Dear KAG: 20220426 Open Thread

Cover image: California Spring Landscape by Elmer Wachtel.

Just in case you haven’t heard:

Farm rat? I live in a major metropolitan area, and we get those in the yard all the time. One night, at 0430 am in the morning when it was still dark outside, Ying and her late brother Yang were on either side of one barking, and eventually it ran up the mulberry tree.

Thoughts from BioClandestine:

From the moment Elon’s interest in Twitter went public, it was already over. This was heavily calculated and anyone who thinks this was a happy mistake, you’re kidding yourself. All of this struggle from the corrupt deep state entities controlling Twitter for nefarious mass psychological manipulation, added up to nothing in the end.

In fact, their struggle solidified their malpractice and conspiracy with a greater global network with intentions on controlling all information and therefore what is accepted as collective truth. Their struggle exposed them and allowed the public time to see that the Twitter board were not concerned with money, but rather control via politically charged censorship and propaganda.

Today is a massive cause for celebration! Known deep state entities are now no longer in control of the de facto public forum, which they use to manipulate normies to carry out their will. Whether that be manipulating who they vote for on Election Day, or coercing them to riot in the streets to push their political agenda, or distorting their concept of reality by amplifying disinformation and omitting truth. They just lost control of that and it will pay dividends in 2022 Midterms and all elections moving forward.

Elon has openly declared many times this move is to implement constitutionally recognized freedom of speech to the platform. Moving forward, when massive stories like the Hunter Biden Laptop and US Biolabs arise, Twitter will allow the information to flow freely, instead of labeling these inconvenient truths as “Russian disinformation” and censoring it from personal text messages. And now normies on Twitter will no longer be sheltered from the truth by their globalist overlords.

Now, pay close attention to the way the left responds to this. Keep in mind the leftist sheep are only outraged when they are told to be outraged. Meaning all the pronoun-in-bio people screeching right now is because their globalists puppet masters told them to do so. The accusations that Elon is controlled by Putin have already begun. Libs on Twitter are melting down on massive scale 😂

Thoughts from Sundance:

Keep in mind that Twitter is slated to report first-quarter earnings this Thursday, and originally the board was going to wait until after that earnings announcement to respond to the bid.

Something changed.

My suspicion is the financials of the Q1 earnings report will not support the $54.20 high end evaluation offer originally proposed by Musk.

If the low Q1 earnings rumors are accurate; and if Twitter had declined or fought the offer; the board would have been in the position of declining a deal that was substantially higher than the company market value, a tenuous position legally.   Thus, a deal was made.

Chess move? Much ado about nothing? Possible merger with other platforms, say the new one attracting President Trump’s fan club?

What’s really going on? We don’t know, but it is keeping all of us entertained, that’s for sure.

Okay, enough of that. If I post everything out there, this is going to get REALLY, REALLY, REALLY long.

In other news, which is really rather hard to find.

And why this is not standard operating procedure in the United States is a complete mystery.

Something I saw the other day that could be of use from BioClandestine:

Here are my “5 Rules for Waking Normies”:

1) Do not insult the person you are attempting to wake up.

-As soon as you start insulting, or speak as if you are superior, the debate is lost. The normie will go into defense mode and will categorize you as an enemy and disregard anything you say regardless of how convincing an argument.

2) Do not press too hard or come on too strong. Start light.

-You have to understand human psychology and navigate these conversations carefully and tactically. If you come on too aggressively, or with topics that are too far fetched to the common normie, they are programmed to discredit you immediately, classify you as crazy, and shut down any chance of progress or future breakthroughs. These conversations are highly delicate. You must speak in terms that are digestible and believable in their eyes, which differs based on the individual and their level of knowledge. And ideally, you’d like to format your responses in the form of questions, causing them to question and articulate proof in their position, which they seldom have to do. When they are forced to explain something that doesn’t make sense, they begin to question themselves, even if they don’t admit defeat in the argument.

3) Do not attempt to initiate. Let them come to you.

-Normies are very sensitive via triggers to ignore anything that challenges their narratives. When they hear specific buzz words, or talking points, they are quite literally programmed to shut down and begin attacking you. The people who have questions will find their way to you. Trust me. Carry yourself in a way that proves you do not subscribe to the MSM generated narratives, and the curious will come to you. These are the opportunities to inject small doses of red pills, after carefully assessing the level of knowledge the normie possesses, then administer red pill dosage accordingly. This takes practice and repetition.

4) Understand that you are not actually waking up the normie, but rather initiating a chain reaction causing them to wake up on their own.

-You are merely a catalyst. You are not there to tell them everything unless they directly ask your opinion. Your job is to merely make them question their convictions. If you can prove small irregularities in their beliefs, they will naturally begin to question their beliefs on their own. People do not truly learn lessons until they do it themselves. In order to make a lasting impact, they have to discover their path on their own. You cannot force anything. Trying to force awakening, will cause an adverse effect.

5) Be confident and well-versed in a subject before you attempt to share it with others.

-If someone comes across as uneducated and inarticulate, humans are naturally less inclined to believe this person. If someone comes across as well spoken, educated, highly knowledgeable of the subject matter, quick on their feet, witty, confident, presentable, etc., we are far more inclined to believe what this person has to say. So you may be 100% correct when telling your cousin that Hunter Biden’s investment firm funneled US DoD taxpayer dollars to create biological weapons in Ukraine, but if your delivery is poor and you sound sloppy, you will not be believed. Truly know ALL the details about the subject matter, and your level of expertise will speak for itself, making your message more credible.

Please, visit the substack for more.

Can you say Darwin Award? Story here.

And, BTW, for those interested, Devolution Part 20 is available.
Either one. Mine was more white than yellow.

Something to remember, always.

Per the boss’s instruction:

I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.

Your weekly reminder to take the pledge:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


JOHN 3:7-15

7Do not marvel that I said to you, `You must be born anew.’ 8The wind blows where it wills, and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know whence it comes or whither it goes; so it is with every one who is born of the Spirit.” 9Nicode’mus said to him, “How can this be?” 10Jesus answered him, “Are you a teacher of Israel, and yet you do not understand this? 11Truly, truly, I say to you, we speak of what we know, and bear witness to what we have seen; but you do not receive our testimony. 12If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how can you believe if I tell you heavenly things? 13No one has ascended into heaven but he who descended from heaven, the Son of man. 14And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of man be lifted up, 15that whoever believes in him may have eternal life.”


Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632 
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)

Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518 
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)


St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Amen brother.

Please, also, pray for the Cat. Diagnosis is blockage in the small intestine.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.

And the latest from JP.


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The best part of the Florida sheriff talking about how a homeowner properly ended a home invasion while using a personal protection firearm while not actually downing the perp…..was offering free marksmanship lessons.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Love that sheriff!


A fun collection of tweets, memes, info, Sousa, and liberal tears💧, DP! This one is perfect:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, that was pretty fantastic! With RED JEN right there.


When will Jen go away … 🥺😔☹️😖🤚‼️


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Kemp is TERRIBLE. I really hope that Georgia can get past this guy!


Techno Fog: Durham’s latest: He has hundreds of e-mails between Fusion GPS and reporters

Special Counsel John Durham just filed this motion in response to the efforts of Hillary for America, Fusion GPS, et al. to keep secret (by use of the attorney-client and work product privileges) communications involving Fusion GPS. You can read it here.

Durham states the “purported privilege holders who have intervened do so in a case in which the defendant has denied representing any client when he brought the Russian Bank-1 allegations to the FBI.” The privilege controversy thus entrapped Sussmann to a certain extent. Brilliant.

Additionally, Durham casts doubt on the declaration of Marc Elias that Fusion GPS was retained to provide “legal advice.” Here he makes a key point: 

”if rendering such advice was truly the intended purpose of Fusion GPS’s retention, one would also expect the investigative firm to seek permission and/or guidance from [Hillary for America] or its counsel before sharing such derogatory materials with the media or otherwise placing them into the public domain.”

In support of that point, Durham states he is in possession of “hundreds of emails in which Fusion GPS employees shared raw, unverified, and uncorroborated information – including their own draft research and work product – with reporters.” (He even filed them under seal with the court.) These include:

● Emails with Slate’s Franklin Foer from May 14, 2016 in which Fusion GPS conveys information on a Trump advisor and Alfa Bank.

July 26, 2016 e-mails from Fusion GPS to the Wall Street Journal communicating allegations from Christopher Steele stating “a Trump advisor meeting with a former KGB official close to Putin … would be huge news.”

July 29 and July 31, 2016 emails with a reporter (Washington Post’s Tom Hamburger) concerning Carter Page’s investments and meetings with Russians – of which the reporter said “Its bullshit.”

Many more examples of media contact, with screenshots, follow.

As Durham makes clear, no lawyers are copied in these e-mails and this doesn’t have anything to do with legal advice. And even if there were some type of privilege or work product, it was waived when Fusion GPS distributed the info to the press. 

There are a number of other important observations. The Fusion GPS witness who will testify is the “tech maven” referenced in their e-mails with the New York Times. This appears to be confirmation that Laura Seago will be the Fusion GPS employee to testify.

Much more at the link. Durham appears to have a lot of evidence and is shredding their attorney-client privilege claims.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent. Justice is coming.


Knowing what we know now…

Ironically, in 2021 VINTAGE, within @thamburger's PSEUDO retractions, the curtain is REVEALED on an uglier truth:

Real, intercepted email conversations of @SergeiMillian & @DonaldJTrumpJr exist, embedded & OBSCURED as hard INTELLIGENCE w/in Dossier.


— MonsieursGhost (@MonsieursGhost) November 21, 2021


Maybe I’m just dense but the meaning of this escapes me. Who is supposed to be the bad guy?


This may help. Undead Foia hosts a weekly podcast breaking down the latest info. This talks about last night’s late night filing by John Durham.

Here we go!

— UndeadFOIA (@UndeadFoia) April 26, 2022

Participants typically include Fool Nelson, Walkafyre, Stephen McIntyre, Hans Mahncke, Margo Cleveland, Monsieursghost, codyave, and others.

