This Sanctuary Sunday Open Thread, with full respect to those who worship God on the Sabbath, is a place to reaffirm our worship of our Creator, our Father, our King Eternal.
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Our Inheritance in Christ
The Bible is full of references to the inheritance believers have in Christ. Ephesians 1:11 says, “In [Christ] we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will”. Other passages that mention a believer’s inheritance include Colossians 3:24 and Hebrews 9:15. Our inheritance is, in a word, heaven. It is the sum total of all God has promised us in salvation.
First Peter 1:4 describes this inheritance further, saying that we have been born again “into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you.” According to the apostle Peter, our inheritance is distinguished by four important qualities:
Our inheritance in Christ is imperishable. What we have in Christ is not subject to corruption or decay. In contrast, everything on earth is in the process of decaying, rusting, or falling apart: our houses, our cars, and even our own bodies. Our treasure in heaven, though, is unaffected (Matthew 6:19–20). Those who have been born again are born “not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God” (1 Peter 1:23).
Our inheritance in Christ is unspoiled. What we have in Christ is free from anything that would deform, debase, or degrade. Nothing on earth is perfect. Even the most beautiful things of this world are flawed; if we look closely enough, we can always find an imperfection. But Christ is truly perfect. He is “holy, blameless, pure, set apart from sinners, exalted above the heavens” (Hebrews 7:26), and our inheritance in Him is also holy, blameless, exalted, and pure. No earthly corruption or weakness can touch what God has bestowed. Revelation 21:27 says that “nothing impure will ever enter [the New Jerusalem], nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful.”
Our inheritance in Christ is unfading. What we have in Christ is an enduring possession. As creatures of this world, it’s hard for us to imagine colors that never fade, excitement that never flags, or value that never depreciates; but our inheritance is not of this world. Its glorious intensity will never diminish. God says, “I am making everything new!” (Revelation 21:5).
Our inheritance in Christ is reserved. What we have in Christ is being “kept” in heaven for us. Your crown of glory has your name on it. Although we enjoy many blessings as children of God here on earth, our true inheritance—our true home—is reserved for us in heaven. Like Abraham, we are “looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God” (Hebrews 11:10). The Holy Spirit guarantees that we’ll receive eternal life in the world to come (2 Corinthians 1:22). In fact, “when you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance” (Ephesians 1:13–14).
Jesus prayed for His followers, “Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name” (John 17:11). We are secure, being guarded by the Almighty Himself, and surely our inheritance is equally secure. No one can steal it from us. John 10:28–29: “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand.” See also Matthew 6:20.
As God’s children, “adopted” into His family, we have been assured an inheritance from our Heavenly Father. “Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory” (Romans 8:17). This heavenly heritage is God’s purpose and will for us (Ephesians 1:11). We receive the promise of our inheritance by hearing the word of truth and believing in Christ (Ephesians 1:13).
One day, we will take possession of our portion, our heritage, our full inheritance. John Calvin writes of our inheritance, “We do not have the full enjoyment of it at present. . . . We walk . . . in hope, and we do not see the thing as if it were present, but we see it by faith. . . . Although, then, the world gives itself liberty to trample us under foot, as they say; although our Lord keeps us tried with many temptations; although he humbles us in such a way that it may seem we are as sheep appointed to the slaughter, so that we are continually at death’s door, yet we are not destitute of a good remedy. And why seeing that the Holy Spirit reigns in our hearts, we have something for which to give praise even in the midst of all our temptations. . . . [Therefore,] we should rejoice, mourn, grieve, give thanks, be content, wait” (from Calvin’s Ephesian sermons, delivered in Geneva, 1558—59).
When we understand and value the glory that awaits us, we’re better able to endure whatever comes our way in this life. We can give God praise even during trials because we have His guarantee that we will receive all He has promised: “For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all” (2 Corinthians 4:17).
Revelation 21:4 gives us a brief but beautiful description of our inheritance: “‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” God and man will dwell together. Everything will be made new. The bejeweled city, New Jerusalem, will be our residence. The river of life will issue from God’s throne. The healing tree of life with twelve kinds of fruit will grow there, too. There will be no night there, because the eternal light of the Lamb will fill the new heaven and new earth and shine upon all the heirs of God.
David writes, “Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup; / you make my lot secure. / The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; / surely I have a delightful inheritance” (Psalm 16:5–6). And that is why “we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal” (2 Corinthians 4:18).
When We All Get To Heaven
Eliza E. Hewitt 1851 – 1920
- Sing the wondrous love of Jesus,
Sing His mercy and His grace;
In the mansions bright and blessed
He’ll prepare for us a place.
While we walk the pilgrim pathway,
Clouds will overspread the sky;
But when trav’ling days are over,
Not a shadow, not a sigh.
Let us then be true and faithful,
Trusting, serving every day;
Just one glimpse of Him in glory
Will the toils of life repay.
Onward to the prize before us!
Soon His beauty we’ll behold;
Soon the pearly gates will open;
We shall tread the streets of gold.
When we all get to heaven,
What a day of rejoicing that will be!
When we all see Jesus,
We’ll sing and shout the victory!
Hope you’re doing well, bako.
Amen! And you, too!
A beautiful and thoughtful post.
Thank you.
How are you and your family doing?
Today was a Roberto day for me, so I’m just tired and sore.
Haven’t checked with any of the rest of the fam. I’m thinking of checking-in with my mom tomorrow. She is the eldest, and can remember walking my uncle to school — as well as being the one most connected with him (talking to him on the phone for an hour a day) over the last couple of years. Plus, she put all the advanced directives in place and worked with him for final arrangements. OTOH, she might not be ready to talk, yet.
My aunt’s current public stance is very close to “good riddance” — but that is, perhaps, to be expected. The three of them spent most of their adult lives setting two against one — and each took a turn in each role. It is early yet for her to consider that “game” finally over.
My sister contacted me with a “have you heard?” email. I told her I had. I doubt her kids feel much of a connection.
It’s interesting how every death is different, depending on the circumstances. But what they all have in common is that nothing is the same afterward. I hope everyone can find peace.
I’m sorry for your loss. Praying for you and your loved ones.
Whoa, I missed something here.
I’m sorry for your loss, cthulhu.
Sorry for your loss cthulhu. May God hold you in His loving arms and give you Peace .
I appreciate all the Scripture references. Prayers for your health, and thank you for continuing to post articles.
TO1955, Dan Scavino
[video src="" /]
14 seconds long. I think this is at least the second one that is 14 seconds in length.

Hard to believe that was posted in 2017….back when we were all like, “Wait. Wut?”
GWP: Hillary Clinton Says She is Not Running For President in 2024
Biden is clearly destroying things at half Hillary speed – maybe she’s satisfied!
I’m wondering how anyone could destroy things any faster than this fake administration!
LOL!!! It would either take work or natural ability. Or both! ( “AND logic”!

Oops! A Broom with no view (smells of alcohol and sulfur)… (not so)good bye, and good riddance, Hell-the-BEAST:
Well, that explains hildabeast’ face.
Kind of, erm, depressed
On the the hand, BiteMe was not up for campaigning and gverning.
I was kinda looking forward to hildabeast running, so I, could make fun of the old hag.
There is always Big Mike to ruin things.
My dark horse fear is that RINO Abbott is getting ready to stab America in the back and throw the TX Gov race to Beto the fake mexican, who will then become the new leftist messiah in ‘24.
IMO, if Abbott is working behind the scenes with the RNC / Bushies, maybe even the DNC, this may indeed come to pass (God forbid).
Losing the TX Gov mansion to the democrats in ‘22 would be catastrophic in today’s psychological and propaganda war.
Esp. to a soy boy like Beto.
That is what nightmare’s are made off
She isn’t running for President but will be perfectly happy to connive her way into the office with less effort.
Goddamned Ratfucking Bitch. Sorry, not for the language but because those words are simply inadequate and my imagination is failing me.
I just realized that tonight is the night we lose an hour! Grrr! Wish we’d stay on one or the other.
What really ticks me off is that the government is rocking the concept of time back and forth, trying to show their sovereignty over physics, to be “helpful”.
