really tiresome. IMO, it would be better if you could hash it out with him, either here or on the UTree, and stop the innuendo. Alternatively, allow him to express his opinion as you do yours, and ignore him. But I wish you would stop the passive-aggressive continuation of disagreements you have with him.
Scott hasn’t had to pay rent for months; he’s living rent free in FG&C’s head.
Or vice-versa.
I get a bit weary when the Scott tirades are >20% of thread text. FG&C doesn’t have nearly the word count.
Scott is lengthy, that’s for sure, but at least well reasoned.
“The DS wants and needs folks arguing that “I haven’t found a single example in all of human history where force was not ultimately necessary to remove tyranny”
They are counting on that…”
So that means they’re counting on reality, on actual human history.
What does that mean you’re counting on?
“…which is one reason why they murdered MLK at age 39…”
Was MLK trying to overthrow a tyrannical regime, was that his objective?
If not, then what does his movement, peaceful or otherwise, have to do with the current situation, or the removal of any tyrannical regime?
Different objectives, different requirements.
I just don’t think it will be possible.
The next Presidential election is going to be a ROUT.
When it “looks” like it’s 50/50, it isn’t that hard to steal an election. I know, I know, 15 people in a circle for Biden, etc. BUT, that can only happen ONCE. Americans will NOT go for the pandemic porn again, even IF there is a real pandemic, which is actually the scary part. Because if there was a real pandemic, how many Americans will say “meh, bullshit” and go on about their lives, only to be stricken by whatever disease it is?
The next election is going to feature hundreds of hitherto unheard of poll watchers, because there is no more “consent decree,” and local election boards have recruited a ton of passionate people. Can you imagine the response this time if poll watchers are told to leave in the middle of the night, or windows are covered in a counting room? I can, and it’s not pretty.
I think the Dems are toast this time, and I think they know it. I am a skeptical girl, but they were too blatant with their bullshit last time, and too many people saw through it. Could be wishful thinking on my part, but I think they will withdraw and try again another year. Commies play the long game. We will have to fight this battle again, but after the next Republican president.
I am also not entirely convinced Trump will run again. But we’ll see.
Great comments! If you’re right, then the Dems and their MSM will go for 4 years of a “stolen election” narrative, despite the rout, and despite the fact that normies will see clearly that it was a rout, and that the “Bush Stole It”-type narrative will be a bunch of crap.
Thanks, Wolf! Means a lot that you think so. And I do think they will scream “cheater” like a bunch of sore losers, but if we get Trump again, he can’t run for re-election, and has nothing to lose.
“Could be wishful thinking on my part, but I think they will withdraw and try again another year.”
How can they withdraw, after their criminality, their atrocities and crimes against humanity, have been exposed so thoroughly?
And would doubtless be exposed in totality if they left peacefully?
Resulting in their prosecution, conviction and death sentences?
This is what changed after they were exposed.
Withdrawing to fight another day is no longer an option.
No better truth spoken.
Ht Gateway Pundit
This is really good, and should be read:
Funeral director John O’Looney of the United Kingdom: “I’ve never seen so many deaths….”
UK funeral director J.O’Looney attracted attention in the spring of 2021 when he published dire predictions of a possible increase in deaths for October to December 2021. As a funeral director with insight into death certificates, contacts with pathologists and hospital nurses, he provides anecdotal evidence and comparisons. His personal experiences during the Corona crisis, including what happened to medical care at Covid in England are chilling.
The new normal.
A Peek Inside the Ruling Elite’s Playbook to Kneecap Trump, Purge Military, and Neutralize MAGA
Thus they NEED conservatives to turn to violence. They will do everything they can to provoke it.
Jan. 6 did NOT go off as they had hoped. From their standpoint, it FAILED. No rational person in America (the majority) see Jan. 6 as what the left portrays it as being.
Prior to this, they had hoped and intended for the ANTIFA riots to spark conservative violence. That, too, failed.
Consider where they would be in the court of public opinion had MAGA reacted violently to either the riots of 2020 or Jan. 6 had turned ugly (vs. people strolling through the capital as was largely the case). As it is, public opinion has turned DRAMATICALLY against the Biden/Obama regime. Peaceful protest and resistance only makes the inflammatory rhetoric and actions of the regime look even more insane and unhinged.
They need our violent reaction to them.
Deny it, and we win.
Just as MLK showed the violent, southern racists (democrats) in his day when they sought to provoke the same violent reaction from the civil rights marchers. Those democrats wanted to round them all up and jail them for reacting to the racists provocations….same plan then, same plan today.
The ULTIMATE revenge against today’s fascist racists (democrats) would be WHITE MAGA AMERICA following the examples and lessons delivered by a BLACK AMERICAN ICON.
He sought to gain civil rights….we seek to restore them.
…the democrap party.
I’ve been thinking about this. The group(s) who consider themselves to be at the top of the food chain (which would collapse without the people at the bottom who actually produce food) are so engrained in their bubble, they have zero idea what is outside of it. I mean none. In fact, many of the people on the other side politically don’t even entertain the idea that people in their circles may not agree with them.
Due to circumstance, I used to sit next to an older Jewish/Atheist woman (her description, not mine) when I was in Symphony Chorus and she used to constantly harp on the violence of the TEA Party people. Her source telling her that we were violent was MSNBC, and she looked no farther. It’s the same with a whole lot of “educated” people I know. They honestly think that conservatives, or the right wing, can be provoked into violence. The possibility that most traditional Americans are, at heart, peace loving and can see through the traps doesn’t enter into their thinking.
The bubble people honestly thought and still think that they have us under the spell of entertainment and media vehicles. That the chains of Project Mockingbird have been breaking steadily since the late 1980s just doesn’t penetrate the majority. They honestly think we are manipulatable.
They thought and think wrong, but few will admit it.
Yes, peaceful non-violence works, and that’s why the trucker convoys and any strike by not just them, but rail, barge and other cargo transportation workers would put an end to a lot of this nonsense real quick.
Agree, D-Pat.
Peaceful resistance added with education of the reality at ground level.
And yes, even changing the leftist flow at the school board level helps. We need more than that, but it does help.
The trucker convoy provides hope. Moar of that please. From every corner of the planet.
One final note – I have been shocked and actually dismayed by the number of people I formerly viewed as intelligent who are accomplished in their careers and life that are actually held captive by the pure BS spewed by the fake news media.
It turns out that their faith was also about an inch deep. Critical thinking has totally escaped their reality.
There’s all kinds of violence, DP. If truckers strike, and workers quit, so that there is no food on grocery store shelves, that is a very real form of violence.
All those trucks in Ottawa should be delivering something that people need. Some of it may be necessary to SURVIVAL in Canada in winter, i.e. heating oil. So, this protest is definitely a form of violence, just not the kind we usually view that way.
We are living in interesting times.
I have seen a lot of videos of the truckers. I get propane and also see trucks delivering to gas stations. I have not seen one truck in the convoy that would deliver gas or propane. Those are dangerous trucks to operate and I suspect their drivers would not risk huge caravans and a risk of accident that might blow them up.
You are correct. Actually empty those tanks are even more lethal than full. However those drivers may be just driving their rigs or the family pick-up truck.
As far as it being violent, as in DENYING service? Isn’t INJECTING A TOXIN that may/will kill you violence and thus don’t you have a right to prevent that violence against your person?
At this point we have zero idea of how many will be dead or sterile from the clot shot in five years but it certainly will not be zero and it could very well be a large percentage.
I suggest you might be conflating “violence” with “force.”
A “sit in” by protesters is non-violent–no one is being physically harmed–but it IS a use of force. As such they can violate others’ rights (that requires force, not violence).
Thank you. I didn’t know quite how to say it. If bullets aren’t flying and punches aren’t being thrown, it’s peaceful.
I’m thinking of it like this:
Behavior or treatment in which physical force is exerted for the purpose of causing damage or injury.
Intense force or great power, as in natural phenomena.
Extreme or powerful emotion or expression.
“As in” doesn’t mean “only in.” Violence can be the use of extreme power over another, without a blow being landed, ever.
Another definition, this from Webster’s:
Essential Meaning of violence
1 : the use of physical force to harm someone, to damage property, etc. an act of violence They need to learn how to settle their arguments without resorting to violence. See More Examples
2 : great destructive force or energy The violence of the storm caused great fear.
The word “violent” covers a lot of ground.
