The Chinese Should Think Before Wiping Us Out As Sometimes They Need Us To Solve Their Problems For Them
Okay you knuckledragging ChiComs trying to take us down…here’s a history lesson for you.
For millennia, you had to suffer from this:
Yep. Steppe Nomads. They laid waste to your country, burned, raped and pillaged (but not in that order–they’re smarter than you are) for century after century.
You know who figured out how to take them on and win? The Russians.
Not you, the Russians. And it took them less than two centuries. And Oh By The Way they were among the most backward cultures in Europe at the time.
You couldn’t invent an alphabet, you couldn’t take care of barbarians on horseback, and you think you can take this board down?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! We’re laughing at you, you knuckledragging dehumanized communists…worshipers of a mass-murderer who killed sixty million people!
I mean, you still think Communism is a good idea even after having lived through it!
By my reckoning that makes you orders of magnitude more stupid than AOC, and that takes serious effort.
His Fraudulency
Joe Biteme, properly styled His Fraudulency, continues to infest the White House, and hopium is still being dispensed even as our military appears to have joined the political establishment in knuckling under to the fraud.
One can hope that all is not as it seems.
I’d love to feast on that crow.
“No Chemicals”
A detailed analysis of the contents of His Fraudulency’s skull was performed.
Absolutely no chemicals found!
Justice Must Be Done.
The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system.
Nothing else matters at this point. Talking about trying again in 2022 or 2024 is hopeless otherwise. Which is not to say one must never talk about this, but rather that one must account for this in ones planning; if fixing the fraud is not part of the plan, you have no plan.
Small Government?
Many times conservatives (real and fake) speak of “small government” being the goal.
This sounds good, and mostly is good, but it misses the essential point. The important thing here isn’t the size, but rather the purpose, of government. We could have a cheap, small tyranny. After all our government spends most of its revenue on payments to individuals and foreign aid, neither of which is part of the tyrannical apparatus trying to keep us locked down and censored. What parts of the government would be necessary for a tyranny? It’d be a lot smaller than what we have now. We could shrink the government and nevertheless find it more tyrannical than it is today.
No, what we want is a limited government, limited not in size, but rather in scope. Limited, that is, in what it’s allowed to do. Under current circumstances, such a government would also be much smaller, but that’s a side effect. If we were in a World War II sort of war, an existential fight against nasty dictatorships on the brink of world conquest, that would be very expensive and would require a gargantuan government, but that would be what the government should be doing. That would be a large, but still limited government, since it’d be working to protect our rights.
World War II would have been the wrong time to squawk about “small government,” but it wasn’t (and never is) a bad time to demand limited government. Today would be a better time to ask for a small government–at least the job it should be doing is small today–but it misses the essential point; we want government to not do certain things. Many of those things we don’t want it doing are expensive but many of them are quite eminently doable by a smaller government than the one we have today. Small, but still exceeding proper limits.
So be careful what you ask for. You might get it and find you asked for the wrong thing.
Political Science In Summation
It’s really just a matter of people who can’t be happy unless they control others…versus those who want to be left alone. The oldest conflict within mankind. Government is necessary, but government attracts the assholes (a highly technical term for the control freaks).
James Webb Space Telescope Update
None of the 19 boxes I showed last time have been checked, yet, but NASA has published another blog entry about what they plan to do with JWST once it is ready to do science, this time focusing on our own solar system.
Webb Nearly Set to Explore the Solar System – James Webb Space Telescope (
The article makes the point that we haven’t sent a spacecraft to Uranus and Neptune since 1986 and 1989, respectively, and that was Voyager 2 (which, by the way, is still alive and kicking, and 129.9 AUs away from the Sun, the second furthest we’ve ever sent a probe [you are a mere 1 AU from the Sun]).
We’ve even managed to put orbiters around Jupiter (two of them), and Saturn (one) and even landed on a moon of Saturn, but we’ve not been back to the two ice giants. So we need to watch them from here. Hubble has taken pictures of Uranus and Neptune, and JWST will, also.
[As an aside, I still remember New Horizons’ 2015 flyby of Pluto. In my lifetime Pluto went from being a dot (marked with an arrow) among an array of other dots (which are stars) in a photograph, to being a world we had some very detailed images of, and almost all of that progression was in one week. (Hubble had gotten very blurry images in 2002-03.) Suddenly I was able to buy a six inch globe of Pluto, something flat-out (pun intended) undoable mere months earlier.
[If we can launch New Horizons, we can launch more probes to Uranus and Neptune, though they might not be orbiters. New Horizons was launched at solar escape velocity directly from Earth. (Its speed immediately after launch, relative to Earth, was over 36,000 miles per hour, a record that still stands, though other spacecraft like the Helios sun probe have gone much faster well after launch.) It didn’t need a gravity assist “slingshot” like the Voyager probes needed to get to Saturn and beyond, though we did use one off Jupiter to shorten the voyage by a few years. New Horizons was a very lightweight (884 lbs) probe compared to the Voyagers (1820 lbs), and that’s what made the difference–a lighter probe can be pushed to a higher velocity by the same rocket.]
Lawyer Appeasement Section
OK now for the fine print.
This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines, here, with an addendum on 20191110.
We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.
And remember Wheatie’s Rules:
1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.
(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)
(Paper) Spot Prices
Last week:
Gold $1,813.20
Silver $21.24
Platinum $951.00
Palladium $2,020.00
Rhodium $16,950.00
This week, 3PM Mountain Time, markets have closed for the weekend.
Gold $1,847.70
Silver $21.88
Platinum $964.00
Palladium $2,039.00
Rhodium $16,150.00
We’re seeing some recovery of gold, silver and platinum, but well below the levels that were starting to look normal before the Fed raised the rate.
Greatest Physicists and Greatest Scientists
Physics World (a British journal) did a poll back in 1999, presumably only quizzing actual physicists. They were asked to name the greatest physicists of all time. Here’s what they got:
- Albert Einstein
- Isaac Newton
- James Clerk Maxwell
- Niels Bohr
- Werner Heisenberg
- Galileo Galilei
- Richard Feynman
- Paul Dirac
- Erwin Schrödinger
- Ernest Rutherford
All of these have gotten mention here; I probably didn’t spend enough time on Heisenberg. (Or maybe I did. Can’t be sure.) I’m a little surprised to not see Michael Faraday on the list. It’s heavily tilted towards post-1894 people, which shouldn’t be too surprising; physicists’ heads are the quantum world constantly, and Einstein, Heisenberg, Dirac, Schrödinger, and Feynman had a lot to do with shaping that world, and Bohr and Rutherford investigated the atomic nucleus (which also depends on quantum concepts). That just leaves Newton, Maxwell, and Galilei (almost always referred to by his first name) as representing classical (“old”) physics.
There’s also a site named and they list twenty names:
- Albert Einstein (for Advancing the Theory of Relativity)
- Neils Bohr (for Contributions to quantym theory, nuclear reactions and nuclear fission
- Stephen Hawking (for Explaining black holes and advances on the General Theory of Relativity and quantum mechanics
- Isaac Newton (for explaining the theories of gravity and mechanics)
- Nikola Tesla (for creating the first alternating current system)
- Galileo Galilei (for providing a mathematical analysis of the relationship between astronomy and physics)
- Marie Curie (for discovering radioactive nature of thorium and the discovery of polonium and radium)
- (Lord) Kelvin (for advancement of the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics; developing absolute thermometric scale
- Robert Hooke (for explaining Hooke’s Law of elasticity)
- Richard Feyman (for work on path integral formulation on quantum mechanics, particle physics, theory of quantum electrodynamics, and superfluidity)
- Michael Faraday (for discovering electromagnetic induction and for coming up with the idea for the first electrical transformer)
- Ernest Rutherford (for supporting the theory on the existence of an atomic nucleus)
- Marconi (for work on wireless telegraphy)
- Max Planck (for formulation of quantum theory)
- Allesandro Volta (for inventing the first electric battery)
- J. J. Thomson (for showing the existence of the electron)
- Erwin Schrodinger (for extensive advancements of quantum mechanics and the Schroedinger equation)
- James Clerk Maxwell (for work on the theory of electromagnetism and the kinetic theory of gases)
- Werner Heisenberg (for work on quantum mechanics and the uncertainty principle
- James Chadwick (for discovery of the neutron).
