DEAR MAGA: TGIF Open Thread 20220527

Did someone say weekend? Really, the whole image sets the mood:

Sunset on the beach may well lead to:

Sex on the Beach


  • 1 1/2 ounces vodka
  • 1/2 ounce peach schnapps
  • 1/2 ounce Chambord or creme de cassis (optional)
  • 1 1/2 ounces orange juice, freshly squeezed
  • 1 1/2 ounces cranberry juice
  • Garnish: cocktail umbrella


  1. Add the vodka, peach schnapps, Chambord (if using), orange juice and cranberry juice to a shaker with ice and shake.
  2. Strain into a highball glass over fresh ice.
  3. Garnish with a cocktail umbrella.

Back in the lifeguarding days, we called version of this Tornado Jimmies. Jimmy…what a guy.

Okay, this week:

Other than the shooting in Texas which has been discussed ad nauseum on yesterday’s daily featuring Sadie and Butterfly, not much earth shattering has happened.

When it rains, it pours. Thursday, it poured.

Debt vs Autonomy by Dr. Malone:

If you occasionally experience a vague sense that you are being intentionally controlled via indebtedness, you should probably listen to that internal voice. To illustrate with examples from the present, the most common explanation for why physicians have not spoken up about the weaponization and manipulation of public health information and policies during the “Coronacrisis” is that they are deeply indebted due to the loans taken out to enable their extended and expensive education, and have no practical choice other than to comply with the mandates imposed on them by government, insurance agencies, and their host institutions (academic or private hospital chains). They have a profound financial conflict of interest- comply or go bankrupt. In large part, the physicians and medical scientists who have spoken up about the compromised medical ethics, regulatory standards, mis- and disinformation propagated by governments and WHO (including intentionally withheld or manipulated medical and epidemiological information) have been financially independent, often senior with high status or established independent medical practices, or otherwise have been decoupled from mechanisms or institutions which have been weaponized to force compliance with centralized edicts. In other words, the majority of those who have spoken out have freedom to speak BECAUSE they are (relatively) financially independent.

Interesting tidbit about the pilots vs. the airlines:

18 Major Airlines, FAA, and DOT to Be Sued Over COVID Vaccine Mandates

“Fundamentally, this case is about whether Americans should be required to choose between their livelihoods and being coerced into taking an experimental, dangerous medical treatment,” reads the lawsuit (pdf).

Plaintiffs are mostly unvaccinated pilots, flight attendants, as well as other Atlas staff.

“It is also about the safety of America’s airline industry. Should pilots—under federal regulation required to be among the healthiest workers in the United States—who have taken an experimental ‘vaccine’ that is now shown to have potentially deadly, long-term side effects, be allowed to fly massive aircraft in our skies? While those who have (smartly) refrained from such a course be forced out of their jobs?” it states.

Atlas Air is one of the industry’s largest cargo carrier companies and the world’s largest operator of the Boeing 747 aircraft.

The law firm was founded by Att. John Pierce, who founded the National Constitutional Law Union. He previously represented George Papadopoulos in connection with the 2016 “Russia Hoax,” reaching a dismissal of the DNC’s case and helping secure a presidential pardon. He is also currently representing defendants being charged in connection to the Jan. 6 Capitol breach.

“So the complaint has been filed. We’re in the process of serving everyone. And then, we’ll likely be looking for some kind of injunctive relief here soon to make sure that all the COVID-related mandates stop immediately. And then we’ll proceed [with] litigation, motion, practice, and discovery and then onward to trial eventually,” Pierce told The Epoch Times.

This week, John Pierce Law plans to file another lawsuit against United Airlines.

“We’ll be hitting basically all of them in sequence, and then we’ll be going after the FAA as well. We’re gonna get these vaccine mandate type of rules and COVID restrictions ruled unconstitutional. And we’re gonna get findings that there was discrimination under Title Seven. We’re gonna get punitive damages for intentional infliction of emotional distress and things like that,” Pierce said.

“It’s going to require a big fix, ultimately. And that’s probably going to require legislation and kind of getting all the stakeholders at the table, but the first step is civil litigation.”

Airlines, which are government contractors, are affected by President Joe Biden’s order from September of last year that states all employees of those companies have to be vaccinated against the Chinese Communist Party virus.

Pierce said that as soon as he heard about the airline mandates he predicted that it would be the next big wave of litigations.

“[These lawsuits are] absolutely crucial. It’s a very, very red line—If you get to the point where you have to choose between getting an experimental drug shot in your arm and your paycheck, that’s just unAmerican, it’s unconstitutional, it’s outrageous, it’s sickening.”

“If that’s not the hill to die on when it comes to liberty, that’s about as close as I can imagine it,” Pierce said.

Josh Yoder, a major airline pilot and a spokesperson for Freedom Flyers who recently supported the trucker-led “The People’s Convoy,” says that there has been harassment, threats, intimidation, vaccine injuries, and even “suicides that have come out of these mandates.”

“We’re not doing class action. We’re doing individual litigants. And the reason we’re doing it that way is because so many people have been harmed and people have experienced different levels of harm. We have the unvaccinated who have been harassed, threatened, and intimidated into getting vaccinated. Then we have many people as well who got vaccinated against their will, who were coerced and forced into doing it under threat of losing their employment,” Yoder said.

“And then, in addition, we have the vaccine-injured, and the numbers of vaccine-injured are growing by the day,” Yoder went on, “It’s just incredible what’s happening with pilots.”

Our own P-Rex had a good one yesterday. Pay attention. This is important:

The FIRST domino is about to fall

I want to remind you guys of a few FACTS. FACTS that are NOT being mentioned in this.

1) yep the info came from Hillary (WHERE did she get it?)

2) yep the FBI KNEW that Sussman worked for Hillary (they want you to naively believe that the FBI did NOT know is their JOB to know, it is called VETTING a source, and it is the FIRST thing you do, Sussman was an FBI informant, as was Joffe. They KNOW them and what they were doing and for WHO)

3) The info on Alfa was manufactured (Joffe and Jean Camp) as part of a BROADER narrative. Now what was the impetus FOR that broader narrative? Of course it was the “Steele” Dossier. EVERYTHING the Cabal did was based on the predicate that that document was TRUE, and they were ALL trying to get ANY shred of evidence to vindicate, propagate, and prop UP the “Steele” dossier This was but ONE track on a multifaceted attack by MULTIPLE agencies including FOREIGN ones.

4) The BROADER narrative, and what STARTED it and WHO REALLY created it, for WHOM and WHY is what the FBI, MSM, and the Cabal are DESPERATELY trying to STILL hide.

5) Durham is ON this. Sussman, I bet WILL be tabbed as the fall guy, but WILL skate because of the leftist judge. BET on it. That IGNORES this important FACT Someone paid for the “Steele” dossier to be created. Someone went to a LOT of trouble and expense to propagate the dossier. Someone had ENOUGH political clout plus AUTHORITY to make 17 govt agencies, plus FOREIGN govt’s to buy all in on this farce, AND to prop it up at ALL costs. Hillary also bought the dossier, but was she the FIRST REQUESTOR or the benefactor of the highest bid? WHO was the seller?

This started in the NSA, FBI and CIA, but was NOT limited to those agencies ALONE.

The True Evil of the World Economic Forum

That’s where we are today, as the world’s 1% of the 1% celebrate their own magnificence in Davos and plot mankind’s future without even the pretense of seeking mankind’s consultation, let alone permission.  “The future is not just happening,” Schwab proclaimed to his SPECTRE-like cabal in Switzerland.  “The future is built by us, by a powerful community such as you here in this room.”  “Good German” Klaus and his merry band of global gentry have decided to take over the planet, and they’re so confident in their endeavors that they no longer deign to pretend otherwise.  Yep, here are our New World Order master plans!  Yes, we know we’ve called you guys “conspiracy theory nuts” for forty years, but you were right.  In hindsight, wasn’t it obvious?  

