DEAR MAGA: TGIF Open Thread 20220715

We lift one to you, Mrs. Trump.

Tequila Sunrise


  • ¾ cup freshly squeezed orange juice
  • 1 (1.5 fluid ounce) jigger tequila
  • ice cubes
  • ½ (1.5 fluid ounce) jigger grenadine syrup
  • 1 slice orange, for garnish
  • 1 maraschino cherry for garnish


  • Step 1 Stir orange juice and tequila together. Fill a chilled 12-ounce glass with ice cubes; pour in orange juice mixture. Slowly pour in the grenadine, and allow it to settle to the bottom of the glass (be patient). Garnish with a slice of orange and a maraschino cherry.

Okay, let’s get this party started.

The Biden Economy is So Bad, Even His Gatekeepers Now Admit Biden Has Broken All Records for Bad Economic Outlooks

The only person celebrating this is Jimmy Carter…he might not know where he is, either, though.

Wikipedia Corrects Reporting and Admits Biolabs in Ukraine ARE REAL!

[SACRED EXCREMENT] Clandestine was right!

FBI intends to coerce Missouri sheriff to violate state laws regarding CCW records statute.

July 13, 2022

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – Today, Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray demanding that they cease their attempts to illegally obtain information from local sheriffs on Missourians who have concealed carry permits. Missouri law specifically prohibits the sharing of information on concealed carry permit holders to any entity – local, state, federal, or otherwise.

“The FBI has absolutely no business poking around in the private information of those who have obtained a concealed carry permit in Missouri,” said Attorney General Schmitt. “The Second Amendment rights of Missourians will absolutely not be infringed on my watch. I will use the full power of my Office to stop the FBI, which has become relentlessly politicized and has virtually no credibility, from illegally prying around in the personal information of Missouri gun owners.”

Any other states checking in on this issue?

Exclusive: Biggs Demands Hearing on ‘Extremely Troubling’ Election Fraud Claims in ‘2000 Mules’ Documentary

And, of course, it comes with a strongly worded letter.

A group of Republican lawmakers is demanding the Committee on Oversight and Reform investigate the “extremely troubling” election fraud allegations made in the documentary “2000 Mules.” 

“The film documents activities that raise serious questions about potential widespread coordinated efforts to illegally harvest and cast votes,” Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) states in a letter sent to Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) on Wednesday, which was provided exclusively to Townhall. 

Reps. Andrew Clyde (R-GA), Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), Mary Miller (R-IL), Debbie Lesko (R-AZ), Randy Weber (R-TX), Pete Sessions (R-TX), Byron Donalds (R-FL), Rep. Dan Bishop (R-NC), Rep. Diana Harshbarger (R-TN), and Lauren Boebert (R-CO) co-signed the letter.

Amazon admits handing over Ring camera footage to cops at least ELEVEN times this year without owners’ permission or search warrants

I’m SHOCKED! SHOCKED, I tell you.

Bill Gates Announces He Will Give ‘Virtually All’ His Wealth to His Foundation

Yeah, they all do that so that their legacy will live on, and they can control life from the grave.

Moderna CEO… No one wants the Vaccine…

Oh, well.

Massive cricket-processing facility comes online in London, Ont.

They say it’s for pet food, but anyone who gets that the powers who wannabe want all of us sick and starving can read between the lines. They want us to eat bait.

Rand Paul on New COVID Variant: ‘Instead of Giving Us Facts, They Give Us Sensationalism’

They’re not going to tell the truth at this point, that’s for sure.

Victoria’s Secret owner was ‘pimple on New York’s backside’ until Jeffrey Epstein: new doc

Les Wexner in the news…. Hmm….

American Thinker headlines:

Nearly in the Grip of a Cult

Decades of unprecedented prosperity have made westerners indolent, bored, and self-absorbed.  Detachment from Judeo-Christian faith has made elites vulnerable to fanatics and charlatans peddling gimcrackery.  These peddlers no longer hawk their nonsense in the name of God, as was done throughout much of history.  Today, they claim to do so as enlightened people of science.

Where the Rednecks Roam

One of the recurring “insults” leftist trolls throw my direction is to call me a “redneck.”  And I think, so you’re accusing me of working hard in the hot sun, thanking God for all I have, believing that men should be masculine, knowing that strong women can still be feminine, not cowering in a corner when a firearm’s near, and being more than willing to defend my rights and liberties as a free American?  Why, thank you…I guess?  (By the way, I think the same yahoos used to call America-loving, cowboy hat–bedecked Lloyd Marcus a “redneck,” too, and I’m pretty sure he took it as a compliment.)

I mean, really, who has a more resilient, exciting culture — the one endorsed by Mitt Romney and Liz Cheney and Biden’s other useful eunuchs who populate RINOland or the one guarded by real, salt-of-the-earth folks who know there’s more to life than being liked by the New York Times?  Should the United States of America continue to divide and separate along cultural lines, get as far away from the blue megacities of death and dreariness as you can.  And if you should find yourself lost on your way out of the deserts of neoliberal nothingness, just ask directions from a stranger.  Out here, where people still look each other in the eye and judge friend from foe faster than a barefoot jackrabbit on a hot, greasy griddle, courtesy is the norm.  Common sense, self-reliance, thankfulness, and respect for others are valued ways of life.  People make and build things with personal knowhow, and then many of those same people blow those things up with M-80 firecrackers while listening to country and bluegrass music under wide open skies and bright, clear moons.  Sometimes those things get done on Independence Day; sometimes it’s just a regular Taco Tuesday.  You never know.  So seriously: Who wouldn’t want to live where the rednecks roam?

Snack and Die Early

Recently, I sat in my airplane seat before takeoff and watched a parade of the obese squeeze down the aisle. Many seemed barely able to shuffle through the narrow space; how they would maneuver their bodies into the 18”-wide seats that awaited them was another mystery.

The Party of Violence

Democrats and their spinoff-isms promote and glamorize abortion, the killing of human beings. Barack Obama notoriously stated that he didn’t want to see women being “punished with a baby.” Elizabeth Warren said that women who go to crisis pregnancy centers are met by people who “want to do them harm.” Liberals clearly believe that giving birth is not desirable but killing babies is.

They are big on defunding the police which increases the crime rate because criminals roam free to commit more crimes. This isn’t rocket science. 

Midterms 2022: Republicans, don’t get cocky

The expression for which he is famous — “If anything can possibly go wrong, it will go wrong” — was around long before Colonel Edward A. Murphy gained fame by stating that dictum after the sensors on a U.S. Air Force test crash vehicle he was monitoring failed to provide useful data.  Murphy’s Law has remained a cautionary tale for all forms of human endeavor.  It is only barely less certain than the law of gravity.  While it is a given that what goes up must come down, it is only slightly less true that things will inevitably go wrong and muddy up what was seen as a sure outcome for any plan.  The “law” applies to politics as well.

Republicans have anxiously awaited the 2022 midterm elections, believing that recapturing the House of Representatives and achieving a sufficient majority in the Senate to make it a filibuster-proof body is a certainty and will lead inevitably to a Republican president in 2024.  They had best not discount the colonel.

‘Christian Nationalism’ is woven deep into America’s fabric

It is important to understand immediately that the reference to Christianity in the stated principle that “Christianity is part of the common law” is not to Christian theology—that is, not to the “Father, Son, and Holy Ghost” doctrine underlying Christian worship. It is, instead, a reference to Christian morality; that is, to Judeo-Christian morality, which is to say to Biblical morality. The reference is to the Decalogue and certain stand-alone moral rifle shots such as the prime directives “Be holy!” and “Choose life!” It is not a reference to baptism, penance, the Eucharist, etc.

Because the United States and each of the fifty states is a common law jurisdiction and Christianity is part of the common law, it would seem to follow that those 51 jurisdictions are collectively a Christian nation. The United States Supreme Court affirmative precisely this principle in the 1892 United States Supreme Court decision of Church of the Holy Trinity v. US in which the court’s opinion by Justice David Brewer declared “This is a Christian Nation.”



Proof that the left can’t meme:

And now for the business portion of the post borrowed from Tuesday:

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller the late Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.


MATTHEW 5:13-19

13“You are the salt of the earth; but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trodden under foot by men. 14“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hid. 15Nor do men light a lamp and put it under a bushel, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. 16Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. 17“Think not that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets; I have come not to abolish them but to fulfil them. 18For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the law until all is accomplished. 19Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but he who does them and teaches them shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.


6Yet among the mature we do impart wisdom, although it is not a wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age, who are doomed to pass away. 7But we impart a secret and hidden wisdom of God, which God decreed before the ages for our glorification. 8None of the rulers of this age understood this; for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. 9But, as it is written, “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him,” 10God has revealed to us through the Spirit. For the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God. 11For what person knows a man’s thoughts except the spirit of the man which is in him? So also no one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. 12Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is from God, that we might understand the gifts bestowed on us by God. 13And we impart this in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual truths to those who possess the Spirit.


As of this writing, there is nothing new from the usual sources, so we’re going vintage.

I will admit to remembering this from when it aired. I wanted to say it was over the week I was staying with neighbors when my mother had my youngest brother, but it was the weekend before. Dinah Shore and the dress oopsie is my favorite.

Have a great weekend.

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Wow! Haulin’ out the big guns — Carol Burnett’s “Went With The Wind”…..


About the only broadcast TV that betters it includes, “As God is my witness, I thought….”


Although The IT Crowd: The Work Outing is right up there (but is seriously blocked on YouSchmoob).

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YIKES! I was not familiar with this one. “No mas!!!”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



“I’m disabled….”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Oh, c’mon — everyone knows the next three words…..


Heck, growing up I lived way out in the country next door to a lady who had similar curtains in her “parlor.” She had a big old Victorian farmhouse, collected those pale-colored “figurines,” and kept pugs that she fed ice cream in the summer. I thought I was in heaven at her house.

She also gave me my first Bible. It’s covered in leather, and has my name engraved on it. And it is still the Bible I use.

Last edited 2 years ago by Aubergine

No, not Hummels. More like this one, which is Lenox:

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Yes, those look familiar. And wow, the price!


Yes they are price 🙂 I had some small plates and boxes and still have two figurines. Some from my grandmother figurines from my husbands mother. I gave most to my daughter and the 2 figurines left are just their. I am not a fan of dust catchers 🙂 I need to turn some of the antique plates I have. These items cost much but when one wants to sell one does not get much.
During WWII people practically gave it away for a loaf of bread. My one neighbor her brother was in the US military he would sens packages of expensive porcelain home he bought for near nothing often got it for food. That is why I do not put value in things like that.


I learned not to value “things” too much when our house burned when I was sixteen. Things can vanish in a moment, but memories and experiences last as long as someone remembers them.

  • I learned from my mother who opined after her loss of things after WWII. She never got over it. She was raised in an upper middle class with maids and chauffeur. We became very poor after the war because we lost everything. I never want to be that attached to dead items.

I agree.


🙂 This is freedom



Cuppa Covfefe

Matthew 6:19-20:

19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:
20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN! Best advice ever! Praise God!!!


That’s a good verse.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Starlet O’Hara and Rat Butler! LOL!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It was worth all the corny puns and gags when she came down the stairs!

Cuppa Covfefe

“I saw it in a window and I just couldn’t resist” .. epic.

And then there was the Union Soldier who knocked at the door and asked for matches… 😀

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Now THAT was a comedy crew.


Regarding this:

A group of Republican lawmakers is demanding the Committee on Oversight and Reform investigate the “extremely troubling” election fraud allegations made in the documentary “2000 Mules.” 

I don’t know how things work in Congress; I just know that 2000 Mules premiered on May 7, over two months ago, and that there was a lot of publicity leading up to its release. I appreciate what these Congresspeople are doing, but giving them a month to view it, to play phone and text and email tag, to compare notes, and to pace back and forth wondering what to do, then why did it take an extra month to start to begin to initiate thoughts about maybe possibly taking some action? Why do things have to move so slowly? One thing that is so appealing about Donald Trump is that he gets things done.


Pee-lousy controls. It’s an amusing futile effort.


Okay, but do it faster, LOL. Get on it. Be serious about it. Keep pushing harder. Be vocal about it every day. The people out here have been talking about election fraud for years, and this movie for months.

Here are the members of the committee. Of course there is a Dem chairman and there are more Dem members than Repub ones.

Jim Jordan is on it. That’s the good news. Some Dems: Eleanor Holmes Norton, AOC, Rashida Tlaib, Debbie Wasserman Schultz (haven’t heard from her in a while), Hank Johnson, Ayanna Pressley…😱

Last edited 2 years ago by TheseTruths

Wow, what a rogues gallery of commies!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I believe that many pols “on our side” were simply unqualified to pass judgement on 2000 Mules, and that others who thought “Damn!” also wanted to see if there was acceptance, before THEY were willing to speak.

Lack of understanding, or lack of courage, or both.

Gail Combs

2 months of getting IRATE CALLS form voters….

They were hoping it would blow over but it didn’t.

So after two months of INCREASING CALLS they decided, with elections coming up, they better move their fat asses.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gail Combs

Congress oversight, investigate, have hearings… Horseshit!

What tangible deliverable do these assholes deliver?

We NEED DOJ and FIB to do their jobs.

  • Investigate, indict, arrest, prosecute…

WE need to shred the administrative state AND all of their fucked up regulations.


^^^^This, a thousand times!


“…a month to view it, to play phone and text and email tag, to compare notes, and to pace back and forth wondering what to do…”

The extra month was to figure out how to do NOTHING while convincing us they are doing SOMETHING.

Do you really think they would actually do anything about it?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Every one of them is in office in spite of–or because of–the fraud.

So they’re not going to poke that wasp’s nest even if they’re in the “in spite of” group.




The extra month was to figure out how to do NOTHING while convincing us they are doing SOMETHING.

That’s how Congress works. I would have expected more from MTGreen and Lauren Boebert, but MTG hasn’t talked about stolen elections much over the past two years that I have seen.


Georgia is NOT fond of truth OR America.

After all, GA supports Kemp, Raffensperger and Toothy “Tank” Abrams..


I think they become corrupted almost immediately, or they are quickly dispatched a la Madison Cawthorne.


That was quite the warning shot.




Cawthorne should have had video / audio. THEN LEAK it.


I agree. Unfortunately, the innocent and normal are often trusting and naive until they are burned. And then it is too late.


The Matt Gaetz video is 🔥🔥🔥. Not that it’s a Congressman grandstanding or using forceful language, but that Gaetz so effectively demonstrates the huge divide between decent pro-life Americans and the Left. He takes a righteous stance for truth that clearly shows who those people are. It is well worth the watch or listen, IMO.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is EXACTLY what Christ kept talking about with the Holy Spirit / Spirit of Truth.

If you have the TRUTH pouring out of you, it just POURS – you don’t have to connive and scheme to say the right thing.


That’s a perfect description of Gaetz on that occasion.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Not a surprise that FIB and the people behind FIB wanted Gaetz silenced.


Amen to that, Brother Wolf.


He was fantastic. If only more people had his courage and willingness to stand up for their convictions, we might get somewhere.


