TheseTruths mentioned Professor David Clements a few days ago. Clements has not been posting on Rumble to The Professor’s Record very much but he has put up some very interesting clips from other people. In light of Wolf Moon’s post How Mayorkas and DHS plan to Purge Republicans, the last two videos by Byrne make sense. Problem – Reaction – and he offers the ‘Solution.’
A bit of Dot connecting.
There was a big carfuffle over General Flynn vs Lin Wood just after Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty back in November. This caused a major split in the MAGA Movement and even cause a blow-up here at the Qtree.
Con Artist #1 David Hancock, a grifter, disgraced navy seal who moved in on the Rittenhouse family, seems to be behind Kyle Rittenhouse’s attack on Lin Wood.
And that mess resulted in a riff between Lin Wood and General Flynn and our loss of grandmaintexas.
Thesetruths made a long comment in response to FG&C
….I also want evidence. Wood has provided evidence about Hancock. He has provided evidence that Byrne lied in his video….
Wood has provided financial records of his FightBack organization.Wood produced the audio of the Byrne phone call to prove that Byrne was lying about him, and probably also to reveal Byrne’s character, as someone who would say those things about Powell.
At this point in time more information has come up and it looks like Thesetruths maybe correct about Byrne.
Joshua Merritt was on Lindell’s Red Team and trashed his Cyber Symposium to the media.
Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium created waves in both mainstream and conservative media after Josh Merritt, a member of Lindell’s “Red Team” of cyber experts, went to the media and said the data was illegitimate just prior to presenting at the event.
Merritt told the Washington Times that packet captures are unrecoverable in the data and that the data, as provided, cannot prove a cyber incursion by China. “So our team said, we’re not going to say that this is legitimate if we don’t have confidence in the information,” Merritt said on Wednesday….
Josh Merritt ALSO showed up in the Sydney Powell’s lawsuits. And HE ALSO BETRAYED SYDNEY!
Despite the fact that the Post had spoken with Merritt and confirmed his identity as “Spyder,” Powell refused to answer questions about his qualifications…..
Sidney Powell,….appears to have misled courts as to the qualifications of one of her key witnesses….Powell’s team described the witness in question as a “Military Intelligence expert” who would provide unambiguous proof that voting systems used in the election were compromised. The witness was known only as “Spyder”
But a Friday report from the Washington Post revealed that “Spyder,” whose real name is Joshua Merritt,…. actually an army vehicle mechanic who had never even worked in military intelligence.
Merritt even conceded to the Post that describing himself as an “electronic intelligence analyst under 305th Military Intelligence” was specious. He said legal clerks on Powell’s team wrote that information on his declaration without informing him of the specific language….
Law and Crime
CAN YOU SAY BULLSHIT ARTIST?? Someone inserted into MAGA as a poison pill? IIRC David Clement ALSO interviewed him, felt great affinity for him and DID NOT SPOT HIM as a Con Artist. He took the video down after the symposium when all this came out.
So that is Con-Artist #2.
MARCH 4th – Gen. Michael Flynn’s Henchmen EXPOSED – 25 minutes
I do not think it is General FLYNN, I think it is PATRICK BYRNES who is doing a lot of manipulating! Here are three very telling videos.
Rough translation/synopsis.
In brackets throughout are captions by David Clement. I labeled my comments within brackets with -GC. I also inserted additional information from other sources to flesh out the story.
There was a bunch of back and forth between Mike Lindell and TruNews. Mike accused TruNews of bringing in ANTIFA. HOWEVER Mike and TruNews (Rick Wiles) TALKED and got the matter cleared up. The CON ARTIST in this case was JEREMY OLIVER. He claimed to be UNDER CONTRACT with TruNews. He wasn’t he had submitted an application and then was slipped in. He was the freelance videographer that Edward Szall took to Sioux Falls. Ed asked at the last minute if he could bring Oliver along. TruNews did not have a production team or media creds. Ed said he had a person who was very close to Mr Lindell who could get the creds pushed through and he is a videographer and will do it FOR FREE. He wants to impress you and wants a job with TruNews. He had NOTHING on paper, it was a MISTAKE on the part of TrueNews. [I think the person close to Mike Lindell who got Jeremy Oliver in under media creds was Patrick Byrne as is shown later. -GC]
Then the story got really weird. He was given the information by Colonel Waldren who was head of the Red Team. His security team, who fed the information to him about the guy (Oliver) being Antifa and that TruNews was funded by MediaMatters.
Rick Wiles does not think Oliver is ANTIFA, BUT he does not think he is a Free lance videographer either [INTELLIGENCE ASSET]
Doc found another video today. It was at another event where Mr Lindell spoke. (thinks April or May) Put on by a group supporting Lindell [The America Project = Joe Flynn, Michael Flynn & PATRICK BYRNE] It was at a hotel in Vegas.
