Dr. Peter Kreeft wrote: “You cannot win a war if you are unwilling to admit we are even at war or you don’t know who your enemy is or you don’t know what strategy your enemy is using.”
We start with this concept today in order to establish that the sleep from which the people are awakening blinded them to the reality that there is a war going on. A war for their minds, their freedoms, their rights and much more.
Several good pieces have appeared with information those who follow politics on a granular level have known for a while, but is rather new to the writers.
Leftists Hate Free Speech Because They Fear Dissent, Not “Disinformation”
One can see the steady progression of this war on speech and ideas, and the end game is predictable: Is anyone really that surprised that the Biden Administration is implementing a Ministry of Truth in the form of the DHS Disinformation Governance Board? Can we just accept the reality at this point that leftists are evil and their efforts feed into an agenda of authoritarianism? Is there any evidence to the contrary?
Before I get into this issue, I think it’s important to point out that it’s becoming tiresome to hear arguments these days suggesting that meeting leftists “somewhere in the middle” is the best and most desirable option. I see this attitude all over the place and I think it comes from a certain naivety about the situation we are facing as a country. Moderates and “normies” along with people like Bill Maher and Russell Brand are FINALLY starting to realize how bag-lady-crazy leftists are and the pendulum is swinging back slightly. But, it was conservatives that were calling out the social justice cult and their highway to hell for years.
While everyone else was blissfully ignorant, we were fighting the battles that stalled the leftist advance. This is not to say I’m not happy to have moderates and reformed liberals on board, it’s a great thing. However, the time for diplomacy and meeting leftists halfway is long dead.
There is no such thing as a “center” in our society anymore, either you lean conservative and you support freedom, or you lean left and support authoritarianism. There is no magical and Utopian in-between that we need to achieve to make things right. We are not required to tolerate leftist authoritarianism because of “democracy.” Sometimes certain ideologies and certain groups are mutually exclusive to freedom; meaning, they cannot coexist within a society that values liberty.
Regarding voting machines vs. paper ballots, 2,000 Mules and voter rolls that need to be purged:
No More Ballots in the Wild
The United States, by contrast, is an oligarchy (a regime where the elite rules) that is only pretending to be a democracy. This is why we use a Third World banana republic election system.
No reasonable observer of the 2020 election in this country could draw any other conclusion. The week-long vote count, the midnight vote total changes, the months of early voting, and the unilateral changes to election law in multiple states without legislative approval prior to the election are all signs of the profound brokenness of the American election system. Were these behaviors to appear elsewhere, our foreign policy class would have already denounced that nation as undemocratic.
The BBC, in a 2016 article on the tell-tale signs of election fraud, argued that a “delay in announcing results” is but one example of election misbehavior.
In America, however, pointing out that such irregularities happened in 2020 is grounds for censorship by “private” tech companies and politicized prosecution from the federal government. This is the lesson from the January 6 protest.
In his most recent film, “2000 Mules,” Dinesh D’Souza revisits the claims of election fraud in 2020. He is right to do so. Contra Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell(R-Ky.), Republicans should not “move on” from the election. Without free and fair elections, we do not have a republic. Without the possibility of taking power, conservatives have no reason to talk about policy.
On censorship:
Why aren’t we allowed to question the 2020 election?
Do you find it strange that we do not dare challenge the prevailing narrative of the ‘democratic’ party of projection and the nation’s socialist media? Especially since questioning electoral integrity is a cottage industry for themselves whenever they lose.
Why does this matter? Consider it from another point of view – why is it so important to the nation’s socialist media and the anti-liberty left? (But, we repeat ourselves.) Why have they obsessed about this for months, viciously attacking anyone who brought up the suspiciously-termed ‘Big Lie’?
Could it be they obsess over this because they are hoping for a repeat performance? In military terms, this is known as ‘preparing the battlefield.’ The Biden Regime already issued a dire warning for the fall, with this key line that shows this is all smoke and mirrors:
In forecasting 100 million potential infections during a cold-weather wave later this year and early next, the official did not present new data or make a formal projection.
They are taking the time to discredit any allegations of their electoral malfeasance in order to issue the same condemnations when they do it again. The new movie, 2000 Mules, from esteemed documentarian Dinesh D’Souza, and news anchor Tucker Carlson, are raising these questions, but they are experiencing suppression – why? If you take into consideration all that is being done by the liberticidal left to destroy democracy and this country, this takes on critical importance.
Who can forget how the authoritarian leftists graciously accepted electoral defeat without the merest hint of controversy after losing to Trump in 2016? You can’t? Well, because it never happened! Somehow, we’re supposed to ‘memory hole’ near-constant complaints about ‘Russia collusion’ for four years. So before we go on, let them remind us that only ‘they’ are allowed to question election integrity.
And then there’s the “fact-checkers:”
Fact-Checker Fail: 2000 Mules vs. the media
With 2000 Mules, the leftists desperate to hide voter fraud clearly only watched the free trailer for the movie and did not spring for the $20 to $29 to actually see the entire film. The film can be purchased from the Salem radio network from Dinesh D’Souza on “Locals” at or at the main website.
After mainstream journalists became discredited as biased, left-wing propagandists, very suddenly, a new fad sprang up: fact-checkers. Now the same journalists whom we stopped believing in the normal news are suddenly believable because they call themselves “fact-checkers.”
But if there is anything that presumably a fact-checker would do, you’d think it would be to actually carefully read and analyze a claim point by point to determine its truth. (Typically, fact-checkers specialize in being distracted by a minor detail. For example, a news story might report that Sen. Nogood smashed into a green-colored van full of nuns while driving drunk. The fact-checker would then spend pages discussing how there is “no evidence” that the van was colored green. The van might have been blue. So rating: False.)
True The Vote did what the government failed to do. The organization purchased through commercial brokers the cell phone “geotracking” or “geolocator” data from specific cities in particular states where the election was decided. They then analyzed the GPS data to show the paid “mules” who visited left-wing nonprofit organizations and then drove to many different ballot drop boxes on the same day — then did it all over again the following day, day after day, for weeks.
Can the reader FEEL the outrage building over this matter of censorship re questioning the 2020 election “results?”
THAT is what is needed to effect change. Without the anger of the PEOPLE, nothing in government is going to change, because as Sundance points out constantly, the swamp and all government state and local is set up to keep itself in power.
Machiavelli said, “It must be remembered that there is nothing more difficult to plan, more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to manage than a new system. For the initiator has the enmity of all who would profit by the preservation of the old institution and merely lukewarm defenders in those who gain by the new ones.”
Yes, the waking up is happening. It is not happening quickly, but methodically and completely.
That way maybe the masses will stay awake at least for a couple generations, anyway.
Congress, on the other hand….

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 768ebf No.9004278
May 2 2020 17:34:06 (EST)
What would have happened if POTUS challenged the COVID-19 narrative from the beginning?
Sometimes you can’t TELL the public the truth.
Who benefits the most?
They do not care about your well-being.
You are simply in the way.
This is about regaining POWER.
Every asset deployed.
Win by any means necessary.
This goes for Ukraine, too. For more on the waking up and just what the Biden camp wants for Ukraine, Glenn Greenwald has a good piece.

Bonus wolf howl.


One of the obstacles to full understanding of just what the enemy is all about revolves around the concept of symbolism.
And now for the business portion.
Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list or the closest rescue thread.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information. Correcting the record on any one topic is appreciated.
Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights
- No running with scissors
- If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon
Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and don’t just play them on TV like the body doubles pretending to be the squatter in chief:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
JOHN 13:16-20
16Truly, truly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master; nor is he who is sent greater than he who sent him. 17If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them. 18I am not speaking of you all; I know whom I have chosen; it is that the scripture may be fulfilled, `He who ate my bread has lifted his heel against me.’ 19I tell you this now, before it takes place, that when it does take place you may believe that I am he. 20Truly, truly, I say to you, he who receives any one whom I send receives me; and he who receives me receives him who sent me.”

Ooh, Mark. Payback is a female dog.
Richard Grenell is completely losing his shit on Twitter over Kathy Barnette. Newsmax host melting down, too. There are a lot more tweets than this, but I’m not linking to them all.
Then Oz better declare the dollar market value of the Hannity show as an in-kind contribution to his campaign. It’s a federal law.
Sundance is forgetting “I am not a witch” Christine O’Donnell (DE).
YES! Christine O’Donnell, Sharon Angle, and now Kathy Barnette.
Maybe there is something we do not know?
She might not be what she says she is ?
When it shows up, we can consider it, anaylze it, see if it is another “Rove” hit job on a conservative, or truth.
Thus far, she sounds and acts like what I’d vote Barnett.
Waithing on evidence.
Galadriel I do not have to vote for her or against her.
Uh, he’s been using Ric for the longest time. Not Richard. I always felt it was a form of queer advertising. Now that he’s changed it to Richard, it means two things [maybe more]: his ‘out’ status is having negative effects, and it’s political season [election time] so gotta look normal.
Wonder who is quietly paying him to do slander attacks.
He’s a dick either way.
I like Ric Grenell. He tends to stomp the right toes.
Saunter over to his twitter threads. Maybe 2 out of 300-400 support him. Most of the rest love Barnette.
Grenell doesn’t usually misread the base this badly.
Which makes it intentional targeting.
If Grenell is going after her there is an issue we don’t know about.
It could be as simple as Trump endorsed Oz and Oz is now in trouble. If it’s more complicated it could be Grennell recommended Oz to Trump.
Oz, what little I have seen, is weird.
Perhaps Oz IS close to Grenell in special ways.
That could well be true, as could Grenell sees more use for an Oz on the world stage of politics than he does a Barnette.
Barnette could be termed more as getting our house in order, where as Oz could be termed in getting our place on the world stage in order. I’m thinking Grenell is more concerned about the later than the former.
Yea. I’ll take getting our house in order.
Leave the world stage alone. Seems all we do is screw up on the world stage.
I think you’re right!
Maybe they are against her because she cannot win against Dems? We need to have is Republican?
My guess is that IS why Trump went for Oz.
BUT, many OR MOST R-Cons are AS BAD as D-Rats.
Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 05/12/2022 13:11:01
ID: Not Available
Truth Social: 108290078261441931
Kathy Barnette will never be able to win the General Election against the Radical Left Democrats.
She has many things in her past which have not been properly explained or vetted, but if she is able to do so, she will have a wonderful future in the Republican Party – and I will be behind her all the way.
Dr. Oz is the only one who will be able to easily defeat the Crazed, Lunatic Democrat in Pennsylvania. A vote for anyone else in the Primary is a vote against Victory in the Fall!
I am glad I do not live in PA to have to make those choices.
It’s the Hannity swamp vs true MAGA and probably due to friendship and loyalty, 45 is on the wrong side this time.
I wish more blacks would speak up and out against BLM and Dems like Barnett is doing. Time for TRUTH!!
B O O M !
Sorry, BOOM no more. Barnett is not real MAGA, but Club for Growth Conservative. This backstabbing business is hard to keep up with. Warroom put it all together today.
Treadmill time soon, coincides with Bannon time. Recorded version cuts out all commercials.
My head hurts., glad I don’t live in PA.
^^^ Y E S ! ^^^
But, it would be good to vote Mastreano, for PA guvner.
He was just (5 minutes ago) on Bannon, spewing this same crap.
Does this sound reasonable to anyone here?