The only ones I missed completely during the physics series were Hooke (and I’ve noted I shouldn’t have skipped that particular topic, especially when later stuff turned out to depend on it somewhat), Marconi. and Tesla. Though Tesla, I noted, did have a unit of measurement named after him.
Discover Magazine came up with their own list of scientists (not specifically physicists) here: The 10 Greatest Scientists of All Time | Discover Magazine (Warning, this is one of those sites that gives a very limited number of free reads to non-subscribers…sort of a demi-paywall.) Their selection criteria seem just a bit…odd.
- Albert Einstein
- Marie Curie
- Isaac Newton
- Charles Darwin
- Nikola Tesla
- Galileo Galilei
- Ada Lovelace
- Pythagoras
- Carl Linnaeus
- Rosalind Franklin.
I definitely haven’t mentioned all of these, many are biologists and one is a geologist, and I haven’t talked about those fields (which are more closely tied to each other than many might imagine). Charles Darwin is famous enough, clearly (though many suffer from misconceptions as to what his theory addressed–it says nothing about the origin of life) and he definitely deserves a spot in the top ten. Ada Lovelace was in fact the first programmer, but the man who designed the machine she programmed is absent. Carl Linnaeus came up with a classification scheme for living things close to what we use today and is definitely a biologist of the first rank. Pythagoras is famous for his theorem about right triangles, and Franklin was part of the DNA sequencing team, denied her rightful share of the credit. All on this list are worthy of mention, but only a few of them should be in a Top Ten Scientists list. I suspect some PC or even wokester influence in the cases of Lovelace and Franklin. If Franklin should be on this list, so should her two teammates Watson and Crick. It could be worse, though; at least no one on this list was totally useless.
Readers of Discover Magazine sent in some other suggestions, including Isaac Asimov, Richard Feynman, Robert FitzRoy, Lucretius, Katherine McCormick, John Muir, Rolf O. Peterson, and Marie Tharp. Frankly the only one of these in the absolute top drawer is Feynman, though all of the others did worthwhile things. Asimov was a very good explainer of science (more so than me!). Marie Tharp discovered the mid-ocean terrain that was an important piece of the evidence for plate tectonics (without which, geology makes no sense). FitzRoy was the captain of the HMS Beagle (the ship on which Darwin voyaged) and made contributions to meteorology; Peterson has been running a predator/prey study on Isle Royale for decades.
T5 The Kinetic Theory of Gases or Why The Earth Leaks Hydrogen
The second list above contains the name “(Lord) Kelvin” and explains that he’s famous for his work on the kinetic theory of gases. The original article says a bit more, crediting him with enunciating the first two laws of thermodynamics. Which, for review, are:
- If you put energy into (or take it out of) a system, the energy remaining in the system changes by that much. This is essentially the conservation of energy.
- In a natural thermodynamic process, the sum of all entropies of the interacting items never decreases. As it turns out, this is equivalent to saying that heat never passes from a colder body to a warmer body.
Even in your refrigerator, the heat inside the refrigerator goes into the refrigerant; it’s piped away and compressed (to warm it up), the heat leaves the hot refrigerant, which is allowed to expand and cool…and sent back into the refrigerator. Energy–work–is used to alter the temperature of the refrigerant by mechanical means so it can suck heat out of the refrigerator then dump it outside the refrigerator; that work itself creates more heat.
But what’s really behind all of this? We’ve talked about heat, we’ve established that it’s a form of energy, but why does it always flow hot to cold? And what is it, really?
The kinetic theory of gases goes all the way back to Lucretius, who suggested that all objects consisted of a large number of moving particles, but Aristotelian theory was more widely accepted. In the 1700s some scientists revived the theory, but it ran into difficulty because it required perfectly elastic collisions. I’d better explain what that means, because it’s probably counter-intuitive. When you hear “elastic” you’re probably thinking of bouncing a rubber ball, which after all, is an elastic material, but to a physicist an elastic collision is one where the bodies do not deform and do not lose their kinetic energy in any way–whereas with rubber objects some of the energy goes into compressing and bending the rubber. Billiard balls are close to elastic in this sense.
William Thomson (1824-1907) was a key figure to elaborating and getting the kinetic theory of gases accepted. He was actually a very important figure in physics, and you may recall he had things to say with regard to the (then) mystery of where the Sun (and other stars) gets its energy. He was first knighted by Queen Victoria in 1866, becoming Sir William Thomson, then eventually ennobled and made Lord Kelvin in 1892, the first scientist to be elevated to the House of Lords. And he is more commonly known as Lord Kelvin today, and so the metric unit of temperature is named the kelvin, not the thomson.
In 1847 Thomson attended a conference at which James Prescott Joule argued against the then-dominant caloric theory of heat, which stated that heat was a fluid, named “caloric,” that repelled itself and thus would tend to flow to where it wasn’t (i.e., to colder objects). Joule was having little success, but Thomson became intrigued and eventually during the mid 1850s the two collaborated, mostly by mail, with Joule doing the experimental work and Thomson suggesting new experiments and working on the theory.
And they ended up arguing convincingly for the kinetic theory of gases.
This theory models a gas as a collection of very small particles, identical particles if the gas is pure, which are spaced much further apart than the diameter of the particles. And they’re all bouncing around, smacking into each other and their surroundings, sort of like in the GIF below (ignore the different colors for now).
It’s like the world’s biggest game of billiards–perfectly elastic. And it’s in three D, and there’s no friction at all. Air resistance? This is what the air is made of, how can these spheres be encountering air resistance? In other words, the space between these little particles (atoms or molecules) of gas is a vacuum.
If you watch that GIF for a while, you’ll see that some of the particles move quickly, some move slowly, and a particle’s speed can change. Part of the loop, just for instance, shows a red particle in the lower left that is nearly stationary until it gets smacked by another particle.
Just looking at that, there’s a fair amount of kinetic energy in all these particles. But it’s more than just the particles flying all over the place and smacking each other; the particles can vibrate and rotate as well, and all of this is kinetic energy in different guises.
It turns out the temperature of the gas is directly related to the average kinetic energy of the particles.
If you have, say, about six hundred sextillion particles of gas, you have a mole of the gas, in other words, if it’s hydrogen molecules, H2 (molecular weight 2), it’s two grams of hydrogen, and so on; physicists and chemists like to work in moles because if two samples of two different things are of the same number of moles, they have the same number of molecules in them.
So if temperature is directly tied to the average kinetic energy of the particles, in other words energy per particle, then you can get to total energy by multiplying by the number of particles, and every mole has the same number of particles in it. So they like to write this law out in energy per mole.
So the kinetic energy in one mole of a gas is equal to a constant, R, times the temperature in kelvins, so Ek = 3/2 RT. And if you have n moles of the gas, it becomes Ek = 3/2 nRT.
R = 8.31446261815324 J/(K mol)
But scientists then like to divide this energy per mole, by the number of particles in a mole, to get the average kinetic energy of each molecule in the gas, and when they do that the constant becomes:
k = 1.380649×10−23 J/K
And k is known as the Boltzmann constant.
So the average kinetic energy of a molecule in a sample of gas is simply this number, times the temperature of the gas, times 3/2.
Kinetic energy in general is Ek = 1/2 mv2, i.e, one half the mass of the object, times the square of its velocity.
So we have the average kinetic energy of a molecule of the gas expressed in two different ways, one the traditional formula for kinetic energy, the other in terms of temperature. So we can set these two things equal to each other, like this:
Ek = 1/2 mv2 = 3/2kT
If you do a bit of algebra, you can get the average velocity of a molecule of gas, at some temperature–skipping past energy.
vaverage = sqrt( 3kT / m )
Notice…now that we’ve done it this way, it becomes clear that the lighter the molecule, the faster it must move at a given temperature (on average). A molecule of oxygen is sixteen times heavier than one of hydrogen; so at some temperature, the average hydrogen molecule must move four times as fast as the average oxygen molecule.
Those are averages. Can we say anything about the individual molecules? Well, there is a distribution known as Maxwell’s Distribution (named after the same James Clerk Maxwell who worked on electromagnetism; he also did work on this topic). With it you can determine, given an average kinetic energy (or velocity), what percentage of molecules are moving faster than some given velocity, or how many are moving slower. So perhaps the average molecule is moving at 100 meters per second, but you want to know what fraction of them are moving at more than 120 meters per second. The Maxwell Distribution will tell you. (It’s an ugly mess of a formula with derivatives in it…so I’ll spare you.)
