Are you ready kids?
In honor of the weekend and tomorrow’s annual sign of spring, we bring you:

2 oz Light rum
4 oz Ginger beer
1 twist of Lemon peel
- Fill a highball glass almost full with ice cubes.
- Pour the rum and ginger beer.
- Stir well.
- Garnish with the lemon twist.
Has to be less lethal than a mint julip, right?
Okay, this week:
- Someone at the Supreme Court who is still unknown as of this writing leaked a draft opinion that indicates Roe vs. Wade will be overturned this term. All hell broke loose.
- The documentary “2,000 Mules” about the mail-in ballot stuffing operation in the 2020 general election premiered to sold out theatres nationwide.
- Primaries in Indiana and Ohio saw a clean sweep of MAGA candidates as all of President Donald Trump’s endorsed candidates won their primary races.
- Pfizer dumped a whole lot of data on the clot shots that is revealing they knew what damage would be caused before the rollout of the “vaccines” now blamed for many health calamities.
- Information surfaced that the Center for Disease Control tracked COVID quarantine compliance by purchasing data from a third party that collects mobile phone data.
- A new poll claims more voters believe in the media than Congress.
- Three states file lawsuit against the Biden Administration for censorship.
- Elon Musk took his mother to an expensive fundraiser.
- A judge in the Sussmann case being investigated by John Durham is reviewing the “attorney-client privilege” claimed by the defendent.
- The CDC tried to reimpose the mask nonsense.
- A majority of Americans want voter ID for elections. 84%. That’s more than a majority. That’s just about everybody.
Of course, that’s just the surface.
American Politics Are Exhausting
I don’t know about the rest of you, but politics in America has become really, really exhausting. We bounce around from one freaking political or government crisis to the next one, and we’re never given a single moment to try to catch our breath.
Every single day Democrats are calling anyone who doesn’t believe as they do vile names, and Republicans while generally not as graphic as their Democrat counterparts, are still at times also guilty of extreme rhetoric. Whatever happened to reasonable people sitting down and hashing things out and coming to a mutually acceptable agreement, without the vitriol and accusations that permeate our current political discourse?
Is that gone for good? Have we reached a point where our political discourse will never again be calm and measured? I sure hope not, because I’m exhausted watching all the drama coming out of Washington. Our politicians on both sides of the aisle have forgotten the time-worn tradition that ‘what governs the best, governs the least’. Once the political class gets involved in anything they make it worse.
But it just seems that our professional political class revels in stirring up the emotions of their constituents over contentious issues. Keeping people on edge, frightened, and angry. If they don’t have a contentious issue they create one. Whatever it takes to fire up their base. It has become all about winning elections instead of governing. Both parties are now in a constant state of political campaigns, now and then fitting in a vote on naming a post office after someone.
There’s more.
Labor Warning, First Quarter Productivity Drops 7.5 Percent, Largest Decrease Since 1947
The Ministry of Truth on steroids.
Is it real, or theater for the lead-up to the midterms? Seriously, the playbook has not been updated.
Okay, this is just cool.

This is not a bad thing in the overall scheme of society.
Question of the century.

And now for the business portion of the post borrowed from Tuesday:
Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
And Auntie DePat’s requests:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
ACTS 9:1-20
1But Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest 2and asked him for letters to the synagogues at Damascus, so that if he found any belonging to the Way, men or women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem. 3Now as he journeyed he approached Damascus, and suddenly a light from heaven flashed about him. 4And he fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” 5And he said, “Who are you, Lord?” And he said, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting; 6but rise and enter the city, and you will be told what you are to do.” 7The men who were traveling with him stood speechless, hearing the voice but seeing no one. 8Saul arose from the ground; and when his eyes were opened, he could see nothing; so they led him by the hand and brought him into Damascus. 9And for three days he was without sight, and neither ate nor drank. 10Now there was a disciple at Damascus named Anani’as. The Lord said to him in a vision, “Anani’as.” And he said, “Here I am, Lord.” 11And the Lord said to him, “Rise and go to the street called Straight, and inquire in the house of Judas for a man of Tarsus named Saul; for behold, he is praying, 12and he has seen a man named Anani’as come in and lay his hands on him so that he might regain his sight.” 13But Anani’as answered, “Lord, I have heard from many about this man, how much evil he has done to thy saints at Jerusalem; 14and here he has authority from the chief priests to bind all who call upon thy name.” 15But the Lord said to him, “Go, for he is a chosen instrument of mine to carry my name before the Gentiles and kings and the sons of Israel; 16for I will show him how much he must suffer for the sake of my name.” 17So Anani’as departed and entered the house. And laying his hands on him he said, “Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus who appeared to you on the road by which you came, has sent me that you may regain your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit.” 18And immediately something like scales fell from his eyes and he regained his sight. Then he rose and was baptized, 19and took food and was strengthened. For several days he was with the disciples at Damascus. 20And in the synagogues immediately he proclaimed Jesus, saying, “He is the Son of God.”
Have a great weekend.
I was refreshing my page and your post appeared at 12:04 EDT.
A nice surprise!
Cyndexia reposted
Jewels Jones
Is there anyone that thinks the SCOTUS draft opinion leak was done by the Ultra MAGA extremist group that we’ve been hearing so much about?
Not likely. It is interesting, however, to watch the political self-immolation of corruptocrats.
Time4SumAxShun reposted
Unruly Julie Q
Machiavelli tries his mind games on gullible people who are dying, to use them as their own personal kamikaze.
Andrew Torba
We are dealing with demons right from the pit of hell.
Pray for a host of angels to surround the Justices with protection.
Prayers for all the Justices. Sleep well, Wolf.
Amen! And thanks!
The hand of Obama, in my opinion……
True Blue ~ Purebred reposted
Stonewall Jackson
Is the left trying to egg on one of their radicals to perhaps assassinate one or more of the conservative Supreme Court justices, so that they can replace them with a radical Judge?
Psaki Says There Is No ‘Official U.S. Government Position’ On Activists Protesting Outside SCOTUS Justices’ Homes | The Daily Wire
View Link Fee
Sundance is calling this out as INSURRECTION by the Biden administration – and I squarely lay this tactic at the feet of OBAMA.
Seriously – this tactic is pure OSATAN.
I have been telling you Wolf, EVERYTHING since 2008 was and IS Obama. ‘In the end they ALL had ONE boss.” The leak was, NOT to distract from ‘2000 Mules’, NOT to mobilize the dem base (except to get them to riot), and NOT even to pack the SCOTUS. It was ALL to distract from what Durham is doing, because HE is after that ONE boss through RICO.
Also, Obama in his demented mind, likely thinks that he can intimidate the Justices to REVERSE the precedents HE set and used AGAINST Trump when it comes HIS turn. Do you think Clarence Thomas will be intimidated by Obama? LOL Dems FORGET that SOON the shoe WILL be on the other foot, and ALL the shit they put on Trump and WE his followers, will not come back to them in spades. I got a (para) phrase for them//sorry Rev Wright ” Democrats chickens…comin home to ROOST”.

.. sarc ..

