Dear KAG: 20220713 Open Thread

To be honest, I have no idea where to begin.

So, let’s start with:

Tucker: Forget the hookers and crack… Focus on the first family selling us out to China…

I’m afraid I pretty much agree with Tucker. Treason outweighs a sex scandal.

Euro Tumbles To Dollar Parity For First Time Since 2002

Some say it is the beginning of the end.

Just a reminder:

Elon “Has Never Known Defeat”

There’s a decode in that substack which is worth considering, especially in light of this:

Twitter sues Elon Musk to force him to buy the company — while accusing him of ‘trashing’ it

Bad news for foodies.

Amazon Threatens Local Restaurants

Amazon’s new partnership with GrubHub will make it harder for small restaurants to compete with deep-pocketed chains

Founders of bankrupt crypto hedge fund 3AC go missing, as investors try to recoup assets

As is said of a cousin’s husband…flim flam people?

Sundance’s take:

This is the modern political ideology of Democrats.   And leftists are puzzled, shocked and stunned about why so few people can relate to them anymore.

Violence that supports leftist ideology is called speech. Any speech that confronts leftist ideology is labeled violence.

The Democrat party really need to double-down on this approach.  It will be good for them, I promise.

Neil Oliver Analyzes the Global Uprisings that are Rejecting the Build Back Better Agenda

Eyes are opening all over.


No. Just…no.

Reading from American Thinker:

Hopelessness is all the Democrats have left

Can You Smell the Whiff of Panic?

The Global Warming Golden Goose

The unbearable hypocrisy of the Democrats

The global warming fraud revealed in one graph

Revenge of the rubes

We must leave left-leaning neoconservatives in the rearview mirror and embrace this new wave of America-First populism. Let the Rick Wilsons of the world slander us as “rubes”! We will retaliate by discontinuing our subscriptions to their globalist websites and newsletters and opt instead for real conservative publications. I suggest that we steal the term “rube” and wear it with pride! Let us stage a revenge of the rubes!


Oh, so true.

Have a good day y’all.

(I don’t remember who brought this to a daily in the comments, but thanks.)

And, of course, the obligatory George Carlin:

Per the Boss:

And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:

Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.

Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone

Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.

Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.

Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there. The “Rescue Thread” is also over there. In the event a rendezvous of the tree is needed, please check it out, as well as the newest rescue venue.

Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.

One other vital note:

Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.


PSALMS 94:5-10, 14-15

5They crush thy people, O LORD, and afflict thy heritage. 6They slay the widow and the sojourner, and murder the fatherless; 7and they say, “The LORD does not see; the God of Jacob does not perceive.” 8Understand, O dullest of the people! Fools, when will you be wise? 9He who planted the ear, does he not hear? He who formed the eye, does he not see? 10He who chastens the nations, does he not chastise? He who teaches men knowledge, 14For the LORD will not forsake his people; he will not abandon his heritage; 15for justice will return to the righteous, and all the upright in heart will follow it.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.

Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, first responders and those working behind the scenes…and any and all people with family members in the hospital, COVID or not.

And…members of the QTree who no longer participate for one reason or another, as well as Gil, RDS, Bakocarl, Nora, Cthulhu (who is getting prayers whether it’s life threatening or not) and any others facing serious health issues right now..

It is quite clear, as per Wolf’s message from July, that we are under spiritual attack. Building up a robust arsenal of prayer and discipline is a must in fighting the enemy and his minions.

In that spirit, the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel from Tuesday’s threads, and the Breastplate of St. Patrick, not to mention the Litany of Humility are favorites recommended by exorcists in spiritual warfare.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Dennis Prager has an AWESOME article about questioning the authority of scientists.


You’re a Scientist? So What?

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Dennis Prager
Posted: Jul 12, 2022 12:01 AM


Doctors are heading in that direction too. They need to think and speak for themselves and not blindly follow what someone tells them is science.


Except Obamacare forced them out of private practice and into corporate medical groups run by cronies.

Again, as I have noted, my personal physician became “concierge care” at one of the big tech companies. Does he need to keep electronic records for all patient interactions, as Obamacare demands? Can the government scan the medical records of Zuckerschmuck, Tim Cook, Marc Benioff, and so many others? Does he worry if he gives them advice based on his expertise without regard to groupthink?

We can’t get back to anything resembling your scenario until Obamacare is dead and buried.


You are correct. I just wish that doctors would speak up. The fear of losing their jobs has taken precedence over patient care. It’s one of those “if only everyone would do it” scenarios. Of course one person here or there will be fired.

Gail Combs

“… I just wish that doctors would speak up….”

THEY HAVE! They are called the Frontline Doctors.

“American life has fallen casualty to a massive disinformation campaign. We can speculate on how this has happened, and why it has continued, but the purpose of the inaugural White Coat Summit is to empower Americans to stop living in fear.

If Americans continue to let so-called experts and media personalities make their decisions, the great American experiment of a Constitutional Republic with Representative Democracy, will cease.” – America’s Frontline Doctors (

(And yes it is mostly in Russian but it has the video.)

ALSO there is the ALTERNATIVE to the AMA docs, Assoc. of American Physicians and Surgeons : Find a Direct Payment / Cash Friendly Practice


^^^ This

I had great respect and trust for my long time PCP. We shared with each other about family, sports, etc. He did not overthink and was was very focused on providing the best care for me personally. Always sent me to the best specialist he knew if needed.

Then BammyCare happened. He and his partner had to sell out to a regional corporate. This long term partner ended up losing his mind over the death of a child and quit – just too much stress. The NP’s were brought in to take over the daily office visits of all patients. It became like a factory setting and patients were the widgets. I have not seen my PCP in 5 years as all he does is manage the staff and cases.

Destroy that monstrosity – kill it dead. It and giving insurance companies too much authority over cases has totally undermined the greatest health system in the world. Bring back what works for people.


Obamacare happened, and my doc of twenty years gave up and retired. I don’t blame her, but I miss her.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Obama was the most toxic remnant of the Soviet Union.


I do not rely on doctors any longer. Only go to mine for lab tests. No meds for me nothing and take my chances. I do not want to live the live the Nazis are planning for us.

Gail Combs

I figured that out decades ago and that is why I quit the American Chemical Society.

When they spouted this drivel I QUIT! No more $$$ FOR YOU!

Global Climate Change – American Chemical Society

The American Chemical Society (ACS) acknowledges that climate change is real, presents serious risk for civil society and business, and that human activity is the primary cause. Atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO 2) concentrations are increasing at a rate never observed before, primarily due to emissions from fossil fuel combustion.


My husband is part of a society that has gone woke about 2 years ago. The once driving it are young professionals. The society is loosing members and now has mostly University Professors in it pushing their papers to get tenure.
He is in another society that is small and associated with a bigger one but the board he is part of is not relenting to the new crazies.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The globalists and communists took over ACS via their MEDIA division. Feminism was used to clear the path for globo-bot Madeleine Jacobs, who introduced toxic ideas like “settled science” – which was then applied prematurely and in a very short timescale to controversial ideas that were nowhere NEAR being established or widely accepted.

She filled the media division with Bolsheviks, and then spread out from there, as she ascended to the top, and then left a permanent globalist, feminist/LGBT, and communist “ruling class” at ACS.

The legacy of Madeleine Jacobs is the destruction of the scientific authority of ACS. They are WORTHLESS in terms of critical thinking on anything scientific. PC rules their thinking.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m pretty sure this is Joe Biden committing treason.

Absolutely sad that FIB just sits on its hands, because China-symp radicals in Dodge are going to protect their communist butt-buddies in China taking over this country, using the Biden crime family.

Last edited 2 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That was an amazing presentation by Tucker, and he deserves credit. I’m surprised FOX is allowing it. That was a 26-minute segment, which was unheard of back when I watched cable news. Tucker’s closing words,: “This is about our leaders, the Biden family — and not just the Biden family — selling out America, including its most precious assets, to the Chinese Communist Party.” In other words, treason.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Pretty much treason. I’m just shocked that they’re doing this stuff and getting away with it.


Crickets across Prvada News.

Crickets across Big Tech.

Crickets from R-Cons Uniparty.

Crickets from DOJ, FBI, ATF…

^^^ Payoff to these asshats must be huge, to betray their Oath, America.


Have you noticed that media is slowly shifting Biden old Biden this and that and Hunter bad? I noticed a shift and it seems the democrat party wants him out.
They are loosing and they want their power back. Seems that not many are benefiting from China the way Biden’s have.
There is a movement where people are seeing that loosing this country also makes them loose their savings their food supply their wealth. They are seeing it affects them also.
I guess like sheep do they did not realize when they fallow the wrong path it leads them all to destruction not just some.
Hope the people wake up more and more to reality.
Now we are told another virus well that virus is not sorting out the trumpers it is also sorting out the dems. Surprise surprise.

Last edited 2 years ago by singingsoul1

“I think you’re clear” That sounds suspect.


Catturd puppies, from yesterday morning:

Batman didn’t seem to be feeling good yesterday – but he’s awfully spunky this morning – lol.

This is Wiggles who is currently #1 on my list to keep because he’s exactly like Smiles.

Looks like him.

Acts like him.


That’s what happens when you start handing out names…..


I don’t see how anyone could NOT get attached to them, even without names. But with nine, they have to be identified somehow. Can you see the videos?



Remember that this my choice, because I give away bits of data publicly with a great deal of reluctance.

I was just thinking about that today. I got a letter purporting to be from Bank of America, telling me that they had detected some suspicious transactions on my credit card account (ending in ####) and that I should immediately call 800.427.2449 to talk about them.

Logically, whoever wrote me that letter knew my first and last name (note that I usually use a middle initial or name to screen riff-raff — try it sometime: “Hi, I’m John Q. Public [notes in notebook that John Q. Public has been used on the Qtree….]. It would have been more plausible if I were “John A. Public” on a letter from Bank of America. They also knew my residence address.

Right away, I’m not going to use that phone number. I’m going to use BofA materials to come up with a phone number for credit card fraud. Then, I’m going to call them and find out that BofA will actually hang-up on you if you don’t provide an account number (which I haven’t had with BofA for 40 years, and the circumstances of my extraction are such that I will likely not have for another 40….) or my SSN. Since I don’t know that this fraud has my SSN, I’m not going to give it up. I might confirm it, if they have the right one and are otherwise cooperative.

Quite a bit of fraud is offering, say, 64 bits of real knowledge — then trying to get eight bits more a few times. I won’t confirm “Mr. or Ms.” much of the time. Every bit is precious.

And when it comes to the wholesale rape of your identity that Twitter will impose if you give them the slightest chink of vulnerability….well, I keep them blocked.

Incidentally, I also recently got emailed a notice of late renewal for my CPA…..from a state in which I am not a CPA. I’d love to know what database(s) was tapped for that scam.


BTW, I would also suggest using variations of your address for various correspondents.

For example, you could be at 1234 Elm Street; Anytown, OH 43701.

You could then have your family write you at “1234 Elm St. Suite F”. The telephone/internet guys could write you at “1234 Elm Street, Bldg T”. You could pay your taxes and register to vote at “1234 Elm Street, Department C”. Your bank could find you at “1234 Elm Street, attn: B svcs”.

Leave a sign on your mailbox that anything 1234 Elm Street is your problem, and just carry on…..but if you get something like “Suite F” for a credit card application, you know that it’s your family that is leaking.




Quite a bit of fraud is offering, say, 64 bits of real knowledge — then trying to get eight bits more a few times.

Knowledge is power.

I never click on links in emails even if the email is from a known source, or call phone numbers randomly sent.

I had to all BofA with a question once but didn’t have an account, and ran into the same thing. I can’t remember what I did — either yelled “talk to an associate,” or pressed O for operator.


I went to a branch (that had closed five minutes previously, but I’m going back tomorrow).


I’m not a fan of BofA.

One of my many happy moments at *ahem* that weird company *ahem* was when our rework tech finally opened a bank account. Unfortunately, she was shortly to be told that “because it was a new account”, she would have no access to her deposited funds until after her rent’s due date.

At the time, we had a few $million at PWB. I called over…..

And the Chief Compliance Officer of PWB called the Branch Manager of the Bank of America location to have a friendly talk about acceptable practices at interstate banks. It seemed to make things more clear because our employee could do unrestricted normal banking within about two hours.

The funny thing is that the situation had so many personal echoes for me — and “jacking around the n00bs” was the reason I had pulled out of BofA some years before, when I was a n00b (and why I’m unlikely to ever do business with them in the future).

To really appreciate this, the Chief Compliance Officer for PWB was calling from CORPORATE, and was calling a Branch Manager in some dusty part of San Jose. Further, he was armed with “check #2345 for $1234 is good. The payor is good, the payee is good, the funds are good, and I can tell you this as a banker.” The guy was skewered. What was he supposed to do, call in BofA’s Chief Compliance Officer to rebut? He would have been obliterated.

When things got straightened in the background, we had a chat with our employee. We said that she should be safe at the BofA nearest her house, where she’d gone for banking, because we’d humiliated the Branch Manager — and we would take care of her as many times as was necessary. Or, we’d gotten a special deal on a PWB bank account even though the branches were less convenient. Or there was a credit union alternative.

We had urged her to get a bank account for years, because it should have been more convenient for both of us. We weren’t going to walk away because of some glitch, and anyone trying to muck things up was going to get stomped.


Yup. You did right.


Oh, that reminds me — I got a thing from some charity that is working with FEMA to make sure that everyone who suffered wildfire damage some years back has been fully provided with government services. I didn’t suffer wildfire damage, did not apply for aid from FEMA, got a previous notice and called around to inform agencies it wasn’t me, and have no prior contact with this charity.

Seems like everything is grift.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Erroneous call-back is the oldest cold call in the book!


My kids brought home a pregnant calico homeless cat. She had 9 kittens we kept all except two good friends took 2. Yes I had a house full of cats but we had a big house and one never knew there were so many. I used 25lb cat litter a week and had 8 letterboxes in the basement. No smell no lots of cat fur . I was lucky they were clean and with three kids they got plenty attention.

Happy go lucky

😽 😻


My dalmatian is the same. Her “official” name has the breeder’s kennel name in it.

Gail Combs

My registered horses/ponies do too.

