Cover image: Summer Evening, oil on canvas, Childe Hassam (1859-1935),1886. Florence Griswold Museum.
Keeping this just ’cause I LOVE this pic.
Gotta love it.
Okay, where are we. Tuesday. What do we have in the tank?
Headlines that may have appeared in the comments:
Texas Authorities Urgently Beg Residents to Turn Off Air Conditioning Because There is No Wind to Power the Windmills
Feel free to facepalm. Uh, yeah. See, coal and gas….
Okay, then there’s this:
LOL… “My Body, My Choice” is no longer polling well with Democrats…
Keep turning those tables anons.
Analysts Are Bullish On Manufacturers Bringing Supply Chains Home
That would be nice.
New Study Contradicts ‘Experts’ – Shows Unvaccinated Adults Found “No increase in Myocarditis and Pericarditis” Following COVID Infection
I’m shocked! Shocked, I tell you.
BREAKING: TRUMP WAIVES EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE — Steve Bannon Willing to Testify Before Sham Jan. 6 Committee of “Thugs and Hacks” — IT’S ABOUT TO GET REAL!
Watching Steve Bannon play with Adam Schiff and Liz Cheney might be worth actually tuning in.
Buttigieg Announces Investigation into Airlines as Customer Dissatisfaction Rises
Pete can investigate all he wants. The reality is that for a variety of reasons the airlines are short staffed at all levels. There’s no mystery there.
Reading room selections from American Thinker:
Resistance Building against Governors’ COVID Powers
The Supreme Court Just Gave the Nation a Giant Civics Lesson
The New York Times launches a frontal attack on Biden on the matter of his age
It’s more like they are joining in on the worm turning conga line, but yeah.
Latinas driving the left crazy
Self-control, or government control?
The rebellion is catching on.
Do they even listen to themselves?
What a beautiful sight.
Word salad queen if there ever was one.
Something to remember, always.
Per the boss’s instruction:
I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.
Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.
Your weekly reminder to take the pledge:
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”
Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
And Auntie DePat’s requests:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
PSALMS 48:2-8
1Great is the LORD and greatly to be praised in the city of our God! His holy mountain, 2beautiful in elevation, is the joy of all the earth, Mount Zion, in the far north, the city of the great King. 3Within her citadels God has shown himself a sure defense. 4For lo, the kings assembled, they came on together. 5As soon as they saw it, they were astounded, they were in panic, they took to flight; 6trembling took hold of them there, anguish as of a woman in travail. 7By the east wind thou didst shatter the ships of Tarshish.
MATTHEW 11:20-24
20Then he began to upbraid the cities where most of his mighty works had been done, because they did not repent. 21“Woe to you, Chora’zin! woe to you, Beth-sa’ida! for if the mighty works done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes. 22But I tell you, it shall be more tolerable on the day of judgment for Tyre and Sidon than for you. 23And you, Caper’na-um, will you be exalted to heaven? You shall be brought down to Hades. For if the mighty works done in you had been done in Sodom, it would have remained until this day. 24But I tell you that it shall be more tolerable on the day of judgment for the land of Sodom than for you.”
Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)
Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Amen brother.
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.
Well this is what happens when you can’t sleep.
Welcome to the Night Shift(TM)!!!
This is one of those songs that I liked the very first time I heard it! It has a lot of similarities to local music I listened to as a kid on my pocket radio. Whenever I hear those songs, it takes me back!
Outstanding group and song. Melts me
Wolfie, have you noticed certain Anons on Truth Social each evening who greet each other as being part of the Night Shift? It makes me smile
IIRC, Yesterday, someone on Bannon referred to the night shift. Maybe it was Tucker or… Also got a grin out of it.
I think it was a reference to, 4chan Anons working 24/7.
Gregg Philipps was the guy that mentioned, 4chan “night shift”.
Patriots! Somebody has to do it!!!
You have it all wrong — you won’t be able to sleep knowing that DePat has constructed a wonderful, meaningful post for us… just can’t wait to take it all in.
Or if you have a dog barking at four thirty in the morning because he hears something outside.
DePat’s selection is a lovely painting, though I have to confess that I like his later, more impressionistic works somewhat more. Except for his fox hunt, which was not even remotely realistic without significant sunburn.
It is a wonder that DePat finds small museums just for us.
There’s one in Jackson, Wyoming, I really liked when I was there, but I haven’t really been able to find it online.
Put things right…..
In that clip of Jill Biden, everyone is talking about “breakfast tacos,” but she pronounced bodega with the accent on the first syllable, like BO-da-gah.
bodega[ boh-dey-guh; Spanish baw-the-gah]
It’s as if no one in this administration prepares adequately for anything. Did she even read that speech before giving it?
She seems to be aging very rapidly. I don’t mean that in a catty way, but as an observation of what often happens to people in the WH. She is 71 years old, and everyone ages at different rates, but the rigors of political life can take a toll. I also think that the stresses she is under with JB, Hunter, et al., are enormous — stresses which she took on with her eyes open and her foot on the gas.
I also see signs of aging in Kamala. JB himself has had so much “work done” that his face looks pulled and plastic.
He’s been ‘plastic’ his whole life. IMO
Yup. Fake and a plagiarist and a lying politician.
And those are his good points.
Long-chain polymers, short-chain “brain” cells…..
Isn’t that the planet where Yoda hung out?
Dagobah, BO-da-gah, what’s the difference?
And here I though this was “dago bah”!
Seriously, from the moment I heard it, I’ve always thought that planet name was a bad joke!
Han shot first
Puppy update:
Catturd is smitten – he’s going to have a hard time giving any of these cute little puppies away.
And I bet he’s going to let Sweetie have more puppies.
He NAMED the pups!!!
You never ever name an animal you do not plan to keep….
Well maybe sometimes.
There is a story (from my Ex) A relative was dining with them and they had steak. She said to my Ex M-i-L “This is delicious!” A which my Ex’s little sister piped up, “No this is Yummy, we finished eating Delicious last week.”
A friend names her male lambs, Icebox, Freezer, Frig, Lambchop…
Yup , only pig we ever raised on our small farm while growing up
was named Barbie.. good memories..
It took a lot of restraint to prevent disclosing that to flep..
,,oh wait…
It is common practice to give names to puppies, even as they will have to be sold to new owners. They are all different and thus the naming is to tell them apart, and probably also establish their place in a family setting.
I’ve seen some breeders deciding that all the puppies from the first litter have names beginning with A, then the second litter all get names beginning with B and so on.
One dog that we had in our family came from a breeder who did this; she was from the fifth litter so had a name starting on E. We kept that name.
Q, X, Y and Z must be entertaining.
My wife’s niece was telling about a couple of her geese (IIRC) that were attacked, killed, and (to some extent) eaten by a fox or a wild dog… she was quite distraught over the whole thing…
My father-in-law asked, “What were their names?”
I jumped in with “MIttagessen und Abendessen” (Lunch and Dinner)…
Somehow she didn’t see the humour in that
I’ve wondered about that.
These little guys just make my day! They are adorable, and I want one.
Me too but at my age better not a puppy . I do not want them be left when I die.
After Woodford I might just get a very old dog no one wants.
I like older dogs best really. Puppies are adorable, though.
Yes they are and much work
Woodford will be 7 and he is getting smarter and smarter in a good way. The poor guy is finally adjusted without Peri.
That’s good, poor guy.
My dog, who is really my son’s dog who lives with me, is about 15. We don’t know for sure, because he was a rescue. We got him when he was about 3, best estimate. He is still afraid of some things, even after 12 years of safety. He is a great dog.
Peri was scarred also but overcame it over time.
People can be nasty to animals why not? They are nasty to people also and children .
Yes !
Yes they are and if I was younger would get another one
That’s my plan. I know a lady who takes in dogs from the pound who don’t have much time left and treats them like royalty.
Yes I want to do that also. We have a no kill shelter and I have seen old dogs owner died kids take the inheretance and do not want the animals. They look so lost. I need to outlive my pets even though my daughter said she would take them.
My wife and I are getting our female Mini Goldendoodle puppy next week.
Is that animal gruelty or “Don’t be gruel to a pup that’s true” ?
Gregg Phillips on Truth Social (
There’s gonna be some serious Dem butthurt coming. IMO Philips wouldn’t want to ruin the success of the 2000 Mules reveal by landing a dud on top of it. Something is coming.
Yeah, but is the FIB going to RAID that seminar and ARREST EVERYONE AS INSURRECTIONISTS??? After all the FIB has a history of arresting and holding without bail ‘Enemies of the State’
I keep thinking no, they can’t do that. It’s a peaceful meeting covered by the First Amendment. But if they say the attendees are plotting against the government, that would be their excuse. There would be no proof of that, though. They need to know that they would be the ones prosecuted for wrongdoing if they tried something like that.
I can think of all kinds of great futures that begin with FIB making that move.
I hope they make sure it is where there is a really BAD ASS Sheriff who hates crooked cops esp FIBs.
I’ll bet this has something to do with the other. They’re dropping the bombshell in front of this rally for sure.
Hope so!
I wore this shirt today —
— having pulled it out of the archive.
DP… Fabulous Souza on the two violins! Really enjoyed it along w all the other goodies you bring.
DePat always brings it gloriously.
In case people missed it yesterday, I hand-delivered my letter about how frustrated I was about not being able to say good things about my excellent tow-truck driver. The recipient said, “oh, you’re that guy.”
I should note that I always eschewed ‘gotcha’ meetings in my business career. My meetings had agendas, links to relevant data, and outlines of anticipated discussion. Because of this, my meetings tended to get things done.
My term for the whole package was “no surprises” meetings. With all the materials submitted in advance, we could make real changes quickly.
There’s a reason Musk is saying that. What “attack” is he talking about?
IMO that boy is WISE to something. Dems are gonna pull some nasty shit.
REAL nasty.
The Rats have been backed into a corner. That is when they are MOST DANGEROUS.
Never forget that Hitlery said:
This feels exactly like what the current dynamic is. Very, very dangerous, but hopeful.
Trump called Musk a Bullshit Artist during his speech at the Alaska rally.
Musk is responding to that.
“Trump also claimed the SpaceX and Tesla boss voted for him and then lied about it.
“You know, he said the other day, ‘Oh, I’ve never voted for a Republican.’ I said, ‘I didn’t know that, he told me he voted for me.’ So he’s another bulls–t artist,” the Republican said.”
“The quip came after Musk said last month that he was “leaning” towards supporting GOP Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for president in 2024.”
This is important. Trump believes Musk lied, and he’s calling him out.
I think there is moar to this Trump/Musk dust-up than meets the eye.
You know what I think?
Protagonists need antagonists.
That’s what propels the story forward.
Good point!
AH. That’s why controlling the other side WORKS.
It’s why “Jazis” use NAZIS.
And Trump uses all kinds of people.
Something else is in the wind. These public feuds are fake as all get out.
I agree with you. I don’t believe any of this shit anymore.
Yes! And Musk’s term “regain the Presidency” can be interpreted several ways; it is unusual wording.
Sort of like television wrestling???
I have no experience with it, but some people do…..
Musk is getting ratioed on that tweet…apparently he is not as popular as Trump
It’s all still playing out. I would save this for tomorrow’s daily, but it needs to be said here.
Elon “Has Never Known Defeat”
We need to know we are in the middle of a war and who is a ‘White Hat’ or ‘gray hat’ or ‘black hat’ HAS TO BE BLURRED.
We need to remember that at all times.
To an extent, but it can reach the level of absurdity. Extreme example: “Maybe James Comey was playing a role and was really helping our side.” No, if you look at Comey’s background from way back, with his actions during the Trump presidency, he is nothing but a snake.
Some people might be playing parts in this drama, but IMO believing that people are trashing their own good reputations that they’ve built up over a lifetime, and when this goes on for years, indicates it’s time to start questioning the theory.
We can get to the point where our own judgment fails us, if nothing we see can be taken at face value. I can think of several examples that were widely touted as “white hats in control” that seemed absurd at the time and proved to be false. Believing things like that keeps us in a holding pattern rather than being able to make good decisions. And that is where they want us.