…. Bwahahahahaha bwahahahahaha bwahahahahaha
Exactly! The REAL RED JEN was showing through YUGELY.
I remember family members and friends say “don’t frown like that, it could stay that way !”
well …
Okey dokey, since it is OK by the US Govt to “protest” outside Justices PRIVATE homes, then it MUSSSST be OK to “protest” outside Congress and Presidents PRIVATE homes, you know, like, say Delaware, or San Francisco..right Joe and Nan.
BUT, it is NOT Ok to protest outside the US Capitol, you know PUBLIC land. RIGHHHHTT.
Oh wait.
The whole thing is a MESS.
Prayers for all the Justices.
Now, looks like there is a question being begged here: there is the unstated and unverified presumption that Roe vs Wade saves a lot of women’s lives? Any known stats on that? Not that it would convince anyone who has stuck them selves in a ditch and wants to stay there.
Anyway, talking about saving lives of women, what about the lives of the future women which comprise about 50% of the aborted?
Here’s a tweet with the stats (only danger is to Planned unParenthood’s profits):
Show me any medical condition for which terminating a pregnancy is the exclusive treatment protocol, please.
I’ll wait. But not for very long.
Well, it appears that this Simon Gwynn piece of human garbage lives in Sheffield, England, got an MA in “magazine journalism” from City University London in 2014, writes for “magazines” like Campaign US among others, and just got a job as “International TV Editor” at Deadline Hollywood, an internet “magazine” for “industry insiders.” Yours Truly checked the Deadline Hollywood website and this POHG isn’t on the employee list yet.
And, by the way, Gwynn tweeted yesterday that he “removed the two recent tweets about the US Supreme Court…FYI, I don’t endorse murdering anyone…” — except, Gwynn, you can “remove” tweets all you want, but they REMAIN in the internet universe FOREVER.
I believe that FIVE EYES GARBAGE got a little bit of push-back from “the colonies”.
Wolf Moon
Very likely 100% correctomundo on this one. Methinks Gwynn sought, and got, his “15 minutes of fame.” It remains to be seen if and/or how he might be tapped for a “useful idiot” role by the WEF / [DS] / Cabal. He’s of the right age, likely couldn’t hold a job in the real world, has a “trash degree” MA, etc.
In the spirit of mockery, an invitation to Gwynn to become an inaugural member of the 15-minutes-of-fame (15-MoF) Schlub Club might be fun.
Re-posting Aubergine’s meme for the “2000 Cheating Husbands / 2000 Abortions / 2000 Mules / 2000 Cheating Democrat Communists” theme.
The old saying will ONCE AGAIN ring true. “Cheaters NEVER prosper”
Gotta see this movie.
Deplorable Jim reposted
]Rick Meisinger[
A must watch for every American…
TheStormHasArrived17, [5/5/22 8:45 PM]
OAN’s Dan Ball opened his show tonight with his thoughts on 2000 Mules after attending the watch party last night at Mar-a-Lago:
“After watching this movie, I will say this. There’s not one doubt in my mind that this election was rigged. Period. Point blank. End of story. The left can kiss my…
What they did to this country is one of the biggest acts of treason in our nation’s history.”
Saturday, May 7, it can be watched online if you buy a ticket.
DVDs also start shipping immediately after that!
Here’s the movie poster!
Sass Rabble Rouser reposted
Daveda Gruber
WYATT GANG Patriots Rock
2000 Mules is a must see movie!
Who the heck taught that female how to do makeup? She couldn’t look much worse if she tried.
Yeah. Not exactly my taste, either!
HUNDREDS of Patriots Attend Screening of “2000 Mules” at President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Home and Resort — Crowd Left Stunned as Proof Revealed on Stolen Election — Stacey Abrams Better Find New Work (
It is so freaking outrageous. Dodge and FIB could have gotten this same data and didn’t. William BARR SINISTER could have pushed for this kind of work to have been pursued and didn’t.
The communist FED is ALL politicized. And Democrats are chomping at the bit to get into a WAR to fight on the side of the WEF VILLAINS who backed all this crap.
Some of the newest Pfizer data insights so far…..
Vickie B reposted
COVID-1984 Vaccine Side Effects
Holy crap.
I don’t understand how it was released and how people were allowed to be given it. Who is in charge of the safety of products? The FDA? CDC? Whatever agency it is needs to be completely dismantled, from the ground up, and some people should be in prison.
Are we going to have to wait a year for Congress to decide to hold hearings, and then watch them virtue-signal and spew righteous anger, only to have no consequences?
From what I understand, Pfizer’s clinical trials are now (and were for the vaccine and the new pill) 100% being run by their Chinese division. So THAT is who FDA and CDC are dealing with – a CHINESE company.
China and Chinese companies lie about everything. Our Democrats also lie about everything. Now go back and read that list, and it makes sense.
We are dealing with the export of Chinese ethics into the American government via the Democrat party.
This is why I call them Pfizer-Wuhan. Their Wuhan division is basically who we’re dealing with.
As far as I’m concerned, Pfizer is part of the Wuhan Institute.
All those billions going to Pfizer and going to CHINA.
And CHINA via CHINA JOE is using the United States to attack RUSSIA, so that its two strongest competitors kill each other.
Of course, Democrats and Woke Generals can’t understand this, other than to go along with it, so here we are.
My friend – you nailed it. Now add in the other industries who are doing the very same thing with the Chi-coms.
The scope of the treason is mind numbing.
Well, that explains it. I would not have thought that would be allowed. But everything you say, though horrifying, makes perfect sense.
And the people are completely blind to it. They are trusting our government to protect them and do the best thing for their health. Many of them are so brainwashed about “the global community” and “diversity” that they wouldn’t care that China is running the show here. They are sheep to the slaughter, and we have to try to keep them from taking our country with them. They will reap the personal consequences of trusting all those entities — Pfizer and the others, the 3-letter agencies, China and the globalists, etc.
Yeah. My advice for now is DO NOT take anything from Pfizer-Wuhan-Facebook (so named because Facebook board-queen and Biden science advisor Dr. Susan Desmond-Hellman is apparently still on Pfizer’s board).
“Trust the science.” Yeah, trust it to stay broken.
This is most criminal part of this.
Not only does Pfizer, but CDC, FDA even WHO, besides Fraudci and many others who knew, need to be defendants’ in NUREMBERG II Tribunals.
Six or seven months ago there was a local TV blurb telling pregnant women the vaccines were perfectly safe for them. And it was said with a condescending arrogance, a “we know best and you don’t” attitude. I knew it was wrong. I have no doubt babies were harmed and that some possibly died. People need to be held accountable.
Incomprehensible evil! Many/most babies died in the wombs of “vax’d” mothers & a number of them died from a “vax’d” mother’s breastmilk…
Pharmaceutical MALPRACTICE. The class action suits should be fun, and NO “shielding from liability agreement” FRAUD vitiates ALL. It only takes ONE honest judge…just ONE.
This guy’s account on Gab is pretty funny! LOL.
Joseph M. Lenard
Frankly appalled at all the #VIRTUESIGNALING or folks taking #Selfies of themselves at #2000Mules screenings. Seriously, most of you just now discovered @DineshDSouza and the ATTENTION YOU TRY TO BRING TO YOURSELF! If you have not seen EVERY SINGLE #DineshDSouza Doc u r a #poser!
Joseph M. Lenard
Then, again, every woman I’ve had a significant relationship with has said, “you make me laugh” as a reason for the relationship.
Yup. You know that inside she was laughing like crazy.
Women who can’t occasionally laugh at their men’s foibles are free to become lesbians.
Humorless lesbians! THERE’S your natural selection in action!
Married to a child or not, still funny.
BOOBS always bring a SMILE!
There is a child in all of us we better embrace that in ourself and others like men
Thats a happy hippo.
Backstroke starts. I love it.
Almost better than kiddo!
Inspired by gil00, I had Panda Express for dinner tonight. It may have been my first time — I can recall no other.
I had “Beijing Beef”, which had more flour and cornstarch than beef — and “Kung Pao Chicken”, which seemed more designed to hide the chicken than celebrate it. The side was about a 1/3 serving of “chow mein”, which still left me plenty to discard.
My original plan was to stroll in and ask for the “Cinco de Mayo Special”, but I realized once I got inside that I had no clue as to how this was supposed to work. I had to hang back and wave others through as I squinted at the menu and serving dishes (I have ‘reading glasses’ and ‘movie glasses’, but nothing for menus about 15 feet away).
On the plus side, I found a new “Mediterranean Market” (looked probably Turkish), where I could replenish my stock of Savory. They had stopped carrying it at the restaurant supply place I used to use and I’ve been running low. It goes in everything that is supposed to be……wait for it…..savory, like stewed/slow-cooked meats. In things like tomato-based sauces, I particularly enjoy pairing it with dill as an accent over the usual oregano and basil.
If you have a sunny window, you can grow savory indoors. There are two kinds, winter and summer. Winter is a perennial, so I would choose it for inside.
