DEAR MAGA: TGIF Open Thread 20220708

Here we are. The weekend. Shall we dive in?

Swimming Pool Cocktail


  • 4 (1.18 oz) Vodka 
  • 2 (0.59 oz) Cream 
  • 2 (0.59 oz) Cream of coconut 
  • 2 (0.59 oz) Curaçao, blue 
  • 10 (2.96 oz) Pineapple Juice 


  1. Chill a hurricane glass with ice and pour it out when you are ready to pour the ingredients in the glass.
  2. Pour pineapple juice, vodka, cream and cream of coconut with ice into a blender.
  3. Blend until smooth.
  4. Pour into a Hurricane glass.
  5. Float the blue curacao on top and serve it.
  6. Add a straw and garish with a slice of pineapple and a cherry.

Georgia Guidestones stuff:

And now, the Tucker actually went there video (no, this does not make up for not talking about 2000 Mules, but since he’s the only one actually going there and calling selling off the national oil reserve treasonous, it’s worth a view):

Oh, and, uh….

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson Resigns

And it started out so promising.

Oh, well.

So, this happened:

JUST IN: Governor Abbott Authorizes Texas National Guard, State Troopers to Apprehend Illegal Aliens and Return Them to Ports of Entry

Just in time for the mid-terms.

From BioClandestine:

New Russian MIL Report on US Biolabs in Ukraine 07/07/2022

Russia’s Special Military Operation has found documentation pertaining to a third party evaluation of the US biological network, specifically the Defensive Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) in Ukraine, pertaining to the facilities from 2005-2016 (Remember these dates). The document contains the data on evaluation of healthcare, veterinary and biosecurity system efficiency prepared by a group of U.S. experts in 2016.

The experts confirm that despite 10 years of activity in Ukraine, “there is no legislation on the control of highly dangerous pathogens in the country, there are significant deficiencies in biosafety… The current state of resources makes it impossible for laboratories to respond effectively to public health emergencies”.

Some good news:

Covid shots for little kids are DOA

But at this point many parents have seen and experienced the side effects of the vaccines for themselves. They also know firsthand that the shots do little if anything to stop Omicron infections (though they may not be aware how terrible the data truly are). And they know that Covid is a minuscule risk for children who are not already seriously ill, and that most kids have already been exposed.

(All the Sesame Street ads in the world can’t change reality. Congrats, Elmo. You’re in the 1 percent. Cute Band-Aid, though.)

Guys… I feel bad for you all, I really do.

How Joe Biden Is Using the Controversial Title IX Program to Destroy Innocent Men on College Campuses

The policy in question is Obama’s Title IX rules governing how schools handle sexual misconduct on campus. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits sex discrimination at any school receiving federal funding. Like all civil rights law, the scope of Title IX expanded dramatically, and in 2011 President Obama took it to it to new, ridiculous heights. The administration required colleges to adopt a “preponderance of the evidence” standard for judging sexual assault allegations, where if an accused person is deemed even 50.01% likely to be guilty, they must be held responsible. Schools were also encouraged to erect star chambers with single investigators, where accused students were denied any right to cross-examine an accuser or even see all the evidence against them.  If they resisted, colleges were threatened with the loss of federal money—including access to student loans. For the vast majority of colleges, such a loss would effectively be a death sentence.

In one of his most underrated moves to Make America Great Again, President Trump quickly repealed Obama’s policy. That should have sent it permanently to the ash bin of history.

But alas, no. Not only is the policy back, but activists have concocted a version that is far more wicked than its predecessor.

Reading room pieces just from American Thinker today. The others….

Follow the COVID Money

As Deep Throat whispered to Bob Woodward during the Watergate scandal (“Follow the money”), so, too, the American public should be demanding the same of its political leaders: Follow the COVID money to determine why we continue to spend a fortune on something that seems to have only a relatively limited benefit.

But our elected officials are embarrassingly quiet on answering the basic question of who exactly is benefiting from the constant rounds of shots being foisted on or recommended to the American public? 

Maybe the silence comes from the fact that the pharmaceutical industry spends more on lobbying than any other industry group. In 2020 big pharma spent over $300 million lobbying officeholders and government officials. It clearly pays off. The research to develop the COVID-19 vaccines was nearly all funded by taxpayers. The distribution of the vaccines, once developed, was further funded nearly entirely by taxpayers. The record-keeping and reporting on the vaccines is also at the expense of taxpayers, and the new repurposed Pfizer drug Paxlovid, used to treat COVID, has been paid for by taxpayers. 

If the vaccinations are proving to be ineffective in stopping the march of the disease, are they really worth what the federal government is paying the pharmaceutical industry to manufacture, distribute, and administer them? Is the public being played for suckers by a cabal of industry giants and their friends in the medical bureaucracies?

Jordan Peterson in Hot Water over Pronouns (Again)

Peterson wrote: “Remember when Pride was a sin?  And Ellen Page just had her breasts removed by a criminal physician.”  Peterson is not bending to the woke mob, and says he’d rather die than delete his tweet.  Good for him.

Democrats’ Anti-Democratic Delusions Require Population Control

GOP freakouts and the Ten-Day Rule

Richard Baris said it succinctly: “Last month, it was ‘Ukraine.’  Week before Roe, it was ‘Gun Safety.’  We call them ‘News Cycle DEMs.'”  This is of course perfectly true, but the corollary is that, unfortunately, many Republicans react to these Dem media and Twitter onslaughts in total Chicken Little mode.

A seemingly major event takes place, often artificially magnified in its supposed political importance by the Twitter Dembot mob and the usual media suspects, followed by an equal-in-volume GOP chorus of “the midterms have slipped away from us,” “we are doomed,” and endless variations of these morose themes flood Republican timelines and articles.

Recall former British prime minister Harold Wilson’s eternal political dictum: “a week in politics is a long time.”  I’ll add my less well known dictum: “always remember the ‘Rule of Ten.'”

Regarding Wilson’s statement, a few moments of consideration will show that what seemed momentous in the fast-changing media cycle was totally removed from the voter’s consciousness, if it ever penetrated it in the first place, within a matter of days as the Baris cycle pedaled on.

But using the Rule of Ten, Republicans can divest themselves of this unfortunate habit and direct their energies to more profitable use.

Don’t hold your breath.

Oh, and another headline I found:

Happy 4th? Soros Claims ‘Far-Right’ SCOTUS ‘Greater’ Threat Than China, Russia

Why is that man still walking the earth?

And from the Babylon Bee:

First 12 Things Trump Will Do When He Inevitably Returns To Power

  1. Spray Febreze on the Oval Office curtains to get the old man smell out: Step one to draining the swamp is giving it a flowery scent.
  2. Make Pelosi wear a sweater on the beach: I mean, really.
  3. Welcome back Mike Pence, just to tell him he’s fired: It’ll be the highest ratings for a single episode of The Apprentice. Maybe ever.
  4. Invade Afghanistan so he can show how much better he would be at withdrawing from Afghanistan: He’s been dreaming about this one every night when he goes to sleep.
  5. Finish building that wall, but make Hunter Biden pay for it: Hunter will borrow from Joe, who will borrow from China. 4D chess!
  6. Make everything at the dollar store $1 again: And abolish the fed.
  7. Sneak out of the Oval Office for a quick 9 holes: Trump needs to keep his golf skills sharp so he can challenge Putin to a match for the fate of Russia.
  8. Bring back the McRib: And make it permanent this time!
  9. Find Osama Bin Laden’s body and kill him again: USA! USA! USA!
  10. Declare total infinity immunity with no take-backs: Should put an end to congressional witch hunts.
  11. Put Dr. Fauci in the stocks in the National Mall so everyone can throw cabbage at him: Somewhere up there Samuel Adams is drunkenly smiling.
  12. Buy Greenland and make Mexico pay for it: And then drill for oil like there’s no tomorrow.

There’s not enough Febreeze in the world for that.




And now for the business portion of the post borrowed from Tuesday:

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller the late Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.


HOSEA 14:2-10

2Take with you words and return to the LORD; say to him, “Take away all iniquity; accept that which is good and we will render the fruit of our lips. 3Assyria shall not save us, we will not ride upon horses; and we will say no more, `Our God,’ to the work of our hands. In thee the orphan finds mercy.” 4I will heal their faithlessness; I will love them freely, for my anger has turned from them. 5I will be as the dew to Israel; he shall blossom as the lily, he shall strike root as the poplar; 6his shoots shall spread out; his beauty shall be like the olive, and his fragrance like Lebanon. 7They shall return and dwell beneath my shadow, they shall flourish as a garden; they shall blossom as the vine, their fragrance shall be like the wine of Lebanon. 8O E’phraim, what have I to do with idols? It is I who answer and look after you. I am like an evergreen cypress, from me comes your fruit. 9Whoever is wise, let him understand these things; whoever is discerning, let him know them; for the ways of the LORD are right, and the upright walk in them, but transgressors stumble in them.

MATTHEW 10:16-23

16“Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. 17Beware of men; for they will deliver you up to councils, and flog you in their synagogues, 18and you will be dragged before governors and kings for my sake, to bear testimony before them and the Gentiles. 19When they deliver you up, do not be anxious how you are to speak or what you are to say; for what you are to say will be given to you in that hour; 20for it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you. 21Brother will deliver up brother to death, and the father his child, and children will rise against parents and have them put to death; 22and you will be hated by all for my name’s sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved. 23When they persecute you in one town, flee to the next; for truly, I say to you, you will not have gone through all the towns of Israel, before the Son of man comes.


Have a great weekend.

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Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is shot in the chest during speech and is ‘showing no vital signs’: Man, 42, is arrested at the scene


bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Former Prime Minister Abe was responsive after he collapsed, NHK reports
Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was conscious and responsive while being transported to the hospital after the possible shooting, according to Japan’s public broadcaster NHK, citing police sources.

An aerial photo from Nara city on Friday shows Abe being taken to the hospital via helicopter. Abe is seen lying on a stretcher, surrounded by several people.


I researched gun laws in Japan. They are very strict. After the Highland Park shooting, media sites were touting Japan as an example of how limiting (or taking) guns from people can dramatically reduce gun violence.

A few excerpts:

If Japanese people want to own a gun, they must attend an all-day class, pass a written test, and achieve at least 95% accuracy during a shooting-range test. Then they have to pass a mental-health evaluation, which takes place at a hospital, and pass a background check, in which the government digs into their criminal record and interviews friends and family. They can only buy shotguns and air rifles — no handguns — and every three years they must retake the class and initial exam.

Japan has also embraced the idea that fewer guns in circulation will result in fewer deaths. Each prefecture — which ranges in size from half a million people to 12 million, in Tokyo — can operate a maximum of three gun shops; new magazines can only be purchased by trading in empty ones; and when gun owners die, their relatives must surrender the deceased member’s firearms.

Off-duty police aren’t allowed to carry firearms, and most encounters with suspects involve some combination of martial arts or striking weapons. When Japanese attacks do turn deadly, they generally involve fatal stabbings. In July of 2016, an assailant killed 19 people in an assisted living facility. Japan rarely sees so many fatalities from guns in an entire year. 

Yet, someone who wanted to get a gun and shoot someone was able to do so.


John Moses Browning (PBUH) invented most modern firearms out of his head and built them from billet [metal chunks], making them “ghost guns”. Was this ever really dangerous?

I was under the impression that mass-produced guns with serial numbers were far more dangerous than individually hand-crafted ones.


I think the danger comes from the person pulling the trigger.




Sounds like the kind of restrictions you should have to run for political office.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



“After the Highland Park shooting, media sites were touting Japan as an example of how limiting (or taking) guns from people can dramatically reduce gun violence.”


If there are literally no (or very few) guns in a country, and if it is an island country so there is a reasonable chance of preventing guns from being smuggled into the country, then it is possible to dramatically reduce the incidence of ‘gun violence’.

Leaving only the government with the power to exercise ‘gun violence’, and anyone who ever even heard of a history book should know how that turns out.

But the obvious unspoken variable the MSM ignores is Japanese culture and, even more, the HOMOGENEOUS makeup of Japanese society.

Like Iceland, it’s NOT a ‘multicultural’ country. Japan’s government has not destroyed their own society by flooding Japan with fighting age males from the most violent countries in the world.

‘Multicultural’ is a synonym for “intentionally induced violent conflict”.

Japan doesn’t have that. If I remember correctly, Japan doesn’t even allow islam to be practiced in Japan, which is always a great policy to implement everywhere, since islam is first and foremost a militant movement of methodical civil subversion and political overthrow.

So violence is already low in Japan, for cultural and demographic reasons.


So violence is already low in Japan, for cultural and demographic reasons.

I had the same thoughts. MSM ignores all of this.


Yep. Strict. And they were a monarchy without a Constitution. So theres that. Budens statement is typical leftist blather.


“It’s possible the device could’ve included 3D printed material.”


Must ban 3D printed material and 3D printers NOW!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Be careful with saying things like that. Some jackass will think it’s a great idea.


They already do!

Full-throated mockery of their jackassery seems better than allowing them to think such thoughts without being publicly ridiculed for it 👍 😁

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

What I meant was, they won’t realize you’re mocking them. (I wasn’t clear.)


“What I meant was, they won’t realize you’re mocking them.”


Oh, they would. They always do. I make sure of it.

If they didn’t realize I was mocking them, the effort would be wasted. It would mean I wasn’t doing it right — and I’m very good at it 😁

Further, if they didn’t realize I was mocking them, I would be deprived of the joy that comes from mocking the enemy. So I always make sure they know.

It’s the best part.

Sometimes it’s a two step process, sort of a trap, where I’ll say something like Must ban 3D printed material and 3D printers NOW!!! and then wait for “some jackass” to pipe up in sincere support of my sarcastic comment.

Then the mockery truly begins… 😂🤣😂


I was more than confident that wouldn’t happen here though.

Here, it would immediately be recognized for exactly what it was… 👍 😁


Other parts may have been machined.

Must ban lathes and mills NOW!!!


Well if finger guns are weapons we have to ban hands too. 🤡


That article says he “is feared dead.” May it not be so!


From a comment at CTH
Shinzo Abe Has Been Shot, Gravely Injured in Assassination Attempt – The Last Refuge (

 July 8, 2022 2:40 am

Prayers for Prime Minister Abe and the great nation of Japan!
What a heinous and treasonous act by this assassin who as many suspect could be in the employ of some very sick, demented and power mad individuals who sit atop the globalist spire!
It would not shock me! Prayers for President Trump who lost a very good friend and valued ally in the fight against the globalists!
Prayers in advance for the safety and security of our great President as he embarks own campaign to retake the White House!
Also pray in advance for all nationalist leaders like Modi of India and Bolsanaro of Brazil and any others who find themselves in the crosshairs of the globalists!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. The globalist scum is behind this.




