Dear KAG: 20220223 Open Thread

Even in the wild, the kids have to be trained well.

Okay, let’s see what we’ve got.

Like anyone could actually understand what she is saying through leather.

It’s the details….

What a mess. I wonder…is this in the East Room or on the set across the street?

Title is “Perspective of an eighth grader” posted by a friend on FB

And for those of us on the fruited plain as we work our way toward spring….

Have a good day y’all.

(I don’t remember who brought this to a daily in the comments, but thanks.)

And, of course, the obligatory George Carlin:

Per the Boss:

And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:

Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone

Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.

Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.

Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there. The “Rescue Thread” is also over there. In the event a rendezvous of the tree is needed, please check it out, as well as the newest rescue venue.

Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.

One other vital note:

Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.


JAMES 4:13-17

13Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and get gain”; 14whereas you do not know about tomorrow. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. 15Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we shall live and we shall do this or that.” 16As it is, you boast in your arrogance. All such boasting is evil. 17Whoever knows what is right to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.

Do not be afraid to take a chance on peace, to teach peace, to live peace. Peace will be the last word of history” – St. Pope John Paul II

Holiness is this profound contact with God, becoming a friend of God: it is letting the Other work, the Only One who can really make the world both good and happy. — Benedict XVI

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.

Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, first responders and those working behind the scenes…and any and all people with family members in the hospital, COVID or not.

And…members of the QTree who no longer participate for one reason or another.

It is quite clear, as per Wolf’s message from July, that we are under spiritual attack. Building up a robust arsenal of prayer and discipline is a must in fighting the enemy and his minions.

In that spirit, the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel from Tuesday’s threads, and the Breastplate of St. Patrick, not to mention the Litany of Humility are favorites recommended by exorcists in spiritual warfare.

Russell Brand might be an idiot, but on this video, he’s great. (No new JP as of this writing/scheduling.)

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Manual release. Not unexpected. Carry on!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ll deal with it eventually. No worries.


If you don’t stop using that phrase, this site is going to be ‘Safe Family’ blocked or else it will be shifted to .xxx


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


“Jack Hoffmeister. Mr. Jack Hoffmeister. Please report promptly to the front ticket counter. Your courtesy ride is here. Mr. Jack Hoffmeister.”

“Lesko Brandon. Mr. Lesko Brandon. Please meet your wife in the baggage claim area. Mr. Lesko Brandon.”


Yikes! 😂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m in an “Airplane” mood! 😆


Picked a helluva day to quit amphetamines, did ya?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image


That’s the spirit.  😂 



Now I know what day it is.


Ha Ha !  😂 


As long as you keep making consistent progress figuring out days of the week, we’ll soon send you a PETA calendar as a reward.


From 1997, no doubt….


The years don’t matter; they just keep shuffling the same 12 pinups.


With a h/t to the snowy states, 😃👍‼️ .. snowy camels, and they are mild ..

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Camel Day!!!

Bactrians, and perfect timing. It is colder than a witch’s… uh, never mind. Presently 0 F


Are you sure you turned the thermometer on?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Russell Brand is on fire. He sees very clearly that we’re self-censoring way more than we should be.



We need the Marx brothers in Congress, ..



BR crushes it again.
I found this quote very applicable, at 4:55:

“They want to know what we are talking about….
What they want is your information
What the government wants is control
What the corporate world want is money
What they both want is power
What neither of them care about is you”

“What is terror”, “Whatever the fk we say it is!”

He is way too effective. Look for him to get tamped down is some way, shape or form

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Something for the night crew to chew on..
Devolution 17
Hope it works. 😁

Last edited 3 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I depersonalized the link! (Meaning I removed the user token stuff after the page URL.)


TY !


This is very interesting. Once you get through all the weeds that Patel Patriot likes to wade through comes the whole point – Biden actually reauthorized the very EO that could take him and the whole swamp down, the one that involves seizing the assets of those involved in corruption or human rights abuses. Why would he do that if he or his handlers were really in charge?


It’s a race to label deplorables as corrupt before Durham indicts all the corrupticons.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Otreason decided to use it against US.

They’ll use it against TRUMP, too. THAT is why Letitia James, the commie bitch, is going after Trump in New York so hard. To give Biden a pretext to turn the tables on Trump.

Things are going to get very ugly.


Now that you mention it, suppose she indicts DJT and on the way to trial he gives her a witness list that has a couple dozen current or former IRS agents on it. As witnesses for the defense since he’s never been found to have played dirty games with his taxes.

When the judge tosses the case because the IRS gave him passing grades for decades, he’ll turn around and sue her for slander with actual malice.

Exhibit 1? Her campaign speech where she promised to nail DJT once she was elected AG. Yep, that little bit of politicking proves malice.

Q was right – these people are stupid.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I don’t trust the judicial system to deliver the level of honesty this scenario requires – sadly.


Letitia James may be going after Trump as much as she can, but her theory is wildly flawed. If you are in business, and have fixed assets, it is completely normal to keep track of over a dozen valuations for each asset, particularly if you gained ownership of the asset in stages using contractual arrangements.

What’s more, if you consistently used one value, you’d be in violation of numerous laws, regulations, and contractual arrangements.

Every time Letitia gets on her high horse and shouts “he claimed $XX to YY, and $AA to BB!!!!!”, it further convinces me that she is a complete idiot.


She a ‘sock puppet’ with her handler’s HAND up her …. 😖 yuk .. and she uncouth/obnoxious, stupid and unfortunately audible.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I agree – she’s an idiot – a complete idiot – a corrupt idiot – and we’re not supposed to call her one because she’s blucking fack.


Yeah, well, “scin kolor” is irrelevant to me, so I’m calling her whatever the hell I want!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Amen! Gloves off!


Not long ago, I was cleaning out old research files, and I came across a few news clippings on Donald Trump. Not sure why I was collecting them, but I was researching development projects and I saw some relevance at the time.

The clippings were about existing investigations into claims that he’d made about the valuation of his properties. This was roughly 1989ish. (He was in the process of divorcing Ivana.) The investigations didn’t go anywhere then, I doubt they will now.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You are so right. This is why we have to be prepared. These bastards are going to January Sixth us one way or the other.

Biden and Osatan have to be looking at Canada right now with ENVY.


How about Random Nuisance? He’s gotta be thinking, “that could be me!!!”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, that boy. SMARM defined.


Not just the Deplorables. As was seen in Canada last week, it would also be applicable to anyone else who gets that label: Do something we didn’t like that you did, never mind that it was legal at the time, and we’ll turn off your bank accounts. No violence required.

The narrative shift of the January 6 buffalo-jump was like a prototype or proof-of-concept, and its relative success in propagating unfounded and severe accusations has opened the field for more of the same.

Now there is the «Peoples’ Convoy» which may or may not contain elements of astroturf. It is referenced further down, but is relevant here. Unless the organizers have sufficient purpose and stamina and some kind of meaningful exit strategy, it may likely be another buffalo-jump event.

Just look at the name of the campaign… previous «People’s something-or-other» have not inspired much confidence in this particular sceptical cat.

Still, I would not mind having to eat crow on this.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Big amen!!!


“The narrative shift of the January 6 buffalo-jump was like a prototype or proof-of-concept, and its relative success in propagating unfounded and severe accusations has opened the field for more of the same.”
Use discernment here
BOLO for the Buffalo jump !!
Their “extremists” narrative Pattern is being constructed !


Biden doesn’t control his bowel movements and his handlers manage his diapers.
the real players are, slowly , moving out of the shadows


Dawsonsfield has long postulated that corrupt money has been lured/ facilitated into US real estate and assets- where it can be readily seized.
there are an awful lot of banks , lawyers, accountancy firms who are now flipped.
to kill the swamp denizens you have to drain their lifeblood- money and their means of moving it out of LE reach.
we are now at that point


From late yesterdays thread a view at the Ukraine issue from Germany
from the Caspian Report

Cuppa Covfefe

And my reply about the greens, who have effectively taken over the country, despite being only third-place in total votes (!):

Percentages show a tainted picture; one sees that the wheeling and dealing produced a corrupt(ed) government. And the CDU/CSU have no part in it !!! Talk about the tail wagging the dog!

SPD              25,7
CDU/CSU     24.1
Greens         14.8
FDP              11.5
AfD               10.3
Die Linke       4,9 
Others           6,7

The Greens are hell-bent on de-industrializing Germany, and destroying families. They are the ones who are against NordStream2, no-one else is… and since they gained (somehow) more seats in the last general election, and with Baerbock (WEF) and Habeck (also WEF, IIRC) effectively in charge (Scholz is just a figurehead, and a blockhead, at that), it’s all green from here on out. Shutting down all nuclear reactors, all coal-fired electrical plants, and all natural gas fired plants, which leaves bird-choppers, solar, a very few hydro and bio-gas installations, and unicorn farts and pixie dust.

Our gas and electric rates just went up around 20 percent!!! 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡

Large businesses and those using a lot of energy are looking to leave Germany. Many medium and smaller businesses, in particular mom-and-pop shops, have failed.
And with NordStream2 offline or unapproved, the greens have even more ammo for keeping natgas power plants offline…

Politically, Germany has been aligned with Russia (despite WWII), most likely due to Gerhard “I never met a lie I didn’t say” Schröder. Merde-Kuh, in the last year of her destruction of the middle class, started to cozy up to China, as “Winnie” has been making overtures of trade concessions, etc.

On the other hand, there’s little help we could actually give to the Ukraine. When von der Leyen was defense ministerin, she all but destroyed the military. Training, equipment (including planes, helicopters, subs, boats, clothing, etc.) and over-all readiness is probably at an all-time low, both in quality and endurance.

Add to that our dependence on Russian gas, since Norway and others with North Sea resources have turned off the taps, and there’s no reasonable alternative.

No nukes is bad news. And losing coal and gas could very well ruin Germany, especially if it gets colder, which is how the quiet sun seems to be headed…


I’m thinking the whole thing is looking more and more like schwabs variation of Cabals ‘lets see you and him fight’, see who pays for WEF/ EU and germany’s long range lead role in the global warming go green economic scam

‘Let’s see you and him pay for it’..
It sure is curious germany positions itself too weak to be a player in ukraine issue (no threat) until the last second, Yet plans to play such a large part in ‘muh global warming’ revolution.
schwab and the nazi’s been sandbagging.
My guess schwab has germanys political parties bought just like canada’s. just as china has the US for that matter.
Some one has to pay for it right?
The Nazi’s are still in control.


Yeah but they don’t get to strut around in those great looking uniforms. Be a lot easier to rouse the rabble (peons) if they did.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Justin Trudeau / Acuitas Pharmaceuticals thing is very interesting.