I used to work for an accounting firm that was more straightforward. Their office hours were posted according to season — e.g. “12/15/XX – 4/15/XY — 7:30AM – 7:30PM”; “4/16/XY – 6/30/XY — 8:00AM – 5:00PM”; “7/1/XY – 12/15/XY — 9:00AM – 4:00PM”.
Mind you, that wasn’t necessarily the staff hours, but those were the public hours — when the phone would be answered by a human, and you could get human contact for immediate professional help. If businesses aren’t constrained into fixed business hours, then there’s no justification for changing clocks around.
Further, it is not unusual to try to coordinate groups from the west coast that are in both Asia (eight hours in the future) and Europe (eight hours in the past). Maybe this is when we should finally just all go to UTC and eliminate daylight savings and time zones altogether.
I’m all for eliminating the daylight saving nonsense.
In particular because it isn’t even synchronized between the US and the countries in Europe — US does the «spring forward» this weekend, while the Europeans don’t «spring forward» until March 27, in another two weeks. As I am trying to meet with people at the other side of the Atlantic, online, this becomes of some importance. Is it 8, 7, or 6 hours different between the local times now? Just convert all to UTC and see what is what.
No, the most savings one can ever get from that daylight saving scheme is to abandon it.
Amateur radio use UTC so that everyone knows when everything is happening, everywhere, the same applies to aviation as far as I know. But for activities that happen in only one localized area, solar noon somewhere not too far from 1200 local time is so well established that it would be hard to change. Along with the 24 hours, 60 minutes, and 60 seconds. Attempts to decimalize these common units of time haven’t been very successful.
The best-known decimalization effort, part of the French Revolution, is most often encountered as something to be ridiculed.
And such gems as quatre-vingt-dix-neuf…
I do agree with abandoning DST.
Everyone going to UTC would solve nothing because you’d still have to know what crazy (to you) hours someone on another continent was keeping. It would simply inconvenience them because “noon” would no longer be midday or even close to it.
At least now you can do a time zone conversion in your head and know about what time of day it is for them–if I call now, I will likely interrupt his dinner or breakfast.
Well crap, thanks for telling me, I’m just realizing it now from your comment.
I posted this comment the other day. The linked articles are over the top with several direct quotes of Keromyris about the program, while he was at DARPA:
The Margot Cleveland Federalist article:
— Margot Cleveland (@ProfMJCleveland) March 10, 2022
The emails to back up the story are wild.
The researcher, Antonakakis, drops the bombshell that he has been subpoenaed to appear before the SC, on the Provost/VP for Academic Affairs, the VP for Research, and the General Counsel/VP for Ethics, etc. of Georgia Tech. They respond by adding 2 additional university lawyers to the conversation. (Note the dates and timestamps of the emails…Friday nights, Saturdays, lol)
Also very curious is Antonakakis adding Angelos Keromytis, formerly the program manager for DARPA’s Enhanced Attribution program that solicited the services of the GT researchers in 2016. He was recruited by GT to an endowed faculty position in 2018.
Couple more very interesting links related to Angelo’s Keromytis:
…”Keromytis says of Active Authentication. “That led me to think, ‘Could we apply the same kinds of techniques in a different context … to track the identities of operators, assuming that we have a presence on their devices and their systems?’
“Imagine that I knew somehow that you are a foreign adversary operator engaging in cyber activity against us, and I could look over your shoulder as you’re typing,” he continues. “What could I glean from that? What could I get from that if I put a machine to look at your actions?”…
…Assuming that we have a presence on their devices and systems…
Let that sink in.
A glimpse into the sources and methods of those tasked by DARPA withsurveiling the Executive Office of the President ?!?
And Keromytis was sitting on Raffensperger’s “Safe, Secure, and Accessible Elections Task Force”, while he worked for DARPA?
He wasn’t recruited by Georgia Tech until 2018.
I’m not so good at time travel.
He worked for DARPA in 2016 when he contracted the GT researchers for DARPA. ( Joffe, Perkins Couie, Clinton Campaign, Sussmann)
He worked for GT in 2020 when he sat on the Georgia election committee.
Wasn’t Perkins Coie’s Elias doing election related work in Georgia?
Hokie smokes!
Was Keromytis a DARPA back door to Georgia’s elections?
Sure would explain a lot.
Symantec was sued by Columbia U. for patent infringement. Keromytis is mentioned in the suit. He was at Columbia before moving to DARPA.
Link to the suit:
Multiple home runs here, marymorse. Thanks for the dig.
TY, but I just read and share what those Twitter researchers post.
They’re doing lots of heavy lifting…FOIA requests, analysis, etc.
No need to be modest marymorse.
We are in a WAR to connect dots.
Our rulers do their best bury them from view.
Thank you for your contributions
If I may, my end zone victory dance:
I’m just seeing this. Didn’t realize that this happened:
F*ck U 2, Frank Shushock, Jr., and others!
(Signed, A proud alumni.)
Or if music is preferred:
(Our HS mascot was “The Magicians”, and this was our theme song.)
Thank you, Carl! Alan Jackson sings “When we all get to Heaven” and I’ve always liked the song. It is short, under 2 minutes. It reminds me of visiting a country Methodist church my grandparents went to when I was a child. In the fall, the church would have a sale with an auctioneer. The church ladies made quilts by hand and sold them at the auction. On Sunday afternoons, the ladies would sit around the quilt rack sewing tiny stitches as they pieced the tops together or added the filling layer and backing and sewed the little swirly designs to hold the quilt together. They put up clothes lines between trees and hung the quilts in rows so everyone could admire them. It was a cool event for a kid. Metal cattle watering tanks were full of ice with bottled sodas for sale outside. The air always seemed crisp so it was probably in October. Some people were making large kettles of apple butter. In the basement kitchen, they sold sandwiches and most importantly, pie! Pi day this year has probably passed without much notice. The basement also had rows of tables and metal chairs so people could chat while eating lunch. While the church had plumbing in the kitchen, it still had outhouses people used and no air conditioning. In the church, they had paper fans one could use to cool off one’s face in the summer.
Pi Day, 3/14, is Monday.
I’m glad you mentioned it — I have a special t-shirt for the day.
I’d attach a link, but is throwing errors under both Firefox and Brave. Might be a system kludge to AWS.
……and, it’s back. The shirt I will try to find tomorrow (to wear Monday) is
Thanks for letting us know the Pi date is Monday so we don’t miss our pie! The number of special days has exceeded the number of available days and so our federal government has also added special months. I think the excess might have started with Earth day. A landscaper friend had an Earth day t-shirt but I don’t think it meant to her what it meant to environmental extremists. Would it be terribly wrong to change Earth day to Back-to-the-Cave day? Spelunkers might appreciate that.
And, then, there’s
Love this too. “Ohhh, that’s a good one,” Alan said. He’s so right. Then, there’s “The angels cried” with Alison Karuss.

love the harmony …
Love this song and singer, ty

Picked this up from Armstrong Economics. Pay careful attention to the dates.
Hopefully this lets you out!
Here’s to hoping!
H/T, Smilely from yesterdays thread
Both videos the one you reference
#2 a continuation…
Oliver Stone’s Revealing Ukraine …
IMO they are both good,many have seen the first, # 2 is even more ‘revealing’ and worth the time
Great to see you back in town Michealh !
Peking University….
OMG, that’s hilariously true!
There’s a lesson in there, somewhere… hiding… you kinda have to suss it out.
I hope they didn’t use force…
A comment worthy of Wormtongue himself.
A lesson, to be sure. But only for ignorant people pushing an agenda that is bereft of intellectual honesty, refuses to acknowledge truths inconvenient to the agenda’s arguments, and aren’t founded upon a belief in Christ.
For one thing, Romania in the ‘80’s wasn’t America. For another, Romanians didn’t have a Constitution like America’s to protect. Still another difference is that Romanians had lived under an actual, brutal dictatorship for many, many decades. And only a dishonest person would even attempt to suggest that America’s last 50 years were anything like Romania’s prior to 1989.
Beyond understanding these differences, some of us also understand and believe in the critically important nuance of argument that says we can’t shred the Constitution in order to defend it. We also understand that there are still many Constitutional means available to overcome today’s challenges without departing from it.
