Just had to get that out of the way.
The people in the meme are not…sorry for the name…um…WE LOVE OUR Q-TREEPERS!

This is brought to the tree with all affection. Truly. (Okay, I read the meme after I plopped it in the post. We all have our faux pas.)
Thanks to P-Rex, the hopium bong is being passed around.
prognosticatasaurusrex Offline Wolverine March 31, 2022 09:33
Ladies and gentlemen, my fellow Patriots. SOMETHING is going on…it is now peeking out from behind the curtain, but it IS there.
too much in just the last week.
Hillary and her campaign fined for the “Steele dossier”
ALL the big 3 networks now reporting on Hunters Laptop, and NOT in a way that can be construed as “spin”
Brnovich of Arizona referring RINO Katie Hobbs for CRIMINAL charges (election fraud)
PA judge removes 5 PA school board members over mask mandates. ALL dems
WI judge holds RINO Speaker Robin Vos in CONTEMPT over Wi election records.
Rove and McConnell outed as behind the Eric Greitens take down in Missouri
21 states sue the Biden admin over mask mandates
Arizona RINO ducey signs bill banning abortion after 15 weeks
Biden’s Supreme court judge has her favorable record towards pedophiles outed
Zelensky seems to want to capitulate to Putin’s demands of neutrality and weapons
Fauci is FINALLY confronted by a UK reporter on his funding of coronavirus research (GOF ) in china.
Trump sues Hillary and the DNC over the Russia hoax in a RICO civil suit (for discovery)
Rep Madison Cawthorn outs Washington DC “orgies and cocaine use by the elites including sitting members of Congress.
McCarthy and Collins are further outed ass RINOS and uniparty in their reactions to both Madison Cawthorn’s allegations, McCarthy, and in Collins case her support for Kentanji Jackson DESPITE her pattern of leniency to child porn traffickersThis coupled with the Bio lab reveals in Ukraine and MUCH more seems to me to be if anything GAINING momentum, like a snowball heading down a slope.
The uniparty, Dems, RINOS, Globalists, and their minions are now being attacked on MULTIPLE fronts on things like
election fraud
Vaccine mandates
the Russia hoax
Biden’s corruption through Hunter
UkraineMeanwhile Biden and Harris and all the dems go on daily committing gaffs, and further distancing themselves from the mainstream on all the important issues.
Something is BUILDING. You can not only see it, hear it, but FEEL it, building like a crescendo to a climax.
These are just a quick peruse of what has been happening, feel free to add. But the more me add, you will SEE the pattern. someone or multiple someone’s are on the attack. We are no longer on defense, and “cracks” are beginning to form in the globalist firewalls. When EVEN CNN is beginning to report on some of these things, there is a definite winds change that WILL inevitably lead to a SEA change. Once critical mass is achieved and but ONE of the globalists firewalls cracks open, it ALL will fall, because it is ALL related and being done by ALL the same people. Once ONE crime is revealed, they ALL fall. RICO because they stupidly always use the SAME people and methodology to perpetuate their.
evil schemes. If even ONE key piece falls, like dominoes, they ALL fall.Can you feel it? I can, I can almost taste it. If we sense it, imagine the PANIC that will ensue when the ENEMY realizes it. As Q said, once we ALL know, these people will NOT be able to walk down the streets, they will NOT be able to hide, and they will NOT be saved or bailed out.
PAIN for them is incoming.
And then there’s we the people putting THEM on defense. They put us in the position of having to reconcile ourselves to this:
They used the cover of the USA to destroy a good part of the world, and their own districts.
And they keep themselves in office via all sorts of crooked methods (the whole thread has lots of videos).
That’s just the tip of the iceberg.
Reminder: it’s not just Hunter under investigation. It’s the whole blasted syndicate.
This applies to women as well.
Consider yourself warned.

True story about brownies. We were called to help out with a potluck for a funeral lunch, and somehow the subject of dessert came up. I said, Dessert for a funeral is easy. Just make a pan of brownies. Sure enough, at the funeral lunch, I walked over to the dessert table and there were ten different serving plates of brownies. Some were iced. Some had powdered sugar sprinkled on them. Some were plain. But all desserts were brownies.
I just thought this was cool.

And before any of us knew who they were.
And now for the business portion of the post borrowed from Tuesday:
Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
And Auntie DePat’s requests:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Just as an explainer, Wisdom is one of the Greek books that were removed from the Bible translations used by those protesting when Luther switched out the original Old Testament for the one the Jerusalem Jews whittled down for themselves between 96 and 283 AD.
WISDOM 2:1, 12-22
1For they reasoned unsoundly, saying to themselves, “Short and sorrowful is our life, and there is no remedy when a man comes to his end, and no one has been known to return from Hades. 12“Let us lie in wait for the righteous man, because he is inconvenient to us and opposes our actions; he reproaches us for sins against the law, and accuses us of sins against our training. 13He professes to have knowledge of God, and calls himself a child of the Lord. 14He became to us a reproof of our thoughts; 15the very sight of him is a burden to us, because his manner of life is unlike that of others, and his ways are strange. 16We are considered by him as something base, and he avoids our ways as unclean; he calls the last end of the righteous happy, and boasts that God is his father. 17Let us see if his words are true, and let us test what will happen at the end of his life; 18for if the righteous man is God’s son, he will help him, and will deliver him from the hand of his adversaries. 19Let us test him with insult and torture, that we may find out how gentle he is, and make trial of his forbearance. 20Let us condemn him to a shameful death, for, according to what he says, he will be protected.” 21Thus they reasoned, but they were led astray, for their wickedness blinded them, 22and they did not know the secret purposes of God, nor hope for the wages of holiness, nor discern the prize for blameless souls;
Yet again, no JP. So, how about some Tucker.
And maybe some Jesse
Okay, a kid in my grade school class…his dog really did eat his homework. She was a Great Dane.
Have a great weekend.
Any ideas on when this actually published?
‘Bout 10 after….but I was looking at the content before I got here.
Speaking of which, Tucker’s mutter at 2:14 was ROTFLOL.
The piano is way cool. In fact, it’s freakin’ COLD.
I, for one, very much appreciate you bringing the Old Books forward for study, contemplation, and context. I’ve previously known so little of them.
They are Tobit or Tobias, Judith, Wisdom, Baruch, Ecclesiasticus (Sirach), 1&2 Maccabees. In the Douay-Rheims table of contents, they are noted with an asterisk.
I’m reading through Sirach for Lent.
It is now officially April First — let the foolishness commence!
Ha ha ha! I got a good laugh out of your meme, DP, but we’ll see how Steve takes it.
True story. I knew a woman who’s husband stopped in East St. Louis to ask directions from the street walkers.
A pleasant destination…
East St. Louis? It looks like a war zone these days.
Yes, but the directions being discussed here have little to do with being lost or location. LOL
Looks like he drove a mile for a
KCamel-uh…(would be funny if the front plate said “HUNTER”)…
Brought forward from yestereve —
Doesn’t look good for the owner of that shoe. (Could it be Hillary’s?)
Brrom and pointy black hat found floating nearby
The father croc taking his child from the nest to the river.
(^^^ Ozzytrumpster posted last night.)
Regarding “98% of people are unwilling to date trans people because of hatred,” yes, hatred of perversion. Not all hatred is bad. We are to love one another but hate evil acts and draw boundaries when it comes to participating in them.
The Left is doing away with many standards of morality and trying to force us to participate by calling us names. So fine, call me a hater, a racist, a deplorable, a conspiracy theorist, a vax denier, a bitter clinger, a rube, whatever. It’s still a firm no.
Oh — and luv ya. 
To hell with not wanting to date trans wierdos.
MORE like, want NOTHING TO DO with trans wierdos.
The entire trans narrative needs to be shit canned.
With you there!
I have made a conscious decision that I am tired of being polluted by deviant behavior. I can withstand it, were it necessary, but it isn’t necessary.
I don’t have to have anything to do with anyone or anything I don’t want to. Screw them all.
You know, all the name-calling is when my fairly tough childhood serves me well. I had to learn very early not to let other’s opinions of me, including my own mother’s, define who I was.
Consequently, I’m with you. Call me anything you want. I don’t care.
Exceptions: Don’t call me late for the buffet, dessert, or drinks. Then I’m pissed!
Old enough to remember this? Sticks and stones can break my bones, but WORDS will never hurt me.
Oh, yes, I remember that! And it’s true!
Have a video posted that is a MUST WATCH on the trans thing!
Yesterday’s JP was doing cold plunges, and I noted how similar this was to diving in Monterey Bay…..but I was thinking about it…..and I thought I’d do more about the quixotic world of SCUBA.
To begin with, SCUBA is a reasonably safe sport. The rate of accidents in SCUBA is just about the same as that of bowling. On the other hand, very few bowling accidents are followed by drowning…..although it is not impossible that there is some poor, unfortunate corpse 300 feet underwater with his thumb stuck in a bowling ball…..
The most peculiar thing about SCUBA is that it never solves problems — it casually offsets them with something potentially more dangerous.
Let’s start with just breathing. Everyone has probably seen a snorkel — they’re about 16 inches long and let you stay face-down in the water and breathe from the surface.
For some reasonable estimates, atmospheric pressure is about 15 psi, and 30 feet of water pressure. If you had a six-foot snorkel, the water pressure outside your lungs would be 1/5 atmosphere, or about three pounds per square inch. Imagine a one-inch grid overlaid over your chest, then put a three pound weight in each square — breathing would be pretty difficult, no? It would be twice as bad at 12 feet.
Instead of reducing the pressure outside, SCUBA starts by inflating the diver to the same pressure. If you dive to 120 feet, inhale from SCUBA, and surface without exhaling — you will hit the surface with an internal pressure of about 75 psi. This can do significant damage to your lungs, potentially crack your ribs, and create embolisms. But you were able to dive because you were being increasingly inflated as you went deeper.