This has a practical consequence, and explains something we take for granted.
You can imagine, perhaps, a temperature at which oxygen molecules (on average) travel slower than a planet’s escape velocity, so they tend to stick around, and hydrogen molecules, moving four times as fast, exceed the planet’s escape velocity and will escape the planet. Of course there are a couple of caveats. If the hydrogen is down close to the surface, it’s likely to bump into another molecule and perhaps lose its energy; it will certainly be deflected before it zooms off into outer space. So this applies to the upper reaches of the atmosphere, where the hydrogen has a straight shot to interplanetary space.
Also, the temperature doesn’t quite have to be high enough that the average velocity is over escape velocity. In fact, it can be quite a bit lower. This is an average velocity; some molecules move faster, some slower. What if the average is quite a bit lower than escape velocity, but one percent of the molecules are exceptionally fast and exceed escape velocity? Well, then over time that gas will slowly bleed away. Any hydrogen at high altitude will lose one percent of its number to outer space…and what’s left over, of course, will maintain the average and it will lose one percent to outer space. Repeat this a lot, and all the hydrogen in the upper atmosphere is gone, but then replenished by hydrogen from lower altitudes–but it bleeds away too. Eventually all of the hydrogen will be gone, even though it’s cool enough that at any given time, only one percent of the molecules are above escape velocity.
The earth is actually warm enough to bleed hydrogen like this. And in a fairly short amount of time, geologically speaking. This is why even though hydrogen is ridiculously common in our universe, much, much more common than oxygen, that we don’t have a world that consists of rock, water, and left-over hydrogen after all the oxygen forms rocks and water. That excess hydrogen, if it was ever here (it might not have ever stuck to the Earth in the first place during planetary formation), is long, long gone.
Helium is twice as heavy as hydrogen, and also very common…and it too bleeds away. When you open the valve on a cylinder of helium and it leaks out into the atmosphere, it rises, and eventually bleeds away into interplanetary space. Remember that the next time you get a party balloon. The helium in that balloon is gone forever once it leaks out. Helium is slowly generated by radioactive decay inside the earth, but once we pump out helium that has accumulated over billions of years and lose it, it’s gone. It’s the ultimate non-renewable resource…at least until we go mine it from gas giant planets, which is a ways away. This is why it’s so hard to get helium for balloons now–we’re saving it for MRI machines, where at least it’s continually recovered instead of leaked.
Even water (nine times as heavy as hydrogen) leaks from the earth, very slowly. GIve it enough time and the earth would become bone dry, as water evaporates, and some bleeds away. But something as heavy as oxygen and nitrogen has an average velocity low enough that, according to the Maxwell Distribution, virtually none of it gets fast enough to escape.
Jupiter, by contrast is colder and has a higher escape velocity, so it keeps its hydrogen. And helium. (Which is in large part why it is so massive.)
OK, I was hoping to get farther than this, and connect combinatorics and thermodynamics.
But alas, I have run out of time. It’s four minutes after 10 PM mountain, and I gotta publish this. I don’t even have time to edit for clarity (more than I have as I wrote it).
Hope it made some sense.
Obligatory PSAs and Reminders
China is Lower than Whale Shit
Remember Hong Kong!!!
中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!
China is in the White House
Since Wednesday, January 20 at Noon EST, the bought-and-paid for His Fraudulency Joseph Biden has been in the White House. It’s as good as having China in the Oval Office.
Joe Biden is Asshoe
China is in the White House, because Joe Biden is in the White House, and Joe Biden is identically equal to China. China is Asshoe. Therefore, Joe Biden is Asshoe.
But of course the much more important thing to realize:
Joe Biden Didn’t Win
乔*拜登没赢 !!!
Qiáo Bài dēng méi yíng !!!
Joe Biden didn’t win !!!
Regarding —
Do you know where he is?
If I did, I’d have no idea how fast he was moving.
That’s classified.
Ty for all your effort into these Saturday posts Steve!
Pythagoras is also famous for the fundamentals of tone and harmonics.
True. Thanks for reminding me.
The funny thing is, all that mucking around with weights and strings and shims to make them longer or shorter to produce longer or shorter wavelengths in harmonic proportion……eventually met up with his triangles and squares… provide all the underpinnings of trigonometry.
My dad tried to teach me trig in fourth grade, and I fought it bitterly…..but then I met Pythagoras in Descartes-land and thought it was almost too obvious to teach.
Your dad, in other words, put Descartes before de horse.
Of course.
Well it’s planely obvious he didn’t coordinate it well.
Now that there is doggone funny I don’t care who you are.
[rim shot]
[loud groan; cheap seats]
Since I don’t deal with physicists and scientists in everyday life and rather take for granted their accomplishments, seeing those lists rouses a sense of awe at their contributions to humanity and each of our lives.
Richard Feynman probably came to the attention of non-scientists when he discovered what caused the space shuttle Challenger disaster.
Feynman was a phenomenal explainer. Some day I should read his physics lectures. I admit to being weak on post-classical physics (i.e., “quantum” stuff) and I suspect he could bring a lot of clarity to it.
I have a book about him that I need to look at again. He seems to have spoken in such everyday terms, and with humor. Not pretentious at all.
I did make one of my science posts a transcript of a lecture he gave on quantum mechanics, to a non scientific audience at his university. Not for dummies, but not for scientists either.
Here is something very interesting that I discovered on the web, regarding the shuttle disaster.
Apparently one of the NASA scientists (Chinese name, IIRC) immediately suspected the O-rings, and claimed that he had warned his management about the problem, but his warnings were not heeded.
When I heard that, my thought was that Feynman was brought in to “turn the goof into a mystery” to then be solved – essentially covering up the error.
Sounds more reasonable, the rubber not expanding when brought to low temps sounds like something that might be elementary to a physicist.
Didn’t just claim it, he put it in writing. He refused to sign off on the last safety check sheet and told them flat out he wasn’t going to be responsible for that particular launch.
Here’s Feynman, talking about “why”-type questions.
Towards the end, he says trying to describe electrical attraction by comparing it to rubber bands is a trap…because someone can ask you why rubber bands pull together and it turns out the answer is–electrical forces.
You may or may not recall Wolf and I talking about the “rubber sheet” explanation of general relativity, which puts you in the infinite recursion of using gravity to explain gravity. Similar thing here.
(Though honestly rubber bands seem to behave more like quarks being pulled together by gluons and hence their confinement in nucleons, than they do magnets and electricity.)
I would have loved to hang out with him and glean whatever I could.
^^^ THAT explains a bit, why a child, incessantly asks, WHY.
Enjoyed listening to Feyman.
I knew, once, a child who would deliberately carry it on to ridiculous extents just to annoy the adults around him. He was about ten, usually well past the why stage. But it wasn’t curiosity, as it would be in a younger child.
When I was a kid, there was a “Tell me why” series of books, full of short essays; they were interesting to read even if they were answering a question I wasn’t asking!
If you had over $27.5 million, would you buy Epsein’s New Mexico ranch? It has a 30,000-square-foot home and lots of amenities.
No. way.
It’d be an interesting property to monetize [and sanitize, and exorcise], but I’d never want to live there.
How many acres?
Are there tunnels and caves like on Epstein’s island?
Is there any proof of the rumored transcontinental child-trafficking tunnels?
All good questions…
Transcontinental tunnels are balderdash. So were the rumors of tunnels 40,000 feet down.
I think that was a sarcastic comment.
I hope you’re right!
It absolutely has an enormous walk out basement, and the labyrinth is a helipad, imo.
Hop, skip and a jump to the ranch where the cinematographer was killed.
Bureau of Land Management, and State of New Mexico land leases and contracts? When? Gov. NM? Dir
Epstein was just the property manager, imo.
The energy there would be horrible. I would not even do a walk-through, much less own it.
There’s an elaborate estate next town over where a dr. murdered his wife in their bedroom and staged it to look like a shower fall. Found guilty. The house was sold and not too long after was relisted again. Something wrong there. I clicked thorough a few of the listing pics and had to stop. You could see the “bad”.
You could see the “bad”.
Seriously? Can you describe what you mean by that?
