Dear MAGA: 20220130 Open Topic

This Sanctuary Sunday Open Thread, with full respect to those who worship God on the Sabbath, is a place to reaffirm our worship of our Creator, our Father, our King Eternal.

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Glory to God 3

Created for God’s Glory (Isaiah 43:7)

Isaiah 43:7 “. . . everyone who is called by my name, whom I have created for my glory, whom I formed and made.”

Glory to God in the highest . . .


God’s Word tells us that all of creation declares His glory. Psalm 19:1-4 says “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims His handiwork. Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge. There is no speech, nor are there words, whose voice is not heard. Their voice goes our through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world.”

If all creation declares the glory of God, then there’s even more of an obligation for us to glorify God. This is because we’re made in the image of God, we’re His image-bearers. If we’re image-bearers of God, then we need to declare His glory. The way to declare His glory isn’t just to be an image-bearer but also to display Him in our every action, word and deed.

Proclaiming God’s glory to the world begins by taking a look at our own hearts. We can’t declare that God is above every other name if “we” are still on the throne of our hearts and not with God. We can’t proclaim His excellencies and then seek personal selfish gain, success, approval and affirmation from others etc. Declaring God’s glory starts with our humility. It begins with a life of sacrifice to the One who has given up everything for us.

When we set Christ as number one in our lives and in our hearts, then we’re set free to magnify Jesus. It is only when we set our eyes on the Lord Jesus Christ who freed us from the weight of sin and death and when our whole lives become about Him, that in this freedom we find the life that we were always meant for, to glorify God and to declare His Glory to the world.

We can’t achieve this in our own strength, it must be the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Romans 11 says “For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things.” The ability to glorify God and honor Him only comes through the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. So allow Christ into our lives, so that we may surrender our life to God in order to declare His glory in everything we do.

1 Peter 4:11 says “whoever speaks, speak as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, serve as one who serves by the strength God supplied – in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To Him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.”

In order to declare the Glory of God, we must also produce the fruit of our salvation and display of the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. For example, when we plant a fruit tree in our garden, we have high expectations of it to produce the fruit of its kind. If it’s an apple tree, then we would expect the tree to produce apples. When the tree is full of apple’s and the tree is overhanging with abundant fruit, then people look at the tree and speak of the goodness of the tree.

This is the same for the children of God. In order for us to flourish like well-watered plants and to produce the kinds of fruit that declare the glory of God, there are some things we must allow God to do in our lives.

When a new tree is planted, before we even begin to try encourage fruiting on a tree, we need to make sure that the plant is old enough and healthy enough to bear the load. Usually standard fruit trees need anywhere from 5 to 7 years before they’re ready to produce. In a similar way, for us to produce the fruit of Christ in our lives, what we require is time, and time for us to mature in Christ.

There’s a requirement of patience. James 1:4 says “And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete lacking in nothing.”  What is meant by steadfastness is patience and perseverance. There is a requirement to grow in order to produce fruit.

There are many scriptures in God’s Word that describe the need to grow and mature spiritually. Ephesians 4:15 says “we are to grow up in every way into Him who is the head, into Christ,” and again in 2 Peter 3:18 saying “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” Ultimately this is what is pleasing to God. In fact, Jesus Himself says in John 15:8 “By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples.”

Then there is a requirement for pruning. Fruit trees ideally need to be trained in their first few years of growth into the shape we want them to maintain throughout their productive lives. In a similar fashion, in order to declare the glory of God, we need to maintain a certain shape. An outward proof of the internal change and this is the shape that declares the glory of God. In order to do this, there must be pruning.

Pruning involves getting rid of those things in our lives that are not of God and that don’t contribute to our lives in Christ. It can sometimes be a painful process, where God may discipline us, mold us and make us into the person that declares the glory of God. The end result of the pruning is a beautiful tree with abundant fruits, and the end results of God’s pruning in our lives is a life that shouts out and declares the glory of God through our person.

Ephesians 4:22-32 gives us instruction on exactly what must be pruned in our lives. It says “…put off your old self which belongs to your former manner of life and corrupt through deceitful desires, and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness. Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members of one another. When angry, do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and give no opportunity to the devil. Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need. Let no corrupt talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.”

Once this pruning takes place, then we begin to see the fruits of the Spirit, as it says in Galatians 5:22-24 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.”

God’s Word is very clear in explaining to us what the fruits of a follower of Christ are. Our example is Christ Himself. If a believer’s behavior contradicts what the word says, he is not really transformed in Christ. In fact the scriptures tell us that if we declare Jesus Christ as Lord and have a relationship with Him but still walk in the darkness of disobedience then we need to test ourselves to see whether we are truly regenerate. 1 John 1:6 says “If we say we have fellowship with Him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth.”

We also need good soil for our fruit bearing plant to maximize its output. In a similar fashion we need to cultivate and nurture ourselves which is an intentional move towards seeking and cultivating our hearts to allow the spiritual seed in us to grow and develop. Jesus tells us that those who cultivate good soil in their hearts will result in hearing the word, accepting it and then finally producing thirty, sixty or even a hundred times what was sown.

This is the person whose heart is not hard, receiving the word of God into their lives and working the soil of their hearts, ploughing it, weeding it and fertilizing it and so becoming productive, whose end is abundant fruit that declares the glory of God to all those surrounding it and far beyond its reaches. Amen.

So let’s be united with Christ and as it says in 2 Peter 1:4 “…become partakers of the divine nature,” through the work of the Holy Spirit in us that we boldly declare the glory of God to all those around us and fulfill the purpose for which we’re made.

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!


Oh, for a Thousand Tongues to Sing

Oh, for a thousand tongues to sing
My great Redeemer’s praise,
The glories of my God and king,
The triumphs of His grace!

My gracious Master and my God,
Assist me to proclaim,
To spread through all the earth abroad,
The honors of Thy name.

Jesus! the name that charms our fears,
That bids our sorrows cease—
’Tis music in the sinner’s ears,
’Tis life, and health, and peace.

He breaks the pow’r of canceled sin,
He sets the pris’ner free;
His blood can make the foulest clean,
His blood availed for me.

He speaks, and, list’ning to His voice,
New life the dead receive,
The mournful, broken hearts rejoice,
The humble poor believe.

Glory to God, and praise and love
Be ever, ever giv’n
By saints below and saints above,
The church in earth and heav’n.

Charles Wesley, 1739

On this day and every day –

God is in Control
. . . and His Grace is Sufficient, so . . .
Keep Looking Up

Hopefully, every Sunday, we can find something here that will build us up a little . . . give us a smile . . . and add some joy or peace, very much needed in all our lives.

“This day is holy to the Lord your God;
do not mourn nor weep.” . . .
“Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet,
and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared;
for this day is holy to our Lord.
Do not sorrow,
for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

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Have a wonderful Sunday, y’all.



You, too!!!




You can find this link on Liberty Daily.

Singing Legend Don McLean of ‘American Pie’ Fame: ‘There’s Been a Concerted Effort by the Left Wing in America This Time Around to Make Americans Feel Ashamed of Their History — And to Make Them Feel Embarrassed by Their Country’

But it will take you to a Fox News piece with a different head line. It then takes a bit of careful reading to actually find the quote. Fair piece. Tucker Carlson does a quick interview with McLean inside. Nothing special though. But since McLean’s managed to drag himself out of bed so to speak (actually he’s getting ready to go on the road) and managed to say the right things at the right time this then might make it worth a post.

Actually it’s just an excuse to play the “The Grand Rapids LipDub (New World Record) version of American Pie (again, we’ve played it here before at least twice) as it closes in on 6 million views. And while I’m not a fan, I do seem to like this vid.


*>First Nations, Hutterite communities, and Canadian veterans are coming together to show support for the Freedom Convoy, says Dave MacKenzie, owner of Canadian Trucking Magazine.

The Kanyen’kehà:ka (Mohawk) First Nations and the Mi’kmaq Nation participated in convoy celebrations, MacKenzie told the Western Standard.

The tribes were set up near convoy routes in Manitoba and were offering to smudge drivers who wanted to participate.

“I just smudged with my brothers and sisters on the side of the highway,” said convoy organizer, Pat King, on a Facebook live video.<*

OK, now it’s serious….they’re smudged.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

To the truly WOKE, however, this endorsement by “old age new age” is quite frightening in its spiritual power!!!


Smudging is serious business. Really. It’s very meaningful for some of us. I have Tuscarora ancestors, and Tuscarora relatives in Canada. I just emailed one to ask her what’s up with the tribe on this issue.

Side benefit to smudging; burning sage cleans viruses and bacteria out of the air as effectively as Lysol. It’s also a natural anti-depressant. I smudge my whole house at least once a week.


I am not Tuscarora and burn sage on occasion  😅 
Good to know all the benefits only knew it cleanses the air from evil spirits.


Well, in the old days, illness really WAS an evil spirit, as far as they knew.

So much wisdom in the old ways has been forgotten.


Yes it has 🙂


My understanding is that, for one thing, it is considered a great honor for an outsider to be blessed by the tribe in this way.


Yes, it is. A very big deal.

Gail Combs

I plan to plant sage all around my house.


I have a big one. And a smaller one. I add fresh sage leaves when I cook beans. It is delicious. And sage tea is very good for sore throats. And hot flashes, believe it or not.


True The Vote releases first video of Illegal Ballot Trafficking in Georgia…

AS CFP reported a few weeks ago, True the Vote has compiled evidence of organized ballot trafficking in six states. In Georgia, they allege there were 242 traffickers who made a total of 5,662 trips to ballot drop boxes between the early morning hours of 12AM and 5AM, potentially unloading hundreds of thousands of illegally harvested ballots over the course of several weeks.

On Friday, VoterGA’s David Cross shared the first example of True the Vote’s surveillance footage from Gwinnett County. Video appears to show illegal ballot harvester in Gwinnett County on Oct 12, 2020. He fans out ballots, takes a photo, and places them in the dropbox. It’s been reported that illegal ballot harvesters were paid $10 per ballot and had to show proof.

Deplorable Patriot

Please, let this go viral.


Little over 7,000 views and 46 up votes. Needs work. Having comments turned off likely does not help. But we will not be deterred. 🙂


Photo and Video of US F-35C Crash Landing in South China Sea Confirmed by Navy

The Navy has confirmed the authenticity of a photo and video making the rounds on social media of the crash landing of a $100 million F-35C stealth fighter on the USS Carl Vinson last Monday that resulted in the pilot ejecting and the plane going into the sea, with seven sailors reported injured. The pilot was safely recovered, the plane was not.
CNN reported the Navy may have to compete with China to salvage the lost aircraft.

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Deplorable Patriot

I’ve seen a report that this is a result of a vax injury. Just one, though, so it’s not confirmed.


Vax injury should be part of every mishap in the military. But it won’t be for political reasons. The “safe” vaccine narrative needs to be trashed.

Military Safety Boards have been pretty good about focusing on safety, not politics. It’ll be interesting how this AND future accidents in the military play out.


For as much as we pay for one of them you would think it would be able to float.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Not sure if you’re kidding or on the square (or both).

We have to pay so much for one of them because it has a very, very difficult and specialized task to do.

Adding “oh and it must float” to the requirements list would probably double the cost. Assuming that it’s even possible from an engineering standpoint.


“….able to float levitate, travel faster than light, and turn invisible.”



Those on the other hand, could be free upgrades 👍 😁


Two Long Island Nurses Charged with Forging Covid Vaccine Cards in Scheme That Raked in More Than $1.5 Million

From November 2021 to January 2022, the pair allegedly forged vaccination cards, charging adults $220 apiece and $85 per child for a fake record that would land in the New York State Immunization Information System database. Prosecutors said that on one or more occasions, DeVuono and Urrano allegedly created records to indicate a vaccine was given to an undercover detective despite never administering the vaccine.

During a search of DeVuono’s home, officials said officers seized roughly $900,000. They also allegedly found a ledger documenting profits from the scheme in excess of $1.5 million.

I wonder if they’re going to go after the people who paid them to do this.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Of course! The customers are non-violent offenders who can be hit for thousands in fines in a politically correct witchhunt. There is no downside for the NY commies in going after them.

Deplorable Patriot

A black market for this was bound to pop up.

Gail Combs

Too bad they caught them. Some Karen was a rat fink….


Good with it. IF there is a trial, put me on that jury.


Sarah’s on a tear —

“How can you betray something you’re born with? Does anyone sane swear allegiance to their sexual organs or their skin color? What kind of derangement even causes people to utter such bizarre nonsense. You what what The View needs? Thorazine. Lots of Thorazine. They’re a program to demonstrate the failure of mental health care in this country. There are people peeing on themselves and talking to invisible Martians all over America’s seediest cities at this moment who are saner and better informed than this collection of mentally degenerate ‘celebrities.'”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent! “The View” is the blind misleading the sighted!


Trump’s Texas rally SHATTERS state record with MASSIVE crowds (

” Early estimates put the rally audience at 90,000 attendees, or possibly more.

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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

WE WERE THERE!🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️


Nice. Surely a GREAT time. So happy to read that^^^.

Surrounded by folks from ALL walks of America.

Trump rallies ARE SO, SO, MUCH FUN!

Looking forward to an opportunity to attend a Trump rally. Likely a coupld opportunities coming up here in NV. Idiot guvner and Wacky Jacy up for reelection.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Sorry KBo, I meant we as in us Qtreepers. I stayed in the warmth of my own home with a front row seat. Reports of 90K people and 30mile long line, put rally almost in my backyard anyway!



You were able to enjoy it. Prolly every fifteen minutes or so I do scan the posts on the rally thread. Great messages from trump. Good times.



Last edited 3 years ago by cthulhu

protesters surround the Pfizer building…





It’s Macron’s Moment To Move Europe Beyond NATO

article link…


  :wpds_twisted:   :wpds_evil: 

Gail Combs

Let Maroon deal with Putin and LEAVE THE USA OUT OF IT!

