SPECIAL SECTION: Message For Our “Friends” In The Middle Kingdom
I normally save this for near the end, but…basically…up your shit-kicking barbarian asses. Yes, barbarian! It took a bunch of sailors in Western Asia to invent a real alphabet instead of badly drawn cartoons to write with. So much for your “civilization.”
Yeah, the WORLD noticed you had to borrow the Latin alphabet to make Pinyin. Like with every other idea you had to steal from us “Foreign Devils” since you rammed your heads up your asses five centuries ago, you sure managed to bastardize it badly in the process.
Have you stopped eating bats yet? Are you shit-kickers still sleeping with farm animals?
Or maybe even just had the slightest inkling of treating lives as something you don’t just casually dispose of?
中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!
And here’s my response to barbarian “asshoes” like you:
OK, with that rant out of my system…
Biden Gives Us Too Much Credit
…we can move on to the next one.
Apparently Biden (or his puppeteer) has decided we’re to blame for all of the fail in the United States today.
Sorry to disappoint you Joe (or whoever), but you managed to do that all on your own; not only that, you wouldn’t let us NOT give you the chance because you insisted on cheating your way into power.
Yep, you-all are incompetent, and so proud of it you expect our applause for your sincerity. Fuck that!!
It wouldn’t be so bad, but you insist that everyone else have to share in your misery. Nope, can’t have anyone get out from under it. Somehow your grand vision only works if every single other person on earth is forced to go along. So much as ONE PERSON not going along is enough to make it all fail, apparently.
In engineering school we’re taught that a design that has seven to eight billion single points of failure…sucks.
Actually, we weren’t taught that. Because it would never have occurred to the professors to use such a ridiculous example.
Justice Must Be Done.
The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system.
Lawyer Appeasement Section
OK now for the fine print.
This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines, here, with an addendum on 20191110.
We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.
And remember Wheatie’s Rules:
1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.
(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)
Spot Prices
All prices are Kitco Ask, 3PM MT Friday (at that time the markets close for the weekend).
Two weeks ago:
Gold $1,813.90
Silver $20.00
Platinum $901.00
Palladium $2,032.00
Rhodium $14,550.00
Last Week:
Gold $1,743.60
Silver $19.40
Platinum $901.00
Palladium $2,263.00
Rhodium $14,850.00
So here it is, Friday, 3PM MT after markets closed and we see:
Gold $1,709.60
Silver $18.83
Platinum $861.00
Palladium $1,901.00
Rhodium $15,300.00
There’s no question–the traditional precious metals (gold and silver) are getting hammered. The PGMs aren’t getting hit as badly; in fact rhodium is up!
JWST Update
(Last One for a While?)
The James Webb Space Telescope has been commissioned. It has returned its first operational pictures. I posted them on Tuesday.
The science mission now begins. This will run, hopefully, for years. They plan on getting ten years out of the telescope. But NASA either fails spectacularly coming out of the gate, or ends up running missions for far longer than expected (the Voyager probes are closing in on fifty years). Since the first didn’t happen…well, we can look forward to all sorts of interesting stuff!
What do we expect? Well, we hope to look further back in time, to the formation of the very first stars–those are expected to be different from anything around today because they formed from almost pure hydrogen and helium; no recycled “burned” fusion products as every star today is made from. The idea is these will probably have been gigantic stars and maybe we’ll learn something about those supermassive black holes at the centers of galaxies.
I’m going to go way out in front of my skis here and ask if perhaps those supermassive black holes are remnants of first stars, and the galaxies formed around them rather than them forming after the galaxies did. (Hopefully my faceplant will be entertaining. Any real astrophysicist reading this is probably rolling on the floor laughing at some elementary idiocy in what I just said.)
Another thing JWST hopes to do is look at exoplanets. We know of hundreds of them indirectly; now we finally have a tool that might be able to see something directly.
Of course, it stands ready to investigate the next unscheduled “kaboom.” If there’s a supernova nearby you can bet JWST will be on it. SN 1987A (which wasn’t exactly nearby but you could see it with the naked eye so it wasn’t that far away either) happened before Hubble. Generally about 10 or 20 percent of the time on the telescope is not allocated ahead of time just in case something crops up. With Hubble the scientist who administered it got to assign that time to whatever he wanted (with the understanding that if something big happens unexpectedly, he’ll drop what he’s doing and use his time on that). Of course the truly unexpected is…well, unexpected, so we can’t know what will come of it.
But the larger point is, we actually do not know what JWST will discover; we have a list of what it will investigate. If we did know what it would discover, we wouldn’t need it! We have questions we can use JWST on, but no answers. When we have answers…they will lead to questions we couldn’t even think to ask today. That’s real science. (Quite unlike the crap that goes on in medical research.)
Meanwhile, I am going to have to find something else to write about, at least until some results come in. A scientist granted time on JWST generally has some set period of time where s/he has exclusive access to the data, so they can write their paper and publish. Then it’s opened up to everyone.
So I don’t expect to see news reports about what “JWST has found” for at least a little while.
You Read It Here First
Slate (okay, I’ll pause while you vomit…OK, better now?) has an article about false-color images from JWST:
James Webb Space Telescope: How the photos get their colors (slate.com)
Obligatory PSAs and Reminders
China is Lower than Whale Shit
Remember Hong Kong!!!
中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!
China is in the White House
Since Wednesday, January 20 at Noon EST, the bought-and-paid for His Fraudulency Joseph Biden has been in the White House. It’s as good as having China in the Oval Office.
Joe Biden is Asshoe
China is in the White House, because Joe Biden is in the White House, and Joe Biden is identically equal to China. China is Asshoe. Therefore, Joe Biden is Asshoe.
But of course the much more important thing to realize:
Joe Biden Didn’t Win
乔*拜登没赢 !!!
Qiáo Bài dēng méi yíng !!!
Joe Biden didn’t win !!!
I’m going to be bailing out early because I plan on attending the BAEMclub meeting tomorrow. The last time, my radiator cracked and I had to get towed home. To get there, I need to be on the road at 8:00 local — which, y’know, isn’t horrible…..except that I need to dance around the Fiancee’s morning schedule.
If you are in the neighborhood and decide to go, first check http://www.baemclub.com to make sure that the meeting is still on at the venue you’re thinking of.
That will confirm that the meeting is at GGLS at 9:00. You will mostly be following the instructions at https://www.goldengatels.org/map-and-directions.html for “visiting live steamer”. GPS is notoriously weird in the area (as is cellphone coverage, so if you are hale and hearty, I’d recommend following the road to the “Corporation Yard” and parking just outside of their gate (where the parking spaces are usually shady). It is an easy walk back up to the live steamer’s entrance and back inside, and the clubhouse is obvious. Your second and subsequent visits may vary. BAEM visitors are always welcome, and we won’t start pressuring you to become a member for at least 90 seconds (annual membership is $25).
Nobody knows me as cthulhu, but you should get a major clue from the shirt.
Hope nobody glowing went looking for mythical sea creatures!!!
It will be interesting to see what JWST discovers. Meanwhile, like the flat-earthers, there are people who think the photos are just special effects. There’s even a meme comparing the pics to a flooring pattern, I think. SMH. Not everything is a lie or a conspiracy.
I saw that meme–it was comparing the deep field to a black granite countertop.
I don’t think it was meant to be taken seriously, but someone undoubtedly did.
While others took it for granite…
Elon Musk originated that … in a tweet…
Catturd puppies were five weeks old yesterday.
“I don’t wanna……”
Lol, they are so cute!
Study: Natural Immunity Is 97 Percent Effective Against Severe COVID After 14 Months
More at the link.
Only 97 percent? Well, damn, the magic number was 97.5 percent, so we need shots.
There is some great stuff at that link – I’m going to put them in a top-level post below!
Thank you!!!
This is a BIG result.
No funding from NIH, CDC, or Fauci. Imagine that! How did they do it???!!!
“….How did they do it???”
YW. It was interesting to me that it was done on the entire population of a country, Qatar.
So, I just had a cold. Lasted about three days. I felt a little like crap, but I still did everything I normally do.
For all I know, it was Covid. Did I take a test? Hell, no! Did I wear a mask? Hell, no!
Deal with it, world. It’s a fucking cold.
Great attitude!
What the heck else am I gonna do? I’m too freakin busy to be really sick. The whole ship would sink.
You should have done a shot of vitamin I as soon as it looked like a cold. There’s a possibility that vitamin I cures colds, as well as covids.