Kennel name is the easiest way to avoid the ‘Nope that names already taken’ problem.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The famed anti-communist expert Trevor Loudon has defined a new strain of communism that he believes is responsible for many of the mass shootings in America.

He calls it “national Bolshevism”.




Just call it what it really is and always was:
Marxo – Fascism

The originator of Fascism was a Marxist. Something they never teach you in school.

Gail Combs

The ONLY reason Fascism is called ‘Right Wing’ is because it is a little right of straight up Communism


Is there any difference between the beatings inflicted by Communism and the beatings inflicted by Fascism?

Not that I can tell.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If you ever saw “Full Metal Jacket,” there’s a scene where a recruit momentarily mixes up left and right, so the drill instructor starts bopping him on one side of the face or the other and makes the recruit tell him which side it was. “Sir, left side, sir!” “Sir, right side, sir!”

Maybe the fascists hit you on the right side more than the left, and vice versa.

But no, probably not.



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Actually I doubt there’s even that much difference.

The ideological difference is that fascism came with a dose of nationalism, and regular communism is supposed to be “international.”

Of course like any two groups of people who are quite similar except for one little thing that cannot be reconciled, they hate each other, so each group does their best to try to make the other group seem as different as possible. And certainly once Nazism turned out to be provably genocidal, the Commies wanted to distance them as much as possible from themselves, so they claimed Nazism was not just to their right…but way over on the FAR right.

But honestly, ANYTHING that is anti Marxist-Leninist is considered “right.” Such disparate things as Islamic fundamentalism, Nazism, and Trumpism are all, therefore “right” and the hope is that you’ll treat them as peas in a pod.

Gail Combs

From my old notes:

 The covert influence operations that Kent Clizbe details in his book, Willing Accomplices

CIA case officer, Kent Clizbe, analyzes counterintelligence details to demonstrate that KGB covert influence agents in American education and academia, Hollywood, and the media inserted the anti-American payload that became Political Correctness (PC).

The KGB officers suffered death in Stalin’s purges. Their American Willing Accomplices, not needing guidance, built the elite mindset of “reflexive loathing of the United States and its people” that defines PC…

Since I conversed with him on line we have:

March 2016: Former CIA operative accused of fraud (Clizbe IDed the guy as a Fraudster five years before his arrest.)

Five years later, in October of last year, Simmons — who, as a frequent guest on Fox News discussing intelligence matters, had become a prominent commentator on national security — was arrested for fraud, on charges that (among other things) he used a fictitious background in the C.I.A. to gain real government contract work….

The inserting of KGB covert influence agents is what Khrushchev was referring to when he said:

“Your children will live under communism. “You Americans are so gullible. No, you won’t accept Communism outright; but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of Socialism until you will finally wake up and find that you already have Communism. We won’t have to fight you; we’ll so weaken your economy, until you fall like overripe fruit into our hands.”

Khrushchev would have been well aware of the KGB’s activities in the USA.

…The KGB had been quite successful in influencing the Americans already. Alex Gumberg was still working in America, continuing to run the operation that he had begun during the heady days of the Revolution in St. Petersburg.

Now Dzerzhinsky, and his staff under OMS cover would have directed the German master of influence [Willi Muenzenberg] to concentrate on the American “market.” Gumberg had made heady inroads with the diplomatic, corporate, and legislative targets in the States: he was running Raymond Robins, and was working his contacts to wriggle deeper and deeper into corporate America. [Think Al Gore’s Senior’s buddy Armand Hammer of Occidental Petroleum]

Lenin’s vision to bring America to its knees required penetration of the wellsprings of its civil identity, the “transmission belts” of American culture….

Remember Bill Ayers and friends were studying US grave yards to gather the names of US babies who had died young. The Birth Certificates of these dead children were then obtained and turned over to KGB agents. The Wall Street Journal even had a back page article in the spring of ’94 that stated, not only were US NGOs FUNDED by the KGB they were actually RUN by KGB AGENTS! I didn’t bother to clip the article (I was moving) because I figured it would make front page news — Obviously it didn’t.


You can see the slow build-up. (Fabian vs Communist)

1. Patriot Act, the repeal of parts of Posse Comitatus, militarization of the police, Agreement with Canadian Military to sent troops into the USA, huge purchase of Ammo by DHS

2. Destruction of mid-level corporations via leveraged buyouts, shipping not only jobs but whole factories overseas, hiding unemployment figures and doing NOTHING constructive to get the economy back on track. Printing $$$ like it was monopoly money and there by destroying the savings of the baby boomer generation. Foreclosuregate… and the destruction of the economy in general. EM Smith as usual has a good essay on that HERE.

3. Uncontrolled immigration and encouraging ‘ethniticty’ instead of ‘assimilation’ SEE: Richard Lamm on Multiculturalism

4. Targeting the last “Regulation Free” industry, farming and placing it under the control of the World Trade Organization via the Food Safety Modernization Act thereby insuring food prices will necessarily sky rocket when the cost of the regulations and the removal of competition kicks in.

5. Targeting and destroying our cheap energy infrastructure.
EPA ban on wood stoves is freezing out rural America

…. The EPA has recently banned the production and sale of 80% of America’s current wood-burning stoves,….

The impacts of the EPA ruling will affect many families. According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2011 survey statistics, 2.4 million American housing units (12% of all homes) burned wood as their primary heating fuel, compared with 7% that depended upon fuel oil.

Local governments in some states have gone even further than the EPA, banning not only the sale of noncompliant stoves, but even their use as fireplaces. As a result, owners face fines for infractions. …

So, yes, I very much fear we are “Living in Interesting Times” though I hope not.

How Tyranny Came to America *

I call the present system “Post–Constitutional America.” As I sometimes put it, the U.S. Constitution poses no serious threat to our form of government.

Stalin — Rothschild connections

Harry Hopkins, FDR’s right hand man and head of Lend Lease, gave the Soviets everything they needed for the most part. Communists heavily infiltrated the state dept. if Stalin’s Secret Agents: The Subversion of Roosevelt’s Government by M. Stanton Evans and Herbert Romerstein, is to be believed.


I miss Sobran.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Green Energy is a SCAM.


Why is RAT FINK walking the streets?

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬

Power out 2 hrs last Friday night.

Last night, 4 hrs 15 mins in 84 degree HOT house, half the time in the dark!!!!!!!!!!!! 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬

Last edited 2 years ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

Time to invest in a Generator?

Gail Combs

Or two..


This should do it….. Gas or Propane fuel

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

I think every homeowner in the country is gonna need one. Oh wait, nevermind, we won’t be able to afford the diesel if we can even find it.🙄


Prolly wise to buy one. Even a smaller one to keeps fridge / freezer(s) cold.

Power outages ARE our future. In particular, where green BS energy IS so unreliable OR when the grid can NOT support consumer demand. (Much of Texas, CA…)

Gail Combs

What is the #1 Best Additive for Gasoline Storage?Mar 24, 2021

For simply storing and stabilizing gasoline, Seafoam Motor Treatment will treat 1 gallon of gas per 1 ounce of stabilizer.

There are other brands of course. You can periodically pour the gas in your tank and get fresh.


Absolutely, I use Sta-Bil. It works. Suppose to stabilize the gas for two years. I rotate my gas every 3-6 months anyway.

Also have two, 2,000 Honda gas generators. 

I’ll look into Seafoam Motor Treatment. Can’t recall it in the stores. But, wasn’t looking either.

I am trying to keep gas out of the tank, lines to avoid rubber hose / gasket issues. NG / LPG I understand does not have issues gas does in lines.

When SHTF, I will use the gas, IF I need the added watts/power. Gas gives the highest wattage / power output of the three fuels.

Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs

The main culprit in rubber deterioration is ethanol in the gasoline. If you have a small airport nearby, its gas has no alcohol added. It’s also very high octane, if that matters to you.

Gail Combs

Some gas stations also sell it. We use it in our small engines and my oldest ram pickup since it is gas not diesel.


Great information. Did NOT know about the ethanol aspect. Thank you!

Will share with neighbors that have gas generators.

Local Maverik Gas station(s) sell ethanol free gas. Pricey, but that IS what I’ll start running in my Honda generators. Likely prevent issues in the future.

Thanks again!

Gail Combs

Well worth the extra price since it does not eat your rubber.

ALSO ethanol LOVES WATER so that means your fuel WILL HAVE WATER IN IT!


….However, the ethanol/water solution is an Azeotrope, which means that the two compounds are miscible and boil at a constant temperature. Therefore, impossible to completely isolate the ethanol. The highest concentration of ethanol by volume that can be reached using fractional distillation is 96% which yields 192 proof solution…..

Ethanol and Water Contamination — Comparing Water Removal Additives

  • Ethanol will mix with water, which means gasoline-ethanol blends can hold water. This is of particular concern for small engines and engines that are used intermittently because they can become contaminated from condensation or rainfall during storage. Water in fuel can cause multiple problems, including:Water can cause an engine not to start. In tests by Gregory Davis at Kettering University small engines failed to start when water was introduced at levels greater than 20 teaspoons per gallon. In the study high levels of water contamination were equally bad for pure gasoline and ethanol blends. 
  • Water contamination during storage can lead to the formation of acid compounds that can damage fuel system components.

A number of off-the-shelf fuel additives purport to help hold water in solution, so we wanted to look at this more closely to answer two questions…

Gail Combs

We have a brand new gas Predator and we also use  Sta-Bil.  (I just could not remember the name) We ahve an older generator too.


As time goes on, please update satisfaction with your Predator.

I’ll do the same with my Firman and Honda generators.
– Have not had to use them for emergency power, yet. Betting that eventuality is coming this winter. Will surely post something after that happens.

May be helpful for folks considering a generator.

Gail Combs

It IS Harbor Freight so not expected to be top quality. How ever it matched budget and watts requirement.

I just hope it is never needed.


This one runs on propane OR Gasoline 🙂


Firman Tri fuel.

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First of every month, run mine for an hour on propane. Starts within 5 seconds or so.

Power outages.

  1. NG from city lines.
  2. IF NG not available, propane.
  3. Gas third option. Thus far no gas in the tank / lines.

It’s noisy and heavy (200 lbs). Do NOT care. Electricity on demand!

Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs

Awhile back, I had an NG clothes dryer that I wanted to run on propane. The appliance shop told me it required a different jet for propane. They sold me a jet and instructed me how to install it. When I got the old jet out, it was visibly different from the new one.

Check with a repair person and see if the NG vs propane is an issue. Please.


Switching from propane to NG with a gas grill also requires switching-out the jet.


Good to know. Thanks.


Appreciate the heads up. Good stuff to be aware of.

Here’s what I have in the garage. For whatever reason mine is blue. Newer is black.

comment image

This generator is manufactured for three fuels. NG, LPG or gas.

There are two fuel select switches.

  1. Select Gas or NG/LPG.
  2. IF the latter, select NG or LPG

Have run on NG for an hour after buying. My home NG set-up not as easy as hooking up a propane tank. Would be IF I had an outdoor BBQ connection. (Life is not always perfect.) Really best for emergency power outages.

For SIMPLICITY, I use propane for my monthly hour runs.–9400w-peak-tri-fuel-generator.product.100840185.html

Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs

I’ve had a bunch of people express an interest in the — and I’ve been telling ’em the secret way in. Head for the Corporation Yard, but don’t go inside. Park the car and then look to the left side (the West) for a GGLS gate. Walk up from there.

You can actually park inside if (a) you’re handicapped; (b) you are running a locomotive (which can easily top 500 pounds); or (c) the place is deserted. I park inside about 60% of the time, but I know what I’m doing.


A musical interlude….

Incidentally, the Rolling Stones first performed as The Rolling Stones on 7/12/62. That means that I am younger than the Rolling Stones, and the Fiancee is older than The Rolling Stones.


The Beatles (1960-70) and the Rolling Stones were the hottest groups during my college years.


I was at Shea in August, 1966. 👍🏻


I saw the Stones at the Brooklyn Academy of Music when I was 14. You could actually do that kind of thing in NYC back then, as a kid. Just get dropped off and retrieved. 😄 And Brian Jones was still alive.


“Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of a special military operation in Ukraine (12.07.2022)

Part 1 (see part 2)

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue a special military operation in Ukraine.

In the area of the Berezan settlement of the Odessa region, high-precision Iskander ground-based missiles destroyed launchers of the Harpoon anti-ship missile system (Harpoon) manufactured by the United States.

As a result of a strike by high-precision air-launched missiles in the area of the settlement of Artemovsk of the Donetsk People’s Republic, 180 servicemen and 26 units of military equipment of the 30th Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed.

In addition, high-precision weapons of the Russian Aerospace Forces destroyed: manpower and military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in 12 districts, four ammunition depots of the 79th airborne assault brigade in the Matveevka area of the Mykolaiv region, as well as a repair and restoration point of armored vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Seversk area.

As part of the counter-battery struggle, two platoons of Grad multiple launch rocket systems and two artillery platoons of Hyacinth-B howitzers were destroyed at firing positions in the Dzerzhinsk area of the Donetsk People’s Republic.

Operational-tactical and army aviation, missile troops and artillery hit during the day: three control points, three ammunition depots, artillery units in firing positions in 97 districts, as well as manpower and military equipment in 111 districts.

Seven Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles were shot down by Russian air defense means during the day in the areas of the settlements of Izyum, Small Passages, Nursery of the Kharkiv region, Slavyansk, Shandrigolovo of the Donetsk People’s Republic, including one strike unmanned aerial vehicle near the city of Nikolaev.

In addition, 12 shells of the Hurricane multiple launch rocket system were intercepted in the areas of the settlements of Lisichansk of the Luhansk People’s Republic, Brazhkovka of the Kharkiv region and Novaya Kakhovka of the Kherson region.

In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, 243 aircraft, 137 helicopters, 1,513 unmanned aerial vehicles, 354 anti-aircraft missile systems, 4,046 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 741 multiple rocket launcher combat vehicles, 3,135 field artillery and mortar guns, as well as 4,165 units of special military vehicles have been destroyed.”

