First things first. Please, pray for the repose of the soul of one who brought levity to some serious concepts and made them understandable.
Thanks for the laughs, PJ.
About the Canadians:
I’d say Trudork’s people don’t like him very much.
Meanwhile, in Virginia….
That’s not a shoe, that’s a weapon.
Random stuff:
And whatever you do, don’t give in to pants with gathered hems. The kids wearing them have no clue how idiotic they look.
In the comments:

Remember, America Magazine is published by delusional Jesuits.
This is probably closer to the truth than not.

Yeah, no. Some things the world does NOT need to see.

Have a good day y’all.
(I don’t remember who brought this to a daily in the comments, but thanks.)

And, of course, the obligatory George Carlin:

Per the Boss:

And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:
Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone
Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.
Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.
Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there. The “Rescue Thread” is also over there. In the event a rendezvous of the tree is needed, please check it out, as well as the newest rescue venue.
Auntie DePat’s requests:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
One other vital note:
Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.

JAMES 1:19-27
19Know this, my beloved brethren. Let every man be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger, 20for the anger of man does not work the righteousness of God. 21Therefore put away all filthiness and rank growth of wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls. 22But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. 23For if any one is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who observes his natural face in a mirror; 24for he observes himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like. 25But he who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer that forgets but a doer that acts, he shall be blessed in his doing. 26If any one thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this man’s religion is vain. 27Religion that is pure and undefiled before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.
“Do not be afraid to take a chance on peace, to teach peace, to live peace. Peace will be the last word of history” – St. Pope John Paul II
Holiness is this profound contact with God, becoming a friend of God: it is letting the Other work, the Only One who can really make the world both good and happy. — Benedict XVI
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.
Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, first responders and those working behind the scenes…and any and all people with family members in the hospital, COVID or not.
And…members of the QTree who no longer participate for one reason or another.

It is quite clear, as per Wolf’s message from July, that we are under spiritual attack. Building up a robust arsenal of prayer and discipline is a must in fighting the enemy and his minions.
In that spirit, the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel from Tuesday’s threads, and the Breastplate of St. Patrick, not to mention the Litany of Humility are favorites recommended by exorcists in spiritual warfare.
Manual release! Now back for the reading!
That could be very funny if read with a dirty mind.
Why, I haven’t “read” Playboy since my misspent youth!
But I have a good idea of what dirty mind you speak!
For a time, I had a weekly shootin’ buddy to go to the range with. On the way to the range, we’d talk current events and politics. Being from Sri Lanka, he found American government incomprehensible… I bought him a copy of “Parliament of Whores” as an explainer.
Camel Day!!!
Have you seen this one?
Interesting idea, but does it not get a bit complicated if one is spending them in a shop that takes both them and normal currency.
With inflation lowering the value of normal currency each item would have to have two price tags and one of them would be constantly altering. One would have to be nimble with mental arithmetic to make sure you got the right change.
Alternatively, they could just treat the gold money as some certain amount of dollars and give you change for that. On my occasional trips to Canada, I’ve been close enough to the border they accept American paper money; they just treated a US dollar as if it were a $1.25 CAD bill, and give me Canadian change for that amount. (I don’t remember what the conversion was back then; that’s just an example.) One hotel I stayed at gave a much lower rate (maybe he hated “Yanks”), so I just paid with plastic.
So here, the 1/100th ounce bill would be treated like an $18.50 bill, and the shop would give you $8.50 in change for a purchase priced at ten dollars.
JP is quite hilarious, and really caught Trudope this time.
“More restrictions is the way to prevent more restrictions.”
Yes, Justin. Some amazing logic there. BABY CASTRO.
Sorry, but who is JP?
The redheaded guy with all the videos. JP Sears.
I had to ask because there are two references to him tonight (so far) with no links.
You may want to make sure that you’re not confusing P.J. O’Rourke with J.P. Sears — both of whom have been mentioned.
Nope. You mentioned him once, and so did wolf. Both without links to anything JP did.
His vids are in many of DP’s posts.
Yeah, as soon as you described him I knew who you were talking about.
And he was in this one…but unlabeled. Faces, no names, names, no faces!
Having watched part of the one in this post, I’m waiting for him to quote 1984: Freedom is Slavery.
If shoes worked for Khrushchev at the UN, they can work in the Virginia Senate.
Nikita was merely deploying a common loafer. Our gal Winsome has a Class A Tactical Attack Heel.
How sharp is that stiletto?
Tactical. Class A.
One of the people in my self defense class was trying for the ‘STOMP ON HIS FOOT’ defense when she was attacked from behind.
She missed…
She ripped his leg open from the knee to the ankle with her Tactical Class A Stiletto.
I’m not knockin’ anything. The joker who thought it was funny to misplace her gavel needs to get on the right side of things before he experiences the Class A Tactical.
Sharp enough, that I know better than be on the receiving end.
They’re Fabulous!!

Tell you what, I grew up in the South, and one lesson I learned EARLY was, don’t mess with a traditional black woman. They will kick your ass!
I can even hear it: “I’m a gonna KICK yo ASS!!”
Hickory switches. I’ll never forget.
They need those? I wouldn’t have thought so.
Need? Not sure. Use? Oh, yeah!
Ah, sort of like “I didn’t know how many of them it would take to kick my ass. But I knew how many of them they were going to use.” (Ron White, from his monologue about being in a New York bar, then bounced.)
I love Ron White! Probably my favorite stand-up. Such dry humor.
right before he was thrown into the “Public”
Yeah, it’s funny but when he says “Drunk in publick” I always hear that K that normally isn’t part of the the word. (The Framers, I believe, spelled it “publick” at least some of the time.)
I was drunk in a bar. That’s legal. They put me “in publick.” Arrest them!!
The absolute worst is when your mother sends you outside to the alley to get her a switch from the mother loving “switch bushes” so she could whoop you, the salt on the wound was always “nah, that’s not a switch .. “ then she’d go get the dang log
to whup you with. There was always a lesson here but we were all danged if we could figure it out .. 

