Yep, it’s started.
The fight for freedom is contagious.

And then there’s this idiot.

Yeah, so do we.

I think a link was posted late last week to Archbishop Vigano’s latest letter, but thanks to a TheseTruths comment, here it is. Please remember, that there is a difference between the Institutional Church (which is currently called “the deep church”) and the Faith as laid down by Christ and then articulated by the Church Founders and Fathers as the oral traditions not included in what was determined to be Scripture later were written down before the Canon was actually closed. The feckless hierarchy is called out.
And some good news.
Just as a reminder, there’s something else percolating in the background.
The Fed is out of money. Sooner or later it is going to crash.

Definitely more going on than meets the eye.


One of the obstacles to full understanding of just what the enemy is all about revolves around the concept of symbolism.
Here’s one I hadn’t considered.
Monarch Butterfly: Butterfly whose migration pattern is passed down to offspring genetically. Scientists learned that information can be passed down genetically in people too. For instance, people who have a history of sexual abuse in their family are highly susceptible to hypnosis and mind control. So Monarch butterfly is symbolic for mind control. Also Project Monarch was a 1950’s CIA funded government program where unsuspecting US Citizens were subjected to psychological experiments using psychotropic drugs, electroshock, and other forms of torture to disassociate the mind in order to create programmable alters.
In the wild, gardeners are lending a hand to keep them from going extinct.

And now for the business portion.
Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list or the closest rescue thread.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information. Correcting the record on any one topic is appreciated.
Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights
- No running with scissors
- If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon
Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and don’t just play them on TV like the body doubles pretending to be the squatter in chief:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
MARK 6:7-13
7And he called to him the twelve, and began to send them out two by two, and gave them authority over the unclean spirits. 8He charged them to take nothing for their journey except a staff; no bread, no bag, no money in their belts; 9but to wear sandals and not put on two tunics. 10And he said to them, “Where you enter a house, stay there until you leave the place. 11And if any place will not receive you and they refuse to hear you, when you leave, shake off the dust that is on your feet for a testimony against them.” 12So they went out and preached that men should repent. 13And they cast out many demons, and anointed with oil many that were sick and healed them.
For those interested, Brian Holdsworth has a recent talk with another revert of sorts on a range of topics involving Christianity, art, community and philosophy. It kept my attention on the treadmill. Just click on the link.

How about a double feature?
There’s a reason I held off scheduling this.
Did it publish or not? The damn thing said publishing missed.
I see it.
I’ll take four more weeks of truckers over some of the alternatives.
Those trucker memes are fantastic…”mothertrucking protest”

Love it!!!
This guy gets it and does something about it.
T-shirts and bumper stickers and hats available!
Yeah, Winred, which sucks.
So would most real gals.
Like this one?
She seems friendly.
Her Silver Shadow is HOT!!!
M-43 Pistol with Stabilizing Brace
The Gilboa® M-43 Pistol+Brace is a lightweight pistol version of the full size carbine combined with the famous stabilizing brace for better stability. Chambered in 7.62x39mm it is a great pistol for shooters and 7.62mm enthusiasts. The upper and lower receivers of the M-43 are fully machined from solid aircraft aluminum alloy billet (7075-T6) and then hard anodized to ensure a stronger, more durable firearm with no dimensional inconsistencies.
Download Brochure×884.png
Are those legal in the US?
Most states, I believe. No different from the old UZIs and MAC guns, really, except for the platforms are more modern.
They’re semi-auto, and performance is pretty much like AR-15s of normal length, only lower performance RE accuracy and energy.
They’re basically (IMO) home defense rifles because they can turn fast in tight situations.
The reason I ask is that the BATFE regulations on SBR’s is an opaque mass of incomprehensible steaming garbage. One might suppose that a 7.5″ barrel would be all one might need to know to call something a pistol….but with a 24.8″ overall length, and particularly with the grippy thingie under the maple leaf in the original photo, I wondered if it might be magically reclassified. The link you included called it an M-43 pistol with stabilizing brace.
Democrats made a hot mess of things!!! “Consult your local licensed dealer” is my advice!!!
IF it sells in the local gun store, it IS legal in that state.
CA residents, don’t even bother looking.
Don’t “upset”/p.o .. a woman who’s accomplished with firearms .. they have a short fuse and .. ask questions later ..
Getting caught up. This is funny.
The 61+
I thought it was just me.
I turn 60 this year…..and I have no idea what spotify is supposed to be good for.
I will not get spotify just to watch Joe Rogan the WIMP. I much prefer Rumble.
Unfortunately it is about to go public via CF Acquisition Corp. :
About CF Acquisition Corp. VII
Seriously NOT GOOD
Home – Cantor Fitzgerald
Anshu Jain
He is British-Indian now an American. Post Grad from Univ of MA Amherst, the univ. with the foremost Marxist Scholars in the world according to a communist friend.
Does it matter that Lutwick of CF has been a major Trump supporter? Raised $5 M for him in the campaign. With all of the traitors and Judas Goats around it probably doesn’t matter. I hope Trump has vetted it and contracted it well.
That’s epic…
Kari Lake scorches an ABC reporter and the entire media in a calm, even kind manner. It is epic.
Absolutely beautiful. The corporate media is toast. They know it, too. Fox News is first to the escape hatch. They will make the lifeboat. Not so sure about the others.
Very interesting video that Kalbo brought to our attention late yesterday. Dr. Robert Malone on War Room with Peter Navarro.
Topics – The Joe Rogan Thing – Military Vaccine Whistleblowers
Kalbo’s summary HERE.
Jump to 28 minutes for the absolutely stunning report on the military whistleblowers and their data on massive increases of disease in vaccinated soldiers.
Bottom line is that there is a huge jump in everything Malone predicted as possible “this could go wrong with mRNA vaccines” – particularly affecting PILOTS – but the data includes everything including reproductive disorders and BIRTH DEFECTS up.
Then – and this is really stunning – it turns out that NIH and NIAID manage this database on a day-to-day basis, and they immediately started tampering with the data after they were ordered not to by Senator Johnson.
Malone says it’s a shit-show and these people who are forging new data are in a world of trouble.
Check out the explosion in unknown vaxx status:
Ignore the unknowns, and vaxxed cases still exceed natural immunity.
