Yo, Brian Stelter!
When I was a kid, I got nicknamed “Bald Eagle” because I actually was getting notably thin “up there.” Of course today “Bald Eagle” might be a cool nickname, but in junior high school, it definitely was not a cool thing.
Fast forward to today, and now here I am over twenty years older than you are, and even in spite of that poor start, I have better hair than you do.
And I am not a piss-guzzling, shit-gobbling communist “journalist” (what a sick joke) either.
On both accounts you must absolutely hate looking into the mirror.
And Oh By The Way probably more people read my posts than watch you bloviate on air. And yes, I know your ratings dropped again. One would think there’s be a limit to that…you can’t drop below zero, can you?
RINOs an Endangered Species?
If Only!
According to Wikipoo, et. al., the Northern White Rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum cottoni) is a critically endangered species. Apparently two females live on a wildlife preserve in Sudan, and no males are known to be alive. So basically, this species is dead as soon as the females die of old age. Presently they are watched over by armed guards 24/7.
Biologists have been trying to cross them with the other subspecies, Southern White Rhinoceroses (Rhinoceri?) without success; and some genetic analyses suggest that perhaps they aren’t two subspecies at all, but two distinct species, which would make the whole project a lot more difficult.
I should hope if the American RINO (Parasitus rectum pseudoconservativum) is ever this endangered, there will be heroic efforts not to save the species, but rather to push the remainder off a cliff. Onto punji sticks. With feces smeared on them. Failing that a good bath in red fuming nitric acid will do.
But I’m not done ranting about RINOs.
The RINOs (if they are capable of any introspection whatsoever) probably wonder why they constantly have to deal with “populist” eruptions like the Trump-led MAGA movement. That would be because the so-called populists stand for absolutely nothing except for going along to get along. That allows the Left to drive the culture and politics.
Given the results of Tuesday’s elections, the Left will now push harder, and the RINOs will now turn even squishier than they were before.
I well remember 1989-1990 in my state when the RINO establishment started preaching the message that a conservative simply couldn’t win in Colorado. Never mind the fact that Reagan had won the state TWICE (in 1984 bringing in a veto-proof state house and senate with him) and GHWB had won after (falsely!) assuring everyone that a vote for him was a vote for Reagan’s third term.
This is how the RINOs function. They push, push, push the line that only a “moderate” can get elected. Stomp them when they pull that shit. Tell everyone in ear shot that that’s exactly what the Left wants you to think, and oh-by-the-way-Mister-RINO if you’re in this party selling the same message as the Left…well, whythefuckexactly are you in this party, you lying piece of rancid weasel shit?
Justice Must Be Done.
The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system. (This doesn’t necessarily include deposing Joe and Hoe and putting Trump where he belongs, but it would certainly be a lot easier to fix our broken electoral system with the right people in charge.)
Nothing else matters at this point. Talking about trying again in 2022 or 2024 is pointless otherwise. Which is not to say one must never talk about this, but rather that one must account for this in ones planning; if fixing the fraud in the system is not part of the plan, you have no plan.
This will necessarily be piecemeal, state by state, which is why I am encouraged by those states working to change their laws to alleviate the fraud both via computer and via bogus voters. If enough states do that we might end up with a working majority in Congress and that would be something Trump never really had.
Lawyer Appeasement Section
OK now for the fine print.
This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines, here, with an addendum on 20191110.
We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.
And remember Wheatie’s Rules:
1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.
(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)
Mozart wrote two distinct pieces called “Symphonia Concertante), both in E flat major.
The more famous of the two (at least, judging from youtube hits) is K 364. Three movements, Allegro Maestso to start, 2nd movement (Andante) at 13:06, 3rd movement (Presto) at 23:47.
But I think I like this one better, to be honest. KV 297b, also in three movements: Allegro at the start, Adagio at 13:53 and Andantino con Variazione at 22:37. This one has considerably more in the way of woodwinds to add color.
Spot Prices
Last week:
Gold $1922.90
Silver $25.08
Platinum $1033.00
Palladium $2569.00
Rhodium $20,000.00
This week, 3 PM MT on Friday, markets closed for the weekend
Gold $1,959.40
Silver $25.63
Platinum $1,010.00
Palladium $2,418.00
Rhodium $19,800.00
PGMs going down and the “traditional” precious metals going up indicates to me that we are expecting inflation and a recession. Or it will tell me that if the pattern holds for more than a few weeks (so far, one week and counting). Why? Because the platinum group metals are valuable primarily for their industrial uses, so they will tend to go down if industry expects to be in trouble, while gold and silver tend to be places people go when they’re worried–perhaps because industry is expected to be in trouble. Or perhaps because they think the dollar will suddenly approach its intrinsic value.
On the other hand, inflation tends to show up as rising stock and gold prices. A company’s nominal value goes up due to inflation, just like gold’s value will.
This market bears watching in light of recent world events, and recent couldn’t-be-worse-if-they-tried-which-makes-sense-because-they’re-probably-trying economic policies.
James Webb Space Telescope Update
Multi-instrument alignment continues. There are no less than five instruments inside the telescope, behind the mirror, and the mirrors have to be able to focus light accurately on all five instruments’ sensors.
One of the instruments is MIRI (Mid InfraRed Instrument) and it requires temperatures even colder than the telescope is getting just from being shielded from the sun. This is because it’s sensitive to longer wavelengths of infrared, wavelengths given off as black body radiation from even things quite a bit colder than the other instruments. It actually gets cryogenically cooled even more with liquid helium. But right now it is actually the warmest instrument of the five, at 94 K (-291 F). It needs to get down to 7 K (-447 F), which is still about 18 degrees K warmer than Hitlary Clinton’s personality.
T1: Heat
Finally, I have found some time to work on a “science” post. I’m going to cover a topic I skipped over the first time around through the physics series, because initially my main goal was eventually to talk about neutrinos. And every once in a while I regretted it. So if there’s a logical place for this in the old sequence, it’s somewhere in between a pair of the single-digit posts. But there’s more than one part to this, so I wouldn’t go renumbering things just yet! For now I’m going to treat these as a separate series, with numbers T1, T2 and so on. (T for “Thermal.”)
The issue of heat is important in physics, and chemistry, and biology. I’ve talked about “black body radiation” being dependent on temperature before.
(To refresh memories: The hotter something is the brighter it glows, and the higher the wavelengths it glows at; if if gets hot enough it glows in visible light, if it gets even hotter, it glows in ultraviolet light or (really, really hot) x rays or even gamma rays. Many stars visible in the night sky glow in primarily blue wavelengths, these are basically the hottest objects we have everyday (well, everynight) experience with, at 10,000 K or even higher. Fortunately they’re quite far away so they don’t barbecue us.)
But I never really talked that much about heat as such, just this one side effect that’s very important to astronomy since it can tell us a lot about a star.
If you remember all the way back to Newtonian dynamics (parts 1, 2, 3, and 5), it describes a view of the way the world works which at first seems totally at odds with the way things actually work.
Newton’s first law of motion is: A body remains at rest, or in motion at a constant speed in a straight line, unless acted upon by a force.
But we see moving objects come to a halt all the time with no obvious “push” being given to them.
Even billiard balls stop eventually, and those are the inevitable example given for working with momentum. Or air hockey pucks. Or cars on ice. (I have occasionally found myself in a pickup game of two-ton-puck road hockey. Not fun. The only way to win is not to play at all.)
Outer space is actually the only place this seems to be true; objects in orbit will stay that way forever, at least when you can ignore third-body influences. (Which, even when dealing with the planets of our solar system orbiting the sun, you really can’t, not in the long term.)