Absofragginglute BINGO.
They WANT us sitting on our hands waiting for “devolution.”
It’s a damned psy op and many people here have bit it hook, line and sinker.
Exactly. The idea of “justice delayed IS justice denied” is 4-D reasoning (actions in 3 spatial dimensions plus time). One can deny justice forever by delaying it in a chain.
Many people are simply not good at 4D reasoning, and those who are, and who lack morals of fairness, can take advantage of those who don’t “see” time properly.
Many people who can’t reason correctly and quickly in 4D will hide their inability by “patience”, which is in fact a wise strategy when you’re not sure and you’re under deception. Often, the best move is no move under pressure. But when you DO know the best move, failing to execute is a mistake.
January 6 was a great example. Going inside the building without explicit legal permission was a tactical error. FIB and MAFIA NAN built a trap on that.
People need to bear in mind that “good guys” sent in to act like bad guys, actually act like bad guys, and need to be treated AS bad guys, if you truly want to help them. Treating bad as bad is always right.
Think about it.
The header painting is gorgeous DePat. Geraniums in the window. Reminds me of a Wyeth.
From Lehman’s Non-electric.
In my catalog they have one stove I drool over.
ahhh Lehman’s
that’s in Kidron, Ohio…about 20 minutes or less from my new digs…
Amish country big time !
I was at that store just the other day.
fantastic store.
gorgeous country.
the Amish stores, farms and spirit of place around here is absolutely reviving to me.
Wonderful post!
I have been at the store also is about 11/2 hours from Columbus. Love the countryside there. Smiley 2 welcome to OH
thanks !
Cincy is actually my hometown…haven’t been back to Ohio since late 80s…never was up in these parts except for a short time at Chipewa Lake in Medina back in 2004….fell in love with this countryside then.
I’m now in Stark County…totally blown away by this area.
except : biking is a challenge up & down all these hills.
already blew out the rear brakes…Bikey’s in the shop.
but I’ll figure it out.
I live in the Southern part of OH and do we have hill also
Yes biking can be a challenge if you have hills. I glad for you that you are happy with your life choice
Cincy I never learned to find my way around therefore I gravitate to Columbus. Cincy must have been beautiful at one time.
Sundance: Political Corruption in The Netherlands and How the Dutch Farmer Protest Connects to the Burning of The Picnic Grocery Distribution Center
also connects to Bill Gates….
Brilliant investigative work by SD
So true.
One of the OT commenters mentions the farmers have no fire arms….
I do not think that is a real problem. Afterall the RapeUgees in France had ZERO problem getting their hands on some of the American ‘fast & Furious’ guns.
If your borders are porous to RapeUgees, they are porous to a lot of other stuff.
The farmers are the real deal, if in fact they arm themselves. Crossing the Rubicon.
The firefighters joined the farmers, apparently. A very good sign.
Bill Gates the Anti Christ.
He’s one of ’em, fer sure.
“We have repeatedly mentioned the role of representatives of the US Democratic Party in financing military biological activities on the territory of Ukraine and intermediary organizations that were used for this purpose.
I would like to dwell in more detail on one of the key Pentagon contractors who received funds from the Hunter Biden investment fund, the Metabiota company.
The available materials indicate that this company was only a cover for solving dubious tasks from the point of view of international law and is used by the US political elite to carry out non-transparent financial activities in various regions of the world.
Let me give you a concrete example: Metabiota took part in the elimination of the consequences of the Ebola epidemic in West Africa. The activities of the company’s employees have raised questions from the World Health Organization in terms of their compliance with biosafety requirements.
Here is the report of the international group of experts “Consortium for Viral Hemorrhagic Fever”, who participated in the fight against the Ebola virus in Sierra Leone in 2015.
According to the document, Metabiota employees did not comply with the regulations for manipulations when dealing with patients and concealed the facts of involving Pentagon employees who used this company as a cover. The main purpose of this activity was the isolation of highly virulent variants of the virus from the sick and dead, as well as the export of strains to the United States.
Realizing the obvious inconsistency of Metabiota’s activities with the goals of combating the spread of the disease, the coordinator of the World Health Organization for Ebola, Philippe Barbosa, recommended that the company’s staff be recalled, noting that he was extremely concerned about the potential risks of such cooperation for the reputation of WHO.
The increased interest of the contractor of the US military department in the Ebola virus is not accidental: the disease is one of the most pathogenic for humans. During the outbreak that began in 2014, 28 thousand people fell ill, more than 11 thousand of them died, the mortality rate was about 40%.
During a special military operation, documents were obtained indicating the plans of Metabiota and the Ukrainian Scientific and Technical Center for the study of the Ebola virus on the territory of Ukraine.
Here is a request for financing by the American side of measures to diagnose particularly dangerous pathogens in Ukraine, including the Ebola virus. Such requests are part of the US strategy to transfer high-risk work with dangerous pathogens to the territory of third countries.
The research was planned to be conducted on the basis of the Mechnikov Anti-Plague Institute in Odessa. Taking into account the fact that the disease is not endemic, and, moreover, has never been recorded on the territory of Ukraine, a natural question arises about the need for such studies and the true goals of their conduct.
The full text of the briefing on the results of the analysis of documents related to the military biological activities of the United States on the territory of Ukraine”
I had pulled a different article on Ebola and Metabiota yesterday but it did not make the Ukraine Biolab connection.
I was looking for a Remdesivir connection since it FAILED the African Ebola trials due to it’s TOXICITY.
“This is Beyond Shocking” – American Frontline Doctors on FDA Approval of Failed Ebola Drug Remdesivir By the FDA for “Treatment” of Covid-19 in Babies: FDA Approves First and Only Covid-19 Treatment for Pediatric Patients as Young as 28 Days Old
Angry does not begin to describe what wells up inside me as I go through what these Satanists have done in this and in so many other things.
For the people who claim to be “green” I would substitute four diesel trucks and make sure they’re absolutely belching black smoke.
Electric Vehicle fuel:
Indeed, but still “cleaner” than diesel or gas. (Though it’s loaded with carbon, of course.) The real issue with EVs is all the weird crap we have to mine to build them,
Bannon had Dr Wolf on Today and she said in a way about Pfizer is part of CCP now through another company in Germany. CCP is manufacturing the jab in the US in Boston and another city do not remember. They CCP are also manufacturing the test kids in US and the they were approved by our regulatory agencies.
We are being killed by the Chinese and our compromised government is silent and promoting the jab. Evil is to kind and they are as bad as Nazis were just use a different tool to kill us. Results are the same.
This may also fit…
We are being killed by the Chinese and our compromised government is
silentPARTNERS and promoting the jab.Yes “Partners” fits well
I’m not sure if it’s Pfizer or not but Witchmer (Gretchen Whitmer, Michigan’s tyrant in the governor’s mansion) was touting how Michigan got the factory contract to manufacture one of the “vax’s” I believe. In south western Michigan.
My son always wants us to move to Ann Arbor I cannot do it because of the left wing Government in Michigan. Whitmer is out of her mind and drunk on power.
Yes! Ann Arbor is beautiful as a small city but filled w/ raging leftards. Michigan’s state government is controlled, slimly, by repubes in the legislature, but there are very dirty politics in the state, especially Detroit!
“We have already noted that Ukraine and other post–Soviet states have become a testing ground for biological weapons not only for the United States, but also for their NATO allies, primarily Germany. A number of projects have been implemented in the interests of the central medical and sanitary service of the armed forces of Germany.
Bundeswehr specialists paid special attention to the causative agent of the Congo-Crimean fever. A large-scale screening of the susceptibility of the local population to this infection was carried out with a generalization of demographic, epidemiological and clinical data. This approach makes it possible to identify new regional genotypes of the virus and to select strains that cause hidden clinical forms.
The study of natural foci of Congo-Crimean fever was carried out under the guise of improving the Ukrainian epidemiological surveillance system, the Institute of Veterinary Medicine in Kiev and the Mechnikov Anti-Plague Institute in Odessa took part in the work.
The Bundeswehr’s interest in the Congo-Crimean fever is due to the fact that the mortality rate of the disease can reach 30%, and outbreaks create the need for long and costly measures for treatment, prevention and special treatment. I will quote from the instructions to the specialists of the Bundeswehr: “… special attention should be paid to fatal cases of infection with Congo-Crimean fever, as this will allow isolating virus strains from the deceased that have maximum pathogenicity and virulence for humans …”.
In addition to Germany, microbiologists from the USA showed close interest in tick-borne infections, research in this area was funded by DTRA within the UP-1, UP-8 projects. A separate project on the study of ixodes ticks, which are carriers of a number of particularly dangerous infections (tularemia, West Nile fever, Congo-Crimean fever) was implemented by specialists of the University of Texas.
The collection of ticks was carried out mainly in the south-eastern regions of Ukraine, where there are natural foci of infections characteristic of the territory of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the work coincided with a rapid increase in the incidence of tick-borne borreliosis among the Ukrainian population, as well as an increase in the number of ticks in a number of Russian regions bordering Ukraine. This issue is being studied by specialized Russian experts together with specialists of the Ministry of Defense of Russia.
The full text of the briefing on the results of the analysis of documents related to the military biological activities of the United States on the territory of Ukraine”
You have been bring gold, RAC. Thanks for doing it.
Americans in general have been resistant to believing that many in their government as well as within the globalist business community are as evil as they are and have been. 17 told us what would happen as they comprehend the depths of the evil.
Fortunately, most of us on here have been willing to go there and learn about it long ago. We’ve had time to digest a lot of it and go make war on our side do what we individually do best while calling on Heaven’s warriors to help.
I smell covfefe brewing to wake a lot of the sheeple.
Unfortunately we all have to suffer thru the ‘Reveal’ and many of the Sheeple are going to end up dead. WORSE many are children or babies.
This gentleman points out the foolishness and falseness of the Climate Change™ agenda.
Also applies to the promotion of fake meat, persecution of farmers, and the so-called sustainable green energy scams.
Yup. It’s not just nuts – it’s malevolently nuts.
AND no one ever mentions that WARMER WATER absorbs LESS CO2** so as the earth comes out of the Wisconsin Ice Age and the oceans warm the CO2 levels WILL RISE NATURALLY. (In the Arctic CO2 swings 18 ppm in five months as ice melts and refreezes.)
Geologic data has shown the highest CO2 levels are ALWAYS AT THE END of the interglacials. There is a lot more. but I will spare you the data dump.
** Think what happens when you open a WARM bottle of soda vs a cold bottle of soda.
Good point, Gail. I need all the ammo I can get. Thanks.
There are more than a few brainwashed people who really don’t want to engage with me anymore from things I learn on here.
I’m OK with that.
When I was very young my Dad told me “… never try to reason with unreasonable people.” At the time I thought he was being harsh… later I realized the wisdom of his words.
Although at times I do to screw around with them, forthe entertainment value.
Yeah, it is fun to twist them into pretzels of illogic.
Care of WUWT:
Tom V. Segalstad Associated Professor of Resource and Environmental Geology, at the University of Oslo writes:
Jaworowski and Segalstad both show the emperor has no clothes.
PLEASE READ THE ABSTRACT in the first paper.
Tom V. Segalstad
Mineralogical-Geological Museum
University of Oslo
From that article, this is very significant to me.
“….At the Mauna Loa Observatory the measurements were taken with a new infra-red (IR) absorbing instrumental method, never validated versus the accurate wet chemical techniques….”
Well guess what, yours truly DID the validation studies! Perkin-Elmer, based on this eronous information from the ‘EXPERTS’ sold my company a brand new IR that we were going to use instead of using the standard insturment, the Gas Chomatograph. (WIKI— Today’s “…GC is very accurate if used properly and can measure picomoles of a substance in a 1 ml liquid sample, or parts-per-billion concentrations in gaseous samples…”)
Even in the early 70s the GC was good to PPM but the process was LONG and the IR was much faster.
