I just love those bison. That’s a Getty Images photo.
President Trump spoke with Glenn Beck and commented on the latest Durham findings:
“This is sort of an amazing thing that’s happening with Durham, cause a lot of people had given up… He seems to be going forward at a level that nobody ever thought was possible.
I mean what he’s revealing, if you really look at it and study it & read what he wrote, this looks like it’s just a foundation. This is the beginning. They’re building a building and this is just a foundation on which a lot of big things are going to be revealed.
Look I have very little doubt that the upper levels of government – meaning the top level, specifically and the Vice[President] level, if he were to understand it. I have very little doubt that they knew it was happening. Very little doubt.”
Why is Durham important? It’s not that other things aren’t, but this is the dam that when it breaks, the swamp comes into full view.
Including the Clowns In America:
According to Durham, Joffe and his associates manipulated that data to make it seem like Trump, and those in Trump’s world, had suspicious interactions with internet protocol (IP) addresses affiliated with a Russian mobile phone provider. They then combined those allegations with the Alfa Bank hoax materials (the subject of Sussmann’s Fall 2016 meeting with then-FBI General Counsel James Baker).
This damaging information, purporting to demonstrate at least circumstantial evidence of Trump/Russia collusion, was presented on February 9, 2017 to what Durham describes as U.S. Government “Agency-2.”
That agency was the CIA. We know for sure that Sussmann met with the CIA General Counsel. We learned in January 2022 that, if Sussmann is to be believed, there were two other CIA employees at that meeting.
In other words, a Clinton supporting contractor (Joffe) obtained sensitive information (perhaps unlawfully) about the Office of the President of the United States (Trump), manipulated the information, passed it to a DNC/Clinton lawyer (Sussmann), who then delivered it to the CIA.
All on American soil.
This is important because the CIA is generally prohibited from conducting domestic operations.
Please, don’t write this off as being a distraction. It’s the bearing wall that’s holding up the [DS]. It gets demolished, and the house of cards comes tumbling down.
And then on Tuesday evening late, one of our own brought testimony as presented by Gateway Pundit about Hitlery in STL in 2016 from Ann Dorn, the widow of a man killed in the 2020 riots.
I was the supervisor assigned to the hotel she [Hillary] was staying at… Everything was enclosed. Walkways within the hotel were enclosed with tarps. And that Scooby van that everybody calls, we were talking about it and there were secret service agents there and they were talking like, ‘Oh yeah, they have it specially made for her. It’s curb height because she can’t step up or down. They want it right at the curb so she can walk right in to it.’
[During a walkthrough a week or so before the event with the Secret Service, Police and hotel staff] We were walking around and where she was going to practice her debate was at the other end of the hotel in a conference room… It’s like a whole block away…The Secret Service agents looked at us and said, ‘she can’t do this… She can’t walk and they’re arguing with each other, she can’t walk.’ [They said we’ll have to get a wheelchair but then said they couldn’t do that because people would see her in it.]
The day that she arrived, we’re at the hotel waiting. Everybody knows there’s always a motorcade with Secret Service involved. Highways get shut down for everybody. All the sudden the motorcade stops . Nobody knows why. I’m in the communications center and there’s some bickering on the radio because you can hear Secret Service talking and they’re bickering back and forth. I’m not thinking much about it. So they get there. And of course, when they get there the hotel shuts down completely… Wherever you are you’re locked down completely and you can’t leave because Hillary doesn’t want to see you…Nobody is supposed to see her. She doesn’t want to look at anybody.
[In the Comms Center where Ann was at, two Secret Service guys were arguing] ‘Why wasn’t the medical bag in the van. Why was it in car number whatever?’
The area in question being quite familiar to this writer says that the hotel was either the Ritz in Clayton or the Chase Park Plaza in the Central West End less than a football field away from Mark McCloskey’s house. (Seriously, this is my old stomping grounds in multiple decades.) Either one, she was one sick woman even then.
XVII’s three year delta coming up talks about Bill and Hillary’s “public” health taking a turn for the worse. Be ready for drama on that score.
About the public’s faith in medicine….
The comments on that one are worth a gander. People are waking up.
And Russell Brand.
Memes in no particular order.

Celery definitely counts as a green vegetable.

My mom and I one time bought an auction basket named “Margaritaville.” Five gallons of the stuff in a washtub. Talk about the local way to the max. (It’s not a true STL party without an iced down washtub full of stuff to drink. Usually Budweiser, but people around here will drink anything.)

One of the obstacles to full understanding of just what the enemy is all about revolves around the concept of symbolism. They will return next week.
And now for the business portion.
Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list or the closest rescue thread.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information. Correcting the record on any one topic is appreciated.
Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights
- No running with scissors
- If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon
Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and don’t just play them on TV like the body doubles pretending to be the squatter in chief:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
JAMES 2:1-9
1My brethren, show no partiality as you hold the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory. 2For if a man with gold rings and in fine clothing comes into your assembly, and a poor man in shabby clothing also comes in, 3and you pay attention to the one who wears the fine clothing and say, “Have a seat here, please,” while you say to the poor man, “Stand there,” or, “Sit at my feet,” 4have you not made distinctions among yourselves, and become judges with evil thoughts? 5Listen, my beloved brethren. Has not God chosen those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which he has promised to those who love him? 6But you have dishonored the poor man. Is it not the rich who oppress you, is it not they who drag you into court? 7Is it not they who blaspheme that honorable name which was invoked over you? 8If you really fulfil the royal law, according to the scripture, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” you do well. 9But if you show partiality, you commit sin, and are convicted by the law as transgressors.

Gotta love JP.
OK, I need to go back and read James….
Let me guess…another one that had to be “released” by updating?
h/t BflyJesusGirl

This is straight up


Fwiw and ICYMI….
The first reference is to what the ATF did in Waco, TX under Clinton AG Janet Reno, and the second what they did with Mexican Cartels under Obama AG Eric Holder.
Heh. The Beverly Hillbillies at 100 mbps….
I love it!
One of the streams:
“The other day they built a deck on the roof of that shack and installed one of Elon Musk’s Starlink satellite dishes. They are now livestreaming from the location and there is no way anyone can block them from doing so or shut them down via cell towers. ”
That’s very encouraging, but somehow I suspect the hideously corrupt and criminal governments of the “Five Eyes” kleptocracies have more than sufficient technological capability to shut down a Starlink satellite connection.
And if they go full Nazi on the protestors, I would expect them to do exactly that, to shut down the live feed, shortly beforehand.
I don’t know if they can or not. Elon is a pretty savvy guy. I hope he planned for that type of interference.
“This video is private” hmmm
Mark Elias represented DNC IT Director, Yared Tamene, in his testimony before the House Russiagate investigation.
Link to his transcript:
Tamene gives an account of when the FBI first contacted the DNC in Sept 2015 about suspicious website traffic eminating from the DNC.
Tamene was a contract employee of MIS Department, Inc., a company founded by Rajeev Chopra, the CIO of the Obama Campaign.
Here’s a link to an early report by Ars Technica of the Dutch AIVD hacking Russian hackers in Moscow starting in summer 2014.
Report claims that the Dutch witnessed the hackers in the DNC, State, and White House networks in realtime.
Report also provides a link to an Ars Technica account of NSA’s Richard Ledgett talking about this at the Aspen Institute with John Carlin and Ellen Nakashima in March 2017.
And a link to Nakashima’s resulting article:
Here’s a link to the Aspen Institute symposium:
(Some useful links for anyone digging into Obama’s IT networks)
The hacker’s name was Seth Rich. Seth Rich sold the hacked DNC emails to Julian Assange before the US IC murdered him.
This, right here, completely destroys the “Russia Collusion” narrative that itself was a coverup for the DS/Obama/Clinton regime-sanctioned spying on PDJT.
Assange has been put on ice for YEARS by the US IC because he can single-handedly expose the corrupt US IC for all that it is.
All else is smoke and mirrors.
I wouldn’t consider Seth Rich a “hacker” — that implies a level of technical expertise not in evidence. He was just a staffer with sufficient access to copy the emails to a thumbdrive.
You may not, but the DS/DNC/Hitllary most definitely did.
They may have screamed “hacker, hacker, hacker” — but that was only because the alternative was that they were “idiots, idiots, idiots” that left a low-level schlub with read-access to their emails.
It’s like when a 6th-grade kid gets beaten-up on the way to school and his lunch-money taken…..it had to be some ninth-grade hoodlum, instead of some fourth-grade rival of his sister for class princess.
They screamed “hacker” to cover up the fact that they had him murdered.
That he was just a guy on their payroll that they had murdered.
Agreed. The perps almost always throw the term “Hacker” up into the air as a smokescreen to cover a leak, outright incompetence, or both.
Seth Rich didn’t need to hack anything, as he was on the inside, with access. All he had to do was leak what he had.
Same thing with Climategate. UEA, “the State Penn” and all that rotten cast of Climastrological liars started yelling HACKER when the Climategate tranches were leaked (cf “Harry Readme” – let the reader understand). WUWT, Chiefios, Climate Audit, TallBloke, and a number of other sites have a lot of information about that, back in the 2009 timeframe…
Hmmm… 2009… wasn’t that when Barky &co. stole THEIR way into the White House….
It might have been more than that. SR’s job was voter database, if he was angry at bernie being cheated he may have exposed their methods, we’ve seen recently how the juggle things in that area.
There’s more to the Assange thing, I understand. He was buying, yes, but was he also selling rather than just releasing? If that’s the case, it puts a whole different spin on his incarceration.
Canadian Hacker Brags About Hacking GiveSendGo Donor Files, Meanwhile Canadian State Media Brag About Doxing Donors and Canadian Banks Begin Blocking Withdrawals
These people are so evil.
Communists, fascists, Fabians, Bolsheviks, and assorted REAL Nazi scum.
Is this Cottle fool related to Strzok?
Good question.

Bringing this over from last night….
Of course, as we know, nothing is coinkydink…
Axelrod is such an EVIL lying asshole, because in real life he is all about politicizing schools and education. He’s 1000% behind all sorts of bogus shenanigans by which the Democrats – IN OFFICE and AS BUREAUCRATS – basically as communist party members running DOJ and DOE and the like – run roughshod over parents.
The fact that the bastard has to lie through his teeth because of POLLING???!!!
Just so long as they aren’t jumping.
I’ve personally witnessed enough of that for a lifetime.
Clocks might stop.
I don’t know if it says the same thing for everyone, but I see a little “Parody” next to the American flag in that sig.
Which doesn’t make it a bad idea….
Twitter permanently suspended Trump’s acct, so…..yes.
And it was posted for the idea….which would be

That last photo is intriguing.
Here’s the recipe. If you make it, let me know how it goes!
CBC uses stolen Freedom Convoy donor list to contact donors, asking why they donated
Journalists are using hacked emails to contact donors.
The only suitable answer if they start asking questions: Fuck Off.
Well, there are variants: Go fuck yourself, go to hell, eat shit and die…
“You’re from the CBC? I assume you’re here to talk about subscriptions. I don’t have one; I don’t want one; if you put out a paper edition I wouldn’t wipe my ass with it in case it made my ass smell worse.
If I told you the truth, you’d misquote me; if I told you the lie you preferred, you’d invent qualifications from thin air. If I noted that we had a fair breeze under a bright sky, you could never acknowledge it because you’ve got your nose so far wedged into Trudeau’s butt-cleft.”
Except they are not journalists. They are operatives.
Twitter is just an unfair joke. They will NEVER be fair.
Looking forward very much to TRUTH SOCIAL.
Yes, and nevermind that the Hunter Biden laptop info wasn’t “hacked”….as Twitter claims…..he left it in a computer repair store!
In the If we had a good news / bad news segment.
Good news.

Bad News
Yes. The only good to come out of those poor boys dying, is that their autopsies are providing information on the exact form of myocarditis, which looks like it’s catecholamine-related.
It’s all POINTLESS, though. These young people don’t need this vaccine. It’s INSANE.
DEATH-ANGEL WALENSKY is responsible!!!
Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, needs this vaccine. Those embalmer’s videos and photos are enough for me to say that. We are in for a very sad and terrible few years.
The good news seems so happy, spontaneous, generous, and celebratory.
Alas that we continue to have the shadow across our land.
Now all the children need a good conservative therapist to help them with their PTSD. And no, I am not kidding around.
Jordan Peterson on what’s happening in Canada
Update: Pastor Artur Pawlowski denied bail
Now we’re seeing what communism is really like.
The Pastor already knows — but now is the time of teaching for others.
“….even for people with souls.”
This is in reference to JP’s after-video spiel….which are often tedious commercialism, but sometimes have his funnier gags.
Jordan Peterson again…
Very good.
Too bad they didn’t have anyone around with the plaster and supplies. The inset on the video would be perfect for Trudescu’s death mask.
Did Turdeau really “run away,” or was he in fact in consultation with his globalist handlers deciding how he was going to address the populist uprising?
Yes more than likely in conclave with his bent lawyers. And as some speak French there he could also be Merdeau.
Excellent Interview with Nunes. Includes demand to investigate the Mueller Probe. Oh please yes.
Zuckerberg’s people are really squirming now. He’s named them Metamates