Where are all of the unknowns here?
Who’s dying:
Check out ethnic distribution of vaxx’s and ethic distribution of cases? Who is getting sick?
Full data set:
From a devolution stand point, President Trump can say it did not happen on his watch and none of his people instituted the mandates.
We’ll see how this plays out, because we’ll be paying for all of this for years.
Yes, they blew it by waiting until POTUS lost in Nov 2020. They did not give the first Clot Shot until December 14 2020, very close to the holidays. For all we know those first shots between December 14 2020 and January 6, 2021 could all have been saline.
It wasn’t until January 18, 2021 – Coronavirus: California calls for pause, investigation after Allergic Reactions to Moderna Vaccine
Sorry, you are of course correct. I should have said waited till they STOLE the elections in 2020.
Was the pilot who crashed in the S China sea vaxxed? Definitely will never hear if they were.
Of course he was. ALL US military is now vaxed or riffed.
I’ve been thinking about it, and I think that Pierre L’Enfant’s conception of Washington, DC, is significantly marred by its lack of a Tarpeian Rock, or Gemonian Stairs, or both… there are times when a sternly-worded resolution just won’t do.
When I got to Paris on a European tour decades ago, my first words were, Are you sure we’re not in DC?
I did not know about Rome’s Tarpeian Rock or Gemonian Stairs, so did a DuckDuckGo. In the search results summaries, there’s this: “The Tarpeian Rock (Rupe Tarpea) is the rock wall on the south side of the Capitol Hill in Rome. It faces the Roman Forum and it is from this steep 25 meter high cliff that criminals during the Roman Republic were thrown down to die. The luxury fashion house Gucci is financing a restoration of the monument, which is supposed to be completed in 2021.”
and this:
“Not too far from Tarpeian Rock, a cliff on Capitoline Hill in the center of Rome, where convicted criminals were once flung to their deaths, there stood another gruesome execution site. It was a flight of stairs leading from the Arx of Capitoline Hill down to the Roman Forum below. Near the stairs stood Mamertine Prison, where many of the criminals who met horrific deaths at the stairs were imprisoned.”
Independence and Constitution avenues along the DC mall have a good combined 8 miles of shoulder to mount pikes vertically along.
Not a defect, just a different esthetic.
The name of the Avenues add some je ne sais quoi.
For those staying up late. Two vids here.
First is another school board getting rocked and this time “served”.
Second relates to the first as someone has figured out school board federal funding and why school boards are fighting it out, which leads to their connections to surety bonds and how parents can drive a mack truck down their throats as demonstrated in the first video. That awesome news part starts just after the 12 min mark but other stuff is interesting too.
Whoops.. there’s a third vid! Same thing as the 1st, different place. School Board is Served. (back to the second vid @ 12min mark, to see the special sauce that makes that possible).
The third is a youtube so I’ll post it here. But you don’t want to miss the 1st.
all three vids here —>
quick possible correction. youtube vid above guy seems to be serving them with straight up charges. From the first vid in the story, the lady (second speaker after our awesome Lena Dundas) is using the surety bonds to go after the school board.) That’s the Mack Truck.
If your peeps can’t get bonded, they’ll bail in a heartbeat.
That seems to be the message.
What’s with the childish and pedantic count-down clock.
First video. My favorite part “genetic integrity is compromised”.
More info here…
Now the question is WHICH Government Officials doe this cover?
Because there are not just School Boards in play. What about the officials involved with insuring FAIR ELECTIONS???
WOW what a deep treasure trove this could be.
This begs the question, does Faux-Xi have a surety bond? Or Collins? Or scarf-lady? Or the frying Walensky?
Lotta gold to dig in those piles if they do…..
No to all of them.
Can they be forced, by law, to have them?
Does not mean they can not be sued into the ground by those who lost family members. It just makes it a lot harder.
Bonds are for elected officials. None of that crew is elected.
I know in particular that many of the mint officials had to post TEN THOUSAND DOLLAR bonds according to the law passed in April 1792. (This was for people doing gold and silver coinage.)
That was a metric shit tonne of money back then.
No one was able to actually post that bond, so it was reduced to $5000. In the meantime, we had no silver or gold coinage until 1794.
I’ve decided that I’m going to order the collection. It’s in PAL and only available in the UK, but half our stuff is PAL anyway, and works fine.
I am in the middle of a book, The End of Craving. One issue that it addresses Pellagra, a disease that affected the U.S south east in the early 1900’s and northern Italy. The cure turned out to be a vitamin B deficiency.
The Italians approached it by encouraging a more healthy balanced diet. Resulted in curing the disease with a healthy population. The epicenter was actually the home of bologna.
The U.S, by requiring food processors to fortify food products with B vitamins. This started around the 1950’s. The U.S result was a cure but a huge rise in obesity.
Meanwhile, a U.S university did research on pigs and found that by providing them with B vitamins they were able to fatten the pigs, bigger and faster. This led to dry lotting the pigs in barns versus the more natural pasture raise.
Guess where this is heading. Interesting theory. I will update as I complete the book.
Government nutrition (the food pyramid and the like) has been the greatest contributor to ill-health in my lifetime. Atkins broke the ice, but further exploration has expanded the beachhead. Carbs are poison, fat is good, and government shouldn’t be in the food business.
Don’t forget all the NON-IODIZED salt added to commercial food. Salt makes you thirsty (Why salted peanuts are ‘free’ at bars) and makes you drink more — usually sodas with high fructose corn syrup. I NEVER see a kid with milk except babies. It is generally soda or a sweetened fruit drink.
CNN – Top 34 bestselling ‘fruit’ drinks for kids deemed Unhealthy
I see these in kids hands ALL the time, except when I see a soda can.
When my brother insists on cooking, I end up with a gluten hangover every time.
B vitamins are really found mostly in grass-fed meat. In this country, if we quit the grain business, that should not be hard to fix.
Looking foward to future reports.
….B Vitamins and Weight Gain
There is a lot more information at that site including references.
If you look at cattle, the big Confinement operations not only increased the B vitamins they also INCREASED GRAIN INTAKE.
Interesting, indeed!
So, an extended thought…..