It gets even more fun in cold water. You don’t get to warm the water, so you wrap yourself in insulation…..which floats. You, then, strap lead weights around yourself to offset the floating insulation. As you dive deeper, the insulation compresses and floats less while the lead doesn’t…..so you wear a “buoyancy compensator” that you inflate to offset the portion of the insulation compression lost at depth.
If you run into trouble at depth, you have to unwind all these compensations under emergency circumstances. You may have to drop your lead, blow the air out of your buoyancy compensator, blow bubbles for an ESA (Emergency Swim Ascent), keep your head up, and dodge boats.
Avoiding danger isn’t an option. You have to know what it’s balanced against.
I have snorkeled, but diving is beyond me. I am so claustrophobic that I had to practice with a snorkel in the car for weeks before I was able to use one in the water. And then my first outing was a complete failure because I was improperly fitted for my mask, and water just flooded in. Turns out I had to have a youth-sized mask for my little face. I’m 5’8″, so it didn’t occur to anybody to think that!
That being said, once I got the hang of it, snorkeling was one of the coolest things ever. I swam with sea turtles a few times. The turtles of Hawaii just liked me for some reason. One time was sitting on the beach and one rode a wave right into my lap! It was illegal for me to touch one, but nobody told the turtle! I pushed him out on the next wave.
I remember doing my check-out dive in Lake Tenkiller in OK & it was really miserable conditions. Being from the Great Lakes State those manmade lakes do Not cut it at all, it was like swimming in a mudhole w/ very limited visibility. It was also quite cold so we were wearing wetsuits. Once your body temp has warmed up the water in the suit it’s not too bad but when movement causes fresh ambient water to flow in Yikes that’s cold!!!
Anyway we were diving to 40 feet & had to do a few things being observed by the instructor at depth in order to pass the SCUBA class. One thing we had to do was remove the mask then put it back on & clear the water out. I was wearing a wetsuit hood (for the first time) so when I put the mask back on the hood impeded my ability to get the seal against my skin so I couldn’t get the water out of my mask & started to panic. I was convinced the instructor could see the panic in my eyes & I was contemplating ditching my weights & doing a quick ascent, but thankfully finally got the mask adjusted & cleared.
It freaked me out so much that I never dove with the wetsuit hood again. In subsequent classes back at the pool I spent a lot of time diving w/ the mask off so that I could get used to the feeling of mouth-breathing via the regulator while learning to tolerate the bit of nasal water that also got inhaled into the sinuses–yuck.
That was a pretty scary experience that I never want to have repeated. It was so strange because I had sufficient air but the way the water around my nose was coming in when the mask wasn’t yet cleared made me Feel like I couldn’t really get a breath…
Unfortunately Lake Tenkiller was the only in the field dive I ever got. I took advanced SCUBA another semester & the checkout dive was at 100 feet. Unfortunately I had either a sinus or ear infection so couldn’t do that dive & got an incomplete. Later when I was out of school but making barely above minimum wage I passed on a chance to go diving in Cancun & Cozumel w/ some others from my school due to finances. That season of SCUBA has clearly passed me by & I wish I’d not been such a skinflint & enjoyed that expanded experience when it was presented…
I Really Enjoy the tales you tell from this arena! You have been so blessed & are a blessing
This I will believe.
It’s science, DePat.
Common sense requires less thought.
(Taking cover.)
You’re a traitor to your gender.
Donald Trump Jr. / @DonaldJTrumpJr 03/31/2022 16:31:36
ID: Not Available
Direct Link: 108053049949316822
All the BS you’re seeing right now is what happens when you order a President by mail.
Someone PLEASE mark Potajoe “Return to sender”
Yep. Eplanation: RED Chinese counterfeit…
Play money
If the sender has a lick of sense they don’t WANT him returned.
Just like all junk mail.
He He He !!!
l Donaldo Trumpo / @ilpresidento 03/31/2022 20:16:06

ID: Not Available
Direct Link: 108053932712240106
Oh, God, PLEASE let this one be true!
I keep sending Trump reminders…the FIRST press conference when he returns he MUST come out to “back in Black” by ACDC.
AH, just to watch the MSMS explode into whimpering blobs of goo. Must see TV.
AC/DC — the greatest R&R band since the Strolling Bones.
Lol! That would be great.
Praying Medic has been posting videos related to Q at his website. His first one was posted back on February 24.
His latest has some very good insights. Count me in as one who believe that Q is back!
(about 13 minutes)
Here is Praying Medic’s first post on February 24th, 2022 titled, “Is Q on truth Social?)
(about 16-1/2 minutes)
So the links are ~29 minutes. (Ugh)
Spoiler Alert REQUEST.
So, has Q been posting or PM is suggesting Q has taken on a different name(s) on Truth Social? Or simply, WTF is going on?
Someone is posting on Truth Social as “@q,” so people are wondering if Q is back. I thought something was posted in the early days to indicate that was not Q, but I have no idea, and no opinion on it. Just observing.
I do see this: Whoever @q is, it does not come across as some random person getting a kick out of playing games and messing with people’s minds. Another thing is the qagg.news app, which posts selected Truth Social comments, posts some of what @q says. I would think, if it was doing harm, they would not allow its posts to show there. And I think some of the well-known people like Devin Nunes and Kash Patel have interacted with @q or reTruthed its comments.
Its possible that @q is one of the MAGA insiders, but whether it is THE Q, no one seems to know.
I believe the same Q that had last posted in November (?), 2020 has been posting at Truth Social since late February, 2022. Only difference in a name change is that the lower case letter of “q” is now being used.
Yes, some of the Q post links are probably running in the neighborhood of 29 minutes (I didn’t check, but seem to remember postings of about that length) The 15 minute video time range is more common.
There has not been a trip-code posted on any of the q posts as has been done in the past, so until that has happened there is that caveat.
Rush Limbaugh predicts Biden’s demise – 2020 – Said Biden will serve at the pleasure of Barack Obama.
Oh, how is miss that voice every day. Thanks for posting.
And wisdom…. AMEN!
A miracle of the internet.
This is the exact same porch glider made in the 1950’s that my maternal grandparents used to own. It always had its place against the wall under the roofed-over porch, and facing the street. Oh, how I remember that color and pattern of the twisted metal on the ends.
In the early 1960’s my family lived within 20 miles of my grandparents, and my four sisters and I often took turns spending a few days and nights visiting.
I spent a fair amount of my time on the glider when the weather was warm. I’d lay down on it with my head on one of the cushions and a leg dangling over the side and using my foot on the floor to rock the glider back and forth. I’d look up at the patterns of the wood on the porch ceiling, or at the tree branches out on the street. All the while I would be thinking, exploring kingdoms of the imagination
I was a dreamer then, and still am, though less often.
IIRC, this is the glider that was on the front porch at the farm although with different cushions.
I can remember my grandfather’s tongue-in-cheek comment while sitting in that porch glider, and looking out at the street, “I wonder what the poor folks are doing today.” He was born and raised in NW Tennessee, and knew poverty well. He and many other family members moved to Michigan in the 1920’s to work in the auto manufacturing industry to escape the poverty.
The glider reminded me of a Detroit home we’d pass returning from church during my youth. They had a bench seat from a van on their front porch for Years. I bet they wished it were a glider! It sure looked like poverty to me…
My maternal grandparents had something very similar to this on their porch. For some reason, it was always called, “the davenport.” Maybe that was a “Pittsburgh-ism.”
I never heard it called a davenport by my family. I think it was called the porch swing.
My grandparents called the sofa the davenport & they were both born & raised in Detroit. Both of grandma’s parents were born to British Isles immigrant parents but grandpa’s family had been in America for centuries & in Michigan for several generations…
Jack Posobiec https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.1.0/svg/1f1fa-1f1f8.svg
No one is even asking the right question – why did all these intel officials want Biden to become president so much they were willing to lie to protect him
NO, the better question is IF Biden was such the better candidate in the eyes of the IC officials, WHY do they have to LIE to protect him.
It’s simply because they didn’t want Trump to continue to be president.
In other words it wasn’t “Biden! Cool!” but rather “Anyone, ANYONE, but Trump!”
He wasn’t the better candidate, who should have been beyond lies if he was, but he wasn’t…but rather, they’d have done anything necessary to defeat the other candidate, including backing a candidate they’d have to lie about.
That comment (of mine) wasn’t really all that straightforward, so let me start at one end and plow through to the other.
You seemed to be asking “if Biden was such a great candidate, why did they have to lie about him” as if “they” were confused when they picked him (“Oh wow, what a great candidate!” followed by lies and they never connected the dots and realized he was bearded dragon poop).
Nope, they *knew* he wasn’t great going in, so they were willing to lie, because _to them_ ANY candidate was preferable to Trump, even one so fricking awful they’d have to lie about him.
Now it’s possible that Biden’s awfulness by itself suits them, rather than it just being an acceptable cost of getting rid of Trump.
“Now it’s possible that Biden’s awfulness by itself suits them, rather than it just being an acceptable cost of getting rid of Trump.”
THIS is the correct statement. I guess in a way I was being sarcastic towards the original question, assuming anyone with half a brain would prefer Trump to a brain dead potato. But that assumes logic and NOT malice were applied.
Your sarcasm (initially) flew right over my head, though I was beginning to wonder by the time I wrote my second response.
I think we’re on the same page, and have been though this whole convo.
Not so much wanting Biden to be president, than wanting Trump to NOT be president.
Check out Roger Stone backing up Madison Cawthorne’s statement.
Cawthorne IS being set up.
Much like Greitens (MO) is being set up.
Uniparty taking Cawthorne out.
McCarthy in suporting role. (Spit)
One can almost bet the farm that the RNC is mixed up in this situation.
IMO, unless Rep. Cawthorn gets way out in front of what they’re trying to do, he may well be out of Congress — and perhaps even before the midterms.
The whole thing has a hinky feel. Why exactly did Cawthorn decide to put this out there, right now, out of the blue? Like he’s working on something. But what do I know. As I said, it just feels like there’s more to it.