.. or remember that we figured it out ./
Lol! Yes, I have been sent for the switch. And I knew if I picked the wrong one I was in for worse trouble.
JP’s gonna get his butt “non grata’d” by the Canadian government for accurate reporting about their leader, Trudescu.
Things are going to get VERY interesting.
I’m going to really start hammering the other side with the CLOT SHOT stuff now.
SPOILER ALERT – nasty novel clots removed from a clot shot victim.
… what they want to do to our kids.
People need to SEE THIS STUFF to have the GUTS to defend their friends and family with the “requisite vigor”.
The sad, sorry truth of it is, we can only try to save the children at this point by terrifying the clot-shotted for the rest of their potentially-short lives.
Can you imagine being someone who was tricked into taking two or three of these shots and then presented with these photos?
I actually feel cruel, but I am willing to be for the kids.
Gotta save the kids. Then we let them know communists and RINOs killed their parents.
Agreed. It is just painful.
I’ve seen more sickening things. Absolutely hammer them with it. Several things come to mind, like Jackie Kennedy keeping her soiled clothing on so people could see what had been done on 11/22/63, and people showing pics of aborted babies to demonstrate what a horror show abortion is. So yeah, if they want to push these things, they need to see the consequences. And it needs to be rubbed in their faces.
Totally agree.
Wofie, I am glad you are jumping on that Dr Ruby video.
Big post coming! I’m warming up the crowd.
Got an email from a list I’m on. The subject was reaction to your Frankenvax post.
Here’s an extra box of ammo for that research.
Cary Watkins confirms embalmer Richard Hirschman’s story about the telltale blood clots (
All three members of the SF School Board who were eligible to be recalled got their recalls on today’s ballot; and all three have just been recalled. Hopefully the rest of the Board will note the application of this Clue-by-Four.
Gotta love GAB – and the POST.
Hitlery the Criminal.
Need less outrage,
moreany law enforcement.Over target – THE problem. Administer and enforce laws as written or die as a republic.
For movie fans, I just saw this.
One of the top film noirs has been restored and is getting a 4K UHD (ultra high definition) release:
Double Indemnity (1944) 4K Blu-ray
Directed and written (screen play) by Billy Wilder
Starring: Fred MacMurray, Barbara Stanwyck, Edward G. Robinson
Description: Has dialogue ever been more perfectly hard-boiled? Has a femme fatale ever been as deliciously evil as Barbara Stanwyck? And has 1940s Los Angeles ever looked so seductively sordid? Working with cowriter Raymond Chandler, director Billy Wilder launched himself onto the Hollywood A-list with this paragon of film-noir fatalism from James M. Cain’s pulp novel.
When slick salesman Walter Neff (Fred MacMurray) walks into the swank home of dissatisfied housewife Phyllis Dietrichson (Stanwyck), he intends to sell her insurance, but he winds up becoming entangled with her in a far more sinister way. Featuring scene-stealing supporting work from Edward G. Robinson and the chiaroscuro of cinematographer John F. Seitz, Double Indemnity is one of the most wickedly perverse stories ever told and the cynical standard by which all noir must be measured.
Special Features and Technical Specs:
NICE! This is a great film.
He calls her “Baby” throughout. It’s a classic.
And if you like this movie, you’ll love “Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid” a parody of the film noir genre by Steve Martin that includes several scenes from D.I. as well as many other films, merged cleverly within the story. Shot in B&W, a must-see for any film buff!
If this is true – look for the RINO vs MAGA primaries to be brutal. RINOs have been pulling this kind of thing for years.
Establishment Republican RINOs are Uni-party globalists.
They would rather see the Democrats in control than Trump or America First Conservatives, aka MAGA people.
NOTE – In CLOSED PRIMARY STATES, you must register as a Republican in order to vote MAGA – because only registered party members can vote in those State primaries.
Independents cannot vote in closed primaries and there is no such thing as a MAGA Democrat.
The newly re-drawn TN 5th congressional district is another example. Lots of people getting in on it. A few carpetbaggers, and locals. I do not live in that district but am hoping Andy Ogles,(mayor of Maury county), runs. I do not trust the rest, especially the carpetbaggers.
“there is no such thing as a MAGA Democrat.”
Sometimes you run into a less communist Democrat.
But it is often like being only a little pregnant.
WA state is a jungle primary. Everybody runs in the same primary.
Verse of the Day for Wednesday, February 16, 2022
“The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped…”
Psalms 28:7 (KJV)
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
Short and sweet. 3:40 minutes.
Dr. Steve LaTulippe had evidence MANUFACTURED and used to yank his medical license.
His REAL CRIME? For four months he treated covid WITHOUT A MASK, EARLY and DID NOT LOSE ONE PATIENT. A short video of this info went viral so the medical board immediately yanked his license temporarily for ‘endangering his patients’ while they manufactured drug misuse ‘evidence’ to yank it permanently.
He warns that now doctors are ‘wage slaves’ and have to do what the hospital administrators say or risk losing their licenses. Medical boards have become weapons of the WEF. He is supporting the truckers because THEY HAVE THE BALLS TO DO WHAT DOCTORS DID NOT.
He also warned if we do not move now we will lose.
Oregon Doctor’s License Revoked for Level-Headed COVID Response
Truth Social post yesterday evening with Nunes in jack’s beard has got me fired up !!
We kept hearing the launch would be around 2/15/22 , I realize beta testing is a tedious/onerous thing to do.. and there is work yet to do, none the less I recognize the post as a milestone and another,
Promise made and Promise Kept !!
Can we get a He!! YEAH !! from the Free people of the world?
I’ll settle down now.
Let’s go Brandon
Trying to soften up the people before the big bombshells are dropped?
WEF. Regrouping. They stalemated this round, and lost cover, which is important.
I kept watching, hoping, praying this was satire… It is not…
Now you know where NOT to send kids for edumakatun.
Saw that yesterday. Stoopid IS strong at UNR. Idjits.
What are the protesters saying? I can’t understand them through the masks.
[jaw drop]
Something is in the wind.
From most fascistic regime pushing draconian mandates to clouds clearing and weather fine in about one months time. We got to find out what the key to their success was. Pretty sure things over there were boiling over.
Hmmm, things that make me say, W T F ? Good news. But still W T F ?
Austria, the goofs that “voted” for injection mandates a couple weeks ago?
I think the thread of Nuremberg 2 has woken up European countries. They stopped playing some found out truths that cannot be hidden any longer. Fauci and the forces behind him overplayed their hands. The World is seeing truths and government cannot hold population down any longer. The psychological hold has worn off. Melone and world scientists and doctors including lawyers like Reinhard Fuelmich are winning.
This way they get to keep their power and try again later.
As such they are following the Bolshevik playbook.
Yes they will but this time we are mentally psychologically prepared. Play us once you win the second time you loose.
It is over unless China released a truly deadly virus our athletes going to bring back.
They might feel they also can starve us out?
The doctors we know now are puppets of the hospitals and hospitals are puppets of big pharma. This is going to be a problem unless we can change our government and the deep state.
Evidence is in the wind, in my opinion. Embalmers unable to embalm, teenagers dropping dead, honest physicians discussing heart attacks, strokes, etc., are an F5 tornado bearing down on the whole world.
The sowed the wind, and will now reap the whirlwind.
F5 tornadoes flatten everything in their path.
Canada is freeing the entire world. They’ve taught the people how to use their power. The last thing these countries want is for that to spread.
Yup. There you go. KlauSS is dropping the curtains.
You don’t just go full Hitler on your country, and then say “Whoops, sorry”.
The criminals in government need to be prosecuted, and many of them have committed capital crimes.
Big part of the problem is the prosecutors are also criminals.
None of this stops because the criminal governments call for a pause in their full-Hitler.
If the government wants to surrender to the People for trial that’s great, but there is no reason to believe they will.
Until the criminal governments are held accountable, a state of war continues to exist between criminal governments and the People against whom the governments committed atrocities and crimes against humanity.
Nothing is over until the criminals are asset-stripped and in prison or hanging upside down by piano wire.
Wait til this guy sees the embalmer photos. What’ll he think then?
Clot Shot was no lie.
Not just a clottery anymore… sad to say…
We were talking the other day about how the Dems are good at catchy slogans and the Repubs aren’t. “Clot-Shot” is a notable exception.
Truth is, “clot shot” would not pass a Frank Luntz stacked focus group, and if it did, McConnell would kill it!
Real MAGA invented that one, IMO.
Not sure we knew this part. Short vid on potential false flags in Canada. Yes we know about the weapons stolen and worries they will be planted around Ottawa to make the truckers look bad and cause a further clamp down, but at the 2:00 mark they out line two suspicious individuals with globalist back grounds who were responsible for setting up the gofundme that got shut down. That means Deep State was able to infiltrate the trucker convoy very early on in the process. Disconcerting that they can they can move that fast and we are only catching on now.
This one rates stink eye at the moment. Did not finish watching video.
IIRC, one of the guys yammering was in a video last week claiming to be ex Canuk military. Warning of FF. He was outed. Can’t recall the details. Moving on.
Interesting. In the meantime comment was geared toward the rapidity of the Cabal being able to climb in and take over our funding resources via the setting up the original GoFundMe in order to impede/drain/demoralize patriots and their monies.
Comment not about the former RCMP sniper Danny Bulford’s (who allegedly left the RCMP over vaccine mandates also allegedly a Convoy Spokes person) warning about potential false flag. Understands how queasy patriots get at the mention of false flags and how that can work in either direction.
Give Send Go’s web site IS UP.
Latest numbers…
$9,423,510 raised. 58% of the $16,000,000 goal
107,196 donations.
MeThinks, Give Send Go has a plan to get funds to the good guys in Canada.
Dunno IF I read it in yesterday’s daily, or elsewhere, GSG stated ZERO CC data or the like hacked. I take their word for it.