This is probably why it took us so long to get to the point where Newton could do his thing. For one thing we had to figure out how, in fact, the planets moved, so that Newton could explain that with universal gravitation (thank you Johannes Kepler for the setup). And Galileo had to do all of his experiments with kinetics. Before this the theory was objects would be given an initial impeteus, which would then bleed away. Then, they might want to return “home.” Smoke’s home was Up There; a cannonball’s home was Down Here (and most things were like that). Fire a cannonball, and you give it an impetus. It travels in a straight line as the impetus bleeds away, finally halts, then drops straight down. That was the theory anyway. (Actual artillerymen knew this was bullshit, though, even before Galileo showed that cannonballs moved in parabolas. And then Newton showed that no, they were really moving suborbitally, in very small sections of a very eccentric ellipse–effectively indistinguishable at the ranges cannonballs could be fired in the 1600s. By the way, high school and college freshman physics teaches the parabola, not the ellipse.)
But in fact Newtonian dynamics works very well. The problem is, in order to teach it effectively, you have to pretend, at first, that friction doesn’t exist, because friction, though covered quite well in Newtonian dynamics, makes the story problems more complicated. Only after you master frictionless behavior do they throw friction at you and expect you to account for it as well.
Friction is a force from the air, or the ground, or something touching the object in question, and is both proportional to the speed of the object, and opposite in direction.
OK, I’d better unpack that with an example. Imagine you’re pushing a heavy box across the floor. And you’re able to shove the sucker at 1 MPH. It requires a certain continuous force to keep the box moving at a mile per hour. It would require twice as much force to move it at two miles per hour, half as much to move it at half a mile per hour. Since the box is not speeding up, the net force on it must be zero (by Newton’s second law of motion, good old F = ma). But you’re applying a force. But it’s countered–precisely–by the friction between the box and the floor, which is in the exact opposite direction. Now if you double how hard you’re pushing on the box, it speeds up, but eventually settles in on moving twice as fast as it was before, without moving, so your push and the friction are again in balance. So the force from friction is proportional to how fast the box is moving. Hopefully you can go back and reread the previous paragraph and it will make more sense to you.
OK, so Newtonian dynamics can, with added difficulty, account for friction. It’s a variable force working “against” us pushing that box across the floor. (And to save effort, we get a dolly, which reduces the friction. Our salvador is dolly.)
But we’re not done yet. Remember how momentum is supposed to be conserved? When the box quits moving because we stopped pushing, where does that momentum go? Well, let’s suppose we are pushing the box eastward, so our applied force is eastward. The force of friction on the box is westward, then. But that force of friction must also be acting on the floor, which is attached (ultimately) to the Earth, and the friction force acting on the floor must be pointed eastward (because of Newton’s third law, the one about every action bringing about an equal but opposite reaction). So the earth is getting pushed on by the friction. But it’s roughly a godzillion times more massive so you can’t see the effect. The effect (as invisible as it is) disappears when the box stops moving, because at that point the friction force on the box, and therefore on the floor-attached-to-the-earth, is zero.
And one more thing…the one that’s actually where I’m going with this (took my sweet time about it, didn’t I?). Isn’t energy conserved?
The box, while moving, has kinetic energy. Then it stops. This doesn’t seem like much of a problem, though, does it? After all we routinely swap kinetic and potential energy, pretty much any time gravitation comes into play, and orbiting bodies do this all the time unless they’re in perfectly circular orbits.
Indeed. We are free to swap potential for kinetic energy. But we are pushing the box across a level floor and it still comes to a stop when we quit pushing! The very definition of “level” is a surface where the potential energy is the same no matter where you are standing on it* so the kinetic energy cannot be getting turned into potential energy.
(*[skip this if you don’t want your mind blown] Incidentally, you can get some very weird shapes that are “level.” A non-rotating planet would have a spherical surface, all at the same potential but level, a rotating planet will have that surface be an oblate spheroid (i.e., one a bit squashed looking), with the equator being the maximum bulge, but then you have the moon and sun pulling on the earth which raises tides and makes the “level” surface a bit more complicated (and ever-changing). That level surface nevertheless looks flat to us, because it’s so doggone big.
You could conceivably have a double planet orbiting so closely that the two planets would each form a teardrop shape, with the points of the teardrops each pointing at the opposing planet. If they were close enough together they might even touch. And that would be “level” ground to the people on those planets, though the force of gravity would be zero where the teardrops touch.)
If energy is conserved, and at everyday scales it most certainly is, the kinetic energy of the box must be going somewhere, and it is: it becomes heat energy.
Not only that, but since you were pushing the box against an opposing force (before you quit and let it stop) across some distance, you were doing work, and that too is a form of energy, and it too all became heat energy.
I’m not quite sure when heat was recognized as a form of energy, as opposed to the older theory that it was a fluid named calor that flowed from one object to another (sort of a reverse-phlogiston; or rather phlogistion was a reverse of calor). Antoine Lavoisier, who late in the 1700s dismantled phlogiston theory and came up with a largely correct but incomplete list of elements, actually considered calor (as well as light) an element.
Chemists were able to determine that different substances required different amounts of heat energy to change their temperatures. The amount of heat energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water one degree Celsius (or one Kelvin) was defined as the calorie (note a small c). A thousand calories was a kilocalorie, enough energy to raise the temperature of a kilogram of water one degree C or one K. But sometimes a kilocalorie is written as “Calorie” with a capital C. (It is this Calorie-with-a-big-C that you contend with when you are dieting.)
A substance like iron, on the other hand, could heat up a degree per gram with a lot less energy than a calorie. In fact, it only takes 0.107 calories to do this.
How do you determine this? In principle, you can drop a one gram lump of iron at, say, 20C into a gram of water at 21C, then wait for the heat to transfer. Once everything is at a uniform temperature, you can measure the temperature, and notice that the water barely cooled down at all, but the iron nearly reached 21C. So the water dropped a little bit in temperature but the iron heated up quite a bit. If the energy is constant, the iron heated up a lot more (with the same amount of energy) than the water cooled off (by giving up that energy); thus iron takes less energy to heat up than water. Obviously, you can alter the mass of the water or the iron, or the temperature difference, and things change in proportion; you can do the math and figure that iron’s heat capacity is 0.107 calories per gram, per degree K, if water’s is 1 calorie per gram, per degree K (which it is, by definition).
Water’s heat capacity happens to be one of the highest. Iron’s is more typical.
It turns out that experiment is difficult to run precisely because, of course, the heat leaks out of the container of water while you’re trying to do it. Still, you can try to control this by putting the water in a thermos…a very good thermos, or something better than that. (These sorts of painstaking efforts to eliminate outside effects are why science is harder to do than it is to write about…or read about, no matter how badly I write these posts.)
On to James Prescott Joule, 1818-1889, who came up with the first definitive way to relate heat energy to mechanical energy. Calories were convenient for chemists working with water and other substances, but just how big is a calorie compared to other forms of energy?
In the metric system, we’ve built up our units of force, and so on, from meters, kilograms and seconds (MKS, also known as the international system or SI (its French initials)); there’s also an older system that worked off centimeters, grams, and seconds (CGS). Thus the Newton, the unit of force, is one kilogram-meter-per-second-squared (kg•m/s2 or, preferred by pedants, kg•m•s-2). Work is a force applied by a distance, so the natural units for this ought to be Newtons times meters, N•m, or substituting in, kg•m2•s-2. And indeed that’s what energy’s metric unit is. (It even has a convenient name, but I’ll hold off on telling you what it is for now.)
So can we somehow equate the calorie with this natural metric unit of energy? How many metric units of energy does it take to make up a calorie?
Joule was able to do a known amount of mechanical work on water and measure its temperature change, thus he could determine how much mechanical work it would take to raise the temperature of a gram of water one degree C, and so he knew how many natural metric units were equivalent to a calorie. In fact, he ran multiple different experiments, including some using electricity to heat the water, and (the most direct), the weight of an object hung from a pulley to turn blades in the water to stir it and thereby heat it up. He always got close to the same answer, working in English units (foot pounds of energy).