Long story short, I went absolutely NUTZ for over a month trying to get REPEATABLE and ACCURATE results from that IR. It was great for IDing samples but MISERABLE at accuracy. Splitting a sample and doing repeats gave results that were all over the place, while the GC popped out consistent results time after time.
There was a paper from Mauna Loa Observatory that gave their method. THEY TOSSED THE READINGS THEY DID NOT LIKE!!!
These “green” people are just fucking DUMB.
There’s no nice way to put it.
Intelligent people don’t buy into this shit.
And don’t tell me about all the “smart” people who you know who believe in it. They are not INTELLIGENT.
Intelligence is more than I.Q., more than book knowledge, and more than life experience. It is a combination of all of the above with WISDOM.
And there are many, many people who never ever attain INTELLIGENCE.
(In my best PRR impression) There you go again, Aubergine. Confusing the issue with facts.
Intelligent people ACTUALLY THINK!
They don’t just repeat dogma. (A very necessary component of getting a college degree these days.)
I had a professor one time tell me the story of how students from a certain country, who could do well parroting things on tests (and this was a STEM subject), could work problems about Snell’s Law (which has to do with refraction angles going from (say) glass to (say) air), but he took one of them out into the hallway, and asked him an actual question about the angle at which glass would reflect rather than transmit light. The guy was clueless; he knew the formula, could do the math (relatively trivial) but had no fricking idea what it meant.
And he said that was common for the students from that particular country.
That is why they have to STEAL our innovations.
Let’s just say it’s a country that…I don’t mind if their tech community is full of idiots.
Of course there are plenty of Americans who have the same issue, but at least (as far as this professor was concerned) it wasn’t *all* of us.
“Earlier, we pointed out the significance for the Pentagon of the results of military biological projects codenamed UP. Pay attention to the report prepared for the American military department by the companies “Black&Veatch” and “Metabiota”. According to the document, “Veterinary projects” with the code “TAP” were implemented simultaneously with UP projects in Ukraine.
Their main focus is economically significant quarantine infections that can damage the agriculture of individual states and entire regions, such as SAP, African and classical swine fever, highly pathogenic avian influenza, Newcastle disease.
Of particular interest to American military biologists was African swine fever – two projects are devoted to this pathogen. The TAP-3 project is aimed at studying the spread of the ASF pathogen through wild animals, within the framework of which the migration routes of wild boars in Ukraine were studied. The TAP-6 project has scaled this process to Eastern European countries.
The study of the population of carriers of dangerous zoonotic infections was carried out by the staff of the Institute of New Pathogens of the University of Florida in the Volyn, Rivne, Zhytomyr, Chernihiv regions of Ukraine, as well as in the territories bordering Belarus and Russia. Pay attention to the deterioration of the situation of African swine fever in the states of the Eastern European region: According to the International epizootic Bureau, since 2014 outbreaks of the disease have been recorded in Latvia (4021 cases), Estonia (3814 cases), Lithuania (4201 cases). In Poland, more than 13 thousand cases of ASF were detected, the losses of the agricultural industry from this disease exceeded 2.4 billion. euro.
The full text of the briefing on the results of the analysis of documents related to the military biological activities of the United States on the territory of Ukraine”
Also CHINA has been infected by African swine fever. It is one of the reasons they now OWN the USA pork supply.
An older source said that China was not replacing the herds.
Swine fever surge hits small farms in China’s Sichuan | NasdaqJul 9, 2021
African Swine Fever: Is China downplaying another disease outbreakSep 17, 2021
The stuff about them looking for things damaging to agriculture, whether coincidental or not, does seem to fit in with the wef / globo plans to cause a food shortage.
“In conclusion, I would like to give real data on the state of health of Ukrainian servicemen who voluntarily laid down their arms. Information about the presence of antibodies to infectious agents without specifying personal data is presented on the slide.
The results are as follows: 33% of the examined servicemen have been ill or have hepatitis “A”, more than 4% have fever with renal syndrome, 20% have West Nile fever. These figures significantly exceed the average statistical indicators. Taking into account the fact that these diseases were actively studied by the Pentagon within the framework of Ukrainian projects, there is reason to believe that servicemen of the armed forces of Ukraine were involved as volunteers in experiments to assess the tolerability of dangerous infectious diseases.
According to available information, during inpatient treatment of AFU servicemen in medical institutions, the absence of a therapeutic effect was recorded with the introduction of antibacterial drugs. High concentrations of antibiotics, including sulfanyl amides and fluoro-quinolones, were detected in their blood.
This fact may indicate the prophylactic use of antibiotics and the training of personnel to perform tasks in conditions of biological infection, for example, by the causative agent of cholera, which indirectly confirms the information of the Russian Ministry of Defense about the planning of the use of biological agents by Ukrainian special forces.
The received materials will be attached to the “military biological dossier” of the United States, we will continue to study them and will inform you.
The full text of the briefing on the results of the analysis of documents related to the military biological activities of the United States on the territory of Ukraine”
Well, this is interesting and concerning news.
West Nile virus can badly compromise the spinal cord or brain. Hep A can cause liver damage.
The information about the lack of therapeutic effects from the use of sulfa drugs and flouroquinolones would appear to point to experimenting with illnesses that won’t respond to, or respond to in a satisfactory way, after exposure to certain biological agents. The antibiotics referenced would need to be used as a prophylaxis before exposure.
Verse of the Day for Tuesday, July 12, 2022
“Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.”
Psalms 16:11 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
Thank you so much for these very timely scriptural encouragements! God Bless YOU!!!
Most welcome, Val – Glad they are helpful!!!
Found this link to Kirsch at Vox Popoli. Amazingly specific proofs that the shots were poison:
This is excellent!
Spammed this one out. Thanks.
Maybe it’ll wake up the dummies that got injected, to NOT get boosted.
Along with skipping flu shots in the future.
The shots are Chinese made. Heard it on Bannon this morning from Dr Wolf.
Karl brings it on Hunter’s i-Phone.
They are boxing in the Biden crime family as well as the Soros/WEF’ers at the same time, IMO.
Interesting strategy!!!
BiteME AND Hoe are at the top of that list.
As are ALL THE FREAKS in BiteMe’s administration.
AND most of Congress and the Senate.
Yes, they are nearly all complicit.
Or they’d be making noise daily on a host of venues.
Uh, not quite…
Yes, that’s the oath of office for POTUS, and it’s specified in the Constitution.
No other office’s oath is specified in the Constitution. The first US Congress wrote its own oath, and was under no oath whatsoever until it did so.
The Constitution does say this in Article VI, clause 3:
“The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.”
Yes, they’re required to take an oath, but the wording isn’t specified.
The wording isn’t specified, but they’re required to take an oath to support the Constitution. And they all DO take that oath and violate it all the time.
On this we are agreed.
Part of the issue is a (willful) misunderstanding of the Constitution. They’ll tell you with a straight face they’re abiding by it.
To some extent they *do* follow its structural provisions (i.e., the ones that describe how the government is structured, NOT the ones that describe what it’s allowed to do) but even there they’re happy to violate it when convenient.
[I brought this up because the original meme claimed the Constitution specified everyone’s oaths…it doesn’t, not quite. It’s correct about them violating their oaths at will and about the oaths being required by law.]
I am not sure why the Framers didn’t just write one oath for everyone with where appropriate. I do know some people who think the Framers weren’t on the up-and-up (wow, and people think WE’RE nuts!) and having congress not be under oath for some time before they wrote their own oath is one of the things they use as a “hmmmm…”
I appreciate how you consistently tease out the nuances of the memes shared here. Great work!
via Bernhard @ MoA:
July 12, 2022
No, Iran Will Not Deliver Armed Drones To Russia
In March this year we were treated to an onslaught of obviously false claims that China would deliver weapons to Russia for the fight in Ukraine.
Russia seeks military equipment and aid from China, U.S. officials say – Washington Post – March 13, 2022
Russia is an exporter of military weapons and China is one of its biggest customers. There is nothing in the Chinese arsenals that Russia can not and does not produce itself.
The claim was false from the get go but Sullivan, the mediocre National Security Advisor of the Biden regime, planted it to put pressure on China. It of course did not work.
China denied that it had received any request from Russia or that it was in any way willing to ever fulfill one if it would come:
No Chinese weapons have been seen in Ukraine.
Now an equally stupid claim was launched by the very same liar who launched the fake Chinese weapons claim.
White House: Iran set to deliver armed drones to Russia – AP – Jul 7, 2022
Cont. reading: No, Iran Will Not Deliver Armed Drones To Russia
Posted by b at 9:32 UTC |
The Navy reported there were no indications of foul play or suicide.
Injection did it. Cover up ongoing.
Pentagram likely signed off on the global depopulation plan. Not all with the same willingness, but there was sign-off at some level.
List Of Military Elite Purged And Fired Under Obama
Compiled By General Paul Vallely
HMMmm I was reading parts of Devolution – Part 9 — The Military August 21, 2021
And I came across something I think directly bares on Shitty Schiff’s effort to tie the hands of the military by BARRING EVIDENCE FROM CONGRESSIONAL HEARINGS AND COURTS OF LAW.
Obama, by used massive Red Tape to tie up the military ability to detect and combat cyber attacks on the USA. He did the same in combat, where soldiers in the field WERE NOT ALLOWED TO FIRE until it was OKed by Washington.
It was really great for prolonging wars AND for killing and traumatizing our soldiers. Any wonder that our soldiers are now street people using drugs to deaden the pain?
Four thoughts while reading this:
1) Amazing that ALL of the current commanders except one were appointed by Trump, and the one appointed by dementia is OK;
2) Mike’s surprisingly chaotic symposium can be explained by the fact that Mike was told NOT to reveal the manipulation by China because that would give the game away;
3) The bizarre, absurd stuff happening every day, all over – – and the surreal nature of it – – is all reflecting poorly on TPTB, and makes the eventual reveal make more sense even to those who hate VSG, especially if the evidence is so overwhelming it cannot be denied; and
4) The Biden family alliance with, and servitude to, China is actually getting traction, at least on Tucker, but also creeping forward with the laptop news coming out.
These words made my heart leap with joy:
“It’s important to remember that while they support their partners in federal agencies (DHS & FBI), the military also has a pulse on how many in those agencies have been corrupted. Knowing that is key. Remember that Dong Jingwei brought with him terabytes of data which included information on who was working for the CCP within our government and federal agencies. The military would know who they can share information with and whether they can share information at all. I suspect they didn’t share much information with corrupted agencies. Specific details about actual interference in our election would be highly classified, hence the ‘at the right classification level’ comment from above.”
I forgot about the Chinese defector. A source of hope!
Dead On Arrival
Unhinged Michael Moore Proposes Anti-Gun 28th Amendment
Amendment 28 – No fat tyrants.
Bill Whittle used to say that there were five people in the world he’d probably punch on sight, and Moore was three of them. (This was during GWB’s administration; I have no idea what he’d say today.)
I think the number is probably in the hundreds by now.
No skinny ones either!!!
Sounds like a good idea!!!
Michael is jealous of someone’s limelight. It must be hard when an old communist become irrelevant. It is like having your statue in the town square torn down. I must admit, I do not weep for Michael Moore’s sad end.
Not only do I not weep, I feel a distinct sense of schadenfreude.
Also spammed this one out…
The Global Vaccine Nightmare Has Just Begun
What happens when 3 billion vaccinated people have undiagnosed myocarditis?
I went to the nail salon this week, and there was a young women working there who started weeping inconsolably in a corner. I asked the manager what was wrong. “She just lost her mother” was the reply. She had died in her sleep suddenly though she was perfectly healthy.
This last weekend, I had attended the funeral of an old friend. He was perfectly healthy too, and then he got late-stage pancreatic cancer — and he was gone a few months later.
That was the exact same story for another friend. He was healthy as a horse, until he wasn’t — because he too had suddenly developed late-stage pancreatic cancer.
Not to mention a young (and very fit) mother I know who just got a check-up, and was told that she too has suddenly developed aggressive cancer in her early 40s.