and they have to like it…
His tomatoes???
(“Mis tomates”)
That sounds like a very unhealthy company.
One that could actually be abused to help steal an election.
It was already used to help steal an election, and Zuckerberg’s money helped fund the theft.
The renaming of “Facebook” to “Meta” was an attempt to distance the company from what it had done….especially in the history books. The youth of tomorrow won’t know who/what Facebook is….they will only know “Meta”.
“Zuckerberg’s people are really squirming now. He’s named them Metamates”
Well, they’re already betamates, so it’s really just changing one letter.
Cellmates , and I’d better recognize them
Christa Freeland wants the donor list to the truckers…getting a list of their political enemies
That lady is VERY WEIRD.
She was personally blessed by Santa Klaus Schwab, despite being not terribly bright. Why would anyone expect her to be normal?
Satan Klaus…
WOW. I didn’t realize how far-gone the Canadian media was. It would be like the United States media being ONLY PBS.
From a comment at SDA —
February 16, 2022 at 8:39 pm
Trudeau repeated the lie about GUNS SEIZED FROM CONVOY AT COUTTS.
Today RCMP reports guns seized from a home near Coutts Not Connected to Convoy at all.
I think you meant CNN…
…and it is.
I thought about mentioning CNN – but CBC is very much like PBS and BBC in how close to being an OPEN government media channel, whereas CNN is really more of a cut-out.
Honey, at this stage of your regime, your “enemies list” is everyone who isn’t one of your bootlickers…..and half of those that are….
She’s a pig in pig’s clothing.
Google announces a “sandbox” feature that is utterly worthless against Google rummaging around in your stuff. Quelle surprise!
Archbishop Vigano’s message to the truckers:
This is the Pope the world needs.
“This is the Pope the world needs.”
The world doesn’t need a pope at all.
There’s no such position or office in God’s design for His church given in Scripture, neither was there any such position or office when the Lord’s church was established in the 1st century.
Jesus never taught any such thing, and the apostles never practiced any such thing, because these positions and offices did not exist.
That’s a real thing, and it’s not a small thing, it’s bigger than Valles Marineris. It is literally a dividing point between Christ’s church and the churches of men.
Much like the position of archbishop, and the position of cardinal and others, these positions are the creations of men, for men.
Men who believed they knew better than God how His church should be organized and led.
Because it’s late, and I’m not sure I disagree, I’m just going to leave this with….if we were to have a Pope, Archbishop Vigano would be a far better Pope than Francis the Talking Fool.
Fixed for descriptive accuracy, although it is repetitive to the original.
I can pull the Scripture passages for you, but I don’t feel like arguing over it. The formation of the Church didn’t happen the way it did without Divine direction. And ignoring the Founders and the writings of the early Church members leads to a lot of misunderstanding and heresy.
“I can pull the Scripture passages for you, but I don’t feel like arguing over it.”
Will you please pretend like I’m from Missouri, and show me?
I have read the Scriptures, and there is nothing like what you describe in them, so I look forward to seeing some very fancy tap-dancing.
“The formation of the Church didn’t happen the way it did without Divine direction.”
Indeed, divine direction from God, revealed in His Word.
Whatever is more than that is of man, and not God.
If anyone claims extra-Biblical divine direction, how can that be proven without acknowledging obvious conflict of interest, benefiting the claimer?
If anyone claims God forgot to include anything in Scripture, much less anything so important as the position of a singular human leader of His own church, then the obvious question presents itself.
When did God develop dementia, and when did the RCC know it?
God remembered and gave qualifications for bishops (a.k.a. elders) and deacons — qualifications which the bishops of the RCC expressly and by traditions of men do not meet, i.e., RCC bishops are neither the husband of one wife, nor fathers of faithful children.
As such, they are expressly unqualified to care for the church of God.
Not according to me, but according to the inspired Word of God:
“This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work. [2] A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach; [3] Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous; [4] One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity; [5] (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)” (1 Timothy 3:1-5, KJV, boldface emphasis mine)
Several of God’s qualifications are subjective, and several are matters of fact, and whether someone meets those qualifications which are matters of fact — or does not — can be objectively discerned.
Among those objective facts are being a man, being the husband of one wife, and having at least one child.
God has no obligation to explain why He gave His qualifications, but in this case He did. If a man has not demonstrated that he can adequately care for his own family, his own wife and children, then how can he possibly be qualified to take care of the children of God?
What does a man who has never been married really know about marriage? Does he know more than someone who is married, or does he know less?
What does a man who has never had children really know about raising children?
Does he know more than someone who is raising or has raised children, or less?
“(For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)” (1 Timothy 3:1-5, KJV)
That’s God’s rhetorical question, not mine.
Who has more wisdom to determine who is qualified to lead the congregations of the Lord’s church — man or God?
Who knows what is best for the Lord’s church — man, or God?
“Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.” (Acts 5:29, KJV)
Is there any conceivable context, in the entire history of the world, wherein that verse is not true and applicable?
It’s an important question, with ginormous ramifications.
Because if there isn’t any context in human experience where that verse is not true and applicable, then how can any man possibly justify following after the doctrines, commandments or traditions of men — the extra-Biblical teachings of men — instead of the Word of God?
“And ignoring the Founders and the writings of the early Church members leads to a lot of misunderstanding and heresy.”
Has ignoring THE Founder (Christ) and the writings of God not led to infinitely more misunderstanding and heresy — by definition?
Who is the Founder of the Lord’s church?
Was it Jesus Christ?
Or was it men?
Who has Authority in the design and purpose of the Lord’s church?
Is it Jesus Christ, or is it men?
To whom (or to Whom) did God give Authority over all things, in heaven and in earth?
Was it to His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ?
Or was it to men?
“And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.” (Matthew 28:18, KJV)
Does it say majority of power? Does it say most power? Was any power at all reserved for anyone besides Christ? Or does it say ALL power is given unto Him?
Who is the Head of Christ’s church?
Is it some man?
Or is it Christ?
“And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church,” (Ephesians 1:22, KJV)
“For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.” (Ephesians 5:23, KJV)
“And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.” (Colossians 1:18, KJV)
Just because I’m feeling feisty, I have a question: do you believe the Bible to be the only “true” word of God?
Because the same guys who decided there was going to be a Pope decided which books would be included in the Bible, and which would be destroyed (if they could find them).
This is a sticking point in religious argument for me. But of course, I don’t take religious arguments to heart, because I believe faith is a personal relationship between the individual and God, and nothing whatsoever to do with conventional religion at all.
Not all the documents were destroyed. Otherwise, several of them would not be floating around.
Of course they weren’t. I know that, I’ve read them. The point is they were not included in the Bible.
There were VERY strict criteria used in the choosing. The first was that the books had to be written within one hundred years of the Resurrection. The second was that they could contain no heresy or error. In the book of Enoch, for example, there is heresy as taught from the beginning. That’s why I question why the Didache was not included, as it is the original Catechism, essentially. There has to be a reason.
What they did at Carthage was put the Scripture scholars in separate cells and had them write down what they thought was Divinely Inspired, and twenty-one books matched for sure. Six are known as being Deutero-Canonical because there was doubt. (Hebrews, the Apocalypse, John’s second letter, two of Peter’s and I can’t remember the other book off the top of my head.)
It was a careful process.
I know all about it. I’ve studied quite a bit about the formation of the Bible.
But my question remains for those who argue there shouldn’t be a Pope; if you believe the Bible is “perfect” as is, then why do you believe the same people who put it together were wrong when they made a Pope?
I am neither Catholic nor Protestant, I am just a curious mind. Other people’s beliefs interest me.
And the people who decided what went in the Bible did attempt to find and destroy the other books.
A lot of people like to say the canon was decided at Nicaea in the 320s. They are wrong. And they are optimists. In fact, the first list we have that contains ALL of the books of the New Testament canon, and ONLY those books, was from Athanasius about 369. (He attended Nicaea when he was younger, so perhaps Nicaea had something to do with it. /sarc) And some people still used “bad” lists after that.
“Just because I’m feeling feisty, I have a question: do you believe the Bible to be the only “true” word of God?”
Feisty is good, and questions are always encouraged!
“God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.” (Romans 3:4, KJV, boldface mine)
“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.” (1 John 4:1, NKJV, boldface mine)
“These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.” (Acts 17:11, KJV, boldface mine)
“But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:” (1 Peter 3:15, KJV, boldface mine)
I do believe the 66 books collected together and commonly called the Bible are the only “true” Word of God, as they are the only documents which credibly make the claim — but it doesn’t matter what I believe, my belief is not relevant, except of course to me. What matters is what is actually true, what can be proven by a preponderance of the evidence, and what can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.
According to God’s Word, the Scriptures are the inspired Word of God, literally God-breathed, as opposed to an idea planted in a man’s head which the man then put in his own words.
That is not my claim about it, that is what God’s Word says about itself.
“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17, KJV, boldface mine)
“But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man. [12] For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ.” (Galatians 1:11-12, boldface mine)
“Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. [13] Which things also we speak, not in the words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.” (1 Corinthians 2:12-13, boldface mine)
“For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe.” (1 Thessalonians 2:13, boldface mine)
“Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. [21] For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.” (2 Peter 1:20-21, boldface mine)
Well, you are missing what I am saying.
There are MORE books of scripture than are included in the Bible.
Every quote you listed was included in the Bible by the same people who decided there would be a Pope. The OTHER books, written in the same time period, which disagreed with what those people thought the Church should be, were not included. And they attempted to destroy them all, but failed.
So, my point is, the Bible was put together by the guys who made the Pope. You believe the inclusion of some books but not others was inspired by God. But you don’t think the creation of a Pope was inspired by God. It seems like a contradiction to me, is all. And it always has.
“There are MORE books of scripture than are included in the Bible.”
It may be that we have a different understanding of the word ‘scripture’.
The books that are not included in the 66 books commonly referred to as The Bible are not scripture, by definition. If they were, there would be more than 66 books in the The Bible.
I realize some people think there are other books which should be in The Bible but are not. They can think that for a variety of reasons.
And people get hung up on the selection process, because that is the narrative promoted by the selectors, for self-interested reasons.
Let’s try another approach.
And since I read to the end of your comment, let me say now that I don’t have any reason at all to believe the men of any council were ‘inspired’ to choose certain books and not others — so that clears up the perceived contradiction that the ‘same inspired men who chose the canon also chose to create a Pope’ idea.
They weren’t inspired to choose any particular books, just as they weren’t inspired (at least not by God) to create the position of Pope, or a whole laundry list of other things which they have created and added without Authority across the generations, and continuing to this day, because much like human governments generating legislation, there is no end to it.
Error was creeping into the churches from the very start, in fact most of Paul’s letters are addressing some error that is being committed in some church.
And in Revelation chapters 2 and 3, Jesus directly addresses seven of His congregations (churches), and of those seven, fully FIVE of them (71% of them!) were in such grievous error that they were in danger of having their candlesticks removed.
So error is common not rare, it is relentlessly being proposed, and must be guarded against always.
How can we know whether some ‘new’ teaching or doctrine is error or not?
By comparing anything men teach to what God’s Word says, as we have example in Scripture to do (e.g., Acts 17:11).
The Word of God is the highest Authority. If any man teaches some thing which is not found in God’s Word, then it is of men, and not of God.
Including the Nicene creed.
How can we know?
Because it was adopted by the Council at Nicea in 325AD, some 225+ years after the Scriptures were complete.
What need is there for a Nicene creed? Did God forget to mention it? Did God have a dementia moment?
Think of it this way.
If a creed says anything more than what God’s Word says, it is an addition without Authority.
If any creed says less than what God’s Word says, it leaves something out which God did not.
And if any creed says the SAME as what God’s Word says, then it is redundant and uneccessary.
Any way you slice it, God created the plan of salvation, and there is not one single thing which any man could do to improve upon God’s work (or His Word, for that matter).
What man will claim otherwise, that he can improve on God’s work?
Here are just a few additions without authority in God’s Word, errors that were created by men from 200 A.D. to 400 A.D., before the RCC came into existence, none of which are authorized in Scripture or inspired by God — all of it is of men:
Pre-Roman Catholic False teachings
200 AD Immersion of infants who are dying, but considered sinless. (Tertullian V.12)
250 AD North Africa region is first to practice infant baptism and reduced the age of baptism from minors to all newborns. This is opposed by other regions.
257 AD Baptism by sprinkling for adults instead of immersion first used as an exception for those on sick beds, but it caused great dispute.
300 AD Prayers for the dead
320 AD Special dress code of the clergy in worship
325 AD At the general council of Nice, 325, it was proposed indeed, probably by the Western bishop Hosius, to forbid entirely the marriage of priests; but the motion met with strong opposition, and was rejected.
325 AD The date for Easter was set.
379 AD Praying to Mary & Saints. (prayers of Ephraim Syrus)
385 AD In the West, the first prohibition of clerical marriage, which laid claim to universal ecclesiastical authority, proceeded in 385 from the Roman church in the form of a decretal letter of the bishop Siricius to Himerius, bishop of Tarragona in Spain.
389 AD Mariolatry begins with Gregory Nazianzen, who mentions in a eulogy, how Justina had besought the virgin Mary to protect her virginity.
400 AD Impossibility of apostasy or once saved always saved, (Augustine XII.9)
416 AD Infant baptism by immersion commanded of all infants (Council Of Mela, Austin was the principal director)
430 AD Exhalation of Virgin Mary: “Mother of God” first applied by the Council of Ephesus
502 AD Special dress code of the Clergy all the time.
500 AD The “Habit” of Nuns (Black gowns with white tunics)
519 AD Lent
526 AD Extreme Unction
593 AD The Doctrine of Purgatory popularized from the Apocrypha by Gregory the Great
600 AD First use of Latin in worship (Gregory I)
Beginning of the Orthodox/Roman Catholic church as we know it today in its present organization.
607 AD First Pope: Boniface III is the first person to take the title of “universal Bishop” by decree of Emperor Phocas.
608 AD Pope Boniface IV. turns the Pantheon in Rome into a temple of Mary ad martyres: the pagan Olympus into a Christian heaven of gods.
670 AD Instrumental music: first organ by Pope Vitalian
709 AD Kissing of Pope Constantine’s feet
753 AD Baptism by sprinkling for those on sick beds officially accepted.
787 AD Worship of icons and statue approved (2nd council of Nicea)
787 AD Rome (Latin) and Constantinople (Greek) part ways and begin the drift towards complete split, resulting in two denominations emerging in 1054 AD.
