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Pursue Righteousness
Proverbs 15:9 says, “The LORD detests the way of the wicked, but he loves those who pursue righteousness.” One thing that particularly sticks out to me here is that God loves those who pursue or work toward righteousness. I don’t have to attain righteousness for God to love me.
This is important as it is impossible for me to attain righteousness by my own efforts. For example, Romans 3:10-12 says: As it is written: “There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands; there is no one who seeks God. All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one.”

During the past several months, I’ve seen a few Christians write that they are dissatisfied with their progress in the Christian life, which is all about faith and working toward becoming righteous. Now, that dissatisfaction is good if it spurs efforts toward becoming more righteous, but there is some perspective that is needed here also.
I view our Christian journey toward righteousness something like the trip we would face if we were all at Avila Beach in CA with the intent of getting to Hawaii. There is a great long pier at Avila Beach that stretches it’s way out into the Pacific Ocean. Some of us are just stepping away from the shore onto that pier. Others may have traveled halfway along the pier, and still others may be close to three quarters along the way. You might be a bit farther along than me, and I might be a bit farther along than someone else, but due to the length of a human life and the lack of capabilities of us humans, no one in their lifetime ever makes it to the end of the pier. And, if they did, they’d still have more than 2,000 miles to swim in order to reach Hawaii.
Before we can pursue righteousness, we need to define it. The word most often translated “righteousness” can also mean “justice, justness, or divine holiness.” Righteousness can be broadly defined as “the condition of being acceptable to God as made possible by God.” God’s standard is what defines true righteousness; His power is what enables it. Unless God is its author, we will never possess righteousness. No amount of man-made effort will result in righteousness. To be righteous is to be right with God. A heart that is right with God results in a life that bears “fruit” (John 15:1–2; Mark 4:20). Galatians 5:22-23 lists some of that fruit.
A common substitute for true righteousness is self-righteousness. Self-righteousness is the opposite of what God desires. Self-righteousness makes a list of rules and checks them off, congratulating itself on how well it is doing compared to others. The Pharisees of Jesus’ day were masters of self-righteousness, but Jesus had harsh words for them: “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean. In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness” (Matthew 23:27–28).
To pursue righteousness means we must recognize that we cannot please God in our sinful state (Romans 8:8). We turn from trying to justify ourselves by our good deeds and instead seek the mercy of God. We desire that He transform our minds (Romans 12:2) and conform us “to the image of His Son” (Romans 8:29). In the Old Testament, men were declared righteous when they believed God and acted on it (Genesis 15:6; Galatians 3:6; James 2:23). Before Pentecost (Acts 2:1–4), people pursued righteousness by keeping God’s Law, seeking holiness, and “walking humbly with God” (Micah 6:8). No one was justified by rule-keeping, but by the faith that enabled them to obey God (Romans 3:20; Galatians 2:16).
Likewise, today we are justified by the faith that leads us to Jesus (Romans 3:28; 5:1; 10:10). Those who are in Christ continue seeking God in order to please Him (Colossians 3:1). When we come to faith in Christ, He gives us the Holy Spirit who empowers us to pursue righteousness for its own sake (Acts 2:38). He commands us to “walk in the Spirit” (Galatians 5:16, 25).
We pursue righteousness when we pursue the character of Christ and desire holiness rather than fleshly indulgence. We avoid the temptation to become self-righteous when we understand that true righteousness begins with godly humility (Psalm 25:9). We remember that Jesus said, “Apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). When we spend time in the presence of God, we become more aware of our own sin and shortcomings. A dingy shirt looks white beside a dark wall. But, when compared with snow, the same shirt looks dirty. Pride and self-righteousness cannot remain in the presence of a holy God. Pursuing righteousness begins when a humble heart seeks the presence of God (James 4:10; 1 Peter 5:6). The humble, believing heart leads to a lifestyle of pursuing righteous actions acceptable to God (Psalm 51:10).
Pursuing righteousness is a lifelong struggle in our Christian life. True perfection will not come until the rapture of the church, when we rise to meet Jesus in the air (1 Thessalonians 4:17). At that time the dead in Christ will be resurrected, and the bodies of the living will be changed (Philippians 3:20, 21; 1 Corinthians 15:54). We will stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:10) where our works will be judged and rewards will be given (1 Corinthians 3:9–15). Our redemption will be complete, and our sin will be gone forever. We will live and reign with Christ in sinless perfection forever.

We should encourage each other with these words. (1 Thessalonians 4:18).
A very timely presentation.
Amen, Carl!
A message from Gonzalo Lira, in which he mistakes our “political class” with “citizens” —
Here’s what he’s talking about with Lithuania. Russia’s navel bases that give access to the worlds oceans are through the Black Sea and the Baltic Sea. Meanwhile Blockades are considered an act of war.
Did Lithuania Light the Fuse on World War III?
An extremely believable and sobering scenario.
Unreal Biden team and Rino warmongers have learned nothing.
Over the past weeks Intel Slava has posted several time about the education system being reorganized in the areas taken from ukraine. I think the RF fully understand the way globalists undermine the free world.
From todays posts…
” The Crimean authorities reported that the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions have begun the transition to Russian educational standards.”
“Riga, whose mayor is also gay, celebrated its Pride Day today. More than 6000 people attended the event, which makes it the most attended event in the small country this year.
Gay, lesbian, transgender, feminist, pro-abortion etc. demands were heard. In addition to all these classics, there were many chants against the traditionalist Russian state and against the war. Many representatives of Ukrainian NGOs were present at the event.
The protagonists of course were the young people, who unlike the older people grew up in a fully Western, open and tolerant environment … And not in outdated traditional and family values like those of their elders …
The American embassy in the country was also present.”
The west infected everything wonder who is behind this?
This is a head scratcher, who or what is Tyra, I can’t recall seeing that name mentioned previously. Not necessarily a person, “her” has been sometimes used for a piece of equipment or region.