He is a mouthpiece for Trump. And this is the worst look possible.
Even if she said it, the truth is that EVERYBODY has “druther not sit next to” people. I don’t want to sit next to lying, hoaxing, woke Democrats – especially the crazy women who make false accusations.
And I can spot ’em a mile away.
Expanded thoughts elsewhere today.
It sounds perfectly reasonable to me for someone to have such an attitude.
However, did she really say/write it? If so, where is the evidence [a link to her statement would be extremely helpful]?
He gave no references or proofs. Just stated it. Bannon was uncomfortable.
Will be interesting if Barnett is on Bannon again.
She was on ~three days ago. Bannon gave zero push back to her AND seemed impressed.
Then Grenell can simply state the issue we don’t know about.
Transparency goes a long way.
Has there been any “there” in the attacks on Barnette?
All I see are generic yammering, worse than “unnamed sources”.
This. “I know something you don’t know but
I can’t/won’t tell you” does not work.
Grenell is TRYING to “play” folks, that are DONE being “played”.
Put up. Or, shut the fuck up.
^^^^ THIS ^^^^

(and it’s NOT JUST Grenell-HINT-HINT !)
Preach it, brother!
I think the issue is, she thinks being gay is wrong and a sin. So Grenell is triggered.
Yup. It is likely that simple.
They lead with their sexuality. They just do.
Confused me at 1st, but Richard has always been his twitter handle. He still goes by Ric.
Well, I didn’t know that. But my critique stands.
Using Richard instead of Ric sounds hollow since DJT introduced him as Ric during his 2016 campaign speeches.
Richard is for professional purposes. He’s Ric to friends.
So his challenges to Barnette are professional in nature? Who is paying him to do scorched earth on a ‘fellow’ Republican?
Feeling better I am on a “Richard” basis, with Grenell.
My daughters husband is Rick and he changed it to Richard is more professional and people take him more serious
Rick is not Ric. The latter is an affectation of the queer community.
And Rik was an affectation of The Young Ones….
I did not know that. I really do not care if a person is queer that is their problem.
I dunno, we didn’t (and still don’t) know the secret history of the Obamanation. How many Dems were taken by surprise with what he turned out to be?
And now we have our own appealing story with a secret history, endorsed by Club for Growth — who I trust as far as I can throw ’em.
Oz is nowhere near what we deserve, but after our #1 choice got torpedoed, perhaps he’s what we need. And he’s been endorsed by VSGPOTUSDJT.
It doesn’t matter if it’s Barnette or Oz in November because they’re going to rig the general election for Fetterman (D) as his payoff for helping steal PA in 2020. It’s either hold-the-nose for Oz and lose, or vote for the candidate who actually lives in the state and lose. Might as well vote for whatever candidate to you like because we lose no matter what. The only reason that the World Economic Forum ghouls are asshurt is because their carefully scripted drama to hide the rigged election is going sideways.
There is a way to stop the steal – record GOP turnout. Too many voters for the donkeys to counter = winning.
Great point!
Sooner or later, “Dominion” Systems has to be taken down.
Utterly and completely.
There are ways, and there are tools.
Only question is if anyone has the stones to do it and use them.
They cannot use “sneakernet” to do the updates they need to do in anything close to real-time. If someone throws a wrench in that, and/or breaches any air gaps (SCADA issues a while back), they’ll have hell to pay. And that’s been shown at CCC (Chaos Cumputing Club) and various “hat” conventions for a couple of decades now…
While they’re twiddling the numbers, patriots WORLDWIDE need to be USING their NUMBERS to see that JUSTICE IS DONE!
Seven-and-a-half BILLION of us, maybe five THOUSAND or so of them. Fish (fiche?) in a barrel, deep state be damned…
Already had that, twice.
Worked the first time because they were caught off guard.
Failed the second time only because we have not yet found a way to successfully overturn it.
It will not be allowed to work again.
Perhaps you’ve lived too long in Silly Valley. Shame you can’t think for yourself any more. DJT ain’t Jesus.
Your comment distresses me. I’ve come to expect much better from you.
I have limited patience with the swarms of false flags, gaslighting, mystery candidates, synthetic personalities, mudslinging, trash-talking, and utter bullshit. I have other things in my life that need doing besides keeping track of this garbage.
Going with a VSGPOTUSDJT endorsement, even if the person is a schmuck, forces TPTB to keep oscillating around Trump and destroying themselves.
I will never blame anybody for sticking to Trump’s bets!!!
9 out of 10 ARE spot on.
Identifying the 1, to ignore, strengthens MAGA.
(Remember how upset everyone got over him “pushing” the vax? He has changed his tune on that !)
Love Jack’s new monniker. He’s definitely Team Kathy.
Just occurred to slow guy. Is Barnett, over playing a facade.
In my mind, Barnett just surfaced a week or two ago.
But, Oz, has been out there a long time AND IS odd as hell. To me, anyway.
We’ve shown a 2020 clip of her running for congress with an entirely different physical appearance, but it was very moving and well articulated. That she’s coming into focus now maybe more of a testament to her hard work or as others suggest she’s being allowed to shine through by those that wish to tarnish the President’s track record. Regardless the shine IMO is real.
Regardless the shine IMO is real.
^^^ Have seen NO evidence to counter Barnett being genuine, MAGA.
IF I were in PA, I’d vote Barnett over Oz.
I made my commitment to Trump would voteTrump
100%, IF Trump runs I’ll vote Trump.
A R is, most always better than a D-Rat. Will never vote D-Rat.
But I will NOT vote a certain way simply cuz of Trump endorsement.
Oz may be better than the average D-Rat. IS Oz any better than Pierre DeLecto, Collins, M…sky? Dunno.
(Lisa Murkowski of Alaska)
The world goes around with different perspectives. Love it and good for you

I don’t think she’s fake, she’s just late getting attention. Both Grenell and Kelly are taking clips of her videos and distorting. I’ve listened to her complete videos, she seems genuine. BLM doing nothing helpful for black people, Nails Antifa/white liberals for destruction during George Floyd, Anti Defund Police. Initially she wasn’t sure about Trump, just like Vance and others who changed their minds. But then she flipped, and her Trump support tweets happen right before and then after 2016 election.
I think Grenell is butthurt over her gay tweet. She’s right tho, they do flaunt their sexual preference in your face.
He latched onto her Islam tweet to bash her with, but it’s also true, there are many into pedo. Mohammed’s 1st wife was 9 years old. Probably thinks he’ll get more support saying she wants a Muslim ban than saying she hates gays, IMO.
Well stated.
When your sexuality is your identity it’s a problem. It’s the lens through which these people view the world, and the lens through which they demand to be viewed. It colors their every thought, action and viewpoint. Grenell is no exception.
If Barnette stated that she doesn’t want to sit next to a gay person on a plane, then POST it. And not out of context like the cherrypicked Muslim tweets.
It’s the age-old political dilemma. Conventional wisdom says that if a candidate seems too invested in an ideology (which Grenell calls “radical”), then they can’t win. But I think MAGA King
showed us that one can stand very strongly on issues and still win.
MAGA King has stood for God, country, the right to life, the Second Amendment, having only biological women compete in women’s sports, etc. He has not come out strongly against the homosexual agenda in general, as Kathy Barnette is doing. I have no doubt MAGA King would speak against it in any situation where it was clearly doing harm.
I understand both sides. I’m fed up to *here* with agendas being thrust in our faces with the expectation that we can’t speak against them because of political correctness. On the other hand, it is possible to alienate a large number of voters.
Kathy Barnette is speaking the truth. Many homosexuals do lead with their sexual preference. For many, it seems to be all they can think about. And that influences society because we have to “accept” them and their constantly talking about it and promoting it. I suspect that Grenell and others who don’t flaunt it all the time know that people are turned off by it.
Barnette said, “Pedophilia is a Cornerstone of Islam.” According to WikiIslam (which I can’t vouch for as a source, but I found the same info other places as well):
So there are some issues we are supposed to look the other way on. I don’t like being told that, either. Truth-telling is like a breath of fresh air.
Absolute AMEN.
It sounds like “Club For Growth” is having a war with Trump, supporting right-wing candidates to out-flank Trump with the base (they supported Josh Mandel to try to stop JD Vance).
However, that’s not enough reason for me to oppose Barnette. Yeah, Club for Growth is having a war with MAGA King. But they may have accidentally done God’s work. I think that was yesterday’s reading. They did it for evil, but God allowed it for good.
The Trump endorsement is strategic, but the problem is that it’s impossible to update in real time when battle conditions change.
Barnette is a great candidate. Yeah, I’m probably “softer” on gay rights than she is – but no problem – I would agree with her that “gay over-normalization” is a social problem, just like “trans hyper-over-normalization” has been devastating to kids. The WEF agenda on over-normalization of depopulationist ideas needs to be opposed.
Trump has a soft underbelly on WEF because Ivanka is a WEF honoree. THE WOLF is armed with the truth, and is unafraid to say it.
Love Ric, love Ivanka, love MAGA King. LOVE KATHY BARNETTE TOO.
We are going to have some arm wrestling contests as MAGA grows and spreads.
We are dealing with double and triple crosses here!
Double and triple crosses, synthetic people with poll-tested agendas.
I, too, like what Barnette is saying. If she is 80%+ real, she’d be better than Oz. But everything is about selling a narrative and nothing is about reality and truth.
Well, that’s not good.
Club For Growth‘s endorsement of Barnette is getting lift from who?
These orgs are ALL hoping desperately for the Trump endorsement to fail.
They are ALL after Trump. They all want to finger-point on the loss of Trump’s leadership.
Let’s see what happens.
Maybe we have CRACKED the cover on Trump’s RINO advisers.
Hope so.
Barnette is being referred to as “Ultra-MAGA” even though PDJT didn’t endorse her. The media is trying to label her as extremist, and all of MAGA with her. I think some conservatives are falling into their trap.
I think the piranhas would like to slap a “radical” label on all patriots while at the same time giving PDJT a loss in his endorsement column — which I don’t see as a big deal since he has had so many successes.
56-1 so far this year, not too shabby.
Ortagus would have been a loss in TN. The state GOP took care of the issue for good with the 3 year residency requirement, which took out an apparently sincere MAGA candidate in Starbuck. Will see how it goes in November because it would be a take over of a long term Dem seat (Cooper). I agree with the 3 year residency requirement tho.
I tend to go where Sadie has on PA. Pointless exercise IMO. Until/if the election steal apparatus is torn down, the criminals will still run the zoo. Which may be why PDT endorsed Oz – he knows he will not win.
A step of sorts further. Gay, IS a problem. ANY gay normalization is out to lunch.
You need to dump your ‘love’ for Ric.
He has now come out of his second closet and you would be foolish to allow it without imposing consequences on him and/or your ‘love’ for him.
There is no historical record of a public queer changing into a good guy unless he ‘gets Jesus’ AND simultaneously renounces his previous path. There is no middle ground. Like pregnancy, there’s either is or isn’t. No third choice.
I think we could use more citizens like Straka, Presler, and Grenell, no matter what unsanitary and unsavory sins they perform in their private lives. None of our sins are laudable, but we are all sinners. And, like every one of us, it doesn’t hurt for them to rack up some civic virtue while we seek true Grace.