#Ministry of Defense #Russia #Ukraine @mod_russia
Jul 12 at 10:29

“Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of a special military operation in Ukraine (12.07.2022)

Part 2 (see part 1)

The Russian Defense Ministry tracks and records by name all foreign mercenaries who have arrived in Ukraine to participate in hostilities.

As we have already noted, contrary to the false statements of representatives of the Kiev regime about the alleged twenty thousand foreign mercenaries who arrived on the territory of Ukraine, their real number is an order of magnitude smaller. Moreover, it is steadily declining.

So, over the past three weeks, as a result of the offensive actions of the Russian Armed Forces and units of the People’s militia of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, the number of mercenaries in Ukraine has decreased from three thousand two hundred and twenty-one people to two thousand seven hundred and forty-one.

During this time, despite the arrival of another 151 mercenaries, 391 militants were destroyed. Another 240 “wild geese” hastened to retreat outside the territory of Ukraine.

The palm of the championship in terms of the speed and number of militants’ losses over the past period belongs again to representatives of Poland – 166 Polish militants have been liquidated. Among the representatives of Georgia, 50 “soldiers of fortune” were destroyed, the UK lost 23 more mercenaries killed in Ukraine. Also, 21 Romanian and 15 Canadian militants were killed in three weeks.

Updated data on the number of foreign mercenaries currently in Ukraine are presented on the information resources of the Russian Ministry of Defense on the Internet. I would like to emphasize that the Russian Armed Forces are identifying foreign mercenaries at the stage of their preparation for entry into Ukraine.

Here is one example. On July 6, two British citizens, Colin Scott and Adrian Davis, as well as three US citizens, Michael Vujkovic, Andrew Fox and Oliver Short, arrived at the collection and placement point for foreign mercenaries located in the Polish city of Zamosc on Kozmyan Street, house 1. We recommend these citizens to come to their senses and return home alive.

Let me remind you that in accordance with International humanitarian law, foreign mercenaries are not combatants and the best that awaits them in case of capture alive is a trial and maximum prison terms.”

#Ministry of Defense #Russia #Ukraine @mod_russia


Good morning, QTreepers!

First thing this morning, I found this at Marica’s place….
Can you imagine people attending a White House event – AND – bringing their kids to meet Biden?

Biden even made one little girl cry. I can’t imagine anyone even voting for the Democrat platform – much less their politicians with their corruption and sleazy behaviors.

Also this morning, my inbox had a truly vile poisonous tirade attacking Donald Trump from Dan Rather.

This propaganda garbage must have come my way because I joined Substack to thank Steve Kirsch for his latest research article and clicked the ‘subscribe to six’ suggestion that was required to join and comment.

I really don’t like Substack’s tactics and have already unsubscribed from Rather and a couple of others.

Cuppa Covfefe

Bolshevik Bye, Done was banging on about how people want him to run again.

He misunderstood, as usual.

They want him to run far, far, FAR away, and not come back…

Looking at the pics in the DailyFail article, there are a number of young children, both boys and girls, who the “Resident” “approaches” and they are basically recoiling from his advances…

The Paedo in Chief, indeed…

What an embarrassment. And that is exactly what RED China and the WEFfenSS intended!

Wonder if they served pizza and hotdogs at the picnic? Or maybe tacos???
Or Chicken????

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, that dementia-faking traitor knew exactly what they were saying to him.

He was confronted with 60-some percent of Dems don’t want him to run again.

He responded with “90-some percent will vote for me if I’m selected”.

That TRAITOR knew exactly what he was saying.

Gail Combs

“… dementia-faking traitor…”

YUP! COVER, that is all it is.

Just like OH!Bummer and the Hoe being BLACK is ‘cover’

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. “If I’m SELECTED” probably slipped by a lot of folks, because his “oldtimers” cover makes it look like he slurped up the wrong word for elected…

Time to dig in and dig up and return the jewels.

Segue from mines to minors, they’re using all of the paedo scandals to both cover up the REAL paedo trafficking crimes, and to cover up the horrific treason and demonic, traitorous, country-destroying acts being done every day in Demon City.

Killing two birds with one stone: first, minimizing sex crimes and scandals, thereby “immunizing” the paedopervs from concern or culpabillity, while erasing any concern or relief for the TRUE VICTIMS of those crimes, and second, hoising up a huge shiny yet disgusting object to obscure the Satanic treason going on, being actively encouraged and performed by the DEMONRAT Deathmocrats and RINOS.

Their multiplicity of evil is unparalleled on many levels, and is whitewashed by a fully complicit and paid-off media, who are “twice as fit for hell”… blind guides, indeed…..


So, there are items in the linked story at the Daily Mail that appear to be ** interesting **.
First, there’s ole “Dr. Jill” wearing a dress that looks like a bad combination of “grandma’s slipcovers” plus a “peasant skirt” from the 1970’s…not to mention the split up one leg of the skirt.
Second, how did “President Biden” all of sudden get a paunch? And what about the hairy arms?
Third, the Daily Mail speaks about the “religious bracelet” that “President Biden” was wearing. One fails to see any Judaeo-Christian symbol on this bracelet.
Fourth, about the photos of “President Biden” getting on board AF1 at Andrews Air Force Base last night: What’s up with no Marine Guards at the steps to the plane?

These are entirely aside from the ** really creepy-looking ** behavior of “President Biden” toward children in photos from the picnic. There’s also a photo of him getting a little close and “familiar” with a young woman and what looks like a Secret Service agent giving him the “side-eye.”

Gail Combs

“…attacking Donald Trump from Dan Rather….”


A 2014 comment of mine at Tony Heller’s

Mainstream media (newspapers) was bought up by the J.P. Morgan interests in 1915. They and their buddies have been in control of the news ever since. link (my comment is the first with a lot of data)

From the book Willing Accomplices: How KGB Covert Influence Agents Created Political Correctness and Destroyed America by Kent Clizbe

Willi Muenzenberg propaganda was aimed at influencing “Innocents,” which is the term Soviet covert operatives used to describe Westerners who could be manipulated.
[See: Willi Münzenberg’s ‘Innocents’ Clubs’ – The Heretical Press) Muenzenberg had nothing but contempt for these people.]

This is the “Covert Influence Payload” to be delivered by our tr@itorous press, straight from Willi Muenzenberg’s wife.

* You claim to be an independent-minded idealist.

* You don’t really understand politics, but you think the little

guy is getting a lousy break.

* You believe in open-mindedness.

* You are shocked, frightened by what is going on right here in our own country.

* You’re frightened by the racism, by the oppression of the workingman.

* You think the Russians are trying a great human experiment, and you hope it works.

* You believe in peace.

* You yearn for international understanding.

* You hate fascism.

* You think the capitalist system is corrupt.

This payload exactly matches today’s PC-Progressive message. The message that Soviet covert operators propagated through American Willing Accomplices. The Willing Accomplices, wittingly or unwittingly, spread the anti-American message. And this message bloomed and grew into the pernicious set of taboos and strictures that we call PC today.

It is important to note that Soviet espionage simply planted the seeds of PC. The seedlings did not need continued communistcultivation. The Soviets’ American Willing Accomplices nurtured the anti-American message in universities, newsrooms, and in Hollywood….


Here is an example of a ‘Willing Accomplice’ who has been active for years influencing

Dan Rather

The poster boy for media’s PC (Political Correctness) anti-Americanism is Dan Rather. Almost a caricature of KGB covert influence Rather ran his own disinformation operation, complete with counterfeit documents. During President George W. Bush’s re-election campaign in 2004, Rather conspired to create fake letters from Bush’s military career. His reporting was intended to denigrate President Bush’s military record. When his plot was uncovered, like covert operators, he never revealed the truth.

Prior to his final PC disinformation operation, Rather hosted a CBS special in 1988. The program, The Wall Within, could have been produced by the KGB’s disinformation division. Rather interviewed six “former American soldiers, veterans of Vietnam.” They told harrowing stories of atrocities they’d participated in during their combat tours of Vietnam.

Rather somberly and seriously listened to their stories, damning America’s involvement in the anti-communist war in Southeast Asia. But, Rather’s carefully chosen interviewees were telling stories that were not true.

Later research revealed that only one of Rather’s six interviewees had actually been in Vietnam. And that one had been an equipment repairman, and did not serve in combat. Rather’s tactics were revealed for all to see.

The difference between Rather’s Progressive disinformation operation in 1988, and his operation in 2005, was the internet. In 2005, immediately upon Rather’s carefully planned revelation of the fake documents purporting to be President Bush’s National Guard file, actual document examiners blogged their analysis showing the documents were fake.

Irrefutable evidence proved that Rather’s documents were forgeries.

In classic covert operator, and now PC, style, Rather admitted nothing, denied everything, and made counter-accusations. He fought CBS’s attempts at punishment. He was finally allowed to resign. He later filed a lawsuit, crushed on appeal, against CBS. He has yet to admit his attempts at disinformation….

It is also interesting to read Congressman McFadden’s Speech (Use bing, google doesn’t want you to visit this site – snicker) pay special attention to James Warburg, Paul Warburg and Max Warburg.

…Roosevelt… has brought with him from Wall Street, James Warburg, the son of Paul M. Warburg. Mr. Warburg, alien born, and the son of an alien who did not become naturalized here until several years after this Warburg’s birth, is a son of a former partner of Kuhn, Loeb and Co., a grandson of another partner, a nephew of a former partner, and a nephew of a present partner.

“He holds no office in our Government, but I am told that he is in daily attendance at the Treasury, and that he has private quarters there! In other words, Mr. Chairman, Kuhn, Loeb and Company now has control and occupy the U.S. Treasury…..

…In paying tribute recently to Henry Wallich, late member of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, Bankers Magazine noted that Wallich was a successor, in more than one respect, to Paul Warburg. Both of these board members were emigrants from Germany—and from the higher circles of German and European finance. Warburg, a member of the first Federal Reserve Board, like Wallich….

…Warburg’s father had fully expected that Paul would take charge of his family’s banking business along with his brothers Aby and Max, but in 1895 Warburg married an American citizen, Nina Loeb…

And then there is Lenin and the Wall Street Banksters

…Lenin was sent across Europe-at-war on the famous “sealed train.” With him, Lenin took some $5 to $6 million in gold. The whole thing was arranged by the German high command and Max Warburg, through another very wealthy and lifelong socialist by the name of Alexander Helphand alias “Parvus.”…


Cuppa Covfefe

Great comment.

Somehow Warburg brings Daddy Warbucks to mind…

I’d Rather Dan shut up and retire permanently, say, in Antarctica, where he can look for Polar Bears 🙂 and count Penguins…



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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.


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The left seem to be accelerating their 2030 Agenda plans.

Tucker and Sundance talk about how the green energy push is bankrupting countries and individuals around the world

Across Europe…and the world – the leftists are planning to steal farmland by limiting fertilizer and bankrupting the farmers.  

Watch the short video here and scan through the comments –

Because of their fake Global Warming/Climate Change agenda, the left plan to plant ‘carbon capturing artificial trees’, bird killing windmills and solar… and plan to force people to eat bugs and Bill Gates fake lab produced meat. To implement their 2030 agenda. Except China and Russia – which won’t participate and didn’t agree to the Climate Accords Treaty either. China pollutes and destroys land, sea, rivers with impunity.  

Gail Combs

That is what the Food Safety Modernization Act was REALLY ABOUT!


   Nothing in this Act (or an amendment made by this Act) shall be construed in a manner inconsistent with the agreement establishing the World Trade Organization or any other treaty or international agreement to which the United States is a party.

Section 406 clearly states, “(i)n any action to enforce the requirements of the food safety law, the connection with interstate commerce required for jurisdiction SHALL BE PRESUMED TO EXIST.”  


 Our food safety system was trashed in 1995 by Sec of Ag Ann Venman (Board member of Monsanto) She appointed Dan Amstutz (VP of Cargill) who wrote the World Trade Organization Agreement on Agriculture. (WTO AoA) Unlike GATT, WTO has major clout from trade sanctions and control of 90% of the international trade. Since 2000 we have already lost 25% of our manufacturing jobs due to “free Trade” (WTO) ( The WTO and The Politics of GMO.)

“Aims to ensure that governments do not use quarantine and food safety requirements as Unjustified trade barriers.. It provides Member countries with a right to implement traceability {NAIS} as an SPS measure.” WTO AoA

In other words the WTO did away with “quarantine and food safety requirements” that gave us “the safest food in the world” and is graciously going to allow Farmers to track AND COUNT the world’s livestock for them instead. Now HR 875 and a FDA release indicate All food will be tracked and all food producers will have Food inspections and the threat of fines up to $1,000,000 a day will eliminate all the independent farms that have acted as a check on Corporate AG.

The FDA wants

…to implement a more effective trace-back process, using technologies to rapidly and precisely track the origin and destination of contaminated foods, feed and ingredients

Nanotech in Food can make it happen

California’s Oxonica makes Nanobarcodes from nano-particles that contain silver and gold stripes varying in width, length and amount, such that billions of combinations can be created to tag individual products. The barcodes have been primarily used to assure brand and authenticity in pharmaceuticals, but applications could be forthcoming in tracing food batches.

This was the congressional bill that was floated and as we know the compromise ALWAYS is eroded by one liners until the original is back in place.

 “require each food production facility to have a written food safety plan that describes the likely hazards and preventive controls implemented to address those hazards;”

“include, with respect to growing, harvesting, sorting, and storage operations, minimum standards related to fertilizer use, nutrients, hygiene, packaging, temperature controls, animal encroachment, and water”

“include, with respect to animals raised for food, minimum standards related to the animal’s health, feed, and environment which bear on the safety of food for human consumption;”

“set good practice standards to protect the public and animal health and promote food safety

“..facility owned or operated by a person located in any State that processes food or a facility that holds, stores, or transports food or food ingredients.”

Notice it does not say a person SELLING food, it says a person holds, stores, or transports food or food ingredients.

HR 875 also includes this.

“in any action to enforce the requirements of the food safety law, the connection with interstate commerce required for jurisdiction SHALL BE PRESUMED TO EXIST.”

The fact you are growing veggies for you and friends and not selling them does not exclude you!

The bill specifically states it covers commerce with in state but again there is no exclusion for food raised for home use. This is very scary given Ag Sec. Venman’s ”
September, 1995 when USDA’s Food Safety & Inspection Service presented a 600-page document Farm-To-Table – control of every step in the food chain from production to home preparation.