Cawthorne wise, there MAY be more.
Whatever it may be, IS the result of Cawthorne being targeted by Uniparty. Cawthorne may have had a lapse in judgement.
For now, Cawthorne get the benefit of the doubt.
Oh he is being targeted for sure. Because he’s setting something in motion I believe.
ATTENTION Swing States ! Don’t Be Fooled !
Shadowy Pro-Democrat Social Media Network Emerges Ahead of Midterms
article link…
shadowy network of Leftist social media communities has emerged to spread Leftist propoganda & talking points in key swing states…
Michigan ~ Main Street Sentinel/Star Spangled Media LLC
New York
North Carolina
Real Voices Media (RVM) = the umbrella company
read more, at the link
(this reeks of obama, imo)
did ACORN ever REALLY disappear.
IF Acorn “disappeared”, likely only a name change of sorts.
Even if it did…the people did not.
And were free to pursue “activism” and even form an organization that was distinct from Acorn.
In other words, it doesn’t really matter whether Acorn completely disbanded or just changed names.
Exactly my thought.
“Activist” dirt bags will pursue free money for a cause.
BLM, Antifa…ALL shitheads for hire.
Indeed. And many other groups of such pests.
Glad they caught these turkeys!!!
I believe today the 1950 Census is being released, to the delight of genealogists & family historians everywhere. Hope it will soon be searchable…& I finally get our dang taxes done so I can play w/ this likely amazing tool of history!!!
just don’t send any DNA !
I agree, the census information can really be fascinating to work through for genealogy, Valerie. In doing the paternal side of my family, a lady historian compiled a volume of census reports, news articles, burial records, contributors stories and photos, etc, of the people in the region of our family going back into the late 1700’s. It took her over 10 years to compile and publish, which she then sold to recoup a small part of her investment. My dad asked that if I was interested in it, he would buy it and of course, I said, “Yes!” That was back in the late 1980’s.
Fast forward to today. Dad gave me the role of the “keeper of the book” some 30 years ago. So, my wife and I recently began our Memory Book projects on him and my FIL – our WW II heroes. The information in that book has been invaluable in piecing together the progress of our family through time (centuries). This will be passed to our children, grandchildren and down the line to add to the stories. Of course, it’s not just about our war heroes – it branches into all sides of our families within our tree.
Census report releases are a big deal for those of us who care about such things. If folks retained family Bibles with the information recorded about descendants, old baby books, etc. – they are great resources.
You can learn much even from old photos. In an old war photo my dad took on Okinawa when they were deployed there post battle, it shows “N.A.B. Yonabaru” on its sign. That then led to research about operations there. I have been able to identify his best friends during the war without being told. Identified the patrol bombers they flew by type, know his official roles as well as his crew mates, that he loved to drink milk from fresh coconuts (yuck) they cut down along with playing baseball on the beach in Hawaii when they were stationed there for training on the new, at that time, PB4Y-2 Privateer patrol bombers, used by the Naval Air Force in the pacific theater. I have aerial photos of China and Japan. A lot of them are of Shanghai. That led to questions on Japan since he was honorably discharged after his second tour in January 1946. Japan surrendered in August/September 1945. So the photos indicate that the crew flew reconnaissance post surrender and there are no photos of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; so, those were most likely restricted areas, and rightly so. All of the above learned from photos and names of crew mates with their designations on the back of photos.
I could go on and on, about how he was stationed at Attu Island, AK in his first tour. I had no idea previous to this about that location being the only American territory seized by the Japanese military during the war. Look up the Battle of Attu if you enjoy the history. The only vegetation there at that time were native grasses – not a tree to be found – the climate is so harsh.
Gifts to future generations to share. The Lord provides information about the generations from the Garden on in The Word for our edification. Why shouldn’t we go and do likewise with what is right in front of us each day?
When I finally got a good look at the 1910 census page for my dad’s mother’s family, we found out that one great-great-grandmother was from Ireland. That was news.
It’s funny. People make fun of us Catholics and our records, but the Acadians, which includes the Cajuns, the descendents of the thirty families that emigrated from France to what is now Nova Scotia and Labrador, in the seventeenth century, have the ENTIRE group traced back to about 1450 in France via Church records. (Now, we have to send updates to the person keeping the books, we’re so spread out.) We record all Sacraments and life events. Usually. My Baptism wasn’t recorded at the home parish, and when my Baptismal certificate was drawn up, the priest doing it had to call the priest who Baptized me and confirm it happened. There were witnesses, of course, and photos.
Church records are invaluable in family history research!
Census records, like all records, must be taken with a grain of salt. At a minimum they provide Clues to what might have Actually happened. One census year had one of my husband’s ancestors listed as having come from Switzerland when all the other years said they were from America. It makes one wonder what that anomaly might unearth if we could figure out what to do with it!
I’ve been periodically watching a show called “The Curse of Oak Island” that details many activities of treasure hunters & historians as they search for historical treasure on a small island in Nova Scotia. A recent episode showed old maps of Arcadia, which apparently was the original name given to the region by one of the European explorers on an early map. Sometime later it was changed to Acadia, by the English, iirc, but I’m not sure why.
There is so much to learn from history! More mysteries uncovered than explained…
Good stuff, DePat. Wish our family had committed to doing that through the years. Makes it tougher for us now. We just keep working…
What a Treasure Trove of memories & history for your family!!!
My mom’s birth mom was in AK as a WAC toward the end of WWII but I know nothing about her adventures–she died before I went searching for Mom’s birth family info. Mom’s birth father was a Marine in WWII & was at Tarawa. Some years back I found an online group, Tarawa Talk, where the vets interfaced about their experiences & I just Loved reading along to get a possible flavor of what my birth-grandfather Might have experienced. I also read Robert Sherrod’s book about Tarawa & recall he, who was there as an embedded reporter, said that Every day when he woke up he was back at Tarawa. It made me wonder if that was my grandpa’s experience too…
Family stories & family history are a treasure to be accumulated & shared. Our family has a lot of story tellers in it, especially amongst the men. One place they share many tales of adventures is at hunting camp. I often encourage the sharing of stories whenever the family gathers. These tales tie us together down through the generations so much & are the source of much laughter. In some ways my husband feels like he actually met my grandpa, one of the original owners of the Hunting Shack, because so many tales about him there or at the Cottage have been passed down & retold in our family for the 3 decades he’s been part of my clan…
So, so valuable and enjoyable. Happy for you and your kin. Yes, the stories are what weave us together and in so doing we learn so much about life, each other, history, etc.
Has BRANDON been putting the HIT on RED JEN?
She has been avoiding traveling with him, it seems…..
Looking to get out…..
Interesting read.
YUP. I think that’s it.
Plus she had “Covid” It would be interesting to see how many got “Covid” and then LEFT.
Is “Covid” now a code for “interrogated”
Man, we’re all getting some mileage out of that gaffe. HA!
OK – check this out. US Senate candidate J.D. Vance in Ohio REFUSED to throw MTG under the bus when a Fake News reporter attempted to get him to disavow her, because she spoke at America First PAC, which is run by Nick Fuentes!
From what little I’ve seen, JD Vance is the better choice in Ohio Senate race.
We’ll see what voters say. Unless of course Dominion is counting in Ohio, and or mail ballots are a thing in Ohio.
I am finally reading “Hillbilly Elegy,” and it is fantastic.
J.D. and I share that background. I recognize every character in the book from my own life. He comes from the school of HARD knocks.
J.D. Vance, whatever else he is, will be a tough customer to fool, I’ll tell you that.
Sticking up for MTG was a mensch moment, for sure. Jane Timken is big on the trans in women’s sports thing (she was a female rugby player!), so she has that going for her, and Josh Mandel is the MAGA Marine from hell for the Deep State. We have 3 good choices there, IMO. But Vance really took the lead with that call, IMO. He can spot the ploys.
It’s like spotting revenoors.
ChiFi was married to another TRAITOR??? Say it ain’t so!
Hell her “chauffer” of 20 years WAS a Chinese spy, so why not. Then Swalwell had Fang Fang or whatever her name was.
He was WAY MORE than her chauffeur! He was her freakin’ OFFICE MANAGER. He was the guy who ordered all the electronics!!!
Her “driver” was DIS-INFOR-F’N-MATION!!!
Or is that Dis-effing-information?
Or maybe even Dis-effing-infor-effing-mation?
It’s BAD SHIT!!!
Have we reached “Bearded Dragon Shit” level yet?
LOL! Does that include salmonella???!!!
Yeah, but when asked didn’t she state he was her chauffer? In reality we all know he was her handler.
Now, who wants to bet there are MANY of these handlers imbedded, and not just from China, Iran, Russia, NK, the list of possibilities is endless. We already know of Chen and Fang, and Jarrett (MB and or Iran) How many more “office staff” or “chauffer’s” or “housekeepers” there are. It sure would explain a LOT of simply unexplainable actions by Congress critters now wouldn’t it.
Think, the foreign entities invest a TON of money (lobbying) into Congress, it would only make sense to have a “broker” keep an EYE up close and personal on that investment to ensure proper ROI.
today’s cocktail…cheers !
ok wait… good day as any to post this…
Ouija Board, delivers 2022 Atlantic Hurricane Season Outlook.
That’s about right.
actually they’re pretty accurate
While I assume you are correct, I find no value in the forecast. Can’t do anything meaningful with it. Perhaps I missed the utility. BUT….
I do value the storm tracking maps you commonly post. Those are useful. My many MeThinks.
Gotta pump that FEAR!!
The fear-mongering of the warmunistas continues apace.
Hurricanes/tornadoes/typhoons have been decreasing, and the total energy has been decreasing as well. I’ll take Joe Bastardi over just about anyone; seems he uses historical data as opposed to fudged models…
A few links:
A quick perusal of WUWT, Tony Heller’s site (paging GAIL), weatherbell.com, et. al. will show a rather different picture than what the YSM/MCM wish to paint…..
like you know, first hand, about hurricanes.