Many of those errors are the original source and cause of ongoing division to this very day, rippling through time.
The larger list is found here, it only goes up to 1996, so it does not include all of the additions without authority in God’s Word over the past 25 years:
If God is who He claims to be, then He has complete control over His Word, and complete control over what becomes the ‘canon’, regardless of any men who may want to take credit for it.
Man always wants to make himself the authority, the central figure, the star of the show. He is not, and never will be. Man cannot even exist, without God keeping the entire universe going.
So God — if He is the all-powerful Deity He claims to be — is certainly not dependent on, beholden to or reliant upon men for the preservation of His Word, or the selection of the ‘canon’.
God could have carved the entire collection of Scriptures into the side of Mount Everest if He wanted to.
God chose to use books and letters for His own reasons, at least one of which was likely to be expediency.
If God inspired more than the 66 books which are in The Bible, then is God not able to make sure there would be more than 66 books in the canon?
And if any book that should have been included was left out, would it not mean God failed, that God is not perfect, that God is not omniscient, that God is not God?
Also, if any book was included that should not have been, i.e., a book that was the writing of some man and not inspired by God, then it would certainly introduce contradictions between what the fallible mortal man wrote, and the letters and epistles which were inspired by God.
To look at it another way, what is the ultimate point of everything God did, including the sacrifice of His only begotten Son to die on the cross, and the preservation of the record of all of it throughout time?
Was it not ultimately to save the lost, to pay the debt of sin man could not pay himself? Is the whole point of it all not God’s plan of salvation for mankind?
If it is, and the Scriptures included in the canon are NOT sufficient to that task, if any that were needed for men to be saved were left out, then has God not failed?
And if God failed, how can God be perfect, omniscient, all-knowing and all powerful?
There are many ways to approach this.
What I am trying to convey is that it is God who determined the ‘canon’, not man.
God often chooses to work through man, but in this case, I don’t believe that is even the case, because I am not aware of any evidence that any such thing took place.
I do not believe there is any evidence to suggest, much less prove, that any men in councils circa 300 AD or 400 AD were inspired by God to do anything, or that any men were inspired by God to write anything after the final inspired Scripture was completed, which was before the end of the 1st century.
If there is any evidence to the contrary which can withstand scrutiny, I will gladly examine it.
“Every quote you listed was included in the Bible by the same people who decided there would be a Pope.”
And the quotes I listed were being read and quoted by Christians for hundreds of years before any men in councils circa 300 or 400 A.D. gave them their stamp of approval.
They were not hidden away, waiting for some men to approve them centuries later, they were circulating amongst Christians.
Were there disputes?
Certainly, just as there is today, because then as now, it only takes ONE person to create a ‘dispute’.
That doesn’t mean the vast majority had any issue.
“The OTHER books, written in the same time period, which disagreed with what those people thought the Church should be, were not included. And they attempted to destroy them all, but failed.”
Or the other books that were written at the same time were not, in fact, the Word of God, but the word of forgers, of liars, of frauds, like several well known false gospels.
And some were legitimate books, and contain excellent history, likely very accurate, but were not inspired by God — they were written by men, which is why they are not in the ‘canon’.
“So, my point is, the Bible was put together by the guys who made the Pope.”
I do not believe that assertion can withstand scrutiny, no matter how many times it is repeated.
I don’t know how to break through the mental block, because it’s no different, really, than the mental block normies have about China virus, or about Cabal, or about 20 other things we talk about around here.
I included a link at the end of my other reply yesterday to a website that Wolf has referenced in the past. It also happens to be a website maintained by a member of the Lord’s church.
At that link, at the top of the page, it says:
A conservative, bible believing perspective!
1. 100AD: All 27 books of the New Testament were in circulation and all but Hebrews, 2 Peter, James, 2 Jn, 3 Jn, Revelation were universally accepted.
2. 100-400 AD: 6 “disputed” books accepted. A number of other books were read in a few churches at various times: Shepherd of Hermas, 1 Clement, Didache, Epistle of Barnabas, Wisdom of Solomon, Apocalypse of Peter.
It then proceeds to go into further detail to support those claims.
This is just the first of five sections:
1. The Word Bible is from Greek, biblia and is found twice in scripture:
a. I, Daniel, observed in the books (or Bible) [Greek: biblia] the number of the years which was revealed as the word of the Lord to Jeremiah the prophet for the completion of the desolations of Jerusalem, namely, seventy years. Daniel 9:2 LXX
b. When you come bring the cloak which I left at Troas with Carpus, and the books (or Bible) [Greek: biblia], especially the parchments. 2 Timothy 4:13
2. Earliest evidence for the New Testament canon
3. Why the canon of the New Testament varied by geography from 33 AD – 400 AD
4. We have little solid historical evidence before 200 AD about the canon.
5. Beware of many modern “canon” scholars who reject the Bible.
6. Acceptance of the “disputed” NT books: Hebrews, 2 Peter, James, 2 John, 3 John, Revelation
7. Rejection of “disputed” books: 1 Clement, Shepherd of Hermas, Epistle of Barnabas etc.
“You believe the inclusion of some books but not others was inspired by God.”
I don’t believe I have ever said any such thing, and I can’t imagine why I would.
I don’t claim to know how God’s providence works, I’m sure it depends on what God wants to accomplish.
I don’t believe God inspired anyone to ‘choose’ some books and not others. I don’t believe He got into anyone’s head at some council in 300 or 400 A.D. and whispered “choose this one, but don’t choose that one!”.
I have no more reason to believe God would use the members of any council in 300 or 400 AD for His own plans than I have to believe He would use Fauxi and Brix today.
He could, with God all things are possible, He can do whatever He pleases.
What I’m saying is, we have no reason, no evidence, no cause to believe that God communicated in any way whatsoever with the men of the councils who supposedly rubber-stamped the ‘canon’ with their imprimatur.
Beyond that, any proposed addition to the canon which contains a contradiction, something which cannot be reconciled or harmonized with the other accepted books, cannot, by definition, be of God. Because God is not double-minded, and God does not contradict Himself.
If God did contradict Himself, how could He be omniscient and all-knowing?
“But you don’t think the creation of a Pope was inspired by God.”
How can I (or anyone else)? What evidence is there to support any such claim?
What evidence is there, that either the choices of the books made by the men in those councils were inspired by God, OR that the creation of a Pope was inspired by God?
What evidence is there that God told any men in any council which books to choose, and which to reject?
Where is the evidence that God inspired any man to create the office of Pope?
For that matter, where is the evidence that God has inspired any man to do any thing, since the end of the 1st century, when the last book of Scripture was written down?
“It seems like a contradiction to me, is all. And it always has.”
I can see how it would be, if I had believed what you thought I believed.
I would have seen it as an obvious contradiction also.
But now that you know that I don’t have any cause to think the men in those councils were inspired by God, the presumed contradiction evaporates.
What evidence is there that the men in those councils were inspired by God to choose anything?
I have not seen it.
If the premise is faulty, then is the conclusion not likely to be, also?
Ok, I understand now. At least I think I do. Where we diverge is here:
“Beyond that, any proposed addition to the canon which contains a contradiction, something which cannot be reconciled or harmonized with the other accepted books, cannot, by definition, be of God. Because God is not double-minded, and God does not contradict Himself.”
There are many contradictions in the Bible taken as an entirety. At least, that is how I see it. But I see them as there for a reason. Other friends of mine see it similarly to what you wrote above.
This is why I don’t call myself Christian. I have too many disagreements with every single permutation of the expression of it I have found.
“There are many contradictions in the Bible taken as an entirety. At least, that is how I see it.”
This is a great starting point to further learning and understanding.
There are many things which, on the surface, appear to be contradictions.
There are hundreds. Thousands if you include things like punctuation or transcription errors, but those are easily figured out because so many fragments of ancient documents exist, that they can be traced back to a certain date.
For example, if no fragments or complete books have a particular punctuation in a particular verse before 500 A.D., and then a punctuation change begins showing up after 500 A.D., and then the change becomes ubiquitous by 800 A.D., then we can determine that a transcription error was made some time around 500 A.D., and that transcription error was copied, and for one reason or another, those copies eventually became dominant.
This is possible to do, because unlike most ancient works (or fragments thereof) of which many times only a handful of copies have survived, there are tens of thousands of ancient fragments of the books of the Bible which have been discovered.
The vast majority of our knowledge about the ancient world depends on ancient copies of ancient manuscripts, and many of those which have survived are hundreds of years or more (some up to a thousand years) removed from the original manuscript.
By contrast, IIRC, the earliest fragment of Scripture discovered so far dates to around 125 A.D., which is practically first generation, within living memory of people who personally knew at least some of the Apostles.
There are also highly reliable ancient secular sources which document things which are in the Scriptures, like the writings of Tacitus, and the writings of Josephus.
The other kind of apparent contradiction is the kind where it is fun to unravel the mystery.
There are hundreds of them. Skeptics use them all the time, there are lists all over the Internet.
But dig into them, find out the real truth, and the supposed contradictions disappear.
In some cases, the premise upon which the supposed contradiction is based is itself an error.
In some cases, an apparent contradiction is explained by the way time was reckoned in the 1st century (when morning began, when evening began, etc.).
Many apparent contradictions are resolved when the context and culture of the time is understood.
Exploring supposed contradictions, and figuring out that they are not contradictions after all, is a fantastic way to learn about the Scriptures, about ancient times, about the ways skeptics attempt to deceive, and most importantly, to come to an understanding that there is always a solid answer to explain a perceived contradiction, we just have to find it.
The more of those you find, the greater your confidence grows in the Word of God.
“But I see them as there for a reason.”
I think one great reason is to provoke discussions just like we’re having now, and to challenge the reader to ‘find the sauce’, to use a more current expression
In so doing, we grow in our own knowledge and understanding, and are not so dependent on the narratives of others.
“This is why I don’t call myself Christian. I have too many disagreements with every single permutation of the expression of it I have found.”
I would encourage you to explore those permutations, if I understand what you mean correctly.
Where a contradiction is perceived, research it, dig into it, figure out if the premise is correct for starters.
I have wasted a lot of time tracking down an answer I could not find, only to re-examine the original question, and discover an error in the question which made the answer impossible to determine!
If the premise is correct, and a contradiction is apparent, then track down the various elements of the contradiction.
I have not found a single one yet, which could not be resolved.
That has been my experience.
That doesn’t mean I want to play a game where someone does an internet search and finds a list and asks me to answer their best challenges.
I do like it, it is rewarding, and I have played that game many times, but it is also time consuming.
The last time SteveinCo. asked me one, it took several days to find time to research it, and figure it out, and then respond.
It’s a time intensive process, I don’t usually have the answers at my fingertips
One of the better places to research contradictions is at the website referenced earlier, Bible.ca
Question for you. Honest question, no gotcha or trick, I’m just interested.
Do you believe when Jesus came he negated Levitical Law, or not? Do you follow the Old Testament laws, or not? If not, why not? It’s in the Bible. Jesus said he didn’t come to negate the law, but to fulfill it. That means to bring something into actuality, or meet a requirement. But there is a lot of disagreement in various churches as to what exactly that means. I know self-professed Christians who go both ways.
Any and all of this comes down to faith alone. There is no “proof” that will satisfy everyone. And that is my whole point and issue with religious argument. It’s pointless. Our discussion is interesting, but it is still down to faith what you or I believe.
That’s why I don’t judge the beliefs of others. They just believe what they believe. We’ll all get to talk to God about it someday. I think that’ll be great fun, but that’s just me
I didn’t forget about you, it’s just taking some time
That’s ok!
This is like playing chess by mail!
I’ve been enjoying reading along with your conversation w/ Scott. Thanks for what you shared! Blessings
That’s cool. That’s the whole point of discussion for me, the sharing of ideas. I dislike it when people take things personally, as I never mean anything I write here as a condemnation of someone else’s faith.
No doubt! There is much to consider in what Both of you shared. Putting it down on “paper” for all to see lets the conversation increase if anyone else wants to jump in too. Thx <3
Hi Valerie! There’s a whole new installment of the “Scott and Aubergine” religious hour, and it’s a long one, if you want to read it!
Thought I’d let you know, since you were enjoying it. Scott is a pretty prolific writer/thinker. These are my favorite kind of discussions, where people really dig into what they believe and tell me.
Thx for the heads up! Clearly articulating one’s point of view & supporting rationale is crucial!!!
Sorry this took so long Aubergine, I wrote it the other night when I saw your question, but there’s a lot, so I wanted to read through it before I posted it, to check for errors as best as I could.
I’ll post it in parts, so no one part is real long.
“Question for you. Honest question, no gotcha or trick, I’m just interested.”
Gotcha questions are 100% fair game, the best kind of questions. If I’m wrong, I want to know.
Faith is not a crutch as some say, it’s a challenge.
It can certainly provide comfort, but it also takes effort.
And as Paul said, if Christ was not truly resurrected, if it never happened, if Christians are wrong, if we only have hope in Christ while we are alive, if our belief is not in something real, then we are miserable above all mankind:
“If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.” (1 Corinthians 15:19, KJV)
So ‘gotcha questions’ are helpful. If anyone has a gotcha question that will prove my belief is in error, there is probably no shortage of other things I could find to do on Sundays, or in place of Bible study, etc.
And if anyone has information that will prove my understanding of Christian belief or practice in some thing is wrong, so that I can come to be better understanding of the truth, then you would be a friend to me for doing so.
Truth is what matters.
I want to be invested in truth. If I find out that some investment I have made in truth is in error (i.e., my understanding is wrong), I will get rid of it and reinvest in the correct understanding.
If I discover that something I have believed is wrong, I have no desire to continue to defend it, in order to support all the other understandings which rely upon it. If one part falls, whatever is built upon it falls with it. If it’s wrong then it should fall, and if other stuff was built on top of something that was wrong, it should fall too.
This is never a problem, because the foundation is Christ, and the revelation of God’s Word is for our understanding of Christ. So even if my understanding about some thing is wrong, even if my error in understanding causes other understandings to be called into question, even if most of my understanding was razed to the ground as a result, I always have the foundation, and the foundation never changes.
It certainly helps to avoid such a collapse, by not building anything on the foundation that God’s Word does not expressly teach, whether by command, example or necessary (not possible, but necessary) inference.
And of course I also ask ‘gotcha’ questions all the time, because they are effective at revealing whether we can defend what we believe — in matters of Christianity, or anything else.
So if I use them — and I do — then is it not only fair that I welcome them in return?
So I do