I should note that the subject of Burton’s wife burning his journals when he died came up recently. This may be better understood by his decades-long infiltration of Islam, including “passing as one” and undertaking the Hajj, while taking copious notes.
This would presumably include Bacha Bazi, among other things….
Right on.
In 1886, Sir Richard Burton published his first translation of “The Perfumed Garden”, the 15th-Century Moslem (“Arabic”) manual on sex. The original Islamic book has 21 chapters, the 21st being about pedophilia and homosexuality. This chapter was abridged to exclude the discussion on these two topics in Burton’s 1886 translation. He was working on a new translation, which was to include the entire 21st chapter, when he died in 1890. Lady Isabel, his wife, burned the incomplete 1890 translation manuscript, plus his journals and notes on many other matters.
One only has to look at the many “child brides” to see that Paedophilia is alive and (un)well in Mohammedanism. Germany and Europe have a huge problem with it, but, as usual, thanks to Merde-Kuh, it’s been swept under the threadbare flying carpet…
And agreed on the gay issue, as that’s the thin edge of the long wedge of perversions the Satanic left wishes to foist upon us. Next up, bestiality and polyamory, followed by their real goal, necrophilia. Dead souls they are…
(Growing up the the “Sodom-by-the-bay” Area, and being a musician, I’ve encountered a large number of gays (and in Silly Valley, a TON of Wiccans). Almost all of them “led with their gayness”, indeed that was a large part of their identity, and all of them were, in one or more ways, seriously unhappy.
And, in the case of folks like Grenell, who claim to be both Christian and gay, that compromise (indeed, hypocrisy) is a fatal flaw; a point of attack for some, a reason for condemnation for others, and grounds for the left to pillory the right, in particular Christians.
Perfection is the sworn enemy of good, but sometimes “good” isn’t good enough…
Someone commented the other day about the slim pickings of honest, qualified people there are in DC, and, indeed, in politics in general. I imagine VSGPDJT felt he was dealt a hand full of twos (or something like that). I think he did pretty well, considering what he had to choose from. And some of those (probably unavoidable) choices have served to make us more aware of the lack of integrity, the lack of talent, and the naked self-interest of those who infest state houses and national governments everywhere…
When I first moved up here, there were two notable Wiccan “Adopt A Highway” signs in Silicon Valley. One was “Bay Area Pagan Assemblies” and the other was “South Bay Circles”.
Grenell has a political/social/personal agenda that comes before most anything else.
Always remember – Islam breeds GROOMING GANGS.
Remember Köln 2015 (NewYears’ Eve) the “Antanzen” three-ring gang rapes, Rotherham, in England, which has been covered up FOR DECADES (probably the plod are participants as well), and the various “no-go” zones like St. Denis near Paris, most of Brussels, Venlo in Holland, Malmö and Göteborg in Sweden, and on and on and on…..
First thing they learn is rock throwing, second thing is knife usage (Halal, no doubt), third thing, “Antanzen” in groups…
“Teach your children well”, indeed……. more like “They’re raising hell” or “They’re going to hell”….
I’m about to write stuff a bunch of people won’t like, but here goes.
Richard Grenell is a homosexual male. Many homosexual males are initiated into sex by an older man when they are quite young. Sad, but true.
Grenell is on a tear about a woman who has said that pedophilia is embedded in Islam (it is), and has said things that show that homosexuality is disturbing to her. These things disturb many conservatives, but for the most part we are live and let live. Grenell’s acceptance by MAGA has been a good example.
These two facts about Barnette have “triggered” Grenell. He is using selectively edited video (it’s obvious) to discredit Barnette (socially conservative), and is promoting Oz, who is very socially liberal.
It is very clear, to me at least, that Grenell believes that true Conservatism will lose in a general election. I DON’T BELIEVE THAT. Rush Limbaugh always said that true Conservatism wins, and I DO believe that.
Richard Grenell is currently throwing a fit because he is inhabiting his own prejudices, which were/are formed by his homosexuality. I would guess that he was initiated into his sexuality pretty young. I would guess that it was at the hands of someone older. Do I know these things? No. But the odds are in my favor.
Barnette is CORRECT in stating that homosexuals “lead” with their sexuality. This is clear from Grenell’s current irrational behavior. Posting CLEARLY EDITED video to prove his point is an indicator. He knows better. But he’s doing it anyway. Why? because something “deeper” than his political and common sense is driving. He is not operating from political savvy, but from emotion.
In full agreement with you. I will not compromise my morals to spare globo-homos feelings. We are in the spot we’re in because we have tried to meet them in the middle for far too long. They will continue to move to the left the more we compromise. It is called incrementalism.
Well, and that’s the whole problem. No amount of “give” on our part is ever enough.
Abortion – from “safe, legal, and rare,” to “kill the baby after it’s born.”
Gay marriage – “We just want to be married like anyone else in love,” to “we’re gonna have naked pride parades in public.”
Transsexuals – “We just want to have drag shows,” to “Drag Queen Story Hour, trans education of kindergarten, and a trans in every television show, advertisement, and movie.”
It never ends, it will never end. I used to be quite socially liberal. Now I am NOT, at all.
Over here it’s descended (in the direction of HELL) to “Kill a baby, save a tree” (or, actually, kill a baby, save a baby male chicken
As it was in the days of Noah.
And the Satanic Greens (/watermelons) just can’t wait to get back there. Maybe they’ll finally figure it out when they’re shoveling Schiff in Hell…..
The conflict between his stated beliefs (Christian) and his behaviour (gay, with a “husband”, which it COMPLETELY at odds with the Bible) is ultimately the conflict that will ruin him, either in this world, or the next.
No man may serve two masters…
And the fact that he seems so bold, strong, forthright, and “studly” can only add to the incongruity of his situation, and, indeed, hypocrisy…
Again, the thin wedge… drink the Kool-Aid…
(I might add that this “Lezzie Fair(e)” attitude is what’s killing the church over here… there is even a “butch” woman somewhere up north (Köln?) demanding that the Catholic Church allow gay weddings because they (in her view) are “blessed by God”… maybe her god (Pan?), but not GOD!
Human sexuality is both a gift and a curse.
Many of the gifts and blessings bestowed upon us by GOD can either be used or abused.
It’s worth noting that most of the verses in Proverbs mention either a reward, or punishment as the parallel verses, e.g. Proverbs 3:1:14. Note the paired verses:
3:1 My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments:
2 For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall they add to thee.
3 Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart:
4 So shalt thou find favour and good understanding in the sight of God and man.
5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
7 Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil.
8 It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones.
9 Honour the Lord with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase:
10 So shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine.
11 My son, despise not the chastening of the Lord; neither be weary of his correction:
12 For whom the Lord loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.
13 Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding.
14 For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold.
And Exodus 20:1-17: the Ten Commandments, also has rewards and punishments within:
20 And God spake all these words, saying,
2 I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;
6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.
7 Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:
10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
11 For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.
12 Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.
13 Thou shalt not kill.
14 Thou shalt not commit adultery.
15 Thou shalt not steal.
16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
17 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s.
vv. 5 and 6 contain both a punishment and a blessing…
Discernment and self-control (indeed, common sense and logic) seem to be the worst shortages we have to face in these days…
I agree. Self-control is rare indeed.
13 is mistranslated. Proper translation is ‘you shall not murder’.
How many ways can I compliment you for your exquisite comment? There are insufficient words to do you justice.
Wow. *blushing* Thanks.
Yours Truly doesn’t want to be “Captain Obvious” here, but surely Mr. Grenell realizes that, in Islam, he’s regarded (due to his sexual orientation) as “human trash”, fit to be tied up and thrown off a high rooftop?
Again, the “bent” of his sexuality overrides the “logic” he should demonstrate.
He does not because he’s basically safe in USA and western democracies. Maybe Biteme should nominate him to be ambassador to Saudi Arabia. His sputtering refusal to accept the nom should be highly entertaining.
Well stated.
You cannot appease your way to freedom. Homosexuality is slavery to sin per The Word. He is compromised.
Going soft on those who attack others who state their opposition to woke, sinful culture is appeasement. Grenell does not get a pass from me because Trump used him or likes him. Let the best candidates win on their own merits. If the people of PA want a celebrity TV doc Muslim liberal astrology buff who runs with the Spirit Cooker and her crowd – they will elect him. That’s who Grenell and Trump are endorsing.
I’ve noticed that a lot of your comments leave severe bruising and bleeding to those who richly deserve such punishments.
Good on you.
Excellent analysis & insights! Thanks
A great compilation of information and thought-provoking memes. The one of Mel Gibson and Jim Caviezel is breathtaking, and the one about “abortion isn’t the Lord’s work” is spot on. Pelosi tries to have it both ways, but that’s not how it works.
She will find that one out personally soon enough. She is nearing the end of life on this planet.
I think Piglosi left out a word. Abortion is the DARK Lord’s work…
And, indeed, it’s a sacrament to them… and a sacrifice to Satan…
Piglosi IS evil.
I, for one, am completely pissed-off and irritated every time some shit-for-brains network talking head tells me that X maintains the “discredited” Y; or Y is telling “The Big Lie” about A; or the “debunked” subject Z is bandied around…..
The more they try to push that something has been thoroughly defenestrated, the more I look around for 400-pound simian evidence in the room.
Admittedly…I had to look it up.
The meaning of DEFENESTRATION is a throwing of a person or thing out of a window.
I wonder if the base word comes from the German word for window—Fenster?
Uncle Fenster
IIRC they are related… same root a looooong time ago…
I didn’t know that and learned something new.
Maybe the German word evolved from the Latin:
That seems much more likely.
Like your new handle
Oh, that Mark Rober scambuster video was awesome!!!
So, you’re at some fish store, and they’ve got a bunch of African cichlids from Lakes Malawi, Tanganyika, and Victoria…..where did they get them?
Very possibly, Florida.
“Sharyl Attkisson Says FBI Intended to Plant Child Porn on Husband’s Computer”
Dismantle the 3-letter agencies!
The age of underage changes depending on the era.
Disney programs are from 20th and 21st century America, where the age of consent has been fairly consistent.
But I think it could be argued that those Disney girls are in the older teenage range.
This fits right in with McGreevy’s testimony.
This is not Lake T, but is a nicely filmed sampler from Lake Malawi. Note how the varieties are different at the various places.
Quite the epic post today DP–thanks for pulling that all together!
Abraham Lincoln is the greatest example of persistence. If you want to learn about somebody who didn’t quit, look no further.
Born into poverty, Lincoln was faced with defeat throughout his life. He lost eight elections, twice failed in business, and suffered a nervous breakdown.
He could have quit many times – but he didn’t, and because he didn’t quit, he became one of the greatest presidents in the history of our country.
Lincoln was a champion and he never gave up. Here is a sketch of Lincoln’s road to the White House:
Source: https://dickstannard.com/my-world-as-i-see-it/2022/02/03/abraham-lincoln-didnt-quit/
“The Path was worn and slippery. My foot slipped from under me, knocking the other out of the way,” Lincoln said, after losing a Senate race. “But I recovered and said to myself, ‘It’s a slip and not a fall.’”
“The sense of obligation to continue is present in all of us. A duty to strive is the duty of us all. I felt a call to that duty”
-A. Lincoln
Every few years I buy a copy of “Wiring Simplified” (and sometimes “Practical Electrical Wiring”) originally by H.P. Richter. A very good little book about home wiring, the larger tome covering commercial and industrial wiring as well. It’s meant as a reference and self-study guide, and does well for that.
