SPECIAL SECTION: Message For Our “Friends” In The Middle Kingdom
You knuckle-dragging barbarians are still trying to muck with this site, so I’ll just repeat what I said last time.
Up your shit-kicking barbarian asses. Yes, barbarian! It took a bunch of sailors in Western Asia to invent a real alphabet instead of badly drawn cartoons to write with. So much for your “civilization.”
Yeah, the WORLD noticed you had to borrow the Latin alphabet to make Pinyin. Like with every other idea you had to steal from us “Foreign Devils” since you rammed your heads up your asses five centuries ago, you sure managed to bastardize it badly in the process.
Have you stopped eating bats yet? Are you shit-kickers still sleeping with farm animals?
Or maybe even just had the slightest inkling of treating lives as something you don’t just casually dispose of?
中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!
And here’s my response to barbarian “asshoes” like you:
OK, with that rant out of my system…
Loop it if you like; I will wait.
Richly deserved.
Justice Must Be Done
The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system.
Nothing else matters at this point. Talking about trying again in 2022 or 2024 is hopeless otherwise. Which is not to say one must never talk about this, but rather that one must account for this in ones planning; if fixing the fraud is not part of the plan, you have no plan.
Lawyer Appeasement Section
OK now for the fine print.
This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines, here, with an addendum on 20191110.
We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.
And remember Wheatie’s Rules:
1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.
(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)
Spot (i.e., paper) Prices
Last week:
Gold $1,884.10
Silver $22.44
Platinum $966.00
Palladium $2,122.00
Rhodium $17,400.00
This week, 3PM Mountain Time, markets have closed for the weekend.
Gold $1,813.20
Silver $21.24
Platinum $951.00
Palladium $2,020.00
Rhodium $16,950.00
Precious metals continue to drop because the dollar is strong. It’s strong not because it’s actually worth a damn, but because foreign investors in the currencies markets put their money where they’ll earn high interest.
In other words the dollar climbs when the Fed hits the brakes and raises interest rates–an act which results in a recession. (That’s aside from whether the Fed “needed” to do it or not, which in turn is aside from whether the damned Fed should even exist in the first place.)
James Webb Space Telescope Update
NASA is now starting to talk more and more about the commissioning of the instrument; i.e., the sensors that will do something with the light that JWST collections. They’re going to track things on this graphic; the hexagons become bolded gold when that particular aspect of calibration is done.

There are 17 different modes that need to be calibrated, and they are described at length here:
And they’re still raving about how much better the optics are than they actually expected.
In other words this is about the only damned thing that the government has done right during His Fraudulency’s administration, so hopefully he won’t notice and decide he has to f*ck it up in order to have a perfect record.
In the meantime, we have a nice before/after image of a particular patch of stars. (The name of the image file indicates it’s of the Large Magellanic Cloud, still.)

The image on the left is from the old Spitzer Space telescope (which was also designed to look at infrared; its lifetime was strictly limited by the amount of cryo-coolant it had on board but it was very valuable while it lasted). That was taken at 8000 nanometer wavelength (that equals 8.0 micrometers).
The image on the right is from JWST, using the super-cold (6 or 7 K) MIRI instrument, at 7700 nanometers.
As you can see it’s much, much sharper!
This light is of a wavelength about ten times the very deepest red we can see with our unaided eyes, and it requires MIRI (the super cold sensor running at 6-7 K) to photograph.
Instead of being blurred blobs, the brighter stars in the LMC are actual points, with diffraction spikes. Dimmer stars are actually visible instead of just looking like background noise.
If you remember when JWST took a picture of the star that was being used as a reference when aligning the mirror segments, that star had really obvious spikes on it. They were at 12, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 o’clock with two shorter spikes at 3 and 9 o’clock. You see the same thing here. The first six I listed are caused by the seams between the mirrors, the left and right pair are caused by the “arms” that hold the secondary mirror in front of the main one.
Fuck Joe Biden
Biden, you don’t even get ONE scoop of ice cream today.
(Please post this somewhere permanent, as it will continue to be true; the SOB will never deserve a scoop.)
Incidentally, I’m writing this on Friday. This morning I saw a full-sized pickup truck in the oncoming left turn lane with a forest of flags in the bed. Once he turned and drove left-to-right in front of me, I could see two American flags near the cab, and SIX “Let’s Go Brandon” flags near the tailgate. That was unusual; usually there’s a mix of FJB (only not abbreviated) and “Trump Won” and “Trump 2024” flags when someone does this.
I haven’t seen such a display in a few weeks, by the way. Even the guy at the office complex where I work with the FJB flag on his pickup seems to have removed it (or doesn’t work there any more–trucks all look alike to me from the back, and all crossovers look like cockroaches).
Obligatory PSAs and Reminders
China is Lower than Whale Shit
Remember Hong Kong!!!
中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!
China is in the White House
Since Wednesday, January 20 at Noon EST, the bought-and-paid for His Fraudulency Joseph Biden has been in the White House. It’s as good as having China in the Oval Office.
Joe Biden is Asshoe
China is in the White House, because Joe Biden is in the White House, and Joe Biden is identically equal to China. China is Asshoe. Therefore, Joe Biden is Asshoe.
But of course the much more important thing to realize:
Joe Biden Didn’t Win
乔*拜登没赢 !!!
Qiáo Bài dēng méi yíng !!!
Joe Biden didn’t win !!!
I’m having difficulties getting that eagle to stick to the wall. Maybe if I tried rubbing it with a rabbit pelt…..
Maybe if I banned raptor labor unions…..
FYI – crossovers ARE cockroaches and will survive almost anything.
At the rate which PM prices are dropping in some rough inverse proportion to the fed funds rate, and considering how slow the fed is at raising rates, the price of silver/gold will drop to 1988 prices while we will have a lot more devalued dollars with which to buy them in late 2024.
Sounds like PM hoarders should vote for Slow Joe to be re-elected.
One finds it ** interesting ** that Market Watch is posting the price for silver, something that this site normally doesn’t post. Market Watch always posts the price for gold.
Regarding “President Biden”, one will add that perhaps PM keepers who vote for “his” re-election should also pray that if (God Forbid) this happens, it isn’t followed by Round Two of the 1933 Gold Confiscation edict.
Round 2, should it happen, will perform equally as well as Slow Joe’s other policy efforts. Nobody will comply. The Coast Guard will be working 24/7 investigating the explosion in the number of boat sinkings.
Well Steve I find your “fixed slit” & “slitless” graphic inherently sexist!
So does that make it transphobic or something?
Your mind sometimes veers off The Path.
Yes those feet of clay don’t always choose the narrow way
Randy Quaid, allegedly!
Nicely done.
“Dem turtles LOVES da SWAMP!”
tried to post a cute Gab image of dogs but it was not an image file?
see it here instead
I have no comment that is suitable for a family blog.
NOW I really want to know what you’re thinking!
This is some beautiful puppy love!
[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/106/192/344/original/aa443ff8b74ac7c3.mp4" /]
Michigan mad man!
Not Michigan any more – now Texas.
So he left the Three Witches behind! Sounds smart.
I think he got out before the coven came in!
Yes but that was his moniker
Texas is just a “tad” bit freer under poser Abbott than we are under tyrant Whitmer (Gretchen half-wit-mer) in Michigan.
Just wanted to make sure everybody knew he was no longer Pure Michigan.
Has anyone else noticed that Gretchen half-Whitmer looks like she could be Minitrue Poppins’ sister?
Are they clones or “batch maid” fem-bots of some kind? There is a weird sameness of these chicks.
Sounds like the Handmaids Tale.
Manufactured in Stepford.
Yes! But programmed to kill you in your sleep!!!
Lol! Yeah.
OK, my ignorance is showing because Poppins made me think Mary Poppins, which I’ve never seen…so I’m basically lost (again…shock) here
The reference to Mary Poppins comes because Nina Jankowicz, the head of the MInistry of Truth, sang a take-off on the Mary Poppins song “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” in one of her social media posts. She comes across as a Broadway-wannabe.
Thank you TT! She is a Very creepy totalitarian as she attempts to smooth the road to overt communism with her bizarre “cuteness”!
That is just CREEPY.

Thanks TT, I was drawing a blank too.
Weird Gal Jankowicz
She’s a dog-pile, pasture pie, … and more ..
When you see these marvels of nature you
because stinking shit ..
… they’re …


This one from NY fits right in also.
That’s their inner DEMONS looking out.
Scary Popped-ins. Practicing Perverts In Every Way…
[odd trivia bit, the Banks family lived at 17 Cherry-Tree Lane…]….
And the thing about people in the dark arts, possessed, the longer they are in that world, the more that physically manifests itself. Just look at Satan Sauros, KlauSS SSchwab, BillyGhoul Gates, Piglosi, and HELL-the-BEAST. Their evil is consuming them. Palpatine in the Star Wars Saga was a pretty accurate representation of that…
They had better learn and turn, or else they’ll burn…
Heh. Used to be the Motor City Madman until he went upstate.
Saw him in concert at the San Francisco Cow Palace in about 1982. The Scorpions were the opening act and totally won over the crowd — did multiple encores, when they were practically booed off the stage when they first walked on. I’d bet they sold a TON of Scorps albums that month.
