Did someone say weekend?

Tequila Sunrise
1 1/2 ounces tequila
3/4 cup orange juice
3/4 ounce grenadine syrup
Orange slice, for garnish
High-quality maraschino cherry, such as Luxardo, for garnish
- In a highball glass filled with ice, pour in the tequila and orange juice. Slowly pour the grenadine into the glass over the back of a spoon or by drizzling it down the side of the glass, allowing it to settle at the bottom. Garnish with an orange slice and maraschino cherry.
Okay, this week:
- On Thursday, the Senate voted to pass the $40 Billion Ukraine Aid bill during a baby formula shortage. Senator Rand Paul and ten others voted against it.
- The Biden Administration’s Ministry of Truth is on hiatus after the woman tapped to head the board decided to resign after her past came back to haunt her.
- As of this writing, Dr. Oz is still ahead in the Pennsylvania senate primary. Without the election system fixed, this week’s primaries saw a mix of wins and losses for President Trump.
- Elon Musk continues to send arrows at Twitter. This time, he wants to know the percentage of bots operating on the platform, and the powers that be at Twitter aren’t saying.
- Democratic witnesses testifying before Congress claim that men can get pregnant and abortion at any time is just fine.
- The United States reopened the embassy in Ukraine.
- Gasoline prices set a record high while the sock puppet in the White House suspended drilling leases on federal lands.
- President Trump is said to be writing a new book called, The Crime of the Century.
Of course, there’s a lot more. For a good list of headlines, please see Liz Sheild at American Greatness.
Sundance makes an observation about the censorship issues:
Immediately after the executive meeting with employees, and perhaps in a proactive effort to control any content changes to the platform, the executives then announced a new internal “crisis misinformation” team {LINK}. Essentially new rules that will give Twitter censors new tools and justifications to block and control content.
[TWITTER] – […] During moments of crisis, establishing whether something is true or false can be exceptionally challenging. To determine whether claims are misleading, we require verification from multiple credible, publicly available sources, including evidence from conflict monitoring groups, humanitarian organizations, open-source investigators, journalists, and more.
Conversation moves quickly during periods of crisis, and content from accounts with wide reach are most likely to rack up views and engagement. To reduce potential harm, as soon as we have evidence that a claim may be misleading, we won’t amplify or recommend content that is covered by this policy across Twitter – including in the Home timeline, Search, and Explore. In addition, we will prioritize adding warning notices to highly visible Tweets and Tweets from high profile accounts, such as state-affiliated media accounts, verified, official government accounts.
[…] People on Twitter will be required to click through the warning notice to view the Tweet, and the content won’t be amplified or recommended across the service. In addition, Likes, Retweets, and Shares will be disabled.
[…] Content moderation is more than just leaving up or taking down content, and we’ve expanded the range of actions we may take to ensure they’re proportionate to the severity of the potential harm. We’ve found that not amplifying or recommending certain content, adding context through labels, and in severe cases, disabling engagement with the Tweets, are effective ways to mitigate harm. (read more)
This new approach toward information control at Twitter comes a day after the Dept of Homeland Security (DHS) said they were pausing the “DHS Disinformation Governance Bureau,” and appears to be a private sector effort by the social media platform to maintain the same purpose.
Put together the two actions by the company appear to be: (1) force Elon Musk into a position of purchasing the company at the previously agreed price regardless of the fraud that may be represented in the company financials; and (2) in case Musk goes ahead anyway, put systems in place to block any attempt to restructure the platform.
While this is only one company amid several; this is a battle inside the social media sphere that highlights just how extreme the control mechanisms are, and the entrenched position of Big Tech to avoid any challenge to their stranglehold on information content.
Bottom line is the people controlling big tech do not want the rest of us thinking for ourselves.
Leftist media want to convince you that you’re obsessed with ‘replacement theory’
Do you find it extraordinarily odd that one extremist side of the political spectrum has been driven to distraction with one topic of discussion? Has everyone taken notice that just one far end of the spectrum can’t stop its fixation with this subject matter?
These are some of the more disturbing examples that show the anti-liberty left has lost the plot:
- We Can Replace Them (New York Times)
- ‘Replacement’ conspiracies driving gunmen creep into mainstream politics (CNN)
- Buffalo shooting pushes ‘great replacement theory’ into national spotlight (The Hill)
- What is ‘The Great Replacement Theory?’ Where did it come from? (Associated Press)
- Buffalo killings put focus on ‘replacement theory’ that shooter allegedly embraced (Times Union)
- Who’s Mainstreaming The ‘Great Replacement’ Theory? (Talking Points Memo)
- Dems turn focus to racist ‘replacement theory’ post-Buffalo shooting (Politico)
- How ‘replacement theory’ became prominent in mainstream US politics (ABC News)
That should be enough to make the point. Anti-liberty leftists and the nation’s socialist media (but we repeat ourselves) have positively gone off the rails in projecting this. You shouldn’t be surprised, since the Buffalo chumbucket (following the example of the Zelman Partisans) also was obsessed with this issue.
For the pro-freedom right, this is a nonexistent talking point, contrasted with the liberticidal left that can’t stop talking about it. We aren’t saying much about this, but that doesn’t stop the anti-liberty left from lying and claiming we are. Even if you haven’t used that particular word, it has a bunch of synonyms that mean the same thing, and failing that, you’ve no doubt used all the letters in “that” word.
Or challenging narratives.
Or proving conspiracy theories true.
What is interesting in that is the number of people who were looking forward to sparing with the Ministry of Truth being disappointed. Bioclandestine had this to say:
Well that didn’t take long. I was kind of looking forward to seeing what challenges they presented to disrupt the spread of information. I was looking forward to the opportunity to prove that We the People would just adapt and outmaneuver them, again.
I should be elated due to their incompetence, but I’m not. In fact, I’m insulted. Billions at their disposal, and this is the best they could muster? The Dems thought they could stop us with a crazy-eyed theater kid… Pathetic.
Their plan was a colossal failure. They accomplished nothing, and managed to severely expose themselves in the process. All the Biden admin did was admit they are Orwellian, Unconstitutional, and Fascist. Which amplified their own malfeasance, helped spread truth and awareness more, and now are stuck with egg on their faces.
And it’s not just us, either.
The thing about the replacement theory, while it has nothing to do with mass shootings, it is an actual thing:
What Great Replacement? Oh, That One!
In an exercise in guilt by nonassociation, Associated Press reporter David Bauder explains in what pretends to be a balanced news story that there is widespread, “right-wing” hate behind the Buffalo shooting. This misfortune, he says, is related to Joe Biden’s decision to open the southern U.S. border to those who may wish to join us in this country. Lots of unkind Americans have questioned allowing millions of illegal aliens to enter the United States and providing them with de facto amnesty, together with government-financed transportation to the interior of the country. Tens of millions of Americans, apparently quite irrationally, view these steps as an attempt to create a permanent Democratic electoral majority.
For Bauder, such speculation is evidence of widespread bigotry, and he cites Mark Pitcavage of the Anti-Defamation League Center on Extremism about a “mainstream view,” which “baselessly suggests that Democrats are encouraging immigration from Latin America so that like-minded potential voters replace ‘traditional’ Americans.”
Many of those who hold such apparently baseless suspicions also adhere to a “great replacement conspiracy theory,” which argues a concerted effort is underway by American elites to use immigration to replace a predominantly white population with a nonwhite one. The chant by Charlottesville demonstrators in 2017 that white Americans would not be replaced was only the tip of a racist iceberg; and Bauder and Pitcavage link this war against being “replaced” to among others Fox News host Tucker Carlson and U.S. Representative Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.). Both have accused Biden and the Democrats of using illegal immigration to establish a permanent Democratic majority. Stefanik, although depicted as a very centrist Republican, delivered a supposedly frightening tirade last year about how “radical Democrats” were engaged in a “permanent election insurrection” by granting amnesty to undocumented immigrants. Bauder and Pitcavage associate such rhetoric not only with the Buffalo shooting but also with white racist violence in Norway, New Zealand, and the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting in 2018.
Equally dangerous, it would seem, was the book Le Grand Remplacement published by the gay French deconstructionist Renaud Camus in 2011. According to Camus, “Europe was being invaded by Black and brown immigrants from Africa;” and this was creating a cultural and political crisis. Camus, whom we are led to believe published something comparable to the pro-Nazi Turner Diaries, allegedly provided a theoretical foundation for the recent disturbing manifestations of white supremacy ideology that Bauder and Pittcavage see all around us.
Except for the following facts, that Camus published Le Grand Remplacement, that Stefanik did warn (and quite properly so) against the use of illegal immigration as a Democratic electoral tool, and that the Buffalo killer hated blacks, there is nothing in Bauder’s partisan propaganda that is even vaguely true.
Americans have every right to be steamed over the cynical use of borders kept open to create a permanent Democratic majority. Among the prices being paid for this outrageous, unconstitutional action are the flooding of our country with fentanyl (much of it originating in China) and Central American criminal gangs. The attempt of Biden and his administration and their media drones to link these justified complaints to psychopathic mass murderers (mind you, only the white racist not the black racist ones) has left me livid with rage….
The author of that piece goes on to say that blaming all the shootings on anger concerning replacement theory was part of a strategic plan put in place in June 2021.
There are no coincidences, and they think we are stupid.
Our own JW in Germany posted something yesterday worth repeating about Elon Musk and the Twitter purchase:
The bombshell that Revolver dropped yesterday caused a shockwave heard round the cabal world! Did you hear about the Ministry of Truth Czar Nina Jankowics suddenly got cold feet yesterday and the WH had to put the program “on hold”?
So how does that connect to Elon buying Twitter? Because Nina has a history with disinformation that has come around to bite her in the ass. She participated in a secret NATO funded (US taxpayer) cabal to subvert Western democracies using disinformation as cover…under the guise of fighting “Russian disinformation”. Where have we heard that before?
Guess what favorite tool was used to manipulate the population in countries like Spain…to influence them to vote for the cabal’s selected puppet?
If you answered Twitter…DING! DING! DING! you are absolutely correct!
How? If normal citizens of a country are the vast majority (95%) users…then the tweets should mirror the vibe of the country at least to some reasonable extent. How can you manipulate an election like that? EXACTLY! YOU CANNOT!!!
The cabal had tweet centers full of computers and an army paid professional bots with multiple accounts each and combined with algorithms to suppress unwanted info and highlight the desired narrative to a point that they could sway public opinion enough to successfully demonize politicians and officials that they do not control…then install their selected puppets.
The organization started up in 2015…then ran like cockroaches and closed shop a couple years later when documents were leaked exposing their dirty deeds. Shows us how corrupt the entire Western media is. Never heard about it did you?
Fast forward to just a month or two ago, Elon Musk wakes up one morning and says,”Hmmm, I am a Free Speech absolutist and I am gonna buy Twitter for $44 billion without asking them about the most valuable part of the company…the users that attract advertisers. Because I do not care about the financial…I care about Free Speech!”
That is the gist of it. Does that sound like a businessman who happens to be the richest man in the world? EXACTLY! Of course not. A typical businessman would want to know every single detail down to the cracks in the floor before doling out $44 BILLION.
Connecting the dots yet?
Why did Musk not ask about the user accounts and bots BEFORE the bid? Because he already knew!
This was a setup folks!
Did you know that Musk is the Department of Defense’s biggest contractor? Neither did I until Kash Patel casually dropped that nuke on the Gutfeld Show a few weeks back. The hair standing up on your arms yet? Well, I have hairy arms. Ewww sounding like FJB.
So if Musk knew that Twitter was lying about the % of bots…then why make the offer? To rope-a-dope Twitter expose them and buy the company at a lower price? Maybe.
But what if this exposes MUCH MORE than that?