Over the years we’ve refined his work and have a very precise answer (and we express it in metric.) And the answer is: 4.184 natural metric units equals one (small c) calorie.
And because of Joule’s work on this and related topics, we gave that natural metric unit of energy the name joule, symbol J.
We have also named the metric unit of power, which is to say, the rate at which energy is delivered, the watt, yes the same “watt” you see on light bulbs and microwave ovens. (It’s a metric unit as are volts and amperes and ohms…which, if you’re anti-metric, ought to chap your hindquarters.) One watt is one joule per second, or one joule is the energy delivered by one watt, for one second. A kilowatt-hour (which you might be more familiar with since electric companies like to use them to bill you) is one kilowatt (a thousand watts), delivered for an hour, which is 3600 seconds, so a kilowatt-hour is 1000 x 3600 = 3,600,000 watt-seconds or joules. (Of course, it could also be 500 watts, delivered for two hours…or 2000 watts delivered for half an hour…anything that will multiply out to 3,600,000 watt-seconds.)
Returning to heat, 4.184 joules equals one calorie, but this isn’t the usual number you’ll see. Remember, a calorie is the amount of heat necessary to raise the temperature of one gram of liquid water 1 kelvin (or one degree C), but today, almost everyone works in MKS (meters, kilograms, seconds, newtons, joules, watts), not CGS (centimeters, grams, seconds, dynes, ergs…), so kilograms of water are preferred over grams and you’ll generally see that 4,184 joules equals one kilocalorie (abbreviated kcal preferentially, because “big C” versus “little C” gets confusing especially when talking). Or better yet, 4.184 kJ (kilojoules) = 1 kilocalorie.
(But note, the kilocalorie is still just called a “calorie” when we’re talking about food; the author of your book on the new fad kumquat diet may bother to capitalize it…and may not.)
Chemists still use kcals and calories, because it’s convenient for them, but offically, they are neither base units (kilograms, meters, seconds, kelvins, amperes), derived units (newtons, watts, joules, coulombs), nor even the list of non-SI units mentioned in the SI (like the astronomical unit, electron volt, or minute (of time or arc, take your pick).
I’ve talked a lot about temperature, as if we knew what it means. And everyone thinks we do because we measure it all the time, for weather and cooking and refrigeration. But our everyday understanding is very incomplete. (It’s certainly not the same thing as “heat” because different amounts of heat energy change temperatures by different amounts depending on the materials being heated.)
Physicists, of course, looked into this as well and gained a deeper understanding. And with that cliffhanger, I’ll stop here. Next time we move onwards.
Obligatory PSAs and Reminders
China is Lower than Whale Shit
To conclude: My standard Public Service Announcement. We don’t want to forget this!!!
Remember Hong Kong!!!
中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!
China is in the White House
Since Wednesday, January 20 at Noon EST, the bought-and-paid for Joseph Biden has been in the White House. It’s as good as having China in the Oval Office.
Joe Biden is Asshoe
China is in the White House, because Joe Biden is in the White House, and Joe Biden is identically equal to China. China is Asshoe. Therefore, Joe Biden is Asshoe.
But of course the much more important thing to realize:
Joe Biden Didn’t Win
乔*拜登没赢 !!!
Qiáo Bài dēng méi yíng !!!
Joe Biden didn’t win !!!
Got pushed out at 12:15 AM!
Indeed. About as long as the wait could be.
Someone must have read the physics section before letting it out. 😀
Maybe got halfway through and decided to push it out instead of reading further. 😆
A more likely hypothesis!
When their eyes started glazing over from the sheer iq power on display the folded their little beta brain and let it pass
How did the daily post start sounding like a Lamaze class?
— little fish
Fresh off Gab. Hmmmmmmm………
Yeah, that’s interesting.
Awaken. They ain’t there for us as long as Democrats and RINOs run the show.
They can move fast when they want to.
Miserable carpet-bagging shysters ‼️🤨
More at Wikipedia
Shyster is a slang word for someone who acts in a disreputable, unethical, or unscrupulous way, especially in the practice of law, sometimes also politics or business.
I never recieived the $600 stimulus check, despite two attempts of mailing to the IRS the proper form. Never heard back from them. I think that a fair number of people never received one or more of the checks.
I’m guessing that some of the funds got diverted to a slush fund to support some nefarious cause. I’m also wondering if a list was consulted to determine who not to send a stimulus check to.
I’m guessing because you area conservative
😂 Except when she’s angry? 😡
I have heard the first Mozart piece very often, but the second hardly at all. This might be why:
Its pace is a little more sedate than that of the other.
I’m still trying to figure how much weight you lose by getting together with your gal and paddling kumquats.
How isn’t Maxwell’s Demon an important part of how work becomes heat….when he isn’t hitting people with hand tools on Abbey Road….because silver and joules go together?
Did anyone else see that headline about the teenager who fell off of an amusement park ride? This is one of those stories where there’s so much weird stuff going on that it’s starting to feel staged. Just look at the picture they’re running with this story, for example: “Flyers.”
Here’s the video. WARNING: It depicts someone falling to their death and has a horrible sound when the body hits the ground.
Stuff I find weird about this video:
In short, I suspect that this was whole thing was staged. Motive: A ritual or symbolic message, possibly from “our” side.
I’m reminded of this video from Q:
After seeing your description of it, I didn’t watch it.
When you say you think it was staged, do you mean it wasn’t real? Surely someone would have seen it besides the camera operator — meaning, if it wasn’t real, that people who were there could say it didn’t actually happen. And if it was real, then people who witnessed it could speak about it.
If you think “our” side could have been sending a message, do you think it was a warning to someone? Because it is not something to take lightly.
Staged and real is my thinking. Getting the kid to not buckle his harness can happen in multiple ways. Huge payoff for the arranging parties. MK + event = $$$$$.
Yup. DM headline.
‘If I don’t make it down tell my mom and dad I love them’: Boy, 14, who fell to his death from 430-foot Orlando drop tower told friends he was worried about safety harness during the ride,” says his father.
NASA ==> NAZI maybe? Following Sady’s symbolism
Some of those rides are very small in the seat/buckle area. Some years ago we went to the boardwalk, my bf who at the time wasn’t particularly heavy..but tall .the ride attendant made him get off.
That kid looks big.
My Pickup truck has seatbelts that are too small!
I shrank to not much above 5 feet so I have to have the seat all the way forward. I am ‘generous’ around the hips (THANXs Menopause😫) so I find the seatbelt will not reach unless the shoulder strap is not in use. That strap goes over my face or under the throat to give me a throat hold and not a shoulder hold. 🙄 So I would not use it anyway per the information from the state police safety officer I asked about it. That position will break the neck or crush the windpipe.
In my minivan, the shoulder strap would hit me in the neck and was irritating/uncomfortable, so I made a loop of two sided velcro wrap to go over the two layers of the lap and shoulder strap just to the left of the buckle – and helps it to pass over my shoulder at a comfortable place.
You need one of these, Gail:
(But buy it from someone besides Amazon).
I tuck the shoulder thing under an arm. A girl in the studio where I studied voice was in a car accident and the cross body restraint hit her in the larynx and fractured it. She was on voice rest for six months. For me, this is a professional decision.
Yup. I’ll bet the buckle was twisting, pressing and popping open between those fat thighs.
I’m shocked you would say ‘fat thighs’ with all the female commenters hereabouts. That is a triggering phrase and who knows how many will end up at NPR because of it?
Reality is what Reality is!
To tell you the truth I rather have FAT THIGHS than a donelap over the belt. At least they are a LOT healthier for you than fat messing up your organs.