Not to say that Uncle Ted got dissed — his team was very supportive and got appreciation in return.
Great memories. Ted’s hunting mentor, Fred Bear, who also designed some bows, I believe, contributed a number of the taxidermized animal exhibits (including Huge Bears) to a small town museum, Call of the Wild, near my parents’ Northern Michigan cottage. We used to take the kids there on a rainy day when the extended family gang was Up North & they all got freaked out by the creepy video face projected on a mannikin depicting some trapper from by-gone days. It scared me when I was a kid too, so that tells you how often that museum gets updated
To this day, I credit Fred Bears ‘The Archery Bible’ as one of the most informative books I’ve ever read, leading to my personal success afield whitetail hunting. By learning their natural habitat, I was able to get up close and remain concealed for the ambush bowshot. Invaluable lessons.
In a world saturated with compound Bows, he still hunted exclusively with the Long Bow, and hand-built many of his own.
That’s very interesting. Our whitetail hunters haven’t had much bow-hunting success. I’ll mention your tip on a great info source!
My husband has acquired a crossbow now that Michigan doesn’t limit their use to the disabled hunter. I bet he’ll never go back to a recurve…but my daughter just might!
Immense Sculpture In The Desert ~ Mano Del Desierto, Antofagasta, Chile…
Honestly, for me, the stars are the Big Attraction in this image
What if there’s a body attached to that hand? That would qualify as a Big Attraction.
Now, you’re talking!
Nah, the gal for me.
Her eyes are mesmerizing for sure!
That’s not immense — it’s only about 25′ tall — they should have attended Burning Man back in the day.
Choedan Kal
Interesting. My son is really into Wheel of Time & got me to watch a bit on Amazon Prime. If I ever read the books I hope they come w/ a key to all the unusual words, names, & places, like in your link–yikes!
Hope that image shows for comparison.
Nice find!
They are good books. I have never watched it, but my wife is getting into it on audiobooks. We listen to it in the evenings before going to sleep.
I think my son does the books on tape when driving & working his hydraulic tech job (break down &/or build up repaired industrial equipment).
Hopefully once hubby gets his trucking job he’ll do some books on tape while on the road…
Elon is really trying for the Greatest Troll Of All Time crown.
He’s got a natural aptitude, and evidently gets it from his mother’s side.
What happened to ‘lactating parent’? What a difference a night makes!
I triple-dog dare anyone to interview Elon’s mom about “lactating parents”, ’cause she will likely slap the idiot through a wrinkle in the space-time continuum.
That would be a helluva slap!
With said wrinkle not having been there before the slapee was slapped…
Of course, if the slapee was named Ed, someone could say, “Eddie’s in the Space-Time Continuum”…
Eddies in the space time continuum.
Brilliant move.
Incoming pay increase!
Yessir, and at least one book deal.
One finds the interview with Peter Doocy (FoxNews) about Psakis’ departure
** interesting **.
Damn Red Jen IS Yugly.
..lying propagandist job hopping..
msnbc??.. nice move..
Next stop. Former lying propagandist bot farm
From GAB.
‘It’s heartbreaking to see’: Melania slams Biden over baby formula crisis | Daily Mail Online
‘It’s heartbreaking to see’: Melania slams Biden over baby formula crisis and says it’s ‘sad’ children are struggling to eat in ’21st century USA – as formula boss warns crisis will last ALL YEAR
If you scroll down in Melania article, there’s more info there. One company expects shortages for the rest of the year. FDA is still holding up the Sturgis plant, no reason given. Will take 2 wks to start up and 8wks to ship after that. US does not allow imports, all formula is made here. Article says WH now looking at other countries(not FDA approved).
This has been going on since last August!! WSJ warned in Jan and WH knew in Feb. Really no relief in sight. EVIL.
Yes, evil. They don’t care about the people who inexplicably keep electing them.
Yes why do people reelect the same people like McConnell and Mis Lindsey and so many other cannot name them all. These sleazy people come to collect money from us the people and then turn on us. Anyone giving another penny to looser just because they got an R behind them have a whole in their hear. Even worse giving money to a democrat.
RNC keeps calling my husband picks up he does not let me do it because he is afraid what I say. I would say all the words that I have heard from good MEGA supporters to them. I think I am at the point I could sound like a sailor.
It is supposed to read “whole in the head”.
Indeed, they hate EVERYONE, except their Master, Satan…
Democrats want to end humanity. They are Satan fighting God .
Best round-up on the baby formula debacle yet!
The criminals in charge can stuff it
No doubt if people start making their baby formula there will be shortages of those too. Miserable scum
Tonight’s Lake T spotlight falls on the genus Perissodus — which few people will raise in their tanks (for what will become obvious reasons)…..but, amazingly, some aquarists actually do keep them. And, yes, it’s a real fish — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perissodus_microlepis .
The thing about Lake T is that every conceivable ecological niche is occupied — and many that are not conceivable. The Perissodus are scale eaters — they try to sneak into a school of fish and school with them….until they lunge into their neighbors and rip bunches of scales off their sides and swallow them. Then they disappear.
A bit of reflection will reveal why they prefer to do this to schooling fish. Hint: fish from Lake T are generally pretty intelligent and can recognize specific humans (who are usually unlike fish).
OTOH, here’s P. straeleni with an individual victim. (It’s at the very end — there’s a lot of looking around before an attack).
One of the other peculiarities of Perissodus is that they grow up with a “handedness” — some will be scalerippers off the right side of their prey and some will rip their prey’s left sides.
They’ve filed sexual assault charges on 3 kids for not addressing a psycho with it’s preferred pronouns!!!

Wisconsin school district files Title IX complaint against 3 middle school students | Daily Mail Online
That’s not sexual harassment. Kids today have so many unnecessary burdens placed on them. It’s abusive.
It is incumbent upon ALL patriots in the area where this is happening to turn out en masse to support these kids.
Fuck these people with a red hot poker.
These children are NOT required to “love” alphabet people. Period. Many religious groups believe that all of the alphabet behavior is a sin against God. We have freedom of religion. End of story. Kids can NOT be forced to treat with these people as if they are normal.
I would teach my children to refer to the alphabet people by their first name only. EVER.
My own pronouns are “she”, “her”, and “I don’t give a shit what your pronouns are.”
Cold day in hell when I play the woke asshole’s pronoun game.
Erm…. that’s not what Title IX was about… Then again, Women’s Athletics, the purpose of Title IX, has been destroyed by these Satanic (Satransic?) perverts…….
DEMONRATS are nothing if not consistenly EVIL
The side-by-side image of the “before and after” patch of stars is amazing. It will be interesting to see what else the JWST reveals.
This is why using “Ultra Mega” and “Maga King” does not entrap us. It empowers us to ridicule the Left and unify our side.
Don Jr., TO7617
If they want an excuse to turn food into a national security issue / food rationing / government takeover of food supply issue, then a baby formula shortage is the way to do it. I could make white hat and black hat arguments for both. I find that far more plausible than the convoluted, “The primary goal is to force mothers to switch to breastfeeding to feed the vax to the babies” prevailing theory. Nah. They would have started bombarding injected mothers with propaganda to breastfeed over a year ago if that was the end goal instead of some half-assed scramble in May 2022. “Breastfeeding boosts COVID immunity” or some bullshit like that that the COVIDians would eat right up.
BTW, the “Bill Gates lab-grown breast milk” product tangential to these theories won’t be available for another 3-5 years (Source). If the goal of this baby formula shortage is to encourage people to use the Bill Gates Frankenmilk, then the timing is off by literal years.
The writing has been on the wall for food infrastructure for quite a while. I figured that out when working for a non Feeding America food bank, one of the only ones in the country. The corporate sorts back Feeding America, and allow only one FA food bank per MSA, or metropolitan statistical area. That’s where the big corporate donations in food go, to FA. The food pantries pay a membership fee, too. There’s no fresh produce, either.
It was pretty obvious that corporate America was trying to appropriate the food supply to the poor. What would stop them from taking it multiple steps further?
Interesting. That area church where there is a weekly food distribution that we’ve partaken about half of the weeks since hubby left his job regularly gives out fresh fruit & veggies. I have No Idea where they get their items, which vary a bit week by week.
Most weeks they have potatoes, cabbages, onions, & tomatoes. There has also been red or orange peppers, zucchini, mini cucumbers, &/or grape tomatoes periodically.
Fruits have included mangoes, oranges, grapes, &/or bananas. That 1st week w/ a bunch of extremely green bananas Never ripened correctly. This week they gave us 2 bunches of bananas that were both near to ripe & edible.
I don’t know if this info means the church doesn’t get items from FA or if they do that they also have sources for fresh food too…
It’s obvious that the system is set up to swiftly cut off the food when one plant in the entire country is responsible for 50%+ of the baby formula supply. Anyone who has ever played a strategy or simulation video game knows you don’t know dump all your critical production into one unit where it can be one-shotted by the enemy. Malicious intent aside, what happens if the plant is hit with a natural disaster like a flood or tornado?
