Dear KMAG: 20220509 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.

This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

And indeed, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it!

…and we will have fun doing it, too!

The Rules

Boilerplate, more or less, but worth reading again and again, if only for the minor changes, and to stay out of moderation.

The bottom line is Free Speech. Theories and ideas you don’t agree with must be WELCOME here, and you must be part of that welcoming. But you do NOT need to be part of any agreement.

Bottom line – respect other people’s FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS.

Our only additional requirement is that you do so NICELY. Or at least try to make some effort in that direction.


We must endeavor to persevere to love our frenemies – even here.

Those who cannot deal with this easy requirement will be forced to jump the hoops of moderation, so that specific comments impugning other posters and violating the minimal rules can be sorted out and tossed in the trash.

In Wheatie’s words, “We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”

That includes the life skill of just ignoring certain other posters.

We do have a site – The U Tree – where civility is not a requirement. Interestingly, people don’t really go there much. Nevertheless, if you find yourself in an “argument” that can’t really stay civil, please feel free to “take it to the U Tree”. The U Tree is also a good place to report any technical difficulties, if you’re unable to report them here. Please post your comment there on one of Wolf’s posts, or in reply to one of Wolf’s comments, to make sure he sees it (though it may take a few hours).

We also have a backup site, called The Q Tree as well, which is really The Q Tree 579486807. You might call it “Second Tree”. The URL for that site is If this site ( ever goes down, please reassemble at the Second Tree.

If the Second Tree goes down, please go to The U Tree, or to our Gab Group, which is located at

We also have some “old rules” and important guidelines, outlined here, in a very early post, on our first New Year’s Day, in 2019. The main point is not to make violent threats against people, which then have to be taken seriously by law enforcement, and which can be used as a PRETEXT by enemies of this site.

In the words of Wheatie, “Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”

A Moment of Prayer

Our policy on extreme religious freedom on this site is discussed HERE. Please feel free to pray and praise God anytime and anywhere.

Thus, please pray for our real President, the one who actually won the election.

You may also pray for our nation, our world, and even our enemies.

Call To Battle

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.

We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.

Joe Biden didn’t win.

And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Wolfie’s Wheatie’s Word of the Day Year:



something which holds the place of another, such as this default post which “holds the place” of what would be an interesting and varied weekly Monday post.


to do something to Eric Holder, as in “Please placeholder under arrest.”

Used in a sentence:

“Please placeholder under arrest.”

Used in a picture:


Have another great week!


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Please review by MollyPitcher at the end of the last thread.

Her 16-year-old vaxxed grandson is having mysterious symptoms.


Thanks for letting people know…the moral of this is…for those of us who have loved ones that got the shot, when anything seems amiss and out of the ordinary health related…pay close attention.
Wait and see might be too late for them.


I didn’t want to have it disappear into the void between posts.

Please keep us informed as to his progress.


I will. Venting in here is about the only place I can. Everyone around me took the shot, varied reasons but they stuck their arm out and got it.


Sorry to hear this Molly. Will pray and hope for the best as well as for a release for your frustration.


Both of my sons got the shots, phizer/moderna .. and one of my brothers I think phizer ..

There are no words.

“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to The LORD, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness is a shield and buckler. You will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day,” Psalm 91:1-16


Understood about venting. Better that, than keeping it inside of you where “stuff” can “swirl around” and can become other “stuff” that you don’t want.


I read the comments and it’s a rough road knowing your family members have gotten the clot shots .. it’s like Chinese water 💦 torture … and it’s very scary/frustrating/maddening
There’s no talking about it as my son’s (and DIL) and brother believe the lies and are frightened from all the lies and indoctrination.
My brother won’t let me come in to his apartment


True. I’m sorry your grandson is having trouble. I’m no expert at all, but I would have thought that, if he stepped on a bee or something, symptoms like breathing difficulties would have shown up almost immediately. Prayers for him and your family.


My thoughts too on the delay.
Prayers gratefully accepted !


I’m concerned about clotting, but we only have very limited information at this point.

I hope the medicos have got him crammed full of sufficient antihistamines.


The actual culprit wasn’t ever determined. He had been in the out and then said his foot hurt. Pulled something tiny and black out of his foot.
A bee on the sand ? Maybe but not usually. Could have been a barb or something from a sea creature? Jellyfish
The ER didn’t seem particularly interested in what caused it…now I think a nice round of antibiotics would be in order but that didn’t happen either

Last edited 2 years ago by mollypitcher5

Actually, I find this oddly comforting — “He had been in the out and then said his foot hurt. Pulled something tiny and black out of his foot.”

That sounds like the sort of threat we’ve been evolved to meet and overcome.

Things will be clearer in time. In the meantime, thoughts, prayers, and sharing will help carry things through.


This may sound odd, but having been in the ocean and stepping on something is good news. MeThinks.

  • Short term issue to deal with..

I have actually stepped on a jelly fish in the Philippines. Instant pain, swelling…. Got over it.

Hope whatever happened, is related to goofing off in the ocean.


I think Wolfmoon has called it, down below. There are some really venomous things in the ocean, and the symptoms sound spot on.

The earlier suggestions of “sports clearance” to get all kinds of tests done sounds like a winner. You might stress the “unknown” possible effects of being stung by some sea creature.

I am so sorry you have this worry. The only one in my immediate family who had the shot is my oldest son. I am holding my breath with him.

Cuppa Covfefe

Prayers up that it was something “simple” like a jelly or something on the sand that isn’t harmful (stings, perhaps, but nothing more).

Someone mentioned getting an “OK for sports” exam, which sounds like a good idea, especially if they can do an echo (or even D-Dimer checkup). But most of all, prayers that your grandson is OK, and that all the COVID madness everywhere goes away…


Have you noticed something? Trump mentioned J&J and the next time meada brings out an article on J&J shots and clotting. Maybe I missed something/
Pfizer I read before also cause clotting we here nothing from that.

Sadie Slays

Praying for a swift recovery.


Many prayers to your grandson and to the family for healing. I understand your pain with what you know. He is young he will overcome the young are resilient.
My youngest as child stepped on a hornet. His foot swelled up like a balloon He did not tell us we just saw the foot and thought be broke his ankle. Took him to emergency. They gave him benedril. He loves outdoors hiking and has to have a emergency kid with him.



How to Detox and Repair Your Body From the Effects of the New World Order Jabs, Viral Spike Protein, and Other Toxins…. – The Burning Platform –
Spike Protein Detox Guide ( –
This is What You Can Do to Cleanse the Brain of Aluminum and Limit the Chance of Developing Alzheimer’s Disease:

Front Line Doctors –


How truly awful. Sending meditations, Deep Healing and Good Energy to your grandson. Please keep us all updated.


I saw part of an interview with him last week – until I threw up in my mouth. POS. Deliberately disobeyed orders from the Commander in Chief who hired him. F this guy.

Last edited 2 years ago by TradeBait2

Saw this and couldn’t keep myself from posting it here. Forgive me – it’s all in good fun.

comment image?resize=470%2C600&ssl=1

Barb Meier



The two ladies on our right, especially. 😆


comment image


To the great relief of some, there will be no Lake T fish posts this evening. I finally mopped the “dead rat in a field of junk inundated by beverages and barbecue sauce by a refrigerator failure” area with a water/pine-sol/bleach mixture. I tried to cover anywhere that might have been sloshed, rather than focusing on places that had obviously been covered. It also has a repurposed bathmat to keep feet away from any remaining problems. This has left me slightly tired from running the logistics, but very sore with my current left-arm problem and some of the poses I was in.


No Lake T fish tales? That sounds fishy to me.  😂 


That was a lot of work. Please get some rest!

Last edited 2 years ago by RDS

2K Mules on Bitchute approxx.1.5 hr long

nite all !


This is the cold anger we need, to fix this.
(This women reacts after seeing this movie)


Michael T. Flynncomment imagecomment image / @TrueGenFlynn 05/08/2022 16:59:39

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 108268328006894096



@RealDirty @realLizUSA










Sorry this comes from twitter but she is saying what tens of millions of Americans feel like saying. We’re pissed off and those who stole our election will not get away with it


Michael T. Flynncomment imagecomment image / @TrueGenFlynn 05/08/2022 21:26:26
ID: Not Available
Truth Social: 108269377086753666
comment image

What hecomment image said!!!
Hey @realDonaldTrump stay on top of this and DO NOT RELENT…this is the straw that broke the American people’s back…we’re sick of the shitty and unconstitutional election system we have, we’re tired of the DOJ and FBI doing nothing about the incredible crime syndicates inside of the Democratic Party, keep the pressure on. It is more than just the MAGA movement behind you, it is the majority of the American people.
@realLizUSA @DonaldJTrumpJr
@EricTrump @DanScavino


Ø politicized and weaponized every agency of government.

Barb Meier

O is one person nobody should want to “have their six.”


Immoral poser and & company .. 😡


BIG MIKE is totally OK with it though..  😂 


That being is really really Scary Spice .. with a splash of Old Spice .. 😣🤚


Yeah … 🤮


With some significant help from GWB!


Very good point – Waco, Ruby Ridge, Bundy Ranch, San Bernardino and Las Vegas also came to mind.


I’m also thinking of the evil Patriot Act…
A catch-all for undermining the Constitution.


And, now that you mention it, 9/11


GWB, miserable, slimy idiot minion from hell.

