Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.
Get your rest, Trumpy Bear! You’re going back to the White House!!!

We have to RESCUE it from THE SNIFFER OF KIDS!
The Business At Hand
This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).
And indeed, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL NOT let that keep us down!

The Rules

Boilerplate, more or less, but worth reading again and again, if only for the minor changes, and to stay out of moderation.
The bottom line is Free Speech. Theories and ideas you don’t agree with must be WELCOME here, and you must be part of that welcoming. But you do NOT need to be part of any agreement.
Because without Free Speech, we’re little more than SLEEPY THE KID-SNIFFER’S banana republic of SOUTH CANUCKISTAN.

We must endeavor to persevere to love our frenemies – even here.
Those who cannot deal with this easy requirement will be forced to jump the hoops of moderation, so that specific comments impugning other posters and violating the minimal rules can be sorted out and tossed in the trash.
In Wheatie’s words, “We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”
That includes the life skill of just ignoring certain other posters.
We do have a site – The U Tree – where civility is not a requirement. Interestingly, people don’t really go there much. Nevertheless, if you find yourself in an “argument” that can’t really stay civil, please feel free to “take it to the U Tree”. The U Tree is also a good place to report any technical difficulties, if you’re unable to report them here. Please post your comment there on one of Wolf’s posts, or in reply to one of Wolf’s comments, to make sure he sees it (though it may take a few hours).
We also have a backup site, called The Q Tree as well, which is really The Q Tree 579486807. You might call it “Second Tree”. The URL for that site is If this site ( ever goes down, please reassemble at the Second Tree.
If the Second Tree goes down, please go to The U Tree, or to our Gab Group, which is located at
We also have some “old rules” and important guidelines, outlined here, in a very early post, on our first New Year’s Day, in 2019. The main point is not to make violent threats against people, which then have to be taken seriously by law enforcement, and which can be used as a PRETEXT by enemies of this site.
In the words of Wheatie, “Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”
A Moment of Prayer
Our policy on extreme religious freedom on this site is discussed HERE. Please feel free to pray and praise God anytime and anywhere.
Thus, please pray for our real President, the one who actually won the election.

You may pray for Justice as well, because TRUTH, JUSTICE, and THE AMERICAN WAY are all worth the prayers!
For your listening enjoyment, and general encouragement, we continue Wheatie’s tradition of fine music videos, shipped fresh from the seas of information by our intrepid authors.
This one MAY have been posted by Wheatie back in the day.
Check out the date. Then be sure to check out the end credits.
Two Steps From Hell – Freedom Fighters (Extended)
3,042,815 views Jan 6, 2014

We remember what you did to us!

Call To Battle

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.

We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.
Hat tip to whoever brought this! Full image below the tweet.

“When the Canadian dollar becomes worthless, we will be here to serve you, too.”
Joe Biden didn’t win.
And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Washington’s Birthday
George Washington was a mensch.

He was WAY more of a mensch than, for example, pick-a-POC lady RINOs pushed by the Bush Nazis, sucking up to the central banks and WEF Nazis, letting THEM decide which American statues need to be taken down.
How about NONE?

Is George Washington relevant now?

Hell, yes, you communist and Nazi scum, occupying OUR CAPITOL.


We know who your masters, propagandists, and DEMON bureaucrats are!



YOU betrayed the key principles of the founding of this country, and you WILL abandon your evil plans, or you will PAY for not having done so.
This country was founded on TRUTH, FREEDOM, and JUSTICE – and we will have them ALL BACK, SO HELP US GOD!

Two Weeks To Flatten The Tyrants
TL;DR – When and How We Go On Strike Matters – YUGELY.
By now, you are certainly aware of the proposed idea of a GENERAL STRIKE – largely by truckers, but with the support of the people – to CRASH both the Trudeau dictatorship and the Biden regime.
As well as many other complicit and dictatorial “democratic” governments.

Scott and Aubergine have been the biggest proponents of that idea on this site, and I keep gravitating back to it. It just makes sense.
While some think that as little as 3 days would be enough to crash a city like New York – because that’s all the supplies they have on hand – others think longer. I even picked two weeks, which – just like nuking from orbit – might be the only way to be sure.
Two Weeks To Flatten The Tyrants
The thing is, I had an interesting dream about this, in which I honestly examined many of the “logistical” problems, and by the time I woke up, I realized that there are many ways in which a poorly executed and/or poorly timed general strike serve THEIR interests more than ours.
In fact, I believe that a badly timed general strike is actually a TRAP, going back to the Bolshevik takeover of Russia, and particularly the Holodomor – where the people with the food were STARVED, in a typically evil reversal that communists and Nazis seem to create so easily.
Not only is it possible for us to USE UP our preparations and supplies needlessly – before the REAL BATTLE begins – we may give THEM what they need to pull off ANOTHER January Sixth-type propaganda event.
Thus, I’m not opposed to the idea of a general strike at all, but I think that timing is critical.
Go BEYOND the very real questions of percentage of participating truckers and citizens.
Go BEYOND the very real questions of THEIR ability to thwart or work around our tactics, if we move forward at a time of THEIR choosing.
What’s happening right now?

SECURITY RINOs are running against FREEDOM Patriots in upcoming primaries.
Sure, it’s election time, and we’re hearing plenty of sweet-talk by the suitors.

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine is even trying a DIRECT STROKE OF TRUMP’S BUSINESS JONES, bringing chip-maker Intel to Ohio, right into Wexner’s back yard.
Gotta say, that IS standing up to China, in many but not all ways (there are plenty of Chi-spies in Ohio, just waiting to become plants in those plants), but as far as standing up to DEMOCRATS fronting for China and WEF, DeWine has chosen poorly despite numerous warnings.

Mask mandates are destroying small businesses, while DeWine courts the BIG WOKE corporations that front all the leftist corporatist CRAP upon us, and which enrich themselves by pandemic theater, security theater, and even WAR theater.

We will be able to take DOWN these Bidenista and Bidenazi tyrants. But any distraction away from voting NOW for FREEDOM is going to hurt us TENFOLD down the line.
How did we get Virginia back?

We did the RIGHT THING. And we did it at the RIGHT TIME.
We participated STRONGLY in the electoral process and CHASED OUT THE COMMUNISTS.
In my opinion, the Democrats are not dropping mask mandates for NOVEMBER.
They are dropping mandates to PROTECT their precious, treasonous RINOs – who can be voted out IN MARCH, APRIL, MAY and JUNE.
If WE push the wrong kind of “disorder” before the election, and the media frames it properly, then SECURITY RINOS ARE SAVED.
So – should we have a strike now?
I honestly don’t know. But I think we need to be VERY, VERY CAREFUL.

We need to keep our EYE ON THE PRIZE.

Ain’t that right, Cinderella?

Free those kids, my man!

There WILL be a right time for “two weeks to flatten the tyrants”, and it will be at a time of GOD’S CHOOSING. It could be NOW. It could be LATER. By diligent prayer and honest discussion, we will know when that moment arrives. Please think about it now, and prepare for that moment, so that when the time comes, we are ready and able to STRIKE HARD to WIN.
But let us NOT be fooled again.
Because I know PERSONALLY how SNEAKY and WICKED the other side is.

Wolfie’s Wheatie’s Word of the Day:
return to primary argument after digression
- (medicine) The act of a patient turning himself or herself.
- (medicine) A relapse, or return of a disease.
- (rhetoric) The use of insertion or parenthesis.
This word is largely in disuse, but leads to all kinds of interesting divergence in words containing the “strophe” root, such as apostrophe, catastrophe, anastrophe, epistrophe, antistrophe, etc.
Used in a sentence:
The word ‘hypostrophe’, meaning the relapse of an illness, is an old medical term likely to be encountered by genealogists.
Used satirically in a sentence:
Called the ‘hypostrophe’, the symbol overrides all known grammatical laws, meaning that it can never be used in the wrong place.
Used in polycyclic aliphatic hydrocarbon nomenclature:
- synthetic hydrocarbon
- undergoes a theoretically interesting rearrangement back to itself
- does not yield the arguably more interesting pentaprismane as hoped
- illustrates dry science humor allowed to authors in novel names

Have another great week!
And speaking of “bad girls” from Death on the Nile (2022)…..