These guys are filing FOIAs and doing heavy lifting in breaking open this story.

(They were first to identify Igor Danchenko, Rodney Joffe, and maybe even Georgia Tech, iir.)

Last edited 2 years ago by marymorse

In a nut shell Georgia Tech researchers we’re spying on Trump and associates, as well as Exec Office of the POTUS for Perkins Coie on behalf of the Clinton campaign.

They wrote white papers related to attribution of the DNC hack, the Alfa Bank “pings” hoax and yota phones, and also worked on something EA related for the Mueller investigation.

Margot Cleveland has written reports of this for the Federalist. Much of the recent reporting is based on emails released by the State of Georgia in response to Undead Foia’s Right To Know requests.

Last edited 2 years ago by marymorse

What Monsieursghost is saying is that within the dossier, there is some information that in fact came from intercepted communications.

THamburger is one of the members of the press whose name comes up in last night’s Durham’s filing related to A/C privilege that documents PC and Fusion GPS’s “collaboration” with the MSM.

A logical suggestion is that MSM reports may directly connect to GT researchers DARPA “proof of concept”/contracted work product.

There is suspicion that GT researchers may have been involved in the EA work attributed to Crowdstrike, and possibly EA work that Mueller used to indict members of the GRU.


PDJT has said he will not return to Twitter but will start posting on Truth Social soon.

EDIT: The last part of the tweet was cut off. It says, “I’m sure he’ll let Hillary stay on.”

Last edited 2 years ago by TheseTruths
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I just went to Twitter and tried to log in with this username:



Let us know what happens! 😆

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! It just popped right back to GO like nothing had happened.


So you’re in?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! I wish! Nope.

Barb Meier

The day they blocked President Trump is the day I deactivated my account. Since then, my account remains blocked. So last night, I created a new account and instead of BarbMeier2, I am BarbMeier45. hehe… I’m scurrying around adding lots of people whose posts I would like to see.

Thanks DP for the opening!

I think social media will be in a tizzy for awhile over Elon’s move and that’s fine with me. More voices, not less.




Trump not returning to Twitter, will post soon on Truth:
Nunes: Truth Social building community to reclaim free speech in America (

Devin / @DevinNunes 04/25/2022 20:05:11
ID: Not Available
Truth Social: 108195447555766178
[video src="" /]

Dan Scavincomment image / @DanScavino 04/26/2022 01:09:24
ID: Not Available
Truth Social: 108196643754917172
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Last edited 2 years ago by eilert

Makes sense. the “woke freaks” used to flood his tweets making them not worth reading below the tweet itself.


Rob Reiner what a schmuck. I loved his father but the kid is hiding something his tweets are are on the cusp of deranged.

Last edited 2 years ago by singingsoul1
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Not sure if I shared this yesterday. In any case….


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The wolf in sheep clothing ? We will find out. I am not convinced he is the knight in white armor. My perspective could be tainted because do not like Tesla cars.


Yea. I don’t care for Tesla, or any electric car for that matter.

  • BUT, Musk’ apparent intentions with TW are good by me, until proven otherwise.

The brain-chips he has in mind keep me questioning. I know they can he used for good but just as our Constitution is good in God fearing people and can be abused and used by evil so can the brain chips.


Yup. So long as they are used for good, I’m OK.

We’ll see how it pans out.


Wait and see what else can we do ? Pray 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

Cochlear Implants (CIs) are a type of “brain chip”, albeit interfaced with the auditory nerve(s) via the cochlea. My son has a pair of them, and they have restored his hearing. As they have for many, MANY people for the last few decades. They’re not perfect, but each new generation of the technology is better. And they’re FAR better than what his last hearing aids (despite costing around €3500,00 each) were able to do,..

It’s devices like that that Musk is looking for, not mind-control Sci-Fi crap. BillyGhoul Gates, on the other hand, is Hell-bent to kill us all off… I’ll take Elon over Gates, any day.

I don’t like Tesla cars either, but if there was some way to store that power that wasn’t prone to anaerobic fires and could be safely and cleanly mined, I’d be all for it. If it came as a station wagon (kombi)… Of maybe a Dodge Ram pickup truck, with stump-pulling power 🙂


True Musk is more trustworthy than Gates. Gates is a psychopath for sure.


Inside Twitter, employees are reportedly dismayed at the realization that Musk is now their boss.

‘I feel like im going to throw up..I rly don’t wanna work for a company that is owned by Elon Musk,’ one employee told a New York Times reporter,..

Twitter users encouraged employees at the social media company to unionize and promised to decamp for smaller services shortly after the company announced it had sold itself to Tesla founder Elon Musk for $44 billion…

Some threatened to head to alternative sites like CounterSocial, which crashed as incensed Twitter users flocked to sign up for backup accounts. Others said it was a perfect time for Twitter employees to engage in collective bargaining.

I had never heard of CounterSocial, which…

…was flooded with so many people trying to create accounts that it temporarily crashed, according to screenshots shared on social media. 

Moreover, some users are calling for Twitter workers to unionize in order to have a stronger say on the platform’s future.

‘Twitter workers have all the leverage right now don’t squander it being scared. The message you send by Unionizing against a ceo who has a history of union bashing,’ one person wrote.

Musk has previously dared United Autoworkers to come unionize Tesla, arguing that they wouldn’t be successful because employees are already treated well.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh sweet dogs. How I hate when dogs are used in dog fights.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, it’s ***DOGE***!!!


Via Ace of Spades

April 26, 2022
Daily Tech News 26 April 2022—Pixy MisaTop Story

“For him to say he’s doing this for free speech is just a fallacy. It’s just wrong. This is not about free speech, if it were there would be a completely different approach needed,” said Professor Katherine Gelber, Orwell Professor of Political Science at the University of Queensland.

  • Elon Musk bought Twitter: Sadly he will not immediately begin cleaning house with flame and sword. (Daily Mail)
  • The deal could take up to six months to finalise – requiring a shareholder vote that won’t take place until May 25 at the earliest – and there are no layoffs planned “at this time”.
  • Whatever you think of the Daily Mail, this is one of the most detailed articles I’ve seen so far – they’ve rolled all their previous content on the takeover bid into one huge thread.

Continue reading

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m still laughing at that Bolshevik “Orwell Professor of Political Science” in Australia getting her panties bunched about the prospect of free speech. “Oy, the humanity!”

Good grief.


I know… what planet are all these idiots from?


The NATO/WEF not making headway in the ground war appear to be resorting to terrorist activity outside the borders of ukraine.
There have been a couple of smaller instances this last week or so not making it into the headlines.

These are from todays posts…

“Explosions were heard in the Transnistrian village of Mayak. Two communication towers were blown up, no one was injured.”


Same incident…

“Ministry of Internal Affairs of Pridnestrovie: “As a result of two explosions in the village of Mayak, two of the most powerful antennas were disabled: one megawatt, the second half-megawatt. Both relayed radio of the Russian Federation. None of the employees of the Pridnestrovian radio center and local residents were injured”

“State Duma speaker Volodin: “Having unleashed a war against its own people, Kyiv has moved on to terrorist attacks against civilians in other countries. This is what support for neo-Nazi ideology leads to”


“UAVs dropped NATO mines on the military airfield in Tiraspol

In Tiraspol, a military airfield was hit by 60mm mines, which were most likely dropped from drones.
With the aggravation of the situation, the threat of a provocation against Russian peacekeepers who ensure security in the region is growing.”


“The “red” level of terrorist threat has been set in Pridnestrovie.

President Vadim Krasnoselsky held a meeting of the Security Council of Pridnestrovie. The main issue is terrorist attacks on infrastructure facilities and state institutions of the republic. Three attacks were recorded: the building of the Ministry of State Security in Tiraspol, the military unit near the village of Parkany and the towers of the radio and television center near the village of Mayak were damaged.”


“The Transnistrian case is very important for Ukraine. There, under the protection of Russian peacekeepers, there is the largest ammunition depot in Europe. Given their severe shortage, Kyiv is probably willing to take the risk. It’s only 2 km from the border”


A shipment of cocaine worth €500 million was detained in Estonia.

Bags with 3.5 tons of drugs were found on the Milan Express ship in containers intended for the transportation of bananas.

On March 5, she sailed from the port of Rotterdam.

The service for combating drug crimes stated that “the destination country of most of the containers of which was Russia.”


I assume all that Princess D talk about mines and mine warfare was only so much emoting lip talk from the West.


“In Transnistria, the parade for May 9 was canceled.

The head of the PMR said that a mass gathering of citizens in individual locations is unsafe.

Checkpoints will be set up in the cities of the republic.

▪️Those entering the cities will be selectively searched.

Law enforcement officers have been transferred to an enhanced duty regime.

▪️Educational institutions have been transferred to the distance learning mode until the end of the academic year.”


The Kremlin is very closely monitoring the situation in Transnistria, the news coming from there causes concern — Peskov.

“The only thing I can say is that we are watching very closely how the situation is developing there. Of course, the news that comes from there causes concern,” Peskov said, answering journalists’ questions.

Putin has not yet planned contacts with the President of Moldova, the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation said.”



👉🏻 According to exclusive information obtained by sources close to Gallia Daily, it is highly likely that French special forces have been deployed to Ukraine.


🔎 Earlier this month, two platoons of the 13th Parachute Dragon Regiment (13RDP) were deployed to an unknown destination for a 2-4 month renewable mandate.

ℹ️ The 13RDP is the intelligence regiment of the French special forces. It is specialised in unconventional warfare, strike guidance (JTAC), sabotage, the use of optical reconnaissance means (blackhornet drones, cameras) as well as HIV capture.

➡️ Several reports seem to indicate that these men were deployed to Ukraine:

↪️ The men left equipped with their warm CCE military uniforms (forest camouflage) whereas currently all French operations take place in desert or tropical areas

↪️ The group leaving seems to be deliberately made up of JTAC personnel (trained to guide strikes, notably with CESAR guns, which France has just delivered to Ukraine…) while usually most platoons or sticks deployed in Africa are made of CTLO operators.

