Dear KMAG: 20220530 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.

This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

And indeed, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it!

…and we will have fun doing it, too!

The Rules

Boilerplate, more or less, but worth reading again and again, if only for the minor changes, and to stay out of moderation.

The bottom line is Free Speech. Theories and ideas you don’t agree with must be WELCOME here, and you must be part of that welcoming. But you do NOT need to be part of any agreement.

Bottom line – respect other people’s FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS.

Our only additional requirement is that you do so NICELY. Or at least try to make some effort in that direction.


We must endeavor to persevere to love our frenemies – even here.

Those who cannot deal with this easy requirement will be forced to jump the hoops of moderation, so that specific comments impugning other posters and violating the minimal rules can be sorted out and tossed in the trash.

In Wheatie’s words, “We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”

That includes the life skill of just ignoring certain other posters.

We do have a site – The U Tree – where civility is not a requirement. Interestingly, people don’t really go there much. Nevertheless, if you find yourself in an “argument” that can’t really stay civil, please feel free to “take it to the U Tree”. The U Tree is also a good place to report any technical difficulties, if you’re unable to report them here. Please post your comment there on one of Wolf’s posts, or in reply to one of Wolf’s comments, to make sure he sees it (though it may take a few hours).

We also have a backup site, called The Q Tree as well, which is really The Q Tree 579486807. You might call it “Second Tree”. The URL for that site is If this site ( ever goes down, please reassemble at the Second Tree.

If the Second Tree goes down, please go to The U Tree, or to our Gab Group, which is located at

We also have some “old rules” and important guidelines, outlined here, in a very early post, on our first New Year’s Day, in 2019. The main point is not to make violent threats against people, which then have to be taken seriously by law enforcement, and which can be used as a PRETEXT by enemies of this site.

In the words of Wheatie, “Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”

A Moment of Prayer

Our policy on extreme religious freedom on this site is discussed HERE. Please feel free to pray and praise God anytime and anywhere.

Thus, please pray for our real President, the one who actually won the election.

You may also pray for our nation, our world, and even our enemies.

Call To Battle

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.

We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.

Joe Biden didn’t win.

And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Wolfie’s Wheatie’s Word of the Day Year Week:



government by a junta (a council or committee for political or governmental purposes; especially: a group of persons controlling a government especially after a revolutionary seizure of power).

Used in a sentence:

We are not sure who is actually in charge of this infernal juntocracy, but it may be Obama.

Used in a picture:


Have another great week!


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Feynman was an odd, funny guy who regularly saw things at another level than most people. But he seemed like the kind of genius it would be fun to just hang out with.

Considering that he picked locks and drummed as hobbies, this could be more-or-less dangerous.


And that’s just the fonts! 😀 


That, to me, seemed very Toastmasters.


The Fiancee did quite a bit of Toastmasters, to the point where she was in regional semi-finals. It’s a fine program for what it is, but it leaves its mark on your presentations.


Our cultural norms are like the Biden stock market.

When I go to stores, especially Walmart, and see the peeps, the way they dress, act, the piercings, tattoos on young Mommys, I’m really saddened.

In my early childhood, ladies wore hats and dresses to town to shop.


When I grew up only sailors got tattoos and only gays wore piercings.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

It is very interesting that the confusing voices stopped when she transcribed, and she found things in the recording that she didn’t note in the room at the time. This reminds me of McLuhan’s “hot media” and “cool media” [ ].


Men’s Rights Activists. MRA. NEVER heard of such a thing. Do I believe men are wrongly maligned and marginalized. Hell yea.

Have as much value for MRA, as I do, Women’s Rights Activists. WRA, I guess.

Wish these people spent more time on real problems. Even become PRODUCTIVE in their life. So much wasted time and effort.


“Wish these people spent more time on real problems.”

Amen. Don’t want to come across as preachy, however, this is where I stand with all of these wannabes.

Psalm 49:12
But man is his splendor will not endure; he is like the animals that perish. (NAS)

John 17:14
I have given them Your word and the world has hated them, for they are not of this world anymore than I am of this world. (NAS)

They seek fame and notoriety first, which lead to money and power. At the root we find greed, narcissism, insecurities, etc. They are of this world and do Satan’s work. Deception, manipulation, lies, slander, coercion, violence, etc. Even when they gain what they seek they become as “the animals that perish.”

As believers we have no rights outside of those granted by God in His kingdom as we are “not of this world anymore.” We choose to become citizens of heaven, God’s kingdom. We are not granted dual citizenship in other countries like so many of our worldly politicians, celebrities and business leaders. Many claim to be Christians, yet follow the world and Satan in practice. We are not given the right to chase after these charlatans or give in to tyrants.

Matthew 10:16
“Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be as wary as serpents and as innocent as doves.” (NAS)

As we say around here, “It’s a tough row to hoe.” But well worth it when the harvest comes.

Last edited 2 years ago by TradeBait2

That was phenomenal.


I agree about crazy women!

Someone once said to me that the most important thing a man does for his children is love their mother. I think that is true.

I also think the SMARTEST thing a man does for his children is choosing the RIGHT woman to be their mother in the first place.


I came from a culture at the time were men chose a woman who would be a good mother and wife and a woman chose a man who would be a good father and provider.
I now people often do not choose l. Often hormones are the guiding thing.


That is truth!




Gateway Pundit is reporting that over 5,000 flights have been cancelled this weekend. That can’t be due to weather. Not enough pilots?

Barb Meier

Like the price of fuel?

Cuppa Covfefe

Sky high 🙂

(OK, off to me corner I go…)….


Staff shortage was mentioned in an article I read yesterday and it noted that some airlines are so desperate for pilots that they have lowered the requirements/standards for hiring.


Unsettling, IS an understatement.


It’s really unsettling considering the message coming from Davos this year. Instead of hiding their goals they’re crafting the idea that humans, enlightened humans, see the value and necessity for force control…by govt agencies.

It’s unsettling too that they’ve created the alleged need and in many people the desire to be injected with whatever the ruling authority decrees.


How to pronounce junta ,, my version, whoon-tah

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Hope everyone has a Great Memorial Day !  😃 
Never forget those before us.
Stay Vigilant
Stay frosty
Never give up!
Good nite  👌 


Except to a boating accident.  😋 


Will screwed that one up  😂 
Good nite  👌 




Some good insanity —

This is particularly amusing because the dosbox project has a perfectly good dos emulator that can run on a native ARM system, without using the silicon.


Makes you want to learn sign language 🤟


Awesome !


43 minutes after shooting began, 9 students were still alive…

Good Explainer.


Young girl bled out waiting for police… undoubtedly others as well.


When every second counts, police are minutes away…..


True, but in this case they are just outside the door and are timing their entry with how long it takes for a body to bleed out.


Yep. Why the heck wasn’t someone immediately sent around to the outside of 111 and 112 to start blowing windows out? Seems like that may have (a) immediately distracted the shooter and (b) left a clear shot at him once the windows were cleared.

Why wasn’t the school PA playing military assault sounds so that any kids calling 911 would have been drowned out by noise, while enhancing the confusion from the breaking windows?


Just to be perfectly clear, someone could take a position outside 110 and shot out every window in 111 and 112 with essentially zero risk to someone inside. And they would only have been at risk if the shooter leaned out a window of 111 or 112 to get a shot at him.