In the older editions on the frontispiece was a silhouette of Lincoln with this quote below it:
I have been inspired by that quote ever since I first read it in the 1953 edition (a few years after that, but not many – knob and tube wiring was still covered in the text
and that proved to be helpful on a renovation I did years later)…
I used to have a copy of Richter’s wiring book. Don’t know what happened to it. It came in handy occasionally when figuring out how to install 3-way switches and wiring.
I don’t recall the Lincoln quote, but it is pretty good odds that I saw it in Richter’s book. It’s a good one.
They’re still around, and still published by Park Publishing Company (probably also avilable in thrift stores and ebay for older editions, though only the lastest have the latest code updates). 45th edition, no less:
Very inspiring; thank you!
You are welcome.
I don’t do twitter, can anyone confirm this and see what, if any, Musk’s reply was.
“Volyn turned to Elon Musk with a plea for evacuation from Azovstal.
Sorry sight.”
(with picture of tweet)
Tweet from Ukranian (Azov Nazi) Soldier trapped at the Mariupol factory begging for extraction help. 35K Likes. From replies looks as if Ukrainians think that if Elon can go to space, he is a hero that can do anything. They’re all begging him for extraction help, which Slava thinks is ridiculous (sorry sight),
This is all I see from Elon. Don’t see that he replied.
There’s now thousands of Ukraine supporters begging him for the help. They’re all jumping on the Elon Save Us Bandwagon.
Well they know Musk has the boring company. A 5 billion dollar venture.
There are likely smaller ones that go faster?
I think they are grasping at straws here.
This could come in real handy for rescues.
Since he’s trying to thwart Russian hacks, maybe they think he’s Pro Ukraine?
I dunno.
They need to just surrender. Especially if they still have wounded and civilians. They’re all gonna starve and die if they don’t. I doubt they’ve stocked that bunker w/enough supplies to last for months. Time is on Putin’s side here. I doubt the Russians would hurt them; they’d use the moment for favorable PR.
The Russians could make a very sweet deal here, where they handle the evacuation under international observers, but every person coming out is meticulously identified, then TRADED for (fill in the blank) at a very high return, depending on nationality.
I read they want them all to have trials.
Now, that name is just weird. “Prufrock” is the nickname for the T.S. Eliot poem, “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”, ostensibly about a sexually repressed middle-aged man.
Interesting naming (other than boring). Sort of like, “Hail fellow, well-read”…
Prufrock: T.S. Eliot’s “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”Godot: (I guess they’re still waiting… oh, wait, that would be Kalifornistan)…
Maybe they’ve confused him with Ross Perot…
Thanks for looking, they’re trying to sway public sympathy, glad Musk ignored them.
This post was a bit further down…
“Azovstal looks like this today. However, as in recent times … The Nazis have two options, either to die or to go out with their hands up and stand trial.”
At a guess I’d think the standing trial bit is their sticking point.
I looked further up. Prisoners captured by the Russians are saying that the Nazi commanders are telling them they’ll be killed if they surrender. We’ve already seen reports of Nazis shooting their own soldiers in the back when they tried to surrender, as well as killing civilians and blaming on Russians. They’re pretty ruthless.
There are some good articles and comments about the Ukraine (especially after 2014) and the thousand-year-or-so history on Pointman’s site, and Chiefio’s (in addition, of course, to the TONS of information here).
Makes me think of the generals in the musical “Evita” and their musical-chairs number, “The Art Of The Possible”. Funny how sometimes musicals (“1776”, “The Mikado” [OK, comic opera], “Evita”, “South Pacific”, and others) show truths we’d rather not confront, or sometimes aren’t in a position to fight or defend…..
/ @Liviacc 05/11/2022 19:27:33

ID:Not Available
Truth Social:
Reminds me of this one we have on our fridge:
This is like the ‘Deplorables’ Hitlary wanted to hang on our necks, but better:
SEE IT: Trump owns Biden’s ‘MAGA king’ nickname in Lord of the Rings meme | Washington Examiner
Bye,Done is either Wormtounge or Gollum…
Though Poligrip Pavement Princess Mafiosi Piglosi d’Alessandro Gambino would be more likely to use the term “My Precioussssssssssss” (hissing like the snake
she is)….
Cannot stop laughing at “Tyler Carditis”!!!
He’s rolling with it, has some other pics on TS and a video meme of the Dancing MAGA King.
teach your children well.
we are wading with alligators.
Takes me back to my kids’ VBS days…
James O’Keefe
BREAKING: FBI Whistleblower LEAKS Docs Showing Bureau Targeting “News Media” Under “Sensitive Investigative Matter”
Alleges “Political Undertakings” & Reveals “Vast Majority” of FBI Agents ‘Troubled’ by Direction Agency is Going
James O’Keefe
BOMBSHELL VIDEO https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.1.0/svg/1f6a8.svg FBI Whistleblower Leaks Documents to Project Veritas. Agent says “Tyranny happens incrementally, and it happens by a bunch of people agreeing to small injustices over and over simply to keep their paycheck and their pension…to maintain your paycheck and pension that gives you the Holocaust”;
Rumble link of YouTube above::
FBI Whistleblower LEAKS Doc Showing Bureau Targets “News Media” as “Sensitive Investigative Matter” (rumble.com)
is this the Supreme Court leaker ?
article link…
(I haven’t been here much lately…maybe this has already been posted.)
She also got herself a Gender Studies degree from the far left London School of Economics.
Betcha she wants to be a US President.
(In the British sense of the word) Gender Bender…
(bent out of shape has a rather different meaning in old Blighty…)….
And she’s a real piece of work; then again, so are most libtards…
Amy Gutmann of Biden Center and FactCheck.org fame got a degree there, too!!!
Had to read a bit to see who she clerks for. Apparently Justice Breyer. Regardless, Roberts likely has likely given tacit approval for the leak.
The Roberts camp is the first one I thought of concerning the leak.
Dinesh fills in some of the blanks about the Fox News blackout of 2000 Mules.
He says that Tucker did want to use the 2000 Mules trailer…but only the middle portion of about 40 seconds…leaving out any reference to the film 2000 Mules and Dinesh. Basically, Tucker wanted to use the material as if it came from FNC.
Of course, that worked like a poison pill giving Dinesh an option that was not an option. I think FNC knew that Dinesh would not accept those terms effectively burying 2000 Mules on FNC.
Dinesh also mentions that FNC is in legal battles with Dominion and that FNC lawyers are advising staying away from anything election fraud.
This may all be a facade to give FNC cover to avoid their own involvement with election fraud. Remember…FNC called Arizona extremely early for Biden.
Wonder if Dominion gave FNC a “tip” on who would win?
Dominion. FNC. Different departments on the same team.
If you want to help clean up the voter rolls: go to:
Help Keep Voter Rolls Accurate | IV3
Great info! Thanks eilert!
Katherine E on Warroom said this is only the beginning. They have much more to come.
IRAN Preps Nukes…and the definition of insanity for America is
biden…Glenn Beck…yesterday…
hard lessons.
pay attention, class.
Have visited the Hiroshima Peace Memorial. Numbing to see up close what happened there in 1945. Needed to happen, IMO. Still numbing.
It IS odd as hell, the “Left’s” tolerance, damn near support, for Iran getting the bomb.
We’ve known of the EMP vulnerability for decade(s).
Just look at all of the Iranian agents in Øbløwhøle’s seditious/traitorous misadministration… starting with Jarrett the Ferret…
NIH Director Tabak confirms agency hid COVID genes per Chinese (nypost.com)
Interesting (or maybe not) “Tabak” means Tobacco in German… carcinogenic NIH…
(and I guess that means that COVID was “Not Invented Here” as well)…
Archaic tape drive… yep… they can store 60 (or more) Terabytes on one cartridge now… and the automated libraries are spectacular… and much of that kit is made in RED China, so they could well have a lot of data on “archaic tape drives”….
Unless that dammed dam cooperates…..
Bannons War Room was talking about this today.
COVID19 Genome Sequencing Records Removed at Request of PRC Scientists (rumble.com)
If you want to help clean up the voter rolls: go to:
Help Keep Voter Rolls Accurate | IV3
Verse of the Day for Thursday, May 12, 2022
“Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:”
Hebrews 12:14 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
Quote of the Day – Doug Ross – https://directorblue.blogspot.com
After reading DePat’s great opening and the posts, it is Soap Box Day. If you don’t want to spend time on it, scroll on past.
James 4:1-10
1) Where do wars and fights come from among you? Do they not come from your desires for pleasure (Rom. 7:23; Gal. 5:17; 1 Pet. 2:11) that war in your members?
2) You lust and do not have. You murder and covet and cannot obtain. You fight and war. Yet you do not have because you do not ask.
3) (Job 27:8, 9) You ask and do not receive, (Ps. 66:18) because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures.
4) Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that (Rom. 8:7; 1 John 2:15) friendship with the world is enmity with God? (Gal. 1:4) Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
5) Or do you think that the Scripture says in vain, (Gen. 6:5) “The Spirit who dwells in us yearns jealously”?
6) But He gives more grace. Therefore He says: (Job 22:29; Ps. 138:6; Prov. 3:34; Matt. 23:12; 1 Pet. 5:5) “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”
7) Therefore submit to God. (Eph. 4:27; 6:11; 1 Pet. 5:8) Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
8) (2 Chr. 15:2; Zech. 1:3; Mal. 3:7; Heb. 7:19) Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. (Job 17:9; Is. 1:16; 1 Tim. 2:8) Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and (Jer. 4:14; James 3:17; 1 Pet. 1:22; 1 John 3:3) purify your hearts, you double-minded.
9) (Matt. 5:4) Lament and mourn and weep! Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom.
10) (Job 22:29; Luke 14:11; 18:14; 1 Pet. 5:6) Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up.
The answers to most all of our troubles in the world today are contained in this passage as well as in many other Biblical passages.
We take action to draw near to God, confess our sinful ways, then acknowledge and incorporate His truth and will into our being individually. He then draws near to us and the devil flees. Then we take action via word and deed where we are or wherever He opens the door for us to go. Our fellowship and worship with fellow believers strengthens and informs us along the way.
It changes the world if we are willing. Jesus worked bottom up, not top down. Not once did he shirk from calling sin, sin. He would forgive as the recipient of His grace drew near and acknowledged his/her sin and/or physical healing with a need for forgiveness. He granted it every single time and many times instructed them to go and sin no more. That was a command, not a suggestion. Call it a condition for future grace and mercy. If we fail to go and sin no more, we receive the associated discipline that results. We have failed to submit to God, so the devil will not flee when we try to resist his temptations.
James 4:7. Read in order: Submit first, resist second, devil leaves third. When our minds are constantly trained on God and His will and we “pray without ceasing” we are not tempted beyond our ability to resist, are we?
As a result, we will know when We the People finally get this when our Bible believing churches are filled to the rafters and the love of Christ and each other fills our hearts everywhere we go. The people who love Christ will then serve and dominate in political office and government – which changes how it governs.
FWIW, a prophet or leader is not a prophet or leader we want for a righteous MAGA or anything else of real value to humanity if he/she is involved in behavior that does not reflect Godly nature. Oz, Ivanka, Grenell – whoever. PDT’s picks and offspring will fail just like the others who do not submit to God.