The perfectly healthy are getting bad cancers much too frequently now.
The perfectly healthy are dying suddenly.
What all of them shared was being vaccinated.
The linked Steve Kirsch survey (apparently performed by the professional polling company) in the Emerald Robinson story reveals that as of 25 June 2022, 750,000 Americans have died from the effects of the COVID-19 “vaccines.”
Thanks for highlighting this.
It beyond comprehension then add all those who died from Fontanel.
Do doctors know this? Does the medical profession acknowledge this? I don’t know how people can receive proper care if this is not taken into effect.
Have you heard of the Bayh-Dole Act?
Bayh-Dole Act is the
that has been cast over the medical world.
Fauci recently revealed to Sen.Rand Paul that under the Bayh-Dole Act a US govt employee can:
– hold patents,
– enforce the application of those patents and
– personally profit from them – without ever having to disclose anything about those patents and profits, not even to the IRS tax authorities.
Fauci is laughing in our faces, (literally and with invincible impunity) all the way to the Bank.
Yes, and I have been railing over it for decades.
Fauci is an accomplice to evil.
Washington Standard:
Fauci’s Dead Babies & Mass Graves From The Past (Video)
Fauci’s Mass Grave, Open Pit Of Tiny Coffins, Collateral Damage For Big Pharma ProfitsDec 20, 2021
What (or who) killed all of these children? The WORLD deserves to KNOW
Yes how these people live with themselves?
There is no tree high enough for Fauci
God how I wish somebody, somewhere with a big following would pick this up and run with it.
I don’t have a big following, but now more than 2000 on Gab & I’ve just posted multiple versions of Gail’s comment. Lots of patriots & former military in my “followers”…fwiw…
A link to your post (or was it comment?) diving deep on this would also be great too!
The post link to the deep dive is here:
The comment section on it is also full of information.
Thanks Passionate Patriotic Purple Person!
I love it! Thanks!
I wonder if an American taxpayer could sue Fauci for fraud as an uncompensated investor in his patent producing research?
I like the way your mind works …
Sounds like a good class action suit.
Looking for comments here at Wolfie’s from some of our “money” experts …
wrt two comments from MoA:
The First is actually a post of comments by Dmitry Medvedev
” For the first time in 20 years, the euro and dollar exchange rates equalized. Predictions about the onset of a systemic crisis in the euro area are beginning to come true. First, the EU members shot themselves in the head with a sanctions pistol. Now they are reaping the bitter fruits of a decline in production, supercritical food inflation, the loss of competitiveness of their goods and the expectation of winter in ice dwellings without our gas.
In global terms, this is confirmation of the extremely ill-conceived nature of the sanctions against Russia. Sanctions don’t work. Sanctions are harmful to the Europeans themselves. The euro is weakening.
And of course, the European currency, which is getting cheaper relative to the American one, has become an excellent marker of the one who pays in hard currency for the bloody crisis in the Ukraine. Washington, together with London, bred the Europeans like thimbleriggers. It is known that war is the continuation of politics by other means. When starting an economic massacre, it was necessary to calculate their own monetary and economic problems, and not just introduce bad restrictions. In the White House this formula, in contrast to the Brussels dogs of war, apparently knows incomparably better.
They punish their loved ones much less often, measuring out the consequences for a long time. But the “useful European idiots” suffered much more at the mercy of the Americans. But they are not at all sorry, since it was the Russophobes from the EU who unleashed a hybrid war with Russia and opened a wide economic front against us.
However, the solvency of Europe worries us little. We need to deal with the adaptation of our economy to the new very difficult conditions. Solve problems in industry, including securing technological sovereignty. There is still a lot to do here.
And the best protection against the rotting euro will be the transition to new payment methods in trade with our reliable partners, including the use of national currencies – the Russian ruble, Chinese yuan, Indian rupee, etc. In the future, it is also possible to create a new reserve currency of the BRICS countries. The modern world is clearly not enough of the dollar, euro and pound sterling. For now, $1 = €1. Keep savings in rubles!
– Dmitry Medvedev
Second post:
“Medvedev has it correct: euro parity with the dollar means $100+ oil prices today are 17% more expensive for euro countries than the market price for oil 1 year ago.
As I’ve noted before: in contrast during 2008 – the last peak oil price period – the euro was $1.57. Or in other words, relative oil price for Europe was decreased by 14.5% vs. July 2007.
Europe is placing itself in the role of “foreign enrichment source in times of need” which the 3rd world used to occupy: rising interest rates in the US and EU used to suck capital out of the 3rd world during economic crisis, leading to liquidity failures that fed into asset fire sales and reduced commodity prices.
Today – we are seeing a test of whether the ROW can outbid the US/EU for the insufficient supply of commodities, a test which used to be a slam dunk win for the 1st world. But the matchup isn’t a Premier League top 3 team vs. a regional team anymore; the relative GDPs are equal.”
The Euro parity with the Dollar is proof of the economic and political collapse of the EU. The rising value of the Ruble is proof of the economic and political collapse of the US. The West is dying. The East is ascending. The WEF cannot stop it.
Thank you Robert!
Kissinger must be ECSTATIC! the traitor.
I don’t think so… The Cabal is being destroyed…
or am I not seeing clearly?
I think you are seeing it clearly. I am hoping THEY do not.
Time for a diversion from world events.
A new HVAC is being installed as I post this for the main floor of our home today. We endured 2.5 weeks of 90+ degree heat other than the occasional rain, which increased the humidity inside. It has sucked. Trane agreed to upgrade the condenser for the one they did not have at no extra charge. I guess the dealer got tired of hearing me whine about how long it was taking.
Update on grandson. His adjustments schedule changes to bi-weekly starting next week. All is on track. Yeah! In September the chiro will do a full eval with x-rays again. He appears to be 90+% of desired normal in all three areas – spine, neck and hips. His physicality is now off the charts. He wants to do every sport, run, is learning to swim, rides his bike, etc. every waking minute. We actually have to slow him down now – which is 180 degrees different from his past. He is still overcoming sensory issues, but is much more willing to try things and different foods now. The silent seizures are still there, much milder than when on the poison and less often. We are logging data about them including the causes. As discussed they are primarily anxiety driven. We have even noticed he has them sometimes when a sudden urge to use the bathroom hits. With the spinal adjustments he has become more “regular” and no longer has constipation and such. so the neuron retracing is still happening. In summary, he is progressing on schedule to normality – praise God! The CBD will start in a couple of weeks to work on the anxiety and we will be using a children’s gummy version.
The final piece to his puzzle is school. If the stress proves too much we we will be homeschooling – 3 days with Mom and 2 days with Mamaw and Papaw. The chiro thinks this is the best option, but we want to try school first since he absolutely loves going and being with classmates. Thanks again for all of your advice, prayers and thoughts.
Wifey has now been off her last remaining prescribed med, a fluid pill, for 2 weeks with no negative repercussions from her Meniere’s condition. Continuing the daily CBD and has adapted well.
It’s so good to hear – thankful for so much positive progress!
Glad to hear about HVAC installation …
Dealer thought our Trane compressor (which was stressin (?), throwing the breaker ,,, ‘might’ us through ’til Sept ,,, cooler weather and then propane for heat. Didn’t happen … I called and he is beginning search for (quite expensive) part … and I am considerin moving away from the propane …
Question: is your new HVAC gas-pak?
Great new wrt grandson … thank You Lord! My neighbor homeschooled her three children… joined in with other parents for social and sport events … just sayin’
So good to hear Mamaw continues to improve!
Will con’t to pray for all of you.
Great news.
How about a compromise on the home schooling?
There are groups, often through Churches that act as ‘mini-schools’. The kids get together for sports and classes (One local church allows classes in the basement) and all sorts of outings. We have done gigs for some of these groups.
This allows the socialization while AVOIDING indoctrination. It also incorporates different skills and areas of expertise of the adults. (Hubby helps kids with math for example.)
Homeschool Organizations and Support Groups
I’ve heard of these. I know of one group of teens who got together for activities. There are also arrangements where a particular subject is taught by a person who is more expert in that field, and a number of students study together with that person.
You can always start your own.
Often all it takes is someone with the gumption and time to look into what it takes and start a ‘chapter’ of an already existing group.
My son is pretty isolated even in socal w homeschool. Make sure he has structured activities with other kids on a regular basis. Art, music, p.e. like baseball, etc.
Here is the contact listing for the homes schooling people in CA. I hope it helps.
Ty. Ive never seen this before.
Theres only 1 group in my area on that list, and no information past 2015, but I sent an email to check.
Oh good! Fingers crossed and prayers up!
This is such good news! Thank the Almighty God; and thank you all for your hard work, fierce dedication, and “scoping out” alternative treatments for the boy and for the wife.
Please keep the updates going!
About school in the fall: IMO, that may well depend on if the school district is going to require masking and/or COVID-19 “vaccination” for all students who want to attend in-person classes.
Re sensory stuff.
That may never go away. Not completely. My nephew has multiple issues on that front, and each one someone else in the family has. Loud, sudden noises, light sensitive (that’s me), needs soft shirts, etc. The one place he isn’t sensitive is food. That kid will eat anything.
I don’t want to be forward on this, but there is a book titled, The Out of Sync Child that helped us considerably in navigating all of that. It’s loaded with great information.
We have that book but never actually read it…sadly…for we were living it so intensely for so long. We saw the author at some special needs parenting event Glad your family was helped with that resource!
Be aware that “hyper-sensitivities” come along with giftedness and/or high I.Q.
I learned all about this with two of my kids. The highly mentally able have issues with weird things, like clothing tags, food textures, strong attachment to objects, problems with light, intolerance of abrupt changes in routine, etc. I have some of these myself even as an adult.
I highly recommend, if you think he is in this category, picking up some books about gifted children. They are a challenge, but they are fun to raise!
What an amazingly wonderful & hopeful report! God Bless you ALL going forward into victory & freedom!!!
Quick, easy read with excellent information.
Nine slides.
Update regarding Omicron BA.5
Why is Dr. Anthony Fauci and the HHS Administrative State So Wound Up about Boosters?
This is going to be a quick one, so that I can reference it in a couple of audio and video broadcasts today and tomorrow. Just a slide deck.
“The highly vaccinated ones are dying…”
Slides 8 & 9 nail it right between the eyes.
Can’t unsee this stuff.
It’s chilling. When I read things like that I have a similar feeling to watching doomsday movies. Killing people off on a grand scale is actually happening. It’s sad, hard to believe, scary, and anger-inducing all at the same time.
You said it just right. They have been planning this for a long time. No conscience, no love for humanity and no fear of GOD.
Wicked Witch of CDC IS BACK....
IMO, it is impossible that Dr. Walensky doesn’t know about the mounting evidence that the COVID-19 “vaccines” being used in the United States are damaging the immune, cardiovascular, neurological, respiratory, reproductive, and skeletal systems of those who have these “vaccines” in their bodies. And yet, like the good little acolyte / protogee of Anthony Fauci that she is, while at the same time pandering to Big Pharma, she’s out there with the “get the next COVID-19 booster shot” indoctrination.
And of course, her “diktat” is being perfectly timed to the “roll-out” of the “Ninja variant” of the virus.
Of course Witch Walensky KNOWS the Injections ARE Injuring AND Killing Americans, Folks Around The Globe.
She, FauXi, Big Pharma ARE Playing On Team Global Reset.
EVIL. Each and evry one of them.
“… It is essential that these Americans … get their second booster shot right away.”
She forgot to add:
Because we need to kill off as many Americans as possible, esp. the elderly BEFORE they figure out we are DELIBERATELY POISONING THEM.
The Race Is On.
WAKE the Nornies…Expose The TRUTH.
“Second booster” sounds like a second shot, but it’s realy the FOURTH one.
Someone needs to ask these people, every time they speak, what their vaccination status is, with followup questions about when they got each vax.
On the lighter side….
Jeff Dunham takes on BiteMe…
~5 minutes. Some good zingers.