This is a real life example of what to expect:

“….We currently have only 2 does in milk but share the pasteurized goat milk with family and friends. We have never sold raw or pasteurized milk or products in any form. I do teach children to milk, pasteurize, make cheeses, cajeta, ice cream, etc. I have also “given” milk to others to feed their goat kids, to make their own cheese etc. I even make cheese to share and give to friends and family and take to potlucks etc. (Gosh.. I must be a real criminal)

Today a state Ag inspector and two county officials show up and scare the bee-jesus out of me. First they accuse me of selling products and milk, then explain that even “giving milk products away” is illegal in California. Now everything is pasteurized, but it is illegal to share milk products in any form! They explained it was even ILLEGAL to give it to my own children if they did not live under my roof! I can’t even take a lasagna dish to my grown sons home without risk of being fined, arrested and or jailed! This is OUTRAGIOUS!!!!…..” Donna Tue Aug 12, 2008


 Food inspections have dropped from a robust 50,000 in 1972 to about 5,000 today, meaning that U.S. food processors are inspected on average about every 10 years. The chance of a food product from overseas being inspected is infinitesimal. Most raw materials for our drugs come from foreign producers that are rarely inspected. The rate of quality-control failures found in manufacturing facilities by FDA inspectors has soared.


 The USDA has decrease the inspection of imported food from 8.0% to 0.6% WHILE IMPORTS HAVE DOUBLED SINCE THE MID NINETIES.

I was reading an article in a Canadian Cattlemen magazine, and it talks about Canadian food exports (I am Canadian) and U.S imports.

The article is titled, “CHANGING THE RULES ABOUT FOOD, The U.S is serious about tightening the net on food safety”

Here is a quote from this article:

According to the CDC and Prevention (CDC), an estimated 76 million cases of food-borne illnesses occur in the U.S each year, causing about 325,000 hospitalizations and 5,000 deaths. In response to a system that isn’t meeting it’s goal of protecting an American public from food borne illness, the FDA designed a four-pillar food safety plan, backed by the U.S food industry that also sees the need for more stringent food import strategies.

Products, currently valued at $2.2 trillion currently come from 25,000 importers through 300 points of entry. For a start,, proposed food rules will reduce the total number of ports capable of receiving imported food products to 13 and each port must have a FDA laboratory in the vicinity to carry out any necessary testing.

Canadian Cattlemen This issue is NOT available to read online yet. I took the quote from the actual magazine itself. Emphasis mine.


Cuppa Covfefe

Ironic that it’s section 404……. 🙂


Is this the real story behind the Jan 6 Unselect Committee of Trumps so called interference with a subpoenaed witness, which they supposedly referred to DOJ:

EXCLUSIVE: Cassidy Hutchinson Begged Senior Trump Officials For ‘Financial Assistance’ After Being Subpoenaed By J6 Committee | The Daily Caller

The Jan. 6 Committee’s key witness, Cassidy Hutchinson, asked former Senior Trump officials for financial assistance and legal help in February after she was subpoenaed by the committee, according to an email obtained exclusively by the Daily Caller.

In an email sent to a former senior Trump official Feb. 4, Hutchinson said she has had trouble securing a legal team and asked the former senior Trump official for help with getting in contact with fundraising organizations or attorneys that could help her. Hutchinson explained that she was unemployed and that her aunt and uncle applied to refinance their house to help her. She also said she was “primarily seeking financial assistance” and “in a bind financially.”



Cassidy working WITH J6 Un select, to set-up Trump.

D-Rats ARE flailing AND failing.

Desperate, is an understatement.

Gail Combs



Even better, setting up D-rats. 🙂

Trump is teflon, cuz he’s honest AND smarter than D-Rats.


That’s the unspoken possibility.
Her testimony was near over the top. Enough for MAGA folks to see beyond the lies, yet exactly what the Demons wished to hear.
Whichever way it is, too easy not to play along and proclaim her as having chosen evil over good.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

She did not choose well and now has to live with it.


I do not think so she was desperate maybe angry that there was no help for her. She fabricated to hurt Trump and his team because she was vindictive. She really must have been financially desperate. She needs to learn to work any job to make money even if she cleans house. That is what happens when people think they are to good to do real hands on work.


She sold out.

Gail Combs

“…She also said she was “primarily seeking financial assistance” and “in a bind financially.”…”

Is that soliciting a BRIBE from Trump???


I guess it was never about choice…

They should turn in their human card for they have lost their way.


Not lost their way. They likely never had that.

They have lost their camouflage.





Cuppa Covfefe

Fauxcahontas Liarwatha speaks with forked tongue bought by Willie’s Wampum…

(Gates or Klintoon, it’s all the same)…..


She sound desperate that is so natural unless she had abortions and wants to justify it. Why would someone be so focus only on abortion not birth control encourage women to choose well and prepare for sex not have brainless sex. Both people need to be responsible.
There are exceptions we all know what it is, rape, incest and life of the mother. Normally those situations are dealt with the first trimester.

Gail Combs

Or the next day with a pill.

The morning-after pill is a type of emergency birth control (contraception). Emergency contraception is used to prevent pregnancy for women who’ve had unprotected sex or whose birth control method has failed.

The morning-after pill is intended for backup contraception only, not as a primary method of birth control. Morning-after pills contain either levonorgestrel (Plan B One-Step) or ulipristal acetate (ella).

Levonorgestrel is available over-the-counter without a prescription; ulipristal acetate is available only with a prescription.


Women have choices then? No need unless life is in danger for the mother.
My daughter had one child and almost died but the baby was 8 months along so both were saved. She was told not to have anymore children. She and her husband took steps not to get pregnant.

Gail Combs


There has been EASY methods since the 1960s.



Happy go lucky

Spot on, roe v wade was always the fig leaf covering the shame, so their justification has been lost and they’re lashing out trying to put their shame onto the pro-life side.


Ben “MAGAlomaniac” Harnwell


BREAKING: Zelensky’s OLIGARCHS have been *reselling* the arms we’ve been supplying him on the black market. And Europol, the EU’s FBI, has known about this since April!

So our sociopathic overlords also knew, and *still* they’ve been schlepping to Kiev for the photo-op, promising Zelensky ever more aid.

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BiteMe, US politicians and US government officials ARE getting rich, along with Zelensky getting rich.

Ukraine has been AND REMAINS a scam on US taxpayers.

Cuppa Covfefe

As well as those of us on the other side of the pond.

We don’t get a pension (social security-like) until 67 (or earlier children of the 40s and 50s), but Ukraine refugees can “retire” at 58, and get a whole host of other benefits.

At least their culture is quite similar, as opposed to the refauxgees from the Middle East and Africa who aren’t running from anything: they’re running TO our stupidly wasteful and expensive benefits (and our women)…..

Probably all public swimming pools will be closing this summer; supposedly due to (potential) lack of energy, but really due to the hundreds of Moslem gang-bangers attacking anyone they want (including other “clans”) with impunity. TONS of sexual harrassmnent going on, with the police all but powerless to do anything. Easier to just shut the places down.

Merde-Kuh said it would be “Kulturelle Bereicherung” (cultural enrichment.

For whom?

Everywhere the Mozzies go, they turn into a hellhole. Maybe they can cut out the intermediate stops and just go straight to Hell…. for that’s what they’re making our lives into…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The TURD of Ukraine cannot be polished.

Gail Combs

Our Overlords get a 10% commission placed in an unmarked Swiss bank account (no doubt in GOLD)


This story needs to be shoved in Congress’s face.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If NATO actually wanted to fix things, THEY would help Russia bomb Ukraine until the Jazis shit their pants and force Zelenskyyyy to the negotiating table, out of his vacation home in Switzerland.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Right now, I think there is one loyal Ukrainian left – Lindsey Graham.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

HA! Love it!


DePat has this one featured above. It should have legs. It is a BFD! Where is our Congress!


WHERE are the Pilots Union? ALL unions related to Aviation?

Delta, AA, United…

Must be lots of Covid slush fund bucks being handed out, to silence all of these fools crooks.


One would not be surprised to learn that airline pilots’ pension / retirement assets are being “held hostage” by their employers (translation: “if a pilot says anything about COVID-19 “vaccine” injury, their pension or retirement account are frozen.”).


Wouldn’t be surprised if the international money-laundering chain wasn’t a direct path from Ukraine to union leadership all over the 5-eyes nations, the AME (African Methodist Episcopal Church referenced by SD frequently), panti-fa, and every other palm that needs to be greased to further the international climate scam.

That costs billions every month, hence the miniature homosexual leader of Ukraine’s hourly escalating monetary demands.

Cuppa Covfefe

Reitschuster has a brilliant article on this, covering Lufthansa (from an insider) and the problems facing the airline industry, and the problems with getting not only people, but equipment certified and back online. Seems that those planes that haven’t flown for a couple of years due to COVIDIOCY all need to be inspected, repaired, and checked out.

But there’s no one to do that (short staffing) and often no parts or consumables due to supply-chain issues.

I’m looking to see if there’s an English equivalent, but here it is in German. Seems that money flows freely for WOKE issues, but isn’t available for trivialities such as maintenance, training, hiring, ground crew, etc……

Gail Combs

Many decades ago I flew from Europe on  Lufthansa. It was a VERY nice airline — GOOD food instead of the plastic stuff served on American planes. They even brought around wet steaming towels with Vick Vapor Rub to clear sinuses before landing.


I used to fly Lufthansa 🙂 True we all were treated like first class that is how I felt..


Have flow Lufthansa a few times. Intra-europe. Short flights. Quality airline. Also Singapore several times. VERY NICE. Thai Airlines was a pleasant surprise.

Philippine Airlines up front, is SUPERB. Their cattle car economy, sux, like American carriers suck.

Will never fly domestic again. International, Philippine Air, ONLY IF Covidiot Injection requirement dropped AND direct flight into Manila.

  • Yea, unlikely I’ll ever get back to the Philippines.

SingAir is outstanding!

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep, as the fellow in Reitschuster’s article explains, it’s a systemic problem which will take YEARS to repair.

The head of Lufthansa warned about this back in 2020 when all of the masking, quarantining, etc. started out, and the clot shots (and their devastating results) were not yet in place.

But Merde-Kuh, Spahn, et. al. didn’t care.

One doesn’t just restart a plane that’s been grounded for two or more years. Probably a “C” or a “D” type check is needed. I’m certain there are those who could quite clearly spell out what that entails (probably avaiation blogs are already covering it, as the airlines here are in a world of hurt now that a semi-normal summer season awaits)…

And the unmentionable elephant in the room is pilot health, and loss of staff due to the clot shots. Can’t train anyone new if there’s no-one left to train them… And at least, over here, the media are totally pwned, so there are almost ZERO leaks. The few like that in Reitschuster will get attention, as well as wome of the wrong sort of attention, sad to say.

Lufthansa was a great airline; was even better before the “Star Alliance” which watered down their staff quality and benefits. Now they’re getting hurt from the gubmint and the Greens (pretty much the same thing, though it shouldn’t be)…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

PC kills.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“maintenance, training, hiring, ground crew…”

Highly overrated, can’t you understand that you damn Deplorable?

Go back to your basket.

Gail Combs

“𝙄’𝙢 𝙖𝙛𝙧𝙖𝙞𝙙 𝙄 𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙮 𝙢𝙪𝙘𝙝 𝙖𝙜𝙧𝙚𝙚 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙏𝙪𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙧. 𝙏𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙤𝙪𝙩𝙬𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙨 𝙖 𝙨𝙚𝙭 𝙨𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙖𝙡.”


What is very interesting is the Republicans HAD THE CHANCE to IMPEACH CLINTON FOR TREASON but instead went with the ‘Sex Scandal’ that let him off the hook. Afterall the Republican DONORS (Chamber of Commerce) WANTED China opened up so they could PROFIT from it’s slave labor and from selling them US trade secrets.


Chasing the Dragon: Clinton’s China Policy

…. President Clinton signed the US China Relations Act of 2000. Rather than ushering in a new era, granting China permanent normal trade status simply ratifies the status quo. China will continue to profit from their exports without the yearly review of embarrassing issues like trade, human rights, or nuclear weapons proliferation. During the Rose Garden signing ceremony Clinton remarked, “In case you all have forgotten, this thing was hard to pass. This was a lot of trouble.”

Clinton’s trouble with China began before his re-election in 1996. To defeat the Republicans, the Democratic party needed a quick infusion of cash to pay for campaign ads. Clinton turned to his Chinese connection, old friends Johnny Chung, John Huang, and Charlie Trie. They headed a shadowy cast of characters that funneled millions of dollars into democratic campaign coffers.

Bill Clinton took contributions he knew came from China, and played another angle as well. US companies wanted to sell China military technology, but the sales were prohibited by law. Economic sanctions for the Tiananmen square massacre and restrictions on technology exports prevented these companies from selling China the armaments they wanted.

In return for campaign contributions, the President shifted regulation of technology exports from the State Department to the free-wheeling Commerce department. The administration also relaxed export controls and allowed corporations to decide if their technology transfers were legal or not. When easing restrictions wasn’t enough, Clinton signed waivers that simply circumvented the law.

 👉 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗣𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗻𝘁’𝘀 𝘄𝗮𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗲𝘅𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗺𝗮𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝘁𝗼𝗼𝗹𝘀, 𝗱𝗲𝗳𝗲𝗻𝘀𝗲 𝗲𝗹𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗶𝗰𝘀, 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻 𝗮 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗺𝘂𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝘀𝘆𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗺 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀𝗲 𝗔𝗶𝗿 𝗙𝗼𝗿𝗰𝗲.

Bernard Schwartz and Michael Armstrong, the CEOs of Loral and Hughes, each donated over one million dollars to Clinton’s re-election campaign. These companies had an interest in seeing China develop reliable missiles to loft their satellites into orbit. Clinton arranged direct talks between Bernard Schwartz and a Chinese general to improve China’s rocket technology. Michael Armstrong was made head of the Export Advisory Council. Both companies were allowed to upgrade the launching and guidance of China’s missiles.