So now the world waits in trepidation to discover just what Kaiser Klaus and his new nobility have in store for the rest of us.  Will another paralyzing round of viral pandemics bring a return of economic lockdowns, rigid population control, and injection mandates?  Will a global cyber-attack cut off the internet for billions and plunge the world into darkness?  Will Green New Steal socialism exacerbate global poverty, unleash famine, and trigger mass population die-offs?  Whatever happens next, the WEF has already gamed the situation and is ready to profit from the world’s pain.

In another era, World Economic Forum attendees would be rounded up and put on trial for undermining the health and security of sovereign nations.  Heck, if people properly understood the WEF as an evil engine for driving Marxist totalitarianism around the planet, they might skip the trials and go straight to the sentencing.  

The Sinister Roots of Build Back Better

The Build Back Better plan superficially appears to be an updated and extravagant Keynesian or New Deal-style spending program, but the endgame is not economic recovery that forever establishes federal government dominance over the states in the socio-political realm. Rather, this BBB is the connection of an enlarged federal government and authority with a depreciation or elimination of U.S. sovereignty in favor of global, communist-style governance. But as if the endgame were not sinister enough, we see this updated Keynesian expansion of expenditures is not a result of economic collapse due to a devastating Depression, as was the justification in the 1930s.

Rather, simultaneously with expanded spending, the goal of the BBB plotters is to weaken the economy and usher in economic and socio-political chaos and mayhem. The southern border hands-off policy is literally facilitating the entrance of millions of unvetted persons. By limiting or eliminating natural gas and oil production in the territorial U.S. under the guise of protecting the environment, the feds incentivize other countries to expand their production of these energy sources. That production, which still means higher energy prices here in the U.S., has an equally negative effect on the world climate as fuel production in our country. But the brooding minds behind BBB want to see inflated prices. They want to see shortages. They want to see racial unrest. They want to see upsurges in crime as new theories of law inform the release of repeat offenders and shorter sentences to destabilize society. The BBB autocrats want to see a society that increasingly identifies as LGBTQ because this radical individualism weakens the social fabric. They want to see Chinese fentanyl imported to kill our citizens who are weak-minded and susceptible to drug use. 

Thus, despite its resemblance to the New Deal, the BBB’s so-called governance (properly called betrayal) is at the front end linked to global health, green initiatives, and “interdependence” as an excuse for diminishing U.S. sovereignty. Initiation of these policies was not to combat financially depressive conditions but rather designed to undermine the freedoms and economic viability of the U.S. This might be likened to prescribing chemo to a patient who did not have cancer, and then, in order to justify the perverse treatment plan, injecting the patient with cancer cells in order to justify that plan. 


And Marco Rubio has something to say about it.

Starbucks walked from Russia, but not China. Hmmm….

A couple of honorable mentions:

Please Don’t Go To College

Congress’s Role In A Post-Roe World



The meme barrel is running low.

Sometimes you get a little help from friends.

And now for the business portion of the post borrowed from Tuesday:

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.


ACTS 18:9-18

9And the Lord said to Paul one night in a vision, “Do not be afraid, but speak and do not be silent; 10for I am with you, and no man shall attack you to harm you; for I have many people in this city.” 11And he stayed a year and six months, teaching the word of God among them. 12But when Gallio was proconsul of Acha’ia, the Jews made a united attack upon Paul and brought him before the tribunal, 13saying, “This man is persuading men to worship God contrary to the law.” 14But when Paul was about to open his mouth, Gallio said to the Jews, “If it were a matter of wrongdoing or vicious crime, I should have reason to bear with you, O Jews; 15but since it is a matter of questions about words and names and your own law, see to it yourselves; I refuse to be a judge of these things.” 16And he drove them from the tribunal. 17And they all seized Sos’thenes, the ruler of the synagogue, and beat him in front of the tribunal. But Gallio paid no attention to this. 18After this Paul stayed many days longer, and then took leave of the brethren and sailed for Syria, and with him Priscilla and Aq’uila. At Cen’chre-ae he cut his hair, for he had a vow.

PSALMS 47:2-7

1Clap your hands, all peoples! Shout to God with loud songs of joy! 2For the LORD, the Most High, is terrible, a great king over all the earth. 3He subdued peoples under us, and nations under our feet. 4He chose our heritage for us, the pride of Jacob whom he loves. [Selah] 5God has gone up with a shout, the LORD with the sound of a trumpet. 6Sing praises to God, sing praises! Sing praises to our King, sing praises!

JOHN 16:20-23

20Truly, truly, I say to you, you will weep and lament, but the world will rejoice; you will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will turn into joy. 21When a woman is in travail she has sorrow, because her hour has come; but when she is delivered of the child, she no longer remembers the anguish, for joy that a child is born into the world. 22So you have sorrow now, but I will see you again and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you. 23In that day you will ask nothing of me. Truly, truly, I say to you, if you ask anything of the Father, he will give it to you in my name.

This is why I have no social life.

Have a great weekend.

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A refined close to a crude week.


Maybe that tiger and her cub knew they were on camera so they decided to ham it up.


I was thinking the Mama was pretending to be scared – and it was a game to train the cub to hunt.


You’re probably correct but my comment was funnier.  🙃 


But of course! 🙂


It wouldn’t take very many JDAMs into WEF or WHO conclaves to make them feel unwelcome. Preferably during votes.

I’d imagine that there are more than a few Europeans who wouldn’t mind a JDAM into the unelected executive council that’s supposed to be rubberstamped by the European Parliament.


Most of you have probably figured that Lake T is my favorite lake — with its endemic sponges, jellyfish, eels, crabs, goby cichlids, shell-dwellers, scale-rippers, rock-grazers, mouth-brooders, cave dwellers, featherfins, and sardines… doesn’t hurt to have the world’s largest cichlid and world’s smallest cichlid. Several cichlids have wild color variants throughout the lake. I find it endlessly fascinating.

But I don’t assume you do, so you get a break. Here’s Lake Malawi —

— and here’s some more —

— Lake Malawi has a lot of interesting fish, but their weirdness is only turned up to 7 when their Lake T cousins can have it turned up to 9, 10, and 11.


While America has been busy with the aftermath of Uvalde, Biden has been busy polishing up his Police Reform message.


Oops — it belonged here —



Happy Friday! Many things happening now, here and elsewhere. When it rains it pours, sort of situation. That part about the doctors in debt not wanting to rock the boat lest they be thrown out of it makes much sense.


It does. It also strikes me that they have now groomed the medical profession to commit even worse crimes against humanity.




Doctors in debt not only from school loans, but also business loans to start practices, buyout partners, purchase equipment, etc. This company also provides loans to patients to fund their healthcare.


Many doctors practices have been bought by large hospital corporations – so now the corporations dictate treatment and medication protocols – including inpatient, outpatient, vaccines, etc.

During the pandemic – only the independent doctors could prescribe Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. Those doctors who did so while teaching at universities or practicing under hospital corporations, often got fired.

The doctors whose practices are owned by large groups are still pushing vaccines and boosters.

Last edited 2 years ago by GA/FL

Right, because they work for “the man”. I also think a lot of medical people really believe in the vaxx. One of my. drs. has a solo private practice, says the gov. has been lying about Covid, but still got the vaxx.


Gives me creeps/chills when my family talks about being ‘fully vaccinated’

Yesterday, the internist who is our disabled daughter’s primary care doctor urged her to get a CV19 booster and a shingles vaccine.


For sure. They wear it like a badge of honor.

