The Chinese Should Think Before Wiping Us Out As Sometimes They Need Us To Solve Their Problems For Them
Okay you knuckledragging ChiComs trying to take us down…here’s a history lesson for you.
For millennia, you had to suffer from this:

Yep. Steppe Nomads. They laid waste to your country, burned, raped and pillaged (but not in that order–they’re smarter than you are) for century after century.
You know who figured out how to take them on and win? The Russians.
Not you, the Russians. And it took them less than two centuries. And Oh By The Way they were among the most backward cultures in Europe at the time.
You couldn’t invent an alphabet, you couldn’t take care of barbarians on horseback, and you think you can take this board down?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! We’re laughing at you, you knuckledragging dehumanized communists…worshipers of a mass-murderer who killed sixty million people!
I mean, you still think Communism is a good idea even after having lived through it!
By my reckoning that makes you orders of magnitude more stupid than AOC, and that takes serious effort.
His Fraudulency
Joe Biteme, properly styled His Fraudulency, continues to infest the White House, and hopium is still being dispensed even as our military appears to have joined the political establishment in knuckling under to the fraud.
One can hope that all is not as it seems.
I’d love to feast on that crow.
“No Chemicals”
A detailed analysis of the contents of His Fraudulency’s skull was performed.
Absolutely no chemicals found!
Justice Must Be Done.
The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system.
Nothing else matters at this point. Talking about trying again in 2022 or 2024 is hopeless otherwise. Which is not to say one must never talk about this, but rather that one must account for this in ones planning; if fixing the fraud is not part of the plan, you have no plan.
Roe v. Wade is Toast
Whatever you feel about abortion per se, however important it might be, the import of this decision extends far beyond it. For it is a re-affirmation of the basic principles of federalism, which have been severely eroded since…oh…well, you can draw that line anywhere you want in American history. FDR? Wilson? The other Roosevelt? Lincoln? For that matter, the Constitution itself centralized power that had previously been scattered, so maybe the trend has been on since 1787. But this was a major, blatantly visible step in the opposite direction. Abortion is now left to the states, and the opinion explains that that is the way it used to be.
Let’s see if that trend continues.
Small Government?
Many times conservatives (real and fake) speak of “small government” being the goal.
This sounds good, and mostly is good, but it misses the essential point. The important thing here isn’t the size, but rather the purpose, of government. We could have a cheap, small tyranny. After all our government spends most of its revenue on payments to individuals and foreign aid, neither of which is part of the tyrannical apparatus trying to keep us locked down and censored. What parts of the government would be necessary for a tyranny? It’d be a lot smaller than what we have now. We could shrink the government and nevertheless find it more tyrannical than it is today.
No, what we want is a limited government, limited not in size, but rather in scope. Limited, that is, in what it’s allowed to do. Under current circumstances, such a government would also be much smaller, but that’s a side effect. If we were in a World War II sort of war, an existential fight against nasty dictatorships on the brink of world conquest, that would be very expensive and would require a gargantuan government, but that would be what the government should be doing. That would be a large, but still limited government, since it’d be working to protect our rights.
World War II would have been the wrong time to squawk about “small government,” but it wasn’t (and never is) a bad time to demand limited government. Today would be a better time to ask for a small government–at least the job it should be doing is small today–but it misses the essential point; we want government to not do certain things. Many of those things we don’t want it doing are expensive but many of them are quite eminently doable by a smaller government than the one we have today. Small, but still exceeding proper limits.
So be careful what you ask for. You might get it and find you asked for the wrong thing.
Political Science In Summation
It’s really just a matter of people who can’t be happy unless they control others…versus those who want to be left alone. The oldest conflict within mankind. Government is necessary, but government attracts the assholes (a highly technical term for the control freaks).
James Webb Space Telescope Update
They’ve now checked off ten (no, twelve–they added two on Friday!) out of 17 (heh) instrument mode boxes on JWST. And four of these are all on one sensor, NIRISS, and that one sensor is done.

NASA has announced an event on the 12th of July, where they will be release the first “real” color images. (These will no doubt be “false color” since most of the light JWST sees, is light we cannot see because the frequency is too low–analogous to sound pitches only dogs can hear, because the pitch is too high. In fact the famous Pillars of Creation from Hubble is also false color.)
There will even be local gatherings you can go to, for example two in Denver suburbs, one in Boulder, and one in Pueblo (surprisingly, though, none in Colorado Springs, even though we have a space symposium here frequently).
NASA Invites Media, Public to View Webb Telescope’s First Images | NASA
We’ve already seen hints of what it can do, for instance imaging the LMC far more sharply than the old, short-lived infrared Spitzer Space Telescope could do.
This is where it gets interesting, but very slow-paced. We might not see news from JWST for months at a time but be assured scientists will be using it. And the headline will likely not even mention the telescope at all but instead describe what they discovered using the telescope.
So, I’ll have to hunt for something else Joe Biden hasn’t managed to fuck up (I can only conclude he’s unaware of JWST or he’d have fucked it up), to highlight here every week.
Lawyer Appeasement Section
OK now for the fine print.
This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines, here, with an addendum on 20191110.
We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.
And remember Wheatie’s Rules:
1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.
(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)
(Paper) Spot Prices
Last week:
Gold $1,840.80
Silver $21.74
Platinum $941.00
Palladium $1,896.00
Rhodium $13,850.00
This week, 3PM Mountain Time, markets have closed for the weekend.
Gold $1,827.40
Silver $21.24
Platinum $918.00
Palladium $1,952.00
Rhodium $15,000.00
Rhodium and palladium up, the other three–you know, that may actually be known to the man in the street–are all down.
T6 Entropy Understood, Or Why I Inflicted Combinatorics On You In Part 4
But first, a couple of go-backs.
One way people like to bring up the kinetic theory of gases is to ask a stupid-sounding question that isn’t really stupid.
Why doesn’t the air fall down?
That’s on the same level as “why is the nighttime sky dark” which isn’t as obvious as it seems.
Gases are individual atoms free to move about, and spaced far apart. So why don’t those atoms just fall to the ground and roll around like marbles on a floor? In the case of the air, why isn’t there just an 14.7 pounds of nitrogen and oxygen (and a few other things) lying around on every single square inch of Earth’s surface on average? (Up in the mountains this pile of small marbles would no doubt have rolled down hill and left the ground bare, which is why I used the word average.)
Well, something like that would resemble a liquid, not a gas, and that’s our clue. The question “why doesn’t the air fall down,” it turns out, is equivalent to asking why air is a gas.
As we saw last time a gas is full of widely spaced particles, moving around at random, slamming into each other and their surroundings; it’s all that kinetic energy being transferred in differing amounts with every collision that keeps the air from falling. If there’s less kinetic energy on average, the air molecules are, on average closer to each other because they’re not bumping into each other as hard.
The sorts of diagrams I showed last time (which was five weeks ago) with gas molecules ping ponging off each other (you know like this one:)

make the point fairly well. Imagine if the top wall of that box were free to slide downward; all of those dots hitting it would tend to push it up against gravity…that’s what pressure is, at a fundamental level.
But in the real world, with say pool balls on a pool table after a break, the little balls slow down and come to a stop eventually. And this is true; gases are part of the real world. But what this diagram doesn’t show you is that the edges of the box are also made of molecules, and though they aren’t moving freely, they’re vibrating in place, transferring energy back to the gas as often as the gas loses energy to the walls. At least it’s “as often” if the gas and the walls’ molecules all have roughly the same kinetic energy…which we learned last time is equivalent to saying “if they’re at the same temperature.”
Speaking of those billiard balls, you’ve no doubt at some time seen movies run backwards. You’ll see people walking backwards, eating backwards, and so on. And maybe you’ve seen a pool break backwards, with all the balls coming back together into that nice triangular array and “spitting out” the cue ball.
You can carefully analyze each collision you see in that backwards-pool-break, and see that they all follow Newton’s laws–all that stuff about elastic collisions–perfectly. (See Part 2 of the original physics series: )
Newton’s laws behave the same whether you’re looking at them in forward motion, or backwards motion.
If they didn’t, you’d be able to measure what’s going on in a clip and be able to tell whether the clip is running backwards or forwards, right?
But then, you can tell that anyway. Why?
With the billiard balls, you simply won’t ever see sixteen billiard balls moving around at random suddenly come together with 15 in a triangle and one–the only one that happens to be all white–shooting off to the other side of the table.
Even though it’s perfectly “legal” by physical law for them to do so.
It’s fifteen times more likely that they’d come together and one of the fifteen balls other than the cueball goes shooting to the other end of the table, and yet you’ll never see that happen, either.
You can tell which direction is “forward in time” versus “backward in time” just by watching what happens, even though both sequences follow the same physical laws.
This is actually pretty profound. And when you dig deeper, it turns out that the “forward” view shows entropy increasing, and the “backward” view shows it going down, and so what we see is that “wrong looking” backwards-playing tape is wrong-looking because it’s violating the second law of thermodynamics.
I’ll spend the rest of this expanding on that, trying to justify it. After all entropy is just this thing I tried, in vain, to explain satisfactorily when I was talking about hot gases (not necessarily emitted by politicians) a few essays ago.
Now I’m saying you can see it at the billiards table.
Imagine, if you will, a chamber like the one in the GIF above. But imagine there’s an adjacent, empty chamber to the right of the first chamber, the same size as the first. The gas should stay in the first chamber, yes? And the second chamber should remain empty.
Until, of course, you drill a little hole in the wall. Not too little, though…you want the gas molecules to be able to pass through.
The first molecule through the hole will travel left to right, of course, since all the molecules are on the left side of the wall. And if this is a real situation, many more will do the same because there are billions of billions (not billions and billions, Doctor Sagan; billions of billions) of molecules. And the odds are one of them will hit the opening in the wall before one of the few that have made it into the right hand chamber does so.
So the flow of these little gas molecules is left to right, predominantly, Eventually there’s about an equal amount on both sides, and the flow is two way.