A shot being a recommended dose in a shotglass with a neutral mixer — nothing intravenous.
Lol. I had just done my twice-yearly vitamin I a couple of days before. I was probably already infected, but not yet sick. That is also likely why it was mild and only lasted a few days.
From this link by TheseTruths, some GREAT STUFF.
This paper is HUGE:
This tweet by Peter McCullough…..
…..leads to two great video trailers for an upcoming documentary.
Wolf Moon
The study from Qatar, IMO, just basically blows the entire tissue of lies about COVID-19 “vaccination” to H3LL.
The linked video clip between Fauci and Neil Cavuto is ** interesting ** in terms of the NIH / CDC / FDA lies regarding COVID-19 “vaccination.”
From the transcript of the clip, Fauci says:
“…if you’re going to go to a function, you want to get tested to make sure you’re negative [for COVID-19 infection] so that if you are infected and you have minimal symptoms, you don’t spread it.”
Wasn’t just a year or so ago that people who had “minimal symptoms” or even were “asymptomatic” for COVID-19 were considered by the medical establishment PTB to be the equivalent of “Typhoid Mary”?
Again, from Fauci:
“67% of the people in this country are vaccinated. We rank very low among developed and developing nations in the proportion that are vaccinated of those who were vaccinated.”
So, apparently Fauci doesn’t think that a “vaccination” amount isn’t “sufficient.”
Again, from Fauci, and this one is a thinly-veiled threat:
“We don’t want to disrupt your lives, we don’t want to force you to do anything, but do some common sense things that have proven to be effective.”
To Fauci, these “common sense things” are mask wearing, “vaccination”, ‘social distancing”, “follow the science” [that of the CDC / FDA / Pfizer-BioNTech], and ignoring “COVID-19 and vaccine misinformation.”
Fauci! That boy is still pushing the depop shot. These people will do or say anything to get the spike protein into your bloodstream! Resist! Refuse! Defy!
The legitimate ways to depopulate start with CONTROLLED BORDERS and GOOD GOVERNMENT. Their sick shot is CRIMINAL, just like their phony elections and illegitimately imposed Green New Deal.
That is going to be a great documentary. I don’t know how vaxxed people are taking the news about all the deaths, or how they would take the information presented here. If it were me, I would wonder every night if I might die in my sleep or even while at the wheel of my vehicle. Of course those things can happen anyway, but not nearly so often.
Yes – all of us who have either been vaccinated or had the disease (or both) have legitimate worries about cardiovascular and cerebrovascular “sudden death”.
In my opinion, it’s due to spike protein in the bloodstream, with the vaccines being the major culprit.
In my opinion, TREATED DISEASE, and especially TREATED OMICRON. is the absolute safest scenario. Those who never got a vaccine, never got Wuhan, never got Delta, but then got Omicron and treated it, are in the best shape of all.
So what can people do? GET CONCERNED about cardiovascular damage and health in an appropriate way. For me, that meant magnesium, aspirin, and exercise. Others may find different ways to prevent problems. We discuss many of those on this site routinely.
Also, be ready to TREAT any COVID illness. Have test kits and a “coof kit” ready.
Aubergine also recommended NATTOKINASE to dissolve the fibrin that seems to be forming tohse nasty long clots.
Nattokinase | Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer CenterApr 14, 2022
She also suggested SERRAPEPTASE
Serrapeptase and Lung Disease COPD (has a video)
More conventional information: (One warns about NOT using if you have absesses.)
Serrapeptase: Benefits, Dosage, Dangers, and Side EffectsSerrapeptase may increase the clearance of mucus and reduce inflammation in the lungs in people with chronic respiratory diseases (CRD).
I have to take a supplement while watching network news?
That can’t be right, so what is MSM?
Grabs bottle of Move Free… reads label
MSM = methylsulfonymethane
MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) Benefits, Dosage, Side Effects – Dr. Axe
Top 8 Health Benefits of MSM Supplements –HEALTH LINE
Lara Logan truthed this great William Lind video on Cultural Marxism. Twenty very enjoyable minutes that will have you understanding how it got here and what it’s been up to.
That is excellent. If only people knew they were being used as useful idiots.
From Saudi Arabia Joe Biden Pledges to Keep Pushing Green New Deal, “I am Going to Use Every Power I Have”
July 15, 2022 | Sundance | 128 Comments
“During his press conference from Saudi Arabia, the installed occupant of the White House was asked about the possibility that congress will not pass the $500 billion spending proposal to continue the radical transformation of the American energy sector.”
The election thief in chief has declared war on the American People. The whole administration has.
And We the People should use every power WE have to stop him.
The criminal Joe Biden is an enemy of the Republic.
And FIB is helping.
Correction – JØbama is going to ABuse every power he has.
Just like Øbama did from day one his tenure.
Remember the raid on Gibson Guitars?
The IRS attacks on conservative individuals and groups like True the Vote?
It went on and on and on from there.
Ø abused and misused every power of the presidency – and he politicized and weaponized every agency of the US government by targeting opponents starting day one of his shameful tenure.
List of Obama administration abuses of power and lawbreaking – http://directorblue.blogspot.com/2011/06/president-barack-obamas-complete-list.html
Wictor’s lists of Ø’s illegalities:
I – https://baldilocks-talking.blogspot.com/2020/04/the-illegal-andor-unconstitutional.html
II – https://baldilocks-talking.blogspot.com/2020/04/the-illegal-andor-unconstitutional_15.html
III – https://baldilocks-talking.blogspot.com/2020/04/the-illegal-andor-unconstitutional_13.html
IV – https://baldilocks-talking.blogspot.com/2020/04/the-illegal-andor-unconstitutional_20.html
For “President Biden’s” handlers, this means his signing Executive Orders that they write.
What if JWST sees beyond the Big Bang?
I guess it would mean back to the drawing board for the scientist involved.
Will_LCDM_survive_JWST.pdf (lppfusion.com)
Note in the above:
Lambda Cold Dark Matter (LCDM) cosmology
What if the Red Shift Hubble discovered indicating an inflating Universe, which together with the 2.725 degree Kelvin Back Ground radiation, is supposed proof of the Big Bang Theory, is something different.
Censored Papers that Refute the Big Bang Hypothesis – LPP Fusion
I’m digging in, along with my lab partner Suspicious Cat!
This is useful.
Not sure why their papers were actually refused. Seems like normal “extreme minority” science. One paper had no red flags, other than heavy reliance on “adapted” graphics. Surely suitable for arXiv. I’ve seen far more weird, wrong and speculative stuff by “top men” which actually published.
Is his book a red flag on publication?
I zeroed in on part of this, the part about the CMB fluctuations. I wanted to make sure he was (or wasn’t) talking about a certain non-issue I am aware of.
The CMB pictures you are always shown are already processed in one way…there’s a dipole. One half of the sky is blue shifted relative to the other, because, due to the sun’s motion in our galaxy and our galaxy’s motion towards a certain supercluster, we are moving relative to the CMB. This gets taken out of the diagram before we see it (usually–if you dig a bit you can find diagrams that don’t have the correction in them).
He doesn’t appear to be talking about that and bringing it up as an objection figuring his audience won’t know about it already being taken into account (the sort of tactic a dishonest, lying, sack-of-shit pseudoscientist would use; remember the three hour flat earth video a few months ago who relied on people conflating sidereal vs solar days?).
I do NOT have time to watch this whole thing right now, but it passed this one quick bullshit test.
We’ll it’s certainly tied to a serious private funding campaign (likely needs to be.. but) so keep on looking.
Thanks for even a quick look!
I was suspicious that maybe he was appealing for funding in the “banned” papers, but didn’t see any such demon in the one I looked at. The references seemed a bit light, but the same can be said of many edgy papers by the “big guys”.
He seems like a persistent steady-stater to me, and IMO such viewpoints need publication, just because they recycle criticisms of the weaker points of the majority model in a competent way. Also, alternative viewpoints sometimes provide a perspective that allows FIXES to the majority viewpoint to become visible. A good thing!
The guy’s Wikipedia entry is helpful, but doesn’t support totally dismissing him, IMO, as he appears just to be wacky and intermittently wrong, just like Linus Pauling.
For for that matter, Fred Hoyle, who was a good scientist who seemed to end up on the wrong side of a lot of things. I don’t think Hoyle ever gave up on Steady State.
Great example!
I’ve seen a number of “blended” models, ranging from evolution of “bubble universes” in a greater state of some kind, to pulse universes, etc., etc. – basically things that take the explanatory power of persistence from steady state and mix it with the explanatory power of emergence from big bang.
Gotta throw everything on the table, IMO!
It is folks on the edge who oftentimes drive progress. However, a lot of times people who flat out don’t know what they’re doing try to claim edge and even martyr status as an excuse to ignore actual refutations. They’ll compare themselves to Galileo or Wegner or…