The fall happens around 3:43 in the video. It is safe to watch up until that point.
Yes, I believe it was staged, that nobody died, and that it was probably a medical dummy that tumbled out of the ride. And I think I may have found the smoking gun. The alleged incident happened “around 11 pm” on Thursday, March 24th. Look at the operating hours of the Park:
Monday-Thursday: 12pm until 10pm
Archive: https://archive.ph/FczA6
My guess: The whole thing was staged and filmed after the park was closed to the public and the normal park staff went home. Everyone still present in the park at the time this was filmed, i.e. the people on the ride to the bystanders on the ground to anyone doing the behind-the-scenes logistics, are in on the hoax. The “victim” is really an actor. They filmed the actor on the ground before the ride starts, then replaced him with a medical dummy (replacement process edited out of the video) before sending the ride up the tower. Dummy is somehow wired to fall forward out of the seat at a certain point in the tower fall, and that is what it is depicted in the video. Again, the video doesn’t actually show the body hitting the ground. All we see is a blob falling out of the seat, then later the victim face-down on the ground. I’m not convinced a real live human fell out of that seat.
This makes sense to me and would actually be the one of the better possible explanations.
Then more I look at it, the more it looks fake. No blood. No visible injuries. Limbs intact—do not look broken or at weird angles. If you happened to wander by without knowing the context, it would look like someone had fainted or had a heart attack.
Wonder if he committed suicide? He seemed to know something did not put his safety belt on. I am surprised they would allow him on a ride without the belt secure?
I personally dislike amusement park dislike the rides. I really do not know what the fun is even though we took our kids and I did not ride on any of them. The food is terrible also in those places my kids liked it. I never said anything not to spoil their fun.
I believe you are correct. And I watched it. Yuck. But yeah, the instinct of the camera operator would have been to turn with the camera as the body came down, and he didn’t. Cinched it for me.
I cannot watch stuff like that it tears me up even if i think it is fake.
It was pretty awful. I wanted to see if I thought it was real. I don’t think so.
Why anyone would make a fake accident is unreal. I hope it was fake for his sake.
Big guy coulda been a “Useful Idjit”, totally oblivious to the “Danger Will Robinson”.
I do, too.
Yes. Something very wrong there.
Human nature is what it is. And people were not behaving normally.
I just watched a Coaster Force POV video from 3 weeks ago. The ride gets to the top, stops rotating, and then tips forward and holds that position for a few seconds — so you’re facing the ground before the free fall. If that kid wasn’t buckled in, at his size he would have fell right then.
fallen – not fell
Were they looking for a flat Tyre?
4chan’s calling him Splat Albert. It’s the Superbowl of gallows humor.
You that obese and you fall from that high there is going to be rupture of body. Skin can’t hold its integrity under such intense duress.
who’s being warned?
Alexander the Great provided one.
Reading through the comments with a mind for the amusement park industry, and you might be right that it was staged. In amusement parks the primary goal is safety to the point that the owners/operators do not want government regulators anywhere close to their operations. They are fanatics about it. If people do not fit in the ride, they are not allowed to ride. Period. That body was probably too large for the seat.
99.99% of fatalities on thrill rides happen due to riders getting out of the restraints after the ride has started. If the whole thing was staged, a lot of people were in on it.
could also have a bit of unintended consequences…the current rule of thumb is not to annoy/anger or irritate individual yutes running in large packs…IOW ‘don’t tell ’em what to do ???
The operator may have done a cursory check and big boy decided it was too tight?
Since, as Sadie points out, the incident was after hours I’m wondering if it wasn’t staged.
the kid was 6′ 6″ 280 lbs
A 14-year-old boy passed away after suffering a fatal fall from ICON Park’s Free Fall ride in Orlando on Thursday.
According to FOX, law enforcement officers, paramedics, and firefighters were present at the scene following a 911 call at approximately 11 pm.
I don’t really see it being staged but…who knows I guess
According to the links provided by Sadie, the park closes at ten on Thursdays. How did this happen after hours unless it was a private event? In general, the parks don’t extend hours for private events during the week. The American Coaster Enthusiasts ride after hours all the time, but on Friday and Saturday nights.
The amusement park hours thing could simply be, web site not updated. OR, Spring Break hours longer than typical March hours.
Seat restraint.
280 lbs? Could easily be 6′ 6″. 280 is VERY low, by my guesstimate. Would have expected a liquid, gooey mess where the body splatted. 75 MPH to zero, instantly. Hmmm.
Surprised onlookers AND riders NOT more vocal, animated…panicked.
Odd as hell. But, I lean towards the kid, did splat.
There’s gonna be a large pay out to kids family. Owner of the park is going to be under state regular microscope.
My guesses.
All the blame to the low employee who was supposed to verify. There are weight and height limits too, esp on rides like this. But im sure a kid that big and in a pack of other kids, they didnt want a scene if he was told no, and its likely there would have been one. Bug fat payday now.
This is the SAME CRAP THEY PULLED ON LIVESTOCK FARMERS AND PETTING FARMS! As I said in one of my articles they tried and tried to get a kid injured so they could get the food safety modernization act passed AND GET PETTING FARMS REGULATED…. I had 4 attacks the spring before they got the law passed and NON SINCE — going on 18 years.
The name of the game is to REGULATE ALL BUSINESSES. They even went after African hair braiding!
280 lbs???? NO WAY he is over 300 lbs.
That’s what I thought too!
Of course he is. Flew private as soon as he heard.
It’s a scam.
Hmmm. Wonder IF Crump was conveniently in Orlando.
IF yes, Crump was in Orlando, an obvious coincidence. /s
ivermectin.com as seen on GAB!!!
CLICK LINK: https://grow.gab.com/go/62365a2481e15984989655ab
A bit pricey, but nice to be able to order it here.
Yes! My thinking too.
As Covidiocy ends, Ivermectin will become more commonly available AND in time cheap. As it should be.
Hey Wolf! This is the perfect place to put my question/update.
A couple of weeks ago I went for my yearly blood work and asked the doc to do a Covid antibody test. Of course she sent them to me online, a process I believe I have to end. I don’t like it. However, here are the results:
SARS-CoV-2 Ab, nucleocapsid Result: Positive Standard Range: Negative
SARS-CoV-2 Semi-Quant Total Ab (U/mL) Result: 340.0 Standard Range: Negative<0.8
SARS-CoV-2 Spike Ab Interp Result: Positive
Those antibodies seem pretty high. What does it mean? I looked around online at interpreting the results, but it is confusing.
Whatever, I am definitely IMMUNE.
That’s a very reasonable positive value, kinda average, consistent with infection in the past with slowly waning but still good immunity.
Compare to positives here (spike antibodies in this case).
That’s good, and now I have EVIDENCE that I am IMMUNE.
Yup. You definitely had it. Unless you’ve had a more recent incident, I figure it was the one that you thought was COVID.
I haven’t been really sick AT ALL since the end of November, 2019. I had it then, every symptom. That was it.
I think I take so many vitamins and supplements now, viruses RUN from me!
Yup. I think you’re right. It all adds up!
Which is VERY interesting, because we were speculating at the time that some of us were deliberately infected, early on. Some of what we were doing here at that point was pissing China off. Covid wasn’t even supposedly to be a thing yet.
I figured out the exact day I probably got Wuhan in January 2020. It was surprisingly easy 1-2 months later, using my calendar and other events. It will be 5 days before your first symptoms.
It wasn’t China in my case. It was probable 3-letter with a super-plausible “natural” explanation (international travel).
Your case, in Montana, could be extremely interesting.
Well, I could tell you how, but I would be doxxing myself somewhat. I will private message you on Gab.