Gregg Phillips / @greggphillips 07/12/2022 12:51:14
ID: Not Available
Truth Social: 108635401357028282
UPDATE: We have identified a unique device ID at the TCF Center in Detroit on election night 2020.
We also now believe we know the handoff point for the white van.
The device’s pattern of life that night are very interesting. The only time this device has ever been in Michigan was November 3-4, 2020.
#patriotgames #nothingtoseehere #LFG @truethevote
Need to arrest the Kalorama community organizer and fat Stacy and a bunch of other election fraud perps.
What I would give to see that happen…
Excellent! I’m guessing they also know, or can find out, the owner of the device? And the handoff point for the van would tell where it picked up the ballots.
Kathy Hochul’s new law requiring concealed carry permit applicants to turn over social media accounts is unenforceable says DA.
“People are being shot out there and I’m sitting here in an office reading about your trip to Disney World? It’s unbelievable the lack of thought and foresight,” said Fitzpatrick.
And wholly unconstitutional.
That’s good. Maybe we won’t have to wait for the law to go through the courts for it to not be enforced.
·Jul 11
Pretty sure some owe me an apology. Anybody see Mac Isaacs or the others who said I was a liar? #dutyhonorcountry #benotafaid
The internet has been buzzing since Saturday night with reports of a data dump on 4chan from the Hunter Biden laptop. Jack Maxey joins Mary Grace to weigh in on the situation. Your support helps keep
Tucker Carlson: This is an obvious lie
Fox News host Tucker Carlson weighs in on Hunter Biden’s questionable business dealings and reveals why China has power over President Biden on ‘Tucker Carls…
Tucker absolutely BURIES Chinee Compromised BiteMe.
Glad Maxey rogue guy got the stuff in the wild. Don’t wanna see the illegal pics and such. Some ow a Sheriff has to grow acet and go after Where’s hunter.
Maxey rougues guy IS spot on, Pravda News does not care about truth.
Maxey: “Pretty sure some owe me an apology.”
Maxey owes us an apology, or at least some acknowledgment, for saying everything would be revealed by Good Friday, then disappearing. That was three months ago.
And Maxey still has not released info. That was supposedly done by his tech guy, who had a breakdown and went rogue.
Maxey says he won’t look at the images without cover of law. That’s my concern as well. (Plus, I don’t want to see them.) Yet, so many people are probably viewing them.
So what exactly do people need to apologize to Maxey for? That they doubted he had the info from Hunter’s phone? I consider that par for the course. It’s a put-up-or-shut-up world.
JWST Image reveal…#1
A reminder…most of what you see in these pictures you cannot see in real life, not even if you have a starship. JWST has a different visual range, and a wider one as well. The only colors both we humans and JWST can see are reds and perhaps oranges. JWST can see far, far longer wavelengths than red however; in fact it can see more colors than we can, even if it can’t see anything from yellow through green, blue and violet it more than makes up for that.
So the pictures you are about to see are false color; we are taking things we cannot see, and giving them colors we can see.
First, a piece of the the Carina nebula
From NASA:
I saw the images today and theyre beautiful.
Very cool.
The image reminds me of the one of the Eagle Nebula from when Hubble got the lens correction back in the 90s. I remeber the Time article back then mentioning the JWST when it was a concept at the time. Very cool! Thanks for all the updates, have always loved this stuff!
That’s the “Pillars of Creation” which I think I mentioned a couple of weeks ago.
And yes, very strongly reminiscent!
But that makes sense since both places are stellar nurseries, with stars being born. As is the Orion nebula (you can actually see that one with the unaided eye, it’s the fuzzy star in Orion’s sword). With the Orion nebula we can even see protoplanetary disks.
(Hubble image)
Old Hubble Space Telescope image of the same place:
Image #2
Incredible data from Webb. Data throughput must be big.
#3, the southern Ring Nebula.
There is a different Ring Nebula in the constellation of Lyra, pretty easy to find in a telescope but it’s actually a small feature, hence needs a lot of magnification. And of course in a telescope using your mark 1 eyeball at night you won’t see any color. Color comes out in long exposures…or a BIG telescope out in space somewhere.
These ring nebulas are members of a group of nebulae called “planetary nebulae” because in the past they could sometimes be confused for undiscovered planets. They’re basically the death throes of stars, in fact our own sun is expected to produce one. Depending on how much material it ejects at that time, it may (later on) swell up big enough to engulf Earth…or not.
#4…no this is not a pretty picture. It’s actually attractively-formatted data.
Webb has managed to analyze the atmosphere of an extrasolar planet, Wasp 96b. It’s a “hot Jupiter” half the mass of Jupiter but quite a bit larger in size (because gas expands when heated).
And we now know it has water in its atmosphere, because we’ve seen it in the spectrum
#5 (and final) This is the one from yesterday, in case you missed it…and if you didn’t want to hear Joe and Hoe bloviate, I don’t blame you.
The major stars of this image have six points — which would make sense since each mirror of the array is hexagonal, and astigmatism on a group of hexagonal mirrors would be in six directions…..but what is the little, more colorful, horizontal bar?
IIRC the two horizontal spikes are due to the arms that hold the secondary mirror. (And the six “main” spikes are due to the joints between the mirror segments, apparently, or at least the joints whose perpendiculars cross the central point.)
It’s pretty handy to be able to identify bright stars. In the case of the first picture, there are plenty of faint stars in the nebula (we know they’re not galaxies because galaxies would have to be *in front of* the nebula to be visible). Perhaps the full high res file shows spikes on the dimmer stars as well.
The future has arrived with dark past
Seems every bit as nebulous as what Steve’s Webb telescope is revealing. Yet somewhere in there someone or sets of many some ones, is controlling things, allowing for winners and losers amongst its trillions of assorted transactions by billions of players, both smart and dumb, active and passive, big and small trading on millions of entities, both real and unreal using a vast array of stocks, bonds and other derivatives as this infinite universe of money is herded, stampeded, corralled, chased, led astray, bushwacked, and plucked while simultaneously being fed, dociled, groomed, fattened, cultivated, and tempered. Funny thing though, in the bad guy list one name often associated with these dark money manipulators seems to be missing. Any guesses as to whom?
Soros and Rothchild?
No Vanguard. Always getting bad mouthed, but as you can see according to this, they are not mentioned as one of the bad guys. Perhaps because they are mostly benign when compared with the others as they largely remain a passive investment company as opposed to an active one and take pride in that fact. That said though some of their fund managers have on occasion strayed and exerted their market force, but that isn’t their norm and actually goes against what they print in their prospectus.
You are correct IMO, para. I have recommended to all of my friends who have 401-k’s to stay with Vanguard. They are all globalist oriented, but Vanguard is more neutral.
New 401-k money will kill it if this ever turns around, question is will this ever turn around? Anyway, good advice IMO.
Forgot all about them should not Thank you
Just saw a blurb on the j6 crap but only watched bc they were discussing sidney powell and mike flynn. Sounds to me powell and flynn did what they shouldve done and cippilone was an arrogant douche who POTUS listened to, to his detriment.
Patrick Gunnels did an Epic Thread reading that I am now listening to. I started to take notes and gave up. It is about the vote count in Fulton County (Atlanta GA) and a complaint that has been made. POTUS requested a RECOUNT. The original and the recount MUST MATCH to have the vote certified (by DECEMBER 4 2020) The upshot is THEY LIED!!!
there were 16,382 votes added.
3,125 duplicate ballots
17,?52 vote WITHOUT physical ballots to back them up [Think Jovan Pulitzer’s point that the machine adds the votes AND THEN the ballots are manufactured]
20,713 from completely UNKNOWN and UNIDENTIFIED tabulators.
At that point I gave up. Please listen (or Read) because this TRASHES the Georgia vote certification for Biden
Patrick provided:
Which has the details of the formal complaint to the Election Board in GA. It is not a long read but it is devastating.
These should be archived?
This provides foundation for some articles we’ve seen since the April time frame.
there’s more …
Australia-China trade on iron ore now based on Yuan payments:
When you have incompetent nutjobs with crazy eyes running classes in law schools(shesberkeley) its no wonder our society among millenials is doomed.
Theyve not been disciplined in their lives but only rewarded for convoluted thinking!
She/It should be banned from teaching … PERIOD…
That… THING needs a padded cell and to be DEPROGRAMED.
She mentions the high rate of suicide and then BLAMES IT ON TRANSPHOBIA? REALLY? It couldn’t possibly be because transitioning DID NOT LIVE UP TO THE HYPE the person was fed?
Typical — it is ALWAYS someone else’s fault and not the people who are really responsible. The ENABLER and the VICTIM.
Ya nailed it!
Here is the suicide rate:
New Study Reveals Shocking Rates of Attempted Suicide Among Trans Adolescents
The rest is the usual BLAME GAME.
Given that these CHILDREN WERE ALREADY FRAGILE when these MONSTERS preyed upon them, I am not at all surprised at the suicide rate.
The rate of suicide is high because they are in a confused state about their identities as human beings. This confusion is being foisted upon them and fed by people with an agenda. Trans people are going against nature and the way they were created to be, and that is a never-ending struggle for them. Their mental state is the problem.
I think the high rate is also because these children are in an ever-escalating cycle of “pay attention to me!”
They’ve been raised on fifteen-minutes-fame reality TV, participation trophies, and being told they are the MOST SPECIAL thing in the world. And then real life hits. In the “real world,” most of us just aren’t that “special.” Being “trans” gets some attention for a while, and then it dies off. What’s to do now? Suicide attempt.
I have this theory that people who want to die, actually commit suicide. They don’t “try.” They DO. Anything else is attention-seeking and a cry for help. Which is not forthcoming in this case, because they fit the leftist freaks sick-ass AGENDA.
It’s horrifying.
Good theory.
I will concede that the “pay attention to me” individual agenda may well descend from an “I’m hurting” reality, because human reality is a pretty cold place for teens who are negotiating their mixed-up psyches with the reality of other people who either want something or just don’t care. PARENTS are one of the only groups that care, and Hollywood (particularly Disney) does everything to alienate kids from family. It’s subtle, but it’s there.
One must find the scattered groups that care – not easy and particularly if one is TRAINED to spurn the right groups (typically because they’re religious).
People who are hurting and have been trained to distrust the RIGHT people, will trust the WRONG people.
The trans world of maximum delusion is PHONY AS HELL. Literally.
Yes, precisely. The world is a tough place when you are young, and instead of teaching them life skills and survival in it, they’ve been taught about “safe spaces.” They have no coping skills. It’s tragic.
They used to have churches, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, 4-H, and high school sports. Now they have degenerate teachers, absent fathers, alcoholic and overwhelmed mothers, and in most cases, no contact with grandparents or extended family.
We MADE this. Not us specifically, but our society DID.
We are in “cabal-approved society”, backed up by Hollyweird. Torba is right. We have to build our own society to make theirs fade into irrelevance.
Brilliantly and concisely said!
“She mentions the high rate of suicide and then BLAMES IT ON TRANSPHOBIA? REALLY? It couldn’t possibly be because transitioning DID NOT LIVE UP TO THE HYPE the person was fed?”
Could it possibly be because they are the UNTREATED MENTALLY ILL?
Exactly. Our mental health institutions have been UPENDED, INVERTED, and made mockeries of their original purpose. They PURVEY a politically blessed form of mental illness.
Yes shes nasty and nutty.
Such lunacy being discussed in the Senate, with the Country swirling the bowl.
STOP playing freak stoopid games.
End the ignorance with one question.
Q. Excluding women, can you provide ONE example of a human, your words, PREGNANT “birthing person”?
Do NOT for any reason get off this question. Stay On Point.
Yes. Playing games keeps these people in their positions.
The fact that we now have to say “biological women”, and they grit their teeth even at that, is a TRAVESTY OF CORRUPTED MEANING.
Pretty well stuck on guys and gals here.
They can plat games as they wish, just not in my life.
AMEN to that. I am NOT going to play any more Commie name games.
True. Covidiocy continues thanks to FauXi, Witch Walensky, CDC…PUSHING Covidiot Injections and Boosters that PROLONG Covidiocy.