If you plant it from seed, you shouldn’t cover the seeds with soil, as it is a light-dependent germinator.
Once it is growing, you can snip of a stem, put it in some water, and it will grow roots. Then you can plant it and have more!
Savory is a mint. Most mints are really easy to grow, and hard to kill.
Some weird plants are in the mint-family, including coleus (we don’t eat that one). You can always tell a plant is a mint by the stem. They are square, which I also find super weird.
I was captivated by the square stem when I was 8-9. Never could figure out its purpose until I got older.
God made it that way so we’d have hard evidence about creation vs evolution. Having a characteristic that is completely unnecessary for its existence can only be a clue from the Creator.
And then there’s Romanesco:
There is also square-stem bamboo — — which is more obviously square when you can feel it rather than look at a picture.
But if that’s the Higher Purpose, its best illustration would probably be in wombat poo — which comes out in cubes.
I like it!
Yes, be careful with the fast food panda express spots. Their quality isnt the same anymore.
I’m having trouble coming to terms with the DA not pursuing charges against the guy who attacked Chappelle. I guess his posse should have tossed him down a few more staircases.
It’s CA. None of it surprises me anymore.
Look from the outside, you’ll be appalled at all of it. NOT just LA.
When this guy attacks and possibly hurts/kills someone without quick acting bodyguards..everyone will be so shocked…
During Chappelle’s Tuesday night show, Lee tackled the comedian and pointed a weapon, later determined to be a replica handgun containing a knife blade, at him.
Ah ok in his hand then that makes it a felony. This is important.
So i asked.
If the knife was NOT in his hand it is NOT a felony.
It was on him in some pocket its a misdemeanor.
Thats why.
I see that the radical left are looking to besiege the residences of SCOTUS in their spasm of outrage over Roe v. Wade…..and I considered how amusing it would be if all NINE justices said, “nope, Alito got it right, all you activist losers should go molest some statehouses and leave us out if it.”
Would be AMAZING – but I don’t think Sotocommie, Keggin’, or Pedonji can go along with that kind of message.
The question does need to go back to the States, though. The STATES are the ones that have basic laws defending life. If we want a CONSTITUTIONAL life amendment or a medical freedom amendment, that guarantees what the States cannot do, then pass THAT.
In fact, there’s an idea. Let’s have a medical freedom amendment that guarantees no forced vaccination, and ZERO government interference with women’s control of pregnancy during, say, the first 12 weeks. That’s the first trimester – which is basically the core of Roe v. Wade. Twelve weeks is ALSO basically the heartbeat bill – right? A medical freedom amendment would thus create a national heartbeat bill from the pro-life perspective, and a baseline Roe v. Wade from the pro-abortion perspective.
So far as I recall, Article I, section 8, lists NOTHING in healthcare among the enumerated powers that are within the Federal government’s purview.
I’m very OK with that. And GREATER EXCLUSIONS IN WRITING would be nice, too.
1/8 talks about what the government is allowed to do, but among those items is interstate commerce, which is the loophole they use to regulate everything.
They cannot, from that list, provide, say, medical care or pensions yet we have the great sacred cows, medicare and social security.
If people want Congress to overturn a SCOTUS case, a much more worthy example would be Wickard v. Filburn.
No, to ANY legal baby killing. If we can collect child support using DNA and convict murderers and rapists using DNA, then we have already ADMITTED that DNA identifies an individual human being.
An individual human being exists from the moment of conception AND EVERYBODY KNOWS IT.
Abortion is murder. Now. Today. Under existing law.
side note: what are you doing up at 2:30 am?
For the entire life of this site, I have almost always been up at 2:30 AM. It was recently that it became more obvious, when I’m often the ONLY person around in the 2:30-5:00 window.
Mostly maintenance and “just plain posting” would be the answer to the question. Daytime right now is mostly work on the abode. It’s cool enough to do heavy labor without overheating.
As for DNA, I see perfection getting ready to murder good one more time. Much pro-life success is about to be erased, if we overreach in leftist style.
The pro-life position (taking advantage of Roe v. Wade, ironically) had made huge strides against abortion. Late abortion is being outlawed everywhere, and Roe v. Wade backs it. “Baby parts” – the profitable business which DEPENDS on late abortion – is now directly threatened. But very soon, I think we’re going to see abortion, infanticide and euthanasia TOTALLY legalized in some of the most populous [communist] states. And we will be holding a bag with a hole in the bottom to stop it.
There is part of me that worries this is all a trick by the left. IF that is right then they realized that Roe v. Wade was better at protecting abortion law than it was at protecting abortion. Now they’re making US get rid of it, while they profit politically, and get what they want – totally unrestricted abortion in all communist states. Then they do a long march to get the rest everywhere.
Hopefully that’s wrong, but the timing of this intentional leak makes me think the left is VERY cunning here.
Getting rid of Roe v. Wade gets rid of any national restrictions on abortion. People on our side need to process that. We are opening up a chop shop free-for-all. The abortion states are going to be like the Soviet Union. Abortion as contraception – scheduled as late as possible to maximize profit on human parts.
They can already do that, can’t they? I realize abolishing RvW would spur them into action, but RvW doesn’t prohibit leftist states from going as far as they want, does it?
I strongly suspect that they are inconvenienced by the current law at some level.
The REALITY of abortion in blue and purple states is demonstrated by the Gosnell case, IMO.
The fact that such a house of horrors was allowed to operate was the obvious result of the political “sanctity” of abortion. He was brought down for 3 infanticides (first degree murder), one involuntary manslaughter on a patient, and 21 felony late-term abortions. RvW allows SCOTUS to look at the late-term abortion laws, and the scale of their interest is clearly in favor of restrictions against late-term abortion. Without RvW, they don’t even get involved, if I understand this correctly.
With that gone, the state SCOTUS (which supported the STEAL, IIRC) would have the last word on challenges to the abortion law which convicted Gosnell.
I’m not AGAINST chucking RvW, but we have no plan of battle for after it’s gone, IMO. I expect a backfire if it’s gone. I fear that we’re grabbing for chump change, while not securing our wallet full of winnings.
RvW is, was, and always has been an abomination — but not because it banned or allowed certain abortions.
It is horrific because of its sheer judicial hubris — that everyone in the US should be subject to arbitrary and capricious rules by nine black-robed demigods, who could conjure up such powers using “emanations and penumbras”. Further, they could assert these rules over millions of people who never brought a controversy before them despite the case being mooted by Roe’s successful childbirth.
There will be adjustments — and some things’ natural trajectory will not immediately go back to normal, but this is like a person of normal stature with a 100-pound tumor — you don’t talk about PT for their aching back until you’re removed the malignancy — their back may cease to ache as soon as the excess pressure is relieved.
I agree that this analogy works for the greater law, but for abortion per se – where RvW is a CRUTCH – I see this more as pulling out a defective implant that the patient has relied upon for most of their lifetime, with mixed results. Or discontinuation of a long-standing drug, in hopes that a new one is going to work better.
It’s also much like IT, where a long-standing HACK is being removed. Sometimes this works wonderfully, and all the fears are proven to have been groundless. But other times, it’s just a new disaster, and people jump from frying pan to fire – often because management brings a new hubris to the change, and doesn’t admit that the old way actually had benefits that needed preservation. I’ve seen working systems just knee-capped in this way.
Worst of all is when the OLD CRAP has to be reinstated, and the “no changers” are falsely validated.
I feel like the left is baiting us onto thin ice. Please play smart, people!
BTW, Bongino actually has a plan, based on Peter Doocey’s confrontation with Jen Psaki on “infanticide abortions” and her refusal to address Biden’s position on it.
Notice that he pushes the issue to the winning ground – LATE TERM. And he uses it for November. Big win, IMO.
All that needs to happen to prevent the scenario you have stated is for a few states to pass a law or a state constitutional amendment that human life begins at conception and that civil rights attach to each unique DNA profile. Alternatively, such law/amendment could simply hold that a legal person exists from the moment of conception though that might create issues with probate and/or estate law.