GSG has NOT flinched, since GFM caved.
Canadians are WINNING. Truckers NOT flinching. Fidel Junior getting called out in his Parliament. GLOBAL winning since Canadian trucker’s STOOD UP.
This is no time to cave on supporting Canadian Truckers.
Just donated again to Give Send Go. Easy Peasy.
Or get all whiny about the onslaught of crap GSG is enduring.
From GSG web site.
Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the LORD your God which He has given you. Deut. 16:17
GSG can buy a butt-load of $1000 gift cards and have someone drive them across the border and hand them out. Problem solved.
Simple, can AND WILL win this battle over tyranny.
Any word on monies distributed? Dosen’t see it on that page. That’s the one that will help bring in more donations.
This ^. Once people see the money is going where it needs to go, the giving will increase.
On the positive side, donations are flowing in. ~250 donations or so in the past hour or two.
I give GSG slack here. GSG seems to be a cut above the capitalist, simply trying to make a buck.
I NEVER trusted GFM. Never.
Truck convoy beginning in California hear it on Bannon this morning. They are go fund me also.
If they’re GFM, they’re either stupid or on the other side.
They mentioned of using the Christian GFM ( do not remember what it is called) side. Still it is a foolish move in my opinion we have seen what can happen even in US. I would be cautious of starting a truck convoy knowing how it can be infiltrated and turning truckers into enemy of the country. They are a little late to the game. They should have begun when Canadians started out. Just my thoughts on that.
Yes. All this “rah rah, join the convoy, here’s the dates” nonsense feels way off to me. The Canada thing had some serious, covert planning behind it. (I know folks here have remarked on that.) And then it seemed to explode out of nowhere. And certainly don’t involve frigging GFM.
It WOULD be helpful to bring in more donations. 100% be good to know.
It WOULD also help Fidel Junior’s goons STOP the flow.
IF it was not working, or work around in process, I believe GSG would stop accepting donations.
Hopefully we’ll know more, at the right time.
GSG will not accept for Truckers USA who begin in California heard it on Bannon this morning. They have good logistics provided by ex DOJ logistic people. I thought of SD ?
Still listening to today’s Bannon’s. Have not gotten that far.
My GUESS, Truckers USA did NOT have the right answers for GSG and opted for paying off GFM. Truckers USA loses financially AND GFM WILL drop them on a moments notice. IMO.
That is how it works. I think they are also collecting cash and bitcoins. Canada disaster when it comes to financing. 5PM Bannon has more.
Thanks. When treadmill time arrives this evening, I’ll be back listening in on Bannon.
Yessiree. Keep donating.
Joost Broekers (@JoostBroekers) Tweeted:
We are being manipulated and lied to:
Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel (now a billionaire equity shareholder) was previously CEO of bioMérieux.
BioMérieux’s founder, Alain Mérieux, is a personal friend of Xi Jinping, he helped build the P4 lab in Wuhan.
Look who is behind him….
That would be Klaus Schwab?
Joost seems to think so and it does look like him, but someone in the comments thinks its Santa Klaus.
Satan Klaus…
Unmistakable. KlauSS F’N SSchwab.
Ummmm … just a quick question from the peanut gallery:
Who is the “Asian” female with them?
BangBang’s sister, SukSuk?
Sum Ting Wong…
We Tu Lo
Ho Re Fook
Bang Ding Ow
My guess is “translators” assigned by CCP.
It didnt say. Just investigating swabby.
Its all a rpg for unicorn hair people. No consequences in life.
Athinkinghumanbeing (@SerrynaWhitesi1) Tweeted:
The slimy predator that punked the givesendgo donors and stole our data. Seems he’s on Turdeau’s payroll. Let’s expose him! AUBREY COTTLE
#FreedomConvoy2022 #TruckersForFreedom2022 #FreedomConvoyCanada2022 #freedom #Canada #convoy2022 #mandates #EndAllMandates #CanadaUnity
Hes antifa?
Dustin PREM-SINGH-Penner (@Dustinpenner25) Tweeted:
Can only hope the dumbass is double injected with a couple bonus boosters.
Tranny troll Bot exhibit A
When they shave their eyebrows and have a gurlfrend accent….yeah.
“Demon Tranny Hackers” is no lie.
I’d like to slap that candy-ass little freak into next week.
We hold him and Sylvia applies her shovel. Or if Sylvia is not available, you and Gil00 can hold him and I will apply my pitchfork.
Or we start with the pitchfork, then fire ants and end with the shovel for what is left.
Lol! A plan!
I’d like to watch!
He has a gofund me to pay for legal fees to get access to his infant child. Married for 13 yrs and his wife left to the US and had the baby here. He’s saying he was the victim in the relationship. The guy is mental.
Heck, I knew that just from looking at him!
Precedent set…..
Now “We” can get stuff on the RATS too.
DP, Great opener, again. Thank you!
On this day in American history, February 16, 1724, South Carolina patriot Christopher Gadsden was born.
Gadsden was born into a wealthy family in Charleston, attended school in England, made his own fortune in business in Philadelphia, and joined the militia.
The rattlesnake theme in America:
Today we have PDJT reading “The Snake.”
If anyone cares, it’s a Timber Rattlesnake depicted on the flag.
OK, sorry, but I have to re=post this as it is very important:
“A keen observer of American history, probably [Ben[ Franklin, wrote an article to the Pennsylvania Journal explaining why the rattlesnake was an appropriate symbol at the time. The rattle showed 13 segments, which represented the 13 colonies. Singularly, each segment doesn’t make noise, but collectively the rattle warns anyone to stay away. The rattlesnake is native to North America as opposed to Europe, and the animal can deliver deadly strikes with its fangs, but only after someone provokes it. The symbol was completely appropriate for the time period and even today as Navy ships and Marine units carry the flag. The Gadsden flag is a symbol as old as America itself. The emotions behind the flag stand for the American Revolution and the dangers anyone faces when impeding on the rights and civil liberties of Americans today, even though the roots of the flag go back more than two centuries.”
Think about it … oh, BTW: Fire Mission …
Interestingly, the name “Gadsden” also appears on the “Gadsden Purchase” of 1854, which is now the southernmost portion of Arizona and Mexico. Apparently we wanted that land south of the Gila river because it was a better rail route. This was a different Gadsden, clearly. James Gadsden was the Ambassador to Mexico at the time and the grandson of Christopher Gadsden.
Interesting connection!
I actually knew about the purchase *long* before I knew the flag was named the “Gadsden Flag” (I always mentally labeled it the “Don’t Tread on Me flag”). Until I went and checked just now, I thought it was a *complete* coincidence.
I know many of us get annoyed at the way the government seems to hire “legacies” (sons/daughters of people already in government service) today–for example Kavanaugh’s parents were eyeball deep in the Federal goverment–yet it doesn’t seem to bother us when it’s pre civil war history.
Another aspect is that the members of those families were willing to serve, and they continued the legacy of their forebears. But it was probably not always honorable since everything the government touches is subject to corruption.
The smell of government attracts the glad handers, rent seekers, sociopaths, otherwise power hungry, the people of small souls, etc.
Love that dirty laundry list!
Tomorrow’s daily is scheduled. Will you keep an eye out?
Will do!
I found myself wanting to make it longer but my brain simply failed me.
I-10 east bound rest area has a plaque / display addressing this purchase.
As I recall, it is in NM, but could easily be in AZ.
Is “Big Chief Yellow Horse” still memorialized in the signage
(Thinking back 60 years ago…..)….
On both I-10 and I-140, there are some Indian memento shops and sites to see. Have never taken the time to visit.
You’d probably find that most of the mementoes were memories of China…. i.e. Made in P.R.C…….
Back in the day, a lot of them were “Made in Hong Kong”…
Most of the tribes anymore aren’t interested in gift shops; they (or their agents) are more interested in Casinos and the like, c.f. Chumash casino near Solvang, CA, which has basically ruined that city…….
Its considered medical waste, like tissue after surgery. You cant keep the swab. This is deceitful though.
Rising serpent
(@rising_serpent) Tweeted:
Did you obtain consent for additional testing?
If yes
Does the person get full access to the test results?
If no
Aren’t you in violation of patient rights?
They sent some swabs on to test the genomic sequence of the virus. This is how they determined Omicron, Delta etc. Could they study your DNA. Probably. But this not what the CDC is talking about.
Ok,I wasnt exactly sure.
Concerning just the “Probably” in your comment, there are many stories like this one below. So yeah, probably.
I got bigger things to worry about then whether or not the Chinese got a sample of my DNA.
I does look that Baby Castro stepped into it
TRUTH SOCIAL to launch Monday, Feb 21, President’s Day.
Don Jr. posts screenshot claiming to be Trump’s first post on new $1b Truth Social platform | Daily Mail Online
Did Nunes make a statement? Last thing I heard from him was March/April.
Nunes said end of March a few weeks ago. Could the DM be wrong?
FTA: Trump is planning to launch the Truth Social platform on February 21 – Presidents’ Day – according to its Apple App Store listing. The platform appears to be an almost exact replica of Twitter.
At this point who knows???
Are you able to access Truth Social right now? I pre-subscribed a couple of weeks ago but can no longer reach the site. Error 1020 access denied.
I only get the sign up page.
I do not even get the sign up page. I hope that Germany has not decided to preemptively block the site.
I’m sure they will.
Russia seems to be the go too when the dems want to take the eyes off the economy or Hillary wanting to coup Trump.
What evil people and to think this clown was 45 years in Senate and so well respected one wonders about those who had mud on their eyes or their ethics.
I’m pretty sure Putin isn’t amused at being used as the whipping boy.
If Russia is as good at hacking as the dems claim they are then Putin may have some good stuff on them, if he has will he save it to leverage them, or drop it at a time of his choosing.
Don’t ever suggest Russia might have the data, unless you’re willing to deal with the same crap Trump had to deal with when he suggested it during one of the debates.
I didn’t recall PDJT had said that, but I’ll take that as official endorsement they have
Just so long as they don’t drop it before an election.
He said something like “Maybe Russia has Hitlary’s Emails” and he got jumped on for suggesting Russia should hack us. Which of course is bullshit.
One really wonders using Russia of all things . They bide their time to get back at them .
Actually the bear is talking through his ….
…. Biteme isn’t saying a word .. bwahahahahaha 