One of the puppy dads, Pedro. I think Catturd thinks Smiley is also a dad.
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And Mini-Pedro:
comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Cute! I don’t think there’s gonna be trouble finding homes for these doggies!


He has said he getting tons of offers.


Peeps are doing blog fund-raisers lately, but I think Catturd is gonna smoke ’em with a pupturd auction.


Oh, those puppies are CUTE!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Some reality of dealing with burglars.

GWP Coverage:



The homeowner did very well. I’m only sorry his assailants survived.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes! And causing more mayhem immediately. PERPS!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“That the Communist Chinese refuse to give such mRNA vaccines to their own children is a serious red flag.”


Imagine if a group of Americans were in some building in Beijing, murdering Chinese babies with poison shots.

They would all be killed on the spot.

But in America, we allow foreign enemies to murder us all the day long.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Because it’s slow enough that the victims walk out and seem to be in perfect health for a while.

Check this out:

And this. Remember – he’s a MAOIST communist.

And this (can’t find the link).

Kirsch says that he’s been in contact with casket makers – they have DOUBLED OR HIGHER the number of children’s coffins they are shipping.


Linked article: “Doctors are mystified by a rash of seizures, rashes, etc. happening to 2 and 3-year-old kids.

The only thing these kids have in common is that they were given the COVID vaccine just days earlier (two to five days earlier).”


If the ONLY thing the kids have in common is that they received the Covid shot, then what remains to be ‘mystified‘ about?!?

Are they stupid?

Are the doctors all victims of blunt force head trauma?

Did IQs just drop sharply while I was away?



It’s insulting to watch grown adults pretend like 2 + 2 equals everything except ‘4’.

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467

“This will all come out some day, but for now, everyone is keeping quiet about it and the doctors are instructed to convince the parents that it isn’t vaccine related and that they are the only ones having the problem.”


‘Some day’?!?

Instructed by whom?!?

What kind of monster follows such an instruction to commit premeditated murder?

Any such doctor should get the death penalty.

A hundred times over.

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467

^^^ This. It is disgusting.

The knowing and accepting adult “victims” suffer from the Darwin Effect. Willful ignorance and obsession with adrenaline producing fear porn. It has been clogging up the BammyCare crap medical system, draining tax and Medicare dollars, increasing premiums of private pay insurance, clogging doctor offices and hospitals, and on and on. All while make Big Pharm, medical “researchers”, etc, rich.

It’s the kids, they have no say in the matter just like the murdering of babies in the wombs. That means severe torture before certain death in the penalty phase of my legal system.

How in the world people cannot see that this has been planned for decades is beyond me. Systematically implemented just like a military operation over the long term. What country has been noted for patiently planning and executing the long game?

China along with the traitors in America and around the world.



They are the scum on the bottom of the scum of the Earth.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“But I might lose my medical license for believing 2+2=4!”



HCQ does NOT work.

Ivermectin does NOT work AND IS FOR HORSES.


“But I might lose my medical license for believing 2+2=4!”


Well, suppose the Bureau of Motor Vehicles issued instructions that everyone with a driver’s license must run over one person per week, or lose their license.

As far as I know, vehicular homicide is still against the law, and it’s not a misdemeanor.

So what do you do?

Do go along with the new BMV Death Race 2000 rules and become a mass-murderer, or do you say to yourself “Not in a million *&^%ing lifetimes am I going to run people over“, and risk losing your driver’s license instead?

And having issued the instructions, how is the BMV ever going to back it up in court when challenged, for revoking licenses of people who refused to become mass-murderers at the behest of the BMV?

It’s through the looking glass absurdity.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What they did is used TIME to mess with us.

If they kill people with a slow enough poison that is allegedly “good” for the recipients, Americans will kill each other under orders to “help” their fellow Americans.

Gail Combs

However they no longer have that excuse. ALSO as Professionals they can not use IGNORANCE as an excuse no matter how brainwashed they are.


“ALSO as Professionals they can not use IGNORANCE as an excuse no matter how brainwashed they are.”


Then they are without excuse.

If we, not being professionals, knew — then they, being professionals, had an obligation, a duty, to know.

They also had a basic duty to know the history of vaccine tragedies in modern history, and they also had to know what everybody else knew, specifically, that the proposed vaccines were UNTESTED and EXPERIMENTAL.

And if they had even two brain cells chasing each other around inside their heads, they were obligated to know how insanely dangerous it was to attempt to vaccinate the entire HUMAN RACE with a wildly dangerous, experimental and untested vaccine.

And being in the medical profession, they are in a better position to know the financial conflicts of interest that were all over the place; than the general public.

There is so much they had to pretend not to know, that there is no way to square it with “ignorance”, and even if they tried to, as you said, “ignorance” is not an excuse.

It’s insane that we even have to talk about this in a way that suggests the medical professionals have even a tiny piece of a fig leaf to hide behind.

They don’t.

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467
Gail Combs
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Gail Combs

“….The video evidence that the childhood vaccination clinic is run by Chinese workers is only problematic due to the origins of Covid-19 in China and the documented fact that China does not allow mRNA vaccines to be given to its population….”


GEE, given CHINA does the vaccine and ALL other safety testing for Pfizer, do you think they KNOW something WE DON’T???

Pfizer has Large R&D Facility in Wuhan China; Pfizer Employed Members of the Chinese Communist Party According to a Data Leak; Pfizer 3 Month Revenue from the Covid Vaccine was $3.5 Billion

Pfizer December 2020 SEC filing:

In 2010, Pfizer founded an R&D facility at China’s National Bio-industry Base in Wuhan (Biolake). By 2015, Pfizer was moving its “medicine safety business” from India to the Wuhan Biolake facility. Lan Zhanghua, the site head of Pfizer (Wuhan) Research & Development Co Ltd. stated in 2016: “𝗘𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗣𝗳𝗶𝘇𝗲𝗿’𝘀 𝗻𝗲𝘄 𝗱𝗿𝘂𝗴𝘀 𝗵𝗮𝘀 𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗻𝘀𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗯𝘂𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗪𝘂𝗵𝗮𝗻 𝘁𝗲𝗮𝗺.“ He states that two R&D “functions run exclusively at Wuhan and nowhere else in the world…

“…𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗪𝘂𝗵𝗮𝗻 𝘁𝗲𝗮𝗺𝘀 𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗮𝗴𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗰𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗹 𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝗿𝗲𝗴𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗿𝘆 𝗶𝗻𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗰𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗹 𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗳𝗶𝗹𝗲𝘀 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗣𝗳𝗶𝘇𝗲𝗿’𝘀 𝗺𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀”. 

Pfizer should be under investigation by the FBI-Homeland Security, but they almost certainly are not.

According to a data leak, Pfizer has employed 69 known members of the Chinese Communist Party. This sounds like a low number, considering that around 500 people work at their Wuhan site. 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is why I’m certain this is all being carried out “under color of secret law”. Pfizer, Moderna and Novavax, Gates, Fauci and all the rest are read in on the stupid plan based on communist deception.

In a normal world, these orgs would notice and act. They can’t, because it’s worse at the top than X Files. Smoking Man is probably less of a squish than all the turds Biden and Mitch appointed.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Insane communist cue-ball is insane.

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Biden DHS refuses to brief Congress on terror plots unless they agree to ABSURD new policy

JUL. 14, 2022 11:14 AM BY THE RIGHT SCOOP • 199 COMMENTS


Impeach the bastard.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They will NOT turn over the White House peacefully.


Peacefully, we tolerated hussein Peacefully tolerating BiteMe.

They don’t leave peacefully, we WILL have a problem, which will NOT be tolerated.

  :wpds_mad:  Of course, we have to get to that day.   :wpds_evil: 


They do all they accused Trump off.


He cannot do that can he? Does not congress have over side ?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


I disagree with MTG that we should “beg” Obama’s pet plagiarist Brandon for ANYTHING.

It’s time to become HARD against these people. Don’t “beg” them. Don’t even ASK them. When they strike us, TURN THE OTHER CHEEK and let them destroy themselves even more.

Prepare for their UNDOING.


I agree.

It is time to fight this evil illegitimate regime, instead of giving them any sense of legitimacy.


NEVER forget what they have done to Americans.

Damn sure do NOT forgive.


I’d bet if you asked that 69-year-old grandma, she’d agree with you.

I’d be scared shitless, too, but I would do two months in jail not to have to ask that pervert pedophile in my White House for anything.


I would also. Did she not say God is with her? Something like that. I would feel like that also. Never have fear.


Being afraid accomplishes nothing.


True 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They’re NORMALIZING “sudden unexplained death”.

I don’t thing that ends well.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Not sure if anybody posted this, but DAYUM – this is correct.

If you simply assume that all 4 of these are lying together at the top, it pretty much explains the mess we’re in.

“The four corners of deceit are: government, academia, science, and the media. I had a hard time coming to this radical conclusion myself, as I wanted to believe otherwise, was not a conspiracist, and have attained all the laurels on offer from our current system. Just read my memoir, Davos, Aspen & Yale. I have been behind the elite curtain.”

Gail Combs


Page one of NINE of my notes:

How Many Scientists Fabricate and Falsify Research? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Survey Data


….A pooled weighted average of 1.97% (N = 7, 95%CI: 0.86–4.45) of scientists admitted to have fabricated, falsified or modified data or results at least once –a serious form of misconduct by any standard– and up to 33.7% admitted other questionable research practices. In surveys asking about the behaviour of colleagues, admission rates were 14.12%< (N = 12, 95% CI: 9.91–19.72) for falsification, and up to 72% for other questionable research practices. Meta-regression showed that self reports surveys, surveys using the words “falsification” or “fabrication”, and mailed surveys yielded lower percentages of misconduct. When these factors were controlled for, misconduct was reported more frequently by medical/pharmacological researchers than others.

Considering that these surveys ask sensitive questions and have other limitations, it appears likely that this is a conservative estimate of the true prevalence of scientific misconduct.

To simplify:
‘…𝗮𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗴𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝟭.𝟵𝟳% 𝗼𝗳 𝘀𝗰𝗶𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝘀𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝗱𝗺𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗼 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗳𝗮𝗯𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗱, 𝗳𝗮𝗹𝘀𝗶𝗳𝗶𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝗿 𝗺𝗼𝗱𝗶𝗳𝗶𝗲𝗱 𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗮 𝗼𝗿 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘂𝗹𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝘁 𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝘁 𝗼𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘂𝗽 𝘁𝗼 𝟯𝟯.𝟳% 𝗮𝗱𝗺𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗵 𝗽𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗰𝗲𝘀.

𝗜𝗻 𝘀𝘂𝗿𝘃𝗲𝘆𝘀 𝗮𝘀𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗲𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗶𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗼𝗳 𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗮𝗴𝘂𝗲𝘀, 𝗮𝗱𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗲𝘀 𝘄𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝟭𝟰.𝟭𝟮% 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗳𝗮𝗹𝘀𝗶𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻, 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘂𝗽 𝘁𝗼 𝟳𝟮% 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗵 𝗽𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗰𝗲𝘀….”

Why Most Published Research Findings Are False



There is increasing concern that most current published research findings are false. The probability that a research claim is true may depend on study power and bias, the number of other studies on the same question, and, importantly, the ratio of true to no relationships among the relationships probed in each scientific field. In this framework, a research finding is less likely to be true when the studies conducted in a field are smaller; when effect sizes are smaller; when there is a greater number and lesser preselection of tested relationships; where there is greater flexibility in designs, definitions, outcomes, and analytical modes; when there is greater financial and other interest and prejudice; and when more teams are involved in a scientific field in chase of statistical significance. Simulations show that for most study designs and settings, it is more likely for a research claim to be false than true. Moreover, for many current scientific fields, claimed research findings may often be simply accurate measures of the prevailing bias…..

Research Misconduct Identified by the US Food and Drug Administration: 
Out of Sight, Out of Mind


Every year, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) inspects several hundred clinical sites performing biomedical research on human participants and occasionally finds evidence of substantial departures from good clinical practice and research misconduct. However, the FDA has no systematic method of communicating these findings to the scientific community, leaving open the possibility that research misconduct detected by a government agency goes unremarked in the peer-reviewed literature….


To identify published clinical trials in which an FDA inspection found significant evidence of objectionable conditions or practices, to describe violations, and to determine whether the violations are mentioned in the peer-reviewed literature.

Design and Setting 

Cross-sectional analysis of publicly available documents, dated from January 1, 1998, to September 30, 2013, describing FDA inspections of clinical trial sites in which significant evidence of objectionable conditions or practices was found.

Results: Fifty-seven published clinical trials were identified for which an FDA inspection of a trial site had found significant evidence of 1 or more of the following problems:

falsification or submission of false information, 22 trials (39%); 

problems with adverse events reporting, 14 trials (25%);

protocol violations, 42 trials (74%);

inadequate or inaccurate recordkeeping, 35 trials (61%);

failure to protect the safety of patients and/or issues with oversight or informed consent, 30 trials (53%);

and violations not otherwise categorized, 20 trials (35%).

Only 3 of the 78 publications (4%) that resulted from trials in which the FDA found significant violations mentioned the objectionable conditions or practices found during the inspection. No corrections, retractions, expressions of concern, or other comments acknowledging the key issues identified by the inspection were subsequently published.

Conclusions and Relevance

When the FDA finds significant departures from good clinical practice, those findings are seldom reflected in the peer-reviewed literature, even when there is evidence of data fabrication or other forms of research misconduct.

(Blogs are now performing the important tasks of scrutinizing papers and conclusions often finding gross mistakes.)

Editors In Chief of World’s Most Prestigious Medical Journals: “Much of the Scientific Literature, Perhaps HALF, May Simply Be Untrue” 

… “It Is Simply No Longer Possible To Believe Much of the Clinical Research That Is Published”

Posted on June 1, 2015 by WashingtonsBlog

Oh and he upholds the TRAITOR ROOSEVELT who CAVED to the Soviet Union??

Roosevelt and Stalin’ details the surprisingly warm relationship of an unlikely duo

…..For one thing, Roosevelt pushed for the US to recognize the Soviet Union well before Pearl Harbor, despite the pesky matter of communists despising capitalists and vice versa. And he supported US help for Russia when “most Americans still thought of Europe’s problems as being as far away as the moon.”

Butler isn’t a master storyteller, but she has a firm grasp on dozens of other details from FDR’s infamous non-stop talking to Stalin….

Last edited 2 years ago by Gail Combs

Wonderful x 1000.

“This is war. We need to go on the offensive.”

That’s the riddle we must solve.


RINO Traitors at it again.
They need to be removed from power. How many of them can be recalled?

‘We’re Very Close’: Senators Near Historic Deal to Make It Extremely Difficult for Americans to Challenge Elections – Becker News

The working group met Wednesday afternoon to hash out the remaining issues and are close to a deal they hope both parties can support. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., have both blessed the bipartisan talks aimed at closing loopholes in election law. And Collins anticipates broad support for what they introduce, saying the group has gotten input from the transition councils of both former President Donald Trump and former President Barack Obama’s administrations. […]

The Senate election group has agreed to clarify the law to make clear the vice president cannot unilaterally reject electors and to raise the threshold for members of Congress to object from the current rule of one member of the House and Senate. They also plan to amend the presidential transition rules to provide essential resources to both major candidates in cases of a close or contested election. The group has also discussed including other provisions.