Only thing I can add to all that, which is 100% right is two doors, two class rooms and one shooter. Kids making calls from both classrooms at differing times. Getting in their quickly should of been a cinch.

Then when it was time to go in, because they had some BP folk who insisted, no sledge, no pry bar and no keys… got to wait on the keys.

These things only happen if you want a high body count. It was about the gun legislation. Nothing else mattered but that Domestic Terrorism Bill stalled in the Senate.


Everything about the incident totally stinks and glows — like a rotten mackerel by moonlight.


Yep, fish in the vids stand a better chance of survival than the kids in that class room and those fish can be vicious.


Lets add one more, since that girl said they shot out the window, why didn’t they just reach in and unlock the door?


Looks like the first few cover ups did not go well so the official cover up begins.

DOJ launches formal investigation into police response in Uvalde…

I assume then, we’ll not get the “Door Stops” phone records then. Not even Door Stops name?

So get ready for lots of this. ” I’m sorry, we cannot comment on that as it’s part of an official investigation and we do not comment on official investigations as part of policy.  

Pretty much shuts it all down. All down the memory hole after several more news cycles. 

What’s wrong with doing separate investigations? Or better reporters doing their jobs and public officials being transparent in theirs. DOJ was the last we wanted to do this as there is a high chance of a wider conspiracy here. 

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

I think Abbott will be investigating. He was lied to, he is pissed, and I doubt he will let it go. Maybe we’ll get lucky and get something there.

That said, I really don’t think we will.

Las Vegas shooter all over again.


IF the Feds OWN the investigation, as the Feds did in Vegas, we’ll NEVER learn the truth. Lombardo, the Sheriff at the time, rolled over, handing the investigation to the Feds.

Feds need to be strong armed to GFO Uvalde.

IF Abbott has any honest people, gives them free reign to investigate, we MAY learn the truth.

EVERYTHING Thus far screams FF orchestrated by the Feds. MANY locals paid off. Allowed the slaughter to begin AND CONTINUE for over an hour.


The actions of the police in the Uvalde event are very reminiscent of
the actions of the police in Orlando during the Pulse Nightclub massacre including the shifting narratives.


The police investigation showed that Mateen began the massacre around 2 a.m., but it wasn’t until around 5 a.m. that Orlando police officers shot him to death after they used an armored truck to breach a wall. Among the 34 plaintiffs in the lawsuit are the estates of six people who were killed in the shooting.

06.2016 –

Police photos issued hours after the Orlando attack show a simple hole in a wall, about 4ft high and 3ft feet wide. It looks unassuming, just a gap in the grey concrete blocks…….At about 5am on Sunday morning, three hours into the deadliest mass shooting in US history, Orlando’s police chief, John Mina, made the portentous decision to send in a Swat team and blast a hole through the outside wall of the Pulse night club, 


Those cops are either a) complicit; b) unbelievably incompetent; or c) sociopaths who listened to children dying and did nothing.


D) ALL the above.


Good addition!


OK, we’re doing light fish tonight —

Gotta love the narration. National Geographic quality.

And another —


Found part 3, looking for part 2 —


Laura Logan is digging up some older reports of FIB using mentally ill person to do their bidding:

BUSTED: Parents Catch FBI in Plot to Force Mentally Ill Son to Be a Right Wing Terrorist (


In a June meeting with the agent, according to FBI documents, Varnell described himself as a believer in “Three Percenter” ideology, a right wing group claiming to be committed to standing against and exposing corruption and injustice.

According to federal documents, Varnell drove what he believed was a stolen van containing a 1,000-pound ammonium nitrate bomb on Saturday morning to blow up an Oklahoma City bank. Vile, indeed.

However, if we backtrack just a bit, to when the FBI began grooming their would-be right wing militia terrorist, the vileness comes directly from the government.

“The FBI knew he was schizophrenic,” Varnell’s parents declared on Wednesday in an open letter bravely published by NewsOK.

Underneath his condition, he is a sweet-hearted person and we are extremely shocked that this event has happened. However, what truly has us flabbergasted is the fact that the FBI knew he was schizophrenic. The State of Oklahoma found him mentally incompetent and we, his parents have legal guardianship over him by the Court. These documents are sealed from the public, which is why no news media outlet has been able to obtain them. The FBI clearly knew that he was schizophrenic because they have gathered every ounce of information on him.”

Yet they knowingly continued to groom him, despite the clear immoral implications.



Also from Laura:

Big Pharma Boss Caught FAKING His COVID Vaccination Status; Injected Himself With Salt Water Instead… Now Facing Criminal Charges – enVolve (

Jose Maria Fernandez Sousa-Faro, president of European pharmaceuticals giant PharmaMar, has been charged by police with being falsely vaccinated against Covid-19. Dr. Sousa-Faro has been caught up in a scandal in Europe involving people being added to the National Immunization Registry in exchange for large sums of money, with many of them familiar faces and household names.

Police allege that Sousa-Faro arranged to be injected with a saline solution instead of a Covid-19 vaccination and paid thousands of dollars to have his name added to Spain’s immunization register, as confirmed by police sources and reported by El Periodico de Espana.

Dr. Sousa-Faro is among more than 2,200 celebrities and European elites on the list drawn up by National Police of those falsely vaccinated against Covid.



5/29/22 – 1056 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 690 Dead, After COVID Injection


Given the numbers above, that appears to be just under a 65.4% death rate.



You can’t draw that conclusion from those numbers. You would have to know the total number of athletes vaxxed worldwide to get a death rate percentage.


Thank you. I found this in the linked article:
This is the chart for worldwide athlete deaths from Good Sciencing. Perhaps I didn’t crunch the numbers correctly. Still looks like a large amount of deaths to me.

Last edited 2 years ago by RDS

Oh, it’s a LOT, no question. But the percentages of death among vaccinated athletes would have to be calculated using the total number of athletes vaccinated and the number that have died. And I don’t think there are any good numbers of how many have been vaxxed, probably by design. But there have to be millions of them. You’d have to add up all the members of every sport in the world who had the shot.


Lots more here i bet. Criminals. Inject him with the real thing 3 times. Thatll scare him.


Nashville 2020 RV bomb
Florida 2018 Trump decal van

There’s probably more but I remembered those two

Barb Meier

Prayers. Gratitute. Love. Tears. Thank you for sharing this trumpismine. I shared it with my family on FB tand with everyone on all the platforms where I have an account.


“Some gave a ittle, but he gave it all.” 🇺🇸

Sadie Slays

From 4chan: “A US army recon plane flew into the Uvalde airport 8 minutes before the shooting took place. The airport is an 8 minute drive to the school. The plane then left right when the shooter was killed.”

Sadie Slays

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Interesting it would leave 2 minutes before. Who ever was on board had enough rank to stick around long enough to see what was happening. Yeah, whole thing stinks. Like a command and control element overseeing the op.

Some one should do a collection of all the vids from that day and fine tooth them. At minimum look for where the resource officers car was and try to see if he had any pax.

Barb Meier

Thank you Sadie!


There are No Coincidences.

Barb Meier

I hear you. One must trust but verify all things fed gov. The linked site to the flight of the plane isn’t fed gov, is it? Here is their FAQs:

Sadie Slays

It didn’t come out on Memorial Day. The tweets I posted are dated May 26th (Thursday). And unlike the trans thing, at least we can access the public flight records. Planefags have been a part of the Q stuff from the beginning.


