Dear KAG: 20220215 Open Thread

Cover image: Winter’s Grip by Edward Aldrich

Let us begin with the words of Dr. Zelenko brought to us by one of our own yesterday:

“The good is going to win. God will win. The only variable here is the body count. And what I really think what’s going on is the world really has slid into what, I guess, would be comparable to Sodom and Gomorrah in the Bible. Debauchery, immorality, the sanctity of marriage being decimated, gender roles, abortion, child sacrifice, basically the worship of false gods.

“And I think for me, it’s like we’re in the generation of the flood and the waters are rising and God is giving us an opportunity to get on the Ark and save ourselves or drown in the turbulent waters. The world is going to get cleaned up and the ultimate choice is, ‘Who are you going to bow down to?’

“Are you going to bow down to the creator who makes us every instant in time, who loves us, who gives us strength, resolve, consciousness, free will? Or are you going to bow down to sociopathic oligarchs and corrupt governments? Well, let’s see how that works out.

“So it’s a choice being given to every single human being. That’s — what you were saying that there are blessings here — that is the hidden blessing because we as a society, as a world, worshiped every god except the true God. The god of science, the god of technology, the god of money, the god of fame, the god of power.

“And so we’ve placed our faith in the workings of man and not in the omnipresent, ubiquitous creator who is vivifying creation every instant of time. You know, happy birthday. And I mean that because He just made you and me. So it’s an active dynamic process. That’s the way, by the way, I deal with anxiety because anxiety lives in the psychological space where the consciousness of God is absent.

“And so, if I believe that God is in me and around me and actively engaged in creating me, then I’m not alone. And if I’m not alone, I’m not going to be anxious. Anyway, that’s my theological commentary.”

Of course, the RINOs are going to make it as difficult as possible. Found at Anonymous Conservative:

Mitch McConnell is working a behind-the-scenes campaign to make sure Trump-backed ‘goofballs’ don’t win their primaries: report

Sen. Mitch McConnell is trying to thwart former President Donald Trump’s efforts to shape the GOP, The New York Times reported on Sunday.

McConnell and a team of allies have, for months, been leading a behind-the-scenes campaign in which they try to recruit potential Senate candidates who could go up against Trump-backed picks. It’s an effort to gain a GOP majority in the Senate, The Times reported

The campaign consists of phone calls, meetings, and polling memos, the paper said. 

Even after Trump vacated office last January, lawmakers have continued to argue that he maintains a tight hold on the GOP. 

Last year, for example, Sen. Lindsey Graham said he wanted to leverage Trump’s influence to ensure that the Republican party takes back the House and Senate in 2022.

In December, Graham suggested that Trump will continue to shape the political sphere and party leaders need to find a way to work with him to avoid getting ostracized.

“If you want to be a Republican leader in the House or the Senate and you don’t have a relationship with Donald Trump, you cannot be effective. So I hope we’ll get on the same page here,” The South Carolina lawmaker said.

The Republican party can’t “grow” without him, Graham said last year.

And among Republican voters, support for Trump still remains strong. An October poll conducted by Quinnipiac University found that 78% of Republicans want to see Trump in the 2024 presidential election. That number went up from May by 12 percentage points.

McConnell, however, believes that Trump is “losing political altitude,” The Times said. 

Given that the source is the New York Slimes, take it for what you paid for it, but still, the truth is I’ve spotted SD’s splinter strategy at work here in Missouri in the Senate race (I’m sure Billy Long is the uniparty pick over Eric Greitens and two others with name recognition who would siphon votes from Greitens), and I would not doubt that there’s work going on to block MAGA candidates from coast to coast.

One of my interests is watching the Cascades and the Pacific Northwest volcanoes. There’s a great site that tracks the earthquakes on the various mountains. After a period of relative quiet, the world’s most wired mountain is making noise. Mount St. Helens is in the midst of something. In the last month, there have been over one hundred earthquakes.

Just something to keep an eye on. While the earthquakes are at higher elevations, it’s just rumbling, but I do remember when she blew in 1980 even if, being a kid, I wasn’t exactly sure what it all meant.

A surprise popped into my feed. Rosanne Barr and JP Sears chew the fat on the state of the world, the Great Awakening and comedy. The language gets a little rough, but these two have a really good back and forth.

What a petty bastard.

As one who does not wear scents due to choir and being allergic to them, I think I might be able to wear this one.

And some more awakening Russell Brand.

Something to remember, always.

Per the boss’s instruction:

I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.

And now for some mood music…anyone into trombones?

Your weekly reminder to take the pledge:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


JAMES 1:12-18

12Blessed is the man who endures trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life which God has promised to those who love him. 13Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted with evil and he himself tempts no one; 14but each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. 15Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin; and sin when it is full-grown brings forth death. 16Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren. 17Every good endowment and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. 18Of his own will he brought us forth by the word of truth that we should be a kind of first fruits of his creatures.


Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632 
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)

Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518 
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)


St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Amen brother.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.

And…well…more JP.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sorry this took a bit to release. The DW pulled me away on a chore at almost precisely midnight, and it was almost 12:20 before I remembered what I was doing earlier.


A “chore” from the DW in the waning minutes of Valentine’s Day, eh?

That sounds like a good reason for a whole host of things.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Happy wife = happy life!


I meant to post this yesterday, from yesterday’s Political Mooshine article, for those who didn’t see it:

“As with everything I’ve done, I’ve only ever asked for two things – time and attention. The Moonshine has always been on the house and so I presented my RICO report, which in its current version stands at 331 pages; roughly 70,000 words. It includes some 252 evidentiary exhibits.

My submissions and conversations primarily with Senator Linthicum led to an introduction to Dr. Henry Ealy, who is the world’s leading data expert on COVID. Keeping my nose to the grindstone and churning out exclusive work in relative anonymity opened the portal for success when I was invited to join this existing team. Never in a million years did I ever foresee this and I routinely and internally shake my head in disbelief. There’s no substitute for grit.

Since I joined the team, I was subsequently tasked with and then compiled and submitted a second report for the team, which examined in typical Moonshine fashion the economic impact of COVID on the U.S. That conversation begins a $16 trillion and goes up markedly from there.

My inclusion on this team has me situated with an entire slate of folks that much of the world knows and we meet weekly. The last one included 18 of us. In addition to Ealy, Linthicum and Thatcher, there are doctors, judges, attorneys, legal specialists, constitutional specialists and other investigators like me that all exist in the backdrop and in relative obscurity.

Others, though, include folks like Doctors Malone and McCullough, attorney Thomas Renz, author and journalist Naomi Wolf and more. In all, it’s a collective of brilliant and determined people all fighting for all of you and for this nation, its heritage, its Constitution and its citizens; even the ones on the wrong side of this line.

Looking back, you already know that the team’s work ties to the federal grand jury petition efforts originating out of Oregon – that’s old news.

I’m not in a position to offer any additional news now, details or indications of what is to come; however, when you see it, I encourage each and everyone you to latch on to it in full support to spread it far and wide. I’ll certainly write it up once I’m positioned to do so.”


Since when are cows political? And from where does a moo shine?  😂 

Last edited 3 years ago by pgroup2

You probably also noticed the arglebargle in the text at about 2:28 or JP’s vid.


I read the post three times trying to figure out what in the world you were talking about… then I started over again, from the very top… 😂🤣😂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

GOOD! Glad this is really moving forward. I personally will be ready to champion their cause and trumpet their work when it comes to fruition!

Gail Combs

I was thinking that Political Moonshine might have ‘disappeared’ in order to hook up with that group. 🤗

Do not forget Attorney Renz is the guy with the DOD whistleblowers’ testimony on the massive increase in illness in military personnel. The DOD tried to cover it up and they caught them at that too.

Red Voice Media:
Thomas Renz Goes Absolutely Nuclear After Digging Into DoD Whistleblower Data – Premeditated Murder [VIDEOS]

….On a recent taping of David Brody’s “The Water Cooler”, the host spoke with an attorney working alongside America’s Frontline Doctors, Thomas Renz. The attorney discussed the data presented by three military doctors showing that there has been an alarming 300% increase in cancer diagnoses. There was also a 300% increase in miscarriages. This increase only happened in 2021 and was compared to a five-year average…..

Attorney Renz also caught the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). These are the people paying hospitals to murder old folks.

Gill00 posted this short video of Dr Bryan Ardis whose F-I-L was killed yesterday:

The Remdesivir data reveals the 7,960 beneficiaries prescribed Remdesivir for Covid-19 2,058 died. That is 25.9%. And whistleblowere revealed the UNVAXED got Remdesivir while the VAXXED got Ivermectin…


.Thanks to a Whistleblower that came forth to Attorney Thomas Renz, the public is now seeing, for the first time ever, hard data from the largest database available in the U.S. to study the COVID-19 impact including deaths & injuries; The CMS Medicare Tracking System….

That data from the Medicare Tracking System reveals that 19,400 people less than 80 years old have died within 14 days of receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine.

In addition, 28,065 people have died that are over the age of 80 within 14 days of receiving the Covid-19 vaccine.

Naomi Wolf is the person with a Feb 23 or 24 Webinar on HOW TO SUE.

Rough Transcript:

….They are also desperate because the Pfizer data is going to come out. It is going to be bad. It is a MASS MURDER EVENT ALREADY, like we already know that it was a mass murder event and 1200 people DIED in the 90 days after INTERNAL TRIALS and THEN our government said the shots were safe and effective for the rest of us. So that is a MASS MURDER EVENT and it is going to come out and it is a HUGE REASON why all of these countries are scrambling to lay down a paper trail that it is not them……

…..we are holding a Webinar either the 23rd or 24th with James Astrouski a lawyer in upstate NY who has taught a whole group of parents how to sue individual governors, school administrators, board of health administrators, all the way down to the most local level…. There have to be thousands and thousands of lawsuits and we are going to teach you how to do it but I am also going to investigate how to teach you how to file police reports against the people locally who have colluded with this mass murder.

We are going to go through a bad time with shortages but we have to be PRO-ACTIVE warning the bad guys that they are going to be personally held accountable.

The last thing I would say is get a generator, fill up a freezer, find out where your food is grown, learn to hunt and fish…. The Party of Davos is going to wait to starve us out so we beg for their control. We have to become self-sustaining for the long haul which is what this is going to be….

War Room Clip 13 minutes:


Couple of observations:

“learn to hunt and fish….”


Need better answers than that.

Learning to hunt and fish is a LIFE skill, not something you pick up from watching a YT video. It requires mastering new equipment (and learning what equipment is best for the task), it requires learning the environment, it requires learning the prey, it requires learning how to prepare and preserve and cook the prey if the rookie hunter is so fortunate to actually catch anything.

And it requires a coach or mentor to teach most of these things, and answer questions.

All of which requires a considerable investment in both time and money.

And there is not enough time for most people to learn a new LIFE SKILL of this type between now and when the SHTF.


“The Party of Davos is going to wait to starve us out so we beg for their control.”


That is not logical.

The Party of Psychos is guaranteed death, so any other option is better… even to the point that if the choice is death or The Party of Psychos, then you may as well take out as many Party of Psychos with you as you can before you die.

It’s like taking the clot shot is not logical. Any other option is better.


“We have to become self-sustaining for the long haul which is what this is going to be….”


If that means as a country, not being dependent on other nations, then great.

If she means we all have to become like Davy Crocket or Grizzly Adams, and live like it’s the 1800s again, then that’s just not gonna happen, except for the less than 1% who already live that way.

So I don’t know what the point of saying these kinds of things is, unless it’s just to scare people.

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467
Gail Combs

Remember she is a Lefty. I would imagine she has bought into the Gore-BullSchiff warming crap.

I would instead suggest planting a garden and maybe rabbits or chickens if you want meat — BUT you have to protect them from predators and learn to care for them. (Generally the feed is expensive so you have to figure out how to let them forage for themselves — NOT easy.)


“Remember she is a Lefty. I would imagine she has bought into the Gore-BullSchiff warming crap.”


Then she needs to have a ‘come to sanity’ moment.

I appreciate that she wants to help, but if she’s going to be a spokesman for any kind of freedom movement, she needs to be deprogrammed first.

It’s not possible to have consistent messaging if new people on Team Freedom are still spouting their pre-awakening dogma.


….and, then, there’s the bit about getting ALL the nutrition out of the animal. No more “boneless, skinless” or “steaks”, except as an occasional treat.

Gail Combs

I should add that Attorney Renz could really use our donations so he can hire more lawyers to help in the fight.


The reading for today was particularly meaningful.

13Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted with evil and he himself tempts no one; 14but each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire.

I have to confess that my standard reading speed is quite high — at some points in my youth I’d blaze through several novels in a day. And I have never been part of a formal Bible Study group (unless here counts as one).

But you have to slip into the above quote slowly. It’s almost like “Thy Will be done” — it’s not overly ornate or flowery, but packs a punch.



Canadian Guest

One of the organizers of the Canadian Truckers Freedom Convoy and the last surviving writer of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Brian Peckford, hold a press conference just before Trudeau invoked the Emergency Measures Act

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



So it has to be debated in parliament before castro’s bastard can implement it, good news indeed.

Canadian Guest

If it gets blocked in parliament debate, it gives turdeau a chance to step back from the brink, and still make out that he would have done it had they not stopped him.
Hmmm wonder if that’s the plan.


“If it gets blocked in parliament debate, it gives turdeau a chance to step back from the brink, and still make out that he would have done it had they not stopped him.
Hmmm wonder if that’s the plan.”


Seems like that would be a bad plan.

On the other hand, it would make for a hilarious re-election campaign slogan:

“I would have gone full-Hitler on the Canadian People, I proved it, I tried, but the parliament stopped me.”