“We gained consensus on presidential transition, the Electoral Count Act, the responsibility of the vice president about certification proceedings,” Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) told NBC News.

“We’ve got a substantial base where we agree. We’ve eliminated the things where we couldn’t find common ground,” he added.


wowohwow1528 › sedition
Sedition legal definition of sedition
sedition n. the Federal crime of advocacy of insurrection against the government or support for an enemy of the nation during time of war, by speeches, publications and organization. 

Sedition usually involves actually conspiring to disrupt the legal operation of the government and beyond expression of an opinion or protesting government policy


Harrumph   :wpds_question:   :wpds_evil: ‼️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸‼️

wowohwow1528 › uscode › text › 18 › 2385
18 U.S. Code § 2385 – Advocating overthrow of Government
whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the united states or the government of any state, territory, district or possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the …


Land of the free, home of the brave..


Where eagles

An eagle earns its honor from the storms it endures.
-Matshona Dhliwayo.


“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

— Declaration of Independence


The Declaration of Independence is of higher Authority than any code written by criminals.

RIGHT and DUTY supersede “code”.

Besides that, if they actually believed in the referenced code, they would be required to arrest themselves.


Absolutely Scott, awesome thanks .. 🙂🤚🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸


Do we not have a right to question our elections? They are turning into dictators.


Pretty much there. Next four months will be quite defining.


The left will become more dangerous.


I haven’t researched it, but I’m wondering if what they’re doing is Constitutional.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m wondering if anyone thinks the answer to that question actually makes a difference as to what will happen.


Amazon admits handing over Ring camera footage to cops at least ELEVEN times this year without owners’ permission or search warrants

I’m SHOCKED! SHOCKED, I tell you.

I could never understand why people have allowed the footage of these security cameras to be made available over the Internet, especially through networks controlled by these large Tech Oligarchs, whose actions are not at all transparent.

The same thing for the push of 5G to create the Internet of Things.

Cuppa Covfefe

It’s called the “internet of Things”, but in truth, it’s the ever-tightening Web Of Kontrol…..


I would never get the ring camera. While I think it is nice to know who is out there but having police-FBI spy on my home is not acceptable.


The Left, DemonRats, Marxo-Fascists (sorry I repeat myself) in action:



Clearly need a few more including “the big guy” going down in spectacular fashion.


WEF will “bottom blow” Potatus soon.

It’s all scheduled chaos…

…create dysfunction between governments, dysfunction within governments…

…fuel and food crisis WILL EXPAND exponentially.
Covidiocy, while useful in globally killing and injuring,

  • IS NOTHING but a damn distraction from the bigger CRISIS brewing.
Gail Combs

Weaken people with the Clot Shot and then STARVE THEM!

Remember BEEF is a major source of ZINC…


Thanks, military — for making it all possible 👍

Cuppa Covfefe

Who’s the guy on the right? If the pattern continues, it’ll be him…..


Wolf – with some very recent news I need to publish Part 1 of my next story. This is why it needs to hit the wire on here.

I am out of time with many projects on the fire at home and have not been able to spend time on learning the photo editing. If you could do your thing with it and the rest so it can publish I would appreciate it.

Last edited 2 years ago by TradeBait2
Gail Combs

Actually it is EASY. Wolfie tells you how.

The block editor has simple ways to show images and rumble videos. Let me explain those now.

To do images, use the IMAGE BLOCK. You select that by clicking on the plus sign on the right of a [EMPTY] paragraph. [That is at the very bottom right, just left of the setting if they are turned on.]

It looks like this:
Type to Choose Block…………………………………………………….. + [SETTINGS COLUMN]

 The image block can then take a URL, or you can upload a photo, or you can select an image from the media already on the site.
[When You CLICK the + you get a drop down menu. Image is bottom right.]

When you click Image on the LEFT you get another drop down and you click INSERT from URL at the bottom.

Insert the URL (At very bottom of page) and click ENTER.

You can then use the ‘handles’ on the side of the image to change it size.
When you are finished Hit enter.

You get the + again and you can choose paragraph at top of drop down.


Thanks! Will work on it as I get time. I’m out of here for now.



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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.


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Gail Combs

The little girl across the street was an unwanted pregnancy. The teen said she wanted an abortion. Her MOM (4 kids never wed) Said NO!!! The baby was given to the grandma’s friends who can not have kids. They live across the street.

A happy sweet little girl that the FDA & Planned Parenthood wanted butchered ALIVE

….Stem cell expert Dr. Theresa Deisher testified September 18, the last day of the hearing, that in order to be used in research and on a Langendorff apparatus, a human fetal heart “has to be beating” when harvested from the baby. The heart must then “be arrested in a relaxed position” by perfusing it with a potassium solution to be transported to the research site, where it is started again electrically, she said…..

If the heart is still beating THE BABY IS ALIVE when they HARVEST THAT HEART!!!

How is this any different than the barbaric Ancient Mesoamerican Ritual Human Sacrifice 

Hundreds of thousands of people a year were sacrificed by the Aztecs around 1000 B.C., usually via the removal of the heart to appease their gods in times of famine, disease, or other social upheaval. Fun, right?

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They WANT the baby Near Term or AT Term because it is EASIER to harvest the living heart and it is more valuable!

Last week, legal accountability group Judicial Watch dropped a bombshell: a nearly 600-page report proving the U.S. government has been buying and trafficking “fresh” aborted baby body parts. These body parts, purchased by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to “humanize” mice and test biologic drugs in scientific experiments, came from babies up to 24-weeks-old gestation, just weeks from being born….

Valerie Curren

Praise the Lord!!!


They’re ghouls. Even leaving God and religion out of it, they’re inhumane. Not a bit different than Mengele except they succeeded in presenting their murders to the public at large as benevolent and helpful.

Gail Combs

EXACTLY! and they are DIRECT DESCENDANTS of Mengele thanks to Operation Paper Clip.


Ain’t that the kicker ?! So many died in the war and yet we bring them over to continue the evil.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Now Dems help Ukrainian Nazis like the Chalupas.


Nazis are useful. They kill freely in ideological fury, no need to pay black op mercenaries except possibly to organize and point the nazis toward the intended targets.

Dems and Feds are deviously clever. They can infiltrate any bumbling hidey hole extremist group ( who, on their own would never actually do anything )and mind meld one or more into unholy acts.

Valerie Curren

I think the Chalupas showed up repeatedly in Ya’acov Apelbaum’s Mechanics of Deception post!

I believe that Ukraine shows up a lot there too…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, yeah. This has been a LONG PLOT.

Valerie Curren



“So many died in the war and yet we bring them over to continue the evil.”


The excuse is that we couldn’t let them fall into Soviet hands.

Okay fine.

Sentence them to death and execute them.

Then nobody gets them, and the world is a better place.

Gail Combs

Should a done that in 1945!

Cuppa Covfefe

Considering what they’re Hell-bent on doing, they might as well have called it “Operation Coat Hanger”… complete with posters of Witch HELL-the-BEAST…..

(She actually is a VERY high-ranking witch, a Satanic Black Magick Illuminised Witch. BeezleBubba is too, but SHE outranks HIM… explains the “Billary” White House… Gary Aldrich’s “Unlimited Access” has a lot of info, as does, via a former witch of HELL-the-BEAST’s order…)…..

Gail Combs

𝗦𝗮𝘁𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗰 𝗧𝗲𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲 𝗜𝗻 𝗧𝗲𝘅𝗮𝘀 𝗙𝗶𝗹𝗲𝘀 𝗟𝗮𝘄𝘀𝘂𝗶𝘁 𝗗𝗲𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 ‘𝗥𝗲𝗹𝗶𝗴𝗶𝗼𝘂𝘀 𝗥𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁’ 𝗧𝗼 𝗦𝗮𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗲 𝗕𝗮𝗯𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝗧𝗵𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵 𝗔𝗯𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻

Texas’ informed consent laws, these Satanists claim, are a violation of religious freedom because part of worshipping Satan means aborting human babies as a sacrament, similar to how Christians take communion or get baptized.

Murdering unborn children is what Satan demands, and yet Satanists in Texas are prohibited from performing abortions without an abortion facility first providing informed consent to women at least 24 hours prior to the procedure.

“This includes requiring abortion facilities to do an ultrasound and share the unborn baby’s image with the mother as well as provide an informational packet about the abortion, fetal development, abortion risks and resources for parenting and adoption,”

Harbingers Daily explains.

The lawsuit was filed on behalf of an anonymous Texas woman who is pregnant, and who claims that Texas’ abortion laws infringe on her religious beliefs….

 👉 𝗕𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗶𝗻 𝗔𝘂𝗴𝘂𝘀𝘁, 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗦𝗮𝘁𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗰 𝗧𝗲𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗧𝗲𝘅𝗮𝘀 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗱𝗹𝘆 𝗮𝗱𝗺𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗶𝘁𝘀 𝗯𝗲𝗹𝗶𝗲𝗳 𝘀𝘆𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗺 𝗶𝗻𝘃𝗼𝗹𝘃𝗲𝘀 𝗺𝘂𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗯𝗮𝗯𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝗮𝘀 𝗮 𝘀𝗮𝗰𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘁𝗼 𝗦𝗮𝘁𝗮𝗻. 👈 


It is like seeing Elvis in a pink pantsuit: “Judeo-Christian.” There is no such thing as a Judeo-Christian faith, or Judeo-Christian morality. There is an historical connection between Judaism and Christianity, and Judaism was/is the necessary factual precedent for Christianity.

But Christianity is based on historic facts which are not, and cannot be, a part of Judaism, because they are not acknowledged by Judaism as historic fact in any meaningful sense.

What Jesus taught, and what was explicated so beautifully by Paul and by others, was an entirely new morality made possible by the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

To say this is no disparagement of Judaism whatsoever. Far from it.

“Judeo-Christian,” wherever it came from, is (I am guessing) a well meaning phrase, intended to imply mutual respect and mutual perspectives. The problem is, the phrase is incoherent, junk thinking.

Gail Combs

“Judeo-Christian,” is used to indicate the common elements of morality found in BOTH (and in many other religions.)

I am going to use Hindu as an example.

Morals of Hinduism





According to Hinduism, all humans are born with certain duties. These duties are specific to a person’s gender, caste and age. For example, a child’s dharma is to respect his parents by obeying them, and a parent’s dharma is to protect, feed, educate, and shelter her child. The Hindu scriptures teach that when a person fulfills his or her dharma, all beings benefit….


In order to achieve liberation from the cycle of birth, death and rebirth, Hindus who practice Raja Yoga (one school of Hindu philosophy) place value on 20 essential morals called yamas and niyamas. The yamas refer to a person’s behavior in day-to-day life. They include asteya (nonstealing), satya (truthfulness), arjhava (honesty) and daya (compassion). The first yama, however, is ahimsa (nonviolence), and it is this core Hindu moral of nonviolence that serves as the foundation on which all other Hindu yamas are built.


In addition to the code of personal behaviors outlined in the yamas, Hindu scriptures also teach that following a code of religious practices called niyamas will improve a person’s karma. The niyamas include hri (showing modesty), dana (giving to others), isvarapujana (daily worship) and japa (chanting). Most of the world’s major religions set forth a code of morals….

  1. Respect his parents by obeying them = Honor thy Mother and Father
  2. Asteya (nonstealing) = Thou Shalt Not Steal
  3. Ahimsa (nonviolence) = Thou  shall not murder
  4. Satya (truthfulness) and arjhava (honesty) = You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
  5. Dana (giving to others) & daya (compassion). =  “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets” (Matthew 7:12). “Do to others as you would have them do to you” (Luke 6:31).


No, they do not map completely but the BASIC five I show mapping above, needed for a SANE Civilization do.

This is why Hindu immigrants are NOT a problem here in the USA.


I agree with Tonawanda …

why use the term?

Gail Combs


Old Testament Books

𝗘𝗫𝗢𝗗𝗨𝗦 20:2-17

King James Version

I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.

Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;

And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.

Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:

10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:

11 For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.

12 Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.

13 Thou shalt not kill.

14 Thou shalt not commit adultery.

15 Thou shalt not steal.

16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.

17 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s.

Why am I an Agnostic, having to point this out to you? (OK I have read the entire bible and the Book of Mormon too.)

Gail Combs

People forget that Jesus was a JEW and he was working on removing the corruption in the temples.
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Note, I may be Agnostic but I enthusiastically support Christians and so does Atheist Hubby. We CAN NOT be picky about who shares our fox hole.

Valerie Curren

A lamb slain from the foundation of the world made such rejection inevitable…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I find that perspective very useful. Sometimes Christianity is even usefully viewed as the biggest sect of Judaism, although then one has to wonder about Islam, and things get tough. I actually like Jared’s loose but clean “Abrahamic” view, although I totally get the wariness of opponents against “Chrislam”.

The globalization of the core Jewish God concept was inevitable, as written. Truth is like that. The whole thing is very cool.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I find it useful to explain the secular law of the Founders, descended from common law, descended from post-Roman European law and history, both largely the work of Christians first and Jews second.

The Ten Commandments are the beginning of modern law, whether people like it or not.

My bluntness about history, past and currently forming, is designed to make somebody uncomfortable about Truth at all times. Sometimes that’s Jews, sometimes that’s Christians, sometimes that’s both, sometimes that’s everybody else. For all of these purposes, “Judeo-Christian” can’t be beat! 😉


True, many religions acknowledge natural law, and human nature. The current global war is between people who do and people who don’t.

Gail Combs


We have to come together on our common  acknowledgment of natural law, and human nature. Therefore I will swat anyone who is divisive at this time. (We can do our quibbling later.)

Notice the Commies are pushing IRRATIONALITY TO ITS LIMITS.


OK. I’ll drop it.

How about the pink pants suit? Wolf overlooked it, but I could not. We were divided on that question.

Gail Combs

pink pants suit? 
I missed that one.

I am NOT for the transgender/cross dressing crap AT ALL. On the other hand some of the Cross dressers are waking up and realizing they are being USED and have come out against it. So have some of those who are gay like Brandon Straka founder of Walk Away.

(What they do behind closed doors with other ADULTS, is their business. Just keep it away from the KIDS!)

Drag Queen SLAMS Woke Culture For Exposing Children To Drag Shows


Wolf did a review of the new Elvis movie, and liked it a lot. He wrote a very thoughtful (Wolfian) review. The review acknowledged the expected Hollywood “woke” communist influences, which included dressing Elvis up in a pink pant suit, to imply homosexual, transgender connections which in fact did not exist.

Wolf said that he was able to overlook the pink pant suit (and other propagandistic touches) because the movie overall was a great movie, artistically capturing Elvis and his story in a satisfying way.

In a friendly rejoinder, I said I could NOT overlook the pink pantsuit, or the presence of Hanks, who (to my mind) was the intentional personification of the pink pant suit, a repulsive human being deliberately placed there to nauseate us.

I also acknowledged Wolf’s larger point, that sometimes art is so well done, so moving and “true,” that some otherwise offensive parts are accepted and overlooked.

My example was Elmer Gantry. IMO a great book, well worth anybody’s time. But anti-Christian, intended to be anti-Christian.