OH, and cut the NATO dues out of the US budget PERMANENTLY.


I think there might be a bigger picture to this.

the Paris-Berlin-Moscow alliance, for one.

Last edited 3 years ago by smiley2

None of my business. NATO IS a unnecessary drain on the US.


NATO served its purpose and is now useless just like the UN.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

KlauSS Uber Alles!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

To paraphrase PDQ Bach,

It’s Alles, it’s Alles, it’s Alles über KlauSS…..

(from Hansel and Gretel and Ted and Alice, Alice über Deutschland)…


Excellent news. Let NATO crumble.

Deplorable Patriot

NATO is just a [CB] entity which exists to manage wars that only exist to keep the Military Industrial Complex in the money.

From 40,000 feet and on the historical timeline, that’s the conclusion I drew. And Eisenhower, Nixon, Kennedy, Reagan and Trump all knew/know it.



We can only hope NATO crumbles.

Then, the UN to follow. Another drain on America that actively promotes evil.



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…is my point.

Last edited 3 years ago by smiley2



They, Macaroni, France AND EU deserve each other.

Yea, I didn’t go to the link. Time cover says a lot.

Macaroni IS a terrible “leader”, onboard with destroying France and lining up to create havoc within the EU. The latter, EU, SHOULD DISSOLVE.

Klaus Schwab IS proud. (S P I T)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Cuppa Covfefe

HELL NO!!!!!

But Macaroon is Pwned by the deep state and the Devil…..
As is the Economist… (talk about blatant sacrilege!)…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WEF has designs here. Macaroon was a WEF Young Global Leader.

Cuppa Covfefe

And he has a dark past… dark spiritually, as well…..


In the future, everyone should show up prepared to take home a souvenir brick and mount it proudly at home for their grand children to see, that they took part against this evil.

Sadie Slays

Redditor melts down over the Trucker Convoy. I feel bad for the poor cat who has no idea what’s going on, but I couldn’t stop laughing at this meme.

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Sadie Slays

Honorable mention:

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Ah, more good news.


So yours truly hasn’t kept up with the emerging new groups, but what in the Sam Hill are “the chud visigoths”?


Well, Visigoths were one of the Germanic tribes that over ran the Roman Empire and other wise kept it very busy (Western and Eastern empires). While chuds I believe are a cannablistic humanized underground dwelling species. Together they spell trouble, but in this case it’s one of those things where they see the negative aspects of themselves in others, what ever that’s called.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r

Thank you! Looked up CHUD. It’s from a 1984 horror movie.
So this Neanderthal in Canada is calling the truckers protesting against the vaxx mandates a combination of cannibalistic humanoids plus Visigoths. However, the Canadian Neanderthal apparently doesn’t realize that the original meaning of “Visi” translated as “good” according to Claudian. And that the Visigoths who invaded and ruled large areas of Europe actually converted to Christianity.
It’s the Canadian Neanderthal who’s causing trouble, IMO.

Sadie Slays

“Chud” is a slur that Communists use to insult the Right, although I’m not sure anyone on the Right even cares what they call us. Visigoths were the barbarians who sacked Rome. The dope in the screenshot is essentially calling the Trucker Convoy “barbarians” in the historical sense, which I found hilarious.

Cuppa Covfefe

Good. Let them eat NOTHING…

Chud visigoths indeed. I guess they think their Vegan soy foods grow in the store….


If you look in some of the back corners, or under the refrigerated section, they probably do.



Sadie Slays

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Gail Combs

WOW, A bullying Karen can’t take the flack…. SURPRISE! 🙄

I think POTUS Trump has finally taught Conservatives to gro-a-cet and stand up to the Commie Bullies.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That answer can be modified as necessary, including references to massive amounts of titanium in the face and ears. (Blue hair doesn’t make me cringe; having enough metal to build a MiG from does.)





Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LMAO!!! “Blue-haired dipshit” says it all!

Deplorable Patriot

I’m beginning to get the impression that the trucker convoys are white hat psy-ops to build momentum and get the movement out in the open.

If so, it’s working beautifully.


Next up has to be D.C. Given what happened last time, and that I encouraged people here to go (and did my level best to go myself, thankfully failing), just saying it scares the hell out of me. But I think it MUST happen.


DC needs to get shut down. NO NEED to be limited, to DC.

Between trucks AND Patriots, we can shut down a whole lot more.

I’m onboard for shutting down DC AND ALL Blue state capitals pushing Covidiocy. As for me I’ll help make noise and clog up Carson City. (Not going to WA, OR or CA)

IF I were to go to DC, it’ll be for Trump’s return, inauguration. DeSantis IF Trump opts out. Nothing else would draw me back to DC.

Until DC returns to, We The People, DC is a No Go Zone for me.

Last edited 3 years ago by kalbokalbs

I feel similarly.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Make the ring a bit bigger, say the beltway plus ten miles outward.

All that is part of the DC shithole in fact, if not in law. So we’re talking Northern Virginia and Maryland.

Last edited 3 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yup. ~10 miles beyond I-495 is good for starters.


I’ve seen claims of something starting on the west coast and heading east.


Me, too. Hope so.

Deplorable Patriot

From all the videos of people walking around Washington, nobody seems to be there as it is, but there’s so many places they can go while on the road.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

In my mental model it has to be mass resistance of some kind. A general strike, or something like that, that makes the country useless to Them as a source of loot, and makes it clear that arbitrary decrees will simply be ignored.

Of course we are seeing a piecemeal general strike, as people simply quit their jobs, but that’s not sudden enough to make it plain that the government has lost what the Chinese call “the Mandate of Heaven.”

Deplorable Patriot

One thing at a time. Slow and steady wins the race.

Wow, I’m all cliched today.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



“I’m beginning to get the impression that the trucker convoys are white hat psy-ops…”


Well, if we keep giving credit to imaginary people, instead of to the actual People who are actually standing up, how is that going to work out in the long run?

If no matter what the People do, credit always goes to Harvey?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A damned fine point.

A very damned fine point.



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I could go further with that observation…but I won’t.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The thought of vaxzi hipsters in mental anguish over reality is wonderful.

Deplorable Patriot

Definitely better than anything I’m singing this weekend. Mass #1 was junk and then Joyful, Joyful, which I don’t think should be allowed to be sung in Church.


“Mass #1 was junk…”


The Paul McCartney song?

Good tune, curious choice for church though.


John Denver’s cover is the version I’m more familiar with though, from the album Poems, Prayers & Promises (1971):

Deplorable Patriot

Worse than that. Oregon Catholic Press originals. They can’t just stick to the traditional stuff.

Sadie Slays

Weird. I randomly thought about that song yesterday for the first time in at least ten years.


Real Feel in SWFL right now is 33 frikkin degrees

my windbreaker & hoodies ain’t cuttin it, really sucks, too..

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Gail Combs

I feel for yeah!

I am in a winter coat typing. My little space heater is NOT keeping the room as warm as I could wish although normally it does. We had our second snow fall this year and it is 17F — BRRRRrrrrr

(Our heat pumps crapped out several years ago and we never had the $$$$ to replace them. Given my allergies, I was never happy with force air to begin with.)


real glad I’m not in Boston right now.

Gail Combs

Yeah, the reports from family are … Chilly… I am so happy I do not have to shovel snow!


My granddaughter goes to University near Boston . She was looking forward to the snow 🙂 Nice to be young playing in the snow 🙂


We just broke 30F. Going out and down to the garage to do laundry this morning at 0430 in a tee shirt was a bit brisk. Was in the teens until the sun came out.


It was real cold for several days by us but today it is 26F and the temp is supposed to go up further tomorrow and Tuesday.
I feel for you that it is so cold where you live.


A 5 gallon bottle of propane with a heater that mounts on top. Does wonders in my garage (our winter smoking area).

Fire it up when you enter; shut it down when you leave.


“We had our second snow fall this year and it is 17F — BRRRRrrrrr


Hey, that’s the same sound Jerome Powell’s money printer makes! 👍 😂

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Here’s some live action video of Jerome at work:

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Nope, it’s not even toilet paper.

Federons aren’t absorbent enough to be useful for that.


From my 8 mile hike yesterday in Evergreen, CO. Started at 29 F. Ended up at 9,200 Ft. One of my favorites. Took my son and his old high school friend who spent the week with us. Needed a break from CA. They did slow me down though.

snow hike.jpg
Gail Combs

I remember a lot of hikes like that but I was on Telemark skis in the White Mountains NH or in a sleigh….

This looks like one of my saddlebreds and my sleigh…
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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Sounds like a billion kazoos in the background!


You’re probably thinking of the national anthem of Kazookistan…


If you haven’t seen it, watch the movie War, Inc. It was over-the-top when it was made – today reality is seeping in.,_Inc.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Kazukistan is probably wedged in between Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and Tajikistan.

Interestingly enough, if you look at where Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan (sorry not Kazakhstan) meet, it looks like someone’s twisting three colors of play-doh together; apparently that swirl is the Fergana valley and is prime real estate as opposed to steeekin’ desert.


the enemy is at the gates…

meet Gigi Sohn…um..

 👇  👇  👇 

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yep…biden’s pick for FCC commissioner..

read about this fresh hell, here…

article link…


Last edited 3 years ago by smiley2
Deplorable Patriot

Gigi? That’s a woman?

Gail Combs

No, It’s a gelding.


It is. And isn’t that what tyrants do? Pick eunuch’s for leadership positions since they are highly effective in getting the job done. This is more serious than we can imagine.

Gail Combs

Yup, they can have no children, have no real compassion for children and therefore been the PERFECT TOOL for Despots.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Ugly 5th step-cousin of Bilbo’s?
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Cuppa Covfefe

And, by being FCC commissioner, right on the path to shut down free speech, especially with regard to calling out perversion as perversion, and evil as evil…

May GOD strike them down, if they don’t learn, repent, and turn!

Gail Combs

May GOD strike them down, if they don’t learn, repent, and turn STATE’S EVIDENCE (as well as to God)!

With the research I am now doing, I am more in the mood of a trial and an arranged meeting with God so He can sort them out!


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They are all puke worthy.


Some of these look familiar. Wonders if I saw them on the Advisory Committee for the FDA’s Vaccine and Related Biological Products? Bet I did.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



(Highly inappropriate post for a lovely Sunday morning. Apologies and warning. The outrageous humor of Yacov Apelbaum.)

The Swamp Prince action figure and accessories:

Excellent agiprop stickers too.

Last edited 3 years ago by marymorse

This looks familiar:

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And one more gem from the illustrated primer. A hunter Biden email that I hadn’t seen before.

Follow the embedded link: Growing Cocoa in Latin America

Hunter, Devon, Gabriel, and…Yelena included in email string.


And this:

Image 10: “That’s the easiest $500 million dollar you ever made!”. An email from Hunter’s accountant


10% for the big guy?


OMG the grift shrine. 😂


I didn’t realize that it’s interactive.
Hilarious. Dancing Hunter kills me.

Barb Meier

I love Yacov Apelbaum. He’s as smart as Steve and Wolf. 🙂



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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.


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Deplorable Patriot

More from Anon Conservative:

Donald Trump should not lead the country again, says the Republican leader of the National Governors Association, Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson. Why is Arkansas such a Cabal hotspot? Does it just go back to Mena, or is there something more?

Somewhere along the line, I ran into a tidbit that said the [CB] tends to take over rural states with a lot of resources, an no really big cities. West Virginia I know is one such state. There was a Rockefeller who was governor there. Arkansas has been for decades. Neon Revolt, actually, did a really good deep dive on that back in 2018. It was a clown hotspot back when Bill Clinton was governor, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg.


AR is about to get Gov. Sarah Huckabee

Hutchinson is going to be primaried.


One small teaser – ask yourself why Arky supported usury laws of a maximum interest rate of 10% for so long?

The more applicable stuff starts around page 700, although the history of it is interesting for those who want a deeper dive. All under the guise of helping the poor, little people that they managed to hold down for 100+ years.

Economics. Who owned a privately held investment house on WS that specialized in bond trading? What firm would the state’s financial institutions use to do their trading? How do financial institutions invest depositors’ funds? How would the financial institutions benefit if interest rates for borrowing on loans were held below national market rates by law? If a financial institution can make more from passive bond interest and trading, will they be inclined to make loans at below market interest rates which are more risky by their nature? Is it convenient for financial institutions to have an out to say no that is provided by the legislature/governor? Would outside investors/businesses be inclined to invest new capital into a state to make money and add jobs, thereby lifting the general populace out of poverty, if usury laws severely discouraged them from doing so? Who benefits by less industry and higher paying jobs? Who uses low income and transients, as well as illegals currently, for labor in their respective industries? Who supports no borders and open immigration? It goes on an on and on.

Don’t know, but I would guess that some of those same questions apply to WV only with different players.

For Arky, the planted seed starts with Rockefeller and their key operators, the Stephens clan. It flows downhill from there through all of their big name businesses, financial institutions and related operatives/cronies including virtually every politician of note from that state for over 50 years. Connect the dots to the origination with NY, mafia, labor unions, Wall Street and of course, DC.

Been there, done that. Neon is good at bringing awareness. But he was not there.

Deplorable Patriot

West Virginia…every chemical company in the country has a plant in the valley where my dad grew up.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. The deep state’s chemical supply depot, and chemical waste dump. Add to that shaving the tops off of mountains, when the technology exists to dig coal efficiently and effectively now 😡

(I don’t like Kathy Mattea’s politics [e.g. Gore-Bull “warming”], but she has a good website about “west-by-God” and its people. Her album “Coal” has a number of songs about that… L&N, Harlan, Black Lung, etc.)…

And they just sit, lounge, and drink down in Greenbrier and praise themselves…

[The American side of my family goes back deep into the 1700s there… lots of them on or in the hillsides there… beautiful place; the Schwarzwald reminds me of it…]….