It would have a similarity with FJB’s Russia pantomime. Pretend to be a silverback gorilla but escape the consequences of actually being one.


Speaking of the Piña Colada song, this is a ‘reaction video’ by a couple on YT who do a lot of these, it’s their first time hearing the whole song.

They’re figuring out what’s going on in the song as it goes, and it’s kind of hilarious to watch the ending of the song sneak up on them 😁

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

I knew the meaning of the entire lyric, but never realized how much Rupert Holmes looked like a head case.

Gail Combs

Rupert Holmes was a Brit turned American and the song came out in 1979.

And yeah, I knew the lyrics


They are so cute!


And he looks like a serial killer….


LOL. The girl comments on his attire, that he looks like he’s about to teach a middle school science class. He looks more like that to me, kind of nerdy (no offense to nerds, anons, and Mensa types). 😂

Canadian Guest
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Video (Stew Peters interviewing Dr. Martin again!!!)

Gail Combs

👆 Dr Martin digs up the information about the illegal monopoly British Columbia University developed the lipid nanoparticle that makes the mRNA work….

However then go to Dr. Robert Malone On Tucker Carlson Today [Full Interview]

@ 11 minutes back in 1987 could use gene therapy to produce immune responses… 10 patents Salk (Institute) dropped theirs. 9 issued in the USA…

Somewhere in that 1 hour interview, Dr Malone says they took his discovery, tweaked the lipid-nanoparticle so it was slightly different AND THEN PATENTED IT SO THEY GOT THE $$$$. (He is more gentlemanly in how he says that.)

I went looking to see what I could find and there is this hit piece on Doctor Malone:

In the late 1980s, Malone was working at the Salk Institute when he teamed up with a scientist at Vical, Inc. named Dr. Phil Felgner for what Nature magazine calls a “landmark experiment.

Dr. Felgner invented the first lipid nanoparticle. 👉Malone mixed the fatty bubbles with messenger RNA,👈 and together, they 👉showed the mixture could spur human cells in a dish to make proteins.👈

Malone later joined Felgner at Vical, where they were the first people to introduce these fatty bubbles carrying mRNA into mice. Malone and Felgner are listed on several papers and patent filings together….

Felgner, now the director of the Vaccine Research and Development Center at UC Irvine, has been recognized internationally for his contributions to the mRNA vaccines. Some former colleagues feel Malone deserves recognition for conceptualizing the experiments.

“There were a half-dozen people at Vical who really contributed to this,” said one Vical employee. “But who was the brainchild? Who came up with the idea? It was Robert [Malone].”




Hope this message goes VIRAL.


I well remember when Mt. St. Helens blew her top. I had just gotten out of the military and was living in Tacoma, WA. I came down to Oregon for a visit with my parents. I was driving back up to WA the day it happened. As I approached Portland, the whole sky looked like a gigantic mushroom cloud. It was very startling, to say the least, and took me a minute to realize what it was. We knew it was coming, but knowing and seeing are 2 different things. When I got across the bridge to the WA side, I-5 was closed all the way up to Seattle. People were parked along the side of the highway watching it. I ended up taking a several hour detour on the coast highway to get home.

I don’t think Mt. St. Helens is going to blow anytime soon, though. There have been a number of earthquake swarms before like what we are seeing. However, there is another Cascade mountain suddenly showing some signs, the south Sister of the Three Sisters range. My dad took us to climb that mountain when I was a kid. I grew up in Central Oregon where I could clearly see the Three Sisters right from our yard. And Mt. Hood also shows some possibilities. Most people who live here never stop to think how many of those mountains close by could suddenly go active.

Last edited 3 years ago by Linda

The thing is, there is “active”, and there is “active active”. Very many of the volcanoes are “active” but may not be “active active” in any given person’s lifetime.


That’s actually quite a few eruptions in the last 200 years, many more than I knew about. So it’s not so far-fetched to think about it. But I’ve never spent any time worrying about it.  😎 


The one that gets me is Mount Mazama (Crater Lake). [ ]. It went foom about 7,700 years ago — there was an eruption where the more pressure was released by blowing or flowing lava, the more material flashed into ash and more lava — like a steam boiler explosion, the little leaks made the big boom worse.

It blew so much substance out of its magma chamber that the mountain — one of the largest in the chain — collapsed into the void, forming a depression that became Crater Lake.

This was a real-life version of the biggest CGI-fest you could imagine. Red-hot stones the size of skyscrapers thrust up through the earth, then were cast down into a glowing pit. Lava flows moving one way, then reversing themselves as the ground tilted. Hot ash blowing all over the place. Incinerating flows moving from mountaintop to riverbed at sixty miles an hour. Gas vents at 1500 degrees. Poisonous fumes collected in low spots or blew across high passes.

A couple of thousand people were in a position to see this nightmare with their own eyes. About ten percent survived to tell the tale. These legends were collected in the present day and validated against geologic data — which proved the validity of their observations even though they had not the words or concepts we use today.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And THAT was a mouse fart next to a typical Yellowstone eruption.

But the last one was long enough ago that there were no people in North America, so no legends have been passed along.

Gail Combs

Yeah, the thought of that is the stuff of nightmares even if you live on the east coast.

Yellowstone landmark’s weird movement finally explainedApril 16, 2020

This landmark has been ‘pulsing’ up and down for two decades.

A swath of Yellowstone National Park larger than Chicago has been rising and falling in erratic jitters over the past 20 years, and it’s all because of some wayward magma, a new study finds.

This magma has been so active, it’s responsible for lifting up the area around Norris Geyser Basin at Yellowstone a total of 5 inches (almost 13 centimeters) since 2000.

The finding sheds light on the enigmatic magmatic system that lies beneath Yellowstone. Researchers first discovered Yellowstone’s magma system about 40 years ago in a pivotal study published in 1979 in the journal Science study; in the years since, scientists have learned that Yellowstone’s magma system causes the ground to not only rise but also fall….


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

There’s even a series of “what if it blew up” novels by Harry Turtledove.

Gail Combs

The Year Without a Summer on STEROIDS!

And given we are at the end of the Holocene, perhaps the straw that tips the balance into glaciation.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yes, it probably would do that.

If not, it’d be YEARS of crap weather. Tambora all over again, times ten…or twenty.

Where I live, I’d likely die in the ash fall, so I wouldn’t get to enjoy it.


….and, then, there’s the Deccan Traps….

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That likely was a lot longer duration, but certainly bigger in total.

Gail Combs

I would not write off the Three Sisters. They have not erupted recently so pressure may have built up. Not a danger right now but maybe later.

Feb 2 2022

Scientists detect new movement in Three Sisters volcanoes

Measurements show tiny earthquakes and accelerating ground uplift but no sign of imminent eruption…

Scientists are seeing new signs that magma is moving deep within the Three Sisters volcanic complex in Oregon’s Cascade Range.

Equipment used by the U.S. Geological Survey to monitor volcanic activity has detected short bursts of tiny earthquakes across a 12-mile area where the ground has been lifting at a faster pace.

Jon Major, scientist in charge at the Cascades Volcano Observatory, said the activity is likely coming from pulses of magma moving about four miles underground.

“There’s no imminent threat,” he said. “Our interpretation is it’s probably related to ongoing small inputs of magma deep underground.”

If the volcano were close to erupting, Major said, the magma would be breaking more rock, generating bigger earthquakes, releasing gases and lifting the ground at a much faster pace…..

HOWEVER, speaking of volcanoes…

Dec 18 2019
Scientist Hot Take: Pacific Northwest Volcano Forecast To Erupt Within 4 Years

The region’s most active volcano, the Axial Seamount, is 300 miles off the coast of Oregon. 

Scientists are forecasting that the Pacific Northwest’s most active volcano will erupt sometime between 2020 and 2024.

The volcano isn’t one you’ll see driving along the Cascade Range, instead you’d have to look 1.5 miles deep in the ocean to find it. It’s called the Axial Seamount and it’s located about 300 miles due west of Astoria at the edge of the Juan de Fuca plate. If the volcano were on land, it would be one of the taller mountains in Oregon’s Coast Range.

Oregon State University’s Bill Chadwick made the eruption forecast at a scientific meeting this month. His forecast is based on measurements taken on the seafloor around the seamount….

Cuppa Covfefe

As the ad used to go, “It hasta be Shasta”…

(Cream Soda, Ginger Ale, etc.)…

Gail Combs

 I do get to volcanoes at the end. 😋

Based on the end of the Younger Dryas, the Holocene this year is ~11,700 years old. We are at the long end of the precession cycle at 23,000 years, so, very close to half a precession cycle old right now. The Little Ice Age was at 1/2 precession cycle but we had a grand solar Maximum that pulled us out. How ever even NASA says we are entering another Grand Solar Minimum.

Solar scientists natter on about the TSI not changing more than 0.1% but they never bother to mention 👉 Solar Energy has decreased by 9% from the geologic maximum that took the earth out of the Wisconsin Ice Age. They ALSO rarely mention the change in the mix of solar wave lengths:

 During the last century the sun has been very active but with cycle 24 the sun has now gone into a long minimum with “unusual characteristic”s according to NASA (Sept 2009)

Deep Solar Minimum – NASA

A 50- Year low in solar wind pressure: Measurements by the Ulysses spacecraft reveal a 20% drop in solar wind pressure since the mid-1990s—the lowest point since such measurements began in the 1960s. The solar wind helps keep galactic cosmic rays out of the inner solar system.  With the solar wind flagging, more 👉 cosmic rays are permitted to enter….  

and the Solar Dynamics Observatory Mission News.

….We want to compare the sun’s brightness now to its brightness during previous minima and ask: is the sun getting brighter or dimmer?”

The answer seems to be dimmer. Measurements by a variety of spacecraft indicate a 12-year lessening of the sun’s “irradiance” by about 0.02% at visible wavelengths and 👉 6% at EUV wavelengths…..

 This is in contrast to what was happening to 20th century solar cycles before cycle 24. — Physics World: Solar activity reaches new high – Dec 2, 2003

 Changes in UV/cosmic rays cause changes in the chemistry of the atmosphere via destruction and formation of ions such as ozone. An active Sun increases ozone in the stratosphere:

Changes in 👉 solar ultraviolet spectral irradiance directly modify the production rate of ozone in the upper stratosphere (e.g. Brasseur, 1993), and hence it is reasonable to expect a solar cycle variation in ozone amount. The global satellite ozone records since 1979 show evidence for a decadal oscillation of total ozone with maximum amplitude (~2%) at low latitudes (Hood and McCormack, 1992; Chandra and McPeters, 1994; Hood, 1997)


The magnitude of change:

 Solar radiation at 130–175 nm (Schumann-Runge continuum) is completely absorbed in the thermosphere. Over activity cycles 21–23, solar radiative flux in this spectral range varied by about 10–15% (Figure 5a), i.e., by more than a factor of 100 more than solar cycle variations in the solar total energy flux (total solar irradiance). In the oxygen Schumann-Runge bands (175–200 nm) and Herzberg continuum (200–242 nm), important for photochemical ozone production and destruction in the stratosphere and mesosphere, 👉solar irradiance varied on average by about 5–8% (Figure 5b)

 Changes in Ozone and Stratospheric Temperature
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 The graph above shows total ozone and stratospheric temperatures over the Arctic since 1979. 👉Changes in ozone amounts are closely linked to temperature, with colder temperatures resulting in more polar stratospheric clouds and lower ozone levels. Atmospheric motions drive the year-to-year temperature changes. The Arctic stratosphere cooled slightly since 1979, but scientists are currently unsure of the cause…. 

The reason the jet stream changes from zonal to meridional (loopy)
ΔUV ===> ΔOzone ===> ΔStratospheric Temperature ===> Δtropopause height +
Δ wind strength of jets and motion** + Δstrength of the stratospheric vortex +
ΔOzone hole

(Δ = Changes in)

(**Blocking phenomenon is part of Loopy jets aka Polar Vortex or what ever the heck they call it now.)

The References I do not cite above are HERE.



So Changes in the sun cause changes in the earth’s temperature and changes in the weather patterns.


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Explosive volcanic eruptions triggered by cosmic rays: Volcano as a bubble chamber

Volcanoes with silica-rich and highly viscous magma tend to produce violent explosive eruptions that result in disasters in local communities and that strongly affect the global environment. We examined the timing of 11 eruptive events that produced silica-rich magma from four volcanoes in Japan (Mt. Fuji, Mt. Usu, Myojinsho, and Satsuma-Iwo-jima) over the past 306 years (from AD 1700 to AD 2005). Nine of the 11 events occurred during inactive phases of solar magnetic activity (solar minimum), which is well indexed by the group sunspot number. This strong association between eruption timing and the solar minimum is statistically significant to a confidence level of 96.7%. This relationship is not observed for eruptions from volcanoes with relatively silica-poor magma, such as Izu-Ohshima. It is well known that the cosmic-ray flux is negatively correlated with solar magnetic activity, as the strong magnetic field in the solar wind repels charged particles such as galactic cosmic rays that originate from outside of the solar system. The strong negative correlation observed between the timing of silica-rich eruptions and solar activity can be explained by variations in cosmic-ray flux arising from solar modulation. Because silica-rich magma has relatively high surface tension (similar to 0.1 Nm(-1)), the homogeneous nucleation rate is so low that such magma exists in a highly supersaturated state without considerable exsolution, even when located relatively close to the surface, within the penetration range of cosmic-ray muons (1-10 GeV). These muons can contribute to nucleation in supersaturated magma, as documented by many authors studying a bubble chamber, via ionization loss. This radiation-induced nucleation can lead to the pre-eruptive exsolution of H2O in the silica-rich magma. We note the possibility that the 1991 Mt. Pinatubo eruption was triggered by the same mechanism: an increase in cosmic-ray flux triggered by Typhoon Yunya, as a decrease in atmospheric pressure results in an increase in cosmic-ray flux. We also speculate that the snowball Earth event was triggered by successive large-scale volcanic eruptions triggered by increased cosmic-ray flux due to nearby supernova explosions.