“Clense your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.”
Not to be taken lightly IMO. All wars, be they offensive or defensive, right or wrong, can be traced back to economics and only one thing transcends economics and that is the relationships between men and woman, again IMO.
Victory Day In MoscowBY PORTFOLIO ARMORPutin seems to think Russia’s winning the Ukraine war. Why he may be right.
Rare Bacon Pepe!
Ain’t he COOL?!?
A new Iron Curtain.
Intel Slava Z
The Finnish leadership has stated that it supports the application for NATO membership. As expected, a symmetrical statement will follow from the leadership of Sweden. As mentioned earlier, the new Iron Curtain will stretch from the Barents to the Black Sea. The campaign in Ukraine determines exactly where it will pass south of Belarus. The farther west the better.
Oh boy, Ric Grenell will be on Warroom this morning.
Jack Maga King Poso on 1st. Barnett is MAGA, Oz not so much. Poso has watch 1600 hours of Oz, no Conservative values.
Republican faction attacking Republican faction.
They’ve been taking snips from her videos and distorting her position. I watched, Butterfly Verified
Barnett sent her military records to him. Attackers have been questioning her service.
Barnett endorsed by General Flynn and Mastriano, Club for Growth.
Yes, saw on Jack Posobiec”s Truth Social that General Flynn has endorsed Barnette!
Complicated business….. Poso and Bannon saying Club for Growth is against Trump.
Checking their site, they’re Conservative, support most of Trump’s policies, and endorse a lot of MAGA candidates. However, NOT ONCE do you see the words MAGA or TRUMP on their website. The only place I see 45 is on their ad page where he’s mentioned endorsing their candidate’s in campaign ads. Won’t openly support 45 but will use him in ads?!?

Boris E. – Club for Growth is Globalist group, probably backed by Christie, Deucy, RINO establishment
Says suck it up folks, hold your nose, Oz is Trump endorsed candidate, he must win. MAGA must win.
Yup. Really stepped in it.
Sitrep Operation Z – Where are we? – The Burning Platform
Is Ivermectin a Cancer Solution? – The Burning Platform
Ivermectin should be OTC everywhere.
Thank you so much for bringing this here today.
Kurt Schlichter
Latinx Americans Are Ditching Dems, In Part Because of This Latinx Thing – The Burning Platform
the Titanic’s final plunge…April 15, 1912…
animated version…
kinda like the current housing market.
People DIED on the Titanic.
No room for Schadenfreude…..
Moderna’s new chief financial officer resigned after working 1 day for which he earned $700,000.
If you actually read up on this, the resignation had to do with litigation against his previous employer.
But still, that’s quite the golden parachute.
Fraud in my mind.
$700,000. ONE DAY. Wonder if this asshole entered his office, once.
I just posted this as a reply, but I’m so stunned that I’m posting it again.
Grenell was just on Bannon a few minutes ago, to continue trashing Barnette.
He said, on the air, that KATHY BARNETTE HAS STATED THAT SHE DOESN’T WANT TO SIT ON A PLANE NEXT TO A GAY PERSON. Tied this in to being gay, and so on.
This is the level they’re at. He is a POTUS spokesperson, and I cannot imagine a worse look. He sounded unhinged, I kid you not.
In 2015 Trump stated that “our movement is about replacing the corrupt establishment and returning the government to the American people.” He needs to throttle Grenell.
Maybe he’s laying the ground work for not running in 2024.
Grenell – We pay UN billions to solve world problems, they should be stepping up on Ukraine, not us, it’s their job. Trump sold weapons to UKR, Creepy is giving them. CALL YOUR SENATORS TODAY, NO TO $40 BILLION.
Trump has selected OZ through vetting process. Kathy has come out of nowhere, not really vetted. We want a fighter. Sure that she’ll lose General election. PA values religious liberties, Barnett says we should ban Islam from America, doesn’t differentiate between Radical Islam. UnAmerican to ban religions.
Gay Issue – Trying to decriminalize gays across world. Barnett doesn’t want to be on plane w/gays, wants prayer before encountering gay, supports shop owner not wanting gays in his shop.
All this info is from the tweets he dug up. Says he has lots of support.
Here’s the dilemma, IMO, Do people vote hardliner Bible values (Barnett) or for team(Trump endorsed Oz) that includes others that will help get rid of demon Dems?

I VOTE HARDLINER – America First – MAGA – Ultra MAGA…
TRUTH IS, I don’t want to sit next to gays. NOR do I want to sit next to D-Rats, Nazi’s, BLM, Antifa…Pierre DeLecto, Collins, M…sky, Hannity…
Hell, I do NOT want be near them assholes.
I hear ya. But at this point if R’s exclude those groups, the Dems keep power. Didn’t they try that before? Think Grenell, Pressler, Straka, others. Lots of Conservative gays, peaceful Muslims out there need an accepting R party, and R’s need their votes.
False assumption. The problem is biased media refusing to simply report the news objectively.
There’s a clash between Politics and Religion.
What happens when Christians condemn gays? They stay away from God and the Church.
The Bible says Jesus is the only way to God. The Constitution says Freedom of Religion.
We’re supposed to preach the Gospel to the world. Catch em, reel em in, let Jesus and the Holy Spirit transform their hearts and minds. None of that happens if we reject them up front.
What about the ‘shake the dust off your shoes and move on’ command?
Seems like there’s a limit to preaching to the same audience.
For shure, There’s some people even God can’t help.
A few thoughts.
1) the ONLY theocracy with GOD as the head was ancient Israel. And, because of human nature, fallibility, foibles, failures, etc., etc., it didn’t work out well.
2) Then Israel went with Judges. Lather, rinse, repeat.
3) then Kings. Ditto.
4) I don’t think Grenell reports to, nor is paid by VSGPDJT anymore.
So he can say/do/think whatever he bl00dy well pleases. Sometimes, obviously, to the detriment of President Trump.
5) folloing that, maybe Grenell has been pressured, compromised, whatever by the Rainbow coalition, aka the Gay mafia. Who knows what they have on him.
And THEY are indeed one of the most powerful, if not THE most powerful pressure groups out there.
The Gaygenda is always divide and conquer. One might say, “I came, I saw, I concurred.” The weak man’s approach to winning…….
And, in keeping with the promises and punishments often paired in the Bible, the oft-quoted II Chronicles 14ff has both, as well, with the parallel punishment pretty much ignored:
14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
15 Now mine eyes shall be open, and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place.
16 For now have I chosen and sanctified this house, that my name may be there for ever: and mine eyes and mine heart shall be there perpetually.
17 And as for thee, if thou wilt walk before me, as David thy father walked, and do according to all that I have commanded thee, and shalt observe my statutes and my judgments;
18 Then will I stablish the throne of thy kingdom, according as I have covenanted with David thy father, saying, There shall not fail thee a man to be ruler in Israel.
19 But if ye turn away, and forsake my statutes and my commandments, which I have set before you, and shall go and serve other gods, and worship them;
20 Then will I pluck them up by the roots out of my land which I have given them; and this house, which I have sanctified for my name, will I cast out of my sight, and will make it to be a proverb and a byword among all nations.
21 And this house, which is high, shall be an astonishment to every one that passeth by it; so that he shall say, Why hath the Lord done thus unto this land, and unto this house?
22 And it shall be answered, Because they forsook the Lord God of their fathers, which brought them forth out of the land of Egypt, and laid hold on other gods, and worshipped them, and served them: therefore hath he brought all this evil upon them.
Lotta countries being take out to the woodshed, methinks…….
IF that is the best Grenell has, he is acting like a hysterical D-Rat, with a losing hand.
Oh yea. The UN IS worthless and can NOT solve anything.
It’s actually his calling on the UN that worries me…. is he pwned? Or did he change hats (or have his old one stolen from him?
Wouldn’t take very long for me to decide.
One holds traditional values and the other is really happy and okay to help kids transition.
Also on the Islam issue…sure some of them aren’t wild eyed allah ackbar but if one of their bretheren mows down innocents in the name of their god…do they speak up and condemn ? Not ever.
I think I love you.
Heyyyy, that could be a song…
Grandson bounce back OK?
Bounced back but now has to carry an EPI pen forever I guess. He barely can keep up with his house key so…praying no other events happen.
Thanks for asking
Maybe attach the house key to his cell phone.
lol that’ll work for sure
I once read the difference between a radical Moslem and a “moderate, peace-locing” Moslem, is the latter holds the gun, while the former fires it…….
(or, the latter holds the victim whilst the former stabs them)…..
What I’ll say is, I used to be socially liberal. Very. Me and Ric would have been friends, I would have gone to his wedding, and celebrated if he adopted a kid. Really.
Then the creep started. First it was “you MUST bake us a cake.” Then it was, you MUST accept that we march in Pride Parades and are very vulgar as we do it. Then, it was “you MUST allow us to teach your children all about being queer.” And on and on it went.
Now, Grenell is doing what they do. He is FREAKING OUT because this woman with traditional Christian values won’t “affirm” that he and other gay people are A-OK with her.
We gave them an inch, they took a mile. Now they want infinity.
I say NO MORE.
I have had it. I am tired of hearing that the 60% of the country who are Christian conservatives (yes, I think there are that many) won’t vote for actual conservative candidates. I think most people have NO IDEA that there are a whole lot of people like me, fed up with this shit, but hiding most of my opinion from them, because it is so radically different than what my opinion was five years ago. I think it is high time we stopped compromising with these people, and gave them a good hard shove to the back of the closet they came out of.
Then slam the door, and if they poke their heads out again, put a big padlock on it.
Yuma County Sheriff’s Office opens massive voter fraud investigation (truethevote.org)
Apparently it has been showing up at the border also according to Bongino.
I saw that too. No wonder there’s a shortage.
Over here we already have a few million refugees, women and children…
Not too many left in Ukraine to use said formula…
ID: Not Available
Truth Social: 108290078261441931
Kathy Barnette will never be able to win the General Election against the Radical Left Democrats.
She has many things in her past which have not been properly explained or vetted, but if she is able to do so, she will have a wonderful future in the Republican Party – and I will be behind her all the way.
Dr. Oz is the only one who will be able to easily defeat the Crazed, Lunatic Democrat in Pennsylvania. A vote for anyone else in the Primary is a vote against Victory in the Fall!
There it is from the MAGA KING.
Do you happen to know why he and Grenell believe that OZ is the wunderkind ? Why is there an expectation that he’s universally liked, because he’s a name brand minor celebrity ?
( question to you or anyone, I’m curious on it )
It looks like VSGPDJT knows a lot more than what we have privy to… could well be why he didn’t endorse her.
And, yep, I can see folks saying “well, if he has access to all that info, why did he pick the losers and crooks/traitors that he did”.
We still don’t know just how much we don’t know.
Sometimes losing a couple of battles results in winning the war.
Think of Churchill and Coventry (though that was much, MUCH worse). I wouldn’t wish that decision on anyone…..
I think Barnette is very vulnerable to attacks, both accurate and inaccurate. The Left would hone in on her and take her down like a pack of hyenas. I think that is what PDJT is saying.
Remember Judge Roy Moore!
Roy Moore had horrible political advisors. They advised him to respond to the attacks & to explain himself which legitimized them.
Not exactly trusting the machines on that election now, either.
For once, he’s wrong.
Sad. Very sad.