“The weapon used to shoot Abe appears to be a homemade double-barrelled shotgun, made by strapping two pieces of pipe to a piece of wooden board”


Ban wooden boards!

Ban pipes!

We must not let people have access to wood boards and pipes!

Why does anyone need pipes or wooden boards anyway?

Do it for the children!

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467
Gail Combs

WELLLlllll they did ban 7% iodine…


I liked that man. Such a smile he had and I felt he had a good heart.


I am so saddened by his passing. Unbelievable that such a kind man was assassinated.


I would definitely drink that one DP. 😋

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

PREPARE YOURSELF: SELECTION CODE Movie on the 2020 Election Steal is DEVASTATING – Release Date August 20 (Trailer Attached) (

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I’ve been pretty consistent — we need to go off-the-hook medieval on these people. So completely over-the top that 10 generations from now their remaining supporters in academia could go, “we never thought that people could be tortured to death like that and all their estates, supporters, and families obliterated in such a gruesome fashion….” To which, we might well reply, “we never thought than anyone would go so far beyond the pale as to genetically engineer a plague pathogen, subvert governments and corporations, kill millions of people with false vaccines and harmful drugs while stealing public funds, crash the world economy and sentence millions more to die from starvation…….it’s funny how two groups could be so wrong at the same time.”


Last edited 2 years ago by cthulhu
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. #TeamHeadsOnPikes #BecauseNeverAgain


Attaboy!!! PREACH!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I now realize that people like Bill Gates will just keep doing their criminal stuff if they are not actually dealt with.

Gail Combs


I think the crap with the Ukrainian Nazis was to SHOW US it HAS TO BE ROOT AND BRANCH or it just rises again in another Generation.

From the Prussiagate series on substack: ReichsWEF Part VI
It is very long so here are a few important pieces:

𝗞𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿’𝘀 𝘂𝗹𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗿𝘂𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝘃𝗶𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗵𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗰𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗹𝗱 𝗘𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗼𝗺𝗶𝗰 𝗙𝗼𝗿𝘂𝗺. 𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝗮𝗶𝗱 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗖𝗜𝗔, 𝗞𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿 𝗳𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗮 𝗿𝗲𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗽 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗮 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗴 𝗞𝗹𝗮𝘂𝘀 𝗦𝗰𝗵𝘄𝗮𝗯. 𝗦𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝟭𝟵𝟳𝟭, 𝗞𝗹𝗮𝘂𝘀 𝗵𝗮𝘀 𝗯𝗲𝗲𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝗲𝗹𝗳-𝗮𝗽𝗽𝗼𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗱𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗼𝗿 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗥𝗲𝗶𝗰𝗵𝘀𝗪𝗘𝗙. 𝗞𝗹𝗮𝘂𝘀, 𝗮𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗠𝗮𝘂𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗲 𝗦𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗚𝗲𝗼𝗿𝗴𝗲 𝗦𝗼𝗿𝗼𝘀, 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗲𝗱 𝗮 𝗽𝗶𝘃𝗼𝘁𝗮𝗹 𝗿𝗼𝗹𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝘀𝗵𝗮𝗽𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗥𝗲𝗶𝗰𝗵𝘀𝗪𝗘𝗙 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗼 𝘄𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗶𝘁 𝗶𝘀 𝘁𝗼𝗱𝗮𝘆. 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝘀𝗲 𝗺𝗲𝗻 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗲 𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗼𝗴𝗲𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗵𝘆𝗽𝗼𝗰𝗿𝗶𝘀𝘆.



𝗜𝗻𝗳𝗶𝗹𝘁𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗜𝗻𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝗼𝗳 𝗜𝗻𝘃𝗮𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻



Frederick’s bravery on the battlefield paled in comparison to his military intellect. His strategic ability was unmatched for the period. When America’s freedoms represented an existential threat to his Prussian authoritarian rule, he found himself in a huge dilemma.

In 1776, America was a fledgling nation. The industrializing nations of Europe dwarfed America’s predominantly agrarian economy. If Frederick were to join King George and engage the American revolutionaries directly in battle, the people would wonder why the might of Europe was so united in crushing a bunch of colonies on the other side of the Atlantic. This could raise popular awareness to the American Declaration of Independence, and a similar search for freedom could spread throughout Europe, creating a world-wide Great Awakening.

Instead, Frederick opted to play the ‘long-game’ and pursue the indirect path of infiltration; he would attempt to destroy America from within.

Prussia stayed decidedly neutral throughout the American Revolution. This was noteworthy because Frederick the Great’s bloodline was deeply intertwined with the British monarch. His mother, Sophia of Hanover, was the daughter of King George I, and the two kingdoms had just forged a strong military-alliance after the Seven Years War…..

Officially, Prussia stayed as far away from this battle as possible. However, we now know that they were indirectly helping both sides.




It is impossible to know the exact intent behind the plot to appoint Frederick the Great’s younger brother as king of the United States…




The Three Stooges and the Convergence of Hypocrisy

We introduced Otto von Bismarck in Part 1 of this series because of his devotion to Prussia and Realpolitik. This ideal was that the State must survive and thrive, no matter what deed must be done or what cost must be borne. By setting up the world’s first welfare State, Bismarck raised serious funds for the relentless march of Prussia toward world supremacy. Propaganda, espionage, deceit, bribery, assassinations, black-ops, revolutions and war were all necessary, according to Bismarck, if the result was a stronger Prussia. 

Part 1 also introduced Yale, Mao Zedong and the CCP. This illustrated the exceptionally long relationship Yale had in China. Yale in China was predominantly run by the members of Skull and Bones. In 1919, Yale in China employed a young Mao Zedong, who would use the funds received from Yale to finance the socialist youth corps and the Chinese Communist Party….



 By 1970, the rich history and culture of the Chinese people had been cleansed by Mao, resulting in over half-a-billion destitute Chinese communist slaves.

It was at this time that Henry Kissinger was activated to utilize CCP slave labor. In Part 2 we presented how his dialogue with the CCP led to a deal where the US would allow, and even support, the global rise of CCP China in exchange for access to Chinese slave labor. This access benefited globalist corporations, and the result was immediate, as China was “modernized” within a decade.

This access to slave labor would benefit the same globalist corporations who profited from the global catastrophe from 1917-1945, as called-out by General Smedley Butler’s War is a Racket.

Kissinger was openly serving the Prussian cartel of globalist corporations and using the slaves from China, which ironically, had been created by Prussian ‘Bonesmen’ helping Mao. A keen student of history, Kissinger knew exactly what he was doing and how it would end; America would slowly degenerate while globalist corporations made fortunes, and the manufactured rise of the CCP would become a threat to the entire world.

Kissinger re-engineered Bismarck’s Realpolitik for the modern era and created one of the biggest labor arbitrages the world has ever known. There was no issue too hot for Kissinger; Eugenics, wars, nuclear proliferation, the petrodollar, and destabilizing the Middle East. These factors would all contribute toward the globalist corporate takeover of the world. This would label Kissinger as one of the most-esteemed Prussian servants, which is why in 2013 he was the honored guest for the 100th anniversary of the Alfalfa Club. In 2015, Kissinger was so convinced about the outcome of the 2016 US election and that “she would never lose”, he penned his memoirs and shared his vision for a New World Order….

[Do not forget Strong went to work for the Rockefellers in Saudi Arabia.]

𝗞𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿’𝘀 𝘂𝗹𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗿𝘂𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝘃𝗶𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗵𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗰𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗹𝗱 𝗘𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗼𝗺𝗶𝗰 𝗙𝗼𝗿𝘂𝗺.  With financial aid from the CIA, Kissinger fomented a relationship with a young Klaus Schwab. Since 1971, Klaus has been the self-appointed managing director of the ReichsWEF. Klaus, along with Maurice Strong and George Soros, played a pivotal role in shaping the ReichsWEF into what it is today. These men are the three stooges of hypocrisy.

Maurice Frederick Strong is considered the founder of the modern-day climate change movement. Kissinger’s years spent in psychological operations undoubtedly played an important role in the evolution of climate alarmism. In short, the climate-crisis movement was designed to blame every crisis, whether man-made or natural, on Western culture and free market capitalism. Indoctrinating people into a perpetual state of impending climate doom, the movement suggests that the only solution is for the world to move away from fossil fuels and toward “sustainable energy solutions”.

It should never be forgotten that the climate change founder, Maurice Strong’s career took off when, as a destitute 18-year-old boy, he accepted a living arrangement with the Treasurer of the United Nations. This provided him with many connections enabling his fortune to be made from ventures in oil, gas and petroleum. Amassing a wealth from fossil fuels, only then to lead the global charge against fossil fuels, clearly identifies Maurice Strong as a global hypocrite….

[Remember George said his years betraying Jews to the Nazis was his best years…George Soros has repeatedly called 1944 “The Best Year of his Life.” ]

George Soros’ trading career profited from the economic collapse of nations. He would strike at the exact moment a nation found itself in a dire economic situation and amplify the crisis. It is unclear whether Soros had an actual trading strategy or benefited from inside knowledge, perhaps handed to him by a central banker at the annual ReichsWEF gatherings in Davos. That would be a form of illegal insider trading, which Soros was convicted and found guilty of back in 1988, along with his co-conspirator, Robert Maxwell. Soros developed strong ties with radical left-wing activists, color revolutionaries, and of course, the Clintons. The collapse of nations has allowed member companies of the ReichsWEF to purchase resources and supply chains for next to nothing, providing almost unlimited resources to the Davos cartel. Wherever there is financial doom or regime change, Soros will be found lurking in the shadows.

Perhaps what is most telling about George Soros is the billions he made by moving to the United States and benefiting from its free-market capitalist system, which he now adamantly proclaims is the biggest impediment toward his global vision of an “open society” and a New World Order. This, of course, makes George Soros an uber-global hypocrite.


Klaus Martin Schwab is the anointed leader of the ReichsWEF. As we detailed in ReichsWEF Part V, his role was to coordinate the world’s political, financial, and corporate leaders into the annual event at Davos, Switzerland:

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Klaus admits to coordinating the largest collusion network in human history. Back in 1890, the Sherman Antitrust Act was passed to tackle the exact problem Klaus appears to be proudly coordinating:

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Klaus claims the vision behind his entire forum is for a noble cause – the betterment of mankind:

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Whether it’s having nothing, eating bugs, enforced vaccine passports, population reduction or viewing human beings as “hackable animals”, none of them seem particularly appealing to the average man on the street. It is fair to conclude that none of these initiatives represent an improvement to the state of the world.

What we do know is that in the first 10 years at Davos, Klaus invited an array of ex-Nazis, a Prime Minister accused of sadistic pedophilia, and a president with clear ties to an African dictator accused of holding cannibalistic orgies, along with other notable luminaries.

Klaus is clearly aroused when explaining the pending doom of humanity, which he claims is due to the rise of Western culture. His commitment to world-demise, coupled with his dubious past in the nuclear industry and his association with so many Nazis, places considerable doubt on his claim that he is trying to make the world a better place.

Of all the hypocrites on the world stage, Klaus Schwab receives the highest place on the podium.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

ReichsWEF says it all!!!

Gail Combs

Yeah, I think the author(s) are really onto something.

Their theory is Frederick the Great transformed the kingdom of Prussia into a world power. In order to actually take over the entire world Prussia went underground and became an army without a country.

His ideas and that of Marx dovetail very nicely. Heck there is a direct link between Marx and Prussia via  Ludwig von Westphalen. Ludwig, was the youngest son of Baron Christian Philip Heinrich von Westphalen the de facto “chief of staff” to Duke Ferdinand during the Seven Years’ War.  


Ferdinand, Prince of Brunswick-Lüneburg (12 January 1721, Wolfenbüttel – 3 July 1792, Vechelde), was a German-Prussian field marshal (1758–1766) known for his participation in the Seven Years’ War. From 1757 to 1762 he led an Anglo-German army in Western Germany which successfully repelled French attempts to occupy Hanover.

ReichsWEF Part VI

Since 1740, Frederick the Great had transformed the kingdom of Prussia into a world power. From the moment he took the reins, he attacked Austria and secured the regions of Silesia, Bohemia and Moravia. They were agricultural lands, and with a 90% serf-population, they would provide an abundance of cheap labor and food for his kingdom. (Centuries later, Hitler did the same thing during WWII. In a plan known as “Lebensraum” which meant “living space”, the Nazis would annihilate the populations of Poland and Russia to provide a breadbasket for the German Reich.)

During Frederick’s reign, he would stop at nothing to improve the situation of his kingdom. Frederick was so concerned about the possibility of his citizens suffering from famine, he started draining the swamps in the Oder valley…. It was these initiatives that help us understand the guiding philosophy driving Frederick the Great and the horrible invisible enemy we face today.

The potato decree was only one directive issued during Frederick’s reign, as he went about re-shaping every aspect of his kingdom into a ‘New Prussian Order’.

Prussian society became the expression of Frederick’s version of ‘Enlightened Despotism’.

This part should sound VERY FAMILIAR…

Public education, welfare provisions to the peasantry, improvements in universities, libraries, land reforms, central banking and drastic upgrades to public infrastructure were all part of Frederick’s contributions to his kingdom. ‘Enlightened Despotism’ was a social contract between the ruler and their subjects. If a ruling monarch provided “enlightenment”, and improved the living standards of their citizens, then the absolute rule of the monarch was validated. In short, Frederick believed he was serving his community, and therefore, it was a requirement for the community to serve his beloved kingdom of Prussia.

Frederick maintained a medieval-style social caste system within Prussia. He provided the peasants enough education to become literate, but not enough to learn more than basic reading and writing. This allowed them to become more-useful workers, but not intelligent enough to realize their miserable situation. The middle class suffered the most under Frederick. Business owners and professionals were subject to draconian taxation to finance Frederick’s social programs as well as the military. The quasi-noble Junker-class were assigned as army officers, but discouraged from marrying, so as to reduce the number of potential widows to whom the state would owe a pension….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There is some kind of there there, as they say.


Excellent! Your research is unmatched!
Thank You!


When rats infest your area you remediate/exterminate the infestation ..


.. 🤨 .. we’re overdue

Gail Combs

And DON’T let the females and little ones off the hook.

Seems it is a WIFE of a Ukrainian Nazi that is doing the ginning up of this generation.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The biggest and most effective UKAZI of them all, right now…..

Gail Combs

I had forgotten about her NAZI roots. Thanks for the reminder.

Funny how they called TRUMP a Fascist when in fact it is THEM who are the actual fascists.

The Third Way, promoted by Tony, Blair, Bill Clinton and The Fabian London School of economics is nothing more than a REBRANDING OF FASCISM!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The Washington Mall is two miles long, if I am not mistaken.

That’s 10,560 feet.

Double that for each side, and that’s 21,120 feet.

With pikes spaced 20′ apart, there’s room for 1,056 pikes. Actually you can add two more to that, because you get n+1 pikes (like fence posts) on each side of the mall.

Of course the mall is wide, you can have more than two columns of pikes if called for.