Exactly! Very few of the “Einstein was wrong” people (he seems to attract that type) are worthy of consideration (besides legitimate general relativists with extended models), Tesla being one of them (Tesla attracting his own problems from the gadfly circus, too).
Alas, TimeCube is gone! But its memory lives on!
Einstein gets that a lot. I know people who condemn him for “reifying space” (in other words, making it a “thing”). Or time. They don’t like non-cartesian geometries.
The person who I got into the loudest arguments with persisted in conflating relativity with quantum mechanics, and said relativity was non causal–which is utterly untrue, it’s perfectly causal, it’s just not intuitive. And I highlighted, in one of my science posts, complaints that Einstein wasn’t doing science because he did thought experiments. They’d have a point, if he had relied on them, but he didn’t. He used them to construct the hypothesis, he never considered them to be proof.
Because I had jumped into the video partway, I didn’t realize who it was. (And I didn’t actually read your link.) I’ve heard of him before, and I actually have his book.
The same guy who did the videos on flat earth actually took a lot of this on as well. He has more respect for it (the misunderstandings, he claims are at a much more sophisticated level) but doesn’t agree with it. And as near as I have been able to tell he’s a real scientist in the field.
My take–and remember I am NOT an astrophysicist and my EM theory is quite rusty: Much of this is interesting enough to keep in the back of one’s head, as a just-in-case sort of thing. I personally wouldn’t be surprised if there are SOME complaints that are at least PARTIALLY valid. Whether Lerner’s answers will in any case turn out to be right is another question entirely.
He’s raising questions, and they are intelligent ones.
A whole cottage industry has grown up around this, including promotion of something called “Electric Sun” which I do find quite ridiculous.
Thanks for those insights!
The proton-boron-11 aneutronic fusion seems very interesting, too. Not looking to invest anything, other than some time to understand!
Be aware I’ve seen maybe one minute of it, and that was part of his discussion of the CMB. Never saw anything about any kind of fusion.
No problem! If I learn more, I’ll report it. Sounds like interesting nucleosynthesis.
I looked at the Professor Dave video. He doesn’t actually complain much about the hypothesis itself, but rather about their “process.”
In summation, they’ve made no predictions, and they cannot explain things the current theory explains, not nearly as well as the current theory does. Of course this video is NEW work, newer than Prof Dave’s commentary on past things, so I still need to watch it.
But recall, it takes a lot more than finding a few anomalies and suggesting an answer to them to overthrow the current “consensus” theory. You have to explain everything else the old theory explained, at least as well, AND a nice prediction (if you look for X you will find it) or two helps a lot. The history of general relativity is a perfect example of this. And generally what happens is the new theory “reduces to” the old theory in most cases (again like GR, it looks like Newtonian gravity most of the time).
Sure these things he’s complaining about *could* be 1894 all over again, with truly fundamental stuff about to happen in order to answer just a last couple of little details, but even after such a transformation a lot of physics could still be done the old way.
I should try to write about the most recent paradigm shift to hit the hard sciences someday, but half the people here would just instantly reject it because it’s old earth geology.
I certainly have no objections to stirring up the “old Earth vs. new Earth” debate. People have to get used to facts. I view “new Earth” as a severe misreading of the Bible – the temptation of pride – to not give true credence to the profound, ancient, basic, and verbatim scriptural idea that God’s thoughts are not our thoughts.
To me, “new Earth” is satanic deception. It’s very close to numerology and “Bible codes” – both of those being self-evident traps to the biblical mind that accepts the “idea zero” of the Bible – that WORDS AT FACE VALUE MATTER – and in particular they matter FAR MORE than cyptological meanings and other such “gnosis”, where error is easy and common, if not normal.
What if they see beyond the Big Bang, and BIGGER GOD is looking back at them?
“The American Embassy in Kiev has stopped its work
The embassy building is closed, no employees are visible, eyewitnesses report.
The other day, the United States appealed to its citizens to leave Ukraine.”
A new sheriff is coming to town.
““The American Embassy in Kiev has stopped its
workskullduggery”“Ukraine threatens Western banks, the Financial Times newspaper writes
Kiev sent out letters and demanded that US and European banks sever ties with companies that sell Russian oil.
Otherwise, Kiev threatens to ban them from participating in the
financingof the future reconstruction of Ukraine, the newspaper notes. Kiev also threatens to file lawsuits against them in court in The Hague.”https://t.me/sputnik/8748
Like threatening the iceberg that sunk the Titanic…
Is he threatening to ban them from the money laundromat.
Seems like a similar tactic to a child saying “Unless you do what I want, I’m going to hold my breath until I turn blue (and yellow, so to speak)”…
And the banks will say, “Go right ahead… you look just fine in blue”…..
Intel Slava Z
“There will be no counteroffensive on Kherson yet,” – Minister of Defense of Ukraine Reznikov
Ukrainian Defense Minister Reznikov denied his own words in an interview with the British The Times about the preparation of a counteroffensive in the south.
Now, in an interview with the Ukrainian service of the BBC, Reznikov said:
“Let’s just say, there was a bit of misunderstanding (misunderstanding), I was misunderstood. I didn’t say that we are gathering a million-strong army for a counterattack on Kherson. Forgive my English, it’s not my native language.”
Earlier, Zelensky refused to comment on Reznikov’s words about alleged plans to recapture Kherson.
Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu gave instructions to increase the actions of groups in all operational areas in Ukraine, “to exclude the possibility of the Kiev regime to launch massive rocket and artillery strikes on civilian infrastructure and residents of Donbass and other regions.”
The fighters of the group “Victory” restore traffic in the settlements of the Kharkiv region as soon as possible. The bridge destroyed by Ukrainian militants disrupted the supply of food to civilians. Thanks to the clear and well-coordinated work of our guys, the bridge was restored and is now under the reliable protection of the fighters of the Russian Federation.
Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio expressed doubts that the political crisis in the country will allow it to continue supplying weapons to Ukraine
Kharkiv region and Luhansk People’s Republic will sign an agreement on friendship and cooperation on Saturday – regional administration
CDC Grooming Children – !!!
CDC Directs LGBT Children to Secretive Chats About Sex Changes, the Occult…discusses sex, polyamorous relationships, the occult, sex change operations, and activism, and is specifically designed to be quickly hidden while being used
Homeschool co-ops are now the best way to protect and educate your children.
Why am I not surprised…
Hitler , Mussolini , Stalin and Mao started out reasonable also. Then they got worse and worse and the population did not know how they got there and lost their freedom their lives their humanity.
We are seeing how they are indoctrinating the children the youth and it all began with a trans bathroom. Who would have thought. Wonder where it ends.
Who are these people where did they come from and who is supporting this crap?
Breaking down our society what mind has this perversion?
“…Who are these people where did they come from and who is supporting this crap?…”
MARXISTS and the Franklin School.
See Wolfiie’s William Lind video on Cultural Marxism above on this page.
You can also read the Prussia Gate series but you may have to subscribe.
However Patrick Gunnels reads a lot of them. The Rumble videos are listed here:
Will Zoll (who I think is two people) does what I do and digs into history to string dots together to support a theory. Whether you agree with that theory is up to you but the historical background he digs up is golden.
Thank you
You are very welcome.
I like to dig up facts.
Gag a maggot off a gut truck.
Rochelle Alinsky is clearly deep behind this agenda.
Verse of the Day for Saturday, July 16, 2022
“And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour.”
Ephesians 5:2 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
EXTREMELY enlightening article… whole thing, so I’ll not excerpt …
Interesting that the author denotes Mr. Global/Cabal as “Davos”
Italians better hope PDT returns to power soon. Otherwise they will be speaking Russian and/or Chinese before long.
I luv it!
when your entire life is like an iPhone or Android App…
you “buy” it…but they own all the software…
Were we slave all along ?
The Biden-Øbama Administration captured in one photo……
I’ve seen that too many times,,,
Oh Georgia, outside “The West” (whatever that now is) …
MOST of the world is laughing at us!
PC stands for Puerile Clownishness
OMG, the Bidenoids are a FREAK SHOW!!!
– Maria Zakharova
Russia KNOWS that the Biden administration is so far out over its skis, recovery is impossible.
Here’s the whole (disgusting) pic… as it was in the days of Noah…
They don’t rate a goat…