Musk makes the offer and meets very unusual resistance considering the offer making the stock-holders much money. The WH creates a Ministry of Truth and brings in the singing Disinformation Czar Nina Jankowics to censor disinformation for our own protection…Free Speech is dangerous ya know!
So what? Right? Just another weird Swamp Critter. Right? WRONG!
How did Revolver News scoop this story? Secret documents were leaked to them about the disinformation cabal subverting Western democracies.
Guess who’s name pops up in the documents??? You already know. BOOM!!!!! The Singing Disinformation Czar Nina J!!!
The cabal needs to block the purchase of Twitter any way they can because Twitter’s value to them is not financial…it is their bullhorn! Just like Trump blindsided them…they never saw Musk coming!
I absolutely believe that this is a military op to expose the corruption from behind the scenes using a civilian celebrity figure (we have seen that before) to draw the world’s attention without the optics of a military coup!
Follow Musk’s tweets. A couple days ago “Sunlight is the best disinfectant.” YA THINK?! I get goose bumps just thinking about this!
Musk has purposely drawn the attention to himself and with his tweets giving us step-by-step instructions in REAL-TIME on how the cabal destroys its enemies…THIS TIME…in broad daylight!
Does anybody think he is risking this all on his own against such a dangerous organization? Musk even tweeted “If I die of mysterious causes. Nice to know ya!” (paraphrasing in context)
Musk knew everything before he made the bid.
What are the chances that Musk makes a blind offer they cannot publicly refuse without serious trouble with stock-holders…then in warp speed panic the WH cabal scrapes together a counter with a Ministry of Truth lead by none other than a professional disinformation operative working for a secret organization…using none other than Twitter and fake bot propaganda accounts?
All by chance??? You better not say yes.
Remember Musk is the DoD’s biggest contractor. That is right, I’ll say it…3D FRIGGIN’ CHESS!
The cabal is absolutely freaking out…bet on it!!!
If JW is right, the whole Twitter takeover may well have been part of THE PLAN from the beginning. We don’t know what we don’t know in that regard.
In pandemic stuff that just might include the monkeypox bug that’s suddenly popped up:
Re THE BIG CLUB, okay the emasculated Republicans who need to eat more red meat:
The PC Direction of the GOP – Contrary to Democratic hysteria, it is only getting more liberal.
The Democrats are forever claiming that the GOP is reverting to a troglodyte past, that they have never seen a “more conservative” party, and so forth. This is all nonsense. The GOP gets more liberal with each passing year. Today’s “conservatism” is little more than a conservation of post-1960s liberalism. As evident in the attacks on Barnette, which came not just from the usual RINOs but also from supposed “conservative Republicans,” the GOP now reaffirms liberalism’s fatuous definitions of bigotry and view of a Judeo-Christian America as inherently indefensible. If liberals had a little more perspective, they would gloat over this development and rejoice at the sight of Sean Hannity and Mark Levin making their arguments for them.
Liberalism has little to fear from a GOP that champions supporters of gay marriage while declaring opponents of it “unelectable.” In the end, the GOP is perfectly comfortable with a de-Christianized America, quibbling not over the substance of liberalism but over the speed of its enactment. The squabbles between Democrats and Republicans grow increasingly trivial. They don’t turn on any deep philosophical disagreements but upon differing prudential judgments. If the burning issue of the day is “Should the teaching of immoral sex education start in high school or elementary school?”, conservatism has already lost.
The GOP’s alleged “culture war” amounts to very little. It is just a delayed and weak response to the most insane cultural conquests of the Left. But it leaves untouched most of liberalism’s gains. Any Republican, no matter how socially liberal, can pose as a sensible defender of “parental rights” next to his mindless and reckless Democratic counterparts. But this is just cynical and opportunistic posturing. Were it not an election year, the PC leadership of the GOP wouldn’t care one whit about the LGBTQ movement’s encroachment upon public schools. Before that issue caught fire, Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel was sending out tweets in praise of “LGBTQ Americans.” So the GOP isn’t even opposed to transgenderism in principle. It just balks at a few of its excesses involving children and athletes because doing so makes for good politics at the moment.
Thanks to the sheer madness of the Democrats, the GOP will enjoy great success this year, even as it grows more philosophically lazy and compromised. Such a GOP will never solve America’s most fundamental problems or arrest its transformation into a secularist dystopia. That would require the recovery of a principled conservatism rooted in the natural moral law. But there’s simply no interest in that anymore in the GOP. At best, it is committed to the kind of superficial and contradictory “conservatism” of a David McCormick, who can sign a gay marriage legal brief at one moment, then call Dr. Oz a “Hollywood liberal” in the next.
More on the cultural aspects of leftist politics in this piece:
If the American Empire Falls, Will the Republic Rise?
If you’re feeling surrounded, don’t. There are many more of us than them. The unbelievable major serial failures of the Biden administration (who bats zero?) are waking up a broader slice of the public — waking them up through mounting costs (inflation and energy), uncertainties (crime and the border), and flagrant attempts in schools to sexually debauch our kids (Biden’s handlers support this effort), among other wanton offenses.
The progressive worldview, as translated through governance and cultural dictates, is collapsing. Progressivism is daily revealing itself as, yes, power-hungry, incompetent, ineffective, but also dark. The end of empire isn’t likely to finish with a whimper. It’ll be calamitous, confrontational, and just plain nasty. The elites won’t go gentle into that good night. They’ve far too much riding on outcomes.
Let’s see…memes…..

And now for the business portion of the post borrowed from Tuesday:
Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
And Auntie DePat’s requests:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
JOHN 15:12-17
12“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. 13Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. 14You are my friends if you do what I command you. 15No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you. 16You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide; so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you. 17This I command you, to love one another.
Reason number 563 to carry Holy Water and exorcized salt.
Have a great weekend.
Alright, I forced it to be published, but I’m ticked from something else that has nothing to do with politics, and am anxious to get the show on the road.
The Greatest Show on Earth!
I wouldn’t go that far. Trapeze fliers are not part of the problem.
I like the MAGA lions.
Outta Da Way! Outta Da Way!!!
Pissed Soprano Comin’ Through!
Do NOT get in the way of my high notes.
Tonight, the commander on the organ bench was PISSING ME OFF.
Would it help you to tell us more about it, or would you rather hear about tropical fish?
“Would you rather hear more of my fish stories?”
Bringing this over from yesterday, about Dr. Oz:
On Bannon’s War Room, John Fredericks says Dr. Oz will win, according to the math. With 99% of the votes counted, Oz leads by 1197 votes.
Mail-out ballots postmarked by May 17 haven’t been counted yet. They are breaking even or going to Oz. The earliest mail-in ballots were sent before PDJT endorsed Oz and went for McCormick, but the latter batches that haven’t been counted yet were sent after the endorsement.
900 election day votes are still out in PA. One batch of PA votes came in today, with 200 votes. Of those, Oz got 105 and McCormick got 29. So Oz will probably get an additional 300 votes.
About 7,000 outstanding election day votes in Allegheny County, a McCormick stronghold, haven’t been counted. If the trends hold, McCormick might get 400 or so more votes. Fredericks says there is no path for victory for McCormick and that Oz should win with 900-1000 votes.
He says there will be a recount, but that those almost never change things. He speaks with confidence. I hope he’s right.
If Oz wins, then the donkeys will beat him to death with clips of his own face saying leftist things. I earlier opined that I thought the dem steal scheme would push Barnette over the top considering her to be the weakest opponent.
That didn’t happen for Barnette but it is happening for Oz. Why are the dems stealing the election for Oz? Because he’s the weakest candidate, not Barnette.
This seat will go to the donkey party. Oz will get destroyed in the general, about 60-40.
To a guy who just had a stroke.
AGREE – Americans are hungering and thirsting to vote for RIGHTEOUS Bible-congruent, Constructive, Economically sound/sane POLICIES – not personalities and promises.
OZ seems to succumb to every leftist low-life theory, ideological and economical scam and scheme – he would likely be another Romney and McCain in DC.
Maybe our girl Barnette, like the young lady from Baltimore, wasn’t ready for the rough big time, but she’s got INTEGRITY AND COURAGE – and would stand up for Righteous Policies – I sure like her.
She’s not quite as tough and brazen as MTG, but more so than Elise Stefanik…
Wonder when Candace Owens is going to run for some office?
Barnette will be back AND do well.
IF Candace decides to run, she’ll be the D-Rat’s worst nightmare AND shred her opponent.
She was supported by the Club for Growth I heard.
She was. Red herring, IMO.
Does NOT equal Barnett supporting Club for Growth. She did NOT, in a couple interviews it was raised with her. NOTHING beyond an acknowledgement. NBFD, IMO.
Good to know. I am not into the OZ camp do not know enough of him never watched his shows do not do TV. I am fairly ignorant when it comes to OZ or Pennsylvania politics. It is what it is and trust Trump to do the right thing.
As do I, trust Trump.
I could never vote for Oz. Simply can’t stand the thought of another Mittens, MStain, Collins…
Likely I’d write in Barnett.
Yes I know thank god I did not have to make the choice.
If there was ever a more Delecto traitoresque type it would be Oz. There wasn’t one thing beyond DJT’s support that he said or that anyone said he said ..nothing at all that gave any validity that he would be a good candidate
Truly baffling.
Better to fight the good fight.
Candace is 8 months pregnant, it may be awhile.
Was Barnett not supported by the Koch brother organization The club for growth ?
She was the splitter and i go with whoever posted yesterday ” that she was encouraged to run”.
I see much more I see that the rinos McConnell types do not want OZ to win because Trump endorsed him.
I am happy we can agree to disagree
Barnett was set up by skilled Rinos and she got cough up.
Encouraged to run… Set-up…
Barnett WAS the BEST candidate, from my view.
Had Barnett enjoyed PDT endorsement, she’d be the CLEAR winner Tuesday evening.
Maybe I am not sure you could be right
I think clips of Oz saying leftist things might attract leftists — although they might not be able to vote for him in the general election. I also don’t think it will matter much when it comes down to someone with an R by their name vs. a D. Repubs who are voting anyway will hold their noses and vote for the R. Plus, he has PDJT’s endorsement. We’ll see.
Bloodbath. I agree. AND worse, Trump endorsed him.
The most expensive car ever sold. Only two of them were made.
They’d better be damn sure about this “decarbonization” stuff. Sure would be nasty if that’s the OPPOSITE of what we should be doing to preserve life on this planet.
….which, I suspect, it is.
Frankly, we should have been using small safe nukes to cram CO2 and water back into synthetic hydrocarbons and distributing them through pipes like the hydrocarbons that come out of the ground. Since the 50s. Things like thorium reactors (which can’t be dual-use for weaponry, and thus have been suppressed).
I just look at the long range trajectory on CO2, and I figure this whole ice-age stuff is a pathological condition in which we’re very lucky to have “woken up” before it was too late.
IIRC, 250-300 ppm is where plants start dying off… and that means we die off too…
Of course, logic escapes the Watermelon Greens… who have a death wish for US…..
I’m willing to share my oxygen concentrator machine.
Ethanol would be relatively simple to make.
It’s not very cost effective compared to pumping goo out of the ground (nukes are not cheap, just clean), but it would solve CO2 buildup in the atmosphere…IF that is actually a problem.
Replacement parts require a mortgage to purchase.
Eric Trump
Amazing book by Kash Patel!
May 19, 2022, 16:27
Andrew Torba
Mr. E
Yes, these things happened two hours apart.

Grrrrr! That’s just obscene. Now they’re rubbing it in how much they hate us.
Washington serves WEF and its core families.
Please hand me a barf bag. And make it quick!
Do you want that barf bag with bullets or grenades ??