But you will not ever see all of the molecules on the same side of the wall, or even 60 percent of them or even 51.1 percent of them on one side, once it has had a chance to even out…or as scientists say it, to reach equilibrium.
They’re all bouncing around effectively at random, but they’ll split 50/50 on both sides of that wall.
You don’t even need the wall. Let’s say it’s one big chamber. What are the odds, at any given moment, that the gas molecules will all be on the same side of the room?
Not quite zero…but so low that you can bet your life and the life of everyone else on Earth that it won’t happen ever even if the room lasts a trillion trillion years.
Because this situation is exactly like the situation of tossing a billion billion coins all at the same time and having them all come up heads. Or all come up tails. Each gas molecule has a 50 percent chance of being in the left side of the room rather than the right, each coin has a 50 percent chance of coming up heads, rather than tails.
And we saw two installments back how unlikely that is for just a hundred coins…much less 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 of them (and that would be a very small sample of gas; to get up to a gram of it you’d need over ten million times as much as even that ridiculous number).
[And no, the Federal Debt hasn’t gotten that high yet; it only has thirteen zeroes in it officially, fourteen unofficially. But not for lack of trying.]
Combinatorics can be used to count the different configurations of things like coins or molecules, and it’s very closely related to another branch of mathematics called probability. Combinatorics, however, doesn’t consider the possibility that some states might be more likely than others; it simply will tell you how many configurations there are of 48 heads and 52 tails.
Probability can tell you the likelihood of it being 48/52–that’s the number of configurations like that, divided by the number of all possible configurations. But it can do a lot more; it can even adjust for situations where the coins are all weighted, say to come up heads 60 percent of the time. But that doesn’t concern us here.
The point is that if things are reasonably random, the evenly spread out state is vastly more likely than the state with everything clustered together.
The single state where the billiard balls are in a triangle is MUCH less likely than the multitude of states where they’re scattered around the table, and that is because there are so many more such possible states. So if you see a scattered state become a “in a nice triangle” state just watching the billiards bounce around, you’ve either seen something inconceivably unlikely…or you’re watching a movie running backwards.
So as it turns out that there is a statistical way to think about entropy, and that is the tendency of a system full of random components to go to a state that’s basically equivalent to a lot of other states. (That’s my wretched phrasing, don’t use it on a thermodynamics exam.) With the coins, you’re going to see about 50 coins out of a hundred come up heads…and it doesn’t matter which fifty it is; the important thing is the proportion of heads to tails. 50-50 or 48-52 or something like that is vastly more likely than 100 to 0 or 0-100, and so that is what you see. Likewise with gas moving around a volume.
And this is why heat flows hot to cold. A hot item has a high kinetic energy per particle; put it in contact with a colder object and some of the high-energy particles of the hot item will transfer their energy to colder particles in the other object. Over time the kinetic energy will come to be average everywhere; the cold object has warmed up, the hot item has cooled off.
There’s a lot of pop-science and even some geeky corners pop culture regarding entropy. A picture of a child’s messy bedroom and a quip about entropy, for instance. Or calling it a progression from “order” to “disorder.” Well, that’s an evaluation, that 100-0 head/tails on a bunch of coins is “orderly” where half and half is not–by whose standards? I don’t call it a progression from order to disorder.
And of course entropy can be reversed, locally, but only by paying for it with more entropy elsewhere. The kid can clean his room, or you can painstakingly turn all the coins so they show heads. But these activities take energy and total entropy of you (or the kid) and the coins (or the clutter) still goes up, because you (or the kid) burned energy tidying up.
There’s a famous thought experiment called “Maxwell’s Demon.” And yes, it’s the James Clerk Maxwell I wrote about at length when talking about electromagnetism; he also did good work in thermodynamics–good but it pales by comparison with his EM work.
He said, imagine a device that sits near the opening between the two chambers in the example above. If a fast molecule approaches, it’s shunted (or bounced back) into the left chamber. A slow one is bounced back (or shunted) into the right hand chamber.
With this device, you’d eventually see the left chamber heat up (because it has all the high kinetic energy molecules) and the right one cool down.
This looks like a way to reverse entropy, and that device is usually called “Maxwell’s Demon.”
However, it turns out that the demon would require energy to function, and so it’d be just as much of an energy hog as an air conditioner. And it’s basically doing the same thing, except that the AC unit moves the energy out, not the particles with the energy.
This becomes plain when you treat the subject with mathematical rigor…which I don’t have time to do, so you guys all lucked out.
But now you hopefully understand the physical basis of this slippery thing called “entropy.”
It’s this sort of thought process that became known as “statistical mechanics” during the late 19th century, and Max Planck, when he began the quantum revolution, did a similar sort of thing and he, like many others, was deeply suspicious of it…but it worked. So he had to accept it.
And that brings this “T” miniseries to a close.
Obligatory PSAs and Reminders
China is Lower than Whale Shit
Remember Hong Kong!!!
中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!
China is in the White House
Since Wednesday, January 20 at Noon EST, the bought-and-paid for His Fraudulency Joseph Biden has been in the White House. It’s as good as having China in the Oval Office.
Joe Biden is Asshoe
China is in the White House, because Joe Biden is in the White House, and Joe Biden is identically equal to China. China is Asshoe. Therefore, Joe Biden is Asshoe.
But of course the much more important thing to realize:
Joe Biden Didn’t Win
乔*拜登没赢 !!!
Qiáo Bài dēng méi yíng !!!
Joe Biden didn’t win !!!
It should also be noted that Maxwell’s Demon can use Maxwell’s Silver Hammer.
And, of course, if Maxwell had a small software program that ran detached from a terminal that sorted molecules by their kinetic energy while you were doing other things, that would be Maxwell’s Daemon.
I had a very scary day today with Qubes; I got myself over my skis tinkering and rendered it unbootable, and not in the way usually imagined! (Usually when someone does that they mucked with sys-usb and their keyboard couldn’t decrypt and log in. My keyboard DID freeze at the password prompt but for a totally different reason.)
To anyone reading…an ordinary person would not have done that to themselves, so don’t treat this as a scare story.
Did you get it set right?
Yep. Back to normal.
Good to hear. I would think that it’s easier to “lock yourself out” with Qubes than with most distros.
Excellent distinction between small government and limited government!
Q is back. Allegedly. I’m taking the wait-and-see approach. But I am reminded of the first time Q showed up, which was exactly one week before the planned ANTIFA 11/4/17 event. That event fizzled out after the Saudi money financing it was cut. Presently, ANTIFA and other domestic terrorists are threatening another violent summer over Roe v Wade being overturned. Q’s timing could be a coincidence with the increased threat of domestic terrorism, or maybe it could be that Q is an anti-terror op that appears when things start getting too hot. I don’t know, but today’s parallels with Q’s 2017 appearance interest me.
Q appeared first October 27 or 28, 2017.
Q drop 1 is dated October 28 2017.
And I saw it noted someplace that these recent ones have appeared 1700 days after the first one:
2017-10-28 is AJD 2458055
2022-06-24 is AJD 2459755
(AJD, Astromical Julian Day number, is a system of marking days, where each day is one more than the previous one. Tomorrow June 26 will thus be AJD 2459757)
Difference is 1700, meaning there are indeed 1700 days between these two.
Which is nice in some symbolic way…
I have no doubt it’s coded messaging to the other side.
We’re on offense now. The challenge is to learn how to not play to lose and recognize the wins as being cumulative.
AJD 1 is January 1, 4713 BCE on the Julian (not Gregorian) calendar. The idea was to have the start be so long ago they’d never need a negative number. Julius Scaliger picked a date when a bunch of cycles (including the calendar itself) lined up on the same day and found it to be far enough in the past to avoid negative numbers. (It was even a leap year, or would have been if the Julian calendar had existed 4700 years earlier than it did.)
Technically the AJD starts at NOON, UT (Greenwich non-daylight-saving) time.
Back in the day a seven digit integer was too cumbersome for some computers, so someone invented the *modified* Julian date that starts at midnight UTC and drops the leading 24. Those start sometime in 1857. Digital Equipment Corporation VAX clocks were/are based off that moment.
Why wouldn’t this be collected and destroyed as soon as it is put in locations .. I mean follow at a safe distance/time frame then collect it/destroy, especially the f’ing bricks. Treat/handle evil for what it is, totally UNACCEPTABLE
It’s flagrant
Q could be the the deep state trying to prevent a civil war Antifa against patriots. Antifa would loose this way Antifa can rampage.
I could be very wrong. Q could try to prevent civil war for good reason.
The Q psy-op is *definitely* in part a pacification operation. Look at Praying Medic’s early posts regarding his view on preventing bloodshed. This is not to say PM was part of the operation, because it’s more likely that he was simply an expected target influencer.
An American civil war would serve the CABAL most of all, IMO, just like SLAVERY and the American Civil War served them before.
Insightful Thank you
Yes, I think Q is “…*definitely* in part a pacification operation…”
Because the Globalist Elite WANT A GOOD EXCUSE to remove guns from ALL AMERICANS PERIOD!
You want to see an Anti-gun Amendment BLAZE THRU ALL THE STATES at WARP SPEED?? Just start a shooting war between Aunti Fa and Patriots.
1911 Turkey Gun control — from 1915 to 1917 – 1.5 million Arminans killed
1935 China gun control — from 1948 to 1952 – 20 million killed
1938 Germany Gun control — from 1935 to 1945 – 20,946,000 murdered.
1956 Cambodia gun control — from 1975 to 1977 – 1 to 2 million educated people murdered.
1964 Guatamala Gun Control — from 1964 to 1981 – 100,000 Mayan Indians killed.
1970 Uganda gun control in — from 1971 to 1979 – 300,000 Christians killed, a total of 2 to 3 million murdered.
I love the idea of entropy stated as:
“You can mix things up, but you can’t mix them apart.”
That’s a good one. Coffee and cream will NOT unstir. Ever.
Or as I explained it to a friend once: There is no way to unscramble a scrambled egg.
But some greasy spoons sure do try
I like it!