I first read the book AS a Christian, but was (am) able to appreciate the book because it was well written, had well drawn characters, and even in the satirical anti-Christian parts had valid lessons for Christians to seriously contemplate.

Maybe it is, probably it is, a deep flaw to focus on small things which are personally bothersome, or seem to make no sense to one personally. That is a flaw of mine. I should be more aware that others have a more forgiving and generous spirit.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think it’s extremely important to pick these nits and live accordingly. My review is a WARNING to many! Don’t watch this crap! To others, watch, cringe, and be aware.

I still hate that pink pantsuit. Note how they exaggerated a light pink jacket into hot pink pantsuit and makeup! Hollywood!!!

Gail Combs



I absolutely noticed that. I was going to respond to Aubergine about the jacket change to the pantsuit, but decided not to.

Anyway, I was happy to get the warning. Stress is bad.

Gail Combs

And you are reading here???

It is tough to NOT get angry over some of the stuff brought here.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. That’s what this place is for. To get the raw truth OUT. Far too much of it is angering, but that’s the nature of the material.


Gail Combs

  :wpds_shock:   :wpds_chuckle:   :wpds_evil:   :wpds_cool: 


BTW, I used the wrong word when I said you “overlooked.” You very much did NOT overlook the pantsuit or the other stuff.

It is more accurate to say, you were able to enjoy the good aspects of the movie DESPITE the bad aspects.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes! I enjoyed the good parts, although even some of those were loaded with propaganda.

I think it’s somewhat sad that the Presley estate has to maintain relevance by “affirming” the exaggerations and “modernizations” (to put it as kindly as possible without plain old LYING) of this movie, which presumably make things seem relevant to modern socialist youth.

But there may be some silver lining here. It may indeed be that there is some “backsliding” going on in Socialismville, because if they were full steam ahead, they would likely be shitting on Elvis as homophobic, macho, transphobic, racist, etc. This may represent some accommodation of the past. Maybe just a little, but it’s a start.


you were able to enjoy the good aspects of the movie DESPITE the bad aspects

Sometimes I can do that, and sometimes I can’t. Having read about this movie, I have no desire to see it. When I reach my limit of being lied to and propagandized, I have to back off and go to my “safe space” (😂) where the sane truth resides.

Gail Combs

Thanks. I do not watch movies any more since the COMMIE crap is SO oft putting. Dinesh is the exception.


But Elvis really did wear pink. He wore it well, like he wore everything else in his younger years.

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Gail Combs

Light pink with grey or black looks nice on a man.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Women loved my light pink shirts. I certainly didn’t wear them for the men!  😉 

Gail Combs

Hubby had a really nice grey suit that he wore a light pink shirt with and a nice matching grey and pink striped tie.

VERY VERY nice looking.


I agree.


That is masculine attire. But a pantsuit like the white one(s) he wore could be made to appear something they were not. To make one of those pink (if I’m understanding this correctly) could take it to a place it was never intended to go. And that is where the lie comes in, and in this case I can’t take it. 😣


I always thought Elvis’s attire in his older years was absolutely over-the-top ridiculous. That’s the stage he was in when I first “knew” him, and it is why it took me until my later adulthood to appreciate his younger years.

Gail Combs



Have no idea who that is.

Gail Combs

Tom Lehrer, He has a lot of ‘comic’ song commenting on politics. Hubby has his music for piano.


Did a LOT of laughing to Lehrer!

Gail Combs

Yes, he is very good at poking fun at Liberal and Conservative sacred cows.

Cuppa Covfefe

And then there’s “Poisoning Pigeons in the Park”, and “I Got It From Agnes”, especially apropos in these COVIDIOTIC times… 😀

And one of my favorites, “So Long Mom, I’m Off To Drop The Bomb” (so don’t wait up for me…)…

Cuppa Covfefe

He was a Math Professor at UC Santa Cruz… Would’ve loved to have sat in (audited?) on one of his courses…

The Derivative Song, Sociology (skewers the “soft sciences”), Lobachevsky, the Professor’s song and others, e.g. The Elements… epic..

Gail Combs

Hubby often sings The Elements… Luckily he has a good voice and enunciation.

Then there is the Chemist Drinking Song another one of his favorites.

Cuppa Covfefe

Here’s a link to everything (or just about everything: some of the music has other copyright owners) that he’s written. He’s released it to the public domain (disclaimers, etc. on his home page). He also has a YouTube channel with videos of everything as well.



I hate it when people falsely accuse others of hatred.

Gail Combs

He is poking fun at the Liberals who FALSELY claim ‘Brotherly love’ WHILE EXCLUDING BLACK AND JEWS from their schools and communities and country clubs.

Remember POTUS allowed Jews and Blacks at his clubs and golf courses in Florida and the Liberals had hissy fits?

I should add that “National Brotherhood Week” Was Released In 1965 during the race riots and Civil Rights movement.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gail Combs
Cuppa Covfefe

Lyrics (from his site) (don’t have the intro, drat):

words and music by Tom Lehrer

Oh, the white folks hate the black folks,
And the black folks hate the white folks.
To hate all but the right folks
Is an old established rule.

But during National Brotherhood Week,
National Brotherhood Week,
Lena Home and Sheriff Clarke are dancing cheek to cheek. (*) ·
It’s fun to eulogize ·
The people you despise,
As long as you don’t let ’em in your school.

Oh, the poor folks hate the rich folks,
And the rich folks hate the poor folks.
All of my folks hate all of your folks,
It’s American as apple pie.

But during National Brotherhood Week,
National Brotherhood Week,
New Yorkers love the Puerto Ricans ’cause it’s very chic.
Step up and shake the hand
Of someone you can’t stand.
You can tolerate him if you try.

Oh, the Protestants hate the Catholics,
And the Catholics hate the Protestants,
And the Hindus hate the Moslems,
And everybody hates the Jews.

But during National Brotherhood Week,
National Brotherhood Week,
It’s National Everyone-smile-at-one-another-hood Week.
Be nice to people who
Are inferior to you.
It’s only for a week, so have no fear.
Be grateful that it doesn’t last all year!

(*) This line has been replaced many times
by one with different appropriate pairings.

Cuppa Covfefe

What’s interesting is the counter-melody in “Wernher von Braun” 🙂


I think this term is best applied to ethics: “Judeo-Christian ethics.”

As in the fusion of the Ten Commandments (Old Testament – Jewish/Judeo) with Jesus’s teachings (New Testament – Christian) of how to live with and treat others that are different from you.

That term arose, in my opinion, as a way to maintain a “Christian” America in the face of opposition using the “separation of Church and State” argument. The Supreme Court still has the Ten Commandments on the wall, for example. If the “separation” people had their way, it wouldn’t be there.

In that manner, I am fine with it.


Jimmy Buffet!

Thank you DePat … late Hubby was a ‘Parrothead’!


Mine too …

Cuppa Covfefe

YOTC (Year Of The Cat) over here… “She comes out of the sun in a silk dress running like a watercolor in the rain”… the way those words flowed.

Onomatopoeia and then some… and “On The Border” (OK, the whole album)…

Amazing how music can take you back to a time and place… fragrances, aromas, scents, and foods can do that too…


Yes Cuppa !


“So when President Biden said the current war of NATO against Russia and China is a war of democracy against autocracy, what it means by democracy are Western civilization’s oligarchies. There haven’t been any democracies, really – maybe very briefly in Athens – but the Western cultures are all oligarchies. What he calls an autocracy is a government strong enough to prevent a financial oligarchy from developing and taking over the land and taking over politics and making its own laws for itself.”
[Michael Hudson]

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very well said.

Gail Combs

The comments are also good. A bit from one. (Remember that Teddy Kennedy is responsible for the immigration law that essentially BANNED Europeans as immigrants… Now Whites are becoming a minority.


….More than 27 million Americans today can trace their lineage to the Scots, whose bloodline was stained by centuries of continuous warfare along the border between England and Scotland, and later in the bitter settlements of England’s Ulster Plantation in Northern Ireland. Between 250,000 and 400,000 Scots-Irish migrated to America in the eighteenth century, traveling in groups of families and bringing with them not only long experience as rebels and outcasts but also unparalleled skills as frontiersmen and guerrilla fighters. Their cultural identity reflected acute individualism, dislike of aristocracy and a military tradition, and, over time, the Scots-Irish defined the attitudes and values of the military, of working class America, and even of the peculiarly populist form of American democracy itself.

Born Fighting is the first book to chronicle the full journey of this remarkable cultural group, and the profound, but unrecognized, role it has played in the shaping of America. Written with the storytelling verve that has earned his works such acclaim as “captivating . . . unforgettable” (the Wall Street Journal on Lost Soldiers), Scots-Irishman James Webb, Vietnam combat veteran and former Naval Secretary, traces the history of his people, beginning nearly two thousand years ago at Hadrian’s Wall, when the nation of Scotland was formed north of the Wall through armed conflict in contrast to England’s formation to the south through commerce and trade. Webb recounts the Scots’ odyssey—their clashes with the English in Scotland and then in Ulster, their retreat from one war-ravaged land to another. Through engrossing chronicles of the challenges the Scots-Irish faced, Webb vividly portrays how they developed the qualities that helped settle the American frontier and define the American character.

Born Fighting shows that the Scots-Irish were 40 percent of the Revolutionary War army; they included the pioneers Daniel Boone, Lewis and Clark, Davy Crockett, and Sam Houston; they were the writers Edgar Allan Poe and Mark Twain; and they have given America numerous great military leaders, including Stonewall Jackson, Ulysses S. Grant, Audie Murphy, and George S. Patton, as well as most of the soldiers of the Confederacy (only 5 percent of whom owned slaves, and who fought against what they viewed as an invading army). It illustrates how the Scots-Irish redefined American politics, creating the populist movement and giving the country a dozen presidents, including Andrew Jackson, Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Ronald Reagan, and Bill Clinton. And it explores how the Scots-Irish culture of isolation, hard luck, stubbornness, and mistrust of the nation’s elite formed and still dominates blue-collar America, the military services, the Bible Belt, and country music.

Both a distinguished work of cultural history and a human drama that speaks straight to the heart of contemporary America, Born Fighting reintroduces America to its most powerful, patriotic, and individualistic cultural group—one too often ignored or taken for granted.


As a descendant of both Scots and the Ulster Scots, I can testify to the existence of this subculture in the Appalachian South. There is a deep and persistent feeling of distaste for the “upper class,” and a correspondingly deep appreciation and love of our country.

There is also a very deep “fighting spirit” that abides in us. It is not always helpful in day to day life.

Gail Combs

The Elite HATE US.

It is one of the reasons Obama said Referring to working-class voters in old industrial towns decimated by job losses “They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

Hillary Clinton 8 years later said half of Donald Trump’s supporters belong in a “basket of deplorables” “You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right?” The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic—you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.”

ANGELO CODEVILLA nailed it in America’s Ruling Class And the perils of revolution. — July 16, 2010,

A wonderful article worth reading because it is just as true today as it was 12 years ago.

Never has there been so little diversity within America’s upper crust. Always, in America as elsewhere, some people have been wealthier and more powerful than others. But until our own time America’s upper crust was a mixture of people who had gained prominence in a variety of ways,…

Today’s ruling class, from Boston to San Diego, was formed by an educational system that exposed them to the same ideas and gave them remarkably uniform guidance, as well as tastes and habits. These amount to a social canon of judgments about good and evil, complete with secular sacred history, sins (against minorities and the environment), and saints. Using the right words and avoiding the wrong ones when referring to such matters — speaking the “in” language — serves as a badge of identity. Regardless of what business or profession they are in, their road up included government channels and government money.

Hence whether formally in government, out of it, or halfway, America’s ruling class speaks the language and has the tastes, habits, and tools of bureaucrats. It rules uneasily over the majority of Americans not oriented to government.

The two classes have less in common culturally, dislike each other more, and embody ways of life more different from one another than did the 19th century’s Northerners and Southerners — nearly all of whom, as Lincoln reminded them, “prayed to the same God.” By contrast, while most Americans pray to the God “who created and doth sustain us,” our ruling class prays to itself as “saviors of the planet” and improvers of humanity. Our classes’ clash is over “whose country” America is, over what way of life will prevail, over who is to defer to whom about what. The gravity of such divisions points us, as it did Lincoln, to Mark’s Gospel: “if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.”

𝗢𝘂𝗿 𝗿𝘂𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗰𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘀’𝘀 𝗮𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗮 𝗶𝘀 𝗽𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗶𝘁𝘀𝗲𝗹𝗳.While it stakes its claim through intellectual-moral pretense, it holds power by one of the oldest and most prosaic of means: patronage and promises thereof. Like left-wing parties always and everywhere, it is a “machine,” that is, based on providing tangible rewards to its members…


I consider myself and my “clan” the superiors of the “elite” in EVERY way.

Gail Combs

Oh they are inbred degenerates. Only $$$ and POWER set them apart from the low life scum trafficking kids and drugs.


All the same.


Who were these “foreign suppliers” one wonders

On July 13, Kalibr high-precision sea-based missiles hit the building of the garrison house of officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (the House of Officers) in the city of Vinnitsa, the Russian Defense Ministry reported.

According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, a meeting with foreign suppliers and the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was held in the building of the officers’ house in Vinnitsa — negotiating military aircraft supply to Ukraine. The participants were destroyed.


Perhaps we now know the reason for the panicked “leave now’ message from the US embassy.


President Vladimir Putin will hold today, July 15, an operational meeting with permanent members of the Security Council of the Russian Federation – Peskov

At today’s operational meeting with members of the Security Council, Putin may make an announcement, information about which, obtained by US intelligence, previously caused an urgent appeal by the United States to its citizens with a call to leave Ukraine.


Yes, Putin is now targeting the enablers. Unfortunately it is still contained to just with in the designated sand box that is Ukraine. Guess he’s not ready to let things spill wildly out of control but is willing to do the toe to toe fighting with in just the arena no matter who steps in. Now if he could just do the next delegation of criminals from congress who show up there that would be a hoot. 😁


My new answer for the “trans” promoters:

I don’t deny that trans people exist any more than I deny the existence of the homeless guy who thinks he’s Jesus Christ.

I just don’t think the homeless guy is Jesus.

Gail Combs



Agreed, 100%.


Good for you Hungary, make this the reason to split with the eu, get out now before it sinks…


“The European Commission has filed a lawsuit against Hungary in connection with the adoption of a law prohibiting the dissemination of materials about homosexuality and gender reassignment to minors

“The Hungarian law represents clear discrimination against persons depending on their sexual orientation. It goes against the fundamental values ​​of the EU, violates several of its rules,” the document says.”

Cuppa Covfefe


The EU is the largest and worst example of “Scope Creep” since the Tower of Babel..

Oh, wait:
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“A British mercenary sentenced to death sings the Russian anthem

Is it a pity for him? No, it’s not a pity – this is a professional mercenary who knew perfectly well what awaits him when he went to fight in Syria and Ukraine. This is not a random TikTok hype eater, although he tries to pretend to be a random person in this case.”


“EU may cut aid to Ukraine amid European rejection of Russian gas

Bloomberg writes that most of the promised loans remain stuck in the details of the agreement, and also warns of the risk of economic fatigue among Europeans.”