Possible correlation between solar and volcanic activity in a long-term scale (Full paper) 

I have links to several other such papers.

Cuppa Covfefe

So the “ozone hole” was yet another lie of the left.

Fascinating infos, Gail, including that from Bob Tisdale. I can just hear the proclamations thundering down from the halls of Asgaard Svalgaard claiming the sun doesn’t affect the earth’s temperature, no UV changes, etc. 🙂

Gail Combs

“So the “ozone hole” was yet another lie of the left….”

Oh yes. I have always considered it the test balloon for Gore-BullSchiff Warming.

They were taking the measurements of chlorofluorocarbons DOWN WIND of an ACTIVE ANTARCTIC VOLCANO (Mount Erebus) !! Dr Petr Beckmann and Dr Robinson wrote about it in Access to Energy.

Science Paper:
The Antarctic ozone depletion caused by Erebus volcano gas emissions

It is interesting that the attack came the year the Dupont patent on Freon was up….


And, of course, had another patented, more expensive, substitute ready to save the ozone.

Gail Combs

But of course. Just like GE and light bulbs.

Cuppa Covfefe

Not forgetting Philips in Holland (Eindhoven)…

And, of course, the cartel agreement from the 1930s (IIRC) which limited the size of the filament(s) in bulbs, insuring that they would not last too long…

Odd trivia; probably due to this, and the doubled voltage (and that pesky Ohm’s law), 100-watt light bulbs produce just a bit more than half as much light as their US brethren. Talk about keeping us in the dark.

[And the tree-hugging LED “equivalents” are generally only available up to 60w. Anything brigher (as in comparable to what we USED TO HAVE) is VERY hard to find. Even though the LED equivalents are around 8 watts or so. CFLs in the 100-130w equivalent range run around 13 watts, so the LEDs aren’t that much of an improvement. So the greens are trying to kill the CFLs off, too. Finally, both CFLs and LEDs have to be disposed of as hazardous waste. Can just up and toss them into the skip]…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

bUt MuH gL0buL WaaaRmInG!

Gail Combs

The Sun just ATE IT!

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Cuppa Covfefe

10 horns…hmmm….

Gail Combs

I would prefer it looked more star like instead of Corona like, but you get what the internet dishes out.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yeah, almost like something from ThinkGeek’s putative cereal “Tribbles and Bits”… 🙂

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Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

This time I don’t have a one-line rebuttal when you pull “muh [pick a stupidity]” out–like I did for monopoles.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Calling Gail for some insolation equation!!!

Gail Combs

Nah, that is Dr Evans who you want. 🤓

Gail Combs

Dr Evans @ 22 minutes…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Ranier is estimated to have topped 15,000 feet before a recent (within the past few centuries) landslide. That would have made it the tallest mountain in the lower 48, beating out Whitney. (Damn Californians had to have ONE tall mountain just to beat the 50+ fourteeners in Colorado. Then just to rub it in they all f*cking moved here and voted like Californians.)


I lived about 30 miles southwest of Mt St. Helens in the late ’70’s…
Moved to Arkansas a year before Mt St. Helens Blew.
I’ve been on that mountain several times.

Last edited 3 years ago by rayzorback

Great timing!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Gail Combs

SO JUSTA TURD-WATER has instituted a CCP Social Credit Score.

…I am carefully reviewing the details of the authorization because according to the public statements by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland, they have authorized banks, financial institutions and insurance carriers to suspend the accounts of Canadian citizens based on their social media postings.

Yes, you read that correctly.  Support of “blockades and/or occupations” are specifically noted…. — Sundance

Cuppa Covfefe

Castreauti has gone completely unhinged… but I’ve read that there are limitations on his ability to carry out his threats… at least in the law and the Canadian constitution.

I kind of wonder, too, about whether the Queen has any influence on Canada that she can bring to bear. She appears to be the only rational one left of that lot since Prince Andrew got pulled into the Masonic mess of Prince Philip…


Oh, she’s got the influence, should she choose to use it. The Canadian Oath of Allegiance:

“I, __________, do swear (declare) that I will be faithful and bear true
allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada,
Her Heirs and Successors.
So help me God.”

Trudeau took that oath.

Last edited 3 years ago by Aubergine
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well that sure helps paint a picture of why the commies and various royals seem to end up on the same side so many times. A “cabal”, they say. Hmmmmmm……


Yeah, and Australia, too, I think.


And New Zealand, and probably lots of others.

The British Empire didn’t end, they just started using puppets to rule their lands.


That’s right. Same old shit, new faces.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Makes me wonder what’s up with WEF in that case. It has clearly taken over much of the Anglosphere, without seeming to have alarmed Britain. In that case, is it a Rothschild baby?


Don’t know, except they’re all in cahoots together, by hook or by crook.

Could be that WEF serves the queen, or the queen serves WEF and they both serve Cabal.

Not sure how we’ll find out who’s really at the top of their detestable coven, until these cockroaches are all smoked out of their spider holes 👍😁

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Can you take a quick look at my research on the link barkerjim posted this morning? I think it might be important.

Gail Combs

Yeah, if you look the Dutch and British Royals, the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers own controlling interest in Shell. A VP of Shell WROTE AGENDA 21…..

COMMENT ON The Shell Oil, Global Warming, Agenda 21, World Wildlife Fund (WWF) connections.  

Gail Combs

 Richard S Courtney several years ago on WUWT made a comment about each year, the Prime Minister went over the purposed legislation with the Queen and if she vetoed it, it was never brought up for a vote.

It surprised me enough that I remembered it. Sorry I do not have the link to the comment.


The original oath is stored in a leather boot the queen once wore. Whoever takes the oath has to kneel and lick the queen’s smelly old boot to complete the ceremony 😂

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

Lol! Yuck!


Here’s Princess Justina Castro, swearing his allegiance to a foreign nation:

[warning: this is truly repulsive to anyone who values freedom]

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467



Not one single word in the entire oath about the nation of Canada OR the Canadian People.

Not one single word.

Every word of the oath is swearing fealty and servility to another human being, whose claim to ‘royalty’ just means her ancestors successfully out-murdered all of their opponents.

And they in-bred ever since.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That JP video on MFP is GREAT, and is worthy of bookmarking!


He did a great job of explaining the concepts simply. Good for normies with any sense of humor left!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m convinced Malone picked up that MFP stuff from military folks, and that’s why the media vampires are acting like they were shown a big silver “Q” and sprayed with ivermectin. Outed at their game like the closet caballies they are.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent!!! Let’s do it!


And don’t forget the U.S. banks that have branches in Canada (for private wealth management and corporate services only) —
Bank of America
Capital One Bank
Fifth Third Bank
Bank of New York Mellon
JP Morgan Chase Bank
PNC Bank

among others.

And Canadian bank branches in the U.S. for Canadian citizens who live / work here:
TD Bank
Scotia Bank
BMO Harris Bank

among others.


Quite simply – it shuts the entire economic system down and ensures currency remains king instead of digital. The banks only keep the minimum regulatory requirement of actual currency in the vaults. When they run low they have to shut the doors. When that happens the banks crater because they will be hit with more claims and lawsuits than they can defend. When the owners stand to lose their businesses, the politicians go down as well.

Any politician who supports digital or is personally involved in digital has a big red flag in front of their face. Pay attention. It can be a indicator of evil intent at some point.

Why do you think China Joe and his Hoe want a $600 cap before bank notification to the Feds? They know this stuff as well. It has nothing to do with money laundering. It has everything to do with runs on financial institutions and digital takeover by the NWO.

Which is why we use only local banks with local control. My career as a business baker taught me things having worked for both the big and small.

Last edited 3 years ago by TradeBait2

Thanks for the reply. Local bank for us as well, right around the corner with a couple of satellite branches.

Gail Combs

We try, but they keep getting bought out!!! I feel like I am being chased it has gotten so bad. I started using small banks in the 1980s.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I honestly don’t know if credit unions are any better.

I’ve been trying to save up four figures worth lately; maybe I need to pull it out. (Fortunately it’s not a “briefcase” quantity of money.)


Is that 600$ limit the same one that was 10k$ just a short time ago?…



$10K at this point is “each”.

Proposed $10K is accumulated annual.

Gail Combs

Yes, right now it is EACH and not for the entire year.

Looks like they want the underground economy to go PURE CASH ONLY.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gail Combs

Could this extra record keeping be an attempt to drive small banks out of business? Almost anyone getting pay deposits or SS deposits in their account would exceed $10K/yr.

Gail Combs

It also drives small business into the ground.


Good with cash transactions. Made another withdrawal today. 🙂

Gail Combs

ABC October 2021

The Biden administration on Tuesday backed down on a controversial proposal to direct the IRS to collect additional data on every bank account that sees more than 👉$600 in ANNUAL transactions,👈 after widespread criticism from Republican lawmakers and banking industry representatives, who said the tax enforcement strategy represented a breach of privacy by the federal government.

Instead, the administration and Senate Democrats are proposing to raise the threshold to accounts with more than 👉$10,000 in ANNUAL transactions,👈

ANNUAL TRANSACTIONS???? not EACH transaction? That would be EVERY ACCOUNT except a toddlers acct if he had one!!!


After inflation, it’d be every time you bought a stick of gum.


GWP: Kash Patel on Durham:

Kash Patel: This story is the biggest political scandal and criminal scandal in US history… John Durham has interviewed 24 people in the Grand Jury to include, CIA case officers, FBI agents and directors, leadership in the Clinton Campaign cycle, and they’ve indicted her lawyer. So this is just starting. It’s how you build a criminal conspiracy case. And they’re not going to be able to ignore indictments once they start coming in… Michael Sussman and Marc Elias were the lead attorneys for the Clinton Campaign. They were paid millions and millions of dollars to perpetuate the Steele Dossier fraud. And now we know they were paid millions of dollars to go out and buy false information from a tech executive… And here’s the worst part. They secured a “sensitive arrangement” with someone in government to gain access to White House servers. That means someone in government gave them permission and paid the contracting tech executive company’s firm to allow that work to happen. That could only have been done with the utilization of the intelligence community willingly. And that to me is the biggest criminal scandal that we have yet to talk about… (on John Durham) He’s going to deliver. This guy is unraveling the biggest criminal conspiracy against a sitting president in the United States history.

This is huge:

That means someone in government gave them permission and paid the contracting tech executive company’s firm to allow that work to happen. That could only have been done with the utilization of the intelligence community willingly.

It’s going to be very interesting to find out who did this and who authorized them to do it. I imagine some people are losing sleep, and I hope they spill the beans.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

These cornered rats are going to BITE. Just stay frosty.


They can bite, they can squirm, they can squeal… long as they die.


This ^^^. Dead as doornails. Remove the hearts from the carcasses to make sure.

Sadie Slays

Incoming rant. Scroll past if you don’t want to hear doomfagging.

This story is the biggest political scandal and criminal scandal in US history

Not to downplay the gravity of the spying, but, in living memory, I’d rank the following as bigger:

  • JFK assassination
  • 9/11 inside job
  • Iraq and Afghanistan war con jobs
  • COVID injection genocide
  • Stolen 2020 election (and all other Presidential + Congressional elections before it)
  • General Communist infiltration that had been going on long enough for Yuri Bezmenov to warn about it in the ’80s
  • Epstein / Jiz Maxwell / Pizzagate

And that’s just off the top of my head. Look, I want to see Hillary in a jail cell as much as everyone else here and I sincerely hope that happens, but as long as children are still being forced into masks and they’re still pushing injections, I am beyond giving a fuck about Durham and 2016. I just read about an 8 year-old who needs a heart transplant after getting the injection. “Durham” is about as distraction-level to me as Ukraine right now. We need tangible action. Not, “*OoOoOoO bogeyman Durham might actually do something beyond take down some flunky nobody has heard of for the first time in five years.” I will be genuinely surprised if we’re still hearing about this two weeks from now.

I hope I’m wrong.

Last edited 3 years ago by Sadie Slays
Sadie Slays

Just looked it up, and the last big Durham headlines were in September 2021 a few days after the now-defeated injection mandate was announced. I swear he only surfaces to diffuse anger over COVID bullshit.

Last edited 3 years ago by Sadie Slays

He is the red herring


I might alter – COVID injection genocide – a bit to include the creation of a chimeric pathogen by lab splicing to achieve gain of function, the intentional release and spread of the pathogen for political purposes, the propaganda campaign about the disease, going from discouraging early treatment, to denial of early treatment with therapeutics that were known and proved effective, the mandate of deadly protocols, including renal toxin Remdisivir, the silencing of dissent, the censorship of true information, the persecution of doctors who are treating the disease effectively, mandate of ineffective and dangerous vaccines.

And with that – I agree with you – the CV19 crime is likely the biggest against a President and maybe the biggest crime against humanity in history.

Though abortion, the holocaust, the Stalin purges, China’s one child policy and genocides are big in the rankings.

Last edited 3 years ago by GA/FL

This ^^^. 100%

It’s the linchpin that causes a cascade of other evil to be made public and addressed. It is the qualifier that introduces military justice into the entire mess our country has become.

We will soon learn if PDT is correct with his statements on catching them all. We will soon learn if true justice is administered, or, if it remains multiple scales of justice depending on who you are. We will soon learn if devolution has been a real thing. We will also learn whether certain people who have seemed to disappoint us may have been restrained until the proper time as the parts in the movie script play out.