90% of formula produced at that plant goes to WIC (low income) folks. The Government monopoly put all their eggs in one plant basket. The WIC get priority over everyone else, they are given Govt vouchers to pay for formula. Company receives vouchers and sends to Govt for reimbursement.
One Big Ass SCAM. Now the Govt has shut the ‘Govt’ plant down and refuses to re-open. WIC customers still get priority over remaining supply left in the market, basically using up supply that’s intended for the general population. Tell me they aren’t doing this on purpose.
And when you get in a grocery line after somebody picking up a case of that stuff with a voucher, you’ll be there a while.
Someone posted a tweet a few days ago w/a pic of a store shelf. WIC no limit, everyone else limited 2 (or maybe 4?) cans. Now we understand why.
IF I were the one needing to buy with cash, and being told limit 2 (or 4), we’d have a helluva seen right in check out line.
Page the manager. Ya gonna sell me what I need. Go ahead, call the cops and trespass me.
They had the baby WITH them.
Had they in the aisle or check out line and asked for a hand out, they’d have gotten the baby formula free compliments of a good citizen.
Which means it’s the plant that makes Enfamil, which, as I understand it, is the closest to breast milk.
I come from a La Leche League household, so, to me, formula is a last resort, but at the same time, some women just can’t produce the milk necessary.
This is just so heinous.
They all make several brands and flavors. This one makes the 4 most popular, plus a few specialized. The barcode is scanned which tells retailer what plant the voucher needs to be sent to.
This is one of the scariest interviews I’ve ever seen. There’s not much time left.
Fight Back Against WHO Takeover of U.S. Sovereignty
Yes it is troubling
The Baby Food issue makes what’s coming for America a bit more clear. It’s too easy for the WHO to turn “equity issues” into emergency health care issues and then stomp on us.
Although it’s not written that way in the article below you can be assured all equity issues will go global and the fix will be to take it out on America’s middle class.
“Equity” Hits the Biden Baby Formula Crisis as Government-Dependent Families Get Access to More
The man is 90 years old!
What Is Cardinal Zen Accused Of?
And the action of the institutional Church toward this man’s situation is disgraceful. Utterly disgraceful.
Verse of the Day for Saturday, May 14, 2022
“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.”
Romans 8:14 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Tomorrow – Sunday – Melania Trump interview on Fox News with Pete Hegseth.
When Melania is angry – she wears those military tan/gray outfits with epaulettes, brass buttons and chest pockets….just like the Trump people know when Trump is angry – because he wears red hats.
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
This gathering of our men in blue at the National Law Enforcement Memorial in DC got NO PUBLICITY from the MSM.
Highlights from the vigil ceremony:
Hey, DNC, how’s that Ultra MAGA market research working out for ya?
You surveyed your own audience, not the people who can neutralize your catch phrases and lingo with memes and SWAG far more effectively. Idiots.
Catturd nails it again!
Six months of research, and they come up with ultra-MAGA;
Proving once and for all time that the Left CAN’T MEME!
Americans have been appropriating slurs against them since at least 1755, with Yankee Doodle. The Left does not know history, and consistently underestimates us.
Would $350 million from Big Pharma be enough to buy Fauci and NIH approval — Who knows, it’s a secret « JoNova (joannenova.com.au)
All part of the “kids are expensive” narrative that encourages humans to curtail procreation.
I was talking to an old HS friend this week. Both of us are dealing with aging parents, thankfully, with the help of siblings. I’m one of five. She’s one of thirteen. Being able to share the burden does take the pressure off, that’s for sure. That may not have been part of downstream thinking when our parents were having kids, but it probably should be.
In our case w/ 4 kids, the 3 non-disabled ones might be better able to share attending to the needs of their special needs brother after we’re gone, assuming we pre-decease him. He still talks like he thinks he might die before us, & given his myriad medical needs truly only God knows.
There exist various “safety net” systems that Might help, but who wants to rely on government to care for their family’s needs–massive pass unless family has direct oversight & decision-making power, imo.
My parents have my local brother involved in learning their financial needs & me in their medical ones. Our out-of-state brother doesn’t have any aging parent duties I know of…
Why do kids not walk to school? I walked 3 km one way to school rain snow did not matter. We walked in a group. Later we went by public buss and then train and buss.
We spoil our kids to much.
don’t forget uphill Both ways
While shoveling snow.

.. barefoot !!!
(Couldn’t resist.)
Yes! <3
Which the last one had to shovel back in place as they climbed on, to keep it more “natural”
(all the other good lines were taken
(I can hear it now, “and Cuppa, you call THAT a good line?”
I think it’s not as safe today for them to walk, even in a group. Too many perverts and traffickers lurking, sadly.
Yes times have changed to bad.
The Ukraine war – Russia modifies its tactics. | Pointman’s (wordpress.com)
A real world view of it. I shouldn’t be, but I am amazed at the silly propaganda the MSM is putting out. Common sense need not apply with them. I wish more people realized the propaganda is just more running interference for the money grab – which is the real goal.
Obama-Affiliated NGOs Poured Billions Into ‘Local Insurgencies’ To Steal 2020 Election: Analyst – Epoch Times TV –
Steve goes there…
Wolf – may want to check out his data and analysis.
Well, on a “surface reading” of the Kirsch article, Yours Truly remembers that the VAERS figures for adverse reactions (including deaths) from the “vaccines” are under-reported by a factor of at least 20 (according to the Columbia University analysis).
There is also the question of people dying “from COVID” MONTHS AFTER they had been “vaccinated” and/or “boosted.” Were these people infected with “breakthrough cases” of the virus, either from WITHIN their own bodies, or from exposure to OTHER people who were ill with “breakthrough cases”?
Kirsch mentions the deaths from what might be called “Accumulated Vaccine Damage” (AVD) from the downstream effects of the SPIKE PROTEIN POISON, plus the embedded mRNA “instructions” that force the body into producing constant immune system response, in the bodies of persons who are “vaccinated” and/or “boosted” — capillary death in the lungs (per Dr. Hoffe’s study); circulation damage involving the heart; auto-immune diseases that show up “all of a sudden” due to neurological damage from the “vaccines” (VAIDS, for example); and so forth.
Kirsch speaks about the fact that the number of deaths from the COVID-19 “vaccines”, which, at the least, numbers over 500,000, is FAR ABOVE the FDA threshold for STOPPING all use of these “vaccines.” Even assuming the “official” VAERS “vaccine” death toll of around 13,000 persons, WHY hasn’t the FDA issued a STOP ORDER for all of the COVID-19 “vaccines”?
And this, IMO, is the most important question. The FDA KNEW that the “vaccines” were killing people at a horrific rate. Yet, the FDA instead “fully approved” COMIRNATY, the GERMAN version of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccine.” And the public does NOT know the EXACT ingredients, and in what proportion, are within this “vaccine”, NOR of the Moderna or the Johnson & Johnson “vaccines.”
On 5 May 2022, the FDA severely restricted the use of the Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) COVID-19 “vaccine”, due to the numbers of cardiac adverse events reported. Yet, the agency ALSO stated that persons OVER AGE 18 could still get this “vaccine” if no other “vaccine” were available, or if the other “vaccines” were not “clinically appropriate”, or if the person would not otherwise get a “vaccine” at all.
WHY would the FDA still say that the Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) COVID-19 “vaccine” is all right for use by ANYONE, IF the FDA also knows that this “vaccine” causes cardiac adverse reactions, including death?
What does the FDA KNOW that WE, THE PEOPLE, DO NOT KNOW about the COVID-19 “vaccines”?
“Columbia University Study Finds VAERS Deaths Undercounted by Factor of 20”
January 23, 2022
And also this, from Dr. Peter McCullough:
March 18, 2022

And another of good discussion value.
And yet another on pregnancy and the jab…
via Pepe Lives Matter:
Elon Musk is out here trying to red pill the sheep and I’m all for it.
Elon Musk said Friday that his plan to buy Twitter for $44 billion is “temporarily on hold” as he tries to pinpoint the exact number of spam and fake accounts on the social media platform
Run checks on accounts and see for yourself
Millions of fake accounts
Pepe lives Matter
Is Elon Musk working with/helping Trump?
Anons have known that Patriots are the majority and the DS’s popularity is an illusion for a long time. Now we just might see with clarity how true that is.
Publishing the number of fake accounts would crush the Left’s narrative of how many supporters they have, and it would confirm our assertions of fake news.
Yes TT… it would prove to the leftie voters that they are a small minority… that the coountry wants RvW overturned an so much more
Yep, I laughed. Had to post.
Coming to a shopping mall near you, photo booths with horses ….
And then, all of a sudden, everyone wants to take a selfie with AOC….
Do horse features and horses asses qualify ?
Donkeys and jack asses?
…. I’m seeing a pattern develop .. most dimms fit in there somewhere
OMG! You went there!
My sides hurt!

So Chuckles and Camilla could get some, then…
Camilla Parker-Bowles, iirc, ?
Yep. Camilla, the horse-faced mistress… sort of a mommy-figure to Chuckles, just like teacher-mommy-wife-whatshername is to Macaroon…
LOL–please God keep that creep Chuckie off the throne!
