Dear KMAG: 20220502 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.

This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

And indeed, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it!

…and we will have fun doing it, too!

The Rules

Boilerplate, more or less, but worth reading again and again, if only for the minor changes, and to stay out of moderation.

The bottom line is Free Speech. Theories and ideas you don’t agree with must be WELCOME here, and you must be part of that welcoming. But you do NOT need to be part of any agreement.

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Our only additional requirement is that you do so NICELY. Or at least try to make some effort in that direction.


We must endeavor to persevere to love our frenemies – even here.

Those who cannot deal with this easy requirement will be forced to jump the hoops of moderation, so that specific comments impugning other posters and violating the minimal rules can be sorted out and tossed in the trash.

In Wheatie’s words, “We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”

That includes the life skill of just ignoring certain other posters.

We do have a site – The U Tree – where civility is not a requirement. Interestingly, people don’t really go there much. Nevertheless, if you find yourself in an “argument” that can’t really stay civil, please feel free to “take it to the U Tree”. The U Tree is also a good place to report any technical difficulties, if you’re unable to report them here. Please post your comment there on one of Wolf’s posts, or in reply to one of Wolf’s comments, to make sure he sees it (though it may take a few hours).

We also have a backup site, called The Q Tree as well, which is really The Q Tree 579486807. You might call it “Second Tree”. The URL for that site is If this site ( ever goes down, please reassemble at the Second Tree.

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We also have some “old rules” and important guidelines, outlined here, in a very early post, on our first New Year’s Day, in 2019. The main point is not to make violent threats against people, which then have to be taken seriously by law enforcement, and which can be used as a PRETEXT by enemies of this site.

In the words of Wheatie, “Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”

A Moment of Prayer

Our policy on extreme religious freedom on this site is discussed HERE. Please feel free to pray and praise God anytime and anywhere.

Thus, please pray for our real President, the one who actually won the election.

You may also pray for our nation, our world, and even our enemies.

Call To Battle

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.

We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.

Joe Biden didn’t win.

And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Wolfie’s Wheatie’s Word of the Day Week:



the process of growing plants in an air or mist environment without the use of soil or an aggregate medium.

adjective: aeroponic

Used in a sentence:

Aeroponics systems [sic] can reduce water usage by 98 percent, fertilizer usage by 60 percent, and pesticide usage by 100 percent, all while maximizing crop yields.

Used in another sentence:

Aeroponics may also involve managing CO2 levels in the air within the system, which in turn affects the rate of photosynthesis within the plants.

Used in a picture:


Have another great week!


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And just think, both of the featured vocalists know what a woman is better than a potential Justice of the Supreme Court…..


Her rendition of “Blue” is one of my all time favorites. Were Patsy Cline still with us, I’m sure she’d be flattered.


Money laundering on steroids.


Yeah, I’ve given up believing that these asshats will ever do anything. It’s depressing. I have no idea what it would take to restore our country at this point. It feels hopeless.


I pray you are right, and I don’t care if it’s ugly. It’s gotta be done.


I only found three words that end in -ponics, though there might be others: aeroponics, geoponics, and hydroponics. The -ponic suffix derives from work.

1600–10; <Greek geōponikós pertaining to husbandry, equivalent to geōpón(os) husbandman (geō-geo--ponos, agentive derivative of pónos work, labor + -ikos-ic


Seems impossible, and it would be very interesting!


Could you raise anything other than Spanish Moss and orchids?




When growing a lot of plants, they get in trouble when the ground gets too swampy and there’s not enough air in it. By misting the roots, you can control the amount of air on them more precisely.

Barb Meier

It would be timely if you guys could device a small inexpensive aeroponics greenhouse kit. Then all the talk of fertilizer shortages would become moot. Oh wait… scurrying away to see what’s out there.


Compost works well and alfalfa


The only problem I see is, it requires electricity. And if it goes out for any length of time at all, the plants die. And the fascists control the power grid.

B. A. Kratky, however, came up with absolutely fantastic passive hydroponics methods, no electricity requires. I currently only do lettuce, but I am planning to try the technique in the videos below for peppers and tomatoes.

I literally built my lettuce hydroponics box out of an old plastic storage tub and a piece of leftover rigid foam insulation. I ordered some plastic perforated pots for about five bucks, and got those little “compressed soil” discs at the hardware store for tens cents each. The nutrients to go in can be found online, and go a loooong way.

The less I have to depend on the conveniences of modern society, the better I like it these days.

This”history” of the method, by Kratsky (he’s pretty funny to listen to):

Tomatoes and peppers video:

Homemade float valves for passive watering:

Kratky website:

Cuppa Covfefe

A while back Chiefio had a series on Hydro- and Aqua-ponics, including vids and other info from Kratky and others. Seems he had quite a garden going until he started moving to Florida.

[Funny thing, I had an A.C. Gilbert chemistry set (the huge, DANGEROUS one from the early 1960s, and it had a hydroponic experiment module, complete with Gibberelic acid 🙂
(Plants on drugs! Oh My!)…]


Ah, the 60s!


I had a case of ponic once but it cleared up on its own.  😆 

Cuppa Covfefe

Milder form of the Ebonic Plague? 🙂


It’s useless to compete with your linguistic gymnastics. I concede to your greatness.


If it cleared on its own, it must not have been chronic ponic.

Instead, it would have been acute ponic — y’know, with fancy ribbons and bows, maybe pulling a cart.


Wish I could take the guy out for some range time. He might discover that “hating guns” was an implanted myth.

Cuppa Covfefe

Which end of the range…
(just kdding)….


A Ministry of Truth you can believe in:

comment image


New Film Alleges 2020 Was Stolen, 2000 Felonies Prove It
He comes right out and says Biden lost, case closed, and that it has now been proven. I’m grateful to True the Vote and Dinesh for their work, but I’m almost dreading the release of this film because I have no confidence that anything will be done. I’m dreading more powerless outrage.

After May 7, 2022 there will exist a dynamic in the nation that has not since America woke up on the morning after the election in 2020…

The premiere of Dinesh D’Souza’s brand new film 2000 Mules will this week provide the basis for that validation (as most people still believe it) and also provide the basis for law enforcement to begin arresting people…

simply enough for Joe Biden to read correctly on a note card: Geo-Tracking & 4.3 million minutes from state-owned surveillance footage.

So for the skeptics think about this level of proof, the property of the state the crimes took place in demonstrating hundreds of thousands of felonies. No explanation needed the evidence exists and literally speaks for itself. 

Now add to that the same Geo Tracking techniques used by law enforcement in recent years to be able to solve unsolved murder cold cases. But instead of murderers True The Vote has utilized the same technology by one of the leading investigators on the planet to prove—not a theory—but the facts of who did it but also how it was done…

I was given access to screen the film—there are no more questions. Case closed.

Quick note on that too. Those other theories, from Chinese hacking, to episodic fraud, to anomalies like Trump losing his race up ballot while his coattails swept record numbers into lower offices—none of these are invalidated by this film. They may or may not find their day in the sun. 

What I am saying without reservation and with absolute science and evidence supporting it—using the evidence in the film from only a handful of regional locations from only some of the states in question—Biden clearly lost.

And just to make sure that the possibility for false positives didn’t ping as evidence, True The Vote, raised the standard of proof—ten times—beyond what they would be required to prove in a court of law. In other words they voluntarily made proving the guilt ten times as hard as is necessary to prove the criminality. Ten times the standard, ten times harder to prove, ten times less likely to find that proof. Yet they found enough to prove Biden’s loss. (By the way, when you lower the bar from ten times the legal standard to merely five times the standard and again only in the five regions and not the entire states—Biden loses the popular vote, and every swing state in question. Hmm just like some map I saw somewhere once upon a time.)

On May 2nd and May 4th you may witness this film in select theaters nationwide. On May 7th (for the less brave) you can view a virtual premiere live, with an assembled roundtable of the scientists involved following the screening proper. 