S. I. Hayakawa was a US Senator from California for one term. Ordinarily, he was an academic in the field of linguistics and semantics, and was known (among other things) for a humorous concept of “irregular words”. The idea was that notions of social value and reputation would overwhelm normal “good, better, best” sort of comparisons.
As an example: “I appreciate the ladies”, “you tomcat around”, “he’ll bang anything with a pulse and a crotch”. Another: “I’ll evaluate the options and follow a process”, “you’ll cherrypick your data”, “he starts with conclusions and invents data to support it.” It’s all about “I/you/him” with increasingly insulting descriptions.
And I’ve been doing “Yes, Minister” and “Yes, Prime Minister” in the background lately, and I hit this clip —
— and in the final seconds, they do an S. I. Hayakawa riff.
Sadly, however, it was probably never recognized as being a Hayakawa riff in the UK, and few would even have recognized it in the US. He was a good senator while we had him, and never took the office too seriously.
Ah … the former president of San Francisco State University.
Brings back memories of my Haight Ashbury days …
Days of Thirteenth Floor Elevators, Quicksilver Messenger Service, & Jefferson Airplane free concerts in Golden Gate Park.
I’m so old …
Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg Rolls Out Plan To Cover America With ‘Red Light’ Surveillance Cameras Connected To The Metaverse
Those have been declared unconstitutional in my state. The city paid big $$$ for them and they are null and void.
Here too. But an ijit as him will say, “But that wasnt done with MY plan.”
Time to tell the smirky bicycle prick to FTHO.
I would like to drop the Soy Beta Boy in the middle of a rodeo crowd in the way out back. Perhaps in Montana or Texas.
‘Schülerkreis’ Comes to the Defense of Benedict XVI
It doesn’t matter who the bishop is or was, the men get criticized for how the whole abuse thing went down. Someone out there always thinks they have a better idea. One of our bishops kept a lot of it quiet, but was not shy about laicizing the priests and sending them to prison. That was back in the 80s. He cleaned things up in the seminary and no one knew a thing about it until the Scandal hit and the next archbishop opened the books.
Verse of the Day for Thursday, February 3, 2022
“He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.”
Matthew 10:39 (KJV)
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
^^^ Tulsi has a point! ^^^
Q. When WILL Tulsi turn on the Covidiot Mandates.
A. NEVER. HawaiI is quite draconian with mask mandates, quarantines AND INJECTION MANDATES.
My one brother and his wife consider it to be paradise. That’s where they settled after retiring from the Military.
Hawaii is an incredibly beautiful place to live. That is if one can tolerate the over-the-top lefty BS.
Had a home in Mililani Mauka, on Oahu. Bellow’s Beach darn near every weekend. Three fun, memorable years.
Direct flights from Lambert. But I’m sure you already knew that. Flew that route many times (TWA) when sent to Scott AFB.
When American pulled the hub out after buying TWA, all of the non-stops to anywhere disappeared. When on American, we have to go to Chicago or Dallas to get anywhere most of the time. I think the most efficient way to HI is through LAX, but I’m not sure about that.
Yea, I knew American bought TWA. Didn’t know they puled out of Lambert.
For my money, Chicago, like Newark and New York anything, is last resort. Don’t care for LA either. Dallas primary, unless it is thunderstorm season. DFW is a great airport.
Wonder if Denver or Salt Lake City option works.
Been a long time since I flew domestic.
I actually didn’t care for Dallas.
Yeah, it’s been around twenty years, I guess, since all that happened. For a while, the main terminal at the airport was only running concourse C. The three smaller ones were empty. When the Good Friday Tornado hit in 2011, that turned out to be a boon because the roof was ripped off of C and they were able to bring up the other three concourses by the next afternoon. I heard that every electrician in town was at the airport for that.
There have been other ramifications of American pulling out the hub. We were supposed to get another runway, and the land was purchased, Kinloch torn down, and there are those who claim that the new runway not materializing fed into the Ferguson mess. I don’t buy that completely, but the reality is there’s a lot of capacity not being used.
Had forgotten about the good Friday Tornado.
Actually, I thought Lambert was under utilized the times I went through it.
Had a nice USO. Assume it still is.
Yep. The people had to be shown to get us to move on all of it.
Speaking of Joe Rogan, Spotify, and Neil-the-no-longer-Young, here’s a meme from PowerlineBlog, the week in pictures Neil Young Edition… pretty much puts it in focus:
Wish this was true. Unfortunately, it’s not.
This is about giant, private sector corporations, $money$, and using same to support and defend a political narrative.
More likely Rogan is hitching a ride with Neil Young.
Not trying to pile on Rogan. But his flipping on Free Speech and TRUTH, IS an UNFORCED brain fart, for the Benjamin’s.
Peter Navarro BURIED HIM for caving the WIMP!
I LOVE IT!!! No please make it come true.
I read that to Hubby and he said he met Murry Rothbard, when he was alive in the early seventies.
Ahh, the memories as the snow just continues to fall. We’re at about four or five inches right now.
As a poor college student I used to use nylon socks, covers with heavy wool socks covered with plastic bread wrappers as ‘wetsuit’ socks in my Vietnam combat boots. I used the combo for caving in COLD wet caves such as those in Vermont.
Has anyone read this book?
I’m not quite this optimistic, but CNN and MSNBC are in real trouble.
Cue Jay Leno’s headlines.
Powerlineblog has one to go with it
Actually they have a whole raft of great memes the last few editions:
and (now I know why they call it hiberfil(e)
I loved this Powerline Meme
Where’s Hunter…
And Sleepy Creepy doing the Teaberry shuffle…
Don’t miss Ted Cruz all the way to the Right.
It’s about time.
Who is that?
Michael Rapaport
He is some idiot American Actor with a big mouth. Never heard of him…
C-list actor who has made a career of playing bit characters in movies.
Big Trump hater and woke leftist.
Glad he got a snowball in the face. He is lucky it wasn’t the type we made as kids.
Here’s the Trump version.
PDJT looks like a pro.
Does future prove past??? Look at the 3 year delta…TRUTH Social on 21 February
That Q-drop was 18 February 2019—that was President’s Day federal holiday
Truth Social goes online 21 February 2022—that Is President’s Day. Just sayin’!
A lot of people gave up on XVII way too soon.
Agreed…even my reply came 17 minutes after yours.
Well, 18 minutes…I didn’t type fast enough.