@ 6 MINUTES a very important clip by a U-Tuber/journalist with his own talk show. He is Jason Goodman. His show is Crowd Source the Truth. Doc & Rick Wiles had a long conversation with the guy and thought he was a nice Jewish man who is trying to connect dots.
The video shows a few people:
Jason Goodman doing the interview.
Patrick Byrne as interviewee
Jeremy Oliver as Bodyguard – strong arm.
2nd Body guard carrying a firearm.
Hotel Security in white shirt.
Patrick Byrne, is the person being interviewed. He was involved with a Russian SPY ON BEHALF OF THE FBI. Per Byrne he was involved in STING OPERATIONS against wall street businessmen involved in white collar crime. (2019) This wasn’t a one off, he had been an informant for a number of years. He said he was recruited by those ABOVE THE FBI.
@ 9:46 minutes Fox news interview of Byrne
Interviewer: You said you got tangled up in the Deep State Investigation INTO DONALD TRUMP
Byrne: … About 12 years ago I helped them Fight Wall Street. I was kinda a one man Occupy Wall Street. In 05,06 the Feds showed up and it was my honor to help them TAKE DOWN A COUPLE HUNDRED PEOPLE ON WALL STREET.
In 2015/2016 I was given some fishy orders. I carried them out…. Don’t say the FBI, the FBI is barely involved in this. It is all the way in top, The Men in Black as I called them showed up and asked for this THIRD favor. I’m not going to go into that... [ Wall Street #1, the Russian Spy #2, and DONALD TRUMP #3 – GC]
THE ORDERS CAME FROM PETER STZROK. [Remember Stzrok was on loan to the FBI from the CIA -GC] …. I can’t go into it…. I feel terrible, people getting killed, country coming apart so I WENT TO SEE WARREN BUFFET kinda my Rabbi [ photo of Obama giving Presidential Metal & he is on Council on Foreign Relations]

Buffet advised Byrne to go public… Here is what it is, this was all political espionage. CONDUCTED AGAINST HILLARY CLINTON, Rubio, Cruz and Trump. This is not theory, I was in the room when it happened. I was part of it. He said he had to wait to come forward until Bill Barr was installed. [Bill Barr of Kirkland & Ellis? The same that handled the $400 million capital raised to purchase Dominion Voting?]
@ 14:30 Second video showing an ATTEMPTED Byne interview by Goodman. [This is where it gets really wierd. -GC]
Goodman: I know you have been working with Mike for a while. I do not know if you were aware, I called Mr Lindell and he got very upset.
Byrne: Not aware.
Goodman: I had a good impression of Mike, obviously I support Donald Trump, I am not into stealing elections or a communist becoming the president.
[Mary Fanning-Kirchhoefer is married to Kirkland & Ellis IP attorney Greg Kirchoefer. The law firm that handled the $400 million capital raised to purchase Dominion Voting Systems.]
I called him to share information about Mary Fanning who I know is very involved in the project and Dennis Montgomery and he became very irate and hung up the phone and wouldn’t listen to me.
Byrne: I have no comment… walks away.
Goodman: Hey Patrick … no need to push me… Why won’t you speak to me about Mary Fanning. He just instructed his security to keep me away from him…
Byrne calls some guy.
Byrne shows up again and tells Goodman the reason he is getting tossed is because his question is ridiculous…. Foul language… Two guys come up and give him the bum’s rush and herd him towards the elevators.
While the VIDEOGRAPHER JEREMY OLIVER (who TOLD Mike Lindell he was with TrueNews @ the symposium) cages Goodman at the elevators the other guy goes and gets Hotel Security to toss Goodman out of the hotel.
Back to Ed Szall who recommended the guy.
[INSERT by Professor: Remember this hit piece against me?
Influencer on line made claims of an ANTHRAX Attack at the Reawaken America Tour in Dallas. We looked into it and found it was from Ed Szall on the Stew Peters Show and reported by RedVoiceMedia (Dec 2021)
“Look… I like Stew Peterson But this is Shit reporting
This morning I literally walked the reporter through the timeline referring him to specific posts made by Joe Oltmann AND the livestream where joe talked about what happened, BEFORE I commented publicly and asked for prayer.
Edward Szall, a colleague of Jeremy Oliver, Created a story attacking me, aired by Stew Peters, instead of asking Joe Oltmann and Jovan Pulitzer about an alleged bio-attack they experienced at Mike Flynn’s ReAwaken America Event in Dallas. See:
@ 19:00 TrueNews does a replay of the Goodman video without sound so they can make comments. They watch Jeremy Oliver and say he acts like Byrne’s bodyguard. He has no ID no name tag but puts himself in a position to watch over Byrne. Oliver’s companion bodyguard, according to Goodman was armed. He said he saw the fire arm.