…..I found this unofficial dance scene clip, which so far has not been scrubbed from YouTube!
WARNING – possibly NSFW.
New Schlichter —
Holy Talos IV! McMuffin!
I’m going to replay a Gab post by a very interesting account. I find myself disagreeing with some of the things this person says, but many other things they say are telling me that I’m still brainwashed by the left.
Mark Smith reposted
Hypocrisy Enthusiast
Broke: “If we sink to their level, then we lose the moral high ground and the right to complain about their hypocrisy.”
Woke: “It’s okay to do it if they’re already doing it. To acknowledge a new set of rules is to acknowledge that we are playing a new game entirely. Our enemies want us conformed or dead, and laugh at our commitment to fairplay.”
Bespoke: “It is righteous to do whatever is necessary to defeat evil. Our moral high ground comes not from the tactics we choose, but from our refusal to conform to their principles. This is our nation and the posterity of our children at stake, not some charity softball game. Waiting for our enemies to set the precedent for what is acceptable and responding with a reactionary half-measure is precisely why we always find ourselves two steps behind them.”
Certainly rings true for me. I’d vote for Col. Jessup to go oppose the RCMP thugs.
“The Constitution is not a suicide pact.”
It is righteous to do whatever is necessary to defeat evil.
That sounds like Satan to me.
This rant wants to pretend God doesn’t exist and has no say in matters.
Is it ok to commit murder to defeat evil?
What would Jesus do?
I agree. Whatever it takes should not include felonies or immorality, otherwise the moral high ground is lost.
At some point it is NOT a felony AND it is NOT immoral, to stop evil.
True, but it should be in response, not as offense.
Not necessarily. See my reply below. There is a distinction to be made between “killing” (war or self-defense) and “murder” (peace).
Isn’t that essentially what I said? Other than the war thing.
There seems to be some presumption of peace going on here. Acts of evil are committed against us every day but there’s no overt announcement of war against us per say (actually they’ve said such many times but not enough care to admit it) that are recognized by our political representatives as a whole, yet the acts and even the words are there plan as day.
First understand that our body politic has been so thoroughly infiltrated to the point you will never get a clear consensus on whether what we face is evil or not evil. Whether we are being transgressed upon or not transgressed upon. This saturation and division of the body politic confuses the point of whether we we need to take action against it that includes the justified taking of life or not.
Meanwhile evil is indeed at war with us and is in its many myriad forms currently engaged in breaking and destroying our laws, raiding our property and slaughtering us singerly and in mass from veiled, camouflaged and concealed positions using mass deception and variety of technologies and instruments on a level we barely understand while we wring our hands about whether it’s okay or not to take direct action against it.
They now not only have a huge technological edge but also control most all the levers of power. Much of that is used not only to destroy us as a people but to mask themselves from us so that we don’t, as a people, understand what is happening to us, nor whom is doing it.
At this point we either understand they want to wipe out the middle class and our better off allies, and subjugate everyone else into serfdom where they can eliminate them at their pleasure or we don’t. Who at this point does not understand that?
While we talk about what’s in the Bible, what’s in the New Testament it is understood that many of those books were written immediately after Jesus died, most by 70AD though some argue some of the books were written much later to a dates closer to 150 AD well after eye witness accounts . The New Testament itself went through an over two hundred, almost three hundred period of paring and sorting where many books were not only tossed out, but actively searched out and destroyed for a multiplicity of reasons, some because they were considered too complicated or in some cases incomplete thoughts or did not fit the narrative being established, others for better reason.
The question “What would Jesus do?” IDK, was he asked direct questions on warfare and conduct in warfare? Would he be asked such direct questions during a period of time where universal conduct for such boiled down to common sense, common practice and such questions needn’t be asked?
The Bible covers a lot of questions and gives a lot of answers, but may not be all exhaustive as we’d like it to be when confronted with these questions. Our Christian fore fathers all the way back to Jesus’s time certainly were not held back from taking actions when they felt with good cause that they were being transgressed against.
The big fear seems to be “we don’t want to become what they are”. I’ve said it many times before, the Mahabharata, a book several times the size of the Bible, (there’s a great pared down modern rendition that only runs two volumes long at about 900 pages each) deals strictly with this worry and how to confront evil when evil will not back down. The Bhagavad Gita which appears mid way in that book shortens you to an answer, but then continues on for another thousand or so pages as it examines what happens when one vacillates on doing what must be done.
The answer in the Bhagavad Gita is that one simply recognizes evil, confronts evil, and destroys evil but one does it out of a sense of duty and does not become emotionally attached to carrying out the duty. In short one keeps detached as best to ones ability and does what must be done.
“[stopping evil] should be in response, not as offense.”
I understand what you’re saying, but it seems to me that if the evil is present and you know that it is present and causing harm, you are already on defense, not offense. They started it, not you. But that doesn’t mean all methods of fighting it are warranted, legal, or moral. That’s the tricky part, and timing plays a role, as in whether war has been declared, whether there is danger of imminent bodily harm, etc. Knowing when to use what degree of force takes great wisdom.
Personally I fight evil every day. The attack never stops and I have to be vigilant all the time.
So if each person fights evil in their own life that is how we overcome evil.
Evil is here and there but taking care of evil attacking in our own soul is the first step defeating evil.
Just my thought.
“I agree. Whatever it takes should not include felonies or immorality, otherwise the moral high ground is lost.”
This is why we can’t have nice things.
If we held ourselves to such a standard, the queen of England would be our leader right now, and there would be no moral high ground at all.
Just an endless line of people waiting to lick a smelly old royal boot.
The cost of all of the tea thrown into Boston Harbor ($18,000 which must be in 1773 dollars) certainly exceeded the level of ‘felony’.
Not sure how anyone fights a ‘moral’ war. Who decides what’s ‘moral’?
What good is ‘moral high ground’ if you are dead and your country is lost?
It is the old question: if you were alive in 1936 and knew what was coming, would you kill Hitler?
I don’t think it’s murder to kill someone who is themselves a murderer:
Exodus 21:12 – He that smiteth a man, so that he die, shall be surely put to death.
But that’s Old Testament. The New Testament says something else entirely:
Matthew 5:39 – But I say to you, do not resist an evil person; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also.
I don’t think it’s Satan, but rather which part of the Bible you subscribe to.
I am no Bible scholar but recall Vox Popoli raising the modern interpretation of ‘turn the other cheek’ so went searching for a reference:
Roman soldiers would backhand an inferior and as most were right handed presenting the left cheek was an invitation to punch as the soldier would an equal. It would appear a peaceful way to demonstrate resistance and express a demand for treatment as an equal.
The entire broke, woke, bespoke rant a couple posts up, IS blathering nonsense to me.
Can’t take it seriously. Perhaps slow guy is missing something fundamental.
Don’t know about the satan stuff.
But I am confident, rolling over, allowing evil to prevail is NOT the answer. Not suggesting you subscribe to rolling over. I know better than that.
Fundamentally, evil must be called out and stopped. At some point, taking a life is NOT murder. Justified.
No one ever said “allow evil to prevail”.
God stopped Abraham from killing his own son after commanding him to just that.
Let me know when God commands anyone to commit murder to defeat evil. I have never heard of such a thing.
Taking a life in self defense or when at war is not murder. IMHO, trying to take out Hitler AFTER war was declared was legit.
Killing him BEFORE war was declared would have been murder.
Let the reader understand.
Jesus could have taken care of any business. But He was on a mission. We have another mission.
This sentence speaks for itself.
Thank you Wolf for bringing this here.
“Our moral high ground comes not from the tactics we choose, but from our refusal to conform to their principles”.
Yes. This allows much tactical latitude within acceptable morality. We are passing up many moral actions by letting them lead and only responding in kind of in defense.
School board super-moms caught them by surprise. Perfectly moral, but LEADING THE FIGHT.
Tomorrow’s daily scheduled.
Yes that was wonderful
Some powerful truth from Gab.
Your guide to voting in the primaries…..
Our Patriot Pledge
As Citizens of a FREE WORLD, we will never vote for any candidate that does not support the FREEDOM CONVOY in their human rights battle against Stalinist Trudeau!
Please forward to everyone who believes in FREEDOM!
1 like
1 repost
I got a “404 Not Found” at that link.
It’s a couple of emoticons corrupted into one URL – I just erased it – thanks!
On the correct terminology being applied to Turdescu…..
Mark Smith reposted
Padraig Martin
Trudeau is NOT a Nazi; Trudeau is a Bolshevik
I cannot tell you how bloody tiresome it is having to explain to people that Trudeau is NOT Hitler. Trudeau is NOT a fascist. Trudeau is NOT a Nazi. Trudeau is a Communist. He is a Marxist. He is a Bolshevik.
Those who are intellectually and emotionally incapable of naming the enemy will lose the war. As long as so-called conservatives keep pointing the finger in the wrong direction, they will continue to contribute to the spread of communism. Start calling the enemy by its real name.
“Trudeau is NOT a Nazi; Trudeau is a Bolshevik”
Seriously what is the difference.
These too ideologist have the same Marxist/Socialist roots.
Yep. The sad part is most folks don’t understand the difference, moreover the NAZIs carry a much stronger, indeed visceral impression of evil and malice.
We can thank the fool-generating school systems for that. Could be the Kabbalists trying to confuse folks again, as well…..
I have a friend who was taught in college that Nazism (National Socialism) was a leftist ideology.
When he told me that I said I didn’t believe him. So he then tried to explain why it was a leftist ideology.
“No, no. I understand that. I just can’t believe you were actually taught that in college.”
His prof was probably like a world history prof I had, Dr. Chan. He explained the problems created by Truman “firing” Macarthur, the farce of the Korean War (i.e. the UN pushing an “unwinnable” war, to their benefit and our expense, with no intent of winning, etc., just like freshly-lost Vietnam). He was also a stickler for correct grammar, style, and logic, both in the classroom and on paper. Graded on that as well as course materials.
Drove the students nuts, but he maintained that English proficiency and the ability to speak and write well in presenting and defending one’s points is essential for a (supposedly) well-educated person, and society in general. He was a throwback to classic education. Lord Christopher Monckton (of the climate wars) would probably like him…
Loved that class… Just wish I had the course materials and books which seem to have been swallowed by the black hole of storage
The problem is calling Trudeau Nazi people compare it to Hitler who killed 6 million people and started a war. The overreach has for most people the opposite effect.
Calling him communist , Marxist is easier to compare him to that type of ideology and regime. Could it lead to extermination camps ? Maybe ?
I see the point that is made.
The danger in that is rejection and seeing and rejecting both Nazism and communism.
The danger I am seeing in Canada is people want rule of order and security.
In Trudeau they might see it just as some German’s saw it Hitler or under communism regime.
We already have the We and Them mentality here that is so dangerous and a set up for dictatorship. We need to fight that because in the end it is the collective us that will feel oppression.
I’ve been seeing more and more lately that the Purple Porcine Sausage-Tube Lady (Freeland) is the crime-brains behind the cesspool that is TurdEau…