He can repent, or not and be damned for eternity .. psst/it’s not top drawer buck-o


I agree with her 100%, and wear her her outrage 24/7/365 ,IOW constantly. As all Americans do. **FIX This Shit** ,gets added to the return reply to every politician request for $$ contribution.
The steal must face the real Lady justice.
GWP says True the Vote is going to publicly release all the information collected for 2K mules video. The rip-cord is being pulled, Standby for the fireworks!  😃
Watch the movie!! Help Get the viewership count into Orbit !
They won’t be able to Deny the Stolen Truth !!  😃 


More FREE Movie Links, I admit I have not tried them all so YMMV.
Bitchute works great !

Brave and Free

So they were picking up ballots from out of state in Philadelphia from NJ (33:00.)
IIRC didn’t Barr shut down the investigation into the truck drive who said he delivered ballots to another state?


Barr turned out to be an unethical pose. His past predicted his future CIA and Bush WH enough said.


Liz Harrington / @realLizUSA 05/08/2022 20:25:50

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 108269138755281672

DineshDSouza / @DineshDSouza 05/08/2022 13:39:27

ID:Not Available

Truth Social: 108267540789964951If as the “fact checkers” suggest these might be people dropping off the votes of family members, why do we see mules going to 20, 50 and even 100 dropboxes, typically in the middle of the night? Isn’t it time the Left cuts the b*llsh*t and faces up to the fraud?

 Liz Harrington reTruthed…

Last edited 2 years ago by eilert

A couple of nights ago, the subject of OPSEC regarding pictures you were sharing came up, but it wasn’t a good time for me to be particularly informative.

This was actually covered in Linux Pro Magazine, issue 256, March 2022 — so it was sort of top-of-mind for me……but not fully absorbed yet.

The article compared eight Linux resources for editing/deleting metadata from your photographs before you shared them with the internet — ExifTool, jExifToolGUI, ExifCleaner, jhead, mat2, Metadata Cleaner, digiKam, and XnView MP. Of these, digiKam runs on Windows and MacOS…..but is really a far more capable program intended for a different function — it’s sort of like finding out the spokes of your BMW’s steering wheel are nicely spaced for opening bottles of beer.

Some of the rest are quick “strip it and send it” utilities and may not work or have equivalents in Windows/Mac. All but “Metadata Cleaner” claim to be cross-platform, YMMV.

The tl;dr upshot is that photo files almost always have a bunch of random metadata, tags, and data attached — and this additional information does not contribute to actually seeing the picture…..but has a lot of breadcrumb trails leading back to you as a person. If sharing it with the internet, or with someone who might share it on the internet without being as paranoid as you, it would behoove you to scrub it first.


Good info; thanks. I will save it. I’m leery about sharing photos even with a metadata cleaner. Possibly paranoid, LOL.


Can’t be too paranoid.

Also see

If you’re going to share photos, it’s best to look at the metadata/tags/etc. Degrade the image appropriately (no need to send 12 Mpixel images unless you’re printing posters — if you’re putting on websites, you can degrade to something much smaller. Once in the format that you want your recipient to see, spoof as much info as you care to and delete the rest (if you’re shooting on a Nikon, say you’re shooting on a Sony; if the pic was shot at 2:20, say you’re shooting at 3:00; if it says it was shot at a particular GPS location, substitute a more interesting location [e.g. top of Everest, in an erupting volcano, underwater, north pole, etc.]; if it says it was last modified in April 2022, say that it was modified in June 1463; etc.). Aubergine said it very well a while back, saying something like, “if it’s none of their business, what obligation do I have to tell them the truth?”

On top of everything else, this also allows you to send a “custom” version of your photos to everyone you send them to…..which means you can determine where any secondary recipients may have gotten them from.

Barb Meier

Well this is interesting… microgravity space ring by 2027. I wonder if it will have little lasers to destroy space junk. Nite all. Time to nap more, kitty willing. 🙂


Another shenanigan confirmed related to mRNA vaccines.

Article excerpt:

On May 5th, the world-renowned COVID specialist Dr. Vladimir Zev Zelenko sent out the following message from his personal account on Gettr: “Dr. Baric uses luciferase enzyme, which fluoresceses under black light, as a method to confirm that mRNA is being produced. In other words, this technology can be used to ascertain if someone is vaccinated.”

In other words, Dr. Zelenko drew attention to the fact that Dr. Ralph Baric had confirmed the use of Luciferase to track and report mRNA transcription in a medical paper on the NIH website.


Dr. Zelenko linked to a medical paper available from the NIH with the title “Renilla luciferase as a reporter to assess SARS-CoV mRNA transcription regulation and efficacy of anti-SARS-CoV agents” — and all you need to know is that the abstract for that paper soon disappeared from the site a day later.



So, the vaccine passport isn’t even needed. Just a black light?

Edit. Betcha Dr Z has the missing abstract. Hope he publishes it soon.

Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs

Yes, just a black light. The scariest part of it is that sometime in the future if you don’t pass the black light test, numerous things / rights can be withheld from you, including access to food, travel, etc.


…numerous things / rights can be withheld from you, including access to food, travel, etc.

^^^ 100% Globalists AND their Enforcers won’t like the response. Which will transcend “GFY”, (to the enforcer) in a millisecond.


And vote


And, now, for something completely different…..

I have a couple of Berrocal sculptures, including one of these (not this one, it has a different serial number).


Berrocal was fond of quirks and surprises — you may have noticed that one of the pieces of the Mini-David is a ring, including a gemstone.

On this one, the pieces are hinged —

Sadly, I don’t own one of these. They’re pricey.

Last edited 2 years ago by cthulhu

Different aesthetic, different method — still very cool —


I bet you could make something like that.


If I ever took it apart, I’d have leftover pieces if I put it back together. Like from a different kind of artist…Picasso.




Kudos for the Beethoven!


Reports: Justice Samuel Alito Moved to Undisclosed Location (

WASHINGTON, DC — Justice Samuel Alito has reportedly been moved to an undisclosed location for safety, after leftwing radicals attempting to intimidate conservative justices for considering overruling Roe v. Wade, all in the name of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, listed conservative justices’ home addresses online.

Militant leftists, including a group called Ruth Sent Us, are trying to physically intimidate the five justices who are expected to sign the final version of Alito’s leaked opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, overruling Roe and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, with the other four justices being Clarence Thomas – appointed by Bush 41 – and the three justices appointed by Donald Trump: Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett.

They are also reportedly targeting Chief Justice John Roberts. This shows the unreasoning nature of their ire, as Roberts’ questions during oral argument in Dobbs strongly suggest that he was exploring ways to uphold Mississippi’s ban without overruling Roe.


Deplorable Patriot

I saw reference yesterday that the RvW “leak” was really a pretense to put the SCOTUS justices under military protection. Supposedly, there’s a BIGGER bomb coming this summer.

I’ll believe it when I see it, but if what I saw yesterday is it, there will be a lot of VERY pissed off people. And a lot of happy people, but at this point, it may not come to pass.


What case is the SC is currently hearing, that is bigger than RvW?


Ask the right questions, you do.

Here’s a list of cases pending. I don’t see anything Earth-shattering, do you?

In any case, what could the Court possibly decide that would be bigger than overturning Roe? I guess if there was a case pending that would dissolve the Union altogether and allow all Red States to secede, that might qualify. But of course, there’s not.

I think this is just more speculative nonsense, myself.


For the demonic left, for SO many reasons, NOTHING is bigger than unfettered abortion.


I agree.



There are too many “hopium” peddlers around right now. I think it is pacifying crap.




They protect their paycheck and pension.


Maybe it’s the plan to create the illusion that they need to be under military guard to expand the psy op later to include martial law and no in person voting…..or something along those lines?

Deplorable Patriot

I’m trying to be more positive.


My mind always goes to the possible negative because ‘they’ are in charge and nothing ‘they’ do is for the good. Eyes open for their tricks.


if what I saw yesterday is it…

What was that?


They ought to take their final vote and move on. END the drama.

We’ll see if ACB or Kavanaugh have a backbone.


This is the only sane move. We’ll soon see if the Court is smart enough to do it.



Supreme Court’s majority vote to overturn Roe remains intact: Report
Roberts is still attempting to persuade Coney Barrett and Kavanaugh to take a more incremental approach


I’m glad it “remains intact”!

Sadie Slays

Kathy Barnette called those World Economic Forum ghouls out last week (0:40 in the video) and now she’s surging in the polls.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sadie Slays

WEF is the new Nazi Party.


With a double and triple dose of the Dr. Josef Mengele stuff tossed in up front.



What the Nazis/pseudo-Nazis all boil down to in the end is genetics/eugenics/genocide.

Only the “approved” people can survive. And THEY determine who that is.

Nazis in Germany = No Jews
Nazis in Ukraine = No Russians
Nazis in America = No Christians
Nazis in WEF = No Plebeians (unless they are useful slaves)

Nazism is a cancer on the world, and it needs to be exterminated. It is a mindset, not really a proscribed ideology, which makes it all the more insidious, because it hides behind various names. But it is all the same Nazism at heart.


A whole lot of sheets … 💩👍


speaking of ghouls…take note of this satanic creep…

Yuval Noah Harari

the chief proselytizer of the AI/human hybrid movement..

and an Agenda Contributor to the WEF.

video…The Future of Humanity …according to him…

WEF link…

makes my skin crawl

Last edited 2 years ago by smiley2

Same here – he has that ‘antichrist’ look and agenda.


malevolence oozing

blood turns cold



😖 ..


I like this lamp better.


.. 🙄😑 ..


So why did PDT endorse him? Asking for a friend…


Snort 💦


Makes you wonder, don’t it?