Having lived in Communist Boston, I very much agree with you. They are so much in lock step, so intolerant of outside ideas, that they are ossified.
It is one of the reasons I periodically post The Philosophy Of Karl Marx
Anyone who thinks “Objective phenomena and events were of no consequence” is going to have reality come up and bite them in the ass. Unfortunately College kids with their safe spaces and Corporate HR departments that coddle them, do not provide the 2 X 4 up side the head they need.
Maybe Truckers will provide that 2 X 4 of reality.
As Ayn Rand observed, you can evade reality but you cannot evade the consequences of evading reality.
I read that to hubby and he laughed.
They especially think that about 2nd Amendment supporters. In their minds, anyone with a gun could “go off” at any moment.
Yeah. I was working at the library at one of the med schools, and there was a class in how to use software for sketch artists, and a bunch of cops were taking it. They walked in, not in uniform, but with their sidearms on them like they are supposed to have, and it FREAKED OUT the soft handed crowd. “Are those people carrying GUNS?!” “They’re police officers taking a class.” “But do they have to wear them in here?”
Wow, was that demonstrative.
They think of guns as if they were a contaminant, dirtying anything they touch.
They are a talisman of evil, far removed from the machined metal artifact frequently used as a tool.
“Yes, peaceful non-violence works,”
To accomplish what?
It works for some things, and not for others.
If there has ever been a tyrannical regime that was removed by peaceful protest, in all of human history, what was it?
Where did it happen?
“,,,and that’s why the trucker convoys and any strike by not just them, but rail, barge and other cargo transportation workers would put an end to a lot of this nonsense real quick.”
Put an end to what nonsense?
What does that mean?
Do you think the Alinksy communists in power would turn into good people and begin governing with righteousness and good tidings?
Or would they just pivot to the next scheme, the next jackboot to place on our throats?
Suppose everything in the country stopped, came to a screeching halt.
And every person who is not the DS united and protested.
What is the magic thing that is supposed to happen, that causes the tyrannical regime to surrender themselves to trial for atrocities and crimes against humanity, as opposed to remaining in power and control of the apparatus of government, law enforcement and the military?
Why would they give that up?
Without being forced to do so?
Why won’t anyone answer that question?
I can’t speak for Scott, and I don’t mean to, but you and I are interpreting what he is advocating very differently.
What I have seen in Scott’s posts is a call for our military to do what he perceives is its JOB, and put an end to this. They should have done it when we realized that foreign powers had subverted an election, but they didn’t. Scott has said this many times, and I agree with him. The military is derelict in this regard.
I don’t think We the People should resort to violence or conflict. To defend our country against foreign interference is the military’s job, and they haven’t done it. Yet.
A few questions, please…remembering in answering each that Obama spent almost a decade purging the branches of the military of it’s conservative leadership…while keeping folks like Gen. Mattis…and in this same period of time the national media became a full-blown mouthpiece for the left.
Wouldn’t THEY (the military) have to realize that, same as us?
What percentage of the military is as deeply informed as Qtree?
Assuming most were as informed as the public at large, which is to say significantly less than Qtree, what percentage would take up arms against it’s chain-of-command and mutiny against same?
What percentage would be necessary for success?
How would the leaders of the mutiny know and be confident of that percentage among the military?
Do you think a majority of the nation would support some percentage of the military rising up against the chain-of-command?
If it were anything less than, say 2/3rds, do you think it would succeed?
If it succeeded, how long would that victory last?
Describe the aftermath. How does it transfer power back to civilian oversight with the peaceful acceptance of the public?
Most of importantly of all….
What would be the consequences of failure?
Could it make a bad situation even worse? How?
Shouldn’t this be a LAST resort, given that 1) such a thing has never happened before in the Republic’s history and 2) the laws of unintended consequences?
Personally, given the incredibly dangerous uncertainties above, I think it folly to condemn the small percentage of the military that does see and understand what we do, but are thinking of these questions (which, btw, would be incredibly difficult, at best, to answer with any kind certainty). We cannot reasonably condemn those who don’t…only those who do see and are true traitors, like Vindman.
Just MHO.
Btw, I don’t really. expect you to answer these questions. Or Scott, ftm. I don’t think they can be answered to anyone’s satisfaction.
I agree entirely with your last statement. I don’t think there are ANY GOOD ANSWERS at this point. And here we are.
I disagree. There IS a good answer.
MLK showed us the way.
Moreover, that path is not only demonstratively successful, it is also scripturally sound doctrine.
”In God we trust” wasn’t just a pithy statement to those who enshrined it as one of our national mottos, and it certainly wasn’t for Dr. King.
If God be for us, none can stand against us. Dr. King is a monument to this truth, because Dr. King was a peacemaker who rejected violence and uprising as a means to the end.
Right now, the answer is clear. INFORMATION is the weapon of choice!!! FAITH and PATIENCE and ACTION TO PREPARE are the shields of choice.
And it has been going on for decades.
As the Truckers in Canada (And I really hope they are headed for the USA) have shown, People have to AGREE to be ruled because there are a heck of a lot MORE of us than them.
“I disagree. There IS a good answer.
MLK showed us the way.”
How did that work out for MLK?
Did he bring a tyrannical regime to an end?
Or did a tyrannical regime bring him to an end?
That was my first thought.
“”In God we trust” wasn’t just a pithy statement to those who enshrined it as one of our national mottos, and it certainly wasn’t for Dr. King.”
Right, that’s the same way our Founding Fathers defeated the British, they just sat back and waited for God to handle it, everybody knows that… 👍😂🤣😂
“If God be for us, none can stand against us.”
So what does that mean for you? Does it mean we can just sit back, eat some popcorn, and God will smite the Deep State for us?
The same way our Founding Fathers sat back, and let imaginary white hats defeat the British?
“Dr. King is a monument to this truth,”
He’s certainly a monument to historical revisionism…
“because Dr. King was a peacemaker who rejected violence and uprising as a means to the end.”
While using children as human shields to provoke violence as a tactic…
“Today, King is remembered for “I have a dream” and “the content of their character.” For our purposes, he’s about nonviolence, turning the other cheek and loving thy enemy. In contemporary textbooks and collective memory, his was a non-confrontational, even passive approach.
But the civil rights movement wasn’t seen as nonviolent in its day — and for good reason. The most jarring evidence of this came just a month after King’s Birmingham jail letter. In May 1963, movement organizers assembled black children , some still in pigtails, to march through the streets of Birmingham and confront Bull Connor’s violent police force.
It was a controversial tactic within the movement, but organizers must have known that images of jailed, beaten and cowering children would affect hearts, force a response from officials and move the movement toward its goals.
“They couldn’t have been ignorant of the terrible response,” says King biographer and New York University historian David Levering Lewis. “King and his inner circle appreciated the probable certainty of violence on the part of the establishment to trigger responses that they wanted, in terms of legislation and policies.” The children called it “D-Day.”
Connor didn’t disappoint. He attacked the marchers with German shepherds and baton-wielding policemen. Connor’s army funneled hundreds of children and teenagers into overcrowded jail cells. Still, the kids returned to the streets the next day.
And the day after that. Malcolm X, whom history treats as the movement’s violent alter ego, criticized King for the event, saying that “real men don’t put their children on the firing line.” King, on the other hand, called it “one of the wisest moves we made.”
The Children’s Crusade changed the way the movement was covered by the press. Where the crushing effects of segregated schools hadn’t won hearts, where brutal, state-sanctioned beatings of hymn-singing black men and women hadn’t gained sympathy, the nation couldn’t ignore the images of children recoiling from the raised batons of sneering police officers. Only the most distressing type of violence worked.
This was King’s strategy. “Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed,” he said — an aggressive and confrontational stance that Americans rejected at the time and have forgotten today.”
IF, there was ABSOLUTE PROOF that election machines WERE tampered with by another country as Mike Lindell claims, and military intelligence, CIA… HID IT and refused to turn it over to Ratcliffe AS ORDERED, then they were traitors.
1.18.21 DNI Ratcliffe: Chinese Election Interference Efforts Suppressed by CIA
That’s the implication of 11.3 in the DoD manual.
As of 1/21/22 POTUS can make his moves….
Hence Biden’s sudden need for a manufactured war, perchance?
Among other things.
Don’t forget that Ukraine is/was the money laundering and drug distribution center. There’s a lot in Ukraine that will hurt Biden if it falls into the hands of the Russians.
Not that I think the thing is really going to go hot. Right now, it’s just swamp fumes.