This would explain the missing resource officer. Also the resource officer driving by door, perhaps to check if it was indeed left propped open like it should of been. Likely going to need the resource officers location before, during and after the incident.

Also if the army plane came out of Ft. Hood there is going to be a manifest. Those type planes are normally referred to as puddle jumpers, seat about 10 or less pax. This one is a bit more hyped though. Could of Done Uvalde from Hood then North Dakota easily.

Model 350ER (Extended Range)[edit]

Extended range special mission version for surveillance and reconnaissance operations, introduced at the Paris Air Show in June 2005. Features engine nacelle fuel tanks, heavy duty landing gear and increased maximum take-off weight of 7,484 kg (16,500 lb). Typical mission profile involves a 100 n mile (185 km; 115 mile) flight to on-station; low-altitude surveillance sortie for 7 hours 20 minutes; and return to base with 45 minutes’ fuel reserve.[63]

By early 2010, Hawker Beechcraft was offering structured programme of upgrades for King Air 350ERISR. Accommodation includes two pilots above an armoured floor; sensor operator at console (port, forward facing) providing on-board analysis; club-four seating in centre section with port side table, satellite telephone and refreshment centre; and lavatory at rear.[63]

Four King Air 350CERs (Shadow R. Mk 1 in RAF service)[64] equipped for intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition and reconnaissance (ISTAR) missions over Afghanistan were originally were ordered for the RAF and later increased to six in July 2013.[65] Four more King Air 350s replaced the Royal Navy‘s Jetstream T2 observer trainers in 2011[66] and were designated Avenger T. Mk1.

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Beechcraft King Air 350 Special Mission at Russia’s International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS-2015

On October 3, 2018 the US State Department approved the possible Foreign Military Sale of three King Air 350ERs to the Government of Canada for an estimated cost of US$300 million. Intended to for a manned airborne ISR (MAISR) role, the Canadian 350ERs are expected to come with customer unique post-modifications for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) operations.[67] Canada intends to use the aircraft to improve the ability of its Special Operations Forces Command (CANSOFCOM) to meet current and future threats, strengthen its homeland defense and the combined defense of North America and support coalition partners overseas.[68]

All this leaves the possibility that the shooter was not the shooter?
Should do an autopsy on kid to see if he had any sleep drugs in system?
Question then on Border Patrol Officer and stack that took out shooter. Was all of that real or part of it, or none of it? All that makes it all complicated and near impossible to prove at this point.
There is no visibility on that side of the school from street. Modular buildings block near everything but the narrowest view. It’s why we haven’t seen any photos of windows on that side, because you can’t see any from the street. Model 350ER (Extended Range)[edit]Extended range special mission version for surveillance and reconnaissance operations, introduced at the Paris Air Show in June 2005. Features engine nacelle fuel tanks, heavy duty landing gear and increased maximum take-off weight of 7,484 kg (16,500 lb). Typical mission profile involves a 100 n mile (185 km; 115 mile) flight to on-station; low-altitude surveillance sortie for 7 hours 20 minutes; and return to base with 45 minutes’ fuel reserve.[63]
By early 2010, Hawker Beechcraft was offering structured programme of upgrades for King Air 350ERISR. Accommodation includes two pilots above an armoured floor; sensor operator at console (port, forward facing) providing on-board analysis; club-four seating in centre section with port side table, satellite telephone and refreshment centre; and lavatory at rear.[63]
Four King Air 350CERs (Shadow R. Mk 1 in RAF service)[64] equipped for intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition and reconnaissance (ISTAR) missions over Afghanistan were originally were ordered for the RAF and later increased to six in July 2013.[65] Four more King Air 350s replaced the Royal Navy‘s Jetstream T2 observer trainers in 2011[66] and were designated Avenger T. Mk1.

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Beechcraft King Air 350 Special Mission at Russia’s International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS-2015

On October 3, 2018 the US State Department approved the possible Foreign Military Sale of three King Air 350ERs to the Government of Canada for an estimated cost of US$300 million. Intended to for a manned airborne ISR (MAISR) role, the Canadian 350ERs are expected to come with customer unique post-modifications for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) operations.[67] Canada intends to use the aircraft to improve the ability of its Special Operations Forces Command (CANSOFCOM) to meet current and future threats, strengthen its homeland defense and the combined defense of North America and support coalition partners overseas.[68]

Sadie Slays

FDA official hospitalized against his will.

Dr. Jeffrey Siegel, director of the Food and Drug Administration’s Office of Drug Evaluation Sciences, was transported from his home to a hospital for “mental disorder” at 3 a.m. on May 9, according to Montgomery County, Maryland, police dispatch logs reviewed by The Daily Wire. Police declined to release a report on the incident despite a Freedom of Information Act request, but Siegel wrote about being taken from his home in a rambling note left on a neighborhood listserv.

“15 minutes later I saw bright red and blue lights (I may have the colors wrong) outside the house and then EMTs in our house who started to ask me to please come with them,” Siegel wrote in the note, more than a week after his hospitalization. “Thinking I was being asked to go voluntarily I politely declined. They insisted. Finally, they turned me around in the steps of my front hallway on Moorland Lane, handcuffed me, forced me unto a gurney, tied me down, took me in the ambulance to the hospital.”

“Finally, I realized this was not voluntary but had been ordered by someone against my will… so I stopped resisting. When in the hospital I was given a clean bill of heath [sic] including CT and MRI and they sent me home on Tuesday with no diagnosis,” he wrote.


He may have had a psychotic or transient ischemic, stroke-like episode or problems from a past head injury, or the effects of medication/drugs/injections. Wondering how old he is. It’s easy to imagine the worst – nefarious stuff, but I’d like to know more before making a judgment.


I’ll go with psychotic or personality disorder overwrought emotional episode




Bet that he will not be evaluating any drugs for the Dept ever again . They must have needed a new director in the position.


Because they’ve attached a mental defect type label….anything he’s ever said in the past or the future will be immediately considered tainted.


Linked is still up.

“Previously Dr Siegel was Executive Director, Head – Translational Medicine in the Clinical Research, Inflammation group at Gilead Sciences from March 2019 through December 2020.

Before that, Dr Siegel was Senior Group Medical Director, Global Head of Rheumatology & Rare Diseases in Product Development Immunology at Genentech / Roche from 2010-2019. While at Genentech/Roche, his group initiated and completed a Phase 2 and Phase 3 program for tocilizumab (Actemra) for systemic sclerosis, achieved 2 Breakthrough Therapy Designations and filed 2 sBLA’s – both approved – and achieved 2 orphan drug designations.”


Sadie, Different subject. Did you see this one? The list of food processors, warehouses gets longer.


One Of The Largest Egg Factories In US Torched In The Middle Of The Night Amid Outbreak Of Fires In Food Processing Facilities Across The Nation

(Also posted elsewhere in this daily.)

Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs

That is unnerving.

Sadie Slays

Thank you! I’m falling behind on this.


Verse of the Day for Monday, May 30, 2022

“A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.” 

Ecclesiastes 3:8 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!



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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.


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JW in Germany

Is it a trap?

Now we have a couple of school shootings where local police have been derelict in their duties…waiting while children die…instead of remembering their oaths to serve and protect.

Is that cowardliness…or is it by design?

Who killed the shooter in Texas? THE FEDS! Has it not been a goal of the cabal to federalize law enforcement to bring it all under cabal control???