I’ve been in some house where bad things happened. I leave fast.
Me also.
Me too. One needs to be careful in places like that.
When I was 15, I did a lightning guided trip to Europe. One stop was Dachau. As we walked from the parking lot to the “Visitor’s Center”, there was one man standing at the edge of the path, weeping. Just as we got to the building, another man bolted out the door, made it about ten feet along the side of the building, then threw-up onto its foundations.
Epstein’s Ranch would likely be slightly more cheerful.
Jeez. I’m not sure I could stand it.
Along those lines, I visited the Arizona Memorial at Pearl Harbor. The first day, I was only on the shore. I kept walking over “bad spots,” where I knew someone had died. I was honestly terrified about going out to the memorial itself, but I was determined to go.
The second day, we showed up early. That’s recommended, because the chop on the water gets worse in the afternoon, and sometimes they stop the boats going out.
We watched the film about the Japanese attack first, narrated beautifully by Stockard Channing. I was also shocked by how many of the visitors who were there were Japanese. And then we got on the boat.
As we exited onto the dock at the memorial, a feeling of calm and peace descended. Voices became hushed. As we walked inside, I was overcome with the peace, the quiet, nothing but the sound of waves lapping. It was incredible.
As I walked around, I heard a guide telling about how some veterans of the ship were still having their ashes interned there. Incredible that having lived the entire rest of their lives, this was where they chose to be buried. The guide said one of the Navy Seals who dives down with the ashes told him that, as he puts the box into the hole in the side of the ship, he can FEEL the ship pull the box out of his hands. He said it felt like the ship was welcoming the person home. My God, I can still feel the chills that went through me.
On the way back to the shore, I looked back at the memorial. A full rainbow had appeared right over it. As I got off the boat, I thanked the crew of sailors, and commented about the beauty of the rainbow. They said “that happens all the time.”
This was one of the most incredible, emotional, defining experiences of my life. If you ever have the chance, just go.
I’ve been, and it is moving and peaceful now. And, yes, there are a conspicuous number of Japanese tourists.
I figure that they are there to think about the sort of people that could be aroused to defeat the Imperial Japanese military — island by bloody island, ship by ship, plane by plane, and what it took to kick that hornet’s nest.
I figure they want to see what they did that allowed the US to justify nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki — and every other city in Japan had they not surrendered.
I figure they want to see the kind of people who sheltered Japan under their postwar nuclear umbrella, helped to stabilize their post-imperial economy, and sent them Deming to bring them to prosperity — .
The Japanese tourists I saw at the Arizona were respectful and nearly reverent. In return, they were respected.
There’s an internet legend about a (Caucasian) American kid who could speak Japanse, and he could tell some teenage Japanese at the memorial were talking smack.
He punched them.
Of course, for getting violent he had to be taken off the memorial, but he had told the sailors there WHY he had done it, and as he sat in the office waiting for the boat coming to pick him up, the naval officer said, “Let me see if I can do something for you.” When the boat ferrying him back to shore landed, he was piped ashore with honors usually reserved for an admiral.
Same for me.
I’ve shared a bunch of video from people who traveled to cichlid spots to observe the fish in their native environment. They are spectacular and enthralling videos.
But there is another side to staying at these resorts on these lakes or rivers….there aren’t a lot of beef and dairy cattle to provide cheeseburgers.
Very often, then, you will be provided with fish for dinner. And it is not unusual to be presented with a specimen that might cost over $100 back at home…..pan fried.
As Euell Gibbons used to say, “many parts are edible!” — cichlids tend to be tasty and nutritious, and often provide the majority of protein in human diets in places where they are found.
You may be able to find tilapia in your grocery store — they’re cichlids. But if you’re in the deep Amazon and you look in a fish market, you might well see
— and your resort may have one on your dinnerplate.
Please know that your “fish stories” have helped lighten some tough days here. Thank you.
Thanks for making my ‘fish stories’ moniker worthy.
There is just something about ^^^ fish. Maybe it’s his tall forehead, those big eyes, or even his pretty spots. I cannot imagine eating that fish. He needs a name. I think I will name him George.
One of the common names for that fish is the Wolf Cichlid.
His scientific name is Parachromis dovii — — and he can grow to be over two feet long.
Essentially all the Parachromis are large, handsome, South-American fish-eating fish. Another fun one is Parachromis managuensis, the Jaguar Cichlid.
I Love America News
MEMES free ▲
Perfect 😉👍🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸
Good morning W0lf 🐺 … happy Saturday 😜
Thank you very much I really appreciate everything you do. God bless you and your loved ones abundantly, always.
.. 🙋♀️ ..
Kari Lake for AZ Governor
Why would we let an illegitimate president sell-out our sovereignty to the WHO??
Joe Biden may be bought & paid for by the CCP, but We the People of Arizona will NEVER give up our Sovereignty.
We abide by the US Constitution and the Arizona Constitution.
Nice try, Joe
I swear, every time that woman says something she gets prettier and prettier. 😍
You got that right! 🔥
Imagine Kari as VP with POTUS Trump.
Kari would SHRED Pravda News AND Uniparty daily.
Then, Kari steps up to POTUS.
She’s a good one! Definitely up there with DeSantis so far!
👉 🙈 🙉 🙊 DON’T EAT THE BUSHMEAT !!! 🐒 🐒 🐒
…and such coincidental uncanny timing !
Great closing line.
Can’t believe it’s Monkey Pox season. I still have my Ukraine decorations up.
The lunacy rolls on to the “new thing”.
Here is town is a church seem mostly Republicans people that belong there flying Ukraine flag at their homes. I am wondering what is up with that? Are they MAGA or are they establishment do not know. I have seen several flags.
Ukrainian immigrants so soon? (just teasing)
Yes do not know what the reasons are. One would think they fly the American flag? Maybe they have people as missionaries in Ukraine do not know.
MOST conservatives I know off this site are siding with Ukraine.
That is what it is. It is a conservative fundamental church.
They may not know the truth …
Most likely . Everything depends on the leader of the congregation.
Them “Republicans” flying Ukraine flags likely believe McConnell & McCarthy are good guys.
Would not surprise me.
Paul Joseph Watson! 🐒
Yesterday I posted that there was an Event 201-like simulation for a Monkeypox epidemic starting in May 2022. Only a few hours later, I find an article with the WHO warning people about it spreading during the summer through “mass gatherings.” This narrative is in line with the simulation where the virus spread for months in 2022 before the lockdowns started in 2023. One recommended “solution” in the simulation was shutting down “mass gatherings.”
From the Monkeypox simulation:
And follow-on to Paxlovid (or whatever the pill is).
Soon to be announced, Paxonkeypox pill, or whatever they name it.
HARD NO to all the Safe & Effective Big Pharma BS.
Heck, I don’t submit to my wife and she’s a lot better looking than these fascist govt vermin. Plus, she has WGTTs.
I’ve just been reading the tail end of yesterdays posts and tried to spread that pdf to another blog. All went into oblivion untill I guessed the trigger word and removed it.
Did somebody say trigger?
Filed under “TDS” for posterity!!! 😃
Good lord, can everybody just wake the hell up? READ the symptoms list for monkeypox!
If everybody in the whole world got it, big deal. We’d all be ugly for a few weeks, then immune.
This hair-on-fire shit for every little thing needs to end. Humans used to be more resilient than this.
THIS may be helpful…
From Malone.
I keep getting asked the same question again and again; is this outbreak of monkey pox a real threat, or is this another case of overstated and weaponized public health messaging? I am going to save my answer to this question for the end of this article and instead focus on what monkey pox is, the nature and characteristics of the associated disease, what we know and don’t know.
(Ends the article with)
In my opinion, based on currently available information, Monkeypox is a virus and disease which is endemic in Africa, emerges sporadically after transmission into humans from animal hosts, and is typically spread by close human contact. It is readily controlled by classical public health measures. It does not have a high mortality rate. Unless there has been some genetic alteration, either through evolution or intentional genetic manipulation, it is not a significant biothreat, and has never been considered a high threat pathogen in the past.
So stop the fear mongering, misinformation and disinformation.
I don’t give a pile of monkey shit whether it’s a high threat or not. The truth is not in those grifting lying govt hemorrhoids anyway.
Agree. Malone is saying as much.
THANK YOU! And thanks, Dr. Malone!