Remember my friend to stop the steal will take WORK. Do what I am doing. 1)VOTE. 2) encourage OTHERS to vote. 3) before, after, and DURING voting you and those you encourage WATCH the drop boxes WITH cameras on, and the polls as poll watchers (I do not think you can record AT the polls, but you CAN watch). Do NOT interfere, simply be OBVIOUS that you ARE watching AND recording (if allowed by law). Mules WILL NOT want to be on camera. You do not even have to be within 25 feet of the drop boxes, just be across the street in PUBLIC.
4. and this is MOST important. Once the STEAL is stopped, do not ask, DEMAND that the newly elected people WE put in do their damn job and hold EVERYONE accountable for the fraud they perpetrated in 2020 and the MISERY it has caused us. NO MATTER the consequence OR$ punishment to the criminals…NO MERCY, NO EXCUSES, just LAW.
5.Document and REPORT what you see as a poll watcher or ballot drop off watcher to authorities including law enforcement, Republican lawyers and assigned party officials, and THE LOCAL MEDIA. DOCUMENT who you tell. AND their actions.
DO NOT take ANYTHING for granted.
They CANNOT cheat if WE do not LET them. Stop it BEFORE it happens. They were successful in 2020 and likely 2018, so they WILL try it again, and in the EXACT ways they did it then.
In the absence of LIGHT, darkness reigns. All it takes for EVIL to succeed if for good men and women to do NOTHING.
Remember, they will do MOST of their work under the COVER of darkness LATE. SHINE The light on them. They WILL scatter. IF we do this, the signs of PANIC will be obvious, as will the results…they LOSE…we WIN, and WIN BIG. Oh, and be PREPARED to have the dems try and call you, out, intimidate, or even falsely call the police on you. KNOW YOUR RIGHTS, and QUOTE it to ANY Law Enforcement that tries to falsely interfere..by reciting the STATUTE. Most LE will go along to get along UNLESS you KNOW the law, and INFORM them that you do. Most LE, will then AGREE with you once they know the law (most do NOT know ALL laws, especially ELECTION law.) IF you KNOW a judge, or when local judges are running, SHOW UP, TELL them that WE ARE AWARE and ARE watching, and that we EXPECT them to FOLLOW the law they HOLD us to.
The left scream and shout loudly, we must SPEAK just as loudly, and in GREATER numbers. THEN and ONLY then will the PTB be FORCED to listen to US and NOT the squeaky wheel mob that is the left. There ARE more of US than there are of THEM by a factor of 1000. RMEMBER that. WE must be JUST as passionate and vocal as them, WITHOUT the violence. KNOWLEDGE is POWER.
Time to FIGHT for OUR freedom folks, as our forefathers did. Freedom is NOT FREE. If not NOW, then when? It is LITERALLY NNOW or NEVER.
People who STAND for NOTHING will FALL for ANYTHING. DO not ever again take your freedoms for granted, or you may live to REGRET it for your children and grandchildren.
Fight like your country DEEPENDS on it AND you…because it DOES. Lets show the globalists, evil doers and the WORLD what WE as Americans can do when WE are mobilized, TRULY mobilized. Trump and the others fighting with mom cannot do this ALONE we MUST help them to help OURSELVES!!
Rant over.
If I can add to that rant
Remember where we have seen the largest problems which = most important positions:
State Governor/ Lt governor
Secretary of State
State Atty. General
Do some homework folks, VOTE and make it COUNT !!
Good point!
From Russia/Spy Gate, Media Giants stifling free speech, two bogus impeachment attempts, mandates & vaxxx, Invasion of border, a stolen election, Afghanistan and now Ukraine, to Baby Food and the US succeeding control of our nation to the WHO just as a short list, the verdict is in finds against the NWO, WEF, Dems and RINO’s. Book ’em Danno! Danno!… Danno? WTF where is Danno!
Gotta relaxing couple minutes?
Little guy catches the Main course for his family. Quite possibly one or two will be sold off, to buy veggies or rice.
Boy Catching Big fish With Plastic Bottle Fish Hook By River
Snatched from Rantingly
This is awesome

I like watching this little boy and his voice is seriously cute but deadly serious ..

^^^ Great messaging. ^^^
…cute but deadly serious…
Realize ya know this. Catching the fish is a matter of “eating” or missing a meal, in many countries.
Yes and he did his chore very well
When my father passed away in 1963, when we were old enough we went to work to help our family. When I got paid I got off the bus at the local market, this is part of the ride from downtown Detroit. My brother picked me up after I called him from a phone booth and I was glad for that, hauling groceries on the walk home was rough. My two older brothers were Marines stationed in Viet Nam. Three boys two girls and my Mom were home. My older sister worked and my brother two years older than me worked.
I would call home to see what was needed. Jugs of milk are heavy
Wow that’s heroic Americana stuff right there. Some major character you all likely developed–through suffering. Sorry you lost your dad so young
Thank you
Valarie, it was awful but we had to keep going. It was extra hard on my Mom, she was a worrier but seven kids kept her going.
That’s an amazing foundation to build on w/ an incredibly remarkable life. Are most of your siblings close, having had to pull together to that degree to survive?
He’s going to be doing Kung-fu movies later in life..
Looks like a good technique for Alone contestants!
Curious as to why PDJTs endorsement of Doug Mastriano included a mention of Dr. Oz…
There is no one in Pennsylvania who has done more, or fought harder, for Election Integrity than State Senator Doug Mastriano.
He has revealed the Deceit, Corruption, and outright Theft of the 2020 Presidential Election, and will do something about it. He will also Fight Violent Crime, Strengthen our Borders, Protect Life, Defend our under-siege Second Amendment, and Help our Military and our Vets. He is a fighter like few others, and has been with me right from the beginning, and now I have an obligation to be with him.
Doug Mastriano and Dr. Mehmet Oz will make an unbeatable team going into the most important Midterm Election in the history of our Country.
They will Fight, they will Win, and they will Produce for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and for the USA itself.
I have fully Endorsed Dr. Oz, and now it is my great honor to give my Complete and Total Endorsement to a man who will never let you down, Doug Mastriano for Governor of Pennsylvania!
Doug Mastriano has been campaigning together with Kathy Barnette for months, that’s why. Unlike Oz, though, this is actually a quality endorsement. Mastriano has been really vocal about the 2020 fraud.
There is a third PA candidate that campaigns with Mastriano and Barnette.
I suppose it is typical of races. They’ll pull each other over the finish line, for the win.
(see above)

(edit: or below, maybe)
Republicans love to do put a third person in a race that is why R get the Rinos they have. Seldom we get who is good for us and the country.
IIRC, there is some type of “Coalition” with Doug Mastriano, Teddy Daniels, and Kathy Barnette (there is a fourth who I cannot recall right now).
Doug Mastriano also issued an official endorsement of Kathy Barnette.
Thanks. Appears we posted same time, sort of.
Yea, now to figure the fourth which i had not heard about.
Mastriano’s endorsement of Barnett speaks volumes to me, being Mastriano has been emphatic about the stolen election AND local to PA.
Maybe MAGA is doing their own version of the splitter strategy
I think more along the lines of GOPe vs. another RINO org. (for example, in this scenario, “Change for Growth”).
Kinda like Nazis vs. commies… not really “opposites”, per se; more like “two sides of the same coin”.
The main goal is to prevent Trump (or any “outsiders”) from happening.
Because Barnette is gaining on Oz and 45 wants his candidate to win. Last I heard there was a 3-way tie between RINO, Oz, and Barnette with 18% still undecided. Barnette has gotten some last minute endorsements by some YUGE organizations.
Truth Social Web App now in Beta Testing:
Devin / @DevinNunes 05/14/2022 10:50:57
ID: Not Available
Truth Social: 108300852077478474
Sweet. Glad you could get in!!!
So true.
..and the first ever Nursing home with a new fully stocked Nanzi Bar apparently..
It’s a BIG club and you’re not in it. No little people allowed.
And don’t forget, now EVERY congress-critter can say they “passed the bar” and not be lying…
Not that that ever stopped them before….
Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 05/14/2022 11:26:40
ID: Not Available
Truth Social: 108300992540679354
Donald J. Trump reTruthed…
Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 05/14/2022 11:27:08
ID: Not Available
Donald J. Trump reTruthed…
Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 05/14/2022 11:27:34
ID: Not Available
Donald J. Trump reTruthed…
When we fight, we win. We just have gone too long without really fighting.
“Corporations are largely silent on the likely overturning of Roe v. Wade, and many were advised to stay quiet after Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ scorched-earth fight with Disney.
Disney’s recent tangle with DeSantis ended with him stripping the company of its special administrative zone and accompanying privileges and with Disney taking a step back from politics. CEOs then began strategizing to avoid becoming the “next Disney,” according to The Wall Street Journal, and most companies have avoided debate about the likely overturning of Roe.”
From today’s posts, not seen this reported anywhere else…
Today is a significant day. All the nazis of Azov have just left Azovstal! The first shots of tough interrogations are published here
If you have a weak mind, scroll through.”
Somehow, to somebody, this woman is a THREAT. They are outright LYING about her to smear her.