Re: the internist … My kids tell me the new buzz phrase is “Immediate No”. 😁


“NOT, (pause), going to happen.”

^^^ My reply to the local quack, when she inquires about me getting the Covid injection, pneumonia or flu shot.

She then moves on to whatever else is on her checklist, to talk about.


Told my. dr. the same. Was at the desk making my next appt. and noticed all this activity in the exam room I just left. It was my dr. furiously cleaning all the surfaces with disinfectant wipes. Sad really. He used to be such a bad ass, cowboy-style guy.


Next time you’re there, check for cameras. You might be surprised to discover that ‘privacy’ is just a word.


I know I’m on the bad list.


“I’ll reconsider vaccines after Fauci’s been hanged.”


There’s still Gates….


….and the entire executive team at the FDA. But hanging Fauci would be an indication that there is a real clean-up in progress.


Hang him just outside the main door.

And leave him hanging until his feet touch the ground.

Last edited 2 years ago by pgroup2

I got “urged” to get the shingles vaxx “for free, your insurance will cover it” at the damned pharmacy the other day!

I think the look on my face scared the pharmacist.

Cuppa Covfefe

Pharmacist probably thought they’d end up wearing or eating some shingles 😀

(Asphalt, concrete, or clay, your choice 🙂 )…..
(with the soup/roof nazi saying, “no thatch for you…”)….


You just can’t help it – words to you are like a red laser dot to a cat.  😂 


Cuppa is the official QTH Pun Meister in Residence.


Truer words have never been spoken [or typed].


I love a good play on words….love scrabble, alliterations, double and triple entendre…but I’m not quick and clever with repartee as our Cuppa is.


Lol! I like Spanish red tile.


Both my MD son and my MD daughter-in-law, “fully vaccinated and boosted”, are straight-up AMA types, echoing “the party line” and getting the injections “because our employers required it.”
DIL had her two teenage children “vaccinated and boosted” in agreement with their biological father.
DIL’s mother got “fully vaccinated and boosted.”

So, here’s what Yours Truly has observed since they all got the injections:
DIL’s mother spent several days in bed after her Moderna “booster shot” and now has some heart issues.
DIL’s older child, Autism Spectrum, appears to be having more behavioral occurrences of the condition.
Son had a nasty “breakthrough case” of COVID.
DIL possibly had a “mild breakthrough case” of COVID.

Yours Truly can find NO studies, of any length, that were done on the effects of the “vaccines” on people with pre-existing neurological conditions (like autism);
NO studies, or any length, that were done on the effects of the “vaccines” on people with pre-existing heart or lung conditions — or, indeed, on ANY systemic body conditions (auto-immune disease, heart disease, circulation problems, etc.);
NO studies, of any length, that were done on the effects of the “vaccines” on the ovaries or the testes;
NO studies, of any length, that were done on the effects of the “vaccines” on people, especially on people over age 65, regarding whether or not the spike protein poison kicks off any family history predisposition for dementia / Alzheimer’s Disease.

It is now known that the spike protein poison in the COVID-19 virus by itself can cause damage to various organs of the body — brain, heart, lungs, blood and circulation. The spike protein in the “vaccines” and “booster shots” are a lab-synthesized version of this original spike protein, PLUS added elements — so an injection of ANY of the “vaccines” likely is, in effect, a double dose of the spike protein poison put into the recipient’s body. This is aside from the fact that the mRNA (or the adenovirus DNA) embedded in the “vaccines” has “instructions” to force the body to produce large amounts of antibodies on a constant basis — damaging or destroying the body’s natural immune system.
One may posit that the CDC, the FDA, Anthony Fauci, and the CEO’s of Pfizer-BioNTech / Moderna / Johnson & Johnson / AstraZeneca, et al, either knew, or should have known, about all the dangers and contra-indications regarding the “vaccines” that their companies developed and pushed on the market. But they pushed the “vaccines” anyway.
One believes that it would be signal service to all people if an easy-to-understand sentence or two could be constructed that could be told to anyone over the age of 15 who’s been “vaccinated” about the dangers they run from this injection in their body.

Last edited 2 years ago by RDS

I know what you mean. Have a doctor son his wife is a doctor . They both want us to wear a mask tonight and they accept no one in their home because wait COVID.
Until we are vaccinated we cannot come to their home wait because they do not want to get COVID.

Last edited 2 years ago by singingsoul1

I’m sorry to hear of this. So many families have been torn apart because of this entire COVID disaster. And to the [DS] / WEF / Cabal, that’s just “collateral damage” or “the cost of doing business.”

Cuppa Covfefe

Some shingles vaccines are ototoxic, especially in conjunction with other meds (every time my son gets a med, e.g. anti-biotic, or, years ago, diuretics, etc., I’d check for that, as his hearing was declining…now he has CIs, but I still check, out of habit).

The fewer jabs, the better, no matter what they are.

It’s almost like that Garrison cartoon with Truman, Kennedy, and another president being dragged along by the increasingly large and evil CIA dog. Big Pharma has become a monster, dragging all of the medical and most of the other (food, chemical, etc.) industries along their wicked path…

Whatever happened to “first of all, do no harm”….

Seems the target of that has changed from “to the patient” to “to our profits”….


You sure nailed that one, at the end.


The paperwork requirements in Obamacare forced the majority of sole practitioners out of the field.


There are so many simple logic related reasons to not be jabbed they are almost too numerous to count. One of my personal, simple logic faves relates to the use of medical professionals at all after what we have witnessed over the past couple of years.

“Doc, if I cannot trust your recommendations about a simple respiratory vax with a disease that has a 99+% survival rate when it does not prevent me from catching or transmitting the disease; why should I trust you about anything more serious?”

We are on our own.


“An American instructor in Krivoy Rog. A rare video. Usually they try not to get on camera.”


USA flag patch mounted wrong. According to flag protocol, stars are ALWAYS upper left regardless of orientation.


I thought it didn’t look right, if one magnifies it as big as possible it appears as if it’s stitched on with the reverse side outwards.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


On a person, or a boat, you put the stars forward, so the flag looks like it’s fluttering to the rear as you move forward.

So a US flag patch mounted on the left shoulder will have the stars on the right.


Can you give me a cite where that rule/statute is located? ThanQ.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If you are an Army soldier, you know that you wear the U.S. flag on the right sleeve. As AR 670-1 states, the patch keeps the blue union field moving forward, as if the flag were being carried into battle. A good way to look at it is to think of the soldier’s arm as a flagpole that is being carried on the battlefield. The flag moves forward, not backwards, it does not retreat. Yet even with regulations that explain why is the American flag backwards on military uniforms there are still questions and part of that is because of the ambiguity in military regulations and ignorance of the flag code.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Coorection, a US flag patch mounted on the RIGHT shoulder will have the stars on the right.

Please pardon my apparent dyslexia.


Verse of the Day for Friday, May 27, 2022

“For we are labourers together with God: ye are God’s husbandry, ye are God’s building.” 

1 Corinthians 3:9 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!



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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.


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Brave and Free

Good morning all.
I wonder what “news” will get dropped today @ 5pm so no one pays attention being a Holiday weekend and all?


Hildabeast turns herself in to Durham?


Yes! I’m going with that one.

Cuppa Covfefe

Or tries to make a quick escape 🙂

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Oh, wait….. 😀


Knee jerk Republicans or Republicans with an agenda and its not ours. (plus more…)

This guy went first yesterday.

GOP Senator Bill Cassidy Signals He’s Down With Gun Control

Now we have it from here.

McConnell tells Cornyn to work on gun control deal with Democrats…

Meanwhile the smoke still has not cleared in Uvalde. Nowhere close. The story keeps changing. I thought the Senate was supposed to be the deliberative body but I guess that’s another myth being busted as they are getting ready to impose law based on an incident where it’s still unclear what has happened.