I agree.


..Just as a side observation and question, and I cannot provide the clip but..
Anybody else notice the crowd go silent when PDJT introduced his two really, really Rich friends from J&J, and the Ukrainian wife at the Saturday rally in Pa. rain and mud?? ..
..and * made for Tv Dr Oz* ?? ..I’ll trust Pennsylvanians on that.
I can’t help but wonder what kind of inside messaging was attached to all that.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Probably a longtime Big Pharma friend and likely big donor. Remember when 45 chastised FDA for temporarily pulling J&J vax in the early days, calling it political, while letting the rest continue? This finally explains that.

AND whether we like it or not, 45 believes in the vax and believes he did a good thing. AND even though the Dem ingrates won’t give him credit, it is their holy grail security blanket for the neurotics AND the primary weapon used to control us and advance their Marxist agenda.


I agree. which is why I periodically post that it is OK to admit PDT does not always get things right. He’s human. He may have his own rational reason(s) for doing things, but I personally have seen enough to believe he has botched some things. He may think he has Oz turned. Yet, PDT told the old story of the snake. A snake is still a snake.

Winning at all costs is not winning. Winning the right way even if it takes longer is winning. It lasts.

And again, it’s OK. He’s trying. He knows we are his base. Whatever his real motives, he knows that he goes as we go. Move the needle and drop the hammer on some scum. Help us get the momentum back.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Racking my brain trying to understand it.
At the last rally, 45 mentions that he’s known Oz a long time. Oz even gave him a physical back in the day, called him overweight, which 45 didn’t much like.
We know how 45 values friendship and loyalty, which when misplaced, has caused him troubles before. (ex., Omarosa 🙄 ) 45 also used to hang w/Dems for years, had to for business purposes. Maybe he thinks Oz had to do same?
That’s all I got.

There’s just been too many issues surfacing w/Oz. Big names have been calling him out and playing lots of videos on his pro-choice, pro trans, anti-2A, pro Red Flag opinions and more. Oz can’t be trusted, Pennsylvanians can. Been wanting to send a Private_Message_to_45 for a while.

Last edited 2 years ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

I, too, have been racking my brain to figure out why he is endorsing Oz. Suddenly it has dawned on me that perhaps he is creating a “split”. Seems like the RINO was ahead, so he backs Oz, and then Pompeo throws accusations against Oz and Cruz backs the RINO. Most people hate Oz, but some that backed the RINO may split off and vote Oz, just because Trump said to. I don’t know if this makes sense or if it can work, but suddenly Kathy Barnette is surging. People who like her values will not vote for Oz even if President Trump backs him. This move may give her the advantage.


Yes, and people who are confused by the endorsements of the two Globalists are taking a closer look at Barnette and liking what they see.


A picture of Barnette should appear in all future dictionaries under “articulate.”


My husband says the same.

Sadie Slays

The context of this Senate race is that the candidate Trump originally supported in this race—Sean Parnell—was forced to drop out at the last minute by bad actors and a rigged court system. If I had to guess why Trump endorsed Oz, I think it’s because Trump wanted a candidate that was ready to go out of the box. Oz has the name recognition, money, experience dealing with the snakes in the media, and is unlikely to be forced out of the race. Kathy may have been considered too much of an unknown or a “project” for this race, and state GOP/Trump were unwilling to take a gamble after already being burned once by Parnell’s departure.


Same woman two years ago. Very impassioned common sense.


She’s a lioness, and she has righteousness anger, let her roar

.. 🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸 ..


I’m liking her.


Boy I like her!


Awesome woman, God bless her as He’s blessing now‼️ … Mop the dang floor with those POS WEF’S … miserable traitors


Lara Logan / @laralogan 05/09/2022 05:00:18
ID: Not Available
Truth Social: 108271161765955614

Lance Migliaccio™ / @LanceMigliaccio 05/07/2022 14:18:54

ID:Not Available


Creepy Gates Plans to Hire 3K -Person SM Team to Push Vaccines & Suppress Information.

@LanceMigliaccio @GeorgeBalloutine

comment image


Every time I see this, I wonder how the one living baby is doing!


Sheesh, you sound like a normal human being! Where’s the insurrectionist tendencies? Where’s the deplorableness? Where’s the racism?



Well, to Yours Truly, using the numbers above, that looks like about a 99% failure rate. God help the 1 living baby. God help the mothers who lost their little ones to ANTHONY FAUCI and ALBERT BOURLA.


Clandestine for the win…

The one thing he failed to mention, but may include in his thought process, is that the RINOs are instrumental in getting it done with the Dem scum. Birds of a feather and all…

We know without a shadow of a doubt who the enemies are. We cannot legitimately say we do not know or are not sure anymore. It’s what we do with that knowledge from here on out that matters.

Last edited 2 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Verse of the Day for Monday, May 9, 2022

“For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.” 

1 Corinthians 2:16 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!



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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.


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Good morning everyone and God bless all of you and your loved ones abundantly, always.

Mean-while back at the zoo, the wheels go round and round .. 😑🤚


James 4:10
10 Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.


The wheels on the bus go round and round .. 😣🤚🙄😑


I think I’m having senior moments .. nuts 😞😖 .. the mind is going too fast, like a little kid in the candy store with one penny/nickel (inflation)

Sorry I will slow down .. 🤞🙂🤚❤️

Cuppa Covfefe

Though with Psucki, the lyrics could well be,

“The garbage in the dumpster goes burn, burn, burn,
Burn, burn, burn,
Burn, burn, burn,
The garbage in the dumpster goes burn, burn, burn,
So now we’ll circle back”…..


comment image?resize=495%2C509&ssl=1


Yup .. 😂👍😜🤚


Chico, our scaredy-cat can be very talkative, a couple of days ago he was walking around and chattering up a storm and we generally reply politely. We became aware he was staying in front of the door to the upstairs which he love spending the day in, it was night time so it took us a minute he was trying to tell us something so I opened the door and there was Nikki sitting in the dark on the bottom step. Slick little bugger, he picks on her but he did her right. To be fair Nikki has rescued Chico from the hall closet he falls asleep in. One good turn deserves another. 😜👍🥰
Nikki being female talk’s your ears off .. 🙄😍


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Brave and Free

Test, was locked out of yesterday’s thread for some reason…..

Brave and Free

Was on my phone so don’t know if that was the culprit.

Valerie Curren

A random note of weirdness…I was watching an episode of The Curse of Oak Island from 2014 the other day & it featured “Treasure Hunter J. Hutton Pulitzer” purporting a theory that Phoenicians came to Oak Island, sometime in the 500 BC era to deposit treasure. They showed images of 3 Phoenician coins & traced a water route up through several places in Europe where Phoenician coins were found (as supposed proof of these voyages)…It seemed Very Odd to me that the same guy who figured highly in some of the computer challenges to the 2020 election would also be so billed…any thoughts here?

about 7:30 in the above video they mention “fringe historian J H P”…the narrator expounds on the JHP theory of a Phoenician or Carthaginian influence on the Indigenous people, Migma (MiqMack?) per some of their petroglyphs…it goes on to say that JHP perpetuates his theories on podcasts, websites, & youtube channels…

about 8:30 in the video they explain some of JHP’s ideas about the script found on the “90 foot stone” & how the code is to (potentially) be understood & read…

The language development theories discussed are interesting & I wonder if that interest in “decoding” ancient writings Might tie in to Jovan Hutton Pulitzer’s interest in the computer codes underpinning the 2020 electoral steal. (though I thought that JHP was discredited in his 2020 election work???)

In the above clip from the Oak Island show you can see JHP & he appears to be the same person that was involved in the 2020 election fraud “exposure”…

It’s just very strange to me that this same guy has bubbled to the public surface in these disparate arenas…

Grain of salt always here…

Here is a rather unflattering write up, w/ obvious leftie bias…

Here is JHP on spotify…

below is his “about” info from spotify…

Google Scholar

Well there is a lot out there about JHP in a number of arenas so I’ll end with “Hmmm”…


The video is really interesting.

Valerie Curren

Yes! A much more straightforward approach than the “history channel” TV show. Comments were also interesting (to me) 🙂


WithOUT chasing links, is there a Readers Digest to, “Well there is a lot out there about JHP in a number of arenas so I’ll end with “Hmmm”…

Valerie Curren

Hopefully, but I don’t know where it might be 😉


The only ‘discrediting’ of him that I heard was from the usual leftist thugs. He’s not discredited in my view.


I’ve read that his part in the AZ audits was a complete bust and that he didn’t deliver on what he promised. I don’t have aniy links right now.


i’m one that isn’t always quick to label genius types as a failure when something seemingly fantastical is a fail. These people are on a plane far above most folks…studying ancient writings, symbols, codes, etc.
How many fails did great inventers have before one of their prototypes worked YKWIM ?

Valerie Curren

OK, thanks. I thought he didn’t come through on some of his 2020 fraud exposure promised actions, but am not “sure” about that…

Valerie Curren

Seen on Gab…any sauce for these claims?

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Is the SC hearing a case involving the stolen 2020 election?

IF NOT, can the SC “choose” to inject itself where it finds a case?

Seriously, I had thought the SC only dealt with cases filed with the SC.

Valerie Curren

no clue here


Good question. The answer is ‘NO.’

Sadie Slays

IF NOT, can the SC “choose” to inject itself where it finds a case?

An emergency case is possible like the 2000 election or a case getting fast tracked through the lower courts. I don’t believe this will happen, but it’s at least possible if the political will is there.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

But even that involves a case being brought. It’s expedited greatly, of course, but must still be brought.