This is military controlled justice – not DOJ. This is treason on the office of the POTUS and all entities/individuals whom he and his staff were corresponding with during the time of the internet intrusion. GITMO. Now we know why it was expanded.

And no, Sundance, bringing all of the evil out will not collapse our government because it will be administered at a measured pace – not all at once. First thing first – Cankles, Slick and the destruction of the DNC mafia. The swamp population goes down dramatically. The RINO hunting continues.

This Cankles/DNC stuff is HUGE. Linchpin. It starts from here and goes into all of the other atrocities, most of which are interconnected and lead us back to WEF/NWO/CB. The 2020 election/system will be next IMO.

Hence, the enlargement and increased tech being deployed in facilities such as GITMO. Wonder why China Joe hasn’t closed it? He can’t – no authority – especially if you believe the devolution theory.

Sen. Joe Manchin has been activated lately – right? Perfect timing leading us into the 2022 elections.

Last edited 3 years ago by TradeBait2

I agree with you.


I think this is correct. It’s like Jinga; pull the right piece out, and the whole thing falls down.


The thing about the Durham investigation is that it ties to all the rest of what you consider weightier.

That’s what I think. The key to stopping the tyranny and revealing what happened in the past — and preventing it from happening in the future — rests on one thing: Donald Trump being in office. Trying, and almost succeeding, in preventing him from attaining the presidency in 2016 would have stopped everything dead in its tracks. It has global implications just as the other huge events do. We would not have known about the steal and they would have continued the 16-year-plan apace. The Left would have permanent control over elections. By now, our 2A rights would have been stolen.


Tends to agree. Durham moves like a glacier as Grenell points out. Too little too late? Meanwhile the Cabal flows like a river and is controlling all the sluices.


Yup. Gotta see physical arrests before I get more interested in Durham doing any good.

Durham IS on par with UkraineL O O K SQUIRRELS.

I simply can’t believe it is this difficult (years and likely obscene levels of manpower) to break this case wide open.

I also hope that I am wrong.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, I agree. Dirty judge Merrick”Kapo” Garland is allowing Durham-on-a-leash news to pass on a political schedule.

I say enjoy the break, but re-energize to continue taking down Demmunists on COVID, vaccine mandates, corruption, crime, CRT, basic injustice, inflation, warmongering, etc.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Beahahahaha. Swamp is caught on camera with its pants DOWN.

Last edited 3 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If you want to see how GREAT OAN is, here’s some video!


If only we had more honest media like this…
The media is complicit in everything bad that has happened in this country.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes! We need more OANs. ATT and DirecTV are going in the wrong direction.


If things go south, local media needs an attitude adjustment. TV, Print, and those doing the top of the hour news on radio.


Is there a link to this video that I could send in an email?

Found it!

Pearson Sharp Reports – Media Colluding with CDC to cover deaths from Vaccines –

There is a newer one too:

Vaccines are killing more children than the virus itself –

Last edited 3 years ago by GA/FL

See’s you found what your looking for. Another method is right click the video, in this case the grey border and choose “Frame Source” , from their you’ll easily pick out the link to the video and copy and paste it to where you wish it.


Thank you very much!


This is real, not the Onion or the Bee:

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Yes! His name is Bill, and he sold them to CHINA!”

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Oh yeah, his name is Eric Holder, and he sold them to Mexican drug cartels.

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Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There you go! THAT’S the guy!!!


He and his BØSS also armed ISIS with the help of John McCain…and Adam Kinzinger.


…and that’s what Benghazi was all about….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Understanding that “The Swamp” literally *CREATES* the terror groups and other “bad guys” that it needs to FEED ON – that it FARMS EVIL to justify the security state – that really opened my eyes.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And THAT is what January 6 was about.

Valerie Curren

& the “botched” Afghanistan withdrawal (arming of regional terrorists w/ top US equipment)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, those replies are fantastic.


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Another item that is not the Bee: New Zealand has been playing Barry Manilow,“Baby Shark,” and “Macarena” on a loop to try to get protesters to disperse, 😂😆😄 and it’s not working. 😂😆😄




Maybe there is hope for Dems to jump ship and awaken to their parties corruption
66% want Hitlery questioned in her involvement in the spying of Trump..

Ex-DNI told Durham there is ‘enough evidence to indict MULTIPLE people’ in the Trump-Russia probe | Daily Mail Online

Ex-Director of National Intelligence claims Biden and Obama KNEW ABOUT Hillary campaign plot to hack Trump servers: ‘Enough evidence in Durham’s Russia probe to indict MULTIPLE people’

John Ratcliffe told Special Counsel John Durham that there is ‘enough evidence’ to indict ‘multiple people’ connected to the origins of the Trump-Russia probe 

The former Director of National Intelligence met with Durham more than once

Ratcliffe’s pointed Durham to a declassified CIA memo of Clinton approving looking into Trump’s Russia ties as a way of distracting from her email scandal

The report was sent directly to then FBI Director James Comey and then-Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence Peter Strzok

New bombshell reports now reveal Clinton paid people to hack servers at Trump Tower during the 2016 campaign and White House servers following the election

A poll taken before those reports came out show that now even Democrats want Clinton questioned over her role in the Russian secret server scandal   

44% of party loyalists believed she should be interrogated last October, but the number jumped to 66% in a January polling



WTF, the WEFfen SS must have been in action.

Were it but the occasional slings and arrows of daily life it would go unnoticed. But the vexatious litigation against PDJT is a belt fed machine gun, it never bloody stops.

Gail Combs

Some one ‘GOT TO’ the accounting firm.

If “…Donald Trump’s longtime accountancy firm cut ties with his business last week, saying that nearly a decade’s worth of Trump’s filings should “no longer be relied upon”….” Then it is THEY WHO ARE ON THE HOOK!!!

Coothie could give us a better idea.


OK, the way I read the article, this is not “accounting” — this is assurances on financial statements. One of the top rules for most engagements is that the accounting firm must be “independent” — that is, they cannot gather the information and then opine on how well the information was gathered. They cannot just be a branch of the client. They cannot share financial interests with the client beyond a de minimis amount….

So, if the NY AG decides to name Mazars as a co-defendant, they can no longer be independent. This would explain the ten-years — that would presumably be the statute of limitations.

Mind you, I don’t know that this happened — the Grauniad article wasn’t very thorough — but it’s just the sort of thing that the garbage police-state in NY might pull.


The contract between a client and an attest firm ALWAYS includes “The Financial Statements are the responsibility of management.” As such, the auditors will say, “you should no longer rely upon our opinion” instead of “you should no longer rely upon the statements.”


So the Russians are not attacking and the West claims victory for their own made up crisis. Exactly as Lavrov said yesterday.

Last edited 3 years ago by eilert

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For a Christian, this is such a vile and disgusting method to cover up one’s own sin.

Gail Combs

The ‘morning after pill’ has been around since the early 1970s. A friend who worked in the experimental labs in the medical field told me that the egg will not implant if you take TWO birth control pills.


Lock Her Up!


Sarah lives in an alternate universe – Washington DC.

From my lowly vantage, the US IS a banana republic.

Rugged elections, spying on presidential candidates, spying on a sitting president, attempted coups to impeach president, Covidiocy, lock downs, shutting down businesses, destroying middle class, STOPPING life saving medicines (HCQ, IVM C, D…) from being used, requiring death inducing medical procedures (Remdisivir / ventilators), Pravda News, censorship by Big Tech…

Does NOT have to remain a banana republic. Hope we turn it around.


Spot on ^^^. The awakening is revealing the truth.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.


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About the earthquake activity in the Pacific Northwest; this is one of the scariest articles I have ever read, and one of the most fascinating. It’s about the Cascadia Subduction Zone:

“Without moving your hands, curl your right knuckles up, so that they point toward the ceiling. Under pressure from Juan de Fuca, the stuck edge of North America is bulging upward and compressing eastward, at the rate of, respectively, three to four millimetres and thirty to forty millimetres a year. It can do so for quite some time, because, as continent stuff goes, it is young, made of rock that is still relatively elastic. (Rocks, like us, get stiffer as they age.) But it cannot do so indefinitely. There is a backstop—the craton, that ancient unbudgeable mass at the center of the continent—and, sooner or later, North America will rebound like a spring. If, on that occasion, only the southern part of the Cascadia subduction zone gives way—your first two fingers, say—the magnitude of the resulting quake will be somewhere between 8.0 and 8.6. Thats the big one. If the entire zone gives way at once, an event that seismologists call a full-margin rupture, the magnitude will be somewhere between 8.7 and 9.2. That’s the very big one.

Flick your right fingers outward, forcefully, so that your hand flattens back down again. When the next very big earthquake hits, the northwest edge of the continent, from California to Canada and the continental shelf to the Cascades, will drop by as much as six feet and rebound thirty to a hundred feet to the west—losing, within minutes, all the elevation and compression it has gained over centuries. Some of that shift will take place beneath the ocean, displacing a colossal quantity of seawater. (Watch what your fingertips do when you flatten your hand.) The water will surge upward into a huge hill, then promptly collapse. One side will rush west, toward Japan. The other side will rush east, in a seven-hundred-mile liquid wall that will reach the Northwest coast, on average, fifteen minutes after the earthquake begins. By the time the shaking has ceased and the tsunami has receded, the region will be unrecognizable. Kenneth Murphy, who directs FEMA’s Region X, the division responsible for Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Alaska, says, “Our operating assumption is that everything west of Interstate 5 will be toast.””

Gail Combs

Here is the map of the USA, fracture zone (subduction zone is shown) with the current (39) earthquakes.,-138.95508&extent=56.60789,-51.06445

If you click and hold in the middle of the map you can move around the world and see other continents.


Current volcanoes


And then there is poor Iceland:


Yikes, poor Iceland is right!


Oh … that wonderful place where they brag about murdering Downs Syndrome babies in the womb.



Cuppa Covfefe

Well that’s one way to scrub the liberals off…

Now, to get the MAGA folks moved away in time…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

This isn’t news to me.

Subduction zones are all ticking time bombs.

(California is not a subduction zone, but the coast north of it, through Alaska and even beyond, is. Anchorage had a BIG earthquake back in 1964 (March 27…a month and a half after Sarah Palin was born (Feb 11), though that was in Idaho. This was the second biggest earthquake in history.)

Last edited 3 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Gail Combs

Yeah, CA is a strike – slip fault. it moves sideways.

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more recent:
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Gail Combs

However off shore is the Cascadia Subduction Zone.

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Thanks for posting this! I did some research (comment is in this thread), and I am hoping Wolf and others look it over. I think this is a good find!


Glad you could look and get something from it. Not really in my knowledge base, but seemed possibly important to know.


It’s not really in mine either, which is why I need Wolf et. al. to vet me! We’ll see if I’m right. Either way, you are correct, it is important info.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – I just read the paper and will comment at your other comments below!


D.P., very sorry about your friend with als. My aunt had it, and I can’t think of many worse things, if any. Wish these midwestern storms would end.


Gail Combs

 It was on the war room yesterday’s

Episode 1,638 – Mike Lindell DeBanked; MAGA On The Rise @ 9:30 minutes


Well, it seems that it’s time for Mike to buy a state-chartered bank.

Gail Combs

There were a lot of ticked people on the war Room. I hope they ALL go to that bank and with draw ALL THEIR MONEY IN CASH and if they refuse to hand over the cash, threaten to call the marshal.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If they are Fed Reserve member banks, they can simply order up more cash from the Fed. That was one of the rationales for establishing the damn thing in the first place, so that banks could draw on a reserve of (intrinsically worthless) cash.

The fed has loads of cash in the vaults. It’s nothing more than monopoly money until it leaves the building (and not much more than that afterwards, but as long as most people don’t realize that, they get by).

Gail Combs

Yeah, but it puts CASH not credit into circulation and you can not ‘cancel’ a persons ‘Cash’ as easily as you can someone’s bank account.

It also makes it harder to TRACK a person.


I have never seen this film. I suppose ill look for it now.

The Plymothian (@plymouthian) Tweeted:
An important message for humanity ringing down from the ages.

We the people have the power.

Please listen, feel, and retweet this message.


The Plymothian (@plymouthian) Tweeted:
An important message for humanity ringing down from the ages.

‘We the people have the power.’

Please listen, feel, and retweet this message.



Trudeau told them what he was….and wanted….


leftists love dictatorships and always have…as long as they are leftwing dictatorships

Gail Combs

“leftists love dictatorships and always have…as long as they are leftwing the dictatorships”

They do not give a crap about WHAT type of dictatorship just that they are the ones in charge.


Okay twinkles …. NEXT ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️


From a emailed spam survey my bank sent…..



By completing this survey, you acknowledge that any ideas for products or services you provide during this survey will become the property of (the bank) without financial award to you.


…send us your ideas, so we can steal them. Thank you.



I saw a paper recommended here this morning by barkerjim, and did some digging. I think I may have found a simple recommendation for the vaxxed, especially the young males at risk of myocarditis. I’m hoping our resident science experts will vet me and weigh in.

So, this first paper is stating, if I read it correctly, that the myocarditis seen in these teenage boys in response to the faux vaxx resembles what happens in a cytokine storm, when the body releases catecholamines (stress hormones – fight or flight) into the body, rather than what happens in common myocarditis:

This next paper I found discusses the use of drugs called “alpha-1 adrenergic receptors” in Covid to prevent cytokine storm:

This paper lists the drugs that are alpha-1 adrenergic receptors:

One of these drugs is pseudoephedrine, good old SUDAFED. Easy to get and tolerable for most. I use it for bad allergy days. This might be a GREAT recommendation for the vaxxed, especially the young male ones who are susceptible to the heart problems.