I saw Melone on Bannon this morning.
Looks the regime tries to scare us again into a psychosis. I think we all snapped out and with this monkey business is not working 🙂
I hope not! I’ve had about enough.
Love the way you put it in plan language! 👍
I am beginning to believe half the population is dumber than a bag of rocks anymore.
Lol, I think it’s more than half! And thanks. I am just fed up with the fearporn.
I’m excited by the possibility that my smallpox immunity may work on this monkeypox stuff. BRING IT ON!!! 😍
I was vaccinated for smallpox, too.
Monkeypox is very likely a powerful vaccine for smallpox. If it starts spreading, and has low mortality, I want to be exposed. I expect a mild case at most, and full immunity to smallpox afterwards.
Right! That’s good.
Maybe the White Hats knew they were going to try smallpox on us, and this is another “vaccine” like the Omicron?
I’d believe anything at this point.
It’s a reasonable theory. They’ve had lots of time to create a self-spreading cowpox, and “monkey” would likely be the sweet spot for that.
So you’re one of those immune types too? 😊
There are some advantages to being old enough to remember honest vaccines!!! 😅
I understand those smallpox vaccines (and I think I got one too) do expire, and require a booster. Which of course we don’t bother with because “smallpox is eradicated.”
Well, we’ll find out. Biggest “pox” experiment since we were kids.
I never got a reaction (the big sore, the scar) to the vaccine. Was always told that meant I was naturally immune. Who knows 🤔
Thank you for bringing this here.
IMO, this NTI organization appears to be a “front group” and/or a “fellow traveler group” of the WEF / {[DS] / Cabal. IMO, guess that these entities are concerned that the November elections in the U.S. could possibly not go the way these entities want them to go.
The NTI analysis report talks about how national governments “must adopt a “no regrets” approach to pandemic response, taking anticipatory action—as opposed to reacting to mounting case counts and fatalities, which are lagging indicators.”
There’s also a lot of “loose talk” about oversight / control by the UN and the WHO.
** Interesting ** that the analysis report was written by a former head of the FDA under Obama (Dr. Margaret Hamburg); the CEO of a company that works on “DNA synthesis” (Dr. Emily Leproust); and a VP of the NTI organization who oversees the group’s programs related to reducing “global biological catastrophic risks” (Dr. Jaime Yassif).
I want to see one of these Event 201 simulations where there’s something like:
Move 4 — Dranma marines interrupt WHO meeting in Switzerland, killing all participants. Public Health authorities in Dranma are chased down by crowds and executed throughout the country. Dranma politicians flee as their houses are burned. As shown by Figure 17, popularity of Dranma-type measures soars in Cardus.
Well through out their documents they advocate a “No Regrets” policy be adopted so I think your right! 😁
Another virus, another mask! New Yorkers told to mask up again after local patient tests POSITIVE for same genus virus as monkeypox: CDC issues alert and WHO calls emergency meeting after US probes six cases while Europe confirms 100
By Natasha Anderson For Dailymail.Com
Published: 04:44, 21 May 2022 | Updated: 09:27, 21 May 2022
Here we go again, ride the carousel of crazyness
None of this will stop until there is no Uni-party and We the People assert our God and Constitution given rights.
I will not comply.
Better yet, get this one. It’s a smallpox vaccine.
Verse of the Day for Saturday, May 21, 2022
“For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.”
Romans 14:11 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
From further down in the replies to that…
Replying to
Elon out for blood now. Love to see it
Elon Musk
Replying to
I am indeed out for blood
8:26 pm · 20 May 2022·Twitter for iPhone
No TW Censorship for ELON!!! 🤸♀️🤸♀️🤸♀️🤸♀️🤸♀️
It’s about time!
Will she get a big Bishop or Archbishop funeral, like Ted Kennedy did?
Of Course.
(Money talks)
More like an “infernal flame”…
She has enough alcohol in her she ought to burn for weeks…..
Boy will she be surprised … 🙄😑😂🤚
Ever have one of those weeks when things just get to you?
Well, I have, and I’ll be away for a few days while I regroup.
🕊️ 💕
Take care , Dep Pat. Find a large garden in bloom where you can soak up the beauty. Kind of along the lines of the quote (as I remember it), “The country for a wounded heart”.
You give so much – and we are grateful. But we don’t want you to give out.
Go get refilled with joy, peace, hope, every blessing.
Take care and God bless you DePat. Decompress, and pamper your mind and body.
… 🙂 …
Beautiful 🙂
Please take care of yourself.
We’ve all been there. As you say, “regroup”. And, we move forward.
In my case, QTree is the glue that helps me keep it together AND move forward with positive outlook. Yea, the latter may appear illusive at times. So many mine fields out there for us to navigate.
DP you are a QTree treasure. Hope to see ya soon. Real soon. 🙂
Hope you have a nice relaxing weekend.
Know you are loved by many. You’ve been doing so much here and we appreciate it very much. hugs
“There is, of course, an incomprehensible moment in the logic of the Azov people who surrendered. They dragged all their belongings into captivity: medicine, sleeping bags, mattresses, five-liter bottles filled to the brim with cereals. Ours saw it all, they were stunned, of course, and forced to quit.
The impression is that the Ukrainian command promised a field camp after the exit, where all this would come in handy, and the pre-trial detention center came as a surprise to the militants.”
“Throughout the assault on the Azovstal factory shops, the servicemen of the People’s Militia of the DPR constantly wiretapped the enemy’s negotiations.
The military recorded the movements of neo-Nazi fighters and knew about the real situation in their hideouts.
Until recently, these shots were a military secret. Today, however, that is history.”
“Works on demining “Azovstal” have begun.
After demining, the systematic work of assault groups will begin, which should comb the territory of the plant to check if any of the Nazis or foreigners are hiding in some caches, so that later they can quietly escape from Azovstal by changing into civilian clothes.”
“The tribunal over the militants who left Azovstal is inevitable, this is the request of citizens and society — the head of the DPR Pushilin”
Excellent! 💥💥
Perfect !
LOL 😂👍 … miserable murmur murmur’s
Im wouldn’t put it past the miserable scum to send infected people throughout the country to spread this … 😡
REMEMBER – Monkeypox is a virus – and HCQ, IVM and Quercetin + Zinc, D3, C are antivirals.
Yep. Not changing anything here.
I had to go buy more quercitin yesterday. About 20 cents a pill.
mon(k)ey pox is readily identifiable so how are they going to manufacture the needed hysteria ?
Are they going to mandate jabs to supposedly prevent ?
Are they going to actually release the virus ?
It seems weird that they’ve chosen M pox as the next plandemic. Covid had no rash or visible symptoms, easy to assume it was covid , easy to make everyone scared of this killer they couldn’t see…but Mpox…you can see it .
Thinking the same. Seeing is believing for most.
There will have to be some creative fear mongering
OR….IF We join WHO there may not be any need to anything. They will say what measures will be taken and enforced regardless of the actual existence of the alleged threat
Head fake of sorts. Keep people off balance…skeered.
In a week or two, maybe WHO will come out and say NBFD.
Conditioning to “believe”
WHOChinee. Welp, Gen. Clarke has it all figured out. It’s the messaging, folks. Russia and even Ukraine are better at it. They need to use more AI for “sentiment analysis” purposes to craft messaging.
Yep – 17 was right. These people are stupid and they lead our “military”. They assume everybody is stupid like them. So they think they can message their way into remaining in power. How did that work out down in the bowels of that steel mill there, Clarke?
SD retweeted this EXCELLENT thread by one of our old favorite personalities. Shows continuity between Trump and Musk aims and public engagement.
From above, for emphasis…
…my favorite Trump move is the relentless denouncing of “fake news” propaganda media.
No single entity is more damaging to our lives than the media…
No single entity is more damaging to our lives than the media…
No single entity is more damaging to our lives than the media…
No single entity is more damaging to our lives than the media…
NOT to watch this video again, but do recall the video message.
MONOPOLY – Who owns the world? [MUST SEE]
Thanks for the link – Kalbokabs
How could you go through all that and fail to mention that no single entity is more damaging to our lives than the media?
I mean, really….
Thanks for the helping hand, pointing out the media IS the problem.
(Slow Guy, gonna be slow.) 😂 😅 😂
Another great comment from the Treeper crowd…..