And she’s one of the young WEF DEMONS, so who knows where her REAL leader lives (probably HELL)…
A Castreauti and a PowerCowFrau…
Knowing who and what she is helps in the battle against evil.
“Trudeau is NOT a Nazi; Trudeau is a Bolshevik
I cannot tell you how bloody tiresome it is having to explain to people that Trudeau is NOT Hitler. Trudeau is NOT a fascist. Trudeau is NOT a Nazi. Trudeau is a Communist. He is a Marxist. He is a Bolshevik.”
Do you want to be right, or do you want to win?
Because to the general public, Hitler = worst person who ever lived
And Bolshevik = uh… what’s that?
So do you want to be a schoolmarm?
Do you want to educate the world while we lose?
Or do you want to win?
We need to add an adolescent development watch group as well.
Woke up this morning and they were talking about the sudden rise in stuttering among young children, but then the radio told me it was okay as Joe Biden has had that problem as well.
Beware of FAKE QR CODES – such as stickers over the real QR codes on menus.
The funniest one I’ve seen so far involved fake QR codes on parking meters.
BTW, there are collections of QR code readers/writers available for Linux. You can also read and write codes for shipping containers.
I’ve never trusted QR codes and have never used one. I can’t believe we are expected to trust something like that blindly, having no idea what has been programmed onto it.
A good QR app will show you the URL before going to it, and a really good one will check for suspicious URLs first.
Asking out of ignorance of the whole subject:
Is an app required for a phone to read QR codes? (I hadn’t thought so.)
If not, are you saying you can get an app that will check any QR code you try to read, sort of like a virus detector on a computer?
QR codes are ways of showing data as graphics. The data is usually (but not always) a website. The coding is sufficiently robust that part of the QR can be smeared or obstructed and it will still read the data. It is usually read by an app on a cellphone — but one that has been preinstalled by the phone vendor.
You can take a picture of a QR code and feed it into a program if you don’t have a “smart phone”, but that’s the long way around. The computer magazine c’t had an article a while back on reading QR codes, a few test programs, and other infos.
Someone with REALLY good eyesight, an architect’s scale, and a lot of patience could decode one by hand, much like one can learn to read barcodes. Explaining that would kill a party real fast
My new phone has it built into the camera. The camera sees the code, it shows the web link which you then click. No app required.
There’s one running in the background to interpret it, though. Does it give you a chance to back out (i.e. is there any protection against malware presenting itself as a QR matrix)?
(Or maybe an AV scanner running as a background process checking that stuff out – never though phones would be prey to virii, but here we are… gotta use up all those cores, I guess)…
You have to click the link. I assume my anti viral software would stop a bad link. Plus there is some degree of protection within the browser. How good. Who knows. These knew smart phones do more stuff then I will ever need.
It’s the smart stupid stuff you have to watch out for. has infos on things you can turn off (despite their leftist bent, they do have some valuable information). Probably Anandtech and Toms Guide do, as well. Over here, c’t (in German) has TONS of info about how to lock down your phone (and why)….
Seems like every app wants root permission, or permissions they don’t need.
So I’m happy with my “candy bar” phones, even if all they can do is calls and SMS. When G2 finally reaches sunset (2023 or so), I’ll move on to an LTE phone. No G5 here… don’t want to get cooked in my own house
[I know, the emissions aren’t THAT strong, but the shorter the wavelength, the worse the problems, and I’m not even talking about cellular resonance, etc.)…
My son had a couple of the Lumia phones (which M$ killed, figure) that seemed pretty good, with well-designed menus and UIs… Now he’s got an i-Thing, and is waiting for the OLED iPhone SE, coming out in 2024 or so… He needs it for his CIs (cochlear implants) for streaming, control (cool stuff there), etc., otherwise he’d have a candybar phone too…
Have not found a reason to use QR codes.
I haven’t either outside of a boarding pass.
Yea, lots of folks do that. I have their machine print a boarding pass.
A lot of restaurants required you to use them when they did not hand out menu’s last year.
Anyway, nothing new apparently. Mayan statue with what looks like a QR code for a face.
Each time the restaurants to scan their QR code, I said, NO.
PFM, they handed me a paper menu.
IF folks would just say no, they may be pleasantly surprised.
I know. I don’t use menu’s. I tell them what I want.
Yup. That works also. I generally know what I want before entering the restaurant.
Each time the restaurants wanted me to scan their QR code, I replied, “with what?”
I don’t carry a cellphone.
Maybe this will bring out a new Rogan fire storm? Meanwhile also hoping this is just an act to slowly wake up the unwashed. Can’t imagine Rogan is just beginning to catch on. (vids inside).
OMG, read that article – they’re talking about “programmable money” that controls what it can be used for.
These people just think “Hey, we can think this up, and we’re in charge – let’s just do it.”
It’s stunning. Nobody wants this shit except the assholes in charge of Washington and Blue Zones, and yet they’re forcing it on us.
Yep, just imagine if your paycheck is pre-designated 30% for food, 30% for rent, 20% for clothes, and 20% for entertainment — but only Disney films. (If you’re looking for medical or taxes, that’s deducted before money is issued….)
I’m through with this crap. I mean, I’ve really tried to be antiwar, but we’re rapidly cratering – to the point where war is the only sensible answer to the insanity.
Nobody wants this shit, but somebody is forcing it on us.
Isn’t that what a “gift card” is?
In some ways, but if my Cabela’s gift card squawks when I try to buy ammo, that’s a problem!
In my experience, a gift card allows you to buy anything from the designated vendor, whether it be a restaurant, retailer, etc. It doesn’t determine what you are allowed to buy.
Just say no.
Same as stores with self check out, pushing CC or debit. Ring it up and see how fast the goof monitoring the area can shit some change.
Wow. Someone’s figured out something more ugly than stored procedures…
It is almost like food stamps people can use it only for specific items.
If government thinks we should not eat so much meat they can control how much meat we eat. How sneaky is that?
Don’t cry Canada
Start about 6:25. Worth a listen.
Absolute indictment on Ottawa LE, RCMP, Little Fidel ABUSING Canadians.
In may ways parallels abuse dished out on Americans by our asshole government. I, think our government is only warming up. The real abuse WILL be far greater AND not so far in the future.
The NOT Patriot Act IS a dagger in the heart of Freedom. USG has AND will apply the NOT Patriot Act MORE frequently in the future, AGAINST Americans.
WHY, would I suggest this. J6 Political Prisoners ARE held bu USG under Patriot Act with impunity. NO BODY CARES. Expect more. It’s coming. Bank on it.
Continuing from yesterday —
The Wanamaker Organ has a six-manual (keyboard) console. The rows of switches on both sides have several functions — a large proportion are “stops”, which select rows of pipes to play when you play notes on the manual. One switch, one row. It should be noted that this is the bulk of the switches that the organist can reach while seated.
Several of the switches are “couplers” — if you play a C on the lowest keyboard, it might simultaneously play a C on another keyboard, or on the pedals, or down an octave in the pedals, or play a G. All these “coupled” notes may be on different rows of pipes. As you might imagine, there are far more possible couplings that there is space for in the switches, so only those found particularly useful live there.
There are several stops that play instruments outside the volume shutters. IIRC, they’ve got something like a 64′ Bourdon stop that is a borderline anti-personnel weapon, for when you want the audience to wake up. There are also several gongs and chimes, sound effects and the like. Most, however, are inside the shutters — and you can hear in this video how this monster can be thoroughly tamed.
Under each row of keys are some circular buttons. These are presets for that manual — on the Wanamaker, you’ll see someone hit one, and a bunch of stops will change — but you can’t blink, ’cause it’s fast. There are also organ-wide presets — IIRC, they’re about at knee-height to the right of the bottom manual. I would suspect that the top buttons, next to the music holder, are controls for the blowers.
Moving to the pedalboard, it functions much like a manual. You’ll note that all the organists are wearing patent-leather shoes, some with outsized heels. You didn’t think people would walk in off the street with bubblegum on their shoes and start playing, did you? The size of the heel is handy in a bunch of ways in finding where things are by touch, and also hanging on the crossbar under the seat. Different players have different heels and use them differently, but they’re not just using them as lifts because they’re short.
Immediately in front of the pedalboard are the shutter-controls for all available shutters. They are rocker-pedals and are left alone for long periods of time, but sometimes are used to great effect. Over the top of these are a bunch of very special cases, including the “sforzando button” which I may have previously mentioned. I believe that some pedal-to-manual couplers are accessible in buttons to the right.
In short, this is a VERY complicated device, with very complicated controls, that “evolved” into a playable instrument with the use of logical tools and shortcuts that are not obvious.
I’d be curious why the youtube vid didn’t show up as a preview. It’s ok that it didn’t, but my understanding is currently defective for when it will.
If it doesn’t show up here, except as a link, then very likely it is SET on YouTube to only be visible “on the site” (meaning on YouTube).
I’ve learned something new!
When my grandfather died in Parkersburg, he had the pipes and console for a 3-manual organ in his possession. We had to essentially give it away.
Another slice of pipe organs —
I know a number of organists who have played it just for fun.
The circular buttons are called pistons. The expression pedals either control certain divisions of the organ, corresponding to each manual OR on the far right is a crescendo pedal (does not control shades) that gradually brings on ranks of pipes. I’m talking generally not Wanamakers.
It’s been many years since I’ve been there — perhaps since a memorial concert for Virgil Fox.
I switched to wearing men’s Organmaster shoes decades ago, because they’re leather – not patent leather. Patent leather sticks to itself and that’s dangerous when you’re working quickly in a balancing act.
It was nice to see that Youngkin wasn’t perv-sniffing the young ladies.
Normal governors are great!
I wouldn’t know — I live in California.
California deserves liberation.
The best thing for CA would be to go bankrupt as a state, lose its statehood, and revert to a territory. Then the sensible parts could be slowly readmitted as states. SF and LA can become states again in 50-70 years or so.
I like this idea!
Apropos of nothing, and wondering if anyone is out there…..
In what way?
All sorts. Shedding, dog-whining, the noiseproofing and furproofine.
If you have ever considered owning a pooch with husky ancestry, this is an example of “the song of one’s people.”
She wears a beekeeping hat and veil for the massive shedders. And she had silencing headphones on for the song.
She probably makes bank on knitting new dogs out of the pile of shed. That she’s so upfront about the amount of work and the cost is a point in her favor.
But, yes, quite impressive.
I used to take my 2 Aussies to the parlor. Always eager to go, they came back looking like little kids, all shaved and happy, smelling good, with their new bandannas on. They also changed colors. The solid red and white one came back brindle, w/dark brown and black hair. The solid black and white one came back brindle with lots of red, brown, and black hair underneath. Wild! I wonder what the blue ones look like underneath.
Bacon stripes
When I had a Husky-Golden Retriever mix wanted to learn to spin yarn to knot a sweater from his fur. We did have him shaved to about 2 ” every spring that way he did not shed as much in fall and winter. also gave him a beautiful manageable coat. He needed to be brushed every day and every 3 months taken to a groomer. Max was a wonderful dog.
From Insty:
And if you GSG to help her with her car payment or rent, your account can be frozen, too.
This is all insane. This communist stuff is just bullshit.
Somebody do something please before we have to.
We can put it off, but it will likely be us when it happens.
Sadly, I think you’re right.
If her church does a collection to pay her car payment, its bank account can be frozen.
That’s CRAP!!