I miss Candace. Guess she is busy with little ones at home.
No clue who my great grand parents are and I hope nobody goes to find out in case that suddenly turns me into Dr Jekyll or Mr. Hyde.
Could be some great history… BUT, I certainly appreciate the sentiment.
Last year I learned my Great, Great, Great, Great, Great Grandfather, fought with the Union in the Civil War. (I think it was five, “Greats” in there.) Mother’s side. Foot soldier, grunt of sorts.
Was at King’s Mountain Battle Field, SC. Survived the battle. His name is listed there somewhere.
Somehow my sister who does ancestry stuff found out he, was awarded XX acres after the war. Prolly a common thing.
Maybe the land was seized from The Rebs. That would NOT be so cool. Spoils of war, but not a “uniting” thing to do. Hope the land, was out in the unsettled hills or something.
Always thought that was pretty cool to learn. On my bucket list to visit King’s Mountain National Military Park. Figure it would be pretty cool.
Very Cool! Our kids have warriors on both sides of that War…American history is literally in all of our blood!
Nice. Cool stuff to discover.
When I was very young I knew my dad’s maternal grandparents. My mom’s birth family grandparents were alive in my lifetime, but we hadn’t made the connections then. Genealogy can give you names, if you’re ever interested. Their blood, diluted, still runs in your veins
She looks EXACTLY the way you would imagine Trotsky’s granddaughter to look like!
YES! There is some tree in that apple for sure!!!
They’re funnin with us. That looks like a dude to me.
I agree … a biological dude!
From WIKI:
Thank You Gail …
Repeat for every country bc he is correct!
Communist News Network
Works too
Did anyone really vote for them?
This is puzzling to me. I find it hard to believe that Kamala is that inarticulate. I used to think she was a formidable questioner in hearings when she was a Senator. I’m not saying she’s a genius, but she can’t be that dumb. She reminds me of someone who has been told to watch every word that comes out of their mouth because of politics. She almost looks like a hostage to me, as if some overlords are watching everything she says.
She sounds like someone who is afraid to speak her mind. I’m sure that is true because if she said what she really thinks people would be outraged. But she can’t even perform political-speak in sentences that form cogent thoughts. This might be due to a lack of preparation. But something is definitely wrong, and I don’t think it’s just that she’s the opposite of a deep thinker.
Pretty sure its called dissembling. She’s a dissembler. She knows the truth but has to build one back that doesn’t include the truth, but that supports her view and seems plausible to the pubic. This is why people who know the truth look at her like she has horns growing out head.
I’m sort of leaning this way. The “old” narrative regarding any subject has become so woke that the one and only way to talk about it (and not make a mistake on the woke minefield) is to talk in ridiculous circles.
They provide her with approves talking points and buzzwords and she repeats them over and over
This would explain the “hostage” look.
She is that dumb. She used willie brown to get started. Without him she’d be nothing. After that it was soros. Shes malleable and just clever enough to protect herself. Her husband is also a connected atty.
Hubby is ‘connected’ bigly to Chinese Investment Co
Ah ok. I knew he had a specific “talent “
She might be that dumb, but the Kamala who grilled people on the Senate floor and this woman have almost nothing in common.
Kamala can attack, but for some reason now, she cannot defend.
I think you’re right – she’s “shutting up” on any substantial responses. I think that it comes in response to ORDERS from “whoever is controlling Biden” that she stop contradicting narratives for any reason – intentional or accidental – IF she wants to succeed Biden. They don’t want Kamala contradicting “the narrative”, which Biden can barely front. She has been told to not defend with her own thinking.
There may be some passive-aggressive motivation here, too. She was told to stop “helping” and screwing up, so she stopped saying anything substantial.
Remember when Commie-la was rolled out with a sudden new & strange look? Body double possibility?
Kamala actually got caught using a body double, but it was not voice grade. It had a mask and kept away from people. It was for media lies only, during campaigning. In fact, the double FLED when caught.
Interesting. IIRC it was after some supposed plastic surgery or something. It’s face looked very odd & stretched out. There may have been a CG glitch around the neckline, or I may be conflating the Commie-la thing & something else…
Yeah, this is prompting no memories for me.
No prob…it’s kind of vague for me too. I think it Might have been around the time when she was nominated as FJB’s VP running mate. There was some blouse or jacket with a pearl necklace I think. DP might recall cause she’s got that fashion eye a bit…
If Kamala was wearing a blouse or jacket with a pearl necklace, I’m sure that she worked for it.
Spit! LOL
Pretty sure the images in question were in Q-Tree comments at that time though…
Nice catch
Here’s the best coverage!
Thx Wolf!
She was NASTY attack dog in Senate hearings. Always asking a Dem narrative question and demanding a Yes or No answer. When people dared respond with the truth she’d interrupt and cut them off, Yes or No, Yes or No. When she didn’t get it, she’d go to the next snarky question, rinse, repeat. The questions may have been written by staffers, but she did her share of arguing facts and badgering witnesses. She was NASTY. Definitely not the same mindless woman we have been seeing past 2 years. EVIL WITCH.
You could be on to something. What if she’s in so deep now she’ll do anything they tell her to and just maybe she’s having doubts? Could she have been told comply or else she’s suicidal.
Hoe WILL do ANYTHING…Hoe’s sites ARE on 47.
I think she’s miserable, and stoned all the time.
The big prize she thought she was getting has turned out to be a joke. The POTATUS is a joke and her “duties” are in title only. That’s because neither of them are actually in office. They’re essentially mannequins
And I don’t think she really wants to be POTUS. I think it’s too much work. I believe the same about Michelle O.
Yeah and especially since it’s not the real thing…it’s a figurehead position with every word and idea coming from the shadow rulers…and with inane statements written by millennial brats.
THAT is it. The SHADOW PRESIDENCY rules. They’re both puppets, while the occupation state runs things.
All work and no power – unless you’re TRUMP, which is forbidden.
IMO, Hoe wants 47. NOT for the work. Hoe will do as hussein tells her. Same as now.
The glory of the first female pResident. Upstaging hildabeast.
“Stoned” probably explains it.
I’ve been around a few stoners, and they all sound like that! They think they sound all philosophical and brilliant, while saying the most inane things.
I agree.
She also may be scared nearly to death. Ø and H> are ruthless and terror/horror/fear can have that kind of paralyzing effect on people.
Yes. I think you’re right.
I think she went after the big shiny prize and found it is really a cage with lethal traps and mine fields she has to negotiate.
Never forget that Hitlery STILL wants that presidency.
I think she does this in preparation for the truth coming out and her needing some kind of defense. What better than an insanity defense for her?
‘What better than an insanity defense for her?’
Insanity for BOTH of them.
Hey , I’m just doing OJT under Brandon,
Cos “They” told me to. We just do what “They” tell us to do.
It’s all they got. If they can say it with out stumbling or makin word salads,
probably the most honest answer.
Guessing Hoe’s “staff” wrote question for the Hoe to ask in Senate hearings.
Hoe, her staff and BiteMe’s goofs, gotta know Hoe makes Valley Girls sound brilliant.
I have wondered about court cases she prosecuted in CA, Frisco, wherever. Perhaps staff fed her questions, opening and closing statements.
Hoe’s oral skills are certainly lacking. OH, Wait…
OK, I’ll stop
You went there!
Yea. Was cracking up. Then deleted some, before posting.
“settled” meaning they refuse to debate after having rigged everything before hand by finding their pet consensus and elevating that to “settled”. They need to get scorched on the use of this term and be driven to the debate table. If it was settled, then it should be too easy for them to debate. Just grab the book and show up, but that’s the last they’ll ever do because nothing is settled and everything is rigged.
The Central Bank of India has approved international trade settlements in rupees.
Another important step towards the “de-dollarization” of the world economy has been taken
Intel Slava Z
India onboard trading in Rupees.
Aussie’s onboard Yuan with Chinee.
Russia, I think, has several countries paying in Rubles.
Intel Slava Z
Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service Naryshkin commented on Poland’s plans to invade Ukraine
“The information received by the Service testifies to the nervous reaction of the leadership of Poland to the fact that its plans to dismember Ukraine have become the subject of public attention. Poland hoped that when the conflict in Ukraine passes into the phase of diplomatic settlement, the parties will be forced to recognize “Polish expansion “as a fait accompli. Now, due to the leakage of sensitive information, the Polish leadership is forced to remove the concerns voiced by comrades in NATO and the EU,” said the director of the Foreign Intelligence Service.
US Is Paying $1.7 Billion To Health Care Workers… In Ukraine
Full circle: from pushing for “free” healthcare in America,
to giving it to a foreign country.
US paying for Ukraine healthcare, Ukraine pensions, Ukraine salaries, Ukraine war machine…
The traitorous behavour of BiteMe and his freak show gets worse by the day.
I don’t remember this one. Yikes!
And her face. She knows.
Little girl learned about perverts in school.
Little girl’s parents allowed this perverted situation.
Remember Jeff Sessions and his protection of his granddaughter.
So sad. Terrifying to know something is wrong and its nothing we can stop for her
I’ve read that Hunter has referred to JB as “Pedo Peter.” I dont’ know if that came from his emails or phone, or both.
It’s just so obvious. It’s horrifying.
“We had to be shown.”???
Could be.
Wish there was a betting line, if BiteMe is pedo. I’d take it.
Sniffing and acting wierd around little girls, not to mention grown women. Swimming naked in front of female SS Agents. Yea, latter two adults. But, it’s the behavior.
Showering with grand daughter. Kissing grand daughter on the lips. Prolly open mouth. Sick shit here.
Wonder what the Chinee, Russians and Ukrainians hae on BiteMe from his visits as Senator, VP…
Where’s Hunter got started somewhere…
“I’ve read that Hunter has referred to JB as “Pedo Peter.””
That’s pretty much like the foot-job calling the massage oil black.
It’s because he (Joe) used the name Peter Henderson – like the character in Tom Clancy novels – for his emails. Pedo Peter. And this is where we’re at.
So they need to make sure that the sheep are following along…….
Hey all you old folks get your second and third shot NOW.
Must really be worried about the next variant not taking enough of the sheep out with just one shot.
Both of my parents blame health woes in recent months on the shots. They won’t be taking any more.
Wow! ^^^ That IS a news flash. ^^^
Sorry to hear your parents health woes. I understand they are older.
Grateful they now, recognize the Injections as unhealthy.
Hope they are listening to you more, regarding Injections. Perhaps vitamins, supplements…
Best wishes for your folks health.
Also, perhaps this will help with other sibling(s) and relatives avoid the Injections.
Spread the truth.
DPat remember Dr ZelanKo recommended Ivermectin to counter the shots.
It may work since an Avermectin seems to have worked on my Long Haulers.
Murderous Walensky can GTH with her DEATH SMILE.
IMO, anybody who gets a “flu shot” or a “pneumonia shot” from now on needs to INSIST that this vaccine is the ONLY one they’ll be getting. May be an idea to insist on seeing the exact vial or single-shot syringe to be used BEFORE getting the vaccine.
This is because the CDC signed off on the “co-administration” of a flu shot AND a COVID-19 “vaccine” injection (or booster) in September, 2021.
At this point you would have to be nutz to get ANY VACCINE!
Tetanus after stepping on a rusty nail or rabies after being bit by a wild animal are about the only exceptions
Gail Combs
You are so correct. The comment above was for anybody who still is thinking of getting a “flu vaccine” or a “pneumonia vaccine.”
Yup. Tetanus. I assume tetanus is NOT combined with anything else. Figure it is old technology before the evil came along.
It can’t be mRNA. mRNA is unacceptable in any form.
Actually tetanus is now a three way — Tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (Tdap) vaccine. I could not get the plain tetanus at UNC hospital. So I refused to get the shot.
I was getting one yearly for decades and then found out I only needed a booster once a decade.
Nah. I can’t go with any flu shot, pneumonia, shingles, whatever shot.
CDC has shown their hand, technology to mix Covidiot crap with other shots.