Tickets aren’t being sold at the individual box offices and you won’t be able to know which theater it’s at in the movie complex until you show up on the 2nd and 4th to protect innocent theater workers from the harassment they would have to endure leading up to the debut. Tickets and information for the virtual debut are only available at

The genuine bottom line comes on May 8. 

How many state’s boards of elections will receive calls from citizens demanding answers? How many states’ Attorneys General will be opening investigations to bring the 2000 individual mules to justice? And the non-profits who supplied them with what they needed? Will charges be brought against Zuckerberg for dreaming up this outlandishly illegal scheme to put dropboxes in heavily theft friendly districts to begin with?

A scheme, I might add, that judges in multiple states have already deemed unconstitutional.

Geo Tracking is as reliable as finger prints or DNA. The millions of minutes of footage comes from the state’s own cameras. The bar to prove was set impossibly high. And even still, the evidence has been found, and is able to be proven.

So what now? What comes next?

We are in unchartered territory and the Constitution gives little resource except to punish those involved. As D’Souza told my radio audience last night, Lance Armstrong was forced to give up the fruits of his cheating—he lost his championships. 

In American history we’ve never faced this moment before. 

It’s unreasonable to believe that a partisan guided Justice Department would get involved to oust the boss who appointed all of them. 

I’ve never believed the wild haired rumors that Biden was going to be removed and Trump installed. Certainly however those involved should be punished harshly. This was an attempt to undo the will of the people. State leaders who weakened safe guards on vote integrity in every state MUST pay!

And we the people must—as the good people of the commonwealth of Virginia showed to us in 2021—resolutely take our sovereignty back.

And now we have the irrefutable proof to do so!

Last edited 2 years ago by TheseTruths

Yes. H/t to Liz Harrington. She is highlighting it.


“He comes right out and says Biden lost, case closed, and that it has now been proven. I’m grateful to True the Vote and Dinesh for their work, but I’m almost dreading the release of this film because I have no confidence that anything will be done. I’m dreading more powerless outrage.”

I have already decided not to watch it.

I already KNOW Biden lost, and I am utterly POWERLESS to change a damned thing. Why should I add MORE knowledge to my helplessness?

If this movie changes anything, I will be ecstatic and over-the-moon. Until then, I am sparing myself and my blood pressure.


Pretty much where I am.

With the corrupt courts, all I see is, “No Standing”, too early to file, should have filed before.

Then there are the corrupt governors and legislatures.

Unsure where our win will come from. Will vote November 8th. Optimistic we will have sufficient American votes. Beyond that, hope slides to pessimism. Illegal votes AND crooked vote counting. THEN, there are the R-Cons playing for the Uniparty Team.

We’ll see.


I’ll vote, too, of course, but “we’ll see” is exactly where I’m at.


I bought the movie to support the cause.


When the diamond Thief gets caught, he doesn’t get to keep the diamonds.
The Diamonds must be returned!


Yes. We need our country back!


That bitch just oozes an evil vibe. She’s like the nanny hired by neglectful parents, who tortures the children.

Until the kids go “Lord of the Flies” and tie her up in the basement.

Cuppa Covfefe

She be working for “Lord Of The Files”, so to speak… 🙂 or 😡




Hmm. I’m not seeing confirmation of this anywhere else. 🤔 We’ll see what gets reported.


I haven’t found any either TT


PR, remember this one?
 🎶 This land is your land,this land is my land,if we want more land, we’ll just buy Greenland.. 🎶   😂 


Yes! Thanks Chris …


I’m thinking the Meme universe is creating a gazillion of these ‘Elon is buying XYZ’ next with his billions and is flooding the zone. For what? no idea, maybe it’s just fun, excitement or pent up exuberance with the possibility of twitter being freed from twitter. I’ve seen some absurd ones too.
Elon’s buying Australia next..for example. Or Elon’s buying Amazon.

Cuppa Covfefe

Might not be bad if he bought the moon…

He could troll EVERYONE then 😀

[RCMP: “Mr. Musk… about that Monolith parked over there… ]

Last edited 2 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

I met a new neighbor-dog this evening. A couple was out walking with him while I was fiddling with my car, and were nice enough to bring him over to say “hi.” They said he was a rescue mutt, but he was seriously socialized — unlike “Stella”, around the corner of the next block, who was seriously psycho when they adopted her.

He’s got a bunch of pit bull in him, but something makes me think he’s got a bit of lab in there as well in the ears, muzzle flaps, and tail (and color). He’s a leaner, and chunky enough (70-80 pounds?) that he can “lean” you over if you don’t brace. Just a sweetheart.

While I like all sorts of dogs in all sorts of sizes and configurations (with a special appreciation for terriers), I have to say that I particularly enjoy solid dogs that can be handled heartily without concern for breaking them.

I zipped-in and washed my hands immediately when they kept walking, but I’m getting it now in the eyes and nose. I may have to shower tonight and launder my clothes tomorrow.


Yup. And cats. Never knew until I went away to college, because the family always had pets. Love ’em to pieces, though.


It was “I’ve always been a sickly child” and “I made it through the entire school year without illness”. Being slow, I figured it out between my sophomore and junior years.

It’s weird, though — I’ve been at a party with about 25 people in a room, had a cat come in, make a beeline through the crowd and hop in my lap. I suspect my histamine is like catnip.


My wife is as well. Tested, confirmed and treated with shots for over 3 years. Has another 18 allergies as well. She keeps Benadryl handy and we have an Epipen available if needed. You are spot on – the histamines go crazy in your system. The animals head right to her as well. We limit the places we visit where dogs and cats are. It’s a shame, but we prefer she live well instead of sick.


The Fiancee was saying that “leaner” dogs are protecting you.

My response was, “yeah, sure, they’re protecting you from being poached off by some rival dog.”


Oh..I thought you meant the dog was leaner as in sleek and slim.
but you meant the animal actually leans against you.  😄 


Those kind are easier to pet cus you don’t have to reach as far.. 😄 


I hope Vlad has all the receipts we suspect he has.


That is why he black mailed the Illegal Occupant to give him $33 Billion.


^^^ THIS. ^^^

NOW, siphon of some of the Covid SLUSH FUND BILLIONS.

Zelensky OWNS The DC SWAMP

Cuppa Covfefe

And the WEFfenSS own Zelensky the Klown… 😡

Wonder who owns Schwabbot???
Or, perhaps, poSSeSSes him…


BLATANT money laundering.

Millions of dollars fo EACH THIEVING politician AND USG employee involved.


The things the ultra-rich do…I mean, don’t we all plant a surveillance bug inside when we give away a car?

I did a (very) little research and found that Musk has 7 living children, and he’s been divorced three times. I’ve had no interest in his personal life because he is not “the conservative savior.” I also think he needs prayer.


Musk gives Amber a Tesla.

AOC drives a Tesla.

Likely a coincidence. 🙂





I don’t really care about Elon’s sex life. I care what he does with Twitter.

People with big money do the same shit people with no money do down in the trailer park. Ask me how I know 😉



Cuppa Covfefe

What do a Texas tornado and a West Virginia divorce have in common?

Somebody’s fixin’ to lose themselves a trailer….


Joe Manchin wants to have a word with you …


LOL! That’s funny!


ONE guess WHO IS operating these drowns. US military OR contractors for CIA.

From the article, a Statement of the OBVIOUS. Emphasis added.

Russia’s Ambassador to the U.S., Anatoly Antonov, accused Biden of pumping Ukraine with weapons:

“The U.S. authorities do not seem to be interested in a ceasefire. What matters for John Kirby and his colleagues is that the American military-industrial complex receives additional income by getting rid of obsolete weapons from their warehouses,” Antonov said.

^^^ AND, Anatoly should have added, Money Laundering BY US authorities. US authorities Greed, Lining Their Pockets, Stealing Millions from US Taxpayers.


OK, there were two Lake T topics that I wanted to do tonight, but I’m going to do a quick detour.