Looks like the 12 min/firing at funeral parlor across the street is holding.

The recourse officer has changed three times now. Now there never was a resource officer. This one is important as it’s the “Good Guy with the Gun” the dems are trying to burn down by claiming the Resource Officer didn’t stop the shooter.

Morning Radio Guy giving breaking news. Concerning the 2018 story about two kids planning to go Columbine at the highschool in Uvalde. Congressman Tony Gonzales is confirming that Ramos was indeed one of the two kids arrested in 2018. This story also mentions that one of the two arrested said he’d wait till he was 18 to carry out his plan. (I think that may of also been in the story from last night, but confirmed if so.) Radio Show guy (Trey Ware 550AM) says this was told to him by Tony Gonzales and warned him the internet rumor he was confirming better be right because it will go viral)

Additional info. Robb Elementary went through over 40 lock downs due to illegals being chased through Uvalde.

Still confusing if the cops stayed in the building after the first contact. Right now story is no. One of the woman (grandmother) tackled and cuffed by police after driving 40 miles to get there, got another cop to un cuff her and then she got through the police perimeter, broke a woman and got her grandchild out of the building. Another off duty cop was getting hair cut when texted by teacher relative and he grabbed a shot gun at the barber shop and went to school and got 20 kids out. This while no one was being allowed in.

Oh and Jill and Joe are currently planning to be in Uvalde on Sunday. Calls are already starting to not come. Or since he’s coming he should visit the border since it’s only an hour away.

Oh and Abbott is no longer going to attend the NRA thing (is that today or tomorrow?). Will be in Uvalde and will send a prerecorded message of support.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

That second article: 😳

The mayor told TDEM officials that Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District officials had to lock down schools “48 times this year due to high-speed pursuits and migrants fleeing from law enforcement.”

Uvalde Mayor Don McLaughlin told the TDEM the region needs refrigerated facilities to hold deceased migrants. “I can’t send local decedents from our community to San Antonio because our facilities are full–that is unacceptable,” McLaughlin said.

Not a safe place for school children.


I had seen a headline about Abbott not going to NRA. I’m glad to know he is still supporting them.


According to, Lee Greenwood (the “God Bless the USA” singer) isn’t going to be at the NRA convention.


I’m sorry to see that. We need to stand stronger than ever now.


Yea, I can see that.

Singing, “God Bless the USA” is so controversial. /s


This is NO time to blink or back down.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is GREAT, and this is a HUGE blow against the CABAL.

comment image


This thing in Uvalde is bad, bad, bad.

Those cops standing around handcuffing desperate parents is nightmarish. What a generation of cowards we have spawned. WWII, men dove on grenades to save their friends. In 2022, policemen won’t risk being shot to save 10-year-olds.

The fact that this monster planned another on in 2018, and outright SAID he was going to do this when he turns 18, and was IGNORED by everyone, should be the genesis of a whole new set of laws, but it probably won’t. Morons will just squeal “gun control” for a few months and then move on.

I am just disgusted.


I’m stunned this dirt bag was outside the school, across the street for 10 or 15 minutes popping off rounds.

  • No one stopped him…shooting his dumb ass.
  • The school MUST have heard the gun shots AND did NOT LOCK DOWN.

Then the cops both cowered AND physically denied parents, the opportunity to save their children.

I DO wonder, IF whoever ordered the cops to DO NOTHING, was PAID to do so.

Not aggressively working to save innocent children from slaughter, is unfathomable to me.


Me, too.

I carry, and I have vowed in my heart to do my best to kill anyone if they are trying to kill others.


Come stand closer to me, please.  😍 


Lol! Anytime!


I taught public school music for 25 years. No matter what anyone’s (including my own) opinion is of public school anything — this whole story makes no sense. At all.

In my district (like someone alluded to in a comment up-thread) the car chase/shooting suspect scenario, in the vicinity of the schools, would have triggered an immediate, district wide, “shelter in place” – windows/doors locked, classes can continue but no one goes in or out. Security officers roaming the building at that point.

Now they’re floating the idea that some teacher propped a door open at 11:27 just as he was crashing the truck. And supposedly this provided the entryway at 11:40. So you’re saying that this kid was shooting at people and/or exchanging gunfire, on the school grounds, over 10+ minutes and nobody noticed it? It’s an elementary school, very near the end of the year. Nobody was outside for gym, or recess, or just outdoor activities because testing is done and the classroom is pretty damned near packed up?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Something STINKS. Something REALLY stinks.


And according to the district calendar, yesterday was the last day of school. Like Sadie said, rush job screw up.


It is nice to hear/read from you. As usual, very much worth reading. ThanQ.


😊 TY

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is very much like Parkland, which I’m positive used MKed (drugged/hynotized) players.

This is where the 2018 thing comes in. They had FOUR YEARS to set this up.


Bring back real men.


Real men and real eggplants.


So do we plant eggs to get eggplants? Asking for an unnamed somebody.




I agree. Something, everything really, is just WRONG here.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s VERY MUCH like Parkland, which was a desperation move on their part.


Concerning the fist part. I think you are describing virtuous men. Not all men are and apparently not all cops are, which is likely a factor here. We might want to jump to the conclusion and say it’s a cultural thing with Hispanics, but the list of Medal of Honor recipients are overwhelmingly men with Hispanic names so we’re back to cops that may be exposed to a culture of corruption or are just too shell shocked with the volume of lawlessness flooding into and through their town based on the open border situation, would be a fair guess.

The whole country is getting Cloward and Pivened (overwhelmed) and yes, disgusting.


Or they were told to stand down.


yes, definitely need to find out how that happened and who passed those orders, just like in Parkland.


I agree. I don’t think it is a Hispanic culture thing.

Cuppa Covfefe

I have to wonder if that 2018 arrest was the sealed felony that has been mentioned a few times.

If the perp had a felony, he should not have been able to purchase ANY firearm.

And that should be true whether the felony is sealed or not…..

😡 😡 😡 😡

I think the Feds and TLAs keep a roster of all these nutcakes for use whenever they need some trouble made. Creamer and that other slimeball of HELL-the BEAST’S said that about their, erm, campaign staff…..

Last edited 2 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

I hadn’t realized the perp had a felony record.

Last edited 2 years ago by TheseTruths

I think you are probably right.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Remember – FIB gave Dylann Roof his gun by an “error”. We have that from the LIPS OF JAMES COMEY himself. See below.

No media coverage, of course. Intentional “error”. Just like the grooming “errors” in Parkland.

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Don’t be Uvalde cops, Marshals (yep, they were there) or Border Patrol.

Be this woman:

Armed Woman Thwarts Potential Mass Shooting at Charleston Apartment Complex
“Charleston police reported that a man was killed by a woman armed with a handgun after he opened fire on a crowd with an AR-15. The shooter was a convicted felon who could not legally own a firearm.
Dennis Butler, 37, has been identified as the now deceased gunman. He was known to law enforcement and has been convicted of multiple felonies.”

Or be Batman.


Hrmmmm… 🤔…so it’s not the “Man with a Gun” thing, it’s a “Woman with a Gun” thing?

Good enough, better actually! Spread the word and head those nasty Mitch McConnell Senator types off at the pass! 😏🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗😆😁


btw, if those nasty Mitch types actually give ground and start talking about 21 as the legal age for gun ownership, which would be wrong as everyone should have the right to defend themselves especially once out of the house and no longer under control/protection of parents, then demand they make 21 the voting age since if your not mature enough to own a gun then you certainly are not mature enough to vote.


Absolutely agree



Cuppa Covfefe

“He was known to law enforcement and has been convicted of multiple felonies”

THIS is the thing that REALLY GRINDS MY GRITS!!!!!