Another one of these drugs is norepinephrine. Norepinephrine can be naturally increased with diet and some herbs, as well as with drugs:

Anyway, I thought, if Wolf, Gail, and others concur, that this might be another tool in our arsenal. What do y’all think?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gonna start at the beginning and find the barkerjim reference…..

Gail Combs

You might take a look at my comments too. starting with this LINK

I think I might have stumbled on to something in looking into that embalmer’s interview.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – this was what I wanted to begin concentrating on today, because I think THAT (the clot thing) is the massive ICE of the ICEBERG underneath the waterline, yet easy to visualize and convince the normies that – yeah – there’s a problem.

I’ll get to that later, after dealing with this new (alpha adrenergic) backside of the antihistamine coin right here!

And really, both are connected, and THAT goes back to spike protein.

Last edited 3 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Gail Combs

Great Wolfie, I just wanted to be sure you saw the idea.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Ya mean the sudafed I take almost daily, when my allergies are super bad and my daily zyrtec and serrapeptase don’t quite do the job? Every time ya’ll find a supplement/drug, I’m already on it. 🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️ 😍

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Actually, you may want to SKIP the sudafed if you get COVID! It’s an alpha adrenergic agonist, and it may stress your heart in combination with spike protein.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Sue da Fed might be good economic policy, though.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

No wonder the Swamp locks that stuff up!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – the bottom line is that you’re on the correct track, but you took a right turn where you needed to take a LEFT turn.

The natural catecholamines are adrenergic receptor (AR) *agonists*, as mentioned in the title of the reference you gave ( Agonists are things which ACT UPON, ACT AT, or otherwise ACTIVATE the receptor – including adrenaline (epinephrine) and norepinephrine. Thus, in the case of the cytokine-catecholamine feedback loop that the authors of the first study ( suspect is damaging the heart, increasing the catecholamine response of the receptor with more of an agonist would be what you do NOT want to do.

In contrast, your second link ( lists alpha-1 adrenergic *antagonists* (otherwise known as alpha-1 blockers) as potentially useful to BREAK the feedback loop between cytokines and catecholamines. In particular, prazosin, an old alpha blocker vasodilator / antihypertensive, is discussed, and found to be useful in COVID treatment.

Now I’ve found some great links to studies and reviews which have looked at getting NATURAL responses using things which either ARE or which MIMIC alpha-1 blockers.

And here is an article that you are REALLY gonna love! A doctor who is doing a serious publication about natural and nutritional alternatives to alpha-1 blockers.

NOW – big principle here – anything which breaks the cytokine-catecholamine feedback loop is likely to be of value for preventing some of the biggest problems of both COVID and the clot shot. Antihistamines are acting on the SAME THING – just at the cytokine level, instead of the catecholamine level.

SO – people taking things which lower blood pressure, reduce inflammation, reduce histaminic allergic activity, or dilate blood vessels and protect the endothelium, are ALL going to be good for preventing problems from COVID or the clot shot.

So look for natural solutions to all of those as potentially useful, but watch out for side effects of any of them which go in the wrong direction on any of the other items.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

BTW, remember the case of that raging widow of the thirty-something husband who died of a rare myocarditis? I think his case may be the same thing as these two kids.


I’ll bet it was. I think they all probably are, just some of them are not being autopsied.

We are seeing a huge coverup world-wide.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great article, great viewpoint, completely separate from fetal cell issue.


I’ve said it before and I will again now – Karl and I think so much alike. We just communicate differently.

To me the horse has left the barn. People that have taken the jabs have already determined their end fate. It will either do nothing, kill them, or injure them. Nobody knows the timing of the negative impacts.

It has always been the non-natural cell coding changes that have screamed, “NO!” to me. God coded us and the entire Creation. The scientific and medical community are not Him. Discussion over.

Traditional vaccines – yes. Gene therapies – nope. Karl offers an out for those who are at death’s door with the later. Not me because we are all going to die. Life deserves to be lived under the rules of the Creator, not by those of some evil POS’s who want to circumvent His creation. Science should focus on cures outside of DNA changing tech where they play God.



Cuppa Covfefe



Insightful 🙂


As I’m sure you know, I couldn’t agree more!



Virginia Giuffre now a multi millionare. .


Reports — Prince Andrew Settles out of Court: Agrees ‘Undisclosed Sum’ Payment to Virginia Giuffre
More at the link…

Cuppa Covfefe

I think Mum (the Queen) said “SETTLE!!!”,
so Randy Andy did…

Now if only all the others would be brought down, such as the traffickers, etc. and the rampant rapists in Rotherham, and elsewhere… (aka Fachkräfte here…)….


Yup. It was also the obvious answer for Mum and dirt bag Andy.

That said, I’d have enjoyed the public drubbing Andy would have gotten in a public trial.

Not a fan of what Virginia would have to have endured, all too publicly.




Levi’s President Publicly Quits Over Company’s Attempt to Silence Her Views on COVID Restrictions

Former Levi’s president Jennifer Sey has announced that she was forced out of her post because of her views on COVID-19 and says she rejected a severance package that would have forced her to remain quiet about the internal controversy that led to her resignation.

Sey announced her departure in a Monday post on writer Bari Weiss’ Substack, Common Sense, in which she proclaimed, “I quit so I could be free.”

She said that she and the San Francisco-based company were in harmony until COVID-19 struck.

“Early on in the pandemic, I publicly questioned whether schools had to be shut down. This didn’t seem at all controversial to me. I felt — and still do — that the draconian policies would cause the most harm to those least at risk, and the burden would fall heaviest on disadvantaged kids in public schools, who need the safety and routine of school the most,” she wrote, noting that her comments stirred anger.

“In the summer of 2020,” Sey said, “I finally got the call. ‘You know when you speak, you speak on behalf of the company,’ our head of corporate communications told me, urging me to pipe down. I responded: ‘My title is not in my Twitter bio. I’m speaking as a public school mom of four kids.’

“But the calls kept coming. From legal. From HR. From a board member. And finally, from my boss, the CEO of the company. I explained why I felt so strongly about the issue, citing data on the safety of schools and the harms caused by virtual learning. While they didn’t try to muzzle me outright, I was told repeatedly to ‘think about what I was saying.’”

Employees began castigating her in company meetings.

“Meantime, the Head of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at the company asked that I do an ‘apology tour,’” she wrote. Sey refused.

She said her longtime support for black employees and children meant nothing.

“The head of HR told me personally that even though I was right about the schools, that it was classist and racist that public schools stayed shut while private schools were open, and that I was probably right about everything else, I still shouldn’t say so. I kept thinking: Why shouldn’t I?” Sey wrote.

Then came the moment of truth. She was told she could become the next CEO of the company. “All I had to do was stop talking about the school thing,” she said.

However, Sey said, attacks against her continued.

“In the last month, the CEO told me that it was ‘untenable’ for me to stay. I was offered a $1 million severance package, but I knew I’d have to sign a nondisclosure agreement about why I’d been pushed out,” she wrote. “The money would be very nice. But I just can’t do it. Sorry, Levi’s.”

Sey said the company she loved is “trapped trying to please the mob — and silencing any dissent within the organization. In this it is like so many other American companies: held hostage by intolerant ideologues who do not believe in genuine inclusion or diversity.”

And the price was that as she was hounded, “no one stood with me,” Sey said. “Not one person publicly said they agreed with me, or even that they didn’t agree with me, but supported my right to say what I believe anyway.”



Have zero sympathy for any leftist that gets bitten by her fellow snakes.


True, true, she’s likely to have plenty of money if she can turn down a 1 million dollar bonus, so no sympathy required, though I don’t think she was looking for that, more of a take this job and shove it thing. Nor thanks either, at least not in large measures, as unburdening and freeing ones own heart should seem a natural and proper thing to do and not anything we should have to thank some one for. Encouragement on the other hand seems about right. Anyway, she’s going into the Naomi Wolf box for now and hopefully she continues to speak out. Who knows maybe we’ll see her on Bannon’s War Room soon.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I know a lot of people who make six figures still live paycheck to paycheck.

They buy a fancier car, fancier house, and still scrape by making payments. Just much bigger ones than the proles have.

Cuppa Covfefe

The fact that she refused money to stay silent pretty much means that she won’t stay silent, and will be an ally in the fight against face-diapers and COVIDIOTIC restrictions.

Maybe she’s seen the light. In any case, she can be helpful, and she’s supportive of children. Good for her. And SHAME on LEVI’s. I’m pretty sure Levi Strauss would be appalled at what has happened to his company…


Next pair of jeans ….

Levi’s ….

Hell no, they can pond sand and take a long walk off a short pier in Guantanamo .. -iss on them .. ☺️👍🤨🤬👍❤️🇺🇸❤️..


My Internet was down seems all of S OHIO.
Still do not have heat they need to order a part from Columbus wonder if the part is not there still in China?
It is amazing how one adjusts to cold even with space heaters it hangs around 58F.
Taking showers is eventful no heat but hot water or should I say warm 🙂 Even that is not to bad. I am practicing how to live in the future under green deal  😉 
Dog has a sweater on cats huddle together in front of the heater or window when there is sun out.
Hope all of you are well? BCarl is feeling better? My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Phoenix pray for full recovery. Miss her thoughtful posts.  ❤ 

Last edited 3 years ago by singingsoul1

I hope you get that part in soon and that it isn’t sitting in China or on a ship stuck in port somewhere!


That is what I am suspecting that the part is sitting someplace.
This is a warning for everyone who has fridge or wash machine or what ever made in US but some parts are made in China. This is our new reality thanks to the politicians who got rich sending our jobs to China.
I think as spring hits it will be a moot point. We learned to live with the no heat and acclimatized ourselves. We have a fireplace was converted to gas we could change it back. I prefer to put an oven in the opening but my husband does not want that. Maybe if he gets cold enough it will happen. The oven would heat half the house and I could car less if we have heat in other part of the house. The bathroom always can use a little flash heater European style. Love them.

Gail Combs

We had a wood stove in our basement up north. I cut a hole in the living room floor over the wood stove and put a fancy brass grate in the hole.

We then opened the basement door at the other end of the house and that small wood stove kept the entire house warm in NEW HAMPSHIRE.

Fire places WASTE HEAT!

Floor vent:
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The stove was nice to cook soups and stews and sauces on too:
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Last edited 3 years ago by Gail Combs
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Fireplace supply stores..from whom I bought the flue and chimney for my woodstove…still try to sell double walled pipe for inside the house. WTF? That’s heat you WANT to leak out of the chimney, dumbasses!

Gail Combs

The double walled I think is to keep the creosote build up down. You do not want the smoke to cool too much and deposit stuff.

Cuppa Covfefe

Ahhh, just dump a Christmas Tree in there from time to time and burn the stuff out 😀

(erm, causes problems with brick chimneys, I’ve heard)…
(won’t say how 😆 )…..

(I was a wee bairn back then, but my Dad, having performed that “experiment”, explained to me the “issues” of open masonry joints…)….


My neighbor had that when they bought the home. They replaced it with central heat. Was always a cold home after that change.
I am sure you had a nice warm home 🙂

Gail Combs

We had electric heat but set it to 40F just in case the stove went out. Otherwise the stove did just fine.

A REALLY, REALLY STUPID IDIOT of a contractor is the only reason I do not have a stove here in NC. We have the foundation footing poured for the hearth but they put the two heat exchangers AND electric panel where the chimney was supposed to go. 🙄 It was installed and hooked up before I got a chance to scream at them.


Yes contractors need to be supervised know how that goes.

Gail Combs

I swear they just wait until you turn your back for a few minutes to sneak in stuff THEY KNOW you would not approve of.


Yes they do or they change stuff because they do not want to do what you ask 🙁

Cuppa Covfefe

We bought a brand-new house in Livermore (not too far from Lawrence Livenomore labs…hmmm… nuclear heating?) and didn’t think of asking (or demanding) radiant heat under the flooring/rug. The A/C and heating were forced air, FROM ABOVE, the latter of which, of course, can’t work too well. With radiant heating in the floor, it would have been more comfortable, and more efficient.

We have “Fussbodenheizung” here, with plastic piping embedded in the “estrich” (slabs) which heats them up, slowly, gently, uniformly, and oh, so comfortably. Only need it when it’s below freezing outside, but it works SO much better than radiators…

I don’t know if radiant floor heating is popular (or even known) in the US (especially Kalifornistan), but it’s worth it…

[Forced air just, erm, blows, when it’s coming from the ceilings]…


My daughter has floor heating in her second floor. I love the bathroom with floor heating.


This is probably a hangover from Eichlers.

There are about 10,000 houses built by the Eichler firm in, mainly, the ’50’s and 60’s. The great majority are in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Some Eichler hallmarks are large, flattish roofs; open plans to the point where you can often see the backyard from anywhere in the house except the beds/baths; clean lines; incorporation of indoor/outdoor spaces; and radiant floor heating.

Here’s an entry point — — and another — .

Unfortunately, none of the things that make an Eichler an Eichler are without their problems….

The large, flattish roofs were unforgiving of debris and needed professional maintenance. The open plans had little storage. All the glass was single-pane. The clean lines meant that you were painting things that were safely hidden in more standard homes.

And the radiant floor heating tended to break down and was a YUGE pain to repair (and tended toward lawsuits against contractors).

Oddly enough, my aunt (now in TN) lived in an Eichler in SoCal, where they are much less common.

Cuppa Covfefe

I had a colleague who lived in one.

But our radiant heating here in Germany (where it’s MUCH more common) has been working fine for almost 40 years now. Eichler must have cut some corners…

Had a girlfriend when I was at ‘SC whose father was an architect who build multi-million-dollar homes… Oh, the stories I could tell… even helped on some of them, back in the day. Nothing like seeing a SUSPENDED pool over an all-but-vertical hill… always wondered what would happen if the bottom broke apart… bodysurfing indeed…..