Typical communist. They want her penniless without support and make an example out of her.
MORE reason to collect donations. Don’t cave to the evil. Let the EVIL over reach generate its own BAD PR.
She needs a P.O. Box (anonymous) so people can mail her gift cards.
That is no longer the case.
To get a PO Box you have to supply your real address.
Then there are a ton of government agencies that refuse to accept a PO box for your address (The IRS only will if you have no regular mailbox, other agencies aren’t even that accommodating) so your real address ends up all over public records.
So, when you get a P.O. Box, does the guy at the Post Office or the UPS Store go to your house to check? Yes, that means I would lie to get a box. They don’t need my actual address, they can have the address of a parking lot for all I care.
1060 West Addison
(think Blues Brothers)
Interesting points about being smart about timing. But who can answer when that will be, and how do we get everyone on the same page with regard to timing? Maybe if some leaders like Bannon and others agree, with us, about when and how to strike, it will work. It’s like walking a tightrope.
The “-strophe” words are interesting.
I like anastrophe, the inversion of the usual order of words. Examples:
☛ In the face of pain there are no heroes. (Orwell, 1984)
☛ Neither a borrower nor a lender be (Shakespeare, Hamlet)
☛ to thine own self be true (Shakespeare, Hamlet)
☛ In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. (Tolkien, The Hobbit)
☛ Now the trumpet summons us again – not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need – not as a call to battle, though embattled we are (Kennedy, 1961 Inaugural Address)
☛ And judging by the past, I wish to know what there has been in the conduct of the British ministry for the last ten years to justify those hopes with which gentlemen have been pleased to solace themselves and the House. Is it that insidious smile with which our petition has been lately received? Trust it not, sir; it will prove a snare to your feet. Suffer not yourselves to be betrayed with a kiss. (Henry, “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death”)
☛ Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing,
Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before;
But the silence was unbroken, and the stillness gave no token,
And the only word there spoken was the whispered word, “Lenore?”
This I whispered, and an echo murmured back the word, “Lenore!”—
Merely this and nothing more. (Poe, “The Raven”)
“Resist we much” – Al Sharpton
“Always with you, it cannot be done.” – Yoda
Another Queen’s death prediction. I really do think it will happen in 2022.
She’ll be 96 in April, so it would not be surprising.
Mattress is a hard way to go, takes a lot of pressure.
Pillow conforms to the face much better.
But if you just turn your head to the side and relax, you can breathe just fine.
Your assailant’s face will be so red when he checks his handiwork and sees your pearly whites grinning back at him
It sure doesn’t make me feel good!
Wow. The battle is at our borders.
So this is why they have been so frantic to get patriotic Americans to start a civil war. It would make it much easier for UN troops to take our failed cities. So who decides which UN troops would advance from Canada into the US? China?
Yup. We are in a bad spot right now.
Why did the People allow it to stay there?
Yes, make it stop!
I’m hoping all the surveys going out here in the next couple of weeks highlights a desire for a return to tradition since the places where tradition is at least given lip service have a lot higher attendance.
That was blasphemous, IMO. And “Rock with us as we roll with you” — I don’t know how people could sit silently and witness that. There should not just be diminished attendance; there should be loud protests until it stops. Those are the actions of someone who does not know the nature of God, nor does he show any reverence whatsoever.
Wonder if any of them know the origin of the expression Rock and Roll…
(and that predates the bumper sticker, “If this van’s a-rockin’ don’t bother knockin’ “)…
Where’s John Belushi when we need him?