Foo Fighters drummer dead at 50. Foo Fighters require proof of injection to attend their concerts. This was the drummer’s last tweet:
John Stamos loses another friend. 🙄
Not too soon. Seems like right on time for ‘vaccine’ powermongers that suck at the MSM trough.
And 66k views. Lotta 6’s in this shit storm
Wow, obvious much?
One of his band side projects is called the Birds of Satan.
He had the clot shot and lots of prior drug use. Probably boosted right before the tour, plus at 50 he is in heart attack range.
All those things could have contributed to his complaints of chest pain.
What i wonder is for how long did he say he had chest pain and why wasnt he evaluated in a hospital?
The band will be making a big insurance payout bc of this, and the insurance may demand to know if it was clot shot related, in case a clause says they dont pay out!
Then either the band itself, ie dave grohl, mgrs, etc, would have to be sued by Hawkins’ widow. He had 3 minor children so she will want as much as she can get, despite his finances at time of death.
IIRC insurance won’t pay if deceased was in a clinical trial. The theory is that participation is voluntary; therefore deceased was responsible for his/her own death.
ALL those who took the ‘shot’ are in clinical trials.
Connect the dots = no money for you.
Yeah and at his income level this is their version of workers comp and liability, plus whatever life insurance he had. Future royalties aside, that a huge huge loss. I seriously doubt the willingness of grohl to be magnanimous. See his issues re cobains estate and his daughter.
So, my sister relays from my cousin, whose father (my uncle) just passed: “said to say hi to you. But she does not talk to or respect anti-vaxxers.”
Helps to understand why I loved my uncle and would have loved to hear from him and never did.
She cut you out in his dying days. C#nt
No, that was her father.
She’s just being peculiar. It’s a family specialty.
Does not talk to or respect anti-vaxers?
[shaking head]
Yeah, it’s tough to maintain any sort of a relationship with preconditions.
I’m so sorry to hear this.
I’m with Ozzy.
Thats a garbage human talking. So sorry.
No, it’s someone who isn’t quite right in her head w/r/t priorities.
Well she did supposedly say hello so theres some spark there. Im very wary of people. Guess its good I have a small family.
I am fucking so not garbage!
Huh? What? I was talking about the relative who refused to associate with him.
I’m sorry.
And So It Begins: Hunter Biden’s Laptop and the Ukraine War Show How the Ruling Class Plans to Silence Every Single One of Us And So It Begins: Hunter Biden’s Laptop and the Ukraine War Show How the Ruling Class Plans to Silence Every Single One of Us
Wierd shit happening to me.
getting phone called from interstate and international numbers I don’t recognise-I don’t answer- I call family back let alone strangers
im in a strange place
i wanted blitzkrieg with an end run around the maginot line through Belgium but it looks like wwi trench warfare with medieval siege warfare with the plague victims catapulted over the castle walls variant .
Having said that lots of wierd shit happening all over the world from Ukraine to supply chain disruptions/sabotage. I read man integrated/ huntsman and that dude really knows his logistics shit. The whole leftist gender war crap is spiraling out of control like their hand is being forced- like frogmarched. Kejenti can’t define what a woman is because she’s not a biologist? Like we need a biologist not rely on “ feels”. You can’t make this shit up. The potential first black woman on the Supreme Court is literally the worst pick they could make? Almost as bad a Biden ( fungating potato brain) President and Kamala ( will suck anyones dick for advancement) VP.
surely they couldn’t be making choices this bad without a figurative gun to their heads.
the list goes on
buttboy for transport
rachel Levine – poster from gender dysmorphia madness as “woman” of the year
lia Thomas – failed male athlete retiring to womens sport as a fall back plan ?
I’m wanting the movie where we see what’s really going on and only the protagonists are trying to figure it out
Understood. Lots of weird stuff is happening in lots of places. Sending Good Energy to you and yours.
You seem to be able to keep your head on straight and recognize the psycho-pathic Orcs as you wade amongst the zombie hordes just fine Ozzy, you’ll be OK . 😉 😃
I’m meaner than any orc
THE UNCROSSABLE RED LINE: Viganò Responds to George Weigel at First Things
Written by Carlo Maria Viganò
I read that takedown. It’s glorious.
It’s been fascinating to watch Catholic media distance itself from Vigano as he tells the world what is going on and all but a few cry CONSPIRACY THEORY. They keep saying he’s going off the rails, but he has proof of what he presents that is ignored. He sources his words.
Those people are in for the shock of their lives other than Voris and his crew at Church Militant. He’s been reporting a lot of it.
I am an agnostic and I read Remnant News because he has his head screwed on correctly.
You do not have to be Catholic or Christian to appreciate the TRUTH!
Yes – ! That’s exactly what strikes me about Vigano – besides his obvious love of Christ and Scripture – is his obvious depth and broad range of intel about current goings on. It’s as though Vigano and Trump and maybe Scavino, talk frequently and he reads Cue..
Verse of the Day for Saturday, March 26, 2022
“Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles.”
Proverbs 21:23 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
Trump ‘witch hunt’ is ‘indefinitely’ paused, effectively over, NYC prosecutor reveals in resignation letterhttps:
So is this another reason for wanting to send troops to Ukraine and possibly start WW 3
Lets cover up all the deaths from the Stab.
America is finding out the President’s son cheated, the media buried it, the FBI hid it « JoNova (joannenova.com.au)
Hunter Bidens laptop e-mail dump regarding MetaBiota is now available from JACK MAXEY
I wondered for some time if a lot of these “insiders” were really being fed mis and disinformation for some purpose. Byrne is one of them.
We’ll see in the end.
Byrne was such a con. Yeah, DS operative for years turns and becomes MAGA? Nah.
“..,erased images..” Yes that sounds like he just hit the delete key and thought they were gone. Honestly I can’t believe no one found them until now because the software to find them was free, twas only the super dooper version one had to pay for.
^^^ THIS. ^^^
Concerning Byrney does anyone still think the guy is on our site and not with the swamp?
I don’t trust him.
Makes two of us 😏
Never once seen him explain anything in plain straight forward fashion, just seems to me to talk muddle and confusion. Happen it’s me too dumb to understand, but I just see a fog of smoke.
I agree concerning Byrney.
You are NOT to dumb you are on to something 🙂
For some reason, yours truly can’t get away from the “moving the box” example. Where does the person moving the box fit into the scenario? And what if the person moving the box is also using something to help, like a hand truck?
Not finished watching this yet, but have picked out two bits.
22:00 – 30:00 the hypocrisy spouted in the nato meeting. Skripal’s remember them, another made up story every right thinking person knew was BS, but with the passage of time seems to have morphed from fiction into fact.
33:00 – 48:00 The prank call, best bits and a serious look at what they mean.
As The World Turns, with Give Send Go (GSG), donations to Freedom Convoy 2022.
Yesterday, I posted both of my donations were a credit pending to my CC. Amounts equaled donations to truckers AND donations GSG.
Today, the pending credit amount appears to be LESS the GSG donation AND whatever processing fee GSG is charged. The balance, the credit IS the amount that would have gone to truckers, IS scheduled for return.
^^^ THIS IS actually what I expected AND fair to BOTH GSG and myself.
^^^ GSG has certainly incurred administrative costs to all along the way.
Will update when this pending credit is posted to my CC.
My expectation is, all who were able to donate to Freedom Convoy 2022, will get their refunds.
Give Send Go, IS a stand up organization.
Meanwhile something else to consider. Not one dollar that I’m aware of ever got to any truckers. Maybe some money did get through, would love to hear about it.
Mixed bag IS my understanding, with guesses
GSG donation drives.
EDIT. Also would like to know whatever got through. The ONLY positiive is, the Canadian Truckers KNOW millions were donated. Citizens stood with the Truckers.
CORRUPT Trudescue AND CORRUPT Canadian politicians betrayed Canadian Truckers AND all Canadians.