Equally if not even more importantly, some of us also believe in God, and are guided by the study and understanding of Christ’s teachings, like…
Some of us put God first, and nation second. We understand the scripture above. Some of us realize that, as much as we love our country and are grateful for it, it is not worth our souls and eternal damnation. But to understand these things, one has to have a firm belief in and knowledge of the Almighty, to say nothing of our own Constitution.
And for certain sure, folks like this are in the minority. Always have been, always will be. Scripture warns us such people will be mocked and ridiculed as fools for these beliefs, their faith tested and tried by the agents of the enemy. No different that Noah was in his day.
You know, with snarky, acidic comments like your’s. Ho hum.
“A lesson, to be sure. But only for ignorant people pushing an agenda that is bereft of intellectual honesty, refuses to acknowledge truths inconvenient to the agenda’s arguments, and aren’t founded upon a belief in Christ.”
Wrong as usual, Mr. Hyde.
The lesson is that Romania would still be a Communist dictatorship all these years later, if they had not forcibly removed the psychopath running their country.
Nobody is pushing an agenda, at least not besides reality, about which you live in constant denial.
As for intellectual honesty, slap your own mouth, you’re in a league of your own when it comes to dishonesty.
As for refusing to acknowledge ‘truths inconvenient to the agenda’, I ask you to name them all the time, and you always run away.
Then you come back in some other thread and make the same baseless claim again.
And what do you know about Christ?
You’re so terrible at this it’s funny.
“For one thing, Romania in the ‘80’s wasn’t America.”
Not relevant.
“For another, Romanians didn’t have a Constitution like America’s to protect.”
Your argument is with Thomas Jefferson, an argument which you run away from, every time I post it.
“A strict observance of the written law is doubtless one of the high duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest.
The laws of necessity, of self-preservation, of saving our country when in danger, are of higher obligation.
To lose our country by a scrupulous adherence to the written law, would be to lose the law itself, with life, liberty, property and all those who are enjoying them with us; thus absurdly sacrificing the ends to the means.” — Thomas Jefferson, 1803.
“Still another difference is that Romanians had lived under an actual, brutal dictatorship for many, many decades.”
So you have established that removing a brutal dictator by force is acceptable, so long as the dictatorship has lasted for “many, many decades”.
I’m sure the people who suffered under that dictatorship appreciate every second of suffering you would allow, before they were moral enough in your eyes to save themselves.
How long do we need to live under a dictatorship, before saving ourselves would be justified in your eyes?
“And only a dishonest person would even attempt to suggest that America’s last 50 years were anything like Romania’s prior to 1989.”
So again, freedom isn’t your concern, adherence to the Constitution isn’t your concern, your concern is based on relative suffering, and until we have suffered like Romania, your ersatz morality requires everyone suffer under an illegitimate regime while they destroy our country.
You sound more and more like an enemy agent, every time you defend the status quo.
Are you a traitor?
“Beyond understanding these differences, some of us also understand and believe in the critically important nuance of argument that says we can’t shred the Constitution in order to defend it.”
Who is “us”?
Who are you speaking for, besides yourself?
Again, your argument is with Thomas Jefferson:
“A strict observance of the written law is doubtless one of the high duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest.
The laws of necessity, of self-preservation, of saving our country when in danger, are of higher obligation.
To lose our country by a scrupulous adherence to the written law, would be to lose the law itself, with life, liberty, property and all those who are enjoying them with us; thus absurdly sacrificing the ends to the means.” — Thomas Jefferson, 1803.
“We also understand that there are still many Constitutional means available to overcome today’s challenges without departing from it.”
Who is “we”?
Who are you speaking for, besides yourself?
And what are these “many Constitutional means available to overcome today’s challenges”?
Like usual, you allude to things which you never define, it’s just more bullshit.
“Equally if not even more importantly, some of us also believe in God, and are guided by the study and understanding of Christ’s teachings, like…”
Who could be holier than thou, oh great Accuser?
“[35] For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it. [36] For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”
I know context isn’t your specialty, but what is it that you think that verse has to do with our current reality?
You already established that it’s okay to overthrow a brutal dictator so long as he has been allowed to brutally dictate for decades first, so your appeal to out-of-context Scripture is just hypocrisy.
And who is trying to gain the whole world, or even a small part of it?
We the People have been ROBBED of our country, the illegitimate regime stole the election and assumed power by fraud.
But you’re fine with that, and worse, you try to quote Scripture out of context in the attempt to dissuade Americans from defending themselves against this tyranny.
That’s who you are.
Against God’s Word and our country.
Welcome to it, Mr. Hyde.
“Some of us put God first, and nation second.”
Nice sanctimony, do you buy it in bulk?
I used to get frustrated at your arrogance, but it’s hard not to just laugh at you when you’re so over-the-top…
“We understand the scripture above.”
Who is this “we” you keep referring to? Who are you speaking for, besides yourself?
And if you understand the scripture above, go ahead and explain it in the context of our present situation.
Go ahead, dazzle us with your Scriptural understanding.
This should be great.
“Some of us realize that,”
Who is “us”?
Who are you speaking for, besides yourself?
“…as much as we love our country and are grateful for it,”
The lady doth protest too much, methinks…
“…it is not worth our souls and eternal damnation.”
So after a year of throwing every nasty comment at me you can think of, now you’re claiming your real concern is that if We the People defend ourselves against a lawless and illegitimate criminal mafia who stole our country, we will be punished with eternal damnation?
Do you even hear yourself?
Riddle me this, Saint Fed-Glow.
Are you a British loyalist?
Were the Founding Fathers and everyone who fought with them ‘punished with eternal damnation’ for declaring independence and fighting to free themselves from the tyranny of king George?
Would you have been sanctimoniously quoting Mark 8:35-36 to the Founding Fathers before Independence was declared?
If you believe the Founding Fathers were wrong in their actions, that they took America from George without just cause, then does it not logically follow that we should give America back to England?
And if you believe the Founding Fathers were right and justified in their actions, then how is our current situation not even more justified, to reclaim that which has been unjustly stolen from us?
Which is it?
Don’t worry, I don’t expect you to answer, you’ll just run away like you always do.
Run away, brave Sir Robin.
“But to understand these things, one has to have a firm belief in and knowledge of the Almighty,”
So you have a firm belief in and knowledge of the Almighty?
While you falsely accuse people, and lie about them, and drive good people like Grandma away, in your sanctimony?
Before you tell everyone how firm your belief in and knowledge of the Almighty is, as you wage war on everyone you disagree with, you might consider the beam that is in thine own eye.
Not that I have any expectation — at all — that you will, or ever would.
“…to say nothing of our own Constitution.”
Do you suppose Thomas Jefferson understood our Constitution?
I mean, obviously not as well as you do, but at least a little?
Have you seen this yet?
“A strict observance of the written law is doubtless one of the high duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest.
The laws of necessity, of self-preservation, of saving our country when in danger, are of higher obligation.
To lose our country by a scrupulous adherence to the written law, would be to lose the law itself, with life, liberty, property and all those who are enjoying them with us; thus absurdly sacrificing the ends to the means.” — Thomas Jefferson, 1803.
“And for certain sure, folks like this are in the minority. Always have been, always will be. Scripture warns us such people will be mocked and ridiculed as fools for these beliefs, their faith tested and tried by the agents of the enemy. No different that Noah was in his day.
You know, with snarky, acidic comments like your’s. Ho hum.”
I’m glad this stuff is recorded for posterity.
It’s actually really good to read that history, because you can bet your britches that our communist traitors have read it, too.
One essential truth is that the Romanian “white hats” had to STOP DEFENDING THE COMMUNISTS.
And that is exactly why the communists are PURGING OUR WHITE HATS.
“One essential truth is that the Romanian “white hats” had to STOP DEFENDING THE COMMUNISTS.”
Seems curious that the so-called “white hats” were defending the communists in the first place.
How ‘white’ can their hats really be?
If he white hats are defending the communists, what must the blacks be doing?
edit / correction: “If he white hats are defending the communists, what must the black HATS be doing?”
This is true. I worked for 8 months in Romania in 2008 on a military contracting job. The internet in my apartment cost me about $10 per month and was blazing fast for the time…faster and more stable than I had here in Germany paying 4 or 5 times the price.