“Bombarded with questions about this scum. Someone says her exchange is fake. I will answer. Tyra was exchanged. Exchanged for very serious of our guys. Why there is no information about this from our side I do not know. Perhaps there is a reason for that.
Will the bastards from Azov be sent for exchange – they won’t!!!”
All news to me. But this seems to be Tyra and what has been said.
Voenkor Rudenko and Deputy Minister of Information of the DPR Bezsonov: Tyra was exchanged
Wow thanks for that explanation, you’ve got some good links !
I was coming up with dead ends and then just searched the phrase you posted. “Tyra was exchanged. Exchanged for very serious of our guys. Why there is no information about this from our side I do not know.” and up popped the above.
So now we search using her name Yulia Paevskaya and find out she’s some sort of Clara Barton of the battle field as this first link claims.
However that doesn’t mention anything about her also being also a sniper and her attempted escape from Mariupol by killing some kids parents and claiming to be one of them. There’s more links using her name that likely explain that side of the story. That part may not be true based on this first link.
Reddit story, says unconfirmed but it talks about her attempted escape from Mariupol.
Unfortunately it doesn’t say much more than that.
That’s about as depraved as it gets. On the relatively bright side, the Russians got her now and they tend to be a bit brutal when dealing with Nazi war criminals.
Ahhh.. a story with more meat, telling the more unseemly side of the story.
She is renowned for ‘withholding’ medical care to Donbass men, women, and children – who were wounded or injured by Ukrainian shelling, sniping or landmines, etc, and refused to assist pregnant women and their babies when bomb-out of hospitals or homes between 2014-2022! When captured, she was carrying UK and EU arms, and had bags full of US medical equipment intended for use by the Ukrainian Neo-Nazis!
Given that Putin allowed her to be exchanged maybe an indicator of where the truth lies. Then again, maybe not.
Did a twitter search using her name. Appears to tell two sides again. Good girl/Bad girl.
That makes sense. She was probably just a “journalist” / propagandist / “organizer” and had not actually pulled a trigger or killed anybody. Any kind of trial or prosecution would have been false or self-defeating. Exchanging her for Russian prisoners would make all kinds of sense.
Yes, organizer of sorts, 4th Dan Aikido, competed in Ukraine’s Invictus Games, long experience in being a medical responder. Led a medical group at Mariupol before being captured. More in the link above.
Tyra Banks’ Net Worth (Updated 2022) | Wealthy Gorilla › Net Worth
Jun 7, 2022 — As of June 2022, Tyra Banks‘ net worth is estimated to be $90 million. Tyra Banks is an American television personality, producer, …
Born: 4th of December, 1973, Inglewood
Sorry, guys — no fish tonight. Scrambling to deal with car breakdown.
No thanks! That would leave my poor insides in an uproar alllllllll day.
Incredible if true, unless you understand they wanted the body count for gun legislation.
Video Shows Police Never Tried To Open Door To Get In Texas Classroom Where Shooter Was, Report SaysRyan Saavedra — Read time: 3 minutes
WOW. The truth is coming out now.
This is all the result of people being TRAINED INTO TOP-DOWN THINKING. Independent thinking is discouraged, and not backed up by the management chain. OBAMA brought this thinking strongly into America. One of the biggest psychological changes in America’s history.
Fits right in with their commie ways, huh?
Yup. And I do NOT want to live under communism.
Totalitarians do nothing unless it comes from the top. They cannot act on their own.
Nazi Germany was like that Communism is like that and we see it in China. Coverup is also a sign the country is under wrong leadership. I am glad truths are being told but we knew it already .
Where’s that cat???
All reports have said that a teacher was using her key to lock the door (from the inside) when the shooter burst through. He killed her by the door. How would they ever be able to do a school lockdown if the doors only locked from the outside???? Makes no sense.
Also seen reports that they did try to use tools to open the door with no luck. Big steel door, thick lock. That’s why they needed to track down key. First from a school official, then from a janitor. Who could’ve locked door from outside???
So many stories…IDK. One story said shooter shot through glass and reached in and unlocked the door. Will have to wait for the definitive conclusion on all of this, already understanding it may be written to soothe the public and may not resemble the truth.
Doors locked from the hallway only – rings true for me. As well as a swipe card for entrance/exit doors, I had to carry a master key that opened every door in the building, as I was continually in and out of not just my own room but other classrooms and rehearsal spaces. Locked a door from the hallway many times.
So this implies that although they heard gunfire outside the building for several minutes, no lockdown was called?
Please O God, grind up these wise words to a very fine powder of Truth, and sprinkle liberally on thy people–all of us–because we sure do need more and lots and lots of YOU to sweeten us up/prepare us for the days ahead….
[ps: i don’t know where that came from….-just popped up inside of me after savoring what bakocarl shared with us at the end here today. i leave it here because seems like would be a really good idea to have us all sprinkled with some very fine, blue ‘God-dust’ that penetrates right down to the core of each individual human being, to ‘sweeten us up’/adjust the inner contents..]
makes sense to me; have noooooo idea if ‘t will make sense to anyone else!
Love you all; Happy Father’s Day!—L.
Tasty Truth!
Bless you, backocarl!
Verse of the Day for Sunday, June 19, 2022
“If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.”
Colossians 3:1 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
I just flipped my “winderz” into high-contrast mode (shift+alt+prtscrn, then “yes” to prompt), and whoa, what a change.
The “Be My Voice” black-and-white photo of the baby is absolutely stunning… worth a try just to see it.
Just wish that the fact that children are a blessing to us, and a joy to the LORD would somehow dawn on the left and the anti-baby crowd…
Also it’s a blessing and responsibility to be a father, too. Over here, Father’s day is on Ascension Sunday, so it basically devolves into two groups; those who go to church on Ascension, and those who don’t, celebrating “Father’s Day” and getting drunk and stupid.
I guess “Married, With Children” is their model… (/rant)…
Anyway, a HAPPY and BLESSED Father’s Day to all Fathers (and those stepping into that role) here! And may the FATHER of all Fathers richly BLESS you and your families and loved ones!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
Moderna’s mRNA Mystery
Thank you so much for bringing this. IMO, it supplies more evidence that Ralph Baric, PhD, and his lab at the Gillings School of Global Public Health at UNC, Chapel Hill, are large players at the “epicenter” of the entire COVID-19 disaster.