↪️ All the personnel of the group seem to hold the Instructor CATI certificate for the MILAN and the AT-4 (two French anti-tank weapons, delivered to Ukraine.

↪️ The personnel left on a military flight to a NATO country, before being deployed to their final destination by land vehicle… while most french military deployments actually occur using regular Air France flights.


📌 All these elements appear to be unique to the Ukrainian theater, since the only other place that would fit would be Romania or Estonia, but to date we have not heard of any deployment of the 13RDP there.

📌 According to these elements, it is therefore highly likely that 13RDP personel are deployed in Lviv or near the Polish border to provide training to the Ukrainian army.

⚠️ This information has not been confirmed (nor denied) by our contact at the Ministry of the Armed Forces (MinArm). In case of a statement from the MinArm, we will edit our post.”


Verse of the Day for Tuesday, April 26, 2022

“To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.” 

Jude 1:25 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


Duchess, thank you for bringing these every day. I look forward to them and they are a great blessing. I appreciate your efforts. 😊



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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.


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Thank you DP.

Interesting article.

I usually enjoy reading The Catholic Thing, but I missed this one.


Outstanding, DePat. This is starting off to be a fun day. Anytime I get some Jake and Elwood, I’m happy.

More from Clandestine yesterday evening.

BOT farms pulling up stakes – now that is very interesting and telling.


And if your dumber than a layman like me it means watch all the high number of likes and bot comments on the celeb and dem politico’s posts to come crashing down to more realistic numbers.

No doubt our operators on stand-by waiting for this to happen and we’ll see samples of it posted soon hopefully.

All the fake stuff is going to stop or the left is going to be shelling out bigger bucks to see that it doesn’t. Which is fine, drain their coffers!

Now the big one I’m waiting for is the next congressional hearing with all the top heads from Fake Book, Google, Instagram etc.. sitting there at the table with Twitter for a compare/contrast/explain session as they get new questions from congress creeps. Better be good questions as a lot will have changed.

H/T for the reminder post earlier today or last night that alludes to this, something again that we covered as a likely outcome of the Musk buy a couple weeks past.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

Perhaps we can watch more calls to trash 230 (or whatever it is) that have been shielding TW, FB….


That is the fervent hope. 🤗😏😛

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hope Torba and Nunes get invites along with Musk!

Brave and Free

I am going out on a limb here the truth be known. Probably just as many R’s benefited with backroom deals and all as the D’s did.


Collectively Uniparty. Precious little separates the Rs and Ds. Greed, money and power are COMMON among them.


Wonder if we’ll learn the millions of dollars, the Feds paid TW, to create the likes for masks, lockdowns, Injections…Safe & Effective.


  :wpds_shock:   :wpds_grin:   :wpds_hmm:   :wpds_beg:   :wpds_lol: 


He got me with George Carlin…

My new podcast: Kill-Shot Psychiatry, George Carlin, hero Peter Breggin
And the Real Drug War That Is Eating America
Jon Rappoport

George Carlin was a different kind of star. My one conversation with him, a few years before his death, shed light on something entirely unexpected. We spoke between sets of one of his electrifying performances in San Diego—and I realized how audiences were changing.

They were drugged—and not in a good way (if there is a good way).

They were casualties in the drug war. I go into the real nature of that war in my new podcast. At various times in my 84 years, I’ve seen, up close and personal, the effects of medical and street drugs on radically different groups of people—in normal small towns all the way up to corporate board rooms.

This is the real zombie apocalypse. And it has as much or more to do with big banks as it does with venomous street dealers.

I’m committed to making this war known and understood, in every possible way—and I pull no punches in the podcast.

There is another hero I talk about in the podcast, a DEA agent I interviewed off the record, who spelled out how the whole Congress and the President (Obama) opened the door wide to Pharma companies—traffickers in the deadliest drugs ever to hit America’s streets.

A significant amount of the insane and incomprehensible statements and actions we’ve been witnessing around us have their hidden roots in effects of drugs. The celebration of drugs (both street and pharma) took off 50 years ago. It was a planned operation, designed to destabilize and take down societies and nations.

In fact, much earlier, in the 1950s, the CIA, during its infamous MKULTRA mind control program, was consciously seeking out drugs that could disable populations. This was one of the secret aspects of MKULTRA.

The result of that plan and that search came to fruition—but not within the CIA. The overwhelming success was transferred to the field of psychiatry, which became the kissing cousin of the CIA—and psychiatry was medically justified (through fraudulent research) and enthroned with official status by national governments.

Psychiatry IS the official gatekeeper of the mind and consciousness.

And it is also the dispenser of killer drugs.

Originally, I planned to boil down and limit this podcast, time-wise, but I quickly realized that, of course, the material and the vital stories were the whole point…and as long as it took, I would tell the tale. In the fullest terms possible. No holds barred.
That’s what I’ve done.

If you know my work, you know I’m not out to bore people. Facts are supposedly to be ALIVE, and they are when you see the human effects behind the data.

So tune in to my latest podcast (Part-1Part-2) and listen to the raw truth about what happened when the CIA’s mind control program became America’s new Culture.

As always, thank you for your support.

— Jon Rappoport

~ ~ ~

I haven’t heard it put together quite this way, but it makes sense with all the puzzle pieces in plain sight.


Recently I’ve seen tv advertisements for mental health telemed . Supposedly from the comfort of your own home you can ‘see’ a psychologist at a fraction of the cost of office visits.
Psychologists usually can’t prescribe meds but it’s a hop skip and jump for the patient to tell their doctor that the psychologist suggests medication or the psychologist can collaborate with the doctor to get those drugs into the patient.

Seems like a bad idea to me.


Another wedge to take guns away from citizens.


Oh yeah, forgot about that. yup.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Amen. This cannot be said often enough. Doctors vs. Holderites on this subject. People will not seek mental health treatment knowing their rights are at risk by Onazi bureaucrats. Doctors have held the line, but Beto Bolsheviks keep pushing.


They’ve managed to make a lot of people, including children, paranoid and depressed with the Plandemic. It’s really been a masterstroke for them. They keep people off balance with 24/7 news of the next variant, the next booster, the boxes of free tests showing up in mailboxes , the masks.
Then we’ve got the barrage of bullshit about gender.

If you aren’t a person with a solid grasp on the psy op it can mess with their head…..and presto…an easy breezy way to get “help”

Last edited 2 years ago by mollypitcher5

Such telemed interactions sponsor a few YT channels also…such as: “Physics Girl”.


Thank you michaelh for bringing this report here. He puts all the dots together.

Valerie Curren

Thanks for this important info. Shared on Gab here:


The President of Croatia opposed the membership of Finland and Sweden in NATO before resolving issues in the Balkans


JJ Sefton @ Ace of Spades has his

Morning Report on … who else… Musk & Twitter


Where’s the pic of my darling wife? Her pics should be in the top 100 somewhere.

And what about Sylvia swinging her shovel at some hapless leftist? No pics of that memorable moment.


Question for the techies………the last couple of days in here and some other places that I read the shared tweets aren’t showing. A big blank spot in the scroll but I know that it was a tweet by the comments below.
How can I fix ??

Last edited 2 years ago by mollypitcher5

Not a techie.

On my laptop, when I first load QTree, TWs in the daily load slowly. But they do load in time.

TWs in posts seem to load pretty quickly.

Guessing it is a feature of WP.

IF I’m out to lunch, corrections by techies will follow…


Possibly but it’s a new development. Haven’t had this issue before.




Noticed it too, so as an Not an IT kinda of guy, suggests it’s not something you can fix. It’s something about what is being posted or the way it is being posted.

On another IT related observation I have on at least three occasions been met with a red bar mentioning “NONCE” as a reason I was not able to post or reply post. This only started about five or so days ago and always with a current day controversial posting topic as if some one did not want my post/insight to appear. To over come this I had to reload the page each time before I could post. Never seen “NOUNCE” as reason for not being able to post prior to these few incidences.

To make matters more weird, I’d eventually see someone else able to post to the comment but I still was met with “NOUNCE” in a red bar, like you get when you accidently try to like your own comment.

So just out of curiosity I looked up the word “NOUNCE”




The present or particular occasion.

The one or single occasion; the present call or purpose; — chiefly used in the phrase for the nonce, i. e. for the present time.

“a word apparently employed only for the nonce”.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

More at Wordnik


Urban Dictionary: Nounce

Search domain urbandictionary.com › define.php?term=Nounce

A foolish man who has done something stupid. Mom says “Tami or Ernie, please take out the trash.” “Nounce!”exclaims Tami. “Ernie, that means you’re taking it out.

That seems sort of weird reason for not being allowed to post something. Mind you in each of those instances my post was strictly just text that I generated, with no cut and pastes or images kinda of stuff.

Somehow this sorta makes me feel like we have minders watching us on the board. Which if so, is fine, maybe they will learn something. Of course there is likely a more practical explanation that a Not and IT kinda of guy just can’t fathom.

Anyway wondering if anyone else has met this “NOUNCE” thing?

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r


In my situation..when I refresh hoping that will get the post to show, as it’s refreshing I can see the beginning of the tw and then it goes blank


Does the TW fully show in time, or NOT at all?


Not at all


Standing by for techie insights. 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

All comments noted, but in the middle of Gailish tasks b/c spring & weather. Striking while iron is hot. Answers tonight.


Good. More insights incoming…:-)


Yes, with that situation, experienced the same thing. The image wanted to populate, but something prevented it and thus sees barley a flicker before it’s only a blank space big enough to hold an image or tweet post. A new ghost in the machine or the image had attributes that would not let it populate.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

NONCE and some other red bar thing, shows every once in awhile, when I try to post.

I can get past it by one of the following.

  • Close QTree window and reopen QTree.
  • Close browser and go back in.
  • Fall back is full shut down, restart computer.

I’ve managed with just a refresh so far. Hopefully remedial actions don’t get as severe as you describe.