Not close to ready. Apple only. No web based or Android. Clearly no capacity for the volume of traffic. Clearly just released on “President’s Day”.
First impressions count. Bad move.
I’m sad to admit it, but I agree with you. Out over their skis.
What? Everyone knows all the cool people are on Apple. Android is for untrendy losers.
I do not not need to be first in line for Trump’s media platform. I am sure those who have developed a new platform know how it supposed to roll out ?
I am patient and look not for perfection leave my first impression for 6 months from now, but then I am not an expert in anything
In point of fact, they may be right in thinking the *software* on the *servers* is ready. It’s not the server software’s fault the hardware doesn’t have capacity–or that there’s no android app for it to talk to.
As an overall thing, though, it’s not *quite* ready to accept all the people who want to use it.
Yet another shortage here during the LetsGoBrandon Era.
I can believe the platform is not ready.
I let them develop further to be able to take in millions of people.
Trump supporters have been waiting for Trump to roll this out and they decided on early rollout. Just my take for what it is worth
You’re probably correct. The symbolism of “President’s Day” was irresistible to them.
You got it
Could the lack of refined and ready rollout be possibly attributed to Team Trump knowing that the app will get taken down or somehow abused and beclowned?
This could be another ‘show them’ play. Maybe learn some lessons and be ready for 2024 with something newer/improved
They need something this year to help with the mid terms and then 2024. I think they are already late. Both platforms are an issue because they can shutdown the stores at any time. Going the app free route like Gab did would probably have been safer. The only attraction to this appears to be Trump will have a place to post. Other then that, just another place for like minded people to post.
Verse of the Day for Monday, February 21, 2022
“If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.”
1 John 1:8 (KJV)
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
Privacy? Dissidents get doxxed and abused but supporters of the State can hide away « JoNova (
Thank you
Arizona’s AG Brnovich Who Should Have Indicted Numerous Individuals for Election Fraud Months Ago Is Instead Caught Hanging Out with a Guy He Should Have Prosecuted (
What do they say “Birds of feather hang together”. ?
The Gathering Storm in the West › American Greatness (
Victor Davis Hanson
I really wish this guy would stop playing elder statesman of the peons. He’s a never-Trumper who freely put his name on that disgusting NR cover. I never heard him bitch about Songbird or Mittens prior to the primaries.
But the main reason I dislike him is because he’s never apologized to DJT for being so wrong yet he pontificates as if the weather was never stormy.
Abso-friggin-lutely. I was over his act a long time ago.
I’ve always thought of Hanson as a light-weight when it comes to intellectual matters. He’s clueless in a lot of ways.
VDH’s strengths are also his weaknesses. He clearly sees the parallels between events of today to those of the ancient world — human nature hasn’t changed much in the last few thousand years. And there are lessons to be learned there.
OTOH, the failure of Athenian Democracy is not quite the same as Dominion-infused subversion of this age. And there wasn’t very much industrial genocide in pre-industrial times. Further, international cabals weren’t really big in either Rome or Greece.
Venn diagram career choice analysis – YouTube
That was funny.
Frank Luntz: ‘Only Donald Trump’ Could Stand in the Way for GOP Winning House, Senate in Midterms
Good ol’ Frank…
…GOP strongman and Kevin McCarthy’s BFF 5 year roommate.
So, when the the GOP wins the House and Senate in the midterms because of PDT, will Frank drown in his own pool of bullshiz? Nope, he will move on to the next RINO/Dem sponsored focus group on behalf of his NWO masters.
He is incapable of adjusting since his bread along with his bed bud McCarthy are all are buttered from the same vat, that We the People only look to PDT for guidance on candidates now. See Madison Cawthorn and Ortega vs. Starbuck for reference.
the New World’s peacemaker
Macron and Putin To Hold Trilateral Talks To De-Esculate….
artcile link with more details…
from yesterday
Hilarious. Give it at least 20 seconds…
Australian news clip. Shows new medicine for high risk patients. Stromectol 3mg contains 4 tablets, each contain 3mg of ivermetcin.
People need to hang.
For those interested, Stromectol from our online Canadian friends. Compare prices to IndiaMart. Would probably get here sooner.
Uh, there’s a truck strike. Not sure how fast that could be.
Great idea. Thanks.
Forgot to mention, that was just the first Canadian website I clicked on. There are probably others w/different prices. I searched for drug websites no prescriptions required.
Saved for posterity!
Aubergine’s meme
Yep, that’s me!
So, am I the only one who clicked the link and got Rick-Rolled this morning, or am I just the only one admitting it?
LOL I was thinking it was just me so I kept quiet. I watched the whole thing. Hadn’t seen Rick in a while.
Well, I didn’t want to be the ONLY ONE. And I didn’t give away which link. Click at your own risk, people!
I do like that video!
OK. I admit it AND started to comment a couple times. Clearly I am not house broken in so many ways. (Good with it also)
Truth is, I was enjoying Wolf’s Monday intro, when my attention perked up. THIS was it…
“And speaking of “bad girls” from Death on the Nile (2022)…..”
Then THIS pic seriously got my attention.
Could have lived without Rick and MORE dancing gals.
Dangerously hot.
I *will* find that dance video when it surfaces, as it must!!!
You were my test case – I figured you would be hardest to rickroll, so I crafted it to get you to click. Quite unfair on my part!
There’s still some bad boy left in this here old fool!
Ah, so you did that on purples
Ok, THAT’S an impressive pun.
Lol! You rock!
I have NEVER BEEN rickrolled before. You took my rickroll virginity!
Sigh….I love it here.
I didn’t even remember “Rick Rolling” so I was wondering WTF the point was to that particular song.
Now I am reminded and someone is going to pay for that.
And so the pranks begin…
Now say it (Rick Rolling) 10 times real fast in Engrish
( seems to be down right now, but normally they have hilarious misuses of the English language, in text, signage, menus, packaging, etc. They keep promising to update their brog, but so far, nothing)
Personally I’m rather fond of gemanglische Deutsch.
I will NOT click on a magnetic monopole!!!
As far as the timing of a general strike; I think it will time itself.
Like the Yellow Vest movement in France, the “wave” at a football game, or the “Pet Rock” craze of a few decades ago, a true “movement” is organic, spontaneous, and arises from seemingly nowhere. It just gets “in the air,” strikes a chord, and blossoms into something huge.
No one seems to be able to point to exactly where or who started the thing, but someone somewhere clearly DID, which is why I keep talking about it.
I think we will KNOW when it is time, because we will see the “wave,” and pop up on the board to ride it.
That’s my theory, anyway.
Fantastic article about the Canadian truckers ve. Turdeau. I really enjoyed it.
“Back in the good old days, the national Canadian broadcaster, CBC, had been scathing about Trudeau senior’s overreach; now they are cheering tyranny on, filled as they are with contempt for all COVID-orthodoxy deviationists.
Yet, the protest against anti-constitutional, COVID-motivated segregation just keeps growing; and province-by-province, the indomitable resistance is toppling the regimen of restrictions and discrimination. Bickering words from Ontario Premier Doug Ford notwithstanding, the truckers he derides are leading the once-free world’s resistance against a tyranny unprecedented in recent memory.
The world owes Canada’s finest a debt of gratitude.”
I had a dream that the head of the snake is Obama. The rest of them are the global implementer. I hope that was just a bad dream
That IS a bad dream!
Lets hope so. He is richer than anyone thinks. He has money from his step dad in Indonesia I read sometime ago.
Truth Social on the App Store (
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Thanks for that info.
I know people have their own expectations for Truth Social. Mine have nothing to do with how it is rolled out or how it functions. I’m not on social media and am not looking at Truth Social as something I will join right away, if ever. For me, it is all about the ripple effects TS will have. It has already created a buzz with dire predictions from the Left. It will be something to watch from now on. Anything and everything it does will be criticized, and that’s par for the course.
But I see TS as a vehicle for PDJT to get his messages out without censorship, and for people like Dr. Malone and other truth-tellers to as well. I expect its influence to be YUGE, and I expect it to be a major vehicle in the cause for freedom and restoring our country.
The Left will ridicule and make fun; let them. I thoroughly enjoy their angst. If TS were not expected to be influential, they would not care.
So I am in favor of watching the show and taking things as they come.
It will not only be interesting, but also a game changer. We are witnesses to, and participants in, life-changing historical events.
The people fussing are not familiar with SDLC(Software Development Life Cycle). It’s a never-ending set of processes that continue as long as the software is in use.
There has never been nor will there ever be a perfect package full of all features with no bugs rolled out on day 1 that will never ever need an update, fix, or improvement. There’s always continuous changes to software, interfaces, hardware, operating systems, etc..
We are not talking about a brand new software platform doing something never done before. This is essentially Twitter for conservatives. IE Gab, Parler, GTTR. The format is already there.
And you don’t build it so different that users are scratching their head on how to use it. So coming out of the gate it should be 80-90% there. Then you deal with bugs and upgrades as usual.
But it does not look like the hardware infrastructure is there to support demand. Still amateur hour.
Posobiec on Warroom – Creepy called Macron and BEGGED BEGGED him to set up meeting with Vlad
MSM has been reporting all morning that meeting is a go for next week…. Vlad’s team, not so fast
As much as its a black eye on America, I DO HOPE Vlad meets BiteME AND HUMILIATES the asshole on the International stage.
Pravda News could NOT IGNORE Vlad bitch slapping BiteMe on the International stage.
IMO, he’s already doing it (Zelensky too), many are just too dumb to realize it. However, the more, the mo better.
Yes, I agree. They both are. Pravda News mostly ignores it.
Honestly, it’s none of our business. I would prefer the continental euro countries work it out amonst themselves and leave pedo joe and his ho stammering in the stands.
This could be entertaining.
Hopefully BiteMe and Hoe will get a drubbing.
Major Patriot