And I don’t think the bear uses Prell, or Breck, or Head’n’Shoulders (although that’s all that might be left afterwards), or Alberto V05… not even Paul Mitchell or Redken
Hoping that bear is incontinent, or at least has eaten a lot of beans recently….
That would be so totally perfect …

h/t Citizen Free Press:
There is a longer video at the CFP link where he talks about other studies: effects of COVID on brain cells, and info about the spike protein and platelet factors.
Why block out the reporter’s name? Turnabout.
But, But, BUT, it has to be legitimate… “Email provide to me by a source“.
Likely an attempt at scare. Meanwhile thousands would love to have the name to rightly say why they donated.
Yeah, just open up to Q tree, grab some of the appropriate pages and start reading….
My motto is “no comment”.
It is non of their business where one gives money and where not.
A former colleague of mine would probably reply,
“HEY, F–K YOU!!!!!
Normally mild-mannered, until someone would try to put one over on him…..
I have to be pushed hard specially defending others. Saying nothing is always good
Pepe Lives Matter
Students from Oak Ridge High School in California protested mask mandates and won!
After their walk out the school relented and will no longer enforce the mandate. Boom!
More of this please!
[video src="" /]
Thank God and bless these young ones, they are most excellent ..

Oh, at the 27 second mark bail out it’s a 7 minute video …

…. spectators sound Asian …
We had one over here where something went wrong (program or timer, probably Windoze was guilty).
Two-hour show went off in about five minutes

Have to feel sorry for the fellow who put it together, but it wasn’t his fault. Everyone had a good time, anyway, even if they had to eat and drink real fast
Would have loved to have seen that. We live on a hill, so we can (before Covid) see all the local fireworks shows for free
(Although the music isn’t in sync, but who cares… the lights and the booms are what it’s all about
BiteMe’s face should be added under the definition of, stoopid.
Absolutely ..

But when it come to evil … he’s manga cum laude ..

When will the sheeple wake up:
Crazy eyes German TV interviewer pushes for sooner enforcement of generel vax mandate, then collapses live on air, due to climate change
[video src="" /]

nTV is a globalist network (think Bloomberg), and the woman in question is one of their unhinged commentators…
Nonetheless, I hope she’s OK. Just another victim of Satan Sauros. I have to look up over here what actually happened. LOTS of nutcakes out there. I worry about how they’ll react when they realize they’ve been had. They’ll probably take it out on us…
Looking at her face, the left side of her mouth particularly, I think she had a stroke. Very disturbing video.
Trust God, not man. She chose poorly .. sadly
Yep. She had to take the jab to keep her job (most likely: ntv are globalist)…
Seems like we are treated DAILY to videos like this. The jabbed keeling over.
At some point, THE jabbed ARE going to connect the dots.
Wonder how long this is going to take for Pravda News to report the connection.
Always remember – Pravda News tried to blame it on US.
Yes, I will NEVER forget what the bastards have put us, our country through. As well as what they’ve done to countries around the globe.
Longer than it should, I imagine.
Like watching a devil run out of gas…
For the 5G conspiracy theorists.
How do ice crystals form and grow? | The Weather Guys
5G includes stuff that is arguably microwaves. I’m not surprised that it’s a problem for certain things and people, nor that it might affect the growth of ice crystals. And given the”care” that was exercised with mRNA vaccines, the idea that “they” would advance a nasty tech is not unbelievable.
The shorter the wavelength, the higher the potential for problems and radiation effects on cells. Also, those frequencies need line-of-sight repeaters, so there will be MANY more of them, likely only 100m apart. Talk about a blight on the landscape.
And for what? Internet of things???
Do we REALLY need our fridge, freezer, stove, washer, dryer, heater, A/C, roomba, sypbots, etc. exchanging data and sports bets all the time???
I prefer to use my stove and oven for cooking, complemented by the microwave combi-oven (great pizza “program”) when I’m in a hurry. Anything more than that is simply superfluous, and often dangerous…..
Would love to have a laser where I could melt a (spy)drone in mid-flight
Israel – 4th dose results – just as bad, if not worse.
Also remember that Dr Zelanko said Israel’s funeral homes can not keep up with the demand.
Jesus wept…
(I would think)…..
Israel may want to validate the jabs and boosters ARE bad with a third booster. (sarc)
“Israel – 4th dose results – just as bad, if not worse.”
You don’t say?
But wait… when it comes to medicine, I thought more was always better…
Steve Bannon covered the lawsuit filed against Alec Baldwin by the family of Halyna Hutchins. The family’s lawyer made a simulation video after examining evidence and interviewing people, and I find it shocking. It shows Baldwin being handed the gun and taking a seat on a church pew. Halyna and the camera crew are set up at the front of the church. In the video, Baldwin, seated, pulls out the gun and shoots her. I’ve never heard any witness saying it happened ike that. Videos and article here:
At the link there is a simulation video of the shooting, a video showing the breaches of industry standards by Baldwin’s production company and crew, and a video of Baldwin describing what happened and what an independent expert says happened. This is a civil suit and Baldwin hasn’t been criminally charged, but I think he is toast. For one thing, he should have kept his nouth shut and not given interviews.
And not for one minute do I buy him ‘not realizing she was shot until he was told much later’. That was the biggest line of BS he ever acted.
The victims should get many millions. He should be pretty broke after this.
AND behind bars.
IIRC, the video does not differ from what I have read.
It DOES fill in a lot of areas NOT mention in whatever I did read.
It DOES cancel out some assumptions on my part. Such as I assumed he was standing.
There is NO reason for me to doubt the animation. High speed lawyers, having interviewed everyone that would talk to them.
The video IS far more believable than Alec Baldwin.
100% I believe the entire movie production was a safety disaster, waiting on an arrogant asshole like Alec Baldwin.
100% I believe Alec Baldwin was clowning around AND had NO respect for weapons, loaded or not.
100% Alec Baldwin pulled the trigger, intentionally.
100% I’ll be happy to see Alec Baldwin behind bars and he/his family financially ruined.
“For one thing, he should have kept his nouth shut and not given interviews.”
Umm… you may not be familiar with Alec Baldwin… uhh…. what you’re suggesting is not actually possible for him…