These “lawmakers” are in the open now wwith their treachery
JØbama is diverting US treasure to Nazis in Ukraine, Commies in Venezuela – while destroying businesses and wealth in the USA.
That’s what Øbastid promised to do – redistribute wealth, level the playing field (lower the US to 3rd world standards) while destroying our economy, health, morality, spirituality, families, young people, babies, unborn.
Øbastid, Gates, Fauci, Schwab all in it together.
It’s not just Bite-me and crew – 75+% of the GOP voted to do it as well.
The Uniparty is alive and well.
It’s not just Bite-me and crew – 75+% of the GOP voted to do it as well.
The Uniparty is alive and well.
^^^ “Republicans, GOP, eGOP ENABLE BiteME destroying America. ^^^
^^^ NEVER LOSE sight of this. ^^^
Every single one did this should be pelted with tomatoes at their town halls.
Ready to bring out the pitchforks.
Bloody traitors of the United States of America

carpetbagger noun
car·pet·bag·ger | \ ˈkär-pət-ˌba-gər \
plural carpetbaggers
Definition of carpetbagger
disapproving : a Northerner in the South after the American Civil War usually seeking private gain under the Reconstruction governments
disapproving : OUTSIDER
especially : a nonresident or new resident who seeks private gain from an area often by meddling in its business or politics
Maybe bull excrement, too. As that’s what they’ve been feeding us the last 70 years or so…..
I am ready to vote against any established politician.
All the aspects of communism are being put in place. One after the other. The revolution is being televised and we’re all watching it. Now the control of food….
The Secretary of Health and Human Services may use the authority under section 101 of the Act to determine, in consultation with the Secretary of Agriculture and the heads of other executive departments and agencies as appropriate, the proper nationwide priorities and allocation of all ingredients necessary to manufacture infant formula, including controlling the distribution of such materials (including applicable services) in the civilian market, for responding to the shortage of infant formula within the United States.”
So when a shortage of _________ occurs…the govt will step in and control the manufacture and distribution.
What could possibly go wrong?
Well, there’ll never be a shortage of bullshit as long as the Demons are in office, that’s for sure.
Women of the past knew how to feed babies without infant formula. Young people rejected advice from women before them. I know mine did their wives did. I am an expert keeping my thought for myself after they made sure that they know better.
In a year or two, you are going to be a genius in the eyes of your family. Just watch.
My husband is starting to say “we collected a food stash ” even though he thought i was overreacting.
They do figure it out, eventually.
When the toilet paper and cleaning product shortages really hit, no one in my family ever ran short of anything, because I had extra of it all. Now they listen more.
Lucky girl
Not really lucky. Blessed by all my friends here, who were on top of it and warned me. I know so much ahead of time from reading here. This is the best comment section online, period. #WolfmoonAndCoRock
Amen same here now we wait what Monkeypox brings.
They are evil.
Yes, they are. But unless they have genetically altered monkeypox, it is not much of a threat. We will see.
If Gates is involved anything is possible. I think we will be fine with some simple precautions.
I agree.
Dirty rotten bastards …
We have control over our morality , spirituality , families.
What is important is to be is spiritual strong. One is amazed what we can endure.
Sometimes I think I went through a practice for what is coming.
My husband thinks he knows but he does not he has been sheltered like so many Americans. Looking back I did not good by sheltering my own kids.
I am going to drag my family through what is coming because I know how to survive with spiritual guidance and steadfastness. This is our 7 years of leanness is coming after 7 years of plenty. We get through this and we do not have to like it. Our values will be reset, simplicity embraced, families valued and realization we are not what we own.,
I’ll be dragging with you, in spirit
My own family has no idea how hard this is going to get.
That is good to know
I know you would know how coming from Appalachia. People in the Hallows know and will be just fine. They are happy people with little.
That is true. My grandma who pretty much raised me was like that. Knew how to do a lot with almost nothing.
They also hunt 
possum and other critters beside deer and ducks
There’s lots of things we CAN eat, we just usually don’t!
That is true
I looked at our morning doves this morning and saw a meal
Just kidding 
We have a nest in my grape arbor. They are so cute not afraid of us at all.
Boy, I hope it doesn’t come to that!
I hope so too. When I was a kid others had sling shots and shot starlings and sold them for 10 pennies a pop. Mind you food was hard to come buy.
My Dad was great with a slingshot. I have been seriously considering starting to practice
I was better with knife throwing. Practiced on the old door of an empty chicken coup
Singing, you are a woman of many talents and surprises! I would have never guessed knife throwing!
Borden nothing to do and finding an old knife as a kid makes one creative.
Good words, Singing Soul!
Copied these words of wisdom to keep for the times ahead.
Amen singing

Never give up our spirituality to mad people.
Techno Fog: Yesterday (Thursday), James Baker testified that at a meeting in 2016, Sussman told him he was not there on behalf of any client. Isn’t that what this trial is about, whether Sussman lied about that? But I know there is a lot more to it.
Durham team is under attack over that portion of the questioning. Defense says they violated his 5th amendment rights by implying that his testimony was needed.
They’ve got him saying that he wasn’t representing a client when he was to the FBI; then they’ve got the billing records where he said to his employer that he was representing a client. Offense has this as pretty open-and-shut, and a witness trying to throw Sussman a lifeline says, “maybe he could square that circle.”
And Defense is saying this is impermissible pressure to testify?!?!?!?
They put it in a written motion, to boot. Since they know that getting their client off is almost as hard as walking on the surface of the sun, they’ll try anything and everything.
This — https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2022/05/twitter-deal-leaves-elon-musk-with-no-easy-way-out/ — is one of the most hilarious sacks of BS I can recall. I can’t even begin to fisk it, it just starts out so backwards.
Twitter has stated numerous times in investment filings that 95%+ of its “users” are real people. Sarbanes/Oxley made it clear that when Twitter says such a thing, it means that all its executives say such a thing as individuals. If Elon is correct, and at least 25% of Twitters “users” are fake — and the executives get “specific performance” in a court case — he should be able to personally recover any losses from every executive and board member as straightforward “securities fraud”. It boggles the mind why these people would want to walk that plank, especially because Elon can afford it and they can’t.
And, BTW, if all of their public filings have always been fraudulent in this way, everyone who has EVER owned Twitter stock can sue.
To top it off with a cherry, they’re floating this immense s**t sundae at arstechnica, of all places. What, they couldn’t get Chris Wallace to lend some erudite analysis at CNN+ ?
An exquisitely crafted comment.
You absolutely nail the potential legal liability of former execs (read that as big-bodied children playing the “we’re grownups” game while being overpaid).
^ 100%.
Former clients of mine who were board members of a banking operation wrote large personal checks for the liabilities associated with executive management’s proven misrepresentations. The checks went to a federal agency and to recipients in a class action lawsuit filed by damaged shareholders.
Said clients never served on another board of a company they did not completely control ever again.
Arsetechnica ain’t what they used to be.
Maybe they never were what they used to be…
Shades of unScientific unAmerican, Sky and Scope, Astronomy, and pretty much all of the tecnhical journals: 110% woke…..
The really irritating thing is, I don’t trust them completely at their actual (supposed) fields of expertise, e.g. the Herzstiftung and their magazines, etc., over here. They recommend the clot shot/slab jab to older folk with heart problems, the ones who utterly should NOT get the shot(s)….
Pump up Drosten, Lauterbach, Faust-Xi, BillyGhoul Gates, Schwabbot, Satan Sauros, the Klintoons, Øbløwhøle, the DEMONRATS, the RINOS, and all the rest (Greens, Die Linke, SPD, the FDP, and the CDU/CSU) until they pop… let them get a taste of their own medicine. Then let them listen to Songs with Barney and ancient Donny and Marie shows… 24x7x52…..
New pointman:
Now they are close since they got 40 billion of our money
Almost all of that will be going back to the DEMONRATS and their “gang(rene) of five”, namely the progeny of Mittens, Piglosi, Heinz, Bye,Dung and that other one, with the “ten percent for the big guy” going to Bye,Dung himself.
Then, of course, the “laundry ticket” (fee) for Zelensky… no tickee, no laundry…
Ukraine is very close to falling; both Donbass (I keep thinking Dumba$$ when I see that) and that steel factory, where people are surrendering by the thousands. There are reports of some VERY high military brass being there (having managed the bioweapons labs) but I’m not sure if that’s been verified yet…
The only ones supporting the AZOV NAZIS and “fighting with them” are the media, and the people who stand to gain from the money laundering and the fake war. There are a number of cheesed-off video game producers who are angry with their “footage” being stolen…
Wonder how many NATO guys they find and how many America special OB
As my brother told me years ago “what does America want with Nazis? “
So, I’ve been intentionally mixing several threads about fish. “Fish from Lake T” was easy to blend with “Cichlids”, being that so many of the endemic fish from Lake T are cichlids. “Weird tropical fish worldwide” blends well with “Non-cichlids from Lake T”.
So, for the first release from the Ministry of Fish, let’s go large on cichlids.
Cichlids are a large Family of fish, part of the Clade Percomorpha (perch-like). They are found in warm water in North and South America, Africa, and Asia. There are no native cichlids in Australia, Europe, or Antarctica. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cichlid
Many cichlids have been introduced in inconvenient places, becoming a nuisance. Sometimes, this can be quite surprising — after a hurricane, divers reported finding firemouth cichlids in reefs off the coast of Florida. They had been washed out of breeding ponds in fish farms and seemed to be quite happy in salt water — although it is not known whether they were breeding.
Tilapia have been introduced as a food fish across the far east.
There are native cichlids in Iran, Madagascar, India, and Israel. They get around…..or, rather, they got around — the cichlids in Madagascar and India are more closely related than other groups, suggesting they had a common ancestor when Madagascar and India were conjoined, back around 400 million years ago.
In the old days, one might actually start with Angelfish and Discus — which are, BTW, cichlids of the Amazon basin — and then start branching out into other cichlids of the New World. Nowadays, Rift Lake cichlids are like crack — a powerful intoxicant, with those from Lake T being the most spectacular. Many people skip over the many attractive cichlids of the New World.
There are several groups of “African cichlid” that are not from rift lakes. One group is the “jewel cichlids”. An example pic is —
These are from central Africa — this fish is from the Congo River basin. As the article notes, however, “Jewel cichlids are neither suited to beginners, nor the usual community tank. Several young specimens may be kept in a spacious aquarium, with stones and wood for cover until a pair forms prior to breeding. Their innate aggression makes them good candidates for keeping in a monospecies aquarium[.]” [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewel_cichlid ]
Another group of African cichlids that is totally unlike anything in the rift lakes is the “kribs”. Again, with a sample picture —
The fish is Pelvicachromis pulcher — the “kribensis” normally thrown around with this fish is a historical anomaly. The root “pulcher” means “pretty” (possessing physical beauty) and is also found in Neolamprologus pulcher (“daffodil brichardi”). I will always be triggered by this because I botched the word “pulchritudinous” when I took the SAT.
The female (in front) is smaller, but is radiant in a breeding pair. The male is handsome enough, but is clearly meant to provide some muscle.
When I studied the geography of the Carolinas, I was very impressed by the distinct “Atlantic Coastal Plain” that ended at the “fall line”, the first waterfalls that were encountered starting at the ocean and heading upstream. These falls didn’t have to be very large — most were between six inches and five feet — but they marked the end of barges for freight.
As it turns out, West Africa has the same pattern — there is an Atlantic Coastal Plain (this time, to the West), and a fall line. Kribs and krib-like cichlids live at the African fall line.
Lara Logan / @laralogan 05/19/2022 20:49:34
ID: Not Available
Truth Social: 108331517492839641
A slightly different cichlid tank —
Discus are cichlids. They do well in soft-water planted tanks with a variety of small barbs and tetras to keep them company. Very different from Rift Lake tanks.