Thank you.

Good to know it’s a possibility.

Now, IF the “conservative” Justices would defend the Constitution.

Deplorable Patriot

I’ve seen it twice now. Was not bringing that here, though.

It makes all the sense in the world, though.

Valerie Curren

I Want it to be true but am not holding my breath for pretty much Anything!


Can the SC simply create a case to hear, or otherwise inject itself to legally “right wrongs”, illegal actions?

Has the SC ever done something similar – create a case?

I want the answer to be yes.

  • But there MUST be precedent to do so.
  • OR a legal grounds to do so.

I’ve seen it twice now. Was not bringing that here, though. 

“Twice” because people, starved for hope of a major upset, latch onto these kinds of claims and spread them instead of 1) recognizing how false they are, and 2) calling out those who are spreading them. They need to be asked for proof NOW, the minute they present these kinds of things. If they claim they can’t reveal it, they need to be asked what their credentials are. If they won’t reveal them, sayonara.

I can’t think of one such claim that has proven to be true. They’re LYING to us. I don’t know why people aren’t outraged about that.

Patriots need to be aware and grow a spine and call these things out.

It makes all the sense in the world, though.

I don’t think it makes any sense at all. There is no case before SCOTUS about the election. There would be no need to protect 5 justices this early if such a ruling were coming. And why only 5 justices? IF such a case were being heard, who has that kind of insider knowledge about SCOTUS decisions that they can tell us that 5 justices are going to rule in favor of overturning the election? We could guess that, but that’s all it would be: a guess. There would be no need to connect the Roe v. Wade pending decision to any future ruling on elections by protecting the justices after the Roe leak, in anticipation of an election ruling.

I think we need to show these purveyors of hopanyl that we’re smarter than that.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Some have had their wits dulled by too much hopanyl.


My gut tells me that SOTUS is not getting involved into the 2020 election. They did not wanted to get involved before and rightfully believe it needs to be handled by the states.
We cannot have it both ways abortion we want to go back to the states but election not?
The state operators were thieves and did not wanted to reelect Trump no matter what. That is why the cheating was not resolved.
I think we need to realize no one is going to come and save the country except we the people by getting involved. Sitting waiting is giving up.
God gave us understanding a great work ethic to work this out. The dangerous part is when waiting for someone to rescue us is that we become impotent. In the 1930s Germany was poor and at the bottom owing much because of WWI. Between communist fighting people saw Hitler to save them. They would have been better off not looking for the person to save them and get involved and fight .

Last edited 2 years ago by singingsoul1

Great wisdom in that!


Logic 🙂


It’s still a mystery to me why no arrests of the mobs.
Why all this drama of moving to hiding and military protection but the protests continue on with no arrests or even making them leave.


There is no military protection as they have no jurisdiction. The court is protected by U.S Marshals.


Thank you.

Valerie Curren

Yes, apparently “criminality” is purely a function of political persuasion–horrifyingly!


THANK YOU. I’m so tired of “insiders” making stuff up and leading people on.

He doesn’t even say this *might* be true or might happen; he presents it as a done deal, as if he knows. (Anyone in a position to know that kind of information would not be saying a word about it.) It is despicable. He talks down to us as if we can’t think for ourselves.

Time to show people like this that we can and do think. I wish people would call these things out as soon as they see them. Give him grief about it and tell him we’re watching. Most of these kinds of claims are absolutely ridiculous.

On the meat of the claim, what has happened to prompt a SCOTUS hearing about the election? That’s right, nothing. As Rush used to say, “zip, zero, nada.” It’s the Right’s version of fairy godmothers and unicorns.


There is a world of difference between people like this and real subject experts like TechnoFog.

I agree. It is easy to tell when someone is dealing with facts and positing possible strategies and outcomes based on those facts. We are free to agree or disagree and modify our own ideas as more facts are revealed.


Good insight

Valerie Curren

Epic TRUTH–Thanks!!!



Valerie Curren

From a Mother’s Day Gab post…brutal truth!

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comment imageEph 6:12 #DaysOfNoah


Happy Mothers Day to all Mothers who do NOT murder their children.


So much wisdom. Yes it makes a person” the mother of a dead child”.
This is truly profound and insightful.

Valerie Curren

Amen Singing



Valerie Curren

Another Gab gem, not sure of the source of this info…

[video src="" /]

Valerie Curren

Thanks Wolf! It struck me as Too Good to be True! Always appreciate your clarifications!!!

Valerie Curren

Medicos awakening? If this is true it’s a hopeful sign!

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Them quacks need to say they don’t trust NIH, CDC or FDA, OUT LOUD.

Wonder if the still trust the AMA? Belong to the AMA?

Valerie Curren

great points!

Valerie Curren

Ha Ha!

comment imageUNBURDENED by what CAN be!

I remember the YUGE hullabaloo over Trump University when those that paid said they didn’t learn to be the Real Estate Magnate like Trump.
Well, now we have millions who can’t find a job in ‘Gender Studies’ or “Teaching Trans women how to insert a tampon” They should sue their universities and colleges.


They should sue their universities and colleges.

I understand the sentiment, but no, it’s not the colleges’ fault. It is each student’s responsibility to do some research and use common sense about whether the subjects they are studying will have real-life value. Personal responsibility.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’ll agree with the principle with one caveat (which does NOT apply in this particular case): If I go to a school to study engineering and they teach me quackery without my realizing it (after all, I am walking through the doors ignorant of the subject matter), then I have grounds to sue.

In this case, of course, it’s different: The subject itself is of no market value.

Valerie Curren

It IS the college’s fault for Offering such Crap & calling it any form of “education”! personal responsibility for one’s own stupidity & gullibility isn’t currently in vogue sadly 🙁

Cuppa Covfefe

Maybe, instead of all the flowery logos and “lovely Latin” chisled into the arch(ed) edifices erected by major chislers of the day, perhaps a simple inscription would suffice, no matter how large or ornate the arch/lintel/whatever:

Caveat emptor”

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Government are chicken killer. 😱

Valerie Curren

Yep 🙁


Transcript of President Putin’s Victory Day 2022 speech (from

President of Russia Vladimir Putin:

“Fellow Russian citizens,
Dear veterans,
Comrade soldiers and seamen, sergeants and sergeant majors, midshipmen and warrant officers,
Comrade officers, generals and admirals,
I congratulate you on the Day of Great Victory!

The defence of our Motherland when its destiny was at stake has always been sacred. It was the feeling of true patriotism that Minin and Pozharsky’s militia stood up for the Fatherland, soldiers went on the offensive at the Borodino Field and fought the enemy outside Moscow and Leningrad, Kiev and Minsk, Stalingrad and Kursk, Sevastopol and Kharkov.

Today, as in the past, you are fighting for our people in Donbass, for the security of our Motherland, for Russia.

May 9, 1945 has been enshrined in world history forever as a triumph of the united Soviet people, its cohesion and spiritual power, an unparalleled feat on the front lines and on the home front.

Victory Day is intimately dear to all of us. There is no family in Russia that was not burnt by the Great Patriotic War. Its memory never fades. On this day, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the heroes march in an endless flow of the Immortal Regiment. They carry photos of their family members, the fallen soldiers who remained young forever, and the veterans who are already gone.

We take pride in the unconquered courageous generation of the victors, we are proud of being their successors, and it is our duty to preserve the memory of those who defeated Nazism and entrusted us with being vigilant and doing everything to thwart the horror of another global war.

Therefore, despite all controversies in international relations, Russia has always advocated the establishment of an equal and indivisible security system which is critically needed for the entire international community.

Last December we proposed signing a treaty on security guarantees. Russia urged the West to hold an honest dialogue in search for meaningful and compromising solutions, and to take account of each other’s interests. All in vain. NATO countries did not want to heed us, which means they had totally different plans. And we saw it.
Another punitive operation in Donbass, an invasion of our historic lands, including Crimea, was openly in the making. Kiev declared that it could attain nuclear weapons. The NATO bloc launched an active military build-up on the territories adjacent to us.
Thus, an absolutely unacceptable threat to us was steadily being created right on our borders. There was every indication that a clash with neo-Nazis and Banderites backed by the United States and their minions was unavoidable.

Let me repeat, we saw the military infrastructure being built up, hundreds of foreign advisors starting work, and regular supplies of cutting-edge weaponry being delivered from NATO countries. The threat grew every day.
Russia launched a pre-emptive strike at the aggression. It was a forced, timely and the only correct decision. A decision by a sovereign, strong and independent country.
The United States began claiming their exceptionalism, particularly after the collapse of the Soviet Union, thus denigrating not just the entire world but also their satellites, who have to pretend not to see anything, and to obediently put up with it.
But we are a different country. Russia has a different character. We will never give up our love for our Motherland, our faith and traditional values, our ancestors’ customs and respect for all peoples and cultures.

Meanwhile, the West seems to be set to cancel these millennia-old values. Such moral degradation underlies the cynical falsifications of World War II history, escalating Russophobia, praising traitors, mocking their victims’ memory and crossing out the courage of those who won the Victory through suffering.

We are aware that US veterans who wanted to come to the parade in Moscow were actually forbidden to do so. But I want them to know: We are proud of your deeds and your contribution to our common Victory.