The first cichlid fish I ever owned was a rescue. A young female in the dorms had gotten a Cichlasoma salvini fry and a neon tetra to live in a tiny, tiny little fishbowl — the type that’s like a wide cylinder stood up on end so there are two flat sides to look through. She didn’t have a heater or a filter, just one sad little plastic plant.

The maximum size of a neon tetra is about an inch-and-a-quarter. The maximum size of a salvini is about five inches. As they both grew in the tiny little tank, you could hear ominous chords in the soundtrack…..until she discovered the salvini with just the tiniest bit of tetra tail sticking out of its mouth.

She, then, decided to “punish” the fish for the murder of its tankmate. She stopped feeding it, she stopped changing the water, and let the water evaporate away and crap accumulate.

When someone she knew saw what she was doing to herself through this animal maltreatment, they said that I would probably be willing to adopt the fish. At the time, it was a miserable pale and grey fish that always hid behind and under the plastic plant while watching people in a perpetual state of alarm.

I gave it cleaner water and fed it regularly, put it in a larger tank with room to swim, and took care of it for a couple of years while it grew to full size.

Salvini are extremely hardy Central American fish that tend to “punch above their weight” in scraps. They will readily eat anything they can fit in their mouths — even if, as with the neon, they can’t quite get the tail in — but their main diet is fish.

And when they’re not being slowly tortured to death, they’re more like —

Barb Meier

Speaking of Venn diagrams… your story is about an ignorant college girl turning to amoral fish abuse, justifying her actions as compassion. Why am I reminded of the ignorant, immoral, and abusive behavior of leftists? We keep hoping for a savior (or own cthulhu) to end the abuse so we can become like the gorgeous salvini.


Seig Heil .. 🙋‍♀️🤦‍♀️

que to 1:47 for the march music ..


That facial expression is begging for a punch in the mouth.


She reminds me of the actress in the movie “Carrie”.


There are better looking bulldogs walking this earth …


.. just ask her ..


Neutral compared to what? Battery acid?


Yes, thankfully that bitch can’t run again. Everyone is up in arms about that killer getting clemency.


His days are numbered. No way 100% of citizens are going to passively allow him to get away with murder, if you catch my drift.


OK, back to padding the content with random info from Lake T.

Let’s talk about eels. Lake T has 15 eels from the genus Mastacembalus, 14 of which are found nowhere else (the other one is also found in adjacent swamps). We haven’t talked about taxonomists, but the splitters tried to split Mastacembalus into things like Aethiomastacembelus, Caecomastacembelus, and Afromastacembelus. Recent practice is to thwart the splitters and just go with Mastacembalus.

There are about 45 Mastacembalus eels in Africa and about 15 in Asia. The 15 in Lake T are obviously a major part of the Africa group. These are not huge eels, and these are not deepwater eels. They inhabit rocky/sandy spaces which fish tend to favor. They eat fish, and generally are active when the fish are not. All fish that fit within their mouths (which, thankfully, are not huge) are potential prey. They are generally rather handsome and unusual specimens, and can often be incorporated in mixed displays with care.

Here’s M. Moori —
comment image

Here’s an M. ellipsifer
comment image

Here’s an M. flavidus
comment image


If you’re looking for freshwater stingrays, those are not available in Lake T — though they are found around the world.


TO BE CLEAR – Pfizer is NOT recommending people take HCQ, Ivermectin, ZPack, Quercetin or NaC along with Vitamin D3, C, or anything else – when they get CV19 (or any flu).

Pfizer is recommending their own Paxlovid pill – which active ingredients nirmatrelvir and ritonavir, sounds a whole lot like Remdisivir!


🔴 Here’s how to get HCQ, Ivermectin for prevention and early treatment. 🔴

FLCCC Early Treatment Protocol – (list is updated continually)

Telemedicine – email –

Pharmacies that fulfill prescriptions for IVM and related medications are listed at –;

Telemedicine/In-Person Options (i-Mask protocol):

Ivermectin –

Non-Rx ZStack developed by Dr. Zelenko –

Last edited 2 years ago by GA/FL

Thanks for posting these GA/FL.

Following IS certified pessimistic AND unfortunately, what I believe.

MY guess is the bastards are going to release another Covid variant, if not a few variants as the election cycle gears up.

Hope folks withOUT IVM AND HCQ in their hands NOW, GET PROACTIVE NOW.


Couple of comments at Steve Kirsch’s substack link above:

Brett Read1 hr ago –
Thank you Steve. Pfizer’s new product Paxlovid as distinct from Ivermectin has stated active ingredients of nirmatrelvir and ritonavir. What do we know about these drugs and what about the clinical trials? This oral treatment is nothing more than product diversification to meet the need of customers under the delusion of ‘protection by vaccination’. These people suffer syringe hesitancy, but are happy to pop pills and find it more convenient as a ‘quick fix’ that is ‘completely safe’. While the product launch may please directors and shareholders, it’s use is not a service to humanity and should be treated with caution. It is yet another toxic cocktail with unknown long-term effects that may be harmful to health.
Hubris –
I don’t know guys… I’d stay with the vacc-iiines…-and-new-vaccines…-and-more-vaccines.html

IVM, HCQ and the rest don’t give you Deaths, Blood clots, Bells Palsy, Anaphylaxis, Myocarditis/ Pericarditis, Thrombocytopenia, Low platelet, Severe Allergic , Heart Attacks, GBS, Heart Attacks nor miscarriages; where is the fun in that?


So we did a quick thing on Tropheus brichardi, and Tropheus Duboisi….but we left Tropheus Moori hanging out there. This is the Tropheus that is found in more places around the lake and has more subtypes than any other.

To begin with, “mutt Tropheus” — the kind that was available for sale before they were identified by the location collected — are generally sort of brownish bleah. But when looking at a beautiful Tropheus tank, it is possible that the majority of fish in the tank will be the bright color of their collection point. They are only in their “shine” colors when they are feeling dominant or particularly proud of themselves. As such, they may start out drab, go bright as they cross the tank, and end-up drab.

That said, let’s check out a few —


Here’s a breeding group of Ilangi demonstrating their emotional status like mood rings —

And a group of red rainbow…… —

Back a number of years, we had a speaker who threw a slide up during his presentation. It showed an 18-foot croc sunning on a beach. The picture had been taken from a distance of about 40 feet away from someone in a kayak. He explained that the collection point for red rainbows was about halfway between the two. Locals would collect a bunch of people with staffs about 3″ across to defend against the croc. Experienced collectors would then move in.


This is good.
FJB phones TruthSocial Customer Care.


 Dan Scavino @DanScavino 05/01/2022 22:06:17
ID: Not Available
Truth Social: 108229897578168769

TheUnitedSpot / @theunitedspot 05/01/2022 19:07:34

ID:Not Available

Truth Social: 108229194864250609

[video src="" /]


Deplorable Patriot

We had one at the Church downtown. Tis the season.





Trump does a rally in NV or AZ, I’ll be there.


I’m jealous!

Have a great time!


Well, Trump does to schedule it. 🙂


Grrrr…… Jobama admin freak is spewing a pile of effluent.

Cuppa Covfefe

To me, “Gender-affirming” means BOYS are BOYS and GIRLS are GIRLS.

End of story.

Time to quit with the “fairy tales” and start working on REAL problems (then again the gubmint doesn’t know how to deal with real problems 😡 😡 😡 😡 )…..


I’d pay to see a cage match with him and the new supreme court justice..
may the best woman win  😂 


The Russian Defense Ministry reports that 46 people left the territory of Azovstal and nearby houses on April 30, and 80 more civilians were rescued on May 1.

69 people decided to leave for the territory controlled by Kiev.”

Sounds like 57 hostages and 69 camp followers.


“A Nazi from the Azov Regiment tried to leave Mariupol under the guise of a civilian

Some Nazis took advantage of the evacuation of civilians from the Azovstal plant, but were detained at the filtration stage and are now testifying about their crimes”


Throughout the battle for Mariupol, the nationalists stubbornly dragged away the bodies of their dead, abandoning the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and civilians. They did this to prevent the identification of their militants.