I certainly agree.
Remember we are at WAR so plans will chance during the fight.
Speaking of planning. I wonder when the logistics team started planning the Trucker strike….
Mid Summer?
7/26/21 — Opinion: Covid vaccine not safe | The Northside Sun
Retired Dr Blaylock
^ Is a very good short synopsis. Truckers have nothing better to do than to listen to the radio. Think Bannon’s War Room, Rebel Media…..
December 22 2019………………………………….3742
THE other Q drop
Feb 18 2019 ……………………. 2786
Think Durham….
Also we have ZERO idea of what other special Counsels may have been activated after the stolen Election by Barr.
They have so many that infiltrated We the People. It is difficult to believe that We the People have not done the same.
I have said it before…do not be surprised if someone we all thought was DS turns out to be OUR mole.
Exactly. I have a few names in mind.
Nice catch, JW. Q gave us much to be thoughtful about. I appreciate all those who used their time to help more of us analyze facts and not simply trust TPTB.
Hat tip to Dave at X22…he made the 3 year delta connection. BUT…I added the President’s Day connection.

awsome DePat .. ty ..
Found on GAB:
Donald J Trump
Why isn’t the corrupt Unselect Committee of political hacks and highly partisan sleazebags in Washington investigating the massive voter fraud and irregularities that took place in the 2020 Presidential Election, rather than spending all of its time investigating those who were protesting its result? It was the Crime of the Century! Large-scale proof of fraud and serious irregularities exist all over the place. Also, why is Crazy Nancy Pelosi and her files, which reportedly have been largely destroyed and deleted, not under investigation for not properly securing the Capitol with Soldiers or the National Guard that were strongly recommended to her by me and others? I knew the crowd would be extraordinarily large because they were protesting the RIGGED ELECTION. Capitol security was her job, not the President’s, and the American people now know that. If she did with security what she should have, there would have been no “January 6” as we know it. The Fake Unselect Committee wants nothing to do with that subject because they know it was the fault of Nancy Pelosi and, to a lesser extent, the Mayor of D.C. So, if I recommend Soldiers and if she refused to use them, why am I, and those around me, responsible for anything? We’re not, plain and simple!
I bought the film Capitol Punishment the Movie. Highly recommend it!
I knew the crowd was big…but MUCH LARGER than I have seen in any footage/pics…YUUUGE! In the film they were claiming 2 MILLION…I believe it!!
It was easily 1M plus. Photo analysis of the event compared to historic photos of recognized crowd sizes irrefutably proves this.
One other thing it proves that ALWAYS goes without mention…
Far, FAR less than 1% of the total number of folks in DC that day to hear POTUS speak had anything whatsoever to do with what happened at the Capitol bldg. In other words, over 99% of all there were peaceful, respectful, and simply exercising their 1st Amend rights..
Btw, it has now been proven, with documentation, that the magnetic door locks used to secure a number of Capitol bldg doors were turned off….from the inside. In other words, Capitol Hill police….controlled by Piglosi….opened the doors.
These tactics to smear large protests as extremists are happening globally.
Last summer there was a massive protest in Berlin. The media downplayed the size of the crowd which had to be hundreds of thousands.
The cabal brought in their paid agent provocateurs to ‘storm the Reichtag’…and THAT is all the media concentrated on.
We knew the crowd was massive because some people live-streamed footage from drones that they flew over to counter the Fake News.
As they get caught LYING again and again The Fake news loses more and more trust.
From Anon Conservative:
Sen. Luján to be out at least 4 weeks with stroke recovery, Biden agenda at risk.
With Sen. Luján in the hospital after a stroke, Democrats have no Senate majority and can’t pass anything without GOP help.
Turtle is not going to like having voting control. A RINO will suddenly keel over to compensate.
Doesn’t mention if he had the jab or not.
He did, with photo twitter evidence.
Doesn’t matter. There’s no longer a deadlock in the Senate. That’s the point.
Feeble. Lost. Confused. AND, them dumb asses are wearing masks.
Got booted from tooth fairy (dentist) office this morning.
They insisted I wear a mask.
I told them. I was in the office last year with a mask and no one said a word. I will not wear a mask. Masks don’t work. I have a medical. Sisolak (our idjit guvner) says medicals are exempt.
Oh well. Minor wrinkle in the day.
Will you be finding a new dentist?
Yes, unfortunately. They wasted my time AND ignorantly enforced the mask farce.
I think they are Kowtowing to ADA – American dental Association. They adopted the mask thing way back in mid late 2020.
Just never enforced it on me. Until today.
They don’t deserve my insurance money, nor mine.
The three-letter agencies are toxic.
And that includes the ADA and AMA not to mention a lot of the scientific associations like the American Chemical Society.
Not really agencies (a word usually used for government bureaucracies). They’re kind of analogous to globalist NGOs (Non-governmental organizations). Of course NGO is another toxic three letter thing.
NGOs are a brainchild of David Rockefeller’s Lt. Maurice Strong. He got the idea from working for YMCA international.
Double dang. Too late to edit.
I was in the office last year withOUT a mask…
In context with the post, an obvious error, most or all picked up. At least I am consistent.
Make L.A Great Again
– RECALL GEORGE GASCON (@lalovestrump) Tweeted:
Spotify’s CEO Makes New Statement About Joe Rogan, Company’s Decision To Change Policies
From the ceo:
“We don’t change our policies based on one creator, nor do we change that based on any media cycle or calls from anyone else,” Ek said. “Our policies have been carefully written with the input from numbers of internal and external experts in this space, and I do believe they’re right for our platform.”
Spuck Fotify!
This is a battle of investment firms.
These are the people the Dutch (former) Financier Ronald Bernard was talking about, who have no qualms about the depth of evil that they pursue, the people that they hurt, slander, or kill, and have ice water in their veins and no soul. They are the ones who perform child sacrifices at their meetings… Blackrock, Blackstone, Black Hearts (of stone)…..
When one looks at that, and the proliferation and looking-away from abortion and all manner of perversity in today’s society, why are we surprised or even fazed at what they do?
As it was in the days of Noah…….
“Our policies have been carefully written with the input from numbers of internal and external experts in this space, and I do believe they’re right for our platform.”