So then you’ve had “Nounce” show up on some posts also? Wondering when it began? As I said, mine only three instances, beginning about five days ago. Never seen it before that.

The conspiracy theorist in me says someone did not want me to post what I was going to post. Which would mean some one was watching what I was typing. I sometimes get froze out of posting certain things on certain sites and have to copy my comments on the clip board, drop out and then drop back in quickly to the conversation for a flash paste to get my comments to show. Which leads me to believe some sites have active monitoring. I remember in IC Chat, you could slip into a mode that allowed you to see and them to see what you were typing prior to actual hitting enter to send the message. Perhaps something like this has been happening, with someone actively watching the site and interfering in our comms. If so it’s likely one minder, and would be dependent on both when the minder is minding and what the minder is minding. Or all that is me just appearing to be paranoid, though I’m not, just trying to fathom an explanation.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r



I’ve had the red bar with nounce a few times a couple weeks ago. Reported it on the utree on 3/15. Back when the numbers in the green ball started doing odd things.
Lately I find my ability to like things vanishes and the comment count stops increasing. Open another instance of the Qtree and find that the original page stopped updating itself.


You can pin the techie badge on for now !…..Shut down and restart…seems to be back to normal

( I reserve the right to whine again later if it goes bad again  😁 )

Cuppa Covfefe

Would you like some cheese to go along with that Whine? 😀 I recommend some Stilton 🙂

comment image

Or maybe some Velveeta to go along with that Goooooey-gle mess 🙂
comment image

(It must be late… that dip almost looks good…..)…

Last edited 2 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“nonce” usually means the site has logged me off randomly. If I reload, I’m obviously not logged in.


That’s likely it. See DP’s comment above saying the same thing, I added this back.

Has only had to relog in to this site about twice since inception, one of those times has been less than a month ago, so imagine you are correct.

One of RAC’s definitions above in his link mentions authentication so that is likely it.

Gosh dang, in the absence of good information I had such a good conspiracy theory going too.


Hey, it is a good theory. Hang on to it, it’ll prob be true one day !

Cuppa Covfefe

That doesn’t mean that they’re not watching YOU  🕵  😆

Cuppa Covfefe

Google has them as bits coins… Nonce cents 😀

(ducks and runs from flying full-height Micropolis and various Maxtor drives 🙂 )…..


You really don’t want to be hit by one of the “1000 millibrick” Miniscribe drives.

Cuppa Covfefe

Try an HP7937 on for size…

There was a CE killed by one that fell from one of the high-boy cabinets… wasn’t set up correctly… (this was YEARS ago)…


I was thinking of the Miniscribe fraud where they had actual ceramic bricks in disk drive boxes.


“Shave-and-a-haircut, two-bits” means that it can be 0-3.


Has only had to relog in to this site about twice since inception, one of those times has been less than a month ago, so imagine you are correct.
One of RAC’s definitions above in his link mentions authentication so that is likely it.


I’m afraid to re-login here so I don’t ever. WP intimidates me, lol. Just closing down and restarting the laptop fixed things for me.


Same here…


This seems to be something appertaining to computing, apart from that it’s double dutch to me.


Yikes typed my email in wrong and it still posted


Spelling? I’ve had it too and there’s no U.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Nonce happens to me here and in the Forum too. I keep lots of tabs open in MS Edge, they’re supposed to go to sleep when not in use. If I come back after several days, I’ll get various errors when trying to post. They usually go away after reloading/refreshing the page.

Cuppa Covfefe

It’s NONCE, and IIRC, it’s a security certificate/DNS thing (smells like Chrome [don’t get ya home] again).

I think coothie mentioned it a while back, but from what I read on a quick search, Chrome and same-site cookies are behind it…

You might try clearing cookies IF you don’t have anything important saved there (some applications/sites/etc. like to keep data there)…

(And M$ India will say, power cycle the PC, reboot, buy a new Surface Laptop and go to WinDoze 11 😡 )…

[And the obvious question would be what changed around the time this started happening… reboot, update, G&T spilled into laptop (just kidding)… updates, especially browsers, are notorious for this sort of thing]…

Cuppa Covfefe

Check your browser to see that it allows “embedded tweets” (at least that’s what it’s called on Brave). My security settings in Brave have “switches” to allow/block tweets, Facebook, and something else… I only let tweets through…

Could be that your browser (or Win Doze) did an update while you weren’t looking… (shame on you, BillyGhoul, erm, Nutella…). Ever since Brave switched to “Chrome” underpinning (read: Googlecrap), it does updates no matter what I tell it (and I’m too lazy to block it at my router)…

Anyway, check your browser settings just to be sure..


Which is rather weird, considering the left and their masters are so intent on saving the supply of fossil fuels for later in earths future but not rare earth minerals. Or in other words they are as usual, full of s%^t.


They are full of it and they make up the rules or narrative as they go.

Heres what the web has to say : What are rare earths and how important are they?

Rare earth elements are a group of metals that are critical ingredients for a greener economy, and the location of the reserves for mining are increasingly important and valuable.~~~

We know that “greener economy” means batteries and computers which in the long run is bad for the environment. I know that electronics have become an integral part of our lives but IMOO life was overall less stressful before.


The disposal of environmentally destructive things reminded me of the article about thousands of tons of clothing being dumped in Chile. It doesn’t break down and in the recent manufacture some of it has weird components.

Wonder what out of sight place will be the graveyard of windmill blades and electric cars and huge mounds of obsolete electronics ?

Chilean desert site of 39,000 pounds of scrapped clothing (

Last edited 2 years ago by mollypitcher5

comment image?resize=540%2C310&ssl=1


You got that right. 🤨👍‼️😉❤️🇺🇸❤️


comment image?resize=515%2C576&ssl=1


comment image?w=960


A Look Back at the Deranged Twitter Board Members Who Nearly Murdered the Company


Excellent who’s who on these twitter twerps demonstrating what’s behind all the conflicts they have with the first amendment. Upper crust yuppies, do gooders, and out and out manipulators. May their past haunt them in their social and financial life ever more. Be Gone Jerks!

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

And soon … 🤨

Cuppa Covfefe

Great article!

Folks like Robert Zoellick, who helped engineer our fall to RED China, to wit:

Robert Zoellick was U.S. Trade Representative and deputy secretary of state for George W. Bush, where he played a leading role in engineering China’s admission into the World Trade Organization, which cost America an estimated 3.7 million jobs (and hobbled us strategically) by accelerating deindustrialization in favor of China.

Later, Zoellick was Bush’s pick for president of the World Bank. He was also Mitt Romney’s favorite pick for Secretary of State had he won the 2012 election. After clearing helping clear the way for America’s economic hollowing-out, Zoellick’s last job before the Twitter board was as chair of the board of international advisors at Goldman Sachs.

Others on the board are just as evil, but Zoellick deserves a Dishonorable Mention…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WOW. No WONDER Twitter went to hell in a handbasket.


comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“It’s like it was planned or something”

OMG, I’m dyin’ 🤣


 il Donaldo Trumpo / @ilpresidento 04/26/2022 10:48:03
ID: Not Available
Truth Social: 108198919138829276
comment image




Forwarded from

JUST IN – Biden had $5.2 million in unexplained income, an analysis of the president’s financial records shows.

Mail Online


Whilst following that disclose tv link you gave I came across this, what do they suspect I wonder.

“JUST IN – House GOP demands Twitter’s board to preserve all records related to Elon Musk’s offer to buy the platform.”


Just as they could be looking at Musk, they could be looking at lefties trying to stop the purchase.

In any case, I trust the GOP, as much as I trust the DNC. Scum they are.


House GOP carrying the water for their alter ego Dems so that when the inevitable commission, committee or biased investigation is brought about no problems getting documents.

Adding, they’ve probably already been passed over to the appropriate lawfare group to start picking them apart

Last edited 2 years ago by mollypitcher5

They know the Board can’t be trusted… trying to protect Musk as well as conservatives?


Now if they’d do the rest of his family, wife, son, brother, even the aunts, nephew’s and nieces along with whatever other niches are available to that creep we’d get a better picture. Wouldn’t be surprised if the grand kids are already millionaires.

Cuppa Covfefe

Alberto V05.2 🙂

(ohhh, that shampoo)…


Alberto VO5 originally had five Vitamins and Oils — B3, B5, Biotin, C, and E vitamins ……and sunflower seed, mango seed, sweet almond, rosemary leaf, and chamomile flower oils.

Cuppa Covfefe

And made me break out…

I remember it well, and the ads, too…

Not to mention Breck, Prell, and all the rest… I used to get Paul Mitchell Awapuhi by the gallon from a friend of mine (who was an expert stylist for him after she left the computing biz)… I think PM had ridgerunner roots, looking at the charities they support…


Uniparty gonna Uniparty….


Looks like Peter Doocy is going to get his own show and somebody is bucking to fill his current spot.


Hahahah that’s funny. Ole Kev is workin’ it, the two step shuffle that usually shuts the reporter down.
Thank you Bill M !


The issue that isn’t being talked about is his desire that Twitter censor people (Republican leaders, I think) whose speech he deemed to be dangerous or threatening. He is in favor of censorship. He needs to go now, IMO.


Absolutely, he needs to go now.

Uniparty does not agree with us.


Another thought on this…I guess beleaguered R’s in need of some good press know that going to the non-border and pearl clutching is a good look……..but talk and theatrics are cheap and we know it.
All the R’s except a few have done nothing to even pretend they care about what we see as deal breakers..the election fraud, J6 political prisoners in a gulag, the non border, Afghanistan ..the list is long


Too true and people are woke and don’t buy this dive for political cover anymore by trying to pull our strings.


Yup. I’m not buying any of the R’s new found give a damn about the border.

R’s have been missing in action since 3 November. Certainly since BiteMe was installed.