Whatever happened to…
OMG! You are such an old-school patriot – so straight forward that you make a yardstick look wavy.
https://gettr.com/post/p19hnx0df89 (Posobiec)
Dr Oz would get trounced by Fetterman in PA. He’d crush him for carpetbagging from NJ and his liberal elitist past would deflate MAGA turnout. Just facts.
…….I looked up a few things..unitil Oz announced his intent to run as an R he was the darling of the shrews on the View so he kept his “conservative” side hidden from sight. Seems a bit shady to me
Barnette is the real deal. My differences with her are much smaller than my differences with “real Oz”.
Oz is tied to Oprah. Oprah is tied to trafficking.
That’s enough for me.
Barnette is better, even if she has some gnarly skeletons in her closet. I’d rather try and explain her past than accept the past I KNOW Oz has.
Straddling the fence.
Not the best position for the family jewels.
Adjustments can AND are made.
The world has gone insane with evil.
Government of Canada Will Pay to Euthanize Those Who Are “Too Poor to Continue Living With Dignity.” – https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/05/horror-tyrannical-government-canada-will-pay-euthanize-poor-continue-living-dignity-video/
Surgeon in India gender clinic plans to transplant uterus in trans woman and get them pregnant – https://anglicanmainstream.org/indian-surgeon-plans-to-transplant-womb-into-a-trans-woman-and-get-them-pregnant-in-world-first-op/
Playing God is a popular thing these days
Pretending to play God.
Yes, that’s the better way to say that. They’re so evil
Exactly. And in the end, they’ll have HELL to pay…..
(or, in other terms, White Throne won’t get you home…)….
That first one makes me sick. It is murder. And talk about devaluation of life! But these people don’t care about life.
Michele Bachmann: Submit Your Comments To Keep American Sovereignty (rumble.com)
I haven’t watched the Bachmann video yet. Is there any info on where to submit comments, or anything else we can do?
It is not possible for USA to surrender its sovereignty. It is possible for individual officials to behave as if it had.
And to act as if it had, right?
Russia Looking Forward To Picking Up $40 Billion In New Equipment After US Abandons Ukraine | The Babylon Bee
Sad commentary from Babylon Bee:
Starving American Babies Disguise Selves As Ukrainian Soldiers In Hopes Of Getting $40 Billion In Federal Aid
Wow. And life threatening.
Is this why Barnette is drawing such ire?
Somehow that doesn’t seem to be what the President was alluding too.
Trump IS purely looking at “electable”.
Guess Trump made the determination in the general, ONLY Oz can win.
Oz, from New Jersey. A fricken LIBERAL. Supports abortion, LGXYZ…
I could NEVER vote for Oz.
Listened in on Bannon.
FWIW, Mastreano endorses Burnett.
^^^ THAT is a BFD to me.
I think a truth that we don’t talk or think about much here is, Trump is like I used to be. Socially quite liberal.
The “things to be explained” in Barnette’s past are likely comments or something about not liking/accepting gays. Trump thinks that, until she makes some phony mea culpa (Which I hope she NEVER makes), she is unelectable.
I really, truly believe that is what this whole cluster fark is about.
Prolly so.
No doubt, Trump “Republican” as a best fit, to realize his goals.
I understand it. Currently a Republican to work at primary Amodei out of a job and line up the best R-Cons of the litter in June’s primary.
Then back to Independent.
Barnett has a number of points worth listening in on.
Are her thoughts out to lunch? IF so, I missed them.
In your charity, please, pray for my mom. Today is her mother’s birthday. Grandma would have been 106. Mom is missing Grandma terribly. The last 24 hours have seen a pretty nasty family issue come to a head, and debilitating arthritis is keeping Mom from just heading out to deal with the problem. That’s what she would do, but it’s just not in the cards at the moment.
I’m sorry your family is having this trouble. Prayers up.
Prayers for your mom, DPat. My mom also has debilitating arthritis in her knees and it makes it hard for her to get out and do anything and is painful.
Prayers, meditations, and Good Energy on the way.
Prayers up, DPat.
Families are a great blessing, but sometimes they are a great test as well. And anniversaries, birthdays, and holidays make it all the more trying.
John 14:27 and 16:33…
My family is under orders to forget my birthday happens, they’ve been so awful over the years. Just don’t bother.
Sorry to hear it. Arthritis is tough, too. Sending prayers.
Your grandma & my father share a birthday. Praying…
This was posted in reply to Musk’s tweet about dying mysteriously:
In reference to the Kathy Barnette and Richard Grenell debate above: I found the tweet from Barnette that Grenell claims makes her “unfit for office”
Personally, I think Grenell and Trump are correct about Barnette being an easy target simply because…as Trump put it…there are too many potential surprises that have not been dealt with yet and there is not enough time to risk it. (<<<My interpretation of Trump’s post)
This is not a Swamp move…instead a tactical decision. Sometimes there are no good choices. I know it sucks…we would love to have 100% MAGA candidates. I am hoping and praying that Oz will surprise us.
Disclaimer: I like Grenell…think he was the best Ambassador to Germany we have had in my 35 years here.
Time to re-think your ‘like’ of Grenell. Character is most accurately displayed when responding to attacks. It is also on display when initiating attacks.
She has very positive character. Grenell has negative character. It’s about damn time he allowed us to see it.
FYI – Rommel had character despite who he was serving during WW2. Once he encountered a captured Allied officer who was wounded severely. He asked the commander why the prisoner was not in the field hospital. The answer was that the field hospital was only for German wounded.
Rommel said (paraphrase) Bull. We (the desert corps) are not brute monsters. Get him in the hospital immediately.
You may be right…I may be wrong. Maybe we are both wrong.
Outside of the tweets…I do not know what has been said in the media…except what Trump has posted and Bannon has said. Both seem to agree with Grenell.
Club for Growth has endorsed Barnette. For some, that is a red flag. Maybe things are not as cut and dry as we would like. IDK
All I know is that Grenell pissed off all the right people when he worked for Trump here in Germany.
Btw, I have seen one or 2 other tweets from Barnette that are perhaps totally in order…but possibly political dynamite. I think that is the vetting Trump was referring to in his post.
Have no use for PC.
It is not about us…it is about PA voters…while trending Red…they still have a lot of voters that are not as far along as we are.
Continuing the military metaphor, loose cannon comes to mind…..
Then again, issues like these are what having gay/trans/whatever people in the administration encourage. Probably why the TLAs in the not-so-good-old-days looked at them as a liability and security risk… Although now, almost no-one cares, but that’s another issue (and problem)…..
Agreed about Grenell and Germany. Because of his orientation, they couldn’t attack him like they would other people. Then again, that is proving to be a double-edged sword…
Sort of a Haman moment that won’t (can’t) happen…..
There seems to be problems that we are not fully aware of.
Anybody know if State Rep. Frank Ryan is a Swamp RINO?
Francis Ryan (R) 101st PA? Hard to find out now if this is the guy as he’s not running as of 19 Jan.
Trump straddling the fence.
But, I repeat myself.
Still missing whatever it is in Barnett’s past that is so egregious.
Some of those butch females are very scary – with nose rings with chains that connect to ears, and lots of other piercings, tattoos, shaved heads, studded leather everywhere….and they openly mock and deride normal females – call them ‘breeders’ and are nasty to children too.
I would be willing to bet that a hardcore butch of that caliber would instantly spew worse than ‘breeder’ to a Christian woman seated near her. Mutual disgust
Yep. Go to Twin Peaks or The Castro in San Francisco and show that you are a Christian and you will be instantly confronted with Satanic hate and rage.
There’s (or at least there was) a YouTube out there with a young Christian group walking along there and gently attempting to proclaim the Good News of Salvation. They were mercilessly attacked.
Shows what the gay movement is really all about, and who is behind them (pitchfork and all, so to speak)…..
Freaks abound in CA. Including freaks returning to CA.
Grenell did lots of good things.
However, Grenell and all of those IC pukes were long on promises and did NOT deliver – transparency.
Erm, loose lips sink ships.
There is a LOT that they know that they cannot reveal. And even innocent info can give tips to the enemy. Just look at job postings in the SillyCone Valley. It’s pretty easy to get some idea of what AMD, Intel, and the rest are up to; indeed, to the point that they’ve taken to putting up fake job postings to distract from reality (or to harvest resumes – two birds with one stone, so to speak).
We will NEVER get full transparency as long as the other side is a bunch of Satanic, Demon-possessed, lying, thieving, crooked, soulless, cheating, babykilling miscreants.
Not pleasant, but that’s the way it is. THe only time we’ll have complete transparency is in Heaven, where the “bad guys” don’t exist, having met the White Throne Judgement…….
The tweet of hers quoted was 9 years ago.
There are a lot of people who used to voice their feelings about gays and whatevers…the short annex of all manner of queer has also ushered in absolute intolerance toward anyone that dosen’t worship at the woke sex altar.
Plus…movies used to be filled with condescending gay stuff. How many times have people like Joy Reid been busted for their previous stance. Unlike Reid this gal doesn’t deny it and lie
If this were pre-2020, I’d support the hold-the-nose candidate. Post-steal, we’re being asked to hold-the-nose once again when there isn’t any assurance at all that the general election won’t be stolen again. I’m just over it. I respect those who still believe in voting tactically, but I don’t see the point when I see no tactic for defeating Dominion Voting Systems.
Further, the time to have to have this conversation about Kathy Barnette should have been weeks ago and not six days before the primary election. A lot of powerful people badly miscalculated here, and I’m including the MAGA King in there as well. Should have better protected the original candidate Parnell better, should have done a better job selling Oz to the base, should have sorted out this nasty rift with Barnette weeks ago instead of at the last minute. Should have been blatantly obvious to anyone who talks to an average voter that out-of-state millionaires are going to be a tough sell to anyone in any party when an in-state and sincere candidate is also an option.
And none of your ‘shoulds’ are to be done in public. Dirty laundry [or the possibility] must be privately handled.
Election tactics and techniques 101.
The out-of-state millionaire TV show doctor who just happens to have foreign citizenship and oh by the way used to be anti-Trump but has seen the light and will be great in Congress bullshit is NOT ACCEPTABLE to most MAGA voters. Not anymore. Burned way, way too many times.
You make several great points…BUT we are where we are.
PA is not FL…we have to deal with the voters in that state. While trending Red…PA still has a lot of Trump Democrats.
Cathy was just on Warroom, said she had one meeting with Club for Growth around a year ago. Says thanks for the endorsement. Says she is MAGA. Doesn’t remember/can’t/won’t speak to gay/Islam comments.
All the scoop, except a few more gay comments out there somewhere, surrounding Kelly and Grenell’s attack.
Newsmax’s Greg Kelly: ‘Phony’ Senate Candidate Barnette No MAGA Member | Newsmax.com
Newsmax’s Greg Kelly: ‘Phony’ Senate Candidate Barnette No MAGA Member
Pennsylvania Republican Senate primary candidate Kathy Barnette is a “phony” who should not be touted as representing former President Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” movement, according to Newsmax‘s Greg Kelly on Wednesday night.
Kelly, host of “Greg Kelly Reports,” showed several clips of Barnette to reinforce his suggestion the candidate was “woke” and not conservative. He added she was “unvetted by the press” because media members had been focused on GOP front-runners Dr. Mehmet Oz and David McCormick heading into Tuesday’s primary.