It’s addictive.
which has absolutely nothing to do with my post.
Hurricane Season appears to run from April through Mid March.
It Seems That the End of the Biden Regime Is Nigh
2 items of interest in this article…
REGIME CHANGE Now Underway in The USA : Biden On Chopping Block As Intelligence Community Activates Emergency Self-Preservation Actions
article link…
Hunter Biden’s Laptop From Hell…leftist media are pushing this
he gets indicted
bidengets ensnared ?bidenforced to resignDems need to save the party face…fake media outrage !
more on that, at the link…
plus this…
wave of “suicide bombers” are headed for West Europe…and maybe America ?
from Afghanistan
armed by Iran
under temporary control of Russian military to gain entry into NATO nations and then pose as “Ukrainian refugees”….wreak havoc.
more, at the link
Question : just how many Ukrainian refugees has
obidenreleased into the USA recently ?hundreds of thousands, right ?
wave of “suicide bombers” are headed for West Europe…and maybe America ?
from Afghanistan
Afghanistan suicide bombers ARE already in the US….
BiteMe, via Idi Amin Austin and pink hair boy Milley, gave FREE flights to Afghan suicide bombers, when evacuating Afghanistan months ago.
Biden is definitely on his way out, but Kamala has to go, too. My best guess as to how that happens in she is suddenly declared “ineligible” because neither of her parents was “natural born.”
However, that is a HUGE price for the Demons to pay, because that sets a PRECEDENT. So we’ll see if they use that big trump card. Maybe they have something else in mind.
Her parents were not citizens when she was born. So she’s basically an anchor baby.
I wonder if Melania was a citizen when Barron was born?
I believe she wasn’t, actually. I think Barron was born in March 2006, and she became a US citizen in July of the same year.
However, since his father was definitely a citizen, Barron is not considered to be an “anchor baby” no matter what.
Even if Donald’s status weren’t what it actually was, Melania was a permanent resident at the time, unlike most “anchor baby” parents who are either here completely illegally, or very short-term.
I did not mean to imply anchor baby to Barron. I was talking about the definition (or what we used to think was the definition) of “natural born citizen” as born here of two citizen parents.
Missing Scott (I am not a Poet)
there’s this guy named Scott
he posted here a lot
some say he posted what he should have not
I think not
rhymes with Scott
so where is Scott ?
here, he is not
now he posteth not
I think that’s a cryin shame
he’s not
to blame
are you still lurking around now, Scott ?
you know you really should come back…
it’s not the same…
since you been gone
Scott, if you are reading this, come home please!
I doubt that’s going to happen. Doesn’t seem like the “tail between your legs” type. The caste system is strong here. Trust me, I know.
I hope Scott is like me, a “fuck ’em if they can’t take a joke” type.
Castes, clubs, and exclusiveness don’t mean shit to me.
Wolf is the boss. But he would never, in his wildest imagination, address a poster the way I have been addressed. By a person in a position of responsibility here.
Overbearing, bullying-lite is all good, as long as that person walks it back in successive comments.
Scott gets his ass handed to him.
And I write a long, strong comment about not trusting Mike Flynn and get told “I don’t care what you think.” One sentence, and that’s it. By DP. And somehow that flies.
If I wind up in moderation or whatever, so be it. People are dropping out here, and at Marica’s. There’s a reason. End of my story.
And yes, adults don’t need cliques.
Not my finest hour. However, I have taken my fair share of abuse. And I’m still here. The cause is bigger than me. I certainly do not publish all I have to say.
Well, I hope people don’t leave here. don’t know about Marica’s. I barely have time to keep up here.
I hope Scott comes back. I really enjoy my conversations with him, even when we don’t agree. He comments to me like a grown-up.
I may disagree with what someone says, but I do care what they think. Otherwise, why am I reading the comments here?
Agree with everything you’ve said.
I just bounce in and out at Marica’s as well. Didn’t know any details until I read a couple of posts here. Hers and someone else’s, I can’t recall who.
totally agree with you !
the flying monkey clique vibe is strong…certain few…see my Hurricane post above, for example…those 3.
I don’t know where your hurricane post is? The poem? Or is it from today? (4/2) I’ll look around while waiting.
upthread here…before the Scott poem…the 2022 prediction post…they all pile on ! a certain 3.
Ah, I see. I knew two of them would be there, joined at the hip – third is kind of an unknown. Never know what you’ll get, but reasonable. Not arrogant, just fed up like the rest of us.
As I read through the posts/replies of any given day, as we all go around in circles, alternating between venting and trying to interject some humor — because no one truly knows the end game . . . sometimes I could just type “get a room”.
we’re on the same page.
I like yr humor.
I’m of the opinion that a lot of this ongoing vibe clique bs is held over from OT, know what I’m saying ?
No not really. I just recall the purge, and this site appearing. I can’t actually remember how I discovered qtree, and I don’t recall any personas from OT. (I created another account with different e-mail address to be able to comment there.
It’s the snooty, superiority vibe for me. And the overbearing, don’t-question-my-superiority vibe. All conveniently cloaked in religion, and scripture quotes. With that as icing, it seals the deal. Sorry to say.
Scott is long out of moderation.
Scott’s last comment when I put him into moderation was very civil and very true – but he stated that he reserves the right to attack FG&C (and this is very important) FIRST.
Sorry, that is no longer going to be permitted for that pair. Banning first attacks for a problem pair CLEARLY works. I’m sticking with that plan.
I’ve put both on notice, that they will go into moderation for “out of the blue” attacks on each other, and that includes whining about each other. Scott is now out of moderation, and he can come back at any time. But I will not reverse that policy on those two. I’m done with their fighting.
All the rest of you can attack each other in your usual mild ways, or whine “out of the blue” like “some people” (cough) :wink:, because you’re all self-limiting. You put out your own and each others’ fires quickly, without me having to do anything. You get to the point of leaving each other alone as part of that process.
You bump shoulders or elbows – frequently by misinterpreted comments – assuming bad intent that isn’t there – but things work out quickly, like they should. Some of you hold grudges a bit too long, or thrive on “blog is gonna die, but I’m still here” comments, but “stale whines” that don’t cause an expanding stink are fine with me. You’re GROWN-UPS ON THE INTERNET. I don’t need to police you. You bury your hatchets before things become bloody.
Y’all do a good job.
I’m gonna keep the peace around here by zapping TROUBLE PAIRS that escalate to disruptive levels, engaging more and more players. Not a ban – just moderation upon infraction, that allows me to stop inflammatory attacks.
So far, nobody else has risen to the level of Scott vs. FG&C. I don’t see any others needing that kind of intervention.
I wish I could find an “ignore plugin” that I could impose on trouble pairs, so they could not see each other’s comments, but I have not found one yet. I think a lot of y’all would love that, too.
Please note that people can still comment in moderation – I just have to click the comments through. Some days that happens really fast, too. It’s not a death sentence. Heck – it’s not even a ban.
There have only been two, that I recall, “ignore” would have been helpful to me. Andyinoregon (I think that was it) and MM.
Everyone else, I either appreciate, or rarely, at times, scroll on. I do try to read every post.
Truly a wonderful bunch of folks here.
Verse of the Day for Friday, April 1, 2022
“Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.”
Matthew 24:44 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
Money-world splits into two: Is this the end of an era of US dollar as reserve currency? « JoNova (joannenova.com.au)
Not sure my comment posted. Scott, we miss you, and Smiley2, thank you for the poem. You’re a poet and don’t know it. We also miss grandma, but we appreciate D.P. stepping up to do the job. Have a great Friday, everyone.
Thank you.
Sending Peace and Good Energy to all those missed on this board.
Friday Funny: NetZero Science – Watts Up With That?
The Impending Climate “Crisis” in the Gulf of Mexico and Other Biden Frack Ups – Watts Up With That?
this, too, hails back to
obama…remember the BP oil “spill” in the GOM ? 2010 ….many think that was a Bilderberg/
obamafalse flag…https://webtalkradio.net/internet-talk-radio/2010/06/14/x-squared-radio-bp-oil-spill-is-a-false-flag-event/
Of course it was. lol that CNN is the outlet to squash it.
Somebody needs to tell Lester and Norah…
I love Dire Straits! Thanks for that.
One of my favorite music questions for younger people is if they know who is singing backup on Money For Nothing. They usually don’t.
It was Sting wasn’t it? I was only 10 or so when Brothers in Arms came out, but my uncle that lived with us at the time had the album.
I’m pretty sure Sting did the “I want my MTV” but in all earnest because I truly don’t know, does that mean he’s the backup singer?
The album as a whole is classic, and for years it held the all-time sales record for a CD (lucky timing in part, but that does indicate its popularity).
Over time the title track became my favorite on on that album.
He’s actually singing backup all through the song. So yeah, I guess?
OK, I hadn’t realized that.
I dumped something like five hundred favorite songs from a shitload of ripped CDs into one playlist and set it to “shuffle.” Then I feed it through the car stereo, so it’s like listening to a radio station that never plays a crappy song AND has no yammering DJ or commercials. Just heard Regatta de Blanc (the almost instrumental number from the Police album of the same name) on my way home.
I’d noted a bit ago that Peter Gabriel sang backup through a Robbie Robertson song. Who fills the larger venues and commands higher ticket prices? But the role in the song was clearly backup.
I used to work with someone who, on the side, was trying to hit it big with a heavy metal band.
At one point, he was enough of a local hit (in LA) that other groups opened for his group. One of those groups was a really obscure band named Poison…obviously, they hit it big, my friend’s group did not.
I currently have 23,282 ripped “songs” (going up ’cause I have another disc being ripped now) in my main collection.
I may be chasing errata in the collection for the rest of my life.
That’s a cool idea.
Yes! And I really like Sting, too.
Just stick “.jpg” on the end…..
Would we like cocktails in the TGIF threads to enjoy on the patio by the fire pit?
Cocktails are always welcome, in my humble opinion.