The article raises questions to one regarding the ownership stakes by the HHS (therefore NIH / NIAID / Fauci) and BARDA in the Moderna COVID-19 “vaccine.”
It also raises the question of why the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccine” was the first one to receive an EUA from the FDA for use in the United States, when the Moderna “vaccine” was literally “already in the can.”
This is a point that cannot be made too often:
Corpus Christi, Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ, and the actual feast for which this was written. Will be singing this later this am.
Saving this to listen later. Thank you. Happy Father’s Day to you Dad ..

… listening now …

… beautiful ..
Thank you for the lovely and timely post, Carl.
And a special Happy Father’s Day to all the Daddies on here. A good father is a blessing of untold worth.
Pictorial Essay: 17 Grooviest Cars Of The 1960s. – The Burning Platform
FTA: “1966 GTO. Simple in design, almost plain, yet possessing stunning elegance.”
I bought this car (as in the pic) when I graduated from OCS, Fort Sill.
Lucky guy. It’s the GOAT. Will always be the GOAT IMO.
LOL! That “baconinfographic” is awesome!
Did the COVID vaccine kill Gwen Casten? – The Burning Platform
Great piece.
“CDC Recommends COVID-19 Vaccine for Young Children”
Yesterday, Saturday 18 June, Dr. Rochelle Walensky (protogee of Anthony Fauci), as expected, signed off on the FDA’s ACIP recommendation that BABIES 6 months of age through TODDLERS 5 years of age be given either the Pfizer-BioNTech or the Moderna COVID-19 “vaccines.”
The CDC endorsement states that “all children 6 months through 5 years of age should receive a COVID-19 vaccine.”
Recall that Dr. Eric Rubin, a member of the FDA’s VRBPAC committee who voted YES to recommend that COVID-19 “vaccines” be given to these youngest children, ALSO said, in October 2021, when he voted YES to recommend that the “vaccines” be given to children ages 5 to 11 years:
“We’re never going to learn about how safe the vaccine is unless we start giving it. That’s just the way it goes.”
WATCH for school systems across the country to MANDATE that young children get this “vaccine” in order to be “allowed” to go to daycare, pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, or to begin the first grade. DITTO for private daycare.
This is the “clinical trial” of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccine” for CHILDREN 6 months through 18 years that’s STILL GOING ON UNTIL JUNE 14, 2024.
This is the “clinical trial” of the Moderna COVID-19 “vaccine” for CHILDREN 6 months through 12 years that’s STILL GOING ON UNTIL NOVEMBER 12, 2023.
The FDA and the CDC BOTH know that these “clinical trials” are ONGOING — yet, the FDA recommended, and the CDC just endorsed the recommendation, that the youngest children get these UNPROVEN “vaccines.”
Sounds suspiciously or ominously like “you won’t know what’s in this bill until you pass it”… Øbøzøcare and Piglosi… Poligrip Pavement Princess Mafiosi Piglosi d’Alessandro Gambino…..
Obviously those quacks and charlatans have never heard of animal testing and clinical trials and the like…
Oh, wait. They have to SAVE THE ANIMALS… and five years is too long to wait… (never mind the fact that they had to change the definition of pandemic to get this to be a pandemic, and deaths from influenza have dropped to (below?) zero in the same interval). Plus, they had to change the definition of vaccine, and a whole host of other things.
To the DEMONRAT Deathmocrats, the truth is a moveable feast… or, perhaps, a moveable beast…
Satanic inversion. Hellywood being a big part of it.
17-y-o vaccinated daughter of U.S. Rep died in her sleep and no one can figure out why. In my entire lifetime I don’t remember ever hearing of a young person dying in their sleep without there being a known medical cause like seizures or a heart condition. But now it’s happening frequently and we’re not supposed to question it. That’s not even science; it’s just being in denial.
“They” understand this very well. They know people can be herded against all reality when believing in unreality is deemed virtuous by the audience.
On the possession conveyor belt, with no plan to step off.
January 6: The show trial, the movie…and Liz Cheney’s dyspepsia – The Burning Platform
Thank you bakocarl for the word of God.
I missed this interesting video from Poso yesterday…
Not a second to hesitate, with that threat.
I could be wrong, but I think the fellow with the axe knew the driver of the car that was pulled over. We have that happen over here all the time, especially in north Germany, where there are many Moslems, and many no-go zones. A policeman will make a traffic stop, and inside of five minutes there will be something between 50 and 250 “family” members show up. Lebanese gangs they’re called, but the defining trait is the only laws they follow are Sharia, and they hold those of their host (OK, victim) country in utter comtempt.
And they’ve said that in print, and on TV, etc. yet no-one does a thing…
Creeping Sharia. Another tool of the WEFfenSS, in my view…
I will bet he either knew the driver, or was sympathetic with Antifa and BLM propaganda on the whole “cops are killing black people by pulling them over” narrative.
This shows how effective the Jazi-mediated ChiNazi propaganda war has been. This dude appears psychotic, and he literally is, because he BELIEVES that a white cop pulling over a black guy is a danger to the black guy.
Media-mediated psychosis.
Nobody wants to say what this probably is – the result of BLM / Antifa propaganda about traffic stops of black people (ACAB and all that crap).
Stated bluntly, this WHITE DUDE (very likely being lefty “anti-racist”, influenced by and sympathetic with Antifa) was virtue-signaling to his own demise, by “rescuing” a black guy from a “bad white man” traffic stop.
Poso knows it’s not random, IMO, but even he can’t say it. I find it shocking that nobody will call it out.
Social media of the guy will show ACAB tendencies, IMO.
A Discussion on “LONG COVID”:
This arrived in my email last night, again via the AMA EdHub series (Yours Truly can link to this one, see below):
“Stanford Medcast Episode 30: COVID-19 Mini-Series: The Uncertain Prognosis: Long COVID Stories”
One can either listen to the Medcast, or click on the “Read Transcript” hyperlink underneath the audio player.