^^^ Precisely WHY Spotify IS on the WRONG SIDE of Freedom of Speech.
Worth the time, IMO.
I posted this yesterday, late so no-one saw it.
My comment was that Russell Brand posted this yesterday and it had 700K views.
RB has been slowly self-red-pilling for a while now and he asks a lot of the right questions and mixes in a bit of humor.
He has a good timeline of very good videos that are short and sweet and reaching a large normie audience.
Good to hear. It is the normies we need to reach.
I think Russell’s show is underrated and brilliant! He knows how to skirt the YT censorship…while still being able to ask the right questions and letting the audience make up their own minds.
I first found his show when he interviewed Jordan Peterson. One of the best interviews I have ever seen regardless of subject matter.
Great to see that Russell has gotten his life straightened up and clean…he is a great addition to the cause.
He had kids and married the girl he originally wanted to be with who wasnt hollywierd. It made a difference.
Great clip, fast paced, LOADED with TRUTHS.
Worth the watch!
Russell Brand, at 12:15: “As soon as you’ve got polarized groups in opposition, people are looking laterally instead of literally where power actually is.”
Yup, Everything WOKE turns to $hit!
It is remarkable how this is all occurring at the same moment along the historical timeline.
Whoopi suspended from “The Shrew”? Didn’t know that was even possible.
Thanks to Epoch Times for reaching out with questions from the FDA.
“FDA Document on Moderna Vaccine Approval Removed From Agency’s WebsiteBy Zachary Stieber February 3, 2022 Updated: February 3, 2022
A Food and Drug Administration (FDA) document explaining why the agency approved Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine was removed from the agency’s website overnight.
The Summary Basis for Regulatory Action gave more details on how regulators reached the approval decision, and included references to an unpublished analysis that found the rates of post-vaccination heart inflammation were higher than any U.S. agency had found before.
After The Epoch Times reviewed the document and sent questions about it to FDA spokespersons, it disappeared from the agency’s website.”
Do not forget:
February 26, 2021
Let them PROVE they had nothing to do with poisoning Americans.
You can add the DOD medical while you are at it!
Wolf –
Just got this email (below) from
Please note:
1) I did not subscribe for anything and made no changes to my profile or acct
2) I have not “clicked” to confirm or cancel anything.
Do you know what is happening here by any chance?
You likely accidentally clicked on a subscription item, including the WiFi signal symbol underneath somebody’s avatar, which subscribes you to their comments. Just ignore!!!
Copy that. thx
A patriot in the House rather strongly voices that he wants to be on the right side of history.
Since we have been on the subject recently, I thought I would add that PDT endorsed Madison’s opponent in the primary at Mark Meadows and the Freedom Caucus’ urging.
But a 24 year old Madison won.
Now, tell me again how Ortagus is the right pick in TN over Starbuck and that PDT is always right or knew it would happen or was using reverse psychology or whatever. I say it is a great thing that people are learning to think and act for themselves, while at the same time giving PDT full credit for helping make independent thinking happen.
Very interesting.
There are 535 Congress critters. Given challengers plus governors plus Senators and other important positions you are probably looking at over 1000 people of interest.
There is NO WAY POTUS can actually vet these people himself so WE HAVE TO DO IT!
AWESOME take down of Moronic, Dementia BiteMe.
Nice string of beautiful bitch slaps, to BiteMe. Uniparty likely livid truth was bluntly spoken.
Please listen in. TW within above link below. <2 minutes.
IF TW doesn’t play nice, this is a transcript of his speech.
Joe Biden didn’t win!
From Chiefio:
“Also, it looks like “The Honkening” is catching on as a name
Deplorables have the BEST MEMES!!! Thanks Powerline Blog!
Kurt Schlichter
Will We End Up Invading Canada? – The Burning Platform
Kurt Schlichter
The story of N-antibodies and why they are so important – The Burning Platform
Excellent and short article!
Steve Kirsh has a substack with a lot of info.
Here is this article at his sunstack.
More of what we know. Nice to hear it from a respectable bloke.
Seems to me, Australia already has a Social credit System. Vax pass. Unvaxed tracked to enure they remain with authorized distance from home. Surely more than comes to mind.
Aussies really need a general strike.
We’re still a conspiracy site, right? Anyway, what’s described here IMO is old world tech.
This stuff has been around the conspiracy world for a while. Proving it is another story.
Somehow I doubt their teachers have anything for them worth learning.
Then the parents should REMOVE THEM and homeschool them. That way the school does not get $$$ for them being there.
They’d be better off if left in the library.
Yesterday in American history: February 2, 1781
Elizabeth Maxwell Steele gives her coins to General Nathanael Greene
Back story:
On February 1, 1781, Lt. Gen. Charles Cornwallis and company were pursuing Gen. Daniel Morgan’s army after he defeated Lt. Col. Banastre Tarleton at the Battle of Cowpens. They killed North Carolina General William Lee Davidson. This caused the militia to scatter.
Great story! Thanks for posting!
YW! I enjoy these historical accounts.
Weeks ago, now…at the beginning of Jan. our own DP noted:
”Something has changed.”
Since then, I believe she has been proven right. Something has changed.
Another data point…
No, this is anything BUT normal. This is colossal. HUGE.

The place is a ghetto anymore. I really only am on there for family info, and to catch wind of deaths since we no longer get the paper and a good obituary section.
To wit:
The strategy seems to be: “We’ll protest ourselves so you don’t have to. See? Go home.”
I wonder how many of those city trucks drivers are siding WITH the truckers and Not with the asshole bureauRATS?
I wonder what the wink was all about.
I want to know more about this effort to “block America First candidates from standing for office.”
For now, it’s worth pointing out the chutzpah of the left in thinking it can dictate who conservatives can choose to represent us. If that shoe were on the other foot, the left would be going absolutely insane.
The left is essentially saying, “In order to protect democracy in America, we….the democrats…..must be allowed to choose who our political opposition is allowed to run for office.”
I suspect it’s at the top of the party structures. They determine, essentially, who will be the candidate via who they are going to support financially.
Here in MO, the Republican Party is pushing Mark McCloskey against Eric Greitens. Greitens is MAGA and was essentially pushed out of office in favor of a party hack. If this is what Madison is talking about, then he had a point.