Copied over from Gail’s vaccine article yesterday. I posted the following late in the evening.


Pardon the repetition, as this has been stated half dozen, or more time…


  • Listen is good, BUT WATCHING THE DYNAMICS ADDS Hugely.

Gail provided

Begins at 40:19 –

(BTW. Missed the Trump rally as I was HOOKED on this video. Lots of tread mill time, walking, yesterday.)

Last edited 3 years ago by kalbokalbs

I’m wondering why Dr. Zelenko isn’t there? Also, where are other congresspersons?

Gail Combs

Remember Dr Zelenko is battling cancer. Since he is linked to POTUS, HCQ & Horse Wormer he is a step too far at this point and time. Getting OTHER information out is also critical.

AND Ron Johnson is getting ALL this info into the Congressional record.


Yes, I knew I heard him mention in a video (recent) that he was just back from Europe getting treatment – and also that he’s cancer free. A least at the moment.

They got out all the horse paste info. 👍🏻. I’m watching in segments. Dr. Kory is beyond pissed off, and willing to say so.




Wondered that also. My guess is Dr Z is rather low key. That “Second Opinion Forum”, format, not of interest to him.


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Even better would be the little girl holding the World Council for Health’s Spike Protein Detox Guide

Deplorable Patriot

When a protest turns into a party.


Don’t know if they are fighting or playing, but it looks like fun to me.

Deplorable Patriot

The rest of her rant I disagree with, but she’s right. It doesn’t matter where you are, conversation turns to COVID for no reason.


A disease of living in big cities, CONFORMING? Maybe?

Well, for the tens of millions, or likely more than 100 million with cable/DirecTV. They VOLUNTARILY bombard themselves with Covidiocy.

  • Local news. National news. BOTH, Covidiocy echo chambers.
  • SAME COVIDIOCY SHIT 24/7/365, two plus years.

One thing that cracks me up, wherever I travel across the states, (20+ states last year), idiot box has a similar message, C O V I D I O C Y.

24/7 Covidiocy chatter.

  • Wear a mask.
  • Masks don’t work.
  • Go Along To Get Along.
  • Get vaccinated.
  • Vaccines don’t work.
  • Get booster.
  • Boosters don’t work.
  • Delta’s gonna kill ya.
  • Moronic Omicron is coming from South Africa…
  • Free masks for everyone.
  • Free tests for everyone.
  • Hospitals are over run.
  • Get injected OR get fired.

COVIDIOCY NEVER takes a break. Did somebody say mass psychosis? (or something like that)

In my circles, which are quite small, NO BODY CARES ABOUT COVIDIOCY.

Same goes for small towns, cities and rural areas I pass through. NO BODY CARES ABOUT COVIDIOCY.

Covidiots in big cities are stuck on stoopid, covidiocy. Folks ARE ignorantly skeered, of covidiocy.

Agree, there is NO logical reason to being so focused on Covidiocy.

(End rant)

Deplorable Patriot

Try the suburbs. They’re far worse for conformity.


Yup. They are.


Excellent news in the wake of POTUS’ TX rally…😁

Allen West is giving Greg Abbott a serious challenge.



Once a favorite and a “rising star” in the national Republican Party, Texas Governor Greg Abbott has fallen from grace. Recent polling shows he has lost his lead in the Texas GOP gubernatorial primary, dropping nearly 20 points in just three months.

Read about why in the article above.



Texas Governor Greg Abbott is facing a potential defeat in the Republican gubernatorial primary, according to a new poll carried out for one his GOP opponents.

A Paradigm Partners poll published on Tuesday shows Abbott with just 32.52 percent support among likely Republican primary voters in the state, behind former Texas GOP chair Allen West on 38.36 percent.

The Paradigm Partners poll was conducted among 1,486 likely Republican primary voters on January 9, 2022 and has a margin of error of +/-2.54 percent.

The survey showed Abbott’s other challengers well behind him and West, with third place Ricky Lynn Perry recording 12.06 percent support.




Why would Trump support Abbot? Sometimes I wonder who is advising him? Discernment is critical .



Rally in AZ ~two weeks ago, IIRC, Trump was NOT talking up Abbott. At least trashed CPB for supporting Abbott.

Then Abbot was on the speaker list in Conroe. Hmmmm.

Now endorses Abbott at the Conroe rally.



I find that troublesome !
Unless those he wanted to support joined with Cruz and Flynn ? Something is going on the way the GOP is restructuring politically and Presidential aspiration and lack of loyalty ?


Keep your friends close but your enemies closer.

Inside baseball.

POTUS can let Abbott get primaried then switch his support to West…meanwhile he doesn’t burn a bridge w/ Abbott and keeps Abbott nice and welcoming to Trump in TX.

We can rest assured that if WE see Abbott for who/what he is, so does POTUS.


Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

Good. Abbott seems to be a weasel says one thing does something else.

Gail Combs

He IS a weasel. He is doing NOTHING on the border except grandstand.






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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Hopefully none here personally need this info. Bookmarked for friends and family. Thanks


bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

comment imageBobby Piton


I am going to prove that Durbin, Duckworth, Pritzker, and Beetlejuice were all selected and not elected. They are all frauds. Every person in Illinois knows this, I am focused on proving it beyond a reasonable doubt. These corrupt souls need to be removed permanently.

The first county of Illinois that I did a deep dive on with over 100,000 people has over 20,000 suspect registrations or possible phantom voters.

My initial estimate of 7 to 10% of all registrations in IL being fraudulent appears to be too conservative.

I estimate that upwards of 22% of the registration files of IL are bogus. This essentially allows any desired election result for any and all races.

Illinois is Ground Zero of the Uniparty. Makes sense as Rockefeller founded U of C.

The corrupt practices of Chicago politics have not only infected Illinois but the Nation.

I estimate that there are more fraudulent voters than the total population of the 80 smallest counties in the State combined.

Southern Illinois, my focus is on exposing all of this fraud against your counties first and then I will visit these counties on the campaign trail. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Join me in helping solve this at

Thank you and God Bless

Deplorable Patriot

The Dems did a number on Southern Illinois also.


Aligns with Idi Amin Austin yammering about the unprecedented Russia, Russia, Russia exercise near Ukraine.

Y a w n.

Moving on to other in search of funnies or news of interest.


Gen. Flynn has now said it out loud.

General Michael Flynn Says Globalists Created COVID and “One of the Big Reasons Was to Steal an Election”




Of course, we’ve known this since Jan. ‘20 here at Qtree, but I’d like to once again offer my congrats and respects to the collective intelligence of Qtree. Spotted this right from the git go…never was fooled. Not even once. 👍🏻

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry
Deplorable Patriot

I’m sure he knows a lot more about all of it than he’s saying.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Grim times, indeed.

Gail Combs

That is a Surprise?

 Mar 15, 2003 National Hog Farmer

Smithfield ranks as the No. 1 pork packer in the United States, processing 20% of the U.S. market (19.3 million hogs). They are No. 1 worldwide in pork production with 14.7 million hogs — 13% of the U.S. market share. Smithfield ranks fifth in beef processing with 7% of U.S. slaughter.

June 03, 2013Chinese Bid to Buy Largest U.S. Slaughterhouse Company

With a price tag of $4.7 billion, the deal is the largest ever takeover of an American company by a Chinese one. Shuanghui will take the company private. However, there is another American component in the deal because one of the investors in Shuanghui is Goldman Sachs, which bought out the Chinese government’s share of the company in 2006. Goldman now owns 5% of Shuanghui.

NOVEMBER 5, 2019 Reuters: At Smithfield Foods’ slaughterhouse, China brings home U.S Bacon

Smithfield Foods’ slaughterhouse in Virginia used to carve up pork for American sandwiches and holiday dinners. But workers now box up pig carcasses to ship to China, according to employees, local officials and industry sources.

February 03, 2020 USDA — African Swine Fever Shrinks Pork Production in China …

Although the rapid spread of African Swine Fever across China decimated the world’s largest swine herd in 2019, it has created significant export opportunities for the U.S. pork industry. In the United States, recent industry expansion and low prices helped the sector export more pork to China, despite high retaliatory tariffs on U.S. pork

FEB 06, 2020 Smithfield sent so much pork to China last year it ran out of freezer space

Smithfield Foods shipped so much pork to China recently that the only thing stopping it from sending more is the company ran out of blast freezer space in the area, according to the Port of Virginia’s chief sales officer….

The boom in pork exports late last year came despite there being a 62% tariff on pork being sent to China from the U.S. That high tariff is causing an overall decline in pork exports and leading U.S. pork producers to lose $1 billion each year, a spokesman for the National Pork Producers Council has said.

Without the tariff, U.S. pork sales would double, the group said.

Smithfield is the


** BREAKING BOMBSHELL** Dinesh D’Souza Releases Movie Trailer for “2000 Mules” Exposing Ballot Traffickers Who Stole the 2020 Election (

True the Vote has been working with Dinesh D’Souza to create a bombshell movie that uses footage they obtained of ballot boxes in key states across America to steal the election in 2020.

100 Percent Fed Up reports – Using geo-tracking devices, True the Vote was able to take footage from drop boxes across America in key states like Georgia and others to track over 2,000 ‘mules” wearing gloves and disguises to stuff ballot boxes.

Dinesh D’Souza narrates the clip from his upcoming movie “2,000 Mules”:

“This one “mule” made 53 trips to 20 drop boxes.

He’s not alone.


Rumble — Watch the new teaser of my upcoming film, “2000 Mules,” and go to to sign up for movie updates.

EXPLOSIVE New Surveillance Footage of Ballot Drop Boxes (

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good. This is gonna put some fear in the step of that mutant rat Zuckerberg.


Do we know who all was paying the mules?

Gail Combs

Soros? the Chinese?


According to one rumble on Rumble “Joe Biden is the Mule Whisperer”.

Deplorable Patriot

Considering the danger of an accident if a rig blows a front tire at highway speed, I’d say this nail trick is attempted second degree murder.


Looks like a good opportunity for a counter-psyop, Operation Drive-By Target Practice.

Make a few propaganda (i.e., fake) videos showing ‘nail saboteurs’ (all actors) getting shot or run down by drivers.

They would go viral instantly.

Put some FUD in the minds of the saboteurs.

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467


Sounds like a great way to promote violence and actually get someone killed.

After all, I’m sure none of the insane wacko nut-jobs on the left would fall for it and retaliate in kind, only for real.

And no way would the corrupt DoJ, Feds, and democrats use it as a preclude to start rounding up conservatives and confiscating guns….either in Canada or here in the US.

Talk about handing our enemies a gift!

Coming from someone with so much intelligence, I find it hard to believe you posted this. /s

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

Sounds like a great way to promote violence and actually get someone killed.”


Don’t be such a baby.


“Sounds like a great way to promote violence and actually get someone killed.”


It’s at least a thousand times less provocative than MLK using kids as human shields, to intentionally provoke violence against them, in order to gain sympathy from the American People, after seeing the children beaten with batons.

Something I would never do, that’s for sure.

Cuppa Covfefe

There you go again. MLK using children as human shields.



“There you go again. MLK using children as human shields.


I’m gonna post it for you THREE TIMES, so you can’t pretend like I haven’t already done it tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that… 👍😂🤣😂

First time:

Today, King is remembered for “I have a dream and “the content of their character.” For our purposes, he’s about nonviolence, turning the other cheek and loving thy enemy. In contemporary textbooks and collective memory, his was a non-confrontational, even passive approach.

But the civil rights movement wasn’t seen as nonviolent in its dayand for good reason. The most jarring evidence of this came just a month after King’s Birmingham jail letter. In May 1963, movement organizers assembled black children , some still in pigtails, to march through the streets of Birmingham and confront Bull Connor’s violent police force.

It was a controversial tactic within the movement, but organizers must have known that images of jailed, beaten and cowering children would affect hearts, force a response from officials and move the movement toward its goals.

“They couldn’t have been ignorant of the terrible response,” says King biographer and New York University historian David Levering Lewis. “King and his inner circle appreciated the probable certainty of violence on the part of the establishment to trigger responses that they wanted, in terms of legislation and policies.” The children called it “D-Day.

Connor didn’t disappoint. He attacked the marchers with German shepherds and baton-wielding policemen. Connor’s army funneled hundreds of children and teenagers into overcrowded jail cells. Still, the kids returned to the streets the next day.

And the day after that. Malcolm X, whom history treats as the movement’s violent alter ego, criticized King for the event, saying that “real men don’t put their children on the firing line.” King, on the other hand, called it “one of the wisest moves we made.”

The Children’s Crusade changed the way the movement was covered by the press. Where the crushing effects of segregated schools hadn’t won hearts, where brutal, state-sanctioned beatings of hymn-singing black men and women hadn’t gained sympathy, the nation couldn’t ignore the images of children recoiling from the raised batons of sneering police officers. Only the most distressing type of violence worked.

This was King’s strategy. “Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed,” he said — an aggressive and confrontational stance that Americans rejected at the time and have forgotten today.”


Second time:

Today, King is remembered for “I have a dream and “the content of their character.” For our purposes, he’s about nonviolence, turning the other cheek and loving thy enemy. In contemporary textbooks and collective memory, his was a non-confrontational, even passive approach.

But the civil rights movement wasn’t seen as nonviolent in its dayand for good reason. The most jarring evidence of this came just a month after King’s Birmingham jail letter. In May 1963, movement organizers assembled black children , some still in pigtails, to march through the streets of Birmingham and confront Bull Connor’s violent police force.

It was a controversial tactic within the movement, but organizers must have known that images of jailed, beaten and cowering children would affect hearts, force a response from officials and move the movement toward its goals.

“They couldn’t have been ignorant of the terrible response,” says King biographer and New York University historian David Levering Lewis. “King and his inner circle appreciated the probable certainty of violence on the part of the establishment to trigger responses that they wanted, in terms of legislation and policies.” The children called it “D-Day.