DW and I have agreed, none of that crap for us.
Have shared my concerns with adults children about flu shots for them and grands. I think they are “no” at this point.
Difficult point for son working at VA hospital. Guessing they’ll insit of flu shots. He’s going to try to shine them on. We’ll see.
ZERO trust for CDC, FDA, NIH…
Add in CORPORATE and UNIVERSITY hospitals.
Yep. I was Thrilled to hear that Pacific Justice Institute was suing the University of Michigan hospital system for denying someone a liver transplant since they were “unvaccinated”!!!
Sorry, I’ll consider anyone approaching me with any needle an assault.
Can’t trust or take the risk. Sooner take a chance with a witch doctor.
Brave new world out there.
They do not want to pay the pensions and SS,
No they do not. They already stole our SS by moving it into the ‘general fund’
I remember that.
Bannon has a good show this morning concerning the win in France of the people against medical tyranny. The worm turned as Melone said
Fauci is back pushing jabs and fear mongering. Evil soul he is.
Here’s a conventional, much-wider-angle picture of the Carina Nebula:
Now we zoom in on the upper right of that picture:
And now, look at the right hand side of that picture…A bit more than three quarters of the way across, and exactly half way down, you see a boundary between a light tan area and an orange-red area, and there’s even a “nub” in the line.
Rotate that clockwise 90 degrees, and Hubble’s picture looked like this:
Pretty cool, eh?
Now for JWST’s picture:
Here’s another comparison….
wow, that’s amazingly detailed. Thanks Steve!!
Glorious! thank you for sharing
Tuesday, July 12, 2022
Speaking of Harpoons.
Konashenkov today confirmed that several “launchers” of Harpoons have been annihilated by Russian Armed Forces, namely by OTRK Iskander (in Russian). They have been destroyed in Berezan of Odessa Oblast. Here is this Berezan town.
Berezan is located in about five miles from the shore of the Black Sea and it is totally natural for Ukies to move their equipment constantly but it goes without saying that anti-shipping missiles such as Harpoon should be located for launch within reasonable distance from water to “squeeze” as much as possible from their range which is rather very limited–220 kilometers for air launched (AGM-84) Harpoons. Those who watched my video yesterday, with my second comment on the wet dreams of Philip Breedlove, I posted there this illustration of the range to which any Harpoon carrier should get to have a chance at launching at Crimean Bridge). In Russian this is called рубеж пуска (launch line or range) and as you can see–it is not easy to put it mildly.
All of this space is totally within Russian or Russia-controlled territory and waters and that leaves pre-positioning areas for those Harpoon launchers naturally within this search area:
Huge. ONE PARENT WITH A PISTOL could have saved those kids.
All legally allowed parents MUST be allowed to carry on school grounds.
THAT will make these cowardly killers stay out of schools.
Buck Biden’s federal law. Tell Biden to go to hell.
Abbott needs to tell that COWARD Biden that BIDEN’S LAW IS KILLING KIDS. Then overrule it and allow parents to carry on school grounds.
Worse than cowards. LE STOPPED parents and at least one LE officer from rescuing kids and teachers.
Pure criminal behavior in my mind.
Everything about Uvalde brings tears me up.
Angry tears, except for when I think of this wonderful Mama.
Here we go!
strange, the supposed word from her parents is that ‘it’ was definitely born a female and isn’t a trans but in fact a lesbian.
Wonder how ‘it’ got rid of the breasts so completely ? Were kids taking puberty blockers regularly back when ‘it’ was a preteen ? Doubt it.
Also from Jack Dunn
Reminds me of Catturd’s tweet about ‘fossil fuels’
Petroleum Jelly is also a wonderful gift of healing. If we listed all the products and advances since oil was first struck and employed – they would fill many books!!!!
REMEMBER this also – CARBON is also necessary – along with CARBON DIOXIDE – it’s what feeds our plants and helps plants to produce necessary OXYGEN!!!!!!!
Time to tell the so-called greenies to stuff it.
Once the majority of humans were freed from subsistence living by coal our civilization and inventions EXPLODED.
My own grandparents went from relying on horse and buggy to SPACE TRAVEL! 𝗧𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗶𝘀 𝗢𝗡𝗘 𝗹𝗶𝗳𝗲 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲!
So stop the carbon AND the fertizlizer necessary to feed the crops. Seize or buy the farmland so people can’t use it.
Eliminate food, STARVE THE PEOPLE
Eliminate fossil fuels, STARVE THE PEOPLE
WuFlu and Vaccines, KILL THE PEOPLE
ALL Civilization is built on ENERGY.
In Historic order
Get rid of nuclear, oil, gas and animal and you are back to SLAVE LABOR
Seems like that IS their goal.
That is the reason for PETA. It gets rid of the use of animals as a source of energy.
After watching that video DPat posted talking about GDP, energy and oil scarcity, I was thinking about bring up this point. Russia has so much oil and gas BECAUSE the think ‘Fossil’ is BUNK and look for ABIOTIC OILl where it would be MADE by the earth.
Oil Is NOT A Fossil Fuel – It Is Abiotic
Two Gateway Pundit headlines:
Jill Biden’s Office Apologizes For First Lady Comparing Hispanics to Breakfast Tacos After Major Backlash
Another young sudden death:
Netflix Star Busisiwe ‘Busi’ Lurayi Dies ‘Suddenly’ at Age 36
Haha…” Dr” Biden doesn’t like to be mocked AND the spokesperson didn’t use the made up word Latinx. Cracks in the ministry of wokeism
Now we’re funding not only Ukraine but other countries ?
Sounds like they need campaign cash quickly.
Also the elite globos over there need get away villas, off shore accounts..they can’t be expected to live ordinary lives again..
The US tax payer has ALWAYS provided the majority of the funding for the World Bank and IMF. You didn’t think the ELITE did the funding now did you?
Donald J Trump
When Elon Musk came to the White House asking me for help on all of his many subsidized projects, whether it’s electric cars that don’t drive long enough, driverless cars that crash, or rocketships to nowhere, without which subsidies he’d be worthless, and telling me how he was a big Trump fan and Republican, I could have said, “drop to your knees and beg,” and he would have done it…
Donald J Trump
…Now Elon should focus on getting himself out of the Twitter mess because he could owe $44 billion for something that’s perhaps worthless. Also, lots of competition for electric cars!
Donald J Trump
P.S., Why was Elon allowed to break the $15 million stock purchase barrier on Twitter without any reporting? That is a very serious breach! Have fun Elon and @jack, go to it!
And, just like that, Twitter is down.
Twitterverse responds to the universe….
Yes !
I smell !
There is NO WAY Deplorables would nominate those Asshats.
Since when do Deplorables votes count ?
(BESIDES 2016 !)
(“They” won’t make THAT mistake again !)
When we show them the LAST box?
Yes, LOL. Been there, done that. 2012. How much we have learned since then!
JUST IN – Sri Lanka’s president has fled the country (AFP)
He has an American passport.
8kun is down:
Jim Watkins
The entire network is down. They did this when McAffee died btw. It was supposed to stop his deadman switch. We aren’t as bigtime as McAffee was so hopefully we can recover soon.
Meanwhile. It is the perfect time to read a book.
If any ‘deadman’ switch has ever been successfully deployed, I’ve never heard of it.
Never. Not even once.
Someone should do it, even if they don’t have anything important to reveal, just to prove that it can actually be done.
Jack Maxey has resurfaced (if anyone is still interested):
Jack Maxey
Pretty sure some owe me an apology. Anybody see Mac Isaacs or the others who said I was a liar? #benotafaid
(more at his Gab feed):
Couldn’t care about Maxey.
I want the Where’s Hunter stuff fully released.
Then, LE do their damn jobs.
Well, therein lies the problem … no?
Seemingly so, assuming Where’s Hunter phone, laptop, whatever have been FULLY dumped into 4chan world.
I have NO CLUE what IS bottom line truth.
Won’t waste my time chasing this stuff. Same as I didn’t pursue Maxey escapades.
If the stuff is in the wild, it’s in good hands, as far as I’m concerned.
It’s the only way, we, MAY see Where’s Hunter meet justice.
Lots more! –
Wow… that is hideous…
There’s something very “vataco” about that vertical orientation, too, that just makes me want to “LOOK! SQUIRREL!” at anything else.
No need to wonder how children can become killers….. ( the vid is something else )
Update on the kids in Philly that killed a man for fun
I believe they are taught to hate.
Joseph A. Camp
For the last 6 months I have been seeking Political Asylum on the basis of Dominion Voting Systems persecution, Antifa persecution, Democrat (Tay Anderson) persecution, media persecution with lies, smears, and contracts to murder me, fake police investigations, and more.
The nation I am currently in has granted that application late yesterday thanks to the great work of my United States and local attorneys.
One day I hope to return to the States, my home, and live my life as a normal person, but until then I am building my life here.
This nation will not extridict non-violent offenses and has no “Cyber Crimes” on the books.
Nothing changes. I have been doing all of this from here and will continue to do so.
If the regime changes in DC I will possibly be able to return to the country that I am now a politically persecuted person from.
I freaking love you all.
Here is a photo from ~6 months ago of me disembarking on my new life.
Look out! The autists can probably figure out where that photo was taken.
Interesting that he says “if the regime changes in DC,” not the administration.
Yes… I see that he has re-posted some gabs of people hinting at possible locations.
Joey has EXTREME street-smarts and urban survival skills.
Tech-skills too.
(for all I know, he “shopped” himself into that pic)
OK, I give up … what’s with the: “ThatDaneshGuy” that he’s so against?
Joey explains:
Joseph A. Camp
Jul 1
Nigerian defamation website bot with over 100 websites have their own marketing flyers. This is how easy it will be to Match Vibes with faggot racist Revenge pornographer Cyber Bully Child Killer Danesh Noshirvan who previously used these “services” on his victims.
He gets vengeful people to pay him -via CashApp- and he then writes an “article” and pays for it to Google bomb the victim, pocketing the profit. There are at least three vengeful people who couldn’t afford his rates and he solicited nudes from them -under pressure (sextortion). They have provided us their direct messages and text exchanges with Danesh.
The very definition of RICO.
TikTok Danesh.
(go to his Gab page for more):
I am lost with all this. I’m not familiar with Camp and why he had to flee. And is the situation with Danesh a separate issue? I hope he does get caught.
He seems bizarre, a loose cannon.
Eric Coomer Of Dominion Voting Systems Arrested! Video Credit Goes To Joey Camp! (Explicit)
Joey Camp 2020: Smug Antifa Member Eric Coomer of Dominion Voting Systems Deposition Video 2.
He also seems to have been convicted of Computer hacking.
Thanks. So he has hacking skills, has served prison time, has legal secretary training and knowledge, and knows about the process of running for president. He’s interesting and could stir things up.
I’ve never heard of Wikitia. It says it has verified editors.
“Verified Editors” ?
(sounds like “FACT CHECKERS” !)
Yeah, I don’t know…
(please see my other comment on this)
Joey got on my radar by exposing Antifa and BLM operatives.
Part of that led to Eric Coomer (of “Dominion” fame, who is Antifa)
Of course, that led to retaliatory actions, including very real threats of violence/physical harm. And Doxxing.
(I don’t believe he has stayed in any one place for a few years now.)
He’s no “Boy Scout”. He is so smart that he figured out a way to embezzle tens of thousands of dollars from the college that he was attending.
But he also got caught and now has a felony conviction on his record, and spent a few years between jail and prison (I believe that is where he got his “legal” knowledge).
He considers himself to be a “pro-se nightmare”, and I believe he has the record to back it up (although I do recall him mentioning using lawyers).
VERY interesting guy to me… a “one-man-wreckin’-crew”, and a true Patriot, IMO.
MUCH respect.
(Reminds me somewhat of “Josey Wales” and “Jeremiah Johnson”)
Wrecking crews can be good.
As long as we are on the same side, I would not mind having him in my foxhole.
Joseph A. Camp
For the Twitter faggots.