For starters, that tweet is GONE. So don’t delete it or edit it – the TEXT is still there in the article, but if you edit it, it will vanish:

💉 Trudeau’s family foundation owns 40% of Acuitas Therapeutics which makes mechanic lipids for Pfizer
— Joni Job (@jj_talking) February 22, 2022

Just one thing up front – Malone was talking about CATIONIC lipids – not MECHANIC lipids. That error has crept into a lot of the discussion because of a bad recording and bad transcript.

Now – it’s very likely that this tweet was forced into deletion on Twitter because fact checkers say it’s wrong. However, It’s very weird – there is a LOT of fact-checker butthurt about this, so IMO there is a lot of truth NEARBY.

Trudeau is definitely compromised on this, even if it’s not his family foundation that makes money. His socialist government DOES. David Martin goes into that aspect.

Robert Malone had initially mentioned that there was SPECULATION that Trudeau’s foundation was invested in Acuitas:

So IMO there is definitely more to this story, and the left is embarrassed about it. Trudeau is compromised on this stuff, I’m sure.


This headline made me smile:

Michael Bloomberg Warns Democrats They’re Headed For ‘November Wipeout’Besides the usual dire rhetoric about what a threat Repubs are to “our democracy,” Bloomberg thinks the recall of the school board members in San Francisco and the election upsets in Virgina and New Jersey bode ill for Dems unless they turn things around, fast. But GWP says it’s too late:

It really doesn’t matter what Democrats do at this point.

Voters are out of patience with them.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AHHHH – I can get into this!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very interesting. It’s quite lucid in many places, but dangerously crank in others.

Republicans are tolerant of election subversion? WTF!!! Bloomy is a NUT.

He’s got the left pegged right on what THEY’RE doing wrong – that’s for sure.

And now he’s WARNING them? Way to go, RINO BOY.


comment image


Has this been fact checked?





Putin did this, because he knows he can get away with this, since Biden is illegitimately occupying the WH. The incompetent idiot OHandlers of Biden, who wanted to distract from the domestic problems, gave Putin the excuse.
Putin probably has the receipt by how much Biden stole the election.

Putin is Playing Biden like a Fiddle – American Thinker


Like a fiddle with two strings out of tune and one string broken.


So, if Patel Patriot is correct about devolution, does that mean PDT is allowing Putin to gain territory intentionally? Does that mean he is helping Russia gain strength economically while at the same time making it painful for Americans to fill their tanks and buy food due to rising costs before the midterms? Inquiring minds and all…


Trump is not a sitting Presided therefore it is a mood point.


You’ve got it.

The chief failure in understanding devolution (if it is indeed happening) is that Trump himself would have control of anything. He would not, in my opinion. The control would be in the hands of others, who may, in fact, have reasons for allowing Putin to gain control of Ukraine, and for doing all kinds of other things. We just don’t understand why they are allowing what they are, because we don’t have access to all the information they do.

IF, that is, devolution is a thing.


Amen 🙂


I’m okay with it if it causes the cabal regimes to collapse.


Ukraine is a cabal hotspot. It’s also critical strategic turf.
imma hoping the trump and Putin are doing a pincer movement on the whole cesspool there-which ties to every other cesspool worldwide.
cut off their access to corruptly moved $ and all escape routes.
there will be runners who, if they have the right dirt, may buy their lives with the lives of their overlords


This is pretty much where I am with the US Convoy thing.

I think the Canadian one may have been real. But suspicious cats and cthulhus are giving the US version several side-eyes.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, this chick has a good perspective!

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I want to know what they think they will accomplish. (I’m not even sure what the Canadian one has accomplished, except to draw attention to the tyranny.) It seems to me there should be a massive shut-down of transportation of goods. A convoy of trucks won’t accomplish that. It is looking like another trap. PDJT had better stay out of it 100%, as I believe he is doing, because they are looking for ways to keep him from holding office again. I think he is a major target in just about everything.


The Canadian one drew the WEFfies offsides.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN. Stopping Trump IS their greatest concern.


The trucker’s primary demand is the End of the ‘National Emergency’, which expires in March and, which Biden wants extended indefinitely

The last part is actually what everybody should be concerned about.
This illegitimate occupant wants to use the ‘Emergency’ to permanently install himself.(actually this would be Obunglehead)



“We the People of the United States, in Order to restore our once perfect Union, re-establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense of all, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty, do ordain and establish the restoration movement of The People’s Convoy for the United States of America.”




If the truckers are invaded by paid violent entities we could see a repeat of a Trudeau in the US. Our moron elected officials could be as dense as Canadian officials.
We will never see democracy again. I really like to know why they think they will make a change to what is going on? This trucker thing could backfire the way Jan 6 did and worse.
PS why are they doing this when it looks like we will win in fall 2022.
Ask who has something to gain?
Who has something to loose?
The answer is before us I think.

Last edited 3 years ago by singingsoul1

Most certainly the convoy will be infiltrated Jan 6 style.
But does not care. It’s the size of the convoy that matters.
If it’s huge, then it is a huge demonstration of the angst we have with the mandates and other things.
Bigger the better. BLM marched during the day and Antifa/BLM came out at night. No one on the left blamed BLM for any violence.
We just have to call them out early in that they will be trying to make the convoy look bad by Jan 6 style infiltration. We should say it often, with surety that this is what they will be doing. Call them out. Call them out. And Call them out every day while maintaining the peaceful mantra thing. To do less is to back down. This Convoy is likely going to snowball into something huge if it gets to any notable size. That means car convoys will likely join in. We all know that Congress, our Congress critters have agreed to come out of DC to to meet us. We only hang around until the vote in congress to continue the Covid Emergency Act then everyone goes home one way or the other. At least that’s the way I see it playing out.

The only thing I’d recommend is we are prepared with no touch/cut off and trap posse folk to trap and demask any thing that looks suspicious. Anything with a mask on his suspicious. If they won’t demask hold for police.
Cut off/Demask/Record/Document and carry on.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r

Can we get away with the trap story.

Just because they played us on January 6, does not mean they can do this easily again, since we are aware of this.
Are we now shying away from every protest, because it ‘might’ be infiltrated?
Isn’t this what the WeffenSS wants?

What do we want? Go back to our holes and cower, like we did all those decades before or are we going to fight them until they are gone.

Imagine what this Convey can do.. They can choke off the enemy cabal in DC, simply by blocking off the routes around DC, just leave a lane for emergency vehicles. They don’t even have to go into DC and they don’t plan to do this anyway.
How long will it take for these true useless eaters to realize how much they depend on people outside DC, the people they so arrogantly rule over.
They probably do what Castraue did, but this is will only harden the resolve to fight harder.
Remember we are the majority by far.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh I hear you. But if they try to do what Castreau did, like freezing accounts of people who made donations, or who simply showed up at peaceful protests, things will go bad here very quickly.

Not that I’m complaining about that. But people need to be ready.

In my opinion, that commie Mayorkas is already past the tipping point, calling us “terrorists”.


I hope I am wrong but if we do not learn from history we learned nothing.
I could be to much impacted by history.
I hope and pray I am wrong and US truckers need to do what they need too and all I can do watch.


Which is why they should publicly call for demonstrations in DC…..and show up in Baltimore. If they pull DC cops to Baltimore for assistance, THEN go to DC….or move elsewhere. The trick is to get them to fortify all cities while using a light force for occasional raids.

It’s been done before, with reasonable success…..


I have the suspicion that something is actually planned by the organizers of the convoy. They are only revealing some of the plans.

They will however bide by this rule:

The People’s Convoy ( OFFICIAL)

Forwarded from 


And for people who choose not to read the whole document read this.

The People’s Convoy will abide by agreements with local authorities, and terminate in the vicinity of the DC area, but will NOT be going into DC proper.

Link to official website:

Other accounts
Gab: The People’s Convoy (Official) / Group / Gab Social
Telegram: The People’s Convoy ( OFFICIAL) – Telegram
Facebook (if it will not be taken down):

USA ‘People’s Convoy’ Set to Roll: Biden ‘Fears the American People’ (

The trucker’s primary demand is the End of the ‘National Emergency’, which expires in March and, which Biden wants extended indefinitely


“We the People of the United States, in Order to restore our once perfect Union, re-establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense of all, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty, do ordain and establish the restoration movement of The People’s Convoy for the United States of America.”



Last edited 3 years ago by eilert
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is actually showing some smarts.




Jimmie Tsunami: “Royal Etiquette: Everyone Has to Walk Behind the Queen.”


Americans walk behind no one, but most certainly not behind anything you boot-lickers call ‘royalty’, Jimmay…

As an American, I have an obligation to my ancestors to never ceremonially walk behind anyone, much less anyone who owes their position and place to their ancestors murdering their way into power.

So you be ‘everyone’ and walk behind whoever you think your betters are, Jimmay.

And I’ll be American.


Jimmie: “No one ever walks in front of the Queen in public”


Ohh…. sorry…. the answer we were looking for to the question “Who walked in front of the queen, in public, like he owned the joint” is Trump did.

And it was glorious.


“As it turns out, that’s more than politeness. It’s actually a cardinal rule of royal etiquette,”


Then it must be very important to cardinals, and to anyone who has conned you into thinking they’re ‘royal’.


“and it all comes down to one very simple explanation: hierarchy. hierarchy:”


Then Trump got the hierarchy exactly right… so what are you going on about, Jimmay?

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

This song popped into my head

when looking at the photo of the “Queen” walking behind President Trump .. I just couldn’t help it .. 😬😑🙄 .. would love to know what she was thinking .. yes/no


It looked as if she was hurrying to catch up!


LOL … under her breath was a faint but adamant “dammit, shit shit shit, bloody rebel”


I think she was thinking “ooooh, how sexy! An alpha male! About time I got to see one!”


Yeah, they’re rare in the “family”


This right here is how I know you are my tribe, Scott!

I walk behind or bow down to no one on this Earth.


These people probably think Ukraine is bordering the US:

Jack Posobiec&nbspcomment image

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Last edited 3 years ago by eilert

A glimpse into the present from the past…..


What’s the difference between Canada and North Korea?

One country is a police state under the boot of a young tyrant scion of his father’s dynasty who brutally crushes opponents, free speech, and liberty, and the other is a country in Asia.

h/t Solway, pjmedia


EXCLUSIVE: “CAPITOL POLICE TRIED TO MURDER ME!” January 6th Viral Victim Who Was Pushed Off Second Story Ledge by Police Speaks Out, Announces LAWSUIT! (



On January 6th, Vargo was seen in multiple videos being taken away on a makeshift stretcher made of a steel gate, unconscious and presumed by many to be dead. 

comment imageDerrick Vargo seen on Jan. 6 being carried out on a gate makeshift stretcher, presumed by many to be dead.