G&Ts, Margaritas, and maybe a Moscow Mule or ten
Any and all of the above!
Rather sure the cocktails would be appreciated.
With Spring upon us….
Simpleton here longs for ice cold San Miguel(s) on the beach.
I say Yes please!
This question is similar to when I ask the dog if we should go out for a walk if it has been more than about ten minutes since we came back in from the previous walk. If the answer is anything but an enthusiastic YES! there must be something seriously out of order.
So since I haven’t had any cocktail for the last 10 minutes, I’d confirm: Yes, please!
Let’s be clear.
Trans = gender dysphoria = mental illness
No one in their right mind wants to date someone with a mental illness.
It’s not “hate”.
It’s common sense.
The “hate” part goes towards the agenda that gender dysphoria is not a mental illness and want to “normalize” this illness as part of a socio-political scheme.
These are two separate things….the gender dysphoria and the agenda.
I don’t hate people with a mental illness, but I do hate the scheme to normalize the mental illness in service to a socio-political agenda.
They’re playing victim, when they are the victims of psy-ops.
It’s a vicious circle.
Not only mental illness …
The main reason to ‘date’, is to ‘select a mate’ and procreate …
and that ain’t happening with a same-sex person, no matter how pretty he is!
New post up that you will want to see!
Why are we now hearing about Hunter Biden’s laptop? Here’s a thought:
REGIME CHANGE now under way in the USA: Biden on the chopping block as intelligence community activates emergency self-preservation actions
Things that make you go hmm….
Told ya, something is brewing. BUT, what makes them think it is THEY that will be doing the regime change…wink. NO removal of Biden happens unless Kamala AND Pelosi go too. If you look closely, rats are beginning to panic and flee Red Jen being the latest, Kamala cannot KEEP a staff.
Ponder this. Hunters laptop does not ONLY bring down he and the “big guy” They can TRY to selectively cherry pick it, BUT lets not forget Pelosi’s son is in the same series of boats that are paddling up chit creek with no paddle, so is John Kerry’s.
Hunter’s laptop also has DOD encryption keys, they are NOT in a habit of just handing those out.
I told you, this is ALL about Ukraine and the money laundering, both with Burisma, Rosemont Seneca, and God knows who else. If (when ) Hunter gets indicted, they ALL are gonna get it. This seems like a get ahead story.
They ALL know it is coming, and WHAT happened to force this sudden disclosure? Putin “invaded” Ukraine. Putin must have it ALL, and they are SCARED of just what he will release.
now, couple this with Trump’s RICO suit and what Durham has been putting out. Shit is about to get REAL. Remember, Durham as a “special council” can prosecute ANYTHING that hits within his BROAD purview, including “new” info like a certain laptop…wink, OR info garnered from a certain RICO civil suit discovery…wink wink. JUST like Mueller did.
AND Durham HAS subpoena and grand jury powers.
RUT ROH Scooby,
More on the Oscars/slap for attention/Pfizer connection:
In essence, they are going to capitalize $$$ on “curing” the adverse effects their OWN MRNA debacle created. Blaming the Alopecia on Covid, and NOT on the “vaccine”
SICK bastards. This seems like a one of MANY new “drugs” to combat “side effects” caused by “covid 19”
Create problem, create “cure for problem=PROFIT. “Cure” creates WORSE problems, create NEW cures for problems 1st “cure” caused = MORE PROFIT. And ON we go, all the while blame 1st created problem, covid 19.
Yes. Very much so. Just wait until all the compromised immune systems churn out one cancer after another.
BINGO. not to mention the “auto immune” diseases
Yep. That’s what I said the other day. Auto-immune diseases are skyrocketing and they’re showing up in VAERS. No coincidence that a “wonder-drug” (which they’ve probably had under wraps for a while) suddenly appears out of nowhere, primed to generate an enormous additional “revenue stream” for Big (SATANIC) Pharma…
Looking at that list of symptoms the new drug is supposed to address, it’s almost a one-to-one match of bad side-effects from the clot-shot/slab-jab…
BINGO. Remember back in the early days of Covid I stated this was Fauci’s baby based upon his decades of “AIDS research”
We now know that the spike protein in Covid ONLY occurs in Covid 19, SARS and AIDS. NO coincidence. My bet they are ALL based on and progeny of AIDS.
If they took bat Corona virus and GOF made it a weapon, what makes one think they did not take AIDS, originally in Simians, and graft it to a Corona virus and make AIDS for humans and then follow the research to SARS and then Covid 19. It will be VERY interesting to see what Putin reveals.
It’s not only the vaccinated, it’s long-haul Covid.
I have a really good friend who I know for CERTAIN is not vaccinated. She had a brutal case of Covid, and has now lost about 50% of her hair.
This shit is awful.
Two years ago, after I had the bug that was Influenza A at the time, and is now a COVID bug, I did lose a lot of hair. I mean, it thinned considerably. But I always figured it was due to the eighty hours of high fever.
Now, it’s back to normal to thick.
That’s good. I hope my friend’s hair rebounds, but she is older than you, I am fairly certain, which might make it more difficult.
I try not to give away my age, TBH. I was 29 for a LOOONNNNNGGGG time. I was 42 and got carded at a Blues game. I gave the guy a nice tip.
Yeah, I look younger than I am, always have. Not a bad thing to be blessed with.
Well, now you’ve let the cat out of the bag. You’re 43.
Methinks here’s the next “emergency” that’s going to prompt another huge boondoggle spending bill:
1 April 2022
“Millions of people could lose health insurance coverage when the COVID-19 emergency ends”
Unless, of course, ** somebody ** decides that the “newest” variant in the U.S., called BA.2, “causing the highest number of new infections”, AND very likely one reason why the FDA granted the EUA to Pfizer-BioNTech and to Moderna for the FOURTH MAIM SHOT / DEATH SHOT, is sufficient excuse to “extend” the COVID-19 “state of emergency.” In which case, there likely could be another boondoggle spending bill passed anyway, to extend health insurance coverage / Medicaid coverage now in place.
By the way, according to The Independent, there’s yet ANOTHER new omicron “variant”, called “XE”, in the United Kingdom:
If one recalls correctly, the original omicron “variant” had dozens of “mutations” attached to each cell.
Totally DONE with everything Covidiot.
Guessing even the assholes in CDC, FDA, DC…likely know they have over played Covidiocy.
The [DS] / Cabal / WEFFIES know they’ve overplayed their hand.
Is that a variant, or a new pronoun?
(sorry)… Insanity everywhere. I can just see the insurance companies classifying any and all of the COVIDiocy variants as pre-existing conditions.
And Schwab-bot, Satan Sauros, Blackrock, and all the rest laugh on their way to the banks…..
(Frankfurt, Paris, London, Basel, Genf, all the big cities of Europe: the biggest, tallest, shiniest, fanciest buildings are either banks or insurance or big-pharma buildings,,, no accident there…)….
Carry over from yesterday:
Other head lines for this: NY Post ‘Entitled’ millennial generation ‘never had to sacrifice’: BlackRock exec
Coming from the schmuck that HAS … everything …
Robert Kapito Net WorthThe estimated Net Worth of Robert Kapito is at least $303 Million dollars as of 17 April 2020. Mr. Kapito owns over 88,799 units of Blackrock stock worth over $241,195,374 and over the last 18 years he sold BLK stock worth over $42,355,347. In addition, he makes $19,257,000 as President and Director at Blackrock.
Mark 8:36
“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”
This being will pay taxes/s, die, and stand judgement before Jesus Christ.
oh Robbie boy the pipe the pipes are calling ..

Hmmmm …
“… with an entire generation now learning what it means to suffer from shortages. For the first time, this generation is going to go into a store and not be able to get what they want,”
Is that anything like going into the store and not being able to afford what you want? Because many Americans know all about that on a daily basis.
Previous generations had to suffer for a REASON, whether good or bad; the current suffering is for NO REASON AT ALL, and simply a trensfer ot wealth to the super-rich, to go along with all their other ill-gotten gains…
May they all BURN, and then go to HELL forever.
Unless they turn and repent…
Speaking of robber barons, and yet, of the people who worked and suffered and made this country great, here’s an homage (of sorts) to the coal miners of Kentucky and Appalachia… “You’ll Never Leave Harlan Alive”, sung by Patty Loveless… The pictures are stirring.
Yes, they suffered, but they did what they had to do for their families and their loved ones. (None of this “Fridays For The Future crap)… It was work and struggle to survive and make sure you had your next meal and a roof over your head…
I love this song. Thanks for posting it!
Complete with dork knot
“Jettison the Animals!” – The Burning Platform
The unclubbable Mr. Trump: China, Ukraine, and a surprise banking oversight action – The Optimistic Conservative (wordpress.com)
Brian Cates – Political Columnist

Forwarded from BioClandestine (Clandestine RR)
Just so we are all clear, Hunter Biden was funneling US DoD funds to privately owned biolabs in a country with Nazi Military forces, and proceeded to conduct dangerous research which led to the release of a genetically modified pathogen with enhanced transmissibility and lethality, that ruined the world and killed millions worldwide (C19). Which in turn caused Russia to move in with military force and neutralize these US funded labs, being protected by Nazi Military forces…
Russia wasn’t kidding when they said they were “denazifying” Ukraine. Just like Russia wasn’t kidding when they said the US were creating bioweapons in Ukraine. Just like they weren’t kidding when they said they didn’t want to take Ukraine. If Putin wanted, they could have flattened Ukraine in a few days. But no, they neutralized the labs and stopped.