Yep. T-Offline… Decades ago, in the early 80s, when “the cloud” was X.25, I had a data modem at the office that probably weighed 20 kilos. Maybe it was a tube modem
never opened it up to see. There were competing modems about that were about a fifth of the size and a tenth of the weight, but Datex-P wouldn’t allow them… and the old FTZ-nummer dance… sigh… those were the days
They dig up the streets for just about anything, espeically if the Greens are behind it, but they are loath to lay down fiber, or light up dark fiber… It seems the only thing that will get them to vastly increase bandwidth is the potential of bidirectional TV and the monitoring possibilities thereof, but in spite of that, they’re sitting back and waiting on 5G to do it – on light towers and masts everywhere (and those units ae BIG)…..
Of course the fomer East Bloc has fiber to the door, paid for by the Solidaritätszuschlag, the wonderful tax-on-a-tax we in the West are “privileged” to pay…
[OTOH, without internet TV, Netflix, Prime, and all the other garbage out there, who needs GBe or even more than 250Mbit…]…..
“kidnapped”, that’s an emotive word under the circumstances.
In the replies to that tweet someone says another mayor somwhere else has been “kidnapped”.
Wonder if in fact these are arrests, as Putin said would happen to the nazi’s.
Sorry reply went into moderation, thick fingers strike again )-:
Being a mayor in Ukraine seems like a dangerous job now.
Couldn’t find that story on Duck Duck even with specific reference to the story, but it came up right away in Swiss Cow.
Swiss cow?
See / it’s an alternative search engine.
Is that a brand of hot chocolate? (in other words, Swiss Miss having porked out a bit
(Erm, beefed out a bit, mixing my metaphors a bit)…..
A cow is not beef.
Judge Issues Crucial Ruling In Durham’s Case Against Clinton Campaign Lawyer
Thanks Dora.
Good news from Friday!
thank you, bakocarl…always so reassuring and inspiring…GOD Almighty is a powerful and wonderful Creator of beauty and majesty and all the intricate, exquisite systems of Life….the majestic infinite Universe, the sea and its creatures, the trees and mountains and valleys and fields, the birds, the flowers, the child being born.. human life…our DNA with a special code of information that can exist only by GOD’s mind.
this world is fallen, destroyed by sin, the opposite of Life…the world is in revolt, dominated by dark forces that have been around for a long, long time.
Yeshua is our High Priest, tempted…and Victorious…in the Wilderness…Risen…Sitting on The Right Hand of GOD, ready always to save us from our sins.
He tells us to watch.
to discern the times because the time is getting short….so we won’t be caught unaware.
money & power…the rulers of this fallen world…little demons who want desperately to be “gods”…
The Fallout From COVID Jabs Will Come With Economic Collapse, Warns Financial Executive
article link…
former Blackrock portfolio manager, Edward Dowd, speaks out about the real motivation behind the “pandemic”.
a global debt problem.
and imminent collapse of the financial industry…
all by design.
evil’s handiwork.
it’s all about money.
we are now in the the third bubble of global debt : central banks & governments.
deep-pocket money interests.
2 videos …Edward Dowd…included in the opinion piece.
the COVID “pandemic” is the perfect cover for central banks to print more money…
…for such an emergency.
much more, in the article.
and take heart…
“Now we believe…that This is indeed The Savior of the world” ~ John 4 :42
The Deity of Christ
Amen. Prepare to meet the Lord.
Wisdom comes from sorrows.
Love this hymn .. ty smiley2 ..
Verse of the Day for Sunday, March 13, 2022
“Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.”
Philippians 4:11 (KJV)
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
Much appreciation for this message of hope, bakocarl.
It was warm shirtsleeve (T-shirt) weather last week. Saturday when I was out and about I saw SNOW FLURRIES!
Today we woke up to 21F!!!!
Welcome to the solar minimum and meridonal (Loopy) Jet Stream.
“Look Familiar?” — Tony Heller
Isn’t that what HAARP is supposed to do. Using focused rf energy to heat up the atmosphere close to the jet stream and nudging it onto a new course.
I woke up yesterday to 4″ of now. Today is is cold and windy. Tomorrow is suppose to be 69″ and then in the seventies. The weather is playing with us
It it March unpredictable March after all
In like a mountain lion – out like a bobcat!
March is not predictable neither is the lion nor the bobcat
Still do not have heat. They do not have that I need it is electronics that went on the almost new boiler. The old one was perfect but old and one had to watch the water glass. All is well though
In like a lion out like a tiger.
We just went through a three day stretch of single digit temperatures in the morning. Fortunately not much wind. That arrived today, with warmer weather.
Fox reporting 3 American journalists shot near Kiev, 1 killed.
NY Times Journalist Brent Renaud Shot and Killed on the Outskirts of Kyiv (
Are we sure they’re American? I thought America doesn’t have journalists any more.
repeat the lies often enough, and it turns into “journalism”.
repeat the journalists often enough, and it turns into “history”
secret Illuminati wisdom (J/K).
AKA horse shit ..
I call them emoes, for EMOs.
Employees of Media Outlets
”Propagandists” takes too long to speak or spell.
Guess we’re all Domestic Violent Extremists now.
Mayorkas Releases New Rules on Extremism – DHS Will Target Anyone Who Believes Election Was Stolen or Who Challenged Fauci’s Everchanging COVID Narrative (
The new guidelines on extremist behavior include those who question the fraud in the 2020 election and anyone who question the regime’s talking points on COVID and its treatments including the mandates.
Sue them. Repeatedly.
Will they be picking up Hillary and Al for claiming their elections were stolen too?
Don’t forget about picking up Stacy…
Big forklift needed.
She’s lifted more than a few forks in her day
They’re hoping to re-shape the law to cover for their own lawlessness.
Fuck these people. Really.
This is actually way more significant than people realize. I will be explaining soon.
This is one of the sneakiest communist maneuvers ever. One has to READ THE DOCUMENT to see what they’re really doing.
Seems simple to understand.
They intend to criminalize political opposition to leftist ideology by claiming it is disinformation, untrue, subversive, and seeks to destroy our Republic. In essence, being a conservative is illegal and a felony.
In short, they intend to politically weaponize the power of the govt to eliminate their political opposition…
…because their arguments don’t hold water and they will lose an intellectually honest debate each and every time.
So they intend to use all measures to silence any debate or opposition to them.
They did it within their own party first, and now intend to do so with the rest of the nation.
Read the working group paper and they seem to say that they need to define what they mean, train a whole bunch of people, get a bunch of money, develop a group of investigators (hire a bunch of people), vet the entire DHS workforce, then vet everybody else.
A mixture of Big Brother, 1984, McCarthy, surveillance, etc
Oh, you got it.
As usual, can’t wait for your take.
They are going full Commie – Nazi on us. Free speech it is our God given Blessing .
The new propaganda…”the science has changed”.
Means: Liberals and COVID Karens can walk away from their hysteria without a guilty conscience
This woman
was among the very worst if you recall.
No, “the Science” Has Not Changed, and Don’t You Forget It
I could never trust her. Look at the fake smile she looks as if she ate a lemon.
More like she ate a demon…
I have seen beautiful Asian women and men and she is not one of them. Her insight corruption shows in her face. Demon is right.
Mayorkas Releases New Rules on Extremism – DHS Will Target Anyone Who Believes Election Was Stolen or Who Challenged Fauci’s Everchanging COVID Narrative
Setting all MAGA followers up for sure. Wonder how PDJT will react to this news?
He does not advocate nor engage in violence. He might yawn. Meanwhile this is clear attempt to intimidate and control and as such this a natural to be incorporated into any social monitoring programs. Mayorkas is clearly abusing his power. Worse he is extending these powers down to the work force employers. Hopefully this meets court challenges quickly and gets slapped down.
WEF Wants Everyone Who Resists The Great Reset To Be Forced Into China-Style “ReEducation Camps”
Wang Guan, a WEF young global lizard…oops…leader is seriously pushing for this.
camps will be similar to those where Uyghur Muslims are forced to live in China’s Xinjiang Province.
more, at the link…along with mention of other similar demons prowling about the globe.
anyone who somehow thinks we are not in the end times is a fool.
Speak for yourself.