“I was walking to the Capitol and it was really peaceful,” said Vargo as he carefully recollected the day before his fall. “I bought a Trump flag from a vendor on the street on the way to the Capitol for like twenty, twenty five bucks. When I walked up there to the Capitol with everybody else, I start noticing, you know, they (the police) started throwing these pepper stray grenades and the gates are gone, and I was just kinda lookin’ around like what’s going on…and I walk up there and one of the guys had climbed up a white about three or four story makeshift building and he was waving the  American flag and I was like ‘wowwweee, I thought that was awesome’. So I had my Trump flag and decided I wanted to go up the side of the steps. I didn’t want to get in any confrontation, ‘cuz just wanted to wave my Trump flag like the guy did with the American flag…that was very inspiring.”

Vargo said he was so moved by the American flag that he decided in a split second to attempt to climb the wall to wave his Trump flag in tandem, and being athletic did not see it as a big deal as many others were also seemingly climbing the wall with no problems. 

“I was psyched,” he said. “I thought it was pretty harmless.” 

That’s when Vargo ran right into a group of Capitol Police officers waiting for him at the top of the wall.

“I remember they sprayed me with pepper spray and I was like ‘ok I want to wave my Trump flag I don’t wanna die, this isn’t worth it let me turn around and climb back down’,” said Vargo. “That’s when I saw two big hands reach towards me and forcefully and intentionally shove me off the wall. He shoved me hard. I remember the fall and thinking on the way down ‘this is it- I’m gonna die’. Then I blacked out. The only reason I am alive today is because of God. There is no other reason.”

Vargo’s fall was recorded by numerous members of the crowd and sparked outrage amongst his fellow supporters- many in disbelief that police has thrown a non-threatening protester from a wall. Videos taken directly after his push show riled up Capitol Police egging on more protesters to come up the wall and fight them.

According to a retired NYPD Sargeant Bill Carberry, this is NOT normal protocol. When asked for a comment on the Derrick Vargo incident Carberry said this:

“As retired Sergeant with the NYPD I can unequivocally state the what I saw in the video clip of Derrick Vargo is NOT proper Police procedure. At the very least it is assault and the officer involved should be held responsible.”

Another former NYPD officer who asked to remain unanimous told us “I was there on January 6th. There was nothing normal about police behavior that day. I question whose authority Capitol Police were acting under. The safety of the protesters didn’t seem to be a top priority to the point where it seemed police there were actually agitating rally-goers.”

Eyewitnesses to the assault were recorded that day. “They f-ing pushed him!” was the pure reaction of one witness. “A guy was climbing up the stairs trying to exit back down and a cop in blue and black pushed him with both hands,” said another.

This is the video of the push by the police:

Rumble — Derrick Vargo was thrown violently from a high wall on January 6th, 2021 by a still unidentified Capitol Police Officer. This was one of many brutal attacks that day on civilians by police.
Man Thrown off a Wall by Capitol Police on January 6th (



Were are these National Guard troops going to deploy, when the convoy is not even entering DC or are these troops part of the planned false flags everyone is expecting?


Doesn’t matter much where they deploy.

It IS all narrative for Pravda News. In FULL SUPPORT of ButeMe, Cry’n Chuckster and Piglosi.

AND, Ted Cruz, Ms Lindsey, Pierre DeLecto…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Operation Save The RINOs. They want to make RINOs looked sensible. “Safety”. Then psychologically transfer to masks. China is manipulating our military better than our military is manipulating our military.


How high can a Buffalo 🦬 … jump … looks like another sucker punch is waiting in the wings …

Barb Meier

Today I read that the convoy is going to stop at Hagerstown MD which is 73 miles from DC. How far is that from Camp David? 13.5 miles. How far to Delaware? 147.58 miles.


Meanwhile, Under the Radar, Congress Is Going to Vote on Biden Extending COVID-19 National Emergency – The Last Refuge (

Meanwhile, Under the Radar, Congress Is Going to Vote on Biden Extending COVID-19 National Emergency

February 22, 2022 | Sundance | 220 Comments

Last Friday night, the White House quietly submitted their notification to congress that Joe Biden intends to extend the national state of emergency around COVID-19. [LINK HERE] The extension provides the U.S. government with more unilateral authority and emergency power.

U.S. Senator Roger Marshall (R-KS) has introduced legislation seeking an end to the national emergency declaration.

TODAY – The bill would revoke many of the federal government’s extended powers regarding the pandemic, Fox News reported, adding that Congress has the duty to determine whether an emergency under the National Emergencies Act should be extended, but, to date, has mostly abdicated its role to the executive branch.

Marshall told Fox News Digital:

With COVID cases and hospitalizations on the decline, 94 percent of Americans having immunity to COVID, mask mandates falling by the wayside, and 70 percent of Americans agreeing ‘it’s time we accept that COVID is here to stay’ and that ‘we just need to get on with our lives,’ it’s clear we need a new approach to COVID as we learn to live with it.

“That new approach starts with putting an end to the COVID national state of emergency,” the senator added. (read more)

Last edited 3 years ago by eilert
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Dems and China will fight this with every tool they have.


Good post. Folks would be wise to read this history and realize this is not our fight. Of course Soetoro and Xiden want to be in it – the opposite of what is good for America. it’s what they do.


I’m confident it will catch up to these two dark POS’s …. eternity will be HELL, literally, thank God


The guy that grabs the fist are every citizen of the USA 🇺🇸 who embraces this magnificent country whose belief is founded on God.


Good article, nato and are just trouble makers, would be better done away with imho.


…. 🙂👍❤️❤️🇺🇸❤️‼️ .. awesome 😎 … top to bottom, thanks DP🌺🌸💐🌸🌺🌹🍄



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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.


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Random thoughts and reminders…

We have an older neighbor friend with co-morbidities who is fully jabbed who now has COVID and is in ICU. Congestive heart failure during the event. Trying the respirator, but may end up on a vent. Not looking good at the moment. A classic COVID case of adding to the depopulation rolls. An added problem is his wife is well into Dementia, so hard choices coming for her by the family even if her husband survives. Most likely she will go to the memory care unit at a local assisted living center. Fortunately, she is at the point she has not yet noticed her husband is not around, which is both a blessing and a curse. Prayers appreciated.

Ukraine/Russia is the talking point to deflect from what Americans really care about.

Will be watching closely with the Convoy. If handled correctly it can send the right message and galvanize the common man for the fight ahead. But expect FIB, mercenary operatives and even the clowns to be out in force trying to undermine and detour its purpose.

Which leads to know your neighbor. I mean to really know your neighbor. 17 told us – infiltration.

It should be a bloodbath in the midterms. However – Dominion, leftist corruption, etc. – who really knows? Well – all of us. If we don’t participate, we cannot observe, call out corruption and influence what happens.

The legacy media is a major enemy of We the People and has been going back well before Walter Cronkite and the Evening News. Good for opposition research only.

Keep up the good fight.


I’m so sorry about your neighbors. 🙏 These stories are playing out everywhere.


Thanks. They really are. It’s disheartening to see people you know and care for fall for these evil traps and know there is nothing you can do to prevent it. I guess the Lord knows that feeling better than any of us in so many ways.


Still praying for your situation.

We have been able to keep our children and grandchildren free of it. But siblings on both sides of our families have fallen for it. Fortunately, it appears their adult children have said “Aw, Hail No” to the jabs, totally support the truckers, fully back Trump, etc. I take that as a good sign of hope.


My wife and I are the only hold outs on my side other than an aunt and uncle. Her parents and a brother on her side.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Just look at ancient Israel, and the Churches mentioned in Revelation.

Matthew 23:37:
37 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!


It can be difficult in more transitory areas. When I lived in Ohio for a time it was that way in the metros, but more relaxed in the burbs and rural areas. It’s a lot easier here in the southeast.


❤️ .. 🙂👍


This is a good explanation of the reason for Vaccine Hesitancy /Trump / Maga for the those in the bubble created by the ruling class:

You’re struggling to understand why some people are vaccine hesitant, TRIGGERnometry co-host Konstantin Kisin explains.


I’d add to that computer modelers.


Allowing folks like this to slip away quietly is part of the FF war distraction….



Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

Somehow that miserable evil murderer has to be chipped … 😈




Love it. Everyone should read, though we’re well aware of the pouch thing or using a tin for phones and the like. Meanwhile as he pointed out the tech is certainly more developed now. People suspecting tags in the vax are likely not wrong to thinking so. Might even be self assembling tags and ones that are not just passively relaying information but possibly capable of activating a new activity amidst the user/carrier with the proper signal without their notice or permissions. My thoughts anyway.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great link!!!


Nahhh… he’s still out there squeaking but his nonsensical world just got smaller and no longer intersects with ours. 😎


Yeah .. 😞☹️ .. I know .. 😣🤚


The Vigilant Fox 🦊 (@VigilantFox) Tweeted:
Witnesses can attest that military personnel didn’t receive a licensed COVID vaccine. Instead, they got the EUA product with a Comirnaty label on it.

“Alternative: Provide “Comirnaty”-labeled vaccine”

It is illegal to force US soldiers to receive an unlicensed product.


I thought the European vaccine was licensed ? The US one was not.


That’s where I’m at. Seems backward. Oh well, no time to analyze, moving on.




I dont know.


Seems like kind of an important detail for Brandon to leave out of his presser…

Let’s see, who was the POTUS when that happened? Oh yeah…



The same countries who have gone commie against their own people; we are aligned with for this…

What could possibly go wrong?

It’s like all of this is planned or something. 🤔

Last edited 3 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Probably where Brandon’s brilliant joint chiefs get all of their intel about Russkie troop movements for their media propaganda. Like Putin would not already know…

Last edited 3 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Only dictators need to be protected from the masses.
Democracy does not need fences nor military to keep them safe.


Here’s the video from SD’s article on puppet master Chrystia Freeland. She’s literally saying the words with him, with gestures.


Maybe he has an ear piece and she feeds it to him as he speaks? Funnier things have happen.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Were there is easy money the fraudsters are close behind:

Top Republican: Biden engaging in ‘cover-up’ of massive pandemic relief fraud | Just The News


Brady noted that lawmakers still “don’t know how much of the taxpayers’ dime has been lost to fraud.” 

“At the low end, the White House estimates nearly $80 billion has been lost to fraud last year, but outside experts put that number much higher, estimating that criminal fraudsters have stolen $400 billion from American taxpayers — that’s half of all the COVID unemployment aid,” he said. “And put another way, $400 billion is more than the entire 2021 budgets of the Army and the Navy combined. And yet Democrats have the nerve to say that Americans need to pay more in taxes.”




Dinesh D’Souza



Yes, Putin is a thug but he’s someone else’s menace, not ours. Merrick Garland poses a greater danger to your life and security than Putin. Who is more likely to send armed thugs to your house, humiliate you in front of your family, and lock you up for months without trial?

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Canadian Guest

Hope you can access this. A four minute video by a Canadian trucker on what happened and what’s next.

Posted yesterday, Fen 22




Timely message. Worth a listen.


Great message. Sad a guy like this will now disappear into the back country but he left us with some rather solid words of wisdom very useful for times such as these.


I didn’t realize what an influential role this man played in our Revolutionary War. 