Clinton even involved the Department of Energy, caretaker of our nuclear weapons, in his fundraising schemes. In 1994 and ’95 then Energy Secretary Hazel O’Leary accompanied Johnny Chung, John Huang, Charlie Trie, and Bernard Schwartz on trade missions to China. Shortly afterward the DOE relaxed security at US weapons labs. Wen Ho Lee, an ethnic Chinese physicist assigned to Los Alamos, illegally transferred data on nuclear warheads to his private computer files.

 👉 In June of 1995, the CIA learned that China had stolen the crown jewels of our nuclear arsenal, including the neutron bomb and the W-88 miniaturized warhead.

Later that year National Security Advisor Anthony Lake is briefed on the thefts. He is replaced on the Security Council by Sandy Berger, a former lobbyist for the Chinese government. In June of 1996, before Bill Clinton’s re-election, the FBI opens a formal investigation into the theft of US nuclear weapon designs.

Proof of China’s military intentions came in March of 1996, on the eve of Taiwan’s first democratic elections. China used the threat of force to intimidate the island nation into electing a pro-Beijing candidate. Military maneuvers included bombing runs and launching ballistic missiles that impacted within twenty miles of Taiwan.

 👉 When the US sent an aircraft carrier into the Taiwan Straits, a Chinese general threatened to “rain down nukes upon Los Angeles”.

 👉 In 1997, news of the campaign finance scandal reached the press. Clinton claimed he was “appalled” to learn he had received illegal contributions from China. As the Justice Department began investigating, over one hundred suspects fled the country or refused to testify. Despite FBI recommendations and congressional protests, Janet Reno refused to appoint an independent counsel….

The Republicans KNEW China was our ENEMY “…a Chinese general threatened to “rain down nukes upon Los Angeles”….”

The Republicans KNEW Clinton took Chinese Chase in exchange for selling military technology TO THAT ENEMY “…In 1997, news of the campaign finance scandal reached the press…”



I think that the American government, both parties, are too cowardly to face what would happen if an American president were actually prosecuted for treason.

They really must think that it would collapse the system they graft off of. Otherwise they would do it, because think of the power of it! To credibly accuse and convict your opponent of treason, the worst political crime there is? Glorious, if you want power, which of course they do.

But they don’t do it, for fear of losing the teat they suckle from.

Cuppa Covfefe

And, as Hell-the-BEAST noted, they’d ALL be hanging from nooses…

And not in a NASCAR garage, either…


I have thought that some of them are complicit as well. Maybe not blatantly, but I think they are afraid of what might be revealed. They would have to explain their votes and support for certain projects, people, and legislation.



Gail Combs



So much fraud with taxpayer dollars going overseas. EASY to wash taxpayer money, with shoddy accounting going on. Ukraine,Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria… Wherever USAID operates…

Gail Combs



  :wpds_mad:  AMR   :wpds_evil: 

^^^ Cash cow for crooks. ^^^


Or it’s really just one Uni-party falsely presenting itself to the public as opposing parties, and they’re all on the take.

“It is dangerous to attribute to stupidity (or apparent cowardice, I would argue) that which could be the result of malice or guile.” – Aubergine’s Razor


“They really must think that it would collapse the system they graft off of.”


They only fear that because it would collapse the system they graft off of 😁

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467
Gail Combs

They only fear #HeadsOnPikes


….and they don’t fear it enough.

Gail Combs



Another excellent post, Thanks!


So the Nance jerk leaves when it gets tough and there might be a chance he’d be sent to the front where Russia is kicking Ukrainian butt. Now Chris Cuomo has taken his place. This is something very much like letting prisoners out prison so they can have one shot at redemption. This is freakin comical. They are clearly desperate.
GWP Story.
Disgraced Ex-CNN Personality Chris Cuomo is Currently Cosplaying as a “Free Agent” Journalist On the Ground in Ukraine

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They CONSTANTLY recycle these fuckers. CONSTANTLY. Just like Biden was recycled a gazillion times from unelectability.


Didn’t want this one to pass by. Our Russia experts may of gotten it, but I missed it if they did.

Intel Slava Z The greatest threat to the United States is not Russia and China, but internal enemies, in particular opponents of democracy.

The US may soon turn into a real repressive regime. (c) George Soros ((I’m pretty sure George stole that line is in full projection mode here))

As the US midterm elections approach, the “democratic establishment” is increasingly turning its attention to internal enemies, which at this stage are personified in the person of Trump and the radical part of the Republican Party, who obviously expect to take revenge for the stolen elections of 2020, using domestic and foreign policy failures of the Biden administration, which builds its communication with the voter on blaming all the mistakes on Putin and expecting some kind of success in Ukraine.

The failure of the Democrats in the midterm elections could significantly undermine the course that led to the war in Ukraine. Therefore, the closer the fall, the more talk about the internal threat to “American democracy”, where some of the American voters are labeled as enemies of democracy, in the same unique style of dehumanizing the inhabitants of Donbass in Ukraine. The process statements are the same.





“I’m afraid I pretty much agree with Tucker. Treason outweighs a sex scandal.”

Truer words never spoken, DP.

I personally think the Black Hats know this information is in the wind, and are pushing the sex and drugs stuff as hard as they can, to attempt to overshadow the treasonous bastard in the White House’s involvement.


Prosecute for both. sentences to run consecutively.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I was thinking the same thing this morning. Jill’s “taco” misstep is exactly like Cuomo’s “kissing scandal” – IMMUNIZATION with a lesser scandal.




Oh look, our hzero is going to save the day! 😠 › homenews › senate › 3555931-cornyn-shuts-door-on-additional-gun-control-talks
Cornyn shuts door on additional gun control talks | The Hill1 day ago“No, we’re done,” Cornyn said when asked whether Republicans would negotiate with Democrats on limiting access to assault-style rifles or other gun control reforms. Cornyn made his statement after…


WHY would anyone believe Cornyn, after he betrayed Texans, Americans, The Constitution.

Given the opportunity, I’d gladly heckle Cornyn. Uniparty POS.

Gail Combs

Rotten eggs, Rotten tomatoes, tar feathers….

So far the Global Elite have been LUCKY


The McCain RINO types are masters at playing both sides and trying to look as if they are true conservatives. That way they can accomplish their goals incrementally.


^^^ Smells like the Republican Party. ^^^

We’ve truly only have a handful of conservative Republicans in office.

Yea, I’ll hold my nose and vote for the least of the assholes.

Jus being honest. Lombardo for guvner. Amodei Congress. Terrible choices.

Laxalt, actually a good candidate for US Senate.

Unless of course, I have relocated to another state (TX, AR, OK, TN…) before November election. Then I’ll look at the local crop of candidates.


Harpers Declares It’s Over – The ‘American Century’ Is Gone
This month’s Harpers title is astonishing.

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To declare that the U.S. century is over, without a question mark, is in the mainstream view still heresy. Sure the American Conservative has already done that years ago. But Harpers is positioned on the more liberal side of things and there the view is rarely expressed.

The lead essay in the edition, by one Daniel Bessner, is headlined:
Empire Burlesque

What comes after the American Century?

Cont. reading: Harpers Declares It’s Over – The ‘American Century’ Is Gone

Posted by b at 13:45 UTC

via Bernard @ MoA

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Democrats normalizing “China in charge”.


It seems that Biden is intent on weakening the US – politically, financially, economically, militarily.

It is being suggested that this is part of a global reset.

Z/H posting article about IMF to fund Ukraine via SDRs, because US has exhausted its financial resources.


skip … “Central banks were the lender of last resort, but now the IMF is being presented as the new monetary savior. The more SDRs the IMF creates and issues, the more the trade mechanism proliferates and the more acceptable it becomes as a possible replacement for the US dollar as the world reserve currency. Each new crisis brings global banks closer to their goal; the introduction of national digital currencies and the SDR basket becoming the defacto reserve trading tool for the world. 
Billions upon billions in international aid has already flooding into Ukraine, some of it for civilian relief and some of it for weapons.  The US alone has spent at least $54 billion in the past couple months in Ukraine.  That’s around the same amount of money America spent during the first year of the war in Iraq, but Democrats keep demanding more. 

As Bloomberg notes, the call for exceeding the $650 billion SDR issuance from last August isn’t an entirely new one. Back in 2020, just before Biden’s election, former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers, who advised the campaign on economic policy, and former U.K. Prime Minister Gordon Brown called for an issuance of “well over $1 trillion.”
This time, the claim is that relief is needed for Ukraine AND any other countries affected by conditions caused by the conflict. 

This demand is led by Representative Pramila Jayapal, the head of the Progressive Caucus, and Senator Elizabeth Warren:

con’t at link


The left has been doing everything possible to make it that way – especially since Øbastid was installed.

Gail Combs

Actually since FDR!



Cuppa Covfefe

Can I put a vote in for Woodrow Wilson, and “Colonet” House?


Obastid is still running things. The idea that Biden is calling shots is ridiculous.


What comes after the American Century?”

God willing, the American Millennium.

Cuppa Covfefe

Harper’s Bizarre…


This is one of the most fearless and honest personal testimonies I have ever read or heard. It is a difficult, but incredibly necessary read.

It is a take-down of the “transgendering” of children in the most personal way possible. This is brave stuff. If you read PJ Media, you’ve read this man’s work many times.

“Someone, somewhere reading this is going to say that it is a work of fiction, a feverish, conservative fantasy. I assure you, it is not.

That man was my father. And he died as he lived. Angry, confused, and a failure in everything he attempted, which was precious little. My grandmother’s attempts to change my father’s gender had catastrophic effects not just on him, but also on her grandson. My father never knew who he was or who he was supposed to be. And he acted out of that confusion. An all-American dad one moment, the polar opposite the next. I didn’t want to follow his example because I experienced firsthand how those choices can make lives miserable and to be honest, I did not want to end up like him.”

Bravo, Lincoln Brown.


The people pushing these agendas USE people. They make them sick, ruin their lives, cause untold emotional pain for a lifetime, take away opportunities for betterment, cause monetary loss and poverty, enslave them, and outright kill them. They are monsters.


Yes, they do.

As a survivor of childhood sexual abuse myself, I am all too aware of lifelong damage they cause. Being a whole person has been a challenge. But I prevailed, because screw them for doing it to me.




Mr my-butts-been-wiped is going to have major fails on this trip. Notice how hes out of the country for the inflation report?



And brandin just gave them another 1.7 billion.


… of OUR money …



Snip … “The Russians have created a very profitable loophole for those who do not want to fight for anyone. It is even strange that they have not yet hung banners in the Ukrainian segment of the Internet – ‘’get Russian citizenship and an apartment in the Moscow region in exchange for a Western self-propelled guns’’. How it works?

On the radio wave of the Ukrainian units, Russian negotiators persuade the artillerymen and tankers to advance to the indicated points and surrender with their equipment. In exchange – Russian documents, freedom and some money. The brought “Caesar”, “HIMARS” or PzH 2000 is considered sufficient proof of loyalty that the military who surrendered with it would avoid filtration and prisoner camps. With new documents, they start a new life somewhere in a cozy Ural city far from the front line, and even send money in bitcoins to their families so that they can go to them.

Prices vary and are discussed, for 2 “Caesars” the Russians gave 120,000, although their Ukrainian “partners” desperately bargained and asked for 2 million. However, freedom and Russian passports are also a significant part of the fee … But one PzH 2000 self-propelled gun, according to various sources, cost the Russians more than $ 100,000.

With this money (although the dollar has fallen significantly in price), you can buy a one-room apartment in the Moscow region. True, there is a significant problem, Russia cannot demonstrate the most interesting samples immediately after their purchase. This poses a threat to the families of the military, who transferred such weapons.”


“As the leaders of Russia and Turkey have repeatedly pointed out, the state of Russian-Turkish relations over the last 10 years has been a real strategic breakthrough. During this period, the volume of economic ties has increased more than 30-fold and it affects completely different spheres, including food security.

It was food security that was the main focus of a meeting between Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu and his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov in Ankara the other day, during which the Turkish minister again offered his country’s involvement to resolve the grain crisis that has erupted amid the Ukrainian conflict and anti-Russian sanctions from the West. In particular, it has been confirmed that millions of tonnes of Russian grain are already waiting to be shipped to world markets via a secure corridor, which is planned to be established in the Black Sea with Turkish mediation.

On the eve of this meeting, in order to avoid problems with Russian grain supply to world markets, Russia’s United Grain Company (UGC) has signed contracts to supply grain to Turkey for 3 billion rubles with payment in rubles. With the West creating artificial obstacles in the grain market through restrictive sanctions against Russian participation, Russian President Vladimir Putin has changed the rules of the game on the global food market, the UGC said. Russian grain and other agricultural products can now only be bought on the National Commodity Exchange and only for rubles. Thus, no foreign exchanges will be able to influence the prices of Russian grain or other foodstuffs. As for Russia’s own interests, on the one hand it wants to protect itself against the theft of money and products, and on the other hand it wants to be able to influence world prices and set fair prices for grain, rather than be controlled by Western speculators. In this connection, the Russian Union of Grain Exporters, which also includes UGC, asked the Russian Central Bank back in late March to study the possibility of making payments in rubles under export contracts by foreign buyers of Russian grain. The initiative was launched because of the West’s difficulties in obtaining payments against the background of the military operation in Ukraine. The Union of Grain Exporters is convinced that the choice of Russian currency is due to “economic expediency” and reduces risks from exchange rate fluctuations. For example, several contracts have already been signed with Turkey, most recently in March this year.

According to Dmitry Sergeyev, Director General of UGC, UGC exported nearly 3m tonnes of grain in 2021. The company’s main market is Egypt, where UGC ranked first among Russian exporters with 1.5m tonnes of wheat in two growing seasons. “The main direction Russia is striving for today is to completely get rid of mediation by international traders and work directly with importing countries,” the UGC head stated.”

con’t at link




“Inflation soared to a fresh four-decade high in June, as prices rose 9.1% from last year — 1.3% from the prior month — the government said on Wednesday.”
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These are all losing issues with voters: inflation, open borders, high taxes, etc. So why aren’t Dems worried about November? I do believe we are making progress with the voting system but that a LOT more needs to be done. But I can’t imagine what Dems think they are going to do to cheat their way out of this. They must have a doozie of a plan to think they don’t need to court voters’ favor.