OR SIX FEET UNDER, FOR THAT MATTER??????? 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡

Happens over here too. Mozzie cuts loose with a knife, or rapes, or robs, or kills, or pushes someone down a stairway (must be an olympic sport for them, happens so often) and ends up getting off as “psychologically disturbed” !!!

Gee, Officer Krupke…

I back the blue, but guys and gals DO WHAT YA GOTTA DO!!!!!!!

Otherwise GTHO and find a different job…..


Well, what I think is, if a person is identified as that fucked up, I don’t care how old they are; either execute them, or lock them up at hard labor and throw away the key.

Sadie Slays

I still believe Uvalde was a completely botched false flag. Maybe they had it planned at a different school (guy who conveniently died from a “heart attack” yesterday conducted a shooter drill at the high school, not elementary school, on Skull & Bones day) or on a different date. Their highly unstable MK shooter probably completely snapped after the argument with his grandmother and deviated from the plan. The people involved were forced to scramblenobody is in position, now there are actual children dying instead of whatever hoax they had planned, the low level local PD grunts that are part of the plan are paralyzed and don’t know what to do, and now they’ve got people unconnected to the plan like off-duty Border Patrol guy interfering. Usually these false flags have a slick rollout with a pre-packaged media narrative ready-to-go, but this is just a cluster. Even the brainwashed are starting to ask uncomfortable questions. 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think you’ve got a good theory here. The drill at the HIGH SCHOOL is a real give-away. There is some degree of “went off script” here, whether it was the location, day, and everything else, or just the border patrol guy interfering.


Killing a mass murderer after said mass murderer shot him in the head sounds like a little more than interference. Just saying.  😉 

Last edited 2 years ago by pgroup2

Hi I am in Indi lots of accidents on the way. We were saved having a lunch break.
Weather is going to rain . See family tonight at graduation.
Tomorrow to Columbus and Sunday home. My poor hubby was exhausted from the drive.
He is macho man has to drive his woman 😅


Just got an text from my over educated son, see you at graduating wear a mask. They are not accepting visitors because COVID has come back until we ,he means his father and mother are vaccinated. He and family are leaving for Africa and do not want to catch COVID, from us? I raised an idiot and he married an idiot.

Cuppa Covfefe

Maybe he can “score” some Ivermectin or HCQ when he’s down there… just in case…

Have a great time, and hang in there! und Gottes Segen…


He told me ivermectin does not work. They are brainwashed. Thank you.


Looks like you two have a free day on your calendar. I suggest finding a nice local nature trail to walk.


We visit the Indian Museum. Where we stay there is also a park. Yes we do that.
Last night we had an excellent dinner. My husband wants to use up our children inheritance


[guffaw out loud]  😂 


 “My husband wants to use up our children inheritance”
They’re grown up, educated and with good jobs, They’ll be just fine. Decisions they make are on them.
Support Hubby, live it up and have some fun, do things together and enjoy life!  😃 


My husband is doing his best and began with a $250 meal.



Cuppa Covfefe


Care to donate to the Cuppa Covfefe Kaffeeklatsch, a new charity I just thought of starting? 😆


Stop drooling.  😂 





Kids are adults AND accountable for their actions.

Enjoy what we earned!


IMO, sounds like a plan.  🙂 

Cuppa Covfefe


Years ago I was driving down Hightway 1 on the ooast of Kalifornistan, S L O W L Y behind a “Lincoln Center On Wheels” (HUGE Motorhome) which had the bumper sticker:

“We’re Driving Our Children’s Inheritance”…

All well and good, but they were driving me crazy…

(have to say, I wonder how they managed some of those curves, etc.)…


Slowly AND deliberately.

Cuppa Covfefe

Heyyy, that wasn’t you, was it? 😀


Who, ME? Nah, wish it was.  😎 


Same way they manage sex – methodically and steadily.


Good for him!


Don’t they know that vaxxed people can transmit it as well? And to other vaxxed people? I have 5 relatives in the same family group, who are all vaxxed, boosted and wore masks, yet one of them got sick and then it went through the others one by one.


They should know but they are doctors and know everything

Cuppa Covfefe

And the maddening irony is, if THEY are vaxxed, what are they worried about?????

The vax should protect them.

If it doesn’t, why take it at all?

And if it doesn’t do any good, why expect other people to take it?

Sounds like they need a refresher course on “Logic for Dummies” or something…..


Yes it is maddening. Just think family goes for two weeks on safari in Africa. They stay on their way in Amsterdam and worry we could give them covid?
I know my son wants peace with his wife I understand that. Possessiveness is a disease.

Cuppa Covfefe

Are they buying “balancing Carbon Credits”?

(Asking for AlGore, Greta the Greenhearted, and treehuggers everywhere 🙂 )…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

They behave as if they think the purpose of the vax is to prevent the recipient of the vax from giving the disease to others. Not to prevent his catching it.


I know a couple who are in their 70s, both fully vaxxed. The man got COVID and said it was very mild. He felt back to normal within a few days. A couple of days later his wife had a similar experience. I haven’t researched it, but I’m not seeing cases of lots people being terribly sick, hospitalized, and dying from COVID now.


Numbers are way down. One of my relatives who had Covid is 95 and on her way out. We all thought this was it for her, yet she recovered after a few days.

It’s endemic now and if people are still living in fear, that’s not likely to ever change for them. A relative who’s fully vaxxed, boosted and had Covid is still afraid to go to the grocery store because of the unmasked.

Last edited 2 years ago by holly08

Pretty sure no one is (well close to no one) is vaxx’d in Africa. Creepy Pizfer guy said just yesterday he can’t give away the vax for free in developing nations and has to toss millions upon million of doses away.


If not COVID monkey 🙈 pox might get them and the 🦠
I have been in S Africa believe me if they are worried about we could give COVID they might pick up something else.
They booked their trip last year when COVID still was on
Common sense is a rarity among part of population

Last edited 2 years ago by singingsoul1

He sounds just like my eldest son. Makes me nuts.


Cuppa Covfefe

Fauxcahontas Liarwatha should make a “run for the border”, and just keep on going…


Maybe our favorite president can keep his bad-mouthing of opponents to a minimum this time.


Okay, we are already there, have been since even before we came from OT, but wow he frames it so nicely.

The Left doesn’t want you to be able to drive, buy a home, or enjoy a burger.

Naive Republicans will say that, “Biden is not paying enough attention to the border” or “Biden is not paying enough attention to inflation”.

That’s like saying Jack the Ripper wasn’t paying enough attention to cutting up prostitutes. . .

. . . This is not a conspiracy theory. The only assumption being made here is that the Left is achieving its stated goals as the result of a plan rather than a series of accidental coincidences.



Now police are saying they couldn’t go into the school because they didn’t have a ballistic shield.

Said if they did go in and an officer was shot it could have provided the shooter with the officers’ weapons and ammunition.

Also there was the possibility that the shooter could have taken police communications gear off of the officers’ bodies, thereby giving the shooter the ability to listen to police movement and plans.


Whether all of that is true or not, there should NOT be an investigation of police tactics and decisions in the media. Demands for neat quick answers is the best way to cover up mistakes and/or bad motives.


They could of put on a ballistic helmet, and two bullet proof vests if they wanted too. Tell me that stuff is not in the back of their patrol cars. That one is definitely not flying.

Nor is the locked door, need to wait on the keys bs. They could of used a Halligan bar to gain entry fast and again if need be they could of plastered the door with ballistic vests to get in close enough to use it. Cops around the nation have this equipment and when they don’t fire fighters do and this kind of stuff is minutes away when called for, not 40 minutes.



Lotsa C Y A.