Can’t imagine how this would be legally binding in the US. Also, can’t imagine the folks will tolerate dictates from WHO or foreign entities. Would like to think we are done listening to FauXi, CDC, NIH…

GWP (Emphasis added below)

GLOBAL GOV’T ALERT: Threat to national sovereignty set to go down May 22-28 at WHO World Health Assembly
he World Health Organization is attempting a power grab’ — quietly setting up a single globalized response to all future pandemics
As previously reported at, the deep state predators in the U.S. and Western governments have decided the world needs a centralized pandemic response controlled and run by the United Nations World Health Organization via an international treaty.

And no U.S. politician is talking about this. Nor is any mainstream media outlet reporting on it. No pastors are alerting anyone to these monumental, some would say biblical, changes.


Helllll no.


Treaties do not supersede the constitution.



Our idjit government IS playing along, with WHO, UN…as IF it would be binding.


It’s beginning to look like DJT did force the acceleration of the NWO goals. If they had only had another 1/2 generation to lay the groundwork more…not many would know what’s Constitutional or even be able to find it online.

He truly did wake people up. MAGA
It’s a bit tarnished but it’s important WWG1WGA

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Just like Osatan did with Paris accords.


Osatan continues via BiteMe.


We need to start nullification at the grass roots level.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Dr. Malone – Growing List of Illnesses Post Vaccine –

“We have lots of scientific data now that are demonstrating that these vaccines, particularly RNA vaccines, are damaging T cell responses… They’re causing a form of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome…. and we can see it by the frequent [rise in] herpes, Epstein-Barr, infectious [mononucleosis], etc.”


4/26/22 – 951 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 622 Dead, After COVID Shot


“Are We Being Hypnotized, And Do We Like It?” – A Conversation with Professor Mattias Desmet, PhD


Cocaine Mitch revealed some more. Article well worth a read. Couple minutes.


Swamp Rat Mitch McConnell Said He Was “Exhilarated” on Jan 6 that President Trump “Had Finally Tarnished His Reputation”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Tribunal awaits that asshole.


Quite fitting.


Not with us, he didn’t, you asshole McConnell.

You, on the other hand, have never had much silver to acquire a tarnish in the first place. More like pot metal, you corrode.


According to GWP, Tucker Carlson and the Babylon Bee have had their Twitter accounts restored. I hope more will follow, quickly.


Be aware of Fake accounts being created claiming to be a previous banned known account.

from Malone on Gettr:

From my valued friend Brett.


Oh rats – I think Gab and Telegram also had a lot of fake accounts at one time.




comment image

Cuppa Covfefe

Maybe when he flies, he can drop a, erm, “message” on Bye, Dung’s suit like his little brother did 🙂

(44 billion gram bird splot…)….


No symptoms but positive…whatever. I wonder if they can understand how much most people don’t care

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

She’s conveniently hiding from something/someone, both, work, grand jury, all.

Last edited 2 years ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎
Cuppa Covfefe


And she wins it….. by a knee….

(and off to me corner I go…):…

Last edited 2 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

I bet she tests positive for a LOT of stuff … ewww ick yuk 😖🤚😷🤧😪🤢🫤😑

Cuppa Covfefe

You read my mind 🙂
(OK, didn’t take long, I know…)…..

Still thinking about that Garrison cartoon from the other day… will be great to see those on Twitter, if he goes back…

[Her face on the pic below makes me think of a famous Alka-Seltzer commercial from the 80s or so…]…..

Last edited 2 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe


Remdisivir with ventilator on stand by.



There it is‼️ Lockdown for the midterms ….seig heil ..


But negative for brains or integrity.


Russia has suspended gas supplies to Poland under the “Yamal contract” – Polish portal Onet

According to the newspaper, the Russian Federation did not inform the Polish side about the reasons for the suspension of supplies. A crisis group has already been urgently convened in the Polish government.

Cuppa Covfefe

You lose one, you lose Yamal…

(seems Yamal was involved in the “hockey stick” fraud of the Climate Manniacs and “hide the decline)… (Briffa et. al. )..

Last edited 2 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

via MoA
A Recap Of The War In Ukraine – by Gonzalo Lira

Gonzalo Lira just delivered a decent recap of the war in Ukraine.

Gonzalo Lira @GonzaloLira1968 – 10:28 UTC · Apr 26, 2022

Quick recap for those who haven’t followed what’s been going on in Ukraine but want to understand: 02/24: The Russians invaded from the south, south-east, east and north, in a lightning campaign. The Russians invaded with 190K troops—against 250K combat troops from Ukraine.

The RF put 30K troops near Kiev—nowhere near enough to capture the city—but enough to pin down some 100K AFU defenders. The RF also launched several axes of attack, with reinforcements on standby (including a famed 40km long tank column), to see where they might be needed.

Crucially—the Russian’s blitz on several axes pre-empted an imminent UKRAINIAN blitzkrieg. The AFU had been about to invade the Donbas. This was the immediate motivation for Russia’s invasion: To beat them to the punch and scuttle Ukraine’s imminent invasion—which they did.

Cont. reading: A Recap Of The War In Ukraine – by Gonzalo Lira



Amazing display of ignorance. Has he ever been in a gun store? Firearms aren’t packaged and displayed in boxes like that. And Daisy is a well-known brand of BB guns.


“Careful, you’ll shoot your eye out with that thing” 😆


LOL. Ralphie’s Red Ryder.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I was in a chat room with someone from New Zealand who *insisted* that it was possible to buy a “machine gun” off the shelf here.

I explained carefully the whole form 3 deal, and even linked her to the downloadable form and instructions, and she refused to believe me over whatever the Kiwi news channel is called.


Well, for certain definitions of “machine gun”……

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Jabcinda’s dirty work, no doubt!

Cuppa Covfefe

Why is that idiot looking for a power adapter in the toy aisle??? (not to mention the fact that he should’ve bought one before he travelled to the US)…

Home electronics, small appliances (where they’d have electric razors, though they’re usually multi-voltage) would be a better place to look, as would Best Buy)…

Amazing that twerp even knows how to type…


Have you all bought into popcorn and Bourbon futures yet? If not HURRY.

For all the doubters…Durham is BRILLIANT!.

Notice how he gets Sussman to basically entrap himself in a perjury charge When Hillary and her sycophants tried to claim attorney client privilege..


“purported privilege holders who have intervened do so in a case in which the defendant has denied representing any client when he brought the Russian Bank-1 allegations to the FBI.”

in trying to HIDE the Fusion GPS and Hillary campaign emails from sunlight. Sussman is NOW on the hook for 1 FELONY perjury charge. Sussman cannot say that he knew the info was bogus either to avoid that charge, because then he simply trades perjury with FELONY lying to the FBI. It ALSO would open up Sussman to slander civil charges. Sussman is NOW about to turn, because all the USUAL BS the Clintons and deep state get away with, WON’T be ALLOWED by Durham.

Then, there are these gems, Durham has THOUSANDS of correspondence documents between Fusion GPS(and likely Perkins Couie) to REPORTERS.

  • “emails with Slate’s Franklin Foer from May 14, 2016 in which Fusion GPS conveys information on a Trump advisor and Alfa Bank.
  • July 26, 2016 e-mails from Fusion GPS to the Wall Street Journal communicating allegations from Christopher Steele stating “a Trump advisor meeting with a former KGB official close to Putin … would be huge news.”
  • July 29 and July 31, 2016 emails with a reporter (Washington Post’s Tom Hamburger) concerning Carter Page’s investments and meetings with Russians – of which the reporter said “Its bullshit.”

Some of likely MANY, some FAR worse I am SURE. Why this is IMPORTANT. It establishes that the MSM was most definitely IN on the Trump espionage. They were ACTIVELY and PERVASIVELY spreading info obtained by Fusion GPS FOR Hillary, to the MSM to start, maintain AND reinforce the Russia hoax accusations against Trump. Remember, that PART of the “justification” for Mueller besides the bogus dossier was the MSM reporting on the issues. Yep the MSMs listed were FED the info, dutifully “reported” it, and THAT reporting was USED to try and turn BS into a legit criminal probe of Trump and his campaign, btw ALL that is ILLEGAL.

Durham IS proving a CONSPIRACY here, he IS going RICO. It is WORSE than that though, remember that Trump WAS being ACTIVELY spied upon through his phones by Joffe. Read THIS nugget.

” The Sussmann indictment mentions “non-public Internet data” that was exploited by Joffe, et al, for the purposes of their political hit-job. This information was provided to Georgia Tech as part of a prospective contract with DARPA to “identify the perpetrators of malicious cyber-attacks and protect U.S. national security.” (More details here.) After the indictment, it was revealed that Durham’s team has interviewed former DARPA employees.

Based on this information, we hinted that “there might be charges relating to the misuse of classified government data from DARPA.”

Gee that means TWO things, one highlighted, in MISUSE of CLASSIFIED data from DARPA. NOW we KNOW that Nellie Ohr (Fusion GPS) GOT her info for the dossier, she used NSA AND DARPA. The BOGUS Alfa pings indicate that Joffe was using DARPA and the little known GT project to OBTAIN Trump Towers “non-public Internet data”, and them was giving away DETAILS from that program to Sussman (Perkins Couie) , Fusion GPS, and HILLARY’s campaign via “laundering that info FROM Joffe to Sussman AND then Fusion TO Hillary.” THAT is a CHAIN folks, and it PROVES RICO conspiracy, wire and internet espionage, and FRAUD.

But wait it gets even BETTER. Hillary and Mark Elias TRIED to claim attorney client privilege with Fusion GPS for “legal advice” , to KEEP these texts out of sunlight.

Durham shoots that DOWN

”if rendering such advice was truly the intended purpose of Fusion GPS’s retention, one would also expect the investigative firm to seek permission and/or guidance from [Hillary for America] or its counsel before sharing such derogatory materials with the media or otherwise placing them into the public domain.”

In claiming “privilege'” they not only implicate Hillary and her campaign of KNOWING about the espionage, but ALSO open her and her campaign up to LIBEL and SLANDER for “before sharing such derogatory materials with the media or otherwise placing them into the public domain.” BOOM.