The first anti-contraception case that drops out of that will be a big win for Democrats, IMO. If I can ask a favor, please delay this can of worms until we’ve secured the ground against late-term abortion, baby parts for sale, infanticide, and heartbeat-bill territory!
Every miscarriage would have to be investigated by a coroner, to be consistent.
At which point not revealing pregnancy and having it miscarry could be construed as obstruction of justice.
I saw this theological can of worms open up when the issue of rescuing fertilized embryos was debated by Protestant pastors, as an actual policy for congregants on IVF, which creates more embryos than needed as a way of insuring success, which IS a goal of a pro-life universe, and is directly modeled from nature.
There are a lot of deep weeds here, regarding how we interact with THE FUTURE. This is complicated by the possibility that many futures are realized anyway.
“Quickening?” (The Founder-era standard)
I advise not trying to win that battle ahead of its time, when we’re not even certain of what winning is.
Late term and middle term – and INFANTICIDE – are regions of clarity. SALE OF PARTS – grooming for parts – that is a region of clarity.
There is a LOT of winning still to be done where the nature of winning is obvious.
Frankly, we’re already ahead of Trump’s schedule on SCOTUS and abortion. And THAT in and of itself makes me leery, that the LEFT understands that fully, and are pushing us into what is actually “too much winning” – and THEY KNOW IT.
I read somewhere–no sauce, so take it for what it’s worth–that the overwhelming majority of Americans could live with it being completely legal in the first trimester, illegal otherwise.
Substitute the time at which heartbeat begins and/or nervous system starts to develop, perhaps.
When you have reasonably functional people walking around who were 21-week preemies, the concept of allowing abortions at 24-weeks gets really icky.
That’s why I left the line somewhat vague. First trimester would be 12-13 weeks. 24 is clearly too late from what you’re saying; your preemies had five months.
My point being that protection from the instant of conception would be unacceptable too, to most people.
More fun from Lake T.
I’ve mentioned the Nile Crocodile as being one hazard of fish collection in Lake T. This is one reason to have a native guide (who is not mentioned in your will) during your visit. The locals are pretty savvy about where they are or are not.
Several members of my local fish club who have visited the lake have showed in frame-by-frame analysis of their video that they had been within several feet of a water cobra without knowing it. Fortunately, the snakes are shy. But, y’know, cobras.
Few people know that the most dangerous large animal in Africa is not a lion, a leopard, a cape buffalo, an elephant, rhino, or even a Nile Crocodile…..the one that attacks and kills the most people every year is the hippo. They can outrun people on land, and will attack people on the surface and at depth in the water. They’ll even attack people in kayaks/canoes. Tip your native guides well.
Hawley on FIRE!!!
From GAB!!!
[video src="" /]
We’re getting there.
” Historical communist systems were characterized by state control of every aspect of life, propaganda and “correct thinking” that was enforced by the coercive power of a state that owned and controlled all resources. Efficiency Markets serve to decentralize trillions of economic decisions.’
Bureaucratic elite, Common Good ,Single Party, Repression
Another skull is saying “Hey! What about fascism? We could probably fix that even easier!”
LOL OOOPS that did not go as intended did it.
Mayorkas is terrible. Just horrifying.
The water of Lake T has been jocularly called “liquid concrete”. It is somewhat alkaline, extremely hard, and somewhat salty. This has limited many of the “swamp fever” parasites so common in African waters.
There is no constant outflow from the lake — when it spills, it flows into the Congo.
There are beds of aquatic snail shells filling ancient canyons at the bottom of the lake that are thousands of feet thick. These buffer the pH and hardness.
If sand and gravel are packed against a rock, they will gradually be cemented into place on the rock.
Neolamprologus tretocephalus is a very attractive large substrate-spawning cichlid.
I have bred this fish twice — and lost my breeding pair each time because they have dug away the sand under the rocks they spawned with until a rock fell on a parent fish and killed it. They have it programmed into their DNA that rocks are “sticky” and cement themselves together because the water is Lake T concrete. The modern method to avoid this is to make “rock racks” out of PVC pipe, so that no amount of excavation can move a rock.
Lake T is the second deepest lake known (after Lake Baikal in Siberia). It is highly stratified, so there is essentially no oxygen deeper than 500 feet in the north end of the lake. In the south, you can find oxygen as deep as 800 feet. You also start to find hydrogen sulfide in deeper waters as the oxygen depletes.
In the comments of newneo —
I have sadly reached the conclusion that about 35% of Americans are retarded leftist morons who cannot be redeemed. All we can do is marginalize them from our lives as best we can, and exclude them from decision-making whenever possible.
November 2022 cannot possibly come soon enough. At least if the Repukes have a majority, they will have to pretend for a while to be on our side. Maybe we can use that to our advantage somehow.
The Long March Back will take a while, but WE CAN DO IT.
I hope so!
It REALLY is only like 10-15%
You are probably more accurate than me. I am just disgusted with a lot of people right now!
Well, then he doesn’t need any inheritance. Write him out of the will.
Top story at DM….
New White House press secretary sparks fresh ethical dilemma for CNN: Psaki replacement Karine Jean-Pierre’s partner is CNN political reporter Suzanne Malveaux – as critics liken conflict of interest to Chris Cuomo scandal
No conflict. CNN and WH are on the same team.
Exactly! Same team!
Team DOOM ..
” ethical dilemma”? In the DemCommie regime ?
No way in hell would they replace this woman.
“What’s the problem?”
-Vladimir Lenin
Very nice! I was not familiar with them and looked up the name.–
We live under communism! The propagandists and the communists are in league! They’re on the SAME TEAM.
“Are France and NATO Shipping Depleted Uranium Weaponry Into Ukraine?”
A long read but the answer seems to be yes. Implications for future agricultural products coming from ukraine ?
If they want to throw ultra-gold at Russia, go right ahead. At least some good will come out of this.
Rudi asks the Jan 6 NAZI Show Trial that his testimony be broadcast live and that he is able to record the event.
Suddenly his appearance Friday is promptly cancelled.
EXCLUSIVE: Rudy Giuliani Asks For Live Coverage of His Scheduled Testimony on National TV – But Jan 6 Committee Declines — Sham Jan. 6 Committee Lacks Transparency (
Heliophobia (-:
I personally would refuse to appear unless I was televised and able to make my own recording, too!
Immunity to forced testimony. Sweet.
old way – “I assert my Fifth Amendment protections.”
new way – “I demand to be televised and to make my own recording.”
“The Revolution will not be televised.”
Happy Friday!
And behold the power of AND
AND LOGIC brings down GULAG!!!
The REAL Insurrection – The Office of The President, The Executive Branch, Publicly Declared Support For the Political Targeting of the Judicial Branch
HUNDREDS of Patriots Attend Screening of “2000 Mules” at President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Home and Resort — Crowd Left Stunned as Proof Revealed on Stolen Election — Stacey Abrams Better Find New Work
PfizerGate: new documents confirm vaccine goes to liver, spleen and ovaries in animal studies « JoNova (
It appears a female who gets any of the COVID-19 “vaccines” is putting her ability to successfully conceive and bear a healthy child to term at risk. IMO, if the parent of a female child knows this and still has her be “vaccinated and boosted”, that parent should be asked if they’re OK with “medical child abuse.”
Dr Robert Malone and his foundation have done a good job investigating the (dog)trained ‘Young Leaders’ of the WEFfen SS.
They created a spreadsheet of all those that could be found and categorized them according to the countries and the industry they represent.
See Here: from
I had a quick glance and Yes the usual suspects, many don’t even have leadership qualities, but only know to obey their masters, are all in there.
Davos Man, his World Economic Forum, and his Servants (
Bit by bit we’re getting to the bottom of who “they” are. We ask it all the time. “They” have their minions who do their bidding.
Thanks for the quotes from the article
Being as the WEF is an international political cabal, whose actions are detrimental to nation states, and its adherents by their actions and support of said, show their first allegiance to it. Can some lawyer not make a case that they are ineligible to hold any political office in whatever country they happen to live.
Given that the WEFFEN SS are inherently ANTI-NATIONAL, the problem of them holding NATIONAL OFFICE is a real one.
Verse of the Day for Friday, May 6, 2022
“If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.”
John 15:18 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
File this one in your devolution folder. Must be some new equity thing. And here we were thinking that lawyers could not get lower.