It pretty much has to be that way, doesn’t it?
“Do you believe when Jesus came he negated Levitical Law, or not?
Please understand that I am not a pastor, this is my understanding, which I believe is supported by God’s Word, and which I always aim to show is supported by God’s Word, in a way that is easy to see, understand and verify.
I would not use the word ‘negate’, but that He fulfilled the Old Law, and thereby ended it.
“Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. [18] For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.” (Matthew 15:17-18, KJV)
The word “till” is synonymous with the word “until”:
Merriam-Webster: “Many assume that till is an abbreviated form of until. Actually, it is a distinctive word that existed in English at least a century before until, both as a preposition meaning “to” and a conjunction meaning “until.” It has seen continuous use in English since the 12th century and is a perfectly legitimate synonym of until.”
The word ‘fulfilled’ occurs 82 times in the Bible, and if I counted right, 57 of them are in the NT, and the large majority have to do with Jesus, fulfilling law and prophecy.
In the Gospel of John, “It is finished” is the last thing Jesus said:
“When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.” (John 19:30, KJV)
It is also always good to look at things from a logical perspective or context too, to make sure logic is consistent with our understanding.
If the Law (the Ten Commandments, moral and ceremonial law) was not fulfilled and ended with Christ on the cross, then we better be keeping it still today, shouldn’t we?
We should be observing the sabbath, we should be making animal sacrifices for sin according to the Law of Moses, not eating pork or shellfish, etc.
Clearly we don’t do that, and New Testament Christianity does not teach that we should be doing that.
New Testament Christianity teaches:
“For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins.” (Hebrews 10:4, KJV)
“In burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin thou hast had no pleasure.” (Hebrews 10:6)
“Above when he said, Sacrifice and offering and burnt offerings and offering for sin thou wouldest not, neither hadst pleasure therein; which are offered by the law; [9] Then said he, Lo, I come to do thy will, O God. He taketh away the first, that he may establish the second. [10] By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.” (Hebrews 10:8-10)
The Old Covenant Law of Moses was prophesied to come to an end in the Old Testament (Jeremiah 31:31-34), and that this has indeed happened is confirmed in the New Testament (Hebrews 8:8-13):
“In that he saith, A new [covenant], he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old [is] ready to vanish away.” (Hebrews 8:13, KJV, boldface mine)
“Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster [to bring us] unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. [25] But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster.” (Galatians 3:24-25, boldface mine)
“Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;” (Colossians 2:14, boldface mine)
“Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” (Galatians 5:1, boldface mine)
“And for this cause he is the mediator of the new testament, that by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first testament, they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance. [16] For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator. [17] For a testament is of force after men are dead: otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth. [18] Whereupon neither the first testament was dedicated without blood. [19] For when Moses had spoken every precept to all the people according to the law, he took the blood of calves and of goats, with water, and scarlet wool, and hyssop, and sprinkled both the book, and all the people, [20] Saying, This is the blood of the testament which God hath enjoined unto you.” (Hebrews 9:15-20, boldface mine)
“Wherefore remember, that ye being in time past Gentiles in the flesh, who are called Uncircumcision by that which is called the Circumcision in the flesh made by hands; [12] That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world: [13] But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ. [14] For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us; [15] Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace; [16] And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby: [17] And came and preached peace to you which were afar off, and to them that were nigh.” (Ephesians 2:11-17 boldface mine)
“We should be observing the sabbath, we should be making animal sacrifices for sin according to the Law of Moses, not eating pork or shellfish, etc.
Clearly we don’t do that, and New Testament Christianity does not teach that we should be doing that.”
I know Christians who DO this stuff, today. When I talk to them about it, they have all kinds of complex (and scriptural) reasoning for why they do it. It’s why I asked what you thought.
My personal interpretation is yours, that if you believe Jesus came from God as His child, then he “ended” (my word) or “fulfilled” Levitical Law.
“I know Christians who DO this stuff, today. When I talk to them about it, they have all kinds of complex (and scriptural) reasoning for why they do it. It’s why I asked what you thought.”
This is an interesting thing, how best to approach it?
If someone is doing something like that, e.g., making blood sacrifice of animals to make atonement for sin, they must believe it and believe that they are doing what God commands — and likewise, that everyone who does not do it is wrong.
Because God is not double-minded. Being perfect, God does not contradict Himself, ergo two different practices or beliefs which contradict each other cannot both be true.
They could both be in error, but they cannot both be true, and be in contradiction.
Much error arises from the apparent oversight that God does not contradict Himself.
There are many things in the Bible which, if taken out of context, or considered without taking other passages on the same subject into account, lead to error.
If God is perfect, knowing the end from the beginning (cf. Isaiah 45:10), if God is the Author of all Scripture, then He will not contradict Himself — in Scripture, or anywhere else. In other words, His Word will reconcile and harmonize with itself.
So if we find something that appears to be a contradiction in God’s Word, that is not an indication that God made a mistake, though it’s fine for a skeptic or non-believer to pursue it as if God made a mistake, because if they follow it all the way, they will discover the truth.
This is a key to understanding God’s Word, that if God cannot make a mistake, and yet we come across an apparent contradiction in God’s Word, that means there is something we are missing or not understanding properly.
We cannot simply proceed in doing some thing which appears to be supported in one part of God’s Word and yet is condemned or contradicted in another, and just ignore the part where it is condemned (or contradicted).
If your own father left you a note for you to read when you got home from school, and among other things it said “Clean up your room” in one part, and said “Don’t clean up your room” in another, and you only read those two parts, that would be confusing, wouldn’t it?
Which one would you do, and which would you not do, and how could you please your father, when he appears to have instructed you to do two contradictory things?
But what if the note also said in another part “If you have not completed your schoolwork, then do that first, and don’t clean up your room, that can wait until tomorrow”, then the apparent contradiction is gone, the coherence of the message reconciles and harmonizes and makes sense, and the confusion is eliminated.
It’s the same with God and His Word.
God is not the author of confusion.
“For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.” (1 Corinthians 14:23)
So wherever confusion exists, it is on the part of man, not God.
It is possible that our own father could make a mistake (or many mistakes), but it is not possible that God could make a mistake.
So if we see two verses that appear to contradict each other in God’s Word, that means we are missing something, it’s a puzzle to be solved. Maybe we need to ‘zoom out’ to see the bigger picture (context), maybe there is a third passage elsewhere that gives priority to one of the two things in apparent conflict, etc., we can’t just pick one to do and ignore the other.
But many do exactly that, and as a result, find themselves acting in open contradiction to some portion of God’s Word.
How can that be allowed to go on? How can anyone who self-identifies as a faithful Christian be in open defiance or disagreement with God’s Word — and by extension then, with God Himself?
We must discover the solution to the apparent contradiction, to arrive at the true understanding, where God’s Word harmonizes and reconciles with itself.
So back to those you mentioned who are following parts of the Old Testament Law of Moses, making animal sacrifice for atonement of sin, there are some clear problems with that, which must be resolved, they cannot simply be ignored.
If we seek to keep a portion of the Old Law, we deny Christ, and we are a debtor to (must keep) the WHOLE of the Old Law.
Bearing in mind that no man was able to perfectly keep the Old Law, except the Man Christ Jesus.
For example, circumcision was required by the Old Law for the Jews.
The practice actually began earlier, in Genesis chapter 17, with Abraham (who was still called Abram, up until Genesis chapter 17, verse five, when God renamed him Abraham) and is referenced in Acts 7:8.
Exodus (12:44, 12:47, 12:48, 12:49-50), Leviticus (12:3), and Joshua (chapter 5) establish the practice of circumcision for the children of Israel, and for any strangers who would eat the Passover with the children of Israel (a.k.a. Jacob, until God renamed Jacob, calling him Israel, cf. Genesis 35:10, cf. Gen 32:28, Gen 48:2, Gen 49:2, 1 Kings 18:31, 2 Kings 17:34, lots more)
So there was this practice of circumcision, which even predated the Law of Moses, all the way back to Abraham, and was then codified in the Law of Moses.
It was commanded and required by God.
But does the Law of Christ require it? Does New Testament Christianity require circumcision of the flesh, or of the heart?
Circumcision of the flesh is practiced widely throughout the world today, for a variety of reasons (health, culture, etc.), but only Jews seeking to keep the Old Law of Moses do it for Scriptural reasons, and yet they don’t keep the whole Law either, because they can’t, because the Temple has not been rebuilt.
The NT uses the subject of circumcision extensively as an example of clarifying the distinction between the Old and the New.
“For I testify again to every man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the whole law. [4] Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace. [5] For we through the Spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith.” (Galatians 5:3-5)
That is a big, BIG deal. To be fallen from grace is to be spiritually lost, because we are saved by grace, through faith:
“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:” (Ephesians 2:8)
If we seek to keep the Old Law, the Law of Moses, which Christ fulfilled and ended, then we become debtors to the whole of the Old Law of Moses, a Law which no man was able to perfectly keep, except only the Man Christ Jesus was able to perfectly keep, and therefore fulfill.
So to attempt to keep any part of the Old Law of Moses is going backward, denying Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, the final sacrifice, once for all:
“Above when he said, Sacrifice and offering and burnt offerings and offering for sin thou wouldest not, neither hadst pleasure therein; which are offered by the law;
[9] Then said he, Lo, I come to do thy will, O God. He taketh away the first, that he may establish the second.
[10] By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.
[11] And every priest standeth daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins:
[12] But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God;
[13] From henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool.
[14] For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified.” (Hebrews 10:8-14, KJV, boldface mine)
“For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.” (James 2:10, KJV)
I realize this can seem complicated if any of these concepts or passages are new to a reader.
Sort of like trying to explain the mid-point of a movie, without benefit of the context of the beginning and what led up to that point.
The overall point I am hoping to get across is that God’s Word is not in conflict with itself, it works together as a cohesive whole, it reconciles and harmonizes with itself, forwards and backwards.
Where we perceive a contradiction, that is an indication that we are not properly understanding something, because God, being perfect, does not contradict Himself.
If we don’t understand something, we cannot (or at least should not) just do the part we think we understand and ignore the part(s) of God’s Word that contradicts our understanding.
In order for our understanding to be correct, we must be able to reconcile and harmonize our understanding with ALL of God’s Word on a given subject, not just with one part, or another.
I hope that makes sense, and I hope the importance of it makes sense.
It makes enough sense that I understand what you believe. Which is the point of my asking! And the people I know who are practicing the whole of the Bible as best they can literally go to church to study the Bible. That’s it. No sermons, no nothing. Just the Bible. And they have all kinds of explanations for why they do what they do.
You seem very confident in your understanding, which is good.
“It makes enough sense that I understand what you believe. Which is the point of my asking!”
Does it also make enough sense that you understand WHY I believe it?
Does the reasoning also make sense?
Because I could say I believe in flying unicorns, and you would understand that I believe in flying unicorns, but if that is as far as it went, then you would not understand why I believe it.
If I then said I believe in flying unicorns because the color orange makes a pretty sound, you would not understand my reasoning for believing in flying unicorns, but you might think I was on an acid trip
So understanding what I believe is one thing, and understanding why I believe it is a separate thing.
For every single thing I believe in matters of God, I better have book, chapter and verse to support it, and it better not contradict any other instruction in God’s Word on the same subject.
I better be able to show it and explain it, right there in God’s Word, for anyone to look at and see and verify for themselves.
I better be able to say “Here is why I believe it, because it says so right here, and here, and here”.
At that point, someone may challenge it, saying “But over here in this other passage is says something different”.
THIS is when we need to look deeper, to figure out why the apparent contradiction exists, and resolve it in a way that harmonizes and reconciles with all of God’s Word on the subject, because God, being perfect, does not contradict Himself.
It is through this process that every honest heart can come to like understanding. It is through this process that unity in Christ is possible.
How could such like understanding be achieved any other way?
For an example, suppose your friends believe in animal sacrifice for atonement of sin, and I believe Christ’s death and resurrection and the New Testament resulted in the end of that practice.
How could either of us hold either belief, without an Authoritative book which told us those things? Where else could we have gotten the ideas?
What could we know about God, or matters having to do with God, that God has not revealed to us?
It’s the same with everyone, isn’t it?
If I could not observe you and hear you directly, and I cannot read your mind, then what can I know about you, that you do not reveal?
So if we (in this case, your friends who practice the whole Bible including animal sacrifice for atonement of sin, and me) believe in the same God revealed in the Bible, then by definition, the Bible ought to be Authoritative in our beliefs.
In other words, neither of us would have any reason to believe what we believe, if the Bible did not exist.
So the Bible is our common reference point and acknowledged source of Highest Authority.
If we believe different things about what God’s Word says, then one of us (or both of us) must be in error, because we (your friends and I) cannot both be right, and be in contradiction to each other.
It is possible that we could both be wrong, but we cannot both be right, and be in contradiction.
God’s Word is the ‘tie-breaker’, the highest source of Authority, the final arbiter, the highest Court of Appeal.
And if God is perfect, if God does not contradict Himself (which I am nearly certain your friends would agree with), then if we have a disagreement, it can be (and can only be) resolved by gong to God’s Word, the highest Authority, and reconciling what we believe and practice with what God’s Word actually says.
I strongly suspect your friends would agree with me, at least up to this point.
So then it becomes a relatively simple (though potentially lengthy) process of establishing the Biblical case for what each of us believes and practices with regard to a certain thing.
For example, animal sacrifice. Your friends would make their best Biblical case to support the Christian NT practice of animal sacrifice.
And I would present my best Biblical case why animal sacrifice is not part of New Testament Christianity.
I would cross-examine their case, and they would cross-examine mine.
There would be rebuttals, questions asked and answered, facts established, further proof texts offered in defense or to prove error, etc.
Thanks to the existence of God’s Word, and that they and I both (presumably) recognize God’s Word as the highest Authority there is or can be, it is possible to resolve the dispute.
It is through such a process of examination and comparing what we believe and practice to what God’s Word says, that it is possible to arrive at a common understanding.
Unless one or both of us are more interested in believing whatever we believe, than in discovering the truth according to God’s Word.
Unfortunately, that is usually what happens.
One or both sides dig in their heels, because they have too much to lose by conceding error, they are too invested in their practice or belief to acknowledge that what they believe is in error.
Because not always, but usually, if there is an error in one thing, it is unlikely that error exists in a vacuum, unconnected to anything else.
So if an error is acknowledged in one thing, even a seemingly small thing, but it is connected to some other belief of practice, then to acknowledge an error in even the small thing begins to unravel a much bigger thing. Like dominoes falling.
And once that starts, the entire ball of yarn can begin to unravel, so at some point, the discussion is often ended abruptly with something like “we will just have to agree to disagree”.
Sadly, that is what usually happens.
But there will usually be some in attendance, with honest hearts, who care more about being right with God than being right with men, and who see which belief is supported by God’s Word and contradicted by no passage in God’s Word.
There will usually be some who recognize the truth, even if their brethren are running away from it.
At that point, they know.
What they do with that knowledge is up to them.
If they have an honest heart and a good conscience toward God, will they seek to please God, or men?
“For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.” (Galatians 1:10)
“Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.” (Acts 5:29)
As everyone on this forum knows, from political observations and observations of the world we live in, human beings are easily deceived into group-think, or following the crowd. It is a source of constant frustration, both with those who oppose us, and even with those who are ostensibly pro-MAGA but who don’t want to wake fully up.
We talk about it all the time.
Religions are no different in that regard.
How can we know whether we have fallen into group-think, or an echo-chamber, or following the crowd, with regard to matters of God?
How can we know whether we are just following the doctrines and commandments and traditions of our particular group, or whether we are following what God’s Word actually says?
There is only one way, and that is to be willing to compare what we are taught and believe or practice, to what God’s Word actually says, which we have example in God’s Word to do:
“These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.” (Acts 17:11)
Either we will do it, or we won’t.
If we do it, and we see that what we have been taught cannot be reconciled with all of God’s Word on a given subject, if we see with our own eyes that the things we have been taught are not actually so, according to God’s Word, the highest Authority there is, then we must have the integrity and intellectual honesty to change our beliefs to be in accordance with God’s Word, as opposed to the doctrines, commandments or traditions of men.
Or remain in error, with the knowledge that we are doing so.
The world will try very hard to get us to justify or rationalize remaining in error.
Truth requires that we choose it over the world.
Whether we do or not, is a choice we must each make for ourselves.
“It is through this process that every honest heart can come to like understanding. It is through this process that unity in Christ is possible.”
And here we come back to what I wrote before. I don’t think it IS possible. I think the way the Bible is written and compiled makes it so it is NOT possible. And I assume that is God’s intention. To borrow analogy from current events, I believe something like this: God is like D.C. and the Bible is the U.S. Interstate system. Not all the trucks will travel the same roads, but they will all end up in the same place.
When you read Scripture, you come to what you understand as NOT contradictory. But others don’t agree. Are you correct, or are they?
I just don’t think there is only ONE way to meet God. I just don’t. And I will never change my mind about that. I was born with this heart, God speaks to me through it, and it believes what it believes.
It makes me a difficult person sometimes.
“Do you follow the Old Testament laws, or not? If not, why not?”
I certainly read and accept the OT fully as God’s Word, and in many respects, the NT would not make sense or have context without the OT, but I do not follow the OT Law of Moses, because that applied specifically to the Jews, and was fulfilled and ended, as demonstrated by the several passages above, in my previous reply.
However, the moral laws (as opposed to the ceremonial laws) are included in the New Testament also, e.g., we are not to commit murder, lie, steal, etc., because these things are all sin, as they have always been.
“For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.” (John 1:17)
“It’s in the Bible. Jesus said he didn’t come to negate the law, but to fulfill it. That means to bring something into actuality, or meet a requirement.”
“But there is a lot of disagreement in various churches as to what exactly that means. I know self-professed Christians who go both ways.”
No doubt there is much error of every kind today, just as there was in the 1st century.
In fact, given the amount of time that has passed, allowing for the generation of new error, the amount of error in churches today must be exponentially greater than in the 1st century.
But a surprising amount of error, which still affects us very much today, originated as early as 200 A.D. (and certainly earlier), as shown in a previous post. There was plenty of error in the churches which was addressed and corrected IN the New Testament.
It seems that the large majority of error comes from men creating doctrines and commandments and traditions for which there is no Authority in God’s Word.
Unless God forgot something, or unless God was not powerful enough to cause His Word to be preserved through time, regardless of what men tried to do (e.g., add something that shouldn’t be added, or subtract something that shouldn’t be subtracted), then what is contained in the 66 books commonly called The Bible is complete and sufficient for the cause and purpose of its Author.
Men are constantly creating new problems, which then need new solutions, which have no Authority in God’s Word.
For example, some people decided that “original sin” tainted babies, that babies and children below the age of understanding right from wrong would go to hell if they died without having been baptized.
God’s Word doesn’t say any such thing, but people were stirred up by somebody, and of course they didn’t want their babies who died to go to hell, so they INVENTED ‘infant baptism’, for which there is NO example in Scripture, to solve a problem that didn’t exist.
And created much bigger problems besides, in the process.
God’s Word has many examples of people being converted or saved.
There are steps involved, e.g., we must:
Hear (Romans 10:17, John 6:44-45)
How can you we believe something we have not heard?
Believe (Hebrews 11:6, John 8:24, Acts 16:31)
If we don’t believe what we have heard, how can we be saved?
Repent (Luke 13:3, Acts 2:38, Acts 17:30)
If we don’t repent, if we remain in our sins, how can we be saved?
Confess (Matthew 10:32-33, Romans 10:9-10)
If we do not confess, how can we be saved?
Be Baptized (Mark 16:16, Acts 2:38, Acts 22:16)
If we are not baptized, how can we be saved?
Be Faithful (2 Peter 2:20-22, Revelation 2:10)
If we are not faithful, or do not repent if we fall into sin, how can we be saved?
A baby can ‘hear’, but cannot understand or believe. A baby has nothing of which to repent. A baby cannot speak or otherwise confess Christ. A baby cannot be ‘faithful’.
So while you could dunk a baby in water and pretend it was a baptism, it is not according to God’s plan of salvation, it is according to man’s.
So what has actually been accomplished, besides getting the child wet?
Does anybody even care? Does the truth matter?
It does to God, doesn’t it?
Who are we trying to please, God or men?
“For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.” (Galatians 1:10, KJV)
What are the downstream consequences of infant baptism, if baptism is not according to God’s Word or Will?
Could someone who was baptized as an infant grow up and live his whole life believing he had been baptized, and eventually die, without ever having been baptized according to God’s Word?
What are the implications of that?
How much emotional upset or anger do you suppose people might experience or express, if anyone suggests that their deceased loved one may not have been saved, if he or she was never baptized according to God’s Word?
How much division might that cause?
So once an error like this is established, and it becomes accepted ‘tradition’, how do you ever correct it, without splitting the church?
This is just one example of error and the potential ramifications from it. If I counted correctly, there are 67 significant errors listed at the link I posted previously, the list that only goes up to 1996 A.D.
“For example, some people decided that “original sin” tainted babies, that babies and children below the age of understanding right from wrong would go to hell if they died without having been baptized. ”
For this example, and some others, you have to go to history. This stuff actually used to cost people MONEY. There were “charges” for baptism, marriage, burial, and don’t get me started on “dispensation” for crimes, even BEFORE they were committed!
“Could someone who was baptized as an infant grow up and live his whole life believing he had been baptized, and eventually die, without ever having been baptized according to God’s Word?
What are the implications of that?”
In MY belief system, there would be NO implications of that, at least in a negative way towards the deceived. If you believe, as I do, that God is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent, He knows everything about you, and all that is in your heart. Why would He punish you for not knowing?
“Any and all of this comes down to faith alone.”