Gail Combs

Nah, do it like a post and rail fence — every 8 feet that is 2640 pikes.

A picket fence is a pit close unless you use more than one picket per head.



Gail Combs


Betcha get a lota info that way.


DP’s meme of “second plane” was much like the feeling I had when some 3rd level functionary remembered that he was supposed to make HCQ unavailable in France.

It’s big; it’s international; it’s bad; and they don’t care if you see it.

Gail Combs

Yeah, that was the GIANT TELL that this was a Population reduction scheme and NOT an actual Pandemic.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Donald J. Trump


Absolutely devastating news that former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan, a truly great man and leader, has been shot, and is in very serious condition. He was a true friend of mine and, much more importantly, America. This is a tremendous blow to the wonderful people of Japan, who loved and admired him so much. We are all praying for Shinzo and his beautiful family!


Jul 07, 2022, 23:45


🙏 for Abe, his family, his doctors, and the condition of the world.

I am concerned about PDJT at any appearance he makes, including rallies. If that Crimo criminal can attend one, then so can any dangerous individual. I guess PDJT has SS protection as a former president. I know he also has private security. I hope it is enough.


Our VSGPOTUSDJT has SS, but also has the very best private security available, many of which have been with him before the primaries of 2015. I wouldn’t worry about the inside of the cocoon.


And he’s trimmed up so much that you can’t even see the vest.


They will not want to kill DJT because he would be greater in dead than life greater than Kennedy. No they want him broken finacially and spiritually.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think they’re trying to scare Melania with this. They are trying to keep Trump from running again.

The other side will do anything to stop Trump – to destroy America – to conquer the world.


It WILL have an effect on Melania.

Trump will do what is right, for his family and America.

Trump retains my votes until, IF, Trump pulls it.

Gail Combs

Trump KNEW what he was getting into when they ASKED HIM TO RUN. Deliberately killing a good friend of his is NOT going to scare POTUS, it is just going to harden his resolve and that of the people supporting him.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Amen. And that’s exactly the same here. I admired Abe, and my resolve is only deepened and hardened!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

All the more reason for us and our Make ____ Great Again comPatriots the world over RISE UP AND FIGHT AND TAKE DOWN THE DEEP STATE, ONCE AND FOR ALL…

Send Greta and Luisa off to reform school (to learn REAL SCIENCE), same for Faust-Xi, Lauterbach, Spahn, RKI, CDC, NIH, Collins, Scarf-Lady, and all the rest, and then send the latter bunch to “Pikeville on the mall”…

Then Satan Sauros and Stavros Schwab-bot, BillyGhoul Gates, and their minions can learn how to stretch (gotta get those draft horses) and swim in lime… or maybe Hydrofluoric Acid…

Gail Combs

After a Trial and conviction of course   :wpds_wink:   :wpds_twisted: 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We’re up against an entire CRIMINAL CLASS. It’s pretty sick.


I am aware of that. They are ruthless the worse kind of people. They are predators and we have to fight back when times comes in a smart way.


From a comment at CTH
Shinzo Abe Has Been Shot, Gravely Injured in Assassination Attempt – The Last Refuge (
 July 8, 2022 2:40 am
Prayers for Prime Minister Abe and the great nation of Japan!
What a heinous and treasonous act by this assassin who as many suspect could be in the employ of some very sick, demented and power mad individuals who sit atop the globalist spire!
It would not shock me! Prayers for President Trump who lost a very good friend and valued ally in the fight against the globalists!
Prayers in advance for the safety and security of our great President as he embarks own campaign to retake the White House!
Also pray in advance for all nationalist leaders like Modi of India and Bolsanaro of Brazil and any others who find themselves in the crosshairs of the globalists!


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It appears that Melania is uncharacteristically wearing flats . . . probably so she does not accentuate her height difference over Mrs. Abe. Always thinking and always considerate.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup! The wives really got along.

Cuppa Covfefe

Exactly. Melania, VSGPDJT, and conservative, MAGA, and Christian people are genuinely considerate of others, and are humble and helpful. DEMONRAT Deathmocrats, on the other hand, are considerate only of and to themselves.
And any “good deeds” that they do are to entrap (e.g. LBJ’s “Great Society”) rather than to help or guide. Keep ’em down on the plantation. Their motivation is really thinly-veiled contempt as opposed to genuine caring.
I wouldn’t be surprised at all if the KlownsInAktion and/or the Klintoons had some Satanic hand in this, yet another FF to “need” “gun control” in their Demonic pursuit of Total Kontrol…
And yet GOD will see HIS Perfect Will done, no matter what we do, or, indeed, what we don’t do. But HE will move us, if it is HIS Will…
Prayers up for Abe’s widow, his family, his friends, and Japan. Somehow I’m reminded of JFK’s assassination…. RIP PM Shinzo Abe….



bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Live updates: Shinzo Abe hospitalized after shooting in Japan (

2 min ago
Doctors are “fighting to save” former Japan leader Shinzo Abe
Doctors are “fighting to save” former Japan leader Shinzo Abe, according to Prime Minister Fumio Kishida at a news conference on Friday.

“This is not a forgivable act,” he said.

3 min ago

BREAKING: Former Japan PM Shinzo Abe is in critical condition
Former Japanese leader Shinzo Abe is in critical condition, after he was shot on Friday morning, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said. Emergency treatment is taking place, he said.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, I hope he makes it! Pray for a good man to live! The world needs Shinzo!


“This is not a forgivable act.” No, it isn’t. Neither are the crimes enumerated in cthulhu’s post above:

To which, we might well reply, “we never thought than anyone would go so far beyond the pale as to genetically engineer a plague pathogen, subvert governments and corporations, kill millions of people with false vaccines and harmful drugs while stealing public funds, crash the world economy and sentence millions more to die from starvation…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

These people are MONSTERS.


^^^ N E V E R FORGET. ^^^

I damn sure will NOT forget.

Seething cold anger.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Think these were the people JFK was trying to warn us about?



It is ALL linked.

Gail Combs


or listen to Patrick read the series:

I have ALWAYS thought it was England/Bank of London who has repeatedly tried to take back the USA. The data presented fits both scenarios.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gail Combs
Cuppa Covfefe

I think I read the other day that there are more “color revolutions” on the way, with Japan being among them IIRC…


Regarding the meme about assault rifles, I have never been sure what the definition is. I always thought the media used that term for any semi-automatic rifle to make it sound scary (which they do). But there is a clear definition, and I think most guns used in mass shootings don’t meet the criteria.

An assault rifle is a selective fire rifle that uses an intermediate cartridge and a detachable magazine. Assault rifles were first put into mass production and accepted into widespread service during World War II.

The U.S. Army defines assault rifles as “short, compact, selective-fire weapons that fire a cartridge intermediate in power between submachine gun and rifle cartridges.” In this strict definition, a firearm must have at least the following characteristics to be considered an assault rifle:

● It must be capable of selective fire.

This seems very significant. “Selective fire is the capability of a weapon to be adjusted to fire in semi-automaticfully automatic, and/or burst mode.” It’s difficult to obtain a fully automatic weapon, so it must also be difficult to obtain an assault rifle. A would-be shooter can’t go to the local gun store and get one.

It must have an intermediate-power cartridge: more power than a pistol but less than a standard rifle or battle rifle, examples of intermediate cartridges are the 7.92×33mm Kurz, the 7.62×39mm and 5.56×45mm NATO.

Its ammunition must be supplied from a detachable box magazine.

It must have an effective range of at least 300 metres (330 yards).

Rifles that meet most of these criteria, but not all, are not assault rifles according to the U.S. Army’s definition. For example:

Select-fire M2 Carbines are not assault rifles; their effective range is only 180 metres (200 yd).

Select-fire rifles such as the Fedorov Avtomat, FN FAL, M14, and H&K G3 main battle rifles are not assault rifles; they fire full-powered rifle cartridges.

Semi-automatic-only rifles like the Colt AR-15 are not assault rifles; they do not have select-fire capabilities.

See that, media? AR-15s are not assault rifles.

Semi-automatic-only rifles with fixed magazines like the SKS are not assault rifles; they do not have detachable box magazines and are not capable of automatic fire.

Distinction from assault weapons

In the United States, selective-fire rifles are legally defined as “machine guns“, and civilian ownership of those has been tightly regulated since 1934 under the National Firearms Act and since 1986 under the Firearm Owners Protection Act.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. The “semi-auto only” versions are basically “fake” assault rifles for civilian use. But the fact is, the AR-15 style is more like the Raspberry Pi of modern rifles. They’re designed to be modified and personalized.


While it is true about “Raspberry Pi”, AR-15’s are really more like the Barbie of rifles. You can get a pink “thing that goes up” with a tassle.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Or, yes, the “Hello, Kitty” of rifles…..

Cuppa Covfefe

Or maybe, “Good-Bye, Kitty” 😆


Both of which are unconstitutional in any reasonable reading of the Second Amendment.

Go back and look at Article I, Section 8 — the Army cannot be funded for more than two years at a time. Why? Because the Militia — the People of the United States — are supposed to take their stuff home after two years. This includes missiles, tanks, artillery, cannons, mortars, and “machine guns”. The Navy is held differently because citizens are not supposed to maintain warships.

Gail Combs

EXACTLY! Great thought.


Pravda News is NOT interested in truth.

Pravda New is ONLY interested in narrative.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Be aware you will also hear of “assault weapons” from time to time, and that, as far as I know, is a truly meaningless term, and can be readily confused with “assault rifle.” In fact, “they” are counting on that confusion. They call an AR-15 an assault weapon and hope you will think of select fire.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Go Kari Lake!!!

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Roland reposted

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Follow The White Rabbit

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69 replies


Dave of X22 Report says the pillar of the Georgia Guidestones that got blown up was the one about lowering the world population.

FWIW, he also mentioned this study that indicates “no increase in the incidence of myocarditis and pericarditis in COVID-19 recovered patients compared to uninfected matched controls. Further longer-term studies will be needed to estimate the incidence of pericarditis and myocarditis in patients diagnosed with COVID-19.”

Gail Combs


We ALL know that they play games, like you have to wait two weeks or a month BEFORE you can say the person was vaccinated and the death was caused by the Clot Shot.

Any bets most die during that time span?


It does.

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h/t, link from yourself or another QTreeper a ways back.

Gail Combs

Thanks, that was the chart I was thinking of but was too lazy (busy) to try and dig up.

The amount of information is getting overwhelming!


Dave’s slightly mistaken.  Each pillar says the same thing ,using eight different languages, one language on each face of the four large upright stones. These languages were English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Traditional Chinese, and Russian.

Around the edges of the square on top were written translations in ancient script they were: Babylonian (in cuneiform script), Classical Greek, Sanskrit and Ancient Egyptian (in hieroglyphs) and they each said “Let these be guidestones to an Age of Reason”. 

I’m assuming that the initial reports that it was the Swahili/Hindi pillar that was destroyed at appox 4AM is correct.

Gail Combs

Africa/India — Both areas with large population growth that were TARGETED BY BILL GATES…


Thanks for that correction. Maybe the fallen one was the one in English. But I don’t know, and it probably doesn’t matter.


Yours Truly wishes to say Thank you for a reply made in a comment thread yesterday about people getting “vaccinated” against COVID-19 and the potential they have for damage or death from the “vaccines.” It could well be that the un-“vaccinated” may be called upon to take care of friends and loved ones who begin showing this damage.

Last edited 2 years ago by RDS

Yes, I believe that to be the case.


UPDATE: Uruguayan Judge Suspends COVID Vaccination for Children Under 13 Until Certain “Conditions” Are Met (

On Thursday, Judge Alejandro Recarey ordered to suspend the COVID vaccination of children under 13 years of age as long as certain conditions are not met, El Observador reported.

More from El Observador [AI-translated]:

The suspension will continue until certain “conditions” are met. One of them is that “publish or publish in full and without proof, all purchase contracts for these vaccines. As well as all documents attached to them, especially all those that detail the composition of the substances to be vaccinated.” Another condition that the ruling requires is that “a text be drawn up – to be supplied to those responsible for minors who are vaccinated – to report fully and clearly on the following points:

• The composition of the injectable substances (all the elements they contain, of whatever nature).

• The benefits of the vaccine.

• The risks you have in detail of their nature, probability, magnitude and, if possible, time of occurrence.

• Clarify that the substance has only emergency authorization and not definitive, explaining in terms simple what difference do these two types of permissions make in specific order to private weighting of the above risks.

• That the adverse effects already detected be detailed, in their entirety by regularly updating this information.

• The controls to which the State is obliged by art. 2 inc. 5 of Law No. 9202 are carried out.

The MSP is going to “conform and appeal” the decision, as the Undersecretary of Health, José Luis Satdjian, told El Observador. He has three days to appeal.


Someone is demanding accountability!


JUST IN: Governor Abbott Authorizes Texas National Guard, State Troopers to Apprehend Illegal Aliens and Return Them to Ports of Entry (

Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) on Thursday authorized the Texas National Guard and state troopers to apprehend illegal aliens and return them to ports of entry.

This is the first time the state has ever done something like this.

Biden’s open borders policies are dangerous and costly for Americans and the illegal migrants.



Just a question for the gov. Why now? Why not do it the day you took office? Other than numbers of invaders, how is it different now from when you first became gov?

Same question applies to all governors along the borders of Mexico and Canada.

Trojan horse. Infiltration + invasion.

Gail Combs

ELECTION COMING UP and Abbott KNOWS he actually LOST to the MAGA challenger. That means he has LOW support in actual fact.


BS’n with Real Estate Broker in Texarkana, TX area a week ago.

Ended up on politics. He came across as quite conservative.

Said he won’t be surprised with a Beto win.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, that’s ugly.


It is. Didn’t expect it at all.

From the outside, not living in Texas, Abbott is, at best, a weak follower. Little to nothing conservative about Abbott that I’ve seen.
– Did a terrible job with Covidiocy.
– Totally IGNORES invasion across the border. Buses are a “look there” BS headline.

Gail Combs

AND turned over to the FEDS to be transported INLAND.


I would not either since Abbott did not what he said he would. I noticed here people rebel to spite themselves and vote against a person instead for.



Sorta like dimwits voting for BiteMe. Voting against mean tweets. Stoopid on steroids.

(And no, BiteMe never got 81M individual American votes.)

Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs

Biden could not have gotten 81M votes without cheating


Yup. Tried to post as much. 🙂


🙂 You did good 🙂




I think conservatives will hold their nose and vote for Abbott over Beto. I can’t imagine anyone with any knowledge voting for someone who is a puppet of the worst leftist ideologues and turning the state blue. People need to get in the mindset of voting no matter what. PDJT says we have to overwhelm them with numbers they can’t “cheat around.”



The only problem is Abbott is not inspirational, to drive voters to vote.

Voters will only do so cuz the alternative IS unacceptable.