This Medcast is of stories from two patients who have Long COVID after getting, and recovering from, COVID-19 in 2020 (before the “vaccines” were in widespread use in the United States).
*** TAKEAWAY from the Medcast description under the audio player:
“Long COVID can happen to anyone who has had COVID-19, even if their illness was mild, or if they had no symptoms.” (emphasis mine)
This statement, IMO, is tacit admission that ANY person who gets COVID-19, even if it’s a “breakthrough case” after “vaccination” and recovering from it, is potentially open to then having symptoms of Long COVID.
The two patients who tell their stories still are currently experiencing symptoms of Long COVID. Neither of them know if they will ever get better or resume normal (pre-COVID-19 infection) life again. Before being diagnosed with Long COVID, they were told that their symptoms were due to stress, to post-COVID PTSD, or from other issues. It seems that it took over a year for these patients to get a diagnosis of Long COVID. One patient had to resign from their job due to the severity of the symptoms.
It appears that, even after a diagnosis of Long COVID and the subsequent intervention of cardiologists, infectious disease specialists, neurological tests, etc., it’s about “treating the symptoms” — not reducing, let alone eliminating, the symptoms.
(To Yours Truly, there is very real potential for anxiety/stress issues and/or PTSD to “inform”, blend into, kick off, and/or aggravate symptoms of Long COVID.
Under Episode 30, there is a “You May Also Like” hyperlink to another episode of the Medcast series.)
I think Gail’s experience with her expectorating goats/sheep is proof positive that Ivermectin and its analogues do have POSITIVE, apparently curative results for victims of long COVID.
I think BigParma would love to keep people perpetually ill. That’s where the money is
Ivermectin affects cellular DNA/RNA processes, and thus may be nuking the production of spike proteins after any genomic incorporation of reverse-transcribed mRNA. This would imply that “long COVID” means the person suffered genomic incorporation.
Which brings to Yours Truly questions about the original COVID-19 virus (the one released into the world between November, 2019, and December, 2020 when the Pfizer-BioNTech “vaccine” was granted the EUA by the FDA).
First, Did the original COVID-19 virus have elements embedded in it that would alter the RNA / DNA of the person afflicted via genomic incorporation of some type? Second, are any genomic incorporation effects in people who got the original COVID-19 virus and recovered, but are UN-“vaccinated”, actually reversible? (Meaning — the “lab experiment” can be stopped and the effects reversed?)
The spike protein of the mRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” is a lab-synthesized “version” of the original virus that was “enhanced” with the addition of lipid nanoparticles to “distribute” the mRNA throughout the body of the recipient. Two questions on this: First, were there additional genomic elements incorporated into the “vaccines”? Second, since the spike protein in the mRNA “vaccines” is apparently ‘programmed” to keep on working inside the body for some indefinite amount of time, does that infer that genomic incorporation also goes on for an indefinite amount of time? (Meaning — the “lab experiment” keeps going on, perhaps indefinitely?)
The FLCCC website has the “I-RECOVER Long COVID Treatment” protocol, and the “I-RECOVER Post-Vaccine Treatment” protocol.
They look pretty RAMbunctions to me
Thanks Cuppa … you always make me smile! (much needed these days!)
Thanks. You’ll need to watch out for that goat on the right! According to famous, indeed legendary computer scientist Edgar Dijkstra, goat two is considered harmful!
(Go To Statement Considered Harmful See “Elements of Programming Style” and “Communications of the ACM” below):
(thought it would display…drat… title of paper in the ACM11 68 is “Edgar Dijkstra: Go To Statement Considered Harmful”)
Thank you Cuppa …
Goto harmful?
So instead, let’s introduce “exceptions” which are basically invisible gotos because we Must Not Ever Core. I’ve chased more than one bug that turned out to be due to an exception breaking out of the middle of a code block, unexpectedly.
Neil Oliver, The Great Resetters are Intent on Retaining Post-Pandemic Power and Control Through Fear and Finance – The Last Refuge (
Democrats are all about power so is the one world organization and is the European union. All of them are power hungry organizations . They do not care about normal hardworking people. All of it is so simple. Even many church hierarchy get cought up into the power. No one wants to serve all they want to do is exploid. To me they are the same people who had slaves who are comfortable with slaves. Democrats never left lording over people.
Happy Father’s Day to all our Q tree Dad’s … God bless you and your loved ones abundantly today and always. it’s a big job with many trials and rewards.
22. A man who fathers a wise son rejoices in him (Proverbs 23:22–24)
God is the one who ultimately makes us righteous and gives us wisdom. But fathers have an opportunity to participate in the process. And when a father sees that God has used him to produce righteousness and wisdom in his child, it’s something to rejoice about.
Parents often look at their children and say things like, “How did we make such a beautiful baby?” We know that it is God who creates life, but we get to participate in the incredible process. In the same way, he uses us to produce righteousness and wisdom in our children..
Proverbs 17:6
Children believe their fathers are capable of anything. They believe their fathers are strong, smart, and unshakeable. And they’re proud to say, “That’s my dad.”
Ummmm, yuk disney in the dad video ..
Sorry … 

Here are a couple of songs from Ricky Skaggs about fathers and fatherhood.. Toe-tappin’ truths…
“Father Knows Best”
“My Father’s Son”
from the comments:
I just read, to the best of my understanding, Steve’s Apollo 11 article from 2019. And the commentary. Bravo, over and over.
Is it my imagination or is “firmament/flat earth/we never went to the moon” now a requirement to stand under the Fundamentalist Christian umbrella? I’ve been on telegram, in the Lin Wood/Breb Room channels and that seems to be the case. I literally have never seen anything like it.
I don’t believe 9/11, Flight 800, Sandy Hook, or any of the “events” that are rolled out every other day. But the moon landing? So the thousands of people who worked on the project were all part of the hoax, and they continued to lie to their kids and grandkids, for decades. And NASA, having managed to pull off the hoax once, decided not to quit while they were ahead. They did it several more times over the next three years.