So Putin is conducting a precise military operation against Nazis, he’s shutting down biolabs from the country that was responsible for the release of the pathogen that caused the worldwide pandemic… kinda sounds like Putin is the good guy here. Could you imagine if actual military Nazi forces were protecting labs in Mexico and Canada? AND the people operating these labs were responsible for creating and letting out C19? EVERY SINGLE American would be calling for our military to bomb the piss out of whomever is responsible. That’s how the Russian people feel. They’d prefer not to let the Nazis have bioweapons at their border…
I’m not saying Russia is innocent. No country is. But to think the US government is innocent, is just ridiculous. Why do we hate Russia? Because they have nukes, a strong military, and use harsh government surveillance and propaganda on their people? You mean all the exact same shit we do? You have been conditioned to hate Russia. We used to be allies with Russia. When we prosecuted the Nazis at Nuremberg, Russia was one of the four countries assisting in the tribunals.
Over the past 30 years, our government has been no better than Russia. In fact, Russia is not involved in releasing pandemic inducing pathogens and killing millions of people worldwide. If anything, recent evidence would suggest the US government is far worse. Not to mention they are currently supplying weapons to Nazi Military forces, so that really doesn’t help their argument.
This world needs correction. We can’t go on like this. Truth will eventually prevail and future generations will look back on this time with absolute horror. But before we get there, we will continue to endure this great suffering. When the suffering concludes, it will be unforgettable and unforgivable. This will deter future generations from allowing this to happen again, as the scars from this torment will never fade. These acts are that of true evil.
The People will NEVER forget.
Brian Cates
Brian Cates – Political Columnist

Forwarded from BioClandestine (Clandestine RR)
Look at this insanity… This article will be in history books one day, highlighting the propaganda campaign that went on during this period in American and World history.
The NWO and their brainwashed minions, are defending actual, proud Nazi Battalion in Ukraine military. While calling every Trump supporter a nazi for the past 5+ years now. They truly don’t see the irony in this.
Look at the MSM desperately try to label this Nazi battalion as “far-right”. A blanket label they made up and slap on anyone to the right of Karl Marx.
The “Nazis” are short for the “National Socialist German Workers’ Party”. The German Nazis were not “far-right” they were socialist leftists… the Nazis used mass censorship, media control, propaganda, mass surveillance, mass human medical experimentation. They implemented government centralized and controlled schools, medicine, media, entertainment, food production, energy production. This is quite literally the modern day left-wing agenda. The want to control what your kids learn, what medical procedures you take, what pathogens are released, what news you consume, what shows you watch, what food you eat, what energy capabilities you have. Wow, the 30s/40s Nazi agenda kinda sounds exactly like the current DNC agenda. The “National German Socialist Workers’ Party” is synonymous with the current US socialist DNC.
And of course, the state controlled media have repeatedly pushed disinformation, labeling the Nazi ideology as “right-wing” to distort reality and brainwash their loyal sheep. And then turning around and telling the same sheep to defend a LITERAL NAZI BATTALION in the Ukrainian military.
Folks, this is completely abnormal. The US military do not have units of any kind dedicated to political ideology, or any ideology for that matter. The fact that Ukraine has a unit that requires an ideological commitment is already highly unethical, but it’s not just any ideology, it’s fucking NAZISM.
Now the left-wing media are telling you why supporting ACTUAL nazis is a good thing. But make sure you still call all Trump supporters nazis, despite the fact that the conservative agenda is the opposite of Nazism, and the entire liberal agenda is synonymous with the Nazi agenda, while we use your tax dollars to send weapons to the Nazis while our country struggles mightily.
Folks, it’s time to start calling it like it is; the left are now admitted Nazi-supporters. That’s not sensationalism, hyperbole, or political bias. It’s real. The DNC’s agenda is synonymous with that of Nazism. They militaristically support these Nazis with our tax dollars, to defend our biological laboratories, in their country. And now the President wants to send our military over there to fight alongside the admitted Nazis…
In summary, the left-wing are Nazis. The left-wing media and their sheep are supporting a country with a militarized Nazi Battalion. They are pushing pro-Nazi war propaganda, see article below. They support the Nazi socialist agenda and are in favor of the same centralized government. The left are Nazis now. Don’t let them forget it.
Analysis: A far-right battalion has a key role in Ukraine’s resistance. Its neo-Nazi links have given Putin ammunition
President Vladimir Putin framed the Russian invasion of Ukraine as a “special mission” to protect Russian speakers from genocide at the hands of ”neo-Nazis.”
Brian Cates
Spot on. Projection by the MSM. Then it is ALMOST like today’s Globalists are actually FOLLOWING the German Nazi party of 1939’s play book.
Irony. In 1940, the Nazi’s used a baby picture of a young JEWISH baby as the “perfect” symbol of an Arian baby. A secret kept for DECADES after the war.
It occurs to me that maybe I and all of us got this wrong. Maybe the globalists are NOT using Orwell’s 1984 as their blueprint, but instead are using Mein Kompf.
Knowing where we are now, and what I now know about our Govt, I have to begin to wonder if the CIA’s (could have been OIS then) “Operation Paperclip” was not really a Nazi infiltration scheme.
BINGO ! ..AND LOGIC is in play here.
1945 Germany surrenders, the collection and sorting of the loot took several years, but 1947 was THE pivotal year the NWO gang came out of the shadows
The Nazis were seen as unambiguously awful, largely because they not only engaged in genocide, but managed to industrialize and assembly-line the process…AND we had unambiguous evidence of it, whereas anything Lenin and Stalin did was more at the retail scale (albeit repeated millions of times) AND couldn’t be proved and certainly wasn’t thrown in our faces over and over again. (When I was a kid, PBS would run those Nazi documentaries at least monthly).
Thus it serves the Left’s purposes to deny that Nazism is leftist and indeed very much akin to International Socialism (i.e., what we call “communism”).
That kinship is no news to me of course, but I was surprised to hear a friend relate that he was taught the actual truth about this in college. I had thought there was a rule against that!
I learned the ‘actual truth’ from books I read in high school.
Same here.
Two bits from a couple of days ago, first one about a zelensky advisor who condones isis terrorism and methods, 0:51 to 09:00
Second one about a ukrainian micro soft employee, some kind of cyber person and terrorist sympathizer running a suspect dodgy company, 17:56 to 30:52
Ya know, someone once said you cannot simply TELL the people, you must SHOW them.
The same person once said “you are watching a movie”
We are entering the phase of the movie where the suspense to the big reveal, the climax, is building, rolling inexorably towards the climax.
The people who need to see it, never will. All of the media is controlled opposition to any of this. The only people seeing this are on the remote regions of the internet, like here.
More awaken every day
This is BioClandestine’s post.
Saw it last night.
Yes… his handle is at the top of the piece “forwarded by…”
Wheat and chaff. That’s how it goes.
The People will NEVER forget.
The people will never find out about this because there is certainly no one in the gubmint that will prosecute any of this.
More politicized weaponization of govt….
There is literally not a SINGLE govt agency that Obama, Clinton, and their ilk did not prostitute and politicize.
The ENTIRE government down to the county level at least has to be cleaned out. All departments. There’s corruption everywhere, which can be entertaining when it doesn’t effect a person, but at the same time is maddening when it does.
We heard about this last year or later, but other than “that’s strange” and “what the heck are they doing?” it was lost in the shuffle with the thousand and one other things happening. So along comes this IG report (still can’t find a link to the actual report, might not be searching hard enough) and after looking at several other articles there doesn’t seem to be much talk about why the program was instituted nor how it was highjacked and weaponized. On whose authority did that happen and with what instructions. No story I’ve seen goes beyond the fact that the program was authorized by congress in 2018 and that the IG report covers from 2018-2021.
I do know that in 2018 the House fell under control of the Democrats. My assumption would be the program was set up in a benign manner meant to give the Post Office some protections but some where along the line, possibly after the 2020 election more authorities were slipped into the program with no further oversite? Likely a Pelosi low key, law warfare, basement project that went high speed (politicized and weaponized) after the election.
The following link provides a more in-depth look at some of information the Post Office was able to gather. Doesn’t look pretty. Looks evil and I think the Post Office will be hard pressed to give good reasons for doing this. Apparently congress will be investigating it shortly, but since the Dems still control congress, I’m thinking they will be investigating themselves here and the Dems will of course try to stifle as much as possible here.
Personally would love to see who initiated and sponsored the bill that implemented this program and what new language was written in over the years and by whom.
The postal service has scans of the front and back of all US Mail it handles (probably not the advos, but certainly all first class).
Only 106 comments and yet we’ve gone to Page 2 already?
It’s the top level comments that determine that. The nested ones don’t count.
That’s why rally threads go on for pages. A lot of people posting something they like that PDJT said, not much opportunity to reply…because everyone’s 90% occupied with watching the rally.
BTW I sometimes wish the nested ones DID count. Sometimes a page becomes very unresponsive because the browser decides it has to reload it for some reason. The more comments on it the longer that takes.
h/t Citizen Free Press, this woman does an excellent Kamala impression. 18 seconds long.
LOL! Kamala 2.0 is here!
I kinda miss “Mini-AOC” …
The Bye,Done Klown Show has gone on far too long.. 47 years and counting…
Dr. Zelenko has posted that his cancer is back, does not look good.
That is very bad, and sad, news.
Yes, bad news, but he is clearly fighting like crazy and doing more winning than anybody thought possible! Praise God!!!
We know God sent him, and God will bring him home.Praise God and God bless this saint of a man.
He states he was supposed to die four years ago. God let him remain here to save many, many lives. God bless this good man. I hope he is in no pain.
God has a plan and is obviously not finished with this man. There’s a reason he is still with us.
Was it 2020 when he had his relapse and additional big surgery? I cannot recall, could have been last summer. It’s just terrible, the worst news.
God preserve Dr. Zelenko. May he find alternative treatments that help him.
Maybe his work is done? He achieved much during the pandemic. Zelenko brought attention to the evil concerning covid to the world and saved lives. Many prayers for healing of Dr Zelenko.
May God’s will be done.
Red Jen leaving in May. Headed to MSNBC.
Gravy train coming to a stop?
More like the bridge is out over the canyon.
can’t wait to see what kind of maladjusted freak of nature that they tap for the job.