Great GOD Almighty!! I seem to forget the “shields” our fathers wore in WWII -both Pacific and Asia = and I for auew don’t remember any “sheds” over in SVN or Korea. Maybe they had them in Desert Storm? /s


Exactly. AND, NO sane adult allows little children to be slaughtered.

No excuses. Lotsa folks need to get fired. I’d think some charges most appropriate.

Of course, lawsuits incoming.


I have not seen this mentioned anywhere, but if it has been, please forgive me.

I had never heard of Uvalde, TX; until 4 days ago. My DH was surfing through Youtube videos to watch certain segments from Fox news, like Tucker and Jesse Watters. He clicked on a segment featuring Rachel Campos-Duffy in Uvalde, TX visiting the border and talking with the Mayor of Uvalde, since it is a major processing center for Illegal Aliens. He was very critical of the lack of Federal Agencies support from the Biden Administration.

The very next day, the shooting occurred. I just thought it strange and a little too coincidental. I will post the video here:


Uvalde has had 48 school lock downs this academic year caused by police chasing down fugitives smuggling drugs, illegals, and other causes. How does a city function in this matter. The Biden policy has Cloward and Pivened (overwhelmed) these border communities creating disfunction as demonstrated at Robb Elementary. Biden needs to be held responsible and needs to be questioned about this when he shows up Sunday, and not be allowed to leave and walk away when those questions begin.



I agree. I’m surprised Bidung will even show his face there. He is responsible for the mayhem and chaos. The FF school shooting was most likely planned far ahead, but the timing is suspicious. Could it be that the Feds launched their MK Ultra weapon on this particular day in retaliation against the mayor for criticizing them? There are so many questions surrounding this event, it seems they couldn’t cover all their tracks – like maybe they rushed their plan. I’m just speculating.


A San Diego school went on lockdown because a robotic voice called and said they were going to shoot up the school. This is a “chaser” to Uvalde. They have to keep the public’s fear up. It is really terrorism. I expect a lot more threats and actual shootings, unfortunately. The school year is almost over. Then it will be other gatherings and malls and the like.


Shooter enters through door propped open by teacher

The teacher propped the door at 11:27 a.m. a minute before 18-year-old gunman Salvador Ramos crashed his car into a ditch near the Robb Elementary School Tuesday.


Just from reading the url, he’s right. They probably need to hear it from us.


On this day in history, May 27, 1778, the Burrowes Mansion was raided in Matawan, New Jersey. John Burrowes, Sr.was a wealthy grain merchant living in Matawan, then known as Middletown Point. Burrowes gathered the grain from the New Jersey countryside, milled it in his own mills and then shipped it by boat to New England and New York City. Because of his very large grain business, Burrowes was called the “Corn King” by locals.

Burrowes was aligned with the patriots during the time leading to the American Revolution. He was involved with the Sons of Liberty during the Stamp Act crisis and served in New Jersey’s rebel congress once the Revolution began. Monmouth County’s first militia group to gather against the British trained in his front yard.

Burrowes’ son, John Burrowes, Jr. became a Major of the militia and served in the Continental Army during the battles in New York and New Jersey. John married Margaret Forman during the war. Margaret stayed with the elder Burrowes’ family at their mansion in Matawan while John Jr. was away fighting. Every chance he could, he got away to come to visit his young wife.

As in most communities, Matawan was divided between patriots and Loyalists. Loyalist sympathizers became aware of John’s frequent visits to Matawan and set a trap for him. When they received intelligence that he would be home toward the end of May, they sent word to the “Greens,” a group of Loyalist refugees gathered on Staten Island who would exact vengeance on local patriots for their involvement with the rebels.

Some things never change. Enemies among us, even “Greens” (though not environmental ones)!

On May 27th, John Jr. was visiting at the mansion when the Greens landed nearby and headed toward the property. Local patriots, however, noticed them and quickly warned the Burrowes family. John was able to escape out the back of the house, swim the creek and hide in the woods before the Greens arrived. Local patriots fought with the Greens as they arrived and began to set fire to Burrowes‘ mills and storehouses

When the Greens knocked down the front door of the mansion around midnight, young Margaret came down the stairs in her nightgown and shawl. A British soldier demanded that she give him her shawl to wrap around a wounded soldier. Margaret refused and said something along the lines of, “You’ll not get my shawl or anything else here to aid a British subject.” The angered soldier then struck her with his sword hilt and went upstairs looking for Burrowes. Margaret survived the attack, but was injured severely. She lived for several more years, but died in the 1780s, some believe due to complications from her injuries.

The soldiers searched the house for Burrowes, Jr., but did not find him, even firing shots into the attack from the second floor, the holes of which can still be seen today. Several patriot militia were killed or captured during the raid, including John Burrowes, Sr., who was captured, but later released. Much of the furnishings of the house were brought out and burned on the lawn. All the mills and storehouses were destroyed, but the house itself was spared. The fortune of the Burrowes family was destroyed in the raid, illustrating the personal tragedy suffered by many individuals during the Revolution. Both father and son died several years later at sea and penniless. Today the Burrowes mansion has been completely restored and is the home of the Matawan Historical Society.

Burrows mansion foyer:

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The Greens:

This Loyalist Regiment was also called the Queen’s Loyal Americans, or the Royal Regiment of New York, but was best known as the “Royal Greens” by the Americans, who particularly hated the men on account of their inhumanity when in the field. It was raised in 1776 by Sir John Johnson of New York, from among the Tories of Tryon County, N. Y., and among Canadians. The number of enlisted men varied from time to time, for in 1777, at Fort Schuyler, the entire regiment consisted of but one hundred and thirty-eight men.Their uniform of green and white, as shown in the drawing, was the dress adopted by the British Government for all Loyalist or Provincial commands in 1776. The facings at first were to be of white, green or blue cloth, but later orange, red or black was added as the commanding officers chose. The buttons of pewter were stamped with the Crown and the letters “R. P.” for “Royal Provincial.” Their leggings were of brown cloth to the knee. The belts of buff leather were the same as in the regular British service. The hats of coarse felt were laced or bound with white tape.


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Donald J. Trump

Remember, we get no credit for all of the incredible things we do. If we don’t talk about it, nobody will!!!


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I can’t vouch for accuracy, but I saw this on Truth Social by “ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter /”:

Durham is predicted to come out with up to 4 more indictments this summer. Black Lives Matter will come out of the woodworks right as this occurs. Watch.

It’s going to get spicy.

But now we know future direction: Justice.

And remember. Trump has the Trump card ready. So don’t be discouraged by the pace.


From Val @ Marica’s Place

Valerie Curren
May 27, 2022 at 2:34 pm
We’re Up North, my son Josiah & I, & my parents, at their Cottage since last evening.

Thankfully no storm damage from the recent tornado! There’s lots of leaf clean up, per usual, that we’re working on. Unfortunately somebody didn’t shut down the water system properly so we’re dealing w/ a broken pipe in the main line to the entire building, so we have no water. Dad tried resoldering the joint but never got the leak to completely stop. I just bummed some drinking water from the neighbors thankfully. We’ve been getting buckets of water from the lake to flush the toitets & wash our hands. I guess if things get rough we can get cleaned in the lake too, though it’s a bit cold right now.

Interesting times for sure. My brother is trying to get off work early to head up so he can do some work on the water situation. He used to have his own construction business, so he knows what he’s doing. Hopefully he manages the repair before the bulk of the other travelers arrive later tonight. Tomorrow night my husband, Josiah’s twin bro, a cousin, & a friend are to be the latest arrivals, excepting my aunt who’s not expected until Monday morning.

Hope the rest of you have challenge free holiday weekends! Blessings to all.

Gas was $4.39 in Gaylord (technically south at Waters) on Thursday evening. 