Everything does not fit neatly, or literally, into the scripture shoe box. I’m more than happy to proclaim that many things are simply beyond my understanding. Not that telegram bunch. The Bible says this, check. The earth is flat, we never went to the moon. And if you think anything else you’re a shill.
This is why each human needs to have a personal relationship with God the Father / Yeshua the Christ.
Otherwise you have to accept another person’s view, which is serving man. Not good to do that.
A number of those people claim just that. They claim to be Christians with a personal relationship, and therefore they can interpret things as they see fit and it will be correct, in their eyes. And then they try to impose that on other people. (There’s a lot more I could say but I do not want to be drawn into a discussion of religion.) There are so many Bibles verses about pride. The concept of humility can be a life-long study.
Precisely. A personal relationship means it’s for oneself, not society at large. The society benefits by the traits exhibited due to that personal relationship (by their fruits you will know them).
“This is why each human needs to have a personal relationship with God the Father …”
Perhaps one of the wisest statements I have heard … TY Pgroup
I believe most people do have a “personal” relationship …
and my problem is the peeps who constantly dictate “their” relationship as “gospel” (‘good news’) … the ‘truth and the way’ … no other need apply …
Agree with These Truths … don’t want to get drawn into a discussion on religion either.
Religion (from O.Fr. religion “religious community,” from L. religionem (nom. religio) “respect for what is sacred, reverence for the gods,” “obligation, the bond between man and the gods”) is derived from the Latin religiō, the ultimate origins of which are obscure. One possibility is derivation from a reduplicated *le-ligare, an interpretation traced to Cicero connecting lego “read”, i.e. re (again) + lego in the sense of “choose”, “go over again” or “consider carefully”. Modern scholars such as Tom Harpur and Joseph Campbell favor the derivation from ligare “bind, connect”, probably from a prefixed re-ligare, i.e. re (again) + ligare or “to reconnect,” which was made prominent by St. Augustine, following the interpretation of Lactantius. The medieval usage alternates with order in designating bonded communities like those of monastic orders: “we hear of the ‘religion’ of the Golden Fleece, of a knight ‘of the religion of Avys'”.
The moon trip was faked is really far-fetched and so is the Flat earth theory.
So – every other large body in GOD’s created universe, suns, planets, moons are orbs – but the earth is flat? How thick is the edge? What’s on the other side of the pancake?
The earth being an orb and the axis changing slightly creating seasons is just common sense.
Flat earth beliefs and theories fail the common sense test, just like the empty DC assertions, and the queen’s really dead and Pelosi was arrested and is in Gitmo fail the test of common sense.
. These people literally are all over the map. One person will proclaim that we didn’t go to the moon because we cannot breach the firmament — and two posts down you’ll see someone’s image of everything (earth / moon/ sun/ stars/ planets) contained WITHIN the firmament. And they’re crazed, just like leftists, if you don’t agree.
Bear in mind that both Chinese and Russian military strategy is to keep Americans divided, and particularly to keep as many groups as possible suspicious of the American military and the American civilian government.
Russia is literally fighting for long-term survival against the Biden regime – don’t think that they wouldn’t try to stir up their “friends in principle” (anti-neocon conservatives) with fakery. War is ugly.
Ukraine might also see a strategy that way, in that weakening and discrediting American conservatives helps their Democrat allies and the neocons regain the movable middle.
Perhaps that’s it. I didn’t realize how pervasive the “moon landing hoax / Genesis = flat earth” thing has become. Even Lin Wood has endorsed it, or maybe it’s a “move”. I don’t know obviously. The waiting is making people crazy.
Yeah, it’s not organic. WEF, Jazis, neocons, CIA, and “anti-Trump” / anti-Truth-social / anti-truth-per-se operations are all suspect, too.
It was used against Gab – very likely to be used against TS, too.
I love Lin for what he is. But he is a nut.
One of my very best friends is a deeply Bible-believing flat-earther. And I love her, and she loves me.
We realize we ultimately believe in more of the same things than in different things.
You are a good friend to your friend you allow her , her own reality and I am sure she does yours
She does.
Yep. Something like this
(Heyyyyyy, Steve
)… [Powerlineblog to the rescue]…
Actually they use images like this . . . Sometimes it will be the dome above, and the corresponding dome below that supposedly contains the “underworld”. Earth itself of course is flat.
Shades of all the epicycles and other trickery the ancients used to explain the movement of the planets and the stars, etc. aeons ago.
Now if only the WEFfenSS and DEMONRAT Deathmocrats would board ship and sail over the edge
A few years ago Airheadman, erm, Erdogan put forth the “fact” that a Moslem was the first man to land on the moon (caused quite a stir over here; much mockery ensued, even among the Turks). This was supposedly in the latter half of the 1800s, and, sadly, a one-way trip…
IIRC, the Moslems (or at least MoHamHead) believe that the Earth is flat, too…
There’s a great vid out with Gary Sinise going up in a U2 to 70,000 feet or so… the pictures (and his commentary) are spectacular, and the curvature of the Earth is unmistakeable…
Sometimes I think the left are hell-bent on making us look stupid… and then to suffer on top of that… probably feed-in to some social-scoring system…
And remember Felix Baumgartner? (from 24+ miles up)

That took guts (would’ve lost mine at that height)… And then there was Chuck Yeager (yeah, WV) and the X-1A.. got into something like a flat spin, lost control for a while, and ended up at 29,,000 feet (from 80,000) before regaining control. 51K feet drop in just over a minute… Probably about the drop rate of Baumgartner…
Talk about high flight (wonderful poem)…
love it
Be aware that the ancients (of epicycle times) already knew that the earth was round, not flat. Their error was putting Earth at the center of the universe (rather than the Sun at the center of the solar system), and in assuming that all bodies had to move in circles.