But what was the point in this when they themselves took and abandoned their staff lists, signed by the deputy chief of staff of the Azov regiment?

We found them, by the way, in an abandoned armored personnel carrier of nationalists”


“Bridge near Odessa through which western weapons were being supplied to Ukraine was completely destroyed”


“Ukrainian insider confirmed it”

“Our source in the OP told Insider that the supports of the bridge over the Dniester estuary have been destroyed, it will take 5-7 months to restore the structure”.


One more.
(picture of the fire)
8 years ago, on May 2nd 2014, Ukrainian radicals murdered at least 42 people in Odessa for the crime of being Russian. They burned them alive. They had tacit approval from the government; no one was punished. From that day on, it was clear that war had become inevitable. The War in Donbass had barely started; after May 2nd, 1000s of volunteers from Odessa & Russia joined the Militias. Ukrainian social networks were full of “funny” videos of people jumping to their deaths to escape the fire. Restaurants added “Vatnik shashlik” to their menus. Young girls poured the Molotov cocktails that lit the Trade Union House on fire; Ukrainian politicians joked about “the traditional May BBQ” for years; people who were involved in the massacre are now popular bloggers, pundits, advisors, military leaders.


Maintained by the USG.


Appeared to start on the roof, air conditioning machinery?
From wiki I wonder…
“Pure forms of butane, especially isobutane, are used as refrigerants and have largely replaced the ozone-layer-depletinghalomethanes in refrigerators, freezers, and air conditioning systems. The operating pressure for butane is lower than for the halomethanes such as Freon-12 (R-12), so R-12 systems such as those in automotive air conditioning systems, when converted to pure butane, will function poorly. A mixture of isobutane and propane is used instead to give cooling system performance comparable to use of R-12.”


Still like the older refrigerants better, they don’t blow up. Still have a 125# cylinder of sealed R-12 in the basement. Chillers have not used them in years…R-134A replaced it, just like R-123 replaced the old R-11. Homes used to use R-22, now R-410A. The newer freons are blends and leak out at different rates resulting in having to replace the entire charge in some cases.


Agree, A short while back I got a new fridge freezer, makes me wonder whats in that !
Also was that “hole in the ozone layer” as bad as they said, or even a real thing, or just more global warming frightism.


Frightism! Ramped up each time the patent ran out on the formulation.

Last edited 2 years ago by barkerjim

I think it was a money racket honestly. A lot of the replacements are more toxic to people than the old ones.


You have to remember, freon was so ubiquitous that they used it for spray cans….even for things like antiperspirant or kitchen cleaner. Being that refrigerators and coolers are closed systems, they were never the threat that a shelf of spray cleaners would be.

My grandfather told me of an old technique for debugging circuit boards. You’d pour out some freon into a dishpan, immerse the board, then power it up. There’d be a stream of bubbles from any areas that were getting warm…..and if that component wasn’t supposed to be warm, you could inspect or test that component.

Cuppa Covfefe

Ahhh, the days of discrete (and sometimes indiscreet) components…

I used to recharge the A/C in my cars (on the low/suction side) with cans of R12. Should probably have invested in a proper kit that could do the high side, but that would have been a chunk of change, defeating the whole point of DIY.

Then again it would have been safer… No RISC, no fun we said at HP 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

I’ve read (on a weather forum, IIRC) that the ozone “hole” is affected by cosmic rays and solar wind (and sunspots, etc.). Just as with Climastrology, they don’t have good or long enough data (satellite) to watch a complete cycle of variation of the hole (or disappearance thereof).


Yes, but it expensive. I still have a few jugs from years ago socked away.

Cuppa Covfefe


Our freezer has a warning saying that it needs to be somewhere with around 20 cubic yards of air around it (or something like that). Fortunately it’s at the bottom of a stairwell, but still, my old friend Freon would be better. And “CFCs killing the Ozone layer” was one of the first big lies of fake science (as was DDT and a few others back in the early 60s)….

The EU strong-armed Mercedes to use an absolutely TERRIBLE refrigerant in their A/Cs which, in fires releases hydrofluoric acid… ironically, Mercedes was working on a CO²-refrigerant for their vehicles… don’t know how that turned out…

When will they ever learn…..

Ahhh…. the joys of dichlorodifluoromethane 🙂


LOL! Quote of the day, from the article:

“I mean, if Brian Stelter, who is a potato, was walking footloose and fancy free toward a bunch of hungry Irishmen, would you yell “Yo Tater, watch out for the micks!” or would you pull up a chair and a bag of popcorn and watch the fun begin.”

I’m dying.


Unfortunately, there’s some typos in another quote:

“Four-year college is a four five-to-eight-year intense brainwashing session broken up by bouts of drinking, drug use, and fumbling sex with other students of all the 673 different genders.”


True story.


They want 33 billion more for Ukraine? I think Catherine Austin Fitts would say it’s exfiltration of wealth. The central bankers have had a policy of draining wealth from the U.S. for years.


Right. Welfare for central bankers. Kill the dollar to bring in cbdc’s.


Verse of the Day for Monday, May 2, 2022

“But the LORD is in his holy temple: let all the earth keep silence before him.” 

Habakkuk 2:20 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!



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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.


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Legislation is in the pipeline for mandatory product registration for supplements, which will pose restrictions on what we can use to keep us healthy.

“…and the flames are getting higher every day”

Last edited 2 years ago by Itswoot

Time to stock up.


Bastards 😠

TheseTruths been trying things like this for years, “for our safety.” I remenber one push to require prescriptions for supplements.


Weather Underground terrorist Kathy Boudin died today from cancer. She was 78. Kathy is mother of Chesa Boudin, the current San Francisco District Attorney who was raised by Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn after his mother was sent to prison.


I can’t find my bag of tears. Oh well …



Same happening in China. Mostly around Shanghai’s port. Butterfly first mentioned this, but was using a map without context and was asking for sauce. This is it. Fair story attached as well. Posted the other night, but it was late and got few views.



“…Control The Channels Of Communications..”

Pravda News ACTUALLY BELIEVES, Controlling Communication IS their job.


They’ve been working on this since 414 BC.

Sliced from my one star book review of the atrocious book “Cloud Cuckoo Land”

Aristophanes, a Greek playwright, wrote and directed a drama The Birds, first performed in 414 BC, in which Pisthetaerus, a middle-aged Athenian, persuades the world’s birds to create a new city in the sky to be named Νεφελοκοκκυγία (Nephelokokkygia) or Cloud Cuckoo Land (Latin Nubicuculia), thereby gaining control over all communications between men and gods.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

This story is dated today, but somehow I think we are already familiar with it.

Will We Die for the New World Order?By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
May 2, 2022

Concerning replenishment of weapons by the arms industry I think we are also familiar with the fact that China will likely have a say on whether or not we can replenish our arms stock pile since we’ve pretty much handed them control of all the rare mineral deposits and do nothing to mine our own. If nothing else, expensive weaponry is likely going to get much more expensive.


Companion story. Several out there. Picked this one without reading through others. Coinvent the way these things happen.


Japan or South Korea likely have State of the Art howitzers. Shorter llead time than dealing with US.


Likely neither can afford to give too much. They’d be in the cross hairs after Taiwan I’d think they’d think. Some hopefully. Russia is likely out as well as they are cozying up to China. Aus same as Japan and South Korea. They should maybe talk with India?


Yes, zero chance Russia will do anything to help Taiwan.

Unless the Peninsula IS reunited, MeThinks, South Korea would sell arms to Taiwan.

Dunno what Japan’s constitution, laws say about exporting military hardware. Should have thought about that point before my previous post. BUT, if it’s legal, still believe Japan would sell to Taiwan. But ONLY with US assurances.



Rightfully so.


Sad to see the treasonous bastards in NATO/US Gov’t would get wrapped up in such.
Not sad to see the truth exposed.