Reading this quote, please tell me how Kathy Barnette didn’t participate in the Reserves in some capacity for ten years? See the dates in bold:
“The NGB-22 shared with Kaminsky shows that Barnette served for a combined seven years and seven months in the Army National Guard of Alabama and in the U.S. Army Reserves, despite her claims that she served for 10 years. She enlisted in the Army National Guard of Alabama in September 1993 and was honorably discharged from the U.S. Army Reserves in June 2000.
The U.S. Army confirmed those dates to the Daily Caller.
“Kathy J. Barnette served in the Alabama Army National Guard from September 1993 to March 1998. Her primary military occupational specialty was 63S, Heavy-Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic, and she attained the rank of specialist. Her last unit with the ARNG was the 778th Maintenance Company, Alabama Army National Guard,” spokesperson Madison Bonzo said in a statement. “Kathy J. Barnette also served in the Army Reserve as a Human Resource Specialist (71L/42A) from 1998 to 2000.”
Neither the released records nor the Army statement referenced Barnette’s acceptance into Officer Candidate School. The NGB-22 does note that Barnette attended Administrative Specialist school for eight weeks in late 1990, and the reserves version of the Primary Leadership Development Course in 1993.”
FROM 1990 to 2000 IS TEN YEARS.
I read 1993-2000 above…Where did you get 1990?
I posted and blew up the military docs she sent POSO and they total 7 years of service. If they’re counting the school attendance in 1990 as start date, then that gets you to 10.
The school she attended in 1990. That is when her association with the military begins.
If you took a school for the military, wouldn’t that seem to you when you started? Would to me.
Wonder if it was maybe a ROTC sort of thing? That also implies a continuing relationship with the military, doesn’t it?
It could have been.
Thanks A!
Happy dance!
Just my my case/experience, mid 70’s. Recruits sign up, go to basic training, take the oath while at basic training ( that’s my memory anyway).. then shipped to specialized (MOS) training after completion of Basic. The date the recruit signs the papers and goes to Basic training is the official entry date that follows them until discharge.
I was always to understand the obligation was 6 years. In some branches the recruit may do 2 years active/4 years reserve. other combinations were available depending on the MOS and DOD requirements. It’s perfectly conceivable once MOS schooling was completed and permanently assigned to a station, full or part-time college courses were undertaken. Once those were started and the grades were good, the military would move mountains to accommodate her. Even extending enlistments in the reserves @ 2 yr increments.
There is no schooling before Basic Training.. Basic Training is the beginning.
Since we are talking about the NG here, she could have had an informal or semi official relationship with the her NG unit while waiting for a Basic Training school slot to open.
There IS a Delayed entry Program.
Take the Oath. Then either directly Active Duty. OR, Inactive Reserves until “reporting for duty”. Can be days, weeks, months until one reports.
Clarification of sorts AND I have NOT seen Barnett’s service record.
ON the date Barnett Enlisted, Barnett was in the military. Active Duty OR Inactive Reserves WAITING to go on Active Duty. The latter can be a few days, weeks or months….
Barnett apparently at some point was accepted for, Officer Candidate School (OCS).
Consider this an a real life example…
Thanks for the real-world insights & perspective!
I agree. I was married to a Marine during OCS. The process can vary, depending on circumstances.
She could not do worse than the yo- ho we have in politics s now ?
If Biden has mental capacity to be president she has more then enough to be governor
Yes I think Trump underestimated her staying power, which is needed against the Dems in November.
I think so too and she will appeal to dems who are disappointed in Biden.
Jack endorses Kathy B.
Brewer NAILS it. Oz IS a piece of shit.
“Personally” knows Barnett. Sorta like Mastreano, knows Barnett.
Bonus. Laura Ingraham actually let Brewer speak. Minimal interruptions.
Seeing more from Barnett is bringing me around. I think she can win. Also seeing all of the pandering to the left from Oz makes if very difficult to believe that he is all of a sudden Ultra MAGA.
Thanks for helping me see that!
Yea, Oz IS trash…D-Rat liberal. Can’t believe MAGA will vote for him. Trump endorsement very important, huge. BUT, voters can’t simply follow blindly. Our votes ARE to valuable.
McCormick, I think is his name, Big Money Wall Street backed. Smells of McConnell…swampish.
Barnett, best of the options I see. 100% ripped up Oz and McCormick in one or more debates. She has had a rough life AND has succeeded. Values life. Not polished, but I am OK with that. She is genuine. More of course, but I’ll quit for now.
We’ll see PA voters decision.
“Not polished”…I see that as a PLUS! We all know someone else who came along that was not polished and it turned out to be a great 4 years.
I am tired of the cookie cutter Republican.

Oh and look at my Asshoe Texas Senator, he’s there too!!!
Texas is one of the hardest hit states lacking formula!!! San Antonio, Houston, all in BIG TROUBLE, less that 40% available IF you can find it.
“They Kiss Zelenskyy’s Ass While American Babies Have No Formula” – GOP Senators Including Mitch McConnell Fly to Ukraine to Stand Against Russia — War Room Goes Off (thegatewaypundit.com)
Just shows what their priorities are. McConnell is a looser. No money no political achievement compensates for his rotten personality, void of soul and void of ethical compass. He is a looser in a human sense.
It’s odd that the establishment govt boobs keep going there . All for photo ops because in 2022 there’s nothing that can’t be accomplished electronically. All that jet fuel wasted to ferry these bums over there.
Glad to see Zelensky has upped his wardrobe to a polo shirt but still reminiscent of all the communist big dogs of the past in their iconic uniforms that there are very rarely any pictures of them not in the uniform
He does coke, has a big ego, dismisses his version of genocide, and hides suspiciously gained income. Naw, hes a “hero.”
Wait till this crisis needs a “new direction ” and he starts redevelopment. Talk about bribe money then….
On the money Gil.
We’ve been blessed to have been shaken out of ignorance about the absolute bullsh*t and lies that the Propaganda Arm MSM has been shoveling out for many decades. Also we’re lucky to have so many great researchers who look up and verify the who/what/when/where
Yep and its why theyve increased the bs to 11 and are doing more grifting.
He looks like a little bully.
Yep, a toady w fame then power.
Power hungry little twit he is.
They need to find out how to return their share of the $40 Billion and previous allocated amounts, undetected.
It’s bloody disgusting .. miserable scum criminals .. nasty sooooooooo nasty
All collectors of their payoffs. This is what blackmail will do to ya.
Totally ok w going to her house based on her comments.
Yes. Normally I wouldn’t be okay with that, but we have to fight fire with fire.
Personally, I am DONE with PC nice guy BS.
F’m All…They Are Fucking Up Our Country…INTENTIONALLY.
The original church tower and reconstructed church building:
My family went there, Williamsburg, Montecello, Yorktown, we went all over the area. It was really nice. We did the Bi-Cenntenial re-enacts around there and were in period dress when Williamsburg celebrated the “Kings” birthday with cannon fire in front of the the Governors Palace.
‘Both sons had a blast visiting this area, they loved the cannon fire and the ancient music of the Fife & Drum that marched with the regiments.
The lost colony too, Virginia Dare …
^^^ All great stuff to visit.
One of my favorites, Gettysburg. Hour or so north of DC. On US15, IIRC.
A driving tour of Gettysburg Battlefield. Numerous stops. Read the plaques, gaze out over the fields and grasp a bit, how the battle set-up and unfolded.
Oh my yeah! My family went there, it was really something to see. We took our time as places like this are treasures and the reverence that settles on you when you are there … you just get quiet. We read all the plaques
We’re there at least once a year. They have a long-standing brass band festival at the beginning of June. Nicely done, showcases the prominent bands from PA/NJ/DC areas plus many local groups. They also do taps at sunset, simultaneously from several points around the battlefield.
Always the same feeling as wowo describes
. You go silent, no matter how many times you’ve been there.
Great information. Bucket list now has Gettysburg early June.
Brass bands…:-) Taps at sunset simultaneously several points. Oh my. Gotta experience this.
Thanks for posting info.
Well, you’ll see a band that’s near and dear to me – main show Saturday afternoon.
Wish I could be there.
In time, I will visit Gettysburg again. This next one early June.
What a meaningful and fun trip!
I looked up Virginia Dare. She was the first English child born in the New World.
Yes, we walked throughout the area and stopped at the waters edge where their ship/boat landed. It was grassy I thought they must have had to struggle to get on land.
DH and I travelled to a reenactment encampment in New York State, it was summer/spring? Before kids. In the evening with the clear night sky you could see the Milky Way, it looked so close like you could reach up and touch it. Walking through the camp at night it was really something to see all the tents with candle light glowing and get a peek at some of the beds, wow they were beautiful and built to break down and pack up nicely. Gorgeous four poster one

We carried our lantern because the encampment was out in a rural area and when the sun went down it was really dark. It’s a beautiful memory.
It was very much

. We loved it.
via Bernhard @MoA today
If Ukraine Is Winning Why Is The U.S. Requesting A Ceasefire?
Yesterday the U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin called the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Sergei Shoigu.
The U.S. readout of the call says:
Austin initiated the call and the U.S. is seeking a ceasefire in Ukraine!!!
Are we not told that the Ukraine is winning the war? That it will soon push the Russian forces back over the border? The operation to ‘weaken Russia’, which Austin had publicly announced two weeks ago, does not seem to go that well.