The mention Mary Fanning produced the Lindell video earlier in the year and Dennis Montgomery is the alleged source of the massive voter data dump. They ask WHY did Byne go bonkers at the mention of those names.
TrueNews later found out that Edward Szall had known Jeremy Oliver for five years. [THINK, That is since beginning of TRUMP ELECTION AND PRESIDENCY -GC]
And then I found out that Lauren Witzke?[SWAG on my part as to who this is -GC] has known him for years. Seems he gets around to a lot of events and knows a lot of people.
Well according to Edward Szoll, Oliver told him he was very close to Mike Lindell but Mike said he had never heard of him. [That is why I think it was Byrne’s who got the media creds for Jeremy Oliver -GC]
But Oliver shows up at multiple meetings where Mr Lindell is at. And he gets very very close to very prominent speakers like Patrick Byrne. That was UNUSUAL BEHAVIOR. The behavior of a body guard, a security agent, someone empowered by a wealthy man to keep people away from him.
We wanted to put up this video because that’s the man who put out a document that he was under contract with TruNews. Even if you hate me, would you help me just this one time and help me investigate him.
Who is this guy?
Who does he work for?
Two other very short clips of Patrick Byrne
Michael Flynn and Patrick Byrne claim Trump QUIT! March 2. 2022 – 14 sec clip
[INSERT by David Clements
General Mike Flynn
Sat Sept 25 9:38 PM
Lin. I am very disappointed in his old messages and those vital health issues he failed to mention. Same old stuff. We need encouraging words of how to win not what he did. People are hungry for solutions SADLY TRUMP QUIT. And although he says we won’t be a socialist country, we look more and more like one each and every day. And he does nothing about it.
The Arizona Audit was paid for by two organizations (mine and Byrne’s to the tune of $5M0 and the cyber company is still in $2.5M debt and T’s team hasn…]
Byrne: Ahhhh… and so on and so forth, I promise Trump was not Stranglove, trying to grab onto power. I’m not sure he wanted to stay. I think he was a seventy-five year old tired guy, who put on fifty pounds. I think he hated what was going on.
March 3rd – Michael Flynn and Patrick Byrne are Anti-Trump Globalists (6:30 min)
… how about a coalition government that does not include Donald Trump, but it includes Micheal Flynn. I want to make it clear I have not run this by Flynn….. I think he would do this because he would do something to save the country.
But we all know behind dear President Biden and our nice pristine VP Kamela Harris we all know there are a couple other shot callers in there and that is all really the government, let’s say four people.
[@40secs Clements puts up a photo of Flynn and Susan Rice shaking hands and smiling at each other like lost lovers.]
I would suggest, as a solution that could, I mean if the Left wants to just pound their way through this. I don’t… I mean their own federal agencies are melting on them. I am hearing 65% of people in the federal agencies ARE ON MY SIDE [notice it is NOT POTUS TRUMP’s side. – GC] I hear all kinds of stuff is going on and people are revolting and the military, and do they really think they are going to play that out?
Let me propose, this other alternative, HAVE A COALITION GOVERNMENT. Mike Flynn, is like Steve Jobs
[…was the co-founder, chairman, and CEO of Apple; the chairman and majority shareholder of Pixar; a member of The Walt Disney Company’s board of directors following its acquisition of Pixar; and the founder, chairman, and CEO of NeXT. – WIKI also see – GC]
Flynn is a STRONG PLAYER. He is the only guy on the Republican side who can be trusted by the People [What about Donald Trump, Patrick? – Clements] [What about DeSantis??? What about Peter Navarro??? -GC] Because the people saw the entire republican party throw Donald Trump under the bus and do nothing for him [Can’t the American people still trust Trump?] Essentially all the republican politicians and all of the RNC fat cats, no one, the people need to have someone they accept and trust. Those 57 to 69% of Americans who see thru this charade. There is no doubt. And Mike Flynn is talking to Donald Trump every day…. [Mike Flynn would be the most senior level person of the coalition government with Trump assisting him?]
Could the Republicans live with that, that Donald Trump did not get to walk back into the White House?
I don’t know, I think Donald Trump could live with it. I can not speak for him. And this guy [POTUS? That is a rather disrespectful way to address a former president. -GC] could press what ever lawsuits he wants to press, I am not opining on, the validity of such lawsuits. [This from a guy who FUNDED the Arizona Audit??? Kinda tepid isn’t he? -GC] So I mean he has every right to press all the lawsuits he wants. I am throwing this out there as something he might see the logic of. [ERRRRrrr didn’t Trump’s plane just have problems on 3/9/2022??? – GC]
And the Left, the people in power, the Biden admin, may see some logic in this. And with it, in this coalition government, COALITION SUPER THINK TANK of Biden, Harris, with a couple intellectual figures behind them. Put Mike Flynn in there and two economists. [Biden, Harris, Obama, and Susan Rice. Put Mike Flynn in there.]