There is another positive we cannot forget !
When Trudescu and his purple sidekick, froze citizen donor bank accounts and started investigations on the donors, the NWO/WEF/world central banker plan of total financial “method” of CONTROL was EXPOSED !!
Millions of Donors AND non donors alike WORLD-WIDE saw that in REAL TIME! !
That single act confirmed and removed any doubt whatsoever to even those on the sidelines, what they already suspected.
Once seen, THAT can’t be unseen
I think everyone awaits the full TRUTH full behind the obvious shenanigans that were at play here. 😉
I will not be surprised at all we find out later the monies supporting the Trucker movement was every bit as large, proportionally..and frightening to the TPTB as the MAGA movement$$ donations and voters. IMO this forced an error on their part. They said the quiet part out loud.
Cheers !!
And EU leaders ROASTED Trudeau TO HIS FACE over it, too…publicly.
You can bet your last dollar he was HUMILIATED and snowflake triggered over it.
Information warfare.
HUGE win for us.
These people are stupid.
Fool us once, screw some truckers — but they lost the opportunity to fool the entire population ….
Great observation!
I guess the Zero hero of Ukraine is not finished leaving his stain. Great way to continue the Hoax.
“Hero of Democracy” Zelensky Negotiating to Appear at the Oscars
The asshole Zelensky, “fighting for his homeland”, has time for a cameo of sorts at the Oscars.
Another reason to be thankful for not watching the Oscar’s for twenty plus years. Or the Grammy’s….
True, if anything it should towards discrediting him. 😁
Speaking of unHoly Hollyweird, and confusion in the leftardverse about defining what defines a woman, Vigilant Citizen has a new article up about a video aimed at 13-year-old girls, apparently redefining feminism, and what a “woman” really is. Scary stuff: I’d no idea that unHolyWeird could sink so low… no doubt they’ll sink lower still.
Disturbing, but seeing what the enemy is up to might well be what’s needed to motivate some major pushback against the likes of Disney, (Satan)Meta, Gargle, and all the rest.
The Powerful Symbolism in “Sweetest Pie” by Megan Thee Stallion and Dua Lipa
And it seems, as usual, the feminists (feminazis?) stand idly by while women are being savagely and demonically attacked by the “entertainment” industry… Hansel and Gretel turned on its head.
Hollywood makes a toxic waste dump look like an Artesian well…
I am so appalled at what i read on VC. My son wont be able to listen to a lot of music but i wouldnt call rap music anyway.
Needs a melody.
Rap doesn’t have one, just a beat.
Yes, rap composer/arrangers even use a special piano.
Wel, since yours truly has perfect pitch, I’m hearing various combinations of notes that this “piano” would correspond to (from left to right / lowest to highest on the “keyboard”):
C / C# / D / D# / E
F / F# / G / G# / A
G / G# / A / A# / B
This is no joke. 😂 Here’s “Watch Me Whip”, from 5 years ago, with over 1B views. And all within a major third. (I can still see all the kids dancing on the blacktop, after lunch on Field Day.)
Your pitch might be perfect, but who says the piano is even *remotely* in tune? None of the notes might match anything nor be a tone or semitone away from the wrong note the neighboring white or black key is presently set to.
Folks with perfect pitch can look at a score and “hear” the notes. It works both directions, as it were.
I was in a group that did the Rachmaninov Vespers. At one of the first rehearsals, the director said, “OK, we’ll go on to the next number”. And before the fellow with the little harmonica-type-pitch reference thing could cut loose, I really softly hummed a “c”.
Two sopranos standing in front of me turned around, surprised as me, I guess, and asked if I had perfect pitch… They did, too. Don’t know the odds on that, but it was funny… Good thing, too, as sinking sopranos (so to speak) can make the basses’ lives miserable on that work, which goes down to a double-b-flat IIRC…
(As a bass, I always wanted to do the opposite, drift upwards and make like difficult for the sopranos 😀 but that would not be fun, either…)….
I’m thinking C..E, because the cutouts aren’t on the keys for either the b-flat or the f-sharp… (perfect pitch here, too… saved my cookies in theory class, because I can’t compose to save my life 🙂 I was probably the only one who looked forward to dictation…)…..
Considering it’s for (c)rap, probably better to have BillyGhoul’s CTL-ALT-DEL 😀

(Now I’ve got some of the change music from “You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown” going through my head…)….
Yours truly still remembers the harmony classes where the professor would literally scratch the chalk on the blackboard, turn around to me and to the other student in the who had perfect pitch, and say, “All right, name the notes.”
Sez the rap “artist”: What are the keys on the left and right for? What about the black keys?
Actually, if you played the repeated riff from the video I posted . . . only the three white keys would be used. So the black keys wouldn’t matter. 🤔
How rayciss.
Yep. They have to make up for it by playing Chopin’s “Black Key” Etude, Op. 10. No. 5 😀
(OK, there are a few token “white privilege” keys included, too 🙂 )…
Here’s Gyorgy Cziffra playing that, as well as Liszt’s Transcendental Etude No. 10 in F.
Cziffra has a REALLY interesting history. Many consider him to be on the level with Horowitz, or even more astounding technically (lots of discussions on various piano/music boards about that). There’s a video out there with him warming up for a TV show with various compositions interspersed with him improvising… the folks in the studio were stunned at the display of virtuosity and musicianship…
I thought you needed an orange to play that.
So black lives matter, but black keys do not.
Gotcha. 😀
See comment above. 🤞🏻
Yeah, that’s what I get for replying in the notifier. Beaten to the punch! 🙂
I was trying to get the correct photo (for my recent comment) for at least 10 minutes.
Slight addition, you couldn’t play it on the pictured piano. (C-D-E) The song uses Ab-Bb-C. My how this thread has taken the typical path. 🙄
His only goal, an actor wants his due.
All politics and wars have become theater with the Pols as the actors.
Before this Ukraine ‘war’ got off the ground..my daughter goes to some universal type church…they had as their guest a poor Ukrainian war victim, pregnant of course. Never exactly explained how she came to the USA but the message was..Putin is an ogre and donate lots of $$$
Thats pretty good.
Were doing pioneers and moving west in history. Our reading noted that in outpost stops they often paid $1 for a pint of flour but as little as 1 cent for 1 lb of bacon.
And the corollary…
Of course…..
It wouldn’t be funny it didn’t have truth in it.
Lol. I appreciate the bit on rinos….unfortunately i think CA shipped the methods of losing to CO a long time ago.
OK here is some good humor/satire, funny, because its true! 2 versions:
News Flash dated Nov 1st 2022: Babylon Bee (not really) reports Klaus Schwab of the WEF and Larry Fink of Black Rock have produced a document to install a NWO to save us from the defunct dollar, WW3, starvation and poverty.
The document, entitled World Economic Forum Ultimatum, also known as:
WEFU pronounced “We Eff You”
will quickly be installed before the election, which is another pesky chore you no longer will be needed to do.
Documents received by B reports that Klaus Schwab’s previous vision for the Young Global Leaders which boasts such alumni as Trudeau, EyePatch and Grusome Newsome was to be a University, known as the WEFU
I cannot imagine what Ivanka’s purpose was in being associated with WEF. Mole perhaps?
The Hostile Takeover of the Republican Party Will Continue – American Thinker
Fits, Funny and a bit shocking. Guess these skits are becoming a thing in Texas
Full story here with the CFP crowd chiming in. (Okay, no story.. just the CFP crowd chiming in).
Crimes against humanity and violations of the Nuremberg Code if they apply this to humans. They will keep trying to control and kill us, no matter what.