Told ya so!
Gonzalo Lira thinks that the call points to a soon coming collapse of the Ukrainian forces. Let us hope that this is indeed the case because it seems to be the only chance that the war will end soon.
The Ukraine is losing up to 15,000 men per month to the war. The total Ukrainian casualties, dead and wounded, are likely already at 50,000. The weapons the U.S. and others provide, are not sufficient to sustain the war. The Ukraine has only 3 days reserves of diesel and gasoline left. The main parts of its forces are immobile and are getting surrounded by Russian forces. Their situation is hopeless.
The Pentagon of course knows this all and that is why Austin initiated the call and asked for a ceasefire.
The Russia side will not agree to a ceasefire. At least not unless the ‘west’ offers to take back some of the 6,400 sanction measures it has initiated against Russia.
There are recently a number of other issues that also go in favor of Russia:
Cont. reading: If Ukraine Is Winning Why Is The U.S. Requesting A Ceasefire?
What about this, they would not say Ukraine is loosing because they want the $ 40 billion to share among themselves?
Something is fishy in Denmark.
I believe there is more than $40 Billion involved.
They’ve been washing $$$ since at least 2014, perhaps earlier
Oh my wonder if it is for the New World Order? Bailing out world banks? Setting money aside for the new power center?
Bailing out MIC perhaps?
What is MIC ?
That usually stands for “Military Industrial Complex.”
online comment wrt Austin’s call:
SecDef Austin’s call for an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine is mirthlessly laughable given the 8 years of the flagrant US-aided-abetted violations of Minsk Agreements in the Donbass. Press release edited for clarity:
“On May 13, Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III, [who hasn’t bothered to communicate with] Sergey Shoigu since [ten days before Russia’s SMO began]… urged an immediate [unilateral RF] ceasefire in Ukraine, [while having temerity to emphasize] the importance of maintaining lines of communication.”.
Austin could have picked up the phone at anytime during the last two and a half months FCS! From this pointless charade it’s now abundantly clear that, unlike the White House Neocons and neo-Pravda regime media, the Pentagram, at least, knows that Ukraine is losing badly. Austin also knows Russia’s explicit terms for a ceasefire surrender. Austin’s call is proforma bullshit.
Idi Amin Austin, continues to be the POS we’ve known him to be. (Yea I know. Racist)
No, not racist… FACT…!
Ya. I forgot to insert, /s.
I read in a hurry!
Online comment:
There wouldn’t have been a Minsk Accord if the Donbass militias hadn’t trapped a boatload of Ukie soldiers back in 2014, (no doubt complete with NATO “advisors”). They were in a cauldron ready to be taken out.
Merkel went running to Putin to ask for a ceasefire to save those killers. The Minsk Accords were the bait.
How’d that work out for the people in Donetsk and Lugansk and Russia?
The US did the same thing in Syria.
You can not trust the US or NATO, should be the takeaway here.
“You can not trust the US” the fact that this is a statement that many of us would likely readily agree to is truly tragic.
If only we could always append “in the hands of traitors” to that phrase for clarification!
What was that expression Robbie Burns used in his poem
‘… if we could see ourselves as others see us’ ?
Unfortunately the rest of the world doesn’t like us veery much and appending any excuse is not going to change that, imo…
I guess I don’t equate the US w/ the traitorous leadership purportedly running things. America is more about the people who attend Trump rallies & chant FJB at sporting events than the Slithering Swamp Slimes & their demonic depredations!
Read some of the international blogs Valerie… they see us as very dumbed down, creatures of comfort and okay with the petrodollar…
& they are likely not much wrong either
exactly Valerie !
They’re trapped, wounded, and literally rotting in that Mariupol dungeon right now. Same shit.
My daughter says gas , unleaded, is $6.50 today ( Kalifornia )
Wow. I filled up yesterday for $4.07 at a station that’s usually low in the region. Closer to home it was $4.29. Horrifying! Metro Detroit, West side
Salt Lake City area. $4.45
Better than Californica at least!
That’s my cue to do a Lurch moan….
Q) The Storm Rider /Official Page
UAE President Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed dies aged 73 – CNN
https://edition.cnn.com/2022/05/13/middleeast/uae-president-dies-intl/index.htmlCNNUAE President Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan dies aged 73 Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the United Arab Emirates President whose modernization policies helped transform his country into a regional powerhouse, died on Friday aged 73, state media WAM saidviews
Q) The Storm Rider /Official Page
this DEEP STATE death is very important… In what’s happening behind the scenes<
_Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed is money laundering for Clintons and current money laundering operations of UKRAINE>AID ( US AND FOREIGN GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE to many programs projects… Including Clinton foundation $$$$$$ the money often ends up in UAE )///….
CABLES:; bin Zayed was removed and replaced through [ INFILTRATION ]>>>
Black Hat > MOLD >Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan
is a placed ACTOR////
> back story Bin Zayed is ( was) the keeper of foreign oil and several foreign aid money …. >One day after Biden calls off oil and gas leases in Alaska/gulf of Mexico bin Zayed dies.
Bin Zayed was one of the worlds richest rulers ( Forbes)… Had secret assets in shell companies across the world including BLACKROCK ( top investors names hidden from Public)….. He was Deep State agent inside the CABAL and went ROYAL Military academy in Britain and when Britain with drew governance in the region Bin Zayed was appointed leader of the UAE military and the department of defence.
Zayed hosted >World Economic Forum and gave billions to the them, .. He also help and funded NATO to over throw Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi who would not join the world banks and was killed for his gold , Gaddafi was going back to a Gold back banking system …. The CLINTONS ,DS plan with financing from Zayed and money laundering / military munitions placements through Zayed help/ KILL Gaddafi.
Inside of WikiLeaks Zayed was named and was connected to foreign military contractors and was connected to funding BLACKWATER mil. ( Cia_ Clintons CABAL Merc. Military contractors).. eventually Zayed hired BLACKWATER directly to work for UAE ( this illegal move of Clintons/ state department and UAE working with the same military contractors involved allot of shared classified information and War crimes)///
Three us intelligence and military officials have admitted to providing sophisticated computer hacking and technology to the United Arab Emirates . This spy operation from the Clinton Blackwater agency gave UAE capabilities to hack into the TRUMP computers and other world leaders.
( Fortunately WHITE hats MiL. Were watching)..
What does ask this mean?
In the CABLES; Zayed was a TURN COAT and gave up all information two years before this death to white HATS Mil
Alliance… All data, information and servers were given to White HATS Alliance….. Bin Salman of Saudi Arabia, TRUMPs personal Allie and friend spearheaded the silent operations against ZAYED in the past 3 years…. And Turned HIM .. ( TURN COAT.> Think Bush before his death)///
The new leader . Is an installed
[ INFILTRATION ] leader…. To cause chaos in black hats operations / // /
Behind the scenes…. people are dying and being killed…. Some are turn coats playing ACTORS
Have I mentioned that I dislike t’gram? /s
What we put up with.
This little tidbit thread had very good to know info. I was concerned about who would follow him because I knew he on our team after Abraham Accords made the news.
Mitch McConnell, John Barrasso, John Cornyn, Susan Collins are all reportedly in
Kiev right now, meeting with Zel.
Since when is it appropriate for members of Congress to ………………….
America… WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A Couple of posts from IntelSlava
The gas crisis is starting to bite.
Another piece of good news for Russia: Argentina Announces Participation in the XIV BRICS Summit.
Russia is the “R” in “BRICS”.
I liberated this from Marcia’s Place. The angel in the sky reminds me of the one Dep Pat posts in her open thread (Thursday?).
H/T Rodney Short
First of all, the guy is a freak. You don’t normalize that. If such people are discriminated against it’s unfortunate for them, but that is their problem to deal with. It is not equivalent to the equal rights battles of the 1950s and ’60s. Those were real, normal people. People with deviant sexual proclivities are not good for society and should not be coddled or celebrated in any way.
This dude is a PREDATOR – and it’s no wonder the police in El Salvador were brutal with him! He was surely a NASTY criminal there!
If anyone wants a good laugh and nostalgia for the old times, this list is great:
That’s a long list! “Nancy Antoinette”
Someone worth watching on Gab? Claims to be Retired SES in their bio…fyi
Patriot, Christian, conservative, retired SES, tired of the BS, yes, I cuss (get over it), #termLimits, #NoRINOs #MAGA @PatriotsofOH
Saw these in their timeline
AnUnusualAffair reposted
Major Patriot
Happening Now: TENS OF THOUSANDS of young people gathering at Arrowhead Stadium to pray for America
Much moar…
too good to be true???
more from that timeline
Accidentally clicked on this bio & this person & the SES person have the Exact Same image for their timeline banner…hmmm
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.
This one is Authored by that SES person
So HHS is looking to create an echo chamber to push more vax. That’s the only way they can eliminate the “misinformation.” Bastards.
I am the First Person to like & repost the above…hmmm, from one day ago…
BREAKING: Evidence of Biden Payments from China Support Tony Bobulinski and Show the Bidens Made Millions Swindling AmericaThe MSM, Democrats and the Biden Campaign complained in October 2020 that the Tony Bobulinski story was a lie. They wanted Americans to believe that Hunter and…The Gateway Pundit
Proof of Biden Payments from China Support Tony Bobulinski proves Biden’s Made Millions.