Gail Combs

Been holding my nose for 50 years…



We’ll continue holding our nose.


True for many or most of us.


He is only showboating.


“authorizing and empowering” . . . but is it significant that he did not activate more national guard and ORDER the national guard and Department of Public safety to seek and apprehend and return those illegal aliens across the border?


Here is a good line-by-line takedown or analysis of the text on the late-but-not-lamented guidestones:


The “guides” sound like a list made up by self-important first semester freshmen during an all night dope smoking session.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They make token nods to MAGA and American positions, but the stench of John Lennon “Imagine” is strong behind it. “And no religion, too.”

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I always thought the “one language” thing was a bit Babel-esque.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Unicode is “one language” enough for me! 😉



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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.


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Cuppa Covfefe

Bring back FREON!!!!!

Gail Combs


Notice how the ‘Ozone Layer HOAX’ showed up just as the Freon PATENT EXPIRED…

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. I used to recharge my (and my family’s) car air conditioners myself, with a gauge/valve kit and the cans of Freon. I think they were around 59 cents each.

Worked like a champ (feeding into the low/suction side) and saved me a considerable amount of money. Though A/C service cost less than a tenth of what it costs today… and today’s refrigerants are less efficient, more expensive, and MUCH more dangerous (flammable and explosive, for one)….

Even R134a is miles better than what today’s cars use… Look up Mercedes’s adventures with the French government and their latest y1234a(IIRC) refrigerant. Then again, chiefio’s been having some Mercedes problems of his own 🙂 (or 🙁 )….. So much for all those control units and eventually self-driving (self-killing?) cars…..

Last edited 2 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Gail Combs

YUP, that is why none of my trucks have A/C anymore. It would cost thousands to retrofit a non-freon system. It is also why the new frigs don’t last.


It’s how we were shoved into using R-12, then R-134a, and now I’m seeing some weird formulation featuring propane….


Propane is the best refrigerant for pre90s cars, unless you want to pay Freon prices.


Propane is a direct substitute for R-12. This weird flammable pseudo-propane is a direct substitute for R-134. It’s what’s in our new emergency chest freezer.


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Gail Combs


The Dutch royal family (The House of Orange) is still reportedly the biggest shareholder in the Dutch part of the group, although the size of its stake has long been a source of debate. The Queen of England is also a major stockholder link and Scuttlebutt and more Scuttlebutt.

Another major stockholder is the Rothschilds, along with the Rockefellers.. The Rothschild Investment Trust was formed in 1988 => RIT Capital Partners.
Rockefellers and Rothschilds Unite

Shell Oil is home of Shell Oil VP Ged Davis who WROTE Sustainablity B1 scenario aka Agenda 21 for the IPCC. Another Shell Oil exec Doug McKay was at the IPCC scenario meetings. McKay was also Senior Financial Analyst with the World Bank. Robert Watson worked for the World Bank while Chair of the IPCC.

Shell Oil (and BP and the Rockefellers) have been pushing global warming since day one when they provided the initial funding for the Climate Research Unit of East Anglia.

Maurice Strong is another Rockefeller made man. He worked for the Rockefellers in Saudi Arabia. He was Chair of the First Earth Summit ‘warning of Global Warming’ in the cold 1970s. He became Secretary General of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment and then became the first executive director of the United Nations Environment Program. He is also the father of the idea of using NGOs to push Mr Global’s agenda.

David Hone is not only SHELL OIL’S Senior Climate Change Adviser he is also Chairman of the International Emissions Trading Association. Besides lobbying the UK Parliament to strangle Shale Gas by insisting that CCS be deployed – in which venture he’s succeeded. SHELL OIL’S previous UK Chairman took SHELL very deeply into Carbon Trading.


The tentacles of the Rockefellers and other Illuminati run far deeper than most people realize.

Thanks for all the work you are doing on here, Gail. It is very appreciated.

Gail Combs

Actually it is the collective work of all the farmers who were against the National Animal ID and all the Climate Skeptics. I just haphazardly collected it and sort of remember where I stashed it. (Some is on older computers)


You’re a gem..such an asset to us and the wider America First thinkers and researchers. Truth is vital. Thank you a million times over

Gail Combs



He can stuff it

Cuppa Covfefe

Bidenistas, Klintoons, and the Piglosi Famiglia are major contributors to the stench of the Liberal World ODOR…..  💩  💩  💩 


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, that is SPOT ON.



Truth. Ivermectin worked for me. Zero doubts because of first hand experience. Which is why they made it so hard to get.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

BOOM. Sundance just nailed it there.


Also Hydroxychloroquine – and they even tried to take NAC (N-Acetylcysteine) off the market to increase the case/death ratio from CV19.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Cuppa Covfefe


So now Abortion (MURDER!!!) is a “medication”???

Fancy that. Sounds like overmedication to the innocent baby in my opinion…

Gail Combs

Actually I think they are talking about the ‘Morning After pill’ A double dose of birth control pills (hormones) will prevent implantation. (This is from a friend who was a biologist and worked in the field.)

Implantation is a physiological process in which the embryo attaches to the uterus for development. It is the earliest event of pregnancy that usually happens between six to 12 days after ovulation. However, the implantation days may vary slightly depending on when the fertilization occurred after the ovulation, such as in the early fertility window or later.


Of course they did. FDA does not work for We the People. They work for the globalists.


This is just BAD on so many levels (speaking as the daughter of a pharmacist, plus having studied to be a pharmacy assistant in one’s own right):

First, by “stretching” the FDA’s already-issued EUA for Paxlovid (based on the “evidence of safety and efficacy” provided to the FDA only by Pfizer-BioNTech), the FDA has kicked open the door to “stretching” any other EUA the agency has issued. (Translation: “mission creep.” This began over a decade ago, when pharmacists were granted permission to administer vaccines.)

Second, the “limitations” imposed on pharmacists to prescribe Paxlovid under the “stretched” EUA are such that a person who is COVID-19 positive AND is within the “window of opportunity” to get Paxlovid is actually better off going to the nearest medical clinic or ER to get evaluated and secure an Rx for Paxlovid.

Third, this will increase the “blurring of the line” between those who are already licensed to prescribe (MD’s, Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, Advanced Practice RN), and pharmacists.

Fourth, this FDA diktat is backdoor confirmation that the agency is completely against the use of medications that actually prevent or treat COVID-19, like Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine.

Fifth, and very important: WHO at the FDA gave the agency the OK to all of a sudden allow pharmacists to become prescribers?

Last edited 2 years ago by RDS
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Doctors are getting cut out of the loop. EVIL!!!

This is PFIZER running the government. Incredible. CHINA is getting between us and our doctors.


Crystal Clear. Population reduction.

Quacks can prescribe. Pharmacists can prescribe.

Pravda News will trumpet the great news – Paxlovid available for asking.

Low info schmoes will follow path of simplicity, path of least resistance.

FDA, Pfizer making it easier for folks to kill themselves.

Reduce population.

ONLY thing missing is Paxlovid is free, like the injections. Prolly is free.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It will be here soon under these commies. They buy from Pfizer with billions of OUR dollars and then hand it out to us.



This is a way to continue what they started with vaccines.


Then pharmacists should be liable if there are any problems.


Australia or somewhere started throwing quacks under the bus, over Injections.

Pharmacists are mere tools of the Cabal, as are quacks. All for a pay check.

Gail Combs

Practicing Medicine WITHOUT A LICENSE!

The stuff is NOT OTC (Over the counter non prescription)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They are DESPERATE to get people on this immunity-depressing AIDS drug.



This drug is one of the most insidious pharma attacks ever.


In Canada the government took away people’s livelihoods (their trucks), and otherwise attacked them financially (bank accounts) well after the protests started. We all were surprised how blatantly repressive and lawless the government response was. It was only in retrospect (IMO) that we realized the government response was exactly what we should have expected, knowing what we know about the evil people on the other side, and their ongoing war to crush us.

Even in the short time since Canada, it seems, many, many have come to see clearly how blatantly the Party of Satan (POS) is implementing their war against us. POS is not even hiding it much.

The Dutch farmers have already been told that their farms, their multi-generational profession, and way of life will be destroyed. Very much in the marxist sense, their consciousness is different from the Canadian truckers’ consciousness. The Canadian protest was kumbaya, respect for the law, and the assumption that a massive protest with widespread popular support could be and would be effective. After all, what was the government going to do, confiscate trucks, destroy livelihoods and lawlessly interfere with financial resources?

The big question for a long time now was when, if ever, normal people would fight back in the actual physical meaning of the word, not the phony “I’m running for town supervisor and I’m fighting for you!” meaning. Actual fighting requires the right consciousness. The right consciousness means having nothing left to lose.

POS has been brilliant at NOT instilling the sense that people have nothing left to lose. (Look at the mid-terms!). They have been brilliant at getting away with what they could get away with. They have been doing it, with great success, for decades now. Look at how they have deformed and destroyed so much of America, and successfully groomed millions of mind numbed apparatchiki.

The phony POS narrative about white supremacy and domestic terrorism is the unmistakable evidence that the evil people understand where this all may be headed inevitably, and so they are both preparing the battlefield and organizing to take us out before anything serious happens. And we now know they think, maybe correctly, that there are no constraints on them, other than being careful about inducing the “wrong” consciousness in normal people as long as it might matter.

And it looks like it may not be that long, unless the Netherlands turns us into a global Solidarity, and fast.


Here in NY some farmers know what’s coming and are starting to push back.

Good for them, but where I live farmers are driving tractor trailers full of slurry all over the place to spray on hilly fields with streams at the bottom. Zero mitigation, which is going to make them targets for the climate police.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well said.


The Russians are comin’!

Putin is destroying the Cabal…


Can’t happen soon enough.

Gail Combs

I loved that movie.


Astonishing, amazing, extraordinary, whatever word you choose. My 1972 self could not possibly fathom my 2022 self cheering on Russia.

I have often wondered if VSG and Putin are in fact closely working together, and Cabal knows that but cannot prove that, or prove it in a way which does not hurt Cabal.


“…Cabal knows that but cannot prove that, or prove it in a way which does not hurt Cabal.”

Nice observation. Cabal would be fatally falling on their sword(s).


Dems have been trying to prove Trump collusion with Russia for years. They fail every time.



Just confirmed by the Japanese news agency, NHK, by The Guardian, by NBC, and multiple other sources.
Rest in Peace, Mr. Abe. May your ancestors welcome you with open arms. May Kami provide you loving-kindness and eternal happiness.

Last edited 2 years ago by RDS
Gail Combs


Why aren’t the EVIL ONES shot by the mentally ill instead? … MK maybe?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. The good people don’t abuse MK. The bad people do. SIMPLE.



Last edited 2 years ago by para59r


Really BAD NEWS FOR THE WORLD! Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is dead. He was assassinated. His killer was captured and will hopefully be dealt with swiftly and harshly. Few people know what a great man and leader Shinzo Abe was, but history will teach them and be kind. He was a unifier like no other, but above all, he was a man who loved and cherished his magnificent country, Japan. Shinzo Abe will be greatly missed. There will never be another like him!

—President Donald J. Trump

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Abe was very smart. He was Trump-level. Stable genius. Very few could understand Trump as well as Abe did.

The other side did this. But we just have to keep marching on.


We will.

Never give in. Never give up. Never quit.

Gail Combs

He will be mourned as one of our own.  😪 



Life is in the blood. The price of freedom frequently involves the spilling of blood. PM Abe is a hero. His killer is a spawn of Satan and those who MK the world into doing their evil for them.




That conspiracy theorist meme is hilarious.

For the record, I identify as Trinity.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

One of my faves!

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Last edited 2 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sure did!


Wolf – in the hopper for release in a couple hours. Grammar addressed along with some softening of a few topics and adding some clarifications without overly watering down the content. Should make your and my jobs easier.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great!!! Thank you!!!


Adjusting my release of the planned next one to a two parter that will serve as a great illustration of the Uni-party and how the game is played at a high level. Seems more applicable for the times we live in currently.

Then will do one most will enjoy that may need your imaging expertise due to the subject matter. 😉


Excuse change………….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Gail Combs

Forgets to mention that OH!Bummer’s DECREASE of CO2 by EIGHTY PERCENT is NOT an  1800s lifestyle but the seventeen hundreds!  

 People forget that coal was very much in use in the 1800s and a lot of farm machinery pulled by horse, mule or oxen was factory made. (First Agricultural Revolution) Without coal you are back to charcoal as fuel for forges and metal implements will be very very rare. Solar panels and modern wind turbines can not be replaced using the power they generate so you are back to hydro (If the eco-nuts allow dam building) and old fashion cloth and wood wind mills. And those wind mills would soon be raided for wood to burn.

Worse western high tech people of today do not have the foggiest idea of how to survive without factory made equipment. HENCE THE IMPORT OF THIRD WORLDERS TO REPLACE US. Even the Amish buy factory equipment and they are the most well adapted to an 1800s lifestyle BUT NOT A seventeen hundreds!  

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, you’re right. They’re disempowering the people – and they’re doing it DIRECTLY.

CLEVER. Very clever. And EVIL.



It’s more toxic, less sustainable, wastes more resources and land than fossil fuels.

Each wind turbine requires 900 tons of steel, 2,500 tons of concrete and 45 tons of non-recyclable plastic to build. They have a lifetime of only 25 years, and need up to 700 gallons of oil for the gears and hydraulic systems which must be replaced every year.

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“Fossil fuels and coal have been a miracle to our planet. What a blessing to have this wonderful source of energy that’s saved and prolonged millions of lives – and is responsible for nearly every great advancement of modern mankind. Thank God for gas, oil, and coal.”

Petroleum Jelly is also a wonderful gift of healing. If we listed all the products and advances since oil was first struck and employed – they would fill many books!!!!

REMEMBER this also – CARBON is also necessary – along with CARBON DIOXIDE – it’s what feeds our plants and helps plants to produce necessary OXYGEN!!!!!!!

Time to tell the so-called greenies to stuff it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Greenies are the original fear-bots of the cabal.


Yes, it doesn’t matter what the ploy is…covid, vax, equity, climate change, renewables, taking farms away………………………it’s all to control and enslave and murder millions.

We get all wound up about each new atrocity knowing full well what the end game is.


Cuppa Covfefe

IIRC, the amount of energy required to break up and haul away the incredibly massive concrete base(s) outstrips the total energy “created” by the turbine over its entire “lifetime” by a large amount. And the fiberglass-compound rotors are NOT recycleable… they’re classed as hazardous waste (as are parts of the generator itself)…..

As with all the other laws they break, the Satanic Green DEMONRAT Deathmocrats ignore the laws of unintended consequences…

Or, perhaps they DO intend them…..


Are they just catering to their Chai-knees overlords/owners?

Gail Combs


Gail Combs

Best use for all that concrete and maybe the  fiberglass-compound rotors, is ROAD base.