GWP: Scientists Currently Developing Controversial “Contagious Vaccines” That Can Spread From Vaccinated to Unvaccinated
This kind of stuff and these kind of people need destroyed. Whole sale, no compromise, no exceptions. It goes right along with their mutant mosquitoes that we don’t want and their hair-brained ideas to filter the sun. That the gov’t condones this kind of thing is eye-opening.
Where is our congress ? These people do nothing except fill their own pockets.
– Gandi
Great summary. Thanks for posting.
Edit on #7 Worship without sacrifices.
My husband had Gandhis 7 sins posted on his office door at the university. One could not miss it 🙂
CM 100% agree. There is no use for these people. They’re evil.
The people responsible for this kind of research need to be put on ice. They need to be out out of science never to be allowed near a lab. Those paying for these experiments need to be jailed. This is a crime against humanity.
Ackkk didn’t see this. Was too busy writing up my say above. Outrages!
It’s one thing after another!
Wait, isn’t there ALREADY a kind of “contagious vaccine” — the COVID “vaccines”? — the “shedding” of the spike protein POISON by those who are “vaccinated”?
I’ve heard rumors, but I don’t know it if has been proven. But they’re trying really hard.
Omicron is alleged to have been one of these – or at least demonstrates the principle.
All this is, is creating and releasing, e.g., a human-transmissible cowpox.
A dangerous but potentially useful idea if everything works as planned. It removes choice, though. I hate it, mostly.
Thank goodness for the do gooders. What could possibly go wrong with this??

Um, can we skip Nuremberg, and go straight to Firing Squad?
No. Without the trials these would be murders, not executions.
And the condemned would be spared the humiliations and shame they deserve to bear before their deaths.
I should have inserted /s.
Somehow I was unaware of this fact until today. Oh well, one can’t know everything.
..from RFE
Yes, story from Feb 2019. Prosenko just became too hot to handle because of all the corruption in Ukraine that related back to the over throw of Trump, so the Globalist replaced him with Zelensky to continue the mission which is the overthrow of Putin.
Okay, its freaking time to lock up the scientists.
Seriously, I’m flashing back to that Neal Stephenson book “Anathem”.
The book never talks about it (The Terrible Event) directly but in the time line for the fictitious planet Arb at the beginning of the book, you can see the time line mirrors Earth’s timeline but with some serious changes.
Change 1 at our 2300 BC point we have Sargon the Great going out to conquer the world.
At their 2300 BC point ARB elevates science above religion.
Change 2 When Christ is born on Earth, ARB experiences the “Terrible Event”.
What’s the terrible event? The book never explains it. It’s just there in the time line, but whatever it was it was enough for ARB world wide to rise up and hunt down every scientist and philosopher type, murder many and lock away the rest in these huge monasteries after which the story continues pretty much until a bit into our future (to make sense of when three surviving planets one being the actual Earth, all existing in separate realities become known to ARB). That last is just an explainer not germane to my point. But this is.
Scientists Currently Developing Controversial “Contagious Vaccines” That Can Spread From Vaccinated to Unvaccinated
GWP: “We Have Another Suit That Will Be Filed Shortly – I’ll Be Back… Next Week” – Trump Attorney Alina Habba Announces a New Lawsuit Will Be Filed Next Week
Comedian Alex Stein who trolls City Council Meetings etc was interviewed by Tucker Carlson:
Donaldo Trumpo / @ilpresidento 03/26/2022 12:38:23
ID: Not Available
Direct Link: 108023821323917182
Link goes to Russian news on Police Action in The Ukraine
scroll down and/or up …
Another Gonzalo Lira podcast
this one is a keeper… highly recommend
starts out slowly… hang in there
I just finished watching this. It is excellent. It does start slowly but it is very informative. Thank you for the link. I will share it and keep it.
Glad you like it … 😉
WOOOOW!!! Those faces express more than any words could ever say!!!
They don’t respect him. They might even hold him in contempt.
Assuredly, the vast majority of military hold BiteMe in contempt.
If captions were above their heads,”Do not put me in the same recording as that traitor!”…”Get him out of here…we are trying to eat without getting nauseous.”…”Is that the pedophile?”…”Who is he gonna get killed next?”
I know that’s what I would be thinking…along with some other things that would not be appropriate for me to express on a digital platform.
Hes an ahole who got soldiers killed and has been an ahole his entire life.
Letter to the Daily Advertiser February 21, 1797
First sentence:
Final paragraph:
TO2766, il Donaldo Trumpo 😂😂😂
For all you tractor riding yard guys out there, this guy donates 1 day a week for free clean up. He found out after starting this project, without even speaking to anyone, that the owner is in a snf for a stroke.
That’s so kind of him to do that.
Good hearted guy!
Yes, and even though he could write it off on his taxes, he does not appear to ask for signatures on paperwork.
“Truly, I tell you, whatever you did for the least of these, my brothers and sisters, you did for me.”
Indeed. Saves the man a lien against his property.
Too painful. Can’t watch a full minute of it!!!
Pity. The last one is the best one.
When some young crazy fool
tries to jump across a pool
THAT’S….a moron
Thanks. I needed that.
I accessed that link, and it is a generic championing of vaccines in general. There is no specific data about COVID vaccines.
The study abstract follows.
Check out RAHM EMANUEL helping OBAMA (true force behind Biden) setting up the NUCLEAR false flag via his ambassadorship in Japan.
I *KNEW* that evil P.O.S. was sent to Japan for a reason.
Were there ever any loose Russian nukes, or just loose fissile material?
I see Obama’s play.
I’ve not heard of Russia nukes loose.
USSR nukes on the loose, very common when the USSR collapsed.
OK – that’s not good. Old Soviet nuclear material is the most likely to be indistinguishable from Russian.
Yup. One in the same in my mind. Likely they went into the “wild” in ~1992. USSR collapsed Dec 1991.
First chemical weapons. Now nukes.
Next come the murder hornets.
Yikes. Fast and fissionable…
I know that was a fear back in those days. I lived through them.
That said, I do not know that this actually happened and would like to see the evidence before believing it did.
Have you such proof?
Nope, not proof. Very commonly reported at all levels back in ~92. Zero reason to not believe it. But folks can believe in what they wish, or simply rely on hope.
Likely nothing new follows.
When the USSR collapsed, Russia nukes were in numerous countries that were once controlled by USSR/Russia. WithOUT the USSR heavy hand of control, nukes in various countries were treated as belonging to the country they resided. Possession = Ownership. Same as ALL military equipment. Even Navy ships as I recall.
The Feds commonly spoke of buying the nukes from whatever country had them and some combination of: could not maintain the nukes, could not secure the nukes, didn’t know how to employ the nukes, cash was more important than having nukes, etc.
Perhaps a combination of Russia efforts, IC (US, UK, etc.) were able to recover 100% of the nukes.
Nukes can be a whole lot smaller than what is dropped from aircraft, launched from aircraft, ships, etc.
Artillery shells.
Would bet Russia had, may still have something comparable to, SADM.
The Special Atomic Demolition Munition (SADM) (also known as the XM129 and XM159 Atomic Demolition Charges[1] and the B54 bomb[2]) was a nuclear man-portable atomic demolition munition (ADM) system fielded by the US military from the 1960s to 1980s, but never used in combat.
Atomic demolition munitions (ADMs), colloquially known as nuclear land mines, are small nuclear explosive devices. ADMs were developed for both military and civilian purposes. As weapons, they were designed to be exploded in the forward battle area, in order to block or channel enemy forces. Non-militarily, they were designed for demolition, mining or earthmoving. However, apart from testing, they have never been used for either purpose.
Are Suitcase Nukes on the Loose? The Story Behind the Controversy
Thank you for the honesty. 👍
As an aside.
IF there IS proof within USG of nukes in the wild, it would be TS SCI NOFORN, quite likely within a Special Program…
On the last trip to the library I perused the new books for kids. A good 20 new books on queer everything. Conservative town too. A few 100 bucks they spent on that instead of replacing or enhancing classics.