On this day in American history, February 23, 1778Baron Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben arrived at Valley Forge. Born in Prussia…

…he joined the army at 17 and saw extensive service during the Seven Years War in battles with Russia and Austria, during which he rose to captain and was made a personal aide to Frederick the Great.

When this war ended, the military was downsized and Von Steuben was let go. He took a job overseeing the household of the Prince of Hohenzollern-Hechingen, but continued to look for employment with foreign armies. He eventually became acquainted with the French Minister of War, who, in the 1770s was involved with France’s secret funding of the American Revolution.

The minister realized Von Steuben’s extensive knowledge of Prussian military techniques could be of great help to the Americans, so he recommended him to Ben Franklin and Silas Deane, the American ambassadors in Paris, who then recommended him to George Washington.

Baron von Steuben arrived in America in late 1777 and offered to serve in the army free of pay. By February, 1778, Congress sent word that he should join Washington at Valley Forge and he arrived there on the 23rd. George Washington was impressed with Von Steuben’s experience and knowledge and made him acting inspector-general. Von Steuben was horrified at the unsanitary conditions of the camp and immediately re-organized it with kitchens and latrines far from each other and with latrines on downhill slopes. He also introduced a thorough inventory system that reduced waste and fraud.

His most important contribution though, was in training the soldiers in proper battle techniques. He started with a group of 100 men and trained them efficiently how to march in tandem, fire effectively, reload their weapons more quickly and use the bayonet efficiently, training them over and over in military drills that started early in the morning. After the first 100 men were trained, they trained others who then trained others. Within weeks, the Continental Army was transformed from a group of farmers with varying levels of skills and training, into a formidable fighting force.

Washington was so impressed with the change in the troops that he made Von Steuben the permanent Inspector-General with a rank of Major-General. During the Battle of Monmouth, which was the first major battle after the winter at Valley Forge, Von Steuben’s techniques were proved when the army successfully fought the British toe to toe.

Von Steuben then prepared Regulations for the Order and Discipline of the Troops of the United States, a training and organizational guide which was used by the US army until the War of 1812. Von Steuben became one of Washington’s top aides and was finally given his own troops to command. He was sent to the southern theatre to assist General Nathanael Greene and was present at the surrender of General Cornwallis at Yorktown. For his contributions, Baron von Steuben was considered a military hero and was awarded with some large tracts of land and homes in several states. He died at his home in upstate New York in 1794.


Dinesh D’Souza  had an interview with Devin Nunes about Truth Socialand the Apple IPhone rollout.
The next plan is to release a Progressive Web App (basically a Web Site App you can install as an app on your computer or any other platform like Android phone) in the next weeks and after that, if they can work with Google an Android app.
The goal is to be fully operational by end of March.

The servers the platform is running on are Rumble servers, including the Rumble videos.
Also Rumble, which is a Canadian company will move to the US.

Rumble — Truth Social CEO Devin Nunes reveals what’s happening on the new platform and what we can expect next.

Truth Social Has Arrived – What’s Next? (

Last edited 3 years ago by eilert

Yesterday I posted links to an eye opening case study on the construction of the Wuhan P4. Lots of red flags regarding the safety of the lab, and its delivery timeline, imo.

So many flags that I’ve begun to doubt that there was a functional P4 at WIV at all.

The report talks about the designers and the contractors. The case study reports plans for (4) P4’s in China, 3 of which are built, and 3 of the 4 involve the same builders of the Wuhan lab. (If the design builders couldn’t get it right at WIV, I doubt that they figured it out at their 2 other planned labs.)

Where was Daszak’s actual lab that was delivering research since 2014?

Where was the lab that met NIH standards to allow NIH funding?

Here’s a link to the case study:

Follow the links embedded for further detail of the apparent sh*t show, imo, that was the design build of the WIV P4 lab.


I work in ABSL-2’s from time to time. It is a delicate balancing act to commission the hvac systems for them. We had to redesign the control system for one new lab a few years back that did not meet spec. We had to get it done in a short amount of time to get it certified for use. Precision work with room pressures to be able to maintain specific air temperatures and relative humidity levels. Can’t imagine BSL-4’s…😦


GWP: BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Roger Stone Sues Adam Schiff and the Jan 6 Committee

I just hung up with my lawyer. I instructed him to file a lawsuit against the January 6th Committee. It’s time that someone put an end to this fishing expedition and witch hunt.

I took this action because the illegally constituted January 6th Committee egged-on by Congressman Adam Schiff has issued a Subpoena for all of my cell phone records despite the lack of any evidence that I was involved in any way in the tragic events of January 6th!

As I have made clear, I was not at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th and have no advance knowledge whatsoever of the illegal and tragic events that day. Sadly, those who chose to enter the Capitol actually derailed a legitimate legal effort to delay the certification of the Presidential election for 10 days so that the record number of irregularities and anomalies in the vote in Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Nevada could be more closely examined.

Stone appeared before the J6 committee weeks ago…

…but invoked my 5th amendment right not to answer their loaded and politically motivated questions- not because I’ve done anything wrong or because I have any particular knowledge regarding January 6th- but because I have extensive first-hand experience with the house Democrats practice of taking irrelevant, immaterial, and innocuous statements made under oath and twisting them into a crime.

Now, the January 6th Committee has issued a subpoena to my cell phone carrier, AT&T, requiring them to turn over all of my cell phone records for November, December, and January.

While I have nothing to hide, it is obvious that this is a fishing expedition. It was obvious to me from the questions I was asked before the committee that the Democrats are desperate to find some charge that would have the effect of eliminating President Donald Trump as a candidate in 2024.

🚨🚨🚨 Bingo!

To tell you the truth, because my legal defense fund is already financing my defense in SIX baseless, groundless, harassment civil suits filed by Democrats and other leftist misfits, there simply isn’t enough cash on hand to pay the lawyers who filed the lawsuit late last night. Patriots who want to help me can go to

As you may have heard, only days ago we learned that my wife’s case of stage 4 cancer is fully in remission. I chalk my wife’s stunning cancer diagnosis up to the two years of relentless stress and pressure of being smeared, bankrupted, and framed by Robert Mueller and his thugs. It is only through the healing power of Jesus Christ that my wife Nydia has had her health restored!


This was taken down by youtube….so when I posted it here yesterday, it could not be accessed…Trying it again


Tried it again…a friend sent it to me -it’s a facebook post (Pat King’s facebook). I am not on facebook, but was able to see watch it again…posted the facebook link, but …it’s not posting, only the text of my comment posts.


Still trying- this is another link to the Calgary Police officer speaking out again. It’s on PatKing’s facebook page. But if you scroll down, you will see related videos, and the one that I’ve been trying to post of the army veteran speaking.

Last edited 3 years ago by geneticallycatholic

Both seemed to play well. Great talk. Corporals in the Canadian Military are ranks held by those seeking no greater glory. Life time experts in what they do. Much respect. Had the opportunity to train with the 4th Para Regiment. Great people, especially the corporals.


Playing fetch with a Beluga Whale


I just heard on Jay Seculow that Russia is going in 48 hours invade Ukraine.

Last edited 3 years ago by singingsoul1

Seems to be the prevailing thought.

Not meant as sarcasm. Likes of me don’t care. RUSSIA has been the Deep State SKEER line of crap for SIX PLUS years. I am NOT FALLING for it.

Ukraine IS a cesspool of corruption, thanks in part to corrupt US politicians AND government officials.

The US has no strategic reason to defend Ukraine. Even IF Ukraine were in NATO, I couldn’t care about Ukraine / Russia issues.

The US has dozens of major internal issues that need attention. Includes southern border, fossil fuel sector being destroyed, which includes sector jobs. Covidiocy. Woke military. Economy cratering. On and on.

Next up CCP waltzing into Taiwan. I do care about Taiwan, IT IS A CCP/TAIWAN ISSUE.

The US IS swirling the bowl. Distractions NOT helpful.


I agree with you fully.
This is also a distraction what Trudeau has done and distraction what Biden is doing. Also the truckers are coming. These clowns set firer and do not know how to control it or how to put it out.




What an evil man and all those who are with him and support his crazy fantasies. Hitler had fantasies also and look what happened. People like Schwab should not be allowed to walk freely. I am beside myself when I hear that man , look at him. He is 80 plus years to late it is don over with . The experiment is a stain and a crime against humanity.


“The next crisis, is a climate crisis.”

And we know exactly who is responsible:

27. 110% overload operation!
Wuhan Han's Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd

Wuhan First Hospital's "Nissan Nissin" Escalation War

— Billy Bostickson 🏴👁&👁 🆓 (@BillyBostickson) December 5, 2020


He must mean “the next manufactured crisis,” because there is no climate crisis.

Cuppa Covfefe

Blofeld… all that’s missing is the cat.

And Schwab probably killed and ate it (or maybe didn’t even kill it first)…..

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Thank you for all you do DePat !


Ignorance is bliss .. 😑

The stupid is strong in this one ..


Has anyone heard of, or dug into the COVID origin papers of the Biosciences Resource Project? (Gail?, Wolf?)

One of the principals of this organization is a signatory to this letter calling for an end to GoF research:

Here is the English version (original) of the just released Hamburg Declaration on High-Risk Gain-of-Function research:

— Gilles Demaneuf (@gdemaneuf) February 22, 2022

Here’s a link to the org’s website and it’s publications:

They published a theory of a lab origin of covid passages thru the Mojiang miners, as early as June 2020. (They also have the translated thesis of the doctor that treated the miners, with a link to the document posted in their papers.)

They theorize that the origin was the Mojiang mine, passaged thru long COVID miners, no lab modification necessary, but not precluded. They believe the virus escaped the lab in Wuhan possibly via the blood and tissue samples collected from the sick miners, and taken to WIV.

(Might explain the release of a fully developed virus in the suspected absence, imo, of a functional lab. But then again, maybe the fully functional bioweapons lab was in the Yunnan mine all along.)

Here’s a video of the PI. About :28 mins. in he briefly discussed the construction issues of the WIV P4, and quickly changes the subject:

Call me suspicious, but I think that this person’s CV glows. Would love other’s thoughts…..


He’s cabal.
fo sho


Limited hangout?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – and very similar to DRASTIC, IMO. They want it – they DESPERATELY want it – not to be an [intentional release + intentional psy-op] or [reframing of accidental release as an intentional psy-op], but rather [accidental release]….. and particularly one which gives the bidenoids cover to fund Chinese labs.

The whole thing is a perception war.

My position is simple. If BSL4 labs cannot maintain biological radio silence on this planet, then they all must be destroyed.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Indeed, that would be a great “evolutionary pressure” on human intelligence. Any bio lab that leaks a pathogen must be destroyed.

Watch how fast this shit stops.


What can’t stop is their destruction for having done it.