Like or hate Putin the guy is very very smart and very measured. I have a lot more faith in Putin acting in a sane manner then I ever did OhBummer, Bye-Done or Hitlery.
YES!!! The ROT is deep and it is everywhere. This why a GLOBAL SYSTEMIC (I’m talking programming) change in perspective has to take place.
Stated differently, much of the “Great Awakening” needs to happen in the military as well.
“Btw, I don’t really. expect you to answer these questions. Or Scott, ftm. I don’t think they can be answered to anyone’s satisfaction.”
Why not ask the military of Myanmar?
They wrestled with those questions, and reached a very different conclusion.
As for making a bad situation worse, what level of gross criminal negligence would it take to create a scenario worse than millions (possibly tens of millions) of Americans — men, women, and children — being slaughtered indiscriminately in their own country?
Orders of magnitude more innocent lives have been lost around the world than in all the wars America has ever fought, combined.
According to Worldometer, America has lost 1,305,000 people in all the wars going back to the Revolutionary War. Worldometer says, presumably based on ‘official’ statistics, that the Covid Massacre has killed 906,550 Americans so far.
How bad do you have to *&^% up, to create a situation WORSE than what we have now?
With having lost nearly a MILLION Americans in just 2 years, and handing the government of the United States over to a hostile foreign adversary?
“They need our violent reaction to them.
Deny it, and we win.”
What do we win?
A merit badge?
A virtue ribbon?
As you tell it, if anyone uses force to oppose tyranny, tyranny wins.
And if no one uses force to oppose tyranny, then tyranny has no reason to ever cease, so tyranny wins.
So the gospel of FG&C is that tyranny wins, no matter what we do.
And yet you claim that ‘we win’.
What is it, specifically, that we ‘win’?
If we don’t react violently, what is the connective reasoning that causes the tyrannical regime to abdicate and surrender?
If non-violence is the lever, what’s the fulcrum?
What is it that, ultimately, physically REMOVES the tyrants from positions of power?
You never explain that part, and it seems like it’s the most important part.
Fair elections. Informed voters.
Don’t know if this has been posted previously, but Tina Peters wasn’t the only one to make back up copy.
He’s right. They want to thin the herd.
At first it sounded crazy, but by now I do believe it.
Every Conservative they kill is one less counter-vote they have to manufacture.
Whatever we do, let’s not defend ourselves…
Because that would be bad…
That was fun.
Scene from Manhattan on Friday on Fifth Avenue in front of St. Patrick’s Cathedral. No words necessary.
Honest question…
Weren’t these the same cops throwing the unvax’d out of restaurants in NYC?
Most likely. Yes, they will claim they were just doing their jobs. That doesn’t make the sight of a fallen officer’s funeral any less impressive.
Will they ‘just follow orders’ again and again?
Worse – more evil unjust unconstitutional orders?
How far will they go before their consciences kick in?
What happens to them if they DON’T follow orders? If they don’t do it by the book.
Somehow, I don’t think the mandates are being enforced all that closely or we’d see more video.
You are right – and I do feel for these men in blue, firefighters, military….all across the board, their jobs are being politicized, weaponized, jeopardized, mandated, perverted by evil leftists.
Kyrie Eleison – pray and stand firm and speak truth is all we can do.
Yes – and we should not condemn the thousands who do not bow to the woke leadership in the performance of their duties.
Waking up to reality and doing something about it is sometimes a long, painful process.
VERY COSTLY – personally costly – as our Front Line Doctors and Nurses have learned.
Poignant was the video of 1st responders in Australia laying down the uniforms, shoes, etc. in response to the horrible vaccine mandates.
I’d quit and move.
Sorry, I have morals. Period. And I do not violate them. Ever.
They are required by law to refuse unconstitutional orders, even if their supervisors tell them to do it. It easy to go along.
Like I said, I doubt there’s much enforcement going on. The cops have more pressing issues. And that video we saw might well have been propaganda of some sort.
I give it a suspicious cat.
“What happens to them if they DON’T follow orders?”
In what universe should we be concerned about the consequences to jackboots if they don’t abuse their power and our rights?
Are we supposed to shed tears for jackboots now?
“If they don’t do it by the book.”
If the Nazis didn’t do what they were told, they might wind up in front of a firing squad.
If the NYC cops don’t do what they’re told, they might lose their job.
Seems like a slightly lower hurdle for the conscience to overcome.
“Will they ‘just follow orders’ again and again?”
You betcha.
In a New York minute.
“How far will they go before their consciences kick in?”
No one knows.
The conscience of ‘law enforcement’ didn’t kick in before Dachau, or Bergen-Belsen, or Auschwitz, Sobibor, Treblinka, or any others.
And we’re not anywhere near that far yet, so we have a long way to go, to find out when their ‘consciences’ will kick in.
Just remember, peaceful protest is the answer.
Even if they’re throwing you in the cattle car like cord wood.
If it worked for MLK, it’ll work for us 👍😁
Back the Blue, my ass.
Sorry, I got nothing left for ’em.
The man was answering a domestic disturbance call. Those are amazingly hard to handle. One of the dads in my parish was killed during one such call. When I say they are dangerous, they are dangerous.
I don’t share the disdain. Being a city cop is a rough job. I know too many to turn my back. They have to put up with all sorts of crap the rest of us don’t.
Like I said, I doubt the mandates are being enforced all that strenuously when the police have far bigger problems to deal with.
There is also the possibility that some of the videos we see of police throwing people out of restaurants are staged for the cameras. How could we be so sure? Did we get badge numbers and track them back to verify identities?
Exactly. Propaganda.
The good outnumber the bad.
As an aside, I say this despite a very recent experience that caught me off guard.
I have long made habit of picking up the tab for any cop who happens to be eating at the same place I am. Well, I was recently at a Chipolte and, while at the register paying for my order, saw two officers in line about 3-4 people behind me. So, after paying I waited and stood nearby until they were at the register.
I said…with a smile of greeting…
“Hi gents. If you would allow me, I would be pleased to buy your meals as a token of my respect for and appreciation of the dangerous job you do for our community.”
I was in uniform, and they both turned me down. THAT has never happened to me in all the years I have been doing this.
But I won’t let two jerks make me paint the rest of the with the same brush.
Something seems off to me about the media coverage of the Applebee’s and the Museum of Natural History arrests. Same small group arrested. Claims of arrest of a 9 yr old?
“Weren’t these the same cops throwing the unvax’d out of restaurants in NYC?”
No doubt.
I hope the Canadians continue to give Trudeau and company the middle finger.
Doesn’t look like legislation. Looks more like an executive action allow by a state of emergency?
Yeah, legislation is the wrong word.
“Decree” is closer.
It does not seem enforceable, especially if their police stay busy elsewhere.
Totalitarian idiots think this is a good idea.
They’ll only turn freedom loving moderates against them while making martyrs out of the truckers.
As Justine cowers in his bunker.
What? This WASN’T a science post? Wow, Steve, you coulda fooled me.
It looked like at least 3/4 science – with the Webb telescope/physics/astronomy part sandwiched between the China/Asshoe and mineral markets.
I love your Saturday posts! Even when I can only understand maybe 5-10% of them.
Verse of the Day for Saturday, January 29, 2022
“The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it.”
Proverbs 10:22 (KJV)
Yes, baby lives matter. My cousin D and his wife E welcomed their second son yesterday. She was induced early as she is TINY. This little guy has Downs Syndrome, and is welcomed with open arms.
Awww. New babies are awesome.
Some of the sweetest people I’ve ever known had Downs.
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
Jack Posobiec https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.1.0/svg/1f1fa-1f1f8.svg
You paid for this
Nothing green or carbon neutral about any of it. Where are the great returns for those “at the bottom” (oops, can’t say that) I mean “base of the pyramid”?
Complete fraud, bought hook, line, and sinker.
No its hideous and youre right.
Talk about being Shanghaied…….
Border Patrol Agent’s Death Is On Biden’s Hands
Let’s start with this and it’s very interesting comments and images:
You paid for this pic.twitter.com/0iAa17Wwid
— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) January 29, 2022
Now consider this image of Futurama, GM’s vision of the future at the 1939 World’s Fair:
GM and it’s sponsored central planners failed to inform the world that the vision was for China.
I’m amazed that today, people regard this type of city building as innovative progress. What has conceptually changed since 1939?