One is a Democrat named Simon Johnson. We’re friendly but I haven’t talked to him in a couple years.
[The only one worse would be Klaus Schwab!]
Simon Johnson is the co-author (with Jonathan Gruber) of Jump-Starting America: How Breakthrough Science Can Revive Economic Growth and the American Dream. You remember Gruber don’t you? Jonathan Gruber is “ObamaCare’s architect” and a MIT professor. He is also the guy who made this statement about the Affordable Care Act. Gruber told an audience at the University of Pennsylvania in November 2014 that Democrats required “the stupidity of the American voter” for Obamacare to become law. -GC]
SIMON JOHNSON is the Ronald A. Kurtz (1954) Professor of Entrepreneurship the MIT Sloan School of Management, where he is head of the Global Economics and Management group. In 2007-08 he was chief economistat the International Monetary Fund, and he currently co-chairs the CFA Institute® Systemic Risk Council…
CFA Institute Systemic Risk Council (CFA Institute SRC) is a private sector, non-partisan body of former government officials and financial and legal experts committed to addressing regulatory and structural issues relating to global systemic risk, with a particular focus on the United States and Europe…. CFA Institute SRC was formed by CFA Institute and The Pew Charitable Trusts in June 2012 to monitor and encourage regulatory reform of U.S. capital markets focused on systemic risk…
Systemic Risk Council
[IMF = International Monetary Fund globalist Organization –Clements, Remember IMF/World Bank SAPs destroy countries -GC]
He is English by birth, Oxford…. But was quite critical of some of the things that happen under Obama. HIS JOB WAS TO GO AROUND TO DIFFERENT COUNTRIES AND BAIL THEM OUT. [So he was the IMF SAP hitman -GC] So he would sit across the table from a bold new leader and say if we write you this check are you going to bailout your elites or are you going to fix things? He was very critical of Obama that Obama wasn’t doing anything to fix Wall Street. So he is an honest democrat that I would vouch for. [AN HONEST GLOBALIST DEMOCRAT THAT PATRICK WOULD VOUCH FOR.]
He is very capable and he knows more about countries going through financial crises than anyone in the world…. Tirade against wall Street types…. There are not enough of the INTELLECTUAL ECONOMISTS [in the US government They are-GC] At the World Bank and IMF who have much more to offer in my view. [World Bank?] They have a THEORETICAL KNOWLEDGE THAT I BELIEVE IS LACKING in the personnel at the senior levels in general and in the treasury Department and SEC. They are very orthodox thinkers.
The other economist I would name to this dream team, this working group is a Spanish economist of the Austrian School is Jesús Huerta de Soto [A spanish economist (a non-us citizen) would be part of a coalition government running America?] He has worked on dual sovereign currencies.
Between Johnson who knows all about countries going through TRANSITIONS, DOING THE HARD THINGS.
[OK EXACTLY what does this Johnson Dude mean by HARD THINGS? A 2013 Forbes article reported the probable reason he did not agree with Obama.]
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) quietly dropped a bomb in its October Fiscal Monitor Report. Titled “Taxing Times,” the report paints a dire picture for advanced economies with high debts that fail to aggressively “mobilize domestic revenue.” It goes on to build a case for drastic measures and recommends a series of escalating income and consumption tax increases culminating in the direct confiscation of assets.
Yes, you read that right. But don’t take it from me. The report itself says:
“….”The sharp deterioration of the public finances in many countries has revived interest in a “capital levy”— a one-off tax on private wealth—as an exceptional measure to restore debt sustainability.….”
Note three takeaways. First, IMF economists know there are not enough rich people to fund today’s governments even if 100 percent of the assets of the 1 percent were expropriated. That means that all households with positive net wealth—everyone with retirement savings or home equity—would have their assets plundered under the IMF’s formulation.
Second, such a repudiation of private property will not pay off Western governments’ debts or fund budgets going forward. It will merely “restore debt sustainability,” allowing free-spending sovereigns to keep tapping the bond markets until the next crisis comes along—for which stronger measures will be required, of course.
Third, should politicians fail to muster the courage to engage in this kind of wholesale robbery, the only alternative scenario the IMF posits is public debt repudiation and hyperinflation. Structural reform proposals for the Ponzi-scheme entitlement programs that are bankrupting us are nowhere to be seen….