Intel Slava Z Another 214 people were evacuated from Mariupol to Bezymennoye, including 33 children – the headquarters of the territorial defense of the DPR

Best I can determine is that Bezymennoye is some what South West of Kiev. Closer to the center of Ukraine. So mention of the hq’s of territorial defense of the DPR is likely the reporting agency. Doubts they have a hq’s there. Ukrainian controlled most likely. Of course I could be wrong.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

German Interior Minister Nancy Fasser has made recommendations to citizens to stock up on food for 10 DAYS!!!
As the war in Ukraine rages and market and supply chain concerns grow around the world, Germany’s interior minister has called on the country’s citizens to take precautions to prepare for a crisis. “Consider, for example, THE POSSIBILITY OF CYBER ATTACKS ON IMPORTANT INFRASTRUCTURE” she told the Handelsblatt newspaper.
“If the power goes out for a long period of time or daily life is limited in some other way, then it clearly makes sense to have an emergency supply at home.”
In this context, Nancy Fasser referred to a list published by the German Civil Protection, which presents an example of emergency food supply.
German Interior Minister: We have to have food for 10 days
“The goal is to be able to survive for ten days without going shopping,” said the German interior minister. An example of food that, according to the minister, could meet the needs of a person for ten days, is presented in the following list:
Drinking liquids: 20 liters
Cereals, cereal products, bread, potatoes, pasta, rice: 3.5 kg
Vegetables, legumes: 4 kg
Fruits, nuts: 2.5 kg
Milk, dairy products: 2.6 kg
Fish, meat, eggs or whole eggs powder: 1.5 kg
Fats, oils: 0.375 kg
At the same time, the minister stressed the importance of Civil Protection, to which he gives “high priority”.
“We must step up now to deal with the various crises – pandemics, the effects of climate change, the dangers of war,” said the German interior minister. necessarily. This affects not only technical issues, “but also supplies for food, medicine or medical supplies,” she said.

The minister also referred to the shelters, saying that an inventory is currently being made and that there are still 599 in Germany. “And there are shelters that are used differently today. “It makes sense to reactivate some of them,” she said.
Innenministerin Nancy Faeser: „Es ist auf jeden Fall sinnvoll, einen Notvorrat zu Hause zu haben“
Die Bundesinnenministerin spricht im Interview über Versäumnisse beim Zivilschutz und den Kraftakt der Flüchtlingsaufnahme. Der russischen Botschaft wirft Faeser Desinformationskampagnen vor.





Once they get 10 days sorted out, they should work on 6 months and then a year, moving to self sufficiency. Us too! Bastards are playing for keeps.




Once more…

Once they get 10 days sorted out,

  • they should work on 6 months and then a year,
  • moving to self sufficiency.

Us too! Bastards are playing for keeps.


I can’t imagine the response if this announcement was made here. I would predict mass scale looting almost immediately


Yes… but we are told almost everyday to expect food shortages… and folks pay no heed… my grandson and his bride laugh at me for having such a reserve… they won’t be laughing when it hits


I was asking by brother if they had been putting any reserves on hand , he said not really but the interesting thing was that he said their son in Chicago (leftie leaning) had.
People seem to be hearing ‘shortage’ but not understanding they mean empty shelves of staple food.
It worries me to death about my daughter & grands. She’s sort of getting it but doesn’t have a lot of room or money to stock up. It takes some thought to store properly. You can’t just put boxes and bags of groceries in the garage, mice will get in them


Yes, it takes planning … perhaps sugges to daughter that she store up on rice and dried and canned beans to start with… I worry about being w/out power… an inepensive grill and charcoal for boiling water… powdered gatorade, lemonade…


Me too on the power issue. I have a great little tabletop gas grill so I’ve been buying an extra gas cannister when I see them. It cooks fast, small for easy clean up. I haven’t been getting extra charcoal for the bigger one but probably should.
It’s all so unfair ! These elites are malevolent bastids.

Thanks on the suggestion to my daughter but that would be too harsh …I honestly don’t believe that she would be able to process that severe a shortage that they would eat those things and be grateful to have them. Her idea of shortage is no microwave popcorn or snack food being too high. It’s going to hit hard when it comes.


when we were hit with the TP shortage… here in Carolina there was no rice on the shelves either.


Hard to imagine no rice in SC of all places! It hurts my brain thinking about all of this.

At one point I had gotten a bunch of those Hormel (maybe) little meals. Designed for microwave but don’t need refrigeration. Then they were about $1 per package. They tasted okay but in a pinch could be put in foil or something and heated easily.


I know (wrt rice!) My late Dad once told my Mom that dinner wasn’t ready… we had to wait while she made rice… 😉

I also have tons of canned pork ‘n beans, spam (I know it’s not healthy but I don’t intend to starve!) tuna fish, salmon, etc. And yes, lots of Grits…


Haha…I LOVE grits but not sure if it’s not the butter on them that I like.
I also save bacon flavors up a lot of blah things


Have you tried cheese melted in the grits? My fav shrimp dish (other than straight up fried of course) is shrimp ‘n grits (there must be dozens of recipes for that dish!)


Yummmm on all of those. I like them with garlic powder and butter. sausage, …I’m getting hungry for them right now !




IF grandson and his bride live by, at some point in our near future, they’ll really, really like to visit, just to chat of course. /s


They live WITH me, which is why they think I’m not quite right in the head… they’ve seen my hoard! They do pay some attention… they have extra food for doggo! I’m quite used to being thought a ‘space cadet’ (but I’ve been right everytime and some family members forget that! Younger Sister lives in town, and I already know she has NO reserve. .. it is what it is, right?


Wonder what happens after ten days (to flatten the curve)…………miraculously stores are supplied? Food rationing cards ? Food passports if you’re deserving ?and have the proper POV ?

Last edited 2 years ago by mollypitcher5
Cuppa Covfefe

Set Faeser on stun…

She’s a leftist idiot, and everyone knows it (but the globalist Handelsblatt [like Bloomberg and WSJ] won’t admit it)…

They’ve also said to have emergency supplies before, e.g. when the COVIDIOCY started. She has openly supported Antifa, was roundly excoriated for that, but is still in office, STRONGLY supported by the WEFfenSS.

We don’t really have supply chain issues here so much as prices are creeping upwards. And, oddly enough, the price increases seem to be focused on eliminating meat from our diets…. fancy that!


thanks for info Cuppa …


“The prosecutor’s office of the DPR has filed charges against the British volunteers, for them seen as mercenaries.

The maximum punishment they face is the death penalty.”



A woman, holding the Italian flag, stops the car of the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella in Udine: “Traitors!” Applause from the citizens present.

Of course the security detail swept in on her quickly. Hopefully a nice judge can fix that.


via Russians With Attitude

8 years ago, on May 2nd 2014, Ukrainian radicals murdered at least 42 people in Odessa for the crime of being Russian. They burned them alive. They had tacit approval from the government; no one was punished. From that day on, it was clear that war had become inevitable. The War in Donbass had barely started; after May 2nd, 1000s of volunteers from Odessa & Russia joined the Militias. Ukrainian social networks were full of “funny” videos of people jumping to their deaths to escape the fire. Restaurants added “Vatnik shashlik” to their menus. Young girls poured the Molotov cocktails that lit the Trade Union House on fire; Ukrainian politicians joked about “the traditional May BBQ” for years; people who were involved in the massacre are now popular bloggers, pundits, advisors, military leaders.





“The saboteurs detained in Belgorod stated that they planned to damage the railways on which military echelons move”


There have been a couple or more instances of fires and explosions in Russia that could have been sabotage.
What’s the odds that western special forces are training the ukranian “antifa.”