And, by the way, read the warnings in the Bible about calling people fools.
yep…right on cue…you know who you are.
the most contemptuous person here.
give yrself a big hand.
I agree. We are not in end times.
Ahhh. Graduate of the Harold Camping Seminary it appears…
II Thessalonians 2:
2:1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,
2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?
6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.
7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.
8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
13 But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:
14 Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
15 Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.
16 Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God, even our Father, which hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace,
17 Comfort your hearts, and stablish you in every good word and work.
Have a look at John Macarthur’s site, He has a whole series (indeed a few) on the end times.
We are to be prepared for the endtimes (in particular Rapture) AT ANY MOMENT, yet we are not to quit living, nor to run around like a chicken with its head cut off yelling “the sky is falling, the sky is falling”.
Prudence AND discernment.
what was it you said in a post to me the other day ?
because, in your opinion, my posts were (((DISINFO))
oh yeah…here’s what you said to me..
“stick a sock in it.”
I should just totally ignore yr contemptuous and contentious , mean-spirited remarks…
nobody’s “yelling the sky is falling” except you, there.
nobody has “quit living”, either.
these are the end times.
actually, the “end times” began after The Resurrection and Pentecost, if we want to be technical about it.
you just seem to enjoy hounding me with yr contempt.
so…I’ll give it right back to you…
stick a sock in it.
you’re not funny.
you’re not witty.
and, personally, I don’t appreciate yr abrasive remarks.
so just pass me by here…
harass someone else.
and be happy.
I thought it was the last days that began at Pentecost, and the end times were what Daniel described. In any case, we’re most certainly in messy times.
A good look at history and one discovers ALL times are messy, especially in the Church.
Some even argue with themselves.
EVERY generation since Christ…including that generation, has been loaded with people who were convinced they’d be alive to see them.
There’s even scriptural warrant for believing the synoptic Gospel writers expected it within their lifetimes.
So Smiley’s stand is neither unusual nor original to our time.
Obviously a non-Christian like me ain’t holding his breath. But neither should any Christian and there’s scriptural warrant for that as well.
Ab-so-freakin-lutely. Lame, too cute by half nonsense . . . followed by an apple with a razor blade inside.
And trying to cloak it in religion? SMH
devisive, know-it-all & condescending.
here…take a whiff….
then stick a sock in it.
just plse STFU
Devisive (strong willed/insistent) is no problem actually, but you have to bring the goods to back it up. He never does.
Perhaps you meant “divisive”.
Devisive is not a word (cf. OED)…
Projection yet again…
You make my point for me. Not to mention smiley’s.
so it’s a “he”…
probably suffers from tiny hands and tiny feet…
well by “devisive”, I mean more like DISRUPTIVE, making unnecessary, bitter remarks that DIVIDE ppl here…he adds NOTHING…he just creates bad vibes and contention.
like a TROLL, actually.
a total asshole.
Troll. That would be you (indeed two).
Phone farm no doubt…
His whole point was assuming the role of spelling nazi. Best you got? All good. As I said, it just makes my point for me.
best to just ignore the contentious bore.
he enjoys pushing all the wrong buttons for a reaction.
another flaming narc-hole.
needs attention.
needs to feel special.
Sometimes I wonder if I might have been better off if I had my demise in the Who Flu then winding up in a concentration camp?
Reads like Babylon Bee…the operating level of the USG.
I don’t think those are the guys Mayorkas is warning about
however I bet they were the ones Christopher Wray was reporting about while insinuating it was deplorables.
I despise Wray!
Hard to believe the Russians have not been targeting supply lines, INCLUDING crap being trucked in from other countries. Gotta be EASY targets, rolling down highways. Guessing predictable highways.
Why would Russia “warn”? Russia ought to Just Do It. destroy the resupply, before it is unleashed on Russian forces. Obvious case of, DUH!
Russia Warns It Could Start Targeting Western Arms Convoys Entering Ukraine
Russia appears, to me at least, to have a specific goal in mind, and it is NOT war with the West or the EU, or NATO.
They want US the hell out of Ukraine. They want secure borders without NATO on their doorstep. And they want those areas of Ukraine that are actually ethnically Russian to be part of Russia.
They “warn” because they don’t want idiots to force their hand.
100% agree.
Russia has clear goals. From what I see, they make sense.
Sure as hell wish they have captured some of the biolabs and release what was going on in the biolabs.
IF Russia had the goods on illegal activity in the biolabs, public opinion would shift greatly.
Absolutely not a Russia cheerleader. BUT, DAMN sure loath what I’d bet IS going on in those biolabs.
Me, too. And I hope they have the receipts and bring it on as far as the biolabs are concerned.
America’s so-called “scientists” and the DoD have gotten too big for their britches, and need to be brought down quite a few rungs.
Might have been military and CIA scientists ? Cannot trust civilians to .
They published a load of stuff to download the other day, but it’s all in Russian(?)
Sample page…
Перевод с украинского языка
19.08.2021 г.
Всем заинтересованным лицам
Государственное учреждение «Центр общественного здоровья Министерства здравоохранения Украины» (далее – Центр) выражает Вам свое уважение и информирует, что в период с 30 августа по 12 сентября 2021 года на Украине ожидается визит специалистов Института тропической медицины имени Бернхарда Нохта
(г. Гамбург, Германия): Доктора Петры Эммерих (Petra Emmerich Palosh) и лабораторного специалиста Рональда фон Позеля (Ronald von Possel) в рамках сотрудничества относительно улучшения эпидемиологического надзора за вирусными особо опасными инфекциями, а именно лихорадками Денге, Чикунгунья, Западного Нила, Узуту и др.
Специалисты нашего учреждения в течение 2016 – 2021 года сотрудничали с вышеуказанным институтом. Планируемые мероприятия позволят актуализировать наиболее значимые вопросы относительно эпидемиологического надзора, а также проблем, связанных с регистрацией и учетом инфекционных болезней, которые вызваны возбудителями особо опасных вирусных инфекций, и будут способствовать улучшению информирования отечественных специалистов относительно современных методов лабораторной диагностики особо опасных вирусных патогенов. Во время визита запланировано проведение 09 сентября 2021 года рабочего совещания на базе Александровской клинической больницы г. Киева, куда приглашаются врачи, которые работают с данными категориями больных. Также во время посещения областных Центров контроля
и профилактики болезней в г. Харьков, Одесса и Львов будут проведены встречи с эпидемиологами и заведующими вирусологических лабораторий отмеченных учреждений.
С уважением
И. о. Генерального директора Людмила ЧЕРНЕНКО
But the west said it is Russian propaganda because that is what Russians do (S)
Finally found a translator that works, however some of the stuff is pdf or something that won’t let me c/p.
Translation from Ukrainian
To all interested parties
The state institution “Public Health Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine” (hereinafter referred to as the Center) expresses its respect to you and informs that in the period from August 30 to September 12, 2021, a visit of specialists of the Bernhard Nocht Institute of Tropical Medicine is expected in Ukraine
(Hamburg, Germany): Dr. Petra Emmerich Palosh and laboratory specialist Ronald von Possel in the framework of cooperation on improving epidemiological surveillance of particularly dangerous viral infections, namely Dengue, Chikungunya, West Nile, Uzutu, etc.
Specialists of our institution collaborated with the above–mentioned institute during 2016-2021. The planned activities will make it possible to update the most significant issues regarding epidemiological surveillance, as well as problems related to the registration and accounting of infectious diseases caused by pathogens of particularly dangerous viral infections, and will contribute to improving the information of domestic specialists regarding modern methods of laboratory diagnostics of particularly dangerous viral pathogens. During the visit, it is planned to hold a workshop on September 09, 2021 on the basis of the Alexander Clinical Hospital in Kiev, where doctors who work with these categories of patients are invited. Also, during the visit to the regional Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention in Kharkiv, Odessa and Lviv, meetings will be held with epidemiologists and heads of virological laboratories of these institutions.
, Acting Director General Lyudmila CHERNENKO
Maybe try
English-Russian online translator and dictionary – Yandex.Translate
I was using the yandex translator, but so far that was the only page I could c/p.
All the rest are pdf or some other thing that will not allow a copy of it, I don’t have the tech know how.
There’s stuff written in English also, haven’t seen anything redacted, even passport numbers.