Thanks, DP, for the “Went With The Wind.” It’s been a long time since I watched it. I remember watching when it aired, too.

I don’t think I really appreciated what an athlete Carol Burnett really was. Rolling down those stairs had to hurt!

That was back when comedy was really funny, and you could watch it with your kids!


Yup. Saturday evening viewing for all. Along with Hee Haw.

Homes had ONE TV. NO video games. Family time. 🙂

Gail Combs

AND actual conversation at the dinner table … WHAT A CONCEPT!

Cuppa Covfefe

And board games… seems like no-one plays them anymore (OK, Scrabble can go broke since they went woke)… You had to think logically, along with having a bit of luck and taking appropriate and timely advantage of it. Not to mention skill, and manners…

Gail Combs

I remember board games having permanent residence on the dinning room table unless we had company.

Cuppa Covfefe

I liked Sorry!, where the 7 card could be split into two moves, and the 11 card allowed you to trade places with an opposing player’s piece. Do those right, in combination with the slides and it could be really fun…

Then there was the time we, erm, edited the rules such that a lot could have TWO hotels. I happened to have those set up on Boardwalk and Park Place… a couple of bankruptcies followed in short order 🙂 (not me)… (have to say, that took the fun out of it ).

Parcheesi, Clue, the old Scrabble, Aggravation, Yahtzee, and a mess of others, including card games… didn’t need TV at all (except for Red Skelton and Mitch Miller, as well as The Honeymooners)…

Lots of fun, and learning and life skills as well…

Last edited 2 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Gail Combs

We got ONE, maybe two TV stations. We were also the test area for commercials so we got REALLY LONG commercials and lots of them.

Therefore TV wasn’t worth watching.


“The Ministry of Defense commented on the missile attack on Vinnitsa:

“On July 13, high-precision Kalibr missiles hit the garrison house of officers in Vinnitsa – at that moment a meeting of the command of the Ukrainian Air Force with representatives of foreign arms suppliers was taking place there.

At the meeting, they discussed the transfer to the Ukrainian military of the next batch of aircraft, weapons of destruction and the organization of the repair of the Ukrainian aviation fleet. As a result of the strike, the meeting participants were destroyed.”


The Russians have an admirable Intelligence group.


I believe I have has a revelation, of a sort, about what actually happened with that 10-year-old girl who had the abortion.

Mom is illegal. Rapist, who lives with her, also illegal. Mother is aware of the rapes, but isn’t stopping it for finances or “luv.” These are bottom of the barrel people, living under the radar, doing things most of us don’t want to imagine.

Girl turns up pregnant. Mom “may” have finally reported to the cops, but this is unclear. IF she did, it was because she was afraid that someone else would beat her to it. Mom takes daughter to an abortionist across state lines with a reputation as a non-reporter (see news coverage; they’re now investigating the doc for this). Someone in the cops may have told her to do it. This may be a long-standing thing they do in cases like this, to give the illegals “cover,” because Columbus, Ohio is a sanctuary city for illegals.

Activist loon doctor who performs the abortion sees this as an opportunity, since it happened TWO DAYS after the overturning of Roe. Goes to the press with the “ten-year-old had to travel” story. Too stupid and too fanatical to think ahead to the possible consequences of this hitting national news.

The story went viral. The cops can’t continue to ignore the illegals in their town like they normally do, so they arrest the perp, who immediately confesses. That proves to me they hadn’t even bothered to talk to him before, when the rape “may” have been reported.

The abortionist is being investigated. The mother of the child is denying the story. There are still more questions than answers.

Will we ever know the truth? I doubt it.


Very perceptive – likely explanation.


I’d like to say we’ll see, but I doubt we ever will.


It would be interesting to know if DNA testing was done ( from the fetus) and if this guy who confessed was actually the father.


It sure would.


It would also be interesting to know whether the child is the bio daughter of the mother.


….or the rapist.

Gail Combs

Yeah, I wonder if she was the actual mother. Remember kids were trafficked both ways across the board so low-lives would be part of a ‘Family Unit’

Trump had DNA testing done that showed this.


Wouldn’t it?

Gail Combs

They were looking into that from a video shown by In the MattriXX & Shady Groove.

Gail Combs

 In the MattriXX & Shady Groove video
Start at 19 minutes
They show the court room on the rape trial.

@22 minutes 15 seconds

“Is that product of Conception available for DNA testing?”

Si (yes)


Have NOT paid much attention to this story.

Agree, these are bottom of the barrel people.

Child raped or pimped. We’ll never know.

I do believe cops most everywhere, ignore the illegal problem. Why? Feds condone and encourage illegals.




In the sanctuary cities and maybe others, IIRC, policies were set out that illegals and minorities were not to be charged with a lot of misdemeanor crimes . The rest of us, we’re still held to the law. Cops would be wasting their time doing much to enforce the law in those areas.

Example ~ November 03, 2021, 11:31 AM PHILADELPHIA — The mayor ordered police Wednesday to stop pulling over drivers for low-level offenses that critics say lead to disproportionate stops of minority drivers, making Philadelphia the largest city government in the U.S. to ban what are sometimes called pretextual stops.

Example~ (Seattle) The New Untouchables | City Journal
Under the proposed ordinance, courts would have to dismiss all so-called “crimes of poverty”—which, according to the city’s former public-safety advisor, would cover more than 90 percent of all misdemeanor cases citywide. In effect, the legislation would create a new class of “untouchables,” protected from consequences by the city’s powerbrokers.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Democrats are destroying this country. Good GRIEF.

Gail Combs

That was ALWAYS their goal.

Gail Combs

Sounds about right DPat.

There is ALSO the possibility the ‘Mother’ was pimping out the girl well before this. Remember, with 6 kids a Pimp can make a million tax free.

Jan Jekielek@JanJekielek

“The youngest child we’ve rescued…was 2 years old. 34 men raped that 2-year-old over a 36-day period…. “When it comes to sex trafficking, you’ve got backroom deals, you’ve got plea deals, you’ve got misdemeanors.”

says sex #Trafficking laws are not being enforced in the US

breaks down the alarming realities of child sex trafficking in America on American Thought Leaders

Out of the Shadows:

GEE: This video has been removed for violating YouTube’s policy on harassment and bullying


However bitchute has it:

You BOOB Tube:


Lord, this makes me ill.

Gail Combs

I mentioned it to a friend and she literally became ill.

Unfortunately we now have to KNOW and tell others.


I agree. Someone has to. Why not me?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Love this theory – including the compromise of the Columbus cops.

Columbus had a good prosecutor for years – the guy who stood up to Stormy Daniels when she tried to move her shit-show to Columbus one time. Sadly, he was swept out by a Soros DA.


Thanks Wolf. I have been “hiding and watching” this one, without much comment or opinion, since the beginning. These stories are designed to create emotion and confusion. It’s hard to remain cold and look at what facts there are and make an assessment. Which is, of course, the point, and why they do it.


That’s a reasonable scenario.

The mother of the child is denying the story.

I haven’t followed it closely. What is she denying? That a rape took place? That the 10-y-o was pregnant?


I don’t really understand it all. I think she is denying her daughter was raped OR was pregnant, from what I was able to understand. But I believe the girl was both.

Sadie Slays

Saw a similar line of questioning in this Twitter thread:



Glad people are asking questions. It needs to be done.


Restarting the cold war?…

“From the statements of the new Deputy Prime Minister Manturov.

1. The production of modern UAVs and the latest weapons will become a priority for the military-industrial complex.
2. Russia must move away from the market industrial policy.
3. Russia will have to revive the electronic engineering industry.

In fact, we are talking about returning to the path of development of our military-industrial complex, where we foolishly stopped 30 years ago. A non-market and more self-sufficient military industry focused on the creation of high-tech weapons, which made it possible to maintain military-technological parity with the United States until the very end of the last Cold War. The guidelines are good – it remains to implement all this in practice.”


The Cold War never ended.

The Sowjets and other left allies infiltrated every institution in the West by the supposed end of the Cold War.
When the Sowjet Union collapsed (due to internal momentum), theses infiltrators just turned around and kept on going from within the western institutions. This is the reason for the Fascist Wokeness we have to deal with now.
Why do you think the members of the Stasie’s and KGB’s of the former Iron Curtain countries, where never prosecuted, like the Nazis at the end of WWII.


Hmmm, maybe Vulcan. Wonder if Spock is aware of this .. being ..


Substitute Ukraine for Afghanistan

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Exactly what Trump said. “Endless war.”

Valerie Curren

I hope Wolf sees this one, a 30 some second rumble video purportedly showing graphene moving of its own volition, or so it seems…hmmm…any thoughts here?

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 Valerie Curren @SpiritInRising @CanadianBastard
This is graphene. It is in jabs.
Before jab and after jab blood test under microscope showed instant blood clotting.
And more.
I been reserching with a DR friend for years now. G5 is a weapon too activate. And it grows

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sadly, I don’t have an entire day to do a science post to explain how this is wrong.

Quick analogy.

“Remdesivir is a terrible drug because it has CARBON in it!” while holding up a charcoal briquette.

It’s oversimplified scare porn. Sadly, discrediting to our side. People need to be concerned about use of graphene oxide in the delivery nanoparticles, but not for the reasons show. Unfortunately, the science is too complex to explain right now.

The ChiComs are FULL ON with graphene oxide in vaccines – zero oversight or push-back by American science – we’re in deep shit.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Graphene oxide is very likely the “lead paint” of modern vaccines. Works great for its intended purpose. May have some undesirable side effects.

Gail Combs

Good Grief most medicine has organic (Carbon based) chemicals in it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Here – I’ll explain it to a fellow chemist.

Graphene sheets are small 1-layer discs of carbon. It’s just one side of a physical box, more like a WALL that things can stick to in a removable fashion, but that is amazingly powerful in pharmaceutical delivery. One side of a box is infinitely better than NO SIDE.

Vaccine molecules of ANY kind survive an ENORMOUSLY longer time when stuck to graphene discs. This enables all kinds of pharmaceutical delivery tricks. But how does one manipulate graphene – the “glass sheets” of molecules?

Enter graphene oxide – which is really just sheets of graphene with a few -OH and -CO2H groups attached randomly, plus a few epoxide rings on the interior. It’s basically like throwing a bunch of handles on the sheets of glass.

Using the handles, they can attach stuff like PEG (polyethylene glycol) and other components of lipid nanoparticles. So what they’re doing is basically constructing microscopic JARS in which to put deliverables – inside the lipid nanoparticles. Think how ingenious that is – building small carbon jars from broken pieces, in essence. Of course they don’t actually look like jars, or assemble into anything more than what amounts to tennis balls filled with broken glass. But THAT configuration makes anything that sticks to the glass last forever – until it gets where it’s going, when the tennis ball dissolves and liberates the vaccine.

The ChiComs are all over this shit. Meanwhile, they purvey overkill disinformation so people don’t understand what’s really going on. The ChiComs will be way ahead of American science, totally controlling the “health care” of Americans.

As Tucker Carlson says, the Chinese are gonna be cruel masters. Americans will go the way of the American Indians, hugging their whiskey bottles vaccines to the end.

Gail Combs

to help people to visualize Graphene Oxide:
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Graphene Oxide
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly! Glass sheets with HANDLES.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Important to note that the smallest glass sheets (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) are all CARCINOGENIC – typically via their OXIDES and EPOXIDES.

There are LOTS of concerns here. VALID concerns.

Gail Combs

Good ole Benzene and Toluene that we used to wash our hands with.  🙄  😫 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The thing is, benzene was not all that bad. Back then, the estimates were that 6 people a year in America died because of benzene, due to leukemia – and those were very fuzzy “global warming” type extrapolations. Think about that. The switch to toluene probably killed many times that number just in industrial accidents over the first few years.

Risk-benefit went to hell under Carter and beyond.

Gail Combs

Given the crap I was working with, benzene was the safest. Luckily I did not last there very long.

Valerie Curren

Fear porn being perpetuated by the ignorant good guys…sad. When you get the chance to expand your thinking I’ll be noising that post/comment abroad to be sure!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Carrie Madej is, sadly, one of the worst. She’s absolutely correct that nanotechnology in the hands of the unscrupulous is an extreme danger – and absolutely wrong about WHY. The other side uses her mercilessly to discredit our legitimate concerns.

Medical nanotech has been very high on the list of the ChiComs and the Cabal as the way to power over mankind.


Carrie Madej also associates with Sacha Stone and other new-agers who are into Illuminati symbolism and practices. It makes some people wonder whose side she is really on. Her object might be to purposely make us look bad. I can’t say, of course; it’s just something to watch.

Valerie Curren

Is she speaking about things outside her expertise? I’ve seen her a few times on Stew Peters & it seemed that she was “just” reporting what she saw. Perhaps she was straying into what it meant.

She was discussing seeing color changes in “vax” samples & movement of something on the slide including some long skinny thing seeming to stand up on the edge of a slide. She presented still images & video in support of much of what she “reported” iirc.

Her heart seemed to be in the right place & she was very broken about the death & damage being inflicted on so many people…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Far outside her expertise, but more importantly, she lacks self-skepticism necessary to do science.

The first thing to do when getting results that look like what you think, is to beat them until they break. It is only when they don’t break, after merciless challenge, that one can say “Hmmmm. Maybe it really IS what I thought. But what other explanations are there?”

How is the nanotech of the vaccines REALLY being abused? It’s HARD SCIENCE – not science fiction.

The nanotechnology of the vaccines is ALL in the microscopic lipid capsules. That is how it gets into the cells – but also how it travels throughout the body.

An incredible amount of evil can be done very quietly and very patiently with the REAL nanotech of the vaccines. I have a post about this coming. I found a very interesting article.

They have people like her looking for robots and worms and all the wrong things.

I like her, but I have to be hard on her if we’re going to beat these monsters.

Valerie Curren

Excellent insights (from a Real Scientist)…looking forward to your post & to noising it abroad to my expanding Gab following!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“Remdesivir is a terrible drug because it has CARBON in it!” while holding up a charcoal briquette.

I am reminded of the ignoranus (no, that’s not a typo–it means “ignorant asshole”) a few decades ago who noticed that all sorts of nasty chemicals (that’s a highly technical term: they were thinking of PCBs, freeon, etc) that were hitting the news of late had chlorine in them.

They tried to start a movement to ban chlorine. Fortunately, that was a bridge too far for the average environmentalist whacko, so it died. I would have loved to hear what we were supposed to do about salt under that regulatory regime.

(OBTW Salt and water, as far as I know, are the ONLY essential chemicals for human (or animal-in-general) nutrition that do not have carbon in them, though my biochemistry is weak and I could be ignorant of something. I could have added air to that list, but it does have trace amounts of carbon dioxide [as anyone not living under a polar icecap for the last 30 years knows]. Even though we don’t use atmospheric carbon dioxide for nutrition, our breathing reflex does interact with it. That “I need to breathe! I need air!” reflex is a response to carbon dioxide buildup in our systems, not a response to lack of oxygen. Which is why pure nitrogen is so deadly–you can breathe it and never know you’re not getting oxygen. And I do mean never know: You’ll pass out and die, never knowing you’re not getting oxygen.)