We honour all soldiers of the allied armies – the Americans, the English, the French, Resistance fighters, brave soldiers and partisans in China – all those who defeated Nazism and militarism.
Donbass militia alongside with the Russian Army are fighting on their land today, where princes Svyatoslav and Vladimir Monomakh’s retainers, solders under the command of Rumyantsev and Potemkin, Suvorov and Brusilov crushed their enemies, where Great Patriotic War heroes Nikolai Vatutin, Sidor Kovpak and Lyudmila Pavlichenko stood to the end.

I am addressing our Armed Forces and Donbass militia. You are fighting for our Motherland, its future, so that nobody forgets the lessons of World War II, so that there is no place in the world for torturers, death squads and Nazis.
Today, we bow our heads to the sacred memory of all those who lost their lives in the Great Patriotic War, the memories of the sons, daughters, fathers, mothers, grandfathers, husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, relatives and friends.
We bow our heads to the memory of the Odessa martyrs who were burned alive in the House of Trade Unions in May 2014, to the memory of the old people, women and children of Donbass who were killed in atrocious and barbaric shelling by neo-Nazis. We bow our heads to our fighting comrades who died a brave death in the righteous battle – for Russia.

I declare a minute of silence.
(A minute of silence.)

The loss of each officer and soldier is painful for all of us and an irretrievable loss for the families and friends. The government, regional authorities, enterprises and public organisations will do everything to wrap such families in care and help them. Special support will be given to the children of the killed and wounded comrades-in-arms. The Presidential Executive Order to this effect was signed today.
I wish a speedy recovery to the wounded soldiers and officers, and I thank doctors, paramedics, nurses and staff of military hospitals for their selfless work. Our deepest gratitude goes to you for saving each life, oftentimes sparing no thought for yourselves under shelling on the frontlines.

Soldiers and officers from many regions of our enormous Motherland, including those who arrived straight from Donbass, from the combat area, are standing now shoulder-to-shoulder here, on Red Square.

We remember how Russia’s enemies tried to use international terrorist gangs against us, how they tried to seed inter-ethnic and religious strife so as to weaken us from within and divide us. They failed completely.
Today, our warriors of different ethnicities are fighting together, shielding each other from bullets and shrapnel like brothers.
This is where the power of Russia lies, a great invincible power of our united multi-ethnic nation.

You are defending today what your fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought for. The wellbeing and security of their Motherland was their top priority in life. Loyalty to our Fatherland is the main value and a reliable foundation of Russia’s independence for us, their successors, too.
Those who crushed Nazism during the Great Patriotic War showed us an example of heroism for all ages. This is the generation of victors, and we will always look up to them.

Glory to our heroic Armed Forces!
For Russia! For Victory!




YW Pgroup

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Borodino Field?

He’s invoking it in the context of WWII (The “Great Patriotic War” as it was styled in the USSR), but it is of more historic significance. The “Patriotic War” (without “Great”) was Napoleon’s invasion of Russia in 1812. Napoleon was frustrated by Russia’s general refusal to meet him in battle; Russia preferred to give ground (and they had [and have] plenty of it to give). By doing so they gave Nappy the rope with which to hang himself.

Russia knew that Napoleon would likely win on the battlefield, and then they (Russia) would be screwed.

However, there were some battles on Napoleon’s way into Russia; a stand was made at…Borodino. Twenty five thousand people lost their lives that day, it is still one of the bloodiest one-day battles in history; at the time only Cannae (Hannibal enveloping and annihilating five Roman legions) could top it. Napoleon was technically the victor, but at great cost; it was a Pyrrhic victory for him and weakened him just before taking Moscow. (The Russians simply retreated through Moscow and let Napoleon have it. Then it caught fire and Napoleon was left with nothing and General Winter entered the fray.)

You can bet that after 1815 the Russians built monuments and even issued a commemorative coin or two for the construction of the monument. In 1912, for the centennial they issued a medal and another commemorative ruble, whose inscription can be (very loosely translated, and from memory) “1812 That glorious year has passed, but the deeds of those who fought will never be forgotten 1912”

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The obverse gives Alexander I’s title (he was emperor and tsar in 1812), and the eagle is of a style much more like that used then rather than in 1912. He risked his throne with the strategy of retreat; people were clamoring for him to actually fricking fight Napoleon as he moved deeper and deeper into Russia.

Last edited 2 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Cuppa Covfefe

Interesting infos (now I’m thinking of Alexander Borodin…)…

An interesting side, erm, note (OK LOTS of notes) is that Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture commemorates this battle, NOT the war of 1812…

(and totally irrelevant, Scots will say “I cannae do that, Laddie (or whatever”. Had no idea that Cannae was a city/battle… the engines cannae take it Cap’n)…..

The YSM/MCM paint Putin as a fool with no knowledge of war or history. He appears to be well-versed in both, and a lot brighter than they make him out fo be, and certainly brighter than any one of them…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Actually the overture commemorates the War of 1812…but it was THAT War of 1812, not the one over here in the US. Not just the battle of Borodino.

I had interpreted the first few cannon shots (which precede the major volley towards the end by a minute or so) as being for the Battle of Borodino for years, and read (somewhere, sorry I cannot remember where) that that was indeed the usual interpretation.


Intel Slava Z

OPEC is not going to increase oil production to help the West.

According to The Daily Telegraph, the cartel does not intend to increase production in order to keep prices down amid Western sanctions.

The main brake is the position of Saudi Arabia. The Saudis don’t want to harm themselves economically by lowering the cost of raw materials.

The newspaper also notes that relations between Washington and Riyadh have never been so bad.

The reasons for the tension between the allies are the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, Biden’s attempts to restore the nuclear deal with Iran and the US course towards renewable energy sources.


The journalist myth is not a problem. Our govt pretends that it’s a problem. We have no national interest in the presumed murder just like we have no interest in Ukraine. Some of our politicians, however, have quite the interest in Ukraine.


Suggested tweak of sorts.

Some of our politicians, however, have quite the interest in supporting money laundering Ukraine.


Have NEVER cared about Kashoggi. It IS a Saudi issue.


Not sure it’ just part of the excuse the Saudis have for not helping… why should they hurt themselves economically, right?


Oh, I agree. Saudi should look out for Saudi.

That is separate from my, don’t care about Kashoggi.


He was a spy in a family of gun-runners. Odds were always that he wouldn’t die peacefully, in bed, surrounded by grandchildren.




The upcoming total lunar eclipse will be a deeper red (blood moon) than usual due to the eruption of the Tonga volcano on January 15.


TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE: On Sunday, May 15th, the full Moon will pass through the shadow of Earth, producing a total lunar eclipse. This NASA animation shows how the Moon will turn red for almost 85 minutes:

Other time zones: UTEDTCDTMDTPDT

The eclipse will be widely visible from the Americas on May 15th; and Africa and Europe on May 16th: visibility map.

There’s a chance that this eclipse will be affected by the eruption of the Tonga volcano on January 15th. During a lunar eclipse, most of the light illuminating the Moon passes through Earth’s stratosphere where it is reddened by scattering. Volcanic ash from Tonga reached an altitude of 30 kilometers, deep into the stratosphere, with a total mass of 400 million kilograms. The volcano’s lingering exhaust could shade the eclipse, making it a deeper darker red than usual.



Also, there is such a thing as the ides of May (15th day).


  • The ides (from the Latin word īdūs) were the fifteenth day of the March, May, July, and October, and the thirteenth day of the other months. The ides originally corresponded to the full moon, storied for its own omens. At the time, March 15th was also associated with various religious observances and celebrations.



The upcoming total lunar eclipse will be a deeper red…”

I got a little carried away with that. It would have been more accurate for me have said something like “might be” rather than “will be”. A chance, in other words.

Cuppa Covfefe

And in Germany, the land of solar stupidity hope, it (like all other interesting astronomical events) will be obscured by cloud cover… could just as well be living on Venus… or Ireland  🙃   🍀 

Last edited 2 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Germany from late fall on one is lucky to have the sun out.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. It’s out alright, but on the other side of the clouds 😀


Comment from online:

May 9 Victory Day celebrations in Kherson and Melitopol (videos). Finally people can freely celebrate the victory of their fathers and grandfathers over Nazism, as they used to do from 1945 up until a few years ago, when Ukrainian authorities started gradually morphing the May 9 Victory Day into May 8 “Remembrance and Reconciliation” Day and Ukrainian nationalists started assaulting Red Army veterans during the celebrations.”


Great news‼️


Common sense with a little, basic middle school level science thrown in should have been enough to know masks do not work except to cause diseases and oxygen deprivation in those who wear them. They simply have limited situational value – and that value would not be to protect the wearer from respiratory born illness. It has always been a ludicrous assertion. Nearly all MAGA folks know the real reasons why they were mandated.

For those of you who hate the masks as much as me – this gives me great pleasure to provide. In particular, I read the legal pleading that is linked in this by Kirsch. If you want to make the anti-mask point to anybody, you now have your data, evidence and information to go after all the Karens you know.

If this suit is won – the masks are gone forever from mandates. They should be anyway – we as a people should just say no to all the evil leftist BS and live our lives to the fullest. Compliant law enforcement and judiciary will get the message quickly when we rise and tell them to stick it up their azzes. They want to use evil forces and organized social media as their enforcers. That works both ways and there are far more of us than there are of them. Dox the crap out of them. Call them out from the school boards to the federal elected officials. They need to feel it. James 4:7. It’s that simple.

Last edited 2 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

From the above link:


Thanks to ALL for the advice, thoughts, interest, prayrs and mostly patience through my saga last night.
If anything else unusual comes up I’ll let ya know.


I couldn’t help but notice from this picture

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and the “other” being makes me think of these two:

the warm and fuzzy guy


.. and the schlep ..