Creepy close to reality.
Dave Rubin (@RubinReport) Tweeted:
Powerful message. Good stuff gil00, thanks :0)
IIRC the sound track is lifted directly from the movie V for Vendetta.
I think so.
More on Mazars and Trump —
Again, it’s very clear that the people who wrote the article are not too clear on what Mazars is actually doing.
We’re now up to three roles: accountant, auditor, and tax preparer. It still looks to me that Mazars is withdrawing only from auditor (in that they never had accountant) and is withdrawing their opinions from the statements.
Another thing I should note is that I severely doubt that this was a surprise to the Trump organization. Likely it is an option jointly determined.
I just talked to my mechanic today. He is finally getting back to work after a bout in the hospital with Covid. And yes the SOBs did give him Remdesivir….
Anyway he has lost his insurance that he had thru his DW whose plant just closed.
Some one had suggested BlueX/Blue Shield Silver. I do not trust them. Does anyone have any other suggestions for health insurance for an older small business owner?
Some thoughts:
Insurance plans are generally run state-by-state. I’m not (yet) familiar with the players in NC.
Self-employed may have organizations to get group health deals (e.g. or similar).
All “normal” health plans are Obamacare. He’ll be covered for ovarian cancer, and his DW will be covered for prostate issues.
He should find an insurance agent or two to talk with. “Measure twice, cut once” is in play.
He may qualify for a real insurance (“catastrophic”) plan (he covers health costs unless dire). If he’s on $1,000/month insulin, he’d want to avoid. If he’s in good shape, this may be attractive). Note also that the cash price for much of medicine may be about 1/5 of what the “rack rate” is. [This is similar to when you stay at a Motel Six and discover the rate card on the back of the door says you’re in a $400/night room.]
He has my sympathies — nobody needs this garbage, and it’s much worse when you realize that half of the medicine biz is actively trying to kill you (e.g. Remdisivir).
Hey coothie, speaking of health; I hope it’s ok for me to ask how your blood pressure is doing?
Currently looking at about 160/100 when I check it. Part of the problem is that I only check it when agitated — which, considering the amount of utter BS in the air, is too often.
I’m not happy about it, but I’m also not panicked.
Our quack recommend staking BP ~two hours after taking BP med(s).
That’s like the old one about a doctor taking a patient’s wife aside and saying, “he has serious heart problems, but I think he can be rehabilitated in a month or so. The only thing is, it’s imperative that he have regular sexual relations — twice a day.”
So she goes back into his hospital room looking thoughtful, and the patient asks, “what did the doctor say to you?”
She replies, “he says you’re gonna die.”
I’m not quite ready to game the timing yet.
Nice wife ya got dere. Be a shame if nuttin’ happened to her.
That’s not panic territory in my opinion, either.
I know right now a “calm” moment to take blood pressure is probably elusive. That would be, however, a good number to know!
My cuff is currently about 18″ to my right. Unfortunately, to get it out where I can use it is like playing Jenga.
I just did mosquito dunks in the back yard, and I’m updating the tax computer to do taxes for 2021. It’s on the kitchen counter, because of a lack of other space. To get it ready, I first have to let Microserf mess with it (last update October), then I have to update the prior year’s program, then install the new program, and bring the data forward.
Boy, going through a Windows update really makes me appreciate the heck out of Ubuntu.
I have an entire computer to run H&R Block tax software and Garmin Update. Period. End of story.
Every year it annoys the heck out of me and I say, “I should run this in Wine, or do a VM, or something” — but, as you might note, one does not have the luxury of taking income tax compliance and adding it to the queue.
So I have this computer devoted only to those 2 programs.
Whatever you do, don’t let Windoze 11 anywhere near your PCs…
For other versions, “Pro” lets you put off updates until you feel like installing them (and have let everyone else do the alpha- and beta-testing)…
It’s always a problem because of third-party programs not supporting older MORE STABLE OSs…. grrrrrrr……
Whenever I cash out of this place, I intend to get a serious computer to run VMs on. And then I won’t need any Windows boxes at all.
My son was taking “black seed” (schwarzkümmel) for allergies (it seems to cure everything) and he had to stop because it dropped his blood pressure (he’s on ACE inhibitors and beta-blockers to reduce pre-loading, not normal BP) so it seems that black seed is quite helpful for BP… might be worth a try. No idea what it’s called in the US… Aubergine?
Same here, black seed oil or black cumin seed oil. It does do that, or so I have read.
Thanks. Here they call it Schwarzkümmel, Black Caraway, which isn’t quite the same as black cumin (literal translation).
Funny how the same spice has MANY different names in different languages…
All the same, for folks on “antihypertensives”, it’s kind of a no-go. For everyone else, go for it…
(It was on special this month, too, so my wife stocked up, but now my son can’t use it, and because of the beta blockers, he can’t get the allergy shots… PITA, and I’m not talking bread
Lol! Yes, with ANY supplement people have to do their own research or have a consult with a knowledgeable herbalist or other health provider to be sure there won’t be any issues with meds, allergies, or other conditions. All information found here should be viewed as generalized. Individuals have to research for themselves.
It’s called “black seed” in English, also. It’s the seed of Nigella sativa.
The seeds are much like sesame seeds, but with a strong flavor and….duh….black. I’m not sure if I’m chewing them enough to eat them in the form of seeds, so I’m taking black seed oil (same taste) in soft gels while I stabilize “dosages”. I’m thinking it might make a nice tahini.
Thanks Coothie. I will forward that info. In looking around I found Christian Health. It seems to be a matching service for people looking for health insurance.
MediShare advertises on SpiritFM, I haven’t checked it out personally though.
I had it once. They don’t tell you that premiums will go up rather significantly every year. I think that happens with all insurance companies, but this seemed excessive to me. Every birthday it would increase, and then I think they changed that to sometime in the summer.
Everything runs on calendar year now (Obamacare) so everything’s “open enrollment” and “renewal” are all at the same time — midwinter.
Yes, check the state options.
In your state, The family or individual Income and age may play a large part in the options/ plan and costs
Check SS and medicare options.
Wish I had more to offer.
I used Farm Bureau until I hit Medicare age. I think United administers it. Good plan. Should have access in NC.
THANKS! We use to use farm bureau business insurance.
Gail, I have been looking into Christian Healthcare co-ops recently.
Here is an article discussing the various aspects of the article author’s “Top Five” as a starting point for research:
It’s not technically (or actually) “insurance”, so they use (probably must use) slightly different terminology for legal reasons, but it is intended to function similarly to insurance.
You don’t pay a monthly “premium”, you pay a monthly “share”. You don’t have a ‘deductible’, you have a “annual household portion” threshold, or similar.
It appears to be considerably less expensive than many ‘standard’ insurance options.
Some operate closer to insurance guidelines / norms with regard to the way the ‘deductible’ works, while some are different. One has what might be called a “deductible” that is $500, but it works this way:
1) you are responsible for anything up to $500
2) BUT… if the entire ‘incident’ (e.g. original doctor visit, required tests, treatment, etc.) goes OVER $500, they pay for everything, including the first $500.
Different Christian healthcare co-ops have different requirements, I think the article author mentions that most expect you to self-identify as a Christian of some sort (nothing specific), but I think at least one of them (IIRC) does not.
Most have a ‘statement of beliefs’, and there are things they will not cover based on their stated Christian beliefs, which include things like medical bills due to drunk driving, abortion is excluded, and other things that would conflict with Biblical principles.
It’s not a long list of exclusions, and there is some variation from co-op to co-op, and of course monthly ‘shares’ (monthly ‘premium’ in insurance language) are different from co-op to co-op.
At least several of them have been operating for many years now, and appear to be credible organizations.
As I understand it, some co-ops have their own provider-networks of doctors which makes things simpler if you use one of their network doctors, but you can use whatever doctor you want. If your preferred doctor is not part of a co-op’s network, then it’s a little more hassle to get the paperwork done, but nothing crazy.
At least several (and maybe all) of the Christian co-ops have different ‘levels’ (e.g., silver, gold, platinum) to choose from, to make plans available to a variety of different needs, but even the highest level plans with the most coverage appear to be reasonable in cost, even if you add what might be called a ‘rider’ in insurance-language for unlimited medical coverage over some base amount (e.g., anything over $100K in medical bills).
It will take some time to research the top co-ops and figure out which might work best for anyone’s individual circumstances, but it’s worth checking out.
I’m new to this kind of thing, so if you happen to check it out and see any red flags, please let me know!
Anybody else here that cannot access Especially, those in Germany Vodafone customers? I get an access denied message.
I already signed up a couple of weeks ago but can no longer access the site.
There was conversation on that below or above. I’m reading up without a refreshed page. But likely being worked on I’d think as curtain day is not till Presidents day or Mar/Apr. Seems to be some confusion on that as well.
I can get on but have to get the pre order Apple store thingy. Not doing it.
Maybe get a VPN?
I’m thinking of getting one, since I’m sick of all this geo-blocking. When I kill srcipting off, a lot of sites cease to function….
Yet another reason to “thank” the EU…
I’ve used NordVPN and have been happy with it.
Off the wall…
Can a Judge, be GUILTY of jury tampering, over a case the Judge heard AND the jury was deliberating?
Yea, I know the Judge tossed the case. The judge publicly tossing the case, likely effected the jury. After all, WTF should the jury deliberate IF the judge already tossed the case.
While Jury in Palin Libel Trial Against New York Times Was Deliberating, Jurors Received ‘Push Notifications’ About Judge’s Plan to Toss Out Suit
IMO it was judicial sabotage, to force the case to appeal and retrial where it gets dismissed.
Russians rightfully mocking BiteMe and his incompetent fools…
Russia Asks Joe Biden for Next Ukraine Invasion Dates So They Can Coordinate Vacation Plans for Moscow Officials