More hair on the legs than on the head. The “aesthetics” of that look are confusing. For example, a drag queen would look over-the-top “girlie” with a hairdo and all the rest. Though disturbing, it would be a coherent look. It is clear that the goal is to mix everything up so there are no distinctions. It’s sick.
I prefer a straight up Drag Queen that keeps it to ADULTS. They are VERY VERY SICK people!
I do not care if they play dress up they mean nothing to me and I can ignore them. They get way to much attention. I think these guys hate women.
Some guys like to play dressup never got over their childhood fantasi and turned it into a fetish. I cannot take this serious.
Nor can I pay attention to this crap. Scroll on, as with much of the freak show these days.
Freak show alright
Nasty, creepy, perverts.
Another sex farce flaunted by the French…
Richard the Saint Issue 97: Layover In Babylon!
Richard has a real blockbuster in this one so I recommend reading it or watching.
START: 17:30
END: 1:25:15
SUBSTACK: https://richardthesaint.substack.com/p/issue-97-part-4-flight-1745
And then it gets REAL INTERESTING..
Two Twitter Staffers Charged as SAUDI SPIES.

(I will add to what Richard said. Remember The Saudi Princes, including Al Waleed who were arrested?)

Say what? Looks Like Dorsey KNEW and turned a blind eye, but that was in 2015 – 16. — GC

I will just mention

However I can not leave this article WITHOUT mentioning this — GC


HMMMmmmm 800 to 850…
Remember all those US CONTRACTORS that were left behind during the pullout? — GC
This is my life.
I love that! Thanks!
Another forehead-smacking mistake.
The left can’t meme, and we can’t frigging spell in our memes.
It’s “Nickel”
It happens all the time! The one above, about Grandma “know” you will never bring back her Tupperware…countless others.
Blame our Commie Run School systems.
I always suspect that’s on purpose. It causes the enemy to mock it, when they would otherwise just ignore it.
In order to mock it, they have to spread it around, so the messages get through to the larger enemy.
They can make fun of our spelling ‘errors’, but our message is going right in the back door of their subconscious as a result.

Clever, these anons are.
There were actually a lot of electric cars early on. Their development was most likely squashed by the oil monopolies of the time.
To all you guys with good picture skills….are these sweatshirts the same ? I noticed it today…they look the same to me
If it’s the same…the no coincidences rule applies. Bi-coastal criminals sporting the same hoodie is telling.
Same Criminal Gang.
Copy To Preserve – A Brave M.D. Speaks on NIH | Musings from the Chiefio (wordpress.com)
Also a new, irritatingly good Pointman post up…
How sad that Washington is filled with experts, but not a single one of them, nor any group of them, could come up with the smart truth of that blog post.
Here’s a direct link to the PDF which is well worth saving before it gets “memory-holed”:
This thing has been red-pilling a LOT of people, IMO.
FJB sounds like he’s falling asleep and can’t even read his script properly…
Biden honors the “selfishness of American soldiers” in the Middle East.
At least, that’s what Biden himself said during his speech at the summit in Saudi Arabia.
As @rt_russian notes, the US president confused the words selfishness and selflessness.
The man is a walking disaster.
Stop thinking of the congress critters as DIMs/Republicans: they’re MAFIA… working for the Cabal which is hoping to expand its PROTECTION RACKET to include the entire planet.
Amen! Every one corrupted by NATObama.
Is Too Slow Joe, gonna kicked to the curb this summer?
Biden Was Fed Pills to Function During Campaign, Supervised by Dr. Jill; Before Dosing Biden Was ‘Like a Small Child’: Tucker Carlson Source
Kamaltoes the Hoe will do the pardons before she picks Hitlery as her VP and then ‘gracefully’ abdicates the Presidency to Hitlery (IFFfff she has 2 neurons to rub together.)
^^^ hussein is gonna be pissed, with hildabeast in the WH.
SHE was promised the slot AFTER Oh!Bummer had his turn. It was at the Bilderberg meeting in Virginia? Where they decided to threaten/assassinate Ron Paul. I think Paul was tossed the bone of having his son in politics if he would not push a Presidential run against McStain & OH!Bummer.
What’s he gonna do about it — take a walk in Ft. Marcy Park?
I question his removal …
They knew his condition when they put him forward …
They chose him because he’s always been the DNC’s ‘bagman’ and with all his garbage in the Ukraine he is totally controlled by “them”
why change now?
Maybe it was the plan all along ? Install him, implement massive destruction, let Harris take over with the preferred next potus as VP….that way the new veep is securely in place to highlight her/his qualities to be potus without going through much campaigning ??
I’ve moved to a whole other dimension Molly …
I don’t see an election in November …. crystal ball is cloudy
I don’t know what, but whackos are up to sumpin’
I’m also in that dimension PR..it does feel like something could be created to justify ( in their minds) calling off the election.
Hi neighbor
Easier for D-Rats to shape the two years after the election.
Wait until after 8 November, D-Rats most likely to lose some leverage.
Wait until January next year, D-Rats most likely to have even less leverage.
D-Rats need to start start shaping a positive narrative. Not so much for 2022, a lost cause I think, but 2024.
(Assuming we have another national election.)
The main reason I see for his removal is if he’s getting to the point where they can’t manage him anymore. Things are bad now, but I don’t know if they think they are at that point yet.
I think it’s for the midterms AND for 2024. They’re setting up something, and trying to change the dynamics to make a CHEATING HOLD OF THE HOUSE look “real” to Democrats and RINOs.
From mild (when diagnosed) to severe is three to eleven years. He was already in Moderate when he was campaigning 2 1/2 years ago according to Tucker. He may be getting a LOT WORSE FAST!
It would be for the midterms! It would be a psychological move….
TO GIVE DEMS HOPE. False hope, but hope of some kind, to not vote Republican.
They can steal … again…
Heels Up would not give even a Dim “Hope”
LOL! That’s why I suspect some really weird play.
Biden out, Heels pardons, then resigns. President Pelosi?
Things could get really ugly.
‘Things could get really ugly.”
That’s my vibe atm … consider situation in Ukraine atm … US/NATO lot before they started – whackos will do anything any time
Zelenskyyyy and the Jazis are likely threatening Pelosi, Demmunists and RINOs with exposure of their games, if they don’t keep handing over the cash. At some point, that has to blow up.
Right ,,,
“At some point, that has to blow up.”
Preferably before all the cash is gone…
Just as long as it is (THE NOT) Federal Reserve Notes and NOT Gold, We can tell the Banksters to EAT THE DEBT!
I strongly suspect the gold is long, long gone.
The question is how FAR gone!
Just think how Zelenski can blackmail the bunch who visited him and walked out with a chunk of 4 Billion.
Biden out, Heels pardons, then resigns. President Pelosi?
Can’t imagine a worse scenario. Grewsome aside.
Grewsome VP
Pelosi President and her Nephew VP.
Also it depends on how bad he is actually is getting.
Alzheimer’s stages: How the disease progresses – Mayo Clinic
If Tucker is correct he was already in Moderate Dementia stage and may be, at his age, progressing rapidly toward SEVERE where he can not walk or talk. Therefore given the midterms they may decide to cut their losses before he falls or starts babbling or drooling on camera.
I’ve seen signs of the moderate stage in JB.
Remember they are medicating him BEFORE each performance. I think he is sliding towards Severe dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease very rapidly.
Yup. This is where I am. “…very rapidly.”
BiteMe’s handlers are alarmed, MeThinks.
If he was fed pills during the campaign, what is being done now? His kind of condition worsens over time. So who is in charge of what he thinks, says, and does? I suppose a WH doctor decides what meds he is given? At what point do people have a duty to disclose that he is not fit for office? We need transparency on this.
I think he is rapidly approach, can’t talk or walk condition and they know it (See my other comment. )
Anyone here have an idea what type of meds they’re giving him? My mother-in-law had Parkinson disease with Lewy body dementia. Before this definitive diagnosis her GP was prescribing Valium to help her. Her problems would plateau, and then Boom! She’d nose dive. So he’d up the dosage. Rinse & repeat. She would build up tolerance to the dosage.
Perhaps this tolerance to his meds is happening to Brandon?
It’s already time for BiteMe to resign, OR be tossed via 25th.
Former will prevail.
An update:
The surgery yesterday to remove the polyp was completely successful with (so far) no complications. The pathology report is due next week. Yours Truly is praying that the report is negative for cancer. The surgeon who performed the procedure believes that there’s a high probability that all will be fine.
The surgeon who performed the surgery is a specialist in advanced colonoscopy procedures — meaning this type of surgery is what she does every day. Turns out that the item removed from Yours Truly was a “pedunculated” polyp (the type that has a “stalk” [think “mushroom with slender stalk”]. This made the removal somewhat easier than the other type of polyp (“sessile” or “flat”).
Yours Truly is to take the weekend off to rest and recharge, resuming diet and activity “as indicated.”
Yours Truly can testify that the “prep day”, Thursday, was brutal. One simply cannot imagine taking a “purgative” on monthly basis, as was apparently done in 17th-Century France by Louis XIV and other members of the nobility; or in England. This was called “taking medicine” and required the patient to take it in the morning after fasting. One 17-Century English “recipe” for such a purgative was to steep an amount of wormwood and spearmint in “sack” (modern-day dry sherry wine) for some hours, then to heat the concoction and drink it.
The good wishes, thoughts, and prayers of you all are very much appreciated. Yours Truly is done with one part of the situation (the polyp removal); the pathology report is the next part. Not completely out of the woods yet.
That’s good news! I will continue to pray for a good pathology result. I hope you have a restful weekend.
Good news!!! Rest up over the weekend, and don’t try anything too tricky. Last thing you need is to get a good result from the path report while you’re wearing a cast for falling over a piece of furniture.
Thank you for your report. Still keep you in prayers
Thanks for the update! Prayers that the path report is “all clear.”
His new cut is being compared to Jim Carrey’s character in Dumb and Dumber.
He is really showing his age in the picture. He looks older than I. BTW is his hair COLORED to hide the gray??
His hair was a lighter brown when he was younger, so most likely dyed now. There are more pics in this link. He looks ridiculous.
He was Born: December 25, 1971, so he is fifty-one.
That’s a rough looking 51.
That is what I thought. I am outside all the time and I don’t have skin that aged.
Ridden hard and put away wet…
No wonder he thinks he’s the Canadian Messiah.
Clot shots, corruption, murder, treasonous activities and such do that to people.
The clot shots alone have done it to a number of our friends. Aging fast with increasing illnesses. With this guy, add in the evil.
When in fear of a protest at the scheduled event he instead shows up to a soft children’s day camp. What a leader.
The nose knows!
Who thought that was a good idea? It will grow out pretty fast and that will be the end of it.
I’m older than he is, and still get carded. This guy is not aging well at all.
I just knew you are a cutie.
Is that princess Brokeback Blackface?!?
Does he have AIDS or something?
This has some new implications I believe…
According to this article on Birx, her recent book is a how to be sunversive and potentially a spy for chyna.
At the end, this chyna policy guy Matthew Pottinger, whose wife in a chyneez national may be compromised also. There are so many compromised people I dont know if ive heard this name or not.
“A 2018 Politico profile described Pottinger as “a fairly typical conservative internationalist” who “has never been a Trump-style #MAGA conservative” and who donated to both Democrats and Republicans.[19] In 2017, he was hired as a member of the U.S. National Security Council of the administration of Donald Trump.[20][21][22] Michael Flynn, whom Pottinger had worked for in the military, made him the NSC’s Asia director, and he remained in his position under H. R. McMaster and John Bolton.”
The end paragraph from Zero Hedge (Interesting they tried to finger Jared.)
This is the FACE OF EVIL
Same smirk as FBI/CIA agent Strzok