Connor didn’t disappoint. He attacked the marchers with German shepherds and baton-wielding policemen. Connor’s army funneled hundreds of children and teenagers into overcrowded jail cells. Still, the kids returned to the streets the next day.

And the day after that. Malcolm X, whom history treats as the movement’s violent alter ego, criticized King for the event, saying that “real men don’t put their children on the firing line.” King, on the other hand, called it “one of the wisest moves we made.”

The Children’s Crusade changed the way the movement was covered by the press. Where the crushing effects of segregated schools hadn’t won hearts, where brutal, state-sanctioned beatings of hymn-singing black men and women hadn’t gained sympathy, the nation couldn’t ignore the images of children recoiling from the raised batons of sneering police officers. Only the most distressing type of violence worked.

This was King’s strategy. “Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed,” he said — an aggressive and confrontational stance that Americans rejected at the time and have forgotten today.”


Third time:

Today, King is remembered for “I have a dream and “the content of their character.” For our purposes, he’s about nonviolence, turning the other cheek and loving thy enemy. In contemporary textbooks and collective memory, his was a non-confrontational, even passive approach.

But the civil rights movement wasn’t seen as nonviolent in its dayand for good reason. The most jarring evidence of this came just a month after King’s Birmingham jail letter. In May 1963, movement organizers assembled black children , some still in pigtails, to march through the streets of Birmingham and confront Bull Connor’s violent police force.

It was a controversial tactic within the movement, but organizers must have known that images of jailed, beaten and cowering children would affect hearts, force a response from officials and move the movement toward its goals.

“They couldn’t have been ignorant of the terrible response,” says King biographer and New York University historian David Levering Lewis. “King and his inner circle appreciated the probable certainty of violence on the part of the establishment to trigger responses that they wanted, in terms of legislation and policies.” The children called it “D-Day.

Connor didn’t disappoint. He attacked the marchers with German shepherds and baton-wielding policemen. Connor’s army funneled hundreds of children and teenagers into overcrowded jail cells. Still, the kids returned to the streets the next day.

And the day after that. Malcolm X, whom history treats as the movement’s violent alter ego, criticized King for the event, saying that “real men don’t put their children on the firing line.” King, on the other hand, called it “one of the wisest moves we made.”

The Children’s Crusade changed the way the movement was covered by the press. Where the crushing effects of segregated schools hadn’t won hearts, where brutal, state-sanctioned beatings of hymn-singing black men and women hadn’t gained sympathy, the nation couldn’t ignore the images of children recoiling from the raised batons of sneering police officers. Only the most distressing type of violence worked.

This was King’s strategy. “Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed,” he said — an aggressive and confrontational stance that Americans rejected at the time and have forgotten today.”

Cuppa Covfefe

Sod off.

Washington comPost, no less…


“Sod off.”


Your capitulation is accepted… 😂🤣😂


Washington comPost, no less…”


If you have a problem with the article, or the author, or any of the multiple sources linked within the article, then by all means, state your case.

This is a fascinating side of MLK that I never knew about, almost like it was white-washed right out of the textbooks we used in school.

Even though it took mere seconds to find it, first page of search results.

Anyway, we’re all about truth here, wherever it leads, and I know truth is as important to you as anyone, so I look forward to your rebuttal to Ms. Sebastian’s article. 👍

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

This is a teachable moment, actually.

Yeah, I know we tend to hate that phrase.

But think about it.

MLK is a demigod to the Washington ComPost. Why would they publish a lie about MLK using children as human shields? That is counter to their agenda, and an embarrassment to them.

That tells me it’s not a lie. Why make up something you would rather not be true, and state it as if it were true?

Of course today and in this instance we can double check, as you have invited Cuppa to do.

When dealing with ancient sources, very little was originally written (few were literate) and most of that has been lost. So historians will use a chain of reasoning like I just did, to ascertain what is likely true. If some ancient source actually reports something that’s harmful to his agenda, it’s likely true. This is called the criterion of embarrassment.


Well it’s not that old, I mean, most of the children who were used as human shields are still alive and well, and at least one who was in 11th grade at the time was interviewed in one of the links embedded in the article 👍😁

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

As I said the “criterion of embarrassment” gets used in cases where there’s no other way to double-check the report, and the conclusions have some uncertainty to it.

Not necessary here, strictly speaking, because as you say it can be checked!

But it serves to tell *me*, that the story is *likely* true, pending someone who had time going off and checking it.


I’m sure Cuppa is hard at work on it as we speak 👍😁

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s not unbelievable at all. Communists use children as human shields LIBERALLY (cough), and King was surrounded by them. It sounds like he resisted the idea for a while, and then gave into it. Everything fits.

And it was a smart tactic, because preying on black kids (to put fear into them) was VERY common back then. Thus, forcing the attacks on black kids to happen in daylight was a great idea, IMO.


“Thus, forcing the attacks on black kids to happen in daylight was a great idea, IMO.”


Except the attacks on kids would never have happened, if MLK hadn’t decided to use children as human shields, about which Malcolm X observed: “real men don’t put their children on the firing line.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Maybe I didn’t make myself clear. The attacks on black kids were ALREADY a reality. King just trapped the other side.

Black kids were attacked by the Klan with impunity. Black kids were taught to fear whites – don’t look them in the eye – stay away – don’t talk to white women unless addressed – all that stuff – to make it less likely that they would be attacked.

King forced it to happen in daylight, in front of cameras. In my opinion it was REALLY smart. Just like those of us who did NOTHING but peacefully protest on Capitol Hill exposed ANTIFA and FBI as provocateurs.

Many people brought KIDS and elders to hear Trump on the Ellipse, and then took them to the Capitol. There were a lot of young and old people, too. On the ground, they were very visible in the crowd.

When the grannies and kids got teargassed and then hit with grenades, it ANGERED me. It also made the other side piss off a lot of Americans.

Trump didn’t discourage families from coming there. It was SMART like King.

And the Libtard Asshoe Judges who are sentencing people are having to go into Fake Virtue OverChide OverDrive to wag their skeletal fingers at “insurrectionists” who had their families with them that day. They know. They know they’re on the wrong side. Down deep, they know.

Make the other side HIT THE PEOPLE where everybody can see it.

Malcolm X was great, sometimes, but sometimes King was a lot sharper because of his better grasp of long-term moral strategy.


“Maybe I didn’t make myself clear. The attacks on black kids were ALREADY a reality.”

“Malcolm X was great, sometimes, but sometimes King was a lot sharper because of his better grasp of long-term moral strategy.”


I understood, I just don’t think it’s moral to use kids as human shields, to put them in the line of fire.

The way the article described it, the cops weren’t attacking children with batons. They were attacking other protesters, men and women, but it wasn’t until MLK decided to use children as pawns that the kids were beaten with batons too.

As you observed, it was a commie tactic, and using it diminished MLK’s moral authority, at least in Malcolm X’s eyes, and I can’t disagree with him.

Imagine trying to make a Biblical case for using a child as a human shield.

I wouldn’t want to be responsible for putting children in harm’s way.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I would rather my kids take a beating in the daylight, standing at my side, in front of the world’s cameras, than be abducted by day, lynched at night, and left by the side of the road.

C’mon, Scott! You’re playing by Marky D. Queensbury’s rules! 😉


“C’mon, Scott! You’re playing by Marky D. Queensbury’s rules!”


It’s different with kids.

Children are not in a position to give informed consent.

As for the adults, do they not have a responsibility to protect children, rather than recklessly endanger them?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

How WE choose to protect OUR children is OUR choice – not YOURS – not THEIRS.



Fighting with PEACE is not easy, and not for most. It can be very rough.


“How WE choose to protect OUR children is OUR choice – not YOURS – not THEIRS.”


I don’t think that’s true, at least not in many situations.

For example, if you physically or sexually abuse your child, THEY will take your child away and put you in prison.

If you don’t properly feed and clothe your child, THEY will take your child away (and maybe put you in prison).

If you provide street drugs to your child, THEY will take your child away, and put you in prison.

If you hide behind your child, so your child can take a beating from a crazed baton-weilding Nazi, they SHOULD take your child away, and put you in prison 😂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

But Martin Luther King was not doing any of those things, Scott. The parents were there to get beaten, just like the kids.

THEY were asserting their RIGHTS to freely assemble. Just like WE did on January Sixth.

They gave the DEMOCRATS a choice, and the DEMOCRATS chose poorly. Just like they did with us.

I don’t know, Scott, but the more I hear you, the more I hear you thinking like THEM.




With a touch of “Argument Clinic”.


“With a touch of “Argument Clinic”.”


Cool, I’ll check that out, maybe pick up some tips 👍😁




Well, in all fairness, as I asked last time, what am I supposed to do, not defend myself?

I looked up this Tanner fellow, since it has been at least 30 years since I watched Bad News Bears:

Tanner Boyle is a foulmouthed short-tempered shortstop with a Napoleon complex.”

I did play shortstop (and 3rd base) 😁


“After suffering a horrible loss on their first game, he picks a fight with the entire seventh grade from his school (and loses).”

Well, I didn’t pick a fight with anybody, and while I do find myself in a few fights from time to time, and sometimes the Usual Suspects try to gang up on me, it certainly doesn’t appear that I’m in danger of losing to any of them… 😂


“He tends to curse more than the others, and often insults and bullies Timmy .”


Rarely do I use a curse word, unless you count symbols (e.g., #$%@).

And most of the conflict time here is spent confronting the Q-tree bully.

Having said all that, Tanner looks like a good egg, I’ll have to watch the movie again, hopefully soon 😁

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

“They gave the DEMOCRATS a choice, and the DEMOCRATS chose poorly. Just like they did with us.”


I see what you’re saying now!

But it’s very different, isn’t it?

Nobody who took their children to the Jan. 6th protest was expecting to confront baton-wielding Nazis and police attack dogs.

And if baton-wielding Nazis and police attack dogs started attacking the crowd, what kind of deranged parent would push his child in front of himself, so the child could take the beating instead of the parent?

I mean, what the ever-loving $%#% are we talkin’ about here 😂🤣😂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sorry, Scott. I’m done with you on this topic. However, I will say this – you’ve really helped me see how to defeat these assholes, and I thank you for that.


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Replying to your post below up here, for more room:

“But Martin Luther King was not doing any of those things, Scott. The parents were there to get beaten, just like the kids.”


I’m not sure where you’re going with this, all I can do is quote the articles:

“In May 1963, movement organizers assembled black children , some still in pigtails,”

Who is the acknowledged leader?

Is it not MLK?

Who bears responsibility for the actions of the people under his leadership?

From a linked source article:

“Fifty years ago today, on May 2, 1963, teen-agers and children, some as young as six, marched in Birmingham to protest segregation. Many were arrested for parading without a permit, but the marchers came back the next day. They were viciously knocked down in the streets by torrents of water from fire hoses wielded by white policemen, were hit with batons or set upon by police dogs.”

Sorry Wolf, but if someone puts their six year old child in that situation, knowing the police are going to beat their child with a baton and turn dogs loose on their six year old child, they’ve got more than a screw loose.

It’s not even a situation where they’re backed into a corner and had no choice, they went looking for that confrontation. That was the whole point.

And it’s wrong, in every way, to put a six year old child in that situation.

I don’t know how anyone can defend it.


“I don’t know, Scott, but the more I hear you, the more I hear you thinking like THEM.”


How do you figure? You already acknowledged that using children as bait, as human shields, is a commie tactic.

I oppose it.

You appear to be for it.

So which of us is thinking like THEM?

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

“After all, I’m sure none of the insane wacko nut-jobs on the left would fall for it and retaliate in kind, only for real.”


Except no patriots would be throwing nails on the highway, so who would the insane wacko nut-jobs retaliate against, and why?


“And no way would the corrupt DoJ, Feds, and democrats use it as a preclude to start rounding up conservatives and confiscating guns….either in Canada or here in the US.”


Hey, if they can’t take a joke, then they shouldn’t start a tyrannical dick-tater ship, right?

Maybe we could do a FG&C approved ‘G’ rated version, where people drive by and throw plastic sporks at nail saboteurs — by the millions.

Then the Feds could use it as a whatever you called it to round up people who eat fast food and start confiscating sporks… 👍


“Talk about handing our enemies a gift!”


Let it be the plastic Spork that keeps on giving 👍😁


“Coming from someone with so much intelligence, I find it hard to believe you posted this. /s”


Huh… coming from someone who’s terrified to upset the enemy in even the slightest way, I’m not at all surprised you posted this 😂🤣😂


Looks like the convoys should invest in a few of these.

Airport FOD sweepers….

comment image


Except mount them on the front of a truck, pushing them, instead of dragging them. Modify them too, adding rubber tires instead of those tiny small wheels, for long-haul usage.

The mats have powerful magnets in them.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Not a bad notion, but if you’re thinking of bigger tires, you will need much more powerful magnets (a magnet’s force falls off as the cube of the distance–double the height, you need a magnet eight times as powerful)…unless you side-mount the tires and hang this array of magnets under the axles. (You’d then want to mount some magnets in front of the tires, so the tires themselves don’t get taken out by nails.) All fairly easy to rig up given time and welders, but it’s needed RTF NOW. I wonder how many of the truckers happen to have the skill?

The more worrisome problem is brass, aluminum or titanium foreign objects, which will simply laugh at the magnets. Brass screws are readily available and just as pointy as nails.

Last edited 3 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“Except mount them on the front of a truck, pushing them, instead of dragging them. Modify them too, adding rubber tires instead of those tiny small wheels, for long-haul usage.”


Why haven’t they flown you in to supervise this operation already?


“Looks like the convoys should invest in a few of these.
Airport FOD sweepers….”



Stop the convoy right where they are, order a few thousand of those, and sit tight until they arrive.