American Bar Association recommends ending the LSAT…
Great ! I’ve always wanted to be an attorney and a brain surgeon…maybe that will be next
“Chinese authorities have ordered government agencies and corporations to remove all foreign PCs and replace them with domestic ones.
The term is 2 years, writes Bloomberg.
Operating systems must also be Chinese.
In the future, the requirement will also apply to regional state institutions.”
Makes perfect sense.
This is a good article about where we stand with Covid and vaccines from Dr. Ted Noel. It’s brief, has bullet points, and is an easy read for normies:
“With all the thousands of studies bombarding the medical community, it’s helpful to set our microscope aside and look at the bigger picture. It’s virtually certain that the virus was engineered in Wuhan with financial and technical assistance directed by that highly competent bureaucrat, Anthony Fauci. But that doesn’t tell us what we should expect as the virus moves through society. For that, we must look at the science. And I don’t mean “I am science” Fauci. I mean real scientific data, something with which Fauci has little acquaintance.”
Yours Truly notes a couple of things about the linked article by Dr. Noel:
First, it may be that “President Biden” was either given one or more of the Pfizer injections from the lots that apparently contained saline only; or, that the injections he received on those live-streamed “look at me take the shot” videos were staged.
Second, IMO, Dr. Noel didn’t go quite far enough in addressing the relatively high occurrence of serious reactions or death from Remdesivir.
I’ve wondered how many prominent politicians have insider knowledge and would never take the same vaccines they force on the little people.
All of them?
[not a sarc]
Well, it’s a start for people who haven’t known much up until now. It continues to surprise me how many people know little to nothing.
Seattle protesters who are so incensed over the pending Supreme Court Roe VS Wade decision, that they start attacking people on their own side.
“….divided they fall.”
(A little over two minutes)
That’s our Seattle.
Nobody with any sense goes there any more. Seriously, all the businesses are closing or moving out because … well … the vid shows just one reason. There are plenty of others.
No cops and the ones left arent able to get hired elsewhere or are too close to retirement.
Here’s an idea, why doesn’t Planned Parenthood start giving out free hysterectomies to all these pro-abortion harpies? Then they no longer have to worry about getting pregnant and they can fk their way into Valhalla or wherever.
Really, I don’t mind the harpies getting all the abortions they want. They would be horrible mom’s raising dysfunctional and demented, mentally and physically abused children
Excellent idea and I agree with the rest of your comment.
If they want to murder their unborn children that’s on them and the people who assist them.
The endless debate and constant political football over abortion would die completely if Pro life said..ok, you evil fools. Go ahead put up killing stations on every corner. Do it. You’ll be judged by a higher power.
I’d rather see the same emotion over the rest of things …like election fraud, political prisoners, corruption, etc etc
They have managed to make abortion into an unceasing money making program. Politicians run on the issue both pro and con. They’ve sanitized it into Planned Parenthood.
Abortion should be that…an abortion clinic. It offers murder by medical personnel.
If all of this hokum about choice was shut down..WTH are they going to fund raise on….a murder clinic doesn’t have the same appeal as “choice”
Fight them the way they fight us
I understand the sentiment, and they are responsible for their own actions, so if you remove the idea that fetuses are human beings, that idea would work. But since fetuses ARE human beings, then letting the harpies kill them at will is tantamount to our saying “go ahead and kill as many people as you want.” A civilized and just society doean’t stand by and allow the killing of its most vulnerable citizens, IMO.
Because they are LAZY and do not want to go through the PAIN.
Here’s Mr. Robinson after a shopping tour
SNL goes WAYYY over a few lines here, plus a word of the week or so:
(REALLY edgy, but fits what the demo was about)