Oh, but we’re “leapfrogging” technology in a country with little infrastructure; triple bottom line, you know.
Construction on the other side of the Earth becomes unverifiable, and cardboard Evergrande city building explodes.
These cities were supposed to demonstrate green city building; visions of a carbon neutral future. How did that work out? Did investors and taxpayers get what they paid for? Bring the data, and commissioning studies. Let’s see how they hold up to the reality.
Same central planners, by the way. Isn’t it obvious?
The East India Company founded in 1600…. The East India Company took over India and governed it on behalf of the British government. They influenced the UK government in their dealings with American Colonies too. That is why we dumped their tea in Boston Harbor.
Of course, the 1939 planners are all gone, yet there is unchanging continuity of the plan.
How do they do that across generations? Who are the keepers of institutional memory, and the vault of fake constituent facts? Facts that would otherwise be transitory.
Inspirational, and applicable paraphrasing from my devotional this AM:
Wait on the Lord, be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart. Psalm 27:14
Consider our own individual inability to do anything to stop the evil of the day. We do not have the answers for how to change or the authority to make it all stop and the world to start honoring God and His ways.
My thoughts: Yet, we know the world has gone mad and strays further from His will then it possibly ever has.
America has almost never been at peace for a sustainable period since its founding. We need to get over this whitewashed version of history in our minds. Adding to that, what has all the prosperity and abundance brought us? A broken spirit, broken culture, vultures eating the carcasses of what was designed by the founders to lift all to liberty and the pursuit of happiness, evil hearts with evil actions revealed from leaders, and so on.
We stopped waiting on the Lord and started trusting evil men and the world around us within a generation of the nation’s founding – just like the Hebrews.
Not waiting on the Lord and His help and counsel is to forfeit His blessing. The Lord uses who He uses to accomplish His perfect will. Our role is to do what is before us and within His will. There may come a time for force to be used, but trust the Lord to make it very clear to His children it is the right time and place for it to happen or we will not receive His blessing and it will end terribly.
Excellent message.
Every day, more are coming to our side. Don’t blow it now!
Mr Global WANTS VIOLENCE and instead is getting RESISTANCE.
Mom + Pops at School Boards
The Precinct Strategy
People signing up as Poll workers
People REFUSING THE JAB and quitting.
People are moving to Homeschooling.
Yes, Karl, you are reading the chart correctly.
About that bridge that collapsed in the democrat socialist state of PA….
h/t – QOTD – Doug Ross
The same shit as goes on in Colorado.
Roads are falling apart, and overtaxed.
Voters are asked to pass a tax for “transportation” and it ends up going to woke shit (multibillion dollar trains, bike paths, trails) instead of the roads as one might have naively expected.
A citizen group actually put a “Fix The Damn Roads” initiative on the ballot that strictly specified exactly what the tax money should be used for. Unfortunately it was nothing but projects in Denver (with one bone thrown to Colorado Springs) and therefore didn’t pass, between the 1/5 of the state that is not “Denver” voting against it, and woke shitheads in Denver not voting for it because there were no damn bike trails.
Same thing in Houston and New Orleans with flood control infrastructure.
DemonRAT pocket lining, bribes, corrupt building practices takes most of the funds allocated for roads and bridges.
Agenda 2030…
We have the same cr@p over here. Bike lanes, speed reduction (including dividers in streets to make them serpentine, so that’s not just a health risk, as it were, but a death risk. Add to that the Greens saying “food is too cheap” and trying to raise prices (and a “meat tax”, natch), but very little or none of the monies collected would go to the farmers… Sounds just like the DEMONRATS…
Our city/town just put in bike lanes last year. I have yet to see ONE BIKE USE THOSE DARN LANES!!!
Instead they are all over the narrow winding hilly back roads and I have come very very close to killing some of them.
Yet another reason to have a snow plow blade, or a cowcatcher 🙂
And the stupid bicycle pants cut off the blood flow to their brains, it seems. Over here anymore, the bicyclists have right-of-way over just about everything (EU again), almost as bad as Holland… LOTS of taxes went to putting in bike lanes, then the EU changed the laws, and the idjiot cyclists ride on the (already too narrow) streets… leaving the bike lanes empty 😡
Gas Tax = Politician Pocket Lining – !
“Voters are asked to pass a tax for “transportation” and it ends up going to woke shit (multibillion dollar trains, bike paths, trails) instead of the roads as one might have naively expected.”
Peaceful protest is the answer…
Just bend over and take it 👍
Who’s doing their light rail? Our system, as pathetic as it is, didn’t cost that much per mile.
Sounds like I was being generous. Half a billion/mile.
What exactly is light rail? They’ve surpassed SF’s record.
The scam tram.
Sure, let’s flush a few more billions in their direction and see what infrastructure we get this time.
Definition of insanity. Be sure to add 10% for the big guy.
It didn’t look like an implosion, but the timing couldn’t have been more perfect.
Catastrophic. There’s a bus on the bridge, yet no one died. No major injuries.
They’re afraid. In previous times catastrophic death would have been central to the spectacle. Maybe they fear that they won’t get away with it anymore.
Hah. You don’t know they weren’t trying for catastrophic death…but failed.
Of course that’s assuming this whole thing was deliberate, which I don’t actually assume.
I don’t either, but if it really was being held up with cables, deliberately bringing it down would have been pretty easy.
I guess I’m lucky to live where I do. In the last twenty years, we’ve gotten six new bridge spans, and one that was closed recently for emergency repairs, which is probably now on the list for replacement. The main artery through the middle of the city, including the bridge that feeds it, was dug up and replaced, including all of the overpasses other than the ones downtown which had been earthquake proofed.
The Forest Park Parkway was brought up to grade. The bridges over the rail tracks on the south side were replaced, as was the surface of Clayton Road. Trust me, that was a big deal. Like, five miles of a mess dug up and relaid.
Now, if the city itself would do something about the viaducts, that would be great.
I have $100 that says if someone checks, they’ll find that they only got about 25% of the promised “woke s***.”
Yep, the better to go back and ask for more money.
I’ll pay 10-1 to anyone who wants to take the other side this bet.
This is SteveInCO
The damn site kicked me out (as it is wont to do, periodically).
This time, i am unable to log back in. (To save the inevitable questioning since I don’t expect to be around this afternoon: right sidebar, “Log in with username and password” option. The same one I use every time this happens.)
Oddly enough, going in as a guest, WordPus didn’t ask me for the wordpress password. So I should be able to function like this…until time to write the next Saturday daily.
The rally thread didn’t post when I scheduled it, either. I got locked out during the last rally. Somebody out there is screwing with us.
For some reason I couldn’t see THIS post until about five minutes after it was supposed to post, even though the post editor showed it had been posted.
It could just have been user error (e.g., refreshing a page that wasn’t pointed to the top level, but rather to Wolf’s post) but I doubt it. I do know I had to hit the wolf icon rather than “refresh” so that’s why I have to consider “brain fart” a possibility.
I’m seeing lag time between when a comment hits the comment page and when it surfaces on the thread. Something is going on.
Agree. I am having difficulties myself and they are getting worse.
I got kicked out too Steve. And then this article just stood at the same number of comments for a couple hours.
I don’t think they like us…
OK, issue resolved.
Back in the days when the site would log me off unexpectedly, I changed from a randomly generated password that I’d have to dig out of keepass, which is on my phone, to one I could remember because it is a phrase. If I’m going to need the damn thing every three days, I want something I can remember.
The problem I had this morning was I was capitalizing every word in the phrase, and shouldn’t have been.
So this is TOTALLY my cranial flatulence and NOT a site problem.
OK, good. But still, there is a periodic recent deterioration of “WordPress.com synchronization with the local site”, which I have notices from my admin level, and this is why all the things people are noting are happening, IMO. I you screw up in any way into aggravating that, such as mixing up site and WP.com passwords, etc., it will exacerbate things!
Luckily it wasn’t my WP.com password; it was just a wrong password.
Sounds like a capital offense 🙂
I still get a kick out of this.
Great message. Delivered very well.
They really do think the people are stupid. Russia? Again with Russia?
Well if it was RUSSIA that instigated it, I am ALL FOR RUSSIA!!!
Da, comrade.
MAGA needs to mock and ridicule this crap relentlessly. Turn it around on the left.
Global warming? The Russians.
Racism in America? The rooskies.
Inequality and lackmof diversity? Yep, the russians.
”I don’t know why you blaming racism on white people in America. It’s obviously the Russians fault.”