In Az I believe
It’s certainly not the US senate chamber.
(And of course the flag lower left is a dead giveaway as to which state it is!)
More good news! “Shots for Tots Rollout Flops”
NOBODY is showing up to get their young kids vaccinated for COVID!
People KNOW – despite the media.
Thank God
This is the best news I’ve had this morning!
Yes! A very unexpected but awesome bit of news.
Saved for posterity on GAB….
The comedy gold is wrong. Bad comedy gold! BAD!!!
AOC — “…And Men too”
After all men used to be able to pork all the women they want WITHOUT a condom and NEVER have to pay 18 years of child support when they got preggers… Heck they did not even have to PAY for the abortion, WE DID.
That’s what’s got the left so bent out of shape. And their Satanic master Moloch as well. No more Burning Man for them… or Walpurgisnacht…
Yes. Abortion back in the 70s was about SCARING both men and women about consequences, and saying “BUT THERE IS AN EASY WAY OUT!”
“If my uterus shot bullets would it have MORE RIGHTS?”
No, but a shot of penicillin might fix that problem.
Sign held up by woman in Twitter pic: “If my uterus shot bullets would it have MORE RIGHTS?”
The question wrongly presumes that a gun (which shoots bullets) has ‘rights’, and therefore if a uterus shot bullets too, wouldn’t it also have rights, like a gun?
And the answer is ‘No‘.
The premise is in error. A gun doesn’t have rights, just like a uterus doesn’t have rights, because neither the gun nor the uterus is a Man or a Woman.
It is Men and Women — people — who have rights, NOT inanimate objects (e.g., guns) or discrete body parts (e.g., uterus).
Thanks for the question, glad I could help

AND not only is it the case that only people have rights, only people can VIOLATE them.
If a tree falls over on its own and wrecks your house, it didn’t violate your rights.
If I fell a tree and it wrecks your house, on the other hand, *I* have violated your rights.
If you went on a DIET would you be attractive? NOPE
A barrel or two of grease-cutter and she’d disappear…
It seems that a common theme amongst the protests is the prevalence of coyote-ugly libtards, be they male, female, shemale, animal, mineral, or vegetable…
“Face only a muvva could luv” doesn’t even come close… and these “beauties” are ugly clear down to their souls, sad to say….. It’s almost as if their entire existence is protest or rebellion against GOD and HIS Creation… Satanic Inversion (Perversion)…
[Kind of like Melkor going around trashing everything Eru and the good Valar and Maiar created]….. [paging emstar…]
The dark ugly secret about these people is, they are unloved. They don’t have anything else in their lives except their hatred and anger. If you took that away, they would have nothing else, so they cling to it like a life raft in a hurricane.
Somewhere deep down, they know that having a loving relationship and children is the best thing in life, and they believe they will never have it. So they pretend those things are awful, and they spew their hate about them to convince themselves.
These people are pitiful, in my opinion.They will live empty lives.
You are correct. It’s hard to have pity for them because they’re so dangerous in so many ways.
Definitely would be shooting for blanks.
A friend of my little brother’s came over for Easter one year. He was an OB/GYN resident and he said, “You’re never too fat, too dumb or too ugly to get pregnant.”
Although, women that size…..
“You’re never too fat, too dumb or too ugly to get pregnant.”
Well… Just like we learned so many times through the “age of Covid”:
Doctors are often WRONG !

Technically he’s correct…but he’s thinking given some cooperation.
She’d not get the cooperation except perhaps from a sufficiently desperate zeta male.
A random feel-good story….
I’ll add a random feel-good video! From GAB…..
[video src="" /]
Interesting Flintstones sink in among all those smooth countertops and cabinetry.
They didn’t want anyone to take the bird for Granite…
I see potential for a very high water bill!
Parrots are pesky!!! No two ways about it. They’re either pesky or dead.
Worse than a cat or a goat…
Did I mention I now have a lamb that trots up to you prancing and waging her tail. She also chases cars…
A cat that prefers goat feed to kitty kibble…
And a VERY BIG GOAT that has figured out how to crawl under a fence 4 inches above the ground.
Last, the Black fluffy stray has claimed the porch and us and now rubs my ankles and lets me pet him. My poor female cat is relegated to the horse pasture to get fed.
Aw how cute is that Lucky you
Or resting
Or stunned! I forgot “stunned”!
Or they’re solid white from the Australia region and they SCREECH LIKE BANSHEES!
Keeping in mind the big white ones are described as perpetual two year olds with the intelligence of a dolphin.
Love it!!!
I clean forgot to mention that JWST was launched exactly six months (and millions of nervously bitten and shredded nails) ago.
Filed under “Promises made, promises kept”…… from Gab……
[video src="" /]
Yep and under FEDERALIST reasoning.
Boom, there it is …

I said throughout Trump’s presidency that regardless of what else he did or didn’t do, his gift to the ages was the judges. All of them. And, whether I like it or not, McConnell gets some credit for that, too.
We’ll give Turtle a carpeted cell for doing a little good among all the corruption.
Likely there are hundreds of conservative decisions by judges in the lower courts, that we will never hear about.
Excellent point!
From GAB…..
Two articles from Country Life Magazine – UK – on BACON!
Britain’s Best Bacon and The Perfect Bacon Sandwich – Tom Parker Bowles (Camilla’s son) writes about the history of bacon, the proper diet and rearing of pigs for curing vs pigs fed and bred for roasts and chops.
“Good bacon always starts with a happy pig, as Peter Hannan — the man behind The Meat Merchant, whose Northern Irish bacon and sugar-pit-cured bacon ribs are rightly lauded — knows all too well. ‘Great pork should make great bacon, but this is not a hard and fast rule,’ he tells me. ‘The Irish pig was bred to be cured. However, this pig does not provide the most wondrous fresh pork. It tends to be leaner and not so marbled.’
During the 19th century, most families would have their own pig, fattened up on scraps, waste and foraged food. Breeds such as Yorkshire Large Whites, Middle Whites, Tamworths and Lincolnshire Curly Coated were popular: slow growing, with just the right amount of fat. Killed in the winter, each family would have their own secret recipes for curing and smoking to preserve the meat for the cold months ahead. And bacon didn’t only mean back and streaky (cut from the belly), but rather up to 18 different cuts, from butt to collar, with everything in between. As Miss Shields points out: ‘It is peculiar in that it’s at once the most over-estimated and underestimated meat to cook with. Bacon is so much more than a crisped slice or something shoved in a sandwich.’
Back then, bacon would be quite hard and rather salty, needing a long soak to remove excess salt. Yet it has long been the hero of the poor, scraps of the stuff adding much needed excitement to the consistently dreary diet of pottage, a thick grain and legume gruel. As William Cobbett noted in Cottage Economy: The sight of them upon the rack tends more to keep a man from stealing than whole volumes of penal statutes.’
Scroll down for other British bacon recipes.
(Most Americans would disagree with Tom Parker Bowles – the perfect bacon sandwich is not soft white bread smushed with bacon and ketchup – but a BLT – good quality bread toasted with sliced homegrown sliced tomatoes, lettuce and mayo….and lots of crispy bacon!)
There is a fundamental difference between “streaky bacon”, as commonly sold in the US, and “rashers of bacon”, as typically sold in the UK.
It should also be noted that historical bacon was taken on far journeys without refrigeration — the salt content kept it from going bad, and it was a source of reliable protein as long as it lasted.
My family served fried ‘streak o’ lean’ – salt pork with rind – as well as regular bacon, much less salty.
We also had fatback at my house. No lean at all. I used to love to chew the rind.
My mother put the rind in barley soup and cooked it in it. I used to love eating it. That was the only protein and gave flavor to the soup.
I wish I could find Barley for my Goat Stew. People around her have ZERO Idea of what it is!
You cannot find barley ? Barley is all over in stores. Barley is great except high glycemic for my husband. I love it. Wonder if Pleasant Hill Granary has it?
You can get malted barley of many types from a brewing supply place.
Later in my childhood, we sold bags of pork rinds along with the potato chips and fritos in the my family’s grocery store. I haven’t seen those in years.
I love fried pork rinds. My wife is NOT a fan!
They’re everywhere in my area. We even have a selection at the corner gas station, so I can be picky! I like ’em plain and “hard-crunchy” with plenty of the little brick-hard nuggets.
My mother when she rendered fat she put a chunk of pork grind in it. I used to eat it after she made the schmalz.
We were so poor after WWII I used to get schmalz with salt on my bread. One would think I would be sick but am healthy. Just showes it is not the fat that kills only vegetable fat like margarine and corn oil.
YUP, I have eaten fat all my life and out lived both my parents.
I use either butter or animal fat or OLIVE OIL.
………………Olive oil…………. Vegetable oil
Source..Pressed olives…Blend of fats from multiple
………………………………. plant sources, like
……………………………….sunflower & safflower
………………………………..corn, canola, & soy
Vitamins K and E ……… usually retain minimal trace ……………………………….. nutrients after processing
High antioxidantsYes……… No
Highly processed ..NO……….YES
(least processed form is extra virgin)
Smoke point 390°F (200°C)……..400°F (205°C)
If you have to use an oil, olive oil is the ‘least bad’ for you.
Yes use olive oil, butter and coconut oil. Goose fat is good also. Goose fat is priced in a German kitchen
Is your political attitude plain and hard crunchy with plenty of brick hard nuggets?
LOL! Sounds like a plan!!!
That is one thing I can make and enjoy. I just use KCl for salt and other seasonings.
Ah, the joys of Helvetica Font.
I saw someone mention K Cl (space inserted for clarity) earlier and thought the ell was an i.
I think the standard Micro$haft font on newer versions of windows gives the lower case L a little tail to avoid confusion.
And don’t forget Times New Roman – Corney instead of Comey.
Good times.
We’d get along then; I like the fluffy ones best. We could split a bag.
I will bring them to Trump’s inauguration party in 2025!
Oh, we gotta! That would be most excellent! Can you imagine all of us in one room?