This is not an endorsement of the miserable criminals .. 🤨


Thought Hunter’s paintings were pulling in hundreds of thousands per canvas ?


Attorneys are not allowed to pay their clients’ bills. It’s an ethics violation.

Cuppa Covfefe

That’s never stopped the DEMONRATS before, sad to say…


FTa~ Best description ever…………….

My guess: we’re nearing the end of America’s Christian patience for being snookered, gaslit, lied-to, bamboozled, and mind-fucked, especially as our nation gets gang-raped by the Party of Chaos


W – the link I had for 2000 mules isn’t working; do you have one that is?


Just tested this one. Starts fine. I’ll watch again later with DW and two adult sons.

I believe Chris shared it earlier. Anyway, got here QTree…


I literally can’t watch it. I watched three minutes, and the rage just overwhelmed me. I just can’t absorb any more.

I KNOW the election was stolen. That’s gonna have to be enough for me. God bless all of y’all who can take it. I just can’t.


The Exasperated American – Victor Davis Hanson


Once again we see the 1st line victims are the children.
The DemComs always get so much mileage from the fake mantra about “if it saves one child” BS..funny (not) how the children and babies are THE most abused and used group of all.


Has been looking at baby formula at major box stores for the past couple weeks. Yes, major brands of certain formula’s have been out accounting for about a third to fourth of baby food.

Deplorable Patriot

Consequence after moms were encouraged NOT to breastfeed. Also, what did babies eat before baby food was on the market?

Actually, my twin brothers didn’t eat baby food. My mom had a baby food grinder. They ate table food ground up.

This is fixable if people are willing to put in the work.


Seems like the biggest problem is the infants not yet eating. If moms chose the formula over breastfeeding it’s not easy or impossible to get the body to produce milk again.


I had a wet nurse as a baby because I would not nurse on my mother.
In times gone past one could hire a woman who still had lots of milk and the mother could not nurse. In time past in Germany women had bigger breasts also.


There you go with those 18th-century solutions to four-thousand-year-old problems again! Why can’t you be thoroughly modern and let infants starve to death?



Ive been seeing a lot of people say give the goats milk.

Deplorable Patriot

That is another option. I have a cousin in law who had to have goat’s milk as a baby.

Last edited 2 years ago by Deplorable Patriot

Women who dont understand will thin out the formula and start starving their babies.
But our govtsends money to fucn corrupt Ukraine to be laundered.
A very very very “Let them eat cake” moment.


They now have special blenders and storage to freeze baby food. My daughter made her own baby food because she wanted her daughter to eat organic and grass fed food. She also nursed.



Buttermilk 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

Carnation Milk. From contented cows…

Buttermilk. From cows who don’t care…

(from a billboard advertising “The Ground Cow”, a restaurant just south of Sacramento, CA… back in the 1960s 🙂 )…..


Sounds good 🙂
My children’s doctor suggested buttermilk. They were raised on it. Carnation milk sounds good also.


Walked the local Smith’s (Krogers) baby food aisle. At least half the formula items , NOT in stock. Remaining line items low stock.

Odd as it may be, mark down area had >dozen marked down formula. Name brands.


Close to the pull date.


Yea, that is a factor. I hawk the clearance area.

Commonly, I see at least four reasons stuff is marked down.

  1. Pull date – “sell by date” Which IS a joke, 9 out 10 times. NOTHING wrong with the stuff. I get a lot of meat this way. Bring it home, vacuum seal it, AND freeze it.
  2. Damaged packaging.
  3. Manufacture changes packaging quantity. Whatever is on the shelf gets marked down, making room for newest packaging quantity.
  4. Occasionally, the store gets too much of a single product in, warehouse pushed the item or mis-sent to the store. NOT cost effective to send back to warehouse AND limited backroom storage space. So it gets marked down. The SAVVY buyer buys the mark down, while the exact same product is in its normal spot, at the normal (higher) price.

Excluding fresh fruit, vegetables, breads and fish, at least 75% of what we buy fits in above four categories.

Cracking up a bit here. This store is wrapping up a remodeling. Taller aisle shelves. Prolly added a few thousand line items to the store inventory.

  • Betting overall product increases, yield greater numbers of mark downs.

I hope the women have wise educate doctors who have been taught many wise things on how too.


BOLO ‘Parents choice’ Advantage Infant baby formula milk based powder with iron
The baby food shortage (unavailability ) is real.
BOLO  😉 to chores I go


My mom made formula I used to watch her put together pet milk, Karo syrup and boiled water. This was back in 1959. I don’t think my parents could afford to buy the ready made formula, six other mouths to feed.


My kids were preemies two the boys could not take the baby formula and I could not nurse because they were 6 weeks early and were in an incubator. The babies got buttermilk country doctors suggestion. He was raised on a farm by German parents.
Buttermilk was it and they took it for a long time.
One kid the doctor is 6/4 the other the scientist is 6/1.
They are healthy strong were athletes in High school. 🙂

Last edited 2 years ago by singingsoul1

Excellent article. 👍👍👍


I like the close:

To be healing, there has to be justice.

To have a free society we have to have a history, and in this major historical moment, we had a massive betrayal of the social contract — a betrayal committed by millions. The social contract cannot be re-knit without public accountability, confrontations, and even condemnation.

Let the school board members who masked the children be sued in civil court. Let them do community service in bright orange vests and pick up garbage along the sides of the roads.

Let the members of the Boards of Health who shut down their neighbors’ businesses for no reason, face civil charges. Let their names be published in the newspapers.

Let the ones who shunned the unvaccinated and disinvited them from their galas and dinner parties, experience for themselves what that feels like and face the fact that they were hateful and engaged in hate.


Really good introspection and article. Have found myself there numerous times over the past couple of years. Nope – no cheap forgiveness from me. Only after complete confession, proven repentance, and fully applied discipline for the damages caused to receive forgiveness from me. Until that happens the words spoke or the actions taken are meaningless.

Last edited 2 years ago by TradeBait2

I agree. There is no forgiveness without true repentance, and AMENDS. And I highly doubt most of the guilty are willing to repent OR doing any amends-making.


Globalists goals. Can’t get that Tower of Babel going without taking control of all countries. The People everywhere are catching on


A little report from my short vacation that I found interesting.
Saturday morning I am in the reception hall of the Shaker Inn we stayed and on the first floor is the restaurant. I look up after playing with my phone I could not believe it there was a guy who looked like J. Kushner. He stood with his back against the wall nervous waiting for a minute or two for 6 guys all looked like ex military beard mid 30. They wore casual clothe hiking boots , dessert boots and sneakers.
The guy who looked like Kushner looked like a guy who tried to wear casual but did not pull it off because he looked to perfect. His hair perfect his jacked windbreaker very new his pants too pressed and his dress shoes to polished.
Four of the military looking guys walked beside him one behind one in front. This could have been a look alike but then I saw Trump was in KY I wondered.
I had seen the six the evening before
Lunch was strange also. My husband and I were seated in a room there was only one other table in the corner people seated the rest was empty. This on a Saturday normally one does not eat unless one has reservation.
There was a Russian men and one Russian woman seated back against the wall. Then one other woman and three men speaking English. The two Russians had an heavy accent one could hear they did not speak all the time English. I know two were Russian because the man said he was ask to translate Russian to English and English to Russian.
Shaker Village is out of a way place secluded in many ways.
I am only sharing this because this was all so strange. Sadly I am so in tune with any type of changes in a space.
Might not have been anything at all but my spider senses went up.


Wow, I’d say your spider senses were spot on! Very interesting and probable ..

cool 😎👍❤️


Yes I stood there staring at the guy who was a perfect double if it was not him. I love watching people . I would have made a perfect spy 🙂


I believe you right .. 😎


The minute I saw him Kushner swept trough my mind and then I questioned myself. I said “no what would he be doing here this guy just looks like him”.
Then later Sunday I saw the horse races and there was Trump. Then I said to myself “yes it is possible”.


Hmmm. Wonder IF Ivanka and Jared were at the race with trump. We know Kimberly was there. So, surely Don Jr was there…


Yes interesting thought. The more I think about it the more it is likely.


You are a great spy ! Noticing all those details….I like how you think!


I had early training. 🙂 All my life I watched people. My grandmother taught me a lot . I am to the point I can tell if a person is European German by their clothe hairstyle behavior 🙂
I can differentiated from old rich and new rich 🙂 I never forget a face even in a store or chopping center.
As kid they accused me not paying attention because I did not listen I watched people. I never cared what a persons name was still do not have to force myself. Sometimes I notice stupid stuff no one carers about 🙂


You’re totally awesome 😎👍❤️


You are to kind. I am a pain in the neck believe me 🙂


Hmmmm. Take any discrete pics or video? Guessing not. There is always that meta thing addressed in a few posts, I think up thread.

100%, yea, there is NO way Jred could ever “look casual”. It’ll drive the kids nuts. It would me.

Nor can Ivanka or Eric. Don Jr could IF he tried. Kimberly definitely can.


No pic I do not like to take pics of people if they do not volunteer. Also did not wanted to make it to obvious that I saw what I saw. He could not get fast enough out of the place. I know they had the whole third floor that has a couple wonderful rooms.
I stayed in them before but we do not like to schlep our stuff an extra flight. There are 8 bedrooms in the building and are the nicest rooms. There are many buildings on the property one can rent a room. They also have a couple of houses one can rent when one brings their dog.


Nice. Thanks.


Usually people who exercise their instincts are correct. It prob was him.