Odd. Don’t think I posted the Marx Bros, lol. Trying again:


Here’s a report of their Mojiang miners passage theory in the NY Post in August 2020:


Was GoF research being conducted on coronaviruses?

A: Yes.

Was that research outlawed?

A: Yes.

In the wake of millions of deaths….from shattered national economies, decimated small businesses (to the gain of massive corporations, unprecedented censorship and blacklisting of news and opinion by the same Wall St. networks of financial interests that also own those news media assets)….which is to say to the massive detriment of the all-important America middle class….stolen national elections (worldwide, in the US and Canada, to name two), the looting of nation’s treasuries “in the name of safety and health”, to preventing families from saying good-bye to dying loved ones….putting our children’s live and futures at risk, etc., etc., etc., etc….

… the outlaws have every reason and motive to do everything they can to convince the world that their illegal GoF research had nothing whatsoever to do with the COVID (manufactured) “crisis”???

Do we have Chinese scientists, who worked at the Wuhan lab, who testify that COVID19 came from inside said lab?

Who funded that research, at least in part?

Was that research conducted with the participation of a nation that was politically and ideologically opposed to the Constitution of the United States? A nation which our own corporate and political leadership enriched beyond historical comparison while knowing our respective armies were, are now, and would be enemies??


The reader should back to question #1, and quickly reread this.

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



With the global death toll from Covid-19 approaching 6 million, the need to understand the origins of the pandemic is both pressing and grave. But the National Institutes of Health continues to withhold critical documents that could shed light on this question.

The Intercept filed a Freedom of Information Act request in September 2020 for grants the NIH provided to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. At the time, only summaries of the research were publicly available. The NIH initially refused to provide the documents. It was only after The Intercept successfully sued the federal agency and it was ordered to provide over 14,000 pages of relevant materials. (….in regular releases of specified quantity

(In it’s latest release), the NIH sent The Intercept 292 (of 314 total in this release) fully redacted pages rather than substantive material that could help us understand how the virus first came to infect humans.

Some of these releases have proven newsworthy.

The grant proposals received in an initial batch of documents in September revealed that scientists working under the grant in Wuhan were engaged in what most knowledgeable experts we consulted described as gain-of-function experiments, in which scientists created mutant bat coronaviruses and used them to infect “humanized mice.” The mutant viruses proved more pathogenic and transmissible in the mice than the original viruses. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, lied to the US Congress that the U.S. had funded gain-of-function work in Wuhan.

(A previous release of documents showed a) grant proposal from EcoHealth Alliance clarified the extent to which ongoing work now funded by the U.S. government is similar to the work under the now-suspended bat coronavirus grant that has raised so many biosafety red flags and questions.

We also learned that in 2020 the FBI sought documents related to the U.S.-funded coronavirus research in Wuhan.

But the most recent batch of documents, which the NIH sent The Intercept on Tuesday, underscores an ongoing lack of transparency at the agency.

Even as members of Congress and scientists call for additional information that could shed light on the origins of the pandemic, 292 of 314 pages — more than 90 percent of the current release — were completely redacted. Besides a big gray rectangle that obscures any meaningful text, the pages show only a date, page number, and the NIAID logo. The remaining pages also contain significant redactions.



This gun is smoking so bad it’s made out of incense. 🤨


Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

Oh, and look here!

Right at the same time this happened….


CDC Decides To Withhold Coronavirus Information 


The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is reportedly withholding key data related to the Chinese coronavirus over fears of misinterpretation.

Throughout the pandemic, the federal health agency has withheld a mountain of data, publishing what the New York Times described as “only a tiny fraction of the data it has collected, several people familiar with the data said.” This became even more evident when the CDC released data on booster shots, failing to provide fully detailed information for those ages 18-49 — and that is only one small example of the information withheld from the American people.

During a November 2021 appearance on Face the Nation, Dr. Anthony Fauci, President Biden’s chief medical adviser, admitted that the CDC was withholding data, specifically on breakthrough infections — infections occurring in vaccinated individuals.

“It’s a very complicated situation. And often the public doesn’t hear yet in time things that are being collected. So there’s a lot of data, clearly a lot of data, that’s being collected by the CDC that people don’t know about yet,” Fauci said at the time.

“But is there data being collected now in the United States about breakthrough infections that the public doesn’t know about?” Face the Nation’s Margaret Brennan asked.

“Yes, yes. Yes. The CDC is collecting data, yes,” Fauci confirmed.

“Beyond just health care workers, everyday people. You have an idea of what’s happening with breakthrough infections?” she pressed.

“I don’t have the data for you right now, that’s obviously- we’ll have to get the CDC to get us that,” Fauci responded.

The admission comes as doubt swirls around the trustworthiness of the CDC, which has been accused of “using science as political propaganda.”


Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry




Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

I thought his accent was a bit strange, putting the playback speed to 1.25 makes him sound more normal, I think.





Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

Wonder what Putin has on Biden and Obama? Most be really good. Biden is playing theater


Putin KNOWs….both BiteMe and hussein are bought and paid for by Chinee, Russia, Ukraine…


“Vladimir Poo-fu-fu”? Who the F is that?


An analysis of millions of insured persons’ data from the BKK company health insurance company comes to significantly higher figures for side effects than the Paul Ehrlich Institute. The new data is an “alarm signal,” says BKK board member Andreas Schöfbeck.

For the first time, the figures from a large German health insurance association are available on the side effects of Covid vaccines. The board of directors of BKK ProVita, Andreas Schöfbeck, had the data of millions of insured persons of the BKK group analyzed. The total number of side effects is therefore many times higher than those reported by the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI). 

“The numbers determined are significant and urgently need to be checked for plausibility. According to our calculations, we consider 400,000 visits to the doctor by our policyholders because of vaccination complications to be realistic to this day. Extrapolated to the total population, this value would be three million,” says BKK board member Andreas Schöfbeck in a report by WELT.

“The numbers that resulted from our analysis are very far away from the publicly announced numbers. It would be unethical not to talk about it.”

The new data is an “alarming signal,” adds Schöfbeck.




Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

Predicted. Proof. And we’ll likely see this come up in Anglo media soon.

Cuppa Covfefe

Welt is one of the few remaining honest mainstream media. Bild is another, but that’s about it.

(And here in Germany, I get about five paragraphs and them a paywall 🙁 )…
The Krankenkassen (health insurance groups) will break this wide open if they get in a bind. Seems they run into money and personnel problems, too…


You know what I wonder? How long until you have to PROVE that your deceased loved one DIDN’T take the poison shot to be able to collect on the life insurance policy?

I know it’s coming.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I don’t think there’s any way to prove it didn’t happen.

Unless the recordkeeping of who got a shot is comprehensive (i.e., “he’s not in our records, so he can’t have got the shot”), but then people who bribed someone to show the shots in their records are now SOL.


I know! That’s my concern. Proving a negative is very hard.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Also expect premiums to increase for those that got jabbed.


I would think so for health insurance. For life insurance, ours is a steady premium. I wonder if they will even approve new policies for the clot-shotted.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

I expect so for both. They KNOW the jabbed will have a myriad of health problems, then die soon. I want my pureblood discounts!!



There’s gotta be SOME perq for standing up to this shit for two years!


This, too.


My understanding IS the jabbed answer lots of questions before getting the jab.

Data entered into data base. Guess the data base is with CDC, FDA, NIH or one of them corrupt agencies.

So, if the record is NOT in the data base, person was never injected.


Boy, I hope so!



How long before insurance companies (both life and health) begin openly calling COVID “vaccines” a misnomer, and start denying claims because the vaccinated CHOSE to take an “experimental drug” that had not passed human trials??

Will Wall St. financial giants be willing to pay out the billions in claims that are surely coming, or will the greedy bastards try to blame it on the victims?


Some health guy in Australia already said it was people’s “choice” to take the vaxx.

Cuppa Covfefe

Epoch Times has a long article about it. Embedded in that article is a link to the pdf from the company (BKK ProVita) eplaining their views (in German).


Very possible. Earlier today I did a search for something we had an answer too a few days ago. Search was “list of Canadian banks freezing funds” I just wanted to confirm what I remembered for personal reasons. My search was returned by multiple stories on how all bank are unfreezing funds. List was too long so I stopped my search, but it certainly seems to validate CTH story. They are running in the other direction. 😁


People will be wary now though and be keeping plenty of cash money at home.


The latter should be standard practice. Bordering on common sense.

(Yes, I understand not everyone can do so. Been there for several decades of my life.)


Bitcoin boom?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Absolutely. I still recommend moving money away from these assholes.


They are running in the other direction. 😁

And that is a victory!

Cuppa Covfefe

[And here I was thinking Disney had a new movie out, apologizing for the “Frozen” series 🙂 ]…

What would be great would be to freeze the Kabbal’s assets, and them, too…


In a strange way the truckers won 🙂


I believe this is damage control, cat out of the bag damage control. Klaus is not happy at little trudy. Trudy overplayed his hand. We now know Exactly how we will “not own anything” in the new world order.


YES! Castro Trudescu, BACKS down. After endlessly lying about the truckers, protestors…

It really was stoopid to steal folks money, cancel CC, cancel insurance, cancel mortgages…

As usual, Pravda News IS covering for Castro Trudescu. Quick look at BB and Faux News, no mention of Castro Trudescu backing off stealing funds.

Looking forward to listening in on Bannon this evening.

Hoping GSG funds can be released to Canadian Truckers AND Organizers RELEASED soon.


Towed vehicles. They need those back.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Chinada a.k.a. New Weffia is IN TROUBOOOOL.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Cuppa Covfefe

Eau du Turd…


Ha ha ha!

BREAKING: Prosecutors Leading Manhattan DA’s Probe Into Trump Abruptly Resign Over ‘Serious Doubts’


  :wpds_lol:    :toldyaso:  I didn’t tell you so, but PDJT did!


That disgusting vicious james is still harassing PDJT though.



bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️


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Well, I just went to the gas station to fill up the car, and all twelve pumps were in use with cars waiting.

I’m sure the calculus is fill up now, or pay a higher price later because “Russia.” At this rate, we may have shortages. It’s like a bank run, but on fuel.


People might also be concerned about truckers not transporting the gas.


Yep! It’s getting interesting now!

Cuppa Covfefe

Shades of the classical gas lines wayyy back in the 1970s… 😀 (can laugh about it now; back then it was 🙁 😡 😡 😡 😡 )

Brings a song to mind:


Yeah, my Dad owned a gas station in the Seventies. Interesting times.


This was just posted on The Storm Rider’s Telegram page. It’s interesting, if true.

Forwarded from DavidNinoRodriguez

The Secretary-General of the United Nations has stated that Ukraine has not applied for border registration since 1991, so the state of Ukraine does not exist….
And we don’t know about it!!!

04/07/2014 UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon made a stunning statement, the distribution of which in Ukrainian media and the Internet is banned. The conflict between the two countries was discussed at the session of the UN Security Council. From this, the following conclusion was drawn:

Ukraine has not registered its borders since 12/25/1991. The UN has not registered the borders of Ukraine as a sovereign state.