Otherwise it is useless eyesores.


Mush-mind has no idea what his previous lies were, as he lies on a new track.

Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is just pure Soviet bullshit. It’s just like the Soviet Union. Propaganda.

At this point, RUSSIA is more patriotically American by simple virtue of climate realism, than this administration is, by their stone-age climate propaganda.


Notice how “President Biden” is literally gripping the podium to help him stand up.

Last edited 2 years ago by RDS

He should be careful invoking God, he’s God-less


“If they resisted, colleges were threatened with the loss of federal money—including access to student loans. For the vast majority of colleges, such a loss would effectively be a death sentence.”


And here’s how that scam works.

First, get all your marxist buddies in positions of power in the school administrations, because it won’t work otherwise.

As everyone knows, America’s universities have been hotbeds of Marxist activism since the 1990s, at least.

Then give your marxist university administration buddies plausible cover to enact whatever sick plans Hussein and Holder could come up with.

At that point, all their marxist university administration buddies can say ‘We had no choice, if we didn’t turn the university into Osatan’s sociological playground, we would have lost everything. Oh, woe is me‘.

Conversely, if the administrations of the universities had not been former bathhouse partners of Ohomo the Kenyan muslim infiltrator, they could have gone ‘over the top’ in response, which is nearly always the correct play in such circumstances.

Assign blame where it belongs, call Hussein’s bluff, and let him do what he has threatened to do — if he dares. And when the school is cut off from federal funds, put the blame on Hussein. You control the campus, put signs up everywhere, in every classroom, every street corner, every bar, anywhere students gather, explaining what Otraitor is doing, and how it is going to cause the university to shut down.

Let everybody process that, and know for sure exactly who is responsible. When the wealthy donor alumni who support the school react in horror, make sure they understand that if they want to save their beloved Alma mater from going into the dustbin of history, they better confront Hussein and force him to put a stop to this nonsense — the same Hussein to whom these alumni almost certainly have given plenty of donations at every opportunity.

When the students riot, make sure to support and side with them and blame Hussein. Make sure everyone knows that Hussein is to blame for what is happening.

Actions have consequences. Let the consequences of Hussein’s actions HAPPEN, let people EXPERIENCE it, and turn their anger on the CORRECT source of the pain.

Sorry Harvard, I guess it’s the end of the line, thanks to Obastard.

Sorry Yale, you had a good run, but it’s time to board up the windows and turn off the lights, thanks to the Kenyan Usurper.

Too bad Berkeley. So much history and tradition, up in smoke like an old Cheech and Chong movie.

Let all the students and alumni and local college communities that depend on the university student population for their livelihoods experience the consequences of Barackism.

And let that filthy POS Hussein, the source of the ‘fundamental change’, be the rightful target of EVERYONE’S anger.

That is how you deal with thugs like Osatan and the domestic terrorist Eric Holder.

The only reason to ever give in to their demands, is if you were already on their team in the first place, in which case you use the “we had no choice but to go along” excuse to give yourself protective ‘cover’.

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Barky Osatan should be getting the blame for EVERYTHING Sleepy Barack Slave is doing right now, too.

Osatan has hidden behind his little puppet show, but he’s still every bit as evil as he used to be – maybe MORE now.


He and the others are almost at peak power. All western govts are onboard. Rule of law, Nuremburg, Geneva Convention, Constitution mean nothing now.
When govt starts shooting at citizens it’s on. The only reason IMHO that it hasn’t happened here yet is because there hasn’t been a coordinated mass protest..


“When govt starts shooting at citizens it’s on. The only reason IMHO that it hasn’t happened here yet is because there hasn’t been a coordinated mass protest..”


Also because unlike any other western country, there are well over half a billion firearms in the hands of the American People.

Enough firearms to arm every able bodied man, woman and child.

And still have enough left over to keep a back-up gun.


True to a point but the harsh reality is that unless all of us with one or more of these firearms are threatened at the same time and place the odds of beating back armored tanks and the arms used by soldiers is low.

The transformation of the military from Patriots, loyal to country, is the tell. Even the most beta trannie weirdo would be happy to shoot a thousand bullets at a flag waving grandpa or grandma.


The power of the collective arsenal only has meaning if it’s used offensively. In a defensive position…not so much. But I’m a nobody who didn’t stay at a Holiday Inn and woke up a war mastermind!


You are!


Everything you are saying today is right on the button.


TY It’s probably considered doomfag-ism but the truth of this matter is ugly, an ugly most of us haven’t seen before and can hardly imagine .
We’ve been reared on happy endings, the cavalry swoops in and saves the day and we go back to orderly lives.
This is something so demonically dark..for all intent and purpose all govts are united in a plan to murder many millions of human beings…and they’ve begun ! We’re witnessing it already


TRUTH must prevail.

PC, nope. Butthurt feelings, TDB.


and they’ve begun ! We’re witnessing it already

Reminds me of this:
“The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish?” – Patrick Henry


Inspiring words. ^^




We are steeling ourselves and raising awareness. No doom and gloom, just realism.


There was, IS (?), something about Three Percent.

Not to mention silent supporting infrastructure.


Explains the priority of rooting out and infiltrating .
The only group that appears to not get shut down or beat to a pulp or even thrown in the gulag…patriot front…hmm


Oath Keepers. Genuine Patriots to The Constitution.

(Rhodes aside. Benefit of the doubt for now.)


Thumbs up on that !

Gail Combs




Remember that in addition to notifying the Mexican Government where the civilian patrols were, Janet Napolitano ALSO put Patriots on the ‘Terrorist’ watchlist while the government took the suspected Muslim Jihadists OFF the terrorist watchlist This was done RIGHT AFTER Obama took office!

Napolitano stands by controversial report

𝗔𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗹 𝟭𝟲, 𝟮𝟬𝟬𝟵

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Wednesday that she was briefed before the release of a controversial intelligence assessment and that she stands by the report, which lists returning veterans among terrorist risks to the U.S…..”


Organizational history

The Oath Keepers has been identified as one of the “largest and most prominent organizations of the militia/patriot movement.”[27][28]  👉 Oath Keepers was founded in March 2009 by Elmer Stewart Rhodes,[29][30][31]  👉 Yale Law School graduate, [Skull & Cross bones member maybe?? -GC] former U.S. Army paratrooper, and former staffer for Republican Congressman Ron Paul.[32] 

[Was he on Ron Paul’s Staff to keep an eye on him? Bilderburg was talking of assassinating Paul if he ran for President as an independent. He quit his run IMMEDIATELY after the meeting BTW despite promising he WOULD run a week or two before.- GC]

The SPLC lists Rhodes as a known extremist.[15] Under Rhodes’ leadership in 2013, they instructed its members to form “Citizen Preservation” teams, which included militias, to operate in communities across the country meant to defend Americans against the government intentionally letting the country descend into chaos then declaring martial law and scrapping the constitution, stating that “They are preparing to control and contain us, and to shoot us, but not preparing to feed us.”[33][34][35] On December 8, 2015, Rhodes was disbarred by the Montana Supreme Court for conduct violating the Montana Rules of Professional Conduct after refusing to respond to two bar grievances filed against him in the federal district court in Arizona.[36]


Maybe the khakis are just too intimidating.


LOLOL…maybe that’s the tip to them…if a person is wearing them…hold fire !!!!!
Our new secret weapon..khakis


“True to a point but the harsh reality is that unless all of us with one or more of these firearms are threatened at the same time and place the odds of beating back armored tanks and the arms used by soldiers is low.”


Agreed, but the only reason we haven’t experienced what Canada, Australia and New Zealand experienced, is because we have half a billion guns, and they didn’t.

There was zero credible counter threat from the public, and in the absence of the public’s ability to defend themselves (or take offensive action), the tyrants did what comes naturally to them.

The tyrants here know that they can win any individual battle with members of the public — but if just one such battle actually takes place, the entire population goes to Defcon 1.

And the tyrants know that they don’t have the numbers to be everywhere all the time, not even close, and they never will.

The only reason the tyrants are still in power is because so far, we’ve allowed them to be.

Like a Mexican standoff.

If the tyrants make a move for their gun, i.e., if their tyranny turns to naked aggression toward the citizens of our country, it’s over for them, because there are too many of us and too many guns.

That dynamic was entirely absent in the other countries. They could act without restraint, and did so.

We outnumber police and military roughly 300 to 1, and the majority of the military is otherwise deployed around the world enforcing NWO doctrine.

Gail Combs

“…The tyrants here know that they can win any individual battle with members of the public — but if just one such battle actually takes place, the entire population goes to Defcon 1…..”

HOWEVER they did try it. First with WACO TX and then with Bundy Ranch. However (Thanks to the internet) the Bundy Ranch turned into a major disaster for the Feds although they kept on trying.


“HOWEVER they did try it. First with WACO TX and then with Bundy Ranch.”


Yep, but that was in the 1990s, when most people were completely asleep.

Today a whole lot more people are like this:

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Gail Combs


I think Q was meant not only to wake Patriots up but to keep them from doing anything desperate and interfering with the White Hat plans.

That of course ASS-umes there actually ARE White Hats.


Agree on both thoughts.


Well then we wait, ready for the flashpoint. Them destroying the economy and people’s heath and future is slow torture.

Gail Combs

But absolutely necessary to get people to WAKE THE HECK UP!


Dutch gov’t was shooting at the farmers when the farmers went around the police blockade.


“If they resisted, colleges were threatened with the loss of federal money—including access to student loans. For the vast majority of colleges, such a loss would effectively be a death sentence.”

^^^ Common across ALL Federal slush funds is Do AS Fed Says, Or No “Free” Money.

Nothing is free.


Kalbo No truer words spoken “Nothing is free”

Gail Combs

Too bad the kids today have never learned that!


That is true. They also do not appreciate anything.
In family I never get a thank you for money gifts for holiday or birthday. Then I reconciled myself that I do it to give not to receive. But young people loose because it carries into their lives and choices they make. True even though they were taught they never took the lessons to heart.


Drummed it into my kids as they grew up. No one owes them anything. Earn there way though life. Manners always, as they deliver dividends in ways large and small.

Gail Combs

That was the WHOLE IDEA behind the 16th. (and 17th) Amendments

Passed by Congress on July 2, 1909, and ratified February 3, 1913, the 16th amendment established Congress’s right to impose a Federal income tax.

Far-reaching in its social as well as its economic impact, the income tax amendment became part of the Constitution by a curious series of events culminating in a bit of political maneuvering that went awry….

In 1909 progressives in Congress again attached a provision for an income tax to a tariff bill. Conservatives, hoping to kill the idea for good, proposed a constitutional amendment enacting such a tax; they believed an amendment would never received ratification by three-fourths of the states. Much to their surprise, the amendment was ratified by one state legislature after another, and on February 25, 1913, with the certification by Secretary of State Philander C. Knox, the 16th amendment took effect. Yet in 1913, due to generous exemptions and deductions, less than 1 percent of the population paid income taxes at the rate of only 1 percent of net income….

This is a map of the USA with the percent of a state’s General revenue that comes FROM the federal government. (AZ & GA are more dependent than other states…HMMmmmm.)
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Originally Tariffs on imported products (TAX ON THE RICH?) were the ONLY source of Federal Funding (although I have read some was also FROM the states TO the Federal Government.)
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“In one of his most underrated moves to Make America Great Again, President Trump quickly repealed Obama’s policy. That should have sent it permanently to the ash bin of history.

But alas, no. Not only is the policy back, but activists have concocted a version that is far more wicked than its predecessor.”


And thus shall it ever be, unless the enemy within is identified and punished so severely that they are forced back into secret basement meetings for the next hundred years.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


I’m ready to see justice. REAL justice.


“German farmers also rise up. Dutch, Italian, Polish and German, this is growing into a global movement.”


Apparently it has been so long since anyone actually ‘rose up’ that most people don’t actually know what it means.

Symbolic emotional gestures which leave the tyrannical power structure 100% completely intact is not ‘rising up’.

It’s a public display of impotence.


And that’s a completely different thing from ‘rising up’.


I think such displays are a necessary step. They show solidarity and provide opportunities for unification and planning. But yes, more has to be done that will have a real impact.

Cuppa Covfefe

They’re NOT DONE YET….


Special to WorldTribune, March 10, 2022

by Gemki Fujii – Cambridge Forecast Group of Japan

Although he is no longer Japan’s Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe continues to be his nation’s most recognizable, influential and outspoken statesman, especially in recent months leading up to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine amid rising concerns China would follow suit in Taiwan.

comment image Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe: ‘It is time to abandon this ambiguity strategy.’ / Kim Kyung Hoon / Reuters

Recently, on a Fuji TV talk show, he called on the United States, in the style of former President Donald Trump, to step up and end its longstanding policy of “strategic ambiguity” on defending Taiwan.

“It is time to abandon this ambiguity strategy. The people of Taiwan share our universal values, so I think the U.S. should firmly abandon its ambiguity.”


Hochul has jumped the shark. Being roosted over this.

New Yorkers seeking to carry concealed handguns will be required to hand over their social media accounts for a review of their “character and conduct.”

Last edited 2 years ago by holly08
Gail Combs


People should have figured that out when corporations started demanding access to your Farcebook and Twatter accounts.


Roasted though roosted works because she is one dumb cluck. 🐔


Another reason to leave NY.

Gail Combs

I did. When I lived there it was a nice place. Now I will not even go back to visit relatives!


I’ve left and come back here 3 times. I’m here now for my mother, but she’s the last one, so someday….

Gail Combs

Could you move your mother to a nice southern state?


I’m working on it. Depending on how things unravel here, she’ll end up going where I go. I was ready to bug out over the vaxx requirements. She’s not a NY fan either, but she has a good life right now. It’s not so easy to start over in your 80’s, so we’ll stay put for now. I have plans though….

Gail Combs

Tell me about it! Hubby is nearly 80 and I am not that far behind. I moved over 40 times in my first 25 years.  😖  And we have been here in NC for over 25 so we are sort of PLANTED. However if NC goes hard DEMON-RAT We might consider a move to a more Conservative state…. but it would be a difficult decision to make.

I really hate what happened to NY. I lived in Upstate for years and it was very nice now it is a progressive shitthole.  😡 


“Gun applicants in New York will have to hand over social accounts”


Whatever. It’s no different than saying I’ll have to take the jab.

That’s not happening either.

Leaving enemy occupied territory is infinitely better than complying with lawless tyranny.

Never comply.


Blatantly unconstitutional and flies in the face of the recent SCOTUS ruling. The Left doesn’t care about the law or our rights.


Even the Dems here are questioning her decisions, calling her gun control legislation “emotional” and “hysterical”.


Run Boris, RUN!

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Truth, one of the few times BiteMe was honest.

Must have been politically expedient at the time.

Cuppa Covfefe

Or maybe he had some guns to run/hide/use…..