Scheduled Covidiocy resurgence…September, October…

M A I L voting.

PLUS, D-Rats have Dominion to COUNT the votes.

Progress has been made and more is in the pipeline.

Hopefully, it’ll be enough to have a relatively fair vote count.


Invasion ongoing until Globonazis say it’s over

Brave and Free

So where’s 🦏 Abbott? If someone sees this I am sure the state LE is seeing it too.
What’s the saying down there? All hat and no cattle.


“There’s no border patrol”.
Hello Abbott, NG?
Eagle Pass was one of the areas Abbott negotiated with the Mexican Governors.

Gail Combs

Our Replacements…


Now taxes…


Taxes that get passed back to consumers.
While they pocket the money and spend it on more political favors.
Meanwhile Mitch is all mouth and little action.


Thinking of our Wheatie …

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Thank you.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Prayers for her eternal comfort and joy in the Lord!




North Korea recognized the independence of both the DPR and the LPR, RIA Novosti was told at the North Korean embassy”


“Volodymyr Zelensky’s economic adviser Oleg Ustenko said that Ukraine now needs $9 billion a month from Western countries to cover its budget deficit, which is almost twice as much as Kiev’s previous requests, the Financial Times writes.”


The blackmail dirt Ukraine has on Western leadership must be insane.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They’re a proxy for WEF and the globalist scum, in my opinion.


I think that too. The ‘world’ has been sold to WEF et al long ago. The blackmail may have been needed at one time but now…the deal is set. The slogans are being thrown about in the MSM so they become household words
Zelensky knows his important placeholder status in this game.


“A prisoner from the Gay Volkssturm.

Militant from the 130th Volkssturm Battalion. He was taken prisoner in the Kherson direction during the execution of the task of equipping observation posts. During interrogation, he said that same-sex marriages are spreading in the 130th Volkssturm battalion, which are supported by the leadership. Foreign mercenaries from Canada and Poland who were in his battalion “spread same-sex interests.”

The prisoner himself likes to dress like a girl, and this is understood by the commander of the 130th Volkssturm Battalion”


Didn’t WWII Nazism have all kinds of homosexual perversion too?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It started out that way, with the gay boy / pedophile Brown Shirts (SA), but the military demanded a “cleansing” of them, which then became an overblown bloody final coup, the Night of the Long Knives, in which the new SS finished off the SA.

The actual “gay cleanse” of the purge was significantly less than advertised – that part was mostly propaganda to justify the killings.

The Nazi sexual morality was a bit weird and confused, like that of Cuban communism. The most important feature was CONTROL, not consistency, morality, or logic. It was almost schizophrenic. On the one hand, the [post-SA] Nazis decried sexual immorality – but at the same time they sometimes encouraged heterosexual relationships in a way that bordered on “free love for party members and officers”. Even the authors I’ve read on the topic thought it didn’t make sense. In fact, if anything, it typified the Nazi illogic of an entire nation trying to make sense out of the diktats of a crazy leader and his conflicting entourage of yes-men.

The REAL homo perversion was BEFORE the Nazis. The Weimar Republic just let things get nuts, which was part of what led TO the Nazis. Some of what went on then was shocking even by today’s standards.

Gail Combs

The REAL homo perversion was BEFORE the Nazis. 

…PRUSSIAGATE and Fredrick the Great…

The Power of the Prussian Micropenis – by Will Zoll – Substack

Adolph Hitler’s maniacal vision of totalitarian expansion and his subsequent reign of terror required an inspiration beyond the realms of human action. He needed to invoke a spirit beyond the limitations of human consciousness. He needed a providence that showed him the pathway to his vision.

That Providence was Prussia, and the inspiration was Frederick the Great.

Hitler and the whole Nazi era is said to have been deeply inspired by the 18th Century Prussian king. Even when all appeared lost for Hitler in WWII, as he retreated to the Fuhrerbunker in 1945, he ensured that his prized possessions came with him. One of those included a portrait painting of Frederick the Great – the man he still sought inspiration from, even though all appeared lost….

Why is this important? Frederick the Great’s true passions as he grew up was an intellectual pathway of the Arts, music (composing and playing), and philosophy. He was also gay.

However, his father Frederick the Soldier King would have none of it. His father had amassed an incredible standing army – the Prussian “strongman” militant state. Under no circumstances was the Soldier king about to hand the reins of power to an effeminate intellectual with no passion for the Art of War. He set about breaking and bending his son, moulding him to become the future great Soldier King of Prussia….

This evolutionary process of Frederick the Great is truly remarkable. Most would break under such pressure; Frederick the Great excelled.

However, the story does not end there. The mutual hatred between father and son climaxed when Frederick was 18. Sometime around 1730AD, he decided to run away from his father’s oppression. With his boyfriend at the time, military officer Hans Hermann von Katte, they attempted to escape Prussia and the grip of the tyrannical Soldier King. It was an act of high treason, and the escape attempt would end in disaster.

Frederick and Hans were immediately captured and sent to prison in Kustrin, Poland. Prussian culture was already deeply entrenched, due to the Prussian idea that all citizenry must be in lock-step. Frederick’s attempted escape was a slap in the face to his father as king, but also to the “Big Idea” that was Prussia. Dissent of this nature was not tolerated; execution was fait accompli.

Frederick the Soldier King realized the chance to break his son’s will once and for all. He spared his son the death penalty, but sentenced his son’s lover to death-by-beheading. As the execution took place, Frederick was forced to witness the entire beheading and beg for his lover’s forgiveness….



“Ukraine is considering legalizing same-sex marriage before the end of the war – BBC”


They are orthodox Christians and it defies their believe. Who corrupted Ukraine? The west did shame on them.


Aw, that’s sweet.

Zelensky wants to marry the Spy who Loved him.

Cuppa Covfefe

Wow, That would make a great movie (not 🙂 )…..

Or maybe a (Disney) remake, a gay Pinnochio…

It’s almost like they’re trying to see just how many crimes, atrocities, and perversions they can pull off before GOD pulls the plug. Maybe trying to outdo Sodom and Gomorrah…

That Tik-Tok that you hear, Zelensky, is not a RED Chinese media platform…

Maybe Stavros Schwab and he can visit a smokestack together like in that Bond movie… dropping in to see what the furnace has to offer, as it were…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Look, Klaus! We’re relevant! We’re relevant! You must save us! And OH BY THE WAY I need three more Mercedes for my aides.”


Tucker continues to speak TRUTH. Expose the stoopidity of Green Energy.

Great listen.

~19 minutes.

Gail Combs

If ALL countries COLLAPSE into POVERTY and CHAOS we can THEN ‘BUILD BACK BETTER’ into a worldwide totalitarian governmentYOU will OWN NOTHING AND BE HAPPY that you get enough crumbs from the elite’s table to survive.

Make sense now?
comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They had to show us.

NOW – who else here has SEEN ENOUGH???!!!

Gail Combs

Wolfie I saw enough two decades ago!

A friend (who is brilliant) saw it four decades ago. He helped wake me up.




“A state of emergency has been declared in Hungary due to the situation on the energy market. The export of energy carriers and even the most ordinary firewood from the territory of Hungary is prohibited.

The Hungarian government says that in autumn and winter Europe will most likely run out of gas.”


“The coming winter could be the hardest for the whole of Europe in the last 60 years, the EU will pay for the sanctions imposed against Russia – Deputy Prime Minister of Romania Kelemen Hunor”


Gotta STOP the PUSH for green energy that is NOT reliable AND NOT available to meet business / consumer demand.

Gail Combs

NUCLEAR and Hydro are the only viable ‘green’ options and the Totalitarian ass-kissers do not want either of those because they DO NOT CRIPPLE CIVILIZATION.



0.00000000001% of the population is openly orchestrating global genocide, daring ANYBODY to stop them.

And 99.99999999999% of the global population (7.5+ billion people) just gaze at their navel in response.


Yep, that has always been true.

It has always been insane.

The problem is that NOBODY will actually STOP the insane people.

And until or unless anybody STOPS them, they will continue.

The population of the whole world sits idly by, watching the destruction of the entire planet, as a few thousand ‘elite’ Nazi monsters drive planet earth over a cliff.

If we allow them to do it, then that must be what we want.

Gail Combs

Actually I think you are overly pessimistic. There have been major upheavals including the burning and chasing out of the Sri Lanka government.

You have to be very very careful because the COMMUNIST LOVE UPHEAVAL.

I can not remember the exact quote but it is something like:
Once the established government is destroyed a few that are well positioned can walk in and take control.


“Actually I think you are overly pessimistic. There have been major upheavals including the burning and chasing out of the Sri Lanka government.”


Sri Lanka and Myanmar, that’s it.

22 million and 53 million population, respectively.

Or 1% of the global population.


“You have to be very very careful because the COMMUNIST LOVE UPHEAVAL.”


I’m sure they do, but they’re already running the whole show.


“I can not remember the exact quote but it is something like:
Once the established government is destroyed a few that are well positioned can walk in and take control.


That’s what I mean, the established government is already destroyed.

It’s in the past.

Gail Combs

Actually the Fabians gradually took over. The Commies use Violent Revolution and set-up a whole new government.

We still have the skeleton of our Constitutional Republic. We just need to take it back and NOT give the Commies the excuse to sneak in and take it instead.


“We still have the skeleton of our Constitutional Republic. We just need to take it back and NOT give the Commies the excuse to sneak in and take it instead.”



When there is no lawful recourse, when there is no rule of Law?

Gail Combs

Alternate News media
Precinct Strategy
Trump Judges.


The Wartime Presidency
A four part series that examine a “fail safe” option for saving the American Republic.
Whether kinetic or 5th Gen warfare, the result is the same – a legitimate US government was forcibly removed and a puppet government was installed in its place.
The Central Powers (Nazi Germany & Fascist Italy) in WW2 did this all the time in countries they occupied;

  • Hellenic State (Greece)
  • Government of National Salvation (roughly Serbia)
  • Lokot Republic (Occupied USSR)
  • Belarusian Central Rada (Belorussia)
  • Quisling’s Norwegian National Government (Norway)
  • Independent State of Croatia (Croatia – at the time, Yugoslavia)
  • Italian Social Republic (Northern Italy – established by Germany after the allied invasion of Italy and Mussolini’s government collapsed)

However, this brings us to a problem. If a puppet government is actually installed in Washington DC, why does the enemy seem to be on the losing end of events in Washington and abroad?

To recap;

  • Failure to pass restrictive gun control legislation
  • Failure to pass the Build Back Better plan with the pro-communist parts intact
  • Failure to pass the Green New Deal
  • Failure to stack the Supreme Court
  • Failure to stop 2020 election audits
  • Failure to stop the AUKUS deal
  • Failure to stop F-35 sales to Japan
  • Failure to stop US military aid to Taiwan
  • Failure to secure mineral rights to Afghanistan
  • Failure to impeach President Trump – Twice
  • Failure to implement US vaccine passports
  • Failure to implement US vaccine mandates
  • Failure to keep Chinese products flowing into the US smoothly – hurting the Chinese economy
  • Failure to implement a US social credit system
  • Failure to stop alternative social media platforms
  • Failure to prevent collapse of China’s real estate market
  • Failure to demolish the wall Trump built
  • Failure to close GITMO
  • Failure to protect their incumbents from losing to Republican challengers (save one exception – Gavin Newsom in California)
  • Failure to maintain control of the US educational system (they’re losing control rapidly)
  • Failure to stop the Ghislane Maxwell trial – make no mistake, this is a broadside against the USS Deep State, things will be made public in this trial that the public was never meant to know
  • Failure to stop the Durham investigation
  • Failure to stop courts from issuing preliminary injunctions that stop vaccination mandates
  • Failure to successfully prosecute Kyle Rittenhouse for murder, which would have effectively removed the 2A right to use deadly force to defend one’s life
  • Failure to expose or circumvent President Trump’s PEADS or EO’s that he left behind for the Biden administration
  • Failure to bring an indictment against Trump
  • Failure to prevent Americans from uniting under a pro-constitution political banner
  • Future – Failure to hold the house and senate
  • Future – Failure to protect their incumbent District Attorneys from challengers
  • Future – Failure to protect Roe v. Wade from SCOTUS
  • Future – Failure to prevent SCOTUS from expanding the 2A – the case will involve the question of “bear” as in the freedom to leave one’s house with a weapon in case of confrontation, with no need to “prove” the odds of such confrontation to the government

Ladies and gentlemen – look at that list of fail!
If this is a puppet government, this is the absolute worst and ineffective one I’ve ever seen….



““The coming winter could be the hardest for the whole of Europe in the last 60 years, the EU will pay for the sanctions imposed against Russia –”


Why not make the leadership of the EU pay for it, by rounding them up, seizing all of their assets, and dropping them in a deep dark hole?

Or hanging them upside down from every available flagpole across the continent?

Just a thought.



LEAKED EMAIL Sent To January 6th Defendant by The Unselect Committee!! Proof the Committee and the DOJ Are EXTORTING Testimonies Out of Their Witnesses! LIZ CHENEY IS SHAMELESS!! (

The desperate Unselect Committee is using unethical if not possibly illegal measures to secure favorable witness testimonies from persecuted January 6th Defendants that have pled guilty, such as their witness Stephen Ayres that testified yesterday.

Liz Cheney alleged that Trump personally reached out to a witness who has not yet testified. The truth is the JANUARY 6TH COMMITTEE IS REACHING OUT TO DEFENDANTS TO TESTIFY BEFORE THEIR SENTENCING! How is this legal?

This email below was released to The Gateway Pundit by a January 6th Defendant that pled guilty but is awaiting sentencing. It was sent to the defendant by James Sasso, Investigative Counsel for “The Unselect Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on The United States Capitol”. See the email here:

comment image

The recipient of this email wishes to remain anonymous as they are fearful of retaliation by the Government when sentenced. We blacked out information to protect their identity.

This is the statement of the individual who forwarded this email to us:

“The Committee wants me to apologize for being there, they want me to apologize for speaking out on my opinion on the matter. I just can’t do that. That would be a lie. The only advantage for doing that is if I can avoid some kind of harsh sentencing which is coming up. If I don’t play ball with them I fear they will be retaliate, there will be a consequence for it.”