What better way to claim that the only way for “police to get proper training is under federal oversight”…”Only the Feds were able to take care of business and save lives.”

Something to ponder……

I do not even like to call them ‘federal’ because the definition is actually the opposite of the cabal wants to achieve…CENTRAL CONTROL. Call it ‘centralist’ or ‘cabalist’….we need to take back the language too.

  • federal—Of or constituting a form of government in which power is distributed between a central authority and a number of constituent territorial units.

Distributed power…not centralized.

Last edited 2 years ago by JW in Germany

That’s where I think this is headed.


Specifically to cripple the Sheriff’s?

JW in Germany

Yes…elected law enforcement cannot be allowed to foil the cabal’s agenda.


Weak sherriffs, esp bc they are elected, can fool people, and results can be manipulated. Unfortunately the alternative is far worse!


Uvalde Mayor asks DOJ to investigate police response to shooting.


There is a flipside to this: If there is going to be a cover up, which seems there certainly is going to be a cover up, then the people who are responsible for the crime should be doing the cover up, so all our righteous anger can be properly be focused on them.

Lets face it, this whole thing was commissioned on the premise that it would advance the Domestic Terrorism Bill that is sitting in the Senate.


IIRC, Cry’n Chuck already killed the domestic terrorism bill, in favor of Gun Control.

Uvalde has ALWAYS been about gun control.

  • Nut job 18 yo buys AR15 type weapons eight days after turning 18.
  • Nut job slaughters little children with AR15.

Cry’n Chuckie personally kills the domestic terrorism bill. Pusing gun control.

McConnell tells Cornyn to work with D-Rats on gun control.

Yea, other shit happened AND is going on.

  • Uvalde FF created to push gun control.

It’s sort of pin the tail on the donkey game.
The contrived and orchestrated domestic terror BS would also lay the foundation for gun grab so when this spectacular deadly shooting happened ( succeeded if you will) they can pivot to that.


Dumbass, Uvalde Mayor that is.


Saw him on tucker calling for gun control. Hes a weak man. Angry about the kids but weak.

Cuppa Covfefe

More FERAL than Federal…

Working for the DEATHMOCRATS…


Into my Inbox this morning:


Congratulations Your email has won $2.5 million Google lottery
We wish to congratulate you and your family on this note, for being
one of the Ten(10) lucky winners selected by Google lottery and you
are expected to claim it as quickly as possible or your lottery will
be transferred to the second runner up.

This promotion was set up by the Google Company to eradicate
poverty and to encourage prospective Google users from different
Telecommunication companies in all continents. Our screening committee
and National Advisory Board have completed a verification and
screening. You have been approved to receive ($2.5 million usd)
Contact our fiduciary claims department with your winning No
(GOOGLEX7B) on E-mail_(
for more information as regards procedures to the claim of
your prize and for Security reasons your winning No (GOOGLEX7B) MUST be
kept very confidential.

(Claims Officer Capital One Bank USA)
Addr:333 Westlake Ave N, Seattle, WA 98109, United States
E-mail:_ (

Text Via whatsap only : +1 (718) 905 4990

Your Name……
Your Address…..
Your country………..
Your winning number……
Your Telephone numbers…..

Yours Sincerely,

Google Admin”

I put this in my trash folder. It’s probably not worth sending to Google’s fraud team, if they even have one, being a fraud team themselves.

After I became 65 – the frauds and scammers began to target me. Every year, it has become more frequent via phone and email. Not so much via US mail, since their crimes would be federally prosecutable, if the DOJ even prosecutes such crimes nowadays, being a fraud mob operation themselves.

It’s probably time to get a new email address and new passwords. Also soon, I’ll have to get a new computer and phone. Oh man – I dread all that upheaval and work!

Reason for new computer – my 2011 Mac laptop 10.13.6 High Sierra OS is no longer updatable by Apple – and I can’t access my bank balance online.

Reason for new phone – my 2002 Nokia 3G candy bar phone won’t be supported after 12/31/22. It’s either a Kyocera flip phone or an iPhone to go with my next Mac Laptop computer.

Reason for Apple computers – After crashes, hacks, ransomware, a dancing cursor that even a Dell tech couldn’t fix on my last Dell PC Laptop, I swore never to use a PC again.

Over 15+ years, have had no viruses on the two Mac laptops. They make things easy for technophobe old ladies to do stuff – such things move photos from camera to computer.

Any advice welcome.


Yours Truly understands about having to get new computers and phones. Just my opinion, but personally I’m avoiding 5G as long as possible.


Me too. I’m considering “Smoke Signals for beginners.. “


You may look in to whether your bank can supply a security fob for 2FA. Cellphones for 2FA are a problem. Wells Fargo, there’s something like a $25 setup fee.


Thanks. I’ve looked at Brave and it doesn’t work with OS 10.13.6 I’ll try Firefox. Is it OK for a Wolverine/Coyote to use Firefox?


I use Firerfox since I have a new lap top an LG. No problems


I’m sure. You can also try Vivaldi — it purports to work with OS 10.11 or newer.


Thanks, Coothie!


Rather predictably, I’d advise Linux for the laptops and the flip phone for the cellphone.

Dell computers tend to use non-standard parts, famously including a power supply that was “miswired” to blow up any non-Dell motherboards used. Any reasonably-powered HP would work (quad-core, 4G+ RAM….).

The thing about going out-of-updates doesn’t work the same way with FOSS [Free Open-Source Software]. If you go “out-of-updates” on Ubuntu, for instance, you just do a backup and install a newer version — and if you’re tired of Ubuntu, the newer version could be Mint or Manjaro.

Linux tends to work with hardware for a very long time — only last year did they start dropping support for 32-bit Intel processors. It also keeps supporting software from the past for quite a while — they’re only now talking about dropping ReiserFS, and it hasn’t had any development since Reiser’s 2008 conviction for murdering his wife. OTOH, Linux continually adds new features and programs.

There are several computers available pre-loaded with Linux, but I would go for some generic hardware ’cause it’s usually cheaper and can be acquired from more generic places.

Smartphones are a bane to privacy and security. The dumber the smartphone the better.


I’ve got a Mac laptop – so it won’t run linux, will it?


My Mac died a year ago was old.


Theoretically, yes, you can…..but that may require a lot of wrasslin’ and you don’t want to do it without a safety net. Once you’ve settled in with new systems and the Mac is essentially scrap to you anyway, we could try it.

Last edited 2 years ago by cthulhu

I think I’ll try a new browser first. See if that works. I was told that I only really need a Macbook Air – because I’ve only used 464.79 of 500GB storage since I bought the computer.


CORRECTION – The is still 464.79 unused our of 500 GB.


“You can put Linux on the old Mac”…. ha ha. I would have to pay someone to do that. I’m not sure I can download a Vivaldi or Firefox browser and use it. Do I remove the Safari program or leave it on there?


OK – I installed Brave Nightly! It has changed the appearance of QTH slightly.

First thing – I couldn’t access the replies under the bell until I lowered the Brave ‘shield’.

However, when I logged in, WP did not say the browser was ‘not supported’.

Also, I can’t seem to delete cookies and files one at a time by name – I have to delete them all at once.


Brave has also eliminated the link copy function after this level of comment.


Still can’t view replies under the bell unless I lower the shield.