Normally id say she didnt, but yeah, it sure looks like she did.
Damn Jim, that’s ghetto … of the filthy rich kind … disgusting and puke worthy hilarious

Her testimony is fake, but she did say her dad did coke a lot, even with depp. All gutter trash.
Just a little…sure did look like it or she’s vewy clever , maybe trying to get Depp’s lawyers to accuse her and then her tissue is coke free…get that persecution thing going
Yeah theyre both awful.
I like your devious thinking.
Hahah…she’s a succubus and conniving so what would a person like that do ? Create a scene where she’s the victim and “prove” that Depp is a bad guy. I know one just like her
Oscar-worthy snorting!
Cause her acting on the stand isnt…
And here they are, all claiming to worry about Vlad, the inhaler…
You got comment number 900,000 with that one!
Lol. Wow. We are almost at 1 million!
Yup! Gettin’ close to 4 years now!
Yeah, that don’t look like a proper booger-clearing or snot blow that I’ve ever seen or done.
She lost by a nose…
Nope reverse flow sniff and she looked around to see if anyone noticed.
The Handmaid’s Fail…….
Putin on the Hitz
Seen on Gab–evil incarnate…
A known satanic Sprit Cooker to the left. Think children!!! just sayin’
It doesn’t look good, but I also don’t think we can judge a person by photos that are taken at events with various people. I do wish someone would ask him about it, though.
No doubt!
This is true…
Hanging the traitors is always on the table.
Absolutely time for swift justice!
via Bernhard @ MoA
U.S. Pushes Fake Stories To Goad Russia Into Escalation
The geniuses (not) at the National Security Council want to goad Russia into direct attacks on U.S. forces or interests. That would give the U.S. an excuse to further escalate the war in Ukraine into an open confrontation. It would also diverts the attention away from domestic problems.
To achieve this the NSC has pushed a number of stories to the media which claim that alleged Ukrainian successes are based on U.S. intelligence.
U.S. Intelligence Is Helping Ukraine Kill Russian Generals, Officials Say, May 4, NYT
Cont. reading: U.S. Pushes Fake Stories To Goad Russia Into Escalation
He must read here. We were saying this exact thing yesterday minus the NSC talk.
(half kidding of course. should be obvious to anyone)
Big Sis (Cistern) exposed on Gab…
Wowza!!! Look what internet sleuths have dug up. That’s Nina Jancowicz.
via Intel Slava
Russian long range heavy bombers destroying Azovstal and Bandera pigs hiding in
Note what they’re saying and NOT SAYING.
They’re bombing deep bunkers where NATO forces are hiding – but they’re not saying that. They’re saying Azov and Bandera radicals.
Looks like the Russians gave up on capturing foreign forces in the bunkers.
Thought I read somewhere, that the tunnel and bunker complexes were somewhat known and mapped out. Maybe they are bombing a pattern that is forcing anyone down there to a capture point. One can hope.
Now THAT makes sense!!!
Give them 24 hours to surrender.
Yep. With the Lessgo Biden branding, they’re bound to figure it out
(Or Lehmann Gross Bahn, now owned by Märklin)…
The Soviets built the steel plant. Ergo, the Russians have ALL the info.
Adding to the earlier posts on the document dump from fakezer:
“Buried within the FDA’s briefing document for the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) meeting on December 10, 2020, for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine- there is alarming data and a concerning issue which should be addressed.
Firstly, it’s worth pointing out that Pfizer used a ‘central laboratory’ (see page 13 of the document) of its choice, to confirm COVID-19 cases using a PCR test. ‘If, at any time, a participant develops acute respiratory illness, an illness visit occurs. Assessments for illness visits include a nasal (mid-turbinate) swab, which is tested at a central laboratory using a reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) test.’
I’ve previously written an in-depth investigative report on the PCR test. The cycle threshold (CT) value used, greatly impacts the outcome of a test.
According to a study by Jaafar et al., the authors found that when running PCR tests with 35 cycles or more – the accuracy dropped to 3%, meaning up to 97 % of positive results could be false positives.
There is no information given on the CT value used at this ‘central laboratory.’
Given what we know, that Pfizer’s pivotal clinical trial was a de facto, unblinded one – their unblinding guidelines are clearly stated within their own study protocol and for potential COVID-19 cases, the trial site staff were immediately unblinded. This means, trial staff knew whether a particular symptomatic participant had the placebo or the vaccine.
Pfizer’s widely touted vaccine efficacy rate of 95%, arose from PCR test results generated from this central lab. The unblinding of clinical trials leads to strong bias and a severe loss of data integrity, so potentially the CTs could have been ramped up for the unvaccinated (placebo) participants suspected of having COVID-19, leading to almost guaranteed Covid positive results. For those who had the vaccine, the CT value used could have been much less, making it more likely to generate a negative result. :
Good stuff!!!
Glad you saw this.
Definitely worth reading that link!!!
Here is the kicker for me….
A key section buried within this document, which alludes to possibly the real VE at that time, is the following damning data below (found on page 42).
These were people showing actual symptoms. If you calculate the VE from these numbers, it’s a staggeringly low 12%. VE is calculated by dividing the difference between the case numbers in the placebo and vaccine groups, by the case number in the placebo group x 100 = VE of 12 %
This is a vast climb down from the 95% VE generated by easily manipulated PCR tests, conducted in a central lab chosen by Pfizer. What’s even more alarming, is that this data was known almost a year and a half ago, by the FDA themselves.
Corruption. They all should swing. Everyone.
Just arrest someone/anyone!
If only
Malone on Gab (sorry if this duplicates something someone shared, I’m perpetually catching up around here)…
We have put together the most complete list of WEF graduates available – with over 3800 names, going back to the beginning. The spreadsheet has nationalities, bios, jobs, attendance, etc of the graduates.
These graduates fit the criteria of foreign agents – and should be registered as such. They are not patriots and they put our great nation at risk. Let’s make their names known everywhere.
We cannot emphasize this enough. WEF is the SPECTRE of REALITY!!!
Sunlight incoming!!!
And may the sunlight sear the evil ones
That article also explains a bit about the WEF.
Now to make a searchable index where we can check out the globalist creeps before they start moving and shaking…
Hmmm. Just had a look at and they show neither the WEF nor Klaus Schwab, although they have a lot on Gyorgi Schwartz, aka George Soros… wonder why…
The WEF info is pretty fresh. Everybody was missing it until recently.
Malone is really going to bat here. Can’t fight what you can’t see.
Yes he’s a real hero!
Thanks, I just love tables of data!!!
Mike Lindell really is a stand-up guy:
Yours Truly just spoke with the doctor’s office. Biopsy results just came in.
Yours Truly has to get the polyp out, follow an anti-cancer diet, get follow-up colonoscopies every 3 years.
Thank the Almighty God!
And Thank You, my good online friends, for your prayers and good thoughts!
Now THERE is some good news!
Glad to hear it RDS. That’s a huge emotional burden off of you.
Good for you. Hey only 1 polyp not bad. Add in fiber. Mr gil had pretty bad ibs and ended up with diverticulitis.
I cant get him to stop diet soda, but i had him take probiotics for a while then fiber.
This is a national brand probiotic but you can vary. Fyi some brands are made n china!!! Check your labels. Pills did not work. When i take them, take at night on an empty stomach before you brush your teeth.

Fiber wise, he takes 5 of these every day.