Logically, these cornered defendants would feel immense pressure to give the Unselect Committee the answers they want to hear “in exchange” for a favorable sentence, whether they are true or not. How can this Committee present these compromised witnesses to the American public as credible when they know they are not? The game plan all along was to viciously persecute American citizens and ultimately use them to keep President Trump from getting elected again. The Biden Regime has men still locked away in pre-trail solitary confinement, torturing them until they crack and give them what they want.

“The fact that the January 6th Committee is using convicted defendants awaiting sentencing as witnesses against President Trump to corroborate their claims is unethical, predatory and dishonest,” said top J6 Attorney Jospeh McBride. “There is no difference between the Committee’s actions and a hostage held by terrorists at gunpoint being forced to read a letter from his captors saying they are “good people”. Its is deeply disturbing, morally bankrupt and profoundly anti-American.”

Stephen Ayres, a witness the Unselect Committee called yesterday, spoke about this experience on January 6th in front of the Kangaroo Court. Ayres testified he did not plan on marching to the Capitol, but that former president Donald Trump got “everyone” riled up and urged them to march. After traitor Liz Cheney asked him “Do you still believe the election was stolen?”, the clearly emasculated Ayres made a face and choked out “Not so much now.” Ayres then went on to hug crying Capitol cop Michael Fanone and friends and “apologized” to them in front of flashing cameras.

comment imageStephen Ayres cringes while testifying before his captors. Ayres is awaiting sentencing for January 6th charges.

Ayres pled Guilty to disorderly conduct this past June 8th. He was originally charged with Aiding and Abetting, Entering or Remaining in an Official Building or Grounds, and Obstruction of an Official Proceeding 1512(c)(2) which alone holds a maximum of a 20 year sentence. He wound up plea bargaining with the Regime to the simple charge of Disorderly Conduct. All other charges were dropped. Here is Ayres’ Criminal Complaint and Arrest Warrant.

It is notable that Ayres is the Co-Defendant of Matthew Pernathe January 6th Defendant who committed suicide this past February 26th in desperation after he pled guilty to the very same charges that Ayres had dropped- including the Obstruction of an Official Proceeding 1512(c)(2). Here is Ayres and Perna’s Indictment**Perna is “Male 1” in Ayres Criminal Complaint.

comment imageStephen Ayres and his co-defendant Michael Perna at their hotel on January 6th. Perna committed suicide after making a plea deal with The Biden Regime.

Apparently a terrified Ayres thought it wiser to sign a plea deal and appear before the nation to denounce Trump then face the same fate as his co-defendant and pal Michael Perna, whose family says he is dead because of his political persecution by Biden’s Justice Department. He signed his plea deal only this past June 8th.

The difference in outcomes for two men on the same exact Indictment is remarkable. The first man, Perna, signed a plea deal last December.

According to an article by Julie Kelly,

“Matthew Graves, the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia handling every January 6 prosecution, intervened and asked the court to delay Perna’s sentencing so his office could make sure Capitol defendants are punished equally. “While every case and every defendant are different, the Government is attempting to ensure that similarly situated January 6 defendants are treated in the same manner,” Graves wrote in a motion on February 11. “The Government is attempting to do that in this case and that requires additional time for the Government’s internal review process to be completed.”

Graves’ office has sought lengthy prison terms for defendants who plead guilty to the obstruction felony. In the case of Jacob Chansley, who, like Perna, committed no violent act on January 6 and was allowed into the building by police, Biden’s Justice Department sought 51 months in jail and three years probation. (Judge Royce Lamberth sentenced him to 41 months.)

In sentencing recommendations on obstruction pleas, prosecutors have compared defendants to domestic terrorists and asked judges to act accordingly. “The need to deter others is especially strong in cases involving domestic terrorism, which the breach of the Capitol certainly was,” one of Graves’ prosecutors wrote in Chansley’s sentencing memo. “The sentence of this Court must drive home this fact for this defendant, and any others who may wish to emulate him: crimes committed against this country and democracy will be prosecuted and punished in accordance with the law.”

That appears to be what Graves would have demanded in Perna’s case as well.”

In the case of Ayres, the three more serious charges were dropped, including the feared Obstruction of an Official Proceeding 1512(c)(2) felony charge. He was offered a simple Disorderly Conduct plea deal and was featured on National TV yesterday as a star witness for the January 6th Unselect Committee. It is logical to assume he will receive no jail time when sentenced.

One must wonder if Michael Perna was approached by the January 6th Committee before he committed suicide.

“They are using witnesses that have a gun to their head, for lack of a better term,” said Tina Ryan of Citizens Against Political Persecution. “The entire operation warrants a real independent federal investigation into the tactics and extreme measures the January 6th Committee is using to obtain witnesses that will cooperate with their agenda.”

Gail Combs

Yuo see how evil these people are and think it can not get worse and then you get THIS!!!




Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Nancy Pelosi is a daughter of Satan!


The old grifters were greedy and self aggrandizing but what we’re dealing with now are exactly that, evil. They enjoy the human hunt, then the enslavement, the degradation…and eventually the death.
They sometimes slip up and we can see their inner glee about stomping that boot on the’s time for payback.

Gail Combs

It is very STUPID too.

There are copies of the Last POTUS Trump tweet saying to go home in peace floating around as well as TONS of videos of his speech as well as MILLIONS OF UNCOERCED WITNESSES.

ALSO the break in happened WHILE POTUS was speaking AND we are seeing evidence of FIB set-up surfacing.


Remember the fight is for the UNDECIDED and they are NOT going to be happy about torture to get a false confession.


“We forecast that this print will mark the peak of inflation as the Fed’s 15% shrinkage of the monetary base, which is the fastest decline since the great depression”


It appears that (click on the “Alternate Data” tab on the main page) has inflation hovering around 18%, using the 1980 baseline. It also appears that the real unemployment rate is about 24.3%, and that the real GDP is at about -1.5%.

Last edited 2 years ago by RDS
Gail Combs


…The Fed ceased publishing M-3, its broadest money supply measure, in March 2006. The SGS M-3 Continuation estimates current M-3 based on ongoing Fed reporting of M-3’s largest components (M-2, institutional money funds and partial large time deposits) and proprietary modeling of the balance. See the Money Supply Special Report for full definitions.

In February 2021, the Fed redefined its narrowest M-1 Money Supply measure back to May 2020, to incorporate the bulk of Non M-1 M-2, with headline M-1 now covering 93% of total M-2, instead of the prior 28%.  In order to preserve the information reflected in the most liquid measures of M-1, ShadowStats uses the Basic M-1 Money Supply in its charts and Table here.  The original Money Supply measure, Basic M-1 is defined as Currency plus Demand Deposits (checking accounts)….

Basic M-1 is defined as Currency plus Demand Deposits (checking accounts)

M-2, institutional money funds and partial large time deposits

M-3, its broadest money supply measure,


Is a Depression really a Depression, if the administration and MSM continually lie about it, so the general public doesn’t actually know about it?


If a tree falls in the forest…

Gail Combs

I can not remember who said it, I think it was on Bannon’s Warroom.

The Only reason we are not aware we are in a DEPRESSION worse that the 30s is because instead of soup kitchens we hand out debit cards.

Unemployment Rate by Year Since 1929 Compared to Inflation and GDPMay 5, 2022
The highest rate of U.S. unemployment was 24.9% in 1933, during the Great Depression. Unemployment remained above 14% from 1931 to 1940.

Shadowstats: Bill Clinton changed HOW unemployment was calculated by dropping those unemployed for over a year from the calculation. Shadowstat does not.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gail Combs
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Gigantic unemployment, yet I see now hiring signs all over the place. Admittedly a lot of those signs are for “entry” minimum wage positions.

But then my dentist can’t find a second hygienist.


I got new eye glasses and the office had only 2 people working with the doctor. The Optometrist himself fitted my glasses. They cannot get people either.


I still wonder, you dont get unemployment for quitting and you have to look for work and its for a limited time. The construction of shanty towns is still limited. Hiw are the unemployed surviving?

Gail Combs

Selling Drugs?


Too many people and that level of hustling is rampant but not among everyone. Something else.

Gail Combs

As real salaries/wages decline compared to the cost of living, the underground Economy looks more and more attractive.
For example $15/hr X 40 hr/wk X 52 wks = $31,200

federal tax = $995 plus 12% of the amount over $9,950

NC has a 5.25% flat income tax.

Social Security and Medicare  6.2% + 1.45% 
So the tax is roughly 24% total.

So if you work at a corporation for $15/hr your take home is around $23,500 vs $31,200 under the table.

How Big Is America’s Underground Economy?


  • The underground economy includes any paid work or transaction that is not reported to the government and therefore is not taxed.
  • During economic downturns, the underground economy grows as more workers unable to get legitimate jobs turn to working off the books.
  • Countries with high levels of taxation, government corruption, and regulatory barriers tend to have the largest underground economies.

Estimates vary widely, but some put the underground economy at 11% to 12% of U.S. gross domestic product (GDP). In 2021, U.S. GDP was estimated at $24 trillion, so that puts the underground economy at more than $2.5 trillion.1


That number must be taken as a guesstimate. There’s an obvious complication in trying to determine the size of any country’s underground economy. The activities in it are by definition not reported, and those engaging in it do their best to remain undetected….

One approach uses macroeconomic indicators as proxies for tracking shadow economy activity over time. One of the most widely used of these is currency demand. Most underground transactions use cash to avoid leaving a paper trail. So this approach tracks deviations in the demand for cash that could be attributed to underground economic activity.

Economist Friedrich Schneider estimated that the size of the U.S. underground economy, excluding criminal activity like drug dealing, was 7.2% of gross domestic product (GDP) in 2007…..

The 2008 global financial crisis, however, appears to have rejuvenated the shadow economy.

Economist Edgar Feige estimated that underground economic activity in the U.S. in 2012 totaled $2 trillion, approximately 12% of GDP.5

Evidence of this can be found in a number of macroeconomic figures from the worst of the Great Recession years: A decline in the official U.S. labor force, an increase in U.S currency in circulation, and a curious increase in retail sales despite relatively high official unemployment numbers….


Im certainly open to a significant increase in it. Its why they want cashless society.


Most didn’t quit. Laid off due to lockdowns.


Still have to survive and unemployment is long gone.


And the main reason is that the dentist cannot pay enough to surpass govt benefits. Logical choice by the couch sitters.

Last edited 2 years ago by pgroup2
Gail Combs

YUP and that has been going on for DECADES…
Small businesses can not compete.


Ace has some comments on the CPI Print


Comment lifted:

” …If anyone wants to see yet another example of how top heavy American economics has become please refer to the chart below.

As a person who has multiple family members working in the front lines of the medical industry in the US, watching the destruction of the discipline for over the last 40 years has been depressing, to say the least.

Not only are there dearth of practitioners, but also through the electronic medical record they have converted some of the most highly trained professionals into unpaid clerk typists, adding additional work to a stressed out profession, primarily to the benefit of the insurance industry.

The funny part is that this was evident during the initial EMR trials in the 90s, but shuffled under the rug.

If one claims that it is the fault of the government, just remember who owns the government.

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“If one claims that it is the fault of the government, just remember who owns the government.”




Bill Gates?



Big Pharma?


They and those like them are the ones getting all the money.

Whenever in doubt about who owns something, follow the money, and who’s getting it.

(it sure ain’t us)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The health insurance companies love to brag about how little they spend on administration.

That’s because they’ve fobbed all that crap off on the doctors.

Next time you go to a doctor notice how many people in that office do nothing but insurance paperwork. There’s even a job called “coder” which has nothing to do with software, it involves picking the right Medicare code for the insurance claim.



Gail Combs

AND if a mistake is made the Doctor goes to prison. THAT is why he does not hand it off to someone else.


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If both were reported honestly, we might have been there for a while already.



Gail Combs


Joe Biden approval drops to 30% after a brutal week: Civiqs Poll
Rasmussen (Unfortunately it was sold)

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll, sponsored by Matt Palumbo’s MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN for Wednesday shows that 42% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Biden’s job performance. [And if you believe that I have a bridge to sell you]

The latest figures include 18% who Strongly Approve of the job Biden is doing and 45% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -27.

From last year: (3/22/2021)
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Right-Wing and Left-Wing Unite to Ban ‘COVID PASS’ in France

Jubilant scenes Tuesday night in French parliament as Marine Le Pen’s National Rally and Jean-Luc Melenchon’s La France Insoumise defeated Macron’s ‘COVID Pass.’

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Now it’s CLEAR who the enemy really is.




Now thats healthy!


Amen …


NYGuy and I had one of our lengthy phone conversations today, the first in a very long time, where we solve everything. He says hello to all.

He wants to know daughn’s site, so he can say hello to her. Does anyone know her site?


“He wants to know daughn’s site, so he can say hello to her. Does anyone know her site?”

Daughn’s Place (Side Porch Politics) 👍




From the Blogroll.

Hi to NYGuy!


Thanks for posting the site

Gail Combs

There is a blogroll on the right side of the page.
You can use find:
[ctrl] [f] and type blogroll in the box.

Or just scroll up from here.


Good to know!


I wondered what happened to him. Good to hear hope he is well. daughn side is listed on the right site of this forum.


I should point out that Daughn seems to be at Marica’s more than she’s at her own blog, lately.


Will tell NYGuy that.


The Military Summary guy, plus other sources, have stated that the Russian army is fighting inside both Siversk and Soledar and are clearing the last village before Bakhmut.

There were some statements in Telegram that individual Ukie military groups had exited areas due to extremely heavy losses, in controlled and uncontrolled manners. If these reports are correct, the whole Siversk/Soledar/Bakhmut line could be overrun very quickly. Not much between that line and the Kramatorsk line.

The military summary guy stated that “50% of Ukie battalions in the Donbass area have had losses between 20% and 80%”, that’s a huge degradation in such a short amount of time – a couple of weeks at most.

Military Summary Report


The WEF and the election thief-in-chief require much blood sacrifice.


Glad to see this, bc i think they are correct. Cant discriminate.


“ALF asserts that under the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, DICK’S must provide an equivalent paid benefit to a mother who gives birth.”