There’s no place to allow cookies – but there is a place to allow trackers and ads. Even if I do, I can’t get into the replies under the bell without lowering the shield.

If I close QTH, I have to log in again each time.


Thank you!


Hey – it worked! I am kinda ‘off’ today – too many decisions pressing and I am tired.


Thanks so much Sir Wolf! You are so nice!

I did finally figure out how to individually weed out cookies/files and how to keep the browser from deleting cookies when I close QTH. It’ll take some time before I feel at home. But this Brave new browser will keep me from having to buy a new computer soon. That’s great!!!


I didn’t have to let Brave remember my WP password. It worked without doing that.

Today, I’ll see if I can access my checking account. But first, I’ll delete cookies and files.


Brave won’t let me play YouTube videos. I’ve looked everywhere to fix it…but can’t. Do you know what to do?


I changed the Google setting and restarted the computer – now it’s working. It’s taking some time to get stuff right and learn to operate the new browser.


Tried to log onto checking bank account – but it had been so long the online access was ‘dormant’

I’ve was advised by a family member to quit using debit card and go back to credit cards and check – said it was safer – and you don’t have to call the bank to get larger purchases (like recent wheelchair purchase or homeowner’s insurance bill) approved.


Do y’all use a Credit Card, Debit Card, Check or Cash for groceries, etc.?




When you go through the hassle of getting a new email address (which, as Wolf notes, is not necessarily now), get a dozen or so. Use one with family ONLY (maybe even one for treasured family and a different one for those other guys). Use one with Amazon ONLY. As you give them away one at a time, you’ll soon find out who is selling your email address to scammers like the above.


Smart idea! Not sure I’m smart enough or tech savy enough to deal with more than one email address. But I just might try it. It will take some forethought, psyching myself up for it.


There is a program called Thunderbird (from the same people as Firefox) that makes it very easy.


Copied this too. My 2011 Macbook pro works fine, except for the speakers and now the browser. With all the wheelchairs, etc. I don’t really want or need a new computer…or the expense.


Have copied your advice for reference .



comment image

2000 Mules Investigator Gregg Phillips To FOX News: “It’s One Thing that You Chose to Stay Silent While 2000 Mules Went Viral – It’s an Entirely Different Matter that You Have Chosen to Lie to the World”…”Game on Boys and Girls” [VIDEO]

JW in Germany

Always remember that Fox News called Arizona for Biden EXTREMELY EARLY…and that triggered 5 states to stop counting ballots simultaneously.

Simple really.




Great analogy.


I’m so hoping for a lawsuit against FOX.




Someone mentioned this tip a few days ago, it works.
Click your Screen Reader immediately the required site opens.


Good tip. I’ve found that it works on some sites, but not all.

JW in Germany

Perhaps a Blessing in disguise!


Ya. Good by me.


Will they be drawing unemployment…living off the taxpayers?


CRT, gender crap, no discipline allowed, no grading standards enforced anymore, wearing a mask for 9 hours a day….all of it foisted on people who probably liked kids and thought it was a noble job.

Think about a classroom that had this soldier in it….and more likely half the class acted like her~ The military can barely control her. Teachers face this everyday in many places

Last edited 2 years ago by mollypitcher5

“Any man can make a mistake; only a fool keeps making the same one.”
— Cicero


No more malls…only State run stores or online shopping only !!!! sarc I hope


On my trip this weekend we saw lots of construction at both Indi to Columbus and Columbus back home . My husband told me they were distribution centers build. He can tell on the construction
They have no windows but have truck access. I saw one with Amazon on it. All the farm land destroyed. They build them next to train railed. Also more gas stations are being built with truck parks.


Granddaughter graduation in fine style, I am sure. 🙂


My son and DIL had mask the adult grandchildren had non.
Son and wife did not even wanted to shake hands the germs 🙂 The grandchildren showed so much love they hugged us and their faces were happy to see us.
Son sat between wife and me he made sure. He warmed up and talked with much love and kindness towards my husband and I. He excused a hundred time because of impending new epidemic of covid da da da. I assured him it was ok I understand . I truly meant it.
The graduation was in the convention center down town many people there when getting out of the rooms. People were shoulder to shoulder. We too put our cloth mask on not because of covid but who knows we would pick up. Finally son wife took off masks to take photos of kids with them and us with kids. My son said to his wife ” we too should have stayed at the hotel where my parents stay she agreed”. We left all hugging each other regardless of covid 🙂
No hard feelings and we left with lots of love in my heart for them and I could tell the children and my son felt the same. DIL was gracious to me and I appreciate it.
Oldest grandson is graduating next year college and talked much mechanical engineering with his Opa. He wants to go to graduate school we see 🙂
One can change people with a truthful smile and love in once heart.
In two weeks they are in Africa someplace in the Bush in a tent.

Last edited 2 years ago by singingsoul1

Singingsoul, you are a truly amazing human. I think the world of you.


You are sweet. It is not me it is spirit working in me. I cannot hold grudges even if I want too.




You’d think they’d at least lock the doors and demand the bags back before they let them out. It would certainly scare and confuse them. If they tried to break the windows or doors to get out you could likely get them on a more serious charge.


We need some facts on the $950 theft rule…up to that amount won’t be prosecuted supposedly but if they’re stopped before they exit can the store claim their merchandise ?


The store should demand that they ring it up anyway to find out if they are going over the $950 theft rule. How else would they know. 😁


LOL…excellent idea, good thinking
and make them decide which items to leave behind if over ! umm ok..that lipstick, the eye shadow palette and the hair dryer…

Last edited 2 years ago by mollypitcher5

No. Did they have to money to pay when then went in? That matters.


These companies wont do anything bc if the employees or customers get hurt theyre on the hook for it. Theyd rather lose merchandise.
The people doing this are nearly all black, in every single instance. They dont look like theyre starving. So,vthe deal really is not having consequences, and they are sorely needed.


Crime happening right in front of you, rising prices because of it, and the risk of being involved in a mass shooting. This is “Democratic” society.


Three cheers for the Golden State. /s


That looks like a Sephora shop, usually in Penney’s, and it looks like they scarfed the high stuff.

Cuppa Covfefe

Gives a whole new meaning to “A Mall And The Night Visitors” 🙂

(OK, it’s not around Christmas… but it was a cool operetta)…

Last edited 2 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Welsh men singing. (from “We Were Soldiers”). Three minutes well spent.

To fallen soldiers let us sing,
Where no rockets fly nor bullets ring.
Our broken brothers let us bring to the mansions of the Lord.

No more bleeding, no more fight.
No prayers pleading through the night.
Just divine embrace, eternal light in the mansions of the Lord.

Where no mothers cry and no children weep,
We will stand and guard, though the angels sleep.
All through the ages safely keep the mansions of the Lord.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gingersmom2009

Bannon was running the version with the West Point Glee Club, but it includes female voices. Nope.


DM says he blew a stop sign and another car crashed into him.


He wont have anything happen..maybe suspended license, doubt he will have to go to court.
The dude in the jeep should get a new car.


Victim should wear a neck brace ans sue, bet they’d pay big to avoid the publicity.


.. or he’ll disappear …. 🫢😖


Unless piglosis are more into intimidation and dirty laywers. Victim is out his car for a while though.


LOL the comments are gold !


One may guess that one “release of information” probably won’t happen — the “What the H3LL were you doing??” convo between Nancy and Paul.