We know he has shotguns. There’s a video of him talking about telling Jill to shoot it in some wacky scenario he probably dreamed up just to have something to say
We also know Hunter has/had guns

Last edited 2 years ago by mollypitcher5

Snatched from OT. First 6 1/2 minutes a nice tribute.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

LIVE: President Donald J. Trump in Las Vegas, NV (


President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, Delivers Remarks in Las Vegas, Nevada on Friday, July 8, 2022, at 8:00PM EDT.


Joe Lombardo speaking at the moment. (vomit)


Trump arrived, speaking.

Tribute to Abe.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

About time. TY


Another angle. Shows much more, too include guy with brief case trying to block the second shot.


Not sure what darksideErika is talking about. Looks like the briefcase went up in defense of Abe, may even of gotten hit. Appears more that the heart attack got him or maybe they got him the ambulance?


He’s certainly not reacting to a shot gun blast to the back. More like fragments that hit his arm.


This is what they are saying now.

Although this is not a full picture of him going into the hospital, I’m not seeing any of his security detail in this vid. Did they or did they not get in the ambulance?

Abe’s smart! Zelensky did not fool him.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

Wasn’t trying to show first and third tweet in the above. I guess they are tag alongs.


“Looks like the briefcase went up in defense of Abe,”


Looked like the briefcase went up in a display of toxic beta male pearl clutching.

The chances of using a purse (whether it contains a bullet-proof plate or not) to block the next shot are effectively zero — just as that display demonstrated.

The security detail is supposed to block the next shot with his own BODY, while charging the shooter. They’re supposed to train to run TOWARD the gun, to take the shot, so the protectee doesn’t.

Not flail around like a girl waving a purse at the shooter.

It’s like a testament to the result of complete emasculation.

Total failure.


Security was too far away from him. Looks like they were in the wings.


I’m not convinced any of those people were even professional security at all.

They’re not physically built like most professional security, they didn’t respond to the threat like professional security, they didn’t engage the threat like professional security, and they didn’t subdue the threat like professional security.

The protectee was successfully approached and assassinated at close range.

Security failed every aspect of their mission if they were professional security, and it’s hard to believe professionals would fail every aspect of their jobs during an emergency response.

Things always go wrong, but training should prevent everything from going wrong.

These guys didn’t respond like they had any security training of any kind, at all.

It was a failure of security just allowing anyone with a weapon to get within 21 feet of the protectee.

Someone with a knife can close a 21-foot gap in 1.5 seconds or less:

A Scientific Examination of the Tueller Drill
This excellent research was conducted by Dr. William Sandel, Dr. M. Hunter, and Dr. J. Pete Blair. It was titled, “A Scientific Examination of the 21 Foot Rule.” Long time readers of this website will remember these guys from my previous articles examining CQB tactics, and one man room clearing techniques.

In their paper, they conducted three experiments. The first experiment determined the average speed someone could sprint 21 feet. To do this they used laser timing gates that precisely measured when the subjects started, and how long it took them to cover the distance.

They found that the average participant could cover 21 feet in 1.5 seconds, with the fastest running a 1.24 and the slowest a 1.83 second time. This average lines up exactly with the original tests. Score one for the 80’s!

Next the researchers asked how quickly an officer could draw and fire their weapon. These participants were police officers with 56% of them using a level two retention holster, like the Safariland SLS series. There were other holster types that were averaged into the overall time as well.

The officers were given a Glock Simunitions gun and were told to fire their weapon at a silhouette 21 feet away when a light went off. Their time was recorded by video and analyzed frame by frame to precisely measure how long it took to draw and shoot the man sized target.

It took officers an average time of 1.80 seconds to draw and fire at the target once. Several officers had a lot of trouble clearing their holster adding time onto the average. The median time to draw and shoot one round was 1.73 sec, with the fastest time at 1.03 sec and the slowest time at 3.4 sec.

Fourteen percent of the officers missed the target. This brings us to the last experiment the researchers conducted.

They had participants charge police officers with a shock knife. This knife emits a sound like a taser and will deliver a painful shock if touched to bare skin. The officers were instructed to fire one round if the subject charged at them.

Of the 57 officers who participated in this drill, 7 were not able to draw their firearm successfully. For those that actually got their shot off, the average time it took to draw and shoot was 1.43 seconds.

The fastest officers shot in .93 sec and the slowest was 2.4 seconds. These officers hit their target 76% of the time. This means only 66% of officers were successful in hitting a target running at them from 21 feet.

While I find these results incredibly compelling for police officers, I think they are just as applicable to anyone who carries a firearm for defensive purposes. In my experience a concealed draw is about the same speed as a draw from a level two holster.

Without any hard evidence, I would assume that your average concealed carry person would fail at a higher rate than these officers did, and they didn’t do a particularly good job in my opinion.”


Every professional security person in the world (and certainly most cops) should be familiar with the Tueller Drill, which has been around for nearly 40 years now.

Abe’s security never even drew a firearm that I could see.

Which means the former leader of Japan was being ‘guarded’ by unarmed security — if they were professional security at all.


IF security was looking, it was NOT a 360 look.


Wow, that’s embarrassing.

That’s not security, that’s just pathetic.

Whether the first shot hit Abe or not, his entire team should have swarmed him onto the ground.

Instead, he’s just standing there, looking over his shoulder, presenting a stationary target, and his entire security team is just looking around.

Get off the ‘X’!

You have to MOVE.

Then his security guy holds up a briefcase like it’s a purse or something.

Just humiliating.

Abe would have been better off having no security at all. If that had been the case, he wouldn’t have had a false sense of security, and would have looked after himself.

He couldn’t have done a worse job than his security team did today.

JW in Germany

The more research I do on food and its effect on the human body…the more I am convinced that the ‘food pyramid’ was created for profit while knowingly making the masses sick.

For half a century, we have been lied to while spending $$$TRILLIONS on ‘eating a balanced heart healthy diet‘…when in reality the food pyramid of death has been putting millions of people in an early grave and making our men impotent.

Want to know why testosterone production in men has taken a nose dive and why birth rates have collapsed in the West? Look no further than the war on cholesterol and saturated fats that are absolutely essential to healthy hormone production and countless other functions in the body.

I would strongly argue that outside of the propaganda against men…following the government recommendations (aka Big Agriculture and Big Pharma recommendations) has made boys and men more feminine making them more likely to be confused and susceptible to brainwashing by the gender benders.

Yeah…I do think it is all tied together with population control, profit…and POWER. Maybe not from day 1…but over time TPTB have figured out how to use this for THEIR benefit. For the vast majority of human history…humans have been known as super carnivores…meaning that we got at least 70% of our food from animals.

You want a healthy hamburger? Throw away the bun and ketchup and slap layers of bacon and REAL cheese on it! 💪  😋  👍  🇺🇸 

What If You Eat BACON Every Day For 30 Days?

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you ate bacon everyday for 30 days? Will bacon give you cancer? How about a heart attack and clog your arteries? Find out all about bacon and what happens in your body when you eat it. By the end of this video you will know if bacon fat is good for you and if eating bacon is healthy for weight loss.

Last edited 2 years ago by JW in Germany
JW in Germany

Btw, although Dr. Ekberg warns about nitrates/nitrites…newer research shows that they may not be bad for you either.


It keeps getting better and better for me. 🙂

JW in Germany

Just amazing how much of the trusty ‘science’ over the decades has turned out to be total BS.

So much that we were programmed to believe literally has ZERO peer reviewed study to back it up. Maybe a bit of epidemiology…but no real controlled study.


Yup. Trust is irrevocably broken.


Have bacon most every day. Prolly ought to shift to daily.

Thankfully have never been motivated by the food pyramid.

Gail Combs

Yeah I was thinking 30 days??? HOW ABOUT 30 YEARS!
I only quit because I can not have all that salt.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

❤ ❤ JAMES ❤ ❤
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JW in Germany

 😍  😍  😍  😋 

Gail Combs

NOTHING from the meat that comes into this house goes out in the garbage except for the bones… And they go into the stock pot with lemon juice/wine and simmer for 4 hours first!

Given a choice I would eat nothing BUT meat. Ever notice that ‘Good’ bread is almost as EXPENSIVE PER POUND AS MEAT?

Walmart 7¢ to 26.7¢ per oz for bread and pasta

Potato chips (and candy) are much worse @ 18¢ to 52¢ per oz

While the last hamburger I got was $2.99/lb or 18.7¢ per oz
and Chuck roast @ $5.99/lb or 37.4¢ per oz

JW in Germany

Hmmm…I can imagine that the lemon juice brings out more minerals from the bone. I will have to remember that.

Gail Combs

EXACTLY! Wine is also acidic and will dissolve a lot of the minerals. I can not drink milk anymore so Bone Broth is a way to get calcium and collagen.

I haven’t had canned soup in 30 years. I can’t stand the taste after eating REAL soup.

JW in Germany

I am getting pretty good with making brisket…and my first couple of batches of jerky in the smoker were fantastic.


Brisket recipe ya care to share?

JW in Germany

Good ol Texas style rub with salt and fresh course ground pepper. I inject with lots of Wagyu tallow and makes the brisket taste much more expensive than the prime cut.

I use mesquite and cherry to smoke brisket low and slow at 225°F but turn it up to 250° about an hour before I wrap to solidify the bark. I spray occasionally with apple cider vinegar to keep it moist. Vinegar has a higher evaporation temp than water.

I use the temp probe to test for tenderness at approx 198 to 202°F.


Thank you.



4 week #puppyturds birthday party with my world class mad howling skills – 😂


Those puppies and mom are so lucky to have Catturd as their human!!!


They are! I could be off, but I only count 8 puppies in that video. The one that is on meds for an upper respiratory infection might not have been able to attend the party.


Count the legs and divide by four.


A task that would be easier if they would hold still for even a moment! 😅


Wisconsin Supreme Court disallows absentee ballot drop boxes

Wisconsin’s conservative-controlled Supreme Court ruled Friday that absentee ballot drop boxes may be placed only in election offices and that no one other than the voter can return a ballot in person, dealing a defeat to Democrats who said the decision would make it harder to vote in the battleground state.

However, the court didn’t address whether anyone other than the voter can return his or her own ballot by mail. That means that anyone could still collect multiple ballots for voters and, instead of using a drop box, put them in the mail. 

Republicans have argued that practice, known as ballot harvesting, is ripe with fraud although there has been no evidence of that happening in Wisconsin. Democrats and others argue that many voters, particularly the elderly and disabled, have difficulty returning their ballots without the assistance of others.


Putin’s comin’ for you Ms Lindsey; ‘course we know why Blumenthal is pushing thi


Huh? 🤔😏😵😣🙄😆😉

“Long-range artillery is very, very important. But so is the hand-to-hand insurgency that we are hoping to see in eastern Ukraine, in the territory that’s already been occupied by the Russians,” Blumenthal said.

So yeah, we’ll do the artillery?
(but but but…)
Recommending hand to hand insurgency?
And they’ll toss in calling Russia a terrorist state?

But the main purpose of the visit was to discuss a plan to designate Russia as a “state sponsor of terrorism” with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Look pal, you lost the war and this is the best we can do!


That’s going to work so well with all those women they’re conscripting.

Gail Combs

Who will probably opt to go home with the Russian soldiers.  😋 


Brave politicians, always pushing others to die for the politicians causes.


Yeah, bloody hand to hand fighting is such a great way to show your grit. Some gaping stabs and dying slowly or urban skirmishes getting limbs blown off …I can’t believe they say this sh*t out loud for msm to highlight


Like they always say, if you want to lose badly, put Blumenthal and Lady Graham in charge 👍




This is very positive. I don’t know what effect these resolutions will have, though. If they wake people up, good. If they cause more diligence in protecting upcoming elections, good. But I doubt they have any effect on overturning 2020.

JW in Germany

Ever more…I believe that the stolen 2020 election is working out better than we could have ever imagined. The exposure of the massive cabal is essential to draining the swamp.

“It had to be done this way.” Q



🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗


Pro-Abortion Protest Mob Forces Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh to Leave DC Restaurant Morton’s Steakhouse by Back Door: Reports

Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanagh, who was targeted by an assassin last month, was forced by a pro-abortion protest mob to leave by the back door of the Washington, D.C. power player restaurant Morton’s The Steakhouse this week according to reports.

The leftist group Shutdown DC boasted about the mob action Wednesday night, “We hear Kavanaugh snuck out the back with his security detail. @mortons should be ashamed for welcoming a man who so clearly hates women.”

Ruth Sent Us, another leftist group targeting conservative Justices at their homes claimed they received a tip and that one of their members was working at Morton’s when Kavanaugh dined there…“One of our regular Wed #SCOTUS6 protestors sent this text: “Morton’s needed me to work tonight but mother f*cking Brett Kavanaugh is here eating. He could probably hear you from the street.” RT The nation’s rage is growing. What would you do if you were his waiter? #SummerofRage”

Politico also reported Kavanaugh’s meal was undisturbed by the mob, “While the court had no official comment on Kavanaugh’s behalf and a person familiar with the situation said he did not hear or see the protesters and ate a full meal but left before dessert, Morton’s was outraged about the incident.”

Statement by the restaurant:

“Honorable Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh and all of our other patrons at the restaurant were unduly harassed by unruly protestors while eating dinner at our Morton’s restaurant. Politics, regardless of your side or views, should not trample the freedom at play of the right to congregate and eat dinner. There is a time and place for everything. Disturbing the dinner of all of our customers was an act of selfishness and void of decency.”

There’s no telling what a crazed leftist in the kitchen would do. I think eating out is dangerous. And then the Left succeeds by instilling fear and stopping our everyday activities. But this is domestic terrorism.


” But this is domestic terrorism.” Encouraged by our allegedly elected reps and permitted by our Federal law enforcement agency and our Dept of Justice

Gail Combs


18 U.S. Code § 115 Influencing, impeding, or retaliating against a Federal official by threatening or injuring a family member


(A)assaults, kidnaps, or murders, or attempts or conspires to kidnap or murder, or threatens to assault, kidnap or murder a member of the immediate family of a United States official, a United States judge, a Federal law enforcement officer, or an official whose killing would be a crime under section 1114 of this title; or

(B)threatens to assault, kidnap, or murder, a United States official, a United States judge, a Federal law enforcement officer, or an official whose killing would be a crime under such section,

with intent to impede, intimidate, or interfere with such official, judge, or law enforcement officer while engaged in the performance of official duties, or with intent to retaliate against such official, judge, or law enforcement officer on account of the performance of official duties, shall be punished as provided in subsection (b).


Assault is generally defined as an intentional act that puts another person in reasonable apprehension of imminent harmful or offensive contact. No physical injury is required, but the actor must have intended to cause a harmful or offensive contact with the victim and the victim must have thereby been put in immediate apprehension of such a contact….