@LanceMigliaccio @GeorgeBalloutine @gatewaypundit
View Link Feed
calling a white supremist mass shooter..report to the event site please..need diversion !
No doubt. MK dupe implied?
Kathy Barnette in her own words, found on that former SES person’s timeline…
I entered this race 13 months ago.
Dave was still managing a Connecticut hedge fund & Mehmet was doing his show over in New Jersey.
I’ve been in this race for the PEOPLE of Pennsylvania.
They’ve vetted me. They know me.
The media refused to say my name until 5 days ago.
Wearing a 2A hat.
Do not trust her AT ALL … just sayin’
Do you trust Mehmet Oz?
FauXi, Walensky, Scarf Wench, CDC, NIH, FDA…trust Oz.
I trust PDJT …
Well, he’s made some pretty sorry personnel choices over the years, is all I can say.
Yes!!! That resembles a MAGA one too
Truth seen on Gab
An interesting perspective, also seen on that SES person’s timeline…
& this epic one! My hero!!!
LOVE Candace Owens! It seems Kathy B might be of similar mettle
DeSantis is the bomb!
Absolute AMEN.
Another fitting Q-Tree motto!
https://gab.com/emoji/1f447.svg Truth Bombhttps://gab.com/emoji/1f4a5.svg
Valerie, I need that on a t-shirt!
Yes! Hope you make that happen epically!
Mel G (allegedly) on that SES person’s timeline…
Now we know for sure. We’re all on the same page. We’re all on the same hook. Where do we go from here?
Did the wench say public resources? They are our resources we earn and earned and she is living of us. These people think we are their serves.
Gosh this sounds like what I learned in history lesson about European history where people worked for Barons and kings.
Pelosi should thank her lucky stars we pay tax if we all go on strike then she has to use her own money.
No doubt!
“her own money”…
Which, for the most part, was stolen from us…
I don’t think Tipsy Nantoinette quite understands what “PUBLIC” means… Indeed, she would neither know nor understand the Gettysburg Address and the concept of a Constitutional Republic were it to fall on her.
“A Government OF the People, BY the People, and FOR the People…” is a concept and a practice and a Constitutional Truth completely foreign to her…..
I think you are right
I am not sure about the drinking of blood and eating flesh because that is so horrific. I cannot believe there are civilized people like that unless wealth turns a person to a barberic monster.
I honestly don’t know for sure. The “frazzledrip” info from Weiner’s laptop, if true, appears to implicate Hildabeast (& Huma?) in some of that activity, iirc.
Nick Danger, aka Wiener’s laptop probably has even more “juicy” infos on it…..
Matthew 10:26-28 says:
26 Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.
27 What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops.
28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
Yes. & most of the NYC cops that handled the laptop are conveniently dead–“suicided” I believe. Nothing to see here clearly!
Absolutely. Everything tainted by the Clintoons is some type of death trap for those that might attempt to hold them accountable!
I’ve seen enough to make me believe that some do it. I don’t think it’s wealth that turns people into monsters, though the love of wealth might. I think it’s not only godlessness that does it, but also the will to fight everything that is spiritually good and true.
Here is Marina Abramovic at an art show in 2013. That’s Lady Gaga tasting the fake blood that came off the (fake) naked body. If they go this far in public, I have no doubt they do much worse in private. Q said some will not be able to know everything because they won’t be able to take it.
They are sick
And perverted and evil.
Yes that is what nightmares are made off.
Nice reminder of who Oz packed around with for years.
Yes. This Trump endorsement appears to be a real stinker!
IMO Trump may have been misled about her potential.
I wonder. He is human, so has Feet of Clay, as do we all. He still may have people actively working against him in his inner circle or there May be some Spockian level chess going on…time May tell!
You would be surprised…
The strange, Satanic practices mentioned in the Harry Potter series, for instance, are not far from real life, and the spells contained therein are dangerously close to REAL WORKING SPELLS!!!!!
(cf cuttingedge.org and crossroad.to) This was explained in depth by a former Satanic Black Magick Illuminised Witch (same “order” as HELL-the-BEAST and BeezleBubba; the former outranking Bill, and being one of the highest-ranking, if not THE highest-ranking in the world).
Look up the old earth religions, the Norse and Druid sacrifices, the “original burning man”, and maybe some of Pike’s writings on the occult (be sure to be grounded in prayer beforehand). Drinking blood is the least of what they do… and, as that Dutch Financier related, child sacrifices DO HAPPEN at meetings…
I think most people don’t realize just how dark KlauSS SSchwab, Satan Sauros, BillyGhoul Gates, and the WEFfenSS are. When people like that have lost their moral compass, having a conscience seared (away) by the Devil, there’s no limit to what they will try, and no remorse or regret for having tried it, successfully or not…..
Forgot to mention that the former VERY high-ranking witch is now a Born-Again Christian, living under a new identity, and serving GOD, having been redeemed and SAVED by the blood of JESUS…
Praise the Lord. What an asset for our side & amazing testimony of how God can save Anybody who turns to Him!!!
I believe it that the cabal is dark and mentally disturbed.
That Adrenochrome thing about pain sounds like what the Moslems aim for with their “Halal” method of killing animals. They think that if an animal dies in pain, in particular, in excruciating pain, it tastes better.
Just think of that.
“It tastes batter…..”…..
Just like their father, the Devil…..
Wow. I don’t know about Halal killing. Just thought it was throat slitting to quickly drain blood as scripture says to not eat meat with the blood in it. Very creepy!
There was a HUGE hue and cry over here, as our new “guests”, aka Fachkräfte or refauxgees are pressuring many meat processors to “go Halal or else” despite the Moslems being the Mohammedan tail wagging the German dog…
Further to that, the extreme Vegan farming process/ritual known as Demeter or bio-dynamic farming, invented by Satanist Rudolf Steiner (also founder of the Waldorf Schools) involves “pendeln” or dedicating the land/seeds/growth to Satan in the process of burying bones and crystals (and other things, e.g. animal blood) in the soil to make it “dynamic”…
So, on the one side we have the Moslems and their seventh-century practices, and on the other, we have the Greens and their Satanic/NewAge practices…
Also, the Moslems will often try to conflate their painbutchering practices with Kosher; they are NOT at all the same. And they are not the same as far as whom the animals are dedicated. In Halal, Allah/Satan; in Kosher, GOD (or G_D as they put it, i.e. YHWH)…
Wow Thanks for that info!
This is tragic, and I’m not making light of it, but could it get any more stereotypical? White antisemitic racist in military gear, with a manifesto, opens fire in a BIPOC (had to look it up — Black Indigenous People of Color) grocery store. At least nine shot, several dead.
Kathy Hochel’s hometown….
I figured that there was a strong chance of a false flag this weekend with 1) contentious PA Senate race, and 2) full moon lunar eclipse (Satanists love using eclipses for rituals). Buffalo is close enough to Northwest PA—targeted as a swing area in the race—that PA is probably going to get bombarded with this psy-op. I give it until 9 pm EST before the corporate media ties Trump’s endorsement of Mastriano to this.
3) Slides the baby formula shortage out of the news, although they can’t easily hide that one since the empty shelves remind Americans every time they go to the store.
AND he got his racist ideas from 4Chan.
Just bored with covid lockdown, browsing 4Chan. This reeks of desperation.
Of course. Can some mention of Q be far behind?
How many in here and other places called this….a lot. They’re predictable and evil
This kid is quoting the 1000 Genomes Project.
(He’s a Broome Community College student…probably lives at home.)
This link has an embedded link to his alleged manifesto. Pg.1 has a symbol that has been reportedly linked to the Azov battalion?!?
Convenient how they immediately have all the information on this guy, and the manifesto. What 18-year old writes like that? And posts the mass shooting checklist online? The only thing missing is a MAGA hat. I don’t buy this for a second. Kid is controlled.
!00% agree
Very strange. Affluent family, oldest child. “Shocked” parents are engineers that work for NYS DoT, Binghamton office. Conklin is outskirts of Binghamton, NY.
Kid is a Susquehanna Valley graduate, not Binghamton High, which is more urban.
What 18 yr kid has a head full of this type of political ideology?
Where did his parents get their degrees? I’m betting he’s 2nd-gen MK.
Very interesting. It’s incomprehensible the level of planning & duplicity of the Decepticons & Deep State…
Father: Rutgers
When this kid was 5ish (April 2009), there was a mass shooting at the American Civic Association in Binghamton. This is not far from his parents office building (assuming that they work at the state office building in Binghamton).
That shooting is interesting from an MK standpoint, too.
Targeted immigrants, a Jewish teacher.
Yes. Even an introverted intelligent 18 yo does not have this in him. Lots of direct influence and control.
Yup. Exactly. And it has been working at levels that would SHOCK even “conspiracy theorists” since the late 70’s / early 80’s.
Sounds like fodder for another Wolf Post.
Your first MK post years ago was Very mind blowing to me!
I don’t even know what they have now, but I know that the drugs have advanced quite a bit.