The pre-round-earth ancients were actually better off than today’s chuckleheads, as they at least would show the sun and moon going under the earth. Sunset, to them was the sun crossing through the extended plane of the earth’s surface, and proceding to go underneath so it could then rise again on the opposite end of the disk the next morning. Today’s people don’t think the sun ever does that (because it’s closer to us than the radius of the disk) and therefore cannot even explain what the everliving fuck a sunset is.
Looking at all that water leaking off the edge, that could explain the EU trumpeting a “World Wide Water Shortage”… next up, water rationing despite flooding, etc.
(WWWS makes me think of Garner Ted Armstrong and the WorldWide Church of God… at least Ambassador College and its Auditorium (now in ruins, in Pasadena) was nice, back in the day)
On the other side of the coin, the new flat earthers have the ice wall of antarctica to explain why the oceans don’t simply leak off the edge.
I think all of the flat earth stuff and fake anti-science drivel being spewed out is coming from the LEFT, with the intention of painting Christians as knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing, slobbering ignorant illiterates…
In other words, like Bye,Dung…
These are born-again, fundamentalist Christians on three telegram channels I subscribe to. Same smallish group of people, week after week. They’re Trump MAGA all the way – they just believe that the Bible says flat earth. And are rabid about it.
Yes, they tie it to Christian beliefs.
They take certain Bible verses as “proof,” and if you disagree, you have wrong beliefs. So as I said before, they’re hurting several causes at the same time by making us look fanatical and dumb.
Hefe’s a brief quote from John Macarthur in a Q&A session a while back when someone brought up witnessing: (I like Job 38 where GOD is ‘splaining “where were you when I”… to Job…). Spherical Earth was in that book as well.
It might be interesting to find out from tham why they need the earth to be flat, what they gain from it, and what wouldn’t work if the Earth weren’t flat….
Totally agree, Colorful Cuppa Covfefe!
One does not have to accept their drivel they own it not I
There is freedom in that
We are free to accept it or not. I always remind myself of that specially when I get caught up in another persons drivel
You taught me a new word drivel sure going to use it every chance I can
The flat earth thing doesn’t work, but if it’s true that humans can’t make it through the Van Allen radiation belts, then the moon landing would be awfully hard to do.
In fact, as FG&C dug up, the apollo missions went around the Van Allen belts.
The belts don’t completely surround Earth; they are open at the higher latitudes.
“What’s on the other side of the pancake?”
I like maple syrup under mine.
There we differ – I’m a cane syrup Southerner – preferably from someone’s farm with their name on it. My father’s family raised sugar cane in Louisiana, but South Georgia folks made cane syrup under a shed, where they squeezed sugar cane into big ole pots and cooked it into syrup, skimming the foam carefully, then bottling it for sale. I prefer either that syrup, berry preserves or mixed berries and whipped cream on my pancakes.
If I could get it, you can bet I would eat it! Berries and cane syrup sounds fantastic about right now!
I’m careful to only buy cane sugar. Beet sugar is awful, and mostly what is on grocery store shelves cheap.
I can’t find cane syrup on the stores here in N FL either. Will have to go to a farmer’s market sometime.
Yep. We need to see more of this.
Flat earthers fighting over what kind of syrup is on the underside!!!
We need more pancakes!
I hear you, and that “requirement” can’t be allowed.
I’ve been observing those channels and a couple of others too, because every now and then there is important information that is not just someone’s opinon. But it does start to appear to be a clique. I’m not on Telegram but can read what is made available, so maybe I don’t get the full context, but sometimes things will be presented as if there’s some great significance or as if they are evidence of something, and I’m left shrugging my shoulders.
I haven’t seen the moon landing posts; oh dear. I agree with you. Also about flat earth.
“The Bible says this, check.” Yes, that’s what they do. And they don’t have the wisdom to realize the things you’re saying here. They don’t know what they don’t know, and they don’t realize that their interpretation of something might not be correct.
IMO, this is a sort of fanaticism that will only hurt us. It’s a similar situation with some of the doctors like Dr. Tenpenny, Dr. Mercola, Dr. Northrup, and others who have hooked up with Sasha Stone, who is tied to the UN and is steeped in New Age principles. (I posted about it here on June 14.) There is a lot of error there, and their fanaticism in some areas causes people to not hear the parts of their discourse that are true.
This also happens with Christians who believe they should have dominion over our government — Dominionists.
There are several “patriots who may not be questioned” whose actions and beliefs are questionable, IMO, and that is why I keep observing. But I don’t take what I see as gospel, and I don’t like the direction those people are heading and think it will hurt the cause of freedom. Depending on which group you look at, they are damaging the cause of Christianity, of vaccine truth, of the credibility of MAGA people, etc.
TY — They don’t know what they don’t know. Sums it up with regard to the moon/flat earth. But if you’ve been observing where I am a lot of what they uncover feels absolutely right. The Flynn and family tentacles/grift — in collusion with all the other names. That all rings true to me. DeSantis is a satanist? Nope.
I agree with all of that. I don’t know what’s going on with the Flynn family, but something seems off. I keep reading in various places to see what I can find out because I don’t want to be like the people on those forums and draw conclusions from sketchy “evidence.”
From what I see, they hold everyone suspect except for Lin Wood and Donald Trump. They do not use proper discernment and seem out of control with their proclamations, IMO.
There it is in a nutshell. I do believe that Lin Wood has a purpose in everything going on, and is closer with Trump than anyone imagines. And that Flynn/Byrne and everyone connected to them is dark. As in malignant, bad people. I assume you heard Jon McGreevey’s audio (12 minutes) that he posted last week, with Flynn revelations and a challenge to refute? It’s probably still on his (johnheretohelp) telegram. I trust McGreevey.
But the whole DeSantis is satanic, et al is just nuts.
I had not been watching that Telegram channel but will check it out.
I agree that Lin Wood has a purpose. I think he has exposed a number of things, but I wish he would keep it to politics and not throw in with this group. People say he looks crazy, and I can see why they say that sometimes. But he knows a LOT and IMO should not be discounted.
The Breb Room, The Breb Basket, Exposing Flynn Networks
I think part of the reason these channels go around in crazy circles is the waiting. We’re all just waiting & preparing.