HOWEVER now the RINOS are being IDed and fought against. That is what Steve Bannon is doing on the War room to some extent.
About now RNC support is the KISS OF DEATH!
One of the other options is TAKING OVER THE RINO PARTY.
A Success of the Precinct Strategy! (7 minutes)
What Had Been A Dead Republican Region Has Now Become Vibrant
Jim Weldin revives Maryland’s Republican party.
It diesn’t take money, it takes bodies on the ground.
Mark McCloskey is an ACTOR.
Greitens is a real and proven conservative administrator that the UniParty FEARS. One who’s good enough they risked everything to take him out on false evidence, and they LOST.
I think it’s pretty clear what’s going on here.
The UniParty doesn’t want the Dems to have TOO BAD OF A DAY with Greitens.
Given the people I know who personally can’t stand Mark McCloskey being MASSIVE liberals and having zero common sense, he wouldn’t be as bad as the Dem alternative – whichever sacrificial lamb is being put up this year – but he’s not Greitens.
Bannon has been talking about it on the War Room. Marc Elias has a new idea. ACCUSE republican candidates of being part of the INSSURECTION and therefore not QUALIFIED to hold office. (Accusation at the right time is all it takes to remove them.)
From NEW Republic
September 21, 2020 The Man Who Is Determined to Stop Trump From Rigging the Election
He is the mastermind of not only the 2020 election steal but also of RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA.
Yes, and because of that, Marc Elias is under investigation by John Durham and….additionally…..was recently deposed by him under a Grand Jury subpoena.
All of which was learned only about a week or two ago….part of the “something has changed”.
Taking Marc Elias off the ‘Chess Board’ would be a really great move.
And hopefully soon, because that CRIMINAL is causing an enormous amount of trouble.
He certainly is. I would like to wipe Perkins Coie off the board completely. They are Globalist CCP China to the core.
We’re (WEiCU) working on that.
Perkins Coie has filed motions to intervene on behalf of WA state DCC in half a dozen of our lawsuits (public records requests) against county elections officers.
What interest could they have in a couple of FOIA suits?
I hope you snap shut bear traps on their Damn FINGERS!
Does your stuff touch on election fraud? I think they’re all about protecting it.
LOL! Heck, I should have bet on that one!!!
As in a castling move…
Chamber of Horrors beneath the Tower of London…
(Don’t know if it is still there: I saw it back in 1964)…
That was what I was thinking. I really really really hope they tie him in knots defending HIMSELF so he doesn’t have time to make anymore mischief for MAGA.
For trivia nerds. This is quite the trio.
Two heroes and a zero…..
ResearchGate preprint:
Innate Immune Suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes and microRNAs
This is IT. This is the end of the mRNA vaccines.
This work creates a PLAUSIBLE MOTIVE for Pfizer and Moderna to exercise poor scientific judgement, in sacrificing safety to advance a technology.
I just hope it saves the Babies and toddlers and school children from these Clot Shots!!!
Nice testing they did, eh?

‘Since long-term pre-clinical and Phase I safety trials were combined with Phase II trials, then phase II and III trials were combined [6]; and since even those were terminated early and placebo arms given the injections,
we look to the pharmacosurveillance system and published reports for safety signals’
Yeah, that is a GREAT line. They can make these wonderful scientific understatements of the scandal, and any scientist reading it will go HMMMMMMMM in their head.
Another home run, Gail Combs!
I’m taking a copy of the Abstract of this paper, plus the link, with me when I go to the Eye Clinic at Duke University this month. If anybody gives me any “static” over my “vaccine status” (they’re starting to “politely require” that one “shares their vaccination status” with them during check-in for exams and visits) — I’ll give them the Abstract and link and tell them that my “vaccination status” is none of their concern.
Vaccination Status: HEALTHY. (= unjabbed)
He’s on fire again with some great points.
OMG, this guy is hilarious!!!
I love Russell. So smart, and so entertaining to listen to. Engaging, not pedantic.
Good news atm.
Pathology from removed tissue shows no other cancer.
No chemo or rad med required.
Submitted the saliva for genetic testing which takes at least 4 weeks for results.
HRT is not necessary but im getting labs done through primary and seeing endocrine anyway.
So, just healing the next 4 weeks still and see the surgeon in 6 months.
Great news! Prayers continuing.
Its helping that kiddo is ahead and nearly completed with some of his subjects. Less time needed and we can do more fun stuff again soon.
Yay! Fantastic news! Thanks for sharing, and continue to take it easy for a while.

Wow, Gil, that is so great to hear! Praise God.
GREAT NEWS ! giloo ! rest, lots of good healing rest !
Sincere congrats. Not just a big win for you but all of Qtree.
Tyvm. Hopefully in years down the line nothing pops up again.
Were I in your shoes, I’d be OK with it popping up again 15 minutes before I’m about to die from some other cause. (Heck, I might even go with 30, but my going in position is 15.)
Lol. Thats actually what i was thinking.
Once the genetic testing comes back, you’ll know more. My SIL had something pop up.
Yeah im hoping theres nothing. No family history that im aware of.
YAY! Wonderful! Happy for ya, Kiddo and Mr Gil.
This IS a great day!
Ty. And tomorrow is 100 days of school so he’s on the backside of 3rd grade!
Please relax and let your body heal!
Yes most of that awful bruising is gone but the visceral pain is there just intermittent now. Definitely not 100%. Mr gil is the designated trash can guy, floor cleaner,laundry lifter, grocery carrier for another month.
AND KEEP TO IT RELIGIOUSLY so you do not tear anything and set yourself back.
Just make haste very very slowly.
Reminds me of the alleged motto on my Stoddard family “coat of arms”…”Be in haste but not in a hurry!” Never made much sense to me but then I’m almost always running late
Great news, gil00!!!
Thank GOD you’re doing OK, and may HE keep you in good health, good spirits, and good shape.
(no running down the road trying to carry a big load…
No. I promised kiddo a few field trips and i would like a vacation, but February is take it easy month.
Praise the Lord for this excellent report AND wonderful news. God Bless YOU Giloo!!!
Ty Valerie
Now that the Couch Commando has the worst of the shoveling done, our next door neighbor gets out his snow blower. He has been very nice over the years doing our driveway and walks.
Supposed to be 80 over the 1st half of next week. Still no rain for a month. Ill split your weather with you.