[That was almost a decade ago before our National debt really sky rocketed. ‘You will OWN NOTHING….’ All of a sudden makes a lot more sense. — GC]
Between Johnson and Desoto who knows about a dual sovereign currency and Mike Flynn and Biden, Harris and the two shot callers in a room, I don’t want any part of it. I think that offer might be attractive to the current administration. [Sounds Like a Transition to the New World Order. -Clements]
March 2nd Patrick Byrne: Michael Flynn and Susan Rice Instead of Trump? (2 minutes)
…Get together and CRUSH the other side [No doubt referring to Steve Bannon’s hopes of completely destroying the Democrat party in the mid terms -GC]
Maybe it is time we take a breath and .. there are ways out of … there are totally peaceful ways out of this.
If this was a business situation I could tell you exactly what I would do. If this was a business situation and something went on in a corporation or something, I would say the Human Terrain Mapping here is there are two shot callers. There are two shot callers.
One shot caller is Barrack Obama and the other shot caller is Donald Trump. And it does not matter their names have nothing next to it but former. None of that matters. I would say each of them would appoint one person and those ahhhh I do not know… One obvious person would be General Mike Flynn.
And I am going to criticize Donald Trump. He is surrounded by mendacious mediocrities. [On that I would very much disagree!- GC] A bunch of them are swamp rats, he has gotten rid of about ½ of them. He still has a bunch of swamp rats around him…. And there is one guy in his circle, it is like dealing with Steve Jobs, His name is Mike Flynn. Mike Flynn is sharp, I have dealt with a lot of people he is top crown.
ON THE OTHER SIDE IT IS SUSAN RICE. She would not remember, we actually met when we were students. And I remarked on her then. If those two people met, I bet things could be worked out. If it was a business situation that is what I would say. The guy who have a shot are those two. There are peaceful way through this. And Given we may be on the edge of WWIII,… IT WOULD BE NICE IF WE COULD DO SOMETHING REALLY QUICK AND THERE ARE PEACEFUL WAYS THROUGH THIS.

And to take the bad taste of that garbage from your mouth. Patel Patriot has two new additions to the The Devolution Series.
Part 17 – From Ukraine with Love
Part 18 – The Proof is in the Putin
All the links to the series are listed HERE
Byrne is a snake, evil to the core. Thanks, Gail. Some of your best work ever. Susan Rice? Gag. Why not just say Obama. Yuck.
Byrne & Flynn are joined at the hip, who knows how long before 2020. I have been watching this all unfold on telegram for several weeks. Flynn is bad news. Period.
Byrne and Flynn??????????????????
Yeah, no.
So you think Flynn is part of a “plan” and that he’s actually helping POTUS on the down low? With all that Byrne has been involved with, and Flynn’s CV, you think they just stumbled upon each other in the summer of 2020? You think that they (with Powell), after making use of Lin Wood and his home for a couple of weeks after the election, were on the up and up with whatever plan they brought to Trump in December?
If Flynn wanted to put a stop to Byrne running his mouth, (about a coalition government bypassing Trump or whatever he’s putting out on a daily basis), if he wanted to ditch the thug security manhandling people, if he wanted his gratuitously profane brother to stay off live chats making an ass of himself, he could make it stop. With a single phone call. But he doesn’t.
Between all that general seediness, and the constant soliciting donations, and the exorbitant speaking fees, it’s really a non-stop grift. Check out — this is a Phyllis Schlafly partner organization that Flynn and his family have assumed control of. To sell annual “memberships” at $99 – $299 a pop, for what I don’t know.
I’m sorry, it smells bad to me.
I don’t care what you think.
How nice to be singled out – with the kid glove treatment for everyone else. All good by me. But at least you used the correct term. I look around, I listen, I try to discern, I think. I make an effort to explain myself. I don’t perch myself on a pedestal and claim to know. As I said, all good by me.
“Seediness” is a word I was looking for to describe the behavior I’ve seen, and the things I’ve seen written, by Flynn’s brother and Jeremy Oliver. I have thought their behavior was almost thuggish, not that of people who want to work together with other patriots toward a common goal.
Agreed. That’s why I said that if Flynn wanted this to stop, he would stop it. If he is on the up-and-up the people surrounding him certainly aren’t doing him any favors.
But what do I know. I’m just some observant nobody who drops by and occasionally posts something. It’s a new low here tonight. Honestly, pretty soon it will be the same dozen people, and that’s it.
Once upon a time, I was good with Flynn.
Have never been good with Byrne.
I was good with Flynn too. However remember he has been swimming in the DC Swamp for decades.
From WIKI:
Byrne is part of Flynn’s “The America Project.” allies Michael Flynn, Patrick Byrne leading The America Project
It’s behind a paywall.
The rumble videos did not post!
Appreciate the links.
I’m trying to edit them right now.
You used the wrong code.
There are three different “blurbs” of code in the pop-up.