“My cable is out again, Damned Russians.”
“Bartender, my beer is warm. Must be Putin is up to his old tricks.”
“Fickin’ car won’t start! Damn Russian agents killed my battery!”
The power went out. What have the Russians been up to.
I’m just being a smart ass. The Russians have been up to being accused of basically everything, while doing essentially nothing.
Beyond the pail stoopid to say, Russia is behind Canadian truckers.
CBC IS DEPERATE to ProTect Twinkle Socks.
Hope the memes in Canada are mocking COWARD LIMP WRIST Trudope.
And now it’s come to this…
Èven his sparkley socks have gone all pale…..
BWAHAHAHAHA! The truck-gun! Lol!
This is a comment by the funeral director in the UK from the story that was posted:
“They’re still pressing on and injecting children in schools. It was put to Sir Graham that 70% of the children vaccinated would be sterilized as a side-effect of these jabs. And wads, reams of science was put on the table to verify what they were saying, to support what they were saying.And you have to remember, that people like Delores, for example, who was advising the British government in her 20s, you know. She’s a very, very…she’s a genius. Tess Lawrie- she’s a genius in her field. In their respective fields they know what they’re talking about. You know, but they’re not on the pharma payroll and they’re not on the government payroll. So they’re discredited. ”
70% sterilization in children! Whoa! That needs to be blasted from the rooftops.
“So it was also mentioned about the damage being done to the immune system. And that would be progressively over time – and the science was explained – and that in over two years your body cells will regenerate and the new cells that regenerate after you’ve been injected will carry new instruction and that new instruction will turn your immune system on you. It primes it, so you know, it will kind of slowly deplete you and symptoms of that obviously are sickness and illness.”
It’s tragic and people need to be held accountable, but as time goes on the evidence will increasingly come out. The field of medicine will never be the same.
For some of us of a certain age….
My My Hey Hey
Neil Young is gone today
He got what he asked for
Just desserts that way
My My Hey Hey
Jason Rantz on KTTH Radio (@jasonrantz) Tweeted:
I turned off the comments because the people who pretend they want people vaccinated to preserve life… are the ones who are dancing on his grave.
Jason Rantz on KTTH Radio (@jasonrantz) Tweeted:
Rest In Peace, Robert.
Chances are he was KILLED by the hospital. We now know the actual virus is well gone by the time someone is hospitalized and what you are dealing with is the bodies response. We also know there are PLENTY of REPURPOSED DRUGS that help but NON are ‘Approved” by The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) thanks to that BITCH, Hana El Sahly, M.D. of Baylor College of Medicine who is Chair of the FDA Vaccines & Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC)
May 18, 2020 — Hana El Sahly on Remdesivir and the NIH’s Adaptive COVID-19 Treatment Trial
Dr Paul Marik @ 1:41:50 – 1:50:00 Ron Jonson’s Form
4 million have been hospitalized and of that number, 850,000 died. He says cheap approved drugs could have save 500,000 of those 850,000 lives.
He eviscerated NIH & FAUCI.
Fauci Told President Trump Remdesivir was good 10 days in. Researchers Changed the study END POINT to HIDE DEATHS. (That would be Hana El Sahly, trained in Beirut, Lebanon…)
The OTHER study SHOWING the deaths/toxicity of Remdesivir in Ebola trial was released at 11:00 am JUST before the Afternoon presentation of the corrupted Remdesivir-Covid study that was presented by Fauci to POTUS. He also mentioned U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services gives bonuses to hospital to treat MEDICARE (the old and ‘useless’) patients with this toxic drug.
AMEN. The giving of a toxic antiviral drug to people in viral recovery phase of COVID is CRIMINAL.
Fauci can be REMOVED for this scientific NONSENSE.
AND Sahly tried for MASS MURDER as well as those at the FDA, NIAID, CMS who wrote the directives.
How Billions in COVID Stimulus Funds Led Hospitals to Prioritize ‘Treatments’ That Killed, Rather Than Cured, Patients
Dexamethasone helped me BUT i wasnt intubated, got up, moved, drank aTON of water and slowly but routinely exercised my lungs. It helped give me strength to expand my chest and get out of the hospital. Its been used for a very long time.
In this instance the combos with other meds may be why dexa is bad news.
Mr gil and i believe once i was stable they were trying to kill me to get their money’s worth.
When EXACTLY was that? When, relative to your admission and exit, do you think they stabilized you? And then what changed at that point that made you think they were NOT trying to save you, but rather the opposite?
I totally believe you. But what I’m looking for is “Political Moonshine fraud theory evidence”. I want to figure out how Fauci and his fellow criminals gamed the system to kill deplorables and elderly in general, under the guise of helping them.
Fauci and the others are like a sabotage machine sent into humanity to take us down without our knowing it.
We have to have a game plan to deal with these “ringers” in the future.
The er doc came to see me and his demeanor was different. He was the stabilizer. The very first infectious disease dr was kind but was intent on writing the orders per the std protocol. The 2nd infectious dz dr was the angry one and my asking questions and refusal. They were almost about to intubate me after i was stable bc my o2 kept dropping, mostly dt my positioning to get comfortable and adjustingbto the iv, monitor, o2 i was plugged in to. I actually had to argue a bit and basically tell them to back off. The pulmonary dr was wonderful and Christian, btw.
Some drs were not good, some ancillary as well.
They wanted that protocol in play. Tey didnt encourage me to get up, remove the catheter, no pt eval. Just lay there and let them do what they wanted. Thats where i believe the “protocol” with some assistance is the killer.
Thanks! Very helpful.
This is Fauci and Gates and China. This is the poisonous gnome, and their hidden genocide.
Mr gil and i believe once i was stable they were trying to kill me to get their money’s worth.
^^^ Covid patients, (including you), ARE RIPE FOR Hospitals, to HARVEST Federal BONUS BUCKS – GOLDEN CASH COW.
Yes i agree. I didnt know the extent of what they received until this was published.
B7llshit redemsivir helps. You all told me to quit after 1 dose and the hospital was stunned at how fast I recovered.
I sure hope they got a CLUE from that.
Probably but they are all about the cash.
I am So glad you recovered so quick Gil00
I’ll never forget that. We were all very alarmed when you posted that that is what they were giving you and you were concerned.
I won’t ever forget it either. Scared the crap outta me. I was really afraid we were gonna lose somebody.
Yes. I had dexamethasone at home for 3 days to pump my lungs since o2 was only 2-3 liters. It worked very well and got me over the hump.
Ah, yes, the designated escape routes.
I have to be careful when on a business trip there, to stay away from those highways. I might just keep going.
Once the mirrors get aligned…..
The question is whether they will see Ernest, Borg 9 on board.
No, they didn’t….
“Ernest Borg?”
(He was busy as an Airwolf 🙂 )…..
There’s a possibility some chucklehead will misinterpret this as a call for no government. “You’re saying government shouldn’t do anything?“
Wrong, Chucklehead. There are some things the government should indeed do.
However it already does all of those things (in addition to the stuff it shouldn’t be doing), so any new suggestion is indeed correctly answered with “Nope.”
“…However it already does all of those things….”
That ALONE should be grounds for placing the whole damn lot of them on trial!
Let me rephrase that.
“It’s already empowered to do all those things…”
Indeed, it’s not just a case of doing things it shouldn’t be doing, but a case of it not doing the things that it should.
Might be one of the better channels to watch for live view in Ottawa.
It is encouraging to see citizens of these countries uniting against elitist diktats. I can not recall seeing anything similar in Israel. Has it happened and I missed it or is there another explanation?
twitter won’t let us see the tweet, but you can see the responses. Based on those, I’m going to assume China won’t let us see the tweet.
It’s a video from Chicago in the snow of a Chinese cargo jet that looks a lot like a 747 running into baggage carriers.
yeah, that sounds like something we aren’t supposed to see. Vax injury? Piolet or ground crew protest? Or replacement workers not trained? Maybe the last.
Guess it happened yesterday so they had time to pull it.
Yep. It was a 74.
Can’t blame the crew, per se. First folks to look to is the rampers bringing it in to it’s parking spot. That baggage cart (shown on it’s side) isn’t on a taxiway, it’s on the ramp.
Plus, that’s the #E2 inboard. It was definitely at night and looks like it could have been snowing hard. The E2 on a 74 impossible for the CA to see. Was the required wing walker on that side present? If not, it’s most def the ground crew’s fault….esp. with a heavy jet like this.