1) There is enough evidence in this photo to prove I am not lying… which means I am NOT wanted or that would have been an issue in the application for (first residence) asylum.
2) This image is old. My first stop was Belize where I spent $50 and was granted entry and a few weeks to get organized. I then went to Mexico, had no problem crossing the border.
3) Came and went from Belize to the U.S. on 2 occasions (to see Governor DeSantis and to handle a personal matter. Both put my application in jeopardy.
4) After returning to Belize I then traveled ro Hondores, changed my name legally to my Belizian name, and got new paperwork -while keeping my old.
5) I traveled to my destination nation and applied for asylum shortly after Dominion’s Eric Coomer filed documents with my name on them. Easy to do since the government here kicked Dominion out after the 2020 elections (a clue).
6) there are NO records of Joseph Camp traveling internationally.
7) I maintained every social media and phone number and the Racist Revenge Pornographer Cyber Bully Child Killer Danesh Noshirvan’s attempt to have me charged with texting him flopped in the middle of all this (PA Troopers obtained a search warrant for my text and call logs. Verizon voluntarily turned them over and they showed no communications -added weight to my argument of political persecution.
Anyways, here is dinner – $5US and prepaid for 60 days of various homemade, fresh same day caught, meals.
I am under an entirely new identity, in a country that HATES Doninion Voting Systems with character letters written quietly by some very powerful and influential individuals.
Now, back to ThatDaneshGuy. I am safe from non-violent prosecutions and there are no “Cyber crimes” on the books here.
Catch me if you can.
Smacks of rabbit hole, click bait.
Real deal.
A heads up – If you have not already done so, do NOT watch the Uvalde video of the chicken shit police and security officers. There is not a hole deep enough for them to jump into that could cover their cowardice. The NY Post is one media outlet that is letting the world know.
GWP reporting that a 77 mins of vid will come out by monday. The folk in Uvalde have been demanding answers. Abbott in the last couple of days has been pushing for full disclosure. I’d assume some sort of official report will be due soon.
The city and pd will go bankrupt over this. Insurance will not get out if having to pay out for this. Video, officer statements, etc already highlighted it was a s show, this is just additional.
Probably they should fold their city pd bc they are going to have the fire chief, and probably everyone in that hallway or get them to quit. They may pay people to leave but its pretty easy to see major policy Violations.
Very bad hiring practices lead to this bs.
Not only did they NOT rescue the kids, they REMOVED the gun of a cop whose wife called him as she was bleeding out so he could not go to her rescue AND restrained the parents.
Readovka, 12 July, Izvestia 13 July
The EU will exclude from sanctions the transit of goods to Kaliningrad
The translations to English are awkward, but the gist is EU finally capitulated to RF demand to revoke Lithuania’s unilateral blockade. Brussels provided a document that ‘completely satisfied’ Moscow.” Anglophone press hasn’t caught on yet. There’s no telling when or how detailed enforcement will be reported.
Uvalde video inside.
Ih this city pd, school district, city, and maybe bpd are going to pay out an incredible many millions for their failure here. They know how bad it is which is why they wont officially release it all.
Oh the cop playing w his phone and getting hand sanitizer will NEVER live it down. Pretty much everyine in that hallway better start learning to code.
The Supreme Court has repeatedly held that the government has only a duty to protect persons who are “in custody,” he pointed out.
I believe the kids are in the “custody” of the gubmint run school during school hours. So much so that if a parent shows up during the school day they have to essentially get permission and sign their kid out of the building.
Every parent of a child in a school in good standing with the law should be allowed to carry on school property. THAT will squeeze out Joe Biden’s School Shooters.
Joe Biden’s School Shoot
ersing galleries.That law deliberately put children AT RISK given the Supreme Court ‘No Duty to Protect’ ruling.
Moreover, even though the state of Florida has compulsory schooling laws, the students themselves are not “in custody”:
Hutchinson is right.
The US Supreme Court has made it clear that law enforcement agencies are not required to provide protection to the citizens who are forced to pay the police for their “services.”
In the cases DeShaney vs. Winnebago and Town of Castle Rock vs. Gonzales, the supreme court has ruled that police agencies are not obligated to provide protection of citizens. In other words, police are well within their rights to pick and choose when to intervene to protect the lives and property of others — even when a threat is apparent.
In both of these court cases, clear and repeated threats were made against the safety of children — but government agencies chose to take no action….
Schools are essentially shooting galleries — SAFE ZONES FOR KILLERS.
A guy can walk into a school with a backpack full of ammo and kill everything in the school including the pet gerbil.
I wonder what happens when the kids find out they can leave at anytime.
Actually I know of kids who did.
High school dead beat here. Once I and friends had a license, we commonly left school. Didn’t ask.
Easy 45 minutes to Santa Cruz. Fool around for a couple hours. Drive back home. Had to get back to flip burgers. Gas money.
Thankfully, Mom never figured it out.
Seems you turned out just fine!
Hell, he learned two solid skills that were better and more lucrative than boring indoctrination (time management and burger-flipping).
Love it!!!
Lotsa luck. DW smoothed over some rough edges, over 43 years.
AND you let her!
FL has Armed Guardians at every school. Possibly, it is nearly every school.
The cops have no duty to protect, but decent human beings often put their own lives in danger to save others, especially children. But since the cops don’t have to do it, then every teacher, administrator, and parent should be armed and ready to defend.
^^^ Don’t like it. Nor will I argue either way. ^^^
But, Cops MUST have a duty to NOT obstruct other LE, citizens, etc., from protecting others.
In this case saving innocent young children.
Which is positively insane, it doesn’t even pass the laugh test.
If they have no duty to protect, then WTH are we paying them for?
It’s like hiring a ship captain who doesn’t sail, or a pilot who doesn’t fly.
Fire all the police and hire private security in their place, with a job stipulation that their DUTY is to PROTECT.
Screw these maggot judges and their woke idiocy.
Any judge who says cops don’t have a duty to protect is in the wrong *&^% country.
Pure insanity.
Then FIRE ALL POLICE and hire private security in their place, with a DUTY to PROTECT in their job description.
The schools SHOULD have armed security… and ARMED and trained teachers… AND WEAPONS TRAINING FOR THE KIDS!
“The schools SHOULD have armed security…”
I would rather have a society where armed security in schools wasn’t necessary.
It didn’t used to be necessary.
Figure out what went wrong, and FIX IT.
Looks like Keystone cops only worse, they can’t even act.
Its so sad. Again, bad hiring practices and poor leadership (due to previous box checking or crony hiring)
When the boy in the foreground is looking down the hall & the “shooter” is still in the hallway with the gun hanging down (so it appears to me) there are already multiple shots being fired…NOT by the hallway “shooter” at that point…Very Suspicious…about halfway through the above video…
Look who sent this. Lol.
Taco Bell is SO NORMIE!!!
Taco Bell is named after its founder, Glen Bell. He had originally run a hot dog stand, then opened “Bell’s Drive-In” with hamburgers and hot dogs. He couldn’t help but note that Mitla’s Cafe across the street was doing a booming business selling tacos — and, after learning how to make them, doing some name and corporate changes, he decided to push in all his chips on “Taco Bell”.
The Mitla’s Cafe was in San Bernardino (San Berdoo, in Tombstone Shadow). The original Taco Bell was in Downey, but the site was redeveloped. The building now resides in a parking lot for the corporate headquarters in Irvine.
We dont do taco bell…they started here, used to be awesome 40 years ago!
I could never do Taco Bell, even way back. Del Taco was actually clean and edible.
Jack in the box just bought them out. Quality went wonky when they were sold to some company based in chicago, who only have them for 4 yrs. If youre ever in Barstow, the del taco right next to the 15 fwy is owned by the original naugles owner….its good stuff. About 10% higher but made right. He has a few others still also.
Okay, Wednesday scheduled. There’s a fair number of tweets in it, so if Twitter doesn’t come back up, some of it is not going to make sense. Cross your fingers.
If Twitter dies, GOOD RIDDANCE!!!
All of your hard work, IS appreciated. But…
Would be great if TW slipped into a void of sorts.
If you ever come across a young girl with a social media presence whose bio says “parent-managed” or “parent-run” keep an eye out for subscription links to photo sites. This is bigger than you can imagine and its the PARENTS who are putting their little girls online for pedophiles to buy “exclusive access” to.
This isn’t over, but this is fantastic progress.
BREAKING: SelectSets, which is essentially OnlyFans for underage girls, has shut down.
Big W.
Sick parents. I assume it is real.
Yup… this gal “L” (“Lauren”) is SOLID.
The unSelect Committee has referred Trump to the DOJ for witness tampering. They are desperate.
#1. I doubt POTUS actually makes phone calls. That is what secretaries are for. That means it could be an unauthorized call.
This is as bad as, anonymous sources reported…
ZERO there, there.
D-Rat butt girl, Cheney, carrying empty water buckets.
Liz Cheney must be getting paid significant bucks to act this ignorant, daily.
True. But I think the initial goal is to tie him up so he can’t take certain actions or have certain influence. If there’s a cloud of suspicion hanging over him — however bogus — the theory is that that could limit him in some ways.
The secondary goal is to actually indict him and (hopefully, for them) incarcerate him. But that one is going to be tough. So they are starting with ridiculous charges to try to stop him.
I think at this point if they were to try to Roger Stone POTUS, the country would EXPLODE on them.
Since we do gigs, we get to talk to a variety of people. I have been ‘taking the temperature’ for the last two decades. Q and the Alt media has kept things calm… SO FAR.
Replying to @USPatriotVet, @agapeman, and 8 more
No ones gonna try to arrest and incarcerate Donald Trump. You know how I know? Because I’ve been denouncing violence as a way to fix the country, urging people to use the democratic tools we have that will deliver the Red Tsunami in November. But if this Admin ever tried to incarcerate Trump, all bets would be off.
Jul 11, 2022, 08:34
Mind you, the witch hunt has issued no list of who it has or intends to call as a witness — so if Trump talks to anyone and they later decide to call this person a witness, they can refer him for witness tampering again — under their own Wonderland rules.
These people are MONSTERS.
To go after Trump for calling people on their “secret list” is appalling.
They’re not even a real court. It would not even be “real” witness tampering to call people on their list and try to influence their testimony – even if I personally think it would be unethical to do anything other than help people remember the truth.
And that’s another thing. WHY is it wrong to help people remember the truth?
Just a qew a non conspiracy right?
Im sure they are on the way.
“From now on, all Latinos will be addressed as Tacos per Jill Biden”
Well, it does simplify getting everyone’s first name right.
On the other hand, if you are addressing a room full of Tacos, but you are only speaking to one particular Taco, how do all the other Tacos know which Taco you’re talking to?
Scott, youve got to read through the comments. So many mex. Er “latinos” commenting as discussing taco pronouns, etc. Biden was already underwater w them, I think this just sealed the deal.
“Taco/Txco/Tacoself/Tacokin? “
As if they hadn’t gotten them mad enough with “Latinx”….
I think there’s gonna be a MONSTER TACO Red Wave come November
Like a combination of Latin and Sphinx.
How cool is that?
Totally agree!
There they go again, giving special cool names to special classes of people. What if everyone wants to be called Tacos?
Why are they dividing people, and creating Taco envy?
Ukrainians are already stealing “Chalupa” from the rightful owners!
I’m a Taco, he’s a Taco, she’s a Taco — wouldn’t you like to be a Taco too?
Wouldn’t it follow the usual pattern of Spanish so the feminine becomes Taca?
Hence «she’s a Taca.»
Which of course would obliterate that whole uni-gender idea.
As if it wasn’t HONK grade already.
Most nouns have gender stuck to the noun. You can have “la mesa”, which is female, but say “he is a table”, you say “Ello esta una mesa.” — and it remains female, while he is clearly male.
There are exceptions.
“Wouldn’t it follow the usual pattern of Spanish so the feminine becomes Taca?”
Not if we Americanize it.
And if there’s one thing Americans are good at, it’s Americanizing everything
So… Let there be Tacos!
Let’s make 500