Brave and Free

Food shortages from JP

Last edited 2 years ago by Brave and Free

Hell just froze over.
Super left Naom Chomsky praises Trump:

Noam Chomsky stunner on Trump… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS


This is not the first time Chomsky has praised Trump…

REAL LEfTIES like Turley, Chomsky and yes even Dersch… support Donald Trump…


Interesting. While he’s paying attention to Ukraine and praises Trump as the only high level statesmen wanting to pursue diplomacy he also goes onto say that Trump is one of the most dangerous men on the planet 🤔 😮 Some how I think he is a victim of the mainstream media and his old biases, while not understanding Trump at all. 😆 It’s also clear he did not understand why Russia invaded until he started to do his own homework. 🙄 But his own biases are still keeping him from seeing the whole picture as for him it’s still Putin Bad. In fact he’s sort of clueless about American Politics. You should hear him slamming Desantis with out demonstrating any understanding of conservative stance. Says we are taking math books from schools because those books say things like ” people want to get along”. US is filled with white supremacists militias, the US was almost lost to Jan 6 and militia’s played a part in the background, total nut job on Climate Change sounds every bit as crazy as the Greta bug girl. He’s totally taken with all the the latest propaganda but his view on Trump is strictly based on his anti war attitudes. Did I mention his praise of AOC and Sen Mareky Guys a freaking socialist nutter. It really is an interesting watch.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

So at the end, question. Where do you get your information. Answer “Main Stream Press” and then goes on to praise it as heroic, but not the reporting on Ukraine. That he’s looked into.


He’s also 93 years old … perhaps some cognative problems?


He certainly seems oblivious to me. 🙃


Pepe Lives Matter

News flash: The deep state has always had a ministry of truth. It’s called the mainstream media. It’s called Operation Mockingbird. It’s called global MK Ultra.
Only now they are being open about their intentions to brainwash the world.
They continue to reveal themselves and inadvertently wake up the sheep in their desperation.
The red pills become blatant by the hour.


Google has removed Russian language translation sites (at least Google translate and Babelfish … I believe it is in the USA only as posters at MoA are able to access in Germany and Scandinavian countries.


Wow, that’s really extreme.




Almost as IF, Google IS, doing there part to support the APPROVED narrative.


Just like in the election.
They really are creepy.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

One BIG Club. And WE ain’t in it.


Cynthia Holt
10% for the big guy. Don’t forget about Nancy’s cut.
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In his Sunday evening primetime show, the Channel One anchor Dmitry Kiselyov said a strike by Russia’s Poseidon nuclear underwater drone could turn Britain into a wasteland by drowning the country in a 500-metre tidal wave of radioactive seawater.
Russian ‘nuclear tsunami’ will wipe out Britain, Kremlin-backed media threatens
Russian state television has issued a chilling warning that Moscow could wipe out Britain with a nuclear tsunami in retaliation for supporting Ukraine.


Wonder IF they’ll broadcast a like story line with DC featured.

(No I’m NOT suggesting a nuke hit on DC. The radioactive water would be terrible for the environment.)


Here’s link to what the anchor was talking about. Apparently no other country has the weapon




Reuters reporting US has informed Tiawan it can’t send anymore arms as Ukraine has sucked ’em all up


“If China attacks Taiwan, decoupling of the Chinese and western economies will be far more severe than [decoupling with] Russia, because China’s economic footprint touches every part of the world”

China summons banks over sanctions fears – media
The Chinese government reportedly met with bank executives amid fears of US sanctions over potential military tensions in Taiwan


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Russian ambassador to Israel has been summoned to the Israeli Foreign Ministry after the controversial statement of the Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov to Italian TV that “Hitler had Jewish blood”



I posted the link to Lavrov’s interview w/ Italian media above…

but here is exact statement from Lavrov:

“… His argument is: How can there be Nazism in Ukraine if he is a Jew? I may be mistaken but Adolf Hitler had Jewish blood, too. This means absolutely nothing. The wise Jewish people say that the most ardent anti-Semites are usually Jews. “Every family has its black sheep,” as we say.”


A Long letter by Jan 6 prisoner, but it goes to the heart of want is happening to them is planned for the whole country:

‘What The Feds Are Doing To The January Sixers Is Just A Small Example Of What They Want To Do To All Of You Who Speak Out’ – Jan 6 Protester Dominic Pezzola Sends Letter From Prison (

We are currently in the midst of a war but unlike any war ever fought on foreign soil, the implications of the outcome are far more severe. We are in a battle for our country, our homes, our lives and our freedom against the kind of tyranny our founders had tried to protect us from. It is time for every American who values their God-given freedoms to stand up unite get involved and push back against the totality tyranny that is threatening to take over. The time is now to let the so-called elites know that their power is just an illusion given to them by us the people. Relentlessly but legally pursue your elected officials and demand that they fight back. Call these radio show hosts who are supposed to be on our side and tell them that they are wrong about the January Sixers. Tell them about the thousands of letters we’ve gotten from great Americans all across the country and from people all over the world calling us heroes, telling us we are loved and admired and thanking us for standing for freedom. Let them know that they are either with us or against us.



Thank you for posting this.

Folks, PLEASE take a few minutes to read this WELL WRITTEN letter by J6 Political Prisoner, Pezzola. Prior Marine.

Pezzola has a GiveSendGo.

  • Totally heartbreaking. Reading Pezzola’s letter at the link Eilert provide above and pasted below. AND ALSO, reading the updates from Pezzola’s wife, on the GiveSendGo page.
  • IF one can afford a donation, please do.
  • I have donated. It IS the least I can do.

Eilert / GWP



Thank you for posting the real tragedy in our country.
We too donated, it is the least we can do.


Dramatic overnight increase!

5/2/22 – 992 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 644 Dead, After COVID Shot
5/1/22 – 977 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 634 Dead, After COVID Shot
4/29/22 – 963 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 626 Dead, After COVID Shot

Link to site that is following and documenting this –


Forwarded from Pepe Lives Matter 🐸

Morning News Update:

The panic is real. They can’t control the narrative. Durham is coming:

They are preparing to cheat in the mid terms. These polls are fake:

Boom week?

They admit ghost of kiev is fake and ghey:

Go get some healing and prayers for frens:

2000 Mules can be viewed online:

Jon Benet. Wut?

China is doing this on purpose. The system is changing:



TheStormHasArrived17 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️



Okay, China thing is too strange. Is that quarantine from CV or getting ready for the next thing coming?


I think it is a CONSTANT gradual increase. Shanghai, rumors of Beijing, another port I can’t recall.

Destroying economies.




Was looking at the bottom link, Henan, China.



Deplorable Patriot

I have read that this was a signal to the [CB] that he jumped off the fence and into the White Hat camp.

Could be total disinformation given the source, but considering how ape-$#!+ the left went when it all went down, maybe not.


Well, Musk hasn’t exactly been warmly welcomed by too many that are NOT on left. 🙂

As for me, I’ll take whatever truths Musk launches and hope we will NOT be disappointed in the future.

So far, Musk TW wise, I can’t gripe.

JW in Germany

It is almost as if this was all part of some big ‘plan’.  😎 

Deplorable Patriot

Something like that.



JW in Germany

Last edited 2 years ago by JW in Germany

Oh, I like that one JW … thanks!

Valerie Curren

It seems very odd to me that everything this man is wearing, including the bandages, appears to be in perfectly clean, pristine, just bought at a store, condition…hmmm…


Those MAY be the armbands for identification, “Friend or Foe”.

Early on we read about them. Do not know the veracity of those reports.

Valerie Curren

Thanks for the clarification. What do you think of the pristine clothing & equipment? Don’t know if you saw combat before (where you’d have direct experience) but to my untrained eye it just makes me wonder…My husband’s attire isn’t that pristine after a weekend of hanging out & camping in the woods, let alone coming under enemy fire!


All valid questions.

Could be the soldier had a chance to clean up after whatever period of operations. Could all be a hoax. Dunno.

Valerie Curren

When we aren’t there AND don’t speak the language everything is suspect. Well speaking the language doesn’t save us from all the depredations on freedom & truth by the Deep State either!


via a poster at MoA … on Lavrov’s interview with Italian media


Several have mentioned Lavrov’s interview with the Italian television company Mediaset. The mostly complete English transcript is here, and what’s missing isn’t as important as its previous content. For those of us who’ve been reading Lavrov’s media interactions over the last 10 days, there isn’t much that’s new. Most content is the debunking of Western and Ukrainian propaganda, which the Italian seems to accept as the interview moves along. On NATO and the Outlaw US Empire, Lavrov now says the following:

Now even NATO is not suitable for the Americans. The last meetings they held not within the framework of NATO (a meeting dedicated to supporting Ukraine), but simply gathered delegations, because NATO is still a consensus. And they need to quickly and single-handedly resolve all issues….