The Russians are having a little fun at Joe Biden’s expense, now that the deadline for invasion has expired without invasion.
Yesterday, the Russians reminded the Ukraine government to set their alarm clocks so they did not miss the invasion. Today the Russian government asks the Biden administration for the invasion dates, they plan to use this year, so that Moscow can coordinate the vacation plans of key military and government officials.
Russia’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova asked for the invasion schedule on Telegram: “I’d like to request US and British disinformation: Bloomberg, The New York Times and The Sun media outlets to publish the schedule for our upcoming invasions for the year. I’d like to plan my vacation,” the Russian diplomat said on her Telegram channel Wednesday.
More at the link…
Oh, that’s great!
The Founding Fathers must be rolling in their graves seeing what a laughingstock we’ve become….
Yup. Sad.
I admit, I laughed so hard! Then I was mad, because this is AMERICA they are able to mock so effectively right now. Sad.
Yea. Sad. Happening more frequently.
Wait until much of the world that RELIES on CDC, FDA, the likes of Pfizer, J&J… REALIZES they’ve been deceived, lied to AND POISONED with the clot shots.
THIS IS AN INTENTIONAL BLACK EYE with HUGE IMPACT that may never be recovered from the intentional deceit.
Yes, I do worry that much of our standing in the world is gone forever.
Ground report. A new billboard advertisement went up in nearby: “Living with HIV.” The AIDS messaging is everywhere.
Oh, I’m seeing the play now. Evil bastards.
Combi-Vax arriving in 3–2–1–…..
And the sheeple/lemmings will be lining up to get it…
When I see the poor little children with their brain-killing masks on, I could just scream.
Hell isn’t hot enough for the likes of Satan Sauros, Schwabbot, Billy-Ghoul Gates, Faux-Xi, Drosten, Lauterbach, Collins, Scarf-lady, and all the rest…
Unless they turn and repent, may they BURN, be eaten alive by worms (as was Herod), and then BURN IN HELL for all eternity…
Oh, btw, Austria is rolling back all their restrictions, and, in passing, it came out that the “free” tests they were giving to their people cost a total of 2.6 BILLION Euros.
Wonder how much the gubmint lackey scraped up out of that, i.e. 10 percent or so for “the big guys”…..
Waiting for the billboards saying “Killing because of HIV: How to Find the Lying Crapweasels who Destroyed your Immune system for Personal Profit”
The shady lawyer advertisements are inevitable: “If you or your loved one received the COVID-19 vaccine, please call 1-800…You may be entitled to compensation.”
Keep going, humiliate the crap out of Creepy!
Maria is very funny.
There was another really good meme that Twatter seems to have pulled.
4 frames
Seems the Russians are following the lead of MAGA.
Is that John Revolting?
The passage to me says “don’t bother spending time trying to understand the complex scam we pulled. Just believe us when we say he is lying. We did nothing wrong.”
Elitism in all its squalor.
Starting to suck now to know you’ve been jabbed.
and he says “I forgot Principal Financial Group
$PFG +37%”
Meanwhile some in the comments left this story, or one like it, that we featured here some months back.
We may of done this one earlier. See’s the tweet is from 8 Feb.even though Liberty Daily just posted the story.
We saw this earlier report.
JAN 03, 2022
Life Insurance CEO Says Deaths Up 40% Among Those Aged 18 -64
I guess inflation hits hard in all sectors … /s
So if you took the jab, and have disastrous side effects, and you kill the vaxx provider in retaliation, is that type of sudden death also considered ‘suicide’ by the french court?
What if you take out your boss who told you “it’s the jab or your job”? Maybe the HR representative that backed him up?
FWIW. Received following email from Give Send Go. Appears to be the same narrative posted earlier.
Fear does not belong here!Sunday evening, February 13th, GiveSendGo was attacked by malicious actors attempting to eliminate the ability of its users to raise funds. There was a broadcasted breach showing one such actor illegally hacking into GiveSendGo and distributing the names and emails of the donors of the Freedom Convoy Campaign.
However, no credit card information was leaked. No money was stolen.
GiveSendGo has a dedicated team aggressively focused on identifying these malicious actors and pursuing actions against their cybercrime. At the time of the intrusion, GiveSendGo’s security team immediately shut down the site to prevent further illegal actions against our site. We have also performed many security audits to ensure the security of the site before bringing the site back online.
We are in a battle. We didn’t expect it to be easy. This has not caused us to be afraid. Instead, it’s made it even more evident that we can not back down. Thank you for your continued support, prayers and the countless emails letting us know you are standing with us.
Hopefully FG&C sees this. It’s about the right timeframe, and gives him what he needs to know — no panic, no changing credit cards, not a lot to do currently, put a note on the fridge to get more burner email addresses.
FG&C posted the request for information, follow-up.
Would have posted it anyway, but also had FG&C in mind.
Believe like information has been posted earlier today, or yesterday.
Thank you both.
It remains a mixed bag, whether personal data was hacked.
To be clear, there are posts saying personal information was compromised. This thread and CTH.
Does not appear to be tangible, that I noticed. Smacks of skeer tactics, disinfo. (Yea, I am hoping so.)
As an aside and TMI.
Monday, I held off on cancelling my CC number, waiting on tangible reports of personal data hacked. Personal habit, over the years, I have always checked my accounts daily, all of them. Every transaction.
IF I see credible report(s) personal information was hacked, it’ll be CLEARLY posted.
It’d be nice if they’d put that on their website, being that I don’t read Tweets and wouldn’t be on their list of email addresses.
Uh, yea, it would be.
Simply sharing information. Some may appreciate it. Others, not so much. Moving on…
I’m glad you brought it. I appreciate it as well. But I’ve been “watching this space” at their website and seeing bupkis.
I got an email from CBC (Communist Broadcasting Corporation), wanting to interview me, as they got my email address and name from the hacked and published information. I did not respond. However, I kept the email, as why should the CBC use illegally obtained information to further their reporting…? …
Wow. Be careful.
Check out EZra Levant’s tweet below…sorry don’t know how to post it better…but yes, I’m targetted. We’ll see if they confiscate my bank accounts.
Very interesting. Could it be explained by parallel construction?
In other words, could you have been on some list as a rebel, and they’re using the GSG “hack” as a reason to pressure you (when there may have been no GSG hack in the first place and your name might not have been in it)?
Wouldn’t be surprised. Turdeau seems to living his dream of a communist country with him in charge. I posted a lawyer’s response to the Emergency Act, and many people are signing petitions to the Governor General, the Senate, and to all MP both federal and provincial.
Turdeau has even said children from out of town found in the protected locations (all down town )Ottawa, will be removed by Children’s Aid.
manlittle drama teacher with a teenage mentality is unhinged…Please pray for us…
First, first hand report.
Obviously caution for you AND yours.
Defensive financial positions.
Thanks for sharing.
Please update, when you can.
Positive thoughts for you, yours and all Canadians
Numbing, how EVIL our governments have become…all so brazenly in our faces.
Heh. Don’t look at Linux — install this spyware, instead!
From the “Chrome don’t get ya home” department, it seems they’ve had a zero-day “issue” with dirty buffers…
Letting “users” manage their own memory manglement is just asking for trouble. Take the few nanosecond performance hit and zero out the buffers. Or let the OS do it…..
Lazy snot-rockets…
Was rooting for Cuba’s flag after Chinee flag.
That would have been sweet.
Truditler basically called a jewish conservative a nazi today, then walked out of Parliament when she asked for an apology. This dude is headed toward his own final solution.
Watch both videos.
The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) Tweeted:
Trudeau responds to Jewish Conservative MP Melissa Lantsman: “Conservative Party members can stand with people who wave swastikas, they can stand with people who wave the confederate flag…”
Jewish descendent of Holocaust Survivors, Melissa Lantsman blasts the Prime Minister in a POINT OF ORDER. Don’t miss this and share worldwide. Where is her apology in the House?
Totally off topic but i had a crap ton of labs done today. My primary ordered every hormone, base lab, u/a, a1c, to get baseline. Cant see endocrine til April though. After all the illness, now having a new new set of labs since surgery and post covid is prob a good idea.
Excellent! After COVID or jabs, you can’t have too many labs. Plus all the other stuff, it’s almost a must.
Wish there was a simpler way to get them ( pick like they do for blood-sugar testing – yep, I know there are some where you have to bind the arm, or test at a certain time, etc., etc.). My son is taking an ACE-inhibitor and a beta-blocker, and he should be getting his electrolytes tested every three months… never happens… usually once per year…
Basically testing like that should be routine for EVERYBODY, and simple, and CHEAP!!!!!
Your wish is exactly what Theranos and Elizabeth Holmes flamed out on! The Golden Fleece!
It’s unfortunate that they’ll not only be available to you and your doctor, but anyone able to access the mandatory electronic records in Obamacare.
As an aside, I was talking to my mom a couple of weeks ago, and the subject came up…..
One of the “in” things in Silicon Valley is Executive Medicine. If you’re high-up at Apple, Google, Twitter, HP, NVIDIA, Intel, or wherever, you don’t have a regular health plan. From all the doctors that shut their practices after Obamacare made the paperwork such a pain, all the best ones are for the exclusive use of Silicon Valley top executives….and you can bet your @$^# that their medical files are not electronic (or are encrypted 16-ways from Sunday).
After all, why would the nomenklatura be subject to that pile of BS?
Here’s hoping and praying that all your numbers, tests, and everything else are really good!
(And that you can stay clear of all the Lego hiding in your rugs and on the floors
P.S. There’s a great concert pianist, Andras Schiff (not you-know-who) who is also very good at teaching music and music history, and about composers, etc.
The BBC made a series of his lectures, and a number of them are on YouTube (e.g. one about Beethovens “Tempest” Piano Sonata, one of my favorites to play… he actually plays it at a NORMAL tempo,, which is spectacular). Anyway, it’s well worth looking up and listening to… He seems to dig a LOT deeper than most musicians usually do (profis, even)…
Ty. I hope the numbers are ok too.
I put the schiff in my subscribe list.
I bought thus curriculum for next year. Maybe not the best but easier than how this year went. He got so slow with school i had to stop this part of it. We still listen in the car always though.