I was in shock the last thing I expected. 🙂


Great story! And for someone taken by surprise, you have an amazing eye for detail.

You (and I) may someday yet get our chance to be spies. 😉

You just never know…



The hypocrisy is legendary. them literally crying cuz they was sooo scared (BS) , fences stayed up for months in DC..cuz they was sooo scared of the 100% phantom extremists.

Now when there actually are threats and intimidation…you can hear a pin drop. Nothing.
So they hide the Court away like the commies that they are making up the crisis as they go.

Cuppa Covfefe


The fact that they have to sequester THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES is a HUUUUUUGGGGEEEEE problem.

And I don’t think the sheepls even understand the gravity of the situation…

Then again, the schools haven’t taught proper US (or any) history and civics since the 1950s, if not earlier.

There’s a musical, “1776”, which came out in 1974 or so, about John Adams and the fight to break away from England and form a new country. One of his recurring themes or ideas was,

“Is anybody there? Does anybody care? Does ANYBODY see what I see?”….

Sometimes I feel that way, and I’m sure many, if not most MAGA folks feel that way.

That musical, especially after TONS of rehearsals, made it clear just how precious freedom from the tyranny of England was, on what a tiny sliver of a thread on which the movement to independence hung, and how great the sacrifices of the Founding Fathers were. Indeed, that musical (at least for me) brought history to life.

And, sad to say, I doubt many, if any, schools perform it anymore; they’d rather do “Hair” or “Be-In” or whatever trash is circling about…

Looking back at the USA from my “computer shack” in Germany, I can only view in wonder how unique the “experiment” in freedom the USA is; how no other country, EVER, has attempted it, nor, how any other country COULD attempt it. Europeans have no concept of the Founding Principles of the USA (although they say they do), and they cannot fathom participatory government as opposed to top-down governance.

I can only hope and PRAY that Americans and the USA learn this, and learn to appreciate this, and learn to FIGHT FOR THIS AND PROTECT THIS.

For if we don’t, who will?????????????

[And if you haven’t seen or heard “1776”, it’s well worth a watch and a listen. I think most if not all of it is on YouTube, and there are DVDs, Videocassettes, and even LaserDiscs (the BEST version) available…)….

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Other than the fact that our founding fathers didn’t break out into musical numbers now and again (at least not during the sessions of the Continental Congress–who knows what they did over a few beers), it’s reasonably good, historically.


There was an article I saw recently about Washington signing off on the Continental Congress beverage tabs, and the amount of drinks per attendee…..and breaking into song was definitely a possibility.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Just like they say about the coasts,

“The song is over, but the Manatees linger on”…

Last edited 2 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Cuppa Covfefe


“Will someone shut that man up?”
Adams: “NEVER!!!”

“Someone better open up a window”…

“It’s 90 degrees, have mercy John, please”…

“It’s hot as hell in Philadel-phia”… [can say that again…]…

“Cool Considerate Men” (RINOs, no doubt) was dropped from the Broadway show, though remained in the score. And “Molasses, to Rum, to Slaves” is one of the most moving (and indeed shocking, if done well) numbers in any musical out there.

Sony (or someone) has an extended release, originally on LaserDisc, that has all cuts restored, with some “lost footage” as well. Just wish I could find a way to get a copy (legal, of course). Though I doubt anyone on the “light-impaired” net would be interested in it…..

Cuppa Covfefe

Brent Spiner (who played Adams in the revival) was over here in 2017 IIRC, before the COVIDIOCY hit, in Stuttgart. It was warm, though not anywhere near as warm as the Climastrologists would have one believe, but I would have loved to have gone there and maybe sung or recited “it’s 90 degrees, have mercy, John, please” just to see his reaction 🙂


Well Turley you have been part of the problem. Your people are doing this.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You were right earlier. You ARE a pain in the neck.

To them.

Carry on!

Last edited 2 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Ha ha ha you made my day 🙂
My mother used to say I was a pain to her before I was born and it never changed 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

No pain, no gain 😀

Cuppa Covfefe

PITA, bred 🙂



I just love how the actions or inactions of these people lead to absolutely horrible outcomes, which they then want to decry and pretend they had nothing to do with.


Pfizer DeathVaxx Trials were mass murder, but the FDA still approved it..


Shamelessly pilfered from Twitter:

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All according to the plan. They can almost taste the destruction. Hoping for sweet payback. It’s going to feel awesome.


I have boycotted Target since their policy of allowing men into women’s dressing rooms several years ago. It’s disappointing that more people haven’t boycotted them, IMO.

Target Launches ‘Gender Affirming’ Products Including Chest Binders And ‘Packing Underwear’

Ahead of Pride month, Target is launching a line of “gender-affirming” products including “compression tops” and “chest binders, undergarments that conceal breasts, and “packing underwear” that conceal male genitals.

The superstore has partnered with TomboyX and Humankind — “two queer owned, female-female founded brands — to create these much-needed lines,” Bustle reports

I don’t want to be in a store that presents that kind of merchandise. It feels evil.

Target is also now selling “trans rights” t-shirts for children.

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Where are the parents?


I haven’t shopped there for the same reasons since then either. Hit ’em in the wallet!


Yup, I also have refused to enter Target for the same reasons.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Same here.


Looks like zelensky wanted to put a spoiler on today’s commemoration, and it didn’t go well for him.
(Zmeiny is Snake Island)

Kiev, with the participation of American and British advisers, planned to seize the island of Zmeiny in the Black Sea.

The plans were thwarted, according to the Russian Defense Ministry.

On the night of May 8, the APU tried to land troops. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation destroyed three armored Ukrainian boats of project 58181 “Centaur” with servicemen of the Ukrainian Navy.

Four Ukrainian planes were shot down in the air, including three Su-24 and one Su-27.

29 Ukrainian UAVs were shot down in the air, including 8 Bayraktar TB-2 attack aircraft. Four of them this afternoon.

Three Ukrainian Mi-8 helicopters with troops on board were destroyed. Plus another Mi-24 helicopter.

During the landing and attempts to consolidate on the island, more than 50 Ukrainian saboteurs were destroyed at sea and on the coast. 24 bodies of dead servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine remained on the shore of the island of Zmeiny.”


Unfortunate. Not only did they accept to go on a suicide mission for limited propaganda gain and zero strategic or tactical gain but the press is not even dignifying it with a story. What a waste.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

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That’s funny. 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe





Good stuff @ Doug Ross’ TOP TWENTY TWEETS tonight!!!




More –

Last edited 2 years ago by GA/FL

Lordy be – how many puppies are there?


Nine! Almost twice the number of an average litter of 5-6 puppies.



I respect him when he puts the blue red and white in his jacket pocket.
What about fighting for our border. What idiots.


I have no respect for McCarthy.

Lip stick on a uniparty pig, even red, white and blue lipstick, doesn’t change the truth. McCarthy remains a Uniparty pig.


Yes he is sadley

Cuppa Covfefe

One McCarthy, pilloried and reviled because he told the truth.

Another McCarthy, lifted and successful in his “party” because he foments lies, misrepresentations, and treason.

Yet another DEMON from Kalifornistan. May he get termites like Charlie McCarthy probably did. He’s just as much a puppet, as well, repeating and acting out what he is told…


The potential difference is how much time he spent with someone’s hand up his…..kiester.


Fang Fang, call your office.


What a butthead … ignorant measly butthead … punk

Sadie Slays

Got a weird political advertisement in the mail—a newspaper. It looked like a normal local newspaper on the front, even had a date on it and some fluff articles about celebrities, but all of the other articles were about how great Biden is handling the economy. One headline bragged that people are “finding it easier to pay for expenses under Biden.” They really do think we’re stupid. I’ll give them points for creativity because I normally throw political advertisements directly in the garbage where they belong, but this one actually got me to look at it. 


Good lord, that’s desperate.

I have done various marketing jobs over the course of my life. I really love GOOD marketing, and respect the heck out of the creativity involved.

Good marketing NEVER treats people like they are stupid. Whoever the idiot was who came up with this one should be beaten with a rolled-up newspaper.


Hmmmm … big stick/log


I got a review of this book in my email, and it looked like something a few people here might enjoy, so I’m sharing. I might read it, too. It’s a memoir by Mark Wahlberg’s brother, Jim:

The Big Hustle: A Boston Street Kid’s Story of Addiction and Redemption
“When Jim Wahlberg went to prison the second time at 22 years old, he was sentenced to six to nine years for breaking and entering, bargained down from life for home invasion. He had staggered into a Boston cop’s apartment, helping himself to the sellable stuff and all the beer in the fridge. The cop came home, found Jim passed out at the kitchen table, beat the hell out of him, and arrested him.

But Wahlberg, a 130-pound kid from Dorchester, had learned some things from his life on the street and his first prison sentence. He knew how to survive. And he knew that if he wanted to avoid serving the full sentence, he would have to do something.

He did what he was best at: He hustled. He would create the illusion that he was trying to change, that he’d become the model prisoner, not a guy hell-bent on getting out while he was still young enough to drink more, steal more, and do more drugs.

He didn’t know, though, that the Catholic priest he was trying to hustle was actually hustling him.”