‘Faith alone’ or ‘Faith Only’ are ‘hot button’ terms, sources of contention among many who self-identify as Christians, another example of how error divides.
Some believe ‘faith alone’ or ‘faith only’ saves, some even to the extent that merely expressing belief in Jesus is sufficient to salvation (e.g., Billy Graham taught people to say what is called “The Sinner’s Prayer”).
If you search an online Bible, the words “faith” and “alone” appear together only ONE time in all of God’s Word, and it’s definitely supportive of the idea of ‘faith alone’:
“Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.” (James 2:17)
If you search the term “faith only”, that only appears once too, just a few verses later, in the same chapter:
“Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only.” (James 2:24, boldface mine)
So any ‘faith alone’ or ‘faith only’ argument is going to have to defeat James, and I have never once seen God’s Word defeated before…
That is not to say that any good works save us, we are saved by grace through faith:
“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:” (Ephesians 2:8)
But if we are faithful, our good works should naturally manifest.
“Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.” (James 2:18)
“For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.” (James 2:26)
“There is no “proof” that will satisfy everyone.”
That is a fascinating observation, and I understand what you mean.
But still I am confident that any man or woman, with an open mind, an open heart and an open Bible, with study and time to meditate and think on what God’s Word says, can come to a sure understanding of the truth.
Which God wants.
“Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.” (1 Timothy 2:4)
It is what we then do with that new understanding of the truth that matters.
Once we are aware of it, do we hang onto a belief which cannot be reconciled and harmonized with all of God’s Word on a given subject?
God, being perfect, does not contradict Himself. And if we find ourselves in conflict with God’s Word (and by extension, with God), one of us — either God or us — is wrong.
An honest soul won’t need too long to figure out who is wrong
And again, it’s what we do with that understanding that matters.
Do we ignore it, and remain in error? Or do we embrace the truth, and follow it?
The world will pull us one direction, but hopefully our conscience (a good conscience toward God, cf. 1 Peter 3:21) will compel us to go toward the truth.
What I mean by “Any and all of this comes down to faith alone” is not to say “faith alone” will get us to Heaven,” but that there is no CONCRETE evidence that will “prove” the existence of God, the divinity of Jesus, or the correctness of the Bible or any one church to anyone.
I personally believe that if one is true to God, and a believer in Him, then the “works” come naturally from that, with little effort. I have known many a “Christian” who was an obvious pretender as shown through their actions.
“And that is my whole point and issue with religious argument. It’s pointless.”
I would agree, if there was no truth, or if there was no way for man to grasp the truth.
In my own experience, neither thing is true.
To say that there is no truth is a contradiction of itself, i.e., asserting a ‘truth’ that there is no ‘truth’.
And clearly man is able to grasp truth through rational argument and presentation of evidence to support it.
If a man does not accept Scripture as evidence, then we need to back up and lay the foundation to establish the Authority of Scripture, which can certainly be done, if any man sincerely seeks the truth.
Assuming the Authority of the Scriptures (the Word of God, not the words of men) is accepted, clearly it is possible, with a portion of knowledge and understanding, to present the evidence of God’s Word in a way that cannot be denied.
What a man chooses to do with what he learns is up to him, that is between him and God, but it seems to me to be far from pointless.
There is also the case that not everyone is ready to hear the truth at any given point in time. That’s okay. Plant the seed and move on. Plant the seed again on your way back. Plant the seed whenever you have opportunity.
“Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God.” (Luke 8:11)
New things are new, and many people are resistant to new things. Hearing things periodically leads to familiarity, which yields a degree of comfort (or at least familiarity
Most people are naturally more open to things with which they have some degree of familiarity and comfort or understanding. One way that happens is through discussing God’s Word with people.
In some cases, it may be that something has to happen first in one’s life, good or bad, before he or she is open to hearing God’s Word.
There is no way for us to know when a person will respond positively to the message of God’s Word, so we should try to be ready always, as much as that is possible:
“But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:” (1 Peter 3:15)
I wasn’t ready before I was ready. When I was ready, I looked. For other people, it could be entirely different.
When I looked, really looked, God helped me to find Him, or God found me, however one prefers to say it — though He was never far from me, or anyone else:
“That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us:” (Acts 17:27)
I don’t disagree with “seed planting,” but I am very judicious with my timing, always.
“Our discussion is interesting, but it is still down to faith what you or I believe.”
It is very interesting, and I very much enjoy it, and I have missed these kinds of discussions.
How can we have faith in what we believe, if we cannot articulate it?
And if we cannot articulate it, how can we know whether we ought to have faith in it?
If we are able to articulate it, does it stand up to critical scrutiny?
For me, it has much to do with logic and reason (Acts 17:2), study and research (2 Timothy 2:15), comparing what men say to what God’s Word says (Acts 17:11), puzzle-solving (e.g., figuring out and resolving perceived contradictions), an honest heart that seeks the truth (Luke 8:15), a desire to understand (Psalm 119:104, 1 John 5:20), and a willingness to seek and follow the truth (John 17:17), wherever it may lead.
No doubt there are many ways one may find the Lord, just as there are many keys to unlock a person’s understanding, if he will allow the keys to be tried.
But at some point, fairly early in the process of faith, the Word of God must be a part of it.
“So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (Romans 10:17, boldface mine)
For as a practical matter, what (or how much) can we ever know about God, unless God reveals it to us about Himself?
And in this era, how does God reveal Himself to His creation, except by the Scriptures, the inspired Word of God, written down and preserved, for our learning?
“For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.” (Romans 15:4)
“And in this era, how does God reveal Himself to His creation, except by the Scriptures, the inspired Word of God, written down and preserved, for our learning?”
And here is where I get off on a tangent.
God reveals Himself to me in such a myriad of ways I can hardly express it.
A seed turns into a plant which turns into my dinner; a seed turns into a fetus which turns into my beloved child; a sunrise; a moonrise; a sunny day; a rainy day. And on and on I could go.
My experience of the natural world is my daily communion with God. It fills my soul with His presence, calms my heart, and gives me strength. It connects me to the Divine in such a deep way it is inexpressible in words.
“That’s why I don’t judge the beliefs of others.”
Is it not often necessary to judge the beliefs of others, to discern whether they have a negative impact on ourselves or others?
It would be dangerous not to judge the beliefs of Satanists, for example. Or child molesters. Or communists. Or islamists.
What I mean is that beliefs can be very dangerous and harmful things, so it would be wise to be aware of them, and how they may be impacting our lives and the lives of others. And I don’t know how to determine whether beliefs are harmful or dangerous without judging them.
Those are some extreme examples of course, just to make a point.
If you mean not judging different beliefs among those who self identify as Christian, or other belief systems which are not overtly dangerous, there may not be a need to judge from an immediate danger standpoint, but it is certainly reasonable to inquire the reason for one’s belief, isn’t it?
And to question those beliefs?
How else can we begin to determine whether a thing may be true?
For if a thing is true, it’s probably important to know. And if it’s not true, it’s probably important to know that too, isn’t it?
Conversely, if we believe someone is in error, and we care about the truth and the consequences of being in error, should we not contend for the truth?
“They just believe what they believe.”
Indeed, but if anyone believes what they believe without justifiable cause, especially in matters of eternity, is it right or moral or just to allow someone who is in error (not according to us, but according to God’s Word) to just walk off a cliff, or in front of a bus (spiritually speaking)?
This is the great (or a great) dilemma. If God’s Word is true, everyone’s spirit lives on after death, but not everyone goes to Heaven, and you don’t want to be anywhere else for eternity.
Because eternity is a long time, and anywhere else is not good.
So if God’s Word is true, there are consequences, eternally, for believing the wrong things.
If we want to be saved, if we want for other people to be saved, should we not fight for the truth?
“Indeed, but if anyone believes what they believe without justifiable cause, especially in matters of eternity, is it right or moral or just to allow someone who is in error (not according to us, but according to God’s Word) to just walk off a cliff, or in front of a bus (spiritually speaking)?”
YES, in my belief, it IS right or moral to allow someone to believe differently than I do, if they are not harming anyone. I am perfectly willing to share what I MYSELF believe with anyone willing to listen. But I don’t proselytize my beliefs. Free Will. That is my mantra.
“We’ll all get to talk to God about it someday. I think that’ll be great fun, but that’s just me”
That would be nice at first thought, but does it make sense considering the reality of good and evil?
Do we want to spend eternity with unrepentant murders and rapists and child molesters?
Or the demon possessed, from Biblical times?
God’s Word does not really say that we will all get to talk to God about it, but it does say that there will be a Judgment.
And as far as I can tell, the only Person who ever lived without sin is Jesus Christ.
Which means we (all mankind) are all in danger of the Judgment.
Fortunately, God has provided a means to blot out our sins (Acts 3:19), to be forgiven, but not without paying a heavy price — the brutal punishment and death on the cross of His only begotten Son.
“For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.” (1 Corinthians 6:20)
He paid the penalty for our sins, for those who believe in Him, that we should not perish, but be saved.
And Christ did that for us, while we were still lost in sin.
“But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8)
Who else ever did such a thing for us?
What better friend could anyone possibly have? Who cares more for us, and proved it for all time, than Jesus?
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)
I want and hope to be with Jesus when this earthly life is over, and I hope for everyone else to be with Jesus too.
If we believe God’s Word is untrue, we had better be awfully sure we’re right.
And if we conclude that God’s Word is true, the implications of that realization are necessarily life changing.
So I cannot help but conclude, truth matters.
When I say “we’ll all get to talk to God about it someday,” I mean that Judgement will come to us all. I don’t dread it; I think it will be the “conversation” of my life. I think child molesters and murderers will have quite a different conversation with God than I will, but I really don’t know for sure how that will go for them. And it doesn’t matter to me how it goes, it only matters how my conversation goes. I don’t hold myself responsible for the enlightenment of others. I hold myself responsible for me. Maybe I will be rebuked for that, maybe not. But that’s how I feel.
I don’t worry overly much that other’s relationship to God should be any certain thing. And I don’t think I have any particular handle on the “truth,” which is why I don’t proselytize. If you do believe that you have that, then I support your right to proselytize all you want.
“Because the same guys who decided there was going to be a Pope decided which books would be included in the Bible, and which would be destroyed (if they could find them).”
The guys who decided there would be a pope would like very much for us to believe that. It’s their ‘narrative’, isn’t it?
While any Apostles remained alive, they could confirm the Scriptures because they had the Lord working with and through them, and later the gifts of the Holy Spirit (cf. Acts 2:1-4), e.g., as well as the ability to heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons, etc.
“And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.” (Mark 16:20, KJV)
“And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles.” (Acts 2:43)
“God also bearing them witness, both with signs and wonders, and with divers miracles, and gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to his own will?” (Hebrews 2:4)
It is a popular perception that the ‘canon’ was chosen or selected at some council, circa 300 A.D. or 400 A.D., but that idea overlooks some obvious flaws in logic and reason.
From a practical perspective, it seems insanely arrogant to declare that some special group of men decided which books were ‘real’ and which weren’t, like some ancient version of St. Fauci and St. Brix deciding which peer-reviewed papers were ‘real science’.
The 66 books of the Bible, all inspired by God, were written across a span of some 1,600 years (give or take), written down by shepherds, kings, fishermen, physicians, some 40 different writers, spanning a wide range of backgrounds, education levels, social positions, of different languages, etc., and through it all, across time and culture, it reconciles with itself, forwards and backwards.
Would that be possible if 40 different writers wrote down their own thoughts across a span of 1,600 years? Could even a group of 40 MIT professors accomplish it, working together, for as long as it took, to create a coherent document which did not contain irreconcilable contradictions?
If God is the Author of all Scripture, as the Scriptures claim, not only would such a feat be possible, it would be easy.
Did God, having gone to the trouble making sure that His Word was written down, and preserved, require any ‘elites’ or other men to pass judgment on which of God’s Work was ‘real’ and which was not?
Did God, Who created the universe and everything in it, require men to validate His Work?
I would love to see the argument for that, for how an all-knowing, all-seeing, eternal, all powerful, omniscient and almighty Creator of everything there ever was or ever will be, then left it up to some dudes in the 3rd or 4th century to decide which books and epistles would define His Work and plan of salvation for all mankind.
There is also of course the concept of divine providence, but again that removes any credit from any men involved, and returns it to its rightful owner, which is God.
The New Testament was written down in the 1st century, while the Apostles were still alive to confirm it.
So what happened to the Lord’s church between the time when the NT was written and circulated (before the end of the 1st century), in the intervening years, to 300 A.D. or 400 A.D., when some claim the ‘canon’ was determined?
Did the councils hunt down all the books and letters and epistles as soon as they were written, and hide them somewhere, until it would be decided by some man or group of men, a couple or three hundred years later?
Was no one saved, was no one even able to become a Christian, or follow the Lord, because nobody knew what Scriptures were ‘real’ until the 3rd or 4th century?
Is there a chasm of lost souls for for the space of 300 odd years between the time the NT was completed and the time some grand poo-bahs gathered to give their imprimatur to some books and not to others?
And if the books of the NT were not confiscated by the FCSP (First Century Scripture Patrol), and hidden away for centuries until the ‘elites’ could construct a rubber stamp to properly approve them, would the People have just accepted it, if the elites and politicos had added some book that was not already in constant circulation, or subtracted some book which the People had been using since the time of the Apostles?
Or were early Christians using and referencing and quoting the Scriptures in their own letters, constantly, from the time they were written?
This link may be of interest on the subject of the canon of the Bible, it is a website maintained by a member of the Lord’s church in Canada:
The Canon of the Bible — A conservative, bible believing perspective!
Every single piece of the Bible we have is a copy of an original document, but not one single original exists.
And men did decide not to include some things in the Bible, and it was based on their belief in who and what Jesus was. But they weren’t the only ones; books were added and subtracted later, too, by people like Luther.
And I don’t think anyone “hid books away” for any period. They were “passed down” by being copied, over and over. Only fragments of the copies are extant.
The belief that God directed what is in the Bible is fine with me, but like all religious belief, that’s what it is. Which is why I don’t argue with Catholics about the Pope, or “inerrant Word of God” believers about the Bible. Because facts are facts, but belief is ineffable.
Mostly the argument I hear is that God wouldn’t let things be in the Bible that are wrong, or let the Bible be wrong, so what is in there He wants in there, and what isn’t in there he doesn’t want in there. But that would mean to me then that if he didn’t want there to be a Pope, then there wouldn’t be one.
Again, it all comes down to belief and faith, which are not really subject to facts. IMHO, of course.
P.S. Thank you for the stimulating conversation.
A Zerohedge article inserts a note of levity into its last line — https://www.zerohedge.com/weather/natgas-futures-jump-east-coast-set-freeze
That’s nothing, just look at what’s installed as our President.
Coming to you, now, from Anachronism Theater —
So very, very nice.
Thanks for posting.
At approximately 5:30 of the Russell Brand video:
“…it seems that the rise of populism is obviously congruent with people noticing the existing political models aren’t representative of their views. Populism is a real threat to the establishment.
In order to diminish that threat you have to ally populism with a set of beliefs which in some cases it may naturally be allied with, there may be nationalism, there may even be racism, but to say that populism because I would consider myself a populist i.e ,what I believe is that ordinary people should have control over the means of productions the means of control the means of communication, that we should have actual real democracy, that’s what I believe in the population, the populare, should have control of their own resources..
I don’t agree with racism I don’t agree with nationalism, I don’t agree with any of those ideas and it’s pretty clear to me now that, whether it was Trump or Brexit or what’s happening now in Canada, there is a tendency to amplify particular narratives in order not to protect us from these terrible and obviously wrong ideas in some cases like we know with racism for example…”
It sounds like Russell believes in “pure democracy”, where if 51% of the people vote that they can kill you and take your stuff, then that’s exactly what happens.
That’s “democracy”, two wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for dinner.
It also appears that he opposes “nationalism”, and this is the strangest thing, every time I come across it.
What is nationalism, that anyone should rationally be against it?
1. identification with one’s own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations:
It also appears that Russell sees “nationalism” as being equally reprehensible as “racism“, as he repeatedly uses both together, as examples of things which he opposes.
I have yet to hear a coherent argument against ‘nationalism’ from anyone, or how a society or culture can exist without ‘nationalism’, without a national identity, without protecting that identity with lawfully enforced and defended borders, and in the case of America, without the sovereignty of We the People.
How does a Republic, like ours was created to be, exist and survive without ‘nationalism’?
And if a Republic such as ours cannot survive without ‘nationalism’, then by definition, how can opposition to ‘nationalism’ not be opposition to the Republic which was created by our Founding Fathers?
Nationalism is a good thing. It’s diversity.
It is also a strength for the entire world.
Take banking as an example, for instance.
A very few large, “too big to fail” banks is a very great weakness. What “too big to fail” means is “if it is allowed to fail it will bring down the entire global financial system”.
If a bank is “too big to fail”, then is too powerful and it will never be held accountable for any harm it causes. As we saw with the Subprime crisis, it’s bad debts will be papered over and transferred to the People to bear, and the banks executives never held to account.
Limiting the size of banks is, therefore, a very good idea. A bank should never be so big as to be “too big to fail”.
A financial system with banks that are “too big to fail” is very fragile. Subprime amply demonstrated this. Allowing the massive consolidation of banks over the past several decades has been a very great folly.
Conversely, the opposite of this condition is very ANTI-fragile….a small bank that fails barely causes a ripple, damage is very limited, and it’s executives easily held to account.
In this same way, nationalism is a VERY good and healthy thing for the world community. Nationalism PROTECTS the entire world by keeping the world community from becoming FRAGILE. Fragile systems are a massive threat to all participants and those that run them are not easily held to account. The opposite is also true.
Nationalism is ANTI-FRAGILE. It also protects, preserves, and defends diversity of thought, identity, values, and traditions. If one nation goes off the proverbial deep end in some way or manner, it doesn’t take everyone else with it.
Therefore, anyone opposed to nationalism…in actuality….has no idea what they are trying to talk about.
Btw, Russell Brand has always been an idiot. And the only reason anyone is even talking about him is because even the idiots are beginning to see what sheep they have become….but they are still idiots.
Nicely said and quite accurate. The smaller the units, the more easily situations flow from one to another; if the units are too large, they clog or jam.
Very much agreed.
And I was immediately struck by your argument in this case, because it is practically identical for the argument against organizing a church any way besides the way given by God in Scripture.
Even to the point of using many of your same words, and substituting ‘church’ or ‘congregations’ for ‘banks’.
A very large, “too big to fail” church is a very great weakness.
The pattern and example for the Lord’s church in the first century, and as taught in Scripture, was autonomous, independent congregations, with deacons and bishops (a.k.a. elders) (for whom qualifications are given in Scripture) leading each local congregation, with Christ as each congregation’s Head, as He is the Head of the whole body, all congregations, the whole church.
The congregations or churches were in fellowship with one another, instructed to copy and pass along the inspired epistles and letters (e.g., Colossians 4:16), but no elder (a.k.a. bishop) had authority over any congregation besides the one of which he was a member.
I have seen it argued that the Holy Spirit protects a church from going into apostasy, but we know for sure that the Holy Spirit was in the world in the 1st century, and in Revelation (chapters 2 and 3), five of the seven churches were in danger of apostasy.
And we can be certain these were His churches because He addressed each one directly. Five of the seven were in danger of having their candlesticks removed, and the Holy Spirit did not prevent them from their error.
If a single body (e.g., the Vatican) that effectively has control over over all other bodies under it, it too is “too big to fail” meaning if it goes into apostasy, it takes down all of the subsidiary bodies with it.
If a particular congregation of the church (e.g., the Vatican) is “too big to fail”, then it is too powerful and it will never be held accountable for any harm it causes. Everyone can see this is in fact true today.
Limiting the scope and authority to individual congregations is, therefore, a very good idea. The best idea, since it was God’s plan for His church, and not man’s.
A congregation or church cannot be “too big to fail”, but in practice it happens, it has always happened, because men are fallible and because power corrupts. God knows this, but men forget, or pretend not to know, for reasons that are not in alignment with God’s Word.
A church system with a governing body (e.g., the Vatican) that are “too big to fail” is very ‘fragile’.
Conversely, the opposite of this condition is very ANTI-fragile….autonomous independent congregations in fellowship with one another, and with Christ as their Head. If one congregation fails (goes into apostasy), it barely causes a ripple, damage is very limited, and its leadership (local deacons and bishops, a.k.a. elders) are easily held to account.
So in this way, autonomous congregations in fellowship with one another are ANTI-FRAGILE. Which was undoubtedly a critical design element for the Lord’s church to spread and grow in the first century.
If one congregation goes off the proverbial deep end in some way or manner, it doesn’t take everyone else with it.
This is the exact argument I have made for why the Lord’s church does not have a human ‘pyramid’ business structure or model, with one man at the top, and multiple levels of middle managers, and a worker class at the bottom.
God’s Word does not specifically say that is the reason He designed His church differently than human institutions, i.e., without a single centralized human authority over all which could then fail and take everyone under it down with it — but it certainly makes sense.
Sometimes God does explain the “why”, as when He told us why deacons and elders (a.k.a. bishops) must be the husband of one wife, and the father of children who are faithful:
“(For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)” (1 Timothy 3:5, KJV, see 1 Timothy 3:12 regarding deacons).
But God doesn’t have to explain why He wants something done a certain way.
It is when men take it upon themselves to do things for which there is no Authority in God’s Word to do, that the trouble always begins.
I think Russell Brand is a bridge between the red-pilled and the blue-pilled. We think a lot of his ideas are idiotic, but the blue-pilled are so far gone that a true red-pilled person seems like an alien creature to them, where someone like RB is at least somewhat relatable. He can get them to a mid-point at least, where we start to make more sense.
Well said.
It is interesting that Karl Denninger is discussing something along the same lines today: https://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=245184
He is warning that too much interdependency and complexity is perilous.
The more complex a society is, the higher the standard of living, but also the more fragile the structure is.
If this current difficulty in shipping food and computer chips is indeed the first signs of a “system collapse” then we are in BIG trouble right now.
bidentapped this…article link…
non-binary drag queen
That’s Ø showing his contempt for our Country and for Judeo-Christianity.
Putting Biden and Harris in our highest offices was the same.
WEF doing what WEF does. Pure evil. BiteMe likely has no idea “what” he nominated.
it’s a descending darkness, much bigger than obama…
just take a look at what’s happened to Australia.
it’s a spiritual contempt for everything and everyone that is Godly.
the stage is being set…
A steady light for Christ in Australia – https://billmuehlenberg.com
Yep. In this case, non-binary means unary, i.e. zero or better yet, null…
non-binary = gelding aka eunuch aka castrati.
Gelding the Lilly, one might say