Had a roommate and friend who (long after I moved over here) bought one of the last remaining Frank Lloyd Wright houses in Wisconsin (IIRC). For $1.
He had to pick up the bill for transportation, etc. Story didn’t end well, sad to say…


I suspect the radiant heat is like buying high-end stereo gear in the highlands of New Guinea. The idea is the same, the physics still work….but the locals don’t know as much about installing and maintaining it… matter how well-intentioned.


You should also note that the great majority of Eichlers are in California…..compared to Germans, what do they know about heating?

Cuppa Covfefe

One of these Kachelofens should do nicely 🙂

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My grandmothers had one that worked real good. The oven was in the living room and only heated on Sunday other days the heat was in the kitchen. No heat in the bedroom or any other room we lived in . Now I am reliving my childhood. Funny how one gets used to cold rooms and after a couple of days is no problem. Of course I make use of good European sweaters out of wool that are warm.

Last edited 3 years ago by singingsoul1
Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. My wife’s mom kept most of the rooms closed off, with the rooms that were used (living room, bedrooms, laundry room) heated. The kitched sort of heated itself. At Christmas, Easter, and other holidays/family gatherings, the family room would be heated, otherwise not. That allowed Oma to crank up the heating in the rest of the house 😀

Crazy thing, the furnace itself was a speicherofen, with the heat coming from off-hours electricity going through heating elements. They got incredibly low power rates (since it helped even out the demand for electricity), and the heat remained over the day feeding the water going into the radiators. The greens, of course, thought all that was horrible, so they pushed for the elimination of that type of heater. Not too soon after that, (but not soon enough for my brother-in-law) someone figured out that those types of heaters would help even out demand, and store energy…

The GREENS HAVE NO CLUE. And they’re not green at all; as someone said over here, they’re like tomatoes, they start off green, but always end up RED….. (from…

The Fussbodenheizung is such a gentle, yet all-around heat. And it works with a much lower vorlaufstemperatur as compared to the other radiators (less than 40°C as opposed to 70 grad and above)…


Good old days people knew how to conserve and now the younger generation believe their own green garbage. We were green a long time ago.
Agree floor heating is great but I hate to think clearing out my oak floors to put floor heating in. Maybe the next owner 🙂

Gail Combs

This is the video. If it is validated by other embalmers (And it looks like it is) then we really do need trials for MASS MURDER!

CAUTION NOT FOR THE SQUEAMISH! He shows these ‘clots’ some as long as a human leg.

 In this worldwide exclusive, Dr. Jane Ruby meets with board-certified Embalmer and funeral Director, Richard Hirschman who reveals, for the first time ever, arteries and veins filled with unnatural blood clot combinations with strange fibrous materials that are completely filling the vascular system. Many of the victims reportedly died of heart attacks and strokes. Mr. Hirschman reports that he found resistance when he tried to embalm these jabbed patients, and then found these strange materials and pulled them from the large vessels of the bodies. He also reported that he has gone from seeing 50% of his embalmed cases with these types of blockages rise to almost 80%.

Cuppa Covfefe

Almost sounds like the Andromeda Strain. Wonder what Michael Crichton would have written, from a serious science point-of-view, about all this…

Gail Combs

This is completely out of my area, but I would hazard a Wild Ass Guess that maybe it has to do with ‘out of control triggering’ of fibrin. You know something like a whole bunch of SPIKE proteins lining your blood vessels?
Blood clot formation


Blood clotting normally occurs when there is damage to a blood vessel. Platelets immediately begin to adhere to the cut edges of the vessel and release chemicals to attract even more platelets. A platelet plug is formed, and the external bleeding stops.

Next, small molecules, called clotting factors, cause strands of blood-borne materials, called fibrin, to stick together and seal the inside of the wound. Eventually, the cut blood vessel heals and the blood clot dissolves after a few days….

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SO looking up FIBRIN….

This is selling a product but has some interesting information.

Fibrin: The Sticky Protein Behind Joint Pain and Inflammation

The sticky clumps covering the red blood cells pictured above is called fibrin. It’s your body’s first response to injury and pain.

Fibrin itself is not bad, unless it gets out of control.

Fibrin dictates how healthy and flexible every part of your body stays as you age. Lingering pain, loss of flexibility, and chronic inflammation can all be traced back to out of control fibrin levels.

Not that you’ll hear much about fibrin from most pharmaceutical companies…

Over time, the fibrin molecules thicken and stiffen, forming scar tissue masses that can block blood vessels, interfere with muscle function, and lead to chronic inflammation….

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And then to the scientific paper NIH of course.

Fibrin Formation, Structure and Properties

Fibrin clots with longitudinally aligned fibrin fibers could serve as a scaffold for longitudinal axonal regrowth in cases of traumatic peripheral nerve injuries (Gessmann et al. 2016). Fibrin sealants formed by mixing fibrinogen and thrombin are widely used to stop bleeding (Corral et al. 2016).


Fibrinogen and fibrin are essential for hemostasis and are major factors in thrombosis, wound healing, and several other biological functions and pathological conditions. The X-ray crystallographic structure of major parts of fibrin(ogen), together with computational reconstructions of missing portions and numerous biochemical and biophysical studies, have provided a wealth of data to interpret molecular mechanisms of fibrin formation, its organization, and properties.

On cleavage of fibrinopeptides by thrombin, fibrinogen is converted to fibrin monomers, which interact via knobs exposed by fibrinopeptide removal in the central region, with holes always exposed at the ends of the molecules. The resulting half-staggered, double-stranded oligomers lengthen into protofibrils, which aggregate laterally to make fibers, which then branch to yield a three-dimensional network. Much is now known about the structural origins of clot mechanical properties, including changes in fiber orientation, stretching and buckling, and forced unfolding of molecular domains. Studies of congenital fibrinogen variants and post-translational modifications have increased our understanding of the structure and functions of fibrin(ogen). The fibrinolytic system, with the zymogen plasminogen binding to fibrin together with tissue-type plasminogen activator to promote activation to the active proteolytic enzyme, plasmin, results in digestion of fibrin at specific lysine residues. In spite of a great increase in our knowledge of all these interconnected processes, much about the molecular mechanisms of the biological functions of fibrin(ogen) remains unknown, including some basic aspects of clotting, fibrinolysis, and molecular origins of fibrin mechanical properties. Even less is known concerning more complex (patho)physiological implications of fibrinogen and fibrin.




……Of special note for fibrous proteins, old observations of the α-helix to β-sheet transition upon stretching of fibrin have been confirmed and a functional spring-like role for the α-helical coiled-coil structure has been discovered…..

HMMMMmmm “monomers forming double-stranded oligomers”….. Darned if that doesn’t sound like a POLYMER/PLASTIC! AND with stretch characteristics.

Monomers and Polymers in Chemistry

A monomer is a type of molecule that has the ability to chemically bond with other molecules in a long chain; a polymer is a chain of an unspecified number of monomers. Essentially, monomers are the building blocks of polymers, which are more complex type of molecules. Monomers—repeating molecular units—are connected into polymers by covalent bonds….

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Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Anything that interferes with the internal smoothness of blood vessels is a problem. Plaque being just one of them. Now the clot shot has introduced yet another.

And you can well bet that they have a(n expensive) solution for that…..


Well, nattokinase is supposed to break up fibrins, and it is natural! I am recommending it to anyone who took the jabs.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – this was found a while back – the SPIKE binds to fibrinogen and kicks off fibrin formation!!!


First thing I thought of as well. That was one of the ways the AS could kill.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He died on the day Osatan was allegedly elected.

Cuppa Covfefe


Wonder if Barky had anything to do with THAT…

Crichton was so much more than just a novelist…

I think that when we finally discover all the evil, hateful, and destructive deeds the Satanic Kabbal has done, they indeed will not be safe walking the streets.

Or anywhere else.

And GOD will find them, no matter where they are.

Matthew 10:26-28:

26 Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.
27 What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops.
28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.


Ottawa police chief just resigned.

Hope it gums them up for another 6 months or so.

Cuppa Covfefe

Wonder if they asked him to do something even he wouldn’t do…


Make them live by their own rules.

Take her off the air NOW!!


Gail Combs

😍 BACON!!! 😍

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comment image

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Lady, it’s semi-coincidence. Islamists riot, they also don’t eat bacon. The correlation is due to a common cause, not because the cause is lack of bacon.

Gail Combs

It is LACK of BACON.


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


Lack of bacon might make ME riot, but they are *used* to living in a shithole surrounded by other knuckledragging religious maniacs.

Last edited 3 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Gail Combs

It is living in a shithole that makes them riot. If they HAD bacon they wouldn’t riot!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Ah, bacon as anti-shithole soma.

Gail Combs


Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. And being deprived of bacon, as, for instance, in a desert, can bring on a world of hurt:

Two Mexicans are stuck in the desert after crossing into the United States, wandering aimlessly and starving. They are at death’s door, when all of a sudden Jose says….

“¿Hey Pepe, do you smell what I smell? Ees bacon, I theenk.”

“Si, Jose: eet sure smells like bacon. ”

With renewed hope they struggle up the next sand dune, and there in the distance, is a tree loaded with bacon. Rashers upon rashers of bacon…

There’s raw bacon, there’s fried bacon, back bacon, Canadian bacon, extra-thick bacon, double smoked bacon, Black Forest bacon …. Every imaginable kind of bacon…

“¡Pepe, Pepe, we ees saved! Ees a bacon tree.”

“Jose, maybe ees a meerage? We ees in the desert don’t forget.”

“Pepe, since when deed you ever hear of a meerage that smell like bacon…ees no meerage; ees a bacon tree.”

And with that, Jose staggers towards the tree. He gets to within 5 metres, Pepe crawling close behind, when suddenly machine gun fire breaks out, and Jose drops like a rock.

Mortally wounded, he warns Pepe with his dying breath,

“Pepe… Go back, amigo, you was right, ees not a bacon tree!”

“Jose, JOSE. MI Amigo… What ees it? ”

“Pepe.. Ees not a bacon tree.



(wait for eet; ees worth eet)
Ees a ham bush….”


Well. Whats happening here?

Joanne Chianello (@jchianello) Tweeted:
I am told the excellent reporting in this story by @Travisdhanraj @NewsHoff and @peterzimonjic put pressure on Peter Sloly to resign as Ottawa’s police chief | CBC News #OttNews

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

So is this good or bad news?

Was he one of the tyrants, or was he trying to block them?


Good question that i haven’t seen a competent answer to. Hired bc he is black from within dept, as the “first “. I saw in comments he had a history of being heavy handed in his career prior to chief, but had not seen too much of that here.
I think perhaps he realized how bad it would be for him to move on the citizens despite what his liberal cohorts wanted.


Good news by me.

The asshole allowed LE to steal fuel from truckers. Tried to stop fuel from being carried in.

Did NOT speak truth about how peaceful the protests were and are.

He should have been on CBC speaking truth.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Seven potholes? What, is the government getting bargain rates or something?

Incidentally, if it were donated to Colorado, only Denver potholes would get filled. If any at all. More likely they’d divert it (it’s for “transportation” after all) and use the money to extend one of the light rail lines another 4.7 inches.

Last edited 3 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

No, I’m not bitter.

Not at all.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That’s not a pothole, that’s an elephant hole.


From what you describe, and the same area no longer ‘potholes’ sounds like the crew dug out an old rotted metal drain culvert pipe and replaced it.

Cuppa Covfefe

Well, Rome has Seven Hills, Denver has Seven Potholes 🙂

Maybe they’ll make a movie… now, who gets to play Mario Lanza…

Cuppa Covfefe

The entire state of Kalifornistan has become a POT-hole…


My latest for those interested. Funny how the same stories keep repeating as we get closer and closer to truth. Worth a rehashing ( RE: Spying on Trump)

Gail Combs

Word Unimpressed now has my ability to comment mucked up on all other blogs, so I will just say here:

Thanks for the update.




“reading through this stuff
“cluster cluck”
Methinks they doth protest too much.


Paid off sycophants.


GWP: A few details about how things work with the Durham investigation, from an interview of Kash Patel by Charlie Kirk.

Kash Patel:  What I’ll tell you is my take. In the Durham pleading he wrote that there was a sensitive arrangement, quote, unquote, that allowed those tech guys that the Democrats and Hillary Clinton and Jake Sullivan hired to gain access to the White House. So the only way that happens, Charlie, the only way on planet earth that happens, in my estimation, is if you have an arrangement with the NSA.

Charlie Kirk: So you think the NSA was working with these tech contractors to build an encrypted tunnel or not a tunnel so you could look at Internet access of the EOP, is that right?

Kash Patel:  So in my experience and since I haven’t been around the intel and I’m giving you my estimation, there’s no other sensitive arrangement you can make to get access to the most secure servers on planet Earth, unless you’re talking to the intelligence community, I. E. The NSA.

Charlie Kirk: So the NSA allegedly willingly built a leaking operation of what websites the White House was visiting via these tech workers. So how do the tech workers come into play here? They were just the middlemen?

Kash Patel:  No. So what happens generally is that they become contractors. So they go to the NSA and they form some sort of arrangement like we do all the time with private companies. And we say, we, the NSA, the intelligence community, are going to hire you, the tech workers, to do X, Y and Z. Or the tech workers approached them and said, we want a contract for you. And this is the effort that we want to undertake with you. And that’s the only way in. There’s no other way in. There’s no other sensitive agreement arrangement. Excuse me. To use John Durham’s words, that allows you access to those servers, it just doesn’t exist.

Charlie Kirk: So just so I understand, the NSA worked with Hillary. Is that right?