Now the BEST part, the UNWRITTEN part.

Misuse of govt facilities (DARPA)
sharing CLASIFIED data (info ol Nellie and Joffe obtained from the GT DARPA project)
ESPIONAGE (using govt issued phones, and DARPA to SPY on Trump, and his businesses and associates)
CONSPIRACY (Hillary, Perkins Couie, Sussman, Joffe, Fusion GPS, and this is just a START)
FRAUD. (Spreading fabricated lies in a dossier, and MSM to try and defraud a legit Presidential candidate, nominee, and THEN PEOTUS and finally POTUS.)
Libel and Slander by the MSMS at the behest of Hillary through Fusion and OTHERS.

This is going to be HUGE. Once Durham gets to Hillary (he is basically there NOW) he WILL then have to look into who Hillary ran to WITH this ILLEGAL info in the GOVT at that time, and that ranges from State to FBI to CIA to The Obama WH,

They ALL knew this was BS folks, and yet they ALL played along. They WERE spying, but the IMPORTANT part is that they were not only spying and “cherry picking data to use, they were ACTIVELY trying to PLANT data, “evidence”, SPIES, and ILLEGALLY using GOVT resources and assets both $$ and HUMAN to do it.

Again, as I have ALWAYS maintained, this goes STRAIGHT to the top…Obama himself.

Durham is HOT on the trail, and he WILL pursue RICO and Conspiracy charges, wherever it leads him (Obama) He has CARTE BLANCHE to do so, the Dems and Obama saw to that. ANY perceived or real “interference” would be OBSTRUCTION. Again, Mueller and the dems SET that precedent on Trump.

NOW I know why it was SO important for Musk to get Twitter. They cannot HIDE this. I would not doubt that Twitter may be only one in a SERIES of retaking of social media. Look for several of the following to “fall” soon or be BOUGHT. Netflix, Facebook, NY Times. CNN (through Time Warner).

I would LOVE to know what Trump told Musk, it must have been a doozy. We have ALL patiently awaited the great awakening. Can you not SEE that it is nigh? Durham is the HAMMER, Musk is the caller. Think of ALL that IS happening from Disney, to Twitter, to Durham, to election fraud exposure, to Kevin M being exposed, to McConnell NOW in the same boat. Wait for it..there WILL be more, and NOW it will be spread FAR and wide on social media. NO censorship. THAT will lead to even MORE Durham revelations OR provide NEW avenues.

Get your popcorn ready.


As long as it gets written in stone. BTW your book could be going onto volume three by now and might see three more volumes before all this is said and done.


LOL, perhaps. I have been asked to write another….maybe someday…when the shit hits. I’ll write the deep state epilogue. BUT, that said, I have a sneaky suspicion that this one is different, and might just hit about oh say…OCTOBER 2022.


Looking forward to an October surprise, linking it all together, quite publicly.


About the time we hit the beach for a month. That would make for a wonderful time.



Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Something like:

The Gathering Storm
Their Finest Hour
The Grand Alliance
The Hinge of Fate
Closing the Ring
Triumph and Tragedy

(tragedy for the WEFfers)


Lots of great insights!

It establishes that the MSM was most definitely IN on the Trump espionage. They were ACTIVELY and PERVASIVELY spreading info obtained by Fusion GPS FOR Hillary, to the MSM to start, maintain AND reinforce the Russia hoax accusations against Trump.

I wonder if media personnel are concerned. I would love for them to be held accountable. So many of them are involved.

Remember, that PART of the “justification” for Mueller besides the bogus dossier was the MSM reporting on the issues.

I had forgotten that particular point. It all fed into circular reasoning. The media took part in a criminal conspiracy and needs to pay.


Yep the MSMS should be worried, MAYBE not criminally, but definitely on slander and libel. It depends on just how MUCH they were actively in on it. I bet there are some that are DEEPLY involved, while others are just “true believers” and would write ANYTHING they were fed.


Think of ALL that IS happening from Disney, to Twitter, to Durham, to election fraud exposure, to Kevin M being exposed, to McConnell NOW in the same boat. Wait for it..there WILL be more, and NOW it will be spread FAR and wide on social media. NO censorship. THAT will lead to even MORE Durham revelations OR provide NEW avenues.

This explains Hillary and O coming out against internet freedom. IMO, they are grasping at straws, Because they have no control over Durham, they want (continued) control over the dissemination of information. It’s not going to work.


BINGO. Do you really think the Ukraine stuff is coincidence? How about Hunters laptop? Gee and NOW the find out ol Potajoe has some taxable income to the tune of 5.2 MILLION missing. These are ALL most definately NOT coincidental. There seems to be an invisible hand pulling some strings on the Cabal. CNN + and Netflix are MORE clues as is Spotify not renewing the Obamas. A SEA CHANGE is coming. It is SUBTLE right now, but the roar of the tidal wave gets LOUDER as it APROCHES and then it is too late. WATCH.


Wow excellent ! All that has just got to help PDJT’s civil case against them, it’s almost doing it for him, hope he takes every thing they’ve got.


One of my favorite, and relevant movie quotes. “it occurs to me the best way to hurt rich people is to turn them into POOR people.” YEP. Plus NEVER forget Dec 21 2017 EO. is STILL there like the sword of Damocles hanging over these EVIL corrupt crooks. FIRST we MUST have exposure, then CONTROL (of Congress, and the DOJ) THEN comes trials, the return of Trump, and FINALLY JUSTICE. Prosperity, and PEACE will follow, domestically AND Internationally.

When money is flowing to the common folks (middle class) there always seems to be peace and prosperity, even WW. Conversely, when there are financial issues (usually dem led) at home, WAR abounds. That CANNOT be coincidence either.

Cuppa Covfefe

Exactly. Would be great to be able to declare to Schwab-bot, Satan Sauros, BillyGhoul Gates, the Klintoons and all the rest of the Kabbal,


Or, like in Caddyshack (H/T FG&C)




Rudy said it was RICO long ago. I believe him. Good to see Durham appears to be heading down that path. Thanks for your work and the post, rex


YW, and YES he did. Durham and Rudy have something in common, they BOTH pursued RICO Rudy with the Mob in NY/NJ, and Durham in Boston on the Whitey Bulger feds. They are BOTH specialists at it. In fact I would BET that Rudy recommended Durham. If Rudy did it (leg work) it would be considered (labeled) political. Durham has NO such stigmas. Now, WHEN Trump comes back, with a MAGA Congress in 2024 (or earlier I can dream) Rudy CAN me confirmed as AG, as it was SUPOSED to be in the first place, and Mitch strong armed Trump into Sessions. Rudy as AG is the DEATH knell for the Cabal, ALL of them. BTW, do NOT get lost on the symbolism of Rudy being on the masked singer, and SHOCKING the judges. WAIT FOR IT>


Biden SNAPPED at Kamala so harshly ‘even Republican senators were taken aback’ during meeting where the President was trying to persuade GOP members to back his $1trillion social spending plan, book claims


It might not have happened in this case, but bouts of extreme anger affect some dementia patients. They are difficult to control, though, because the person can’t be reasoned with.


Yep stage 3 or early 4. They get ANGRY. Then it gets untenable. I went through it with my mother.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

You ain’t kidding. OMG, several times I had to lock myself in my own room in my own house waiting for spells to subside.

Cuppa Covfefe

Oh, that’s so sad…

When the lights slowly go out… 🙁


Ahem even MORE from Durham.

Now we have Schiff implicated AND DI FI. …not highlighted in the article but mentioned the email. Bet that explains her recent “absence” and “sudden” bout of dementia.

It IS coming folks.

Cuppa Covfefe

Makes me think of these two pages (vamp on the first two bars):

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The air is humming, and something great is coming…

Cuppa Covfefe

Trying to keep it from sounding like a three-legged waltz sometimes was a challenge 🙂 Next up, either the Rumble or the Ballet Sequence (the latter seems to be a hat tip to Copeland)…

The bass line came to mind immediately when I read P-Rex’s post… just wonder if anyone will see the ref to Churchill’s WWII series… (which I wish I had… hard to find, and expensive now)…

Cuppa Covfefe

Peter Schickele (aka PDQ Bach) once said “imitation is flattery, and in the case of PDQ Bach this flattery was known as identity”… (it was funnier the way he said it).

Barry Manilow would be lost without Rachmaninov, and Paul McCartney would certainly have a few fewer hits without Bach.

Some composers do the copying unintentionally (can’t remember the name for it; it’s actually a “condition”). Michael W. Smith has a couple of these which resulted in some nice songs (and fortunately no lawsuits).

Then there was George Harrison’s “My Sweet Lord” which made PDQ’s tactic real, in the case of “He’s So Fine”…


Yet, there is “electricity in the air” and the waters are churning.

As for the song EXCELLENT. I prefer Genesis’s “In the air tonight”



via Martin Geddes

Forwarded from Dean Clouse

I think I’ve pretty much convinced myself that this Twitter show was about the French election.

-Elon timed it.
-Offered right before a major world election.
-They reject against their fiduciary duty and create this “poison pill” to specifically prevent him from buying them out (optics to stall for time)
-Then French election happens and as the election is going on, while they still have control of the information on it, they enter talks for reconsideration with Elon.
-Soon as election is over, it’s sold within hours.

They wanted to help steal another election. I think that’s why this has gone down like it did.


Is Elon being protrayed as a white hat here? He was trying to buy Twitter to increase free speech on the platform before the French eleciton, but they stalled for time so the election could go forward before Elon took over?


That’s speculation. I’m sure there will be some kind of audit, investigation of Twitter. who knows what Twitter has done, right?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This could be true, IF the Twitter board had wind of the BAD QUARTER RESULTS before the election. The theory that they basically had to take Musk’s offer once the bad results were known, makes sense to me. And the TIMING of that knowledge could indicated that they STALLED for some reason or reasons – one possibly being the French election.


She deserves this. They all do.

A BTW. Concerning twitter and my own experience today.