Therefore, it can be assumed that Russia is not committing any rights violations in relation to Ukraine.

According to the CIS Treaty, the territory of Ukraine is an administrative district of the USSR. Therefore, no one can be blamed for separatism and forcibly changing the borders of Ukraine.

Under international law, the country simply has no officially recognized borders.
In order to solve this problem, Ukraine needs to complete the demarcation of borders with neighboring countries and obtain the agreement of neighboring countries, including Russia, on their common border. It is required to document everything and sign treaties with all neighboring states.

The European Union has pledged its support to Ukraine on this important issue and has decided to provide all technical assistance.

But will Russia sign a border treaty with Ukraine? No of course not
Since Russia is the legal successor of the USSR (this is confirmed by the decisions of international courts on property disputes between the former USSR and foreign countries), the lands on which Ukraine, Belarus and Novorossiya are located belong to Russia, and nobody has the right to be without them Russia’s consent to dispose of this area.

Basically, now all Russia has to do is declare that this area is Russian and that everything that happens in this area is an internal matter of Russia.

Any interference will be seen as a measure against Russia. On this basis, they can annul the elections of May 25, 2014 and do what the people want!

According to the Budapest Memorandum and other agreements, Ukraine has no borders. The state of Ukraine does not exist (and has never existed!).

Alexander Panin


This is too funny to be true, but I hope it is.


Absolutely hilarious. Yea, if true..

Would NOT surprise me.

IF true, looking fiorward to BiteMe AND Hoe having endless crow served up.

AND, biteMe and Hoe’s poll numbers, plummet some more.  😂  😅  😂 

Cuppa Covfefe

Chiefio has a deep dive into Russia/Ukraine history here… seems Bye,Dung, et. al., don’t have a clue (did they ever?)…. Worth noting is Krushchev was from Ukraine, and there were many hijinks done to expand Ukraine…

A short summary:

“In short:

ANY potential war in the East Slavic area between Ukraine and Russia is a Family Fight that I do NOT want to get in the middle of. It is over land that has mostly been part of various Russian Empires for 1000 years, and between people who can understand each other’s language after a bit of practice.

This is just not our fight.”

I’m inclined to agree…


It’s all about US politicians and their sons, (Biden, Romney, Pelosi, Kerry, Heinz) energy deals in Ukraine.

Last edited 3 years ago by GA/FL
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Since when did a country have to register its borders with the UN?

What about non-member states? E.g., the Koreas. Did they have to register their borders? What if they don’t recognize the UN as having that authority?

Sorry. I call bullshit. Because this implies the UN can impose obligations on non-member states.

Cuppa Covfefe


Power grab by the UN (which is how the left always seems to do it).
Find something and jump in and regulate it. Typical KARENS….

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Yep, but it’s okay, this all just a ready made excuse for when Russia rick rolls them all. It amounts to a face saving measure of last resort. Putin has to be laughing his ass off seeing yet another indicator of how weak the West is.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Another counterargument.

“If we aren’t a country, why did you let us join, dipshits?”


“04/07/2014 UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon made a stunning statement, the distribution of which in Ukrainian media and the Internet is banned.”


Banned by whom?

Whoever ‘banned’ it, who is going to ENFORCE the ban (and with what army)?


“Ukraine has not registered its borders since 12/25/1991.”


Here’s a newsflash you farkin’ idiots, a SOVEREIGN NATION doesn’t have to ‘register’ squat with anybody.

If they DID, they wouldn’t be SOVEREIGN.


“The UN has not registered the borders of Ukraine as a sovereign state.”


Who cares what the U.N. does or doesn’t do, besides the U.N.?

Who died and left them in charge?

Besides nobody?


“Under international law, the country simply has no officially recognized borders.”

Under common law or Law of the Land, you can bet your @ss they do.


“In order to solve this problem, Ukraine needs to complete the demarcation of borders with neighboring countries and obtain the agreement of neighboring countries, including Russia, on their common border.”


That’s not how Sovereignty works.

Sovereignty doesn’t beg, plead, register or follow anyone else’s orders. Sovereignty either defends its territory, or it doesn’t exist.


“It is required to document everything and sign treaties with all neighboring states.”


A Sovereign cannot, by definition, be ‘required’, by anyone, to do anything.


“According to the Budapest Memorandum and other agreements, Ukraine has no borders.”


That’s great.

According to my memorandum, Budapest doesn’t determine the borders of any Sovereign state.

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

A different shoe this time…

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Canada REVOKING the Emergency War Measures Act!

Kristia “Sausage Casing” Freeland was shaking all over in that earlier video because somebody BIG had given her the what-for. These idiots fucked up big time.

I wonder what Rush would say about leftists overreaching today! He always said they always do it. They can’t help themselves.


Someone told them they blew it and its intials are w e f. And s o r o s. They exposed themselves. It should be far far too late. They were/have committed atrocities against their people.


They only had two ways to go: keep up the atrocities, which would only escalate, or back off. They blinked. In the process, they were stripped naked in the snowy public square. Everyone can see who they truly are now.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Keep withdrawing money from their system is my recommendation. Until the financial tyrants are under control, money in their hands is not secure.


They need to immediately be removed from office. All of them. If the rumor OT of emails planning their power grab etal are true, thats evidence that MUST be public and used to remove them now.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YES. And WEF only did it because somebody BELOW them had numbers that were forcing them to do an about-face.


Money speaks. He had a choice business taking their money out of Canada and he could be a dictator or back down his silly “I confiscate the money of anyone is opposition”..

Last edited 3 years ago by singingsoul1


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

KlauSS SSchwab backing down. He was about to own HELL.

Cuppa Covfefe

HE’LL get there soon enough 🙂
As will Satan Sauros, BeezleBubba, and HELL-the-BEAST…

(Maybe everybody can send him some marshmallows to take with him)…

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Okay, that’s it. I’m showing up at leftiist funerals with a bag of marshmallows to toss on the grave. 😁

Cuppa Covfefe

Don’t forget a (cheap) fireproof suit and some asbestos gloves… and maybe some popcorn, too 😀


And a boatload of disinfectant … 😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷


Yes, sir, he sure was!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Assuming this isn’t just some stupid rumor and is actually true…this means they don’t get rid of Trudescu.


Well, there’s video of him doing it. It’s real.




Now if really wants to save face (he barely has one left) he needs to drop the mandates.

Cuppa Covfefe

Hair Castreau, Yer Gonna Need A Bigger Eyebrow… or ten…




“sausage casing”



Justmeet Singhdeau (Chuckles) (@EdGeinSalad) Tweeted:
Is this the Canada you want to live in?



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



That needs to be put on Rumble so it cannot disappear.


Paid brownshirts.

Not cops.


Where are the real cops?

Hiding under the kitchen table?

How do the real cops allow foreign mercenaries to take their place, and nobody notices?

Where did all the BIG and WHITE foreign cop mercenaries come from?

Can’t be too many sources for that type of mercenary in the world.

Where are all the ‘real’ Canadian cops, while foreign mercenary imposters make the ‘real cops’ look like Gestapo?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WEF must be destroyed utterly.


And joyfully.

It should a fun thing 👍

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Never again.”


Spencer Fernando 🇨🇦 (@SpencerFernando) Tweeted:
They’ll try to make some of those powers permanent, push ahead with Bill C-11 (successor to C-10), and deepen the assault on freedom. Canadians can’t let our guards down, and we must remember that the Liberals were willing to impose the Emergencies Act when it wasn’t necessary.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Absolutely! The ANTI-FREEDOM parties must be crushed.

Here in the US, that means 90% of Democrats and 60% of Republicans.

Anybody who values CHICOM MONEY over AMERICAN BLOOD is a TRAITOR who needs to be voted out of office.


At the VERY least….


You beat me to it!!!!



Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. That’s their SOP, perfected by Gerhard “I Never Met A Lie I Didn’t Tell” Schröder, who would propose something absolutely horrifying, get a huge backlash from the proles (and the other parties, back in the almost-good-old-days), withdraw the preposterous proposal, and six months later, a very slightly modified proposal would issue from his venemous pen, to be greeted by those formerly opposing it saying, “well now, THAT isn’t so bad, Innit”….

Same horse, new paint…..


Thats what it is. Gruesome loves that crap here.


Incrementalism. They push, then back-pedal half a step, then push again.



”Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” says hi, along with a hundred other examples.


Viva Frei (@thevivafrei) Tweeted:
“Limited in time” is different than capricious & arbitrary. You have done immeasurable & irreparable harm to Canada, trust in our financial institutions, and trust in our government. I would say “shame on you”, @JustinTrudeau, but there can be no shame where there is no honor.

Cuppa Covfefe

Wow. Great statement.

“There can be no shame where there is no honor.”


Devastatingly true.


In ancient Japan a person would gut himself…literally…rather than bear such dishonor, as it would reflect upon his entire family and ancestors not just him or her self.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Tweet of the century!!! AND OF THE LAST ONE!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

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Behold and mark the soul bound to eternity in hell ..


A panther .. untrained/wild not sedated .. 😃👍‼️

Cuppa Covfefe

And not fed for, say, the last month or so 🙂
Purr, purr, purr, Munch, Crunch, Munch…

Bones Appetit 😀


Klaus’ Outfit? He looks like a trekkie “wanna be”.

Cuppa Covfefe

That suit probably costs as much as a Mercedes… I think there’s symbolism (looks like uglyism to me) involved… I’d read an article about the power brokers’ power clothes a while ago, and IIRC that suit was mentioned.

Looks a bit like a damast knife blade with the layers, etc.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Democrats are DESPERATE for this election. It means that they have to let their Chinese friends help them with no holds barred.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Dems owe the ChiComs for their very existence.

RINOs, too.

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That is some serious level gross. Like vulgar gross. 😂


If Mother Nature was aware of the striking resemblance of this pud to her turtles, well … do not P/O Mother Nature .. maybe she will infest Washington with her covert battle turtles trained to bite the *hit out of this sorry pos


“Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing.”



I’ve noticed I tend to be a step or two ahead of you in these downswings. If that’s true, look for a boost soon. End of weekend if not sooner.


Weight, no weight, Kansas is going to have a heart attack over that one.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I suspect the gas prices are even higher in Canada.


That has to be a joke?  😂 


Babylon Bee, so yes. 😎




Big rigs don’t use gas; they use diesel.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ll believe that when I see it. Right now, because nobody can get on the network, it’s too easy to FAKE truths.


Cold n rainy today but i like this. Ty.


Every time the Convoy spoks speak about how the convoy is peaceful they need to also say they “highly expect Jan 6 deception ops to be used against the convoy”

They also should announce a no full face mask policy. Full face masks should be kicked out of the convoy, hopefully after violators are demasked. Demask & Document then move on.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Well, Trudescu has ended the emergency. According to SD, big time financial problems, capital out of banks. 🤡 will never recover. (Sorry for the re-post.)

Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Justice!!! Couldn’t have happened to a nicer commie-brat!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Emergency over…

But are the mandates still in place?


I haven’t personally verified this.

Monarchy Thinker (@1125thinker) Tweeted:
@disclosetv Revoking use of the Emergencies Act, but the emergency powers given to FINTRAC over finances and banks are permanent.

Last edited 3 years ago by gil00
Cuppa Covfefe

So the bad bits stay, then.

Window dressing…



He can just do that without recourse? My God Canada is as bad as any communist country. What a low life.


That i dont know. He shouldn’t be able to invoke these emergency measures alone or keep the bits he likes.


Re the Branco cartoon about Biden’s poll numbers and the shark circling.
I be like sydney fishermen- oooh look. More chum in the water!


“Page not found” – ?


(see above)


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THEY ARENT DONE. Done to “get people to listen to reason.” Scum. Doesnt matter that she’s a woman. She is scum.

The Vigilant Fox 🦊 (@VigilantFox) Tweeted:
Deputy PM & WEF Director Chrystia Freeland says “that there are bank accounts that will remain frozen but not because of the emergency measures”


Last edited 3 years ago by gil00

“We are ending the Emergency Powers Act, but are retaining the power to enact those powers against targets that we define as terrorists”

As Russell Brand said today,” What is terrorism?”, “Whatever the FK we say it is!”


Yeah. Their senate must investigate and remove them, and publicly!


If by “remove” you mean hang from the highest lampost, then certainly, by all means.

You go full-Hitler on your country, you swing like Mussolini.



Yeah ive thought so. Honestly, even a traitor on paper without the obvious beatdowns should, bc it will happen at some point and its obvious that intentions arent with the best interest of the citizens. Its a deterrent. Same as death penalty in each state.




That giant sucking sound is the sound all of the money, of both Canadians and foreigners, held in Canadian financial accounts, LEAVING Canada.


Cuppa Covfefe

So the sausage-roll pole dancer purple people eater isn’t done yet…

“Joyless tube, full of gristle”…




So the sausage-roll pole dancer purple people eater…

Ewww. Even I’d need eye bleach after that visual.


The words aren’t even close to as disgusting as a picture of that cow!




“Nurse Ratched of the New World Order”….


This situation is rapidly approaching the plot of the movie Wanted.


I saw that once. I dont remember a lot except they could stop bullets mentally.


PERFECT – KEEP withdrawing money and NO investing in Canada.


Yep. Just because isnt a reason. Thell destroy the entire system.


What are the justifications for freezing bank accounts under the laws of Canada?




And any tyrant can define it, I suppose.


They always do.



Daily Wire (@realDailyWire) Tweeted:
Democrat Congressman: Seize Trucks From Protesters Headed To D.C., Give Them To Growing Businesses


Monumentally yuge pos..

Democrat Rep. Ruben Gallego (AZ) called for seizing the trucks of protesters headed to Washington, D.C., and then giving the property to businesses looking to grow.

“Perfect time to impound and give the trucks to small trucking companies looking to expand their business,” Gallego tweeted in response to the following news headline: “Trucker convoy could shut down DC Beltway tomorrow.”


Communism. Remove him from office.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yeah, right.

Would that be growing businesses run by illegal aliens?????

Or businesses growing illegal drugs?????

Or, perhaps both?????


Cartels are in charge of this 🤡. This 1 statement should boot him from congress.


Has he ever read the eminent domain part of the Fifth Amendment? Ya know, that part that talks about just compensation. A quaint notion.


I doubt it. He doesn’t know the Constitution he swore to uphold. Worse, he doesn’t believe in its principles.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

He did. He just doesn’t place any value on trucks.

Cuppa Covfefe

(Slightly *cough* modified children’s song to the rescue 🙂 )

Ruben, Ruben, you’re not thinking,
Soon in a world of hurt you’d be
If all goods were not transported
You perps would starve and not just me…


Betting THIS ass hole gets some time on Bannon.

Likely Kari (guv candidate) and Boris (common Bannon guest) may highlight this shit head.


Steaming stinking POS …

Last edited 3 years ago by nikkichico7

I’m glad that wasn’t filmed in Smell-o-vision

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Horse poo isn’t the worst smelling stuff in the world. Not by a long shot.


Oh yeah, absolutely … 😷😵‍💫😜




He’s a congressman so he’s up for relection. Every truck operating within 500 miles of this jerk should put up signs on their trucks that expose this jerk.




Sounds like it’s a good time for people to come take all YOUR crap, and give it to whoever they want, you %*&^$ing *&^%bag.

Try stapling your oath of office to your forehead, you greasy piece of traitor *&^%.




Molon labe, Nazi scumbag.

YOU do it.

Get your fat pansy ass on the front line and try to steal someone’s truck, you @*&^ing POS criminal.

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Sundance is tying the WEF/Canada connection together and it leads to what we have already discussed on here – digital currency and social credit system controls.

Becoming really clear how we counter it all.


Digital cars they can shut off or limit your driving radius at will.

Gov’t issued digital currency they control and can cut off or limit your spending radius or where/how you are allowed to use it.

Soon our phone use will be “regulated” in such ways, too. Next, email.

No need for prisons or concentration camps. They’ll starve you to death in your own home, and punish anyone who tries to help you in the same way(s).

The WEF-controlled, global digital noose.

Obey, or die.


“It’s your own choice, of course. We aren’t responsible for your choice.”

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The digital car isn’t the issue.

It’s the link to a cell tower that’s the issue.

And a camera pointing out the back doesn’t mean the car is “connected” to somewhere else.


I have no idea what you mean.



Time to relaunch old low tech to keep you sharp since the WEF tech goal is total control …


“Digital cars they can shut off or limit your driving radius at will.”


Why would anyone ever buy one?

It’s a serious question.

We don’t have to buy one.

The way things are going, there are tens of millions of people below a certain age who will never be able to afford a new car in their lifetime anyway.

Apparently people are still driving 70+ year old cars in Cuba, every day of the week. And most of those cars have more style and character than anything made since 1973.


“Gov’t issued digital currency they control and can cut off or limit your spending radius or where/how you are allowed to use it.”


Again, knowing that — which everyone will — why would anyone ever use it? Canada just showed the whole world what WEF’s scheme for the future is, and people’s capital is fleeing Canada like abandoning a ship.

Canada should change their flag to a Maple leaf with a bandit mask over it. Or just get rid of the Maple leaf and put a skull and cross-bones on it, show the world what Canada under current leadership really is, a Pirate nation.

What the CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) will do is force people into crypto.

Then the putrid totalitarian governments of the West will try Canada Theft 2.0.

And that day is when every government in the West gets burned down to the ground.

Why? Because threatening peoples’ MONEY is apparently the only thing that will ever get a certain age group — the age group that has all the money — to actually DO something.


“Soon our phone use will be “regulated” in such ways, too.”


If stopping all trucks for two weeks would shut down a nation, I wonder what would happen if people stopped using their human tracker enslavement device for two weeks?

Of course, things would have to get bad enough that a certain generation would actually be willing to inconvenience themselves for two whole weeks, and DO it.


“Next, email.”


VPN and cryptography.


“No need for prisons or concentration camps. They’ll starve you to death in your own home, and punish anyone who tries to help you in the same way(s).”


Only if we surrender without even showing up for a powder-puff slap-fight.

Seriously, we could CRUSH all of them. All we have to do is get up off our KNEES, just STAND UP.

But apparently most people aren’t going to do that until their personal finances are threatened.


“The WEF-controlled, global digital noose. Obey, or die.”


The real question is WHY are any of these f*&#kwads still drawing breath in this world. They’re not untouchable, anybody can be gotten to.

The reason is because people have become soft and pathetic.


“And… “It’s your own choice, of course. We aren’t responsible for your choice.””


Why not give a choice to WEF?

F-off and die, or we’ll make it happen for you.

It’s your choice, Gramps.

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467


  1. Covidiot mandates across Europe AND America ARE CRUMBLING.
  2. Except France AND Federal wise, US AND Canada.
  3. Canada declares emergency.
  4. Canada freezes private accounts.
  5. Citizens and businesses withdraw money from Canadian banks, investments.
  6. WEF panics from the cheap seats.

WEF orchestrates…

  1. BiteMe extends Emergency is US. Congress must approve.
  2. France cancels 4 million Vaccine passports.
  3. Castro Trudescu cancels Emergency, returning stolen funds.
  4. TRUST in Canada IS BROKEN. Years to be repair, if ever.
  5. We learn WEF scheduled Digital ID Proof of Concept in Canada.

Wonder IF France will pick up Digital ID Proof of Concept.

I acknowledge, it very well could have been Digital ID Proof of Concept in France (Europe) AND Canada (North America).


There are pkenty if patriots in CA. Please remember that. 😃Pelham (@Resist_05) Tweeted:
The resistance is forming in the USA.. California truckers sing “Amazing Grace” it’s going to be massive.


Two, 2020 Trump rallies in Minden and Carson City, NV had huge representation from CA.


Fun thing is the Truckers won’t be traveling alone. Nothing is going to keep these people down. Only way this stops now is if Biden calls his letter back and lets his Emergency Powers expire.


That would be good. And, every governor in each state they pass through.


Its high desert up there and even gets a dusting of snow.


Gail sighting lately?

Guessing, Gail may be busy with critters, farm and road shows with critters.


That’s what I was thinking.
Meanwhile that story in German down below has also showed up at GWP now. I believe someone left a link to Epoch Times as well. Good stories travel fast.


Yea, it is. 🙂


Margot Cleveland drops a nuclear warhead.


A revelation buried in a cache of documents opens a new and potentially important investigative corridor for Special Counsel John Durham.

These revelations in themselves are huge, showing that, in addition to the Clinton campaign paying for the peddling of the Alfa Bank hoax, “enemies of Donald Trump surveilled the internet traffic at Trump Tower, at his New York City apartment building, and later at the executive office of the president of the United States, then fed disinformation about that traffic to intelligence agencies hoping to frame Trump as a Russia-connected stooge.”

Equally significant was the special counsel’s assertion that Joffe “exploited his access to non-public and/or proprietary Internet data,” including data Joffe’s then-internet company had come to access “as part of a sensitive arrangement whereby it provided DNS resolution services to the [Executive Office of the President].” The exploitation by Joffe of sensitive government or private data to target a political enemy should shock everyone.

But something even more explosive may be lurking beneath this scandal when the allegations contained in the Sussmann indictment are compared to the initial reporting on the Alfa Bank story.


Who is Paul Vixie and who/what is “OPS-Trust”?


Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

Margot Cleveland appears to be a real journalist.

This shiz goes really, really deep apparently. Which takes time. Which may explain the appearance of a lack of productivity of Huber as well as the other prosecutors Barr assigned to other aspects.