The NEWYORKER — Matt Pottinger’s wife,
And Columbia University rears its ugly head yet once more…..
Marxist ArmRest, University of California, Davis, home of Jill Richardson and Columbia….
Again looking at recent history.
Jill Richardson dive from my NAIS days:
Jill Richardson is the founder of the blog La Vida Locavore “A blog about food, food politics, and sustainability“ and a member of the Organic Consumers Association policy advisory board. As a private ” Consultant” Jill can recieve funds from sources without declaring who is actually paying for her blog site La Vida Locavore. Sounds like Stan Greenberg and Sec of Ag Vilsack with his campaign funds from corporate lawyers doesn’t it?
Remember Jill Richardson as part of the Organic Consumers Assoc. has its ties to the UN through Maude Barlow a “no dog in this fight” Canadian, is a director of both Organic Consumers Assoc and Food & Water Watch. Barlow has been handsomely rewarded for selling the US consumer out with an appointment as New Senior Advisor to the UN president on October 21, 2008. Note on February 18, 2008 “Hillary Clinton highlights a series of food safety proposals she would pursue as president.” (PRNewsChannel) / Washington, D.C
Jill Richardson as “UC San Diego” Sustainability Coordinator would most likely work with Raymond Clemencon another facultiy member, who was one of the negotiators on the Rio Declaration and Agenda 21.
And so this gal is an ethnic Chinese from Vietnam? YIKES!!! Sounds like a two-stepper of some kind.
We have ZERO idea if her parents are WHO THEY SAY THEY ARE. The Boat People were a really good way to slip Chinese Spies into the USA just after ‘Nam.
Excellent thinking!
Tyvm Gail! Another swampster and wife, in there damaging everything he touched
Finally got Truther Unsocialist set up – @mhtx76
YOU HAVE MAIL (or at least a reply!)
The winners and losers after the sledgehammer strike. | Pointman’s (wordpress.com)
Pointman misses a bit of recent history.
𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗘𝗨 𝗶𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗺𝗼𝗱𝗲𝗹 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗮 𝗴𝗹𝗼𝗯𝗮𝗹 𝗴𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗻𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁.
The Elite tried the straight Communist route in Russia and it did not work so they pulled the plug on the Soviet Union. Since then the EU has been expanding.
THIS is the data point that is MISSING:
Former World Trade Organization Director-General Pascal Lamy tells you point blank that the EU is the template for the desired World Government and it has been in the plans since the 1930s.
Lamy is quite blunt in stating national sovereignty is passe.
Lamy indicates that an European Union like super state is the goal.
This is what CAGW — Global warming is really all about. We have all seen the political message morph from Global Warming to Climate Change to Weather Weirding. This is what Covid is about and what the ongoing ENGINEERED Economic Collapse is all about.
As H.L. Mencken said:
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed — and hence clamorous to be led to safety — by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”
In other words create a crisis to order to implement Diocletian’s Problem-Reaction-Solution
Emperor Justinian and the whore Empress Theodora 200 odd years later may of been the better example. Try the first two pages from the introduction to Prokopios’s “The Secret History” the whole book fits our times perfectly though the then Roman Empire and Constantinople in particular had a more sever time of it, pages 8 and 9 from scribd.
Not sure why it says download pdf. I took that link from scribd web page… who knows, maybe I did down load the whole thing, because the whole thing is there.
Oh.. wait.. sees you can scroll the whole book from what I posted. Page numbers are at the bottom of the scroll. (Pages 7 & 8)
Good grief! Best historical gossip EVAH!!!
Clintonius and Hillaria have nothing on these people.
Actually a tell all, to be specific. Prokopios was assigned early on as a legal advisor and secretary to General Belisarious, Emperor Justinian’s leading general in the campaigns against the Persians, then in North Africa, followed by Italy for at least 19 years, often traveling back and forth from these campaigns as they all over lapped and ran contiguous. His travels would also include trips back to Constantinople as well as staying with other commanders while Belisarius moved independently at the behest of the Emperor. He also bore witness to the Nika Riots that saw 30,000 rioters, mostly blues and greens from the opposing fan clubs, slaughtered in the Hippodrome and through out the city. All of that attested to in his 540 page public book on “The Wars of Justinian”.
This book on “The Secret Histories” never saw a public printing and had presumably a limited secret distribution. A copy was discovered in the Vatican Library in 1623, however it was also attested to in a tenth century encyclopedia called the “Souda”. When first printed the Vatican left out chapter 9 as that was the chapter that dealt specifically with Theodora and it was rather phonographic as it dealt with her early history as an infamous traveling whore. (its in the scribd ).
The Blues and Green fan clubs are interesting. Seems we face something similar with the illegals, criminals and BLM/Antifa. After gladiator combat went away, Romans adopted horse racing and in the beginning there were about six teams represented by a color and backed by various business’s and govt officials. By Justinian’s time, even before, the teams had been whittled down to just two, likely the result of oligarchs crushing their competition. Anyway, the rivalry between the fan clubs was quite intense and happened not just at the hippodromes (every large city had them) but outside it as well and included, riots, murder, theft, extortion, rape and every crime conceivable and even the authorities went along with it or were forced along to it. It was so common place that honest people feared to walk the streets. Ultimately Justinian and Theodora each backed a separate team and turned a blind eye to the crime as the covertly raked in the money when some wealthy person had his lands and wealth confiscated.
As far as the Nikka riots are concerned the fan clubs united when members from both teams were to be executed for some such crime, but execution failed and the guilty by custom should have been freed, however Justinian had them executed anyway, thus the teams banned together and began the riots to dethrone Justinian. Justinian was going to flea but Theodora convinced him and the inner circle that it was better to die on the throne than to flee. The next two days would see 30,000 killed to quell the riots.
Another interesting note. Prokopious accused Justinian of wasting huge sums of money using building projects to fight sea erosion. This may be the first indication of a climate change scam or at least that’s how I perceived it when I read of it. After all we’d be talking about the Black Sea and at best the Mediterranean around Greece and Turkey, maybe as far as Egypt but I’d think those seas would not experience much when compared to the Atlantic and Prokopious is accusing Justinian of using the building projects as an excuse to rake in huge amounts of money.
“This book on “The Secret Histories” never saw a public printing and had presumably a limited secret distribution. ”
How would a “public printing” work nine hundred years before the invention of the printing press?
Hand copied…
What Gail said. Even cuneiform clay tablets were copied and distributed as far back as 2300 BC. For all essential purposes those constitute printing. But I think you known that.
Certainly things were copied.
But calling it printing is a misnomer. OK, allow for that, you’re still not making sense. NO ONE did mass “print runs” back then, so to say this was unusual because no one did it, makes no sense.
Never said mass print. Only said public print. HIs first books on “The Wars of Justinian” were made public. (this was actually a three book series) “The Secret Histories” was not made public.
OK, reasonable.
OK, reasonable.
We do, after all, have the New Testament solely because it got copied a lot in the early centuries. Onesies and twosies but it was enough.
Very few of the early copyists were trained scribes so we ended up with all sorts of amateur goofs in the early manuscripts such as repeating a line, or skipping one because the eye does that sometimes (even today). And people back then could spell only slightly better than our meme writers. Scholars looking over the manuscripts (for example to write a new translation) just ignore that kind of thing as a matter of course, or Bibles would be unreadable. More significant differences generally get a footnote.
Intreresting tid bit. From Wikipedia, seems I was off by at least 900 years.
“Lamy indicates that an European Union like super state is the goal.”
I hope Russia utterly crushes the EU, and I hope the People of the EU hold their leaders and WEF and Davos and all the rest spectacularly accountable, broadcast live around the world in living color.
There is something horrible in the history of Europe, continually manifesting in maniacal power grabs and genocide, and it needs to be exposed and exterminated once and for all.
I feel great sympathy for the good people in that horrible land, but they were unwilling to confront the tyrants who threatened not only themselves, but the population of the entire planet.
And we failed likewise.
We tried. We elected Trump, and he wasted four years doing nothing, because whatever he did accomplish was never going to mean anything if it could just be undone by the next criminal.
And that’s exactly what was allowed to happen.
We did our part, Trump won by an overwhelming landslide, and nobody stopped the election theft.
Not even during the nearly 80 days between the theft and the inauguration. Nobody did *&^%.
They just let it happen.
So we don’t deserve what’s about to happen to us, but we’re going to get it anyway.
And we will have let it happen to us, without even putting up a protest, much less a fight.
Sorry, don’t pay me no mind. I’ve had Covid since Tuesday, so I’m not quite myself recently.
Dude — are you really sick? Have you taken your vitamin I?
For reference, in case anyone catches something similar:
Tuesday, beginning late afternoon, I had a severe headache and high fever. Body aches too, but that wasn’t so noticeable because my head hurt so bad. I just laid in bed and moaned (and shivered, even though the temperature was set to 81 degrees and I had a winter quilted comforter over me). Couldn’t sleep, just laid there feeling miserable. Later in the evening I was up again for a while.
Wednesday the fever was less, so the headache was less, and the body ache become more pronounced or noticeable. Really worn out, no energy, had to lay down a couple times just to rest, but couldn’t sleep.
Thursday the fever seemed even less, body ache about the same, and the coughing really started up, along with a sore throat. Not much drainage or runny nose, so I’m not sure what is causing the coughing or sore throat. Still almost zero energy, had to lay down a couple times, still can’t sleep.
Friday the coughing became worse, any time I talked I had to cough, and the sore throat became worse. Fever still seemed low, headache wasn’t terrible. Body still ached and internal organs felt like they were swollen.
I take Vitamin D and a multivitamin and Vitamin C every day. I had been taking regular aspirin throughout each day to help with the fever.
On Friday evening, I heard from someone at church that many people from church just caught Covid.
So that was my signal.
I took my Ivermectin at around midnight on Friday evening.
Today (Saturday) I woke up and felt different (better, a little). I think the fever is gone. It feels like the swelling in my joints and internal organs has gone down, but replaced with a different kind of pain, like I’m all beat up inside. I’m guessing the joints and organs are healing after being stressed for the last 96 hours.
So I felt better in the sense that I don’t feel nearly as ‘sick’ as I have the last 4 days, I felt just about normal if I was sitting still, but if I moved around I could feel the aftermath of the illness, like I’ve been beat up all over, and could use a few days to recover strength. I still have a cough, but it’s less than yesterday. Same for the sore throat, I still have it, but it’s less severe.
It’s the second time I’ve used the Ivermectin. The first time (at least a year ago, I think) I took it right away, as soon as I suspected I was getting sick, and I experienced almost no Covid symptoms, so I was never really sure if I had Covid at that time, or not.
This time I’m as sure as I can be that it was Covid, but even after four days without any treatment, one course of Ivermectin pretty much wiped it out in 12 to 18 hours.
I still feel lousy, like I’ve been through the ringer, but I don’t really feel like I’m ‘sick’ anymore, if that makes sense. A few days from now I should be fine.
They’re not gonna get rid of me that easily
Good deal – you made a wise call.
To be safe, I would recommend continuing the aspirin for at least a total of two weeks. Also, taking some antihistamines around now may be helpful, if you’re generally OK with them. The inflammatory phase of the disease kicks in big at around a week. Any shortness of breath, etc., get on the antihistamines right away!
Great to hear that you’re recovering. Score another victory for Vitamin I.
A wise call four days late, maybe. Not sure why I waited so long. I guess I just wasn’t sure it was Covid, and didn’t want to use the Ivermectin unless I was sure.
After I found out that many church members were sick and tested positive for Covid a couple days after Sunday’s worship service, then I was sure. But I didn’t find that out until
ThursdayFriday.I just took a Claritin antihistamine. Directions say once per day, so I can do that.
The second (and probably final) dose of Ivermectin will be tonight. Prescription says to take 5.5 tablets the first day, then 5.5 tablets 48 hours later.
Then 5.5 tabs once a week maintenance, but I want to save what I have left for the next time I’m infected with China virus.
The aspirin I was taking was generic Bayer NSAID, 325mg tablets, and I was taking two tablets (650mg) about every 8 hours or so. But as of last night I’m out of those.
The only aspirin I have at the moment is low dose (81mg) ‘enteric coated’. So about 8 of the low-dose aspirins to equal two regular tablets.
The regular tablets mentioned fever reduction as a use, but the low dose aspirin doesn’t, for some reason.
I’ll get more regular uncoated 325mg aspirin tomorrow.
Feeling a little better today than yesterday. Throat is not as sore and cough is less.
Thank you for the recommendations and encouragement!