Verse of the Day for Friday, May 20, 2022
“Those that be planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God.”
Psalms 92:13 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
More lies from a DOD propagandist. Bringing to illustrate, however, multiply by dozens within the fake media that dominates normie thinking.
Code word “may” in the title. First, they would have no idea about Russia’s actual supply chain for military items with them in a bi-lateral defense pact with China along with BRICS. Second, Russia is not going to use high grade weaponry on a neighbor when the civilian population in the territory they are taking over is hugely sympathetic to Russia. It is unnecessary and would be quite foolish to demonstrate to our military and NATO what they have at their disposal if needed. Strategic and surgical while winning the civilian population over. Unless they are Nazis.
Don’t look there, look here. Don’t worry, be happy. We don’t know, therefore it doesn’t exist. How utterly stupid…
There’s more, but this will be my last for today.
I’m sure that Indo-Pacific Strategy announcement by CHINA JOE has Xi quaking in his red boots. Released to the public while knowing and admitting, of course, that there is no money in the current budget for military expansion purposes to counter Chinese aggression. That will have to wait until next year’s budget. That extra money this year that they could print up really fast went to protect him and his globalist cronies in Ukraine. Which over 75% of the GOP voted to support.
We have become a freakin’ horrible joke.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.302

Sep 27 2018 21:01:20 (EST)
Supreme Court Justice(s) to receive FULL TIME security detail(s) – (pending).
So it’s not just “Trump” justices that are the targets of Schumer’s threats?
I would have to guess that if some are getting protection, then all of them probably are.
Gorka’s tweet said 6 GOP appointees. That seems to be more than the ones that Schumer targeted when he spewed his bile [on the steps of the Supreme Court no less] about reaping the whirlwind. I thought that was an intriguing way for Gorka to describe the justices who signed onto the leaked draft. And why would he include Roberts in that group since he is not part of the majority.
Gorka seems to unnecessarily inject politics into his comments. He should get a talk show.
Gorka is also a war monger. I used to like him now he grates on me. I lost respect for him a while ago.
socialism = serfdom!
Supreme law of the land
True, but who is going to stop the lawless ones? I’m not being a downer here; I’m saying we need a way to stop the undermining of our rule of law.
^^^ THIS. ^^^
no compliance
Here we go again.
Romans, chapter one.
Well, apparently it is a very obvious pox on those who monkey around …

That’s what happens when you have guys trying to be girlillas….


Gross, but really. Viruses which spread from human-to-human through blood are difficult to catch. They only enter the body through cuts or sores exposed to the carrier’s blood.
In Africa, most people who get monkeypox get it from hunting animals most Americans don’t consider to be food, like monkeys. If the person has a cut or sore, the blood from the animal gets in.
The activity that will spread monkeypox in the U.S. is anal sex. Period. Just like AIDS, since there is often “injury” involved in that sort of thing (yuck), blood to blood (or semen to blood) contact spreads the virus.
Don’t want monkeypox? Don’t have anal sex.
Gross but important.
Guessing Frisco will have an epidemic of Monkey Pox. (Eewww.)
Romans 1:16-32: says it all. Seems that perversion ALWAYS ends up as its own “reward”…
16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
17 For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.
18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
Looks Monkeypox is the new Aids? We know what Fauci did with Aids and his injections and meds that made it worse.

I guess I will be putting my gloves back on going shopping never trust the shopping cards. Just wipe doorknobs toilet seats when out and about. I keep Clorox wipes in a baggy in my purse for that purpose.
My mother , grandmothers with their fanatic cleanliness were right
My family kids always complained I was to much clean. I need to dial it back up a little more
Surely this must be the last of them, how many more can be down there.
“Volyn surrenders at Azovstal – correspondent Irina Kusenkova from the scene”
Government Scientists Secretly Paid Off While Hiding Data – The Burning Platform
‘ESG’ Is A Felony; Lock Up BlackRock NOW in [Market-Ticker-Nad]
Love it!!!
Hi Q-Treepers,
Here’s where things stand on hubby’s DOT CDL-A testing. He passed 2 of the 3 parts of the test–Pre-Trip & Parking Maneuvers. He still needs to pass the Road Test, which is re-scheduled for Saturday afternoon. He hit a curb on the driving test & that, alone, is an auto-fail. He’s not sure if he was marked down on other portions of the test as the testers don’t tell the testees anything about the results.
He’s extremely relieved to not have to keep working on the Parking stuff & is supposed to be getting some more road time today at the school. Hopefully he’ll run All questions & concerns by the driving instructor.
The student testing before Michael yesterday was on his Fifth attempt & we witnessed him hit the curb when returning to the test site so he’ll be making a 6th attempt soon. Apparently only 50% of the students pass Everything on their first try.
With all the audit closures of testing sites throughout Michigan & needs for re-tests for those that don’t pass initially the testing backup is affecting students from all the trucking schools. In my husband’s case he’s been waiting Four Weeks to even get a test & in that Entire time he only was put on the road One Time, for 2 hours behind the wheel, about a week ago. I honestly think the school should have had him driving at least one day every week that he was waiting, but that’s not what happened for him & likely not for many other students. No excuses but that’s just the facts of his personal journey.
He’s run through the gamut of emotions & is Hopeful to pass the driving test on Saturday. It’s truly one day at a time around here…
He’s signed up to play his bass in worship this week at his church so had practice last night. It would be amazing if the school part of his journey is done when he’s playing on Sunday…but either way he’s going to Praise the Lord!
Please keep praying for Michael. This has been a very challenging process & once the schooling part is Finally Over, we’ve still gotta deal with the job search then next month’s transition to grandparenting & the following month’s wedding of our special needs son.
God is helping us get through it All, but None of it is comfortable or easy
Thanks so much for your prayers & support!
God Bless!!!
2 out of three is great start. Remembers my step brother gave it up after 6 tries and that was over ten years ago now.
Oh wow that’s rough for your bro. Yes I do keep reminding him that he will get through…eventually. Hopefully it will wrap up on Saturday, but we’ll have to take it one day at a time.
I agree that getting 2 of 3 is definitely better than 0 or 1 of 3. It also means the re-test is more like an hour rather than the 2 needed yesterday. We don’t know at what point there are extra costs involved but will do what we have to do to get him through…he’s Almost out of the tunnel!
Here are some more details, for any who might be interested.
Yesterday’s testing took place in a bowling alley parking lot in Jackson, Michigan. I drove us there & back at hubby’s request. The smaller “town” less congested roads were a plus, the winding more rural roads w/ lots of incline changes were quite different than the flat Metro-Detroit roads that he’s trained on so were more of a challenge, including limited visibility to anticipate what’s ahead.
Saturday’s testing is back in Jackson but at a different test site, a Wal-Mart parking lot–well that’s where he’ll start but others will do the pre-trip & parking maneuvers portion there too. He’ll have to drive himself, for I’m attending a Memorial Service for my mom’s birth cousin, Candi, who recently died after a bout w/ Lou Gehrig’s disease (thanks for those of you who lifted her in prayer). She was a lovely, fiery Christian woman who shared freely about Mom’s birth family history over the years, & recently some great tips on managing Covid, some of which I shared here at the Q-Tree. Mom & I were blessed to interface w/ her & her sister periodically online & at an annual luncheon, which Candi missed a few months back due to her ill health. She really was too young to die, but is surely now celebrating w/ loved ones in Paradise!
After testing we had lunch at a nearby Olive Garden yesterday & the friendliness of the hostesses really revealed that we were outside of Metro Detroit! We had a number of pleasant interactions w/ restaurant staff who were very supportive & thankful for hubby becoming a trucker & expounding on the need for this job in the current climate in our country. It was nice to encounter that more friendly, small-town vibe, which we miss after living in Oklahoma & Northern Michigan previously
Next weekend, for Memorial Day, our family typically gathers in Northern Michigan at my parents’ Cottage. I usually go earlier & stay later than hubby, since he usually has job responsibilities. This year, assuming he’s passed his CDL, he’s planning to stay after the holiday weekend w/ me Up North for a bit & do some of the job search while we are there. It will be GREAT for him to get away Up North again (he had a special camping weekend w/ our son Josiah & dog Jules a few weeks back) & we are looking forward to some lower key time to regroup & dig into the job search but away from the normal hustle & bustle of our downstate existence.
Please pray that Michael will pass his driving test & get his CDL license in hand before next weekend so that he can enjoy the Holiday & beyond respite our Northern retreat might provide! Blessings to all
Thank you for the update. We’re all rooting for him!
Thank Molly–that literally warms my heart! <3
Always prayers !
Slow steady and SAFE for the WIN !
Amen, Christ. Thanks so much for praying!!!
When I took the CPA exam, there were four parts in five sessions — an afternoon, a morning and afternoon, and a morning and afternoon. I passed everything in the afternoon and didn’t pass anything in the morning. Being able to concentrate on only two parts allowed me to nail them six months later, at the next exam date.
Being able to re-take on Saturday sounds like unimaginable luxury!
Yes, he just found out another classmate failed a few weeks back & still has to wait to get his second attempt. After all the driving practice & tips today he’s Very Hopeful that he’ll be passing tomorrow. I really hope so too for this re-test is going to cost us nearly $200–yikes!
Glad you passed your CPA the second time through. I’m not much of a morning person either so would likely do better on afternoon testing (or anything) if available!
My last two years of college, I scheduled all my classes to be after 1 pm. This is not a way to ensure passing vital tests in the early morning.
I had a hint early on. I took Engineering Calculus 3A at 11 AM as a freshman, and got the highest grade in my class of 200+ people (and was recruited to go into Mathematician’s Calculus 7B). I took the least worst alternative of of Calculus 3B at 7:30 AM the next quarter, and ended-up taking a NP.
My dad, with a Math undergrad and two Masters in Engineering; and my mom, with a BS and MS in Math, were appalled.
It wasn’t until two decades later that my chronic sleep deprivation was explained.
Nice. It seems that biorhythms or internal clocks are “real” to some degree. Ironically I took several jobs as a young adult w/very early hours since I’d rather get paid for time I’d otherwise sleep!
Your parents sound pretty intense…but then look how great you turned out to be!
I could do a long-ish comment on human internal clocks, starting with experiments in caves (it’s just amazing what you can do to grad students and not get arrested).
When I was fully engaged in my relationship with a Computer Science major, I had one quarter where I spent so much time online that my internal clocks got fully disengaged with the sun….and I found myself living 28 hour days with 9 hours of sleep. It seemed very natural to me, except for there only being six days in a week. It didn’t play well with my other classes.
Stanford has been a big leader in research regarding sleep issues, especially those regarding Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). Twenty years ago, when I’d finally had it with my entire healthcare universe, I set out to find competent doctors and almost immediately got diagnosed and CPAP’d (with the highest pressure my specialist had ever written a script for). Obamacare has gradually ruined this, so I may be having to do a similar rebuild in the next year.
Growing up with my parents has always been a bit abnormal, but I don’t know if I’d call it intense. As an example, I spent many years as a “latchkey kid” — I’d come home from school and do quiet things around the house until my parents got home from work. About half the time, I’d forget my key — so I became very adept at breaking into my own house. When I did get inside, I’d often watch three o’clock rerun TV like Roy Rogers. Or I’d read.
From this side, I don’t know if I’d go so far as to tout how great I turned out to be. Mostly, I figure that I’ve often amused people.
Well I thoroughly enjoy almost Everything you share around here! You sound like an only child who needed to keep himself occupied & having inherited quite the brain case from both parents found many interesting avenues to explore…& expound upon!
On a completely different note my oldest son’s friend’s uncle suffered a massive heart attack on a scuba dive in the Florida Keys, I believe, very recently. He did Not take the clot shot per his nephew. The weird thing is that another diver died similarly at basically the some location not that long ago.