Love to hear that conversation, putz 1. and putz 1. ….

.. 😳


Doubtful Nanzi or Paul really give two shits about the DUI or accident.

NOTHING is going to happen to Paul.

BOTH Nanzi AND Paul ARE protected class.

Cuppa Covfefe

What? Was Kamel-Hoe there???

(back I go, off again…)…..


Hoe IS busy taking direction from hussein. Latter had his eye on Hoe several years back. hussein scores a “Two-Fer”.


LOL. Are you sure we’re not related ! I swear this is brother just said that yesterday. deja woo woo




It is always a Virtual Signaling show to them.
There is no money for school safety (Schumer immediately blocked it), but there is for tearing down the school and rebuilding it

/s OTH Is there something hidden at the school that the Illegitimate Occupant doesn’t want to get out?:

Biden Suggests Having Federal Government Tear Down Robb Elementary School in Uvalde to Put Up New Building (


Two that I can think of. No photos on class room side where the shooting happened. Can’t find them to tell if the windows were the same as the other side which you can see from google earth pedestrian mode (shows one window per class room, large enough to get through or easily shoot through. The other no photos on the doors to the class room. Likely could of been sledged or pried open easily. Public I guess does not need to see those things. Might make them more angry.


It’s the old…if it’s gone it’s out of sight. No analyzing by civilian snoopers, no sharing theories or ideas about entry/exit/location of LEO’s ……………..

you will have no info and be happy and shut up


haven’t seen anyone mention the fact that Uvalde has a SWAT team. Where were they ?

But in an April 26, 2019 video taken during the opening ceremonies for the Southwest Texas Junior College 14th Annual Criminal Justice Competition, the Uvalde SWAT Team — which Texas Department of Public Safety spokesman Steven McCraw described as a “part-time” unit during Friday’s press conference — did manage to perform a successful breach operation.


Plot thickens.


A Texas Congress-critter affirmed that the 14-year-old in this story was indeed Salvador Ramos, but then abruptly walked that back (after they’d gotten to him, of course).

But I believe the Congressman was initially telling the truth as it was told to him.


People are not really stupid, they are just busy with life. But after a while, stuff will start to sink in.


GFL with that one.


Unless he can show everyone he can take all the guns away from all the criminals we don’t even have room to start a conversation. When we do it’s going to be about despots and tyrants always needing something more to control you with as they rob you blind.

And if he thinks the 2nd Amendment is not absolute then he can drum the 2/3rds votes in congress and the states and prove that.


It’s three quarters of the states. The Framers really didn’t want people messing with their pride & joy.


W (and all) – What do we make of this???

Brave and Free

Interesting concept…..
I really wouldn’t be surprised. But hey there’s info, misinfo and discord spread all the time.


He’s not putting any Cabal style censorship in practice so in that way no.
However he is drawing off the heat from other platforms but that cuts both ways, so maybe.
When he wants I guess he could just close it all up and leave folks high and dry but that hasn’t happened yet.
No concern yet. I’m sure he’ll address this. He’s got a really good platform going there. I’d use it more but like Q basically said, the fight is on Twitter so don’t disengage from the fight.
Gab is good as a safe haven where ideas can be reinforced and developed but for the most part your meeting with like minds.


Agree, but verify …


I think we need to ask Sadie to do another recount/reeval, cause I thought I saw an additional food distributor go up in flames the other day.


^^^ …the fourth-generation family farm sells more than three million eggs a day to some of the nation’s largest retailers.


comment image
Donald J. Trump

Happy Memorial Day! God Bless all of those who fought and worked sooo hard to build, and now SAVE, our Country. Many brave and beautiful souls were willing to make the ultimate sacrifice. Please know that you are cherished, loved, and respected by all Americans, and much of the World. We are with you and will always be thinking of you and all you have done to MAKE AMERICA GREAT!


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The WWI Origins of the Poppy as a Remembrance Symbol

The Remembrance Day symbolism of the poppy started with a poem written by a World War I brigade surgeon who was struck by the sight of the red flowers growing on a ravaged battlefield.

From 1914 to 1918, World War I took a greater human toll than any previous conflict, with some 8.5 million soldiers dead of battlefield injuries or disease. The Great War, as it was then known, also ravaged the landscape of Western Europe, where most of the fiercest fighting took place. From the devastated landscape of the battlefields, the red poppy would grow and, thanks to a famous poem, become a powerful symbol of remembrance.

Across northern France and Flanders (northern Belgium), the brutal clashes between Allied and Central Powers soldiers tore up fields and forests, tearing up trees and plants and wreaking havoc on the soil beneath. But in the warm early spring of 1915, bright red flowers began peeking through the battle-scarred land: Papaver rhoeas, known variously as the Flanders poppy, corn poppy, red poppy and corn rose…

Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, a Canadian who served as a brigade surgeon for an Allied artillery unit, spotted a cluster of poppies that spring…McCrae tended to the wounded and got a firsthand look at the carnage of that clash, in which the Germans unleashed lethal chlorine gas for the first time in the war…

Struck by the sight of bright red blooms on broken ground, McCrae wrote a poem, “In Flanders Field,” in which he channeled the voice of the fallen soldiers buried under those hardy poppies. Published in Punch magazine in late 1915, the poem would be used at countless memorial ceremonies, and became one of the most famous works of art to emerge from the Great War. Its fame had spread far and wide by the time McCrae himself died, from pneumonia and meningitis, in January 1918.

Across the Atlantic, a woman named Moina Michael read “In Flanders Field” in the pages of Ladies’ Home Journal that November, just two days before the armistice

Moina Michale started wearing the red poppy as a remembrance and started a national campaign, selling red silk poppies to support veterans. Eventually,

…the National American Legion voted to use the poppy as the official U.S. national emblem of remembrance when its members convened in Cleveland in September 1920. 

On the opposite side of the Atlantic, a Frenchwoman named Anna Guérin had championed the symbolic power of the red poppy from the beginning…

In the United States, the tradition has developed a little differently. Americans don’t typically wear poppies on November 11 (Veterans Day), which honors all living veterans. Instead, they wear the symbolic red flower on Memorial Day—the last Monday in May—to commemorate the sacrifice of so many men and women who have given their lives fighting for their country. 

“In Flanders Fields” by John McCrae
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

comment image

Last edited 2 years ago by TheseTruths

A performance of the Charles Ives rendering of the poem:
“In Flanders Fields”


Weird…it says “This video isn’t available anymore.”


Yeah, just saw that also. I did a search on You Tube for In Flanders Fields Charles Ives and some performances turned up. Don’t know why the URLs for the performances aren’t coming over, unless You Tube decided not to allow that.


Poppy seeds — the same kind you might find on a bagel — are really, really tiny.

Thus, they do not sprout when buried in soil — there’s not enough seed there to make it through even a quarter inch of dirt. Instead, they’ll wait, even though several will “false sprout” or die before sprouting. A single poppy flower, however, will produce a whole bunch of seeds.

Certain events will churn up the soil in a place, putting some of the poppy seeds onto the surface. Events like a cavalry charge, or a sustained infantry battle.

Mind you, running a disc harrow over a field might do the same, but a farmer’s later smoothing, planting, and weeding would disguise this. If, however, the farm had been overrun, it might not be planted the next year.

And, so, poppies became a marker of battlefields.

Cuppa Covfefe

Great post and great points!