“I don’t know what affected the US. When the US declares solemnly and dramatically that it is impossible to endure ‘all this,’ no one remembers how the US decided that there was a threat to its security 10,000 kilometres away from its borders: in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, or Yugoslavia in 1999. No one has any doubt that the US has the right to neutralise those made-up threats (like in Iraq, where it turned out to be fake) in any way it likes.

“We warned many times over the years that they are posing a threat to the Russian borders, that this is a red line; we have been saying it for many years. They just nodded. But now I believe they thought the world should only listen to the US, because NATO and the entire European Union accepted that their master sits in Washington. And Washington decided that the world should be unipolar. If you read the statements made by their Secretary of the Treasury, for example, they say so directly.” [Poster added Emphasis]


Now… back to the poster’s comments on Lavrov’s words:


Now if we look at the chain of cause and effect, we can argue that the Outlaw US Empire began waging war against USSR/Russia in 1945, and during that time the conflict has gone through many phases. In the current phase, Russia recognizes that NATO is a proxy term for the Outlaw US Empire, which is currently determined to fight Russia first to the last Ukrainian and then to the last European NATO members, of which they hope to recruit more (Sweden/Finland) before that phase gets going in earnest. I’m on the record as saying that gives Russia the opportunity/duty to liberate Europe from its NATO/Neoliberal vassalage. Whether Russia will do that remains to be seen.

As for the trial balloon b posted, I disagree as that doesn’t affect the current battlespace and would be a wasted effort as would assassinating US criminal elites–at this moment in time. Russia gains zip.

NATO will invade Ukraine using whatever contrived excuse. Those forces will mostly be Polish and Romanian, on which whose national territory the Outlaw US Empire wants to emplace nukes. Those two nations also happen to be NATO members abutting Russia that cannot be allowed to be NATO members as required by Russia’s security requirements. Their forces will be decisively defeated within Ukraine and then suffer demilitarization within their national boundaries. In the Baltics join, they will suffer the same fate.

Meanwhile, there are dissenting NATO members–Hungary and Austria, although the latter isn’t a full member as detailed here. There are also public sentiment and thus political problems within France and Italy regarding NATO and Ukraine. I’d include the Balkan statelets too. So, when Poland and Romania invade, more political upheaval will ensue across Europe as more come to adopt Lavrov’s POV, which is based on the historical truth of the conflict.

Russia merely need stay its course and ready its best hybrid counterattack which will be the initiation of a new international trading system and currency. Sure, the Outlaw US Empire can continue to print dollars to finance its MIC, but that will cause inflation to soar as its overseas bases will no longer be financed by Dollar Hegemony. Then there’s also the sanctions blowback from not getting Russian resources needed to run its MIC and what remains of its real economy. Geoeconomically, NATO/Outlaw US Empire cannot win this war.

Sadie Slays

Today I woke up to local news headline that the state Republican party is actively trying to stop the only decent MAGA candidate on the upcoming primary ballot. To be completely honest, I wasn’t planning on voting. After what happened in 2020 plus watching the local 2021 primary here get blatantly stolen plus the otherwise garbage candidates on the 2022 ballot, I didn’t see a point. Well that headline got my ass in gear. Good job, GOP assholes, now you have one more vote you need to steal to mitigate mine.


We need Monster Vote + Sadie, we need to totally overwhelm their cheat.
They’re going to cheat , that’s a given.
Exercise your Rights ! VOTE !


Good for you 🙂


Ukraine’s Army is in Very Bad Shape – More Fighting Will Only Destroy It
The French news agency AFP has published a report by Daphne Rousseau from near the Ukrainian frontline. It allows us to gain some realistic view of the state of the Ukrainian armed forces.

Exhausted Ukrainian soldiers return from eastern front

Here is a current map of the frontline. Kiev is in the upper left corner.

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I will quote the AFP report piecemeal and add my observations:

Cont. reading: Ukraine’s Army Is In Very Bad Shape – More Fighting Will Only Destroy It


Just looked through my primary ballot candidate statements.
Dont expect CA to become free if these are all we choose from.
Majority dimms, at least one tranny, heavy socialists without the cajones to admit it,except using*lots of buzz words,* and at least one election with no statement at all.
Wondering how anyone else is faring?


Then there’s this jerk.
Bill Gates threatening the world with a more transmissible and more deadly virus.


^^^ Talking points from recent WEF coordination meeting. NOT sarcasm.


After this guy broke down and destroyed immune systems with the jab, here comes the kill shot. More Fatal Variant. F___ BG!


Oh good grief, this is like a cheap novel.
Hungary is one of the few countries withstanding the nato push against Russia, and zelensky’s gang comes up with this…

” Ukraine claims Hungary wants its territory””Budapest was informed of the Russian attack in advance and hoped to seize a part of Ukraine’s territory for itself, a top official of the government in Kiev claimed on Monday, adding there will be “consequences” for Hungary. This statement comes after Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban was added to the database listing enemies of the Ukrainian state.”


Good for Zelensky talking points. Keeping Ukraine citizens in line – obeying the narrative.

Truth is NOT a factor.


Zelensky is a evil man simple. He does not care about his people his country. Everything he does he does for someone who must pay him a lot of money or promised him more power. He is on an ego trip.


Recently Tulsi has spoken some truths. Maybe common sense is taking hold in her head.

But, prolly just politics.


Will be a welcome sight.


I can believe that

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

She’s stuck. She’s a Dem Moderate, the Woke don’t want her and neither do we.


Well, I am perfectly good with Tulsi speaking truth. Tulsi speaks, and her word IS picked up AND shared. Hell, we saw it. I’ve seen that report a few times.

There’s always a chance some liberals, even Pineapple liberals will open their eyes to reality, truth. 🙂


Emerald Robinson has been reading Sadie’s posts on food supply disasters. 😆

The Great Reset: Cyber-attacks on America’s Food Supply Have Started

Last night, there was a fire at a food processing plant in America. It was the 18th such “accident” to hit our food processing plants and distribution centers in 2022.Eighteen such incidents in only four months is an unprecedented rate. Usually, there are a dozen, or less, in any calendar year.

She lists some of them. Then:

So you have a rash of mysterious fires at food processing plants across the country and, simultaneously, you have the FBI warning the Agriculture Industry that cyber-attacks are a big problem and have been since 2021?

The obvious question: what is the relationship between all the mysterious fires and the cyber-attacks?

I seem to remember a bald psychopath warning the world that he was now a prophet and that all these things would come to pass thanks to the corrupt global elites at the World Economic Forum.

So let’s see what we are facing in 2022. We are on the brink of a global recession. The bond market is a mess. Inflation is out of control. There’s a global food crisis brewing. Gas prices and food prices have skyrocketed. None of it makes sense — unless you understand the Great Reset.

When the Biden regime tells you that something is not happening [food shortages in the US], you can take it to the bank that something is happening.

You were warned.

Last edited 2 years ago by TheseTruths

I work commercial insurance, loss control machinery and equipment. The trend is a little higher then normal but nothing beyond a higher spike then a year when there is an unusually low rate of fires and breakdowns.

Biggest factors right now.

Short employees for general hiring. Still getting covid sickouts which reduce staffing.
Short skilled employees in maintenance and tech positions.
Employees who are there, overworked. Overworked people make mistakes.
Cannot get parts which leads to jury rigging equipment to keep it running.
Pressure to produce 24/7 to make up for product shortages, make more money producing.
When you are producing 24/7, no time for maintenance down time.

Lots of factors in play before we get to the CIA running around and sabotaging plants and Russians cyber attacking meat packing plants.