Easy to mock, hard to pray for, must do it anyway.
Sign me up for the mocking these POS…
Can’t imagine sitting at a table with, or near this freak.
I’d be tossed out in short order after mocking and making fun of the sick fuck.
Wouldn’t tolerate it passively.
No matter what I did, my face would give me away.
I wouldn’t sit anywhere near a MAD MAN and that dude is INSANE!
The expressions on the faces of the people all look like it smells bad.
That’s a veritable Trumpian troll
Be careful, they’ll accuse him of colluding again!
I told you that Putin was not stupid. And yes this is PURE TRUMPIAN TROLL!
Putin has just completely defused the situation leaving Bite-Me with
eggshit on his face. Putin has actually helped the Trump republicans WIN the midterms.I found the GSG donor list online. It is a .xls file.
It has my name, email address, the amount I donated, the name of CC company I used, along with the message I posted with the donation. The CC number was not shown.
GSG was hacked.
And they have NOT privately informed the people (me) who donated through their website that their email addresses and real names are out in the open.
You have my sympathy. OTOH, you finally know the limits of the breach.
When I had my breach, I burned everything back to the walls and removed disks from every computer I had online, because I couldn’t know how bad it was (and, as it happened, it was pretty bad — with a keylogger).
Should you have time, you should slap GSG for maintaining the state of confusion longer than they had to, as well as being sloppy enough to get hacked. You should also press them as to the mechanics of the hack to ensure that only data in their datacenter was leaked.
Going forward, I would encourage you to use more burner emails, and connect them with ambiguous “names” — If your actual name was “Arnold Buster Cardigan”, you might use “AB ‘Spike’ Cardigan” outside of your family.
But that’s going forward….
If you have a favored niece or nephew, you might steer them toward data security as a career. It’s obvious that current practices are lacking.
I suppose this means I now have to “burn” that email address?
You can keep it as long as you want, but only use it for things that can be connected to the Canadian breach…..ordering toques, maple syrup reviews, further Christian contributions (through credit cards), and the like.
You might want to use something else for financial dealings in the states (in cash or investment accounts) and connections to your personal life and employment.
Again, there is no reason to react rapidly so long as you have a complete understanding of what is happening. I lost several grand getting on top of my breach because it came out-of-the-blue and I didn’t know what to expect.
[IIRC, I had 14 computers on my home network when I had my breach. Four of them had client data — because it’s easy to print something out when it is online. Four of them had personal financial data (tax prep, “Cthulhu, CPA” as a business, personal, and prior years’). I spent almost $4K on forensics to make sure that client data had not been exfiltrated.]
You should maintain sufficient disconnected email addresses so that it is not trivially easy to connect different parts of your activities — and you owe NONE of these identity anchors the slightest bit of truth to link such parts together.
A sincere thank you. Grateful for your counsel and that you would share it. I will implement ASAP.
OTOH, you finally know the limits of the breach.
^^^ Uh, do NOT agree. MeThinks, we do NOT KNOW the “limits” of the breach. ^^^
The file FGC saw, proves specific data fields hacked.
It does NOT PROVE CC numbers were NOT hacked. Thankfully, CC numbers were NOT in the file FGC screened and reported that back to us.
For my financial security, I ASSUME CC NUMBERS HACKED.
Simple defensive action on my part appropriate. Cancel CC number. New CC number will be issued.
A few minutes of my time, to make a simple phone call. Peace of mind.
Thank you for posting. Donors absolutely NEED to know this.
With the KNOWN GSG donor personal data hacked, I assume the CC number IS out there.
MY CC number will be canceled / replaced today. Should have followed my instincts when the data hack was first reported, a couple days ago. Simple preventive measure I foolishly delayed implementing.
Just looked at GSG web site. Fund drive continues AND with NO GSG notice data was hacked AND in the wild.
The GSG email received by me yesterday, a flat out GSG LIE. GSG bastards WILL hear from me via email and phone, if they’ve posted a number.
Well, fuck. That sucks, FG&C.
I am always so wary of donating to causes on any of these platforms, and I always feel bad about not doing it. But I guess I am right to be wary. It’s very frustrating to me.
And of course now you feel justified in (not) doing the things that (not) doing makes you feel bad.
Well, that was…..different.
That said….
RIP Randy Rhodes. Amazing talent.
If anyone still needed proof the WEF was behind this shitshow here it is…
“Canadian Officials Freeze Bank Accounts of Citizens Who Donated to Freedom Convoy — State Run Media Brags About Using Data from GiveSendGo Criminal Hackers to Target Citizens”
Not a lawyer, but if GSG for truckers started on the 7th Feb and turdeau’s crappy war act started on the 14th Feb, has he got a time machine.
If a street is designated a no parking zone on a Monday, and there’s a photo of you parked there the previous Friday, they can’t give you a feckin ticket.
This is the full interview with Kari Lake and that ABC(Australia) 60 Minute “reporter” ,last week
Watch, particular after the end of the interview, how biased this guy really is.
It is actually comical, as Kari says.
Thanks for posting. Meant to go back and find this video.
Kari is superb. AZ will win with Kari.
Liam and whoever he works for will never allow that full interview to be seen, broadcast or online.
Part II of Project Veritas (goto link below)
“User fees” are gov’t grift thru corporate “buy” $$.
It is criminal that the gov’t even has a system like this in place.
See: airport “user fees” and aviation safety (hint: FAA and Boeing 737 Max)
Try reading that FDA “statement” to the next-of-kin of someone who has severe complications or has died from getting “vaccinated.” Like to the parents of those young boys who died from the “vaccine” per the https://rairfoundation.com/ link above in this thread.
Verse of the Day for Thursday, February 17, 2022
“I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 3:14 (KJV)
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
Our Country’s New “Race-based” Healthcare System is a “Hate Crime” Against White People
Look at Vlad’s face. He’s knows full well he was just owned.
Ha. They definitely did not recruit the best and the brightest.
Pepe Lives Matter
[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/098/964/984/original/c673041f817a6372.mp4" /]
I want to know what exactly is wrong with being “anti-vaxx?”
I can be against any damn thing I want to be. I have the right to study and decide if I think any vaccine is crap.
US funds for Canada protests may sway American politics too
The Canadians who have disrupted travel and trade with the U.S. and occupied downtown Ottawa for nearly three weeks have been cheered and funded by American right-wing activists and conservative politicians who also oppose vaccine mandates and the country’s liberal leader.
Breitbart link to an AP story.
OMG – the Democrats are attempting to create a whole nuther government agency – The Department of Reconciliation. It’s likely to be another drain of $$$ and establishment of racist policy creating racist entitlement and race-based reparations into the future forever.
Omar, tlailib, and that who left of left set behind it. Its the lets kill off whitey and political opposition bill.
Direct Rumble Link:
Edward Dowd – Former Blackrock Portfolio Manager – Pfizer & FDA Fraud, Financial Collapse Imminent (rumble.com)
And it needs to happen under the Dems watch. Anonymous Conservative put that forth in relation to the housing bubble. All of it needs to happen under the Dems watch.
Very interesting, great insight . Thank You !
A news article NOT from the mainstream media
Some one of the sites I read in the morning forwarded yesterday’s MonkeyWerx. I’m not sure what he talks about (once he slowed down his speech to actually get the words out) that we need to know, but something is important.
I am beginning to wonder to what extent all the troop movement flights may be a smokescreen. It’s all so weird.
Dynamite: “There is almost a billion dollars a year going into the FDA Budget from the people we regulate” « JoNova (joannenova.com.au)
Apparently gofundme is skimming off the trucker refunds. Dont see how this shows it, but they should be criminally investigated.
Viva Frei (@thevivafrei) Tweeted:
I hope this is the right @Yoder_Esq because he’s collecting receipts for a class action against @gofundme https://t.co/iEQ7JL54Qp
Dunno IF this is accurate. I assume it to be accurate.
From the TW linked below…
Despite GiveSendGo’s claim on Gab minutes ago that no credit card information was exposed, I can confirm that some credit card data is present in the new leak.
Includes card holder’s name, card brand, expiration date, and last 4 digits.
EDIT. Further in the TW string.
Apparently GSG “Adopt A Trucker” campaign ALSO HACKED.
Normally hacked info is to resell or make purchases right? So revealing all of this publicly is with malice. The guy who did it has major mental issues, but obviously, having worked with guvmint here and canada isnt having anything happen to him. Its incredible.
The intent is to destroy lives.
Agree. AND, with the data in the wild, it can be used for any number of criminal acts, beyond Canada’s dictatorship whims.
~Eight minute call cancelled my CC number, with new CC number “in the mail”.
Its a minor pain to change your cc now instead of waiting on a major problem. I made the mistake 1 time many years ago.
This is the first time I did not give for a cause I really liked. My dogs took to much money this month to many bills coming at once including taxes and insurances.
What a mess for people to deal with. Canceling a CC is not bad. My husband had a habit for a while to leave his CC behind in Restaurants stores and wherever. He just used a different card until the new one came, He is not doing anylonger or not telling me
“Journalism collective” = COMMUNIST cadre of media embeds, hackers, and activists.
An explanation ive been seeking!
The Vigilant Fox
(@VigilantFox) Tweeted:
Dr. David Martin speaks on the rumors that Justin Trudeau’s foundation holds 40% of Acuitas, which would make the COVID vaccine a severe conflict of interest.
“Trudeau is presiding over an illegal monopoly. He is allowing two competitors to price fix an extortion on the world.” https://t.co/uwgjqIqkrF
Dr. Malone was just talking about that here – on TPC video podcast with Dr. Kory
Malone – Kory – 2/15/22 – https://rumble.com/vv16wv-tpc-709-dr.-robert-malone-and-dr.-pierre-kory-covid-19-predictions-and-worl.html
Bayou Renaissance Man: Headline of the day
Standing Up to Pee Gives Boys an Unfair Advantage in Physics
Oh, noes….
Whatever will the woke urinalists say???
Making sammiches translates into superior project management skilz.
But, then….
Somewhere this week, I read something about sleepers being activated. Joe Manchin was mentioned, as was Fox News. Is/was Fox a sleeper and are they now turning on the [CB] ahead of something big? Or are they suddenly gaining a conscience? Whatever the case is, this would not have seen the light of day a year ago on that network.
Faux News IS chasing ratings, dollars.
SAGE Publications busted a “peer review and citation ring,” and 60 papers retracted
While the Science Journal Nature, says the publishers Springer and IEEE withdraw more than 120 gibberish papers, works that were computer-generated nonsense.
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝗯𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝗶𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗙𝗗𝗔, 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗴𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗻𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝘁𝘆 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗶𝘀 𝘀𝘂𝗽𝗽𝗼𝘀𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗼 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗔𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝗽𝘂𝗯𝗹𝗶𝗰 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝗳𝗿𝗮𝘂𝗱𝘂𝗹𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗺𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗻𝗲, 𝗱𝗼𝗲𝘀𝗻’𝘁 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻 𝗯𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗼 𝘀𝗲𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗮𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗶𝗻𝘃𝗼𝗹𝘃𝗲𝗱 𝗶𝗻 𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗵 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗽𝘂𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝗿 𝗺𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗢𝗞𝗲𝗱 𝗱𝘂𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗵 (𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗰𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗻𝗼𝗻𝗲𝘅𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘀𝘁𝘂𝗱𝗶𝗲𝘀) 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝗺𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗱 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗲𝘁!
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FDA does not bother to have poor medical papers retracted from Medical Journals:
Actual paper: http://archinte.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleID=2109855
FDA says CRO Cetero faked trial data: “… Cetero Research allegedly 𝗳𝗮𝗹𝘀𝗶𝗳𝗶𝗲𝗱 𝗰𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗹 𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝗱𝗼𝗰𝘂𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘂𝗹𝘁𝘀 𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝗮 𝗳𝗶𝘃𝗲-𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗼𝗱…
FDA said Cetero manipulated test samples so the tests would yield desired results….
…employee said “many of the chemists were manipulating and falsifying data associated with the samples being used within various projects.”
...In at least 875 instances, lab chemists weren’t even at the facility when test samples were extracted….“
And then the FDA has the gall to say:
“…there is no evidence that already marketed drugs pose a safety risk….” WTF?
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
By Doreen Hannes
September 6, 2011
And just in case you thought the FDA was not captured by the World Economic Forum….
International Harmonization
newer version: http://www.fda.gov/Food/InternationalActivities/ucm103013.htm
(I removed some of the FDA links above)
Your telling ME to trust scientists? After I got fired and blackballed after I caught a Lab rat cheating???
….AND after that I will NEVER fly on a plane again, given what the crooked lab rat was working on.
I was only kidding