Kash Patel:  In my estimation, the NSA and the intelligence community worked with the Hillary Clinton campaign to surveil a sitting President of the United States and not just him, his entire compound…

Charlie Kirk: …Why did Durham do this filing on Friday? What’s the significance of these findings? Just walk us through the legal technicalities of that.

Kash Patel: Yeah, sure… It was a motion regarding conflicts of counsel. And basically, all that means is John Durham has a duty as a federal prosecutor as I did when I was running these types of cases, that if you see that the target you’re defended in this case, Sussman his lawyers are representing multiple people that are targets of an investigation or witnesses of an investigation. He, John Durham, has to let the court know that there exists a possible conflict of interest. Because if he John Durham knows about it and doesn’t let the court know, then that’s basically an automatic reversal. Ie, Sussmanan can go to trial, get convicted, and it will be reversed in the Appellate Courts because there was not a waiver, what we call a waiver of a conflict in counsel. So basically, all of the Perkins Coui, the Democratic lawyer machine, they went out and hired this big fancy law firm, Latham and Watkins. But all of them were represented by the same one firm that Sussman is. So Durham is basically saying, look, judge, I’m putting everyone on notice. And by the way, here’s a bunch of other information.  He’s being very smart because it’s the only way to talk to the public.


The same Latham and Watkins, btw, that Liz Cheney’s husband works for.

Hmmmm. 🤔

Funny how that works.

Cuppa Covfefe

Wonder if the Awan brothers (and their fellow perps) are involved somehow???


Awan’s? Involved? Up to their eyeballs, Cuppa.


Senate confirm Biden’s (or someone’s) FDA nomination.

Ultimately, Califf picked up six Republicans on Tuesday to balance out the Democratic defections: Sens. Roy Blount (Mo.), Richard Burr (N.C.), Susan Collins (Maine), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), Mitt Romney, (Utah) and Patrick Toomey (Pa.).

Rinse and Repeat.


Except they aren’t republicans.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The Usual RINO suspects, elected from allegedly conservative states.

At least my worthless pileofshit senators don’t pretend to be Republicans.


The closer is a hoot! 🤣

Now We’ve Done It: We Pissed Off The CIA


(note: I forgot that ZH was banned from Twatter for 6 months, then Twatter siad it “was in error” and “apologized”)


Died but cannot find reference.

Rob Long (@rcbl) Tweeted:
A hero and an inspiration. A brilliantly funny, sneaky smart writer and the ideal drinking companion. He did the impossible: he made you laugh at the bad news. Except for today. P. J. O’Rourke. Irreplaceable.


I couldn’t find it either but did see this comment so maybe it’s not him?

Are you sure it’s this PJ O’Rourke? A 90-year old Irish journalist by the same name has died.


I see tributes and his wiki is changed.


That’s tough to hear.


Hi DePat ~ Don’t know if you read Barndardt, but I saw this the other day and thought you’d enjoy it. It’s about dressing properly.



Commit to NEVER leaving the house not dressed in what people today would consider “Sunday best” or even formalwear. Women should wear a dress or skirt and blouse EVERY DAY. Men should wear slacks, collared shirts, ties, sport jackets or two or three piece suits. I personally do not so much as TAKE OUT THE TRASH not fully dressed and in my full makeup, with hat and gloves in the winter. And at this point, I am so radically overdressed COMPARED TO OTHERS that it draws looks. But I am still somewhat UNDERDRESSED compared to women up until the late 1960s. June Cleaver was up, fully dressed, cooking breakfast, and then cleaning her house more formally dressed than even I am today.


Um, June Cleaver wasn’t real. Housewives of the ’50s wore house dresses. As for high heels:

During the day a homemaker would have worn flats, slippers, sandals, or may have even skipped the shoes altogether here and there. Upon leaving the house, the heels went right back on. 


Did homemakers wear pants in the 1950s? Sure! Here and there, but they were seldom advertised until the 1960s.

Men’s casual clothing of the ’50s:

Definitely neater than today, but “how to NOT fit in and be ridiculed to your face and behind your back.” One can dress neatly without a collared shirt.

Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Not having read the article:

Perhaps the reason people don’t wear suits much (unless someone puts a gun to their head) is because they cost a mint…and then they cost another mint to clean. And they need to be cleaned frequently since all those extra layers of clothing just means you’ll reek after a day or two.

Cuppa Covfefe

Especially when working from home 😀

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Finally. Ok ty.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

JWST update, for those wanting a break from the crap tornado. The site has updated with new graphics and revamped their timeline (which was originally for the first 30 days, and was starting to get cramped).

Where Is Webb? NASA/Webb


This is extraordinary. 30!!

Realize that, in the background, they are begging, bribing, coercing, threatening, and blackmailing people to run for re-election….



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Something is certainly up.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’d be more reassured that something was up (e.g., “Don’t run again and we won’t prosecute) if a bunch of RINOs were also quitting.

As it is, this is just Democrats not wanting to spend big bucks only to lose. If they don’t run, they get to keep whatever has been given to their campaigns.

Cuppa Covfefe

The Dirty Thirty…

Next up, the Morty Forty, then the Grifty Fifty…

Gail Combs

“….it is only a much more recent phenomenon that members of the media’s highest echelons – such as the NYT’s Matthew Rosenberg – have started asking themselves and their (few remaining) readers the much more difficult question of why is public trust of media so low…..”

GEE, do you think it might be because the Grey — blood drenched — Lady covered up for Stalin MURDERS so that FDR’s recognition of the Soviet Union in 1933 and trade agreement between the two countries, was not SHOUTED DOWN by the American People?


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It’s enough to make one want to riot…oh, look, BACON!!!!

Gail Combs

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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

….and, the jurors who were deliberating even though the judge tossed out the case also decided Palin had not proved her case.


Alternatively, they decided they wanted to get back to their lives after the judge had made their deliberations moot.


As a juror, I have always been quite respectful of the Court, presiding judge, the law, the entire process. Took great pride as a juror to do the right thing. (Never had to consider jury nullification.)  😎 

BUT, as a juror in this case, I’d have had to pushed back a bit after hearing the judge tossed the case AND kept the jury deliberating.

  • Ain’t fucking right to waste jurors personal time AND VERY DISRESPECTFUL of the judge to act in this manner against the jurors doing their Civic Duty.

Perhaps I am missing a key point or two, three…


Sadly, there’s really nowhere to push back to….except by saying, “….what the judge said. So are we done?”



Uh, have been on two juries. Both felony cases. Two day trial in Hi. Assault on LE. One week in NV. Really bad dude in the NV case. (Rape, kidnapping, both with a gun and a few more charges.)

After the verdicts read, Judge queried us to verify our verdict, and whatever whining by the defense attorney.

THEN, the Judge dismissed us Jurors AND offered to discuss how things went from our (Jurors) perspective, in our deliberation room.

This, I stayed behind as a majority of the Jurors did, both times.   AT THIS TIME, it would be MOST APPROPRIATE, IMO, to ask WTF, albeit politely AND not those exact words. Why waste the jurors time.

Both Judges that I served as a juror, were very professional AND very balanced in their actions in the court room.

But yea, the Judge does NOT have to avail himself to discuss with jurors. Dip shit in NY, a Clintoon asshole, prolly does not care anyone thinks. Never seated on a jury in CA. No first hand experience there.


SD has posted a beautiful video – a must see.

Beautiful words, voice, scenery!

Direct Rumble link –

WOLF EDIT – video added:

Last edited 3 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent! Thanks for posting this GA/FL.


Needed that, superb message.

Scenery wonderful.


Yeah. This ^. Loved it.


Great thread!


Great thread!

Sadie Slays

GiveSendGo statement on the recent hack. They claim that credit card information was NOT leaked.

Sadie Slays
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wondering if he was pushing the men to push harder than they were willing to go.

Sadie Slays

From my time salt mining the Ottawa subreddit, my impression is that the now-resigned police chief was the only local official to really grasp the reality of the situation. His message from the start was, “The police don’t have the manpower or logistics to solve this,” and he tried to hint that the government should maybe work with the protesters. Obviously that made him unpopular in Ottawa. I think he’s getting out now before he gets scapegoated further or is pushed by Trudeau to use extreme measures.

Last edited 3 years ago by Sadie Slays
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That makes sense. I’ll bet that Maple Castrato wants to push the police in ways they KNOW they will be held accountable for when COMMUNISM FALLS.

Gail Combs

I’m gonna Grab my pension and RUN!


I believe this. Largely a no win situation.

BUT, the police chief COMPOUNDED the problem, allowed it to fester…

The police chief had a responsibility to SPEAK TRUTHFULLY about the protest being peaceful. NOT steal fuel…

Failed leadership 101.


I think you are correct. He knew the police couldn’t solve this, but that Baby Castro was going to task him with being part of a solution that would end with very bad stuff. So he’s getting out while the getting is halfway good.


This video with the Ottawa police service board may be another reason he left. You lose IQ just watching them talk.

Ottawa: The Government They Deserve – Small Dead Animals


These meetings are comedy gold, like the caption says at the website link 👍😁

Need more emotional women in charge!

Here is their Dear Leader, Diane Deans… just a little more pressure, and she’ll pop like a zit… 😂 🤣 😂

Diane Deans (2:01:57): “I guess, Chief Bell, you know, I… we’re all getting to our breaking point, maybe I am too…”


It’s like watching this old SNL skit, over and over again, for 2+ hours 👍😂


“Ottawa police chief resigned.”


Poor little Nazi jackboot.

He will be sorely missed.


^^^ THIS political asshole was part of the problem.

  • Should NOT have stolen fuel from truckers.
  • Should not have harrassed citizens.
  • Should have CLEARLY stated protests were peaceful. NOT racist.

His replacement, Interim SS Chief Steve Bell, is an eager little fascist, who promises to root out and remove any officers who were seen being friendly to the protestors. 😲

Ja-vol kommandant!

Sadie Slays

Quebec dropping the vaccine passport in March.


I always wonder why not just do it now. What is so magical about a random date like March 14? Maybe that makes it look as if they’re in control and not caving to pressure, or maybe it gives them time to say they need to keep the passports after all because of unforeseen events.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good thinking BOTH WAYS.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great! Thanks! 😎

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! Will release it after midnight.

Cuppa Covfefe

Between the 13th and the Ides of March? (15th)…


Is Canadia paying for everyone to have a cell phone, and monthly service?

Because if they’re not, then they don’t even have a plausible case to even request compliance from anyone who doesn’t have a cell phone, and doesn’t want one.

Looking at that picture, I see two slaves, one holding up her own ball-and-chain to be scanned by a jackboot.

A ball-and-chain she undoubtedly pays for and maintains herself.

“Here’s my slave-tracker, bought it myself, got a good deal on it too! Scan me in! It’s my ticket into the Matrix!”

Her friend: “Yeah, blue pill for me too!!! Scan me in!” 👍 😂 🤣 😂

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

The entire globalist CONTROL scheme falls apart, utterly, without the infernal CELL PHONES…

Gail Combs

I found the Bayer😋 Seresto cat flea collar tin works very nicely at keeping the ‘government fleas’ out.

Hubby insists I have a cell phone given our age so this is a compromise.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

So is it a small phone? Just wondering.

comment image


A flip phone?

Gail Combs

Yeah a flip phone. It fits very nicely with a bit of paper towel for padding.


Step in the right direction. Ourely political. I guess the “science” reflects injection passports should be slowly phased out.

Even the slowest lefty can see this IS political theater.




This right here

Gail Combs

I wonder how long that will stay up?


It’s just…

It’s just…

It’s just…

It’s just bull&^%$!


Eye roll here.

Listening to the radio today they had a brief commercial sponsored by the CDC. “Beware. Covid 19 can cause blood clots!”.

Also sees that this month is Blood Clot Awareness Month.(apparently established by Congress in 2009).

You’d think as much as they are trying to scare people into taking the vax they’d of announced this earlier. Not two years after the virus hit. All quiet until now.

ta dum ta dum ta dum…. files in govt news for low information normy types aka disinfo.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They’re trying to divert from the CLOT SHOT!!! They’re BLAME-SHIFTING to the disease.


Well, they’re gonna have a hard time with that, considering that the blood clots didn’t begin with COVID, but with the FAKE VAXX.


Parliament has 7 days to act on Trudeau’s Emergencies Act and it might not stand up in court either.


No matter what happens, Princess Justina Castro has already revealed his inner Hitler 👍 😁

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

VIDEO of Dr. Zelenko’s Interview with JD Rucker – – It’s very good!!!

Last edited 3 years ago by GA/FL
Gail Combs

Yes, it is very good. I watched it yesterday. It is one hour but he let’s Dr Zelenko talk and it is really no holds barred.




A world leader breaks his silence…

The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) Tweeted:
Xi Jinping Criticizes Trudeau’s Heavy-Handed Approach

Sadie Slays

Currently making the rounds on the chans:

comment image


I saw that….
Tis tru-deau!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



It would be such an easy lay-up for Jinping-pong!

Sadie Slays

NYT’s claiming that Trudeau’s emergency order can “compel” tow truck drivers to remove the protesters. I predict that there’s going to be a sudden COVID epidemic in the Canadian tow truck community if that actually happens.


🤣 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂

“NYTs claims….”

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

If the slimes say it has to be true. Right? Oh wait…


Sadie Slays


Not if the tow drivers disable the trucks.


Fidel Junior is going to lose this battle of “wills”, with Canadian Patriots.


Cops with towing licenses, or cops with semi towing licenses? ‘Cause I’m guessing that skittle-s****ing unicorns are easier to find than the latter.


comment imageDonald J Trump


Get Ready! Your favorite President will see you soon!



We can’t access it yet, right? All I see is a page to join the waiting list.


I don’t know… waiting for feedback !