Thanks for your insight!


Bald psychopath? Who is she talking about?


She must be talking about SSSchwab, but makes it sound like someone who is against all this.


A lot of “big names” we are all familiar with here have been saying that America won’t have food shortages, it will just be more expensive. Even SD has recently downplayed this issue, suggesting we all not “panic.”

I had already decided not to believe any of them. Better to be prepared and be wrong.






Gonna sell it for parts.

“Vice Media has hired financial advisors to seek a buyer, may sell itself in pieces, sources say


Alex Sherman@SHERMAN4949



Vice Media has hired financial advisors to seek a sale, either for the entire company or for parts of the business, according to sources.The company would prefer to sell itself in one piece but may decide to sell off business units if it can’t find an appealing deal, the sources said.Vice owns a TV studio business, a creative advertising agency and other digital media assets.”

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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


Paging “CONSERVATIVE politicians, for comment.


Everything about The INSTALLED BiteMe Regime IS Obscene.



P E R F E C T.

Looking forward to this asshats own words what Biolab No. 1 was doing. AND, captured documentation shared with the world, along WITH video evidence.

~30 more Biolabs to go.


I’m pleased also



Kadia managing Biolab No. 1 MAY be a stretch.

OR Canadians ARE running PR cover. Truth will come out.

A Canadian rapist general may be in the Mariupol bag of Azovstal

Intel Slava Z
Lieutenant General of the Canadian Armed Forces Trevor Kadier resigned on April 5, 2022 and went to Ukraine to participate in war on the side of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

It is possible that Kadia may be stuck in Mariupol. Nevertheless he is not going back alive.


Your safety restraints have been verified. Please keep your hands, arms, legs and feet within the ride vehicle at all times. Enjoy the ride!




“All’s Well That’s Orwell” – Musk Tosses Tactical Nukes At ‘Ministry Of Truth’ And Trust-Fund Journo

MONDAY, MAY 02, 2022 – 02:03 PM

There’s kicking the hornet’s nest, then there’s unleashing a tactical nuke…
After Elon Musk’s early-Monday massacre of MSNBC‘s “Republicans are Nazis” narrative, the richest man in the world batted away a David Brock-esque bot who had a ‘gotcha’ queued up that included quotes from Nina Jankowicz – the head of the Biden administration’s new ‘ministry of truth.’

All’s well that’s Orwell,” Musk replied.

Musk was initially responding to a thread by Glenn Greenwald calling out journalist Molly Jong-Fast for being a raging hypocrite.


Sadie Slays

Politico is claiming that leaked SCOTUS documents reveal Roe v Wade is going to be overturned. I’ll believe it when I see it.

Supreme Court has voted to overturn abortion rights, draft opinion shows

“We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled,” Justice Alito writes in an initial majority draft circulated inside the court.


IF Roe v Wade is tossed, that’ll suck Pravda News time from:

  • Ukraine, illegals invading across southern border, inflation, fuel prices, food shortages, logistic bottlenecks…
  • AND $33Billion being funneled to US politicians and USG employees via “Ukraine” farce.
  • ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs

Yea, I can’t see (NOT) SC, tossing Roe V Wade.

Tossing Roe V Wade requires, at least five Justice’s to publicly demonstrate having a backbone.


I found this:


Assuming the leak IS accurate, IS the leak an attempt to sabotage The Actual Vote overturning Roe V Wade?

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎



I’m sure it is.


Thanks Aubergine!




Speculation is rampant (and I would believe it) that a lefty intern leaked the draft in an attempt to stir up a mess of trouble to sway the court away from the decision.

I think the leftist-leaker scenario makes sense.

SD has an article up about it. “Sketchy” he says. “No shit,” I says.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Protestors are already outside the SC right now. SETUP.


Oh, yeah.


3…2…1… DEPLOY Antie Fa, STAT!

Terrorize the Justices, their families….

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Those bassturds leaked the draft so the goons will intimidate the Justices BEFORE they vote.🤬

High Court Draft Suggests Roe v. Wade Is on Verge of Being Struck Down |


Thing is, if the lefty justices weren’t puppets and had a smidge of common sense….it would be 9-0. The draft opinion essentially says “this is too polarizing and political. SCOTUS isn’t the right place to deal with it, and having this BS dominate SCOTUS for 50 years is well-past enough. We hereby flush it to the states and say, ‘good riddance!'”


“Furthermore, the next asshole to include ’emanations and penumbras’ on a briefing to this court shall forever lose the privilege of practice before the court.”

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Good Idea.
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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Last edited 2 years ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Last edited 2 years ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

I should have read this before my last post, regarding sabotage the final vote.

Jack say five voting to toss Roe V Wade. Was that in the draft, I only glanced at it. Guess I ought to go back and look closer.

Wonder why Jack refers to the J6 Political Prisoners as J6 Detainees. Guess so, TW doesn’t toss him.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

The draft written by Alito cites the majority of judges that agree with decision. Circled above, 3 of 45’s picks came through for us.

Person who leaked is in MAJOR trouble. They need to be in DC jail, more so than J6’ers.

Protestors are outside SC NOW. I expect them to try to burn the Court down and worse. 2 months (when actual decision is implemented) is a looong time. Those 5 better get EXTRA Security. Pray for their protection.🙏🙏


Thank you for the info. Alito, Thomas and 45s picks. Hope they stand strong. Lean on each other. Support each other.

It appears the draft was written in February. Leaked three months later.

Would imagine the SC has tracking ability when files are accessed with moving / copying files very limited. Techies surely know more than I have a clue about.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Guarantee it’s coordinated, those 400+ w/signs sure got there fast. Bernie Sanders now calling for killing the fillibuster and making Roe law, thus killing the Senate and the SC in one swoop. The demons are out in full force.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Timed perfectly for midterms.

Maybe the FIB will investigate the leak🙄


Such systems are widely available and very sophisticated. At the very least, any paper copies should have been “watermarked”. However, I wouldn’t put it past SCOTUS to rely on “honor” and “tradition” — just like the most recently appointed justice makes and serves the coffee when they meet.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Laura Ingraham clerked at SC, said that was the 1st thing Renquist told all, NO LEAKS.

Stay tuned…. Suspicions have gone from Sotomayer’s clerk to now saying the SC email system is compromised.


My guess would be the leak came from Roberts or at minimum had his nod of approval. Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch, and two newbies likely make up the 5. Roberts has been nothing but opposition for a very long time.


I’m sure that would have been the rule handed down, but did they do anything technological to support that rule?


” Anti human forces”
Could not describe Antifa any better.


I’m sure Jack means well, but drawing any equivalency between these leakers and the Jan 6 detainees is less than tactful. Swapped out with, instead placed next too, would be much more preferable.


Trish Regan makes a good point on Truth Social:

This supreme ct leak is all about motivating the liberal base for midterms.

How else could the left win given that we’re facing a devastating economy, skyrocketing inflation, an overrun border, and war?

Dem policies have FAILED America.

This is also happening during the week that 2000 Mules is showing proof of election fraud. From what I’ve seen, it could convince some of the more reasonable lefties, but now they might be so upset they won’t care.

Last edited 2 years ago by TheseTruths
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Nah, Dems are gonna be too broke and hungry by then.😜 Plus, voting won’t give em back their baby killing rights. They’re gonna have to harass their State Govt for that now.

Last edited 2 years ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

** UPDATE **

The vote is currently 5-3, we don’t know Robert’s decision.

Senator Mike Lee –
Instead of waiting 2 months, the SC should just go ahead and reverse Roe (and Casey with it) IMMEDIATELY. GOOD IDEA, That would def cause the demon’s plan to backfire.


That seems like the best plan. If the decision stands, get the most destructive rioting started now instead of allowing two months of it and then another huge surge later, closer to the elections. Nip their plans in the bud.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

If Chief Roberts is wise, he will issue ruling tomorrow. We need a counter move to help take the heat off the Justices and their families.

Hearing more Conservatives calling for this. The SC cannot allow itself to be intimidated.