I wrote to 1 council member who just sent me an email saying she’s only 1 person and I have to go in front of the council on 📺 to address it further, even though she may not like the content. And she also stated I need to write down the titles to any books I think need replacing, on my own time.
I said who is buying the books and how is that content ok? No answer.
They wont change anything.
And Madea goes to jail ah-gain!
I love me some Madea, but that’s Granny Klump (aka Eddie Murphy) from “The Nutty Professor”.
At the very least.
Wow. 2M+ votes! 😳
He’s thinking about his own platform!
If Elon does it, it will be the REAL DEAL.
It will work. He has money to burn to do it.
I personally hope he does. I have to say that I am extremely disappointed in Truth Social. STILL not available in the Play Store.
Somebody, somewhere has to really CHALLENGE the Twitter monopoly. Maybe Elon will do it.
Yes. Truth Social seems to have done a “heads up” and called that “open for business”, but – NAAAH – not really. I hope they get things squared away soon, but I have my doubts. Seems like everybody is on the waiting list and NOBODY (except one person I know of) has gotten off the list.
Yeah, something is not working there. I don’t get it.
Yes, Elon is the kinda guy that makes things WORK.
Mini-ish ground report:
One of the stops today was a party for a cousin who graduated from college in December. Civil engineer. I saw cousins I haven’t seen in years. Anyway, no masks, no talk of shots, just visiting in an echo box (and I had to sing Vigil Mass afterwards. I had to quit talking at one point). The one piece of info I picked up was about the car dealership that my one cousin – the kid who graduated’s dad – manages. They are doing fine. The shop is booked for at least six weeks, and the body shop is doing fine. They are also doing well on sales with hardly any new cars on the lot due to parts shortages, and shipping issues. Imagine that.
Just thought I would pass that on.
Interesting. So they’re making sales with zero inventory on hand. “Just in time.”
Might be custom ordering. IDK. I have that from the Couch Commando. I didn’t really talk to that cousin much.
Yes, that’s exactly what it is. Demand is exceeding supply – they sell “future cars” at this point.
My friend was supposed to get his new replacement company car in spring of 2021. Didn’t get until one month ago, a 2022 model. They just skipped a whole year of replacements, no inventory.
Wow. The BIDEN economy.
I have a good friend whose brother is a car dealer. He is SOLD OUT of inventory that he will NOT HAVE for a year.
Yep, people have bought him out of pickups (at least 80-100 of them) that they can’t have for a year.
Damnedest thing I’ve ever heard.
Pretty good selection of Ram trucks and Jeeps (all models) available northern NV.
My guess is, FCA (RAM / Jeep) and parts suppliers saw the END OF Covidiocy AND PUSHED CHIP orders months ahead of GM, Ford, Nissan, Toyota, Subaru…
Somebody was smart!
If China takes Taiwan, the ONLY way we will have fresh cars here is if we drop all the fancy electrical pollution crap that needs chips, and make them like they used to be.
Not saying I’d mind those cars.
Very clear now why Intel is building plants in Ohio.
I would LOVE those cars! Something I could actually work on again.
Body shops here are jammed up BAD waiting on parts.
Workers get partial draw as they perform prep work, the rest when parts arrive and job is complete.
Owners get no money until job is complete, but are shelling out the partial payments.
Customers angry because they can’t get their cars.
Those of you that find economic policy of interest may find the following video of interest. Since the establishment of sanctions against Russia there has been increasing speculation concerning the policy effect such action will have on the dollar’s position as the world’s reserve currency. The reserve status of the dollar is becoming a topic of worry among central banks. If you are interested go here:
Victor Davis Hanson Issues Warning To The Elites – “Will Soon Reap The Whirlwind Of An Angry Public”
He pointed out that the American people are tired of the “incompetence, arrogance, and ignorance” of the elites.
In the November 2022 midterms, we are likely to see a historic “No!” to the orthodox left-wing agenda that has resulted in unsustainable inflation, unaffordable energy, war, and humiliation abroad, spiraling crime, racial hostility—and arrogant defiance from those who deliberately enacted these disastrous policies.
My new jam, right here. 👇
From the Gospel According to St. John, Chapter 4:
So it seems there is some add lib going on… But it also seems it keeps with the spirit of what was written. Unfortunately it might be too late to see what you think.
Ad libbing the woman at the well? Are you kidding? The most depicted story in the gospels and somebody decides to ad lib? From the Gospel According to St. John?
What’s the source material to justify that?
I’ve had it for today. See y’all tomorrow.
Good night!!!
Utah Lawmakers Override Gov. Cox To Ban Biological Men From Women’s Sports
Utah lawmakers voted Friday to override Republican Gov. Spencer Cox’s veto of legislation intended to ban biologically male athletes from women’s sports.
The bill’s sponsors successfully persuaded 10 House lawmakers and 5 in the Senate to switch positions on the bill after initially opposing the legislation, the Associated Press reported. Utah has become the 12th state in the U.S. to impose restrictions on transgender athletes.
Utah Senate President J. Stuart Adams held the override vote to “preserve the integrity of women’s sports and ensure it remains fair and safe for all.”
“Common Sense” is making a comeback.
Taylor Hawkins chose lots of drugs and partying over seeing his kids grow up. Another wasted life by choice.
“Foo Fighters drummer Taylor Hawkins ‘had ten different drugs in his system including heroin, marijuana, antidepressants and opioids’ when he died in Colombia hotel”
“Well-known Colombian journalist Luis Carlos Velez, the Bogota-based director of radio station FM, claimed earlier today that a police officer who entered 50-year-old Hawkins’ room had told prosecutors he saw a ‘cocaine-like’ white powder.
Meanwhile, respected Colombian newspaper El Tiempo said a confidential report it had been informed about pointed to hallucinogens – mind-altering drugs that can include LSD – being found inside the hotel room.
Velez added: ‘In the room, Colombian authorities found an empty beer can, an opened bottle of vodka, a Coca-Cola bottle and some other articles which are being analysed by authorities.
‘Witnesses at the hotel tell me Taylor Hawkins called the front desk for help due to “chest pain” before being found dead in his room.’
In a statement following an initial autopsy, the country’s Attorney General’s Office said on the Foo Fighters drummer’s shock death: ‘Colombia’s Attorney General’s Office can confirm the following after the initial autopsy on the body of Taylor Hawkins.
‘That in the toxicology test on Taylor Hawkins’ urine 10 types of substances were preliminarily found, including marihuana, tricyclic antidepressants, benzodiazepines, and opioids.
‘The National Institute of Forensic Medicine is continuing its medical studies to be able to completely clarify the facts that led to Taylor Hawkins death.
‘Colombia’s Attorney General’s Office will continue with the investigation and reveal the results obtained as part of this investigation as appropriate.’ ”
….and it may have been the clot shot that killed him.
Sure. He was used to doing drugs but it didnt enter his addled brain that there was something new in the mix. Still, he chose that over 3 kids under 18.
From Gab (yeah, I know that it isn’t patient, but still…..)
Patience is becoming apathy. Dont want to get 8n the way of “them” revealing themselves but Action required soon, esp since joe called for removing putin in his Poland speech.
I’m firmly in #TeamHeadsOnPikes. Trials and the Rule of Law are nice and all that, but I want it made abundantly clear that unleashing bioweapons on your own population is not ok because you wrote some random words on a piece of paper. If our esteemed legislatures furthered this horrific plan by failing to lay down proper laws against it, their heads belong on the next row of pikes.
If they want to talk about “breakdown of the rule of law” for a couple of years, that’s a cost. If they talk about the bloody penalty for widespread use of bioweapons for a thousand years, that’s a benefit.