“Reasonable apprehension” in the context of assault, refers to the victim’s reasonable belief that the act will lead to imminent harmful or offensive contact.

The victim does not need to prove fear, only that they were aware that such a contact might occur. If the victim and the tortfeasor do not know each other, then the legal standard is what an ordinary reasonable person under the same circumstances as the victim would have believed.

If the victim and tortfeasor have special knowledge of each other, this special knowledge may be considered when determining whether the victim’s apprehension was reasonable.

“Imminent” in the context of assault, means the threatened harmful or offensive contact must be certain or likely to occur very soon….

The prima facie case for assault has three components:

The defendant acts.

The defendant intends to cause the victim to apprehend imminent harmful or offensive contact by the defendant.

The defendant’s act causes the victim to reasonably apprehend such a contact.

In tort law, assault is considered an intentional tort. Some jurisdictions label assault as attempted battery. Assault is typically paired with battery as assault and battery.

In assault and battery, assault refers to the act that causes the victim to immediately apprehend a harmful or offensive contact, whereas battery refers to the act that causes the actual contact.

Assault committed under aggravating circumstances may be raised to aggravated assault….


Here I thought US Marshall’s were supposed to provide security for Justice’s.

No concerted effort to get rid of protestors. No arrests that I know of.

Arrest the bastards, drop them off at FIB HQ with Pravda News in tow.


FIB has more important crime to fight…the NASCAR noose fiasco is the type of thorough investigation that they do best.


In fairness, nationwide, FIB is investigating parents at school board meetings. /s


press charges! Enough nice chit chat, “selfishness”. WTF these people are attacking a supreme!


GWP: BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Oath Keepers Founder Stewart Rhodes AGREES to Testify Before Liz Cheney and Jan. 6 Committee Next Week — BUT ONLY IF IT IS AIRED LIVE


Good by me.

  • J6 unselect agrees, we know it is a sham.
  • J6 unselct disagrees, it’ll be quite telling in itself.

I suspect, J6 unselect WILL agree to live air hearing. (Sham playing out)


I’m expecting them to not agree to a live questioning of Rhodes. It will be interesting to see what they do.


If so, Rhodes looks for like a good guy.

Bad guys control every question.


Intel Slava Z

The command of the 24th brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine disarms a whole company of its militants after their collective refusal to participate in hostilities

The militants, who decided to lay down their arms, chose prison, which is better than a senseless death for the Zelensky regime.


Thanks phoenix,
Maybe they heard this looser was quitting too 🙂

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

Getting Rid of Joe Biden–Possible Scenarios (

By Larry Johnson

With the U.K.’s Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, headed for the exits, it is worth exploring whether or not Joe Biden will last his term or be forced into retirement. With growing expectations that the Republicans will sweep the House of Representatives and take back the U.S. Senate, I believe it is worth exploring whether Democrats want to cut their losses before the election and dump Biden or will they encourage him to resign before the Republican-controlled legislative bodies take control in January.

If the Democrats wait until after the Republicans are sworn in to engineer Biden’s exit, they face a real risk of not being able to appoint the Vice President to fill the job left vacant by Kamala Harris, who would replace Biden. Why? Any nominee put forward by Harris would have to be voted on by both the House of Representatives and the Senate. Here are the relevant portions of the U.S. Constitution:

Article II, Section 1, Clause 6:

In Case of the Removal of the President from Office, or of his Death, Resignation, or Inability to discharge the Powers and Duties of the said Office, the Same shall devolve on the Vice President, and the Congress may by law provide for the Case of Removal, Death, Resignation or Inability, both of the President and Vice President, declaring what Officer shall then act as President, and such Officer shall act accordingly, until the Disability be removed, or a President shall be elected.

Twelfth Amendment

The person having the greatest number of votes as Vice-President, shall be the Vice-President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed, and if no person have a majority, then from the two highest numbers on the list, the Senate shall choose the Vice-President; a quorum for the purpose shall consist of two-thirds of the whole number of Senators, and a majority of the whole number shall be necessary to a choice. But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States.

Twenty-Fifth Amendment, Section 2:

Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress.

Here are four possible scenarios:

  1. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris complete their first term.
  2. Joe Biden completes his first term but Kamala Harris resigns and a replacement is required.
  3. Joe Biden resigns the Presidency after January 1, 2023 and Kamala Harris replaces him as President.
  4. Joe Biden resigns the Presidency before January 1, 2023 and Kamala Harris replaces him as President.

If Joe Biden is unable to complete his term and either resigns or is removed from the Presidency under the 25th Amendment, the critical issue Democrats must consider is the timing.

If Biden resigns while the Democrats control the House and Senate there is little chance that the legislative bodies would block newly installed President Kamala Harris’ choice for Vice President. But that is not the current reality. The Democrats only control the Senate because Vice President Harris can break the 50/50 tie. If she is elevated to the Presidency she loses her vote as a tie breaker. That means Republican Senators will have a decisive voice in selecting Kamala’s successor. Let’s call this scenario 1.

Pursuing scenario 1 for a moment, what happens if Kamala nominates Barack Obama to be her Vice President. I am pretty sure most Democrats would welcome that move because they do not believe Harris could organize a three car funeral. With Obama waiting in the wings the Democrats would have the illusory hope that there was an “adult” who could take charge if Harris stumbles.

One little problem with naming Obama as Vice President–it is not clear whether Obama could take on the Vice Presidency in light of the restrictions presented in the 12th and 25th. The 12th Amendment states:

But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States.

In light of the 25th Amendment limiting any person to two terms as President, there is a Constitutional question whether Obama (or George W. Bush) could be a Vice President. My point in raising this is to point out that nominating the wrong Democrat to the Vice Presidency under scenario 1 will likely be disputed and litigated.

Now for scenario 2–if Biden resigns when the Republicans control the House and the Senate the Republicans could refuse to accept any nominee from Harris. Instead, the Republicans could opt to leave the office vacant, which would mean the Republican Speaker of the House would be the de facto Vice President (i.e., the person next in line to Constitutionally succeed President Harris if she does not complete her term). Alternatively, the Republicans could try to nominate their own Vice President candidate. This too would be a Constitutional question given that the existing language states the President nominates and the legislature approves with majority vote. Scenario 2 is fraught with political chaos as well.

I think it is highly likely that Joe Biden will not complete his term. The key issue is whether he resigns voluntarily, is replaced under the 25th Amendment or does not come down for breakfast and goes to meet God. Interesting times ahead.

Gail Combs

I think I heard a really nasty cough from Bite-me’s general direction.

I would expect the jetsen to happen fairly close to the midterms to ginn up the wavering Demon-infested Sheeple.


I don’t know of any leaders on the Dem side that people could get excited about. They are old (Pelosi, Feinstein, Schumer) or rabid (AOC, the squad) or political poison (Schiff).

Gail Combs

Unfortunately the Demon-infested Sheeple are completely BRAINWASHED and then there is ALWAYS ELECTION FRAUD…

I mean Bite-me winning the White House???
With more votes than the Obamassiah?

Give me a BREAK!

Last edited 2 years ago by Gail Combs

Nothing to get excited about, but recently Gavin Grewsum is being floated.

Gail Combs

  :wpds_eek:   :wpds_chuckle: 


The second of the “four possible scenarios”.

  • Why would Hoe resign?
  • Hoe is a power ego driven, well, Hoe.
  • Will Hoe be given an offer to resign, she can’t refuse?
  • D-Rats still have a problem getting a nominated VP approved / confirmed.

My guess.

  • Hoe will NOT resign.
  • BiteMe will not resign.
  • BiteMe will ONLY leave office if he croaks. (No I am not suggesting bad behavior by anyone, for any reason.)
  • BiteMe is power, money and ego driven. His Hoe, Jill will insist on remaining in the WH.
  • D-Rats will NOT deploy 25th,, much less impeach.
  • D-Rats WILL try to steal November 8th.
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

If Creepy leaves, Hunter is unemployed. There goes the familly biz.


Pure greed keeps’m going.


He’ll always have his “art” ….think of the creations he can paint under the influence again..Did we know if he went to rehab in preparation for dad’s installment in the WH ?
I can’t recall if he did or didn’t.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

If Creepy goes, so will the art buyers.


Scenario number 3: Republicans could make DJT the Speaker of the House, and also next in line for the Presidency, by not confirming any VP for Camel-Uh.


RF knows where to hit the rocket launchers (fuel tank?), first one does it with a single shot from some kind of a big rifle.
“Russian soldiers ambushed and destroyed a Ukrainian S-300

Time and date of the video is unknown”

“Another destruction of the Ukrainian S-300 with a machine gun. This time, the fighters moved away.”


Must be the White cliffs of (D)over


bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Bacerra has to stop himself from smiling big.


Saw that.


  :wpds_idea:   :wpds_idea:   :wpds_idea:   :wpds_idea: 


BiteMe displays ignorance, daily.


KamaHarr’s face changed expression the instant “President Biden” said, “Repeat the line.” She found it difficult to maintain countenance.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Dr. McCullough talks how new Swedish Study finds jab alters DNA, Dr. Gold says basis for new lawsuit


“Genetic Discrimination” lawsuits.
The embedded capability of the spike protein in the “vaccines” to alter the DNA of the recipient’s body has been discussed on this here blog for months. Good to see that the truth is starting to “spread around.”


Simpleton wondering.

Injections altered Injected folks DNA.

So, anyone having their DNA taken before, can compare “before DNA to Current DNA”?

Is it that simple? (Yea, asking seriously. I did point out Simpleton here.)

Dunno how common it is for folks to get DNA tests. My understanding is ALL military have their DNA taken for identification purposes if something bad happens. No idea about civilian world.

IF it is this simple, Pfizer, Moderna and CDC are screwed.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Logically if you didn’t get DNA tested before jab, you’re SOL. What do you have to compare the aftermath to?



DNA taken for Ancestry searches. Military DNA taken for all.

Show enough DNA changes and it can be, in my mind, “a given” DNA was changed.

Class Action Law Suit by Injected folks.

Cuppa Covfefe

Finally “23 and me” may have justification for existence…..

(Only halfway sarc…..)(as in sarcophagus…)….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Old hair and other material can provide old samples.

Gail Combs

This is the study. Sargon of Akkad provided the link.

Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line


Preclinical studies of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine BNT162b2, developed by Pfizer and BioNTech, showed reversible hepatic effects in animals that received the BNT162b2 injection. Furthermore, a recent study showed that SARS-CoV-2 RNA can be reverse-transcribed and integrated into the genome of human cells. In this study, we investigated the effect of BNT162b2 on the human liver cell line Huh7 in vitro. Huh7 cells were exposed to BNT162b2, and quantitative PCR was performed on RNA extracted from the cells. We detected high levels of BNT162b2 in Huh7 cells and changes in gene expression of long interspersed nuclear element-1 (LINE-1), which is an endogenous reverse transcriptase. Immunohistochemistry using antibody binding to LINE-1 open reading frame-1 RNA-binding protein (ORFp1) on Huh7 cells treated with BNT162b2 indicated increased nucleus distribution of LINE-1. PCR on genomic DNA of Huh7 cells exposed to BNT162b2 amplified the DNA sequence unique to BNT162b2. Our results indicate a fast up-take of BNT162b2 into human liver cell line Huh7, leading to changes in LINE-1 expression and distribution. We also show that BNT162b2 mRNA is reverse transcribed intracellularly into DNA in as fast as 6 h upon BNT162b2 exposure. 

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Thank you.☺


Ministry of Propaganda called into action…got their post assassination talking points


They are evil.

Gail Combs

That is a given.

JW in Germany

….and ever more people are recognizing that they are evil.

Gail Combs


That is a MAJOR and NECESSARY Step in the correct direction!


There is one act above all other acts the other side wants to accomplish NOW.


CBS trashes Abe, the LONGEST running PM for Japan.

Why would CBS make such a connection CBS is messenger boy for deep state / cabal.

Abe murdered as part of the Cabal’s larger plans?

Pravda News pushes for the Deep State wish, STOP TRUMP.

Cuppa Covfefe

C rock of
B ull
S hit

C onsistently
B ogus
S lop


IMO, this is nothing less than a backdoor “hint.”



There it is in black and white.

And the press secretary (can’t think of her name ) said today..”that’s democracy”..hunting down and harassing Justices


Klueless Karine.

Cuppa Covfefe

Kommie Klueless Karine.


They’re organized enough now to have a 30-minute time frame for hunting down these Supreme Court justices.


Relatively small area. IF it isn’t rush hour, quite doable to initiate a flash mob of sorts.

Mob is likely paid to raise hell.

Cuppa Covfefe

By Satan Sauros…..




OMG. Where’s do nothing department of just-us? Secret Sevice? FIB? If that was a right wing group, these ass wipes would be kicking in their doors. I have no words. Sickening.


Cuppa Covfefe

TIme to bend those wheels…..


Confirmed…all msm got the memo

Gail Combs

This reply tickled my funnybone:





Replying to @nataliejohnsonn

and @ellencarmichael

According to the new leftist style book Castro was a moderate, center-right.


Well, one would like to see the names of the “hospital officials” who apparently described Mr. Abe as a “divisive arch-conservative.”

Last edited 2 years ago by RDS
Cuppa Covfefe

Maybe this is a bit harsh, but GOD DAMN NPR…


Deplorable Patriot elegantly matched the libation to the sunset. I bet she would wear an elegant matching bathing suit, sarong and sandals by the pool in the gold and blue evening light.



OK — no sarong. I’m fine with that.

Cuppa Covfefe

Pics or it didn’t happen 😆


Damn right! We real males deserve eye candy.


Elon Musk backing out of Twitter deal.


So now the SEC can take legal action against Twitter for filing false financial reports. I’ ll hold my breathe in anticipation.


Yeah – me too.


It’s not only the SEC that now can act… can every current and former stockholder of Twitter.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Comment on


Writes Eric’s Newsletter 30 min ago

Agree. But it’s even better than that in my view.

Twitter Execs and Board members all going to get sued. By SH. Pension funds. Advertisers. And some of them face potential criminal liability for lying to the SEC, lying to Congress, lying to SH. And Elon will ultimately get all the receipts which will show just how much funding comes from the govt (massive amount is my bet) and how deeply imbedded both the US Security apparatus and the Marxist Democratic Party are in running the show.

It’s gonna be epic and it’s just the top of the 2nd inning.


That’s funny.

Exposed TW hypocrisy, total bias against normal folks, bogus stats that supported ads or whatever kept TW growing.


BOOM! Down goes the bird….

Elon Musk withdraws bid for Twitter, blaming their failure to live up to commitments about real v. bot accounts.

Last edited 2 years ago by cthulhu
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


Bannon called it from the beginning months ago!! Now they need to prosecute all the charlatans for the scam.


“Now they need to prosecute all the charlatans for the scam.”


But who will prosecute?

Twitter is owned and operated by the enemy, for the enemy.