“America is the huge loser. It’s not just a momentary setback – there are real fears it’ll never get back the leadership and trust it enjoyed before it so thoroughly screwed up its handling of the Ukraine situation.”
“In West block Europe it’s facing a recession and an inflation crisis all accomplished in just over four months by following unquestionably the leadership of a totally disastrous Biden administration. By the end of this coming winter and after all the local regime changes, all fingers will be pointing at America as being the source of all their troubles, and they’ll be right. Never trust or rely on them again.”
“As a consequence, the broad refusal to recognize the right of the West to lead means there will no longer be a world order based on Western rules, which means America.”
“Less than a year and a half ago, America was energy self-sufficient, had a strong economy, low inflation, low unemployment, a strong dollar, a low crime rate, not embroiled in Cold War II, protected borders and not a fentanyl death rate of 107,000 people a year and for the first time in decades a real increase in wealth for working class and middle class America. Over and above all those things, it was trusted and respected on the world stage. All that is gone now.”
I sure hope it was all worth it.
Only about a thousand opportunities to stop it, and every one of them thrown away, in favor of anonymous BS about trusting a ‘plan’ nobody ever even bothered to define.
We threw it all away.
I sure hope it was worth it.
The Saudis released crickets to celebrate Biden!
And the libtard Greens promptly ate them
They know .. ! … numnuts is a creep, those are Jiminity Crickets complements of the Wally World PEDO’S …





One of the Plagues.
Biden can hardly walk. His weakness makes America look weak.
Well … Eli’s coming for him … bwahahahahaha ..


.. eternal pain. Yup, 

“Biden can hardly walk.”
From Mayo Clinic
….Severe dementia due to Alzheimer’s diseaseIn the late stage of the disease, called severe dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease, mental function continues to decline, and the disease has a growing impact on movement and physical capabilities.
In late stage severe dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease, people generally:
Sure sounds like the the symptoms we are seeing in Bite-Me.
Experience a decline in physical abilities.
^^^ BiteMe, departure from Andrews a couple days ago.
^^^ BiteMe entered AF1 into the Cargo Bay, NOT the main deck.
Muddled up ~one story as opposed to the customary stairs ~two stories.
And it looks like it is happening faster than they thought it would.
That’s what depravity does to them, it consumes them. The miserable old old old turd.
Yup




I guess we were over due for a new diversion.
This guy (young healthy white guy with writing all over his face and torso, even little devil horns)…
…stabbed this guy to death at 76 gas station.
What is known so far about Millsap…
And yes, he’s still on the loose.
This sentence is what REALLY grinds my grits:
“The suspect is known to police”
We have that over here, too, sad to say.
WHY are they known to police, yet still out and about raising hell and killing people???????