PS Michael was to have phone interview today & he’s already gotten job offers from a few trucking companies. He’s doing research so he can make the “best” choice. He’s also studying to get his haz-mat endorsement & tanker one too. He needs H for the job w/ the interview today. He needs H + T for another job that he’s got a lead to through an old co-worker. God is good & seeing us through!!!

I’m on Mom’s laptop & it won’t allow me to sign into the Q-Tree. I wonder if someone might share any of this info over there, if you consider it appropriate–Thanks! God Bless!  


Thanks, Duchess. It’s good to hear that Michael isn’t going to have a problem finding a job.


Heck, Michael’s “CDL” IS in demand. Getting the H AND T endorsement, HUGE bump in pay. A great place to be.

Cuppa Covfefe

New Pointman up… seems some changes in the “narrative” of the YSM/MCM are in the wind…


This one may have escaped us. 🤔

Law enforcement officials are investigating whether a retired federal agent was aware of the Buffalo gunman’s plans at least 30 minutes prior to the attack. Authorities believe the former agent – who is believed to be from Texas – was one of at least six individuals who regularly communicated with accused killer Payton Gendron in a Discord channel.

About 30 minutes before carrying out the massacre in a Buffalo supermarket, Gendron invited six individuals to join a Discord channel to review his plans. According to a report from The New York Times, posts in the server were visible only to Gendron up until that moment.

None of the six individuals, including the retired federal agent, notified Buffalo law enforcement after Payton Gendron clearly laid out his plans. The accused killer even posted a map of the Tops grocery store that he planned to attack, as well as photos of his gear. Gendron’s rampage ultimately played out almost exactly the way he envisioned after none of the six individuals informed the police.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, this is HUGE. It was definitely MK. The Fed in the room was an informant.

The shooter was not completely / properly MKed, just like the one time people screwed up and I remembered a session. The MK administrator should not even be remembered consciously. It should be like a subconscious voice in his head – like a conversation with the self.

The MK session “talker” even called himself “Sandman”. What a sick joke.

The FBI is currently tracking down the retired agent, as well as the five other individuals, in order to interview them and determine whether anyone should be charged as an accomplice. The two sources did not reveal the retired agent’s identify or what federal agency he worked for, according to The Buffalo News.

Federal authorities are also trying to find the identify of an individual Gendron refers to as “Sandman” or “Saint Sandman.”

The individual was mentioned numerous times in Payton Gendron’s outline of the massacre that was uploaded to the Discord server 30 minutes before the attack. In his manifesto, Gendron claims that “Sandman” instructed him on how to acquire the weapons he wanted to use in the attack.

In the document Payton Gendron posted on Discord just prior to the shooting, he references Sandman three times.

Sandman is the person who conversed with the subject in the hypnotic state, just like a therapist or psychiatrist. Back in the early 80’s when it happened to me, it was literally somebody in my apartment, in my bedroom.

Again, for those who are new to my knowledge of (old school) MK, please check out these links – especially the first one if you have not read it.

My MK experience:

Additional links on MK Ultra here:


Thank you for the links, Wolf. Was not aware of your story to this depth. It helps, because it helps to connect some dots in my own weird story.

You did good, partner.

Since mine extends into and out of Arkansas and they are still Arkanciding people – Q and the White Hats can pull the string on this anytime now. Would be fine with me.

I once was told that if I kept my mouth shut I would live as I exited and started over. I learned then and through the ensuing years the value of being undependable in a high profile, public way at the right times. Some might say, crazy. It served me well.

Game the gamers. Con the cons. Don’t let them know what you are really doing.

“Wise as serpents”.


Imagine the difference if Christ had told Pilate His real plan.

Would Pilate have allowed Him to be killed?


Excellent point.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, I was shocked by the two recent Arkancides.

And totally agreed! Being “unpredictably unpredictable” is very helpful.

Last edited 2 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It appears as if Bill Barr is trying to save face and salvage his reputation here by telling the truth. Also seems not too happy with Biden’s Ukraine War it seems.

“Dirty Political Trick”: Bill Barr Says Hillary Clinton Guilty Of ‘Sedition’

Didn’t take long to find a comment in the zero hedge story that fits the Bill.

Since Barr is not going to see 2,000 Mules this deep state scumbag has time to chat up reporters.

All this evidence passed HIS desk- ALL of it -> Hunter Biden, Election Fraud, and this Russian hoax…

Screw this guy ! He did his job which was to screw Trump and American voters.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

Bill Barr’s reputation IF not already, WILL be lower than whale shit, like Mueller.

Brave and Free

There are definitely slimy FBI fingerprints on Buffalo – the perp was on a chat board with retired FBI officers.

Last edited 2 years ago by GA/FL
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Note that these FIB officers may have just been “unknowing observers” whose information was used by the actual groomers.

I believe that FIB has been deeply infiltrated and lulled from the inside.



#20 – Little elementary school children endured unspeakable terror – and those left behind are still experiencing terror and trauma for those left behind. Then there is the loss for so many families parents and grandparents and siblings. The Uvalde police were even worse than the Parkland police. And that monster had been threatening to do this for years.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

(1) Powerful similarities to Parkland – which was an ERIC HOLDER / OBAMA OP.

(2) Need lots of sunlight on that police chief. I’m betting that will tell us a LOT.


Just coming to post this. Article also has a good minute by minute timeline.


I’ve been trying to find out if he’s a Democrat but have had no luck.


At that level they normally don’t announce such. I found some info on the Uvalde Sheriff yesterday, he looks clean, came in, at the start of 2021 and controls 17 including himself. This Police Captain came in during the start of 2020, it was a hired position that he applied for unlike the sheriff. From pictures I counted at least 14 officers in his department. The Congressional district just switched for the first time to Republican. The Mayor is a republican and has been in office since 2014. He won two back to back 2 year terms, and this last election they changed the term to 4 years.

With the amount of illicit money floating around down along the border I think knowing if one is republican or democrat might help, but may not be the all to it.


Here’s another timeline:


Saw a blurb he was from city originally a 911 operator and just had the job bc he was a local. Gotta say, knowing how school districts operate, they hire cops that are not cream of the crop, and many are pretty lazy. On top of that, they hire ones that will provide them cover, not be Constitutionalists.
Not surprised but still sad.

JW in Germany

Trump speaking at the NRA convention confirms that the beginning of this was Columbine…shortly before an NRA convention in Denver.

Trump is pushing for hardening of school security and money is not the issue…re $BILLIONS to other countries.


Top Twenty Tweets #12 – this wasn’t in the news because it didn’t fit the gun control narrative.

Cuppa Covfefe

Don’t mess with West Virginia women!


Incompetence? Complicity?


T3 – #15 makes me so mad I could spit!!!


Those two are slobs to be cops and that unfit. No wonder they went overkill for this.

Cuppa Covfefe

Is that Tweedledum and Tweedledee?????

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Excellent names and literary reference.

JW in Germany

President Trump stood strong supporting 2nd Amendment Rights and strengthening school security. If we can send billions of dollars to other countries then money is certainly not an issue to protect our schools…Trump placed that directly at the feet of the Democrat controlled Congress.

There is absolutely ZERO excuse not to secure the schools.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Personally, I think that every legally gun-owning CUSTODIAL PARENT of a child in a school should have the right to carry a gun into the school or on school grounds.

THAT would add a real element of surprise to any attacks on the school.

JW in Germany

Absolutely. With one caveat…if the father is a purple hair trans that wants to mutilate its 6 year old son…nope!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL. Yeah, I hear you.

But seriously, that crazed libtard will love his trans-abused kid just as much as any of the other parents will love their kids, and if he’s legal and has a gun, I don’t give a damn – he’ll protect my kid, too, just like I’d protect his.