Then paint an image of MLK on each one, and start the convoy back up again.

Sweet 👍

Cuppa Covfefe

Cut the crap with MLK already…


“Cut the crap with MLK already…”



No, I can’t do that.

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467
Cuppa Covfefe


Serve no whine before its time…


“Serve no whine before its time…”


Before, during or after, seems like any time is a good time for you… 😂🤣😂


HAL, open the pod bay doors.


Just like you can’t stop demeaning military service members who refuse to mutiny, to do something you are not willing to do yourself. But at least you are consistent at being a piece of shit. Have a great week.


“Just like you can’t stop demeaning military service members who refuse to mutiny, to do something you are not willing to do yourself.”


Oh, look what popped its head up out of the whack-a-mole box… it’s scatological fixation boy, the Prince of Poop, the Earl of Excrement, the Duck of Diarrhea… 😂 🤣 😂

Riddle me this, scat-boy. Why are you bringing up the military? Nobody else is talking about the military, besides you.

Did you fall off the wagon again?

You need a hug?


“But at least you are consistent at being a piece of shit.”


Careful there RF, your hate is flying at full staff, and it’s really not your best look… getting drunk and spraying your venom all over the Q-tree is never gonna turn out the way you want it to.


“Have a great week.”


Thanks, I think I will.

It’s already off to a good start, just knowing I didn’t conduct myself here like you did… 😂 🤣 😂

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467
Cuppa Covfefe

How much do you get per post…

Deplorable Patriot

So, this morning at Mass downtown, we had some basketball tourists among the regular crowd, and everybody played along with the mask thing going to the pews and during the Communion Procession. Only one woman left hers on the entire time.

After Mass, there wasn’t one to be seen. Well, one man wore one when he was holding the parish baby before handing her back to her parents, but the entire aisle was full of bright faces.

I think we’re all over it.


I suppose this bears watching, but “dread disease fatigue” is real.

GWP: LAWRENCE SELLIN: China’s Military May Be Making a New Human-Infecting Coronavirus Deadlier than COVID-19

There was much concern expressed in the international media recently about a potentially more transmissible and more lethal coronavirus called “NeoCoV,” described in a January 25, 2022, scientific article published by Chinese scientists from Wuhan University.

NeoCoV is a member of a group of coronaviruses, one of which caused the 2012 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) outbreak that killed 34% of the approximately 2,500 people it infected.

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According to the Chinese authors, NeoCoV binds, not just to the bat DPP4 receptor found in most MERS coronaviruses, but also weakly binds to ACE2, which is the human receptor for the highly transmissible COVID-19 virus.

The Chinese scientists, at least one of which, Xiangxi Wang, has extensive links to China’s People’s Liberation Army, then proceeded to genetically engineer NeoCoV to increase its ability to infect humans.

Like the laboratory creation of COVID-19, Chinese scientists have again taken a coronavirus found in nature and artificially manipulated its structure to infect humans, but now with a virus capable of producing a 34% lethality rate compared to 1.6% for COVID-19.

NeoCoV is not a “new” virus, but was found in 2011 in Africa, and, therefore, is not an emerging disease threat to China.

It is becoming evident that China uses the threat of emerging viral diseases as a cover for its biowarfare program.

China appears to be using the same methodology for NeoCoV as was used in the laboratory creation of COVID-19.

From the beginning, COVID-19 appeared to be well-adapted, even “pre-adapted” for binding to human cells because it did not undergo the same mutation and adaptation to humans over time as did the SARS virus from the 2002-2004 pandemic. From the beginning, COVID-19 resembled a late-stage SARS-infection.

COVID-19 also binds to human cells 15-times better than the 2002-2004 SARS virus, which, unlike COVID-19, is believed to be a natural animal to human disease transmission.

What is far more disturbing and indicative of bioweapon development is the recent (January 2021) interest being shown by Chinese scientists in NeoCoV’s furin cleavage site.

Already in 2005, furin cleavage sites were known to increase both the transmissibility and pathogenicity of coronaviruses, including an ability to infect multiple human organ systems.

The increase in a coronavirus’ furin “score” is related to the number of basic amino acids in the sequence, as well as the three-dimensional structure and other chemical characteristics.

As a rule of thumb, however, two basic amino acids in the sequence are more effective than one and three are more effective than two.

What distinguishes COVID-19 from all the other bat coronaviruses from which it could have evolved are the multiple basic amino acids in its furin cleavage site.

COVID-19 has a five-times higher furin score than the 2002-2004 SARS virus, which has only a single basic amino acid in its furin cleavage site.

The artificial insertion of the furin polybasic cleavage site is the “smoking gun” evidence for the laboratory origin of COVID-19.

NeoCoV (Coronavirus Neoromicia/PML-PHE1/RSA/2011) has the lowest furin score within a group of similar coronaviruses.

No doubt, scientists in China’s fused military-civilian virus research program are conducting experiments to genetically-engineer a more effective furin cleavage site in NeoCoV and similar highly lethal coronaviruses.

Even without speculation, the information contained in the recently published Chinese NeoCoV article alone should be setting off alarm bells in the U.S. government and in the scientific community worldwide.

I’m wondering if the same therapeutics would work against something like this.


This article is behind a paywall, so I can’t read it.

No, we are not faced with a killer ‘NeoCov’ virus now; here’s why

News of the emergence of a new type of coronavirus, with the potential to kill one of every three infected people, has been circulating on the internet for the last couple of days. It is being claimed that this new virus, called NeoCov, was discovered in South Africa amongst bats and it could possibly enter human cells. The news reports are apparently based on a Chinese research paper that is yet to be peer-reviewed…


Thank you!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

At this point thermonuclear fusion applied to the infection site might be a good idea.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. At some point, the WIV needs to be vaporized.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Doesn’t have to be from orbit. I’m not fussy.


“At this point thermonuclear fusion applied to the infection site might be a good idea.”


So long as it’s a peaceful thermonuclear fusion application. 👍

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Oh, absolutely…

Cuppa Covfefe

Probably not alarm bells in the U.S. gubmint (if anyone’s even half-sane there anymore), rather cash-register bells in Big Pharma’s offices worldwide.

Another plague, another “cure”, another profit, and repeat, just to be sure…
Time to lean REAL hard on China… does’t need to go boom… hit ’em in the pocketbook, where it counts…

Or maybe there’s a Chinese-specific “variant”, since they seem to be selecting for race…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You know, I believed in peaceful pocketbook war with these assholes, but after they evicted Trump and betrayed Americans on January Sixth, I’m seeing things a bit differently.

I’ve gone “Star Trek”.

Return the diamonds, or we turn them into a bazooka and kill the fucking Gorns.


I’m still for a peaceful solution. Offered for a finite time which grows shorter and shorter with everything they pull.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m in favor of war, if there is another “plague” and China is definitely behind it. At that point, Fauci and his ilk can all be processed as traitors.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Of course, WEF and KLAUSS the GLOBAZI will have to be dealt with, too.

Deplorable Patriot

comment image


There are plenty of reasons to file MURDER and ATTEMPTED MURDER and ASSAULT charges.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Twitter has gone complete ASSHOE. They block off replies with their “log in or sign up” pop-up.

Unless they give me back my old account, I have no intention of returning.


Can’t wait to see what the Trump-Nunes crew has cooked up as alternate media.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. That’s gonna be very interesting.

There is no guarantee that I won’t get kicked off, because I doubt that their free speech is up to Gab standards. BUT I will give it a fair test to see what happens!

Gail Combs

That gives us three alternatives to Twatter,

Gettr, Gab & Trump’s

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This will create an interesting chess game that will separate true patriots from posers.

Gail Combs



AMEN, Miss Gail!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! This is an excellent strategy.

Deplorable Patriot

Nope. We haven’t forgotten who we are.

Due for a massive storm this week in these parts. Not exactly looking forward to it. I guess my down coat will actually get dry cleaned this year it has been worn so much.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m down with that.

Gail Combs

You can actually wash a down coat in the tub using down soap from REI. It is better for the down than dry cleaning because it does not remove the oil on the down. And yes I have done it.

The key is DO NOT LIFT WET COAT untill as much water is squeezed out as possible.

(My down coat is now over 50 years old!!)

Cuppa Covfefe

Is that “REI in der Tube”?

I used that years ago when on biz trips for unexpected laundry issues… had a nice smell, was gentle, and easier to use than powder…

Deplorable Patriot

comment image

Cuppa Covfefe

B inky
L ooks
M uddled

Deplorable Patriot

Love it.

Deplorable Patriot

comment image



Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Only ones masked.



Of four Trump rallies I’ve been at, ONLY J6 had masked fools Fed Tools.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Makes SENSE now. ‘TIFA and FEDS.


Yep. Sure as hell wished I was savvy enough to realize TIFA and FEDS were among us. 

Was on the look out for TIFA wearing black, hooded and instigating fights. Surely did NOT expect Feds to be so corrupt as to initiate AND “set up” MAGA folks.

Damn, We Were Played.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Their next play will be evil, too. Trust me – the 2022 election will to ALL OUT to keep the House in Mafia Nan’s hands, and the Senate with Scummer and Turtle in some phony power-sharing arrangement.

At some point, America has to say “NO MORE” – peacefully if possible, but literally “no more”. We will know when that happens.

I think the Feds are using these fakes in masks to set something up – not to fool us, but to fool the Democrat base.

We’re getting closer to where we have to be ready for all ways forward – even the ones we don’t want, but forced upon us.


Watch WKRPIC all the time. What a great cast.

Sorry to learn this. RIP 😞




back in the day

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yep. The pilot episode won me over.

I think the rest of my family liked it less. (Not “Les”, “less”)


“As God is my witness….” is always up there in “funniest episodes of broadcast TV”….

Deplorable Patriot

Watching it as an adult, that was the funniest freakin’ show.



truckers vs the WEF

If that’s not David vs. Goliath, I don’t what is.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

tens if not hundreds of thousands of Davids versus one putrid Goliath.





Trucking shortage aggravates food shortages and inflation, but Twinklesocks gets all the blame from an increasingly irate and hostile public.

THAT is political leverage.

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry
Cuppa Covfefe

Via another ian over at Chiefio’s:

In comments at

“If the shelves are full, thank a Trucker. If the shelves are empty, thank Trudeau”.

Another apt comment referred to the “Jim Crowvid laws” being fomented by the dictatorial deep state…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

JIM CROWVID – oh, that’s genius!!!



L9l. Did they find the rock he’s hiding under yet?


Here some people chasing him down as we speak.



Cuppa Covfefe


(“borrowed” from a comment on SDA or Chiefios)….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, I love THAT ONE!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

Probably can tell he’s there by the sparkles from his socks… 🙂

Sadie Slays

The Ottawa subreddit a bottomless salt mine of angry Lefty rants. This is best salt mining since 2016. “Flu Trux Klan” had me rolling. There’s too much to screenshot.

My heart to everyone in Centretown dealing with Day 3 of this shitshow. I’m getting a headache just from watching the Ottawalks stream.

Edit: Holy hell, the Rideau Timmies walk-up is still open. Serious kudos to those employees.

Edit #2: Switched streams to someone at Wellington and Metcalfe. Someone has a “govern me harder, daddy” sign. That at least is chuckle-worthy.

Edit #3: My heart breaks at the number of little kids and infants in strollers I’m seeing.

Edit #4: Livestreamer just asked another trucker donning a Trump flag like a dress why he chose to wear it. Response: “Because everyone knows it. That’s all you need.”

Edit #5: Made the mistake of glancing at the live stream chat while the streamer searches for a new feed. Comment, “Anyone in Canada not supporting the convoy is a traitor to Canada”. I hate this so much.

I’ve entered another dimension of tired

Last edited 3 years ago by Sadie Slays
Sadie Slays

To the ones who are private messaging me with “hoooooonk”, sorry, I’m married.


Sounds like main-lining Liberals of TikTok. 😜😉

Sadie Slays

Unsure if related, but probably; I went to Bayshore today (in and out as quickly as possible – needed eyeliner and sephora is the only place to get the brand I like) and there were a lot more maskless people than there were when I last went before Christmas. I suspect the convoy has empowered those who were already anti-mask to just completely stop giving any shits at all.


“Edit #2: Switched streams to someone at Wellington and Metcalfe. Someone has a “govern me harder, daddy” sign.”


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Cuppa Covfefe

Re edit #3; their heart should break at the number of little kids and infants being JABBED WITH THE CLOT SHOT. And THEIR hearts might REALLY break because of it…

Stinking libtards. Kill a baby, save a tree is all they think about…..

Sadie Slays

I am declaring vendetta on the black pickup truck with the train horn that is driving around downtown, pulling up beside people, blasting the horn, and driving away laughing. Anyone with information on that truck – license plate number, photos, information on the drivers and owners, location, stories and evidence of them harassing people, where they’re parking, where the driver is staying – please respond here. Or wherever, and then link me.

All I have right now is that it’s big, black, jacked up, flying ‘FREEDOM CONVOY 2022’ and ‘FUCK TRUDEAU’ flags, and has two white guys in their late 20s – early 30s in the cab, one of them wearing a green toque.

I can’t stop this convoy. But maybe we can gather information to help hold that particular asshole responsible.

TL;DR fuck Train Horn Truck in particular.

EDIT: In a fit of anger and masochism, I messaged the ‘Freedom Convoy’ FB group about Train Horn Truck and asked for them to condemn him, make it clear he’s not welcome, and share his name and license plate. I also said this was a chance to convince me they weren’t completely lying about not being completely assholes.

I am not in any way optimistic about this being productive or useful, but at this point fuck it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



DNC chair reportedly looking to leave amid tensions with Biden White House

The chairman of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) has reportedly considered an early exit as fears of a Republican rout in the midterms leave him vulnerable amid plummeting approval ratings for President Biden. 