That same enemy owns and operates the FIB and DoJ.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

EXACTLY. KAPO and his army of Dodge and FIB minions, will never prosecute their allies in Twitter and CIA.

SEC enforcement led by Strzok’s wife will NEVER go after their own gang of criminals.

DODGE AND FIB are a joke. An evil, nasty, shocking joke.


Always Catch 22.

JW in Germany

They poison pilled the deal. They could not allow Twitter to be sold to Musk because Twitter’s value is not money…it is a propaganda machine used to manipulate public opinion and steal elections to insert global cabal puppets into Western Democracies.. Color revolutions.

Revolver News and Bioclandestine were absolutely on the money.

Btw, I believe Musk knew this all along and has helped to expose Twitter for what it is.

Last edited 2 years ago by JW in Germany

My take exactly!



Well, this Heather Boushey was up to her ears in the Center for American Progress far-left think tank (founded by John Podesta and George Soros).
So now there’s proof that George Soros-associated drones are in the upper levels of the “Biden administration.”



^^^ Linking BoJo downfall to balking at selling / delivering over the horizon missiles to Ukraine.

  • A MAJOR escalation in arms capability to Ukraine.
  • Ukraine launches them over the horizon missiles INTO Russia AND that is a huge escalation.
  • Macaroni likely to get serious bitch slap from Russia.
  • Macaroni doing what he can to unleash WW III?

Yesterday I read somewhere, perhaps here QTree, BoJo downfall was linked to Ukraine. But nothing tangible cited. Maybe the report was one of Bannon’s guests yesterday.


Yes, I posted about Boros’ link to Ukraine … have been trying all day to recall


oops posted before I finished …

… to recall the text … with no success… con’t to reflect and hopefully recall

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

BoJo was a combo of many things. His support for and spending on UKR has crippled their economy, inflation is sky high. People are pizzled. They unlike us don’t have a Fed to raise interest rates to help bring it down. They’ve also stopped their energy production cuz climate change. He has NOT completed Brexit like he promised. Plus the lockdown scandal. While the peasants were on lockdown, he was busted having a party with all his maskless elites. Really pizzled the Brits to no end. Rules for thee, not for me. Excesive spending and other WuFlu issues and mini scandals. He just elevated a sex offender? to a Cabinet position. Plus more. The Party can no longer stomach him, leader should have integrity. He has no shame. He barely surviived 2 no confidence votes(2 is the max), and still wouldn’t resign. The next step was for the Party to all resign and leave the country with no support for the PM(politically/functionally devastating for the country) to embarass/shame him into doing the right thing. That worked. He now goes to the Queen and asks for a new election. People are pizzled that he’s decided to stay in charge until that happens.
There’s supposed to be another option. He won’t leave! UK is a mess.

Boris ran as a Conservative but governed as a Liberal.



Wonder what Church Mouse thinks about all of this.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

There it is…..

Boris Johnson Resigns: He Couldn’t ‘Carrie On’ Any Longer. So What Next? (

But it didn’t have to be like this. He was never forced to go the route of soft touch, centre-left “conservatism” partnering hand-in-hand with the likes of Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. But he did. And for the most part, it always came down to one thing: his wife Carrie Symonds (or Johnson… but maybe not for long?).

To head-scratching friends on Capitol Hill I describe it thusly: The Johnson government was built, by Carrie, on the sand of her own ability to blackmail the people around her. The corporate media journalist she had long trysts with. The Members of Parliament she worked with, around, and under. The civil servants who for some reason – probably fear of crippling exhaustion – loathed her presence and went along with demands to get her off their backs.

Carrie, a former Conservative Party HQ communications staffer and official at the Clinton Foundation-linked Oceana, immediately corrupted what little semblance of conservatism Johnson once had, as only a third wife can. The speed at which Carrie operated, I’m told, is impressive. And almost every single scandal had her bungling fingerprints all over it. Often, as she gifted him terrible advice, she would brief the opposite to the media, covering her backside along the way.

And whether she decides to stay with the man she only committed to once he became Prime Minister, you can bet Carrie and her small cadre of unqualified grifters she bounced into government jobs will not be far from the corridors of power in Westminster for long.


BoJo out as conservative Leader.

BoJo remains PM.


Kal, that’s what I couln’t recall – he ordered the launching of the two missiles into the two towns/villages in Russia



Believe I recall the launching. Can’t recall how far back.

Do we have a link?



Serious stuff here … highly recommend you take a few minutes to read…


Clandestine’s Newsletter July 7

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very interesting.

JW in Germany

I think he hit the nail square on the head with a jackhammer.


Me too … Obama and Luger trip in 2005 started this mess …

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This sheds light on Schiffty Schiff’s new NDAA amendment to prevent military information from being used in legal proceedings. The Pelosicrats realize that their abuse of the military could really screw them. EVIDENCE from that could really screw them, and send them to prison. They’re effectively throwing spikes on the road from their getaway car.


Gail Combs

GEE, CRIMINALS passing laws BARRING EVIDENCE OF THEIR WRONG DOING from being used in court… What a concept!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Pretty sick, isn’t it? But that’s Schiff – master of chutzpah.


IF a good guy in the know exists, LEAK the documents.

Gail Combs

YUP, Stolen/leaked evidence then becomes usable.


** Interesting ** that he ties the DNC and George Soros’ Open Society into the mix…


Thanks TradeBait …


Good with ALL of it. Expose it all!

Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs
Gail Combs

WOW, that is a very good summary.

Adam the Shiffty little Shit must be messing his depends…   :wpds_lol: 


Canada returns one hostage Siemens turbine (i thought it was the compressor…) to Germany

TTF (EU natgas) futures market reaction was mild so far, suggesting there are other unresolved issues. Dec-2022 feel slightly to around 170 Euro/MWh, but Q4-2023 rose to around 125… (compare to around 25 being a rough pre-crisis level based on production and transport economics)


to clarify – the report actually says “Canada” now intends to return it, so perhaps not all parties able to obstruct the return have let it go quite yet

Cuppa Covfefe

Oh, great…. yet another Refauxgee 🙂


Hope our folks are not in this area… (Not trying to dox anyone)




Do we know more? This was today?


Jack Poso has more … during his program iirc


Hoping Bannon addresses this in his afternoon broadcast.

(I listen in on his replays, to whittle away time on treadmill.)

Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

No, he didn’t mention. He usually says nothing about his personal stuff. Proably smart while he’s battling legally. If he’s away usually his guest host tells us why.


Yea. Bannon, like many Trump loyalists gotta be careful.

Cuppa Covfefe

Life in the Kangaroo Kourt universe…

May their evil CONSUME and DESTROY them!!!!!!!



Home of Steve Bannon swarmed by police after former Trump adviser gets ‘swatted’
The home of Steve Bannon was “swatted” Friday after a false alert that the former senior adviser to President Donald Trump had shot someone.

The Capitol Hill row house was swarmed by armed police, and streets were closed until 12:30 p.m., after which it was determined that there was neither a shooting nor any other threat, according to a report.

Police said there was a person who claimed to be armed and having a mental breakdown, and they also said they had received reports of a shooting in the 200 block of A Street NE, the report noted.

Wonder if Bannon was home.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wonder if Bannon was home.

Exactly. Perfect cover for some kind of DS b&e operation.


Bannon needs to sweep his home. Rather sure he knows this and has taken action.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Bannon follows in the Breitbart mold! No looking back!


Yea. I appreciate Bannon’s Consistent Full Spectrum Attack On Evil.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Last edited 2 years ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎
Gail Combs

That’s Steve!

They really aren’t letting the Deep State phase them.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎
Last edited 2 years ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

ShutDownDC group offers bounties on Twitter for conservative Supreme Court justices public sightings | Daily Mail Online

Fury as left-wing activists ShutDownDC offer $200 bounties for intel on where SCOTUS judges who overturned Roe v Wade are after targeting Brett Kavanaugh during steakhouse dinner

  • A left-wing activist group is encouraging social media users to tweet the location of any of the conservative Supreme Court Justices are spotted out and about
  • ShutDownDC is promising a bounty of $50 for anyone who shares a ‘confirmed sighting’ and a further $200 if they are still in that location half an hour later
  • The tweet specifically targets Justices Kavanaugh, Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch, Coney Barrett or Roberts 
  • Twitter forbids users encouraging others to harass individuals or groups 
  • Earlier this week Brett Kavanaugh was eating dinner when activists showed up at the steakhouse where he was forcing him to leave via the back door 
  • Incident comes less than a month after a man was charged with turning up at his home and threatening to kill him 

Tucker got a text from a very smart viewer. Let’s ALL, each one of us, tweet them with 375 different bogus sightings. Make them chase their tails. Overwhelm them til they collapse.😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Commie bastards!!!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Prayers up for Rudy G. 🙏 45 said he’s in the hospital with big heart problem.


Is Mr. Giuliani vaxxed? God help him.


Would hope Rudy knew better and to Injection Gestapos to FO.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

IDK, probly.


Dude has been busy lately. About Elon and Twitter.



Allegations at this point but serious. How will the Bidenese square this? Likely ignore, ignore, ignore all while people around the world are paying attention. Bad move Joe…

REVEALED: Chatter on Chinese Twitter on Shinzo Abe and “Completing the Task” Was Posted 17 Hours Before His Assassination

The screengrab was posted about “getting close to Shinzo Abe” and “completing the task” by a Chinese language user called “重装小兔19C.”

Was this just a coincidence or something more?

China had preveiously instituted an open death threat against the former Japanese Prime Minister.

Via Jennifer Zeng: #AbeShinzo died at about 11: 30 local time. At 18: 07 on the previous day, a Chinese language user called “重装小兔19C” said “Have successfully got close to current and former PM of Japan. I’ll complete the task given by the organization[ meaning: the party, the #CCP].”

Earlier death threat.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

CCP killed the Mayor of San Francisco and elevated their bitch Dianne Feinstein (plus exemplary gay pedophile Harvey Milk as a martyr), using MK on that useful idiot who didn’t know what the hell happened to him, so he blamed it on Twinkies.

CCP is not above killing Abe. They’re doing a bunch of psy-ops related to Japan right now – pushing Brandon on one end and poking on their own on the other.

Things are getting spicy. Justice is coming for the CCP!!!



Wharton Finance Professor Looks Deeper into June Jobs Data, Outlook Not So Good – Hours Worked Dropped Equivalent to 450,000 Lost Jobs
University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of Business, Finance Professor Jeremy Siegel, takes a closer look at the June jobs data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Professor Siegel notes a .01% drop in average hours worked is the labor equivalent of dropping 450,000 jobs.

With factory demand dropping, and with inventories climbing, and with FTE’s (Full-Time Equivalents) dropping, the jobs report takes on additional context that aligns with the overall decline we feel in Main Street activity. Essentially, regardless of how many jobs are “created” within the economy, the overall economic activity -as measured by the value of products & services generated- is declining.

Additionally, as noted by Professor Siegal, the current best estimate as reviewed by the several data points, is a current drop in overall GDP in the -2% range.  Seigal points this information out because the Federal Reserve is raising interest rates into an economy that has declining (demand side) consumer activity, which, correctly as he states, only makes the contraction more severe.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

I knew those numbers were bogus. They’re fudging them to jive with Creepy’s claims that economy is good. IRL, So many businesses short staffed, shorter hours, slower service.
And besides, those are ALL TRUMP JOBS!!!! Creepy has added NOTHING!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Creepy is a sad shell of his former asshole self.


Bigger asshole.



Can’t get folks to work full time.

Guess some geezers like me on SS, working part time to make ends meet. Thankfully I am not there, yet. Have made serious changes in home operations.


It’s getting late. This will have folks yawn and snooze sooner…


Here We Go: New ‘Ninja’ COVID Variant Is ‘The Most Dangerous One Yet’


Covidiot variants, are nearly as common as, FF shootings. SCROLL ON is my suggestion for both.

Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs

Can’t even give the crappy Injections away.


Canada to Destroy 13.6 Million Doses of AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine Because No One Wants it Domestically or Abroad


I’ve been wondering how much money they are losing. I know they’ve lost a lot of potential profit, but I mean their cost to manufacture those vaccines. Not concerned, just curious.


My guess is the governments, US, Canada, UK, France, Germany pushed orders to AZ, Pfizer, Moderna, J&J.

So, my thinking is Big Pharma did good for their stock holders with huge bonuses for Execs and whoever cheated on Injection trial testing.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

To me, this represents a failed depopulation plot.

But it has not failed enough yet. There must be a reckoning.


But they’ve already vaxxed 60% or more of the population in most countries. If what we suspect happens in the next few years, their plot will have been very successful. And a good percentage of those who don’t die will be sterilized.


The trick is to kill off enough of the population so that there aren’t enough pissed-off ones left alive to matter.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

China controlling Pfizer is pretty much carte blanche there, IMO.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Compared to what it was supposed to be, we saved a LOT of people. They were supposed to lock in society just taking these things twice a year without question.

Look at the current situation relative to THAT.

First of all, most people are not vaxxed with the real killer vaxes – only Americans, Israelis, and whoever else took Pfizer and Moderna. China made sure not to vaccinate Chinese with mRNA.

Basically, China cheated the Globos, as they always do. They welched on the deal. They intend to inherit a dying America and expand their population.

“Let’s have a suicide pact! I’ll go first with poison, you use the revolver!”

But even then, the vaccines are really only sneaky, statistical killers. They really have to be taken twice a year to have maximum depopulation effect, thereby catching all pregnancies, AND putting people into a continuous state of cardiovascular decline.

People are going to die sooner and faster, after having taken one or two, but it’s just not such a dependable effect as to be obvious. Only the hardcore vaxxies who keep taking boosters are going to start thinning out noticeably, but as long as the media doesn’t talk about it, they’re just going to die and shrug their shoulders.

My buddy who died – the maskies and vaxxies around him can’t even compute that he might have died of the jab. They know it but they just talk back to the idea – just like a person in a cult talks themselves out of leaving when they suffer.

A lot of these maskies are already excited to get the monkeypox vaccine.



Oh yea. FULL accountability – arrests, trials, jail, fines, and seize the bastards ill gotten wealth. F them and their families.


. . . and hangings. Don’t forget the hangings.


Good with it!



Guessing Elon dumped his TW stocked, just prior to canx TW purchase.


This event actually occurred yesterday.


Scientists just detected a bus-sized asteroid that will fly extremely close to Earth tonight
A small asteroid the size of a bus will make an extremely close approach to Earth on Thursday (July 7), passing within just 56,000 miles (90,000 kilometers) — or about 23% of the average distance between Earth and the moon. And just a few days ago, no one knew it was coming


“And just a few days ago, no one knew it was coming”


But… but… EXPERTS are supposed to keep track of these things!

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Theem EXPERTS have a schedule to maintain, AND alter to fit the changing narrative.

F them assholes.