His uncle’s “heart attack” happened “at depth”, which I thought his nephew said was like at 150 feet. It took a while to get him to the surface & he never regained consciousness even after Many people worked on him.
Seems like a pretty weird “coincidence” hmmm?
The vast majority of recreational SCUBA is at a depth of less than 150 feet — partially because that’s where you really have to plan your dive.
On the other hand, cardiac problems at just 60 feet are a zillion types of bad news.
When things are going right in a dive, it’s almost like sleeping on a waterbed — you are completely supported, no need to move, relaxing, soothing….and then you might decide to kick against the current and snag an anchor line, and it’s easy to overexert without recognizing that you had started to exert at all. It’s why there should be a certain level of physical fitness for each dive.
If this particular dive was like luxuriating in a spa for 10 minutes, then doing a frantic kick to rendezvous the boat for 10 minutes, it could easily rack up a body count — especially if everyone’s diving has been on hold due to COVID for two years.
I’m sorry to hear of your son’s friend’s family’s loss, and sorry to hear of the loss of a fellow diver. May your Faith, and the Faith of the diver’s family, sustain and heal through this loss.
Thanks for those insights, Cthulu. The nephew didn’t know if his uncle was “saved” or not. We met this family through our kids’ Christian School, so the friend & his mom (at least) are pretty strong Believers. This was his mom’s only sibling & now with her parents gone she is the only one left of the older generations from that family & it’s weighing pretty heavily on her, as you might imagine…
Of course another factor is night owl versus early bird.
Most people are early birds…which is bad enough. But then a significant fraction of them are sanctimonious turds, who behave as though “night owl” were a moral failing.
I am much more productive after noon than before it. I’m lucky to have a job where they tolerate me not starting work until 9:30 or sometimes even later though I try not to make a habit of that. Of course the early bird in the office who leaves at 2:30 or so hardly ever sees me doing actual work!
The number of early birds v. night owls has historically been difficult to measure, because all the early birds are busy virtue signalling.
I used to sometimes prowl my production floor after everyone had left and leave post-its at each workstation between 5pm and 8pm (when I’d leave). Worked great. Some peeps would get a burr in their saddle about things that needed to happen and could work through the emo part before I arrived the next day.
I bought several bottles of Resveratrol last fall after reading about it as a treatment for smallpox and monkeypox. Anyone weight in on this? There are many articles that include this NIH info.
Also, I was always told I was born immune to smallpox. I never got the big vaccination sore – thus no scar. Anyone else have a similar situation?
I have a smallpox scar. Interesting you don’t.
There are food sources of resveratrol. Of them, I eat blueberries and peanut butter every day.
I have a scar. I had to have it twice because i needed an update coming to the US.
Years ago like 57 one needed prof that one had a smallpox shot to get into the country.
Just look now nothing and we wonder why we get strange viruses from underdeveloped countries ?
I know nothing how to tread the disease Dr Zelenko had something some time ago when he predicted next outbreak would be smallpox. He was working on a remedy. I do not know where he is with that since his cancer has returned.
Did quick look at Dr Z ZStack site.
Lots of good stuff, but nothing on smallpox. It’s been months since I read Dr Z was looking into the smallpox issue.
Maybe Dr Z will update us soon. (I hope)
Thank you. Cancer has come back maybe he stopped his research on small pox ?
Yea, I’m hoping he’ll prevail over cancer again. Dr Z IS a treasure for Goodness.
Yes he is he needs divine intervention. Healing comes in many ways god knows what he needs.
I regularly take resveratrol, but more for modulating lipid metabolism rather than any anti-viral reasons. [https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/resveratrol — #2 and #5]
There’s also wikipoo — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resveratrol
For antiviral, I generally rely on C, D, Zinc, Selenium, and Quercetin (lets the Zinc and Selenium in).
If you like Brazil nuts, they’re really high in Selenium (to the point that over here it says on the package not to eat too many of them, 5 IIRC). Q-10 (Ubiquinol) is also very good (electron transport chain for mito health/function)…
I take CoQ10 for mitochondrial health, as well — but not as an anti-viral. It’s in the B-Complex and caffeine bunch that tries to keep me active.
Admittedly, a bunch of these overlap.
I poisoned myself on them REAL BAD one time. Ate for dinner and breakfast.
Developed 40 HUMONGOUS welps all over my trunk area. Itch they did, my whole thigh was a giant bruise from rubbing. Burned they did. Couldn’t wear clothes for 2 weeks. Burned myself trying Silvadene cream. Cool baths and Hydrocortisone was the ticket.
Made myself worse, running out of food, started eating eggs and tuna, which are full of MOAR selenium. Almost went to hospital.
I had just read of it being effective against smallpox, and monkeypox. I also take the supplements you referenced.
Indiana Attorney General COVID Misinformation Submission.pdf (govdelivery.com)
Sweet! He agrees COVID Misinformation was a problem during the plandemic and then slams the CDC and other public health agencies with many an example of them spreading misinformation and the result of doing such.

I got this unwanted, unsolicited fund-raising email from Mike Pence. It makes my blood boil. I’m posting it so we can see what Pence is up to. It’s obvioiusly fund-raising for a presidential run.

I don’t see any specifics. I see a nod to “federalism.” What does he mean by that? Are we supposed to think of it as “America first”?
First part, from “Lisa”:
I went to the website anonymously, which you can do through startpage.com, and found this list of donors.
Why are these people donating to Mike Pence at all? I consider Pence to be a traitor in the truest, most literal sense of the word.
As posted a few minutes ago…
Pence THREW AMERICA UNDER THE BUS, on January 6th, 2021.
“A day that will live in infamy.”
Certainly will with me.
Lots of RINOS on that list.
He’s also name dropping 45, while fighting against Biden. That sounds good to those who aren’t aware of all the details.
I can see Pastor Jeffress not taking sides.
In a battle between 45 and Pence, there’s no question who the winner is.
I even heard our Magnanimous VSG say a few weeks ago, ‘Pence is a good man’ but …..
Kelly Ann Conway has been a Pence supporter all the while Trump was in WH. She used to work for him.
I never trusted her and always knew she was on his site. She has been elevated by many Trump supporters because she acts well.
Keep in mind what I once told you – she is loyal. She can change her colors depending on the environment. What she does not do [to my knowledge] is switch horses in mid-stream or engage in covert sabotage.
If she signs on with somebody, she sticks it out. That’s the main reason she moves effortlessly among the power players – they all know she can be trusted regardless of her personal views.
You seem to know her I only know what I observed.
By their fruits shall ye know them…
Then again, maybe the names were used without proper permission? That disclaimer at the end looks, erm, interesting…..
Translation – you don’t have to be a complete whore to be here.
He’s a “step ant”
…… p * s s …… on him
Step ant, fetch it…..
(OK, REALLY obscure…)….. fits with the DEMONRATS’ “plantation”…
My Mom grew up in Alabama, the family were tenant farmers who grew and picked cotton. Mom would come up with sayings we had no idea what they were but this is the complete step ant
Its a p*ss ant, step oh it, which if you wanted to get in trouble you turned it around. Kids always thought their Mum’s & Dad’s sayings were hilarious … we didn’t really know that much though.
… oh Lordy ..
Pence is pure Uniparty TRASH.
Given the opportunity, I’d heckle Pence AND anyone supporting that asshole.
Pence THREW AMERICA UNDER THE BUS on January 6th, 2021.
(How do I really feel about
Poor Pence. He’s just so unappreciated.
yeah, boo hoo hoo … call the wahhhhhmulence … it’s awesome

Sing a song of slick Pence,
Pocket full of lies…
.. four and twenty black birds
… pooped in his eye

I have gotten emails on and off from Pence and other rinos. Deleat works for me
Here’s hoping the RINOs get caught with their Pence down…..

… pence the puke 
ACLJ says the “Disinformation Board Work Will Continue”
Hillary Clinton approved dissemination of Trump-Russian bank allegations to media, campaign manager testifies | Fox News
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Former Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook testified Friday that then-Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton approved the dissemination of materials alleging a covert communications channel between the Trump Organization and Russia’s Alfa Bank to the media, despite campaign officials not being “totally confident” in the legitimacy of the data.
Mook was called to the stand for testimony by Michael Sussmann’s defense Friday.
During cross-examination by government prosecutor Andrew DeFillippis Friday, Mook was asked about the campaign’s understanding of the Alfa Bank allegations against Trump and whether they planned to release the data to the media.
Mook said he was first briefed about the Alfa Bank issue by campaign general counsel Marc Elias, who at the time was a partner at lawfirm Perkins Coie.
Mook testified that he was told that the data had come from “people that had expertise in this sort of matter.”
Mook said the campaign was not totally confident in the legitimacy of the data, but had hoped to give the information to a reporter who could further “run it down” to determine if it was “accurate” or “substantive.”
He also said he discussed whether to give the information to a reporter with senior campaign officials, including campaign chairman John Podesta, senior policy advisor, now White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, and communications director Jennifer Palmieri.
“I discussed it with Hillary as well,” Mook said.
“I don’t remember the substance of the conversation, but notionally, the discussion was, hey, we have this and we want to share it with a reporter,” Mook said.
When pressed on how Clinton responded, Mook testified: “She agreed.”
Sussmann has been charged with making a false statement to the FBI when he told Baker in September 2016, less than two months before the presidential election, that he was not doing work “for any client” when he requested and attended a meeting in which he presented “purported data and ‘white papers’ that allegedly demonstrated a covert communicates channel” between the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank, which has ties to the Kremlin.
Durham’s team alleges Sussmann was, in fact, doing work for two clients: the Hillary Clinton campaign and a technology executive, Rodney Joffe. Following the meeting with Baker, Sussmann billed the Hillary Clinton campaign for his work.
Sussmann has pleaded not guilty to the charge.
The government moved to admit a tweet from Clinton dated Oct. 31, 2016 as evidence, despite U.S. District Judge Christopher Cooper ruling last month that the court would exclude that tweet as hearsay.
One assumes that Mr. Mook made sure his life insurance benefits and policy payments were up to date before testifying.
Chertoff, wasn’t he on the board of that Hamilton 69 dashboard?
…”The board is now on hold awaiting a report and a review of strategy for how the department can combat disinformation effectively while still protecting civil liberties. That work will be handled by members of the recently revamped Homeland Security Advisory Council. The DHS said that former Secretary Michael Chertoff and former Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorelick were tapped by Mayorkas to produce recommendations on the future of the group within 75 days.”.
Good morning Truth …
The reason I’m not worried about the W.H.O. is because I’ll never do anything they say – just like I didn’t participate in COVID hysteria.
You have constitutional guaranteed rights and Biden can’t sign them away.
Tell them all to go to hell, laugh, and show them a Constitution.
That’s all good, until you or a loved one is in a hospital which is following the WHO guidelines, preventing you from seeing your family, preventing doctors from giving you the proper meds and treatments, and giving bureaucrats complete control over your or your loved one’s health. I went through this several times during COVID lockdowns, in various forms — not being able to visit and take care of someone who desperately needed help, not being able to be with them in the hospital, not being given a say about putting them on “palliative care” even though I was the medical power of attorney. I had to “storm the hospital,” and my next step was going to be to call the local news.
We can say we won’t participate, but what happens when the doctor’s office requires you to be masked, or you can’t enter? And then if that progresses to your having to be vaccinated before you can be seen or treated?
Our Constitution protects us, but not if no one will enforce it.
At which point it becomes our duty and our obligation to enforce it.