You have to go to the TOP one – the FIRST – and then CHANGE it to the IFRAME embed code. You do NOT want the IFrame URL code.
OK, they’re fixed.
THIS is what the correct code looks like. This is the correct embed code for the third video.
OK, I will give it a try next time. Hopefully with more luck.
What was weird is what I had picked displayed OK in the editing window.
Also I only saw 2 and not three choices.
I have ZERO computer training BTW.
All fixed. Next time you do it, it should work – just use the code with iframe tags in angle brackets at beginning and end.
BTW, I did an article over a year ago about how to do Rumble embeds.
IIRC, I tried to follow that and had no luck.
That didn’t work for non-administrators in comments, but it does work in articles.
No wonder that drove me nutz trying to get it to work!
I think the “coalition government”/”Flynn” part was pasted three times.
Yeah, I thought I saw some repeat units – I’ll try to fix that…..
Fixed. Thanks!
I miss GmaTX.
Yes. She knew all about this.
I wonder if anybody told her they didn’t care what she thought.
Actually, she was jumped all over for mentioning the Flynn/Lin Wood/etc. situation. That’s why she left.
Sorry, I know that’s what happened. I was referencing how I was spoken to this evening.
I am waiting on the Jumping all over….
I like Wolfie’s commitment to freedom of speech and civility. Everyone should be treated with respect, whether we agree with them or not.
I generally try to state the facts as I know them and leave it at that.
In this case….

I miss her too. I wish she would come back.
Me, too. She does post at Marica’s and writes articles there.
Good to know.
Daughn has recently been commenting at Marica’s more than she’s been posting at her own blog.
Just for the record, I don’t have a firm position on this, so I treat all of these people as patriots, and leave the resolution – if any – for the future. I definitely think there is some sketchiness going on, but the spy world is like that.
I too am up in the air about Flynn. Byne I do not trust at all.
I brought the information here because it IS INFORMATION and we need all we can get to make informed decisions.
Recall the Tea Party was targeted and taken out as an up and coming force. I remember that so it makes me more suspicious.
An April 13, 2010 Rasmussen Report said “Twenty-four percent (24%) of U.S. voters now say they consider themselves a part of the Tea Party movement,“
After the Blair-Rockefeller poll’s ‘finding’ that the Tea party was ‘racist’ via a series of questions starting with “Do you think it is the responsibility of the federal government to make sure that minorities…” and the MSM blasting that ‘News’ 24/7, it was down to Just 8% Now Say They Are Tea Party Members by January 07, 2013.
So RACE BASHING WORKED! (At least to drive the support underground.)
ALSO the Tea Party Demonstrations WERE mostly NOT COVERED by the Fake News.
Washington Compost: ‘Tea party’ protesters gather in Washington to rally against taxes, spending
Next up was Salem Media, the ‘Voice’ of the Tea Party movement. This from an insider reveals how the citizens were betrayed.
Insider Reveals Salem Media Was Part of The Coordinated Gang-of-Eight Manipulation…
And when they became too large to ignore the Swamp sprang into action, with the Big Boys stepping in to deliver the final blows:
Chamber of Commerce to Spend $100 Million to Destroy Tea Party
Politico had the article How We Killed the Tea Party
BOY, that sure sounds familiar…
Not to mention the “conservative” candidates we did manage to elect magically turned into RINOs!!!
And that is why, a decade later we see race bashing in spades AND I do not trust without verification.
That’s why I posted the Clements interview below. It has information about what happened in the Maricopa County audit that very few people know and no one is talking about.
If someone or some faction is undermining the audits so we can “just look ahead to the next election,” we need to know about it.
Karl D was involved with Libertarians until they were swamped, then was involved with the Tea Party until they were swamped. He now sees VSGPOTUSDJT as another manifestation of swamp. Can’t blame him and he may be right — but it’s better than betting on a ten-high hand.
Trump is all we have, although the MAGA crowd is doing a really good job as foot soldiers.
Can’t go along with that.
Trump had ZERO reason to take 4 years of constant war and jeprodize his businesess, his family and his life.
I think he is one of the very few to enter government since our founders who has LOST $$$ from being in office.
Yup. MISLEADING THE MONEY – and then having DOJ via the IRS crack down on authentic Tea Party patriots – really worked to kill the movement.
I have a similar opinion.
Byrne is an enigma.
Mike Flynn has gone through a lot with the Russia collusion hoax.
Sydney was known to expose the Lawfare corruption long before she defended Flynn.
On the other hand I do have concerns with Lynn Wood and Clements.
Both of them appeared on MAGA out of the blue.
Wow, Gail, I couldn’t believe it when I saw this article. I didn’t know others here were following this too. (And I see that Gingersmom is, too.)