Here’s a poignant post about Memorial Day, and what it stands for (as opposed to the incessant media drivel, etc.)


An excerpt (the entire post is well worth reading, instructive and, one might say, reproving):

Our war dead didn’t risk or lose their lives to be praised and petted with flowery words. They knew they were led to slaughter by fine words from the double-tongues about great honor and great sacrifice. But they also knew this:

They had a job to do, protecting our liberty and our nation with their bodies and blood.

I suppose they hoped, as Americans, that we would live up to our half of the bargain and not dishonor the freedom they’d given to us, that was bought with their lives.

Traditions are an important means for a people trying to stave off cultural betrayal. This is why traditions are often targeted by agents of change. The old traditions remind us who we are, what we were, reminding us of our ideal selves, of virtue lost to time and what we call progress.

But today is Memorial Day, 2022, when we mourn the fallen of the United States Armed Forces who died for our liberty.

And because it is Memorial Day, not burger and beer day, not sports day, not play video games day, not chips and dip day, there is one tradition I hope we try our best to keep.

It involves us taking time out to think hard and long about a soldier’s poem and the poppies, row on row.

“In Flanders Fields” is that soldier’s poem, written in World War I by Col. John McCrae, a man who’d seen the devastation of war, and hopelessness. Yet with clear eyes and a clean heart he wrote of poppy blossoms as rebirth of hope, those bright orange/red papery thin blossoms, as delicate as dreams, waving in the breeze over the freshly dug graves of the dead.

The scene was Ypres, Belgium at a farm converted to a military hospital, where McCrae was an Army doctor, doctor, dealing with pain and death and disease. Flanders Fields is particularly tragic. The political leadership had led their citizens into hell, and still the citizen soldiers marched toward death and the trenches and the barbed wire, and the gas.

My mother, 92 years old and born of the United Kingdom, hasn’t forgotten. She was born in Guelph, Ontario, the town where Col. McCrae is from. She knew his family. They all knew of the McCraes, but they did not treat them as celebrities. Instead, they respected them.

And here is a site about WWI (“The Great War”) and the circumstances that led John McCrae to compose his poem “In Flanders Fields” and the events and tragedies around that.

My English (London-born) mother lost FIVE uncles in WWI, so we were well aware of both the tragedy and cruelty of that war. I rather wonder if that was the first of the Deep State attempts to foist a world government upon us… in any case, someone profited GREATLY from that war… but not we the people…

Here is a great site about WWI, from the UK side ot the pond…

atWar 1914-1918

Inspiration for the poem “In Flanders Fields” by John McCrae

It is thought that doctor John McCrae (30 November 1872 – 28 January 1918) began the draft for his famous poem “In Flanders Fields” on the evening of the 2 May, 1915 in the second week of fighting during the Second Battle of Ypres.

John McCrae was serving as a Major and a military doctor and was second in command of the 1st Brigade Canadian Field Artillery. The field guns of his brigade’s batteries were in position on the west bank of the Ypres-Yser canal, about two kilometres north of Ypres. The brigade had arrived there in the early hours of 23 April 1915.

It is believed that the death of his friend, Alexis Helmer, was the inspiration for McCrae’s poem “In Flanders Fields”. The exact details of when the first draft was written may never be known because there are various accounts by those who were with McCrae at that time.

One account says that he was seen writing the poem the next day, sitting on the rear step of an ambulance while looking at Helmer’s grave and the vivid red poppies that were springing up amongst the graves in the burial ground.

Another account says that McCrae was so upset after Helmer’s burial that he wrote the poem in twenty minutes in an attempt to compose himself.

A third account by his commanding officer, Lieutenant Colonel Morrison, states that John told him he drafted the poem partly to pass the time between the arrival of two groups of wounded at the first aid post and partly to experiment with different variations of the poem’s metre.

(There’s much more at that site)…

Happy Memorial Day everyone, and may GOD Bless all those who serve, served, and gave their lives for our country. May we NEVER FORGET!


Elon Musk tweet: 😂

“Does anyone else feel like their being watched?”
And at the bottom is the seal of the C_A, saying “*They’re.”

Cuppa Covfefe

My wife asked me why I spoke so softly in the house.

I said, I was afraid Mark Zuckerberg was listening.

She laughed.

I laughed.

Alexa laughed.

Siri laughed…

(from various memes on the web)…


“Reasonable!” – Medvedev said, commenting on Biden’s decision not to supply Ukraine with missile systems that reach Russian territory.

“Otherwise, when attacking our cities, the Russian Armed Forces would have fulfilled their threat and struck at the centers for making these criminal decisions. Some of them are not located in Ukraine at all. There is no need to explain what happens next …””


Kinda likes the way they have been having Medvedev standing up and making some of these remarks lately. Kinda blows apart the narrative that they can get rid of Putin and everything will return to normal. Should help them to realize that they are in a conflict with Russia, not Putin.


Help them realize???

Surely you jest. To realize something requires brain cells to co-operate.


It could go just like this, and they’d still refuse to see….

comment image


Fidel would be proud…Trudescue goes full on stoopid….


WATCH: Justin Trudeau As He Announces Canada’s Proposed Legislation to Ban Handguns

Brave and Free
Barb Meier

Their defense is way too late. The truth is already out there.


On the massacre of children and teachers in Texas. The same people who support the massacre of unborn children daily have zero issues murdering children in classrooms to achieve their ends. They are the same people who use cartels to enrich themselves as they authorize the murder and destruction of innocents and honest investigators, sex traffic, traffic children as well as addict the intended drug users. They are the same people funding and operating bio terrorism research and development black sites around the world including throwing $58B at one of the top money laundering nations of Ukraine. The same people who are running the financial ship into the ground, selling out secrets to communist enemies, opening borders to invaders, trying to take the second amendment away, selling trans everything, and so on. The same people who appoint an old dementia ridden pedo criminal to be the POTUS.

So, we should never be surprised that the globalist scum that have power in this country would be willing to stoop that low as to kill children to achieve their goals as they have repeatedly shown us for decades now. Actually, we should always assume their guilt first before being proven otherwise.


Daily Mail has new images and video released today.comment image

This is all from opposite side of the classrooms where the shootings were taken place. All visible from the street. Unless I missed it, why are we only getting to see this today, should of been out from day one.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r
Last edited 2 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

No surprise. To be expected.

NIH & Chinee in cahoots.


Some people should never sleep again


..or breathe again


That too 🙂


“You may recall, last week I said this outbreak is moving much too fast to be naturally occurring Monkeypox given its extremely low transmissibility, needing prolonged direct contact. Meaning one of two things:

1- They are lying to us and it’s not Monkeypox.
2- This is a man-made Monkeypox with enhanced gain of transmissibility, just like C19 was.”

3- It’s ALL BULLSHIT and there IS NO OUTBREAK, only propaganda. Or Covid-vaxx induced auto-immune blistering, take your pick.


My son never mentioned Monkeypoxs.
My misguided brainwashed son just had his fourth booster shot. All of them had shots the whole family. Those beautiful boys are athletic and my beautiful granddaughter who is now on a University swimming team.
My heart breaks for them.  😥 


Pardon my being a smart ass.

Has son scheduled his fifth booster?

Hope he’s getting frequent flier miles or something of benefit.