If you decided to dive in it would be Very Interesting what you’d uncover & expose to the Sanitizing Sunlight!
Connor Betts and his sister were almost certainly MK jobs. The parents were DARPA, too. Plenty written about that in posts and comments back then.
Was that the guy that there was an image of him behind a guy in “battle fatigues” approaching the mall that got shot up (by the pros? mostly)? Can’t keep all the psychos straight!
That was part of the same double incident. You’re thinking of El Paso (I forgot the kid’s name) – followed almost immediately by Dayton, which was Connor Betts.
OK thanks–got close, which doesn’t count except in horseshoes & hand grenades!
Note mention of El Paso shooting.
Maybe even to supposedly protect against some *cough* viruses???
Or, now coming to a synthetic baby formula…..
(Probably shouldn’t give them ideas, but, on the other hand, they’re probably working on those and more)….
Kash Patel / @Kash 05/14/2022 16:35:05
ID: Not Available
Truth Social: 108302205317991247
If you are as disgusted with those Republican Senators going on a weekend getaway to Ukraine as I am, then I recommend contacting their offices regardless of whether you live in their state or not. Write a short message like, “Your top concern should be Americans who can’t even find food for their babies, not Ukraine,” copy-and-paste, and send it to them. Takes less than 10 minutes.
Mitch McConnell
John Barrasso
Susan Collins
John Cornyn
Awesome TRUTH Bomb, Boss!!!
It’s all in the open. Finland’s prime minister Sanna Marin is a WEF “Young Global Leader”.
BOOM! There you go! WEF vs. Russia.
Online comment:
This also proves the utter scam that the $50Bn+ “aid” packages amount to. The Pentagon and by extension the Demonrats and Rethuglicans all know that Ukraine cannot win.
Glenn Greenwald yesterday texted members of Congress including “the Squad” and received a reply from only one of them; that reply was comical.
Hence, the US Congress has decided to bail out the US weapons and military contracting community which was suffering from the same market collapse as the majority of the rest of the economy. The whole thing is a big scam on the American people designed to enrich a few billionaires and their employees. War is a racket. Every war is a banker’s war.
Wonder if Trump is going to have a rally in PA.
He just did, for Oz, in the rain, a week ago.
Oh. I already forgot that one.
Yep… There are two things about getting older…
The first is, you lose your memory…
The second….
Now what was I saying?
(Have to be careful, don’t want to sound like Bye,Dung…)….
The Buffalo shooter’s name—Payton Gendron—follows the same “field” or “land” naming convention that is used in mass shootings and/or psy-ops aimed at destabilizing the US.
Gendron = Green Hill (Old English)
Payton = Two variations
1) “Fighting Man’s Estate” (Old English)
2) Variation of Patrick (patrician, noble)
The capitalized names are ones related to “field,” “farming,” or “land.”
* James FIELDS
* Stephen PADDOCK
* Connor BETTS
* GEORGE Floyd
* ASHLI Babbitt
18 yr old so hes pr8bably a nut influenced by fibbies in some way to go kill a bunch of black people so we have riots over summer and distractions from bite me and the elections.
F’ers are predictable for years.
A mentally unstable jerk. All those who shoot people are unstable jerks if they are black brown or white make no difference. Jerk is a jerk.
Wonder if they all do drugs or have been on drugs since school. There reality seems out of whack.
Yep. I want some background and the picture will be much clearer.
Something is not right rage like that against a group of people is not normal.
No, and the whole idea he qas influenced by 4chan et al is a set up.
Part of his manifesto, his gun, etc is here.
Certain meds given by shrinks for personality control also can give hallucinations. Columbine killers were on heavy psychotropic drugs.
Another problem with these drugs is that they can assist in attaining non-recalled conscious states (“lost time”). They’re part of the formula for drugged hypnotic programming.
So ALL of Hunter’s e-mails are now out there for the viewing. Something had to commandeer the news cycle to cover for that.
Screenshots of search engine results for “how to make baby formula.” Brave is more censored than I thought. I don’t know why there are swastikas all over this other than the original meme-maker was making a hamfisted point about censorship.
For those on telegram that follow IntelSlava Z – they have posted info about the Buffalo shooter. On one of the pages of his “manifesto” he uses the Black Sun logo (in white/same logo) which is used by the Nazi Azov Battalion. Sometimes it’s shown in black, this image is the shield. Shooter uses the white sun.
I’ll pass on that, link?
Perhaps something burped, not in a good way.
I don’t put links anymore, because so few people are on TG. The ones that are know how to access.
So if this black sun logo is indeed part of his comms, essentially it would not be unfair to say that this shooter was influenced by Azov in Ukraine. Should get ahold of Mitch, Collins, Brasso and that jerk from Texas Cornyn and ask them what they think about that, if they think Azov is racist and hates blacks. Then we can do the Biden gang.
Oops looks like Liberty Daily is laying out the ground work for just that.
Buffalo Shooter References Ukrainian Azov Battalion Nazi Symbols, Hated Those Opposing US Involvement in Ukraine Conflict
Seeing as he’s a “current thing” ultra-adopter, it’s very clear that this person is easily manipulated mentally. Ukraine is basically an MK mass psy-op.
Sure as hell is fooling lots people. Shocked so many don’t see their way through it.
One of those pics reminds me of El Paso.
Exactly. Same story as then. There was some big thing that was a risk to FIB and Cankles. Blown from the news cycle. As Q said.
We’re learning. Double the attacks on Durham, laptop, inflation, food shortages, and most of all 2000 Mules and media malfeasance, both in commission and cover-up!
From comments at CTH post on the shooting – Shooter had violent ideations – and had threatened to shoot students at his high school graduation last year – this was called to attention of school, parents, law enforcement.
Where did he get all that equipment and ammo?
Long thread:
Brenton Tarrant is mentioned in the manifesto as an influence.
Do we know with certainty that the manifesto is genuine?
It’s that he’s shining the Azov nazi symbol – and we’re all in with sending them billions.
Extremely good catch !
Thank you for this, sent to Reps on Gettr.
Here’s the IntelSlava Z link, if anyone’s interested.
Most of the Intelslava links like this work just fine.
That’s so very convenient. White racist killing blacks . When is the 1st riot protest with looting ? When will POTATUS go and kneel at the site
Wonder if FBI informant is behind this? Something triggered this kid.
Since government snoopers in our Internet it is shure to say he was known to the FBI.
Not an iota of doubt in my mind
We might never find out for sure but then not much keeps hidden.
Yep. Summer riot season.
Super cooled telescope to 6K?! I had to convert that to F. That is about -448F!!! Talk about brain freeze!
Dunno if this will work…
[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/106/557/520/original/10d60a97a577769e.mp4" /]
No words….
The son seems indoctrinated by the mother and is standing up for her. I guess that’s to be expected, given her influence over him and since he’s at the rally with her. I want nothing to do with people like that. Praying for them is as close as I want to get.
It’s also as close as you need to be. Praying is not subject to linear measurements.
The kid likely has been at the mercy of her rage and probably been told the tale many times that he was nearly yanked from limb to limb out of her womb…excuse me…aborted…and then made to feel some bassackwards form of gratitude that she let him live. Can we all say passive aggressive to the maximum degree?
I could do a fair impersonation of a passive/aggressive nut case on her with Sylvia’s shovel. Call my office and leave a message.
[for the extremely dense]
is there a sign up list for people who need the shovel therapy, leave space on voice mail
mental and violent
Sometimes i almost wish for the old days where I would probably never have seen this kind of insanity. Now it’s strange knowing that there are a lot of these lunatics in society
As posted a week or so ago, MeThinks, we initially identified the wrong, Dark Winter.
THE DARK WINTER, is the winter just ahead.
BRICS IS flexing its muscles…
India Reverses Prior Position and Will Now Block Further Wheat Exports, Triggering G7 Concerns
In April India said it was hoping to expand its wheat exports from 7 million tons to 10 million. However, as precarious winter wheat harvests reflect lower outputs, they are reversing position and will now block any wheat exports in order to ensure their own supply.
Bottom line —
1 We patriots will already be well on our way to forming tribes;
2 Those tribes will set up bartering standards;
3 We will keep up the pretense of being in the system, i.e., hold jobs, collect unemployment benefits, collect SSA/SSI, use SNAP cards, bitch to our legis-critters, etc.
Muzzies are “mostly” peaceful. /s
YT video will likely disappear soon.
Christian Nigerian Woman Stoned to Death, Set on Fire by Muslim Classmates For Insulting Their ‘Prophet’ Mohammed
This beautiful young lady is Safe in the arms of Jesus now!
No matter how much I respect the saints and martyrs, I’d prefer to die quietly in bed, surrounded by loved ones.
Then, again, it isn’t out of the question that I’ll be trying to figure out which one poisoned me.
Yikes! I agree about peaceful, loving death.
It seems that Stephen, the first Christian martyr, was given peace in the midst of his brutal stoning death, per scripture. The book, Jesus Freaks, that accompanied or was a companion to the album/CD of that name by DC Talk, gives many examples of horrible deaths of the saints in history & how they were given comfort, peace, & strength to go to their unjust deaths in horrifically glorious ways…