EXCLUSIVE: Seamus Bruner Provides Comprehensive Roadmap to Biden Family Corruption and Documents How VP Joe Biden Compromised U.S. National Security While Biden Family Profited from Deals with America’s Enemies – coreysdigs.com

By Seamus Bruner
Executive Summary of Seamus Bruner’s revelations below:
Hatred of trannies?
Perhaps not.
Many people want to start a family when they get married, and a tranny simply cannot help them do that, and that’s true…objectively true…whether or not you like that person as an individual.
“Increased food prices, decreased use of fossil fuels, lowering standards of living, public money poured into “renewables”. This is all part of a very familiar agenda, isn’t it?
“Regardless of what you feel about Putin, Zelensky, the war in general or Ukrainian Nazis, it’s time to confront the elephant in room.
“We need to be asking: What exactly is the real aim of these sanctions? And how come they align so perfectly with the great reset?”
You are on to something.
Comment lifted from online:
Russia’s Gazprom announced today it’s exiting German business amid row over pricing
Austria, Hungary Say No Substitute to Russian Gas as Germany’s BASF Warns of Worst Crisis Since WWII
The Emperor does not do geography. Ukraine, what’s that?
Russia? Oh, that’s the name of a gas station…and the cashier only accepts cash in local currency, Rubles.
OTOH. Watch Germany’s business Titans bringing the government in on a tight leash. Do we destroy our economy with our eyes wide open? Destroy everything we have been creating for decades?
Iran Wants to Trade With Russia in National Currencies, Deputy Head of Central Bank Tells Sputnik
And the switching over gathers pace.
Pierre Gosselin over at NoTricksZone has an article on that, which is based on infos (and a plea to Kanzler Scholz by EIKE) to DO SOMETHING NOW!!!
Pierre’s article is here (I’ve excerpted a bit of it below):
An excerpt:
the article coninues:
Looks like the Greens are going to get raked over the coals by big biz… finally…
The Green (GEB, more likely) goal of de-industrializiug Germany is about to get erased. Time to send Habeck and Baerbock off to reform school…
The whole article is well worth a read. Seems that Spain trod this perilous path a few years back, but had the sense to back out of it (and the rest of the EU chipped in to help them… don’t think anyone will be willing to finance the Greens’ folly…
Original article from EIKE
Truthfully, I’m still looking for the April Fools message here or something that says parody or some such, just not finding it yet. But I’ll keep looking. On the chance it’s true, I’ll send this out anyway as it even comes with a congratulatory message from the real President to the new parents. Oh and no talk of any of birth enhancing drug stuff either.
LOL! I’m thinking it’s a hoax, but who knows! At least they didn’t say Trump tweeted the message – that would be the give-away.
Somehow I’d expect it from the Bee, as opposed to FOF… Then again, FOF has shifted FAR left since they kicked Dr. James Dobson out (the founder, no less… Fosdick would be proud)….
There was a rather eldery woman in india who gave birth several years ago…but 90?
Lavrov’s presser today in India was rather lively. The following was the most important Q and got the most detailed A:
Karl Denninger has an important message —
April 1st!
I’m no fool
Michael Hudson: US Dollar Hegemony Ended Abruptly Last Wednesday
Michael Hudson Interviewed by Margaret Flowers on Clearing the Fog
“… MF: You’ve talked a lot and written a lot about dollar hegemony and what’s happening now with de-dollarization. Can you start out by explaining to my listeners what dollar hegemony is and how it has benefited the wealthy class in the United States?
MH: Dollar hegemony seems to be the position that has just ended as of this week very abruptly. Dollar hegemony was when America’s war in Vietnam and the military spending of the 1960s and 70s drove the United States off gold. The entire US balance of payments deficit was military spending, and it began to run down the gold supply. So, in 1971, President Nixon took the dollar off gold. Well, everybody thought America has been controlling the world economy since World War I by having most of the gold and by being the creditor to the world. And they thought what is going to happen now that the United States is running a deficit, instead of being a creditor.
Well, what happened was that, as I’ve described in Super Imperialism, when the United States went off gold, foreign central banks didn’t have anything to buy with their dollars that were flowing into their countries – again, mainly from the US military deficit but also from the investment takeovers. And they found that these dollars came in, the only thing they could do would be to recycle them to the United States. And what do central banks hold? They don’t buy property, usually, back then they didn’t. They buy Treasury bonds. And so, the United States would be spending dollars abroad and foreign central banks didn’t really have anything to do but send it right back to buy treasury bonds to finance not only the balance of payments deficit, but also the budget deficit that was largely military in character. So, dollar hegemony was the system where foreign central banks keep their monetary and international savings reserves in dollars and the dollars are used to finance the military bases around the world, almost eight hundred military bases surrounding them. So, basically central banks have to keep their savings by weaponizing them, by militarizing them, by lending them to the United States, to keep spending abroad.
This gave America a free ride. Imagine if you went to the grocery store and you just paid by giving them an IOU. And then the next week you want to buy more groceries and you give them another IOU. And they say, wait a minute, you have an IOU before and you say, well just use the IOU to pay the milk company that delivers, or the farmers that deliver. You can use this as your money and just you’ll as a customer, keep writing IOU’s and you never have to pay anything because your IOU is other people’s money. Well, that’s what dollar hegemony was, and it was a free ride. And it all ended last Wednesday when the United States grabbed Russia’s reserves having grabbed Afghanistan’s foreign reserves and Venezuela’s foreign reserves and those of other countries.
And all of a sudden, this means that other countries can no longer safely hold their reserves by sending their money back, depositing them in US banks or buying US Treasury Securities, or having other US investments because they could simply be grabbed as happened to Russia. So, all of a sudden this last week, you’re seeing the world economy fracture into two parts, a dollarized part and other countries that do not follow the neoliberal policies that the United States insists that its allies follow. We’re seeing the birth of a new dual World economy.
MF: Wow, there’s a lot to unpack there. So, are we seeing then other countries starting to disinvest in US dollars? You’ve written about how the treasury bonds that these central banks buy up have been basically funding our domestic economy. Are they starting to shed those bonds or what’s happening?
MH: No, they haven’t been funding our domestic economy because the Federal Reserve can create its own money to fund the domestic economy. We don’t need to borrow from foreign countries to fund our economy. We can print it ourselves. What the dollar hegemony does is fund the balance of payments deficit. It funds our spending in other economies, our spending abroad. It doesn’t help our economy, but it does help us get a free ride from other countries. The more dollars we spend in making a military base, all these military expenditures get turned over to the local Central Bank that turns and sends them back to the Federal Reserve or deposits them in US bank accounts. So, it’s the international free ride we get, not a domestic free ride.”
“… I had expected that maybe China, Russia, and other countries would say, “We don’t want to give America free rides.” And yet it was the United States itself that broke all of this, by grabbing Russia’s reserves right after it grabbed Afghanistan’s and Venezuela’s reserves.
Nothing like this has happened in modern history, even in the 19th century wars. In the Crimean War in the mid-19th century, Russia, England and Germany, everybody kept paying the debts to the countries they were fighting against because the idea is that debts were sacrosanct. And now, all of a sudden, not only are debts are not sacrosanct, but countries can just grab foreign savings. I guess the problem began after the Shah of Iran fell and the United States grabbed Iran’s money and refused to let it pay its bond holders and started the whole war against Iran for trying to take control of its own oil resources. So, all of a sudden, the United States grabbing this has ended what everybody thought was an immutable morality.
MF: So that was in 1979 that the Shah fell in Iran and, and over the last number of decades, the United States has been increasingly using economic warfare against countries through what people call sanctions, but they’re actually, illegal unilateral coercive measures, has that been kind of driving and setting the stage for what is happening today?
MH: Yes, the International Monetary Fund has operated, basically, as an arm of the Defense Department. It’s been bailing out dictatorships, bailing out Ukraine, lending money to countries whose client oligarchies America wants to support, and not lending any money to countries that America doesn’t want to support, like Venezuela. So, its job is basically to promote neoliberal policies, and to insist that other countries balance their payments by undergoing a class war against labor.
The conditionality that the IMF insists upon for foreign borrowing is that countries devalue their currency and lower their wage rates and pass anti-labor legislation. Well, when you lower the currency’s exchange rate, what do you really lower? Food prices are set in dollars internationally, raw materials prices are, and prices for machinery and many goods. The only economic variable devalued is domestic labor (and domestic rents). The IMF has been using this kind of junk-economic free-trade policy as a means of keeping the wage rates in the Global South down. You could say it’s a financialization of an ultimately military conflict to promote neoliberal ideology.
MF: And you mentioned the lowering wages and things like that. And this is actually done because it’s favorable to US investors and US business, right? I mean, the World Bank actually has an index, the cost of doing business index, that helps inform large corporations about laws that countries pass that make them more favorable to businesses to come in.
MH: It’s even worse than that. The central aim of the World Bank is to prevent other countries from growing their own food. That is the prime directive. It will only make loans for countries to earn foreign currency and it has insisted ever since about 1950 that countries that borrow from it must shift their agriculture to plantation export crops to grow tropical crops that cannot be grown in the United States for environmental and weather reasons. And the countries must not grow their own food and must not undertake Land Reform or small family-based farming. So, it insisted on foreign-owned agribusiness in large plantation agriculture. And what that means is that countries that have borrowed for agricultural loans have not been loans to produce their own food. It’s been to compete with each other producing tropical export crops while being increasingly dependent on the United States for their food supplies, and for their grain. And that’s part of the corner they painted them into that is going to be creating such a world famine this summer.
MF: I definitely want to get into that as well as the energy situation and the climate crisis, but before we do that, I just want you to comment quickly on how this has also been driving countries to seek alternatives. The United States removed Russia from the SWIFT system, which is the international mechanism for doing trading and finance. It threatened China if they didn’t denounce what was happening with Russia and Ukraine to kick them out of the SWIFT system. So, this hubris of the United States is also kind of driving countries away to seek other alternatives, right?