Many to these perps should just be ventilated and then we’d all be done with them and the world would be a better place…
“Many to these perps should just be ventilated and then we’d all be done with them and the world would be a better place…”
But until the people allowing them to be out on the street area likewise ventilated, nothing will change.
Soros DAs. They need to FEAR justice. But how? Recalls are not enough.
Off the wall.
For quite awhile, we have been crowing about our solid Sheriff’s, defending The Constitution..
The other day, it dawned on me, Soros may be cultivating a crop of his favorite Sheriff’s, to further undermine America.
Note to self. Inquire with local Sheriff candidates, donor list and amounts.
Great thinking!
Yep, he’s probably got a ringer going in here.
The patriot candidate “lost” the primary. So RINO Roybal is likely to be the Republican candidate. In this county it doesn’t matter who is running on the Dem side, which is why the left has to employ RINOs to get what they want.
I am informed (straight from the candidates themselves) that they’re planning to Do Something before the deadline to contest passes later this month.
IF “Do Something”, is notable, please post on QTree.
Oh, you can count on it.
Allowing crime to rise and these political DA’s essentially condoning by doing nothing, just lights the fires for the Civil unrest which they want. They know not arresting and prosecuting passes us off even more.
That is why it is smart NOT to give them that excuse.
I am sure BLM and ANTIFA will do our work for us.
When you create and try to tame tigers it is best not to get them pissed-off and HUNGRY…
Millsap fought the law and the law won, finis
AND any chance he would spill who his handlers were is dead with him. – Funny that.
“Trent William Millsap sister Rosa Yolanda Millsap said:
“It’s with a heavy heart I make this post, my Brother passed away last night, it hasn’t hit me yet that he is gone. Please send your thoughts as we prepare for this hard journey. I love you so much Bro.”
He didn’t pass away, he was put down like the murderous animal that he was.
As for thoughts, I’ll be sending them to your brother’s murder victims, and hope that somehow you discover a conscience, and do the same.
“And yes, he’s still on the loose.”
Not really, he’s just hiding out at his FIB handler’s house.
A good ending.
Friends and neighbors all say he was such a good boy, never involved in any trouble…
Is NASCAR still a viable professional sport?
I haven’t watched in years. I think I stopped watching when they began requiring the drivers to wear dresses.
Trump needs to hire this lady!
No doubt. The biggest mistake Trump made was not mass-firing a whole bunch on the first day.
Saudi prince reminds Biden of US mistake in Iraq
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, in response to US President Joe Biden’s allegations of involvement in the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, reminded the American leader of Washington’s miscalculations. This was reported to Reuters on July 16 by a Saudi official.
“Riyadh has taken all measures to prevent similar mistakes in the future. But we should not forget that the United States also made a number of miscalculations, such as the Abu Ghraib prison incident in Iraq, ”he quoted the crown prince.
Bin Salman also warned Biden about the negative consequences of trying to impose certain values on countries by force, as happened in Iraq and Afghanistan, where the US failed, the official said.
– Izvestiya
MBS is being much too kind. What would have served best is if he brought Biden to the big crystal ball thing and once Biden touched it all of Hunter’s crack-porn flicks would be shown to the world. Yep! That’s what we wanted
I like the way you think!
Apparently Biden came away with empty ‘begging bowl” – has the Borg announced that tidbit yet?
…

Oh oh …. Yup yup yup 


Find this online post interesting …
Note: REPUBLICAN House members; dated January, BEFORE Russia’s SMO and still on hold
Designation of Russia Federation as a “state sponsor of terrorism” appeared in a draft bill submitted by Republican House members at the end of January.
See page nine:
Such designation is not even the most insane proposal. That dubious distinction seems to be the idea of flooding eastern Europe with nuclear-tipped intermediate range missiles while publicly announcing a whole-of-government reaffirmation of first-strike “ambiguity”.
11 in 24hrs is a bit much.
That’s like something out of a movie, but it’s real.
“That’s like something out of a movie, but it’s real.”
Like something out of a ‘B’ movie, titled Land of Idiots.
Isn’t “California” Spanish for that?
Idiocracy, Part Deux.
Majority are elderly…
Article says
“…While Italians prepare for their fourth Covid “vaccine” injections, the count of sudden deaths continues to rise inexorably – 11 under 60 years old in just the last hours…”
The article also lists a string of individuals, location where died and age … perhaps it covered a few more days? (I read too fast)
It’s like a basic real-life cognitive awareness test.
How many people have to drop dead right before your eyes, with nothing in common, besides having taken the clot-shot, before you connect the dots?
Think hard, people… think real hard…
Sounds like gruel and unusual punishment to me
GAG he needs to borrow one of my goat feeding trays!
(These are Great Pyrenees guard dog pups.)