Here’s to hoping all the tests are in your favor.
Love the idea of learning music while traveling in the car.
Utilizing every opportunity, great homeschool technique!
Maple Castrati…
At least his father could play baseball. Almost was drafted by the SF Giants.
Really good pitcher. Just think how history would have changed…..
The “City By The Gay” failed us once again, methinks…
Much of the now-uncovered espionage campaign of the Democrats breaking into the White House and my New York City apartment, took place after the 2016 Election as yet another way to undermine the upcoming 2020 Election. This spying into the Oval Office continued for a long period of time and further served to undermine and discredit the 2020 Election, along with massive ballot harvesting, phantom voters, and so many other things that made the Election a sham. The voting numbers were big and determinative!
Donald J Trump
Why isn’t the media asking who gave Crooked Hillary Clinton’s “plumbers” their orders? With Watergate it was the coverup that turned out to be the far bigger crime. With Hillarygate it is the Mainstream Media Coverup that is almost as big of a crime as the act of treasonous espionage itself. It is showing the world why our media is truly the enemy of the people!

Looks like the Canadian Truckers are KICKIN’ ASS AND TAKIN’ NAMES !
The #TruckerConvoy2022 live stream can be summed up in one minute.
It has 7 points.
1) End vax mandates
2) Cancel local vax mandates
3) end state of emergencies
4) give people their jobs back
5) give kids back to their parents
6) more small business support
7) respect freedom of choice
Seems that some Canadian banks are shut down and several public officials have been forced out.
Included is:
-Councillor Diane Deans has been forced to resign from her position on the Police Service Board (she was the Chair) (along with several others-targeted and not)
-Acting Ottawa Police Chief Steve Bell is being forced out of the role of Acting Police Chief (who was just appointed yesterday to replace Peter Sloly)
Link to Joey Camp (of “Your Daddy Joey” fame) Gab:
Joseph A. Camp
The Ottawa Police Service Board no longer has a quorum.
Now we are back to discussing the “National Security Crisis”.
Watching the videos of these horrible tyrants, being totally impotent and powerless to force regular Canadians to do anything, brings joy to my heart!
Watching evil people being powerless to inflict their will on others is like watching Karma being delivered in real time

Not a single member of any council I have seen so far, has even once questioned whether they might be the ones who are in the wrong.
Not one of them questions their will to power.
Kettle, meet pot.
If that pot was any blacker, it would be the singularity of a black hole…

Very sad news about Chair Diane Deans, I was just beginning to really enjoy her particular brand of incompetence. Last night she said she was near her breaking point, which is exactly the kind of intel the Freedom Truckers can use to motivate them to keep the pressure on
Diane Deans, we hardly knew ye!
And interim chief Steve Bell, it was just last night that he was assuring Diane that he would round up any police who were friendly to the truckers and have them removed, that his police department would not tolerate any such kindness.
And now it’s not interim chief Steve Bell’s police department anymore, all of sudden…
Steve, we hardly knew ye either!
It’s like a revolving Nazi door…

(waitin’ for them to get to Trudeau…)

Good one!
She’s missed Oktoberfest by almost five months…
Oh, wait…
We didn’t have it this year (or last year, for that matter)…..
Wonder if she was frolicking in the “English Garden”… (FKK)…
Oh boy, they really really dont know that “the streets wont be safe for them” do they?
Ezra Levant
(@ezralevant) Tweeted:
SHOCK: Trudeau’s justice minister says that being “pro-Trump” is a factor that will decide if your bank account is seized under their Emergency Orders.
(What happened to “Trump ‘pushing’ the vax” ???)
The guy actually said that HE THINKS that people who are members of a pro-Trump movement that is donating millions of dollars to “this kind of thing” should be worried. He didn’t say it was policy; my impression is that he was stating his personal aversion to Trump supporters and his belief that they are causing trouble for Canada. He might try to make it policy, but good luck with that. Maybe the Canadian government wants war with America, LOL.
(“Trump” was NOT EVEN mentioned by the interviewer… talk about “TDS” !)
Hey, Canadian Idiot, FU and the horse you rode in on… or was that whores…
Then again, you are no REAL Canadian, you are a WEF shill. Go back to hell and sniff your Schab-bot master…
Go play curling with a Roomba…
Now we know for SURE that Baby Castro Turdeau is being led by Obastard and others in America. Trump has nothing whatsoever to do with Canada, or Canadians protesting.
Unless this POS actually thinks he can do something to American’s bank accounts, in which case he should prepare to be sued into the next century. I am assuming few Americans have money in Canadian banks.
These are such incredible civil rights violations that I am in utter shock. I guess I shouldn’t be, but I am.
Starting to sound like that Q guy was right.
Um, yeah.
The bottom line is that all of us need to have some kind money outside of the banking system in case of emergencies or extreme government measures. Whether that’s dollar bills stuffed in the mattress, precious metals, or crypto, just don’t keep it all in one bank account where you can be easily cut off.
Yup. And WOKE BANKS are not to be trusted.
^^^ Superb advice. ^^^
Suggest, extend this to include ALL accounts that the Feds AND States, CAN confiscate or lock down resources – funds
I agree.
I stopped putting money in big banks a long time ago. Now I use a local credit union, but even then, I don’t keep money there. I put money in to pay bills only. If necessary, I could use money orders and the mail to pay bills instead.
Living on cash has also been proven to effectively reduce your spending by a significant percentage. Using plastic is too “easy,” and you spend more than forking over actual dollars.
Here’s a song for Castreauti, his injustice minister(in), and Øbløwhøle…
“These are such incredible civil rights violations that I am in utter shock.”
It’s theft, it’s literally felony bank robbery.
And it’s the bank who is doing the robbing.
I know.
When the government is condoning the theft, we are in big trouble.
Ezra Levant:
Little Fidel Destroying his
regimedictatorship. 3, 2, 1…Covid mandates across Canada evaporating THIS week.
Toss in Ottawa Ford’s bad mouthing masks, vaccines, Canadians want NORMAL.
Canadians W I N N I N G!
Bank run?
It will be interesting to see.
This would break the interwebs.
That would be the greatest!
Would be great!
Large audience, beyond MAGA crowd.
As I understand it, Rogan is good about letting guests speak, with minimal interruptions.
Rogan would be outstanding to delve into topics like
election theft
Simply mentioning ‘Hillarygate’ would give the term instant ‘legs’ .
There’s a reason why the regime is NOT targeting “Poso.”
Posted for the comment, not who made it.
Very short clip of Doug Ford, but huge step forward. (not for us, but for politicos, someone saying it doesn’t matter if you have 2 or 3 or 10 the shots don’t work People are done with this!)
That was good. I disagree with his statement that there are “rebel rousers,” and then there are the people who just want their lives back. They are one and the same (granting him some leeway about the term “rebel rousers”).
Not sure where that term came from but the only thing I’ve ever heard is ‘rabble rousers’, as in stir up the rabble (peons).
You’re right. “Rebel Rousers” is a song and a movie.
THIS ought to go viral in Canada, on CBC….thrown in Fidel Jr’s his wench #2’s face.
Wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Dougie is 100% cabal.
Yes, certainly , but moved to make the omission few have. Damn jabs don’t work worth ….
His political misfortune must of crossed in front of his eyes and he’s pulling out all the stops to save himself, which means succumbing to the truth
If Fauci and all the lords of the jab were dead, they’d be rolling in their graves. Instead their wetting their pants.
GiveSendGo money is “all still there. The government of Canada does not have their hands on the money”…
^^^ GREAT NEWS! ^^^
Canadian Government does NOT have GSG funds.
Legal angles being worked.
(Will finish watching later this evening.)
(had you in mind when I posted this !)