It should have happened in 2021.
We were ROBBED.
Not next time.
We have them around here.
There is also the cured country ham that can also be stored without refrigeration. I sometimes see it in the local Food lion sitting ona shelf at room temperature.
It is very salty and has to be soaked to remove some of the salt. However it is great for adding to your beans.
My wife is still a huge country ham fan. Her daddy did his own back in the day. They would do the old east TN family thanksgiving tradition of killing the hog and then go about curing the ham in the cellar. Like you, we use it our beans including the mess of half runners we are cooking up today for tomorrow’s Sunday dinner with the kids/grandkids.
I can’t eat salt anymore without my Blood Pressure spiking. DARN!!!
In Germany growing up people had in their pantry hams bacon and sausages hanging from the ceiling all not refrigerated. The ham was great and bacon also and sausages have not eaten anything like that over here. My friends had these wonderful items in their homes and sometimes their mom or grandma made me a sandwich with it. God is good
Sausages…. German sausages…. DROOL…
I gained 10 pounds the first month my Ex was stationed in Germany. DESPITE the 5th floor walk up and the laundry in the basement. I also had no car so shopped on foot.
The bread , pastry and sausage is super. I miss that sometimes. Could make the pastry but very seldom because 10 LB would just come in no time.
Fun with kids that is not grooming….
Carlos is my favorite guitarist of all time.
I agree. In a league of his own.
More fun with kids…..
One of the subtle bits to this one is that the band’s usual drummer is all tensed up on the first 30 seconds, in case he has to dive in and rescue….then totally fades out of the picture — “she’s got this.”
Here’s another video with a guest and a different band —
Jeff looks like he might be working out some Aspies, but he manages to make it happen.
And here’s the seven-year-old immensely talented Ricky Skaggs (I think this might have been on Tex Ritter’s show):
Appears to be with Flatt & Scruggs…
Verse of the Day for Saturday, June 25, 2022
“A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.”
John 13:34 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
bflyjesusgrl commented last night on June 24, 2022 21:21
HMMMMmmmmm Do Pied Pipers work BOTH WAYS???
DOJ or some lame fed group will STOP protests at Chuckie’s place.
Running true to form I missed all the good stuff coming in later yesterday. Caught up now though and take it that the general opinion is that the Q posts are authentic, have moved up into the more current book marks anyway.
“The flight of the remnants of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from Severodonetsk is coming to an end. Kadyrov announces the release of hostages at the Azot plant and the Severodonetsk airport. There is also a cleansing of the village of Borovskoye.”
“From the latest from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation:
1. In Konstantinovka, rocket strikes destroyed up to 80 Polish mercenaries, 20 armored combat vehicles and 8 MLRS. Also, 3 Hurricanes were destroyed.
2. More than 300 soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and foreign mercenaries and 35 units of heavy weapons were destroyed in the Nikolaev region.
3. During the day, more than 780 enemy soldiers and officers were destroyed as a result of artillery, aviation and missile strikes.”
But in the interests even-handedness a report from the ministry of truth…
Pentagon: Ukraine conducts professional tactical retreat in Donbas
Wall Street Journal – Ukraine conducts strategic retreat in Donbas
Arestovich – now the withdrawal of our troops means that we are really starting to take care of people and really play the “right war”
“We do not make a tragedy out of defeat, we retreat to previously prepared positions, leveling the front, leaving insignificant cities.”
Thank you RAC
Pentagon and WSJ –
They are getting their azzes kicked. Hope poisoning the world’s population was worth it to the DS. They opened Pandora’s box.
Interesting the usage of “allot” as opposed to a lot, which is commonly misspelled as “alot”. “Allot” is a completely different word, which could have been used as a signal, perhaps? I think (2³+3²) was/is really picky about spelling… used to apologize about typos IIRC…
“Responsibility” …………….. the ability to “respond” (or lack thereof)
“Actions have consequences … deal with it!”
Where was all that rage when they told you to get the clot shot?
Praise be to God …
Thank you Lord for giving us Justice Clarence Thomas
and for POTUS Donald J Trump
who gave Justice Thomas a few helping hands
In a weird way, we also have to thank both Bushes. 41 & 43 put Thomas, Alito and Roberts on the court. Thomas and Alito are rock solid.
even a stopped watch is …
… useless.
made me laugh! I like that …
I guess “eighty” is not an exaggeration.
And not one of them carrying a musket!
sociopaths or worse, they all are.
Hochul is particularly nasty among these witches. Her little “sermon of the vaccines” was just bizarre.
Could be an illuminised witch (like the Klintoons). They’re “special”. And capable of horrible evil… (cf.….
Kathy Hochul would trust us with muskets, however.
Great opener today, Steve. Thanks for the work.
We are not “entitled” to anything. To receive benefits authorized by the Constitution we must comply with its requirements. Which is the problem. Said federal government authorized by the Constitution does not comply with it and the related laws and regulations. It has become a criminal enterprise.
The only way that changes is when We the People make it happen through all available legal methods. Limit federal government scope back to what is authorized. Nothing more. Republic with everything – as written. Anybody or anything usurping that needs to be addressed in whatever manner is necessary to end it immediately. The Convention of States is one tool for that purpose.
Which made yesterday’s SC ruling abortion rights so important along with numerous other decisions they made. 26 states are initially anticipated to pass and implement anti-abortion laws. 26 states will have an underlying belief in the sanctity of life, which is a Biblical and Constitutional concept. More states will follow as they see what happens in the 26. That opens the door to more since it is a pro-Republic, pro Constitution ruling. Eventually it all leads to the 34 we need to call the COS.The pro-death to innocents and pro pervert states will fall apart. We are under no obligation to restore them if the federal government acts within it Constitutional authority.
FWIW, hope the Dems/RINOs enjoy the future removal of their infringement attempt on the 2nd amendment. Seditionists and traitors – the lot of them. Sue and harass them back into the rat holes from which they came.
“What we’ve got here is failure to communicate.”
For far too long, that has been the real problem. We have failed to communicate the wondrous glory of God inspiring His chosen men to create the greatest government possible.
Time to communicate to each other how grateful we are for America to exist and us to be citizens of it.
I agree, friend. I hope to tell stories to those who will listen for the rest of my life of the people who have given their all in every aspect of society to write and uphold the Constitution as the crowning achievement it is for all humanity and as dictated by the Creator of us all.
Our difficulty is that we trusted the FAKE NEWS to be guardians of that truth.
It is only when we STOPPED believing the Fake News, that all things became possible again.
“….Eventually it all leads to the 34 we need to call the COS….”
Tradebait do you REALLY want to toss out the Present Constitution and ALLOW POLITICIANS TO WRITE A NEW ONE???
Do you want to KEEP the present Constitution and AMEND IT?
The “Convention of States” Scam, the War over the Constitution, and how the States Sold the Reserved Powers to the Feds.
A Constitutional scholar and lawyer EXPLAINS THE SCAM.
Agreed. Convention of States at this time is a BAD idea.
Disagree. The right time is when 34 states agree that it is time. Which is determined by the elected representatives of the people in 34 states. There is no bad time. There is no good time. There is only the “right” time.
Article V exists and is to be asserted for the moment when it is the right time. So far, 19 states have agreed. 6 others have passed it in one chamber, 22 others are currently considering.
If decision makers in, say, 14 of those potential 34 states are liberal, anti-Constitutional communists but they want a COS, is the time still right just because it’s 34? Do you think the legislatures of 34 states have the best interests of America in mind? I can think of one or two states I would trust in that way, and I’m not sure about either of those.
Same here. RINOs would swarm into a COS like moths to a lamp.
NOPE, NOT by me.
I do NOT trust politicians to “tinker” with the Constitution.
Too many, if not NEARLY ALL politcains ARE corrupt, can be bought off or simply tend to play PC / woke bullshit games in their decision process.
R-ConsUniparty Screw Up at all levels of government.^^^ I do NOT trust the bastards. Barely tolerate them dirt bags.
Actually, a CoS might be a good thing. They could call it in some remote area, wait for delegates to arrive, then bomb it.
The people most likely to attend are not of the caliber of Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Franklin, or the like. The people who would undoubtedly attempt to pack it are the Bidens, Pelosis, Cheneys, and Soros types.
If 34 states still wanted to have one afterwards, the minds of the delegates would be focused.
Totally agreed – a COS would be like ROACH BAIT FOR RINOS.
We would need a WAR ON AMERICAN SOIL FIRST – to purify the participants.
Better to stick with the original design and AMENDMENTS as needed. Including a HIGHER QUALITY OF AMENDMENTS.
Totally agree with you !! Levin used to push the Convention of States wrote books made lots of money where is he now? Levin is not a person to fallow.
Levin just put his finger up to see which way the wind is blowing.
To many do that who served in DC
EXACTLY… I do not Trust Levin. Joanna Martin, “Publius Huldah” gets repeatedly BASHED.
Interesting and true
Not buying the hysteria, folks. Yes, there are elements who will try to end run it. Are they more or worse than what we see now in the full, all out assault on the Constitution using past liberal court decisions and illegal votes of Congress with POTUS approval, with executive orders that circumvent and override states’ rights, with agencies of the federal government acting as rogue terrorists, with taxation revenues used to perpetuate RICO and criminal enterprises worldwide, etc.? I think y’all know me well enough by now to know that I do not subscribe to any experts on this or that. I read some of them, I consider them, I use my own analytics, I make a decision accordingly. That’s just me. Mark Levin means about as much to me as Ole Yeller. Nothing. I will consider his comments and that is all.
I tend to agree with this analysis:
The Constitution by original design is a living document. Amend it as necessary to deal with what was not contemplated centuries ago. But do so in accordance the document’s stated provisions and authority. Hence the Article V provision. The founders of our country foresaw, rightly, the need for the provision. So we can just read and say isn’t that nice, or we can assert it as designed. We cannot permit the nefarious intent of criminals circumvent its intent or application.