Try switching Mr. gil to tea. That’s what got me off of diet sodas.
He likes crystal light sugar free tea, which i make, but he drinks so much diet soda. Complains of the headaches from less caffeine which ive repeatedly explained its bc of the adjustment. Ill try again.
Tea has caffeine. You might try various formulations to see what gets the job done. As a helpful hint, try looking in ethnic markets, like Patel Brothers — supermarkets are full of wimpy teas.
And, as a further hint, I generally brew my morning mug with three star anise petals and four cinnamon “sticklets” (about 1/2″ long and 1/8″ wide). They do not provide a real caffeine boost, but help me feel more “perked-up”.
Even TJ’s has a decent English Breakfast tea.
If he will then i can titrate for taste.
Fantastic! What a great relief. I’m so happy for you!

Thank you God
. Blessed
God is Good.
You are
Absolutely WONDERFUL news. HAPPY for ya!!!!
My Friday is complete.
You are so kind. Probiotics and fiber are absolutely on the list of “must add to diet” items.
Yours Truly is indulging in some “retail therapy” this afternoon to celebrate. Maybe not buying a car, but you get the idea.
Retail Therapy is GOOD, you’ve earned it.

Retail therapy is the best…along with a day of beauty.
A lot of anwered prayers there I think… GOD IS GOOD!!!

Amazing news!
I’m so happy with your wonderful news!!! Especially since you only need to check again in 3 years. Have a lovely weekend, RDS! <3
CS Lewis exposing our hypocrisy & masks of pretentiously seeking God!
On God
It is always shocking to meet life where we thought we were alone. “Look out!” we cry, “it’s alive.” And therefore this is the very point at which so many draw back—I would have done so myself if I could—and proceed no further with Christianity. An “impersonal God”—well and good. A subjective God of beauty, truth and goodness, inside our own heads—better still. A formless life- force surging through us, a vast power which we can tap—best of all. But God Himself, alive, pulling at the other end of the cord, perhaps approaching at an infinite speed, the hunter, king, husband—that is quite another matter. There comes a moment when the children who have been playing at burglars hush suddenly: was that a real footstep in the hall? There comes a moment when people who have been dabbling in religion (“Man’s search for God”!) suddenly draw back. Supposing we really found Him? We never meant it to come to that! Worse still, supposing He had found us!
From Miracles
Compiled in Words to Live By
Miracles: A Preliminary Study. Copyright 1947 C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. Copyright renewed © 1947 C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. Revised 1960, restored 1996 C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved. Used with permission of HarperCollins Publishers. Words to Live By: A Guide for the Merely Christian. Copyright © 2007 by C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved. Used with permission of HarperCollins Publishers.
I see “fear of God” as a key turning point here, even in the children’s play! How do we overcome the fear? ENGAGE!!!
Amen! It’s pretty scary to be both Fully Known AND Completely Accepted, while at the same time continuously nudged to conform increasingly to the image of Christ. What a mystery is “I am my Beloved’s and He is mine, His banner over me is Love!”
CS Lewis gives an imaginative glimpse of Heaven, Narnian style…
On heaven
Tirian had thought—or he would have thought if he had time to think at all—that they were inside a little thatched stable, about twelve feet long and six feet wide. In reality they stood on grass, the deep blue sky was overhead, and the air which blew gently on their faces was that of a day in early summer. Not far away from them rose a grove of trees, thickly leaved, but under every leaf there peeped out the gold or faint yellow or purple or glowing red of fruits such as no one has seen in our world. The fruit made Tirian feel that it must be autumn but there was something in the feel of the air that told him it could not be later than June. They all moved towards the trees.
Everyone raised his hand to pick the fruit he best liked the look of, and then everyone paused for a second. This fruit was so beautiful that each felt “It can’t be meant for me . . . surely we’re not allowed to pluck it.”
“It’s all right,” said Peter. “I know what we’re all thinking. But I’m sure, quite sure, we needn’t. I’ve a feeling we’ve got to the country where everything is allowed.”
“Here goes, then!” said Eustace. And they all began to eat.
What was the fruit like? Unfortunately no one can describe a taste. All I can say is that, compared with those fruits, the freshest grapefruit you’ve ever eaten was dull, and the juiciest orange was dry, and the most melting pear was hard and woody, and the sweetest wild strawberry was sour. And there were no seeds or stones, and no wasps. If you had once eaten that fruit, all the nicest things in this world would taste like medicines after it. But I can’t describe it. You can’t find out what it is like unless you can get to that country and taste it for yourself.
From The Last Battle
Compiled in Words to Live By
The Last Battle. Copyright © 1956 by C. S. Lewis Pte., Ltd. Copyright renewed © 1984 by C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved. Used with permission of HarperCollins Publishers. Words to Live By: A Guide for the Merely Christian. Copyright © 2007 by C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved. Used with permission of HarperCollins Publishers.
The Ukraine war – Russia finally retaliates. | Pointman’s (
Another great article, Jim. Spot on. Ignore the propaganda. This is the real world – along with Russia kicking Ukraine’s/WEF’s azzes.
Another good article by Pointy. Glad to see he’s back to posting more often. Interesting to see how many of the folks who saw through the Climate BS also see through the “Russia Russia” BS…
Chiefio has a lot of background on the Ukraine in a new post he’s put up… He already has a few. This is a two part series, but only the first one is up.
The ethnic Russians in Ukraine have a LOT to be angry about, and this started in 2014 and some of it much, MUCH earlier…
Climate Change Weekly #433: Public More Concerned about Energy Prices than Supposed Climate Catastrophe – Watts Up With That?
This is Elon Musk’s $50,000 home in South Texas.
Lots of other pics at the link.
I just like this guy! For all his differences from me, there are some big deep ways that I think we see the world the same!
Yes, he can’t be placed into a stereotypical category. That’s one reason why it’s fun to see what he’ll do next.
Wheat Montana flour for 10lbs at walmart is now $9.12!!!!!
Gold medal is $5.96
Great value brand is $3.00
Dunno why wheat montana is so expensive but i wont pay that much.
Thought you’d be interested.
Eventually, you’ll think that’s a bargain.
Hint: today’s inflation prices are the floor for prices of the future. It never rolls back.
and what if we end up in a depression?
Then I hope it’s like the Depression of 1920.
I know. Prices not sustainable for healthy future generations(buying lower quality items). Thats the intent though i think.
Any relation to Joe Montana?
[Four time Super Bowl (soup or bowl?) winner
No, just grown in Montana.
I only buy Wheat Montana, and I’ll explain why.
There is a practice in wheat harvesting called “desiccation.” This is where they spray the almost mature wheat with ROUND-UP, which kills the crop, allowing it to dry out faster and be easier to harvest. So, TWO WEEKS before they harvest it, they spray it with POISON.
I confirmed myself with Wheat Montana that their growers DO NOT do this. That’s why I only buy their flour.
Still think it costs too much?
There’s also a large question as to whether everyone who suddenly discovered they were “gluten intolerant” recently are actually “ROUND-UP intolerant” — leading to the explosion of celiac disease.
Yes! I actually don’t believe many of the people who think they can’t tolerate gluten actually can’t.
I know a few people who have traveled to Italy, risked the pasta, and have done just fine. The difference? NO ROUND-UP.
I buy imported Italian pasta only. I don’t get the bloated, yucky feeling I get from the cheap junk pasta.
Great info. Something else from BigPharma, as they are associated with the pesticide, fertilizer, perfume, food-additive, food-coloring, and related industries. Basically from the cradle to the grave, and likely can adjust the time between those two to suit their (and the WEFfenSS’s) “interests”…..
Over here, for a while, when BurgerKing was just slaughtering MikeyD’s, McDonalds came up with a variant of the QuarterPounder called the “BigTasty”. Actually was tasty, seemed like it had been flame-broiled just like BK’s…
BUT, it was “better burgers though chemicals”.
People caught onto that fraud quite quickly, and the “Big Tasty” became a Big Fail”.
Ironically, some of the problems the Greens and WEF are causing are bringing back local sourcing and self reliance, something they don’t want at all… they get bitten by the law of unintended consequences every time
People DO fight back, when they have information! The bad guys do everything in their power to keep it from us.
Do all growers do that?
Wheat Montana stated to me that their growers DO NOT.
Since it is a way to get more wheat from a crop faster and cheaper, I think it is likely the cheaper flours get made from wheat purchased by growers who do it.
Id like to know if anything in the US is different since the article was written.
No. If anything, it has gotten more prevalent.
However, since all this blew up around 2018, Monsanto has done a great job with shutting down people questioning it.
They love to change the names of things. Here, they call it a “harvest aid”:
Here, too, in soybeans:
And sorghum:
Don’t kid yourself. They’re doing it.
Yet another attempt to strip people of privacy for the sake of “convenience”.
My friends are skeptical of this scheme.
Now do Pelosi, Schumer, and McConnell!
Now do LIZ CHENEY!!!
Now we just need a judge to rule that it wasn’t an insurrection.
…Or that the election WAS!!!
I’ve been really busy today, so I didn’t get to a rally thread. Can you all chat here? The Blues play at seven.
You have a good time…..we’ll do fine.
Greensburg, PA
Removed from YouTube (smart) but here it is on Rumble….
Mike Lindell on right now.
Also LIVE on OAN!!!
Dinesh! ON stage! STANDING OVATION!!!
We need to hear a lot from Dinesh in the next weeks. He presents the case very well, and I do wish someone would debate him.
Be nice if Dinesh got some air time with Bannon, Tucker, Bongino…
I think he was on with Bongino today. I only caught a piece of the show, but Dan said something about talking to Dinesh.
The Fake News ignores him like crazy. They SUCK.
It’s raining and nobody cares!!!
JD Vance and Dr. Oz did GREAT. I’m getting the Trump endorsements now.
Forming a Team.
Lots of work to do, AND these guys gotta work as a Team.
Trump: We are the party of common sense
The economy Sucks
Friday, May 6, 2022: Join the RSBN team LIVE from Greensburg, PA for all day coverage of President Donald J. Trump’s SAVE AMERICA rally.
President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will hold a rally in Greensburg, Pennsylvania, on Friday, May 6, 2022, at 8:00PM EDT.
Friday, May 6, 2022, at 8:00PM EDT President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, Delivers Remarks in support of Dr. Oz, Candidate for U.S. Senate, and other endorsed candidates.
Venue: Westmoreland Fairgrounds 123 Blue Ribbon Lane Greensburg, PA 15601
Timeline of Events:
8:00AM – Parking and Line Opens
3:00PM – Doors Open and Entertainment Begins
5:00PM – Pre-program Speakers Deliver Remarks
8:00PM – 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks
History of Greensburg —,_Pennsylvania
It’s part of the greater Pittsburgh area. It’s in the corner of Pennsylvania next to the little thingie that goes up in WV. Haven’t heard of any of our crowd going….the OH guys are probably temporarily sated.
Thank you for carrying the staff ethulhu!
Appears to be your first !
50* in Greensburg, winds from the East @around 10mph.. crowd looks good!
Heh, no….I’ve posted enough to know I suck at it. I admire and envy DePat’s facility with the process. I just figured I’d try to put stuff up and hope it became a potluck with more contributions.
We will never be able to unsee what we have seen. The repercussions will be felt in every aspect of society for generations.
I’m not sure which atrocity you’re talking about or the collective pervasive corruption but I wholeheartedly agree either way.
It’s getting to the point we need to actually understand that if things are going to be as bad as they say…future generation s might be in jeopardy. So a few of us have some extra food…what about the millions who don’t ? Some extra food, not years worth, will last months not years.
These demons are serious about crippling the country by whatever means they deem necessary. If we can’t get something going the right way by’s time to think about another option.
__ Move to the country.
__ Protect yourself and your family.
__ Protect local farmers, truckers, and businesses.
__ Practice living “off the grid” in any ways you can.
__ Stock up on this and that.
__ Pray and keep our eyes on God.
^^^ T H I S ^^^
In addition, get to know and trust your like-minded neighbors, create a tribe who look after each other. There is strength in numbers if this goes all Hunger Games
You’re right, Please! Our county sheriff’s office is holding Neighborhood Watch training sessions in towns around our county. They told us to just ask them, and they can provide a session for towns or groups who would like to learn more about setting one up. We are blessed with such a good sheriff and deputies. We have resource officers (sheriff’s deputies) who keep our kids safe in schools and they have lots of kid-friendly activities. Today they reported having their K-9 officer come to a ball field to talk with the kids and explain how the dogs help our community. They let the kids sit in the sheriff’s car and pet the K-9 (a sweetheart bloodhound which is great for us because we have mountains and forest where hikers sometimes get lost).
might be out of a job soon; hope so.
Twenty attorneys general demand Mayorkas disband disinformation board, threaten lawsuit
Love it. People are standing up to COMMIE MAYORKAS and his gang of EVIL SCREW-UPS.
Finally, some Republicans with backbones! More, please.
I really like our Montana governor, but I LOVE our A.G.!
She’s as misfit for the position as the 50+ IC ‘experts’ that proclaimed hunters laptop was Russian dis-info.
Laugh at them for even suggesting such a bizarre idea..
From Anonymous Conservative:
” Should start calling Nina Jankowicz… “Weird Gal” Jankowicz.
..she’s a space cadet.
I was reading an article that may be of interest to some readers. The article is taken from a journal that I receive called TOUCHSTONE. It is a theological magazine that describes itself as “A Journal of Mere Christianity.” It publishes articles from all the major theological perspectives including Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant. The article that drew my attention, and an excerpt of which I include, is by Hans Boersma who is the Saint Benedict Servants of Christ Professor in Ascetical Theology at Nashotah House Theological Seminary. Boersma comments on a book by Italian philosopher, Giorgio Agamben published in 2021 titled, Where Are We Now? The Epidemic as Politics. The article was of interest in its entirety but I found his comments on Agamben’s critique of the Church of particular interest; some of you might also. I include an excerpt below. Agamben’s words are italicized.
“Perhaps more distressing, for a Christian reader, are Agamben’s legitimate barbs at the Church. As Christians, we have mostly stood on the sidelines as we treated each other primarily as spreaders of contagion, allowing the aged to languish in care homes, refusing last rites to the dying, and meekly consenting even to funeral prohibitions. Agamben puts it sharply:
Now a handmaiden of science- the latter having become the true religion of our time- the Church radically disavowed its most essential principles. Led by a Pope named Francis, it is forgetting that St Francis embraced the lepers. It is forgetting that one of the works of mercy is visiting the sick. It is forgetting the martyrs’ teaching that we must be willing to sacrifice life rather than faith, and that renouncing one’s neighbor means renouncing faith.
The Church’s collaboration with newly emerging totalitarianism has been and continues to be the most troubling aspect of our current crisis.”
After finishing the article I am inclined to accept the rebuke. It is deserved and necessary.
The rebuke is deserved, but you are not deserving of it. You didn’t do this.
It is interesting that my father was one of those guys who on Sunday afternoon would go to nursing homes (that is what we called them in the last century) and talk to whomever might be interested, in the world to come. He did it for many years, and on occasion I would go with him. I always admired that his faith included legs as well as words. I have, over the years, met others who did likewise but none of them were Pastors. It is not hard for philosophers or pagans to be disappointed in the Church
For years I too visited nursing homes on Sunday after church and many times during the week. During the week I took Wegman. People loved the dog he knew what people needed.
One day I took my boy Aussie to see my Father in the nursing home, Papa was soooo HAPPY! Puppy couldn’t stop kissing Papa, tried to get in bed with him. After our visit, we stopped in the lobby to visit other residents. They were soooo HAPPY. Puppy was in attention heaven. A very good day for all.