“This is the basis of the coming destruction of The Democratic Party — from the Rio Grande Valley delivered by working class Hispanic Americans” — #BannonsWarRoom
This music
(que to 30 seconds then stop at 40 seconds)
fits nicely with this evil slime …
It was also “borrowed” for scary bits in “Lost In Space”…. maybe when the plant monsters appeared or something (“Danger, Danger! Will Robinson” …)….
I tell ya for sure too much of that Bald Mountain music will make you really anxious .. makes you wonder if the composer has a bottle of Glenlivet scotch sitting on the desk .. shudder ..
He was just being Modest, Mussorgsky.
(And, spekaing of bottles in his desk, like many of his fellow Russian composers of his days, he was an alcoholic, which ended up ending him… and, oddly enough, “Bald Mountain” was composed in or after one of these “well-lubricated” periods)….
(Wacky has an interesting article on him; better to run down the links)…
Well whaddya know, ..
… some creative minds need the lubrication to release the pent up things that get caught and jumbled up .. unfortunately it’s not healthy ..
Just going to gently drop this ..
and … a restored Ave Maria from Fantasia is definitely in order after the Bald Mountain one ..

This ain’t over.
Out on the walk this am, I happened to spot an interesting headline when it comes to the Missouri senate race:
Independent ‘must’ run for Missouri Senate seat, Danforth says, citing new poll data
I wondered when the Danforths would surface again. Like they haven’t done enough damage.
Right. Uh-huh. “Saint Jack” just doesn’t want MAGA, as if the sale of the family business to Nestle wasn’t enough of a betrayal. Although, that was his brother Donald that did that.
Sounds like “divide and conquer”
Yup, splitter strategies will be in play all over
She is fear less. Support her !!!!!!!
David of the YouTube Viva Frei writes on twitter
I spent 12 days livestreaming from Ottawa and it only turned violent when the police turned up
^^^ THAT is a fact. ^^^
“Power Grab” at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission – Watts Up With That?
Another example of WEF running circles around us.
In our Trail Blazing segment a good start.
Nearly 2 Million Kids Left Public Schools From 2020 to 2021
Did we mention something earlier about how kids are stuttering now? Not to worry, my top of the hour radio news voice guy told me Biden stutters too like that’s a good thing.

I have never seen Biden stutter, nor have I ever seen it mentioned. Are they trying to cover for his dementia? How dumb do they think we are?
They’re not aiming it at us.
They’re aiming it at all the folks who still get their “information” from the Yellow Stream Media.
Yes, I know. I never get over the gaps in knowledge. It scares me a little that there might be people who, reading this from the media, think alrighty then, Biden stutters too without ever having witnessed him doing that or ever having read about it. And they are able to vote.
Speaking of able to vote, over here the Greens want to lower the voting age to 16!!! (and the age of consent to something like -2, but that’s another discussion)…..
Granted, a 16-year-old from 100 or more years ago probably would show more sense and discernment than most adults today. But today’s mind-numbed crew? No way…..
They should raise it here to where you are off your parents’ insurance (26).
As far as I am concerned, when you first live on your own, supported by yourself (or are part of a married, self-supporting couple), that’s when you should be considered an adult.
No sooner (and also no later).
Figuring out how to codify that in law when it’s so much easier to write “aged 18 or older” as a one-size-fits-all-maturity-levels, on the other hand, is another matter.
Yep. That’s it.
Biden has stuttered several times. Mainly when the dope was, his version of campaigning. NOT often. certainly not consistently.
It always fit in with BiteMe’s, INABILITY to speak complete thoughts, sentences. Dementia. Occasional stuttering fits in also. MeThinks.
Going to be a heck of a summer here. Everyone who plans to leave CA as soon as the school yr is over plus those who cannot, like me, rolling into homeschool is fall by the thousands bc of the shot mandate and the general state of schools.
I anticipate major exodus in june/july.
It used to be hard to find a U haul truck in Texas. You had to reserve them. Has now noticed parking lots filled with them. I don’t think many are going back to CA. Maybe some enterprising fellows will think to load some up with gas powered lawn tools to sell on the black market so you guys can get some trucks.