The waiting can be toxic! I hope Gregg and Catherine do have something explosive that will shake things up.
Gregg & Catherine . . . the telegram bunch can’t stand them either.
I thought I saw that the other day. It’s unbelievable! Do you know what they have against them?
As I type this, it is looking like a campaign to demoralize true conservatives by making everyone in the movement look suspect. I think some people have been drawn into it unwittingly, but others know exactly what they’re doing.
THAT says a lot right there. WOW.
Lin Wood and Trump are literally the only two that are not paytriot grifters, traitors, pedophiles or satanists. I kid you not.
I took a good long look at “The Breb Room”. The one thing they seem very consistent on is fomenting division.
The Breb Basket (chat) is even better. Just a clique at this point. We all got out of high school a long time ago.
There is a constant effort by “them” to try to get “their” enemies to fall for flat earth, as a discreditation, and the two groups I have seen “them” work the hardest on are “anti-Zionist whites” and “fundamentalist Christians”.
Telegram is easy ground to pull this stuff off. I will bet that many of those fundamentalist American Christian accounts are “none of those three” – and are just pied pipers, riling up the rubes. It would be very interesting to know which intelligence agency they are.
Forgot to tell y’all that Deplorable Patriot’s Wednesday post was so thorough and amazing that I sent it to Doug Ross and he posted it – !!!
Very cool. That was worth a re-read – I *MISSED* this critical point the first time.
Zelensky Ordered Destruction of All State Docs Associated with METABIOTA on 02/24/22
I was busy at my daughter’s tending to her wheelchair issues – and didn’t notice until yesterday that Doug Ross was also impressed with your daily post. They are all great – and hard work on your part – but that was a particularly spectacular post. We do appreciate all you do to keep us informed with the latest, greatest news from reliable sources.
Amen and thank you Carl.

Happy Father’s Day to you.
God bless you and your loved ones abundantly .. you are a blessing to all of us.
Text excerpts from above:
Footage of the evacuation of wounded foreign thugs from Severodonetsk. APU and their henchmen suffer heavy losses
President of Moldova Maia Sandu signed a law banning the rebroadcasting of news and analytical programs from Russia
The screening of Russian military films is also banned.
Participants of the upcoming NATO summit in Madrid will announce that Russia is no longer a partner for the alliance, but a “threat to peace and stability” – NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.
An air raid alarm is roaring in Kyiv and the region
Also reported on the work of air defense in the city.
Arms deliveries may give Ukrainian troops the opportunity to regain control over Donbass – NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg
In the suburbs of Severodonetsk, the surrender of members of the national battalion “Aidar” together with their “leaders” was confirmed – Ambassador of the Luhansk People’s Republic to the Russian Federation
The real term of Ukraine’s possible entry into the EU is not earlier than the middle of the century – Medvedev
Foreign mercenaries taking part in hostilities on the territory of Ukraine suffer heavy losses – head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov
The head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, announced heavy losses among foreign mercenaries who take part in the hostilities on the side of Kyiv.
A group of militants from the Aidar battalion surrendered in the suburbs of Severodonetsk —LPR Ambassador to the Russian Federation Rodion Miroshnik
The diplomat added that the delay in negotiations worsens the terms of surrender for the militants from Azot.
According to him, the forces of the LPR advanced significantly in the direction of Artemovsk, capturing several strongholds of the Ukrainian Nazis.
Medvedev admitted that the EU will disappear before it accepts Ukraine
The real term of Ukraine’s possible accession to the EU is not earlier than the middle of the century, said the deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council.
The statements of American and NATO politicians about an inevitable protracted conflict on the territory of Ukraine are aimed at inducing the Russian MPD to start a negotiation process convenient for the West to end hostilities. At the same time, according to Western architects of the Ukrainian conflict, negotiations should be completed by the end of August!
In reality, with the onset of cold weather (from autumn 2022), the situation will begin to change dramatically in favor of Russia. The West and Ukraine will not be able to withstand our pressure in the conditions of cold weather, neither economically (the consequences of the imposed sanctions) nor militarily. The West will be forced to bear enormous losses, which will lead to the onset of a “pain threshold” for making a decision on a forced refusal to support the Kyiv regime.
The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported that the settlement of Metelkino near Severodonetsk was taken under control
“Caliber” attacked the command post of Ukrainian troops in the Dnepropetrovsk region, over 50 generals and officers were destroyed – Russian Defense Ministry
more a link
Looks like Medvedev is being elevated.
Fits perfectly … also, “Hit” triggers thought of “Arkancide” …
Great one Wolfie!
I never call her anything else.
You never noticed?
I apologize Steve … I remember now.
Pat F. has a beautiful tribute to her Dad on this Father’s Day – give it a read
Seriously, would you post a pic of your dad with a garbage bin? There wasn’t one good pic she could have chosen besides that one?
She was clearly aiming to push her image toward “blue collar”, IMO, and away from college admissions race hoax cheater.
Yes, I thought that too, but nothing says “I love you, Dad” like posting a pic of him with a garbage can. Everything is politics with these people.
How’s that jingle go?
Nothin’ says lovin’
like that Garbage Can you’re shovin’
and Liz Warren says it best….
(apologies to Pillsbury and Poppin’ Fresh)…
Trying to be seen as normal.
Sorta like, “Gonna git me a beer”.
Comment lifted from online
Listening to British army generals sabre rattle, along with the English PM Johnson talk of supporting Ukraine in any way possible we could see an escalation in Ukraine if Nato troops flood into the Donbas region, of course Nato will deny the possibility of this happening, but if we take Syria as a template, right now Nato/US troops are guarding Syrian oil wells (stealing the oil in reality) and stealing millions of tonnes of grain taking it to Iraq via their proxies.
“As part of the US military’s systematic smuggling of basic commodities out of Syria, a convoy of dozens of US military trucks has reportedly carried tons of grain from the northeastern province of Hasakah to the semi-autonomous Kurdistan region in northern Iraq.