As Martin Niemöller said:
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Look up the Bekennende Christen, who were among the few to actually resist Hitler and the NAZIs. https://en.evangelischer-widerstand.de/html/view.php?type=dokument&id=305&l=en
Most other people just rolled over (both Catholics and Protestants), but they didn’t. And, yes, they had a price to pay, but their treasures are in Heaven. And they made many people (along with Hans and Sophie Scholl, the White Rose) aware of what was actually going on. My Cello Professor from USC, who with her sister barely escaped with their lives told me that even the Jews didn’t realize what was really going on….
We have to fight back; and we have to wake people up.
We outnumber them 1.5 Million to one.
What are we afraid of???????
Well, I have some suggestions.
If my loved one is in a hospital, and I am not 100% convinced the hospital is helping, they are coming OUT.
If you have medical POA, show up to the hospital administrator’s office WITH your attorney.
Calling the local news is a start. I’d call Tucker Carlson, Mark Levin, Dan Bongino, and any other conservative voice I could think of. I’d also call every member of the patient’s church to show up for a protest outside the hospital.
Additionally, I think it is incumbent upon us all to do everything in OUR power to stay healthy and out of the hospital. That means losing weight, eating better, exercises, and getting the hell off of the prescription meds merry-go-round. My DH was on blood pressure meds for years, but he weaned himself off completely with herbs, diet, and exercise. His blood pressure never changed.
The constant “health care” we receive today is a modern invention. And life expectancy has NOT gone up significantly, if you account for childhood deaths. If you made it past childhood in 1800, you lived about as long on average as people do today.
Find a doctor NOW that won’t fall for the bullshit. Interview them, as many as you need to. My own doctor never made me wear a mask. She wore one, but I told her I would not. And she’s never suggested I get clot-shotted, either. These doctors exist.
We are on our own, and it is now up to US. Nobody is going to swoop in and save us.
While I sympathize with that perspective it is not a good reason to not worry about the WHO implementation into American life. Whether you refuse to do as they say is up to each person. But if you have another bowel obstruction (or any acute medical emergency) and discover that you won’t be permitted treatment unless complying with WHO protocols then it becomes a problem. You may assert your constitutionally guaranteed rights but it will, at best, delay your treatment. Your belly will not thank you.
This WHO treaty is going to be a problem. If it has broad authority over international health decisions you will be at their mercy. Do not expect help from your Constitutional gatekeepers. They have demonstrated (to my satisfaction) that they cannot be depended on.
It’s the beginning of the end.
We are learning the true meaning of Trust God and let our lives proceed (and end) as He wills it. This month, my extended family has lost three (3) people. An aunt, a cousin, and a cousin’s husband. Last summer, another cousin lost her youngest son because the hospital sent him home until his china virus got very bad. A couple of months ago, my brother’s wife fell in the bathroom, hit her head on the tub, and died on the spot. Other cousins have unusual medical problems including one nurse much younger than me with multiple myeloma (blood cancer) that our family has no history of, another who can’t walk for some reason that hasn’t been diagnosed, and yet another who says she and her older husband are having problems too. I suspect most of this ties back to the china virus but I simply do not ask. It is all in God’s hands now and nothing can stop what is coming. Prayers for us all, our families, and friends. Fek the WHO, the UN, and the globalists. They cannot have me. I am here at God’s pleasure.
Thank you, Linda!
Good for you! And AMEN! Me, too!!!!
Wow 246 pallets..that’ll be at least a few cans per store in Amerika…if IF he wasn’t an idiot he’d know that this gesture is a joke..except for the obvious reason. We’ve become the needy and need our fellow NWO global partners. All part of the plan.
White House – Today, the Department of Defense (DOD) is sourcing the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)’s request for Operation Fly Formula to transport Nestlé S.A. formula from Zurich, Switzerland to Plainfield, Indiana.
[…] These formulas have been prioritized because they serve a critical medical purpose and are in short supply in the United States because of the Abbott Sturgis plant closure. These shipments will include approximately 246 pallets.
[…] Under Operation Fly Formula, USDA and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) are authorized to use DOD-contracted commercial aircraft to pick up overseas infant formula that meets U.S. health and safety standard
I know a number of women who weened their kids, but continued to lactate for years so that others could have breastmilk. That’s just the way the breastfeeding community is.
I’m sure this hasn’t been mentioned on the Boob Tube at all.
….And as such, it’s important that you keep us abreast of developments.
Schwiiiiing….babba boom
The “girls” are laughing and laughing.
Such a fun couple, they are.
And they always go to places together.
A matched pear. Or pears.
We all get caught up in the crisis of the day and forget…these things are happening because they wanted them to happen. They planned on this happening. They manufactured this.
Breast feeding also prevents ovulation/periods.
ALL a scam to feed the “Global” narrative…depending on the global community.
Manufactured, BS.
Exactly. Sorry i didn’t see your comment.
Total planned bullsh*t
246 pallets is your average month at a big Walmart. That’s just pitiful. I feel like I woke up in Somalia.
The plot THICKENS.
I am telling you guys. Durham is RIGHT on schedule in building RICO. I always KNEW he had the goods on Hillary, now we begin the TIGHTENING of the screw…or is it shrew. LOL
Once ol hill dog is surrounded (coming) I will bet my gopher suit that she WILL cut a deal to save her wrinkled neck. Now, WHO could she throw under the bus in such a way as to do that. Hi, Barry. Tic toc.
RICO —SAUAVE~….Durham is on it like a tick on a hound. “Son of a bitch is dug in like an Alabama tick”. (quoting Jesse Ventura in Predator)
Sussman was but a MEANS to a beginning…of the END for the Cabal, and we ALL know who the HEAD of that Cabal is. Let them put as MANY leftists on a rigged jury as they want. This is NOT about getting Sussman or even Hillary, THAT could have ALREADY been done. This is about DISCOVERY and building the case for CONSPIRACY and RICO.
Remember ANYTHING Durham finds that leads him in ANY direction on (from) this and to ANYONE, he can and WILL pursue. Notice ALL the stuff he is NOT uncovering (lots of us KNEW what he is putting out) but PROVING. Proving what we all knew, but now the NORMIES get to SEE. THIS is how it is done to actually MAKE a difference.
Yeah let the left burn what little influence they still can on the small stuff TRYING to hide the BIG stuff. See, once it gets too big, and its COMING, it WILL take on a life of its own and become self sustaining. TOO BIG to fail. TOO BIG to IGNORE, and TOO BIG to just let be. Once it gets to the WH, and that is gonna be SOON, Barry CAN’T hide OR claim “privilege'” The dems made SURE to set that precedent with Trump, now they will HANG themselves with it.
Stock up on popcorn and Bourbon. Durham has not yet fired his big gun…its COMING.
You Betcha!
Just as a slight clarification to “we ALL know who the HEAD of that Cabal is” — I don’t believe we know who the HEAD of that Cabal is, unless it is Satan. I believe we know the FACE of the Cabal is the Obamanation, and his minder is ValJar.
I agree with this. I don’t think we know at all. The earthly head was rumored to be Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, but who really knows.
Her net wealth is listed as 300 million, however looking over her family background they likely learned to hide their wealth after the French Revolution. One of her late grandfathers was King Leopold II of Samuel Clemons fame concerning Leopold’s holdings in the congo. “you can stack the skulls to the moon” he wrote concerning the atrocities there. The really interesting one though seems to be Leopold the First. He was well liked by aristocracies all over Europe at the time and he was given his choice of countries to rule over after he helped get rid of that short dude from France.
Minor point – Joffe was placed in charge of the WH internet interface by Jugears. So when Durham sent a ‘preserve records’ notification to Joffe [and his company] it also covers emails, text messages, etc. between Joffe and anybody in the Jugears WH.
Lord only knows what’s hiding in that dumpster. Bet it’s not good for ol’ Barry. And there’s not a damn thing he can do about it.
Matt Gaetz postulates that the object of the Durham investigation is to “inoculate” FinBI (pronounced effin-bee-eye) and DOinJ Pronounced Dee-ohh-injustice)
reattempt at c/p two pics … twice … failed:
The opposite of what PRex is saying, above.
My post slightly follows yours…
Yea sorry and accident. Didn’t mean to rain on it but MG offers a different and meaningful viewpoint.
WUT? Ya mean DOJ (Durham) is all about protecting DOJ AND FIB.
I suppose that fits nicely with Durham exposing hildabeast (yea, Eye Bleach) AND NAILING hussein.
Edit. DOJ & FIB ALWAYS protect the Institution. Perhaps plaeasure in nailing hildabeast (yea, ick) AND hussein. Monkey Pox warning. Yea, that is also disgusting.
Their deeds will be revealed, whether they want it or not, and whether Durham (or anyone else) does it. They will have NOWHERE to run…
Matthew 10:26-28:
26 Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.
27 What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops.
28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
URGENT: The most powerful evidence yet that mRNA vaccines hurt long-term immunity to Covid after infection (substack.com)
Thank you. Trust me – Pfizer KNEW this, and wanted to DENY the superiority of natural immunity. FDA knew it. Fauci knew it.
I wonder if Rand Paul knew that THEY knew it.
Wolf Moon
Dr. Anthony Fauci and NIH / NIAID knew it too. NIAID helped to fund the research into the Moderna mRNA-1273 “vaccine.”
Tim Pool on Monkeypox and that we bought already vaccines. Topic is in the first 5-10 minutes. The rest are other topics. I do not know how to shorten the video.
Given what the current vaccines do, why would we not expect a monkeypox vaccine to GIVE us monkeypox? Trust is earned. Trust lost is not truly ever regained.
This Monkeypox loos terrible. No jab for me.
Saw this today:
More Truth’s coming out about what was hid. Not that we don’t already know this here.
It’s a long read.
Yes, this is one of the best scientific summaries ever, IMO.
HFDF and 70+ Global Public Health and Policy Leaders Oppose New Binding International Health Regulations on ‘Health Emergencies’
Just leaving this here —
“Elongateds” are actually a sub-branch of the coin collecting hobby. These are those pennies you put into a machine that stretches them and stamps a souvenir design on them. Yes, there are people who collect those, and they’re very passionate about it.
Indeed, kind of depressing… they think the souvenirs are something to die for… even if they have a pressing engagement
Help stamp out philately!
Philately will get you nowhere, I think
We should just cancel philately.
There is only ONE true ElongaTed….
Someone I once knew put a penny on a train track and got the same results.
They got the right shape, but they didn’t get the souvenir imprint.
(Which should tell you just how long this sort of thing has been going on.)
Some people might say that’s kind of a stretch…..
Isn’t ‘Stretch’ your middle name?
Considering what the scandal is about, “Elongate” is just about perfect, lol. I’ve been laughing about is all day.
These guys are so predictable.
They seem to be very talented.
Musk denies allegations of sexual misconduct by former SpaceX contract flight attendant | Just The News
“who’s made a controversial, multibillion dollar bid to buy Twitter,”
Ahhh, nothing like unbiased journalism. And that was NOTHING like unbiased journalism… (to paraphrase Ed Wynn in “Mary Poppins”…)….
I think the Democrats EXCEL at finding mentally ill people and encouraging their fantasies into accusations.
One might say her fantasy “Elon-gate’d” into a graphic novel!
The SF Archbishop has FINALLY stated that Pelosi will be denied Communion due to her abortion advocacy.
Why now? What’s the hurry? After how many decades of supporting abortions.
Wiki says he has held this position since 2012, so yes, why now?
It’s a step in the right direction. We can take that before going all Admiral Ackbar on it.
For sure. This has to be a huge embarrassment for Pelosi since she has touted her faith on numerous occasions. It’s part of her “good girl,” “caring” persona. She uses her faith and supposed love for the Constitution as weapons.
As do many of “The Famiglia”, though, in her case, if could just as well be her Coven…
I’ve never gotten a witchcraft vibe from her. I think she probably does practice her faith in whatever way she thinks appropriate. And that’s the problem.