That is actually the case. No one drives them back here.
Ok i just went to uhaul website. To get the biggest 26ft truck from here to Austin its $5,526.00.
To bring that same truck from Austin here is $1627.00
Rip off!
So far as I know, there’s no way to teleport U-Haul trucks around the countryside, so it makes sense that they it would be cheaper to drive them from popular destinations to popular sources.
Itll be cheaper to get a truck out of state to round trip than here 1 way for quite a while.
But well worth it. Anything
TrudescuChrystia Freeland is doing is a Noisome wet dream.Joe Rogan needs to interview Catharine Austin Fitts!
Wow! Everyone needs to listen to Catherine Austin Fitts in that video. It’s just 2 minutes, but very important regarding the control grid they are trying to set up in the west.
up. Superb message.
Her web site is for those who may be interested in following Catherine more closely.
Folks, I am winding down now, focusing on prayer since the truckers have left the city. If you want, I can post a few comments over the next few weeks of my experiences in Ottawa.
It was way too cold to take pictures. My old cell, even though fully charged kept shutting down. However, I did on one day, take pictures below Parliament hill…and will post them.
I am in tears a lot, about the state of my beloved country.
I do want to give you a heads up however …my perspective draws deeply on my Catholic faith. I honestly try and live it, so it might offend some. The non-Catholic truckers did not mind, when I explained to them, that Jesus gave us His Mom, when He died on the cross for us, so we can run to her to ask her to intercede for us. He really does listen to her, as all good Sons do, as she asks Him to be merciful to us…So let me know if you want me to post them. The Catholic ones held up their rosaries to me.
I expect my bank account to be frozen today. Our government has granted Canadian banks immunity from liability for freezing the bank accounts of those who donated to GiveSendGo, and Adopt-a-trucker.
I took the precaution of putting a couple of months worth on my utility accounts etc…and thank God I paid off my mortgage fully before retiring- but that may not matter. The government may seize that too. In many ways, though I am scared, I don’t mind. As I was praying last night, in front of the crucifix, I recalled some images of our Crucified Lord, with a ladder beside the crucifix. He was so eager to die for our sins in expiation, that He would have climbed the ladder on to the cross Himself, in his near-death state…that’s how much He loved us. He asks us to do the same, as His followers…and so we go on to our own private crucifixion, in trust in the resurrection.
Have been and will continue sending warm thoughts AND best wishes your way.
Incredibly sad what has happened in Canada. As several have posted, Castro Trudescu could NOT fold. WEF gave Trudecu his marching orders, squash the commoners.
I do look forward to Canadians next move. Rather sure a hell of a lot more Canadians are awkened and emboldened to stand up for themselves, their families, Canadians.
Prayers for your situation, and please continue to update us as you can.
The Lord will perfect everything that concerns you. What is meant for your harm, He will work out for good. Hang in there GC. Know that we are with you and are praying for you and the rest of Canada.

On a recent Grace Force podcast, Father Heilman talked about meditating on the feet of Christ on the cross. Just a thought.
I’m seeing a lot of Rosary saying in public on Twitter. Men, too. Public demonstrations, usually on their knees on stone and concrete. The only surface that’s worse for that is raw wood. I get the idea the return is happening.
Thanks for the updates.
Sending heartfelt and deep prayers and meditations for Courage, Good Energy, and Wisdom to you. Please keep posting when you can.
Thank you for sharing, Praying that your family remains safe from the government goons.
Certainly post. These memories must be kept alive and there will be plenty of opportunities where they will be applicable to the discussion on any given day. TY!
I will pray that the horrors of your government pass right over you without noticing you are there. I am so sorry you are going through this. How terrible are the times we are living in.
GWP: US Trucker Convoy Organizer Says They Will Be ‘Giant Boa Constrictor,’ Squeezing, Choking, and Swallowing DC
Wouldn’t that be a shame…
Like they did on J6?
Shout out ! Just so I’m clear on dates:
FJB state of dis-jointed union speech- TOMMOROW Tuesday March 1..
I’m sure we are all waiting breathlessly
Truck Convoy DC arrival planned forTHIS SATURDAY March 5th
Is this correct?
Please check your calendar
Is this what everyone else understands?
Synchronize watches
I think you are a week ahead. Today is February 21st, so the State of the Union address is a week from tomorrow.
You are correct,corrections noted and taken thanksTT !
What the he!! day is it ?LOL
A shitty one, thanks to His Fraudulency and those behind him.
Looks to yours truly that the “vaccine” just got another doctor (the “died unexpectedly in his sleep” phrase; similar to other phrases now used for other “vaxxed” people who die, like “no cause of death has been released”):
Dr. Farmer, a former Harvard Medical School department chairman and a healthcare organizer for poor countries around the world, “unexpectedly died in his sleep” in Rwanda.
I don’t remember seeing so many people in their 50s and 60s dying in their sleep unexpectedly. It used to be a very rare occurrence.
DEMONRATS started a trend with Justice Scalia (RIP)…
One would think in Rwanda he’d have access to Ivermectin and HCQ, but then the clot shot is (probably) a lot different than COVID, which is what will be on his death certificate, if anything at all…
Fact-Chuckers over here are saying how the majority of deaths are COVID, yadda, yadda, yadda…
From SIDS to SUDS… Sudden unexpected death syndrome… preventable, and there are lots of ideas/preventative measures about SIDS, too (and that actually is a REAL problem, as opposed to COVID)…
The Vigilant Fox
(@VigilantFox) Tweeted:
Daniel Bulford, Former Sniper for Trudeau, Shares His Story About Being Arrested in Ottawa
I have several neighbors who are really guilty.
And my dad.
Heads On Pikes!!!
Fortunately, where I live the nearest neighbor is hundreds of yards away. And no one uses those damn things.
What about the ones who blow them into the street? What do they get, double death?
I was visiting a fellow Moron in Virginia and his across-the-street-and-one-house-down neighbor blows leaves off his lawn twice a day into the gutter. Then he goes into his gutter and blows the leaves to the gutter on the opposite side of the street.
He’s telling me each phase of this, and I was saying “Nooo…..nobody does….” and it would happen.
Let me guess: the wokewraiths…
P.S. Paging EmeraldStar, Elessar…
Omg..ty. lol.
“Leg Less!!!”
OMG, I laughed so hard I scared my dog!
Tu Car Karl Soon!
That was the one that got me cracking up!!!
Drug subscriptions….
Has a nice enemies list, but alas what we need are the names that are accessible to us in our local states and communities so they can get the fire lit under their collective and individual behinds.
Wouldn’t bother me at all that they’d have to run off and hide.
This was a month ago according to the time stamp on the tweet.
I still question whether or not these are set up for psy-op purposes and to divide us further when it comes to supporting police. It’s just awfully convenient to have members of the media – no matter what outlet – around when these things happen.
Meanwhile there is this.
Holy Censorship — Trudeau govt orders Freedom Convoy Youtuber to delete hundreds of videos, immediately…
Best I can tell most of his vids are still up on youtube. Hopefully he’s multi platforming. Plenty of people in comments suggesting that he does so.
Be good if Bannon picked this up.
Wonder if Via Frei, a lawyer himself, is directed to delete his videos.
EDIT. Be GREAT if Ezra of Rebel news picked this up.
IIRC it’s Viva Frei.
Thanks. Unfortunately, another of my steady string of typos.
OK, if you’re going to do a “mea culpa for ytpoes” comment, the least you can do is have a typo IN the mea culpa comment.
Just for consistency/irony.
I see what you did there. Even Googled it to be sure. I am that slow.
Yea. Commonly when I fess up, even with the grammar police, I insert severul scruw ups. Some intentional. Some just screw ups.
Grammar Nazis – YouTube
dammit. Let me try that again.
Enjoyed that one.
Nicely done!
Viva has not said so like to hear his reaction. I am sure Youtube will comply with the Canadian dictator. I guess he is not aware that the videos will live on forever specially the way his brown shirts abused the people of Canada.
My prayer is with the people of Canada.
Yea. Every Freedom loving person is rooting for Canadian Freedom.
(Castro Trudescu donwfall)
The little dictator is to close to our border. Castro on one side baby Castro on the other.
Then there is Mexico open border.
What an ugly human being insight and out. May he and his offspring’s reap what he has sown
This is what I was talking about. Doing a crappy rollout with a product not ready just lets them have a field day.
And you don’t imagine these same people would seize on and amplify anything, no matter when the rollout is, or how it’s going?
When you feed the bait to the sharks, it is self inflicted.
Doesn’t address what I said.
Y a w n.
TWO-STEPPER TED doing what two-stepper ChiComs do.
Oh, WOW – I love it!!!
Looks like the South lawn entrance at the Southern White house to me
More rehabilitation of Richard Nixon’s reputation:
Washington Post Has Always Been A CIA Asset
The story is really about the fake Russia news, but this is interesting.
Lifted from CTH comment section:
February 21, 2022 1:41 pm
Reply to Hope
No, the plan has encountered a snag, and its a major one.
They have been working under a severe time constraint; in order to try to finesse Abe’s theorem about fooling people, they had to fool enough people, FOR LONG ENOUGH, for them to achieve total control,…AND continually sew DIVISION, to keep the people arguing amongst themselves, so they would not “wake up”, realize what the tyrannists were doing, and UNITE to stop them.
And, they are, fatally to their efforts, behind schedule, and can not, at this point, catch up.
While the conflict will continue, the outcome is certain. WE are at the equivalent of the allies in WW2, once the atom bomb had been tested and shown to work.
Our atom bomb is UNITY, and they simply have nothing in their book of “How to be a Tyrant” that can overcome unity.
ALL of the plays in their playbook are designed to PREVENT Unity; its like nuclear “Critical mass”; you can PREVENT it, thru DIVISION; Keep the nuclear material in small amounts, divided by lead barriers.
But, once the barriers are removed, and the chain reaction starts, NOTHING can stop it.
Canada has been the catalyst, and now the World is United, and there is nothing the Tyrants can do to stop it.
Yes – good stuff.
One of the most important ideas is that we are now SEEING their financial tyranny. Castro freezing accounts is a HUGE wake-up call.
We cannot let this shit go forward.
It was a MESSAGE.
We can see how they tried to get rid of the FREEDOM OF CASH with their COVID HOAX.
Beg to differ. They sped up the plan, and gave away their hand by making too many mistakes being in a rush.
And a little psy-op on the Chans helped We the People begin to connect the dots.
Once you see it, you cannot unsee.
That’s where we are.
Yes, I agree. They were forced to speed up and became visible.
And the frogs weren’t quite done boiling, so they (we) jumped out.
Well .. if we’re going to jump out of the hot water we might as well dance our way out … cue to 39 seconds ..