Btw, like so many others, rampers have been quitting rather than getting jabbed. Every airline and every position therein is short-staffed right now because of this damn clot shot BS. Wouldn’t surprise me at all if there was no wing-walker on that side when the rampers were bringing it in.
That’s a multi-million $$ ooopsie right there when you add up the cost of repairs, recertifications, lost revenue, and uninterrupted expenses like insurance and ramp fees.

I thought you said ‘rappers’ not rampers and thus thought they brought in scabs. Which in any case they have.
Can’t be better with airline mechanics. How long till one of these big babies fall out of the air?
Of course, this supposes the soyboi had any respect to lose, which is dubious.
Point taken.
Really, really hoping it comes with a case of explosive diarrhea of the “ate too many hot peppers” variety.
Ring stinger, aka “the Phall guy”….. 🔥
New Daughn
The GREAT Snowstorms of Our Lives – Side Porch Politics (wordpress.com)
Thanks for the heads-up! It’s been a while and I haven’t been checking daily.
Well, at least we know it’s not Kid Rock. 😎
Actually, the music industry top to bottom is going to face this. And the musician and stage hand unions aren’t going to go to the wall for their people. They’ll set up “get your shots” events.
I hope the stage hands WALK! as do the drivers and all the rest of the support crews.
One of my cousins is married to the stage manager at one of the local venues. Yeah, he’d demand it, I’m sure.
This year its all plastic utensils and carryout containers. The biodegradable ones arent bad but they cost more!
All of that stuff bores the hell out of me.
Functional stuff is my focus.
Have never bought into green BS.
You might never have bought into it, but you’re paying for it just the same…
Prices are going up, and up, and up, and the restaurant and other industries are getting killed by COVIDIOCY on one side, and the Greens on the other…
And if they’d paid attention in biology class (instead of just practicing it in their cars), they’d know that there are bacteria that actually EAT (so to speak) plastic and other oil-derivative materials…
(playing softly in the background, “working on the long-chain gang”…)….
Song written by Polly Murr.
And her skinny identical twin sister Ethel.
Polly, Ethel: lean…
There was a fello who couldn’t decide between two twins, Polly and Molly. He finally made up his mind, as he said, “I realized I’m cold to Molly, but hot to Molly”….
In hiding? Maybe the Chinese embassy?
Okay, were getting a bit behind in Babylon Bee posts so I’ve cherry picked a just a few I’ve not seen.
okay, everyone knows four is one more than a few, but just had to include this one.
Okay, we might have to do this again… seems there are many more worth posting.
It is a toss up, but Bye-Done wins…
Brussels Sprouts? they could gag a maggot in my opinion so that gives you an idea of what Bye-Done’s standing is.
That’s funny, but I love Brussels sprouts. A restaurant I visited recently had a special Brussels sprouts dish on their menu, and it was to die for. (Apprently someone likes them, or they would not serve them. 😂)
You are welcome to ALLLLLlllll of mine!
Depends entirely on preparation, in my opinion. Sort of like okra.
I completely agree.
Step 1: Acquire Brussels sprouts
Step 2: Feed to pigs
Step 3: Raise pigs a couple of years
Step 4: Make bacon.
Now that I like. 🤓
So the sprouts got killed first 😀
Brussels sprouts a lot of bad things 😀
(the EC/EP/EU for starters…)…..
Word is the Trudeau clan has taken off to a “secure location.”
🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔 sheet coward!!!!!
Maybe he’ll do a “Hitler” in his secret bunker.
Turdeau would probably miss…..
Lol! Incompetent in EVERY way!
Oh, please God, let this be true! I have been hoping and praying that the truckers, who really CAN, come to save us.
This would be nice. Seriously, don’t mess with these guys.
That WOULD be a surprise.
Shouldn’t they peacefully protest, maybe use some children as human shields, in hope of receiving the same result MLK did?
So you’re saying MLK used children as human shields? Source?
Which phone companies are losing our trust? Looks like T-Mobile is run by Jabzis.
EXCLUSIVE: T-Mobile Disregards Supreme Court Ruling on Vaccine Mandate – Will Terminate Unvaccinated Employees
January 28, 2022, 9:30pm
by Jim Hoft
Fascist commies
Red Jen! From GAB!!!
I wanna speak with the manager!!
h/t Marica
Reposting from new location…..
Thanks wolfie.
BTW, I was listening to Dr Malone and realized, that although we all know about ‘regulatory capture’ That is the revolving door between industry and government, there is a secondary ‘capture’ A university is involved in clinical trials, however Professor A is Principle Investigator so Professor B FROM THE SAME UNIVERSITY (and possibly department) is on the advisory broad vetting Professor A’s work.
Dr Malone was commenting that the Pfizer trials were done in Texas…. Any bets Baylor College of Medicine was involved in the trial and that is why Hana El Sahly is Chair of the FDA Advisory board???
I just looked and what do I find???
COVID-19 Vaccine Trials for Children | BCM
ABC NEWS: Brothers participate in local vaccine trial for kids …
FOX NEWS: Mix-and-match COVID-19 vaccine trials at Baylor College of Medicine
Houston Chronicle: Houston toddler first to receive COVID vaccine in Baylor trial
It also explains Baylor’s attacks on Dr McCollough. Dr Malone says Dr McCollough is now $150,000 in debt to lawyers trying to defend his medical licence.
Ridiculous!!! They’re EVIL.
I really really want to see ALL these people ON TRIAL! I do not care if we STRIP our hospitals. Who wants to go to a hospital where there is a chance they will try to kill you if you are over 50?
I don’t believe that gil00 is 50….
Oh, and notice how they are USING minority women to make them harder fro ‘old white men’ to attack…. SNARL.
I think they should spin those doors up to around 2500 RPM and launch the perps in big pharma, academia, and crooked government clear into oblivion. Cooked crooks, as it were. Straight into HELL!!!!!
😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡
And millstones around their necks for all of them, for abusing children and young adults, and OUR FUTURE!!!
And maybe some Carolina Reaper hot sweet syrup and fire ants to help them feel a bit of the pain they’ve inflicted on everyone else…
Interstate 70…if they roll through here, I’ll go.
I would expect multiple streams to form if it starts at all.
That said. truckers HATE I-70 through the mountains.
American Soviets looking to re-take post-Soviet Russia should have realized they hadn’t actually taken America First.
So to speak.
Disco https://gab.com/emoji/271d.svg
The NPC meme is great!
Vicko (@RebelDoggy) Tweeted:
Justin Trudeau in His Secret Ottawa Bunker – Live Footage Hiding From Canada Freedom Convoy 2022
#TruckersForFreedom #TrudeauResign #TruckerConvoy2022 https://t.co/KOJIgPeO10
Vicko (@RebelDoggy) Tweeted:
full video here
Love it!
KlauSS SSchwab is making it into memes now – that is a real tell that people are no longer going to stand for this shit.
The new Nazis have had to activate all the Jewish groups and Israel into “Panic Defense – Nazism Was All About The Jews And Jews Alone – You Non-Jews Can’t Meme About Hitler Or Nazis!” mode.
Go to hell, brainwashed toadies and dolts, who fell for the new Nazi scam. Never Again is STRIKING NOW, because the only way to STOP it is to STRIKE EARLY. Keep taking your Pfizer/Hitler spike jabs until you all clot and die, or GET OUT OF THE NEXT HOLOCAUST NOW.
Spot the NEXT NAZIS early. It’s the only way.
The fact that the people are in the light is fantastic. And joe schmo is learning. Now the organizational structure has to be driven into the light so no tentacles escape.
Yep. It’s a new variant.
Soy Boy ChiComToy Convoy-22…..
Needs to get rid of his Castro-all and get a new filter, too…
Saskatchewan, Canada has been lost to the CA Covidians.
This is delivered with the perfect timing of an uppercut…

Note: “not too distant future” is WAY too wishy washy, but this public announcement humiliates Twinklesocks and the Covidians.
Yup. Trudeau on the run – Nova Scotia going BONKERS by banning convoys or support for them.
This is the hill to die on. MAKE COMMUNISM DIE.
Why are you picking on Nova Scotia? It was originally settled by the Acadians. Okay, so I’m a descendent of that group, but the people there are really scrappy.
Cajuns as in the Cajun Navy. Yeah, scrappy.
The government of Nova Scotia just said they’re going to fine people who protest by truck convoy, support them, donate to them, or gather funds.