Dogs have a healing quality for people who are in nursing homes.
I admit – I went along with too much. FAR too much.
Catturd: “Leftist women who say men shouldn’t have a say-so about abortion are transphobic bigots who don’t care about pregnant men.”
A baby has a other and a father. The father should have a chance to be one.
I have a feeling we will see a lot of trouble on Sunday. Videos of trans etc demanding mothers day ends or they get celebrated etc. Like the agitation beelze bubists do at Christmas.
UGH. No more cultural destruction by communists and their “useful perverts”, please!!!
We will see. Its Sunday!
To many spoiled brats that are unhinged.
Sad people they need prayer’s.
the ruble has become the strongest currency in the world.
The result of the three-day week was the ruble’s entry into first place in the world currency ranking according to Reuters.
Backed by gold – everybody knows what real value is.
The President is approaching the stage.
45 in da Haus!
Did you see him stomp on the step? Gotta make sure he won’t slip and fall cuz it’s wet.
55-0 Trump endorsements so far

Said “Save America” being considered for new motto. Currently writ large on the podium.
I have to agree! It’s a good one!
SAVE AMERICA motto IS Very Appropriate. Betcha Trump adopts it.
Have seen several Save America hats out this way. A couple Save America bumper stickers.
Trump hats and stickers remain VERY common.
One guy who maintained his Trump Pence yard sign recently modified it.
What’s going on in Ukraine should not be allowed to continue.
But it won’t stop any time soon.
January 2025. And we have to overcome the CHEATING of that election – and 2022, too.
De-registered from voter role ~April 2021 or so. Royally pissed at the stolen election.
Today, registered to vote. R-Con for the primary.
Will shift to Independent, for the general election in November.
AH, that makes sense!
It’s all painless, via online.
Crooked Hillary
Trump is on a roll tonight. Great crowd.
So THAT was the lady who said there was no way that she won and Trump didn’t!
My wife is clapping! “God bless you!”
Said he likes her better than himself and later when he calls her up for remarks, he adjusts the mic for her size. Not the first time he’s done that for diminutive folk.
VSGPOTUSDJT always remembers that it’s the caring that matters and not strictly form.
Great speeches. The rain is really making these people stand up strong!!!
TPP! Trump saved us!
NAFTA! Same thing!
We stood up to China like never before – DESPITE TOOMEY.
Truth Social IS a great platform! (My comment)
(Big shout out to Jason Miller and GETTR, too! Wow!)
“We need a landslide so BIG that the radical left can’t steal it.”
“2024 – we’re going to take back out beautiful White House.”
BIG THANKS to J.D. Vance. I agree, too.
Thanks to the people of Ohio! Trump is really happy about the Vance victory.
IMO Vance won the crowd for Oz. Vance has a “feel for MAGA”. I think Trump is looking for future leaders of MAGA.
“This nation does not belong to them. This nation belongs to YOU.”
Thanks to the people for coming out in the weather!
Thanks to himself, too! HA!
It’s a wet, muddy, mess there.
More “Trumpstock” comments online because of the mud!
That’s called a field party by the locals..
Wear your mud boots, a trash bag if you don’t have a raincoat..
But be there or be square ! It’s only rain and a little mud ..
“We will stand up to the radical left lunatics and the RINOS…..”
There it is – the part about “we need to talk about GREATNESS”!!!
Sooner than never, please.
I tuned in when he was saying, “We will make America ____ again,” so thank you to those who commented!
And yes, please come back soon!
RSBN will replay a couple times. You’ll never know the difference between live and replay, there’s been a couple times I haven’t.

Looks like he also has that “We could be heroes” song in his NA-NA, NA-NA-NA music rights folder, too!
Have you noticed all of the Republicans speaking about 2,000 Mules that helped Biden steal the Election?
Neither have I.
Raven Constantine reposted
Our Gal Did it #Winning
Marjorie Taylor Greene Gets the Last Laugh Over Liberals Accusing Her of ‘Insurrection’
According to their arguments, Greene is ineligible to run because she helped foment an “insurrection” on January 6th. The evidence provided? Clips from the movie “Independence Day” — and the fact that she used the term “1776.” That and a text message in which she pointedly does not call for martial law.
The scenes from the courtroom were hilarious, if not grating, with Greene having to answer questions about alien invasions and QAnon. Now, a decision has been made, and the Georgia Congresswoman has been ruled eligible to run for reelection.
Canadian Truckers Convoy
DVD will also ship soon, and is available for pre-order!
(From link on
I’m sure the RF121 family is pleased —
— as well as any of the rest of us entwined with the air biz.
GOOD. Methinks that DEMON FAUCI and the WICKED DNCDC are not going to be able to push masks on the airlines any time soon.
I would hope not.
But, I thought I read masks were being ordered again for planes, trains, busses & terminals. With NO END date.
Thought I heard BiteMe’s transportation commie saying as much yesterday or day before.
Edit. Quick Google shows it may only be a “recommendation”. Dunno for sure.
Exactly! You know what I know. Last I heard, it was a “recommendation” which appears to have been “ignored” by the airlines. They are in a sweet spot of having been very slow to get rid of masks, and thus they can be even more glacial in bringing them back, or better still, “studying” the problem and then “coming up with their own airflow solution” (which they already have working, is my understanding).
The airlines KNOW they don’t need masks, and IMO those masks likely won’t come back.
WTF – NO idea if this is accurate.
Report: SD Gov. Kristi Noem Purging Conservatives in Legislature
This could be true. I will momentarily give her the benefit of the doubt, but she sounds like she’s helping McCarthy “Hold the House for the Globalists”.
I will bet that the “high-ranking senator” is THUNE, who is the McConnell replacement, and a TOP DECEPTICON.
Noem is pure “Business Party”, and that means she backs big business no matter how WOKE, SELL-OUT, or CHINATIZED it is.
In other words, she’s “Big Ag” and Wall Street, not Main Street.
She’s no DeSantis – no Renacci. She’s squishy when it comes to big business and the Decepticons.
So it sounds like they’re getting rid of their Jim Jordans.
This guy has been on Bannon a few times. Data driven guy…
Excellent ~4 minute video at the link.
SHOCK VIDEO: Equity Investment Executive Dowd: Excess Deaths Are Running Around 20% in First Quarter of 2022
Wow. That is DOWN from 40%, and that would correspond with the combination of growing vaccine hesitancy (as more data becomes available) and reduced travel, etc.
Yup few injections and even fewer boosters. Fewer injection injuries and related deaths.
Folks no longer believe FauXi and CDC lies.
It’s still a LOT – 20% excess deaths – and some of that is likely a tailing effect from the earlier jabs – but no matter that, people are wising up and not dying.
The sick part is that these Pfizer jabs are funding Joe Biden’s retirement gig at University of Pennsylvania.
More on that later. Big new scandal.
I want to put it in tomorrow’s comments so that it gets proper attention. Twitter pulled the rug out from under Patrick Howley so that the story wouldn’t get a good start. Pisses me off. Just like what they did to the NY Post and the Biden laptop story.
I may do a full article instead. These people are such assholes. They deserve it.
This is great. Note that Twitter suspended Ed Dowd – he just laughs about it. They did the SAME THING to Patrick Howley when he had a big breaking story about Biden corruption today!
Twitter is ridiculous news suppression. Just ridiculous.
Sundance is catching some great information about Twitter shaking up the tech sector and “Woke Tech” looking to be FALTERING…..
Elon Musk Entry into Social Media Has Triggered Techtonic Plates to Start Shifting
May 6, 2022 | Sundance | 104 Comments
It was very interesting. SD mentions broken business models and stoopid hires, not qualified for their positions.
OMG, tech is LOADED with unqualified hires with sketchy morals who came in and took over from the competent honest people.
The globonazis – with the help of Obama – came in took over – politicized everything. It was horrifying.
Back in the late ’80’s, I had a temp gig at Oracle. It seemed that their normal accounting staff were leaving detritus in a variety of accounts and they got a bunch of temps to come in and figure out what was in the accounts, where it had come from, where it should have been routed to, and fix it.
I did a couple of months of being such a temp, then found out they had an open rec. So I flipped my resume in……
…..and was told that I hadn’t gone to a nice enough school to qualify. Mind you, I evidently had gone to a nice enough school to clean up after their well-qualified personnel — I just couldn’t be one of them.
The rot didn’t start with race nor with politics, it started with credentialism.
Yup. I can believe it!
East Coast or you’re toast… It’s not for nothing that I call them ‘orrible, though I did work there for a while around the same time you did… miserable lot there, mostly Carnegie-Mellon (or better, watermelon) types who resented “Euro-snobs” (erm, that would be me…), etc.
First day there some jerk in a silver SLK flying up the parking structure almost pushed me off of it (or so it seems). I gave the guy a one-finger salute which he didn’t see (since all he sees is himself, anyway). Good thing he didn’t see it though, or my first day would have been my last, as well. The jerk was Larry Ellison…
Toxic atmosphere, and an ENORMOUS number of H-1Bs and other flavors, wage slaves. A colleague was fresh off the boat from RED China, and wanted to change groups. She had to get all sorts of legal help then from ‘orrible, as INS had strict rules about such things, and back then they actually enforced them.
Talk about “bound to your desk”. The furriners would be at their desks before everyone else came in, and there when everyone else left. It made a HUGE difference on evaluations how much time one spent.
A quick run to the fitness center, or pool, and then back to the grind. I don’t think many of the folks there were married, and few were over 30. Probably like an office job in “Logan’s Run”…
And then there was Nippon
StealSteel…Much as I think the database was good, the “East Coast” liberal elitist attitude and people of companies like Oracle are what fouled the valley. I’ve worked at a few of the older companies, e.g. HP, and they were different (until Carly, another “coaster” in many senses of that word)…
Oh, and ‘orrible manufacturing is one of the few ERP (or whatever the latest acronym is) systems that allows inventory locations to go negative. I had an entertaining chat with one of the Indian support people one time getting him to explain why there were no burn spots out in the warehouse where locations had gone negative. He couldn’t answer it. He’d never been in a warehouse like that, indeed never on a factory floor; fresh out of school in Hyderabad or Mumbai or wherever…..
God Bless Pope Benedict!