In an interview with NBC News, DNC Chairman Jaime Harrison pledged to fulfill his full four-year term, saying he “made a commitment to be president.” 

But a report citing current and former DNC officials revealed a strained relationship between Harrison and the White House and uncertainty that he will remain in his role ahead of the midterms, which political pundits have forecast to spell disaster for Democrats.

Last edited 3 years ago by holly

I just heard back from my distant Tuscarora relative in Canada, and it’s like reading an email from someone living in another universe! Holy crap. I am just stunned by this email. Here are some excerpts, so you all can see what at least many Canadians think is happening in Ottawa:

“All of the trucker’s organizations have told the protesters to just get vaccinated already. There are 300,000 truckers in Canada and a tiny fraction of them, like 200-300, are causing all this ruckus. This isn’t some grand, far-reaching cultural movement. It’s a handful of people who want to claim victimhood to recast their personal gripes into a heroic narrative. The count the night before they pulled into Ottawa, was seven tractor-trailer units, 73 tractors with no trailers, 400 cars, and six RVs they’d picked up as they traveled across the country. 

Watching the protest group assemble yesterday on Parliament Hill I’d say they never exceeded 1,500-1,800 at their peak. Most of the protesters are malcontents who show up every time there’s a protest. They have the right to a peaceful protest, but the organizers are tolerating far-right-wing and identified terrorist elements who are making threats against the Prime Minister and his family, Members of Parliament, and the Government itself. 

As you may have gathered I’m in the majority of Canadians who have little time or patience for this protest. Over 33,000 Canadians have died of Covid-19 and right now our hospitals are at breaking point with the *unvaccinated*. Our health care workers have been ground into dust the last two years trying to keep people alive, and now 75% of people in the hospital haven’t been vaccinated and almost no one in ICU has been vaccinated. Life-saving surgeries, like cancer, bypass, even trauma surgeries, are on hold because the hospitals are full of unvaccinated covid victims. So they can whine all they like about their Free Dumbs, but I ain’t buying it. Go home, get in line and get vaxed.”

What in the literal fuck?

1500-1800 people? Seven tractor-trailors? Seriously, how controlled is their media? What the hell is wrong with people?

I figured she might be somewhat liberal, but I had NO IDEA she was like this. We’ve never met in person, just found each other through genealogical research. I don’t think I will make a huge effort to stay in touch!


That’s a lot to try to overcome if you tried to enlighten her. It seems interesting that she lists a number of talking points. She seems indoctrinated.


Yeah, I didn’t try. I think she is definitely one of the robot class. Not interested enough in her to try to enlighten her. And she’s double-vaxxed, too, so she’ll probably be dead in a few years at most. I just had no idea.


Or she’s getting paid to spout nonsense.

Cuppa Covfefe

Daily Fail has some videos, a picture gallery, and numerous overhead shots of the Convoy… More like 1800 people PER CITY BLOCK… Justin from Canada may soon be just gone from Canada…

Seven tractor-trailers? Yeah, right… Here’s Friday evening (from Chiefio’s)


Yeah, I know. It’s crazy. She just can’t see it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Their media is so controlled. They have no clue.

When I was up in Canada, over 10 years ago, IIRC, it was already a socialist nightmare.

Example – on packs of cigarettes, there was LITERAL photographic “gross-porn” on the packages – high-res pictures of bloody tumors, autopsied lung, etc. As nasty as they can make it.

I didn’t think it would get this bad this fast, though.

There is a possibility that your relative is protectively “virtue signaling” to the mounties, but probably not. I think she’s likely a com-bot now.


I think you are probably right. Lost to the dark side.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It was like that in Nazi Germany. People believed the media – not common sense. People who saw things that didn’t jibe with the state narrative would excuse them away with ACTIVE self-generated propaganda.

“They’re probably eating better than us in those work camps.”

Eventually, deception creates self-deception.


Agreed. Sad.


The ginormous carbon footprint from all that diesel exhaust, right there at princess Trudeau’s home base, is just glorious 😂 🤣 😂

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Probably will end up coated with diesel particulates.




Based on where she gets her news, she probably does not. My mother who lives in England has no clue about covid reality. She just watches the tv “news” and that is all she knows. The brain washing is effective.


I forget sometimes how well-informed I am, mostly due to The Q Tree. I am so blessed by this place.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And now you see how a huge proportion of the population is “wired.”

Those people will never “wake up” because they will never be shown what they have to see to do so.

Cuppa Covfefe

Sounds like she’s not distant enough 🙂

“Second cousin, forcibly removed”….


Lol! Well, she’ll be more distant now, for sure!

Sadie Slays

Sadly, I’ve spent enough time salt-mining on Reddit to know that this is the currently Lefty narrative about the protest. They’re claiming that there are only a few dozen trucks in Ottawa right now, and that the Thunder Bay and Kingston police forces claim they counted only 100 trucks in the western convoy. And everyone in Ottawa is a “white supremacist” and Nazi flags are flying around (probably Canadian glowies).


Hilarious. I can’t believe their media can control them that much. The photos are all over the internet.

Cuppa Covfefe

There are none so blind as those who will not see…..

(Or, Jeremiah 5:21:
21 Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not: )

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe



“There are none so blind as those who will not see…..”


Speaking of which, how’s the rebuttal to that MLK article coming along?



Cracking me up Scott.

Rebuttal? Rebuttal to which one of the three, or all three. If all, should each rebuttal differ?


More sacred cows.

I have none. I am willing to hear the ugly about anybody, and judge it for myself.

MLK was not a saint. He was a very smart activist with a righteous agenda. How he achieved his goals was not always as pretty as the picture painted of him.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Bezmenov for the win! He said as much about the media back in the day.


Sorry, but that response from your relative has me LMAO! 😂

At this point I would just write the experience off as an “oh well”.


I have. I had no idea she was a liberal loon!


Its as if covid was never really the issue…. (@disclosetv) Tweeted:
U-turn on mandatory Covid vaccinations for NHS and social care workers after warnings that jabs policy could lead to shortage of 80.000 workers.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hilarious! English bureaucrats have more sense than SCOFFLAW SCOTUS.

Cuppa Covfefe

Well you have to admit, that’s a low bar 😀

(Ducks and runs from various tomes, clerks, and ghosts of “the business yet to come”…)….


Spanky (@BubbaClinton77) Tweeted:
@JCharronCTV @CP24 @ctvottawa @CTVNews Are these them #Canada #TruckersForFreedom2022 #wheresJustin

Cuppa Covfefe

Jeremie??? Where’s Chud, erm, Chad???

Sounds like the fake news are out in farce… “setting up for a live hit” ????? WTH did they expect? Probably help from the shorts and sunglasses FF crew in the lower pic…


Hey, I’d recognize them anywhere, it’s tool #1, tool #2, tool #3, tool #4, tool #5 and their new recruit, wannabe-a-tool 👍😂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Canada was largely settled by colonists from the 13 colonies who did not rebel against King George III (the asshole Herschel tried to name Uranus after, before we named it after everyone’s asshole).

And yet many there seem to have learned a few things that many of us in the States (successfully rebelled colonies) have forgotten over the last 246 years.


Colonists i think in Vermont tried to get parts of the settlements in Canada to fight with us and become part of the US.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I think we even tried to capture Montreal…and failed.


Do they really think everyone is going to leave? Just bc the cops are having to be paid and the traffic is backed up? (@disclosetv) Tweeted:
JUST IN – Canada’s trucker protest: #Ottawa police are “working with organizers to facilitate the safe departure of individuals and vehicles,” per statement.





Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. I agree. Hold the line.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m glad I’m not in Ottawa needing to take a run to the grocery store…


Was just looking at a bunch of pics of old George magazine covers. Whenever there’s a JFK interview/article, it never says JFK Jr. – always John Kennedy. Something to think about.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009

I found this story quite interesting.

It relates to heritable characteristics.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Loved this comment:

“Interesting story but why isn’t Newsweak covering the gigantic protest in Canada?”


comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Scott is using a putrid article of communist propaganda to champion violence and use of force here at Qtree.

It’s title?

Don’t criticize Black Lives Matter for provoking violence. The civil rights movement did, too.

Here is the link…

It comes from the Washington Compost, that sewer of communist dreck.

The goal of the article is to equate….in the minds of the leftist sheep that swill this propaganda garbage….that the BLM is equal to the Civil Rights movement led by Dr. King.

Moreover, we are told that the violence engaged in by BLM was/is little different than the STRAINED examples the article uses in an attempt to equate BLM with Dr. King’s movement.

Even BLM disagrees, the Compost admits……..but then demands otherwise….

As much as BLM’s opponents and supporters (who insist that “this ain’t yo mama’s civil rights movement”) differentiate it from the 1960s effort, these two historical moments have a lot in common.

So, basically, everyone (“BLM’s opponents and supporters”) agrees that BLM is not the equivalent (“this ain’t yo mama’s civil right’s movement”)…..but the Compost is here to set us all straight! 🤣 😂 🤣 😘

Like the Compost, Scott is attempting to pull a fast one on Qtree readers.

From the article…

violence was not something that simply happened to activists; they invited it. Violence was critical to the success of the 1960s civil rights movement, as it has been to every step of racial progress in U.S. history.

The most jarring evidence of this came just a month after King’s Birmingham jail letter. In May 1963, movement organizers assembled black children , some still in pigtails, to march through the streets of Birmingham and confront Bull Connor’s violent police force. It was a controversial tactic within the movement, but organizers must have known that images of jailed, beaten and cowering children would affect hearts, force a response from officials and move the movement toward its goals.

What the commie writer at the Compost intentionally omits is…

These children, mostly teenagers, were peaceful protestors. They were not committing acts of violence. Nor were they being violent.

Reread that.

What happened here is that Dr. King very wisely used the violent, coercive, “go home or we’ll beat and jail you” tactics of Bull Conner and his racists against them. To create a spectacle that made it undeniably clear who was evil and who was not.

So disgusting was the display of violence used upon these children that it revolted even other racists.

And opinions changed dramatically. Even racists were appalled at the violence imposed upon those peaceful children.

Scott also wants to pretend that these kids had no idea what they were getting themselves into….that their mothers, fathers, aunts, and uncles….and generations going way back….had never experienced this….that these kids were ignorant.

Not so. They well knew what was going to happen….they well knew the role they were playing.

INVITING violence upon one’s self in order to HIGHLIGHT one’s peacefulness….and in so doing…..create a spectacle of stark contrast between one’s SELF and one’s TYRANNICAL OPPRESSOR….is NOT “engaging in violence”.

But it IS a great PR move. Which is precisely one of the reasons why Jesus told us, “If someone slaps you across the cheek, turn and offer them the other one.”

But Scott, and the Washington Compost, want you to think that “turning the other cheek” IS violent!

The Compost’s agenda in this article Scott uses to make his case is quite clear…..equate BLM with the Civil Rights movement. Equate violent communists with peaceful, cheek-turning Americans who were rightfully demanding their Constitutional rights.

Go read Scott’s article for yourself.

It’s actually sickening the twisted rhetorical arguments and tricks that that propagandist, communist rag attempts in order to paint the communist BLM in the same light as Dr. King’s movement. Worse, it attempts to drag Dr. King down into the muck with BLM in order to legitimize BLM.

I’ll leave off with this…

“The soldier, above all others, prays for peace. For it is the soldier who must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war.”
― Douglas MacArthur.


Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

Scott didn’t mention BLM.


I never said he did. But he uses an article that does to support his argument. Context matters.


What do you consider his argument to be?


He has made himself clear. I am simply responding to his own supporting “evidence” here, specifically as regards Dr. King. Perhaps you would like to focus on the contents of my response rather than deflect from it.

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

Scott is using this putrid article of communist propaganda to champion violence and use of force here at Qtree.

Please show where Scott, in relation to that article, has championed violence.


I’m not attacking Scott. I’m attacking his argument, specifically those he is making re: Dr. King.

And I find your comment dishonest.

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

And I’m asking you to clarify, please. You are accusing Scott of using that article to champion violence. I don’t see it. In fact, he is arguing against using violence against children. Please be specific about what Scott said that makes you think he is using that article to champion violence.


In fact, he is arguing against using violence against children.

Your turn.

Please show us where he said this. Be specific.


Your turn.

So we’re going to skip your turn altogether? 🤔
You haven’t answered my question about how Scott is using that article to promote violence. Nevertheless, I will answer yours.


I just don’t think it’s moral to use kids as human shields, to put them in the line of fire…

Imagine trying to make a Biblical case for using a child as a human shield.

I wouldn’t want to be responsible for putting children in harm’s way.


TT, Well done. Thank you.




Perfect. Thank you.

As I said above, no one “put them in the line of fire”. Nor were they used as “human shields”, a term used for murdering terrorists who put children in front of them so they can attack but not be attacked.

Dr. King and his organizers did not force those kids to be there. It’s dishonest to imply he did.

If those teens chose to march, is that “putting them in harm’s way”?

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

How is Scott is using the article to champion violence?


If those teens chose to march, is that “putting them in harm’s way”?

Elizabeth Carter

These children are not old enough to understand the consequences of their decision. Their parents are responsible for them and are “putting them in harm’s way”.


So now you are going to condemn all the bloodied, bruised, and jailed parents of the black children for allowing their kids to march for their own rights? And you claim the kids….whose grandparents and great-grandparents had been slaves…had no notion of what the consequences might be??

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry
Elizabeth Carter

Parents are held responsible for their children’s actions up to the age of 18 in most states in the USA. I am stating the fact that children are not considered capable of making their own decisions until they reach the “age of consent”.


Parents are held responsible for their children’s actions up to the age of 18 in most states in the USA.

No they aren’t. Otherwise the parents of everyone under the age of 18 who committed a crime would be charged.

Moreover, these teens did not commit a crime in the first place.

I am stating the fact that children are not considered capable of making their own decisions until they reach the “age of consent”.