Stellar tweet
“Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you” (Proverbs 4:6).
If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, . . . Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him” (James 1:5-6, 12).
“When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom” (Proverbs 11:2).
Excellent post!
A day missed in reading God’s Word results in transformation being delayed.
Oh yes, when I miss reading the Bible/devotional’s my soul hobbles around .. better to have the firm foundation ..
Thank you TB2 … and God bless you and your loved ones abundantly every day.
(if you use headphones for this hymn you’ll be able to hear the harmonies 🙂)
Beautiful. Thank you. God bless you and yours, wowohwow.
… 🙂🤚❤️ …
One last one of these for the day to illustrate the propaganda.
Norway. Applying for NATO membership as we know. Erdogan/Turkey say “hayir”, better known as “nyet” in Russian, or, “ain’t happenin'” in hillbilly.
But in this article, our military propagandist trots out statements from Norway’s Chief of Defense on Russia’s poor performance in taking over a third of a neighboring country of 44 million people, compared to Norway’s total 5.4 million population, in less than 90 days. They are a “wounded bear” I tell you. Believe it.
If the wounded bear wanted Norway they would take it in far less time, just like the Nazis did in WW II. Norway knows it and why they desperately want in NATO. So why, when they have remained neutral all these decades? Methinks the C-B knows why.
Better get those concerts and politician visits lined up.–Ank9pT_dLpfMex5Y6Ymm8rOKRzaVpxympPnKvgrytNGWi1wGEB-_0uEr0TUewSUOrxp3DQXAHwPmelwH-gWcRY9kLWw&utm_content=213820755&utm_source=hs_email
Norway has been a member of NATO since the beginning. Like one other NATO member, Turkey, Norway has a common border with Russia. The current head of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, is a former Norwegian Prime Minister.
The countries now wanting to be members of NATO are the neighboring countries Sweden and Finland. Finland is adjacent to Russia, but Sweden does not have any border common with Russia.
And the potential for the Russian Bear attacking and eating Norway has been there ever throughout the Cold War and since. But something has deterred — possibly the way Norway faces west and south, towards the North Sea, the UK and the US, has kept the Bear away. Or the buffer of the neutral Sweden and Finland.
Also the fact that Norway is little reward for a lot of pain, at least from Russia’s standpoint. It’s a very narrow border, and you get arctic coast for your effort. An invader would have to travel hundreds of miles along a thin coastline to get to something worthwhile, meanwhile they could have their supply lines cut fairly easily if Sweden or Finland chose to do so–which, not wanting to be surrounded, they just might allow us to do from their territory.
Turkey had a common border with the Soviet Union. It does not have one with Russia. But even then that common border was over rugged terrain.
Poland and the Baltic republics also have a common border with Russia and of course they probably are happy that Sweden and Norway want to join.
(If you’re about to call me on Poland, that bit of land wedged between it and Lithuania is the Kaliningrad oblast, which is an exclave of Russia. It used to belong to Germany before WWII, it was known as “East Prussia” back then. Basically, Poland and the Soviet union split it after the war, and the USSR assigned it to the Russian Socialist Federated Soviet Republic, so Russia inherited it when the USSR broke up.)
Yes. Turkey had the border with USSR back before then. I was thinking Cold-War-era geography.
It does look like it is Erdogan who is most concerned about the new members, Sweden in particular. On the news here it may have more to do with Kurdish diasporas there, and not Russia.
I read somewhere he has been less interested in piling on with sanctions than just about anyone else in NATO. So the Kurdish terrorist thing may be just a very good excuse to do something he wants to do anyway.
I love East Prussia and its people. Have known many from there. The people are very intelligent and accomplished. I also love their songs. What special people they are or were before WWII. Do not know who lives there now.
I suspect it got ethnically cleansed. Just like Poland did. Germans kicked out.
Yes I think that might have been. Many were caught by Russians and put in their Gulag.
I stand corrected – confused them with Finland.
Thank you for another great lesson!
It appears that the price of Rhodium has gone down a bit from the “palmy days” when it was in the 29K range. (Have the “Rhodium hoarders”, assuming there are such, dumped their holdings?)
The graphic of the gas molecules bumping around reminds Yours Truly of the old Pennsylvania Lottery “tanks” that had the number balls bouncing around inside before the “winning numbers” were selected.
Are the theories / discoveries of James Watt supplanted by those of Lord Kelvin? Yours Truly is seeing light bulbs that have Kelvin ratings, with the wattage information either in the small print, or sometimes missing entirely.
Not so much supplanted, but further elaborated. His stuff is still valid; Kelvin and Joule showed us what was underneath; basically why it was so.
As for Kelvins on light bulbs, that’s basically a label applied to the color of the light. It has nothing to do with the power of the light bulb. (I’ll explain it below.)
There’s still a wattage rating on a bulb, often there are TWO wattage ratings.
The first is an actual wattage rating (how much electrical power the bulb will actually consume) and another one which isn’t really a wattage rating, but that tells you, basically “This bulb will be as bright as one of the old 60W bulbs even though it only consumes 11 watts in reality.” That’s really a brightness label and (technically) not appropriately given in watts because watts aren’t a measure of brightness. We’re just used to a hundred watts giving off a certain amount of light, and so it’s done that way so the buyer has an easy comparison. (I’ve noticed on an LED bulb it’s generally about 5 or six times as high as the real wattage, or in other words, an LED bulb produces six times as much light per real watt consumed, as an incandescent does.) Oftentimes you’ll see a “lumens” number as well; that really is a genuine measure of brightness and 100 “brightness watts” seems to be roughly 800-900 lumens.
Now back to the kelvins rating. It goes to black body radiation; hot things glow; the hotter they get the more they glow. But also, the hotter they glow, the whiter the color; coals in a fireplace might glow yellow if they’re really hot, but usually orange or red (though because a colder object glows less brightly, sometimes it has to be dark to see the red glow). The coils in an electric stove burner are similar; glowing orange or sometimes not at all unless it’s pitch dark in the room. Something very hot, like the filiament in a tungsten bulb, will glow yellow white. Get hotter still and it’s a pure white…the sun is at almost 6000K (very roughly 10,000 F) and almost pure white. If you get even hotter, the light will take on a bluish cast. But you normally don’t see anything get that hot…except some of the stars in the night sky, which can be at temperatures well over 20,000K. So we tend to think of blue as a cool color, not a very, very, VERY hot one!
So when you see a kelvins rating on a light bulb, it’s about the color of the light it produces…6000K will look like daylight, 3500 K or so will look like light from an old incandescent bulb.
[Note: some things burn with different colors, e.g., the bright blue of a natural gas flame–this has to do with a different effect, from electrons jumping from one orbital to another.]
So we have color temperature (what color the bulb is in) given in K which isn’t really a measure of color but color can be a side effect of temperature, actual wattage (power consumed by the bulb), and brightness, given either in lumens, or “as bright as a XXX watt incandescent” equivalents.
So there can be four numbers, two of which (lumens and K) are Greek to most people, two of which are misused somewhat (K and watts-equivalent), but measuring three different things.
Thank you so much for explaining this! Yours Truly was starting to wonder if light bulbs were on the way to being their version of “metric measurement” (something one has never gotten the hang of).
Back to the old Pennsylvania Lottery “tanks” that had the numbered balls bouncing around for the lottery selection — one wonders if the person who came up with this idea had been exposed to the kinetic theory of gases!
It’s certainly a decent real-life visualization.
Watts are metric and always have been (as are volts, amps, ohms, and seconds). It’s all what you’re used to.
A lot of times people who try to “teach metric” insist on hitting people with stunningly precise conversion factors, when (let’s face it) the average joe just wants to “visualize” it. It’s worse than useless to do it this way, and I could slap people.
An inch is precisely 2.54 centimeters (it was defined that way by law about 60 years ago, IIRC). But most people won’t carry a number like that around in their heads, but can remember “two and a half centimeters” and that’s even kind of easy to multiply by in your head (divide by four, multiply by ten, four inches is ten centimeters)…for all practical daily purposes. If you work in a machine shop, maybe you want a more accurate number.