MH: That’s the whole point. Well, fortunately they’ve been threatening to kick Russia out of SWIFT for the last two years. And so, Russia and China have been putting in place an alternative system. So, they almost pretty smoothly are shifting over to using their own currency with each other instead of using the dollar. And that’s part of what has ended the dollar standard and ended dollar hegemony.
If the way you have dollar hegemony is to have other countries deposit your money in your banks and handle their oil trade with each other by financing it in dollars, but all of a sudden you grab all their dollars and you don’t let them use US banks to pay for their oil and their trade with each other, then they’re going to shift to a different system. And that’s exactly what has ended the dollar hegemony, as you just pointed out.
IIRC, George Washington had an account with the Bank of England through the Revolutionary War and his Presidency.
How many former presidents get this sort of Secret Service protection?
I think they all do, and they have it for life unless they decline it. PDJT travels a lot between Mar-a-lago and other properties, so we see the SS with him a lot.
It might be a fun thought, but I think there’s no way PDJT has more SS protection than the current WH fraud.
I bet they all don’t. In fact, I’m sure they have a detail, but not much else, and certainly not elaborate motorcades where ever they go.
NIxon actually declined it. Even the left couldn’t stay boiling mad at him forever.
The left wasn’t mad at Nixon so much as they wanted him GONE. He was, for all intents and purposes, a Washington outsider, and after he outed Alger Hiss in 1950, he was considered a threat.
Punctuation includes spacing….
While it is nowhere near on par with military service, I do enjoy a hot breakfast presented by a nice server!
#music #relax #quick_sleep
healing music for the heart and blood vessels – Gentle music, calms the nervous system and pleases the soul
Yes, very gentle and soothing. Thank you.
Thank you
GWP: April’s Fool: Mike Pence Launches Midterm Agenda – Urges Conservatives to Not “Talk About the Past”
GWP: Another MSM Hoax Crumbles: Official Review of Trump Jan. 6 White House Records Reveals There Are No ‘Missing’ Pages
Calling Inspector Clouseau…
Next I suppose they will try to subpoena the cell phone records of staffers.
Russian oil is at a discount for friendlies. But the big development in all this is what Luongo reports here:
“I don’t think everyone has yet caught the significance of Russia announcing they are putting a floor under the price of gold. But, to be clear, Russia just broke the paper gold suppression scheme.”
oops… didn’t mean for that Swedish vid to go there…
So theyre going to allow all migrants into the US in May. This cant be for voting. What is the goal?
Of course it’s for voting. What else could it be for?
For this yr though? These people have almost no education, dont know their birthdate, and usually disappear until they get arrested. Im thinki g its to get theur kids, like here in CA.
Unless its to change district population?
Worst case scenario another Asiatic Vespers. Stepped down from there, general chaos which leads Biden to institute Marshal Law. Anything else is a softer take over by the left in taking over the country through administering to the large migrant populations by reallocating resources to accommodate them. Done during a time of receding growth in the economy this can only come about by confiscatory taxes, rationing and over all lowering of the standard of living to something more akin to servitude. None of this is done in a vacuum as we already have a growing welfare state and pretty much understand the plans the Cabal has for the world. Also all of the above options are available to the Cabal and their minions and can be instituted singularly or in plural at their choosing. Given what we understand of about the Cabal and Depop some combination of the three above is most likely.
It appears clear that the Cabal has revised and weaponized the movements of mass migrations to overwhelm and create crisis by which they can further their objectives of world domination through the creation of a NWO founded in despotism by tyrants and oligarchs.
If one wishes to put this into an historical context the study of the fall of the Western and then later the Eastern Roman Empire would help. It’s during this period in history that some of the largest mass migrations occurred. If one were to concentrate this study, I’d suggest readings on Constantinople as Constantinople was both witness and eventually victim of these forces at play and one can more easily take out Constantinople and substitute the United States for current times.
Susan Wise Bauer https://susanwisebauer.com/books/ does a good job of compacting this history in her “The History of the Medieval World”, but I’d not want to miss her earlier book “The History of the Ancient World” so as to put it all in context.
Other exciting authors might be Judith Herrin’s “Ravena” and more so “Byzantium” for a larger picture along with “Lost to the West” by Lars Brownsworth. And the 14th Century work by Anna Komnene, “The Alexiad” to see just how gritty this all can get even though it has a much more narrow focus.
Very helpful thx.
I put a couple books in my to read list.
The GOAL, Destroy America as WE know it.
While not in its entirety, 100% it IS for voting.
Mail voting. Many DMVs when issuing DL or ID cards ARE required to offer voter registration. Many are FORBIDDEN from asking if the person is an American citizenship.
Mail ballots the way only way to go in some states – OR, WA, surely more.
NV, likely others mail ballots to EVERY registered voter.
OF COURSE, all the migrants are to drive the US to waste money “caring” for all the dead beat illegals.
Hell, starting to sound like VA medical funding will be shunted over to care for illegals.
I could do without the rough language, but, yeah.
The kicker-outer has its work cut out for it tonight.
You wrote a doozy of a post, hmmm…
Well, not a doozy. But not a placeholder, either.
Glad you had the time & inclination this week!
Meanwhile, you’re even more behind than you were before.
No doubt. I’m so “behind” that I was once told I would have made a good black woman!!!
Two big Hollywood retirements in one week. I wonder what has Hollywood so spooked.
And Will Smith resigned from the Academy today.
What a sacrifice he made! /sarc
According to The Hollywood Reporter: “Smith’s resignation means he can no longer vote for the Oscars — but he can still be nominated for Academy Awards, attend future ceremonies and keep the statue he won. Still, the Academy’s formal review will continue.”
Yeah, I know. I actually hope they take his Oscar. And that he then wakes up and divorces that harpy he’s married to.
This coincides with liberal media admitting Hunter’s laptop is real.
And Red Jen announces she’s leaving fir a media gig.
Gonna cut down on crime, right there….
What if Putin just took out the biolab(s) in Ukraine that were going to release the next virus this summer ahead of the 2022 election and now has the proof (and the scientists) of said lab(s)/virus that was to be released in a Phase II of the COVID op?
Just wondering out loud.
That would be Awesome!!!
Assuming such is true, indeed everything we’ve read, even though the rest of world refuses to, points to it being so. Meanwhile coupled with that information is that it is said we have these bio labs all around the world, so it need not be much of an upset in getting a Phase II rolled out. Also there is currently no focus on these other bio labs.
I like the way you think.
If Vlad has got it, I sure hope he BRINGS IT.
Suddenly, the the NY Slimes, Wapo, and CNN all report that Hunter’s laptop is real.
Within days, Red Jen announces she’s leaving the administration for a media gig.
Yep, don’t think many on our side are failing to connect the dots on that one.
I have a vat of guacamole in the ‘fridge. Been thinking about tortilla wraps with green chiles and salsa for more snacks. Maybe toasted cheddar cheese balls and red devils (hard salami rolls with horseradish mixed with cream cheese in the middle). Can’t watch this flick without sustenance.
Mmm….not really seeing it.
Uh, can any of our pilot and engineer friends explain this?
It’s visually showing you the kind of damage that can be caused by hail, and hitting a bird, compared to the 911 narrative that planes took down the world trade center.
Actually, the bird was a suicide. Bugs do it all the time with cars. Poor bastards.
My old Focus had hail damage if that tells you anything.
Explain what?
How an aluminum plane can cut a hole in the World Trade Center that was made with Grade A steel when a bird can put a hole in the nose.
Just asking.
Ah. Well…
Only the frame of the building was made of steel. The windows were glass and the bulk of the building was hollow.
The plane was like a bullet.
Mass x velocity
Of course a plane can cut a hole in a bldg when it flies into it. Even a small plane would, although the depth of penetration would vary between an airliner and a small plane given the difference in mass between the two.
Conversely, and by comparison, the bird’s mass wasn’t all that great, nor was the hail’s. .
Or in other words, if a soft, gooey bird can do that to a metal airplane, a metal airplane can surely do that to a building.
You fly something weighing about 350,000 lbs flying at about 400 mph into a building then stuff is going to break. Followed by a fire in excess of 800 degrees which will soften the structural steel of the building.
Or you go with the conspiracy theory stuff. Your choice.
“Follow the money”
Always, always, always follow the money.
Regardless of topic/circumstance, when they say it’s not about the money, you can be 99.99999% certain it’s about the money.
TOTALLY agree. It’s all about the Benjamins.
If it involves Wall St., it is ALWAYS about the money.
Question for the ages.
It’s Not Just the US: Excess Deaths Skyrocket Worldwide in 2021 Following Rollout of the Experimental Covid Vaccine
Good interview. I’m noticing Fox has not had him back on for quite some time, over a week, maybe two now. That was likely his largest audience. Sad that.
A week or two ago, someone asked about large numbers of chickens dying off fro disease.
Chimed in I had read a few articles indicating millions in multiple area killed off due to disease.
AND, eggs had skyrocketed locally. Smith’s (Kroger) 18 count eggs over the past month have gone from $1.89 to, $2.29, $2.79 and today $3.29
Big name eggs higher.
Article below addresses beef, pork and chicken prices going up. But does not metion the chickens getting killed off by disease. Not a factor or an over site by SD. Dunno.
Report: Chicken, Pork and Beef Prices Likely to Skyrocket Due to Massive Increases in Feed Costs
Hopefully this does not come as a surprise to readers here; however, according to analysis by industry insiders, Chicken prices are likely to increase by 70% this year once the full price increases in grain, used as feed, start to take hold. Overall, we will likely see a leveling off in beef prices, but pork (due to soybeans) and chicken (due to grain) will increase significantly.
The issue is one we noted in December of last year when identifying the downstream consequences of fertilizer and component products used for the production of corn, wheat and soybeans crops. “You might say those crops do not seem like they are that important. However, keep in mind that Corn, Wheat and Soybeans represent the baseline for not only grain production in the U.S, but they are also the primary feed products for proteins: chicken, pork and beef.” {Go Deep}
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