I think that’s moving the rhetorical goalposts. What you previously said was…

These children are not old enough to understand the consequences of their decision.

When clearly, they were.

I’ve got $100 says these teens were BEGGING to be allowed to march. To stand with their parents. To demonstrate their own courage and resolve, just as their own adult relatives were.

Next you’ll be telling us kids shouldn’t be allowed to stand by the highway with their parents and cheer the Canadian truckers on.

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry
Elizabeth Carter

What crime(s) did those protesting teens commit?

Elizabeth Carter

I said their parents were putting them in harm’s way. You said their parents were harmed.
You said if the parents were responsible, they would be held accountable for their children’s crimes. I posted a link that says the parents can be held accountable for the children’s crimes. You asked what crimes these children committed.


Guessing you will NOT get a direct answer to your question.

“How is Scott is using the article to champion violence?”

Quite telling, no answer.

Well, it is a “new day”. Moving on.


Right. No answer is forthcoming, which means that the stated accusation can’t be defended. So yes, moving on.


If those teens chose to march, is that “putting them in harm’s way”?

No answer seems forthcoming.

Yet you expect me to answer to you when you won’t answer me??

And then you make the declaration above?



The subject is this, in your own words:

Scott is using this putrid article of communist propaganda to champion violence and use of force here at Qtree.

I asksed you to show how Scott is doing that, and you can’t defend your assertion. Instead, you keep trying to change the subject by asking me questions like this…

If those teens chose to march, is that “putting them in harm’s way”?

…which has ZERO to do with Scott using a WaPo article to champion violence.

Read this:

Yet you expect me to answer to you when you won’t answer me??

And now read it again. Pot, meet kettle.

Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths

You have a very selective memory, sir.

Just yesterday, Scott said….

MLK provoked violence as a tactic, and when that didn’t achieve the desired sympathy from the American public, he used children as human shields and provoked violence against them

Here, Scott is directly accusing MLK of “provoking violence” and using children as “human shields”. Scott is accusing MLK of being a terrorist, sir.

How did MLK “provoke violence”? By peacefully marching for their civil rights?? How were the children used as “human shields”? Were they not there by their own choice?? Were they forced to be there, as “human shields” truly are??

Scott then turns and says…

Were many of our Founding Fathers Christians, and most Americans

at that time?

Did they (not) fight for their freedom from tyranny, and did God bless their efforts?

Or did they concoct narratives to make themselves feel better, and virtue signal over their shoulder as they ran away?

Plenty more examples where that comes from.

Today, I was replying to his use of a WaPo propaganda piece that attempts to throw MLK under the bus in order to elevate BLM. In point of fact, his first reference to that dreck was yesterday, not today.

I advocate for peaceful resistance to the challenges we face. Scott counters and says

show me a time in human history where violence was not needed to defeat tyranny.

And when I answer “MLK”, he accuses MLK of using children as “human shields” and “provoking violence” while standing on a WaPo article to do it.

You are biased, and you have made up your mind before today…..that I am attacking Scott personally, rather than his viewpoint.

Personally, I don’t think you are interested in exploring how Scott advocates for use of force, I think you not only ignore it but you likely agree with it. You certainly never challenge anything he says, only me.

In fact, you guys have a nice little tag team going. Feel pretty smug, too.

Now…..asked and answered. Don’t pretend in the future I didn’t.

This is bookmarked.

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

Now…..asked and answered. Don’t pretend in the future I didn’t.

Finally, an answer. I think it is a huge stretch to say that Scott is using MLK and that article to advocate for violence. He can speak for hiimself, of course, but I have not seen him trying to incite violence.


Weak sauce.

But I really didn’t expect anything different. And fortunately, you are not the arbiter of anything.

Now it see you are the one who cannot answer. Not really. Except to say, amusingly, how you go from “a huge stretch” to “have not seen” in a sentence.

But you did a great job of not addressing his use of that putrid article, and how he was using it. So fair minded you are.


You might consider changing your handle to “MyTruths”, for accuracy.

Btw, nice little attempt to claim I said Scott was trying to “incite violence”. Thought yo could slip that in there, eh?

So dishonest.

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

Btw, advocating for force is a far different thing that “inciting violence”, yet you twisted my words and NOW claim that’s what I said.

So dishonest.


And I find your comment dishonest.

In what way? I quoted you verbatim.

Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths

So….just for the record… the past several months Scott has:

1) posted an article that claimed PDJT “had abandoned America” and was “impotent and defeated”; that the MAGA movement was leaderless

2) repeatedly called our military cowards and traitors

…and now…

3) uses yet another article, this one from a POS communist rag, to accuse MLK of using children as human shields (no different than a terrorist) and “provoked violence” (though Scott refuses to say how)….with no other supporting evidence I might add. And this at what on any broad timeline would be at approx. the same time the FBI has come out of left field and claimed that long held secret tapes (held by the FBI, conveniently) allegedly prove MLK was a rapist.

And you think I’m being unfair, but then again you aren’t.

The mind boggles.

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

I left a post at the UTree. I don’t expect a reply and might not answer if I get one. My purpose is to present the facts about what I think without belaboring things further on this forum.


“Scott is using a putrid article of communist propaganda to champion violence and use of force here at Qtree.”


FG&C is a baldface liar.

Flat out.

He lies repeatedly, he falsely accuses repeatedly, he repeatedly engages in Straw Man arguments, he intentionally misrepresents what others have said.

He does it all the time, pathologically.

The question is, is he an idiot, or does he do these things on purpose?


See my reply to TheseTruths just above. No lying. No strawmen. Quoting you verbatim.

You yourself accuse MLK of “using human shields” (your own words), as if MLK were a terrorist and that the teens who marched in the protest (which you yourself use as an example) were forced to be there.

Have you not said “show me a time in human history where tyranny was not overcome by force”?

And when I answered by pointing to MLK, you respond that MLK was a terrorist (only terrorists use “human shields”, sir). You also claimed that MLK “incited violence”, which seems to be your twisted interpretation of history.

No lies. No strawmen. Your own words and argument. Right along with a putrid article which you attempt to use in the same manner as it’s author….to drag MLK into the mud.

It’s sad.

And that you would stoop to such a thing….indirectly calling Dr. King a terrorist…that, in counter to my argument, he does not stand as a monument to successful, peaceful and law-abiding protest…


May God himself rebuke you.

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

“It comes from the Washington Compost, that sewer of communist dreck.”


No doubt.

What does that have to do with the price of sunglasses at the cop shop, Federal Glow & Co.?

If you dispute the contents of the article, then make your case, which means quote whatever you disagree with, challenge it, and prove it false with other supporting evidence.

What it does not mean is for you to go on one of your Straw Man benders… 😂 🤣 😂

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

I did make my case. Thank you. I’m amused you would say I didn’t. And have not.


“It’s title?

Don’t criticize Black Lives Matter for provoking violence. The civil rights movement did, too.

Here is the link…


It’s very clever how you deduced the link to the article, since I posted is three times in reply to Cuppa earlier today, and posted the link in my original post before that.

Far from trying to hide anything at all about the source, I made the first line an active link for all to check and read for themselves. 👍


So what? I re-linked it here for ease of reference. No one accused you of trying to hide the article.



You don’t even understand what a Strawman argument is… 😂🤣😂


Says you 🤣😂🤣

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry
Elizabeth Carter

If you click on the link in that article that references the children,

But the civil rights movement wasn’t seen as nonviolent in its day — and for good reason. The most jarring evidence of this came just a month after King’s Birmingham jail letter. In May 1963, movement organizers assembled black children , some still in pigtails, to march through the streets of Birmingham and confront Bull Connor’s violent police force. It was a controversial tactic within the movement, but organizers must have known that images of jailed, beaten and cowering children would affect hearts, force a response from officials and move the movement toward its goals.”

you get this:
Fifty Years After the Birmingham Children’s Crusade | The New Yorker


“The goal of the article is to equate….in the minds of the leftist sheep that swill this propaganda garbage….that the BLM is equal to the Civil Rights movement led by Dr. King.
Moreover, we are told that the violence engaged in by BLM was/is little different than the STRAINED examples the article uses in an attempt to equate BLM with Dr. King’s movement.”


None of which has anything to do with my point, at all, which was to show historical evidence that your love muffin, MLK, was not the cat’s meow you want him to be.

It doesn’t matter to me one way or the other, he was before my time, all I have lived through is the wreckage and aftermath of the Civil Rights Movement, the inversion of all the racism, turning it upside down, giving free license to blacks to demonize and hate white people for the sins of somebody’s fathers (not mine).

The people who actually engaged in all the racism got away with it, nobody punished them, and why would they? It was people my age and younger who have paid the price and still do.

So I don’t have this big politically correct warm-fuzzy for MLK, and as a result, I don’t see him through your rose-colored glasses, and I don’t care if that triggers you. 😂

I am immune to political correctness. I don’t care if it fries your ass that MLK isn’t a holy relic to me. He put his pants on one leg at a time, just like everybody else.


my point….to show historical evidence that your love muffin, MLK, was not the cat’s meow you want him to be.

That very interesting.

It jibes perfectly with the FBI’s own recent…an inexplicable….attempt to drag MLK into the mud by calling him a rapist.

Thank you for admitting that.

Deplorable Patriot

MLK was no saint, but he was correct about peaceful non-violence and the true story of the protests has been twisted over time.

Valerie Curren

My understanding is that MLK was a plagiarist & serial adulterer. Because of those “facts” I perceive him to be morally tainted to some degree. Championing peaceful protest & the rights of the oppressed and a colorblind society seem quite honorable aspirations. He had feet of clay, as do we all. Because he’s been propped up by TPTB for quite some time raises “suspicious cat” hackles for me nowadays…

Without reading other than “this page” “today” on the disagreement w/ FG&C (who seems repeatedly bent on going after you personally, imo) IF you said that MLK provoked violence I take that to mean that he acted peacefully but knew that those peaceful protests would provoke violence from racist tyrants & having his movement acted upon violently by those in power. That is Very Different from what FG&C seems to be implying, that you were saying that MLK Advocated Violence, rather than that he saw the value in a propaganda war of being the peaceful recipients of opponents’ violence to advance the cause of “civil rights”…


“From the article…

violence was not something that simply happened to activists; they invited it. Violence was critical to the success of the 1960s civil rights movement, as it has been to every step of racial progress in U.S. history.

The most jarring evidence of this came just a month after King’s Birmingham jail letter. In May 1963, movement organizers assembled black children , some still in pigtails, to march through the streets of Birmingham and confront Bull Connor’s violent police force. It was a controversial tactic within the movement, but organizers must have known that images of jailed, beaten and cowering children would affect hearts, force a response from officials and move the movement toward its goals.

What the commie writer at the Compost intentionally omits is…

These children, mostly teenagers, were peaceful protestors. They were not committing acts of violence. Nor were they being violent.

Reread that.”


And then read this: Nobody claimed they were.


Certainly I didn’t make that claim.

But the liar and fraud, FG&C, is pretending that I did, because he is a liar and a false accuser, and everyone should know that.

Nobody made that argument, NO ONE claimed that the children were committing acts of violence, besides the liar the fraud, Captain Strawman, a.k.a. Federal Glow & Co.

Welcome to it, Liar.


And then read this: Nobody claimed they were.

Not true. You did. You claimed that MLK was “provoking violence”. I was unaware that marching in peace was “provoking violence”.

Your words. No lying. You said…

MLK provoked violence as a tactic, and when that didn’t achieve the desired sympathy from the American public, he used children as human shields and provoked violence against them


Perhaps younwould care to explain just how a peace march “provokes violence”.

In the meantime, it’s worth pointing out that a tyrannical gov’t regime, whose greatest weakness is peaceful resistance and protest…..that demonstratively seeks and wants violent outburst against it…is using it’s FBI stooges to call MLK a rapist.

And here you are calling me a glowie….after you effectively called MLK a terrorist “provoking violence”.



Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

“What happened here is that Dr. King very wisely used the violent, coercive, “go home or we’ll beat and jail you” tactics of Bull Conner and his racists against them. To create a spectacle that made it undeniably clear who was evil and who was not.”


He ‘wisely’ used children? As young as six years old, for his own political purposes. He took those little kids, and he knowingly put them in a dangerous situation, he USED them, children as young as SIX years old, using them like human shields.

And YOU support that?

You’ll try to jump down my throat for talking about the potential opportunity to make a fake video go viral — it wouldn’t even have to be serious, it could be slapstick style — to mess with the minds of Lefty highway nail saboteurs, but you would put a SIX YEAR OLD CHILD in a position to have his or her HEAD caved in by a baton or mauled by police attack dogs, to further your politics?

I don’t support that.

It’s pretty &^%$ shocking that you do.

I wouldn’t do that to a child.

I wouldn’t put a child’s life at risk to prove someone else is evil.


What is wrong with you? Only terrorists use “human shields”. It really seems like you consider MLK to be a terrorist.l

And all this…..simply because when you asked “show me a time in history where tyranny was overcome peacefully”, I pointed to MLK and the Civil rights movement….and you are reacting by accusing MLK of being a terrorist who was “using children” for his “own” political purposes (vs. securing the rights of all black Americans).

You are the one going off the deep end, sir.


“Scott also wants to pretend that these kids had no idea what they were getting themselves into….that their mothers, fathers, aunts, and uncles….and generations going way back….had never experienced this….that these kids were ignorant.”


Are you a psychopath, or is this kind defamation just part of standard Glowie training?

I mean, you’re sick in the head.

WTF do you get the idea that I want anyone to pretend anything? HTF do you know another man’s heart?

What a filthy, vicious liar you are.

A) their mothers and fathers ought to be ashamed of themselves for putting their children in harm’s way. Try to do that with your children, and see how long they remain in your custody.