I am not sure. He believes all he is spoon fed because it comes from the medical society . He reads all the scientific papers that are suggested to him that have been trustworthy in the past but does not recognize they are flawed. The wife works in University Hospital as doctor and she has blinders on. He now seems to be the same he believes what he is told he is trusting.




The system is broken and infiltrated very dangerous in my opinion.


It is all depressing to me.


Yes it can be if we allow it. For me it is heart breaking but each person makes their own decisions with what they believe is truth.


I agree. It’s hard to watch, but it is their life.


Much wisdom in that 🙂






None of their Monkey nonsense is sticking.

No science here. Seat of the pants observation…

I’m going with a modified #3.

  • It’s ALL BULLSHIT and there IS NO OUTBREAK, only propaganda. Or Covid-vaxx induced auto-immune blistering. , take your pick.

Saw that ^^^.

To think some goofs want WHO to Rule The World’s Health Care / Response.

Corrupt on steroids.


Hell yeah…rub and sweat all over each other..get in those “adult saunas” and go to those nasty bathroom hookups…cuz this new and improved mon(k)ey pox will show up anywhere but that protected group


Aside from all the disgusting stuff these freaks do, I see what you did there…:-)


Proverbs 16:18Pride goes before destruction,
And a haughty spirit before [a]a fall.


I like it.

Cuppa Covfefe

Our idiot “Gesundheitsminister”, Karl Lauterbach, has already ordered 40,000 doses of monkeypox vaccine, to be followed in short order by another 200,000 doses. Never mind the fact that Germany has probably NEVER had 200K cases of monkeypox in its entire history…

A pox on all the idiot politicians… for THEY are the real plague…


“A pox on all the idiot politicians… for THEY are the real plague…”

Could not agree more.


Ordering 240,000 does has NOTHING to do with likely medical NEED.

It’s all about M O N E Y (kickbacks) for politicians AND government officials.


This guy says, “The only way this ends, is with military tribunals and gibbets. That’s not my opinion, it’s international law.”


There are plenty of ways this can end — most of them medieval. There’s Hanging, Drawing, and Quartering; Burning at the Stake; Short-Drop Hanging; Submerging at the Tide…..

Barb Meier

My little corner of Truth Social is getting excited about what’s coming. Hopium? One just never knows. Have a good evening. All is well with my soul and may it be with yours also.


ALWAYS ready for good news. 🙂


Sweet lady good to hear that all is well with your soul. God is Good 🙂


Oh cripes, they are all wearing masks… this is creepy.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

At least now there’s a place for all of our cowardly thugs to go play their games.

Our gangs now have a new market and a new commodity. We should be appreciative for the coming wealth transfer in our favor even if it goes initially to street gangs.

Prohibition Revisited. He should have taken an American History class in high school.

I can’t wait to see how well this goes down in British Columbia.

Last edited 2 years ago by pgroup2
Cuppa Covfefe

Ahhh, they’ll never know who the perps were/are… 😀

Eh, Justine-time???

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This directive must come from Klaus Schwab. I truly wonder now if the TX shooting was instigated and police went brain dead because leader had an agenda. Biden a looser and liar wants the guns.He wants to be big on the world stage by selling us out.


100% Uvalde was a FF.


I think so too .


Getting more plausible by the day….


How long before he starts killing dissenters???????
Cause we know how dick taters like trudope play the game.


He may go the long route…start with registered owners and find things in their lives that indicate they should not be allowed to keep the weapon. Then simple confiscation or a call out to the Karens to snitch on family or neighbors who they “feel” shouldn’t own…


All bad, all done throughout history, and no one seems to learn anything!


She’s the one that drove 40 Miles to get there. Should be Mom of the Decade!
Moms should start a Road Runner Club!

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Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

GREAT Mama!!!


That is a mother fearless getting her babies.

Cuppa Covfefe


And THAT, wymyn’s libvers, feminazis, and gender-benders,

Protecting her child(ren), and putting her LIFE ON THE LINE to SAVE THEM, if need be. AND, willing to DIE so that the BABY can LIVE…

A trait and a calling all but forgotten nowadays.

Honor. Integrity, LOVE. Sacrifice. And service.

To and for a baby who is/was OF her body, IN her body, FROM her body, but NOT her body…

Something far, FAR beyond the left’s ken…..

GOD Bless Mothers and Fathers everywhere, as well as those who have stepped up to fulfil those roles…


GREAT post.


Amen well said 🙂


Pravda News, Uniparty, DOJ, FBI, IC, HLS should reflect on this TW…

I don’t wish to sound apocalyptic about this,

but one has the sense that at present our society is simultaneously characterized by

wildly disproportionate accountability for trivial transgressions and

zero accountability for profound institutional failure.


^^^ Six plus years. Turning the country upside down.



Deplorable Patriot

God rest his soul.


I have not trusted the medical establishment for a long time because of the attitude toward natural remedies that can work and that do no harm. During COVID, my trust plummeted even more.

In this case, a GP (doctor, I presume; general practitioner?) gave the unfortunate young man incorrect information.

…a GP informed Jack Hurn the risk of blood clots on the brain for his age group was one in 250,000 when the latest NHS guidance estimated it to be one in 50,000, iTV reported.

But why would they be giving a shot that has even a 1 in 250,000 chance of blood clots on the brain? Why is something like that on the market for a disease that is like the flu and rarely has bad outcomes for young people?

I have zero trust in what office staff tells me about this kind of thing because I think they parrot what they read and are told. I have almost no trust in the word of doctors re: vaccines because they either a) don’t think for themselves or don’t allow themselves to think things through, or b) don’t question what authorities say in order to keep their jobs, not rock the boat, and not get sanctioned by medical boards.

I’m sorry that so many have trusted and/or have felt coerced to take the shots. I’m ready for trials to begin.


Assuming it’s true (which I do think it’s true)…how does it work in the labs? The chemists are instructed to make something that they know can be lethal or are they unaware…I don’t understand how entire labs, the hierarchy, the investors, everybody knows?


That explains why the guy from Pfizer ( ?) caught hell for not taking the jab. IIRC he said he wanted to make sure everybody else was able to get their dose first…pfffffffffffft


Thanks for expanding on the labs/vax . It’s got to be months, more likely years of work on the projects so..after awhile even some of the technicians might not recall every sequence and whatnot getting to the end product


Are “gay pride” events “inclusive”? I mean, I wouldn’t fit in there, so…


TT…a stroll through this woman’s twitter will explain her dumbassedness.


I think I’ll pass. 😁 But these are the people who vote for those who are destroying this country.

Last edited 2 years ago by TheseTruths

hahahahah are you kidding ?! Duh on my part !!!!

I just thought she was some out-there English chick

Sorry everyone…but it’s hard to tell what’s fake because there’s so many that are like that


But where did she get the statue? 😅


LOL. That’s super trolling.

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm…. looks like London Breed, the mayor of Sodom by the Bay, aka San Francisco?

London Breed is falling down, falling down…


funny…she’s probably hasn’t gotten the hammer ban because what she says is exactly what the Pride clan says all the time


Titania and Oberon are Queen and King of the Fairies in Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.”


Taking a page from 45

Cuppa Covfefe

Followed by *cough* flying lessons for the alphabet-soup gang… 🙂


Sickness beyond words. I would be complaining every day to get that thing taken down.

Last edited 2 years ago by TheseTruths

Pretty sure she misspelled modern stupidity.



Drunk Paul Pelosi is more dangerous behind the wheel than all NRA members put together.