Normally during the Biden era and maybe a little earlier, when I went to ‘like’ a tweet the numbers always jumped backward and caused me to ‘like’ the tweet two additional times and then often it still refused to add the one number to what I saw before I ‘liked’ it the first time. Sometimes it even went backward two times. Often I’m there hitting ‘like’ six, seven even ten times before I get the number to go up to where it should have gone. Sometimes too I just give up and move on. This never happens with minor tweets just mid grade to high grade ones. Anyway, today, thus far, and I hope this holds, one like and the number goes up!


Good news all around.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Just now catching up, sorry for duping you. However, Whoopi needs to be sued, so good news should be repeated. 😁🤩🥳🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️

Barb Meier

It’s not Carl, it’s Kyle. I will wait to see if this is just click bait.



Who defines “Hate” speech?

Cuppa Covfefe


And it usually isn’t the “hated” that do…


Wouldn’t you just LOVE to be able to write while Google alerts you to use ‘inclusive language’ in real time? 🙄

Google Rolls Out Feature That Corrects You With Woke ‘Inclusive’ Language; Report

‘The company is to implement ‘inclusive warnings’ on Google Docs, suggesting that users refrain from using terms such as ‘policeman’ or ‘landlord’, because they are gendered.

The warnings will alert users that what they have typed “may not be inclusive to all readers,” while suggesting users should “Consider using different words,” offering woke corrections like ‘police officer’ or ‘property owner’.’

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Guckin’ Foogle!




That opens up a whole nuther can of worms – because our politicized SCOTUS and Congress won’t adhere to the US Constitution – and could definitely infringe our rights to free speech, and all the other rights US citizens have enjoyed for 200+ years.


That’s been a threat for a long time, unfortunately.


That’s pretty clear.

Rather sure HLS, DOJ, FIB and the like do NOT approve, Free Speech within the written law..

But then they do NOT follow The Constitution or support Law & Order.


Enemies of the citizens of the United States of America, traitors.


The extreme antibody reaction from those who fear free speech says it all

His use of the word “antibody” is interesting. It proclaims that they’re fighting free speech.


TX political commentator, Sara Gonzalez, has gone on a freedom of speech celebration many many tweets long – with every forbidden statement that got people banned – her series far exceeds last night’s freedom festival by Greg Kelly !

Here’s a few:

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Last edited 2 years ago by GA/FL

Ahhh that’s awesome!!
When we see it one after another…wow we can really see how much has been suppressed

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Cuppa Covfefe

Here’s the whole pic: (heyyy, Meathead, stifle yourself 🙂 )…

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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

TY Cuppa!🤗🥰

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️
Full speed ahead ‘Kyle’.

Last edited 2 years ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎
Cuppa Covfefe

Quick… somebody send her a Whoopie Cushion to cry on…


My mother got an email that her Medicare Part B is now providing up to 8 in home Covid tests PER MONTH from participating pharmacies fo’ FREE!!! Medicaid maybe, but Medicare recipients? Eight tests?

Guessing this is why. Nobody ordered the ones that came in the mail.

Nearly half of the 500 million free COVID-19 tests the Biden administration recently made available to the public still have not been claimed as virus cases plummet and people feel less urgency to test.


Chy-nah makes the tests – so they are giving the $$$ to Chy-nah.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Buydung is so evil!


60 TONS of ground imported beef recalled.

“Approximately 120,872 pounds of ground beef products have been recalled due to possible E. coli contamination.
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) website, Lakeside Refrigerated Services, of Swedesboro, N.J., announced Monday that it is recalling the beef after the problem was discovered during routine testing of imported products produced from Feb. 1 through April 8. (read more)”


Comments there are interesting. 

I am wondering WHY we are importing ANY beef????


Bc the companies are global conglomerates and they can. Few owners.


Good points.

Really makes me want to do local ‘farm to table’ meat and vegs.

Cuppa Covfefe

We have the usual frozen dinners here, e.g. veg, chicken, and rice, and the packaging (Frosta brand) trumpets how they are “sustainable” and use only non-GMO ingredients, yadda, yadda, yadda… and, in general, their products are good.

BUT, curiosity got the better of me, and I read “the rest of the label” (RIP Paul Harvey).

Turns out, despite the ENORMOUS numbers of chickens grown and processed here in Germany, the chickens giving their all for Frosta are FROM THAILAND!!!!!!! 😡 😡 😡 😡

Last time I buy that brand…

Although it bears noting that the EU dictates to its member states when, where, and from whom they buy/sell their source material. Which explains the plethora of Moroccan tomatoes when Italian and Spanish tomatoes are sweeter and better, and the relative paucity of produce from Israel, whose quality is much higher (e.g. the Avocados don’t go immediately from green to rotten)…

The EU: Implementing central communist planning one lie at a time…


There’s a lot of politics and corruption involved in food distribution and prices. SD did a post on that years ago.


Yes. You have to watch out for farmers markets too. We have people who sell at them that are commercial distributors.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Why has no one yet asked…


She probably helped Nasty orchestrate 1/6 before 1/6. 🙄 There are no coincidences.

Cuppa Covfefe

Someone should have taped her.

With a few rolls of duct tape…


She’s her father’s daughter, right? Shifty, manipulative, grifter…


I’d guess that Cheney tapes *every* phone call or interaction with *anyone* and *everyone*. I’d go further and guess the higher you go in politics, the more you record.

You never know when you’re gonna need some ammo …


Or protect oneself from accusations.


SD is reporting on food production, etc. – he knows this stuff from his past work.

Goya CEO Bob Unanu Discusses Food Production, Security and Sustainability from Field to Fork 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent! Great stuff.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


Cry harder, ya’ puss.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy





I think I am enjoying this whole thing too much!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


REPORT, U.S. Gas Exports are Triple U.S. Gas Production, Low Gas Reserves Now Sends Prices Soaring 
Øbastid is just trying to make people suffer. Inflation – high prices of energy and food are hurting the people who already struggle to make ends meet.


This is the Pfizer-BioNTech “study” on giving persons RANDOMLY CHOSEN DOSAGES of its COVID-19 “vaccine”, or a “placebo.” The RANDOMLY CHOSEN DOSAGES range from “low” (10mcg) to “mid” (20mcg) to “high” (30mcg, the ADULT DOSE) — and the age cohorts are CHILDREN ages 6 months to 2 years; ages 2 years to 5 years; ages 5 years to 11 years; ages 12 years to 15 years; and ages 16 to 18 years. In other words, a 2-year old TODDLER may get TWO DOSES of the 30mg ADULT DOSAGE AMOUNT of the “vaccine”; or, a 15-year old teenager may get TWO DOSES of the 10mcg “low dose” of the “vaccine.”

Within this “study” there are SEPARATE COHORTS of CHILDREN ages 5 years to 12 years and ages 12 years to 15 years that are ALSO being tested for their TROPONIN (heart protein) LEVELS.

The “study” is ONGOING UNTIL JUNE 14, 2024.
IMO, ANY child who gets the “vaccine” is just a HUMAN LAB RAT for Pfizer-BioNTech.


I’m hoping that the twitter shake-up at least make a dent in informing the public that they have been misled -on many things – and that they may at least do some research for something that affects their children’s health – as well as their own.
(but I’m NOT holding my breath…)


Typo, my apologies: all dosages of the Pfizer-BioNTech “vaccine” should be in mcg.


submit application for “emergency use” authorization

What’s the emergency? I don’t see one.


(never stopped ’em before !)


There is no emergency.

  • IVM and HCQ have been proven effective.
  • Injections have been proven NOT safe AND NOT effective.

BUT, there are billions at stake. Bring on the EUAs.


Right on queue, after Clyburn demands to know why it isn’t already available for kids.


h/t Anonymous Conservative:

Over a million votes for Le Pen disappear on live tv. I am beginning to think they want us to know.


They don’t care IF weknow. We watched the same thing happen to Trump’s 3 November election.

R-Cons and courts don’t care.


Levin was a Never Trumper until he saw the handwriting on the wall. Any pundit who was against Trump (like Glenn Beck as well) was in danger of losing most of their audience, so they toed the line. But I didn’t know Levin had these beliefs. He wants everyone to think he’s a great Constitutional scholar so people will just believe what he says.

That is an amazing set of quotes by him.

“If you believe in America First from our Declaration to our Constitution to our founding principles to our economic system then you must reject … nationalism, populism and all the other isms, embrace your history see what’s before you reject these dangerous ideologies that are incoherent but are destructive!”

He says,

the word nationalist cannot be found in either the Declaration or the Constitution, why is this?

Here’s why, from

Nationalist: a member of a political group advocating or fighting for national independence, a strong national government, etc.

America had just fought for national independence. The founders were the ultimate nationalists (duh).

MAGA people are too savvy now to ask “how high” when Levin says to jump. I haven’t trusted him since 2016 and haven’t listened to him since before that because of his pompous and overbearing manner.

Last edited 2 years ago by TheseTruths

IIRC, Levin supports BiteMe’s war in Ukraine. Spit.


Worse, he won’t even allow a dissenting view on Putin Bad. Many of his faithful followers who know better have been crucifying him on his Parlor page (btw Parlor sucks) on a regular basis. People have been throwing everything at him and exactly like Trudeau he can care less.


Likely Levin does NOT read his Paler page, nor know how to find it.

Minions manage the Parler account for him. Minions tell Levin what he wants to hear.


Well all his detractors have followed him onto twitter. You won’t know it unless you go to one of his posts about Ukraine though. Like this example comment. There are many more. He blasts out BS about Putin at least once every day to every other day. Comments are great. People hitting him back.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

BTW, did not know about this vote. I assume they some how found some political cover for this because they are all a bunch of cowards and voted, every one of them for the first arms aid package. I believe this is the second.


lol. The guy Hannity calls The Great One? Just another of the controlled opposition.




comment imageLaura Loomer


The sheep go baaaaaa.

Worshiping a billionaire technocrat as if he’s god, when it’s God himself who gives us free speech. 

“Thou shall not worship false idols.”