JMO and FWIW – the COS movement is not and never has been about rewriting the Constitution. Again, elements within may try to do that because they have power goals or are plants of the existing DS. The movement is really about using the Article V COS provision for its intended purpose of amending for the issues that have allowed for the federal government to supersede state’s rights in the courts and in our every day life.
Honestly, it doesn’t matter what we do with it, when no one will effing FOLLOW whatever is written.
We have, just for instance, an absolute second amendment. Yet we have endless (and increasing) infringements on the right therein protected.
How do you fix that with an amendment? What would be the point of an amendment 2.1 that reads “And we really mean it, shitheads!”? They can ignore that, too.
Although there are some changes and tightenings of restrictions I could endorse, what’s far more important is the people we put in place to implement the Constitution. I’d be ninety percent of the way to where I want to be if the people there now would follow the damned document as it is.
As it is now, any sort of convention would risk codifying as NOT a violation, plenty of violations that have been going on for decades–and we’re used to them now.
Agree on the violations. What are the penalties attached for violating Constitutional provisions? Who determines a violation occurs and administers the penalties? What happens to those in authority who do not administer the law and the penalties?.
Remove anything and everything for which the federal government claims authority but which they do not have Constitutionally – via amendment.
Specifically state the authorities all states in the republic have in their control – via amendment.
No more guesswork. Any change in either beyond what they already have receive authority requires – an amendment.
Specifically codify the penalties for violations of said amendments as well as the penalty for failure to enforce. Remove “discretionary authority” from their vocabulary. Every law, statute, reg involved must have penalties for violations along with who administers the penalty. Which also includes penalties for the administrators who fail to enforce.
Karl and I agree on this one. This is the approach you take not just on the issue he addresses, but across the board.
They work for us. Stop letting them assert unauthorized control.
The Supreme Court has been shafting Americans since before FDR.
That seems to distill all the cogent, reasoned arguments against a convention of states down to pure emotion. I don’t think that is a fair assessment. And if that is how the proponents of a COS think, then I am more opposed to it than ever.
And that is the problem. The argument can end right there. because that is exactly what would happen. It happens with every conservative movement and effort and has to be overcome. It’s happening now within the MAGA movement, and it’s very hard to sort the wheat from the chaff.
Well isn’t that a convenient end to your conversation. You just said effectively – I say it ends right there because criminals will do what criminals do. C’mon you can and have done much better than that, TT.
Use one of your a cogent, reasoned arguments and address me in relationship with what I have provided. I see statements of Levin says this and I don’t trust him, it’s not the right time, the government doesn’t administer the law as it is. Etc., etc. I don’t see anything giving a reasoned argument of why citizens of our country should not assert the rights given to them by the Constitution they claim to revere. Seems to me that some like to pick and choose what they want to support.
That’s not what the oath says. That’s doing what the side they claim to hate does.
I said the argument can end, not that it has to. I mean that the inflitration of the conservative movement should be an extremely strong factor in the decision about whether to have a COS. If you think that is not a major problem, then it is incumbent for you to say exactly how that could and would be prevented from happening.
You ask for reasoned arguments, yet you reject whatever anyone says as if you are blind to its import. Instead of addressing those arguments, you label them “hysteria.” If you want to have a conversation about it, that would start with your respectful discourse about the valid concerns people have. I have yet to see that.
Did you read it?
Note I suggested the correct route was AMENDMENTS to the Current Constitution.
Joanna Martin, J.D.,is “..Lawyer, philosopher & logician. Strict constructionist of the U.S. Constitution. Passionate about The Federalist Papers (Alexander Hamilton, James Madison & John Jay), restoring constitutional government, The Bible, the writings of Ayn Rand, & the following: There is no such thing as Jew & Greek, slave & freeman, male & female, black person & white person; for we are all one person in Christ Jesus….”
She also says:
Why States Can’t Prevent a Runaway Convention
The “Convention of States” Scam, the War over the Constitution, and how the States Sold the Reserved Powers to the Feds.
Our Constitution is a glorious document. This one page chart depicts the Structure of the federal government we created when we ratified our Constitution; and lists the “limited & enumerated powers” we delegated to the federal government over the Country at Large.
In a nutshell, our Constitution authorizes the federal government to handle the following objects for the Country at Large:
Basically, that’s it.
As stated in the 10th Amendment, all others powers are reserved by the States or The People.
But for 100 years, almost everyone in our Country has ignored our Constitution. Thus, instead of restricting spending to the enumerated objects of its powers, the people WE send to Congress spend money on what anybody wants – and so gave us a debt of $17 trillion. Instead of restricting lawmaking to the enumerated objects of its powers, the people WE send to Congress make laws on whatever they like. The President WE elected tramples all over the Constitution; and due to the connivance, cowardice, and ignorance of Congress, the supreme Court, State governments, and the American People, is seizing totalitarian power.
WE are in terrible trouble.
And it is the phony right wing which is seducing the American People into taking the final jump off the cliff….
What would our Country’s financial condition be if WE THE PEOPLE had enforced the enumerated powers on Congress?
It is the enumerated powers which list the objects on which Congress may appropriate funds:
Do you get the idea? The Constitution itemizes what Congress is permitted to spend money on. See also the two geographical areas over which Congress was delegated “general legislative powers”: Art. I, §8, next to last clause, & Art. IV, §3, cl. 2.
The reason we have a debt of $17 trillion is because everyone ignored the Constitution; so Congress spent money on objects outside the scope of its enumerated powers.
Amend Away our Existing Constitution?
But the Randy Barnett 3/ Rob Natelson/ Michael Farris/ Mark Levin camp want a “convention” so they can gut our existing Constitution by amending out the limited & enumerated powers with new amendments which grant general powers to the federal government; or they seek to re-write the Constitution altogether.
Here are illustrations of how the limited & enumerated powers can be amended out of our Constitution:
It has already been shown how the so-called balanced budget amendment would transform our Constitution from one of enumerated spending powers to one of general spending powers, where spending would be limited only by the amount of revenue the federal government generates or a certain percentage of the GDP. 4 But under our existing Constitution, the federal government’s expenditures are limited by the constitutional grants of authority – the enumerated powers. The problem is everyone ignores the enumerated powers – they never even bothered to learn what they are!
Here is another illustration: Michael Farris, the grand master of The Spiel, has managed to convince many parents that the only way to protect their parental rights is an amendment to the Constitution which delegates to the federal and State governments constitutional power over their children!
And Mark Levin’s suggested amendments would gut our Constitution. Most increase the powers of the federal government by making constitutional what is now unconstitutional because it is not an enumerated power. The amendments pertaining to “overrides” undermine the Constitution as the objective standard of what is lawful and what is not – and substitute majority vote therefor. These “overrides” would erase the Constitution and replace it with majority (mob) rule.
Or is “re-writing the Constitution” their actual goal?
Farris says in the video:
𝗗𝗼𝗲𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗴𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗱 𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗹𝘀?…
There are several more articles with REFERENCES. She usually refers back to the Federalist Papers.
I’m not sure if you’re addressing this to me or to TradeBait. I agree with Publius Huldah and the things you’ve presented.
Hysteria? Nah. Just don’t trust the bastards. Quite simple.
Politicians track record is to fuck things up.
Leave our Constitution as written.
Our Constitution IS just fine As Is.
No politicians, blue ribbon committee could do better for us.
I agree, but not about a convention of states.
Joy To The World
Clarence, he was a bulldog
A man for these bad times
All the Libs hated the words he said
And they wanted him to resign
Yes, they wanted him to resign
Now it’s
Joy to the world
All the boys and girls, now
And the little babies all born to be
Joy to you and me
God knows our young before their birth
He knits them in their mother’s wombs
They’re our heritage from the Lord
The garden of life’s most precious blooms
Sing now
Joy to the world
All the boys and girls
And the little babies all born to be
Joy to you and me
All praises to great God our King
All praise to Him is due
For by His hand our babies come
To give us life anew
Yes, to give us life anew
Joy to the world
All the boys and girls
And the little babies all born to be
Joy to you and me
Awesome, Carl!
Ha! I love it! REAL joy to the world!
Thank you for sharing your beautiful gift with us
God has Blessed you and you are a blessing to us .
ain’t that the truth! Such a wise Soul!
Cute. And sad.
Bastard cut (yes, there is one)…
Yup! Bookmark it – things will be GOING ON, folks!
Okay, rally thread scheduled to drop just after noon. I will be away from the computer quite a bit this afternoon, and I could not find a list of speakers. If anyone sees one, please, pass it on, and I’ll get it into the thread.
This rally is up the river from here a couple of hours or so, and it’s going to be beastly hot here this afternoon. We do know how to deal with the heat here in flyover country, but some people are going to feel like they are roasting, I’m sure.
I know that the Secret Service doesn’t let people bring in umbrellas, which would be ideal as parasols, but space blankets and other similar items (like pocket ponchos) work nicely as shades. My wife and I had to be very inventive at the last rally. Heat exhaustion loomed, and we both got sunburned badly. Purchased T-shirts and the like offer some protection.
Bring plenty of sunscreen, anybody going!!!
PS – thank you for doing this!
Especially the RINOs and DEMONRATS…
OK, another heads-up: The FDA’s VRBPAC committee is meeting on TUESDAY 28 JUNE to discuss (and likely approve) what the FDA calls the “Future Framework” related to any new COVID-19 “vaccines.”
**** If the VRBPAC committee approves the “Future Framework” proposal, it appears that any future COVID-19 “vaccine” WILL BE ALLOWED TO SKIP CLINICAL TRIALS and be granted either an EUA or “full approval” BASED ON “DEMONSTRATED EFFECTIVENESS OF THE PROTOTYPE VACCINE.” [the current “vaccines” in use]
(h/t Marica’s blog last night)
The FDA announcement was posted 4 days ago.
There are NO “briefing materials” listed on the announcement. There is only a “Meeting Draft Agenda.” According to the FDA’s own rules, materials had to be presented to the FDA by 3 days prior to the meeting. However, there’s a “weasel work-around” clause in the FDA’s rules language which state that meeting materials can be posted on the day of the meeting. The meeting will be virtual, and supposedly streamed on You Tube.
Under the “Agenda” hyperlink on the FDA’s meeting announcement, there is the following:
“The committee will meet in open session to discuss whether and how the SARS-CoV-2 strain composition of COVID-19 vaccines should be modified.”
The backstory here starts on 6 April 2022, at the VRBPAC committee meeting of that day:
“Proposed Framework for Addressing Future COVID-19 Vaccine Strain Composition”
Page 10 of the document: “Evidence for effectiveness [of any new COVID-19 vaccines] will be derived from immunogenicity data (neutralizing antibody responses) against clinically relevant variants and demonstrated effectiveness of the prototype vaccine.”
Moderna already has developed two “new”, bivalent COVID-19 vaccines” that combine two strains of the COVID-19 virus, which the company claims will “combat” the omicron variant. These Moderna “vaccine candidates” are called mRNA-1273.214, and mRNA-1273.211. The company claims that their “clinical trials” of these bivalent COVID-19 “vaccines” show that they are “safe and effective.”
“Moderna’s new COVID-19 booster protects better against Omicron and other variants”
“Moderna Announces Omicron-Containing Bivalent Booster Candidate mRNA-1273.214 Demonstrates Superior Antibody Response Against Omicron”
(This new “vaccine candidate”, by the way, is the one that will be offered as a “booster shot” to CHILDREN ages 6 months – 17 years old, in the company’s current mRNA-1273 “clinical trial” — the “vaccine” that the FDA just granted an EUA to for use in CHILDREN 6 months – 5 years of age on 15 June 2022. One can assume that NO parent / guardian has been told that this Moderna “booster” is actually an experimental COMBO-“vaccine.”)
It appears that the FDA wants to corral any and all future development of COVID-19 “vaccines” under its own purview. Thus, the VRBPAC committee meetings of 6 April 2022, and now of 28 June 2022. It appears the committee made it clear at the 6 April meeting that recommendations made by the WHO related to COVID-19 “vaccines” would guide the FDA.
Conclusion: If the VRBPAC committee approves the “Future Framework” proposal, any new COVID-19 “vaccines” — and these would include “combo-vaccines” (two or more COVID-19 “vaccines” within the same formulation) — would be allowed to skip clinical trials and go straight to EUA or “full approval.”
Recall also that the FDA / CDC have previously recommended that the influenza vaccine could be given, as a separate shot, at the same time that a COVID-19 injection is given. IMO, this idea can be blended into the “Future Framework” proposal so that an influenza vaccine will automatically include a COVID-19 “vaccine” within the same formulation
I heard Toby Rogers speak on Warroom. If you haven’t heard him, you are missing a real treat. He explains dry technical stuff so that an elementary school kid can understand it.
Thanks! This is a huge deal, and opens up all kinds of ways for China to kill Americans.
“Safety of prototype” is weasel wording, IMO, because it could allow “minor” changes to the lipid nanoparticles such as adding pegylated graphene oxides, or tinkering with those, in ways that would dramatically affect SAFETY.
And these CLUELESS BOTS on VRBPAC have no idea what sorts of industry and CCP trickery will easily sail through, thanks to this change.
YOUR SAFETY is last in line.
The only way this even comes close to “working” (safe and effective) is if NO CHANGES are allowed, other than tiny changes to the mRNA which are fully and transparently studied and allowed to be objected to.
For instance, even minor changes in mRNA sequences could generate PRION REGIONS. Changes could create NEUROTOXIC regions or HEMOTOXIC regions in the resulting protein. Recall the “Pandemrix” vaccine that caused narcolepsy. Nope. This is very dangerous.
Wolf Moon
IMO, there are already prion issues going with the mRNA COVID-19 “vaccines.” These issues are resulting in the “sudden” and “unexplained” uptick in cases of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease.
The Moderna “clinical trial”, ongoing until 12 November 2023, on the use of its mRNA-1273 “vaccine” in babies 6 months to children 12 years old, will offer the company’s NEW “bivalent” COVID-19 “vaccine”, mRNA-1273.214, as a “booster shot” for this age group. Moderna calls this “clinical trial” Study 204. It’s actually NCT04796896.
The FDA’s VRBPAC committee granted an EUA for mRNA-1273 to be used on babies 6 months – young children 5 years of age on 15 June 2022. This is despite the fact that the NCT04796896 is still going on, as referenced above.
HOWEVER — since the clinical trial also involves offering mRNA-1273.214 as a “booster shot” for this age group, IMO, the FDA has ALREADY done a “backdoor approval” of the “Future Framework” proposal!
AND — recall that the WHO granted 11 OWNERSHIP licenses to the NIH / NIAID last month regarding development of “new vaccines” against COVID-19. Among these 11 licenses is “A VSV-EBOV-Based Vaccine (Vaccine Candidate)” — the EBOLA virus vaccine (“Ervebo”), modified to “protect against SARS-CoV-2.” NIAID has ALREADY DONE THE WORK to create this “new vaccine.”
It’s basically a COVID-19 “vaccine” with an Ebola virus protein added in.
IMO, EVERY SINGLE PERSON in the United States who has any COVID-19 “vaccine” in their body, or who is thinking of getting “vaccinated”, needs to know the following:
Dr. Eric Rubin, who sits on the FDA’s VRBPAC committee, said this in October, 2021:
“We’re never going to learn about how safe the vaccine is unless we start giving it. That’s just the way it goes.”
IMO, the members of the VRBPAC committee are far from being “clueless bots.” Perhaps “bots”, in a way. “Clueless”? — No.
And, guess what? — Pfizer-BioNTech just threw its hat into the “combo-COVID-19 vaccine” ring, with TWO new “vaccine candidates” —
So now Pfizer-BioNTech, ALSO without putting any “briefing documents” online for the FDA’s VRBPAC committee meeting on Tuesday 28 June, is going to have its new, UNPROVEN, “combo-COVID-19 vaccines” discussed by the committee.
One of the “vaccine candidates” apparently targets only the omicron variant. The other “vaccine candidate” combines the company’s original COVID-19 “vaccine”, BNT162b2, with omicron virus elements added into the formulation.
Here’s the real kicker — the Pfizer-BioNTech products could be given in 60mcg doses, TWICE the current “adult dose” amount, per dose.
Crazy. No way will I ever touch these damn things.
Prepare For A Tidal Wave Of Evictions – The Burning Platform
Orchestrated chaos and misery.
I’ve wondered how people are making it with the cost of gas and food rising, which causes the service sector to raise their prices.
I’m in twitmo for the first time in over a year. I wonder if it was my name change

Way to take one for the team! Looks like your twitmo sentence will soon expire. Ignore their stupid stuff and click on through to get back into the fight. It’s all hands on deck!
TOC Ready Room 24 June 2022: Flawed court ruling overturned; Escalation in Russia-NATO confrontation; Gates ag-buy pushback – The Optimistic Conservative (
I cannot believe this person is so wrong about Russia!
Apparently his two commentators are letting him know.

Thanks Para …
He was as ugly then as he is now. The heart did not change same old same old evil.
He was a poseur and a perv even back then. And a crook on top of that…
DEMONRAT indeed…
Twofer Supreme in [Market-Ticker-Nad]
RT View of EU / Energy Issues | Musings from the Chiefio (
I also see RT as MSM – FAKE NEWS too …
All those abortion victims can’t vote. Plus it explains the ‘need’ for all the immigrants.
Truth. Selective nation building and maintenance. Design the populace of choice.
Same thing over here…..
Of course all the “Fachkräfte” (specialists, engineers, professionals, etc.) coming from MEA (middle East and Africa) aren’t bringing anything except knives, rapes, robberies, muggings, pushing-down-stairs, etc. Merde-Kuh’s promise of a “Kulturelle bereicherung” (cultural enrichment) has been shown to only enrich the Mohammedan animals rushing through our borders…
[Question on a hypothetical job application from the 1970s: “What is your greatest desire in life (other than a white woman)”… Never thought I’d actually see that play out, but here we are: Germany 2015-2022]…
Merde-Kuh’s Coudenhove-Kalergi plan in full swing… and no-one in the media is allowed to talk about it!!!
Sorry but that is ‘Dis-information.
The birth rate has been below replacement for ONLY a FEW YEARS. I have been tracking it on ocassion and was surprised to see it had dipped so low.
United States growth rate: 0.69% (2022 est.)
Birth rate12.28 births/1,000 population (2022 est.)
Death rate8.38 deaths/1,000 population (2022 est.)
Net migration rate3.02 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2022 est.)
Total fertility rate1.84 children born/woman (2022 est.)
We were over 2.0 last time I looked.
2009 — 2.00
2010 — 1.93
2011 — 1.89
2012 — 1.88
2013 — 1.86
2014 — 1.86
2015 — 1.84
2016 — 1.82
2017 — 1.77
2018 — 1.73
2019 — 1.71
2020 — 1.64
NOTICE AFTER TRUMP it is going back up!
2022 — 1.84
TY Gail …
Intel Slava
Now everything is official.
The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation confirmed the complete liberation of Severodonetsk, Borovskoye, Sirotino and Voronovo have also been completely liberated.
Am so glad to be back here! Have missed you all. I just returned from 6 weeks in the states (NE Missouri) a couple of days ago. Even before I went I was getting to the point I needed to take a break from politics for awhile. And then, with everything there was to do when I got to Missouri, I rarely had the concentration to read a bit here.
My daughter had her baby…a girl, after 2 boys, and the only girl baby in her husband’s family for at least 2 generations. We are thanking the Lord that everything went well. She had taken the Moderna vax a couple weeks before getting pregnant. Many prayers were answered and both are healthy.
My dad is almost 91 and is starting to show some confusion that is more than just forgetfulness. He is still able to live alone, though, with some support. At least for now.
Travel observations:
–More masks at the airport in St. Louis than Detroit, by %, which surprised me.
(Waved to Valerie and DePat while passing through!)
— Am used to seeing all the airport signs in English and Spanish, but before going through customs and passport control in Detroit, the signs were English and Chinese! After getting through customs they were multilingual with Spanish, Arabic and others.
-The airplanes were packed. Quite a change from my last trips during all the Covid hype.
It seems there were a couple more things but that’s all I remember right now.
A lot of people here are still mask happy. I went to a visitation last evening and my sister and I were among the five who weren’t masked. On Sunday – same parlor in the same funeral home – I think there were five masked with three times the people in the room.
Thanks for the report and congratulations on your grandbaby!
So glad you are back. Missed ya!
The FDA’s proposed “Future Framework” is the worst idea in the history of public health (
The meeting is 6-28-2022. PLEASE READ THIS!
All govt agencies are compromised and work toward the goal of destroying the country
This is a GREAT article.
And YES – the “Future Framework” was clearly written by President Xi and Albert Bourla.
In fact, I’m pretty sure I’ll never take a flu vaccine again, knowing what I do now.
Same here.
Yup, no flu vaccines. No mRNA anything.
Thank you for bringing this.
The more people raising the alarm, the better.
From BarkerJim post / link. (Emphasis mine)
TOTAL Indictment on Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Covidiot Injections.
Pfizer and Moderna have a problem — their mRNA Covid-19 shots do not stop infection, transmission, hospitalization, nor death from the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Everyone knows this. Over half a billion doses of this product have been injected into Americans in the past 17 months and these shots have made no discernible impact on the course of the pandemic. Far more Americans have died of coronavirus since the introduction of the shots than before they were introduced.
That should wake him.
Sick. But funny.
2 comments lifted from MoA:
2nd post:
“I guess that’s one of the results of Lithuania vs Kaliningrad. Hopefully EU/EC sets aside their instructions to escalate no matter what, and takes a step back. As earlier suggested by draft document that was (unhappily) reported by the LIT MEP. Because this all could get more serious, and likely result in further collapse of energy/materials trade, while doing nothing to help anyone.”
I don’t know if these particular aircraft can carry nuclear weapons but it sounds like Putin is hinting at it, as well as the missiles
“Putin – at the request of Lukashenka to deploy nuclear weapons to Belarus: In Europe, the Americans have 200 nuclear tactical weapons in 6 NATO countries and 257 aircraft for their use. I agree with you that we are obliged to take care of the security of the Union State. Therefore, I propose the following. The Belarusian army is armed with a large group of Su-25 aircraft, they could be re-equipped and training of flight personnel could begin. And as we agreed, within the next few months we will transfer to Belarus the Iskander-M missile-tactical systems, which can use both ballistic and cruise missiles, both in conventional and nuclear versions.”
I just read that both Poland and Romania currently have Iskanders …
WEF is clearly trying to escalate the situation, confident that they can force Europe to do whatever they want, then forcing America to bail them out. Europe wants to get America to solve (and pay for) the problems brought on by their own stupidity and greed.
Oddly, China controls the UN, also pushing for a nasty situation, but is simultaneously backing Russia to keep everybody guessing.
Don’t fall into traps is my advice. Lithuania and Europe poked the bear – they need to be the ones with “short fingers” when it’s over.
Bloomberg reports Ukraine’s central bank is facing a crisis of confidence.
US President Biden and G7 l̵e̵a̵d̵e̵r̵s̵(hostages) have agreed to ban the import of new gold from Russia-Reuters
Since American and European politicans do not think about numbers when imposing sanctions, calculation incoming:
World gold prices are at their peak .
The leaders in gold production in 2021 were:
1. China (370 tons);
2. Australia (330 tons);
3. Russia (300 tons);
4. USA (180 tons);
5. Canada (170 tons).
7:15 PM · Jun 25, 2022·Twitter Web App
Replying to
Gold exporting countries:
1. Switzerland ($61.9 billion)
2. Hong Kong ($25.1 billion)
3. Great Britain ($23.3 billion)
4. UAE ($17.7 billion)
5. USA ($17.1 billion)
Russia is in 13th place, gold exports in 2021 amounted to 5.7 billion dollars, and even less in previous years.
Roughly speaking, Russia produces a lot of gold, but sells very little of it. Given that China and India are in the top five countries buying gold, it is easy to guess that Russia will easily sell it if necessary.
What will be the consequences of these next sanctions of a politicans from the USA and their a̵l̵l̵l̵i̵e̵s̵(vassals)? YES,NONE. On the edge of the already high gold prices will grow on this news.
I suspect Russia gold imports increase as payment for oil/gas commodities.
It’s that or roubles.
#PhotoOfTheDay #bird #photo #wildlifephotography #beautiful
Has anyone seen this ? IRS stockpiling ammunition!
Eric Holder has used IRS before. I suspect he is behind it.
They are going to kill us if we raise up. The military will not shoot I believe but IRS will.
I’m going to keep mum on what happens!
Somehow this song comes to mind…
(I liked the tune, never bothered with the lyrics, which, as it turns out, are quite disturbing but relevant today, especially considering the DEMONRATS’ proclivities and activities, many of them fast and furious) …..
This is the song that made me an Aerosmith fan.
I hate to admit that it was their first album that got me started! My GF at the time converted me to a fan of the “new band”. LOL. I loved this one!
There are several bands where you MUST have two of their albums, just to be considered edumicated. These include Aerosmith — Toys in the Attic and Rocks; AC/DC — Highway to Hell and Back in Black; Pink Floyd — Dark Side of the Moon and Wish You Were Here; Queen — Night at the Opera and Day at the Races; The Who — Who’s Next and Who Are You?; and Fleetwood Mac — Rumours and Fleetwood Mac [1975]….
These are not necessarily their best albums, nor are they all that representative. It’s just when the bands caught hold of the zeitgeist. In many cases — like Aerosmith — it leaves many of their better songs laying abandoned on the ground in favor of —
Wow. Oh, that brings back memories.
I do have to admit – I loved it when some of my “old loves” caught fire with the mainstream listeners and turned into arena acts.
Perhaps the best was Blue Oyster Cult. We used to just laugh and laugh and laugh when those guys started playing on top hit radio. It was a total WTF.
It’s nice when these groups get recognition, though. It’s nice for talent to get appreciated.
Many years ago this song got played over and over in my crowd. The music was too magnetic.
Many years later — wow, still a great song. But now the lyrics are part of the greatness. A total Christian interpretation is possible and actually beautiful, but not likely intended.
[Verse 1: Buck Dharma]
All our times have come
Here, but now they’re gone
Seasons don’t fear the reaper
Nor do the wind, the sun or the rain
[Chorus: Buck Dharma]
(We can be like they are) Come on, baby
(Don’t fear the Reaper) Baby, take my hand
(Don’t fear the Reaper) We’ll be able to fly
(Don’t fear the Reaper) Baby, I’m your man
La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la
[Instrumental Bridge]
[Verse 2: Buck Dharma]
Valentine is done
Here, but now they’re gone
Romeo and Juliet
Are together in eternity (Romeo and Juliet)
40,000 men and women everyday (Like Romeo and Juliet)
40,000 men and women everyday (Redefine happiness)
Another 40,000 coming everyday
[Chorus: Buck Dharma]
(We can be like they are) Come on, baby
(Don’t fear the Reaper) Baby, take my hand
(Don’t fear the Reaper) We’ll be able to fly
(Don’t fear the Reaper) Baby, I’m your man
La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la
[Instrumental Bridge]
[Verse 3: Buck Dharma]
Love of two is one
Here, but now they’re gone
Came the last night of sadness
And it was clear she couldn’t go on
The door was open and the wind appeared
The candles blew and then disappeared
The curtains flew and then he appeared
[Alternative Chorus: Buck Dharma]
(Saying, “don’t be afraid”) Come on, baby
(And she had no fear) And she ran to him
(Then she started to fly) They looked backward and said goodbye
(She had become like they are) She had taken his hand
(She had become like they are) Come on, baby
(Don’t fear the Reaper)
Very much agreed!
In the “after-story” of the origins of the song (see't_Fear)_The_Reaper ), Dharma’s motivation is ascribed to a kind of “de-Christianized Christian viewpoint”, mostly personal, perhaps closer to a modern Jewish viewpoint on afterlife, but IMO the song was written to be multiply interpretable, which would be standard BOC schtick, and indeed the goal of many poets and songwriters.
That is to say, Dharma’s description is true, but it’s not the whole story. IMO he was well aware of the fact that he was sneaking his personal view past the satanists and pedophiles who literally run the music industry by giving them something that would appeal to them. “Edgy” sells.
Some of the edgier Christian “hard rock” songs from the tattoo crowd do the same thing. One can even see the video producers and directors sucking up to Hollywood with occult imagery and memes. I’m not always sure that the Christian artists are aware of this or not. Some are a bit too innocent, frankly. Is that bad? Not sure.
Spiritual battle is messy – not for the weak (yet weakness is its own power)! One has to make judgements, and one WILL make errors, because we fight on an earthly battlefield where the enemy has some advantages.
Interesting background. I never really listened to the lyrics, but now they make sense.'s_Got_a_Gun
IRS we posted about a couple days ago, but not the Rail Road Retirement Board nor this from Jessie Watters and Matt Gaetz. Suspect for sure (and Gaetz said other agencies?) . Taking ammo off the market, but worse case is they creating secret stock piles for a third party because for sure, these retired folk and auditors are likely not the ones who would use it. Where’s the accountability with this. And Obama did this too with the IRS in the past. Sounds more than just suspect, sounds sinister.
Yeah govt contract 1st dibs, whats left high prices…cept WE pay for their orders already!
Because the USDA and Dept of Education sucked up all the Ammo under OH!Bummer…
I used to read that Obama bought lots of rifles weapons at the time and held them someplace out of site. I wondered at the time if it was true or not.
Betcha it is true, about hussein..
AND, quite common among the wealthy and politicians to have plenty of arms and ammo stashed. Most of it, NOT in their primary or secondary residences.
I think the hint at the time was “the ammo for a security team” ? Taxpayers paid for it kept in secret facilities.
Wonder why they are doing this? My instinct is to counter the patriots.
Oh, hell, that’s funny!
Lol. Yep.
A hand-made tale…
Clandestine’s Newsletter
It Had to Be This Way
3 hr ago
For those that don’t understand why it had to be this way, think about the optics in 2017 juxtaposed to 2022.
I think many of you forgot what it was like in 2017. Trying to wake up normies was a tough business. My friends and family looked at me like I was an eight-headed monster when I told them that a global Deep State entity infiltrated the US government to include the White House, nearly all of Congress, the highest echelons of the DOJ, FBI, CIA, DNI, State Dept, the mainstream media, big tech, social media, Hollywood, academia, pharmaceuticals, health care, etc.
In 2022, the normies are MUCH more willing to accept this reality, simply because they’ve seen it proven to them.
-Mueller exonerated Trump, Russian collusion was a hoax, then Durham showed there…
con’t at link
The FAKE NEWS has been extremely disempowered between then and now!
My daughter is slowly coming out of her daze and has begun to see things- reality. I let it percolate on its own it is better that way
Enough of this BULLSHIT.
Time for BACON!!!!
(Yeah, it’s been too long since I ate non-bacon food.)
You remind me of this guy.
Actually I said it backwards.
It’s been too long since I ate bacon, is what I should have said.
Your ability to speak clearly is deteriorating. Clearly, you are suffering from a lack of bacon….

Under no circumstances accept the Sizzlean-19 shot…
It seems XVII posting messed with the [CB] equilibrium.
I get it, what he’s saying but a lot of people were left looking really stupid when Q faded to dark. A lot of people were confused. Those of us who weren’t in-the-know were left to defend something that disappeared into the mist.
Personally I felt like the whole thing even it was a hoax was unifying.
It’s a bit hard to get right back on the ride and trust it’s not going to crash again.
Plus…those of us who are natural born cynics might be wondering if it isn’t yet another DS scheme to again try to color Trump and us as kooks. Curious the timing, right before the gears start turning for 2024
Once you realize that learning to be suspicious of Q is part of the Q programming, you realize it’s exactly like TRAINING WHEELS – learning NOT TO USE THEM – that Q is teaching us to regain HEALTHY SKEPTICISM.
I’ll be blunt. Q is too smart to be Code Monkey. Ron’s a nice guy, and a smart guy, but the smarts of the Q psy-op are too big and too deep to be “some guy on the internet”.
Q is not one guy. No way.
I continue to maintain the truth of this. Q is not one guy — Q is Melania.
Makes a great story at the very least!!!
Always close with that one but nope.
Maybe think back to what you were posting on this morning and if a light goes off you’ll have to keep it to your self.
No idea what you are talking about. To start with, “this morning” can be a number of things.
True, and I’m being deliberately ambiguous. It really isn’t good to speak about in the open.
Look, if I accidentally disclosed my name IRL, please do the “priv.msg.wolf” thing that is disclosed in the site information and we’ll get it cleaned. This is somewhat unlikely in that I seldom use my IRL name online — I have a plethora of online ID’s like “Cranston Snord” or “Fred Flintstone”. They have been overused, but I intend to jigger up a new batch once I move.
Yup! No way. But if the Fake News wants to throw that cover – hey – no problem!
Would love to know the details of the Q op – but I’d probably wish I’d forgotten them, so perhaps it’s best to never know.
Said it before, and I’ll say it again…
Q is a parlor game , of sorts, imo. It’s an exercise and demonstration of the paranoiac critical method of the surrealists.
A very good explanation starts at about 12 mins. in:
This is a lecture at the AA in 1976.
I have to say, Jussie Smollett seems like an even better example, perfectly matching the criteria stated around 18 minutes in.
It seems to me that Q uses the method, but only to a point – to disrupt the false reality of the Fake News / Fake Entertainment compex – a.k.a. Fake Normal.
The output across society is presumably some kind of Gaussian distribution, with some of the targets going fully into the state described by the speaker, and some being impervious, but most being brought into a state of some degree of suspicion of the reality painted by the Fake News.
The rapid disappearance of the Q psy-op was IMO a tactical response to losing the White House and switching to a Plan B “GTFO” contingency. They needed an ambiguous exit and they took it. Looking like a hoax or a LARP is part of the whole Q MO, IMO. They bailed without clarity, as needed, to keep options open.
“It had to be done this way.”
The main absolute reason that I always believed that it was real was because the derision and accusations by ANYONE was only at Q anon. They never ever wanted to investigate who the actual Q team was.
They didn’ t want to be forced to reveal.. gotta be a solid reason for that
They cannot dig into it, because if they do, they might be forced to admit that there is something to it!
Exactly. They can’t risk fighting an entity that can strike back, hard
They being DS ^^^ they fear Q
Notice how Q leveraged the SCOTUS decisions for a comeback. Pure pro psy-op. The patience to wait that out. Only an organized outfit with a really long plan is going to pull this stuff off.
Note also what the other side did with the January 6 scam to try to indict Q as violent. They had to use Buffalo Boy (“QAnon Shaman”) to create a phony narrative, which was a big fail, IMO. The Q training actually prevented real Q followers from engaging in real violence. So DS had to actually FAKE IT to create any traction.
Q strikes back LONG and SUBTLE.
Makes a ton of sense to me.
This is Plan B (or perhaps later in the alphabet).
Exactly. I suspect it was D, E, F, or later.
The fact is, the other side gamed things out very openly, as Millie Weaver and Tore found out, and were completely prepared to steal it.
Steal it, they did. But they’re paying for it now. They ARE desperate.
45 taking stage now, he’s early.

Off to Rally thread.
Thanks DP!!!
Well, wish I could have been at that great great rally. I was trying to comment about it on the rally thread, which somehow I managed to completely delet from my email. Only I could manage to delete an email even from my trash before I could post my comment. I Can’t wait to vote for Mary Miller and against the Rino Rodney Davis, and for Darren Bailey for Il. governor, and I can’t wait to vote again for our President Donald John Trump. I loved the funny story about Trump’s hair, pulled out by Bailey. Ha ha.
Bailey sounds like he would be a GREAT governor!
I hope so. I need to learn about his stand on taxes. Il. property taxes are so horrible, something has to be done. I don’t think it will be, though. So many only worry about their state pensions and don’t care we are being taxed to death, and, of course, they vote democrat due to that one issue–their pensions.
Hi Zoe

**Butterfly waving and sending hugs!**
Sounds like you’re on it, you’ve picked all the good Candidates. Would be so amazing if Illinois turned RED.
Hugs back, Butterfly. So nice to see you. I’m afraid with Chicago and all the corruption, which is now in my part of the state, too, it won’t turn red, and even if people voted that way, it would be masked by the fraud and corruption, which is incredibly bad. And there is a lot of corruption in both political parties, which John Kass refers to as “the combine.” But we can still pray and continue to vote, and people need to work at the precinct level to take the republican party back. So glad Kinsinger will be gone.
Good with it.
I usually go with three. Washington, Lincoln and Trump.
A fourth would be Reagan.
But, can’t forget Jackson.
Yea, going with five.
The Saturday Night Jokes
Researchers for the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority found over 200 dead crows near greater Boston recently, and there was concern that they may have died from Avian Flu.
A Bird Pathologist examined the remains of all the crows, and, to everyone’s relief, confirmed the problem was definitely NOT Avian Flu. The cause of death appeared to be vehicular impacts. However, during the detailed analysis it was noted that varying colors of paints appeared on the bird’s beaks and claws.
By analyzing these paint residues it was determined that 98% of the crows had been killed by impact with trucks, while only 2% were killed by an impact with a car.
MTA then hired an Ornithological Behaviorist to determine if there was a cause for the disproportionate percentages of truck kills versus car kills.
He very quickly concluded the cause: When crows eat road kill, they always have a look-out crow in a nearby tree to warn of impending danger.
They discovered that while all the lookout crows could shout “Cah”, not a single one could shout “Truck.”
H/T Isophorone Blog
Sorry … they’re not all winners
LOL! I thought it was pretty funny. A “shaggy crow” story!
New Q!!!
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 000000 No.16521604
Jun 25 2022 21:55:06 (EST) NEW
This is really helpful. The big picture was taking control of government in the 1960s – that basically allowed for 50 years of increasing control as stated.
Killed Kennedy
Killed Kennedy
Killed MLKJ
Tried to get McGovern in
Scammed Nixon out
Shoved out Ford
Got Jimmy Carter In
Seeded the Deep State
Tried to kill Reagan
Settled for Bush in the Wings
Got Clinton in
see Pepe post right after …
Dan S just posted a vid clip from Rally and POTUS does an air Cue
It is – it’s a TEXTBOOK air Q!
Step through the video slowly. He circles twice and then does a huge slash.
OK – the “Who was Jane Roe?” statement seems designed to lead to THIS article which appeared just yesterday in the New York Post.
Who is the Roe v. Wade plaintiff ‘Jane Roe’?
By Emily Crane
June 24, 2022 11:38am Updated
Jane Roe,” whose real name was Norma McCorvey, was an advocate for abortion rights, until she switched sides in the 1990s.
The “Jane Roe” who pursued the landmark Roe v. Wade case that legalized abortion in the 1970s was an unmarried 22-year-old woman named Norma McCorvey, who would go on to be one of the procedures’ greatest supporters — and opponents.
With her courtroom alias forever linked to the 1973 case, McCorvey spent part of the next two decades as a leader in the abortion rights movement, but then switched sides in the 1990s, becoming an outspoken pro-life figure.
Finally, months before she died in 2017, McCorvey made a “deathbed confession” claiming that she’d made the change only after being paid to do so.
In the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade Friday, here’s what we know about Jane Roe, her children and how her life played out in the public realm:
Looks like Gloria Allred in the picture. The whole thing seems manufactured.
Not to worry… Trump, Putin, Xi Jingping, and Modi are working together. Have patience.