Thank you!.
Unfortunately, now we know CBC has some personal information. Email, perhaps actual names or handles / userids…
I assume IF CBC has the information, Canadian Feds also. They seem to operate “hand in glove” mutually supportive.
i’m sure this had nothing to do with Axelrod’s tweet….
People have asked me why I listen to KQED (public radio) in my car. On my way to get dinner tonight, there was an extended discussion regarding the SF recall….and the amount of butthurt was just OFF THE CHARTS. From both the “interviewer” and the “expert”.
Each of the three had over 70% in favor of recall.
Mustve been bad! We should recall nearly every public official in CA.
You don’t think Random Nuisance’s recall was clean, do you?
Folks, here is an important 15 minute video from a lawyer in Southern Ontario about Turdeau’s over reach with the Emergency Act. Really important is the fact that the police can arrest anyone from out of the city of Ottawa, who is in the centre of Ottawa.
Key point is the Emergency Act is in force now and Turdeau has seven business days to get it through Parliament. In the meantime it is illegal for out of town visitors to visit downtown Ottawa. The police can arrest them if they so desire. It is an absolutely draconian bill as written. Let’s hope the police at least have some sense.
(from Joey Camp):
BREAKING: Attorney for Truckers Breaks Down Orders and Explains you can still come to Ottawa.
You all need to completely dump that bill. Its proven to hurt now and not protect.
Just as WE need to dump the NOT Patriot Act.
The act goes into effect even though it has not passed Parliament?
It’s one of those “Emergency” dealios where the legislature lets the executive start doing things while the place is in shambles.
Question is, what if they vote it down? Everyone arrested gets sprung, and anyone involved gets sued for false arrest (the way it should be), or the arrests still stand and people get ground into muck by the courts?
What a big mess!
Justin and christi are the nanzi and shifty of Canada
If any9ne here is understanding financial markets well, Id love to know what a run on Canadian banks would do to their economy. It looks like it may be starting.
Efron Monsanto
(@realmonsanto) Tweeted:
Yep, that’s what they look like. And there’s “Bank Holidays”, where they decide that….ummm….Wednesday, they don’t have normal business hours…..
Hope it spreads.'s_law
So, if there’s a run on Canadian banks, the Loonie may be the “bad money” and (for a moment) the $US might be “good money”.
Once the contagion spreads, maybe it’s Bitcoin that would be “good money”.
It’s so volatile, it’s atrocious money.
Not that I disagree with the sentiment, but ask me how I know that pic is ‘shopped.
You keep up with the Kardashians?
In the latest KimYe drama, Kanye has been posting a ton trying to get his ex-wife and family back, bashing her boyfriend, and calling out disloyal folks. In the real pic Kanye wrote that ‘his account had not been hacked’ to assure everyone it was him doing the posting.
The memesters will get lots of mileage from his original pic.
No, I don’t.
I was merely commenting on the pic itself.
Suspicious stuff happening with the Ottawa police. From what I gather (it’s kind of confusing), a City Council member went rogue and hired a new police chief without consulting the police force, Mayor, or rest of the City Council. The man she hired as police chief hasn’t had a police job since 2014. IMO, this was all probably an excuse to get one of Trudeau’s goons/some Canadian glowie in charge for a heavy crackdown.
Like a real-life Gang Who Couldn’t Shoot Straight…

Now that sounds like the Canadians we know and love.
Too True.

I missed this…Our Government thinks this is cool, Geez!

That Spike Cohen reply is

Truckers interviewed on Feb14
Apologies if this video done on Valentine’s day has already been posted (by me…) – really tired and exhausted. We have been signing petitions all night, to the Members of the House of Commons, to the Governor general, to the Senate… pray that at least some of them have common sense…
Hope this works. Got it from a friend who sent me the facebook link…the veterans are speaking out, etc
Thank you GC for all you are doing, keep it coming.
You are an important link. Godspeed.
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory” (Isaiah 6:3).
Isaiah 40:28-31
Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
The Everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth Does not become weary or tired. His understanding is inscrutable.
He gives strength to the weary,
And to him who lacks might He increases power.
Though youths grow weary and tired, And vigorous young men stumble badly,
Yet those who wait for the LORD Will gain new strength;
They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary.
Psalm 68:19
Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears our burden, The God who is our salvation. Selah
Numbers 6:22-27
22 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
23 Say to Aaron and his sons: Thus shall you bless the children of Israel, and you shall say to them:
24 The Lord bless thee, and keep thee.
25 The Lord shew his face to thee, and have mercy on thee.
26 The Lord turn his countenance to thee, and give thee peace.
27 And they shall invoke my name upon the children of Israel, and I will bless them.
1 Samuel 2:1-10
2 My heart hath rejoiced in the Lord, and my horn is exalted in my God: my mouth is enlarged over my enemies: because I have joyed in thy salvation.
2 There is none holy as the Lord is: for there is no other beside thee, and there is none strong like our God.
3 Do not multiply to speak lofty things, boasting: let old matters depart from your mouth: for the Lord is a God of all knowledge, and to him are thoughts prepared.
4 The bow of the mighty is overcome, and the weak are girt with strength.
5 They that were full before have hired out themselves for bread: and the hungry are filled, so that the barren hath borne many: and she that had many children is weakened.
6 The Lord killeth and maketh alive, he bringeth down to hell and bringeth back again.
7 The Lord maketh poor and maketh rich, he humbleth and he exalteth.
8 He raiseth up the needy from the dust, and lifteth up the poor from the dunghill: that he may sit with princes, and hold the throne of glory. For the poles of the earth are the Lord’s, and upon them he hath set the world.
9 He will keep the feet of his saints, and the wicked shall be silent in darkness, because no man shall prevail by his own strength.
10 The adversaries of the Lord shall fear him: and upon them shall he thunder in the heavens. The Lord shall judge the ends of the earth, and he shall give empire to his king, and shall exalt the horn of his Christ.
God bless everybody here and your loved ones abundantly, always. May He keep you safe from harm and protect you from evil.
love y’all


.. DePat ..