So if they’re scrappy FOR communism, I’ve got an issue with them! 😉
BOY they really do want a Truck convoy going AWAY FROM Nova Scotia — No Truck Transport for you idiots!
This explains why the former Trump official Scott Gottlieb who is now working for Pfizer is signaling to the left (on MSNBC) to back off on COVID restrictions.
Now they need the farmers to come along and spray the building with, erm, sustainable waste products and other farm by-products… libtard Demons of Pfizer probably wouldn’t know what it was…
He was magnificent in goal and now communicates like a dream.
And the Secratary of Transportation Peet Buttplig-plug says the FEDS are going to install traffic cams!
This Buttplug guy is terrible. He is not stupid. He is an EXTREME communist.
This is why they’re pushing the “zero traffic deaths”, which is stupid and will DESTROY human transportation in America. We’ll be like North Korea, while China surges ahead.
His dad is an actual commie isnt he?
Yes! World’s expert on Gramsci, one of the fathers of cultural Marxism.
It’s not just for traffic, I fear. In England they actually have two-way communication on some of the camera poles, such that folks (KENS and KARENS) in the Kontrol Room(s) can see and hear what’s going on, and actually make announcements to discourage potential crimes…
Speaking of which, they also have software and databases to seach out and predict potential crimes and criminals, and “people of disruptive nature”…
Their goal is total KONTROL. Nothing less. They think themselves to be Gods…
Over here in formerly BDD (Beautiful Downtown Deutschland), we have cameras everywhere, and not just on the roads. Radar detectors are illegal, as are warning apps on phones, and infos from navis about speed traps. That doesn’t stop the word from getting out, and most printed and online maps show where the bears are…
Right now we’re in the process of getting new drivers’ licenses (by decree of the EU) which are good for only 15 years (current ones have no expiry). Supposedly this is for “harmonization” but in point of fact it’s for tracking and building their database(s)… Bastiges…
Yet they still don’t know where half the fluchtis are (refauxgees) nor how many of them there really are… some have multiple identities and are drawing multiple benefits (I guess along with their multiple wives)… and they THINK they can keep track of everything with the new licenses????? Ha….
“See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” goes clear back to the Garden… indeed…
That vile wench could knaw corn through chicken wire with those donkey teeth. 🤮
She doesn’t even need an N95 or FFP2 mask…
She just has to pull her oat bag up a little tighter 😆
“Francis” …
“403 forbidden”
Copy paste?
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Thank you!
Wolfie, 2 more video clips
Thanks for the enjoyable & easy for me to understand post, Steve; not that you should be “dumbing” anything down to accommodate the likes of me! I do really enjoy the astronomy info. I wonder if there was a key to that Ursa Major image you shared for there were colored blips & symbols that were intriguing. Oh, by the way, there is some type of app that my husband’s hiking friend showed us when they stopped at my parents’ Northern Michigan cottage on the return trip from their Lake Superior hike that enhances whatever you’re pointing the device at in the night sky, so it shows planets, constellations, galaxies, star names (I think), & likely other stuff. It was pretty cool for we sky novices!
As a minor suggestion for an interlude between major science posts, especially as you keep us updated on that space telescope, which is always a treat…perhaps consider doing some combo of science, history, & social commentary on the upcoming Chi-Com Olympic games. You could present some interesting physics like of the actions of snowboarders, ice skaters, &/or downhill skiers. You could creatively, as always, rip on All things Chi-Com…
That could be timely & playful & enlightening for those of us physics lightweights!
As a complete aside, I must apologize as a whole to your “club” who I’ve been humorously “maligning” in the lead up to yesterday’s Playoff Game. I’ve been claiming without legitimate authority that “even atheists are praying that Matthew Stafford wins!” After last night’s resounding, though nail-biting, victory, it is such a privilege to proclaim that the atheists’ prayers have been answered & Stafford & the Rams are headed to the Super Bowl! Forgive my presumption & gumption, please ❤ 😎 ❤
Detroit Lions fans & Stafford enthusiasts are rejoicing!!!
Blessings 😉
In this particular context it’s clear that you were joking. Nothing wrong with that! If I still a) gave a damn about sports and b) was still hanging out at atheist gatherings, I could make a comment like that myself. They’d see the joke (especially if it were the Denver Donkeys, who, I believe, sucked this year and had no prayer [sic] of getting into the playoffs).
I actually have somewhere a button that says “Thank God I’m An Atheist” and I’ve worn it in front of other atheists and they think it’s hilarious because they see the irony.
I won’t wear that where I expect to be immersed in Christians, because some of them (left half of the bell curve in that crowd) will actually think I’m too stupid to see the hypocrisy (not irony) and start lecturing me on how I must really believe and I’ve just admitted it, blah blah blah.
One of my personal irritations is the Christian who tries to tell me what I actually believe (how does he know) and presumes to psychoanalyze me, and comments like your joke are sometimes actually meant that way, intended to be read something like “Those lying atheists are secretly praying to God for the Rams but lying about it because they like to offend everyone by insisting they are atheists.” I’ve even seen news pukes do it, e.g., “So and so claims to be an atheist.” Those are usually from the sort of limited-range idiot who simply cannot wrap their head around the concept of non-belief (much, much less accept it or agree with it). “You don’t believe in God? Oh, you worship Satan then!” Their entire mental framework leaves out the possibility that someone might not believe in either of them.
Love it. Thanks for elucidating some of your thoughts & experiences in this domain. How Anyone that knows you could imagine you have no sense of irony or offbeat atheistic humor is beyond belief! 😉 😉 😉
In many cases it’s someone who DOESN’T know me well or really, at all (and yet presumes to be able to psychoanalyze me)!
(There’s probably some claim in the Bible somewhere about atheists (other than us being fools, I mean [Psalms 14 :1 if memory serves]) and that’s their so-called knowledge base on what an atheist is thinking.)
I’m not sure if that’s the verse but there is a place that says something like “The fool says in his heart that there is no God.” That sounds like it could be in Proverbs but I’m not sure & not apparently looking right now. 🙂
Presumption is a pretty dangerous tool for any of us to wield. When my now husband but then boyfriend came to Michigan to meet my family (w/ an engagement ring in tow–that I didn’t know about) he had a discussion w/ my dad before the blessing on our theoretical marriage. At some point Dad asked him what Valerie thought about some topic they were discussing. Michael said something like “I try not to speak for Valerie” which I highly appreciate AND try to emulate.
We had an ER run some years ago where M was dealing w/ a possible heart problem (likely bad Taco Bell) & this very friendly Muslim man engaged him/us in conversation during our very long time there. M has ADHD & often might think & pause before speaking more than I might do. Several times the visitor would ask Him a question to which I would supply an answer if M didn’t speak up quickly enough, at least to my mind.
At one point this Muslim man says in his Middle Eastern accent “Does she Always speak for you?” A phrase that has lived in infamy now in our family history. Whenever M quotes this I reply with “I don’t speak For you but I do sometimes speak Before you!”
That was the verse I was remembering, but not the one I thought must be there. I’m thinking there’s likely some other verse somewhere claiming no atheist really is an atheist, or I wouldn’t run into that line of crap so often from Christians.
Interesting. I’m not sure that the word atheist is in the Bible. There is a place where scripture claims that God is revealed through the heavens & the earth so that people are without excuse if they reject God, iirc. Not sure where that one is. I’ll see if I can find it…
Romans 1:20
For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
I must have been mixing that up with the one that says “The heavens declare the glory of the Lord & the earth shows His handiwork.”
I went searching for “no God” in the NIV & found the one we mentioned previously…
Psalm 14:1
Psalm 14
For the director of music. Of David.
The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good.
Here’s that search too, fyi
I have told my husband on more than one occasion that you appear to know scripture better than do many Christians…blush emoji…What led you to dig so deeply, if you don’t mind me asking?
My husband wanted me to ask you if you’ve ever read Lee Strobel’s The Case For Christ, iirc. He said that this book grew out of an atheist’s search to prove God’s non-existence & he ended up being convinced God was/is real. I haven’t read it myself & M didn’t fully read it for he loaned his copy to someone before he finished it (he rarely finishes books any way–shocking!) & never got it back…
Neither of those fits what I am thinking of.
I’m speculating that there must be some verse somewhere that claims everyone “knows” there is a god whether they will admit it to themselves or not. I hear that accusation bandied about so often that I figure it *must* originate from the Bible somewhere.