Valerie Curren

Heroes w/ heartbreak…

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An American soldier’s Zippo lighter during the Vietnam war in the 1970s…


Applies to THIS DAY.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

Pretty much…

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG – this is exactly what I warned about! Vaccine addiction slavery!

How Vaccine Addiction Slavery Works

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Wherein we explain – at three different levels of scientific and political understanding – how ADE-mediated vaccine slavery works. This post is to PREPARE YOU to watch what the other side is doing RIGHT NOW, so you can spot the deceptions. Right now they are DESPERATELY trying to make a FAILING PLAN work. Their plan …

THIS right here is the key!!!

In May, the most recent month for which figures are available, only 9 percent of Covid deaths and 14 percent of hospital admissions in Manitoba occurred among unvaccinated people, even though they are 17 percent of the population.

Manitoba, which has about 1.4 million residents, also provides figures that are adjusted for the fact that vaccinated and boosted people tend to be older.

Those show that in May, vaccinated but unboosted people were about 50 percent more likely to be hospitalized or die of Covid than unvaccinated people. People who had received boosters had roughly the same risk of hospitalization or death as the unvaccinated.

Once you’re hooked on the vaccines, instead of the virus, you DIE from the disease unless you stay boosted – but the vaccines will kill you by their own effects.

It’s a DOUBLY INSIDIOUS fate. It’s just like heroin addiction. The “cure” of more product will kill you on its own.

Gail Combs


Great thinking Wolfie.

They KNOW the cat is out of the bag** on the Clot Shots so NOW they have to come out with ‘PHASE TWO’

** the Elite have the REAL numbers on how many got one shot, two shots… THIS IS WHY THEY NEEDED OBAMACARE RAMMED THRU! So they would have access to ALL the data. Vaccine ‘hesitancy’ would also be noted on medical charts.

Valerie Curren

Basically they kill you coming AND going…unless you get off that “merry” go round! Ivermectin Baby!


That Titanic meme. On target. Theyd do that too.

Valerie Curren

This is pretty relevant to our ongoing “becoming a trucker” saga…We still need prayer!

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Pedophiles. Hunter was abused no doubt, same as his half sister.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Gail Combs

Kinda makes you wonder if Hunter did leave that computer with the dealer because he WANTED TO GET CAUGHT. After Hitlery lost things may have gotten very rough when they could not oust Trump easily. The Unlawful POWERFUL can have very nasty tempers when out of the public.

“…I can only take responsibility for myself…”

An earlier blurb where Hunter said he was supporting the entire family but got no respect.

April 22, 2022, NY Post: GOP Rep. Jordan: Hunter Biden’s text messages ‘tie in the entire family’

“I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years,” Hunter Biden griped to daughter Naomi in January 2019, referring to his father. “It’s really hard. But don’t worry, unlike pop, I won’t make you give me half your salary.”

Gail Combs

It also makes you wonder if Bite-Me was sleeping with Baby-Sitter Jill, abusing his kids and his first wife found out. That could have been a contributing factor to her ‘Traffic Accident’

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. I think the theory that Neilia was drunk and tried to kill herself and the kids is a contender.


Yes my thoughts too.


That has come to mind mine before. I also wonder if he abused the kids and she found out?

Gail Combs

I am certain he did and she found out. Jill the babysitter was probably the last straw OR his attitude towards his 1 year old daughter. REMEMBER

“The youngest child we’ve rescued…was 2 years old. 34 men raped that 2-year-old over a 36-day period…. “When it comes to sex trafficking, you’ve got backroom deals, you’ve got plea deals, you’ve got misdemeanors.” — BooyensJaco

“… She died in a car crash in 1972, along with her one-year-old daughter, Naomi. Her two sons, Beau and Hunter, were critically injured,….”

In 1972, her chances of getting out of the situation was very very slim esp given he was a politician.


Yes and he could have held the kids over her head. He has been a mean guy forever. People do not turn mean just in old age they are set by age 21.

Gail Combs

I think it was her daughter that decided her.


Is possible 🙂


I believe that, given his level of dishonesty in college and law school, and ambition, its likely.

Valerie Curren

I thought those were Cabal required sacrificial killings?

Gail Combs

If nothing comes of it, it certainly is.


Or pushed under the carpet just like all things Biden.


Bc it uncovers others implicated as it unravels. They know ir participate, even the females.

Gail Combs

I was just listening to Shady & In the MatriXXX (Autists) Shady mentioned, Q said 4 to 6 percent lost forever, — WILL NOT WAKE UP — a number I have been looking for.

They also mentioned doing a deep dive on wives and McCain’s wife being connected to Epstein and groups doing Child Trafficking.

Very end of this (1:50:00)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

4 to 6 percent?

By my lights that’s insanely optimistic.

We can’t get 94 percent of people to agree that the earth isn’t flat. We’re going to get 94 percent to buy a “conspiracy theory”?

Gail Combs

Depends on how much they HURT and how big the 2X4 that whomps them up side the head is.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Nope, even that won’t make a difference.

Because many of them have been fed bullshit for so long.

They’ll know they hurt, but they will NOT understand who to blame and the Evening News will be doing their best to convince them it’s Trump’s fault.




Diversion, that’ll never be pursued.


But the truth matters.


Comments lifted:

“The west continues to be severely hit by a cases of cognitive dissonance. Not able to accept reality. There is nothing you can do about that psychological illness. A lot of suffering awaits.”


“It is easier to fool people, than to convince them they have been fooled.”
Attributed to Mark Twain.


“There is a concept in Psychology known as the backfire effect…
basically, what is adopted into belief by those who establish belief (as opposed to those who establish a working hypothesis which is continuously updated by incoming facts) is more or less established belief.. Once established, facts that challenge the established belief actually raises defensive emotions in the believer.. and the belief in need of amendment seeks to reinforce the belief, even in light of strong evidence, that the belief is wrong or in need of amendment.

Just as confirmation bias shields you when you actively seek information, the backfire effect defends you when the information seeks you, when it blindsides you. Coming or going, you stick to your beliefs instead of questioning them. When someone tries to correct you, tries to dilute your misconceptions, it backfires and strengthens those beliefs.

It is for this reason that short headlines seen multiple times are effective in establishing belief. The repetition and the creditability (in the mind of the believer of the source) establishes the belief.. Of course there are source effects and all kinds of other effects. still the reason reasoning with a believer as opposed to a reasoning with a working hypothesis person does not work, is because of backfire psychology.”


phoenix/ Or, as my late father so succinctly and frequently said “You can’t reason with “unreasonable” people, so don’t waste your time.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is how they did “global warming” and “climate change”.


… and how they did/do Donald Trump?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. The media pushed lies over and over and over.

Maggie Haterman’s Pulitzer for “Russiagate” – JUNK ON HER MANTELPIECE.



snip “… “It is clear that Uniper cannot wait weeks, but needs help in a few days,” said Seegatz, adding that insolvency can happen “within days.”

“We cannot wait for weeks to do something,” Seegatz told Bloomberg in a phone interview. “That would have a huge impact on the company and also on the employees. The government said it wants to avoid this situation, but the fact is that we cannot lose time.”

In other words, Germany is facing a total industrial collapse; meanwhile, the media continues to repeat the increasingly more laughable propaganda that Putin is losing the war.”


…Germany is facing a total industrial collapse…

^^^ DESTROYING economies. ^^^

^^^ EXACERBATE the food crisis. ^^^


Gone With the Wind was the first color movie to win Best Picture.


Rush Limbaugh’s home is for sale. Article suggests its a tear down dt not being modern.

“Rush Limbaugh’s Palm Beach Home Aims to Sell for $150 Million to $175 MillionThe waterfront property with a roughly 24,000-square-foot main house was ‘largely decorated’ by the late conservative commentator”


Putin’s Security Council Meeting:

Putin at an operational meeting with the Security Council discussed the “situation in the regions”

Russian President Vladimir Putin held an operational meeting of the Security Council, which was announced earlier today by presidential press Secretary Dmitry Peskov. A report on the Kremlin’s website said without giving details that the meeting discussed “the current situation in the regions.” Presentations were made by FSB Director Alexander Bortnikov and Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev.

“We deal with the most pressing and sensitive issues on a daily basis, but we must not forget about the current situation in the regions of the Russian Federation. Let’s talk about this today, ” the President said in his opening speech (quoted by the websiteThe Kremlin).

In addition to Mr. Bortnikov and Mr. Kolokoltsev, the meeting was attended by: Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin, Deputy Chairman of the Security Council Dmitry Medvedev, Head of the Presidential Administration Anton Vaino, Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, SVR Director Sergei Naryshkin, Special Presidential Representative for Environmental Protection, Ecology and Transport Sergey Ivanov.

comment lifted from blog where above article was found:


“… So, a general administration issue “the regions of Russia” is a Security Council issue.
This points to either terrorism (why Bortnikov spoke, FSB) and/or why Kolokoltsev spoke, Interior Minister) or the immigrant violence problem.

They may also be preparing for a WMD attack via bioweapons, another ‘virus’, or dirty bomb.

This wasn’t about economic development, roads, housing or gassification. Mishustin would have talked.

This was about destabilization efforts, Ukie sabotage, sponsored terrorism and issues in Central Asia affecting Russian security.

Gail Combs

In the Matrixx and Shady Groove show With Gregg Phillips ran at NOON. (2 hours)

I am now going to watch. If there is anything interesting I will report.

Flannel Friday Update with Gregg Phillips

Gail Combs

NOT a transcript or even a paraphrase. Just notes.

Gregg mentions a test on NEW ‘Patriot Games’ On Rumble and other – 12 to 15 000 down loads. Much more than what they were expecting. They are going thru the comments and feedback to help improve Patriot games.

Katherine & Greg, live show starts on sat. (This??)
Gregg found the people he meets are very well educated and ask good questions and make good corrections.

10 minutes — AZ leg. was very disappointing. It was ALL a SCAM. I withdraw my support for ALL of them.” (He is getting calls begging that he not withdraw his support. Phone lighting up right now.)

You HAVE TO ELECT Kari Lake (for Gov..) (40 million neg ads) Other woman is a MARXIST Don’t let GOP put in a MARXIST.
CALL ANYONE YOU KNOW IN AZ. Tell them to vote.

Eli Crane (navy seal) vote for in 2nd congressional district. 2000 Mules would never have happened without input from Eli. Overseas he was briefed by CIA on how to construct booby traps. USE EVIL FOR GOOD! That’s what they did with Mules.

This Anti-freedom Movement HAS TO STOP.

19 minutes – All three ripping GOP/RINOS to pieces.

22:30 song for Gregg Phillips (Patriot Games) from JT Wilde (Living in the Matrix) (Discussion) Chris is the violinist. GOOD video.

28:55 to 32:14 is the song. Here is part of it (Back to watching)

“…. I have heard on the streets that our heroes are dead

and they can not save us from evil unspent

Their songs are all over

their ways heaven sent

And we must believe that we’re in the state’s debt.

And these are the days of the Patriot Games

where we sing all the brotherly songs that they sang

And pray for the strength and the courage to stand

like the men who brought freedom into this promised land




And these are the days of the Patriot Games

where the rooks and the Pawns are now staking their CLAIM

So pray for the strength and the courage to stand

like the men who spread freedom across this great land

Gail Combs


32:50 JT, we always try to break some news when we come on here, do you want to share with them what our plan for the future is?

35 minutes
JT – 5 new songs, sort of history, how we were brainwashed in a video collage.
Gregg – Patel Patriot mentioned the Pit. Setting it for Aug 12th or 13th. Capping at around 100 but creating an APP so others can participate/download. May live stream. Will tape.
40 minutes:
In the MattriXXX mentions that as soon as they started talking AZ all hell broke loose. Lost signal. AND NO IT WAS NOT RUMBLE (Said that earlier)

End of Gregg Phillips part of show.


The Pit is happening in mid August. So what was supposed to happen in mid July?

Gail Combs

It slide to mid August.

The Arizona Senate meeting/vote was just now in mid July. I do not know if that was it. (I do not think so.)

SEE: 10:30 to 19:00
Gregg and Catherine GOT PLAYED by Senate President Karen Fann.
BAD MOVE because Gregg is letting people know and now the GOP RINO Turds are frantically calling him to ask he not blab to the public. That is why the attack on the first Rumble live stream.

This is the back-up recorded version with the stuff THEY DID NOT WANT US TO HEAR.


Thanks, Gail, for watching.
Guess I’m done with songs.
Do. Something.



But nobody do anything!

Just buy some popcorn (at inflated prices) and enjoy the show!

Like the Dance Band on the Titanic… just watch it sink while we play, until the water makes gurgling sounds inside the french horns and trumpets and trombones 😂

It hadda be this way.

People had to be shown.

Even though there’s no actual point to showing anyone, if we’re all DEAD from starvation or vaxx — it just makes us feel good to say it.

Because it’s all about the feelz… or something… 👍

Last edited 2 years ago by scott467

In my rural area people are switching out their pickups for 4 wheelers, ATV’s and UTV’s and driving them on the roads. Illegal, but local law enforcement is looking the other way.

At a local farm like a scene from Tobacco Road a farm hand and his daughter are living in a popup camper in the barnyard with the dairy cows. Also illegal. Farm is owned by a member of the town board and he refuses to evict the worker. County has made efforts to evict him, but he’s not going anywhere.

I realize these are miniscule shows of resistance and not popcorn worthy compared to what needs to happen. But it’s something.


“In my rural area people are switching out their pickups for 4 wheelers, ATV’s and UTV’s and driving them on the roads. Illegal, but local law enforcement is looking the other way.”


Switching to ATVs to save on gas?


“At a local farm like a scene from Tobacco Road a farm hand and his daughter are living in a popup camper in the barnyard with the dairy cows. Also illegal.”


Illegal because they’re in the same area as the cows? Is it a health issue?

It seems anything as big as a farm would have plenty of land where a popup camper could be set up, away from any livestock, and it should be nobody’s business except the farm owner’s.

If people can take boarders into their homes (and they can), then people should certainly be able to take boarders onto their farm property.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Land use is a traditional State matter, and it’s often used for petty tyranny and/or social engineering.

Which is to say I agree with your point about what people should be able to do.

Last edited 2 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Gail Combs



Gas yes, and also because people are having trouble finding and affording parts for their trucks.

The camper is located next to the barn to tap into the water and power supply.

Under the Employer Provided Farmworker Housing in New York State regs, the structure has to conform to the Uniform Prevention and Fire Code. A septic system is required.

The employee is a U.S. citizen, so the housing is enforced by the State and local officials. If he was a H-2A guest worker, it would be a Federal issue.


I know more about the infiltration of our military now than I did in Nov 2020…

If Trump had not quietly left office, if we had as Patriots taken to the streets, resisted etc not only would there have been “blood in the streets” most of our country would possibly have been scorched earth. Local LEO would have not been able to protect our homes, esp in big cities … Nat’l Guard would have been a tossup ,,, and our Military? Forget it… they would have protected the arsonists and jailed the Patriots… plus, they were already weaponized.