And if DICK’S is required to provide equivalent paid benefit to a mother who gives birth, that amounts to bonus compensation which discriminates against women who do not get pregnant at all.

And if DICK’S is therefore required to provide bonus compensation to all female employees, that is tantamount to discrimination against men based on their sex.

So the only way out of this idiocy spiral appears to be to provide every employee — male or female, pregnant or not — with bonus compensation equal to whatever amount is provided to pregnant employees seeking abortion.

Or provide no one with bonus compensation, at all.

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467

Lol. And theyll just cancel it.


What Dicks!


Dick’s also stopped selling firearms a few years back because … well … guns kill.

Gail Combs

Dicks is well named.


Dick was a serial merchandiser. One of his other outlets used to have a store in San Jose: “Linoleum Dick’s”.


From Barnhardt.

Because he might get the sniffles.
Gunfire. Screaming children.
He’s worried about catching a cold.
I honestly have no idea what the Chinese are waiting for.


Soaring CPI Sparks Fed ‘Policy Error’ Panic Across Markets

The yield curve – short and long – is screaming ‘policy error imminent’ as its aggressive anti-inflation fight will inevitably trigger anything but a soft landing and spark a new round of easing/QE that will once and for all crush the central planners’ credibility.

con’t at link


I know these are expected but sheesh…do none of them read the prepared comments before they take the stage ?

Gail Combs

REMEDIAL ENGLISH CLASSES!!! They need to fund remedial English instead of Ukraine.



Gail Combs

OF COURSE!   :wpds_cool: 


She needs the gong

Last edited 2 years ago by mollypitcher5

Apparently the thief-in-chief’s dementia is contagious.


Public transportation is a russian roulette ride…will you make it ? Will you sit on a seat where a bare ass has been right before you ? Will you get stabbed ? Will you get sucker punched ? Will you be screamed at by a mental patient ? Will you be shot ? Will you have to view people having sex ?
Can’t wait to read the insanity that will be the norm everyday when it’s all free


A giant cretin Olympics thunderdome . . . OMG if I could ever came up with something that stupendous.


comment imageThe Bias News


Former CIA employee Josh Schulte has been convicted by a federal jury of the largest theft of classified information in CIA history for leaking a trove of documents, dubbed Vault 7, to WikiLeaks.



How nice for the CIA. They have a guilty party and can now brush everything under the rug.

Cuppa Covfefe

And how about all the classified (and ABOVE) information the Klintoons leaked, erm, sold, erm, gave to the RED Chinese and any and all, from their Bathroom Server and elsewhere???


Gives a whole new meaning to Privy (to information)…


In honor of Camel  🐪  Day…..

Camel hair felt…


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Last edited 2 years ago by GA/FL

You forgot … the camel hair coat 😉

There was always one in my closet …

comment image

Gail Combs

ALWAYS a Classic!




I was saving that for next week, along with a lap robe for the football game.


Ohhh … didn’t mean to spoil it!

Post it anyway … peeps forget, and many won’t even see this …


I will find a different style so it won’t be a repeat. Maybe a short jacket or cape! 🙂


Will they have different blondes?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! This one is fine! Duplicates are tolerable!


That’s a pretty classy coat!

Gail Combs

 admin hour 27 minutes:
In the Matrixx and Shady Groove — WHO WAS BEHIND THE GEORGIA GUIDE STONES. The whole two hours is on the subject but the meat starts at that time. Before that there is a lot of information on the Rosicrucians. Just prior to that is a video of Ted Turner founder of CNN expressing his views on population.

They were probably Robert M. Merryman & Dr Herbert Kersten possibly acting as front men for others.

As an Aside (Mentioned in the video)
Kersten – Meaning Of Kersten, What Does Kersten Mean?

The name Kersten is of Danish and Norwegian origin. The meaning of Kersten is “a Christian”

So the combining of names becomes Robert Christian of the Georgia Guide Stones.

If you like a mystery, this takes you from the collection of documents kept by the banker who handled the funds to pay for the Guide Stones (INCLUDING AN ADDRESS and other clues) to Fort Dodge and various people including the town historian who had some major bombs about Dr Kersten.

Kersten was a Catholic BUT was friends of  Dr William Shockley (1910 -1989) Nobel prize winning physicist who invented the transistor. He was a person who believed Blacks were genetically inferior to Whites and those with an IQ less than 100 should be paid to get sterilized (Shades of Margret Sanger) The Historian said Kersten was ‘Racist to the bone’ Kersten also wrote a letter to a Florida newspaper, the Sun Sentinel expressing his views in favor of of David Duke (former Grand Wizard of the KKK)


I hope they don’t erect any more monuments, statues, or plaques.

Last edited 2 years ago by TheseTruths
Gail Combs

It was suggested somewhere in that 2 hours, that the guide stones were an Altar. The one I am currently listening to brings up the purple and lightening. They also show the weather map for that time (severe storms). It is noted that the person shown around the guide stones DOES NOT HAVE A TIME STAMP… HMMMmmm


Yeah, I continue to believe that God did it.


RISING TENSIONS (24)The scuttling of peace in Europe

by Thierry Meyssan

While the Anglo-Saxons have already succeeded in excluding Russia from the Council of Europe and are preparing to prevent it from participating in OSCE meetings, they are working to sink the European Union by creating a competing structure in Central Europe: the Three Seas Initiative. In doing so, they are taking up an old Polish project aimed at developing this region while preserving it from any German or Russian influence.

comment image

The Three Seas Initiative (Intermarium) summit in Riga, June 20, 2022.

con’t at link



Y A W N.

Gail Combs

A very good article by HumansAreFree Useful for explaining things to the bewildered.

Very Detailed Explanation Of The Great Reset And The New World Order

….Thus, the practical aim of the Great Reset is to fundamentally restructure the world’s economy and geopolitical relations based on two assumptions:

One, that every element of nature and every life form is a part of the global inventory (managed by the allegedly benevolent state, which, in turn, is owned by several suddenly benevolent wealthy people, via technology).

And two, that all inventory needs to be strictly accounted for: be registered in a central database, be readable by a scanner and easily ID’ed, and be managed by AI, using the latest ‘science.’

The goal is to count and then efficiently manage and control all resources, including people, on an unprecedented scale, with unprecedented digital … precision — all while the masters keep indulging, enjoying vast patches of conserved nature, free of unnecessary sovereign peasants and their unpredictability.”….


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No one listened when we in CA warned against kamala over and over, but she was made a senator and now veep.
And today ,the scum at the top o the government trough Newscum is hanging out at the White House.
He is absolutely being pushed to run and HE IS SCUM. And he has old money with deep pockets supporting him .
4 chan and everyone out there needs to dig and expose him. Theres a lot of material.

Brave and Free

Explains why he took out the ads in FL against DeSantis a few weeks ago. I’ve had this thought for awhile now. Who else do they have out there? Just think Pelosi 2.0 what could possibly go wrong.

Gail Combs

That is why they HAD to beat the recall by FRAUD of course.


He’d have been wiser to have accepted the recall. Everyone now knows that the only way to be rid of him is when he’s dead.


Hes worse bc he has all the san fran old money incl Gettys behind him. He is an elitists elitist. Hes not smart but he is clever. And its his lineage and connections that keep him afloat. One giant greasy turd.


Yes, saw him strutting at the WH today. He must be meeting with the shadow president.


He got some award today for being a good leader in education. Wth…


comment imageAndrew Torba



FYI as election season approaches expect a big increase in paid shills coming out of the woodwork to gaslight comment sections on Gab. They do this every election cycle. The funny thing is unlike on Big Tech platforms they have no power here and get utterly destroyed by the Gab community in the comments. It’s actually pretty funny and entertaining.


Sandra Brown Arrested in Connection to Tina Peters Case

Estrella Bencomo – 4h ago


“Conspiracy to conduct criminal impersonation and trying to influence a public official are two felonies against Sandra Brown. According to James Cannon, an investigator with the Mesa County District Attorney’s Office, Brown has been involved in the alleged plot to copy election software from the beginning. 
Mens Funky American Flag Print Casual Breathable Short Sleeve Aloha Shirts Black/MAd

“Brown conspired to misrepresent the role and identity of the person- Conan Hays- who they intended to use, and did use, to copy the hard drive by using the identity of Gerald Wood” Connor wrote in the affidavit. “Brown’s action, statement and/or inaction were a – successful- attempt to influence the public servant’s decisions…” Connor added.





Doesn’t it frost ya ????
The ‘face’ in every early vid, egging entry into the building………..and his life is miserable, free, standing by his RV..not wallowing in a dark dank cell……and we all KNOW wwhen the NYT is pulling for you…you’re on the wrong side

Last edited 2 years ago by mollypitcher5
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sick. FIB tried to back their special traitor for as long as they could – now they have to sacrifice him, or it becomes an obvious travesty. BOO HOO.

Last edited 2 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOOK what Pravda News did NOT report…

Amlo bitch slap BiteMe over energy. Abbott for that matter.


Mexican President Lopez-Obrador Offers to Bail Out the United States from the Biden Created Energy Crisis, and Will Supply Electricity to Texas
Gasoline in Mexico is $3.12/gal. Gasoline in the United States is $4.78/gal

The media did not give this much attention; however, Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez-Obrador thoroughly, albeit diplomatically, dressed down Joe Biden over his economic and energy policy during a Tuesday visit to the White House.

You might remember that together with a host of south and central American leaders, Mexican President Lopez-Obrador refused to attend Joe Biden’s Latin-America summit last month {Go Deep}. With that in mind Obrador’s media remarks in the oval office are quite remarkable in their pointedness.

The video and audio are tenuous, and the delay for interpretation makes following the flow of AMLO’s comments a little challenging. However, if you read the transcript you can clearly see how AMLO is diplomatically undressing Biden over the economic issue of U.S. energy policy. It would appear that AMLO is not part of the great western reset and has no intention on inflicting the pain that is deliberately being created by other western leaders.

Now keep in mind that socially AMLO is a soft-socialist (immigration). However, he is also a strong economic nationalist who has previously expressed a strong dislike for the influence of multinational corporations in Mexico. AMLO is not a World Economic Forum acolyte. AMLO is on team BRICS.

In these remarks, AMLO is very pointedly telling Joe Biden that his U.S. energy policy is seriously flawed. It is really quite remarkable.

AMLO tells Biden that Mexico will continue investing in expanded refining of gasoline, and he is willing to sell that gasoline to American companies because Joe Biden will not issue permits to expand gasoline refining capacity in the United States. Additionally, AMLO affirms his position on further oil development in Mexico and then, here comes the kicker,…. offers to expand electricity sales to the United States, including supplying Texas with electricity because both the Biden administration and Texas are not developing their own energy resources.

AMLO is telling Biden that Mexico will increase energy subsidies to the United States if Biden asks him to. Think about that.

Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs

Boy…that is really something. So crystal clear how the US has fallen in 2 years


Yea. UFB. Humiliating.

Unfortunately, all by design.


I’m hoping that millions wake up like I did when the Obamination era shook me out of a solid case of apathy.

Gail Combs

The Tea Party is now MAGA in 2010 it was about 1/4 of the population. If you count regular republican it was about 40% of the country a decade ago.

In December 2009:
Tea Party Tops GOP on Three-Way Generic Ballot – Rasmussen Reports

in 2009 a “…. new Rasmussen Reports “generic ballot” poll shows

“Democrats attracting 36% of the vote.

The Tea Party candidate picks up 23%,

and Republicans finish third at 18%.

Another 22% are undecided….”

I have done quite a bit of checking on people’s knowledge. Most are now well aware of the BANKSTERS and the corruption of the Federal Reserve.


What’s going on is shocking and scary to a lot of people, even those that don’t have a grasp on the deeper reasons…they just know that the party in charge is NOT going to get us out of it.
MAGA is a concept that they’d probably not want to be a part of but the idea of trying to get back on solid economic footing IS.


Using myself as an example…when the Tea Party was rolling my only exposure was msm. I figured they were some uber republican group and me being really uninterested in politics never bothered to go deep.
Once it came clear that Ozero was playing some weird race game, obamacare and a hundred other things…it was time to,at the very least vote against him and all Dems that were behind the policies. I still didn’t trust the R’s but it was them or nothing.

Seems like a hundred years ago.

There may be some that view MAGA the same way…know only what msm says about it

Last edited 2 years ago by mollypitcher5

PLT, the drama queen…

Here’s reality…


AOC has cankles. Search AOC in a dress, she’s the new HRC. 😄

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Last edited 2 years ago by Gingersmom2009
Gail Combs

No calf muscles due to lack of exercise…


Nah, she’s in decent shape. She looked the same in that old Boston University rooftop dance video. It’s cankles. 😂

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Last edited 2 years ago by Gingersmom2009
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She’s definitely entry level cankles and headed for the Hillary zone!

Cuppa Covfefe

Grooming and Brooming…

Always On Camera just needs a pumpkin and a black cat…

And that odd Squad critter next to her could fit right in in da hood…

The Desølatiøn Øf The Øbamanatiøn….


yup 😄

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Give her another 30 years and she might catch up to Maxine

I was trying to get that pic of her feet blobbing out of her shoes but couldn’t get it to show

Last edited 2 years ago by mollypitcher5
Cuppa Covfefe

Holy Chalupa Gordita Quesadillas, Batman!!!

I guess Jill-the-pill calls her the Chiquita Gordita in her “diversity catalog” 🙂
Or maybe Gordita Chiquita…

Last edited 2 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Extremist fame…whatever hypocrite. I wish it would happen every time she steps into the public

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Deeply disgusting” is so left-over 60’s feminism. The word she’s looking for is “embarrassing”, which I will give her.


They’re all very confused over anything remotely sexual.
They revert back to old stereotypes at will when it suits them


It’s just a bummer to work in an institution that openly allowed this.

What institution is that? The US Congress? Exactly what are they supposed to do about someone exercising his FIrst Amendment rights outside?

She was being ridiculed. It’s a taste of the Left’s own medicine, and they can’t take it. It would be inappropriate to treat a lady or gentleman who wasn’t trying to destroy the country like that, but wartime is different.


LOL..this is the same guy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, this guy is great! “They won’t be able to walk the streets.”