Whatever you do, DO NOT CHANGE THE LANGUAGE IN MS WORD!!! It doesn’t translate, it changes the software to Russian. Learnt the hard way last week.

GOOD To Know!
Perhaps bad of me, I did get a laugh out of that.
You obviously missed my panic posts of a few days ago. Funny now, but not at the time.

Nothing like having Cyrillic for breakfast
[Russian to the table, no less…]….
Who says they did not captured some bio labs that were important?
Unless our special forces went in to take everything out. I am sure there has to be enough left? What did they do with the scientists? They can tell the story !
Yup. AND, all ears for the information.
Crickets thus far.
Time will tell us all we need to know
Confiscating the arms shipments and the trucks they come in with will work just fine.
Sure it would. Great way to resupply. Assuming interchangeability OR easy learning curve to use the weapons. The lower tech stuff easy.
But, fundamentally, STOP the resupply. STOPS or reduces the effectiveness of the defense or counterattacks.
Not always the best idea. Common infantry trick during WW2 and since then was to take a random shell out of a belt [for machine guns] and make a bomb out of it; then reinsert it into the belt. If captured and used, would explode the weapon and fling shrapnel which would maim/kill the gunner.
They’ve been warning the entire time. They warned they were gonna invade 9 months ago if Ukraine kept pursuing NATO ambitions. And here we are.
Isaiah 49:16 See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands;
Your walls are continually before Me
Matthew 28:20
“Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you:
and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.Amen.”
God bless you Carl ..
May the Lord comfort you cthulhu ..
I read this article this morning, and I think that, while we have a huge problem, it may not be exactly the problem we think it is. And I will explain what I mean, but first, the gist:
Is Gen-Z Turning Gay?
“A new Gallup poll indicates a doubling of the number of American adults who self-identify as LGBT or “something other than heterosexual” since 2012. The results, based on aggregated 2021 data from interviews with more than 12,000 adults, also suggest unprecedented growth of this demographic among younger adults. In fact, the numbers show a doubling of non-straight identification for every generation from the Traditionalists (born before 1946), where 0.8% identified as LGBT+, to Gen Z (born 1997-2003), where fully 20.8% of that demographic define themselves as LGBT+. The numbers tell a story that suggests that, if current trends continue, the generation following Generation Z could see nearly half of their young adults identify as non-heterosexual within the next fifteen years.”
The other day, I was talking with a counselor, who told me, without identifying them, about a young person she is seeing. It’s complicated, so I’ll try to be succinct.
The person is question is a boy, who thinks he is gay, and also thinks he is trans, so is supposed to be a girl.
This person has an actual female girlfriend, who says she is trans, so is supposed to be a boy.
These two people are sexually active with each other. Yes, straight sex, a boy with a girl. Neither has had any surgery or anything, so the parts are “normal.”
But, when quizzed by the counselor, this person, who is a boy having sex with a girl, swears he is “gay,” NOT straight.
What we have is NOT a bunch of people becoming “gay,” but a bunch of people who have been brainwashed into believing that they CAN’T say they are STRAIGHT, or they are “lesser” or “bigoted” or somehow “wrong.”
People haven’t changed. These two people have normal, hetero sex. But they can’t ADMIT IT, because of brainwashing and societal pressure. THAT is the problem.
This exact description is up front, sad/ & frustratingly personal with me.

… exactly .. I question the commie/lgbt school systems and covert predation of children by them and the messed up kids who fall into this heartbreaking bs … and become the hunters preying on their fellow school children
It’s overall depressing, except at least in the story told by the counselor I know, biology, i.e. God’s Plan, is actually prevailing.
Thank God for that, those children deserve protection, God directed guidance and protection ..
Yes! This is magnificent BRAINWASHING of humanity.
Part of the 45 (IIRC) points of the Communist Manifesto as read into the Congressional Record back in 1962(?)…
Yes 45, which is documented in this post I did some time back…
Viewed sociopolitically, “male-female” REALITY is being DETHRONED as a dialectic.
Once we understand THAT, it’s possible to fight what they’re doing.
Yes. The sacred dichotomy around which all of humanity has revolved for millennia. Without which we don’t exist.
It’s unreal.
You know when the post WW2 generation went through college 1960’s .. the commie lgbt agenda was indoctrinated into some of them by their teachers and because it was trendy/popular, they then got married had kids, good jobs, disposable income with which they showered the kids with all the “good” things like trips to adventure parks, cartoons up the wahzoo because they were happy to be able to do it, this shaped/colored their sense of reality and so …. most of these adults now are screwed up and believe the evil fantasies are …
>……………………………………………. O K A Y …………………………………………………..
It’s not normal, decent or acceptable .. but my kids generation doesn’t know that.
Brainwashed and confused. There goes the theory that gay people are only attracted to same sex. Those two young people are playing their part in a confused sexual new world.
I am a traditionalist
Me, too!
I like that word traditionalist can through people off
Better than to say strait 
It is a good word! I think I will use it, too.
It’s all just self-absorption.
Pretty much. But I think that about a lot of depression. Focusing on others than ourselves can alleviate a lot.
It’s the arrogance coupled with being self-absorbed.
Only if one falls pray to fear one is kept in fear. My mantra
Amen! Focus on the good. Thanks for the reminder.
That skating was incredible. Their unison was so good it was like watching one person skating in front of a mirror!
They were lovers for a long time. Still best friends today.
I think one of the things that really comes through in this dance is the love they have….for their sport, for this dance, and for one another. And the music is perfect for all of it.
At this level, they are not having to think about what they are doing. At their level of talent and skill, the more they lose themselves into the dance and one another, the better the performance.
Watch one more time….and this time focus less on the skating and more upon how they look at and pay attention to one another. It is not affected. It is genuine.
Exquisite, really.
Fitting, I think, for the scripture cited.
They didn’t marry?
Head scratching, isn’t it. They make a great looking couple. I hear the figure skating world was very hopeful for that, and crushed when it didn’t happen. Easy to see why.
Oh, yes, I saw that love. And I had no idea they had ever been lovers. Tenderness abounded in their interaction, which is part of what made it so beautiful.
Quick question, who are they? The video doen’t show up over here (grrr… time to get a VPN set up).
Hubbell & Donohue, ice dancing pair from the US
Thanks! The “netminders” here sometimes keep various YouTube (and other) media closed off for no apparent reason. Many brilliant bloggers, for instance, have raised the ire of TPTB (the Potatoes tha be… Merde-Kuh, et. al.)…
Nice. It was an 8 minute video of their US ice dancing skate that got them a place on the Olympics. Beautiful, but marred by the ubiquitous masking, just as the Olympics were
Dr. Zev Zelenko appears on video with Ben Stein and others.
General Flynn links to the video on Truth Social –
Rumble link –
In the first minute or so, Dr. Zelenko calls his part in the battle over Covid ‘being at the epicenter of a divine wave’ – Mr. Stein has asked him to explain that. My ears are all perked up to hear…. Dr. Zelenko is a deeply reverent, spiritual man who has fearlessly faced the leftist crooks and creeps and calls a spade a spade!
Wow – Dr. Z talks about how he first discovered and started using the HCQ-Zinc treatment and what happened.
TO1968, Dan Scavino
[video src="" /]
20 seconds long. Q20:
Now….if we only had the answers!
Q frequently said, you have more than you know. This might be one of those times in which that statement applies.
Important site article just went up about some format changes!!!
You will see changes beginning later today and tomorrow.
There are TWO and possibly THREE (if DP wills it) openings for daily thread authors.
OMG! More damn adjusting, just like Winblows.
Hopefully this is more like a Linux version update from NN.04 to NN.10 in an LTS (long term support) release!
Scott Ritter
1/3 Some harsh realities are about to come home to roost in Ukraine.
War is all about logistics; you can’t fight if you don’t have food, water, fuel, and ammunition. People say Ukraine enjoys the advantage of interior lines of communication. This is true, to a point.
2/3 Interior lines only help if you have material that can be transported or the means to transport those materials. Russia has destroyed Ukraine’s fuel and ammunition dumps, and their logistics hubs. Russia is destroying Ukrainian supply convoys. Ukraine is running on empty.