“It was the only way” … alright. Even now, OUR military is with the Neocons in Ukraine … no “boots on the ground” but everything else.

The only Military working to destroy the Cabal is Russia’s …

I see lots of things differently now than I did six months ago…

I don’t believe there will be an election in November … Don’t even want to think about what our government is planning… it’s obvious it is forcing European leaders to destroy their own countries, esp Germany.

imho the US is now a Totalitarian Gov’t … ymmv

Gail Combs

Have to agree.
The fact the FIB was trying to get the list of Concealed carry people by bullying local LEOs is CHILLING…


Yes …


Agree 100%

“The next election will not happen”

That has been the cry for many years now from both sides. In the past week, for the first time ever, I believe it to be true.

The other side cannot take the chance. They are willing to do anything to achieve their ends. They feel no constraints. There is no outrage they will not commit. They have carefully set up the totally bogus excuses. The blatant phoniness is a message in itself.

We have the numbers, but what Earthly else?




One can only hope!




Comment from another blog:


New op/ed by MK Bhadrakumar, “Putin revs up Russia’s consequential ties with Iran, Turkey: All eyes will be on Iran’s Astana Summit next week, as geopolitical events accelerate Moscow’s drive to boost relations with Tehran and Ankara.”

Erdogan’s hopes of a rapprochement with the US have been dashed as Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis told reporters on 30 June that Athens had submitted a letter of request “in recent days” to the US government for a squadron of 20 F-35s, with options to buy an additional squadron.

The Greek announcement came just a day after US President Joe Biden had assured Erdogan on the sidelines of the NATO summit in Madrid that he backed the latter’s pending request for F-16s to Turkey.

Erdogan should have known that Biden’s long, successful career has been inextricably linked with the powerful Greek lobby in America, which is a big source of election funding for aspiring politicians. Therefore, Greece’s F-35 deal is certain to be approved and it could further drive a wedge between the already strained relationship of the US and Turkey — and will only reinforce Ankara’s suspicion that Washington is using Greece as a pawn to control Turkey.

Congress mandated a specific condition for Turkey to get its F-16s, which I very much doubt it will be able to fulfill. Here’s other bit of important info:

“Indeed, Saudi Arabia and Russia have a convergence of interests with regard to the oil market. Expert opinion is that both Saudi Arabia and the UAE have very limited spare capacity. The expectation is that Saudi Arabia will most likely agree to loosen the oil taps on the back of the Biden visit, but the leadership will still strive to find a way to do it within the context of the current OPEC+ agreement (with Russia) that extends through December by, for instance, compensating for the production underperformance of struggling OPEC states such as Nigeria and Angola. (The OPEC+ capacity is already well below the level implied in the agreement.)” [My Emphasis]

The responsibility for high fuel prices rests with Western Big Oil and its ability to enforce monopoly pricing absent any regulatory effort, which is the norm in Neoliberal nations. Brent is currently at $101; WTI at $97. When those benchmarks spiked well above those levels and remained there, fuel prices didn’t go nearly as high as they are now–25-50% less in most instances. Yet, there’s no outrage aimed at Big Oil by Media.”


July 15, 2022

Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz: We’re Shutting Down Shops in Democrat Cities Because America Has Become “Unsafe” And There Will Be “Many More” Closings
He also says that stores will be given back — get this! — the choice of whether to open up their bathrooms to non-customers like drug addicts and hobos.

You’ll remember a pre-St.-George-Floyd incident in which some black guys wanted to sit in a Starbucks without buying anything. They were told they would have to buy something in order to get the key to the bathroom. This was obviously a racist and completely out-of-the-blue, unheard-of policy, and provoked an angry backlash, and Howard Schultz declared that going forward, all drug addicts, hobos, prostitutes and johns would be able to shoot up, sleep, and fornicate in Starbucks bathrooms without buying a damn thing, no questions asked.

con’t reading


IIRC. Last week 7-11 announced closing stores in Los Angeles, due to crime.


I saw a couple in the riverside area too. Same reason.


There should be a mass exodus of businesses where crime is rampant and LE/”law” essentially does NOT protect businesses AND citizens.


I don’t disagree but imho the fault lies with the courts. The DAs and judges won’t allow the prosecution of criminals so LE is between a rock and hard place. Put the effort into chasing bad guys, maybe get shot and they’re let free to do it again the next day



But, still NOT a good business environment for a business to succeed.

Not to mention crappy environment for families.

I have no more patience with all of the ignorance.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

George Soros is an enemy of America.

Cuppa Covfefe

George “Satan” Sauros is an enemy of GOD and HIS people…

Just like his father, Satan, Sauros cannot create: he can only destroy…


Still a lot of businesses around but noticing services, independent gyms are declining. Too much crappy fast food still.


After seeing the situation with the shop owner in NYC…clerks or owners protecting themselves is becoming a dicey thing…


Another reason to shutter the business.

  • Certainly in lefty shit holes – lock up & leave.
Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs

Story I had read said it was temporary until the killer/s were arrested, but closing all the stores in LA makes it sound like 7-11 is a bit miffed about these targeted hits.


Right?!..and it was on Free Slurpee Day supposedly..can’t even celebrate without some thug killing people


Deborah Birx: Mike Pence Gave Me the Go-Ahead to “Subvert” Trump’s Policies on Covid
Via abbynormal, and from Thomas Lifson at American Thinker, Jeffrey Tucker read Deborah Birx’s book and discovered that she decided that she would “subvert” — her word — the duly-elected President’s determination that Scott Atlas’ recommendations would be incorporated into her covid fearmongering.

And she says that Mike Pence gave her his blessing “to do what [she] needed to do.”



No, I didn’t want to eat that apple, honest… it was that mean old snake who made me do it…

Sounds like little Debbie just confessed to her part in national and global genocide, willfully and knowingly subverting the Commander in Chief, and then following after the slithering traitor instead.

Thanks, little Debbie.

See you at the trial.

Gail Combs


How nice of her.

How many Americans did she and Fauci Kill from April 2020 until now?

United States Coronavirus Cases:

CASES: 91,088,408

Deaths: 1,048,301

Columbia University Study Finds VAERS Deaths Undercounted By Factor Of 20

Dec 16, 2021

Data showed that there were over 146,000 to 187,000 vaccine-related deaths in the U.S. alone between February to August 2021.

Using the mid number, 166,500 X 20 = 3,330,000

So FauXi and Brix killed up to 4 million people with MEDICAL MALPRACTICE… KNOWINGLY

There were only  1.1 million victims murdered at Auschwitz where Mengele and other NAZI Doctors ‘worked’ So FauXi and Brix are responsible for AT LEAST 4 times that number.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Birx is getting her “story” straight. Sooner or later, somebody who knows the truth is going to DUMP, and it will shock, but it will explain everything.

My big question – was JUDAS PENCE read in on the plan.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She was read in on Obama’s plan! SHE WILL HANG.

Cuppa Covfefe

After which all those pretty scarves end up a lot tighter…..

Gail Combs

From ACE:
comment image


“Censoring my own reports and putting up guidance that negated the known solutions was only going to perpetuate C19 vicious circle.”

Is she speaking about censoring and banning HCQ and Ivermectin?

“… knowingly”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YES. Among many other things.

She is just “getting her story straight”. Between the TRUTH – what these people were really doing to control human population – and what they were telling us they were doing – which everybody could see was WRONG – there is an infinite field of lesser lies, that they all need to hide behind.

Trump knew something was up – that they were all lying to him – but there was little he could do except play along and try to inject some reality into the farce.

He did his best, but these evil assholes countered him at every step.

Once you accept that these people were trying to “kill people in a random, roll of the dice way, for the greater good of humanity”, it all makes sense. They acted in a “virtuous” way. They believed in what they were doing.

Until OMICRON put a stop to them. However that happened.

They did not do the right thing, because – in Comey’s words – they had a “higher duty”. That higher duty involved LYING TO THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD TO “SAVE” THEM.

Only THEY were the ones who were truly deceived.

I suspect that many people on PEPFAR were aware of the whole plan, or much of it. I think the Clintons knew. Fauci knew, of course. Collins probably. I think that’s part of how he himself was “subverted”.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

To: Deborah “Treason” Birx



When you go in to see a doctor, you can casually comment how public faith in medicine is at an all-time low, and will only begin to recover once Fauci hangs.

Cuppa Covfefe

And Spahn, and Lauterbach, and all the people in the RKI (our CDC) and STIKO (STanding ImpKOmission) swing in the wind with him…

So much money went from our pockets into theirs and their handlers’, and so many people were killed and injured (and “prevented” as it were) who would have lived normal and healthy lives.

One could say it’s too bad those crooks only have one life to give for what they did to their countries…


Comment lifted:


Germany’s Uniper SE

ibn following the accidental “nationalization” story, since DE rolled up all Gazprom Gemania subsidiaries 3 months ago, then announced a a euro 10M bail out under new management of missing RUSSIAN GAS supply. Turns out “Germany’s Uniper” isn’t German property either.

Habeck histrionics

Germany Mulls Uniper Bailout to Stem Russian-Gas Contagion

Uniper, the largest buyer of Russian gas in Germany, said it’s discussing a possible increase in state-backed loans or even equity investments to secure liquidity. The crisis could also affect Finland, which controls Uniper’s parent Fortum Oyj. The utility said Uniper’s rescue requires a national effort “in Germany.”


German Economy Minister Robert Habeck has warned that a squeeze in Russian gas supplies risked creating deeper turmoil, likening the situation to the role of Lehman Brothers in triggering the financial crisis.


YLE | Finnish minister to negotiate with Germany over Uniper

However, in an interview with STT, Tuppurainen was not particularly warm to the idea that Fortum needed to offer more funding to Uniper, as the Finnish firm already provided 8 billion euros through a financing arrangement.”This is a very significant support from Fortum to Uniper and shows that Fortum is committed to supporting Uniper’s survival in this gas crisis. However, in the current situation, we, as Fortum’s majority shareholder, do not see any possibility for Fortum to further recapitalise Uniper,” Tutturainen said. Last week, Germany’s Economy Minister Robert Habeck called on Fortum to provide more support to its subsidiary.

Try to act surprised.


Story has now changed to Ivana Trump died from an accidental fall and blunt impact injuries, not cardiac arrest.

Last edited 2 years ago by holly08

Being the resident doubter, it’s hard for me to understand her being dead..totally dead within minutes of falling down stairs. Did she crush her lungs and heart or something ?
Broke her neck ?


Now reading the ME says blunt impact injuries to the torso. Maybe a spleen bleed? I really have no idea. Have never heard of that cause of death before.


In that article she is quoted as saying that when Donald asked her, she advised him to tweet. Thank you, Ivana!

Last edited 2 years ago by TheseTruths
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ivana Trump, the first wife of former President Donald Trump, died of accidental blunt impact injuries of the torso, the New York City medical examiner’s office reported Friday. The news comes a day after police said the 73-year-old was found dead in her home. 

The medical examiner did not provide any additional information about her death. 

That’s how they cover up the clot shot.

Gail Combs

Elderly woman (She was having hip problems) All it takes is a PUSH!

Sorry, but if she was having problems with her hips or legs SHE WOULD BE EXTRA CAREFUL. I am close to her age (72) with knee problems and my legs don’t work right first thing in the mornings. I go down SLOWLY one step at a time and use the hand rail.

And yes I HAVE fallen down stairs (New trifocals) when I wasn’t even holding the rail and still caught myself. Hubby has also fallen and caught himself.

Did she break the hip and fall (with osteoporosis the bone breaks FIRST) if so it would have been reported.


Push, hell — it was probably one of those damned LEGOs.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I want specifics that I will bet they’re hiding.


It’s sad seeing all those family photos. I can’t imagine the whole world having access to years’ worth of family pics, but I’ve never been on social media either.

In the pic of Ivana from June of this year, she doesn’t appear to be very fit or agile. She is arm-in-arm with a lady, maybe an aide, as if she needed help as she walked. But one pic does not always tell the story.

I suppose it’s possible that she lost her balance and fell down the stairs. I wonder if the medical examiner ruled out a heart attack having caused that.


A lot of Trump family photos were discovered in a suitcase in a thrift shop.


I wonder how that happened. Who wants a pic of themselves at a childhood birthday party published in the Daily Mail?


I bet that they had 1000’s of photos, between home jobbers to professional shoots.
Maybe donated some luggage and forgot to check inside ? You’d think the shop would’ve contacted them somehow ?

Cuppa Covfefe

Or they were stolen, in “hopes” of being “useful”, later?


Having fallen down ONLY 2 steps, and managing at the same time to do a somersault and ending on a concrete floor with most of my weight on my side/ankle … Grandson witnessed the whole think, said I did complete loop which is why my head never touched the concrete… new bedroom slippers with a slippery sole was the culprit.

I believe it is quite possible for a 73 y/o person to fall and suffer a head injury … down a few or many stairs… esp if the floor is concrete or ceramic tile, terrazzo.

My late Mother fell on a flat surface when her knee simply gave… while walking.


If the stairs were marble – and tall – it would be possible to die of a head injury.


One of the biggest killers of older folks is loss of balance and falling. Even when surviving the fall, internal damage normally is enough to lead to complications and death.

Root cause. Sarcopinia. Loss of muscle, strength as we age. So all of us old folks need to do some form of resistance workouts and eat more protein (double) then the RDA.

Simple test. Go from sitting to standing without using your hands,arms as an assist. Better test. Sit on the floor and go from sitting to standing without assistance.

Gail Combs

I do not pass… Sit on the floor and get up.
And yes, loss of muscle tone is very hard to combat esp given the COVID lock-downs.


“Sit on the floor and go from sitting to standing without assistance.”


I wasn’t sure anyone besides a kid or a circus acrobat could do it, but I just tried it, and I can do it.

It’s awkward, I had to sort of tuck my left leg under myself and then swing my right leg across with enough momentum to pivot up onto the knee of the leg I tucked under myself, but from that point you’re kneeling on one knee with your other foot on the floor, and standing up is easy.

Look, no hands, Ma! 👍😁


A couple of interesting clips..


The leaked Biden / Poroshenko info came at least a year ago. Never seemed to make a difference even though it should have. We need trusted players in the DOJ to do anything with it. Other than that it’s a good reminder.

Valerie Curren

Kentucky flips!

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For the first time ever, there are now more registered Republicans than democrats in Kentucky.

We flipped Florida. We flipped Kentucky. Who’s next?


He’s a something else !

Valerie Curren

So glad he’s on our side!


He’s not necessarily on our side; he is on the right side….and so are we.

Valerie Curren

Too true 🙂

Gail Combs

It is a little late… A LOT LATE actually.

Valerie Curren

Absolutely! The demon spawn aping an administration need to be tried, convicted, AND executed for their genocidal covid crimes!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! THAT is some welcome news.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

Traitor’s end incoming???

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Dr.J Brown

He secretly seized Trumps president’s military power by directing the military not to follow Trump’s orders unless he authorized it.

For this he should be executed


“For this he should be executed”


Along with whoever followed such an unlawful and treasonous order.


So true.
I’m betting he didn’t dream this up on his own. The traitorous collaborators surrounding President Trump all agreed I’m certain.