I listened to a podcast of Lin Wood interviewing Prof. Dave Clements tonight regarding election audits. I was going to post the notes in the main thread, but I’ll post them here instead. Some details about what happened in the Maricopa audit are revealed.
I know it is a very touchy subject because different people have very strong opinions on the subject. However I felt we should not avoid the subject because it is a VERY BIG Elephant in the room and absolutely critical to the future of this country. That is why the 2020 audits ARE the target for espionage as those three con-artist/operatives show.
To put it bluntly I am more settled with ‘WHO’ Putin is and what he stands for then I am about Flynn right now.
What I found so very very…. interesting… is that while Rick Wiles and Mike Lindell were WILLING TO TALK AND WORK THE MESS OUT. And Mike was willing to apologize, there has been ZERO SUCH EFFORT that I know of on the part of Lin Wood & Flynn. Although Lin said he tried to make contact.
To me that has an ‘odor’ about it, especially at such a critical time for the country’s future.
I’m glad you brought it, Gail. I’m at the point where I really don’t take any of these people in the public eye at face value anymore. We’ve been disappointed too many times in the past to just blindly trust people.
The country’s government is in such bad shape we are desperate for a ‘Savior’ Con-Artists LOVE to take advantage of that type of desperation.
I almost feel like this is why we’ve been making so much progress against the regime lately – we turned away from all this toxic fighting between these headline-mongers a.k.a. grifters a.k.a. con artists, and started focusing on anything EXCEPT their sideshow.
When you compare the floundering of the Tea Party vs the multi-targeted approach of the MAGA movement, I get the feeling someone(s) did a LOT of planning ahead of time.
Yes, there have been setbacks thanks to the con artists and other nasties, but I think there has also been a lot of progress.
We lost all momentum that the Maricopa audit should have provided. We lost the fire in our belly to fix 2020, and we lost valuable time.
In the scandalous Byrne “coalition government” video, Byrne says he hasn’t discussed that idea with Flynn. Yet, he is part of The America Project with Flynn. If Flynn doesn’t agree with what Byrne said in the video, he should have said so immediately. ANY patriot should have denounced Byrne’s ideas and severed ties with him, but Flynn didn’t. Flynn always gets a universal pass, either because he’s “super-patriot,” or because it’s a plot within a plot within a plot where nothing is as it seems, or because we shouldn’t rock the boat and have infighting, or because it’s too hard to believe that someone we’ve trusted might not be who he says he is. IMO that is all very dangerous.
I went to The America Project’s website to try to see who is with the organization and what positions they hold, but I can’t find any info about it.
Every organization that I’ve ever seen shows who is on their board or leadership team. (Lin Wood’s has extensive info about his team.) On Flynn’s site there are no names listed. All I see is a list of generic issues. There is no info about where contributions go or who is doing the work. There is no provision to donate to a specific cause, so you have no idea where your money is going.
For example, “Election Integrity”:
(And a couple of other points that I won’t post.) All generic. So, what work is being done to ensure “a full count of the ballots,” and who is doing the work? Will we see a progress report? Specifically, what state(s) are they working on, right now? (Those doing the Otero County audit can give immediate updates.) Instead, that reads like a policy statement for an office or a campaign. I would not contribute to something so vague unless I 100% trusted the person in charge and his entire organization. And that is the kind of trust that Flynn has. He can do no wrong.
I agree that infighting is toxic. I also believe it is equally toxic to avoid red flags, investigation, and then confrontation while being infiltrated and subverted.
I’m not saying that Flynn is doing those things, but I strongly believe that Byrne is and that Jeremy Oliver is a thug. And Flynn associates with them and doesn’t denounce them. I want to know why.
I just came back to this tonight, to read everything over. This post is so spot-on and succinct – I’m slack jawed. And pulling it to my desktop.
We really do have to pay attention to this even though I hate infighting.
If you have not listened to it: 
Lin Wood and David Clement discuss the NV audit. For that county it is costing in the THOUSANDS not the millions because they are mostly using TRAINED volunteers. The county is paying for some of it.
On top of that they are making a template so the method can be used on other counties. As Dave Clement said they are going directly to the county and bypassing the state politicians.
From what I have seen the cheating is ACROSS THE BOARD so a republican county is ALSO going to show major cheating. They have done about 15% of the canvasing so far and found a LOT of fraud. People who do not exist and people who voted on election day but whose vote was actually cast by mailing ballot according to the voting records.
I’ve listened to some of it, will keep going. I’m at the point where my eyes glaze over at the pile of evidence. It’s everywhere, we’re drowning in it.
It all eventually leads to the point where we beg, cajole, rely on corrupt people for justice. The firewall of corruption. Cue Scott.
NOW you know why Dave Clement is being attacked by the deceptocons.