She’s worn jewelry and ornaments of “the craft” and has been spotted at “dark” events… Her disheveled, dissoulute demeanor doesn’t help very much, either.
Whether she’s a “Cafeteria Catholic” or a “Cafeteria Christian”, I think she’s worshipping at the Horns of Hardart, so to speak…
I didnt know that. I think she would do almost anything that she thought would help politically, like attending certain types of events.
Interesting. Would not be unbelievable to me.
I found this from March 23, 2022:
Pelosi jokes that the Catholic Church ‘would like to throw me out’ over pro-choice viewshttps://theweek.com/nancy-pelosi/1011694/pelosi-jokes-that-the-catholic-church-would-like-to-throw-me-out-over-pro
I doubt that she’s laughing now.
If she’s “very Catholic,” I’m “very wealthy.”
Why now? Because Pelosi is actually trying to do something about the issue right now, rather than just rest on her laurels because Roe v. Wade made further action unnecessary.
That no doubt lit a fire under the archbishop.
We are now seeing why “they” are using Pelosi and Biden – as “CATHOLICS” – to support abortion. It was a smart move on the “anti-humanist” side.
They pushed the whole issue too far when they started to go after children right up to birth. Heck, I think I read yesterday they had a bill in Cali that would give mom the right to kill the kid three days after birth.
[After what I said above about Piglosi and The Famiglia, the name Corleone comes to mind….]
Good on that Archbishop for FINALLY dropping the boom on Piglosi.
If only other Bishops and Priests (and pastors) would do the same…
One cannot serve both GOD and Belial…
Intel Slava Z
https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.1.0/svg/1f1f7-1f1fa.svghttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.1.0/svg/1f1fa-1f1e6.svg It is reported that tomorrow sappers and assault groups will start entering the territory of Azovstal to comb the territory. Then you can wait for special services, investigators and forensic experts.
In addition, as previously known, more than 200 corpses are stored in a frozen state on the territory of Azovstal. They will also have to be pulled out and stored / buried somewhere (after identification).
May 20 at 14:56
Just previous…
Intel Slava Z
https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.1.0/svg/1f1f7-1f1fa.svghttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.1.0/svg/1f1fa-1f1e6.svghttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.1.0/svg/2757.svg #Breaking
The territory of “Azovstal” is completely liberated – Russian Ministry of Defense
Intel Slava Z
https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.1.0/svg/1f1f7-1f1fa.svghttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.1.0/svg/1f1fa-1f1e6.svghttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.1.0/svg/2757.svgUnderground facilities of Azovstal, where the militants were hiding, came under the full control of the Russian armed forces – Russian Defense Ministry
Intel Slava Z
https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.1.0/svg/1f1f7-1f1fa.svghttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.1.0/svg/1f1fa-1f1e6.svghttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.1.0/svg/2757.svgThe so-called “commander” of “Azov” was taken out in a special armored car because of the hatred of the Mariupol residents and the desire for reprisals against him – Russian Ministry of Defense
Intel Slava Z
https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.1.0/svg/1f1f7-1f1fa.svghttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.1.0/svg/1f1fa-1f1e6.svghttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.1.0/svg/26a1.svghttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.1.0/svg/26a1.svgShoigu reported to Putin on the completion of the operation and the complete liberation of the Azovstal plant and Mariupol from Ukrainian militants
They could just as well have stopped at “taken out”, but I imagine Putin wants him and the others to face trial for the atrocities they’ve committed….
Would be great if all the lying media would be prosecuted as well…..
“The first interrogation of “Volyn” commander of so called 36th Marine Brigade
-Are you all going out?
– Is there anyone else on the territory of the plant?
– The entire 36th brigade and its representatives are now here with me. There are no more marines on the territory of the plant.
– Are there foreigners on the territory of the plant?
– Generally there were
– VIPs?
– I don’t know about it.
-Who was, where was he?
– There are foreigners in the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
– Are the curators foreign?
– I don’t know any foreign curators who would give any instructions”
“It is reported that tomorrow sappers and assault groups will start entering the territory of Azovstal to comb the territory. Then you can wait for special services, investigators and forensic experts.
In addition, as previously known, more than 200 corpses are stored in a frozen state on the territory of Azovstal. They will also have to be pulled out and stored / buried somewhere (after identification).”
Sorry I didn’t spot that was already posted.
Likes the sound of sappers and assault units. Sounds like more to come before the special services, investigators and forensic experts get started. We’ll have to be patient, but that will be easy knowing Vald moves at light speed when compared to other justice ops we are familiar with.
At long last!
If Nancy shows contempt and shows up anyway, I hope the archbishop takes her coat (Trump reference) and shows her the door.
Cordileone is the real deal. He’s one of the good guys. Bravo to him for taking such a stand. Pelosi may present herself for Eucharist any number of places, but in San Francisco, any priest would do well to think twice before distributing to her.
Any chance that Bergooglibub will try to inject himself into this? He has seemed fairly resolute on abortion, in contrast to other left-wing ideological positions like climate hoaxing and “Atom 666” (carbon) lunacy. OTOH, I can see him rescuing the left-wing position with “who am I to judge” thinking.
Strong wording:
Will anyone ask her about this?
The inconsistency of “pious” “Catholics” advocating for something the Church, that they are supposedly devout members of, anathematizes has always reeked of hypocrisy even to me [who could otherwise not give a rat’s ass what the Roman Catholic Church thinks].
Either leave the Church, or toe its line, as is a requirement of membership.
You know too much to “give a rat’s ass.”
True Catholics have been longing for this for a long time.
Curious – Why would the Archbishops be this vocal after all these years? What changed? Do you think this has to with the Pope’s health?
Departing from Christian principles happens in Protestant denominations too. They work to get the tenets changed to include women ministers (which is much more widely accepted today), homosexual marriage, and the like. One difference I see is that the Catholic church has not changed its stance on abortion at all, yet outspoken and well-known Catholics like Biden and Pelosi hold positions that are the opposite of what the church teaches.
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
2 Timothy 4:3-4
Slow guy figures it really is that simple.
The inconsistency baffled me for a good while. Then, the power of money came into focus.
I agree. Practice what you preach, and follow your religion if you claim it.
Godfather III !!!
Poligrip Pavement Princess Mafiosi Piglosi d’Alessandro Gambino… di Famiglia…
Nancy, consider yourself not in a state of grace.
Non Catholics and those who have fallen away can EFF OFF!!!!!!!!!
None of you business.
I didn’t say f—ing business on purpose.
It affects us all.
NO IT DOES NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have not seen you this worked up in years!
Of course it does.
When churches, even those we don’t attend, fail to live up to their principles, it affects the whole of society. Churches are the bulwark of civilization. Our whole country was built on Judeo-Christian ethical structure. Any degrading of that structure affects everyone in America, and the world.
Catholics and non-Catholics alike are correct to be glad that Pelosi’s evil USE of the church as a shield to stand behind has been called out for what it is.
Well Stated.
If it upsets you, our beloved DePat, to such an extent even now…..how are we supposed to have sat by quietly and bitten our tongues over the years this infection has been allowed to fester?
How could we not be joyful that this shadow will finally pass from your church?
I am able to say with confidence that it affects all of us because of what Aubergine said in her excellent comment. I have noticed it and have had that experience for many years, with many different iterations of church life (not just in Catholicism), and from seeing the comments of many people.
I don’t know why you’re so upset. No one is commenting about you personally or even about the Catholic church, except for wondering why barring Pelosi from communion wasn’t done sooner. That has been asked for years about Pelosi and others. And that kind of criticism is said in all walks of life, about churches, governments, politicians, and individuals — precisely because the people can see what’s going on and are affected by it.
I am shocked at this reaction from you, just as I was stunned at your reaction to Steve’s comment, which was about Pelosi and people like her advocating for something that is prohibited by the very church they claim to be part of. His comment was not about pious Catholics, but about hypocritical ones. There was nothing personal or insulting in that; it is a situation that everyone has been able to see and wonder about for a long time.
It is not a reflection on us . I do not give a flip what Pelosi does good for someone in the church to stand up against these pretenders. I wish someone has enough guts to deny Biden and his side kick.
I agree. I’m not saying it’s a reflection on us.
Yes. It is something that we all see and are affected by, just like any news.
Webster’s definition of hypocrite, could include a picture of Piglosi.
If it’s none of our business, why post about it?
A strong tornado touched down in Gaylord this afternoon, and damage is being reported. My location was under a severe thunderstorm warning earlier from the same storm. I remember that your family has roots in the Gaylord area.
Report on the atrocities by english speaking ukraniane nazis starting in 2014, known about by the red cross who kept quiet about it.
Starts at 28:04
This is what Russia has been talking about!!! Started in 2014 – Kiev started letting them off the leash!!!
A win: Federal Judge blocks Biden from ending Title 42…
I think it might be a temporary injunction, but I hope it will become permanent.
re Monkeypox: H/T to Jon K over at Chiefios…
Check out page 12 (especially the dates) of this document
Inquiring minds want to know………
Some text from that “scenario”:
Globalists are clearly using disease to “herd” humanity. May they see justice.
They will see justice, either in this world, or the next.
The Davos crowd thrive on fear to advance their agenda. Have no fear evil thrives on fear. Deny them of that pleasure.
As principled depopulationists, they should have no problem if we speeded up the trials and go straight to the death penalty.
Unlike the J6 political prisoners in the DC gulags…we recognize cabal rights to a speedy trial and immediate execution of the sentence given.
Should I have left off the last four words?
The last four words are important.
I know you are right…but sometimes I just wanna……..
Well, isn’t it ** interesting **, then, that this “new Monkeypox outbreak” appears to be happening just about at the time that the WHO is poised to take over the health decision sovereignty of every country on Earth?
And there’s this — the NIH and the WHO just inked a “vaccine” licensing agreement agreement on MAY 12:
There are no “coincidences.”
Kari Lake for AZ Governor
Just got a tip that there are some BIG developments in the Election Corruption Investigation in Yuma County, Arizona.
Possibly including Law Enforcement raids on non-profits potentially involved in ballot trafficking.
Why don’t we all just roll over and die…
Not going to give them the satisfaction
Getting out ahead of DOJ intimidation moves is a proven tactic. Para knows exactly what he’s doing – and I approve. This is not “anti-hopium” or Eeyore. It’s PREP.
I have had to do this with FIB and Dodge many times. Getting people wary of their responses allows psychological preparation – spine-stiffening – RESOLVE. When there IS psychological preparation, the highly politicized “uppers” at Dodge and FIB tend to back down on their counterattacks.
They are VERY dependent on surprise to attain psy-op goals.
I would have bet they would have made a move here – but if we prep for it – they will push it off into the future and do it in a sneakier fashion. But we can deal with that, too.
Like with the parents at the school boards. Once they knew the Feds were coming around, the Feds stopped coming around.
Exactly! That was a big victory where we surprised THEM.
Their goal has always been intimidation, and surprise helps that work. They seek to generate FEAR on the part of citizens. January 6 prosecutions were a perfect example. Get the word out, though, and people prepare themselves for confrontation.
Nancy’s goons – same thing. When they were caught snooping and spying on Republican offices, getting the word out on what they did allowed us to anticipate similar moves, as well as to confront them on their spying and intimidation tactics.
Fortunately for us, they cannot be everywhere all at once.
Saturday post “in the can.”
Though I might do more; I have unexpected free time tonight.
Savor it, Steve. You do so much for all of us with your wonderful educational posts. We probably don’t thank you enough, so consider yourself appreciated!!
Glad I can contribute to the discussion.
THE PLAN…as reluctant as I am to publicly use that term, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck…I might need glasses and a hearing aid.