“Is/was Fox a sleeper and are they now turning on the [CB] ahead of something big? Or are they suddenly gaining a conscience?”
Definitely not the latter…
We must, and we will much – about that – be committed.
Al, is dat you?
Going after crypto before its used in gsg here.
Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) Tweeted:
JUST IN – FBI to form national cryptocurrency unit, focusing on the seizure of virtual assets like #Bitcoin and blockchain analysis, the DOJ announced.
“Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco announced that Eun Young Choi, a prosecutor who led the case against a Russian hacker who helped steal information about more than 80 million JPMorgan & Chase Co customers, will lead the department’s cryptocurrency enforcement team.”
I gay ron tee this is to target dissent.
Who is eun young choi? Whats her history?
Banksters do not want competition when they go to cashless.
Then banksters all take a dirt nap.
There are over 300 million crypto users right now. There will be over 1 billion crypto users by the end of this year.
It’s growing much faster than the Internet did, and the Internet grew faster than anything that came before it.
Start stealing from a billion-plus people, and the stealers are going to die.
Well we never said the current crop was intelligent…
There will be blood.
RED China making Russia look bad… yet again…
This has been going on since WWII, if not before. RED China paints Russia (or the USA, or Europe, or someone else) as the bad guy, and then goes on and does the dirty deeds the purported perf was said to be performing.
DEMONRAT projection on a global level…..
Fits right in with Faust-Xi and all of his “lab” work…
Translation: “we’ve already laid the groundwork for seizing crypto, even tried it a couple times, but now that the proof that we’ve been doing it illegally for the last umpteen months is about to come out, we thought we should legalize it.”
What scumbags they are. Really.
Ezra Levant
(@ezralevant) Tweeted:
Move the truck or we euthanize your dog.
This is why those blue line flags are a joke. It makes a nice photo op when they show up at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, I know a couple of guys who were part of all that. But there will be no blue line anything for me.
I know a few people who think the blue (and red) line flags are fundamentally disrespectful to the actual US flag.
I believe if it had been done for anyone other than the police and firefighters, there’s be a lot more people thinking that.
I didn’t know it was associated with firefighters. Thought it was LEO only? Oh, I see you mentioned red line – I’ve never seen it displayed. Only blue.
It’s rare, but it’s out there. I think I’ve seen it once, and that was someone displaying it next to a blue line.
They consider themselves to be one big brotherhood.
In Sunnyvale, California, both firemen and police are “public safety officers” and spend six months as one and six months as the other each year.
Really. That’s interesting.
I’m one of them. Leave our flag alone and make your own! You can even use red, white, and blue, and some stars.
Next up from RCMP Nazi HQ:
“If you are unable to care for your child as a result of enforcement actions, your child will placed into protective care for 8 days, at your cost. After 8 days, if arrangements are not made, your child will be considered relinquished.”
Oh theyve already been doing recon to see which trucks have kids. Comon man, they wanna sniff those kids and never give them back.
They wanna SELL those kids and never give them back…..
Ten percent for the big guy, too…
C linton
P rostitution
S ervice(s)
Child Poaching Services
Well you said it more plainly than I. Yes they sell the kids one way or another. Fosters get $$$$ per kid and it never goes to the kid.
“Move the truck or we euthanize your dog.”
Correct reply: “Euthanize the dog, and you’re next.”
I wonder what the SPCA’s comment is on this….
They were taken over by the commies long ago.
I have no doubt you’ve heard about the PETA van.
You give a dog or cat you can’t take care of any more to PETA, and it’s probably dead before the van pulls away from the curb.
They’d probably do it to children, if they could get away with it…
Dudly DoWrongs…
Nah, with 6 kids in the sex industry you can make a million annually tax free.
The Patriot Post on Tuesday
Getting CLOSER now. THIS is HUGE!
Now, Biden’s presidential campaign is tied to the SAME firm, Neustar, and Ronald Joffe, that I wrote about the other day on my blog. One HILLARIOUS mistake the Biden campaign made when using Neustar, they listed as paying them nearly $20k for “accounting services” Hillary paid them @$6K for phone and IT services. Now, here is the kicker, pay attention. Neustar in 2015-2020 was the IT specialist for the WH and Executive office of the President.
GET IT? They were the EXCLUSIVE IT specialist for the office of the President before and during most of the Trump years, yet they ALSO provided “IT and phone services to Hillary and her campaign, and “accounting services” to Biden and his campaign, listed as the ONLY two campaigns to ever list Neustar according to FEC records.
Gee now WHICH is it, is Neustar an IT company? are they a phone company (plausible VOIP) OR are they an “accounting firm”? see the difference? Biden is now inexorably linked to Neustar, who is about to be PROVEN to have spied on their client at the time, Donald J, Trump, who just happened to be first a Presidential candidate, then PEOTUS, and finally POTUS.
Neustar was ILLEGALLY spying on Trump, they concocted the IP spoof on Trump Tower, and Alfa bank that Jean Camp “found”, and Jake Sullivan, who just happened to have worked FOR Hillary’s campaign AND is now Biden’s NSA. Sussman, who was indicted for LYING to the FBI about the IP spoofs, by Durham. Sussman was a lawyer FOR Sullivan and Hillary.
This whole thing leads TO Obama, we are NOW at Biden. Both Hillary AND Biden paid Neustar RIDICULOUSLY low amounts for their “services” Biden or his handlers tried to MASK it by using Neustar for “accounting” instead of “phone or IT services” GET IT?
Let me spell it out. Neustar and their CEO Joffe, were using their IT services contracts, EXCLUSIVE contracts, to SPY on the Office of the Executive, IE the PRESIDENT, or in this case, the President ELECT, and THEN President. They were passing that info to Hillary’s Campaign, and likely Biden’s, and then Sussman and others were laundering, or attempting to launder the info to the FBI or other US intelligences, to be used against Trump before, and during his time as President.
THAT my friends is one of the things Mike Rogers found out about, along with Nellie Ohr and Fusion using the NSA database. When Rogers and Rosemary Collier closed the NSA contractor loop, this was the fall back plan. Rogers KNEW, and went to Trump tower to tell Trump himself, remember, Trump moved his transition to Bedminster golf club the NEXT day. IT was not part of the spy network being used. BOOM. Remember when Trump said, to much ridicule, that he “just found out OBAMA had my wires tapped”? EVERYONE assumed it was surveillance, and it WAS, but it LITERALLY was his WIRES BEING TAPPED, his CAT 5 IT wires.
Who wants to BET that part of Neustars “services” to the executive office of the President, was “securing” the communications (in the SCIF) for the INCOMING President (Trump) as well as the sitting President (later Trump)?
Once the NSA loop was closed, this was the alternative, and then Five Eyes etc were used to disseminate, and they feed back through “legit channels” (Think UK (Halper and Steele))and Australia.(Alexander Downer)). BOOM BOOM
Now, HOW does Obama tie in? Well you know about him being the ONLY one who could not only grant NSA access to Fusion GPS and Ohr, but also have that info unmasked by SENIOR WH Admin staff (Power, Rice, Jarrett, Biden?, and Rhodes) but ALSO use the Five Eyes back Channel AND ensure the info was disseminated through his PDB to ALL US Intel agencies. Now the ICING. Someone gave Neustar the contract to be the EXCLUSIVE IT people to the Executive office of the President in 2015/ Gee, WHO was President in 2015? Why of course, it was Barack Hussein Obama. Trump TOLD US who it was on March 3rd 2017. “Just found out Obama had my wires tapped” BOOM BOOM BOOM.
Durham is ON this, he has them, he HAS to KNOW to just where this leads. He HAS to KNOW to WHOM this leads. He is NOW at Biden, who was at the Jan 5th Oval office meeting, used Neustar, and has Jake Sullivan (National Security Adviser), an OBAMA staffer (as special adviser to the President) BEFORE he was a Hillary staffer at Dept of State and her campaign. BANG!
The smoking gun, THE tie ins. THAT will be their downfall, ALL of them, using the SAME tactics, and SAME people OVER and OVER again, just like I always said “It is the SAME people in it ALL”.
For context on what I wrote the other day
THIS about Neustar was the missing pieces to tie it ALL up. Everyone, me included, thought it was the FBI or NSA or CIA spying on Trump, it WASN’T, it was Neustar through the IT. (which includes Voice Over Internet Protocol phones (VOIP)).
NOW we know how they were getting the original Australian PM phone conversations leaked, the Mike Flynn phone calls, the Zelenski Ukraine phone calls, and likely MORE. Trump did NOT use email, but he DID use the PHONES.(including wireless) They were ALL being “tapped” by NEUSTAR, the EXCLUSIVE IT provider to the Office of the Executive, IE the PRESIDENT and his SENIOR staff. We HAVE the LEAKS. THIS is where Durham is going, THIS is what Barr meant by “political espionage”
Durham has slyly told us WHO (Neustar). Soon he will tell us HOW (IP taps including wireless), and then he HAS to tell us WHY (who ordered it…OBAMA) we already know WHERE it was all Trump’s (and his STAFFS) Govt phones, including WIRELESS.
This WILL bring down the entire stinking mess, because as soon as we know how, and for WHOM, the next logical question was for WHAT purpose, and then it is game on, because IMHO they ALL know form The gang of 8 down, then it was HOW it was disseminated, by whom and TO WHOM.
So can Obama finally acknowledge Kenyan citizenship and skip town to avoid this? Or, as most of us believe here, are calm, stern, unexpected handcuffs – at several places at once – the only real solution?
The latter IF he does not take or be given the EASY way out…think talking to Mr Smith and Wesson. Remember once we get to Obama, and it is coming, Soros is next, and then BIG founders, Then there will be NONE of them “safe”
Shouldn’t exercise like that with a mask on
“The latter IF he does not take or be given the EASY way out…”
Who, exactly, is going to physically apprehend America’s first Kenyan president, put the cuffs on the traitor, take his mug shot, and put him in prison to await trial?
GEE, too bad Obama took two clot shots and a booster….. Heart attacks are a bitch.
Fauci is joined by Obama for second COVID vaccination
C’mon Scott WHEN this hits, race, color, creed, or nationality will NOT save him. It needn’t even be the good guys doing it, his OWN will come for him to “tie up” the “loose end” History is ALSO littered with the bodies of tyrants who were fall guys in the end. Mussolini ring a bell?
Talk about laying a trap. Trump could have changed the provider.
Yes, but he didn’t did he. He KNEW. That IMHO is why he was always ahead of them and they could never “catch” him. He KNEW they were listening, and set traps accordingly.
Part of me wants to believe that ALL the new leaked data on them that is coming out is in fact from Trump or a source of his, and that part of his plan called for being out of office for a time to avoid the “politics” trap and operate independently from DS interference. I know it is out there, but there is some damn reason Biden does NOT enter the Oval office. I cannot put my finger on it. Trump always said we have it ALL. Would it ebe easier to reveal it out of office, and then come “back” or waste time trashing them during term 2. Would it be easier to fix messes without the swamp, or with the swamp. Trump learns he adapts and he plays the long game.
In a word, yes. This was on Anon Conservative this am, and I’ve been considering it from all angles all day:
It all has to happen with Trump not visibly in control. Optics. All of it. The housing bubble, the currency crash, the COVID BS falling apart, the clot shot revelations, and a lot more. And not for us, but for those who need to catch up.
BINGO. What is the BEST plausible deniability? NOT being in “control”. I called it giving Biden and his ilk JUST enough rope, and f ups to HANG themselves.
Given the ENTIRE US GOVERNMENT was corrupt to the core with only a few exceptions, I think POTUS Trump stepped out of the way while the SHIT HIT THE FAN.
And it’s not just the Federal government. It goes to at least the county level.
Oh, I’m sure there’s a clean county somewhere.
It sure ain’t here.
Not here, either.
Yes exactly as DP and I are discussing now. The best way to “appear” weak” when actually you are STRONG (Tsun Tzu) is to be out of “power” and let the Cabal did their OWN graves, which they HAPPILY are.
After the other side stole the election, while owning the media, with a VERY successful psy-op to back their phony victory, Trump did the only thing he could without extreme conflict.
It was very LONG-GAME to let them take the White House.
I think there is a difference. In your mind, Trump realized he had been skunked and decided on a strategic retreat.
In theirs, losing was part of the plan all along.
Exactly. Every real game is action and reaction, planning ahead as best as is possible, trying not to make key mistakes that the other side can use to bigger advantage.
More than anything, I think Nancy & Adam & Fat-Boy’s impeachment scam was designed to keep Trump and those around him distracted at the beginning of the COVID SCAM. The COVID scam allowed the election scam to take place. The election scam was a fightable battle, because the other side was ready to use as much violence as needed – with FIB tipping the game against Trump, while protecting ANTIFA – so that Trump could not have a second term.
Letting the Dems have a catastrophic “victory” was a good move, IMO.
Very much part of “nothing can stop what’s coming” – which includes a VERY wide range of futures where Freedom wins, but at many different prices.
BINGO, but he has and has HAD the info all along. SOON we will all see it.
OMG – that’s IT!!! Biden and Cackles and Obama all realize that there is an ongoing investigation which could bring them down, so they tend to use alternative facilities that they either know are “clean” or have been secured by Dems.
And the way they covered that up is by promoting the idea that they were “captive” and “acting”.
In a sense they are “captive” of the conflict, but the enemy is just feigning weakness with such theories. Very “Sun Tzu” of them!
It’s all perception.
Oh, this is all making sense now. There is a FIGHT for IT dominance within the government, and it’s very likely that CHINA and RUSSIA are helping the Democrats.
EXACTLY. One more thing, remember the Huawei phones and technology fiascos? Remember the picture of the pallet of phones Q published. There you go. The equipment used by Neustar, want to bet it was/contained Huawei tech (like everything else, Obama and Clinton outsourced our tech to China, remember the Navy ship collisions? ALL tied in. Trump, and whoever is helping him KNOW. this is MUCH bigger than we first thought, REAL treason and espionage.
And never forget that the Clintons sold the USA out to China way back in 1996.
Exactly. Only the reigns of power have changed like a wheel, it is still the same peoples on that wheel.
That corrupt POS,HOLDER got over 2/3rds??? WTF!
Barr was that close? Huh.
My opinion on Barr is still out. We will see how the rest of this plays out.
If Q is correct and this is a GIANT TRAP, then there are a whole heck of a lot of people who deserve Emmys.
The crow I will have to eat will be delicious, I assure you.
I saw that, however…they cannot with hold a scandal this big, though they may try. Once it gets to the level of Obama, and it will, any funny business will be fuel to the fire, not to mention culpability.
That is why Durham is moving SLOWLY, methodically. To avoid ANY mistake. He is doing this right. Remember, there are TWO courts here. The legal one, that they now “control” and the court of public opinion which they have LOST. The latter can and WILL now affect the former.
This is simply too big to hide. Durham has already slyly circumvented their controls by releasing JUST enough info for people like me and FAR smarter than me to connect the dots WITHOUT a formal finding.
Plus, just imagine the scene, the NEWLY enacted Congress, all now Republican majorities, subpoenaing John Durham to find out what is IN his report that was not released by the wife of Merrick Garland, a political opponent of the victim AND a member of the team that victimized Trump.
It will NOT go well, and any interference by Garland or his wife, this time without public cover, will lead to culpability for anyone that tried to bury this, especially with Garland’s motive of “political revenge” for NOT being given a SCOTUS hearing. It would NOT end well.
If what I suspect is true, there will be NO WAY to stop it, and it will be the gratest political scandal of all time…IE too big to hide. Durham has them, want to know how I know? The haven’t FIRED him OR defunded him. One because they believed they had it locked down, they DON’T, TWO they thought he was chasing his tail, he WASN’T, and three because they CAN’T for all the above reasons and a dozen more not the least of is prison and or the noose.
If they’re all in on it, if all of the agencies are captured, then who makes the arrests, and who prosecutes?
Why wouldn’t Hussein just pardon himself, and everyone else, via his puppet, Incontinentia Buttocks?
It is debatable whether Biden can pardon the only crime defined in the constitution.
Alternatively, somebody could get a restraining order on Slow Joe.
There is also the problem that Durham now reports to BIDEN’s AG.
Correct. Nothing comes of this except for a few hand slaps.
Sad truth.
The US military.
Gitmo expansions and military tribunals bypassing corrupt DC politically appointed judges say hi.
I hope so…
The point is simple, NOT all are in on it. Yes there are corrupt at the tops of the 3 letter agencies, even the military. NO not everyone is corrupt or corruptible.
It is the same throughout society, the left uses vocal minorities and politically controlled puppets at the top to “control” narratives, policies and agendas, masking them as the majority and “mainstream”
Well, has Covid taught you or us all anything? They are NOT the majority or mainstream by a LOOOONNNNGGGGG shot. All it takes is for ENOUGH good people to say ENOUGH. Think we are not close to that, think it won’t happen here, think they can just put us all down. See example A…Canada. WHEN not IF cause Trudeau is both controlled AND stupid not to mention corrupt, the “crackdown” comes, the REAL crackdown, when real people get hurt, it will be his and the Globalists WORST nightmare. That is why they are DESPARATELY hiding the news, discouraging MSM and independent coverage. They DON’T want the rank and file to SEE what totalitarianism looks like. They should KNOW what happens when we do see, and we will, just like Jan 6th, the truth can only be hidden for so long before it bursts free, then the real problems start,,,FOR the dictators and tyrants.
History is literally LITTERED with fools who thought they could do what the Globalists are trying now, and will try more of. It NEVER ends well for them…so it will be here. I am sure King George thought he could crush America, and Louis the 16th thought they are ONLY peasants. How about the Romanovs? Idi Amin? Pol Pot? Saddam Hussein? they are more. From Napoleon to Hitler, from Attila to Genghis Kahn.
As for the pardon, How can Biden Pardon anyone, he will be implicated as well.
I’m going with MULTI-AND LOGIC.
They were ALL spying on Trump. But Durham’s game seems to be to go after people OUTSIDE of federal employment.
IMO, that is the “deal” that has been struck. FISA abuse and internal shenanigans won’t be touched, but Cankles and law firms and tech firms that were up to no good “getting FBI and DOJ in trouble” will pay for having “misled” the Swamp.
This is why Kapo Garland is allowing it to proceed. None of the DODGE and FIB crowd, nor CIA nor Obama, will be touched, IMO. Cankles will be sacrificed – to assert GREATER and MORE government power – to say “you can’t pretend to be like us.”
“You can’t spy on our pledges. Only WE can spy on our pledges.”
The defense of all the McCabe types will be “Those bad people misled us!”
And then, when it’s all done, Aimee Comey Baric will accept the reasoning that Sussman and company were selectively prosecuted, because no DODGE or FIB were charged, so they ALL GET OFF.
And THAT, my friends, is how the SWAMP protects itself – with the wrap-up ruling.
Perhaps, that is certainly the normal modus operandi, and SOP. Something tells me this is different, because it goes MUCH deeper down the rabbit hole than we know even still.
ALL of this ties in from the spying, to espionage, to Covid, and the mandates. ALL of it. The left went too far, much like Hitler, they have over reached, and over extended their lines of supply. TOO many lies, too much carnage, deceit, and death. TOO much loss of freedom, wealth, and security for NORMAL people. No, this time someone BIG lots of insiders MUST pay. Have measures, and platitudes, and grandiose fist pounding by RINOS and the weak will NOT be accepted. First they spied on EVERYONE misusing FISA, FISC, Then they used it for power and blackmail. Then they used censorship, and subverted the free press. Then the subverted an election, defiling the “sacred” right of voting. Then they attacked personal wealth through shutdowns, then personal freedoms of assembly, due process, Now the sacred right of personal freedoms to life and liberty are under attack with the mandates.
Look now to Canada where, after Jan 6th here, they are again upping the ante by going after not ONLY the right to assemble, not only the right to free expression, but of the wealth, possessions, (animals), and freedoms of people who SUPPORT the protestors from afar, AND while BANNING the free flow of information.
A bridge too far. Time for another lesson, another example set, and another Nuremberg.
DC needs an enema, not your garden variety, a full on colonoscopy cleansing style. THAT is what we will get. Trust me when push comes to shove and we the people find the truth and seek justice (or blood) those in SCOTUS, Congress, or the executive office, will trip all over themselves to gic it..not for justice sake per se, but to keep their OWN necks and exposures safe. There is no loyalty among thieves
I wish that all of this were true but I think Wolf’s more pessimistic analysis above is much more likely, tragically…
See my newest post (on in the daily open 2-22.) It is ALL coming out. Just as I said.
It is NOW discovered that the CIA was spying on Trump, using info garnered FROM the Neustar taps, and transmitted to the CIA via a Clinton Operative. I was 100% right. So was Trump. they WERE tapping his phones and IT, THEN giving it to the Intel community to open “legit” surveillance. NOW I know EXACTLY what Rogers was briefing Trump on in Nov 2016 at Trump Tower. It is ALL here. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/02/breaking-obamas-cia-spied-president-trump-fed-president-trumps-transition-material-hillarys-gang/
NOW we KNOW that The CIA used the data supplied by Neustar. Now We KNOW why Rogers went, and now we KNOW why Trump moved his transition to Bedminster the next day.
Neustar, I bet was spying on Trumps govt supplied phones and It as PEOTUS (before his SCIF was installed,) they were spying on his transition team, and then passing on info to the CIA and other branches, again laundering the ILLEGAL info back through “legit” intelligence agencies. This is what happend NUMEOUS times, and this was about the same time Obama issued his EO 12333 that enabled that ILLEGAL data to be asily shared AND put in his PDB (so Obama could keep taps on HIS operation). BOOM. I am right, Durham IS after NOT Hillary, though she IS a part, he is after OBAMA, because HE was the one that requested, authorized, was kept up on in his PDB, had WH meetings on, AND did NOT STOP the spying on Trump. BOOOOOOM.
I’ll look for your comment, as I’m still behind in my reading. It would be quite awesome if all these conjectures are correct!!! Time will tell. Amazing if the Kenyan Usurper gets caught in his own net!
Sadly, that sounds about “right”…sigh. The judgement seat of Christ awaits, but that’s not much comfort in the here & now!
Canada: Trudeau’s Own Family Abandons Him, ‘Enough is Enough, Step Down’ (Must Watch)
(It is his 1/2 brother)
Would be good for this guy, Little Fidel’s 1/2 brother was interviewed by Ezra, Tucker, Bannon, Rogan…
Trolling is fun.
LMAO! Oh, man – TS is gonna be the biggest troll in all of social media. UNLIMITED HUMOR. The smart half of the left will have to LEAVE Twitter and Facebook to join the real discussion.
And there it is: Important distinction regarding the surveillance at issue in the Sussmann case – The Optimistic Conservative (wordpress.com)
Good old days.
Now, playground equipment is largely heavy plastic.
Let me guess.
The stuff fades in color and becomes brittle in the sun.
No, not really. Although, the equipment in the playground closest to my house isn’t all that old. Monkey bar type stuff is metal, but the slides aren’t. Another park has more metal, and tires, actually.
I haven’t made a detailed study of it even if I’ve spent plenty of time in various parks with the nephews.
I guess I’m remembering the crappy plastic of years gone by.
GWP: BREAKING: Hillary Attorney Sussmann Files Request to Dismiss His Durham Investigation Case
This is designed to help a DEMOCRAT NARRATIVE. The traitor ELIAS is tied to this, make no mistake.
The New York Slimes is in the Spygate mess up to their EYEBALLS so they have a vested interest in LYING THERE ASSES OFF!
I suggested Sussman should do a canary impression when the indictment was filed. Obviously he doesn’t read Qtree and now it’s too late.
Next move by Bull Durham? Elias and Joffe get indicted and Sussman gets more charges filed on him. Payback’s a bitch.
Hope so!
Why the SF recall was so successful:
Watching them cling to their illusions is really something…..
I wonder if that’s even her. She looks a lot thinner and is walking quickly…thinking of that beach pic with Bill.
I don’t believe that body doubles can fool people who know the actual person, but that video shows one circumstance where they might get away with it. No one can see her up close, she is wearing concealing clothing, and her face is hidden under sunglasses and a mask.
I am hearing MURDERER!
This is interesting —
WaPo is, of course, owned by Jeff Bezos, famously of Amazon.
As an odd point of interest, Amazon’s retail business isn’t particularly profitable. AWS provides the bulk of the actual profit for the Corporation.
So, where did the ComPost get their info? From raiding an AWS data bucket, maybe? As the actual owner of the hardware, they are in a perfect position to thwart user-level security precautions. Of course, if AWS data were demonstrated to be unsafe, that might kick the prop from under AWS’ business — which is the profitable one.
So, maybe a little parallel construction — let’s say some nutjob “hacker” broke into this data, and WaPo can blame it on faulty user-level security.
Jeff Bezos Says AWS Playing Key Role In Coronavirus Crisis In Amazon Shareholder Letter
SO his hands are bloody too.
Facebook/meta gay “community building ” executive busted for attempting s e x meet up with a 14 yo male child. Not in the news. He is a pervert! Even admits he knows its a crime.
Disrespectful treatment of the dead, lack of planning and preparedness, unhealthy conditions…this is not America. It’s Leftism. Everything they touch is related to crime, filth, disease, and tyranny, and turns to
Glen McGregor (@glen_mcgregor) Tweeted:
Protest organizer Chris Barber taken into police custody on Albert Street, in the last hour. https://t.co/YiXtIyYNH0
Sure looks like the cop on the right does not have a mask on.
Hmmmmm …
They are exempt from shots but not sure on masking.
They are going to do a raid, and take the kids.
Hungry for Truth with Drea Humphrey (@DreaHumphrey) Tweeted:
If your in Ottawa, record everything.
Rebel News (@RebelNewsOnline) Tweeted:
Bill Blair, Trudeau’s minister of emergency preparedness, says police are working with Children’s Aid Society to “encourage anyone with children in the area to leave immediately and to take their kids some place safe.”
MORE: https://t.co/DEN7zzAXL6 https://t.co/pmnLIE5vqD
If they think the optics on this would favor Trudescu, they’re delusional.
They really do want a REVOLT don’t they.
Going after dogs and kids???