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This means they’re beta testing!!!


So… who gets in on the “ground floor” ?




JUST IN – Allison Gollust has resigned from CNN.
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Golden parachute for the wench. If NOT, “sexist” charges, law suit to follow….

Cuppa Covfefe

How about a lead parachute?

(Connect to her “press” roots… maybe hot lead)…
No Linotype allowed…

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe



We have the highest standards of journalistic integrity…

If you need to tell people you have integrity – you ain’t got any.


Good point !

Cuppa Covfefe

100,000 emails, eh?

Wonder if they used Corney’s ( 🙂 ) email scanner???
(or whoever it was…)…..

Backing and filling….
Maybe they should change their name to Rhodes Jamieson (or was it Kaiser)…
“Find a hole and fill it”…..

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe



JUST IN – Twitter has suspended Defiant L’s, a popular account that only posts screenshots of peoples’ hypocritical tweets.
comment image


Why is this breaking today ?

Who is “Ann Dorn” ?

“Today, former St Louis police officer Ann Dorn, was on The Joe Hoft Show at Real Talk 93.3. Ann is a retired Sergeant with the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department and a Police Widow (Survivor). Her husband David, who was a retired Police Captain with the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department, and a retired Chief of Moline Acres Police Department, was murdered June 2, 2020, during the riots in St. Louis, MO”.


I don’t know why it’s coming out today except that she was on Joe Hoft’s show today. But also maybe because Hillary is in the news regarding Durham.

In 2016 Ann worked at the hotel where Hillary was stationed before the 2016 Presidential debate in St. Louis. Ann shared her first-hand account related to Hillary Clinton and in particular her health that until today has never been reported. Below are segments from her interview where she discusses her first-hand accounts.

I was the supervisor assigned to the hotel she [Hillary] was staying at… Everything was enclosed. Walkways within the hotel were enclosed with tarps. And that Scooby van that everybody calls, we were talking about it and there were secret service agents there and they were talking like, ‘Oh yeah, they have it specially made for her. It’s curb height because she can’t step up or down. They want it right at the curb so she can walk right in to it.’

[During a walkthrough a week or so before the event with the Secret Service, Police and hotel staff] We were walking around and where she was going to practice her debate was at the other end of the hotel in a conference room… It’s like a whole block away…The Secret Service agents looked at us and said, ‘she can’t do this… She can’t walk and they’re arguing with each other, she can’t walk.’ [They said we’ll have to get a wheelchair but then said they couldn’t do that because people would see her in it.]

The day that she arrived, we’re at the hotel waiting. Everybody knows there’s always a motorcade with Secret Service involved. Highways get shut down for everybody. All the sudden the motorcade stops . Nobody knows why. I’m in the communications center and there’s some bickering on the radio because you can hear Secret Service talking and they’re bickering back and forth. I’m not thinking much about it. So they get there. And of course, when they get there the hotel shuts down completely… Wherever you are you’re locked down completely and you can’t leave because Hillary doesn’t want to see you…Nobody is supposed to see her. She doesn’t want to look at anybody.

[In the Comms Center where Ann was at, two Secret Service guys were arguing] ‘Why wasn’t the medical bag in the van. Why was it in car number whatever?’

The nightmare if they had cheated her into office…😱😡
The complicity of the media is at the least malpractice, but I think it should be criminal.
The hubris of Hitlery to try to get away with this and her actions to make us think she was capable of holding an office that she clearly was not are also criminal, IMO.

Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths

(it was kinda a rhetorical question…)

Is she any better, or worse, off than [JB] ?

(I hope they are “fit” enough to stand trial !)


I think “fitness” will be a major issue if it ever gets that far for them.


If it comes to actual charges against hildabeast, we’ll see her in a wheelchair, oxygen tubes, accompanied by a doctor AND nurse…


That’s OK… even if it costs extra for an ADA-approved handicap access ramp up to the gallows platform.


Wheel the bitch off a cliff OR into a shark tank. 🙂


Yup !
(whatever it takes !)

Cuppa Covfefe

Might be hard to believe, but she would have been worse.
Think of having Satan himself as president of the USA.

She is a Satanic Black Magick Illuminised Witch, one of the highest-ranking, if not THE highest-ranking on earth. This has been confirmed by others of her “order”. (cf and other sources).

I’ve mentioned “Unlimited Access” by Gary Aldrich a few times in the last couple of days. It details much (but not all) of the depraved goings-on of the “Billary” White House. Would not be surprised if child (or other) sacrifices were made on their “watch”…

No wonder Melania called in exorcists as soon as VSGPDJT and she moved in. The spirits and demons walking those halls must have been horrible (remember the parable about the demon returning and bringing seven more evil demons with him… must have been quite a few to cast out and away)…..


Sadly, I believe every word from Ann Dorn.

A sad testament on the SS allowing the charade to play out. I awouldn’t ask the SS to take a side. But they MUST be honest and NOT hide information voters deserve to know.

For SS protecee(s) or whatever they call the person “protected”, that should NEVER be used as cover to protect asshoes (Where’s Hunter) criminal behavior or hildabeast health issues.

Cuppa Covfefe

The video interview of Ronald Bernard (the Dutch Financier) has a lot to say about SS and other “agencies” who are pwned by the deep state.

I’ll try to dig up the transcript(s) of the interviews (there are seven of them) which detail an enormous network of cold-blooded leaders, politicians, financiers, and other power brokers who don’t bat an eye at child sacrifices at meetings to “empower” them… The first interview lays the groundwork, and explains a lot about that very dark world, some of which we’re seeing now with Klaus Schwab and George Satan Sauros…


IF you can come across them with ease, please, post links.


“It’s like a whole block away…The Secret Service agents looked at us and said, ‘she can’t do this… She can’t walk and they’re arguing with each other, she can’t walk.’ [They said we’ll have to get a wheelchair but then said they couldn’t do that because people would see her in it.]”


Apparently they divert people with problem solving abilities to other agencies.

Dump her on a wheeled luggage cart, throw a blanket over it, and roll that pig to the other side of the hotel.

Problem solved.


Or better yet, let her figure it out.

If she thinks she’s qualified to run the United States of America, she #*&% well better be able to figure out how to get her own sorry a$$ to the other side of a building.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Heh Heh, Miss Wheatie’s gonna get me for this. 😜 (Sure do miss her!💔)

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Yea, we ALL surely miss, Miss Wheatie.

NOT trying to start trouble here.

Wonder if Grandma had a hand in that map.  😂  😅  😂 

Gosh, we all miss Grandma too.

Absolute GEMS, Grandma AND Wheatie ARE!


 😆  😅  😂 

Cuppa Covfefe

You can sing to them:

“I give you a land of sun and flowers, and summer a whole year long, I give you a land where the golden hours roll by to the mockingbird‘s song, Where the cotton blooms ‘neath the southern sun, where the vintage hangs thick on the vine. A land whose story has just begun. This wonderful land of mine.”

(see Wackypaedia article on the musical number “Oklahoma” 🙂 )…
hmmm…. now WHY would I be talking about THAT musical 😆


govt.exe is corrupt 2.0 (@bumbaclot_1984) Tweeted:
This is just a friendly reminder that daylight saving time is less rhana month away. Please make sure to set your clocks to the appropriate time. 1936 Germany.

Cuppa Covfefe

And for those travelling to the UK, set your watch back 5 (6/7/8) hours and two hundred years 🙂


Jenna Ellis (@JennaEllisEsq) Tweeted:
BREAKING: @US_FDA Executive Officer on Hidden Cam Reveals Future COVID policy

“@JoeBiden wants to inoculate as many people as possible”

‘You’ll have to get an annual shot’

“They’re[FDA] not going to not approve it”


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is national suicide.

If somebody doesn’t roll the tanks on this crazy China puppet and his gang of feckless communists and dweebs, this nation will be destroyed.

Worldwide Exclusive: Embalmers Find Veins & Arteries Filled with Never Before Seen Rubbery Clots

Last edited 3 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

These clot things are apparently IN blood vaxed have donated. Or was it someone Covid positive? Both?

Blood supply polluted?

This IS disgusting.


I gave blood a couple of weeks ago, and they don’t even ask you anything about whether you’ve had COVID or the clot shot.


Yea, that was my understanding.

My guess is they ought to be asking.
– Ever Covid positive?
– Covid injected?

The LATTER, I think IS A BFD.

Both data points worth collecting. MeThinks.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Actually, that is very interesting.

These things PROBABLY don’t pass into donated blood, and since donated blood is immediately hit with anticoagulants, it’s unlikely that these are seen in donated blood.

But these ARE in the veins (and to some extent the arteries) of people who have been jabbed.




Worldwide Exclusive: Embalmers Find Veins & Arteries Filled with Never Before Seen Rubbery Clots

Is that very not good?

It seems like that might even be bad…

Things that have never been seen before are often unusual, and unusual is uncommon.

And embalmers see a lot of bodies, including dead ones.

And if they’re seeing things that are so uncommon as to be unusual, that could be a sign that something is wrong and not right.

But if they are seeing things they’ve never seen before, that’s a whole other order of ruh-row, Raggy…


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What I found hilarious is that “Politifact” (LMAO) just ran out and immediately tried to “debunk” it, and did EXACTLY what Steve Kirsch predicted they would do.

These horrible “fact-checkers” need to answer for what they’ve done. But they never will, unless we free ourselves from the criminals in charge.

They’re not fact-checkers. They’re NARRATIVE DEFENDERS.


“If somebody doesn’t roll the tanks on this crazy China puppet and his gang of feckless communists and dweebs, this nation will be destroyed.”



The white hat’s Walkers should finally be ready to go in no more than 15 years.

Twenty years, tops.

Unless there are cost overruns or unforeseen delays.

But definitely not more than 25 years, or possibly 30.

Forty years at the outside, really far end estimate. 👍 😁

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Last edited 3 years ago by scott467
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ah, yes! The “slow walker” theory! I know it well.


FDA stooge: “You’ll have to get an annual shot”


Oh yeah?

Or what?


No soup for you!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

When they want to use DEADLY POISON against us…..

Horrifying Calamari Clots Pulled From Dead COVID Vaccinee
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…..then I think that we have a right to SELF-DEFENSE.

Last edited 3 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Horrifying Calamari Clots Pulled From Dead COVID Vaccinee”


I always tell people, don’t eat the gas station calamari, but they never listen!


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Sadie Slays

Canadian state media is harassing donors to the trucker convoy.

Cuppa Covfefe

That’s harrassment… Would love to see somebody sue the socks off of that Graham crackers icehole…

Sadie Slays


Beautiful sites and sounds.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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My appreciation for and love for the Canadian People grows by the HOUR 👍👍👍

Sadie Slays

“This is a part of the trend we’ve seen with the vehicle’s still here, to park in a way that would make it very difficult to be towed. ”

Cuppa Covfefe

Now headed toward “Bob’s Country Bunker” 🙂

Good on Ya, Truckers and supporters!!!


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Suggest “Castreau” (with an a in the last syllable).

Cuppa Covfefe

Ooops. Typeau. That’s what I meant… it was late here (and no covfefe at that hour, closer to bottle of red, bottle of white [OK, glass])…

Or maybe Castreauti….

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I gave it 50-50 odds that’s what you wanted.


My guess, the motor homes are EASY to drag a bit, to facilitate towing. NOT a big deal.

Now, the Big Rigs ARE going to be problematic, as an understatement.

Gotta believe big rig tow truck drivers will REFUSE to play nice with Fidel Junior.


“There is also a bunch of propane at these RV’s”


Probably a good idea to post big red warning signs on the outside of the RV.

Something like “DANGER — energetic material that can become combustible when subjected to heat or friction

And then in tiny print: “This message brought to you by Christopher Wray, head terrorist at the FIB”






More –

Last edited 3 years ago by GA/FL
Cuppa Covfefe


Pediatric stroke team.



Y’all recognize this character?


Devin Nunes. He’s the CEO of Truth Social. It’s nice to see them playing around with it. Coming soon, I hope.

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Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths

He was trying on that @jack look…


Upside down.

Maybe with polka music playing.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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HILARIOUS. Little Fidel Junior gets massively heckled and shouted down. Opposition (conservative) gal does a fine job nailing Lil Castro.

Video is at the end of GWP article. ~six minutes.


MUST WATCH: Canadian Parliament Members Shout Down Trudeau Multiple Times As He Dodges Questions About His Unprecedented Use of the Emergency Act – (VIDEO)

EDIT. Just saw this at CTH. IS Lil Castro EA a ruse? Not really planning to get Parliament approval? Which is required within seven days. (Or so I understand

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Refuses to Bring Emergency War Measures Act to Parliament for Authorization Vote
Earlier today Conservative Party opposition leader Candice Bergen asked Prime Minister Justin Trudeau when he planned to bring his declaration of the Emergency Act before parliament for authorization. The Canadian Prime Minister refused to answer the question. WATCH:


EDIT. Longer video. ~20 minutes. Still watching.

^^^ GREAT VIDEO LIVELY IS an understatement.  😂 

Last edited 3 years ago by kalbokalbs
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Weasel dance. Shitbird.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Maple Castro is an evil piece of shit.


This, x 10,000

Grind the Communists into pulp – make their lives miserable, and when the media asks why Republicans are being so rough, grind the Communists even harder.  Ridicule anyone who would stand up for them (without mercy or relent). Cast the Communist Democrats into a fiery pit of irrelevance and keep pouring toxic lava upon them to keep them from climbing out.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah, that’s a solid beginning.

Lava will have to do because we can’t drop them onto a neutron star…yet.


If the media asks why Republicans are being so rough (has a Republican ever been rough? …we should be so lucky), they should say “Because it’s FUN and we LOVE it” 😂