Well, my good online friends —
Here’s a way to completely ruin a sunny, fabulously perfect day in May:
The GI doctor called me this afternoon. Turns out that Yours Truly MAY STILL INDEED have colorectal cancer. The negative biopsy results that came in last Friday apparently were only applicable to the biopsies of the surface that he took on the day of the exam Monday — there may well be areas of cancer deep inside the polyp.
The entire thing has to be taken out by a specialist GI surgeon in 4 weeks or fewer, depending on when Yours Truly can be worked into the surgery schedule. The entire thing will then be sent off to be examined. Only after those results come in will it be known if it’s cancer-free.
Talk about being cast down from the heights of “Yay, I’m all right” into the Waiting Room of Dante’s Inferno Level One.
Yours Truly is again in need of any prayer or good thought that can be spared. Thank you.


Continued prayers for you! Seems like they could have told you this at the time. I’m not sure, but it seems like a hopeful sign that biopsies of the surface showed no cancer.


I was going to say the same — seems likely they can get it all out in one swell foop.


Never stopped praying for you. I am so sorry to hear this but we live in Hope.
When I get bad news I accept it and put it in Gods hands. The energy of worry fear works for me the peaceful energy helps in healing. That does not mean I stop partition Christ the Healer.
God will give you the strength .
I lift you up to the Lord may He give you peace and strength. All will be well my friend.

Last edited 2 years ago by singingsoul1
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

We’re still gonna believe in God’s best for you and keep you covered in prayer. Keep us advised of your surgery date so we can crank it up a few more decibels. 🙏🙏🤗🤗❤❤❤


🙏 all the way.

Cuppa Covfefe

Ow. May GOD Bless, Cover, Heal, and Strengthen you, RDS. And may HE Comfort you, and Guide the medical personnel and give them Wisdom, Discernment, Knowledge, and Skill.

HE will never leave you nor forsake you!


May the Lord God Almighty/Father/Son/Holy Spirit draw so close you feel their breath, may you beheld in their Presence for safety, healing, and comfort.

God bless you tremendously RDS.


“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to The LORD, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness is a shield and buckler. You will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day,” Psalm 91:1-16


Eat well, rest a lot, and watch really hilarious old movies. Laughter really does heal. It is good for you.

Some of my favorite oldies include Some Like It Hot, Singin’ In The Rain, Bringing Up Baby, Deathtrap with Michael Caine and Christopher Reeve, The Philadelphia Story, and Blazing Saddles.

And last, but never least, The Princess Bride.


Good thoughts and prayers, ongoing.

MeThinks, Dante’s Inferno has not arrived. MAY not arrive. Yes, the unpleasantness of the prep and surgery are in a couple weeks. At this point, dealing with a “maybe” issue.

As I mention to my DW, including when she sees the quack, UNTIL something is confirmed, it is NOT a problem.

  • Quacks pick up on what I am doing. Cuz DW frets BIGLY over every, “maybe”, as if it’s confirmed. Yet the tests are not back…
Valerie Curren

Dear RDS, so sorry that you are facing this difficult season of waiting. May the Lord give you comfort, healing, & peace. You’re in my prayers.

comment image

Brave and Free

Prayers said for you .

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎





Common sense winning.


We made it until now without needing such a law because transgenderism wasn’t being pushed on society and children. I wish this could be stopped at its source.


This one probably needs Wolf’s review. May be something, may be nothing.

Last edited 2 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

In the getting very strange department….

Blood red skies are being reported in Communist China. There are other videos of the event in the replies.


This happened on May 7th near Shanghai

  • Video emerged showing the sky above the city of Zhoushan turned an eerie red
  • The Chinese port city close to Shanghai sparked fears of an Armageddon
  • Local media said the discoloured sky was caused by unusual light refraction


Filter of sorts on the camera? Theatrics through editing. Fire way many miles away?

IT’S CHINEE…IT’S ALL THEATER. WORSE than listening in on Pravda News.


In the Daily Mail article I posted above there is a claim that this has happened before.

Historians recently uncovered documents from 1770 from China, Korea and Japan, where eye-witnesses reported the skies turning an eerie red.


Acts 2:19-20 (NIV)

I will show wonders in the heavens above
    and signs on the earth below,
    blood and fire and billows of smoke.

The sun will be turned to darkness
    and the moon to blood
    before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord.


Anyone remember this tragedy?
We Are Marshall
We Are Marshall is a 2006 American biographical sports drama film directed by McG. It depicts the aftermath of the 1970 plane crash that killed 75 people: 37 players of the Marshall University Thundering Herd football team, five coaches, two athletic trainers, the athletic director, 25 boosters, and the airplane crew of five.


It’s worthwhile.

Cuppa Covfefe

$419 million”…

Yet another 419 scam…..


From Bannon today. Slow guy, ME, puzzled over this.

PLEASE take a listen. Listen long enough to logically call BS – NOT possible, OR VERY REAL PROBLEM.

~14 minutes.

Bachman speaks as IF BiteMe can unilaterally agree to allow WHO to dictate “decision making authority” OVER THE US – ORDER THE USG what to do refgarding health issues, pandemics, lock downs….

  • BiteMe can hand over USG authority to WHO. (Yea, W T F)

Bannon does NOT push back saying.

I am dumb founded. How can this be “binding” over the USG, supposedly we have a Constitution.

First I heard of this WHO shit, I dismissed straight out.

  • But now Bachman, Uniparty she is, says it is a real threat to the US.
  • Bannon is apparantly onboard it IS a real threat to us.


Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs

I was just as dumbfounded as you. Had big discussion with my husband about constitution. All I can figure out is that we did sign something in the past and maybe it went through congress? This might be the final step in that agreement.
Have to say I was beside myself. Biden has been able to just do and there has not been a push back. Except if he does one of those presidential signing and the next President can void it?
My concern is that in two years lots of things can happen another covid situation and another lock down all to move forward to a one world order? We see everything is stacked against us.


Uniparty takes turns enabling BiteMe.


I keep thinking Australia was an exsample if the via China UN is in charge.


Can speak for Australia.

Me, I’m Clinging To My (OUR), constitution.


Yes the constitution. Biden has been ripping our constitution to shreds. Nothing is happening to him.


TT provided an informative post on this.

It’ll be slightly up or down….


I saw it


I have come to that conclusion. Have been quit naive about US Politics.


One of these days, God Willing, a MAGA press secretary will announce that the US has decided to do a management overhaul of the WHO…..then the CinC will JDAM their HQ in the middle of their workday.

There may be some good guys out in the hinterlands actually trying to do Good, but to compare their management to worthless parasites is an insult to parasites.

I’d be ecstatic to see similar “management overhauls” done on the FDA, CDC, NIH, and Fauci’s little barony, the NIAID.

As some day it may happen that a victim must be found
I’ve got a little list — I’ve got a little list
Of society offenders who might well be underground
And who never would be missed — who never would be missed!

There are those health authorities who wish to run your life,
They wish that you’d just eat with spoons and never touch a knife….

They’d wrap your head in swaddling and keep you where you’re at,
While luxuriously waddling because their heads are fat.

Hypocrisy among them is just how they all exist
I’ve got them on the list….yes, they must be on the list.


Yea, a couple JDAM on each of there buildings…UN, WHO, FDA, NIH, CDC…


And DAVOS, next time they’re in session.


Bakers dozen FAE, would be appropriate for Davos.


I found this:

World Health Organization Is Preparing Vote to Strip the US and 194 Other Nations of Their Sovereignty –Move would give WHO total control | 26 April 2022 | On May 22nd, the World Health Organization (WHO) will vote on whether or not to strip 194 countries, including the United States, of their sovereignty. As part of the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset goal, the WHO is aiming to alter a treaty that would give them global control over human health. The WHO World Health Assembly will vote on the issue from May 22 to 28… The rule change includes very dangerous amendments — 13 of them. Investigative reporter Leo Hohmann reports that these amendments will NOT require approval by two-thirds of the United States Senate. It’s not called a treaty. It’s amending a treaty to which the US already belongs. If they are approved (as submitted by the United States) by a simple majority of the 194 member countries of the World Health Assembly countries, these amendments would enter into force as international law just six months later, November 2022.

It says, “If they are approved (as submitted by the United States)…” That looks as if it is the U.S. initiating it. At any rate, the JB fraudministration is working in concert with the WHO.

We need to stop this, but I’m not sure how. The Constitution is the supreme law of the U.S., and that can’t be ceded to some organization without dismantling the U.S., IMO. (Of course, that’s their goal, but I mean literally. The U.S. Constitution would cease to have effect over a large part of our government.)

Last edited 2 years ago by TheseTruths

From above. Amending an existing Treaty, MAY BE the PROBLEM.

Investigative reporter Leo Hohmann reports that these amendments will NOT require approval by two-thirds of the United States Senate.

It’s not called a treaty. It’s amending a treaty to which the US already belongs.




This is, by the way, a pernicious pattern that needs to be ended firmly.

Example — “Californians! How would you like a high-speed train from LA to SF for $15B? *years* Would you believe a high-speed train from LA to San Jose for $30B? *years* How ’bout a high-speed train from LA to Merced for $60B? *years*” They’re currently on a high-speed train from Fresno to Bakersfield for $90B. We get this ALL the FREAKIN’ TIME. They lowball the costs and overpromise the goodies and move the goalposts until everything is grifted away. Whatever happened to performance bonds? Whatever happened to limited public funding?

I could go into the similar pattern of lies behind Levi Stadium, except the BP spike might cause my head to explode.


I should note that a vote was taken only for the first version…..all other versions were authorized by management based on the first vote.




If an international treaty can be amended by fewer people than adopted it in the first place, it should be considered as void — and everyone involved with the original adoption should be treated as spies of foreign entities and executed on sight.


Agree. Treason to try it. Illegal as hell.

We may need a Court to shit can it all.


I agree. Treason.