Similarly a kilometer is 5/8ths of a mile (forget that 1,609 meters to a mile, though 1.6 is 8/5ths if you’re going the other way); even better, since a mile is actually intended to be divided by eighths (eight furlongs to the mile) a kilometer is almost exactly five furlongs. Dead easy, if you don’t insist on super precision. So if your miles divides by five, you can get to kilometers easily. For example, 75 mph is 120 kph (divide by five, get 15, multiply by eight, get 120).
Unfortunately weight is not quite that easy, but 2.2 pounds is roughly a kilogram, so I just multiply by 2, then add ten percent. 1kg->2->2.2. It’s only easy if the number of pounds divides cleanly by 11.
Volume, a liter is about 1.1 quarts. But most people have a decent idea what a liter “feels” like because of one and two liter bottles. (Why the soft drink people haven’t switched to metric for smaller sizes is beyond me…16 oz bottles could become half liter bottles, 12 oz -> 3/8ths of a liter, and so on. Yeah, there’s be slightly more stuff in the bottles, but they’re pure damn profit anyhow.)
JØBAMA’S numbers are snake belly low. Must irk the narcissist quite a bit.
Quinnipiac Poll, 60 Percent of Hispanics Disapprove of Joe Biden, 61 Percent of Young Voters Feel Same, Overall Approval Drops to 35 Percent
Good 🤨
Wait till he receives his just, rewards for eternity
That’s great news! I’m glad someone is doing something to stop this because individuals in the midst of huge bureaucracies saying, “You can’t do that; the Constitution doesn’t allow it” isn’t going to work.
After we’re all done with their Monkeypox scam, the DEADLY ‘Crocpox variant’ will be upon us!
LOL 😂 … perfect 😜👍❤️
If that’s a pic of Howard Stern’s feet, would that be Shock Jock’s Croc Pox??? 🙂
😂👍 … ahhhh, yes! ..
Oh, my! LOLOLOLOL!!!
Scared the dog again.
Rodney Short posted these horrors last night:
Today I found this at Christian news site –
Fisher-Price Introduces Drag Queen Dolls for Children –
Did you ever think Disney and Fisher Price would go full-on ped0propaganda – child s3x grooming mode?
Sick evil people are in charge of these companies. The result their looking for won’t be the results they’ll get.
This week – Valerie brought disturbing images of the surgeries and medications that the child ‘gender’ clinics are pushing. These monsters are preying on vulnerable children, wreaking emotional trauma, identity confusion, unhealthy self-perceptions and grooming them into high risk lifestyles.
I keep remembering the Dutch Financier, Ronald Bernard, and how he described the upper echelon of the high-finance world. People with no conscience, no morals (or regrets), and no hesitation to have CHILD SACRIFICES at meetings (which was what led him to leave that world, at which point he endured torture for having left)…
And people like Satan Sauros, WEFfenSS SSchwab, and BillyGhoul Gates all belong to and LOVE that Satanic world…
The wokeness over here is almost unbearable. But the Devil and his Green and Red minions want to march through our institutions and befoul and deprave them…
Another one that’s gone full transwoke is Tiny Beans. It’s a parent site..articles,advice, picture sharing…sole focus families and kids.
They recently sent an email to their members offering Ru Paul dolls, gender fluid toy chameleon toys, Barbie “extra” and several other toys maybe all Fishcer Price to inculcate toddlers on up.
It floors me
Yes, they’re depraved. If they don’t repent, well …
it’s the old “eat, drink no be merry for tomorrow we die” and death would be easier then what they will get for eternity.
I never would have believed it. It shows that any company, organization, or country has only the amount of integrity that the people who are running it have.
I wonder how many of these companies have investments from Blackrock, either openly, or via proxies?
I know that Blackrock has their cloven hooves in many, MANY industries; perverting childrens’ toys would seem to be a natural “extension” of their wicked influence…
Happy Saturday, and thanks for the physics story. It had just the right length and complexity for one day.
BIG ARIZONA FRAUD UPDATE: Law Enforcement Raids Nonprofits In ‘2000 Mules’ Ballot Trafficking Investigation – “Like Tweety Birds, They Sang” (
Wall Street Journal put this one out in front of the pay wall to include comment section. At least I think it’s outside the pay wall as I was able to access it all and then tested another story which I was not able access.
China Insists Party Elites Shed Overseas Assets, Eyeing Western Sanctions on Russia
Gist of the story is China is telling their elites to disinvest in overseas assets. Prelude to something for sure. Story presumes this is linked to actions against Taiwan.
Prelude or not, AND I believe it is, WISE move by Chinee.
After the USG unilaterally locking down and or stealing Russia assets, the USG can NOT be trusted.
It snowed last night, and it’s very foggy today.
As a consequence my internet connection is EXTREMELY slow. Can’t respond much. It’s taken as much as ten minutes to post the few replies I’ve made this morning.
In the spirit of Feynman, WHY? 😂 😅 😂 (Jus kiddin)
A damned fine point.
I had wondered whatever happened to Olive Oil.
LOL … 😜🤚❤️
That’s Dr. May, now a professional astrophysicist (although amateur in 1978).
(after a WTF!?!? check of the internet) You weren’t joking; he really did go change careers!
With the hindsight of middle age, I might have been happier as an astrophysicist, but back at the time the last thing I wanted to go into was ANY sort of career where the only jobs were in Boulder or Pasadena or some other noxious leftist pit.
Don’t look back. Look at today. NASA, SpaceX, US Space Force (USSF)… it’s never too late, Steve. 😎
You remind me of this nugget…
Hey guys, my husband Michael just left to go to his truck driving re-test for his CDL-A, scheduled for 1 pm. We’d sure appreciate your prayers for this to go well! Blessings
I will wish him luck.
Thanks Steve!
Will do, Valerie.
Thanks TB–Blessings!
Prayers up, Valerie!
To you, your husband, and your family…
Thanks Cuppa…those prayers were much needed–God Bless!
Positive thooughts are with Michael, as he is Eighteen Wheelin right about now!
He’s gonna keep on Truckin’ 😉
Great accomplishment WITH an even greater future.
We surely hope so! We’ll see what new “adventures” God has planned on the next leg of this journey 🙂
May God bless him with victory/success ..
In Jesus name
Amen 🙏🏼
Numbers 6:24-26
24 The Lord bless thee, and keep thee:
25 The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:
26 The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
God bless you and your loved ones abundantly .. always
Thank you so much for these beautiful prayers & blessings!!!
BOOM! Caught Red Handed Planning Monkeypox Pandemic (
Another deep dive by Polly. She unpacks much and shows once again why she’s called Amazing.
Roe v. Wade Decision Could Be Released Monday – Biden Admin Preparing For Violence (
From Fox News:
Biden Admin Preparing For Violence
FBI ordered signs, pink hats, spray paint, pallets of bricks, empty bottles, filled gasoline cans, rags, food trucks and porta-potties for protestors.
Biden Admin
Preparing ForEncouraging ViolenceIf only it were possible … 😞
… 🥺 .. thank
Well, the leaked draft R v W, did give the deep state, time to organize Antifa.
“Biden Administration
PreparingPlanningforViolence”Biden’s punks
BINGO! Everyone get your masks ready!
But don’t let that keep you from panicking. All the children need masks, and vaxxes too. Also, we can’t approach polling places because they are somehow the worst.
NOPE. Nah gonna MonkeyPox.
ah yes…
The Prophetic Monkeypox Simulation
First-ever global Monkeypox outbreak happens in exact week predicted in biosecurity simulation a year prior !
👉 mid May 2022
article link…
what a coinky dink
Monkey Pox – by Robert W Malone MD, MS (
it’s all about the Davos Pandemic Treason…oops…Treaty.
May 22.
I think Monkey is Both a dry run AND intentional nothing burger.
We’ll see what follows.
Hmmm. Considering a large swath of the US is already vaccinated against smallpox, it shouldn’t spread much here at all except among illegals.
Illegal scame tio mind when I read the Malone article.
Yea, we should be OK. But Pravda News will put on BLAST, Monkey Pox In All 50 States. What Will We Ever Do? Fauxi, Please Help Us. /s
So a 15 year old girl attending a Dallas Mavericks home game (hello Mark Cuban) with her father goes missing after not returning from the bathroom and the police refuse to do anything until she shows up naked on a prostitution web site.
Twinsed! It’s outrageous. Also indicative of the breakdown of society.
Thankfully the child was rescued.
SHAME on Dallas PD.
Certainly there IS video of this child after being abducted and taken out of the arena.