Wish they were crossing I-80 Northern NV.


FREE, POSITIVE, Publicity for the GOOD GUYS!

Inspirational. Gives H O P E ! CONTAGIOUS.

Sorta like the Four Trump Rallies, I have attended. .



“Not sure what this will accomplish,”


Is there any stated intention to accomplish anything?

I understand from Karl that:

To their credit, The People’s Convoy lists their victory condition: Lifting the COVID-19 emergency order. You can’t win a war without a stated victory condition.

Apparently they have not made any intentions known with regard to how they might accomplish their victory condition.

That could be bad or good.

It could just be a parade for nothing, or they could have a siege plan (or other plan) that they’re keeping to themselves.

As Karl points out, the good news is that it will only take about 10 days (instead of 4 years) to find out. 👍


“They won’t be able to walk the streets in safety.”


They shouldnt.


““They won’t be able to walk the streets in safety.””


Who’s going to stop them?

Or do anything that all, that isn’t just another display of symbolic impotence?

Who is even going to whisper “Boo!” under their breath, in their general direction?


Wow. Castro Trudescu truly takes this shit like a spoiled toddler not getting his way.

Censor the Internet? Good luck with that. AND, GREAT way to further confirm with all Canadians, Trudescu IS dictator in waiting.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ah, Trudescu. He’s just blowing the WEF thing in every possible way.

The whole world will be screaming for KlauSS very soon.


Thats embarrassing on their part. Socially stunted bibliophiles(unless the phone it in) who think theyre 🔥 with no life experience? No thanks!


The Great American 2022 Highway Drive for Freedom MAGA Convoy

They should just make it a nationwide, slow-rolling highway carnival that goes all through America with no ultimate destination until it’s not needed anymore with stops along the route. One convoy whose goal, in part, is to both show….so the people can see….our numbers nationwide, and also PDJT could make both announced and unannounced appearances (both speaking and non-speaking) in and/or along various places along the route.

“Come show your support for The Great American Drive for Freedom for as little or as long you can. Join by car or come cheer us on as we pass through. Coming soon a location near you.”

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

Very inspirational.

Except how does any of that get our freedom back, if it demands nothing and challenges nothing?

They could call it Snoozepalooza.

A congressional hearing on watching grass grow would be more interesting.

No goal.

No objective.

No destination.

No threat.

Zero pressure of any kind on the Totalitarian Dik-taters.

The only people inconvenienced would be regular Americans, caught in slow traffic while trying to get to work, while a bunch of people caught up in the symbolism of accomplishing nothing take a victory lap around the nation, without any purpose.

Everybody has seen trucks before, so no reason to just go see trucks.

People would lose interest after three days. Maybe after just one. Already losing interest just thinking about it.

Trump would be diminished by appearing on a travel circuit nobody cares about because it doesn’t even attempt to accomplish anything.

Call it the Wasting Gas, Driving in Circles for Nothing Tour…


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That looks like Barstow, CA, the west end of I-40. The sign announced the mileage to Needles, CA, which is almost on the Arizona state line.


This article is so excellent! Really, really worth a read. Here’s a small piece:

“Or so they hoped. It turns out that the liberal Kantai Kessen suffered from the same fatal flaw as the Japanese one: it is all well and good to sink all the ships in Pearl Harbor, but what do you do if the enemy then refuses to concede defeat? The significance of ”Let’s go Brandon!” spreading like wildfire outside the jaded internet set in this context is that it reveals for everyone just how powerless the media machine has now become. Nobody believes Joe Biden is the most popular president ever – nobody among the ”chuds” and the ”deplorables” would believe the likes of CNN about pretty much anything. And rather than being humiliated and broken, the American plebs are now acting just like the American sailors and soldiers did during World War 2: though none can deny that they have lost some battles and suffered real losses, surrender doesn’t seem to be forthcoming any time soon. Maybe surrender isn’t coming at all, ever. The ”decisive battle” that was the 2020 election was indeed decisive enough, but it increasingly looks like that simply doesn’t matter.”


This is an interesting em robinson article on sean hannity eso since he did an interview with traitor oence on his show tonight.
Wth is he doing?


Hannity IS unwatchable.

Grateful to not have cable / DirecTv.


Not sure why he thinks interviewing pence is a ratings winner.


Well, I did not go to the link. Lemme guess…

Hannity? Interview Pence? This is the question. Answer follows…


(May be a good time to cut the cable. Or at least not watch Hannity.)

(BTW. Hope your healing is on or ahead of projections. Test results going your way. NOT prying. Just, wishing you well. 🙂 )


You need to read the article. Emerald shows some of the texts Hannity sent to President Trump’s staff trying to get him to shut up about the stolen election. He’s more than just uniparty. He’s actively working for the other side.



IIRC. A few weeks ago, there was one or more posts here QTree, addressing Hannity’s texts back stabbing Trump AND ALL Maga folks.


Link is kinda what we know already pieced together by ms Robinson. Hannity should retire at this point. Tv here is for kiddo and mr gil watches history channel and syfy.
Healing is going ok. Have to wait til my phone appt next week for lab results which will give me further info. My abdominal healing and internally seems just fine. Another 12 days of only 10lbs lifting. Having couple post surgery issues that im hoping will resolve. I see endocrine in. April.




Wow, I didn’t know about those damning texts from Hannity to President Trump’s staff trying to get him to stop talking about the stolen election. Hannity is definitely working for the other side.


Something is odd. And interviewing pence? We all hate him. Only rinos like that guy.


Eyes on Ukraine.

No good sources yet…




NOW – UN Security Council emergency meeting begins.

“President Putin, stop your troops from attacking Ukraine.”


Ha. Or what? Sanctions? Really stern letters?

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

comment image




Third term, hussien changes his “Red Line” to, There will be serious consequences.

Toothless putz, they all are.


Putin – consequences may include… poison!


Yea. Proven track record.


comment imageThe Bias News





The Bias News


BREAKING: President Putin announces that Russia is undertaking a “special military operation” in eastern Ukraine, says his goal is to demilitarize the country but not occupy it.


The Bias News




The Bias News


PUTIN: “A couple of words for those who would be tempted to intervene. Russia will respond immediately and you will have consequences that you never have had before in your history.”



JUST IN – Putin announces in a televised speech the start of a military operation against #Ukraine and declares that Russia aims to demilitarize the neighboring country. 

Calls on the Ukrainian military to “immediately lay down its arms.”


The Bias News


BREAKING: Massive explosions rock Kramatorsk, Ukraine (KANN).


The Bias News




The Bias News



bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

UN Security Council prepares to meet as explosions are heard in Ukrainian city of Mariupol | Daily Mail Online

Putin announces launch of ‘special military operation’ into Ukraine at the same time as UN Secretary-General Guterres begs Russian leader to ‘give peace a chance’: Explosions are heard in capital of Kiev as well as Ukrainian cities of Mariupol and Kharkiv

  • President Vladimir Putin announced just before 6am on Thursday in Moscow that Russia has invaded Ukraine
  • Putin said that he was undertaking a ‘special military operation’ in Ukraine, and that his goal is to demilitarize the country, but not occupy it
  • Explosions could be heard in the early hours of Thursday morning across the Ukrainian city of Mariupol, on the frontlines of the contested Donetsk territory
  • In Mykolaiv, 400 miles to the east of Mariupol, residents reported sounds of fierce exchanges of gunfire
  • Flights over Ukrainian airspace appeared to have been suspended with an El Al plane from Tel Aviv to Toronto turning back when it entered the territory 
  • Russian military leaders have gone to their command center, and cyber attacks are underway, according to a U.S. official 
  • An emergency meeting of the UN Security is being held in New York, and Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has urged Putin to ‘give peace a chance’

Putin declares war: Russian president sends in troops | Daily Mail Online

Putin declares war: Russian president sends in troops, says he wants to ‘demilitarise’ not occupy Ukraine and tells opposition soldiers to lay down their arms – in address to the nation after Zelensky vowed to stand and fight

  • Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has vowed that the Ukrainian people will ‘fight back’ if Putin invades
  • Rebel leaders in eastern Ukraine have asked Putin for military assistance in fending off Ukrainian ‘aggression’
  • Move fuelled fears the Russian President will use rebel’s request as an excuse to launch full-scale invasion 
  • Ukraine was today placed on a war footing with state of emergency declared across the country, 200,000 military reservists called up, border areas restricted and citizens given the right to arm themselves 
  • Boris Johnson pledged more British weapons to help defend Ukraine, and tougher sanctions if Russia attacks Putin gave sabre-rattling speech to troops, praising their ‘readiness’ and boasting of ‘advanced’ weapons 
  • Video footage appeared to show clouds of smoke rising up into the night sky near Ukrainian port city of Mariupol, but it was unconfirmed whether it was as a result of shelling  


JUST IN – Russia attacks #Ukraine: Explosions are reported in the capital Kyiv, in the second-largest city Kharkiv, in Mariupol, and in the port city of Odesa.


The Bias News




The Bias News







Just an FYI:

Been watching OAN livestream the whole time.

They are busy with real reporting and serious journalism.


(Maybe OAN was not invited/disinvited AGAIN)

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

All the cable news networks are going ape. 2 Fox reporters in Kiev said it was being shelled, can you hear it? I never did. There’s a Kiev livestream on Breaking 911 site, don’t see any explosions. Amphibious assaults from Crimea, bombing in several cities. YAWN. Maybe Creepy is right to go to bed.

Last edited 3 years ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

Lets see what we can pull up…….
Hold on here’s something.

Not sure who she’s talking too though. Pretty sure all the patriots are currently looking at maps that lead to WA DC! 😎

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Going to be cold tonight. Havingvwierd weather. A week or so ago, nearly 80 and hot enough every day to have a window open at night. Rained all night last night, super windy today and raining off n on. Even got some hail. Now at 715 its only 39. Likely to go to 30.
Never been quite that cold an im in a valley. On monday its supposed to be 80 again.


Here in the Puget Sound, it’s going down to 21 tonight. We ain’t used to that. But it’s not going to give us 80 until July; we’re jealous.


Same here in Salem. Last week it was so warm I went out and mowed my lawn. Today it didn’t even get out of the 30s.


Chilly up there! Im ok w raining and 64 or so. We need the water. But in the 80s in February is going on 3 yrs in a row and we get so hot.
Poppies are blooming already bc of the alternating temps. Lupine not yet. Hopingvthe cold weather and rain stays long enough for a good bloom this year.


My neck of the woods, Northern NV presently 18. On it’s way to forecast 9 in the morning.

Not whining. Rather sure Aubergine and Steve have harsher weather.

Sure miss living in FL, HI, Philippines, Singapore… 🙂

Ready for Spring. 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yep, below zero here. Not much snow, though.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

45 talking by phone to Laura Ingraham, throws in ‘this all happened because of a rigged election’ 👍😂

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎
