Dear KMAG: 20220704 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic / Independence Day Message

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.

This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

And indeed, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it!

…and we will have fun doing it, too!


We are not ruled by a king. Not legally. Not rightfully. We are ruled by LAWS. Laws brought forth by THIS DOCUMENT.

That document, defended by PATRIOTS.

Those patriots, aided by GOD ALMIGHTY.

And REMEMBERED on ground now occupied by THE MAFIA.

But trust us, Queen of Satan’s Bastille, WE THE PEOPLE will take it back from you.

And none of your Godfather III devil’s tricks…..

…..will save you from THE TRUTH OF WHAT YOU DID.

The Rules


Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

Boilerplate, more or less, but worth reading again and again, if only for the minor changes, and to stay out of moderation.

The bottom line is Free Speech. Theories and ideas you don’t agree with must be WELCOME here, and you must be part of that welcoming. But you do NOT need to be part of any agreement.

Bottom line – respect other people’s FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS.

Our only additional requirement is that you do so NICELY. Or at least try to make some effort in that direction.


We must endeavor to persevere to love our frenemies – even here.

Those who cannot deal with this easy requirement will be forced to jump the hoops of moderation, so that specific comments impugning other posters and violating the minimal rules can be sorted out and tossed in the trash.

In Wheatie’s words, “We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”

That includes the life skill of just ignoring certain other posters.

We do have a site – The U Tree – where civility is not a requirement. Interestingly, people don’t really go there much. Nevertheless, if you find yourself in an “argument” that can’t really stay civil, please feel free to “take it to the U Tree”. The U Tree is also a good place to report any technical difficulties, if you’re unable to report them here. Please post your comment there on one of Wolf’s posts, or in reply to one of Wolf’s comments, to make sure he sees it (though it may take a few hours).

We also have a backup site, called The Q Tree as well, which is really The Q Tree 579486807. You might call it “Second Tree”. The URL for that site is If this site ( ever goes down, please reassemble at the Second Tree.

If the Second Tree goes down, please go to The U Tree, or to our Gab Group, which is located at

We also have some “old rules” and important guidelines, outlined here, in a very early post, on our first New Year’s Day, in 2019. The main point is not to make violent threats against people, which then have to be taken seriously by law enforcement, and which can be used as a PRETEXT by enemies of this site.

In the words of Wheatie, “Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”

A Moment of Prayer

Our policy on extreme religious freedom on this site is discussed HERE. Please feel free to pray and praise God anytime and anywhere.

Thus, please pray for our real President, the one who actually won the election.

You may also pray for our nation, our world, and even our enemies.

Call To Battle

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.

Mendacity rules the land.

We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.

Joe Biden didn’t win.

And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Wolfie’s Wheatie’s Word of the Day Year Week:


transitive verb

Scots law to portion off so as to exclude further claim of inheritance emancipate from paternal authority; e.g., of a father: to put (a son or daughter) in possession of land which the son or daughter accepts as their whole portion of the father’s property.

Literally, to put out of a family; hence, to portion off, so as to exclude further claim of inheritance; to emancipate (with or without consent) from paternal authority.

intransitive verb

: to renounce a legal title to a further share of paternal inheritance

British usage

: to free from parental authority

Wolf’s usage (third party transitive)

: to falsely emancipate children from rightful parental custody or authority by guile, trickery, mind control, or legal abuse, often with selfish, perverse, politically vindictive, or sadistic intent

Used in a sentence:

“The Democrat groomers try every trick in the book to forismaliate our children, often in venues they control, such as schools.”

Used in a picture:


Have another great week!


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Have fun today!
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Deplorable Patriot

Coming? In these parts, they’ve started. Night four of the fair downtown is tonight. The rest of us play a game of is it gunshots or is it fireworks? Sometimes, it’s hard to tell.


Ive been there! Fireworks last night until 1 am.


My black Manx has already shown his dislike for firecrackers and such. He runs into the house and hides under the covers in the bedroom.

Normally, he struts around like he’s the duke of the yard.

Happy Independence Day, y’all.

Just remember – the South didn’t lose the war, the Democrats did. That’s why they’re still fighting the Union.


Atleast you know where he’ll be until Tuesday!


Yay!!! MATE Jammy Jellyfish just landed for the Pi.


And it’s got both ARM64 and ARMHF…..hmmmm…..


The ARMHF works on all the older, 32-bit, devices as well as the more recent 64-bit ones. ARM64 is for the 64-bit ones, such as Pi 3, Pi 4, Pi 400 and some other recent ones if I remember correctly.


The thing is, the rest of Ubuntu has written-off 32-bit systems entirely.


Heh. Insty’s got a post up: “HAPPY INSURRECTION DAY!!!!”


🤨 👍 ‼️ .. 🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸 .. 😉🤚


I like MAGA Month, and it can be Insurrection Month too!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Thankfully got off the road today.

Visited Virginia city to enjoy some of the July 4th festivities.

  :wpds_grin:  Picked up a, TRUMP 2024 hat.   :wpds_grin: 



Brave and Free

Good description of what they are more than likely doing here also if the truth was known.


Happy Independence Day! 🇺🇸

Forisfamiliate is an awesome W’s/W’s word of the week!

from Latin foris outside + familia family

Can we forisfamiliate those who insist on abortion on demand and letting illegals in? Let them have a few big cities, then cut them off from any government benefits and the right to vote. One can dream…


Paul Harvey: “Our lives, Our Fortunes, Our Sacred Honor”



3 1/2 weeks old and Batman is already sniffing the ground like a coonhound – 😂

I can’t imagine keeping track of 9 of those!


Citizen Free Press: Trump may announce 2024 run in the ‘next few weeks’…
I’m not holding my breath. He will do it when he sees fit. This caught my attention in the same article, though:

Mike Pompeo, who told Mr. Trump last year that he wouldn’t compete against him for the presidential nomination, has continued to lay the groundwork for a 2024 bid. Mr. Pompeo has told others that he can beat Mr. Trump in the Iowa caucuses, according to people familiar with the conversations.

😅 🤣 😂 Pompeo thinks he can beat Trump in Iowa, and Howard Stern thinks he can beat Trump handily. I truly don’t understand this.


What’s to understand? Surely you’ve seen people sleepwalking.

Maybe they both use Ambien.


There must be a drug that makes people say and do delusional things. The J6 committee members are on it too.

Cuppa Covfefe

Maybe Fauxcahontas Liarwatha gave them some of her Kickapoo Joy Juice 😆


Yes… it’s called money 😉


Hell, I think they’re on crack!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Something within those people has definitely cracked!


Lol, amen!


Yours Truly at one time used to think that Mr. Pompeo, like Mr. Barr, were “white hats” who were playing necessary parts in a bigger endeavor.
No more.
IMO — Pompeo / Barr / Pence (and possibly a few others) are, literally “DeepState within the DeepState.”


I agree, RDS. Their cronies probably inserted the white hats playing parts stuff into the MAGA dialog.

Dis and mis information to help undermine the MAGA movement – similar to the MO they used with TP.

Deplorable Patriot

They could be double agents. I really don’t think any of this is real as it is presented.


It is certain they infiltrated the MEGA movement. They have infiltrated everything else .

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

We were all shocked and thrilled when Trump won, believing almost like little kids that things were finally going to change and America would be set right according to his MAGA philosophy. These traitors took advantage of us, pretending to be good guys, knowing they would stab 45 and us in the back at the first chance. Lowest of the low.


My trust quotient for anyone in politics is in the negative triple digits.


I heard something today a Orthodox priest was speaking concerning the Anti Christ.
He said paraphrased ” The Anti Christ displays all the virtues of Christ he imitates the Holy. How do we differentiate what is real and not? We know it in our heart and need to listen not with the intellect but with our instinct.”
That is what I use my heart and instincts.


I also watched an Orthodox Christian worship that is where I want to be they still have it.
Very interesting and the Bishop sees into the future and it does not look good.
The Orthodox Church is posting more and more on You Tube.
Also listened to Orthodox Christian chants. The music vibrates in the soul.


Yes, and it is by design. Weakening the military is one of the things on their communist list.


100% agree, TT.

Covey Habit #2 – Begin with the end in mind.

Sometimes their actions truly use what appears to be stupidity or insanity. That is intentional as well. What is happening to our country and the one thing that keeps it “our country” (effective military) is by design. If you weaken it via openly hostile actions, the normies and sheeple awaken. They have spent a lot on time and work dumbing down our society for this time in history.

Our response should be about exerting our God-given rights, not criminal DC given rights, to bring our nation and the world into alignment with the Lord and His will. That happens first in our own households and communities and spreads from there. When and if “white hats” appear on the national stage, we will be ready to go. Even if they never do, we will have spawned our own long term revolution at ground level.

Which is how it happened with our founding fathers.


“and whatever the hell Space Force people are called.”

Weren’t they to be called “guardians?”

I think I remember that.


“Weren’t they to be called “guardians?”


If so, it would be nice if they weren’t the Praetorian type.

Guardians of what? Who or what are they supposedly ‘guarding’?

When the government is openly and unapologetically lawless — like now — it’s not really possible to come up with a term for members of any gov’t agency that won’t immediately be mocked for the hilarious hypocrisy inherent to the term.

Until or unless they start naming themselves after villains, in order to be consistent with their actions.


Guardians of the Galaxy, dude! Lol.


Galaxy… Guardians…

They’re Galaxians😁

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And if Space Force is not already corrupted, why hasn’t the current Hussein administration rectified that problem?

Hussein’s crew certainly would not allow a rogue patriot agency to exist within the demon mother ship.


Yeah, maybe not. But maybe Q.


On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was adopted and America was born.

Congress had voted unanimously 2 days before to sever all ties with Great Britain. The discrepancy in dates causes some confusion. The actual date of the decision to break from Great Britain was July 2nd, but the language of Congress’ public announcement was adopted on July 4th.

Tensions with Great Britain had been increasing for years and many colonists were hoping to reconcile with their mother country. After the American Revolution raged for a year though, enough citizens began to see that reconciliation was impossible and this meant that a vote for independence in Congress could actually succeed.

On June 7, 1776, Richard Henry Lee of Virginia presented the Lee Resolution to Congress, calling for a declaration of independence, the creation of foreign alliances and the confederation of the 13 colonies. Congress immediately appointed a committee to prepare a declaration of independence, but tabled the vote until July 2.

The Committee of Five, consisting of Thomas JeffersonBenjamin FranklinJohn AdamsRoger Sherman and Robert Livingston, was tasked with writing the declaration. Thomas Jefferson wrote most of the document with input from the others. The committee presented their document to Congress on June 28, but it was tabled for a few days.

On July 2, the full Congress assembled and 12 of the 13 colonies represented voted for independence with New York abstaining. After the vote, Congress debated and revised the committee’s Declaration and adopted it in its final version on July 4th.

On the evening of July 4th, about 200 copies of the Declaration of Independence were printed by printer John Dunlap. These copies were sent around the country and read in various places and published in newspapers. The first public readings occurred in Philadelphia, in Easton, Pennsylvania and in Trenton, New Jersey on July 8th. George Washington had the Declaration read to the Continental Army in New York City on the 9th.

The first Declaration did not have the signatures of the 56 signers. Instead, most of these were added to a parchment copy on August 2nd. Others who were not present signed at later dates. In January, 1777, Congress had more copies printed by Mary Katherine Goddard in Baltimore, this time with the signatures included. This was the first time the world learned of who had signed the document. 

Many of the signers suffered great personal harm during the war as a result of their loyalties to the American cause. Some, such as Thomas JeffersonSamuel AdamsJohn Hancock and Benjamin Franklin, went on to become political leaders of the new United States and eventually became heroic and iconic figures of American history.


Regarding New York not voting:

One of the problems that arose for another colony was that of a lack of instructions from the home legislature. Although New York sent four delegates to the 2nd Continental Congress, only one, Mr. Lewis Morris, ever spoke, and this was only when voting. One would expect then, that Morris would be saying “yea” or “nay” in favor or not in favor of particular issues. However, the colony of New York never voted on the issue of independence, or any other issue, for that matter. The reason for this: the state of New York never sent its delegation “explicit instructions on anything” (Hunt). Without any instructions, Morris was forced to abstain from voting. This was not an uncommon practice. However, New York was the only colony to abstain every time a vote was called. In fact, after abstaining from voting for the 29th time, President of the Continental Congress John Hancock became so enraged bystanders were concerned he was having a stroke. 

I’m sure it was not humorous at all then, but it strikes me as a little funny now, especially since NY doesn’t seem to have changed a bit.

Cuppa Covfefe


S atan’s
D emons’ (in)
N ew
Y ork


Period. I literally despise that multiple mafia infested hellhole while at the same time acknowledge the presence of good people who live there.




Here’s a weird bit of history for you. Mecklenburg County, NC was a hotbed of anti-British sentiment in the lead-up to the War. It was nicknamed “The Hornet’s Nest,” which is where the Charlotte Hornets NBA team gets their name. I have a lot of ancestors who fought in militias there and such, including one Native American who served in the Revolution.

Anyway, there was supposedly something called the “Mecklenburg Declaration,” a document declaring their intent to separate from the British, that predates the Declaration of Independence by a year. But there is no extant original copy, and there is great controversy over whether this happened or not.


There are land deeds in Mecklenburg in the years after the Declaration of Independence that prove that something along the lines of the “Meck Dec” as some call it, really happened. For example, I found one yesterday, dated 1780, that referred to “the fifth year of our Independence.” There are quite a few of these, and some of them involve the reported signers of the Meck Dec. They all say something along those lines, that their independence was declared in 1775.

I’ve read whole books of the evidence that try to prove the Meck Dec’s existence, but these simple deeds of land, with people reverently including the years they’ve been free, as the greatest, most irrefutable proof of it.

I love history.


George Santayana – Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. Original version since paraphrased and reworded by others.

The history buffs in the Carolinas we have talked with through the years all claim the Meck Dec is real. Proud of their ancestors if so.


Yes, they sure are proud of it. With good reason. Some of the fiercest proponents of our freedom came from that area. Warriors.


So interesting! I’ve heard of the Mecklenburg Declaration. Your research seems compelling. Whatever the case, people wanted independence!


They sure did! Just like we do. Freedom!


Hey – Aubergine – here’s a genealogy project – if you have time for anything extra in your busy life….

One of the signers of the Declaration of Independence was a doctor named Josiah Bartlett.

One of the Frontline Doctors who discovered (after prayer) the efficacy of Budesonide in treating Covid patients is Dr. Richard Bartlett.

We were wondering if the two doctors were related.

The Bartlett family has been traced back to William the Conquerer –


Interesting to note that the signer, Josiah Bartlett, like Texas physician, Richard Bartlett, also went against common (detrimental) medical practice and saved lives. His practices also proved to be sound by modern standards.


I went looking for Richard Bartlett’s biographical information, but I could not find enough to go on. Without a little help from Richard, like the names of his parents, it would be almost impossible. There were lots of Richard Bartletts born in about he right time to be him, including several in Texas, if that was even where he was born.

Starting from Josiah Bartlett and going forward would mean attempting to trace every single male descendant into the present day, which isn’t really feasible without a whole lot of time.

Sorry you guys.


We sure don’t want you to go to that much trouble. It’s striking that both doctors went against the tide for the benefit of their patients. They are one in spirit, if not of blood.


True story.


When you don’t have a lot of news, it’s never a bad idea to go with puppies…..


Here are some thoughts from one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. Abraham Clark wrote a letter from Philadelphia to Elias Dayton, who was serving in the Third Battalion of New Jersey forces in New York. Excerpts:

While Gen’l Howe with a Large Armament is advancing towards N. York, our Congress resolved to Declare the United Colonies free and Independent States. A Declaration for this Purpose, I expect, will this day pass Congress. It is nearly gone through, after which it will be Proclaimed with all the State and Solemnity circumstances will admit. It is gone so far that we must now be a free independent State, or a Conquered Country.

I assure you, Sir, Our Congress is An August Assembly, and can they support the Declaration now on the Anvil, they will be the greatest Assembly on Earth.

We are now Sir embarked on a most Tempestuous Sea, Life very uncertain, Seeming dangers Scattered thick Around us, Plots Against the Military, and it is Whispered, Against the Senate. Let us Prepare for the Worst. We can Die here but once may al[l] our Business, all our purposes and pursuits tend to fit us for that important event.


More from Abraham Clark, in a letter dated August 6, 1776. These are the thoughts of someone facing the realities of the war for independence.

As to my Title, I know not yet whether it will be honourable or dishonourable, the issue of the War must Settle it. Perhaps our Congress will be Exalted on a high Gallows. We were truly brought to the Case of the three Leapers [II Kings 7:3-22]. If we continued in the State we were in, it was evident we must Perish; if we declared Independence, we might be saved, we could but perish. I assure you Sir I see, I feel the danger we are in, I am far from exulting in our immaginary happiness. Nothing short of the Almighty Power of God can save us. It is not in our Numbers, our Union, or our Valour that I dare trust. I think an Interposing providence hath been evident in all the events that Necessarily led us to what we are—I mean Idependant States—but for what purpose, whether to make us a great Empire, or to make our Ruin more compleat, the issue only can determine….

I am my Dear friend,

Your Sincere Friend & Hum. Servt.

Abraham Clark


Some notes on Apple’s process of intentional obsolescence —

I hear rumbles of running Linux on such systems, but I’ve never had one in house for me to make the attempt.

[Speaking of independence….]

Last edited 2 years ago by cthulhu

Happy 4th of July !  🇺🇸  😀 

just checking in.

made the long drive to northern Ohio from swFl in about 24 hrs, straight thru, ugh, a long strange trip.

took 75 instead of 71 to avoid tolls & mts but Atlanta was awful.

astoundingly gorgeous farms…and abundant farmland producing real crops.

 👉  trees and more trees everywhere


people are real friendly and theySMILE more up here…must be bc of all the beautiful trees.

totally different life here.

it’s sooo quiet !  😍 

Amish buggies go by up on the road several times a day.

wild deer !

and…haven’t seen even one Mexican since Tuesday.


Good to hear you got there safe. Enjoy the Fourth.



gonna take a bike ride as soon as the sun comes up.

whole different terrain here…


country roads..

zero construction sites, heavy equipment, dust.

and less…much less…

 👉  traffic

enjoy your day, as well.

Last edited 2 years ago by smiley2

All good news!


All roads and flights lead through Atlanta eventually. Local saying. It is awful as is Delta Air Lines and its “never ready when you are” reality. I actually use an aerial photo of an Atlanta spaghetti interstate junction in a personal finances class I teach at church occasionally. Reflective of all the life and financial choices and options we face that are confusing and may lead to places unknown and not desired.

Grew up in the opposite corner of the state from where you are. There were areas there that sound similar in some respects. Our area was cornfields, retail development and factories. Yours sounds much more like what I would enjoy. Glad you arrived safely and hope it all works well for you.

Last edited 2 years ago by TradeBait2

The farms and trees and quiet sound really nice!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Glad you made it, your new home sounds wonderful! 🤗🤗SMILEY🤗🤗💞💞


I’ll take wild deer over illegals and snowbird traffic and insanely invasive DEVELOPMENT any day .


Very NICE!


 😂  😂  😂 


Interesting. That one tweet by (not) Biden, received a huge amount of ridicule from the right with many a witty response to the blunderheads total ignorance to all things business and economy. This one is unique though as it rightly points out Biden most likely did not write it, leading one to believe that Biden’s lack of mental acuteness has permeated the entire Biden regime. 🙄😏😮


Notice the veiled threat in the “And do it now.”
Guess the WH intern (or “President Biden” handler) who wrote this tweet heard his/her mother say one too many times, “Make sure you eat your vegetables. And do it now. Or else there’s no TV for you tonight.”




Biden via his handlers is such a LIAR …

Who the heck is causing the price increase… at the BEHEST of the Oil Lobby? The US Gov’t/NATO of course… which is forcing “the West” to destroy their own economies in order for the Cabal through their tool the US Gov’t and its MIL to continue pressing their bootheel on the necks of 99% of the globe.


Biden has lied his way into the senate and never stopped. Went in pure comes out owning $ 5 million homes and is rich and no one carers except we the Patriots.
Biden stinks more than a Limburger cheese  🙄 






WTF? 😳 .. (apologies for the bad word)\



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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.


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Cuppa Covfefe

A Blessed and Happy Fourth of July to everyone!!!

(And safe and sane, despite those who should be forisfamiliated [who are neither safe nor sane])…

Have a QTreemendous time!

Last edited 2 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

And you also Cuppa … you’re not here in America, but a PATRIOT in every sense, even tho’ abroad. Happy 4th of July 😉


Dire news from an organization that claims to be neither pro-vax or anti-vax.

Concerning the yellow card data. Many adverse events to the vax are occurring out side the yellow card parameters which appear to be so damning as reported here. In other words adverse events are happening at later dates than can be easily related to have been caused by the vax, requiring a guess as to the cause. Of course it’s not a hard guess and it’s something that we all know and have predicted.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

IMO, the enhanced spike protein poison in the COVID-19 “vaccines” are “programmed”, via the perverted mRNA technology used in them (Dr. Malone has made it clear that his original mRNA technology was altered), to damage the recipient’s body over a period of time. The unfortunate persons who show evidence of, or succumb to, the damage right away or within a few months after “vaccination” are the ones that are reported to the agencies like VAERS.
it’s the programmed long-term damage from the “vaccines” that will start showing up after a year or two. The medical establishment, CDC, and other agencies, will not consider these events to be related to the “vaccines” — they will insist that “other factors” (age / lifestyle / underlying conditions, etc.) will be the cause.

Last edited 2 years ago by RDS

it’s the programmed long-term damage from the “vaccines” that will start showing up after a year or two.

I wonder if we’re seeing that with the sudden deaths of so many young people who aren’t dying immediately after receiving the vax but at later, unexpected times.


Wait until the babies and toddlers start coming down with myocarditis / pericarditis.

Recall that PFIZER-BIONTECH began a new “clinical trial” on JUNE 15, 2022, the day that the FDA’s VRBPAC committee approved the use of the company’s COVID-19 ‘vaccine” in BABIES 6 months old to TODDLERS 5 years old — a 5-YEAR long study on myocarditis / pericarditis involving ONLY participants who got the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccine”:
Estimated Study Start Date: June 15, 2022
Estimated Study End Date: June 13, 2028
Recruitment Status: Not yet recruiting

This “clinical trial” is also called “Study C4591036.”

In the description of NCT05295290, it appears that only the word “Comirnaty” is used to describe the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccine” that will be used on the age group (6 months to less than 20 years old).
This is ** interesting **, because, if Yours Truly understands correctly, Comirnaty is not being used in the United States — only the “Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine“, BNT162b2, the one under the EUA (and the one STILL in clinical trials until June, 2024) is being used. (NCT04816643)
The description of NCT05295290 further states that two locations, ONLY in the United States, will be used for this clinical trial: One in Massachusetts, and the other in Utah.

This, of course, begs some questions:
Is Comirnaty (“fully approved” by the FDA) now being used in the United States?
Is Comirnaty ONLY going to be used on the 6 months old to 5 years old age group?
In the event that a child who gets the “fully approved” Comirnaty “vaccine” comes down with myocarditis / pericarditis (or, in fact, any other serious adverse event or dies from getting this “vaccine”), is Pfizer-BioNTech open for lawsuits from the parents / guardians of said children?
Do parents / guardians who are stupid enough to allow a child between 6 months of age up to age 18 to get “vaccinated” now have to insist on seeing the EXACT vial and name of the Pfizer-BioNTech “vaccine” used on the child? — if it’s the “Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine”, since that one is under EUA, the company can’t be sued.
Did the FDA make an “exception” for the use of the “fully approved” Comirnaty COVID-19 “vaccine” to somehow rig it that this ‘vaccine” is considered to be under EUA for the 6 months old to 5 year old age group?


To hard to comprehend because it is to painful .


Yep. Remain a pureblood. If too late, stop taking boosters and start building your immunity as discussed on here. It works.

If you get rona sick, use Ivermectin or HCQ with vitamins, supplements and antihistamines as discussed on here. They work. Even being older, I used Ivermectin with the rest and got completely over Omicron in 4 days.


Prayers are will all the poor people who took the jab for some reason or another.


Outstanding start to the week, Wolf.

Independence Day.

I wonder if the communists in DC understand just how much We the People, some 100+ M strong plus children being raised right, hate them with a white hot passion for what they are doing to our land and people?

Retribution is coming like a freight train and there is absolutely nothing they can do to stop it.


In honor of The King and on America’s birthday…


Time for a TB story as eyes roll. It’s OK, it’s your day off. Wolf said he looked forward to these in his other recent thread. The Elvis movie is currently the talk.


My direct connection to The King was from afar. Living in the Delta for a dozen years, he was an icon of course. In his later, jelly donut, porker years I saw him at a Showcase of the Stars charity concert in Memphis at the Orpheum. Thought he was going to split his sequined pants, but I digress. FWIW, Graceland makes for a good day spent if you liked him.

For a number of years I passed by a place on a state highway at the border of Arkansas and Missouri in the bootheel several times per week. After arriving there in the 70’s, I learned from the locals that during the late 40’s into the 60’s there was place at the state line called The Rat Ranch. It was still standing, but the only thing operating there was a liquor store when I lived there. Apparently, things happened there every weekend for decades – partying, music shows, gambling (Illegal – including slots) and such. Use your imagination and you will probably be correct since there was also a rent by the hour fleabag motel there. The authorities looked the other way because they were on the take. One such sheriff during the period was even later convicted for his involvement by a future GOP Senator who was AG at the time. Said sheriff had an ownership interest it appeared, so he he could not claim he did not know. After a certain Missouri Democrat Governor came into power a couple of years later, he pardoned said sheriff through the efforts of a certain LtG who later became a Senator. Said conviction was set aside. Said sheriff later was overwhelmingly voted back into office and ran an illegal bookie operation in his well known regionally restaurant’s office. There are even connections with people who were reportedly involved in the planning of the MLK JR. assassination – which would not surprise me at all. DePat, along with others, probably knows the politicians and can figure out the sheriff in the story.

Said sheriff was a connected, Dem criminal. The neighboring Missouri county sheriff was a white hat at war with the criminal before his conviction. Originally from Texas, he ran a cleaner ship and would put you down if you did the things in his county that the criminal pushed in his. Unfortunately he died of natural causes in his mid-80’s in the mid 60’s.

I lived there – both counties at different times of course. I knew the criminal sheriff (long since deceased) and the bookie, even though I do not gamble. Past associations being what they are and all.

So what does all that have to do with The King? The King performed at the RR on weekends in his younger days before “making it”. He was a truck driver running a route from MS up and down the highway through the area into St. Louis. After his deliveries he stopped there on weekends to perform. The patrons of the RR were all skin colors, but mostly AA locals. Do you now better understand the soul in his music and support from the AA community? He honed his craft there and at other places around the Delta until his “discovery”, Sun Studios and the rest.

But wait, there’s MOAR! Some dozen years later after I left the Delta long after The King had died I had the occasion to meet and get to know more deeply one of his former back-up singers and long term friends. This fellow had known The King as a young teenager who would attend his concerts. It was the great bass, JD Sumner of the Blackwood Brothers and later, JD Sumner & the Stamps fame among other groups. Elvis and JD were tight, so much so JD said Elvis was who got him through his own battles with the bottle, while he would be there for Elvis in his many personal struggles. FWIW, these discussions with JD were just the two of us many times because he had moved to east TN in the years before he died. The place where he lived was owned by a friend and business associate. We had deep discussions about our faith (which was shared) and he would discuss The King often. He said a lot of what was reported about Elvis was bunk, but kept the interest levels up. JD said that personally he had left organized religion, that he felt closest to the Lord with his music and involvement with the Gaither homecomings. Quite a remarkable man with much Americana in him to tell. I loved those hours with him.

Last edited 2 years ago by TradeBait2

and I love your story … thank you for sharing with us!


Whatever you would prefer, Wolf. They will be sort of random as events or people of the day inspire them and time permits. Just let me know what I need to do.


Will do.


No email from you, but I logged out, logged back in and found the black “write” button. Sort of playing with it all now. Is that what should be happening?


I put all the emails in spam and then just push the button away it goes 🙂
I have to try what you did.


Will do.

Be patient with me as I am a newbie at this. I will post and you fix and doll it up so I can learn more.

Working on another one about somebody most all on here would have heard about or known well.




YES, YES. Thank you!


What a wonderful story, and so glad you posted it here!
Sometimes, it’s the back-up singers, members of the band, the crew that travels in the “crew bus” on tours, who really know the “inside scoop” on the star of the show. Sometimes, a person like JD Sumner goes on to become a star in their own right. Most of the back-up singers, band members, crew people, and recording studio gig players that Yours Truly knew and performed with, were happy in their work and left it at that. (One wonders how many “I knew ‘X’ back when” books there might be lurking in their heads!)

Last edited 2 years ago by RDS

So true, RDS! A lot of folks just don’t go there and they really should. Fascinating stories that can enlighten and inform others.

At some point will roll out a few more stories in the music arena. Allman Bros, Porter Wagoner, Dolly – who knows?

Deplorable Patriot

DePat, along with others, probably knows the politicians and can figure out the sheriff in the story.

Actually, this is before my time. I’m younger than I look. The first Senator I ever knew by name was Tom Eagleton.


I remember him 🙂


Just thought you might from MO history. Eagleton was the Lt. Gov./Senator to be. Danforth was the AG and a Senator to be. Hearnes was the Gov. Clyde Orton was the sheriff.

Deplorable Patriot

Ahh. Okay. I met Senator Eagleton when I was eight or nine, I think. Maybe closing in on ten. Jack Danforth wasn’t in the Senate yet? Literally, if I was born yet, it was before I have memories. The first governor I really remember is Kit Bond. But that was after we returned here from Maryland in the mid-80s.


Eagleton was a bud of my ex-FIL. He’s the one who bailed him out of the vote fraud I posted above.

Deplorable Patriot

And, BTW, current statehouse is FAR more Republican than it was then. We got GREAT voting integrity legislation passed in the last week. Photo ID required and no drop boxes.


Great news.

FWIW. Danforth prosecuted my ex FIL for voter fraud in a small town mayoral race back in the day. Happened well before I met my ex. They never told me about it. I found out several years later from a friend, asked them, they told me more. A farm worker of his stuffed the ballot boxes. lol.

A dem’s go to do what a dem’s got to do.


FWIW, I have been around long enough to have learned the lesson of never touching the subject of age and women in the same sentence or topic. 😀 I was quite sure you were not a day over 30 and quite attractive. I just thought maybe a parent or older teacher had informed you about the state’s past politicians.


Cool story!

Believe it or not, Elvis is in my family tree. We are 7th cousins a couple of times removed, so it is WAY back there. It means we had the same 8th gg-father, I think.

I’m Southern. We count cousins a long way back, lol.



Sort of like I am 7-8 times removed from Sgt. Alvin York on my papaw’s side. Well, maybe only 5 or 6, who knows? lol






BRICSS – The End of the Hegemon?

Newsweek reporting Saudi Arabia may join BRICS

“The BRICS and the SCO share one important ideological quality: they are both focused on multipolarity, and their summits have even been held back to back with one another at times,” Matthew Neapole, an international affairs expert and contributor to the Macdonald-Laurier Institute in Canada, told Newsweek.

“Both are angling to act as force multipliers for this drive for multipolarity, to help along with alternatives [i.e, in currency or banking],” he added. “It could, in theory, facilitate economic linkages and step into gaps that U.S. institutions are not filling due to sanctions, such as those laid on Russia.”

Such an alignment would have significant impact on US dollar reserve currency status. Given the pending collapse of the EU due to self-inflicted sanctions damage, there would be no EuroDollar surplus. The US would find itself unable to finance foreign terrorism and state overthrows when it must make reliance on domestic taxpayer funds alone and cannot militarise the global currency system in its favour.

If true this is a great reason to celebrate the 4th of July!!!



It would seem to me that if the BRICS can get the Gulf States to join their alliance then they would have control over a significant percentage of the natural mineral resources of the planet. NATO can expand membership and print money to the end of time but if they have to come hat in hand to the BRICS alliance they are destined to lose. Real resources are required to feed your citizens. South America has already been courted by the BRICS for some while. The United States should have kept its eye on the Monroe Doctrine instead of the Ukraine. All of this puts Israel in a politically vulnerable position. I think the Abraham Accords were an attempt to circumvent this political disaster from becoming unmanageable. Future historians may yet decide that the NATO alliance sparked the end of Western civilization as the driving force of human progress. That presumes there is a future where history is worth remembering.


Amen and Amen.


From what I can reason, PDT had us going that direction until the criminals intervened. The war continues, but eventually I think we will have a prominent seat at that table. Whether that turns out to be a good or bad thing long term is TBD.

It would eventually mean the Federal Reserve as to exists would die, there would be far less wars, there would be less boom/bust in the markets, there would likely be an elimination of the personal income tax and so on. All of it would hinge on no infighting at the table among the national power brokers.

I have to believe that science and space exploration along with related ramifications would be the unifiers that keeps people focused on not killing each other. At least that’s what I dreamed at the Holiday Inn Express last night.


I’m terrible at math, but it seems if these numbers are ball parked it appears 2/3rds of Americans have soured on the vax? (US pop is appox 331 million. 74 million + 157 million = 231 million. )

74.2 million people in the USA have not had a single dose of a Covid-19 Vaccine, & another 157 million have refused a 2nd or 3rd dose according to CDC.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r
Cuppa Covfefe

StavrosSSchwab should be RACKing up a STRETCH goal of (and on) his own…..


I think they wanted 2/3 of the educated western world decimated.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Merchant Mariner son had the J&J single. Various threats back then.

Without prompting by me.

  • Literally five minutes ago he told me, he won’t get a Booster for any reason.
  • Will quit the Merchant Mariner life and get a local job of sorts.

Stole this from Pat F’s blog!

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^^^^ THIS … the children! We must teach them, role model for them!

Cuppa Covfefe

That’s utterly precious. GOD Bless the young girl, and Protect her from the Deep State, the Faust-Xiams. and their ilk.

Sort of like a Normal Rockwell painting come to life…






Huge smile as I scrolled by the Flag and saw the little girl. 🙂





bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Happy Fourth of July Everyone!!!

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Happy 4th to you Dear Butterfly.

May you never run out of bacon!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Thank you Dear PR! 🥰🤗😍🤸‍♀️🥓🤸‍♀️

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INTERESTING TO NOTE – One of the signers of the Declaration of Independence was a physician – Dr. Josiah Bartlett of NH.

One of the Frontline Doctors – the one who discovered (after much prayer for his patients) the efficacy of Budesonide in treating Covid 19 patients – is Dr. Richard Bartlett of TX.




THE BARTLETT family has been traced back to William the Conquerer.

Wonder if the two doctors are related???


There are numerous Richard Bartletts going back centuries!


From our real First Lady….


I’ve been expecting attacks on celebrations of America, like parades. SMH.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Definitely PLANNED. Notice how quick you hear the sirens in the little boy’s video of the parade.

Several Wounded in Gunfire Attack on Fourth of July Parade in Chicago Suburb of Highland Park, Illinois — Several Shot, Wounded (

Sources said the person could be shooting from atop a high building.

The parade route was near Central Avenue and Second Street.

The parade was stopped about 10 minutes after it kicked off at 10 a.m. when shots were fired, striking an unknown number of parade-goers and sending hundreds of people running for safety.

The Highland Park Fourth of July parade ended in panic when shots were fired about 10 minutes after the parade kicked off at 10 a.m. Monday, striking an unknown number of parade-goers and sending hundreds of people running for safety.

Multiple people were shot. A Chicago Sun-Times reporter saw blankets covering three bloodied bodies and five other people wounded and bloodied near the parade’s reviewing stand.
Several witnesses said they heard multiple shots fired. One witness said he counted more than 20 shots.
Miles Zaremski, a Highland Park resident, told the Sun-Times: “I heard 20 to 25 shots, which were in rapid succession. So it couldn’t have been just a handgun or a shotgun.”


Current Illinois gun laws:

According to Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, Illinois does have “strong” gun laws; the organization’s 2021 scorecard ranks the state as eighth in the nation.

● Illinois is among the states with a red flag law, which creates a path for guns to be temporarily removed from someone a court finds dangerous.

● In 2013, with its hand forced by a court order, Illinois became the final state to allow concealed carry.

A license is required to have a gun in public. All gun-owners also must have a FOID, or Firearm Owners Identification Card. 

● Last spring, Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed a law (House Bill 562 / Public Act 102-0237) to “fix” the FOID, by streamlining the process for renewing concealed carry and FOID cards, requiring sellers record private gun sales, creating a state database of stolen guns and encouraging applicants to provide their fingerprints.

None of that stopped this shooting. All the leaders on the Left calling for more gun control know it won’t stop this. They just want no guns to be owned by the people, period.

Last edited 2 years ago by TheseTruths

“So it couldn’t have been just a handgun or a shotgun.”

Another strike against the dreaded rifle, like an AR-15.


Highland Park, Michigan, (a Detroit suburb) is a known training ground for Obozo’s BLM/Antifa street soldiers and the fact that this shooting is in Highland Park, Illinois makes one consider that little tidbit to be an interesting coincidence……

You bring up Kenosha…minutes away from Milwaukee, WI which was the gateway entrance for Obozo’s BLM/Antifa street soldiers to disburse throughout WI/MN/IL/OH during the “summer of love.”

And If one considers the gathering of Obozo’s street soldiers gathering to protest in Akron, Ohio this weekend over the shooting of Jayland Walker & one considers that the Milwaukee gateway is about a 42 minute flight from Akron, Ohio and then one considers that Highland Park Illinois, is only 67 miles from Milwaukee, one might start to consider that this shooting is more than just a coinky dink.


You are very good in putting dots together . Good job 🙂
Thank you  ❤ 


 😎 Thanks singing soul…


Always good to see you. 😅



Love it 🙂 I needet that 🙂



bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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“Happy Independence Day”

We the People will keep it and no Imperialist shall take it from us !


Benjamin Franklin said we have “a republic, if you can keep it” — and we will!


Yes we will 🙂


😜 ..






You’re darn tootin’ .. 🤠👍‼️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸‼️

Que to the 12 second for the .. boom ..

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎





Amen singing🎶❤️

Barb Meier

H/T catturd: a little freedom wrestlemania3 by the puppyturds…


They’re looking more like little dogs now; so cute!


Grown so much in 3 weeks. Wait til he gets a group howl.


“The Adventure of the Pack of Catturd”….it’s right between “The Adventure of the Cardboard Box” and “The Adventure of the Resident Patient.”

Barb Meier

My cat Bradley would love hearing about the Adventure of the Cardboard Box. When I first brought him home, I did not yet understand the cat’s fascination with boxes. LOL He loves Chewy deliveries for the box and well, for the other things Chewy sends him.


This is not merely limited to Bradley….

Last edited 2 years ago by cthulhu

Awesome 😎👍


I love pup vids tho….


Citizen Free Press links to this Axios article:

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) acknowledged the possibility of a presidential run in 2024 in an interview with ABC News on Sunday, but said she hasn’t “made a decision about that yet.”

My first reaction is 😂. Then I realize how Cheney and her ilk are blatantly, all-out anti-Trump. This has escalated greatly since the 2016 campaign.

“The single most important thing is protecting the nation from Donald Trump. And I think that that matters to us as Americans more than anything else, and that’s why my work on the committee is so important,” she said.

Cheney argued that the Republican party “can’t survive” if Trump is the Republican nominee in 2024.

PDJT continues to be a YUGE leader and force for good, and they are so threatened that they openly label him a threat to the country. They are more desperate than ever to stop him.

Why it matters: If she chooses to run, Cheney would join a 2024 Republican field rapidly shaping up, dominated by former President Donald TrumpFlorida Gov. Ron DeSantis and former Vice President Mike Pence.

If PDJT runs again, I don’t think DeSantis would. Anyone else who ran against PDJT would brand themselves as anti-MAGA. I can’t imagine Pence running against Trump and having to criticize him for policies that were enacted while Pence was in office with him. Same for Pompeo. If they are that desperate to stop him, then I think we are on the brink of war. Desperate people do desperate things.

Wyoming Knucklehead

I do hope the Bitch does run. She will get creamed. Guess what? Lizzy came to Wyoming the other day to have a debate with the other candidates. They would hardly let anyone in and it was a PBS place. Ya paid for by the people but not for the people.

Unbelievable, but I actually know people that are going to vote for her. Wyoming people can be so out of touch. Well I guess they can be that way all over.


I guess they can be that way all over.

Huge problem!


“Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) acknowledged the possibility of a presidential run in 2024 in an interview with ABC News on Sunday, but said she hasn’t “made a decision about that yet.”


If that criminal announces, the only reason would be to avoid being indicted, according to the old crook club tradition that ‘candidates’ can’t be investigated or prosecuted.


Gregg Phillips / @greggphillips 07/04/2022 13:21:25
ID: Not Available
Truth Social: 108590221585859739
Mystery hacker says one billion Chinese people exposed in ‘biggest hack in history’
You will likely hear much more about this and similar stories.
Everything is an info op.


comment image


If only we had leaders with that caliber of intellect and principle!


That’s because the debased are (s)electing our ‘leaders’


So true! But good ones seem scarce. People we thought we could trust are showing their true colors.


The system is really broken… has been since end of WW II imho … my entire lifetime! and I don’t know how we can fix it … sorry, a low moment there.


You’re right! Take Pompeo, for just one. “Trust Kansas” what was that about ?

Cuppa Covfefe

Kansas… “Carry On Wayward Son”, “Dust In The Wind”, and, for Bye, Dung (or Dumber), “Nobody’s Home”…

I guess “Left Overture” would be the Album to go with that 🙂

phoenixrising › what-is-a-lobbyist
What is a Lobbyist |
Lobbyists are professional advocates that work to influence political decisions on behalf of individuals and organizations. This advocacy could lead to the proposal of new legislation, or the amendment of existing laws and regulations. However, a lobbyist is prohibited from paying a politician to secure his or her vote on these matters.


” … However, a lobbyist is prohibited from paying a politician to secure his or her vote on these matters.”

Now, that’s a whopper, and not the kind with lettuce and tomato! Prohibited? By whom?


That’s the $60.000.00 question right there .. 🤨‼️


Thank you so much W0lf, I appreciate what you do very much, outstanding and totally awesome. God bless you and your loved ones abundantly .. always, you’re such a blessing to everyone.

Happy Forth of July, Independence Day … ❤️🇺🇸❤️ ..

Cuppa Covfefe


As opposed to this one 🙂 (there’s no business like snow business… gosh I wish it would rain a bit, at least)…




😂 🤚 I had share this with my son, hilarious … poor kitty … lol


James 4:10 Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Fox reporting 5 dead, 16 wounded at the parade attack.


Citizen Free Press has some tweets and videos.
BREAKING: 5 dead, 19 injured after mass shooting at July 4th Parade according to Highland Park police.
-Police say Suspect still on the loose. People urged to shelter in place. @cbschicago


Six people were killed and 24 others were hospitalized in a shooting at a Fourth of July parade in Highland Park, according to officials.

The downtown parade was disrupted around 10:10 a.m. Monday after shots were fired.

At a news conference Monday afternoon, Officer Chris O’Neill said the gunman, who is still on the loose and is considered arm and dangerous, is described as a white male, 18 to 20 years old, long black hair, small build and was wearing a white or blue T-shirt. He said a rifle was recovered on the scene.

Police addressed rumors that were circulating throughout social media and said there is no indication that the gunman was barricaded or had hostages. 

Police said it did appear that the gunman was shooting from a roof, but did not confirm the location. 

Seven law enforcement agencies, including state police and the Lake County Sherriff’s Office, are assisting with the active shooter response.


“Seven law enforcement agencies, including state police and the Lake County Sherriff’s Office, are assisting with the active shooter response.”


Only seven?

Not enough cooks in the kitchen.

Need MOAR agencies involved to turn the investigation into a proper interagency clusterfark, to better cover up state involvement.


Ezra Cohen, Yesterday, 7/3, said on Telegram: “False Flag Warning For July 4”

Just sayin’ …

Cuppa Covfefe

And the Deep State and the DEMONRAT Deathmocrats (but I repeat myself) will just consider those victims as “collateral damage”…..
😡 😡 😡 😡


hell, they probably see them as sacrifices to their cult of ungodliness and hope that it’ll make people think guns are bad….the opposite is true.


July 4th in my SC bubble…parade around the tiny island. Everybody in their red, white and blue. Decorated golf carts, a couple of flatbed trucks with sleepy Joe themes, lots of Trump flags, FJB flags.
Everybody to a one talking about wanting our freedom and country back. It was a great day until the rain started to pour right before the flyover supposed to happen.

PS~ Contrary to what the Demtards believe…these Patriots were all ages, plenty of young families with lots of kids among them and on the way! Very encouraging.

Last edited 2 years ago by mollypitcher5

Sounds fun.Can you believe its only mid 70s today where i am? Cool at night. Only for a couple days but ill take it.


That’s nice and cool !

Small towns are good for this kind of thing. I remember going with the family to try and watch fireworks in San Diego. I was exhausted by the time we got to the good viewing spot, crammed in with a zillion other people ! Then, when it’s over…….walk walk walk back to car.
Last year we were all here so we were in the parade .


Yeah so few fireworks shows here anymore and thats the trouble.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

We’re in high 90’s-100+ daily since May. Fireworks shows cancelled all over (from Galveston to 120+ miles north) due to drought conditions.


Yes that bad. Just heard a bottle rocket and some other biguns. Its 2hrs before its dark still.
I pray these people dont start a fire.


Happy Independence Day!


Last edited 2 years ago by mollypitcher5

They just said on fox a sniper type shot, male, 18-20. So….autyfa, blm, Supreme court ruling, dom terrorist?
Mr was wondering if its muslims but i dont think they are our biggest problem.
Hes very upset that auntfa wasnt made a terrorist org when Trump was in.


They should be declared terrorists but they seem to be the Dem’s very own terror group.
First the Wisconsin parade and now this.


Thats what i thought about. Dont forget the blm black guy that ran his car through the parade too.


He can thank Mr Barr …


Such an idiot






Who is the lady on the left ?

Deplorable Patriot

The new Supreme Court rubber stamp for all Marxist causes.


Oh, thanks.


Unless there are some reputable Biologists in the house it’s safer not to speculate.😁


I saw a tweet from Bette Midler. She’s been so obnoxious about Leftie crap….well she stepped in it by saying something about women losing their identity with being described as birthing people or menstruating people……..she got the true woke smackdown.
She should understand by now…do not have an opinion that doesn’t follow the radical Left script.


She should just shut up and sing, or whatever it is she supposedly does.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

We know that’s Groomer Brown, but what it is is indeterminate since we’re not biologists.🥴


“Who is the lady on the left ?”


No ‘lady’, I guar-an-tee.


Kenji. The NOT SC bitch that can’t define a women.

Cuppa Covfefe

Probably something like this, after mushmouth KamelHoe was done “speaking”:

If you’re riding uphill in a canoe
and your wheel falls off,
How many pancakes does it take
To fit in a doghouse?

Bye,Done 😀


From IntelSlava

Former deputy head of the Kaliningrad region Sergey Eliseev appointed head of the government of the Kherson region

The government of the Kherson region was headed by the first vice-premier of the Kaliningrad region Sergey Eliseev.

After Kiriyenko’s recent visits to the Kherson, Zaporozhye and Kharkiv regions, the process of strengthening civil administrations, including personnel administration, began to be accelerated at the expense of Russian officials, as had already happened in the DPR and LPR.

An important step for future integration with Russia.

Since the war will be long, the processes of managing and organizing life in the liberated territories are no less important than purely military tasks. As the organizational and economic isolation of these territories from Ukraine, the administrative and economic orientation towards Russia will increase, this time without the intermediate format of people’s republics, but as regions intending to become part of Russia without obtaining the intermediate status of independent states.

How effectively these processes will be organized will become clear in the fall, when it will be necessary to demonstrate readiness for winter, the completion of the harvesting campaign and progress in the distribution of Russian passports. Of course, there are still tasks of CTO, but these are already issues related to the activities of the FSB, the National Guard and the military.


This fat utter douchebag “Fatzger” has the gall to call for “gun control ” when he has had plenty of time to manage criminal behavior in the state.

Cuppa Covfefe





Of course it is. If it was the phantom white domestic terrorist he wouldn’t have chosen a predominately white area.


Hummm …. leme riddle this one out for a sec … where is DuhOne from? Bill Ayers? Dorn??

Yea, Commie through and through …


Red Diaper Babies – all !!


Yes, leftists ideologically opposed to the American way of life.


Where is that list of criminals released without bail in Lake and Cook counties? Who is the DA that trusted Jussie?




STHU Pritzker…this kind of gun violence is BECAUSE of the push to take away 2A rights. We all know who backs this violence.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Right on cue, in chimes Creepy, He is Shocked! 😱

Cuppa Covfefe

50 KVA or so….

Stay away from wet concrete…


I don’t understand under what or whose authority does Gates operate ? He can just decide to release mosquitos or pass out vaccines in foreign countries?


Pathetic. The globe is held hostage by these self worshipping madmen.
( including the Zucks and Bezos who can buy voting drop boxes)

Last edited 2 years ago by mollypitcher5

I expected this. And once started… he needs a good ol fashioned type of Justice.

Cuppa Covfefe

Could do a few alpha- and beta-tests to see if they work…

Maybe sugar syrup and fire ants to start…

Cuppa Covfefe

Almost as if he’s “gunning” to be the man of Perdition…..


Gates understands how to deal with politicos.

  • Money under the table? Gold?

Satan’s minion


just reading “Bathhouses, Saunas & Sex Clubs” makes me want to take a shower in clorox

Cuppa Covfefe

Gives a whole new meaning to the word “congress”…..

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Cut the crap, it’s men having sex with men, aka MAIDS. 🙄

Last edited 2 years ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

Always seems to be the cause of spreading disease for generations because…its an outie not an innie.

Cuppa Covfefe

As described by the indelicate British/Oz expression “Bugger it all”…

Romans 1… which they’ve probably never read…


Cut the crap. Lemme help.


Cuppa Covfefe


Better watch out towel-boy…..


“Staff of Bathhouses”


That’s a call-out to Bathhouse Barry 👍


It’s the ones that work for tips….


I see what you did there.


They get shafted.


Oops. I thought we left MonkeyPox a couple weeks ago. AND I missed whatever BS was being tossed at the masses.

^^^ Benefit of being on the road a lot.


Jim Breuer (the goat boy 😂). Go to 1:20 for his take on the vaccinated.


 😂  👍 


Whole thing is good! Need more of this stuff.
Ridicule these people off the planet!



bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Cuppa Covfefe

Just walked through three cow-pies, five roadapples, some sheep-sheet, and some “gully” (farm waste and excreta)…

Stepping on those three would make my boots dirty….. 😀


Is your son as funny as you?

Cuppa Covfefe

Worse 🙂 He makes bi-lingual and cross-lingual puns… He’s also had Latin and French in school, so I’m sure there are zingers that flew by me that I missed 🙂

(Plue, he has an incredible memory, so he has a ton of them 🙂 ).. He remembers jokes and British humour from shows like Remington Steele and the Bond Movies, and NCIS and such. Every. Single. Remington. Steel. Title…

(In the Steele of the Night, Steele Crazy after all these years, Caught Steeling, etc. … I can’t keep up with him 🙂 )….


Oh what a joy he must be!

Brave and Free

That’s good, there needs to be a few more on there. Zero, McStain and mittens come to mind, oh and the turtle.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

We’re gonna need a bigger rug. Carpet perhaps? 😀

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

British Parliament Forms July 4 Commission To Investigate Colonial Insurrection | Babylon Bee

British Parliament Forms July 4 Commission To Investigate Colonial Insurrection
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h/t peggy from gab qtree.
Antifa leader standing directly behind Maxine Waters as she speaks at a pro-abortion event.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

Antifa Leader – Joseph “Jose” Alcoff | 10-63Joseph “Jose” Alcoff works with congressional Democrats as part of his day job as a manager with a DC-based advocacy group. But he spreads socialist and communist propaganda when going by the name “Jose Martin.” Identifying as “Chepe,” Alcoff advocates for the violent overthrow of the government and for the murder of the rich.


Wonder why he doesn’t start the murder-the-rich ball rolling by killing those greedy rich SOB’s that he works with in Congress ? Be a pantifa it !

Cuppa Covfefe

Sounds like insurrection and Sedition to me…


bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

If you know a parent considering vaxxing their kid remind them that THIS is the kind of proof that they have that it is safe and effective
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Cuppa Covfefe

However, they all died of Pericarditis, and hypertrophic cardiomyopathies due to Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia… and other electrophysiological heart issues…



“TwiHighland Park active shooter

Robert Crimo III was identified as the man accused of being the mass shooter at a Fourth of July parade in Highland Park, Illinois.

According to Fox News, a canine unit was searching for the shooter, who remained at large. Robert E. Crimo III is the suspect’s name with middle initial. He also goes by the name Bobby Crimo.”


“A person of interest has been identified in Monday’s deadly mass shooting at a Fourth of July parade outside Chicago, authorities said.

Officials said he was 22-year-old Robert “Bobby” E. Crimo III and is believed to be driving a 2010 silver Honda Fit.”


Good. Named. His social media is still up and is being posted all over the net.


Yes, gone. Watched it.
That symbol you see kept revolving around in the vid, obstructing most. Showed him in his room, chanting doing a slow mystic like talk “I’m a sleep walker” and other minor junk. Showed a rifle in the first few seconds. Can’t remember the rest, only saw it once before it came down.


Oh yeah, this guy’s completely normal.

No warning signals here…

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As of 2008, his father was a resident of Highland Park:

Name: Robert E Crimo, Jr
Previous Residence: Highland Park, IL
Previous Residence Postal Code: 60035
Residence Date: 6 Aug 2008
Residence Place: Highland Park, Lake, Illinois, United States
Residence Place (Original): Highland Park, Illinois, United States
Event Type: Residence
Household Identifier: 1382057886

Citing this Record
“United States Public Records, 1970-2009”, database, FamilySearch ( : 14 August 2020), Robert E Crimo, Jr, 2008.


Why do they all look like Adam Lanza?


Actually, this one looks a lot like his Dad, who went to Highland Park High School.


See above for immigrant and family information.


Dead soul for a long time, internalized deep struggle.


This family has been in Highland Park since the immigrant arrived. Robert the first was born about 1929.

Looks like the immigrant went by the name Sam, but since he was Italian, that was an Americanized name. There is a Guiseppe who immigrated in 1914. Could be him.


Italian, runs a deli, immigrant. Too bad he chose this path a long time ago.


I just found this, may be skateboarding video of shooter.


This will disappear fast.

The song is “repeating even if the cops come calling” and in comments people say this is the same area with the building he fired from in background. So small frame build and long black hair. Which one?

Last edited 2 years ago by gil00

Pic for tats. At 20 that much? Auntyfa.. r v w payback?

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Look at his eyes… there’s nobody home


No. Not for a while. Parents run a deli and dad ran for mayor once. This kid has been posting videos since he was 11. No supervision.


No, it’s an expression … means there’s “no one in his head/eyes… “no one home”


They scored a winner with this guy….. Trump stuff, Pepe, even had a song “I am the storm”

They’re going to get a lot of mileage from this


People must be suspicious.
Itd be nice if Emerald star or sadie were here.


His pic below.


pic in the circle looks like the one below.
Now it’s off line so if you click play like I did it will go away.


Amazing how fast Big Tech can remove content when they want to.


NATO tax dollars at work. European values on show. What Standing with Ukraine means.

“TWO Ukrainian communist brothers have appealed to the European Parliament for support after what they described as a show trial opened last week.

“Alexander and Mikhail Kononovich were banned from attending the hearing which took place on Thursday and Friday, instead appearing via video-link.

“I want to address the European left. Comrades, we appeal to you and want the deputies of the European Parliament to visit Ukraine and attend our next court session.

“So that they themselves can see and tell the whole world how people are put on trial in Ukraine,” Mikhail Kononovich said.

“The brothers also called on European media outlets to attend their hearing “so that the whole world can see the true face of the Zelensky regime.”

“Last week’s hearing opened without the presence of a lawyer who was told that there would be no trial.
“After he left the judge opened proceedings and heard the case without without either the defendants or their legal counsel present.
“Yesterday and today we were not brought to court,” the brothers said. “They are afraid that we are telling the truth. But the truth will still come out.”

“They claimed that they have not been allowed to speak to a lawyer and insist that the case against them is “completely fabricated, from start to finish.”
“We consider this a provocation against the state of Ukraine,” they said.
“We were arrested on ethnic grounds, we are ethnic Belarusians. In the centre of Europe, people are imprisoned on the basis of nationality, that I am the leader, and Sasha [Alexander] is the deputy of the Belarusian community,” Mikhail Kononovich said.

“There is no democracy in Ukraine and there can be no question. This is evidenced by our arrest, our trial,” he continued.
“Alexander Kononovich said that the right to criticise the government is enshrined in the Ukrainian constitution and that they should not be facing trial.
“The brothers were detained on March 3 soon after the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Prominent communist youth leaders, they were accused of spying for Russia and Belarus.
It was feared they were to be executed in the immediate aftermath of their arrest, however the European Union has ignored appeals to ensure their safety raised by the Greek Communist Party.

“Last month they were pictured alive for the first time, although their lawyer said they had been tortured and threatened with life in prison unless they admitted to the charges against them.”

From Today’s Morning Star


Ding ding.
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Cuppa Covfefe


Looks Middle-Eastern, but could well be Persian, i.e. Iranian….. Sleeper cells, anyone?
Taking advantage of the Bye,Dungs and the Klintoons…..


Dunno. Eastern euro with that mixed in too.

Cuppa Covfefe

Zelensky’s cousin or some such?


The family is Italian. I traced them back to an immigrant in 1914.


I did wonder about mafia.


Mafia families are interesting. Don’t ask me how I know.

Old school mafia is very strict morally, believe it or not. Killing civilians would get this kid murdered in the old days. I don’t know about now.



Cuppa Covfefe

d’Alessandro Gambino…..


Insta et al have been DELETED!


Dutch farmers who have been protesting for weeks over the government’s radical plan to cut nitrogen emissions by 50% – 95% by 2030 have taken things to the next level – pouring manure on government offices in response to the plan which would cause widespread chaos – including the death of 1/3 of Dutch farms.

more at link

Cuppa Covfefe

Kind of funny reading this with Holly’s “you really can’t make this shit up” quoted tweet below 😆

When the farmers get riled up, watch out.

I used to drive through Holland regularly back in the 1980s, at least once if not twice a month. In wintertime, they fields would be covered with snow, with “gully” (animal excrement) covering that, and steaming like all get out. Needless to say, it stunk to high heaven (and to low hell, as a classmate of mine used to say). Coalinga is perfume compared to the hideously acrid, penetrating, suffocating smell that that “gully” produced.

So it that’s what they’re spraying on the offices (where an infinitude of BS is produced), MORE POWER TO THEM!!!!!

It’ll take days to clean that up and deodorize it…

One of Holland’s major exports, of course, are their Tulips and bulbs. They also export an enormous amount of (greenhouse grown) tomatoes and bell peppers of all shapes, sizes and colors.

Crippling the Dutch farming inustry would kill their economy.

Time to lock up the eco loons and get them out of our way for good…..

Btw, many, if not most of those greenhouses have CO² pumped in to raise the levels to around 1400 ppm, to force faster and better growth… the greens are probably having a hissy-fit over that, too…..


TY Cuppa …


Great info, Cuppa. Thanks!


It’s all theater.

Nobody is serious, until someone — or preferably, a lot of someones — stops the criminals in positions of power.

Cuppa Covfefe

Next up, Ebonic Plague 😀

Cuppa Covfefe

They could have just stopped at Lousi 🙂


Videos are disappearing. Hers another. Quick.


Hope this is the guy who actually did it, because if it isn’t, he might as well have.

Looks like a refugee from a Devo concert.


Anybody under 50 probably never heard of Devo.


You could be right. The only song of theirs I can think of is Working in a Coal Mine, from the soundtrack of the animated film Heavy Metal (1981).

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I thought I remembered MTV videos of Devo wearing that style of sunglasses. I couldn’t find any pics though, just photos of them wearing the red plastic hats, so maybe I was thinking of someone else.

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I remember those sunglasses, too.

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Yeah, those are close, but I was thinking more like these:

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I found those by searching “devo sunglasses”, and the photo is titled Blue Wrap Robot Trekkie Devo Hair Band Robotica Android Sunglasses.

So there’s a connection there somewhere, but maybe some other 80s band wore that visor type of sunglasses.

The 1980s is pretty much a black hole for me, music-wise. When MTV launched in 1981 with the Buggles’ song Video Killed the Radio Star, I went the other direction, back to the 70s and 60s… and 50s… anywhere but the 80s 😁


80s music is not my fave, either.


There’s just no way to bridge the gap, from Zeppelin, Stones, Doors, Who, Hendrix, etc., to this…

WTH is that?!?


or this:


It’s just not gonna happen… there was never even a tiny chance.

It’s like trying to get Dirty Harry to turn gay… 😂 🤣 😂




Im guessing by the videos he has posted and the song abovereeating “Im losing myself” we are looking at schizo, mk, and leftist influence to the 9th.
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Last edited 2 years ago by gil00

That’s a disturbing video. Good find. I think you’re right.

Cuppa Covfefe

I think “MK and I”, blurted out by Schitzker, was some sort of a tell…

Definitely an MK trigger was pulled… Wonder if he has FIBs or TLAs in his family tree…

Last edited 2 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Again, he/she looks perfectly normal in the photo. That’s no desperate cry for help, I’m sure lots of dudes dress that way 🙄

No signs or signals of mental health issues… it’s no wonder nobody could see anything like this coming… 😉


it’s no wonder nobody could see anything like this coming

I’m starting to hold the circle of people surrounding these criminals accountable for at least not speaking out.


Amen, me too!

Where were this boy’s parents? For God’s sake, I would do an involuntary commit on one of my kids if they were that screwy.



“Theyre floating this as maga and yes, people believe it…”


No, nobody believes pink hair ponytail tranny weirdos have anything to do with MAGA.

Absent any hilariously bogus narrative push by the deviants themselves, every person in the country on the planet would associate that whack-job with the deviant Left.




Auntyfa minion.

Cuppa Covfefe



Looks a lot like schizophrenia.


Sounds about right.




So edgy, so much teen angst🙄

At least friends and family are in the clear.

Who could have predicted trouble with this guy?





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Tat over left eye.
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Cuppa Covfefe

Awake. I guess that means “woke”…


The left needs to own this creep,


The immigrant ancestor was Salvatore Crimi, born in Italy in 1896. Immigrated about 1914. Registered for the WWI draft at age 22. Draft card says he was a barber. He served in WWI in France, and came home in April 1919. He left for the war in Sep 1918. Not there long; I have to wonder if he was wounded.

This family may turn out to be innocent bystanders to their son’s horror story.


“Tat over left eye.”


Looks like he started using his face the way most people use post-it notes.

Could just be a self reminder to attend an upcoming wake.

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467



People have been doing post it tats a lot over the past 3 years. Id like to see them be rebels and be clean!

Cuppa Covfefe

There’s going to be awake after he’s Arkancided…


OOh. Number 17 on right temple. Proof! He’s Q!!!


I think it’s a 47, and it’s a gamer thing:

The main character from the Hitman series. Tall, bald and with a barcode on the back of his head, he prefers black suits, .45 Silverballers, the Walther W2000 and fibre wire. Also enjoys gardening. Once a devout Catholic, gave up his faith after being forced out of retirement.
Sergei. 17’s gone. This is 47

I don’t know, but that’s what I think it is.


Not surprising.


Its 47. Theres another number and he uses them in a video.


“Awake” is what he calls himself.


From video on Instagram theres a screenshot that has a newspaper with oswald shot taped to his wall.

Last edited 2 years ago by gil00
Cuppa Covfefe

Shiny Red Diaper distraction…


Comment lifted from MoA:


Russia’s MFA on what appears to be an attempted Color Revolution in Uzbekistan:

We are closely following the events in the friendly Republic of Uzbekistan, where a nationwide discussion of amendments and additions to the Constitution of the country is taking place in line with the course of its leadership to improve the legal foundations for the development of the state.

Against this background, the riots in Nukus were provoked by violators of the law and resulted in acts of violence and vandalism. There are human casualties and injured, including among law enforcement officers of the Republic of Uzbekistan. According to the Russian Embassy, at the moment no injured Russian citizens have been identified in Karakalpakstan.

We advocate the solution of any issues within the legal framework, and not through street riots.

We welcome the measures taken by the leadership of Uzbekistan and are confident that they will contribute to the full normalization of the situation in this part of the country.

Here’s more from TASS:

“Mass riots occurred in Karakalpakstan on July 1-2 in protest against plans to change the region’s status in Uzbekistan’s amended constitution. The authorities said that people had been misled in a bid to seize local government agencies. Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev declared a state of emergency in the region and dropped plans to introduce constitutional amendments that would deprive Karakalpakstan of the status of a sovereign republic within Uzbekistan and the right to secede from the country through a referendum.” [My Emphasis]

That’s a built-in problem ready to be exploited by CIA. Gotta purge the 5th columnists then reintroduce the proposed changes. The heavy attack on police give away the instigating agency.


A 22-year-old “person of interest” has been taken into police custody in connection to the deadly mass shooting at a Fourth of July parade outside Chicago, according to a local report.

What do you think? Be the first to comment.

A North Chicago police officer spotted the vehicle matching the police description and a short police pursuit followed. Robert “Bobby” Crimo III eventually surrendered to officers in Lake Forest without incident.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Highland Park shooting person of interest Robert Crimo captured after manhunt | Fox News

Robert E. Crimo III is also known as ‘Awake the Rapper’ and he published a cryptic video in October

Crimo is also known as “Awake the Rapper.”

IMDB describes Crimo as a “six foot Hip hop phenom” born on Sept. 20, 2000. “He’s the middle child of three and of Italian descent.”

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Robert E. Crimo, 22, has been identified as a person of interest in the July 4th parade attack in Highland Park, Illinois in which at least six people were killed.  (Highland Park Police Department)

Crimo began uploading his music to the internet at age 11, but first gained traction with his 2016 track “By The Pond” featuring Atlas, according to IMDB. His estimated net worth is “$100 thousand.”

Crimo is the son of Bob Crimo, president at Bob’s Pantry & Deli in Highland Park. According to his Facebook account, the father ran for Highland Park mayor in 2020.

The rapper released a cryptic track called “Are You Awake” on Oct. 15, 2021. The track appears to suggest that Crimo was planning a life-defining act beyond his ability to stop. The video includes drawings of a man aiming a rifle at another person.

The video also includes an image of a newspaper clipping about Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated President John F. Kennedy, and another image of a victim shot with blood spraying from the body.

“Like a sleepwalker, I am unable to stop and think,” he says in the track. “My actions will be valiant and my thought is unnecessary. I know what I have to do, I know what’s in it, not only for me, but for everyone else.”
“There is no past or future, just the now,” he adds. “It is more abstract than I can ever imagine. I can feel the atmosphere pushing me in. It’s unstoppable, like a wave pulling me under, I can’t breathe without it.”
“I need to leave now, I need to just do it. It is my destiny, everything has led up to this,” Crimo says. “Nothing can stop me, not even myself. Is there such thing as free will, or has this been planned out, like a cosmic recipe?”

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Last edited 2 years ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

Uh huh.

Cuppa Covfefe


Just reeks of MK (look at VigilantCitizen for TONS of examples in their MK series).

Mengele never really died; his Demonic soul lives on in the TLAs…..



They filtering this one.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. I get an “age-restricted” warning saying the content can only be viewed if I log into Twitter, which ain’t gonna happen… big bother…

Oh, wait.

Maybe I’m too old…..


Yep, just one of the bois…


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oh, above is h/t to AllieTX39 same as this.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

Anyone figure out the symbol yet? Where’s Sadie?
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I’ve been working on it, but haven’t found it yet.



It reminds me of something, I just can’t quite get it.


It looks like a German Iron cross, except turned at about 45 degrees.

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Last edited 2 years ago by scott467





Could be. I used to be a pretty serious quilter.


He also has 47 tat on his right temple and in his toy soldier vid. Notable.


“Anyone figure out the symbol yet?”


Pole smoker?


Dog tags hanging on the mirror?


Lots of goodies popping up today.


Same thread.


Gift from his FIB handler 👍


No matter what he really is….in his documented SM, there’s a lot of weird ammo against our side….. pictures of him a Trump events, thin blue line, Pepe the frog. The black hats are going to use this


him being the artsy type, all his MK manipulation is all mixed in his thoughts which he blows all over his sm..they split this dudes brain


Reposting down here. Hes at the end.


That doesn’t make him a Trump supporter, any more than Oswald being in Dallas made him a Kennedy supporter.


Pepe the frog is definitely a mock. Same with others. Posted it around here somewhere just a minute ago.


One more someone managed to get to rumble before it was taken down.
Hey! It’s rumble you have to click to watch!

Last edited 2 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Cuppa Covfefe

In an odd way that’s reminiscent of those little decision-maker things (Origami fortune-teller) made out of folded-up paper, which had four “leaves” which you could move with your fingers. They were a thing a while back, after having disappeared for decades…


This pic is being used to say he was MAGA.
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I found some posts saying he was a well known cop hater and constantly mocked maga.


Or Kenosha?


Maybe, seems the type.


I dont see that anywhere but he was close enough, wouldve been 20 y/o.

I am seeing A TON of leftists saying hes a Trump supporter and nra 2a nut.
My eyes and his vids are not wrong.
He is a leftist, mk, and schizo.


I agree. Scout for dsa, considering the rose tat.


Ok, pic of him in suit initially set off bells for me and made me think Trump. This video is him close to POTUS, at end in that suit.


Huh, the suit looks very big, like he just wanted anything.


Easily would have caught SS sites IF Trump was on foot.

Can’t recall anyone wearing a tie and coat at a Trump Rally.

Even dumber to wear a tie and coat for a VERY brief motorcade drive by.


Definitly infiltrating.


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So alot of questions on the 47 stamped on his temple and on his car. Saw two other numbers in one of his vids.

Someone thinks the symbol is aztec. Four corners and may have something to do with ritual killing?

Cuppa Covfefe

It’s a Norse pagan symbol, associated with Midsommar, but was adopted by other religions in a sort of “take the best, leave the rest” thing.

IIRC, Apple took some heat for adopting that symbol, but blew it off as fanacism… had a great page on symbols, but they appear to be (taken?) down…

Cuppa Covfefe

Scary thought, that, but it would explain some things, especially about the valley…


Wierd all around.


Looks more like he’s mocking MAGA.


Wolf, that symbol is all over everything this guy did. I think it may be some kind of personalized MK trigger. In this video, in the scene at the very end, it looks like it is in his head. You can only see the top part of it.


This is the vid where the numbers 47, 23. and 115 also 159 and 333 come up along with other symbols at the 1:09 mark.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

Hmmm. Interesting. The immigrant who started this line had a wife named Rose.


It’s possible, isn’t it?


Looks like maybe he was at a rally as a protester?


or infiltrator.




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Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

So typical. The asshats who never said a word about the elderly and children being mowed down a few months ago suddenly are so concerned about the innocent lives taken..GMAFB


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Cuppa Covfefe

Wonder if the Klintoons will loan the TLAs a Jack Ruby…..


That guy being at Trump rallies is a scary thought.


Indeed. Its what i said upthrend.


Why’s the flag all blacked over behind him ?
Is he doing an Ashli Babbitt murder scene or something ?


Dont know


OK – before I hit the sack I just have to tell what I just saw on the local news. So it has to be true, right?

Have to.

Want all of you to pay attention because I want you to watch for this terrible activity and report it to the authorities.

What is it you may ask?

Go ahead, ask.

Alright, no more delays.

It is serious and a PSA is needed.


Apparently there are people out there that discriminate based on the appearance of other people’s hair and it simply must stop or it will be reported to authorities.

It’s being reported by hair stylists as tearful customers come in to have their hair changed so as not to endure ridicule.

Probably a hate crime. Serious consequences, folks.

No more blue or pink hair jokes or you will get tossed in the pokey.

Just sayin’ – be on your best behavior and it you see some hair style that is hideous, divert your gaze to a crack in the pavement or the bug on the window or whatever. Look – squirrel!!!

I feel better now, I will sleep better knowing I made my fellow Q-treepers aware.

Have no idea how the news announcer kept a straight face and kept from laughing, but she handled it like a good sheeple.

Last edited 2 years ago by TradeBait2

So my constantly calling them unicorn hair freaks is biased against unicorns?


You are going to get into big trouble, friend.


I can’t stop laughing long enough to get ready for bed. I mean it was not a troll job or April Fool’s joke. They were serious with interviews of stylists and customers. Serious, you are in trouble tone of voice.



“So my constantly calling them unicorn hair freaks is biased against unicorns?”


Seems biased toward truth


^^^ That’s funny. AND, in the “Can’t Make This Shit Up” realm.

Last day in Texarkana area. Went into a Home Depot to ask the goof about carpet, tile and such. The little goof in her orange apron, had bright orange hair. Did I mention BRIGHT ORANGE. A Neon orange of sorts.

With a big smile, I asked her, IF HD paid her extra for the orange hair.   :wpds_exclamation: 

Yea, don’t think she appreciated my being a smart ass.

Surprise here. All of her answers were less than helpful and seemed to be incomplete.


Lol….you couldn’t help it. Totally unprofessional look.


When they said, “no”, you should have leaned in closer, and said in a quiet, earnestly helpful, voice, “they should, you know….”

Last edited 2 years ago by cthulhu

Yea. IF I was a bit quicker, I would have. 🙂

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


Cuppa Covfefe

Sounds like she was a bit of an Orange-u-tang…


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“No more blue or pink hair jokes or you will get tossed in the pokey.”


Too late, I already noted a pink haired ponytail tranny weirdo earlier in the thread.


Oops! I did it again…


They’re changing their hairstyle to avoid ridicule? Then things are working as they have for millennia. Go against societal norms or what makes people comfortable and they will let you know about it. That might not always be the best thing, but it’s what happens. And it’s an effective way to show people that what they’re doing might be ill-advised. (Example: Finding a job could be tough.)

But how weak do you have to be in your own convictions to tearfully get a new do because someone made fun of you? If you’re going to have nose rings and pink hair, you’d better be ready to stand up for your own individualism.


“But how weak do you have to be in your own convictions to tearfully get a new do because someone made fun of you?”


There is entirely too much crying and caterwauling amongst the young’uns today…

Not a very hearty lot… 😂


MUST SEE: Hot Dog Eating Champ Joey Chestnut Chokes Out Animal Rights Protester and Takes Him to the Ground with a Mouth Full of Weiner Before Winning Contest (VIDEO)


Joey Chestnut lives in San Jose near the Fiancee’s personal trainer, who is a fan.


Dumb as a box of rocks, The Hoe…

MAYBE the wh allows Hoe to blather unending nonsense to deflect from BiteMe’s bumbling mouth.

Sorta, a threat, 25th BiteMe and we get Hoe.




Camel-Uh: “My mother was a woman, my grandmother was a woman”


No kidding, you imbecile.

Everybody’s mother and grandmother was a woman.


Insufferable. And she’s talking about “rights being taken from women,” but no rights were taken. Abortions are still available at various places in this country. Some corporations will pay for women to go and get them. (I haven’t heard anything about paying for a birthing-person-with-male-body-parts getting one, but I imagine that would be accommodated too if it were ever requested. 😂 )

Last edited 2 years ago by TheseTruths

Finally connected the dots. Yea, I am s l o w.

Shooting in IL. Maybe another location. I really don’t click on that crap.

Have been to a couple Fourth’s at Virginia City, NV. Few LE seen in past years.

Today, likely entire Virginia city PD on patrol. Patrol vehicles and foot. Constant presence seen.

Gotta be in response to IL and such.

As usual, several citizens openly carrying.


There’s been another shooting, this one in Philadelphia. 2 police shot, stable condition. Shooter believed to be hiding in the woods.


Happy Birthday America And All you Wonderful patriots!!!


Nice imagery!


Enjoyed that.

Deplorable Patriot

Give me a bit on tomorrow’s daily. Siblings are yammering at me.


If it gets to be too much, you could slap a “dear kmag” on the Elvis post and just run with it. You know, kind of a Trade-Bait-and-Switch…..

Deplorable Patriot

It would help if the Couch Commando wouldn’t play twelve year old brother and hide my mouse.


Looks like they got him:


I pulled these from one of the DM comment sections. This would be good to verify.

“Edward Hand, Germantown, United States, 18 minutes ago

On 01/25/21 he tweeted support for jailing the January 6th protesters. Your reporting is weak. The only people who believe this guy is a Republican would say the same thing about Adam Kinzinger


Dumpster Fire, London, United Kingdom, 18 minutes ago

$100k net worth laughable. According to his uncle, this loser is uneducated, hasn’t had a job in two years, a complete loner, and is in the process off losing the family home they he shared with his dad and uncle.”


In a burb out of Chicago no less!

Deplorable Patriot

July 5 is up, and I’m going down for the count. Later y’all.


Sleep well, dear DePat, and may you meet the new day fully refreshed.


«The need for symbolism shall be their downfall» yet it is curious to see the symbol and any connections, however tenuous to other events.

The looped square symbol appears on road signs in several European countries, indicating there is some interesting historical location, building or similar. This is likely why Apple chose it for its start key. «Interesting stuff here», basically.

Now, the triangular shape of the loops makes this symbol sligthly different, and rather more menacing-looking. Something about that shape brings to mind the triangular valknut designs, another continouous loop symbol, as well as being elsewhere related to the looped square.

«Knut» means knot, this referring to the shape of the valknut symbol. «Val» refers to a battlefield, and these valknut symbols were associated with fallen warriors.

So there is battle and death associated with this.

There was a rather similar man with a gun opening fire in a shopping mall in Copenhagen this Sunday, July 3, killing 3. Same age, 22, several disturbing videos; a history of being on strong psychiatric drugs — one of his videos showed him complaining that a drug «Quetiapine» doesn’t work, while he held a handgun to his head. Was he another MK-Ultra? Or just an insane man that broke? So far, there doesn’t seem to be any political or ideological aspects.