Something hugely WRONG with, “Texas Family Code Laws”.
Of course, there may be key elements NOT in the article. For now, so much wrong here.
Child trafficking at a basketball game.
Girl, 15, is rescued from pedophiles ten days after she was abducted at basketball game when she left dad to use bathroom: Cops refused to help and daughter was only found after her nude pics were seen on prostitution website
Pics of the perps are on the website. They are spooky-looking. Five of them are women, which I will never understand.
People don’t let little kids go to the bathroom by themselves, but it has been considered safe for teenagers. I think the trafficking problem is getting worse.
On the day of the abduction, she was seen leaving the arena with men.
^^^ A whole lot of details missing here. An ENTIRE STORY could be written.
Zero chance I’d let a 15 yo girl walk alone at an arena. Hell, I make twin 15 yo Grandsons use the buddy system when out and about. Each must carry his cell phone.
Screwed up world we live in. Gotta adjust to it.
Commentator says,
If true, it’s all the more reason for the police to have acted right away. We are all aware of how these victims get trained MK Ultra style. We’re also aware that the police are aware.
Wow, that puts it in a completely different light.
Almost some sort of FF, in a sense…
Shows just how much crucial parental guidance, oversight, and LOVE are needed…
hmm that’s a whole other kettle of fish.
So she went missing a year ago for a weekend.
Now a year later she’s rescued from sex traffickers.
Her family’s atty talking outrage toward police, arena,the hotel= lawsuits.
I could be very wrong but it’s hard for me to think she could get brainwashed in a single weekend a year ago and want to get back to servicing strange men a year later.
Something really weird about this.
We’ve had several stories and vids here about what happens to these kids once adducted that would make it seem even more paramount that they get rescued as soon as possible, especially since they are not adults.
Yeah that’s for sure but all of this seems very strange to me.
Any documentary I’ve ever watched of victims who made it away from sex traffickers is severely traumatized and would not ever willingly go back to that life.
In this case there’s not much info on her leaving for that weekend last year, sort of sounds like she left on her own, not abducted..ran away
The main reason it’s getting worse is because the leftist deviants are busy mainstreaming all sorts of perversions. Just to be an ass, let me say that it doesn’t matter if a 15yo is a runaway or a kidnap victim – the child is still below the age of consent. Legally he/she cannot ‘consent’ to be emancipated. Dallas PD really screwed the pooch on this one.
Milk Toast Conservative Prime Minister of AUS has just lost his election to a dead head leftist.
He conceded and millions of votes haven’t been counted. He was paid long ago.
Haven’t looked too far into it, but I’m guessing team conservative stayed home?
Seen in comments OT…
If he’s not careful, he’s going to get kicked off of Twitter. 🤓
Doug Ross puts up a very rare special post – to crowdsource emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop.
I would really appreciate if an Aussie friend or two would give a rundown on your PM election results. Scott m. Is a total scumbag and seems couldn’t wait to concede, but what about the new lefty?
Not Aussie – but I saw this today – Australia Election – COVID Knucklehead Scott Morrison Out, Climate Change Knucklehead Anthony Albanese In
WEF For The WIN.
Exactly. WEF controls both sides of the Peanut Colony.
Friends, we got Trouble — right here in River City! With a capital T that rhymes with P and that stands for Prog.
OMG, I had almost forgotten about “progressive rock”. “Dude!”
Here’s a recent “fan video”. All the surviving members of the original band are featured, as well as their sisters, cousins, and aunts, and progeny….and a bunch of the music world….and actual fans.
U.S. Airlines Desperate For Pilots Consider Cutting Training Requirements
What the story does not tell you is covered in the comment section of the story. All this is just an admission of the airline industry having a serious problem that they might not be able to iron out for at least 5yrs
Pilots taking early retirement to avoid the jab & Pilots medically grounded because they did take the jab which will mean the 5yrs thing could easily become 20yrs.
Need more comments the story was hot linked from CFP so plenty of comments there too.
I sincerely hope that FG&C is making serious bank out there. I wish there was some way to tell, when booking a flight, if your pilot would be a well-seasoned professional (like FG&C) or someone rushed through reduced training requirements.
I want to know if they took a clot-shot.
YUP. Pureblood pilots are gonna be worth BIG salaries.
Pureblood anythings are going to be worth money. In many ways.
I hope all the clot-shotters and rushed training fly cargo for a good long time.
Oh, yeah.
‘Following The Democrats’ Playbook’: Oz Campaign Blasts McCormick For Trying To Count Undated Mail-In Ballots In Deadlocked PA Senate Primary
Gist of the story is the McCormick folk want to use the same kind of tactics that helped steal an election, thus ensuring those tactics can be used in future elections. Details inside.
RINOS and FAKE MAGA are worse than PROGS!!!
Hey, wait a second….
I think Rinos always used the dems election playbook that is why we had the mess in some swing states.
Watching TV this Saturday night with DH, there is a sci-fi animated series titled
Love, Death, and Robots
The 2022 season has an apocalyptic epidode: Three Robots: Exit Strategies
Strong language but has dark humor, turns out the top tier wealthy were trying to find ways to survive.
The content sounds like just a hair away from current events.
View if you want but again it’s dark humor with strong language.
Another Mon
key Pox vid that’s been out for a day or so. I’m guessing some of you have seen it but are all Monkied out by now… Nothing too new on the pox itself but does take the anti NWO view which is nice and it does offer a way out, however we are going to need to see it put into practice. ((hint: Demand your local officials resign if they are not following the constitution, but are instead following NWO dictates because of the Monkey!))
From GAB…..
Another “same picture” example:
Miserable so and so’s …. ‼️😡‼️
Monkey Pox in Europe – tied to Adult Sauna and Gay Pride Event
Pride festival in Gran Canaria – which was attended by 80,000 people – is linked to Spanish monkeypox outbreak as well as two cases in Italy while European total reaches 100
Super spreader event –
30 cases Adult Sauna
Catturd: “#HillaryForPrison”
Dinesh D’Souza
Hillary is in deep trouble.
‘She Agreed’: Clinton Campaign Manager Flips – Testifies That Hillary Clinton Approved Dissemination of Trump-Russia Allegations To Media
This is the smoking gun.
Conservative Brief
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101 replies
It’s great, and I’m glad it’s coming out. It absolutely needs to. I also can’t see anything happening to Hillary. Most of us have known for years what a cheater she is, and she continues to get away with it. I can just hear her, if questioned, saying she didn’t know what she was approving, that staff published any tweets that were questionable, that she was advised improperly, etc. She mistakenly rubber-stamped something and was just too trusting (the little dear! 👿). And she was soooooo afraid for the country because of Trump’s ties to Russia, which she fervently believed were true at the time. What a patriot! /sarc
I’m not being a downer; I’m so glad Durham has come this far, and I have great anticipation for what will come. I’m just not getting my hopes up about Hillary being held accountable. The bits and pieces being publicly leaked out are vindicating PDJT and making her look really bad. I will take anything and everything I can get in that regard.
Amen. I feel exactly the same way.
The TRUTH is more important than the PAIN.
Because THAT is what’s really BIBLICAL.
From GAB…..
Hillary For Monkeypox is “all hands on deck”!!!
Aye Aye Captain …. Arrrrrrrr 😉👍🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸‼️
OK – here is something that looks like a WEF trick.
Back around 2005, somebody patented treatment of smallpox and monkeypox with MAJOR TRANQUILIZERS – meaning the kind of things they give to paranoid schizophrenics – basically CHEMICAL LOBOTOMIES.
This ain’t HCQ. This ain’t ivermectin. This is what they give “conspiracy theorists” when they throw them in insane asylums.
Interesting, no?
And now it shows up on GAB.
Christopher Jackson
Method of treating smallpox and monkeypox
(Saved to the Wayback machine)
PDF File:
WO2005030125A2 – Method of treating smallpox and monkeypox
– Google Patents
The present invention is a method of treating humans infected with the smallpox virus using a tricyclic amine, more particularly compounds selected from thioxanthenes…
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That’s getting ahead of the situation! 👍🏼
Yeah, this is a real WTF.
These are also “life-shortening drugs” when taken chronically. Which, of course, is a “plus” as far as the depopper globonazis are concerned.
This image is for P. rex!!!
From GAB…..