Local sources, requesting anonymity, told Syria’s official news agency SANA that 40 military vehicles loaded with wheat crops from silos of the Jazira Region rumbled through the al-Waleed border crossing in the al-Ya’rubiyah region and entered the Iraqi territories on Saturday.”–Report
Grain is already being taken out of Ukraine via rail and road and moved to Eastern European countries as part of the Lend-Lease deal between Biden and Zelensky a deal that was sealed a whole month before Putin’s SMO.
I wonder if Nato/EU has decided to try and push Russian forces out of Ukraine covertly of course, but eventually Nato/EU dead and injured will be paraded and it will tell the tale that their forces are in Ukraine, complaining to Western bodies such as the UN, when this happens, will be pointless for it and other Western institutions are controlled by the West.
The West is fighting for profit, via Ukraine, Russia is fighting for its very existence I know who my monies on to prevail if it comes to that.
June 29-30 is the NATO Summit meeting in Madrid.
Here’s Stoltenberg on it:
Sounds like
“We want to make things go boom.
Please send more money”…
Same as with the Climastrologists, the “Wind Farmers”, the COVIDIOTS, the gaypox spox, and all the rest of the Satanic charlatans looking to squeeze out, if not forcibly extract, our last pennies…
Well, a POX on them.
Send them to Antarctica to look for Polar Bears (and don’t give them any hints)…..
(not that they’d listen to anyone outside of their bubble anyway)…..
We all want to wake from this nightmare
I tried to confirm this and searched red cross donation rules. Only found statements from 2021 saying that covid vaccination was ok, just needed the manufacturer’s name.
It’s a screenshot … so Channel 4 somewhere is saying this
and it’s saying “plasma” can’t be donated if …………
did you inquire wrt giving “blood” or “plasma”?
someone has made a meme of a screenshot
Red Cross Accepts Blood Donations From People Vaccinated Against COVID-19 –
Thanks Barkerjim
This was a whole big “fact check fight”, and particularly regarding the Japanese rules, which I recall we went through during the early days of the vaccine.
It looked like the Japanese Red Cross was being cautious about vaccinated blood for a while, near the beginning of the roll-out.
PR – Do you have a live link for that?
Scottish guy said no. .
As an aside, do you have the right certifications to inspect European boilers? ‘Cause if the Germans are turning their coal back on, getting boilers inspected is going to be very popular and potentially lucrative.
No, not certified over there. But inspectors are becoming a rare breed so I am becoming more valuable.
Can I donate after receiving the COVID-19 vaccination?
You may still donate blood, platelets and plasma after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine. Knowing the name of the manufacturer of the vaccine is important in determining your blood donation eligibility. Learn more about COVID-19 vaccines and blood donation.
Thanks Kalbo …
A key Jazi ON THE GROUND in America has been identified!!!
Democrat Hatchet Man Norm Eisen’s Fingerprints Are All Over a Dark New Element of the Jan 6 Witch Hunt
This dude has operated around and behind Obama from the beginning. Very likely a full-fledged BOLSHEVIK, involved in the communization of the ADL.
This guy is BAD SHIT.
Thanks for the “Heads Up”
YW! Look at his new organization’s board – including “Big Sister” Janet Napolitano and Top Jazi “Las Vegas” Chertoff, who was “ready to go” with sensors for every hotel and casino in Vegas. THREE heads of DHS.
This guy is NOT a friend of America.
Steve Bullock is Montana’s former Governor….he’s a Democrat activist of the utmost degree. When he left the Governor’s Chair he went to work for the dark money PAC “American Bridge 21st Century”
David Brock, the epitomy of a corrupt slimeball, started the dark money fund American Bridge 21st Century PAC in 2010 as a funding mechanism for Hillary Clinton’s political machine.
Yeah, this is an ugly little junior cabal!
Feral terror cell…
And Satan’s community organizer probably has a number of them…
Towel boy for Satan Sauros…
Oh, I hated this son-of-a-bitch when he was governor of my Montana.
You’re too kind :0) Worst M#*^@erF*#%#r our state has ever had for a Governor, and we’ve had some doozies….
Yeah, we have.
I knew somebody would put a stop to it.
Jazi butt-hurt will be off the scale!
The pet trannies will be in a tizzy!
Tizzy is the noise my blender makes. Hopefully they’ll all fit in an industrial sized mixing bowl and then we can turn it on.
LOL! A nice swirling swamp drain of some kind, possibly in porcelain, works, too!
Squirrllies in the Swirlies…
Okay, Pat F posted a series of Dads and their princesses in the comment section, and she gave me permission to repost them here.
Hilariously cute!
His little Princess…
Disney could never come up with something so precious… as well as all the other pics…
The one with the beer! I love it. How cute.
via Ace of Spades
The Saturday Night Joke
Texas GOP officially rejects the certified results of the 2020 Presidential election
Le Pen breaks Macron majority…
Posted by Kane on June 19, 2022 5:42 pm
An exuberant Marine Le Pen, who has handily won her northern France district, has taken the stage in Hénin-Beaumont, calling the seats won tonight “by far the most numerous in the history of our political family” as estimates are giving her National Rally party 89 seats, more than 11 times the eight it won in 2017. She says her party has helped make Macron a “minority president.”
Also from Kane:
DeSantis stands alone in defiance of the mRNA drug cartel…
Posted by Kane on June 19, 2022 5:00 pm
He may be alone in the political realm, but he has millions of Deplorables behind him!
Good, I hope that’s a sign of people becoming aware of the dangers from the nwo/globo’s.
Hope so!
Nothing is Built.
Nothing is Back.
And Nothing is Better.
Describes it to a “T”.
which rhymes with “B” which stands for Bye,Done…
The government is turned against us. <<<——— The video.
Bidenomics: East Coast Truckers Are Stalled Out on the Highway Waiting for Gas – The Gas Stations Out of Diesel (VIDEO)
It begins.
Pathetic .×600.jpg
‘The Energy Poverty Prevention and Accountability Act’ (H.R. 4266 ) – Watts Up With That?