Valerie Curren



EVERYONE that received that order OR read it should be arrested and tried, for NOT reporting the Illegal Order.

IF we only had a Military that followed its Oath AND The Constitution.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

IMO they were following secret orders based on Trump’s presidency being “made illegitimate by Obama”. These people were always falling back on secret law, secret policies, and secret orders, and using phony cover justifications to the public.

Trump was not read in on the secret globalist crap. They knew he would end it, and they were scared.

It explains everything. Trump knew some of it, I think, but not all of it. I think the depopulation stuff was at the highest levels of classification.


“IMO they were following secret orders based on Trump’s presidency being “made illegitimate by Obama”.”


If that’s the case, then the military leadership ought to be decapitated.

Straight across the board.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The true story of how [some] fought back against Osatan is probably complicated. Honestly, I don’t think the patriotic faction was strong enough to do anything but fight back slowly, by literally waking up the slumbering masses as the first step.

And at the very same time, Obama was cutting their legs out from under them by infecting the military with wokeness by every avenue he could find. He continues to do so under Biden.

Things are still interesting. But I think both sides are trying to keep the lid from blowing off, each side for their own reasons.

Whatever. We have limited information. Probably a good thing.

Gail Combs

Isn’t this the SAME GUY who said he was talking to CHINA and reasuring them he would keep POTUS from doing anything without notifying them?

YUP I DID remember correctly!

COUP: General Milley Secretly Pledged to Warn Chinese Communist Party if Trump Planned a Strike.EXCERPTS FROM THE NEW BOB WOODWARD BOOK REVEAL A PARTISAN COUP AT THE HEART OF THE U.S. GOVERNMENT.

 SEPTEMBER 14, 2021

Through secret backchannels unbeknownst to then-President Donald Trump, General Mark Milley informed leaders from the Chinese Communist Party and Democratic Party that he would not carry out “any kind” of military action ordered by Trump.

General Milley – who controversially defended teaching Marxist “critical race theory” in the military – telephoned his Chinese Communist Party counterpart, General Li Zuocheng, twice in the final months of the Trump administration.
Milley’s calls – according to Bob Woodward’s and Robert Costa’s new book entited Peril – were aimed at restricting the President of the United States’ abilities to wage kinetic war against China. Stunningly, Milley even secretly pledged to inform Beijing ahead of any potential U.S. military action.
On the first call on October 30th, 2020, just four days before the U.S. election, Milley assured his Chinese Communist Party friends that the U.S. would not attack China:

General Li, I want to assure you that the American government is stable and everything is going to be okay. We are not going to attack or conduct any kinetic operations against you.”

– Gen. Milley

“General Li, you and I have known each other for now five years. If we’re going to attack, I’m going to call you ahead of time. It’s not going to be a surprise,” he added. “Li took the chairman at his word,” The Washington Post notes….


That’s infuriating to read.
There are so many of us out here in country that would take an oath to be loyal to death for PTrump and that fat SOB is proud of his part in betraying him and country.

Valerie Curren

Unbelievable. What a traitorous villain!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

Time to suspend Thilley Milley…

From a very tall pillar…


While claiming to be non-political, Milley was definitely a political tool – probably bribed, blackmailed and/or threatened by Øbastid.


It’s pretty obvious that Milley and a few other top military were working for the Øbama cabal.

Milley, Mattis, Kelly, Esper….

Last edited 2 years ago by GA/FL
Valerie Curren

Yep–Benedict Arnold’s all!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent. Make Pelosi SWEAT.

Valerie Curren

Yes though those booze fumes would be toxic!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Valerie Curren


Cuppa Covfefe

Spontaneous combustion.. or maybe her drink-and-drive-hubby smokes 🙂  🔥  ⚡  🔥 

Valerie Curren

That would be some poetic justice! She might need to get used to those eternal flames for her presumed relocation project 😉 hope she repents & cooperates with any theoretical “white hats”–should any actually exist!

Valerie Curren

CS Lewis shares about “choosing” God…makes me think a bit of Eustace & the dragon skin in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader…

The odd thing was that before God closed in on me, I was in fact offered what now appears a moment of wholly free choice. In a sense. I was going up Headington Hill on the top of a bus. Without words (I think) almost without images, a fact about myself was somehow presented to me. I became aware that I was holding something at bay, or shutting something out. Or, if you like, that I was wearing some stiff clothing, like corsets, or even a suit of armour, as if I were a lobster. I felt myself being, there and then, given a free choice. I could open the door or keep it shut; I could unbuckle the armour or keep it on. Neither choice was presented as a duty; no threat or promise was attached to either, though I knew that to open the door or to take off the corslet meant the incalculable. The choice appeared to be momentous but it was also strangely unemotional. I was moved by no desires or fears. In a sense I was not moved by anything. I chose to open, unbuckle, to loosen the rein. I say, ‘I chose’, yet it did not really seem possible to do the opposite.

From Surprised by Joy
Compiled in Preparing for Easter

Surprised by Joy: The Shape of My Early Life. Copyright © 1955 by C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved. Used with permission of HarperCollins Publishers. Preparing for Easter: Fifty Devotional Readings from C. S. Lewis. Copyright © 2017 by C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved. Used with permission of HarperCollins Publishers.

Valerie Curren

simple yet profound

On obedience

In obeying, a rational creature consciously enacts its creaturely role, reverses the act by which we fell, treads Adam’s dance backward and returns.

From The Problem of Pain
Compiled in Words to Live By

The Problem of Pain. Copyright © 1940, C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. Copyright restored © 1996 by C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved. Used with permission of HarperCollins Publishers. Words to Live By: A Guide for the Merely Christian. Copyright © 2007 by C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved. Used with permission of HarperCollins Publishers.

Valerie Curren

CS Lewis insights of Life in the midst of death…

TO MARY VAN DEUSEN: On how one responds to the diagnosis of serious illness and on four strategies for coping.

10 April 1959

I have just had Sister Hildegarde’s letter. My heart goes out to you. You are now just where I was a little over two years ago—they wrongly diagnosed Joy’s condition as uremia before they discovered cancer of the bone.

I know all the different ways in which it gets one: wild hopes, bitter nostalgia for lost happiness, mere physical terror turning one sick, agonised pity and self-pity. In fact, Gethsemane. I had one (paradoxical) support which you lack—that of being in severe pain myself. Apart from that what helped Joy and me through it was 1. That she was always told the whole truth about her own state. There was no miserable pretence. That means that both can face it side-by-side, instead of becoming something like adversaries in a battle-of-wits. 2. Take it day by day and hour by hour (as we took the front line). It is quite astonishing how many happy—even gay—moments we had together when there was no hope. 3. Don’t think of it as something sent by God. Death and disease are the work of the Devil. It is permitted by God: i.e., our General has put you in a fort exposed to enemy fire. 4. Remember other sufferers. It’s fatal to start thinking ‘Why should this happen to us when everyone else is so happy.’ You are (I was and may be again) one of a huge company. Of course we shall pray for you all we know how. God bless you both.

From The Collected Letters of C.S. Lewis, Volume III
Compiled in Yours, Jack

The Collected Letters of C. S. Lewis, Volume III: Narnia, Cambridge, and Joy 1950-1963. Copyright © 2007 by C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved. Used with permission of HarperCollins Publishers. Yours, Jack: Spiritual Direction from C. S. Lewis. Copyright © 2008 by C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved. Used with permission of HarperCollins Publishers.

Valerie Curren

struggling to find God in the midst of excruciating pain…

Lewis, grieving the death of his wife, Joy:

They tell me H. is happy now, they tell me she is at peace. What makes them so sure of this? I don’t mean that I fear the worst of all. Nearly her last words were, ‘I am at peace with God.’ She had not always been. And she never lied. And she wasn’t easily deceived, least of all, in her own favour. I don’t mean that. But why are they so sure that all anguish ends with death? More than half the Christian world, and millions in the East, believe otherwise. How do they know she is ‘at rest’? Why should the separation (if nothing else) which so agonizes the lover who is left behind be painless to the lover who departs?
‘Because she is in God’s hands.’ But if so, she was in God’s hands all the time, and I have seen what they did to her here. Do they suddenly become gentler to us the moment we are out of the body? And if so, why? If God’s goodness is inconsistent with hurting us, then either God is not good or there is no God: for in the only life we know He hurts us beyond our worst fears and beyond all we can imagine. If it is consistent with hurting us, then He may hurt us after death as unendurably as before it.

Sometimes it is hard not to say, ‘God forgive God.’ Sometimes it is hard to say so much. But if our faith is true, He didn’t. He crucified Him.

From A Grief Observed
Compiled in A Year with C.S. Lewis

A Grief Observed. Copyright © 1961 by N. W. Clerk, restored 1996 C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. Preface by Douglas H. Gresham copyright © 1994 by Douglas H. Gresham. All rights reserved. Used with permission of HarperCollins Publishers. A Year With C.S. Lewis: Daily Readings from His Classic Works. Copyright © 2003 by C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved. Used with permission of HarperCollins Publishers.


GWP: Friday’s scheduled Trump rally will be postponed for a week.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good! GOD FIRST!!!

Gail Combs

NEW [FULL} Flannel Friday Update with Gregg Phillips

Has been uploaded to Rumble and the part about Arizona that was ATTACKED BY THE DEEP STATE is now AVAILABLE.

HEY DEEP STATE! Nothing like letting us know we are over the target!  😜 

GOOD STUFF   :toldyaso: 

10:30 to 19:00 (The Locked Gregg up a couple more times)
Gregg ABSOLUTELY TRASHES Arizona Senate president KAREN FANN for the dirty tricks she played.

It is worth listening for ten minutes.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gail Combs



GA/FL posted link.

GA/FL posted…

  • 10:30 to 19:00 (The Locked Gregg up a couple more times)
  • Gregg ABSOLUTELY TRASHES Arizona Senate president KAREN FANN for the dirty tricks she played.

Appears the house has attached and passed an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) to make it easy for the military to hunt Nazis.😠 Ukraine nor Antifa mentioned.😆

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Evil Dems allied with REAL Ukrainian Nazis and their pet election-stealing Chalupas, have the GALL to call Trump supporters “Nazis”.


Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Wouldn’t mind if GOD ignited her beforehand (cf Herod)…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The days of the globalist scam artists needs to end.

Last edited 2 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Ivana Trump had had hip pain and needed help walking.

Ivana Trump died when she accidentally fell down the stairs of her Manhattan home — where a maintenance man found her body next to a cup of spilled coffee, officials and law-enforcement sources said Friday.

A personal aide and a cleaning lady had come to the 73-year-old Trump’s Upper East Side home Thursday and rang the bell and called her phone to get in, but no one answered, sources said.

The pair called the building’s super, but he couldn’t open the door because it was double-locked from the inside, sources said.

Finally, a maintenance worker was called to the scene, got the door open — and found Trump at the floor of the stairs with the cup of java spilled next to her, sources said.

The ex-wife of former President Donald Trump suffered “blunt impact injuries” to her torso, the New York City Medical Examiner’s Office said.

Her death was officially ruled an “accident’’ by the ME’s office.

The socialite businesswoman had been suffering hip pain and had such trouble walking that she couldn’t even leave her house for a quick jaunt to the Hamptons, a close friend told The Post on Friday

She also was so unsteady on her feet at times that she needed a personal health aide to help walk around her neighborhood, other friends said.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This version of a different NY Post article says possible cardiac arrest. Not sure if that’s out of the report or not.

Ivana was found dead at the bottom of the stairs of her Manhattan home early Thursday afternoon, possibly after suffering cardiac arrest and either falling down the stairway or crumpling in her spot.


That report was published 22 minutes after the one I posted.
I had wondered about a heart attack causing the fall, but it’s not clear if the medical examiner determined that.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! Hopefully we can get the full scoop at some point.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Interesting possibility.


Yes, this and supported Taiwan.
Leans on the support of Taiwan though.
The report we saw about celebrations in China along with messages intercepted about being in position waiting on “the organization”.

Apparently the police are admitting to the message, the assasian is admitting to the message it appears, hard to tell. But the police are sayin the organization may not even exist. Dead Stop. Not looking further as they declare this to be non political. Not sure how they got there. NY Post story.

In an interview with investigators, Yamagami allegedly admitted to plotting to kill Abe because he thought the ex-prime minister was connected to an organization that he bore a grudge against.

Police did not reveal the name of the organization or elaborate on what it believed in, adding it wasn’t clear if the group even existed.

The alleged assassin’s grudge did not appear to be about politics, according to police.

So despite the headline to the story, they don’t really seem to have anything figured out that they are going to tell the public but the police seemed satisfied? 🤔🙄😵


No surprise here….

MeThinks, BiteMe is down to a few months in the WH.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Then the HO brings in Gruesome?


Prolly try.

Senate could block it. Assuming Collins, M…sky, Mittens, Ms Lindsey, Cornyn, Turtle aren’t too compromised.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Those evil RINOs would bring in Satan himself. His boy Gruesome – no problem.


If this scenario happened, I would not feel I had job security if I were K.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. It’s a weird situation.


Hoe would be incredibly insecure with Grewsome VP, and Piglosi next up.

Imagine, the lunacy they would bring, the three being from CA.


The appearance of Gruesom Newsom sauntering in the WH is ominous. VP choice ?

Last edited 2 years ago by mollypitcher5
Cuppa Covfefe

Somehow I think they’ll try to shoehorn HELL-the-BEAST in as pres…


Just as an intro — this is Jonathan Coulton. He is the composer of the end-credits songs to two popular computer games, which he is singing here. The game “Portal” introduces us to “Chell” — our first-person hero — and GLaDOS, the AI running the place where Chell wakes up. Initially GLaDOS seems seems friendly, in a very restricted sort of way. After a while, things like “cake….and grief counseling….will be furnished at the end of the next module” get a bit ominous — and, by the end of the game, it’s an existential battle. The end song for Portal is “Still Alive”.

Portal 2 has Chell waking up in the same world, but things are more decrepit. Eventually, she encounters GLaDOS’ physical manifestation….and reawakens it. There is, again, a Battle Royale between Chell and GLaDOS (and a new character), and GLaDOS sort-of wins….but, instead of killing Chell, GLaDOS ejects her from the complex.

Coulton chides the audience for not having finished Portal 2 yet and sings its song, then segues into the Portal song and everyone in the audience sings along.


Representing The United States of America’s inconceivable

Last edited 2 years ago by mollypitcher5

BIteMe’s freak show.


Another land grab.. He asks why Biden allows it. What about the land owner ? Have some steel and quit selling to these people

Jack Posobic
Did You Know:

A Secretive Chinese Oligarch tied to the CCP just purchased 140,000 acres of land in Texas 

Right near Laughlin Air Force Base. 

Why is Biden allowing this?


“Why is Biden allowing this?”


Because Joe Biden — election thief-in-chief — is a monster.

And a traitor, openly.


Just like his sugar daddy, B-rock Obastard.


Any more I don’t know why we question anything.

We know what’s happening. It must be some psychological quirk in us to keep acting shocked.
The movie is O V E R.


Time to make the .. kaboom .. ‼️‼️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸‼️‼️


Chinee own BiteMe.