Psalm 14 is vile and hateful towards people like me, honestly, but it’s not making the same sort of statement.
You would be surprised at the number of atheists (and agnostics) who know the Bible *very* well, far better than I do. Many were Christians who decided they would read it and *lost* their faith as a consequence. Some started doing graduate work in Bible studies and lost their faith on the way. Some are ex-pastors. Some are STILL pastors, trapped in a job they can’t get out of. The pastors and ex pastors isn’t, percentage wise, very common, but they are definitely there.
But even those who never were Christians often decide to learn about the Bible in self defense, to be able to push back at pushy Christians, or just because it’s interesting in its own right as an Important Work. I personally find the historical context interesting.
Apparently Psalm 14 & Psalm 53 are very similar & I didn’t know that without that “no god” search at Bible Gateway.
I was bothered by the passage “Jacob have I loved & Esau have I hated” because it struck me as offensive that God who proclaims that He “is love” could actively “hate” anyone…
Malachi 1
New International Version
1 A prophecy: The word of the Lord to Israel through Malachi.[a]
Israel Doubts God’s Love
2 “I have loved you,” says the Lord.
“But you ask, ‘How have you loved us?’
“Was not Esau Jacob’s brother?” declares the Lord. “Yet I have loved Jacob, 3 but Esau I have hated, and I have turned his hill country into a wasteland and left his inheritance to the desert jackals.”
4 Edom may say, “Though we have been crushed, we will rebuild the ruins.”
But this is what the Lord Almighty says: “They may build, but I will demolish. They will be called the Wicked Land, a people always under the wrath of the Lord. 5 You will see it with your own eyes and say, ‘Great is the Lord—even beyond the borders of Israel!’
Romans 9
New International Version
Paul’s Anguish Over Israel
9 I speak the truth in Christ—I am not lying, my conscience confirms it through the Holy Spirit— 2 I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart. 3 For I could wish that I myself were cursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my people, those of my own race, 4 the people of Israel. Theirs is the adoption to sonship; theirs the divine glory, the covenants, the receiving of the law, the temple worship and the promises. 5 Theirs are the patriarchs, and from them is traced the human ancestry of the Messiah, who is God over all, forever praised![a] Amen.
God’s Sovereign Choice
6 It is not as though God’s word had failed. For not all who are descended from Israel are Israel. 7 Nor because they are his descendants are they all Abraham’s children. On the contrary, “It is through Isaac that your offspring will be reckoned.”[b] 8 In other words, it is not the children by physical descent who are God’s children, but it is the children of the promise who are regarded as Abraham’s offspring. 9 For this was how the promise was stated: “At the appointed time I will return, and Sarah will have a son.”[c]
10 Not only that, but Rebekah’s children were conceived at the same time by our father Isaac. 11 Yet, before the twins were born or had done anything good or bad—in order that God’s purpose in election might stand: 12 not by works but by him who calls—she was told, “The older will serve the younger.”[d] 13 Just as it is written: “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.”[e]
14 What then shall we say? Is God unjust? Not at all! 15 For he says to Moses,
“I will have mercy on whom I have mercy,
and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.”[f]
16 It does not, therefore, depend on human desire or effort, but on God’s mercy. 17 For Scripture says to Pharaoh: “I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.”[g] 18 Therefore God has mercy on whom he wants to have mercy, and he hardens whom he wants to harden.
19 One of you will say to me: “Then why does God still blame us? For who is able to resist his will?” 20 But who are you, a human being, to talk back to God? “Shall what is formed say to the one who formed it, ‘Why did you make me like this?’”[h] 21 Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for special purposes and some for common use?
22 What if God, although choosing to show his wrath and make his power known, bore with great patience the objects of his wrath—prepared for destruction? 23 What if he did this to make the riches of his glory known to the objects of his mercy, whom he prepared in advance for glory— 24 even us, whom he also called, not only from the Jews but also from the Gentiles? 25 As he says in Hosea:
“I will call them ‘my people’ who are not my people;
and I will call her ‘my loved one’ who is not my loved one,”[i]
26 and,
“In the very place where it was said to them,
‘You are not my people,’
there they will be called ‘children of the living God.’”[j]
27 Isaiah cries out concerning Israel:
“Though the number of the Israelites be like the sand by the sea,
only the remnant will be saved.
28 For the Lord will carry out
his sentence on earth with speed and finality.”[k]
29 It is just as Isaiah said previously:
“Unless the Lord Almighty
had left us descendants,
we would have become like Sodom,
we would have been like Gomorrah.”[l]
Israel’s Unbelief
30 What then shall we say? That the Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, have obtained it, a righteousness that is by faith; 31 but the people of Israel, who pursued the law as the way of righteousness, have not attained their goal. 32 Why not? Because they pursued it not by faith but as if it were by works. They stumbled over the stumbling stone. 33 As it is written:
“See, I lay in Zion a stone that causes people to stumble
and a rock that makes them fall,
and the one who believes in him will never be put to shame.”[m]
a. Romans 9:5 Or Messiah, who is over all. God be forever praised! Or Messiah. God who is over all be forever praised!
b. Romans 9:7 Gen. 21:12
c. Romans 9:9 Gen. 18:10,14
d. Romans 9:12 Gen. 25:23
e. Romans 9:13 Mal. 1:2,3
f. Romans 9:15 Exodus 33:19
g. Romans 9:17 Exodus 9:16
h. Romans 9:20 Isaiah 29:16; 45:9
i. Romans 9:25 Hosea 2:23
j. Romans 9:26 Hosea 1:10
k. Romans 9:28 Isaiah 10:22,23 (see Septuagint)
l. Romans 9:29 Isaiah 1:9
m. Romans 9:33 Isaiah 8:14; 28:16
The way I make sense of God’s “hate” is His hatred of sin. His love being poured out through Jesus’ sacrifice is that He Himself bore the penalty for sin & paid the price that ALL Could be saved. There are still those who refuse to accept that Free Gift of Love & so remain under the curse of sin & God’s hatred (of that sin state).
If He demanded holiness of us but made no provision for that holiness to be obtained then He would be a cruel master setting before people a task it was impossible for them to complete. Since No One is capable of living a perfect, sinless life (except God Himself, in the human God-Man Jesus) He made Himself that sacrifice He required, the Perfect Blood Love sacrifice.
Scripture points to this again & again but perhaps one must have spiritual eyes & ears to see & hear this “truth”.
From my position God calls anyone who rejects this Free Gift of Love & Salvation from sin & promise of Eternal Life in Heaven with God & His People a fool. Someone who willingly turns their back on Peace & Paradise for Torment & Suffering eternally would appear “foolish” when weighing those states in the balance.
We who follow Christ suffer in many ways in this life “In this world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world!” but eternal joy awaits. Rejecting God here may allow someone to “enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season” but the eternal destination of damnation is too high a price to pay, imo.
What of Pascal’s Wager(iirc)?
“Fool” isn’t the most offensive part of Psalm 14:1, it’s the part afterward.
Pascal’s Wager is fallacious on at least two different counts. For one, it makes as much “sense” coming out of a Muslim, as it does coming from a Christian. Both religions make the same claim as to the consequences of non-belief, so by the same logic, I should decide to try to believe Islam. Or it can be put in the mouth of any other similar religion with exactly the same effect.
That’s just one. Think about how you’d respond if a Muslim came at you with “Pascal’s Wager.”
Thanks for the reply Steve. Definitely food for thought.
If I hadn’t grown up in a Christian home it’s possible that I would be more in your camp too. There are things that my reason doesn’t really understand (if we’re being honest Any of us could say similar). If “God” had to “prove” Himself to me Before I believed that could perhaps be a tough sell. I do appreciate the last chapters of Job where God asks Job questions & puts things in a very different perspective than just the human frame of reference…
As it is I still struggle with “faith” & perhaps always will. This is an imperfect journey and one’s feet of clay continually get in the way!
If you might recall my first Q-Tree post, Luna Wolf Pack, I referenced several scriptures or biblical persons that I relate to. One of them is the man who cried “Lord I believe. Help Thou my unbelief!”
I think I found it. Romans 1:19-20. Accusation that non believers are ignoring a truth they actually know.
I’ll have to look that one up & dive in a bit…thanks!
I was watching a video where the claim was made that that, and other sources got taken up and were formed into a common attitude among early church leaders. If so, that verse is only 3/4 of the story.