Fear first but theyll act at night…
IF Fidel Junior’s goons kidnap children, then Fidel Junior WILL BE INCITING violence.
I certainly hope the reaction from all the truckers is every single truck PARKS until ALL are released, Children and pets and MONEY is returned.
If Parliament is smart they will have a vote of no confidence so THEY do not go down with Castro’s Little Boy.
Will be very telling how the vote goes.
As lopsided as CBC and the rest of Canadian news is, I gotta believe Canadians ARE massively against Fidel Junior’s Emergency Action and confiscating folks accounts, cancelling CC, insurance, mortgages…
DESTROYING whatever whatever capability they have to live, survive… Wonder what the natural response from those STOMPED ON FINANCIALLY.
The Canadian Government is libel to have a real insurrection on their hands IF they go through with what they have stated.
It certainly looks like they WANT a REAL INSURRECTION. That is why I would suggest PARK AND DO NOTHING….
General Strike.
I’m afraid it will result in bloodshed. I can’t imagine people allowing their children to be taken.
What should happen if they do that is an immediate and complete worldwide GENERAL STRIKE. Those of us who don’t have jobs to strike from have to strike from everything else. No shopping, no purchases of any kind. NOTHING. Until these fuckers back down.
Pretty well sums it up, Aubergine. Just shut the usual activities down. Say no to things.
Prepare in advance, take cash out of the bank, plan some activities to stay busy and productive. Then unplug. Turn off the cell phones. En masse. Enjoy the staycation. Enjoy conversations, put on or play some music, read those books, do an in depth Bible study, meditate and pray, exercise/walk, get to those repairs and home improvement projects you planned, etc.
If you are not retired, use it as prep time so you know what to expect and how you want to live.
Good suggestions and ideas! I know I certainly have some projects, books, and chores I could focus on.
Enough is ENOUGH.
Salt Lake City “journalist” and open Communist Bryan Schott is trying to dox GSG donors.
Big thread about it here:
He is going to pull that on the WRONG person and find out they really really HATE COMMIES the hard way.
Bryan Schott’s dox are now all over the chans if anyone cares.
I care.
I’d post it but I don’t want to cause any trouble for Wolfmoon.
The heads up IS appreciated.
We can well guess the details out there, in the wild.
That is enough.
Based on your posts, some of us may get harassment email, calls or dumb ass at the door.
No Trespassing, signs go up tomorrow.
Thank you, for your heads up, posts.
Can you explain? Are names and numbers posted there?
From what I’ve seen: DOB, address, phone, a few email addresses.
How the hell are they getting DOB? That isn’t a common part of contributions.
My thought also. Nor is the address.
Sadie is reporting what she saw. Which IS helpful. For all we know, dirt bags are connecting more dots through searches, queries…
Accurate or not, the information is good to have for awareness.
CC processors typically get addresses.
The thing is, if you have a nation-state bearing down on an organization, including a member of Five-Eyes, with top-level cyber assets being deployed against your contacts, first contact is going to be unpleasant.
But this is revealing a great deal about the opposition’s capabilities and their nonexistent commitment to legality.
Keep in your mind how burner phones and burner emails would have been helpful here. You can also get burner credit cards — and, of course, you might choose to identify yourself as “Tom Swift and his Amazing Jet-Ski” or “Engledink Humperbert” [very few of my email addresses use the name on my passport].
Yup. Lessons learned.
From the GSG campaign page:
“USD $ 14Sgt Wrinkles1 mins ago
Globalists & Swampers: walk east or west until your hats float which ever is closer, eh? Thank you truckers for making a righteous stand~ Pray Ps. 70 against the Wicked.”
OK — this isn’t even a hack, it’s a “scrape” — they’re taking readable info from a website and just reading it. They got a nic, an amount, and a message.
On the actual donation page, they demand email and name, with a checkbox about keeping name private — I’d be interested to know if that worked. They offer to use a different name. All of that information should never be stored unencrypted. That it was unquestionably accessed is a “shame on them” for GSG.
There is likely another page for credit card processing with the card/last four/expiration/name/amount/address. This is commonly under the control of the cc processing company.
GSG owes a much more detailed and technical explanation, with clear distinction between what data there is, what data has been exfiltrated, and what data is secure.
OTOH, the “fog of war” here may mean that they have yet to figure it out themselves. That would be especially possible if AWS pantsed ’em and tried to pin it on Junior G-man as parallel construction.
I’m also very unhappy with the current statements on the campaign page: “***Funds from this campaign will be disbursed in a manner permitted under Canadian Law and
***There are current restrictions in place that might impede the immediate ability to disburse funds to this recipient.“
GSG owes a much more detailed and technical explanation, with clear distinction between what data there is, what data has been exfiltrated, and what data is secure.
^^^ Sent an GSG an email requesting an official statement with full transparency, what was hacked.
***Funds from this campaign will be disbursed in a manner permitted under Canadian Law and
***There are current restrictions in place that might impede the immediate ability to disburse funds to this recipient.
^^^ Irritated as hell with these statements.
Prolly gonna call GSG tomorrow, to pointedly discuss above.
GSG OWES 110,000+ donors BETTER service, courtesy and transparency.
IF GSG continues to FAIL in so many critical areas, their business model is going to fail.
If the spill includes information from GSG, their cc processor, and items like DOB from other databases, the spill is synthetic and may include anything about you, without it being GSG’s fault.
Alright, I need to clear up some confusion. When I said, “Bryan Schott’s dox are now all over the chans if anyone cares.” I meant “Bryan Schott himself was doxxed and his personal information is all over the chans.” I don’t know where they got Bryan Schott’s DOB from, but it’s making the rounds on the chans along with Bryan Schott’s personal phone numbers, email addresses, etc. Did NOT see that information for anyone else other than the Communist goon himself. Sorry for wording that poorly.
That POS right there you’re looking at is also known as KINDLING .. he will not like God’s judgment …
Sebastian Gorka Talks About Communist Economist lecturing US Flag officers.
15:50 Thomas Piketty is to gives a lecture to flag officers at the War College, National Defense University. He is MORE RADICAL THAN MARX!! He is behind the idea that deficit spending does not matter, he is behind CRT…
Sebastian asks us to call and raise cain:
Phone number to call war college: 202-685-4700
Thomas Piketty Turns Marx on His Head – The New York Times
Thomas Piketty | French economist | Britannica
Good grief, he really needs to read Pareto (80/20 rule) and about Fractional Reserve Banking.
I’m sure he has read about Pareto and Fractional Reserve Banking.
He just either doesn’t believe it, or does and wants to use it against us.
What military specialty does this clown enhance with his bull? IOW what the heck is he doing addressing the war college?
What are his pronouns? Asking for a distant friend.
My twitter feed is a Canadian shit show. I needed some relief.
Mrs Vaughn, … So many smart ass comments I keyed in, and deleted.
News from Canada?
H/T “Publius” —
Vanden Bossche lays out the state of play, by request from a young man.
Kevin McCarthy officially endorses Liz Cheney’s RIVAL for her midterm reelection | Daily Mail Online
McCarthy is desperately vying to be the next RINO Speaker who will sabotage MAGA in a GOP majority house.
Mitch’s cover is completely blown.
Remember, McCarthy actually tried to preserve Liz Cheney’s #3 spot in the house and refused to hold a vote on her UNTIL Tucker Carlson spotlighted McCarthy’s BFF Frank Luntz for 2 days straight, immediately causing McCarthy….desperate to retain his GOP mask….to FINALLY hold a caucus vote on Liz Cheney.
And now….this?
Wayyy to little, FAR too late Kevin.
Agreed. “Compromised.”
Convoy organizer Tamara Lich arrested by Ottawa police.
This raises lots of questions for me, like what the charges will be and what will happen to anyone who gets arrested. Will they rot in prison like the J6 people? We need a solid win here.
Something trumped up, trespass and mischief iirc.
Canadian Premiers and American Governors Demand End to Trucker Vaccine Mandates
More at the link…
Trump is really pointing out how corrupt these assholes are.
I have one basic question. CAN IT BE FIXED WITHOUT FORCE?
I kinda don’t think so. And the only people with enough force – the Pentagon – LIED about DMED.
Pentagon routinely lies. As does DOJ, FIB, IRS, State…all of them assholes.
There is NO accountability when Feds break the law, lie…
How is Scheduler Moon doing?
I was on top of it, but I decided to do some final tweaks after midnight. It’s up now!
Not to be confused with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sailor_Moon_(TV_series) — which hardly needs more confusion.