I would love to go to a Clements event — but he’s never in my neck of the woods.
Despite what Jovan Pulitzer says (ANOTHER GRIFTER) I think David is a very good speaker and a great interviewer.
I notice this article dis not get much …. push back.
I think they’re all grifters to one degree or another. I take what they say with a grain of salt and give them the suspicious cat eye. I trust Trump himself. I trust Stephen Miller and Peter Navarro.
Suspicious Cat will never let you down!!!
I agree. What is more important than the fact that foreign countries and treasonous people within have taken over the reins of our government?!
I think Lin Wood did try to contact Flynn. If I find evidence I’ll post it.
I do remember he said he did on telegram.
Update on 2020 audits:
Here is a podcast by attorney Lin Wood called “Tomotley Talks.” (Tomotley is the name of his estate.) His guest is Professor David Clements. He is the one who gave the outstanding lecture at Mike Lindell’s symposium.
At the beginning they talk about the J6 prisoners. Prof. Clements has been instrumental in getting them help. As a lawyer, he says they have been denied due process. People charged with misdemeanors can’t be held for over a year. The workaround is that J6 prisoners have been charged with insurrection, which is a felony.
At about 11:00 in the podcast:
Prof. Clements is working on audits in Otero County, NM, which we are hearing nothing about. He has a lot to say about the Maricopa County audit.
● Maricopa problems: chain-of-custody issues, a fire occurred at someone’s farm, 10s of 1000s of ballots were shredded, etc.
● Vital aspects of the audit weren’t completed or were sabotaged.
● The “patriot press” coverage of audits has dried up ever since Prof. Clements asked The America Project (Mike Flynn, Patrick Byrne) how they were stewards of millions of dollars in funds raised for Maricopa, especially with regard to Jovan Pulitzer. His work was deemed “absolutely fraudulent” by Dr. Shiva.
● As early as June, Doug Logan and Cyber Ninjas had in their possession the correct ballot images that Dr. Shiva needed, but they never turned them over to Dr. Shiva, who had been contracted to examine those images. Instead, they gave him corrupted images, which prevented him from doing his work. The final audit report by Cyber Ninjas came out in September. Meanwhile, Dr. Shiva worked through back channels to get the images he needed, but he didn’t get them until Nov.-Dec. His analysis was “pivotal” and was publicized by Liz Harrington, spokesperson for PDJT. He worked on signature verification of mail-in votes. About 200,000 signatures didn’t match. So it looks as if The America Project used Dr. Shiva’s name and reputation but didn’t allow him to find or publish the correct results.
● Jovan Pulitzer’s work was full of errors and fraud and did not deliver what he promised even though millions of dollars were spent on his part of the audit.
● Instead of Maricopa being the first domino to fall, it is now viewed as a failure and people have become discouraged. It seems as if someone wanted to take the attention off of auditing 2020 to make people give up and try to “vote our way out” this year and in 2024. In other words, it could appear as if Maricopa was sabotaged.
In contrast, the Otero County audit is being done by the book, with complete thoroughness and with Dr. Shiva playing a major role. One of many findings: only 59% of the voter rolls in that county look correct.
Lin Wood’s Fight Back Foundation ( is partnering with the Otero auditors so this can be a comprehensive audit and the process can be shared and duplicated across the country. Workers are volunteers, including engineers (25 of them), Prof. Clements (lawyer), Dr. Shiva, Draza (expert who was at the Lindell symposium), etc. The county commission strategy that Clements is using is effective because you don’t have to get an entire state legislature involved.
Lin Wood wants to see Otero covered on War Room and other sites. Steve Bannon is always saying we have to fix 2020. The people need to hear progress reports from Prof. Clements, Dr. Shiva, and others.
Great writing.
Thanks! I wanted to get the pertinent points out there.
I have no suspicions about Mike Lindell. I think he is busy doing his own election audit activities I have no suspicions about Steve Bannon either. I do think that people get drawn in by hype surrounding those-whom-we-must-never-question.
Thanks for bringing this here.
I do like Dave Clements and I miss his videos on Rumble.
Advocacy Journalism is Propaganda – The Burning Platform
Excellent work Gail !
Thank you for your research and your insight !

Have any of the following been on your radar? :
-Roger Stone ( )
-Millie Weaver (of “Spygate” the movie fame;
-Patrick Bergy (
Tweets by PatrickBergy65
-“Tore” Maras (“Tershepore Maras”; of “ToRE_says” fame; )
-Gavin Wince
“Ali Alexander” aka “Ali Akbar”
-Jonathan McGreevy (“John Heretohelp”)
-Bobby Piton ( )
(There”s more… “What a tangled web we weave…” !)

Happy Hunting !
Yes it is very tangled.