B) you ought to be ashamed for supporting it

C) a SIX YEAR OLD doesn’t have the mental capacity for informed consent to *&^% near anything, much less being used as a human shield by deranged parents, aunts and uncles.

What a miserable excuse for a human being… I mean, it’s unbelievable… 😂

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

Your virtue signaling is as precious as your attempts to accuse MLK of being a self-serving terrorist is disgusting.

And you claim I am a psychopath….after you attempt to use a piece of dreck from a communist rag to support your argument that effectively claims MLK was a self-serving terrorist??

🤣 😂 🤣



“INVITING violence upon one’s self in order to HIGHLIGHT one’s peacefulness….and in so doing…..create a spectacle of stark contrast between one’s SELF and one’s TYRANNICAL OPPRESSOR….is NOT “engaging in violence”.”


And nobody claimed it was ‘engaging in violence’, Captain Straw Man.

Nobody but you.

As usual.


Tell us then….you said King “provoked violence”.


I’ve never seen how a pretzel is made. Should be entertaining.

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

“But it IS a great PR move. Which is precisely one of the reasons why Jesus told us, “If someone slaps you across the cheek, turn and offer them the other one.””


So we have it in writing, that Federal Glow & Co. thinks it is a GREAT “PR move” to willfully, intentionally, purposely jeopardize the life of a six year old child.

He must believe very strongly that there is some kind of justification, any kind of justification for that, in this world.

And that justification is politics.

Next he enlists Jesus Christ in support of this abuse of children.

He takes a single verse of Scripture out of context, and he tries to use it to justify endangering the life of a six year old child, for his political objectives.

And he’s proud of it.

He’s not hiding it, it’s not something you have to suss out of him, he wants you to know.


Bringing an end to hundreds years and generations of the most heinous abuses…

….does that qualify?

Kids marching in a peaceful protest? Well knowing and understanding the risks…having grown up with them since birth?

And please….stop trying to use today’s standards to judge history and the men of history. Liberals love to do that, and it’s pathetic and wrong.


The Accuser: “But Scott, and the Washington Compost, want you to think that “turning the other cheek” IS violent!”


Not once did I ever say that, and I challenge you, right here, right now, to find where I ever said that, and quote it.

Go ahead, Liar.

Show us all.

Do it, if you think you can.

Show everyone here.

Go ahead.


Sure. Just as soon as you tell us all how King “provoked violence” (your words).


“The Compost’s agenda in this article Scott uses to make his case is quite clear…..equate BLM with the Civil Rights movement.”


Which has nothing to do with my point or my argument. BLM is completely irrelevant to the topic of discussion, which you know the same as everyone else, and which you deceitfully tried to imply otherwise.

Because you’re a liar.

A baldfaced liar, and a false accuser.

My point had nothing to do with BLM in any way. What the article DOES do, and what I cited it for, was to document something truly ugly, something which I had not known before, that MLK and his associates used children as young as SIX YEARS OLD as human shields, as political pawns, putting them in harm’s way, to be beaten with batons and mauled by attack dogs.

I also cited the article to show that contrary to your repeated claims, that “the civil rights movement wasn’t seen as nonviolent in its dayand for good reason.”

The article was also cited to document “Malcolm X, whom history treats as the movement’s violent alter ego, criticized King for the event, saying that “real men don’t put their children on the firing line.””


You can’t be serious.

That article attempted to do two things at the same time. Drag MLK into the muck (like you are trying to do) AND, at the same time, attempt to give BLM the hue of legitimacy that the civil rights movement had.

The one has to do with the other….it doesn’t matter what YOU were trying to do with it.

And btw, whynshould we take WaPo word for anything? Go another source to back that dreck up? So far, a big nothingburger. Only that one article from that commie rag.

And you think THAT is credible??

🤣 😂 🤣

Btw, show me where King forced them to be there.

Hint: you can’t.

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

“Go read Scott’s article for yourself.”


Yes, please do, I have posted links to it at least four times now, including an extensive quote (four times) that I specifically was citing and referencing.


“It’s actually sickening the twisted rhetorical arguments and tricks that that propagandist, communist rag attempts in order to paint the communist BLM in the same light as Dr. King’s movement.”


Who are you arguing with, besides yourself?

Who claimed otherwise? 😂 🤣 😂

And what does any of it have to do with the points I actually referenced, that:

A) contrary to your constant assertions that MLK was all about peaceful protest, not everyone viewed the CRM as ‘non-violent’ at the time

B) MLK used children, put children as young as SIX YEARS OLD in harm’s way, for political purposes. He should have been locked up for it.

You try doing something like that to a child, and see how fast your backside is in prison.

C) that MLK’s contemporary, Malcolm X, “whom history treats as the movement’s violent alter ego, criticized King for the event, saying that “real men don’t put their children on the firing line.”

THAT is what I used the article to document and support.

Not the things you keep trying to cloud the discussion with.

In addition to the above, MLK was not trying to overthrow a tyrannical regime, his objective was not to overthrow the government, so using his tactics to attempt to achieve a purpose his tactics were never intended for, and asserting that they will ‘work’ for the same reasons, is intellectually dishonest at best.

And in addition to that, you evaded my question multiple times:

Did MLK’s ‘peaceful protest’ end any tyrannical regime?

That’s the whole point of your insistence of following MLK’s example, isn’t it?

Well did it work?!?

Or did the tyrannical regime bring an end to MLK?

It’s an important question, because if the object is to get our country back, then MLK’s process was never intended to accomplish that objective, and even if it had been, the tyrannical regime got him, not the other way around.

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

There you go again….trying to use today’s standards to judge history and support your argument. Why didn’t they put King in jail for that, hmmmm? Tell us.

Did MLK’s ‘peaceful protest’ end any tyrannical regime?

Go familiarize your own self with the volumes that have been written and accepted as historical fact as to the many success(es) of MLK’s civil rights movement. Sounds like you either need to or simply reject them out of hand.

I am amused that you seem to think that it was a failure. So would just about anyone else. I’d love to see you try and convince anyone in the black community of that. 🤣


“Worse, it attempts to drag Dr. King down into the muck with BLM in order to legitimize BLM.”


Which was irrelevant to the points I was making, and had nothing to do with my argument.


Your argument itself drags King into the muck, same as the article does. And it’s your article, your support for your argument.

I think you are really losing it. 🤣


“I’ll leave off with this…

“The soldier, above all others, prays for peace. For it is the soldier who must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war.”
― Douglas MacArthur.”


Who doesn’t want peace?

Besides the tyrannical regime, of course.

But there is a problem created, a problem which we have no control over, when another party decides that peace is not an option that will be afforded to us.

And that’s the problem we’re dealing with now.

MacArthur’s quote was about a SOLDIER.

While you clearly support putting a SIX YEAR OLD CHILD in a position to have her bashed in by a Nazi, or be mauled by a trained attack dog.

For political gain.

And you own it.

I don’t believe MacArthur would have pissed on someone like you, even if you were on fire.


Keep ranting. Going on and on. Just don’t pretend my unwillingness to respond to your hysterics is any kind of surrender or moral victory on your part. It’s not.

Loud and longwinded arguments with shrieking virtue signaling while calling someone whose shit you aren’t fit to sit in may “win” in your world, but they only show you to be no different than a harpie of the left.

I do appreciate your attack on MLK, though, jibing so closely in time and tone to the FBI’s own. Thank you for that. 😉

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

“Keep ranting. Going on and on. Just don’t pretend my unwillingness to respond to your hysterics is any kind of surrender or moral victory on your part part. It not.”


Point by point refutation of your lies is what it is.

And you won’t respond because you have no credible defense.

As for victory, moral or otherwise, what would you know about it?



No, you’re obsessed. Calling MLK a terrorist, that he “provoked violence”….still waiting on your proof of that, btw….your using a single article from a communist rag to drag Dr. King into the mud, while you pretend virtue-signal?

And all at effectively at the exact same time the FBI claims MLK was a rapist.

And you call ME “glowie”?.

🤣 😂 🤣


“Loud and longwinded arguments with shrieking virtue signaling”


Says the biggest virtue-signaler on the forum, even your screen-name is a virtue-signal…

“…while calling someone whose shit you aren’t fit to sit in”


Nice mouth, another with the anal fixations. What a disgusting thing to say. What kind of person says something like that?

Where does your mind have to be, to even think something like that?

You’re disgusting… 😂 🤣 😂


“may “win” in your world, but they only show you to be no different than a harpie of the left.”


Take another drink.

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

Actually, my screen-name is a statement of beliefs, and my comment is a not only a statement of fact but a response to YOUR comment that McAurther wouldn’t piss on me. How quickly you forget your own escalations and provocations.

And yet you have the audacity and chutzpuh to say “What a disgusting thing to say. What kind of person says something like that??

You are real piece of work.

You should be ashamed of yourself, but I really don’t think you have the capacity for it.

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry
Deplorable Patriot

The record has distorted on the MLK time, hasn’t it.


The Vigilant Fox (@VigilantFox) Tweeted:
According to a trucker, the Ottawa police have been given the green light to use tear gas and rubber bullets.



That would be a huge mistake. There would be no coming back from that even if it dispersed the crowd initially. The people would increase their revolt in other ways and go after law enforcement, politicians and their families. Violent chaos would ensue.

They need to back down immediately and remove their communist mandates. Sell it as they are listening to the voices of the people who voted for them.


Seems like a great place to remind….

Throughout the spring and summer of 2019, the Hong Kong protests grew and grew. Initially, they were in protest to a new law which allowed China to extradite anyone from Hong Kong charged with a crime by China without any kind of due process. However, the elected Hong Kong officials…..toadies of the CCP….attempted to use violence to quell and stop the protests.

The result was the protests protests grew and grew, to the point where the people of Hong Kong were singing the US national anthem and waving American flags. These non-violent, peaceful HK protests became every day, front page, above-the-fold news. Worldwide. Week after week.

Suddenly…..COVID hit. And the protests vanished.



Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

I think the Chicoms had already gone in and squelched the protests before COVID hit.


With all due respect, please look again. In fact, COVID was used to choke them off entirely.

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in mainland China caused the number of large-scale rallies to dwindle because of fears that they might facilitate the spread of the virus. Despite this, the pro-democratic movement’s tactics were repurposed to pressure the government to take stronger actions to safeguard Hong Kong’s public health in the face of the coronavirus outbreak in Hong Kong.[127] As the coronavirus crisis escalated in February and March 2020, the scale of the protests dwindled further.[128][129]Police used coronavirus laws banning groups of more than four, for example, to disperse protesters.

Elizabeth Carter

I was just having a discussion about retaliation against the truckers.
My friend was saying the Truckers could be injured or killed if the government called in the army or the UN to control the Truckers and make them go home and behave.
I said that I can’t imagine even one Trucker climbing into their truck to become part of this protest who did not accept the fact they were at high risk for financial harm, physical injury or even death. At some point it comes down to “Give me liberty or give me death” as Patrick Henry said in 1775.
This is worldwide. If we don’t stand up fight back, we are committing suicide anyway. I am praying for the Truckers who have taken their stand. I hope our Truckers join them. They are men of courage who are used to taking risks. We need to support them and stand with them.


Absolutely. If they back down without the restrictions removed first, no promises actually remived, they will lose.

Sadie Slays

The logo that the official Trucker Convoy Facebook page is using has a 666 in it. Sorry to be a party pooper.

Broken link because Wolfmoon doesn’t like FB links here:


comment image

Sadie Slays

EDIT: Chrome, not CERN. Took a moment to jog my memory. I’m done now.

comment image

Posting this only because it reminded me of the CERN logo.

comment image

Last edited 3 years ago by Sadie Slays

If unintentional…and not intended….does that still count?


It raises questions:
Who came up with the logo?
If those really are 6s, does that necessarily mean the entire project was set up by *those forces* for nefarious reasons?

My feeling about these kinds of things is that *they* will try to subvert and control everything. We are pressing on in spite of it. The trucker caravan is a huge step in the right direction.

Elizabeth Carter

I seriously doubt that any of these truckers are Satanists.
I think they are probably being taken advantage of by the Logo designer who is paid by a politician – a man who waits to see the way the crowd is running and then dashes in front and says, ‘Follow me’.”
Years ago, I found out that if you want to hypnotize someone, you watch what they are doing and take credit for it. They get sleepy and you say, “you are feeling very sleepy.” After a while, they start doing what you suggest.
If you give them a “post hypnotic suggestion” to open an umbrella when you say the word “blue” they will open it and if you ask them why they opened it, they will come up with some “logical” reason to explain their behaviour.
I am so proud of the truckers who are standing up. We must stand up.


The truckers deserve AND have earned our respect and appreciation. I suspect the Canadian government will huff, puff, get verbally belligerent. Likely physically antagonize the truckers, threatening fines AND arrest.

MeThinks this will further embolden the truckers, to stare down the Canadian government.

The logo is a distraction, that in a few minutes, will be yesterday’s news to be forgotten. Don’t know why the log appears to have three 6s. But I am quite sure the truckers don’t buy into satan crap. But, I do appreciate it being pointed out.


Just some thoughts concerning violence with the Truckers. One of the vids below had the news team getting chased away. Following the various anti trucker remarks in that thread it’s sort of clear what Trudeau is up too. He’s going to sit tight while he uses 5th Column tactics (agent provocateurs) in attempt to turn the people’s support from the Freedom movement as they try to color them as fascists, trouble makers, and misguided ignorant types for not following the science. Legacy media of course will play right along with this.

No matter if it turns violent or not, no matter if they force the truckers to leave some or go all the way back home, Trudeau can not win unless he gets the truckers to drive again. As long as they don’t drive he looses. If they have to go home and pull parts from their trucks and bury them, then that’s what they need to do. In the meantime people like the FLCCC (any FLCCC type talk to include all the way up to Cabal talk) can make all the difference as they now indirectly share the stage and people not awake before are listening.


Looks like Wolf’s alarm clock has failed.