“She sounds like, well, woke, liberal [former New York City] Mayor Bill de Blasio, who said that his son, who happened to be Black, faced racism everywhere he went,” said Kelly, who then showed a video of Barnette speaking before a “Barnette for U.S. Congress” banner.
Barnette failed in a House bid for the Philadelphia-area 4th Congressional District two years ago.
“I am a Black woman, as you can clearly see, married to a Black man, and I have a Black son,” Barnette said in the video. “Racism, systemic racism, is very important to me. It is a very important topic to me.
“My baby, he’s 14 years old, almost 6 feet tall; I want him to be able to walk into a world that is safe. I want him to be able to drive wherever he wants to drive, and to live his best life.
“If he makes a mistake, it is my prayer that people will give him grace … if he makes a mistake, where he runs into the justice system, I pray that people will do the right thing.”
Barnette was seen speaking before the 2020 election, and after George Floyd died in the custody of Minneapolis police officers.
“I, like you, wanted to make sure that these police officers receive … that George Floyd received justice,” Barnette said. “And that these four police officers did not get a tap on the wrist, right? I wanted that, just like everyone else in this nation.
“And I can say, for strong certainty, that I would have been out there right along beside each and every one of you who were protesting in Minneapolis; I would have been right there, locked arm and ready to have my voice heard – to make sure that those who were in power recognize that we are watching them and we are … what our expectations are.
“I would have been right there.”
Kelly said, as a fellow military service veteran, he had been “excited” to learn about Barnette’s service. However, after going to her campaign website could not “figure out what she did, or when she did it.”
The Barnette website claims, “Kathy served her country proudly for 10 years in the Armed Forces Reserves where she was accepted into Officer Candidacy School.”
“There’s no such thing as the Armed Forces Reserves. It doesn’t exist,” said Kelly, who served nine years in the Marine Corps Reserves. “There’s the Army Reserve, there’s the Marine Corps Reserve. Nobody calls it the Armed Forces Reserve … [and] it’s ‘Officer Candidate School.’ It’s not a typo.
“There’s something off here. Ten years unaccounted for. She hasn’t released her DD-214. This is the definitive, basic document that a veteran gets when they leave active, or even reserve, service. Where is it? Why haven’t we’ve seen it?”
Earlier in the show, Kelly showed video of Barnette at Mount Vernon, where she stood before a replica of “extremely shanty” slave cabins on George Washington’s former plantation.
“I heard some white people behind me talking about, you know, just the high and mightiness how we revere President George Washington — specifically to those Blacks who came and were treated in the most inhumane way,” she said.
“But as those white people were standing behind me, talking about the high and mightiness of how we revere President Bush … I mean President Washington, I was thinking to myself we truly have to have a balanced view of history. We have to balance history off. We cannot cut off our nose to spite our face.”
Full Video
Clearly Kelly and Grenell are incorrect. 45 says Oz. Good luck Pennsylvania!
bflyjesusgrl … I always know that when you reply…there are gonna be new wrinkles in my brain from all of the information. Thank you!
House Democrat Found Way to Be in Two Places at Once; Watchdog Files Ethics Complaint (theepochtimes.com)
And here I thought co-location was only relevant to data centers
If I am right, Durham is about to “discover” Obama’s involvement with Both Fusion, Joffe, and Hillary, likely Perkin Coie too.
No wonder the left is going scorched earth with Roe, baby food, inflation, and general over all misery to We the People. Trying to DISTRACT, deflect, and DIVIDE. Divide and conquer, the oldest tactic in the book. One problem, they have made EVERYONE equally miserable, they are about to unleash the Kraken on THEMSELVES.
SOON Barry, SOON, and you CANNOT stop him. 1, 2, Durham’s comin for YOU, 3, 4, better lock your door. MUWAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
May it be so!
Here’s a song for them
Just got home from Illinois locked the front door oh boy!
Got to sit down take a rest on the porch
Imagination sets in pretty soon I’m singin’
Boom Boom Feds bangin’ on my front door
There’s a big drone packing hellfire, two snipers hangin’ right by
Look at all the vicious creatures dancing on the lawn
Swamp critters flailin’ sent by sleepy and hoe
Boom Boom Feds bangin’ on my front door
Eavesdropping and skullduggery have spread throughout the land
Won’t you take a ride to the po-leece room?
Doo doo doo
Hateful apparition provided by politician(s)
Boom Boom Feds bangin’ on my front door
(apologies to Creedence Clearwarer Revival and the rest of the known and unknown universe)
This is what Andrew Torba wrote about Kathy Barnette in his Gab newsletter:
About a year ago I met with Kathy Barnette, a homeschooling Christian mom and veteran who had a big vision for the state of PA. Kathy was relatively unknown at the time, but I knew there was something special about her when I learned that Kathy filed a federal lawsuit related to mail-in ballot issues before the chaos of the 2020 election even happened. Kathy is also a Gab user and even wrote a guest post for our blog last year.
Kathy’s testimony is incredibly powerful. She is the “byproduct of a rape” and celebrates her life and all life as having value. Her campaign ad about this story is the most powerful campaign ad I have ever seen in politics while simultaneously being the most powerful pro-life ad I have ever seen in my life.
I went to lunch with Kathy and her family last year and learned right away that she is both a fighter and an outsider. She fully understands how the game is played in politics and she refuses to play “by the rules” of the Establishment. She can’t and won’t be controlled by the system. This is a woman who answers only to God almighty.
Ultimately she’s a mom fighting for the future for her children. When a momma bear is on a mission to protect her cubs: get out of the way and fast! She’s a force to be reckoned with and the attacks coming from the establishment Republicans and the supposed “MAGA” elite is the best reason to be voting for her. Their panic at her surge to leading this race should be the only reason you need to support her. They know she can’t be controlled and the support of The People behind her is organic and authentic.
The fact that the “MAGA” establishment, including Donald Trump himself, are throwing their weight behind a dual citizen World Economic Forum globalist Hollywood “doctor” who doesn’t even live in PA is telling. Kathy is such a danger to the Establishment they deleted her Wikipedia page and are digging up all of her old tweets from years ago in an attempt to smear her. It’s not working. Her support is only growing from this because her old tweets are extremely based.
This primary is about We The People vs the elites who hate us. The choice could not be more clear. I’m endorsing the Christian homeschooling mom who grew up on a farm and shares my values. You can learn more about Kathy’s platform and campaign here.
Thank you so much for bringing this, Linda!
Rand Paul to the rescue!
“Despite the high-profile pressure from the two Senate leaders, Rand Paul refused to move and that means the Senate will have to take procedural steps to overcome his objection, which could take several days. “My oath of office is the US constitution not to any foreign nation and no matter how sympathetic the cause, my oath of office is to the national security of the United States of America,” Paul said in his remarks before objecting to moving to swift passage of the bill. “We cannot save Ukraine by dooming the US economy.”
Video – Senator Rand Paul Blocks Fast-Track Senate Vote for $40 Billion Additional Ukraine Funding
Thank God for Rand Paul!!!
I like that woman!
I like that she talks nonstop. Nothing stumbles her and she says what she believes unapologetically. She’s patriotic
Has Oz said even one time America First ?
Because of the relentless attacks on her she has had more publicity than she could’ve ever hoped to pay for.
Greatest show on Earth right now!
Watching this absolutely badass woman take on all these big names and elites while remaining calm and collected is firing me up and making me hopeful for the first time in a while.
If she wins, and the wins the general, I will believe we are on our way back. I really will.
If, however, I am being fooled again, I will be pissed!
I think the endorsement of Mehmet Oz was a UGGGH mistake. I just don’t get it.
Aubergine, all momma bears speak the same language and they recognize one another. I love watching ’em in action.
That is a true story!
TOP TWENTY TWEETS! – https://directorblue.blogspot.com/2022/05/top-20-tweets-tonight-051222-invasion.html
Lab grown baby milk.
^^^ A whole new level of stoopid on steroids AND Bill Gates IS involved.
Randy Weaver of the Ruby Ridge Massacre passed away today.
Who is Kathy Barnette? | Washington Examiner
GREENSBURG, Pennsylvania — There are over a dozen Kathy Barnette for Senate signs attached to Doug Mastriano for Governor signs attached to Teddy Daniels for Lt. Governor signs along the roadside just outside the fairgrounds here in Westmoreland County.
It’s no accident; the three of them have been running as an unofficial team for the three top statewide elected offices for months. It is unclear who lifts who up more in the polls. Does Mastriano, who holds a cult-like following, carry Barnette up? Or does she help him as people look for an alternative to Mehmet Oz and David McCormick for the Senate?
It’s probably a bit of both. Unless there is a miracle, it is inevitable that Mastriano will win the party’s nomination next Tuesday. The question becomes whether Barnette will be pulled along with him. It is possible, certainly, that former President Donald Trump tried to make that happen when he went nuclear on McCormick at the poorly attended rally held here at the fairgrounds last Friday.
The Club for Growth is also trying to make that happen with revenge money aimed at destroying Oz, because of its feud with Trump, by showering Barnette with over $1 million in advertising in the final week of the race, according to AdImpact.
It is literally like the Hatfields and the McCoys here — only without the moonshine.
Trump and the Club for Growth parted ways recently when the once-vaunted fiscal watchdog group went scorched-earth against Ohio Senate candidate J.D. Vance. It backed former state Treasurer Josh Mandel in that heated Republican primary race.
The question is: Who is Barnette, and why is the Club for Growth supporting her? Actually, we know why the Club for Growth is supporting her, but who is she? The answers are not that simple.
A series of questions asked both verbally and in a text exchange with her campaign manager about her background for a story that was supposed to be a profile went unanswered with the exception of one — but that too was vague. When asked about her military service, the answer was: “Kathy noted basic training was Fort Dix, Army Reserves.”
Traditionally, in interviews with other military veterans, the first piece of information that is supplied to a reporter is a copy of the candidate’s DD214 form — a standard form issued when one retires or separates from the military.
The other questions for her were no different or pressing than when I questioned Dr. Oz in our interview on the road in Greensburg months ago for an expansive profile piece in the Washington Examiner magazine, an interview that required two follow-up phone calls to get all of the details.
Nor were they any more pressing than what I have asked McCormick in interviews for a profile I did of him over the past few months.
Nor were they any more pressing than the interviews done with Lt. Gov. John Fetterman or state Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta — both of whom are seeking the primary nomination for the Democrats.
Barnette, in her bio on her webpage, says: “Appearing regularly on national TV and radio, Kathy Barnette is a veteran, former adjunct professor of corporate finance, sought-after conference speaker, and conservative political commentator. Next up — Kathy is taking on Washington D.C. and is running for the U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania.”
The bio also reads: “Kathy served her country proudly for 10 years in the Armed Forces Reserves where she was accepted into Officer Candidacy School. She worked with two major financial firms in corporate America and sat on the board of a pregnancy crisis center for five years.”
The questions to the campaign, which said it doubted whether she would have time for an interview because she was booked for interviews continuously until Election Day, were pretty straightforward and simple:
The reply from the campaign manager noted, “Kathy keeps her early life as private as possible as I am sure you can understand why” — a reference one could surmise was to her life story, which she told compellingly in an ad this past week about being the child of rape.