Like you say…we don’t know what we don’t know.
I had already done some brainstorming and dot connecting on my own thinking that this whole crazy impossible tinfoil scenario is too good to be true. Sippin’ a bit too much whiskey there…had a feeling like I was sent back to 2015-2017 strangely similar but armed with more knowledge and experience…TOO similar to be coincidence I thought. Although not like a detailed plan…more like vivid déjà vu…naaaaa too little sleep and too much Hopium.
But something just would not let me leave it alone. Two billionaires…both risking literally everything…KNOWINGLY! Exactly…no way they did not know what they were getting themselves into.
In fact, we know that Trump knew because he told us so over and over…taking out 17 establishment candidates…exposing them before a worldwide audience on stage as “bought and paid for”…”controlled by their donors”…not a single one could deny it. NOT ONE!
Then in October 2016 weeks before the election…The Speech. Trump laid it out…he knew…now we knew. Does a general go to war with an evil enemy without a plan to win? A general that has done decades of recon behind enemy lines…dealing with corrupt nasty evil in all the right places to collect all the intelligence he needed. The ultimate mole they never saw coming.
“Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American people.” – President-elect Donald J Trump –
But, like Neo in the Matrix I have been down this path before. But this time something felt different. Musk makes a $44BN bid without knowing the product? NEVER! No way he did not know about the bots.
The body language video I saw a month ago where Musk was interviewed at TED just kept popping up…she was shocked at Musk’s posture…she read extreme stress (paraphrasing)”Elon what in the hell are you up against?! It’s not Goliath…it’s much worse! Whatever it is…he’s terrified!”
Like Trump…Musk could have taken a much easier path…like Trump…Musk went to war. Musk just witnessed 6 years of what they did to Trump…yet he jumped into the fight waving the banner of Free Speech. What…a one man Rambo? Read his tweets, Musk is telling us what they are going to do to him before they do it.
No! No way! Not without a damned good plan and some back up…an army.
The idea that this was a military operation has been with me from our days at CTH…since the beginning. Even when it looked like we were getting our asses kicked…”This makes no sense…I have read Art of the Deal several times…Trump is not that guy”. He was absolutely LOVED by the military and law enforcement…THAT WAS REAL. Trump stood there and shook every single cadets hand at their graduation…I can still see the awe in their faces. Just look at the photos……
All that and much more…I was worn out and had to work…
I went to bed trying to sleep with my brain firing on all cylinders…full moon did not help.
Cannot sleep and getting frustrated. Ok…turn on the laptop….
Just happened to be surfing randomly through my usual sites…the Revolver article…BUSTED…The Ministry of Truth Czar Nina Jankowics involved in undermining western democracies! I could feel tingling on my scalp and my eyes were suddenly focused like a laser.
Seemingly every piece of the puzzle was falling into place…the author is riding the same exact wave…even links to a deeper explanation of Musk’s role in this. Ok…I MUST SLEEP. Did not read the link but the author said enough…theory is that this was a setup…and Musk is not working alone.
With little sleep, I am on my way to work riding the train…as usual, I like to listen to Dave from the X22 Report. He is always optimistic…beautiful morning…birds singing. Dave reads a post from BioClandestine and a theory with Musk’s bid and a military operation.
The Sun Tzu quote at the end really drove it home for me.
Everything…EVERYTHING! That feeling when everything is confirmed from a stranger thousands of miles away. No need to cherry pick…nothing. So I am not crazy…or we are both crazy. Seems that everything I am hearing or reading is exactly what I would expect…and as Dave would say,”They are panicking like we have never seen before!”
Even GWBush with THE Freudian slip of all Freudian slips…slamming the Iraq…I mean Ukraine invasion. You cannot make this stuff up! The new press secretary…I almost feel sorry for her…Doocy take it easy guy!
Looking at the headlines on Revolver right now…ex-Truth Czar Nina J spazzing and crying “disinformation”!
Before I go…then there was this….President Trump ReTruths two posts, one of Gen Flynn and himself and what is that over his left shoulder? Are we to believe that weeks ago Flynn bashes Q…but Trump posts an image with an obvious Q and is somehow ignorant of what it means to millions of his supporters.? All over the place for the last several years, Q everywhere at his rallies. Scavino posts that seems to be sending messages by code that match up…when is coincidence no longer coincidence.
It begs a very obvious question…If the Q program was a cabal setup and a danger to MAGA…why not warn us? Impossible that Trump was not aware of the mountain of media attacks on “QAnon conspiracy theorists”? They even had cable specials attacking the movement…yet somehow Trump just let it all slide. Sorry…a simple statement would have ended it early…but it never came.
You are not crazy. I do not know what is happening behind the scenes, but Elon standing up is certainly a big ongoing win for commonsense and freedom-loving people. Musk’s quick and snappy come-backs seem to be encouraging more people to stand up and speak their minds. The globalists have not yet had time to vilify Musk the way they have tried to do to President Trump. Best of all, they can only polarize a certain number before people get clued in to their “wrap-up smears.”
I want to stress the importance of this comment by BioClandestine:
I have asked this question several times over the years here and CTH when it seemed like nothing was going to happen.
If the military were behind Trump conducting The Plan…what would it look like from our perspective?
BC boiled it down quite nicely I think. This is how you do it without a hot civil war.
So much talk about recessions that I started wondering what if we have a depression instead. What things do I need that I don’t have now? First, I have a number of old sheets I have not used for years. They sit in a dresser. If we cannot get kleenex, I would need to cut up some sheets and sew them into small cloth handkerchiefs. My mom had pretty little embroidered ones that were mainly for pretty not for nose blowing, but well… that led me to think about my 140-foot well with an electric pump. I started exploring manual well pumps and found some can coexist with one’s existing well. The manual well pumps are pretty cool looking but it would be a bear to pump enough to wash a load of clothes, right? Does anyone have a manual well pump either as a primary or a backup? Here’s one site that talks about them… https://www.flojak.com/
Yours Truly believes this is a good thought process to start. The “ripple effects” are far and wide. For example, when cleaning out the house in Virginia prior to selling it after my husband’s death, I found several large balls of string and of twine made of many smaller pieces that were knotted together. These items were at the back of a cupboard and had probably been there for decades — my guess is at least as far back as WWII. The stuff wasn’t usable when I found them, but it is a reminder that there were times when people had to save every scrap they could.
It is not so hard for me to remember what my parents might have done to get by. I remember when sometimes dinner was rice with milk, sugar, and cinnamon. It was such a treat. That might have been all we had that evening and that was okay. We were happy. I think I will fix some this weekend. So many things we can do without even toilet paper if needed. No electric, need a clothes line to air dry things. Could look for an old-fashioned washing machine with a hand wringer.
We have back up water pumps. A couple that run on 12V or D cell. Also a cheap manual pump.
IF the water table here were more reasonable, we’d have those manual pumps we see in Westerns. They work great.
In the Philippine boondocks, where family live, they have only had “city water” for about five years. “City water usually is available. Cuts out a couple times each week. Sometimes for a day or two.
Each of the four houses I’ve built there, has BOTH “city water” and the old manual pump.
Before city water, we did pump water for laundry. Took turns pumping water for laundry, cooking, bathing… WE damn sure did NOT waste water.
The first time I visited family in the Philippine boondocks, NO electricity. Candles or kerosene. Slept under mosquito nets, on bamboo floors.
WE literally walked five minutes to the community well. NO pump. A hole in the ground. we dropped a bucket into the water, retrieved the bucket, trying NOT to spill the water we were hauling up.
Did you have a water tower for any of the four houses you built?
Only the first house, built in 2004, had a water tower / tank. Keeping the pump primed, proved a “bridge too far”. Huge money pit.
Cut the tower down in 2005 or 2006. Repurposed the angle steel from the structure. Can’t recall what we did with the actual tank or electric pump.
Used the hand pump until city water came available ~5 years ago.
The other three houses, put up over the past three years. City water and hand pump.
An extra hundred gallons at elevation from city water would come in handy during outages….
With city water unreliable. Water commonly goes off without notice. Perhaps 50% of water outages are announced. Same for electricity. NO redundancy in their systems in the boondocks.
Work around in place.
This is beginning to sound like “Swiss Family Kalboson”…..
I am reminded of an anecdote regarding Thomas Edison’s labs in Menlo Park, NJ. He personally led a tour group of journalists through the property, beginning and ending in a little garden. At the entry from parking to the garden, the exit from the garden to the labs, the entrance to the garden from the labs, and the exit back to parking from the garden, there was a turnstile.
With characteristic humor and far-reaching intellect, he led the little group through the labs, the wall of things that didn’t work, development shops, light displays, projected images, recorded sounds, and the like. Finally, they came back to the little garden, where someone finally spoke up: “Mr. Edison, we have seen many wondrous things here, things to save effort and make the impossible possible, fantastical inventions that boggle the mind…..so why are your garden gates so stiff?”
Edison looked even more impish and amused at the question. “I’m so very glad you asked, my friend. You may have noticed that there are four turnstiles. Each time there is a full rotation among the four — one quarter on four, half on two, or a full rotation on one — two gallons of water are pumped into a tank on my roof. The twenty-five of you will have added fifty gallons to my household supply during your visit.”
This seems significant.
The US should have this type of data compiled, and released to the public.
They should do a HELL of a lot more than that! They should take those death jabs off the market and prosecute everyone involved with them, including everyone at the FDA who approved them.
Of course they should.
But, UNTIL the public IS SHOWN the deaths and juries from Covid Injections, NO justice will be pursued.
Musk gearing up for War!
^^^ GREAT Attitude.
Sorta like where Musk stated, buying TW was NOT for financial gain.
And once again, a familiar attitude…Trump always saying that you do not settle with frivolous lawsuit.
Starting to feel like 2016.
THAT is what I have been so excited about especially this past week! I am feeling it in my bones…sling shot around Neptune’s gravity assist and rocketing back to Earth with a PURPOSE!
Someone found the Event 201 equivalent for a monkeypox epidemic. In that simulation, the monkeypox epidemic started on May 15, 2022.
[PDF] https://www.nti.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/NTI_Paper_BIO-TTX_Final.pdf
Excellent! Excellent! Excellent! Excellent!
tl;dr of the “simulation”:
On that last point (post-election lockdowns), it looks to me like they didn’t want to be too obvious – and to leave the Dems some “space to destroy”.
Fascinating. I wouldn’t think the same mandates that we endured for COVID would work for monkeypox, but I need to learn more about the disease. It’s just in time for the November election. I do think they’re underestimating us, though.
With Covidiocy, I think part of the reason many Americans tolerated to shutdown, lock down, masks…WAS Trump in office.
ZERO chance MAJORITY of Americans are going to listen to BiteMe, Hoe, Walensky, FauXi, WHO….
^^^ Outside of Blue
citiescrap holes. Them fools are programmed to comply.Well, it says we are supposed to develop a no regrets policy. So since they’ve lost our trust, I’ve no regret if we loose all of them.
Just 30 seconds ago I said EXACTLY that to my wife!
Great minds and all….
Believe it or not…I do not believe it will work here in Germany either. The media did an excellent job of black out of the massive protests here…but there were still MASSIVE protests.
I have saved links to videos that are difficult to find now with a normal search…they tried their best to scrub them.
^^^ That IS great news.
Donald J. Trump
The Kemp Campaign, together with Fake News NBC, has put out a phony narrative that I have given up on David Perdue in Georgia. That is completely FALSE! I am with David all the way because Brian Kemp was the WORST Governor in the Country on Election Integrity!
Has Trump scheduled another GA rally for Perdue?
Good question!
Ready or not, here it comes.
Apparently it posted, even though I was still editing. I didn’t finish the science part. In fact, it’s still got the wrong section title…better go fix it.