3/3 When was the last time Ukrainian maneuver units resupplied? No fuel means tanks can’t move; tanks can’t move, they die. No ammo means artillery can’t shoot. No food and water means men can’t fight.
Logistics wins wars. Ukrainian logistics are no longer functioning.
Best news I’ve read all day.
me too!
While I know this info is right and he has much more in other tweets beside the ones above and they certainly confirm what we know, I’d provide a warning on using Ritter as any source in arguments with others, but here is fine and here is why…
Ritter is quite the controversial figure. This is the US/UN arms inspector from post Gulf War I when Clinton was in charge that railed in congress about how Sadam was violating sanctions and got a brief short bit of war going by Clinton, having to do some bombing to get the inspectors back in. Then under Bush’s boy Bush he was the big voice on Iraq not having any weapons of mass destruction, which was a huge 180 degree turn from his previous positions. His next big splash in the news was being picked up in 2001 and again in 2009 for trying to pick up an under age girls to have sex with. It’s kind of convoluted so here’s the quote.
The information he brings certiaily confirms what we already know with new examples. While his analysis is perfect he himself is flawed. I would try to leave Ritter’s name out of any arguments. A lot of his information above is retweeted from others, use that. That said though, very few people are going to remember who Scott Ritter was or which Scott Ritter you are talking about. The one that advocated for bombing Sadam. The one that said there were no weapons of mass destruction. The one who was a convicted sex offender.
Thanks… I recall who he was and is… I try and not throw the baby …
His points are pure logic… logistics… right? Plus these days it is difficult for me to find sources as so much is banned… ty you for bringing all the info on Ritter… I’m sure quite a few here remember the name,,, and your points are valid … much respect for you and your advice
I always wonder since I am not a man what attracts a man to a 15 year old?
I think there is a lot of room between “normal” interest in younger girls and “perverted” interest in younger girls.
To give an example of each, it is reasonably normal if a man remembers back to the days when his hormones were becoming carbonated and thinks of the girls he was around at the time. It is decidedly malicious and predatory when a male thinks of younger females as less guarded and more powerless.
The first is merely a memory, and a continuation of a conditioned reflex from when the man was 15 himself, and easily controlled by adult men.
The latter is far uglier.
It should also be noted that some girls physically grow up MUCH faster than others, where 15 is just a number.
I might not be the best authority on this, however, having never even dated anyone younger than I was. I skipped second grade, so my “peer group” when girls started getting very interesting were a year-and-a-half older than I was.
Good explanation . Thank you
That’s why I criticized that forest video of soldiers just blasting repeated rounds indiscriminately, makes for a good movie, but not a way to conserve and wisely use ammo.
The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd; indeed in view of the silliness of the majority of mankind, a widely spread belief is more likely to be foolish than sensible.
~ Bertrand Russell, Marriage and Morals
I respect him for a number of reasons. Few today realize how important he was to the addiction the hold in their hands and call a mobile
Posting this, in full, not only for the sheer magnitude of what is said here by a world-renowned medical scientist, but also to help archive and preserve it in another small corner of the web.
Et tu, Brute?
What a week.
It started with a trip to Palm Beach to meet with Florida Surgeon General Joe Ladapo and Governor Ron DeSantis (big success), then a quick turnaround to testify with the Tennessee state legislature regarding COVID legislation (partial success), then addressing questions regarding the Ukraine Biolab situation with Glen Beck, then a meeting with opinion leader Dr. David Martin, and finishing up with dinner with heroic local physician (and cattle rancher) Dr. Brooke Miller and his wife Ann, who works as a Nurse Practitioner. Next week it is off to my childhood home Santa Barbara for another rally – Stand UP Santa Barbara. All supporting the mission of stopping mandated SARS-CoV-2 genetic vaccination of our children.
I am exhausted. Which is why Jill and I took a day off from writing a substack article yesterday.
Well, I suppose that it is a win that the HHS bureaucrat’s and their many paid enablers are not just backslapping and giving each other medals over how well they have managed COVID-19. At least not yet.
But we do have a modicum of chatty condescending acknowledgment of mistakes made by Drs. Rochelle Walensky (Director, CDC) and Paul Offit (notoriously smug co-inventor of a rotavirus vaccine, Maurice R. Hilleman Professor of Vaccinology, Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Pennsylvania. Former member of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices).
An excellent commentary summarizing the stunning self-owning admissions of incompetence and culpability for massive unnecessary loss of life has been provided by Thomas Harrington writing for the Brownstone Institute, entitled “Drs. Walensky and Offit: It’s All in Good Fun”.
Personally, I can hardly bear to watch their breezy smugness as they casually chat with friends. I am reminded of the famous Hannah Arendt phrase “the banality of evil”. Mr. Harrington points to a series of clips of the Walensky interview compiled by Phil Kerpen (unfortunately on Twitter), and another excellent thread by Alexandros Marinos focusing on the self-amused Dr. Offit. Quoting from Alex-
I recommend both of those abridged versions of the interviews for those (like me) who just cannot stomach the full interviews. I strongly recommend that you read Mr. Harrington’s succinct summary, particularly including the following three paragraphs, which nicely summarize my feelings about the situation.
Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Anthony Fauci, Rochelle Walensky , Paul Offit, Janet Woodcock, Rick Bright, Jessica Cecil and her Trusted News Initiative. Don’t forget these names. They should live in infamy. And they all share a common personality profile.
I have been getting the question “How does it feel to be vindicated?”
Dr. Jill (Glasspool-Malone) keeps noodling me to write a piece describing my feelings on this topic. Personally, I dislike focusing on the psychology of how these last two years have impacted on me (and us). Much as I am very wary of the “cult of personality” aspect of my newfound fame. I have not spoken out because I sought attention, I have done this because it was the right thing to do, and I seemed to have a unique widow of opportunity to speak for those whose voices were so actively suppressed. But I certainly have had to take hits for it. The slander, defamation, gaslighting, and globally coordinated character assassination have been non-stop. But as time has gone by, and more and more has been revealed about the hidden hands that seek to manage what we are allowed to hear, see, and think, I have been transformed.
The biomedical world that I thought I was living in has been revealed to be a sham. The legitimacy of the industry and discipline that I have committed my entire professional life to is in shambles. I am now embarrassed to call myself a vaccines and biodefense expert, because the fundamental corruption inherent in those domains has been so clearly revealed. I cannot unsee what I have seen. I cannot recapture all of those years spent in a profoundly corrupt academic system, spent supporting a deeply compromised discipline which appears primarily driven by financial interests rather than by what I had naively believed was a commitment to saving lives. I chose to not pursue the careers of my father and father in law, which were spent building weapons of war. Only to find that I had inadvertently played a significant role in enabling one of the most tragic medical follies in the history of man.
When first asked how it feels to be vindicated, I did not know what to say. It feels a long, long way from vindication. Those directly responsible are unlikely to face any form of reckoning. And rather than remorse, they seem to find the whole thing amusing. The unnecessary lives lost, the destruction of faith in the public health enterprise, vaccines in general, the entire medical/hospital system, the US Department of Health and Human Services, and government in general. Ha ha. Oh well, not our fault. Just the way things are.
I looked inwards, deep into my heart and soul, and asked the question. How does it feel? Demoralizing and depressing. I experience absolutely no pleasure whatsoever in seeing my worst fears come to pass, and in having accurately predicted so many things during the last two years. Jill and I have put everything on the line. Parked our lives, our farm, our family, in a sustained effort to try to save lives and help average people understand what was going on, what the actual “Science” was, and to try to help people to think through the issues. Going back to ground zero, to try to enable “informed consent” in a time where that fundamental bedrock of medical ethics was thrown into the dumpster. We have experienced extraordinary efforts to delegitimize us, to re-write history, to deny us credit for intellectual and technical contributions, to slander and defame. They have destroyed the consulting business that we had built up together over decades. We have drained ourselves with the constant travel and stress of the speaking engagements. A constant stream of podcasts (up to nine per day) as a way to break through the wall of globally coordinated censorship and propaganda. I have been labeled a “right wing extremist” and “Nazi”.