The road back to sanity is schools it going to be hard and bitter, but we have to FIGHT every inch of the way.

Last edited 2 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Right to or not, I am carrying concealed at pretty much all times, which is legal in Montana. I don’t leave my purse in the car because I am going into the school to pick up a grand kid, if you catch my drift.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sounds like a sensible policy in a sensible state!


“In the DPR, the investigation of a criminal case against mercenaries from Britain and Morocco has been completed, they face the death penalty, RIA Novosti was told in the Prosecutor General’s Office of the republic.”


Great. Let’s have a very public trial. Very fair. Broadcast via Internet. IF they are found guilty. Public execution.


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“Shall not be infringed.” Talk to the paw.


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.. 😼👍‼️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸‼️


Sussmann jury begin deliberations, verdict expected next week

While the jury began deliberations Friday afternoon, the judge left the court for the weekend, so a verdict is not expected to be given until Tuesday at the earliest…

Sussmann is pleading not guilty to the charge. If convicted, he faces up to five years in prison…

Both sides discussed the elements that must be satisfied for a conviction, which is that the jury must find beyond a reasonable doubt that Sussmann, a former federal prosecutor, made a false statement to the FBI.


TO10346, Liz Harrington – Trump speaking at NRA convention

“We have a right to our 2nd Amendment, which is under siege, but we will prevail.

The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”

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Would be good IF Uniparty did NOT CONTROL the Senate, House and hussein’s WH.


Schumer Brags After Blocking GOP School Safety Bill In Senate

 Carmine SabiaMay 27, 202
“GOP Sen. Johnson just tried for a bill that could see more guns in schools—I blocked it. The truth: There were officers at the school in Texas. The shooter got past them. We need real solutions—We will vote on gun legislation starting with the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act,” he said on Twitter.

Apparently Chucky is not keeping up with the press briefings out of Uvalde.
Our freakin Senators better be.


Sadly, Uniparty will vote ineffective gun control.

NOTHING to do with keeping kids safe.

Demolishing 2A IS the goal.

Cuppa Covfefe

How do you know that beforehand???


I’ll go with “what is 50+ years of experience with this BS?”, Alex….


OK, I don’t “know”. We both “know” that.

GUESSING the following has something to do with reality, as I see it

  • D-Rats OWN the House.
  • D-Rats OWN the Senate, with the Hoe breaking 50/50 ties.
  • McConnell already “told” Cornyn to work with Cry’n Chuckster on Gun Control.
  • Switch hitters, Ms Linda, Pierre DeLecto, Collins, M…sky…
  • BiteMe WILL sign anything put in front of him.

Names I listed above PLUS six listed at this list.

“Conservatives” can NOT stop whatever the Uniparty conjures up.

  • Stolen Elections Have Catastrophic Consequences. (Bannon)

Why would one conclude gun control will NOT expand from where it IS today?

Another step to destroying 2A. WEF DEMANDS THIS. Uniparty onboard.


No worries, SCOTUS will protect our inalienable rights…..



^^^ That IS reassuring. ^^^  😂  😅  😂 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good run-down of the realities.

McConnell is one of the worst things to ever happen to us.

Once he compromised himself by teaming with Pelosi and Schumer on the January Sixth Buffalo Jump, those satanic leftists OWNED HIS ASS.

Now he cannot cross them. Sold out America.


Schumer Brags After Blocking GOP School Safety Bill In Senate” .. and THAT … is the reason these kids DIED .. upChuck Schumer just told you … miserable evil scum

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act”? Is that the next step after the Patriot Act?

To hell with Scummer.



OAN to provide LIVE coverage of Trump’s ‘Save America’ rally in Wyo.
Be sure to tune in to One America News for LIVE, uninterrupted coverage on Saturday, May 28 as former President Trump takes the stage in Wyoming at 6 p.m. EST / 3 p.m. PST.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good thing!!!



WATCH: Mother of Uvalde Shooter Speaks Out: ‘He Had His Reasons For Doing What He Did and Please Don’t Judge Him’By Cassandra Fairbanks
Published May 27, 2022 at 10:00am

Looks like shooters drug addicted mom got ambushed by a reporter.

“I have no words. I have no words to say. I don’t know what he was thinking,” Reyes told CNN affiliate Televisa. “He had his reasons for doing what he did and please don’t judge him. I only want the innocent children who died to forgive me.”

Asked by the reporter what she would say to the victim’s families, Reyes said: “Forgive me. Forgive my son. I know he had his reasons.”

When asked what possibly reason he could have had, Reyes said “to get closer to those children instead of paying attention to the other bad things, I have no words. I don’t know.”

So my question on “him having his reasons, don’t judge him”, was he sympathetic to the gun control folk and decided to volunteer to do the murderous deed to help abolish guns?
I’ve little doubt some of these folk think that way. Him I don’t know, but some would consider their act virtuous if it ended up abolishing guns.

And what bad things is she talking about?

Obviously she is stressed, ambushed by a reporter, still believes in her son and all that, but these still seem to be strange things to say.

I’d hope the entire Uvalde police department no longer has jurisdiction in investigating this case.


Sadly, the alternative might well be the FIB, which would be worse.

Let’s hope that State and County can help clear the mists.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Texas Rangers – THEM I trust.


Ashley Haynes, 47, was found drowned in the Arkansas River with an extension cord knotted to her ankle and attached to a concrete block –just months before businessman Mark Middleton’s body was discovered hanging from a tree with the same style electrical cord wrapped around his neck and a close-range shotgun blast through his chest.


Forget it, Jake, it’s Arkansas…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Arkancides. They’re back in style.


Tom Cotton thread on Jobama student loan shenanigans.


“INEXCUSABLE”: Gov. Greg Abbott Absolutely ‘Livid’ That He Was LIED to by Uvalde Police About Shooting

Actually this is not okay, what’s okay is you have a separate agency verifying everything (especially if the FBI is in charge). Not to do it for a subordinate agency is foolish especially when its your ass on the line when it comes time validate the claims.


(Emphasis added)


UDSA Raises Food Price Forecast to Highest Level in 42 Years, Third Wave of U.S. Food Inflation Will Dwarf Prior Price Increases

Have you ever seen egg prices at $1 per egg range, or $12/doz? Hold on a few months and perhaps you will. That is the context for the scale of food price increases the USDA is now starting to predict. The highest predicted change in food costs in well over 40 years, that’s the USDA warning in their revised May “Food Price Outlook”. [DATA HERE]
This month the USDA just re-re-revised the forward price outlook, and things are grim. It likely doesn’t come as a surprise to many CTH readers because we have been discussing the convergence of events since October of 2021, when we first were able to predict Wave-1 (Dec/Jan), and Wave-2 (March/Apr) inflation. However, the underlying data for Wave-3 is double the prior two phases.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Saturday post is “in the can.”

I’ve had a distracting few days, so alas the last (?) thermal post isn’t going to be there.


So, we’re getting a cold post?

A cold, cold, cold post?


New story change tonight. Mirrors Parkland.

Border patrol ignored local police and went in on their own.

Border Agents Stormed School and Killed Gunman After Local Police Told them to WaitBy Jim Hoft
Published May 27, 2022 at 7:38pm


THIS I believe.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent. We’re getting down to the truth. This is SO PARKLAND.

Democrat propaganda murders. BETO clearly almost in the loop on this one, too.



Would this be the future HKL?


I suspect TMIAHM will never be turned into a movie (unless a terrible one, like Starship Troopers), because it’s a step-by-step primer on how to run a revolution.


In the comments over at

Gray’s Corollary to Hanlon’s Razor: “Sufficiently advanced stupidity is indistinguishable from malice.”