Nice! And they’re so cute!
I love those feed trays.
They are so well engineered. They stack nicely, can be tipped over using a foot in the hole or the hole can be used to pick them up. Light enough to move with one hand too. Clean with a swipe and DURABLE! I have had my for a couple of decades and they are like new.
This is a great supplier and they are very very helpful.
Nice guy, good story, especially as it wasn’t the perps first time forcing young female clerks around at knife point.
Now the Hero will be INDICTED FOR 2nd DEGREE MURDER… Wanna bet?
Good shoot.
The world is a better place today.
Shooter should get a medal and a Good Samaritan award.
The hero was very smart to shoot when the perp employed his backpack to try to level up from his knife to the gun.
Predictable…Saudi’s not increasing output (flipping off BiteMe).
The House of Saud will be allying with Russians … President Trump made that happen
Either BOMBS or they are worried about High Value individuals being captured by the Russians.
Agree …
Former, IMO.
Russians don’t need to capture American politicians or officials.
From what I’ve seen, Russia seems to have largely taken the high road.
NATObama and the Nuland/Soros/Atlantis faction are desperate. NUCLEAR something.
Nuclear false flag by the Jazis and Zelenskyyyy.
By Pepe Escobar
Mega Eurasian organizations and their respective projects are now converging at record speed, with one global pole way ahead of the other.
The War of Economic Corridors is now proceeding full speed ahead, with the game-changing first cargo flow of goods from Russia to India via the International North South Transportation Corridor (INSTC) already in effect.
Very few, both in the east and west, are aware of how this actually has long been in the making: the Russia-Iran-India agreement for implementing a shorter and cheaper Eurasian trade route via the Caspian Sea (compared to the Suez Canal), was first signed in 2000, in the pre-9/11 era.
The INSTC in full operational mode signals a powerful hallmark of Eurasian integration – alongside the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), and last but not least, what I described as “Pipelineistan” two decades ago.
Caspian is key
Let’s have a first look on how these vectors are interacting.
The genesis of the current acceleration lies in Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recent visit to Ashgabat, Turkmenistan’s capital, for the 6th Caspian Summit. This event not only brought the evolving Russia-Iran strategic partnership to a deeper level, but crucially, all five Caspian Sea littoral states agreed that no NATO warships or bases will be allowed on site.
That essentially configures the Caspian as a virtual Russian lake, and in a minor sense, Iranian – without compromising the interests of the three “stans,” Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. For all practical purposes, Moscow has tightened its grip on Central Asia a notch.
As the Caspian Sea is connected to the Black Sea by canals off the Volga built by the former USSR, Moscow can always count on a reserve navy of small vessels – invariably equipped with powerful missiles – that may be transferred to the Black Sea in no time if necessary.
con’t at link
The original version of the quote on this button is “We have met the enemy, and they are ours” and was sent as a message in 1813 from U.S. Navy Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry to Army General William Henry Harrison after winning a battle during the War of 1812.
The quote and illustration seen on this button is from the Walt Kelly comic strip “Pogo”, which ran from 1948 – 1975 and often illustrated political and social satire.
“We have met the enemy and he is us” is probably the most famous Pogo quote, used in the 1960s to refer to the chaos caused by the Vietnam War. Later, the quote was also used in 1970 on a poster for Earth Day and became a rallying cry to conservationists.
“We have met the enemy and he is us” –
at least that is how the rest of the world sees us.
“O wad some Pow’r the giftie gie us. To see oursels as ithers see us! “
~ Bobbie Burns
And who could forget the Christmas Carols:
Deck us all with Boston Charlie,
Walla Walla, Wash., an’ Kalamazoo!
Nora’s freezin’ on the trolley,
Swaller dollar cauliflower alley-garoo!
Don’t we know archaic barrel
Lullaby Lilla Boy, Louisville Lou?
Trolley Molly don’t love Harold,
Boola boola Pensacoola hullabaloo!
(more at https://www.straightdope.com/21341623/what-are-the-lyrics-to-walt-kelly-s-classic-carol-deck-us-all-with-boston-charlie)
Thank you Cuppa! What great memories you have; you always trigger a few for me…
More lies…to cover for the unsafe, CLOT shots.
ht Rantingly
It would only ‘thicken’ if you were not drinking enough water. — ASK THE SAUDIS.
Lying depopper sacks of shit. I can almost stomach their stupidly motivated murders “to save the planet”, but not their cynical lies.
Coming this winter, new headline…
“Your blood freezes then clots: what extreme cold can do your body”
LOL! Too true.
Exquisite retort.
Cuz they didn’t get Boosted, the fourth time.
Horse shit. Ridiculous.
Humans live in some of the hottest places on the planet without air conditioning.
More propaganda for the clot-shotted.
Former Pfizer Marketing Vice President explains how Big Pharma controls the medical establishment « JoNova (joannenova.com.au)
Great truth! Pfizer/China money controls American government, academia, science and media.
Kamala Harris’ chief speechwriter is departing
Can’t say I blame her. She is either terrible at her job or Kamala is botching every speech, making her look bad. I think K doesn’t prepare adequately and wings it a lot, which also makes her speechwriter look bad.
It must be horrible to be one of the ‘little people’ serving these monsters.
I’ve thought that for years about Hillary. Sometimes there is actual danger involved. People must do it to be near power and to enhance their resumes.
Years ago I read the account of an aide to a local senator. She was yelled at and abused in all kinds of ways. I know a lot of situations are stressful and the VIP has to be kept to their schedule and prepared for what comes next, but IMO there is no excuse for abusive treatment.
Senator Ted Kennedy was HORRIBLE to people.
He routinely bought tourist class tickicks and sat in first class. Usually not a problem until one day the flight was full. The Stewardess did the expected and checked everyone’s ticket. She found Kennedy was sitting in the wrong seat.
When she asked him to move to his assigned seat he pulled the DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM routine and gaver all sorts of crap so she went to the head setward. Same routine. Finally they called on the pilot (by this time the flight was late to the runway) Kennedy STILL raised a major hissy fit.
Long story short, Kennedy GOT THE ENTIRE CREW FIRED!
Well the story made it onto Talk Radio. WOW!!! ALL the ‘little people’ waitresses, barbers, store clerks… called in with similar stories about what a MEAN NASTY SON OF A BITCH Kennedy actually was.
OH, and at a birthday party, I ran into the daughter of the first on scene cop @ Chappaquiddick. Mary Jo Kopechne WAS pregnant, Kennedy DID KILL HER and it was all swept under the rug because of WHO he was.
Despite all this stuff on the news, my next door neighbor voted for the SOB.
I asked him WHY.
He said “because of all the stuff he does for us.”
I asked him to TELL me, to give me one example of what he had done for the people. He stammered and stuttered “well all the stuff.”
Validated by senior staff departing Hoe’s employ, pretty constantly.
Incompetent boss AND reports are staff treated poorly.
Incompetent, arrogant, sadistic psychopaths make VERY POOR bosses (or relatives.)
Only 4 months in but if shes writing what camel is saying shes got coding in her future.
This is from In the Matrixx and Shady Grooove. It is a dig based on Q posts.
Arabella Advisors: The Third Pillar of Election Integrity
So, there were two noteworthy engines at the BAEMclub. One was an 1895 design that was essentially a steam engine rigged with spark plugs and run with a fuel-air mix. Like steam engines, it powered both faces of its piston, and used steam-type valves to open intake and exhaust pathways.
The other was an original design by one of the club members. Its cylinder had a 1″ bore, and its exhaust valve was 7/8″ across….which, of course, begged the question of where its intake valve was. It was right in the middle of the exhaust valve, on the same axis. This also meant that part of the intake manifold was inside the valve stem of the exhaust valve and moved up and down. I’m so glad I got to see it, because any description in words doesn’t really do it justice.
Both engines ran very well.
Pottsboro, TX Mayor & PD, piss all over Freedom of Speech. Unacceptable.
As an aside. For grins, I checked Pottsboro is east of I35 and just north of US 82, near OK. Week or so ago, went buzzing across US 82 in that area. Beautiful land.
Outrageous! Pottsboro Police Department in Texas Come to Man’s House to Take Down “F*ck Joe Biden” Flag (VIDEO)
Within a mile of my place there are a couple Fuck Joe Biden flags, along with FJB flag. I have an impeach Biden flag up. Can’t see anyone out this way doing anything. “We The People Are Pissed”.
Mixed thoughts on this one. First Amendment, absolutely. But you can’t say the F word on the airwaves (which I know doesn’t apply here; just an example of curbed speech), and there are community standards that people have to abide by. I don’t think it’s good for children to be seeing that.
But what right do the police have to remove the flag? It’s not clear if it breaks a law or an ordinance. If not, I think the homeowner has a good case. I don’t think you can just charge someone with “disorderly conduct” because you don’t like something they say.
I am heartily sick of things being taken down because one person, or a few people, complain.
Agree with much of your thoughts. HOWEVER…
First Amendment prevails.
Second Amendment prevails.
Third Amendment….
FWIW. (Yea, this is likely worthless.)
Betcha, a “Fuck Joe Biden” flag pales to what children see, hear, say AND DO in high school, middle school and to some degree quite likely grade school.
Then we have the freaks “protected’ in schools, libraries pushing tranny bi freakish shit. Pushing sex change or whatever. Dudes using gals bathrooms. On and on.
NOPE. I am done with all the PC bullshit. Done tolerating lefty bullshit. DONE cancelling my Rights.
FJB flags are righteous non-violent civil disobedience, even if they are against the law!!! Good either way, to my thinking!
I saw some on January 6, and was surprised our side was starting to drop the “F bomb” like that in front of children.
Another gift to our culture from the Left.
I know there are people here who still get upset at language.
There was a rationale adopted with regard to radio and TV, in essence that the available wavelengths were limited so someone (guess who) had to step in and allocate them for the public interest. (Three or four TV channels in an area and you had to limit power so as not to interfere with another area–and that other area still had to use a different set of channels. UHF never really took off, and the 82 available channels (2-83) was reduced to 68 at some point.) That rationale (for what it was worth) has gone completely away with cable. With cable there can be hundreds of channels and STILL nothing worth watching.
What could be causing this?
Popular Vegan Snack Recalled After Hundreds Fall Ill, Nearly 100 People Hospitalized
Listeria outbreak in a Florida ice cream company’s products — Big Olaf Creamery.
[dons tinfoil hat]
What’s happening to our food supply? Could these events be sabotage?
Possible suggestions, illegal immigrants are part and parcel of our food chain now and it would only take a few bad actors to mess it up (but your first article says they tested for everything possible and came away without a cause) or possibly commonly accepted thresholds for contaminates may have to be raised on account of failing immune systems which would be totally impracticable. A third may be their is collusion to hide the cause, which goes back to the vax again.
The man who raped the 10-y-o girl is in a relationship with her mother, who is pregnant with his child.
The mother of the 10-y-o says the man is innocent. I don’t know what that means: that the girl was raped and became pregnant but not by him, or that everyone is lying about her being raped at all, etc. I wonder if someone paid him/them off to go along with the story. I hope someone gets to the bottom of it. Surely it is being investigated. Rape is a serious charge.
The whole thing may be a lie. DP is skeptical, and so am I. Columbus Democrats are not above Communist Mystery Theatre when the chips are down.
Also, it’s possible that the woman is weaseling on the definition of rape, in some Clintonian way.
If a 10 year old is involved, it’s always rape.
“Surely it is being investigated.”
I’m sure they have their best man on it
I saw the “making of” for that movie (airplane) once, and the guy who delivered the “ever seen a grown man naked” was half afraid they’d arrest him. He did after all say it in front of a ten year old.
That was Peter Graves, a.k.a. Mr. Jim Phelps, from Mission Impossible

“I saw the “making of” for that movie (airplane) once,”
The B&W picture above is the same actor (Leslie Nielsen) as in Airplane! (1980), but that’s actually a photo of his character Frank Drebin, from The Naked Gun (1988).
Yeah, I was reminded of airplane because of the “shirley” joke.
I knew it wasn’t the same guy but it was the same movie as the shirley joke.