She could be hiding nothing. She could be hiding everything. We don’t know because there are no answers. While people hold a strong distaste for the press, many level-headed conservatives who really want to win this seat in November want to know as much as they can about each candidate.
While voters may have been turned off by the battle for the primary between Oz and McCormick, the truth is both of these men have faced incredible scrutiny by both the press and their opposing campaigns. Voters at least have access to just about any information they want about them by scrolling through the countless stories that have been done about both of them.
Barnette has benefited from several things: little scrutiny and the rock-em-sock-em nature of the battle between Oz and McCormick that has been escalated by the proxy war between Trump and the Club for Growth.
Her attachment to Mastriano (who had worked to overturn the 2020 presidential election, faced a subpoena by Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Jan. 6 committee, and just attended an event that promoted QAnon propaganda) has also boosted her.
Youngstown State University political science professor Paul Sracic says Barnette has also taken better advantage of Justice Samuel Alito’s draft opinion than her opponents: “This put abortion front and center, and she used her personal story to that advantage to possibly energize voters.”
The problem is her resume: “It is very thin, to say the least.”
It is a moment that is strikingly similar to when Christine O’Donnell won the Delaware primary in 2010 for the Republicans. The then-Tea Party darling crashed and burned spectacularly. Her TV ad in which she said the following words verbatim, “I’m not a witch. I’m you,” will go down in infamy.
All candidates should face scrutiny and pointed questions about their biographies, their positions, their life experiences, and their work experiences. Barnette, to date, has not faced them. Now that she is surging, her team is trying to run out the clock.
Hannity – Club for Growth is giving her $$$ MILLIONS (she didn’t mention that to Bannon), She wants a statue of Obama placed next to Lincoln, Played more video of negative Islam comments and tweets, She won’t answer or doesn’t remember tweets
Other 2 PA Senate Candidates chime in….
Offering to debate Oz day before election day on Hannity not fair to other candidates, She needs to answer all questions now BEFORE Primary, Not vetted, Dems will crush her, she can’t win General
What is wrong with PA? What a messed up place. How stupid does the GOP have to be to allow things to get into this situation?
The simple answer is that they are not stupid. PA GOP is:
1) More than comfortable in their role as professional losers to the state Democrats.
2) Salivating at the thought of pushing the narrative that those “troublesome MAGA voters ruined the election” even though the GOP operatives were going to throw the election anyways.
PA has a “MAGA problem” (supported Trump too much in the last two elections), and this is their solution.
Do they really hate having power to run the state that badly? Has the corruption gone that deep? Sounds like they are mini-versions of Turtle.
Accurate analogy. Additionally, I suspect backroom deals with the Philly machine where rural Republicans are permitted to manage their fiefs, but anyone who dares threaten the Democrat machine too much is eliminated one way or another. Parnell lost custody of his children. Another PA GOP candidate in a different race is suddenly going through a bitter public divorce at the last minute. One elected state Republican “suddenly died” at 42 in January 2021 (pre-vax). I genuinely believe they’re using terror tactics to keep the state Republican party neutered.
Now do Georgia [*car explodes*].
It’s a pattern.
That one was just so obvious.
Yet, the sheeple turn their heads the other way and bleat nonsense.
Thank you. Actually happy to know that you, Wolf and others analyze it essentially the same way.
It also explains why they cling to the power until the bitter end because they know the repercussion for leaving the life – just like the mafia that they really are.
Could Club For Growth be the GOP equivalent to the Justice Democrats ? Grooming fake MAGA types to screw everything up ?
CFG gets big bucks from the Koch brothers!
Well – there it is. That’s exactly what they are doing.
LOL wouldn’t just serve them right if she flipped the table, won and turned out to be ultra maga !
Yup. “You meant it for evil, but God used it for good.” -Joseph
We’ll see what happens!
Can anybody read Club For Growth and not think of Hair Club for Men?
Inquiring minds want to know.
The million $ question is……how bad could she be vs how bad Oz could be ? He seems like the far left Dem to me
Mastriano “. . . just attended an event that promoted Qanon propaganda.” That says it all with this article.
Poor rally turnout? Neglects to mention the torrential rains and mudfest. Still there were lots of people there. A heck of a lot more than Creepy’s circles!!
Selena Zito uses the phrase “… at the poorly attended rally…”. Unless she’s talking about someone OTHER THAN PDJT… THAT’S BS ! Also, I believe the form DD-214 is only given for ACTIVE DUTY; NOT reserve duty; UNLESS the reservist was ACTIVATED, and then only for the period of service for which they were on ACTIVE DUTY (may need to be “fact-checked”) )
Grr, Yep. And Yep, I verified form earlier.
TY bfly !

Anecdotal – but interesting. Cleveland Guardians MLB team had 7 coaching staff members including their manager test positive for COVID. Postponed their game and are testing the whole org there now.
How about some more jabs and boosters there boys?! That shiz is working so well.
That’s what they get for changing their name!
Little Red Lying Hood denied this in February.
Yes, Safe Smoking Kits Include Free Crack Pipes. We Know Because We Got Them. (freebeacon.com)

Who ordered you to do this Little Rocket Man?
Posobiec bringing fire on TS about Oz. Oz still loved him some Jussie even a month after the “event”.
WTH is wrong with these people? smh…
Who the hell vetted Oz?
ASK THIS QUESTION about ALL republican candidates.
Probably Scaramucci.
Good question and the answer might shine some light on other DJT choices
What’s Behind the US Baby Formula Shortage? (theepochtimes.com)
(just spitballing’):
“Dr. Oz” is going over like “the vax”…
Kathy Barnette caught EVERYONE off-guard…
(including RINOs, CON-servatives, “NEVER-Trumpers”, AND dems)
She probably wouldn’t be able to finance her campaign without the backing of “Change for Growth” (total “controlled-opposition” group; keep an eye on other candidates they back)…
“They” are SCRAMBLING to FIND OR MANUFACTURE dirt on her…
So… like the vax, PDJT MUST BE REMINDED that we have a CHOICE !
If ANYONE tries to convince one OTHERWISE, REMEMBER:
– PDJT was limited in WHO he could APPOINT to positions that needed Senate approval (hence, the inability to FULLY deliver his agenda).
– Elected officials are essentially coerced, or “BLACKBALLED”, into COMPLICITY, at a minimum.
You are being told that a republican probably can’t win, but the only one that even stands a chance is Dr. Oz, who is NOT a true republican.
You KNOW that there will be cheating again.
Kathy Barnette has started a grassroots movement.
^^^ Got a point there. ^^^
The Misinformation Age with Bill Maher « JoNova (joannenova.com.au)
Worthy listen.
Things are interesting tonight. Some of it needs to carry over. Here’s one that needs scrutiny by Q-Treepers. Nice format – easy to follow.
Same graphic here.
US Democrats use Ukraine biolab profits for campaign funding – Russia — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union
That is essentially the same information George Webb, and a number of people claiming inside information have been presenting for quite a while. It’s just now in graphic form.
NOTHING is clean. NOTHING. No neat and tidiness. No purity. None. Please, do not expect it. Our government is a den of thieves and pit vipers.
Hey, there — slow your roll!!!
I know several thieves and pit vipers that are pleasant and reasonable by comparison.
Makes sense.
Good with it. BUT, we NEED documentation.
Also noticed J&J (45’s pal) NOT ON LIST.
Means it’s working.
New: Patriots.win completely removed from Brave Search, DuckDuckGo, Bing, Yahoo, Ecosia… how strange! – TheDonald The Donald is a never-ending rally of patriots dedicated to the 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump.
Yandex gets it.
BTW your post caused me to check which search engine I was on, I have several that i more or less trust.
I was flabbergasted to see I was on google, YIKES I’ve not used that for decades.
Highly suspicious that minutes earlier I’d had an update of firefox, and that’s the only thing I can put it down to, no one else uses this machine.
Thanks for the feedback.
Does Firefox browser give you a choice of search engines?
(maybe google is their “default”?)
the ‘site;’ notation screws things up.
I typed ‘patriots.win’ into the brave browser search and the proper site came straight up.
Good to know-Thanks !
(I’m assuming the folks at P.Win noticed a change in behavior)
Jack Brewer (I love him) on Ingraham now vouching for Barnette. Conservative, Godly Woman. Will bring in the minority vote for MAGA. Jack was on the prayer and other minority teams for 45.
Question: Why aren’t we hearing anything from Hollywood on Oz? As politically vocal as they are, shouldn’t they be howling about what a traitor he is?
Havent seen or heard anything. I check daily mail and they are obsessed w Kardashians mostly. When there are political articles its usually Trump bashing, but not always.
i found video, posted on today’s thread
PAGING Candace…
Earelier today, I was wondering how Candace feels about Oz, Burnett…
Candace has a knack for getting to the bottom line, without mincing a lot of words.
She hasn’t weighed in on this mess.
However, these are good.
And this
She went after blm to their mansions recently.
Yep. Showed BLM bitch, for the ly’n bitch she is.
I laughed at this harder than I should have.
IPOT1776 (PRO)
I just want to live in a world where baby formula
doesn’t have to cost 40 billion dollars to Ukraine.
Patriot forever.

Libertarians of Gab
Please share with your friends who need to know, especially in states with severe shortages — North and South Dakota, Iowa, Tennessee, Texas, and Missouri.
From 2016 – Dr. Jockers Homemade Baby Formula
Homemade Baby Formula
If you are looking for a healthy homemade baby formula than try out this recipe for your little ones. Our twin boys have thrived with it.
View Link Feed
That recipe sounds NAS-TEE!

No BACON? *shudders*
Plus 2 more oils. Better have a pallet of diapers handy. If you add bacon to that it’ll be coming out both ends, poor babies.

Breast milk is filled with lipids, just like cow’s milk. In fact, that’s why that damned lipid-encapsulated mRNA vaccine was going straight to babies and giving them injuries and death.
I know this is going to sound weird, but if the “lactating parent” can consume a bunch of the ingredients herself for a couple of weeks before using the mix to supplement breastfeeding, I suspect the infant would be up-armored against any ill effects.
The natural environment of humans is not sterile plastic bubbles.
Welpers, the problem I hear is that the babies have been on formula for too long and the ‘Mother’ has ceased lactating. The well is dry. It’s a use it or lose it scenario.
What is this “mother” term you are using? Are you not familiar with Health Directive 19.84 where “birthing parent” is the only approved term for childbearing, and “lactating parent” and “chest feeder” are the only approved terms for those nursing infants?
Sarcasm aside, SingingSoul was talking about having been wet-nursed as a child. As a species, we have to be getting tremendously more stupid by the day to have lost straightforward survival strategies that worked well centuries ago.
Without taking sides, SD splains the fundamentals of the bickering in PA.
Really good read. Fundamental. Parts are, well, funny.
Pennsylvania GOP Primary Brings Out All The Club Moves
Perhaps you’ve noticed. For the past two nights Fox News and a host of corporate allies have been doing a full-frontal attack against Pennsylvania Senate Candidate Kathy Barnette.
The club reaction appears to have been triggered by a GOP Trafalgar poll showing Kathy Barnette in a close second place (23.2%), surging ahead of David McCormick (21.6%) and right on the heels of Mehmet Oz (24.5%). [Bartos 7.2%, Sands 6.5%]
Good Splainer.
God forgive me, I loathe Carl Rove!
Yepper, Rove is scum.
MTG nails baby formula crisis…