We have political prisoners in America. People’s bank accounts have been shut down over their political views. People have been illegally red flagged & banned from owning a gun because of their political views. People have been criminally defamed.

Free speech is certainly not back in America. Anyone who thinks Elon Musk buying Twitter solves the assault on our freedoms here in America needs to wake up. 

Your life is no better today than it was any other day simply because Elon Musk now owns Twitter.

The damage has been done by Twitter & many people, including myself, had their lives ruined by Big Tech.


comment imageL


The best part about all of this is people on Twatter are posting about election fraud and Ivermectin like it’s a revolutionary act… while we’ve been doing so freely on Gab the whole time lol.

When I first came here I realized how much I’d been self-censoring out of habit. Even though I truly thought I didn’t.


Looks like a straw man argument to me. No one is worshiping Musk. No one thinks all free speech issues are solved now.

Your life is no better today than it was any other day simply because Elon Musk now owns Twitter.

I do think my life is better today. I am happy and encouraged that huge changes have been made to one of the most influential social media platforms. Some conservative accounts have already been restored. There might be future problems, but currently, what’s the problem?


Musk buying TW IS a huge step in the right direction, to restore Free Speech.


I’m hoping to see some “behind-the-scenes” stuff!


Bitter much?


Have never used TW orFB. But, I AM bitter over the censoring, banning, shadow banning…DAMAGE TO America.


Oh, damn, I didn’t mean YOU! I meant the people in the tweets whining about Musk being “worshiped” for buying Twitter.


Yup. Both extremes are stoopid.


Forwarded from IET 17


Since 2022 there have been 73 US Congressmen who have been “COVID Positive”.

RINOs = 13 (18%)
DEMs = 54 (74%)

RINOs/DEMs = 67 (92%)

Seems to me that the “Party of Vaccines” and “Anti-America First” have a problem with COVID.

Some may even call that a coincidence.


Their souls are rotting, the sulphuric stench permeates their surroundings .. 😡


comment imageProject Veritas


BREAKING: Leaked Audio of Twitter Company-Wide Meeting Addressing Elon Musk’s Takeover. MORE TO COME!

Parag Agrawal, CEO, Twitter, “I believe Twitter grows as a service, allows for more people to use the product… because we have built tools, processes for people to be able to feel safe and control their experiences… Sometimes that means more thoughtful moderation.”


Parag Agrawal, CEO, Twitter, IS a dumbass.

WRONG – Sometimes that means more thoughtful moderation.

RIGHT – Freedom of Speech reigns.

Parag needs to go back to wherever he came from.


Yeah, “thoughtful moderation” is what they were already doing. They thought about it, and then they censored while moderating. Will Elon keep this guy?


Elon made his position clear, “legal” speech allowed.

My guess is there will be staff “house cleaning” (read fired), professionally, low key AND is required.

Hope Elon moves TW HQ to a decent state.

Cuppa Covfefe

That also helps cut staff. Relocations aren’t fun, even when they’re paid… Move the HQ to a nicely conservative area, and watch the fur fly…

Have to figure out a tactic to keep the snowflakes in Kalifornistan, though I doubt they’d want to leave. The Alphabet (LGBTWX>Z) will no doubt be welcomed with open(ed) arms at Alphabet and Farcebork, etc…

And the suffering silent ones, who endured the leftward fall of Twitter, can move to Texas and enjoy their new-found freedom, and work to better Teitter… [if they haven’t all been rooted out by Dorkey and Agravate)…


If musk doesnt clean house to be kind or benevolent, he will be committing the same yuge mistake Trump made. Look where that got us.

Cuppa Covfefe

Awan-der if he’s buddies with HELL-the-BEAST’s favorite IT crew???


Well head of goofle is imported from India. Indians brought in by the 1000s to replace citizen workers in IT. They have been populating all along the west coast, particularly in oregon, in increasing numbers. This one came over on a student visa and stayed. One of millions.

Cuppa Covfefe

Trump had his hands tied in many cases. Øbløwhøle’s massive expansion (seven-fold, i.e. one thousand to about seven thousand) of the SES was a crippling blow both to US citizens and the honest, hard-working government employees (yes, there are some) who don’t get those same protections…

I don’t like the idea of tenure, either. As long as all of us get lumped under “hire at will”, they can, too. Sad to say, teaching and the “ed biz” ceased to be a calling long ago… (and I come from a long line of teachers, profs, and other dangerous people 🙂 )…

Somehow the SS, erm, SES has to go…


He’s a toad …

Cuppa Covfefe

He always does what he’s toad… by his WEFfenSS masters… he should be toad back to Pakistan…

(ha, wonder if he’s an H-1B??? )…

Last edited 2 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

This letter IS a worthy read.


“To the Republicans, You Have No Party Without Trump” Letter to Senators and Representatives from Democrat Shared by President Trump

Letter at the link.


Great letter! I’m bringing it here.

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TT, Thanks for bringing the letter over.




This IS Laugh Out Loud Funny… Chrissy Plays The Victim Card. Chrissy is a Putz.

“I’ve Been a Victim of All of This” — Chris Wallace Says He’s Unsure of What the Future Holds After His CNN+ Gig Is Junked
NOT worth reading beyond the headline above.


He should retire.


Maybe he could learn to code?

Cuppa Covfefe

Send him to Micro$haft to kill WinDoze1 0 and 11 once and for all… 🙂




Ben Shapiro: “Elon Musk has committed to nothing except more transparency and more free speech — and the Left is melting down. Which shows two things:
1. They hate transparency and free speech;
2. They always assumed Twitter opposed both, then gaslit everyone that Twitter wasn’t biased.”


IF Elon sticks with allowing legal speech, withOUT favoritism, it’s a win. NO promoting ideologies, certain folks. Nor the inverse banning, shadow banning…

Just, A Level Playing Field, for all.


All we could ask for. I hope he does it.

Cuppa Covfefe

Maybe he could carve out a sandbox or two for folks who really want to “duke it out”, something like the “U-Tree”…. maybe call it “U-Twit” or something like that 😆


Isn’t Shapiro the one that kept insisting that Twitter was a private business and could censor all they want?


I’m not sure. I’m not a Shapiro fan; I just liked the content of that tweet. 😊


BiteMe creating a gas shortage in the US. Create more havoc with increasing inflation, food prices, INCREASING THE COST of EVERYTHING.


REPORT, U.S. Gas Exports are Triple U.S. Gas Production, Low Gas Reserves Now Sends Prices Soaring

Another item in the long list of ‘thanks Joe Biden‘ stuff. Shortages in natural gas in windmill chasing Europe have driven up the prices significantly. The conflict between NATO and their targeted villain in Russia is only making matters worse.

comment imageAs the EU prices jump to $33/$34 per million British thermal units (BTU’s), the U.S. natural gas selling at $6 per million BTU’s is an absolute bargain.

Liquify that stuff and send it across the pond says any smart energy capitalist.
However, that comes with a problem for us. Our supplies of natural gas are depleting quickly, our exports are now almost three times more than our production.

Cuppa Covfefe

It’s not as easy as all that. First there are conversions at both ends, appropriate facilities at both ends (some of which will have to be built, and all the regulations, read: Greens), the cost of shipping, the time involved, etc. That $27.00 margin could dwindle to $7.00 really quickly… sad, too, as we proles would like fair energy costs, but we haven’t had them since the Greens took power, indeed, since they formed. And the EU itself is almost the biggest problem.

Fix the idiotic energy policies, bring back, indeed expand nukes, restart the coal-fired power plants (many of which have the latest and best technology on earth and are only a few years old), quit building new bird-choppers, and, finally, quit trying to use solar power in countries that are as far north as Alaska and tend to have a lot of cloud cover (maybe someone will invent a “cloud panel”… Elon’s next project? 🙂 )…..


Catturd update from this morning:
“See everyone later today. 3 full days now with no food. hungry lol. Should know today if what they’re doing is working and will clear the blockage or I’ll have to go into surgery.
I hate missing the Elon Musk week on Twitter. Give’m hell for me.”


“😂😂😂 they throw fits when it happenes to them”
He quotes Ana Navarro, who says, “Any other people out there losing followers, today?
Wow. People quitting this platform for real.”

Last edited 2 years ago by TheseTruths
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

More like Bot cleanup on aisle Elon.


I hope it’s already happening.


I read somewhere that Twitter is shutting down all their bots before Elon finds them and tells the world. As if we didn’t already know!


I hope he demands a refund of the portion of his purchase price that was buying bots instead of people.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Lying Sandinista fake conservative commie bitch is lying. She knows that the Democrats have to clear out their bot accounts, and Twitter has to destroy the records of their selective removal of real conservatives under the pretense of cleaning out bots.


Psst.hey Ana, .. Bots aren’t real twitter followers.
These dimms are all the same, they believe their own bullshit until it ain’t anymore. They live in a phony self righteous fantasy.
When we find out later their real numbers were all manipulated to keep them a float, it won’t even generate an eyeroll from us.  😂 
Hero to Zero  😂 



Love it!

Last edited 2 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He says,

Well the leftist overlords at Twitter…decided that you are too dumb to think for yourself…

I do think they believe they know best and that we are dumb, but I also think they believe we have to be forced to accept their way of thinking so they can change society and the country into what they want it to be. They believe they have the right to exert power over us, which is in direct contradiction of our Constitutional rights.

They actually believe what they are doing is for the greater good, and they cannot see what they have become.

I’m not so sure. Their ideas of what comprises the greater good completely ignore our founding principles of equality, human rights, freedom, and the responsibility to allow others to exercise the same rights as you do. Because what they are doing is so destructive, I can’t give them any quarter. I wish them well and hope they will wake up, but they have to be stopped the same as any other enemy. (And Clandestine might feel the same way.)

To force someone into something they don’t want to do is a form of abuse, and abuse is not part of the greater good.

Unfortunately for them, that’s not gonna stop the reckoning that’s about to descend on these people for the evil they committed.

Yes, hope so!

Last edited 2 years ago by TheseTruths