They are calling it a walk away. Too bad it didn’t happen when she was still in office.
I count this as progress
But then many didn’t understand how God Awful Joe would be back then. With the exception of Deplorables of course. ((omg.. deplorables has a spell check!
The WEF thing will forever make me suspicious of her, but I sure wish more Dems were like her.
For now I’ll allow the assumption that WEF dragged her in is as a potential candidate for their way of thinking and she ultimately said no. But yeah always that cloud of suspicion. People should ask her about it. That and her 2A stance. Understands we still had a problem there some time ago.
WTF?? She’s a Democrat, no?
Even if she’s the most conservative Democrat office holder out there (is she?) that’s a damned low bar for considering someone a conservative fit to speak at CPAC.
There are forces in CPAC that are ALWAYS trying to “RINO out”, so maybe they think this is an alternative…..
She’s a democrat. And if she ever switched parties she’d be a RINO.
’nough said.
I wouldn’t believe her if she told me water was wet.
No dice.
Right. I don’t trust her and think she is up to no good.
I would believe her, but only because I already know it’s wet.
I might, however, think she didn’t believe water was wet and was trying to mislead me and was only accidentally telling the truth.
In other CPAC news, RINOs are holding their own conference at the same time.
Whooops… this is not supposed to happen.
Now if we can just get a sizable amount of those to play double agent and reveal how Dems cheat!
There are people who think Alex Berenson is controlled opposition, and I have not really thought that, until now.
Basically, he says some study ends the debate over the efficacy of ivermectin – that it doesn’t work. I’m not so sure.
I believe I posted on here Dr, Malone’s response to an unprovoked Berenson attack on his experience on Fox. Berenson claimed Dr. Malone was not much of a factor in the mRNA development. Dr. Malone responsed with the dozens of patents and research with his name on them on his sub stack.
That told me immediately Berenson was controlled op.
Berenson called Dr. Malone a liar and a fraud to his face on Fox News,
He is dead to me. Forever. No matter what he says now.
1) If he’s vaxxed, he’s lost his ability to think the same way he did before. I myself have observed that in multiple people, so even if he was discerning and smart before, he may not be now
2) He’s parroting the same bullshit the the leftists parrot about a medicine that HUGE populations of people took successfully against Covid, which he clearly doesn’t know much about, as proven by:
3) He states “If the drug works, it’ll work even if the dosing schedule isn’t exactly what you think it should be.” Like INSULIN does, right? Whether you need it or not, or whether your blood sugar is low right now, or not? Like that? TIMING MATTERS IN MEDICINE, DUMBASS
This guy is a dunce.
Is he a doctor or a useful idiot?
Heard that BS the other day. Very narrow minded if he is indeed being genuine. I suspect not. After that and what he did to Dr. Malone, I’m done with him.
Dan Scavino tweet:
Love my President
I’d like to hear what he was really playing. It wasn’t “O Canada.”
Found it:
Holly shit. Get a sense of humor.
Get some curiosity!
He should have played “Chopsticks”
It was over two seconds in.
bu/ac (@buperac) Tweeted:
185-151 in favour of the Emergency Measures Act. It has to pass in the Senate as well.
If this happens, everyone should focus on their provinces most likely. Understand it’s a Union of Colonies & not a Confederation, therefore the Rogue Gov’t has no power over the provinces.
That’s not good.
Well, I guess Lake Moraine will have to wait until I leave this life. I always hope that if/once I make it through purgation I can become an orb that can that can travel at will. With whales, or geese, or over Lake Moraine. I am simply speechless.
Yup. Just scratched from my Bucket List, driving WA to AK, via Canada.
Very important video from a Canadian War Veteran.
Removed under duress..
Is it this one from Dr. Vernon Coleman, We Are The Resistance and We Will Win .. ?
The video you posted was no longer available to view ..
This is good. Great actually since we’ve not had him before here as I remember which means we’ve been in great company without even realizing such.
Shared TY
Must of been good. It’s already been taken down.
So, if the Canadian Senate passes this “Emergency Prop-up Turdeau’s Tiny Penis Act,” we will have a Communist dictatorship on our northern border.
Will we treat Canadian refugees like Cubans, and refuse to let them in? Inquiring Montanans want to know!
I would have never believed I would live to see such shit as the last two years has produced. The world I have known is just shattering into pieces.
Amazing times. But I think Biden and WEF are self-destructing now. The trick is when to begin helping in earnest.
“Emergency Prop-up Turdeau’s Tiny Penis Act”
Ha ha ha! Well said, Aubergine.
I remember JT being referred to as “the Preening Charlatan”.
I always thought that was an apt description
Speaker of the house deflects question on who in the cabinet has ties to Schwab
This is just ugly. They know we’re onto the WEF infiltration strategy, and they just act like it’s not happening. It’s angering to anybody who is intellectually honest.
Exclusive interviews with Cdn truckers
Former Fox News Commentator and Democrat Strategist Bob Beckel Dead at 73
No word on cause of death.
Yep, Bob was less than a decent person. A conniver, deceiver and spinner. No talent, crooked jerk, Bye bye Bob and good luck in your after life, the time you spent preparing for it here isn’t going to earn you any favors there.
Jordan Petersen with Rex Murphy discussing the events in Canada
Thank you for posting this. It is the clearest and most thorough explanation of what has been happening in Canada that I have heard. I am not Canadian and now I have a much better understanding of what the Canadians are dealing with.
Excellent ! back and forth with two great minds
Well worth the time to watch.