Here is a little story about Santa Barbara. I left my job as a carpenter and attended Santa Barbara City College between 1980 and 1982, graduating with straight A’s as President of the Student Council. This was made possible in part by financial assistance from the Santa Barbara Foundation. When invited to come speak by Stand Up SB in Santa Barbara regarding COVID, I suggested it would be nice to do a fundraiser for the Santa Barbara Foundation. An opportunity to give back to the community and organization that had made my journey from carpenter and orchard farmhand to physician/scientist possible. Upon being contacted, the foundation decided that they did not want to receive any support from a far-right wing person such as myself. Et tu, Brute? This is an example of the price that has had to be paid.
And we would do it again in a heartbeat. Because it has been the right thing to do. And we found ourselves in a position where we had a chance to make a difference. We have made new friends all over the world. I now have a very different worldview than I had two years ago. I have no regrets. But I take no pleasure in the thing.
Dr. Robert Malone
I can’t imagine the pain.
” I now have a very different worldview than I had two years ago. I have no regrets. But I take no pleasure in the thing”.
Dr. Robert Malone
His humility is breathtaking.
Think about it.
Dr Malone voted for Hillary and Biden..
Naomi Wolf Was a Feminist Icon. Now She’s an Anti-Vaxxer …
Robert F Kennedy Jr, “…helped found the non-profit environmental group Waterkeeper Alliance in 1999 and has served as the president of its board…” -WIKI
NONE of these people are RIGHT WING by any stretch of the imagination!
They have been red pilled. You lie to people long enough their common sense kicks in and begin to question reality.
I love Dr. Malone, but how can a brilliant, engaged, observant person watch the events unfold from 2016 through the 2020 election – and vote for Biden? Or Hillary, with her track record? How far can one suspend disbelief? I’m a reasonably bright nobody, and I figured it all out. Easy peasy.
I sense some serious lib snootiness under the radar. Much like Tucker Carlson.
Shaving Vince McMahon’s head is just so below people like that.
He’s correct about the term also… thy do call it psychopathy…
Thank you for posting this here. Dr Melone and so many others now defamend heros who stood up against the Biden Machine and the helth establishment led by Fauci. Fauci is no Dr he is a psychopath.
Thank you for bringing this.
I think there are times when “feeling vindicated” is hugely positive — think Nick Sandmann.
Then there are times when “feeling vindicated” is, as Dr. Malone says, no pleasure at all.
God bless him and preserve him.
Hmmm, wonder if it was a false positive, triggered by AIDS?
Barack Obama tests positive for COVID-19
or, perhaps he has been “detained” !
O Bummer.
I’d say somebody’s sending a message.
I would agree with you!
Those are SOOOOO COOL!!!

Thank you bakocarl you are very special and we are blessed by you.
When my husband left NY his father was ill with heart failure. I stayed with him in NY but my husband had to go to work to be back in a couple of days. As he took off in the Airplane he “looked at the beautiful clouds in the blue sky he thought of his father how much he would like them”. When my husband stepped off the plane at his destination he received a call from me that his father had past.
Now when he looks at the sky and see a beautiful cloud formation he thinks of his father . His father was a beautiful man insight and out.
Wrestling match in my room. The twelve year old and his brother.
If it wasn’t for the giggles….
You loved it!
Not really. The twelve year old tagged the not quite ten year old with a stuffed snake and it stung.
Square dancing anyone?
…. Pepto Bismal is my friend ..
They look like guys to me playing dress up
That’s exactly what I thought, singingsoul.
Maybe, just maybe they lost a bet and had to go out in public like that. They looked burly … really burly
.. yuk
The one in pink had nice legs.
That sounds about right or they are in a comedy show and forgot something
People of Walmart.
Walmart is an absolute HELL HOLE of horror when it comes to the humans encountered therein.
There is a whole website devoted to photos, but be aware, while some are hilarious, they are all pretty bad. Ass-cracks and saggy, bra-less boobs abound.
I did think this one was very funny. Good Dad:
They’re dressed like little girls Sick and perverted.
People of Walmart has video now–yikes!
Baghdad Bob friends alive and well in Ukraine.
Lying sack of shit, Pierre DeLecto says, Tulsi is treasonous, for talking about the biolabs in Ukraine.
“Her Treasonous Lies May Well Cost Lives” – Mitt Romney Lashes Out at Tulsi Gabbard For Talking About US-Funded Biolabs in Ukraine
What the hell is with the Cruella de Vil hair?
Earlier today, I read the American reporter that died in Ukraine, was shot by Russia.
NOW, perhaps friendly fire. Ukraine friendly fire?
AND, the idjit was wearing a NYT ID badge, but NOT working for NYT. (Integrity much?)
GWP (Emphasis added)
UPDATE: American Reporter Brent Renaud was Killed at UKRAINIAN Checkpoint Behind Russian Front — Likely Friendly Fire Incident
This morning news broke that a New York Times journalist was killed in Ukraine. Brent Renaud was wearing a NY Times badge and lanyard at the time of his death. He had not worked for the Times since 2015.
Since this morning the NYT has denied that Brent Renaud was working for the NYT at the time of his death. It now appears that Renaud was some sort of Intel collector for the US.
Like I said, there are no American journalists … any more. Bonus factoid: NYT does not employ journalists.
So there isn’t a dead one in Ukraine.
“According to Edward Dowd, a former Blackrock portfolio manager who has been studying CDC data with an insurance industry expert, the percentage of excess deaths among Millenials, young adults aged 25-44, in the second half of 2021, was a staggering 84 percent. That percentage translates into a staggering 61,000 deaths, a number that exceeds the number of US deaths in the Vietnam War!
“As Dowd so aptly puts it to Alex Jones, the Millenial Generation just experienced their Vietnam War event, only in half a year, not ten. “This is death by government mandate, or democide,” Dowd continues. “Death by government. That’s what’s going on here.”
“Dowd also reports that between August 2021 and February 2022, the over-65-generation experienced 305,000 excess deaths. “That is a World War II event,” Dowd explains. In that earlier war, 291,000 Americans died. “So,” he concludes, “the Baby Boomer Generation just had a World War II event.”
“The official war casualties have monuments to their sacrifice. However, these hundreds of thousands of democides (and counting) are denied and hidden from us, covered up by media and government propagandists who had to find a hot war in Ukraine to thrust in our faces to distract us from our own war dead.
“And that war by our very own government against We, the People, continues.”
That’s 366,000 excess deaths in 7 months. And that doesn’t include other age groups. I don’t think a lot of people are grasping the death count that is going on.
Normies have NOT tuned in.
Pravada News running interference.
I knew it had to be a high number of deaths because I was seeing reports of someone dying under suspicious circumstances almost every day. Often, but not always, they were known to the public in some fashion, even if just locally. I knew that if there were that many “famous” people dying, there had to be a lot we never heard about. I had no idea the numbers were that high. *They* must be gleeful about their population reduction agenda.
Somehow, ^^^ information needs to go viral with normies. Tucker would be a great platform.
Hope Dowd and his silent partner(s) will have more data soon.
Not trying to play Eeyore. My guess is, later this year, we’ll likely see data for 11-18 yo. Next year 5-11 yo.
If you’re sick of Jussie, scroll on by. This meme was too good to pass up.
GWP: He’s crying racism. Who didn’t know that was coming? Yet he’s getting star treatment with the amount of protection they are giving him in jail. I bet it is costing a lot. I’m only interested in this because I don’t think he’s going away. I think he could incite race problems and cause all kinds of trouble. I hope people will see through his act.
A GWP article from Western Journal:
No One Is Talking About the Mass Food Shortage and Grocery Bill Increases US Is Barreling Toward
[Actually, we are talking about it here.]
Fertilizer is bad, but with Bye,Done cutting back oil, natgas and other supplies, the entire supply chain costs are going to skyrocket. And oil is needed by the fertilizer and pharma industries, with gas for the manufacturing and power sides of it…
We’re seeing that here right now, and Vlad hasn’t even turned off the tap(s)… And North Sea suppliers (Norway, UK, etc.) are loath to turn their taps ON…..
Globalist piggies laughing all the way to the bank.Good thing that they get zero or negative interest just like the rest of us, thanks to their puppet Druggie, erm, Draghi…
From the cradle to the grave, for them there’s money to be made…
My husband is in recovery. All went well. He had one minor blockage and got one stent.
thanks for the prayers was gratefully apriciated.