Rain all day tomorrow with high above 65F
I had the windows open today airing the house out.
Oh hush
We’re dancing around freezing over here, no snow, but “British Cold” to get the arthritis and chillblains going…
Maybe suds down your vehicles to keep yer ‘umble
How about carrying and stacking fifty pound feed sacks?
I still have stalls to muck out but no one is using them so I can let the errrr moisture dissipate for a bit more so the ‘stuff’ is not so heavy.
Maybe ship them up to D.C. as “sustainable green products”…
Would fit with all the B$ they generate
Hmmm. Take that up there and run it throudh a snowblower… maybe THAT’S why they’re putting up fences…
All of us neighbors would always get together and attack the snow, some with shovels, others with blowers.
Old folks driveway’s porches and sidewalks, clear their car roofs first.
It’s a good excuse to go in late, great way to keep in touch with everyone. When we moved, all that equipment conveyed
Who needs a snowblower on the GOM.
I’m watching family up north getting hammered but not missing the snow one bit. BTDT.
Another great thread DePat, TY !
Something like this
? (pic from Austria):
Begs the question…
Why didn’t the CC borrow the neighbor’s snow blower and offer to do the neighbor’s place in addition to your’s?
Well…he was bored. And he had to get the shoveling done before dad decided to do it himself.
Snow plow just went by, so I’ll venture out tomorrow.
JWST Update.
They’ve started work on aligning the 18 mirrors.
Rather lengthy post on the NASA blog, which (so far, I haven’t finished reading) looks pretty well written.
James Webb Space Telescope (
Text from a friend:
It stopped snowing yesterday; I could even see Orion in the night sky (no clouds).
It got down to -9F, with a wind chill of -24F. Fortunately by the time I went to work the wind had stopped. It was actually completely calm here (flags not even twitching), which is a rarity.
It’s still coming down here although very light.
It was beautiful here today. It reached 70 degrees F. a far cry from the 22F we had a few days ago.
Aint Meridonal Jets (loopy jets) great? It rains tomorrow and then nice after that with highs of 45 to 60 for the next week or so.
45 to 60…
(Just kidding)…..
Was the democrat Jeffrey Toobin?
Rumor has it that he’s going to head up CNN since he’s the only one they could find who doesn’t grope others.
[groan] It must have been a mirage.
They shouldve been doing this to the dimms during russiagate.
CSPAN (@cspan) Tweeted:
WATCH: Heated exchange between @APDiploWriter Matt Lee and @StateDeptSpox Ned Price on declassified information.
He is correct. All it is is allegations NO REAL DATA. We just went through BILLIONS of dollars based on false allegations that POTUS was tangled with Russia. Allegations these SAME ASSHATS KNEW WERE FALSE. SO why should we believe them this time?
Swarn, flock, shoal, herd, what’s the word for a bunch of alligators.
“Congregation.” Seriously.
I always liked a Murder of Crows.
(or College)…
What happens when no one believes what the gov’t says? What happens to the DS if they lose the media (who is looking at CNN et al. and doesn’t want the same thing to happen to them)?
Yeah what about 5he next presserbor 2 w the redhead? Start asking questions and they get real defensive.
Good. Ask pointed questions AND PUSH until decent answers are received.
EXPOSE the fraud on America.
That is a very interesting question. When not only We the People don’t believe, but their accustomed media nozzles don’t believe either, and proclaim it like we just saw.
That feels like it would mean complete and total breakdown of society. The administration would get ever more frustrated at being called on its lies. They would attempt to assert their power by throwing their weight around (actually, kind of like now with the Russia/Ukraine thing). The people, not recognizing any legitimate right by the government to do so would rebel, and refuse to comply. Maybe THAT is what it takes for the military to step in and call a halt to this madness. The government losing the confidence of ALL of the people.
Things would get tumultuous in a hurry, I think.
Sounds like a Plan!
State spokesLIARS, Ned Price, asshoe Kirby, LIE DAILY, on the scale of Baghdad Bob.
They make statements with no substance, no evidence. LIARS. Setting a false narrative.
Matt Lee of AP and others ought to be pushing back daily, against State, WH, DHS…
11 minutes of a great speech for freedom.
CS Lewis insights on timeline paradoxes!
Everyone who believes in God at all believes that He knows what you and I are going to do tomorrow. But if He knows I am going to do so-and-so, how can I be free to do otherwise? Well, here once again, the difficulty comes from thinking that God is progressing along the Timeline like us: the only difference being that He can see ahead and we cannot. Well, if that were true, if God foresaw our acts, it would be very hard to understand how we could be free not to do them. But suppose God is outside and above the Time-line. In that case, what we call ‘tomorrow’ is visible to Him in just the same way as what we call ‘today’. All the days are ‘Now’ for Him. He does not remember you doing things yesterday; He simply sees you doing them, because, though you have lost yesterday, He has not. He does not ‘foresee’ you doing things tomorrow; He simply sees you doing them: because, though tomorrow is not yet there for you, it is for Him. You never supposed that your actions at this moment were any less free because God knows what you are doing. Well, He knows your tomorrow’s actions in just the same way—because He is already in tomorrow and can simply watch you. In a sense, He does not know your action till you have done it: but then the moment at which you have done it is already ‘Now’ for Him.
From Mere Christianity
Compiled in A Year with C.S. Lewis
Mere Christianity. Copyright © 1952, C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. Copyright renewed © 1980, C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved. Used with permission of HarperCollins Publishers. A Year With C.S. Lewis: Daily Readings from His Classic Works. Copyright © 2003 by C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved. Used with permission of HarperCollins Publishers.
From a mailing list
Ah – still one of my favorite classics. The four virtues of Christian living; prudence, justice, temperance and fortitude, or “guts” for we deplorables.Our lives on earth never satisfy the yearning in the soul that can only come from God. That we yearn for the joy and satisfaction in and of itself is proof that God exists. We intuitively know our existence in the world is not all there is just as we know right and wrong and the Law of Nature instinctively.
“… just as we know right and wrong and the Law of Nature instinctively.”
Except for the Demons trying to rule us. Right and Wrong are not part of their mental processes.They only recognize GREED for money and GREED for power over others.
They knew Right from Wrong when they came here, but they have been corrupted. We are usually born Good (there are exceptions), but our own choices and free will can change us from Good to Evil. The love of money and power destroys people.
No offence but the Bible says that we are all born in sin so we are technically all born evil, as in the concept of Original Sin. Adam & Eve were Created innocent but they chose to sin. Since then the only one born sinless/good was Jesus.
Our “righteousness” which scripture also describes as “filthy rags”, I believe, is only a positional thing due to us accepting Christ’s atoning sacrifice. He IS the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world!
No offense taken. I don’t accept that concept, but I accept that others do.
I see it a demon possessed, since they arrived on earth via the work of the fallen council (sons of God) in Genesis 6:1-4. It still involves individual choice in my view. They may be set up for failure by the sins of their predecessors (fathers), but they do not get a pass for choosing the greed and other sins that lead to doing evil to others as you stated. The good is within them, they choose to suppress, be disobedient and and rebel.
I have run into some who were so evil, they made the hair on the back of my neck stand up.
Demons understand quite well right and wrong. They are constantly trying to get us to do wrong. There’s a reason for this. It has to do with sanctification.
Amen, TB & well said!
To hell with investigating BiteMe.
Impeach the bastard.
I would rather go straight to the penalty phase if that’s OK. Public lynching on the lawn of the Washington Monument would be appropriate.
After a quick trial by American Patriots first of course.
Spotify’s board is enough to give you nightmares. Here are excerpts. The Council on Foreign Relations, the Aspen Institute, Bankers and Financial vultures, Microspoft, Obama’s White House staff and even Disney are represented.
Barry McCarthy DIRECTOR
Ted Sarandos DIRECTOR
Thomas Staggs DIRECTOR
Cristina Stenbeck DIRECTOR
Mona Sutphen DIRECTOR
Padmasree Warrior DIRECTOR
Padmasree Warrior – Stories
I feel like we should be careful. Joe Rogan is a bit of a squirrel, as in “look, squirrel!” He is a Bernie-bot leftist, who just happens to be nibbling around the edges of a red pill. If he swallows it, great, but we don’t need the distraction.
We don’t need to save him – we save the truth. If he wants to come along with the Great Awakening Ride, great, but if not, his loss.
I think he’s just been rolled over by a bigger red pill than he can handle.
If Spotify gave him an ultimatum, he should have walked, IMO.
I agree.
Alex Bruesewitz (@alexbruesewitz) Tweeted:
Lying Liz Cheney (who isn’t quite the biggest loser of her family she has 16% approval rating, her warmongering dad has 13%), & booster seat @AdamKinzinger have formally been censured by the @GOP at the RNC event in SLC.
Time to kick them out of the conference @GOPLeader!
Third World Countries can see the US IMPLODING, SEEMINGLY INTENTIONALLY.
Emphasis added below.
Pres. of El Salvador Asks: Is The Destruction Of The United States A Deliberate Plan From Within?
“Is there a deliberate plan to destroy the United States from within? Why are the authorities and some of the media not even commenting on this things? Why are they letting their beautiful cities rot?” he asked on Twitter.
Left out again. This is a proposed convoy map.
So, it’s a big loop (with a tail going up to Maine). I presume around about San Francisco, is the divide–people south of there go counterclockwise, people north of there go clockwise.
Of course with just two routes it’s easier to block.
If everyone just went straight towards DC there’d be more independent streams of truckers. More people would see it because more people would live along a route.
Laughable. Almost, as if the Feds created the itinerary. Oh, wait…
And yet more Grieg. “In the Hall of the Mountain King” is so versatile.
LOL! Being an evil media mogul just ain’t as fun as it used to be, I reckon.
Germany, President Trump tried to tell you… “Russia Cuts Off Key Gas Pipeline To Europe Amid Rising Tensions
February 02, 2022
11:44 AM ET
The flow of natural gas through a key Russian-controlled pipeline suddenly stopped Wednesday as tensions continue to increase between Russia and the West.
The Yamal-Europe pipeline’s liquified natural gas (LNG) flows, which are operated by Russian state-run firm Gazprom and have usually been pumped westward from Russia to Germany through Poland, were halted early Wednesday, European data showed, according to Reuters. The sudden stoppage reportedly represented a setback after leaders expected the pipeline to return to its normal flow pattern.
In December 2021, Gazprom slowed the pipeline’s gas flows, which represent 10% of the region’s supply, and the company reversed the flow direction from westward to eastward. The sudden reversal sent natural gas prices, which had already spiked amid a European energy crisis, even higher.”
lol at Germany. Known for aggression and strong intelligence – with absolutely zero common sense.
Still want a strong NATO, Euros? Disclose the dirt and pony up.
Uh, no thanks. Not interested in what Germany wants, or not from the US / NATO. END US participation in NATO NOW.
Nice touch on the truth.
Oh by the way Candice proudly wears a Make Canada Great Again Hat
Baby Castro is ridiculous!!! And UNELECTED!!!
That should win the best internet vid of the day award.
Bizarre headline.
So Q is malevolent after all.
Good mashup from the Ron Johnson “Second Opinion” hearing. Best of 5hrs shortened to 38 mins. Excellent for sharing.
And then there is this even shorter version.
The protestors built what appears to be a food stand. Media and Lefties are freaking out that they’re settling in.
So this weekend, all covid restrictions, mask mandates are lifted in the Tri County Health area of essentially the greater Denver area. This includes Denver and Aurora the largest cities but would include Boulder. This also includes mask mandates in schools. Cities with any stupid rules can still enforce but most have been following the Tri County recs. However, they will need a name change as Douglas county (conservative) to the south has withdrawn from Tri County as they did not agree with their recommendations.
Someone sent out a memo no doubt. The covid narrative is collapsing faster then the Maginot line in WWI.
Assuming they’re liberal, maybe “Bi-County” or “Bye, County” ???
Navarro and Malone discuss the DoD medical data base. Clearly shows, literally OFF the CHARTS damage to Active Duty.
Suggest start at ~3:25.
This information should go viral. BiteMe, Red Jen, Hoe, Idi
AminAustin, FauXi, Walinsky SHOULD be RELENTLESSLY questioned about this.
We seem to be in a game of Where’s Waldo, as far as the open thread for 2/4/22 goes.